FRED M ALGER, JR WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION 10 OUR POLICY Lnder the dIrect on of James Dunn man of Vllde e-xpcr ence the W1.l Plumb 19 all Heat 19 Co of 169 Kercheval Place Grosse Pomte ha beel rapidly tllcrea" ng ltS volume 0 busmess They are equ~pped to handle 21n ype of plumbll1g or heatll1g Job fro m nor n~patrlng to Il1stallatlon an contnct IVOrk The \Vurm mstltutlo s one of reS'ponsiblhty and has be qUIte promll1ent 111 Gros"e Pomte !bUll mg actlVItIes for a good many yeaI S lce the -death of Mr Wurm, M Du 111 has been n full charge Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's Market [red Glaeser ~eds Market aJ 17030 Kerdheval avenue was fortunat~ n secnr ng a number of pn7e b<lue rubj !bon steer<; at the M Icllagn State ['aIr If you deSire to "ecure c.ho ce cuts 0 thiS pr ze beef J lO.t phone your orcre II Thp'ii:" del c ous ~uts are dva laibl at no I1Cfcase 11 pr ce Treat the fam Ily to d. tasty morsel of thiS selecte qual tv pn7e beef I Wurm Plumbing and Heating cJ Promment in Local Activitie I Republican Nominee 14th Congressional Dist. I -~ By Mall $2 00 per year, Smgle Caples 5 Cent. Your Official Hi.Li Paddle Can Be Purchased at Leach Drug Numerous pn7es are lJemg dlstnhutect ~t the Aloma Theah CharleVOIXat vVavbH1n III the HI LI paddle ball conte~t winch 1 now m progre~,> and WIll cont1l1ue for another four weeks Th grand pmze IS a beautIful bIcycle rntr) blanks may be secured ~he A16m~ Theatre The contest I~ba~ed on keepmg the ball m the aIr There WI be an elImmatwn contest 1e 1 d outSide the theatre every Tuesday 4 15 P m 11\ e youngsters \v 111 he selected 111 the elImmatIon appear on the stage 01 the theatre Saturday afternoon The WID'll of the five WIll receIve a paIr of roller ,btes and the other fa \\ III receive prtzes Sllnllar ellmm1.tlOl1s \\ tll take place e'lch \veek for another thr v\eeks \\Ith <;IffiIlar uV"'Hds e1.ch week Those who have been elm mated the fir~t \\ eek ~re ebgl1Jle 10 partiCipate the follow1l1g If the) ~o de"re At the end of four weeks "he \\1I1ner~\\111appear on the sta for final competition and the ,>ucce.:;;sful youngster Will receive bIcycle \\ hlch any voungster would be proud to own For more dei 'uled mformatlOl1 mqmre at the theatre We Grow With You Why not Grow With Us? Advertise In The ReView Hi-Li Paddle Ball Contest Now in Progress at Alom W1th a V1ew to creatmg a lave fot mUS1C among DetrOIt s dh1ld populace 'Dhals Marasco and Eleanor Sha.plro oome from the EastmaJll Sdhool of "Iy[ US1C Rochester N Y to conduct a ooune t<ncreatIve musliC at the Detr01t Conservatory OIf MUSiC thllS fall Both MISS ShaplI"o and M1ss Mar asco studled at the Eastman whool under the g1UlC:Lance of LottIe EllSW01"th Colt IOternatlOnal authonty on muSH. educatlorn for Small ohIldren Wor!bng fr{)tffi the pS)IIoholaglcal stamdlpomt they Will dierve1-op chtldren s mterest 111 mUSIc by haVIng t<hem make slmlPle mUSical mstruments c-omlpose melodIes and become memlbers of small groups "Suoh as rhythm orchestra:. The chIldren 1W111be taught tlhroug 1 means of musICJallgames, songs, l'l1stru ents VlC'trolas and other den-ces T le course IS an mnovatwn 111 Detr01t Novel Methods Used in Musical Training for Children Tried Grosse Pointe Post 303, American Legion Big Party on October 2nd I Grosse Pomte Post No 303 OIf the I American LegIOn wIll hold a rparty at the r post headqmrters on Fnday eve- nlllJg October 2 cit 8 30 odook sharp Adm S'HO1 Vv 11 be 25 cents Among other attract am there w 11 be a ses- Sl.011of share the wealth Refreshments WIll be served and both soft Junks and 1(ttle ibe-er w 11 be available Come early and bnng the yoUngsteI S for a good time IS 111 store for all Remember the place and date 17520 1 Mack ave lue near Neff road and the The first of a senes of ,card partIes to date s Friday Octolber 2 at 8 30 p m be hdd th1s fall WIll take !place on Ple lty of tparkl11g space 1S aVdllahtle Wedhesday Selptemlber 23 1936 at the \\TIhen we please you tell otl ers and home oIf Mrs Fredenck M ALger when we <10 1t tell u" a lJd we WIll a'P- 17700 East Jefferson Ave preClate t Good mus c w 11 be on '1 here wdl be a dessert luncheon at hand olnci "1 g xx1 1:nue 15. H1 "tore !for 1 0 c1odk. and 1S lbe111ggiven iby Mrs all so I 11 be "eelllg you tl e evenl11g Sylvester Lll1gemann entertamment of October 2nd c'haIrman I WILLIAM A SCALLY f>here w111 also \be door a<t1d table -------- pl'lZeS Come and brmg your fnentd~ for a pleasant alfternoon TIckets sac I eavmg a war torn country am1d 'cur raids reibel armIes and ntg1htly bom bal'dmentj offers a zestful chmax to a $Iummer vacation :In the Op1l11On of M1ss Martha Werneken 19 year old Grosse Po nte student M1ss Wernelken Who llves at 422 Neff road ""as caught 111 the center of Spam whef' the revolutIDn Ibroke out She and 11 other AmerIcan students all members {)If an assoclat on known as Exrpenment 111 In ernabonal Llv mg fled througih rebel <lrommated areas to refuge on French sOIl She arnved horne Saturday The body of Emerson Green 24 so c ety youth who drowned Sunday was recovered from the DetrOIt R1ver at the foot of LaJkep'OlUte avenue Tuesday a£ternoon by Grosse POlUte Park po hce Green Whose home 1S m Pasadena Cal lost h1S hfe when ihe attempted to sWim to shore to br ng help for hiS companion MISS LOUIse V1ger 19 who clung to the lYottom of the r capsized rowboat four r-ours before Ibe ng res cued M ss Vlger hves at 17610 FaIr way dnve Palmer Woods IGrosse Pointe Park Police Locate Body of Drowned Youth -.--.;-~ - **• CHARLESH HODGES,of "ash mgton Road, who has been makmg an extended stay at Huron. Moun .a111 Club, Will return thIS week. end MR A'ID MRS EARlLHOLLEY of Provencal Road WIth theIr 5'On Earl C have returned from a stay at ,theIr cott1d.igeat Les Cheneaux *** \fR AND MRS JOHN A BRY AN1 of Ella1r Place who have been spending several weeks at Les Chen eaux O1Ulb,WIll return to theIr \homc Sunday Jacqueline Beauty Salon on Lakepointe Reopens A.ifter vacatiomng for severall weeks 1n Montreal MISS Jacquehne of t'he Jacquehne Beauty Salon has reopened at 1101 Lakepo nte avenue 'Dhey are featunng a spec1al ior school girls for a limited tIme only Durmg the fall months thIs POiPular ~hop w 11 remam open on Wednesday d.-ld F'ncbav evenmg I()Ifea,c.h week pro vidlIg" an appointment IS ma-ete You \\ 111 hke the splendid Ibeauty semce available here The Ul1Iverslty orf MIlChLgan Extens. on is offermg fifty five crednt and non cnd t courses n the DetrOit area dfur ng the fall semester startmg Sept 21 \fany of these courses /Carry coJlege credit and some may even be taken for graduate reSidence credit for an advanced degree $10 IS the baSIC fee for a two hour courSe meetmg cne evenmg each week tlhroughout the semester The course" offered are m the fields of AI"ohltecture, Astronomy \Busll1ess Adlmm1stratlOl1 EconomiC>; BducatIOn EnglOeermg Lngh:.h Geog raphy Geology HIstory Hyglene ]-ournuhsm Philosophy, P'O It tiC a 1 SCience Psychology Speach and SOll ology Complete d~t ul~ may be ob tamed from the DetrOIt ofuce 40 East Ferr} Street telephol1t. Tril1ltJ 2 0238 Tlls fall the Umve .... )~y WIll offer for the first tlOl(. a rac! 0 class 10 the Teachmg of Mathemattc., Dr RaleIgh Sohorlmg of tIlL l nlvrr<:lty Sc~ool of Edu-tahon v 111condu t the class Thos~ who are mtere",ted .,nould \\lltc the ExtenSion DIVIS10l for appltcatnnc; U. of M. Extension Fall Semester Starts Sept. 21 \[ ss Rose \far c krause ::,e<..rct1.ry 0& Lodge No III has been eleded delegate to the l'1.fth Annu.al NatIonal COlVcn11C'n OIftlle Amencan FederatIon of Government emplovees held 1ll the Book Cad Hac Hotel on Sept 14th l..,th aDQ 16th MISs Kranse a graduate of the Gros'>e Po nte Hlgh School and a former re::'ldent of th1s Clty ts atta hed to the ImmlgratlOn and Nciturahzatlon Service and IS norw stayll1g durmg the Looven on at the home of her mother ~t 7S7 Iorame Roa 1 The engagement of MIS Yvonne Dusablon formerly df Racll1e Vv IS to Vll1cent Maxsaclk son of Mr and Mrs George Ma.rsack of Grosse pomte Farms was announ'Ced SatU'rdlay eve nlng at a gathenng .of relatIves (lJnd fnends at the! home df the groom elect by her stster and !brother 1U law Mr and Mrs Edl Va1l1ancpurt The weddmg date has not yet been set Members of mterested fnends of Goo lAlex:andjer Yfacomb Ohapter Umted States Darughters of 1812 have recelved! ll1VltatIons fr-om the chaJP ter preSIdent Mrs Dtoyd DeWl'tt Sm1th to be her gll-ests at a ConstItutIon Day Tea at the Colony Club on Thurs day afternoon SePtember 17 from two to five oclo:ck Smce the adoptIon df the Federal Constltu11D1n 'On Sept 17 1789 falls wrehl11the elJJglblhty penod to member shIp 1n the Society 1784 1815 the 1812 Daughters have aIrways !been prullctl hOU5 In dbservmg thiS important day 111 theIr COIuntry s h story Every member IS rurged by Mrs Smtth to cLlspJay a fla..g at her home on thIS day Enterramment sUltaible for the O'C OO3'lon Ihas been arranged by Mn Smtth for l1er tea-guests Patnohc mUS1CWilt be sung iby conti alto solDlst Mrs Carol StIlson Turner w1th Mrs Kemneih LandiS at the tp'lano Mr Wlrt I Savery lawYer and a authonty on federal law w111 glve an address ~he Federal Constitution Its Umque Character Detroit Colony, New England Women vhss Margaret F A.llen ihas succeeded MISS McIlroy reblLgned on the 111ursmg 'itaff MISS Allen lS a graduate of the Mmnesota Un1verslty Sdhool OIf Nurs 1l1Ig where ::.Ih.ewas afterwards sutper vI,;or of the trammg scihool Her eXlpenence mcluclles tv,"Oyears WIth 11le M '1y 0 CIUllC Rc ,whester two years head nurse Harper 'lLosprral Detr01t a teaohers at Womans HospItal V1Slt111g ~urse Vlslting ~urse AssoClation De trOlt A ve~y heavy vote was recorded in Grosse Pointe at the Primaries Tuesday. At the time the Grosse Pointe Review went to press it was impos- sible to secure detailed data as to how the votes in Grosse P,?inte were cast. Loclrlnoor went Democratic by a very small majority,twhile the City of Grosse Pointe and the remaindet of the Township went decidedly Repub- lican. W:ilber M. Brucker for Senator a?d Fred Martha Werneken Has Alger Jr,~!or Co?g~ess led the G. O. P. ticket by Returned from Spain a substantIal maJorIty. From available information Fred Alger, Jr., was nominated by a majority of four to one on the Republican ticket. Louis C. Rabaut, incumbent, won the Democratic nomination by a wide margin. The polls were well attended all day and quite a number ?f voters were in line whEln the polls closed at mght. It was one of the largest Prim- ary votes in the history of Grosse Pointe. . ~----------------------- Grosse Pointe Health Rose Marie Krause Department Notes Elected Delegate to A. F. G. E. Convention Alger Post Auxiliary Card Party Sept. 23 Gros~e Pointe Voted R.epublican at the Primaries Tuesday LOUIS C RABAUT Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co., Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. Willia~ E. Roney Was 1812 Daughters to Burled Last Saturday Ob C t't t" serve ons I u Ion Day September 17th A brIdge tea will be glVen at the Grosse Po nte Yacht Club "September 22 at 2 30 0 clock for the be1efit of the mortgage frund of the League of Mrs W Scott Hoblbs newly elected Catholic Women Mrs Ernest A preSident of DetrOIt Colony NatIonal o Brien and Mrs Euchd V Jomv111e SocIerty New England Wome11 w111 W111be JOI'1.1t cha1rmen Mrs Edward prets1de over the 1l11tial fall meet111g of J H1ckey and! Mrs Ec1ward A Skae the group Wednesday September 23 past 'P1"esldenb VI 11 a~sbt 'Irs WIlt I at the Central B1'lanch of the Y Vv lam r Connolly Wlho <; pres1de'l1t of C A The meetll1lg which Will open the League 111recelV111[gthe guests at 1 30 0 clOCk w~ll!be preceded by a Mrs Oscar Lmgeman IS cihatrman 1230 odock luncfheon ReservatlOll1s of .rrangements and Yfrs Robert P may be made With tlhe correspondll1g Pcmell chaIrman of 'P rtzes Mrs Damel secretary Mrs Joihn L Hutton, of R Foley cards and tallies and Mrs Nonnal1Jche avenue Lloyd FEagan iPulbbclty Resolve MISS Marton L Clark director of now to attend and bnng your inendb the Tmvelel s Altd. SOCIety has !been Reservattons may be made WIth the secured as speaker by 'Program chl3.1r comm1ttee or by call1l1g the League man "M: rs Bc1Jward L Holmes M US1C Gol'1lmbla 1000 1S also bemg larranged by musI'C cha1r man Ml's Lotttse Allen League of Catholic Women Bridge-Tea The members of the St Ambro5e Altar Souety al c holdmg afternoon card partles 011 fhursday afternoon m the PanS'h Hall at 2 p m They 1l1Vte ehe1r many ,fnends 111 the VIC1l1tty to Jam tl em 111 tit elr 1ihUlsddy actiVIties The St Paul s Altar SOc1ety Wlll !hold a $lale of home made baked goods at Fred s Market at 17030 Kercheval ave nue Saturday September 19 T11ey m vlte you to parhc pate m thlS sale and aid a worth} cause as 'Well as secure delIcaCies for} our Sunday d nner St. Ambrose Ladies to Hold Card Party St. Paul's Altar Society Bake Sale Saturday Democratic Nominee 14th Congressional Dist. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DlSTRIC.T GRO::,SL POIN fE MICHIGAN I HUR::,DAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1936 I ~- ,ar~~ ~~rofJ~t ",:)poititt lRtUttlU Mr J L Elau the entetlPrIsmg man ager of !'he East Bnd Laundry 2559 H11lhger a.venue announces the e-omple tlOn of a JPr-ogram of expanSIOn whIch means mcreased faclhtles to better serve hiS vast cltentele. The patronage OIf thlS !popular laun dry has been gr-awlltlg steadl1y ul1hl Mr Blau found It necessary to enlarge hiS plant The populanty of thIS lOSt! tutlOn has been lal:1gle1ydlue to theIr favoralble pnces and Slplend1l.dwork manshl,p Grosse pOll1ters will 3JPprcclate the prompt and courteous serV1ce exteIlJd\ed hy tihls organizatIOn MId we mtghrt add that thIS !plant IS 0lPen to mspectwtl at aU times to their patrons who mIght deSIre to Il1vestlgate tJhe careful man ner In whl<:Jhevery detail IS taken care of Infantile Paralysis ill Grosse Pointe There IS one case of infantile paralYSIS In Grosse Pomte Dr Warren suggests to parents that at the least IndisposItion of cht\diren the fanuly phySICian should be consulted at once ReqUlem hlg'h mass was sung fo[" Wilham E Roney Grosse POlOte reall tor at 11 a m Saturday at St Paul s Churoh LaJke Shore and Moran Roadls Grosse pl()lnte Farms a.fter prayers at In order to extend a better serVIlCe 10 30 0 clock at the home 60S Lake to thler chents 111 Grosse Pomte the Shore Drive Grosse P01l1te Shores A J Kretsch Plumlbmg and HeatIng Bunal wl1l be 111 Mt Olivet Cemetery company dectded to locate at 14739 Mr Roney who died suddenly last Ma.ck avenue about five years ago Thursday at the res1dence ¥. as born Smce that tlme their chente1e has August 30 1868 In DetrOIt He wa:o been contmually 1l1'Creasmg diue to the1r the son of John Edward Roney a faJvo1'able lPnces and prompt servIce native DetrOlter and the former Agnes They are eqUlPlPed to lllstall or repa1r Roche of Dubhn Ireland In 1£89 he furnaces 1l1stall stokers -and atr condI entered the real estate busmess m,J\Stly tl0111llg plants In the Grosse Pomte area In 1932 he .~------- I entered the brokerage husmess tW1thd1U East End Laundry Expands °on WIlj,amC In uhefirmof Wilham to Extend Better Service CRoney & Co He marned Marte Cha,pton OIf an old DetrOlt fam1ly 111 1897 For 15 years he served as a trustee of tlhe VIllage of Grosse POInte Shores He was a former member of the DetrOIt Atlhlehc Club and the KOlghts of Golumlbu:> and at tihe time 0'£ hIS dleath belonged to the LOichmoar GoLf Cluib He lS sun Ived by four sons W~lltam C 'Of Grosse pomte Farms J EcLward of C1ty of Gro se Pomrte R1chard L of TrImty COl\.lnty Call! and J onn. K of Detro~t three daughters Mrs J .ames P Oharles of Oolumbus 0 and M1SS Rita and MISS Vlrgmta Roney of Grosse P0111te Shores a brorther Charles R 'Of DetrOIt and a SIster MISS Marey G Roney 0If Grosse Pte Shores A. J. Kretsch Plumbing Co. Is Popular with Grosse Pointers ------ -- --- - - -- WIlber M Bruteker former governor of MlOhlgan gave the pnnc~pal siPeeoh at a Jomt meetmg o{ the Repubhca!l1 clubs of Grosse Pomte last WecDnes day even ng September 9 at Grosse Pomte Hligh Scihool Brucker Spoke at Joint Meeting of Republican Clubs in Grosse Pointe ------------- L B OLDHAM rubhsher Allen Park s CIty "reasurer IS hav1l1g qUIte a battle w,th other offICIals of that commumty over collechon of taxes and slgnmg of pay ohecks She refuses to buy her own mk fat the purpose It IS pOSSIblethat overhangmg signs WIll not be permItted 00 W,der Woodward to mar the beauty of thIS newly constructed thoroug'hfare As the baseball season nears a close Bndges and Rowe seem to be gomg to town With theIr pltch111g 'vI:RSWILLIA'vI:LYON PHELPS lS c-oml11g by motor !from her summer home at Huron CIty M1Ch to be present at the delbut of Ehzalbetih Loctk wood Parcells daug'hter of Mr aJnd Mrs Chartles A Parcells of RlVard Blvd on Sept 17 Dunng her stav ....heWill be the guest of Mr and Mrs rrank Watson Hulblbard, 01£ E. Jeffer- son Ave Grosse Pomte Park offic'als are placmg warmng s1gns along vhrougth streetJSas to speed hmlt Wonder how man> slow down to the speed reqUIrements From mllilOns to mckle lunch counter Such IS ~he hfe of WIll- 1am C Durant founder of Gen- eral Motors \v1ho lS begmmn<; all over agam at the age of 74 A nudIst offiCIal predIcts that In a few years time beautle", WIlL promenade on the beadhes sans clothmg and gay 10tharlOs w,ll cavort 111 raJlmenrts ong111ated 1U the days of Adam and Eve Many a dJlsappomted office seeker 1S dttowmng hiS sorrow in beverages ofstrong a100ho11ccon- tents htroduced !by Mrs Bdwm Kneghoff pr~s1dellt of the WlOmen s Republtcan Club of Grosse p01l1te \1r BrulCker ~poke briefly on the lssues of the cam palgn dwe1hng 111 particular on the New Deal Every campatgn he said has a fundamental Issue Ours 1S the con t1l1Ua11Ceof Amenca under an Amen can form of government ThIS natlon cannot be hJalf European and half Amencan Under the New Deal he contmued all have been menaced and threatened The taxpayer has lost the farmer has seen hIS hO"l1e and forelgn market dls appear lalbor 11as suffered less {Jurs and less wages and ibus1l1ess has found It ImiOosslble to know what the mor ro\\ WIll b-rmg Mr B1'ucker then bmugiht thmgs closer home by showmg how M1chIgan has been penalized and picked on by thiS same Deal He ex(plamed how our State has many tImes been w1thout a V01ce dnd a Vlote because of the oppo sItlOn between Senators Vandenbe{1g and Couzens WIth a repehhon of the slogen 1933-l-. R A 1934--1 0U 1935-S 0 S 193(j.-..G 0 P Mr Brucker concluded hiS speech The chalrman of the meetl11g tihen re:ad A telegram from Gov Frank D FItzgerald In vihlch he regretted not bemg alble to be 'Present at the rally The followl11g men ~hen came forward and spoke bnefly on why they beueved We wonder how a :?tate Sen themselves fit for the offices they were ator or a Legislator of modest up for and a::' such asked {or the sup mean" can serve hiS oonsrtltuents I 'Port of the several 'hundre.d voters hone"tly on $2 88 per day That present Henry A Montgomery can IS hardly suffic'ent for hIS hotel dldate for CouncyClerk JohnH Me accommodatlOlls Bherson candidate for Congress 111 th1':1 dIstrict Ha.rry C Hudson Edward Cullman Mr Vam Tem for Chester P 0 Rara Fredenck A Wayne and Wilham A Richards all candIdates for State Senate Eugene C Keys cand'l. eLate fot CorDner Wllilam B Flt7pat nck candidate for Shenff and Herlbert E Monroe candidate for County Prosecutor 'flhe ralty dosed WIth the audlence led by Mane V.an Fsten With Margaret Vanabe'Ck at'the iPlano smgmg Oh Suzanna The voters really tumed out 1U full force at "he pnmanes to further the campa'gns of theIr man) f1lends on the ballot Old bicycles e"changed for new IS one of the remarkable SIgns at a bIcycle store on Mack avenue The boys are cranmg the,r neck; at the ralr Groun<1sth"se da, ~ \\ Ith :India Rubher In the stretch and Stove PIpe WinS by a length Farley claims 1tIam.e s victory \\ as a vIctory for Dupont dol lal s Who kno\\ s maybe he IS nght Blondes are not qUIte as p~ev- alent m Holly\\ ood as they were several) ears ago but there ma) be a return Joan Crawford an tlclpates be1l1g a blonde 1D her ne"'<:t pIcture C;e"eral notables have passed on to the Great Bevond vh,s week A great mUSIcmn and a remark I able film dlreeto' I It seems that the trend In pol I ltIC~ thIS season IS a return to I Repltb11camsm Mame the bar orneter III Presldenhal campaIgn6 I mdlcates the change I Our flymg reporter pIcked up a news flash tnat one of the Can glesslonal camllwtes m the 14th DIstrict was so busy campa[gmng that he forgot to "eglster and wnsequentl) had to be sworn m to vote Was hIS face red I Ii THE GROSSE POINT!::J PRINTING CO. publi.her. PHONE LENOX 1162 1ll'~'li!Ji!!ffi!f1ilffi!Ji! VOL ll-No 4

THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's

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Page 1: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's




Lnder the dIrect on of James Dunnman of Vllde e-xpcr ence the W1.lPlumb 19 all Heat 19 Co of 169Kercheval Place Grosse Pomte habeel rapidly tllcrea" ng ltS volume 0

busmessThey are equ~pped to handle 21n

ype of plumbll1g or heatll1g Job from nor n~patrlng to Il1stallatlon ancontnct IVOrk The \Vurm mstltutlos one of reS'ponsiblhty and has be

qUIte promll1ent 111 Gros"e Pomte !bUllmg actlVItIes for a good many yeaIS lce the -death of Mr Wurm, MDu 111 has been n full charge

Michigan State Fair BlueRibbon Beef at Fred's Market

[red Glaeser ~eds Market aJ17030 Kerdheval avenue was fortunat~n secnr ng a number of pn7e b<lue rubj

!bon steer<; at the M Icllagn State ['aIrIf you deSire to "ecure c.ho ce cuts 0

thiS pr ze beef J lO.t phone your orcreII Thp'ii:" del c ous ~uts are dva laiblat no I1Cfcase 11 pr ce Treat the famIly to d. tasty morsel of thiS selectequal tv pn7e beef I

Wurm Plumbing and Heating cJPromment in Local Activitie


Republican Nominee14th Congressional Dist.

I-~By Mall $2 00 per year, Smgle Caples 5 Cent.

Your Official Hi.Li Paddle Can Be Purchased at Leach Drug

Numerous pn7es are lJemg dlstnhutect ~t the Aloma Theah

CharleVOIXat vVavbH1n III the HI LI paddle ball conte~t winch 1

now m progre~,> and WIll cont1l1ue for another four weeks Thgrand pmze IS a beautIful bIcycle rntr) blanks may be secured

~he A16m~ TheatreThe contest I~ ba~ed on keepmg the ball m the aIr There WI

be an elImmatwn contest 1e1d outSide the theatre every Tuesday

4 15 P m 11\ e youngsters \v 111 he selected 111 the elImmatIon

appear on the stage 01 the theatre Saturday afternoon The WID'llof the five WIll receIve a paIr of roller ,btes and the other fa

\\ III receive prtzesSllnllar ellmm1.tlOl1s \\ tll take place e'lch \veek for another thr

v\eeks \\Ith <;IffiIlar uV"'Hds e1.ch week Those who have been elm

mated the fir~t \\ eek ~re ebgl1Jle 10 partiCipate the follow1l1g

If the) ~o de"reAt the end of four weeks "he \\1I1ner~\\111appear on the sta

for final competition and the ,>ucce.:;;sful youngster Will receive

bIcycle \\ hlch any voungster would be proud to ownFor more dei 'uled mformatlOl1 mqmre at the theatre

We Grow With You Why not GrowWith Us? Advertise In The ReView

Hi-Li Paddle Ball ContestNow in Progress at Alom

W1th a V1ew to creatmg a lave fotmUS1C among DetrOIt s dh1ld populace'Dhals Marasco and Eleanor Sha.plrooome from the EastmaJll Sdhool of"Iy[ US1C Rochester N Y to conduct aooune t<ncreatIve musliC at the Detr01tConservatory OIf MUSiC thllS fall

Both MISS ShaplI"o and M1ss Marasco studled at the Eastman whoolunder the g1UlC:Lanceof LottIe EllSW01"thColt IOternatlOnal authonty on muSH.educatlorn for Small ohIldren

Wor!bng fr{)tffi the pS)IIoholaglcalstamdlpomt they Will dierve1-op chtldren smterest 111 mUSIc by haVIng t<hem makeslmlPle mUSical mstruments c-omlposemelodIes and become memlbers of smallgroups "Suoh as rhythm orchestra:.The chIldren 1W111be taught tlhroug 1means of musICJallgames, songs, l'l1struents VlC'trolas and other den-ces T lecourse IS an mnovatwn 111 Detr01t

Novel Methods Usedin Musical Training

for Children Tried

Grosse Pointe Post 303,American Legion BigParty on October 2nd I

Grosse Pomte Post No 303 OIf the IAmerican LegIOn wIll hold a rparty atthe r post headqmrters on Fnday eve-nlllJg October 2 cit 8 30 odook sharpAdm S'HO1 Vv 11 be 25 cents Amongother attract am there w 11 be a ses-Sl.011of share the wealth RefreshmentsWIll be served and both soft Junksand 1(ttle ibe-er w 11 be available

Come early and bnng the yoUngsteI Sfor a good time IS 111 store for allRemember the place and date 175201

Mack ave lue near Neff road and theThe first of a senes of ,card partIes to date s Friday Octolber 2 at 8 30 p m

be hdd th1s fall WIll take !place on Ple lty of tparkl11g space 1S aVdllahtleWedhesday Selptemlber 23 1936 at the \\TIhen we please you tell otl ers andhome oIf Mrs Fredenck M ALger when we <10 1 t tell u" a lJd we WIll a'P-17700 East Jefferson Ave preClate t Good mus c w 11 be on

'1here wdl be a dessert luncheon at hand olnci "1 g xx1 1:nue 15. H1 "tore !for1 0 c1odk. and 1S lbe111ggiven iby Mrs all so I 11 be "eelllg you tl e evenl11gSylvester Lll1gemann entertamment of October 2ndc'haIrman I WILLIAM A SCALLY

f>here w111 also \be door a<t1d table --------pl'lZeS Come and brmg your fnentd~for a pleasant alfternoon TIckets sac

I eavmg a war torn country am1d 'curraids reibel armIes and ntg1htly bombal'dmentj offers a zestful chmax to a$Iummer vacation :In the Op1l11On ofM1ss Martha Werneken 19 year oldGrosse Po nte student

M1ss Wernelken Who llves at 422Neff road ""as caught 111 the center ofSpam whef' the revolutIDn Ibroke out

She and 11 other AmerIcan studentsall members {)If an assoclat on knownas Exrpenment 111 In ernabonal Llvmg fled througih rebel <lrommatedareas to refuge on French sOIl Shearnved horne Saturday

The body of Emerson Green 24 soc ety youth who drowned Sunday wasrecovered from the DetrOIt R1ver atthe foot of LaJkep'OlUte avenue Tuesdaya£ternoon by Grosse POlUte Park pohce

Green Whose home 1S m PasadenaCal lost h1S hfe when ihe attemptedto sWim to shore to br ng help for hiScompanion MISS LOUIse V1ger 19 whoclung to the lYottom of the r capsizedrowboat four r-ours before Ibe ng rescued M ss Vlger hves at 17610 FaIrway dnve Palmer Woods

IGrosse Pointe ParkPolice Locate Body

of Drowned Youth

-.--.;-~ -

* * •CHARLESH HODGES,of "ash

mgton Road, who has been makmgan extended stay at Huron. Moun .a111Club, Will return thIS week. end

MR A'ID MRS EARlLHOLLEYof Provencal Road WIth theIr 5'On EarlC have returned from a stay at ,theIrcott1d.igeat Les Cheneaux


AN1 of Ella1r Place who have beenspending several weeks at Les Cheneaux O1Ulb,WIll return to theIr \homcSunday

Jacqueline Beauty Salonon Lakepointe Reopens

A.ifter vacatiomng for severall weeks1n Montreal MISS Jacquehne of t'heJacquehne Beauty Salon has reopenedat 1101 Lakepo nte avenue 'Dhey arefeatunng a spec1al ior school girls fora limited tIme only

Durmg the fall months thIs POiPular~hop w 11 remam open on Wednesdayd.-ld F'ncbav evenmg I()Ifea,c.h week providlIg" an appointment IS ma-ete You\\ 111 hke the splendid Ibeauty semceavailable here

The Ul1Iverslty orf MIlChLgan Extens.on is offermg fifty five crednt and noncnd t courses n the DetrOit area dfurng the fall semester startmg Sept 21\fany of these courses /Carry coJlegecredit and some may even be takenfor graduate reSidence credit for anadvanced degree $10 IS the baSIC feefor a two hour courSe meetmg cneevenmg each week tlhroughout thesemester The course" offered are mthe fields of AI"ohltecture, Astronomy\Busll1ess Adlmm1stratlOl1 EconomiC>;BducatIOn EnglOeermg Lngh:.h Geography Geology HIstory Hyglene]-ournuhsm Philosophy, P'O It tiC a 1SCience Psychology Speach and SOllology Complete d~t ul~ may be obtamed from the DetrOIt ofuce 40 EastFerr} Street telephol1t. Tril1ltJ 2 0238

Tlls fall the Umve ....)~y WIll offer forthe first tlOl(. a rac! 0 class 10 theTeachmg of Mathemattc., Dr RaleIghSohorlmg of tIlL l nlvrr<:lty Sc~ool ofEdu-tahon v 111condu t the class Thos~who are mtere",ted .,nould \\lltc theExtenSion DIVIS10l for appltcatnnc;

U. of M. Extension FallSemester Starts Sept. 21

\[ ss Rose \far c krause ::,e<..rct1.ry0& Lodge No III has been elededdelegate to the l'1.fth Annu.al NatIonalCOlVcn11C'n OIftlle Amencan FederatIonof Government emplovees held 1ll theBook Cad Hac Hotel on Sept 14th l..,thaDQ 16th MISs Kranse a graduate ofthe Gros'>e Po nte Hlgh School and aformer re::'ldent of th1s Clty ts atta hedto the ImmlgratlOn and NciturahzatlonService and IS norw stayll1g durmg theLooven on at the home of her mother~t 7S7 Iorame Roa 1

The engagement of MIS YvonneDusablon formerly df Racll1e Vv ISto Vll1cent Maxsaclk son of Mr andMrs George Ma.rsack of Grosse pomteFarms was announ'Ced SatU'rdlay evenlng at a gathenng .of relatIves (lJndfnends at the! home df the groomelect by her stster and !brother 1U lawMr and Mrs Edl Va1l1ancpurt Theweddmg date has not yet been set

Members of mterested fnends ofGoo lAlex:andjer Yfacomb OhapterUmted States Darughters of 1812 haverecelved! ll1VltatIons fr-om the chaJPterpreSIdent Mrs Dtoyd DeWl'tt Sm1thto be her gll-ests at a ConstItutIonDay Tea at the Colony Club on Thursday afternoon SePtember 17 from twoto five oclo:ck

Smce the adoptIon df the FederalConstltu11D1n 'On Sept 17 1789 fallswrehl11the elJJglblhty penod to membershIp 1n the Society 1784 1815 the 1812Daughters have aIrways !been prullctlhOU5 In dbservmg thiS important day111 theIr COIuntry s h story Everymember IS rurged by Mrs Smtth tocLlspJay a fla..g at her home on thIS day

Enterramment sUltaible for the O'COO3'lon Ihas been arranged by MnSmtth for l1er tea-guests PatnohcmUS1CWilt be sung iby conti alto solDlstMrs Carol StIlson Turner w1th MrsKemneih LandiS at the tp'lano MrWlrt I Savery lawYer and a authontyon federal law w111 glve an address~he Federal Constitution Its UmqueCharacter

Detroit Colony, NewEngland Women

vhss Margaret F A.llen ihas succeededMISS McIlroy reblLgned on the 111ursmg'itaff MISS Allen lS a graduate of theMmnesota Un1verslty Sdhool OIf Nurs1l1Ig where ::.Ih.ewas afterwards sutpervI,;or of the trammg scihool HereXlpenence mcluclles tv,"Oyears WIth 11leM '1y 0 CIUllC Rc ,whester two years headnurse Harper 'lLosprral Detr01t ateaohers at Womans HospItal V1Slt111g~urse Vlslting ~urse AssoClation DetrOlt

A ve~y heavy vote was recorded in GrossePointe at the Primaries Tuesday. At the time theGrosse Pointe Review went to press it was impos-sible to secure detailed data as to how the votes inGrosse P,?inte were cast.

