The Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay Newsletter - Webswebzoom.freewebs.com/nunehampc/parish newsletters/May 2013... · The Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay Newsletter ... When we allow

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The Baldons and

Nuneham Courtenay Newsletter


ART IN THE GARDEN ART IN THE GARDEN ART IN THE GARDEN ART IN THE GARDEN (see page (see page (see page (see page 11111111))))

May 2013

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There has been much in the news recently to get me thinking about the Welfare State. I

grew up with health and education provision made for me as a matter of course; I

remember vividly attending child health clinics and coming home with a beverage we

called clinicorange (definitely all one word to a five year old!). Like Mrs Thatcher I

benefitted from State Education at a Grammar School and a University Education which

(though means tested) was heavily subsidised, so I acknowledge myself a child of the

welfare state and know that I am inclined to celebrate rather than challenge it.

Popular images in recent months have offered two contradictory ideas; on the one hand

the needs of women in the East End portrayed in Call the Midwife are a clear testament

to the importance of health and welfare provision, especially for the poorest in our

society, whilst the much publicised Benefits - funded, bullying lifestyle of Mick Corrigan

has called aspects of our welfare system into question.

I wonder how much of the truth we really know? Do we question the pictures that the

media present? Do we hide behind stereotypes of poverty and indigence like our

Victorian predecessors? Are we so tied up with our own concerns that we don't have real

time for the grinding poverty of our neighbours? In a recent television report I was

stopped in my tracks by young parents, both out of work, describing how, in order to feed

their baby, they lived on supermarket 'Basics' batter mix. They were not out of work

through choice and I imagined what it must be like to shop in a supermarket for food

when you could not afford to eat.

A recently published report called 'The Lies we tell ourselves: ending comfortable Myths

about poverty' looks at the way in which the comfortable half of our society understands

the poor so that we allow ourselves not to pay attention. I'm proud that it was a report

published by a group of Christian churches working together to highlight poverty in our

country and sad and ashamed that those sponsoring the report did not include the Church

of England. Here are some of those myths: They -

• Are lazy and don't want to work

• Are addicted to drink and drugs

• Are not really poor -they just don't manage their money properly

• Are on the fiddle

• Have an easy life on benefit

• caused the deficit.

The carefully researched report cites evidence and tells stories about real people in our

towns and cities who do not deserve to have these lies told about them. You can read it

on the internet http://www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Truth-


Of course this is Christians involving itself in politics and when Church of England

Bishops raise such issues in public and particularly in the House of Lords they are

frequently castigated for 'interfering'. But politics and religion DO need to be spoken

about in the same breath. How else do we put into practice the great commandment to

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love others as we love ourselves? When we allow ourselves and others in the world to

believe these myths we are in danger of becoming less than human and both faith and

humanity require of us that we ask hard questions and do our best to live up to the

answers. The Welfare State as it was envisioned was, in its time, a response to doing just


In the years since I enjoyed my 'clinicorange' our society has become increasingly

individualistic and this is not only the fault of politicians and government but all of us

who have fallen into the trap of saying "It's not my fault" and therefore "It's not my

responsibility". It is. The report ends "Collectively we have come to believe things about

poverty in the UK which are not grounded in fact. We need to ... understand ... the depth

and breadth of UK poverty ... and ... we need to match the language of public debate with

the reality of people’s lives.


We thank everyone who is helping during the interregnum. Advertisements, interviews

etc are taking place shortly, so that we should know who is to be the new team vicar for

the Baldons and Nuneham Courtenay, shared with Drayton St Leonard and Berinsfield

by the summer.

Saturday 13th April saw the first of a number of weddings planned in the two churches,

with congratulations to Emily and Iain. We were pleased to see everyone at the

Mothering Sunday service and over Easter, which kept the children busy, making

Mother’s Day posies, arranging the Easter garden and enjoying the Easter egg hunt –

they even had us all making paper chains, even if this is not usual at this time of year!

Finally, please come to the concert on Sunday May 19 – it will be fun, and as we have

just had a survey of St. Peter’s carried out so that we can keep the Church in good repair,

it is all in a good cause. My contact details are 341323/07860 160900, Ian Gillespie is

on 341398, and both our thanks go to Jennifer Morton, Verger, (343302) who is

coordinating services, wedding funerals etc.

Debbie Dance - Churchwarden


Items for June 2013 newsletter

by 16th

May please

Any villager is welcome to send items for publication in the newsletter - this can be

anything from articles, poems or pictures, to publicising your event. In addition, if you

have an image you would like us to consider for the cover, do send it in!

