f J. A. McConkey. 2 I*/ ^F-^P3 ft U/ If you want anything for Lunch purposes, I have it. (f* Or ft W * per can. per jar. per can. J-Ib can Boned Chicken, i-lb can Veal Loaf, i-lb can Ham Loaf, i-lb can Chipped Beef, 1-lbcan u • • 1-lb glass jar Chipped Beef. 1-lb can Lunch Tongue, 1-lb can Corned Beef, " 1-lb can Veal Loftf, " I 1-lb can .Bam Loaf, " Jjjj 2-lb can Corned Beef, " 1-lb can Potted Ham, " i-lb can Vienna Sausage, " <' i-lb can Deviled Ham, " and many others too numerous to mention. .joe ir»e 15c l*»c 2i5c SSc il!*c ar*c 35c lOc 10c i»c m In Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Cliinaware, &c, &c. m m The special prices on Toilet Soaps will be continued ~y for a while longer. These are wholesale prices. T r y a jA jar of I. K. E. Line; this is something new for laundry JM W ' l have the finest lines possible to get. My prices are ^ very close. I like to show goods even if you do not W intend to buy. . '. ft & * m m * m * ft m purposes. Yonrs Very Truly, Phone 233, m m J. A. McCONKEY. >}• J. A. HOFF, Painter and Decorator. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, and Art Work Bring in y o u r S i g n Orders! Pictorial, Electrical and /Novelty Signs, Banners and Show Cards. New, Neat and Up-to-Date. 25°| 0 off on Wall Paper! Ij^:iqJberjnq.eit& State Bank BEMIDJI / / s s s General Banking Business. Fire Insurance. ...CHOICE LOTS... Grow More Valuable Every Day The demand for Building Lots in Bemidji continues unabated. We still have a large number of Fine Residence Lots, however^ in all parts of the city. You could havje bought cheaper a few months ago, but you will not be able to buy cheap a few months from now Bemidji Townsite& Improvement Co JOHN F. GIBBONS, Local Agent. C. H. MILES _ Wholesale . Liquor Dealer " , . Agent for Anheuser-Busch Famous St. Louis Beer R1TDWEIS1TR Two Instances. Two comparatively near by in- stances suffice to point out the wonderful development that awaits northern Minnesota. These are the Roseau cou ntry and the Little Fork region. In the former progress has been steady; settlers have flocked in, great tracts are now nnder culti- vation and stockraisingand dairy- ing is being carried on to an ex- tent that outrivals many older settled sections of the state. Yet Roseau has no railroad within forty miles of its county seat. In the Little Pork country, despite the swamps which cut it off from the south and the fact that the railroad" 5 refuses to come to it, population thickens week by week. New towns are springing up throughout the territory, fine farming country is being devel- oped and the foundation of manu- facturing industries is being laid. These are but instances; they show what a tremendous development is possible in north- ern Minnesota in the immediate future. The Daily Pioneer PUBLISHED KVKRV AKTKRNOON. PUIiUSHIO) KVERY THURSDAY. IMONEER PUBLISHING CO. By R. W. HITCHCOCK. 'tiiered In the postofliee at HernidJI, anuri- as second class matter. >fficial County and City Paper SUBSCRIPTION $5 PER YEAR NOT for years has the country been so engulfed in politics. That business should keep up so well in the face of this fact is surprising and speaks in strong est terms of the prosperous con- dition of the country generally. The year of the national cam- paign is always a bad year for business; in addition this year has been one of tremendous local political differences. When we consider these facts we have reason to hope that the tide of business will be again at flood height by the first of next Jan- uary. _ THE various boards of review meet Monday. If you are not taxed according to your liking make your plaint known or for- eyer after hold your peace. JOHN LIND is to retire from politics Just like some of the rest of us. THIS is the way they do it in Brown county. Now it's up to Cortelyou, I BITS I FROM THE L NORTHI COUNTRY < J More rural routes for Wadena. Park Rapids will go some July Fourth. ~ Betrami begins to blow about Fourth. The trouble begins in Cass county tonight. Walker walked off with the Elks alright. Great grist of candidates in i n H u b b a r d county. Fine fluttering of wings at Mallard over the Fourth. That Eddy they talked of in Ottertail seems to be all Dunn. The Scandinavian Total Absti nenee Association meets in that thirsty town of Fertile. THE CHUROHES Subject of morning .sermon at the M'. E. Church, "The iiock That is Higher Than L" Subject of nigh!, sermon, "Some Don'ts For Young Ladies." Sunday School and young people's ser- vices a t t h e usual hours. Every- body welcome. "Jacob, the Great Wrestler," will be the subject of Rev* Brooratield's Sunday morning sermon at the Baptist church to- -morrow morning. In the .oven- ing-he will preach from the sub- ject "The Seventh Command- ment." _ Order a quart brick of ice cream for your Sunday dinner, at the Grill. Saturday only, Ice Cream ser- ved with every $1.00 purchase at^the Princess. Thrown From a Wagon. Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and se- verely bruised. He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. It will effect a cure in one-third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by Barker's Drug store. . * Get a carnation with your Sun- day dinner at the Grill. Try our special Sunday dinner tomorrow, Armstrong &JJnder- wood. ' REWARD A reward of #300 will lie paid by the under- signed for tlio discovery and finding of the bodies of Air. N. O. Dalil and ids daughter* Aasrot Dahl. who disappeared from their claims on section 33-151 -32. Beltrami county, two miles from Quiriiif,' P. O.. on or about April i»tli. liHM, and #50 will he paid for any in- formation that will lead to such discovery. O^C. KOOD C. C. STHANDEU June 18; 1904. Orookston. Alinn. Hammocks at greatly reduced prices at Nay lor's. Go to Armstrong & Under- wood for your special Sunday dinner. Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here sued me for $12 50, which I claimed was ex- cessive for-a-ease of-eholeramor- bus, " says R. White, of Coachella, Cal. "At the trial he praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and lie would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Barker's Drug store. __i_J A. Ellingson, fire insurance, over Barker's drug store. If it comes from the Grill it must be the best. AMUSEMENTS Subscribe for the Daily Pioneer. The Shovlin Advocate re nounces populism and becomes an independent republican news- paper. Whoop la. You must distinguish between the county of Cloar\vater_antl the town of Clearwater for the latter is born on Rod Lake county. Wheelock's Weekly, Fergus Palls: There is no need of going tec Indiana any more for your mud baths. Take them at home in Urn city water. T h e " J o s h u a Simpkins"-com- pany with a tine brass band and splendid orchestra, will be seen at the City Opera house ne.\.t, Wednesday night. The play is made of fun and realism, combin- ing the pleasing features of real- istic melodrama a n d t h e ever popular l ural play. The character sketches are said t o b e very clever while there is an abundance of good music, singing and dancing in it. Those lovable old country characters are'introduced and their sayings and doings create amusement. T h e c o m p a n y c o m e s to us l'ecommended a s a good one thoughout. The sawmill scene in the third act is said t o b e wonderfully realistic, a genuine circular saw being seen in motion with Uncle Josh's son lashed to a l o g b y the.villians and started toward" the glittering teeth of t h e rapidly revolving saw. _ Fresh cutJlowcxs a t t h e Grill. Go t o t h e Grill for good things to eat. Fourth of July goods at Pet- erson's. Strawberries b y t h e case at the Grill. For wall paper s e e J . A . Hoff, Miles block. /- Strawberries b y t h e case at the Grill. A, Ellingson, fire insurance, over Barker's drug store. <* ' Cases of fireworks on hand or made u p a t Peterson's, A discount of 15 pev cent on all refrigerators at Naylor's. Seven bars of Diamond C. soap for 25 cents a t t h e princess. Try a pound of White Star coffee. Chas. Nangle, agent. Genuine Louwelsa Weller ware for sale only by A. R. Winter. Have Ross p u t u p your eave troughs at right price. Phone 113. E. T. Crawford returned this morning from a trip t o t h e R e d Lake agency. The tino home grown straw- berries, raised by E. E. Cham- berlain of this city and men- tioned in yesterday's Pioueer. were grown from Jewell Nur- sery stock which is"now beihtr sold in Bemidji b y W . Griffith. 320 Minnesota avenue. W. G. SCHROEDCR » — DKALKR IN— G e n e r a l Merchandise, Dry Goods, , and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, _ Stoneware, Glassware, Flour, Feed and Hay, Saed Grain, *' Lincoln Oats, Six-Row Barley, Fodder Corn and —AIX KINDS OF— Garden Seeds and Grass Seeds. University Canned Goods FLOUR.—'Pillsbury's Best and Ada Flour. A No. 1 Meadow Land Jlay, $13 per ton. Give m e a call. W. 6. Schroeder, Phone 209. :«I*SIw7SiI§3Si Hotel Cathcart, Thos. Cathcart & Son, Props. Baodette, Minn. [a] HI "i 'Hi •Ml 'HI i [Hi I This Hotel is specially adapted for the traveling public, beautifully locat- ed on the banks of the S-i great Rainy River fac- bj ing the Canadian border. B We pay strict attention to run a Itf quietly and orderly place. gj jRTHggmitgM " T? iSMimiiMiiii!HrHr«Si Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications, as they can- not reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf- ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum- bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will-be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give $100 for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for coastipa- tion. Minnesota & Internationa R A I L vV"AY COMPANY In Connection with the ..Northern Pacific RAILWAY COMPANY. Provides the best train passenger service between Northome, Ho vey Junc- tion, Blackduck, Bemidji, Walker and intermediate points and Minne- apolis, St. Paul, Fargo and Duluth and all points east, west and south. Through coaches between Northome and the Twin Cities. No change i»i.^ar^^J3?JL 1 e..luae_.aLJBrainexd_ for dinner. Dally ex. STATIONS Sunday 6:30 a. m. Lv NiJrthome— 0:55 a. tu. Ar. .Ilovey .1 u n c t i o n 7:10 -a. ui. L.v Hlai'.kcl-.ic.k... 7:'_>7 Tenst rike 7.42 Turtle R:20 Bemidji.. . 9:38 Walker 10:07 Hackensnclc. 10:25 Bnckin 10:46 I'i'n' Ki v o r . . 11.05 Pequot 12:05 a. ra. A r Bniinord... Daily ox. Sunday Ar p. in. 7:30 . Lv. p. m. 7*5 ...I.v.p m 6:50 Lv; 6:31 6:16 5:50 *:22 ; 3:50 3.32 8:11 2:52 . Lv p. m.2:00 Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. 2:40p. m. fcv Kclliher Ar. p.m. 3:20 3:20 p. tn, Ar... Ilovey Junction...l.v. p. m . 1:40 1:05 p. in. Lv. 2:1)5 3:04 4:37 5:20 Ar 5:50 Ar ....... 1:10 p. m. Lv 1:53 3:43 4:38 * .... 4:55 Ar 1:25 p. m . L v . 6:00 Ar W. H. OKMMELL. Oencrai Manager Brat nerd N . 1'. R Y . — Brnincrd ..Little Falla... ...St. Cloud.-.. Anoka .Minneapolis... .^.St. Paxil;-.;. Brainerd Aitkin... . Carlton West Superior. Duluth Brsiuerd... Farffo O. A. .r.v. Ar. p m. 1:05 Lv. 12:05 .... a.m. 11:05 9:48 ..Lv. 9:10 a.