The Boundless Love Of God

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By Ms. Sarindhorn Mativachranon51st International Eucharistic CongressIEC Pavillion, San Carlos Seminary Complex, CebuTestimonialJanuary 30, 2016

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    51st INTERNATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS Christ in Your, Our Hope of Glory (Col. 1:27)

    Jan 24-31, 2016, Cebu City, Philippines

    January 30, 2016


    TESTIMONY By Mary Sarindhorn

    Bangkok, Thailand Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Rev. Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Sawasdee ka ! Greetings from Thailand ! God is hope. God is love. God is truth. These were the words of Pope Francis in Philadelphia in September last years. Yes, the fact that a small convert like myself from Thailand is standing here today as a humble witness proves that Gods love has no boundaries, but reaches every corner of the world. This year is the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and my topic today is The Boundless Love of God. How befitting ! I spent 14 years of my life fighting for justice for the crime I did not commit and 6 more years in healing. I was a forgotten woman broken physically, spiritually, and financially. Then a miracle happened. I was touched and salvaged by Gods love, and was able to forgive all those who wronged me because of Gods grace. Today I am completely healed with a heart full of overflowing love. As you all know, Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country with 96% of the population being Buddhist. Therefore, whenever I speak, it is a voice of minority. However, just as God never ceases to love us, we should never cease to glorify Him. May I now share with you my humble life story.

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    I was born the youngest daughter of my family whose parents were devout Buddhists. Fortunately they sent their 3 daughters to catholic girl schools taught by the Ursuline Sisters for their education. After graduation from high school in Bangkok, I went to the further my studies, and came back with an honors degree in Business Administration in 1969 at the age of 20. Five years later at the age of 25 I became the youngest co-founder and Managing Director of one of the largest finance and securities companies in Thailand at that time. Five more years later I became the biggest shareholder of the company. At the age of 30 I was at the top of the world! Then lightning struck. Less than a year after I took over the company, the Stock Exchange of Thailand crashed for the first time. I was forced by the circumstances to sell my company back to the bank of my former Chairman at a tremendous loss. I was willing to sacrifice myself in exchange for the safety of the money of the depositors many of whom were catholic schools.

    Having brought the ship safely back to shore, I was totally exhausted. I resigned. Before I took leave, something unimaginable happened. I was held against my will in the meeting room by a bank director for 7 hours, forced to sign some papers. Seeing that it was unethical, I steadfastly refused. From 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. I was denied any food or drinks. When the director who held me captive finally had to let me go, he pointed his finger at me. One day youll be sorry. Little did I know that what I did or did not do that day would cost me 2 decades of my life. Later this man became the new Chairman of the company, and he was true to his words. One day I got the shock of my life when I was tipped off that an arrest warrant was on the way for me for allegedly embezzling my former company a staggering amount of B 196 MM! (approximately US$7.84 MM at B25=US$1then). A former employee of mine whose wedding was officiated by me was willing to give false testimonies to

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    the police in exchange for a promotion. While all accused were presumed innocent until proven guilty in court, I could be jailed rotten if I could not produce enough bail. Where could I obtain that amount of money for bail? I had no choice. Leaving my 4 young children and my husband behind, I took the first plane out of Thailand the next morning. As soon as the plane took off, I buried my face in my hands and cried out in my heart, God! I am innocent! I am innocent! My life from that point on was like that of the doctor played by Harrison Ford in the movie, The Fugitive. Fearing I might be arrested, I moved from place to place, some days eating just one meal. At night Id be too scared to sleep. My life as a pitiful fugitive went on tillDec. 25, 1989. Having been awake the whole previous night, I went to sleep late in the morning: and woke up around 7:00 p.m. I was starved. It was pitched dark outside and it was cold, very cold, and raining. When I came back to my room empty handed because all shops and restaurants were closed, I was hungry and angry. I became hysterical and started cursing the man who put me through this suffering, and the lawyer and the false witness who were both my previous employees. I must have temporarily gone insane at that point, and saw my own life less worthy than the dust on the floor. I ran around my tiny room looking for somethinga knife, a rope, anything that could end my miserable being. When I could not find any, I knelt down in the middle of the floor and cried out to the Lord. Dear God. I do not know what sin I committed in my past life, but I cant go on living anymore. Please come and take me to be with you. At that time I was not yet baptized. But throughout my ordeal I prayed feverishly night and day to God for His help. I did not know how long I was kneeling there, but was jolted awake when a thought flashed into my mind without my awareness. It was like someone had spoken to me. Dont give up, my child. One day the truth will prevail. God has a mission for you.

