THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WALL MAGAZINE PROJECT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A Pre-Experimental Research at the second Grade of SMAN 9 MAKASSAR) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of English Eduaction UMMUL MUKMININ 105351105416 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021


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(A Pre-Experimental Research at the second Grade of SMAN 9 MAKASSAR)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of English Eduaction













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Judul Skripsi : the Effectiveness of Wall Magazine Project to Improve

Students’ Reading Ability at Senior High School

(A Pre-Experimental Research at the second Grade of


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Makassar, 2021

Yang membuat


Ummul Mukminin




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Ummul Mukminin

NIM : 105351105416

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul skripsi : the Effectiveness of Wall Magazine Project to Improve

Students’ Reading Ability at Senior High School

(A Pre-Experimental Research at the second Grade of


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Makassar, 2021

Yang membuat


Ummul Mukminin




Be useful to others people wherever you are

(bermanfaatlah bagi sesama di manapun kamu berada)


In the name of Allah, I dedicate my thesis for :

My beloved parents, Aris and Rosminih

My beloved brother and sisters, Ario, Khaerunnisa, Zahrah

All of my friends and my bestie

You are the best support system, i fortunate have you

Thanks a lot for always praying on me, standing by my side, and espouse every

moment in my life.



Ummul Mukminin. 2021. The Effectiveness of Wall Magazine Project to

Improve Students’ Reading Ability at Senior High School(A Pre-Experimental

Research at the second Grade of SMAN 9 Makassar). Thesis. English Education

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Supervised by Arief Paturusi and Eka Prabawati Rum.

This research aimed to know the Effectiveness of Using Wall Magazine as

media in improving students’ reading ability at second grade of SMAN 9

Makassar, the researcher used one-group pretest-posttest design. There was not

control group. The researcher gave pre-test to students, then, the researcher gave

the students’ treatment about reading ability using wall magazine media in

learning. After treatment is given, the researcher gave the students post-tets. The

population in this research were the students of SMAN 9 Makassar. The

researcher used cluster random sampling were students of XI MIA 7 and XI MIA

8 class as the sample of this research, the total of students in this class was 30


The results showed that the value of t-test is higher than the value of t-

table, the t-test value of reading ability in term of scanning was greater than t-

table (14,88>2.045) it is said that the null hypotesis (H0) was rejected and

alternative hypotesis (H1) was accepted, it meant that there was a significance

difference between the result of the students’ scanning in reading ability by using

wall magazine as a media project of treatment.

Keywords : Reading Text, Wall Magazine.



Ummul Mukminin. 2021. The Effectiveness of Wall Magazine Project to

Improve Students’ Reading Ability at Senior High School(A Pre-Experimental

Research at the second Grade of SMAN 9 Makassar). Skipsi. Program studi

pendidikan bahasa inggris, fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan, universitas

muhammadiyah makassar. Di bimbing oleh Arief Paturusi dan Eka Prabawati.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media

majalah dinding dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca, menemukan

informasi dalam text di kelas sebelas SMAN 9 MAKASSAR, peneliti

menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Tidak ada kelompok kontrol.

Peneliti memberikan pre-test kepada siswa, kemudian, peneliti memberikan

treatment kepada siswa tentang penggunaan majalah dinding sebagai media,

setelah memberikan treatment, peneliti memberikan post-test kepada siswa,

populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 9 Makassar. Peneliti

menggunakan cluster random sampling dengan memasukkan kelas XI MIA 7 and

XI MIA 8 sebagai sampel penelitian. Total siswa di kelas ada 30 siswa.

Berdasarkan hasil yang di capai, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai

t-test lebih tinggi dari nilai t-tabel, nilai t-test kemampuan membaca dalam hal

scanning lebih besar dari t-tabel (14,88> 2,045) dikatakan bahwa Hipotesis nol

(H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (H1) diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan

yang signifikan antara hasil teknik scanning siswa dalam kemampuan membaca

dengan menggunakan majalah dinding sebagai media telah meningkat.

Kata kunci : Membaca teks, majalah dinding.



In the name of Allah, Most gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah the researcher expressed thankyou very much for the

gratitude Allah SWT for blessing and mercy on the researcher during the process

until the finished writing this thesis shalawat and salam are addresed to the final

chosen religious messager, the prophet Muhammad SAW, who has bring us from

the darkness to the brightness.

In writing this thesis the researcher found many difficulties, so the

researcher realized that the thesis a lot of mistakes and weakness. In order to

become perfect, the researher needs correction and suggestion. The researcher

would like to say thank you so much for the people who gave spirit, advice,

suggestion, and helping to write as follow :

1. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved parents Aris

Rasyid S.Tr Gz and Rosminih who always be my best parents. And all of

My Family for their attention, support and their love.

2. My highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah

University, Prof Dr H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag.


3. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful are due to Dr. M. Arief

Paturusi, M.Pd. as my first consultant and Eka Prabawati Rum, S.Pd.,

M.Pd as my second consultant who had guided me very well during my


4. My highest appreciation also is due to Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd.,M.Pd

as the Head of English Dapartement.

5. My deeply my most great full to Erwin Akib, M.Pd.,Ph.D as the Dean

FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

6. The next thank you also goes to all my friends and people closest to me,

especially for class B (Beyond Class) since 2016, thank you for support,

never forgotten, i love you all.

7. The last thank you to EXIT (Excellent Islamic Generation) , IYG

(Indonesian Youth Generation) , SM (Sahabat Mengajar) , HI (Human

Initiative) members. Big thanks for the experience, knowledge, and

extraordinary moments of my life.

The words were not enought to say many appreciations for their help and

contribution in finishing this thesis. May Allah SWT guides and give them

the happiness throught your life. Finally the researcher realizes that this

“thesis” was far from being perfect. So, it was a pleasure for him to accept

constructive critiques and suggestions for improving this thesis.

May Allah, the Almighty, Bless them all.