-m.'8:40 . A r. p. ra 12:35 Lv. a. m U:J9 9:50 8:56 ,.Lv. a. m 3:10 . Ar. p. m. 12-45 . .Lv. a. m S:00 WALKI'.U Atfcnt, Bemiilji. Great Northern R'y EAST ItlTNH No. 40.. I'.uk piih- Liiu .T.iOa. m. " 14. ..DuiiiUi Express .12:27 p.m. <i 26 " '' 12:34 a.m. \\ I'isr n o r MI " 13 .. .Fiv^-inn I.me 2 : 5 0 p . m . i' 25 " " •'•'"- a - m * <l 39... P a r k R a p i d s l.iueT:.'>2 " """ Fut!iTrfnriaati.nrfr<imr - E. E. CHAMBERLAIN. Agent Bemidii. Minn One Cent B; Word. PIONEER WANT COLUMN No Charge Lees Then 15c. HELP WANTED. WANTED Dishwasher and chambermaid at the Lake Shore hotel. WANTED—Situation as cham- bermaid in good hotel. Inquire at Pioneer office. WANTED—Good «irl for general housework in small family. Call on 905 Bemidii avenue. WANTED—Good cook for hotel; good wages to right party. Ad- dress C. P. Peterson, Hallock, Minn. WANTED—At once, apprentice girl to learn to set type and to learn the newspaper business generally. P|oneer office. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Limited number of copies of the Pioneer's souvenii edition. Pioneer office. FOR SALE —Two good milk cows. Will change for fat»stock. Inquire at City Meat Market or H. F. Schmidt. FOR SALE—Short-mill wood, $2 per load delivered. Fine for kitchen stove. Crookston Lum- ber Co., phone 208 or Wes Wright. WANTED—For U. S. Army able bodied, unmarried men be- tween ages of 21 and 35, citi- zens of United States, of a good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer. Miles block, Bemidji, BX)R SALE—Or trade for land or mill property, one brick ven- eered store building, stock of groceries and confectionery and lunch counter and $1,500 stock of clothing. For partic- ulars address Lock Box 19, Murdock, Minn., Swift county. MISCELLANEOUS. DYERS — Experienced dress ironer wanted; good wages, steady employment, Henry Bros., dye house, Winnipeg, Manitoba. C^»^*^^^^^>AJ^>^^VM*MM^*^>*^^*^^*^^*^^>AAA^fc^e S I GNS •K|A|L|L|K|I|IT|.D|.B|,J CARD W A Specialty We are HOW open Hay and Evening, A man in attendanee at 'all times. —Come and see our— ..WALL PAPER.. You can choose from a car lot. Finest line ever shipped into Northern Minnesota. ..LIEN0 WALL FINISH.. We handle it in bulk; you do not have to- pay a big price for woiihless packages, but I —get full ..weight: All colors, 8c per pound; in 25 and 50-pound lots, 7c per pound. : : Why not trade where you can get the irmst for your money? M. C. JONES. PHONE 20. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LAWYERS. D. H. FISK Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office opposite Hotel Markham. P. J. Russell Attorney at Law BEniDJI. - - - - - niNN. Bailey & McDonald LAWYERS BemldfitrUnn. Office: Swedback Block Jakr L. Reynolds Attorney a t L a w Office in riiles Block. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. Rowland G-ilmore Physician and Surgeon Office: niles Block DrrBlakeslee Jfc»Uysician and Surgeon Office: rtllea Block. Beminll Dr. p E. H. Marcum Physician and Surgeon Office: Swedback Block Residence Phone aai Office Phone 18 Dr. E. H. Smith Physician and Surgeon Office: Boston Block Office Phone, 73 Home Phone, 60 DENTISTS. Dr. J. T. Tnomy DENTIST Office over First National Bank, Third St HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Hotel Challenge, A. L. SMITH, Prop. Rates: ] $1 -^ c ^*|- 23 J 411 Beltrami Ave. jOity Hotel, JESS FREESTONE, Prop. Rates: l^perda^^Ulo Beltrami Ave. Palace Cafe, FRED THROM, Prop. \llliou a rs. i 311 Minnesota Ave. Rales: Hotel Remore, EARL OEI1-. Prop. I $1.23 and 51.50 ! Comer Beltrami Ave. 1 perda.v. and Third St Thompson's Hotel, HANS P. THOflPSON, Prop. Itar in Connection 100 Third St, Tremont House, FELIX DANSEREAU, Prop. Kates: j-p'^'day I -^ Minnesota Ave. Bemidji Hotel, MRS. JOHN BAHR. Prop. Rates :, ptM. day 202 Third St. Markham Hotel, F; P. HANNIFIN, Prop. $2.00 Per Day anil Upward. VOICE CULTURE, ETC. M i s s "Anna Olive M i l l e r , Voice Culture, Sight Reading. Chorus. A. McDonald Residence, - Lake Boulevard. iM]«M«fKjlM«MK » jiJtJpplgpaPPWIgWSH We Are Prepared To do all kinds of Plumbing and Pipe Work, and can save you 50 per cent on every job, large or small. Call and get prices, they do not cost a cent. A l l K i n d s Of Tin Work Done On Short Notice. Call or phone 225. J. J. D0RAN. ISMllKMilWSKJSMMwlHilSlil PPPii5!Bigrg|gr>ggisngigii»i»ti<iwi) Dr.J.Warninger^or Office in rear of Arcade Saloon. 4th St. 'l'lione ">0 Bemidji Owner o? Oeneral Blackford, record *- , '2:22H. who will make the season of J904 |8 in Bemidji at a service fee of £.'0; F i v e m m Dollars cash and $15 when the mare is -• p known to be in foal. Don't fail to see S him before bteedintf your mares. jgj 1 F. E. COOLEY, I I Painter, Paper Hanger | | and Decorator. | 1 Phone - T" . . 283. | a m Have You a Friend Afflicted With Asthma? Frank S. Archibald, of West Swanzey, N. H., writes: For the past five years I have suffered with Asthma almost constantly. I was so nervous at times I could hardly remain in ray school. This disease coupled with the nervous strain to which teachers are al- ways subjectod, made life almost unbearable. During a visit to my home in Hinsdale, Mr. Hann, a local druggist, called my atten- tion to your White Winn of Tar Syrup. At first I was skeptical as 1 had tried almost eroryi,hing with nop nn.-inont hi-lp. Finally I took ftome a bottle and the cure it effected s emsalmost miracu- lous to me after my former re- peated d«sai I'oinlmorts. I want to recommt nd yonr remedy to everyone who has been sfftcted a;*" P WW'for over five ' years and I shall be glad to reply to enquiries regarding my case. r\ 2J

