VOL. 38. HAMMONTONV N. J., DECEMBER 29, 1900. i NO. fea GEO. ELVINS We are headquarteraJbr- 12 guage loaded "Nitro Club" Shells. : W. C.T.IT. Tho ladies have taken this upaco for ono year, and fire responsible for ;all that It way contain. Who-wos to Blame P "A two dollar bill came into the ^bands of a relative of mine," writes a lady in Boston, "which speaks volumes on the horrors of strong drink, or the traffic in it. There was written, in red ink, on the back of it, tho following: 'Wife, children, and over $40.000 all gone. Iaru aJoneTreeponsible." AlLhas gone down my throat. When I was twenty-one I had a fortune. I am not yet thirty-flve years old. I have killed my beautiful wife, who died of a broken 'BSS~,Geprge H. Parkhnrst Is spending a few days with relatives in, Leonia, ' ' •r, Raisins, Currants, and Citron are now ju great : —demand. We have a , full supply -goods^and-are-selling- —j •—««.•—V»*M«. »AIW* ivuu vt neart; nave murdered ray children with .neglect. When, this -bill is .gone I do not know how I can get my next meal. I shall die a drunken pauper. - This Is mv last money, and my history. If this bill comes into the bunds of any man who drinks, let him take warning from my lifo'ffrnin.' ---&. .._ And he might well have added: I it comes into the' hands' of any man _ J5®~Mr. and Mra. Holdridge took Christmas dinner .with her son. Harold Rogers, at Haddon Heights. B®" The County Board of freeholders •will meet in Odd Fellows Hall, Atlantic Cjty, next Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. •BgyTbe programme of the'mnslcale for New Year's night promises to be very pleasing. Local artists will appear. ~A LARGE HOUSB,~on""BonoruBlA.venne~ XX for solo, at a bargnln. Every conveni- ence. Farther Information can be had from W. O.HOYT, Agent. The PostOffio) will be open on The Bank will be closed all day on Tuesday. them at low prices. you are in the markeTfoiT fwh"o~aoe8 not .drink, but who by his vote justifies the drink traffic "for re- ward, let him remember that he is his . (brother's keeper. DRIED FRUIT rcall. Gur-PrufieT and Peaches are especially fine :Some nice Pickles are being) - •--- eold here at '•" M : 6 cents per dozen. "Voung people's Societies This epano devoted to the interests ol -the Young PeopIesSopIetles of the vurlous Chnrohcs, Special Items or Interest, und nnnouncements iiro solicited. r. P. 8. C. E.,—Presbyteria'n Church : Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. Topic, "The old and the new ; your purposes.'.' Matt. 13: 61, 52; Luke 6: 35-39. 3._J3.._E. 1= BarjyBt Church: MEMns' W. H.Bovusi&ouso —Insurance-Agent Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds, Office, 101 Railroad Ave. ; ' Hammonton. Furnishing Undertaker and Embalmer Twollta St.. botwbon railroads. Hammonton, N. J. ( All nrranKomcntB for burials mndo and carefully oxocutod. SH.OEJST Always a Good Stock Best X 6hoo» made to Order ie my Specialty, nnd full natiBfaotion iu guaranteed. . Repairing done. "Meets Topic, "The Old and tho new ; your purposes." Matt. 13; 51, 52, Luke 6: 30-39. Lender, G. N. - Lyman. (Consecration) Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 3:00: Topic, .IWhat now thlnga.do you . want to put "into the now year ?" \ 30-39. Leader, Leon Mart. Epworth League,—M. E. Church : Meets Sunday evening, at 0:30. Topic, -'The old and tho now; your purposes." Luke 6: 80-89; i'ear'a 2IeK_Y£ar-'aDay-from aoven to ten -in the mornim?, and five^to six in the evening. SSf Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rogers,, o Scullvillo, .are spending tbe_ holiday vacation with his mother; Mrs. N. C Holdridge. _ Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tho public to know of one concern which is not a f T n d *°. be « eD erous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con- sumption, coughs and colds, have civon away over ten miliion trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless oase». Asthma, bronchitis, lajcrippe and all throat, chest and Innc diseases a-o sure- ly cured by tt.._Call at Crowell's Phar^ maoy, and get a free trial bottle. Reg- ular size 50c. and $1.00.' Every bottle guaranteed. .- We are better equipped— " thnnjever to do your tlie Singer Sewina Machine business in Doylestown, Pa., beinc: transferred from Norristown. .POR.SALE i $3 fora big two-horse lon _—j—^ .m.i. in . r-ll-in |ri nret?^tmlrl>-fcUt Jueavo orders with JiL. O'Donnoll. JOHN BIZZOTTE- CSS" Hunting-season for the'following closes next Monday: hare, rabbit, _quail. soipe. partridge, grouse, pheasant Y. P. O. U.,—UnivorBiUist Church: Meets Sunday evening, at 7:00. Topic, "Rolroapcctlpn. What the Union has beon to mo during tho year. Individual testimonies. Ro- HfiiouB reviowof tho year." A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend tho&a nicotines. lirTd squirrels. 5®- Topics of the Pastor's sermons io-morrow, at the Baptist Church: Morning, "The true incentive." Eve- ning, "A ouce-told. tale." T HREE LOTSJn one for sale. 151 x 161ft . - >, c>'r.-.Th Ir<l _Gj«U > raH-Sl8.. Hainmonton. A. flne location, for a reslttpntfo. A bnrealn for some one. A<ldrcK» C. M. COOK. M.D 1052 Myrtle Ave., Baltimore, Md 8S?° Mr. McDonnell, Supt. of the In- sane Asylum and. Almhhou'O, who was seriously injured a fpw weeks ago, is still unable to leave his room. JGSS- The Ladies' Aid Society will to- d.ny..(Satnrday)sell out-their remaining stock of Christmas goods at. greatly reduced prices, some at half. F On SALK. Lot on Third Street, 62s 150 feet, with untlnlslied hobno. Price S150 Inquire of J. A. Kobtnsou or J. B Small Now comes the time for Coughs and Colds. Syrup Tar, Wild Cherry having, made extensive addi- tions to our'material. :TRY us: with an order foF " . Bill Heads, Envelopes, Letter or Note Heads, positively cures.- BrUSheS of any Hid come and see us. "We recommend Business or Name: Cards, Book or Pamphlet WorkT" T Cards, Posters, Dodgers^, or anything in the printing T^ ~——. .._..-:—-.::..-'..---. - - ••• . . —_~^_ line. Qpinine and Cantharides Hair Tonic, also - Printers of the Republican and The Echo. 206-8 Bellevue Ave. - Hammonton, Phone 6-8 N. J. Quinine.and Grape Sap for-the^Hair. Stationery^ Box Papers a' Specialty. Photographic Supplies. F. THE Prescriptions receive our care- ful and prompt attention. CrowelFs Pharmacy Have you paid yom,Subscription? JOS. H. GAHTON, Justice of the Peace, Hammonton, N. J. Oflioo ut Residence, Middle Iload. JOS. 1. S&- Subjects to-morrow at the M. E. Church: Morning, "Prayer for the now^^r''TEv^iSg7'" i VVBonrfofear.'' Seats free—good siting—all welcome. SSF An executive mooting of the County \V. C. T. U. will bo hold at tho home of Mrs. E. M. B. Tllton, tho County President, on Friday next, Jan. 4th, at 10:80 a. m. I TVm HUNT. Four ' bouses, In nrflt-olusa onlor.— ono Ifl.roomcil nt Jia por mouth tliron »lx-room(!d. with front porches, at Sli pur mouth. Apiilv to ' c ll. HllOUltDa. Qrnpo St. IlollovuoAvnnuo, Haramouton. GEO. W. PBESSJEY, HQminonton, W.J., Jiiatloo of tho Ptiaoo, Ofllco.BooondnndQherrvUto, House, $ign,Caniage PAIHTER ^ Dealer in Pain to, Oils, and VnrniohoH. I Imvo n largo ntoolc of John T. French's Pure Oil Paintn, which I guiirnntoo (o l>o 1 tlio boat |)iilnt uvor auld. Boooml und I'louunnt Htroots, IIAAIAIONTON, Kli H. Oliandlev7 Attorney&Counselor Law, Atlit/. Dulldliift, Hiiiniiumton, lloomn 2IJ-a7 Hoiil K»t; & I, ftw ll'ldV Atlantlo Ulty. Oniolol Town Attornoy. Iu Iliuniiioutoii «v«irj' l''rl<luy I'rnolloo In nil Oourta of thn Htuto. Money for flrot tnortflnge loiwia At the closlna hour of tho nine- teenth century, — 12 o'clock Monday night, there will bo high mass In St. "JuacprpH Church'; alao, lUutm ut lU:iiOT on Ntiw Year's morning. Michael linger died last woolt at his homo in Polsom, ngod 82 i years. Hii wnu one of tho pioneers in this sec- tion, taking up tho farm where ho died, In IRdO. Funnrnl act-vices wore hold In thu I.iilhurno Church on Sunday. J ADIKH, (lli'iin your IChl Olovfb wllb I,n J Hiillii (llnvu (Hrituitr, fur milu only by \v. 1. Hindi, hritil<]iinrlnrn fur Itlil Kl'ivnn, In ilri-miril ntiil uiiiln<ii««il, All tlio unw uhmlon, B6T Ono day thlu wuck u ntrun^ir onllud nt Fulnhurg'n clothing etoro, and bought corliiln goodn, ttuiditrlng in pay- uiniit u chuck on iho 1'uoploit Hunk, Dunlnl Dullard, llo ondoraod this "J lurry Liunlxirl," mid nioiilvud hiit nhiinu;(i. W. I>. lllnnk rnnlitid thin chock, but on ofTurlng It for d«poRlt wun told by Tllton Unit tho nlgiiiituro wan .lotibtlul. Mr. llulliml (locliiniil It to tin a lortory. Tlui HIIIIIU mini piirflhunud n pulr of iiliooo »t Munlooh'H, paid lor tliuin with an oxnutly nlmlliir uhook, niuno amount, und rooolvdil thu chango. Thin WUH nlno u woll uxtuiutcd lormiry. No oiui liy thn mutui of I,iiu\lmrt In known burn, und tho miffif' ban d'tilnlii. poiund. Wu do not know that any ntopn Imvn buun tiilcon to llnd him. Carriage & Wagon BUILDER. .Second St., near_Pleasant, Hammonton. ~'": Give me your order for a Buggy, Surrey, Phaeton, Eoad-Wagon;- or-Farm Are you interested in Monu- mental'' work ? If so, please consider the merits of --------- White Bronze, Something bettor in every way than tho Horse-Shoeing. On account of a recent reduc- tion in the price of iron, I will hereafter shoe your " ~~ horses at the old prices— 4 New Shoes for $1.00, cask Confectionerjr Only the choicest. lonfl expensive. Don't buy a Monument, Iloadstono, or Marker until you aoo our dosigus and prlooD. J. THAYER. Agent, at his Dlcyclo Storo, Next to Peoples Banlc. ITammonton. Bloyolo SuivlrloH and Repairing. Wm. A. HOOD & SON Funeral Directors All hiiHincMH in their lino promptly and uaroiully attundltd to. Embalmin*' a Spnoialty Office and Kuaidonco, iJ08 Peach Stroot, -5 Hammonton. Bread & Cakes- Always the heal J, B, SMALL, Cor. Second and Belloyue, 1 Hammonton. < W ANTICl). Antlvn limn oruooil ohurunlnr to ilnllvor mill (mllunt In Now Jninny forultl rHliililliliuil initiiiifunliirhiK wlmlcuulo linnitn. twxift yonr.'iiiirnpiiy. llmu'iily niora tliftn <»|i»rl«»nii rfaiihril. <)«r riir<irini«o liny liiiuli in nnynliy. ICnolonnmilf.nili|r«nn« ( f Votorinary Surgeon IfliaAtlnntlo ATOUUO ATLANTIC CITY "i 1 ."". 1 "" 1 . ''"V" 1 ''!'';;."'* 11 ""!'^*^"™!^^ 1 !! 1 !"!)"! j Will onatroT talophoiio oalla ft»jWlioro In tho f—•- . i uaiUuarburu Nt,,Ulil«iti|u. Oil Stoves Repaired i>y WILLIAM BAKEB^ No. 2fi Third Street, Hammonton.

The-Bniger MEMns' - Atlantic County Library fileOUTH JERSEY The only newspaper ~i—-prittted-m-Hammohton-_.,,-' $1.25 a year, post-paid ] ^—-$LOO in the county.^^ Well equipped-for-iiiiing.j

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The only newspaper~i—-prittted-m-Hammohton-

_., , - ' $1.25 a year, post-paid ]^—-$LOO in the county.^^

Well equipped-for-

iiiiing.jjn all branches—-~

HAMMOHTOW;• Directory,

RELIGIOUSBAPTIST. Rev II F fionmla, pastor; Sun-

lay services' :Proaobln^ 10:30 Sundny-cuhooljl.45. Junior 0. E. 8.J1U p . m.. Christian En-deavor6.00, Preaching 730. Weokduyprnjormeotln'g Thursday evening 7.80. ---- '-

St. JOBBPD'», R C. Rov P J nendrioh,Rootor. Sunday mass 10.30am. SnndaySchool 3.80 p.m. Voaporsat 7:30 p m.

EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK'S. Bev. Edwin 0Aloorn, rootor . Celebration of Holy Euch&ilstlet and 3rd Sundnys at 10:30 n.m. OtberSun-claye, 7:30 'a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, andSermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30 a.m.EVODSODK 7:00 p.m. .Sunday School 9:30 a.m.Friday Evensong, 7.80. Saints Day Celebra-tion , 7:30 a.m . Special services in AdvontandLent. • ( —---.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev-W-N-Ogbora,pastor. Sunday services: olass 8.30, o. mipreaching 10.30 Sunday. eohool 12.00 noonEpworth League ".00 p, m., proaohing 7.3031o,»s Tuesday and Wednesday oyeningsT.SO.Prnyor meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. _

on it Pine Boad.

B usiness Cards

Posters :

L _ . 1.1 Dodgers^





icasonable .prices charged, always.

-We-will-not-do cheap-work, and can't affordto do good workfor nothing

CLERK. J.L. O'Donncll. • > . ..COLLECTOR &TnEASOREB. A.B.Davis.MARSHAL. George W Swank, Jff - - - - • —Jn STICK a. G. W. Presney. CliesWooijnutt

Jog H Carton. E L CaafmanCosarABLES—Goo I)orn!hooso,C-C-CotnhcB,

. E H Shaokley. / -~-.--——^T—-OTEBSms it~H i a a w A y s.-EliaSf A=Jo»!y p^_..

OVEBSEEBOF THE POOR. Qoo.Bornsli-inso.NIGHT POLICE. J.H.Oarton. .'AtToBNEYi—E-H Chandler.-FIRE CHIEFS. C^W Austin, H M PhillipsVOLUNTEER Fine Co. D. S.CunniDghanJ,

yrealdentj-Ohn's J W. AoatinT-Beeretaryv—MoetJtrd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Moots first Wcdnos>day evenine in bach month.

Town Cotmcii.. Michael E Boyer, Ohm.E W Batcbolor, J E Watkis, W D DePny,} G Ilarloy, Andruj E ITolman. Moots lastSaturday ovo each month.

BoAnKiOE^EBPCATioit,. ..GlE^Oignsd, presi-dent; D. S. Coopinghom,clerk; Ed,win Adams,F L 0'DonneII, Mr» J H Ransom/ Mis! Anna?re»sey, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomas C Elvins,Or J A Wans. Meets first Tuesday eveningeach month.

BOARD OF HEALTH. M. L. JaoV «on, Frcsi:

dent; Dr. Charles Cunningham, Inspector >Tohn T.'French, J. C. Andersen, Wm. Gun-nincbam, Geo. Bo-nshonse, Jos. Il.Oarton.

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your work\vheniyou want it donewe'll tell you so,and finish itwhen we promise to.

The TribuneNew York, the weekly .edition, and thoRepublican, for $1.25A pile of good readingfor a little money

The PressPhiladelphia, weekly, andthe • Hcpu'biicnn, a year

• forftl .25

Addroflf, cftll'or phone UH—

HOYT •& SOIST,200-8 Bollovuo Avo. Phono G-

Re'v.WK MoKinney, pastor'Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 n .m.,Sun-day-oohool 12.00 noon, prenohlng 7.30 p.m.CrE. prayer— mooting— Sunday,- 0.30 p.m.Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.

Missions attolsom and Magnolia.Italian Evangelical. Rev Prof PE Monnot

Pastor. Sunday School nt 8:30 a m. Preach,og-i>t Ifl .Sft n m. _ -Tr. f!. V,., 3:30 p.m. C ESoo'y at 3-30.

UNIVERSALIST. Sunday School, 12:00 noonJr. Y.P.C.tT,, 4 p.m. Y.F.O.U. at 7:00 p. m.Sociables alternate Thuraday evcnioga.

•WoiTAH'S CnnlSTfAH TEMPEnAHCE 0R10H.Wrs. Charles Smith, pro.siilont, Miis A M

roo eae'y; Mrs P S Tilton, treasurer

AnnsAHs Onnsn or MOTDAL PROTBOTIOS'D 6 C'inninghain., M A j. A B Davis, Seo'y.Ueetj first Tuesday evening In eneh month inMechanics' Hall.

WIRSLOW LODGE, I.O.O.F. Wrn. Burns-house, N.O.; A. V. W. fietley, Beorelary.Meets Wednesday eves, in Odd Fellovri Ilall.

Tnine Imp O H M . J MBaHettj-Snchem.; _ Chaaiit_An«Un, Chlofjf-Records . Meet every Tuesday 'ssleep IB RedMens' Hall. .

M. B. TAYLOR LODGE, F. A A. II. J. S.Tbnjer, VV Master ; Alonxo B. Davis, Beo'y.2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Masonio Ilall.

J U . O D D K R UHITBD AMERICA n MBCHAHIOB.F R Whittler. Coun. ; A T Lobley, Secretary.MnetseverT Friday ere In Mechanics' Hall,

QBH. D. A.nusaiciiL POST, O. A. B,. 0 ALeonuM, Commander; \VMI.1I. Bradbury,Adjutant; U. V. Edsall, Q. M.' Meets latand5ril .Saturday nights In Mechanics Hall.

W O U A M ' H ItsLiEr CORFB. Proildout, MissNolllo Dol'uy ; Secretary, Miss Eva Carlan.2nd niid 4lh Saturday eves, Mechanics Hall.

O E M . U. A. HUSBELL CAMP Bonn or VBTER-A»B, No. 14. Cape., WllllainO Olfford; FirstSargt., lliitry C Leonard. Mccta 2nd and 4thMondny even. Mechanics' Hull.

tilllo llii Htt Cotinotl.Mri Ida Ituwles, Pocahontas ; Mrs Carrie AK l n i / , K . o l H. Moots Monday evening; lulledMen's Hull .

Dunio I. 'IIKIK. No. 12, Bn ic i.D of Honon.Wur t l iy Mmtor, Ii'mnoln MoNmny j H.B.^VroHiiuill Muui.i i.i.l unil -Itli Tlmrtday nlghta Inihulr liull .

EiiBinona Orcanlzatlonn.I l i i i i imnntun Loan uiid Hulldli iK Association,

W . K . T I I t u n •ooretnry. Moott every 1stThiini layln Klr rmnn ' i Hall.

\Vi>rMnK'""»'» I<"'>n und lluihlln({ Adsoolotlon,\V . II. U«rii»ln>i>i«, «eoroinry. Mcota everylit M o n d n y I" Flrouion'a Hull .

Tenilo's Hank , W. U. Tllton onolilor.

LOOAL BUSINESS HOUSES,Advertlalng In the lUi'iinucun.

J. II. (Urton,ju»tlee.Jo>. I. Tnylor, imlnlor.J, H. Thaycr, monuincntg ,M. JolTor»,)r, ai lornny.11. O. Hindi, volorlniiry nur(joon.Ohno, WHO, l imit , Ju> loo.II O.MI A Hun, ur i i lor lnUer i ' .II N lUlnler, f iroaorlonI; l lovornno, notury pnlillnH a r r y I/ltilo, Imnlwnre anil furnltjiro.A Ii. I'atlon, hloyolen.€roncll'o IMmrninuy.II. A. Oonlnry, liloyolej,11. 1). Ar l l t i . inll l lnory, oto. .l luyt i Hon, |>iilillibori, pr lnterg.IIII 11, tlmri.ll.T, n l tornoy.JiOri 1'ruieli, Jr., un'lortalior.Wm. l luk . r , t l rmmlth .

JUtiort Hteel, J cwoler.'jVM(>fttl-A..Uoii, meat and proiluot

I<, W.0nn l«y , l iu rne i« ,(I. W. Vro««oy,Ju«lloo,Vf . ll.llorn»liuuim, notary, com. dtodnDr.J , A. W«n», donllt tJolin Mnriloo'i, "In'oa.<UvrM UUlun, dry £uo<t>,i!rooerl«a,alo.Jnodii Hohliar.ll, inant unit |iroduoe.Ohaa.OimulnHlinui,|iliyalolnnandilurKeon.J l l . l l inal l , li»lt«? ondonnfcd t lone rII. I, ,MoInt j t ro , ino«t nii'l |>r«duoe.Wm.I...UI«oU,dry (jondi, gruoerUa.oto.

The ladies o f St. . ^Cbu'ruh will Rive their second ellverencioliDt Xlie residenco ot DrMJoardmanReed, on Tbursday evcnin<? next, 27tb.A plensing programmo has beon arroog-ed. If stormy, will be beld the nextpleasaut evening. '

Tbo Lyceum, decided Mondayevening-tbat-U^S^Senatorajhould-ba.elected by tbe people, direct. The dia-coesioD bro't out many etrbng points oneither side; and tho preliminary studygivtjn to ihe aubject by the disputantswill be of lasting benefit to them. .

Working tHgtit and Day. ,The busiest and mightiest little thing

that ever was rondo is Dr. King's NewLife Pills- Those pills change weaknessinto strength, listle'ssriess into energy,brain-fair into mental power. They'rewonderful in building up the health.Only 25 ots per box. Bold by Crowe".

