THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MARCH 13 1901 r 7 HELP WAXTED FEMALE WAXTED Actrew or smibrettc vasdeville sketch siag r preferred excellent lOX IIP WAXTED Woman from 9a ro to G p ra for lK Hew k and sewing Apply 1S23 H st nvr cl- WAXTED A colored woman to do cooking and general housework good wages if suited Call at 122 4th st sc cl- WAXTED Three white wonwa housekeeper chambermaid other nurse call at once Enquire UK 21th et nw cl WASTED White gicl or woman to cook do- hoesework for very small family no toshim or ireaw giMxl rages to right party Call 32G 1- 1st ffc I1 to 2 1 m cl- WAXTED White woman or girl for general Iwusewotk in family cf three adults good home to ifekt pcfsoa Address SW K st ne cl WASTED A capable woman for general house- work aad cooking must stay nights refs re- quired 115 C St se vlS2- WAXTED A lady to iwtroduce an educational work to mothers of children 15 per week for one order a lay names and addresses will be fwaisbed also if desired an instructor Box lOG IfcfeoSfce el- WAXTED Heliable competent woman for housework ia flat Apply 415 nth st ne 31 flat el- VVAXTED Colored girl about IS Virginian for housework 124S llth st nw cl lady foWcrs at DULLER AHT TRESS 405 llth st ml WAXTED Girl to learn barber trade Apply 412 HKh st HW ml WAXTED Four good plain cooks three diem bennaids Rood wagei En iuire THE OLD V1K lIMA AGEXCY 1632 llth st flu nil WANTED Cook 16 six waitresses for new din ingroera fire general bouseworkers two office cleaners city mid country people SHACKLE FOHDS 03 E st nw ml- WAXTEO Experienced chambermaid and wait rees plain cook 16 colored nurse 12th and U ate reoHi 4 honk buildisg ml WANTED Respectable young lady with good ap pearance as saleslady ia ladies tailoring estab- lislimeHt rau t have best of references none others need apply S13 15th st ml WANTED Coeks waitresses chambermaids waiters dishwasher plenty steady work small charges OlSce 3Us 4 st nw ml- WAXTED A ymmjr white woman to do light homework and attend to two small children Ap ply at 727 13 h st se after 5 oclock pm ml WASTED Yoang cashier for cafe state salary and experience Address C W 1200 nw ml WAXTED Four women firstcl ss cool general worker chambermaid laundress and nurse En quire 1232 9th st nil WASTED Girls to sew at dresKnakhig also 3Rprn ti s WELLES 1003 nw ml WAXTED Xeat tidy colored woman to wash dishes at TilE ALBION CAFE 500 llth st nw ml WASTED A reliable working housekeeper or iMftnagie chambermaid for boarding house Ap 4y SIS C st nw 11 to 12 am i- IVAXTED Cook S20 chambermaid S14 nurse for one ckiM Apply 3200 Xew York ave nw ml- WAXTED Competent white cook with good ref- er ics Apply 1717 P st nw ml WAXTED By lady ia Government office a ca- pable reliable white or colored girl for general housework stay at night Call after 5 oclock 1340 O st ml- WAXTSD Itaghr intelligent TOGSJT lady to as- sist with office work Apply at NATIONAL EX CRATING COMPAXVS buildiBg llth st and Pa eve ml33- WAXTED Good girl for housework white or colored Address BOX 99 this office nil WAXTED Competent white servant for general housework two ia family 2022 X st nw in I- WAXTED Tailoress on fine peals BEN BO lUCK room 5 510 7th it nw ral32I- VAXTED Xeat cook white or colored go family 1015 X Y ave ml- WAXTED Two experienced white waitresses Apply this morning at COBBS HOTEL rnl32 WASTED A steady reliable colored do plata cooHns and general housework family of three persons 1S37 M st ml WANTED Colored woman to do cooking and gen- eral feeesewerk references required 1533 T st nw ml- ArAXTED Oirl for general housework Call 1502- Keneaaw ave BW tel WAXTJSD A good cook 2HX 14th st mlI- VASTHD A experienced goods and miMi nrr saleslady 324 4 st sw ml WAXTKD lady wist write plain to take or- ders 4 week peraaacnt Basement 515 si nw nil VVAXTEIJ A girl for general housework waafcane nwt be neat worker 1432 II t ne- IVAXTED Woman for geaeral housework o fruit fan Bear Alcana Ya ALes C U 5- a H M123- WAXTED W- ewreet at ftrurtg oeee need apply be rapid writer and 611- WAXT D Expeoeneed help en tee eestom rests iseed pay CM G st aw top floor ial S- ticc e M i ave a cll3W- AXTESJ Firetctess hand shirt st3UJd rd hand lacadrv 30S3 llth st aw- WANTEll Whit girls to e rm a trade paid nfcHi kamiog idress in persoa 325 B st ac- IIELI VAXTED3IAXE AND KE3IALEV- AXTBB M t women solicitors to intro dnee the Most taking novelties made good sweats nuke SIS to 25 per week Call before or after i room 12 612 F st nw ml315- WAXTED Uy welreeownead teacher private jwjjHj chihiree coached for public schoels wqlte helped etc AtkJress BOX 166 this n m33- R 1IOO ES SOUThERN AGEXCY Eatab- iA d 1S92 1S W et BW ml- WAXTED Stadenta to learn telesraphy tausat br an expert TIlE DIULLERY 504 llth st- nw se VAXTED- WAS5IK A few good agents steady work fer- racbt parties Call at 31S Mh st nw ml- VfAXTED Ca bonanza for live WAXTED Salesman to H our Vulcan boils Jut ami ItfKhciaas labrieants liberal to competent MB ThE VLLCAX CHEMICAL CO Cltvtlamj Ofct ishfllOlZ CATHOLIC AGENTS Outnt free men or women y write at once C P i L CO SITUATIONS WASTED KE3IA1EI- VAXTED By a re pecUble girl place 3 genteel hcnf o r rk f in smalt j riv te good ref 23- 7rifc1Nr cl WASTED By white MMIMB situation at cook rind lawodres city oc couotry 177 8th st aw- el j I I opportunitY i34 ece ci general I lady IV C- st Pet North nice woman tc nat sky Itt S 2 st must other IA avt nw WATEDG34 to sew o ests also na appren ironer elI WANTIJpttIed eokwed wea Oaliafser7p WMehs l1oe elII 1 cad back- ward thee a agenh a J y mom poiR Bltck Giant antirust roof terms er 3M llssbosa at Chiego IlL xnwSiiS < ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > WASTED By a recpevfaiUe widow lady Jo take fjftrxr of a furnMw l how or diningroow has od espfricote ia the kusinesa Address BOX 1C- Jkfe itc ml- WA3TrBI ny I Jy of r neweat position as t invalid or elderly lady Address BOX 97 this office MJS3I- ffAXTKH Experienced ea treiM will go out b- rle tbf roe day Address BOX S3 tkU- UAJflED r Kahfe woe a good home in i imftt fjHMly reforeuces eschauged Apply lit 1J st rr ml WTAXTKDBr a t t reliable colored girl posh tiMt as MMsr er chambermaid private family rtfafone Call at Kgtt It I eve w ml- XASTKI By eperi nc a colored woman wash Jag te 4o at iome or morning work best refer Advs 221s Clvehi l ave nw ml WAKTKli l i situation in pfcotogwph gal l ry r cepiivti room good memory tot npmes and addressed Addrew BOX 65 this of lrJBSTCLASS 4ret auik r wishes few engage 1 day MADAME ALBEUY P O O tferal Dcliv UtimjUm ell2- SITUATiOXS WANTED 3IAIE FEMALE 1VANTBD By respectable colored woman iwtloB tor Apply for three tfcffiSU fit nw ml- AVAXTJED SUDDIIDAS WANTED Suburban 5 to 10 acres grazing ln li state JorjtioJ and lowest cash Address BOX 1 tiis cfflce BU33 I iw ls I rdiaeci L oev mel c a Ittc 55iae AND I a sit fib price > > > 1 I HELP TViJVTED 2IALB WANTED Brisht boys to sell a book of the title Reign of Mind author will pay TO 3 and com over 50000 copies ordered in 3 days at 40 per 100 Call between 5 and 6 p m at lot Wash Loan and Trust Bklg At no other home will the author see you The first p to interview the author was a Boston cdi tor and a Washington electrician el WAXTED Eneiiicei night cook for hotel help for alt departments in hotel BURGESS HOTEL SC3 10th st el WAXTED Coachman private family two wait- ers hotel boy wash dishes Enquire 1G35 llt- hstjr cl- WAXTED Four white young men IS to 90 for bakeshop work ansi leant pastry baking Germans preferred DICKS HOTEL AGENCY 12th and Pa ave 2d floor c32 Al clothing salesmen also young ma- in furnishing H FRIEDLAXUEK 9th and E sts cl IVAXTED Helper in carriase repair shop 1327- 7tli st nw el3W- AXTED Oloreil l o for store state age and salary wanted Box lis this office el WAXTED A good male cook for lunchroom U S Ito 12th st nw e33 WAXTED A good tailor also colored boy who understands cleaning and pressing steady job to right party S SHEER 5C U st nw e32 WAXTED Good barber at once guarantee 6 per week 424 10th st nw m33- WAXTED For mediumsized strictly European house a competent steward Address with age reference experience salary expected etc lION 101 this office ml- WAXTED Young man who is employed in de j partment to held to fill a boarding house Ad dress BOX 104 this office ml32 WANTED City and country waiters cooks dishwashers house men drivers bellboys steady work gHACKLEFORDS tips E st nw nil WAXTED AYliite gardener and colored good pay l th and G room 54 bank build i 5 ml WAXTED Immediately sober reliable man to work on Virginia farm Call after 6 oclock at ISO stAnaeostia D C nil WAXTED Good barber at once 424 10th st nvr mIS3- WAXTED An honest salesman for carriage and harness business with some knowledge of book- keeping also colored boy to clean harness COGSWELL 09 llth st nw 5 ml WAXTED Experienced uptodate installment collector state salary expected reference and WAXTED industrious young man tinder nineteen to sleep in comfortable electric office at night and business low salary until u efnL Apply Room 3 1427 F st nw ml WANTED Outside man S weekly good hotel waiter egg cook Basement 515 12th st- nw ml- AVAXTEP Ytmnjj man from time country good position and salary New York ave nw ml WAXTED Barber steady work C88 4i st s nit WAXTED Twelve wooachoppcra 63c cord tools and meals near city errand boy wheel city 1013 X Y aye ml- A firstdas scecrer and presser Ap- ply at owce D st nw ml WAXTED Salesmen to sell our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade we are the Iarge Liberal salary paid Address CAXDEX MFG CO Savannah Ga fe2 w5ulyr WAXTED Good Ealcsnan to represent us roust deposit 50 to secure goods in trust position is worth 100 a month Address ROBINSON CO 713 Jefferson st Toledo Ohio jal6wASnStW- AXTED Four white vegetable cooks today and hotel cleaners DICKS HOTEL AGENCY and Pa ave 2d floor el22 WAXTED White to stock and roll goods Apply KEENS 1310 F st tt23T- EXBEUGS KESTAURAXT 62G E st HJF ml S WAXTED helper on truck terra good bard working man chance to advance refs 13 and board ROSSLYX PACKIXG CO Rosslva Va- WAXTED A white boy to help in bakery Ger- man preferred Apply at 101S ISth gt nw ru22- WAXTED Firstclass woodwker also iron- worker tIC lltfe st nw cll3- HOLERS BARBER SCBOOL Xt r York City more EtndenO c it xweeks wages aiurdys graduates chance to earn free board and trans portation catalogues mailed free ralO5 SITUATIONS 1VAXTED 3IALE- WAXTKDBy young colored man place to drive or or work of any kind Bos 113 this offlw el WAXTED By a young man light clerical work in afternoon for room amid board best of habits and Al refsi Address Box 74 this office el- WAXTED By firstclaas man cook places un- tkr tan Js bread pastry and desserts references 1114 26th fet nw ml WANTED By young colored place to work in store or house 025 Poajefwy tt nw e22W- AXTED 15y young colored waiter or general housework 87 Pierce st nw V barkwpcr situation steady and reliable ref Box 47 this office cll3 VAXTEDR003ISW- AXTED To rest three fnrntehed rooms for KU5 piiisj all modern improvements private family preferred must l c central ref- erence exchanged Address BOX lot this ottce ml- WAXTED Two or three imfurnidtcd rooms in vicinity of F and M I2tii and lick eta nw Address liON SO this cities 133- WAXTED By laJy two partly or comacnicat rooms suitable for business west of 15th or north of K sts Address 3fAXlCUtE Box S2 office v e23W- AXTED S easter rooms for 1 h k heat and gas coBveaknt to Navy Yard Address 73 this office ml23- WAXTEDOa Capilrf rooms fw complete fer iKMisckttping adults Address BOX this office ml23 WAXTED 2 uefHC or 1 fur rosin for Ifeht iou ekeq iag state price and locality Address BOX this office m23 WAXTED A flat of three of tour aaTar rooms suitable for ccnveaient to car line by two adults Georgetown lies 44 this oftce cll3- WAXTED Immediately 2 nice unfair rooms by lady cntplov d out rent about 10 refs cx changnl Address H BELL 112S Sth st nw ell2 SPECIAL ATTENTION given to reoaj rent jug with or without board single or en suite THK WASHINGTON EXCHANGE 12th and G sis room 54 bank building iail3- AVAXTED HORSES AND VEhICLES WANTED To ruM crtuil runabout Ad dri9v BOX 81 this office H- WAXTED Small pony cart Address P STCBE NEIl Biadensburg Md ell3- IVAXTED 3IISCELtArfEODS A W b a our day arty CENCY dept waiter eta ond Address BOX 112 tIlls ofiuce aiDfl net and lICe fit nd enir manufacturers in our