The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

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Page 7: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

THEHijlory of Tranayle

in the

Weft and Eaft Indies, and other

countrcys lying cytherway,cotoarDca tlje fnutfull ant rpcfce

Ethiopia, Quint*, Cbitu in CttbajH

Gi*f*n : With a dilcourfcot

the Northwell pa (-,

3n tU ftanDt ofout lo/ut be tn tb co^ietfif

^vV w^^^v^^^^^^

^Jmprihted at Londonby Richarde luggc. %



H o

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Page 9: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

To the rygbtnoble and excellent

Lady.thc L.idy Brigit,CountcllcoiIkd-

fordf./ny fuv*ulcr c;ood Lady and


L ftudies haue thcyr fpeeiall

'tyracs (Ryght noble Lady) all

Nand raaynteyncd with honour,

yjrhcfeely chyldelcarncthinhistcder age how to fpeake,to readc,to writciyougladdcs bcftowc thcyr tymc in the ftudy of other

libcrall fcicnccs: as yccrcs come on,and wyt cri-

crcafeth/o finally, the whole courfcotlearnyngisrunneoticr. Agayne^thcartcof Grammcr is

wonterftto be learned, and than Logikc after-

warde : naturall Philofophie gocth not before c-

loqucncc in our fchooles: Geometry i* firft read,

& than Geography, So that the ftudics ofgoodletters haue their times in refpecteof mans age,

they haue thcyrtymes in the order of learning:

yea they haue atyrnc, thatmaketh vsalltobc-

ftowe therein our tymc,and to ftudie echc facui-

tic in due tyme, I meanc thatipeciall tymc they

floryshein, I may not dcnye but that Icarnyng

hath at all tymcs ben well accomptcd of, in mo(i

countreys the f kyll of dyucrs lancuaccf well

thought of, & learned men to haue ben nlwayes

rewarded.what is than that fpceiall tyrncwl ir-

inalinudicsdocfljoryilR^ Lcarnyngmay bee

ryght \ycllcomparcdvncothe iloutcs^* fumes

(,>. of

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The Fpiftle.

of the earth, and thefpecialltymeof lcarnyngf

vntotheyrfingulerfeafons. In May, flourcs:in

Iunc,Cherics:at Harueft,cornc: in September,Crapes: foforcth it in the ftudy'ofgood letters*

There was a tyme whathearteofgrammcr wasfo muchecfteemed, that Gramaricns proceededmatters thereof as woorfliypfully, as other pro-feflbu rs now doe in any other facultie.Thanwa*it honourable to be a Poet: honourable I lay, for

that the Poet Laureate enioyed the honour of a

Palatinc.that tyme is paftc . There was a tyme\vhan Logike& Aftrology onelyfo wecried the

heades ofyoung fchollers, yea and bufied olde

agealfo, that true Philoiophiein dccdewas al-

moft forgottcn,eloqucnce defaced, the langua-

ges exiled, that tyme is part, Not long fince hap-

py was he that had any fkil in the greke tongue,he was thoughta great fcholler that could makea grecke verfe , Nowe a daycs,who ftudieth notrather the Hebrue language f Where haueyoualmoft any grecke aucthour printcdfGeographykye hyddcn many hundred

yecresin darkeneffc

and obliuion,withoutregarde and price : oflate

whotaketh not vpponhim to difcourfc of the

whole worlde, and echc prouince thereof parti-

culcrly, euen by hearcfay, although in the firfl

principles of that arte, he bee altogeather igno-rant and vnf kylfull '. This cyme is now. S o longas Poetry was cftcemed, the artcof grammeracc'ompredof, Logikcmuchemade of, A^lro-

logy well thought of: DiuinePoets,goodGra-maricns, perfcdc Logiciens, excellent Aftro-

nomers no where wanted ,

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4 fhfflt en you utu(Y Kant then one Mtcenas // HottOU f&promotion bcftowed vppon the mayntcynersofcontrouerficsin religion, hath brought grayhearcs from endlefle Sophi(rry,from Scotus for-

malites, from Buridan and Burley, from Hoi-cot, from Bricot, from Vadcmecum, from Dor-mi fccurc, and taught yonger yccrcs rather to

paiTe through Ariftotlc and his intcrpretcrs,tharrcucr to dwell therein : caufed them toftudie thefcriptures, to readc ouer the fathers, to conferrc

thecounfeyles,tolearnethegrcekcandHebruclanguages, to feaichc the Chalday Paraphraftc,toperufcthe olde Dolours, to tranrfat* thenewe wrytcrs^to hcape vp common places, tadifcourfe offc#es,to wrytc cunningly^to preacheloquently : and made them to be, for braulyngSophifters,graue Philosophers, for formal Don-



Itisnowealmoftone hundred& ffftieyeeres

agoe,that Don Hcnrico,fonneof lohn thcfyrftof that name Kyngin Portugale, andNepheirvnto our Kyng Henry the fourth, made his vy-*age after the conqueft ofSepta to the Canaries,and encouraged the Portugales to fearchc thecoaftcsof Atrica

3and to feckc the landes therea-

bout not fpoken ofto fore. His grandcNcphettJohn the (econdc, fo furthered this cnterpryfe,that the Portugale fliyppes hailed the Cape of

good hope> difcouercd Ethiopia, and layledwhere antiquitie denycd paflage, beyond all A-fricainto the Indian kas.Hefentalfo expert snd

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cunning traueylcrs into ^Egypr, andthercddcfca coaftcs to efpyewhat way the Portugalesmight Jookc for beyond the Cape ofgood hopeto Calecut in India: the which viage in his fonnc

Emanuellhistyme, was profperoufly taken inhand by Vafqucz Gama, the nienth day ofluly,ntheycereofourLorde.i497.&happely endedluly againe,two yceres after, to his great cre-

dit andpreferment, to the immortal fame& ho-

nour of his Prince and countrey.Here began theftudie ofGeographic,that eucr fincc Ptolomeusraignc layetrodcnvnderfoote,& buried in duftand aflies,to fpring vp agaync, and by the relati-ons offkilful traucylers in Europe, Affrike,& A-fic:through the difcouery of the far Indies, theMoluccaes,& new founde landes,of late fo to bewondred at,as no other facultic more. I dare bebold to

fay,thatgencrally all Chriftians, Icwes,Turkes.MooresJnfidclSj&Barbares bcthis dayin loue with Geographie.The wy Ide and rogiflicTartares myght for famine perifli e in the winter,it they in the fomracr fkylfully followed not thefunnc,Thc heathen Giapans diuided the worldcinto three partes : Afrikc was defcribed by aMoore , The lewes report the eftates ofall coun-treycs to the Turkcs. The Turkiflie Basfl)aes go-uernc the fwceteft prouinccs in Europe, A-fnke, andAfia, no men greater traucylers thanChriftians.Who but Geographers doc teach vswhat partes ofthe earth be cold, warme,or tem-perate? Ofwhom doe we learne howe to diuydcthe world into partes,th e partes into prouinccs,the prouinccs into fhyrcsfofGeographers, vnto


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whom haue wcc to make rccourfe forMappedGlobcs,tablcs, and Gardes, wherein ihe dyuerscountrcysofthcworldearefetdownccVntoGe-ographcrs.Set Geographic afyde, youfhalncy-therbcabletogetinrelligencesof the frtuation

andftrengthofany citie, norofrhclimites andboundcsofanycountrey,norofrhcrulcandoo-uernement of any kingdome, nor be able weftotrauaylcoutof yourownedoorcs, wilyou fee

.._ --j .- "t "HI Ml III fc'tVl-

metrv and Aftronomy, (for that is to bee a Geo-grapher in deede) be able to doe fl.ooke you on Kyng ofthe King ofPortugales title: the two panes, of Portugalthe three therein,were atchiucd by Vafques Ga- * AI5ar

ma,and other traueyleisaduentures . ConfidcrLordcof

the fruiteMhc drugges, the pea, le, the treafure,Sfehaue brought out ofthe wrfwHBSSe SiSS?farftviagc of ColumbusrThcgrcat commodities into Etlno^our nation reapeth by thetraucyleo'f ourcoun- pia,Arabia.

treymenintoBarbary,Guiny3andMofcouia,wil pcrfia*&In*

beafufficientteftimony vntoallvs Engli(hmendia*

whatitistobeafkilfultraueyler, what to bee aftaineful Gcographer3and learned. Dcfire ofrulebrcedeth vi&ories

5vidrories come by coqucflesconqucftesare furthered by traueylc, traueylccannot bee maynteyncd without great wealth,wealth maketh all traueylc plcafanr.The North*weftcrne vyage,br it nc tier fo full ofdifficulties,will become as

plattfible asany other iourney,ifour paffengers may rctui ne with plcntie of fil-

ucr,filkcs,and pearle.Lct Columbus, Amcricus,Cortcfius^bcAvelfetfoorthagaiaejandbounte-

C"" fully

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Iy rewarded, you flial hcare ofother iiewefoundlandes vet altogeather vnknowen . Let Gamabclet in place, and Gama will tell you the fituation,thcmancrs,thcfbrceand wealth offorrcyncna-tipns.forGamahis endeuorwas, not oncJy byhis friend Codius to defcrye the countrcy whcr->euerhecame, but alfotolcarne himfelfethe

"ches, ftrength, and conditions of the people,honourmayntcyneth arte : and the fkill ia Ge-ography^s all other fciciKcs,hath bttta tymcofpreferment, the whichc than chiefly inyght beelooked for,whan it is moft cfteemed. This in thenoblemyndeof Cadamuft bred that earnoftdc-nre,after Don Hcnrico his example,to traucylc,topenhisowncaduenturcs into the Southeaftan5 ^?

ft partes^to make the nauigation of Gamaand his companions knowen vnto the worldc.

rheoccafionvhcgoodfiKcefle^hcgreatcom-modines wherofvBarros a counfeller of thePor-tugaleKyng, -payntcd out long agoc in manycookeSjOforius of

latc,hiftorically hath writtenthe famein fewe. This made Marcus Paulus Ve-nctus a courtier in Tartary, Hayton the Arme-nian to become a Frenchman,Lcwts Vartornan,ratraueylcr in Ethiopia, firocardus an inhabi-T of Iury,& eche one ofthem to leaue his pain-

ful iorncy with pofteritic in wryryng.This enfla-med the Spanyardes to take vppon them the dif-

couery of the VVcft and Southweftcrnc landes,doneand written by Columbus, Pinzonus. Allfonfus, Cortcfius, and Americus, ofwhom thatregion America hath name.VVhofc long lettersand tedious rcportesofthingcs there brought to


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[cinthecbiiqueft of that halfc world*; the

_ raungc bcaftes, thefundry fortes offruitcs ,thc

ioycs and riches the whichc that countrey yeel-

dcth, the manners and fafhionsof the people,their citics,and princely palaces,theyr no bilitic,

their maner ofgouerncment,thcir warres/heyrfcruilecftatc vnder the kyngesof Spayne,their,conuerfion vnto the Chriftian fay th,P. Martyr 4

learned and graue man,bornc at Anglerla in the

duchy of Milanc,then Prefidcnt *i the Spanifh

kinges counfcll for the wtft hid ics, gathered in-

to one volume, and leauing a fide all fupeifluous

narrations, made thereof, as it were,onc briefe

and con tin uall hiftone.This volume deuided heinto eyght Decades, after the Greeke worde,fo

calling the fundry parcels thereof, for that echeone conteyneth in it ten particulcr bookes or

chapters* R* Eden our countreyman dyd into

Englifh, whan K, Philippewas in Englande, the

three fird Decades, and the fourth alfo, thoughvndcr a wrong title, according to the Dutch cPrinters cdition.wherin the fifrc, (ixte, feuenth,_J__I-^TX_ __i_r^_ ^ t_. . _ ft .

moreouerGonzalesFerdinandusOuiedus bre

alaryofthe weft Indies, &geathercd togeatheroat of many myghty and huge vvorkcs, fomcother prety paraflcttcs concernyng the Spany-ardesand Portugallcs voiages into the late dit

Couered lands,adding thereto certeine difcour-

fcs ofthe north paries* Thcfc his aforefayde do*

inges,asfewemennesworkes at the firft comeexadly abrodc, this paynefull tra nfla tour my n-

dcd, if not to amcndc > at the lead to augment,<. ?^i by

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Page 23: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The Fpiflle.

by putfyns* thereunto in Enplifli Lewes V.irro-

mannus Nauigation into JfLgypte, Arabia, Si*

ia Pcr/ia5and India,with our Mcrchantcs Aio(-

couianandPciiJan trautlles: I ut death rcutn-

rcJ his purpolcyior iuhrynghim to atcomplillilus deiirc.

Chnlhan c1

aritic therefore vnto the party dc-

parted,cau(cd me to hclpc his workes iorwardc:Nature moucd me to take fomepayncs in pla-

cing orderly, thatwhichchchad confufclygy-

ucn^out,the better todirecl, and the more to

profit the reader : My prortfTion enforced me to

cut of fomcfuperfluous tranllations, and to fill

vp the reft of his doingcs with I>, Martyrs other

writingcs3and finally to furniflie his want with

my owncftorc. Hoping and perfvvadingwithmyfrlfe, that ifGodlikcwifccallmc from thefc

worldly Nauigations, and earthly dcfcriptions,before my other traucll in this facultye, takea

long fincc in handc,bc cndcd:fomc other profcf-for of Cofmography wil fo rewarde me aftermydeath, as presently of this dead man I doe de-

feruel Other credite fcekel none therefore, I

lokefornoprayfe,Ihope not for honor, I gapefor no gayne by this kind of ftudic . I knowe this

day no place,no prefermem,no publikc chayre,no ordinarieleclure

5no commune ftipende, no

fpecial reward due vnto theftudentes mc.co-

graphy : no notat this time, when this faculty,was neuer more fetby : no not in this realme,

whercytneuermoreflorinicd, The honorable

narncofaChriftian, and the infallible fruites

thereofjeucrmclinedmcjeuen from my tender


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yccres,for the final portion of learning that gocfhath lent me, to do goodjif I could,vntomany :

and Specially to make thofe my fnendes and wel

doers knowcn vnto thcworlde,by whofc bene-

uolence& fauour I doe liue,and am maintained.

In the fmal number whereof,for among ft manywel willersl findebut few well doers,yourHo-nor(right noble Lady) my Lorde & you, his no-ble children and yours, fince my nrft returne

from beyond the leas, muft I confetfe to haueftoodc me chiefly in fteede: & humbly acknow-

ledge^thefirftyecrely pcnfion I euer was aflu-

red ofin England,ro haue ben by your Ladifhipbeftowed on me* Wherefore as I will moft wil-

lingly yeelde vnto many other ofyour Honors

gcrleme to come of great houfes,to haue welthi*

cr friendesjlargcr potfetfions& i cuenucs than I,

to be more a&iue,more comely,more wyfe, po-

licike^learned^ tohaue feene more: fo in huble

ducty,loyal fcruice/mccrc aifcdion & good wil

to your Honor, I raay,Ican 5I wyl contende with

any of them all, cucn to the v tterm ufl force and

& foule. In tcftimony whcrof, and full adurancc

ofmy feruice vnto you for euer, thefe lad doingsof H, Eden newly encreafed, my fuft labours in

our language, his hiftory &naine ofirauel in cbe

Aveft &baft ludies,altogeathcr in one volume,

duetifuily do I prefcnt vnto your Honour,withal humility praying& moft earn eftly rcquefting

your good Ladiftjip, that you will vouchfarc

it, & by leyfurc, in this iourney, the w.hiche my^ii, Lordc

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Page 27: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


The Epiflte.

Lordcandyouhauc determined intothe'wcftcount rey, to let your pagereade them ouerto

your Honours recreation, as one of the princi-pallcaufes wherefore at this tymc they were fet

foorth. If varietie of matter, occurrents out of

forraigne countryes , newcs of newc foundc

landes, the (undry fortes of gouernement, thediflfcrcnt manners &fafbions of diuers nations,the wonderfull workes ofnature, the fighres of

ftraungetrees,fruitesjfoule, and beaftes, the in*finite treafureof Pcarle^olde, Silucr,&ioyesmay recreateand delight a myndc trauelled in

weighty matters,& weened with great al

credit me, good Madam, in kftning vmo ihis

worke,fliall you haue recreation, yod (hall finde

delight inreading ouer thcfc relations, wherein

to ncwe, fo%aunge,fo diuers, fo mttiy recreati-ons and

delightes of the mynd are ocprcfled .

Your Honoursgood lykyng thereof, wyll be to

mcnofmalleontentationforthis worke pavnc-nillydoone, a good occafion fpedyly to finifli

thcreftofmyownc labours concerning this fa

iny whole time hereafter only in that ftndy>

kCrc^it^ aH my former knowledge in Philoio-

>nyand Geography may cndc . Thcwhiche,conuenientiy now, I am in good hope to peiw

irme,with my Lordc and your Ladyfhypsgoodleauc, and continuance of my duety andtecruall defirc to doe your Honours the better

teruicc. M L9rid(tn ih( ^.oflnlj. .577.


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Page 29: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

R. VVille? Prcf-ccvntothc Reader,wherein is

let dow nc a general! ftimrre as it were of the

whole workc,

Dia grtat* ana large bofome cwOftftti

pMnnpallpcffourepartc0,a$rceab!e bmttbofc fourc coiners of ctjc laojlw, tt)&ertwi

to tbe fhitfull feamen ano mercbaumca afr

ucnturrr0 oflate rccrcs !;aue rbteficlp era*

if ilfD ,ano pet fpcnallp are tuont to refute,

fcbe ftrft part omtepnerb foore Denfte*, ?> ftrft P*rr ,

tojieten Up f. M ^rfyr, a learncD f grane cotmfeUrt ofCfeirie* ^^^ Oct^t

ftr Cmpcnmrfifteof^atnamf, concernimg t^c ^panptttea

tljeft n:m!pDtfeoiierfD parted of tbetooiloe, tl>e tol)icbe ufuallp

tQccnouirall tbeUieff /^>J. Hereunto bauetoe aDdco GM%*-IMS Ecrdnun.'.us Ouifdus bltefc IjliTo^IC tOUdjing tfje fame RU^

flrr/oefc tbefirftpwt ofowr baUiraeUatb fiur particularbooked

Jncheftrf! lu'jcrcofcap 1.1,3 4 ana 5.?. A4*mr&e(cribrt&c-

/!' r fir.l dn^ feeonu nautgattonji ano mfcooniwof cerufnc

Jfan^cs maoc bi> tjpm fpeciatl? anD bts b?oct?er,3!n ctje 6dMptettn b 3 jK: tbrreof(foi bJtb n.imw we finoc) ii fet foo?:lj c^m-^Jtijtra brajc3 an^ tlje Dtfconrrp of Terujn rtx maipe Hiefl

/n,///^ ten&e. Jn tfje fcucntbsbts trouble batfc in tbeUicft /^/>/.

ano rc:oarne into <^paigne tuul? his biot{)cr,betng botb p?tfo

nets. bc 8. is of r. ///O'^bopagwrbatfamctowp Jncbep.

areDfdarco tljc trauatles ofi'inctnt anD Tetrr Tw^i5anD odiet

fepanurDfl likcuitfe tljttbcr from ffW. t!;e i o. is a ronrlufion

iftl)^ ^l)Dl DccaDc,U)i:b parttailrr mention offomc fpcnal no-

tieIties,^ Ca/ir<j fwirtb boiage beganac.^o (bat in rtie firtt Oe-

aoepoaljaitc biITo?tra!!p fctDo^ctbc Dtfc:ucrpc of (bcturU

faft>/,fatai in banocnbout rt;c vcrre ofour Ioioc.i492.bp Co-

/W&M: ano bis rompaiuon3,\)mill tljc pccre 1510. as T. M.-rtir

hJitncffctbfol .8.4? 4" &54 -CMMUJo^Ptraii^Ifran-afKil'

ipojtetlj c.ip.25 . ml i*gencrall lr.f!oc de las Jndia^

fcconD Dcraoc contcpnccl; />> matccra,cmimlfD bp f .

C red>tui i tythicnsjfytt i^a fotifmnu 02 matjnc laiiDe,a*

tit. in

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Page 31: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

in iffDC t'c to of it felfe tmft tfce rcfl ofJmerit*, in Fpfce mt>

net as Curopf,affrpk,t 8Qa,be one continent 01 matgne fort*

bntD togeattjer. 3n tUc fp?& ano fcconDr chapters of cbus Dt

caDf,fbail pou reaoe $c uopages of fogtd* and Xicuef*, to Z>*-

r/nu.Jn d;e tbpjD, Co/moww trauaplc0, Xuutf* Iji0 Dcai&,anD

tfce / mtyfcr kpng Cornopus bencuolmcf : Jn tljc fourtij,/


Vf ^Kifmrcc Dopnges to f'r^j gulfe . Dia conquett of rebellious

Barbarian kpngdtn t^c fifte.jntbefpjrt^/Vr^/^ c*bntn*ris

ambaffao^ out of 2>4riVn to HifttnioUMfo tl;e religion ofKingCimmnxUtor in c^,^e Cnicnti booke conteincrl) frtr*; >rui

(o?oep to T-r/4 in frrn.fcte.8. r^c Dtflemion be ttotjct tte &pani<art>w anoi^tugales fo? rt;cp^bounDc0 3 and mabpng of fpue

^t(bo|W in t^efe netoelp founoe partes of rl>e Uwjfce . 3fn rbr 9are (beIWD tbe rputrs of'D^nrw, ano pljtlofopljicallp tbe cau&i

offo great Utter* rtiere . ^accoumreptaDcfcnbc&imlK 10

anD tbe ejtrtme Inmgcwbpooen bp tbe companion^ rtKifuefa,


3ln tbe rp^tt, fectm^anfir^ djapter* of tfee ttjp?Dc DfcaDf,

wcontepnco an abjtDgtment of V&m rs>nf^relationg,con*

ccrntng bw borage to ri;e fout^ fea,fo; itlpedj (butfe from 2)^r/m.

Ufuallp termt o notoe a DapcgMM ^/^rand map alfo be calico

$t topee eatt JnDpQje Ocean . be Difcouerp thereof made bp

N*nnczj tfee kpng fuboueD bp bpm, cfpeciadp kpng c'owww-

^rj rttfiflcnpngbp rlje name of Carles, anD tl;e topimpng of

kpng rM4M<m4 o^Tubtnvna ano l;ts counttep . 3?n tljc fmtrt^

chapter (hal pou rpnDCo/M^tt; foiirty bpage, began ^.//o. 1 502to tl)e mapnc toed 3InDpfl;e lanoc, iuu() tbe Defcnptton of feme

pare rberof, Ipitjg bctiupft cur 3 :Iamike 01 tuedcrne )ctan,ano

tt;e ao)?efapDe Ma ^/^r,aa fr^4, anD rr^M . Jn refpecte

of tbe biflojp anD courfeotpeere0,t^i0 booke nipgbt Me been

plareD before tlje ft-conoc DC caoe, but it ujoulDe feeme tfcat tbefe

repute came no factur to.T. \ian\i Ijis IjanDe?> luhercfojc be

began rijis fotirtlj bcoke rpgl.it irell tijud . 3 teas Determined. ?c.

tZTbe fpftb booke eomcpiiet(j.?. /r/d/toinrp n?ennoncDDcc,2

Iib.y. to t^c nojtlj fpDe of ?ir, therein Cutl^tm aws MM-i^ttoo famous !)auena,&o ftartDe,U)idi a Dcfmptton of ttjc coun*

trep anD people thereof. Jn tl.e fpn pou baue a Difputatton touch*

fog t(;e ieuam ftreanic o? caflernc furge of t{)C Cca,t!jc Difcoucr^


Page 32: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 33: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

X'kTo the Reader.

ot . P.jrui arriuafl in Damn, 4* 5in>

rommooutcs ano unurfjolcfoutic (Te of Vine*, . 3ft tfre .7. ^.9

fcoohe&, foal pott Ijauc a ocfrnpaon ofHtft*ni9l*,c*b*>mb ogee

3danocg rfjereabout,Dojie bp ./fatal Moralu. 3no in $c . iofoall POU rea&e of djc Jlanoc >/ inMa dclztur, of*e kpngtfcroffutjOUfD bp Andreti Montis, of ?etries $ t^CfinOlDg 0>

of, offrrnv/ yfr/^j Captjpma lotngcs a^pntt rtje Cwtfcato,oftoe Barbart fotolpng^ tbe nanncc of t tjc gcatj^rpng ofgoto


e^c fourth DccaDe,fb7foU)aJt'fnamfDfntljf^iMiiparl>frt^

Oonof.f.M-rtn ^ifltDoo^ftsfetfo^acyf/cW^ m *pap/./. 1 550. ftougl) ilje ?<//f aiD c //m pjinara (yuu encttnto

tt^r w//jj />rr mMm(//> tfcac , ofJlanocgf (atrip fount oaf, to

topf, after co/m^; uopagra: tfj boofce j Tap Uww bp .f.Af <r.

culled out of tbe Jnotan tcgtfttd, comejmpng fpcctafl nocc0

nerp of rmavm Jlanots ano crrkrs, mmefy /jtf4^m(D0nr bpfermnJesofCcMj $ 1)18 COtt1|MMOQ0) C^mf//*,tbe3}lanO

of^)amfifc,tl;e5UnDCBoftDontn,tljf p^ouincf CO/M^O and

PsJmsria ^C. bp /otn Gn 4/4 J H0 ftl0ll)0 : tfjC /nf4fi/ capp

^Qttte ano Dtfcoucrp offloruU mate bp djoie ftptnparDcs tuOcdj

g.Kicn^crcin be conquerto ftf^r^^n^tnnetoc fepapnr, ri)e

DCdti) tfy*ttuu*,b ctccutton of KI/CN/ Xumifjoking MuMtzt*

Its p^efmccB toCbarfta tbe Cm|rrour,bis bookt0Jcctrrd,anH

fupcrlhtion^, finallp tbcrume o:

HifpMniol*, ano Utter oetapi

tfjcreof^fbefoe Ojouloenotbetalmtntpme.

jLaftofal G9nz*lui ferdu.tn&us Ottdus btftont cof mctfj t'n.iS.

feucrafl chapters (cebc one tuberetf batlj bis proper title) a b?tefe

Dedarationofrtie tocft JuDpfl) naugaiicn, of ttjc metals tfje

tobicb are founo in tljofe latclv DtfctucrcD lano,oftbe manerg of

the pcopJr,ritcc,ctifioinca,an& cerniomes,ofibt bcaftcs/ouka,

bpjDcg, ttoimeij, fpftje^, fca, riucrtf, ftypngctf, tree0, planers,

^carbe0,9 biwrs otber rln'ngrs tlja< arc cngcntycD tl)f re borli on

tbe lano t tn rije twter . Co tt)ts batx lue aorro rertauie fpenall

tl;c trul pare of

Page 34: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 35: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

To the Reader.

djrrcCOTrtJ <^WUtuiilMUuiii uu>, ypiij*

jwit. title tbctcof fct wtw.Jf fll'sso. Co iupt,a otfcourfc to p^uctk<& tljcrc 16 a yadage tatbc Molucca lw tbc nojtijtwctf, tljf

tobicbe piefend? .M.Cip.F*rbifjcr attempted), U)icb ccrtapwc

repojtes oftbepiouincc <: >* in '.ttbyo. to{jere be batlj co ttnkc

tn^wt nepagc, airtJt'ipiDlD ofGr<04n,anQ ocbcr JiauDcs bp ttie

top. Ct)etoi)icltt feconoc part, uljcrciu matter ronrernfng tbt

imjcbtoet is bnO!rD, ta fo mucte tbe mo ? tcr, bp ha to inarb tbe

rpift part feemeo oucrlong; be^oestbat tiw: paracu'armcs of

rbts corner of tbe UJO^IDC are net pet fo tbioujblp knoiuen, but

t^at otber ttntcera (bai Doubrteffr in mo?e ample matteriroptope

w|Kcw. je' W)irb 3! ftpfbettue nwft bippteano p^cfpcrouo.

n tbep niott twUanrlp (f patncttUp, to tbe rcnoiune ofour Cngrpfte nation,oo fl;etue to Ijaue t.kcn it in banDc.

3In tbe tbjno part Owl pourpio aoifrnptton of tbf najcbea-

true tftpibttorn fifddpfeag ano kmgDonralpingtbat toap ;aa A/oyiwX

Art. JthiuM4,tyfaun4rkf,(htejfad<Jll*i{if,L*poniiitXorVa}, Sue*

Xt*.Vf SrtodbmkJBatbtUttBCtthUDdc : out ofZeigltrus, Tw-in /*r/,H


4/ioii,anD Sebaftw free Io:D o^ Baron of Hub efta*.



Bawdp ?aft2^ /K^r^anD otur pixjuinccs of tbe Castaw : .10

Ub tbe^owigrg niape tb^oug) Mofam* bp tbe nicrcbaunti of

Conotm two fYr/n, eontemyig manp fpeciafl tbpnges luoo tlj

tbe knotDleoge,botli of tbe couitrcp tc fclf,t(?e commodities tbcre^

of, tbe manners oftbe propleano tbe pnitikD^cs qraumeo Unco

ourmetcfraumes bp tbe SopbL o? sb*ngb tbe -/vr/^iipnn;.

finallp in tljc fourrij par are fee ootune our mcrcbauntci


fcopagts into Cuine*, atitt cbe otber parctUca ot iiffrite Iptiij

lotBarotf tlje ft>Dt!ri)ea(l ,L^*M i-'atmammt natujationtf

cucn to cbe fruttcfiill A/O/ ;, loitb tbe pure* of Duig.je

anu otbcr Uwrrg bioutybt fmin tbcnce . CCitjcrc:o ib; a con

about tbe UibofeU'oilDttderomenrton Uctiu.ro \\\:

ano $>MnarDe$ foj teAf/a^tcWft-ic

Page 36: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 37: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

To the Render.

tf-ror; fourelatt DfcaDe05tofcerem rfpectallp tfcat now* noglmpou0conqefltfAfofe typrten. 6enerap #0 inwfrofttjcfoarcparteaoftN large Uoluitie . fce Ufo JS

>ccaDc3.jrof.i7^.aiiDin tlje rtfp-

table rtjcrcofat al tlje rcaoer grcatlp-ibletorfmcniber in tol;at region

^eu*idjeu)o?tbpfptljerel;i3 labours Deferuc, petnotcoflatier

torn ncttbcr,uer; anj^faulre baeb ben conmrnti:D: as

o?te aa rbcfc are, notbpiig mferioi to theMta of aunnent to?uer0 5 far ejccceop.,5 dje inulmui oftoW commenrinn ao friuolou* tranamon0,to to r


nr,W O

Page 38: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 39: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 40: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 41: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 42: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 43: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

difcoucrvne; of tlicImTiff.O

Ot the fyrfl cii ftoucryng of the

well Indies .

, Certapnc Carauel faplpng in foe ttlcfl Ofean,abouf tfre

coaftcs of >p,ipnc, biDafo?fpbIpanDcominuaIl topnoe Kbarfrom tl;c C ifl.iu'Krbp it UMB D;pucn to alanD Unknoluen, rug.

anD not Defcribco in anp map oj carDe of tbe fea, anD U)a0

typucnflpl along bu tl;e cjaQe of tljc famcfo?tbefp.iceofma=np Dape^untpfl'it came to alwuen, UJljereinaO)o?ttpme tl;e

tnoa part of tljc uiarpiiers,bepng long before brrp toeahe ani> fe

blebpreafonofljungeranDtrauapIl, DpeD: feotbatonelptbepiloc,tou!j tl)iee o? fourc otber, rcmapntD afpue . 3nD not onlp

(beptbatDycDjDpDnotimopc tbe JnDiestobiebctfjcpfpja Difco*

uereD to ttjepj uirftouune, but tlje refpDue alfo tbat IpueD baDmnianercglttlefruiuonoftbefame: notleaupng,o? attbeleattnoe

openlp puMpf^pnj anp ir emo?(e tbercof, neptber of tlje p!ace,o?tn'jat ic toa3 nlleD, o) in Uiljar peere it U)aa fbunDr. 3ibf if, tbefault toas iu)ttbfp?s 5but ratbertbemalpce ofotber, o? t^e emiieoftljat tofricb toe call fcntune. 3! DO nst tl;erfo?e maruepie,rl)at foe

aunciem biflo^ieB aflfp^mr, tl;ai great tljpnges p^oceeDe ano in=

creafe of fmall ann obfcurebcgpnnpnges, fptb Ue bane feene tfee

fameberpfico in tbta fpnomg; of tit 3noies, being fo notable armnette a tbpnj COc ncede not be curious to fecKe t\)t name of tt;e

]pilot/pd) oeatl maoc a (bow moe ofbis Dopngea . &omc u^l,tbat be came from ^/uk/K^MnD iraDeD ro tbe Jiianoes ofCM*ru,ano tbe 3ilao of A/4^rr^,ui:)entb(s large anD mortal naui ,

garion cbaanceu bmo Ijpm. O.berfaptbatbeluasa tyfcumc, t

ana traort into Cnglatioe ano jTraunce ^tber alfo,tljat be toas3"*lf*'

lutocljajreetb tuell U):t!j tlje naineofrbefenctoelanDes, as 31 rttfiwu

(Hiue fapo before . 3gapne,fome tbere be tl;at fap tbat be b;ougb<t!^ Carauel to ]i3o;tu(ja!e. o? to fte j!anD of v/^^rj,oj to fomeorbcrofrt;eJUttt)eseaHeD? lujz$ret . petoa noneofttcmafij^me anp tbpng, afiljougti thep al affirme tijat t(je pilot Dpro

intbcbonfi'ofc^rr//o^'frCe/c/j J U)itl) tubomrenwpncDa!lfuc!)C

tojupnges ano annotations as be IjaD maoc of bis iiouage in t(*

fjoCaratiell, afu>c!l of fi;cb ri)pn3C0a8i;eobferucDbotljup!anOano fca, as alfo ofrlje elc nation of tU pole in t(;ofc lauoe^ uiljicbe


Page 44: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 45: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

v*The TaMi

ff ftTjcfniittfu! citieofEfflnajartHtbt hpngtJontf of

flarfinsj. Op.ff. fjf. $fUtftljeDocititfc, agilitieanDtontfofCfepbanfea. C>:p9JFoi 58^(TftbcingcnD;pngof<CIepbantcs: XiD oftl>c magnflceiicr ar.o rvcftea of

tfcekpngofjforfmgu.ThetnTtnrti t

frt>eryfth htkf

I"f tfoe famous anD trcbt tttie of Catf exit

!TftbekpngcofaIccut:3iiDoftbev; Jootatrpe.


after tbeotatlj of tftekpng.

C>f tbef r mancr of toarrr.


Cbt palace auucourte oft&ebpng of talccut.

tH)C*p(erjBof Calcntt.

Cbcfou(e0anQbp;Df0of Calrmr.

Cay.io.JFol jS6

Cay i F nl. ;<?7

Cap.i.j-'ol 37

rbe cttirof Ca

0" ap. 1 1. JFol. j9cCap.iifof. $91Cap.ij.fol. 392Cap.i4.jFol 391Cap.iv.fol. 39?Capi6jFol. 39*C^p.iT.jFo!. 394C ap 18 JFol 394Cap.i9.fol 395Cap. 20.fJ. 3,;

6otot tbtp? 13 bffittona titflt tbc flckc folkt*. C ap 18 JFol 394^ftbwerc|jaungctc,baiikcrB,a:vOl)2ohtrf. Cap.i9.fol 395fl5ftbinbabttantcflof]3o!uit nnfi Inraua. Cap. 20.fJ. 3,;^ff)ffcrefouttDbcaftc Tfou!fg,aDt)^Df8of C.ilemt. t,ip.?i. jFcl. 39Of ccrtapnc ^trpcurce \rbtcbr art (cent iti Calrcut. (Cnp. 12 J-ul. 59Iff tbt Ipjbrts anD lamped UJl)u!;c are feme in ttjc palate of tl;c

*?ngofCalecw. C?y :j.f ol. ;9tf

fcfce great multttuDt of IflolaterBtobicbc"^;" roCalce-.it to pat-Dan of

t^Qnittf. (Lap :4.j"ol. 396

Cfffetcttte of Caicolon anD colon.

2)ftCv;omanDcla(ineof InDu.2)f ttje Jlanoe of ^tlon, ar.D (fee picciouc nonrs 'ouiiDc


SDftberrecofina'tiom:t:n:f J!a:'.ccof?ailon.ff f T3aleacbet, a citit ot JuOta.ff f Carnafan,a (Cine ot JnDta.

f tbc tuplDt ano taint IK nttc& in the ctric of CT nrraf.1. :

^te m.mer tolntbe ti)c k>ng of cainaiauw :.il;Uwe

tovfcto be Bcflcuj^tD oftDtemm.

CTap.i. fol ;<



i tt;

Carnar.::;. CL*.^;

^bcJurtiiftirbtchthtnbal' ::M{aiiobfcruc. ta ..

r thcpabun.e:ancabi:iyiflintUei;ie of


Ctl>lo(ri&{rjoftt)ttt r .1:5 .^ap.12..-.

Page 46: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 47: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

9( TBanffena, affttat anO rpcfc citieoflnafa: 3nDofrbe mattbekwjo: rpat ctne. <r a ,,*



Pftjetttteoffc3i!.Kba, and tbc great tufr ofOw. Cap 17 O f

fhrr bonTif nf 1 ^,,,,,.., . a Ift f_i

Sotoe tbe gtmmica of aioee * laffrpirfom, are p;ouco.Cfmuet 5 mtuljaimrcfl in tbe Jlanoe ofSumatra o;

Eapjobana.fff tie Jlano ofKantian toberejRutmessrcjfBafe are


fl)fcertapne obfeniationg ttco jr.-


3lanDeofn<uM.JDf the JIanD of <>iau3,j tbe mann *Cf tbe crur II maner in Ueping r ij,

Jlmbjopopbagttobeeaten.$f tbeftrange courft oftbc *>unnctn

>f tbe?; rt. urne from tlje JIano o{ <e

a gapne of tbe citte of Calecut after tt


oto tOe ^abuateta puca cal

ion to tbe

Cap 2*.jFol.4o8


G*V.*$.folA09.I 0"jn *s\ ~1 . .



tbe CI);iniat!8aiiDipal)uinrtan0: Jut n(rtDibleualiamninV, gauc tbf ?^ crinntep tbe uueikpng of Cattonoii tcio^cD at tbe tocti ;:i



ti .

Op. i'



Page 48: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 49: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

TheTAWttftbtKuMr.Cube Rubuf tobjcbe grotoe in the JlanDt of ?tfUm,2)f tb kfnDt of Rubtc calico Qpttullr.

Dffcopafle*.IDf fcurtjuetfcf.

fft Jactnrbw.

foT. 4n/ol. j

/ !. 4jp |. 42!jpol. 4

folr *

fol, 42?jFoL 4icfof. 426

cc, tofcre


of pepper.

42^JFot. 427

jrof. 427

ff)f t^t flpot^curtes DMiggc0> anD of to^at p;( t^tp ire in Cattcur mo

SDftbetocfrttt*ofp8;tugltantjJnota,anD!;otDtlKpa8rff. fol. 429f tfct tyage maot bp ibt^panvatDro rounDc about tbc tooilDe. jrol . 42^

J^ajctmilUin ^ranfilaamw letter thereof to t^ CarOiiwll of

l^t DclMtt WB ftrfff, btttDetnt tlje *ponfarDrfl antpo;fngalffo; tbt

Diutfion of tftc Jnmw,aD t^e traOc of^ptce,anD t^e i^oluccaee,ont of

lopi?Dtomara. fo\. 4.4^

tbe repartUJon anD uiuiflon cftlif JnUiwanGnctocluojlDrbttlDcenf i!x

*8>pan?arDe0iDtbtponugalc8. JFol. 44*CbecaufeanDMetbojtnt tobcrrbptbr? DentDcDtbc ?nmr.

/ol. 451toplcDgtrotckff)ofpwnigale.


Imprinted atLondon by I\ ycl

e. Aniv>. 1577,

Page 50: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 51: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1



ttt^^ano not rcicnbco in an?map o? car&e oftbe fw,anDHw*

ffplalon.'xb? t(je eoafte of tbe famcfojtfcfpaeeofm*

up Dapes,untyl(it came to aijaucn, utfjeretrafljojtrpme tb :

moft part of ti;r itwnmer^bepng long bcfcjetarptoeake and fe*

tie bp rcafon offcunfrr anD trauapH , D?eD : feo tbat ondp tbf

|2itlot^irtj tfycc o? foure otl;cr,'

uercD to tbepj tuvftou;;n:, but tit rcfpouc alfo tbat ImieD IjaDm .

manetaautle fruition of tiie fame : not lcaupno;,oi at ti;efe* not

openip pnbl-'ftrnj anp memojfe tbcreof, neprtjer offtt 9!acc,0}

toijat it UKJS c illeD, o? in luljat peere it iuaa founDei Sltrtr,&3>fci!t rntbertbe malpce oforbcr, o^ tbe cnw^

ot tbat Uiijiclj toe ca-.i to? tune. 31 DO not t!;ecfjjc nwrucpie,tbai

atinctcnt li(lc^ci> ;ff^r>ne, tl.at great (bpnges p^ocecDe ar.D

creafe of fmali anD obfoire bvgpnnpnges, fptb uic baue feene ti.

ian^ma:D in tijis fpnom r of tbe j notes, being fo notable am*

netBefcftvng. CCic nccDe not be curious to fecftc tbe name Oftbe

puot,(p:b Dcatlj maD a Incite rtioc ofbis Dopngcs . S>omc topi,

tbat be came from Andaluzia,axto traDeD to tbe JItanDes ofCan^

-riu^nDjf^JIanaofA4"4^r4,to'.)entbis large anD mortal nauf*^rftt|^^t4At

gation cbaunccD Unto Ijpm. O:berfaptbatbeUKi0a 'Byfcanne^ frjutounoe i$i

anD trabeD into CnglanDe anD JTraunce . (btber alfo5tbat be teas3uDlw

r, a tbat either be Uxnt o? came from A/m4 o? /<//<:

_ , _ .. ._ tb tocll toitb tbe nameoftbefenctoelauDw, as 31 1'

baurQPD before . ^gapne,fome tbere be tbat fap tbat be b?ougbf"

: iarauel to ipojtnpa'e, p? to tbe llanD ofMdntjvi to fomr

"tbeJlanoegcaHeD^/w^orf/ . pet DO noneoftbem1

anp tbpng, altbougb rijep al affirme ttja t tbe pilot Dpco\tf)t\Jtoih ofCbrtjhpier Colon, tottb tMljornrcmapncDallfucbC

litptigetf auD aitnotattons aa bc^baD maoe of bis bopagc in tbe~afu>eU offucb tfepnged as be obfrruco botb bp lano

laftbedejiiutonofdiepoIcintWc lanDcstobicbe


. -.