Makassar, Mei 2021

The Researcher





LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... ii

COUNSELLING SHEET ................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN .................................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ......................................................................................... v

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ vii

ACKNOWLADGEMENTS ............................................................................. viii

LIST OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiv


A. Background of the Research ................................................................... 1


B. Poblem of Statement ................................................................................ 3

C. Objective of the Research ......................................................................... 4

D. Scope of the Research ............................................................................... 4

E. Scope of the Research ................................................................................ 4


A. Previous of Related Research Findings ..................................................... 5

B. Some Pertinent Ideas .................................................................................. 9

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 18


A. Research Design ....................................................................................... 20

B. Research Variable ................................................................................... 21

C. Population and sample ............................................................................ 21

D. Instrument ................................................................................................ 22

E. Data Collection Procedure ....................................................................... 22

F. Technique Analysis Data .......................................................................... 25


A. Findings .................................................................................................... 26


B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 32


A. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 35

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 36

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 38

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 41

CURRICULUM VITAE ...................................................................................... 69




Table 3.1 One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design ........................................................ 32

Table 3.2 Classifyng students’ score in reading ..................................................... 36

Table 3.3 Hypotesis testing .................................................................................... 37

Table 3.4 main score Pre-test and Post-test in Reading .......................................... 39

Table 3.5 the mean score of students’ Reading text ............................................... 40

Table 4.1 the percentage of students’ reading ability using wall magazine ............ 41

Table 4.2 the comparison t-test and t-table score reading ability using wall

magazine .................................................................................................................. 43




Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework ....................................................................... 31

Figure 2.2 Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test .................................................. 32

Figure 2.3 the Improvement of Students’ Score Reading Ability in Scanning .... 33

Figure 2.4 the Percetage of the Students’ Reading Ability in Scanning .............. 36




Appendix A Lesson Plan ..................................................................................... 47

Appendix B Pre-Test And Post-Test .................................................................... 62

Appendix C Data Analysis ................................................................................... 64

Appendix D Documentation ................................................................................ 70




A. Background

Harrison as cited in marista (2016) argues that the importance of reading is

not only related to the development of knowledge but also it is related to people

thinking capability. This capability will be the basic development of emotional,

moral, and verbal intelegence. Moreover, these development determines what

kind of person people would be. Therefore, reading is important for students both

to develop their knowledge and to develop the way they think related to the

development of moral, emotion, as well as verbal intelegence.

In this case the researcher tried to find interesting and effective way for the

students they can do their reading activity well. According to Kasihani as cited in

marhamah (2020) many students just sit, look and listen to the material that has

been verbally delivered by the teacher. Teachers feel that using conventional

methods in teaching will be easier to supervise, control and direct students, but the

students tend to become passive and less able to develop the potential that exists.

Through reading skill the students will get a lot of advantages. Reading increases

the student’s knowladge, information from what they have read, the students can

improve their vocabulary through reading the text and also Reading will make the

students to have widely knowladge.


Slameto in cited Pakpahan (2016) stated that there are internal factors and

external factors influence the students in learning. External factors for instance the

school environment could be created in order to give learning atmosphere for the

pupils. The school environment include teachers are the part of motivation triggers

for the pupils to construct their reading habit.

According to hidi (2001) said that the wall magazine should be eye-catchy

in order to attract the students’ attention and then, trigger their interest to read.

The language should be easily understood for students in purpose of generating

their confidence to read and valuing their reading competence. The content should

be selected carefully by school management and teachers to avoid unnecessary

and inappropriate content for students to read. The content of the text for wall

magazines should be interesting in its visual mode since the pupils were observed

being triggered their reading interest by visual stimulus such as a play object or

viewing a picture.

The reading has an important to help the learners to comprehend a text

they read. It is necessary to conduct a research in improving the students’ reading

skills by using wall magazine project. It allows the students to imagine and

explore association between the concepts in a passage they read Davies in susanti

(2010). When the students can represent or manipulate a complex set of the

passage in a creativity make a wall magazine, they can be able to analyse the

componen parts of the text, the researcher focused on reading skills at Senior High

School 9 Makassar, because based on the researcher’s result observation at

SMAN 9 Makassar since 20 march 2018, the researcher found the students’ less


interesting to read the books, therefore in this research the researcher tries to use

wall magazine as media to improve the students’ reading ability at SMAN 9


However, many students have difficulties in learning reading such as

students often experience or in terms of reading, English reading comprehension

is among the skills that students in Indonesia must be skilled at since the

recent tests in the Indonesia’s national examination more emphasized much on

reading Yusuf & Fauzan, (2016). Therefore the students need a strategy to

improve their reading ability.

B. Problem statement

Based on the background above, the researcher is formulated the problem

statement at SMAN 9 Makassar as follows :

1. How is the improvement of students’ used of wall magazine media in


2. How is the effective students’ in learning reading ability?

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of this study is to improvement of students’ reading ability is:

1. To figure out aim the effectiveness of using wall magazine as a media in

improving students’ reading skill.

2. To figure out aim the students’ effectiveness in learning reading ability.


D. Significant of the Research

The result of the research are expected to become useful and helpful

information to the English students’ creativity in reading, and it also hope to

motivate the researchers as well as the readers to investigate the research in

mastering reading by using Wall Magazine media in the classroom, and

contributing to the reading methodology in learning reading.

E. Scope of the Research

In this research, the researcher focused on the improving students’ reading

ability using the wall magazine media which found the specific information

and content in reading text at the eight grade SMA Negeri 9 Makassar.




A. Previous of Related Research Findings

A few researchers have been carried out the studies about the effectiveness of

wall magazine media to improve students’ reading ability. They are somehow

related to this research :

Lia (2010) in her research entitled “Using wall magazine to improve students’

motivation in writing of descriptive text (a classroom action research with 8th

grade students of MTs Al Hidayah Getassrabi Gebog Kudus in the academic year

of 2009/2010). Undergraduate (S1) thesis, IAIN Walisongo. The objectives of this

study are to describe the implementation of using wall magazine in improving

students’ motivation in writing descriptive text and To identify the improvement

of students’ motivation in writing descriptive text after being taught using wall

magazine. The study was conducted at MTs Al Hidayah Getassrabi Gebog Kudus

in the academic year of 2009-2010.

The subjects of this study were the eighth graders class A. The number of the

subject was forty-eight. Instrument that were used in collecting the data were

questionnaire, documentation, observation, test and interview.

The process of this research was conducted in three stages, including, pre

cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2. Pre cycle was done to know the initial condition

before students given wall magazine. The planning of cycle 1 was planned after


conducting pre cycle. And Cycle 2 was conducted based on the reflection results

of cycle 1. The result of this research showed the improvement of the students’

ability in writing descriptive text. It could be seen from their score. The average

on pre-test was 56,98, in cycle I got 64,81 and in cycle II got up to 72,29.

Students’ activeness to write descriptive text also improved. It means that

students’ motivation in writing descriptive was increased. So, the hypothesis can

accepted. Based on the result of the analysis, the researcher concludes that the use

of wall magazine can improve students’ motivation in writing descriptive text.

Thus, the writer recommends the using wall magazine in writing class, especially

in descriptive writing.