line in the mcorlst i itt boy keep WANTEDA experienced colored waiter at ROT mhZfl wanted tieita guaranteed scholarship conk man man place as cook WED good light lug this POX lIP dfl I I hoc ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > WANTED Six or maven secondhand refrigerators tnust be cheap 1227 32d si nw el3 WANTED HoHerUoi dfc k Address room 3S Times Building Jnl33- OLTKATK PRIXTIXG Firstclass work prompt delivery 1090 business cards 1 HAYS 686 1 ft nw inlJM- VAXTEDLargc ice box llth and ml3W- AXTED Hichefrt cash prices aid for ladies and grate castoff clothing drop postal Ill calL B TA11SHES 1903 Tth st nw milino- WAXTED To buy immediately 50 pair of see oadhaod rfalfonn scales capacity from 400 pounds p also 10 pair of wagon scales JO SEPt SMALL 30 La eve agent Fairbanks Co BO2S WANTED To bay eating license state price Address BOX 8 this office mlS3 WANTED To easy tceocdhaad furniture license 3 K st nc WAXTED To buy old feather boils E MARKS 75 Jlvrtle st ell5- WAVFEUCOO pU i asc a pair P STt BESER Btodensburg JId ell3- WAXTED A teeondhand onehorse Lee wagon at once Address Box K this office 11S WASTED All kinds of secondhand furnitor and stores E A CAHXEAL 2103 K rt nw- W7 WANTED At once all trangen Jn the city to call and me about selling or property 928 F tt n WANTED Highest cash prices paid for your old gold diver tail lost its tuafuhum watches diamonds etc pawn tickets bought I ABRA HAMS removed to 33 Sth it aw jsSH Grocery M- St mc Seals ell Address see while are In lawn I sell and all kInds of property 1 3 OhZES Real Estate mhZ has = < I j I j j j j j j i j t j ran REXT uoosis FOR REXT L rge bright room 3d floor newly papered 7 month 919 O st nw c33 FOR UiiXT Several nice rooms gas bath hot water heat 452 K st nw el33 FOiL REXT 920 New York ave nw furnished rooms large and small rent moderate c33- WAXTED Large fur or unfur room with alcove preferred northwest light housekeeping state lowest price Box 112 this office cl REXT Three rooms fur for housekeeping no chOdrei Apply after 4 416 3d st nwv c33- j FOR REXT Very large furnished room second i floor front 15 thirdSoar front 7 gentlemen 622 E st nw xnl33- FOIt REXT Lovely bright room second floor C90 I st nw ialS3F- O1V REXT Two large communicating furnished front rooms boy window second floor heat gas awl bath near time Capitol and Census Office in a private family of three rent moderate no objection light housekeening 233 1st t nw- ralS3 FOR REXT Opposite posioffice newly furnished j rooms 150 per week SOS 12th st nw miSS FOR REXT Large room heat gas S- hall rooms 4 to G also unfurnished rooms 313 Pa ave nw ml FOR REXT Furnished lieU room 5 II st nw m23 FOR REXT Three communicating front fur rooms 2d floor for light housekeeping near rOIL RENT Two furnished rooms second floor gentlemen 4 end 5 Bit L st nw m33 FOR RENT 116 G st nv furnished or unfur- nished room m33 FOR REXT Fumfched flat of three rooms also 133 FOR BEST One small furnished room modern improvements its North Capitol gt ml33- I FOR REXT Furnished three rooms second fiber desirable references fill E st nw m33- J FOR liEXT Complete flat very reasonable ceo tral 311 D ft nw miSS FOR REXT Four rooms over grocery store side entrance newly papered separate gas bathroom kitchen back yard etc only 12 a mouth 230 llth st se midi j FOR REXT Choice furnished rooms on second and third floors reasonable prices no children j I 10f3 II st nw midi FOR REXT Three rooms light housekeeping j water bath some floor 141G Corcoran st m33 FOR REXT Nicelyfurnished room near car line opposite park private family 121 F st se- ml33 FOR REXT 716 12th st nw furnished rooms I j for light housekeeping in23 FOR RENT Handsomelyfurnished secondstory front 12 for one or 14 for ton persons SW 1 st nw m23- I FOR REXT Bright pleasant back parlor fur j or unfur at 07 2d st nw e23 j FOR REXT Hallroaia to quiet gentleman 220 j Ind ave MW e23 j FOR REXT To gentlemen desirable fur rooms 1003 O st nw e23 FOR REXT Xicely fur front rooms 613 6th I st nw x m23 FOR REXT Entire 3d door 2 Urge welllieated recess also 2 back rooms 2d floor light house keeping list S st rol2S j FOR BEXT Fur room teat sins bath private family month E st nw A jnl23 I FOR REXT Fur 62S I et nw2 room bay window also back room ml23 FOR REXT Secondstory front fur room 4- 1l t st ne mi23 FOR REXT Second story front flit Sth st se ml26 FOR RENT 2 front rooms on 2d floor 1418 X- St nw nilo2 FOR RENT 2 fur or unfur rooms for light hoasAecping SU I st bats or anfur 64o Florida ave nw m23 i j j j F I OIL waterS dOG Germans Office 237 fldstnw cit3 ack parlor 27 K at ne t t 14 front reese j ncr FOil RENTS large front rooms hieatgas nail fur = ¬ FOR REXT Fur or unfur rooms 313 C st nw- a l27 FOR RSXT Four communicating rooms 131 K t nw FOR RBKT House fur pertly filled with room ers good location Box 4S this office ell3 FOR BEXT Far and unfar rooms l oar 3 it de- sired 519 L st nw ell3 FOR REXT Two rooms 2d floor fur or unfur S3 I st MW ell3 FOR REXT Furewfced rooms for gcnllensen 221 D 6t nw rall3 FOR REXT Xicrirfuraiifced room with private lath steini heat also safflll room for 3 per month 421 6th st nw mll3 FOR KENT XkelvforniEhed rooms first and second floors 123 ISth st nw all4 FOR REXT Furni b d rooms 1 and 13 per week 21S 4th st nw Jj mIi7 GEM CAFE 1209 C st FOR REST A of rooms and bath on 3rst floor also boardto and table boarders XSW RICJiBUKX sos 12th si maw mllS FOR REXT Beaatifal furnished rcoms heat and o FOR REXT Two beautiful furnished seepndfloar- raoms and bath suitable for one or twr m each SIT 5th fit nw raC7 FOR It EXT KljATS FOR RENT The Elnjore 800 llth st room fats all mod imp 5 FOR ItEXT STAUIES FOR IJEXT New brick stable accozmaodation for sir bosses large yard A PIER 1223 25th st war e23 FOR SALE HOUSES AND VEHICLES FOIL SALE One extra good bay horse 1200 Ibi suitable for wagon or cart trial siren alto 1 blade 25 and 1 gray 15 good work era 1 set rowrtt bup y harness new lft Con tractors Stable 21st and X Y ave eI33 FOR SALE Two work horses dirt harness yLACliEXBUSU J A1UY Brooklafid- elSS FOR SALE Pair Rood work horses and harness cheap Cll after 4 p TO 1083 st ne el33 FOR SALE For ten days only new day ton FOR SALE One good horse 470 C t FOR SALE 0 for good horse Stable corner that I atm nw c23 FOR SALE IMytflB and harness CAR 1741 L fit nw ell3 FOR SALE Jua psc t earrjage d as new cheap will exchange for good buggy IOU lt U lie c 23 FOR secondhand wagons and buggies nothing In reason rcfssed 1210 Ohio iol23 FOR SALE Xew dayton cheap 1115 1 st se jnli3 clld I sit FOR RENTb1 aloasbie roouw 10 and 12 meals Ide mind tic air nailS suite 130 week 440 K at nw mi13 air 5 mp citi horse home wagon an I tIm 46 new top 4th with guarantee L tLL 200 11th at saw meldS young ow and cheap LEN SALES ace ¬ > > ± FARMERS AND CITy MEN TAKE XOT1CK 28 horses and mares 5 to 9 years weight VjQ to 1400 pounds suitable for any business or would and one mare in fool no reasouablo offer re fueed Call 212 1th st nw ell5 FOR SALE Three good work horses Apply 300- eth t H FOR SALE Bargain beautiful hay mire suitable for lady 332 New Jersey ave nw nill3 FOR SALE Handsome small black pony rus t harness cart j surrey cob COCS WELL S03 llth fct nw mallS COGSWELLS I the place in the cily for new and secondhand harness and vehicles of every description 209 llth st ncr rull7- II O QMS AND BOARD WAXTED By a gentleman with little 3i years old room and board some settled Catholic lady preferred references exchanged Adders BOX 88 this office m23W- AXTED Rooms and board for 4 young men sot to exceed 0 oath oil or ussr East Capitol st or Pa ave Address BOX 77 this office 20122- TVAXTED By widow lady furniture of ft- om house will give use of it for room and board Address BOX W office m23 WASTED A house In location not to exceed 20 par month Address BOX 91 this of- fice 7 188- WAXTED To rent from owner 7 or 8room house south ol H at and bet Tth and ISth its nw rent not to exceed 9 Address Has 3 oflce make excellent fares horses two good driver eli 1 also sorrel cheapest I lass thaI VANTEDROVES thiS FOU IlEXT CX 618 E fit nw large front basement room FOR RENT Three bright unfur rooms on 21 floor bath adjoining heat and gas 144 I st nw e33 FOR REXT Unfurnialied secondfloor front room with alcove iRIS Sth st nw ml33 FOR REXT Two unfuc ceramnnicatin rooms 2d floor bath back porch round baywindow hunt gas closets etc 10 200 llth st se cl FOR REXT 2 desirable tinfur second floor rooms bath seine floor well heated with or without board 716 llth fit nw m23 FOR REXT Unfur rooms 1 I Bt wr meltS FOR REXT Second and third floor rooms 1S25 12th st nw midi FOR REXT Three unfurnished rooms second floor heat and light no children lid K st ne mll3 FOR irEXT Second front room 243 Sth st se mlO6 FOR REXT Unfurnished four connecting rooms on second suitable fSr light housekeeping 915 C t nw mD6 FOR REXT Three l rge lisht unfurnished sec ondfloor rooms also IH nicely fumislied room on 3d floor references exchanged 1324 9th st- nw in9G FOR REXT Unfurnished rooms for housekeeping very desirable location lidS gth st ncr mS7 ROOMS AND BOARD Full RENT Room for two in private family board 32 715 Cth st ne cl33 RENT S12 I st nw wellfurnished com- fortable rooms on upper floors cheep with first class heard m3 FOR REXT Larse nlcejyfumislted front room with board 721 East Capitol st rnl33- BOOil AND BOARD 5 per week 303 Md ne tollS VERY NICE front back rooms with board terms very reasonable elegant locality 713 12th st nn rulS3 DESIRABLE ROOMS with board 2001 F st nw iul33 EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS for two near Capitol reasonable terms 210 1st st ne m33 FURNISHED ROOMS with board private family terms reasonable 1209lWh stjrtv m33 ROOM AND BOARD private family 4 per week 414 gth at nw ml33 1310 OTII ST X W Large fur room with board two or niece gentlemen C123 FOR RENT Xicely fur room excellent heard 41S 2d st nw m27 GOOD room and board at the Tyree 401 G st- nv ell3L- CST Large brown spaniel reward flit North I Capitol st e33 I LOST On Avenue car Monday evening between Otis and 10th sts a portfolio con- taining pen drawing Reward if returned to E M SCHAEFFER S15 llth st nil LOST Biack collie dog white chest and stripe around neck Reward if returned to 1212 O st nw ml23 LOST March 5 silver watch Delia engraved on outside picture on inside Reward return to 1201 X IL ave nw m33 STRAYED Monday from 2008 Wyoming ave young collie dog slightly lame in left foot j Reward if returned to above address or notice sent of whereabouts el 3 LOST Monday pocketbook containing 1050 and card with owners name reward S22 X Y ave mr e23 LOST Saturday a black Newfoundland puppy with white feet breast and tip on tail taj 6760 Reward if returned to 344S Brown st Mount Pleasant ell3 ICE CREAM lOc gallon not made ia a cellar out above ground for sewer gas abound in eel lars and breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moral dont eat that kind LACEYS is pure and delicious K Y Phone 2051 BUSINESS CKAXCKS j I I FIR 1lENTtzrr lO unfair story floorS wills FOR ace sum LOST and 10 END GUI ave ¬ ¬ ¬ ± WE BUY Oil SELL a business quick DUXLAP i DOG F st cl23 FOR REXT Blacksmith shop 80S H st ne Ap B F SAUL 7th and L aSs nw cT33 FOR SALE Pesnwlvania Avenue Cafe price j DUNLOP MW F st c33- i FOR SALE Small variety and candy store or contents 203ft 7th st nw el33 FOR SALE Oldestablb ed lunchroom tc irr city W J pUGAX 617 t ai jnl53- SVLE Comer Litk n sales 575 to 100 per day information apply 1200 NeB York ave nw ml- I FOR SALE Saloon near Government Office W J a m33 FOIl SALE Two at onethird value prices 250 and S9 Afldress lION 100 this office iiil33 FOR SALE Saloon Pa avel W J DUGAX 617 j La ave miSS FOR SALE Saloon K t hargSLin in Washington j CAPITAL BUSIXESS EXChANGE Atlantic i Building miSS FOR SALE Saloon close to Pa ave cheap W J DUGAX 617 I awe mlS3 FOR SALE Firstclass eicar and aewstaad cheap i CAPITAL BUSIXESS EXCHANGE Atlantic I Building ual33 FOR SALE Saloon ia fine location 58500 W J I DUGAX 617 La ave ml33- j WAXTED A gentleman with 1OOO to 15CO capital to manage an office ia Richmond or Nor a0 3n to 1 990 annually Gail on MR- liOSLEK eSS 13th t nw for full particulars el23 FOR SALE Grocery cheap FOR SALE Coal and wood yard one of the selling it Address BOX 72 elite m23 I FOR SALE Two poultry stalk leading mar lets DCXLAP 03 F st ellS VOlt SALE Established grocery store CSS Xerth