The Heritage of War • Rumblings of American Nationalism • Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded with the enemy – Efforts to use writs of assistance to stop illegal trade • Problems of Managing Defense in the North and East

The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

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Page 1: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

The Heritage of War

• Rumblings of American Nationalism• Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials– Imperial forces won the war while colonists

traded with the enemy– Efforts to use writs of assistance to stop illegal


• Problems of Managing Defense in the North and East

Page 2: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

The Government of George III

• Whiggish Nature of the Government• Privy Council Supplanted by an Inner Cabinet• Political Intrigue among Ministers

Page 3: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Western Lands

• Problems with the Newly Acquired Lands• The Ohio River Valley and Indian Uprisings• The Proclamation of 1763• Indians Treaties of 1768

Page 4: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Paying the Debt for the War

• George Grenville and His Plans– Sugar Act of 1764– Currency Act of 1764– Stamp Act of 1765– Quartering Act of 1765

Page 5: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Protests in the Colonies

• The Impact of the New Taxes on the Colonists • Colonial Reaction• Stamp Act Congress • Fall of the Grenville Ministry• Results

Page 6: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Townshend Duties

• The Rise of Charles Townshend• Townshend Acts– New programs– Colonial reaction to the new acts • Sons of Liberty• Circular Letter• Boston Massacre

Page 7: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

America, 8th EditionCopyright © 2010 W.W. Norton & Company

The Bloody Massacre

Page 8: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Discontent on the Frontier

• Creation of Vermont• The Paxton Boys • South Carolina Regulators • North Carolina and Eastern “Abuses”

Page 9: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

A Worsening Crisis

• The Burning of the Gaspee• Creation of Committees of Correspondence• Lord North and His Tea Act of 1773• The Boston Tea Party

Page 10: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

The British Response to the Tea Party

• The Coercive Acts– Government officials to be tried in Britain– New Quartering Act

• The Continental Congress– Endorsed the Suffolk Resolves

Page 11: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Shifting Authority

• Lexington and Concord• Paul Revere• The Spreading Conflict• George Washington• Battle of Bunker Hill

Page 12: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Shifting Authority

• Common Sense

Page 13: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded

Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775

America, 8th EditionCopyright © 2010 W.W. Norton & Company

Page 14: The Heritage of War Rumblings of American Nationalism Retaliation of the British toward the Colonials – Imperial forces won the war while colonists traded


• Richard Henry Lee of Virginia• Jefferson’s Declaration