Wardhani (2013) in her research entitled “the implementation of project-

based learning by using wall magazine as students’ project in teaching writing

descriptive text” . The researcher described the result of the observation done

about the implementation of project-based learning to teach writing descriptive

text for the seventh graders of 26 State Junior High School Surabaya. The

observation was conducted in class VII G where the teacher implemented it in his

teaching process. The researcher did the observation for two days. The first was

conducted on 25th November 2013. The second was on 28th November 2013. The

time allocated was 2x40 minutes for each meeting. In this observation, the

researcher had a role as an observer who sat down behind the class and observed

to the all activities and behaviour between the teacher and students in the



The researcher found the implementation of project-based learning to teach

writing descriptive text in the field for seventh graders. The project was wall

magazine as the media to present the students’ writing in school public.

Moreover, the objective of this research was to know the implementation of

project-based learning by using wall magazine as students’ project to teach

writing descriptive for seventh graders and the students’ writing ability.

After conducted the observation, the researcher found that project-based

learning can be implemented to teach writing descriptive text. Besides, the project

could motivate the students to write as well. The main goal of conducting the

project was to passionate the students in learning, train them to be a critical

thinker and problem-solver, give them a responsibility in their own learning and

doing, etc.

Anawati (2016) in her research entitled “wall magazine competition to

increase the writing skill of short functional texts”. The objectives of this study

are (1) to test whether the wall magazine competition can improve the ability to

write short functional texts of eighth grade students of SMP NU Nawa Kartika

Kudus in the academic year 2015/2016 or not and (2) to explain how the eighth

grade students of SMP NU Nawa Kartika Kudus 2015/2016 academic year in the

wall magazine competition can improve students' writing skills. The form of this

research is classroom action.

This research was conducted in the classroom with the aim of improving the

ability to write short functional texts of eighth grade students of SMP NU Nawa


Kartika Kudus in the 2015/2016 academic year. The researcher chose one class to

be researched, namely class VIII B. The number of students was 40 children.

Yutantin, Y. (2018). in her research entitled “Wall magazine project in

teching narrative writing at senior high school. English Education”. Journal of

English Teaching and Research, 3(2), 142-156. This study investigated the ways

teacher employed PjBL in teaching narrative writing, students’ responses and the

result of the students’ writing at senior high school. Interview, observation, and

documentation were employed to obtain the data. The results showed that the

teacher applied the teaching and learning based on the suggested steps of PjBL

coherently with different portion of stressing. Besides that, the students’ gave

positive responses which produced some learning improvement issues; creating

positive environmental learning, fostering group cohesiveness, encouraging self-

potential learning, enrich students’ writing ability, and enhancing students’

independent learning. Accordingly, students’ group work discussion had

effectively enhanced their writing ability. In addition, students could also create

the appropriate wall magazine based on the criteria of informing and entertaining


This study recommended the teacher conduct the writing drills before coming

to the intended project of writing and compromise with other teachers related to

the time management in giving the project to the students. Other researchers were

needed to investigate the implementation of PjBL on other area of skills with

deeper investigation to get deeper responses.


The similarity between the initial research above and this research is same

using wall magazine as a learning to increase student interest in learning, while

the difference between previous research and this research is that researcher only

focus on improving students' reading in terms of skimming and scanning.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of reading

a. Reading as a language skill

Klein as cited in wulan (2018) said that young learners change

their mood very quickly so that it is not easy to make them sit for

several minutes. However,it will be different when they find something

that attracts their attention. They will have a strong will to

experience it. Teachers use it as their chance to engage young in

the teaching and learning process. The teacher needs to introduce

the happiness of reading and how reading is enjoyable. Young learners

need something colorful and visually attractive. So it will be more

enticing if the books are full color and have some representative

pictures. It helps students to understand the book clearer.

Teaching reading to young learner means the teacher has to

help young learners derive meaning as well as analyze and synthesize

what they have read in order to fulfill the purpose of reading: reading

for pleasure and information according to Linse & Nunan as cited in

wulan (2018).


Reading is a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving

meaning from the printed word. Basically, the purpose of reading is

acquiring information, knowledge, insight, and also for the pleasure of

interest that is gotten from reading materials. Reading is not easy to do

because in reading process the reader not only reads the word,

sentences, paragraphs, and texts but also should understand the contents

of reading, according to Linse as cited in fatmawati nasution (2019:6).

Pourkalhor and Kohan as cited in fatmawati nasution (2019: 6),

defined that reading is not just a single skill but a combination of many

skills and processes in which the reader interact with printed words and

texts for content and pleasure.

Alyousef as cited in fatmawati nasution (2019: 7) also defines that

reading can be seen as 7 an interactive process between a reader and

text which leads to automaticity or reading fluency, it means that the

reader should understand the text well and it is purposes to make the

students get the point of the text and whether the text means.

According to Mckool in fatmawati nasution (2019:8), reading

interest is defined as readings done when students are outside the school


Furthermore, the U.S Department of Education in fatmawati

nasution (2019:8) defined that reading interest as whether or not

students like to read in their spare time or at home or whether they like

to go to the library. Besides, reading interest is also defined by the


number of books read in a month and the number of times students read

in a week and the favorite genre and types of English reading materials.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that

Reading as a language skills aim to know wider world, adding insight

into science knowledge, and obtain informations which is very useful

for students’ better life, students can’t just focus on the textbook, but

can read through media communication for example wall magazine,

handphone, and etc.

1. Reference

According to Lattulipe in Marsiyah (2009) reference is word of

phrases that is used either before or after the reference in the reading

material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words or

phrases. It means that such words are used to be a signal to the

reader to find the meaning elsewhere in the text or sometimes is

called pronoun.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

that Bibliography/reference has an important meaning in a reading,

because with the bibliography the reader can look back on the

original source that made by writers itself.

2. Inference

When a reder adds information that he or she already knows to

what is stated, the reader making an inference. Beech in yulianti dita


(2014). In orher words, the readers can make conclusion after

reading the text.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

that there are many factors that affect the low interest in reading

students in reading, namely the influence of social media, television

and youtube entertainment, tools / media of reading, therefore

researchers will create media in the form of wall magazines, as a

means of increasing student reading interest.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is greatly related to the reading ability because it is a

major part in reading comprehension. By knowing the meanings of

the words, readers can decrease their difficulty in processing

information provided in the text. According to Brown in yusuf

(2017:46), the more vocabulary a reader has, the easier him or her

in understanding the text, in other words, an increase in vocabulary

size has noticeable effects on reading comprehension.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

that the importance of students learning vocabulary is to know the

formation of new words in the text, there are also concepts of

infliks and derivations consisting of suffix, prefix, and inflix every

words. the researcher will explain to students the concepts in the

vocabulary when conducting research.


b. Technique of reading.

1. Skimming

According to Liao in yusuf (2017), skimming is done at a

speed three to four times faster than normal reading. Readers often

skim when they have masses of materials to read in a limited

amount of time. In skimming, readers only have to take the most

important information and the main idea rather than read all of

the words Sutz & Weverka in yusuf (2017).