Capitol st nw no reasonable offer refused cll3- I FOR SALE Feed store good stand for hull par i FOR SALE A good iiayiuc grocery store with or without stock good reason for selling Apply this office cll3 FOR SALE Milk route bargain if sold at once Call Ml II fit ne FOR SALE Barber shop business section snap DUXLAP F st mll3 FOR SALE Cigar store clearing 73 monthlv accept invoice DUXLAP 903 F it mll3 FOIL SALE Diningroom clearing 900 monthly account illness sacrifice DUXLAP SOS F at inllS- WE IIAYn CASH BCYEItS dteingrooms also cigar stores DUXIAP RIO F st midi FOR SALE Tailor store one of the best locations in city Address lION 35 this office BAD BILLS COLLECTED or no charge H D GORDON Lawyer flit 14th it uw mll TO BUY OR SELL a business quick see NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS 1606 F st rall3 FOR SALE Grocery store Northeast doing 400 week cash no credit owner leaving cRy price 8LOOO Addres BOX 41 this office tollS FOR SALE Crocerv and liquor store yearly sales S30 iW rare chance NEW YORK NESS BROKERS 1006 F st mll3 FOR SALE Diningroom established stand cheap ill health NEW VORK BUSINESS BROK- ERS F st mll3 MISCELLANEOUS PROF CALDWELLS l A7ato y7 913 E- st nw Tuesday Thursday ansi Saturday even immune irivcn dail e33 SEWING MACHINES cleano and repaired 1 LOVES 1233 lath st nw ro23 SOME ltRE FISH will be on exhibition at D- 5L FAUXCEJS F1SI1 STAND in the Centre Market m23 FANCY FOWLS JeglMjrus Rocks Brahma Laiigsliaik Wyandottex games turkeys ducks pheasants swans eafowb incubators brooders etc BIND STORE 712 12th 6t nt- vmlltf GAS GASOLINE AND OIL STOVES repaired and put in order by aa expert fifteen years experience ChEAt J WALTER 32 O st ne lHll3- CRUMPS celebrated tonic f Sculls and Spices warranted to cure dyspepsia mind Indigestion CRUMP MFG CO 13349th st nw e8lmo- PIAXO LESSONS tie careful competent traduce 914 II st ner m2821 FULL DRESS SUITS for hire 1 np 709 7th st nw el8tfetn ANY OnDIXAKY CLOCK cleaned We Witches Jewelry music boxes accordingly charger satis- faction guaranteed send postal call and delJvcr lIre to all parts District CAPITAL CLOCK REPAIRING 1134 7th st aw BOOKBINDING FOIL TilE HOLIDAYS Books ol all kinds bound In shot nptto etc DEN JIanajer FULL DRESS SCRd41 or hire fl JULIUS COhEN 11W 7th st nw I ply edit of FOR grace tj FaIr Printing DUG 4 restaurants t folk for a substantial and proable business for half proits and a weeky sniary iscosne guar- anteed A at no citS best retail yard in the city good reason for I t ticulars apply 522 N J mace ow elii Box tollS tic See heap miiiL3- I BUS bOld logs private liar Sir Cf pocketbooks end sU coeds lettered to or we bind anytlL1nI ItINDEILY 6136li 7th at mm tiLAS l DOW ¬ I I I j I J I I j FOR SALE OR REXT EOTJSZi- STH OS E WAG GAM AN Real Estate Broker end Anctlowecr 917 F Street M W FOR SVLE XORTHWEST 1327 JOfh b ti iir ami steam heat 8505 40 R bh 7r bath a mi 33OJ 2233 9th f h 7r water and sewer 2000 FOR SALE XORTH EAST H C b h ftp bath and a m i S5POO 1J Jet b h Or bathS and a mi s0 Cth st brick Sr bath and a mi 4500 L12th b 7r and a m i 3SOO f b r water and sewer 3009 Lr fr mc 2 stories 5r 1600 f h 9r bath and a ra i 1500 SOUTHEAST h s ri Cr a m I 3 X 235 12th b h Cr both a m i 25SO U r b h 6r and a11 I403 h Cr water and sewer 13O 00 K f h 5r lot 14x111 ft 700- UXIMPROVED NORTHEAST Per so ft Se corner II and llth 58x100 ft S2 5 H st bet 4th and 5th 20x100 ft 1 50 Sth bet C and D 36x63 ft 110 G bet 13th ant 14th 61x130 ft 55 Brewers Court 53x05 ft SO Square 0K two alley lots 42x67 ft 23 North side East CapitolS bet 17th and 13ih 20 O bet llth and 12th 25x150 ft 20 FOR RENT Xc filth I Cr and bath 1R SO Ae 1103 Sth Cr and bath 15 30- e part of lot 7 square 932 15 00 Xe 42 Myrtle Cr 15 41- e t Feuion gt 7r 15 SO 76 J cknon Alley 6r D 00 Ne E19 court 4r t 7 33 Xe 60 F st Cr 6 00 Xe 7tare B77 3 lot Offcrwanttd Se 133 N C ave 6r and bath 23 42 Se 1240 llth st store 8r 1280 Se 715 7th st Cr 1203 Se 25 SUm st 5r 12 O3 Se JT02 Sth 12r 100 Se SIS Lincoln st fAuaeosiia Gr 11 00 Ee 1101 h 7r 1030 St 3252 llth 7r II P St Ee 213 a C an r 709 Apply at Gifics for Weekly Bulletin FOR SALE STOHE AXTJ AEIiLIrn FOR SALE Store and 6 rooms and cellar stable and outbuildings at your price Apply to owner M K SHIPLEY Brtntwood Md- jr123 FOR REXT HOUSES FOR REXT Xew six rooms bath and cellar all modern improvements rent 2030 213 O st nw Apply L OTTEXBERG ltD Tt- hst my TBlS3 11 rooms tiled bath with porcelain tub steam heat 3d floor rented to permanent parties For further particu lars call at house FOR REXT Fourroom brick SO Brainard st bet 17th and ISth atm Apply 714 9th st nw- ell3 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE paying rent 100 cash balance 30 monthly including interest at beautiful Chevy Chase New 7room and bath house furnace heat concrete modern plumbing water and sewer lot SOrJaO I W WALKER SOX 1005 F st C133 FOR SALE tOS X st nur bargain modern ira proved well planned well built fine homes per- fect condition ready to move into dont fail to see it good title ease pavraents O M BRYANT Warder BWg F ate c33 FOR SALE Gents bicycle good condition 7 Box 114 this office clS3 FOR SVLE A large assortment of secondhand bicycles such aa Rumlrlers Cleveland Craw forth Keystones Wara ck Victors etc all in a firstclass condition Irons 5 up at the CYCLE EXCUAXGE 736 lOch st n M122 Ii bath N 1 ace b iTs BlaIr house FOR REST1fl55 Kcnesaw arc cellar A th and FORSALEBICY LES < ¬ ¬ FOREIGN StAlLS WASHINGTON D Should ba read daily as changes mummy occur at any time FOREIGN MAILS are forwards to ol daily and the scheduu of i ar- ranged en the presumption ol tueir uninterrupt- ed overland transit the crack ending Earth 16 1S01 the laft connecting closes will be made ftom this office as follows WEDXESDAY c At 015 p m for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LOREXZO MARQUEE per s a La Cham- pagne from New York via Havre Mails for other part of EUROPE must be directed Per s Champagne FRIDAY O At 1103 p m for XETHER direct per s s Staatendain from New York Mail must be directed Per s s Staaten dam c At 1105 p m for ITALY per s s K M- Theresia from New York via Naples Mail must be directed Per s s K M Thereat c At 1105 p M iw EUROPE per s a Unihria from New York via Qneertetowa c At 11 5 p m for SCOTLAND direct p r- s B Astoria from Xw York Mall must he tt- reeted Per a s Astoria Mails for Soijtu und Central Amer- ica Vre t Indies Etc AVEDXESDAY 0 At f At 10 ra for NASSAU K P per steamer from Miami Fla- c At 1105 p ni for JAMAICA per B S Admiral Sampson from Philadelphia cX At tfilS w for BERMUDA per s a Pretoria front Near York c At 1105 p for NASSAU X P PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per s s- SintiaKO from York THURSDAY o At 11 03 j ra for MEXICO per s e from New York Tumpku Mail must be directed Per s s Seneca FRIDAY c At 1106 p is for VENEZUELA and CURACAO per s s Maracsfbo front New York MalI for SAVAXILLA and OAKTHA- GEXA must be directed Per s s Maracaibo- c At 1105 p m for PORTO RICO per s- s Ponce from New York via Son Juan c At 1105 p m for FOItTUXE ISLAND JA- 5IAICA SAVAXILLA CARTHAGEXA and GREYTOWS per s s Allegheny from New York Mail for COSTA RICA mutt be directed Per s s Alleeliany SATURDAY 0 At 1039 a m for NASSAU X P per steamer from Miami Fla d At totS a m r ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Brecim shire from New York Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney and thence vim steamer close here daily except Sunday at 12W in and on Sundays only at 1130 a m 00 GO Stalls for JIIQUEIOX by rail to IU ston and thence via steamer close hers daily at 315 p m i l CUBA MAILS close lucre vie Port Tampa Fin Wednesdays Fridays at 220 p TH and via Miami Fin Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1030 a m f Mails for MEXICO overland unless specially ad dressed for dtsiatch by steaitwrs trims Xew York close here daily at 1038 a TO mind 1000 p rn k Mails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUA- TEMALA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close lucre daily at 1000 p ni the CM- ctingr closes for which being Mondays for COSTA RICA by rail to Yes Or- leans nod thence via steamer close here daily at 1000 p m the connecting doses for xshich be tog Tuesdays TrniiMVncIfic 3I ils- Jfails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHIL IPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 700 p m up to March IS inclusive for despatch per s 6 City of Peking o SImile for CHINA anal JAPAN via Vancouver close here daily at 700 p m to Starch 19 inclusive for despatch per s e Eiuprass ot India Registered mail must be directed Via Yancou- VesLul8 for AUSTRALIA except West Australia t FIJI SAMOA and HAWAII via San Francisco close here daily at 700 p m up to March 23 in- clusive for despatch pet P s Soaomo o Mails for AUSTUAL1A except West Australia which goes via e and New ZralaatL which via San Francisco and FIJI ISI iXDS via Vancouver close here daily at 700 p ia aRea March 23 and up to Mardi 3O inclusive for despatch per s s Miowera t for TAHCTI and MARQUESAS iSLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 700 p nu up to April 10 inclusive for despatch j cr s 2 Australia o Mails for COCHIN CIIIXA are forwarded to New York for connection with European steam- ers PHIL1PPIXE ISLANDS Military Mall de spatched to San Fratirfhco at alt closes tot that office to connect with Cwentweut irtuperts the sailings of which are irregular b Registered anile close at 100 p IB same div c mails close at SiOO p ra satin dayd Registered maRe at 5 X a m saase date Registered mails at Lot p m pre- vious Saturday 0 Registered mails ilaic at 100 p ia pre rioua day h Registered nirals elate at 1200 p sn pre- vious day k Registered mails I se at S00 p m pre rious day o BegisteretT nails close 000 p m vious day A MER Ti Postmaster ra L C POSTOFFICII NOTICE tIme ClOSings For TrunmaAtJnntic Matte a- La ANDS a D ilL and tIm Ness Smitten cia and sailing MaiLs tip which forwarded via Europe NEW ZEALAND goes Mafl Registered close ¬ < ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ f Washington Alexandria and fvlount Vernon Railway From Station Pennsylvania Ave and 1J12 St la effect November 1 1SOO Toe Alexandria Week days 630 701 7 0- 8rf 835 859 825 1000 1100 1130 e m- xl 05 12 0 1245 altOS 1 5 200 23 x2 30 369 il15 4 5 50 SaW s5 540 60 6 0 76 7 0 8 S45 830 1915 1120 and 1169 p m Sundays 745 9 X 945 1030 1100 1130 a ia 1200 noon 1230 1 0 230 200 230 3v SilO 400 4SO 500 530 e D 7K 730 triO 845 930 1015 11 0 and 1150 p ra For Mount VerBOn Week 6JO 8nX 1300 1100 a n s2 xl05 20i x259 350 x413 x5 4 705 and 930 p m Sundays 9KK a a 1 noon 200 400 700 cad 930 p m For Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge Weefc C30 7 M 7 0 SK 3 3 S 9 3 1000 sod ll X a m 12rfJ3 12 0 1245 105 Lr25 200 280 259 230 4 5 4 0 5 4- OJ 6 0 7OS and SvO p m Sundays 745 600 945 1030 llrfO and 1130 a ra 1203 I noon 1233 l X JO 200 23O 300 S30- 405 fao 500 5 0 800 630 700 720 S00 p m Parcels carried Baggage coecked- xErpreai To Arlington only G E BBOr President J COLYIX Sai erneniect ill I13llwayi FLORIDA AND WEST INDIA SHORT LEAVE WASHIXGTOX PEXKA H R STATIOX 8 5 A M Florida and Atlanta Fast Mail for Petersburg taleigh Southern Pines Pine Camden Columbia Savannah Jackson- ville Tallahassee and Tampa Charlotte Athens Atlanta New Orleans and points West Through sleeping cars to and to Atlanta 655 P M daily Florida and Limo ited Room Compartment Obserra Pities Pinehurst Camden Columbis Savannah Jacksonville anti St Augustine Sleeping Car Jzcbsonville to 6 5 P M daily Florida and Metropolitan Limo itemS for Charlotte Athens Atlanta Chat tanooga Nashville Xeir Orleans and j Southwest Through cars to Atlanta For further information apply to W iL Mc CONNELL General Agent 14S1 Xeir York Ave Low Rates to Pacific Coast 4500 San Ff nu clico S entile Vancouver 1ortlaml Tncoma Canadian Pacific Railway 1 2O Pa Ave STEAMBOATS forMf w asiiington- Steaialoat Co Every day in the year for Korfolk New putt Xews and points South by the superb steel palace steamers Newport XbrfolJc and W sh legion on the following scheduler Iir Wajhin ton830 pm Lv Portsawuth500 pin IT Aleiajdria7J pra ZT Norfolk 6LCO pra Ar Ft Monroe700 aci J Lr Ft ilonroc700 pnj Ar Xorfolk 00 am Ar Al xatidrfatL38 xm Ar PortsmouthS15 am Ar WashiiiKiont03 am Tickets on sale at 817 Penn eve B O ticket office tilt Penn ave