WANTED. Acllvo rann of good characterto. deliver nod collect In New Jersey

Ibroldesinbllsutd manufacturing wholesalehouse. HWOayeiir.surejmy. Honesty^raorothan experience required. Onr reference,any bant.ln any city. Enclcw) sel.'-uJdrefBedstnmped envelope. Mouulaclurtrs, 3icl floorSH Dearborn 81.. ChlcuKO. . . •



Ghas, Cunningham, M;D.Physician and Surgeon,

-W. Second St.. Hammonton. ---Office Hoars, "TtSOto 10:0(1 A.M.

1:00 U>8:OOand7:GOto9:OOp.M.

A-fullasBortment-of band and-machiD-—made,-9br-work or-driving.-

Trunks, Valises, Whips,Riding Saddles, Nets, etc.

Ea. W.Hammonton. N. J.

E J. DRAKEIs Ageut for '

The-BnigerSewing Machines .

Repairp,. And Supplies,

- -'.—Hamaionton, N.. J.^

Drop me a postal card, and I willcall at jour bouse.


Justice of the Peace,Hammont:on,~NrJ.

Offioo at Boaidence, Middle Road.

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance.—MONEY


Mortgage Loans.Correspondence) Bolloltod.

1815 Atlantic Avenue,Atlantic City., N. J

Matthew JeffersonAttorney-at-Law

N. E. cor. Third (vnq Mm hot fits.(New Jersey Trust Bulld'g)

Tolnpiiono 1)41. Civnnlcn, N.Attorney lor Iliuninoiitoii.

Ohas. WoodnuttJUSTICE of the PEAOE

(ClnlMlH c'.ollc'O.tcil.)

CommlBBionor of DoodaInHiiranoo & Ilonl Efltuto Agt.

Oflioo ut rcnldoncc. 4()f> Dollcvuo Avo.

of nil Itl iulH dono nt tlioI lKl 'Ul l l . ICAH OiriC

Lyford Beverage



fur Now JitmxlorH li ln I

I ' ttnnliiii vouoliora oxnnutail.

Ilfiminonton.N. J.

OTICK TO OIUCniTOHH.MallliU 0. <ln|fo, A i l i u l n l n l r n t r l x o f .

, dnoruaoil , liy i l l r cn lHMi nt l l i t Kur roK n ( o nt llio Ouimly of A l l u n l l o , l i r r« by Klvi-ni i l luc In Ihn orrdl lum of tl iv mild .liuimn 0.Ungo in l i t lnir In I h u l r «lnlm, i l i i imn<l» , mulnlnlinl ii|t»ln>t tlxi odulo of l i ln > u l < l d tnoi lxnt ,iniilar (mill, vfUMn nli-n nii inll i i frinn Ililiiluio. »r l l i»> wil l l>i> fitiavut l inirod »r liny• olliin llirmfiir mialnit unld nilmliilntrnlilx.

Datod July tlOHi, A .n . 1UOD.o. (Hint,

Ailmli i l i i rnUU.

-^ TV*." _> . Sea thot Mr. Edlaon'a signnturo la on every machine.t Cato- /v-<**> ' j"J|iosaea of an dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Fifth Ave., New York- -' — -- ?I*f|

: DR. E.-ffi- JONES,Originator of the celebrated Home*treatment for the cure of all-

Ohronic, Nervous and Wasting Diseases.' ' ' • . . ' • ' . . . '- ; ' ' • > • ' :".r"'r' . : . • : Y ' • . „ , 1 5

I challenge all forms of disease, acute or chronic. y

I treat on scientific principlea, Tvith selected medicines*-;-



iNO. fea

The above statement is open andfrank, without fear of contradiction.

I troat all forma of chronic diseases'successfully .that have baffled : skilledprofessors. No co-called "cure-alls,"'but remedies prepared 'for each Individ-ual case. A full 'statement of your caso

_. sent me by.mail v?Ill.rccmjre_pirompt and"ca'eful consideration and a<lvice sent ""vrat.ln on receipt of stamp. Office advice-FREE.

Hundreds of testimonials boar evi-dence of the good results obtained from


„ We are headquarteraJbr-12 guage loaded"Nitro Club" Shells. :

W. C.T.IT.Tho ladies have taken this upaco for onoyear, and fire responsible for ;all that Itway contain.

Who-wos to Blame P"A two dollar bill came into the

^bands of a relative of mine," writes alady in Boston, "which speaks volumeson the horrors of strong drink, or thetraffic in it. There was written, in redink, on the back of it, tho following:

'Wife, children, and over $40.000 allgone. Iaru aJoneTreeponsible." AlLhasgone down my throat. When I wastwenty-one I had a fortune. I am notyet thirty-flve years old. I have killedmy beautiful wife, who died of a broken

'BSS~,Geprge H. Parkhnrst Is spendinga few days with relatives in, Leonia,

' '

chronic disease;-" "•All coircopondi'nce is strictly private

and coufidential. No matter tlio diseaseor bow long standing, consult Philadel-phia's Eminent Specialist, '

1300 South Broad St., Phiiaua., Pa.' - • : - . . • - g..';



Raisins, Currants,and Citron

are now ju great— :—demand. We have a, full supply


—j •—«« . •—V»*M«. » A I W * ivuu vtneart; nave murdered ray children with.neglect. When, this -bill is .gone I donot know how I can get my next meal.I shall die a drunken pauper. - This Ismv last money, and my history. If thisbill comes into the bunds of any manwho drinks, let him take warning frommy lifo'ffrnin.' - - - & . .._

And he might well have added: Iit comes into the' hands' of any man

_• J5®~Mr. and Mra. Holdridge tookChristmas dinner .with her son. HaroldRogers, at Haddon Heights.

B®" The County Board of freeholders•will meet in Odd Fellows Hall, AtlanticCjty, next Wednesday, Jan. 2nd.

•BgyTbe programme of the'mnslcalefor New Year's night promises to bevery pleasing. Local artists will appear.

~A LARGE HOUSB,~on""BonoruBlA.venne~XX for solo, at a bargnln. Every conveni-ence. Farther Information can be had from

W. O.HOYT, Agent.

The PostOffio) will be open on

The Bank will be closed all dayon Tuesday.

Schedule in effect Oct. 2,1900DOWN TRAIHB. UE TRAINS.


4 80





8 15-4-38-823

4 484556 Oil _,

"~5~IG "D"05


9100 IK



0 ( 0COS0206286SS(TSJ«5970!)7 157217 SO

Ex. Ace.p.m. p.ln

4204:271 S74 4 14 S35\>B5115 18•6225275435576 11.1311 45'


2 C X21/7

2 4 4

1060105SII 1011 Iti11 20It Si-ll 4411 U t1157

120212 Ob


H 008078178 So

8-W9 01

•90S9 10917|

9 3(19 M



. .ColllDgB\VOO<]...M


BoJltn.....Atco „.

.-. ...\Vatcrford; _.Ancolo--........WlnelowJc.n'M)....Hammonlon-..:.. Ei«tK.d _„.„.

^EUg Harbor......... nAt'eccon«M...

Atlantic Cltr.....


8 S5 10 407-S2 8 STrlO 32


7307-S27 IS1 00* 11B 47 800

0 2< 7 436 187808 12 7 310 <W71!7600720




Ace-p. m. p.m

1 60 . ...-1-42 5- £71 3d1 231 UI On


123712 SO


420J'144-11'4 0.1. . ,.S 62 7 3J

127d IS


them at low prices.

—you are in the markeTfoiT

fwh"o~aoe8 not .drink, but who by hisvote justifies the drink traffic "for re-ward, let him remember that he is his

. (brother's keeper.

8205-Ureo szr7M51S-•7617 477 41 4 65

G 084 65 •tit119

7 06 t IT724119065405

DRIED FRUITrcall. Gur-PrufieT

and Peaches are especially fine

:Some nice Pickles are being)- •--- eold here at

' • " M : 6 cents per dozen.

"Voung people's SocietiesThis epano 1» devoted to the interests ol

-the Young PeopIesSopIetles of the vurlousChnrohcs, Special Items or Interest, undnnnouncements iiro solicited.

»T3lopronT7x>irnoUco to conductor or ngont^ror^^gnnh—^T^-rr^j-^irirrcirwamc'^n^nJVKrnnnirpfr- ~"~~- ~~-—~--~~ TO X\'ofJb. QpnM PnKH*r Act.

r. P. 8. C. E.,—Presbyteria'n Church :Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "The old and the new ; your

purposes.'.' Matt. 13: 61, 52;Luke 6: 35-39.3._J3.._E.1=BarjyBt Church:


DOWN TBAINS.Monday, Oct. 16,100O


tfund Sund bund Acp. m. •. nt &. m. pm. P.OJ. p.m p;in a.m.

5005126 196 !0640544SGd002008n isu ID025TS3fl/30017n w701

0 CO0 12




8 10 0 80 5 30 6 00 2 CO8 W U 42 6 42 6 10 2 la8 at (1 GO 5 61


0 15 7 810 210 23 7 62O.'ll

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I r tOfl1U 1010 20

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tioo( 128 10«27H 4 2H 4 A0601)01D 0->0 12» ID024rM0 4(10 4810001010


- Caoirtro utCollliig>»ood...

.....DnJilon Ilrlflil

, ....... H ...... .....Wllllnmitown Juno.......... Oditr Brook ....... .

Dlno Anchor ..........WIn»|nw Jnnc. (I'f »)..

Hammonton ....

bun bun r«.m. a.m. «. in. a. PI p. m. p.m a n* p.nr

T25 8-C5 W-tfi 10-280 13 8 440005 586 405M» 275216 175 1»5 07800

7 85

10001000062031108(1U 280'.'2017ti\'lSCOK 4 < j

-fr-Kt)832854H 1680S

10 IS

023(1 !7o <0,0 on!

•ft-26 0-M (H5 »«»-

4 (>S

44 0fl 10 Gfl fW65ft£406 SB6J86216 16S )00 14

8 (8 51»'8 48 5 418 l>9 6 49

4 63 0 00 8 044 4 8 ' -"-

4 :i4 s.(xi..%.:

4 14580


7-M7 44

827821 I _8 1(1 5 158 IS! 5 14

52J5195145 Iff_

7 60 6 024HSS-48li

7 CB 4 15.7 in 4 05.

8iiD(I«j night oxprOBi up Irnrci Allitntlc

W. 0. DK8LEIt.aon.8upt.

7:30, E«B lUilior T.-U, II«rajnonfon 8:11, reaching Tlilla. 0:00.

EDSON J. \VKEKH, Qoli.Puion

W. H.Bovusi&ouso

—Insurance-AgentNotary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.; ' Hammonton.

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co,

of Hammontoa. Furnishing

Rules cun be had on application.

The People's Hational Family Ktewspaperv



1'iilillnlioil MciniUy.WoilnoHduy and VT\*ilny, In In ronlltv aduo, Trc'lii nyory-ulb-

' o r - i l ny .Dul ly , u lv lugllm l u i o f t iiown onllfii ilny »i I n n u f l i o«<loi.i'cni'ir • «»> HI t l ioollmr tlifo. II onii 'Inlim nil l |n |>nr innlf, tnlgii niililo nuwawli lol i .i|i|i'iiri< In llioD u l l y Tri l l ium < > l lliouniiui i ln l ' , n'"i I'11'uuiillo i tni l K i i f u l K f i

r l i i r l im. olt'irrtp' h u l f *lonu l l l u i i i r i i i l i i u « il iu i i i n rn i iK l t< nm, !"•il iulrUI l i i r i i r i n i i t l on ,__ . - i iliulrUI liiriiriniitlon,Tn-weeldy j*.™ :r.oiini i i rul i iMi. lv^ nnilrn l l u l i l o niinimlitl un<l

TribuneHo((iilnr nilirorlp-

Hun |>lliH', (11.50 |'ury o u r ,

Wo fur.il.li H wi thllio llr|iiili||imn fin»J],or>m.r.





I'ulilUlioil Tbur«Jny(, .nml tiniiwrt) for nparly• I x l y .YOU™ In' uroryl>iirt iif iho Unltodritnton n» n, NuilonnlVuiiilly N«w(i»»per ofllio M((liri.i oUrl, forfn r ino ra i i iH l vlllogori).ll oonhilin nil (hoii innt |in|iorlnnt ([nno.nil nu»» nl' lli" DallyTrlMmo up tn hour ofK«ln|( tn {ji'oo, oun(( i l i :u l iur r i l ilo|inrt-mo lit nf llm hlgliclt

Ing ro'Hlli iK I'" ovoryliiiiinlinr nl l l io fnmllynl i t mul ymniir, lunr-lint ro|i»rl> nliloli i>>oni'oo|iiod na iiutliorltjliy f i irmtira unii ooun- ttry niurnliiiiiu, nnil lanloni), »|i lo il»t», In- 'loromlng nnd Initruo-llvo, , i

llimiilnr nnbiorl|>.lion, jl i or year

Wo Inrnluh II «llh(lie Hoimlillimn foifl.'JJ |ior yonr.

Undertakerand Embalmer

Twollta St.. botwbon railroads.

Hammonton, N. J.( All nrranKomcntB for burials mndo

and carefully oxocutod.

SH.OEJSTAlways a Good Stock

Best X6hoo» made to Order ie my

Specialty, nnd fullnatiBfaotion iu guaranteed.

. Repairing done.

"MeetsTopic, "The Old and tho new ; your

purposes." Matt. 13; 51, 52,Luke 6: 30-39. Lender, G. N.

- Lyman. (Consecration)Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 3:00:

Topic, .IWhat now thlnga.do you. want to put "into the now year ?"

\ 30-39. Leader, Leon Mart.Epworth League,—M. E. Church :

Meets Sunday evening, at 0:30.Topic, -'The old and tho now; your

purposes." Luke 6: 80-89;i'ear'a

2IeK_Y£ar-'aDay-from aoven to ten -inthe mornim?, and five^to six in theevening.

SSf Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rogers,, oScullvillo, .are spending tbe_ holidayvacation with his mother; Mrs. N. CHoldridge.

_ Millions Given Away.It is certainly gratifying to tho public

to know of one concern which is notafTnd *°.be «eDerous. The proprietorsof Dr. King's New Discovery for con-sumption, coughs and colds, have civonaway over ten miliion trial bottles andhave the satisfaction of knowing it hascured thousands of hopeless oase».Asthma, bronchitis, lajcrippe and allthroat, chest and Innc diseases a-o sure-ly cured by tt.._Call at Crowell's Phar^maoy, and get a free trial bottle. Reg-ular size 50c. and $1.00.' Every bottleguaranteed. .-

We are better equipped— "thnnjever to do your

tlie Singer Sewina Machine business inDoylestown, Pa., beinc: transferred fromNorristown.

.POR.SALE i $3 fora big two-horselon_—j—^ .m.i. in . r - l l - i n |ri nret?^tmlrl>-fcUt

Jueavo orders with JiL. O'Donnoll.JOHN BIZZOTTE-

CSS" Hunting-season for the'followingcloses next Monday: hare, rabbit,

_quail. soipe. partridge, grouse, pheasant

Y. P. O. U.,—UnivorBiUist Church:Meets Sunday evening, at 7:00.Topic, "Rolroapcctlpn. What the

Union has beon to mo during thoyear. Individual testimonies. Ro-HfiiouB reviowof tho year."

A cordial invitation is extended to allto attend tho&a nicotines.

lirTd squirrels.5®- Topics of the Pastor's sermons

io-morrow, at the Baptist Church:Morning, "The true incentive." Eve-ning, "A ouce-told. tale."

THREE LOTSJn one for sale. 151 x 161ft. - >, c>'r.-.Th Ir<l _Gj«U>raH-Sl8.. Hainmonton.A. flne location, for a reslttpntfo. A bnrealnfor some one. A<ldrcK» C. M. COOK. M.D

1052 Myrtle Ave., Baltimore, Md

8S?° Mr. McDonnell, Supt. of the In-sane Asylum and. Almhhou'O, who wasseriously injured a fpw weeks ago, isstill unable to leave his room.

JGSS- The Ladies' Aid Society will to-d.ny..(Satnrday)sell out-their remainingstock of Christmas goods at. greatlyreduced prices, some at half.

FOn SALK. Lot on Third Street, 62s 150feet, with untlnlslied hobno. Price S150

Inquire of J. A. Kobtnsou or J. B Small

Now comes the time for

Coughs and Colds.Syrup Tar, Wild Cherry

having, made extensive addi-tions to our'material.

:TRY us:with an order foF " .Bill Heads, Envelopes,

Letter or Note Heads,

positively cures.-

BrUSheS of any Hidcome and see us.

"We recommend •

Business or Name: Cards,Book or Pamphlet WorkT" T

Cards, Posters, Dodgers^,or anything in the printing

T^ ~——. .._..-:—-.::..-'..---. - - ••• . . —_~^_line.

Qpinine and CantharidesHair Tonic, also-

Printers of the Republicanand The Echo.

206-8 Bellevue Ave.- Hammonton,

Phone 6-8N. J.

Quinine.and Grape Sapfor-the^Hair.

Stationery^Box Papers a' Specialty.

Photographic Supplies.


Prescriptions receive our care-ful and prompt attention.

CrowelFs PharmacyHave you paid yom,Subscription?


Justice of the Peace,Hammonton, N. J.

Oflioo ut Residence, Middle Iload.

JOS. 1.

S&- Subjects to-morrow at the M. E.Church: Morning, "Prayer for thenow^^r''TEv^iSg7'"iVVBonrfofear.''Seats free—good siting—all welcome.

SSF An executive mooting of theCounty \V. C. T. U. will bo hold at thohome of Mrs. E. M. B. Tllton, thoCounty President, on Friday next, Jan.4th, at 10:80 a. m.

ITVm HUNT. Four ' bouses, In nrflt-olusaonlor.— ono Ifl.roomcil nt Jia por mouth •

tliron »lx-room(!d. with front porches, at Slipur mouth. Apiilv to ' c

ll. HllOUltDa. Qrnpo St.



GEO. W. PBESSJEY,HQminonton, W.J.,

Jiiatloo of tho Ptiaoo,Ofllco.BooondnndQherrvUto,

House, $ign,CaniagePAIHTER ^

Dealer in Pain to, Oils,and VnrniohoH.

I Imvo n largo ntoolc of

John T. French'sPure Oil Paintn,

which I guiirnntoo (o l>o1 tlio boat |)iilnt uvor auld.

Boooml und I'louunnt Htroots,


Kli H. Oliandlev7Attorney&Counselor

Law,Atlit/. Dulldliift, Hiiiniiumton,

lloomn 2IJ-a7 Hoiil K»t; & I,ftw ll'ldVAtlantlo Ulty.

Oniolol Town Attornoy.Iu Iliuniiioutoii «v«irj' l''rl<luyI'rnolloo In nil Oourta of thn Htuto.

Money for flrot tnortflnge loiwia

At the closlna hour of tho nine-teenth century, — 12 o'clock Mondaynight, there will bo high mass In St.

"JuacprpH Church'; alao, lUutm ut lU:iiOTon Ntiw Year's morning.

Michael linger died last wooltat his homo in Polsom, ngod 82 i years.Hii wnu one of tho pioneers in this sec-tion, taking up tho farm where ho died,In IRdO. Funnrnl act-vices wore hold Inthu I.iilhurno Church on Sunday.

J ADIKH, (lli'iin your IChl Olovfb wl lb I,nJ Hi i l l i i ( l lnvu (Hri tui t r , fur milu only by \v.

1. Hindi, h r i t i l< ] i in r ln rn fur I t l i l Kl ' ivnn, Inilri-miril n t i i l uiii ln<ii««il , All tlio unw uhmlon,

B6T Ono day thlu wuck u ntrun^ironllud nt Fulnhurg'n clothing etoro, andbought corliiln goodn, ttuiditrlng in pay-uiniit u chuck on iho 1'uoploit Hunk,

Dunlnl Dullard, llo ondoraodthis "J l u r r y Liunlxirl," mid nioiilvud hiitnhiinu;(i. W. I>. lllnnk rnnlitid thin chock,but on ofTurlng It for d«poRlt wun told by

Tllton Unit tho nlgiiiituro wan.lotibtlul. Mr. llulliml (locliiniil It to tina lortory. Tlui HIIIIIU mini piirflhunud npulr of iiliooo »t Munlooh'H, paid lortliuin with an oxnutly nlmlliir uhook,niuno amount, und rooolvdil thu chango.Thin W U H nlno u woll uxtuiutcd lormiry.No oiui liy thn mutui of I,iiu\lmrt Inknown burn, und tho miffif' ban d'tilnlii.poiund. Wu do not know that any ntopnImvn buun tiilcon to llnd him.

Carriage & WagonBUILDER.

.Second St., near_Pleasant,Hammonton. ~'":

Give me your order for a• Buggy, Surrey,

Phaeton,Eoad-Wagon;- or-Farm

Are you interested in Monu-mental'' work ? If so, please

consider the merits of ---------White Bronze,

Something bettor in every way than tho

Horse-Shoeing.On account of a recent reduc-

tion in the price of iron, Iwill hereafter shoe your " ~~horses at the old prices—

4 New Shoesfor $1.00, cask

ConfectionerjrOnly the choicest.

lonfl expensive. Don't buy aMonument, Iloadstono, or Marker

until you aoo our dosigus and prlooD.

J. S» THAYER. Agent,at his Dlcyclo Storo,

Next to Peoples Banlc. ITammonton.Bloyolo SuivlrloH and Repairing.


Funeral DirectorsAll hi iHincMH in their linopromptly and uaroiully

attundltd to.

Embalmin*' a SpnoialtyOffice and Kuaidonco,

iJ08 Peach Stroot,-5 Hammonton.

Bread & Cakes-

Always the heal

J, B, SMALL,Cor. Second and Belloyue,

1 Hammonton. <

WANTICl). Ant lvn limn oruooil ohurunlnrto i ln l lvor mill (mllunt In Now Jninny

forult l rHlii l i l l i l iuil ini t i i i ifunli irhiK wlmlcuulolinnitn. twxift yonr.'iiiirnpiiy. llmu'iily nioratliftn <»|i»rl«»nii rfaiihri l . <)«r riir<irini«oliny liiiuli in nnynl iy . ICnolonnmilf.nili|r«nn« (f

Votorinary SurgeonIfliaAtlnntlo ATOUUO


Send all ordorii to tho <lHop^l)l^oan," JIanamonton, N. J.