The Bemidji daily pioneer (Bemidji, Minn.) 1904-06-25 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063381/1904-06... · body welcome. "Jacob, the Great Wrestler," will be the subject

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Page 1: The Bemidji daily pioneer (Bemidji, Minn.) 1904-06-25 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063381/1904-06... · body welcome. "Jacob, the Great Wrestler," will be the subject

f J . A. McConkey. 2 I*/ ^ F - ^ P 3 ft

U/ If you want anything for Lunch purposes, I have it. (f*

Or ft

W *

per can.

per j a r . per can.

J-Ib can Boned Chicken, i - lb can Veal Loaf, i- lb can Ham Loaf, i-lb can Chipped Beef, 1- lbcan u • • 1-lb g lass j a r Chipped Beef. 1-lb can Lunch Tongue , 1-lb can Corned Beef, " 1-lb c a n Veal Loftf, " I 1-lb can .Bam Loaf, " —

Jjjj 2-lb can Corned Beef, " 1-lb can Potted Ham, " • i - lb can Vienna Sausage , " <' • i - lb can Deviled Ham, "

and many others too numerous to ment ion.

. joe ir»e 15c l*»c 2i5c SSc il!*c


3 5 c l O c 1 0 c



In Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Cliinaware, &c, &c.

m m

The special prices on Toilet Soaps will be cont inued ~y for a while longer. These are wholesale prices. T ry a jA jar of I . K. E. Line; this is something new for laundry JM

W ' l have the finest lines possible to get. My prices are ^ very close. I like to show goods even if you do not W intend to buy. . '.

ft & *

m m *

m * ft m


Yonrs Very Truly,

P h o n e 2 3 3 ,


m J. A. McCONKEY. >}•

J. A. HOFF, Painter and Decorator.

Paper Hanging,


and Ar t Work

B r i n g i n y o u r S i g n O r d e r s !

Pictorial, Electrical and / N o v e l t y Signs, Banners

and Show Cards. New, Neat and Up-to-Date.

25°|0off on Wall Paper!

Ij^:iqJberjnq.eit& S t a t e B a n k


/ s s s General Banking Business. Fire Insurance.

...CHOICE LOTS.. . Grow More Valuable Every Day

The demand for Building Lots in Bemidji continues

unabated. We still have a large number of Fine Residence

Lots, however^ in all parts of the city.

You could havje bought cheaper a few months ago, but

you will no t be able to buy cheap a few months from now

Bemidji Townsite& Improvement Co JOHN F. GIBBONS, Local Agent.


Wholesale . Liquor Dealer

• " , .