and corner 15th st and If Y ave C 4 O ticket of fites at 512 Penn aye and 600 14tb t S A L ticket office 1431 X Y are and un board steamers further information apply at gen era 7th st wharf Wadiington D O Phone 750 5 8i JOllY CALLAHAN Gineral Manager OCEAN 5TEA3ISHIP3 I RAILROAD days days SilO and Seaboard Line EYE and Dining Raleigh Southern cli New I amid i Fur offices AItIERICAN LE > < > ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = XEW TORK SOUTHAMPTOK UOKDOH Nee YorkMar20 10 ans j VaderrdApr1710 rum VaderbndMar 27 10 am St LouiaApr2410 ara St Louis Apr 3 10 am Xew YorkMay 110 arn New YorkApr 1010 aic j St PauIMay 8 10 atn BED STAR LIED YEW YORE AXTWEBP PAEI3- KcnstnsrfnMar 20 noonl FrieslandApr 3 noon Xoordland5Iar 27 Souiaw3rkApr lOnoon iNTERNATIONAL NAViGATION COMPAXY Piers 11 and 15 X R New York Office 73 Broadway WAShINGTON OFFICE F ST K13r Or G W Moss 1411 C St nw FOR nEST OFFICE ROOMS FOR REXT Opposite poUoffice whole Scat floor enelhat for office or business H per month 3 3J2tli miSS FOR KEXT Rooma in building 9S2 F st inc heap rent Apply to W J DANTE Hutchins Ruildir 1HU and B fits daiS SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT OR SAIJ In and about Hyattsrflle several beautify homes with lots and acreage suitable for chicken runs price moderate awl terms easy ROGERS k HOGERS HyatU rule unit FOR SALE SUBURBAX- WE WILL SELL a lot 25ili5 o electric rail without interest or taxes this price geed for only limiteil time free booklet CLARK BROS 13th st smS7 FOR SALE PAR3IS FOR SALE Farm of 35i ama and house ef five rooms cod ouUide buildings one mile from Cabin John Bridsre For pznic ktrs address J W- EKLEY Cabin lobe P O 3M HilSS FOR SALE MISCELLAJfEOUS FOR SALE Fine pedigree Belgian hares i up lia 5th st nvr el FOR SALE Babv carriage iaese H it cowKtion 5 Call at124flKene aw ave el FOR SALE Fiae oak buffet with large plate mirror for 14 0 cost 38 315 8th st mr miSS SALE Fine oak bedroom suite seed as new for iO cost S45 315 th st nw ialS5 FOR SALE Fine oak mirrorfront folding bed with hair mattress for 13 cost 50 315 6th st- nw lalSS FOR SALE Thoro shbred Buff Cochin cockerel prizewiimior stock price 5 delivered MRS SAKAII J KEEXAX Bre tvro a MO miSS FOR SALE 6 sine small platform scale mar- ble top weighs 50 pound Apply COLUMBIA BUTlER CO B st wing Centre Market ml WILL SELL CHEAP a Chtckerin square piano Address BOX 95 this eiice mlSS FOR SVLE Forty coloak bee 11 Harrison St Anacostia D C ja87 FOR StVLE Aery cheap quartered oak bedstead with spring SW 1 condition lUG 1 st nw FOR SALE Grocervmen attention 5 barrels first class pickles cheap O K brand A 1JS- 2ath tt nw C12S FOIl SALE Two fresh railch cows with calves 16th and Joliott it Brookfasd DC- eli3 FOR SAIJ lttOer Moaltor Sncttbator ia good condition cheap A4uees Sex t this oee 0122 FOR SALE 2 large ice bests cheap SK nth st nw FOR SALES rtoa ranges gas stoves gaso lone stoves carpets oce cashiers sleek 148 C st BC ns23K- EWEST patterns of waists or skirts 50 by cutter of Ia Ka garnwats MADAME ALBEUy General P O Washington D C eils FOR SALECood joi t ss nattfa 124e yard floor oilcloth 25c Hooleum 4Sc yard reduced prices on all stair oilcloths and carpets KLEEBLATTS llth cad II sic ae- mhl FOR SALE 148 for cobbler solid oak REDMOXD 311 7th st storage etc FOR SALE Dress goods Hks tame curtains por- tieres blankets comforts mens and boys clothing ap sSLirts etc on weekly payments drop postal I call JOSEPH OAIIN- J37 Pa ave nw cl5lmo FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted to your windows only tic the best quality oil opaque shades 50 cents hung free will call with samples KLEEBLATTS llth and H atm FOR SALE foe lisle mattress In two parts IcuEgea 275 gasoline stoves and refrigerators parlor and Ledroom suites 1 per week will move and storm yonr oods rash or credit RED ilOXD 211 and 213 7th st nz Piano S15 One Square Piano at 15 e7tf F G SMITH 1223 Pa arc noon 1DM at ncr smelt way single fare for 225 monthly payments silt FOIl good metSi PiERS young emitS desk teats expert Delivery quality rocker cttti mats am > ¬ ¬ ¬ < Pennsylvania STATION CORNEll OF SIXTH AND B SIS 7 5 A JL DAYS PITTSBOTC EX- PRESS Parlor and Dining Cars HarrfabBrff t- PittsbMrg A M PEXXSYLVVXIA LIMITED Pnll moon Jleepinfr Dining Smoking and Obserra lion Cars to Chleaj Cincinnati Indianapolis St Louts Cleveland and Toledo Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg 1050 A 31 FAST LIXE Poilroan Buffet Parlof Car to Harrisburg DamSeL Parlor Car 338 PM CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESS Sleeping Car Washington to St and Washington to Toledo and Sleeping and Din Cm Harrisburg ta Indianapolis St Louis Louisville ifs CIncinnatf and Chicago 7J5 P M WESTERX EXPRESS PuUnra Steep Car to Titisburff and Chicago Wni Car to Chicajro- 7t 5 P M CLEVELAXD AND C1XCJJTXATI EX PRESS PulLnan SleepIng Cars Washington to- Pittsbwy and HarmtMtc U Cieveland and Dining Car 1040 P M PACIFIC EXPRESS Pullman Sle ins Car to Pittebnnr 15 A IL For Kane Canandalgua Rochester and Falls daily Sunday 10 0 A M For ELmira sad Itenovo dailr acrcp Sunday For TViHiameport daily SJS P if P if Daily for WiUianwpcrl and Buffalo via Emporium Jcnctian with through Baffel Car for Rochester Erie Buffalo Niagara Falls daily except Saturday with Car Washington to 8 P M For Erie Onandxisua Rociester Buffalo and Niarara Falls daily PuUman Sleeping dr Washincton to Rochester Satur only 40 P M COXGRESSTOXAI LIMITED daily for Year York all Parlor Cars with Dining Car front Baltimore East Express 700 Dining Car 757 Sil5 000 SrfO Dimming Kht Dining Use anal 1100 Dining Car from Wilmington A M 1245 315 4 9 Dining Car from Baltimore G5O 1000 and 1150 P M On Sundavi 7 0 Dining Car 757 8U3 8J 300 Dining Car 1100 Dining Car lenin Wilmington A 3L 1215 315 4S Dining Car front Balti- more 650 1000 and 1150 P M For PhiU- delphia only Express 745 A JL 1215 week days 201 410 Dining Car anal SiO P dells For Boston without chanjv 713 A iL week- days and 450 P IL laily 1000 1050 1100 A M 1215 1245 120- fcOL 315 330 O3 Limited 410 4lSO 4 1 450 540 6T 650 715 1000 1040 1LJ5 and 11 0 F M On Sundays 7 7D7 815 9 0 95 10A lt00 X 1C 1413 115 201 315 SSi 4 0 Limited 410 420 450 540 thiS 850 T45 IQyOO 1040 and 1150 P M For Popes Creek Line 745 A i and 431 P M weekdays Annapolis 7 X 0CO A 1C 1215 and SVt P ir week Iayi Sunday 00 A IL sari 540 P M For Old Point Comfort Uosw H and 3i a- prake Ohio Railway 11U1 X M weefcdaj with through Pullman Buffet Parlor Car Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast Line 4 0 A JL S1S P IL dally Florida Special 810 P SL nrjci days Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Ate line S35 A M daily Florida and Metro- politan Limited 65 P 3L daily Express for Richmond only 1141 A JL week days 500 P Jf iiily Accommodation for Qoantico 746 A 2C and 4 3 P M Seashore Connections For Atlantic City via Delaware Bridge aH rail route 1243 f M weetdays through Pullmaa Buffet Parlor Car 315 4rf Con Kressional Limited and 11 0 P M daily Via Market Street Wharf 3000 and llriX A SL 1245 P M weekdays 1150 P 3L daily For Cape 1100 A IL week 21 P 31 Ticket offices corner Fifteenth and G Streets and at the station Sixth and B Streets where orders can be left for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels and residences Telephone call IMl for Pcnasylvmia Rail- road Cab Service J B HliTCHIXSOX J 3 WOOD Ceaeral JJanaget General Passenger Agent RALLEOAII RAILROAD WEEK Harris- burg to Pittsburg testis lug Niagara except and Sleeping Rochester For i3iiladelplilmm New York and tho P- it i For Baltimore SitO itOG 745 757 5mM P50 1 via daily weekdays River days Baltimore Ohio < < ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RAILROAD Schedule in effect November 25 153C Leave WaAin ton Seam Jersey Ave and Chicaso Northwest lft O a ra S i Cincinnati St Louis and IntiianapoHs a IB 345 p m night Pittabttre and dcveland JO50 a ia p m and 100 night Columbus and Wheeling SD5 p ra Winchester JIS a m iSt5 and Ji39 Luray 345 p nt Frederick iS35 8 X ilO O a EL- K4 0 ij3SO p ia- Ilagerstown a and JraJO p in Boyd and way points JSSS rf 115 f43 H5dO 7OG p K- LCaithersburpr aad way points S35 3 0 a m 12 0 115 0 JJt O 5W S O 7 J 1616 filias p B- Wai hingtoa Junction and way points j5S 80 a m 115 jjl JiS O p ra Baltimore week days i225 5 0 630 iTB5 5 p sa Seeders ROYAL BLUE IXE All trains illuminated with Pintscb light lUltiMwe Phaaddfta Xew York Uoston- asd tlMrJSttt 2 7rfS Diner jS Buffet 900 Blair fl 60 Diner a at 1210 Diner K10 Diner 3rf Royal Limited there UrfO BeSet 55 Diner 8 0 and 11 ft p m Sleepic Cir open at M 0 d Parlor Cars oa aU trains Atlantic City ra 19 jK a and I1M and ra Daily fExctpt Sunday Sunday only Baggage mailed for and checked from resid iMres by Union Transfer CD on erdera left at tiekct otiioes 619 PeaJjsxJnnia north west Sew York Arcane and 15th Streets and at Depart Telephone ticket ofltees for B O Hec AKtcraoIiV Cab F D UXDEKWOOD D B MARTIN Sd Vice President Jlgr Pass Traffic raid Gee Manager Southern RySc- heduc in effect March IS Trains leave front Penna Station- S l a m Daily Local for Uarriionburg and for Charlotte and way stations 1115 a m Daily ii S Fast Van cars to Yew Orleans Columbia Savannah arid Jacksonville uniting t Salisbury with sleeper for Asaevilli Chattaoooga and Mejaphis and a handle with sleeper for Birmingham and at Charlotte with steeper for Augusta Solid train Washington to Sew Orleans DiBinj ear service 1137 a m Daily Local for CharlottesviBe 491 p ia Week Daya Local for Front Boyal- trasl urjj aad Iltrrisonlurg 430 p m Daily Local for Charlottesville 635 p m Week Days New and Li ic l Composite Cafe and Sjooiung Car Dirt York and Washinzton to St Augustine and Pullman Drawing Room Seeping Car New York and WashingtOM o liken and Augusta Connect- ing at Columbia with Parlor Car for Charleston and at Waycrasi with Parlor Car for Thomasriile- Ga Lit p m Daily S Y A Fin Express Sleep- Ing ears to Augusts with connections for Aikea and Charleston and to Siraaiuh Jacksonville and Port Tampa and Thursdays to Tbooiaevilte- Ga Through coaches to Jacksonville and At lanta at Danville with Pullman sleepers from Richmond and Norfolk for Charlotte Tour- ist sleeper Washington to San FraacMoa Tuesdays and Fridays Diuin car 1601 p m Daily Wadiinston and CtatUneoga Limited Via Lynchburg Sleeping cars tt Roan cake Kozville Cbs tanooga Memphis sad New Orleans Through toach to Memphis Dining car 1 43 p Jo Daily Washington and Southwest era limited Sleeping cars to Aahevilie Knox riBs Chattaaoosa sad Nashville sad U AtfcBt- aMaca Birmingbam Memphis Montgomery Mo Wh and New Orleans Dining ear servjie Tues- days Wednesdays TUurstliiys end Ftld ClOmp car Washias on to Pin b r t Xl C anal Tuesdays Thursdays usual Sunset Lim- ited Annex Sleeper Witsltiagton to New Orleans connecting at New Orleans with Sunset Limited for San Francisco TRAINS ON BLUKMOXT BRANCH Leave Washington 941 a m daily 449 p m week sad 6 S p a SuMkiys fbi Btec- ment 6S5 p ra Saturdays and 435 p m week slays and 1120 p in and Satur- days only for Lce burg 6 6 p sc week days to Uerndea Through trains front tie South arrive Washing ton 642 aM 6iSS am 733 ara daily loriS am daily 215 pm and 560- pm From IlarrwotAurs 1137 xro week- days and 940 pm daily Front Charlottesville TickeU slecpins ear reservations and i therIaf- ormatiOH furnished and baggage called for and checked front hotels mind residences by Union Transfer Co on orders left at Ticket Office 703- 16th St XW 511 FonDa Ave XW Sod at Penaa Station Pbooe 1441 for P R K Cab Service FRANK S CANNON Sd V P and Cen ifer- S U I1AKDWICK General Paasr Aseat L S BROWK General Agent BIRDS DOGS ETC YOUNG PABROTS smgins manacles mocking birds doss cats ivbblts gold fish etc cata- logue free EGHMlD i BIRD STORE 712 Kth st- uw x 1a c t U St Sm p am lO03 3 riO 555 p im tnmapolis j31O St0 flSti a an Jmid- 43o and p in 1iS 5 miL tO 550 x9tO X10510 a me zUiLme 515 xiIO tPAl 430 423 rind dilU ri30 s50 63 tt xitksYJ axHaRt xt3 aSahi E5- i00 a an xl10 xl1O 115 tS50 ms4 4J5- riO5 xItlO Silo sSO5 alOriO xll33 i1S5- p day iO00 a Soo xEipese triini hotels anal Avenue rim tOOL York FlOrida leg Car Compartment and Draivimug Room Sleep log Cars and Library ansi ObseeratiosI cars New Uniting Mondays servIce hag days Wednesdays exempt Monday abut 525 am ansI 310 pm daily > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ > ¬

