The Healing Codes Thursday Night Q&A 05.11.06 Host: Tom Costello Tom Costello: My name is Tom Costello, with The Healing Codes. I will be host this evening. This is our Thursday night question and answer session, May 11, 2006. Everything from this moment is being recorded, including that dog barking. The session this evening will be recorded. Our politically correct disclaimer goes like this: The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Codes are for the unlocking of the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense. That is the one to which The Healing Codes is devoted. We’re about to start with the questions and answers. Feel free, as soon as Shauna gives instructions about how to get into the queue, or get out of the queue if you want to. We’ll take those calls and start right in. Shauna: technical explanation. Tom Costello: All we need is first names. If you have success stories, something really cool happening with The Healing Codes, feel free to jump into that queue and tell us about that as well. Participant: (Joey) Good evening, doctor. Tom Costello: Good evening, Joey, I’m not really a doctor. Participant: Okay. What would you recommend? I was diagnosed with ALS 9 years ago. I am still mobile and have The Healing Codes 05.11.06 1 Thursday Q&A

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The Healing CodesThursday Night Q&A 05.11.06

Host: Tom Costello

Tom Costello: My name is Tom Costello, with The Healing Codes. I will be host this evening. This is our Thursday night question and answer session, May 11, 2006. Everything from this moment is being recorded, including that dog barking. The session this evening will be recorded. Our politically correct disclaimer goes like this: The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Codes are for the unlocking of the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense. That is the one to which The Healing Codes is devoted.

We’re about to start with the questions and answers. Feel free, as soon as Shauna gives instructions about how to get into the queue, or get out of the queue if you want to. We’ll take those calls and start right in.

Shauna: technical explanation.

Tom Costello: All we need is first names. If you have success stories, something really cool happening with The Healing Codes, feel free to jump into that queue and tell us about that as well.

Participant: (Joey) Good evening, doctor.

Tom Costello: Good evening, Joey, I’m not really a doctor.

Participant: Okay. What would you recommend? I was diagnosed with ALS 9 years ago. I am still mobile and have a little bit of weakness in my hands. What kind of routine would you recommend to aggressively attack that.

Tom Costello: First of all, we wouldn’t recommend aggressively anything. I know those are just words, but what I’d like to do is explain that. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart, the underlying spiritual or energetic block or disconnection or challenge. The key ingredient with the body in terms of healing anything is to be out of stress. Aggressively trying and pushing and harder and more…you can hear as I exaggerate a push into fight or flight mode, which is exactly what you don’t want to go into. What you’re going to look for is you can go into anything having to do with the immune system. You could go into pictures of the heart related to not being heard, not being loved, not being attended to, those kinds of experiences. We’ve seen that sometimes people growing up in very critical or harsh environments get “squashed” energetically. People who get berated and criticized and picked on get energetically smaller, almost, or so it seems. What you’re going to want to do is enlarge your energy.

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Some people think that what happens energetically with ALS and with neuropathy and other things is the energy withdraws from the extremities back into the center of the body. Really, if you are experiencing this in your hands.

Excuse me, my 10 pound guard dog is reacting to something.

You are going to want to extend your energy into your hands, into your feet, all around it. This is my belief, we as individuals, as spiritual beings have so much power, so much energy. The idea is that energy is way, way bigger than our physical bodies. That’s the kind of stuff we need to come in tune with. I think after we experience trauma, criticism or something of that sort, what happens is we tend to withdraw. As you relax and have this sense of who you truly are (that goes for everybody on the call no matter what), you’ll want to think in terms of that. I would go into the Unforgiveness category. That’s a great place to go into.

Participant: In the big book, manual?

Tom Costello: Yes, in the manual, Day number 1, Unforgiveness. Forgive others, forgive yourself. Forgive God. Forgive yourself for anything you did. Forgive yourself for anything you didn’t do. Relax into it. Recognize that you want to grab hold of life, experiences, love and everything else that’s important to you. Hands are great for that.

Participant: What did you say was great?

Tom Costello: Your hands. Didn’t you say you were having an issue with feelings in your hands?

Participant: The weakness started in my hands. I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Tom Costello: God Bless.

Participant: (Murray) Hey Tom. Is there any advantage or plans in the works to add a booster position to The Healing Codes?

Tom Costello: At this point, No. Somebody asked the question in the last couple of days about the Booster position in The Success Codes, whether that would be good to use with The Healing Codes. Alex’s response was no it wouldn’t be.

Let me see if I can’s stir up the crowd a bit. They hold back about this point in the evening.

There are lots of different takes a person could have on what occurs with our energy, with our spirit. To me that’s the same thing, just two different words meaning the same thing. Literally, this is my point of view, it seems that at some point as human beings just how great, how connected, how magnificent WE (I mean we in the capital sense, as a part of the Source of All Energy – we call it God in this culture). That energy, we are an

The Healing Codes 05.11.06 2Thursday Q&A

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expression of that. That is my belief. Some point along the line, usually very early, we take in energy, criticism or our own conclusion based upon something that we did, and it affects our energy. It affects our perception of who we are. If you could imagine this, we are this great, very, very high wattage energy source. Then, based upon feedback that we get from others or that we give ourselves, we decide that we just did something bad. Frankly, it’s very easy to do that because so many things are labeled as “bad”. It’s bad if you do this, it’s bad if you do that. It’s bad if you want money. It’s bad if you don’t have money. It’s bad if you eat too much. It’s bad if you don’t clean your plate. All those kind of childhood things that we’ve heard. So, if we interpret any kind of behavior or action on our part that was totally in line with our level of awareness at that point, but we don’t consider it – I spilled milk. Often times people are told, “You’re bad” for having done that. As compared to “Oh, you just knocked over the glass of milk.” To take in that bad seems to have an effect on our energy so that now, suddenly, instead of being this very high-wattage being that each of us is, we start to diminish because of our perception of who we are. It’s almost like the rheostat (dimmer) on the wall that you turn to make the lights dimmer or brighter. We turn it down because we are “bad”. It’s that kind of boloney, it’s that kind of misunderstanding, it’s those kinds of lies, it’s that kind of spiritual disconnection that we think is the source of lots of different dilemmas. If you turn down the energy in your body and notice you’ve lost feeling in your toes, or that your hair is falling out, this or that or the other things. Wow, that’s just – a reduction of energy in a given place. Some body part now is not getting energized like a healthy body part is. Consequently we see symptoms of that. We don’t deal with the symptoms, but we do deal with that energetic disconnection. That spiritual break, that’s what we’re looking for.