If you would like to receive a reminder e-mail each month for newsletter contributions

please let me know.

Natasha Eliot: [email protected]. Alternatively I can be contacted on

340562 or at The Barn House, Baldon House East, Marsh Baldon.

For advertising queries, please contact Sheila Harris on: [email protected] or

on 340403.

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We are a friendly group of parents and toddlers who meet every week during term time in

Marsh Baldon village hall. We welcome newcomers (and old faces) with children from

any age from newborns to pre-school. Sessions are casual, children can play with craft

gear or our extensive hoard of toys including many ride-ons, or run around outside and

explore. We also serve snacks and drinks.

Sessions run from 9.30 till 11.30 every Thursday, and cost £3 per family. Note that

Toddlers will be closed on 2nd May (election day) and 30th May (half term). For any

queries, call Lucy on 07810 490024.


As regular users of the hall will have seen, we are part way through the upgrade of the

village hall, with new lighting installed and redecoration having taken place. Works to

the floor will be undertaken shortly, and again we hope to achieve this without disrupting

our regular users.

To book the hall, please contact Ali or Darren on: 01865 340264 or [email protected]

Christian Aid Week 12 – 18 May Your gift will help people living in poverty

out of poverty, for good. I would also like to ask for assistance from the village in collecting the envelopes

during the week. This should not amount to any more than one hour's work for any individual. If you are out when the collector calls and would like to give to Christian Aid, could you please leave your envelope with Matt at the Seven Stars and I will collect it from there.

Ian Gillespie – Churchwarden - 341398

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Village Green

As we approach spring (a bit late arriving) and hope to see the village green growing and

in bloom again for us all to enjoy it is worth reminding villagers of the rules that govern

the village green and also mentioning a few things relating to the care and the

management of the green in which you can be helpful.

The Rules of the Green are set out in The Law and Property Act of 1925 and are

displayed on the notice board overlooking the green near the cricket pavilion. The green

is formally owned by Queens College, farmers have rights over it, and the Parish Council

is responsible for maintenance.

The Law that covers all common land and village greens and incorporates the 1925 act is

the Commons Act 2006. The village green is there for all to enjoy as a public amenity

with rights of access, and the size and beauty of our green is well known. However the

rules do prohibit certain activities including amongst others:

• Driving and parking

• Dumping of rubbish and refuse

• General injury or disfigurement the land or interference with its use as a public


Recognising the realities of modern life and dependence of villagers on cars for transport

the parish council has always tried to be tolerant of cars around the green but it is

important that villagers are aware that driving or parking on the green is not a right and in

fact can cause most of the damage. We need villagers to respect the green and help to

maintain and protect it.

During the last few very wet months there has been increasing erosion and damage to the

edges of the green from cars, 4WDs, and other vehicles particularly outside the school

and on road side verges throughout the village. Cars are an essential part of village life

but we do need everyone to respect the green and to drive and park with care. Some of

the damaged areas will recover naturally but need to be given time and rest from driving

and parking, but areas that have been significantly eroded may not fully recover or be

able to be repaired. The Parish Council will be discussing with the school the problems

adjacent where parents are parking.

Dog poo on the green is an on-going problem and although many dog walkers now pick

up and take it home there have been instances reported to the council where bags of poo

are being left on the green. This is just as unpleasant as leaving the poo where it lies and

results in complaints of the risk of infection for children. The council will periodically

review the need for dog poo collecting bins but are not convinced that dog walkers would

go out of their way to use them.

Garden rubbish and grass cuttings should also not be dumped on the green or in the

surrounding hedges and ditches. We make this plea to householders round the green

every year; farmers take the grass off the green in the summer for feed and are concerned

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that dumped garden cuttings etc. damage the underlying grass. Please use a garden

waste bin from SODC if you have no other way of disposing with your garden waste.

Village clear up

Thank you to everyone who turned out on Sunday 7th April to help clear the village of

rubbish. It was a sterling effort and there are particular thanks for those of you who

heaved tyres and other large pieces out of the ditches. As usual there were plenty of bags

left for SODC to collect the day after but as usual it wasn’t long before someone threw

something out of a car window!

Planning Applications

The council has been consulted on the application for housing development on the

Brewers site in Nuneham Courtenay. Whilst not directly affected by the development we

have indicated support in principle for housing on the site to SODC without commenting

in detail about the design considerations. Councillors have indicated concerns about the

adequacy of the sewage and waste water infrastructure to cope, and urged that should the

plans be approved by SODC measures are taken to avoid the development overloading

the existing sewage system and adding to the flooding problems that affect residents in

Baldon Lane.