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/.../1901-03-13/ed-1/seq-2.pdfTHE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MARCH 13 1901 r 7 HELP WAXTED FEMALE WAXTED Actrew or smibrettc

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HELP WAXTED FEMALEWAXTED Actrew or smibrettc vasdeville sketchsiag r preferred excellent lOX IIP

WAXTED Woman from 9 a ro to G p ra forlK Hew k and sewing Apply 1S23 H st nvr cl-

WAXTED A colored woman to do cooking andgeneral housework good wages if suited Callat 122 4th st sc cl-

WAXTED Three white wonwa housekeeperchambermaid other nurse call at once EnquireUK 21th et nw clWASTED White gicl or woman to cook do-hoesework for very small family no toshim orireaw giMxl rages to right party Call 32G 1-1st ffc I1 to 2 1 m cl-

WAXTED White woman or girl for generalIwusewotk in family cf three adults good hometo ifekt pcfsoa Address SW K st ne clWASTED A capable woman for general house-work aad cooking must stay nights refs re-quired 115 C St se vlS2-

WAXTED A lady to iwtroduce an educationalwork to mothers of children 15 per week forone order a lay names and addresses will befwaisbed also if desired an instructor Box lOGIfcfeoSfce el-

WAXTED Heliable competent woman forhousework ia flat Apply 415 nth st ne 31flat el-

VVAXTED Colored girl about IS Virginian forhousework 124S llth st nw cl

lady foWcrs at DULLERAHT TRESS 405 llth st mlWAXTED Girl to learn barber trade Apply412 HKh st HW mlWAXTED Four good plain cooks three diembennaids Rood wagei En iuire THE OLD V1KlIMA AGEXCY 1632 llth st flu nilWANTED Cook 16 six waitresses for new diningroera fire general bouseworkers two officecleaners city mid country people SHACKLEFOHDS 03 E st nw ml-

WAXTEO Experienced chambermaid and waitrees plain cook 16 colored nurse 12th andU ate reoHi 4 honk buildisg mlWANTED Respectable young lady with good appearance as saleslady ia ladies tailoring estab-lislimeHt rau t have best of references noneothers need apply S13 15th st mlWANTED Coeks waitresses chambermaidswaiters dishwasher plenty steady work smallcharges OlSce 3Us 4 st nw ml-

WAXTED A ymmjr white woman to do lighthomework and attend to two small children Apply at 727 13 h st se after 5 oclock pm mlWASTED Yoang cashier for cafe statesalary and experience Address C W 1200

nw mlWAXTED Four women firstcl ss cool generalworker chambermaid laundress and nurse Enquire 1232 9th st nilWASTED Girls to sew at dresKnakhig also3Rprn ti s WELLES 1003 nw mlWAXTED Xeat tidy colored woman to washdishes at TilE ALBION CAFE 500 llth st nw

mlWASTED A reliable working housekeeper oriMftnagie chambermaid for boarding house Ap4y SIS C st nw 11 to 12 am i-

IVAXTED Cook S20 chambermaid S14 nursefor one ckiM Apply 3200 Xew York ave nw ml-

WAXTED Competent white cook with good ref-er ics Apply 1717 P st nw mlWAXTED By lady ia Government office a ca-pable reliable white or colored girl for generalhousework stay at night Call after 5 oclock1340 O st ml-WAXTSD Itaghr intelligent TOGSJT lady to as-

sist with office work Apply at NATIONAL EXCRATING COMPAXVS buildiBg llth st and Paeve ml33-WAXTED Good girl for housework white orcolored Address BOX 99 this office nilWAXTED Competent white servant for generalhousework two ia family 2022 X st nw in I-

WAXTED Tailoress on fine peals BEN BOlUCK room 5 510 7th it nw ral32I-

VAXTED Xeat cook white or colored gofamily 1015 X Y ave ml-

WAXTED Two experienced white waitressesApply this morning at COBBS HOTEL rnl32WASTED A steady reliable coloreddo plata cooHns and general housework familyof three persons 1S37 M st mlWANTED Colored woman to do cooking and gen-eral feeesewerk references required 1533 T stnw ml-

ArAXTED Oirl for general housework Call 1502-Keneaaw ave BW telWAXTJSD A good cook 2HX 14th st mlI-

VASTHD A experienced goods and miMinrr saleslady 324 4 st sw mlWAXTKD lady wist write plain to take or-ders 4 week peraaacnt Basement 515si nw nilVVAXTEIJ A girl for general houseworkwaafcane nwt be neat worker 1432 II t ne-

IVAXTED Woman for geaeral housework ofruit fan Bear Alcana Ya ALes C U 5-a H M123-


ewreet at ftrurtg oeee need applybe rapid writer and


WAXT D Expeoeneed help en tee eestom restsiseed pay CM G st aw top floor ial S-

ticc e M i ave a cll3W-

AXTESJ Firetctess hand shirt st3UJd rdhand lacadrv 30S3 llth st aw-

WANTEll Whit girls to e rm a trade paidnfcHi kamiog idress in persoa 325 B st ac-


AXTBB M t women solicitors to introdnee the Most taking novelties made goodsweats nuke SIS to 25 per week Call beforeor after i room 12 612 F st nw ml315-WAXTED Uy welreeownead teacher privatejwjjHj chihiree coached for public schoels

wqlte helped etc AtkJress BOX 166 thisn m33-

R 1IOO ES SOUThERN AGEXCY Eatab-iA d 1S92 1S W et BW ml-

WAXTED Stadenta to learn telesraphy tausatbr an expert TIlE DIULLERY 504 llth st-nw se


WAS5IK A few good agents steady work fer-racbt parties Call at 31S Mh st nw ml-

VfAXTED Ca bonanza for live

WAXTED Salesman to H our Vulcan boilsJut ami

ItfKhciaas labrieants liberal to competentMB ThE VLLCAX CHEMICAL CO CltvtlamjOfct ishfllOlZCATHOLIC AGENTS Outnt free men or women

y write at once C P i L CO


VAXTED By a re pecUble girl place 3 genteelhcnf o r rk f in smalt j riv te good ref 23-

7rifc1Nr clWASTED By white MMIMB situation at cookrind lawodres city oc couotry 177 8th st aw-





opportunitYi34 ece ci



ladyIV C-



North nice

woman tc






otherIA avt nw

WATEDG34 to sew o ests also na appren


WANTIJpttIed eokwed wea Oaliafser7pWMehs l1oe elII





a agenha J y mom

poiR Bltck Giant antirust roofterms

er3M llssbosa at Chiego IlL xnwSiiS










WASTED By a recpevfaiUe widow lady Jo takefjftrxr of a furnMw l how or diningroow hasod espfricote ia the kusinesa Address BOX 1C-

Jkfe itc ml-WA3TrBI ny I Jy of r neweat position as

t invalid or elderly ladyAddress BOX 97 this office


ffAXTKH Experienced ea treiM will go out b-rle tbf roe day Address BOX S3 tkU-

UAJflED r Kahfe woe a good home ini imftt fjHMly reforeuces eschauged Apply lit1J st rr mlWTAXTKDBr a t t reliable colored girl poshtiMt as MMsr er chambermaid private familyrtfafone Call at Kgtt It I eve w ml-

XASTKI By eperi nc a colored woman washJag te 4o at iome or morning work best refer

Advs 221s Clvehi l ave nw mlWAKTKli l i situation in pfcotogwph gall ry r cepiivti room good memory totnpmes and addressed Addrew BOX 65 this of

lrJBSTCLASS 4ret auik r wishes few engage1 day MADAME ALBEUY P O

O tferal Dcliv UtimjUm ell2-


1VANTBD By respectable colored womaniwtloB tor Apply for threetfcffiSU fit nw ml-


WANTED Suburban 5 to 10 acres grazing l n listate JorjtioJ and lowest cash AddressBOX 1 tiis cfflce BU33


iwls I rdiaeci

Loev mel

c a




I a sit








HELP TViJVTED 2IALBWANTED Brisht boys to sell a book of the

title Reign of Mind author will payTO 3 and com over 50000 copies orderedin 3 days at 40 per 100 Call between 5 and 6 pm at lot Wash Loan and Trust Bklg At noother home will the author see you The firstp to interview the author was a Boston cditor and a Washington electrician elWAXTED Eneiiicei night cook for hotel helpfor alt departments in hotel BURGESS HOTEL

SC3 10th st elWAXTED Coachman private family two wait-ers hotel boy wash dishes Enquire 1G35 llt-hstjr cl-

WAXTED Four white young men IS to 90 forbakeshop work ansi leant pastry baking Germanspreferred DICKS HOTEL AGENCY 12th andPa ave 2d floor c32

Al clothing salesmen also young ma-in furnishing H FRIEDLAXUEK 9th andE sts clIVAXTED Helper in carriase repair shop 1327-7tli st nw el3W-

AXTED Oloreil l o for store state age andsalary wanted Box lis this office elWAXTED A good male cook for lunchroom US Ito 12th st nw e33WAXTED A good tailor also colored boy whounderstands cleaning and pressing steady job toright party S SHEER 5C U st nw e32WAXTED Good barber at once guarantee 6per week 424 10th st nw m33-WAXTED For mediumsized strictly Europeanhouse a competent steward Address with agereference experience salary expected etc lION101 this office ml-

WAXTED Young man who is employed in dej partment to held to fill a boarding house Ad

dress BOX 104 this office ml32WANTED City and country waiters cooksdishwashers house men drivers bellboys steadywork gHACKLEFORDS tips E st nw nilWAXTED AYliite gardener and coloredgood pay l th and G room 54 bank buildi 5 mlWAXTED Immediately sober reliable man towork on Virginia farm Call after 6 oclock atISO stAnaeostia D C nilWAXTED Good barber at once 424 10th st nvr


WAXTED An honest salesman for carriage andharness business with some knowledge of book-keeping also colored boy to clean harnessCOGSWELL 09 llth st nw 5 mlWAXTED Experienced uptodate installmentcollector state salary expected reference and

WAXTED industrious young mantinder nineteen to sleep in comfortable electricoffice at night and business low salary untilu efnL Apply Room 3 1427 F st nw mlWANTED Outside man S weekly good hotelwaiter egg cook Basement 515 12th st-nw ml-

AVAXTEP Ytmnjj man from time country goodposition and salary New York ave nw

mlWAXTED Barber steady work C88 4i st s

nitWAXTED Twelve wooachoppcra 63c cord toolsand meals near city errand boy wheel city1013 X Y aye ml-

A firstdas scecrer and presser Ap-ply at owce D st nw mlWAXTED Salesmen to sell our goods by sampleto wholesale and retail trade we are the IargeLiberal salary paid Address CAXDEX MFGCO Savannah Ga fe2 w5ulyrWAXTED Good Ealcsnan to represent us roust

deposit 50 to secure goods in trust positionis worth 100 a month Address ROBINSON CO713 Jefferson st Toledo Ohio jal6wASnStW-

AXTED Four white vegetable cooks today andhotel cleaners DICKS HOTEL AGENCYand Pa ave 2d floor el22WAXTED White to stock and rollgoods Apply KEENS 1310 F st tt23T-


WAXTED helper on truck terra good bardworking man chance to advance refs 13 andboard ROSSLYX PACKIXG CO Rosslva Va-

WAXTED A white boy to help in bakery Ger-man preferred Apply at 101S ISth gt nw

ru22-WAXTED Firstclass woodwker also iron-worker tIC lltfe st nw cll3-HOLERS BARBER SCBOOL Xt r York Citymore EtndenO c it xweekswages aiurdys graduateschance to earn free board and transportation catalogues mailed free ralO5


WAXTKDBy young colored man place to driveor or work of any kind Bos 113 thisofflw elWAXTED By a young man light clerical workin afternoon for room amid board best of habitsand Al refsi Address Box 74 this office el-

WAXTED By firstclaas man cook places un-tkr tan Js bread pastry and desserts references1114 26th fet nw mlWANTED By young colored place to workin store or house 025 Poajefwy tt nw e22W-

AXTED 15y young coloredwaiter or general housework 87 Pierce st nw

Vbarkwpcr situation steady and

reliable ref Box 47 this office cll3


AXTED To rest three fnrntehed rooms forKU5 piiisj all modern improvements

private family preferred must l c central ref-erence exchanged Address BOX lot this ottce


WAXTED Two or three imfurnidtcd rooms invicinity of F and M I2tii and lick eta nwAddress liON SO this cities 133-WAXTED By laJy two partly or comacnicat

rooms suitable for business west of 15th ornorth of K sts Address 3fAXlCUtE Box S2office v


AXTED S easter rooms for 1 h k heat andgas coBveaknt to Navy Yard Address73 this office ml23-WAXTEDOa Capilrf rooms fw completefer iKMisckttping adults Address BOX thisoffice ml23WAXTED 2 uefHC or 1 fur rosin for Ifehtiou ekeq iag state price and locality Address

BOX this office m23WAXTED A flat of three of tour aaTar roomssuitable for ccnveaient to carline by two adults Georgetown lies 44 thisoftce cll3-WAXTED Immediately 2 nice unfair rooms bylady cntplov d out rent about 10 refs cxchangnl Address H BELL 112S Sth st nw

ell2SPECIAL ATTENTION given to reoaj rentjug with or without board single or en suiteTHK WASHINGTON EXCHANGE 12th and Gsis room 54 bank building iail3-