Loclrlnoor went Democratic by a very smallmajority,twhile the City of Grosse Pointe and theremaindet of the Township went decidedly Repub-lican. W:ilber M. Brucker for Senator a?d Fred Martha Werneken HasAlger Jr,~!or Co?g~ess led the G. O. P. ticket by Returned from Spaina substantIal maJorIty.

From available information Fred Alger, Jr.,was nominated by a majority of four to one on theRepublican ticket. Louis C. Rabaut, incumbent,won the Democratic nomination by a wide margin.

The polls were well attended all day and quitea number ?f voters were in line whEln the pollsclosed at mght. It was one of the largest Prim-ary votes in the history of Grosse Pointe.. ~-----------------------Grosse Pointe Health Rose Marie Krause

Department Notes Elected Delegate toA. F. G. E. Convention Alger Post Auxiliary

Card Party Sept. 23

Gros~e Pointe VotedR.epublican at the

Primaries Tuesday


Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co.,Lenox 1162, for Job Printing.

Willia~ E. Roney Was 1812Daughters toBurled Last Saturday Ob C t't t"serve ons I u Ion

Day September 17th

A brIdge tea will be glVen at theGrosse Po nte Yacht Club "September22 at 2 30 0 clock for the be1efit ofthe mortgage frund of the League of Mrs W Scott Hoblbs newly electedCatholic Women Mrs Ernest A preSident of DetrOIt Colony NatIonalo Brien and Mrs Euchd V Jomv111e SocIerty New England Wome11 w111W111be JOI'1.1tcha1rmen Mrs Edward prets1de over the 1l11tial fall meet111g ofJ H1ckey and! Mrs Ec1ward A Skae the group Wednesday September 23past 'P1"esldenb VI 11 a~sbt 'Irs WIlt I at the Central B1'lanch of the Y Vvlam r Connolly Wlho <; pres1de'l1t of C A The meetll1lg which Will openthe League 111recelV111[gthe guests at 1 30 0 clOCk w~ll!be preceded by a

Mrs Oscar Lmgeman IS cihatrman 1230 odock luncfheon ReservatlOll1sof .rrangements and Yfrs Robert P may be made With tlhe correspondll1gPcmell chaIrman of 'Prtzes Mrs Damel secretary Mrs Joihn L Hutton, ofR Foley cards and tallies and Mrs Nonnal1Jche avenueLloyd FEagan iPulbbclty Resolve MISS Marton L Clark director ofnow to attend and bnng your inendb the Tmvelel s Altd. SOCIety has !beenReservattons may be made WIth the secured as speaker by 'Program chl3.1rcomm1ttee or by call1l1g the League man "M: rs Bc1Jward L Holmes M US1CGol'1lmbla 1000 1S also bemg larranged by musI'C cha1r

man Ml's Lotttse Allen

League of CatholicWomen Bridge-Tea

The members of the St Ambro5eAltar Souety al c holdmg afternooncard partles 011 fhursday afternoon mthe PanS'h Hall at 2 p m They 1l1Vteehe1r many ,fnends 111 the VIC1l1tty toJam tl em 111 tit elr 1ihUlsddy actiVIties

The St Paul s Altar SOc1ety Wlll !holda $lale of home made baked goods atFred s Market at 17030 Kercheval avenue Saturday September 19 T11ey mvlte you to parhc pate m thlS sale andaid a worth} cause as 'Well as securedelIcaCies for} our Sunday d nner

St. Ambrose Ladies toHold Card Party

St. Paul's Altar SocietyBake Sale Saturday

Democratic Nominee14th Congressional Dist.




,ar~~~~rofJ~t",:)poititt lRtUttlU

Mr J L Elau the entetlPrIsmg manager of !'he East Bnd Laundry 2559H11lhger a.venue announces the e-ompletlOn of a JPr-ogram of expanSIOn whIchmeans mcreased faclhtles to betterserve hiS vast cltentele.

The patronage OIf thlS !popular laundry has been gr-awlltlg steadl1y ul1hlMr Blau found It necessary to enlargehiS plant The populanty of thIS lOSt!tutlOn has been lal:1gle1ydlue to theIrfavoralble pnces and Slplend1l.dworkmanshl,p

Grosse pOll1ters will 3JPprcclate theprompt and courteous serV1ce exteIlJd\edhy tihls organizatIOn MId we mtghrt addthat thIS !plant IS 0lPen to mspectwtlat aU times to their patrons who mIghtdeSIre to Il1vestlgate tJhe careful manner In whl<:Jhevery detail IS taken careof

Infantile Paralysisill Grosse Pointe

There IS one case of infantileparalYSIS In Grosse Pomte

Dr Warren suggests to parentsthat at the least IndisposItion ofcht\diren the fanuly phySICianshould be consulted at once

ReqUlem hlg'h mass was sung fo["Wilham E Roney Grosse POlOte realltor at 11 a m Saturday at St Paul sChuroh LaJke Shore and Moran RoadlsGrosse pl()lnte Farms a.fter prayers at

In order to extend a better serVIlCe 10 30 0 clock at the home 60S Laketo thler chents 111 Grosse Pomte the Shore Drive Grosse P01l1te ShoresA J Kretsch Plumlbmg and HeatIng Bunal wl1l be 111 Mt Olivet Cemeterycompany dectded to locate at 14739 Mr Roney who died suddenly lastMa.ck avenue about five years ago Thursday at the res1dence ¥. as born

Smce that tlme their chente1e has August 30 1868 In DetrOIt He wa:obeen contmually 1l1'Creasmg diue to the1r the son of John Edward Roney afaJvo1'able lPnces and prompt servIce native DetrOlter and the former AgnesThey are eqUlPlPed to lllstall or repa1r Roche of Dubhn Ireland In 1£89 hefurnaces 1l1stall stokers -and atr condI entered the real estate busmess m,J\Stlytl0111llg plants In the Grosse Pomte area In 1932 he.~------- Ientered the brokerage husmess tW1thd1UEast End Laundry Expands °on WIlj,amC In uhefirmof Wilham

to Extend Better Service CRoney & CoHe marned Marte Cha,pton OIf an

old DetrOlt fam1ly 111 1897 For 15years he served as a trustee of tlheVIllage of Grosse POInte Shores Hewas a former member of the DetrOItAtlhlehc Club and the KOlghts ofGolumlbu:> and at tihe time 0'£ hIS dleathbelonged to the LOichmoar GoLf Cluib

He lS sun Ived by four sons W~lltamC 'Of Grosse pomte Farms J EcLwardof C1ty of Gro se Pomrte R1chard Lof TrImty COl\.lnty Call! and J onn. Kof Detro~t three daughters MrsJ .ames P Oharles of Oolumbus 0 andM1SS Rita and MISS Vlrgmta Roneyof Grosse P0111te Shores a brortherCharles R 'Of DetrOIt and a SIsterMISS Marey G Roney 0If Grosse PteShores

A. J. Kretsch Plumbing Co. IsPopular with Grosse Pointers

------ ----- ----

WIlber M Bruteker former governorof MlOhlgan gave the pnnc~pal siPeeohat a Jomt meetmg o{ the Repubhca!l1clubs of Grosse Pomte last WecDnesday even ng September 9 at GrossePomte Hligh Scihool

Brucker Spoke at JointMeeting of RepublicanClubs in Grosse Pointe


L B OLDHAM rubhsher

Allen Park s CIty "reasurer IShav1l1g qUIte a battle w,th otheroffICIals of that commumty overcollechon of taxes and slgnmg ofpay ohecks She refuses to buyher own mk fat the purpose

It IS pOSSIblethat overhangmgsigns WIll not be permItted 00W,der Woodward to mar thebeauty of thIS newly constructedthoroug'hfare

As the baseball season nears aclose Bndges and Rowe seem tobe gomg to town With theIrpltch111g

'vI:RSWILLIA'vI:LYON PHELPSlS c-oml11g by motor !from her summerhome at Huron CIty M1Ch to bepresent at the delbut of Ehzalbetih Loctkwood Parcells daug'hter of M r aJndMrs Chartles A Parcells of RlVardBlvd on Sept 17 Dunng her stav....heWill be the guest of Mr and Mrsrrank Watson Hulblbard, 01£ E. Jeffer-son Ave

Grosse Pomte Park offic'alsare placmg warmng s1gns alongvhrougth streetJSas to speed hmltWonder how man> slow down tothe speed reqUIrements

From mllilOns to mckle lunchcounter Such IS~he hfe of WIll-1am C Durant founder of Gen-eral Motors \v1ho lS begmmn<;all over agam at the age of 74

A nudIst offiCIal predIcts thatIn a few years time beautle", WIlLpromenade on the beadhes sansclothmg and gay 10tharlOs w,llcavort 111 raJlmenrts ong111ated 1Uthe days of Adam and Eve

Many a dJlsappomted officeseeker 1S dttowmng hiS sorrow inbeverages of strong a100ho11ccon-tents

htroduced !by Mrs Bdwm Kneghoffpr~s1dellt of the WlOmen s RepubltcanClub of Grosse p01l1te \1r BrulCker~poke briefly on the lssues of the campalgn dwe1hng 111 particular on theNew Deal

Every campatgn he said has afundamental Issue Ours 1S the cont1l1Ua11Ceof Amenca under an Amencan form of government ThIS natloncannot be hJalf European and halfAmencan

Under the New Deal he contmuedall have been menaced and threatened

The taxpayer has lost the farmer hasseen hIS hO"l1e and forelgn market dlsappear lalbor 11as suffered less {Jursand less wages and ibus1l1ess has foundIt ImiOosslble to know what the morro\\ WIll b-rmg

Mr B1'ucker then bmugiht thmgscloser home by showmg how M1chIganhas been penalized and picked on bythiS same Deal He ex(plamed how ourState has many tImes been w1thout aV01ce dnd a Vlote because of the opposItlOn between Senators Vandenbe{1gand Couzens WIth a repehhon of theslogen 1933-l-. R A 1934--10 U1935-S 0 S 193(j.-..G0 P MrBrucker concluded hiS speech

The chalrman of the meetl11g tihenre:ad A telegram from Gov Frank DFItzgerald In vihlch he regretted notbemg alble to be 'Present at the rallyThe followl11g men ~hen came forwardand spoke bnefly on why they beueved

We wonder how a :?tate Sen themselves fit for the offices they wereator or a Legislator of modest up for and a::' such asked {or the supmean" can serve hiS oonsrtltuents I 'Port of the several 'hundre.d votershone"tly on $2 88 per day That present Henry A Montgomery canIS hardly suffic'ent for hIS hotel dldate for CouncyClerk John H MeaccommodatlOlls Bherson candidate for Congress 111 th1':1

dIstrict Ha.rry C Hudson EdwardCullman Mr Vam Tem for ChesterP 0 Rara Fredenck A Wayne andWilham A Richards all candIdates forState Senate Eugene C Keys cand'l.eLate fot CorDner Wllilam B Flt7patnck candidate for Shenff and HerlbertE Monroe candidate for CountyProsecutor

'flhe ralty dosed WIth the audlenceled by Mane V.an Fsten With MargaretVanabe'Ck at'the iPlano smgmg OhSuzanna

The voters really tumed out 1U

full force at "he pnmanes tofurther the campa'gns of theIrman) f1lends on the ballot

Old bicycles e"changed fornew IS one of the remarkableSIgns at a bIcycle store on Mackavenue

The boys are cranmg the,rneck; at the ralr Groun<1sth"seda, ~ \\ Ith :India Rubher In thestretch and Stove PIpe WinS bya length

Farley claims 1tIam.e s victory\\ as a vIctory for Dupont dollal s Who kno\\ s maybe he ISnght

Blondes are not qUIte as p~ev-alent m Holly\\ ood as they wereseveral) ears ago but there ma)be a return Joan Crawford antlclpates be1l1g a blonde 1D herne"'<:t pIcture

C;e"eral notables have passedon to the Great Bevond vh,s weekA great mUSIcmn and a remark Iable film dlreeto' I

It seems that the trend In pol IltIC~ thIS season IS a return to IRepltb11camsm Mame the barorneter III Presldenhal campaIgn6 Imdlcates the change I

Our flymg reporter pIcked upa news flash tnat one of the Canglesslonal camllwtes m the 14thDIstrict was so busy campa[gmngthat he forgot to "eglster andwnsequentl) had to be sworn mto vote Was hIS face red I


PRINTING CO. publi.her.



VOL ll-No 4

Page 2: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's


, ,




LEnox 7639

'Care sald Dunne 1.t1Sstlll ;Oil-aQ1.,1tytoerect what nel,.\ buIldmgs \\e need

Dunne pOll1ted out that thTS wo l1dactually save money l.fficlentmethods of care breed econom) heScud

Thl\rsd"y, September 17, 1936~ ... *-

BEAUTY ESSENTIALSAfter sJ.1mm~rv","cahons, there 18 flPth;lng h~HormonIque faCials for restorllW youth, v~tabty and freshness to the skinIf yqur hair lacks lustre and hfe consult UJ!for speCial treatments

; I; 21



ALL CLASS LESSONS FIFTY CENTSGrosse POinte's MOllot Popular DanCIng School

Prlvat.e and Class Lessons in All Types of Dancmg

Modernize-- Repair--"~"'~ Und~l" NHA r-~

YOUt Hfatlng Plant Whlle PrIces Are St1l1 DownCALL

CQmplete Line ofSehool Supplies



919 Barrin;iton Rd.MEMBER of DanCIng Masters of America, Chicago As~n of Dancmg

Masters and DanCing Masters of MIChigan

De~r<»'tsDept"'ndabJePlumbmg and Heabng SerVIce'JeV\ 1 urn'1ce Installatlon AIr COn(l!tlOllll1g Replacement Parts

\:[odernIzlllg Old Plant" Stoker InstallatIOn and ServIceNo Job Too Large or Too Small


Windmill PointeY;,

TAILORS, CLEANERS and FURRJE;RS~~ ~"We Call and l>eliver Phone Lenox 3040

14931 E. Jefferson Ave, at City Limits



Suits and CoatsI ,

" CLEANE9~e~ELINED, AL;reRED and REPAIREDFinest Worl'l"an,lllp Most Reasonable ,Prices

"~ Years 10 This Neighborhood


Men's 3.Piece 78c Ladies' PlainSUITS' " DRESSES

Cash ahd Carry

Imperial Cle~ners & DyersMack At NQttingham TO. 2.3000

Ip:al~:~lSS~~: nl: l~:~~:r thO; 1:::W dyne County can save money bynot tak11g care of the aJffi cted Allh-ough \l,.e all know tho. state owesthe ccu lty mo e:y 1-r t11S battle of



IBeaconsfield Drug Co. 'Iu, S. Postollice Substation

i5401 Mack at Beaconslield•fres~riptions Our Specia~t~

WE DELlV£R ~ .~ ~"J ,'" \ .;~ ~Y(;,~'2:~275~ 24 Hour ServiLe on Photo Developing and Prml1ng ~~ Cl)MPLETE LiNE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES ~~~ri!Ji!r~~JliI,~---------'1>- -- -_____ __t


hy Lee Montgomery

MR A'<D MRS LEDYARD \1lTCHF LI ]R of Ken Nood Road WIll r-eturn Seipt 21 fmm a VISIt WIth the former s parents Mr and Mrs Le.dyard\fltchell at Southampton L I

" • *\1R A"ND MRS WENDELl£.,

WILLlA'Vl ANDERSO'! of Wash ng10ll RJoad WIth her three ohl1d1r-l!:nLmdsay Wendell 1t' artd sdn JonnW III arrived home last ""~ek from astay ~t the Mf vVashmgton H"Otel atBretton Woodis N H

• • •\1R and MRS PAuL WFADDCK

Lewston RPad wIt.h theIr dauglhierPenelope returned last week after amonth s stay at HollanD MIch• • •

\IRS PFDCIVAL DODGE of LabShere Road \\lth her dauglhter Nancyand son DQll.lgldS t:~turned la~t fhursd",y from a st".} at the Httroll \faunlam Club

