THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER 7,759. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. CIry OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Robert A. Van VVyck, Mayor of The City of New York, do hereby call a special joint meeting of the Council and the Board of Aldermen, constituting the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, to be held in the Chamber of the Board of Aldermen, in the City Hall, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Monday, November 14, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering the Budget for 1899, made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of said city, and signed by the mem- bers thereof on October 31, 1898, and submitted to the Municipal Assembly, as by law required. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office, this ninth day of November, A. D. 1898. [SEAL.] ROBERT A. VAN \VYCK, Mayor. MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TIIE CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, November 9, 1898. To the 1/embers of the Council and Board of Aldermen In pursuance to the above call of his Honor the Mayor, you are hereby notified to attend a special joint meeting of the Council and Board of Aldermen, constituting the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, to be held in the Chamber of the Board of Aldermen, in the City hall, in the Borough of Manhattan, on Monday, November 14, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose specified in the foregoing call of his Honor the Mayor, which call is made part of this notice to you. Respectfully, P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. ---.+.....-- BOARD OF ALDERMEN. SPECIAL MMETING. THURSDAY, November 10, I898, I o'clock r. M. The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. PRESENT : Hon. Thomas F. Woods, President. ALueu IEN William 11. Gledhill, William T. James, John S. Roddy, Vice-President, Jeremiah Kennelick, P. Tecumseh Sherman, John L. Burleigh, John T. Lan,, David S. Stewart, Francis J. Byrne, Michael Ledwith, Moses J. Wafer, James F. Elliott, Lawrence 1V. McGrath, William Wentz, Homer Folks, James IL McInnes, Collin H. Woodward. Elias Goodman, Howard 1'. Okie, No quorum appearing, the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Tuesday, November 15, 1898, at I o'clock P. sI. 1MMICIIAEL F. BLAKE, Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. AN ABSTRACT OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF TILE DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FOR TIHF, \VEEK ENDING OCTOcER 15, 1898 (SECTION 1546, GREATER NEW YORK CHAR'I'ER). BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND 'TIE BRONX. Reoioval of Incumbranccs. (Section $45, Greater New York Charter.) Unredeemed incumbrances on hand October 8, 1898 .................... ....... 475 Incunibrances seized during week ....... ..................................... 7t 546 Encumbrances redeemed and released ................................................ 76 Unredeemed incumbrances on hand ..................................... 470 .17onCys transmitted to City Chamberlain, as follows: For redemption of incumbrances for week ending October 8, 1898 ................. 115 00 +or trimming scows, week ending October 10, 1898 ............................. $t,oto o8 Bills and Pay-rolls :ransmitted to Comptroller, as follows: ichedule No. 144-Sundries. Ashforth, Edward, rent lots ............................................... $83 34 American Rubber Tire Company, repairing and retiring wheels .............. 275 13 American Too] and Machine Company, track scraper........................ 125 00 Barry & Co., D. J., oakum, harness and hoof dressing, etc . ................... 2I 1 61 Brown Company, Martin B., blank forms, etc .............................. $85 45 Balsa Transportation Company, royalty ................................... 600 00 Itroorne, Susan L., rent store ................ ........ . . ..... .. ...... So 00 Collins, Philip rent stable .......................... .................... 1,275 00 DuBois' Sons, fly., share expense maintaining lights ....................... 4 55 Dooley, L., hired cart; ... ............................ .............. 83 20 Fromkess, Agent, Max, rent lots ................ .. ...... ............... 35 00 Froehlich, Caroline, rent stot .. ................ ........................ 48 00 Greene, henry, rent store ..................................... ........... 75 00 Geissler, Christophine, rent store ................... ...................... r20 00 Godfrey, Charles J., bicycle supplies .......... .... ...... ............... 8o 19 Giford,John A., hickory spokes ....... ............................ ..... 17 50 Ilvass, Charles, ca,tings .... . ..................... ................... 8t o0 Martin, James L., hir.•d carts ............ ............................... 249 6o Murray, T. J. M., rent store .............................................. 50 00 Miller, John L., rent store ............................................... 40 00 O'Neill, Josephine 1L, rent store ........... ............................. 45 00 Orr & Co., John C., lumber .................. ........................... 36 65 Romeike's Bureau, fly., clippings .................................... ... Io 00 Radley & Co., John J., castings........ 3 00 Sage, Agent, etc., ()mar V., push brooms ..... ................. ......... 633 33 Sage, Arent, etc., Omar V., push brooms situ brushes ....................... 585 585 95 Schmidt, C., hired carts........ _ ..... 249 60 -$5,153 10 Schedule No. 145-Sundries. Schmidt & 5lunnings, hired carts ........................... .............. $883 20 Stuyvesant, A. V. H., rent store ........................................... 40 Co Servatuts, Agent, L. A., rent store....... ..... ........................... 40 00 Steinge,ter,John, rent store .... ................. ................... ... 37 50 Schaad, Ferdinand, rent stoic ............................... ............ 40 00 Schaad, Ferdinand, rent yard ............................................ 15 00 Tyler, Walter L., rent store...... .... .............. 6o 00 The Peters Harness and Saddlery Company, leather thread, etc ......... .... 240 32 The Communipacv Coal Company. coal ...... ......................... ... 201 38 The East river Mill and Lumber Company, lumber .......................... 47 50 Van Ness Company, J. N., collar needles, feed bags, etc .... ................. 109 50 Vacuum Oil Company, signal oil .......................................... 54 03 Watson, Thomas, grate bars an,l repairs to hydraulic lack .................... 24 50 $1,792 93 Schedule 'so. 146-- J. II.'l'immerman (City Paymaster), wages of Sweeper (John B. 1-hood) for weeks from June 2 to October 6, 1898 ....................................... $207 33 Schedule No. 147- J. 11. Timmeratan (City Paymaster), wages of Hostler (Hy. Seery) for weeks from July I to October 6, 18g8 ...... .. ............................. $192 35 J. H. Timmerman (City paymaster), wages of Sweepers, Carttnen, etc., for week ending October 13, 1898 ........................................ $39,546 83 Contract Exrerrled. Thomas Lenane, No. 307 West street, Borough of Manhattan, October 12, furnishing forage............. .................................................... $24, 611 8t Fines Imposed, If'eek En/lag October 15, 1898. Sweeper Clarence Simons, Section 23, violation of rules, one day's pay. Charles Operender, Section t6, violation of rules, one day's pay. " Thomas Hurley, Section 23, violation of rules, three days' pay. Guiseppe Servitella, Section 14, violation of rules, one day's pay. Philip Miller, Section 27, violation of rules, two days' pay. Galen C. "Thatcher, Section 17, violation of rules, two days' pay. " Mathew Flanagan, Section 16, violation of rules, one day's pay. " Davicl Myles, Section 27, violation of rules, one ,lay's pay. " John Iiealey, Section 40, violation of rules, one day's pay. Driver Arthur McCarthy, Stable F', violation of rules, one day's pay. " Joseph Lovell, Stable I3, violation of rules, one day's pay. (Detailed) Herman Albrecht, Stable I, violation of rules, one day's pay. " John hoch, Stable I, violation of rules, one day', pay. John 1'. Martin, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. George Hurts, Stable I), violation of rules, one clay's pay. August Yochman, Stable C, violation of rules, one clay's pay. I lenderson Giles, Stable C, violation of mules, one day's pay. Bernard McCluskey, Stable E, violation of rules, one day's pay. William \Vhitield, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Theodore Lenereaux, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Edgar Bowler, Stable C, violation of rule., one day's pay. James E. Harris, Stable 13, violation of rules, one clay's pay. Moses Payne, Stable I", violation of rules, two days' pay. James Anderson, Stable F, violation of rules, one day's pay. Frank Travers, Stable F, violation of rules, one day's pay. '' Michael Burns, Stable l3, violation of rules, two days' pay. James Dougherty, Stable 1), violation of rules, two days' pay. Roland Herring, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Jerry Corcoran, Stable If, violation of rules, one clay's pay. Appointments. James J. Parks, Boardman. James Cooney, Mechanic's Helper. Henry J. Fitzsimmons, Carpenter. William O'Callaghan, t1echanic's Helper. B. O'Toole, Mechanic's Helper. Terence L. Baxter, Mechanic's Helper. George Christie, Mechanic's Helper. Louis 11'. Somas, Mechanic'. Helper. George Rever, Mechanic's Helper. Patrick Levins, Mechanic's Helper. George \1'elty, Mechanic's Helper. Fred Paul, Mechanic's Helper. Designed. Richard W. Goodhart, Tug and Scow Inspector. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Removal of Incumbrances. (Section 545, Greater New York Charter.) Unredeemed incumbrances on baud October 8, 1898 ............................. 35 Incumbrances seized during week .............................................o 35 Incumbrances redeemed and released ................................................ o Unredeemed encumbrances on hand ........... ......................... 35 Pay-roll transmitted to Comptroller, as follows Schedule No. 72- J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of Hostlers for week ending October13, 1898 .................................................... $41 43

THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

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Page 1: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER





Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, Robert A. Van VVyck, Mayor of The City

of New York, do hereby call a special joint meeting of the Council and the Board of Aldermen,

constituting the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, to be held in the Chamber of the

Board of Aldermen, in the City Hall, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on

Monday, November 14, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering the Budget

for 1899, made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of said city, and signed by the mem-

bers thereof on October 31, 1898, and submitted to the Municipal Assembly, as by law required.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office, this ninth

day of November, A. D. 1898. [SEAL.] ROBERT A. VAN \VYCK, Mayor.



To the 1/embers of the Council and Board of Aldermen

In pursuance to the above call of his Honor the Mayor, you are hereby notified to attend

a special joint meeting of the Council and Board of Aldermen, constituting the Municipal

Assembly of The City of New York, to be held in the Chamber of the Board of Aldermen, in the

City hall, in the Borough of Manhattan, on Monday, November 14, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the

afternoon, for the purpose specified in the foregoing call of his Honor the Mayor, which call is

made part of this notice to you. Respectfully,

P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk.




THURSDAY, November 10, I898, I o'clock r. M.

The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall.


Hon. Thomas F. Woods, President.


William 11. Gledhill, William T. James, John S. Roddy, Vice-President, Jeremiah Kennelick, P. Tecumseh Sherman,

John L. Burleigh, John T. Lan,, David S. Stewart, Francis J. Byrne, Michael Ledwith, Moses J. Wafer, James F. Elliott, Lawrence 1V. McGrath, William Wentz, Homer Folks, James IL McInnes, Collin H. Woodward. Elias Goodman, Howard 1'. Okie,

No quorum appearing, the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Tuesday, November 15, 1898, at I o'clock P. sI.

1MMICIIAEL F. BLAKE, Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.




Reoioval of Incumbranccs. (Section $45, Greater New York Charter.)

Unredeemed incumbrances on hand October 8, 1898 .................... ....... 475 Incunibrances seized during week ....... ..................................... 7t

546 Encumbrances redeemed and released ................................................ 76

Unredeemed incumbrances on hand ..................................... 470

.17onCys transmitted to City Chamberlain, as follows: For redemption of incumbrances for week ending October 8, 1898 ................. 115 00

+or trimming scows, week ending October 10, 1898 ............................. $t,oto o8

Bills and Pay-rolls :ransmitted to Comptroller, as follows: ichedule No. 144-Sundries.

Ashforth, Edward, rent lots ............................................... $83 34 American Rubber Tire Company, repairing and retiring wheels .............. 275 13 American Too] and Machine Company, track scraper........................ 125 00 Barry & Co., D. J., oakum, harness and hoof dressing, etc . ................... 2I 1 61

Brown Company, Martin B., blank forms, etc .............................. $85 45 Balsa Transportation Company, royalty ................................... 600 00 Itroorne, Susan L., rent store ................ ........ . . ..... .. ...... So 00 Collins, Philip rent stable .......................... .................... 1,275 00 DuBois' Sons, fly., share expense maintaining lights ....................... 4 55 Dooley, L., hired cart; ... ............................ .............. 83 20 Fromkess, Agent, Max, rent lots ................ .. ...... ............... 35 00 Froehlich, Caroline, rent stot .. ................ ........................ 48 00 Greene, henry, rent store ..................................... ........... 75 00 Geissler, Christophine, rent store ................... ...................... r20 00 Godfrey, Charles J., bicycle supplies .......... .... ...... ............... 8o 19 Giford,John A., hickory spokes ....... ............................ ..... 17 50 Ilvass, Charles, ca,tings .... . ..................... ................... 8t o0 Martin, James L., hir.•d carts ............ ............................... 249 6o Murray, T. J. M., rent store .............................................. 50 00 Miller, John L., rent store ............................................... 40 00 O'Neill, Josephine 1L, rent store ........... ............................. 45 00 Orr & Co., John C., lumber .................. ........................... 36 65 Romeike's Bureau, fly., clippings .................................... ... Io 00 Radley & Co., John J., castings........ 3 00 Sage, Agent, etc., ()mar V., push brooms .....

................. ......... 633 33

Sage, Arent, etc., Omar V., push brooms situ brushes ....................... 585 585 95 Schmidt, C., hired carts........ _ ..... 249 60

-$5,153 10

Schedule No. 145-Sundries. Schmidt & 5lunnings, hired carts ........................... .............. $883 20 Stuyvesant, A. V. H., rent store ........................................... 40 Co Servatuts, Agent, L. A., rent store....... ..... ........................... 40 00 Steinge,ter,John, rent store .... ................. ................... ... 37 50 Schaad, Ferdinand, rent stoic ............................... ............ 40 00 Schaad, Ferdinand, rent yard ............................................ 15 00 Tyler, Walter L., rent store...... .... .............. 6o 00 The Peters Harness and Saddlery Company, leather thread, etc ......... .... 240 32 The Communipacv Coal Company. coal ...... ......................... ... 201 38 The East river Mill and Lumber Company, lumber .......................... 47 50 Van Ness Company, J. N., collar needles, feed bags, etc .... ................. 109 50 Vacuum Oil Company, signal oil .......................................... 54 03 Watson, Thomas, grate bars an,l repairs to hydraulic lack .................... 24 50

$1,792 93

Schedule 'so. 146-- J. II.'l'immerman (City Paymaster), wages of Sweeper (John B. 1-hood) for weeks

from June 2 to October 6, 1898 ....................................... $207 33

Schedule No. 147- J. 11. Timmeratan (City Paymaster), wages of Hostler (Hy. Seery) for weeks

from July I to October 6, 18g8 ...... .. ............................. $192 35 J. H. Timmerman (City paymaster), wages of Sweepers, Carttnen, etc., for

week ending October 13, 1898 ........................................ $39,546 83

Contract Exrerrled. Thomas Lenane, No. 307 West street, Borough of Manhattan, October 12, furnishing

forage............. .................................................... $24,611 8t

Fines Imposed, If'eek En/lag October 15, 1898. Sweeper Clarence Simons, Section 23, violation of rules, one day's pay.

Charles Operender, Section t6, violation of rules, one day's pay. " Thomas Hurley, Section 23, violation of rules, three days' pay.

Guiseppe Servitella, Section 14, violation of rules, one day's pay. Philip Miller, Section 27, violation of rules, two days' pay. Galen C. "Thatcher, Section 17, violation of rules, two days' pay.

" Mathew Flanagan, Section 16, violation of rules, one day's pay. " Davicl Myles, Section 27, violation of rules, one ,lay's pay. " John Iiealey, Section 40, violation of rules, one day's pay.

Driver Arthur McCarthy, Stable F', violation of rules, one day's pay. " Joseph Lovell, Stable I3, violation of rules, one day's pay.

(Detailed) Herman Albrecht, Stable I, violation of rules, one day's pay. " John hoch, Stable I, violation of rules, one day', pay.

John 1'. Martin, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. George Hurts, Stable I), violation of rules, one clay's pay. August Yochman, Stable C, violation of rules, one clay's pay. I lenderson Giles, Stable C, violation of mules, one day's pay. Bernard McCluskey, Stable E, violation of rules, one day's pay. William \Vhitield, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Theodore Lenereaux, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Edgar Bowler, Stable C, violation of rule., one day's pay. James E. Harris, Stable 13, violation of rules, one clay's pay. Moses Payne, Stable I", violation of rules, two days' pay. James Anderson, Stable F, violation of rules, one day's pay. Frank Travers, Stable F, violation of rules, one day's pay.

'' Michael Burns, Stable l3, violation of rules, two days' pay. James Dougherty, Stable 1), violation of rules, two days' pay. Roland Herring, Stable C, violation of rules, one day's pay. Jerry Corcoran, Stable If, violation of rules, one clay's pay.


James J. Parks, Boardman. James Cooney, Mechanic's Helper. Henry J. Fitzsimmons, Carpenter. William O'Callaghan, t1echanic's Helper. B. O'Toole, Mechanic's Helper. Terence L. Baxter, Mechanic's Helper. George Christie, Mechanic's Helper. Louis 11'. Somas, Mechanic'. Helper. George Rever, Mechanic's Helper. Patrick Levins, Mechanic's Helper. George \1'elty, Mechanic's Helper. Fred Paul, Mechanic's Helper.


Richard W. Goodhart, Tug and Scow Inspector.


Removal of Incumbrances.

(Section 545, Greater New York Charter.)

Unredeemed incumbrances on baud October 8, 1898 ............................. 35 Incumbrances seized during week .............................................o

35 Incumbrances redeemed and released ................................................ o

Unredeemed encumbrances on hand ........... ......................... 35

Pay-roll transmitted to Comptroller, as follows Schedule No. 72-

J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of Hostlers for week ending October13, 1898 .................................................... $41 43

Page 2: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

05 II,815 03

20,390 29 1,146 00

21.1,827 49 131 48 142 OJ

48 uo tr3 50 8e 50

15 co a4 cu 63 07

5,,48 00 2.35000

2 5254 00 170 00 210 00

7,243 28 525 00

3i,050 00 34 a8

167 32 2 00

5,534 95 93 00

5,750 00 105 25

1,446 10

431 54 5449 64

87,04 8o 231 21

44 00 19 28

13,344 05 3,719 44

300 w 381) 88

17,529 68 2,1(40 00

24 00 '.595 34

2 7,474 90 13 02

149 o6 40 63 130 00 63 00

26,387 38 t6 25

20,494 4)

42 50 377.990 34

1,05 42 75.000 00 1,,83 50 452 29 47 48 22 35

216 83 32,282 69

87 50 5oo,cw 00

157 84 4,566 62 2,93 27

TO 00 97,325 81 2,753 95

30 75 t'075 33 67,779 74

585 co 24 00 85 20 527 50 401 co

2 00 130 56 120 co

63 00 74 02

64 498 73

183,447 80 25 48

$723 80 $z,299,868 20

2,398 69 169 to 84 01

384 25 37 75 300 100 987 Eo 763 70 5 70 6 70

545 00 2.989 87

Gilon..................... I

/72,983 Arrears of Taxes' ...................... I terest on yes 53 36

Fund for Strect:utd Park Openings...... ..... .............. 20,,33 72 Street tmpr0vem['flt Fund-Jnne 15, 18)6. '' ...................... 2 1,157 68

Interest on Street tint Park i,pcnings. .. " ...................... 957 31 interest on street Lmproven[cnt Fund.. • ...................... 2 ,984 39 'Town, of \Ve.tcIevt,r .................. " .... I.................. 29 6. interest-'fl„cns of Westchester........ " ...................... 57 Water-mete-r I'u:td N o.2 ............... " ...................... 11 90 Interest on Setting 11leter. .............. •' ...................... 10 05 teundry 1.iceuses ........................ Roche..................... 1,024 co lttocst.IoIt It.tates ...... ................. Com ptruller................ 7 00 Street Incmnbrance Fund ............... \IcC ,r:ney ................ 58 'o '1'eppmg Popes ...... .................. Itl rite ........ ............ 416 5u Exci-e fuses ....... .................... Hille,rd .................... 17,768 77 Rcs:oring and Repaving, Department

of HiTlngays ........................ Keating...................I 3,387 37 l'segcimcd salaries and \V:r,{, s .......... ........................... 1,457 54 General Fitnd . .............. \Ic2artney............. 82,403 93 ,. ................ G don................. 50

,. ... Kane....... .......~ 8r5 68 .. ................ Keating ..............., 52 25 i

o ... C. F'. MurpSt'.......... 3r0 50 ................ Whalen......... ......'I 78 95

--- - - -- a,66t II Contingencies-t omptrollur's Office..... Comptroller ................' 5o Additional Water Fund .................1 Walker....................] 204 92

ltorou_h of Broaayn- New \ ork and Brooklyn Bridge....... Shea ...................... Sundry Licenses .................... Roche .................... Water Reut1 ........................ 1,r,„[......................

.. I;aekus .................... Taxes ......... ............. ..........l Austen.................... I nterest n:, 1' Is(.. .................... I •• ....,............... I nterest on B,mds .....................I .. .......... 1lurket heats and lees............... O'Brien................... House keut; ......................... ,. .................... 4;on--ec1 Fund ....................... \Calton..................... lnsvr,s(,nB and :wd Moo gage...--.. O'Itrien .................... Exc-se lazes.. ........................ \Itchell .................... Street Vaults ............ ............ Keati ug ................... Restoring and Repaving-Department! of High ways .....................~ ,. ...................

Department of Sewers .......... ..... Kane ..................... Arr,ar, of l'ax,.. ...................... Gilon ..................... Interest on faces ..................... •` ..................... Arr ar, of \\ titer Roles..............' I nterest on \1-ater Rti e ................ .. ..................... Prospect Park. Ins - al .................1 ,. ........ ............ Interc,t on Prospect Pa,k, Instal.....-.i. " ..................... F.ig ah W.urd Improvement...... ..... '' ..................... Setter Instal., 'I'weniy--ixth Ward..... ..................... Sewer In-tint .,"l'wentti-nint1 \Ward.... ..................... Sewer Fu,id, Laws of i8o_x............' „ ..................... Street Opening Fund .................. ................--... Assessment Fund . ................... .. ................. ...

Flagging, 'lax Assessments, hirtieth .....................

gg B, Ward ................... ..

Opening and Grading Assessments,' ,

Op°„m and Grading Thirtieth Ward ................. .....................


s~esmen ti, "

.... ..................... Improvements, 1'"wn of New Lots.... ......... .......... .. Twenty-sixth \Ward, Assessments,, Grading and Paving ................. „ .....................

Interest on As,essments........

Borough of Queens- Taxes ..............~ ........ ........ \Vaster R,nts ...................... . Interest on taxes .....................1 Department of Sewers ................ Restonng and Repaving, Departments

of Highways ........................ Excise I 050 ......................... gown of Jamaica

Town '['axes.. Sc) no', Taxes ....................... R,tad Taxes .... .. ........ ......... \Vxter 'faxes ...................... Ilealth 'Taxes.. ................... Light Taxes ........................

i Fire Taxes ............... ...... I nterest oil Taxes ...................I

Village of Jamaica: Village taxes...................... Interest on Village ''axes...........

Villa¢e of Richmond Hill : Village Faxes....................... Interest on Village faxes...........

Far Rockaway : Taxes .............................. Interest on 'faxes ...................

Rockaway Beach : Faxes.............................. Interest on faxes ......... ......... Sch u'I Taxes ....................... Interest on School faxes .............

Arverne : Taxes........... . Interest on Taxes...... .............

1898. Sept.,7

24 By Balance......

20,9tt 52 t,o85 50

21,656 27 2 , 79

43,845 74 3,034 91)

17 40 993 70 IJ 00

140 00 93 98

4,419 14 51 0)

2,254 45 975 90

tt,2,0 35 2,015 37 2,984 61 788 56 t t8 28 9 54

137 27 1,284 50 124 45 517 85 89 30

2,220 69 104 59

139 29

322 44

Ito 85 6 63

580 99 693 It:

28,607 52 1,319 07 510 90 50 00

64 00 635 36

454 63 158 78 23 93 33 78 3 63

92 t6 I b8

5t 54

56 72 4 46

114 74 9 52

136 25 20 90

541 32 43 42 1260


20 04 a 6t

Austen ................... . Fitch .... ............... Austen.................... K one ....................

Keating .................. Phipps ....................

4978 THE CITY RECORD . FRIDAY, NovlMnER 11, i8Q8.

t )ch ,ber 22, IM9S, of goad duality and ttp to the stan lard ; on file. Rop )rts of census, labor, punishments, for week ending October 22, 1898 ; on tile.

From State tiultcrintendent of El cut ions-Asking that one of Iris dsputic% miy lie pennitlerI to stake it copy of September pay-rolls uF this Uettnrt men t as it will be necessary to have this in order to properly perform the rlutles of his office. I'crinision granted.

1.ront I)tstrtct Prisons-Amount of fines received [luring week ending October 22, 1894, $673. On file.

From Penitentiary, Blackwell's Island-List of prisoners received durinly week ending Octo-ber 22, 1898: Males, 19 ; females, 4 ; on file. List of 23 prisoners to be (discharged from October 30 to November 5, 1895 ; transmitted to Prison Association.

From the Coutptroller-Statement of unexpended balances to October 22, 1898. Referred to General Iio,-kkeeper awl Auditor.

From City Cemetery-List of burials (luring week ending October 22, 1898. On file. From Kinds County Penitentiary, Borough of Brooklyn-List of prisoners received during

week ending October 22, 1898: Males, 12, females, I; on file. List of 29 prisoners to be discharged I from October 23 to 29, 1898 ; on file.

Ordered, That the proposal of October 24, i893, of the McAdams & Cartwright Elevator Company, for installing three elevators on N1aekwe11's Island, for the suns of $1,3,995, be accepted, that company being the lowest bidder, the sureties having been approved by the Comptroller.

Communications Acceived, I :ljjni I et . John Doolan, I lelper, Workhouse ; salary, $6o per annum,

From City Prison-Warden reports death of Mollie O'Brien, a prisoner, at Bellevue Hospital ; William J. Sexton, lIelper, Workhouse; salary, $120 per annum. on file. Amount of lines received during week ending October 22, 1895, $121 • on file.

From Workhouse-\Varden reports that Annie \Vilson, aged 75 years, and Mary Perhamus, hei,iafat d.

aged 65 years, are broken down, unable to work and require constant care ; application to be Edward P: Sherry, Keeper, Workhouse ; salary, $Soo per annum.

made to loeun,it:ing Magistrates f,r r1iseliarge of prisoners. Amount of tines received during Died. week curling ( I,:ntb~r 22, IS.1S. 5117 on tile. I F. J. Eichelman, Clerk, Storehouse.

From heads of Institution--Reporting meat,, [silk, fish, etc., received during week ending FRANCIS J. LANTR\', Commissioner.


Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending September 24, 1898.

OFFICE OF TILE CIi'Y GllA-VinRi:LAIN, NFw YORK, October to, iS98.

ho. ROBERT A. 1-AN WPCs. .1lnvor : Siv-In pursuance of section 196, chapter 37S of the Laws of 1897, I have the honor to present herewith a report to September 24, 1898, of all moneys received by me and the amount of all

warrants paid by file since Septeutber 17, iS9S, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on September 24, 1898. Very respectfully,

PATRICK IiEENAN, City Chamberlain.

I)R. THE Ci-ry OF NEW PORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamber-/air,, daring the week errding' September 24, 1898. C.R.

1t'lwt'w I OF QUEENS.

Bills transmitted to Comptroller, as follows

'hedule O. 19-Sundritc. Mulhall, lames, collecting a<hes, etc ................... .................. $8o 00 Pearsall, Lewis, collecting a.hes, etc .... .................................. 300 00 Pearsall, Lewis, cleaning streets ......... ........... ..................... 65 00

$445 °O

JAMES M(-CARTNEV, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.



iSg8. Sept. 24 $17,873,86t ro I'o A t IT( r.ol \late, Fund ...............................................I

A-Idum..t.g 'Cat, r F ,,,d. CON of New \ ork ............................ Additions to Publ c Suile!isgs. Crotona Park, Twenty-third and Twenty

t, urth \V., ds .................... . N:hance~ on \\aster :11,. te, s. Itoroulth of ItrOBTkiyn ......................1 Ame [,an .\lu" um ,.,f ,atural Hi>iory ............................~ Anti u -tox,c Fn nC ....................................................I Ar:r-,ry Fuu .:.......................................................I Botanical Museum, etc ................ .............................. lloo.;, U.cr harem Rr.ei at Third Avenue ................ ......... Itr1 ice t>scr Hrb_m Rmv:rat rust Avenue ...........................I Fridge Over Harlem River at (inc Hundred and Forty-tiith to Oue

linn !re.1 and tarty-nil„h 5tre0t .................................. Bridle Veer Sc1S Yo,k Central and ;iudson River Railroad ............ Urea -ad F..Ib.,:n P.r. kw .................................... ........ Cu Idm_ Fend, Late ie':o 11) strict, Town of N.wt 20 ............... liuil .lag tun .. Late 'chool I S-t: i Z. T„Ivn of Flushin ................ College IT the City of New T.,rk- tit to ........ ..... ... .... Lornm„n Lind Fund, I. ,t,- Io.tn of Gravesend, 11, r„egh of Bryr4 lyre.. ('o.,rt F,_.s .r,d File., Bt -roues of Brooklyn .......................... Cr Ill \,i,( F na! ............................. .... ...... ..... I(par'cent of Ch.Irities :rn,! Corrccti .n, City of Brooklyn............ L1.p. rtnlrht of Corrnctio.t-B.hdsng Fund ....... .................... I r1 ar'mc1,t of F Ire, City It I;ro :mil vn ................................. r)gpattmont it Higl,w.,v--kestortug:md Repaving ................... IJepa tctent of Puli. e B ,n,.: eh of Bo k!yn ......................... ID, pi,tnI: fit II R;nl ,. Charitues- wldi~ C Fun i ..................... A=se-smcu: Fund, lfor.,ugh of Itmo klcn. Lew. of , 8d: au 1,97........ Auctfone, r'> Liven es. ............................................... I :.0. R,d,e P,rkuay, Ii,., rough of Bro„klyn ........................... t'I,tuu:_![ of Rich m, red ................................................ Ftoar

Gip of Bn,oklyn ................................ ~t \Sater supply, B~ruugh of Hr.,oklyn .................

It k Flt:... .......... ... ....... ................................ F..I t k , r Part:-tm; r~rcement cf Extenslar ....... .............. ... I ig Ill \Card Imps cement Fund..... ................................. Ei vcn IT \1 and Park Fund.... ................... .... .. ............ E\­, I xe .......................................................... Es ,se lax:~. B:,r,,ugh of Br :r,klyn ........................ ......... Ex is., h.:x:., Borough of ()ueens .................................... Excise l:.xes Borou_,h of Ri_hni,red .................................. Extfes Ill Si Riversr a Irr'ce ........................................ Heath Department-Conde,zntat on of Buildings Fund ................ (:o,,,.sn.cs slip Hospi Ll Bn.Lliug Fund ............................. F1re U,,partnicni Fund-S.tcs, etc ....................................~ Fund for ,tree[ no Park Uy,.niu;s ....... ....... . ........... ..... Imprr.vement and C In. iructiIll of I'urk at Hosier and Essex -treets, et- .' Ihtprlsyemc t of Pin s, Parkways and Drives, Co,apcer 194. L.15(1. of z8,6, Im1,-nvement of Parks. P.,rkways and Drives. Chapter 633, L.,w, of intcrert on Long 1I1.,nd City lion.ls ....................................