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    I jumped up from the floor. Did someone just speak to me? Or was I hallucinating? There was no one in the room except me. Then it dawned on me that though I was suffering beyond words, I was still free, wasnt I? Besides, every time I thought I had come to the end of the rope, Id get some reprieve. There couldnt be any other explanation. It must be God who was taking care of me and had just spoken to me! I kneeled down again and prayed, Dear God, if its You who had just spoken to me, Id be and do whatever You want me to. Then I prostrated. Just as I did that, a righteous thought came into my mind. If I was to continue living, I must first forgive. But how? Only moments ago I was cursing them to death. After trying the whole night, I prayed again. Dear God, I want to forgive my enemies, but I cannot do it on my own. Please help me be able to do so. What happened next was something Id never forget the rest of my life. As soon as I finished my prayers, the feeling of hatred in my heart like a fire in the desert was blown away. Instead a breeze of coolness like the first fall of snow swept through my heart. It was wonderful. I felt redeemed and refreshed. I knew immediately a miracle had happened. God had touched my soul with His love. I was able to forgive my enemies through His blessing. I was ecstatic, and cried the tears of joy and excitement the whole night. Later I even prayed for Gods blessings for all 3 of my enemies and their families. I was to remain living the life of a fugitive in exile till the statute of limitations expired before I could return to Thailand. Though I could not be arrested on criminal charges, I was sued in civil court as well. That chairman was bent to get me dead or alive. I had to attend lengthy court sessions. When one lawyer after another wanted to charge me a few million Baht as lawyer fee, I suddenly realized that I had God. Why did I need any lawyer? My faith was so strong that I could call it blind faith. I dismissed my lawyer, and went to court defending myself. Realizing that God helped those who helped themselves, I decided to head back to my former company to petition for justice. Another uphill battle had just begun.

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    Having been the top boss of the company, I was reduced to being just an ex con woman. Nobody would see me. Id go there in the morning day after day hoping to get an appointment with someone. Everyone ignored and shunned me. The humiliation was so heart drenching that at times I thought I could not go on. However, I dared not get discouraged. If I did, I would be turned to ashes. I prayed vehemently with my unconditional faith Monday. On January 17, 1994, as usual I went to see the Director of the Legal Dept. of my former company. Ignoring his secretarys refusal for me to see him, I barged into his room and presented him with a list of documents I said would prove my innocence. He shook his head. Its been 14 years. All documents had been destroyed. Without premeditation I blurted out. Then let me go and search your store room myself! Nothing could be more absurd than that statement. However, Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37. Accompanied by 5 of the companys staff, I was allowed to go to the specially built and well guarded storage of the company. The Legal Director gave the permission so that he could rid himself of me the nuisance once and for all. Within only 2 hours however, I was able to dig out the evidence that would prove my innocence beyond any doubts. One of my other staff was ordered to destroy them; but for some reason she did not, but reported to the chairman who ordered her that she did. The Board of Directors learned of the evidence at their next board meeting. They were stunned and speechless. One of them remarked. We have killed an innocent woman! Their resolution was to withdraw the case from the civil court immediately, and also asked me not to sue them back. On March 21, 1994, I walked out of the court for the last time as an innocent person. Even the sky cried the tears of joy for me. It rained the whole morning. Remembering that I was able to forgive all of those who wrongly accused me because of Gods grace on the night of Dec. 25,

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    1989, though I was penniless at that time, I decided not to sue back for any amount of money though I could have asked for millions of Baht in damages. To family members who could not understand my action, I simply said, Its between me and God. And so it ended. So had everything. To most people including my husband at that time, my nightmare was over. I should just forget everything and get on with my life. I told my husband I was not a tab that could be turned on and just turned off. To me the fight for justice had ended; so had the purpose of living. I was a wounded woman who needed healing. Suddenly, it was an empty world around me. For the past decade or so I told myself I could not die before I was able to find justice. Now that the case had officially ended, where was justice? There were no announcements in the newspapers. I was still a social outcast, forgotten by most and shunned by all. All my former colleagues were then top financial executives. I was penniless and jobless. I could not even read business newspapers without crying. Suddenly, my previous determination and courage all but disappeared. The only feeling I had left was self-pity. I had lost the will to live again. As if the Cross I was carrying was not heavy enough, an extra weight was added onto my shoulders. Not long after my case ended and before I was able to heal or recover financially, Thailands economy collapsed. At the time when I needed him most, my husband walked out of the family leaving me to care for our four children alone. My life at that point was like a beautiful porcelain vase being thrown to the floor, then stomped upon by a strong rogue man. There was nothing left but pieces strewn around on the floor. Alone, scared, and desperate I turned to God. I wrote a lot of prayers begging God to please help me heal which later became a book. Then one day God spoke to me again. Thailand was hosting the FESPIC Game, the sport event for the disabled. The night before the games started, the Head of the Thai team, a man with a missing leg, appeared on television. Nobody