As skimming is related to speed, Abdelrahman and

Bsharah in yusuf (2017) propose that to improve reading speed,

readers also need to increase concentration, improve memory

and recall, and reduce sub vocalization, interruptions,

procrastination and stress. They also provide the procedure of

the skimming technique into three steps as follows :

a. read first sentence of paragraph

b. read last sentence of paragraph

c. read key words in between

They further added two skimming patterns in the process :

1. For formal style, and this is typical of most text books (with

long involved sentences and long paragraphs), therefore readers

should read using the three steps outlined above.

2. For informal style (shorter sentences and paragraphs), the

readers should read using first two steps only.


In teaching, the students are taught to skip words and learn to

select key words or phrases to captivate important information

with concentration and practice. To conclude, because

skimming technique deals with the process of rapid coverage of

reading a text to determine its gist or main idea Brown in yusuf


This is done so that they do not have to translate detailed

information in the text. And so, it is typically recommended to

read the first and the last sentence of the paragraph, because the

main idea of the text is usually stated in those parts.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

that the important for students to know skimming techniques that

can find something specific information needed in a reading text

or book quickly and more efficiently, or at the chapter headings,

subheadings, ets. can also explore each paragraph or page in a

short time.

2. Scanning

Scanning is unlike skimming, because readers are not

concerned with the broader meaning of the text, but the detail, it

involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific

words or phrases. the reader should have full concentration while

reading, be able to scan for the two or three search terms that

describe the information needed and look for italicized, bolded or


underlined words which may carry specific information in the

text Sutz & Weverka in yusuf (2017).

In this technique, the readers look for specific information

within a text such as dates, names, and places, among others.

Moreover, Brown as cited in yusuf (2017) explains that scanning

is the process of quickly searching for particular piece or pieces

of information in a text. Scanning is important to improve

reading skill. The procedures of scanning technique are Olson &

Ames as cited in yusuf (2017) :

a. Keep in mind only the particular information to be found out.

b. Make a choice, which clues would support the finding of the

required information.

Have a rush view and sweeps down the page quickly to find

out the clues. If the clues are found out, read that section to get the

information needed. Table and index within the text can also lead

the reader into the information needed.


2. Definition of wall magazine as media

In this global era, wall magazine becomes so popular among

teenagers. Therefore, by looking at that phenomenon, teacher can imitate it

as students’ project in school. Wall magazine usually tangible physical

form sheets of plywood, cardboard, or other materials with diverse sizes.

They are relatively large size is 120 cm x 240 cm. However, people can

customize the size based on their need. Wardhani (2013).

According to Nursisto as cited wardhani (2013) explained wall

magazine is one of written communication media. It is called as wall

magazine because it is presented on the wall. The visual presentation of

wall magazine can be in a form of written, picture, or the combination of

both. In wall magazine, people can organize the content creatively and

arrange it attractively.

Based on the explanation above the definition of wall magazine as

media Based Learning, the researcher will be tell students the important

wall magazine project to improve reading ability.

3. Procedure of wall magazine as media

Susanti (2010), explained how picture can improve students’

ability in writing descriptive text. It showed from the result of students’

achievement in post test that increase from pre test.

According to Muntaha (2009), wall magazines are made by

teachers/students for the internal interest of the school as a means of

communication and education as well as entertainment between students


and teachers and employees (internal) of the school. Therefore, wall

magazines are a necessity related to reading facilities and containers to

accommodate students' creativity, including the results of students' writing

skills obtained from learning in class or outside of class (extracurricular).

Wall magazines as school media are very likely to be held because they

are a form of low-cost mass media, but do not reduce the effectiveness of

the forum as part of learning activities.

According to Agus Budi Wahyudi (2018) in School Magazine

Management, in terms of content in every wall magazine there are two

main content sections, namely information, opinion, and recreation.

Briefly explained as follows: a. Information: Information is all writing that

contains news. b. Opinion: opinion is an opinion that comes from

someone's opinion. c. Recreation or Entertainment: recreation is broadly

the same as entertainment, namely writing, painting, or other forms whose

function is to create freshness in the hearts and minds of the readers.

Judging based on the publication of the school magazine, it contains: (a)

editorial or editorial rubric, (b) news rubric, (c) scientific work rubric, (d)

creative rubric, and (e) general rubric. Based on the elements, there are

three main elements, namely the name of the school magazine, the

presentation material, and the editorial composition. The editor who runs

two wall magazine managements, namely organizational management and

editorial management. The two managements have different tasks from

each other.


A. Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of this research is shown below :


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework.

In this research, the researcher analyzed the students' ability in reading

skills by using wall magazines as a learning. First, the researcher gave pre-

tests to the students in the form of reading tests, after giving a pre-test

researcher provided treatment using wall magazines as a learning media for

the students. While providing treatment, researcher focus on improving

students' reading skills. according to Brown in yusuf (2017) explains that

scanning is the process of quickly searching for particular piece or pieces

of information in a text. Scanning is important to improve reading skill. After

using the wall magazine as a learning the researcher was gave a final test or

post-test to find data using the wall magazine as a learning that can help

improve students' reading ability.


Previous students’ reading


Teaching reading using

wall magazine media

Students’ improvement

and interest in learning

throught wall magazine




A. Reasearch Design

In this research, the researcher used one-group pretest–posttest design.

Ary, Jacobs, Irvine, and Walker (2018: 250) explain that one group pretest-

posttest design usually involves three steps: (1) administering a pretest which

measuring the dependent variable; (2) applying the experimental treatment to

the subjects; and (3) administering a posttest, again measuring the dependent

variable. Differences attribute in application of the experimental treatment is

evaluation by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores.

In this research design, there is not control group. The researcher gives

pre-test to student, then, researcher gives the students’ treatment. After

treatment is given, researcher gives the student post-test.

Table 3.1 One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design

Pre Test Treatment Post test

Y1 X Y2

Notes :

Y1 = Pre-test.

X = Treatment

Y2 = Post-test.

(Ary et al., 2018: 250)


B. Research Variable

1. Independent variable was the students reading achievement in wall


2. Dependent variable was the students’ reading ability that effective using

wall magazine.

C. Population and Sample of Research

1. Population

The research population was the second grade students of SMA

Negeri 9 Makassar which consisted of 1.187 students.

2. Sample

The researcher used cluster random sampling, it takes 2 class, the

researcher took XI MIA 7 and XI MIA 8 as an experimental class

consisted of 30 students.

D. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used pre-experimental According to

Sugiyono (2014), that the research instrument relates to the validity and

reliability of the instrument and the quality of data collection. Instrument

Research is a tool used by researchers to make work easier In collecting

research data, the research instruments used by The authors in this study are:

observations, and tests.