AVAXTED HORSES AND VEhICLESWANTED To ruM crtuil runabout Addri9v BOX 81 this office H-

WAXTED Small pony cart Address P STCBENEIl Biadensburg Md ell3-











ond Address BOX 112 tIlls ofiuce aiDflnet




nd enir manufacturers in our line in the mcorlst


boy keep

WANTEDA experienced colored waiter at ROT


wantedtieita guaranteed




man place as cook


















WANTED Six or maven secondhand refrigeratorstnust be cheap 1227 32d si nw el3WANTED HoHerUoi dfc k Address room 3STimes Building Jnl33-OLTKATK PRIXTIXG Firstclass work promptdelivery 1090 business cards 1 HAYS 686 1ft nw inlJM-VAXTEDLargc ice box llth and


AXTED Hichefrt cash prices aid for ladiesand grate castoff clothing drop postal Ill calLB TA11SHES 1903 Tth st nw milino-WAXTED To buy immediately 50 pair of seeoadhaod rfalfonn scales capacity from 400pounds p also 10 pair of wagon scales JOSEPt SMALL 30 La eve agent Fairbanks

Co BO2SWANTED To bay eating license state priceAddress BOX 8 this office mlS3WANTED To easy tceocdhaad furniture license3 K st ncWAXTED To buy old feather boils E MARKS75 Jlvrtle st ell5-WAVFEUCOO pU i asc a pair PSTt BESER Btodensburg JId ell3-WAXTED A teeondhand onehorse Lee wagonat once Address Box K this office 11SWASTED All kinds of secondhand furnitorand stores E A CAHXEAL 2103 K rt nw-

W7WANTED At once all trangen Jn the city to calland me about selling or property

928 F tt nWANTED Highest cash prices paid for your oldgold diver tail lost its tuafuhum watchesdiamonds etc pawn tickets bought I ABRAHAMS removed to 33 Sth it aw jsSH

Grocery M-

St mc




seewhile are In lawn I sell andall kInds of property 1 3 OhZES Real Estate


















ran REXT uoosisFOR REXT L rge bright room 3d floor newlypapered 7 month 919 O st nw c33FOR UiiXT Several nice rooms gas bath hotwater heat 452 K st nw el33FOiL REXT 920 New York ave nw furnishedrooms large and small rent moderate c33-WAXTED Large fur or unfur room with alcovepreferred northwest light housekeeping statelowest price Box 112 this office cl

REXT Three rooms fur for housekeepingno chOdrei Apply after 4 416 3d st nwv c33-

j FOR REXT Very large furnished room secondi floor front 15 thirdSoar front 7 gentlemen

622 E st nw xnl33-

FOIt REXT Lovely bright room second floorC90 I st nw ialS3F-

O1V REXT Two large communicating furnishedfront rooms boy window second floor heat gasawl bath near time Capitol and Census Officein a private family of three rent moderateno objection light housekeening 233 1st t nw-

ralS3FOR REXT Opposite posioffice newly furnished

j rooms 150 per week SOS 12th st nw miSSFOR REXT Large room heat gas S-

hall rooms 4 to G also unfurnished rooms313 Pa ave nw mlFOR REXT Furnished lieU room 5 IIst nw m23FOR REXT Three communicating front furrooms 2d floor for light housekeeping near

rOIL RENT Two furnished rooms second floorgentlemen 4 end 5 Bit L st nw m33FOR RENT 116 G st nv furnished or unfur-nished room m33FOR REXT Fumfched flat of three rooms also

133FOR BEST One small furnished room modernimprovements its North Capitol gt ml33-

I FOR REXT Furnished three rooms second fiberdesirable references fill E st nw m33-

J FOR liEXT Complete flat very reasonable ceotral 311 D ft nw miSSFOR REXT Four rooms over grocery store sideentrance newly papered separate gas bathroomkitchen back yard etc only 12 a mouth230 llth st se midi

j FOR REXT Choice furnished rooms on secondand third floors reasonable prices no children j

I 10f3 II st nw midiFOR REXT Three rooms light housekeeping j

water bath some floor 141G Corcoran st m33FOR REXT Nicelyfurnished room near car lineopposite park private family 121 F st se-

ml33FOR REXT 716 12th st nw furnished rooms I

j for light housekeeping in23FOR RENT Handsomelyfurnished secondstoryfront 12 for one or 14 for ton personsSW 1 st nw m23-

I FOR REXT Bright pleasant back parlor fur j

or unfur at 07 2d st nw e23 j

FOR REXT Hallroaia to quiet gentleman 220j Ind ave MW e23j FOR REXT To gentlemen desirable fur rooms

1003 O st nw e23FOR REXT Xicely fur front rooms 613 6th

I st nw x m23FOR REXT Entire 3d door 2 Urge welllieatedrecess also 2 back rooms 2d floor light housekeeping list S st rol2S j

FOR BEXT Fur room teat sins bath privatefamily month E st nw A jnl23 I

FOR REXT Fur 62S I et nw2room bay window also back room ml23FOR REXT Secondstory front fur room 4-1l t st ne mi23FOR REXT Second story front flit Sthst se ml26FOR RENT 2 front rooms on 2d floor 1418 X-St nw nilo2FOR RENT 2 fur or unfur rooms for lighthoasAecping SU I st

bats or anfur 64o Florida ave nw m23










Germans Office 237 fldstnw cit3

ack parlor 27 K at ne







FOil RENTS large front rooms hieatgas nailfur



FOR REXT Fur or unfur rooms 313 C st nw-a l27

FOR RSXT Four communicating rooms 131 Kt nw

FOR RBKT House fur pertly filled with roomers good location Box 4S this office ell3FOR BEXT Far and unfar rooms l oar 3 it de-sired 519 L st nw ell3FOR REXT Two rooms 2d floor fur or unfurS3 I st MW ell3FOR REXT Furewfced rooms for gcnllensen 221D 6t nw rall3FOR REXT Xicrirfuraiifced room with privatelath steini heat also safflll room for 3per month 421 6th st nw mll3FOR KENT XkelvforniEhed rooms first andsecond floors 123 ISth st nw all4FOR REXT Furni b d rooms 1 and 13 perweek 21S 4th st nw Jj mIi7

GEM CAFE 1209 C stFOR REST A of rooms and bath on 3rstfloor also boardto and table boarders XSWRICJiBUKX sos 12th si maw mllSFOR REXT Beaatifal furnished rcoms heat ando

FOR REXT Two beautiful furnished seepndfloar-raoms and bath suitable for one or twr m eachSIT 5th fit nw raC7

FOR It EXT KljATSFOR RENT The Elnjore 800 llth stroom fats all mod imp 5

FOR ItEXT STAUIESFOR IJEXT New brick stable accozmaodation forsir bosses large yard A PIER 1223 25th stwar e23FOR SALE HOUSES AND VEHICLESFOIL SALE One extra good bay horse 1200 Ibisuitable for wagon or cart trial siren alto 1blade 25 and 1 gray 15 good workera 1 set rowrtt bup y harness new lft Contractors Stable 21st and X Y ave eI33FOR SALE Two work horses dirtharness yLACliEXBUSU J A1UY Brooklafid-

elSSFOR SALE Pair Rood work horses and harnesscheap Cll after 4 p TO 1083 st ne el33FOR SALE For ten days only new day ton

FOR SALE One good horse 470 C tFOR SALE 0 for good horse Stable cornerthat I atm nw c23FOR SALE IMytflB and harness CAR

1741 L fit nw ell3FOR SALE Jua psc t earrjage d as newcheap will exchange for good buggy IOU lt Ulie c 23FOR secondhand wagons and buggiesnothing In reason rcfssed 1210Ohio iol23FOR SALE Xew dayton cheap 1115 1 st sejnli3




FOR RENTb1 aloasbie roouw 10 and 12meals Ide mind tic airnailS


130 week 440 K at nw mi13

air 5mp citi

horse home

wagon an I


46 new top 4th with guaranteeL tLL 200 11th at saw meldS










FARMERS AND CITy MEN TAKE XOT1CK28 horses and mares 5 to 9 years weight VjQ to1400 pounds suitable for any business or would

and one mare in fool no reasouablo offer refueed Call 212 1th st nw ell5FOR SALE Three good work horses Apply 300-eth t H

FOR SALE Bargain beautiful hay mire suitablefor lady 332 New Jersey ave nw nill3FOR SALE Handsome small black pony rus tharness cart j surrey cob COCSWELL S03 llth fct nw mallSCOGSWELLS I the place in the cilyfor new and secondhand harness and vehiclesof every description 209 llth st ncr rull7-


WAXTED By a gentleman with little 3iyears old room and board some settled Catholiclady preferred references exchanged AddersBOX 88 this office m23W-

AXTED Rooms and board for 4 young mensot to exceed 0 oath oil or ussr East Capitolst or Pa ave Address BOX 77 this office


TVAXTED By widow lady furniture of ft-

om house will give use of it for room andboard Address BOX W office m23

WASTED A house In location not toexceed 20 par month Address BOX 91 this of-

fice 7 188-

WAXTED To rent from owner 7 or 8room housesouth ol H at and bet Tth and ISth its nwrent not to exceed 9 Address Has 3oflce

make excellent fares horses two good driver


1 also sorrel








618 E fit nwlarge front basement room

FOR RENT Three bright unfur rooms on 21floor bath adjoining heat and gas 144 I stnw e33FOR REXT Unfurnialied secondfloor front roomwith alcove iRIS Sth st nw ml33FOR REXT Two unfuc ceramnnicatin rooms2d floor bath back porch round baywindowhunt gas closets etc 10 200 llth st se clFOR REXT 2 desirable tinfur second floor roomsbath seine floor well heated with or withoutboard 716 llth fit nw m23FOR REXT Unfur rooms 1 I Bt wr meltSFOR REXT Second and third floorrooms 1S25 12th st nw midiFOR REXT Three unfurnished rooms secondfloor heat and light no children lid K st ne

mll3FOR irEXT Second front room 243 Sthst se mlO6FOR REXT Unfurnished four connecting roomson second suitable fSr light housekeeping915 C t nw mD6FOR REXT Three l rge lisht unfurnished secondfloor rooms also IH nicely fumislied roomon 3d floor references exchanged 1324 9th st-nw in9GFOR REXT Unfurnished rooms for housekeepingvery desirable location lidS gth st ncr mS7


Full RENT Room for two in private familyboard 32 715 Cth st ne cl33

RENT S12 I st nw wellfurnished com-fortable rooms on upper floors cheep with firstclass heard m3FOR REXT Larse nlcejyfumislted front roomwith board 721 East Capitol st rnl33-BOOil AND BOARD 5 per week 303 Mdne tollSVERY NICE front back rooms with boardterms very reasonable elegant locality 713 12thst nn rulS3DESIRABLE ROOMS with board 2001 F stnw iul33EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS for two nearCapitol reasonable terms 210 1st st ne m33FURNISHED ROOMS with board private familyterms reasonable 1209lWh stjrtv m33ROOM AND BOARD private family 4 perweek 414 gth at nw ml331310 OTII ST X W Large fur room withboard two or niece gentlemen C123FOR RENT Xicely fur room excellent heard41S 2d st nw m27GOOD room and board at the Tyree 401 G st-nv ell3L-

CST Large brown spaniel reward flit North ICapitol st e33 I

LOST On Avenue car Monday evening betweenOtis and 10th sts a portfolio con-taining pen drawing Reward if returned toE M SCHAEFFER S15 llth st nilLOST Biack collie dog white chest and stripearound neck Reward if returned to 1212 O stnw ml23LOST March 5 silver watch Delia engravedon outside picture on inside Reward returnto 1201 X IL ave nw m33STRAYED Monday from 2008 Wyoming aveyoung collie dog slightly lame in left foot j

Reward if returned to above address or noticesent of whereabouts el 3

LOST Monday pocketbook containing 1050 andcard with owners name reward S22 X Y avemr e23LOST Saturday a black Newfoundland puppywith white feet breast and tip on tail taj6760 Reward if returned to 344S Brown stMount Pleasant ell3

ICE CREAM lOc gallon not made ia a cellarout above ground for sewer gas abound in eellars and breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moraldont eat that kind LACEYS is pure anddelicious K Y Phone 2051





FIR 1lENTtzrrlO










10 END

GUI ave





WE BUY Oil SELL a business quick DUXLAPi DOG F st cl23

FOR REXT Blacksmith shop 80S H st ne ApB F SAUL 7th and L aSs nw cT33

FOR SALE Pesnwlvania Avenue Cafe pricej DUNLOP MW F st c33-i FOR SALE Small variety and candy store or

contents 203ft 7th st nw el33FOR SALE Oldestablb ed lunchroom tc irrcity W J pUGAX 617 t ai jnl53-

SVLE Comer Litk n sales575 to 100 per day information apply 1200NeB York ave nw ml-

I FOR SALE Saloon near GovernmentOffice W J a m33FOIl SALE Two at onethird valueprices 250 and S9 Afldress lION 100 thisoffice iiil33FOR SALE Saloon Pa avel W J DUGAX 617

j La ave miSSFOR SALE Saloon K t hargSLin in Washington


FOR SALE Saloon close to Pa ave cheapW J DUGAX 617 I awe mlS3FOR SALE Firstclass eicar and aewstaad cheap

i CAPITAL BUSIXESS EXCHANGE AtlanticI Building ual33

FOR SALE Saloon ia fine location 58500 W JI DUGAX 617 La ave ml33-j WAXTED A gentleman with 1OOO to 15CO

capital to manage an office ia Richmond or Nor

a0 3n to 1 990 annually Gail on MR-liOSLEK eSS 13th t nw for full particulars

el23FOR SALE Grocery cheapFOR SALE Coal and wood yard one of theselling it Address BOX 72 elite m23

I FOR SALE Two poultry stalk leading marlets DCXLAP 03 F st ellSVOlt SALE Established grocery store CSS XerthCapitol st nw no reasonable offer refused cll3-