"i1."".1""1. ''"V"1''!'';;."'*11""!' * "™! ^1!!1!"!)"! j Will onatroT talophoiio oallaft»jWlioro In tho f—•-

. iuaiUuarburu Nt,,Ulil«iti|u.

Oil Stoves


WILLIAM BAKEB^No. 2fi Third Street,


•* -W T - . * " f i. ' Z, r •* " £•"•'' «*f ^ »' ^ * M W W - r -* ^^ Vf ^ " *-* •""- <"" -«-''•', -* ,***>* •••- , "**,** 1, *> TM. ^ .*** J V ***•<* J -*W »• -


The theater vras (all, It -was Chrlstmainight, '

And Dorkins was going to playA character now to himself and the stage

He'd trod for so many a day. .By eight the theater was perfectly jam-

- med,' All waiting a pleasant surprise, ,•

Jto, they-knew-thnt.they'd laugh-till thcii—- gides •would" aclie; ' - — .-

And they longed for the curtain to rise.-9!he curtain arose, the play .soon began,

And eagerly watched 'each eyeFor Dorkins to make his first .entrance,

and thenTo give 'him a cheerful hi^hi!

At length he appeared amid loud-ap-plause.

But something was wrong, T could see,Why "Dotklns IB playing quite badly to-

night," - ...The people'sald.'isitting "round, me, ,..

Aylilss! Yes, it was, I saw Dorkins start,As If stong by a serpent's fang.

And'cost a beseeching look aroundWhile his head on his breast he did

hang, ."He's drunkr^jBomejjne said, and I

thought so myself, ." For to-nre it wns-painful-at-timesTo see how he'd struggle along with hl3

part, . . _ . • _ . _And constantly stick in his lines.

At length to'the footlights he slowly np-'proached, —•

And "Ladies and gentlemen," said,"If I have not pleased you to-night, my

_dear friends,.. a . . -The fault's not the heart, but the head.

There's many a time I've made yon all

. . . . 111-1 couldjicarcely .well stand,When eypry rrmmpnt wnn.pnln tn mp, yoa!

If even I'd raise but my hand.You've hissed me to-night, and think that

I'm drunk,"From his heart came a sob and a moan,

"ni tell you the reason, I know youwon't-laugh,—

I've-a little one dying-at home."—Bobby Newcomb.

dent young Carpenter, -Walter Bran'don." -

"Please, grandmother, lot mo have alight,1' said Leonora, who trembled atthe thought of 'spending, that night indarkness. . . . . . . . .

"A light!" screamed Dame Ursula,astonished at. such extravagance,"away with you; you •will be asking forsomething- more- to -cat inext,'.'—' _ ------ :

That night as the clock in-the 1ml.struck 2 the dam* was aroused froma golden dream by~a sharp pain in'hcjneck and a loud oath. .

Springing from her bed1, she shriekedfor help, and, pursued by the assassin,•rushed Into the hall. She^ gained -.pdistant room In. time to lock herself TaAt this Instant her horrors were aug-mented by the report of a pistol, Imme-diately 'followed by a shrill scream:and then by another pistol shot, andere.theecho had died away the assas-sin, burst the old door from its hlngeiand was In the room. The horror th«dame endured as she crouched againalthe wall, praying that the darknessmight shield her, curdled her blood inher veins. .But suddenly the assassinsprung^aJlBbt.'^ At the .6lght__oOhisman, Instead of crouching in fear orscreaming with terror, the damesprang to her feet, saying: •! "So It Is you, John Bond, who havereturned to murder your wife— cu»v=-



Something that Will Interest the Jo<. .Tenlltf Mec»ber» of B-rery Household

-Quaint Action* and Brlaht Bnyinc*of Many Cute and Cunning Children.

A long time ago, oh, a long time ago.Things were very • much different from

nowadays, you know. ' . - 'The frog, 'stead of hopping, with

Bailed-the air;The lark, on four legs.-waddled here, am>

bled there;The dog, too, had wings, and the horse

had a horn, . ;And weat by the very 'queer name, uni-

corn; . .... .And ail things were jumbled and mixed

' n p just so— . - ' • - .But that was A long time ago, you know,

A very long time ago.

The birds and the beasts held a mid-sum-mer fair, 1nll._KereJnvlted_ond_sp all^.w«ithere;' '

And while there In session, to a queer-minded bird

A notion quite novel and striking oc-curred—— ,

"Hag!" hissed the old man— yet lit(was much younger than she, "do you•think because the devil .'.lets ..you. liveeo long that you are to live forever'iJTell me where you have hidden /yo'uihoards, and those of your. flpsrtiuirj>and, whonui.ll men say you poisonedto marry John Bond."• "To tell you, I. must leave this room,"eald Ursula, as' her corpse-like "visagegrew livid with hate and despair.

"Whither, treacherous hag?"

> EARLY fifty years ago. In the[city of New York, not far from'•what to now called the Battery,

-there stood a. square -and gloomy.look--tag ediflce of stone, then occupied byon old dame, Ursula Bond. The house•was rapidly crumbling to- decay withage and want of proper care.

Ursula Bond dwelt there In grim•loneliness, forcing the beautiful andartless Leonora, only child of her de-ceased dnnghtor, to Ilve-.wlth her,- andto do all those menial tasks for the per-formaijcp of which all others wouldnave demanded money.

Leonora was In her seventeenth year,•when, one evening In June as she look-ed from the door ere she should; barbolt arid lock it for the night, a frijnkAnd manly voice called out from a near

—heap-of-old-poard8;"WheTO*~the~ownerof the voice had been watching formore than an hour:

"Leo!""Hist!" whispered the maiden. "Is

It you, Walter?""Is the coast all clear?'.' was the're-

ply as a tall and handsome youth of22 yearn showed his activity by gain-ing tbo side of the maiden by a boundthat cleared fully ton feet.

"It Is lucky for'you, dear Walter,"~ eald the maiden," "that Dame Ursula isnot In hearing, or that bold pat« ofttijno would be greeted with a taste ofher staff." .

"Tliflt for her staff!" aald Walter, qa

and stepplng-boldly by him, nlie wenton along the hall, lighted by -the thief1!-lantern, which he carried.."If I suspect treachery— if you- crj

for help— I will shoot you dead, Ur-flrjl<^T*onA!!_Uraula le<L the way.

"Lift that trap, John Bond," saidshe, pointing to a heavy iron ring Im-bedded in the floor.

Ursula grasped the ring with bothhands and strove to raise It, till, grow-ing impatient, he grasped It himselfand. raised a-trap .door aboiitrtbreejteet.

To trade some appendage for that ofsome frieifd '- .

Might prove a great blessing to all in th<end.

Some very great changes thus came.aboulEO— -

But (hat was a- long time ago, yon know,

tween the wheels, being attached to theaxle with n heavy base.

Further devices for. toy purposes taxkaleidoscope boxes, with glass tops fill-ed like cupboards, with various house-hold utensils In miniature, and ^bag*with shot for tossing.

The Apple of Faith.The teacher was trying to cornmunl-

~cate~to" the "Juvenile -class-an^ldearojroith, and to better illustrate it she heli

and said: — • ' ' • • - - — -

_ . "If r were to tell you thcfe are hoseeds In this apple you would believeme without further proof, would you

""YesT ma'am." answered the Class Inchorus.

"Well, that is fa|th," said the teacher.The next day. In order to test their

recollection of-the lesson, she asked:"Who can tell W what faith Is?""I can," promptly, answered" a small

urchin. "It's an apple what ain't gotno seeds In."

1 he One to Complain.HIggins—That dog of yours Is making

night, hideous right along. The nelghr

bors are all up In armiTabout him;Wiggins—I don't blame them,, but If

it Is bad for them it is worst for me.The brute keeps me awake as w«Un£any of them, nna i nave to reed tnedog and pay for his license besides." Ithink I ought to be the one to complainIf anybody Is.—Boston. Transcript.

on tlie Hay Slot*.A teacher In civil government had told


The horse got a mane and the cow gotsome horns .

(But she had to strike trades with twounicorns),

The -lark lost two legs, but through thtnir could now sail.

State of Massachusetts takes a census.(Little James, who is -an attentivescholar, upon being called up 19 recite,said: _ _ - - . . - . .

"Once in every ten years Massachu-setts comes to its senses."—New York-Tribune. - • • •

wings and his tall.The dog ceased to fly, bat be got him a

barkTo scare off the things that come round

In the dark,And the changes thus made suited all,

blgh-and-low— -Bat that was a long time ago, you know,

A very long time ago.

Perhaps you .imagine this story's not true,But this is the way I can prove it to you:When ft tadpole grows up to a frog, to

• this dayj _nx. M. He takes off fiistairand-throws-ft-Bway.

square. As he staggered with the Xnd nothing is surer to both yon and m«weight Ursula fell against him and he —fell headlong into the aperture, but ashe fell he let .fall his lantern and withhis left band grasped the edge of thetrap. Ursula, ferocious with hate,stamped upon the clinging fingers, and,as_het feet _Yrere.Jbn.re,. making no im-pression upon the desperate clutch, sheheaved at the trap door and let It fallupon the assassin's hand. Dame Ur-sula fell with a bullet in her brainacross the trap.

The assassin fell to the bottom of a.deep and narrow cellar, damp and dis-mal, and made more horrible by the

Tays shed-by hlfrlaaitern;—The tide-wanrising In the bay—already the waterwas trickling through the stones ofthe foundation.

While Bon-d entered'the house fromthe front, his accomplice, a brutalwretch from France, had Ruined nnoiseless entrance from the rear. HadWalter been nt his post this would nothave happened, but poor Leonora, lior-rllled nt the thought of what mighthappen to her lover, bad nought himluBtend of her .couch.

Not until the sudden flash from theFrench burglar's lantern streamedacross the room did Walter reim-mber

-Keif-Imposed olilce, and as behe snapped his lingers, "llut where Instot"

"Wrltlnjj In the back bedroom."('Ah, a'ddlng.up her gnliw, the old

erose, mean^—""Wnlterl Honicnibcr nho la my (fraud-

mother.""I only wlwli »ho was mine," mild

Walter. "And If nho HVCH IOUK ciiouirh•he will be, won't she?"

"If you behove yourHClf," replle<lIxM>nora, pretending to rcfilno thu klrmhe gave. "Hut'why have you torturedyourrwlf?"

"Ily lK)iirilliiK HO near you, eh?" wililWnlti'r. "HecniiHt; you must lot me re-main In tho liottHu all nlRlit. Thlu morn-Ing IIH I wan (,'oli'K to my work I JIIIHH-Od lliu ojM'ii window of an nle nhop nullI heard a Hti-niiK" voice inenlloii youi'lutme. The volcen In the nlo uhop WITHDVeiiklnK In Frt-iieli, which you knowI havo learned by nlif l i t ntudy. Well,I lienrd ('iionirh t<> tell m<> tha t the•trniiKiTM—then) woro two of tl iem—Inteixl to pay Damu Ili-Hiila a v ln i t

• uoini) ' t lmo between nildnlK'i l nullduwii, mid for no (food piir | i im<>, Holii'ri' I am !<> net IIH your defender,"

"Hut you Hlioii ld have told the, po-lice."

"l l i i l i l for l l iu iiollrul" mild Wallerliraiiiloii. "Am I not a i i ialeh for tw"ini'ii who Hpealc bad l' 'ri-iicliV"

"Hut, my dear Waller—"Hut Wallei' hud vanlHl in i l Into t lu i

limuiii mid vauliilieil IIH q i l lc l i ly an millof t h ime l ia lH hi> h n i l ine i i l lo i ie i l ,

l,eim<ira wan In limit pe rp lex i ty , ' ye lan tilni had lioundli ' im f i i l l h I I I t he ilhi-ci'dInn of her lover H | I I I lian-eil t l n < diioi'lllld liiiiileneil lo liei' Kniiidmolliei ' .

"You've been vi-i-j lnn/{ In In i r r ln i ; l l m(tool'," imlii I l n > old woman, IIH idm elim-cd her l iUKit I<'<I|('T, which wnu lo herwhat u I t lh lo Hli i inld Imvi i heen. "1tll'iUl»llt 1 hriu-d ( I I I ! voice of IhnI . llnpll-

HprailK to Ida fw't thu liurular, turningto Ily, wnn uliol through the liuigs. Ihitan- he fell lit' returned tho Bliot, aiitlWalter, with tile thought that lil« skullWIIH crushiMl, foil rienseloHH, Poor IA-O-n»ra had already BWOOIUK!.

When Walter reRiilnc<l II!H HOIIHCH, hefound bin Hweethenrt wceplnu andchafing lilH liaiidH, and he wnu delight-«M! to dim-over that the rolilwr'H bulletliiul only ntiiniied him. Tho burglarwaa.deitd.

Not H|X nionllm from thnt night Wal-ter beeanio the luiHlmml of tho wealthyI^eononi, who W«H nolo heli 'OHHOf DanioIlrHii ln 'H wonltji, much of which In golilWIIH found Hocrotfil alx>nt (lie maiiHloii.Tho y«tnr following, IIH Wnltor WIIH dl-rcclliiK llio oxeaviitloim for n HOW edl-llco whiM'o t l io old one bad Htoixl , l i lhworkmen tllHt'Overed u Ini i tern aminear It u human skeleton.-OleveliuulI'lilln Donler.

Than that frogs have no wings and cnn'l Ifly, so, you see,

All that makes it plain that they'trailed,you know.

At the ^bird-and-benst fair a long timeago,

A very long time ago.—Chicago Record. -~

His Only PIHrf.—"A-pretty-lot-of-children-you are-fota minister to have," exclfllined a pastorwhose children were misbehaving atthe dinner table.-,

"Then why don't you change yourbusiness, papaK'T~aslfed T4£yeair-old~Net"lie.

Tommr'n Kennon."Tommy," sold his uncle, "can ' you

tell me why the enemies of poor St.Sebastian shot hlm^ull of arrows?"i'l reckon-.'cauee^they-djdn't-^ttye ;nrr

SUBS," replied Tommy.

Amusement for Yonnc Folki.A piece of glass Is supported between

Lwo books by being placed beneath thecovers, nnd underneath It are put littlefigures cut from tissue paper. If thegloss be now rubbed with a piece of


flannel the electricity generated willen i we the figures to rise and fall, us IfIn the act of dancing.

If cut out, the live pieces here shownmay be formed Into a largo square, andthis square may again be made Into

White and Dark Blent.The belief Jhat white meats are more

suitable for the sick owing to greaterdigestibility nnd the presence of lessuric add and "nitrogenous extractives.ls_jB)inkep_by_an analysis made _by_prominent medical men which shows"that while white nieats such as poul-try and fish do In certain cases, as fishand fresh venison—contain less ex-tractive nnd nitrogenous derivatives,the average amount .does not appre-ciably differ In dark nnd white mcatusuch ns poultry, veal, beef, pork, mut-toh.i and^"o~onT~to~nirik~e~oltlicir prefer^able. The only "way of limiting the In-tention of these deleterious extractiveand nitrogenous substances IH by di-minishing the amount of meat taken,rnther than by forbidding dark meats.1'licy nl»(> nKKprtod that among UK? ex-tractives present In meat the inont Im-portant OUCH ore by no inonnH harmful,If taken In small quantities IIH Is ordi-narily done. The name holds good anregards the other organic extractivesivtilch are nitrogenous. •


Raei'a Horn Botmda a Warnlns Hot*to the Unredeemed.

bo content withIs to have less

discontent.K A very little childmay open a. verylarge' doog • Intoheaven. ~* ~~

It is poor, relig-ious exercise bal-ancing on one footon the edge of sin.

The modesty offriio wArfh iq only

- **.$


-equalled -by—the-worth of -true modesty.

A blank cartridge will make the mostnoise. " - . . ' '

It needs no courage .to choose evil Inthe face-of good. ' .

Fidelity to jold truths demands hds-Ipltallty to new ones. , .''If you would escape all censure, do

not walk with Christ.- When__you_opeiLXOur^heart to luBthlove will leave your life. ....- .:....__ _

Not man, .but the Christ-man, Is thecrowning1-work of creation.

A man's wealth may be rr)enfiyirod hyIs capacities, not by his coin.Modern murmnrers are bitten with

the flery serpents of their own tongues.There Is only one single step from

the level rock over the precipice ofruin; - -


Th,Philadelphia, Now York and BoatoTieyor: experience, suoh a thing as un, profitable business but on tho contrary. .they are described in the Ian

• .ipiage of the street as "regular mints.'llr...KcIth has not only been a ploneeIn ^purifying vaudeville—for his good

i 'example has been generally followed•atnce.lt proved to be good-pollcy^-bu•he hns. wrought a revolution in the•vaudeville buslntea, •• tho Intellectuatone of this branch of "amusements hasoeen elevated beyond what-would hav

i ' t>eqn:''doomed."possible In the days,of— vapid— vulgarity --a- ozerr-years ago

