Moon to Mars initiative Summary and response to feedback from public and industry consultation July 2020 space.gov.au

The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

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Page 1: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

Moon to Mars initiative Summary and response to feedback from public and industry consultation

July 2020


Page 2: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the


The consultation process 3

Key messages from consultations 3

Overarching initiative feedback 4

Supply Chain program 5

Demonstrator program 6

Trailblazer program 6

Audience 8

What happens next? 8

Australian Space Agency document.docx July 2020 - 2

Page 3: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

The consultation processAustralia-wide consultation sessions were held in February and March 2020, seeking feedback from the public and industry on the Moon to Mars initiative. The Australian Space Agency (the Agency) released a paper to inform the consultation process and to support targeted discussion on the $150 million Moon to Mars initiative.

During the consultation phase, the Agency:

received over 70 written submissions; conducted stakeholder roundtables and face to face sessions in Hobart, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth,

Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Darwin; streamed a live session from Canberra through YouTube; and in addition to the above, targeted collaborations with key stakeholders to develop the design of the

Moon to Mars initiative.

This report provides a summary of the consultation outcomes, highlighting themes from participant responses and the Agency’s response to these themes in the context of the Moon to Mars initiative (the initiative).

Key messages from consultationsSome of the feedback received as part of the consultation went to activities broader than the Moon to Mars initiative. This report covers feedback related to the initiative or has links to other related activities of the Agency.

Science/research funding/STEM: This is considered a key enabler to grow industry by supplying a pipeline workforce that is skilled towards space industry needs.

Agency response: As outlined in the Australian Civil Space Strategy, having a strong STEM workforce and supporting the growth of the future workforce is a key pillar in the growth and transformation of the Australian space industry.

The Moon to Mars initiative will support Australian businesses to access international supply chains, and enable Australia to contribute technology to NASA’s Moon to Mars endeavours. As part of this, it is expected there will be a range of opportunities to support STEM and draw on Australia’s extensive science and research base.

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Page 4: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

Flight heritage/space qualification: Access to and funding of space qualification mechanisms.

Agency response: The consultation paper acknowledged that Australia will need to consider how to build space and flight heritage. Consideration will be given to how this may be supported through the Moon to Mars initiative.

It is also noted that the Space Infrastructure Fund (SIF) project on space qualification facilities will provide additional infrastructure to support space qualification activities.

Targeted media outreach: Participants called for strong media engagement to showcase Australian capabilities and industry with the dual aim of highlighting success stories for industry incumbents to learn from, and attract investment and open opportunities for industry.

Agency response: Media engagement and communication is a key area of focus under the Moon to Mars initiative. A targeted media engagement campaign was undertaken during consultation, and a number of case studies are in production.

Communication and engagement activities will continue to highlight the capabilities in Australia’s space industry, and reinforce how these capabilities can support other areas of the economy.

Overarching initiative feedbackThe key themes for feedback received in relation to the overarching initiative include:

Science and low Technology Readiness Levels (TRL): Science, research and funding of lower TRL activities should be included in the initiative.

Agency response: The Moon to Mars initiative is focused on supporting Australian businesses to access international supply chains, and for Australia to contribute technology to NASA’s Moon to Mars endeavours. This inherently means that activities will focus on higher TRL levels.

While this may be the case, there are opportunities to draw on Australia’s excellent research base, for example collaboration between universities, publicly funded research organisations and businesses.

There are also other Commonwealth funding programs that might be applicable to these types of projects, such as the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) program, and funding schemes under the Australian Research Council (ARC).

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Page 5: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

Linkage between all programs: Better alignment between the three programs is desired.

Agency response: A key design principle of the Moon to Mars initiative is to ensure strong alignment between each of the elements. As highlighted in the consultation paper, the Demonstrator projects are expected to inform opportunities under the Trailblazer element, as well as other future capability. The Agency will continue to consider how best to ensure alignment between programs as it implements the initiative.

Matched funding: Equal matched funding was identified as a substantial barrier.

Agency response. Matched funding or other commitments from participants is a requirement of many industry-related government funding programs. A financial commitment is important to demonstrate the support of the participant in the commitment of public funds.