Participant: (Cindy) Hi. I’m a new person to The Healing Codes. I’ve done the 12 day quick start and am on phase 2 in the midst of doing three days on each of the core values. I am working on a specific issue with regard to health which is contained in the Love category. When I start on days one and two then 4 and 5, am I still going to be working on the Love category for that specific health issue?

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: Then on day 3 I would cycle on through Joy and Peace, etc.

Tom Costello: Yes, if that condition is still the uppermost thought in your mind and that takes you to the Love category, you would go right back there for day 4 and day 5. Go on to the next category on day 6, then back to the Love category if that remains the most important issue for you.

Participant: Right, I am diabetic. I would love to find some relief or healing for that. That’s how I’ve been approaching it. I should have asked my coach when we spoke last, but I didn’t think to ask it.

Tom Costello: I like to use Louise Hay and Karol Kuhn Truman, both of them have multiple books. Louise Hay’s classic, “You can Heal Your Life” in which she lists a

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variety of physical ailments and then what she has found to be the underlying emotional thought that may be a contributor. There is also listed a new thought that she would recommend. Those new thoughts can easily translate into a truth focus statement. Off the top of my head, in her book, I think diabetes has to do with a problem experiencing the sweetness of life. That may be something that is probably in the library, but certainly all book stores will have that.

Participant: What was the other book you mentioned?

Tom Costello: Karol Kuhn Truman, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.”

Participant: Thank you.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. Thanks for the question, Cindy.

Participant: (Murray) The coaching phase, now, is phase 2, right?

Tom Costello: Yes. It’s labeled that way, yes.

Participant: If you are in the coaching phase and the coach gives you a specific Code. Is it advantageous for the client just to work on that Code and nothing else during that time? That wouldn’t be two days on that, then one day on cycling through the categories. You would spend the entire time on the Custom Code? You wouldn’t divide it up?

Tom Costello: Now let me explain that to everybody who may have a variety of information. What you want to do is begin on the 12 Days to a Changed Life and do day 1 through 12. We recommend for most people that they don’t have to dig into lists of past issues. Some people who are very introspective or who have experienced doing that, if you want to do that, that’s great. For a person who is new to that sort of thing it is time consuming and sometimes will stir up some stuff for you. The most important thing as a person just beginning with The Healing Codes is you are going to want to have an experience in which you go, “Ah Ha! Something is happening. I felt it in my body. I can feel it in my hands. I felt it at the healing centers. I feel a sense of relaxation. I had an ‘ah ha’.” Or some other experience like that. You are going to want to have evidence that something is happening. That will be motivational and encouraging for you to continue. That’s the ideal scene.

So, 12 Days to a Changed Life. After that typically you would be coached by a certified Healing Codes coach for up to 8 contacts in which Custom Codes are designed for you based on the issue that is most important to you. During the time you are working with your coach, you would do the Custom Code only. But as Murray said, if you were so inclined and felt like doing the Love category one day, or another of the categories. Perfect. However, if you think, “More is better. Let me over do it. Let me push.” You can hear again that is going in the direction of stress. What I would say when that conversation begins in your head, “I’m not doing enough”, go “ah ha” there are pictures. That is an energetic pattern that I may have picked up from “wherever.” People that

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work 20 hours a day are driven by that voice saying that kind of message, “You’re not doing enough.” They work and work. In order to get out of anxiety, workaholics go to work. Other people do whatever they do. The “holics” do whatever they are being driven to in order to reduce that anxiety. In The Healing Codes we say that is a lie driving you. That is some sort of spiritual error, or some sort of energetic pattern that is erroneous. That’s some information that was misinterpreted, or may have not been valid when you heard it in the first place, but you were too young to go, “that sounds like a lot of baloney, I think I’ll just dismiss that.” If you feel yourself operate out of the “gotta go faster, do more”. Say time out. I hear that and I choose not to go in the way of stress. If you want to do stuff that is much more joyful. If you have stuff, you’ll want to deal with that and see if you can’t shift the perspective on it.

Participant: I heard someone say they are working with a coach but they feel like they are in phase 2 where they just work on the problem and switch back to the category rotation.

Tom Costello: That’s why I went into that elaborate explanation. The original phase 2 was that rotation. Now phase 1 is 12 Days to a Changed Life without digging. Phase 2 is coaching. Phase 3 is identifying the uppermost issue and starting in on that, or if you are so inclined, you can start making lists of the underlying issues related to that subject.

Participant: I just wanted to make sure that person didn’t skip the Custom Codes the third day.

Tom Costello: Thank you.

Participant: (Patricia) I was wondering what Healing Codes do you do on a deformed baby chicken?

Tom Costello: How old are you?

Participant: Nine.

Tom Costello: I love it. That is so fantastic that you asked that question, sweetie. What’s going on with your baby chicken?

Participant: One time we had a deformed baby chicken and it died. What Code would I do on him?

Tom Costello: The next deformed baby chicken or…

Participant: Yes, the next baby chicken.

Tom Costello: That’s a good question. I think if I were you, I would work on the Love category. When I looked at that little baby chicken, even when it was still in the egg, I would see if I could send it feelings of love. Then it would know when it came out of the

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shell or if it is already out, that this is a wonderful place to be. It is wonderful to have you for a friend. It would feel like it was safe. It would be glad to be there. It would be doing its part to be part of your life and you would be doing your part to be part of its life. That would be good practice for anybody to be able to look at a chicken or a puppy or a kitten and be able to send waves of love to it. Then we could do it to people. If you could do that when you thought of your mommy or daddy, your brother or sister, or friend or teacher, you could send those same waves of love. That would be good for all of us to do more often than sending waves of other stuff.

Participant: Thank you.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. Thanks for the questions, Patricia.

Participant: (Ellen) Hi, Tom. I have a question about the suggested number of times a day on any or all of the Codes. The suggestion is a minimum and you can do more. If you say, begin in the morning and set it up with the prayer or request, I’ve heard people mention and my coach mention, doing them throughout the day, even at a stop light, or intervals throughout the day. Is it necessary every time to go through the same setup with the prayer request? Could you just set the tone for what you’re doing that day?