MR A"ID lvl(,~ WIIJ-1-'\\1 PHARRIS JR of WmdmIlI PomlcDnlle WIt;h theIr sons Wilham andRIchard and theIr daughter JulIa. Annwilio have been at thear sUn1ttrer homeat the Huron MWl1'tam Club returnedlast Tbu.rsdiay to theIr !home

MR AND "\1R' RAI PTI ROil} RTS 01 RHl:t;e RoaJ w ) lea nhi Ptl,;t f..qr a Ul')) t 1 litay i.re now11 Loudon I hey v\llt I})t at 11 I hCllell1tll late In 0 (h 1

• • •

• • •MR AND MRS JAMES TURNERof Provencal Rqad returned ThursdayWIth theIr sons Ernest and John anddlaUg1hter ?aUl.ela f,ro~ spend~n€" thesummer at the Hut"on MQuntam Clulb

Sir Hubert Wilkins toSpeiik at Art Institute

SIr Robert WIXkll;lS reu:.mwtnedBnttsh explorer IW'ho IS m Amencaongam~llng 111S mext summer s pobreXJpedltlon wdl open the Fall WOrildAdventure S~ne<' season of ten leetures at the DetrOIt lnstttute Qlf ArtsOn Sunday .aJfternQon and evenmg Oct11 SIr Hubert s !l.ubJect 'W'l"Ph 6000feet Qlf m0tton p~ctures WIll !be ByA.u,-plane and Sul1:nnarme Thil:"Qugh theArtlc and AntarctIc

JulIen Br)'Jan :who -spent the summergettIpg new motlpn pictures QIf thelatest deve1'Ope-ments In SOVI~t RUSSIaWIll be anQther W9i:1d Ml\[6ntlll:e headhner Captam .Amber'!W Stevens who<'l;ored 72395 fel=:rtmto the strato1?JPihce:r-ewl1l s1:l.0\\ImG>tlOnipldures of !hIS"expeqltlOn Qthet. Fall sp~aJkers mdudeCAPt;Ur1 Irv1llg Johnson BransDo DeCou Da\Id IrwLn Dr Luther GJal9leArthur (' Plll~ibury Rembert Thomp<:-onStrong Dean H Dlckasorn

Illus~ated f'Olders des~nbmg tljJe'cour~e H1 detat! are hemg .dl$tnbutedfree of cha,rge by tlhe World AdlVet1~reSenes- at 1t<' DetrOIt InstItute q.f Artsoffice The Se:f\leS whl'ch IS non pro.fitl1tesents 1he n~weii:t Ihlustrat.-ed lecture~n 'the field of natp.ral h1story exploratIon travel ann S<;1ence

0n and Off the Records

What a pred~camen1: I am 111 My twolosest p-o!lt cal fnends are HaroH E

Stoll and Henry A Montgomery Ones a Democrat the other a 'R.epuiblfcartI can t vote for Ibpth of them In themmary Just a concrete example ofwhat 1S wrong wlflh the elechon laws1t IS Silly to thmik that Harold ~Stoll s 0lPtnIOn on t'he NatIonal TarIffvll1 effect the efficlen1Cy of hIS own:Jffi.ce af RegI~ter of Deeds It IS Jus1as SLlly to tlhmk that Henry Montg'omery s Olp111lOnon the foretgn po!t-cyof the Umted States WIll effect theoffice oJ County Clerk

I <lJppeal to the rest of the peoplewho are In a slml1ar boat Let s pro Imote a plan where we can vote foranYlbody regardless of party

W",rll <l£.uuniC\""Beco~Part qf Other L"nguages

"'The word mt~nks IS one of tllesclentitic JddrtlOne t4 thf> Ln""l1sh IangU'lge and has passed 110m the 'Engltsh into the other l~ngllages Sir['1 'lDC18 Galton EnglIsh anthropolo"llstand COUSlO of Oh.8.1les Om" in cQmedthe word in 18$0 flOIn a Greek \"\-010

meamng well born He defined the\\ord as follO\\s !Jugenlcs Ls tb,estUdy of th~ agencl€s under SOCIa}contIOJ w:tl.lch may Impl8ve or ImpaIr theracJ,al quaUtu"s of futll1e generatIOns

Model n man and \\ oman are thpproduct of two factors bel editary or13.cial qual1tlps flom a Hne of ance~t-ors ~h:ut extends back btyond hl~t01"l(:al record and the eml10nment in\1,.111<:h ea~h bl;Hng teaches maturityAccording to the "CncyclopedlaBlltanntca l'lhe word eugemcs ISused to cover any ptopos~.l"l or plansfor the ,mprovement of the racIal qua)lties 'Of human bein~s '1 herefor€'eqgenlc proposals aIm at SOci'll 1mprovements .rhey art'fer fundamentalIy from other proJects havmg thE>~ame objeGt III th{lt they B,If' concer~ed WIth the I!llpr.ovement of thehuman material and not of the surloUnding.s aut they al€, not altclnutIve t~ these projects

CommencbmentThe WOld eQIDmeucement denoting

lIthe celebration of thE' cOOlpletIon ofan aClldernic cqqrse by gta-dUf\tes whendegrees pr 9Jplpmas are Pllbllcly conj~rrep nnd th£>stUq~ts ijave guahbedto commence tit£> hIgher studies orbUSlDes<;:to whfc'b they 11Rve been advanced has beep Iq use tor mOlethUll five centlj.lJes

In 1387 Jo:h II: de Trevl$ft In histranslatIon Of ,;thf> earliet works- -ofRUJ;iUlph :alg(1~D wrote 'B-f a statuteof the umverc;jte of O~nf<ff4 when enyman is i aon~Yed OlCfmsed, theN tocommeoce In -.eny tl}<:U1t~he...s-chal potspende at his cQUlmeUCemNl.lpassyn",ethre thowsand of ~tooteg tUIQnenSThe value of the ll'Qutnay gNat of thatpenod W.3$ )e$S t1)an thuJ:"pf tile Eng11sh .gloat of the same perIod or lessthan foqrpenCe -LJ~ary lUgest

ClAim First T¥pe}Y'-l"itel'A Q.ocumep.t purp0.-\tip.g to plo~e that

an Itahan r~tber tJlaD ap A)l1rican 10vented the typewrIt'el h~H,Men blOll~htto lIgbt at rurln truly

The newly found document Is a report publIshed in lS!l4 by a wee1..1ymagazinf> of furln called the Vnlvelsal 1beuter which rel~te,s fio~ Prof~l~~t~nj) Gall1 a xP!1i~eQ(}r-9f kingtwges 10 LpndQn at tIle tip:le In'\'~nteclthe first typewriter qpl.tng the ypar

Spalpsh Honell FirstFossil finds which have been Un

earthed on the -plateau of Bogota inColombia S A furnish new prOOfthat while the modern horse WfI"btought to American shores by th('Spanish conquistadors It had Inhjlb1t~dthe Western hemIsphere tor thousand"ot yeals pleviOus to the ~panish conquest and become extInct

DeslgnJl;te Prup.lbve A!:'eaJ'.I;lhree 'prImitnre areas in ColQrado

have beqn deslgnatep by tpe forestsenlCe of the Department of 4giJculture 'lhese domams emhr'lce rug~erleountry, rich ip natural beauty III thf'San Juan Montezuma and Cochetopflnational torests The fOlest :servlCIhas ordered them kept In theIr pruIiltl~e ~We

Meanlllg 01 ,Fnlk LdreFolk)pre I~ literally "tn. leArn

J.Ajl of the ~QPle "

mterested In

dramatIcs 111


Y MeA ;lit Wll1Isted ConnectIcutIn 11hlS i$sl(crQ:-tl:on Whldh serves bothboys fL11.d gIrlS men and WOrJ:llGn!he hasha..d brUt" eXp,et'lence 1n many phasesof assoClatlon WO!'1k

Mr Burr IS espeClallycrafts nature -study andboys clllib work

MR AND MRS FRANK WCOOLIDGE OIfKenslllg>t'On RDad WIththeIr sqns Franlk JiT and DtavId haveretur,perd frqm ,an Eastern motor tnpand a twp weeks' stay at OgunqUItMe DavlJI! wJth Edtwm Stroh Jr son"f Mr iHJ.d Mrs \F!dWJn Stroh ofBevetly R.oad IINlll leave Sept 21 fO'rthe FountP-in ValHey School In ColoradoS"rIngs Coj"

* • •Millie \IVails BIlle

M(a'W9f tlle QI\\blue walls foundIn J~ar1.Y.'lCoiop.IaJ: housqs-now reprcd11dMdwitli \la1l1t-were l1"adeby> rtllj<lltg I>IUe' , cI,*, Wlt'l skimmilk '.I!hlS''l1dmbIMtl/lll formed "tenaOlQus plaster wfllch provedvery durable

Salmon -Chase's WealthWhen QhlO'S Salmon P Cn~se

oeGame secretarr of the treasury-m 1861 )Ie was worth about $100 000,a-ceumulated through hIS successfulprofesswnal carel}r When he leftOffice, hIS frIends saId, he wasworth much less

BdilllCll In \Ell.Xli. S~!lSeofJ;>al,lllce!1M ,ts S~ill

'" tbe eEl/:_-and




QU~M;ry ,(l.OUNTS

17512 Mack at NeffNI. SSSS


Bohemi\lJ1 BEER

Wj!ddinga, Danc'!3, MeetingsiREASON>W!LE RBNTA!LS

,"Eet<her <>/' £yelher" Are

Correcl, Says DlctiQtl,aryThe pronUDclatlons of either U1

May'ill' Couzens IS behllld the tImes dicated in the bea-dlng are .both <:orreet lInp ll,l'P hear:d frQIP good speak

tn ht5 talk a!bout fll5'n C1e m~lWUH.e etS Webster has an lnte-lesting noter~tes In DetrOlt fre fire l11,>urance on tne p~lI1t J::tte pronunciationcampames are gIvIng the pubhe today eye-ther Is both AmerIcan -and I ngp~tt.er oontra"qts 4t lowlr rate« th<1o Ush hut 1$ moll'e prevalent in Dogwhat they were oHe mil' In J928 II 1aQ4 espe~lally It! Lana-off' and thethe ffi<t-yDr IS really mte 'e<;ted H1 Sa\111g South thaa in the UnHe{l ~tlites Inm9P,ey £Or the De ro t t<l~.ayer be the fS.eV~DteEWth ce-Qtur,y t~le ",0l,'0 W:ll,'l

approxuuately ayther and ac~4.RUJd rAd~c:e th;e ta>.. rate by sto:ppmg cQrJi\ng to \Pp. UlQst reliable Q:r:-thoethe graftmg and embe7 Ll~tnent at the PIsts of the pt;:rlOd eyeth.er .geems toQl:1:yhall have been the most prefe:r.red pronu-n

The .Detro~t N e'Ws Septembe1" 3 crati-on f~11ow~p.g .ayther 1O,the EIglltquotes Nate S Shapero as say1l1g I eentb century Accordmg to Walker)tU111ik \1;<: '@I,!¥:allt th"1g IS that I both .eet4er Anll eyetb&r were In

~~@~ a1~hlOu~ fire Losses have docre~sed general cUltivtttec'l use by 171:11 Slncp- ....,..... \\nl~h time orthQf>pIsts ha"e fa\oJ;ed

greatly m DetrOIt and MIchIgan for eetheI' as m(Jst generally prE'fened '* <II: *PIANO "I:'SSONS jllje l;J.,t Slmoen years rate, have ro by good .pe\&ers The Irish ten MRS WILLIAM J YDUNG has

~~ m<J:Jlled 1):raJOtu;.al1y qrudh'a!ngleJi * * dency to Ryther is another eXl1mplfl retl1rned to her home op Lakeland AveFor Instructions Dekolt has not had a general rate of the fact that freguently IrIsh pro after a three weeks stay III Nerw Yorlk

ANNA D. BOESEN ~~liuctlem. ~1pCe 1923 5 "'.:l' In a re DQn~tatio:ps :fpllow st~\l tRe usage In Clty Ber SOil 1r law and dal.lglhterNl 4019 253 MeMdlan d""sslficatlOn the bIg cOmlpa.mes who 'Vogue WhG-DEnglish wa-s Introclured Mr an<d Mrs F Fder LeGro have

can hire ex.perts to adVIse them get lUtO tJ:te ~l~nd returned to J;lheIr!home In the WQ~ther

I r:.edUctlOllS !burt the smalQ home .owner' alft~r spendrnlg the Sl-lil11merIn Europewho has no he~p takes a hckmlS' * >I< • • •

D,.al\ISh Fa,rDler CO-~~n.lpentInsurance :companIes ke~ tlheIr prem \tRS W VAN HUSAN \fOOREThQ farmers in Denmark are con

lums low outstate knoiWlUJg they 'WIll sider.ep f!rnong t4£> \l:et;y nest Rl1d mO$.t of Lakeland Ave WIth her mece Jus111lak(l:;up any .out state loss on theIr efflcieQt 1n the world ~tld tbe rarmer tll1e McClure otf San FranCISco andprofit lU DetroIt Where the loss IS loIW party is I-n m.aJority ..In the govern Mrs Mary A~km Bennett of RI\tard

Any CQmpet"ent 1llstj..rance agent I ment 80 Wfl(}De:ver~)lythlng IS found Blvd spent the week end at the ChaiPknown ihtat Mr Shapetro must !be mlS to be llarm!6J to agFt(pltQ.J;e' the gov ln Hlllchmann Cabm at MIO MlcU1rn'formec!e or the would not m3lke such I prnment tmmeljlJlate'~Y goes aftf'l" that I . . .remarks something urlH, it IS fully destroyed M R A:N D M R S LEWIS L

Fads are tihat towns and cltles are I Or elimlnated! ~ccordmg to a wnter In SMhRT f R'OQsevelt P~~ce returnedthe Washmgto.;g Star Now.- \\:\er th~r-e 0

gnaded from 1 to 10 del{)endlUig on tbe starling ~IOonsLdel\~i1 l}<,..ve,tyuse ~rly thlS weeik from Ironton La~eefficIency of fire depal1tmen,t water flll bird ba aI:t:wmers ~and:> tw avery C,naI1l('VQIX Thi(';~r son In law andwork!> btuldmg code !p.ollce deJjJart body ellS€- and IS <Jli @mmoll1y love!J d~uglhter Mr and 11;rs Gut't1s Vment etc DetrOIt IS gradled 2 No ..bird, ~nd in &)i ga.r.WW-Bar.e -lij.Jng blrp \rower of Have!!'hlll Road Who were"" ,)let> I" ,gc<WIlQ"!;>To_,h ,J;j,gljjlW1,d, I llQn&~s fpr 1;J]eA.to)lllp.l\:S tn ~l\r~ct \F""' them .rWWllod. ~ast "'eekPark lS graded 3 before th.e depresSIOn them to the &l-ims abo ga~i1ans The * * '*t 2 L h w'h h h fi I ,tarllng lives mamly' on Mgs, larvae 'VlR AND 'VlRS FRED C S!':BUL

1 was OCJ moor Ie' as no re and aU hat'mtel insects and destroysdtep.artment now but IS gettInig one IS yearly bllhon$ Of these WI'Jen cattle SKE forrnen1yof 1178 Nottll1gham Rdgraded No 10 Grosse Pomte Park me stnng by ];he gadfly Who deposit nP.ve m9"v~ to Plttsbur~ where theyIS graded 4 Grosse POl11te CIty and theJr ~ggs u~ th~ hl<le Qf the C;;a-t wl1l make thelr permanent horneFarms are graded 5 and Grosse Pte tIe one may ':S;ee th~ starJ~~gs sitting TheIr 4aJu.grhters June <md EIleen W111Shores 6 ResIdenttal rates are the I on ~he ha,Ql~S"~f th-e-'rattle pullmg out accomlP<l-Qythem wh11e theIr $0)1 Fredsame now for grades 1 to 6 !bur! the I the halmful larvae The-,sf:arllng does Jr w1\l contInue hIS studIes at AlbIanbase rates for pJ.1.81n""essand other budu.. nqt .eflt $nUJ1 o.rt.seed, as do~s the ~par College: Al1Ibl'OnMlohlg'anIqeS .are dtffc::t-ent for -each c1assIfi.CIa, row ~ _tI01I

The reason for DetrOIt s blanket redpctlpn on prqperty other than dJwelh\lgs 1ll 1003 was the change m claSSIficatt~m frp'nl 3 to 2-

Dwelhng rates were revlsed III 1929A b.rlck veneer house wIth a woodS'h:tqgle rOp'f 111 DetrOlt hav~ng a houseon e.ach Stde wIthm ten feet used totake fl tlhree year rate of $,675 ff thehOj1se was m Grosse P01nte the ratewas $1 uS The rate for DetroIt andGroSSe Po ate IS now $ 55

Brick hu $l1gs other than dwellIngswere !(edl+cettl 15% In 1929 Bflc.k amiWe 'Pu.ddings qhoot 40% FIre.pa-oof Ib.U1Jd1Pg'S han Ii still g~e..ater recLuctlOns

W,tP. JiQme e>icelltJons u>t/mcop<I11yfr;ame !puSl.\1eSSprQpertIes and 1bU11dm15swhere the !lsk has mc;.t;eased rates aresu,hsllantlalty lqwer today than theywere In lnS-

Property D1Wners who had alert competent agents dlld not ~have to asik toffEit t'he ibenefit alf irate reducttonso~Ud,l1yt.he 61 st thlllg they knew of a

f r4te r~4'l.tchon was when the~r agJenttold thetll he llad ig'9'tten theIr propertyr~rq.ted lPJWer because olf a change In


Aloma Theatre1~1 Q!l\t1I11. AN..Comer of Wa)\b .....

