The Chowder Chatter Newsletter of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society A Premiere Sailing Club of Southwest Florida Next Full Moon Oct 29 October 2012 Commodore's Message Ahoy Mates September was another big month for CMCS. We had two great cruises, and kicked off the beginning of our 2012-2013 Race program. Check out this month's Chowder Chatter articles about our ―Where the Wind Blows‖ Cruise that blew us on down to Naples Boat Club. Then the South Seas Plantation Cruise which teamed up with the Kayusa Cup offshore race. Hopefully you have all made plans for the Society's premiere regatta of the year - SUMMERSET! Whether you sign up as a racer or a cruiser, Summerset is a great deal. Plus you'll be supporting youth sailing programs in Southwest Florida. Finally, as you all likely know by now, our great little Society could sure use your help in the form of people giving a little time to keep the club running. The most serious shortcoming for our 2013 slate of board members is for a Rear Commodore of Racing. Steve Roake has done a terrific job these last two years, especially in the department of simplifying the paperwork portion of the job. There are also a few choice openings on our list of Committees (page-5 of our yearbook/calendar or go to http://www.cmcs-sail.org/home/about-us/2012-officers/ ). Please contact Stephanie Webb (239-454-5114) if you can assist. Web Guru's October Tip If you have ever wondered just what goes on at those CMCS board meetings, well wonder no more. The board's 2012 meeting minutes are all posted under the ―For Members of the Society‖ menu. Of course, you need to Log In to see that menu. ALSO, have you ever scrolled down on our Home Page? The ―Recent Society Stuff‖ scrolls on clear to last Thanksgiving Cruise. The current plan is to display twelve months worth of a ―taste‖ of what our club is all about. Smooth sailing to all, Commodore Glen Vetter [email protected] Welcome Summerset Participants

The Chowder Chatter

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Page 1: The Chowder Chatter

The Chowder Chatter Newsletter of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society

A Premiere Sailing Club of Southwest Florida

Next Full Moon Oct 29 October 2012

C o m m o d o r e ' s M e s s a g e

Ahoy Mates – September was another big month for CMCS. We had two great cruises,

and kicked off the beginning of our 2012-2013 Race program. Check out this month's

Chowder Chatter articles about our ―Where the Wind Blows‖ Cruise that blew us on down

to Naples Boat Club. Then the South Seas Plantation Cruise which teamed up with the

Kayusa Cup offshore race.

Hopefully you have all made plans for the Society's premiere regatta of the year -

SUMMERSET! Whether you sign up as a racer or a cruiser, Summerset is a great deal. Plus you'll be supporting

youth sailing programs in Southwest Florida.

Finally, as you all likely know by now, our great little Society could sure use your help in the form of people giving

a little time to keep the club running. The most serious shortcoming for our 2013 slate of board members is for a

Rear Commodore of Racing. Steve Roake has done a terrific job these last two years, especially in the

department of simplifying the paperwork portion of the job. There are also a few choice openings on our list of

Committees (page-5 of our yearbook/calendar or go to http://www.cmcs-sail.org/home/about-us/2012-officers/).

Please contact Stephanie Webb (239-454-5114) if you can assist.

Web Guru's October Tip – If you have ever wondered just what goes on at those CMCS board meetings, well

wonder no more. The board's 2012 meeting minutes are all posted under the ―For Members of the Society‖ menu.

Of course, you need to Log In to see that menu.

ALSO, have you ever scrolled down on our Home Page? The ―Recent Society Stuff‖ scrolls on clear to last

Thanksgiving Cruise. The current plan is to display twelve months worth of a ―taste‖ of what our club is all about.

Smooth sailing to all,

Commodore Glen Vetter

[email protected]

Welcome Summerset Participants

Page 2: The Chowder Chatter


The 47th annual Summerset Regatta is almost upon

us! If you have not yet visited

www.summersetregatta.com, check it out. 2012 en-

tries are kept up to date every day by Jerry Can-

ning. Schedules and forms are also available as will

be race results and a new supply of photos. Sailors

love to see photos of their boats under sail. We

have hopes for some video coverage of the race as


Steve Romaine has done a great job securing sponsors. Now he’s working on

door prizes, and what a bounty of goodies he has amassed – free haul-outs,

free dockage at some of our beautiful Southwest Florida marinas, free

night’s stay on Ft. Myers Beach, marine equipment galore, free dinners – it’s worth joining in the fun

just to get a chance at some of these wonderful prizes. Racers and cruisers are eligible. Cruisers are

definitely invited to the Skippers’ Meeting Friday night as that is when we will be drawing for their

door prizes. Racers’ door prizes will be drawn at the cocktail party on Saturday night. You will get

your tickets to the cocktail party at the Skippers’ Meeting. If you lose them, admission is $5.00. It’s

still a bargain! But be sure to hang on to your tickets for the best bargain of all.