Tom Costello: Good question. I would say it is not necessary, however if you wanted to maximize the benefit, then you would want to do the prayer. You would want to speak it aloud. I think the power of sound, that vibration, is so wonderful. If you can get into singing it, saying it, dramatizing it, cheering it, you will definitely notice a difference. You very well know that if a person says, “I love you, Ellen”. There are lots of different tones that can be said in. What you’re looking for is the highest vibration tone that you can deliver into that prayer. The one that is the most hopeful, powerful, expectant, positive, excited, enthusiastic.

I used to live in New York City. I went to see Norman Vincent Peale at his church. He was one of the most famous ministers and speakers on the planet. I remember reading in one of his books he explained what he did before coming to the pulpit. His wife described in a book about them how terribly shy he was. Norman Vincent Peale would do a pep talk before coming to the pulpit. He would say to himself aloud, “I love my audience, I love my audience, I love my audience…” He would do that a half dozen or so times. They he would come out onto the stage or pulpit. I saw him only in his church. I will tell you, when he walked out on the pulpit a thousand of us wanted to run up there and hug him. That’s how powerful his energy was. I think that sound that he used to rev himself up was part of what impacted all of us. He reved his motor and ours also. We have the same potential when we say the prayer.

Participant: I always say it out loud. The reason I asked the question because it takes me so long in the morning. I ask so many beings to be part of it, it takes me 15 minutes to get started. That’s why I asked if I’m in the car at a stop light with a Code that holds at the Adams Apple, can I just do it that way? If my intention has already been set?

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Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: (Barbara) I am in the phase where I’m working with my coach. I’m doing Custom Codes. I just received The Success Codes today. I’m jumping the gun. I’m so excited. I haven’t listened to a thing yet. How would it work to keep doing The Healing Codes with my coach and add in something from The Success Codes? Finances are a huge area of stress for me today and I’m working on a home based program that a degree of success could make a huge difference. That’s something I have in mind for The Success Codes. What about combining those? Would I be detracting from my health concerns which are also real priorities?

Tom Costello: No, you would not be detracting. Just think of this and it will be so obvious to you. I’m sure it already is. You want to do The Healing Codes. You want to do The Success Codes. You are real excited. When you are this excited you know what, your stress level is going down automatically. You are, in fact, improving your body’s immune system because it’s going, “Hey, I think peace has just been declared. Now we’re going to play. This is so cool. I’m so excited.” For you to combine those in a given day is not going to cause you any problems. It’s not going to detract from either of them. You can use one to make yourself feel good about the next one. When you know that your success is on its way to you exactly the same way as your health is on its way to you, the same as anything else that you put your attention on is on its way to you.

Participant: Thank you very much, Tom.

Participant: (Gwen) Hi Tom. I’m not sure how to state this. I’m a little nervous about it because I’m supposed to be an up-beat person. I feel kind of stuck and like I am going backwards. I have no energy. I think I’ve gotten into some doubt energy or something. I’ve been doing the Codes a long time. About 5 months and I’m feeling, “Shouldn’t I be there now?” I’m not there.

Tom Costello: Frankly, Gwen. Of course I know you and you know me. I don’t think there is a “there”. You are on a path. There is no real destination. There are only milestones on this path. It’s very clear to me that where I am at this exact moment standing where I am talking to you with a headset on and …. Is not an accident to me. I made about a million, gazillion decisions to arrive standing right where I’m standing. It is a creation of the way I think. It is a creation of the way I feel. It is a creation of the way I believe. I attract, create and manifest that. If that situation is not the ideal, I know because I’ve experienced other things better than this, I notice the contrast with what I am currently experiencing. I turn around and put my attention back on what I want which is a place or condition or milestone further down my path. If you feel as though you took a wrong turn, that is you were feeling good, feeling good, feeling good, not feeling good, feeling worse, feeling terrible. Somewhere right after one of those feeling good’s you started to think something, your started to rekindle a belief or established a new belief, or obviously there are food things or weather things that may be going on. I would back up in my mind and look for what precipitated this downward slump. Let me back up and get back on the road. Let me turn left now that this road doesn’t serve me any more. Just put

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my attention back on what I want which is the way you described it, being upbeat. Not pretending to be upbeat, but actually being it.

Participant: I want to be high energy. I just feel tired and like I’m going backward instead of forward and I don’t like that feeling.

Tom Costello: So, feeling tired is possibly the body saying “I want to rest because I want to devote the energy to rebuilding.” When a person is very sick, that’s why bed rest is the name of the game. Instead of using all the energy to walk around, they are laying there and the body is rebuilding itself. Other times tiredness is a means of denial, avoidance, a manifestation of flight, saying “well I think I’ll fall asleep now.” Often times it is not doing what you want causes the motors or the light to turn down. People say they have so many responsibilities and no time to do what they want to do. “I never get a chance to play” can be manifested in that way as well. You’re the one who has to judge what is going on. What energy, beliefs conditions, situations are you perceiving that is tiring. Doing the dishes is only exhausting if you turn it into climbing Mt. Everest. If doing the dishes is just doing the dishes, that’s another thing. If doing the dishes is bringing order to your kitchen, is making the house look beautiful, is completing the cycle of starting the meal, preparing, serving, clean up. That cycle is finished and you feel good. That’s much more energizing that the other two perceptions of washing the dishes. People will want to take a nap if it’s like climbing Mt. Everest. The other one is like, nothing to me.

Participant: Is there a Code for energy? Is one of them for tiredness?

Tom Costello: No. I don’t think you’ll find that in the Problem Reference Chart because tiredness is such a general all-encompassing kind of phrase. I would look at negative emotions or wrong beliefs, or even harmful actions. See what perception seems to be happening.

Participant: I think it is connected to the deterioration of my mother who is 93. I love her so much it is hard for me to see her going down hill and deteriorating.

Tom Costello: That’s interesting. Thanks for being open. This could be valuable to others. The statement “my mother is going down hill”, said another way is “Your mother’s body is getting ready to change state.” I’m not averse to the word “die” or “death”. People use “pass away”. Really what’s happening here is her vehicle, the body she is occupying is getting to the end of its usable life for her. Your mother (I’m not talking about her body, I’m talking about your mother) existed before that body, during this body. Even though that body has changed so many times in so many ways over the course of 93 years, your mother will exist after she goes through a change of state. When she makes a transition, when she dies. Every time you think of your mother, she will exist in your mind. Just like she exists when she is in one room and you are in another. You can’t see her, you can’t hear her. You can’t touch her because there is distance. I would think we do our mothers a great service when we see this process as a wonderful adventure that she is about to embark on. It’s a natural part of this human existence, exciting for her, precious for you. I’ll make a couple of suggestions. Make a list of all

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the things that you can think of starting from the earliest time you can remember of the kindnesses that she has shown to you. Consider them gifts. When she patted you on the head, held your hand, went for ice cream, rode around, sat you on a high seat.