ADMISS10N I ta>UL S 2...OHlliDRElII ll1e



And Sudd~ DeathPlus SHIRLEY DEA~E .nll


vhe Fir.st Ba~y


mountam c1vnbmig expel H"llCes m the\Vlmc M01.1nt,alUs 0'£ Ne"vv Hamp~hlreGames songs and refreshments w~11glsobe enJoy,od





CounterfeitSpe~J.aI Epr ~1\~un:I"'Y M,atmeeOnly-


ifhe lGhost Riderand CLUl1<;fUNG H.<\ND,






Nobody's .Fool



'J1heBride'Walks GntPlus JEAN HERSHOLT In

Sins of Man

----- ...&----,_ ..,~~.I-



Worit Wanted

RUSS~LL-Curtain CleanersI$'

~Pf#cJAbZlllN In CleanlDJr

Curt.ains & DrapesEXCLUSIVELY

jHa~dl~d i~JdllY by ,.ExpeJ<ts14727 Kercheval Lenox 8275

Fme Ipl' uFakeh ~lck;etsIn IllInOIS any person who sells

tlc..ket$ for mote than the prIcel'lpnted upob the fa".e of the llc)<et"shall, ~n COQVlet).onthereoft bepunished ~y a fine of fiVe thou-sand dollar$ ($5,000) fill' each of-fense "

The Jumor midJdler and mtermedlateboys of 'fure Etannan MemorIal BranchY M C A "lil 1)Velcome R~berts D;B.pr.r, the new IiSsoclate boys worlS~01'1etary WIth a pal tv at the b:r:anchFlll$y "'!lilt at 7 "cl<>,k Mr BurrWlpohas Just come from 'Y \\ork lU

MI',llnectl<:1lt 'WIll .",11 yon ,ome e>f hIS

t-'le Two Y.........,...

I-Iam::um YAte.A. Notes

l':lUP-f a alii.. "f Beer atPOPULAR pRICES

BILL'S CAFE15069 Charlev .. " a' Wayburn

N ..w WId".. the",_e",,,,,' of;t\tilDY Ji<. ANN, f"rmerly of

-c...... T"l' Cafe

Did Not fnltent JlathroomAmerIcans dId not Invent the

modern bathrqom, for It IS copied I.irom one bUilt by Ch,rIstIan IV ofDenmark, who bved m the f'lev Ienteenth century It may be seenm the 'tower ot :6osenberg castle, 1111 COpenhagen r

Help W~n,ted - FemaleW A.NTED--<Glrl for general house

wqrk home njl81hts preferred NT0810

fa more fully serve the members ofthe boys deJP9:l'1tm-entof the HannanMemonal branch Roberts D Burr 'OfManchester Connechc'11t has heen :ap

John H Enns f'Ormer Hannan restl)omted aSSOciate boys work socret<ltydent) has accetpted a rpo,51hon -on thefor the ('.iOmlng yea.r Mr Burr hasfaculty of DetroIt Inshtute of Techhad a .fine tr<tmmig a.nd .a brcrad exno.ogy lFl. 'tIhe School of Engmeermgpenence In b.~s club worlk: FollOiWmgtip Euns graduated from Kansas State

hIS graduation from Arnencan DolVer UmV'~wr' and: has bke,n. graduateshy m WashlOg1on D C he entered ~ t + f " ..

'Wo.dC 8. ilhe~TQh1Ve.m ..y Q iV.L,J,'ohag,anSpr1ll@field College graduate ,ohooll, '" tl ~c" cd" II IWU1l1e atte<tJOtt thIS Y MeA col "'"....~W-l l.-.~,I.. ""rses n "Co ege age1 h ~ d t d f til:J. bra plane and solId analytic geometeryege e speC;la tze In Q S U y.Q- 11 toif.ege." ~ '11 I)ICS ('j;ommunrcahons and

superV1Slon of boys clu!bs DUrIng t1hel :J ;_ year be supervIsed SIX nelgth!boa-,holOdsu,rveyll1g

That's "fIFlUery" DOYS~r'QlUps which met weeildy under Mrs M B Bast the caiPaible new-'Flattery," SaId Hl Ho, the sage j student leadershtp wl't'h a pro~am of manager of the Hannan Y restarurant

(Sf 'Chlnatown, (~lS welcome to 'One \)1ays d1SCUSSIonISand 'holbby AiChv1ties comes w~th a background of 20 years ofwho, UP:abl;e- to deserve the praJses Upon grp.duC\<tmg Mr BUTr 'becj\1ne9f APmIratlon, IS wIllIng to sub- assIstant d~rector OIf Oamrp Vag<llbOfld success.fu1 expenence In rest.a1,l.rant:etltute :the coll)pl1men-ts of Fear lJ a iravehng day camlp sponsored by the ma11ag-ement She 15 already c1ebghtmg

i Hat1:ifofld County Y MeA TIllS htii ra{'Jldly Increasmg conJit~t'Uency ofmembers frIends htncheQn clubs andcamp was started at the !heIght of theother oJ.;gaUl2lartIonal and p.flvate !partIesdepre,<;SlQnto Armg CM11Ipto Iboys whowIth the much Hrllprovec1 serVIce andbecause ~f iestf'lcted famIly ib:uqlgetsI h t S "hWIt tne asty OUlI ern cQakmg of herGould not a,fford t9 ,go alWay to Ci\....mp..,. h fL'Ul.'llSlana:c e'Dhe fol1owl'11gye,;ir and again thls lastl _

,s.ummerJ 1{'t Barr has been the dlrector df thiS mterestmg project

In the fall <>f1934 M, Burr was ap I"Review Liners pOInted boys wJ>l1k secretary, of lhe__ - __ - __ ~ I ~ffi1W1~~

American Legion .'J;la1} @j

T,ORENTPURNITU;Rll 'FOR SAlJp,.-Reason~ble 694 St \;"laIr Grosse POInrte. ~

Rooms to RentTWO LARGE ROOMS ""rl bath

rea<:onaple p.ear Vernor Hlghrway1.3.19 Marylaoo "Grosse Potnte

ROOM and garage gentlemen preferr«1, J«-<renee, J\lFiply 958 "lot

tmglham 12:h.one

"ioess Directory

<REf;RIQ:RATION~ - \ ,s&RVl,CE 0

Speol.llo!Da' 11\Kelvu •• tor amiFrilu:latr. S""1'tee

ALL MAICES R£I'.AjR,ED,"",sonable Ratet

JIi" £.t,_te Ch... geDUNCAN & MacNICOLl~ ~jo,v"Jl',at W.,yburu

Nqrhto, 'SWI, '"

Tn/2.11'S! 'I'~~Ii~~s

.J'lMo fpr Any 'I'.l':P"lIuildlng

Wm. F. Frahm Lenox 24581

" Specilications lint! DllllliledDrawings

~ '*i! ~,,\


- -' :PermaneJ;l,t Wa'VesCROQUIGNOLE OR SPIRAL

u-po, $3,);0, $5,00, $7 50Viola P,.ermanent Wave Shop

15309 Mack at BeaconsfieldUpstairs NI


~jlt \1<",1 oBl~y.le~ LawnfttOwers SharPenedG<..lIe Polnte MA.... "'.l\lke 'S~

1423 Lakepol .. \. NI 9478~ Co V'8l'hruDhe We-buyu.edbIowC!e.

j ,

Page 3: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's


SPECIAL SALE OF NEW PACK CANNED FRUITS AND VEGE-TABLES-Remarkable Saving by the case. Come in and get our prices.

Page Three-I -

Dave Crotty at left tackle and JoeClcalack at ngfut were rergulars lastseaSQn and will get the first callCrotty has an e:Xlpeneruced understudyHI. Jim Tomlinson the heavlest man ontihe squad who has had two years ofeX'perlence but not much work Natusa husky sophomore ts also very muchm hne for a jO/b 'Ion thJfS posJtlonOharles Ganster a sOlphomore fromMars.hfield WIS Is Cteslak s first subs.tltute and he promtsee; 10 be an excellent one StIll another poSStblhtyIS J1m White a sophomore from Cal~met H1Jg'hl School, OhilCagO WhiteIS lIsted as a center the posttlon hetrted Qurt for last sprIng but he kn'OW'ShJfSway around as a taC!kle and because of the large number of pwol1:menavallalble may be sIh~fted

H~gh class igl\.1ards are numerousFrank rondraskl, a letterman IS theleacfmg 'Candidate for left gua.rd and hehas twp good sulp.ernumerartl.es In

Bruno Mas, a Hamtramwk HhghlSohool -prodlUct and Ray MIeras whocomes from Grand R<l1ptds both of'tihese men bemg soplhlOtnores At rtglhtgtnard S'CIhroeter, a two-tl:Lmel letterwtInner and ShadJa, who won th~ arw'al'ldllast season are In school Both Willee plenty of serVtce, too ExJpe-neoce

h<lJSproved that Kondraski and SihClidaworU<best together and they may be,-,hestartmg gtUar-ds wrt'h Mas or MlerMand Schroeter as alternates Ul1lder vheDorM') sys1em no ca1Pable guard needfear t'ha"t !he wIll lCilck '" ork

There are seven candIdates rfor centerfive of t'hem sophomores HaroldCooper piaymg hIS third year on thesqu<lidw~th one letter to h1s credilt ISfirst dho1ce Bernard Greskowlak wason the squad last season and made a~ood showlllg tn the fow ttmes he wasg'IVen a chanlCe to tpe1'"form Whttelooks like the best of the sophomorePl\'Ots hut he may be shIfted to tackle,as already stated The others have nothl3.dmUlch of a ohance to prove Whatthey can do

The quarterback !poC:l'tton 1S wH:teOIPen)1n spite orf the fact thQt JohnIvory bas been on 'the squad two yearsivory has understudied Jones oapa!blyburt has had <comparatively bottle ex Iperlence HIS greatest handtcaJp IS hISshort stature 5 feet 6 mc1les wrrl1chprevents hiS bemg as valuable 1D passdefense as would be a taller manOne of the weaknesses (j£ trhe TttClJIl5last fall was that they had so many Ishort men In the backfield that opponents were <:orn.p1etlng passes 0'Vet" Itihelr Iheads

Robert Flhatl"ault who ha1ls fromCleveland HeIghts looks ltke the bestbet for the stgnal callUlgi jdb BOlb IS

3.lt1 e:x!C"ejp"tlonallybrrtll:LaJnt student WIthan all A' arveraJgiel andl DoraiS hasgreat hopes that he w1ll develop Intoa fine tactiCIan He IS 5 feet 11 mchestaU and v.etgh>s 165 iP'ounds blgger thanany re-cent T1tan quarterlbaok He IS

a fau' pa,,"ser now and promis-es to be~come an excellent one Ohveto, wlhoplayed quarterhack a httle last seasoo,IS also avatlalble, but the Chances arethat he WIll ibe shIfted to half SeY81

moor Murphy, a Sagmaw 'hoy, bassome ment, but IS almost too smalland l>gilt for the Job II

J 1m P~per IS the only letterman n~bsted as a left ..:halflbarck The onlyllother ca.nuldlate shown on the roster lslE)diwr.lJ,dPalumbo, a sophom01"e fl'<ldCleve1an-d Hetghts PIper IS fast an~sJl1fty and a. faIr passeor, lbut he ~s ~no means the well-rounded. player thDoraIS seeks for thIS Important Jdlf:Gu. has hopes that Jim Will dever,

V'ery fast thIS season. Fa1lIng that, hdlwill !have to make some smfts to finda 1eif. half, unless Balumbo com~th'1"ough tn hIS first year on the aqua.It ISposs1lble that Andy Farkas, regulnght half last .season, m<w be moveto left half He tsn't muoh of a Pa.sS~1er but he can st~ very fast and hIS one of th'OtSe loosel..,rnpped fellowthat are hard to stop CharlIe Paynefullb'3!ak for the last few years a.lsmay !be moved to left-half He IS pr 1b<lJbly the best passer on the squa,nght now and one of thel fastest mep.rhoUtglh he wefghs over 185 pCJ!Ul11lCis)

Farkas and Hayes are lettermen 0 ~

the squad Robert Holmstrom, frOalurrne1:tn the Copper Country, 1S l

very rprorUlsmg' halfback, through morof the fullback tYPe! by nature Hwetghs 19(} pounds and 1S a fine compehtor Ripley, WhQ was lnjuned at~ast season, attlldl Speer and Wahlesophomores, are otlher pOSStbIlities

DoraiS has an etnIbarrassmentl"tdh.es at full1>adk Both Payne a.JnWteczorek have won letters 1D thafpositton for the la.st two years Borlfare frur ptUlters and Payne IS a rea~trtple ~he!wt because or hIS paSS1~ability Raymond SkJorttlPSkl, wh~earned IhIIS ilootball at HamtramcHIgh School, IS anot1her -candIdate foIulHback If he CMl ,pass a make"~eXlammahonnow In the of6ermg Hf1Sone of the best punters the team hahad 1D years, and Dorats would! hkefind a place for ifum In order to m<1lkeusof thiS talent He may even Shlft hito some other positnon to get him mt 1tJhe It.neuip So dire IS hts need Off a topnotch kIcker

The ooach1llg staff rema1llS Vhe samas last year, with Dorats tn oharg lBoermger as lme >coadh, Lloyd BraZlas ba>ckDleldcOa!C'h, and 1:lheveteran an Ihiglhly beloved' Dad' Butler as trtalnerThe Slche-dule 'Comprtses 10 games St Iat home and four albI'oad all ex.cept thOipener Mng frormIdable opponentsNew comers on the ltst are AUburn

tXaxlcr Manlhattan, CreIghton anN01"th D~kota Umcvers1ty.


Faith Lutheran Church

Wilth 16 leUertnel!1 aV<llllaible, plus afair grade 'OIf ta.lenrt: from last year sfreshman and re.serve squads CoachCharles E Gus' DoraIS of the U'11lverslty ()If Dert:r01t IS sure d:f ihavmgat least am average team F!JhJ.sbll 14may be 'ConSIderably better than <liveraJgle1&he can find a quarterba.ok and a1e£t.Jhallb~<k UIPto U of D standardsQuarterback IS the only poSttlon forwhIch no WInner of the varsIil:y lCitterIS avallaible There tS a left 'halfbackJIm PlIPer who has made D but hehas vet to srhow tlh:at he possesses theversa'!:l1thes t"eqmred '0l£ the left.Jhalf 10

DoraiS s 'System of offe'.1:lJsewlhldh makestUus 'the key 'Pos~tton

Forty-five men have !been 1D'Vltedtorep!oct for practtce '\'JilJJlchstarts onTuesday, Selpteme'1" 8 Some of thesemay li-urn 'Up m1SSIDJg bwt it IS certa.m~hi<V1: ~here WIll be more ilhan 40 menfrom lamo-n.g wlhom to pick the TItanteam of 1936. DoraIS lost SIX regularsby graduatIon last June, namely Lutzand S.kover, haHib-acl<is,Jones quarterback, WIlson, center, Andiruskttng, CM>-

ter Andlrus.ktmgt, 19'Uaf'ld,and Dukertackle In aJdJdhtl10nhe was d1l.sappomrted tn !the faIlure of Andy Kaf'IP'U'S aletterman of 1934, to make the. dola;sttc grade

These losses are nlO1:so senous asm1ght appear at first g~ance howeverbecau-se -of the-excellent call1ber ott themen rema1t1t111lgon the squ.ald. All sevenof those nJa,med were e:lCcellent plaJyersburl: DoraIs'" 1$ fortunate1:n ~ha.t, W1thtJhe excelPtlOn of quarterback and lefthalf, he has c;alpalble!performers fatrlyflaIlIng over an e another If he onJlyoould trade half a dozen good 1u11flJaJekGFor a lelft half and a quarterba.ck, hewouLd!have no IProlblem at all It soh<liPpenstlh3Jt:the squad runs very largeIy to £U11flJacks,thore bOlug two wI10halVe won a letter 1U that !posItton andseveral ot1ters who h.we made good Inother positlons !brut who normaJlly areIullbaoks

So far as t1te hne ts cOtlicerned evenWIth WIlson, Andruskmg and Dulkergone, Dora.:xs 1S m e.xlCeptlona11y fineshlalpe The hne WIll be btg, fast and~eavy With Arthur B "Bud" Bonnger as hne 'OOOoh,It :IS also sur-e to besmart and aggreSSIV'e Bud!' coold rtaJkeseven 3Ig'ed waSiherwomen a.nd tn theoourse of a season make a faIr hneof ~hem. S~stlttttes are I'two deetp'tn every po5ilitIon on the forward walland three deep m many AltJhouglhrtlhere IS no ex.ceptlonally large man onthe squadl there are plenty of those bIgrMligy 190-pounders and tJ1lJeI av-erageweight WIll be thJ.g!h.ervhan tn the UiSualU of D eleven