Page 52: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 53: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

VVhatratncrofman Chwftopher Colon (otfeei*

wy fc called Columbus) was,and how he came

fyrft to the knowledge or thclndics.

?>?ffropber Co/an fca c bojne in Cugwco, oj (aa fomc fa

in Nrri, a tillage in tbe tcrrttcne ofc cmia in 3iraiic^^DeferifleD as fomc tbpnbe, ofil;e bcufe oftbe Tt

ftaccntU in Lumbardie , J[)e begaime ofa ebptoe to fce a 1

marpner: tftobofe artetlKp bane great erercife en tljc rpuer of;

Gtnua . $: trace J many preres into > w,anD odjcr par res oftbe


aft* #fter tljie,be became a ntatfi cr in makpng carDcs fo? tbe

fea. l>', cnbp be IjaD great Uantage . Oe came to

to fenjUJ tljereaf.n ^ oefcripiion oftljefoutb coaCes of

ano tbe ir.w.vioin of rlje I3o?tf:ga!c0, tberebp to make

rar8fgiro?epcrfrcre to be folDr .

l^cmarpctinp^tugale.fowe r/5f :'o? wmanpfap,Blucff arfiicbetwiieastbefapo CaratieU arrpueD tbcre,

ot faioji;euin bi'3boufc,anDDpeDalfbt(jere9 u(queatbpngti>n bis caroe oftbe ocfcription of fucbe netue landes as be bal

: *

unti,U)bcrcbp Colon bao tljefpift knoujleogcof tbe JnDres.

j^omc baue tbounbt p ^kn tuns toel iearneD in p Ijctnuvpmano tbe fctence ofCofmoarapbie : ano tbat be tuas tbcrel^ rp?ft

moiieD to feefee tbe lanus of^^or/WjanD tlje rpcb 3!lanDeofc/-

pwo, \uberof Marchus T.<u!ns U)?ptctb 2lfo tljat be bao rcnue

iMliat 5Vrf/o in bis Dialogcs ofTimcus anD CI/'CMJ, u^irr tb ottt*-

great 3i!anDc tfjt!anti<it, anD ofa great lanD in tbe ueft Ceeao:*

UuDtfcouercD^bepng bpgger tbcn 3Qa anD afirica.Jfurtbermoje

tbat be baD foioiuleDge UJijat^r///o^//anD J btopbrafttsfyt t

tl;ep? bookes of maru-iples; , tobere tbep to?pte tbat eer*

tapne n:erel:auntes of Cartbage, faplpng from tbe Urrpg[jtes

tUGlMuv toirarDe tlje Celt ft anD^outb, fbunDf after man?Dapes a great J(anue not inljabtrco , pep rcplcnpQjcD tuttb

MIiar altbmigcsrcquifttc; anD bauing manp nauigable rrvens ,

Heete c 0/^/1 UMS not greatlp learneD : pet ofgodo i

<3nDU>I;cnbcbao knotuleoge of tbe la^De uctoe lanDes bp

info?ma:ioa of tbe Drau pilot, maDe relation djereofto

men ttoncD of oloe amour? (c cottirnuuuitco

H^p^ '

-.^ayg^^J Eden. The decades.

I Bancroft Library*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Page 54: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 55: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

What man Colo.,

maiuraa tfcac ije ~ r % anomanptbpngeateaft Unfycto, fcere tojitrwtip :!;;


Jon? before fjaue communicat tljis L.

men tlje G&iutftr *ljt nauaple

not Become mtas&papnc fo?tijis pttrpofc. ^tu oouuielefle

Ije ncucc itjouglj t ofanp fucb tljpng, before ^e cljauncco to be ac

QttamccoU)ict)t(jerapDcptlot^o founoe tljofe lanDca bp fov

ftme, acco^png to tfje faptng of |9lim>;

0a^ of ins fir*1 ' '

jUtQiuce ano inlimte ^uooncTe, at t(je

lentil) uitti; fpeg,. impafPon as tc men (oobpng toiunc fron

eapmuiie> mtenDeo cucit tl^i: (fiv canC, >fni . na

Co rapfe t!;bfe iupnim of uaf:" M , ..t tar..utll ((;cr*",

<no(t Ipkc unto dr ftpppc of J^i -, tu' \p tije eTr..intc of tlje

i^iuic IMO?IU toas faUCD, as bp itjis Ct, . . el c(ji2nctoe UIO?!DC it

rcpticB t !jc fpift bopr of tl;ep? fa!uatton) v-ift D^pucn to tfteft

lanoca . 73c IDC topH no\r Declare toiMt area: tbpi gjes foloturD

ofdjis fmall begpnnpr^,nnt> boluec"

; -. m . tuco f;t3 mat(cr,re*

eealcD unto Opmnot Jicijout

Whatlabour and trauayic Colon tookc in attcmp-

t)iighis f)rlt voyage to the Indies.



(j titarpncroftbe^)panp(beCarmtell tbat otfcoucreo

3!np!'e0,cbriber c/o pur*

pofeD to feehe tlje fame . But in Ijoiuc muclje mo^e (;: Oe

fp?eD tin*, tljc WTe luas (jt0 potter to arcompl & Ijts DC*

^e . Jfoj, bcfpDe rljat of bpmfelfe be luasnot al4 '


Mclbpppe, belacteDaifo tlje fauoureofa kpn^' :rcr ,

P?otec:ton be mpsfcc fo eniope tlje rpcljes Ije bopco to fpnoe

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 57: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

# The attempt ofColon*

am> frpng tbe fcpng of lpo?tugale occupied in t(;e conqueft of

attempteo,tbekpngof CaQpIe rpKe^pfenoIcDTe uufpcD in fte

toarre0 of Grw^4, be fcnt to fcta bjo#er&rffc*/Mr>f c/c

(ttN) toas aUh pj'ute to tins fecrete) to pzaetife twcb tbe kpngof C,fe. no vOenrp tbe fcuentb) bepng IK rp tpdje ano Dritboot

twnw,p? i//ngcob?pngbpmgreatrpcbe0uia)o?f tpme.if

bc^outoeu>toebpmfauour3 anDtopQjebpm toirb D>pp0 to

Dfcourr tbe netoe 3nDfe*tobmofbebaDccrtapneknouwDaj.3ut neptber bere bcpng able to bipng b^fate to paOe, be raufeo

tbe matter to be moueD to tbe kpng ofpoj tugnle 'Don jflonfaikt

fpftb oftbatname : at tobofe l;anDt s be founDe ncitberfauour noj

J!!!?*!11^ - nwnp/o)afmudj aa tbe Lutnc^f c alzadilla tbe bifljop ofVilM*

anD one mattter 'fydri^ men ot creDtce in tbe fctence cf Coutio*

grapbtejimtbdooDebpm^nDcontenDeD tbattbere neitber Uiad

: ttcotiDeanpgotoety otbcr rpcljcs be founDe in tbetoe^adColon affuitieD. T$* reafrn tubereofbe la0 berp faD anD penOue?but pet mas not Difcou*ageD,c? DefuatrcD of tbe bope of (its goooaouenture,U)bict be afrertuaroe founDe . ^bis Doone, Ijf tooke

Ojppppng at Ltfburne, anD cametof4'wOie

/^^Kfr,ti}berc bi

communeD toitl) Martin /W -i inzon, an ejcpert]|DiIot, *'. 3

offereD bpm felfe unto bpm . &fter tbi^Difdofpng tbe mijole fe*

rrete0 of bia mpnD to lohn fertzjg Mtrchen* (afrper oft(;oz

anD Dedarpng unto bpm bo*u?e bp folout -ng tbe courfeof tljc

S)^nne bp a temperate boparrc, rpd; anD gu-at lanDee mpgbt befounDe : tbefrpcr grcatlpcommcnDcDbtamt:rp?|Kc,a3>D gauiiim counfaple to bzcake tbe maijcr to tbe Duke ofMedina side*

niajDon Enrique ofGu^nan^ great lozoe,anD*>crprpcb : anDal*

fo to Don Luis ofCrr^tbcDufee ofMedina a/Mubo at tbat time

l;aD great pzoutHon ofilpf/s ujcl fumpn;eD in Iji batten ofJanta

Man* . But U)berea0 botb tU(c Dukes tooke tbe matter fo? a

oieame^anD a^s a tbpnff DetnieDofanvitaitanDecepurr^uibo Catf

tbep tbougbt) baD befbzeuntb Ipke pzetenee DeluDco tbe kpuge*ofCnglanDe anD Ipoztugale, tbe fryer gaue bpm courage to goto cljecotirte oftijeCatbolpkc princes Don Fcrdin*ndo,aito laDp

J/4^// pztncca ofCaOpie ,aft^mpng tbat tbe.p UionlDe be lopftil

ofQicie nctoejj ; ano fb} i)ig better funberaueebereui, ^oce

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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. CifT^rrC^tljatfb^rcpap?tDto tfce count rf tfre

h>fcp^tc > inn)epeew.i4S^anDOcltnieret> Jmtotbepj

|KiWi*MMv**Woffr Wtoantiet$wttfjb^

e boa* tbep mpgbt D?pue tbe $nor^ out 01 tbe

tttarin banDe, DPD iptrte ;? noftpn? eOecme tfje mitttr . TutColon M t^ua DtfcourageU) founoe tlje meaner to Declare Ijtd

Cote to fudje as bao fometpnies p^iuate contmuntcatton tmtij ttje

kpng . P brcaufc ije luas a flraunger,anti tocnt but in (httple

apparcli,no? otbcrtopfc crcoiteo tljen bp tlje letter ofa grap frier,

t^ep belccucnbpm not, neptber <aue tare to ij is ujoo^es^crc *

bp be was greatlp to;menu& m ijis imagination.


JDnefp ^/o/o

of4i'>Mfl'/"'$e ftpnopcs cbicfeaDitour,g.iue bpm meate ano

typnfce atbisi oume djarges, ano bearoe glaDIp fneb tbpnge0 a^

lie Declarer) of tljc laiioea not tben foun>c : DcOnpng bpm in tbe

meane tptne to be content toitb tljat poo;e enfmepnment , ano

not to oefpap? e of Ij 10 eut erpi pfe : puttpng bpm alfo in gooD com

fo^tetbatljedjou^, atonetpmeo^ctljer, cometotbefpeacb^of

t! . C.itljolpUe ponces . 3nD ctjus Qjo^tlp after,bp tlje meane*

of//o/ooffi/w^w//4,co/otoajSbwiugbt to tbe p?efence ano

aunience oftbe CaroinaD 2)o 'fero uonzales of Memio^ arcb

btfyop of To/^o, ar. anofgreatreucnucsanD^itijojicic U)tt(j

tbefepnganoqueene^Dbob^ougbtbptii before ti)em,after tbat

be iDril perceiueo ano ejcamtneo bid intent. 3nD bp tb(0 meanertons bis Cute IjearDe ot tlje Catboiphc p^tnct^U^o alfo reope tbe

booke of bis memorials mbicbe bep^efenteo bntoiijem .' 3nP

altbougb at tbe fp?^ tljep toofte it fo? bapne ano falfe tbat be p?o

mpreD,neuertbelp(retbepputi)pmtngooDbope tbat be (brttoe

be laa DifpatcbcD toben tbep IjaD fpnpfljcD ttje toarres ofGM*.^4 toljielje tbep baD nottw ia ijanDe . cOtrtj luljiclj aiifU)ere5


began to rettpue bts rpthte0,tBrtb bope to be better effeemcD^nnmo?efauo?abl? tobebearDcamongtbegcttfelmett 9 noblemenof cbe courte, tobp before tookebymonelpfoj a eraftte fclotoe

ano Deetpuer : anobas notbpngoifmapoe o? Dacouragett tubenIbeuer lie Debated tbe matter tomb item, altbougb mwp mDgeoIpt pbamantcan, as i ttje matter of ignorant men, to cai a

Eden* The decades*Bancroft Library.


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Page 61: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The atrmpt ofColon

9 fljpnfcpng tljc tuujloe to be no Opggcc9ttt*

tfrat $ep pjefrmeto graanteD bpntljis ocmaunoe to feefee t&e

lanoes, rno to typngfrom tfjencc goioc, fpluer, pearle0,


gav&pmalfatljKtentljpartof all tljc renemies ano

Due bnto (6e kpng,of all fuel; lanoes as Ije fl;ou!oe Difcouc., noe

uopng p^tuDice in anp ctipngto^ekpngof^o^ugale. ^bc

patticalorjs of t^ta agreement acre made m tlje tottnecajlen

Stntu Fe : ano tbc p? tiitleoge of tbe rcluaroe in Gr4^tf tljc

U)ljecca0 tlje fapde Catljolpke ponces iiao not monp pufcmlp to

mfpatcl) Colin, w/of .&. /^f/,tijehpngc0fccretarpofac

r'inte0,lemtljtni fpjce Qutntes of Mara.^ toljicljemagroflc

fummc mahe.rut . tbcufanoe Micaoc0.

JIntf)C feutcljeon ofarmc0 geucn to Columbus bp fcrtintm

4* anoquccnc //*:;//<*, tbefc uccfcs mere Bitten.

for CtJlelU, ypor Leon . \ueuo mondo -J'-> Co!on.

Why they werf called Indies,

S)mctljpnkc tljat tlje people of tbe IK JDC luoilo tocre cnlfco

JinDtan23Opcaufe tljep are oftljc colour of tl;c eafl 37nDiamL

^^ **rt(w Crnime^tomotljcpDpffcrmucb m, colour atto fa^ion0, pet 10 tt tmc.tbat of Jnoia tljcp twre

caflcD 31noians . Bnoia 10 properlp calico tb<r great p?outnee of

aOa- tn t^c tobtdjc great aieyanocrtcpte^^10mrrca , ano ttai

fo namttj of tljc rpucr /ROM: mote Diutoeo into manp kpng*lumte0 confinpng toirij t^c fame . from t^ts great KnDia (ca'.lea

tlje Can 3inDta)cantc greatcompanpc0 ofmen> iu?pttett) H<rWowj, ano in^abitco tOat pare of etljtopi a tljat Ipetlj beciDecnc

annt^crpuerof^/n aO tt^tclje regions i^t great Ctgffltan

p?incc Trrtcrhln Dotl) nou>c poflfOc . HPjcfato Jnoiantf

thrp hrrfrip*lr*'( i^%w%*^

The decadesBancroft Library.


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. ofthe name of the Indians.*

SiwoftfcatlantJCjanu callcD it 3!nuw ;

opw alfo M> of long tptw bencaHeoSnofo. 3no ftereupoti

tame tt tbat >{jMfcsirM, ano certapne otfter oloe atitfjoeir*

fopD3tljat 3Ir.Oia toad not farre from &papnc . 3ftcr tfti'0 alfo,of

later Dapes our toeainoiatoaa ft ca8cD,of tfte fapocSnDia of

prtjlerhhn U)(iere tljc l|9o?tugate fao ttjcp? traDe : 5^0? (6f

pilot cftljcCf,raue|IeI;attaa8fp?KD?paen Dp fo?cibfe Ujpnoeta

an Dnknotarn lanoc in tljc tteft JDccan, calleo tlje fame 3lnofa,be*

raufe tljc la^tngnU a fo called fuclj IanDc0 as t(;cp I;ao latelp mftcucreo ca ftaaro. cbriftopbor Colon alfo,afccr d;e fapD pilot, calf

IcDtlicuieftlanDcsbptbcfame name : Slbeit fome cljat rake

co/owft/ fo; an ejcpert CofmograpOer, tljpnke tljac be fo namefr

t!jcmof:lje Catt Jnoia , aatobetije furtljeftanDtwiknotom

enoc tljereof5reaefipng into tbe fineft, Unoer tbe after ftemtfpfte*

rie o? liaif: globe oftlje cnr tlj benratft U0 : affirming tftat tofjcn fte

fp^CeattcmpcetJtomfcoucrtljeJnoies, Ijc toent cljieftp to&eke

tbe rpcfte Jlanoeofc^^o , UJfticftefaHctft ontfte part of^rtaeCbin* 0? C^^4>, as U)jpietl) Marcus Twins I'enetus,anti ocfcrt

3no tbat be iljonloc fooner come tbptber Dp foiouipttg tl;e courOt

of tljc Ratine CCtcftuiaiD, tljcn agapntl tlje fame.

OOf the colour ofthe TncTians.

j!52 oft&cirarueptottt tljpnges ^ (Don bfetr) in tfte coma

polltion ofman, 10 coloureiujbicbc D oub:Icfle can not be

confpDereDtoitftorit great aDmiration,in(;oropno; one (9

Detubpte.anD an otbec bfackr, bepng coIour-3 W(erl?

tontrarp : fome^tetopfttobrpealoUK^idje fo bctlfietue

ftlache aHD Uiljite : ano other ofotber coionr^ae it tuere ofoiueri

liuen'es.anoastbefe colotirjsarctobcnwniepIcDac, eitcn fo ia

itto be connDErtDjbotoe tftcp ^(fcranefronwn^tr^j it twre

0f U)ljitne0,velouje after outer* manew ofpdoa*#|(fefcft afa*

BPttcw fojfg ofblackened DOUJ from U^itc t!;cp go to peloU) b?inGwlouringto b?otone$ reo an& to biackebpaQje colour, t^&eioiirtinutrp,fomiul)at lifter tljen blacke^ taUJrtp life onto tfcetiiefl


^noteMi^axealcogctljcrui^ucralcit^rpucpic^taUmp,aiui Ipkc ^'''

^^Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 65: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Thecolour of the Indian*

Mttaeotaflefititte*, oj oftfe calotte of &cflmittrtoj0*tabtcb colour 10 to tbem naturall: ano not bp ibepj goptw

(as man? baue ttjou^ttalbett tljcp? nakeonclTe baue fome-

^efttbfrcbnto.^berefo?ein Ipke manrr^anDUJitl) fucbc

- tte wme;iarecommoRlpuiI)pteineurope,anD blacfcein

awrftf, ttien uiitb Ipke lianetie are tbfp taiunep mj ueraofsree^Duerpmriinpn^n^fojilcire to

wlacRt e? tobpce. Jftj leOe marueple ia tc to coii03cr,ti)at men arctotoite tn d>:ue3ai> bUcUe at ftc cape of$*cn* spew**, ana ofCfcettnut colour ac t&e rpuer ofT^f^ beinff an in equal! Degree*fremrijeequtno^aUIpne .

ipketopfc>t!j<ic tinmen of^flrfteana aa^tUat ipue UnDer U;e bwrncline uaHcozw rorr^)arcftlacketanonott^ptbatlpuetieneacd, o? ontljigfuDe defameIpne,a0m MtxktXtttm&ff&ttWU, LiantKiwa&ua, Put*.

m*.S*ntoDimingoJ'ParU.Capt SaMl /ugHfiinc, Lima. Quit*ano o((jerUnoe0 ofTeruMjitf) cottc^ein rt;e fame equinoctial!.*o^m aK t(je tracre of tfjefc coaOe05 ctrtapne blacbe men toere

founueonfp inQjureqtu, tofjen VafcbusN^of<B*llx>4 Difco*uercD t(ie fea ofsr .Bp reafon Hereof it map feeme, rfjat fucdUarietie ofcolotir0 p?oceeoet(j of man^no not oftbt eart!;:U)bicb

map luel bc5aWjougft U)e De a!ljo?neofaoam 9&& totonoctlje caufe U)[jp 6ooijat& fo o^epittDtt,otIjeruiifc rijen ?o coufinet

^ f Wrf* m4ie(!ie batlj Done tfji0,a0 in2nite oti;er,to Declare


ppee not onfp in tlje nature ofman,but tlje like alfo in bcaltt,bpjDWjana flare0,tu^ere Dioew aD contrarp colour* arc frcuein one lide featf>er, o? tl;e leaues grotopng o ofone litle ftalfcc.

5n orijertbing ia alfo greadp to be oteD5a0 toucbinp; tbefe JmDian0:anp tbis i0, tbat tbeir beare i0 nat curio, as is tl;e spoo?e*anD Ctbiopian0 tbat inbabite tbe fame clime : nepdjer are tbep

tafoe,ejrcepteberpfi:Dome3anDtbac^ttiapgpuefitrtber occadon0to pbilofopbens to fearclje tbe ft

crete0ofnatresanDcompletton0ofmcn3 tmtftttienoueltteji of

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.


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mojl duncient teftimonieoftheVVcft Indies,by die writing ofthediuinc

Philofophcr Plato.

Lato in bia famous anD Diuinel

namcD Timtus, tubere be cntrcatetb oftbe

uniticrfaH nature anD frame of tljc iDljole

toojtoe, tahctbfoj IJB principle t!;e moire

nctcnt IjpftoMc ofan jlanoc, in cpmc of

atantiquitie, nameo jtbUnMcs, ma*

twig; alfo mention of tljc Ispng,pcop{c,ar,a

inbabit<intei oftbe fame : anD tbattbep kept tuarre agapntt tbc

^/jpM/w,anu Uiere otiercome oftbem- f/^/o alfo tbere inDwcins

tbeGipDcbpftoiiecobcrebcarfeo bp one namcD Critia, luboat

firmeD tbat be bao often beatue it ofbis &ncle, tobo Uia0 in tbe

tpmeof So/o/;, oneoftbe feucn fage*oftbe<Drckc$> CbisCr/fwDcriarcD* rijat U)!;en Solon uient into Cp^pt to a certapne

ritienameo S4/w,fituateupon tbe titter of^/w^lubere tbe oituft-

on anD rceurrpng; oftbe riuer, maketb tljc Jfanoe $e!ta, be tbere

fpake UJt'tb certapne Icarneo pitcacs ,l)crp fkpitiil in hnoiulcDgeofantiquities ofmanp tooiloc s pad . Infoir.ucb tbattbep matte

mention ofmanpe tbinjes tljat lucre Ocfo?e tbefloooofJ^oc, o^

QeucaKm, anu alfo before tlietontucrdil conflagration 02 burning

oftbetDo^lDeimberpmeof ?^f^?/,fo?afmucbea0 tbe uiarrctf

bcttucrtie tbe people of tbcHipDeJIanuc of AtbUntldes anD tbe

Athcn\en! t \Qn$ long Ocfoic tlic general flooD 5anD tbe conflagra<

tion afo^clapDe* *Ptato inottcctl; rt;c pjiefljfpeakingtaSo/cwin


^IjingesmofT manteploud anD true (0 Solon) rcmapne ui

atmcient toittiingcss anD mcmojic of our pieDcccflburtfj anD

otocagegtongVfoieoiirtpmc*. l^ttt abottc all rijpngcg, one

ncecDetb al aomtration to? t^e greatnefle anD Cngularitie iere-

of, lubiche is tins: It!fliinourreco?Dcgofmo&camtqiutie^

tbac in timed pad pour cttie of Athens batb oftcntpmc^ kepte

hiarrfsngapnftan innumerable mulmu&c of nations u>bicbe

came from tbe fca jftblantite, mmanetuitoalFw^anoX/^iDbcrrasnotoe ^ppcr.retbno fucbe nation, fojafmucbe ad tbe

The decades-Bancroft Library.


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Page 69: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

fntfjemmtft, anoaafetoeretnt&eemtfe (tofjtrepou place t&e

Columned of Berenice) an Tlanoe urtjtdjc toas fapo to be nuirii

greater tljen al Africa ano ///*, ana tljat from tljence toast paf*

frgc co manp otljcr 3ilanoe$ ncare thereabout, ano Trent tljc

fapoe 3jton&e! to tbe continent o> fpime (anDc,UiIjtcIjc ttwg ngljt

micragnpnflitncarelmtotljefea: pet, tbattottljmrlje mou:0,

rijereto^alitlegulfcUJitbapo^c: tljcocepefcaUHtljout, luag

tIjc true Tea, ana tije lanne toitljout UMS tljc true continent. ^IjijS

SliiMtoa<3nmmJtb!iintides t ano in it iuaa akpngcfmarueploug great poUicr ant) mpgbt, tulj o IjaD tlje oomtnion of tije

fapoe 3PfatiDe, ano ntanp otl;er> ano alfa a o^cat part of tije com i*

nentlanoc Hereof Uieijaue fpoken, ant) mudje moietouiaroc

ottr partcsialfoj foi ifmudje as tljcp lucre nominatoura of tfje

t!jp?oe part of tije too^loe .contepnpno; Jfrictjigyfl, ano Furore.

euen unto t!je fea Tirrbenum. &)t potuer tberefoje of cljem be

pngtycnfo great, tljcp came to umnoebotl) pour coumrepano

ourjj, ano alt otljcr tljat are luiifjm tijc CoJumnes of t,)erculetf .

^(jcn (0 Solon) tfjcuertueofpourcittefljetDeoitfelfefamouis

innnojiammtticanofcatesofarmcgjUJirij tije aflemblanceof

fijc otljer (Drect'ar.g, in refpdpng tljepi great potuer, bntpl pou

baoouuen them out ofourbnM, ano reflo^eo us to our Itberttc.

25t fl; onlp after tljat tl -13 cntcrpnTc Uias atrijiucD, bcfel a man

ueploug great cart!)quake3ano erunoation c? ouerflotoing oftbc

fea, toljidj eontimteo f0? tbcfpace ofone Dap ano nvgbt: 3in tljc

toljtc'je tfje eartb opencD it felfr, anD inghttteDall tfjofc uali

antandtoariikemen, anotl;e (ai>oe 3!!anO? MMtntides fonkc

into tbe bottome of tljc fea, b!;ic!jc luad tf?c cccafion tljat neuec

from t(;at tpmefo?U)aroe,anp flipp tculoe faplc tljat lrap,fcp rea<

fon oftbe great muooe ano flpme U)!jid;c remapncu ofci;e ty&a*neo 3Ifanoe*

i)i3 id ttje funime oftfjofc tlipngcd tobirije oloe Critia fapoe

t)e!jciDtjnucr(lo^e of Solon. Sno ccrtapnelp tl;efe toojoeg of

7*0 oftbe -fato JIanD,(jaue caufco great contention among ma.*

n> 5reat Ii9l)ilofopljer8,u)bid> Ijauc Bittencommentariesuponrtjc fapoe Dialogue of r/m^i compofeD bp TUto : Jnfomucbe

d)at tJjc fame in tbofe nape? being btterlp uriknoojcn,manp bauetaken tbt* narration of 5o/w, fb? an allegorical febte, ana baiw

Mt^(di^(to^^aecit(l^ 3i5ut it


J Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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nwp nofoJcUJefl appcarc tjje true meaning hereofto be tfjfei tfjac

VUtt intenopng to typte of tlje umiterfaU frame of tlje toojloe,

tbe fctjtdje he knctoc to be made an Ijabttattonfy dje m'ufne bed

man,anoa!fabeljolDpngtljcrintbc great ornament ano beau tie

of tbe Ijeauen an* ftarre*, toUercbp man mpgljt hnotoe Ijts 600ano crca tour, it mpgbt feeme to Ijpm a tljpng to farre from rca-

fon,tljatonlp tujopartcg thereof fl;ouloe be inbabtteo, anotfje

otljcr part oefolate ano Dep^iuco of men : ano tljat tljc 3>unne

anDftarresmigljt feeme to n;cluc tljcpj Ipgbt onlpfjalfetljcp?

coutfe Untbout piofitc,fbining onlp upon tbefeaanDOcfoIate pla-

ce^ oeditute ofman ano otljcr liutng creatures . <3na tljcrcfoj c

fltto fab in great aomtration tljc Ijptto^ie of tbe fapoe Cgpptt-''

an piieff> mahpng mention ofan orljcr part of tlje tuo^loe befpoc

4& Eurof*, anD Af ica, ano tbowgbt i tooo^tbp to be rebearfeti

in rije begutm'ng of Ijis otttine Dialogue afo?e&poe. C2le ougfjc

tljerefo?c certatnelp to tijinhe our fclucg mo0 bounoe Unto 600,tljat in tlj efc our tpmet; it Ij a tl; pleafeo Ijpm to rcueale ano Difco*

tier tbfo fecrtte in tbe rpnopng oftin's netoe too?loe, urfjerebp lue

are eertapnrip aflureD, tljat unoer our pole ftarrtjana onoer tbe

fttmo#;'tf/ line, are moft gooolpe ano ample region?, asiDfll

ano commootouflp inT;abitco, n? are otljer panes oftlje too^lDc

The teftimonie ofthe Poet Seneca in his Tragcdic$t Mth*, where by the fpirite of

Poetical fune.hc Ciytli*

Venlent tnnit

Sccula feris,qwbttsOcctnus

YinculA rtrttm laxet.etMgens




Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 73: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The Epiftlc of Peter Martyr."

Typbit jiSaufgatton netoe Uio?toc0 fijal fpnDe ottf,

Wen 0)al not fcftple fo? laft be left out.

3na fijctoc foojtft netuc U)o?foe*, rcgion^ano lan&es*.

ifc? Totbemojle noble prince anctca*tholike kynge,Charles,Perer Martyr ofAn-

glcria wishctl) perpetual fclicitie.

Dc m'trine p?onturner, from tljctimc t^ac

e fp?(l crcatcDtljc tuo^lDc, IjatO rcfcruco

itntto t(;t'0 Dap tlje knotoIcDgc oftfye great'

rgc Occnn Tea : 3in tf;e tdjiclje tpmc

tljopeneD tljefatm, rttcfHpimtoo t0t* tap, gy japou (mode mtgfjtt'e lp?tncc) lip tl;cn;ooD

foumtne ana bappt'e fucceOe ofpour grano*

fatljet bp pour mother fptie . ljc famcpiouiocncc (31 foiotoe

not 6p toliat uettenie) Ijat^ ^ougljt me out ofmp natrae coun*

trep of^tlaiieyauDout oftljexftie on&ome(Urtjere 31 eonttmieD

. alnvol ]c,peeregO into S>patrt'c, ttjat 31 mpg&t parttcularlpe col-

lecte t(;efe maruetlot^anDncUietbinge^ luljirijfljoulDeocbcr*

Sopfe p crljappe 5 1;aue lien tyofemeo in dje Uiijirlepooie ofobluu*

on,fo)afinurije &$ t!;c &panparfte0(men U)o?t(jp great commastation) Ijaft drilp care to^e geitedH inticntions oft^efe djtnged.

Jftottott&ffani)mg,'3fDO not cfjaleiigeDnto me onfortje tljattof

of ttje trauatle beftoUJCD deretn^tuljereajEi d;e djiefe reUiarDe tjjer-

toa* topHtng to Dcpartc out of tljc cine to be pjeTent at tbe

C&e toarrwal fesm* of Granttum, DitoDffl lite frOWIH^purpOfe: But

feeing tljat 31 toast ftirip fcfdhKti to ocpartc3 tjcOo^teD $ required

me to lujitc unto ()tm fucljc ncluc^ as lutrc fatnouei tn ^patiiCj

^UKi?tt)pto be noccD. Jco^ertKtfojc mp fourttfvimo^papne,

dnefeip fo? tbe Deft^e 31 daD tafce rtjerpemcion tobtcbe toast

p^epareD agapitlT t!;ccmmi'e{ of ftc fape^, fb?afmud;e agin

etwJDe fpnDe,npt(^^^^^^^^^^of

Kden. The decades.'

Bancroft Library.




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Page 75: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The Epiftle ofPcterMartyK

of tftpnge*. 3} totf tberefbp pjefente at tbe toarre*, from

tobence 31 tyitte to Carninal afeanitis, anDbp funojp epiflfes

ccrtifpeu bpm ofOicb tbinges aa 3! tbotigbt mofl tooojtbpe to be

put in mcmone 33ut toibcn 31 pcrccmcD tbat bis fortune toad

tunico from a natural! mortjer to a f!cpoamc3 31 ccafleo from

to?ptpng.??et after 3! fatoc3tbat bp tboucrtbiotoe oftbe cnimres

ofour faptb,fcpapne tows pourgco oftbe Q9oo?c33 as ofan euil

toceuc pluckeo tip bpdjerootcs, leffe 31 fboufoebe(!ob)emp

flipperp pcares in unprofitable Jlencrre5 3iU)as mpnDeo tore-

tttrnc to 3Italie . 15ttt tbe (tngulcr bcnignitte ofbotb tbe Catbo

ipkc kpng and queene noUie ocpartco, ant tfjcpi large p? omifcsj

touwrDe me upon nip returne from nip legacie ofBabplon,

octcpncft me from nip purpofe.^et Dotb it not repentme tbat 3!

tyeto backe mp footr,afu)d fo> tbat 37 fee in no otljcr place oftlje

H)o?lD at tijte tpmetbe Ipke ujoo?tbp tbinges to be none: as alfo

tbat in maner tl^ougboutall 3!talic 3bprcafonoftbeDifco?

b?itttan WnccSj^pcrceiueDaHtljpngcsto runne bcaitong

into ruinc3 tbe countreps to be DedropenanDmatiefattetthtlj

bumanc WOOD, tbe cities fackco, uirgins anu matrones loitb

tbcp? gooos anu poITculons caricoau}apascaptiuee3anomi'

fcrablc tnnocentcs uittljout offence to be napnc bnarmeo Untbiii

tbep^oumcboufes. OftfjcuHjicbe calamities, 37 Dptinotonclp

beare tbe lamentable outcrpcs , but opft alfo frclc tlje fame : JTo?

euen tbe blooti ofmpnc otune kwflfolkes anu frenocs, toas not

free from tljat cradtie. ^s 3! UJasrtjerefo?emurpngto!tbmpfelft of tljefe tbpnges, flje Caroinal of 3rragone, after tbat be

bau fecne tljc two fpift bookes ofmp Decaues to?pttcn to 3 fca*

nius, require* me in tbe name of fcpng tfreocrike bis Unde, to

put foojtb tlje otljer epgbt eptdle bookes. Jn tbemeanetpme'

alfc3U3bple3ltDa0uoj)DeofaUaitaStoudjtng tbe matters of

tbe Ocean,tfje ^ipofloHcafl trnffengers oftbe bpfbop ofHome,leo tbetentlj (bptobofcljolfomecounfapleanuattcdjonticujetrufl tbe calamities- of 3ftafpfba!be ^nflbeo) rapfeD me as it

tocrefromnecpc, $ enco^agometop^oceeueas3Ibaubegtm,o bis bolpneffe3I to?ptte ttoDecauc!ai 3 ccmpj[pfeDinibo?t

6ookes3aftcr tlje manier ofcpi (lies, anu auoeft them to tbe rp^fl6


iDbidj uws p?inceu \uitbout mine auutfc, as iljal furtber appeare

PKface foloU)png . Ii5ut notoe 31 rctttrnc to po(niofl

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 77: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The Epiftle ofPctcr Martyr,

noble t3?fnee) from to'jom 31 Ijaue famlubacDigrcfreD.

foic tebera* pour granDfacber bp pour mocbew (iDe,baue fobDu<

jMtem tt>e eDalfrpainebDerpourD3mfmon,ercept onlp one comer oftbe

fame, and ijauc alfo lefts pou tbc fttngpomc of#aple0,tuitb tbe

friueful 3Ilanw ofour feas, it i0 furelp a great tbing anD toojtbp

to be noteD in our cronade* . But not offenDpng tbe reticrcnce

Due to our pie&eceOTourg, \Dbatfoeuer from tbe begpmtpng oftbe

luoitoe batij been Doone o? uoiptten to tbi0 Dap,to mp iuDgcmentfrcmetb but Ipccle , pflu: confpDerUibat netbe IaiiDc0 anD coun*

trep3, toljac netue fea0, tu'ja c funD^p nations anD totmge0, luljat

goioe mpne0,U)!jat treafurie0 ofpcrlea tfjcp baue iefte unco pour

Ijpgbnelle, befpDe otber rettentte0 - Ebe to(ncbe,U)!;at tbep are,

anDbotoegreate, tbefe tbjeeDecaDeaMl Declare. Come tber

foie rnoft noble ^tnce elecceo ofcS>oD,anDcniope tbatbpabecttate of tbtn^ea not pettntDerffoDe to men ,Wz offer unco pou



c?' tbe $ m0#/4// ipnebptbcrtobnknotoen,anDbunebptberuriiuuioftuiH uu; 0:10 beate of tbe fonne,anD Dnbabttable after tbe opinion of tbe

"Stwtu*?* ^e ^P^s a fctoe ercepteD : but notue founDe to be mott re*

plcmflbcb Uiitb people,faire,fruiteftrt,anD mod fojtunate,lnitb a

tijoitianDe 3llanDes( croluneDi)DttbgolDeanDbeU)titullpeatie{r

I)efpue0 tbat greate pouion ofeartbfuppofeDtobeparteoftberontinent 01 fimte ianDe, erceDpng in quantitie tb?ee Curopca Come t&er*

fo?e anD emb^afe tots netoe U)o?lD5anD fufifer U0 no longer to comfume in oefp?e of pour Defence. jrrombencc,frombcnce3;fap


marw5f (moff noble potmg l^ince) fya! mttrumentejSbepjtepareDfi^

pou,U)!jerbp al tbe tuojtoe fbalbe Unoer pour obcpfance. 3im

tbu 31 bpD pour mat eflie fareuiell : to mbofe tatte ff31

fl;al perceaue tbe fruites of tfj 10 mp tpDage to be

Delectable, 31 topQ Ijeareafter Domp enDeuoure

djatpoumap receaue tbe fame mo?eabun

Dattntlp. JTrom^a^tD, tbe Dap be-



Eden The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 79: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Thef)rft decade.

^ of the *DecadesofthcOccan,written by Per Martyr ofAnglcria Mi*

lcnoes,counfaylour to-the king of Spaync,and Protonotaric


Jlfcmus Sj>borcia9 VicountCardinaL&c.

[lf;e reuerenne and thankful antiquittctoaa

[aecuffomcd to ciTeeme tbofe men as god 3

Ibp Uiljofe induflrie and magnantmtt ic Cucb

and regions tuere Difcoucred, ad

bnkncUien to tbrpj pieDeccflours.

! 115 ut unto be, Ijaupng onlp one <8od,tobom

I ttie bonour tn triplicitie of perfon, tbi0 re*

ft etf), rijat alb c it loe do not uioiflnp tljat kinoe ofmen toitl; diuine

[)onour,petdolxjereuerencc tl;em, anD tuoonljplp maruepleat

ft ep: noble actejs and cnterpipfcs. Onto fepnges and pitnccs toe

gtuc due obepfaimce,bp U)!jofe gouernance and furtljerancc tljep

ij me ben aided to perfourme tljetr attempt: tae commend botlj,

and foj tbep? iut!de(af(c0 luoo^tl;plp eytol tbem. 2tl}ercfo?e,aj<

concerning t!;e Jlanded of t!j c luert Oceania telp d tfcoucred3and

oftijeauctours oftfjefame Ouljid;e tbpngpou dcfpie bp poutletters toUnoloe) 31 ujpl begpn at rije r>?U auctljour tljcreof, lert

3! be iniurioutf to anp man. ^afeett tberefo^e a0 fo!otoet(;

CbrijlopborKS Colonus (OtlKrUJpfe called Columbus) a gcntfC1

manof3Italie5 bo?ne in tbeet'tie ofGc^per(baded FernandoCl

and l;?aberf), ratbolikepipnccs, tbatlje doubted not to rpnde

certapne JIandca of India, nere Unto our Ocean Tea, ifftcp

tooulde fi irnpHie bpm vuitl) ffjpppes and otrjer tljvngesi appartep*

npng: affpjmprgriiattberbpnoconelptbe db?tttian itligiott

mpgljt be enlarged, but^>papne aUb enrpcbefi bp tbe great plcntie of gotoe- pearles, pieet 0113 (toned* and fptcc^ lujicljc mpg?jtbe founde tbere . ^t tbe lengtl) tl)?ee (bpppea toere appopntca

Dpm ac ri)e kingw c&argea : of t(je tt^icte one u0 a greattaracte tuicij decked , and tbe otljer turn lucre !:gb t mard)attme

ttpppegiUJitljout decker, tubicbe tlje S)pan!arde

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.


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Page 81: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Thefyrft Decade.

tbcfoifttunx calentJesS ofSeptember, fntljcpfcrcofClmtTe, 1492. aim fa

age of colonus fojtuaroe on bia luage, being; accompanies uwb CC .17, &pa<nparoea . (je ftnmnacc 3Hanoc0 (a* manpe tbpnke tljcm to be,

ifague,C " epn


Otffaume from tbe UHanoetf ofG4<fc/ a tljoufanoe ant) tUio ,bun

oietb mpleg, accoimmg to tljep? accampte*, fo? tbcp fap cbe?

areoiffaw tbjee bunojeo leagues : tobercaa; furije ad are cjcperc

Tea men, affirme tbat etterp league contetuctl; fou re mtle3, aftet

tfw fuppucattomei. ^ibcfe 3IIanoesU)cre calico fortunate, foj

tbe temperate ap^e U)!jicbe iis iiubcm. Jro^ neptber tlje cotonctTe

oftoptiter 10 fljarpc unco tijem, noci tlje beate offomnu r intalfe-

rablc. ^etfome men are ofopinion,tbac tbofe luere tn oloe tpmecalleD cbe fortunate 3!Ianoes, toljiclje cbe "po^tugalcs call c *$

rtrJt.CtltmstbttfoH fapleD rp^totbeJilanOe^ofCfl/w//.*, to

riic tnteme tbere to rcfrcflje Ijts fljpppes toich freflie tuacerano

fuell, befoic be commuceft bpm felfe to tljts fo laijotons a utapje*

3n D bccaufc 31 baue beare mane mention of tbe manors of c -

nari<e , it fljal not l)i nuiclje from mp purpofe,to Ucdarr Oclue of

unUnoiuencIjep became Unotoeiii anD offattaoje anu luiloe, bet-

ter manureD : jfoj bp tlje long coitrfe ofmanp peereu^ljep mere


^Oefe feuen 3Hannetf (tberefo?e) calleu tljeCM*, toerc

fountie bp cbauiKe bp a frencljc man,caUeD Zetanchor, bp tbe pet-

million ofquecne Eatljarine^^otectrtjce ofking 3!obn ber fonne,

(jeiuac; pet in bw nonage, about tbe peere ofdfyifte.bor inuateu ttoo oftbefe 3ilanoe<

to better culture . Oc being Dean, Ijie fonne ano beire foioc bocbe

tbe faplte Jilantied to ccrtapne S>p a niaro e^ .

QfottbityFarnandus Teraria aitD Ijt0 topfe,inuaDeD Ferrea anO

Gom<T4. ^be otber tlr^ce toere fubmteo in our timrmc*+i+bp Tetrus de i'era, citizen oftbe noble tide ofXerkium, ano S^uebael ofMoxica. <Palm* ano rw//w,bp dpbonfus L**o, at tbe

kings; charges, GO>?w ano ff rrw toere eafilp fuboueo : But tbe

mattertoentbaroe tnitb M$lnf*s Lugo. jTo? tbat naked ana

toptoe nation,rpgbtpng onlp ujidj ftonejs ano cUtbbed , tr?ouc bii

armie to 6igbt at tbe firtt aflaulte, ano flue about foure buno^eooutrcame

Eden. The decades. L

Bancroft Library.