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    wants to be born disabled. However, if we could accept this fact of life, we could live a normal life. He said. Suddenly it was like the unlit bulb being turned on! The key to solve my psychological problem was that I must be able to accept what had happened to me. So what that I was a single mother? So what that society shunned me? I still had 10 fingers and a perfect body and a sound mind, didnt I? I could not go back and re-live nor change my past, but I could live the present and shape my future. That night I prayed the whole night. The truth had now prevailed. Its time to move on and find out what Gods mission for me was. If I continued living in this sorry state of mind, His miracle to me would be a waste. I was baptized on June 2, 1996, in the chapel of the Ursuline Sisters in New Rochelle, N.Y. Feeling ecstatic, I felt like I was reborn. I then channeled all my energy into serving God. I founded the Hot Line under the auspices of the Catholic Association of Thailand for those in distress, and joined almost every Catholic organization in Thailand. I was so busy serving God and other people that I forgot about myself and my wound. By the time I had time to look at myself again, I found that the pain in my heart was no longer there. I was completely healed! Instead of a scar my heart is now filled with love, love of God, love of my children, and love of all others around me. Life is not perfect, but life is beautiful! Looking back, I likened my experience to that of someone who was thrown into a ravaging river. Submerging in the middle of the rapid current, I was struggling to stay afloat. I saw Jesus standing on the shore watching me attentively. I cried out to Him for help. Instead of jumping into the river and rescued me, Hed throw materials, sometimes a log, sometimes a piece of wood to me. Finally, when I was able to swim ashore, He was there smiling and welcoming me with His open arms. By watching over me but letting me learn how to swim myself, Jesus had made me a competent and capable swimmer.

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    I also discover that the virtue of forgiveness benefits the forgiver, not the forgiven. Forgiving is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary it is the sign of strength. It frees the one who forgives from the chain that ties the person to the pole near the fire of hatred. It is not easy to forgive your enemy. I also find out that it is much, much more difficult to forgive someone whom you love but betray you. However, once you are able to do so, you are free. You can walk away from the bonfire and breathe fresh air again. At the time of the economic crisis in Thailand in 1997 I was very desperate financially having just started a small business. However, with my unconditional faith and earnest prayers, I was able to pull through the economic crunch miraculously. Today I am the Chairwoman of 2 companies manufacturing shower enclosures, and tempered and laminated glass. My children join me in our businesses. Also during the past 3 years I have been an Associate Judge of the Labor Court, Region 2 of Thailand. Who would have thought that a broken woman like me and a troubled family like ours would be healed and blessed like this today? I might have lost 2 decades of my life, but I can say now that it was a blessing in disguise. With our unconditional faith in God every week my three children who also converted, my 2 grandsons, and I will attend mass together. Every week we will hear the priest say, Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body which will be given up for you. Through the communion we receive, wed feel a renewed sense of freshness instilled in our soul enabling us to serve God tirelessly and continually.

    Today I am having a special kind of feverJesus Feverthe kind of fever that I do not want its degree to subside no matter what. If your heart is full of the Good News and Jesus Christ, it will spill over. You cant keep it for yourself ! If someone asks me to introduce myself today, Id go like this. I am a faithful servant of God, a happy mother and grandmother, and a businesswoman, in that order. Also I am totally committed to serve

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    God. In the Thai society where the majority of the population is Buddhist and most Christians do not dare announce their religion, I use my life story as a bridge to bring people to know God. I try my very best to live my life in such a way that people see Christ in me. I evangelize to the business circle, the judiciary society, the political arena, and even to the military junta and to anyone whenever I have a chance. Ill also go to the end of the world to be a witness of Gods love and mercy. Little did I know that what I have been doing since my conversion is New Evangelization according to Pope Francis teaching. I have now discovered what Gods mission for me is. This is what God wants me to do. This is what God wants everyone to do. Six years ago, I decided to write a book about my life experience in Thai to glorify God on my 60th BD . Because of this book I was later invited to appear on a popular television program. It was the 1st time ever that a Catholic was interviewed and able to talk about God on a national television program in Thailand. I was also invited to speak at PACOM II, WACOM III, and AACOM III--The Philippines, World, and Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy in the Philippines, Columbia, and Indonesia respectively. Consequently I decided to write and publish my book in English as an e-book on so that people all over the world can read my book about Gods glory. The name of the book is Moving the Mountain by Mary Sarindhorn. Amidst all these activities I pray humbly to Jesus, This is for the glory of You, not the glory of me, my Lord.

    Id like to end my speech with the following Scriptures from the Bible.

    My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal.

    Be sincere of heart, be steadfast. and do not be alarmed when disaster comes.

    Cling to Him and do not leave Him,

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    so that you may be honored at the end of your days. Whatever happens to you, accept it,

    and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient, Since gold is tested in the fire,

    and the chosen in the furnace of humiliation. Ecclesiasticus 2:1-5

    Woman. You have great faith! Your request is granted.

    Matthew 15:28 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given methe task of testifying to the gospel of Gods grace. Act 20:24 May God bless you all!