I FOR SALE Feed store good stand for hull pari

FOR SALE A good iiayiuc grocery store withor without stock good reason for selling Apply

this office cll3FOR SALE Milk route bargain if sold at onceCall Ml II fit neFOR SALE Barber shop business section snapDUXLAP F st mll3FOR SALE Cigar store clearing 73 monthlvaccept invoice DUXLAP 903 F it mll3FOIL SALE Diningroom clearing 900 monthlyaccount illness sacrifice DUXLAP SOS F at

inllS-WE IIAYn CASH BCYEItS dteingroomsalso cigar stores DUXIAP RIO F st midiFOR SALE Tailor store one of the bestlocations in city Address lION 35 this office

BAD BILLS COLLECTED or no charge H DGORDON Lawyer flit 14th it uw mllTO BUY OR SELL a business quick see NEWYORK BUSINESS BROKERS 1606 F st rall3FOR SALE Grocery store Northeast doing 400week cash no credit owner leaving cRy price8LOOO Addres BOX 41 this office tollSFOR SALE Crocerv and liquor store yearlysales S30 iW rare chance NEW YORKNESS BROKERS 1006 F st mll3FOR SALE Diningroom established standcheap ill health NEW VORK BUSINESS BROK-ERS F st mll3


PROF CALDWELLS l A7ato y7 913 E-

st nw Tuesday Thursday ansi Saturday evenimmune irivcn dail e33

SEWING MACHINES cleano and repaired 1

LOVES 1233 lath st nw ro23SOME ltRE FISH will be on exhibition at D-

5L FAUXCEJS F1SI1 STAND in the CentreMarket m23FANCY FOWLS JeglMjrus Rocks BrahmaLaiigsliaik Wyandottex games turkeys duckspheasants swans eafowb incubators broodersetc BIND STORE 712 12th 6t nt-

vmlltfGAS GASOLINE AND OIL STOVES repairedand put in order by aa expert fifteen yearsexperience ChEAt J WALTER 32 O st ne

lHll3-CRUMPS celebrated tonic f Sculls and Spiceswarranted to cure dyspepsia mind IndigestionCRUMP MFG CO 13349th st nw e8lmo-PIAXO LESSONS tie careful competenttraduce 914 II st ner m2821

FULL DRESS SUITS for hire 1 np 709 7th stnw el8tfetnANY OnDIXAKY CLOCK cleaned We WitchesJewelry music boxes accordingly charger satis-faction guaranteed send postal call anddelJvcr lIre to all parts District CAPITALCLOCK REPAIRING 1134 7th st awBOOKBINDING FOIL TilE HOLIDAYS Books olall kinds bound In shot nptto etc

DEN JIanajerFULL DRESS SCRd41 or hire fl JULIUSCOhEN 11W 7th st nw




FOR grace tjFaIr

PrintingDUG 4



folk for a substantial and proable business forhalf proits and a weeky sniary iscosne guar-anteed

A at no citSbest retail yard in the city good reason for



ticulars apply 522 N J mace ow elii










logs private



pocketbooks end sU coeds lettered toor we bind anytlL1nI

ItINDEILY 6136li 7th at mm tiLAS l DOW













Real Estate Broker end Anctlowecr


1327 JOfh b ti iir ami steam heat 850540 R bh 7r bath a mi 33OJ2233 9th f h 7r water and sewer 2000

FOR SALE XORTH EASTH C b h ftp bath and a m i S5POO1J Jet b h Or bathS and a m i s0Cth st brick Sr bath and a m i 4500

L12th b 7r and a m i 3SOOf b r water and sewer 3009

Lr fr mc 2 stories 5r 1600f h 9r bath and a ra i 1500

SOUTHEASTh s ri Cr a m I 3 X

235 12th b h Cr both a m i 25SOU r b h 6r and a11 I403

h Cr water and sewer 13O00 K f h 5r lot 14x111 ft 700-

UXIMPROVED NORTHEASTPer so ftSe corner II and llth 58x100 ft S2 5

H st bet 4th and 5th 20x100 ft 1 50Sth bet C and D 36x63 ft 110G bet 13th ant 14th 61x130 ft 55Brewers Court 53x05 ft SOSquare 0K two alley lots 42x67 ft 23North side East CapitolS bet 17th and 13ih 20O bet llth and 12th 25x150 ft 20

FOR RENTXc filth I Cr and bath 1R SOAe 1103 Sth Cr and bath 15 30-

e part of lot 7 square 932 15 00Xe 42 Myrtle Cr 15 41-

e t Feuion gt 7r 15 SO76 J cknon Alley 6r D 00

Ne E19 court 4r t 7 33Xe 60 F st Cr 6 00Xe 7tare B77 3 lot OffcrwanttdSe 133 N C ave 6r and bath 23 42Se 1240 llth st store 8r 1280Se 715 7th st Cr 1203Se 25 SUm st 5r 12 O3Se JT02 Sth 12r 100Se SIS Lincoln st fAuaeosiia Gr 11 00Ee 1101 h 7r 1030St 3252 llth 7r II P StEe 213 a C an r 709

Apply at Gifics for Weekly Bulletin

FOR SALE STOHE AXTJ AEIiLIrnFOR SALE Store and 6 rooms andcellar stable and outbuildings at your priceApply to owner M K SHIPLEY Brtntwood Md-



FOR REXT Xew six rooms bath andcellar all modern improvements rent 2030213 O st nw Apply L OTTEXBERG ltD Tt-hst my TBlS3

11 rooms tiledbath with porcelain tub steam heat 3d floorrented to permanent parties For further particulars call at house

FOR REXT Fourroom brick SO Brainard stbet 17th and ISth atm Apply 714 9th st nw-



FOR SALE paying rent 100 cash balance30 monthly including interest at beautiful

Chevy Chase New 7room and bath housefurnace heat concrete modern plumbingwater and sewer lot SOrJaO I W WALKERSOX 1005 F st C133FOR SALE tOS X st nur bargain modern iraproved well planned well built fine homes per-fect condition ready to move into dont failto see it good title ease pavraents O MBRYANT Warder BWg F ate c33

FOR SALE Gents bicycle good condition 7Box 114 this office clS3FOR SVLE A large assortment of secondhandbicycles such aa Rumlrlers Cleveland Crawforth Keystones Wara ck Victors etc all ina firstclass condition Irons 5 up at the CYCLEEXCUAXGE 736 lOch st n M122

Ii bath

N 1 aceb




FOR REST1fl55 Kcnesaw arc


th and





FOREIGN StAlLSWASHINGTON DShould ba read daily as changes mummy occur at

any timeFOREIGN MAILS are forwards to ol

daily and the scheduu of i ar-ranged en the presumption ol tueir uninterrupt-ed overland transit the crack ending Earth16 1S01 the laft connecting closes will be madeftom this office as follows

WEDXESDAY c At 015 p m for FRANCESWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGALTURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIAand LOREXZO MARQUEE per s a La Cham-pagne from New York via Havre Mails forother part of EUROPE must be directed Pers Champagne

FRIDAY O At 1103 p m for XETHERdirect per s s Staatendain from New

York Mail must be directed Per s s Staatendam

c At 1105 p m for ITALY per s s K M-

Theresia from New York via Naples Mail mustbe directed Per s s K M Thereat

c At 1105 p M iw EUROPE per s aUnihria from New York via Qneertetowa

c At 11 5 p m for SCOTLAND direct p r-s B Astoria from Xw York Mall must he tt-

reeted Per a s Astoria

Mails for Soijtu und Central Amer-ica Vre t Indies Etc

AVEDXESDAY 0 At f At 10 ra forNASSAU K P per steamer from Miami Fla-

c At 1105 p ni for JAMAICA per B SAdmiral Sampson from Philadelphia

cX At tfilS w for BERMUDA per s aPretoria front Near York


SintiaKO from YorkTHURSDAY o At 11 03 j ra for MEXICO

per s e from New York TumpkuMail must be directed Per s s Seneca

FRIDAY c At 1106 p is for VENEZUELAand CURACAO per s s Maracsfbo front NewYork MalI for SAVAXILLA and OAKTHA-GEXA must be directed Per s s Maracaibo-

c At 1105 p m for PORTO RICO per s-

s Ponce from New York via Son Juanc At 1105 p m for FOItTUXE ISLAND JA-

5IAICA SAVAXILLA CARTHAGEXA andGREYTOWS per s s Allegheny from New YorkMail for COSTA RICA mutt be directed Per ss Alleeliany

SATURDAY 0 At 1039 a m for NASSAUX P per steamer from Miami Fla

d At totS a m r ARGENTINE REPUBLICURUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Brecimshire from New York

Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to NorthSydney and thence vim steamer close here dailyexcept Sunday at 12W in and on Sundays onlyat 1130 a m 00 GO

Stalls for JIIQUEIOX by rail to IU ston andthence via steamer close hers daily at 315p m i l

CUBA MAILS close lucre vie Port Tampa FinWednesdays Fridays at 220 p THand via Miami Fin Tuesdays and Saturdays at1030 a m f

Mails for MEXICO overland unless specially addressed for dtsiatch by steaitwrs trimsXew York close here daily at 1038 a TO mind

1000 p rn kMails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUA-

TEMALA by rail to New Orleans and thence viasteamer close lucre daily at 1000 p ni the CM-

ctingr closes for which being Mondaysfor COSTA RICA by rail to Yes Or-

leans nod thence via steamer close here daily at1000 p m the connecting doses for xshich betog Tuesdays

TrniiMVncIfic 3I ils-

Jfails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close heredaily at 700 p m up to March IS inclusive fordespatch per s 6 City of Peking o

SImile for CHINA anal JAPAN via Vancouverclose here daily at 700 p m to Starch 19inclusive for despatch per s e Eiuprass ot IndiaRegistered mail must be directed Via Yancou-

VesLul8 for AUSTRALIA except West Australiat

FIJI SAMOA and HAWAII via San Franciscoclose here daily at 700 p m up to March 23 in-

clusive for despatch pet P s Soaomo oMails for AUSTUAL1A except West Australia

which goes via e and New ZralaatL whichvia San Francisco and FIJI ISI iXDS via

Vancouver close here daily at 700 p ia aReaMarch 23 and up to Mardi 3O inclusive fordespatch per s s Miowera t

for TAHCTI and MARQUESAS iSLANDSvia San Francisco close here daily at 700 p nuup to April 10 inclusive for despatch j cr s 2Australia o

Mails for COCHIN CIIIXA are forwarded toNew York for connection with European steam-ers

PHIL1PPIXE ISLANDS Military Mall despatched to San Fratirfhco at alt closes tot thatoffice to connect with Cwentweut irtuperts thesailings of which are irregular

b Registered anile close at 100 p IB samediv

c mails close at SiOO p ra satindayd Registered maRe at 5 X a m saasedate Registered mails at Lot p m pre-vious Saturday

0 Registered mails ilaic at 100 p ia prerioua day

h Registered nirals elate at 1200 p sn pre-vious day

k Registered mails I se at S00 p m prerious day

o BegisteretT nails close 000 p mvious day A MER Ti Postmaster






TrunmaAtJnntic Matte






ilL and tIm


Smitten cia





which forwarded via Europe NEW ZEALAND





















Washington Alexandriaand

fvlount Vernon RailwayFrom Station Pennsylvania Ave and 1J12 St

la effect November 1 1SOO

Toe Alexandria Week days 630 701 7 0-

8rf 835 859 825 1000 1100 1130 e m-

xl 05 12 0 1245 altOS 1 5 200 23 x230 369 il15 4 5 50 SaW s5 540

60 6 0 76 7 0 8 S45 830 19151120 and 1169 p m Sundays 745 9 X 9451030 1100 1130 a ia 1200 noon 1230 1 0230 200 230 3v SilO 400 4SO 500 530

e D 7K 730 triO 845 930 101511 0 and 1150 p ra

For Mount VerBOn Week 6JO 8nX 13001100 a n s2 xl05 20i x259 350 x413x5 4 705 and 930 p m Sundays 9KK a a1 noon 200 400 700 cad 930 p m

For Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge WeefcC30 7 M 7 0 SK 3 3 S 9 3 1000

sod ll X a m 12rfJ3 12 0 1245 105 Lr25200 280 259 230 4 5 4 0 5 4-

OJ 6 0 7OS and SvO p m Sundays 745600 945 1030 llrfO and 1130 a ra 1203

I noon 1233 l X JO 200 23O 300 S30-405 fao 500 5 0 800 630 700 720

S00 p mParcels carried Baggage coecked-xErpreai To Arlington only

G E BBOr PresidentJ COLYIX Sai erneniect


LEAVE WASHIXGTOX PEXKA H R STATIOX8 5 A M Florida and Atlanta Fast Mail

for Petersburg taleigh Southern Pines PineCamden Columbia Savannah Jackson-

ville Tallahassee and Tampa CharlotteAthens Atlanta New Orleans and pointsWest Through sleeping cars toand to Atlanta

655 P M daily Florida and Limoited Room Compartment Obserra

Pities Pinehurst Camden Columbis SavannahJacksonville anti St Augustine Sleeping CarJzcbsonville to

6 5 P M daily Florida and Metropolitan LimoitemS for Charlotte Athens Atlanta Chattanooga Nashville Xeir Orleans and jSouthwest Through cars to AtlantaFor further information apply to W iL McCONNELL General Agent 14S1 Xeir York Ave

Low Rates to Pacific Coast

4500San Ffnuclico S entile Vancouver

1ortlaml TncomaCanadian Pacific Railway

1 2O Pa Ave


forMf w asiiington-Steaialoat Co

Every day in the year for Korfolk Newputt Xews and points South by thesuperb steel palace steamers

Newport XbrfolJc and W shlegion on the following scheduler

Iir Wajhin ton830 pm Lv Portsawuth500 pinIT Aleiajdria7J pra ZT Norfolk 6LCO praAr Ft Monroe700 aci J Lr Ft ilonroc700 pnjAr Xorfolk 00 am Ar Al xatidrfatL38 xmAr PortsmouthS15 am Ar WashiiiKiont03 am