1 16

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Page 83: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

tf)Ctaw* of Cutti* tuerc aDDeD to tbe Dominion offcpapne,

jfroin tbefe 3IlanDes Coto/ius Dircctpng bid uopage toiuaroe tbe

iwtt^otoujpng tbe falling oftbe funne,but Declining fcmetobat

toUiarDe tbe left banoe, fapIeD on fo^toarDe.rrriii Dape0 confirm*

aflp,baupng onlp tbe fruition oftbe beaucn anD tbc toater. fcben colotmg meff

tf)e&p3nparDe0to!)icbe lucre accnmpanpeD luit!) bpm, began rc&ei

^tt to muntiurefccrccelp among tbeinfe(ue,?.no il;o?ttp after&?

toitb luo^eja; ofrep?ocbe fpake euil of Colonus tfjep; gouernour,

anoconfultcD UJitbtljeni felucsf,

cepweQ ofa rtrangcr,an oiirlanDp(I;c mai^a Ligurian,a 03 cnuc?,

anbbiouo[i)t into fucbe Daui^ecoujS placed, tljat tl/ep migijc

neucr rctimie agapae. 3nD after,trjciiuoapeu tuere pafl, tbcp fu*

riouflp crpeo out againd Ijim, anu tl;?cat;;eD bint tbat be fyouto^^pje

pafrenoftictber,73utbeciierU):ti; geufIetuo?DC|saiUJ large p;o

imfbjappeafcD tbetr furie, anop^o'ongeDDap after Dap, fontc

tpm^Dcipipngtbem tobearetDitljOpm pet a lubple, ano fome

time putting rijem in rcmeinbrmce tbat pf tbep fi;pn!oe attntipt

anp tl;ing againft bim3o? crijeriupfe Difobep bpm, it Uioulo be re<

ptitco fa; treafon. "COtis after a felue Dape0,u>it!) c ?) careful Ijarw

tbcpefpieD tljclanDc longlookeDfoj. 31n tljts fpifl nauigatioiu

IjebifcouereD.bi. i{anDe3,\i)!'erof ttoo toere erceeopng great: flDf

tobirbc,tbc one be caUeo H( pani -la, anD tbe otljer lob*. Butattbattpmebe knem. not perfectlp tbat IM>*nna (otljerujpfe

ealleDC^)uia0 ,in ffanDe. ^0tbepcoa(!eD along bpt!;efljoje

ofcmapneoft!jefeilanDe0, tbep beardej^pgljtpngale0fpugintbe tbpcke luooDDea in tbe monetlj ofji5ouember ^bep founDealfo great rpuergi of fre^nujater, anD^mraUbmiensij ofcapa*ritie to barbour great nanies of(bippe0, Sapling bp tbe coanttf0fio^ n<

i,fromtbeno?rfjpopnttotbeUJea5 be roDe title lelfe

tben eigljt buni^eD mile0(fo? rijep cal it a bunojeo anufuurefco^ekagues) fuppoOng tbat it baD ben tbe continent oj rp?me lanDc,beeaufe be coutoeneidjet rpnDe tbe Ianoe0 enoe, no? anp token of

tttmmrt to turneb*eagapne, bepngpattlp tbereto enf^cti

JP*erot^neireflftbetea, fojt&e fea banket of t!je flanw rf

Wd * Dp (unD^pe tDprtDpiigetf anD tucnpnge0, bcnDt tljentm (o mucfje touwroe fte no?tb,tbatHenqftnCt

Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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rougWp tofletrtfje ujpttf bp rcafon of tljc urinfcr.

foje $e ffemmeai ofljia Cbpppeg touiaroe tlje Caff, Ije affpjiwD

tijat be Ijao fount) tlje ilanoc of0/fc/r,tt)(jidjcr feolomonjai ujippeajjpjjj f0? g jDe> ^ut^ Diferiytion Of tije Cofmograpljers iucli

cnnfiD;rcD, it feemetlj tljat bo'lj tljefe, ano tljc odjcr liatttw ao

i opnpno;,arc tlje tlanos ofsfntiHa. ^Ijts ilanoe l;c calico Hifonit/4 ^ on \i)[) fcno?tb fpDe a0 Jjc app^ocljcD ncate to tije tenurekccle o? bottome of tlje Digjett Ueflfell ramie bpon a blpnoe rocfee

couereu luttlj \uater, anu clone in fun&cr : buttlje plapnrncfle of

tl;e vocfee \u,ig a (jcip c to tljcm tljat tljep lucre not D^oumeD . ^&pna;Ija(le rljcrfojc luitl; tijc otljcr tUio fijppg to Ijdpc tl;eni stOf

cue propic of ^ouoj{)t aUiiPC al tljc men U)d)out ljurtc. i[)erc coiniutnn; fp^ff a

tDe jiauoc. ianU3tl)tp faiwe ccrtapne men oftlje Ilanue > tuljo perceiupng an

Unknouien nation comming toUiarD tljcnijflockcD togwtljcnano

j^aaco peopu.rnnnc al mto tix ^Vckc luooDoyis ic (jaD ben Ijatts courfeo Untl;

gttIjotmDes . Otic men pucfuino; tljem,toohe onelp one toomaiij

tuljoin tljep bjottgijt to tljc ujip? : luljcuc fplUng Ijer uiitlj meate

ano uipne, ano appareling fjer, tljep let Ijcr Depart to Ijer compa<

npe. ^o?tlp after <: greatt- multitune of tljem came runnpng to

tljc Hi 01 c to bebolo tljt^ ncluc natton3U)ljom tl;ei> tljottgljt to Ijatte

Difcc;:Dco from Ijeaticn.^ljep cad tljem fdues Dp Oeapcs into tljc

tpert npm^ fea,t camefujimming to tljc Ojpppe^b?pnging golo UJitlj tljetn,


ioVoi earth Wcbe tljep djaungen tuitlj our men fo? eartljen pottcs^ tyinkingaii& giaofe. glaffe^popntesi^inn ?35 (jaluke0be^)Iooktng glafles,? furfj o-

t(jer trifles, '^jjus grouitng to furtfjer familiaritie^oucmentDcrej|^4np hpnge

ijono^ablp entertatneD oftlje king oftljat part of tlje ilanus Uiljoft

name tuag G**t*uril*KiQ it Ijatlj manp kpnn;^ , as U)lj;n ".?-

4; amucD in J!talp,lje foituD Latium Dim'aeo into manp kingoom^an& pjottince^atf LatMn,Mezeutlwn,TurnumAXto Tanbontcm,

toljiclj toere fcparateo Uiitjj narouie bcanoes, n^ fljal tno^e (argfp

appeare Ijcreaftcr. at tlj: eitcn tioe about tlje falling of tijc fonne,

Ui!jen our men tucnt to p?aper, ami futeeieD on tljcir kneesi after

mancrfo euer tljep (atoe tljem p^nptetljecroCTe, t(jepfdoto

tljem in al popnteg ajj luel aia! tljep couloe * ^Ijep ftcUxo mucfc

ljumanut e touwrw our men, anti Ijelpeo rljcm toitf) tljep? Ipgfc

cct$ o^Onal uoatc0(toljic6 tbeg^l C4/;wj)tounUoe rljcir broken

Kden. The decades. Lj|fjf ^.^Bancroft Library.


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frenoe fin frenDe, 01 kpiifrman fy kpnfemmt, in fuel) cafe moueD

toittj y(tte, cotttoc tio moje 3Tbep? boaces are mane ottfp ofone

tree,maDe bolotrc toftb a eertaine (barpe Cone(fo? tbep tyuie no |J2?

pjon) anD are berp long anD narofte* 89anpaffirmetbattbep no icon.

feaue fcene feme oftbem untfj fojtie o?c0, t:()c toitoe ana uipfdje*

uoits people cafleo Canfalcsjai c*r;7>fj,to!jtcljetoereacnirtoiHeD ^"^JJ'' 8*

to eate mans flcfteOt can^o oftlje oloe totter?, jtttbn&btf) ?tm!jio5o*

moled tbeni c]ccceDpngIp3tnarjtn3 tljcir countrep, tahpng tbem ua8'

taptuie,ftpllpitg t catpng tbem.33 our men faplco to clje itanDe?

of tbcfr mckc ano Ijumane people, tl;cp !efc (be t!anD0 oftlje C*~

^/w, in manet in tbe miDCeff oftbcp^uiage coiDaro c^e foiitd*

bcp coinplapncD tfjac tbep^ ilanD0U):re no lefletiejreD luitb tbe

focurfrona! of ibcfe imnl):mc?n$ Canibaks toljcn rijep goc fo^dja 5T(je r


roupnj to fceke tl)ep? pjap,clj.:n are otber tmnc bcalics^ofLiona '*' <*"***

ann Ciijcrs.^ucb cbpltyenag tbeptakr,tbep gelo tonwkc tljcm

far, ad toe Do cochcc!)ickcn-3anDpcun$!)on:g;s 3 'iiiDcatcciKm

toben tbep ate tod fe^e: of fuc'je as tljep eaff,:bep fp?(t eate ii)z

intrallcs nnu ecntme par^5,33 bauDe0)fcetr,nniiCt,ncrke,ano

iieau. iCijc other mod fletljpc parte^tbei) pouDcr fo? (tozc,as toe

Do pelfels ofpnike,anD gammonues of bakon : pet Do tljeu ab*

Hepne from eatpng oftoomen,anD coitnte it in Ic, ! crfoic fucbc

poimo; toomen as tljep take,tbep kepr foi increafc, 33 toe DO (jem

nesi to lepc ego^is : tbe otoe toamen, tbcp make tbcp? D?uDo;ejj(

^bep ofrbe i(anDe0 (tobteb toemapnotoecalouc*) botbe tbe

men anD $ toome^toljen tbep percetue tbe Cdmbaks commpno;,(;aue none otber (bpft bttt onelp to flee : fin aitijotigb t(;ep bfe ue<

rpu)arpe arrotoe0 maDe of rccocd, pec are tbep of fin all frnce

eo rep?efie p furie of tbe Canbales : fo^ eucn tbep tbem feluos eon*

fefle, tbattenoftbeC*mMarcab!e toouercomeabunt)?eD of

tbcm if tbep eneountre toitb t!;em . <bep; meate tso n rertapnc

roote,tobieb tbep cal jtge*m\d)t fpke anauetoe roote in fburme

arm greatnefle , but offmeete uO^itucb Ipke a grcrae djednutte,

lubereof rbep make b?eaD in lQ>te manec . ^bep ufe Jgn i

moje often rotteD oj foDDen, t^en to make b^eaD tbereof ^uttfep nciter eate Iwca , ercept it be firtt fliceD anD ineffeo ( fo^

trtrtM|fit|0Mcite^: C ii

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library. F^


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The fyrft Decade.

maraepkaat, tbat fte iufce of tfji* rootctea popfonasffrong

iraiigenainr;. as yffOMiwwJo tljat ifit tcdiunke,itcaiifctlj piefentDcatl', and

pet tbe bjead made oftbe maffe thereof, n ofgood taffe and Ijol-

lbme,aa tbep all Ijaucpiooucd. bcp make alfo anotljerfepnde

ofb?ead ofacertapnepulfe, called Tanicum, jmicl;e like unto

tobcate, Hereofis great plentie in tlje Dukcdome of^illane,

&papne,and Cranatum. 35uttbatoftbisCountrep is longer bp

afpanne/omcujbatlbarpetotuatdctbe cnse, and as bpggeasa mans arme in p b?aUmc: tbe grapnes Uiljerof are fet in a mar*

neplous ojder, * arc in fouruic fomctuljat Ipke a ]dcafe. CCUjpU

tbep be foiire and Unripe,tbep arc lbpte,but toljcn tbep are ripe,

tbcp be Ucrpblackc , tuljen tljcp arc broken, tl;cp be toljiter tljcn

fnotoc : tbis kpnde ofgrapne tbcp call Maizium. Colde is of

fomccflimattoh among tOcm: fo? fome ofiljcmbangcertapnefmall pccccstbcrcofat tbep? earea and nofetb?pilc0. 3 lulc bc^

ponde tljis place, our men lucnt a lanoe fo? freflje tomter, lubere

tbep cb.nmrcdUpona riucr,u.rjofefande mag mp^cdluitb mucbc

golde. Clicp founoc tbcre no ktndes offoure footed bcaffcs, cp

ceptcbiccfunocsof litlc tonics. Cbefc ilandes alfo nourpuje

fcrpcntcs^bttt fuclic as arc uritbout ljurt . ilikcluife luildc gccfc,

turtle doucs,and duckcs, mucbc greater tbcn ours,and as Uiljite

as fu)atinrs,U)itb beaoes ofpurple colour. Ufo ^opiniapes, of

tbe U)i;icbe fume are grcenc, fome pelotocyj fome Ipke tbemofIndia, uritb pclotue rpngcs about tbcp? ncckes,ais Daiinic dcfai

tetb tbcm. Dftbefe tbfp toougbt fourtic Uiitb tljem, of moffe

iiniclp and dilcctablc colour?, baupng tljep? featljers entcrming*led U)i(b grecnc, peloU)r,and purple, mljicbc uarictie Dclpgbtctb

tbe fcnfe not a lulc. Cbus mucbc tljougbt 3i good to fpeake of

JDo ;:pniapcs (rpgljt noble p?ince) fpecial'p to tljis intent , iljac

albeit tbe opinion ofcbnflopboms Colonus (tobo afip^mett) tljefc

ilanues to be part ofIndia) oorb not mail popntrs anree limb

tbe ludgcment of aui^icm lu?ptcrs as toucbpng tbe bpgncDTc of

tlje &p!jere and contpaffe of tl;c (Dlobc, as conccrnpng tlje na*

uigablc po?tioii oftbe famebeing Under us, pet tbe popiniape*rno manp otljcr tljpngcs b?cugljt from tbence, or o declare tljat

tbr fc 3I(andes fauoiir fometobat of <

w^,eptljet bcpng neare imto it,o? els oftbe fame nature: fojafmucljc as Jriftolt alfo, about

tl)ccndeof|jiia bookc dcCdovMundQ, attd lifectopfe^^'4 "

mine.Turtle Douco.


ace part of


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Page 91: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The rft Decade. . II

ia t* no long tracte bp fca,mtam from s paine

lip tfee UjettCcean, fjptfoe fopfeoftbefcaanoeatypngetl) foojrtj

ffialr^ai*MnaunttWO^^ .

Do^/^,eCottonaIfooftl)c6oaampmeitce, a^tn/ ^in K" 1

rf;e countrep of tfle people calUD S>erc0, *>'*

Cdetongtiage* of agnations! offtefei>.flDc, ;w toell ^ ftr i ailgnawbe H7pcten tint!) our lattne letttra, jTu^ tU^w ^cauen /ir.


. 3 gooD man, Tai

Ip ast toeDO gelatine tongue. Jn ttjefc tlanue tbepfounDeno

frees buotoen bitto rfjfm,but 13inc ajip^e treeMnD ^te trcw,

anocbofe ofmaniepIou3ljeftjJt,anD ejcceeopng Ijartc, Opria*

fon of tlx great mopftnctfe ano fatnefle oftlje grotmoe, toitlj /.uant mopn

conrinualano temperate beate of t&cfwmc, Dljiclje enDtir^ SSefommn*fo al rije toljrie pert. ^Ijep plapnelp atftrme tijc ilmiDe ofHifpa*

-' * temperate.

n/o/4 to be tbe moUe fruttcfuU lanoe cut rljc ijeaucn compaflr 1) utatoujifyi*

about, adQ>aiImo?e^rge(pappcare (jereafif*- in tbeparticulcr""><

Defcripcion oftbe famc,%)Iji cljme cntenoe to fet fooub luljcn toe

-*Mhe better inarueteD. 'CUi makpng a league ofrrenoC;ppk)i tf tlje ktng^no Icauing Uiitl) Ijpm, rociutt t men to G: ard/c tl) c

tlanpe,()e Departed t9&papne,taknig^ l t{) bpnt tenne oftbe in* .

^abttauntes rolearnylje ^>pam(T)e tongue, to fbe intent to Ufe

tbem afceruiaro ft? interp?etor.Co/wmj tbcrfo'c at Ij:0 returne

Uvijj tjonourablp recrmco oftOe kpnganDqueate,to!;ocajtfeo

injm to fpt hi rljep? p^efence, tufeicbe is a tohcn ofgreat loue

anD bonour among d;e&panpanwa. Upc uus; aifo inaoc 3Dml*ral ofcbt cean^nfibU b^ot^er gmternour of4jc tlaiiDe.

tjitoartj ttje fefonn bopao^ be tuasfurntaicD uiitlj . ruii. ujiprf, ^ f frront, e

great caractes of? tboufanne tmmc, tit. uicrc !JOIM3 of<co$

fcaDatoatboidanoeairt rtno bunDjeu armeot among tDfyfcb tocrt many arttfii

terg,mpww, amjfuctje otbot certapne \vffmai alto, tocfl


Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

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tivnrt biop

pptigfrom-atree comum*

Campi.Cartella Oe*tug.

jbcanesj a**D peafc, atrtJ

otber^afoid foj foue as to fotoe : befpoe Dines , pfattte*, anc

ftcDc0,offucbe tiers, rruites,anDbearbe$, aatbofe coumrcpcs

lacte, anD(jwtco be fo?gten)fimmp tynoes of artplferie ano

iron v )olcs,a^ .ioii,t'3,arroU);S5crofOoU)C3,OpHes,l)iira;abulTfs,

DpDcftuaotf-e-jk.'gc targctfcs, ppkes, mattuckes, fljoticiles,

bammcrj, iiavlc \faUics, ar.es, ano fuebe otber. bs brpnn;

furnifbeoactu^^vUr 'ti iu?toarD ftoiM tbe JIanoes of04-

,les (nouic caHcD c^/cj) tbe(euentb bap before tbe Ca(ennes of

October,in tbe peere of C(w ft . 149^ ana artuco at tbe tlanoctf

of Cau.me at tljeCalenoes ofOctober : Of tbefe ifanoes, tbe

laff is calico Fema, in toljirbe tbere i0 no otber toater tbatmapbe ontn kc, but onlp tbat is geatbtoof the Deatoe, tobicb eonti*

ntwllprnflfpfletb from one onip tree, grotopngon tbe bpgfjed

l^nckc of tbe il mce.ain faUetb into a rounoc trcndje maoe U)itb

mans banoe : ID: mere cnfourmeD of tljcfe tl^r^cs Untbin fetue

D; jes after bis ovrctu * ^^ac fl afi TuceeeDe, toe topi cenifie

pou bereaftcr. t^ua lore pe toeU, from rfje courtCj at tjje Jioeu

The fcconde bookc ofthe firft Decade>to

jifcanius rpborci*, VicountCatdmal.&c.

|Ou repeate (rp^bt bommrable p?mce) tbat

'pou are oefp?ous to hnotue uiUat neiucs toe

! ijauc in ^papnefrom tbe netoe too^Iae,anD

^tbattbofe tbma^ UucgrearlpDelptcDpou,!


to!ricbc3! to^ote unto poor^gbneOeoftbe

jtp^ft jpaaigation: ^ou fljal notoe tbe


iiie to'jat batb focceeueo." - f

>;us a famottji totone in big!) fepapne,in refpect from poo,ano is in tbat pane of &>papne tobidje t eaifeD c*ft<lU y<ttu .

bepngoidantfrom Giles about, jcimpfes, 5>ere tbe rotate re*

mapneft, toben about tbe. fr. oftbe Calenoen of 3p?piL^ ^ ^ .'.^^*/^ ^ f . . . - >W A *_


qoeene, rrttfijmp; tbem tbat tbercDiere

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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The firft D<cade.

if ftiDbpppKl &nttoooj&c rotljc ftpngano qutflic, f&at fjctan

none ot&er matter to ccrti&c tljcmof bp tije poto, but onlp

tfjac tljc 3 Dniira! tuitb Sue fl;pppej, anu fourefco?e ami ten men,

remapneo ftpll fa HijpamoU to fearcfce tOc fccreteg ofdje ilanoe,

ana rijat as toitcbpng; odjcr matters, be bpm felf*, luoulo fljo^tlp

make relation in tljep? p?efcncelip tojoo?tjc of moutl) : t!jerefo?e

tljeDap before t^e jf5cnc5 of3p?pl,l)e contetotOeCourte (;pm

felfe Klbac 31 learns of (?wi, aim ctlicr faytbftill atio credible

men,U)!jid)e came Untb Inw from die 3D!ntrn!I,3i Uiti rcijcarfe

Unto pou,in fucbe o:o:r as tbrp DeclareD tljc (ante to me,tu!;en 31

DemaunoeD tbem : tahc i c therefore as foloujc:!;, l;e rtjirD oapoftOe 3loes( of October, ticpartpng from Ferrer ibelatte oftbe

ifanoeji ofCanarj*Atiti from t!je coattfieiof&papne3Urit!j a j^a

we offeuemccne n)ippcs,tl)cp fap!eD,)c,ci.Dape!9i before rljep cameto anp tlanoe, inclining ofpurpofemojetouwioc tlje leftljanD

tljen at tlje rp^ll uopagc/oloUJinp; tljc no?tlj nojitfjeaft toinoe^aim

arriwctJ fp^tt at t!;e ilanoes oftlje Canibdes o^ Caribes, of lu!jiri;e 7imtc or$onlp t(;e feme luas; totoen to our men. 3monn; tbefe, ri;cp

cljaunccD fu)tt upon one/o befet luuij trccs 3rljat tljrp coulee not

fee fo murije asf an die fpace ofbare care!) 01 ttonie grouiiDc3tbi{

tljep calico 2)ow/M/cd,bfcaufc tOcp fauiiD it ondje^unDap.Cljeptarieo bere no time^ecaufe tijepfato it to be Defart. 3!n tbe fpaceoftfjefe.rri, Dape( 9 tbep tljpnke rijat tljep fapled cpcrjjt btm&ieo $

(b frefijlp foIoujtD rije (lerne ofdjep? ffjpppea. Sfter d;ep Ijao fap

leDalpdeftirtljer, rijep efpieo Dittcrs ilanaeisreplenyfljcD mitlj

fim^phmtit3oftrce05fTcnnOclu{jicl;c came frag;vant OiuourjS

offppcttano (beete ummest: Oeretljep faiueneptljerman

no? beaft,c rcept certapne Ipfartes ofljuge bppjne(Te3ad tljep re- ipCtrtM.

ptytro lulncb tocn t alaito to utette tbe countrep. ^:lj ts t lanu djepcalled G4/i4 o^ 04/4/1^4 : from tbe cape o? popnt ofrtjia flanoe,

cfppmgamoumapneatoTcof, tljep (apIeDtbpdjer, about.

mple0(romtt)(i$ mountapne, tljep &tne a rpuer Dcflenn

tofjtcb feemco to be a token offome great anD large flooD ,

wtbefp^a ianoe tobicoe fttp fatniDe uibabiceD from tlje flan*


t ;

ftwn *


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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^tatfttamnbiertla^rrrYour:' Cftrotmoe about tn ojaer, makpngtbedreeteincompatTelpke

a market place. 3no fojafmuebe a* 31 (jaue maDe mention of

he hmi&nnor ^W ^ou^) ft 'H not be greatlpfrom mp purpofc to Deferibe

in ui jat manner tbep are buvloeo : ^hep are maDe rounoc Ipke

belles oj rotnne pintlunuL bcpi frame is rapfeD ofejcceeDpng

bigb t rees,fer dole togeacber, anD fad rampaireD in tbe grouno,fo tfanDtng aflope, anD benoing imuarDe, ttjat the topped of the

trees iopne togeatber, anD beare one agapntt anoihrr, baupngalfo ttritbm the bottfe certame drong anD fljan pjoppes o? pottca

loljtclje fudepne the trees fromfallpng. ^hepcoiiertbemluitli

tbe leaues ofDate trees, anD other trees utonglpe compact mmtarDcneD, tobcrUiith tbep make them dofe from toinoe anD uiea-

tbcr. ^t the U)iite podesm p}oppea toirhin the ijoufe, tbeptpe

ropes oftbe cotton ofgoflampine trees,o? other ropes maDe of


r '

certapne long i rough roctcs,much Ipke Unto tbe U)?ubbe cal!eo

^4rtm,tuberof in olD tpme thep ufeo to make banDes fen uincs,

anD gables am ropes f ftp-.'.pcs. ^befetbcptpeouertbluarte

tbe boufe front pode to pode, en thefe tbep lap as it tocre ccr*

tame matreUesmaDe ofthe cotton ofgoflfamptne trees, urfjicbe

gro*o)c plenttfullp in thefe ilauDcs. ^his cotton the ^panparD^cal /&:lo, anD tbe31taliana*3w^/i/^: anD tbtudjepfleepe

inljanjpngbcDDes. 3 1 the entrance ofoneoftbtp?boufes,tbepfatuc ttoo images of uiooDlpke Unti ferDenies, tobicbe tbep

thought b-iD been fuche tDo!s astbep honour : but tbep learnco

afceruiarDetbatdjep lucre fet there onfpe fo? comelpneffe, fo?

tbep knoUie none other goD then the funne anD moone, althoucrj)

tbep make certatne images ofgolfampiiie cotton to p OmtlituDt

offuche pbantades as dnp fap appeareto tljcm in tbe npgljt*

Our men founD in tbepit Ijotfes, al kinDes of earthen uefTels, not

muchc bnlpke onto ours. ^Lbep founDe alfo m tl;ep? fcptcbens ,

jpine eortttie. mansflen)e,Ducke30eU)e,ffgoofeflefljev'rtmonepot,aitDotbeton the fppts reop to be UPDC to tbe fp?e. en:ring into their inner

flrrofebeattfIo:}5Pn3c35^ founD* fa?gottes of tbe bone u ofmens armes

fboiwf. ami legges, tu'.jichc tbep fcferue to make heaoes fo]t rbep?ar

ro>o;s, beeaufe thep lacke iron , tbe other bone3 tbep cad auwpto'.ien tbep b-we eaten thefl t'(he.^:i)epfoinnelpkeiapfttbebeao

. "'he decades,Bancroft Library,


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Page 99: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The f)fft decade. Ij

m re*tbafl o? paflace,

thepcontetogeatbtt toplape Cabentljeppereciucotbeeom*

rnpngof our mciMbepfleaae. 3!n tbeflt Ijoufes tlje? fount

alfoaboutijirttcrtUD?encapttuc0,U)(jidje lucre referueo ta

be eaten, but otirmen tooke tljetn atoap to bfet'jemfo? inter*

pietert. *ard)inaj mojc otligt mlp tbe timer parts of$e ilanD ,

tie? founoc feucn otljer rpuer*, bpgjcr tljcnttjts toljtclje lue

fpahe of before, rumtpngt^ougi) tljc tianoe, Undj ftuiterull

anD plcafaum banhc0, Delectable to tdjoloc , ttljts tlanne

tljep callcu Guadalupcafo} tljc foiitlt tt ifie tljac it Ijotlj to t^e mount Ttlr monnt

GW4//'Mrm^papne,U4eret|}e imajjeof tl;e birgtnCparic oua&aitipu*

is rdigiounp Ijonoureu, but $e !nljabitaunte call it CArucuena, <Canifnfti^o? Qjttraquiera : 31 1 is tljc c'.jeefc habitation oftljc c<<w;7;4/fj.ctjcp

bjotigljt from tljis tlanD.Uii.popirtiape?(,big[o;cr tfjen pljcfants,

mudbeDpfferpna; from otljer in colour, Uaupngtljep^baclxes,

fycae*, anu bellied ofputple colour, aun tlicpi lupngea of otlj cr

Variable colours : in al tljefc llanos is no lefle plentte ofpoppt^

tape^ rljeu tuit Ij 03 of fpa rrolues o? ttarclrn^etf* a 3 toe tying;

bp capons anti Ijenncss to frankc ano make tljem fat, fa DOO ti;cp

rijefe bigger feinoes of^oppniape* fo? tbe fame purprfe. 3ftet

, asfoone asD|luf toftp8!J

tljepljau efpiet tt)cm)tl)cpcalleD tljcir conipaiipcoa:cat(jer? an9as (bone as tljcp bao biokcn p CaniUles boates 07 luljrcrs (uriH

d)e tbep cal cJHM / ) tljcp loofeo tijcp? anKers tbe oap bcfb;e tbe

3Ioes ofiSouemberjanD Departeo from GudAlupca. Cohnu* tbe

awtitral/o^ tbe Dtfp?e Ije baD to fee bia comyaniona, uibicbe at

bi$ f>?(! uopage lie left tbe pecre before in flifpamoU to fearcb tbe

countrep,letpaffe>nanpiIanoebotbonbiBrp0fbt banDc3 gt!eft

banDe,anofapIeooircctlp tbptbet ^pdjetoaptbereappeareofrom tbe nojtb a great ilanD3uM)ici) clje captiuea tbat toene eaten

inHiffwioLi, eafleD Madanino, 0? Matiww, affirmmg tttobc

Wwbiteu onfp tat!) ujomen^to to*5 tbe Cnftifo baue acteOe at

Uxmten t&ep keepe twd^tbem

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Page 101: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Hiefyrft Decade,

ttfep &atic gveat And flrtnw catted ojt oennetf fit ftf

grounDe, to tljc \abicbe tbep flee fyfafftamifanpmen refojce

bnto tbem at anp ocber tpme tbenig appopntcD 9 ano tljcreDe*

fenbe ttjc iti feiue9 toitb bot&00 ano arrott)0s agapitff tbe Wolenct

offline &0 attemp te to tmwtJc tbem ^Tbep couloe not AC ttji^j

tpmeapp^ecotljtgaanDe, Oprcafonof tbe j?5o?tl; no^tbeaH

topnne, urfjiclj bletne fo Ueijemcndp from tfje fame, UHjeraiJ cbcp

nouie folotueb tf)e Call foutbcaae . after tbcp oeparteo from

Madanino, anD fapleti bp c^e fpacc of .0. mple^, tbcp paffeo not

farre from another ilanoe Wdj tljccaptpueisfap^etobcuerpe

poptausf, ana rcplcnpilicu toirtj al t'.jpngcg! neceifarte fo? tlje

ft ofman W0 t&ep catoo Afnu 5m^i. becaufc it toad fall

*tu. ofmomitapnw , ^Ije captpues further Declare*, cbat tbe Cam

aboue arljou&nuc mplcs coljtmtfa^mcn. Ebe Dap folototng,

tfjepfatue an otber ilanue, tOe toljiclje

tbep cafleo

an otljer, tobic^e rljcp caHeu s. Af*#//, Uibidje rijep let paOetnttus Mir- alfo,becaitfe tljep dan noleafure to tarrpe . IpKeiopft t&e tfjtrDe

nut. 0ape tbep efpteo another, ti*ofe2)/4mrtr4/fpoeje3ctenopng front

Maria tbeaaetotbeUJea,tbeptu05eDtobeaOmiD?eD ^fpftiemple*

is%cp affirntc aQ cljefe Oaaoc0 to be maruelottd fap;e anD fruite-

full : (n'g laH, tfjep cafleD Sanaa Maria Jntiijua. ^>aplpno; foj*

toaroc, anD leaupng; manp otljer ilanDetf , after tbep baD fin}*

IeD about fourttemplecijt^ep cbaunceDbpon an otbff^ntucb bppj^

/!!< ernci/, fi^tbenanpoftberea,tii|)tdjt!jmbabitan0 call XyXr,buc tbep

?3MriN or


nameDit Iw&bamb : i&ere t^ep caa anker to fetcjje fretbe

jc 4Tanu>aic0. juater C&c 3Dmtral alfocommaunDeD ,r#, men to goe a lanoe

ootofbtiSoumebpp,anDto&arcbebeflanD: i[)eretljepfoanDe

foure Do&jesi on dje Iboje . W)t SltibabttaiitjS txtCtmbAles, ano

maradousfypertetnOjooring, asladtoomenasJmen, antiufe

to infect tbcir arrotueis Untft popfotiQLlben tbep ^aD tarieD tfjtrc

ttoo Daprjai, tbep fatoc a fatre of a CK>* , in tbetoftcbetaere

_ __ etgbt men, anD ad manp foramen, Ijaupng bno) tbem bolue^

raDl"1010^ $fyp fiend? aflaplcD our men ttttboot afl

fcait, airt

teuetenct^anii obepeD as tbouglj (be toerc tbep?

tow toaptcD i^uon (et) be^ng apoung nwn, flronglp

maoe,Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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,of fcrriWc antjfroUmjmgcoiintcnaticc^rtJaltefacc.

Our men, leatte tlxp fljoulpetafce tfee mo?e fcurtc bpbepng

UiounDcDafarreof, tl>oi;glKitbeaetoiopnetoul) tbcm. fcber*

fine tiiitb al fpceDe,f: t;tng fym.uD uritb tljetr o?es tfce tytganoine

in utoiebe tljcp lucre fettealanoe, tljcp oucrtunico tbetrC^n^

tuitlj a great btolencc, uiljfriK being oucrtuljelmetybep nottoitlj-

nanDing,a0 tod tbc uwmcn ajs rijc nwn,ftpmmtng, cade tbep^cartes at our men tincfce ano tli jccfoloe 3 1 tfjc Icngtl), geo

tljcrpngtljcm fduesi togcatljcr upon a rode couereo tuttij tbc

mater, tfjep fougljt uianfuHpbmpltt(jcpU)ca- cttcrccmcantJ ta-

ken, one bepng flapne, ano tlje qucencs fonnc fo?ctoounDcD.

tililjcn tljcp lucre bpugbt into tfje admirals tytppe, djep Dpo no

moicputoftbcir ficrceuesianncruelcountfnaimre^tbcnDotbe CDClionisof /;>iw Uiljen tfcep percetuc tbem fehttjci to be bounce in * r bl

cbapnetf.Cbere i^ noman ablerobeljolDetljcm, butljcWlfcclcljis bo^elss grate luttO a certapne ^rour, nature ijarl>

cnmieo tljcm luitlj fo terrible menarincj ano crueH afpeet. Fiji's;

coniccmre 31 mafte ofmee felfe,$ otfjer ruljtcl; oftentpmed tuent

tuirij me to fee tljcm at Metlymm Campi: but nolue to returne

totljeuopage. 15?oceemngt^us fiirdjeranDfiirtIjer,nto?et!jcn

fpue Ijuno^cD inpie0, f^fte toUjarue tljeluettfoutljUJctl, tljen

touiaroe t[)e foutljlyett, and at tlje lengtl) toUiaroe tl;c Uicd

no?rf)U)ett,tljepentreD into a mapnc large fca, Oaupngtuitin*

numerable ilanDc0, manteplouflp Dpfferpnp; one from anctbery 3fnnnmrrai>!t

fo?(ome4ftbem towt uerp fruiteM, aim fuHofijearbeg anu suinaea.

treed , odjer fonic, uerp o?pe,barreny antj rotigb, tutttj (jiglj roc*

fepe niottntapncjs(of(lone,tOijcrcof fometoere ofb^pgljtblcUir,

*} afuriiie colour, antj otl)ergIpnerpngU^pte:U)berefo;etl)cp


p^ctoujs (Jone0j buttberoutf;nen^oftl)efet5 anD nudtttulie

i!anDea(ranijpng(btl)pefie togtatljier, I;pii5ereo tl;cm fo, tfct

Jljepcoulue cad no anher, left dje bigger ucffefle0fl)oulDtrunne

bppontlje rocket : tyerefye tbep Dgferreo t^c fearcljpng of

rfcefe.Cannes bntpti anote rpnte: ftep lucre fo manpe, aim

ftoooelbrbpcke, ifeat $ep coulfte not number rbem, pet $*

tbem, anDnumb?ebfourtieanorpr^ Canoed , btit tlje bpgger

fMWftlmtiooft in tje mapne fiw* fbj toe of ftc rockcss."

Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

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DC rea ran* t*e? tan tfe fea tote ttytf multitude of tiatot* are

abtente* eaU

Ojfl**u: but tfcp WlttlCD it//. S . Jobmur.

fbem^^ tee tyro Dripucreo from t!)e CtmMes, fapoe tl;ac

tl)cpU)ercbo?nem dji0 flanue, affirming it tobe toerpepopulDu*ano trutcfua^auros alfo manp faire UJOODDCJJ aiiD Oaucnjs . ^6er12 ncaWp bantu ano continual battaplc bertnenetfjcmanutfje

CMibaUs.Wbw ijaue no boated to paffe from tfjeir olane coaile*

to the Caw^/w : but if it be tl;cir cbaunce to ouercome tljcni

to'jcn t!)cp make innirfion into rijep? countrep to fccke tljctr

p?ape(as it fometpme Ijappenetb, tlje fin tune oftoarre being bn>

ttttapnc)ti>epferue c^em <+ ifa fattfc, requiting ocatb fo?

Dca tb . jTo? one ofibem mangeletlj an oti;er in pieces, anQ roflfe

tijm >anDcate^cmcuen before tljcir epetf. ^OcptarpcDnot mtin* ttanfte : |? et in rijetocU angle tl^crof, a&Uieof tbem tocnt

a lantjcfoifreflbeujater, anDfounoea great ano bigbboufcafttt

rtjc maner oftbeir buplDpivg^bauing jrii otbet oftijcir txdgare

cotage* placeu about t'je fame , but lucre all lefte ftefofate, tuljc^

tber it bxre tfcattfcp refo^ted to tbe motmtapne0 bp reafon oftbe

(jeate ufcic& Dowtljattpmeof tbe peere, anD to rewrite to tbe

plapnete^entbeap^tovetbcouloerj o?elsfi)?feareoftbe c

3!n al tbts Oanoe id onlp one kpng . 3Dbe foutb fpoe Ijntoferrcn^

Detb about ttuo btmo^etlj mpletf S>!jo?dp after,tbep came to rtje

ilanne of Hiftaruol*, being nidame from dje firde toe of

.fpei#mrjet^out of o^Dcr, ano tbep? feb)Uie0 flapne tticbe tfcep lefte bere

e. 3fnattbdtWtopige. 3fntbeb^pnfnjngofH^mf/4ban* fo (t manp regions ano fcpngDome* ad toe batteiapoe )

iMguee. ^e jjg^j rf^^^ , toboftkpng 10 nameO Guaccanarilbs.



<*"' afcboitgMe tfOmnile&tbe fame,anop?etenoci>h^^tbe

vi0M|V0Wtf ffCttFtlf i ^MP ftttf fftttt ZdP*D Oft ft^C ^ ftHfTnfnfffa

tbep efpteba long Cano* uw'tb manp o?ed,

b^otfretof G**ww/flk<.trift otfp one

Eden, The decades.Banoroft Library.


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tbe name ofbi* tyotber , an* totoe a tale

language a0 ccncernpngtbe watfcof ourrwn/aartjeppjooucoafariDarDf, butat tljia tpmc baDno regard* co Ijt0 commune

cation fojlaefce of intcrp?ctour*, tobicbe toereeptljcrafloead,

cj cfeapcd ana fftrine atoap toljen tfjep Djctoc neare tlje

But oftbe ten/eucn i>peD bp cbaitnge ofap?e ann Dpec*

Ijat)ttaunte0oftljefe ilanDes Ijaue ben euerfoufco

licrttc, tnplap anD paflpmc, tljat t^ep can Ijarolp atuap luttl;

tljepoUc of feruttioe, luljirlj tljcp actempte to fijahcof bpameaneisi ttjep map . 3D furclp pfebep bat reeemeu our religion,

3Itoou!oe tbpnfte tljep? Ipfemoffebappte of all men,

ntpgljt tberetuitlj entope tbep? aunricntlibertie

tontcntetl;cm 5 baupngnoDelptemfudjefuperfluitie^

lull i cljc in onjer places men take infinite papne*, ano commit

ijianpeiinlaujftill acccsSyjnDpetarenciierf

npebaue to muclje5anD none pencugb. ^utamong tljefe fpmple

fouIcs,cifciDcriotljesfcrue tl;c nakeft: toeigbtes anu mcafurcs

are not neeocft rt to fudj c asi ean not Chpl of era ft ano tecepte,ano

baue not tlje uft of p e(!i feroiw monep, t(je feeoe ofinnumerable

mifrijcetiescfotbarpf lue (ball not be adjameo to confelft tlje

rruetb, tljep fecme to lute intljatgofoentoo?Ioeof tljeurfjidje

o]DeU)?pterg fpeafee fo mucl;e, uiberein men Ipueo

ano innoccntlpe tut tbout enforcement oflatoe^toitbout Quarrel*

Ipna;,tuDge0,anDubti!e0,contem onlp to fatifue natttre,luitljout

further bcjtatton fo? knotukogeof tbpnged to come. $>ett(jcfe

naketi people alfo are to?mentcDUhtb ambition, fo^pDefiretbep &AH* mm

ant) oeutop one anotljer, from tlje Uiljtrije plague 31 fuppofe tlje

golucn Ujoilne Uiais not free. Jfoj euen tljcn alfo, c edejim ted*m,

rljat te^ette ptocr3 ano 31 toill not gette placed entreD among <5eu pi*t.

inen,But notoe to recurne to tlje matter from ttfjicl) uie baue Hi*

grefleD.^e admiral defemtgl to knotu fiirtber of ocarij ofbut

men, fern fo? Giucctntvllu! to come to Ijim to bi0 fljip

notUmg btfoje <wr rmn&ad fcipucreu


I Eden. The decadesBancroft Library.