The deadline for entries is 17:00 hours, Wednesday, October 3rd. You can also use the entry form to

order extra t-shirts, hats and long-sleeved microfiber shirts. The microfiber shirts will be dark blue

this year, which is a great color for winter sailing. Summer has set, you know and fall is in the air!

So I typed into Wikianswers.com ―What is the best way to prepare for a regatta?‖ This is the answer

that was posted: ―get absolutley wasted off alcohol the night before and detox during the regatta you

will go 5-10 sec faster than you did before. TRUST ME!! Mahe Drysdale did that at the Olympics

that's why he was spewing and looked like crap all the time and he came away with a bronze that's

pretty good if you ask me.‖ Well, that is not what I would recommend, but to each his/her own!

Are you ready yet? How clean is your bottom? Have you practiced with your crew? Have you checked

out the condition of your lines and blocks? Are you ready for fun? As usual, my definition of a suc-

cessful outing is a) no one gets hurt and b) nothing gets broken. And if you happen to win one of our

trophies, that is one heck of a bonus! I wish this for each and every one of you and be safe out there!

The Fort Gorda Cup will be awarded on Sunday night as well. The South is ahead, so we hope to match

the good results we attained during the Conquistador Cup in Charlotte Harbor this spring and bring it

home in its first year.

Thanks to all of you that have made all this fun possible. Every little bit of help has been appreciated,

and we hope we can replenish our Youth Sailing Grant funds with some very healthy deposits.

Happy Sailing! - Joan Perkett, CMCS Vice Commodore - Summerset

Vice Commodore of Summerset

Joan Perkett

Summerset 2012

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Racing News

We’re now into the fall racing season. The calendar is full of events, near and far. There is no

shortage of racing opportunities in Southwest Florida! Local upcoming events include CMCS’s

Summerset Regatta, Edison Sailing Center’s River Romp, and Ft. Myers Sailing Club’s River Series.

The Kayusa Cup, an 18.5 nm coastal distance race, was held on Saturday, September 15th. This was

the first Boat of The Year race of the new season and was held in conjunction with the South

Seas Cruise. Fifteen boats started the race near San Carlos Light off of Fort Myers Beach. The

weather was excellent at the start with easterly breezes and calm seas. After a short weather

leg, the fleet headed for the coast of Sanibel Island and headed north to the finish at Redfish

Pass between Captiva Island and North Captiva Island. Some of the cruisers awaited the racers at

South Seas Plantation and greeted them with Painkillers and a good freshwater rinse from a pass-

ing rainstorm! The Kayusa Cup, as usual, was a tester of patience! Joel Andrews and the crew of Macushla truly had wheels!

They had a great start, got out in front and extended their lead - the three simple elements of sailboat racing that Buddy

Melges professed as the only things you had to do to win! Macushla passed Blind Pass (the point where the race could be

shortened) around 12:30 in the afternoon and was trucking up the beach, finishing about an hour later at 1:41:35 PM. Well

done Joel and the crew of Macushla! Unfortunately, Macushla slammed the door on the rest of the fleet! The wind was

"moderating" behind Macushla, and "offing" before anyone else was able to finish. For the remaining eight dedicated racers,

their patience ultimately rewarded them with a finish - not necessarily the finish they would have preferred, but a finish none

the less. The tide in Redfish Pass was unforgiving! Those near the beach were able to avoid much of the brunt of it but those

faced with sailing against it struggled in the light air. The next boat to finish after Macushla was Roger Horton's Wicked Wicked Ways at 4:50:09, over three hours after Macushla. The last boat finished at 5:24 PM. Nobody got rained on during

the race but many got soaked after finishing as the skies opened just after the last boat finished. In the Spinnaker Division,

Joel Andrews’ Macushla was first (and only!) in section as well as first overall. In the Non-Spinnaker Division, Roger Horton’s

Wicked Wicked Ways was first, followed by Gary Blessing’s After You and Tom Horner’s Bentley. In the Cruising Division,

Gordon Coffman’s Ariel was first, followed by John Finnegan’s Miss Cathleen and Brock Johnson’s Vixen. The next and last

distance race of the year will be on Sunday, October 7 as part of the Summerset Regatta.