The uniform excellence of Keith's shows, la too well recognized to need mention

~~~^he^brat~pro6r7ff~publlc conndence iathat the aale of admission had to be

•stopped at timen. The. Boston theatre,, which Mr. Keith built a few years ago,i is one of the chow places of the town.

Edward Evcrott -Hale was among thoaowho wrote aescriDing Ita beauty In en-thualQBtlc terms, whea It wns opened."The best people" frequent Keith's

theatres In • Philadelphia. Boston nnd' l> "Yorloand they went there a loner

time iK-fore they 'ventured to samplethe hospitality of other vaudevillefcouaes. ' '

; ' THE I-OtTNGER,n.The Philadelphia Press.

Hunr]reds of people from this townwill be among the holiday crowds atthe house, Keith's being: Philadelphia'smoat popular theatre.

' -_ • • '.'_ &bte Notjce l_.It."My buBband/ls wonderfully^ Indul-

gent" ."Yes, I noticed it at drnner."""":

A Weddlna Tonr.When William 0. Whitney, (tales-

man, millionaire, and-former Secretaryof the Navy, was married .to MissPayne, of Cleveland, the couple agreedto act like "old married folk" on thatwedding Journey, and not give them-selves away to their fellow passengers^The train •topped at-several stationsbefore reaching Buffalo, and at one ofthem a newly married country couplecume aboard, after being pelted to thevery idoors-pf the car with showers ofrice by a throng of laughing Mends.Alt-this did not embarrass themTin "thcreast. They merely looked supremelynappy, and then, as the train pulled out;iroceeded to bill and coo unreatraln-dly.

UPRIGHTStraight and strong Is thestatue when thotwlita and

curvatures of

~- A Drawback to Amity.Judge—Well, Mrs. Jopps, what fan

tove you to find with your husband?Airs.' Jopps—Xow,' Jedge, it's thl

way: He's awful good an' kind, bu.he's so pesky uuflnanshul.

Hie Rule of Action.

solve the problem of getting people Into , wethe church;

When we think, to thank God for ourpleasures It will be easier to bless Himfor our burdens.

If men put more sense Into* their sa-midjiervlc'tf the worldrwould-put~uiore-falth In their sanctity."Tris mockery t(TprajrthHt"your-chll—dren may be gathered home in eternitywhile you do nothing to keep them athome In time. .

- her husband,"the Gllklnson's call.".. .__..;._'."

"I have no .Intention of returning it,1

anld Mr., Bickers. '"Why-not?""Because I believe In returning good

tor evil."

On Their Shield*,One Father—My sop has been wound

od four times In the


Incident In . the Career of a NotedLiterary Clermrman. .

Kev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, whose"Becollectlons • of a Missionary In the

A Homo for florae*,With n «errao of tint d«»l>t wo owo to

lu'U'llgtrnt mul patient iKn-vnu<«,ICngland Iinfl lod MM- way In iwlubllHh-tng n honiiltnl for Invalid and ngodIKH-WM, wlioro th«i l<«n opulent nmoiiglioriM'-owiMirB mny glvo their old fnvor-llc.'i a penoefiil a u t u m n to (hr lr Indi iH-tr lnini 11 veil, iinit'whori) tlio [Hwr iiian'Hlii'imt l« provliU'd w i th rent, cai-e middnetorliiK to I n l i i K him nil comfortablyan mny IHI l l i rmiKl i tlio nl l iucnl i i oflioi-HolloHh nlid Head him baek to Hie

Hound and well.

wn.r. FOIIM TWOtwo olhorH. A good plan to ninko thopnper thick onongli to avoid bonding Uto piiHlt) them nil togothttr on a piece olcardlKinrd lieforn cutting them out

Clover Jai>une«e Toy*.Tlum*'nro no,pc<ipU) In tho world 04

fond of toyn IIH tho Jiipiiii«'»o, but th«pretty ti-lflofi give ln.Mtniotlon an well inHiminement to I hone who piny withthem. One nort of playing eiiiiln haveprinted upon them KK) Hernpn of cliiH»l-

il poetry, by whloh tho nidlmcntH ofthe art of vei'Hllloatloii urn oxpectod to) > < • l iK'iilcatotl. Anothor not IH of iniliinil l i lntory cnrdH, to give liml motion InIho nimioH and f i>ni iH of i inl inalH; and t)l<, onltnatlon ctnwnony ofH t H I nuothor hi ifipnolnlly Intruded fin , (pr|e«t) of which ho wan a wltnouu: "Onglrhi, afford* exnmploH of woinon wild Ult) appointed day the frleiidii nnd I I I -

IMM-II eelehntlod for t l iolr vir tue)nohlo innill t loH, Ho fur. IIH bolli

topn nnd lilten aro eoiiforned, tho yoniifl , 'j<)lu Bct of coiiHeerntlon lioglmi w i t h theAniei-li 'iin or ICnrnpcan IH nn Ignoramus j l>tmovnl of nil tlio hnlr from tho lieatl

l»y n rlono Hhnvo. Theii MH Iho

Tho man who doi'M wnniK I n l e i i l l n n -ally alwnyii plami an cxe i iHi t I'm- diilni!II. In Mi lv i i i i c r .

An eilncali 'd fool l» more I'linllidi I h n nan Ignorant ono.

it" a man iloi'H l i l H i l n i y ID l i l i ime l f hidooH t l ln t l i i lv lo all H i t win-Ill .

Cleverly Imitated.Directly anything In-comes a public

need or fad, It Is Imitated or ndtilter--rtcdr— Wlrhtu- a tv.» yi'iun lliu curtmr»nd blniikota or the Iiullnns. c»pfdnllythe Navnjo ' tr lbvH, have l)wn inuc'lilouifbt after by fhose who fu rn lHl i nrl ln-tlcnlly or value u souvenir of the dis-appearing race. Tho blnnketn linve\wen enpeclnlly notiRht lifter n« tlic

colorn an<l pnttcrim are whatbo called barbarlnally artistic

and the coIoi-H and material ant luHllng,that l«, they were. Tbo Niivnjo linnlearned to client; his tribe owim n mil-lion Nlicvp and limtcml of uulng thlH Inthe miinufneturi) of I lie MnnketH1 Hinthave iM'comii fiinioiiB It In sold and thoIllnmy <icf iui iu l«nvn liouglit r»r liiimu\vrnvlng. In tlui Hiumi'wny tint oltl «'H-iliirliilC veKDtiilile <!>'«•» urn l icl i iK r«-(ilno-il by tb« nimll iui dycn of com-ineri-e. Tlii> r<Ml mini wi l l Hnd lli« m»r-k«t for lilH blznmt loom proilurlH dwln-il l l i iK If oiico tho coiilliU-iiwi In l lu t l r

A inlanlonnry In .China Hum deHcrll)enn boiizt'

iiuilvltud Kiionti DJiHOinblu In tbowhcro tlu> coremouy In to tnko plnee

i-iiin|)Hi-cil with lilti Oriental r ival .A I I I I I I I K lie liablcn' IIIJ-H In

Hin t fi ' i ' i l ii from a bowl \vlicii n l l t l l t 1

l i i i i i i l i i id Hpr l i iK In loiH'I'wl, l<i\vm-liiK l i l «liciiil mill luili! lu l l In niillo n lirdll lci1

i i iuiuicr. Aini l lu-r IH n n i i i i i l l cyllililt 'i ' ,Into which ono Mown . HirmiKli twoi i tnn l l n-i'ii t i ih i 'M, Ih rno l in l ln of p l l l i |H>-luic lu'l>l l ioli l i l im III n I ' ll "f n I'liuo ovi'itho cylinder by tl io lirciitli , whllo n enlIn nun of I lie t u l i c N iinnliiccii a nhr l l lwli lnl lc . Ani i l l i e r In u I t t t ln mini, \vlniIn i ini i l i t l < i Jump up n loim "Hi'lf by nbninl i iMi Hj i r l i iK, i i i i d ' H l l l l nwHIior l« n

ucntU'iiuiii, who rkliii ulonu bo

• ' ; J

riirrmoiiy proKroHHcn, l l t t lo hallii mado ofHii lpl iur , Ki'i'iim) and IneeliHo nro |ilaeedupon l lui heiiil and no I'liHleiied IIH not loroll olt, At tho proper moment l lm H I I -j ierlor completoii llm art of ooii«oera-l ion hy r io t t l i i j t Urn ' . to t in -no l i a l l i i , Tin-

rorlilddell e l lher Iniolr I n i r i i l i i K l ieadu,

Homo of I ho poor wrelelieii mi(Toi' I h l i il o r l i i ro j i lo lcal ly , Invol i l i ig Hndi l l i a ,whl lo I l i c major i ty add (holr tnri-lli l i ;Hhr l e l iH of pain to llio l iorrlhll t Hinoll of


_ . .ceived, has overlooked one Incident inhis career that 'at the time made himthe most-talked-of man In Denver. Itoccurred a decade or more ago, buforeMr. Brady's, literary efforts hud madebis name so generally known as It Isat present. He was then the rector ofone of Denver's fashionable churches.OertaiB-of-the-young-lndlcs of-bl»-con»- ...gregatlon, in ; the interest of raising-.funds for some pious purpose, hit uponthe plan of presenting a comic opera.The exigencies of lt« presentation ne-cessitated a most noticeable shorteningof the skirts ot the ladles of the chorus.Their devotion to the cause enabled -them-to b«ar-up undor-that-ordcat=and —for some of them It was an ordeal Inmore senses than one— nnd after elab-orate preparations and rehearsals In-numerable the piece was produced Inono of tho local theaters. Uev. Mr.Urndy wan there, of course. But he ,had hardly settled himself In his seatafter the curtain arose before the youngIndies of lily congregation— his Sundayschool teachers and choir gingers andwhat not— died before his astonishedgaze lu a garb lhat left nfljlttlo_to_lh.e __Imagination In certain respects as th«display In a hosier's show window. -

Th'o now popular writer stayed longenough only to rcaHHiiro himself nsjtoTllO COrTOCllll'riH of lilri Vision ami menstalked grandly out of tin; place.

The uproar Hint followed— the ladlesbelonged to Denver's moBt exclusiveset— thrcatewd for n time to dlnruptthe church and tilled the newspaper*for days with frant ic headlines. HutHOT. Sir. llrndy stood by bis guns andneither throats nor vituperation overmade him retreat from the position hohad assumed In tho face of that hosierydlriplay.

, With Ma'a Ulna.Ilarry'u father was. an author who

had written several books of which heWIIH rather proud, but of the merits ofwhleli bin wlfo nover lo«t occasion, l

within her own hoiiHohold, to nnecr-Ingly Hpenk. Olio day this good Iiulyhud no<Ml to reprimand Hurry for MOIIIOerror of doportnx'nt, mill to add to tlioImpriMwIvt'iicHH of her rolmlto nbo rendan extract from tho Hllilo, lit tho Hnm«tlino ouWiltlng of It an 'Him ,<l(M)dHook," mul following tho rending withtho ( j i iofy;

"Harry, do you know why It IH calledtho 'Good llooltV"

"You," in ihoHl tn t lng ly replied Hurry;"lioeniiHo, pi( dl i ln ' t wr l t t i lt."—lloHtonCourier.

Yoiiltirnl M«rrl»KON In Algloi-N.A oeiiHiiH wai t t i ikon lately In

and I t WIIH fmiVil that thoArah man WIIH 1" yearn old, and that(hero won) very many ImyH who woromarried at HI nail M, whi le iiomo at inyearn of ii|(<' hail Hovoral " w I v o H , ThornIH a y o u t h f u l Algerian Widower of If),and u dlvoriM'il h imhaml ol' tho iiainoago, Ul|-Iii arc H l l l l 11101:0 pn;roi:li)lin,and aro t ioniol l l i ioH mni-rlod when only11 .yeani ohl, l l io i iKh 12 IH t l io moroiltuial ngo. 'I'horo are 1HII wldowii ofIK »nd 1,17(1 illvor'''io» of HID H I I I I I O mjo

wJIl be home day after to-morrow. I'v«Just received a telegram from him IDNew York. '—Tother—So-have-I-from-my-son.~H«played In a football game laet Satur-

and won't be able to get homethree weeks.

:ludn't Studied the Ceanon."What do you kncnv of the Mosque ol

"The Musk of Omar Is-a flne per-fume," said Tommy Tucker, "whichcosts 36 cents a bottle al" the druastores.';'—Chicago Tribune.

» What He Meant."Did you say," said Squilldig to Mc-

Swllllgan, "that you could not distin-guish one ragtime piece of music from

's about the Idea." was tho lat-tors, reply. "All coon songs sound aliketo me."— Httsburg Chronicle.

Kind of Hint.Her mother (steruly)— Mary com-

plnlns.that you won't help her at all

The other passengers either smiled orooked annoyed," but to all manifesta-lons, whether pleasant or .otherwise,

the couple paid no attention. Theywere just married and .they didn't carewho knew it ;

"How ridiculous we should be, if wewere making an exhibition like that ofurselvesl"* said Mr. Whitney. "We

are too sensible for that No one canosslbly suspect that we are Just mar-ed!" . . . - . : . '^'Nppne can' possibly suapect It,"greed.JM:rs.-Whltney.-- "How wise we

| were to decide to keep the fact to our-selves!"

At Erlt- Uie train stopped for somaminutes on account of a not box, and afew of the passengers got out andwalked up and down the platform. Mr.Whitney was one; the newly marriedcountry bridegroom was another.Whenever they passed, on their walkon-the boards, the youthful countryman

Mr. Thaddens Is one of the few artlstiwho have-enticed Pope Leo the-Thlrteenth into posing for bis portraiWhile .he. was-at_ work on_hls canvas,he says, the aged pontiff, looking at thpicture, exclaimed: "But how old yoimake met" "Are yon not old?" askeithe artist In dismay. "Ah, that may

!t-uold-the- Pope; "but the-Pnpacy—the Idea I^present—Is always young.'

How Many.Jonesby and his wife took the family

umdem With them on:tlielr summer va"catlon, and In due time returned home,greatly refreshed by the outing.

"You are not as much tanned up asI expected to see you, Jonesby,'marked . Brownson, meeting himnext day after his return. "Tell


candidly-how far you traveled on that

Mark Twain lays great stress on thpause JusjCbefore the point. In the us*>f which/Be regards Artemus Ward andJames Whltcomb Rlloy as the greatesadepts. For instance, Artemus Wardwould say,'eagerly, excitedly: "I onctknew a man, la. New Zealand xwho hadn't a tooth In his bead"—here his an!matlon would die out; a silent, reflec-tive pause would follow, then he wouldsay, dreamily, and as if to himself—"and;yet;that_man cbetter than any man I ever knew."

The Oornwallls Wests have not yel


and, giving him a vigorous punch In th«rtbe, chackllngly exclaimed, to/ th«wealthy moo's consternation:

"Well, we're both of us In the sum*twat, I seel"—Philadelphia SaturdayBhronfaig '

Instead of Which ?Vane Glory—I hope Swalnston said

nothing about me the other night, oldchap?

Cecil Swarve—Not a word, old man.!n—factj—we-had—qulte-an-lnterestlnjfIttle chat.—Judy. "

Hi* Present* Dealred. < 'Mr. De Trop (at the dcior)—Is Mlsa

Mabel at home?..Maid—Np,=slr;Jmt.. she says If that's

a~ box of "candy she "sawlii-.your hande might lave it—Philadelphia PYess.

Rather Windy."He has a very breezy manner, don't

ou think?"Weliryes, If you refer to the delight

e takes In airing his views,"—PhJla-elphla Press:

"I have hired a boy to turn the frontwheel Just one "hour. 'As soon as hebos finished I'll look at the cyclometerand tell you exactly how many mileswe made on It"

Education of Mme. Chrysanthemum.The Japanese are truly making rapid

Btrldes^irthelr marclrtoward'westernculture. The.latest Innovation Is theformation of commercial schools forthe training of female clerks, and one

-Df_the_largest_rallway companies—In- -church.-Mr.—Choate—was much-strueNippon has Intimated that after a cer-tain date women only'will be employedIn'the clerical department.—Hong-kongPress.

. _Her l iUKliund— Tliat's not so. Why,

I bold him last night for a while.Her mother— Oh I you dldl How long,

prny? 'Her husband— Well— er— -long enough

for Mary to bring up a scuttle of coal,~ Philadelphia Press.

' '•"* A f lire Sinn.Jinks—Spudds must have an enorm.

us Income.Blinks—Why do you think so?Jinks—He runs an automobile and, a

camera at tbo same time.

:. ;:i. :_i_.. i.,^.. Microbes.

It has been stated that 250,000,000 mi-crobes can stand on a penny postagestamp without undue crowding.

There is a great deal of satisfactionIn being able to deceive the deceiver.


:helr youthful son to the widowed LadyRandolph Churchill, and have on vari-ous occasions made her feel the.bruntof her wrath. But the bride of but a"evt" months does not resent thia treat-

ment, for she, too, is a mother with twoeons of a marriageable age, to whomshe-is-passionately-devoted^-UWhyi-oleourse^-I—con-quite—understand Mrs'

Have you ever thought whyyour hair is falling jputfZIt is':because you are starving yourhair.- -'-If-thisr starvation con-tinues, your hair will continueto fall.

There is one gpqpV hair, food.is Ayer's Hair Vigor. TF

-goesrright to the-roots-o£ the -hair-and gives themjust thefood they need The hairstops falling, becomes healthy,arid grows thick and long.

Ayer's Hair Vigor doesanother thing, also: it alwaysrestores color to faded or erayI . , O /hair.

One dollar • bottle.

K your drugrlst cunnot mpply yon, send'*' ' "-—'—"* , lultle tu you,us>i.u)«iij nt will ei-iJien u- .__,

all charges prepaid. Be Bute and give niyour nearest**press office.

J. C. AVSB Co., Lowell, Moss.Send {or our handsome book on The Hair

Cornwall!s West's annoyance," she i«reported to have said to a group olfriends the other day; "how can she'help feeling cross? lam sure I wouldbe just as angry as possible If she bodbeen a widow, and had attempted.marry my Winston!"

Ambassador Choate was recently thguest of Canon-Scott, the rectorLavenham, Suffolk, which boasts onof the finest and oldest parish churcheIn England.'' While going over th

is a complication of contra-

To Ctm • Cold In On* Day.Take LAXITITB BIIOJJO QDIHINB TABLETS.druggists refund Iho m,,ney U It falls 10 <E. w. QnOTB't itganturo ta on eaob box.



Ileld On to It.In Brooklyn. "Do you wont a tranff

fcr?" asked the conductor."Whnt for?" aukcd the man wltli th«

... alligator-bag. -"So that you can take another car,""No, sir;.I have waited twenty min-

utes for thl« ono and I propose to hangon to It."—Washington Hlnr

Horror* t8l|o (nfter rending of tho shipwreck)

—Oh, my! Thoy nny It WIIH the moulawful dUiiHtor of rocont ycaru. Onlyono man mirvlvcd to toll tho story,iNii ' t t lu i t torrlhlo!

lie-Frightful I What n liorrlblo bort-that man will bo.—Philadelphia IVOHH,

Why "

"If Todil whlHtl im any dog will followhim."

"And If Waller Hlngo any clog willfollow him,"

"How far?""Oil. i i n l l l It getH n good grip on him."

—I'lillmlolphln Ilocord.

Uiiltu Conirortnl>l«.1 Owelloy—I Hay, Doinlioy, why don'tyon Join our eiuh?. You'll llml nil tht'coi i i f i i r lH of homo (hero.

Domhoy HOIIIO'H good enough for nu- at my IIOIIHO I enjoy nil llm coinfortnof n club.—DoHton TrniiHjjrlpl.

l .ovnl-l loiKlcd."Tho lady, inlnHlonnry docllncH to gu

to Kiintnoliy.""Why?""Him nnyn nlio'd fool Jnnt nn Haft) In

Olilini nnd got moro lirlc-n-brnc,"—In-dlamipollH .Tonrnnl,

• _ Wlioro tho I'oM I.ur.' your.lovo gitnvu ooldV" nh<IIH tho young man iironp to do

"No," ho ropllod, "but your f i i thuiI I I IH dlvortiMl tho hont from thin room,and my foot 'North Ainei-lonn.

The B«« PrcicrlpUon for Chill*•nil Fn»cr !•_• botlle oftmi.irToino. lri« •linplr iron and qulnlno".^o lutaleu forra. No cure—no pay. Prlc* ooo.

It la possible so to complicate the ma-chinery of living thnt tho very life It-self Is crushed among- the wheels. "Wemny wrap ourHclven In comfort untilour breath la smothered In the f«lda.

BIOO Reni.ru. Q1OO.Th» niuleri of thia naper will b« plesood to

Iflsrn that thoro Isntloontonodreiwlod clluennothnt oolcnco has boou ablo to ouro In nil ItiBtnues, ond tbat Is aturrli. Haifa Ootnrrhl.uro IB tho only positive miro known to tliomodloal frutornlty. i ntnrrh bolnitaoonntltii-llonol illaoaio. roijuiros a constitution!!! trent-niont. II oll'sUfttftrrli Curu U taken Intornnllr.aotlnffdlreotlyontliohloml ami mucous snr-f«ces of tuo Biotem, thnroby dostroylmr tlioroundatlon of tho disease, nnil giving thotlont ntronirth bjr bill1-" "...


lt Is a question whether the manwho never wrongs anybody but himself'- strictly honest or not.is

' Uncle 8am'• HalillcnWlirest Llbby'a Plu ., I'nddlnK for "chrlsVninsd tmer. Trie u. 8. Go ornmcnt hai Ju§. ou -i.h.Bri'! '?rec con"lKnment o( Ubby, McNeil!& I, bby'B f.imoui plum pudding, wh ch wll besupplied to Amtrican Soldiers In the l-lnllip-

T>roDrTutaraihavo »o much fa,nowors thnt they oJfor Onofo rnn '

BOJIBO, anil giving tho pt-llilluK up tlio constitutioni In rlnlnir Its work. Ylm

In Its ouratlvomy OIIHO Hint It fnlln to a

of tostlmimlnls. AddressIT. J, rni'.NBY& I o., Toledo, O.

Hold by IJnilfltlntn, "Bo.IInir» Family 1'llln nru the bout.

Hundred DotlaraHire. rJeUil for Utt

pliiel londinnd Cuba.

Pictorial Poatocrdn.Among tho latest and most popular

fads Is that of collecting pictorial post-cards. People hitherto free from fadsgo about In anxious quest of "views;"and, for the Indulgence of their puerilepanslons. n weekly journal, devotedonly to tho Interests of postcard col-lectors, ha« appeared. Apart .from oth-er depressing: features, tlio paper pro-VldPH a i-f>rn>Hpnndi'ni»i» / f>l i iFim.

Many a fnl luro to <lo oia-'n dutyl)<) trucud to n fn l l i i ru to rt'iillz,,tluM-o In miver but ono fluty to bo(it ix tlnio.