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c of



The fir ft

from tfje cAnildies , anp earnefflp rfWBpng one oftljem tojjom

ourmencalleo &at(jerine, Ije rpakegen:elpbntoljer, 3n&t!jus

toljcnbe Ijao fcenc miD marucplea at tljc Ijojfeg, atio fucfj ofetl;png;0 as uicrc in tljc ftpppCjUnknoUJcti to tbem^nD (jao toicfc

a gooo grace ano merplp afkeD leaue oftlje ^Dmiral, y r Depac<

teD.r/ctfomctl;ere toerc ui'jfdje counHipIeD cl;e Somirall ta

feeepe I;pni ftpll, cfjac pfc(;ep mpoftt bp atrp meaner piooue $atijc U)*10 confentpng to tlje Dca tl; ofour men, Ijc mpo^t br punp<Qjeo aceo?opnglp, But tlje ^Drniral confpoerpng rtjatittuai

pet no time to tncenfe the mljabttanteg niintics to U)iat(;3 mfmif<

fed !)im, ^tje ncrtoap folotopng:, tlje bpnp;c0 1??otljer rcfo?tpngto rtje n)pppe(3ept^cr tnljis ounw name oj in (jig b?ot(jer3,(eriu

fcotljeluoinen. tfoj on tlje nejctnpgbt about mponpgljt, tljris

Eatljerme3 aftueatorecouerl;eroU)neIibertie, a0 alfo fcer fe

IoU)ei2S3betng; fubo^neo thereto ettljer bp tlje king o? l;t* b?otberrf

^omtfe^attempteD a mucbe mo?e Difficult anD iwunrjero0 aD<

uenture tljenopu c/o^w ofHome5Ujijtdje bepng in Cottage toit&

otbermapDeaftotOeking Torcetu, Deceiueo ter fe^eperg, anurooeoucr ^ rwer Tiber, uwtj tbeotljer uirginatuljidjujerepleo'

ge0 toitfj Oer, jTo? Uiljerea0 tfjcpfujamraeoer tlje riuer on fjo?

bncfte3tln)S Katljermc init^ feuen otfoer tQomen,miffpng onlp to

tlje drengrtj of tfteit otone anne05fujam aboue tfjjec long rnile^,anotfjatalfo atfurijetimeastljeleaUiaa fcmetoW roug^: fo?euen fo farre offrom ri;e fljo?e lap tlje (frpppes at roDe, a0 np$a0 tbep coulue confecture. But our men folouring tljem tottlj tlje

n)t'pboate0,bp tlje fame lig^tfeene on t&e fl)o?e,toberebp t^e UJQ.-

mentoereleODe3 tooftettj?eeoft^em, fuppoOngt&at laa^crineUitcfj tlje orlicr fcure,tuent to Guaccanarillus : fo) in tljc (p^pngoft\)t mining, certaine meOengew being fent bnto l^tm bp tlje

i intelligence tfcat Ije Uws fleUDe toitfj al Ijiu fonulie

Cifpectum tljat be toad confempng to tbc Deatlj of our men.GLH;erefo?e tlje aDmiratl fentfoo^tij an armie of tfyce fjunti?eD

men, ouer tl;eWeb be appopnteD one Melcbior to be captaine,


y^w tljerefb?e toi* tJ;e fmaileabeOrfleseiurpngintg tbe

cotmtrepliptfjehuergj auDfcourpngtbeQjo^j, cfcunceo into


Eden, The decadesBancroft Library.


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ftippoftngtljnt it l;ad bpn rfje mourf; offomc great rpucr

foimoebcare alfoa Ucrp conmtodtousandfafeljauen, and

foje named it Portus%*/// . lj*P Cap tbat ibe entewnce oftba

10 fo croohco ana bending, tbat after tbefljpps are once toritbin

tlje fame,tobdjer tbep turne tbem to tlje left bana,oj to tlje rigbf,

tfjep can not percepue tuljcrc tfjep came in,lmtpl tbep rcturne ta

tlje moutl) of tlje rpucr, altljougO it be tfjere fo b^otie tbat tbjce of

tljc bpggeft teflcls map faple togearljer on afroont , Ije fljarpe

ano ijiffij IjpHcis on tlje one fpDe ant) on tljeotljcr,fo bwhc the

topnDCjt'.iat djep Uiere bnccrtaine Ijoui to rule tljep? faple0*3ntlje

mpoDle gulfe of tlje rpuer, tl;ere fe a mmottafr o? point offalano luitlj aplcafant grouejftil ofipopingiapesi ana otfjcr bp^Dos,

mljtdjbjceDetljcrtn^finp; berp ftueetlp : ^;cp percepuco alfo

tljat tmci rpuerjsofno final largcuefle fell into tlje Ijauen, COhplc

tljcp tljitiS fcardjeD tlje lanoe betUicne bodj , MeUhiorefyitoz

tigljljoufea forreofy tu!;ere fitppofing tbat Guaccanarillus ijati

Ipen IjpD, ije mane totoaroe it : ann as be uiaiei gopno;, tlj ere met

bym a man Uiidj afcoiunpng countenance, ann a grpmmc lookr,

ml) a ljuiiD;cD men folotupng Ijpm , armeo uiitlj DOUJCS ano ar^

rolur0, ano long and Q)arpe (taueiai Ipke iauelpnnc0, maoc

(jiirocattljccnocs luitljfpjf, U)ljo app^odjing toUurocs our

mei^fpa&e outalouo UJttli a terrible Uopce3faping tljat tljcptocre

r<j/H/(tljat i$) noble men,ano not Caoibales : but U)l;en our men

(jaogcucntljemfignes ofpeace, tljep left bodj tljcp? lueaponis

anD ficrccncire.^ljits geupng edj oftljem ccrtapne banker beltf,UWICB i>cu.

tbep tooUctcfoifo great a retuarde, djattl;epoefp?eo to enter

tonnea ofneare frenDUjpp luitlj U33nnD feareo not immeoiatlp to

fubmi t tljem fdttcs under our pouter, anD refo?tcD to our fljppst

tot tb tljetr p?efcntc 0, ^:ljep tbat meafitreo tbe boufe(bepng maDc n urge tour*.

in round foitnnc)found tt to be from fpoe to fpdr. jcrjtii. great pa<

ct0, compafleo about undj rrjc.o tljeu oulgare Ijoufeis, Ijaupng in

tbem manp beamed crofle oucr, ^ couereo Untlj rceueis offundip&****& fim*

l U8'

cur men aiked fome oftbem tofeere djepmigbt fino Guaccantnl**t ^bep anftoereo,tedjat region UMSS none of bt0, but tljcp?


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Page 113: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


0a&png ttjerefye a bjotljerfp league toftf; tW """' ftbat fii

to Hip a fcpng) tbep returnee totbe flamiral, to make relation

U)lMt tljep Ijaafeene anatjearoc: thereupon be Cent focitljto

tiers otijer Cemuriana Untlj tbep? Ijunajeaea, to frardje ilje

countrep pet furtber : among toljidjeujere Hoicdus atiD GoruaU.

>.s noble pounggentlemensana of great courage, flnaaa tbep

luent touwae tlje mountapnea to feefce G*uc*Krillmt &tuu)mgtlje mouneapnca bet'4)eene tbem, one of tfjem founae on tbe one

4? !b tilfpaetbereof, fottre rpuera fallpng from tlje fame motmtapnea,


ana tlje otfjet founoe tfjjcc on tbe otijer fpae . 3In tlje fanoca ofa!

tfjefe ritterat'sfoimue great plentte ofgolae^Ijiclje tbe tnljabt-

tatmte0oft[jefametianaeti)b(cbeU)crc tuitb uei, geatberea in

tljia manner: mnkpngljolea in tbe fanaetuitljdjep^anaes a

Oibitc aeepe^ ana tahpng up fanae untij tljein left banaea from

t!) c bottotne oftlje fame, tljep ppckea out grapnca ofgolae iuitf)

tbep?rpgbtljanDw Uhtljout anp mo? e art o^ cumipng, ana fo

acluiereaitcoourmen, toljo affinite tljatmanpofrijem djus;

geatberea, toere as bpgge aa tares! oj fptdje0 3na 31 mec felfie

faU)c a malTe of rifle golae (tljat ia to fap, fttdje aa toas neuet

moulten) Ipl\e Unto ftidje Hones aa are founae in tlje bottomed

ofrpuersi, tueigljpng m'enc ounce*, lubidje Ho/Wd Ijpm fclft

founae* Bepng content imtlj tljefe ftgnea, rtjep returnea to

rije Qamirall to ccrttficfjpmljcreof . JTo? t^e ^amt'ralUjaa cent;

maunaca bnaer papne ofptinpO nicnt, tljat tljep ujoulae mcaafe

nofurtljertljentbep^commiuKon: luljtcbe toason^tofe.ndjctlje placea toitlj tbepj fignea. JTo? tlje fame toent tljat tbere lu.^

a certapne kpng of tbe mountapnea from torfjence tbofe rruert

(jaa tljep? faU5\uljom tfjep cal CAMUS CAtmaioadw. \s$,t lo^a of

rij e Ijoufe ofgolac/o* tbep cal a l;oufe 'Boa, golae, Caun;, ana a

kpng o? Io?ae Cacicus.w toe fcauefapae before. ^l;ep afftrme

that tljere can no teljcre be founae better fpujr, no? ofmo? c pie* I

fant tane,o,i mo^e Ijotfome tljen in tbcfe riuera : alfo tlje uiatcrt

oftlje fame to be mode Ijolfomc to a?pnke . MMior bim fdft

tcfoeme, tljat in tbe monetb ofDeccmber5tbe aapea ^ npgbtrt

igtb among tlje, Candies : but t|je fpljere o? en*

dta oftbe beauen agreetb not tbcreumo, albeit tbat in tlje fame



tec, atJb plcn;

^e^e^bprealbnof *e teate, bepng rat&cr con

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 115: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

.The firft Decade: 17

tfjcn etftcmc $c toloc niealfo b)(?cn3 quethoneu tuitfj

ljutt at conrrnung; y equation of rijc pole fro tljc ljo?i?omal line,

t&atalcfKlhrrescaUeD ?/**rw*o;t cariesimpne, arc

wrrfjetftojtbpcle to t!je c+iib*ks. 3nofure!prtjerer

nonefrom tljence at $ia b:oa3c,to tufran tljere 121 mo?e creDitroortjje yolr*

be geuen, djcn to rfjijsman . But iffee IjaD bpn fluifttU in 0ilro*

nonnc, be n.iouioe (jauc fapae tljactlje Daplua^almoae equafl

iDit^ t(je n%W : JTo? in no place tatoamtftcflap ofd;eftmne

(calfeD Solflidum ) cant&e ntg^c be cquall lutrij tfec uaj> ,

6? tljcm, tl;epneuercamebn!JCcdjc^jK.'ow/, fojafm

tfjcp {iaD nar tljc JI5a?tI; pole t(jen gu^> -1^ cuer elcuate in

OgicabotietfjeHor/^oM^/. ^:i)si>me3 t^iffrip m^'tten iwico

pour bonmir, ajs niucbe agi 31 ri;ougljc fufficient at tf


ano fyall (Ijottlp bcreafrer (Op ($000 fauoure)U^ptelmtopou

mo?clar0cfp offuel) m^tttcrd as tbaflic Daplp Dcrter kitolani jfoj

tbe ^omtral OpmfjIfe(Ui!;oni 31 Ufefamptrip as nip ijerpfrenDe)

ft-Ttlj pjiciiuTcD me bp I)i0 letterd^Oat !;e lopl grue nirlxnctolcDjeofal fud) Binges a0 fljall cbatmce. Of l?arij noUic cljofcn a ftioiirj

place iDiict c (^ ntap builD a c(t:e,itrarc unto a c5mootou0 -jaaen,

anD ijat^ alreop btrploeo ntanp Ijcufr^anD a c!;apc!5m tlje \uljicb

(a in a nclue too?lbe!jerctofo?e uopDe ofall religion) (SoDijx

DaplpfcruetUJit!;.iriu.p?ieto,acco?Dpnp;to tlje manet of our

t^ardjeg. Q!icntOctpmenoU)2app?oet)CD tljat (jc p^ompftDto fcnDc to tfiekina; anD qt-een r, ano Ijnupno; pioCpcrcua lufnbe

fo? tl;a: purpofc, fent bad tlje.ictuCaraucllejcisUJljfroftuc nurtie

mention before: U)!j;cl; toad no fnwi ijpnDcrance atiD gt ctfe bnto

()pni, cfpeaalfp eonH^erpng rtje oeart; of l;tt men U)i;om Oc lefte

iiuljc i!ance at djcfp?Hucpaae,tu!;crl)pUJearcrctipo^mof

manp placet; aia o:!jer fecretfs, tu!;crrf Die mpn^t oiljcrtopfe

&aue ban fortbcr fenotulcsge : bur as (pme Pjall retteale tl;em a-

gapne, fo topll 31 amiertpfirpouofttcfame . 3nu tljatpounta?

t|je better ftnotoe bp conference bao mitb tOe A$Qtbtc& its anD


Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

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Page 117: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fyrft Decade.

altbougb tbep be not burtfuH, pet ioj tbep? rjeette of beate, tbep

are (barpe, ana bpte tbe tongue pf tbep rcmapne anpurtnie

tljcrcon: but pftbe tongue beblpftereo bp taftpng oftbem, tbe

fame is taken atoapbp D?pnfejmg of \uater. Of tfce co?nealfo

toljercof tljfpmalierijep?b?eaD5tI)i;3b?pnget (ball ueliuer feme

grapnc0 to pour loiDQjpp^orlj mbyte ano blac&e, aim d;cru?it (^

. 01 alfa atrunkeoftl)ctrceof ^/<j,rijctobic(jepfpoiiaitin peecc0,

lignum ior0. pou (ball feele a ftoeete fauour to pjoeec&e from tbe fame,

fare pou IjartilpuH9 from tbe Court fMi&yitjpjDc oap before tlje Calcwoeis of spap, /fwo 2)om. 1 4^4,

The tliyrde booke ofthe firft Decade,to

Cardinall ofjtragonie, and

Neuicwe to thcJcyng.

gapne rule tbe cbanotss of tbe &>urme , ano

contenoe to tyatoe facetc hcours out oftbe

ttefipnt,tebcra0 pou require me conif

crtbe tei CD pou tbe netne toojto, fount) in tbe

ft bp tlje goon fortune ano goiieniaur. * t

oft(jcCatI)OU(}uep?mcCS FcrMnandtu- atiO

, pour ade ano aunte , (betopng mealfo tbe Icttcns

offcpng Ftederiks pour Unrie,ujntten to me in tbat bebalfe: But

fptlj poubaue lapDe tbt^buroen on mpbacke,in UJljfli: pouicr it

iiStocomnwunttemcto take bppon me mo?e tbeit 31amtocU

able, pe botb (ball receiuetbw pieciotw (lone ntoelp elofeo ui

lean after mp manner oftoojfcemanfbpp. <I22bcrefo?e,U}benpou

(balpercciuetbclearneDfo^t frtntrtp, tbe maltttottf ettutoufltf,

ano tbe bachbvters rurioi^p, to benoc tbep? flaunocrous darted

agapnttour fap?e Wjmpb ofrfje Ocean, poa (bafl frerip pjoteft

(nboiue (bo?ttpme,anom tbempooeftof tobattrouMeaanoc*

pou toeytom Gr<4M tlje ntentlj cap. fcefo^e tbt Calenftw if

*<!, fllfcW.efct^rfjfrC^^Kifc

Eden. The decadeBancroft Library

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ThefirftDecacfc l8

t 3$ut notDeiueemenDe further to fyetoc

luljat befowioe as concerning the nature of to tlanDc, aftcc

ibat be Iiao better fearcheo the fecretes of the rune : LpKetbpfe

of the ilanoe ot t - ncare Ditto tt , luljfcljc be fuppofeo to be cljc

fmnteMnDe. Htj'f.v.hla tfjercftnc (lubtcbebe affirmed; to be

0/'A/;u)!)ercGfU): reaoc lutljerbPioe bookc of the kpnges) ts

oflatituDf fwc font!) Degrees, (jaupng the no?t(j poteeleuarc

otuljenouijfpDc jcrui. Decrees, ano"on the foutbfpDc (a3tl;ep JKJfop) mi. Degrees, itreacijetl) in lengrb from ^aft to CClcd, fc*

itcn OtinDico ano foitrefco^emples, it is Diftamfrcm the timiDfsf

of G.i.la (caHen Cj/t i)]cltt, oej;ree6,aiio maKr^s fontefap: the

fouvmeoftljeilanocrerembletl; tiiclcatfcof a Cocfmttie tree.

U.JonaOpgbhpHonthc J^oitb fyD: of tljeilanDe, t;c ImplDro j f ,baiXa ct:ic,bee.iun: tbi'3 place ID.VJ molt apt foj tlj.u purpofe,bp rca*

fonofamvneof (Ione0 to'jutc UM3nearcu:KotI;efemc, fcr*

upngtuellbotijto tolDeiuirh, anDa!C.itouidkclvnie: at the

liottome of this! hvlf, is there a great plapne 6fd)?ecfco:e nirf r si

in length, anDinbieaDrfj fomeusliere )t.fomcU)!Kre.ir.ni!e$

luljcreit i0 biotJe(t,'t ltj:c mpfcs inhere it is iwrrotofI! : rhjotiglj

cbis plapnc runtie Dtuers fapje rpucrs of tubolfonic luatcro, but

the greatest ofthem,U)hiche is nantga^le, falleth into ti;e batten

cf tl>e cie foj thefuaecdftaifc

a furlong: holue fertile anD fi uit*

fill this iiallep 1 3, voddMmoerftanDe bp theO: thptiges lu'nche

folonw. Ac Q}c?eTpis truer, rijep haue Ipnuttco ano en*atofcfnofnfnr,

dofeo eertaprt^rottnDj'to nuke gatDen? ano o?c!)parDes,in the union* frmf'e<i

<j fucheocher,U)a]ce rppe luithin joi capes after the feeoe

isfo^en, IvkeUipfe ^clones, (3oiirDcg,Cuninicr?5anDfudK

other, toitl)inthefpaeeof.]cr]cii.Dape^, thefc garDen bearbesp}j[?f


thep haue freifie $ grecne al the urfjcle pcere. 0lfo the rootcs of

djc eancs o? reeoec; ofthe Weottr thereoffuger te matir, gjotoea nibttchpgh U.ntljuuherpaccof,vu.Bap0, but the licour 10 um.notpetharonieo. l;e Ipke thep atfrme ofplanter o?fl)?otiDesf

ofpotmgumes, ano that thep haue thefeccmoeK^S^^orppe aiiD fiueete grapes ofthe (ante : but bp reafon oftomuchctankenefif thep beare buttoe chiders . ,fitrthcnnoje, a man

eoimerep fokoeo a Iptie Cabfite about tbe

ano tyougljt iwuhhpm tot^e ctucan^aiiofm dftm.of

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 121: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Ctje region of

|t golbttt

rtgfon of


Thefyrft Decade".

oftbe rppe eare* oftbe fame tbe tbpitie cap before tbe catenae* of

apiill, tobicb tta* tljat peere tbcbigfleoftbeftifurrectionof

ourlo?D . ai(b,alkpn&e* ofpulfe, a0 beane*, peafon/ptdiea,

tare$# fudj otber,are rppe ttopfe in tbe pern, as ai tljep Uiljtdje

come from tbence afficme untlj one toopce, pet tbe grounoeto not brauerfaHp apte to beare iu!;cate . In tlje meane tpme

lubple tbefe t(jtng;es lucre Doinn:, tljc ^omirall tent out a com*

panpe of.)C]Cjc. men to fearrije tfce Eegion of apanga, otbettopft

calico dbana. ^tjig! Uejiontsfullof monntapnesi miD rorkcs:

ano in tlje mpODie bacKe of tljc U)ijole tianoe i^ ^reat

plcnticofgoloe.CjCtljentljcp tbat toent to fearri;e tbe region

lucre returncD,tbep reporter) marudoug tljingw ag toucbino; ti-c

great rj>cOe0 ofto Hegion, /from tbefe mountapnesJ, oefccnoe

foure great rpuera, lulji cb bp tbc maruelouji tnmtfrrpe ofnature,

DiuiDctl) tl;e U)fjo!e tianoe into foure partej3,in niauer equaf,oiicr--

fp?eaDing t tuaterpng tlje U)(jole ilanoe ttntb tbeir b^ancbed ,Oftbefe foure rpuer&tbe one reacbetb toUwroc tlje Carte, tb&tbe

inbabitantca call lunnai anotber totoaroe tlje Uieftc, ano tit

cafleo -.Jttibtmicusi tbe tijiroe toinarD tijc jfto?tb,nameD lachew.

tlje laHe reacljct b into tbe ^poutb , ano is calleo ^/^. ^be Dap

before tbe Iocs of ^arcbc,tbeaDmiraIIbtmfelfe,tottbalb

bojfemen,. ano foure bun^ro footemcn, mardjeo Direedp to--

luaroe tbe^outb fpoe oftbe goloen licgion ^bud pairing otter

tbe rpuer, tlje plapne, anotijemouncapneiDbtcbenuironeDtbe

otberfpDeoftbepIapne, Ucbaunccutippon anotber bale, tatd;

a rpuer mticb bpgger tben tbe fpjfle, $ nianu otljcr meane rpuent

running tb^oagb CCtben be Ijao alfo ccnucigljeD bw armpe ones

tbe rptter, and paQeo tbe Ceconne bale, tobicb ^ag in no part it*

ftriour to tbe fp?ff, be maoe auiap tb^ougb tbe tljtrue moimtaine,

tubere toasf no paffage before, ano oefcenDeo into anotbc^bale,v .

rtmne manp fluooea ano rpuerjj out of etterp Ijpfl, anDtn tbc

fanwsioftbem all 10 founot great pfentie ofgotoe . ^nololjen

be ban notoe tmren th?eefco?e an& ttodue mpleis into tbc

goloen Hegtpn from tlje rttie^cntenoeo to bitplot a foptflfc

bppon tbc toppe ofa bpU, ftanopng bp^ fto>c ofa etrtapnt great

rpuer, tbat be tnpgbt tbe better aim mojefafolpefcardjetfceifc



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Page 123: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Decade.


, rtje ntfjabttatmtes bcpng Defpjon* ofbauhea <5oibe roi

ijcOeMia odjer ofour rbfnge*> refojteo Daplp tbptber, to tobom**M!

tlje 3DimraU DcdarcD, tbat pftlje?tt)outoeb?pun;golDc, clje?

ftoutoc baue usljatforuer rijcp tuoulDe afke. jfoo?ttilmelj turning

tbepjfaackcM"Q"pNa;to tbefooje oftbe nert ruter, tljcp

reoiriicD in a fhoite tpntc, b?pno^ng tuitt; d;em tljcp^ (janoes fid

ofgolue. amongaallotl;^ tljerecameanolDeman^pnffpnd; ^^p,,,,,iBit^imtttJoptbbleffoncjaiofgolDCjtucpgbpng an otmcc,orfp-

rpngtljmtogcucfjpnia bell fo? tfjefame: ^otaHjcnljcfaluc

our men mnrtttpic at tl;c bprrnene thereof, Ije mace fipcs; tbac

tijcptocrcbut (mallanDofnaualtic tnrcfpccteof foine tbat !;e

[MD fcene , ano tahpngm bus Ijanoc fourc (toned, tlje !ea(l tuber*

of iwaa as biggc as a Walnut, anft tl;c btgged as btgge 00 an

fiD;ange, Ije fapo tl;at tljcrc iu.is founoe pcece0 ofgoioe fo bpggein bis rotintrep, bepng but IjalfeaDapesftoimicpfrom tfjcnce,

anDtOattjjepbaD norcg3rtrctotljegeat(jerpngtljereof,U)(jerbp

toepcrrnuentUattljep paffcnotimicfjefoi golDc^nafnuirijeafii

it is golue onlp,butfo farre eOeeme ft, a^ tijc Ijanue oftl;e Srti*

ficcrbatb fefljtoncl? it manpcomelp fcurmr. .foiurtjoDootlj

p^eatlp effccmc rougO marbie,o? t)nto?oug!)t 3!uo?te.J

but iftljep

be to?oti(T[lK luitlj tbe cunning banoe of Phidias o? fraxitclcsmb

QjapeD to tl;c ftmflttaoe of^ fapje ^tmpbes o? JTaires of rt)C fca

(calleD Ncreudts) o? t&e jTap?es oftbe UJOODDC?S (calltD Hama*

driaties)ti)ty ft;al neucr lacte bper0. BefpBe rijis otoe man,rljere

came alfo Dwcrs otfjer, bipngpng toitlj tfjcni ppbble fl onc^ of

go!ne,toet'gbmg r.o^.ru D^amme0,^feartD not to confciTc, tljae

inp place tuyere tljep gearijereD tljat golD,$ere toere fbuiiD fom<

tpme ftonea ofgoloe as bpgge ag djc l;can ofa ct)t(oe. CCIfjcn &e *fore of

gentlcman,tD&f) a ft lu armeD men. to fearcb a! tbe parted of tbt*of

tegiomtobo at bfc retttt ne^epo^tcu tbac tbe tnbaiittama (betueu

bint greater tbpngearbentocbauefpoten of bere befbje,lmtbe

tipdopenlp Declare notbpngtbereof, lobtcbc djep tbougbt



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Page 125: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


neceflarie0. 30 Luxtnus returned to d>e 3mtnrall (to&idje

toa* about t&e3!oe0 of C^arc&e)!je founot int&e toooD0 certaine

taritoeuine0,rppc5anDof pleafant tatte, but t&e mfeabitaunte*

rockc0 (ano ferijerefojecaBeactfww, toijir&e i0agmudjeta

fap a0 a ttonc)pet it id tort replenpflieD tott& trcc0 ano palrure0,1

pea t&cp conttandp afltrme^t&at pf graOe oft&cfe mountapne*be cutte, it grotoctij agr.pnc tott&in t&e fpace of foure

Jolftr tit t&em&e tf rp>

era failing:om tDe


iftmfe anbbiritee.

Etje inonti*

a?i0 artoioe.

Boa fall in t&ig region* toljcreof t&e rpttettf ano fioo&oc0

t&ep? encrtafe, in euerp oft&e to&ic&e gdoe isi fbutwe m^t toit&

fanoe in all place* , djep iuDgc i Ijat dje goIDe ijai ti^puen from t&e

mouncaync0,bp tljc bdjcment courfc oft&e ftrcamcs lu&ic&e fan

from t&e fame, ano runne into t&e rpuenr* f;e people of c&i$

region are gettcn to itienetTe ano plap, fo? fuclje as tnbabtte t&t

mcinuapnc0, fpt quafepngfo? colDc in dje capntcr feafon, ano

&aD rat&er to toanncr u p ano ootonc toeHp, t&en take djepapne*to make t&cm apparell, toijcrc ass tljcp &atie toooDDcsi ftill of

(Soflampine cotton : bit: fticlje a0 DtocII int&e ballet o? plapnesf,

feelc no coioc in Cctpn tcr. CClljen t&e ^DmiraQ IjaD tlju0 fear*

(&eo t&ebegiimmg of t&e region afabanafa rcpawcD to Ifabel*

I* (foi fo Ije nameo t&e cttic) to jcre,leaupng dje gouenwuncc of

c&e3llanDe tottlj &i0 Deputies, ljep?cparCD Ijpmfdfc to feared

fitrt&er t&e limi ttc0 ofdje 3!lanne ofCuba o? lobama, ui&ic&e &e

petnoubteoto bet&efinnelantie auo Dtdant from H///><m;o/<

snip ttr, ntplc0 vC&i0 DPD &e toidj nioic UJCCDPC crpcDttioii

calipngtorcmmib^auncc t&ckpngcscomniaunDcmcnt, tolja

toplleo &pm rp^tt toitl; al celcrttie,to oucrrunne t&e coaffc0 oft&e

BrAft mp otbn neto 31lanDe05!clI anp ot&c r p?mcc Qjouloc in t&emcane time at*

Pitnw. c.j^pj^ i^ajj fa faM^ f0?^g i^pj^ Of jpojtugate affirmed

oifcrnttott eljat it partepnca onlp to&im to mfcouer t&efe unhnotocnlanomberjurene tbe

ipajnugaleagraiuucttto tlje hpngof spapnc bp tljeauctljo?t

tieofi;Klefrt)cnbuUe0, tiiatnoote prince l^ouiDebe foboloc,

a0 to make anp uopagcs to anp ofcptv iniuiotnm tcpjtond^p'

-Ti'T"- "

" ^'


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The firft Decide. 10


partepne to tbe fepng ofpojtugale,anu from tfcefe b<0 Ippiotes,

fcbicbeao pccrelp fearrbe netoe coaile* ami regions, oirecte

tbep? courfc to tbe <au% foplpng euer totuatDC tlj: (eft ^anoe bp

(be back of 3 pb?ike, an* fce fea$ of tljc ^toptantf : ntpdjcc

to t^i0 0ap bad t^e lpo?to;alfjs at anp rpmc fapleo

ftie tlj?ee fljpppc0,be niaoe baffc tovuaroc tfje 3Kanoe tfiohanna

01 c*4, U)!jptljrr be came in (I;o?t fpacr, aim namco tl;c popnt

teof, Uftere be rV?(!c arrpucD, ///^^ ano 3 tfjat is, tl;c fp?ae

airt>ij;latt: fo) fje fuppofeD tljat cbcteljaDbctuljcenDeorotic

aff,bceauf tlje fonnc fallctlj tljcrc , ano of tijc CCIeff,becaiifc it

rpfttlj tljcrc, JTo? it is apparanr, tbac (Iftcftuurte, u i* tl;c be*

ghmino; of/w</w bepon^c tbe rpuer ofGanges > ano CadtoarDea

t^eftirrtjca ctc oftlje(amc: ttMetypng i0 not contrarpjo &" "^

reafen,fo?afmuclic as clje Cofmograpbcries fyaue left the Ipnuttes

of India bepono G<<fj unuctcrmined , luljerc as alfo fonic toece

ofoptnion,tljat /<# load not farre from tbe coa fteg of^pame, 3,

as toe bane faio before. 2linjin tbe piofpect oftljc beginnpng of fl

c^4> be foutiDe a commodious baucnmtbe cr.rcine angle of

tbe JtanDc of tf//jtwWrf, fojin tljiss part dje 3Ilande rccetuet^A great goulfe: tbtsi bautn be namedSittt J15icl)ola0 pojtc,

png fcarcdp ttoentic leagues from Cuba. 3s be departed from

bcnce3andfapIedCae(ltoard bp tbe &outbfpde Of *<, tbe fur*

tber tbat be toent, fo mucbe tbe mo?e tbe fea feemed to be ectea-

fpdepfc^ btbunoeau3ilcmDcUJbirijc tbe udjabitaumetf calf

tbisi be aflfirmetl) to. Ue longer gt b^eocr tben tbe37(anq cje ita

begmrang from dje fea, rpfetb bplide and litle into tljempddea

if^lllilM^Mftlitaa5 goe bp <o tbe toppe oftbe ffme4 ,

eatt fcarcilp jwccwe tfjat


Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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TKc firA Decade,

fcoutoe batiearpueD, tfrep came a*itiefc igainft ban^no foibooe bint toiclj tbjeacnpng Uwjoes : but

bepng ouercome, tbep maw a league of fremH&pp luted bpm,^btw uniting from itmaicabt fapieo comarD tlje iOetl,mtc(i

fccreate ofItonouut,

gof rye

tbpnfcing tbac be ban paffcD fo farre bp tljecompaOe oftbe eart&

being bnoerncatbW3tbat be (jao ben neare UntoAw* ckrfon*.

/*(notoe calleo Malacch*) in our eatt Jnota, beponae (be be*

gpnnpng ofP*rfides : io? be phpnelp beieeneo rijat l;e ban left on*

Ip tlua oftbe tiDelue Ijouresf oftbe funne, toljt'clj tuere bnknolufn

(o b0> fo? tbe ol DC ujip tag; Ijaue left Ijalfe tlje courfe of tbe funne

bntoucjcD,Uj[jere ad tbep bane but onip DifcufleD tbat fuperficial

part e of tlje ear tljtojljicljelpetljbettucene tbe Jlanocjsi of Gates.

DC rtuct or and tbe rpuer ofGangcs > oz at tbe bttermoft, toAMA cherfanc-angw. y^ 3^^ j^auigation, be cbaimceo on manp furiotus ftau,

. running toitb a fad ag; it bad ben tbe Oreame* of fiooty* 5 alfo

"r?no7nw ffMPSto*!*j bpreaftfhoftbeinultituue of ilanBe^lrijtcbelapon

hterp fpoe. But not regaropng ai tbefe perpKe^, be oetcrminea

to pioceeDe3bntt( (je bao cercatn e Knoiuleon^ U}etber Ct^4tare

ant!an&e,o?firme lanoe. ^rinis be fapleo fo?uwro3coaITi'ng euec

!rp tbe fooje toUDam tbe CQett foi tlje fpace of.ec. ^h'.ieagueafs


^5 abaticatbptu7mljeanofi)KelnK>?eomvfe3 , anogauetmtte^tdfeuetibtutt^eiiilanoes bp tfjeuiap 9leaupng afibontbe

left banae Ca^ be feareo not ta report) cbpe tboufanoe berc anD

tbere. "But IcttsnolDereturnetofud^etbpnges asbefounDf

toomtfji) to be noteo m tbt^ ntiuigation, Sxipfpng n*jerefo?e bp?Cul>4, and fearc&png tbe nature oft^placesi, be i

fi^oto^ man? tomt*^^ofeerttraunrt tt 'OMpng, bepng ttv

capeg o)popmeg^cbercceie tbe

afto of epcwopng

n^iij^j f^-fdi^i Ifatijf > rr nf in i i^ibuum cirtapw qipuen or BOMB

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


r 40 T"

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The f)rft Decade.

potmue tariff, anattoofcrpsnte* of ep$efootefotio;apeem

Horrent marueplpno;, ana loottpngabout if cljep coulo efppean?

oftfce inijab ttatmte ,ano t Ijac none appeared in fpgftt (foi tljep

fleDDealtotbcmountapncsiat tfjccominpngofourmen) tijcp

frttotbep?meate, ann ate tber>(be takenteit&ot&ermenstra*

uaric,but tbcp abffepneofrom tljc ferpenteg, tobicb tjjep affirm e

neflc: fb? (as flmic fapd))CrocoDiIe0 ljac fometpmcjs ben fount)

of.j^m. cubits long:, but of tijefetljebiggctttocrebutofcpgfjt

fo c tc. l;:t$ brtnp; UK! rcfrcnjctr^ljcp cntrcu into :r

;e ne.ct UiopO,tofjcrc rijcp founD tuanp of tljc (ante kpjjoc offtrpcntcoj Ijan^tnj

bpon boug{)C0 oftwa, office ttJtjicfje, Tome Ijao tljcp? moutljed

tpco tatttj Hrpngcjfyjno fonie tyep? tcctb taken out $no as fbcp

fcarcljeo tlje places neare imto tbe bauenv tbep fatoe about* icr .

men in tfre top ofa bpgl) roc&e, tiiljidje fleo aie( foone as tijcp !;aa

cfppcD out men, toljo bp fign0- ano tokens of peace callpn^

tljem agopn^c^cre Uws one tDlj: clj came neare djrn^anti (foooe

ontlje toppeofa rockc, fcempnp; a^ tfjoutjijOeiDcrepct fcare=

fu[(: but t^c aomiral fcnt one 2)^<:m to ljpm,a man of tlje fame

rountrep, Urfjom (;e l;au at l)is fp^(!e Ucvacyc taken in tlje tlatiDe

rfGnanaba'mi, being neare twito ct4, ujpllpnj Opni to come

neare^nu not to be afratoe. 22Kwt be bearoe iUic r fptake to

Ijpm in b& oiutTc tongue,ije came bololp to Opm, anD Hioulp af

tec rcfoucD to l;iai compnnp, perfbamng tijent to come untbout

H feare. after tbfe meflage toajf oone, ttjcre oeHenoeo from

tbe rocftes to tbe $pp*, about t^eefco^e antJtenoftljetnlwbu

tante03 pering ftettt>0)ip ano gemleneHe to ourmen : tofjidje

oittcra retoar*

fbjtbatljefjiiDhitriltgencc bp !2>/<^

i^ rentrftb

pnff a folemne feafltofjtcDc

fc? another lipnf. <3nou*ereat{t^3DmiraIle0mm bao eaten


wrnon people to earr of tfecm, m

ftW tf^ fftccme ft mucfjr


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mejeAefeme apgbt. BcpngafkcDtobpt&epfpHfc

rofteDtbcfpfljetobicbetbepentenDeDtobcare to tbep? kpng^r

cbep anfuoeareo, tbat tbep mpgbt be tbe frefberano UncojrupteD,

ittm iopnpng banner fo? a token o f furtber frenDlbpp, euerpe

man refojteD to bis ottme . Cbe aomirall twcnt fo?tt)arDe an be

Ijao appopntcD, folotopngtbefaflpngof tbe funne from tbe be-

ginning ofc^, calleD ///>^ ano o .- tbe fljajes o? Tea banke*

citcn unto tljig bauen, albeit tbep be full of tree* , pet are tbep

rougbtoitbrnountaine*: of tljcfc trees, form lucre full of blof-

fomeganDflotoje*, anD otberlaDenttitb fruttcA ^eponDe tbe

l/aucn,nje lantjc id mo^e fertile anD populus,U)bofe t nljabitantcs

are mo?c gcntle,anD inoje odp^ous of out tbpngcg: fo? ay foone

astbepbaD efpieD our fljpppetf, tbep flockeD all to tbe fijoie,

lipngpng uiitb tljem fudje b^eaD a0 ti;cp are accuftomeD to cate,

anD gourDe0 ful oftoater, otferpng tbem Unto our men, anD fur*

rber,Delwpng tbcni to come alanDe. 31n al tbefe 31lanDe0 ta a ccr

tame kiiibe oftree* as bigge as CImc3, toijicfjc bcarc 6ouroc3

in tbe deaDe offruite*, tbefe tbep bfe onlp foj Dzpnkpng potter,

anD to fetcbe toater in, but not foi mcate, fo? tbe inner fubffance

oftbem is fottner tbcn gafl, anD cbe barke as bame agf anp (bell.

3t tbe 3lDejJ ofq^tbetuatcbmenlookpng out of tbe top cattle

oftbe Qjppi toiuarDc tye &outb faiuea mtutttuDeof3ilauDC!t

IQ muitttuttt OanDpng tbpcke togeatber, being al U)d repleniOjeD Hut!; tree*,

grafle,anD jjearbe*, anD toell inbabiteD : in tbe Ojo^e oftbe const*

ncnt, be cbaunceD into a nauigable riuer, tobofe toater toas To

eotte loatcr. &ot, tbat no man migbt enDure to abpDe bis banDe tberein anpe

time. be Dap foloUnng,efpping a farre ofa Coma offpibermcuoftbe inbabitantesJ, fearing left tbep Qjouloe flee at tbe fpgijt of

our men,bc commaunoeD certapne to aflaple tbem p?iuilp untb

tbe u)ip boater : but tbep fearing nothing, tarpeD tbe commpngofourmetu Jriolue njaUpoubeareanetoekpnDeoffpQjpna;.

S*5c ofR ^^ as toe^^ ^r^unDej; Do bunt 5>area in tbe plapncB

< goutt0.

eof not mutbe Dnipke a great peeie, baupngon djebpnoer parteof tbe beaD auerp

buetljc boDpe

on djebpnoer


ttttb i coiDe* let Dotowfo^^^r ~ TT^ * ^" ^^^^^^^ ^^


tye toatcr* (bat tbe fitbc'W^^^^^^ ^^r^W W^^.T^^^


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Tliefyrfi Decade.

to no cafc abpw tbe fpgbtoft&ea#t*Rw*ti*encbf efopeaiip

great fptbe, o? fcojtopfe (foberoftbere i* great afcmMnee,bpg *y!ES*

flje fretetb bcrlelfe loofeo ,(be inuaDetfj tf?e fpfljeo? fcojtopfc a*

fujtftlp adan artoiue,anD utfjere fye batb once fatten*D l;cr Ijoloc,

Ojecaaet^tdepurftoffkpnnc, luljcrtoftoe fpafee before, ann

bp t^atopng tljc fame togeatljer, fo gralpcletf) ()er p?ap, tt^at no

man0 ftrengtl; t* fuffpcient to tmtofe tfje fame, ertepte bp Iptle

ann Ipfle D^aUipng djelpne, U;e be IpfceD fomiuljat aboue tbe

b^pmme oftbe toater , fo? tljcn5 a* Tone as foe fcetb tbe b^igbt'

nefTeoftbeapjte, (belettetb goeberbolDe. &bep?apetbcrfo?e

bcpngnoioeii?aU)en nereto tbe b?pmme of tbe ttater, tljere

leapetb fooenlp out oftbe boate into tbe &a,fo manpe fpfbcr a0

map fufftcc to ijoluefaa tbep?ape,imtpli tbe rca oftbe companp

bauetahen it into tbe boate* &btcbe tbpng Doone, tOcp loofe

fa mucbe of tbe co?oe , tbat tbe Ijimtpng fpftje map agapnereturne to bet place uritljm tbe tuatcr, to Ijcre bp an otber CO^DC,

tijcp letoottmetoberapceceoftijep^ap, asiucufrcoreUjarDc

grepbointow after tbepbatte kpIIeD tbepjt game* 'Gjis fpflje,

ftep cal Guaicamm, but otir men caJ it tyuerfum. ^bep gaue our

men fiwrefcojtopfcgtafcenbptbis meaner, anD tbofe offudjc

bpggeneffe, tbat tbep almoft r>Ueo tbep?fpfl)png boate : fo$

tbefefptbtiai are efteemeu among tbemfojDripwteraeate, Cuemen rcconipcnfcD tbem agapne Uiicljotijcrrfluarnc^anDrolcc

Cbem depart. ^epngafkeooftbecompafTeoftbatiaiitie, tbep

aunftoeareu tljat it bao no enoetuefttoar&e .