J rome .Avenue I'. vin_ ............................................. Judgm fits against Auz. D. J t lard, Long Island City . .................' Library Fun I. Long Is. an I City...................................... Loc..I lmptov.,ment Fund, B rough o. Brooklyn ...... ................ tlr tr qhtan 1lusenm of Art ......................................... New F:si Riser Brid_e ............................................... New T rk and Brucklyn bridge................................... . Police PlInslon Fund ..................................................1 Pull is Urtveway-Cous:ructiun ol .................................... Pubiic 5hool Libravy............................................... Ke£ui,ding .Assessment, Paid in Error ................ Refunding As;es<rnenrs Pant in Error, Borough of Brooklyn............ R,iundm lt'Iace, Pod in Error ........................................ R-pain: .. .. ........ .......... .......... .. .. .. .. Repaving Roads, Streets and Avenue:-Twenty-third and Twenty-fuurthi

\Vard. .......................................................... Revenue B ,nds,1897 ........ ...................................... Revenue B -nd Fun :-Expert Accountants ............ ................ Revenue t; n~i Fund-Fr Ju:.lt;ntents .................................',. Ri,erOde Park and Drive-Completion of Construction............... Salaries-P„lice Courts, Borough of Brooklyn ......................... Sci.-0-hou.e Fund ................................................... Sheriff', fees ....................................................... Spu yten Ilayvil Creek Bridge ........................................ St. J -hn's Park-Constructi„n and Improvement or................... Street improvement Fuod-J ine 15, 18:i6 ............................. Street Imuroveioent Fund-Wiltiam,bridge Sewer. ...... I............ steel Ream structure, Port \lore, Branch Railrotd ................... Special Surpl.ls Surd, Long Iah red C nc ............................... Supplies for Armories, B- ,rough of Brooklyn ........................... Theatre and Concert Licenses......................................... Town of ?li l-Il-town, Borough of Richmond .......................... Town , f Northfield, Biro tip of Richmond ............................ Tow n of coothfietd, Borough of Richmoad ............................I Two 0f Westfield, Borough of Richmond .............................I I'., Li mod a!a rir, and Wag.• .......................... ......... .... Wultabo-u Fund, Borough of Brooklyn................................ Water Department Find, Long Island City ........................... Water-main Fund, No.2 .............................................. Water-main Fund, City of Brooklyn..................................

Advertising .... Babies' Ft spin Hoard ul Educa ion, City of New York ................................I Board of leducation, City of Brooklyn ............................... Board -.f Public Improvements ......................................... Bou!evarus, Roads and Avenue-,>lat:tenance of .. .... ..............: Civil service of The City of New Y„rk, Expenses of................... Cleaning Markets .................................................... Collet° of The City of New York ..................................... Commis-ioners of Accounts ................................ ..........~ Commissioner of Jurors, New York City.............................. Commis.ioner of Records, Kings County .............................I Contingencies-Comptroller's Office ...................................

Page 3: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

1898. Sept. 17

.` 24

By Ii. lance as per last ac- count current..........

Street Improvement Fund Gilon .................. Sundry Licenses.......... Roche ................. Market Rents and Fees.. ( )'Rrieu ..............

Street Vaults... ........ Keating ............... Dock and Slip Rents...... .Murphy ...............

Arrears on Croton Water Rents... Gilon ............. .....

Interest on Croton Water

Rents.................. .................. Court tees and Fines.... B

.. Bacon.................

House Rents ............. O'Brien................ Croton Water Rents and

PenaltIe................ Byrne ................. Ground Rents........... O'Brien ................

To Sinking Fund - Redemp-

tion, So. 2 ............. .......................

Jlalances ........... .......................


Ctrs DEUT,

DE. Co. .......$8 .. ........... $ls3f,778 82

543 50 4,535 71

351 17 4.453 01

............ 9,891 93

$1,979 94

400 52 729 00

2,027 3r

44,902 87 586 05

$1,46,(7c 75 ............

51,146,670 75 i ..1,=46,670 73



DH. Cu, ......•••••• 53,039,044 72

I........... I 49,644 89

3,088,689 6, 53,088,689 61

September 24, 1898. By Balance ............................... ............ ............ $1,146,670 75 ............ $3,088,689 62

E. & U. E., F. W. S tIITH, Bookkeeper.

FRIDAY, NrVrWIrR 11, 1898. THE CITY RECORD . 4979 rfl94. -.. tB98,

_ flat g h ofOit,en.--

_+ $(19 6y~=

hept. 24 I'o Cnntingenci s 1)i1tcect Att r

nrncy s ()ffn e, N, w York Couttty........ # t71 (4 Sc,tz{ N• Nt WII • f'Drpntac1nn Ad. •rti inq, Iloronghnl Itr„rlklyn ....................... t.55' r, 'lo 'I '.Ix ('ilnn,.....~,.,.......... . County A hstrlcl, Hichni,rid County . icp•1mneHi of Ilr!,I, p•... ................•................. .....•..

r., I Srh,,ol'I'axex.............•....... nil b•r,•t "II I'uxes... ...............

i .. .... ...... ... 14S 6H

I h pnrtm.•ut of BoildII.Z4• ............................. ............. r,677 8r 64¢ 9H Flunhin)t:

.. .................... 5I 36 Department of ('nrr.clin.• ......................... 3.758 39 'I'n wn •I'.Ixre.. " ..................... 690 3y /ep.l rtment of l'Iu hou .... ............ ........................... 97,324 9i IIic h,cn•'I'a cep. ................... .. .... ................ 49 63 h n p3rcenc of l' mnc ac ................. ...... ...... .......... .... ... " ..............•...... t 65 14•.,rin•.n? of Health ............................................... I)epartm cnt of highways

741 tt Inn,rc. t~nn r7 own'1a.....•......~...I,, .,

.....••••••.......... 3fi9 38 ... ...................•.....•.............. •

1Jop;rrcncn1 of P:rrks • ...................... 4 ¢•5e6 86 VNl.lgo 7axe....................... .... ,.

L i arinlent of Public 1luildingc, Lighting and Supplir•a ................' 4a.3il 1a 6r,o95 31

ptnniaqt, 7axcs..... ..........• Imerc%i on Village 'ix .....

..................... • •, .....................

( 45 47 38 I )spar tment of 1opie Ch ant ics ....................... .... .. .......... t9.c3, 34 l.nnq Island City

I epan menu of Sewers .................................... ............ I)rparrtnent of Street Cleaning ....................... ................

7,048 91 57,a18 z9 •

faxes................... 1nterest on Taxes........

...... ....~.

..... ....

" .......... ....... 39.oJ7 40

- 50 Department of 'faxes and Asses.menti......•......••.......I......... Zr, 5o Water Rent:........................ ..................... 4 93

2FI I_)ei,uiwent of Water Supply .............•........................... to,8 ,S 93 Interest on Water Rents........... ' " .....................

99 34 48

• IJlsciilinary Training School .........................................1 8 75 • College ]it: Dist ri,a Attorney's Office. Kin}3. County ........... ....... ..........' zz5 no lucs.............................. „ ................. ....I 156 87 Diarira Attorney's Office, Rich mr,nd County ......................... t o6 • Into rest on 'faxes................... ..................... 17 28 Kx;muinmg Board of Plumbers ........................................ 32 14 Water Rents....................... " .................... 14" 35 Expenses Made Necessary by Primary Election ..aw .................. 62 82 Interest on Water kcnls ............ ....... ........... .. )5 9z Fees of Stenographers 83 50 Ass :ssnlentsfor Local Improvements TO 50 Fire Department Fund .......................................... _ £o8 o.1 li,terest on 'la:,cs .................. .~ ..................... r 79 I 4 c F ..... • 24'534 :

rug Hebrew Si)eltermg Gu.lydian Society ....... ..........................' HebrewLS elt G .ir is Socugy ' of Brooklyn......•,,,•,. ••••'

og L53' n9

W pillage Village '1:axes.............. .......I

1 " ..................... 64 77 3,000 00 Hagging Taxes ... ................. " ..... • 97 interest on Revenue Bonds... ...................•..................... rr,tz5 00 1 Frontag,• Taxes..................... " .................. 9 15 Im erest rrn the City Debt ...................... ........ ............

' 29,753 75 Interco on "faxes................... " .... ................• 8 39 Kings County I'rea,urer ............................................. to 40 As~cscments for Local Im rovemcnts p lent 69 84 Laying Proton Pipes .•••••••••...••.•.•••.•..•....•.•.•..••.......... 2,836

6x 35 •

4 School

l axes


~~ ............. 4 6v Law Department ..................................................... snx..................... .. ............... 6z Maintenance and (covet,meat of Parks and Places ...............•..... 275 CO Interest on Assessments............ " .....................' 23 96 New York Institution for the 19ind .................................... 3,370 32 Normal College ...................................................... 2,662 co

Borough of Richmond- Department of Sewers................ Kane ..... Kane .,,.

r2 00 Nursery and Child'. Hosnital ......................................... x0,441 89 Water Rents ..................... Ilal!on.................... 1z 45 One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Street Viaduct ........................... 5o 0o Nichol........•........... 147 78 Police Station-houses-Rents ......................................... r20 co .... School Ti trio ...... Southfield.....,,' Marsh..................... 9 47 Printing. Stationery and Blank i5ooks .................................. 1,653 34 State, Town and County Taxes : Public Instruction .................................................... 356 r4 ' Northfield..•...................... Gilon....................... r13 99 Redemption of the City Debt .............•...•...•......... 3,500 on Southfield........................ " ..................... rq6 Sr Register .............................................................' 40 50 Westfield...........................' .. ........ 135 20 Rents .......................................... ...... ................ 1,340 o•.) 5 I,ddleto wu........................ " .... .......

•.... 49 T4 Repairs Renewal and of Pavements and Regrading .................... 39 l0 1 Cricledmo........................... " ...... .......... 81 48

Repaving Streets and Avenues .................... ................. 4.474 29 Village Taxes, Village of New Brighton ................... ..,,

z 32 7 3 Salaries-Department of hinancc........• ............................. 349 So 'I Road 'I'axcs,'lawn of Dlld,il,•tuwn.... ....-................. z 8g Supplies for and Cleaning Public Offices ........... ................... t6 25 Lamp Taxes, Village of New Brighton. .. ......... .......... 7 73 Salaries and Expenses of Coroners' Office, Borough of The ]3ronx...... 265 to School 'Taxes, 09 Districts ............. .. ................... . 21 57 Salaries and Expenses of Coroners' Office, Borough of Queens......... 72 47 Interest on f axes ........... ......... ............... ....... 66 48 Sheriff's Office, Kings County ........................................ 6,885 68 Assessments for Local ]mprove,uents, Sheriff's Otfice, Richmond County .................. Surrogate's r Kin s.runt}...................... . . .. ........... 'Ihe udiciar

y.... . ...................................



74 36 to 00 Assessments for Lcal Im. rovemerlts,

5 0

6 lo 00 I


.~....... .......... " ........................

rr9 0 20 3


$477,318 97 rt .. Ri r n

Intent on Assessments. . . P

..... ...... ...... 3 pe Corporate Stock


$2,777,187 17 Water Stock, City of New l ork)... Comm'rs Sinking Fund.... 50,000 00 To Balance ................................................ ............ x5,487,84, 79 £390,167 86

$18,265,028 96 ! $18,265,028 86

z¢, 1898. By Balance ................................... ............................... 515,487,941 79 September

E. & 0. E., F. W. SMrrii, Bookkeeper. PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain.

THE. C0h13IISSIONF.RS OF "f1IE SINKING FUNDS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in (7cC011,n Willi PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlai,,, far and durii4, (/ie zc'c'ek cndtn, Stplcnlbc'r 24, 1898.



DR. Cu, Pn, CR. ri&. CR.

............ $£0,651 66 .............I $i,n34,590 8z ............ $r83,ozo 74 II

$50,00o 00 ............ ............ ............ .• ..

.......... ............

30,65! 66 ....... ..... $2,034,590 82 ............ $183,ozo 74 ............

--- 580,652 66 $8o,65: 66 5',034,590 82 $1,034,590 82 • $153,oao 74 $183,020 74

........ $30,651 66 ............$1,034,590 82 ............ 5183-020 74

PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain.

DR. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, dllrinC the week endin September 24, 1898. CR.

1898. :898.

Sept.24 To Interest Registered ....... ......................................................... $1,921 no Sept.17 By Balance........................................................................... $58,567 z3

Balance ............................................................................ 56,646 28

i $58,567 28 $58,567 28

September 24, 1898. By Balance ............................................... .................. $56,645 28

E. & U. E., F. W. SMITH, Bookkeeper. • PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain.

DR. TI1E CI'ry OF NEW YORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, during' the week ending SeJ'lc'A1ber 24, 1898. CR.

1898. 8.

Sept.24 To Witness Fees ....................................................................... It.r7 By Balance......................................... ................................. $94 5 t8

$nl S¢ Se) z o

Balance ............................................................................ 630 66 .

$942 50 $942 50

September 24. 1898. By Balance ............................................................ ..... $830 66

E. & 0. E., F. W. SMITH, Bookkeeper. PATRICK KEENAN, City ChamLerlain.

DR. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in account with PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain, during the week ending September 24, 1898. CR.

1898. 1898.

Sept. z4 To Jury Fees .......................................................................... $3680 o I Sept.17 By Balance .............•..•........................................................

Balance ............................................................................ 1 35,289 00 ~I

as7,"a/ -

$35,657 00

$35,657 00

September 24, z8g8. By Balance .................................................................. $35,289 on

E. & 0. E., F. W. SMITH, Bookkeeper. PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain.

Page 4: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

July Aug. Aug. Aug. 30. 6. 13. 20.

fotaldeaths............ 1.469 1.579 1,522 1,341

Annual death-rate .....22.29 23.96 23.09 20.35

Sept. Sept. Sept. 10. IT 24.

1,978 1.333 ,,68

30.01 30.23 19.24

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. t. 8. 15. 22.

1,269 1,232 1,140 1,140

19.25 t8.69 17.30 17 30

Aug. 27.


22 64




28 17 15 14

4 3 7 8

5 ss 7 24

2 3 4 I 3

7j 31 4 ', 8

44 1 291 301 36

15 19 13 10

179 193 132 90

158 167 117 78

145 146 ! 135 147

z6 20 I 36 34

too 92 102 98

t9 t6 15 19

77 57 51 I 63

435 437 373 348

6zo 609 547 483

595 524 515 ~,I 597

128 235 137 153

312 203 218 283

175 151 161 154 29.989 30.Th .

70 6t. 64. 69.

.27 .91 .01 •76

67,32 68.7° 66.5° 69.6° t

85° 9o, 8o° 8r.°

52° 52° 54 0 53• 0

t8 28

zl 5

91, 6


4 6

25 24

8 at

71 54

58 41

33 130

27 43

34 its

17 27

74 44

17 304

55 428

48 586

37 126

252 257

148 I 153

9.904 29.942

0. 59.

1.50 2.35

0.1° I55.9°

4•° ' 7r•°

9•° 27•°

4980 THE C J T Y RECORD D . FRIDAY, NovEMi3ER ii, 1898.

DEPARTMENT OF 1 I E A LT H. (haM:.4r'cording to Cause, Annual Rate per 1,000 and A,e, with ,4M,•reorolo7 and Nnrn~n

of Deaths in Public Institutions for 13 Week).

\VEEK ENDING SATl'RPAY, 12 M., OC 011FIg 22, 18g8. ____-.-------.._-__. -- --- - - ._ ----....-------- --------


It't.v I, t8y9.

Manhattan ............. 1,9ce735 633 994

*The Bronx............ 137,075 69 80

Brooklyn ............. 1,197.1°0 383 340

Queens ............... 128,042 29 55

Richmond ............ 64,927 26

- 29

- I

MIARRIAGP.S, I STII.t..tusriis. DeATH•I,ArR.

-- - - --




---- -


r6 5 26.26

154 31 16.6.)

19 4 11.82

9 ., 30.89

17.30 City of New York. 3,438,899 2,140 1,498 713 too

* Many large institutions raise the death-rate.

Cases of Infectious and Contagious Diseases Reported.


July July Aug. ~ Aug. Aug. Aug. Seu. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

23. 30. 6. 13. 20. 27. _ to. r7. 24. r. 8. 15. 22.

167 200 100 148 166 149 ,;S 159 X69 x33 li 172 156 177 166

150 152 It9 tot 98 96 qo 86 102 109 113 Ir6 its its

7 2 2 5 .. t 7 2 7 6 8 7 8 t 2

130 94 toz 76 59 30 33 41 33 41 39 45 43 57

87 I 99 7' S8 64 69 55 6i 49 59 96 too 65 84




Measles .........

Scarlet Fever.....


Typhoid Fever... t8 1 28 2) 34 94 ,8o t8, , 3 209 167 147 125 117 122

Typhus Fever.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Total...-.. 559 575 422 422 461 525 469 4)2 569 1 515 1 575 549 527.1 559


Deaths According to Cause, Age and Sex.

l'otal,all causes ......................... 1,140 6o5 935 304 6o 64 428 45 75 247!219 rz6

Diphtheria ............................. 26 rr 17 .. 6 r5 at 6 r .. ,

Croup . ............................... ! 5 .. .. 2 2 3 2 .. .. ..

Malarial Fevers .......................... 6 3 3 .. .. s x .. 3 2 .. .. I ` '

Measles .......................... ..... 4 3 r t I ,. z 3 t .. .. ..

Scarlet Fever........... ................ 6 2 4 •• .. 4 4 2


Typhoid Fever ........................... z4 22 22 .- .. I r 1 12 7 2 r

Typhus Fever.......................... .. .. .. ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Whooping-cough ......................... 11 5 6 5 4 z 11 .. .. .. ..

Diarrhoal Diseases ......... ....





z z 36

i 42 1 r 3 4 3

Phthisis .......................... ......




73 57 r r

1. I 3 '' 3 ~3 73 23 =

Other Tuberculous Diseases .............' 23 17 6 6 5 3 14 2 t 4 2 •• I I

Diseases of the NervousSystem..... 9r j 51 40 26 4 z 32 2 2 12 27 '6

Heart Diseases ..........................~. 78 43 35 •• . •• •• .. 6 7 21 28 16

Bronchitis .............................. 43 25 r8 30 5 3 ~ 38 .. .• .. 3 2

Pneurrouia ..............................~ 1:8 57 6x 32


t6 Co 4 5 23 t6 to

Other Diseases of Respiratory Organs...'. 27 18 9 t .. 1 2 r 5 4 7 8

D,seases of Digestive System .............'! 124 6t 63 51 r2 ', 5 I 68 7 5 13 22 9

Diseases of Urinary System....... •••• ... 79 44 35 r 'I r 3 27 29 19

Congenital Debility* .............. 9b ' 6o 36 93 3 • • 46 .. .. .. .. ..

Old Age .............................. I 17 4 13 . .. r 16

Suicides .................................17 ro 7 .. .. .. .. r 8 7 r

Other violent deaths ...................... 44 3s 12 5 t 2 8 3 3 14 ro ICI 6

All other causes .........................1 tr5 44 7ri t6 3 II r 20 . 4 II 3 35 38 14

* Including premature births, atrophy, inanition, marasmus, atelectasis, cyanosis and preternatural births.

Causes of Death not Specified in the Foregoing Table.

Zymolic. Circulatory.

Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 3 ; Puerperal Embolism, 6 ; Aneurism, 2. Fever, 6 ; Syphilis, 6; Septicaemia, 2 ; Influenza, I ; Hydrophobia, I.

Dietetic. Resjiiratcry.

Alcoholism, 5. Chronic Bronchitis, 9 ; Pleurisy. 5

Emphysema, 5 ; Empyema, 2 Pulmonary Congestion, 4 ; Pu6-

Corrstitutioxal. monary Abscess, r ; Pulmonary Gangrene, t.

Cancer, 44 ; Tubercular Meningitis, to; Tuberculosis, etc., r2 Rheumatism, t ; Diabetes, 7 ; Tabes Mesenterica, r : Rachitis, t; Anam,a, 3; Chronic Rheuma-

tism, 2 ; Purpura, I. I Digestive.

Gastro-enteritis, 45 ; Gastritis, 9 ;

Nervous. Enteritis, 17 , Cirrhosis, it Obstruction of Intestines, 7

Convulsions, 8 Meningitis and En. Hernia, 2 ; Typhhtis, etc., rt;

cephalitis, 22 ; Apoplexy, 36; I Dentition, 2; Other Liver Dis-

Paralysis. 7; Insanity, 3; Mye- I eases, 3 ; Gall-stones, I; I ndlges-

lihs, 3 ; Epilepsy. t ; Tetanus, t ; tion, 3 ; Hepatitis. 4 ; G,stric

Cerebral Abscess, 2 ; Locomotor Ulcer, 2 ; Stomatitis, 2 ; Jaun-

Ataxia, 4 ; Multiple Neuritis, 2 ; dice, 2 ; Intestinal Ulcer, 2

Chronic Hydrocephalus, 2. Retro-pharyngeal Absces„ r.

Diphtheria ............. x6 1 rz 15 13 14 24 13

Croup .................. 2 2 7 .. 2 4 2

Malarial Fevers ........ 4 3 8 5 to to 2r

Measles.................. 8 rt 4 6 z 4 5

Scarlet Fever........... 5 I 6 3 5 6 5 4

Typhoid Fever......... 6 25 23 r8 41 24 49

I-y ph us Fever......... , I

Whooping-cough....... 32 22 25 17 34 23 10

Dlarrhceal Diseases .... 348 38o 342 290 268 289 283

Oi:arncmal Diseasevun. t 315 353 306 261 246 256 255 der 5 years........

Pllthisis ................ 157 145 120 132 156 140 172

Bronchitis......... 7 s3 II rz 19 zy 20

Pneumonia............ So 79 So 79 79 83 99

Other Diseases of Re- 23 t6 25 9 24 23 10 spiratory Organs..)

Violent Deaths......... 74 98 85 79 101 92 405

Under one year......... 565 66z 613 514 SOS 569 589

Underfi ve years........ 747 85, 8rx 684 719 776 813

Five tosixty-five........ 568 583 550 533 617 595 935

Sixty-live years and over 154 145 161 124 156 747 230

In Public and Private ! 328 306 323 272 335 341 460

Inquest Cases.......... ,61 2c9 199 199 185 267 381

Mean barometer........ 29.890 29.918 29.892 29.990 29.826 29.958 29.958

Mean humidity......... 85 78 82 79 77 78 78

Inches of rain and snow, t,o4 r 25 1.26 .65 .32 .i6 .35

Mean temperature 78 5.8, 8, 76.60 (Fahrenheit) 5° 7 73.9° '74• 7 79` 74'

Maxmmm temperature)

(Fahrenheit)..)., 55, 92° go° Sgo 93o 930 gz°

i,Iimmum temperature

il••ahreuheit).......} 70° 670 III 65° 64° 63° 59° 58'

Infectious and Contagious Diseases in hospitals.



i r y y .t9 > > 'n .~'~ C v,

Ny s 4

.e .. O. 0 . a v 0 A a it -6 u A i

X i:' cmL nc

c" o c^

Remaining Oct. 15.. 32 19 5t 1 3 8 I 2 5 .. r 4 24

Admitted.......... 4 4 8 ~ s .. t .. .. .. .. .. .. r 3

Discharged ........ .. ' 6 6 j 2 .. 3 . .. ! r 3 .. 2 It

Died .............. z z r I ..

Remaining Oct. so.. 36 III 25 Sr 2 • • 5 L r 2 • • t 3 '5

2 1 5 27 Totaltreated..l 36 23 59 4 9 r 5 ••


u 1.

u I v~ t

zy IzL~ Ls tL wG h u

.. 23 • • 65 Remaining Oct. 15........ . r8 .. 7 17 • • • • • • r

Admitted ................. 2 .. .. ., 4 .• r5 .. .. .. .. 2t

Discharged........•..... 1 .. .. 4 .. .. r •• .. .. .. 6

Died ................... .. .. .. .. .. .. r .. .. .. I

Remaining Oct. 22....... 19 .. .. 3 21 • • 36 • • • • • • r 80

Total treated...... s. .. .. 7 at .. 38 .. .. .. t 87


Bright's Disease and Nephritis, 13 Uraemia, 2 ; Diseases of Bladder and Prostate Gland, 4 ; Diseases of Uterus and Vagina, 2.


Abscesses, r ; Carbuncle, 3 ; Pem-phigus, I.


Fractures and Contusions, so; Burns and Scalds, 2 ; Drowning, 5 ; Railroad, t : Poison, 6 ; Suffoca-tton, 3 ; Wounds, it , Criminal Abortion, z.

Other Causes.

Otitis, 2 ; Puerperal Convulsions, z ; Foramen Ovale Open, 2 ; Mis-carriage, r • Malformation of Heart, I ; Child-birth, z ; Placenta Przvia. I ; Hip Joint Disease, I ImperE;rate Rectum, t ; Spina Bifida, 2.

Homicide, 4.

Page 5: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

r of hi/ti/ions and CQnG{qiDiu Ihseasd Re/lortn


WARDS. y y y 29 & In ~~ I ,O ~ a o Y

$ fir vj First ................... 1 .. .. .. 3 ..

Second ................. .. .... . ..... ..

Third ................. .. .. ..

Fourth ................. Fifth ................... .. .. t 2

Sixth ................... •.

Seventh ......•......•.. 3 1 3 5 3 ••

Eighth ..• .............. z .. t I

Ninth ................... z I .. .. q ..

Tenth ................... 2 6 4 1 z

Eleventh ................ 5 I 5 I

Twelfth .................32 I to a 16

Thirteenth .............. 5 .. 5 2 2 ..

Fourteenth ............. .. .. . . .I •• 2

Fifteenth................. .. •• •• •• 2

Sixteenth ................ . •• •• •• 5

Seventeenth ............. 4 •• 3 •• 2 ..

Eighteenth ............. 2 1 2 2 1, ..

Nineteenth ............. g .. 7 1 4

Twentieth .............. 1 •• 1 7 3

Twenty-first............ I .. 6 3 =5

Twenty-second ......... 5 I a 3 17

Twenty-third ........... 2 1 5 3

Twenty-fourth.......... .. •- .. 3

Total .............. 73 8 49 50 99 ..

f, and neatA

" L




4 I

3 2..

9 I

9 r

4 32 5

3 _

3 3

6 r

II 3

17 2



7 3..

5 I..

8 I

155 19 2

Gin the Srraie, by w

RA1I15 KR/DRTttn,

Y V ii, O ti i tb

. n i+ c: h a

I „ I




5 19

.. .• I I


I.. 6

? r

2 4

I •, In


I 6

4 I~ ,.5 I 80

• First ..................

Second ................


Fourth ................

Filth ..................

Sixth ...................

Seventh .......... ....

Eighth ..... ............

Ninth.............. ....

Tenth .................

Eleventh ...............

Twelfth ................


Fourteenth .............

Fifteenth ...............

Sixteenth .........•....




Twentieth ..............


Twenty-second .........

Twenty-third ....•......


Twenty-fifth ............

Twenty-sixth ...........



Twenty-ninth .......... •


Thirty-first .............


6 I „ 2



I ..




3 I .,

4 I 1

I I •



2 = I 4 5

I 3

2 , 2


t 7

6 I t 2

1 3

I ,

3 2








•, t




3 51







5 3...

-- 9I -3 -- -- —•- -I

Total ............... 4c 14 7 25 r6 .. II 8 2 2 2 „ 8

43 383

I 9

• 7

I 4

I 9

3 29

2 7

• 1 6

1 2



q 26

First..................... ..


Third.................. . ..

Fourth.................. . ..


Total ..............I •.


. If Second .................


a7 Fourth.................






Total number of citizens' complaints attended to ............................. ...... 568 .. .. verified .. ................... ... ... ........ 311

found baseless, or nuisance already abated ,,,,,•„ 257 24 original complaints by Inspectors .................... ............. 529

Inspection of !oodr, Mild: Cows, etc,

Total number of inspections of milk .............................................. 765 specimens examined .. ........................................ 736 quarts of milk destroyed... .. ... ................... .. .... ....... ......

inspections of fruit, vegetables and canned goods .................... 8,306

pounds of same condemned and destroyed .......................... 42,688 inspections of meat..... .. .. .. .. 2

pounds of same condemned and destroyed ......................... . 8,7% inspections of fish, .......... 5,345 ce pounds of same condemned and destroyed.................. ~...... 23,1 to

milch cows examined (tuberculin test) ........................ ..... r4

milch cows examined (physical test) .............................. ......

autopsies....................................................... ......

Chemical Laboratory.

Bilk—A,lulterated ............................................................. ...... 11 Unadulterated.. ........................................... 3

proton Water—Partial sanitary analysis .. ......................... .............. ......

Complete sanitary analysis........................................ I

Wafer (Kensico su~lply)—Comb lete sanitary analysis ................................ I

(Ridgewood supply)—Complete sanitary analysis .............. ............. I spring, suspicious quality ..... ............................ .............. r

well, suspicious quality .................................................... 4 contaminated.... 2

good quality........................................................ r

Experimental Analyses.

Estimation of suspended matter in Croton water .................................... ......

Experimental tests for formaldehyde in milk—comparison of methods ................ t4

6.icroscopical examinations ...... ............................................... 22

Analysis of Croton Water, October 21, 18g8.



Appearance ...................................................... Very slightly turbid.

Color............................................................ Light yellowish brown.

Odor (Heated to loo° Fahr.) ..................................... Marshy,

Chlorine in Chlorides .............................................' 0.144

Equivalent to Sodium Chloride ................................... 0.238

Phosphates (Pz O.) .......................................... None.

Nitrogen in Nitrites ................................................None. Nitrogen in Nitrates ...... ....................................... 0.0185

Free Ammonia ................................................... o.000)

Albuminoid Ammonia ...........................................• o.cogo

Total Nitrogen .................................. ................ o.oz66

Before boiling..... ... 3.24 Hardness equivalent to Carbonate of Lime

After boiling.......-. 3.24

Organic and volatile (loss on ignition).............................. 1.050

Mineral matter (non-volatile) ..................................... 3.674

Total solids (by evaporation) ...................................... 4.724

Temperature at hydrant, 59° Fahr.

Analysis of Rid,ewood Water, October ig, t8g4.



Very slightly turbid.

Light yellowish brown.
















/Nspn!:os.1 o/ Premise,.

h it al nurnherof ills ice tions made ................................................ 10,354 Classified as folhows t

Impections of tenement•houses ................................................... 4,024

tenement apartmcnts(at night), to preventovercrowdint ................ 950

mercantile cstaIIli.hmcots ............... . .......... ................ 1,152

private dwellings .................................................. 225

Itulgirg-houses .................................................... 117 tt stables .. ....................................................... 197 .• slaughter-houses ................................................... 233 oilier premises....... ... ...........• 3,456






















































Appearance ...................................................... Very slightly turbid. Very slightly turbid.

Color ............................................................ Light yellowish brown. Light yellowish brown.

Odor (Heated to 100° Fahr.) ....................................... Earthy. Earthy.

Chlorine in Chlorides ............................................. 0.155 1.980

Equivalent to Sodium Chloride.. ................... ............. x.907 3.270

Phosphates (Ps O.) .............................................. None. None.

Nitrogen in Nitrites.............................................. None. None.