According to Nurgiyantoro (2014) the test is a form of measurement,

and tests are one way to get information (competence, knowledge, and skills)

about students. Nurgiyantoro said that the collection of information through


tests is usually done through giving a set of tasks, exercises, or questions that

must be done by students being tested.

In this research, the research use reading test online as an Instrument in

collecting data, the students read text and answer the question give limited

time to read also the students must to know about the structure in writing and

about the content using wall magazine as a media to improve students reading


E. Procedure of Collecting Data

1. Giving the pre-test

The pre-test is administered before the researcher present the use of wall

magazine media throught scanning technique. It is aimed to know

students’ knowledge in the reading ability.

2. Giving the treatment

The treatment concluded the following procedures :

A. First Meeting

a. The researcher gave the pre test to students answer the question on the

zoom meeting.

b. The reseracher explained how do excercises.

c. The researcher limited time to the students to read and answer the


B. Second meeting

1. The researcher gave students time to read the kinds of text has the

teacher gave to the zoom meeting.

2. The researcher asked students to how many kinds of text students read.


3. The researcher instructed students to make some text with the themes

that have been determined by the teacher before.

C. Third meeting

1. The students listened to the researcher explanation of scanning

material using power point via zoom meeting.

2. The researcher asked students about the scanning technique in reading.

3. The researcher explained how to do exercises.

4. The researcher gave homework to do exercises using wall magazine.

D. Four meeting

1. The researcher collected exercises students’ that was given last week.

2. The reseacher asked students to make 4 kinds of text in reading.

3. The researcher asked students to created wall magazine include 4 text

as follow descriptive text, recount text, narrative text, recount text.

4. The researcher asked students to read 4 text and understanding the


5. The students have done doing the task.

3. Post-test

After doing the treatment, the Post test were given to students, it aims to

know the effectivenes of implementation wall magazine project using

scanning technique in reading ability for students.


F. Procedure of Data Analysis

1. Text

In analyzing the data collected throught pre-test and post-test the

researcher used the procedure as follow :

Tabel 3.2 Classifyng the student rubric score in reading

Rated aspect Quality Score Clasification Explanation

Content 40 35– 40 SB Mastering the topic of writing; substantive;

development of complete short story text;

relevant to the topic under discussion.

25– 30 B Simply master the problem; enough

adequate; limited observation development;

relevant to the topic but lacking in detail.

20– 25 C Limited problem control; substance not enough; insufficient topic development.

10– 15 K Not mastering the problem; there is not any

substance; irrelevant; or not worth judging

Structure 40 35– 40 SB Smooth expression; ideas are clearly expressed; congested; well organized; logical order; cohesive.

25– 30 B Not that smooth; less organized but idea

main turns out; limited support; logical but incomplete.

20– 25 C Not smooth; confused or unrelated ideas;

less logical sequence and development.

10– 15 K Not communicative; disorganized; or

not worth assessing.

Nurgiantoro (2014)

Table 3.3 Reading Rating Scale


2. Calculating the mean score of students’ answer in both pre-test and post-

test by this formula:

𝑥 =∑ 𝑥


Note : x = Mean Score

∑ 𝑥 = The row score

N = Number of subject

(Sudjiono, 2003 : 78)

3. Calculating the percentage of students improvement based on pre-test and

post test:

P = 𝑋2−𝑋1

𝑋1 𝑥 100%


P= Percentage

X2= Average score of Post-test

X1= Average score of Pre-test

(Sudjiono, 2003 : 76)

4. Computing the frequency and rate percentage of students’ score :

P =𝐹

𝑁 𝑥 100%

Where : P = Percentage

N = Total number of students

F = Frequency

(sudjiono,2003 : 40)


5. To find out significant differences score of students’ reading skill,

researcher use t-test:


√∑ 𝐷2 −(∑𝐷)2

𝑁𝑁(N − 1)


t = Test of significant difference

�̅� = The mean of the difference score

∑𝐷 = The sum of all score

∑𝐷2 = The square of the sum for difference

N = The total number of sample.

(Sudjiono,2003 : 326)

6. The criteria for the hypothesis testing is as follows:

Table 3.4 Hypothesis Testing

Comparison Hypothesis

H0 H1

t-test < t-table Accepted Rejected

t-test > t-table Rejected Accepted

The table above meant (1) the t-test value is smaller than t-

table value, the null hypothesis is accepted, while the alternative

hypothesis is rejected, and (2) the t-test value is equal to greater than

t-table value, the null hypothesis is rejected while the alternative is





A. Findings

The findings of the research based on the result of data analysis, the students’

mean score of the pre-test and post-test, the rate percentage and frequency of the

students’ scores answer the task and the interest. These findings are described as

follows :

Table 3.5 Mean Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Reading

Reading ability

Pre test Post test

X = 60,5 X = 75,50

From the results of the reseach in the pre-test researcher found the reults

of students knowladge in reading, especially in scanning was 60,5 (fair) because

of the students were by limited knowladge about technic scanning, small reading

subtance, and inadequate topic development, the students’ ideas was still

confusing or disturbing, reading had no logical sequence or free text development.

From the results of the post-test research, researcher found an increase in

students knowladge outcomes in reading, especially in Scanning was 75,50 (good)

because students were to read some knowladge about technic scanning on media

wall magazine project.


Based on the result of the analysis above, it can be conluded mean score

pre test scanning is lower than mean score of students’ post test scanning, that is

more clearly shown in the chart below :

Figure 2.2 Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test

The finding deal with the students’ mean score, pre-test and post-test

improvement and also the significance between the students’ score of the pre-test,

it could be seen the result of data analysis was follow :

1. the improvemennt of students’ Reading ability in term of scaning

Table 4.1 the mean score of students’ Reading text in scanning

Pre Test Post test Improvement

60,5 75,50 19,86%

Based on the table, it indicates that the improvement of students’ reading

ability by using media wall magazine in term of scanning technique was

successful. The students’ mean score in pre-test was 60,5 (fair) and the students’

mean score in post-test was 75,50 (good). So, the improvement of the students’ of










pre test post test

scanning 2

scanning 1


the students’ reading ability in term of scanning between pre-test to post-test was


Based on the result of analysis above, it can be conclude that students’

score of post-test was higher than pre-test, it means that, there was influence of

the students’ reading ability in term of scanning, it is more clearly showed in the

chart below :

Figure 2.3 the improvement of students’ score reading ability in scanning

2. the percentage of the improving students’ reading ability in term of scanning.