Rl[g'ht end Will he held down by Cap;Al Boglarsky a finished flanker judged by any standta-rd HIS prmc1lPal urnderstud'Y o:f L<lJstseason, Kniauer!haze, ISagatn acvallable, bnt WIll !lacve to figh,to hold hiS rattng agamst Chesney andCoyro, sophmores Both of !these boYlsare SIXfeet tall the '!Ideal SIre for passreceIVers Chesney weIghs 189 poondsaUld Coyoro 17" so they Me 'both bllgerroug'h to !be able to talke It

Frkoloka and Larson won letters atleft end last season aoo a.re lbaClk onthe squad Neither IS the equal ofCarptJaln Boglal'sky m all round! abllatyas yet 'but neIther has had hlS expel Ie'I1!Ce Among the soplhmore can'Ch.dates for th1s POSlt'lon Rolbeflt Scdtt,Horn Ooole;y Bi,gjh £ohool, Dotr",ttoolks bke tihe !best He ISn't lP'arhcularlypu~q Ut n~M.sr UOq..'eill'1JfS dpP-'e} dl{L

.IdA:-erd lJ'l!U1S

!! l"" ~0l!l~awo:>t~.,l3~ 'I ~ll~q'~

Coach of U. of D.Has 16 Lettermen

for Football Squad

\1ark TwaIn was su!p'posed to ha\ esaid f verylbody talks 3.lbout the heatbut nobody does an) thmg about ItWhetner Qr not he Old say tt makesno ne. er mmd The pomt IS It shotBut tf It snowed there wouLd be theame complammg So ~f you re not

satISEfiedWith the weather dIe and g.to heaven Amen

1hlb column has been on a vacation(though no one seems to have noticedIt) ThIS rweek s entry IS short belllgwntten on the fly but next week slabor Will produce a lengthy stnp gw109 some of the surpnslng and pleasantchanges that have taken 'Place 10 thepa t thlee years m the Nort Countree For Instance nght now peopleare complatmlllg of the pesky September flies My advI.ce to you IS to goIp north The flies don t !bother youat all-the hornets and yellow Ja<:ketsjnve them arway

Christian ScienceChurches


Glancmg through the want ads (look ..Ing for a good jdb) thIS ad drew myattenhQnWanted-Young man between 21 and

28 for serV'lce IctClpartmenrt lnrsldework salary App-Iy Monday 10 a roSee Mr Dodson

I wanted to answer that <lidhut 111sttck to thts column befon 111 chaseall over the CIty 10oklOg for an addressThat ad IS a boner o~ sOlIlehody s vart

ThIS may sound a bit far fetched butIt s been heard! tIme and agatn that theobttuarIes of all well known peopleare wntten a long time !before they goto tlhe promtsed land

I suppose oortng theIr s{Y<lremomentstJhe news-hawks octury thelr ttrlfe dletv-lug mto the reE.'f;ds and f,flhhhng outthe pretty thmgs that are always sa1-<!aibout us Whep 'We1:e dead (By us'I don t mean t<hat 1m 1U the class thatbias theIr death notices other than In

the ad .heet)

By BUN WILLIAMSR,cadimg the ~c~nt OIf OSSllp Gab

r1lowlt5ich s death I unconscIOuslytlho~ht o:f the lottery that keepsnewspaper men Interested tn the pe'1"-sona.bttes of the nab-on (Per!haps MrGall:mlowlts'Chs name was excludedfrom the 'dralW )

They would! have l't that 111a par-ticular newspaIPer office In New Yorka group of the staff ha,ve mventecL agame or lottery (l1hIs mav be untruebut 'It seems that I read or !heard thatsome time ago) It goes somethmgIlke tINs

The n<limesof all the b~g money menpromment SOCIety fdk actresses andactors, mUSICtanS-m fad anybody whogets a lot of 111kon the datly sheets-their .names are WrItten on separate:pIeces of !paper folded and placed rna hat or any recepiade For the sumof about ten or twenty ooUars youmay draw a name

The Idea of the game 1S that fromthe date of the drawmg tlhe first per-sonality to dte no matter hlOW provesto 'be a I lucky number for the personholding lus or her name

For mstance 1f someone had beenholding OS'll,? GalbnlOWttsch s p-r IrVIngTha~berg's name that mdwldual IW'O'Qldhave received all tlhe money thart wasIn the pool SometImes the amount 15

UlPtn the dlOUJg1hand tt's worth wih1lewattlng for somelbody to d.t~

It s an unusual sport !but news-?aper men have great rmagmahons an.dtJheyre hable to thmk of anwt1lung

Matter Will be the <,;Ulbjectof theLesson Sermon lU all Chnshan SctenceChurches throughout the \\orld onSunday Septemlber 20

Among the Btble cttations IS the fo1l'O!W111g(IsaIah 55 8 9) For mythougihts are not your thouglhts neItherare your way""my ways salth the LoreFor as the heavens are ht.g'her thanthe earth so are my ways higher tih.anyour ways and my tN,I()Ug'htsthan your~houghts

CorrelatIve passages to be read fromthe Chnsttan SClen.ce textbook SCten'Ce amid Heauth Wloth Key to theScnptures by Md.ry Balker Edidy, rndude the folow'ng (p 286) God sthouglhts are perfect and eternal are..ubstance and Ltfe Matenal and tem-P'Oral thoughts are human mvolvmgerror and smce God Spmt, IS tJhe onlycause they lack a dIvtne cause '

The Peacemakers

Eastminster Presby-terian Church

THE establishing of pe a e eamong the nations needs theefforts of indiVIdual thinkers

as well as the efforts of national governments and internationalcounell'S The statesmen who arestrivmg for a solution of theproblems of today are appealingmore and more to the conscience Wilbur Wright Opens J etten'On and Pfrllhp avenues Re'Vof mankind There is a pressing demand for peoples of all nations to Evening School Term ,R. D Lmhart, pastorconSIder world problems from the __ Etght houndred severnte,en worshl.penstandpoint of right thmking and to 'T'IheWilbur Wn...a..1tTrade School at attended the home commg serVt.Ce atbring to them the healing influence .L' ~'" 1 d That right thought In order to do thlE 4333 TweUth street, DetrOit beglan Faith Church ast Sun ay morning eone cannot ignore the senousneSs of enrollmg for ltS fall evening sohool vested ch01r numbenng nearly 80world problems nor be ignorant of term Monday Septemlber 14 The first vOIces beaubfied the serVice wItih spethe spuitual remedy which alone can Isolve them classes were held! Wedne~day Se.ptem CIa mustc

Men everywhere need ~nlighten ber 16 A WIde variety {)Ifcourses are Holy Communion will be celeb-ratoo.ment in or4er that they may recog offered by thiS pubilIc sphool and are next Sunday mornlllg Two CommUinnize spiritual values There is great 11 be held at 8 a mneed of a keen awakened thought OD bemg taughrt: !by men wlhlOare ex!pen lOn servI'Ces wtSOCIaljustIce a justice which is con en-cod In factof'y IP'roruuctton rand en and 10 45 a m The Rev J J Bau.rncerned not alone WIth one'l!. (\wn coun gmeermg departments The s e 1n gartner of Columbus, 01110, W1IlIasSiSttry but which also recogmzes the structors e quahfied to a1"1ll'llythIS tlhe -pastor 10 the serV1cesrights of other countries and other 't"-t" Id ih 1 etpeoples The world is stlll going work directly toward mdustrlal reqUIre The diu ren s catec Ism c asses methrough a process of clv111zation and every Saturday mornlDig' at 9 0 dockthat civilization alone \ will endure ments N I 60 _.c1.1'-en have enrolled 10

The metal trades coU!r.ses give 1n elar 'Y 'O.u~ U!lwhich fs founded on true Christiani tty This line of argument is strongly structlon In machine SI'hop tlheory an'd the first year c assopposed by those who believe that practice, !bench work and heat treatingwar plays a necessary part in eiviliza- _.1 Th tlion and who point to the conqnest and ha,uenlllg e s eam OIlg'neeTmg For Job Printing Call Lenox 1162of ancient kingdoms by means of sU8 courses gIve Instruction fQ\t"botler oper ~- --~---perlor physical force But enlight.. ators and engmeers hcenses he-atmgened public opinion is mOre, and more and venttlatmg and a1r oondllhomngtegardmg war as a relic of barbarism,a crude and uncivilized method of refngeratlOn!and Diesel engtne theorysetthng differenc ...$ between peoples. Instruction tn automotIve IW'Ork10-

Today it i1!more widely recogmzed eludes fU11damentalls of autonrohvethan ever before that war is not thetrue way to solve problems and that e1ectrlclty test work and equipmentthis way adds more problems to the radto serVice and cMbutrettooburdt!fhed shoulders of humanity In DraftIng Instruchon 1S gwen 10 medisputes between nations fear IS the dhamcs, dle..,deslgn fbrutldmg detaIlschief difficulty and right thinkers inevery country can help the situation sheet metal layoot, biClldtydlte destgnby striving to eliminate fear from I And !blue pnnt reall:ltnlgtheir own and others thoughts looustmlJl eledrlclty courses give m

An inheritance which is commonto all humanity is the ability to I let struchon 1-n the fundamentals 0If 1n:this mind be III you WhICh was also oostrlal control and md'11'CtloomotorsIII Chrurt Jesus (Phihppians 2 5) Coultses 1n eloctroplattng metallurgy,In this way of Chrlstht.nly scientific ihthinking Hes the solution of world chem1stry phYlsrcs prmtmg mat e-problems economic social and civil mahcs teclhmcal Engl1sih. moos-trIalOn thIS baSIS the ri~ht tb1nkers of eoonomtes offt.ce madhtne practt'Ce, andevery nation are united in purpose to lementartf Ib.usmess admIn1stratlon areserve humanity s highest interests. e J

Tha substance of such a brotherhood 31lsooffered"Ls love e:xpressed in tolerance, for- A new course In factory relattons-bearanee patience and forgiveness gtvlng mst1'uchon 10 general foremanAbove the tumult of the nations the sh~p tra1Dtnlg-Is- berng offered for thespuitually enlightened hear the .t.__U$till small voice of Truth, which Is first tIme rI11S fall Filtrther tnlVl-matyer speaklllg to the receptive heart tton concerntng the courses may be

In the book at Reyelation we read secured.at tlhe s.ooool or by calling(2 26) uAnd he that overcometh, 0and keepetl't my works unto the end, Cherry 71SQ..-extenSIQn 8to him WIll I give power over the na-tions As more and more Chrlstian8ly 'Scienbfic thmkers ally themselveswith the forces of righteousness andstand for them in their own com-munity, the more will such thinkingbe represented in national councils,and become formidable in meetingthe claims of greed, selfish patriot-ic:m, and autocracy In uThe FirstChurch of Christ, Scientist and Mis.cellany' (p 281) Mary Baker Eddycites lias our present need, faith inGod s disposal of events' And sheadds • Faith full fledged soaring tothe Horeb height brings blessings in-finite, and the spirit of this orison isthe frUIt of rightness _fan earthpeace, good will toward men' OnthIS ballis the brotherhood of all peQ..pIes is established namely, on~ ~od,one Mlnd and 'Love thy nrlghbor asthyself,' the basis on which and bywhich the infinite God, good the Fa8ther~Mother Love is ours and we areHis in divine Science"

The times demand a wider visionof the world s need a more activeparttetpation in sptritual enlighten8ment, a broader owtlook of commonbrotherhood This wider vision canbe found only in tloo Christlanly sci-entific knowledge of God as Father-Mother The praphet Micah pro8claimed that lithe mountain of thehouse of the Lord shall be esta olisb€'din the top of the mountains, anf! ofthe results of sooh estabH:s:hmf'nt heprophesied thlllt God "shall jndgeamong many people and rebukestrong nations afar off, and thevshall beat their swords into plow-shares and their spears into pruning.hooks nation shall not lift up asword against nation, neither shallthey learn war any more' (Micah 41, 3)

In the face of present-day prob.lems ful:tlllmf!'nt of the above proph8ecy may perhaps seem unattainableor far-off, but spirItual thmkers inevery land need all the more to havefaIth in the certainty of God s justand loving government and gainmore understanding of the facts ofHis omnipotence and ever-presence

• -The Ohn8t~ SCl,enceMoni~tor. - -





East Jefferson avenue at MairustiqueCarl E Ktrcher, pastor

Rev Paul BermanJ of New York o{the B-oard of NraltIooa>1MISSIons of thePresbyterian Church, WIll speak Sunday mormng at 11 .0 clock 00 'TheOhurc'h s PrOlga-am for the Jew' DrB-erman represents the J ewoo worko;f the dhiurah at 1Jarge

At 7 30 p m. the pastor, Rev CarlE KI:l'!crue:r,wIll speak on A MM1God Ohangedl Into A'flIotihrer ManThere wIll !be a SiPecial mUSIcal pro

23c gr;eldnesday evenmg we aife studYlOg

lthe 'PIctures from James, 'Some Com

• moo Mistalkes We Mwke. .......------~!1iVIE;Wf"IN£R~ (liT R$3UI"T3






Messiah LutheranChurch )


Southeast corner of Kerdhevlal andLakewood avenues A H ~ Loeber,pastor 1434 Lakewood avenues Telephone Lenox 2121

Peter Vhe J eMI' and Cornelius theGentIle Will be the theme of the ser-mon for the .commg Sunlday, September 20 The serv~ce WIll take place at11 15 a m The Sunday S<.hool willmeet at 10 0 dock

Tihe Re\ L P Bola11d of TaylorsVille N C Wi\! be the guest pl"t"3!cherat the GJos')e pOlUte united Lutheranchurch WQrShIpmg m the audltonum oftlhe Richard School Kercheval avenueand McKmley road Sunday September 20 at 11 0 doak

SunclJay School at 9 45 a m WIthclasses for begmners pnmary JUnIor

'" llltermedtate and! aJdult I:>cholarsIf you are a neW'CDmer tD Grosbe

Pomte or a long resldent 'here and youWish your children to have a thoroug1hcourse m the Btble we shall be haJPPYto have you and t\hem attend Qlur Sunday School

Our church has come to GrossePomte to help make It the gTandestplace In MlOh1gan for homes and homeHfe The serVlce next Sunday mornIngwlll be 10 charge of the Rev M LutherGanup D D !pastor and the sermonWIll be <preaohed by the Rev MrBoland


Last Chance at this low priceCHASE & SANBORN


FreshFILLETS, lb.

Fresh CaughtPERCH, lb.

CoffeeLb•••37c lb.


Juicy Oranges $13 doz. -

New Cabbage3 lbs.

,,• •

11 a m Morm11lg wOf,,-I111P I The and fine SlpOClal mUSIC MISS "\{ary Holy CommunIOn w1l1 be celebratedGhnshal1J 5 RewM"clis I Osmam WIll Ibrmg some solos 111the serVIce of Sunday September 27

6 30 p B Y P U All young I Wednes.'<1ay. 7 45 tp m Prayer meet announcements tor the ;:,acrament w1llpeople are wekome log A resume and IOIpen seSSIon on be receIved Thundlay September 24

7 30 p m Evangehstlc 'ServIce God s the Book ~~~O~l~~ _ from 3 to 8 p mNarrov: Way Come-you WIll enJoy The first lesson of the Chlldren s

Grosse Pointe United ConfirmatIOn Class w111be held I ndayLutheran Church September 18 at 4 p m wII11lethe n<w

term of the Saturday school w.111begmSaturday September 19 at 9 30 a In

The SatuI'ooy school 1S tntended 10r

chl1dren Who are not yet of Confirmat10n Class age

Tthe Adult MembershliP Class w~l1meet Wednesdray Sdpitemlber 23 at73KJpm







LENOX 4225

Life ~d Beauty in Your Clothes Renewedby Our Superior Process


Michigan" State FairBlue Ribbon Steer Beef,










\ LB.

Butter Sale'~LAND-O-LAKES 41HONEY BOY (;IN %'s-I-Ib, carton

Blue Ribbon, print

80.80'S Old Monk Triple- Old Monk JumboWhipped Salad Ripe OlivesDietary Dressing •

• Spiced Italian DRESSING pint canSTYLE

8-oz. bottle qt. 35c 29c ea.25c bot.

Marsh mallows MA. BROWN RINSOI-lb. pkg. Pure Asst. Jellies

llic 2 lb. 29c 2 39c. pkgs.Jar;

That's what the men say when they see

the way we press suits • • • and clean

them, too 1 Keen creases and "Keen"

cleaning make SQUARE DEAL Clean-

ers the favorite with men.



WE WISH to announce St. Paul's Altar Society's HomeSale to be held at this market Saturday, September 19th.

G. P. Baptist Church


Thu1"sday September 17, 1936_.-.~--------------._----------



28404East Jefferson Avenue East of 11 Mile RoadCome and Bring Your Fnends

Plenty of Parking Space


15129 Kerolreval DavId W Ewartpastor

Sunday serVl'Ces-9 45 a m BIble school




Page 4: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's


(j I





, j ~







2559 Hillg.er


East Slde's Most 'Popular

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ADVI;;RTISE IN THE REVIEW~I_~You know it is going to be cold .oon,....and then im

What About Your Heating System'}Wtll it be ~eady? Let u. check it ove~ fo.- you

Wurm Plumbing & Heating Co.16909Kercheval Place l

TUXEDO 2.3110

13ub c. ~urtrnan15417 Mack Ave. at Beaconsfield


20 Ibs. Wet WashWet wash, all flat work i~oned, 6c II>, All flat worlf fi~illibed,6c lb. Rough c!ry, 7c lb. SHIRTS FINISHED, 14c. Roughd~y .ta~ched~ 8c lb.