1 AIU mue 1'lno'n Cure (oMaploHl . , Nuiwlch, N 1

Tho thlnif for you to do, boyw. if y,,,havo your» Mvli iK to earn, la to icifoJmit how to do one th l i iK HH no one tilu

Thirty inlmihm In al l l l i o t lmi i roniilroil toayi) wl t l i I 'IITN*U FAPKI.KHB Drin, oulil by111!


Mo onu In.oinutlmoa,

a fog! ulwuya, ovoryono

M in nn nlt in- t luit mnn nolinp In 111" noul , nnd IUI|<H h ln t'oiiHiiUiinto lio hlirh pi-lent nt t l io tKiromonlflH.

A oyapoptlo la nover on nooil tormnwith hlmnolf. ' t loiiKithliiK IB nlwiiyowronir. Hot It rliiht hy ohowlnir lioninn'n 1'oimln Onm.

lio who l iuu niivor holped t lm ni-i'ilyknown 'nit l l t t l o of tho rlohiu- Unli t thntful l i i on tho pathway of tho Juut .

Mm. WindowIccllilnic, nolllion, hlln

ow! nuoililiiK nvriiii flcut Ilia K»IU\ icilucliiKmill, l'urc« wliul cttllc. .

for chll i l ronl i i fhimnit ,

Oo. « |KII||Q-

Vollonliiu C'n«toinn,"When you wore In Itomti did you dc

nn ll iu Itomnnii tloV" ,"No; I wan done nn tlio Itomnna do,"

— IlltmtmUul llltii. .....

Wlll l i iH to On HI. Iln.l.Pliotoirraplurr— Ix)ok plcajinnt now,

plouue.1'oot— Hori-y. I cnn only look dlffut-


which Its rcudorH trado wi th one n u o t h -or. And no wo learn thnt "Flora" INeager to obtain Milan, Florence and allItalian towim In exchange for llorlln,Frankfort and (,'ohlentz; or tlui"Frank" will give all Stockholm forcurtain corncra of Vloiina; or t h a tHehnelder'H agoiipy IH m> rich In rlverwiiioii i imentH nnd Hleephm ^hnt It IIOH-HONHOH n paiiorainn (at n penny i\gllmpHO) of the enllro world. HtorloH,In whloh the principal pnr lH nro playedhy Oormiin and I t a l i an po.itcanlH, fol-low; "Oretcheii" and "Alhorto" amninrrlod 01' Kopnrnted forever by th inmodern nn'iins; whi le gay "I'erey," whoIH HU|ipon< ld to he h i iH l ly engaged InKyoiiH, nhHont-mlniU'd ly , I| |HC|OHOH l i lHn>nl whoronbontn by ni'iidiiiR^i view oftho Moulin Kongo from Turin.

with Its beauty,- and, American fashIon, kept asking his host the age of thland the other thing. "That screen musbe very ancient?" he said. "Oh, yet Is centuries old," was the reply. "Anthis paneling on - the jlopr^'V^Ia quitmodern," Canon Scott—blandly-—answered; "It was put up only forty yeanbefore the discovery of America, yoknow." The American embassadowas immensely tickled, and swolloweihis patriotic wrath at the reply.

Sherman, while he was commandlnijreiieraLofjtke. armyJ_vlslted...We.s.t Polnone June for the graduation exercises.He accompanied the commandant onhis Sunday morning tour of Inspectionof barracks, and, on entering a certainroom, he walked • over to the mantelpiece. Stooping down, he prlc2 up abrick from the middle of the hcartliwith his sword scabbard, and revealeda hollowjpace about a.foot.square, IDwhich was nicely packed n consider-able quantity of tobacco and other con-traband articles. Meanwhile, . tincadets occupying the room stood mute-y watching nnd wondering what son

of man the general was to have beenable to discover the only "cellar" of Itiilnd in barracks. Turning to the commandant, the general remarked: "1have been wondering If thnt hole Waistill there. I made, It when I wnu i ;cadet nnd lived In this room."

We make a specialty of mince

the bat materials——:——We stake our fame ,on it. We

ruse it to advertise the many otherI good things that we make.

A package makes two large pies.~Your grocer wjl] furnlih it if you"

ask him. You will find it betterthan home-made—better than-anymince meat you ever tasted. You'lleat Libby'a foods thereafter. -

^ IttBy, MeSein fi lliby,\ - - .Our book, "How to Make Good

to Eat," lent free.•^acsSLsnaaEKanKsisc-araaaifta

FflEH VEBIF1IGEeuros or WOBSI8. Eemovoathem effectually and with-out pain. 60 years' recordof eaooess. It is the re-medy forall worm troubles.Entirely vegetable. iUjato.nt druggists, country stores

.. or by mall. . ,Ii. Oi H. latliV, Haltlmorg, MJ.


^i >


tins been nned by rnllllonaor mothem fortlirlr children while Teeililnii for ovor li'iny\enra. U toothn ihe eulid, sorwu ttiaKiirnt, illayn nil pain, cures wlnil coll* unj

in Hit trot remedy for dlarrhuuutwenty, nvo Cants a Bottl-.

AH Ii i (r<Hi l (>HM AilvortlnlnK Holxtnio.A Urri imn Hi-Hi of |iuhllnlici-:i him l i l i

lipoiy u novel mill ( i iKi 'u loi iH nivlliod ofiulV)U-|lHlii(,', whlt 'h I I I I H boi'ii iill<'ii ( | r(lby tli» hiippli 'Ht MiHi i l lH . Tlitly ciumi-ilto IKI l i iHcr l i ' t t In iiioHt of Ilic intwn|)U-

a i iol l ru l < > IhiM'ffi ' r t t ha t » ("0-lnlniiol i l tMiinu of. u-i ' i i l lh anil hlh-h | H I H I I | O M .

n wife, want i i l ono who re.m-mlilcd t i n t l ionilni ' In l l u > ni ivt ' l

Tliviviiptin <>r i>ry I I I I I IT | I IKI>II | ) | I>^ who M»W Hit) iiotlcu lnmjrjit t in t

iolili to net) what t int l icnilnii \VIIN l ike,ind tli<i work liiul tin I I I I I I H - I I I I U niilc,Hut It In HII Id Hint I lio piilill!iln>rn lui,|-|,)

tho norvlc<'fi of Hiivoral i t iMltlon-il olcrliH to tU-nl w i th tlui di'liinv of

fnmluino forronpomlMUNi from tho ninn-xtrlonn WOIIKMI who claliiKid to IKI tho'Imntro" of tho h«mln<>,

Quoor AViiyH of Moiiiitnlnoors.An olllclal of a bank In Teiuies

eayn: "Th« fnrniorH of the mountainsnciulj nil Imve a tlepualt—ln-oiir-ItHtrkwhich rniiKuH from u small amount tcHcvunil t l ioutmnil (lollarn. Tho dcponliIs n Him- ono tha t wt- pay Intcrctit onand generally onr« In two years thojdraw all of their money out and t akeIt home. In a week or ten days tlinstiirn with their money, wlilrh tlioydeposit aguln, Their rcnwon for th lH Itexplained by th« fact that they d«8lr<!to tnko tluilr money lionitt and nhow IIto their famlllcii OH an ovldonco thn)th«y lmv« It,"

, Mliiornl Wonlth of Wal«n. .Wales IN (ho richest part o'f (Jn'ut

Hrl tnln In mineral wraith. Kn^liim!produci'H annually about C2 to cncliacre, Mcotland a l l t l ld ICHH than fJ. bultht - pniiliict of WalfH ninoi i i i lH to over£-1 per aero. -.•

Nearly every man hellovcn he IH (ooK for t i n ' t o w n In whle l i liu l lveM, and

u t - I N ' l u t o trouble IMVIUIBII uf UK, holluC.

I.iit un liitvn f i i l lh that l l lvht inuki-nlKht ; mill In Hint fa i th lot un <lm-o

o do our iluty ivu wu iiiuluinduul U.

Cough Syrup iiS»SsS) Uviui>.


16O4 LUDLOW ST..Phono, I-42-09 A. PHILA

i . ,OM». HOOK ol l»iiiuiiml»l« .nj 10 dMyi* Irulminkl-r«>. Or. n. B, OU»m'«SOHI.B.l B.AIUUI.. U»

II r»mli'lr.tMltli',±'uii|Thompson'3 Eye Wator

"SUPPOSE I DIE"We hnvf! helped the pcopla to nnswcr

tluit question (or half a ccninry or moroito make provision lor tlidr survivors,We do more; Wo assist men In malt-tug• provision- (or t l i r l r old ngc, whenthe money proiludnit power (s wanlnr.( ie to i i r tico liimklcl, "Th. How mu|Tl|o Wliy." It brushes cobwebs (romtho bnilii.


'I 'clnt-t! to goodness, 1 Hho* amtlil.N 'lection IH ovor with," uniiouneM*the cr,lored purveyor of fond nt it popu-lar MomphlH ImiinllnK-hoiiHo, whosoname IH Ilrytih.

•IWby'f" nnke<l ono who ovurlieanllilm.

"Kiw threo woekn," dcclnrotl the walt-•r, "1 been put In expeotutlon of gottln"ipu ami Ki- l l ln ' Hied niorit tlmea tliiui Itver I I I IH hefo'.

"lOver'hiidy'H a lwnyH tiillcln' nhiiutIr.van, Hrynn, nu" I miver fan lollv.'iethor llioy'n lu lk ln ' nliont nut or that

other one. I Uoi i r ono nay Jlryuniip^jiohonoHlVHt man In AiiHu-lrn, nnd nnotl iernay llryaa ain't worth u cent, nu' Idon't know which omi'u talkln' aboutiiui."--MoinphlH Holinllnr,

llnlvorvltr lu <Jlitll.'I'lui Unlvorn l ty of Hantlngo, tho hoad

of tlut cdiifiitloiml iiyntoiu of Chill, himfrom 1,2<M> to 1,000 ntndontii, and tlioprofoimlnnal n'rlioola nro well kept upnnd woll attended.

» T jc, -W.-* > » ~* ~- -!„

Duty, Prudence, and Kindnessall dictate that the futureof your family should beprotected by Life Insur-ance. The policies issuedtyThe Prudential protectevery member of^-the


PrudentialInsurance Co. of America.

Home Ofllcc,;Ne\vark, N. J.

JOHlt_F.J?RYDEN, President.- —LESLIE p. WARD,Tioe.Prefl't. .

-EDQARJ3.-WARD ,.2d V.P. §• Counsel.FORREST P. DRYDBN, Seo'y. =

GEO. 8. TRUNOER, AsstBupt^yWilliamstown, N. J.

and a big bargain for all

l?aiicy Groods

we are'selling at a wonderful reduction.

Remember, we want to sell all, and give you the benefitBe sure to call and examine our stock. Below we quote someprices :

"We-havesome-very-pretty-Glove-and—Haridkerehief-Gases, which we are selling for 25 c, 50 c, and $i each.Some Dressing Cases which we are closing out for 75cents and $r. Manicure Sets, 75 cents. Albums for

50 cts, 75 cts, and 89 c. Fancy Hat Pins, 15 c. Side Combsfrom 5 to 25 cents. Hair Clasps, io_cts. . ' . - . „ . _ .

China Ware, Berry Sets, Desert Dishes, Puff Boxes,Mugs, Cream Pitchers, etc., all at reduced prices.

OUR TREE ORNAMENTS—They are beautiful. There are only a few left. First

. come, first served. And about the toys :The nicest little Carts, 10 cts. Go-carts, 25 c. Rockingchairs, 23 cts. High-chairs, 23 cts. Folding beds, 23 cts.Building blocks, 10 to 23 cts. Cradles, 23 cents. Pianos'23 and 250. Metalophones, 23 to 45 cents. Bedroom Set—bed, chairs, table and bureau—all for 23 c. All 25 centgoods for.23 cents, and tlit 50 cent Toys Tor 45 cents.

DOLLS,—All arc being sold at reduced prices. $1.25 dollsarc going for $i ; they are beauties.Dolls with hair-stuffed bodies1 for 15 cts.Jointed sleeping dolls, 25 c., andbeautiful dolls for 50 and 75 cents.


THE REPUBLICAN OFFICEIB well equipped for any kind of



DlOIQNOOorvniaKTo do.

•Anrona lending * »kolrh »uc1 <l«i orlntlou mnr'iluloklr unertalli *>nr opinion frud ^tlllilnor «nInvention l« prtttiabljr tiAUmtnlilo. Omimunloiw>llon>ptrlct};r<K>nOiloiiti»l. liMidboolloill*»t«nt*>«uiitrr««. oulMl uanor (uruourluillikteiil*.

rotont* takon tlin/u.ti Muim A IX). rocelrstprrlal nolle*, without vliama, lutlio

A |i«nd«omelT Uln«tr»i._'"' f"f?,«r ""y.'clc>i'ljfl.'! t".u.rn»l

(I . A, ( ' A M l ' I I I C I . I , II . HODI.I ,

(J. A. (Janipboll .t <!o.,ftoal Estate & Insurance.

Moiuiy to loun on mnrlH'M{". l'tirtl'>u l iuvlni jhiiuni'h to runt , or | i ru | ioiLl imri>r nulo ur «>•t)l i»i i | f i i . \v l l l ilo w<i|| lo rull, or vvr l lo urt.OHlcm, WU A l l u i i l l i i Avn. , A l l i i n t l i ] dlty.'

Utmli l iMM^i. - l lmii i i i imtoii , N, J,

A (ullunnortmoi|t ojniuixl mid inaohlDmade,—for w'rtrU W'drlviug,

Trunks, Valises, Whips,Hiding Saddlofl, Noto, oto.

3it ao . *ufw<arjiuiMM a. yHammonton. N.J.

[ Entered aBBOoondolassmattor.]

SATURDAY. DEC. 29, 1000

There Is o- possibility tbat thecoming Legislature will amend the lawgranting an. exemption of $500 fromtaxes to firemen, by making the earooapply to active flremen oglyj and fixingcertain cooditiopMrltb which nfcmliereof flro companies mnst. comply. Theentire law, including the exemption toold soldiers, is unjust in its operation.For example, it an exempted niuu LOTproperty amounting to 8500, this year,in Hammonton, he is benefited JUQ.80;and the less be baa, the. loss be receives.The poorest man getB'nothing. If theState believes that the ex-soldiers andactive firemen are deserving of somecontinuous recognition, let -the Iiegisla-ture provide for a email pension to eachone,—say $10 a year,' payable about the15th of Decemberr—' —;

figy The snow storm which boean onFriday forenoon continuedalJ4ay> .until,the ground was covered to the.depth ofabout B'IK incheiT Saturday and Sunday

Ladies' Pocket Book, 1.15, now 85 c.

Great Reduction on Silver Novelties.Have a good assortment left.

{I H0 Wishing you a happyand prosperous New Year.

were waraibr, uud by Monday 8eareerya -trace of snow remained-. It camequickly,- and disappeared quite as rapid-ly. In Philadelphia they had not overthree inches i of snow, and ' about Atlan-tic City there was nearly a foot. InHuTumontonv-tbe-Bleigb— bells-mingledmerrily for two days. ~~

The Baptist Snnday School elec-ted the following officers last Sunday :

Superintendent, N". C, Holdridge.Asst. Supt., L. A. Hpyt.

"Secretary, Morris~Siaions.2/eosurer, UisFGracTBernsEouseTOrganist, Miss Belle CarkhufL,

made his appearance for the first timein the Courts j)f Atlantic County atthe December session, made a veryfavorahle impression, and won goldenopinions from everybody. His prompt-

legal .attainment, stamp him as a manof exceptional ability.

JEST Peculiar, certainly,— that in theRepublican Assembly caucus, the otherday, when the various offices and em-ployes Were asflisned to/ members forappointment, not ovoti- a pago or ^door-keeper was given to Mr. Abbott, fromAtlantic County. Evidently he is toomodest.

06T They Bay that about four hun-dred men (mostly from Hammonton)are engaged In improving the road-bedand^tracka-of—tho Reading-.Railroad,between this point and Atlantic City.The rails are being raised and brokenetoue ballast put lu.

Bfiy Was it a grcon Christmas, or awhite one ? About eight o'clock in themorning, n, little snow /oil, enough towhiten the ground a bit; but it didn'tstay loni?. Clouds drifted away, theeun ehonu, and it wan a wonderfully fineday, for thu season.

B6T We noticed a handsome nowwa«on on the street, Thursday, whichcontained tliu namo of J. Eokhardt, thomeat markut man. Good evidence ofniU8i>urily.' —• '

A Shooting CalamityLtttoly bofoll n railroad laborer, wrltoa

Dr. A. ICiillntt, of WilllforU, Arknnnati."I1)H luot WUH badly oriiahud. but Biio.lt-HII'H Arnica Bulvo quickly on rod Mm."H'H Hlmjuy woridflrfiil for t>uniii, hollo,pllflo, and nil nkln iiruptlonu. It'n lliuworld'* ulmniplon licalnr. (Jiiroto«d. 215 o. Hold liv Orowoll. »

House, Sign,AND

Ornamental Painters<j ruining,

uud llitii|;lii|C.

Hammonton, N. J.

If you are in doubtIIH to a Ol i r iHt iu i iH r>''\\11

box of nice (.inx'.urititiwould Ix) a^pvt-oiiitnd.

Or, ponoibly, u friond wouldenjoy 11 box of fuu) Ci^uru..Wo liftvc thorn to unit till.

At Rainier'^

Special Reduction Sale. "'•';"$<w

Sterling silver Toilet Set, ^4.25. now JS.76.Candelabra, ^7,60, now 6.60 , _ - J'_JHalf-do''en Butter Chips, ^4 00, now 3.25Putf Boxes, ^1.25, now gl. Cloth Brushes, 2, now 1.6T,Whisks,-1.25, now 1.004 Gilt Clock, 3.60, now 3.15Ebony Mirror, 3.75, now 3.25

y 7 S o ; 1.25,-aow-M^—


' t',,-.p

EGBERT STEEL, Jeweler & Optician

:.--McD. Little^

Stoves, '"Hardware,"- andTForniture.

'Choice New'.Stock,ft:.•^t-,-M

Bellevue and Central Avenues

The Eagle still Screams!and so do we, notwithstanding the kicking we havelately received.:^-If_you don't believe it, just-drop into the-little-Market—

at No. 240 Bellevue Ave. And while there don't forgetto leave your order for Christmas poultry.

Small favors thankfully received,

. .and the %i

South Jersey Republicani

,(two papcre each week), for $1.25 a year , '

to any mldrt'HB in thin county, or $1.50


Sausage, Scrapple, and Saurkrout


At McINTYRE'S MEAT MARKET^2109 Bollovuo Ayomii), Iliimimwtou.

. DEO. 20, 1000

, ' Mail Time- ilift will oloso at the" Hammonton

..i * Host Office as follows:; .._.' i-j- --LEAVE-— "•'•••:•-

A.M. i - iT:10.A.M:P.M. '•'•"• 12:20;P,M.1 " ' 8.S3'' ,...

-ARKIVE-'5:d5 A.M. ' • -7:25 A.M.

' 4:08 P.M.

| TtS?» Happy New Year 1*'tret what you wanted ? , • ' - • - •

8®" Town Council mooting to-night,^NB l)R TWO B4NGE8. Parlor Stoves-l and Oil Ucatcrn.nt low prices.

v W. 11. BKELY, 2iia Bl. Cush Storo,J6S" Will. Layer was in town the flra

of the week. < --------- .'..-- --------- -Remember and write it 1901

HOU3E tor ront,-Bi>llovaoA"V(jnue, ilammontoa. Inquire of

t VS/* George Whiffen WOB in town therficat ot the week.

£Qy-AH tbe town schools will openBext Wednesday.

WAQONH. A light farm wagon" andlight Hprlnc wagon, wbloli will be BO!

ttieup. Also,a No 8J Jlovelty beater.' -Applyio JOS, I, TAYLOR.

Jgy The post-office employes are nowneecTeorrest. ~

of seven pieces, and their playing wasveTy"much~apprecia"fcdrAt tb'e appoint-'td time, "Old Sauta"appaared, andwas so true lo pictures seen of him thatthe little ones came in front to BCD him,

_ jmd. aurely wont homp— bcliuviug llitttthe veritable old .Santa had arrived.Some of bis friends scarcely knew him.He was 'quite profuse in his gifts, re-membering the pastor with a handsomechair, and the entire school with bagsof candy.- The Church' bemi; nicely

36©* Percy Whiflen spent part of the"week iq Hammooton.T OST. OnFrlclay ovo. bec.21at,a bunch of-U Keys. Floder will pleaao leave lUein atthiaolllco.

•M. L Jackson & Son sold overjfcisty Christmas turkeys.

jg$y iJollevno Avenue was Cleaned of| _St3jliit_and leaves, this week.

WANTED. Medium sized Belf-rcEula'tlng.-Incubator, state size and price.

-4A. O. EUINGEU. UainmoutOQ.

rnest Swift spent Christmas at! his mother's, on Third Street.

8©*Geo. .6. Drake ran down 'fromojlesto^n, Pa., for Christmas.

_ i THE ANNUAL ELECTION for DirectorsI t-.-JL of the Peoples Bank of Hammonton, N.

' " ~» . - ^I ;' Tuesday, January 8, 1001, between tlio liours' jCff one and tbreo p. m.

. ' • W. R. TILTON. Casblor., December 20, 11)00.

,. Jgy Mies Uollo Carkhuff entertainedEthel Chalmers on Sunday.

y£&- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erout( :Bpent Chria'tmaa wVtE Mrs. Sotloy.

3QME.WJIERE to co nnd t»ko your friends.Tothe •&fiiacaleniriB8-M*T!.-tnm-r6ir.

Jow Year's nlglil. Jan. 1m. .No admissionlee. Silver offering will be taken.

LOWJ& Smith, of Ocean City, vis-•Ited llammontoa relatives on Friday.

<©"" If a ffrocn Christmas means a fatI '.graveyard, It means a lean pocket-book,

'OST. In vicinity of Tenth St. mm FlintHorn!, a blucU and whlto Better liltab,

'nt clulH montuH old. anxwcrs to tlin uamo•Karkncus." • A reward will bo pnlil for Iior

return, or Information concerning hur, atsi Crcwoll's I liarmaoy.

J@r Tho ehou factories anil tlio glaes•factory had thotf annual vacation thisweek.

f- >T ,

' Ml?* Monthly mooting of tholtidopon-|?<flent Fire I Company uuxt Wednesday

evening.' HALE. Tlio Miller Rod UuHjiborry

Plan In. r) per IlKW, ca»li.KUlil). .\110AHl,IiV. Ju., Oak Hoiul.llurlburt Tomlin in homo froai

Jiolidaya.65?" Colder weather roaohod us on

"Wednesday, with a pretty stiff frcc«:o4«at night. ,

A UUHU1AU3 wil l bo ulvon In tho M.K.Oliureli, Tucndny IIVII'K, Jim. l«l, uiidar

tliu airoiitUin of tliu Kpwurlh I r f j iunu. A<fillv«r offering will bu tulcnn for tlio imnolU of'llioUlulruli

Christmas Exorcises.

Christmas Ma coming to mean more,and" "the unspeakdWe 8^" •noro <»n3more appreciated. Who can measurethe influence of tho Churches and Sun-day Schools in thcsr conBecrated workamong us'? Let us continue to workfor them.- .' '

Cbristroas time began in tbo M. E.Church on Sunday morning, when aeormon by the pastor on the "Cause ofHerod's, trouble,?' from Matt, ii.,8, waspreached. Tho choir added their partin 'appropriate slnginc;, .especially in a.WRll - rnndnrcd nnthem.' -(^noveulng the Church WUB full to witnessthe cantata, "The Waifs of ChriBtmaa,''about twenty- Dvo taking part. It badbeen carefully prepared and was wellrendered throughout, und made a Oneimpression. Some of the little folksshowed aptness and bravery, by theirrecitations as a preludo to tbo cantata.

children sang songs:and gave- recitationsin Italian and English. The congrega-tion sang Christmas bymus. The sing-Injj by the Mlsses'SwiU called out warinthanks from .tho Pastor, who but voicedthe pleasure of all. The new Pastor,Rev. Mr/Monnet, a^lreseed the audi-ence in both lansuages; Rev. Wm. K;McKinneygave some earnest words ofencouragement-and;;cheer; Hov. -Mr.-Nevio, of Princeton, told of the greatpleasure it gave, him.to'see this bund ofChristian workers tukfng a stand forthe advancement of the Kingdom inthis, to them, strange land.' The newpastor expresses great hope for the