Agent for Anheuser-Busch Famous

St. Louis Beer


T w o I n s t a n c e s . Two comparatively near by in­

stances suffice to point out the

wonderful development that

awaits northern Minnesota.

These are the Roseau cou n t ry

and the Little Fork region. In

the former progress has been

steady; settlers have flocked in,

great tracts are now nnder culti­

vation and stockraisingand dairy­

ing is being carried on to an ex­

tent that outrivals many older

settled sections of the state. Yet

Roseau has no railroad within

forty miles of its county seat. In

the Little Pork country, despite

the swamps which cut it off from

the south and the fact that the

railroad"5 refuses to come to it,

population thickens week by

week. New towns are springing

up throughout the terri tory, fine

farming country is being devel­

oped and the foundation of manu­

facturing industries is being

laid. These are but instances;

they show what a tremendous

development is possible in north­

ern Minnesota in the immediate


The Daily Pioneer P U B L I S H E D KVKRV A K T K R N O O N .

P U I i U S H I O ) K V E R Y T H U R S D A Y .


' t i i e red In t h e postof l iee a t HernidJI, anur i ­as s e c o n d c l a s s m a t t e r .

>fficial County and City Paper


NOT for years has the country

been so engulfed in politics.

That business should keep up so

well in the face of this fact is

surprising and speaks in strong

est terms of the prosperous con­

dition of the country generally.

The year of the national cam­

paign is always a bad year for

business; in addition this year

has been one of tremendous local

political differences. When we

consider these facts we have

reason to hope that the tide of

business will be again at flood

height by the first of next Jan­

uary. _

T H E various boards of review

meet Monday. If you are not

taxed according to your liking

make your plaint known or for-

eyer after hold your peace.

J O H N LIND is to ret ire from

politics Jus t like some of the

rest of us.

THIS is the way they do it in

Brown county.

Now it's up to Cortelyou,



J More rural routes for Wadena.

Park Rapids will go some July Fourth. ~

B e t r a m i b e g i n s t o b l o w a b o u t F o u r t h .

T h e t r o u b l e b e g i n s i n C a s s c o u n t y t o n i g h t .

W a l k e r w a l k e d off w i t h t h e E l k s a l r i g h t .

G r e a t g r i s t of c a n d i d a t e s in in H u b b a r d c o u n t y .

F i n e f l u t t e r i n g of w i n g s a t M a l l a r d o v e r t h e F o u r t h .

T h a t E d d y t h e y t a l k e d of in O t t e r t a i l s e e m s t o b e a l l D u n n .

T h e S c a n d i n a v i a n T o t a l A b s t i n e n e e A s s o c i a t i o n m e e t s in t h a t t h i r s t y t o w n of F e r t i l e .


S u b j e c t of m o r n i n g . s e r m o n a t t h e M'. E. C h u r c h , " T h e i i o c k T h a t i s H i g h e r T h a n L " S u b j e c t of n igh! , s e r m o n , " S o m e D o n ' t s F o r Y o u n g L a d i e s . " S u n d a y S c h o o l a n d y o u n g p e o p l e ' s s e r ­v i c e s a t t h e u s u a l h o u r s . E v e r y ­b o d y w e l c o m e .

" J a c o b , t h e G r e a t W r e s t l e r , " will be the subject of Rev* Brooratield's Sunday morning sermon at the Baptist church to--morrow morning. I n the .oven-ing-he will preach from the sub­ject "The Seventh Command­ment." _

Order a quar t brick of ice cream for your Sunday dinner, at the Grill.

Saturday only, Ice Cream ser­ved with every $1.00 purchase at^the Princess.

Thrown From a Wagon. Mr. George K. Babcock was

thrown from his wagon and se­verely bruised. He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. I t will effect a cure in one-third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by Barker ' s Drug store. . *

Get a carnation with your Sun­day dinner at the Grill.

Try our special Sunday dinner tomorrow, Armst rong &JJnder-wood. '

REWARD A r e w a r d of #300 wi l l lie p a i d b y t h e u n d e r ­

s i g n e d for t l io d i s c o v e r y a n d finding of t h e bod ie s of Air. N . O. Dali l and ids d a u g h t e r * Aasrot D a h l . w h o d i s a p p e a r e d f rom t h e i r c l a i m s on s e c t i o n 33-151 -32. B e l t r a m i c o u n t y , t w o m i l e s f r o m Quiriiif,' P. O.. on o r a b o u t Apr i l i»tli. liHM, and #50 wil l he p a i d for a n y i n ­f o r m a t i o n t h a t wil l l e a d t o s u c h d i s c o v e r y .

O^C. K O O D C. C. S T H A N D E U

J u n e 18; 1904. O r o o k s t o n . Alinn.

Hammocks at greatly reduced prices at Nay lor's.

Go to Armstrong & Under­wood for your special Sunday dinner.

Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here sued me for

$12 50, which I claimed was ex­cessive for-a-ease of-eholeramor­bus, " says R. White, of Coachella, Cal. "At the trial he praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamber­lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­rhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and lie would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Barker ' s Drug store. _ _ i _ J

A. Ellingson, fire insurance, over Barker ' s d rug store.

If it comes from the Grill it must be the best.


Subscribe for the Daily Pioneer.