- - .....~......_O ....o~j)_ - - - _ .... ..... ~"... ~_o ......... _


I UPHOLSTERED FURNITUREI MADE-TO ORDERI We render only the hlghest qUq.hty, wcrkmanshlp Have your furn.tu.re re~• covel"ed and J::'efinlshed for th~con:uq i: ,0C..~~S;;;i: i:~~GE I! UPHOLSTERING j• Lenox 7339 15114 l<ercheval Ave i..------------------- ------ ....~


----- - - - - - - _v ;

: A new adebt'on ha, ,n,t been complete, enl.,.",,,,, 0". plant an<l f,i increaSing our faCIlities to sewe you better We tn-v::lteyour

tnspechQn i:\t any tll~e.


II Lenox 2241I .I ~4~T'E~f) II ":fAMILY LAUNDRY f;0 _11_ '"' _a._ ...........~_ ... ~ ,.. _ .....__ ~ .....


--------Public LetterB-O-X

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

The Rev Wayland Zwa) er mInisterpreadhes at t'he ]effer&on Avenue Bapt1st mormng \VOrsh1iP thIS S'Unday at11 0" clock on Kno/W Your God

Yout1h In ActIon WIll be the themeof the evel1log ho.ur of wors'h1p SundaynIght at 8 0 dock a service m wh1chleadmg young people WIll rpart1clpate

The fifteenth Rally Day of the Jefferson Avenue OhuI"£'h Scl.utb1 WIll becelelb.rated thl}s SUll1day a.t~ ~ a J;l1.

wlth a speclall prog't'lam ln~~fI1bh.G;lt,dlepartments WIll unIte m the chui:-erh<l!tld1torlUm Gradiuahon exerCIses w~lIbe mdurded for t'he 307 pUlP1lswho afterthree years In theIr resopectlve departments are lbel11g advanced GeneralSupelflntendent Kessel D Green haslllVlted to t'1us anlllversary occaSl'Onall former general sUiPenntendents olf ~Jtlhe cihurch sc'hool who w~ll have a part ~]111the program l1hese sUiPer ntendents i[?lll1 the orelier of thelr servIce are Walter Matthews ] oIhn Gladmg GeorgeDeVo~s Mrs W J Hood StephenFuliin and Thomas Barlow ~

%'1 ,

Dear Mr Bdlltor vast week s editlOl1of Tlhe Gro<;se POl.l1te ReView carnedan mtt'rest1ng letter to do wlth thetranslfer of teachelts ftom the Defer50hool ~J,gl1e<d!byMrs J enme M Dale Iqf 1004 WaY/burn avenue As an Interested vareut and one who has carned a legItImate Interest tn all thepractlees of our sohool adlm1l11strahonI feel very much gneved to note theIf\.ck of dJgl11fied 00 QPe.ratIon given ourschOOl admmIstratlOn by some of ourparen,ts I have had occaSIon to dlscmsmatters df personal s~g111ficance to doWIth my own ch11dren wl'tlh DrBrownell and hIS staff and I have 1.11var a.bly dIscovered that we have nere111Grosse POl11te a supermtendent whoIS no1; only 00 apel1ahve and sympathehc and undierstandmg but one wihothr'Owgh the. sheer wealth of hIS extper1ence knows what IS !best for each. SIt-uahon which needs clanficatlOn Duni1gthe year Whldh has Just passed many"chools throughout the country werevlslted by hun personally III the !hopethat he ffiItglht brmg forth somethIngof hIdden worth for our c'hlldren HISIS a tI1ue and alIve mterest and morethan that he Is faltlhful to thIS commUl1lty

Why then IS It not fau for our palents. to awreOlate an.d understand theCIrcumstances whIch prompted 1:!heexchange of teaohers 1ll the systemwhether lt be from Delier to Trombleyor from Trombley to Kerby?

Let us gird ourselves WIth respectfor those 'We have trusted to run ourschools and not question the why or'iv'h~refore of "'\ hat they are domg WIthout 'Personally bemg very sure of thereas'Q11 for adjustments

N ewsrpaper p'Ulbliclty s a WiOIn-derfulagent properly admInIstered /but wehave parent teaoher assocvatIons an'C1the pilace for sll,Clh questIons as MFSDale s slhould be happily and straIghtforV\<ardly dtscussed <lit theIr rueetll1g;s


833 N ott>ngowam Road

No~~al and Eme~gen~y Need.Met I>y Advan~e. of CQm-

me~cial Sanking C~edit


NEW BRUN/3WICK N J - TheAmencan commercial bankmg creditsystem is an absolute essentIal in thefinancLaI bperatIOns of bus mess andgovernment Harold G Moulton President of the Br-ookings Institution ofWashmgton D C saId here recently illan address before the Graduate Schoolof Bankll1g conducted under the jointauspices @f Rutgers University and theAmencan Bankers AssoCIatIOn

If the flexibIlIty and expansIbilItyprOVIded by commerCIal bankmg credItwere elIminated Dr Moulton declared •it IS s.carcely too much to say that the

economic system itself would shortly bedestroyed

"Normally the amount of credit extended by commerCIal ba.nks to the gOY)ern~ent IS small in amount and for thepurpose malll)Y of flnal1clllg temporaryreqUirements in anticipatIOn of tax co!lections or bond sa.les But in rerlods ofwar and acute depreSSIOn When thefinancial requirements of government *expand with great rapidity the expan *swn of commerClal bank credit IS on atremendous scale Such is the case atthe present time

How P-ubltc Needs Are Fmanced"The p.urchase of government secur!

he;:! by ~ndrVIduals and by the commerClal ban~s provides the gQvernmentWIth the means bY' WhICh Its manifolda:ct vibes are financed The TreasuryQbtallls the lunds with which theReconstructipp Finance Corporationand other government crecllt agenciesfinance their operaho.ns through thesale of securities largely to commercialoanks These funds i.p turn ha..v-egoneto. the assistance of di'stressed banksand other financial institutions to aIdindustrIal and agricultural enterprisesto .fiJ;lanee new pubhc allcl private capIta,l co.ns.tructIOn and to prpvlde relief toth.e unemployed'

Dr Moulton declared that It is nottrue that the world depression wascaused by a breakdown of the Americanbanlong system which did not in factoccur 1.111tllt:tte depression had beentln\1er way for more than three years'He added

Nor ~s It tr1.1e tua1; the. world maladjustments existmg in 1929 oan be explamed SImply by undue extensions ofcommercI~1 banking credIt in the pre-cedtng years. t'nes.e maladjustments involvect wor1ci 4grIQ\llt,JIral indu8trlaJ.q9"'lllilrol~1 ~d li~1!,MI~lrel~t1ons"

~ t ;1f


P~inciples Qf Sound Bu.h,e ••Management That Apply

tQ A.U Farms

An analYSIS m~de of detaIled recordskept by a, group of Wisconsin farmsrevealed several important lessons. andthe. prmClples at sottnd ~u$incss management derived f.i.Qm them applyequally well to othEl)" farijls- s~y$ anartIcle in the B-UlleUn at the AgrlcbJtural CommISSIon ~f the AmericanBankers AssoClatlqn ""Tb.earticle saYs

• Investment costS'1 rncludtng int~rest depreClatIOn re~lrs taxes and insurance are al;lproxffnately two thirdsof an farm costs 1J1urthermore. thesecosts are largely lllqependeut p! thep;roduction program ot the farm

• This meanS; that if a, far~er 0"t8hIS. production of crops or livestockhe increases his iu%stment costs nerumt of product pr6dll'ced as a smallernumber 01' units tn'lilt then carry aslarge a~ eXl?en$~ load as before 'l'1:pslllusbates the Impq.xtap.ce, trqm thesta.ndpomt of costs of operating atarm at or near capaCity

~Investment mistakes ar-e more cost(y th~n many others because they Lannot easdy be correct~d ft a farmerpays. too much fOl hiB tal m his hl,Vestment costs WIll be; dbnorm,ally high aslonB' a,s he owns It If he constrqcts aU 000 barn when a $2 QOOb3,1'n wO\11dhave served hIS p.urpose he 'will haveexceSSIve barn costs year ..tfter yeardUrIng the entIre service lite of ~hestructure

• ThIS emphasizea the importance ofa knowledge of Invest~ent values andthe speC1fic investment requIrementsof indiVIdual farms

petermiomg .R~al or FaI$e Econonqes(~In workmg for- greater economy it

IS essential that the farm manager beable to drstingUlSh between a real anda false savlUg This cln be done Onlythrou$h a careful estIlllate of the contrfb-ution to mCOJ:1t.eover a period Oftime, of each Ite:m of expeQdlture OnlyIf more IS ~aved in expense than WIllbe lust III mop.me can a cOlltemplatedCltt iU expense be deSIgnated as a rea]sa.v:ing

Ii'or example droppmg daIry herdImprovement work may result in ayearly expense reduotIon, The quesHon to decide IS wh,at effect the dropP.lUg of thIs work Will have on thepresent and future fncome from the«ally herq If t\1e est~mated loss in live",tock receIpts due to. a lo.we:red e:ftll..1eu,c.YlU feedl!1g' and breedwg isIeater than th~ on;mal sa,vln~ then

t wou)d obVIOusly be n fal<;e €('()ucrnyHSuhstantml savmgs can he effected

'111 many fallns through the use ofnore home grown gartlen produce andfarp:t vured meats Wh,y payout mOnel'for products of thIS kind tpat Cfln heJ;lr{)ducea much che{\per at hom~? Themone?, saved from the fattlIly foodou~~et caJ,1be used for the purchase ofmany thll1gs that wlll make the farmhome a more comfortable and pleasanttJlace to In e

Call G~o.se Pointe P~inting Co.,J.Qnox 1162, fQr Jqb Prilltil1J. I


Camp Fire GirlsActivities

FrIday 7 9 (Assembly RGorn)- JunIOrdramatIcs all ages Playt. entertamment by sll1gmg plano other muslcalmstruments rnovll1g !pIctures amateurcontests

Saturday 10 12 (Scout Room)-GlrlGuards 10 and over Work for awardsIn cookIng sewmg a'tthle1:ncs sWlmmll1ghlk ng etc Have parties Performneces~ary duties ~41en called up-on byNeIghborhood Club

Saturday 2 3 (Assembly Room)_T<lip 12 and over Tall;?danc111g

Saturday 3 4 (Assfn,blY Room)-Sot al d;ll1cll1g 13/aJJd over Learnhow to dance w1th "a Iplrtner Spe.cJalpartle&

HANDCRAPT CLASSESDirected hy MISs Clara Mdlar

Monday 3 45 4 (Sew1l1g Room-Sew ng C'1as~ 13 16 years Dressmak1l1g h;l.1lttll1g embrOidery yarn craft

Tue day 3< 45 5 (Sewmg Room)-Se\\-lng class 6 9 years Doll clothesI ccd1e case school bag yarn craft

Wedne"day 3 45 5 (SCWII1IgRoorn)_Se\\-ll g da<;s 10 12 years Dressmakll1g krllttmg emblOldery yarn craft

MOl1cDay 79 (Sew1l1g Room)-T1l1Ytots handcraft 5 9 years Pa1l1t1l1gdrawUlig olay

Tuesday 7 9 (Handcraft Room)-GlI"ls Hoblby Chllb 10 12 years Woodcraft metalcraH

Wedne<;day 79 (Handcraft Room)_Meta1crcLft 13 16 years Book endsdoor stops p I1S pIctures ctc

The Detro t Coun.c 1 of Camp FIreGIrlS WIll offer a coqrSe 111 group le<tdershlp thl<; fall open to anyone 1l1terested 111 tihe subject

ChIld Psychology several hand craftPl0Jccts naturc re>cord keepmg folksongs aI1d dal ces WIll be among theachv ties of the course One of theh ghhg'iht<; of the twelve weeks program WIll be a week end at CampWathana the offiCial camp of the DetrOit Coul1'Cll of Camp FIre GIrlS atRose Center \11'Chgan Cilboutforty fivem les northwest of DetrOIt Membersof the class wt1l be g ven a chance tostudy nature lore and 'Camp cralft aswell as to tryout camp cookery

Both evelllllg a~'ld <iJfternoo,n c1a'l.seswlill be held at the Camp FIre officeroom 21)6.51 West Warren avenue The\1onday evel11ng couse WIll begIn onMonday September 28 and meet from7 to 9 p m The mornll1g course WIllmeet for the first tIme Thursday October 1 from 9 30 to 11 30 a m Bothcourses WIll contmue for tMrelve weeJksand d fee of $1 00 wl11 be oharged tocover the cost OIfa ffiduual and handcraft supplIes

\f1ss Catherllle F SteaI'M local ex0cutlve WIll conduct the trall~ll1g courseaSsIsted by MISS Mary Casey and MISSTheodora Vv Iley field secretanes


Upper left, he dlv.. into. hearty meal Of .a\le,braten,sauerkraut. pumpernlc~el alld beer UPPer Aght find.h,m completlng a French meal WIth pastry too fluffyto mel\bon. Lower left. Smss cheese tempts hIS waningappetIte !leing Italian lie give, one a t,p on eatlngItalian Spaghetti m the lower tight p,cm,e III tl\ocenter -ah.h-h.ht flam and ~gsl That's (ooll,llJ'anyC<>untryl..)$<-- ~

Neighborhood ClubEnrollment for Girls

Classes Sept. 22ndBelow I!>a sohedule of girls classes

for the 'COl1111i!gseason and all girlslI1terested MUST report on the 22ndat 4 p m If they are 111terested 111enro]hng Jior any of the classes thiSyear

RECREATION CLASSESDirected by M1SS :pauhqe Masak

Tuesrday 4 5 30 (Gymnasmm)-IntermedIate N G A A 1(}"12years Gym1ast c exerCises Apparatus w or kCYames---<dodgebam 1\ ewcombe relaysetc }< olk danlcmg track preparatIon

Wedm'sddY 45 30 (Gymnas1Um)_Sellldr N G A A 13 16 years Gymnashc exerCIses Apparatus w 0 r kGames .......dodge Iba~l Newcomhe relaysek Folk danong track q;JreparahonspecIahzmg work 111 baske\:lball anabase4:>all

ThurS'd"y A,S}O (~'"''lt_l;{opm)-] ul110r ~ G A A 6 9 years TaJpda 1cmg S111!,,'1111ggames folk ofl,ncmg

Fnday 4 6 (K1kJ1.en)-Cookmg dassaU age~ Because of hmrted space dlfferent groups rw1l1be chosen each week

eating Onus Way Around the World and No Fares to Pay

Lawrence Teeh OffersIndustrial Scholarships

It's easy t9 ... t 9M'S way a~oulildtit. world a, tlleGreat Lakes Exposnion In Clevelan.d for in the Streetsof the WOJl.ld there are as natlo~ahtles representedtl\llll seWlllg fa'i<l~lle old world dIshes ThomasF91'lulilato.ePleU'"", started Qut to pelio'l1l the feat andran the gaqntle.t from Oerrpan sauerbraten to sp'aghettl.but hIS last meal saw hIm seated before a table ladenwith 800d old Ametlcan ham and egg. With colfee,

trot to dhfCk vwlahons Offenders willbe taken 111to the courts on mlsdeme~nor charges w1fh a maximum penalty of 90 days In JaIlor a $100 fine

Due to the tremendous populanh OlanDer and! Van \V.aJgoner saID twolast year 'Of the md'Ustrlal eX"tcutlve tYIPCS of motorists will be gwen parcourses offered tUItIon free by tlhe tlcular attentlon-rhose that dnve onLa.wrence Institute olf Tedhnology to the left side of the cehiter l111eof t!heDetrQ!t mdustnal workers faclhtles hgJtway and fhose that hold up traffi'CIhavre been mcreasJed Iper.tllJttlllg the by keepmg to the Illsldie lane of a threecollege to accept mQI'e students Last Or' faur lane h~gihiWaywhIle not passmgSeptemJber 100 new men were accepted otiher a1.ltomolbdes SJJgnsw 11employ theThe 1936 class wIll be hmIted to two U!><..of the word UnlawfulIhUm:lred freshmen Other phases orr the enfoficemellt

The mdustna,l execUtlve school IS move In Oakland County wIll be thesponsored by the InstItute as an In erectIOn of a new a'Ctuated control SIgdlus.tnal setv1ce TUlh911 IS free Stud nat lIght at the mtersectlon of US 10ents are seleJetedJ from the employees I and M 15 and s;peclal ~enterbne markqf varIOUS DetroIt firms by theJr re lUgS along US 10 A specIal bltummS1,Je'Chve!personlilel directors Men so ous centerhne "-tnp twelve Inches WIdeselected a1"e' given soholarsilups good and raised three 1ll'ches wvl1 be used tofror t.he tlhree year COUlses Men de keep motOltlsts on the proper SIde ()If.sttous 'Of secunng such sclholanhItps the hIghway On eClich SIde WJ11bemust ~PlPlly d~rectly to the penonnel double yellow markmtgs to !Create antlepartments of 1!heir iCompanlelS optleall11u<;lOn that the bl1'JUmmousstnp