9^o(l tnlTamlp tbep

*efp?ett tlje^mmraH tocomea!anDe,o^mbt0name to fcnoe

one witb tbem to falute tbep? Caucus, (tbat ijj) tbeir fepng, afpei

tapngtljatijeujouloegcueourmcnmanp p?efente*j, pfttjep

toouto goe to bpnt But rije aomiraiyeft be(Woe be IjtnDcrcb

of tbe Lepage to!)td3ebcl)at)begtmiic, refttfet)togoeU)itb(bem

$ben tbcp oefp^D Co knotue btt name, aim totoe ourmen fpke

Wfttbenameoftbep?iimg IDbua facing on pet furtljcr ettec

totnaroe tbe C^te(!, tuitljui fetue oaped be came ntre onto a cer

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itpifttti oftuplpfbuleynniaurtbfng rdjyouflp of


tbt*petn>te.aD&puet* otter fe# men $^^

into one of ft* torn being

our nun : get founDetbrp cfrete firart oogges ofmaruelmu; ue

tljep rate 20 UK DO goace^Oere iu great plencte ofgeeft,mtcfe,ano ^carotid . ^etioene c^e& tlannes ano t^e conttuenc^ be eii"

tereoinco fo narobie ttrepaj^tejt, djac ^e couftjf fcarfefu cume

badtet^eftpppes, ano^efeaUbfolbalotoej^atrijekefieofrtje

fi)pppc3 fomtpme tafeo on t^c fanner . ^ZTljc tuacer ofcOefc ttrcp?

gbtefl^ tbc fpace of fourtie mple^uiast tofcite anD t^prkt,Ipfte

atf romttn ttieaif naff ben

,and lucre itotoe come into a mapne ano large Tea, ano l;a&

lapleo tberon foj tbe fpace of fburefcoje mpletf, tbtp cfppco an c--

tber ercemng bpgb motmtapne, tobptber tbe 3mmran refo^teo

Baobttn or & ttoje bti fijpppes toiclj frclbe tua ter anD fuel . Upeare amongat iters.

cettapne UjooDoes ofDate cree0,f ppneapple treetf ofejcceopng

beigbt, be fottnoe tuw natfue fp^pnge^offrenjetuateT.Jntbe

meanerpme, tobpietbtU)oooDeuM^cut(pttg,anotbebaiTeneil

fpllpng, one ofourarri)cr0iuentintot|)eUJooBCol)unc, filbert


^o^pjef fa?nt^arpe 0f Mtrcefa, tijat at tbe fp?(te figbtbe

bpm^e^ngamanoftbeiamecniier: buttuiootberfofouxftbtm

t*tinicouiclpe out oftbe lame tttooooed* ^(jo^dp after, be (aloe a

farre ofatubolecompanp ofmen dotbeo in appacei^betng about

nn. )rr^ in nttmbn: . ^jen turning f;t^ backt, ano crptng out to Iji^


t ttbati t wMl to flee, ^^awtt^ailbepng atjuertpftbbfteof, ami not

a Iptle teapcpng tbat be bao fbunoe a ctufle people, m-Mlrf ""'iem fan anneo men, tnftb commauttdeitifiie


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M^mcn,o?otj)cnnljabicatint8iof tljatcoonttcp. CZiben tbepbao

paffeo otter tbe Uwoo, tbep came into a great piapne fid ofgrafle

.ino bearbes,in tobicbe appeareo no toten ofan? patbuwp.^erc

attemptpngtogoe etjougbtbegraflfe and bearfccs, cbeptoere

10 cntanpo anD betojapt tbetrin, t|)ac tljrp toere fcarfdpe able

to paDfe a mple, #e grafle bepng tJ;erc Iptle lotter tljen our ripe

cojne : bepng tWrefoie UieerpeD , tfjc? UJCTe enfo?ceD to rctitme

sg;apne,finotngno pacljUwp, ^!jcDapfoIoiupngljrffntfoo?tfj

r ru.artncD men aiiodjcr toap^otnttutinopiig tfecnt to 111*1he Ditr

gent fcarclj aim tnqinfittoa uiljat manner ofpeople tnbabtteo tt; e

lanoe: CCH; o Depactpn^tuben tftcp Ijan fmmD, not farre from tfje

u : Hoe^cettapne Hepg of topic beafte*, of tbc urfn'rii tljcp liifpcc*

rfo fome to be oflions fette , bepno; ftrpefccn toitb fcare, mur*

ua-netJ backe agapne. 30 tfjep came, tbep fottnoe a Uiooo m rijc

toljidje toere manp natiue binc^, ijere ano ttjere crceppng about

fcpgbtreea,toitb manpotber trees bearpntr aromaticai (hates

ano fppces* flDftbefe uines tbep b?ottgljt turn; tbem into &paine

manp clutters ofgrapes, berpponDcrot^anDfuI of Ucounbutftuue0

of tl; e otbcr rhtites tljcp bioiig;, t ncnr, becattfc tljep ptttnficD bp

cbe toap in tlje Oippyt tocre cad into tijc Tea. ^Ijrp fap atfo tljat

in tlje lanoes o? meootoes of tijofe tuoooDes,t!;cp (htoe flockes of

greatCranes,ttopfe as bpggc as ours.3s be \uciu foiVUiirD,ann

tiirncD bis faples toluaroe ccrtapne otljer mountapnrjj sbe cfptcu

ttuocotageson tbefl;oie, in tljc lubtdjcbc Cilncoiriponcnwn,

U^obeingbicwgbt totbefljtppe, fiptficu ttntbbea^rpngcrs,anti bp al otbcr ftgnes tbat be couloe Octtife,tbat tbe lance Uiljtdje

lap bcvonoc tbofe motnitapnes bias uerp full of people : anc as

tbe 3Dmiral oietn neare tbe tl;o oftbe fame, there met bint cer<

tapne C4M04j,|ianpng in tbtm manp people of tbe couatrcp,u#o

mnDcfignesano tohens ofpeace anttfrenDfl-pp.l5utbjre!Z)/</4-

w tbe tnterp?etoin*,U)bicb UnocrftooDe tbe language oftbmba* e

bttantes oftbe beginning ofci44)nDetttcoe not tfccm one tobtf,

tuberebp tbep conTpoereD tbat in fttntijp p^outaces ofCul*+ tuere

ftm^p language s.ips baD alfo tutettigence^bat in tijr inlanoe of

ibis region mas a long of great potarr,9 acrttftomeo to uicarc

appartll: be fapoe tbat ail tbe crane of tlHSlbojctuas D?OM>o tatt) toater, an) ful of muooe - befctte 1^4 manpe trees,

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in OKI &(ter tfee maner of ottr marpfbes : tict b*eitas m tfjfe ptocr

tfceptoentalanoefoj freQje toater, tbepfouuoeitianpaftbenel

rpfyes tn tbe U)!jt cl)e pearies are gratbetco . 33ut tbat couloc not

caufe tlje 3om trail to tniete rbc tpme tbere, enteiiDmgatr!,t;

Uiage, onlp to pume botoe manp lander p fens be coulo Difcouc ,

accoiDing to tbe Hinge* comnuitinDrment . 30 tfjfp wt PJOCCDCE

fo>uiarDf,tl)cp Hiluc Ijcre aao tfjere,al ebe luap along IIP ttjc fl)o?r,

a great fmokc rp(tng,UntpU tljcp cametoanottjermountarne

fotirc froic mplcs Dittant. there toad no coche 07 l)p|{ tljrt

couloe be fceue, but rf# fame UJ.w all of a fmofce , 715ut tobetbf :

tbefe fp^es toere niaoc bp tbtnljabuantecs foj thett needier j

bufpnca, 01 (asi-ue are tuonttofcttc bcacon0onfpjcU;ljcntoe

fofpccte tljappiocbc ofour cnmncs) tbcrebp to geue toarninr, . j

ttjcpi ncpgljboursi to be tn a rcuines, t gcattjer togcatber, ifp.r=

baps out men fljoutoe attempt anp tbpng: againtt tljcm, 02 otljci

topfe aj3(feemcrii moft Ipkr(u)to ral tbcm togeatljer, as to a iron^

D^to beboloe curJbpppw, tbep knouie pet noccrtcntur. Jntljic tractc, t!je fljoics benDrofomtptne toUMroe the ftoutii, ano

fometpnic totoarne tlje CaeftanilucHfoutbiuell, anDtbefca^ cucrpctobcrccntanglcoiMUb J lancet, bpreafon Uihereof,

tfce keeles oftbc (lippprs often times ralea tije Rnocs foj flialoiu^

nefle of t(jc Ulster : & o tbat r!;e fljpppes being uerp foie bnufcQ

ano appapjtcD 3tl;efeple$,cMes,anD otber tacUelinges, mmancr

rottc^ anu tbe uptailesi (efpeetallp tlir btfkette bicao) comtp:co

bp tahpng irater at tbe rpftee etipli cicfeo, the ^ omtraH uias cti-

fojceo to titrnc bari^c ngapne: Cbw ^^c popnte U)l;erc lie

toudjcD ofc uba (not pet being Knotucn to be an ilanoe) be calieD

Euangdijla . l)tis turning bis faplc6 toloaroc otber ilanors IP-

ingnotfarre from tbe CuppofeD continent, be cljaunccfi into a

& rnnittmbt r ntapnc fea^crc toas fucbe a mtiltuuDe ofgreat Copapfo^fclcuar laitop- fonitpme ttjep ftapeo tbe flipppes: .^otJongafter,be entreo into

ic^uifcofttjjjut ^gulfc ofU)IjpteU)ater,lpke Unto tbat tuber of toe fpahe before.

9c tbe length, fearing tbe fbcifcd of tficil. nDe^rctunicD to tbe

Q)0?e ofCub* bp tbe fame Uwp UJhtciT be raine.tpcre a multituoc

oftbtnbabitantwi, asUclIli)oinenasnu:n,rc(o?tcD tobpmnjirfi

rljecrefull countenance^ ano luiti) feare , mngpng tottb tbetn

popingaped, b?eaD, water, ano cunmec, but efpcttailp ftcrhc

5cuc?3muci; bpgger tljen ouwaujljic(j yc ut'

. ntct^iauour ano


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fcne nMjerc as in eating r/tbem be percetueD a eertapne fauourc

of fppce to precedefrom tijcm, be commaunocD tlje croppe to

be openeD of iurijc as tocre ncuirip Kpilct, anD founDe tbe fame

full of fuieetc fppeetf, urijicbe be argucD to be tl;c caufe tftbep?

ftrangetaffe: jro? it flanoetb UndjgooDreafon, rijat clje fiefye

of beaflca", ujouloe Djatuc dje nature anDqualttie of tljep? ac

ruflomeD nourpftrncm , 3s tbe QDmtrali baroe maflc on tlje

flwc, tijere came touwrDeOpm a eertapne gouernoure, a nwnoffburefeo?e peered ofage, anD ofgreat granitic, altljougl) Ijc <n><

toereiwkeD (auing Ijt* p?puie partes . ![)ebaDagreattrapneof SjoVgoSSpirmen ttwpting on b^ni, ailtjjeiMljpletbepitieQeUKwat made,be OICUJCD bim felfe bcrp bitmble , anD gaue rencrent attendance,

uiitb gr.nie anD Dtmure coimtenaunre . CCIIjen tbe mafic Uia0

enoeD, IjepiefemcD to tbe 3Dm:raIl abafhetteoftfjefruitesof

bis countrrp,Dcipucrtng4be fame luitb bis oiune IjanDcs. Clbcnthe 3DmtrallbnD gentellp entertapneD bim, D.lpimg ieaue to

fpeake, be maoe an oration mtbepiefenceof2)/*/ufJtbe mtcr-

picter,to tbis cflcct.3: Oaue bpn aDiiertifeD(moa migbtpp^nce) Kn OMtlonoftiiat pon baue oflate initb great potucr fiiboueo manv lanDs anD mr nan to 9 a*

HcpJfon?ybptl)ertounknoU)fnto pou,anDljaue b?oug!jt no Iitleueri!8ur -

fcare bpponatl tbe people ar.D tnljabitaumes cf tlje fame: tbe

toljicbe pour gooD fortune,pou (I>al beare tottOlefTe mfoiencie, if

pouremetwbcrtba(ti)eWe3 ofmm baue ttoo louniere* after

tbcpare DeparteDfrom tbisboDp: je one,foule anD D,irkc3p^pareD fojt fttcbe aa are uriufious anDrrueUto manKpiiDc: tl>c

odjer, pleafaunt anD DefectabIe,ojDepneD fo? item luljiclj in tljcjn

Ipfe tpme loueD peace anD quietnes.iftberfoic pou acknolukDge

pour fcife to be mo^tall, anD ronfiocr tb<u eucrpman u;al re cai-c

conDigne retuarDe 02 punpfycmrnt fo^ lucljc tl;pngc0 as be bad]

Done in ttnslife, ^uUiplu^ugfiiUpburte no man. CCliien lie

Ijao faiDe tbcfe luoioes auD odjcr Ipkc .Urijic j mere DcclatcD to iljc

^Dnurali bptljc interpreter, be marweplmgnt tije iuDgcmciu of

tijc nakcD olDe nun, anfiuearcD, t bat be uias giacDe to beare Iju

opinion as touching tbe kiito? iournepe anD i ciuai DCS ot foulc*

^eparteD fromt(>epiboDfc, fuppofingtljat ncttiKrl>c, oj anpot tljinbabttanteu of tijofg Rtgian*, baD luDanphmii^

t(jreof ; Declaring fwdjcrj tjjaulje c(?ufe uufc of (w


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tg t&Wer,ta* toftmet tbcm to fiicf) pulp knotofrtgc

auu true religion : ami ctetbeUMUJ fent into thofe cotuttrcpce in

rouiDc "at t&e Cbjiffian kpn$ offepajme (bte Io?D anD matflct)fo? rijefamc


purpofe, aim fpecfallp to fu&Dne anD ptmpfijc tlje cabates, an&[J W fudx otber imfdjeuoua pcoplcyino to ocfeitD nmcccntes againft

rbc biolence of eupl DBoer0, luplipno; bpm, nnD al otl^cr fiid;e

as imfyactD ucrtwe, fn iw tafe to be afrapDe, but raider to oprn

lii$ mpnoe unto bpnt, pfeptljer be, 02 anp otljcr fucbe quiet menae be uws, baD fudcpncD anp toong of tfiep^ nep^bour^ , ano

tfwt de tooutoe fee (!K (ame reuengeD. Clxfc eomfoitablc UMT DP

of tbe 3cmtraH fo pleafeD rbc ottie man, tljat nottettbffanDjmu

!)t* crtremc age. be U>ouke gtoolp batie gone totrb ttie ^wntr,^r

a0bebaDDnneinDceDe9 pf ^'BttipfeanDehplDKn ban notljpu

&ettdOpm of fjtei purpcfe : tort be mantcplcD not a Itnlc, t^at ttu

3DnuralUM3bnitrrfx Dominion of another: anB muc^mme,lubni tbeimerpietout tolDebpm of rl;e g!o?pe, nngntficcm

pompc, great yotuer,a no fttrntmcntcjs ofroam of our Hinges,

anDoftljctmiltmiDcsof tifieg anD toume0 UJbicbc lucre bnuct

tljep? Dominions! . 3!ntcnDpng tberefo?c to (jaue gone tottb the

^Dnnrafl, bis topfc anD d)plo?en fell p?otrrate at Ijw feete , Uiirij

teareg Defying inm not to fo? fake them anD leaue rfeem Defolate:

at lubofc puttul reoiteitcs,tijc mcoithp olDcman bcpng mooticD,

temapncD at Ijome to t(je comfort of his people anD fannlic, fa<

ttffipng tether ttjtnt tljcn l;pm felfe: foi not pet ccaflpng to

tuoouDcr, anD of bcautc countcnanre bccattfc be mpgljt not De-

part, be DcmaimDcD ofcentpme0 pf tljat lanDe lucre not l;eauen,

luljicbe fyotigbt fooitt!) fitcbc a kpuDe ofmen.-* Jfo? it isi ccrtatne.

tljat among them tbe lanDe i0 as common a0 tf;c iunnc anD uu*

Smwin : ter , anD tljat cppne anD t:i)pne (tbe feeDca ofall rapfdjeefe)

baueno place butb ftem. ^rijepareconicntluitJj fo fptle, that

info large a cottntrep tl;ep l)aue catherfuperftuttietbenfcarcc

tttfle: format (a^iiiebauefapDe before) t(jepfcemetofpue mtbe golDcntDo^lDelDttljwit topic, Ipupngin opengamcn0, not

intrencbcD loitfj Dpdjns, DnnDcD toitb beDgc, tn DcfenDcD tuidi

tnallcs : tfyep Deale tntdp one tutcl; another U)ttbwit Iatoc0,U3itij

out boDfecjs, anD tuithout Htcge0 : tf.cp rake l;pm fm an enpl ano

mpfdjeuou^man, u^idje taketb pleafurcinDoopngljurtto o-

4er. ^HD albeit tljat niepDelpte not uifupcrfltiuifgj p

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 147: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Deeafc:

fytJ;einn^t contemca tuitb fucfce

fpmple Dpet5tljeret)p bealtb \t p?frerueti, anD oifeafea auopoeD. s.mpu tprt

bc 2mirall tbercfc>e oepartpng from tljence,anB mpn&png to

retnrneagapneQx^tfp after, cbaunceD to come agapneto tbe

3Hmoe oflanuuc*, bepng on MX roudj fpoe tbereof, ano coaden

all a-ong bp tlje fljo^e of tbe fame from tbe C&cft to tf;e Caff,from lubofe latt comer on tbe e all fpoe, tofjcn be falue totuamc

ct;e /5o^tb fpor on I)i0 left (jwioe certapne bpsb mount .ipnw,beIxiiciue at rlic lengtb tbat it iua0 tbe foutb fpoc oftbe 37lanoe of

Olcnocs ofSeptember, eiirrpn$ into t^cljatieu of ttefame

Jliunc, calico faint j^icljolafiilxwcn, I;crepap:eDbifl)pppe0,tc $e intent tlw t l;e miglj t agapne tuade ano fpople ttje Jlan&es

of tbe Ctnibales, ano bunw all rijepj c^nw/^e rljofc rauenpngluoltics mtojjt no longer perfccuce ano oeuotnt tijc innocent

Oieepe : out fte teas; at tijia tpme Ijpimerco of bis purpofe,bp rea<

fon ofa Difcafc tolncb be b-iD gotten bpto nu:cJ; lu.ncljing.^ljui

bepng feeble anotoeahe, l;e Uwsleooeof tlK^arpnertfto tfte

ritie of /yi^//4,urf)cre,iin; btji tuw b?etlj?enU)btebeU)ere ttwe,

anoot^er of big familiar*, be recouereD bis ijealtlj in fljoite

fpace : pet cmtloe be not at rbts tpme aflaple tbe Candles* bprrafon offeottion tbat toad riftn of late among tbe fepanparoeitobiri)e bcljau left in Hifo*nhU t thereof tt)e u?pnfpeke mo^ckerfafter.

The fouHi bookc ofthe fit ft Decade, to

Lodiuify Cardinal oijrtgonit.

Ohnw tbe aomfndl

be fuppofeD) from tbe continent

lanOe ofCad f

*rit*. an olw&maiar of tfrhpnge*,mnoble man, ttrnf) rfuewsotbet oftboft to

^ ___3^m^r,U)ere (of cojrupteD mprtoe agapnffbpm) uepartcD in'o

taberefb?J^(hl to purgel^m^ offuci&e crime*,

Ci an

Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 149: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


men in tbe place ofdjem tobidje lucre returntD, anD efpeeiaflpc

to pioutoc fo? Upttualies, a0 tobeafc,unne5ople, anD furije otber,

tobirfjetbe&panparDc0are accuttomcD toeate, becaufe tljep

coulDc not pet toel! agree aritb fucb meates as rbep fbunDe in tbe

3!lanoes, DetermineD fl;o?tlp to take bis bopage into &papnr:lut Uto lje DpoOcfae bis Departure, 31 U)plib?ccfrlp rebtarfe.

*Ebe kpnge0 oftbe 3Iianocs tobicb baa bptberto IpueD quietly,

auD content nntb tljep? Iptle toljtdje djcptbcugbtabounDant,nje lung e* uHjeraa tbep nouw perceiueD tbat our men began to fatten foote

bru. tou\w tbep? region*,? to bcare rule among djcm, rijep toke dje

matter fo greeuouflp,djat djep tbougijt notbpng el3 but bp mbatmeaner djep mpgijtutterlpe oettrop rijem, anD fo? euer abolpuje

arbw uinbj* ^e ntemo?p oftbcp? name, fo? tbat kinDe of men (tbe &>panp*

1 4ui$uc. arDe0 3i meanc, toljt cb foIolueD dje ^Dmiral in tbat nautgatton)fcuere fo? tbe motte partbnndp,regarDing notbpng but iolenctfe,

plap,anD Itbcrtie, anD tuouloe bp no meane0 abftepne from iniu*

ries, rautfljing oftbe u/omen of tbe JIanDe0 b(fo?e dje face0 of

djeir buQjmiDc0,fatljrr *, anD b?edjien : bp tobicb tbep? abonnna

We mpf&emeanDitr, tbep DifqmeteD tbe mpnDes of all tbe inljabt*

tanrest, infomucbethat luljeretbeucr tbep founDc anp ofour men

ft in 'i tta tonpitpawD , tbep flue djem toitb fucb fierccnefle anD glaDaefle,lt*

a0 tfjougb d)fp bao ottereo facrifit to <SoD. JntenDpng tbcrfoje*

to pactfie djepi troubleD mpNDec , anD topunpflje tljeradjat

flue bts menbefo?cbeDeparteofromt!)encejbefent fo?tbkirfioftbat baIe,U)!jtd)e in tbe booke bcfoie IDC DcfcrtbeD to be at tbe

fbotc of tlje mountapne0 oftbe region of cHuna * gn& kpnge^namcU)a0 Guartwexius : to>o, djemo?e flnipgljtlptoconcple

bnto bpm dje frenDfljvp ofdje ^DmiraH, gaue bis fpftcr to topft

to 'DMacusA man front Iji0 rijplDes age b?ougbt bp Uritb tbe 3D-

miraH, U)ljom be UfeD fo? Iji0 intcrp?eter in tbe p?ouince0 ofc-1n. afcer tijts, be fent fo? Caunahu, caUeD tbe lo?ne of dje boufe

of golDe,tbat t0)oftbemmmtapnes of Ctb<m*:jroi tijt0 Caunabo*

be fent one Captapue Mcda, inborn tbe Dittonaried ofcaitndo*

<yitapni 90* baD enfo?eeD ta keepe Iji0 bolDe, befitg^ng fo? tbe fpace of tbirtiel*^** '

tapes tbe fb?tre(Te offaint &jomas , in dje tubicbe Hoieda bntb

bis fpfttefoulDiers ttooDe attbep?Defence,tmtpll tbecomming

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.


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perftwotngfcmi mnoeonDitun to permit^ Cbji-

ftians totnbabite tbe UIonDe, ertept be baa rather ferae tljen

ntle. On rfje otber partie, Ho/v^ atwewfeD Caunaboa to goeto

tbe3DimraI,andtomaUe a league offren&G)pptettbbpm: but

(he ambafTaDottw on tbecontrarp part,tbieatneD bpm, tbat tflie

toouloe fo DOO, tbe ot!;cr kpnge* tuouloe miner l;t s rcgton.^utHoieda aunfojcrcti tijcm agapnc, tljat tu'^crcas tbcp ronfptrcn to

mapnteime Aep? fibertte3tl)cp QjoulD bp tljat mcancs bcb^ougfjt

to fcruituDe ^ Deffructton,iftljep entcntwo to refill o? kepe luarre

^rainfttljc Indiana* ^Ijua Caurubo* ontljeoncfiDc anotlje

ot()cr bcpngtrDtibkD, asiQiKTcarockcm the Tea bcatnituit^

contrarp fl ootiDesf, aiD nmrl;r mo^e beteo ur.dj rfjc ftoimc^

of l)is gpltie confnence, foi rijat !K i;ao p^iiuip Capne. tr. ofour

men Unoer p^etfnceofpeace,fearco to come to tljc ^omirall: but

atrOelcnstb^aupnpjercop^tareolnc! accept, to Ijatte flapne tljc

^Dmirall an^btsf conipanve,uiioert|je colour offrenDlhpp, pf

opojtunittc luoulD fo haue fenieD,l)e repapzeo to ^ 'ADmtraXtotnj

fet'g UJljde fan {tlie^noiiMnp utbcr toapttng on fjtni, arntco after

tf;epj manner . Beptig oemaimDcD toljp be b^ougtjtfogreata

rout ofmen laid) btm,f]e aunfoicrcD, tbat it luaa not Decent fo? fo

grcAtap?incen0beu>a3, topjoeoutofbieiljotife luitljout fucbe

abanfteofmen: but tbetbpngcbaunccDmucbeotteriupfetbcn

l}eIookcDfb),fo? be fell into tbefharcj; UiJjirije !;e I;ao pieparca

fo? otber,fo? urijereas bp tlje trap le began to repent bpm tljat be

came foo^tb ofbiis boufc,tf^4 luttl; nwnp fap:e IDOO?DCS $ p?o*

nnfes biouojbtbmuo tijc 3onura!, at tuljcfe comniaunDrmcnt

be toa0 inimettatlp taken aim put in pufon, fo tljat t(;e foufcfi of

our men toere not lon^fromtbepjboDpcsUnreuengeD. ^bCaunaboa tutrij al bis familte beviin; taken, the 3tJimrall U)ag DC*

termincD to runne mier tbc Jlanoe, but be toass certificD tbat

Ujeretoaafiicljcfamrne among the mfiabttattntes, tbat tbere jf*|

bJa^alreDpfpfttedjoufantemenDeaD thereof, anDdjatdjcpDp'

etJpetDaplp5 as{tt to^re rotten fl;ecpe,tbe caufe uibereof, luas

tori knoUien to be tbew oume obftmaeie ano frotDaronelTe : foi

toi^rag diep fatoe tbat our men entnioeo to cboofe tbem a Dlucl*

too: place in d;e 3(lame 5 fuppolhtg tbattljep mpjbtbaueD^p*en t^crn from thence iftlje tuttuaile^ ofcbe 31lanDc fyoulo Me,

C u

Lden. The decades. :

Bancroft Library.


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Clicftniigrrof golbe can*f'tt] Create


The fyrft Decade.


t r of


plantpncr,, but aifo to DCdrop ano ptoehe bp Op tlje roote*, cuerp

maninbwoume region,to tolncbe djepbaDalreDpfolU(n,of

lodjkpnBes of bjeaD, tobereof toe made mention intbefirffc

booke, but efpeciaflp among rbemoumapnetf of okw*, other*

topfe called c//M/n;^ foiafmudjc as djep bad knotoledge tbat

tbegoloe tobiebc abounoetb mdmegion,toa0tOee{)tefeeaufetbat detepned our men in the Jlano. In tlje meaite (pmc, U rent

foonlj a Captapne tottfj a banoc ofmen, to fe.irrije tfje ^oudj

fpoe of tlje J!atjf,toijo at Otss retiirne, rcpoitea tljat rljjoiurjjouc

all tlje regions tljat Ijc tratiap leD,t!jere toas fuctc fprccneffe of

bieaDjtljntfbj tljcfpace of. pi.oape0, ije ate notfjpnp; but tlje

rootes ofbearbe0, anD ofpoungoate tree0,o? tbe fauces ofori;et

toptoe trcca : bt Guaruncxw tlje hpng of njet)ale,l|>ing beneath

dje motnitapnes ofcibM*. tol;ofe hpngoome toas notlb Uwileo

aa dje otljer, gaue our men certapne bpttuallr^ CCttrbtn a

fetocDaped after, borijrijatdje iourncpsi mpjijt be tlje (boater,

airt>alfod>itour men mpgbtbatteio?e fafe places of refuge,

ifrije inijabttaimtesfljouloe bcreafter rebel! in Ipkc manner, Ije

buptoeo anotljer fo^treffe (Uibid^ijecaJleodje ^olD?cofCon*

ception)betioeene tbeCitic tflfMltjott* Swint ^Oomais fop

rrcffe, in t(;e marrbe0 of tlje Kpnnpome of djts Guarionexiut,

toidnntbe piieftncteof C/^IM, upondjeu/DcofabpIl, baupng

afapierittcr ofljoifome toater runnpng barde bp tl;e fame.

^Inis tobcn tlje mbabftantes fatoe netuc buploiuge? to be Dapfp

erecteo, anD our Ojtppes; Iping in d)e Ijaucn rotten ana baffe tn^

ken. itjep began to Difpap^e ofanp bope of Itbernr,anD toantnee

op anD Dotone toitb Ijeauie cljeare . jrroni the Coune ofConcep*

cwn, feard;png Dtfagendpe d)e inner partes of rfje mountapneaof Ctb*n*. tbcre toa* a eertapne kpng toi)iri>e gauc dj?m a maffc

of ruDe gotocas biggeadamansfpi^toetgbuig.jcic.ouiiees: tljts

goloe luas not founDe in rlir banke ofdjat huer,but in a beape of

D?pe eartlj, ana toas Ipke Unto eljc (lone called r^/w, lubieijc

MfooncrefolucDnttofanDe. btfi maffc ofgotoe 3! meefeife

fato ; in Ca(We,in tbe famous Citie ofMctbjmn* Campi, toberc

tbeCourt lap al tbat topnter. 31 fatoe alfo a great peeee ofpun

Eden. The dec ad- .

Bancroft Library.


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The firft Deofe

otocfpmc of copper tfje o'tte ofcorintbus. fcljfa peece of~ irmimrt

(rrtrwi toaa offoc&e uieigfrt, to 31 toa* not onlp um& bot& mpIjanscji unable to lift u from rfje gtounD , but alfo not offtretiga;to rcmoue it cpttcr one luap marker: ri;epaffttttteDtbatittaep*

en mop tbcn tfyee IjtmDieD ppunDe foepgbt, af.cr cpgfct ounces t"9 or vio>

tocbepotm0e,tttoas founuetn t^c^oufe of acercapnc p?pncc, Jf/apr" opfois

nn left bpmbpl)t0p?cDccctTmtr0: ano albeit tl;at tntl;eoape0 anD'mao tuctJ

oftbe intjabicaantesf pet Ipupna:,F/^/rKm was no tobere DijgcD, n/nV!!igrfa*

pet knetoe ibcp uiljcfc tije mpne thereoftoag , b:it our men uittl;trr m unction

muelje auoo eoutoe IjatDelp eaufe tljcm to fljeiue rtjem tOe place, ?h",ffe '


tljcp boie ttjcm fudje ptiute Ijatren, pet at tfje lengtl; rijcp curunt.

biottgljt tbcni to tlje nipne,bepnp; itolu rutnnte ano ftoppco tuirlj

lloncs anD uibbpHjetit tg nuiclic eafper to Dpo;a;c tljcn 1 6 tljc iron

mpne,ano mtp^t be r:(ToKD ajapne^pf mpncrs! anD otljcr luoik-

men fkplrul therein lucre appopnteo tljereto. /5ot farre from

ttjetotu^eof^onccpaon, intbefameniountapne^ it founoe

great plentie of3mber, anuoitt ofcertaine rocket oftbefdme, JJ"f

DiftiDetbafubaanceofftcpelolue colour Uiljiefje tlje papntrrai

Ufe. Jf5ot farre from t^femountapnes; arc manp great tuooDai, Sef.cmcilt01

*? tfee toljtdje are none otber tree* tOen B^afife^ljtcb tlje 3!tali

anneal Verzino. But Dcre perfjapa (rpgljt noble p?pnce) pottteoobbrsof

taouIocafke,U)ljat fljotrto be tljecaufe, tbat'ujlicreafi t(je^>panp<'

aroes (iaue biougljt out of tfjcfe JlanDcc certapne ilipppcs laDen

toirij l^afife, fomeUi^at of (SofTmnpine cotton, aquantitreof

Slmber5a Iptle ffotoe,(j fome fppces,U)l;p tljep ijaue not ujougyCfuclje plentte ofgoloe, anD fucbe orljer rpdjc inard)auiiDi>c3, act

rlje fhntefulnclfcof tljcfe regions feeme fop?ompfr': Cotlji*

31 aunftoere, tijat luljen Cohnus tl;e 3DmiraII luas fpkrtupfe Dc^

maundeotlje caufe |jcreof3 i)e maDeatmfuicre, tljac tlje ^pa-nparDesi tubtcbe Ije tooketuit^ l;pm into tijefe retyion^tucre ge

uenratljertofleepe, plap, anomlenefle, tfjen to labour, anD *wnwtoerc mo?e ltDiotifoffeottton anD neUJC0,tIjen Deftrotis ofpeace trrnr!'

ano quietntfle : alfo, tljat being getten to Iicencioufneflc, tljcp re-

bcllcc it foifisohc Ijtm, finDpng matter offalfe accufation againdIjpm, becaufeljctocnt about to rep^cfle rljepi outragioufnefTe:

bp reafon lul;crcof, fjeuiaai not pet abletobicaketbcpotocroftl)c inljabttaumc^anDfrcflpe topoflelTc tlje ftiH Dominion- -ef

anD ^efe Opiuwtauncw to be tlie caufe tfjatju*

C iii tljetto


Bancroft Library.


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Page 157: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tficfirfl Decade*

tmtcruapkc tbe charge* : aT<

bctt,euent!)t^pccrcujbple3iij?otet^cfcri)png;!3 ntpottr rcqueff,

**P geatberea in ttoo monetbe* tbe fimrnie ofa tboufanoeano

}< mine. tU) 3 bunDjca pomiocs luepgbt ofcr.olo, But bccaufe toe emcno e

tofpeakcmmc largelpof ttjefe tl)pno;cs in tljcp? place, toetopll

noiuc returne from U)ljence uic bane Dtgrefleo * CClben tbc tnija*

bitaunte* perceiueo tbat tl;cp couloc bp nomcancatljahc tbe

poke from tljepi ncck3,tljcp mane bumble (up plication to tljc 9o

miral) tljat tbcp mpg^)t danoe to tl;cp? tribute, ano a p pipe tljcm

felue3 to rctucreafe tlje (Vuites of tljep? countrep, bcpng notue al*

mott luattcD, Ocffratmteo tfjemtbcp? requcft, ano appopnteofiicbc omcr chat etterp region Ojouloc pap tbcp? tribute, UittJj

tl)c contmoDitt'ed cfthcpi countreps, nccoibpng to tljepj pomon,ano at furije tpme as tljep \uerc aijreeD upon : but t(;e biolent fa*

mine DID fruftrate al tbcfe appopntmentes, foi al tfje trauaplest

oftbcp? boopesi, toere fcarcclpe able to fttffife tofpnoetbemmeate in tbe IUOODDCS , U)ljerebp to futone tbepi Ipue0, bernj

oHoiij tpnte contenteo uritlj rootca ano tlje fruited of toploe

tree0 : pet manp oftl;e hpngea Uiitb tbcp? people,euen in tbi3 ep

treme neccflfute, b?ougljt part of tljepnnbute, modljumblpe

Hefp^png: rlje Somiral to battc campaflion oftbcir calamittesf,

ano to beare uiirb tbem pet a tubple,Untpl tbe Jianoc lucre redo*

reo to tbe oloe Hate, p^ompfpngfurtljer, tbat tljat luljiclje Uia^

noiuc luantpno;, rtjoulDe tljcn be Double retompencto. But fcluc

of tbe tnbabitauntetf oftbe tnountatmea ofC&AUA Kept djep? pio>

mtfe^becaufctbepujerc frncr opp>e(TeD Uiitb famine tben anpeoftbe otber.tfcbep fap tljat tbe inbabitantcs of djefe mountapnt^

nif nature or ^er no Ic c *n lan3uaSc anlj manners from tbem tobtcbe

DC region mi* D\ucl in tljc plapiiea, tijcn auions us tlje rutti calle a oftlje coun*


"oVKeP>froni ty gentlemen oftl)e courtc : tuberas; notluitljlTanDinp;




nptbingetf mucb after one failjion , as innakcDnelTc , anD rune

fcfimplicitie. Butnoiucletus returne to Caunabo* tbe king of

tbe boufc ofgoloe^bepns in captiuitie. CQben be pcrccwcD bpmfclfe to be cafl in p]tifon , frettpng ano OJ^tP"0: bw teecb, a0 ic

ijao been a lion of Libia, ano Daplp ano npgbtlp u ein> fpno; unrij

Ijpm ftlfe botocbempjbt beodpuereo, begantieto perftwoc

tip flomiralj ty^t fo^Oimcljc as ^ Ijao notoe takeu unto bid


.. The decades.Bancroft Library. [ ,_


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tomnifott tieregfcnofc/^^ o? cifou (librrffetaitf fcfhg)


anDbo?&erer*:foj&efap&e, fbatit tea figmnrt unto bim,tbat

tije countrep toad tutuleD ano (ported toitb fiicbe incurfions.

bts fyotfjertobtcbe toasin tbat region,

fotkes ana frenoe* tot* tfcpj a&Oerentes^ouUi Ijaue takrn,ep*

t^crbpneigbto? fb^ce^s manp ofour mot ass mpgbt baue roDeemedbpm . $ot tlje 3Dmtral unDcrHanopiio; Ijis ctaftte meRvng, fern Hw>^4 Uitrtj fuc'je a compatrpe ofmen, a0 mpgbci).inqmO)ecbec^4^n^ pf tfcp (bottlDc moue toarre agipntt

tfcm- Ctit men Ijao fcarcdpe entrea into t!;c region, but rije

b?otber of Catmaboa cameagapnff tbem tontljanarmie of fpue tfamiab04 wftoufanoe nakeomen, armc D after tljepi manner, tot tlj riubbc0, b, ttm bri

arrotoe^tipttoitb bones, anofpeare^maoe ljar0eattl/ecnDCSl b-

Uht^tp?c, ?)c (!de upon our men bcpng tn one of tljcp? Ijcttfcg,

ano encampeo nmnoe about tbe fame on euerp fpoe* ^Ijis &'->*

wan, as( a man not tgnownt in tljc DifnpUnc ofU)arrc, about

rije mftaunce of a ftirlong from tl;e Ijoufc. DiuioeO Ijis armie

into fpue battapie^, appopntpng to cuerp one oftfjem a circuite

bp equafl Dtuifion , ano placco tljc troonc of bis otone batcaple

ntrectlpagapnUour men. COben foeljaD tbttsfet Ijisbattaples

in o^ou arap, be gauc cettapne fignes tftat p toljole anttie fboulo

mardje fytoarfte in ozoer toitb equafl paces , ano tottb a larome a conflict t^

freQ)Ip afliple fljep? enimies,in futfe (b?c tbat none mtgbt efcape. S'JJwf25ut ourmen iuop^np; it better to encotmrre tottlj one of ttje bat* t&c *yam*t*i

taples, tben to abpDet!jeb?unt oft^e tol;ole armie, gaue onfet

on tic mapne bartaplc arangeo in the plapne,uccaufc ojac place

tocismoacominotjfousfoi rbeljo?fmcn. Cctbcn tbebo^fincn

rljtrcfo^e Ijao gtucn tbe charge, tbep ouertb?etoe tbetti toitb tbc

b;elles oft&ep? (jo?(eg,anD flue 3 manpad abooe tlje enoe ofti;e

fi0jbt,ti)e refiouc bepng ttrpcttfn toitb ftarejOtlparci^Mno fleoot

totbemounfapnesanorockes: from tol;ence t^epmattfapiti

foil botolpnpjtoour mtn, ucfp^png tbemtofparecbem, p?o

teflpngtfcatrijeptooutoeneuermojerebeU, butuootobatfoe*

net tbep toouloe commauno ojem, pf n;ep toouloefufrer ttem

in 4cn obme countwp, ebitf tjje b^otjjcr of c*auh*


Eden. The decades. :

Bancroft Library. '_' ;.


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The fuft Decade

bcpngtekra, tlje arnmral liceneeo tbe people to refojf ewrpe

mantoljisotune: tljefc thpngcs cljujs fominatdpatrijiuco,tlji*

region toagfpacifieo. among tfcefemotmtapned, tbe balctoln*

cbe Cwnaboa m!jabitet>,i3 calico nfagna,<mbi$ crcecDing fruit-

ful, bailing in it manp gooDip fp?inges anD riuertf , in rijc fonoe

lubcreofw founDegpeatplemieofgoloe . ^Tbefamepeeit in

tlje monetb of June, tljep Tap there arofe fucb a bopiloua tern*

uiji ofimtc.


peft ofurinoe from tbe outbuiett,aa Ijarij not ligbtlp ben beam

of,tbe uidencc toljerofU)a0 fudj,tbat it pluckeD up bp tbe rooted

tobatfoencr great treed mere fcitbin tbe readje oftlje fojee tljec*

of. Caben tljigU)fjp?letopnDeeamcto tljeljauenoftljecitie,

it beatDotune to rlje bottome oftljc fea cfyee fijt'ppc5,U)ljidjc

lap at anker, anD b:ohc tlje cables 1 1 funDcr, ano tfjat (tali idie (tf

tbe greater manicplc) mitljour anp Uoime 01 rougljnciTe of tije

fea, onlp turnpng tbem tlj?ee oj fotrre tpmed about. ^Ije inba*

bitaunte0alfo affp^me, tljat tlje fame peere tbe fea ertenocoic

felfc ftirtljer into tk lanoe, ano rofe bpgber tben euer it opo be

foie bp tfjc memoiic ofman,bp rtie ipace ofa aibtt. ^Oe people

tljcrefaie mutterco among tijrm fdue0, tljatouniationijao

troublco tlje elemenre^^ caufcofudje poitento:i0 figne0. ^befe

tempedes oftljc apie c^Oiclje tlje Grecians1

call Tiphoncs, tfjat

t0,tu!jpifeU)pnOf0)tbep call Fuwam^tobtcljetfjepfap5Doo often

tpme3 djauncc t:i tIjis Jlanoc : but tljnt nrptber tf)ep,noi tbepj

great graunofatbets, encr fauie fudje biolent ano furious Fura-

c,mrj,tlja:plucftetj up great irer0 bp tlje roo:e0, neptber pet fudj

furges ano udjemrnt mocionion tljc fea,tljat fo toalTeo tlje lano:

as in occoe it map appeare,fo?afmudje a0 luijercfoeucr tl;e fea

ban^e0 arc ncerc ta anp plapnc,tljere are in mancr euerp Urfjcrc

floipujpngmcoolues ruicljing cuen Unto tbe Qjoic: but nouic let

titfrcturneto Caund',4. 30 lipng Cwnaboa tbercfbze anoljis

b^otber Qjonloe ijaue ben fjjougljt into fepapne, tljcp opeo bp tbe

toap/o?ucrp penfiuencnfe anD anpifl) ofminoe, ^fje 3Diiia:al3

iDljbfe fljippca U)ct e Diountcom tlje fo^efapo tanpeH,pcrcciuing

(jtm felfeto be nciur cndofcD, ccmmaunoeo foztb\uub tuio othci

fl)pppes(Uj!jidje tl)ts

-^>patuarOcsl ral Carau'Us) to bemaoe: foj

bcljaDiuitljbpm all manner of artificers partepnmg tljerrun*

to. cClbplerljefetljimgcsuweDoapni^ Ije lent foo^tb Bartb^-

^bptfterj bepng tiewetciwmoftteJilanoe,

.tMitrlt toitt


Eden. The decades.;

Bancroft Library.

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Page 163: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The f>rft Decade. j

ttyccfcoje Ifagues froratlje ritfe t&ijdtUd, to!;td)e toere founoe

bprtje eotttmcte of ccrtapne people of t&e 3!Ianbe, bcfx>?e tie

mpneiSofc^^o^^MdtocreluujtDeit 3fnt(jefempne* tbepfounDc certapne oeepe ptttes,tuJji rfj baD ben Dpggeo in oto time,

DutofriKfcppttes,d;e3Dmiral (totjo affirmed; tfns 3ilanocof


Iomon^cbpna;of Hicrufaletn Ijao #0 great rpcte* ofgottf,'

thereoftucreatietntfje oloc t:c(tamfnc5 anD djat I)t5fl)pppe<5

favlco to tijia Dpljtr bp tbe gulft of ?fr/?4, called S/IMJ ffrjk*.But toWjer it be fo o? nor,i t Ipctfj not in me to tuftge,but inmpopmton it is farreof. 30 tbe miners tyggeft tfje fitperfinal o?

bppcrmoft partof^jeeartt) of 6 itipnts,Durpngfoi tbefpacecf

fiye mple0, * in opuers places fpftco tlje fante on tlje D?pe lanoe,

tljcpfotuioe furi)cp!cnrtc of gotoe, that eticrp (,p2etj labourer

cools eatilp finuc atcrp Dap tljc freight of rincc manim^^befempnrtbepngrijugi feaTdjeo^fbun^tfjelicuetenam certifirti

tbe aomtrail Ijcreofbp f)is letters, tljc tolud) tobeti be Ijao reeefc

ucMje nftb oap oft^e Toes oftpareMw/;<> . 1 495 .be emteo into

Ins neuie nappes, ano tooke bis uopage Dtrrctlp to ^papne, to

aDuertifc tljekpngofallljisaffapjes, leaupng die tuljolc regi^

mc ofd;e Jlanoe toitl) Ijts b^ot^cr tlje Lieuetenant,

The fift boolcc ofthe fyrfl DccaHe, to

lo^ow^fCarciinall ofJrtgonit.

jTter tbc ^mmwls Departing; into ^jatne,bid Inotbet tfje Licuetenatmt

'nwunDeDljpm: tbiji ijt caiFet) the goloen

toiu:c, brcaufe tfje labottrersfoiutoeojolDt

m dje eartl)5anD fhme nrfjeroftbepmaot tbe

lfcsofriKfbitreire. fyt confitnteo rbxte

monedje* hi maltmg t^e tnUrttmcncco urtjereUH'tb tbe goloe

Ojoulpebe ofewljetb, toaffjef, trpco, anfi <noiilten : pet toas Ire

at $is tpme, bp reafon oftoante ofuittualleg, enforced to leattc iMkt oftu*

ritbpngfSimpcrfecte, ano to goeftefce fo^meate*

he,UHttj abanueof orrtKO ttten, Ijao entwo t^eefco^t

Lden. The deer* .