T h e S h o v l i n A d v o c a t e r e n o u n c e s p o p u l i s m a n d b e c o m e s a n i n d e p e n d e n t r e p u b l i c a n n e w s ­p a p e r . W h o o p la .

Y o u m u s t d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n t h e c o u n t y of C l o a r \ v a t e r _ a n t l t h e t o w n of C l e a r w a t e r f o r t h e l a t t e r i s b o r n on R o d L a k e c o u n t y .

W h e e l o c k ' s W e e k l y , F e r g u s P a l l s : T h e r e i s n o n e e d of g o i n g tec I n d i a n a a n y m o r e for y o u r m u d b a t h s . T a k e t h e m a t h o m e in Urn c i t y w a t e r .

T h e " J o s h u a S i m p k i n s " - c o m ­p a n y w i t h a t i n e b r a s s b a n d a n d s p l e n d i d o r c h e s t r a , w i l l b e s e e n a t t h e C i t y O p e r a h o u s e ne.\ . t , W e d n e s d a y n i g h t . T h e p l a y i s m a d e of f u n a n d r e a l i s m , c o m b i n ­i n g t h e p l e a s i n g f e a t u r e s of r e a l ­i s t i c m e l o d r a m a a n d t h e e v e r p o p u l a r l u r a l p l a y . T h e c h a r a c t e r s k e t c h e s a r e s a i d t o b e v e r y c l e v e r w h i l e t h e r e i s a n a b u n d a n c e of g o o d m u s i c , s i n g i n g a n d d a n c i n g in i t . T h o s e l o v a b l e o l d c o u n t r y c h a r a c t e r s a r e ' i n t r o d u c e d a n d t h e i r s a y i n g s a n d d o i n g s c r e a t e a m u s e m e n t . T h e c o m p a n y c o m e s t o u s l ' e c o m m e n d e d a s a g o o d o n e t h o u g h o u t . T h e s a w m i l l s c e n e in t h e t h i r d a c t i s s a i d t o b e w o n d e r f u l l y r e a l i s t i c , a g e n u i n e c i r c u l a r s a w b e i n g s e e n i n m o t i o n w i t h U n c l e J o s h ' s s o n l a s h e d t o a l o g b y t h e . v i l l i a n s a n d s t a r t e d t o w a r d " t h e g l i t t e r i n g t e e t h of t h e r a p i d l y r e v o l v i n g s a w .

_ F r e s h c u t J l o w c x s a t t h e G r i l l .

G o t o t h e G r i l l f o r g o o d t h i n g s t o e a t .

F o u r t h of J u l y g o o d s a t P e t ­e r s o n ' s .

S t r a w b e r r i e s b y t h e c a s e a t t h e G r i l l .

F o r w a l l p a p e r s e e J . A . Hoff, M i l e s b l o c k . / -

S t r a w b e r r i e s b y t h e c a s e a t t h e G r i l l .

A , E l l i n g s o n , fire i n s u r a n c e , o v e r B a r k e r ' s d r u g s t o r e . <*'•

C a s e s of f i r e w o r k s o n h a n d o r m a d e u p a t P e t e r s o n ' s ,

A d i s c o u n t of 15 p e v c e n t o n a l l r e f r i g e r a t o r s a t N a y l o r ' s .

S e v e n b a r s of D i a m o n d C . s o a p for 25 c e n t s a t t h e p r i n c e s s .

T r y a p o u n d of W h i t e S t a r coffee. C h a s . N a n g l e , a g e n t .

G e n u i n e L o u w e l s a W e l l e r w a r e for s a l e o n l y b y A . R. W i n t e r .

H a v e R o s s p u t u p y o u r e a v e t r o u g h s a t r i g h t p r i c e . P h o n e 113.

E . T . C r a w f o r d r e t u r n e d t h i s m o r n i n g f rom a t r i p t o t h e R e d L a k e a g e n c y .

T h e t ino h o m e g r o w n s t r a w ­b e r r i e s , r a i s e d b y E . E . C h a m ­b e r l a i n of t h i s c i t y a n d m e n ­t i o n e d in y e s t e r d a y ' s P i o u e e r . w e r e g r o w n f r o m J e w e l l N u r ­s e r y s t o c k w h i c h i s " n o w b e i h t r so ld i n B e m i d j i b y W . G r i f f i t h . 320 M i n n e s o t a a v e n u e .

W. G.


General Merchandise, Dry Goods, ,

and Shoes, Groceries,

Crockery, „ _ Stoneware ,


Flour, Feed and Hay ,

Saed Grain, *'

Lincoln Oats,

Six-Row Barley,

Fodder Corn and — A I X K I N D S O F —

Garden Seeds and Grass Seeds.

University Canned Goods

FLOUR.—'Pillsbury's Best • and Ada F lour .

A No. 1 Meadow Land J lay , $13 per ton.

Give m e a call.

W. 6. Schroeder, Phone 209.


Hotel Cathcart, T h o s . Cathcart & S o n , P r o p s .

Baodette, • Minn.