Nitrogen in Nitrates .............................................. 0,0572 0.0980

Free Ammonia ...................................................1 o.0006 o.00zo

Albuminoid Ammonia .........................I.................. 0.0012 0.0020

Total Nitrogen ....................................................0.0586 0.1oo5

(Before boiling-....... 2.63 4.51 Hardness equivalent to Carbonate of Lime {

( After boiling......... 2.63 4.51

Organic and volatile (loss on ignition) .............................. 1.341 2.30 Mineral matter (non-volatile) ..................................... 4•c8t 7.c0

Total solids (by evaporation) ...................................... 5,423 9.30

Temperature at hydrant, 6o° Fabr,

or, r,



Page 6: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

4982 THE CITY RECORD. 1'RIDAY, N, vI:%f(HFR 1I, 1898.

M•,ii,al /nrrr,lion nJ .Srhoolr. Infertioul trill Co li;ious Diu,,set. =-------

_ _-= Ti,tal number of cases visited by lnX . 'ctore ... . ................... . . . .............. 1,439 . n CAVRK or EXci.t' iON. " 11re1111Vt•s viVltcll by I iii;Ifectry ............... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ..... . . 199 'S r =

. Y ---" — -- -- rnnrnsdisinfectcll ....... ...... .................... ............ 441

~- •

P%KA• sine

I Iri

piece.. of infected goy, is destroyed.......... 26 • I+Ieccs



n u `X

'¢ J x • ,u p t '4 a


ti 21~r) of I1ffCtC(1oI kill fr.



. persons removed to hospital . . 33 . .returned



............ o y


0 n

1 y u o ~ OF x . ~y 4

• • k . • e fi o fi ' i e a • '


o 5• 3 r E o • 1

' q ],rimaryvaccinitions ........... ................. ••••••...••••••. S32

" rcvaccinatiuns ............... . . ... ........... . ..... . . .














. 601 "isuch ac, , certificates of vaccination ..•...............•.....••......... 530


— — !, ' i , r : U f "

cattle examined by Veterinarian 326 .

— — — — — — — — glandered horses destroyed ........ .............................. o (i,a that Schols- ,, institution ins1 ectetl ....

I ) o

"I llramnr1)earttueut, ' 91 5 7 ,1 , r,o5S a t -. r 19 5 •. __ _ -

PriniarDe,artntenl.. "i~+ t.6I,- '122 5 76.1;•~ 2.z9I 1 Z i z t ' _ - i St .. y l<i Total number of (lead animals removed from streets ................................ 1,067 Primary ................ 5 zz.,'-" 121 571 1,.94 (-5 , 4 .. •• .. - 9 37 3 •• t ---- -- ----_

Parochial ............... ; tb.o;;) ; 3t Sbo + „ , .. .. .. , 2 . Action.

and stral s t t— American h'emale

orders issued for abatement of nuisances ........ .............. .... 785 c C a ,

~ ~ ~i r i 5urt a .c .quo 6 3) 35 q

Attorney's issued for notices non-compliance with orders .............. 322 8 , " civil actions begun.... ............................ ... . ........ . 37 Ch ldren'; Aid Soci<n . t.,,1 o t 2 .. , " criminal act ions be utt.......... ... ..... -

35 ; arrests made.. 2 Schools in 'Tenement- •n " judgments o ,tained t 2 CIY11 courts I.•.•.........•... .. .. houses ............... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ,. ..l criminal courts .lt: its .............................. ..-... Kindercarten echo. 1<... c •a t. 5 .. .. r

permits tssue ..... ..... .................... •.

5o2 persons ruued.. from overcr +wde 1 rtments .. .. .. •• pe ata ` t 4 ...................... ..---• _Ntixed .................. --.... a ,.:; 4S1 .. .. t

_ _ _ By order of the Board.

7 tn1 . ........ c~c,;y~ 59) 2,74 6,103 243 5 t: 3 r 3 9 i 63 to6 3 ' '`

EM\IONS CLARK, Secretary. __-.. -

*IncIudeedintheGrammarSch,ol:,Gramn,arDepartment. I30ARDS VF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Insy'((nQns rnra,•r Law A'<,rr<'atin., of [f ,+n en and Chi/dr,n in _71ercanti /e and +--


J diu; in M , oon[ 1, Porous'z hall, at 4.30 P,:7f., 2llan1/a)', Octl'l<•r i7, 189S.

BIRTHPLACE, The roll was called and the following members answered to their names : Edward 1I. Grout, President, in the chair, and Councilman Ebbets ail Aldermen Byrne, Cut or.. McKeever and Dooley.

FORA[,., - AMECICnx. The President submitted the following '_I (No.23.)

Y _ -i

Petition of Thomas S. O'Reilly, of No. 245 Ninth avenue, and others, for the construction of a •. _ ;, ri - in Fifteenth between Prospect Park, \\'e.,t, sewer street, amt Coney Island avenue. _ _ c 1 3 _ _ _ - — The Board a<loptel1 the following

f _ _ _ _ y 7 = y - Resolve l That the following report of the Department of Sewers — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I — - . — ~ — — — — — OCTOBER 18, 1898.

s z , + 77 Board t f Public J9JtpJ'oi%JJn: s

• • ' • 41 2

n{er,::!e, ,l.tle ....... 7 t ,

a n . .. 2 1 , , z • •

......~ Gl:v'rl"t;>tl:x-1'he Local Board of the Sixth Distt'ict, L'orough of Brooklyn, after hearing had

` } I •tl=' ......72 49 ; 7a at a meeting held on October I 15 8, dul advertised, adopted the followin g meeting 7, 9 y' ,< l ~~ \b:nu(aeturwo, Male ........ -' .. .. t , z .- .. ., 4 ;+ 4 1 t -- .... .. , 8; Resolved, That the following report from the Department of Sewers

" Fematc .. ,s4 ,. 13 r , 1 5 3 .. .. .. .. ; 2a t a , .. .. .. .. ... 104 OFFICE OF DEPU'I•v CO\I~IrtisloNER, DEPARTMENT OF SEWYERS, — .-----.------- — — — — - — — CIry OF NEW VORK, BORouooII OF BROOICI.YN,

Total ........... 37 , 37 C S 4 5 9 F , .. .. .. •, 213 12 7 a , .. .... 2338 October 11, I898.

flan. EDWARD M. GRot`I', Prasirf' ii/ , boron„ Ji of Brook/t•n DEAR SIR—I attach a report from the Assistant Engineer in Charge of Sewers in reference to

CHILDREN S E\1}'LU]ME\T CERTIFICATES REFUSED. the placin, of a sewer in Fifteenth street, from Prospect Park, \Vest, running east to connect with the sewer in Coney Island avenue, the same being respectfully forwarded for your consideration.

— Blhrr,l'LACE, Yours respectfully,

CULQ.. - C. usE- (Signed) W.M. L'RENNAN, Deputy Commissioner.


_ October I I, 1898. ;i C _ f1OJ1. \\'\t- 1 RI \NAN, L7.pnti' C•I+JJ missioner of SC7U, rS :

_ _ = _ • . = ¢ ¢ ? — ; DF.:1R SII —In accordance with your instructions to prepare a statement relative to placing a 1 = _ R = ', = - sewer in Fifteenth street, from Prospect Park, \\"est running east to connect with the sewer in

_ z z I ] _ - Coney Island asenue, for the information of the honorable President of the Borough, the following - - --- - -- - _ ~ is respectfully submitted :

1"here is no legally adopted uial) of this section. The sewer in Coney Island avenue extends Mercantile, \Hale...... . • t 5 , t 9 7 t :. .. 9 to the limit of the adopted (old Illatbush) sewerage system or to \\'imisor place.

,. Fern de.... 6 .. 2 .. t .. , ... 2 6 a a a 6 1 he maps covering this drainage district are now before the Board of Public Improvements for their comicleration and adoption. Should they be adopted, some lime must lapse in building

nlan ifactu;ink, Mate. 7 .. .y' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. 7 s .. 5 .. .. 7 the mains, which the laterals in this vicinity are planned to discharge into. „ Female . a .. 2 ...... ........ I .. Several applications have been made to this office in the pat fir a sewer in this street to 4 •• I 3 • . • 4 discharge into Prospect Park, 1\'est. This is impossil.•le, as per the elevation of the street as

25 .. 9 .. , .. 2 ...... 4 s ., _Tet,t......... r 1 aS it 4 tt I „ 26 Elevation of Prospect Park, \\•est, and Fifteenth street, 131 feet. _, Elevation of Tenth avenue, \Vest, and Fifteenth street, 144 feet.

Elevation of Eleventh avenue, ]Vest, and Fift~t-t '.il sweet, 132 feet. Pathology and B<:cteriology. Elevation of Windsor place, [West, and Fifteeentlt street, 99 feet.

Total number of prec11 es visited by Inspectors..................................... 371 Very respectfully,

autopsies (human o, animal I)...... .............................. Signed 11. R. ASSERSON, Assistant Enniueer-in-Char e.

" new cases treated with dipl,tlteria anti-toxin by Medical Inspectors..... I2 —be transmitted to the Board of Public Improvement,, and that the Board of Public Improvements " curative injections of diphtheria anti-toxin iven by Medical Inspctors. 14 be requested to take up the matter coveting the drainage district refer,ed to as early as possible. " herons immunized with diphtheria anti-toxin by Medical Inspectors.... 17

tntuhatiun, perforated ............................... ........... ...... (No, 24•) " inoculations of animals s itb toxins .. ............................... 6 Proposed ordinance of the Municipal ,\S;embly for repaving- Carroll street, from Sixth avenue " animals bled ff,r anti-toxic serum...... to Seventh avenue, with asphalt, referred to the Board of Public Improvments by the Municipal ce ;1Wj le s of toxic tested ............................ ............... .....8 Assembly and by the Board of Public Improvements to the Lot. d B,)ard " samples of anti-toxic serums tested ...... . ....... . ................. I2 The following re-oluti in was adopted : " bacteriological examinau„ns of su pected diphtheria, viz.: True 67, Resolved, 'That the L•,cal Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brcuklyn, after hearing

not diphtheria 4~, in, lecisive 44, viz, : Culture made too late in had this I7th day of October, 1898, believes that Carroll street, between Sixth avenue and Seventh disease 15, instntcient growth on culture medium 3, culture avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore req•tests that the Board of Public medium contaminated 4, culture medium dried up 0, auspicious Improvements refer said matter to the Department of highways for action. bacilli only found 14, no l iiplttheria bacilli found 8, laryngeal (NO. 25.) case, antiseptic applied within two hours o ..................... 156 Proposed ordinance of the Municipal Assembly for repaving President street, between Sixth

bacteriological exantivatlous of convalescent cases of diphtheria, preced- avenue and Seventh avenue, with asphalt, referre I to the Board of Public Improvements by the ing disinfection ............................................. 123 Municipal Assembly, ant by the Bard of Pul,lic Improvements to the Local Board,

" bacteriological eMamutaaions of healthy throats in infected families..... ...... The foll•,winl resoluti•nl was ad )pled : cultures in cases of suspected diphtheria taken by Medical School Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had

ILi,pectors in school,, viz.: Diphtheria bacilli found 2, diphtheria this 17th day of October, I98, believe; that F're.,ideut street, between Sixth avenue and Seventh bacilli not found 5, indecisive o ..... . .......... ...! ....... 7 avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public

examinations of blood from case, of uspected typhoid fever (positive Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action. reaction 25, negative reaction 22), \Vidal lest ................... 47

samples of feces or urine examined for typhoid bacilli (typhoid bacilli ~o. z6 ( )• found o, not found 7), Hiss method ........................... 7 Petition of Martin II. Day for repaving Park place, between Washington and Underhill ave-

bacteriolu'iea1 examinations of suspected tuberculosis (tubercle bacilli nuts, with asphalt. f i 32, n<,t found 441 76 As the work was contracted for last year and the question as to whether this contract will be

microscopical preparations made and examined (tuberculo is) .... 128 executed is awaiting the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, the matter was laid over. " cases of pulmonary tuberculosis examined and removed to hospitals.... 7 (No. 16).

case.; of pulmonary tuberculosis examined, removal not recommended.. 9 Petition of Alderman M. E. Dooley for the fencing of vacant lots on the east side of Fourth animals vaccinated . ............................................ 6 avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets, known as Lots Nos.2 and 104, Block 15, Twenty-second animals collected from .............. ... .... ...... .. 2 Ward Map. grammes of vaccine virus collected ..... ........... ............... 8.84 Ordered on file. cub. cent, of liquid vaccine virus prepared .......................... 2q clinical test; of vaccine virus made ................................ 41

(No. 27 ) . Petition of Mrs. Margaret McCalvey for fencing on the south side of Pacific street, between

samples of vaccine virus tested bacteriologically ..................... ,o Carlton and Sixth avenues, known as Lot No. 99, Block 15, Ninth Ward Map. capillary tube, prepared . . . . . . ................................... 5,032 Work reported done. Petition ordered on file. small vials prepared ............................................. 136 large vials prepared .............................................. 5j (No 28)

A mount of diphtheria anti-toxic seru~n produced in c. c ........ ................ Petition of R. W. Drummond, of No. 460 Second street, for flagging in front of Lots Nos. 21 Number of visits to Department Stations (collection of cultures, etc.) ...... ....... ... 33~ to 26, irclu ive, Block 40, Twenty-second \yard Map, on the south side of Second street, between

Sixth and Seventh avenues.

Page 7: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

- -- -- --- - - - ---- FRIDAV, NuVJMr;l;x ii, I898. T H E CI T Y R E C OH D. 4983

kop„11 frr,m the I ,rr•H1romt of 1lighways, n+ follows

DI P AIMI FN I t,F I br;iwnys, l)IShfV (OsNltitikJNh,('s (1fl iii:--Iii 8t'10I1 r i IiR0(1KLVN,

\Iw \ •trsK, June 23, 1598. //rn.'1'I rS. R. 1 ,s tiisst 1., /),yw/r (orrr,rricirne, r j /h l7rrays

17r:,}k SIR-In accordance with letter hruin Tiesidcut Grout of June 20 and after no inspection of the prctnises, I would rrcornntrc•nd that the sidewalks on the south side of Second street, between Stith and Seventh avenues, in front of Lots Nos. 21 to 26, inclusive, 131ock 40, 'Twenty-second Ward 11a p, be flagied w•Itll bluestonc flagging five feet iu width. Estimated cu>1, $120 ; assessed value of properly, $8, too.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. I'. LEWIS, Engineer of highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of tire Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the sidewalk opposite the lots lying uu the south side of Second street, between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenue, known as Lots Nos. 21 to 26, inclusive, Block 40, 'Twenty-second Ward Map, be flagged with blue tone flagging, five (5) feet in width, or the full width, where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owner, of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 29.) Petition of De Grove & Co., agents for J. D. \Veeber, for the flagging of sidewalks on the cast

side of Seventh avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, in front of Lots Nos. 30 to 36, inclusive, Block 1J5, Twenty-second Ward Map.

Also for flagging on the north side of Twentieth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, in front of Lots Nos. 20 to 29, inclu>ive, Block 1J5, Twenty-second Ward Map.

Also on the south side of Nineteenth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, in front of Lots N'os.36 to 45, inclusive, Block 135, 'Twenty-second Ward Map.

Report from the Department of highways, as follows :


NEW YORK, July 12, 1598. Iron. TtInns. R. FARRELL, Drsuty Comm issinurr- of Ii! gin

DEAR SIR-Lt accordance with letter from President Grout of July 1, and after an inspection of the premises, I would recommend that the sidewalk on the east side of Seventh avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, in front of lots Nos. 20 to 26, inclusive, Block 135, Twenty-second Ward Map.

Also on the north side of Twentieth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, in front of Lots 20 to 29, inclusive, Block 135, Twenty-second Ward Map.

Also on the south side of Nineteenth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, in front of Lots Nos. 36 to 45, inclusive, Block 135, Twenty-second Ward Map -be flagged with Bluestone flagging live feet ins width. Estimated cost $950 ; assessed value of property, $48,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company, owner of Lots No. 24 to 29, inclusive, on Twentieth stre°t, and Nos. 30 to 36, inclusive, on Seventh avenue, and Nos. 36 to 45, inclusive, on Nineteenth street, agreed to do the work under its own direction.

The following resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the sidewalkopposite the Lots lying on the north side of Twentieth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, known as lots Nos. 20 to 23, inclusive, Block 135, 'Twenty-second Ward Map, inc flagged with bluestone flagging, five (5) feet in width, or the full width, where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 30.) Petition of Anna Smith, of No. It Berkeley place, for fencing on the north side of Berkeley

place, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, known as Lots Nos. 27 and 28, Block 95, Ninth \yard Map.

Report front the Department of Highways, as follows

DEPAR'rJItNT or HIGrt v ivs, Drrinv CoatvltsstoNRty s OFFICE-BOROUGII r,F BROOKLYN,

NEW Y'OttK July 12, 1898. 11on. Tttos. R. FA RR ELI., De!'1lty Commissioner of IIig/iwa)'s

DEAR SIR -In accordance s}'rth letter from President Grout of July 1, and after an inspection of the premises, I would recommend that the vacant lots on the north side of Berkeley place, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, known as Lots Nos. 27 and 2S, Block 95, Smiths Ward Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, six feet in height. Estimated cost, $to ; assessed value of lot, $2,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineerof IIighways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lots lying on the north side of Berkeley place, between Fifth avenue and Sixth avenue, known as Lots No. 27 and 28, Block 95, Ninth Ward Map, be inclos. d with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 31.) Proposed ordirance of the Board of Aldermen, referred to the Local Board, for fencing lots on

the north side of Sackett street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, known as Lots Nos. 157 and 158, Block 83, Ninth Ward Map.

Following report from the Department of Highways


MUNICIPAL BUILDING, September I, 1898.

lion. THos. R. FARRELL, Deputy Commissioner of llighuvays: DEAR Slit-In accordance with letter of President Grout of August 25, and after an inspection

of the premises, I would recommend that the vacant lots on the north side of Sackett street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, known as Lots Nos. 157 and 158, Block 83, Ninth Ward Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, 6 feet in height. Estimated cost, $120 ; assessed value of lots, $12,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. 1'. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The following was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lots lying on the north side of Sackett street, between Fourth avenue and Fifth avenue, known as Lots Nos. 157 and 158, Block 83, Ninth Ward Map, be inclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 32.) Petition of Patrick J. Gerson, of No. 656 Douglass street, for fencing all the vacant lots on

Degraw street, between Washington avenue and Classou avenue, and on St. Johns place, between Washington avenue and Classon avenue.

Report from the Department of Highways as follows


MUNICIPAL BUILDING, August 27, 1898.

Iron. THOS. R. FARRELL, Drprdy Commissioner of Highways DEAR SIR-in accordance with the letter of President Grout of the 17th instant, and after an

inpsection of the premises, I would recommend that Lite vacant lots on the north side of Degraw street, between Classon and Washington avenues, known as Lots Nos. 33, 35 to 44, inclusive, and Lot No. i, Block No.48, Ninth Warn Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, 6 feet in height. Estimated cost, $138 ; assessed value of lots, $7,000.

The examination of these premises shows that after the fencing of the lots on St. John's place and on Degraw street, there will still he left on Washington avenue side of this block unfenced property giving access to the vacant lots already provided for, and I would, therefore, recommend that the vacant lots on the east side of \Vashington avenue, between Degraw street and St. John's place, known as Lots Nos. i to 6, inclusive, Block No.48, Ninth Ward Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, 6 feet in height. Estimated cost, $60 ; assessed value of lots, $4,500.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

(ll } ml. NI<ll' \,It K, I;rrItr ,Rrll ,I IiIliriKtVN, 171.1n lt'I SI1,\'I' ur III' II II } }s,

'hluNIl 11'AI. Itrtt-ulsn,, August 2.t, 1898. 1/on.'I'ItIv. R.1 nkkt+t.1, /)full' Gonrnr3,rfrtrcv rf //{l, /riots:

DFAR Stir-In accordance with litter if I'rt•si,lrirt t,ioet, of August 17, and after an inspec. Lion of the premises, I would reccnrnnmrl that the vacant l-,ts on the 5o11111 side of St. Johns place, between Washington :Intl (lrrsson avenues, known a: Lots 12 ant 13, Block 48, Ninth 1Varrl Map, Ire inclosed wills a tight lunar 1 fence, six feet in height. Esiuiated cost, $20 ; assessed value of lots, $1,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. 1'. LEWIS, Engineer of Ilighways, Borough of Brooklyn.

Communication from George C. Cranford offering to fence the lots owned by him, Nos. 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43, in Degraw street.

Communication from G. Gitncr,leeve, stating that Ise would fence Lot No. 12 on St. John's place under his own direction•

The ow'ncr of I.ot No. 33 on Degraw street appeared before the Loll and stated that he would fence the lot under his own direction.

The following resolutions were adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lots lying r,n the north side of Degraw sIIect, Ietweer Classon avenue and Washington avenue, known as Lots Ncs.35, 36, 37, 45, 44 and t, Block 48, Ninth \\'ard Map, be inc k,sed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

itesolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn• hereby directs that the its lying on the east side of \,ashington avenue, between Degraw street and St. John's place, kno%%n as Lots Nos. i to 6, block 48, Ninih Warn Map, be inclosed will) a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense ref the owner or owners of the -paid lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwaTdcd to the Board of Public Lmprovements for its approval.

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the lot lying on the south side of St. John's place, between Washington avenue and Classon avenue, l:nmvr as Lot No. 13, block 48, \ninth \\•ant Map, be inclosed }cith a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

Ad.iournment. J. \V. STEVENSON, Secretary. ------•.•• -


lleenng in Room I, Rorwgi o,h hall, at 4..30 1'. X11., 77cer;dat', Oclobc'r 20, 1898.

The roll was called and the following members answered to their names : Edward M. Grout, President, in the chair, and Aldermen McNeil and Velton. The President submitted the following :

(No. 14.) Petition of Post & McCord, and others, for the repaving of Oakland street, between Ash and

Clay streets, and of either Box or Ash street, between Oakland street and Mahattan avenue. Also, communication of F. C. Smith & Co., of No. 420 Oakland street, asking that Oakland

street, between Clay and Ash streets, be repaved.

Following report from the Department of Highways

Cl-re of Nt:w Yr RK, BOROUGH1l of BROOKLYN, DICI}R'rsll?NT Or IIItIIIW:iYs,

iuNfcln}t. f-cn.IotnG, October 12, 1898. 11

1/ac. EDWARD M. GROUT, lnn•siderrt of the Htrotrgh of 6rool,•I)vt: pe tIt SIR-In reply to yours of the 6th instant, relative to the condition of Oakland street,

between Clay and Ash streets (complaint made by F. C. Smith & Co.), I have to say that originally it was int-r.ded to repave O•tkinud street, Irons Drlgg, avenue to Ash street, for which hick were received November 22, 1897. The contract was certified by Comptroller Palmer of Brooklyn for $32,200, which was found to be insufficient and, therefore, the work was stopped at Clay street. The Engineer reports that the expense of extending the pavement the two blocks would cost approximately $3,500. and estimates the cost of paving one block on Box street, from Oakland street to Manhattan avenue, at $3,000.

No authority has been received by this Department to extend the pavement on Oakland street or to make contract for the paving of one of the cross streets, and I doubt that there is any possi-bility of carrying out this improvement this year.

I have referred to the Superintendent in charge the matter of the need of repairs to the pave-ment on these two blocks, with instructions to repair the worst depressions.

Respectfully, (Signed) THOS. R. FARRELL, Deputy Commissioner of Highways.

()n motion of Alderman Vclton, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this loth day of October, 1898, believes that Oakland street, between Clay street and Ash street, should he repaved with granite blocks, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Irnprovements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action.

Resolved, That the Lineal Board of tine Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 20th day of October, iS9S, believes that Box street, between Manhattan avenue and Oakland street, should be repaved with granite blocks, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Impnrvements refer said matter to the Department of fligltways for action.

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby requests the Department of Highways to make temporary repairs in Oakland street, between Asia street and Clay street.

(No. 15.) Proposed ordinance forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements by the Board of Alder-

men, and referred by said Board to the Local Board, for repaving Humboldt street, from Grand street to Flushing avenue, with asphalt.

The following resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 20th day of October, 1898, believes that Humboldt street, between Grand street and I lushing avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of highways for action.

(No. 16.) Proposed ordinance forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements by the Board of Alder-

men, and referred by said Board to the Local Board, for repaving Seigel street, from Bushw-ick avenue to Broadway, with asphalt.

The following resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 20th clay of October, 1898, believes that Seigel street, between Bushwick avenue and Broadway, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Int-provements refer said matter to the Department of highways for action.

(No. 17.) Petition of Theodore Hillebrand, of No. 126 Huron street, and others, for repaving Huron

street, between Franklin street and .Manhattan avenue, with Belgian bloce. The petitioners at the hearing expressed their preference for asphalt, and, on moticm of Alderman Veltun, the follow-iug was adopted :

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Seventh District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this loth clay of October, 1898, believes that 11uron street, between Franklin street and Man-hattan avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action.

(No. 5. ) Petition of John D. Deetjen, of No. 217 Humboldt street, and two-thirds of the property-

owners along the street, for grading and paving Humboldt street, between Meeker avenue and Engert avenue.

Report from the Department of Highways, as follows CITY Or NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN,


(Ion. EDWARD M. GROUT, Pwc'simleo/ of the Borough of Brooklyn: DEAR sIR-In reply to your favor of the 2d tnsta,.t sutnnitting petition for the grading and

paving of Humboldt street, from Meeker avenue to Engert avenue, with asphalt. I beg to sta.e that the Engineer of this Deparhmeut reports that he finds that the amuuut of work which will be required would be as follows :

1,667 square yards of asphalt pavement on a concrete foundation. 1,100 lineal feet of new curb. 2,000 cubic yards of excavation.

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Ile also stntes that the total cost, including in pectlon, etc., w , il l I ali,ut c;,ttx,. ;\ (\o. S3.) proper district if assessment would lie one-hnlf block on each Side tit the 4trect, giving an area I l'ctiti n it 11111) Ii. Rolsntt, of No, 917 Jc fiersou avenue, and other,, fir the fencing of vacant Within said ii trict of I:4,000 square feet, which property was assessed in I&,7 at 57o,7I5. lot on the south site of Putnam avenue, betwccu I Inward avenue and Ralph avenue, known as

The alive a timate is for grading, curbing and paving with asphalt paventent on a ('-inch I Loot No. io8, Block 53, 'Twenty-fifth \\'aid Map. concrete foundation, with fittc'en year,' guarantee. I font nun iention from Edward AIich act is, of No. tIO6 Bush wick avenue, owner of the lot,

Respectfully, protesting against the fencing of it. (Signed) 'ITIUS. R. l''.\RkE.g.I., Deputy Commissioner of Ifighways.

Following report from the Department of Highways: The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, 'Chat the Local Hart of the Seventh District, Borough of llro.iklvn, after hearing CITY OF \E\C IIRK-BOROVGUN OF BROO t'I tDt

had this _ot h day of October, Iti,18, hereby reeoo n,rmls to the Board of fag)1ic Improvements of UF:P:1R't'\f!S\I' uF HlGUwaYS, D1uNtctPnt. Bt [CUING,

The City if New Vork, that I Iurnboklt 'Itreet, let wee n Meeker avenuc an I lngeit avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, be graded, curbed and paved with asphalt pavement on a six-inch concrete foundation.

(No. to.) Alderman \'elton moved that the petition of George Martin, of No. I19 Huron street, and

others, for the fl.tg~ii,g of the sidewalks in front of Ns. 133, I;5, 137, 139 and 141 Ifuron street, which was a,lvertised for hearing before the I.,,cal huar,l of the Seventh I)istrict on April 29. and which was laid over by said Board on that date, be now taken from the table for consideration.

The motion was adopted. Alderman Felton then moved the following Resolved, "]'hat the Local Board f the Seventh District, B rou te of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the stiewalks oppo,tte the house numbers 133, 135, 137, 139 and 141 Hteon street, he hugged with Isluew,ee flagging hive (5) feet in width, or the full width, where not already (lone, at the expense of the owners of the 'aid lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be fornarded to the Board of Public Improveme is for its approval.

Adopted. Adjournment.

J. W. STEVENSON, Secretary.


1lcetf,r,tr ill Ream 1, Bt'roug 1, H<rll, Fri/my, October 2I, IS9S, at 4.30 I. At.

The roll was called and the following members answered to their names : Edward M. Grout (President) in the chair, and Councilman Leich, Aldermen Ackerman,

McInnes and \\'entz. The President submitted the following

No. 29.) Petition of George E. Oram, of Avenue F and East Second street, for the following Fast Second street, open'ng street, from Avenue II to Eighteenth avenue. East Third street, ope,,ing street, froth Avenue 1) to Eighteenth avenue. East Fourth street, opening street, from Avenue I to Eighteenth avenue. East Fifth street, opening street. from Avenue 1) to Eighteenth avenue. East Seventh Street, opening street. from Avenue 1) to Franklin avenue. h:a>t Eighth street, opening street, front Avenue 1) to Franklin avenue. Last Ninth street, opening street, from .venue 1) to Franklin avenue. Avenue 1), opening street, from East Fourth street to Gravesend avenue. Avenue l:, opening street through any unopened portions, from Coney Island avenue to

Gravesend avenue. Avenue F, opening street, from Ocean Parkway to Gravesend avenue.

Following communication from Perkins & Tackson, of No, t t5 Broadway, New York City

NEw' YcRK, October 21, IS9S.

H'tt. EDWARD M. (;ROt T, President, Bt rou,4,h of J't? o%I)•tr, City lJail, Brooklyn, N.Y.:


DEAR SIR-The first hearing in this ttgatter was had la,t Jely, and at that time the writer stated that the Buttrick Publishing Company would probably not opp.)se the opening of the streets named in the petition. We have since then been investigating the advisability of ceding the said streets instead of forcing the delay incident to proceedings by commission. We are now author-ized on behalf of the liuttrick Pinitabio-, Company, Limited, to say that it Will execute deeds of cession any time otter December 3t, 1S9S. The reason for naming this date is that the entire property is under lease until that date, and the opening of streets earlier would entail serious loss to the lessees, which our client as lessor would probably have to meet, or at all events contest. If this proposition is satisfactory to the Board we should expect that it would drop the pending proceedings and that nothing would be done in the meantime.

The writer, \cho has had entire charge in our office, regrets his inability to present this propo-sition before the Board in person. An important reference tins been set for the hour of the hearing at which the writer must attend to examine witnesses who have come on from Massachusetts.

Very truly yours, (Signed) PERKINS & JACKSON,

Per N.

On motion of Councilman Leich, the petition Was laid over until the next meeting of the Board in January, and the Secretary was instructed to so notify Perkins & Jackson.

(No. 49.) Petition of Morris Hirsch, of No. 952 Putnam avenue, and others, for repaving Putnam

avenue, between Ralph avenue and I'atchen avenue, with asphalt. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 21st day of October, 1898, believes that Putnam avenue, between Patchen avenue and Ralph avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action.

(No. 50.) Petition of Alexander Campbell, for repaving Pacific street, between Albany avenue and

Nostrand avenue. On motion of Alderman McInnes, the resolution accompanying petition was amended as

indicated in the following resolution : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 21st day of October, 1898, believes that Pacific street, between Nostrand avenue and Brooklyn avenue, and between Kingston avenue and Albany avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action.

The resolution as amended was adopted.

(No. 51.) Proposed ordinance referred to the Board of Public Improvements by the Municipal Assembly,

and by said Board to the Local Board, for repaving McDonough street, between Stuyvesant avenue and Reid avenue.

The following was adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 21st day of October, iS98, believes that McDonough street, between Stuyvesant avenue and Reid avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Highways for action.

(No. 52.) Petition of John B. Rolson, of No. 917 Jefferson avenue, and others, for fencing vacant lot on

the north side of Jefferson avenue, between Ralph avenue and Howard avenue, known as Lot No. 85, Block 53, Twenty-fifth Ward Map.