Remember that WFPHRF certificates expire on June 30 of each year. If you haven’t renewed yet, please do so NOW. You

must have a current certificate to compete in CMCS events. If you’ve renewed already, thank you!

The Summerset Regatta Committee has been hard at work. Planning is in the final stages for the 47th Annual Summerset Re-gatta on October 5-7, 2012. Summerset is also a Boat of the Year event requiring WFPHRF certificates. You can download

all of the Summerset information, including entry forms, on the Summerset website: www.SummersetRegatta.com. The Notice

of Race, Schedule of Events, and Entry form are now available on the Summerset website. It’s time to send in your entry.

Summerset entries are separate from the other CMCS entries and require the Summerset entry form.

After the Summerset Regatta in October, the Festival of the Islands Regatta will be held on Saturday, November 3. This is

one of the few events without a scheduled social event following. We are looking for a volunteer that would like to organize an

informal social gathering after this race. If you’d like to help, please contact Steve Roake ([email protected]).

One of the benefits of being a U S Sailing member is receiving a new ―Racing Rules of Sailing‖ rule book. The rules are up-

dated every four years. The next new rules book will become effective on January 1, 2013. Join now to be on the mailing list

for the new rules book. CMCS sponsored a rules seminar last year which was well-received. Look for an announcement in the

fall for a rules seminar that will address any changes to the Racing Rules.

Lastly, CMCS will pick a new Rear Commodore of Racing in January. If you have an interest in this position, now would be a

good time to volunteer to work on a Race Committee boat so you can find out how easy and fun this job really is!

Rear Commodore of Racing

Steve Roake

Page 4: The Chowder Chatter


Cruising Report

October is here, fall is in the air! Yes, we do have seasons in SW Florida it’s just more

usual with cooler evenings. But great cruising weather! Can take the heat if the eve-

nings and nights are cool enough to open the hatches and enjoy the breeze through the


Many thanks to the cruise leaders over September ~ Mel Rudd lead the ―Where the

Winds Blows‖ cruise south to Naples ~ must have been a north wind? They actually

could sail part of the trip. From the pictures, all who participated had a great time.

Thanks Mel and Glenda!

Kayusa Race/ Cruise turned out to be a mild event. Dan & Debbie Merriman on ―Air Boss‖ directed the festivi-

ties at South Seas Resort. Per Dan, it was a quiet time until the racers showed up after a very long, windless

day on the water. I’m sure the pool and watering holes all looked very good to those tired crews. Thank you Dan

& Debbie for hosting this event.

Looking to the future ~ SUMMERSET Regatta (October 5-7) is upon us and the accompanying cruise. So far we

don’t have a ―Leader‖ for this event. Regretfully, slips are hard to come by this year as the docks at the Pink

Shell are being replaced and it’s my understanding that Moss Marine is booked solid. There are mooring balls at

Matanzas Pass Mooring area and the dingy docks at Anchor Inn and the Bodich Park are available. Participants

need to complete the application for cruise on the Summerset Packet that was mailed and available online. The

costs for the various events is posted. If there is anyone out there who can step up to lead this cruise, please

don’t be shy!

The end of October is the Halloween Cruise with cruise leaders Judy & Charles Tomlins on ―Judy Judy‖. This is

not a cruise for the ―faint of heart‖! Costumes, cocktails, BBQ and BBB (Big Beach Bonfire) all part of the fun.

CMCSers are encouraged to secure the Danger Island Friday afternoon for the weekend of frolic and festivi-

ties. That evening is cocktails and potluck on the beach. Saturday is the Third Annual CMCS Halloween Golf

Tournament, with R&R followed by cocktails and Beach BBQ. THEN the costume contast by the ―BBB‖. Look for

an email blast with more details but know it is a very full weekend of fun!

Fall is the time to cruise in SW Florida so look for everyone out and on the water flying their CMCS Burgees.

See you all on the water real soon!

Vice Commodore of Cruising

Bev Duff

Page 5: The Chowder Chatter

South Seas Cruise Report

The South Seas Cruise started off slowly with AirBoss sailing up the Gulf side to Redfish Pass alone on Friday.

Arriving at South Seas Sea Change was awaiting us. We had the marina and pool pretty much to ourselves and en-

joyed some quiet cocktails on AirBoss.

