The English Civil War

The English Civil War. I. Elizabeth I & Parliament Parliament = right to approve taxes/pass laws 1530s: Henry VIII (Prot.) Par. = represented people in

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The English Civil War

I. Elizabeth I & Parliament

Parliament = right to approve taxes/pass laws 1530s: Henry VIII (Prot.) Par. = represented people in govt. (restraint

on monarchy) Two Houses:

House of the Lords House of Commons

Par. questioned Elizabeth’s govt. policies

II. Roots of English Revolution

Elizabeth never married 1603: James Stuart of Scotland) = King James I

England & Scotland ruled by same monarch

A. James I

Finance & foreign policy = most attention Strong supporter of Anglican church

Little tolerance of Puritans Created the King James Bible

Main opposition = Par. (Puritans) Could never raise enough $ in taxes to finance

policies Par. objected to James’s methods

B. Charles I

1625: James died ---Charles I took over Tension betw. monarchy & people exploded

Divine right of rule----out of touch w/people Married Fr. Catholic (Henrietta Maria) Forced people to lend $

1628: Petition of Right – Charles signed Would not levy taxes w/out Par’s consent Would not impose martial law Would not house soldiers in private homes Would not imprison people w/out specific charge

Important = set forth idea that law was higher than king

Charles wanted to govern w/out opposition Did not call Par. into session for 11 yrs. Levied taxes---resentment grew

Head of Anglican Church Offended Puritans ---- many left for Amer. (1630s) *CHARLES OPPOSED PURITAN SUPPORTERS


III. English Civil War

1637: Charles tried to impose a liturgy based on the Book of Common Prayer (Anglican) in Scotland Scots = Presbyterian Catholicism? ONE RELIGION!

Scots raised an army---defeated Charles in Scotland & England Needs more $ Par. limits royal power

Citizens were divided: King’s supporters = royalists or cavaliers

Anglicans, Catholics, nobles Parliament supporters = Puritans

1642-1649: supporters & opponents of King Charles fought English Civil War

Oliver Cromwell (Puritan) New Model Army (1645)---defeated Charles 1649: Charles found guilty of treason, & beheaded

*First time a monarch faced public trial & execution

A. Cromwell’s Rule

1649: he abolished the monarchy & House of Lords

Est. a commonwealth (republic) Tried twice to est. a constitution, but failed Became military dictator put down uprising in Ireland

B. Puritan Morality

Cromwell & Puritans = reform society Abolished theater, sports, dancing Favored religious toleration, except for Catholics

IV. Restoration & Revolution

1658: Cromwell died & his govt. collapsed 1659: New Par. selected & Charles II came

to power

A. Charles II Rules

Restored the monarchy --- prd. known as the Restoration

1679: habeas corpus passed by Par. Prisoner had rights Monarch could not wrongly imprison someone

B. James II Rules

1685: James II became king James = Catholic (offended many) 1688: James’s 2nd wife bore a son (Cath.

dynasty?) Mary (older daughter & Prot.) ---husband was

William of Orange (Netherlands) 1688: Wm. led army to London --- Glorious


V. Limits on Monarch’s Power

Wm. & Mary = Par. is PARTNER! England became a constitutional monarchy

(laws limited ruler’s power)

A. Bill of Rights

1689: Par. drafted Bill of Rights to clarify limits of royal power No suspending of Par’s laws No levying taxes w/out grant from Par. No interfering w/Par’s freedom of speech No penalty for person who petitions king about