Following report from the Department of Highways


MUNtcu'AI. BUILDING, August 5, 1898. 11 Hon. THos. R. FARRELL, Deputy Commissioner of Ifihways :

DEAR SIR-In accordance with letter from the Secretary to the President of the Borough, dated July 29, and after an inspection of the premises, I would recommend that the vacant lot on the north side of Jefferson avenue, between Ralph and Howard avenues, known as Lot 85, Block 53, 't'wenty-fifth Ward Map, he inclosed with a tight b rard fence, b feet in height. Estimated cost, $22 ; assessed value of lots, gt,600. Original petition inclosed.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

On motion of Alderman \Wentz, the following was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby

directs that the lot lying on the north side of Jefferson avenue, between Ralph avenue and Howard avenue, known as Lot No. 85, Block 53, Twenty-fifth Ward Map, lie inclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lot.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Iluprovements for its approval.

August 5, 1890. //in• 'Putts. R. FARREI.t., I) frttp ( n,n,issinncr o/ Ili,h7t'~,rs:

IDEAR SiR-In accordance with letter from the Secretary to the ]'resident of the Borough, dated July 29, an(l after an inspection of tltc )remises, I would recommend that the vacant lot on the south stile of I 'it mat it avenue, between Ralph attd Howard avenues, known as Lot No. Io8, lllock 53, 'Twenty-fifth \\'ant flap, he inclosed with a tight board fence, 6 feet in height. Estimated cost, 528 ; assessed value of lot, $3,200.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Ifighw-ays, Ilorough of Brooklyn.

The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Local P,oard of the Eighth District, Ilorongh of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lot lying on the south side of' Putnam avenue, between Ralph avenue and ] Iowaid avenue, known as I.ut No. toS, ];lock S3, Twenty -fifth \\'ard \lap, be inclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owner, of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvetuents for its approval.

(No. 54.) Petition of \V. F. Fiero, of No. 31S Madison street, for fencing vacant lot on the south side of

Madison street, between Marcy avenue and Tompkins avenue, known as Lot No. 45, Block 43, Twenty-third Ward Nlap.

Following report from the Department of Ilighways


MUNICIPAL BUILDING, August 5, 1898. I/o,,. "l'Itos. R. FARRELL, I),putp Commissioner of Ilelr,uats

DEAR Site - In accordance with letter front the Secretary to the President of the Borough, dated July 29, and after an inspe._tion of the premi<es, I would recommend that the vacant lot on the south side of Madison street, between Marcy and Tompkins avenues, known as Lot No. 45, Block 43, 't'tventy-third Ward Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, six feet in height. Estimated cost, $8 ; asse-sed value of lot, $i,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

Following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borouuh of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lot lying on the south side of Madison street, between Marcy avenue and Tompkins avenue, known as Lot No. 45, Block 43, Tw-euty-third Ward Map, be inclosed with a close buanl fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of said lot.

Resolved, ']'hat this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 55). Petition of 1'. B. Butler, of No. 2S6 Van Duren street, and others, for the fencing of vacant lots

on the north side of Decatur street, between Broadway and Hopkinson avenue, known as Lots Nos, 14 to 17, inclusive, Block toy, Twenty-fifth Ward Map.

A representative of the owners, Moses II. Moses and Celia Herman, appeared before the Board and protested against the fencing of the lots.

Follow ing report from the Department of I I ighways


MUNICIPAL. BlILLIINO, August 5, 1898. I/ix, TtIos. R. FARRELL, Depute Commissioner of //c'hzc'au s

DEAR SIR-In accordance with the letter from the Secretary to the President of the Borough, and after an inspection of the premises, I would recommend that the vacant lots on the twrth side of I)ecat.tr street, between htroalway and Hopkinson avenue, known as Lots Nos. t4 to 17 inclusive, Block 105, 'Twenty-filth Ward flap, be inclosed with a tight board fence, 6 feet in height. Estimated cost, $40 ; assessed value of lots, $2,150.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Enginceer of IIighways, Borough of Brooklyn.

On motion of Councilman Leich, the petition was laid over until the next meeting of the Board, and was referred to Alderman Wentz for examination.

(No. 5(.) Petition of Jacob Geib for the fencing of vacant lot on McDougal street, between Howard and

Saratoga avenues, known as Lots Nos. 52 and S3, dock S2, Twenty-fifth Ward Map. Communication from petitioner, stating that work was done and withdrawing petition.

(No, 57.1

Petition of Thomas Prosser, coiner of Bainbridge street and Stuyvesant avenue, for the fenc-ing of vacant lots on the south side of Chauncey street, between Lewis and Stuyvesant avenues, known as Lots Nos. 5o and 51, Block 122, Twenty-third Ward Map.

Following report from the Department of Highways : CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN,


Uon. TIIos. R. FARRELL, De(tuft, Commissioner of Highways DEAR SIR-In accordance with letter from the Secretary to the President of the Borough,

dated July 29, and after an inspection of the premises. I would recommendl that the vacant lots oil the south side of Chauncey street, between Lewis an(l Stuyvesant avenues, known as Lots Nos. 5o and 5t, Block 122, 'Twenty-third Ward Map, be inclosed with a tight board fence, six feet in height. Estimated cost, $15 ; assessed value of lots, $i,000.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The following resolution w•as adopted : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs

that the lots lying on the south side of Chauncey street, between Lewis avenue and Stuyvesant avenue, known as Lots Nos. 5o and 5t, Block 122, Twenty-third ]Yard Map, be inclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution he forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

(No. 58.) Petition of M. J. 11cLaughlin, for grading lot on the south side of Prospect place, between

Albany avenue and Kingston avenue, known as Lot No. 14, Block t18, Twenty-fourth Ward Map.

Following report from the Department of Highways :


MUNICIPAL BLILDINc, October t, 1898. lion. Tltos. R. FARRELL, Deputy ca,p issio,ter of NicIizcaVs :

DEAR StR-In accordance with the communication from President Grout of September 26, and after an inspection of the premises, I would recommend that the lots on the south side of Prospect place, between Albany and Kingston avenues, known as Lot No. 14, Block 118, Twenty-fourth Ward Map, be dug down to grade. Estimated cost, $330; assessed value of lot, $3,200.

Respectfully, (Signed) N. P. LEWIS, Engineer of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn.

The owner of the lot, George \V. Bond, appeared before the Board and stated the work was unnece..sary. The petitioner failed to appear, and petition was denied.

(No- 59•) Petition of Alderman James II. McInnes for flagging sidewalk on the north side of Park place,

between Albany and Troy avenues, in front of lots known as Nos. 40 and 41, Block 121, Twenty-foutth Ward Map.

Petition withdrawn. (No. 6o.)

Petition of Alfred B. Davies, of No. 23 Ocean place, for lighting Ocean place, between Herkimer street and Atlantic avenue.

The following resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 21st day of October, 1898, hereby recommends that street lights be placed in Ocean place, between Herkimer street and Atlantic avenue.

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(N. (i1.) Alderman McInnes otfcre,l the following : Resolved, That the Local lk,ard of the Eighth District, Itorough of Brooklyn, hereby

recommends that a sewer hasiu he placed at the corner of Nostrand avenue and I.ind.•n ttuttlevaril. Adopted.

(No. 62.) Alderman Melunes offered the following : Resolved, That the LocaI.Board of the Eighth Distrkt, Borough of Bronklyn, hereby recom-

mends that gas-lamps be placed in Park place, between Albany avenue and Tiny avenue. Adopted.

(No. 63.) Alderman Mclnnes offered the following : Resolved, That the Local Board of the I?iglith District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby recom-

mends that electric lights, or gas lights with Wt' bach bur,rers, be. placed at the following points Ilatlands avenue, from Eighty-sixth street to Rockaway avenue. Conklin avenue, from l:i ,•hIy-sixth street to Rockaway avenue. Avenue K, ]rum highly-sixth street to Rockaway avenue. Avenue L, from Eighty-sixth street to l:uckaway avenue. Flatland Neck road, from Kings Highway to Church avenue. Church avenue, from Flatland Neck road to Rockaway avenue. Adopted.

(No. 64.) Alderman McInnes offered the following : Resolved, That ttie Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby recom-

mends that a sewer culvert be placed at the corner of Clarkson street and Rogers avenue. Adopted. Adjournment.

I. W. STEVENSON, Secretary.



Afeeting in Raoul 1, Borough Hall, at 4 P. M, Friday, October 7, 1898.

The roll was called and the following members answered to their names Edward Al. Grout, President, in the chair, Councilman Francisco and Aldermen Schmitt and

Helgans. The President submitted the following draft of a report

The .1l1,rnicipal dssea.bly : Upon receipt of the following resolution Resolved, That the members of the Municipal Assembly represented in the Local Board of

the -Ninth Senatorial District of Cie Borough of Brooklyn, be and the same are hereby directed to investigate and ascertain by what authority the Brooklyn Union or any other elevated railroad company is now running cars to Rockaway Beach over tracks from Fulton street to Atlantic ave-nue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, and report back to the Municipal Assembly. —the Local Board of the Ninth Senatorial District met and notifie,i the elevated railroad company referred to therein to attend, and has investigated as required in such resolution, and reports as follows :

The receiver of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company has transmitted a plan, together with a statement of the position of such company and of the Long Island Railroad Company, co-operating with it in making the connection of the two roads from Fulton street to Atlantic astenue, which plan and communication we attach hereto.

It appears that the land lying between Fulton street and Atlantic avenue is private property. Neither the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company nor the Long Island Railroad Company has ever obtained any authority whatsoever from any city department for the construction of the structure referred to. Two permits, one of April 20, 1898, and one on June to, 1898, were obtained by the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company from the Highway Department in the Borough of Brooklyn, which simply permitted the placing of building materials on Fulton street and on Atlantic avenue, the permit, we understand, being of the saute character as that which would lie obtained by a builder constructing any edifice.

The structure of these railroad companies not only runs through Fulton street, for which the elevated road has a franchise, and through Atlantic avenue, for which the Long Island Railroad Company has a franchise, but also runs from Fulton s'reet across the sidewalk into the private property in the block owned by the railroads and out of such private property on Atlantic avenue across the sidewalk to the laud in the centre of the street which belongs to the Loneg Island Rail-road Company. This structure is not within the terms of any franchise granted by The City of New York or its predecessor, the City of Brooklyn. The railroad companies claim the right to do as they have clone, however, notwithstanding the provisions of the Charter. 'rile facts being without dispute, the only question involved is wholly a question of law, and we recommend that this communication, with accompanying papers, be submitted to the Corporation Counsel, with the request that he act in such manner as the law permits in the premises. We believe that the struc-ture is an injury to the adjoining and neighboring property, and we believe that the course of these railroad companies is such as to prevent the City from obtaining the compensation for franchises for which the Charter of the City provides, and if the law will permit it, action should be taken against the continuance of this structure without the permission of the City authorities and without compensation to the City.

Respectfully, Dated BROOKLYN, October 7, 1898.


September 26, 1898. Hin. E. Al.t GROUT, President of the Borough of Brooklyn, Borough of Brooklyn, New York

City . DEAIt SIR—At the request of Mr. Uhlmann, I send you herewith a plan showing the connec-

tion between the tracks of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company, in Fulton avenue, over private property, and the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Company, in Atlantic avenue.

The title to the land in question is held by a trustee for the joint benefit of the Long Island Railroad Company and the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company or its successor.

The Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company was chartered by a special net of the Legislature, chapter 585 of the Laws of 1874, and enacted, you will observe, prior to the constitutional amend-ment of 1875, so that under the rights secured by said act it is not necessary to secure the consents of abutting owners or of the municipality for the construction of said railroad or appurtenances along the route specified in said act, which includes Fulton street, east of Broadway.

The act in question gives the company full power to construct, maintain and operate such turnouts, switches, sidings, platforms, depots, stairways, telegraph and signal apparatus and repair shops as may be necessary and proper for the successful maintenance and operation of said railway, etc. The act also provides that said corporation shall possess all the rights, powers and privileges and be subject to all the provisions of the General Railroad Act, chapter 140 of the Laws of 1850, and the acts amendatory thereof.

With the provisions of the General Railroad Act of 1850 and the amendments thereof you are, doubtless, familiar, so that you will readily recall the statutory provisions which authorize rail-roads to unite and connect their lines when co-terminous or constructed in the same vicinity, and require the granting of facilities for transporting passengers over each other's lines. You have also, doubtlesss, observed that the settled policy of the courts is to favor all arrangements between existing railroads whereby the convenience of the traveling public may be promoted, as by making connections of this sort. A good case in point is Beekman vs. Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Rail-road Company, 89 Ilun, 14. The Court of Appeals has held, matter of Union Elevated Railroad Company, 113 N. Y., 275, that a company organized under the Rapid Transit Act of 1875 had the right to connect its routes with the routes of an existing elevated railroad, and run continuous trains thereover, so as to promote the convenience of the traveling public. The connection in the case last cited was between the Hudson avenue route of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company and the Myrtle avenue route of the Union Elevated Railroad Company.

I understand that the Long Island Railroad Company claims the same authority to make the connection in question under their chartered rights that is cited in behalf of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad Company. The work of constructing the connection in Atlantic avenue and over the private property between Atlantic and Fulton avenues was done under the exclusive supervision and control of the Long Island Railroad Company. All that the receiver of this company did, under the order of the Court, was to put in the girders and tracks connecting our Fulton avenue line with the structure on the private property to question, which was completed as far as the house-line on Fulton avenue. It was unnecessary to erect any additional supporting columns for this purpose ; consequently no excavations of any kind were made in the street, and no permit was secured except for the purpose of placing material in the street pending construction.

Yours very truly, (Signed) ALEX. S. LYMAN.

On motion of Councilman Francisco, the report was made that of the Lo:al Board, to be signed by the members of the Board, and the Secretary was instructed to forward it to the Munici-pal Assembly.

Adjournment. J. W. STEVENSON, Secretary.

POLICE l)l`;l',\RM 1IL:NT.

At a ,noctinf' of the Itwirl of Police of the Police Departrocnt of The City of New York, field on the 14th day oil )ctoher, 1898.

lreseot– Comm issi,uers York (1're,idunt), Sexton, Iless and Abell. The minwes of October 12 were read and approved.

77r jo/6,wiui,' llhr.,k hr/I i rods were Gr,znNed; M. Ratner, at New Irving ITall, October 21 ; fee, $25. William Murray, at Tammany hall, O,t,,ber 22 ; fee, $25. 1.. 11. Phillips, at Turn I [all (Brooklyn), October 15; fee, $ro. I,. II. Phillips, at Turn Hall (llrooklyn), October 2) ; fee, $10. J. Schifferdecker, at Military lfall, l;rooklyn, October 22; fee, $10.

'fizz: FO1.LOwtNc RitlORTS, Ierr., wed: Oahe:RED ON Nttse:

Contagious desease in family of Patrolman Patrick McKiernan, Thirteenth Precinct. F. C. Colby—Commending Patrolman Michael Guinn, for bravery. Seventy-third I recinct--Report of killing, of horse.

.Si'ufi Cr ies

Twentieth Precinct—On complaint of Johu Walther, of officer refusing to aid his wife. l wenty-fourth Precinct—On compliant of Charles Sansbrey, of saloon No. 727 Third avenue.

T/rc fa/1ruirr 55 Afp/teaiio#ss were lie/erred to the Committee on P~'nsions. Idary Gorman, for pension. Mary Cas,idy, guardian of children of Michael O'Connor, for pension. Martin !lines, for increase of pension.

7/se Mlvw,nren Cwm rmw,iealions 7vere !r' ferred to the Clelef Clerk to Answer Benjamin F. Spellman—Relative to complaint of Jennie Rlelfi against Patrolman William

IIawe, Tenth Precinct. Burr, Coombs & \Vilson—Relative to grades of officers in Brooklyn and Brooklyn Bridge

Force ; and as to case of Robert Ran. Sam Adler—Asking appointment as Special Patrolman. F. E. McQueen—Asking application blank.

YheTnfliHoinrg CoIuvnrrrur(itiarrs weir' R,ferred to the CIri./' of 1'okee Jar 1c',)5ortr Forty-second Precinct—On complaint of Henry \'ellbrock of damage to clock at City Island

by steamboat "Patrol"—for further report. Charles C. Overton—Asking appointment of Gu-tav A. Ile~ller as Special Patrolman. Communication from 11. S. Kearny, Commissioner of Buildings, etc., inclosing list of

Police telegraph poles in Brooklyn, was referred to the Superintendent of Telegraph for report. Communication from II. S. Kearny, Cmnmissioner of Buildings, etc., asking copy of

specifications for work in the Forty-ninth and Sixty-ninth Precinct Station-houses, was referred to Sergeant ()'Brien, to font arch copies.

C(1mmtuiication from the Department of Buildings, notice of unsafe condition of Second Pre-cinct Station-house, was referred to Sergeant O'Brien for report.

7h- Jollowin,; Law Cases were Referred to the Co I,,raliarr Counsel New York Supreme Court—The People ex ref. George W. Hart, Peter Campbell,Ilerman B.

Germs. Writs of Certiorari. New York Supreme Court—The People ex ref. Patrick M. McCarthy. Affidavit. Property Clerk– Order of Magisirate, Second District, Second Division, Borough of ftueens,

relative to delivery of property of John Ungary, who was arrested by Patrolman Adam Krebs, September 19, 1898.

Property Clerk—Attachment by order of Supreme Court, New York, in case of Henry Krager et al. against John Uxgauy.

Resolved, That the resignation of Oscar II. Vetter, Special Patrolman, be accepted. Resolved, That the following persons be and are hereby appointed Special Patrolmen, in the

service of the parties named : George Gunter, for Derso Fuchs. Henry Starch, for Carl Tietjens. Application of Patrolman John F. Kelly, Fifth Precinct, for advance to grade, was denied. Resolved, That the following officers be and are hereby advanced to grades, their efficiency

and conduct having been satisfactory : Patrolman John II. Hauser, First Precinct, to Second Oracle, $1,300 ; October 3, 1898.

, Robert C. Jewett, First Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,3oo ; October 3, 1898. " George McCormick, First Precinct, to Second Grade, 51,3oo ; October 3, 1898. " James J. McKeon, Fifth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300 ; October 6, 1898. " Patrick R. I)ee, Tenth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300 ; October 3, 1898. " Griffin Baisley, Eighteenth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,3oo ; October 6, 1898.

William Tyndall, Nineteenth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,00; October 3, 1898. " I'Itilip Daly, Nineteenth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300 ; October 6, 1898. " Edward J. Shoemaker, 'Twentieth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300; October 3,

1898. " Daniel A. herr, Twenty-second Precinct, to Second Grade, $1i300 ; October 3,

1898. Ira J. Todd, Twenty-ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, $I,300; October lo, i8Q8.

" John W. Holzer, Twenty-ninth Precinct, to Second Grade, $$1,300; October Io, 1898.

" Ernest L. B- Von Diezelski, Thirtieth Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300; October 7, 1898.

. James J. Doyle, Thirty-sixth Precinct, to Second Grade, $I,3oo; October 6, tSgS. " Thomas F. Kelly, Thirty-seventh Precinct, to Second Grade, $1,300 ; October 13,

1898. " Richard Hamilton, Sanitary Company, to Second Grade, $1,300; October 3, 1898. '. Gustave Lanz, Bicycle Squad, to Second Grade, $1,300 ; October 6, 1898.

Frank J. Reilly, Bicycle Squad, to Second Grade, $1,300; October 13, 1898. Daniel J. Fogarty, Bicycle Squad, to Second Grade, Sz,~oo ; October 13, 1898.

.' Michael O'Connell, Fourth Precinct, to Second Grade, 51,350 ; July 1, 1898. " David T. Moneypenny, Twentieth Precinct, to Fourth Grade ; J one 15, 1898.

RE/ref Ojjicers.

Sergeant George C. Frost, Bicycle Squad, 5i,000 per year, Surgeon's certificate. Patrolman James F. Buckly, First Precinct, S7O0 per year, Surgeon's certificate.

David D. Hall, Fourteenth Precinct, $700 per year, Surgeon's certificate. " David \V. Dill, Sixty-first Precinct, 5675 per year, on application.

Resolved, That Rosanna Gillen, widow of John Gillen, late pensioner, be and is hereby awarded and 'ranted a pension of two hundred dollars per annum, from October 14, 1898.

Resolves That Catharine Ross, willow of John Ross, late pensioner, be and is hereby awarded and granted a pension of two hundred dollars per annual, from October 14, 1898.

Resolved, That Mary A. Thompson, widow of \t illiam Thompson, late pensioner, he and is hereby awarded and granted a pension of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum, from October 14, 1898.

Resolved, That Mary E. Phelan, willow of John Phelan, late pensioner, be and is hereby awarded and granted a pension of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, from October 14, 1898.

Resolved, That the following licenses he granted Oscar Reschke, Nos. 203 to 207 East Fifty-sixth street, conceit ; fee, $150. Fred. Kern, No. 28 Flushing avenue (t,tueens), concert ; fee, $15o. Resolved, That the report of this Department for the quarter ending June 30, 1898, be signed

by the President and Chief Clerk, and forwarded to the Mayor. Resolved, That the applications of William H. Hurst, President, Stock Quotation Telegraph

Company, and G. 1I. Usher, Superintendent, Postal Telegraph Cable Company, be granted per-mission to connect their respective offices by telegraph with Central Department for the purpose of obtaining election returns ; the work to be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Telegraph and without expense to this Department.

Resolved, That the Chief Clerk, Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Telegraph be directed to make the usual arrangements for the reception of election returns at Police Head-quarters, and in the Court-room, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to make the necessary arrangements for refreshments for Clerks and Employees on election right at an expense not exceed-ing one hundred dollars.

Resolved, That the Superintendent of Telegraph be and is hereby directed to secure the neces-sary lines and make arrangements for the reception and transmission of registry and election returns for the coming election, between Central Otlice and the various precincts.

Resolved, That, in addition to the public announcement required to be made at each polling place, the statements subscribed by the Board of Inspectors of each election district and trans-mitted to the station-houses, be immediately forwarded by telephone to the Central Office, and then publicly announced at the station-house by the officer in coinntand, giving the number of election and assembly district and ward in each case ; also that the Chief of Police be directed to make such arrangements at the several station-houses as shall furnish, free of expense to this Department, all needed facilities to the agents of newspapers and news associations in collecting the election returns.

Page 10: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER


THE CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, NovF>,Iul':R ii, 1898.

Rc. IYCJ, 'I hi all such *tatetnenty, after Icing lion,inittcd l ,y !, h•pl t„ the I't ilirnl Oflicc, I ,t• tal'ulatctl in the vtaur ,n-houses aI,on blank Ahct-Is provided Ii such pulp .st•, and he Iui %ldcl to the (tit)1 ( )Ilicc :rl a,,,n a. the Nllcct is c,nnplctcd.

Re-. lvt•d, That the sl;t[emonl. StlIIIlhe(1 I)v the Board of ina ,rctors f each office he kept t,tt;cthet• and mcl'.ed in an ttivclope. the Wordier of the pltcinct, the office voteI f r and the as"cnll ly tli.ttict and ward to I . inclosed in an en,elnpe. All of such statements received at the tali, n-h acs to he tnclt ,scd In tme package, which must he securely fastened an(I sealed, pruprrlV

addressed and fi,ncarded to the Central Utlice, With nrning ]elurm, November 9.

7 he f ,llowing piolt„sal, for repairs to station-houses were received


1'HTI.LIrCs, I)oul h ,.

'I cnth I'rrctnct ..............1 c418 cw F387 00 5415 w S412 uu

Twenty .ixt11 Prcc.nct ...... 291 00 305 a, 272 cw 264 cx,

Forty.thini I 'reci nct......... 27 co 267 00 254 00 290 00

Forty-fourth Precinct ...... 925 co 942 co 947 0 9 0 O1

Forty-seventh Precinct...... 265 00 246 00 255 00 278 00

Forty-ninth I'recinct........~i 146 00 162 oo '. 173 00 165 00

Fifty-first Prerin't ......... 271 00 257 CO 262 oo 245 oo

Fifty-.eemui Precinct...... 17; Co Igo 00 t9: co i16 00

Fifty-third Prt civa........ 347 co 3('O 00 353 00 30; 00

Fitty.fourth Prccoo t 2,6 00 221 oo j 205 0) 227 10

Ft' lt% >ixth reat,et 25 oo 26S oo 27 00 25 00

Fifty -,e,enth Precinct....... 8,57 00 9~5 w 836 oo 910 00

Sixtieth Precinct........., 446 00 44S oo 463 oo 432 Ol

Siny-second Precinct....... 273 00 236 00 342 00 a26 oo

Sixty-third Prccin.t........ 247 co 235 00 25, 00 262 00

Sixty-sixth Precinct........., 564 00 fo, 00 545 CO 575 00

Six•y-nindt Precinct......... 196 Co 200 (0 ...... IS5 00

Setven. y.- 652 00 695 00 ...... 633 00 ~e~on,l Precinct....

Seventy.ei hth Sub-Precinct 421 00 394 CO 412 00 426 00

Eightieth Prcinct.......... f48 co 667 co 675 00 627 00

--- - ----- - --- Hull. Gripper & Co. station house not given, x995.

Resolved, That premises No. tot West Thirtieth street. James Fanner, proprietor, be hired for stabling patrol wagon and horses for Nineteenth Precinct, instead of No. 132 \'Veit Thirty.lirst street, at sixty dollars peL month.

tIn onler„t the Supreme Court, Appellate I)ivisien- Resolced, That Robert Rau be and is herby restored to duty as Patrolman. The Chief

directed to assign him to duty. Communication having been received by the Board from John 1IvCu]Iaah, State Superin-

tendent of Llections, dated October lo. in which he states that : '' In order to proporly carry out the pr visions of vIt::pter 676 of the Laws of iSgS I shall require a place of detention for any person or persons who may be arrested by myself or deputies at a time when the courts are not open for their arraignment for a violation or attempted violation of the Election Law or of the Penal Code relating to crime against the elective franchise at which such person or persons so arrested may be detained until the said courts shall be opened for their arraignment before a magistrate. In order to secure such place or places of detention, I shall require your co-operation, and to that end I respectfully request that your Honorable Board shall lake such action in the [natter as will meet the emergency."

In rel , ly to such communication, the Police Board desires to state that they find no provision of law which requires or authorizes then) to designate places for detention of persons arrested for crime other than the provisions of the Charter and the general law which requires that they shall establish, provide and :urnish stations and station-houses, sub-stationsand -ub-station-houses, fir the accommodation thereat : f members of the Police Force and ac places for temporary detention for persons arre< ed and property taken within the precinct. The Police Board, therefore, find that they have no authority to designate place, for the detention of any particular person or persons arrested for crime, but would state that, tinder their understanding of the law, any citizen has the same right to arrest for a violation of the law as a member of the Uniformed Police Force ]ISm, and when he makes such arse-Is and delivers the person so arrested to the place provided as a station-house by the Police Department, it is the duty of such Department to receive the person so arrested, till 00 the facts being submitted showing that a crime has been committed, and the State Superintendent, or his deputies, would have, therefore, the same right as a citizen or officer would have in arrest fot violation of law ; and the Board feel, therefore, that they have no authority in law to make .•.D\• other designation for such detention than provided by law.

1 he C htef Clerk is directed to communicate forthwith a copy of this minute to the State Super-intendent of Election,.

The Chief of Police is directed to communicate a copy of this minute to the Force. Atlurne•1,

\'M. H. KIPP, ChiefCle:k.




Heads of Institutions—Reporting meats, milk, fish, etc., received during week of good quality and up to standard. Filed.

Central Office—Appointments, resignations, dismissals, etc., as per list attached.

Appointments, !1 eek endzn,;r October 29, 1898.

October 20. Helen Murphy, Personal Domestic Cook, Almshouse .............. $240 00 " IS. F. Johnson, Assistant Cook (subject to Civil Service), Metropolitan

Hospital ................................................. 240 00

It'einscatenre'n[s, ]Leek Lading October 29, 1898. October

IS. Michael McDonough, Fireman, Almshouse .............. ... ... $300 00 24. John \\-. Armstrong, Hospital Orderly, Randall's Island Asylum

and School ............................................... o 00

Salaries Increased, iUi ek Lacing October 29, 1898. Not ember I. Henry I'. Dausch, Executive Clerk, Central Office, from 5800 10 Si,000. Octol,cr

24. Albert Creelman, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to $1,000.

24, flax Rothschild, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to SI, 000.

24. James E. NlcMahon, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to SI,000.

24. William H. Heaton, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from 5720 to SI,COO.

24. Eleanor Brown, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to 51,000.

24. Charles Millington, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 1051,000.

24. Mary R. MIcl)onald, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to $1,000.

24. Mary F. 31c.Namara, Examiner Department of Children, Out-door Poor, from $720 to $1,000.

24. James DIc.\amee, Hospital Orderly, Randall's Island Asylum and School, from $300 to $360.

Resignations, JI'eek endin; October 29, 1898. October I. Bridget Owens, Cook, Almshouse, resigned voluntarily.

4. Charles A. Wenman, Chaplain, Randall's Island Asylum and School. 21. Margaret Stoudt, Nurse, Randall's Island Infant's Hospital.

1)i,ri.,,,,/f, if eek /:',n/in; Ort,,%,) a), ISoS.

tt,f,,bcr 25. Walter Lake, Examiner I)cparintcnt of Children, ()ut-[lour l'unr, disiitisseil, unfit for position,

/)'/•/,?, Ill F.)i/i)I,g O,lber 2t), I8t)S.

)crier 25. fcaruek, \Vil1ianf S., I Ilisl,itmil I lelller, Bellevue f bppll;tl, die 1. J. Nl, MA" Ih tilt tl;N, Secretary.


No. 504.

Resolvd, That permission be and the saute is hereby- given to the Ladies' All Society of the Congregational Church of forth New York to place transparencies on the following lamp-posts

Corner of \\ illis avenue and One hundred and forty-third street ; Corner of Third avenue and One If tin dred ant Thirty-eig lit It street Corner of Third avenue and ( )ue I lundred and i orty-third street ; and Corner of \1'illis avenue and One I lundrel and 'Thirty-eighth street ;

—Ilurough of The Bronx, the work to be done at its own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of I lighway ; such permission to continue until the i ith day of November, 1895.

Adopted by the Council, November t, 1898. Adopted by the Iloar I „f Aldermen, November I, 1898. Apprised l,y the .\layor, November 4, 1898.

1lnruugh of The Bronx.

( )ffiee f the President of the Borough of The Bronx, corner Third avenue and Une Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. 9 A. lit. to 4 P. St. ; Saturdays, 9 A. Al. to I2 M.

Lotus F. HAFFEN, President. Borough if Brooklyn.

President's Office, N. I borough Hall. 9 A. M. to 5 P. &I. ; Saturdays, 9 A. Al. to 12 At.

Fnw.ARD N. l>Rot'I, President.

Br, ugh of Queens.

FREDERICK RuiLEY, President. I Mice, Lung Island City. 9 A. H. until 4 P. ML; Satur-

1 days, from 9 A. St. until t xi.

Borough of Richmond. GEORGE CROMweLL, President. I Bice of the President, First National Batik Building,

New Brighton ; 9 A. Al- to 4 P. xi., Saturdays, 9 A. At to 12

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. N. r19 Nassau street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M.

WILLIAM H. Hors, Public Administrator.

BOARD ItF PUBLIC IMPRI)VEMENVS. N. 346 Broads, ny, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9

A. M. to r2 SI. MAr-RICE F. HOL.AHAN, President. JOHN H. MOONEY, Secretary.

DJee/,,,en/ o/ Jugiismly.e.

No. Igo Nass to street, ) A. SI, to 4 P. At JAMES 1'. KEA-1IN,;, Commis ,IUner of Highways. WILLIAM[ N. SHANNON, Deputy for Mami1L:ltan. THOMAS R. FARRELL, Deputy f'r Brooklyn. JAMES H. MALONEY, Deputy it Bnmx. JOHN P. Al:cnni x, Deputy I Queens. HENRY P. MORRISON, Deputy- and Chief Engineer for

Richmond. Utiice, "Richm nd Ituilding," corner Rich-mond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. 1.