Participant: It’s a whole book, Tom. It’s a whole book.

Tom Costello: That’s excellent. Every one of those is an energetic pattern that still exists. It’s kinda like a photo album that we haven’t looked at in years and years and years. Now, if you document it. Sit down and say “I want to thank you.” Forgive her for anything she did or didn’t do. Ask her forgiveness for anything you did or didn’t do. Heal every communication between the two of you. Thank her for all the things. Thank her for her, not necessarily her doing-ness, but just for her being. Instead of being a weight on your shoulders or on your back or on your heart, which would tire you out, you will realized that you are appreciating one of the most spectacular people in your life.

Participant: She is. I couldn’t have had a better mother.

Tom Costello: That’s true of all of us no matter if they would get “Mother of the Year” or not. They are what we needed. They delivered what we needed to hear, otherwise we wouldn’t have heard it. Either they smacked us on the butt. If we don’t remember it, we didn’t need to remember it. If we remember it, it serves some other purpose. Saying all you have to say is good for you and good for her. The people who experience regret when somebody they love dies, do so because, “I should have said.” You don’t want that weight.

Participant: I’ve been saying some of it. I’ll say more of it and get some of it written down on paper. Thanks for that suggestion.

Tom Costello: Why only some of it?

Participant: It would take years to get it all down. I don’t know that I can write it all. She’s been such a serving, loving, helpful, accepting mom. I can write down the highlights.

Tom Costello: You can put them into categories and touch all the major ones.

Participant: Like her unconditional love.

Tom Costello: Her listening, her touching, her smile, her quiet sitting there. Whatever….

Participant: Correcting my papers. I’ll do that, Tom. I appreciate that suggestion. I believe that’s what is going on with me.

Tom Costello: Good awareness on your part.

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Participant: I appreciate it, Thanks. I sure appreciate you, Tom.

Participant: (Genevieve) I’m new to the Codes. I’ve noticed that… I wanted to do this very neatly and I’ve seen how erratic I became. I think it’s only be a few days. I’ve been doing it according to the CD’s with that timing. I noticed that my arms suddenly would feel like straining. I became aware that maybe I’m adding stress.

Tom Costello: Great question. What you want to do is discover the most comfortable position for doing The Healing Codes. I recommend that people sit on the couch, prop their elbows up on pillows, maybe on the recliner, with elbows propped. Lie on the bed, have a couple of pillows on either side so that at no point are you using muscles to hold your arms up. You muscles should be totally relaxed. When you start exerting, all of a suddenly you’re paying attention to the shoulders and arms aching. That’s the wrong direction. I’m a great believer in the pillows.

Participant: That’s an excellent suggestion. One more quick question. I realized that I was doing it erratically. Doing it before going to bed. One day I actually did not do it. My first feeling was to start all over. Then my thought was, “No I can’t do that it will be too depressing.” I just continued on and was then at the Peace Code. When you find yourself being erratic and doing it at night before going to bed, then doing it again.

Tom Costello: This is what I recommend to people as they start. I find it most convenient to do it before I get out of bed in the morning because I’m there. I’ve got my pillows. I’m comfortable. I do it last thing at night before I turn out the lights. Again I’m comfortable and I’ve got my pillows. It’s a nice way to go to sleep. If my schedule allows it in the afternoon, around 3 p.m., instead of looking for a candy or something, I do The Healing Codes. If I get two in a day I’m fine. If I can get three, that’s great. What you want to do is systematize that. You will also want to not make yourself wrong.

Participant: Absolutely, that compounds things and doesn’t solve anything.

Tom Costello: You used the phrasing that you skipped a day or so, then didn’t want to go back because it would have been discouraging. I would look at my beliefs about discouragement. Look at my beliefs about neatness. You used that phrase. You wanted things to work neatly. In a specific, synchronized, really organized structured, a, b, c ….Sometimes things happen, schedules change and it’s not convenient to have everything fall into place like that. You want to be flexible and resilient and know that you can adjust with all that. I would be looking at pictures related to those two areas. Loosen up and relax a little about that if those things are relevant to you.

Participant: I think one of the things that this brings up is – I looked at the pattern and I saw resistance. Of course I’m not willing to quit. I was trying not to make myself wrong. The point is that whenever we’re going to make a change it is important to do it as gingerly as possible. No judgment and that sort of thing.

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Tom Costello: I want to just clarify something. I wasn’t sure if when you looked at the pattern and experienced resistance. What pattern?

Participant: The day that I didn’t do it, or the fact that it is not being done more than just the minimum. That’s about 30 minutes if added up through the day. I saw that as resisting. When you think about it, when you’re given this sort of gift, if this gift becomes available, you’d think you would somehow dive in and do it far more than any minimum. I don’t mean semantically, really helping yourself. Yet, that is not necessarily the case.

Tom Costello: It’s interesting to be able to look at that. I love the idea of looking at our resistances. Personally I believe you can’t have any problems unless you have resistance. If you have a problem, to me that says there is resistance because you are fighting what is. There are all kinds of psychological things going on and who knows what that is in an individual’s case. If something is going to make you feel good, heal you, give you a sense of peace and relaxation and you go in a different direction. That says, something must have been attracting me in a different direction. Often times it is an inner voice, “Oh don’t do that. Let’s go watch Jerry Springer or that some of that sort of thing.”

Participant: It doesn’t quite go that far yet!

Tom Costello: Good. I would have said beat yourself for that one. Just looking at resistance which says “I see something as contrary to my good. I see it as not meeting my needs. I see it as a potential threat.” Then, of course, that’s how threats exist because we perceive them to be threats and then we tend to attract more of them into our experience.

Participant: If I could ask one quick question, there was some mention of doing the Codes when driving, maybe the Adams Apple position. Would that mean that you could just pick out one? The idea of holding your arms up in traffic is an interesting vision.