Saturday Blue Skye and Sea Isle joined us. We all spent the day on the beach and by the pool awaiting the racers.

But the wind Gods were not smiling on the racers and they spent quite some time drifting in the Gulf. By some

miracle Macushla was the first racer to arrive early in the afternoon. Jolly Mon, Passion III, and Barefeet were

next after retiring from the race. After You made it into the marina just before the squall hit. Rain came down by

the buckets and the wind hit 25 knots. Air Supply decided to come on in during the storm and it took many hands

on the boat and on the dock to tie them up safely. Vixen, Ariel, and Miss Cathleen waited on the water for the

storm to pass before docking.

Painkillers were passed out as the boats arrived and in between the rain showers. The tasty libations were a big

hit with the racers after the long day on the water. Everyone found shelter on various boats and began sharing

hors d'oeuvres since the storm hit right at cocktail hour. As the rain gradually eased up everyone eventually

found their way to Passion III to gather. But some never made it or left for dinner so a new record for number of

souls on Passion III was not attempted.

Glen and Paula Vetter arrived by car accompanied by Sue Stier that met up with her husband Tim that made a

very precarious landing on the pier after racing up on Wicked Wicked Ways. Eric Milbrant and his friend Holly

came for the party and to run the triathlon on Sunday.

Sunday was spent by the pool telling war stories. AirBoss, AirSupply, Jolly Mon, and Sea Isle spent another night

and gathered on AirBoss for one last night of cocktails. But alas, it rained again so we crowded down below in the


Thanks to everyone that joined us and we’re glad that we could help with the PAIN!

Dan and Debbie Merriman


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Where The Wind Blows Cruise

9/1-9/3 2012

Judy, Judy Air Boss Freestyle Gopher Boroque

Second Edition Avanti Tanglefoot Trust Me Sea Puppy

By Mel Rudd

What a beautiful Labor Day Weekend. Nine boats left SC #4 between 9-10:00 and sailed/ motor sailed

to Naples. By late afternoon, we were all settled into the Naples Boat Club docks. About 5 o’clock, happy hour

began by the pool. The frozen concoction machine began to produce margaritas by the pitcher. Some boats had a

bit of difficulty docking and there was a ―yellow flag‖ discussion, but no one was awarded the dreaded flag.

There were no scheduled events on this cruise so everyone just did their own thing. Sunday morning some

people walked to Tin City and others relaxed on their boats. By mid afternoon most were at the pool enjoying a

beautiful afternoon. That extended into happy hour. We planned a game of L-R-C at 9:00 in the clubhouse and 10

people joined in.

Monday morning everyone began to disappear down the Gordon River bound for home, or where ever the

wind blows, and another cruise comes to an end. Special thanks to Charles Tomlin and Glenda for capturing the

whole event in pictures.

See more pictures from this and other CMCS events at http://cmcssailclub.shutterfly.com

Page 7: The Chowder Chatter



This year has been a great one for ―growing‖ CMCS and thank you to our many members who

have sponsored new recruits to our ranks! Those of you who are interested in numbers, we have

a total of 129 memberships which include 23 Crew and 8 Honary. There are a total of 110 boats

on our Yacht roster as of this edition.

So we continue to grow, let’s welcome aboard CMCS with Russell & Rita Watjen with their

Hobie Daysailer ―TIME OFF‖. This is the newest boat flying the burgee of CMCS. They

checked all the interest catagories so expect to see them out and about in our waterways.

They are transferring here from the Savannah, GA area and are looking forward to their per-

manent settlement here. Right now the boat and wife are still in GA and Russell is ―camping‖ in

their RV at Ft. Myers Bch. Russell has not been shy about letting us know he has many interests in getting active

as he is settling into his new job at Edison State College as Interim VP of Student Affairs. Welcome Russell &

Rita to SW Florida and CMCS!

Ken Potter has joined our ranks as a ―Crew member‖. He and his spouse, Jayne settled in Cape Coral this past

January and per his application ―Are looking for a Beneteau‖ to purchase and race. He is a novice in racing but

willing to learn, and has an long history of cruising so knows his way around a boat. Ken is also an electrical con-

tractor . . . Welcome to CMCS Ken!

Reminder that Sail Mate, Diane Fowler will be getting hold of each new member to try to match them with a

―Sale Mate‖ and become familiar with the Clubs traditions and events.