Gourses offered mehlrne EnglIsh IS much hIgher Van WaJg10ner saIdGrammar I and II Gomrposltlon I and the three Indh raIse 'W'Quldnot bc suiH PUblic Slpeaktng I and II A1g'iebra fic ent to '('ause a hazardr IF and III Plane Geometry I and 1 he state s new safety dnve followsl'I Sohd Geometry Drarwmg' I and II an InvestlgatlOl1 by tlhe state hIghlwayEconomICs I II III IV V and VI ptanl1lltg survey of traffic conditions~hyS1CS I 1lIn.dII and Ohentlstry I and along US 10 It slhrowed that only 5~11 per cent of motOrIsts drIve 111 the

Oompletlon OIf the entl:lre corurse en proper lane that mOlte than 30 pertitles tlhe kradwate to a Cerhficate of cent of the anve on the wrong SIdeGtaiduahon rr-om the Industnal Execu olf tlhe 'Center hne that 5 per 'Cent oftive S'Chool of Lawrence InstItute the accidents wel e caused by left 1an!d

T'he late Dean Russell E Darlvrence turns from the wrong lane a,nd thatInstituted and desIgned t!hIS school to 3 per cent of them were caused bytud JUIli10r and senror executIves In pass1l1g an automubde on tlhe wronglnctitistry who because of 111sufficIent !>Ide OaJklal1d officv<lilswho asked fmtheorehcal tI1ammg found themselveG the l11vest gatlOl1 /Were alarmed over!hampered In mdustnal rp-rogltess T!he t>hc grClat numlbcr of heau On colhslOl1t.~Ubj<elCtsoffered are t!hose whIch tend along the routet:o equfp t1he stu~nt wIth a broaderVIew crf the basIc sCiences of engmeermg The classes are In seSSIon at atnne wl}'l1chIS convenIent tEar the maJor1ty, tlhat 15 from 6 30 to 10 p m,each Trues'<lcLyand Thursday for 3~weeks

Reglstra'bon for these courses WIllbe~1U Seprt~1Uber 15 The offices WIll:remam open from 7 10 9 p m Monday to Fnday mcluslve fo!!" ll1'tervlewsThe officers of the Industnal ExecutIveS'dhool are ALbert M Wagener d1rector J P Judd assIstant directorand Edwm 0 Grae>ffe advIsor

St~teto Enforce TrafficSigns Along Highways

The State thIS week moved to puttectlh mto Its traffic sJgns along thetnmkhne Jllghwa~s

State Hl~htway COtm11USSLonerM u'l"Q.'"ayD Van Wagoner and Oscar G Olande1' oommIssloner 'Of the MICh1FganState

....Pohoe announced the Il1ltla.t1<J11of aneffort to prosecute dnvers who Ignoretrunkltne warlllllg s.lgns

The first test WIll !be made alongUS 10 111OaJklalld Oounty WarnmgSIgnS wt:ll be erected aftel' whloh thestate p.0'hce w:dl establIsh a traffic pa

Page 5: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's

! rfl1hursclay September 17, 1936


,< .',~2 ife



IJ ""

I f ~~-1610J/ J ))\,'

l({N6~~"ENRV'i:~~~NCe, ~ ,



ODDITIES -lAND. SEA A"lll AIR - By;:: Y. Renick

HERE 'N THIERIE ":. Iy Gene Carr'--'>l-,L-I" IQ.

.~I4J, GE:1'b-1A'"- C:;, ... i

SfAR1Irl' A11H' (;'01101"1 ,6,-(

01' fl-\' LADDl::RLIKE. ALL

G(~ .3f401's-



!MAG;NA~V U'4T~~VIEWS-,-.,....- ~ ~_....... ~---_ ....---~t"J, ~~*~

Cu(! Reporter What do you .thmk of the poliCIes of the lefmts here m FranceM selU PremJer'"

-Ily 110-

- By Ray I. Hoppman


.....a~l!:A;"J'1\G. "1 hi' Jt

~1,.lR:NING IN E.FFIG'Y t,. 1'\ t>U<EC., 01=F':lPQ.IN6Oc:' "1"""'50 eel,.lIi~.p SINCe T'iE. IMA66'-

~ THE SOUL.) IS eSlN6 IN.Ju~eD Ofl.,,:.iFt.OYED,


)'01) RE IN LOVE\"rT"H "-He: 51R L I....\OLD HER 1"HISWAY - AS IFYOLl MEAN l' 11'I

,..>, p..R-RIP!

YOU -rOLD ME -ro GEl'"A PERCI--I fOR '1'1-1£ CAGEeu-r ..,..I-IEeU-rCHER \-lAD



-- - ------------------------------------- By Frell NcOrdley

'" W\-\'i::'KE. 1. V,JAS Pl<.o!'l\?T-L'I SOLD U3 A~SLA\jE 0

COPY~GH 936 VAN n FtATURes $YND CAlf bIc e

WI-I'7', 1-l0"lEy..l.AMB.'DON1' YOI) REMEM6fR?

IVr ~A/c ~ MI-RIaO..e / AMON6 THE'NCIENT6, THI!: SOUL,.W~S cAFA81.E! en:-

eAV'Ne THE J'O-PY AT" ee,IZ.TAII'o!1"IME5~ W)i&N A'SL£EP OR. IN flIA.IN'f'INc# SPe:u.5

/-lEY! WI-IA-r1'HE SAM!HILL IS' 1'1-l1S' FI.)'1-!DOING \l\I 1'1-IE. BIRD


KI1"''1Y HA.~WQR.KE.l) 1"0

Pu1' "HS'5liOW oveR-6""- HOR-ACe. I 1""'16ONL.Y WAyHE CAN AcT-I';


e "l""(ll.~,

=~~~--------------~-~-_ ......._-'-'-_.._--~-----------~------RUMPUS -By Art HelfantWOT CHA KEEP STAI'<lD1N'UP AGAINST THAI PUMP ~




,,- -~ - --- --- -----------





~~ 11i'<!lt""'Y' '$' '" +t' ..., >- ,


puc,q:;'5S Wf:...SNoT AL\fVA'-I5W\T\-\ ME: I\-\E -n.lRI<\51-1CR.EW ?ROVED 1"0 BE

PIRATES ~ OF f:...BoR.To

---=-"'-----------=---------------~ ........~- -.....---------~--J(lT\'Y KELlY AND NELLIE SHANNON

\~ ~ ~Wi:...I ~ ~

Page 6: THE GROSSE POINT!::J Ii ,ar~~~~rofJ~t,:)poititt lRtUttlU -~ …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../1935-39/1936/1936-09-17.pdf · 2006-07-15 · Michigan State Fair Blue Ribbon Beef at Fred's







), < \,

'Thuriday, September 17, 19



339 Fisher Rd Opp High SchoolFInes~ Workmanship _ Reason..able Prices - Shoes RepaIred

While Yau Walt

••.•MUSIC61ls the air!•AccredIted courses In all branches

of mUS1C radIO tec'h11lque danc ...ng and dramatIc art-ENROJ L'lOW I •Founded In 1874


of Music50~5 Woodward

J Bertram Bell, D1rector•Study With Confidence the Mod~ern and Pleasant Way at Mlch..Igan's Oldest School of MUSIC

HIghest PeaksUmted States hIghest peaks 10...

dude Mount MItchell Yanceycounty, North Carolma, 6684 feet,Mount WhItney Inyo and fularecountIes, C{3-hforma, 14,496 feetMount McKinley In Alaska IS 20,-300 feet

fllrst bYPsJes In 1!.uropeGYPSIes first appeared In Eu~

rope about the beglnnmg of the16th century

Arcttc Night Babies WeakRUSSIan medIcal experts who

have surveyed health condltlonsWIthIn the ArctIc CIrcle, found thatchIldren born wIthm the monthsof the ArctIc mght have weak can.stltutlons

Pharmc:lcoiogist s AbilItIesThe pharmacologIst call mcrease

Jr reduc.e blood PI essure> at WIll~he can prepare .~amhde, whlchJ', ill b mg down e ten ryeratureou~ of coal and WIth oth~r sub-stances he can sf'rtd the tempera-turE' up

Japan's Artists One-SidedJapanese are skIlle1 m the pamt-

mg of Insects and flowers and baIl)'"boo stems swayIng In the breeze,but they have never succeeded 11'):

puttmg on cliuvas • the human f.ot'~dIVIne nor m the pamtmp of grandhIstorIC scenes

Experienced, wishes a few morepupils. Teaching at pupil's home.Specializing in beginners.530 Oxford Rd. NI. 2115

Grosse Pointe



Teles>cope Athe unscIen.tIfic






AN UNQUALIFIED GUARANTEE1£for any reason any arhcle cleaned by Crown does not meet With

your money will be Imm.edJ.atelyrefunded

Phone us now for an estimate on your rug-s, drapes, curtains,and upholstered furniture Let us renovate your fall wardrobeand restore It to Ih orlgtnal shape and lustre

Grosse Pointe Library

ST{)I\I:l? C()ALHeadquarters

You can't go wrong with our FREE bllrning, OIL treatedScreened Coal whIch we recommend for the following stokers

• Auburn • Kolmaster• Cor;nbustioneer • Linkbelt• Fairbanks-Morse • Mastoker• Iron Fireptan • Stokol

and many others

.:. Stock up now before prices advaqce

LENOX 3470R. F. Meek Coal& Supply Co.

Established in 1898

2619 Conner at Charlevoix

Use for Earth's Hot WaterThe earth s hot water has Its

uses In New Zealand housewIvesChllds-El Jimmy T1he adventurous utIlIze hot sprmgs for cookIng And

m Japan, near the summIt of ahfe of Jm1Jmy Radibtlrne an Engltsh snow-crowned peak, rlses a hotman who In 1892 went out to Palta I sprmg In WhICh Japanese bathersgonn where h", became a gaucho an<l are to be found all seasons of theeventually became a famous outhw year

Stevens-Nantucket the Far AwayIsland A fund of background matenal lustoncal biographical and aescnptlVe

Rothery--'Fmland the New 'Tat tOnAn mtroductl<ln to a land and Itspeople

Cram-\:fy LIfe 11'1'\rchltedure Thearchitect who IS the leadmg e)Qponentof Gothlc 111 Amenca tells tthe storyof hIs prOifessJOnal Hfe and reVlel\VSthe changes tn arohltecture

Chllds--,5rweden the Mlddle Way Adescn-phon of Swedens ocononuc systern whIch IS a COltJipromIsebetweenl11dlvlduahsm and collecttvIsm

Caples-Advertlsl11g for ImmediateSales A porarcttcal up to-.darte diSCUSSIan {)Ifvanous successful sales gettmgmethods

Fath-l.hrough thestory of the stars forreader

GIpsy Petulengro--A Romany LIfeA glp"y S hfe sto~y told 111 hIS OIWnwords

Life of BulldlrgsThe smgle famlly dwellmg has I

an expected useful hfe of approx-Imately 50 years The skyscraperof steel frame and fire reSIstantconstructIOn has an expected usefulness of only 40 years, and officebUIldmgs of ordmary constructIOnare gE;:nerally outmoded at 30vears

LIttle ThmgsLIttle thIngs' LIfe and death

prospenty and rUIn happ.mess andmIsery, hang upon lIttle thmgsthe:; are 1I.ke the lmch pm to thewheel, on WhICh depends the safety of the vehIcle, they are lIkethe rudder to the vast mass whIchIt gUIdes, lIke the slender nervesto the hollow musf'les

Saltmess of the SeasThe Dead sea leads easIly In

saltmess wItn 25 per cent ao:; Itssalt content Next come the Adnatlc sea with a 4 06 per cent, theRed sea, WIth d- 98 per cent theMedIterranean WIth 3 64 per centthe AtlantIc Ocean, WIth 3 56 percent and the Black sea wIth 1 75per cent

GravyHot Rolls


Bra led JUIcy steaks prolblaibly takefirst place 1n the affections of mGlst

men but they must be peflfectly cookedto ment their pr-a se This means. ahot bra ler oven before the steak IS

placed on the grate and brolhng hlOttemperature tlhroughout Leave thesteak In untll one suLe IS seared slIdeout the !broIler !pan season the steakllbera11y turn and sear the other SIdewell Remove )from oven seaSOn theupturned Side wdd a /bIt of butter andS~ve Immediately on a hot pla.tterThe InsIde of the meat-a.nd It shouldbe a nlce thIck steak for bro~bng anywlhere from an mch to 2 mones thlck-wlil be a mce healthy !pmk not dryand brown Slrloms, T bones and Course of Llghtmngtenderlmn are 'tlhe bI"Olhng steaks The mam flash of hghtnm,: doeb>

As far as anyone has ever been filble not travel from a cloud to theto dlSicover t'here IS no way of brollmg earth, but m the OPPosIte dIrectIon

The mam flash IS always preceded"tea/ks so that the kitchen droesn t get by a • leader', WhICh acts as asomewhat smoky but If the OJVenIS sort of pathfinder or traIl blazerhot to begin 'WIth and the oven dooJ' The "pathfinder" travels from theOlpened o>nUyas httle as pOissl!bledrurmg cloud to the earth whIle the maInthe lbJ'olhng less smoke WIll be hlber f flash starts upward from the earthClJted But the dehclOus tastmg tend,eT at the POInt struck by the lead.

er" It follows exactly the samehealthful meat which results IS worth, path back to the cloud The lengtha b1t of !blue smoke of the lIghtmng bolt has been found

Ohops--tporrk lamb and veal-vary to vary from 1 5 to 4 7 rouesthe menu WIth -decIdedly pleasmg resuIts particularly If they are cooked111 mIlk Now thts opesn t meancreamed meat at all The\)'" look thesame as a fned or !broiled chop but aTemore tender more dehglhtful 111 flavoraThdmore healt11ful In an 1ron frymgpan brOfWnthe chops well on both SIdesSeason almost COIVet" wlth mllik an-dbake 1n a moderate oven unt1l themllk has all cooked mto the chops IBaked potatoes are a good accompamment to thelSe dhops For a cool dayIn fall try one of these menus -on yOiUorhUSibaJl1Gand See how easIly and qUlckIy prepared It l!3 and what complImentsyou get !because of It

OhOipScOQlked.111 mJlkBaked potaroes Apple sauce

Buttered GreeQ BeansCaramel Refngerator Ice Crelam


Broded T Bone steakMashed potatoes

Cole SlawIced

The Soo LocksThe Soo Locks are one of the

world s greatest engmeermg featslocks that hterally hft up a lake20 feet Through thes.e locks passmore tonnage than through anyother canal In the world mcludmgthe Panama Practically all thewheat and Iron are from our greatWest passes through them on theIrway to smelters and seaports andall the coal from eastern fieldsmust go through the Soo on Itswestwar! pac;<;:age-------

Early Postage RatesAs late as the '408 postage on

a letter delIvered was 12 1 2 centsIt was not untIl 1850 that postagewas reduced to 5 cents, then to 3centb and then to 2 cents, and let-ters and packages were gauged byweIght About thIS tIme the useof envelopes became legal, thepractIce prevIously bemg to foldthe statIonery-------

Island 80 Per Cent CoalNlshlmote Islands, In the Lop ..

hoos, has been found to be nearly80 per cent coal-------

Carp NumerousCarp m the Umted States has

multlphed enormoUily, partwuJarlJIn some of the lakes and rIvers ofthe central states, where It frequ.ent)Y attaIns a weIght of 15 to30 pounds It IS so abundant Inmany places as to be regarded anwsance but It furnIshes a supplyof cheap food Its yearly consump-tion IS ~nrf' than 2n f1nn000 pounds

NamIng Mlehlgan --M,chigan's first famx4es gave

the state 1tS name, accor(1mg tothe Ottawa IndIans of the region,and at the same tlme expressedtheIr hIgh regard for the state asa garden spot Mlsh-e-gon-mg, theOttawa word for uplace of clear-mgs In the forests for gardens," 18the word from whence MIchIgangot Its name, they say Contract-ed to MIsh-a-gon It means SImplyclearmg or garden The IndIanshave used thIS regIon for theIrfarms smce prehIstOrIC t mes, manyof them wmtermg 111the Kankakeeriver valle In Ilhnols

Destroyed IndIan PopulationThe prehIstorIC IndIan populatlon

of northern ArIzona was destroyedby tenement' condItIOns nearly1,000 years ago TracIng the habItS of the IndIan population, an au-

Iihonty saId that from the tImethey moved from smgle family pithouses to multI famIly apartmenthouses, or pueblos, SImIlar to mod.ern ten~ments, the populatIor~ ofthese tribes dropped from 23,000 to2,000





No 2

























lb. box


8-o~. can







5 lb. bag 26c










• •GREENINGS, S lb. for 25c




Sliced Bacon

Pork Roast Ib -21C



3 lb. bag 49c




















Rolled Oats






















19cSuper Suds




















Chickens lb.

Rib Roast lb.


~: s~ --=-__........ -.---- .. _.!!.!:4 ...~ =_..• 111111•• _._1111. .. __ --;1-


1 (~t~~~p~~: ~tr~~~Yand Food, Counc::J1)

I To a man d~l1'nerwIthout meat IS ameal scarcely worth mentlOnt!t1Jg asmany young bndes are dlS'oovenngrClipldly n these first weeks of house

k e e pin g And bymeat theIr lords andmasters mean steaksC11CPS a.nd good substant/at roasts andtJ1e !bnde Who would

to. .. W n her way straIghtll1to her hu"band s heart learns rapIdlyto do a good '00 {)If meat cookery