Tom Costello: Yes, Ellen was saying when she was driving at a stop light she would choose a position and put her fingertips at that healing center. I kinda see it as a mini piano tuning session if you will. If it makes your energy more coherent, it balances you, it brings you back into focus. It is an indication to yourself, by yourself that you are involved in an act of self care, self nurturing, self love. That’s a pretty good thing. That’s a great thing.

Participant: Whether it’s your right hand or left hand? I’m not as well versed on what many of the specifics mean.

Tom Costello: The intellect behind that is limited. It is energetic. You put your left elbow on the door and now very relaxed, point your fingertips at any healing center you want to.

Participant: Oh, wonderful.

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Participant: (Janet) You mentioned about saying the prayer out loud. I find myself saying the truth statements out loud as well. Is that something you recommend?

Tom Costello: Yes, I would recommend it aloud as well, particularly if you can get it past the words. I have a piece of paper in front of me. The first sentence on this paper is “People don’t need to be sick.” Those are just words. If I could say that to the point where I could feel it, then it has gone past just words on a paper to the vibration which is really what you’d be wanting. If you can get that.

Participant: Sometimes if I say it in my mind it’s good. When I start really feeling it, focusing and saying it out loud, I actually start to feel all this energy in my body. It’s like a buzzing. It feels good.

Tom Costello: I’d say that’s a great place to be going.

Participant: Thank you.

Participant: (Rae) Good evening, Tom. I have maybe two questions. The first is, could you elaborate a little bit on how The Healing Codes might or might not work on problems that were induced mechanically. I don’t know how to say it, a problem resulting from an injury. Somebody is paralyzed from spinal chord injury, or in my case, I suffer from neuropathy which was induced by chemotherapy. They all tell you that there’s no way to heal the neuropathy. Your remarks at the beginning of the call made me think, and frankly I do believe that if I were to put my attention and really fully search I would find a way to heal. To make my toes return to normal.

Tom Costello: I’m in opposition. I don’t agree with the idea that you can’t do something about it. I’m disagreeing with the medical input that you’ve gotten. I am fully convinced, and I think nearly everybody else on the planet is, of this statement: Energy flows where attention goes. So, a person, (I think Tibetan monks have proven this in all kinds of scientific trial of heating their bodies in freezing weather with cold towels wrapped around them and so on) can send energy to a part of your body and make it warm. Most people have done that on one point or another. People have tried it for some reason or another.

Participant: Like bio-feedback?

Tom Costello: Yes, bio-feedback. People know that spoon bending is flowing energy so as a piece of metal starts to heat and change its characteristics to the point where it can bend. I was involved in that years ago. It is an amazing thing. Why somebody would say you can’t deal with this, would only be because they don’t have an understanding of the energy, they only understand the mechanics. The tide has gone out, and there is nothing you can do to get the tide back. Nobody understands why the tide goes out, why the energy withdraws from an extremity, for instance, except we can make up all kinds of spiritual ideas that seem to make sense. Whether we can prove that or not is a whole

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other story. Why would energy withdraw from the extremities into the body? We certainly know if we were standing in a snow bank our fingers and toes, ears and nose would tend to be cold as the body starts to conserve energy and pools it in the middle of the body in the chest and stomach area. Little by little, our wrists and elbows… Right? That movement is a self protection thing. I wonder if there is some misperception that suggests to my body, maybe my cells, maybe even my cellular memory, maybe my spirit has misperceived, perceived a danger and withdrew into the center of my body. I need to tell it it’s okay. Along those lines years ago I was shown a healing technique called “a touch assist”. Literally I learned it on a Friday night and needed it on a Saturday. A young next door neighbor girl fell and hit her face on the coffee table. By touching that area where she gashed her face on her forehead above her eye, where she touched it, it was almost as if I was saying to the body, “Body, it’s okay to send energy to this spot. It is not going to hemorrhage. There is no danger. It’s okay to send healing energy to that spot.” Literally, the bleeding stopped right away. We talked about what happened. This is a kid of 7 or 8 years old typically traumatized by the “doctor” word, with tantrums and getting hysterical. Her mother wasn’t home. The baby sitter is the one who called me over. The next step was we took her to the doctor. She had 9 stitches. She didn’t bruise. She went back 5-7 days later and had the stitches out. There was no scar. The doctor took credit for his stitching. The fact of the matter was, we quickly reestablished energy flow. I’ve done this on quintuple bypass patients, on people in hospitals, automobile accident victims. I had it done on myself when I had nose surgery. No bruising. I went back to work on Monday after surgery on Thursday. People asked me when I was going to have the surgery. The person who recommended the doctor was annoyed at me, she’d had black and blue eyes for two weeks after her smaller procedure by the same surgeon. That reestablishing energy flow, whatever spiritual misperception, or misunderstanding that blocked that. I don’t care, chemo or whatever. I would say, “This is what I want. I’m open to it happening and I know my body can respond to this.”

Participant: Thank you. How does somebody who is suffering as a result of a spinal chord injury proceed? They wouldn’t be able to do this on themselves. If somebody were to do it for him do you feel it could result in significant improvement?

Tom Costello: Now that depends on that person’s condition. I think there are a whole lot of beliefs that go into that. I had a very close cousin, not only physically close (about 4 miles away when we were kids) who broke his neck when he was 14. I was 16. I have no doubt in my mind that he was in the state of pride when he broke his neck diving with his friends. He’s been in a wheelchair ever since. He is a PhD. He is a minister. He has a church. If you had asked Danny what is the best thing that ever happened in his life? He would say unquestionably when he broke his neck, because he turned to Jesus. That is his belief. He has been an inspiration to other people with injuries. If you saw that as a tragedy he’d look at you like, “What are you talking about?” This was a gift. I appreciated it.

Participant: What of somebody who is already religious and their belief system was firm before?

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Tom Costello: I would say, whatever belief system lead to that… I don’t believe any of our experiences are accidents. I think we are co-creative and we attract them. That’s my belief. Other people don’t believe that. That’s okay. I’m not selling that point of view, but that is my point of view. Every good thing that happens, I often wonder where they come from. I certainly have seen the origins of errors that I made. I’ve noticed the thought process, the misunderstandings and so on. It didn’t happen to me. I made it happen. I would look to see what if anything in this person’s awareness lead to that experience. I would then look and see what the value of that experience was. I would “harvest” if you will. I would gain, I would accept, I would acknowledge, I would embrace the value of that experience, then, if that person was so inclined, I would look to reestablish the energy flow to that part of the spine where it was broken or injured. Then see the future as a fully mobile person. Who knows what can happen. We are already experiencing that with people who have had X-ray after X-ray and MRI after MRI, after test. They do The Healing Codes and the doctors say, “Well those X-rays must have been wrong.” All nine years? All nine years we’ve been coming to this place they’ve been wrong? “They had to be wrong, there’s no other explanation.”