The following table and chart show the percentage improvement of

students’ reading ability in term of scanning before and after giving techniqie







very poor poor fair good very good






Table 4.2 the percentage of students’ reading ability in content & structure

No. Classification Score Reading

Pre Test Post Test

Frequency (%) Frequency (%)

1. Very good 86-100 0 0 0 0

2. Good 71-85 0 0 16 53,4

3. Fair 56-70 19 63,4 14 46,7

4. Poor 41-55 5 16,7 0 0

5. Very poor 0-40 6 20 0 0

Total 30 100 30 100

The table above shows the result of students’ reading ability in term of

scanning in pre-test and post-test, in pre-test, 6 students (20%) got very poor

score, 5 students (16,7%) classified into poor, 19 students (63,4%) classified into

no body got good and very good in pre-test. In post-test, there were 14 students

(46,7%) classified into fair score , 16 students (53,4%) classified into good score,

no body classified into very good, poor, and very poor score.


The data was also shown in the chart below :

Figure 2.4 the percentage of the students’ reading ability

3. Hypotesis testing

The hypotesis was tested by using inferential analysis, in this case, the

researcher used t-test (test of significance) for independent sample test, that was a

test to know the significanct difference between the result of students’ mean

scores in pretest and posttest the writer used t-test analysis on the level significant

(α) = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N – 1, where N = Number of subject

(30 students) then the value of t-table was 2.045 the t-test statistical, analysis for

independent sample was applied.









pre-test post-test

very good




very poor

0 0






0 0


Table 4.3 the comparison t-test and t-table score of the students’ reading ability

Indicators T-test T-able description

Scanning 14,88 2.045 significant

Table 4.5 show that the value of t-test is higher than the value of t-table,

the t-test value of reading ability in term of scanning was greater than t-table

(14,88>2.045) it is said that the null hypotesis (H0) was rejected and alternative

hypotesis (H1) was accepted, it meant that there was a significance difference

between the result of the students’ scanning in reading ability by using wall

magazine as a media project of treatment.


B. Discussions

In this part, discussion deals with the interpretation of the findings

derivered from the result of experiment and the researcher’s notes during the

zoom meeting. It examines the result of treatment teaching and learning process

toward the used of wall magazine media to improve reading ability at the second

grade of SMAN 9 Makassar city of Makassar on 2020/2021 academic year which

is conducted during 6 meetings.

The description of the data collected test in the previous section shows that

the students’ reading ability was improved. It was supported by frequency and the

rate percentage of the students’ score in pre-test and post-test, there was different

result between pre-test and pos-test in teaching reading using wall magazine

media, the researcher may say that the teaching reading throught wall magazine is

a effective to improving students’ reading ability significantly increased.

This result is in line with lia (2010) who states that the process of this

research was conducted in three stages, including, pre cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2.

Pre cycle was done to know the initial condition before students given wall

magazine. The planning of cycle 1 was planned after conducting pre cycle. And

Cycle 2 was conducted based on the reflection results of cycle 1. The result of this

research showed the improvement of the students’ ability in writing descriptive

text. It could be seen from their score. The average on pre-test was 56,98, in cycle

I got 64,81 and in cycle II got up to 72,29. Students’ activeness to write


descriptive text also improved. It means that students’ motivation in writing

descriptive was increased. So, the hypothesis can accepted. Based on the result of

the analysis, the researcher concludes that the use of wall magazine can improve

students’ motivation in writing descriptive text. Thus, the writer recommends the

using wall magazine in writing class, especially in descriptive writing.

Siti hotimah (2018) states that the students reading comprehension was

significant by Scanning technique. the collected data were analyzed by using IBM

statistical SPSS version 24. The result of data analysis showed an increase of the

average score of experiment class from 20,47 to 30.70, and the average score of

control class from 13,47 to 17,57. It prove that each class has increased, but which

increased higher was experiment class. It means that there are significant effect in

the experiment class by using Scanning Technique, than the control class that

using another technique in learning process. and than there is a significant effect

of Scanning technique on the students reading comprehension on narrative text at

the eleventh grade of SMA Tunas Bangsa in academic year 2018/2019

significantly increased.

Hasanah (2020) in her states that the students ability in reading text after

the implementation of scanning technique is improved. She applied scanning

technique with test it was found that the mean score between the pre-test (69,25)

and post-test (81,43), the mean score in the post-test was better than in pre-test.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results of data analysis of findings in the previous chapter,

the researcher concluding that :

1. The use of wall magazine project as media is effective in teaching reading

text in terms of scanning technique, as evidenced by the mean score of content

before and after treatement 60,5 to 75,50 increased 19,86% with t-test values

greater that t-table (14,88>2.045).

2. The strategy use of wall magazine project it was make the students more

active, reading continuously involved the conventional activity in which students

was read, the students also was got the main idea, inference , and information

from the many text that researcher was given, futhermore the result of technique

scanning in reading make students was interest and happy do wall magazine

project, Alhamdulillah the students at class second grade SMAN 9 MAKASSAR

understood the way of this method.


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher tries to give some

suggestion for anyone who read this thesis as follows :

1. For Education

Using wall magazine project in teaching and leaning process is the most

effective in reading English lesson, not to bored for read the many text throught

scanning technique.

2. For the Students

There are a lot of benefit this media of wall magazine project for students

are can improve the students’ reading ability in learning, also can understood a lot

of new vocabulary, than creativity create the wall magazine and technique reading

fast, this for english lesson students can repeat reading many text also can

increase students interest in learning.

3. For the English Teacher

For the english teacher at Senior High School 9 Makassar, the apply of the

wall magazine is one media that can be considered in teaching english to help

improve students’ reading ability.

4. For Next Researcher

For next resesarcher, it is assumed that the implementation of wall

magazine can interest media in learning and teaching especially in reading, so


this thesis recomended to next researcher and school make this strategy and

technique scanning in the class.



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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Reading the text on the wall magazine

Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit (5x pertemuan)

Hari/tanggal : 20 Oktober

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. 3.2

Membanding kan

teks cerita, baik

melalui lisan

maupun tulisan.

a. Menemukan topik untuk menulis

cerita pendek

b. Menulis kerangka cerita dengan

memperhatikan karateristik cerita

(unsur pembangun : pelaku, peristiwa,

latar, konflik)

c. Mengembangkan kerangka yang telah

dibuat (pelaku, peristiwa, latar, konflik)

dengan memperhatikan pilihan kata,

tanda baca, dan ejaan.


4.2 Mengumpulkan

teks cerita, yang

sesuai dengan

karakteristik teks

dan di buat melalui

majalah dinding

secara tertulis

maupun lisan


B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama

Setelah diberikan contoh scanning siswa mampu:

1. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif membaca dalam teknik scanning

berdasarkan materi dan arahan yang diberikan dengan tepat.

2. Mengidentifikasi cara membaca siswa dalam teknik scanning berdasarkan

materi yang diberikan dengan tepat.