Urfa room,nt of Sucre.

Nos. 265 and 267 Broadway, 9 A SI. to 4 P. M. JAMES KANE, Commissioner of Sewers. MATTHEW F. DosoHUE, Deputy fur Manhattan. THOMAS J. BYRNES, Deputy for Bronx. WIU.I:vst 11RLNNAN• Deputy for Bn,uklyn. S1.ATT(mE„ J. Got.DNER, Deputy Commissioner of

Sewers. Pnn,ut:h of Queens. HENRY P. MORRISON, L)eputy Commissioner and

Chief Engineer of Seers, Borough „f Richmond. Office, " Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. I.

1)5,5 7/5 ense'f Bridge•s. Room 177 Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway. 9 A. Al. to 4 P. eL ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M JOHN I.. Sims, Commissioner. THOMAS H. YORK, Deputy. SAMUEL R PROBASCO, Chief Engineer. MATTHE\,' H. MOIRE, Deputy f'r Iir„nx. HARRY BEAat, Deputy for Brooklyn. JOHN E. BACKUS, Deputy for Queens.

Dt/ariuteut of It aler Su/,dl'. No. x5o Nassau street, 9 A. at. to 4 P. M.

WILLIAM DALTON, Commissumer of \Cater Supply. JAMES H. HASLIN, Deputy C,,mmissiuner. GEORGE \\ BIRDSALL, Chief Engineer. W. G. BYRNE, Water Register. JAMES MOFFETT, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of

Brooklyn, Municipal Building. JosEPH FITCH, I)eputy C,,mmissi, ner, Borough of

Queens, Old Town Hall, Flushing. THOMAS D MULLIGAN, eprtty Commissioner,

Bor„ugh of The Bronx, Crotona Park Building. HENRY I'. MORRISON, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Richmond. Otiice, " Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. I.

DPPartulemt of Street Cleaning.

9 A. Al. to 4 P. M. JAMES MCCARTNEY, Commissioner, No. 346 Broad-

way, Manhattan. F. M. GIBSON, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of

Manhattan, No.346 Broadway. PATRICK H. QIaNN, Deputy Commissioner for

Borough of Brooklyn, Room i7 Municipal Building. JOSEPH LIEBERTZ, Deputy Commissioner for Borough

of The Bronx, No. 615 East One Hundred and Fifty-second street.

JOIHN P. MADDEN, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of Queens, Municipal Building, Lung Island City.

Oe/sxr[i,tewt of Buildings, L!Q/rting and SoJiiilies, N. 346 Broadway, Room 1142, 9 A. M. to 4 I. Si.

HENRY S. KEARNY, Commissioner of Public Build-ings, Lighting and Supplies.

PETER J. DOOLING, Deputy Commissioner for Man-hattan.

WILLIAM WALTON, Deputy Commissioner for Brook-lyn.

HENRY SU'TPHIN, Deputy Commissioner for Queens. EDWARD I.:1Lu.ER, Deputy Commissioner for Rich-


DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. csr,,Ereiicr's office.

Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 A. At. t„ 4' P.M.

S BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. MICHAEL T. DALY, Deputy Comptroller. EDGAR J. LEYEY, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. EDWARD GILON, Collector of Assessments and

Arrears. DAVID O'BRIEF, Collector of City Revenue and

Superintendent of Markets, Borough of Manhattan. DAVID E. AusTEN, Receiver of Taxes. JOHN J. MCDUNOUGH, Deputy Receiver of Taxes,

Borough of Manhattan. JAMES B. BoucK, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Borough

of Brooklyn. JOHN F. GOCLDSnURY, First Auditor of Accounts,

Borough of Manhattan. WILLIAM :McKrsxv, First Auditor of Accounts,

Borough of Brooklyn. MICHAEL O'KEEFFE, Deputy Collector of Assess-

ments and Arrears, Borough of Brooklyn. WALTER H. HOLT, Auditor, Borough of Richmond,

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Ut r:\I:INN•:, r ut, I':ttta,


November 9, 1898.

Srrpe r; isr <f th (ily hcO (: Ste—The Park Commissioner for the Ilor-

o(tghs of Ilanhattan and Richmond has this day reinstated Sylvester li.yan, No. 2o9 East Ninety-third street, as a Laborer in this I)e-partment.

Respectfully, WILLIS HOLLY,

Secretary, Park Board.


Room NO. 8, Curs I 1 ALI., BOROI'I;Ii uF BROONLA-N,

November 9, i89S.

Srrrere isnr of the City' Record SIR—I hereby notify you that I have taken

the following action in connection with em-ployees of this Department :

A1p1'i)2/c /. October 29, 1898. William F. Shields,

Laborer, at $1.50 per day. October 20, 1S9S. Andrew \Welsh, Laborer,

at $1.50 per day. October 29, 1898. Theodore Jackson, La-

borer, at $i.5o per day. October 29, 159S. Michael Boyle, Laborer,

at 51.50 per day. t) b S. Cornel ius I ' Jlower cto er 29, tSq ~iurl 1 },

at $1.75 per (lay. October 31, iS98. Michael J. Quigley, Flag-

ger, at 53. jo per day. October 31, 1898. Daniel Flynn, Laborer,

at 1.5o per day. November 3, 1898. henry Dunn, Sounder, at

$1.75 per day. November 3, 1898. Edward Whalen, Sound-

er, at $1.95 per clay. November 3, 1898. Timothy Feeney, Sound-

er, at $1.75 per clay. -November 3, 1898. William Lawson, Sound-

er, at $t.75 per day. Pi .4dvanced.

October 29, IS9S. Lane Hansen, Gardener, from $1.75 to $2.25 per day.

October 29, IS9S. John J. \Walsh, Gardener, from $1.75 to $2 per day.

October 29, 1898. John Hamilton, Mower, from $1.75 to $2 per clay.

October 29, 1898. James Farley, Laborer, from $1.50 to $1.75 per day.

Yours very truly, GEO. V. BRO1\'ER,



STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open fir

business, and at which the Courts regularly „pen and adjourn, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads of Departments and Courts :


No. 6 City Hall 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A.M. to I2 M.

ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor. ALFRED M. DOWSES, Private Secretary.

Bureau if Licenses. N. i City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Si

DAVID J RocHE, Chief. GEORGE W. BROWN, Jr.. Deputy.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Rooms 114 and 115 Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JOHN C. HERTLE and EDWARD OWEN.


aF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, Secretary. Address THOMAS L. FEITNER, Stewart Building.

Dffice hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. N.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M.


RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER, President of the Council. P. J SCULLY, City Clerk. Clerk's office open from so AM. 104 P.M. ; Saturdays,


THOMAS F. WooDS, President. MICHAEL F. BLAKE, Clerk,

AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS Room 209 Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. LS_. to 4 P. M.


BOROUGH PRESIDENTS. Borough of Manhattan.

Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. to, stand it City Hall. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Satur- Jays, 9 A. M. to 52 M.


Page 11: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

FIUDAY, NovEM ►li:R t 1, 1898. THE CITY R E C • - . 4987

JOHN J. FE'rIRNSION, Ucputy Receiver of 'Taxes Borough of kiclni, 'td.

(;ROR{.' IIRAN H, Iteputy Collector of Assessments and Arrears, 13- r u gh of Richmond.

EDWAR! J. CONNNI.t., Auditor, Borough ofThc Bronx. 1 RItIKR I('K W. BI.m'KWHNN, Deputy Receiver Of

'Taxes, Borough of Queens. FRANCIS R, (LAIR, Auditor, Borough of Queens.

/?urraru rf the Cily Cham er/xin. N. 25 and x7 Stewart Ituilding, Chambers street and

Broadway, q A. M. to 4 P. M. PATRICK KIEENAN, City Chamberlain.

(ire (f the Cify P,eynnzster. No. 3; Readc street, Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JOHN II.'t'I%IMFRMAN, City Paymaster.

LAW f)EPAR'I'MENT, (Jfce (f ('e,, jS,)ratio,z Counsel.

Staats-Zeitung Building, 3d and 4th floors, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 H.


BLANDY, Assistants. ALMET F. JENKS, Assistant Corporation Counsel for

Brooklyn. Bureau for Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes.

Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Bureau for the Tiecovery of Penalties. Nos. rig and rzr Nassau street.

ADRIAN 'I'. KIERNAN, Assistant Corporation Counsel.

Bureau of Street O,Oenings.

Nos. go and 92 West Broadway. JOHN P. DUNN, Assistant to Corporation Counsel.


No. 300 Mulberry street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, BERNARD J. YORK, President of the Board ; JOHN



Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. At. JOHN W. KELLER, President of the Board ; Commis-

sioner for Manhattan and Bronx. THOMAS S. BRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner. ADoi.PH Struts, Jr., Commissioner for Brooklyn and

Q(teens. ARTHUR A. QUINN, Deputy Commissioner. JAMES FEENEY, Commissioner for Richmond. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re-pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, g A. M. to 4 P.M.; Saturdays, IZ M.

Out-door Pour Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. M. to 4.30 P. M.


No. 148 East Twentieth street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Commissioner. N. 0. FANNING, Deputy Commissioner. JAMES J. KIRWIN, Deputy Commissioner for Bor-

oughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted,

from 9 A. M. to 4 P, M.; Saturdays, 22 M, headquarters.

Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street. JOHN J.SCANNELL, Fire Commissioner. JAMES H. TULLY, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Brooklyn and Queens. AUGUSTUS T. DOCHARTY, Secretary, HUGH BONNER, Chief of Department, and in Charge

of Fire-alarm Telegraph. JAMES DALE, Deputy Chief, in Charge of Boroughs

of Brooklyn and Queens. GEORGE E. HURRAY, Inspector of Combustibles. PETER SEER?, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhattan,

The Bronx and Richmond. ALONZO BRYMER, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brook-

lyn and Queens, Central Office open at all hours.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A. At.

104 P. M. MICHAEL. C. MURPHY, President, and WILLIAM T.

JENKINS, Al. I)., JOHN B. COSBY, M. D., THE PRESI-DENT OF THE POLICE BOARD, eX-(ffiCto, and the HEALTH OFFICER OF THE PORT, ex-of/icio, Commissioners; Emmoxs CLARK, Secretary.


No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan. CHARLES BULKLEY HUBBELL, President; A. EMER-

SON PALMER, Secretary. School Boars! /or the Boroughs of Manhattan ani

Tree Brans. No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan.


School Board for the Borough of Brooklyn. No. 131 Livingston street, Brooklyn.

J. EDWARD SWANSTROM, President ; GEORGE G. BROWN, Secretary.

School Board for the Borough of Queens.

Flushing, L. I. G. HOWLAND LEAVITT, President ; JOSEPH H. FITZ-

PATRICK, Secretary.

School Board for the Borough of if iclvnand.

Stapleton, Staten Island. FRANK PERLET, President ; FRANKLIN C. VITT, Sec-


DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Arsenal Building, Central Park, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Saturdays, 12 M. GEORGE C. CLAUSEN, President, Commissioner in

Manhattan and Richmond. GEORGE V. BROWER, Commissioner in Brooklyn and

Queens. AUGUST MoEBUS, Commissioner in Borough of The

Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park.

DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. Pier "A," N. R., Battery place.

J. SERGEANT CRAM, President ; CHARLES F. MURPHY, Treasurer; PETER F. MEYER, Commissioners.

WILLIAM H. BURKE, Secretary. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, rs M.

DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Main Office, No. zoo Fourth avenue, Borough of Man-

hattan. THOMAS J. BRADY, President of the Board of Build-

ings and Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx.

JOHN GUILFOYLE, Commissioner for the Borough of Brooklyn.

DANIEL CAMPBELL, Commissioner for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond.

A. J. JOHNSON, Secretary. Office r,r the Department for the Boroughs of Man-

hattan . The Bronx, No. ago Fourth avenue, Borough of Manhattan.

Office of the Department for the Borough of Brook-lyn, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn.

Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond, Richmond Hall, New Brighton, Staten Island, Borough of Richmond ; Branch office ; Room I, second floor, Town Hall, Jamaica, Long Island, Borough of Queens.

DF..I'AR'I'MHN'f OE TA XES AND ASSESSMENTS Stewart Ituilding, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; SaI,Hdaye, Ia M. THOMAS L. FRIRNEN, l're side lit of the (toned ; ED.

WAND C. tittHN11Y, ARt'1I11N C. SALMON, 'THOMAS J. PA'I-rRRSnN and WILLIAM GRI'.I.1., (.: o,nmiasioner,.

BUREAU OF HUN ICI I'M. STATISTICS. No. 346 Broadway (N. Y. Life Insurance Building),

Roo"Is Io33 and 1034, Office hours from 9 A, M. 1u 4 P. TO. ; Saturdays, from t A. M. to to M.

)n 11N T G T. NAIE ., M. I)., Chief of Bureau. nfunicpal Statistical Commission : FREDERICK W.


MUNICIPAL, CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Criminal Court Building, Centre street, between

Franklin and White streets, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. CHARLES H. KNOX, President, ROBERT E. DEYO and

WILLIAM N. I)YKMAN, Commissioners. LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary.

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 A. M.to 4 P. M,



dent, Department of Taxes and Assessments ,, Secre-tary; the COMPTROLLER, PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL, and the CORPORATION COUNSEL, Members ; CHARLES V. ADEE, Clerk.

Office of Clerk, Department of Taxes and Assess-ments, Stewart Building.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Stewart Building, p{. A.M. to 4 P. M.

THOMAS DUNN, Sheriff ; HENRY P. MULVANY, Under Sheriff.


troller ; PATRICK KEENAN, Chamberlain ; RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER, President of the Council, and ROBERT MuH, Chairman, Finance Committee, Board of Alder-men, Members. EDGAR J. LEVEY, Secretary.

Office of Secretary, Room No. It, Stewart Building.

REGISTER'S OFFICE. East side City Hall Park, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

ISAAC FROMME, Register; JOHN VON GLAHN, Deputy Register.

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 227 Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JOHN PURCELL, Commissioner.


H. W. GRAY, Commissioner

NEW YORK COUNTY JAIL. NO. 70 Ludlow Street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.


COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Nos. 7 and 8 New County Court-house, 9 A. lit. to


THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, ,Ind Bureau of Printing, Stationery and B/ank Books.

No. a City Hall, 9 A. M. to 5 P. lit., except Saturdays, on which days 9 A. M. to to M.

WILLIAM A. BUTLER, Supervisor; SOLON BERRICK, Deputy Supervisor; THOMAS C. COWELL, Deputy Supervisor and Accountant.

NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSION. Commissioners' Office, Nos. 49 and 51 Chambers

street, New York,g A.51. to 4 P.At. LEWIS NIXON, President ; JAMEs W. BOYLE, Vice-

President; SMITH E. LANE, Secretary; JULIAN D. FAIRCHILD, Treasurer ; JOHN W. WEBER, THOMAS S. MOORE and The MAYOR, Commissioners.

Chief Engineer's Office, No. 84 Broadway, Brooklyn, E• D., 9 A. M. tO 5 P. M.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A M.

to 4 P. M. A5A BIRD GARDINER, District Attorney ; WILLIAM J.

McKENNA, Chief Clerk.


FOURTH WARDS. Room 58, Schermerhorn Building, No.96 Broadway. Meetings, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 3



CORONERS. Borough of Manhattan.

Office, New Criminal Court Building. Open at all times of day and night.



Borough of Brooklyn. ANTHONY J. BURGER, GEORGE W. DELAP.

Borough of Queens, PHILIP T. CRONIN, Dr. SAMUEL S. GuY, Jr., LEONARD

RoUFF, Jr., Jamaica, L.I. Borough of Richmond.


SURROGATES' COURT. New County Court-house. Court opens at 10.30

A. M. ; adjourns 4 P. M. FRANK T. FITZGERALD and JOHN H. V. ARNOLD,

Surrogates; WILLIAM V. LEARY, Chief Clerk.

EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. Rooms 14, is and r6 Nos. 149 to 151 Church street. President, JOHN RENEHAN; Secretary, JAMES E.


Meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a P. M.

SUPREME COURT. County Court-house, 10.30 A, M. to 4 P.M. Special Term, Part I., Room No. 2. Special Term, Part II., Room No. 15. Special Term, Part III., Room No. 19. Special Term, Part IV., Room No. Ir. Special term, Part V., Room No. 23. Special Term, Part VI., Room No. 21. Special Term, Part VII., Room No. ag. Special Term, Part VIII., Room No.34. Trial Term, Part II., Room No. 16.

l'rinl 'I',•rm Part III., k„utn Nn. 17. 'T'rialTer,,,, fart IV., kooln Nn. r8. 'Trial 'Term, fart V. k"„m No Is. 'T'rialTerm, ('art Vf., Room Nn. It. I rial 'Tern, furl VII., Room N,o. }o. Trial Term, Part VIII., Runm N,,. s4. 'Print Terns, Part X., Rnnln No. at. 'Trial Term, fart IX., Room Nn.zv. Naturalization Itureau, 1400rn No. s6. 7uotic,'.v-ABRA1iAM R. LAWRL+NCI'., CHARLES H.



CITY COURT. Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park.

General Term. Trial Term, Part I. fart II. Part 111. Part IV. Special Term Chambers will he held to A. IL to 4

P. M. Clerk's Office, Brown-stone Building, No. 32 Cham-

bers street, g A. M.to 4 P. M. JAMES 14I. FITZSIMONS, Chief Justice ; JOHN H.


COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between

Franklin and White streets, Borough of Manhattan. Court opens at xo A. M.


Clerks office open from 9 A. 51. 10 4 P. M. Second Division-Trial days-Borough Hall, Brook-

lyn, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at ro ..'clock; Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of Queens, Tuesdays, at ro o'clock ; Town Hall, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond, Thursdays, at to o'clock.


Clerk's office, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn, open from 9 A. 51. to 4 P.M.

COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Held in the building for Criminal Courts, Centre

Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at it o'clock.

RUFUS B. Cr,WING, City Judge; JAMES FITZGERALD, Judge of the Court of General Sessions; JON. W. GOFF, Recorder ; JOSEPH E. NEWBURGEF and MARTIN T. MCMAHON, Judges of the Court of General Sessions. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk.

Clerk's office open from to A. 51. to 4 P. et.

Supreme Court, Part l., CrLninal Trial Tern,.

Held in the building for Criminal Courts. Court opens at ro.30 A.M.

EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from lo A. M. to 4 P. H.

CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street. Court

opens at 10.30 o'clock A. M. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from ro A. M. to

4 P. M.

APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Court-house, No. III Fifth avenue, corner Eighteenth

street. Court opens at r P. H. CHARLES H. VAN BRUNT, Presiding Justice ; GEORGE


CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS. Courts open from 9 A. Al. until 4 P. M. City Jl.tghtrelter-HENRY A. BRANN, ROBERT C.


EBEN DEAIAREST, Secretary. First District-Criminal Court Building. Second District-Jefferson Market. Third District-No. 69 Essex street Fourth District-Fifty-seventh street, near Lexington

avenue. Fifth District-One Hundred and Twenty-first street

southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth District-One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street

and Third avenue. Seventh District-Fifty-fourth street, west of Eighth


Borough of Brooklyn. First District-No, 318 Adams street. JACOB BREN-

NER, Magistrate. Second District-Court and Butler streets. HENRY

BRISTOw, Magistrate, Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues.

CHARLES E. TEALE, Magistrate. Fourth District-Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue. WILLIAM

KRAMER, Magistrate. Fifth District-Ewen and Powers streets. ANDREW

LEMON, Magistrate. Sixth District-Gates and Reid avenues. LEWIS R.

WORTH, Magistrate. Seventh District-No. 31 Grant street, Flatbush.

ALFRED E. STEERS, Magistrate. Eighth District-Coney Island. J. LOTT NOSTRAND


Borough of Queens. First District-Nos. ax and 23 Jackson avenue,

Long Island City. MATTHEW J. SMITH, Magistrate. Second District-Flushing, Long Island. LUKE J

CVNNORTON, Magistrate. Third District-Far Rockaway, Long Island. ED-

MUND J. HEALY, Magistrate.

Borough of Richmond. First District-New Brighton, Staten Island, JOHN

CROAK, Magistrate. Second District-Stapleton, Staten Island. NATHANIEL

MARSh, Magistrate. Secretary to the Board, CHARLES B. COATES, Myrtle

and Vanderbilt avenues, Borough of Brooklyn.

MUNICIPAL COURTS. Borough of Manhattan.

First District--Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards, and all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway and Whitehall street, including Governor's Island, Bedlue's Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands, Court-room, No 32 Chambers street (Brown-stone Building .

WAUHOPE LYNN, Justice. FRANK L. BACON, Clerk, Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Second District-Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four-teenth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall street. Court-room, corner of Grand and Centre streets.

HERMANN BOLTE, Justice. FRANCIS MARGIN, Clerk. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M,

Third District-Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. Court-room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and West Tenth street. Court open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted! from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.


Fourth District 'Tenth and Sevrnternth Wards. Crt r' ,,n, No i.. F its) .treei, corner Second avenue. Court opens 9 A. ,.t. doily, and remair . open to ch,se of bIIsiI c s,

1:I(URGN F. RoFs('n, Justice. J.nlN K. I,vNl if, Clerk.

Fifth District-Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth 1Vards. C„n rt -rorml, No. 15.1 1'lin tun street.

(HENRY 1%1. (, tI.Utl(:LE, JIIstice. JEREMInH HAVES, Clerk.

Sixth District-Eighteenth and 'Twenty-first W'arrls. Court-r,,, m, northwest corner Twenty-third street and Second avenue. Court opens 9 A. SI. daily, and continues open to close of business.

DANIEL F. MAR'T'IN, Justice, AI,nasr BERNARD, Clerk.

Seventh I Ii 51 riot-Nineteenth Ward. Court-room, Nu. 151 East Fifty-seventh street. Curt ,pens every morning at 9 o'clock except Sundays and legal hull-days , and continues open to close of business.


Eighth District-Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. Court-n,um, northwest corner of Twenty-third street and Eighth avenue. Court opens at 9 A. Al. and con-tinucs ,pen to close of business.

Clerk's office open from g A. M. to 4 P. M. each Court day.

Trial days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Return days Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.


Ninth District-Twelfth Ward, except that portion thereof which lies west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the terminus of Len,,x avenue. Court-room, No. 170 East One Hundred and Twenty-first street, southeast corner of Sylvan place. Court opens every morning at 9 ,,'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays,, and con tiinues open t.. close if business.


Clerk's office open daily from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Tenth District-Twenty-second Ward and all that

portion of the Twelfth Ward which is bounded on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue, and on the west by the North river. Court-room, No. 318 '-Vest Fifty-fourth street. Court opens daily ,Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.


Eleventh District-That portion of the Twelfth Ward which lies north of the centre line of West One Hun-dred and Tenth street and west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Court-room, corner of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street and Columbus avenue. Court opens daily ;Sundays and legal holidays excepted; from ro A. lit. to 4 P. M.


Borough of The Bronx.

First District-All that part of the Twenty-fourth Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County of New York by chapter 1034 of the Laws of )895, cum-prising all of the late Town of Westchester and part of the Towns of Easichester and Pelham, including the Villages of Wakefield and Williamsbridge. Court-room, Town Ball, Main street, Westchester Village. Court opens daily Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. At.


Second District-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards. Cnlrt-room, corner of Third avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. Office hours from g A. M. to 4 P. M. Court opens at g A. M•

JOHN Al. TIERNEY, Justice.

Borough of Brooklyn.

First District-Comprising First, Second, Third Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the Borough of Brooklyn.

JACOB NEC, Justice. EDWARD MORAN, Clerk. Clerk's office open front 9 A. 51. to 4 P. M. Second District-Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh,

Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Wards. Court-room located at No. 794 Broad. Way, Brooklyn.


Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. At. Third District-Includes the Thirteenth, Fourteenth,

Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Wards. Court-house, Nos.6and 8 Leeave-nue. Brooklyn.


Clerk's office open from 9 A. Al. until 4 P. M. Court opens at to o'clock.

Fourth District - Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Wards. Court-rum, No. 14 Howard avenue.


Clerk's office open from 9 A. at, to 4 P. 51.

Fifth District-Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and Thirty-second Wards. Court-roont on Bath ave-nue and Bay Twenty-second street, Bath Beach.


Clerk's office open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.

Borough of Queens. First District-First Ward all of Long Island City,

formerly composing five Wards. Court-room, Queens County Court-house located temporarily .


Clerk's office open from 9 A. at. to 4 P. M. each week day. Court held each day, except Saturday.

Second District-Second and Third Wards, which includes the territory of the late Towns of Newtown and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of late Town of Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court street, Elmhurst, New York. P.O. address, Elmhurst, New York.


Clerk's office open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. lit. Third District-IAMEs F. McLoiGHLIN.

Borough of Richmond.

First District-First and Third Wards (Towns of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Village Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Brighton.

JOHN J. KENNEY, Justice. FRANCIS F. LEMAN, Clerk. Court office open from 9 A. nL to 4 P. M. Court held

each day, except Saturday, from to A. M. Second District-Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards

('('owns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Court-roont, former Edgewater Village Hall, Stapleton Park, Stapleton.

ALBERT REYNAUD, Justice. PETER TIERNAN, Clerk. Court office open from 9 A. 51. to 4 P. M. Court held

each day from no A. M., and continues until close of business



Evening-" Daily News," " Evening Sun." Weekly-" Weekly Union," " Irish American." German-" Morgen Journal."

WILLIAM A. BUTLER, Supervisor, City Record.


Page 12: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

N,•w 1',nrk, drawn t,, the order of the (h tmptre.lIer, or woncy to the arununt of Ilnc Thousand (}1 a,• I )olLus, mItrrw,st itch hid or csti i.ate will not Inc cunsiJcn d, except that the drpnsrt or check in lha case ' f bid for ereeiunt of the Idiot I'aei 'it n and aItcratiour to the top story of the Kings C-iwuy Ilo.pital %hall, in e.ich carte, I,e on, dollar,. t Inly one dep,,.ii or check is required 'is ❑hove siatrd, altbongh two bids or est,matrs are submitted as required by the specificaiton.. Such r heck or money must NOT be inclined in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must Inc farded to the officer or clerk of the Department alto has charge of the e.timatc-box, and no estimate can he deposited in said box until rich check or money has been examined hp said officer or clerk and toupd to Inc rorrcct. All such deposits, except that of the suereesfnf bidder, will Inc returned to the persons making the same Within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful holder shall refuse or neglect, within five lay•s after mitice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute (Inc same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall lie forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refnsaf ; but if he shall execute the contract within mite time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days alter written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

Plans and specifications for above work can be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Public Charities for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. No. 29 Elm place, Brookltn, or the office of the Architect, L. H. V„ss, No. 6i DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, who will give all necessary information in regard to the work.

Blank fnrmc of bids or estimate and further inf.tr-mation in regard to the work aGsrs id can also be obtained at the office of the Commis-ioner aforesaid.


Commissioners of Public Charities, New York.


FOOT OF EAST Twu NTv-sIHTH STREF.r, NEw YORK, Novernber7, [898.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES Ft)R THE below-mentioned Hospital Supplie' and Repair, will

he received at the Central ( )fiice of this Department, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, until z2 o'clock noun,

MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1898, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.

The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indnrced "Bid for Hospital Supplies (or Repairs)," with his or their name or names and address, which should also be written on the page of the specifications designated therefor, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above earned, at which time and pl.ree the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Presi-dent, or tits duly authorized agent, of said.Departntent and read.

The awards will be made to the lowest bidders. In the case of numbers 2155 and 2156 2 lines), 2213

and xott (2 lines), and 22x1 to zzz3 3 lines), the award will be made to the lowest bidder on the combined articles under the respective groups of numbers.

The Department reserves the right to take more or less, or none at all, of an }' of the articles, according as the demand therefor may be.

All bids must be based upon the descriptions fur-nished or samples exhibited by this Department, and not on samples furnished by the bidder.

Samples will be on exhibition at the General Drug Department on the grounds of Bellevue Hospital, East Twenty-sixth street, during office hours, from November 14 until the bids are opened.


A. Drugs and Cleenrics1so N. P,.—No bid for any article in this list will be

accepted from any person or firm not known in the drug trade as a bona-fide manufacturer, wholesale dealer or importer of the articles he bids on. Where it is specially mentioned, articles must be delivered in the ariBicral packages of the manufacturer. Prices are to include containers, except where other provision is made.

Line More Number. or Less. 2140. io pounds Acid Hydrochloric, strictly C. P.,

B. & A., r lb. orig b. 514t. r ounce Codeine Phosphate, % oz, orig. v. zt42• 5 pounds (wiper Sulphate, C. P., gran.,

Merck t lb. b 2143. 2 pounds Extract, Fluid, Jambul Seed, P. D.

K Co , z lb. orig. b. 5144. 1 pound Extract, Fluid, Orris Root, r lb.,

orig.b. 1144. I pohad Extract, Fluid, Pichi, I lb., orig. b. zt46. 4o pounds (.ktm Opium, best Smyrna. )147, z pounds Iron Chloride, Ferric, cry+t., If lb.,

orig. b. 048. too pounds Lime Chlorinated, not below J5

per cent., t lb. box. 5o in a case. zt49. 2 pounds Litt ium Car honate, I lb. c. a, so, z pounds Lithium Salicylate, I lb. e. zt51. 4 pounds Naphialin, U. S. P., t In. c. 1152. 2 pounds Oil Anise, concent. (Anethol), I

Fritz,che Bros., t lb. ori_.b. zts3, to gallons Oil Turpentine, Refined, can. 2154. a-5oo Pills, Ext. Cascara, 3 grs., ong. b. zt55• 5-t000 Pills, Quinine Nulph., I grain, orig. b. zt56. zu-toss Pills, Quinine Sulph., 5 grains, on;. b. 21 57. 4 ounces Protargol, t oz. orig. v. arse. 10-500 'bits -Tablet; Arsenous Acid, up to 1-20

grain, urig. b. 1159. ro pounds Veratrum Viride Root No. 6o

powd., fresh, pap. rtfo. 25 pounds Zinc Sulphate, C. P., gran., a lb.

orig. C.

B. —Sundries. rtJo. go gross bottles, Green Round Shoulder

Boston, n. m., W. T. & Co's., in orig. cases.

tt72. 2 dozen bottles for Celloidin, like sample. 1174. 1 dozen Cdlr, Dry, Standard, like sample,

each. 175. r dozen Cork-crews, Lawrence's plated

sample). n76. I lot Hardware, viz. : if dozen Brass Com-

pression Bibs, %-inch (satnple); 3 %-d,z. Chatillon's Combination Letter Balance and Paper Wetghi, Rosewood base, and the following Agate Ware, L. & G's.: 4 standard one-gallon Measures, No. o6 ; 2 Milk Boilers, Nos. 26 and 28 ; 2 Flat Bottom Tea Kettles, No. 9; 2 Colanders, Nos. 1104 and 1107; 2 Pit-Bottom Coffee Pots, No. 700; a Tea-pots, No. 115.

1177. 6 Moulds, Iton, Gtas_makers, best and com- plete, meking the following sizes of bottles, viz.: 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1 oz., narrow-mouth, of the shapes and de- signs furnished by the Department. Each mould to be indelibly marked : '1 Property of The City of New York."

Line IIII ,re

No. or lc.s,

2t7R, a dr,ren IIiilIrr,. patrol, Ilartshortt's, for ;,bade:, r ! y doz. 3 lest ; doz, 4 fret, with fittings.