Participant: You say your cousin is in a wheelchair. If he were to use The Healing Codes, do you believe he could begin to walk again?

Tom Costello: I don’t think it’s my belief that counts. It would be Danny’s belief.

Participant: If he believed that?

Tom Costello: Yes. Yes. When he was first paralyzed he thought he would walk again. So, he may still believe that. A person with his level of faith, if he could align walking again with his faith, get into vibrational alignment with it, “God wants me to walk as a way to exhibit hope and whatever”… however he would need to package that for himself. I don’t mean that in a negative way. However he’d have to construct and visualize that. Sure I’m a believer in miracles. I definitely believe in miracles. Not as rare occurrences, but as pretty common. They are in the reach of all of us if, vibrationally we can connect to that “miraculous condition.”

Participant: Would you say that’s just a question of will more than anything?

Tom Costello: Will, for a lot of people is effort. Push Push Effort Effort Not in that sense.

Participant: In the sense of “This is what I want. This is where I feel I could go.”

Tom Costello: Yes. I think, I read a book and I like it a lot. Some of it is a little out there, but. “Right Use of Will” that says we have denied God, denied our feelings. We have denied our right to have what we want. We have denied our own creative decision making potential and responsibility. If that’s what you mean by will, I agree.

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Let me go back to part of the question that I heard you ask before. Here is a person that can’t use his hands to do The Healing Codes. If you could show him, touch the spots, bridge, temples and so on, or you could put a picture in front of him with dots on those spots so that he could visualize it. As he looked at them he would relate to it. I think that might be helpful in his directing of the energy.

Participant: Ah Ha! That sort of visualization can work for any of us when our hands are not free. Is that correct?

Tom Costello: That is correct.

Participant: What if somebody were willing to do The Healing Codes on this individual?

Tom Costello: That would be great.

Participant: Do you feel that would be more effective? I’m sure both together would be the better.

Tom Costello: I think both together. You have to recognize that the recipient in a case like that has got to be picking up on the caringness of the person delivering it. Wow, Joe or Sally or Sue or Rae is giving me such a great gift. For most of us the big challenge is the belief in disconnection. An experience like that “Wow, I’m not disconnected at all. I’m loved, I’m supported, I’m cared for. Wow” That comes out of fight or flight back into a state of peace and blessedness.

Participant: Thank you, Tom. That really was very meaningful to me. This second part, if I still have time… I haven’t yet started working with a coach. There is such a range of issues. Would emotional issues be the better place to start since they are so basic, rather than the physical? I’m tempted to ask for a Code that would help my toes because that would really be an incredibly and very visible and tangible result.

Tom Costello: Think of this. I have a lemon tree outside. The lemon at the end of the branch is really the fruit. It is the result. If I want to improve that lemon I don’t work on the lemon. I work on some other part of the lemon tree. Not even the leaves, not the branches, although by pruning I can impact that. Not even the trunk of the tree. I go down to the roots and the soil in which that creation is nourished. The further down, not from the physical symptom, even below the thought, below the emotion, to the energy of it. If you can’t get past the physical, “Gotta think about my toes.” The deeper you can go to deal with an issue the more impactful you are going to be. That’s really where the place of cause is.

Participant: Something as general as abandonment. I know that’s a word that is bandied around a lot among psychologists. If that is something you have experienced a lot of.

Tom Costello: I love that as a concept. I love it for this reason. Number 1, nobody knows when it occurs. Does it occur when we come from spirit into physical form?

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Does it occur when we’re evicted from our first comfortable apartment and brought into this cold, cruel world? That’s an abrupt change of state and I believe that really is it. It’s the change of state going form spirit to physical. Oh wow, that was shocking. I must have done something wrong. Or go from in-utero to being born. Oh whoa. I just got evicted. First they whacked me. It’s cold and it’s … Those interpretations as compared to going “Oh, I changed state.” Sometimes there is this rough energy as you go through that process much like breaking the shell of Patricia’s chicken. Lots of effort. If you just go, “That’s a natural part of this journey.” We wouldn’t interpret it as abandonment. When our needs are not met and we say, “I’m all by myself. I’m all alone.” No you’re not, you are standing on Planet Earth. You are connected to the force that enlivens all of us because your fingernails grow. Your food digests. Your cells grow. Your heart is beating. You are breathing. Your eyes are blinking. You are not abandoned. But we believe it. Then we exhibit various characteristics. “I have to be perfect so they won’t abandon me. I’ll serve. I’ll take care of everybody. I’ll be really, really good. I won’t do anything bad. I’ll just be…” Or I’ll be so controlling they won’t have opportunity to abandon me. Or I’ll detatch. I’ll withdraw so they can’t hurt me. I won’t be connected to them. I would think of that in terms of neuropathy or something else like that. That withdrawl, noncommitment kind of thing. Or sometimes there is a preemptive, “I’m angry at you. I’m mad at you. I don’t like you.” Why, we just met. “Well I knew you were going to abandon me so I thought I’d beat you to the punch.” That kind of preemptive anger. All those things are designed to make us safe. To prevent this “I don’t want to be disconnected. I don’t want to be left to drift.” I think reality is, you’re not left to drift. You are not alone. You are connected. To be able to shift that perception is powerful. If all of us on this call could do that, we’d be at every moment knowing that we were totally connected to the creator. We would be relieved and say, “What am I worrying about?” We’d give it up. Oh, I’m a lucky gal or guy.

Participant: Let me ask this. If two different coaches were listening to the same person, would they come up with the same Code for that person?

Tom Costello: I don’t know. We’ve never done that. I tend to doubt it.

Participant: It’s partly intuitive on the part of the individual coach.

Tom Costello: You could use that word I suppose. We use a proprietary testing technique that doesn’t involve equipment.

Participant: You could come up with one Code from one coach and some other coach could have given you a different Code altogether.

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: And you have to trust that the one you have is the one you should have.

Tom Costello: There you go. That trust is huge. If you don’t trust, you are in self protect. If you are in self protect you are under stress. Oops that’s the wrong direction to

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be going. For a lot of us trust is a huge issue. I’ve got to let down my guard and open the door.

