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Problems with France in 1780s 3 1. bad harvests 2. high taxes 3. who’s questioning authority?

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THE FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEON 1 Chapter 7 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION BEGINS 2 Section 1 Problems with France in 1780s 3 1. bad harvests 2. high taxes 3. whos questioning authority? The Old Order 4 3 large social classes (estates) 1 st = Catholic Church 2 nd = rich nobles/do not pay taxes 3 rd = 97% of pop. Bourgeoisie (middle class), have money but pay taxes City workers (poor laborers + servants) Peasants (80% of entire pop.) The Forces of Change 5 1. Enlightenment ideas Inspired by American Rev. Rousseau + Voltaire = equality + democracy 2. economic problems High taxes hurt trade industry Bad weather -> less grain - > expensive bread Debt from overspending by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette The Forces of Change 6 3. a weak leader Louis XVI does not listen to advisors Listens to wife from Austria who buys jewels and gambles Runs out of money Taxes nobles Second Estate (nobles) force him to call a meeting of all three estates (Estates-General) Dawn of the Revolution 7 Each estate had one vote 3 rd estate wants each delegate to have a vote They break away to form the National Assembly Pass laws and reforms Representative govt. Tennis Court Oath new constitution Storming the Bastille 8 Political prison in Paris is taken over by a mob The Great Fear 9 Rebellion spread throughout the countryside Peasants burned the houses of nobles Women riot over increase in price of bread -> kill some of the kings guards NAPOLEON FORGES AN EMPIRE 10 Section 3 Napoleon Bonaparte Seizes Power 11 Military school at nine Joins army of the new govt. during the Revolution Leads French army in wins against Austria + Kingdom of Sardinia Chaos in France -> a coup d'tat in 1799 and Napoleon becomes ruler (dictator) of France Britain, Austria, and Russia sign peace agreements with Napoleon Napoleon Rules France a plebiscite vote of the people approves a new constitution that gives Napoleon full power Economy stable supply of tax money Dismisses corrupt govt. officials Lycees govt. - run public schools Concordat (agreement) with Pope Pius VII to allow the Church to have some influence Napoleon Rules France 13 Napoleonic Code comprehensive/uniform system of laws Eliminates many injustices Less freedom of speech/press Order over individual rights Crowns himself Emperor of France in 1804 Napoleons Empire Restore productive sugar industry Enslaved Africans win war against Napoleon on island of Saint Domingue (Haiti) Sells Louisianan territory to the U.S. for $15 million Punish the British Takes over most of Europe except G. Britain after defeat in Battle of Trafalgar 15 NAPOLEONS EMPIRE COLLAPSES 16 Section 4 Napoleons Costly Mistakes The Continental System Sets up a blockade a closing of ports linking Great Britain with rest of Europe Attempts to destroy Great Britains economy Britain sets up a better blockade French economy suffers Napoleons Costly Mistakes Peninsula War 1808 Napoleon sends troops through Spain to make Portugal accept the Continental System Makes his brother Joseph the Spanish king Spanish fear the Catholic Church will be attacked Spanish peasants fight with guerilla warfare Britain helps Napoleon loses 300,000 men Nationalism loyalty to ones country - increases