3. Mengidentifikasi unsur membaca dalam teknik scanning berdasarkan

materi yang diberikan dengan tepat.

4. Membacakan dan menemukan topic dan informasi dalam teks dengan

teknik scanning dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Mengenali jenis-jenis teks seperti :

- Recount text

- Descriptive text

- Report text

- Narrative text

2. Gambar dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi di

majalah dinding

3. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, dan kecepatan membaca

menggunakan teknik scanning ketika mempresentasikan secara


D. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Metode Ilmiah (scientific approach)


E. Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Media

kertas karton,spidol warna, gambar, dan application zoom.

2. Sumber Pembelajaran

a). Keteladan ucapan peneliti menggunakan media di setiap tindakan

komunikasi interpersonal dan personal dengan benar dan akurat.

F. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Peertemuan 1


Deskripsi Alokasi waktu

1. The researcher gave the pre test to students answer

the question on the zoom meeting.

2. The reseracher explained how do excercises.

3. The researcher limited time to the students to read

and answer the question

1 jam

Pertemuan ke 2


Deskripsi Alokasi waktu

1. The researcher gave students time to read the kinds

of text has the teacher gave to the zoom meeting.

2. The researcher asked students to how many kinds

of text students read.

3. The researcher instructed students to make some

text with the themes that have been determined by

the teacher before.

1 jam

Pertemuan ke 3


Deskripsi Alokasi Waktu

1. The students listened to the researcher explain

material using power point via zoom meeting.

2. The researcher asked students about the use wall

magazien in reading.

3. The researcher explained how to do exercises.

4. The researcher gave homework to do exercises

using wall magazine.

1 jam

Pertemuan ke 4

Deskripsi Alokasi waktu

1. The researcher collected exercises students’ that

was given last week.

2. The reseacher asked students to make 4 kinds of

text in reading.

3. The researcher asked students to create wall

magazine include 4 text as follow descriptive text,

recount text, narrative text, recount text.

4. The researcher asked students to read 4 text and

understanding the text.

1 jam

Pertemuan ke 5

Deskripsi Alokasi waktu

1. The Researcher Control to created wall magazine in

group whatsApp

1 jam

Pertemuan ke 6


Deskripsi Alokasi waktu


1. The Researcher Collected students’ wall magazine


30 menit




Pre Test

Name :

Class :


Do the question below for 30 minutes!

Source : Google

1. The genre of the text above is?

2. How many films that Raditya Dika has?


Source : Google

1. The genre of the text above is?

2. how far they go destinations?

Source : Google

1. The genre of the text above is?

2. what like character bawang merah?


Source : Google

1. The genre of the text above is?

2. how many programs radio station have, please mention?

Good Luck ☺


Post Test

Name :

Class :


Do the question below for 30 minutes!

Source : Google

Descriptive Text

Read the following text to answer question number 1-3

1. what like singapore city?

2. how much restaurants sell chinese?


Source : Google

Read the following text to answer question number 1-3

1. who is bought a lot of things text above?

2. what often he go to supermarket?


Source : Google

Read the following text to answer question number 1-3

1. who is slept longer in the text above?

2. who is laughing when turtle being so slow walking?


Source : Google

Read the following text to answer question number 1-3

1. how many functions long trunks the elephants’ have? (Please mention)

2. what do elephants’ tusks look like?

Good Luck ☺



C.1. the List of Students

C.2 the Students’ row scrores of pre-test

C.3 the Students’ Row Scores of Post-test

C.4 the Students’ scores of pre-test (X1) and post-test (X2) , Gain/Different

between the matched paors (D), and square of the post-test

C.5 Scoring classificationof students pre-test and post-test

C.6 Table frequency and rate percentage of the stidents pre-test and post-


C.7 Calculation of mean score of pre-test, post-test and gain (D)

C.8 the Percentage of the students’ improvement writing ability

C.9. Calculating test of sigmificance

C.10. Table distribution of T-Value





No. Sample Code

1. Natasya Amalia NA

2. Febi Febriani FF

3. Jelita Dwi JD

4. Andi Putri Zhahnaz APZ

5. Nurul Qadriani NQ

6. Febrianti Maria FM

7. Firda Mauliani Dalif FMD

8. Hermansyah Adi HA

9. Muh Khaerul Akbar MKA

10. Shainul Ali SA

11. Andi Faturrahman AF

12. Very Chandra VC

13. Muh Rezki Aditya MRA

14. Laura Agazhi LA

15. Jessely Danti JD

16. Nur Annisa Masyita NAM

17. Muh Hattaibah MH

18. Hambali H

19. Adhan A

20. Hijir Ismail HI

21. Hanifa Hasri HH

22. Nur Asizah Askari NAA

23. Mercia M

24. Putri Anggraini PA

25. Tiara Haris TH

26. Pebrianto P

27. Fitriani Ramadhani FR

28. Wiwied Claudya WC

29. Muh Hattaibah MH

30. Cindy Atika CA



The Students’ Row of Pre-test

Respondents Pre-test

Content & structure

NA 50

FF 60

JD 45

APZ 60

NQ 45

FM 70

FMD 60

HA 45

MKA 35

SA 75

AF 70

VC 55

MRA 45

LA 75

JD 70

NAM 70

MH 75

H 65

A 70

HI 60

HH 55

NAA 45

M 75

PA 65


TH 55

P 65

FR 70

WC 55

MH 70

CA 60


Ʃ x = 1.815

Mean score (X)

X = 60,5



The Students’ Row of Post-test

Respondents Post-test

Content and structure

NA 75

FF 80

JD 75

APZ 80

NQ 75

FM 80

FMD 80

HA 75

MKA 65

SA 75

AF 75

VC 80

MRA 65

LA 80

JD 80

NAM 80

MH 65

H 80

A 75

HI 80

HH 80

NAA 70

M 60

PA 75


TH 75

P 80

FR 75

WC 80

MH 75

CA 75


Ʃ X = 2265

Mean Score (X)

X = 75,50


The students’ Scores of Pre-test (X1) and post-test (X2) , Gain/Difference between

The matched pairs (D), and square of gain (D2)