At Ao L. Patten*S

innlineirand welTliguTed. it mado the"occasion one of more than ordinarymerest. Robert 'Steel was master of

ceremonies, and with bis ready assist-ants everyone was well looked after.

The Baptist Church was Oiled frompulpit to gallery longTiefore the appojnt-ed hour, Wednesday evening. Nor w.asthe audience disappointed in the exer-cises or tho music. The melodies, whichwere unusually fine, were helped out byan-orchestra-of-vlolfnsmnd-cornetr—The

tenure* which is snared by many friendsof this good work. • . :,:

On Thursday evening, the TJhiveraal-ista gave their cantata' in Union Hall.The. interesting programme was wellrendered; and all were pleased. Someof the children were dressed in costumeto represent various nations. -Especially1

flUto~wa8™the~8ihgmg~6Ff'Santa'i Help-ers," by four little ones. The singingthroughout was escellent. -.-•—^ St. Mark's Sunday^School planned tcThave an entertainment and presentationof gifts, at-tb^ Rectory, last evening,aiter service the church, which washeld at 7:30.

JUST Mrs. John Wilkinson and daugh-ter spent part of Christmas week withW. B. Mutphy and family.

S&- Doric Lodge, No. 12, Shield ofUooor, will aive a mask ball iu Jackson's"Hail, on Monday.night uuxl.—Goodmusic. Dance tickets, SO^cents; spec-tators, 10 cents. .i . .

JBSy* The business meeting of the W.C. T. TJ. will- be held on Wednesdayafternoon (instead of Tuesday) nt -thn

primary department added much to thenterest of tho occasion. A Christmas

tree, standing in one corner of thechurch, was beautifully decorated andighted by electricity. One light, back

oJL»-i transparency,- showed -the (wp«3s'Merry Christmas." Another, turned

on at .the close revealed the words'Good Night." At the proper moment,luring an address, twelve, little onesrom the primary department came in,2ach bearing one volume of an encyclo-icdia, a present from the school to

A very successful entertainment wasgiven at the DaCostcv school on Satur-day evening, tbo attendance being lar-

ger than on any previous occasion.Tho programme consieted of dialogues,ccitatlons, and singing by the schoolhlldron, for which they received groat

applause. Miss Brownleo, the teacher,was congratulated on tha successfulraining elio had given tha ohildron.Sach child went homo tho happy pos-ossor of two bozos of candy.

Eight o'clock on Christmas eveningound tho Prcabytnrlan Church wellHod. From tho opening anthem bylio choir expectations wore aroused

which wore realized but not Batieflcdntll tho closing chorus. When thoIny little ones maruliod In, It was econt onco that they had caught tha spirit

home of Mrs. C. E. Roberts.attendance is requested.

Rum, rum, rum,-tfi\Ma-the

Philips' Academy, at Exotor, for the ^Uh4MXMft6hmT-«iri-mntrrfladv to give

Kyurybotly eaomitd ploaacil withOhrlstmnn. All omlleo and no frowng•woe tho rule.

Mr. and Mra. Clmlmoru uro on-tholr dauuhtor Mlua Kona,

rfrom tilcoliuiiiivlllo,<JALT lIAY.nni l lir,AOIC OIIAHH f(,r B«|<I,V7 —ilollviTiiil whoro wuntuil, (Jununil

ilnno, Apply toUia>, l lf i l lNHIIOUHH, Unuul HI,.

Mr., and Mrs. Will. Prlcntloyol Curadtn^Spont thulr holldaya withJfarumniiton rolutlven,

S&" Mr, Fniil. • Howloa vlflltod hisJatlior thin wiinlc, Tho doctor will roturiito Kliulrn vvitli Ma BOII.rplllfl 10. J. WOoiiLKV IIOMKHTIOAI) la

I JL ftir «i|l". ,<Joi. HiMHinil unit V l i i n H l r i ' o i n.^luiii inuiitnii . Apply to A. II. J I A V I H .

£uT Montlily mootliuj of tlio Iliun-jfj nu/iitoii l)ullilln« HIM! Loan Auaoolullon,

> Tliureduy uveulng.

• Olmrlu'i Oaiupnnolla clonmliiohnol at MoKou City fur tho tiolulayn

In rudUcaUng at homo.

FOK HM.K.iinlur. N

[tlionhoii.A two-liomo wuiroii, In uo-ullliottvy. rrloo.l'll). ()u"l ut

jf. A. J,l!lJlMAN.

Inuuro with tho A, II, I'MIIIr* Co..I1UJ6 Atlantic Avo,, Atl»ntlo City.

nd receive much pleasure. Those whoad BO. carefully trained them mualavo felt repaid, with Inturout. Tlio

memory ol tho llttlo child alaudlnglono on tha platform,' against a hack-round of C'lirlnlnniH gruotm, uliiKlng

"Away hi a mangur," IB with us jot.Tho muulo was exceptionally good,—the ohoriiHoa, tho uoloa, thu orclicntru,with ono accord BUntulnod tho InloruBland added to thu ploaauro, Thuu woworo all nakud to turn our thoughtsback nlnotoon hundroil youra, and lin.uglno ouruolvoa'lu Jlulhluhum tho nightbeloro tho "wondruiiB birth," to catchBomothlng of thu thrill of oxpuutiillonwhich Illluil thu ulr, nn HOIIIO uf lliuBcuiiua Woro ploturtnl buloro un. An \voBIIW lliu gioujm ol young pooplo iiiulohlldruii, in orlniilal i t l l - l i t i , 111! tlio pint-form, und tulle to <muh other <>l thodoming of tho King, wo wt.'fo pniiiauidlor lliu iipiiciiiunco of tlio nhuphorilit, lortho (jclid ol tint unjjullo nong, "Oluiv toOdd In tin) Inuhii'il. I" An ill thu olonnwo mini! "I'l'uliui (}od, liooi whom alllilunnlnutt Ilinv," who ol ni l thouo Inui-Iruda ol pouiilo <lld not with rouowuil{ratltuda prulno (Joii lor aovo,

Tha momhorn of lliu Iliillunl ChuruU, with n goodly number of

their Amorlcan frlundu, giktliuroil • toihnoryo tho funtlvul on Chrtntinun ovo.

A hrllllivutly lltjlitetl, tautolully docora-led trco adorned tho Churoli. Tho


cause of this affair," said attorneyWestcott, in pleading for lha MathisboyfTat the recent murder trial. ' 'The^community permitted these men to getit ; you are in some measure directlyaccountable for it, and you shouldshoulder some of the responsibility,"J^hjat isjs_e vera^arraign ment i of sat; profes-sedly Christian community by a brightand brilliant lawyer, but in view of thetragedy, and all it entailed, who shallsay that the arraignment was not ajnst one ? • '

£©~ Lost Sunday night, Capt. Chas.Loveland wont to a closet!, Id hjs resl-dencej and. took , dpwn..a.Lbottle.jrbiobtie supposed contained witch hazel,poured a little on bis Qn'gers and bathedbis eyes, as is his usual custom. Thefluid was carbolic acid, and be has avery soro eye in consequence. Fortun-ately, but a drop entered between tbo

jsyollds, pr_ a_moro serious result wouldprobably have followed. As It was,Dr. Crowull states that ho will suffer noserious consequences ) In fact, ho wontto tho cily on Monday to pay off hiscrow,

Bgy Tho following resolution wasadopted by thu Elm Farmers1 Club :

WIIEKBAS, It has pleased AlmightyGod to tuko from our midst our Movedand highly esteemed lollow member,David 0. Chapmau ;

Resolved, That tho President andBoard of Directors of Ihln Club herebyextend their heartfelt sympathy to Mre.Chapman anil her fioir in thin thu tliuo

Knife anfForki 15 cents

Knife, Fork ani Spoon, 25 c^Knife, Fork ijandJSpppn, 30 c

Harmonicas, 10, 15, 25, and 50 cents

Pocket Knivea, 10 cents to 01.50 .Razor Strops, 25 cents • '• /

Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds


Air Rifles .

We;carry a line of Padlocks,'Keys, etc.Also -do Iiocksmithing.

^J^o Fatten,109 Bellevue Avenue.

finest assortmentin town, of Ladies'Wrappers can be found at Blacks.The styles are neat and pretty, and thft priceg wUl - "

-suit cvcry6flc,~being 85 u., gtr^MrfT25, gl.50.

is complete. We have one excellent value,—aNeva Skirt, full size,-three~ ruffles, for only a dollar.We can give you this skirt in Cardinal, Blue, and—Black.

Also, good, serviceable, and stylishBlack Skirts at 75 c., $1, $1.35, and $1.60.

At W. L. BlackVStoe.

easonwill soon open, and you want to be preparedwhen it comes.

Let us fix"you up.

Orders for hand-loaded Shells will be carefully filled.

Black and Smokeless Powder Shellsalways on hand.

•of-their mid nffltcttOTfT'UIld oxprena ourdeep aorrow at lotting sudi u valuedfrloud and ublo coonnuilor.

JOHN LKKD, Mec'g pro tern.

Working Night and Day.Th^bunloHt mid mlglitiuHt ln.lli thing

thai over WUH iiuulo In Dr. Klun'» NowLIIO PHlH. TllVHU pIllH oIlHIIUO WUIllCUOHHInto HtroDKth, l l n t l uNn i ioHH Inta^ «iiorny,bralu-fau into inontul puwor. 'Jl'liuy'rowonduiful in building up tlie lioalth.Only 35 ota pot- box. Hold by ijrowoll.

.. Cordery.

IIOVT—10JSKH. On OhrlHtmUHDuo. liolli, 1UOO, hy Uov. 11. V. Jjixiuiia,ut tho rtmliloiioo nf thu lnhlo'ii |i,ii-niitH,Mr.,und Mrn. ICdvrln JOIIUH,on WulkorKoikil, Mr. William O, lloyt, juniornuiinlior of tlio linn of lloyt &am) Minn JCmiim JOIIUH.

. don,

Only inomhcun of t l in Iniinodlnto fainlllonworo IITD/KMII, . Alior Ilio iiolrtmony, Mr.anil Mm. lloyc toolc |ioimonvli)ii of tlitilrnow homo, on Aluplo Ht.., llmuinoimii".I'lTTlNO — jMILIJCI t . At tlin M. 10.

I 'urnonujfn, l lu i i inuinloi i , N, •),, liyH«v. W. W. O|iliiini, Doo. Ul t l i , !«()(),(lnni-|;o ( launuui Kllllii);, of l lniuinoii-(oii, und Minn Annlo Kllxitliutli Millor,of Aliooiu.

HIT/.—ItOLMCU. On Duo. 251,11, 1000,nil tho M, K. I'urmumgo, llniiiinouttiii,W. J,, by Uov. W. N. Ottliorii, Jmnooliutu). o( ICikUt). l'iv., nail Mloi MIXIKH-rot, K. itollor, <>t Wiimlow.

1IUUK— I'AKKKn. In riuuiinoutou.N. J., Dob. IHlb, 11)00, l)y Hov. W. W.Oulxini, Chnrlco JIuiiry llartund MhiaA!UH<<IQ M. 1'urkor, botlk of AtlnutlaOltj.

Meats, ¥egetables,

and Groceries.



'..t ~


Xlttle: Aaimal, BbmetlkUM Served M• Slock Terrapin, 1m a Oood Maiom ;The family habitation of the musk-

arat is mode of dry, coarse flags and,.Brasses.; small pieces of water-soaked•wood and small stones, all cemented to- ••.Setter bj a peculiar mortar which only j*hemuakrat knows-how to prepare by-chewing clay and mud Into a flne'prep-

•(VentionAmong the uses recently found for

aluminum Is the soldering of iron rails

IhVoTd negw hunre^dechlre'a ;«* *>cnd ln order * obt,aln a "m<K>^that the cementing Is done with even- continuous track. Aluminum has tho•ness and precision by the Industrious Property of producing great heat In tholittle worker by means of Its paws. Two ac' of, combining wltt^Wfen. Jh««r three holes or "leads" allow the rata **"£[*?,!*?• P?af? **«£m*o pass out or enter below the Ice. The a cru*i)le fllled wlth a mlxture °* ttlum-•houses are rough on the outside andaire built from three to flve feet high.Old^fauntcra and closerobsuivcrB uf thetablts of the muskrat say that the llt-

Inum and iron ore. The mixture beingfired, an intense heat results, and therails are firmly soldered together. ThiaIs sold to be quite as efficacious aa theelectric method of soldering.

The color and character of tho wallohave much to do with the lighting of aroom. Recent experiments have shownth,ese percentages of reflection for dlf-,ferent wall materials: Black velvet,

tle-marsh^lwellers kno In advance -bow high the spring tides wiltrlse. As•verification of this claim It Is4 observedthat all beds In a given marsh are ofthe same height. v . . . . '

The houses below the waterllne aretare mud Inside, with a floor of. sticks OA-pet cent, black cloth 1.08 per cent,-and^grasses ilfew-feet-above -the~wa-black-papefc4.6^per-cent.-dflrk-blueT6^'ter. Upon this scaffold-like floor the Per cent, dark-green 10.1 per cent, pale:*ats are said to lie with their heads -red_ia.2_per cent._dark yellow^2Q par

jtpmud-the "lead,f'~reaay afa moment's j «?*; pale-blue 80 per cent, pale-yellowiotloe to dash out and" appear at the I *° I** ceat' pale-green/48.5 per cent.

i \Vj j i

How to Bandage. ' •Tnaportinrt"There IB udt u more Important ar

connected with household surgery thanthat of bandaging. T6 do It well re-qjulres much practice and no" little Judg-

I ment. The material.employed In ba>dnglng Is usually stout unbleached cot-ton, from two or Ujrse to nine or tenInches' w'ldej and ffom_slx to twelveyards long;1 the former length and


PI -aaant IncldcDta JOccnrrltaB t6e•World Ovcr-bnyinc»tliat Arc c'heer-fnl to Old or Vonuu-Vatinjr .Selec-tlono that Everybody Will Kajoy.

Butcher—Have.-ypu any orders thismorning, madam?

Voung Wife (who Is keeping house)—Yes,'that calf's liver you brought melast week was very fine. I want anoth-er one"; bnt be sure and get It, from thesame calf, as my husband Is very par-

flUMOB OF THE tyJ' '-nr-


surface 200 yards away In deep water.A muskrat authority gives the Interest-

Pale-orange 64.8 per cent, pure white70 per cent, mirror coverlnff 02 per

anuskrat Is compelled to breathe under<water, It can trayel for.miles under theiJee by a scientific air-producing proc--ess, which enables It to remain under;~lhe Icy covering for hours. In, order |fto do this It must stop as of ten as once

-anto-the~water"ThTs~alr~rlse8 to-tfie^i

.After It has been exposed to the W#or a few minutes the bubbles/becomes•oxygenated, when the ratintrales thetglobule and resumes Its journey.

'Muskrats, when served by the East-Dltasj^moelC-terrapIn^l

challenge the epicure to distinguish ItSrom i the real Chesapeake dlamond-3back. When properly skinned theTuusky taste and odor entirely dlsap~-iScar, and when properly cooked the

_ahnn'at Mnplj. flimh Iq Jiilpy,-sweet The food of the rat Is the roots

marsh grasses and shrubs whichon the shore, and no morsel of

:tood Is touched until It has been thor-oughly washed.—Baltimore Snn.

As Is well known, some metals araunsuitable forecasting, while others,like Iron, can readily be cast In any:desired shape. The property of cast-ing well Is sold to depend upon wheth-er the'metal contracts, or expands onsolidifying from the liquid form^JrQn,like water, expands In solidifying, and

i solid mctal-may-be-8een-float-In the liquid Iron about It. The ex-

pansion causes It to fill the die Intowhich IB poured, and so It can be casteasily. Gold and silver contract Incooling, and therefore ore not suitable

Meteors may be observed practicallythe whole year round, except whencloud or moonlight Interferes; yet onemonth ranks pre-eminently as the me-teor month—the month of August. It

edge of these natural fireworks hasmade any real advance. By the laborsof a very few observers, one of whom,Mr. Denning, may be said to have out-weighed all others put together In thevalue and number of his results, we

'It Is unfortunate for the slang-using points, and they have been shown to be•professor at Chicago university that! not mere distempers-of the air, butlie failed to exercise discrimination In<he choice of his slang. There is much••*> be eald.ln defense of slang that Is

bright and picturesque. There Is• :aothlng to be said for the mere vulgar

.potole -of -the-gutter-whlch--- Ignorance..Invents to eke out its small stock of:*he vernacular.;~ It was this latter Jar-

apparently, which the professorborrowed for use In his classrooms.'There is nothing to be ashamed of Inthe proper use of slong. People whonse slang not In wuiitonness, but togive better expression to their Ideas,

. , are etymological and phllologlcaLBlo-_xteers. They aro contributing to the•«nrlchment of the vocabulary. For Itshould not bo forgotten that the slang•of one generation Is the correct Eng-lish of the next. Tho expressions thatarc held to bo slangy to-day will. If4hey succinctly express an Idea betterIban It can otherwise be expressed, beclassical thirty years from now. Siringla not necessarily nor even generally.-a vulgar corruption of the vernacular.•Usually It Is created to meet new con-•dltlous nnd to avoid circumlocutions.It Is a concise nnd forcible method of

nn Idea which would other-

Another bank has been wrecucd bynn old and trusted employe. Theamount stolen is $1!00,<XX), which U lens

wise Involve a weary wnatc of worda, by half a million than the plundering!!"To take n Hlnglu example In political 6f UiiailUir AlVoru, ut now torn. On".slang—will anyone dispute tho value tlm other hand, the mini taken by tho.and compiictncHH of "gerrymander?" j assistant cashier of tlio Newport, Ky.,•It wxjii-osKe.fi In ono word n condition i bank la double tlio capital stock of tho•which would otherwise require several ! concern nnd about ,two-tlftliH of lt« do-•Buutences to explain. "Humbug" WBH | ponl»». He could not well have taken•cnet- slang, but It la slang no longer, j more than lie did. It WIIH Hiil'd by

bodies .of n truly planetary nature, trav-eling round the sun lu orbits as definedas that of the earth Itself. —_—

On every side the Alps send downrlvern, leaping from the rocks, and IntheM«wer-lands,-especlally-on-the-Ital—Ian flldo, spreading out Into beautifulblue lakes. Recently the storcd-np en-'ergy of these Alpine streams .has beenbrought under control, In many In-stances, for the production of electricpower. The river Adda ,at Padernoalready furnishes 13,000 horse-power,and works are now under way on theriver Tlelno, -below Its point of-Issue-from Lake Mngglore, wh'lfch will, It Isexpected, furnish 12,000 effective horse-power to bo distributed among a stringof manufacturing towns reaching downInto the plain of Lombnrdy. It was or- •Igtnally Intended to send this power toMilan, but all of It has been cnKerIy;

seized by the Intervening smallertowns. The Alps are yet rich In unusedenergy of this kind.

ticular.Mtux Go Her One Better.

Lancaster—My wife paid $10 for anew bonnet, I'm sorry to say.

'Forester—You're not half aa sorry asI ami. • - . , , " ' ' . ". •:'

"How's that?"-"'Why, when my wife-hears 6f.lt she

-breadth-wlil-do-best-for-the-legr-Ifr^»L^aRtone-thfttCD3tajnore-"- —'-commenced at the ball pf the foot, and The Only Pooaible Place.

Jones—Have a good time on~yonr-ro--cntlon? rv::j_ ,.,:!....„.^^

Smith—Yes, Indeed. I found a placewhere you didn't-hear a word aboutgolf Sr.yachts or automobiles. . - " '

Rcott! What were youJailed for?—The Smart Set.

!-•—- How He Balance* Thlntcs.

evenly applied so that each fold over-hips the other about one-third, It willreach to the knee. Fig. 1 will beatshow the mode of application. "Thebandage having been first tightly rolledup, Is taken In the right hand of theoperator; the end la passed undar th«

-heldfnhere=rb3r the:Ieffr6aH3:

until It Is secured by one turn of- th*bandage over It; an upward direction lithen_jaken, so that a couple of folds,bring the bandage up to the front ofthe leg, over the. lnstep;_the. next turnwlll-uaturally-pass-above-the-heel-be

Farmer Brown—Now that corn IB sogosh dern low yotJTdrter Bhave~me forhalf price..'The'Barber—I think I might to charge

uIs now godd KngllHli , or,

least, good American, iHTiimm ItHomothlng thiH, no othor word

•expresses. And tiiat la tho tent of goodslang. When your slnng word or yourtilniig plinino fits a situation, n condl-"tlon or tin Idea better than any oxItitliiK•wx>nl or phraiio, •then tho ohint; wordor thn nlang phrann la going to mirvlvo.•It In the uurvlvnl.of tho fit Tho UHIT•ot tilling who cxvrclHRH dlnrrlni lnatlonand who i-inployH iiliniK not lu piM-nl-flattt-, lint aa • tho lii'tt vulilclo nf hlnIhoiiKht, IM n wind nnil JuillcloiiH permili.For thn IiliniK ho UHim will bo In overy<llr.tl»iinry uf th» yrnr WM. It followii41iut he In half n century in nilviinco ofIliOm-of bW'nutiiiiiiionirloM whom fool-cili (vi-vjiiclli-c uni l tradition prevent from

thn great well from which tlioof tliu fiitni'i ' will (HI drawn.

In un O'i'tiilii M M CM u bn that thn ml-to Uin vermicular—If wo except

.purely Hclmtllli : tcrniii driiwii from thnOruak nnd t lm Lnt ln- will coiiin from

(him from th«Mluiii; In l lni reHervoIr which

•will Kiipply tlio KiiKll i i l i liiligliiiffii .with*xiwi-iiHloiiH to Ut now Idona.

Wommi'aHtox—Do you bellovo lu woman hav-

:Iiig tlm nuino rlglilu no 1110117NIIIKK*--Y>I>, I do. Thoro was on«

'•tood In front of whom.I nut la n curto-day nnd trumped nil over my fg«t,••taul If ehoM Ixicn n man I would liavofill ]i«r on«. vuro,—Detroit lTr«« Vroos.