2179. So pound, Wow, like sample.

('1—.hereiia/ Sulc/Ilie.r.

at8s. 6 Atoomizer,, Albolcuc, III,- h.& R.

zt86, t Battery for I ndnscopes, Kay's own No. 15355.

at87. 2 dozen f austic Holders, plated Metal, for Squibb's cones.

2188. 5 Catheters, F.usutdtian. assort. (Reynd. 2t5.58 .

z t89. 6 Clamps, Abdominal, ill arkoc's, T'iemann's make,

219". r Contedone Fx tractor, Pifl.ird's (Reynd. 48-c) '.

x 19i, t dozcu Cupping Glasses, w•. Rubber Bulb, assort.

2,92. 1 Curette, Nasal, Gettstein'.s.

2033. r Cutaneous Ptmch, Kcye's R. 408-18), each.

2194. 2 Cyctoscope Sets, Kelly's (R. 723-688 and 6qo),

2195. 6 d-zen I inger Protectors, rubber, heavy, Tiemann's make.

21.6, 6 Forceps, Cover (i'ass, Kny, 242.

2197. r dozen Forceps, Thumb, Coc's Special, z teeth one side, 3 on Opposite, samp e.

2198. 2 dozen fnzniivors, No. z, W.T. ` Co's.

2199. I dozen Iutnbatiun Tubes, best, 3 of each size gy,7 small bellied and r forge bellied; for infants of 6 months r year, 2 years, 3 years, metal plated, H. R.

2200. r Ligatttrz H elder, .hall-tt's Automatic.

not. 1 Mallet, Raw Hide. best.

2212. 1 Mouth Gig, Gross' Speculum Oris).

2203. 1 Needle Holder, Abbey', long, best.

2zo4. I set Orthopedic Appliances, viz..: I pair Ankle Supports. if Hat Foot Spring, Whitman's Model. 3 Knock Knee (traces. 2 'Pavlor'., Cub Foot Shoes. 5 Taylor's Spinal Braces.

gloss Harness Buckles, s/y-inch. —all in at. cordan,~e with directions of

Orthopedic Surgeon of Randall's Island Ho.piurl. Inquire at Gen-eral Drug Department.

2a05. r Pile Clamit, Smith's.

s2ot. I dozen folder Blowers, Lucae s (Kay, 4750).

2zo7. it Razor, Robb's Antiseptic.

2z,8. 2 Retractors, Abdominal, \larkoe's, Tie- mono'. make.

22o9. 2 Rougeurs, Special ' Brynnt's), straight and curved, Ford's make.

2210. 1 Saw, Gigli's.

2211. 6 Scissors Emmett's, best, w. French Lock (Kny's numbers), 9313, 9315, 93t7.

nun. r Shears f. Plaster Dressings, Wright's.

2213. 12 Sounds, Benique's, 20 t., 31 Fr.

2zr4. 7 Sounds, Meatus, 25-29 ; 26-30 ; 27-yr ; aS- 3z ; 09-3 % . 30-34 ; 32-3', Fr.

2215. r Specidum, Kelly's Rectal Sigmoid.

axt6. too yard, Stockinet e (sample , per yard, 7-inch ; 3-inch.

2217. 1 Trephine l•:levator, Ilryaut's, Ford's utake.

22.8. 6 Ureometerc, Doremus', on foot ; grains of urea per fluid ounce of urine, coln-plete in box,

2219. 1 Voltmeter, Weston Standard, No. 9, 30 to :go volts.

2220. 2 '(Vappler Electric Controllers, No. I.

111,21. 1 Wire Adjuster, Sims'.

2:22. if fire '1';% ister, Sims'.

22a3. r Wire Ctrttcr, Sims'.

2224. 2 Needle II Iders, like sample.

2225. 1 dozen Artery Clamps, like sample. II.—SPECiFtcATtoNS OF REsfKs,

2230. 1 lot jab .250) Surgical and Clinical lnstru. meurs,

2211. 1 lot Medical Batteries. 2232. t lot Sterilizers.

N. 11.—The articles under the above three numbers can be examined by the bidders d ring office hours, at the Geueral Drug Department, on Friday, November IS and Saturday, November tq. Among the Sterilizers is one for sterilizing w;rter, Kay Sprague; at Gouverneur Hospital, which must he examined there.

2233- Repairs to Interior Conduit for Electric Lights at Ganeral Drug Department. T'o be overhauled, repaired and com-pleted as specified in list obtainable at the General Drug Department .All in accordance with the laws and ordi- nances governing such work.

2234- Repairs to Steam and Hot-water Pipes in General Drug Department, as per sep. arate specifications to be obtained at the General Drag Department, where all further esplanat on will be given.

2235. Repairs to I Paper Cutter, F. Wesel Mfg. Co's. " Success," 1854-inch,

The articles• supplies, goods, wares and merchandise are to be delivered, free of expense, at the General Drug Department on the grounds of Bellevue Hospital, East Twenty-sixth street, east of First avenue, and are to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as may he required.

The quality of the IIaspial Su/)jflirs must conform in every respect to the s/mciflcations and sam¢les, and Bidders are cautioned to examine bode specificatianr and sarn/les of the artic.es required before making t/melt estimates.

Ilidders will state the price for each article, by which the bids will be tested.


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor. poration.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids,

Delivery will be required to be made from time to time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the said Commissioners, or be provided for by the specifi-cations.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract maybe awarded will be requited to give security for the performance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two suffrcie.rt sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. of the bid for each article.

Each bid orestimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with-out any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no mem-ber of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, thief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk thereto, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or in-directly intetasted therein, or In the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the esti-mate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is inter-ested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or treeholders,


CORPORATION NOTICt. ❑ 4iippli,•. ,'f the !hard of I•:duration,at the Hallo — --------- .. ------ —__ I the li.nrd, N. Litt, (;rood .tree,, until the


P ('PLI(C „c Her .•r,nrner.nl'all Ii a%r.:md Iuts, im4,nived nt .t I. M.

r uninlpn,ved land affected thrrchv, that the loll. w- jr term. ,d , ittract and fir tafbmnttno n• it inq pn,pc..cd w•c,oune n. have been c, mpteted and further requirements, inquire it file Superintendent of are bodged in the office of the hoard It Assessors for School Supplies, Nit. 146 I rand treet. examination by all persons interested, vii,: The C"mntittee reserves the right to reject any or all

bids, it deemed I'-,r the public interest. Ifouoih;11 OF 1 to BRONX.

List N.. Retulatiug, flag SSrS, t. grading, curbing, - I );teed, Nvw YOIt R, I tct,,her It, 18V8•

ging and laying cinswalksin0tic Huttdred and 'I'hirty- HI{NRY A. H) ii E 'WA RI) 1.. (4)1.1.1 ER,

seventh street, from S.-uthern Bottles ard it' Locust t; HOlf'1.ANII LF;:\1'ITT, avenue, together with a list of awards for damages Committee un Supplies. caused by a change of grade. -- ---- ---

Li,t 5684, N.,. e. Pacing )Melrose avenue, from Third 11ErORT+MEXT of EDUCATION, Crrr r,F NEW YORK. avenue to tine Hundred and Sicty-third street, with granite-bh ,ck pa~enrent. i F_\1•F:I) PROPOSALS F'tlR CONVEYING

~ The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said ~tl 9ls front Huds~' I I; n Park to Public School 66 and

return, to tt,•o sta,Zec ; from Union t., Public School port assessments include all the several houses and hots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated y7 and return, in three stages ; from Stindardtnwn to

on— 11blic Sch,.,d oq (by nap of Middletown) and return, in

No. t. Both sides of One Hundred and Thirty-seventh one stage; on every schi, I day, beginning N„sember

street, fn ,m the Southern Boule%ard to Locust avenue, r5, .r as soon as practicable thereafter, to and including

and n, the extent of half the block at the intersecting 1)ecembe,r s; t8u8, will be received by the Cnmtmittee


in Supplies i f the Bard of Education, at the Hall it

No. z. Both sides of NIchi sc avenue, from Third the Board of Education, No. 146 Grand street, until the

avenue to One Hundred and Sixty-third street, and to 14TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 19S, the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets. at 4 P. to,

All persons whose interests are affected by the above- The Committee reserves the ri -ht to reiect any or all named proposed assessments, and w ho are opposed to proposals. the same, or either of them, are requested to present For term, of contract and for information as to their obiecti,,ns, in writing, to the tecretary of the further requirements inquire of the Superintendent of Board of Assessors, No.:zo Brad wav, Ncw York, on School Supplies, No. 146 Grand Street. or before December 6, t8~8, at rt A. at., at which time NEW YORK, October 3t, t898. and place the said objections will be heard and testi-

HENRY k HOC FRS mony received iu reference thereto.

LI)\CARD Mfc(-L'E, P Ill("_\RD L. CtLEAVIT L. H! tl\ LAAD LEAV IT T,


C- on Supplies, TH!)S. A. WILSON,


PATRICK M. HIAVERTY, Board of Assessors.


Ni. 3 uo Broadway.

CITY or NEW 1 ORK, BOROUGH (1I \I:t\HAIT.a\, I t tct brr _,. ,S, S. f


PL- Rrl- 1v1' ft HE PRO l.Nitt]strl (Ill i,- ter c - i the Laws if nfui, uttitivu '. An act

providing for ascertaining and pus in; the am toot . i damages to lands and buildings suffered by reason i

''changes if grade of streets or avenues, madepursua::t to chapter 721 of the Laws of 1(87, providing for the depression of railroad tracks in the Ti, enty-third and Ts-enty-focrt'r Wards, in line City of New York, r otherwise," and the acts amendatnry thereof and

supplemental thereto, notice is hereby given that public meetings „f the Commissi. nets appointed pur-suant to said acts, will be held at Room :S, Schermer-horn Building, No 96 Broadwac, in The City of New V,.rk, on Mlmdav, Wednesday and Friday of each week, at _ o'ch.ck P. nt., until further notice.


C. murissiuners.


A STATE]) SFs-ION OF THE BOARD OF Trustee of the A. rntal (".-Ilege of The City of

New York Will be held at the Hall of the Board of Educatit.n, No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhat-tan, on Tuesday, November rs, t8o8, at - 4 o'clock P. st.



Dated BonoccH or MANHATTAN, November 8, 1898.


DtcrAvrtE ar i,. 1'GUfirc "_"RulEs, B✓Ritl'GHS LR, ,, I:l.5 N AID IJI'ERNS,

November 7, 1898.

SP.ALED PROPOSALS FOR THE. h.RECTION of one Idiot Pavil,on, one Nurses' Home, two new

wings to the Kirgs County Hospital. and mail rials and alterations to the central top story of the Kingu Counte Hospital, will be recelcc•d at the oflike of the D. par meut of Puldic Cl•.arines, foot of Last Tweet c-si silt street, Borough of Manhattan • on

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER L':, 1595, until rz r~'c l id k at of said date, at w hicb time and place they w.11 he pid.bcly ripened by the head of said department and read.

Contractors e-timating on all of the aforesaid build- liolcoroT MCLOUGHL!>, in;s and alterations must submit two'eparate estimates.

Clerk. one being an estimate according to the plans and speci- _ fications ; the other being an e i nnate a cording to the

plans and specifications with the exception that all ex-

DEPARTMENT CF EDUCATION. cal-.:ung for steam pipe and plurnbers' trenches, for wall f,ouig Loiutses, piers, cellars, etc., must be omitted; also all concrete foundation work to be omitted.

PR' uPUrALd WILL B1: Rf:I_'llVFF) No estimate: will be considered unless complying SEALED tIt t :he ( '• ::uttee s ll.,ddtod- it th_, IP zi,d i with the above.

Educati .0 Ali The Pity of New Irk, at the Annex to No estimate will be received or considered after the the Hall of the Board, No. ;85 Br.adway, eleventh hour named. floor, Bur uch of Manhattan, •.until 4 o'clock F. Ni. on I For Information as to the amount and kind of work to

be done, bidders are referred to the specifications and 111ONDAY. NO1'EMBEIi 21, 1895, drawings. which form part of the propcsals.

for supplying Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Proposals must be made fir all the work contained Electric-lighting Plant for Public School toq, and for in the rpecificaonns. supplying I t rniture for Public School t66, B.irough of Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate Manhattan ; also for supplying Heating and Ventilating in addition to inserting the same in tigores. Apparatus for Public School 164, and for supplying 'the builumgs and alterations to be completed and Furniture for Public School 167, B. rough id The delivered within one hundred and eighty ;r8o) days Bronx ; also f:r Etccacacing, Grading. C• rcreting, etc„ after the execution of the contract. at Public School 04, Borough of L'rittklyn ; alSi , for - The damages to be paid by the contractor for each Improving the Sanitary Cnnditit.n of Pubic Scholl, 4, day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time t7 and t8, Borough of Richmt•nd. specified hit- the completion thereof shall have expired,

Plans and specifications may be seen and blank pro- are fixed and liquidated at Fifty (50- Dollars. posals obtained at the Annex of the Hall of the Board I he award of the contract Will be made as soon as of Education, Estimating Room, No. 585 Broadway, practicable after the opening of the bids. twelfth floor. Any person making an estimate for the work shall

The attention of bidders is expressly called to the present the same in a sealed envelope at said office on time stated in the contract within which the work or efore the day and hour above named, which envelope must be completed. They are expressly notified that shall be endorsed with the name or names of the person the successful bidder will be held strictly to completion rr pe -son presenting the same, the (late of its presenta- within said time. tion and a statement (if the work to •shich it relates.

The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all {HE C0stuasSt0NEt-.5 Of PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES of the proposals submitted. IHe ,,1GHT Ti' REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS OR ESTI-

The party submitting a proposal, and the parties pro- i tiA7E-, IF DEEMED To BE FOR THE tutLtc INTEREST. posing to become sureties, must each write his name 10 bid or estimate will be accepted from or contract and place of residence on said proposal awarded to any per-on who is in arrears to the Cor-

Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of puration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, this city, are required in all cases. as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the

do proposal is ill be considered from persons whose I Corporation. character and antecedent dealings with the Board of Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name Education render their responsibility doubtful. and place of residence of each of the persons making the

It is required, as a condition precedent to the recep- same, the names of all persons interested with him or tion or consideration of any proposals, that a certified them therein, and if no other person be so interested it check upon. or a certificate of deposit of one of i shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made with. the State or National banks or trust companies out any connection with any other person making an es. of The City of New York, draft n to the order of the ! timate for the same purpose and is in all respects fair President of the Board of Educati in, shall ac- and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of company the pr iposal to an amount of not less the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chiefol than three per cent. of such proposal when said pro- I uureau. dep;rty thereof or clerk therein, or other officer posal is for Sr exceeds ten thousand dollars, and to if the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested

an amount of not less than five per cent. of such pro- :herein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, posal when said proposal is for an amount under ten .r in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid thousand dollars : that, on demand, within one day after I ar estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of theawarding of the contract by the Committee, the Pres- the party or parties making the estimate that the several ident of the said Board will return all the deposits of !natters stated therein are in all respects true. Where checks and certificates of deposit made to the persons 1 more than one person is interested it is requisite that making the same, except that made by the person or the VERIrlcwnoN be made and subscribed by all the persons whose bid has been accepted ; and that if parties interested. the person or persons whose bid has been so accepted Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the shall refuse or neglect, within five days after due I c' nsent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders notice has been given that the contract is ready for of the City of New York, with their respective places of execution, to execute the same, the amount of the I busines, or residence, to the effect that if the contract deposit or of the check or certificate of deposit made be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, by him or them shall be forfeited to and retained on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties for by this Board, not as a penalty, but as liquidated : is faithful performance in a sum equal to the amount damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall be paid bid on each of the buildings or alteratii,ns bid upon into the City Treasury to thecredit of the Sinking Fund -,nd that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same,

they to the Corporation difference he. of The City of New York ; but if the said person or will pay any persons whose bid has been so accepted shall execute [.seen the sum to which he wound beentitled on its the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of completion and that which the Corporation may be his or their deposit of check or certificate of deposit obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom shall be returned to him or them. the contract may be awarded at any subsequent let-

Dated BOROUGH OF M.ANHATTAN, November to, tIpS. ting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon JACOB It', MACK, I the estimated amount of the work by which the J()HN McNAMEE, bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall ))HN E. EUST'IS, be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing

HENRY A. RO(;ERS, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a G. HOWLAND LEAVITT, householder or freeholder in The City of New York, JOHN R. THOMPSON, and is worth the amount of the security required H UGH KELLY, for the completion of this contract over and above all his

Committee on Buildings. debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered him- self as a surety in good faith and with the intention to

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CITY OF NEW YORK. execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and PROPOSALS FOR CONVEYING SEALED su(iueiency of the security offered is to be approved by

pupils to and from the schools in the Borough of the Comptroller of The City of New York before the Queens, on every school day, beginning November award is made and prior to the signing of the contract. 15, or as soon as practicable thereafter, to and including Each estimate must be accompanied by either a cer- December 23, t898, will be received by the Committee tilled check upon one of the banks of The City of

Page 13: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER


In The City of New Yurk, with their respective places of business or resi Ienre, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person nu.-king the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful per-forinance, and that If he shall omit or refuse to exemlte the same, they will pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are tested. 1'he consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma-tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, Over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his lia-bilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith, and with the intention to execute the bond required by section is of chapter 7 of thr Revised Ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be constaereo unless accom-panted by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be re- turned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contrac.

may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if lie or they accept but do not execute the contract .ini give the pro,.er security, he or they shah l be considered as iraving abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readverti~ed and reict, as pruvl.led by law.

Payment will be made by a requisition on the Cump-troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or from time to time, as the Commissioners may determine.

the form of 5/se contract, including s/ecrfcations, and showing the manner of Payment, c,tn be attained at the office of the General B'ald'er er and Auditor, root of East T:aenty-sixtre street, and bidders are cautioned to examine each and all of its Provisions care/oily, as the Board rf Prrblic C4aritie•s will insist u/ron its absolute enfor enieut in tarry particular.

JOHN W. KELLER, President, ADOLPH SIMIS, JR., Commissmner, JAAILS FEENY, Commissioner,

Department of Public Charities.



FOOT OF EAST Tw'EN rY-StxrH STREET, NEW YORK, November 7, t8g8.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTi MATES FOR BUILD-ing One Ambulance for Bellevue Hospital, in con-

fornzuy with sample and specifications, will be received at the office of the Department of Public Charities, foot of East T'w- enty-sixth street, in'I he City of New York, until ro o'clock .I.,


The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed r• Bid or Estimate for Buildieg One Ambulance for Bellevue Hospital," with his or their n:nnc or names, and the date of prcxentotimimu, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or betarr• the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or e-timates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Department, or his duly authorized agent, and read.


No bid or estimate will he accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety cr utherwisse, upon any obligation to the Cor-poration.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en-gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the performance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (so) per cent. of the bid.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him err them therein, and if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with-out any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects (air and without collusion or fraud, and that uo member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or

of officer

of the Corporation is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or esti-mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated tfrereiu are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in The City of New York, with their respective places of business or residence, to the. effect that if the con-tract beawarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being -o awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faith fitI'perforntance in the sum of Two 1'housand Dollars, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corpo. ration any differel,ce between the sum to which he would be entitied on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above men-tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or aflirntation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section r2 of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of The City

r,f New Ymurk, if the cons act shall be awarded io the, per.nn or persons for wfrntu Ile consents to b•cume surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security , flt,red to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York

Ni, bid or estimate will he considered unless accom. parried by either a certified check upon one of the National or State banks of The City of New York, drawn to the order Of the Contptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. No deposit or bonds required on bids under one thousand dollars. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must he handed to the officer or clerk of the De-partment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will he returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded if the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall exe-cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whim the contract

may In awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall he considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract rill be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

Bidders are cautioned to examine the p1-ms and s5ereci/cations for fiutrlgeuIars of the work, etc., required before making their estimates, and a'-e cautioned cites/nit referring to any sanzple.c or sibeci-fcations other than those furnished by the Depart-ment. Sucti references are cause for rejecting bids w/rcreon they are written, and trill iu no case govern the action of the Drfearfiuent offices in (Sassing upon tenders.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in adclitinn to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp. troll-c, in a, cordmtce with the terms of the contract.

The form of thecontrrct, Including specifications, and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the office of the Department, and bidder are cautioned to examine each and all of its provisions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will insist upon its absolute enforcement in every particular.

JOHN W. KELLER, President, ADOLPH SIMIS, JR., Commissioner, JAMES FEENY, Commissioner,

Department of Public Charities.


I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION tort OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IJIPROVEIIIENTS, in the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, vie.:


River Driveway and Kingsbridge road. Area of assess-ment : Both sides of Dyckman street, from Kingsbridge road to Harlem River Driveway, and Sherman avenue, between Dyckman street and Kingsbridge road.

EIGHTH AVENUE-SEWER, west side, between One Hundred and Forty-eighth and One Hundred and Fifty-first streets, and in One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, between Eighth and P,radhurst avenues, with curves in One Hundred and Forty-ninth and One Hundred and Fiftieth streets, Area of assessment : \Vest side of Eighth avenue, from One Hundred and Frrrty-eighth street toapoint distant about,15 feet north of One Hundred and Fiftieth street ; both sides of One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, and One Hundred and Fiftieth street, between Eighth and Bradhurst avenues.

ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIXTH STREET -SEVER, between Amsterdam and Eleventh avenues. Area of assessment : Both sides of One $Imdred and Eighty-sixth street, between Am-sterdam and Eleventh avenues, and west side of Am-sterdam avenue, between One Hundred and Eighty-sixth and One Hundred and Eighty-seventh streets ; our south side of One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street, from Amsterdam avenue to a point 185 feet westerly therefrom ; also west side of Audubon avenue and east side of Eleventh avenue, to the extent of coo feet north, from the northerly side of One Hundred and Eighty- sixth street.


sides, between Fifty-fifth and Fifty-sixth streets. Area of assessment : Both siaes of Lexington avenue, between Fifty-fifth and Fifty-sixth streets, and south side of Fifty-sixth street, between Lexington and Park ave-nues. -that the same were confirmed by the Board of Asses-sors on November q, 1898, and entered on the same date in the Record of Titles of Asssessments Confirmed, kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed _(or bens/it an any 0.,rson or proterty s/call be paid within sixty day after tine date of said entry of the assesstneuts, interest will be collected thereon, as provided in section rorg of said Greater New York Charter. Said section provides that, " If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it sltall be the duty of the officer author- ized to collect and receive the amount of such assess-ment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to be calculated fro,,, the date of suet, entry to the date of favrueret."

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, between the hours of g A. Si. and a P. M., and on Saturdays front g A. St. to m-2 M., and all payments made thereon on or before January 3, 1899, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date of entry in the Record of Titles of Assess-ments in said Bureau to the date of payment.

BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller.





N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- sons `f whose taxes in the Boroughs of Manhattan

Lnd The Bronx for the year 1898 remain unpaid on the 1st day of November of said year, that unless the same hall be paid to the Receiver of Taxes, at his offices,

No. 57 Chambers street, in the Borough of Manhattan, and at Third avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, in the Borough of The Bronx, respect-ively, on or before the 1st day Of December of said year, he will charge, receive and collect upon such taxes so remaining unpaid on that day, in addition to

the amolutt rd snrh taxes mule per centunl nn the amount thereat, as provided by ne,Bumu qr6 of the Oreater New York Charter:ha Her 3 78, Lawn of t8g7`.

I)AVIJ) I:, AUST'I'N, Receiver of 'I'axc•.

NO'T'ICE 'I'O 11Ri),'f;It l'Y-O WN 1; RS.

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION tort OF THE (',rr.'ater New \'murk Charter, the Comptroller of

1'he City of New York hereby gives public notice to all person s• owners of property, affected by t lie 1 flowing assessments for 1.(1(;.1 I. WIPE )Vl\1f; NI' S, in the BOROUGH 1)17 1st ANIIisI , viz.:


King and Leroy streets. Area of assesmlent : Bath sides of Washington street, between Kim; and Leroy streets.

ELEVENTH WARD. AVENUE C-SF W ERS, between Second and Fourth

streets. Area of assessment : Cloth sides of Avenue C, between Second and F ourlh street-.


Columbus avenue and Central Park, West. Area of arse sment: Lots numbered 35, 36 and 37 of Block Po. I2oo, znd Lot No. 29 of Block toot. -that the same were confirmed by the Board of Arse,sors on October ag,1898, and entered on the same dare in the Record of 'Titles of Assessments Confirmed, kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless Ike amount assessed for bete Pt on any person or Property s/salt be acrid welkin sixty days after flee date of said entry of the assessments• interest will be eollectrd tkerearr, as prcvi'led in section roro of said Greater New York Charter. Said section provides that. "If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assess-ment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, to be calc,e-latedfront tire date of suc/r entry to the date of pay-went."

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, between the hours of q A. St. and 2 I'. M., :md on Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 12 nt., and all payments made thereon on or before Deer her 21, 1898, will be exempt from in-terest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum from the date of entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date of payment.

BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller,



ROOMS 2, 4, 6, 8 and fo AImJNtcIFAL BUILDING, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, October 7, 0898.


AIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Assessment Rolls in the following entitled mat-

ters have been completed, and the authority for the collection of the various assessments mentioned therein has this day been delivered to the Receiver of Taxes, and are now due, and all persons liable to pay such assessments are required to pay the same without delay at his office, under the penalty of the law.

Opening Seventy-fifth street, from the Shore road to Fort Hamilton avenue.

Opening Seventy-first street, from Sixth' . avenue to Eighth avenue.

Opening Eighty-second street, from Fourth avenue to Twelfth avenue.

Closing Kings Highway, from Fort Hamilton avenue to Seventh avenue. Closing Dc Bruyns lane, from Eighty-sixth street to

Benson avenue. Fencing Newell street, west side, between Norman

avenue and bfeserole avenue. Fencing Park place, south side, between Franklin

avenue and Classon avenue. Flagging Macon street, south side, between Saratoga

avenue and Howard avenue. Flagging McDonough street, south side, between

Howard avenue and Saratoga avenue. Flagging Pacific street, south side, between Colum-

bia street and East river. Flagging Rochester avenue, east side, between Dean

street and Bergen street. Flagging Rochester avenue, west side, between Dean

street and Bergen street. Flagging Rochester avenue, east side, between

Pacific street and I)ean street. Flagging Rochester avenue, west side, between

Pacific street at:d Dean street. Flagging Saratoga avenue, east side, between Dlacon

Street and McDonough street.


Chapter 583, Laws of 1888, title 7, section ro, and title rq, section 9, as amended by chapter Sag, Laws of 1895, and chapter 888, Laws of 1895, as amended by section 937, chapter 378, Laws of x897, and chapter 5m-„ Laws of 1898.

On all taxes and on all assessments except assess-ments for grading and paving, which shall hereafter be paid to the Receiver of Taxes before the expiration of thirty days from the time the saute shall become due and payable, an allowance shall be made to the person or persons making such payments at the rate of seven and three-tenths per centum per annum, for the unexpired portion thereof. On all taxes, assessments and water rates paid after the expi-ration of thirty days from the time the same shall have become due and payable, there shall be added to and collected, as part of every such tax, assessment or water rate, interest at the rate of nine per cent. per annum, to be computed from the time the sane became due and payable, to the date of said payment.

By order of BIRD S. COLER,

Com ptroller. DAVID E. AUSTEN,

Receiver of Taxes. JAMES B. BOUCK,

Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Borough of Brooklyn.




PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT open competitive examinations will be held at the

offices of this Commission for the following positions, upon the dates specified :

Tuesday, November 15, 10 A. M. SUPERVISING ENGINEER. Subjects: Handwriting, , experience and technical knowledge. Canddates must have knowledge as to the construction, management and repairs of both marine and stationary engines and must hold license for both;, and of the installation of steam-heating, ventilation, boilers, plumbing and drainage.

Wednesday, November 16, to A. Si. MEDICAL IN-SPECTOR. Subjects : Experience, mathematics, tech-nical drawing up of a report.

Thursday, November 17, to A. M. CLERK IN THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Subjects : Handwriting,


riHii,teiic, n;nclIi1tg, dir.talinn, letter writing, and a special paper rlitIt rrferettce to the law ..f n••encmemufsn

Fridnt, N-re,'mb'r 1!t, n, A. H. ORDERLY ,MALE AND l'l'\IAI.l' , t'llAkI'IIES. Rubjrc1.: Reading, wr,tiire, mini hmdir,''..prrience, dutir-s.

(hlmdav, N'u-r•mber :'r, its A. aL f )R I IER LY \TA i.E AND I"FalAIJ';,(_'.uIRRI'a'I'IriN. Subjects: Read-lt[g, writing, Grit Unuetic, Uxlmrrir1tee, dlltienn

Tuesday, H,,voiu6vr en, r-, A. 51. LABORATORY A •1"1'l':NDAN'I'. Subjects: ,),Ries, experience,arith- Inelic.

'Fucsrlay, Nm,vembrr cc, is A. nt. l.ABfiRA1'ORY ATTENDANTllAC'I'ERlI ILOt;1CA t. I.ABORA-TORY . -nbjcctx : Duties, exf,rerience, arithmetic.

Wr'dnexday, N"vembr'r zg, ro A. 51. \,ILK IN-SPELl't)K. tiubiccu : hand, ritiug, arithmetic, ex-perience, and teclhnical.

Friday, November 55, 10 A. H. INSPECTOR OF GAS ME'T'ERS. Subjects: Handwriting, arithme. tic, experience and technical.

Monday, Nr,cemb--r 28, to A. M. EXAMINER T'O THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL, SERVICE COMbIIS-SIt)N. Subjects: Arithmetic, grantnlar and cmmtrrosi-tion, general intchigence, special qualifications, expe-rirnce,

Tuesday, Non-ember •gig, tO A. M. OIL COLLECTOR. Subjects : Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

Wednesday', November go, ro A. st. DISINFEC-TOR. Subjects : Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

Thursday, December T o to A. St. NURSE. Subjects: Duties, experience, reading, writing and arithmetic.

Friday, December o, to A. vr. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER ']IAI,E . Subjects : Accuracy, speed, spelling, writing and arithmetic.

Monday, Dccenlber 5, to A. at. INSPECTOR OF OFFENSIVE TRADES. Subject.: Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

Thursdav, December 8, no A. St. TELEPHONE OPERATOR. Subject: Handwriting, arithmetic,ex-perience and technical.

Friday, Dca.mbcr q, r.A. xL FRUIT INSPECTOR. Subject, : Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

Monday, December 12, no. A. Al. FOOT) IN-SPECT'OR. Subjects : Handwriting, arithmetic, ex-perience and technical.

Tuesday, Dec-tuber r;, tot, nl. FISH INSPECTOR. Subjects: Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

Wednesday, December ty, to A. M. MEAT IN-SPE' 'l'OR. Subjects : Handwriting, arithmetic, ex-perience and technical.

'Thursday, December rg, to A. nL JANITOR. Sub-Jects : Duties, experience, handwriting, reading and arithmetic.

Friday, December 16, to A. St. JANITRESS. Sub-jects : Duties, experience, handwriting, reading and arithmetic.

Monday, December rq, Sc, A. nt. TOPOGRAPHI-CAL DRAUGHTSMAN. Subjects : Handwriting, arithmetic, experience and technical.

]Wednesday, December z1, to A. St. INSPECTOR OF LAMPS AND (iAS. Subjects: Handwriting, arith-metic, experience and technical.

Friday, Decemberto A. M. EXAMINER OF CLAIMS, DEI'ARTMMENT OF EDUCATION. Subjects : ,T,, he announced later.)

LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary.


NOS. '65 AND 267 BROADWAY, October 29, 1898.