^^A Bancroft Library.


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Page 165: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fyrftDeca&.

*elJnti,tbt people ofdjecotmtrep here ant) ftnre

refojtpngto&pm,gaue fcpmacertafne ponionoftbepibjcaD,

:to eycbaonge foj otber of one tfrpngea : butbe coutoc not long

tarpljcre, becaufc tbep Uckeo meate in tbc faitKfle, lufwber be

fjadco &it& fucb as be baft nob) gotten. Lcaupno; tberefbjc in tbe

foitreCTcagmriron oftenmen, tnitb tbat ponton oftbe 3?ImtDt

bjeao to'jicbe pet rcnupnetJ, leaupng alfo tomb tbem a Routine

totaketbofekpntjeaiof Iptle beaftea Uibidje rijcp call T/MJ, not

ntuc.'ie Unlpke our Comes , be returnee totbefonrcflcof Conceptton. Cbttf alfo luasi tbe monetb uiljerem tbe kpnj Guam.*-

jf^^anDalfo MtfmV^^x/Mxbo^DemUntobpin, (boulDe finur

biongbt in tbep? tributes. Remapnpng; tbere tbe U)!jalc manctbof3Iunc,be ejcacteo t^e totjole tribute of drefe ttoo kimo:ca,f upt-

tualles neeeltarp fo? bpni ano fucb as be biotigbt Uiiti; Spm, tulji*

cbc luere about fottrc IjunDicD in number . &!)oulp after, about

t(^e Ealenoed of3iulp,tbere came tbieeCarauris from ^papne,

Ringing bud) tbem funoipe hpndes ofbpttttalles, as ujjcatc,

opleyUkne, bakon, ^ ^.wtclmasi bcefe, tbbicbc lucre ounoeD to

nirrpmanaeco^pnga^ neeoe reqmrcD, form adoUiasiort tn-

cbe carpage foi lacke ofgooo lookpno; to. 3 1 tbe arpua( oftbefe

fijpppes, tbeiieittenaunt rccctnco contmattnoement from tbe

kpnganc tbe Admiral l;ijaib?ocber,tbat be toiftbismcnfboulD

remotietbetrbabitationto tbefoutbfpoc oftbeKanDr, becaufc

it bias nearer to tbe gotoe mpne* : 3lfo tbat be fyouloc make

Diligent fearclje fo^tljofe kingeStoljtcljcfwDflapnrtbe Cbitftu

an men, ano to fenoe tbem Uiicb tbcvi confco crates bounoe into

fep^pne. 3t tbc ne]tt bopage t(jerefo?e be fent tftieelumwcD cap*

tiue^, taitlj tb?ee kpnges, ano toben be ban Dtiigemlp fearcbeo

cbe coaSes oftljcfoutl; ipoc, be tranfpouco bis habitation, and

intplocD a fo^trefTc tljcre, Upon tlje toppe ofa bpll near c unto a^ ton: tbi* fo?trtO*e Ije calleo faint Dommikes touc.

3!nto tins banen runnetb a nuer ofU)Ijollbmeiuater,rcplcrafljco

luitb funtyp kpnbes of gooD fplbcs : tbep afFp^ne tljts rptier to

I;aue manp benefices of nature, fmtobcre fo atent run:ictlj,

ail tbrngcs arc cjcceeopng pleataunt anofruitcfull, (KHipng

oneuerp fpoe groues of Date trees, anDDiuewotljer of(be

Silanoe fruttes fa plenttfuUpe, tbat as tbcpfoplcD along bp tbe

ftoK, oftentpme^ tlje ^aunc^os tljereof, iaocn iunljfloiu;e


Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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30flrtb fmte,!)onn:ro otter c^epi bfai05 tfjatffjfp migfjt phicke'

torn tori tb tbeft banacs : aifo rfjat tbe fruttftrfnes of$10 greunD,

tsfr^crcqualIUJtrij(ljeroj)Ieof3]fjOcHa,o?bcttct, Jnifabdl* ^rabeiut

lie Icfte onlp ccrtapne firke men, ana Q;ippe to#gf)te0, toljom

Ijc bao appopmco to make eertai-ne carauete, tlje refi&uc ofbis

ui(n,be rontietgljeo to tfce foutij, to fapnt Doimntcfces tolioc.

after be baa bupfocDtbtifojtrefre, leaojmgfljmna garrpfon

of.IT* nien, Ijctuitlj tbercmaiicmofln^foufoin-0, pieparco

tl cm fclucs to fearclje tlje tinier parted of tljc CCUfl fpue of

tlje31lanoe, bptlKrco faioluen onelp bpname. ^Ijertfo^e

about .we. leagues, (tl;at is) fourfTcojc ano tcnne m^f3from tlje fo^trefle, Ije djmtnceu on tlje rpwer Kaiba , tubidjc




UicfapoetoDcfcwoefromt^e mountapncs of C^M/*, r|>ojljuo

luaroc tbe four!;, bp tljc nipDtJcft of tije tlanDe . CClljcn l?c baD

mtcrpaffeD tbis rptttr toritb a companpe ofarmed menDiupDeo

into .rrb. Dccutionsi, tl;ati0s tennein a companp,tottb tbeyj ca

pttapnc^,bt fenc tuio oecurions to tlje regions! of tbofe kpnge^in Ujljofe lanoeiai mere tbe great UJOODOJS ofbiafilc treta . 3?arip<

mngtoUjaroetbelefte IjanDfjiljepfotinDctbe toooUDes,emreDinto tljcni, ano fcllcu tbe bigb ano piectoiis trees, lubtcb toere to

tljat Dap untoucbfD , Cclje oftbe Dcairiona fillco rertapne of die

ihinoc IjouffiJUittbtljctrtmhcs of bjafile, tberc to be rcfcrtteo

imtil tlje Qjippe^s came Uiljirb ftoulo carp tbem aluap , X^ie tbe

L leutenaunt Directing bts ioumcptott)arDetbeng()tban^e,notfarre from tbe banke0 of p rtuer ofXaibajfowtot a eertatne kpftg

Uiljofe name tuag jBtucbiut Jnacaucboa, cncanipcD agamd tinn-

Ijabitancw oft^e^oomce ofXd;7^,to fubDue tbcmbnDer bis Do

mtmon,ag be bftO Done trutnp otljcr Kingg of the ilairtj,bo)terer0

Unto bun, $$e palace of tljts great htng,t0 ealfeo \'ar^ua^ \&

Otuate toUiaro tbe CClett enDc of the ilanoe, Dtflant from tbe rp>

tier ofWfiba . m- Ieagness.au tbe pipnccs Uibiri) DlweD bettoene

tbe CO eft enoe t big palace , are DInonaries unto him . 3fl tbat

region from Naibajo rije ftmliefl martbca oftbe twcft^isi utterip

Uitt(jou(goiDe9 aItbougbit& ftril ofmcumapnefl . 8hbot tbe

hpng Ijao efpieo our men, laping a part bis tueapong, $ jeupngHgues ofpeace, be fpake genteflp to tbem (unrertepne Uiljctber

ittee ofbumaratie m fearc)anti DrmatmDeo oftbem tobat ti>ep

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.


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Page 169: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


The fyrft Decade.

ppe tttbflte to tbe 9Dmtrafi bto b?otber, in tbe name of df?e

b?*flian kpng of&papne. totabom be fapBe , l)otoe can pou

requp?c tbat ofme,tobereas neurr a region tmDer mp Dominion

b?ingetb fo?tb gotoe* Jfo? be bao beam,tbat tbere toast a ffrange

nation entrco into tbe ilanDe,tobicbe maoc great feard; fo? (rotoe:

But be CuppofeD tbat tbep Defp?eD fome otber tbpng . &be lieu-

tcnauiu anftucareD agar-ne , <3oD fo?bpDDe tbat toe(botily


iopne anp man to papefucb tribute as be mpgbt not eafclp fc?

beare, o? fucb as toere not engenoereo o? grotoing in tbe region-

but toe UnDcrtfanne tbat pour regions b?png foo?tb great plen<

tieof(0o(ramptnecotto%anobempe,toitb fucb otljer, toberof

tue Defpje pou to geue us parte * tctben be bearD tbeie toooiDes,

be p?ompfeD toitb cljerefiUl countenaunce, to geue bpm as muclj

of tbefe rtjpnges .is be toouloe rcqttpie, ^bus Diiiniulng bi^

apwp, ano fenoing meffcngers befoie, be btm fdfe accompanieo

tbelieutennunt,anobjougijtbimtobto palace, being Diftam

(ad toe bauc fapue) m- leagues . 3"n ai tbis tracte, tbep paiTco

tl)?ougb tlje iurifoiction of other pjinccs, bepng imoer bid oomi

nion : )ftbe tobicbe, fome gaue ebem bempe, of no leflc gooo^ties to make tackelinges fo? tljpppcs tljen our toooD : Otberfame Inougbt b?eaD, anD fome goflamppne cotton . 3nD fo

euqrp oftbempapoetrpbute toitb fucbe commoDittes as tfiepj

couiurepsbioiigbtfoonb. 3t tbe lengtb tbep came totbektn*

ge* manGon place tXar.igua. Befo?e tbep entercD into tbe pa

lace, a great mtdtituDe of tbe kpnges feruaimtes t fubiectes re

fo?tcD to tbe court, bono?ablp(after tbeir maner) to recepue tbeir

kpng Beucbhis dnacaucboa, toitb tbe Hrangcrs toijicb be b?mtg()t

iwtij bun to fee tbe magnificence ofbig court . But noto iljal poub^are botoe tbep toere tntertaineo . among otber triumpbes ano

Tpgbtes , ttoo are efpeciaQp to be noted : jfp?ft,tbcre metre

tbemacompanpof.jrrj. toomen, bepng al tbe kpnges topueswe0. an0 foncubinejaf, bearpttg in tbep? baizes b?andjes ofDate tree03

fiagpng anD Daiwfpug : tbep toere all naked , fattpng tbat

tbcp? p?pme partes toere couereo toitb bieecbcs of goflampmccotton: but^euirgingjbaupng tbcp? beare bangpng Dotone

about tbeir Cbsuloers , tpeD about tbe fb?ebeaD toitb a fpllet,

toere utterip nakeD^bep affirme djat tbep? faces,b?eaffe^,pap^

pwAanoe?, anD otberpim* oftbep; boopeis , toccc erceeopng


Lden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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Page 171: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tfiefirft decade*

(hu>d)C,aiiD toefl pwtioneDjbut fomuiljat fodfpnpug to a lottc*

tybioune . bep fuppofea tbat tljep Ijao feene ttiofe moft beutp>

yi flrjWfj, o? tlje natpue npmpbc oj fepjc* of tbe fountapnesf

irtiertof tbe antique* fpake fomudje, tlje fyatmcbcs ofDate

treed, ttjtc& tbep b o?e in tljep? rtglj t Ijanoc* tuljcn tljep oaunceD,

djcp onpuerea to ttie Itcuetenaunt, U)itl; lotoc curtefp mto fmp--

ipng cotmtemunce . ^Uud emerpnj into tlje kpnge^ tjoufe,

t^ep founoc a Ddpcnte fuppcr p?cparcD fo? tljcm, after tljcp^

maner. caijcnt^ep lucre toellrefreflxoumbmcate, tjjcnpgtjt

^atopngon, t^ep toere tyougtKbptbeKpngca officcr0, cucrp

man to fjtss loogpn^cco^tng to (jig Degree,in ccrtapnc oftljep?

tjoufcaabout tljepallatce, UJljere rljep refteo tljcm in Ijangpns

lieDDce, after tlje mancr of tijc countrcp, u^erof DJC (jaue fpoken

mo?e largeip in an ortjer place.

^Ije oap folotopng, tbep b?ongbt our men to tfjeir common

dafl, into tljc U)ljtci;e tijep come too^adjer r,0 often as tijcp make

aup notable game0 o? trutmpbe'

3a0 toe Oauc fapDe bi foic.Dcre,

after manp Daiwfpngc0, fpn^inged , maffeingees runnpnge0,

lu?eIr1png0,anD otber trping ofma(rrpes 5 foDapnfp tljere appeap

rcD in a large plaine necre unto tbe bal,tuio great arm tec ofmenof uiarre, urfjtrijc tlje hpng fo? iji^ pa(!ptiie IjaD caufcD to be p?e^

parcD, a* rt;e ^>pantarDe0 ufe tlje ptope toitlj reeDe0, luijidj tt)ep

tiXUugtdeCaaiAt. dstijenrmtetfDieUjeneeretogeatlKr, rijep

ailaplci t!jc one tlje operas fierfelp, as ifmoitaH cmmt'esluitO

rtep? banew fpIcaDe5 fljoulD figljt fo? tljep? gooDes, tijcp? JanDea,

t^ep? Ipue0, tl)t^ Iibcrtic, tljepi countrep, t!>ep? Iuptie0 $ rljep?

r!nlD:cn,fo tljat ixntljin tbe momentc ofan ljcure,foure men lucre

flapne, anD manp tooimDcD , lje battaple aUb fljoulDe baue 5?8"re wrn

tontpnueD longer, pftbe Upng baD notyit d)e requeft ofour men,u<

taufeD tljcm to eeaOe. ^e ripjtDe Dap, tt;e lieuetcnont cotui*

f.iplpng d)e hpng to (blue mo^e pltnttt ofgofiamptneuppon tije

banker neere unco ttjcuiatcrsfpoe, tljat n;ep mpgbt tbe better

pape tbep? trpbute p^puatelp, acco^ttg to tlje muItttuDc of

to pjepapjcD to //^f/^>toUpQtetijefpckemenIcftc tljcre, anD altbto fee Ijolre ty$ U)oo?kcs

. Jntfjetvmcof Ijta! abfrncc .)crr. of bis men

toereconfumeD Uiitb Diuerle Difeafc0 C21berefo?e bcpng fo?e

in ty* mpifDt, ano m nwnct axl;i!JUJptte0 enoc ,


*W_^ I1 h "' '"I

Bancroft Library

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Page 173: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Cfcccaftdej tooura of

neceOarie, as ttd to reffoje tbem to bealtb tobtcbe toert pet

arrafeo, as a ifo Hitaples to mapntapne p lubole multituDe,tober e

as there teas pet no (bpppe come from &papne:at tbe length,

fccDetermpncD to fenDcabjoDctbe fickc men bere ano tbere to

funtype Regpons of tbc tlanDc, ana to tbe caHeUe* irijicbe tbep

bao erecten m tbe fame, jfoj Dirtrlp from tbe citie of Jfabella

to fapnt Domunkes totmc, tbat is, from tbe noitb to tbe foutb,

tbiougb tbe ilattDe, tbep bao buptoeo tbu* manp eaffle*, /pjft,

try tii. mples Diftamfrom3ifbeHa, tbep bnptoeD tbe cattcll of

sperantia.ftm\sper*ntu.w.wplc3, toastfje catlell of fapnt

featbarine.JTrom fapnt H\atbannes .rr mpIes5U)a0 fapnt lames

tJtine.sDtbcr. rr.tuples from fapnt James toto?r; U)as a fhong^

rr foureOTe tbcnanp oftljc otber, toljidje tbep calleDtbc toto;e

of Concepnon,U)btct) be matte tbe l!ronger,bccaufe it boas Otttat

attijeroorca of tbegoIoenmotmtapnesofCiuatia, m tbe great

moinuaintcg anD large plapne,fo frutteful ano toell inbabiteD as toe baue be

foic DefcrtbeD . ^e buploeD alfo an otber in tbe mpooe Uiape bc<

tiDcne tbe toune ofConception, -t fapnt Domlnikes toto^c 5 tbe

b)btri)e alfo toas Wronger tben tbe totoie of Conception, becaufe

it uMStottbm tbe Ipmtttes ofa great kpng, baupngunoer bts

Dominion Quc tljotifanoe men, tobofe cijiefe citic anD beaD of die

Bealme, bepng caflcD 'Bonauum^ be topileD tbat tbe cafteli fi;ouio

alfo be calico after tbe fame name * ^berefcnc leatipng rije ficke

menintbefe catJels, ano otber of tbe ilanbe boufes nereunto

tbe (ante, bel)pn?feIfercpap?cDtofapntDomimkes, exacting

trpbutes of a! tbe kpnge* tubtcbe tuere in bts uwp . Wlitn

be baD tarpeD tberea fcuie oapes, tbere toas a rumourfpjeDDc,djat all tf;ekpngcs about tbe btnDers of tbe tounc of Conn;tion,baD confpp^cD tairb Defperate mpnDes to rcbell agapnil

tbe fejwniarDes , CClben tbe Itetttniaum teas ccrtifieo berrof,

be tooke bis tountep totoaroe tbem tmmeDiatelp, not bepng

mfcojagcDcptbcrbptbc lengdj of tbe uwpe, o? fecblaicOfe of

bis foulopers , bepng in matter fb^ctoeneDtoitbtrauaplc. *U

D^ttoe ncre unto djem, be baD acmcrtpfement tbat kpngtce^ to be tbe Capitapne

ofdjw rebellion, ano tbat be Uiaa enfo^leD tberto balfie lmu>pl<

5 bcpng CtOuctD bp perfuwjftons ano pjouocations: tbe


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Micfe fc tittle tpfcdp to be true, fin t&at &e &aa fcefc?e &at>

experience ofdje poUitr ano poiicie ofour men* fcep came to

geat|)erataDapeappopnceD,aecompanpeD towd;,rtj. tl;ou(anDe an arm? or

men, armeo after tbeir manner, once agapne to jnouettje fo^ ru. tnouranaft **- - - y - ^.^ .-,.-. j_ ^ ^f-^.. 2ftAIOATlAnf>^^

tapne oftfc fojtrefle ana rijc otber fouiDiers oftobom Ije Ijao tijc

ronDucte, fterernipnco to fette upon t^cm imtoarcs in t ijeir otunc

^ufcg^efb?e^cpcouUie prepare tljep? arm?. ft)e fern footed

rijercfo?etoeiierpkpng a Centurion, tbatt*, a captapnc of a

jittnDjeDjtobc& toere commaunoeo bpon a funocn to tnuaoe tljep?

Joiife* iu tfje np^t5anu to take cijcm flccppnn;,befoie tfje people

(being fcattreo bere * tOece) mpglK aflemWe togeadjer .

fecretlpenterpngtnto tbetr bpBage0, not fo?ttfieo

rijciii, =tlfn abiap euerpman bis pjtfoncr accoioma; as tl^ep tore

conuiwimoeu . l>e lieuetenant bpm felfeumu b0 Ijunoico

men, aOapleo ftpng Guarionexitu a0 tlje too?tl)ier perfonage,

toljom l;c tooke p^pfonrr^s DID tlje otf^cr captaitviei tijcp? kmgs,anoac r&e fame Ijoute appopnceo . jTotirctcene of tijem lucre

biotigljttljcfainenpgljtto ttje to^e of Conception. &Uo?tlpeafter, ln!jcn!)c bat) put to Dearij tluo oftU kpngegi luljirije UK re

tbe djiefeaiitouru oftbw nelue reuoltr, ano Ijao fubojneo G4> />- J ^-i f tbe otber kpngcjj to attempt tije fame , leaU tlje people

fe fo^oujc oftbep? hingeti fljouloe neglectc 0) fo^Gke tljcir couu--

trcp, tobiwe tljpng mpnftt toe ben great imonunowuc to cur

mcn,to!jooptinncreaiGtoftOep?feeoe0 ano fruitcs lucre often*

tpmcaapDeD,l)efreeIppar&oneoaiiDOiOmireo GUMQUCXIUS anD

tije other kpngea, tlje people iti the meane tpme flocking togcather abotittbe tou^e, to tlje number of fpue tljoufenDe uiuijout

tucapoti0,uut() ptnfid bottling foj tije Oeluterance oftUeirkiuges:

^bf ap?e tlnmoereD, 9 tbe eartl> tremblco ttoomjO tlje uebcmci:

tie of tbep? outcrp, ^be iieutenaunt toarneD Guahnsxiui A\\D

tie ortjer kpngeis(,UJit!j tb?canpnges, toirij reU)aroe;,anD unili

pionipfes,muertljereafcertoauemptanp fudje tbpng. l;cii

(^nmtxnu ntaoe an oration to tbe people, ofp great potter of

ourmen,of$ep?ctotiencie totoarre offenDeta(,rtlibera!itict3

^ct)e airemaineftitb&iIljOefpiing tbem to quiet tljcp? muioccf,

neptljermDeeoc no^ tjou^t to interp^fe


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ttcepte tbep tootdDe Daplp bjpng tbemWe* into fartbercaia.

mitie*. ^Iben tbe option ttwu fpnpOEjeD, tbep toofeebpmup,

anD fetbpm on tbepjtboutoer*, aim focarpeDbpm borne to tju

oumepaOace: ano bp tbtemeane* , tbi* Hcgion toas pact*

tpeD fo?a fobple, Bw our men, ttftb beanp countenaunet

tuanocreD bp anD Dotone3 a0Defolateni a Orange comtro>,lacit.

pnff mttau"e$, anD UHnne out ofapparefl, toberca3.ru monetotoere notoc paflco fence tbe 8tnttirals Departure 5 Durpng tab i


tpme, tbep coulne bcare notbpng out of<a>papne . 'Cbe ltcue<

tniaimt comfytcD tbem afl tbat be coulDe Untb fap^e toir.Dca

anop^ompfetf* 3!ntbemeane tpme, frockM* A**Cmcboa (tte

kpnp;oftbe Wtft parted oftbe Hegion of Xdra^u* (of tobtmt

uiefpake before) fentmenengen(totbe Lteuetenaunt,tofigni<

fi>c unto bpm, tbat be O^tJ in a refcpnes tijc godampine cotton,

anD fucbe otbcr tbvngcjf as be topOeD bpm to prepare fojtbe

papmentofljtstrpbute. ^Ibereupon tbe Iteuctcnaimt took*

bus totirnep tbptber, art) toas bono?ablp recctucn oftbekpng anD

jjia fplter, fomtpme tbe topfe of c^wd^tbekpngcofci^^,bearpn^noletTeruIeintbegoucrnatmce of bcr biodjera kpng^

Dome, tben be bpnt felfe : /o^ tijepanlmtcDber to be a tupi

toomanjOfgooD manenf,^ plea(aunt in companp,^>be earned?

pctfcuaDfD ber b^otber, bp tbefample of bcr bufbamsto loue ano

(bunnetntl)* palace ofZcucbius jtn*cdu<hoa. jncriLkpngs^tabtcb

ban b^ou^bt tbcp? tributes! ttitfj tbem, anD abone bi commintr

tbcp b?ougbt toitb tbem a!fo,bcfpDe icp? tnbut affigneD tbciit

furtbtr topemcrite J fauonr ofour men,great plcntic ofuitatfcs

aa botb kinDes ofb^eaD}omnie0,anD fiil)e05autDp D?ieD,bcC(iiifi:

tbep fljouiD not putrifie : ^erpentc^ alfo oftbat kpnDe tabtcb UK

(apD to be edemeD am ong tbem ad mod Delicate meat, anD I.

bnto Croconilcs failing; in bpgned * lje(e ferpentc0 tbep cal ~\*

4rw4j,U)ljicb our men learneD (fomb)bat to late) to baue ben en

gcnn?rD in tbeilanne: fo?bnto tbat Dap,noncoftbem DurttaB'

uenture to tauT of tbem, bp reafbn oftbep? bo^rible deform

anD lotWbmnca, ^et tbe 1ieuetenan^bemg cmpfcD bp tbe piff

oftbe kpngejs fpttcr, DetermincD to tail oftbe ftrpentrt

tofjen be &Uc fte fleflje thereof to be (b Dclpcate to


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rompanans percmriMcr,, lucre

mfonmcl) tfru cbfp baa notu none ctber tafte,tben of ti;e ftu;cre

nefle oftbefc ferprnrc9 , toincb tljep r.ffpmie (o be of mo?e plea*

(aunt ra.fe , tl;en epdjcr our plKfantca o? laartrtebes: but

efjfp tofe ebew ra ^?, rrccpt ftep be p?fpattD after n ccrcapnc fiv-

0)OH, a0D0el3facorl\cs<mD|3!KfATiff^ p:ccpttl;cp be enter*

la DCQ before r?Kp Ocro(!cD,^4;cpp?cpairiUm djmfoic after

tl;ta marmer ; ^p?lt, faking cut tljep? bdxjeae05ct!cnftointl)C

tlnote to tfjc rfjpjjtjeiS, tijrp nwflje ano rwbbc tbq;

? bcD):c5 Uerp

rtraiieboi^ ttffton * UHtbotir,tI)cn roilmrj tbcm togptl}fr on a ni>

tie, 'iniolueo *ftertljf manner of a flecppng fn.^c, tl)eprt)?iine

ttjcm into pos ofno bto^cr eapacme ri;ai to I ,otoc il;cni onlp,

ri)WDonf, pa-ting alirteuwter Unto tljent, U)ttl) n pojrion of

t^eJlanDfl^.pper, rl)CpfietUetl;emU)u!)afofttp:c offuee:c


.* as trahctb no great fmoke: fl)rtbe fa tc ofdinn

bepngtljticfiDDe, idina&cnn ereeeopngplcafantb?o^o?poc*

cage. !)fpfap a(fo,tljattljerei3 no utrate to be eotrparcu to dje

cggw oftljefe fcrpcntc0,U)ijie!) tbep Ufe to feeil;e bp tfjeni (cities:

tbep are gooD to be eaten as focne a 3 rfjcp are foDDe, no map Taifo be refcruto manp Dapes after . 15r fmtipng in De tints

mtiri) of tbeir rntertapnnnent anb papntte fare, letW notuc

fpeaheofottjermatrerai CCtbenrhetieiictnttunrfjaD fyUeo one

oftfjt Jl<mDe fjoufratoid) dje oITampine eottcn Uj:;ifb Ijeljao <5orropin

reeciueofb^ tribute, tljthpngcs p^ompfeD furtlKrmo?etogtticfo '

l;pm as mucbe ofdKP? bjcaD as be luou'oc ocinaunDc : I;e gauetbnn barttetljanhes, aitfi gcntlp arerptf o tl;ep; frenolp picffer.

Tntbemcanetpm^tol^led)^ b?CtiDtoa3 a geatbfrpngm fun*

tap region3,fo be b^oti^bt to ri)e paKare of Beucb'w JnacbaMco*

bpngofA'*!*^, be fent nieflengersi to //4M/rf,fojoneoftbettoo Cariucilcs ti)!;id:e toere latelpmanc rijere, intenDpng to

fei) rtjrfame againc tbttber lacen toit!) b?raD. ^be ^arpnerrtauofrtjrTe tropngw, fapleDa!jou!tf)e Jlanoe, ano infl)0?te

Fprfccbzongftf tbe nipppe to dje coaffes tfx*r*i*a. [?e fpiler

offepng truck jtnacAucboA, tjjat topfe ant) plealaunt tuoman

^4^rfjetopfefomet|niieofC44^rbc Kpng of die &<fr auttlnwofrljemounwpnts if cthan*, tobofe btifbanoeDpeu in caona.

he decades.Bancroft Library.



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The fyrft Decade.

tiue countrep, perltoa&cD tbe king bar tyotfcer, Ujattber bod)

mpgbt gee together to fre it: foj rije place lubere tljc fypppe. lap,

toad nor paffe. ut. mples Diffant from Xaragua. ^ep reflea aU

"^ H1 ^e mlDma?> *n a certapnc UpHage in ti)c to! ; id; toas die

f <&urrue trcafurie o? ieiud feottfe of jiMcaont, $)et treafure Uias ncitljet

goloc. I'iluec^oj p^ctious ftones^but oiilp tljpngic necefTarp to be

ufcD, ad cbap?cs5 Qooles 5fcttelg, Diffljcs, pohngerd, potter,

pannes, bafons, trcpea, atiD fuel) other IjouQioloe ilufe anD tn<

antmnite5,U3oikctnan!pniaDcof a certapnc blacke anD Ijaroe

(bpntng luooD,\i)l)tc!) Cljat ctccllcnt Icarneo pljifitton, Jo n bap-

titt H$**, affirnictlj to be lp , bcuc. CCtbatfocucr portion of luit

nature Ijntlj geuen to tbe uibabttaiucs of rfocfc ilaiuies, tljc fame

cotlj mod appcare in cbefe hpnoe of tooo^kr (, in tuljicf) tbe?

fl;eU)e great art anD cuimwig, but tljofe Uiijtclj tljts tuoman fjaD,

The ?lant>e of ^^ nwlJC ln ^C AanU ofG*anabbay fttuatC in ti)e IllOUtl) of tije

IB; fl fpoe of BifrattU : Jn tl^cfe tljcp graue tbe ipuefp imagedof fad) pljantaftcs a0 ttjep fuppofe ttjep fee lua&ebp npgljt^

UJijiclj the anti(iue0 calico Lnnures: 3lfo tlje imagee of men, fcr

paus^eallesis^UHjatfocuer odjerrtingtljcp Ijauconce feene.

CCl^at Uiouloc pou tbinkt ( mode noble pitnrc ) tljat tbcp couioe

two.iftljepljaodjeufeof Jtonanoaeele^ Jro^ ^ep onlp fp$make dicfcfoft intbe fp:e, ^ afteruuroe make djem Oololue and

n ft oiv m tbe cartie ttjem torn!) a cettapne (lone luljtrij tlje-p fpno tn tbe rpuerd.oeroctf 3ton. )fft00ic( anD cbap?e2(, flje gauc tljc iicuetenatint fourteene,

ano ofueflfellcfi partapmng to timetable anD feudjcn, fl;ec gaue

Ijpm tl^erfco?e,fome of UIOOD, anD tome of card;, aifo goffam

pune cotton rcDpe fpunne, foure great bottomed ofcrcceoin^

\i>cigl)t, Uc nap foioujina;,tMljen rijep came to dje fea fiDe^oljei c

Uxisau otbct milage of tbe ttpnge^, $e liettetenaum com

maunDcodiefbpppeboateto be brought to tl)e(bo)e CUckpmialfoOaDpiepareDtU)oCanoa0,papnteD after tbcp? matter, one

fo? Ijpm feife ano certapne afOta geutelmcn , au otljcr foi bts ft

8er^<f'Ott4attD(}crtoapemgtyemca:but Auuawa Dcfp^co ta

be caneD in a)e U ippe boate toitl) tbe Licuctcnaunt. CClhr

tljtp notue appiocbcD-ncarc unto die fl)ippe, crrtapne great pc :

ces ofojainaunce lucre oifdjargeD ofpurpofc, tbc fea UMS fv:-

1(0 uwlj c^imocr, anO(|)eap^cU)ttb fmoke, d)

. 7

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ito guakeD foj fe: rt,fuppofpng tbat t&c frame oft&e totftoe (jnD

bcninDdungrr oftalipng, UutUJljcnttjcpratDctljetiacvrnant

laugbj anD loohe ritfarefuHp on tfcem,tiep called agapnctfcep?

fpiwe auanD toben tbep pet tytetoc nearer to tbe fl)pp3anD brarDe

tbe nopfe oftbe to^fbatouw^nDDMnnme^tbep bicre toon*lin,al mf

DcrfullpaaomcD at tbc fuicctc Iiarmonie thereof. Cmrpng into

tbc llipppc,artt) bebolDwg tbe fojeftpp anD ttje rt:mc 5tlie coppe


iotl;ct fpicpng bis epe on tije fpacr> aiiD tljt fpttcc (t?D aouura*'

on tl)C b?oti;cr, djep lucre botl) as u lucre DummcanoamaTCD, UOM

anD ujpftcnot ttJijattofap fouo tnudje tuoonD^png;. CCU;vIc

bcljolDimg; tbcfe tbpnga, tljep toanucreD up ano Dolunc rtjc 0)ip,

tljc iinitcnaunt conmtaunDCD rijc ankers to be loofcD , anD tbe

feples to be bopfeo up. jen toere djfp furtber aftonpfbcD^tuljeii

cbep fan) Go great a mole to mooue as itmere bp it felfe, toitbout

o?c0^aD toitljout d(je fo^cc ofman: foj tbere arofe from tbc eartlj

fucbe a topnce,aj( a man tuoulo? baue Uipfl;eD fo? ofpnrpofc.Pec

furt!;ermo?e,toiicn rijcp percetueo tbe Ibtppe to niooue fumeanie

ftutoarDe,ano fomerpinc bac^arDjfonitt^ne touiaro tlje rigi;t

banDiviiD fomctpme :oiuarDc rljc iefte^nD tljat UJt tb one uitnnr,

anD in manner at one tnftam, tbep Uiere at tljcpi toptres CDC foi

to mud) aontiratton* 0efr tiipnges fiinfl)eD,iinD tbc flxppes li

ncn tuub b?cao,aiU) fudje otberreluarncg, tbcp bcpno; nlfo re

conipcnceDUJitbocljcrifour tbpncr.es , beoirmilTcD not onclp

t^e kpng Bcutbius jnubaucb >a anD I)i0 fpffcr, but Ipkcluifc afl

trjcp) fcruaunted $ luomcn, repIemflieD U)tcb iopc f toouDenng.3ftcr tfjt S, be bpin feire toohe bi? to:ncp bp foote tattb bid foul*

filers to tbe cittc of //J^T //..-, \ubcre be U)aa ntnicrttfeo tbat one


j?ftt;,anougIjtp{eloujc;tuboin bcfojc , bepng ()isi

ftruantjljebaD p^eferreo tobccapuapncoftbcmpncr0 anD Ia

bourera^it after maoc bptn a luoge in canfergi of controueifte) ^

jpaDufcDbpmfelfe outragiouflp, anD uwa maltdouHp mpnDCD riif iturmpr.-

againftljpm, anD further, t^e caufe of mud) mtfcljiefc tnbiii Jf"r


bftncc * jr o? kpng Guarhnexlus (njbo a uibple before toa0 par*ll

&OIUD ofbid former rebellion, anD perfuaDeD tbe people to obeptbe &panpatte*)fcM0 bp \)i& uougljtie Ufa^ano fnd)e otljer a0

tocre confeDereo luttb bpni, fo accenfeD to reuenge tbc intnnca

at ty* b^Dc^, befpoe dx abonunabie

. The decades.

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of aefperate mmoe fleDDe to tbe moontame*, befog Diffaunt

from //ifc/fc onlp eetrae Iraguai UKfftoart*, tofcaroe $e no?oj

ftoe of tbefea. befemoumapnc*,anDaIfa t&einbabttatintf*

ofdie feme, tbep call bp one name, c/g w. tie great king of

aHt&ektngesanaregunwof t&efcmountapne*fccalIe&A*4w-

btncxht!, ano I)t3 court o? paflacc 10 nameo c*pron*i : tfce

mournapited are roiigf), (jtgl?) ano furd ad no man can pa fie to

ti^e toppes tbcrof, t^ep are alfo bctioi 115, anD (jaue t^etr coini ri

ootonetot^eua* ^ettucene botlj tfte coulters of tlje

motmtapne0, w tberc a greate plapne, bp tfje to&icfce manp r i

urr3 fail from tfje mountapnc0 into d)c Tea, tljc people are tcrve

fierfcano loarltke men, bautng tbcp? original of tljeCam bales:

foi toben tfjcp oefcenoton $e mountapne0 to tbe plapnes, to

fceepeioarretDtd) ri)cw boiDcreca, tbcp eate all fucb as tbep ki(.

Cuarionfxiu! tbcrfo?e,fleeinp; to tbte ttpng of t'jefc motmtapne^

gaue btm manp p?dhttcs offttcb tbingca 80 are uianttiig in bis

wirntrcpjtberuntb Declaring ijoui utlcip,l)i(lanoflp3anu uiolenc*

IpljebaDbentHeo ofour men> tottb wljoin be couloe nodjpmj

pjeuaile,nettber bp fap^e meanea, no^ bp foide, norbcr bp bumt-

ttrie,no? bp ftoumefle , aim tbattoto tbe caufc of btsf refoptng,tobpm at tbat tpme,mo3 fium')!p DC fp^tno; bim to be fct* oetnice

agapnUtbopp^elTtotu of fucijc mufrijctions people* MudA*

*^Ar;Kjbereuppon3 mauel)pnipjom'neto apue ano Ijcfpe bpmagainatbeCl)itaian3altl)<uljcmin:!)t be lieutenant tbere

fo?emaoe bade to tbe foj trefle ofConception, tobirijer^ (bone

astbetDascom^defentfui 'TyldtnuiXtmiws. tobottntb fudjc

asfoloujen bpm,fap in certapne oftbe Jtonu utHarres, jc'trnple^

rtdcmt from tbe fo?treOe. Qlt^wcommpnp;, tbclieuetenaont

afkco btm m'tft al tbefc ffnntd aim rumuto mrant^ l[)e anfuje*

red toitbout abatement, ?Dour b?otbcrt^ 3umtral barb to DOO

tberetoulj, anDfijallaunfuierefb^beramobeflpetljekpno^ fo?

toeperm'uctbattbekpmjljarbfaput bpmmtnia, tbatbebatlj

^aDtioicjarDetow: bere tuc perpOje fo? bungtr, ttftple toe

fbtouiepott, anDarcD?pen tofeeheourUnbapppefooDe in tbe

ttfarte*: ^ourb^otber alfo afflgneft me aOpttauntUinb pcu


Eden. The decadesBancroft Library.