It is that time of year again ~ Membership ―RENEWALS‖. The Board of Directors has been very gracious to hold

the dues at $100. for full membership renewal and $50. for crew renewal. In this addition of the Chowder Chat-

ter you will find the 2013 renewal form and it will also be available on line at our WEB Site www.CMCS-sail.org.

Please note the DUE date for renewals is November 31st. After that you will not make the press date for the

2013 Annual Calendar!

This is has been a great volunteer job to meet and greet all the boaters and sailors interested in CMCS however,

it is time to turn over this post to another. The incoming Commodore is seeking outgoing, computer literate person

to take over the station of CMCS Recruiter. I am more than willing to assist the new recruiter to learn the ropes

and get off to a good start. Please advise if you are interested to so we can get you on board as quickly as possi-



[email protected]

Special Speakers for October Program

Jay and Kathy Light will present a Highlight of their recent trip to the Southern Caribbean on

Alborada, their Ft. Myers Beach based sailboat at the October 16th. meeting. Jay and Kathy

have been members of CMCS since 2002.

Bill Misenheimer, Program Director

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Page 9: The Chowder Chatter

Visit to: Coast Guard Station

718 San Carlos Drive

Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931

Contact: Petty Officer Todd Walter


Our Tour will be 1 1/2 hours long and will include the building, training deck,

a question and answer session and go on the various boats at the Coast Guard docks.

Each session is limited to 16 people so please let me know when you want to attend.

Sunday or Monday, so we can make and coordinate our group lists.

Parking is under the bridge and walk around to the coast guard gates.

Meet you there !

The event is open to your spouse or spice.

RoseAnn Hoffman—[email protected]—RSVP 239-540-1911

Ladies Bridge Club Oct 14—15, 2012—1 p.m.


I nominate _______________________________________ for the position of

___________________________ for the year 2013.

Nominated by:___________________________________________________

Name and signature

Seconded by:____________________________________________________

Name and signature

Candidates signature:_____________________________________________


Page 10: The Chowder Chatter



3 blade fixed bronze prop taken from 32' Catalina. 1"

shaft. Just $295 OBO —-

Diane Fowler 850-4935

Is it time to renew your Boat US Membership?

Remember to use the CMCS Group ID

# GA82335B

on your application, and save half the price of

your annual membership fee

Really Great Stuff For Sail

Summerset Benefits Youth Sailing


$3,000 OBO.

Swing Keel—Draft: BD DN 4’6‖, BD UP 2’0‖

Cockpit Bimini—Main & Jib—15 HP Evinrude Outboard.

LIFT KEPT. Trailer Available.

Boat Located in Orange Harbor MHP, East Fort Myers.

CALL JOANN @ 239-690-2495.


Page 11: The Chowder Chatter


2 Honda 9.9hp long shaft motors for sale.

Both run well. Both set up for remote operation.

Remote shift/throttle levers included. $1200.00


Janette or Ned Christensen 239-945-7676.


Buy, sell, trade

Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery,


Don Lawson, Chowder Chatter Editor at [email protected]

or use your roster for telephone information.

Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out sooner.

Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.

Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :

Members: 3 months, $25.00

Non-members: 3 months, $50.00

Looking For Area Anchorages ?

Look Here :



For Sale


1998 Beneteau Oceanis 321

The most beautiful boat in the fleet is now for

sale. Very comfortable cruising boat with in-

mast roller furling mainsail, new mainsail, roller

-furling headsail. Yanmar 3GM30 27-hp die-

sel. New 3-bladed prop. 2-burner propane

stove/oven. 3-grp.27 batteries. 30-amp

shore power. All electronics. We have tons of

information on this well-equipped yacht – eve-

rything you can think of. Price: $59,000.

Call Russell Vance at 471-2757 or email at

[email protected]

2004 Achilles 10.4 roll-up inflatable dingy

And 2004 Yamaha 8HP engine

Will do 12 knots with two people

Freshwater use $1800

Call Tim Cheek 541-1106

Page 12: The Chowder Chatter




Oct 5-7 ** SUMMERSET **

Oct. 14-15 Ladies Bridge Club—Coast Guard Tour

Oct. 16 Membership Meeting—CCYC

6:30 p.m. Social

7:30 General Meeting

Oct 26-38 Halloween Cruise


CMCS Chowder Chatter

c/o Don Lawson, Editor

1411 SW 53rd. Ln.

Cape Coral, FL 33914