BIDS OR ESTIMATES INCLOSED IN A sealed envelope, with the title of the work and

the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, will be received at this office utmtml

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1895, at to o'clock :u., at which hour they will be publicly opened by the Head of the Department, and read, for REBUILDING SEWERS IN THE LATE VILLAGE OF JAMAICA, NOW THIRD WARD OF THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS.

Each bid sr estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him therein, and if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an esti-mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion err fraud, and that no member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thercuf, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporati,,n, is directly or indirectly inter- ested therein, or in the supplies or in the work to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof.

Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writ-ing, of the party making the same, that the several matters therein stated are true, and must be accom-panied by the consent in writing, of two householders or freeholders in The City of New York, to the effect that if the contract is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, upon its bring so an-arded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled upon its comple-tion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount to he calculated

pm the estimated amount of the work by which the ids are tested. The consent last above mentioned must be accom-

panied by the oath or allirnration, in writing of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a 'householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of everynature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond required by lass',

No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon rsne of the State or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neg- lect or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit will be returned tim him.


Blank forms of bids or estimates, the proper envelope in which to inclose the same, the specifications and agreements, and any further information desired, can be obtained at the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Sewers, Hackett Building, Jackson avenue, First Ward, Borough of Queens.

JAS. KANE, Commissioner of Sewers.

Page 14: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

4990 T H E CITY RECORD. FRIDAY, NDuEn[nPK I r, 1898.


Fttl: Ill) 'I I III P 1.1-11<R F :.F NEV 11'I:h.

In the matter of the petition of Thomas F. Gilroy, Commissioner of Puhlic \Yorks, under and in purse. cute of rhapter 44o ,f the Lnws of 1881 and Ih - act, ant ,ndru,ry I here, d, on behalf of The Mayor, Alder-uteri and l,mrrt,ttolts it The C'ity of New York, for the ii P1" fl lien it I', mmissioners of Appraisal under said act.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the report , f Ilaniel Ir'Cnnell. William MurrayL

and George Caulfield, Coin mi,,ioners ,d Appraisal in the above-entitled matter, was filed in the office , of the Clerk of the Circuit l-rnrt of the United States for the Southern District if New York on the [8th clay of October, t84S, and a certified copy thereof tiled in the office f the Clerk of the Cunt' of Weschester, at White Plains, in said county, on the z4th day of Ucto- ber, thoS.

Notice is further given that the said report includes and adecis the parcels of land designated as Parcels Now ;t4, 5t7• ;t'8 and part of 507.

Notice is farther given that an applicati ,n will be made at a stated term ,d the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, to be held in the Post-otlice Building, in The City of New York, on Friday. the gth day of December, iSa8, at it A. x1.. or as son thereafter as counsel can be heard, fr an order confirming Said report, and for such other , or further relief as may he just.

New Y„es, October a-, .898.

JItH\ \\ HALEN, Corporation Counsel, l mire and Prst- fifice address,

No.2 Try,,n R u,-Borough „f \lun hat tan,

Cite „f Ness Y rk.


pER0I)N IIAv INC Itl l kHFAIl 10 FILL, IN t b s.t : N , A,. is fl ue -, or procure mate.

tint fors .tt} url "c'-: --r- .*tree, ssu _cpin c, etc.. such no is call,-cted Ly the 1t.-partntcnt of Street Cleaning-free of charge, by appleip2 to the Cummissiener of Street C~lcaniog. 34'- Br adtcac, linrnu;h n: llanhattau.

)I.(':\tgC_\I(\', C.,._ .r .o >trcct C'.eaoinq.


Itrr.vI:TsD'.-r ,r C :.., ;: ,';,

N. ,.,4IS E>sr'f,cesr'e;n Fencer, N e,c A w:K CCTV. Aocember 5, t35.


SE \I FI) Bll)S OR FSTIMA'1'ES FOR F'CR-nish-t., \lydici;n-s. l i.tte r-, etc., in conl_nrmity with

Sp ritic,t n-, wt :l he rerc rr' at tha office of the C' 111: 1 5' u'cr. I rrL- 't in l st Ci:t cf Yew Yo: k, N.. t4 Post lwLutist! sire.:, ..ntil

F11ID,I-, NOVEMBER 1$, ISt) ,

at t- s.•.t. t; is tr tot :,.Ifcrcd r Pr. ('. ,te. Rice, Ckeueist,


I'll (4,i isies. geroeraI Drug I)r/'arine.v:f, Peil,:'ue f/+.i,rIiLel, Lis/ y:cent}--era-/et4 street. %or the I)./.tutoncnt eJ Correction.

(hero rtitier to be nmwrr or 1, ;s. 2co pocnck I', , tassium lodido, r pound boxes. 40 ounce- Cod ino, cry.ta'ized, ! s once vials. I barrel California Port Wine, price to be per wine

g.,ll n. It b.,rrcl Calif rota Sherry, price to be par seine gallon.

N. 11.-Both of the preceJing 1t'ines must con-tain NOt less than 20 per cent. of absolute alcohol by v.lume, and must possess a good sound flavor and taste. barrel California Brandy at least four yours old,

directly out of l„md -price per proof gallon-with gainer's certificate.

1n cask French Brandy, Otani or Hennessy, or Mar-tell 'sr Ftemc-U::rtin, cintaze of 1.1`38, directly out of pond, duty paid, with gauger's certificate, price per pr of gall. n.

6 dozen Hot \I'ater Bug., "Alpha," 5 quarts. 6 cross Surz,cul Needles. VW-ill he taken at once. The person or persons making any bid or estimate

shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope. indorsed ,. Bid or Estimate for I1ed:cirses, etc.," with his or their name or name,, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said nthice, on or before the day and hear above named, at which time and place the bid, or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Commi>snner of Correction, or his duly authorized agent, and read.


Ni. hid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poratton upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora-tion.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the cpenin;z of the bids.

Dslicery will be re quired to be made from time to time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the said Cr . mmis,i oner.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be engaged in and well prepared far the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the per-formance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent, of the bid for each article if it amounts to br,000 or over.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the sonic, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no mem-ber of the Municipal Assemi,ly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereoforcierk therein, orother officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter-ested therein, nr to the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of th< profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, than the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Vi lucremore than one person is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate of gt,000 or over shall be accom-panied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or Ireel, older;, or security, trust or deposit companies in The City of New York with their respective place, of business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as hi, sureties for its faithful performance, and that it he shall omit or re-fuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corpora-tion any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo-ration may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subtequent

1 , -[tint[, the amount in ra, It ..,se r', be ,,ii n! ere, upn the estimated am.-nto of ift' w,-rk I, y whirl hr bhls are trotted. The in, ut :,b„v,• menti,a,e,

.hall be aer nrvtpanicd by the 'ath or aflHnt., ti, us, it writing, of tilt h ,d thrr persons slittiiuc rhr same, thou hI I. a hoa.cholricr or freeholder in 'l'he Pity of New Vorl and is worth the amount of the seer urity required for the C'om;rlett,,fl of this rnntract. liver and above all ltis debt' cl cscty Ira and over and above- his hah litirn a' bnil. stir, ty Or otherwise. and th.tt he hat' „fieted him sell an a surety m good faith and xith the into ntion it execute the bond required by section is of rh.tpier 7 0 the Revncd Ordinances of The City of New 1- ork, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for "hour hu c rum' Cuts to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approvec by the Comptr.,ller of The City of New York,

No bid or estimate will be considered unless ac. cotnpan:ed 6v either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of The Cite of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money mast tour be inc10.cd in the scaled coo, lope containing the esti-mate. but must be handed to the officer Inc clerk of the Department who has charge of the estim. to-box, ;md no estimate can be deposited in said b.,s until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will he returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. II the successful biduer shall re-fuse or neglect. within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him -hall be forfeited to and be retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal : but it lie shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned Is hitn.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after wv ritten notice that the saute has been ate arded to his or their hid or proposal, or tt he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the pre-per security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpma. tion. and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

77te quality oft/ie suftjrHes ,rust confaren in every re')','r It to the xaoe141es o/ the saner on e.r/t:7'itipn at the rf/fc, of the said Department, or, in the absence oy turn etex, to the priutrd s/iecifc,rtions. Bidefers are ca utione d to eraini,e the .rpccilcatirxs jtr /uartkuln es of t/rr articles, etc., required bJore ,nnkin6 t/rrir esti. nra'rs.

Bidders will state the price for each article, by which the bids will be tested.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in .addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be m.ndc by a requisition on the Comp. tr..11er, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or frrm time to time, as the Commtsaouer may determine.

'ft-,e form of the contract, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment, still be furnished at the c nice of the Department, and bidders are cautioned to vs.:mine each and all of its provisions carefully, as the

Commissioner us iii insist upon its absolute enforcement in every partic' Jar.

FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Ccumttti's,oiter of Corrv.tion.


NEW YoxsCiry, Nuvembcr3,1898.



SEALED iBfflS OR ES1'1iI1Al- E', FOR FUR- ni-hing the follow Inc material, for manufacturing

pwrpCses to the Kings County Pen itenn:uy, Borough of Brooklyn, in conformity with SpocIlication', will be recei,-ed at the sdicc of the C suit missis'ner o f Cur-ruction, No. rq8 East I t.entieth street, New York City, at to A. ht„ on


All goods to be delivered to the kings County Peni. tentiary free of expense, and quantities allowed as received there.

STOCKING INDUSTRY. 1. 6,000 pounds Cotton Yarn, mixed and colored,

size 6 to 16-on Cones, for use Chicoopee Machines.

2. 1,000 poun.is No. 30 Co'.ton Yarn for reinforcing, 3. 3,2 Tuttle 24 G.oat;e Pat. Riveted Latch

Needles for hri.tmg Machine Franklin Co. Make.

4. 3,000 Long N. P. Branson a6 Gauge Needles for Knitting MlachineFrmklm Co. Make.

5. 3,co.- X Lorg Crook Shank n4 Gauge Needles Scutt & Williams Make.

3,000 X Long Clock 'shank 36 Gauge Needles Scott & Wil i.,ms Mike.


7. 15 tuns first qun,litv Broom Corn, suitable for No. 8 Brooms,

S. 3 tons first quality Whisk Broom Corn. 9. 15,000 Bru:im Handles, for Nu- 7 and 8 Brooms.

to. 15,000 Caps for Large Brooms. It. 15,000 Broom Braces. 12. 300 pounds \o. 13 Brocm Wire. 13. boo pounds Red and Green Broom Twine. 14. 150 pounds Broom Nails. 15. t'o,000 pounds Cane for S;reet Brooms. t6. 5,000 pounds Bans for Street Booms. '7. 5.000 pounds Spit Bamboo, 14 to 16 inch. t5. 5.000 pounds Tampico Grey and Mixed. 19. 10,000 tops for Brushes (6,oco Scrub, 2,000 Mane,

2,000 Cloth, .

2o. 3,0 pounds Brushmakers' Wire. 21. 1,300 pounds Horse Hair. 22. 2,000 pounds Rice Corn. 23, s,000 pounds Brush Bristles for Painters and

\1'hirewosh lf, usher. 24. t,000 Paint Brush Handles assorted sizes. 25. 1,000 Whitewash Brush Tops. z6. 5,. oo Street Broom Tops, i6-inch. 27. 3,000 Street Broom Tops, t'4-inch, z8. s,000 Each C1 indoor Brush Top, and Handles. 29. 5•oso Stre'-t Broom Handles. 30. 1,000 Tops Oil Cloth Brushes, t8-inch. 30 2,000 Tops oil Cloth Brushes, r6anch.

32. 1.o.0 Tops Oil Cobb Brushes, t'4-inch. 33• r,00e Handles, Oil Cloth Brushes. 34. acme Handles, Oil Cloth Brushes.

35• t,000 Handles, Oil Cloth Brushes.

36. Zoo pounds Whisk Broom Twine, red and green.

37• 5 dozen Brushmaker's Drills, assorted,

38. to pair, Broom Sewing Palms.

39• 4 dozen Broom Needles. IRo.N BEDSTEADS.

40, 1,700 feet %-inch Iron Gas-pipe, .6 feet 4 inches long, without threads.

41. 900 feet %-inch Iron Gas-pipe, r6 feet long, without threads.

42. 8.000 134-inch x N-inch Bolts. 43. 2.000 5-inch x t4-inch Bolts.

44- Son pounds Rivets. %-inch It ?'q-inch, O. H. 45. 2 kegs Erects, jj-inch x s-inch, O. 11. 46. 2 kegs Rivets, t5-inch IT Se-inch, O. H. 47. 3,500 pounds Angle Iron, t'-inch x 3-16 inch, 20

feet long. 48. 3,000 pounds Flat Iron, pinch it 3-16 inch. 49• 4,000 Clip'. z,000 Right-handed and 2,000 Left-

handed. 50. 13,000 pouuds No. no Mattress Wire. 51. 4,000 Bottom Stands.

. . e ,I„/'n to It d-,n., a-rr, to ta•t6, Sb '. il- e n l most II- d1,, 7- t6. S4• S gall:uns 1'ni-nl Varnish. 55, 5 gallon. Rest While Enamel. Sn, r 8-h,ot I':ngine lathe. 37, r 6-inch Hartford ('lrstck for same. S8. t 4-inch Hartford Chuck for sonic

Stior IMnt'srRy.

59. 5,000 feet 6-nz. Oil Grain Leather, B (.rade Westerrt Tan.

60. 5,000 feet Kangola Grain Leather, B Gradt Western Tan.

61. a,oao pounds G. D. Hemlock Sole Leather-over' weight,

62. 3,000 pounds G. D. Hemlock Sole Leather-mid dle weight.

63. 6,000 pounds Light Bark Sheep. 64. 5,000 pounds Union Bellies.

65, soo y.,rd, SI.,nd:rrd Shue Drill. 66. r,000 pounds Leather Boards, No. an Counter. 67. 6,000 pairs Women's Solo Leather Counters

Moulded. 68. 6,000 pars Misses' Sole Leather Counters

Moulderl, 69. 3,000 pairs Child's Sole Le❑ther Counters

Moulded, 70. Too case; !6o pairs to case) Women's Out Soles,

size 4 to 8. 71. coo cases (6o pairs to case) Misses' Out Soles,

size I ; to a. 72. 50 Cases (6o pairs to case) Child's Out Soles,

size 7 to 12. 73. 6,000 pairs Alen's Leather Foard Shanks.

74. 3•000 Wheeler & \Yil,on Sewing M.tchine Needles for 1) t'2 Machine.

75. 4,000 yards I inch Slipper Binding.

70. 3 rolls !z Ruby Sand Paper.

77. 5 oounJs Shoemaker's Bristles (best quality),

75. 300 Peg Aw'1,, assorted. 79. 300 Sew ing Awls, assorted. 80. a dozen No. 2 Skiving Knives. 81. 3 dozen lip ]hives. 82. 3 dozen Cutters Blades (Harrington &

Sons). 83. 3 dozen Heel Shaves Nos.6 and 7 (Snell &

Athcrtonsl 84. 3 dozen Extra Blades Nos. 5, 6, 7, (hutch l &


8;, yo pounds No. tz Linen Hand Shoe Thread.

86. zoo pounds Willimantic 6 Cord, No. :o, White Colton Sloe 'Thread, silk finish, 500 yards to a spool.

57. zoo pounds Willimantic 6 Cord, No, 2o, White Cotton Shoe 'I ltread, Unbleached, 500 yards to a spool.

88. Zoo pounds Willimantic 6 Cord No. e-6 Black Silk finish, 600 yds. to a spout.

89. 50 pounds \Ci!limantic No. 16, black silk finish.

go. 3 Gros. Hu-el Gall.

95. 5 Gross \Shit, Crayon Chalk. 92. 5o2,0oo Bay Sate Eylets "B' Long. 93. 20,000 Tul ular Rivets, 4-t'6 Japanned. 94. 5,000 F:yler Hooks.

95- 500 Harnes--makers' Needles. 95. 500 Harness-makers Awls, 97. 400 pounds a-t'4 Swe: e Iron Nails. 98. foe pounds ;-u Swede Iron Nails.

99• 2co potmdsai'-14 Swede Iron Nails.

100. 2,o pounds a-14 a.tvedr Iron Nails.

rot. 2co pounds p-r4 Swede Iron Nails, 102. 200 pottn, s (-16 Brass Wire Clinching Nails

(Baker t@ Co.'s make'. 103. 300 pounds A-io Brass Wire Clinching Nails

(Bakes & Co.'s make).

r04. 300 pounds :3-8 Brass 'Wire Clinching Nails (Baker & Co.'s make,.

105. 300 pounds 5-8 Brass Wire Clinching Nails (Baker & Co.'s m tke`.

Io6. urn pounds 4-8 Brass P1'ire Clinching N. its (Baker :v C". 's make),

107. coo pounds 411 -8 Brass Wire Clinching Nails (B:+ker & Co.'s make).

108. coo pounds s-t'6 Iron Wire Clinching Nails (Baker K Co.'s make).

log. 200 pounds I-16 Iron Wire Clinching Nails (Baker & Co.'s make).

Ito, 200 pounds }-t'6 Iron Wire Clinching Nails (B+ker & Co is make).

tar. too pounds r oz. Lasting Tacks.

112, too pounds 1 oz. Lasting Tacks. 1113. Too pounds 12 oz. Lasting Tacks.

I t'4. 300 pound, 2 oz. Lasting 'Tacks. at-. coo pound, 2', oz. Lasting Tacks.

116. . barrel White's Best Oil Grain Dressing.

Ir7, in gallons Shoemaker's Ink. Lynn Burnish.

Its. to gallons Cutter Board Dressing.

ztg. 6 poumis \V shita Oil Stones. assorted sizes. Izo. 2 dozen ,5 :ell & Athertans) Edge Planes. r21. 2 dozen (Snell & Athertons; Edge Irons. 1211. 4 Crispin Nail Hammers. 123• 24 Cri-pin Pin, hers. 124. 3 dozen Emery Straps. 125, 3 Heel Cutter Gauges. 125. 1 Miller Improved Shoe Tree, with lasts made

to follaw our Men's, Boys', Youths', Women',, :11is-es' and Child's.

117. t Puritor \\ -ax Thread Machine Foot power. 128. 2 Needle, fitted for Work. 129. 4 each of 8, to and t'2-lb. Brockton Mallets, tin. t to-inch diameter hand-sha,'e Grind tone.

Bidders are requested to toot up their bids. Awards will be made on the lowest items. Goods will oe received in one delivery. No empty packages are to be returned to bidders or

contractors ; to be delivered in installments, as re-luired, except such as are designated in the specifica-ions. The person or persons making any bid or estimate

shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed "Bid air Estimate for Ury Goods, Hardware, etc., for the Kings Zounty Penitentiary," With his or their name or names, tad the date of presentation, to the head of said De-sartment, at the said office, on or before the date and tour above named, at which time and place the bids or ;stimates received will be publicly opened by the Com-nissioner of Correction, or his duly authorized agent, tad read.


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract [warded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-torauon upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, .s surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-,oration.

the award of the contract will be made as soon as ,racticable after the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be ngaged in and well prepared for the business, and must rive satisfactory testimonials to that effect I and the ,croon or persons to whom the contract may be awarded till be required to give security for the performance of he contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient 'Ireties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. f the bid for each article.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name ind place of residence of each of the persons making the ame, the names of all persons interested with hint or hem therein, and if no other person be so interested it hall distinctly State that fact ; also that it is made without my connection with any other person making an esti-nate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair end without collusion or fraud, and that no member of he Municipal Assembly, head ofa department, chief of t bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer )f the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested herein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or n any portion of the profits thereof. '1 he bid or estimate oust be verified by the oath. in writing, of the party or rarties making the estimate that the several matters stated herein are in all respects true. Where more Dan one person is interested it is requisite that the reification be made and subscribed by all the parties nterested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by

STATED SESSItiN OF THE BOARD OF Trustees of the C<llege of The City of New Y,:rk

sill be held at the Hall of the Board of Education, NO. 46 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan, on Tuesday, Qovember 15, 1898, at 4.30 o'clock P. at.


A. Es7ERsoN PALMER, Secretary.

Dated BoRoUGH of MANHATTAN, November 8, 1898,



n the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. men and Commonalty of The Cityy r,f New V' irk, rela-tive to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-THIRD STREET (ft,rmerly Coleman street although not yet named by proper authority', from Ogden avenue to Bremer avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York.

\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LV bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by eason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter 'ill be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of Or Supreme Court of the State of New York, First De-artment, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be held t the County Court-house, in the Borough of bfanhat-an in The City of New York, on the 25th day of No-ember, 1898, at t0.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that ay, Or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard lereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and xpenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk f the County of New York, there to remain for and wring the space of ten days, as required by the provi-ions of section 999 of title 4 of chapter 17, of chapter 78 of the Laws of 1897. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, Oc-


Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN,



n the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments reqaired for the purpose of opening EAST ONE HUNDREI) AND SIXTY-THIRD STREET (although not yet named by proper authority), from the Concourse to Morris ave- nue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason

tf the proceedings in the above-entitled matter will be resented for taxation to one of the Justices of the iupreme Court of the State of New York, First

th, r..ment, in wrinnk of I,,.. h:rusc hud,lrr, or free. frill, n, or arruritv, tr tin t r,r dt•pnstt c,mtpantrs in 9 he City of New Ynrk. with their respective places of lutist ties, or residence, to the effect Ihat if the contract lie awartled to the persnn making the estimate, they will, on its tieing c , awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Cr,rp-r- ration any eliflcrence between the sum to which lie would be entitled upon its a:mpletion and that which the Corp,,. ration may be obliged to pay to the person ur persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. '1 lie consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation. iu writing, of each of the persons si¢nin¢ the same that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract over and above all his debts crf every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or other. wise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section no of chapter 7 of the Revised 0rdi-nancesoPl'he City of New York, if the contract shall be aw'araed to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. 1 he adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National or State banks of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department '('ho has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or stoney has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refin eor neglect, within five days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to him. to execute the sane, the amount of the deposit made by him Shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract

may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their hid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided by law.

The quality of the articles, sultflies, good.', centres and merchandise roust conform i.e every resject to the sunup/u-s of /he ranee .:n r.rkibition at tlrr' of/ice of t/re said Drlhatrue'rrt, or, in the a/-unmet' of sangfles, to the Printed o,li,,- ieations. Riutcier.e are caietiinee/ to examine the s/tecrfrratimrs for farliculrrs of the articles, etc., required iefore' making their e'stirnntes.

Bidders will state the price for each article, by which the Inds will be tested,

Bidders will write I nit the amount of theirestimates in .addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment Will be made by a requisition on the Comp. :roller, in accordance with the term, of the contract, or root time t time, as the Commissioner may determine.

The form of the contntet, including specifications, and showing; the manner of payment, will br- furnished at the tffice of the Department, No, 148 Ea.t 'fwcn:ieth street, trjamesJ. hirw'in, I)eputyCunnnsissirrimer,No. s B, rough Hall. Borough of Brooklyn, and bidders are cautioned .o examine each and all of its provisincy carefully, as :he Contmis>ioner will insist upon its absolute enforce. vent in every particular.

FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Cummissioner of fuurreetlnn,


Page 15: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER



l)r1 arI nlr•nt, :It a ti p,•. ial 'I',•rm thrrr„f, I'nrt I., to In held 'tl tIi,' ('uuuty l'toIrI-h',u"', In IIu-R„nnIgh of NI;tithautia, in The City of New York, on the id (lily „f Nuvemhcr, iHg1, tit t.,. , n'r h,rk in the fnren„on „f that da)', nr av nit therrnft,•r as eounncl can be heard thereon, and that the said bill .d c'sts, eh:vgr•s and exposes ),;is been de osited in the office of the Clerk of the Cn tilt y of Nr•w Vork, there to remain for and during the space if ten clays, a, re. quired by the provisions of sectintt 99) of title q of chapter 17, ,f rhapirr 478 of the Latin 1) 18g7.

I ated Iftinni ott of MA sitar rnv, Ntiw YORK, Novem-ber u, 0898.


G,mmissiuners. JOHN P. DUNK,



In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Cnmm„nalty of The City of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired. to the lands, tenements and herd it amr•nts required, for the purpose of opening EASTONF, HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIFTH STREET ;alth ,ugh not yet named by proper author-ity, from the Grand Boulevard and Concourse to Anthony avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-funrth Ward of The City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL of cuts, charges and expenses incurred by reason

of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be presented fur t x. tit one n .,f the d a 't n to f the J e Supreme Court of the State if New York, First Depart-ment, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be held at the County Court-hi-use, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the and day of November, 1898, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, and that the said bill of casts, charges and expenses has been deposited in the idler r,f the Clerk rd the County of New York, there to remain fir and during the space of ten days, as required by the pn,vtsi,ios of section 999 of title 4 of chapter 17, of chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897.

Dated, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, October 31, 1898.


Commissioners. JOHHN P. Dr'NN,



In the matter if the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of The City of New York, relative to acgniri,;t title, %vherever the same has not been heret.,fore acquired to the lands, tenements and heredimn,•:ntc required for the purpose of open-ing T'RINIT•V AVENUE .although not yet named by proper aothorits' , from Westchester avenue to East IIne Ilundred and Sixty-sixth street, as the same has been herct if re laid out and designated as a first-class street or r,-ad, in the Twenty-third Ward „f'l'hc City of New York.

'I'II E UN DE RSIGN ED, COMMISSIONERS W E,of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti-

tied matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this pn,ceeding, and to the owner „r owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others wham it may concern, to wit :

First—That we have coutpleted our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here-ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said iibjecti objections in writing, duly verified, to its at our office, Nos 90 and 9z West Broadwary, in the B„n,ugh of 11anhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the o8rh day of Noveni-ber, x898, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on the _9th day of November, r8o8, at ; o'clock P. %I.

Second.—That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the atiidavits, estimates, proofs and other document used by its in making our report, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the law Department of The City of New York, Nos, go and qz West L'roadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, there to remain until the 8th day of December, 1898.

Third—That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken to-gether, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: On the north by the s„uthcrly side of East One Hundred and Sixty-north street, from the easterly side of Third avenue to the westerly side of Union avenue ; on the south.by the northerly side of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the easterly side of St. Ann's avenue to the westerly Side of Union avenue ; on the east by the westerly side of Union avenue, front the southerly side of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street to the northerly side of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street; and on the west by the easterly side of St. Ann's avenue, from the northerly side of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street to its intersection with the easterly side of Third avenue; thence by the easterly side of Third aeenee to the southerly side of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street, excepting from said area all streets, avenues and roads, or por- tions thereof, heretofore legally opened, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth—That our report herein will be presentee to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be held in the County Court-house in the Borough of Manhattan, in The Cite of New York, on the ,9th day of December, 1898, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, No-vember 2, 1898.



Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN,




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Public Improvements of The City of

New York, deeming it for the pul ,lic interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York, by changing the lines of Jennings street, between Edgewater road and the Bronx river, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, and that a meeting of the said Board will be held in the officeof the said Board at No. 346 Broadway, on the 16th day of November, 1898, at 2 o clock P. %I., at which such proposed change of lines will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions, adopted by said Board on the gist day of October, 1898, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz, :

k",' lv,d, Th,lt tile, Ilo,inl ,-I I'uhli•t Impruiretrirn1r of '1'hr, l i,y if Nt•w Vnrk, in pnr.n:mn' of rile ,rnvirionr r,f scums ti/ nl ch.I{acr 978, I •awn of 1897, 'h,re.mon: it for the- pubhe imerest s„ to do, prr, lose, to alter thu nuq, r,r II itt sof'I'he Cuy r,f Ncw York by changing the lines dJennings street, lull wren halgrwatcr ruarl :utrl the Bronx r,wcr, In the If ,rou:b of I'In• Ilrunx, City of New V„rk, more purticnlarly ,lescribed as fnllnws ;

lleginning at a point in the eaelcrtl line of Edgewater road distant 23.88 feet southwesterly from the interuec-tion of the eastern lines of I'.dewttter road and \Vest Forms road,

let. Thence southwesterly •Hong the eastern line of Edgewater road for 63.81 feet ;

ad. \'hence southeasterly dellccting 70 degrees 05 minutes 4o seconds to the k.ft for 303 feet more or less to the Bronx river;

3d. Thence easterly along the western line of Bronx riv-r, deflecting So degrees t7 minutes to the left fur 60.87 feet ;

qt h. Thence northwesterly for 3-5.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Resolved, 'Chat this Board consider the proposed

change of lines of the above-named street at a meeting of this Board, to be held in the office of this Board, at No. 346 Broad way, on the 16th day of November, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. %I.

Resolved, That the Secretary ofthis Board cause these resolutions, and a notice to all persons affected thereby that the proposed change of lines of the above-named street will be considered at a mcetiug of this board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CnTY RECORD for tell dais continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 06th day of November, r8g8.

Dated NEW Yo:<K, November I, 1838, JOHN H. MOONEY,



N ()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Public Improvements of The City of

New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York, by changing the gradesof Hamilton avenue, from a point at Smith street io a point southerly of the south end of the bridge over Gowantis canal, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, and that a meeting of the said Board will he held in the office of the said Board at No. 346 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, on the 16th day of November, t898, at 2 o'clock P. nl., at which such proposed change r,f grades will be considered by said Bard ; all of s hich is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by said Board on the rtst day of October, 1898, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, sir.:

Resolved, That the Bard of Public Improvements of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 4 6 of chapter 378, Laws of 2897, deeming it for the public interest su to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New Yurk by changing the grades of Hamilton avenue, from a print at Stnith street, to a point southerly of the south end of the bridge over Gowanus canal, in the Borough of IIrook-Iy n, City of New York, more particularly described as fr,llnws : Beginning at a point 003 feet northerly front the

northern end of bridge, the elevation to be 6.81 feet above mean high-water datum, as heretofore :

1st. Thence southerly to the bridge user the I lost-antis canal, the elevation of the flouring of the bridge to be 12,85 feet above mean high-water datum.

ad. Thence southerly to a point distant 246 feet from the southern end o,f bridge, the elevation to be 8.o feet ab,ve mean high-water datum as heretofore.

All elevations refer to the datum line adopted by Bureau of High,rays, Borough of Brooklyn. Resolved, That this hoard consider the p-oposed

change of grades of the above-mmned avenue at a Ineet-ing of this Board, to be held in the othce of this Board at Ni. 346 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, on the 16th day of November, 0898, at o o'clock P. at.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions, and a notice to all persons affected thereby, that the proposed change of grades of the above-named avenue will be considered at a meeting of this Board to be held at the aforesaid time and, place to be published in the CITY RECORD and Corporation newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 16th day of N ovent-ber, ISy8.

Dated NEw YORK, November I, x898. JOHN H. MOONEY,



NO'T'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Ifoard of Public Improvements of The City of

New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to alter the ntap or plan of The City iii New York, by laying out a public place, bounded by Jackson avenue, Van Alst avenue and Ninth street, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, City of New York, and that a meeting of the said Board will be held in the office of the said Board at No. 346 Broadway, on the 16th day' of November, 1898, at z o'clock P. at., at which such proposed laying out will he considered by said Board all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by said Board on the ntst day of October, 1898, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz. :

Resolved, That the Board of Public Improvements of The City of New- York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 436 of chapter 378, Laws of x897, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York by laying out a public place, hounded by Jackson avenue, Van Alst avenue and Ninth street, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, City of New York, more particularly described as follows :

Beginning at a point at the intersection of the north-ern line of Jackson avenue with the eastern line of Van Alst avenue.

1st. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Van Alst avenue for 9x.32 feet to the southern line of Ninth street.

ad. Thence easterly along the southern line of Ninth street lor.58 feet to the northern line of Jackson avenue.