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The firfl Decade. 35

rtfpecte bnto b<?jlue art Determines no longer to be Imftrr pour

obeotenee. Cdl)nT/\?/ '*; b*D fpokenfbcfeUMnDc^anD fucfje

otber, tbc Iteuctenaum UJotiloc bauc tapoe basDcs on bpm, but

be efCiipco bis rpncr,er0,anD flcDDc to tbe COefl panes of tljc regi*

on of Ar

ar4^<i,baupnp; tottb bpw a trapne oftbiccfeoje anDten

tncn,U)!jtcI)e lucre ofiris eonfcocracie. l)jre tbts fplrlip fpnhc of

rebcllcs thus confptreo, pi^pDc rijcpi uage^^no ipucD undj loofc t, ff ,,nmtrn

b^pDlc0malk;>nDcofmpfc!)rcfc, robbing tljc people, fpoplmo; m.ui>ew.

tljceoi'.n(rcp5 a;iD rauifl)pnn;botl)Uiiwcs anrJUirgun, CCUjplc

djcfet'jpngcs UJCTC Doomn; in ttje JlanD:,tljc ^onitral Ijao cigljc

OjippcsappopntcDinmbptljchpng, of dKttflrcljc l.efrmtuio

Direetfp to tljc Lieuctciwnt I);s Ozotljer. ^;l;efc flivps bp rljtmneeu"

ro -

arrpueOfp^rtontlnitfpDeofibc 'jf^noc luljere T^Uanus Xcmi*

nut ranged U)iti)ljt 9 ronipaniotu. \-k.vM in fljo^t trmeljao fc*

t)iieeDti)em,p!omprpn3tfjeininthcltefDc cf maitockes, tocn

cbea pappca : foi Idbottr, ylcdfiirc : foi l)tina;rr, nbunoancc : ano


?ui5.flecpe(inD qmc nelfc Guanonevius 1 * 0|

tntbemcane tpmc aflembicD ctpotueroffjiafi-enDeaanDeon:

fcDcrarc0, * came oftcntpmeo Dotonc into tfjc pfapnc3anD flue a*

manpoftbcCljndtan men as be cottloc meere conuementlpc,

anDalfot')cJlauDcmen tufjtebc tucre rtjcin frecnoes, todfrtno;

djcp? rrjounoc, Deftropingrbepifeeoey, anDfpopitiTjdjctrUpl*

lagcs; But tyldanus ano Ins aoberentes, albeit tjicp Ijao knoiu*

Icoge rtjattbc 3Dmiral ujauioe iljonlp co?tic, pet fcareo tbep no*

tbtno;, bccaufe tbep bao feouce^ rt)c ncluc men U)!;td)c c.tme in

rijc fpift ilipppcg. CClbplc tbe Lieuetenaunt tuas rijus toffcD in

tbe mpDDeft oftbefc Holmes, tn tbe mcanc tpme bt0 b)bcr ri)e

^Dtntralfetfo?toarDC from tbe coato of >papnc : but notot^

rectfp to Hifpaniola, fo? IjC tUHICO mO?C tOUKirDC tljC foUtb.Htl t!)C T&f tDnjb bo;

toljtcbcuopage,tobatbeoi)0,tubatcoatlcsbortjoftl)cIanDe ano

fta be eompaffeDianD luljat nelwe regions be fiifcoticrcD, toe topi

fptf Declare : foi to tofjat enDcano condufion tbe fapD tumultcs

, uxujpl e^cOein^eenoeoftftc boofcefb*


Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 189: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


eilanb or



Thefyxtbookcofthefyrft Decade, to

, tbe tbiroe aapoftfe

|Cal:nDc0ofJune, mtbe peewof Cbjifte

4 !' 1 498. bopfeoupijtsfaplesnitbebaueuof

tfjC tottme <Barramfdabas , not fant oiftaitt

from Ctf/rr, .HID fct fojuiarDc on Ijt0 uopaje

ttritbcpgbt ftpppca laoen iwtb UtttuaHctf

and otOcr necellartes.ipc outerten from in*

9tD{jtcbc luas Dp tl;c IlanDctofCanarit , bp rco<

(on ofcertapne trencljincn pp^atts ano rotters on d)f fc a 5uHjicIje

lap in tbe rpgljt uap to niecte luitlj ljpin.3fn tiie luap from C4/n

to tije 3HanD3 ofOum5

, about fotircfcoie ano tennc mplcsco*

toaroe tfje left b.inDr,is t c 3itonec ofMain*, moje foutbvu.irD

tbcn tljc cute ofOK/A op four; DCO^CCS, foj tbe pole 3rtike us

eleuare to C'tt/.V-rrrDLDcgrces, but to tbis JIanue (as tije Ba-nners fau) onlp. icncti.Oef.wfcDtbcri'lbiefp^ to w^/r/^nD

ftnopnrj fr^pi tbmce Directlp to Hi^amoU tbe redone of tbe

fijippes laocn uiitb UtttuaKes anD other neccffarics , be bint frifc

toirij one (Ijpppe toitb occhcs, ana tluo sparc;jant Can.ueUctf,

coafteD touicirDc tbe &outb to come to tbe Cquinocttal (pne,anO

fofoo?tbtofdoU)tl)c tracte oftbe fame toiuaroetbeCacft, to

tbe intent to fearcb tbe natures of fitrije places as be couioc finoe

bnoer 01 neare Unto tbe fameJlcaning Hi;[amokon tbe nonb fioe

on bts rpgbt banoe. 3Rn tlje miDDle oftbia race, Ipr rut. Hanoeaofrije lpa?tua;alefi(, lubtcbe tocre in oloe tpme caHeo Hejfrrrifa,

ano are notue calleD Caput Vwidcjsti Caboucrde, rijefe are fituarein

tfee fea, rpgb t oner ao;atmf! tbe inner parted of Ctlnopc, Writ*Uwmtvuo Dape0 fapipno;. One of tbeft tbe jsoirugalea call

tanoc, manp lepjous men are beaten anD cleanfeo oftlicpi lep^Of Departing: foDatnlp from ncnce, bp reafon oftbe comajjiooPneiTe oftije av^e,befdplcD. CCCClrrr mpiestottarDtlje COetl

foutbtoca, UJbtcbeismtliembDeabettoentrtbetadlanorbe&3tttb. bere tuass be fo uereo \iritb malaotw ano tjca tc (fo? it

tow tbe itnnetb of3Iune) tbat big (bp^0 tone almo'l fet on rp?e:

fCbt boopee of bis barrefocracfteo awo fyakc, anD tbe freQ u

tttwowoiu, tlje imnal(bcampIa?ncotbatt(>eptoerenaWe

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

70^ JT<~-

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Page 191: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tfie firft Decade.

foafctne ftat etfremtrfe ofheate.foeretpe nojtb pofetotfcfeitate

onelp. u , Degrees from the ^o?t?ontall . Jfoj tlje fpace of tiiti*

Dape^mrijetoljicljbefiifftreottjcfcfictrfmitca, onelp tip rpjtt

toapttasfapje, but a! the other, riotoDpanorapnv, petntucr-

thcleffcferaembotte: ea'/erefcneit oftentimes repen'eD bpmnot a lit!e, that cucr be tooke that Nap, Tfteing toflcD in tlje

re Dan*

get* ano IKrations epght continual! Dapcs, at tbr !fngti;e an

C.iftfou [heart lurnDf arofe,ann g.me a piofperous blade to lji<

faplw . CCUjicdc iipnDe foloiMino; Dtrectlp toluaroc the luert, Ije

fcunDe tbe (larres ouer tOat paralcll placeo in other o?oer,

anoanotljerhpnDcof apic, astfcc ^omirall hpm felfe totloe

me. 3trt)thfpalaffmne,t!)atU)itl)ituh?ee Dapeei fapltnj, tljep

fotmoe mot! temperate ano pleafiunt av?e , ^"Ije 3Dmiral al

fo affi(niicti),tljat from the dime cfthe areat Ijeate ano Unholfomc

anc,hceuerafcenDrDbpthcL),:ekcof the fea, w it mere bp a

Ijpg'j mountapne toujarcc hcauen , pet in all tl)is tpme, couluc

ie not once fee anp lano:T5;it at the Jen jth,tlje Dap before t!)r <a*

ICITDCS of JuIp,tV ttiatcljman lookpnjfooiti) oftip toppe cartel

cft(je (prafea ft/ippe,mcD cut aloubc foi top tbat he efpteo t^ee

etccomj hpjh monntapne^, crooning hta feloUies to be ofgooD

cljrerr, ano to put auw al pcnfiuenes : fo? tiiepUiere Uerp bwupanD fo^oU)fiJfja& uirHfp? the grc.fc bhiei) diep fuftepncDbp rea

fon ofthintoUerabie heate, as alfo that their frcfbc toatcr fapleo

tltiii, luhielje rannc out at the rpftes ofthe barels, c^ufefi bp ep*

trrme heare, as luc haueOipD , ^hus being U)el eon.fJiteo, tbep

D?CU) to the lano, but at tliepi ^rt appjocb tbep coulo not anme,bp reafonof the fljalotories or the fea netrc tie tl:o^c: pet lohirp;

out of thcp: fljpppes, ti'ep mpglit tuell perceuie that the Begiontuas in'jabpteD, anDtuelculturcD, fo^thep(au)euerpfap^egar*

Den?, anD plcaPnint meooires : trom tlic treefl anD hcrbes tuber*

of, to'jen the mo?npng oeaun s beganne to rpfr,d) ere piorraocD

nianpe ftueete fauouccs . ^tueiitit mptcs otftant trim Ijmf,

tljtp cfjaunceo tmo a haucn, berp apte to!Mibo?oU)eOipppec,lut it l;ao no rpuer running mto it, feaphng on pet fcmurfjat

ft'ftlKr, he foutttieat the length a commoDicus Ijauen^trin ije

might repap?e his ftpppes, anD mahe p^uificn of frefl;e Uwrctano rud. trends caflcttj this lanD Tuta . ^l;fp founo no hodes ??'

'ral* *f

umotl;el;auen, but innumerable Oeppes ofcmcpnimlDejftui

Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library. ^_^ x


Page 192: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 193: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

, oftbetolricbetbep (broiDe one Dean, mtfcWplea

goate- be Dap folotnpng, tbcp fatoe a anoa commpng a fane

of,baupng in tt foure ano ttoentic poung men ofgooDlp cojpoja*

m MKrc'tijc 4?qiu* ti)c Ocarc of tljcpj bcaDcs >)'ns long anD p!apne,anD ciitte on rbe

"fo?ebcaD mucb after tbe manner of tfje S>panparDs, tbetr yjpuie

partcs uiere cmiereo lutri) fpiicts of ojofiamptne cotton, offun*

D?p colours cnterIaceD3tlflerc befiocal ouer ndkeo Jj)erctlje 3o-

miral,confpDcrmg luitlj Ijtm fclfc tl)C coipo?ature of tlji^? people,

ano nature of tbe lanDc, he OeleeucD tl)c fame to befo muclje rtjc

nearer Oeauen,tljcn orijer regions oftbe fame parnle!,anD furrijernigi D

rcmooufD from t |)e grro^ uap0urg Ofri)e uales, anD inarpflie*,

Ijoiuc muclje tljc UpgOcd topped of tlje bpggeft mountapnetf

are Dtftant from tlje Deepe Dales foi Ije earneflfp aflftrmetl),tl)at

inaltljatnatugatton, !;e netterU)cntoucofc(jeparaIeisoftb^

ope : <>o great Difference 10 tlxre be: tuct nc tljc nature of tljurfja*

btt<nintes,anD of rtie Topics of outers regtons,ai under one dime

o? par.ilcl, as ts to (eebetUieene flic people anD regions bcpngin the fp:mr fanDe of Ctliiope, anD tljem of tbe JlanDcs tuiDec

tl)e fame dnttc, l;aupng tlj.: pole Oarre eleuate in p fame Degree.

4To^tl)e Cilnopicuis are all blacftr, bauing rijep^bearecurieo,

mo?c like uiool then Ijrarc-.but tljcfe people oftOe 3llanD offuta*

(brpng as 3! I) me fapoe unoer tbe clpme ofCt htopc) are tobtte,

tahtlj long fjcare,ano ofpelolu e.lotir CObcrcf^eitisapparant,

tbe eaufe oftljis TJ great Dinrrence,to be rarfjcrbp rijc Dtfpofition

of tbe cartb, then condttutton of beaucn . jTo: toe Knotur,

rfjat fnotre falletb on tb: mountapnes ofdie Equinoctial, oz

burnt Ipne, anD t!;e fame to cnDurt tljrre cominuaflpe : tue

fcnofre Ipkeiupfe, tbat tbe uibabitattntes of tbe regions farrc Di

Kant from tbat Ipnc totuaroc tbe nojtb,arc molctteD tmtb great

beate. 0e ^DmiraQ, tbat bempgbt aluretbe poung men to

bpmlDttbp^ntienefle,ujeUicDtbemIookpnggIa{re09 fap^e ani

b?pgbtbelTet0ofct>pper,bauKes bclles,anDfucbcotber tljpngc^bnknouien to rijem . But tbe moie tbep Uicre calleD, fo mucbetbe moie tbep (ufpecteD craft anD Dtcepte, anD flcDDe backc*

tojaroe: petDpQ tbep luitb gren aDmtration bcbotee our

men ano tbep? tbpnges, b Cpfl baupng tbep? ojeia! in tbepj

ianDe^ rcop to flee. COfjcn 4e 4DiiuraU toe 4at be coutoe


The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 195: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

^cotttoeootm*ntuacaninflrumentej5, ano tberefye com*

ntaurt)CDd)at^n)tiiyicl)cttieteintl)egrMceftIbpp^)oun) plap /nnaenifw

roibep?0?umme* an&lbatolmw. 35wt tbepotmgmenfupp* onunmw.


Ipngofanepebaatbepjarrotoea in rfjep? botoea^no cijep? tar*

getsontbetrarmes: anorijua erecting rtjep^arromcgtouwtoe

out mat, Oooue in execration to fcnotoe tobat tbt* nopfe migbemeane, flDur men Ukettpfe pjeparpng tUcw bouics ami ar

rotoea , app?odjeu totoaroe tljeui bp iitlc anD nde . $ut tbep uc=

partingfrom tfc ^omtraljs Qjpppc,anD ttuQing to tljc Derreritic

oftiro o?es,camc ft ncare one oftbe lefle (bpppc0, tijat one of

tbcmpfuekfDtljedokefromtl^gouernoutoftljeQjpppf, anO

00 toci as$ tljep cotdoebp Ogne*, rctiuireo bpm to come alanoe, .

p^omifpng faptlj tbat tbcp toouloc commune undj btm of peace.

But uiljentUepfaluebimgoetotbe8DimrlBU;pp,tol}ptberl)e

toent to afte leaue tbat be nfigbt commune tut rt)tbem,fulpect ino;

Ijerebp Come furdjet necept,(5ep leapt immeuiadpe into tbe Ca-

noa.aitpflceoDe asCtopft a0 tljetopnae ,fo^tbatto conduw, tfcep

coulo bp no meaner be aflureo to fanuliaritie:COWb?e d;e ^u-

nural tbougt)t ic not conutnient to bcltotoe anp longtime tbere

attljtsuopage, JfSo great fpacefrom tbw 3!Unuie^terfottart)e^ biolmt

d)e COed^be 3mtiiral faptb b? fbrniD fo outragtotis a fai oftoa* "nrre of toe

trr,runnpngtnd) fucbeautoience from tbe eafttotbeOftcfi,

ri)atitU)a0notl)pngmffrio?toa mpgbtte ttreamefaHpng front

^pgbmountapue0. ^alfoconfeiTeo, djatfpncetbe fpjft tap

tbat eurrbehnetDC tobattbe fta meant, be ttjaancucr infucbe

ftare. ^oceeopng ptt fuiiKlu^atfurtberindjisoauiigci'ou*

bopage,be founoe rectapne gutfcd of epgljt mpleayi^ it ban ben

tbe encrattnce of fome great baoen, into dje tobicbe dje lapoe

btolemftreameatpofen. ^beft gulfess o?0repgbtc0be cat

otrecdp oueragapntt tbe (ante, be caHeo Mg*riu.tbefe Orapgbtw, iffueD no leOc fo?cc of frcQje mater,

cbeencounterpng tuitb tbe folte , Dpo ffrpne to pafTe fbo^rfj,

*o tbat bettoecne botb tbe luatfcs , towi no fittafl conflpcte*

into tbe gutfe, at tbe lengtb be founue tbe


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 197: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


<ugf regionifpica.

The fyrft Decade.

Ipm fcKe,t) tfjep tobtcb ttere bfo companions fit AfotoMge;

bepng men of gooD ereoit, anD pcrceauing rop Dilygeitcc rn

fearebpngfojtbefe mattery toloc me pet of a grtttffftpff*

tbat i$,tbat foi tbe fpacc of ,rrut. leagues, amoumpng to a

bunojetbanDfourcmpIes, befavleDeuerbp frefte uwer, info-

nttcb tljat tlje ftrrtber Ije pioceaDcD, rfprciallp toin.irbc t!jf U)c(!,

fceaffinneDriKUwer to be tlje freftcr . 3fter this, Ijc dime

to a Ing'jc moimrapne mhabttcD onclp lu'tl) S^onkfpcs( o? Vfi ir

ntatus,on tfjat part tottnroc cl)C C itt : Jr 01 tb it fpor U) 13 rotugb

Uittf) rockve am tlonp ino'intapnrs, an^i ciiercfojc not ttt'iabttfo

tuitljmni. J^cttljevtbatlufmnKiuDefo rcarc'?cr!

}C co.uitrcp,

fotmoc ncrc Untotljc fca, manp fapjc ft:I?cs, U)dl ft'ltro anD

foluen, bu:nopeop!e,uoipctl]ouff3oj roM^rs: par!)appcef

tlepUJere gone further into the coimtrep, u (blue t'^rp? CJMIC,

anDapplpetl)CPil)uflwno^'vi3 \uce often fee our t)ufu.inDniicH

to ieauetbepi ftattons .inoutHagca foi the fame purpaPe . 3hi

tlje lurft fpcc oftljat moitntarne , tljfP cfppeo a la'-gc p'apiir,

toljttljer tljcp maoe IjalT, .itn eaU airtcr in tijcbiooe ruti?r 3

foonea-jti)em!)abttante^!jabhnoU)!et)a;cti)at a fti.rujc ndtton

Uias airpucD in tbepz coa.les, t()fp came floehpnn; iDftljowt

all frare to lee our men. eCie unDeriooe bi> tfjcpi fppes anD

popmpna;e0, tljat dji^ Hegton lua-i rilleD /" JM^, ano cliat te

toils uetp large : info imiche thattljefurtOtr it reae tt!) toU):irDe

tbetue!te, to be fomudictljc better inijabiteD ano replemfljeo

toirfj people. l)e 3umtral t!jerfo]e,tabpng into I)t3 (bippc foure

oftl)emenoftl)atlwoe,fearcbeDtbe &Kft pJRM of tlje fame.

3i5p tl)etcmperatene0 ofdje aper,tl>e pleifautnes oft^e grounn ,

ano die mnlti ttiuc ofpeople U)!uc ;

) tljt p fauir oatlp moie i mo.ic

aatlKpfavfeD, tbep contecturrD tljat tl)efe tbpnges pouenucDfome great matter: as in oceoc t'.ictr opintnon faileo tljcm nor,ai

toe toill furt'.jer Declare in Ins place . ^be fonne nat pet rpfen,but

btgtnnpng etien notoc to rpfe, being one Dap allureD bp rbe pfea

fjtmtncs oftbe place, and ftoeetc fuiours U)bic2)e b^earljcD torn

cbe lanDc to rbe fypppes, tbep uient a lanDe: Dcre tbep founDe a

greater multptuDe ofpeople, tben tnanportjer place. 3s otir

menapp;tocbeD-toUiarDetbem, there came crrtetnc melTcngerafrom tbeir Cacici.tfat i0,tbc kmgw oftbe countrep,to Defp^e tbe

Somirall ui tl;e name ofttjepj piincc^ to come to t^ejn

Eden. The decades,Bancroft Library,


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Page 199: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

to^tfeare,atrtatfto^tnaniDcment* flBben tbe amraraii bao tfranto tan, ano

nuiOljK(n;cii(cfb?^attpmc,tf)ere com innumerable people

toitbt!jep?boatt$to tbe fypppes, baupng foj tbe mod panecbepne* about tbepjneckea, garlanDea on tf*# beaars, ami


monlpe,tbat our ttwmen in plape**no trpumpbe*, fcaue not

greater plentie offtonc* ofgtefle anD crpttaB nt ttjep? garianD^

crotunef, gtr&ete, ano fuctie ottjer tp?emente3 . Bepno; afteo

tobere rtjcp gatbereo tljem, tljep popmeo to tfte nrrt fl)o?e bp rije

reabanto.djepOpifieoaUb, bp cmcpnefco^nefull teffinttf

tobidie tfjep ntaoe tiittb djrp? moutbed ano banocg, tbat tbep HO

tbpng ettccmco pearleis . taking alfo baOtttte? in tbeir IjanDf0,

ftjcp maoefignes ri)at tlje fame mpgbc be rpQeo toitb tljtni in

(boite fpace* But becatife tbe copte Uibnruntb bis ft)pppca lucre

lar en to be carpeo into r? i/jwiw/^a D taken burc bp rrafon oftbe

fait toatcr , be betentiincD to Dcferrc tljt^ ntarte to a nto?e conue*

hinit tpntf:gct be fent to land ttoo oftbe (bpp ba.urs iaoen totrt)

men,to tljimcnttofetrijfomegarlanDsof peadesfoi eprijange

ofowrtt)pnge3,anu atfofbmtebat to fcarcbe tbe nature oftbe He*

gion, ana wfpofition oftbe people. bcp entertepnco our mai

gentdip, ano came nocking to tbem bp beape*, aantbaobento bebolDefome ftrange monflers, jfpirt tljcre came to meete

ournien.tuiomen of grauitic, uibom tbe mulmiioe fbloUxo:

)ne oftbefeuiad nieQ in age, ano tbe ot^er but poung . ^bepftmke ittua* tbe fatber, toitbbi6fonntoIndjefl;ouUj fucceeoe

(pm. CObentbe one Ijao (aluteo aim emfyafeo tbeofljer,rijep

b^ougbt our men into a certepne rotmoe bonfc, ncere unto tbe

tobicbe twg a great cowrte.lDptbertwre b^ouglnman? cbapew

. 9fter tbat ourmen ano tbep? pjinces toere fettc,

tbfwtoaptpngmencamein lauen, feme tottbfim^p Dripcate

mD dwfeofopuera kpnDdS, ano utterlp bi^no\Doi(oto .

topwtoa^ botb tubpteanD rcD&r, not maoe of grapess but of)

tbe Ipccur ofopuera fruke^ anoucrpplcanwmettfDjtpnkpno;:.wr tbtt banquet wade in tbe otoc mans tjoofe t fbeim$^ b^ooojic *ewto tetiljcnwcleo^ inantiom>l<oe, inbere.

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.

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Page 201: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fyrft Decade.

IM.I great compairobotb ofmen ammamett, but tbep (toone

men Ditteucrco tbe oncfcomcl)cotl)cr. Oep are urtpte, cucn atf

oroHKnate, failing fuebea* arc mticb conuerfantintbefunne.

^ijcp are alfj uerp gentle, ana full ofbumanittc toto.iroc (Iran*

gets. ljep cotter tbep? pitute partea ur.tb goflfomptnc cotton,

Unaujljtumljfunmp colour 3, anoarebefpae alhnkcD. Cbcrc

toagfcU)?, 01 none, tbac bad not eprtjer a toller, arbnw, oj a

bracelet of goloe ana pearled, ano manp baoall, l^epngaf.

keo toberetbep Oan tbac goto?, tbe)>po?nteD to certapne mourn

tapncs, fcempnglottb tbepicounreiutmreto Dt(Tb)iocourmen

from gopng tbitbenJTo? putting cbep? armea in tbepj moutlje0,

anogrpnnpnjad cbougb tbep bptte tbefame, ftpU popntpngto the mountapne?, tbep feemeo to intinuate tbac men mere

eaten tljere: b: it lubetber tbep meant bp tbc Cantbales, o]t uiploe

beattes, our men couloe not u>cl percetue . Ebep tooke it e.ccee-

bpnggreeuouflpe, tbac cbep couloe neptber bnoerdanDe our

men,no^ our men tljem . caijcn tbep tt)l)td)e taere ft n t to lanoe ,

lucre returnee to cbefljpppca about 'tbe of tbc cloche at after

noonecbe fameDap, bipngpnguritb tbem cercapne garlanoe^,

ana callers ofpcnrlcs,tljcp loofcD tbepi ankcra Co ocpartc, m:n-

Dpng tocomcagapnefbo?clpe, luben all r!jpnge uiere fet in

gooDo>QerinH^mo/4.- but be tuaa picuentco bp another,

^bidjc oeftateD bim oftlje reuiaroe ofbis trauaple. fyz tow al<

if t&c f<. fo bpnnereD at tfci* time bp reafon oftbe (baloluneiTe ofdje fca, t

Violent courfe oftbc U)atcr,io!u'c') tmtb contimta'l to(Tpng;,biuifca

tbe grearett (btppe a0 often aa anp great gale oftmno arofe. CoanopDc tbc oaungew of fucbc flmloiuc places anDfbelfcd,

oe ufe of <ra.- l;e eucT Cent one of tiic fmallcrt CaraueUe befoie to trpe tbe^ *?* femDpng , ami tbe bpggeft (bpppcii fblotoeD fae=

bpnoe ^be regions bepng in tbe large piowncc ofTaria, fo? tlje

fpace oCCCrrjcjnples^re cafleo ofri)C inOabicanw,cM4,an5Manacapart from tbtfc regions Dtdant .Ir.leagues! , t si tbere an

otberregion calico Curiana. caben be ban cbus pafleo ouer tljtrf

long tract offea/uppofing u>l t"mt it baD ben an HIanoc,t ooub<

tpngrljatbempp^t paOebp tbe caedcotbe JftoitijoMTcrfpto

^tjmtoa rpner of,rtr.cuniwoea|itb,anD

^mewtobe,rrutu;ieagucu. a Ipde further totoarDe tbe

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Bancroft Library.

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Page 203: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

,petrowfoJjatin0?c foutfetoardr, a* #eboom of cfte

be entered mtoafcafuflof Ijcrbea o?

fetDe of tte Ijrrbcs iuijtcte ftupn.rce on tfcc iuaicr, are

niucbelpkedjebcrrpea of tfce ate callcD jfi/aa,tol)icbe beat*

rtb fte ftoJcete gammr calUo A* fix : tb c p getter fa ftyckr,

tfrattfcrpfomtpn^mmancraapeDtfocftpppcs. b* aonurai

rcpojrco, rijat fcnt tbcre 10 not rne Dape tbjoufiijout all tljc

peeretmut longer oj flx^ttr fan an ot^cr, antu&attbe jl?o?t()

pole wftereeleuate ondp fpue Degree* as at ?*>r". in urtjofe

rracte afl cljcfe coattea Ipe . il)e alfn mlarrD ccrtn^nr ttjintyc s

a0concernpngO)ebaneteof^eno^ pole: tbe mbicbeberaVe

thepfceme contrarpe totljoprnpontfoMI! tfec 3Irrcnoircr0, 31

topHcouctjetbcmbutlmr|ja D?pe firotr, as fapttj tlic pioiurbf,

BucutsfcKllknotoen (woanoWep?mce)tljathJ{)icbe Uic rail

tljcpoleft.irre,ojno?tbftarre (calico cf tljc Jtn!ian0 7'ramon-

rd4) is not tl)e ucrp popnt ofd> pde 3rtpfcc,bppon tlje totjtcfje

tlje nres 01 cjccrnnitiesi of bcauaw are ntrnco about . (>e U)!;t

rteteg maptwfllttp?oue^ifti^cntt)e(!aiTfar>^(!appfait3

poubcljoloc tljc pole ttarrc tfi^ougO nnp narotue !.:b?c: JTo? fo,

ap piping pour tnffrument t^crto hi OK nio^nvng, fomu>!jat be*

fo? e tlje Dape fpjing bane blcrn tfl)CD rt;ep^ ligl; t, pf 1 1 j c n poa Icofe

tl)jcugl)tl)ercimcljo!c, pottfljall pcrrnucit to lie nioucD from

tiic place tobereponfauje it fpjift. 15uc l;rU)e it ccmmrtb to

paOe, tbac at rijc begpnnpng of ttjc euenpng ttatli 01) t it id denate

in tfcatHegiononlpfpue Degrees in tlje nioncrtj of 3lunr, anoin tl)emo?npng tujplpgljttobecleuarc.ru. Degree bp tlje feme

qu^ant, 3! ooo not unDrrttanue, no; pet Doo djc reafons"'*

W)tc!)ebeb?pngetb, inanppopntlktpffpe me. JTq \}t faprt;5

tljat be berebp contcaurcD> tl;at ttje card) id notperfccrip roumfe

but tljat luljen it Um0 ereateo , rljcrc Uia0 a ccrtapnc beapctapTeo ibcron, murbe bpgtier tljcn the o tljcr pattc* of rbe fame.feo tijat (as be fapo it is not rowcafter tie fo?me ofan appfe

, ann ttjat PM:* is tlje Begum ujlncb polTclleri) tbe

nento? JjpgfjeftparcrberofncarefUmtobeaticn: 3!n fo

roudjt ojatbc cacnctttp tonrcnoetb* tljc canfylp H^araty' fc to u0we in tfcr tapper uftljofe tfyct Ijpllrt , toindje me (apue

&%, I^t^xat4timla^ottt:of4eiopye catfei of

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totnrijefoutolentlpe tffljuc oue oftlje fapoc gulfetf, ano flrpue

fo tottb tbc fait toater, fall bw&long from tbe toppcs oftbe faioc

mountapne0: But ofcbia matter, ttfl;aUfuffpcc to bauc fapor

cbus mucfre . Ice b0 notoc tbercfoje return* to tbe fopflojie

from tobiebetoe baue Digrcfleo , CZTien be pcrcciueo Ijtm feltc

cobetbua mUn.TppcDtnfo great a girifcbrponoc bn Cjcpccca^

tron, io t^ac be bao notoc tioljopc to fwioe attp paffagc totuarOe

tlje no^tlj,H:rbp ijcmpgbt faplc Dircctlp to Hijpanola, \)t Uia^

enforce to tunic backctljc fame map bp the toljtci:c became,

anODtrecteDbisbpoagcto HHpMida bptbcno?tboftbat!anne

IpmgtotiwrDe tlje Catt . ^ijcp ttjicl;c aftetuwrDe fearebco tljis

lanDemo?ecurpounye,tpH ttto be pane of tbc comment oj

feme lanoe ofJito, anD not ofci.i as the Qonural ftippofeo:

jfo? tbere ait manp laljirije affunte tbat tbep bauc fapleo rotmD

aboutc'ub* . But Urfjetber it be fo 01 not , 07 lubetlier emiping

tbe goou fortune of tlnsf man, tbep fake- occafpon of quarclpng

in tpme appopnteo, rewcaletlj botb ttutb anDfalfeboD, But UJ'oe*

tbcc ^Fur/4 be comment 01 not, tbc 3umtraU ootb not mtidje

contenoe, but be fuppofctb it to be comment : )e alfo afftr*

wetb tbat Taria 10 mo?e foutbnjarrje tbnt HifranioU, bp cpgljc

lKutD?cofourefeo?e and ttuo mpleis. at tbclengtbbe came to

tbe tbp?o Dap of tbe cafenoca of^epecmber, in tbe peere . 1 498.but (as often timed cijmmcetlj m bumanetijpnged) among ijii

fomanp p?ofperoiw, pleafaunt, ana lucfcpe aflfap?e0, fortune

tnpngleDfomefeeDe^of tooimetooou, ano cojrupteoljispurc

*o?w toitlj tbe malicious toecDca ofcockle,

<[ The fcucnth booke ofthcfyrft decadc,tothe fame Lfdouike Girciinal.&c

(pen tbe 3mmral luas note come to tii c 3^

IanneofH///'4/e/4,befounDe au tbpngcaD ano out ofo?oer .

Jfo? J^anus(oftobom toe fpake before) refufeo in ijitf

abfenee to obep bis b?otber,tntfting to tlje

multuittK ofHid; a0 lucre confeoerco tuttd


Ldr:;. ~'h deci

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frpm , ana rot ontlp faftattcft torn frife woaoeip affaptift Acaomiralles better ana ueiiftenant, fonictpmc b& matter,

but nifo Tent letters to Ins repjocbc to tljc kpng of$>papne,tber

in ar cufpng botb tljc b?etbjcn, laving bepnoua matters to tljcpj

l^ut tbc QDmiraU agapne fcnt mcflcngcrs to tijc

oeipiing bio grace to fence Ijpm a ncbie (upplpe of men,tu: crbp be imgbtfuppicftc tl)fp) Icct ntictifncs, aim puntflj tbcm

ft; tljepi itnfdieumis actcs , ^:(jep accufeo tljc ^Dmtrall anoOis(

biotber to be umuft mm, cruel emraies, ano flieDDct^ of tijc

^panpfbeblooD, ocdarpng tl)at Uppon euerplpsbc occafpon

rijcp tuotdDeCi.cke them, Vdtig tljeni, and beao tljuit , ar.o tfjac

tljcptooheplcafutctljcrni, ano tfeat tfjep Departed from (fccm,

asfromcniell tp^imcs anD inploe beafles retcpcpng; m WOOD,

alfotbehpngeg emnu'ea: aflfpniipng (pftelupfe, t'.attljcv lucl

perceuteDtljep^ententtobeuoncotbertljento bftirpe tOemptrc

oftljeJLinDeg5 UiljidjeibpngCti^pfapDc) tl^ep fufpecteo bpatljoiifanoc roniccturc a, atiDefpcciallpintOat ci-ep toouioc pec*

nut none to refouc to tbe goloe mpnes , but onlp fit cbe as lucre

djep? famiUcrd . ^Ije Qomtrall on tlje contrarp part, Uiljcn be

oefp^eoapDcoftfjekpno; to infring tljep? infolcncie, auoudjcn

tljataltl)ofelji!3(accufer0, MMdjIjaooeutfeofucbe Ipcs agapnft

two, tuere notigljtte felouie 3abljoimmib!e biwues ano Uiiain*,

t^eeueg anD bauoefijruffiana^Dultereriaf,^ rauifljerja! of Juomcn,falft pcrtunb Uagabounoes, and fud; as IjaD ben cptijer comact,in pipfonsi, DJ flcDDc fo? fcare of tuDgement : To efcapino; pumflj*

inentjbutnot Irauingbice, .tyfcnn tljcp ftpU compnutD, anH

bioua;i)t tbe fanu: toit^tbon to d>e flanoJpuing tljirc in like ma<ner as before, in tbcftc, ledjcrp, $ all kpttDc^ ofm Icbetfe, anoTo gpuen to Joleneg and fletpe, tljac terras tbepluere b?ougOt

tljpte fo? mpners, labourers, $ fcuupans, tljep luoidd not nomgoc one

ftffioflfi from t(>cp?boufes,ereepf Ojep Uietc Uojne on


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 209: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tterftfcifrtofan towenft

00 tbatfcetobfcfce wdDettifcfc mofle agtifcie make

ofont oft!)o(epoo?eti?etd)w to ftee qirpteanD clcanc from tije

bonpeto^egrounoeatoneOrocke, be tta0 tbe bcftman,ano

cowttcumofl fcon^abl* , tfteft tbpng*, ano manp fitcije otljcr ,

_ tent Mtf b?ocJjtr tbe

Icaaeienaunttweban armp of fottrefco?eanD tcimc fooecracn,

imp ft* fttoe ^0|(emeit (toitl) tb?cc tVoufanoe oftljc Jlanoe ITICITJ

tolXcbe toere mo?tan entmpea to tjie Ctguautan^ ) to meete

fapftaptte,. ttfeo fwu noone nmrije mpfdjecfc to oar men, ano

fiKfye a0 feitonrco tftctn ^bcrefo^e uH^cti tlje Lifuceitauut

baftcott5iiccco^t0antiptot()cbaitkc3of a rertepne great rptirt

rumrongbp riKp!apnc,itH)i^eiuefapDcbero?e to Ipe iiettucne

f^(^tier^oft^iiKwntapttc^of%4iMano^e(ea, Ixfounttc

ttoofcoutoioftjiiJenhnfeiSUtrkpngin rertfpnebulbe^) Uiljcrc*

oftte om, wdpng bpm feifebeaolong into tf)e fea, efcapco, ana

bpt^emoutbofrijerpucrfujamtmouertobtacompamonai: rije

otljcr beingtaken, DcctarcD tljat in t^e UJOODDC on tlje otber fpoe

t^erpuer, tberelapin campefijcerijoufanteCi5tiautar0rcDp,

BWtan^a(|)atotopIacetol;ercl^mig()tpafleoucr^eUK^l)s tobole armp entreo into ri;e rpuer , t^e Urfjicb tbing U)(jcn the

Ctguauiartf U^efppeu, tljcp came rtmnpng out ofthe UJOOUDC ^

iuubatcrrrtjfecrpe,aiimoabo?nblcafpecf,n]udi like Unto t&e

people caUed Jg*ti} rfi, ofUrfjom nie poet bitgil fpeafced) : jToi

tbeph)ereaUpaputrtJai>fpotteD toidj fnD?p coloursi, ano cf

peciaflt)^WacfeeanreD5 ti}bie1?tl)eptakcoffertfpitcfnutc

lrtrof*e|pajmttf)em felwes from tbe faflm*, euen,to n)e

f kudu taKtt, baupngt^ep^are (tol)idjebpartt!?ep make long

mtrmentoaDeuoaert^rpuer, t^ejrQxKte at

our men : inQmrncJe tjat if tftep bao not bo^ng of t^e

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ttep? tefgettc*, fte matter bao gone tyottg toft&

t|)cnu^etattbeIfnffdj,manpcbepngU)ounDeD, tbe? paflei

b^realbnof t^ep^ftnpftneOf uffoote. iw$bfpiigf


K^rfjep fliotte at outmen mojc fafclp, foj cljcpUjmg accuffr*

mcD to tbe toooroe? , ano nafceo tottbout anpr 'ere, patteo

ourmen luere bpnoereo bp rtr. i ofrijep? ap

pareII, targeting iauelins,* ignenaunce oftbe place flftber*

fo? e, toljcn be bao reffeD tbere a! tbat npgbt tn uapne,an& tbe Dap

fob&pngbefotDentUtirrutgintbe UJOOODCS^ beiuent (bp tbe

counfcl ano confticte of tljcotber 3ftonoe men toljicbe toere in

Jjt0antip,tmnieDiarip trotijcncc x tbe mountapne*^ntbelubf

lage caflco Cgu***.^ tbe u4)tcb name alfo d;e kpngtf palace N*P*load caiIeD,5ipii^ in . .e fame UtHage.'^bus <tiarcl)t ng fciUwrDe

twKj bid armic,about tluclue tuples of, bw encc. .npco in tbe Iril*

bge ofanotbcr hpng, lubi^e tbe inljabftauntctf b "b fo?fa^en foj r

ftttreofour men* J*et maKpnff Duictent (earcbe^tuep founotU)o

bp toljom tfjep bao fojo ujfeogc tb. : tijere uws tenne bingejs tuitb

Maidaitxius tn Iji0 palace of ctpronum, luitb an armie ofeigbt

tnotifarifr flytfftfflttiflTttf> y t ni^ -ict-itflTf*^0 tyj^ir ^tutMtocn%uC otiVir AM vi^mu *^

not gene tbem battaple, untpn be bao fomeiubat better fearcbeo nsti t njourar

nie region pet opn be in tbemeane tpmefhp^mp(]j'

tuttb tbem

itopfc. ^Tbe oejrt npgbt avout mpoiipgbt> be ftnt fooulj fcoutc^5

wDtot'tbtbem gttfoes of tbe 3flanue men lubirije teluc tbe

wmtrep: caibont tbcCtguautan^crppingfrotljemountaines,

mapne armp bat) bin

^placetoberetljepencampeD,feapingoutof tbe UJooD0e0,

?Bp(eattempteo tbefo?tune ofinaate,tetdpaflipuiigout

Jj^Wtb a mapne ftyce 9 ano tDounotng manp before tbcpvcornier tbem luttij tbepj targetresc get our men put

fluettwnpe, a^ofemaupe, tbere5oue

I mod

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 213: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


THefyrft Decafe"'

e. fcftlrem Wtfc mere eaten; fee fettfmte, amteWtfjmi anodjeroft^3!finBcmeii,^tcgtDag ofbis part.to

M+.obantxiurjwtb cnfv.mauiiDcwent tn tins effect, bc JLicuc*

ttnaunt b?cugi)tnotbptbcr b& nrmp(SD Mrtbauxms) to feepe

tame eitber jgainft pou,o;i pout p^ple , foj be greaflp Defpietb

j>rir frcnDfttpftut fete intent isatbat G4no;m'/,tul;o batlj per*

ima&eD pov tc *>e bfc aj>DC agatnrt Utm, to ?bc great dcftni ctton

of pour people, an&unoopno; ofvourcountrep, map haiie Due

correction, afunfo? UtjmifotJCDtence toUiaroe l;pm , as alfo foj

rapf. iw; :un:u!rc3 anwujj tfoe people: Ca!)crcfb?el)e require^

POU, anU ej;ljO?tet!j pOU to DCliuet Guarionexius into IjW IjanDW,

c^e tu!)ic!)C tIjtuj pfpou Ojal perfourmc,rl)C 2lmirall I;i0 b?otljet

bipll not onlp glaulp aontpt pou to I/ is fnenD(I)pp , but alfo en

large ana&eftupe pournomL^.1* 3nti pf&ercinpou retufeto

acccntplp:i;e [)t^ requcff , it uipll fololue , tljat pou fiial (Ijo^

Ipe repence pou thereof: jTo? pour bpmpome fl^aliie tuaHeiF

tottb ftcDioc aim r>?f, ann pou n^aK a&p&t .ijt ui/iwie oftoarre,

thereof pou ljuucM experience luith fauotir, as pou Call

furrljer bnoto Uarenfter to pour papn^, pf fcml) (rubbernefle pou

V?ouokebimton)luc^euttcrmoaeofii!c^U)er Cafjcn tlje

weflcnojerbaot^usuoouc^itf .rant, Maubanexius anfuiereu,

tIjatG^r/o^;jU)asag^oDmaii,inDucD Uiulj nianv tertueg

as afl men knetoe, no tl;ifo?e be tljougfr bimtonbp bfe aptt,

erpea'anpinasmurbagljcfletifoljimfb^ furcoure,anD tbat lie

baft mane bnti fucbe p^emtle, tobom auo be ban p^otteo toMi*feitljfiiH frenD: apjatne, tbat tljep tuere h jtirrinp men,uiolciif, and

crucll, Dcfirtng otbermend gootied, anu fu ch as fparto not to

Q)caumaceme0 bloom in fine, tbat (jctuaulo not baueto DOO

toitb fucbe mp&beuoudmen, no? pet enter into freiftfijpppe

toitl) cbem* QRbcn tbcfe djpnpjedcametot^eiieiietenaunted

care, be eommatnftcatbc tillage to be burn: a)!jerc be^m feife

encampeD, toitb mnnpe ot'ier tillages tljere about: ani toljen

be Djetoe nere eo tbe place tobere Maiolntxhu lap5 be (hit ntef*

fengera to bimagapne, to common tbe matter Uritb lu'm, an? to

topll bpmto fcnufome one of bid ntoffe faptb&ifl frenDcs to

ffflrcate toitb bpm ofpeace. Caijereuppon tbe Upng (em ut>

tobpmoneofbwcoec5tr^ntelmen 5 anou)itbbpm ttoo otbet

Kttapte*i|nmt. COben^came cotbe iicuetcnauntf^ y^

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Page 215: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Decade. 4J

fence, (e fremrfp reqttftrt Opm to peritoaDe 5& loft mtu matHer^ 1

inl;i$name3 an&earne(Hpto aomoiufte &pm3 notto fuffer&te

fionfypngkpngDometobe fpopreDjOjbpmfelfe'oabpDetfjcba*

farbe ofbarrc fo? Guarionexius fake : auD furtfjcc to ejcfjo^te !;pm

to DcIpuer!)pm,e]cceptc[jcUJoulDe procure tbcDefl.ticeion bod)

of!nwfeIfe,&i)0ipeop{c,anDbfe countrep.Sa&en to? meOenp:totfreturneD, Watobancxius aflemMcD tlje people. Declaring

into tbcm tofjat luas Doone: but tfjcp crpeo out on ij;m to Ddtuec

Guarionexi-tsy ano began to atrlc tije Dape tty c euv*1

tljep (jaD rc^

ceaueo Ijpm, tfrua to Dtfftnte tljcp? quteateffe. Mahbawxius an*

foiereatOem, t^atG4rwfAr/K;tt)a

fenteft of Ijim, pjeutnj bn manp p?inceip p? efentcs, anD Ijao aUb barou0 npng

tatto^t botlj !jt^ \uife anD ijim to imn: anb Dauncc, luijidj djiuo; be

HID not little etteeme, anniua^ujcifoie^Hp rcfolueo in no cafe

tofo^fahe(;tm,o^ a^apnttal Otmtanitte to betrap Opa frenoe,

to!jic(j flevrtw " fn3fiiccoure, but ratljer tc abioe al extremities

tojtfol;im,t!;en to mtiuilcr occafion of ablor-fUP to flaunccrer^to

repo?te cljdt be OaD bctraicD 0?si gb:ft3 ul;om Ijetokeimoljiis

feoufe tote!) toarrantics* ^us vjiimfling tije peop .:, figbinj ano

toit^ fo?ou>fuli (;attC0) Oc calleD GnarhMxius before bun, p?8tin

fing Ijinj agapne, t(;at ije luoulo ue partaker ofbig fojntne toljtlc

life lafteD: in fomucbtbatijetfjougfjt it not bed tofcnDanpfur-

tijer tooo^oe to tbe lieuetenaunt, but .ppopntco &im toftom be*

fo?e (je Tent to (itn, to k?"pc tije toap uittlj a rjarrifoti of men, to

tl:ment5 tfjatpfanpmefltiger^mauiobc fentfroui tbelteu^

tenauntjto flap tbetn bp'tlje toap,an& ouniit none to commumca*

turn, o? further entreatt'e ofpeace* 3!u t^e meane time,tbe lieu*

tenaimtfent ttoo, tufjcrofrlje or,e toag a captitte Ciguauian, aim

tijeotijtran 3IlanDman,of tbnu utfjicl) lucre frenoed to our

4jotb taken anoflaine. ^Ijeiteutenauntfo*

itlj ten footemen $ foure Ijojfemen, finding h^tiCn tije tuap, be teas further p^ouokeoto

^tbj ano Determinetmo?eertretmlp to mle lui'tb Af/in^-w,t ttjerfo?e Doent fb^aiD tnconnnentlp tottb Ijts loljole at>

wp to (tf* cfteefe pallace ofc^row,to(jece be pet Jap incampe,3t bigapppcbe,al v kingcg fleD, etterp manto bjap^fb^bkc

