66 MA Final Project The Need Savannah High School Greenhouse Project is looking to expand growth space for a year round production approach, expand educational opportunities with the Savannah community and increase hands-on skill learning for the special population youth. The Design This project incorporates a pattern approach to deconstruction and assessment of local demolition projects that includes valuable inventory. Final design package includes schematic design phase of project: conceptual drawings, SUHOLPLQDU\ EXGJHW DQG EHJLQQLQJ VSHFLÀFDWLRQV The Opportunity This proposed project goes beyond the educational walls of Savannah High 6FKRRO 0XOWLSOH FRPPXQLW\ SURJUDPV QRQSURÀWV DQG EXVLQHVVHV DUH integrated within each phase of design development as an opportunity to expand the sustainable knowledge of agriculture, adaptive material reuse and the special population youth of Chatham County. All items, as well as a projected WLPH OLQH ZLOO EH SDFNDJHG WRJHWKHU DV D GHOLYHUDEOH WR ORFDO QRQSURÀW (PHUJHQW Structures and IKEA Savannah Distribution Representative. The [DUG]house: designing urban greenspace [ D U G ] H O U S E

The [DUG]house: designing urban space

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Conceptual designs for a design build greenhouse project constructed from reclaimed materials.

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Page 1: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

66 MA Final Project

The NeedSavannah High School Greenhouse Project is looking to expand growth space for a year round production approach, expand educational opportunities with the Savannah community and increase hands-on skill learning for the special population youth.

The DesignThis project incorporates a pattern approach to deconstruction and assessment of local demolition projects that includes valuable inventory. Final design package includes schematic design phase of project: conceptual drawings, SUHOLPLQDU\�EXGJHW�DQG�EHJLQQLQJ�VSHFLÀFDWLRQV���

The OpportunityThis proposed project goes beyond the educational walls of Savannah High 6FKRRO���0XOWLSOH�FRPPXQLW\�SURJUDPV���QRQ�SURÀWV�DQG�EXVLQHVVHV�DUH�integrated within each phase of design development as an opportunity to expand the sustainable knowledge of agriculture, adaptive material reuse and the special population youth of Chatham County. All items, as well as a projected WLPH�OLQH�ZLOO�EH�SDFNDJHG�WRJHWKHU�DV�D�GHOLYHUDEOH�WR�ORFDO�QRQ�SURÀW�(PHUJHQW�Structures and IKEA Savannah Distribution Representative.

The [DUG]house: designing urban greenspace






Page 2: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA Final Project 67

(Above) Rain collection and cross ventilation techniques drove the design

Program Needs�� Minimum 400 sq. ft. of space�� 40-60 linear feet: Horizontal space

for plug production and lettuce growth

�� 150-250 sq.ft.: Vertical growth area for tomato and cucumber production

�� Hanging space for basket plants�� Storage area for pots, tools, seed-

lings�� Open area for classroom space�� Internal compost/vermiculture

system �� Rain water collection with irrigation

system�� Maximize passive heating and

cooling techniques�� Operable windows for maximum


Conceptual Design Phase

(Above) Cross ventilation is an important design factor for hot and humid climates

Project VitalityGreenspace availability at the Old Star Laundry site totals 1/4 acre. Currently, Job Coach Willie Mobley of Savannah High School, acts as Program Coordina-tor for educational outreach. He also maintains existing garden space and facilitiates projects with on site crew. +DUDPEHH�+RXVH��LV�D�ORFDO�QRQ�SURÀW�focused on environmental concerns and healthy lifestyles. Partnership on the DUGhouse project will gain additional community resources, workshop outlets and additional staff to ensure project longevity.