ut thu tlmo of the discovery oftlm Alyonl defalcation that It IH mucheimler to enihf/.7.U> a largo sum In a lil«'lianU than a n inn II HUIII In a mnull bunk.Tho Nuwport hunk In a nmiill one, butAsrtlHtant CiiHhU'r Brown 1ms boon nbloto miiko uwny with $200,000 diirliitf tholiiHt ton yoam. Hrown had boon In thoemploy of Iho bank for night yonm bo-fon; ho IIOKIIII Htcullng, Hln lioiiont ovr-vlcc ilnrliiK that t lmo entitled him tolio c.ontiidoixxl a t runtworl l iy nmployo,but It did not fre« thu bank otllcomfrom th» duty of II ml lug out nt tho en<lof nvury twelve, or all inontlm. periodwhotlicr 1m rcmnjiifd a ^rimtworthy ein-ployo. Trntit IH/ IH nect'imary In it bankan In every othor InmlncHH. Tho em-ployer who linn conllili'iKHt In nono. ofhl» omployoa, luid^lK'iuln hln tlmo Inadopting preciiutlonn iiKalnnt tlii-lrcliratliig him, Ivudu nn nncomforliiblollfn, gota poor (icrvlco, and la miinolliiH-iicheiitoil In HplUi of his pi-ooautliinu. ThunoiiHllilu liunlu-r nr othur employor re-

.pomfi trimt In infn who l|iiyo bi-nn l|un-e»t In tlm punt, lint lut doim not do iMliuli-llnlloly. ISVury now nnd then hoiimln-n n f«w ImiulrlvH to nnoirtiiluwliolhcr It 1» nnfo to rtmow that truotfor another t«'rin.

bind; and then, If proper care be ob-1 double. because when corn's down the-served. It will go on, fold above fold, i farmers wear 8Ucb long faces that Ieach overlapping the other slightly, all bave to do douttework.up the leg. The bandage Is passed from j Merely an Amateur.the right to the left hand each time it | Heiress—But, you see, .you paint pier,goes round the leg, and great care tures to sell. It would never do for meshouldibe :tnkeD to-hbld-It-flrmlypiiod-'to marry arnmirwho works for:bis llv*.equalize the pressure, as well as to ing. 'smooth out any wrinkles that may be- Artist—Darling, no one could accusecur In the process of binding. A tirui me of working for n living. I've neverand even supiwrt Is thus afforded to sold a picture In my life,the limb, which Is not likely to crease, -—rn—or get displaced by the motion which , ..Are you badly"hurt,°Mrlsn'Getalong?"

Inquired an anxious neighbor, sittingSo'u'trby-Thc-Blde'of-rho bed. —-

"I don't know how badly I'm hurt,"said the victim of the railway accident,feebly, "until I've seen my lawyer."

Admirable fllmnlotlon...Bessie—Did you see that man making

lov(J-tf> me a few minutes ago?Carrie—Yes. There's good material

by a eouple-olpins, or n needle nnd thread. Great cureshould be taken In this, as In all simi-lar operations, to get the bandnge roll-ed up tightly and smoothly, before <•• in-meuclng; It may thus be grasped In iliehnnd, and kept well under the com-mand of the operator, who should onno account let go his hold of the ban-dage, .so u

The arm does not require BO long or " At tho Kcn«ldc.brond'a bandage us the leg; about two Ilesort Hotel-kecpor—Any guests InInches, by three or four yards, being thls-evenlng's train?the average size. This limb la rather | Bus Driver—Nobody to speak of. Onlymore «'lIUcult to manage, half turns ! n single trunk woman nnd a grip s?nt.—being necesHiiry to effect n proper en-velopment. How tills Is effected maybe seen In Fig. 2. The bandage Is fold-

Rdston Transcript

Date.Up to"Where did you Sunday, old man?""I didn't Sunday; I Snbbnthod.""Eh?""Wont to church morning and even-

ing."—Detroit Journal.

cd buck UI/THI l lHi ' l f , HO IIH to tnl:e(HITeront illri.'ctluli, nml cover tliuwhich would lio expoHi.Ml by the ordi-nary method of folding; t l icnu ha l fturim, i inli 'MH they urn iliine t igh t ly nndevenly, will be npt to Nllp nml dcranguthe whole binding. Hninc o|jiTiil(irnavoid Imlf t nn iM, by lo t t ing (lie rollertake 11.'i im I lira I conmc, nnd then coin-Ing l incl i to cover t l io exponeil IIIII-IH;l int i l i l n melliod, lieHldeH rei iulr l i iK alarger liiimliige, I!OCH not effect t l iu re-

] (julri'il [Hii-|iiiHe. HU neatly and utllclent-ly. One luiiile of fni i l i - l i ln^ a

Ilrowno— Congratulate me,, old nmn.My pretty typewri ter In K<>I"K to be-come my wife,

(li-oene, -You're In lia-k. My wlfo In-n l M l H upon becoming my typo writer,

Wliut'. In • NumnTMrs. Wai{glea--I)o you know

thin la colled a golf ImtTWnifule*—YOB, my dour. It U

caiiM pcoplii who play golf dou>thoiu.—Judff».

Ccrlnlilly.A worimn who will forglvo n nmn for

In t« Mpll t U nil n nhort dlnlnnce, NO nn forgett ing her will nlmoHt love him forIK leave two emld, which ciin bo PIIHH- B t r l v l i i K to forget her, for Bho lirjoWHed round the llnib, nnd tied. It Hliould thai In thin IH tho CHHIMICU of roineiivnhvayn lie borne In mind Hint t l io chief bnincMi.— Ijlf'j.(irl In applying (be binidiiKOH IH to iflvo •l l r n V i i m l nii lfonn Hiipiiort, without mi- ! Of Conrac.diui iireHHiiro uuon nny part; nnd to I No mnn propones to rflinaln nlngl".elTect I h l H proprfrlyi tho Hti'nln In w i n d - | \Vlicn ho pnipoHoii lui expects to jjetIng nhoiilil Im upon tlm wliolu roll hold ' i iwrrltul. -riillndelphlu llocord.In tl io hand, nnd not II|M>II tho unnilUflf^'-X ' "--•-—-••; ..^^portion <\f It. Tlilil Ht rn ln Hliould not Im ' Mofaly n Mint.



relaxed diirluK Hi" prourenu of tho oper-ation.

. . CurliMilty lllvttlvniJ, . ..Kat l inr lnu—ll<i didn't link mo to mnr-

ry him nnd I nliiill feel all my llfu thecruel Ht l i i f f of dlnuppiMntmeilt.

Niincy--roor jjlrll \Vflr« your nrfcc'-tlonn no profoundly intorcutvd?

"No, but It kllln mo to think I can'tnoU him w*v ho didn't oak ni«,"—Llfo,

Mrn, (JliiblelHh—-Hut, Ilonry, dour, Int l i lu pholouniiili you huvit but ouu but-ton on yoHi1 coat.

Mr. OlublelKh—Tlmnk liaaveu you'vonoticed It lit luutl .Tlmt'a why 1 liwOthu pliotoKrnph taken..

A IMliftfirciioo.Mlnlr«'s»-Mnry, didn't I I«HJ you talk-

Ing to the policeman tliln inorulimTMnry—No'ui; It waa htm talking to


Odd, • Cnrlonn owl«{ U u man Natnro Graphically' Poi-T ( 4 r ' jtraycd by Eminent Word Artiste at V IOur Owa Dajr-A Budget of Plin. • _

He— Philosophy, myDometblng it takes all one's ttfequlro.

She— What, then. Is the use Inacqtrir-:tag MT ' ,

"The supreme satisfaction ofnig tnat on&s wnoie tire uaa Deen-%mistake."—Life.

Blame It on tfce Moon. —"Tbo moon 'exercises a marked- infld

cnce on commerce,'astronomers say.'.' '.. "Oh, yes; whenever a man walks wttJia girl on moonlight nights he; buys her 'a kit of caramels and other stuff."—.


«'O1 burnt me band terribly bad."~"H6w~"dia yez do it?""Sure and Ol put me hand In th,1

wnaltj""No, frazln'." . . *

An Injustice., "Tho fact that yoii were / dl8SnJs«d

makes tho case against you very rta.rb,"ca4d tho magistrate to the prisoner.

)r,"- replied -the prisooor,courteously, "you"do !m'e an Injustice.I was not In disguise. I wna merelytraveling fncog."—Plttsbnrg Chronicle-Telegraph. ' -

Reconvldered."He—Yon need not fear. I. sholL-doul

nothing desperate just because yon'have refueed-me.—,—.-.—• —*- ——

"Then, darling, I repeat. It waa onlythe thought that you might do BOJDO-thing romantic 'that made me rcfnsoyou."—Life. ,

Intervale In an Uxcltlng Llfo."Jin, when 5 get big I'm goto' 'way

off to be a pirate." . , >."Are you, Bobby?" ' -'"Yea,. blfr"<loljH"^oTrbc~BcSredr~T'l

come homo at night to sleep:"—ChicagoRecord.

An Admirer of Houe»ty."Yes, sir," said Farmer Corntossscl,

"If thej-e'a anything I do llko ah' nd-mlrc, H'a nn hoDCHt. nmn, An' tliat'8why I'm so proud of our now neighbordown the rond a piece. Kf there everwas an honest man he's one."

"Aro you euro he's honest?""Certainly; one of these frank, gener-

ous, sincere kind.""How do you know?""Traded horses with him day befof*

yesterday, nn' I reckon I got at leastnlxty dollars, the best- of him."—.

"Hero, young Indy, I've briing buclitlila tlK-niKiiniiter yon Hold mo."

"Whnt'B tho mutter wi th It?""It nln't reliable. Ono tl'ino-yo loolc

nt JJ It iiayu orio tlilnit, nnd tliu ntVxt tlmoIt Hiiyn nnotlicT," .

Jnnt I,Ilia v thor Moil,Hh«—Whl<'l' 'w<iul<l yon rnther marry

—tlm prottliiHt woman in tho world or

Ho—Tho prettiest, of con mo. Why doyou imk?

Hlio—Merely t<> nnd out If you weren'tjnt{t Illio nil tho otluT num.—Polix/H,"" ""l>ri>ii». '

' IIU Vlown.Jack llaahulur (cngagwl)— Of couroo,

I reallzo tluit mntrlmony U n vary Im-porlll»t>t«?Pi O'"1 n" I1"'!! '

Nod N.owlywM (hoftriitily)— (itcp1!Qrant Hcott, innnl It'n n whole High?of ntopn nnd nomotlilng to fall over ouovory atciil— I'uck.

fttudsM by Rm. Or.

1 ,IJn6jecfi Thn Ml««lon nf OJirUt — It TVe' to Teach the World Vhnt «od 1« »x

• «. Tho Sympathy nnd Couipastlon o..tho Almighty King-.

V"^smwOTONf, D C—In thia diseourBOdeflcrihca in a new wny the

for the world's diB^iitrall_ .'cranoo. His text is I.'Johnfiv, 10, "Ood is love "

Perilous undertakinit would it be to at-, enlnt a comnarison between the attributesor Ggd, They are not like a mountaint»nge. with here and there o'higher peak,

"** '* like the, ocean, .with here and' there'»pfminder depth. We cannot measure

-infinities. We-woiild notdare say whether»His omnipotence or omniscience 01- omn'-presence/or immutability or wisdom orJustice or love 4» the areater, attributeBut the one mentioned in my text makes' B«eper impresnion \yon u« than any other,

was evidently a v. rv old man who wrote- - _ _ _ _ .

oHn iras, noOn - His dotage, an ProfesnorP.Elchhprn anncrtcd, but you can tell by the• repetitions, In ;the' epistle and the ramWin?'i Kyle7, and: that he" called grown people

prohably an octogenarian. Yet Paul,- inimdlife mfe'erin" nn nnHience of Athenian, critics .on Mars-Hill, said -nothinn strongeror more important than did the venerable

. L John when he wrote the three wordtLOJ.t«lt. "Ood Is love. -

Indeed, the older one gets the more lieappreciate! this attribute. The harshnessand the combativpneftR nnd the severityhave aor\n out of the old man, and he is


~jnow:lefl!*iht rtnrt. awarc"of his1 own faults,10 more disposed

r_fault« .o'f.others,;and he freanently-ejncu-tates, "Poor..human nature!" , The young

iater'tyeiiche^ three. Bcrmons on theSice of God and onn on the love ol Uod,

nt when ne:(rot old he preached threesermons on the Jove of Ood and one onthe justice of, God.

Far back In the eternities there carno atime when God would express one emotionof His nature which was yet unexpressed.He hud tnnflB mnrp worlds than wero seenby the ancient* from the top of the-Egyp.tian pyramid, which was used as an obser-vatory, and more worlds than modern as-tronomy ha«_ catalogued pr__despried

- tteoujjhr'teiescopic lens. /All that showedthe Lord's almightinesa, but it gave no

of-His-love. •> -He-might

ttic reoioivfor i£y troubles, but I will someday .understand. And they do not comeby accident. God allows them to come,and'God U love.'"

But for this divine feeling I 'think outworld would Ion* ago have been demol-ished. .Just think of the organized wick-edness of the national See the atfominn-tions continental! Bohold the false reli-gions that hoist Mohammed and Buddhaand Confucius! Look at the Koran andthe Shaatra and tho Zend-Avesta, thatWould <Erowd out of the world the HoljScriptures! Look at war, digging it«trenches for the dead across the hemi-coheres. See the great cities with theiiinlacaunt nf destroyed manhood and wom-anhood! WhttT blasphemies assail the

king was crossing a desert la caravan, nowater was to bo found, and man and beastwere perishing from thirst. Along theway' there wero strewn" the boneo of cara-vans, that bad preceded. There were hartaor reindeer in the king's procession, andsome one knew their keen scent for waterand cried out, "Let loose the harts or rein-deer." It was done, and no sooner werothese creatures loosened than they wentscurrying in all directions looking forwater, and soon found it, and the .kingand his caravan were saved, and the kingwrote on some tablets the -words, whichhe had read some time before, "As thehart ..panteth after the water brooks sopanteth my soul after Thee, 0 God." ?

Some have compared the' love .of Godto the ocean, but the comparison fails, for

abated. 1 will take on My shoulders andpotf My brow and intb Hy. hieart :the coh-equences of that World's misbehavior.- Itart now, and between My arrival at

Jethlehem and My ascent from Olivet Iwill- ween their tears aijd spffer. their

t rrrt , t i L » • ! it «*w uukui*| uuv u*iu vuuiUUIf v«i tuna, minesycns! What butcheries sieken^he cen. i the ocean has a shore, and God's love istunes! What processions of crime and boundless. But if you insist on compar-jtrocity and woe encircle the alobc! I! ing the love of God to the ocean put oniiatice hftd ppoken. it would have Bald! •• -• * - - - •

world deserves annihilation, and letannihilation come." .If immutability hadipokcn. it wonld have said: "I have always)ecn opposed to wickedness and alwayawill he opponcd to it. The world i« to mein affront infinite, and away with itl" IIjmniscie'nce had spoken it would have•aid: "I • have • watched .tha_t planet withminute and all comnrehensive inspection,nd I ennnot have the offcnpe longer con-jnued^._Jf_truth-tad_snokon it-wouldmve ea(d: "I declare that, they who offendhe law must go. down under the law."lut dlvinn love took a, different view ofhe world's obduracy and pollution. It

Mldf- "I-pity-ftll-thosft-woes of^th'e earth;cannot stand h»re and nee no nRoimge-

ment of tho«e sufferingp. T will <fo do^vnnd'reform the world. I will-medicate it«ounds. I will calm its•ash off Its pollution. T


STUDY.Golden Text: ;Thoil crowncst~the yofl«r

with thy goodness.—Psa. 65 •:. il. '^ _ _ -- _ . ^ . j .

December 30, 19001. :Sun.—Jesus dining, with ,a.j!-pariseo'

(I.uke 14 : 1-H. The two supers gon-.trasted (1-24). Man's feast'and QuestsJesus displeased (1-6)., God's feast andquests, man displeased (15-24).

Mon.—Parable of the Great Supper(Luko 14 : 1B-24). The great giver (15,18). The great Invitation (16, 17).Great excuses (18-20). Grace flnds(21-23). Some are excluded »24)<

'Tues.—The I/ost Sheep and Lost Coin._„ .... -. ,._. „.. (Luke 16:1-10. Two companies (1, 2).flint. n>wm fnnr ^wjft galling craft and let -flolng" nf t f r the Innt (4, 5. , Cnmpnreone sail to the north and one to the notithand one to the east and one to the west.and let them sail on a thousand years, andafter that let them all return, and Rimeone hail the fleet and ask them if theyhave found the shore of God's love, andtheir four voices would respond: "Noshore! No'shore to the x>ccan of CJodV•-lercyl" >

Two Parliamentary Balto.The' session of Parliament that re-

cently ended_waa_not.particularly pro-llQc"bf~iunny saylngs.-but there-were acouple of good things unconsciouslysaid. The first was by Mr. Field, M, KHe bad made a statement atwhleb_Miu.

the. ffiefa_an(l_die-tlieir_death. — Earejsrflll^MjL -Mfr-Flavln

"Bjake-fifty^flaturns-and-lOO-Jupiters-and,not demonstrate an instant of love. Thatwas an unknown passion and the secret' ofIh? universe.. It wan a suppressed emo-tion of '€he,.gtcat God. • But thoVe ,wouldXU)Bie; a_ time when this passion of infinitelove would be declared and illustrated.God would veil "it no'loneer. "After the"clock of many centuries baa run down andworldsrrhad "been>-bo'rn, 'And. 4epip.lii01}cd,

*"con>pliritiv«ry"dDBcSre;-8tir a race "oihuman being* would b6 "B8rn and who,though--BO bountifully "provided for thatthey- ought tovhave .behaved themselveswell, went irito insurrection -and conspir-acy and revolt^ond'Tvnr^-ftnite against in-finite, weak arm.against thunderbolt,-man•gainst God.. • •

If high intelligences looked down and

[,_^prophfialed .extermination--^complete ex-termination—of, these offender! of Jeho-vah. But; no! Who is that coming out ofthe thronexpom of heaven? Who is thatcoming.cllt of the palaces of tho eternal?It is (he Son of the Kmperor of the uni-verse. Down the stairs of the high hcav-en« He comes till He reaches the cold airof a December night In Palestine, andamid the bleating? of sheep and the low--Ing-of-cattle-and tho-monning-of camels;and tho banter of the herdsmen, takes Hiaprat: sleep on earth, and for 'thirty-threerears invites tho wandering race to returnio God and happiness and heav«n: Theywere the longest. thirty-three years everknown in heaven. Among many high intel-ligences wha't .impatience to get Himback? The infinite Father looked down

- «nd law-His Bon slapped and *pit-on and•upperlesd and homeless, and then, amid

: horrnri that made the noonday heavensturn black in the.face, Ifis body and soulparted. And all for what? Why, allow

• the Crown Prince to como'on •nch an er-rand nnd cmlnre «uch Borrow and die^uch» death? It was to invite tha human racoto put down its antipathies and resist-ance. It was bccnuBO "uod i» lovo."

Now, them is nothing beautiful {n athlpwrcek. We go down to look nt thebattered n'nd split hulk of an old nliin ontin) I.uiltf Island or New .Jersey const. Itexcites, our interest. Wo wonder whenand how it cnmo ashore, and whether itwas the recMcMiicus of a pilot or a storm

- liefore which nothing could bear up. Hu-man nature wrcektd nmv Interest the In-habitants of othor worldn as a curiosity,but (here la nothitift lovely In that whichhas foundered on tho rocks of sin aridsorrow, Yet It was in that condition ofmoral break'up that heaven moved to thorescue. It was loveliness hovering overdeformity. It waa tho lifeboat putting outInto th«.«urf that attempted Its demoli-tion, It was harmony pitying discord. It

.wos a living God putting Hla arms around• roore&nt world.

' Tha schoolmen derldo th« Idea that Oodbaa emotion. They think It would be afllrlna weakness to be stirred by anyurthty •poctacle. The God of tho lenrneilDrtioh and fiolilclermnolicr Is mi inf lnl tn

irone. My crown, My sceptre. My. angelicnvironment. My heaven, till I havenished the work and come tack!" God'as, never-conquered, but once,, and thatas when He was conquered by His ownve. "God is love."In this day, when the creeds of churches

are being revised, let more .empbanis be

, a silentMr. FIeld_tun«3d to Mr.

Chamberlain and proclaimed:"The right honorable gentleman

shakes his head—I am sorry to hear (t."The second was from an Irishman,

Matt. 18 : 12). Coming home rejoicing(6, 7; Luke 19 : 10). Seklng for treasure(8, »). Joy In heaven (10).

• The Prodigal Son (Luke 15 : 11-24.The separation (11-13). The suffering(14-18). The repentance (17-19). The•return..and reception (20-24). The re-iponstrance and the reply (25-32).

•Wed.—TJie Unjust Steward (Luke 18 :1-13). Called to account (1-3). Pro--vldes-for-hlmself—(4-S),—The-appllca-tlon (9-^J). , God knows the heart (1*,15). . • .

The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke.,16^rl9-nr.—A-gireaT'contrasfYi9-21)7'Agreat exchange (22-25.X A-great-sepa--ratlon (26-28r. A great lesson (29-31).

Thurs.—The Ten Lepers Cleariped'(Luke 17 : 11-19). The cry (11-13). Thecommand (14). The clennalni^<14>^rile-acknowledsment

He-was-about-5o,put a question to a cabinet-ministerwhen the right honorable gentleman re--mlnded. Mr, Flavin that a letter hadbeen sent to. him (Mr. F.), asking himto postpone the question until suchtime as the minister could obtain the

put upon the thought of my text. J^t.iti Infbrmatlon.ncrff^.before an answer^^ :

. .appear at the bcuinning of every creed

The uni-ipnTB lined toof a great military chieftain .who, -aboutlogo toTEatHe", wan clad in armor, helmeton head and sword at side, and who putoutjiia arms to (rive fareHBlLembracc'His child, nnd the child, affrighted atbis appearance, ran shrieking away. Thenthe father put off-the armor that causedthe-alarm, and-the child saw-who-he-wasind ran into his arms and snuggled againsthis heart. Creeds must not have too muchiron in their make up, terrorizing ratherthan attracting. They must not hide thomilling fnce and the wnrm heart of ourFather;. God. Let nothing imply thatthere- is a sheriff at every door ready tomake arrest, bnt over us all ami aroundas all a mercy that irants tp/jsaye-and-aavip'now,"'' '"'•••.••••-•:

l'-~--:^-~- •'-"- ~-"-~~.If one paragraph of the creedrseems-to

take you, like a child, out of the arms ofi father, let the next paragraph put youin the arms of a mother. "As one whomiia mother comforteth so will I comfortirou."- Oh, what a mother we have in[<nd! And my text is the lullaby sung toIB when we are ill or when wo arc mal-:rcated or when Ve arc weary or when weire"lry!ti(Ci»"do-better-6r-whcn -wc-nre- be-•eft or when we ourselves lie down to thenst sleep. We feel the warm check of thenother against our cheek, and there soundsn it the hush of many mothers, "Ood isovo."

Out of vast eternity Ho looked forward

could be^'YK^Klr,"Is so. v^-Hve got that letter, and havenot had time to open it'VPhlladelphJnPost- -"— ; —

Berlin a—No other-large dlln. Railway engines are not allowedto blow their whistles within the city,limits, and the man whose wagon gear-Ing Js loose and rattling Is subject to afine. Strangest of all, piano playing Isregulated In Berlin. ...Befpr^a.-.certalnhour lnTtheraa"y"aml after a certahi hourIn the night, the piano must be silentIn that musical city. Even during play-Ing hours a flno Is Imposed for merebantdntr on the olano.- i — ^ xC'

Economy In PpgpiThe'Englls|h law^i^flbel make/pro-

fanity n money-saving vice. f-7'. ou calla..!nan_ a thief, nnd^cnnnot prov'e yourassertion, you comEiIt"lfbeir~ir,"hDW;

ever, you garnish your description byany of the adjectives usually deemedunDt for publication, any libel nctloubrought against you will fall through,

—. (15-19).Sober Living (Titus 2 :1-16). Advice

to all -(1-10). -The salvation- that-gracebrings (11). The lesson that graceteaches (12). The hope that grace pre-sents (-14),

Frl.—The Rich. Youtjg Ruler (Matt.19 : 16-26). A great qtieatlon and an-

Clff-1 !))"."• A croa-t-test-tfO-Z^v—AA-great-illustratIon-(23, 24).--A great.reward (25, 30).

Bartlmeus Healed (Mark 10 : 46-52KJesus or- wazareth passeth- by- (46, 47;Luke 18 : 3G-37). The blind man's im-portunity (48; Luke 18 . 38. 39). Jesus'call his opportunity (49; Lake 18 : 40-42).A healed and thankful .follower (50-62:Luke 18 : 43).

.«• *»: Scholars: There In Joy In theof the angel* of God over one. alnnex-that reponteth (Ijuke 15:10).

All:. He brought forth his people •wlttttlay, and hla chosen with singing (Poa~105:43).

Lesson 4.— Superintendent: The Prod-igal Son. • • ' •

Teachers: And he w,ould fain have-Iboen filled with the husks that ,tn&-swine did eat:, and no man gave unto-him.. But When he came to himself he-said. How many hired servants of; my,father's have bread enough and to-spare, and I perish here with . hungerr(Luke 16:16, 17).

Scholars: I will arise and go to msrfather (Luke 15:18).

All: Come, and let us return unto-the Lord: for he hath torn, and be wllBheal us; he hath smitten, and he wllEbind us up (Hos. 6:1). •

Lesson 6,— Superintendent: The XTn—ium Steward, — — • - —

Teachers: And his lord commended?the unrighteous steward because ht-had done wisely: for the eons of tola-world are for their own generationwiser than the sons of the light. AnotI say unto you, Make to, yourselves*friends by means of the' mammon offunrighteousness; that, when It shall,fall, 'they: 'may receive you Into thereternal tabernacles (Luke 16: 8; 9.. __

Scholars!" Te cannot serverlQ6<K~anS.1mamnjon (Luke 16:13),

All.- The Lord our God, will we servo-.and— unto-hls— voice— will- we- hearkenn(Josh. 24:2*).

—Lesson ~6.— Superintendent :--The:-Ricl»:

Man and Lazarus.Teachers: And It came "to pass that

the beggar riled, and that he was catrleai'-awuy iiy the

. _-Sat.— Zaccheus the Pubilcah" (Luke

T— Zac-:

and saw Pilate's criminal courtroom nnd ' for the law Bays.your profanity proveshe rocky bluff with three ^rongjw nnd the

lscerafc;'n body in mortuary surroundings.^nd_hoi^d_thc thunders...toll.atj,|iQ. funernlSriicavcn's favorite, nnd unilerstood thattho palnees of eternity would hear thelorroiv of a bereft God.. _\Vhat do the Bible and the church litur-gies mean when they say. "He descendedinto hell?" Thoy mean that. .jat His soul leftHis sacred'hody for awhile and wentdown into the prison of jnornl night nnduvung hack its grcnt door nnd lifted thochain of captivity and felt tho awful lashthat would nave como down on the world'sback, and wept the tears of nn eternalincriiice, and took tho bolt of divine indig-nation against uin into Himself and, hav-ing vanquished death and hell, came outand came up, linving nchicvcd an eternalrcacuo if we will accept it.

Head It slowly, rend it solemnly, read itwith tcara, "He deuccndcd into hell." He-know what kind of pay He would got forexchanging celestial splendor for Botlilf-'jmm«Ht-tihem rnrnvnnnnry, nnd-JIe-dnTcrt~nTraiiin~'.,

*>li A ..>«._* ;it. . „ * » . . ' . . _ • i _ •_ it II in j

that you have lost your temper, nnd,therefore, you ore not actionable for•yourwordB. fj

Conlbderato Constitution..The original draft of the Confederate

constitution IB In the poHsctmlon ofLongstreet Hull of Athens, Ga. • Mr.Hull IH a grandson of TlionuiH n, U.Gobi), cbnlrnmn of tho committee thaidrew the document.

FlHlios Sleep Whlln in Motion.The Hloeplng of llshcs, If tliey may

properly be nald to have uuch a hnblt,In IIH yet a ptizzlo. It la altogothor prob-ulilc that they do sleep, though theynever i'loHi> tiller OVOH. almjily for Hir-

;amc, tho most illuutrioun example in allthe ages of ditintcroBted lovo,

Yea, it was maul oxiinnulvo love. Theres much human love that coots nothing,

nothing of fatigue, nothing of money, noth-ing of sacrifice, nothing of humiliation.Hut tho moat expensive movement thatthe heavcna over rondo wan thla expeditionnalvatory. It coat tho life of a King.

It put tlio throne of Ood in bereavement.It net tho univerae nalinist. It mado om-nipotence weu|> and bleed and eliuddcr. Ittiixod tho rcaourccn of tho riclieat of allomplrca. It mi-nut angolio forcca detailedto fluht forcei deinoiiiao. It put tlircoworlds into ulinrp colllnlon— ono world to•nve, Another to rculat nnd another to do-atroy, It clinrged on tliu. oponra and rangwith tho battlcnxe* of Innnnii nnd dlnbojla(into.

Had tho expedition of lovu linen do-foiled tlio thrnnu of Uod would have fall-

. i Si J II, n » liB 'n* iC° "" l'"' nnl1 t)|ttn" >vonl(l linv" '""""ted lnt(lOerloM divinity. Hut tho Ood wo wor- mnromaoy, and Viln would havu forev,,,In t* one of •ynmatliy mid companiilnn triumphed, and merey would Imvo benrid holpfiilUfni and affuqtlon. "Uod in forever dead. Tho tenra and liloo.l of tin


In all tlio llllilo thcro In no morn con-•olatory n^ateinent. Thn vury lieot pco-|ila Imvn Io thulr llviui ncciirreneeii lni-xpl|.cable. Tlmy urn Imrilft or |ierneouted orImliovcrlnhi'd or invalided. They Imvoonly onii rhil i l , nnd that dies, wlilln thnnext (loin1 ncluhhor. linn nuven elilldren,

_ n n d they are. all Hpnrud. Tho iinfnrtinii i tesliny at a time when tho innrliot In i-lnliig,and thu dny nfn-r thu iniirhot fulln, At ntlmo when they need to feel tha bent, forthe dlniiliiiVHU of noino duty thoy urn m>!/.edwith .pliy»lii«l nollniiHi). TryliiB t,i do ngood nml lioiu'Ht nm| uuefnl tlilnu, they nremlnfflprMoiltod and boiled im It they hailpraotfccd.,.11 villainy, ,'l'hero urnWHO all tliull' l iven have nulVon-il injmiUei'iiOthers-of Iran tiilunt, with luuu uonnuiirn-tlon, KO on anil Up, whilo they »o on nmlilown, Thcl'o nl'« in iniiiiv liven i-lildlen ( ln i llinvv n i) v or Ijccn ex|iliilned,. lieurtliiiinlmthat hnva niiviir lieen lienleil, do to thu tnmn or thnt woman with |ihlloHii|ililn <'«[iliumtlon, nml your attempt at. comfortwill Im a fnllin-ii, nnd yon will mnl(o unit,torn worno iliutond of innkl i i f f them lintlorHilt lut thu Oceania tlilo of tho toxl roll Inthat soul, mid all l lu lonncn and i lLnn l c - i n

would linve inoiiiiteil intor

been.............. - tlio

iimftyr of the heiwoitn wurn only n [inrt ofthe i i i f ln l ta oxif.nno to which tint UodheJwei|t when It propound to navo tho world.

Alexnnilur tlm Urunt, with li lf i |ion|, \virninnrelilnK on .fri ' i iMnluiu to enptura nnd(iliiiulcr It. 'llio inlinliltniito i-nnui outrlotlieil in white, Ivd on by llu) liluh prlent,wearing a nillur nml nlltterliiK |irenut|ilnta

wnn uinlilnieoiied tliu

•vt'-no eyelids. 1'rob-iibly ninny HnlM's slumber whllo Hvvlm-inlng In tho water, ro<lucln(f the oxer-else of their HUN to nn automatic mini-mum. Hut It would be u mistake toHiippoHo that a HH)I doon Its slocplng atnlKht iMH-itwarlly, On the contrary,iiiiiny HpeclcH uiv lUM'tiiriinl In habit,feeding In thu night tlnu-.

cJieus's business andposltlon (2). Hisdesire and his efforts. (3. 4). Jesus atZaccheus's house (5, 7). Zoccheus's re-pentance and works (8). A proof of"Jesus' mission (9, 10).

Sun.—Christmas Lesson (Matt. 2 : 1-11). The visit of the Ma"jrr<I7"2)~Tlie~troubled _klnKj<3,_4)._iWhere _the Christ.shottld~be~born (6, 6). 'The promisefulfilled (7-11).

TITLES AND GOLT)EN TEXT31.JESTJS DINING WITH A PHARISEE- Whosoever exalteth himself shall be

abased LjjmcL he thaiJiumbleth rhlmselfsliall be exaltedr—tulre-trrlr2. PARABLE OF THE GREAT SUP-

PER.Come; for all things are now ready.-

—Luke 14 : 17.3. THE LOST SHKEP AND LOST

COIN.There la Joy In the presence of the

angels of God-over one sinner that rfl-penteth.—Luke 15 : 10.

4. THE PRODIGAL, SON.I will njlse nnd go to my father.—

.JL.Uko-15^ 48. _.—• 'D. THE UNJUST STEWARD, v

Ye cannot serve God and mammon,—Luke Hi: 13.6. THE RICH MAN-AND LAZARUS.

Lay up for yourselves treasures Inheaven.—Mntt. 8 : 20.7. THE TEN LEPERS CLEANSED.Re ye thankful.—Col-3 : IB. •

8. SOBER LIVING.We ahpiild live soberly, righteously,

ririu godly, in this present world.—Titus2 : 12.

fl'. THE RICH YOUNO RULER.Children, ho'v hard Is it for them that

trust In rlehcs to enter Into the king-dom of God!—Mnrk 10 : 24.

10. BARTIMEU8 Healed.Lord, that I might receive my sight.

—Mnrk 10 : 51.11 55ACCHI31.TB -THE PUBLICAN.The Son of man Is come to seek and

to save that which waa lost.—Luke 10 :10.

12. PARABLE OP THE POUNDS.Every one of IIH shnll nlvo account of

himself to Ood,—Pom, 14 : 12Or, CHRISTMAS LESSON.

Thanks be unto (~o'l for his unspeak-able gift.—2 nor. 0 ; Jfi.

13. RKVIEW.Thoji rrn,wn«st—Uia—y«or—with—Hry

bosom; and the rich m.in also died, andwas burled. And In Hades:- lie lifted;up -his eyes, being In ^torments, ;. and! "seeth' Abraham afar off, and1 L'azarusnIn his bosom (Luke 16: 22, 23);.

Scholars: Lay up for yourselves=trea—sures In heaven (Matt. 6:20).:

All:- -What doth It- proflt -a.man.-to> -gain the \vhole world, and forfeit hielife? -(Mark-3:36); — - -- -. ---

Lesson . 7.— Superintendent: The.- Tea,Lenera

Teachers: One of them, when-He-sawthat he was healed, turned back, wltbia loud voice glorifying- God; and; he:fell upon his face at his feet, giving:him thanks (Luke 17: IB, 16).._ SchoIars:_Be ye thankful (Col. 3:157-—•

All: p.iglye thanks unto the Lprdt:for'ti'p"lHfor ever.(Psa. 136:1).

Lesson 8.— Superintendent: Sobety"Living:.

Teachers: For_ the_grace Of Gtia natKt-appeared, bringing salvation to air menjInstructing us, to the intent thafc de-nying-ungddliness and worldly— lusts —


nil which wnn miililimmed tliu nnmu ofUotl, mill Alexander, HITJI IK Hint word,howod mill hulled lilti nriny, mid tliu citywiu unveil.

And If wo lind tliu lovu of (lod \vi iUonhi nil our lieiirlii mxl oil all our liven iiluloil nil our himncTN nt tint nlj j l i t of It thnI»)?|M of t empta t ion would full lnu'lc, and

jiimplc WH would go on from victory u n t o victoryun t i l wo nt i ini l In /Inn mid liitforn (!od.

l.iuuiilm- HWit in aiM'onii tlm llellenpontunldrd by thn Unlit wlileli Hero (ho fiiir.lielil from one of luir tower windown, midwlmt.lIe|li;ij|ioiiU of imrllily ntniKulcii runwo not 1)1 cunt nn loim nn Wo nui urn Iliotoroli of i l iv inn loyo mild from t l iu tnwupw l n i l n w N ' n f tlio Kin i ( t l'«i( lovu of (loijIn UK IIIK! our lovo to (Joil olimp liandn t l i l uinllinto. 0 yu d lnnu t ln l lnd nml iIlut.rcriHiiiln i iu lu who vonin tlio world over looldiiKfor lm|i|iliienn nml llndliiK uonu, why not

will bo eiihmorgcd wltli bleimlng. and tlie try thu'lnv* of (Joil im n odlnoo iinil JnoiiliC«uir«ror will snv, "I. i;am,Dti unihivst ' ' ' ' 'itand ol]"!1 n."J «t«rJ.\nJ

Juntlco Wnltu |\>r an lOxonralon."During tlio coursti of my oan-or In

tlio pollcxi «li'i>artiiHint I have Hcldonicomo IUTOHH iinythlng uioixi htiiuorouHtlmn n l(rtU>r rt-c^filly ixiwlvwl at thedetcctlvt; lioudiiunrlcrH," wild (;«plilliiof DotiM.'tlvtw I/olnvr yoKtcnlny. "\\Viirnmtisl a iimn wiiutcd In a city not ithumlrt'il mIK'H from hero ami \vc wliv<the iniii-Hlial to roinc nt once amiII|H prlHoncr. Hi' wn>tn im a Idler M I X !mild: "l'leiim> hold — for <mo wi'eli.Thorn IH an oxcui-Mlon to ('lovoland Il icnuiul I nui K'-t cheap nilt'h. Don't forjto liold him and «cc aboul a chcaii litnl .to liwt for my iiiiin."- •(j lovoliini)Loader,

goodness,— Pfii, 615 : 11.INTKIINATIONAL HOME

Mon.— Lukn 16': 1-10. Seekinglost.

Tues.— Mntt. 2:1-11. ChMatman leason.

Wed.— Luke. 1S;(11-24V Tho , prodigalHon.

Thuro.— Luke 17 : 11-19. The ten lop-em. >

Frl.— Matt. 10 : 10-26. The rich younifruler.

Hut.— Mark 10 : 46-62. nartlmaunhcnlcd. '

Run.— Luke 10 : 1-10, ZaccheiiB.(Thcne Home Tlendlnfrn aro the oolec-

tlono of tho Intornntlonal niblo R«nd-Intf AnBoclatlon.) "

_ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _Scholars: We should live soberly,.

righteously, and godly, in this presentworld (Tit. 2:12). . .

All: Even so let your light shine be-fore men (Matt. 5:16.) -^Lesson 9.— Superintendent: The RichYoung Rulei". . • ._ -.- ..... Teachers;, .Jcsusvsald.,.unto him. K _thou wotildest be perfect, "go sell thatthou hast, and give to the poor, and!thou shalt have treasure In heavensand come, follow me. But when the-young man heard the sayin'fir. he wentaway sorrowful: for he was one that.had great possessions (Matt. 19: 21. 22.)'

Scholars: Children, how hard Is Iffor them that trust In riches to enterInto the kingdom of Goal (Mark 10::

All: Give me neither poverty nor-riches s-ri-lest-I-be-f ull, -and-deny- thee; 'and say. Who is^the Lord? or. lest Ibe poor, and steal (Prov. 30:8, 9). .

Lesson 10.— Superintendent: Bartfnr- 'eus Healed. •

Teachers: And.... as he went outfrom Jericho.. ..Bartlmeus, a blind beg-gar, was sitting by the wayside. And1

when he heard that it was Jesus, ofNazareth, he began to cry out' and'

.Efly ,_Jesus._ thou... son--of-Davl<lj-ftave—mercy on me. And Jesus answered'.him, and said. What wilt- thou- that T.should do unto thee? And the- blind'man^ said unto him (Mark 10: 40, 47,

Scholars: Lord, that I might: receive-my sight (Mark 10: 51),

All: Open thou mine eyes, that' I' may-behold wondroua.,thlnBs out of thy.' law, - -(Psn. 119:18).

Lcsaon H.— Superintendent: Zacchc-us the Publican.

Teachers; 'And when Jesus came tothe place, he looked up, and said unto-him, Zaccheus. make haute, and comedown; for to-day I must abide ait thyhouse. And he made haste, and came-?i?.wn< n received him Joyfully (Luke-10: o, 6). ' -

ufhB Bo

Tlio old woman \vhii l ived In it iihoi;ln iirtiluibly the only <mc who neverconmliilncil of l l h bi'lnu loo lartfe.

Many a man \vlio K i v e n up hl t i niiine.vfreiily for fo i i l lH l i w h l i i i H d l N | i n l i > » UK(irll'l* l)f lUTCIIHltloH,

• T l i o nixtiitnulo uf tlm 11)1" tliormiKh-ly i loini!Htlri i toil on a pool wl t l i ln thoe l t y l l i n l l H of I,on Anitoluii, ('al,, In iiiiu-,K < ' n l l v n of Uin inllil \vIntern of that rn-nInn , llu tin' l l i l i i III u tropical bli'il,'I 'ln'iin hlri l i i wi'i'o Introili i i i i i i l iloviiral

i n IIKO, nnil I Ivo t iKM-o nerfootlyI'ontiiiiteil.

-A rutnloii i t ini of tho National Oli-r .nrvali iry ut Atlioi|ii nliowii tluit .IIH?e i i r t l i i | i i i i l c i<n wuro fn l t III Olniioo 111 thayearn IKM-IHON. uiul of tlumo aol« wuro

riled In /until itlonii, T)u\ Hlionlcawuro inoro luiinoiouu In April uiul May

Whuit o {than In othur inontli*.


Ivenuon 1.—Huporlnlcnd'ont: Jemui Dln-Intt with u 1'lmrlneo.

Ti-nchcrit: When thou nrt bidden ofliny nny iniiii to u innrrl i iKo f e n i i t . , . ,Ki> unil nit down In th» lowent plnro;t lui t wlii ' i i he t lui t l i n th Mil.lrn tlu-reonii-tli , Im niuy nny Io thee. KYlem!,KO up hlKlier : then nluilt thon linvnKlory In the preMiinro of ni l Hint ni t ntincut w i th th ro (I.uko 14 ; H-10) . /

Hi 'holum: \ V h o n i M > v < > r oxiiltetli hi innelfHl in l l In* nl intU' i l ; nml lie l lml l in in l i l i - l l illlmrM'lf uliiill >i > <>xiil t iMl (I.like 14 : 11),

A l l : " I lun i l i l i i yoinwlvcM Ilicrefoi-tii i iuler t l u > l i l l l t h ly l i i in i l of Clod, t lui t hel imy exu l t yon In iltm t lmo (1 1'et. ^ : <i).

I . I - I IMOII u. Hnpi- i In l i i i u l c i i l : 1'uriililnof Hi" Uri ' i i t Mii|i |n-r.

'I'euelli'iii: A crr t i i ln nmn iiiiiiln nI t i cu t «ii|i|ieri unil lu> liiuli! n i n n y : milllio iiont for l l i hln Hi' i-vnnt ut nll|i|i--rI l ino to nay to thorn t lmt were hldilmi(Milio 14 : 10. I1?).

Hel iolnrn: Coino; for nil Hi hum ui'onow i-i'iiily ( l i i i k i t 14 : 17),.-

A l l : Him Hint ronu- t l i to inn I w i l lIn no w l n i > rnnt nut (.luhn (1 i :tV).

lii-punn !).—•HnpiM'llltoniloiit: Tli« T.ontHhiM'ii niul I.OHI Coin.

Toueliern: What man of you, liuvlni;a hundred nhcrp. ami liavlllii lont. cineof l l i i ' in, i toll i not leave the n ine ty midnine In the wl l i lprnomi , mid ir<> a f t e rHint whlc- l i In lon t , u n t i l Im nml I t? Andwlien ho Imlli found U, ho layeth It onhlu nlioiildnrn, rojiilelnu (I.uliu 1li;4, 6).

MM.. UA a t 4

seek and to «avo "that which was* lost-(Luko 10:10). • . '

All: As for me, I will call upon God-and tho Lord nhall save me (Pan; B5-10). \.Il"BBOJ 1?.-Superlntendcnt: Ifnrable-of tho Pounds.Teachers: And It came to pasa, when,

no wan como back again, having re-ceived the kingdom, that he command-ed thcHo Bcrvants, Unto whom he hadi«'von tho money, to bo called to him.that ho might know what they hndlgained by truilliiff (Luke 19: 16>. '

Hcholars: Kvcry one ^i us shall give-account of hlniself to Ood (Rom. 14:18)

All: Know tliou, that for all thesethings Clod will bring thcu Into ludc-merit (Keel. 11 ;9). B

ChrlHtman LCHBOII.—Buporlnt«ndont-Now when JUSIIH WIIH born In lleHilc-hem of Judeix In the days pf Herod thc-Iclmr, bohold, W|HO men from the canteniiie to Jorumilem, nny|nu. Where Itlie Hint In born KliiK of the JcwoT forwo saw hlu ntar In tho cunt, nnd wo arccome to wornhlii him (Mntt. 3: J, 2)

TcachcrHl And In, tliu ntur, whlnh.they HIUV In the «nut , wont before themHII It came mid atood over w|ior« thVyounif child xvaa And/when thny Ha\vtlio Him-. |tidy nvJolc,.,) with uxveodlnir(treat Joy (Mul t , •,',: 0/10).

Hclinlui-«i; Tlmnkn bn unto flod forhlu uniiiiciikiiblo K l f t (2 cv»r. 0: 15)

A l l ; Unto Mini that loveth im ',maloon.Ml U K from our nlnn Iiy hlH liloo'd,,,.to him Im the Klory <(nd t l n < dominionfor ever ami over. Amen (Itiiv, 1: R,

A Willing Worker:. 'Vim will humdown the llijK?" «ii«lalmwl Mr. Mc<>kton'H wlfo, who WIIH rvlionrHliitf t.npcocli which Him VVIIM to deliver liofor*tlm club thin evening. "Now, HenrletIn," ( ixcl i i lmiMl Mr. Meeklon, "I though!1 luid iitlemled to everyl l i lmr. I liolieothe luinement dour, nml pnl (lie cat outnnd covoi-cil I lio tire In the Htuvc willniilien; l int , to tell yon (he I r i l l h , I illilu'-Unow we hud Ilie dug mil . I 'll go vlglvup on tho roor ami nt tend to It nt ojico.'—vViiuhlnicton Htiu-.

-..—^ iiii$to?r3^m^