It is recognised that industry is facing challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consideration will be given to this impact in the design of the Moon to Mars initiative.

Supply Chain programThe key themes for feedback received on the Supply Chain element include:

Workforce capability, knowledge and experience: Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the depth in its workforce for it to harness the opportunities in the global space sector.

Agency response: Building the future workforce is central to the ‘Inspire’ Strategic Space Pillar of the Civil Space Strategy, and is supported by a range of Agency programs. The first element of the initiative, the Supply Chain program, is specifically targeted at lifting Australian space business capabilities to ensure we have the skills to support domestic and international space supply chains.

Prime engagement: Stakeholders suggested that the Supply Chain program would be enhanced if it supported engagement across a range of supply chain opportunities, not just with Primes. Respondents identified SMEs and near-primes as being potentially high-value partners to build industry.

Agency response: The Supply Chain program will be designed to support a range of opportunities across supply chains. The Agency will consider how this element can support opportunities with Primes and other organisations to achieve the objectives of the program, particularly to increase Australian businesses in supply chains.

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Page 6: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

Intra-industry visibility and connection: Stakeholders highlighted the difficulty in connecting with other teams and industry participants/organisations.

Agency response: There is enormous value in facilitating connections across the industry.

Consideration will be given to how this activity can be supported under the Supply Chain element. However, the Agency will be mindful to not duplicate activities that are best led by other organisations, such as industry groups.

Demonstrator programThe key themes of feedback received for the Demonstrator element included:

Availability of experts: Respondents indicated there is a need for access to domestic and international space experts in Australia to support the development of their applications.

Agency response: There are a range of opportunities to engage with experts, including through industry associations.

Consideration will be given to how connections with experts can be supported. However, the Agency will be mindful to not duplicate activities that are best led by other organisations.

Access to space is difficult: Companies and institutions indicated there are financial, availability and regulatory barriers to accessing space.

Agency response: ‘Access to Space’ has been identified as one of the Agency’s National Civil Space Priority Areas.

The Agency is currently focused on creating a regulatory environment that supports entrepreneurship while ensuring activities are safe.

Trailblazer programThe Moon to Mars consultation paper focused on the Supply Chain and Demonstrator elements, however the following themes were raised in relation to the Trailblazer program:

Set a vision: Participants requested an early articulation of the Trailblazer mission to allow industry to work towards it. Stakeholders indicated the vision for Trailblazer should guide Supply Chain and Demonstrator investments.

Agency response: The elements of the Moon to Mars initiative are integrated, with the Supply Chain and Demonstrator programs supporting the development of the Trailblazer program. The consultation paper outlines areas that could be supported by Trailblazer.Further detail on the Trailblazer element will be released during a consultation phase specific to

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Ensure the Trailblazer mission connects with the broader Australian community: To inspire the public and have them become more engaged in space, the principles should include something visible and uniquely Australian (through addressing important national issues like drought and disaster management).

Agency response: The Agency understands the importance of connecting space investments to the broader community. This connection is a focus of the communication strategy for the Moon to Mars initiative.

For example, the Agency expects to highlight how activities that could be supported under the initiative will develop technology that can be used for other Earth observation missions, which can in turn support farmers in managing their land, and in disaster management. Similarly, remote medicine techniques developed for space have the potential to support remote medicine applications in rural and remote areas of Australia.

Leverage existing Australian capabilities: Respondents highlighted the opportunity to leverage existing capabilities, for example in the areas of mining, agriculture, health, and manufacturing.

Agency response: The Agency agrees there is an opportunity to leverage existing capabilities. These were highlighted as examples in the consultation paper.

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Page 8: The consultation process - consult.industry.gov.au  · Web viewWorkforce capability, knowledge and experience Consultation feedback indicated that Australia needs to increase the

AudienceThe consultation sessions had representation from a broad range of industries which are captured in this word cloud graphic.

Image 1 – Infographic of key sectors

What happens next? The Agency is using the feedback to inform program design. The first program expected to open under the Moon to Mars initiative is the Supply Chain program. Further details will be available on our website and through our newsletter.

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