Ownership,GHQWLÀHG�SDUWLHV�LQYROYHG�LQFOXGH��� Savannah High Greenhouse

Project: Maintains ownership of greenhouse through educational projects, service learning workshops and agriculture production

�� Khalidi Properties: Through lease agreement with Harambee House, property will be a donated asset

�� Harambee House: Serves as property leasee that will openly collaborate with Savannah High Greenhouse Project






Page 3: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

68 MA Final Project

Conceptual Design Phase

Design for ReuseWindow sash will be the primary wall material. Found materials ultimately depict design details when using deconstruction as a primary material source. Below drawings are beginning sketches of building elevations with PDWHULDO�VSHFLÀFDWLRQ�LQ�PLQG��






Page 4: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA Final Project 69

Local Case Study Assessment: Oelschig’s Nursury Hoop House Style Greenhouses

(Left) Radiant Heat system for plants

(Below) Sketches of a double vent hoop style greenhouse

(Above) Double ventilation hoophouse is best for the hot and humid climate in Savannah






Page 5: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

70 MA Final Project

Savannah Gardens / Strathmore Estates

A Thomas & Hutton Project -Contracted to NorSouth Construction

Phase One of development uncovered great value in the deconstruction of existing trusses of the homes up for demolition. Salvaged trusses were donated to the local Girl Scouts Chapter.

Potential truss recovery in Phase Two would be a valuable resource for the roof line rafters of the greenhouse.

Image Source: Emergent Structures

Image Source: Savannah Morning News, Credit: Richard Burkhart






Page 6: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA FInal Project 71

A Thomas & Hutton Project -Contracted to NorSouth Construction

7KURXJK�LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ�RI�H[LVWLQJ�FRQVWUXFWLRQ�SURMHFWV��possible deconstruction material can be calculated. Strathmore Estates will be entering phase two of re-development and is a gold mine for repurposed material.

:LQGRZ�6DVK��SLFWXUHG�EHORZ��Estimate: 36”w x 60”hQuantity: High, visually assessed at least 100

:RRGHQ�)UDPLQJPrevious deconstruction of Phase 1 produced viable 2x4 studs and multiple trusses. Possible material source for project.

Savannah Gardens / Strathmore Estates

(Above) Strathmore Estates redevelopment project, November 2011

(Above) Original construction in 1943 of 750 housing units. Image Source: Emergent Structures

(Left) Current double hung windows

available for deconstruction






Page 7: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

72 MA FInal Project

:LQGRZ�6DVK�Multiple sizes are available from two warehouse locations. Non standard size windows, like shown in the left image, are visually pleasing but not found in high quantity. �� (Left Image)

Window Sash: 60”w x 66” hQuantity: 2

�� (Lower Left Image)Window Sash: 33”w x 34” hQuantity: 6

%ULFN��Reclaimed brick available at Southern Pine Company will be used for foundation, side knee walls and permeable foundation�� (Upper Right Image)

Current stock available

�� (Lower Right Image)Installed permeable paving parking lot at Southern Pine

Deconstruction Material Selection: Southern Pine Company






Page 8: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA Final Project 73

5HG�:RRG�&ROXPQV�Potential structural support columns

available for project use. Deconstructed from a residential exterior patio located

in Savannah, GA.

(Below) Originating job site

(Right) Columns available

for use

Deconstruction Material Selection: Emergent Structures

<HOORZ�3LQH�5DIWHUVPine rafters were deconstructed at a historic residential home located in downtown Savannah. They measure: 1”x6” and vary in length, perfect for rafters. Any paint remnants will need to be coated, as a precautionary step for lead exposure.






Page 9: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

88 MA Final Project

Final Renderings: Schematic Design Phase

Perspective view of property line. North and East walls our shown in rendering.

Page 10: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA Final Project 89

(Left)East Wall facing adjacent property

(Right)West facing wall

featuring rain water collection. Direct access to existing

garden location

Page 11: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

90 MA Final Project

View of South and West walls featuring 3KRWRYROWDLF�ÀOP�URRÀQJ�V\VWHP

South Facing wall Elevation featuring

double cavity window sash wall for passive

heating techniques

Page 12: The [DUG]house: designing urban space

MA Final Project 91

Aerial view of proposed property location including three pecan trees