Thanks Rae.

Participant: (Josephine) The question I have is with the new Success Codes. How do you integrate the use of The Success Codes with The Healing Codes without doing Codes all day long.

Tom Costello: It depends on what your priorities are. If you have a health issue that’s more important than anything else and you want to deal with the underlying spiritual cause of that, go in that direction. If part of your stress is the economic issues that you’re facing, you can go in that direction. You can come up with a balance. You can alternate them. You could do The Healing Codes one time and The Success Codes the next or however you want to do it. I would try to tune into what feels good to me. Ultimately if it feels good, you are not going to be under stress.

Participant: The question that I have about that is, to be absolutely honest I was a little bit upset when I heard about The Success Codes and heard Dr. Alex using the same examples for The Success Codes as he had used for The Healing Codes. He was using the one about economic break-through and success. I felt that it was – when he said he had used The Success Codes to help her break through, I felt a little cheated because that was one of the reasons I had bought The Healing Codes. To find out that he had used The Success Codes. What I want to work on is a success issue. I am also working with a coach. Will a coach also have access to The Success Codes?

Tom Costello: She’s not going to coach you on The Success Codes. The Success Codes has a 8-week program with Teri Rose. You’ll be invited to that. The first one is this coming week. Your Healing Codes coach is geared to The Healing Codes.

Let’s go back. The first thing to look at is the sense of feeling cheated. I would drill down and handle any earlier experiences starting in childhood. I got cheated because we had another sibling who was sick or whatever. I don’t need to make up a list for you. I would look at that and work forward in time and handle that. Then look at this current experience. If this is the first experience you’ve ever had that you felt you’d been cheated, that would be cool. That would also be amazing to me. Look at it and see what that is about. If it were my money, I would put my money on The Healing Codes.

Participant: I had decided that. If I were just going to go one way. Actually my sense is that as a healer, therapist, I’d look at The Success Codes more for my practice than for my own self.

Tom Costello: I’d think this, too. If we heard somebody say, “Gee I’ve been using The Healing Codes to loose weight. I’m 900 pounds it’s not working that well.” If we turned around and came out with Weight Codes, that person might say, “That’s what I really want to focus on. That’s the one I wanted.” If you took The Healing Codes and say,

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“I’m only going to use it for success related issues.” You wouldn’t be looking at body systems or anything like that. You’d be looking at Harmful Actions, Wrong Beliefs and those sorts of things. Also, Unforgiveness for you and everybody else related to financial experiences, money experiences, judgments you have about the stock market, etc. etc. If you can keep your focus on success, I think The Healing Codes will serve you very well.

Participant: Okay, then I have a question about the Booster. Would the Booster work with The Healing Codes?

Tom Costello: Earlier I mentioned somebody asked Alex about that. He said, “No, It wouldn’t serve you.”

Participant: Thank you, I missed that earlier. I haven’t used the advanced Code.

Tom Costello: It’s not an advanced Code. That is The Advanced Training. It consists of three different modules: The Truth Technique, Memory Maker and Seven Secrets. There are no advanced Codes in there.

Participant: How does that work with the rest of it? I’m relatively new to this, I’m still working with my coach. When The Success Codes came out we had a limited amount of time in which we could get them for the lower price. If I had had the choice of getting that price three months down the road I would have definitely waited. I feel like I suddenly have a lot thrown at me. Or I’ve attracted a lot. I have The Healing Codes I’m working with a coach. I have the Advanced Training which I haven’t started working with. Then I have The Success Codes. How to I integrate all this. Do you recommend that you wait a while before implementing the Advanced technique? Do I wait a while before The Success Codes?

Tom Costello: The Advanced Training consists of those three modules. Two are essentially educational. One of them certainly is educational. If you are interested in the scientific background, great, if not, put it on hold. What you’ll want to do.. So you’ll have the experience I addressed earlier, “Something is happening. I am noticing it physically. I am feeling it in my fingers. I am feeling it the healing centers. I’m feeling it in my tummy, in my chest, in my neck, in my heart….” You’re going to want to look for that proof, for evidence that something is going on.

Participant: I don’t think I had been doing them a week, maybe the second or third day, I noticed immediate change in my sleep pattern. I had been having trouble sleeping for years.

Tom Costello: Good for you. Get this belief, “My good is always coming to me. It’s always available to me. There are no time limits on it. I can attract it when I want. I can control its flow. It can be a trickle. It can be a flood. It can be a gush. I can make it anything I want. Now that I know that I think I’m going to relax and play with it.” If you can get that, “Okay, so I don’t have to hurry and get it all done by noon. I don’t have to hurry and get it all done by 5 o’clock.” That’s correct. I think that idea that you

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control the spicket of this energy flow which says you are the creative control on that flow, not outside elements, not outside people, not outside anything, you. “Now that I know that I’m driving the car, I’ll pretty much go where I want, when I want, how I want. That takes some pressure off.” I think that would be a good place to go.

Participant: I like what you said, I wish I had it all on tape.

Tom Costello: This is being recorded.

Participant: That’s right! I can go into that and find it. Thank you.

Participant: (Mindy) My question is: I’ve been doing The Healing Codes for about 7 weeks. I started The Healing Codes because I had been battling Multiple Sclerosis for 6 years and a year ago, was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. I think that the multiple scaring on my brain that lead to the MS diagnosis had to do with Lyme disease. As I’ve been doing The Healing Codes – I kind of knew that it was what I needed, because it was not tackling the emotional/spiritual part of my disease. It’s been phenomenal for me. I am just loving it. I had started, since there are scars on the brain and a bacterial infection, I was drawn to Kindness. Although I have done all of them, I always do extra of the Kindness category. A few weeks ago I started working with a coach. I was surprised at first because the Kindness category was not the one she gave me Codes for. It was Joy. Having been doing it since January 2000, I know that you have to work with the layers. Your body deals with what it needs to deal with. When I received the Joy exercises I worked on that. Then I realized why I needed to be doing that. Then it went on to Patience. I was surprised at first, but once again I realized I need that. I stayed at Patience a few weeks. Finally I got the Kindness category. When I got it, I was very relieved because it’s for the nervous system and the MS. What I’m wondering is, when I finish doing the Custom Codes from the coach for Kindness, can I still progress with just doing the regular Kindness Codes? Or should I continue to go with Custom Codes to continue trying to heal these scars on my brain? I know that those scars are being healed. Yes, I have signs of little abilities getting better. I haven’t had an MRI since March. I know if I had another one tomorrow, I know the neurologist would say, “This can’t be right.” I know they are eventually going to do one and say, “Wow, we had to have made a mistake on those other 12.”