3d. Thence southerly along the northern line of Jack-son avenue 136.62 feet to the point of beginning. Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed

laying out of the above-named public place at a meeting of this Board, to be held in the office of this Board, at No. 346 Broadway, on the 16th day of November, 1898, at z o'clock P. M. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause

these resolutions, and a notice to all persons affected thereby, that the proposed laying out of the above- named public place will be considered at a meeting of this Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days contin-uously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 16th day of November, 1898.

Dated NEW YORK, November 1, r8q8. JOHN H. MONEY.



No, 300 MULBERRY STREET, 1( New VotK, October al, 0893.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI the following Horses will be sold at Public Auc-

tion, at the salesrooms of Messrs. Van Tassell & Kearne y', No. t3o East Thirteenth street, on


Vick,” No. 30. Mocco," No. 233. Alex," No. 232.

" Roscoe," No. 236. Jerry," N. 278. Jim," No. 285.

„ Ilarry,,, 1s'', a). „ I'rinc,•,' No 1.{8, " Satin," Nit. ,.165

Buick,' N,,. 166 By order of the hoar tI of (''dice.

JOHN F. HARRItl'f, Property Clerk.

Irtt.tCK I)irl'ARI'jsmis'n—(~I't'5' roil New Y„RK, ill 8.

GWNb:RS WANI'El BY THE I'w)I'1':I4TY Clerk if the I'idi,-e Department of The City of

New York, Ni, joo Mulberry street, Rnnm No,,), for the following property, now in his custody, without claint-Ants : P„ats, rope, iron, lea(\, male and female clothing, bunts, shies, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc. ; also small amount money taken from prisoners an(1 found by Patrolmen of this Department.

JOHN F, IIARRUIT, Property Clerk.


OWNERS WAN'1'ED) BY 1'HE DEPUTY PROP-erty Clerk of the Police Department of The City

of New York—OlTice, Municipal Building, Borough ,f Brooklyn — for the following property now in his custody without claimants : Boats, rope, iron, lead, stale and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc. ; also small amount money taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Department.

CHARLES D. BLATCHFORD, Deouty Property Clerk.


VAN 'I'ASSELT. & KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, on behalf of the Fire Department, will offer for

sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at their sale stables, Nos. 130 and 132 Fast Thirteenth street, Borough of Manhattan,

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Ear, 1 1lS, at to o'clock noon, the fdlowing property belonging to the Fire Department of The City of New York :

Four horses, no longer fit for use in the Department, Nos. 329, 612, 789 and 858.

JOHN J. SCANNF.LL, Fire Commissioner.

HEADQUAR'T'ERS FIRE DEPARTM timer,l NEW YORK, November u, 0898. f

SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING this Department with the Fire Engine below

specified will he received by the Fire Corumissioner, at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. 157 and 15) East Sixty-seventh street, in the Borough of Manhat-tan, in The City of New York, until xo.3o,,'clock A. M.,


at which tittle and place they will be publicly (opened by the head of said Department and read.


For the Stearn Fire Engine above mentioned the amount of security required is Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, and the time four delivery sixty days.

The damages to be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract may he unfulfilled after the time specified for the completion thereof shall have expired, are fixed and liquidated at Ten to D liars.

Ni estimate will be received or considered after the hour nanted.

'I'he form of the agreement, with specifications, show-ing the manner of payment for the engine, may be seen and farms of proposals may be obtained at the office of the Department.

Bidders must write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

'rho award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the apparatus shall present the same in a sealed envelope at said mlice, tun or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the kind of apparatus to which it relates.

The Fire Commissioner reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates, if deemed to be for the public interest.

No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpo-ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Curpo-ration.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an esti-mate for the same purpose and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal Assembly, head r,f a department, chief „f a bureau, deputy thereof ur clerk therein, or other otH- err of the C.,rporation, is directly „r indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits therer,f. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Cade bid or estiurate shall be a'ca,n)anied by the consent, in we//hug clued householders 'eject' Ito/dreg of The City of Neu, Pork, rn;th their restrctItoe places of business or rerid.•nce, to the effect that if the con-tract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above men-tioned shall be accompanied by the oath r atlirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No estniau,te will be conside ed un/r•sx accompanied by eiUner in eersrufoed check u/brn one of the banks of Tine City of Neon York, dean a to the order of the Conrp-troller, or gtoney to the aaeoont office per ecntutlr, of the a,noun' of secu•ity required. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or in has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if

he shall ,•rr•e,iitc the runt rlrct within the little lifesesand the amn,uu of his deposit will be relarlled to him.

Should the person r,r per.orl, to whom the cotttract Inny be aunrded nt•gh•r.l or refuse, to accept the e''ntract within live drys nft,•r w iltr•u notice that the sense has been nwnrded to Iii-- ur their hid or pr .pn+al, -,r if he or they aercpt but du not exrruue the contract and give the1,roper security he ror they shall be considered as havtog abandoned it and as in default to I1le (:i,r rora-ti iii , and the contract will be readvertised and re et as provided by law.

J(1IIN J. SCANNISI.1., Cununissinner.

HEADOUAIt"1P.Rs FIRE IMPARTMENT New YtnuK, November o, 1898. }


SEALRD PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING the materials and labor and doing the work re-

cinired for Cunstrtue1ingaad Erecting a Building for the lire Department on the premises south side of East 'Twelfth street, ,o8 feet tr inches west of University place, P,orongh of Manhattan, will be received by the Fire Commissioner, at the office of the Fire Depart-ment, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, in the Borough of ISlanhattan, City of New York, until to. 30 o'clock A. Al.,


at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

No estimate will he received or considered after the hour named.

For information as to the amount and kind of work t o I to the specifications t ,e d~~ne, bidders are referred he spec cations and drawing', which form part of the proposals.

The form of the agreement, and the specifications, showing the manner of payment for the work, and forms of proposals may be obtained and the plans may be seen at the office of the Department.

Proposals must be made for all the work contained in the specifications.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

The building is to be completed and delivered within one hundred and eighty (08o) days after the execution of the contract. The damages to be paid by the contractor for each

day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time specified for the completion thereof shall have expired are fixed and u D lit adated at Ten (to) ollars.

The award oi the contract will be ntade as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall present the same in a sealed envelope at said office, tun ur before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date iif its presen-tation, and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The Fire Commissioner reserves the right to decline any and all bids ii estimates, as may be deemed to be for the public interest.

No bid ur estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded t, ., any person who is in arrears to the Corpo-ration, upon debt or contract, or w"ho is a defaulter as surety ur otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-pn rat inn.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with hint or them therein, and if no other person be sa interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made u•ith-out any cmoneciun with any other person making an esti-roate for the same purpose, and is to all respects fair and mlith- ,ut collusion or fraud, and that no member ,-f the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other olliccr of the Corporation, is directly ur indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The hid in estimate ntust be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Lich did or e.cii,uate shall or accowOarucd by the conwyrt, in our/hoc, of ton householders or fr rehod,/ers of The City MA'eeii Ibrd-, With their readdectie~e .6/aces of lusivess or residence, to the effect that if the con tract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being s„ awarded, become bound as sure-ties for its faithful performance in the sum of Twelve Thousand (10,000. Dollars ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled oil its completion and that which the Curporatin may be obliged to pay to the per-son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall he accompanied by the oath or affirnta-ti(m, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabili-ties as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law'. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

Aro Cutu sate ceill be considered unless acconr,,u'red thy -l/bier a certified check ubon one if the banks of The City of Nevi I ork, dra:en to the order rf the (n,up-trolb,r, mue money to the antornrt of .Vi' flue ndred (boo) Dollars. Such check or money must not be in. closed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the De-partment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until suck check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to he correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re-fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be for-feited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect r,r refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their hid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora-tion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner.


SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING this Department with the Fire Apparatus below

specified will be received by the Fire Commissioner, at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, in the Borough of Manhat-tan, in The City of New York, until ro.3o o'clock A. nt.,

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1898, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

Page 16: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1898/1898-11-11.pdf · 2018-08-30 · THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL,. VOL. XXV1. NEW YORK, FRIOAY, NOVEMBER ii, i898. NUMPER

4992 THE CITY RECORD D. F RIDAY, Novnt PER i r, 1898. 'I'14')l lu ti: ill-1•: F:X'I'KA II KS' I' sill.: Sl'FA\f I Aid pla, rof eesidrrice''1ra-i, ,d the pen"ma making I his debts of every namte, and over and ahnvr IKI: I•:YI:1\1.., N'I I'll I \ Ll 1'll VAI. thr.amr the nntur.,,(nIl p,•ra~,ua lntrrratrd wish him lithilitir.n.lrnil .un•IVnr „Iherwiar and thnt he• h

11'A I'ER-'1'tTIIF: II' III.KKS. 'I'hr am ,unt :-t .e.urine H,irired i• f, cur th„unaud

five hundred d- lhtT. .md the time I',-r delivery Bialy

The damages to he paid by the t. ntractor for rich day that the contract nt) be nnfullilled after the tint specified for the c,nlpleti:m thereof shall have a pircd are fixed and liquidated at Ten to; D„Ilan.

No estimate will be received or considered after the b.,ur named.

File 1. nu of the agreement, with specifications, .how. jug the• nlanner„f payment f~,r the engines, nay be. seen and tnns nl' propn~als may he obtained fit the office of the I)epartntent.

Kidders must write out the amount of their estimate in additin t., inserting the same in figures.

I'he a„ and "f the c,,ntract will be made as soon as practicable after the -opening of the bids,

Any pers„n making an estimate 6,r the apparatus shall present the saute in a scaled envel~npe at said office, on Cr bLG , re the day' and Ii nit above named, which envel ,pe shall he indorsed a ith the nitrite 'r names of the person or persons presenting the same, the dare of its presentati'n, and a statement of the kind of apparatus to which it relates.

The Fire C, runt issionrr reserves the right to decline env and all bids or estimates if deemed to be for the public interest.

No bid ., r estimate will be accepted from, or c~,ntract awarded t ,, any person N hi is in arrears to the C,r-puration, upon debt ,,r c ntract, omw ho is a defaulter as surety or othrr,,ise, up"n any ,obligation to the C.~:p -rat i:m.

Each hid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence .f each „f the persons making the same, the names -'f all pers., it, interested with him or them therein, and if n• , ether persm be s,. , interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made +, it hoot ant- Crttnecti"n with any ~,ther parson make.ng an esti-mate f 'r the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and with'~ut collusi' n or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal Assemble-, head cif a department, chiet of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer if the Cnrporatiou, is directl}' ,'r indirectly interested therein, ar in the supplies or work too hich it relates, or in any portion Ld the profits thereof. The bid ~ ~r estimate must be verified by the oath, in wr.tiq" of the party or parties making the estimate that the several matters stated therein are in all respect. true. Where m,.re than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verifi-cation be made and subscribed by all the parties inter- ested.

Ea;k lid or ertl,nate shall be aecont/+anied Irn tie consent. en rrrifin_- 'f tae. + h,'ase t,,Vers or t'r,•e'zoL iers of Tic City e'f .Se v I 'r~, :oit.i f ~'r .r e .*i.- t fd,rc.•s nfbusrn 'as or resid✓fit , to the effect that if the c' ntract be awarded to the person makinz the estimate, they will on its being s, awarded bec me b.?und a, sureties for its faithful performance. and that if he shall omit or refuse to e\ecute the same they will pay to the C,rp,ration any difference betwvicen the sum t , which he would be entitled on its c mtpletion and that which the Corporation may be ,obliged to pay to the person or persons to N- hrim the contract may be awarded at any s-,bseq;,ent stung, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amr+unt of the work by which the bids are tested. The con-sent above mentioned shall be acr-unpanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing. , .t each .-f the persons signing the same that he is a b osch, ider or freeholder in The City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required fir the completi,n of this c.,n- tract, over and ab ?ire all his debts of every nature. and over and above It;, liabilities as bail, surety or othemu ise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the band required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be appr.-veil b}- the C esptroller of The City of New V rk beb,re the award is made and prior to the signing of the c ,ntract.

Ito rstiruate nil' be cnnsLle ceI unless acc.ntrsrsnied hr e•'f }er it ce rtit:c,t c%eek upon one of the /-auks of Tire Cite ,f -\-e:n Vs -k, drazu,r to th • end. r of the Cautp'roller, or vrnner to the anrouut of tar• centum n! f%tr aruourrt q% a,-true rr.,uirr,f. Such check or money must not be inclosed In the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Defartment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said b ,s until such check or mine}' has been examined by said „Ificer or clerk and found t', be ci erect. All such dep: sits, except that ,,f the successful bidder, vrill be returned to the persons making the same „ithin three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after nr,thee that the contract has been awarded t , ' him, t” execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be f -rfeited to and retained by The City of 1e,e York a, liquidated damages f -r such neglect :, r refusal ; bit ifhe shall execute the contract within the time af•,resaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned t. him. Should the person or persons to a horn the contract

may be awarded neglect , ir refuse to accept the contract within five days after written n,,tice that the same has been awarded to his or their hid or prop, -sal, ,.r if lie or they accept but dun t execute the c-unmet and give the proper security, he or they shall he o,n,idered as haling abandoned it and as in default to the C.,rpr,ration, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by lair-.

JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner.


SEALEf1 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING this Department with the Fire Apparatu- belie

specified will be received by the Fire Commissioner, at the mice of the Fire Department, Nm 157 and 1159 East Sixty-seventh street, in the It 'rough ~,f Manhattan, in The City of New Y re, until tO ao a'cl,.ck.A. fir.,

WEDNESDAY, NOV- EM ER. 1t, 1*498, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head if said Department and read.

FOUR FIRST SIZE HOSE WAGONS. Fur the fn,lr first-size Hasa W`agnns ab ye menti ned

the am-ntnr of security req, :ired is fine thou=and tic's hundred dollars, and the time for delivery silty days.

Separate bids must be made f ,r each kind of. apparatus as above. The damages to be paid by the cruntractor for each

day after the contract may be unfulfilled after the time specified for the completion thereof shall have expired, are fixed and liquidat•-d at Ten 'to Dollars.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

The firm of the agreement, with specifications, show-ing the manner of payment for the articles, may be seen and forms of pr.,p,sals may be obtained at the office of the Department.

Bidders most write our the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening-f the bids.

Any person making an estimate far the apparatus shall present the same in a sealed meet-,pc at said office, on or bef,re the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be ind,rsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the kind of apparatus to which it relates.

The Fire Commissioner reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates if deemed to be for the public interest.

No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpo-ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corp-,- ration.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name

o hrill tl err' if + , r t r lu ; :rud 1 , ,'thcr pe•n,,n lie 'ii inlr•rralyd, it ah;tll di.tinrlly -tat'' that Bret ; that it I. madv with. null .ult• ,-' ,thee ti„n with ally ,other pr non making nn esiirnatr for th,• ,snn+ pfir ti' , and i+ in all ecet,tn ,tit and wilhi,ut c„llu.ii,n „r trawl, and tlrtu no nlrulhrr of the \luniclpal :1.+mthly, head of it department, clticf ul a bureau, d'•pwt• th, re,d ,,r clerk therein, fir other utiicer of the l'rp„rati,m, is directly or inclirectly in• terented thereitl, or III the supplies ,or N' rk t„ which it reh+tes, ur in sett' 1,,,rti„n of the profit, (hereof, The bid fir estimate mist be verified by the „euh, in writing, of the party ur parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all re,pects true. 1, here: more than one per.un to interested it is requisite that the veriticatn,n be made and subscribed by all the parties interested,

Lani hid ,r , ,li,n.rte shall is' :rr'rvu/,,rn/' / it f/rc ,, ,t 'ut. to vrr:7in{, f 1: •o /ronsr.....A rrs nrfrrt:i'lleo•s

. , 1- I'• 1' 1 itt ':/'- r:,” I"r'rd•. evil-i their resi.rtiar places i /us,'ness ,vr rrsidewc-e. io the effect that if the contract

be awarded to the person making the estimate, they w ill, ,-n its b~ ing so awarded, become bound as sureties for its tail hful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute th., saute, they will pay to the C , rpo-ration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled in its completion and that which the Corp ration may be obliged to pay to the person or pers--ns u, n ltom the contract stay be awarded at any subsegc.ient letting, the alit. unit in each case to be calcu-lated .:pon the estimated amount „f the work by which the bids are tested. 'flue consent above mentioned shall be acconipaoied by the oath ur atlirmatiun, in writing, of each ,d il+e persons signing the same that he is a househ •Idcr rr freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the ant,nrnt of the security required for the completion of this contract. over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and ab' 'ye his liabilities as bail, surds• „r utheri ise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in g''nd faith and with the intenti,'n to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sutllcienc' „f the security offered is to be approved by the Cumptn.11er if The City n( New York bef -re the award is made and prior to the signing of the C" in'. ract.

S",• ,:1 neat' :e•'l.' l•e ems'dere,l rur.'<ss at-comptnlerl r, e.;t/r cr a cc. to/,''.u' (ii eL' ,,,Ion one of the bat Ga f 7?.Se Crfr r/'-A-<; • J'rk, draavr to t;re or.rrr ,f the C.'iV tr,.' rr. fir utou y to thcantnrntt,f rir ,; /,e . r. c. r'tuu oft,t -' a„n•u ,a,~' s cur.', ,,Vuired. Such check- or nu~ney must met be incised in the sealed envelope aintaining the estimate, but must he handed to the officer or cleric of the Department who has charge of the estimate. 'ass, and no esriutate can be depo-ited in said box until Balch check or msmev has been examined be said officer or clerk and f„und n, be correct. All such dep.,sits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the pers ,ns making the same within three days after the c.,ntract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, a ithin five days after notice that the contact has been aotarded to hint, to execute the same, the antoutu ,d the dep,.sit made by him shall be for-teited n , and retained by The City of New York as li,1,cidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the c,ntract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit a ill be returned to him.

Shold the pers It or pers'ns to N-h'mm the contract may be a•.cardrd neglect or refuse to accept the contract withi:t live days after written m,rice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept, but d” wit execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shill be considered as having abandi tied it and as in deficit to the Corpora. tion, and the c,,ntract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

Jt)IIN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner.

HE:\DQC'.4RTER5 FIRE DEI'\RT\IP.\T, I NEss- YORK, November t o tbg8. I

`EALEI) PRnpOFAI-S FtIR FLRNISIiING L7 f,nr ;o Fire-alarm Bu.xesand tifrc-tw- l' 5z Key-ices 11 urn 6,r fire-alarm bores for the birnnghs of Bn-oklvn and Queens, will he received by the Fire C ''mini msi' , tic r, at the otilce :,f the Fire Department, N's. 5=7 and t59 Ea-t Si 'tu'.ce , •ntlt street, in the B, r-o,:gh , , f \lauhattan, in Ti: -_ Cite ',f New York, until to. o •,'ci, ok A. ` ,

tS-ED%ESD-tV, NO% EMBER 16,'ISPS, at which tine and place the .v ,,. - ill be publicly opened b, the head of said Department and read.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

F-,r ini rmatinn as to the description of the articles to be furnished, bidders are referred to the specifica- tinns lrhich f -rat part of these proposal', and to sart-ples eaf the buses, ,,hich may be seen at the o,iice of the F:re-alarm Telegraph, at these Headquarters.

The form of the agreement, a ith specifications, sh, ,w-ing the manner of payment may be seen and the form of prop vats ntay' be obtained at the office of the De-partment.

Bidders must write out the amount of their estimate in additi,n e, inserting the same in figures.

The damages to b-• paid by the c•mtractor for each day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time specitled for the c.mpleti, m there. I shall have expired, are fixes and liquidated at the sum of Ten to I111ars.

The at+'ard of t he c•.n'tact us ill be made as soon as practicable after the ~ ,pening'd the bids.

Any- person making an estimate her the articles shall present the same in a sealed envelope at said •,ffice, „n , r before the day and hour ab ice named, cchich revel- on shall be indorsed with the name or names of the purs~m fir persons presenting the same, the date ,,f its presentati.,n and a statement of the work to which it relate”.

1'he Fire Cnmmissi-mer reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates, if deemed to be for the public interest.

No, bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract a•., arded n,, any pees. in who is in arrears to the Curpu-ration upon d-Abt sr c ,ntract, or who, is a defaulter as surety or other,cise, up,n any obligation to the Curpo-ration.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested a ith him or then: therein, and if no other pers,.-n be so interested it shall distinctly stare that fact ; that it is made Nithnut any conneeti:,n with any ,thee person making an estimate for the -acne purpose, and is in all respects fair and without c,:11.:-ion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a burea.l, deputy thereof ur clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpr,rati ,n, is directly or indirectly inter-ested therein, or in the supplies ,or work to which it relates, or in any portion „f the profits thereof. The bid „r estimate must be verified by the oath, in NWriting, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one pers„n is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

L•bc i laid or 'tuna/' s''all Fe accontbauied by the Cons.',,!, in a'ritin„ rots:, no,seltolders or f eeholders of The City of .Vert brie, with their re ,)$eetire places of /-usiu,'•s or resi-fence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they s- ill, on its being so awarded, bccume bound as sureties for its faithful performance in the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred ,z,8o7, I)ollars,and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same they mill pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled nn its c, ,mpleti-in and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath sir affirma-tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all

li. it

,'Ifrrre 6'm.e if a t r • in n A 1 Irret) gal hut It nllfl N'If ll the inlenti'm t~' r,erute the bond required by law. 'I'hr adrgmn`v find allhcit•ncy' ,d the sveuti(N olfereil la to be aeeri,vcd by the ('omptrnller f The Cily of New Vi it before tIt.,.' viard is mnde and prior fu Ihe signing of the contract.

A'• I't/,tuate will be considered unless rtcr ✓ntpartie•d l,r ruler , a 'e,tik,-d check u/St ,t tine nf' the banks of /'/ii' ( 7'r.,j .Venn ) or6•, d, aann In N5''u,,' iter,] t/n' (i',,,4.

t,.,,//,.,., or tinter• t,, f/r,' anr,,urd i f lire Are cent. 15 ter tru/. of the secnrity required. Sikh check or motley Must art be ittclnsed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must he handed to the ouice•r or clerk ,if the IR•partme•nt who has charge of the estimate-box, and n,., estimate call be dap,.ited in said box until such check or its' Ii as hcen examined by said n0icer ur clerk and fi,und to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be retur»ed to the persons making the saute within three days after the contract is a,,ardeel. If the successful bidder shall refuse ur neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the saute, the amount of the deposit made by hint shall be G'rteited to and retained by The City of New Yo.k as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the anu,unt of his deposit will be returned to him.

Shruld the person fir persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he .'r they accept but do met execute the contract and give the pr.,per security he or they shall be considered as having aband, med it and as in default to the C , rpora-tin. and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

JOHN J. SCANNELL, - Cuu+mivsi' , ner.



OF BROOKLYN ANID QUEENS, VIZ.: t,oiso tins egg si/e.

x, tons furnace size. —,will be received by the Fire Commissi„tier, at the head of the Fire Ilepartment, at the oihice if said De-partment, Nos. 557 and is,) Fast Sixty-seventh street, Borough „f Manhattan, in The City of New York, until 10.30 'click A, vi,,

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1tl98, at us- hitch tinge and place they still he publicly opened bv the head if said Department and read.

The c,al is to be free-burning, of the first quality of either of the kinds known and ruined as follows :

"Scranton,” by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company.

” J ackaw-anna,” by the Delaware and Hudson Canal C,~mp:my, or by the Nese York, Ontario, and Western Railroad Compant-.

Pittston,” by the Pennsylvania Coal Company. Wilkesbarre, e by the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal

C„mpan y. " luerntyn,r' by the New York, Susquehanna and

\\-cstern Railroad Company, or- any of/ter free-bury/ fig'

—all to weigh 2,000 pounds to the ton, and be well screened and free from slate.

/Yee /tilde•' must saline the ¢,rr//cular kind of coal I,.e f,ro,eloscs to fur nish, and state to.`, re and by .r/'nut it ,se ,,t,',/.

All ,d the coal is to be delivered at the carious houses, and the fireboats of the Department, in the boroughs ' f Br..,-klcn and Queens, in such quantities and at such tinter as may be from time to time directed, and the >ame is to be Neighed in the presence of a Weigh-master, designated for that purpose by the Department. All as more fully set forth in the specifications to the o+ntract, to -wkiek partiertlar attevation is drr•rrfed.

Ni estimate N ill be received or considered after the hour named.

The fora of Etc qg'reerueut, rrifh sfrecifkalionr, s irrvirt; flee ,n.e it,: r ef/, a)on- fit jar flu raork, tuay be seen, and jn-,us of pruAnsals tuay le obtained at the o!1& e o,J the Pe/ta rhne•nt.

Bidders must N-rite out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures, stating the price per ton f- ,r each size and the total amount.

The award if the contract still be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall present the same in a sealed envelope at said office, on or before the day- and hour above named, ohich en-velope shall be indorsed with the name or unities of the pers',n or pers~ , ns presenting the sarne, the date of its presentation, and a statement of the supply to which it relates.

rue Fire Commissir.ner reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates, if deemed to be fur the public interest. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon debt or contract, or Who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporati:.n.

Each bid fir estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the satire, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if nu other perse,n be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact; that it is made N-ith-out any connection with any other person making an esti-mate 6,r the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and •.cithout c''Iluci-,n or fraud, and that no member ~,f the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, d,-putt' thereof or clerk therein, c,r other ',tiicer of the Corporation, is directly ur indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, r,r in any porti,.'n , if the profits thereof. 'The .)iu or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite coat inc verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Etch lid or estimate shall be accoutpanied by the r nsent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders if 7/se City of .Vote' 1 i,rk, with tie it resbecb,'ve (daces f business or residence, to the effect that if the con-tract be awarded to the person making the estimate, :hey will, on its being so awarded, become b-,und as sure-aes for its faithful performance ill the sum of'1'wo Thou-sand Five Hundred '2,500 Dollars, and that if he shall 'mit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the :.orporation any difference between the sum to which tie would be entitled on its completion and that which he Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per-con or persons to Whom the contract may be awarded it any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work )y which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma-ion, in writing, of each of the persons signing~ the same, hat he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required or the completion of this contract, over and above all tie debts of every nature, and over and above his liabili-ies as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered timself as a surety in good faith and Nith the intention :n execute the bond required by law. The adequacy tad sufficiency of the security offered is to be ippruced by the Comptroller of The City of New York Before the award is made and prior to the signing of he contract. :V- es//mate will be considered unless aceonepanied

Sy either a certified check upon one of the ban/e•: eJ 'he City ,j stew 1'orh, drawn to tie order of the Cour, troller, or stoney to the a,tount of One Hundred tad 74e•ent,j'-/iz'e (ray) Dollars. Such check or money nest not be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- aining the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate :an be deposited in said box until such check tr money has been examined by said officer or clerk

nrlrl ('tml t„ b,• r-„rrert. All 4urh dep,iaila, exrrpr that of Iln- sin cr..ful i,irlder, will Iii' returned to the per.ons ntxkinQ Itie xnme within 'firer days after the c,Rlract Is Itwnrdr,l. If tit,• snccr..fal kidder %hall rrfuar sir nrK- lect, within five tics .offer notice that rile ofsfirihi hae bcr'ti [sinrofwi I„ Iyyh, to oseente the 'arut', file ommmt „f the dep,,sit ntnde by hint %hall be b,rfe•ilyd to and re. tniued by 'I'll,-l'ity of New York nn liquidated damages 6 ,r such neglect sir re'fusal ; but it se sh:dl execute the contract within the time n6,resaid the anlnunt of his deposit still be returned to him.

Shi,uld the person sir persons to wham the contract may he .I arded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five day's after written maice that the same has been awarded n, his fir their bid or pngp ,sal, or if lie or they accept but do not evccute the contract and give the proper security, he „r they shall he o,nsidered as hacmg ahanduned it and as in default to The City of New Vork, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

JOHN J, SCANNELL, Commissioner.

HEADQ('AR1'ERs FIRE DEPARTMENT,i NEW YoRtt, November t o t8y8. J

SEALED PRt)I'(1SALS FOR FURNISHING the materials and labor and doing the work

required for c'mstructing and erecting a building for the Fire Department on the promises noel is side of Maiden lane, 6o feet 9 inches east 'f Pearl street, Borough of 1lauhauan, will he received by the Fire Commissioners, at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. t57 and 159 Fast Sixty-seventh street, in the Borough of hianhat-tao, in The City of New York, until to.3o o'clock. A. M.,


at Which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

For information as to the amount and kind of work to be done, bicld'rs are referred to the specifications and drawings, Which form part of the proposals.

The form of the agreement and the specifications, showing the manner of payment for the ,work, and forms of prooposals may be obtained and the plans may be seen at the office of the Department.

Priposals must be made for all the work contained in the specifications.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the saute in figures.

1'he building is to be completed and delivered within one hundred and eighty ,i8o) days after the execution of the contract. The damages to he paid by the contractor for each

day that the c,,ntract stay be unfulfilled after the time specified for the complrti„n thereof shall have expired are fixed and liquidated at Ten 'ro) D.dlars.

The award of the rmtract will be made as soon as practicable after the (opening of the bids.

Any perm making an estimate fr'r the work shall present the saute in a sealed envelope, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which eneel. ope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The Fire Commissioner reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates, ifdeemed to be for the public interest.

X. bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, anv person who is in arrears to the Cor poratiun upon debt or contract, or „ho is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Each bid fir estimate shall contain and state the name and place ref residence -,f each of the persons making the saute, the names „fall persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made s,-ith. out any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and svlth:'fit culln,ir,n or fraud, and that nu member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, cjtief of a bureau, deputy ther,-of , r clerk therein, or other officer -of the Cnrp„rati:'n, is directly or indirectly in-terested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any pr , rti„n of the pr„ftts thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true.

'here more than cane person is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Ea.- '• lid or est/,haft shall be a:consfanieel by the consent, in no-iti ns , a_! .a',' 1, ou m e/rollers or fre.•k o/de'rs , f ('4e ( fty of .Nees' t,' fl', :vie'✓' I/•ear re specline places rf bees tics, rr resid,vrc••, to the effect that tf the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they-will, o:: its being so awarded, become bnlmd as sureties for it- faithful performance in the stint if Fifteen Thou-sand ,tc,— D,-Ilars; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they mill pay' to the Corpo-ratie,n any difference between the sum to which he would he entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calcu-lated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The amsent above mentioned shall be acc,mpanied by the ,'ath or affirmation, in writing, of each rd the persons signing the same that he is a housrholder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the am',unt of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts ref every nature, and Over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or ,otherwise, and that he has ntiered himself as a sl:rcty in god faith and with the intention to execute the bond req.lired by law. The adequacy and sufficiency if the s,-c;+rity offered is is be appr.ved by the Comptroller of The City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

-1'o C'trotate will he considered unless aeronrpanied it” eithe- a -crlifred check u.hon one of the banks of Tire City 'if -t'eu, } ork. drasrn to the order rf the Coo•fdrollcr, or ntonev to the au;ount of Seven Ilun-dre.leaul/if?y '7501 /b/la.r. Such check or money moist not be inclosed in the sealed envelope con-taining the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate - box, and nu estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said e tficer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, Will be returned to the persons making the same Within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to hint, to execute the same, the amount - f the deposit made by him shall be for-feited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages fur such neglect or refusal ; but it he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the am,,unt of his deposit Will be returned to him.

Shrmld the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same hat been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept, but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he sir they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora-tiun, and the contract will be read,'ertised and relet as provided by law'.

JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner.


THE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, Sundays and legal holidays excepted at No. a

City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, $9.3ot postage prepaid.