Date of next meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Council is on Tuesday May 14th

at 7.30 pm in the

Village Hall.




Yes my friends next film night is Les

Miserables (sorry Johnny!). This is a really

fine adaptation of the musical based on Victor

Hugo’s epic novel.

We have had a request to do Saturday

evenings so we are trying it for this event to

see how people feel.

So mark your calendar for Saturday the 18th

of May. Doors open at 7:30.

Tickets can be reserved by calling Jenny on

01865 343459 or by e-mailing

[email protected].

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Apologies for the cancellation of the Annual Parish Meeting on 9 April. The Chair was

unavailable for personal reasons. The meeting will have been held by the time this note

appears. The proposed meeting for May is also cancelled. The next formal meeting is to

be held on 9 July 2013 at 7 pm. However please feel free to contact us in the meantime.


Brewer’s Garage. Revised drawings for the Brewer’s Garage redevelopment were

submitted to SODC after the last newsletter article was written. Thanks to Jasminder

many attended the drop-in session on 8 April and their responses were delivered to

SODC. Our thanks also to parishioners who have continued to take an interest and

express their views. Obviously there is a wide range of views, but many are supportive

of the development. The Parish Council has considered its original response in the light

of these changes and comments from parishioners. We were not unanimous in our views,

but a majority agreed that, on balance, the benefits of the proposals outweigh the

potential ‘harm’, and that the Parish Council should not object to the proposals. We do

have reservations (which have been expressed previously and stopped us recommending

approval) but believe these can be controlled by condition.

Arboretum barn and composting toilets. The application has been approved by SODC.

Bird scarers.

Concerns about the noise and timing of the use of bird scarers was raised again recently.

We had the opportunity to talk to the farmer concerned. He acknowledged that one of his

‘gas guns’ was going off early and had adjusted it, but would check to try to ensure this

was not causing a nuisance. It should be noted that the farmer has been receptive to

comments, and we’d encourage you to let us know if there are problems – if we don’t

know the extent of concerns it is difficult to pass these on the sense of nuisance caused.

The farmer has indicated that he follows the NFU Code of Practice (which can be viewed

online). There are formal reporting arrangements via Environmental Health and we

know they are aware of concerns and have been in touch with the farmer directly.

However we feel it is preferable to deal with the matter by direct contact. We should

also be aware that this has been a difficult winter for farmers and that the slow rate of

growth of crops and the need to re-drill saturated land has meant that scarers have been in

use for a longer period than might normally be the case.

Community Governance Review

SODC has now issued the timetable and draft terms of review for its consultation on

parish councils in the district. The Parish Council has the opportunity to comment on

matters such as the size of the Parish Council, the boundaries, number of councillors, etc.

The letter and terms are available on the PC website or from councillors. In 2009

parishioners indicated that they wanted to keep a Council of local people that reflected

Nuneham Courtenay and various residents have put themselves forward since then to

keep the Council going. However this is an opportunity for you to let us have your

views. Comments have to be made by 28 June.

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Contact details:

Councillors: Frank Casey, Suzanne Deakin, Colin George, Jasminder Love,

Tara Love

Chair/acting Clerk: Colin George, 01865 343767 [email protected]

Parish e-mail: [email protected]

Parish website: www.nunehampc.webs.com

BaldonsBaldonsBaldonsBaldons Garden GroupGarden GroupGarden GroupGarden Group



Sunday 26Sunday 26Sunday 26Sunday 26thththth May, 10:30 May, 10:30 May, 10:30 May, 10:30 ––––


Swap or buy veg plants, herbs, flowers, Swap or buy veg plants, herbs, flowers, Swap or buy veg plants, herbs, flowers, Swap or buy veg plants, herbs, flowers, perennials perennials perennials perennials and shrubs.and shrubs.and shrubs.and shrubs.

OR just come along and have some delicious drinks OR just come along and have some delicious drinks OR just come along and have some delicious drinks OR just come along and have some delicious drinks and homemade cakesand homemade cakesand homemade cakesand homemade cakes

All welcomeAll welcomeAll welcomeAll welcome

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‘Lunch on the Green’


June 2013 A Chance for the Village to Get Together

Complimentary drink on arrival Lunch

Live music Children’s Entertainment




Hi All - And a HUGE welcome to the newly re-opened Seven Stars!