Tom Costello: When your coach is giving you Custom Codes, they are not referenced the Kindness in the manual, for instance. They are tuning in to you and using that as the way to determine what positions you should be using, for how long and how many times a day. You can go back, when you are done with Custom Coaching. A lot of people like to continue to buy Custom Coaching. Other people for economic reasons or whatever decide to do it on their own. I’m a golfer. I recognize that anybody that’s great at anything, or very good at anything, or expert at anything has a coach. A fitness coach, a golf coach, a this coach, a that coach. I look at Tiger Woods, my hero. I used to have friends who were in the New York Philharmonic. They had coaches. They were the best musicians on the planet. But they had coaches. That is an individual choice.

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Participant: That’s one of those things, maybe I can just stick with Kindness in the manual from now on, maybe not. I know they are going to heal either way.Tom Costello: I would go through the 12 Days because that covers so many different angles. Anything that you pick up during the day, resentments, etc.. It would be nice to get that stuff handled, rather than to let it linger.

Participant: I have done these diligently these last 7 weeks. There have been some days where the moment I wake up till I go to bed I do Codes all day long. That might be overload.

Tom Costello: It’s overload if you’re not drinking enough water.

Participant: I rebound and I drink tons of water.

Tom Costello: It’s not overload if you love doing it.

Participant: I love doing it and I want to be well so badly. I plan on being well very soon.

Tom Costello: If you convert it into a “have to”, into drudgery or tedium, then I would say you’re overdoing it. As long as you are enjoying it, are happy about it and it’s exciting, you’re discovering it, “this is dynamite”. That’s the place to be.

Participant: My last question is: Doing The Healing Codes, the part where it talks about Unforgiveness where it talks about taking the required actions to make things right. An example would be, if you have a relationship that is not a healthy relationship because the person does things that are not good for you. Therefore, in the process, I thought “that’s ridiculous that I’m allowing this relationship to continue just because I don’t want to hurt their feelings, etc.” I’m just going to let that relationship go. Therefore I don’t have any conscious conflict because I’m not doing the Codes while letting this person hurt me by the things they say and do. That causes some conflict. I feel bad because they want to be in my life. How do I address that? That doesn’t bother me, but I know it bothers them.

Tom Costello: I think certain things happen naturally. As we change our vibration the people that we attract into our experience, our sphere of influence, if you will, are going to be different. They will be more positive, more loving, health oriented, more spiritual, that sort of thing. Sometimes these people serve in great ways. I’ll use the metaphor of the oyster. You recognize that when sand gets into an oyster and gets stuck it is what causes the oyster to cover the grain to keep it from being irritating. That turns the sand into a pearl. That pearl was initially an irritation. Now that’s cool to us, because we like pearls. It’s not so great for the oyster because they have the irritation, then they deal with it, then we kill them and use it for decoration. That’s a whole different ball game. If we’ll overlook those real facts, we have two choices when we have a challenge in life. It boils down to this one decision. What energy, what vibration, what point of view, what emotion am I going to offer in response to this? In the old, old, old days, it was “an eye for an eye.” You annoyed me, so now I have to smack you. You did this, so I have to

The Healing Codes 05.11.06 20Thursday Q&A

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repay you in kind. We hopefully have evolved out of that. Now I’m going to shift. I see a room that is dark. I am standing in a room with light. I have choices concerning that. I could fight that dark room. I could criticize that dark room. I could complain about that dark room. I could avoid that dark room. Or I could offer light. I could walk in there with a candle. I could go in and turn the lights on. Now suddenly I changed all that. I’m now able to offer a given energy. This is the issue of Self Control which is tremendous. If we could turn around and offer high vibrations no matter what, no matter who, we would attract more and more high vibrations into our experience. High vibrations are: health, love, happiness, joy… Wow, that was cool, that person gave me an opportunity to practice offering high vibrations, instead of complaining and criticizing, I flowed love to them. Just like Patricia would to the chicken. That was fantastic that she asked that question. That was so cool. To be able to flow love or excitement, “Oh that’s uncomfortable. No, that’s exciting, that’s challenging. That’s thrilling.” Which ever one we choose is going to be true.

Participant: Okay, thank you very much.

Participant: (Gwen) Tom, do you know of any cases of people using The Healing Codes are healing from lupus? I have a dear friend who has it and I hope this can help her.

Tom Costello: Lupus is an autoimmune disease. If you look them up or Google on Lupus, you’ll find a Lupus foundation or other organization. You’ll see, Cause - unknown. They have a lot of treatments, but they don’t know what caused it. They will pinpoint stress as an underlying component, a requirement before lupus or any other autoimmune disease can occur. It is that spiritual conflict, issues of the heart, sense of disconnection is where the stress is. “I’m not enough. I’m bad. I’m this or that.” That’s the stuff that gets healed and then the body can heal that or anything else.

Participant: That’s what I thought. What you describe is what she has been through. Do you know of any cases where people have it and are healing from it?

Tom Costello: No, I do not know. Alex is the one who typically gets that information in the way of testimonials. Coaches may know of those conditions. When we do tele-seminars we never know why a person buys a package. I’m sure it’s not theoretical, because other autoimmune issues have changed to include ALS.

Participant: Yes, right. I’ve been talking to her about it and I hope it can work out.

Participant: (Lorise) I do the Codes just as I’m waking up and just as I’m going to sleep. My question is what I’ve been doing part 1 before I go to sleep and part 2 when I wake up. Is it better to do all of it both times.

Tom Costello: The more the merrier. If you could do both parts both times that would be great. Some people spread it out by doing one part first thing in the morning, the second

The Healing Codes 05.11.06 21Thursday Q&A

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part mid morning. I’ll do the first in the mid afternoon, then the second before going to bed.

Participant: I do all of number 1 in the morning and all of number 2 at night. Thank you very much.

Tom Costello: Thank you folks for being on this call. I think I will be on the call next week. If you are here, I look forward to talking with you again. I thank you for your questions, your participation. Blessings to you.

The Healing Codes 05.11.06 22Thursday Q&A