[a] HI "i

'Hi •Ml 'HI

i [Hi


This Hotel is specia l ly adapted for the t r ave l ing public, beautifully locat­ed on the b a n k s of the S-i g r ea t R a i n y R i v e r fac- bj ing the C a n a d i a n border . B

W e pay str ict a t tent ion to run a Itf quietly and o rde r ly place. gj

jRTHggmitgM "T?iSMimiiMiiii!HrHr«Si

Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications, as they can­not reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf­ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum­bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to i ts normal condition, hearing will-be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give $100 for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.

F. J . C H E N E Y & Co., Toledo, Ohio.

Sold by druggists , 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for coastipa-tion.

Minnesota & Internationa R A I L vV"AY COMPANY

In Connection with the

..Northern Pacific R A I L W A Y COMPANY.

Provides the best t r a i n passenger service between Nor thome, Ho vey J u n c ­t ion, Blackduck, Bemidji , W a l k e r and intermediate po in t s and Minne­apol is , St . Pau l , F a r g o and Dulu th and a l l points east , west and sou th . Through coaches between Nor thome and the Twin Cities. No change

i » i . ^ a r ^ ^ J 3 ? J L 1 e . . l u a e _ . a L J B r a i n e x d _ for d inner . D a l l y e x . S T A T I O N S S u n d a y 6:30 a. m. L v N i J r t h o m e — 0:55 a. tu. Ar . . I l o v e y .1 u n c t i o n 7:10 -a. ui . L.v Hlai'.kcl-.ic.k... 7:'_>7 T e n s t r ike — 7.42 T u r t l e R:20 B e m i d j i . . . 9:38 W a l k e r 10:07 H a c k e n s n c l c . 10:25 B n c k i n — 10:46 I'i'n' Ki v o r . . 11.05 P e q u o t 12:05 a. ra. A r B n i i n o r d . . .

D a i l y o x . S u n d a y

A r p . in. 7:30 . Lv. p. m . 7*5 . . . I . v . p m 6:50

Lv; 6:31 6:16 5:50 *:22

; 3:50 3.32 8:11 2:52

. Lv p . m . 2 : 0 0

M o n d a y s . W e d n e s d a y s and F r i d a y s . 2:40p. m . fcv K c l l i h e r Ar. p . m . 3:20 3:20 p. tn, A r . . . I l o v e y J u n c t i o n . . . l . v . p. m. 1:40

1:05 p. in . L v . 2:1)5 3:04 4:37 5:20 A r 5:50 A r . . . . . . . 1:10 p . m. L v 1:53 3:43 4:38 * . . . . 4:55 A r 1:25 p. m . L v . 6:00 Ar W. H. OKMMELL.

O e n c r a i M a n a g e r Brat nerd

N. 1'. R Y . — Brnincrd — . . L i t t l e F a l l a . . . . . . S t . C l o u d . - . .

A n o k a . M i n n e a p o l i s . . . . ^ . S t . Paxil;-.;.

B r a i n e r d — A i t k i n . . . .

C a r l t o n — West S u p e r i o r .

D u l u t h — B r s i u e r d . . .

Farffo O. A .


Ar. p m. 1:05 L v . 12:05

. . . . a . m . 11:05 9:48

. . L v . 9:10 a.-m.'8:40

. A r. p. ra 12:35 Lv . a. m U:J9

9:50 8:56

, . L v . a. m 3:10 . Ar. p . m . 12-45 . . L v . a. m S:00 W A L K I ' . U

Atfcnt , Bemiilj i .

Great Northern R'y E A S T I t l T N H

No. 40.. I ' .uk piih- Liiu .T.iOa. m. " 14. ..DuiiiUi Express .12:27 p .m. <i 26 " ' ' 12:34 a.m.

\\ I'isr n o r M I " 1 3 . . . F i v ^ - i n n I . m e 2 : 5 0 p . m .

i ' 2 5 " " •'•'"- a - m * <l 3 9 . . . Pa rk R a p i d s l.iueT:.'>2 "

""" Fut!iTrfnriaati.nrfr<imr -

E. E. CHAMBERLAIN. Agent Bemidii. Minn

O n e

C e n t




No Charge

Lees T h e n 15c.

HELP WANTED. WANTED — Dishwasher and

chambermaid at the Lake Shore hotel.

WANTED—Situation as cham­bermaid in good hotel. Inquire at Pioneer office.

WANTED—Good «irl for general housework in small family. Call on 905 Bemidii avenue.

WANTED—Good cook for hotel; good wages to right party. Ad-dress C. P. Peterson, Hallock, Minn.

WANTED—At once, apprentice girl to learn to set type and to learn the newspaper business generally. P|oneer office.

FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Limited number of

copies of the Pioneer's souvenii edition. Pioneer office.

FOR SALE —Two good milk cows. Will change for fat»stock. Inqui re at City Meat Market or H. F. Schmidt.

FOR SALE—Short-mill wood, $2 per load delivered. Fine for kitchen stove. Crookston Lum­ber Co., phone 208 or Wes Wright.

WANTED—For U. S. Army able bodied, unmarried men be­tween ages of 21 and 35, citi­zens of United States, of a good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer. Miles block, Bemidji,

BX)R SALE—Or trade for land or mill property, one brick ven­eered store building, stock of groceries and confectionery and lunch counter and $1,500 stock of clothing. For partic­ulars address Lock Box 19, Murdock, Minn., Swift county.