Firstly many thanks to all who helped paint, clean, shift furniture, cut grass and

sometimes just be there to make tea! Too many to name and you know who you are.

Thanks again.

So we opened and I didn’t really believe that we could get that many people in the pub!

Packed out to say the least and we have followed up the initial launch with a new Sunday

Roast menu, the ever popular Tuesday night Steak Night (launched on the 16th

April and

available every Tuesday) and a fortnightly Wednesday pub Quiz from 17th April.

Our bar menu is available every day 12-9 and Head Chef Alan Benge adds some

excellent Specials for the evening. We also run a Gluten free menu and excellent

vegetarian options. Ask many of our new customers and I believe they will say his

desserts are to die for!

Coming up we have the return of Aunt Sally to the garden, more quiz nights and watch

out for our new fresh fish menu.

I look forward to catching up over a glass and entertaining you all for lunch or dinner


All the best, Matt

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As ash trees come into leaf, it will become apparent if they have chalara (ash die-back).

Signs include wilting leaves and browning of young stems. Forestry Commission advice

is not to fell ash trees unless they are ill. The felled wood can be used as firewood. See


This is the time to buy firewood and store it for next autumn, and also to think about

installing a wood stove or boiler. See www.oxonwoodfuel.org.uk for advice.

There will be woodfuel themed study visits on 15 April, 1 June and 8 June. The first and

last of these will each involve a visit to a woodland, a wood processor and an interesting

wood boiler. The 1 June event is at a Ministry of Defence woodland, and involves

tasting wild rabbit and taking away firewood if you want. More information is at


We have had five successful 'logs for labour' events this spring, and will run more next

autumn. If you are a woodland owner who could use some free help with woodland

management, or you would like to work outdoors in return for some firewood, please see


The Oxfordshire Woodfuel Programme is setting up a quality standard for firewood

called 'OxLogs'. OxLogs suppliers will clearly state the volume, type, length and

moisture content of their wood. Please ask your supplier if they provide OxLogs.

Riki Therivel, [email protected], 01865 243488

ARTWEEKS 2013ARTWEEKS 2013ARTWEEKS 2013ARTWEEKS 2013 ---- ART IN THE GARDENART IN THE GARDENART IN THE GARDENART IN THE GARDEN This year three artists from the Baldons are exhibiting together at Oxford Artweeks. Caddy Attewill, Lesley Schillinge. Caddy Attewill, Lesley Schillinge. Caddy Attewill, Lesley Schillinge. Caddy Attewill, Lesley Schillinger (Ladies who Lunch) and r (Ladies who Lunch) and r (Ladies who Lunch) and r (Ladies who Lunch) and Sarah MarchantSarah MarchantSarah MarchantSarah Marchant are exhibiting their paintings, jewellery and ceramics at 59 Abingdon Road, Dorchester59 Abingdon Road, Dorchester59 Abingdon Road, Dorchester59 Abingdon Road, Dorchester----onononon----ThamesThamesThamesThames from May 11May 11May 11May 11thththth to 18to 18to 18to 18thththth.... Please come along and visit us, there is easy parking and at the weekends we will be serving teas in a lovely garden setting. Oxford was the first county in the country to organise an Artweeks Festival which gives everyone the unique opportunity to visit artists’ homes and studios to view, and perhaps purchase, their work. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our exhibition in Dorchester.Dorchester.Dorchester.Dorchester. Our opening times will be 12.00 to 6.00pm at weekends and Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th. For more details please ring 01865-343815.

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Historically, the Nuneham and the Baldons have been represented by two different

County Councillors, Lorraine Lindsay-Gale and David Turner respectively. The County

Council is holding elections on 2nd

May, with the number of councillors being reduced

from 74 to 63. As part of this change, the Baldons will join Nuneham as part of the

Dorchester and Berinsfield Division.

Lorraine Lindsay-Gale says:

It has been an extremely difficult time for the County Council which has been faced with

finding close to £200 million of savings to help clear the national debt. So far we are on

track to do this while protecting front line services such as Adult Social Care, Children’s

Services, the Fire Service and our Libraries.

We are proud that Oxfordshire has the most efficient Fire Service in the country, and that

it is the top recycling county in the country. Other good news has been that I have been

able to fund the improved access to Clifton Hampden primary school, equipment and a

storage facility for the Nuneham Courtenay lunch club, stage lighting for the Greet Hall,

Warborough, a sound loop for Dorchester Village Hall and give contributions towards

the new youth shelter at Berinsfield, plans for the redevelopment of the Village Hall at

Sandford and work on the Village Plan at Culham.