1. Scanning


Content and structure

Pre test Post test D (X2-X1) D2

NA 50 75 25 625

FF 60 80 20 400

JD 45 75 30 900

APZ 60 80 20 400

NQ 45 75 30 900

FM 70 80 10 100

FMD 60 80 20 400


HA 45 75 30 900

MKA 35 65 30 900

NN 75 75 0 0

AF 70 75 5 25

VC 55 80 25 625

MRA 45 65 20 400

LA 75 80 5 25

JD 70 80 10 100

NAM 70 80 10 100

MH 75 65 10 100

H 65 80 15 225

A 70 75 5 25

HI 60 80 20 400

HH 55 80 25 625

NAA 45 70 25 625

M 75 60 15 225

PA 65 75 10 100

TH 55 75 20 400

P 65 80 15 225

FR 70 75 5 25

WC 55 80 25 625

MH 70 75 5 25

NA 60 75 15 225


∑ = 1815

Ʃx = 2265

∑d =500


C.5 Classification of students’ pre-test and post-test


1. The Classification of students’ Scanning Score

Code Content and structure

Pre test Classification Post test Classification

NA 50 Poor 75 fair

FF 60 Fair 80 good

JD 45 very poor 75 fair

APZ 60 Fair 80 good

NQ 45 very poor 75 fair

FM 70 fair 80 good

FMD 60 Fair 80 good

HA 45 very poor 75 fair

MKA 35 very poor 65 fair

NN 75 Fair 75 fair

AF 70 Fair 75 fair

VC 55 poor 80 good

MRA 45 very poor 65 fair

LA 75 Fair 80 good

JD 70 Fair 80 good

NAM 70 Fair 80 good

MH 75 Fair 65 fair

H 65 Fair 80 good

A 70 Fair 75 fair

HI 60 Fair 80 good

HH 55 poor 80 good

NAA 45 very poor 70 fair

M 75 Fair 60 fair

PA 65 Fair 75 fair

TH 55 poor 75 fair


P 65 Fair 80 good

FR 70 Fair 75 fair

WC 55 poor 80 good

MH 70 Fair 75 fair

NA 60 Fair 75 good

C.6 the Percentage of the Students’ Improvement in Reading Ability

1. the percentage of the students’ reading ability in Scanning

No. Classification Score Scanning

Pre Test Post Test

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

1. Very good 86-100 0 0% 0 0%

2. Good 71-85 0 0% 14 46,7%

3. Fair 56-70 19 63,4% 16 53,4%

4. Poor 41-55 5 16,7% 0 0

5. Very poor 0-40 6 20% 0 0

Total 30 100% 30 100%

APPENDIX C.7. Mean Score of the Pre-test, Post-test, and Gain (D)

1. Data analysis of reading

a. Score of students’ pre-test in reading

X̅1 = Ʃ𝑋1


X̅1 = 1.815


X̅1 = 60,5 (Fair)


b. Mean score of studets’ post-test in reading

X̅1 = Ʃ𝑋2


X̅1 = 2.265


X̅1 = 75,50 (Good)

2. the Students’ Mean Score of Gain (D)

Md = Ʃ 𝑑


Md = 500


Md = 16.66


The percentage of students’ Improvement in Reading Ability

1. the Students’ Improvement in reading

Pre test score is 60.5

Post Test Score is 75,50

The improvement of students’ score in Scanning from pre-test to post test :

P = X2 – X1

X2 𝑥 100 %

= 75,50 – 60,5

75,50 𝑥 100 %

= 15

75,50 𝑥 100 %

= 1.500


= 19,86%


The Students’ Improvement from pre-test to post test is 19,86

APPENDIX C.9. Calculating test significance of Reading Ability

a. Test of Significant of Scanning

T = 𝑀𝑑

√∑ 𝑑2 –(∑ 𝑑)2


= 16,66

√10550− (500)2


= 16,66




= 16,66

√10550− 833,3





= 16,66



= 16,66


= 16,66


= 14,88


C.10. Table Distribution of T-Value


Degree of freedom (df) = ta/2(df) = t 0,5/2(n-1) = t 0,025 (30-1) t 0,25 (29) = 2.045

Pr 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001

Df 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.050 0.02 0.010 0.002

1 1.000 3.077 6.313 12.706 31.820 63.656 318.308

2 0.816 1.885 2.919 4.30 3 6.964 9.924 22.327

3 0.764 1.637 2.353 3.182 4.540 5.840 10.214

4 0.740 1.533 2.131 2.776 3.746 4.604 7.173

5 0.726 1.475 2.015 2.570 3.364 4.032 5.893

6 0.717 1.439 1.943 2.446 3.142 3.707 5.207

7 0.711 1.414 1.894 2.364 2.997 3.499 4.785

8 0.706 1.396 1.859 2.306 2.896 3.355 4.500

9 0.702 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.249 4.296

10 0.699 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.763 3.169 4.143

11 0.697 1.363 1.795 2.200 2.718 3.105 4.024

12 0.695 1.356 1.782 2.178 2.681 3.054 3.929

13 0.693 1.350 1.770 2.160 2.650 3.012 3.851

14 0.692 1.345 1.761 2.144 2.624 2.976 3.787

15 0.691 1.340 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.946 3.732

16 0.690 1.336 1.745 2.119 2.583 2.920 3.686

17 0.689 1.333 1.739 2.109 2.566 2.898 3.645

18 0.688 1.330 1.734 2.100 2.552 2.878 3.610

19 0.687 1.327 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.860 3.579

20 0.686 1.325 1.724 2.085 2.527 2.845 3.551

21 0.686 1.323 1.720 2.079 2.517 2.831 3.527

22 0.685 1.321 1.717 2.073 2.508 2.818 3.504

23 0.685 1.319 1.713 2.068 2.499 2.807 3.484

24 0.684 1.317 1.710 2.063 2.492 2.796 3.466

25 0.684 1.316 1.708 2.059 2.485 2.787 3.450

26 0.684 1.314 1.705 2.055 2.478 2.778 3.435

27 0.683 1.313 1.703 2.051 2.472 2.770 3.421

28 0.683 1.312 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.408

29 0.683 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.396

30 0.682 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.385

31 0.682 1.309 1.695 2.039 2.452 2.744 3.374

32 0.682 1.308 1.693 2.036 2.448 2.738 3.365

33 0.682 1.307 1.692 2.034 2.444 2.733 3.356

34 0.681 1.306 1.690 2.032 2.441 2.728 3.347

35 0.681 1.306 1.689 2.030 2.437 2.723 3.340

(Subana, et al, 2005:206)











Ummul Mukminin was born on April 14, 1998 in

Makassar. She is second child, has one brother and two

sisters from the marriage partner Aris and Rosminih, her

beloved parents. She started her education as an

kindergarten at Islam Musjihad 2003 and graduated in

2004. In the same year she continue at Inpres Minasaupa

Elementrary School student and graduated in 2010. She

registered as student at SMPN 29 Makassar and graduated

in 2013. Then she continued her education at SMKN 6 Makassar and graduated in

2016. Futhermore, the researcher decided to continue her study at English

Dapartement of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis entitled the

Effectiveness of Wall Magazine Project to Improve students’ ability at Senior

High School (A Pre-Experimental Research at the second Grade of SMAN 9