DYERS — Experienced d r e s s ironer wanted; good wages, steady employment, H e n r y Bros., dye house, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

C ^ » ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > A J ^ > ^ ^ V M * M M ^ * ^ > * ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^ ^ > A A A ^ f c ^ e

S I G N S •K|A|L|L|K|I|IT|.D|.B|,J


A Specialty

We are HOW open Hay and Evening,

A man in attendanee at 'all times.

— C o m e and see our—

..WALL PAPER.. You can choose from a car lot. Finest line ever shipped into Nor thern Minnesota.

..LIEN0 WALL FINISH.. We handle i t in bulk; you do not have to-pay a big price for woiihless packages, bu t

I —get full ..weight: All colors, 8c per pound; in — 25 and 50-pound lots, 7c per pound. : :

Why not trade where you can get the irmst for your money?

M. C. JONES. P H O N E 20.


D. H. FISK Attorney and Counsellor a t Law

Office opposite Hotel Markham.

P. J. Russell Attorney a t Law

B E n i D J I . - - - - - n i N N .

Bailey & McDonald L A W Y E R S

Bemldf i t rUnn . Office: Swedback Block

Jakr L. Reynolds A t t o r n e y a t L a w

Office in riiles Block. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.

Dr. Rowland G-ilmore P h y s i c i a n a n d S u r g e o n

Office: niles Block

DrrBlakeslee Jfc»Uysician a n d S u r g e o n

Office: rtllea Block. Beminll

Dr.pE. H. Marcum P h y s i c i a n a n d S u r g e o n

Office: S w e d b a c k Block Residence P h o n e aa i Office P h o n e 18

Dr. E. H. Smith P h y s i c i a n a n d S u r g e o n

Office: Bos ton Block Office P h o n e , 7 3 Home P h o n e , 6 0


Dr. J. T. Tnomy D E N T I S T

Office o v e r First National Bank, Third S t


Hotel Challenge, A. L. SMITH, P r o p .

Rates: ] $ 1 - ^ c ^ * | - 2 3 J 411 Bel t rami Ave.

jOity Hotel, J E S S FREESTONE, P r o p .

Rates: l ^ p e r d a ^ ^ U l o Bel t rami Ave.

Palace Cafe, F R E D THROM, Prop.

\llliouars. i 311 Minnesota Ave.

R a l e s :

Hotel Remore, EARL OEI1-. Prop.

I $1.23 and 51.50 ! C o m e r B e l t r a m i A v e . 1 perda.v . and Third S t

Thompson's Hotel, H A N S P . THOflPSON, P r o p .

Itar in Connection 100 Third St,

Tremont House, FELIX DANSEREAU, Prop .

Kates: j-p'^'day I -^ Minnesota Ave.

Bemidji Hotel, M R S . JOHN BAHR. Prop .

R a t e s : , p tM. d a y 202 Thi rd St.

Markham Hotel, F ; P . HANNIFIN, Prop.

$2.00 P e r Day anil Upward .


M i s s "Anna Olive Miller, Voice Cul ture , S ight Reading. Chorus .

A . M c D o n a l d R e s i d e n c e , - L a k e B o u l e v a r d .

i M ] « M « f K j l M « M K » j i J t J p p l g p a P P W I g W S H

We Are Prepared

To do all kinds of

Plumbing and Pipe

Work, and can save

you 50 per cent on

every job, large or

small. Call and get

prices, they do not

cost a cent.

A l l K i n d s O f T i n W o r k D o n e O n S h o r t N o t i c e .

Call or phone 225.

J . J . D0RAN.

I S M l l K M i l W S K J S M M w l H i l S l i l


Dr.J.Warninger^or Office in r e a r of A r c a d e S a l o o n . 4th St . ' l ' l i one ">0 Bemidji

O w n e r o? O e n e r a l B l a c k f o r d , r e c o r d *-, '2:22H. w h o wil l m a k e t h e s e a s o n o f J904

|8 in B e m i d j i a t a s e r v i c e f e e o f £.'0; F i v e m m D o l l a r s c a s h and $15 w h e n t h e m a r e i s -• p k n o w n t o b e i n foa l . D o n ' t fai l t o s e e S h i m b e f o r e bteedintf y o u r m a r e s . jgj

1 F. E. COOLEY, I I Painter, Paper Hanger | | and Decorator. | 1 Phone - T" . . 283. | a m

Have You a Friend Afflicted With Asthma?

Frank S. Archibald, of West Swanzey, N. H., writes: For the past five years I have suffered with Asthma almost constantly. I was so nervous at times I could hardly remain in ray school. This disease coupled with the nervous strain to which teachers are al­ways subjectod, made life almost unbearable. During a visit to my home in Hinsdale, Mr. Hann, a local druggist, called my atten­tion to your White Winn of Tar Syrup. At first I was skeptical as 1 had tried almost eroryi,hing with nop nn.-inont hi-lp. Finally I took ftome a bottle and the cure it effected s emsalmost miracu­lous to me after my former re­peated d«sai I'oinlmorts.

I want to recommt nd yonr remedy to everyone who has been sfftcted a;*" P WW'for over five ' years and I shall be glad to reply to enquiries regarding my case.