David Turner says:

Highway & Pavement Maintenance. The Government allocated more money in the

form of a specific £3,000,000 grant for highway maintenance which has improved the

situation, although many people would say that they have not noticed the difference. The

bad winter with flooding and frost has added to a backlog of pressing repairs to be done.

For this financial year the £20,000 Locality fund for local projects (the vehicle survey

came from this together with support for the Watlington-Garsington-Oxford bus service)

which I as County Councillor recommended has been replaced by £20,000 for additional

highway maintenance which the local councillor will be asked to prioritise.

Bus Services. The services from Nuneham Courtenay and Garsington to Oxford still

exist although it is not easy for the Baldons residents to use them. The good news is that

South Oxfordshire now at long last has a “Dial-a-Ride” service for mobility impaired and

frail people.

High Speed Broadband. The County Council are targeting May 21st of this year to sign

agreements with the private sector to provide 90% of Oxfordshire with 24Mbit/sec

broadband by the end of 2015. Villages with schools in their area should be in the first

phase of 24M/bit/sec systems as the County Council has to replace the system which it

put into schools many years ago as it is costing a lot of money to maintain.

This year will be the last annual County Councillor’s report that I will be making as I

have decided not to stand for re-election this year: may I thank you for the courtesy

extended to me by the Parish Council and the residents of the Baldons.

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A number of people have expressed an interest in hosting a course for a Safari supper in

aid of church funds. We all know that these events are very popular and I propose to hold

one in Marsh and one in Toot some time in June and July. We are asking for volunteers

to host a course in their gardens with the help of BEC's equipment. Any people willing to

do this should contact me on 341398.

Many thanks,

Ian Gillespie



We are calling a meeting of St Peter's Gardeners in the Seven Stars on Sunday 5th May at

6.00pm. We need to discuss the work that needs to be done there and how and when it

can be carried out. Any persons interested in helping should attend. This should involve

no more than two hours every two months working as a group.

Ian Gillespie


Ascension Day 9th May

There will be a service for the Team starting at 7pm at the top of Wittenham Clumps –

please meet at the top, or at St Peter’s Church, Little Wittenham, if wet. This is the

perfect place from which to view the area the team covers, and to pray for it. It is also an

opportunity to remember in a tangible way the Ascension.

Festival Sung Eucharist at Dorchester Abbey, 12th May at 10.15am

We are delighted that Terry Waite CBE has agreed to join us at Dorchester Abbey as

the preacher for our Festival Service. Many will remember his role as the Assistant for

Anglican Communion Affairs for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, in the

1980s. As an envoy for the Church of England, he travelled to Lebanon to try to secure

the release of four hostages, including the journalist John McCarthy. He was himself held

captive between 1987 and 1991.

His current interests include being president of Y Care International (the YMCA's

international development and relief agency) and patron of AbleChildAfrica and Habitat

for Humanity Great Britain. He is also president of Emmaus UK, a charity for

formerly homeless people.

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May 9.30am Holy Communion Toot Baldon


May 7.00pm Ascension Day

Holy Communion

Wittenham Clumps if wet

St Peter’s Little Wittenham 12

th May 6.00pm Evening Prayer Toot Baldon


May 9.30am Holy Communion Marsh Baldon


May 8.30am Said Communion Marsh Baldon

9.30am One4All Marsh Baldon

7.00pm Taize@7 Dorchester Abbey


June 9.30am Holy Communion Toot Baldon

Morning Prayer in St Peters: Every Thursday at 8.15am

Fellowship Group: 2nd

and 4th

Mondays at 7.30pm Venues and further details from

Jennifer Morton 343302; email: [email protected]



May 9.30am Ron Hewitt


May 6.00pm Sonia Hobbins


May 9.30am Richard Barnett


May 9.30am Tom Saw

FLOWERS Marsh Toot


& 12th

May C Attewill & L Barnett J van Dijk & S Hobbins


& 26th

May W Barclay& V Sandilands H Maskell & J Knight


& 9th

June L Martin & I Wright N Wells & V Bowler

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Nuneham’s Got Talent… and a

small group of young performers

demonstrated this brilliantly on

Friday the 12th

of April. We have

had a request to run this event again

and hope to do so in the autumn.

The piano in the village hall got its

first real use in a long time.

Thank you to both the performers

and supporters!

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