Tickets on sale at 817 Penn eve BO ticket office tilt Penn ave and corner15th st and If Y ave C 4 O ticket offites at 512 Penn aye and 600 14tb tS A L ticket office 1431 X Y are andun board steamers

further information apply at genera 7th st wharf Wadiington D OPhone 750

5 8i JOllY CALLAHAN Gineral Manager








Seaboard Line


and Dining Raleigh Southern





i Furoffices











XEW TORK SOUTHAMPTOK UOKDOHNee YorkMar20 10 ans j VaderrdApr1710 rumVaderbndMar 27 10 am St LouiaApr2410 araSt Louis Apr 3 10 am Xew YorkMay 110 arnNew YorkApr 1010 aic j St PauIMay 8 10 atn


KcnstnsrfnMar 20 noonl FrieslandApr 3 noonXoordland5Iar 27 Souiaw3rkApr lOnoon

iNTERNATIONAL NAViGATION COMPAXYPiers 11 and 15 X R New York Office 73


Or G W Moss 1411 C St nw


FOR REXT Opposite poUoffice whole Scat floorenelhat for office or business H per month3 3J2tli miSSFOR KEXT Rooma in building 9S2 F st incheap rent Apply to W J DANTE HutchinsRuildir 1HU and B fits daiS

SUBURBAN PROPERTYFOR RENT OR SAIJ In and about Hyattsrflleseveral beautify homes with lots andacreage suitable for chicken runs price moderateawl terms easy ROGERS k HOGERS HyatUrule unit


WE WILL SELL a lot 25ili5 o electric rail

without interest or taxes this price geed foronly limiteil time free booklet CLARK BROS

13th st smS7

FOR SALE PAR3ISFOR SALE Farm of 35i ama and house ef fiverooms cod ouUide buildings one mile fromCabin John Bridsre For pznic ktrs address J W-EKLEY Cabin lobe P O 3M HilSS


FOR SALE Fine pedigree Belgian hares i uplia 5th st nvr elFOR SALE Babv carriage iaese H it cowKtion

5 Call at124flKene aw ave elFOR SALE Fiae oak buffet with large platemirror for 14 0 cost 38 315 8th st mr

miSSSALE Fine oak bedroom suite seed as

new for iO cost S45 315 th st nw ialS5FOR SALE Fine oak mirrorfront folding bedwith hair mattress for 13 cost 50 315 6th st-nw lalSSFOR SALE Thoro shbred Buff Cochin cockerelprizewiimior stock price 5 delivered MRSSAKAII J KEEXAX Bre tvro a MO miSS

FOR SALE 6 sine small platform scale mar-ble top weighs 50 pound Apply COLUMBIABUTlER CO B st wing Centre Market mlWILL SELL CHEAP a Chtckerin squarepiano Address BOX 95 this eiice mlSSFOR SVLE Forty coloak bee 11 HarrisonSt Anacostia D C ja87FOR StVLE Aery cheap quartered oak bedsteadwith spring SW 1 condition lUG 1 st nw

FOR SALE Grocervmen attention 5 barrels firstclass pickles cheap O K brand A 1JS-2ath tt nw C12S

FOIl SALE Two fresh railch cows withcalves 16th and Joliott it Brookfasd DC-

eli3FOR SAIJ lttOer Moaltor Sncttbator ia goodcondition cheap A4uees Sex t this oee


FOR SALE 2 large ice bests cheap SK nthst nw

FOR SALES rtoa ranges gas stoves gasolone stoves carpets oce cashiers sleek148 C st BC ns23K-

EWEST patterns of waists or skirts 50by cutter of Ia Ka garnwats MADAMEALBEUy General P O WashingtonD C eilsFOR SALECood joi t ss nattfa 124eyard floor oilcloth 25c Hooleum 4Scyard reduced prices on all stair oilcloths andcarpets KLEEBLATTS llth cad II sic ae-

mhlFOR SALE 148 for cobbler solid oakREDMOXD 311 7th st storage etcFOR SALE Dress goods Hks tame curtains por-

tieres blankets comforts mens and boysclothing ap sSLirts etc on weeklypayments drop postal I call JOSEPH OAIIN-J37 Pa ave nw cl5lmoFOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted toyour windows only tic the best quality oilopaque shades 50 cents hung free will callwith samples KLEEBLATTS llth and H atm

FOR SALE foe lisle mattress In two partsIcuEgea 275 gasoline stoves and refrigeratorsparlor and Ledroom suites 1 per week willmove and storm yonr oods rash or credit REDilOXD 211 and 213 7th st nz

Piano S15One Square Piano at 15

e7tf F G SMITH 1223 Pa arc



at ncr


way single fare for 225 monthly payments





















7 5 A JL DAYS PITTSBOTC EX-PRESS Parlor and Dining Cars HarrfabBrff t-


moon Jleepinfr Dining Smoking and Obserralion Cars to Chleaj CincinnatiIndianapolis St Louts Cleveland and ToledoBuffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg

1050 A 31 FAST LIXE Poilroan Buffet ParlofCar to Harrisburg DamSeL Parlor Car

338 PM CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESSSleeping Car Washington to St andWashington to Toledo and Sleeping and Din

Cm Harrisburg ta Indianapolis St LouisLouisville ifs CIncinnatf and Chicago

7J5 P M WESTERX EXPRESS PuUnra SteepCar to Titisburff and Chicago Wni Car


PRESS PulLnan SleepIng Cars Washington to-Pittsbwy and HarmtMtc U Cieveland and

Dining Car1040 P M PACIFIC EXPRESS Pullman Sle

ins Car to Pittebnnr15 A IL For Kane Canandalgua Rochesterand Falls daily Sunday

10 0 A M For ELmira sad Itenovo dailr acrcpSunday For TViHiameport daily SJS P if

P if Daily for WiUianwpcrl and Buffalovia Emporium Jcnctian with through Baffel

Car for Rochester Erie BuffaloNiagara Falls daily except Saturday with

Car Washington to8 P M For Erie Onandxisua Rociester

Buffalo and Niarara Falls daily PuUmanSleeping dr Washincton to Rochester Satur


for Year York all Parlor Cars with DiningCar front Baltimore

EastExpress 700 Dining Car 757 Sil5 000

SrfO Dimming Kht Dining Use anal1100 Dining Car from Wilmington A M1245 315 4 9 Dining Car from BaltimoreG5O 1000 and 1150 P M On Sundavi 7 0

Dining Car 757 8U3 8J 300 DiningCar 1100 Dining Car lenin Wilmington A3L 1215 315 4S Dining Car front Balti-more 650 1000 and 1150 P M For PhiU-delphia only Express 745 A JL 1215

week days 201 410 Dining Car analSiO P dells

For Boston without chanjv 713 A iL week-days and 450 P IL laily

1000 1050 1100 A M 1215 1245 120-fcOL 315 330 O3 Limited 410 4lSO4 1 450 540 6T 650 715 1000 10401LJ5 and 11 0 F M On Sundays 7 7D7815 9 0 95 10A lt00 X 1C 1413115 201 315 SSi 4 0 Limited 410420 450 540 thiS 850 T45 IQyOO 1040and 1150 P M

For Popes Creek Line 745 A i and 431 P Mweekdays

Annapolis 7 X 0CO A 1C 1215 and SVtP ir week Iayi Sunday 00 A IL sari540 P M

For Old Point Comfort Uosw H and 3i a-

prake Ohio Railway 11U1 X M weefcdajwith through Pullman Buffet Parlor Car

Express for Florida and points on Atlantic CoastLine 4 0 A JL S1S P IL dally FloridaSpecial 810 P SL nrjci days

Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Ateline S35 A M daily Florida and Metro-politan Limited 65 P 3L daily

Express for Richmond only 1141 A JL weekdays 500 P Jf iiily

Accommodation for Qoantico 746 A 2Cand 4 3 P M

Seashore ConnectionsFor Atlantic City via Delaware Bridge aH

rail route 1243 f M weetdays throughPullmaa Buffet Parlor Car 315 4rf ConKressional Limited and 11 0 P M dailyVia Market Street Wharf 3000 and llriX A SL1245 P M weekdays 1150 P 3L daily

For Cape 1100 A IL week 21P 31Ticket offices corner Fifteenth and G Streets

and at the station Sixth and B Streets whereorders can be left for the checking of baggageto destination from hotels and residences

Telephone call IMl for Pcnasylvmia Rail-road Cab ServiceJ B HliTCHIXSOX J 3 WOOD

Ceaeral JJanaget General Passenger Agent




Harris-burg to Pittsburg



Niagara except


Sleeping Rochester

For i3iiladelplilmm New York and tho



For Baltimore SitO itOG 745 757 5mM P50






Baltimore Ohio


< ¬


> ¬




RAILROADSchedule in effect November 25 153C

Leave WaAin ton Seam Jersey Ave andChicaso Northwest lft O a ra S iCincinnati St Louis and IntiianapoHs

a IB 345 p m nightPittabttre and dcveland JO50 a iap m and 100 nightColumbus and Wheeling SD5 p raWinchester JIS a m iSt5 and Ji39Luray 345 p nt

Frederick iS35 8 X ilO O a EL-K4 0 ij3SO p ia-

Ilagerstown a and JraJO p inBoyd and way points JSSS rf

115 f43 H5dO 7OG p K-LCaithersburpr aad way points S35 3 0 a

m 12 0 115 0 JJt O 5W S O

7 J 1616 filias p B-Wai hingtoa Junction and way points j5S80 a m 115 jjl JiS O p raBaltimore week days i225 5 0 630 iTB5

5 p sa Seeders

ROYAL BLUE IXEAll trains illuminated with Pintscb lightlUltiMwe Phaaddfta Xew York Uoston-

asd tlMrJSttt 2 7rfS Diner jS Buffet900 Blair fl 60 Diner a at 1210

Diner K10 Diner 3rf Royal Limitedthere UrfO BeSet 55 Diner 8 0 and11 ft p m Sleepic Cir open at M 0 dParlor Cars oa aU trainsAtlantic City ra 19 jK a and

I1M and raDaily fExctpt Sunday Sunday only

Baggage mailed for and checked fromresid iMres by Union Transfer CD on erdera leftat tiekct otiioes 619 PeaJjsxJnnia northwest Sew York Arcane and 15th Streets and atDepart Telephone ticket ofltees for B O Hec


Sd Vice President Jlgr Pass Trafficraid Gee Manager

Southern RySc-heduc in effect March IS

Trains leave front Penna Station-S l a m Daily Local for Uarriionburg and

for Charlotte and way stations1115 a m Daily ii S Fast Van

cars to Yew Orleans Columbia Savannah aridJacksonville uniting t Salisbury with sleeper forAsaevilli Chattaoooga and Mejaphis and ahandle with sleeper for Birmingham and atCharlotte with steeper for Augusta Solid trainWashington to Sew Orleans DiBinj ear service

1137 a m Daily Local for CharlottesviBe491 p ia Week Daya Local for Front Boyal-

trasl urjj aad Iltrrisonlurg430 p m Daily Local for Charlottesville635 p m Week Days New and

Li ic l Composite Cafe and Sjooiung Car Dirt

York and Washinzton to St Augustine andPullman Drawing Room Seeping Car New Yorkand WashingtOM o liken and Augusta Connect-ing at Columbia with Parlor Car for Charlestonand at Waycrasi with Parlor Car for Thomasriile-Ga

Lit p m Daily S Y A Fin Express Sleep-Ing ears to Augusts with connections for Aikeaand Charleston and to Siraaiuh Jacksonvilleand Port Tampa and Thursdays to Tbooiaevilte-Ga Through coaches to Jacksonville and Atlanta at Danville with Pullman sleepersfrom Richmond and Norfolk for Charlotte Tour-ist sleeper Washington to San FraacMoaTuesdays and Fridays Diuin car

1601 p m Daily Wadiinston and CtatUneogaLimited Via Lynchburg Sleeping cars tt Roancake Kozville Cbs tanooga Memphis sad NewOrleans Through toach to Memphis Dining car

1 43 p Jo Daily Washington and Southwestera limited Sleeping cars to Aahevilie KnoxriBs Chattaaoosa sad Nashville sad U AtfcBt-aMaca Birmingbam Memphis Montgomery MoWh and New Orleans Dining ear servjie Tues-days Wednesdays TUurstliiys end Ftld ClOmp

car Washias on to Pin b r t Xl C analTuesdays Thursdays usual Sunset Lim-ited Annex Sleeper Witsltiagton to New Orleansconnecting at New Orleans with Sunset Limitedfor San Francisco

TRAINS ON BLUKMOXT BRANCHLeave Washington 941 a m daily 449 p m

week sad 6 S p a SuMkiys fbi Btec-ment 6S5 p ra Saturdays and 435 p m weekslays and 1120 p in and Satur-days only for Lce burg 6 6 p sc week days toUerndea

Through trains front tie South arrive Washington 642 aM 6iSS am 733 ara daily loriSam daily 215 pm and 560-pm From IlarrwotAurs 1137 xro week-days and 940 pm daily Front Charlottesville

TickeU slecpins ear reservations and i therIaf-ormatiOH furnished and baggage called for andchecked front hotels mind residences by UnionTransfer Co on orders left at Ticket Office 703-16th St XW 511 FonDa Ave XW Sod atPenaa Station

Pbooe 1441 for P R K Cab ServiceFRANK S CANNON Sd V P and Cen ifer-

S U I1AKDWICK General Paasr AseatL S BROWK General Agent

BIRDS DOGS ETCYOUNG PABROTS smgins manacles mockingbirds doss cats ivbblts gold fish etc cata-logue free EGHMlD i BIRD STORE 712 Kth st-uw




U StSm p am

lO033 riO


p im

tnmapolis j31O St0 flSti a an Jmid-43o and p in



tO 550 x9tO X10510 a me zUiLme515 xiIO tPAl 430 423 rinddilU ri30 s50 63 tt xitksYJ axHaRt

xt3 aSahi E5-i00 a an xl10 xl1O 115 tS50 ms4 4J5-

riO5 xItlO Silo sSO5 alOriO xll33 i1S5-p

dayiO00 a


xEipese triinihotels anal




York FlOrida

leg Car Compartment and Draivimug Room Sleeplog Cars and Library ansi ObseeratiosI cars New







exempt Mondayabut

525 am ansI 310 pm daily