4>eircapitaine M^^*WJ ttt^iubtoftt al (jte famplpe,

(to (a fimo^moMne^ S)ome oftbe Ctyidan*fott$tfo>O U Guariontxius

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Tfte fyrft Decade.

caufe of aH t&efe

motmtaine*X;ew fc lurkeo inmaner alone among o)e oetotatc

rodte* . cameras note rtje tieuet*nauntw foutoier* toere fo^

e,tou& toatdjing, laboure, anDbungec

(fjj ft toa* nofoe tfoee monetbe* fence tbe toarrc* began)manp

DefpjeD leauew Departe to tbe totoje ofConception, ta^ere Hie?11 ID granegefc* ^erctfeu tilfage.(J)e gaite tfjem tdetr pa(Tepn?t)J

rcmapncotoit ^pm . jefc rij?ec mouetljes uunre, tljcp compnueo ucrp

papnefuUmiDmpferablpei^ocljacmtrpnsal rijat tpnie, tljtp

cut i>paitir* Jao none ot^er meate but onlp c^/K tbat i&fudj rooteis tul;et*


ana rfjen tljrp toohc Come tot tb tbcp? Ijotmtieial, ^(jct'r Diinke toaii

norieotbet tbentoafer9 fucbasdljep fbunr**,l

*"?tte ftoeece,

anDfomtpmemi'^.rauerpnffofrtje marp^fjs;* Cmonjj tl;*fe

ocliciitess, (Ijac Iptcle (lecp: tijat tl;cp f)au , U)aa ftier fo? tl;c mod

parce afyofte Diioer cljc 6rmament,anu tlja t not uittljouc uiatdje*

men3anti m continual remooutng,as tbc nature of toarte requp

re**^** rtjeft toe*fe^ *^ Lt'euetenatmc DeternmcD to

fenrdje tljc niountapnc0, Denned) anD catted, if (je coutoc in anp

raeane tpm" certapne ofbis men (tubo^n ljunger enfojceD to goca Ijunting, to inoue ifttjep con^e take ?*\v contcsf) djaunctD bp<

pon ttoo of Maiobanexius fatnilper^5tuljicb lucre fent to certaine

Uillage^ ofbig, to mnfce piottifion of bicaD, ^bcfe (je cnfojceo to

Dedare tobere tfjep? lo^De lap biD^ft bfeD t&e fame alfo fo? giiiDeii,

to b?>nff our men to the place,^twclue ofowe men tooke tbig rn

frpipfc tn banu, painting tljem felue^ after f naner of ilje Cig*uauians: 5>o rbat bp tbigi ftratageme 01 poline,tbcp canu- fooen-

Ip uppon Maiobanexiusjttto tooke Ijpm p?ifoner3b)itl) Ijid topfe,

t|)ilD?en3^ familp^no roraietgbeD tljem to t^e toU^e ofConcep*rion tortjeLietittenatmt. t&irtjina fcu>e Dapes after, (junget

tompeneDGK4ri(wrx to come out of tfce Denned 3 lubom cet*

tame of rije people fcarinrttije iieuetenannt, beui?apeD to our

tamer* &)t Iteuetenmihc being certtfteD bereof, fent foo?tf)

a banDe offbote men^commaunDing tljem to Ipe inambuu)e un


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


84 U 1

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Page 219: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft DccafoJJJ

fpfl CuAe tpme aa Gtummuxius term from t&e pfoptte* to ftc

moijntapneg,and tt;en fodenlp to entrappe (jpm ;ep toei.J atf

tijeptoerecommaunded, toohcijpm, andbjOugbtbpm afoap

toitb rfjem,ano bp tbte mean** lucre a! tbe region? neare about

pacified anu quieten, 3 eertapne noble Woman :* neare kpnreQ

MAfaitbanexius, andtopfcto anotber kpng, luljcrcDoniinun

fa).i0 pet bntotic^co, folotueo I;pm in an t(jefc aoueiiiiied , fjep

afFirmetetoioman tobed;cfap?e(l and mn ft^autifuU, tljr.;

ttier nature b?ougl)t fooitb in tljc 37IanO: &EMm,toben tbe hing

ber fmrbanDe,tobo loueo ber mod aroentlpCasi b?r beatific Defer*

ucD) bcarDelaptbatfljctoag taken pivfoner, be Uinnocreoup

ann nolune tbe Defarted Ipke a man out of (jtc uipttc 5 not hnoto<

pnjiuljaceo DOO 02 Cap* But at tljc lengtb, be came to tbe

iieutenaunf, p^omirpngmofttaptijftillpe, tbatbetooutoefub*

mttOimfelfeanD altljatbecoulDe matte, UnDcrlu'fipolucr, fo

tbat be toot>ft>* ******* bpmbfe topfc.'Cbe lieutenaunt acccy^

teDtbe conoition,^ reitoreD btm bw U)ifc,Dv^

-*ttmneotOer ru

icrs ann gentlemen tu'jir'j 1; cbap

taken pipfoncrs befoie : djar

ging tljent,ann bpnding tb m luicb an otbe,to be eticr reDp at btct

commaonoemenf. S>l;o?dp after, tbisfetng of \)i$ ouincfrce

motion, r^meagapne to tbe Lieutenaunt, b^pngpngtuitbbun

^ue tboufmtDe men luitbouc tueapons/aitpng onlp fncbe tnCfrw *

mcnteis! af tbep bfc in tpllage oftbep? gi ouno. fpe bjotigbt toitb

bpm alfo feeoetf to fotue, Hjerluttb atbiai oume cbarce, be cau*

fcD furij piemtc oftbep? co^ne anD fmt teg to grotue in funDip pTa<ces oftlje larg ua(e, uoljeroftoe Cpake before, tbat (l;o?tlp after,

toerefeenemanpfap?e and ftuitfuH fedocji tbat came tbcroft

antjfo? bis gcmelnefle being retuaroeo of tije lietietenaume

toitb certapneof our tbpngeg, be Departed iopfonpe. Obentlje report bcreofca

^ ^o tbe Ciguauians,ttmocued tbe minder*pe

oftbekpi-geg to bope of cfemeneie, tobereuppon tbep came *?$togetber to tbe lieuetenaunt toitbbumWe fubmttnon and fattb*

llp?omp(e, euer after to be Under bfe obedience, defpjpngipm to refloje Unto tbem tbep? ftpng toidj bi fmiilie. 3t tbcpjrftmea 5 tl;ekpnge)B; topfe and bt0 bouftotoe toa0 fetat liber*

J^uttf)ekingkept(*pla0ap?pfoner 'Wetbpngea dpdd^e

.utenatmtintbe3Hande, not petknoiDpng luljatbfeaduer*

^ndamiftnj.^d Japdeto|> cbarge before ftekpngof<D iii ^papnc:

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Bancroft Library, j

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Page 221: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fyrftDerate

uarclm^mtTi act*


greate abunonce ofgoloe ana otljer tlipngeo, there Uias a* pet

bmlptrtf tyougljttmo&payne, aypcpntco a netoe guuernour,'

Mn&tyoutn'feeareDjieflem tljek tfcpngedtanD epiljerto pu>

i.pflje fucf; )a mere fautte. oj ete ta fense tljtm to Ijtm . C&ijac

bug fottrue ujjapnl t^e ^Diuirall ano bw ^ot^er, o? agapnft

Ijt0 aoucrfaries irfjiclj accufcd Ijpm, 37 Do not u?e!i fcnolne. i? tic

tljtcf 31 am fure of,. A1jat botij tlje bietlj^en arc taken,bjougljt, ano

cade in p?tfon,U):tfj tl;ep? gooocs conftfcate. ^5utasfooiiei3

tlje kino; unDtrftope tljac tOcp U)crc tyougOt iiounDe to *alc03 lje

Cent mefTeuger* in pollc, toitf) comutaunoement tfeae tljcp

(bou!Dl)e(oofct)anocomefrccIpto!jt0 p?cfencc: loljcrbp l;enc

darco ti;a t (jc tofee tljeir trouuivS grccuouflp. 3)t t^ alfo fato, tljac

tlje ncU) gouernour Cent letters to tl)e kpng, Bitten untl> rl;e(


mtrallcs lj<ino in (Traungc ano bnknofrcn fuuhcringesjto Ijtjj

l?otl)tctljcLtr'rfrn (iuut being abfcn^tupHpngijpm to be in a

reupnca mttb a povner ofarmcomen to come ano apo Ijpni 5 ^tfje

<Douernoorkfl)ottlDp?offtrljpni an; Utolcnce* &UOcrof ttje go

ttemour(mnghnoUi!eDge (a,s Ijelaprij) '.epngalfo attierrifco

that tlje licuetcnaunt \u^s ^-onc to InsOiotljer befoiet^e mentoljidjc tjeljaD p^epareotuere in a rcowcs, app^eMKft tfjetn i

botlj bnuiares, beforetU multituDe came togeatljer , MJbat uipi

folotoe, rvme, tbe molt true ano jnuoem 3lm>getopfl Declare.

The eygth booke oftlic fyrft Dccatfc,to Crdinil I Lodouikf.

tkrifaphwus Colwus tU Slmftt \ _ c . .,.

to?ftie 9 furtherance oftije Catfjolpkekinnf,


31 bauepiefenteD unto poor Ijenour (rpgtX

nobleld?ince)liRea gotocn djapneUnU)o?k

manlptoiougbt : but pouQjalnoto recede

ap?etiousielDel(fobeappenDaunctljerto. ^:^erefb?e among;

fad) as lucre pplotuy^gowcrnourjj unuer ^eamnp?aIl,anD"


Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library.

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Page 223: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

tbe# otune cbargrs, upon con&tttonropapbpm

ponton, tuljieb is tbe rpfcc part. 35ut bccaufc atnnge all ocber,

one Tttrus jlphonfut, cafleo Wffius bp bis fiirnam*, fapleo to* cue n<wfgi>

ptter,3Itbinkettbe(lfirllto fpeake fomcuibat of (H uopag :,

$e tberfoie uiitb onlp one (bpp,Ml furnifyeo a 1 1;. a c umc cbac*

ges, after tbat be bao bis pancpojte,U3itlj commaunDementmno cafe to cat! anker pan fpftpe league* otfla .ttrouianpe place

ttbm tbe aomtrali ba: toucijeo, faplen fpjft to Tariajnlm tbe

Hcmiral founoe botb tbe men ano Uionien fo laoen luttlj c'jetncsf,

garlanoes,ano b?afelettes of pearles, as tueljatteGu'tic before.

Coadpng tbcrfoic along bp tlje fame Qjo^e, acco^opng to tbe

b'ngs commaunocmcnt (pet Icauauj ue!;pno bpm tbe regions of

Cumana 3110 Mattatapana) fjC CaiTlC tO tbe rcgtOHS U)ljicb tljinfja*

bttantes tberofcal rr''*/d,U)!)cie be founo a bauen (as be faitb)

mttdj Ipke tbe pojt ot Cades o? c^/: into tb^ lu'ncb emeif>ng,'je

fauieafarrcof certapne (joufed one tbe fl;u?e, ano perccpueo,

toben be 01 clue neere, tljat :t uiast a uillagc ofonlp jpgl)t l;oufe^

5P?occaDing pet fui .bcr foi tbe (pace of tljrce mplcs,ljc efptco

an otber milage Ml replenpfljcu uiitb people, u!bere tbere nice

bpm fpftpe nakeo men on a companp, Ijautng U)ttb tbem a ccr*

tapne ruler, inbooeTp^eo 3lpboi;(ii0 : jcome totbcpj coattcs.

iJ)ebroug{jtU)Ubbpmatdipstptne,manp baukes belles, ppn*

cotuuerfet Hones ano giaifeg, ano fucb otber trpfclles, tbe uilji cb

to.tbin tl;e moment of an Ijoure, be bao ercbaungeo foi fpftecne

ounces of tfoep? pearles, tobtcl) tbep toojc-aboittc tbepi ncckes

antiarmes. t^bentbep petmoje

cotbepicoatojp imufpngl;pmtbat be fliouioe tbere

manp p arlecJag je U)ouloebefp?e. Cpe conoifcenocoto tljep? OrfAt plfnrit

requed; ano tbeoap foiounng, came to Replace tobere tbep ap ofpeatu*.

popnteo Opm: Iping tbere at anker, a great muUituoc ofpeop!e

ftfoHeO!ol)pm,tnftamlpKnup?ing bpm to come a!anoe. line

toben be cdnTpoereotOe innumerable muiutuoe of people tubicttoas tbere alTembleo, ano be bao onlp . rjrw , men in bis com*

PflM;eourft not commit bpm felfr , -Vep? lnnDes,butgat;e .

bp (pgWaiTO tokens, tljut rt;cp fljcttloe

^p uit conic" ....


Eden, The decades.|

Bancroft Library.

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Page 225: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

men oftoe fcno caJ c<m<w) are mane otdp ofone to&ole peecc of

tuoooadintoeTIIanDeds petmo?eruoe, and not fo arttficiallp

ad toep?d are : toefe tljep call a*////*;. ^Oefe ftaarmeo d;erfo?e

totoefbppM^illeasitoepmt^o^uip^nglmto toem greate

p! Tttp ofprirted (ttJljicO toep cal Tenons) changing tlje (ante

fo? our nunMnoied, (>e founnc tots pcuple to be of gentpH

nana*,ftmple3 ano innocent, bung conuerfanttoitfj tljemin

tbrp?l;ouft05iu? ti). fpace of rjc, oapeft ^Ijcp? boufcis are madeoficon, couereo tatty toe leaner ofDate trees* (jeir meate fo?

*emotteP*^ ***? fbelfpQje^ in toe toijiri; tlje pearled are en

genoereD, urfjcroftoeir tea coQes are full. Cljep Ijaue alfo greate

pientpoftoptobeaffe^asbawejS^toptobo^^anDconnied liHe

unto Oared, bo to in coloure **.iv bigncfle 3 ftocftc Dotted alfo,

ano turtle Doued: Ipketopfe gccfe ano ourites, tuljtdj toep no^tuje

tntoep^oufesadUieDoo* yeacockegflef about c in manertn

etterp Uuao ano orouc, but tOep are not oiftmct umu funo?p co-

lours as ourd arc: to? djc cocked are like unto toe Ijenncd . ibtfe

people afCurLna arecraftieOuntcrd% inocrceoing running ar

tlierdjfotoat toep toiH not Ipglnlpmtfle nnp 'ea(Jeo?bp?oetoat

tOcpfijooteat* )urmenconfu.neo certapneoapedbeare bcrp

plefatmtelptourpug uiOicO time, urfjofoeuer biowgljt toem a

manner P ^ *^* ^^ am( ^urc pinned : be toat bjougbt a pOea*of'iMrgapiung. foonte, bao ttuo, anD fo? a docke ooue, o? turtle ooue, one, ana

fo? a goofe, a Ihiale looking glaffe, o? a u tie Hone ofglaffe. ^0 ud

rbep botigOt ano foloe uiitl; p?ofering anu bpooing, oenping and

refiiftng,ad it Oao bpn in a greate market* CClljeii piunes ui: re


; piofiereo toem, toep a(keo luba t toep (b ouloe DO torito toem,bc-

ing-nakeo: BtttottrmcnfatifficothcniUiitoacraftie anfluere,li uft of D edarnwf bp tokcnd toat toep towre berp necetT irp,to picke toep?

tetto onotopufltoo?ncdoutoftoep?flelbe^aaboue M topn-

Daukr0 &eiu0 gfg, (jaukes belles lucre mod cftecmco among tOem, fo? toep?

So?."1 a>w5 1 faire colotnr, ano tuoutoe djerfoje geue mitcb fo? one of

tlicm. ur men, lorging in tbeir Imufcs, Oearo in toe npgbt fea*

fonboinblenopfed ^ro?pngcdof hnlo beaded in toe toiooooed,

tolrcbearefuHof ejrceoing great ano OpgO treed of fun:?pe

Wnoe butt&e beat^ ftbefetoooued, are not nopfimte

to nim 3 fo? tlje people ofxlje cowwepgoo oapl^e a ljuntpng

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 227: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fjrft Decade,

nafccD, toitfj tbep? botoea ano arroux* , pet (jarb ft not ben

jjaroe of, tfjat anp man batlj ben flapne of anp tuplDe bead 3s"

mafip Ijartcs o? toptoe bojies as our men tooulDf Defp?c rljcm to

b?png,'tljep tooutoe fcpU in tbe toooDes toritlj tbeir arrotoes, anD ? bo*c0*

not to faple to typng tfcem ^Ijeplacftc fcpne,goau0 anD a eepc.

Cbcp? bjteaD is maoe ofrootc^as ts tijcp^s oftlje ?lanD0,^"-i3

natiorijfcatlj btacke Uarfjgroflc anD fomuH;at c..ilr?, pet long

alfo* ^ljcpkeepetljep?tcctOuerpU)fjpte. anDfo^tljat pucpofe

bfc to carp a certain c !;erbe betujene tljep^/ppt^ fo? djc molt

part of tic Dap, anD to luatbe tljcp? motity cs u?I;cn tljep cad tc

atoap . ljc tuamcn DOO aU tljep? bufpues at (joinc tn tl;rpji IjOUf

fcs, anD Ijaue alfo tlje nire oftpllage of tfje grounDe : but tlje men

applp tbeni fellies to tlje luarred anD Ijuntpng, to plape, fpng*

pnganDDaunfpng. ^Tljepljaiur..D?pkpnDe3 of Uiater potted,

tuggcs, and Dnnkpng cuppes maDe of eartlj in otljer placed

about tbem, anD biougl)t tbptljer foi cvdm ting ofotljer tbpnges:

jfo? tbep uic ui^/cb anD markettcs fo? tlje fame purpoC, anD are

^catlp DLfpiousoffucbtijpngcs, as au not b?oug!)t foitlj o;

maDe in tljep^countrep, as nature Ijatlj geueiu Difpofptton to

*\ men, to Dcfpic HID be DdpteD uiitlj ncIDC anD flrano; tljpngesf.

Spanp oftbem IjaD bangpng aiJjepjt pearles tbe images of cer*

teinc biafles anD birDes, uerp artifitiouflp maDeofgolDr, but not

pure : tlje tc alfo are b?--. ughc tljcni frcn otljer placet to? eccljang

of otljer rijpngejS.^ec^olDetoberoftljep are maoc, is1

nattuc, 2s

anDofnuicblpkefinenestotljatUJberof rije flo^eiuare covneD.

^Ijemenoftljis cotnucp, inctofc tbep? p^iute members in a

gourDe,cuttc after tl;e fafijio ofa coDDeptce,o? ds cotter the fametorn 1) tl;c ileli ofa to?topie, tneD about tijcpi lopnes Uiitlj laces of

goflampine cotton: Jn oti;er places ofthat tract, tbep cijiuit tlje

fvncui U)ttljin tlj fi eetb tljer of, anD bpnDc tlje fkunic fa(! uii t Ij a

ftrmgfr. itlje g wttupIDebeaffcstuljerof U)efpakcbcfo:e, anD

manp otljer tbpnges luljicb are not fotino in anp of tlje JlanDrs,teftific tbit tljis region is parte ofp continet oj firme lanDe. Butti'-ec'oiefeft comeciutetuiierbpcbepdrgue tlje(iiuie,is5tl)atbp tlje

r "tu<ent o*

tlje u?eft,rije faleD

abouttb?fe.^.mpUs,fmDpng no figne o? token ofanpenDe.^befe people ofCuriana (tpljtdje

r"..; tall Curtam) being De-

mauDeD\ljctetljepl;aDfuci)plcmieof goloe, figiuacD tl;at it

[Eden. The decades.^ I Bancroft Library._ . _


Page 228: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 229: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


cut tow.


tDcfluiarue : ano 'bat tbep? images of golct lucre maDe in tbe

fame region. OTbereupon our men oirecteo tbet>? bopage tbp

tber immeDiad)', ano arptteo ttjen at tbe Kale noes of/3^ucr ber, in *be peere of CJ)?itte a tboufmoe ano fpue l;tm-

tyco. ibe people of tbe cotmtrep refo?tc& to rbcm untboue

fwe, b?pngpng uritb tbem of tbe goloe tobfrte tor fapoe to be

natiue in tbat: region Elris people ban alfo rollers of pearler

about tbep? neches,tobicl) toere b?ougbt tbem from Curian*fo?

occijaungcoftbcp? marclianoifes . Bone otibcm to;u!Derjc<

djaunge anpe of tbofe tbpngcs ui'jicbe tbep ban out of otljcc

countr^ps : as nep^ier t(jeurtan0 goloe, uo? tbeCancbictantf

pearles: pet among tbe Cancb.ti^nsJ tbep fotmoe but Iptle goloe

rcop geatbereD.^ijep tohe tuttb tbem from tbence ccr f

apn? uerp

*ap?e $parmafcts o? SJ5 knikepc0,anumanp TDnnpnwes offun*

u?pe coloured- 3in fbe monetb of .remember, tlje ap?e toas tfjere

::to(l temperate, ano notlipng coloe . Cue guarDens of tbe

no?tlj pole toere uut of fpgbt to botb tf;:fe prople, tljeparefa

neare tlje ^quinactial flDftljeoegrces oftbe p.Ie,tbcp can geue

noneotbcr accompte . ^bcfe people arctoeloifpofeo men,of bo^

neft conditions, anDnotbvnglufpitious, fo? almoft al tbe npgl;t

long tbep rcfo?teo to tbe fl. t>ppe toitb tbep?boate0, ano toent

aboo?oe (bppne toitbout feare, a0 cpo tljf Curian^. ^bep call

pearles, Cora jr. 3l;ep arefometobat iclott0, fo?toben anpe

ftraunger* comeamong tbem,1

tbep cucr place tbep? toomcnbe?

bpncetbem. ijntbia region ofCanckiet*, tbe goflampine trees

groioe oftbem felue* commonlp in manp places, as DOO toitb

U0 elmc0, topllotocs, ano fallotoes : ano tbercfojc tbep ufe to

mafee b?eecbe0 of cotton, toberetottb tbep re ier tbep? p?iuie

parted in manp otbcr regions tljereabout. tat,.ni tljep l.iurec

(apleo on fo?toaroe bp tbe fame coaftcg, tbere came fintb againdtbem about ttootboufanoemen>armeD after tbep? manner, fo?<

bpDDpng tbem to come alanoe. tbffe people toere foruDeano

fauage, tbat our men coulee bp no mcanc0 allure tbem to fam t-

liaritic* )ur men tljercfo?c, contentco onlp luitb tbep? pear(e0,

rcturncD badte p fametor.f .' 7 came,tobere tbepremained to(j

tbe Curiand continually fo? u)e fpace of,,r]c, oapc05 $ rplleu tbep?MMEden. The decades, i

Bancroft Library.

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Page 231: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

from ir.p purpofr, to Declare UHjat cbaunreo unto tljem in tljep?

refurne toljen tijep came notu ur.tbm tbe figbt oftfje coaft ofT**

ria. fcljep bappei.eo tljerfoje in tbe tuap, at Oj <D>aconis, ano tlje

gulfed of r*rM(to!jerofu* fpake before)! o mccti toirfj a nmip of

r\wt Canoas ofCanibalea,U)tj tc!j tocm a rout nc^ tn bunt foj *tiem atttbaies fn


clrirtyt'p fierce

!p, 9 toitljon fcare nidofco p fame, DtfttirOiuo; our men on tuerp

liDe Uiitb tbcir arrouies : but our men fof attv tljcm luttO ctjepj

guimc0,tOat tljep flco immeotatip, toljo our men foloujing luulj

the Hipp boat e, tocfee one of tljepj Canoasf, anotniconlpone

Canibal(fo? tlje otbet bao efcapeD) ano tottlj bim another man

bounoe, tuljo untb tearee ninnpng Doiwne ijia cOeeto, ano tottd

gclTitre of Ins banDca, epc33 . .., !jeaD, Ognifieo tljatfire of Ijte

companions liao ben crudip cut in peeces,anD eaten oftljat mif*

cljcumis nation, ano tljat be fl^ouloe Ijatie bcnlikeUJpfeljanDleD

the tiap toioujpn^: j^i;erefo^e tt;epgue()pmpotrcrouectue

oiime dubbe^e lapoe^i bpmal (bat |je mtgl}. D^pueUiitlj Ijanoe

anD foote, grir. :ing arm fretting as it ban ben a topic bo?e, tljin*

kpngtbatbel;aonot petfufFa^mfp reuengeo the Deal; of big

companions, toben be bao beaten out bis b?apncisanD guttertCtben be toasDemaunoeD after U-'MC foittljc Canibales Uiere

tooout to inuaoeonjer countrcpjss, be anfujereMjat tljcp euer

bfco to carpe UJittj tbem in tljcp? Canoas, a great mttltttuDc of

cfobbeMje Urt)ict)e,ail;erefoeuer tljep Dolanne,tOeppptctj in tt;e

groiu>e5anD encamp c tbem feluesi U)itbin tbccompaOe of tlje

fame, to Ipe tlje mo^e fafelp in tlje npglj t fcafon. In Curiana tljep

founoe tije beao ofa captapne oftbe Canibaled, naplen ouec tlje

oooieofaecr ipnr gouernour fo?atokenofm'cto?pc5 as it (jao

irntbetoD cDeo^ljefmet taken from tlje entmietnbauaple.3ln tljefe coaftes of Taria ig a region calkD Haraia, in tlje tobirij

great plentie offait 10 geatbereo after a ttrange fo^te : fo? tlje fea

bcpng tljcre toflco uiltb tije pouier of tlje UjpnDes, D^puetb tbe

fdtc maters into a large phpnebp tbe (eafpoe, UJljere, afceo

fea ttaretb calme, ano tbe funne begpnnetlj

toujtne, tbe toaterie cameal^^^innumcratOe ^peu; mpgljt be laoen, pfrnen

~ :j'

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Si? 2wrr

ttfoictf)et6erfo^!jeramebefo?e^ercfdle rntp r^ne: Jto tfie

rapne mtfcetb it, ana caufetb it to fpnfee into tbc fame, mtu fo Op

t!)epoo?e0oft!reartb 5 toreturne to tbe place from Uifjcnce uuiag o?ptten.Q;l)er Tap, tbat tbe platwe te not fpIIcD from tbc Tea,

kttt f cwteiue fpipntjea to!)ofe tnacer is mo?e fl;irpe ano falc

rijntbcuiar^oftberea.Cbinbabitantea Do tjrcaripe elteeme

tljts Dap ofhit, U)!j:clje rtjep ufc, not onlp fo? i(jcp% olune commo*

Otrfe, but alfottooikmg t&efame into a fquarc foinic Ipfte unto

onckc33 tljcp ft ti u i (trailers fo? occbaimgc ofotfjcr cljpatjcs

Uiljtcljetljclacke. Jintljitj; fiction, tljcp flrctrbc and DIPC

uponacertapneframeofiuooDDc, nncfje

grcotren, uittb a gentrll fp?e Unoer tfje fame, Op Ipttle ann Ipttle

confumpnp; tljc Qedje, anD kcp u.^ J;e fhpnnc (j o!c luiclj tljc oncai

tndofeo tOerefn. Sljcfc DipeD carcafe^, tbep b vae in great rewc-

rence,aw> Ijonour tbem fo? tbep? boudjouloe ** fitt!)icr gong,

^bepfap rbatintljitf Macetbep fatoe ama:i, ^in an ori)er place

rujomait^busi^^eDauoreferueD. (Hlljen tbepDcpartenfrom

Gtfw4jtbe.lHu. oap of tbe 3Ioe of JeO?uarp3 tarettmie to

&papne,tbepbaotb?eefco?eano .r'or pountie0ucip;bt(after.uiit.

Unceiai to tbe potmue) ofpearler u<!jicb tbep Oottgot fo? ejc^angeofour tbmge*,flmountmg to tbe baUie ofq>ue Qjillmjea-Dcpar-

tmgtberfo?e5 (bepconfumr tbieefc3?e uapeis in tbep? iournep

(altbougb it tnere ffjo?ter tben from Hift><m:ol<t) Op reafon of tbe

continual! courfc oftbe fea in tbe U)e&,tu!nn; DP* not onlp great'

Ip ftep tbe fljippe, Outalfo fomtpmeai t?pttc it bache. But at tbe

lentftb tbep came borne fo latien toitb pcarlea, tbat tbep lucre

toitb euerp marpner, in mancr as; commDn as cbaffe . But tbe

matter oftbe Cbpppe^rtn"Alf>honfus,bein$ accufeo of biiai com*

panpon* tbat be bao (touilen a great multituof ^ c tiousi pear*

leiei, ano nefrauoeu tbe kpng of\i* pouton uilj tcb t toaa tbe afrfj

parte.ma^ tahen ofFernando de VtgA$,man ofojeat lenn'ng ano

experience, 9 gouernour ofG4//ffw,U)!;er>tbep arpueo, anD tuag

tbere kept in pipfon a long tpme . But be OpU oenpetb tbat eti ;r

be Detepnco anp part oftbe pearler ^panp oftbefe pearled lucre

ajj *WB a^ Wefl nuttttf, anil ad o^iente (a* toe call it) a*

cbepbeoftbe Caffparteu ^ctnotoffogreatp?pce,0pre^not (bpcrfecte, Cai;en3lmpm

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teas bigae to apratertmtb bim,in tfc otic of

tobpmabouea bttmnecanu rtuemie ounces of j.;aric0 to be

{blDejtoticbcfurelptJpDgrcartttDdptemc toicb cljfr fapjene*

ano tyigbtnw . &ome fop, tbat Jlpbonfus bad not '''fe peariea

in c<w, being affiant from Oj foaconi* moie tl;en a IjtmtycD

f ttoentie leagues, but ttjat tfjep ban tbcm tit tljc regions of c-w44 anu Manacapana, nere bnto QJ 2)rdfOMW a-- *'ie ilanoe of

jkf4rg4r/w: fty tbep naip tbattberetuanpp arle0 fimnoe in

crw/w. 3ut fit!) tl)c matter is pet in controaecfie, tue Uipl pafle

to otljer matters . VL\w ntuebe pou Ijaitf,uljerebp you map con>

lecture, uiljat rommoDitic in tpme to come map bee lookco foi

from tljefe netoe lanoes ofrije toel! ^^catt, toljereag at fte fp?ll

Difcouerinflf,tbepu;eUJCfcIje tokens of great rpdjeu.

C .iT.booke ofthe fyrft 7 : . 'dc

to Cardinal Lodomk**

Incentiagncs Tinzorms, gt alfo jfries fin?o~

nus, Ijt0 neuter bp bi0 fa?otljcr fpfe, toljirije

aecompanpetirlje <3omtral Cohnui in Ijts

(tluerf ht> Ijim appopntca to be

mailTersof ttuo of cije fman flnppr tubiclj

tfje^.miarD0 call Car.iuttas, beiu^moueo

bp tbe jreat rj:cl;e0 (t ampliriiDc oftbe netu

fttrnp(?;ed oftljep? ouine charges fottre Corauela, in tl;e

'liauen ofrf;epj otone coimtrcp5UiI)iclj tlje &panparoc0 cal 'Tatos,

bo^Dering on tbe tuctt Ocean,^auins tberfojte tljc kings licence

fr paITepo>t to Depar* , tbep loofto from tfce Ijaucn, about tbc Ca^

Decembr *n vbe peere. 1 499- ^biss baiwi of -falos, 10

e f ttuefue mples oitlant from Gadts, commonlp calleo

u mpIe0fromCiuile, 3H tlnnljabitantes ofrljia

totoiKjvx one e]trepteD, are greatfp geue to fearcljing oftbe Tea,no

rontimuriip e?ercifeo in faing, )eu alfo Dtrecten tbeir bi


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iuno. jofotoei, cbefottt&niea ttpnDe,bepng in t&e mpODitf bettoenc tlje

(bud; una $* toett. CBIjcn tfjcp fpppofeO tljat tl>ep fcaofaplca

about tifjpe bunDretfc leagues b? tljc fame topnoe, tbep fap tljat

ir&enoit& peie t&ep loft . fp$t oftfje J2o?tlje8arrc: anatoere ftqtelp after

**tofleo tovtf) ejcceopng tempeffes botbe ofuapnDe aim Tea^ana ucpco uhtd intolferabie bcate : get fapleo rfjrp en fart&crCuot uiit^

cttt greatw -?r)fo? tbe fpace ofttoo Ijuntyco qt fo^tie leagues,

folotuing pet tlj faii jc upii Up rfjelott po!e,ia(jer(b?e,U)l)cdja;

Habitable regions be unset djc CquinacttaU Ipne o? not^et tljefe

w ano tbc oufte tu?pict0, aftuel pljUofopijeriai as pcrtc-a

connojpapdtrtf tnfculfo jTo^djefeme afftrmcictobebabitt-blCj

an0 nieruelotiflp replent^^ toid) people :mm tbety!jat u is urn

babitable bp rcafon of ffje ftmne beametfUepenimig perpcii

.larlp o? Dfreertpe oucc tljefaine.^etiuere ti;erc manpof tlje doe

tojpter*, Uibtcijcattempfco to p;outv

';**''^'*, ^Ijefe in*

rpners betnr ; ;M nm^cijiffc> fato t(je Tout!) pole, tfjep .^nfiuc

rcti tijat tljr > bncUi no ftarre tljere Itfce unto tOtfii pole^ljat ni

tie Decernen about tlje popm : but d)at tl;ep (a\ue an otljcr O:DCT


a certepne tlrche utptl rpfpng from tbe (lo^ijanrafl-

Ipnr, tobicbeo^eatlp Ijpunereo tljep? fpgljt "Cbcp rntenie aifo.

that rfjere te a great ijcape o? rpfpug in tlje mpuoeft of tl'e eanfe|

U)f;tcl)e Mfeetl) aitmp tijc fpgfjt of tfje foutb pole5 umplltljcp ljiut

btterlp^afleDouertljefame: but t';ep0erelp belecue tbat tljcp

fatoe otljcr imaged of(larre^mucl;^ Differing from tfje Gtuation

of ttje (tarred ofour ijetmfpijerie^ Ijalfe circle of(jeaen.5)oiwj

fo euer tlje matterbe, as tljep info?me Ue(3U)e certtue pou. 3 1 tlic

lengrfj, tfje (euentlj Dap oftlje caienoes of4fcbjuarpe, t(je efpico

lanoe a farce of, anofeeing tbe toater oft!>e fea to be trobeloutf,

CbunDing toitb iep? plummet, rtjep for...: it to be,jrtt tiok&mtt

aeepe (Soing a lanoe, antj tarptng tljert fo? tbe fpace of nix)

Dapeu, ttjep Drparteo, bpcaufe rljep fatuc no people Bering,

tfcougij tljepfounoe certepne ffcppes of men bp tbe Tea fp

^bu0 grauingon tlje trees $ tlje ftone3 nere bnto tlje ujo)f, tde I

kpnges name ano 4cp^, ano tbe tpme ofrbep? commpng djf

tier, tbep Departed- ftot ferrefrom tljts Cation, fblolupng fix


fjper0ono)e lano dp npgfct, ftep fotinoe a nation Iptng unwt

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Tnefirfldeca<fo; 43

df open fp?wamcnt, after rlje maner of toarre . Wurmen

ftougb t it not bed to trouble tIjcm bntpH tb e mojnpng . 't^ ere

foif, at t&e rpfpng of tlje foratr, fo? tie cfour menMl armed,

time toUwriJc ujcm : agapnft urijom came fojtlj. jcrjcii. ofthem,

juiujbctHCjs, flpnges ano&ar.20, euenreaptofpgbt. lje o*

fter companpe folotoeo tbem^rmeb after rfce feme ii^ner, flDur ^ fwAmen afftrmetbat tbep Viere ofbpgber dature tben crber tbe ai* !JSZ.

inapnes o? ft>annoutans . ljep beljelD our men uiulj frotonpng

^tl)?catenpng countenauncc: but our men t(K .^:itnptgooDto fal to bickering luttij rfjem 3 Uncertapne uljetljer it ttiere

fo? feare,o? bpcatife tljep toonio not D^pue tljcm to fligljc. W\w>foic tbep luent about to allure tljcm bp fair e meaner $ rctuarn0:

tiittfjep rcfufcD an hpnrJCofgemclnc?,annffooDeeucrin are*

tmcgi to ftgbr, oeclanng tbe lam'

; fignerf auo tokens, ljua

wtr n:cnrefo?teuto tbep?n;pppe0, aim rl;ep to tke place from

toljeuce tbep came^tnuijoutanp further btcline^^e fame npgrjt

about nipDnpijin, IMKP ueooe, $ left tbe place uopoe luljere tljep

lapiifUjecampe-fiDurmenftippofctbemto Jtai. igabunD ano\

toanuertng nation, Ipke bntn ttje S)cptb:an0, uiitbi tt boufes o?

rcrtepne Diuelltngp'^c^ Ipuing onlp tuttb tlje fruiter of tbe

earth, Ijautng tbep? topucs ano cop' /rn fo!oU)ing tljem, S>udje

ag nieafurtj tljcir footedepped in tbe Canoe, affirmc toitb great

ttfjetsrtjatotierifrijepjfecteisalmod af long aa ttoo fecte ofC1

our men oftbe mcane fojtc. Sapling on pet fut tljcr, t!;ep founoe

an otber riuer,but not ofoeaptlj fjfftrient to beare ti;e <^jtraue!s:

^cpfenttljcrefoictlje fourt fijippc boates to (ano:, full ofnr*

WCD men to fearrij tlje countrep .^Ijep efypea bppon a l;pgl) bpUrorc \jntotljcfeafpuc, a grcate nutltituiye of people, to ujfjomotir companp fentfoo?tb one man Untb certepne of our tbpngeato allure tliein to ere' ange . ^notoljen Ije bao cad a baulks bell

ttftasrt c tVcm, tljer caU ootone a toeoge ofgcloe a cubit longe:tljc uj'jtr!; asibedo:peOtotahcUp, tlicpfoDciiIpinclofeDlipm,

anficarpeubpniatoap, But be luasiajojdp after refcueubp bis

companioncjto feme ofdjeir papnes; : fo? rljep Hue epgbt of otrc

toenjt toounfieomanp a farre of,tnitb tljep? arro\uef,anD Darted

Riauc of luaoD, baroeneo at tbe enpea uiiti) tpic * 3 fter t Ijts tbep

jnconipaCftDour ftippe boateauwbm^ ^uer,ano came raft>

of one men, toping fcoloe OH tye boated


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bailing no men in it: fbj tbe gouenwmr thereof bring Oapne

toritlj an airouue, rlje otber flcDDt anl efcapcu* 8na tint* tljrp

!eftetfn'0 fierce anutwrlpfee people, faplpng totoaro tlje no?t(Ji

toeu%a!"nbptbefameeoaae*, uxoj bjotoftill Ijartea foj tljt

Deatboftbep?companpon*. OTbentfcep Ijao faplcD about .rl,

ftfraoffte** league*, t^p tounrea intoafca offwdjefrcftjeujatcr, ttjat

ing tlje cauft bercof, tjep uniierUoote tljac a bd;cmcnt ccurfe of

rhiers mfccnneD toitlj great Violence from tlje toppes ofccrtapnt

great bplle* . fc&ep fap alfo tljnt tbere Ipetl; toitljin tbe (ea, ni*

fruitful npe fb?runate ano fruttftl ~lanticp, ano toel! inbabitco, ano

tbattl;in!;abitantesoftbi*tracte arc men of mecfee nature, ano

fudjc a? ooo not rcfufc (fraunger*, per fpttle piofvtablc to tljcin,

beca.fe tbep Ijaue no mardjannpc* foi r.jcic purpute, as go toe,

tbp?ticcapi,ue*tofellfo?flauciEi. ^tljirrfjabitantcs call tljt0 re

StQuMaiiMtambaLTEfyc region oftlje eaftjart of tljatrpuer, rs

caUctr Camoworus, ann t[jatJ tlje U)c(l part(

P<mVor<, in tbc into*

lanae UJbmof, tl^'nbabttantc* fignirpeo n;at tberc iw great plcn-,

tie ofgoloe : jfm,foIoHng tljisi rtticr ntrccrlp totoarD tlje .t^t(>

(as tljebcnoing ofrlje Q;o?c rcaup?ctJ)tbej) reccucrcD againc rije

fpgljt oftl;e no?tlj pole , ail iljc coauc of tlji* tracte, pampnctd

to Tariajljt UHjidX^S! tUeTaJ>D befo^)^as fyfl fimnD bp C c'cnu

oit> ptarie0 bpmfclfe,anDbatlj in maner in euerpp'ace great abunDauuce

ofpearlc* . t^bep fapa*)at tljcfecoafles arc aDiopnpng untc, aitt

all one tuitij Os <Dracwis9 anD alfo bo^ticrjma; bppon tlje rcg'cntf

it ManacApant, Curiana, Caucli <*, anD C*tbib*cb*

: :bep tbougfct it to be part ofIDC i nrd lane- cf JnDia,

bcponoe tlje riuer ofGangtj,4f o? tlje great $ large compalTc r(jcr

of, ootb not permit ujat it fyotilce be an ilaroe /ilbeit tljr v'-.oit

l^nue, jTromtljepopntofiljarlanoUJljcrerijn) toft tlje fightrf

tbe no^tfj pole, faplpng bp a continual! tracte flbout tlucc biffl*

u?eo leagues totuanv .:, : lueftfpsc of ?<m'<uljep fan ,"'.,


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Page 243: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Dfcafc

tofotie Ae?amrmetofce of fu#e erteesptig Bjeatt

nit^tfecme mumble, pf^e antiques DpDnotmatementum

eftljelpfce. ^epngDemaunDcaofmepfit uxrcnot fait toatn:


teJfcerpfrtajeantjfojeete, ana tbat tbe further it rarme,to be fa

mucf;ett)rfre(bfr:aIfofulof31Ianoc^anD toboifomefpOje: tbep

frareauottdjetbebieaDebttjerofto be mo^tbembirtte league*.

anD Spirioftomca, ti)t ItUttUte of$e fantOUjS riOCt

of //l*r (nobte caHeft Vanuhus) ano boiuc fern tfcp btolacc o|

corrupt ttje fait toatec ttxtb *eic fafonef&jtoe fi)!cea(recomati

urj)le,aWjoug!j tbt'0 otber riuer be greater : fo? tobo can Dimimtytiic p oU)cr ofnature, out ttja t it map matte tbis bigger toen tbe

9no 3; fuppofe ri;ij3 to be

tbe rpuer ttbmof Co/oww ttjc 3omiraUmaDe mention in ttje

Dcfcription of bis Dopagc in tbrfe coaae0.But toe fljal bereafter

baue furtljcr hnoUJlcUgc bereof: let usnoluetberefo.ieretunie cDrroimn^to tbe commoouies oftbeferegionsi.^bepfouttO in manp 3HanD0 *""* of n> nabout (P<r/4, greatttoaroc* ofB?a(aetrert, anob?ouo;^atoapSS"Jntri)tbemtlj?eet|ioufanDe pounoeg toepgbt tljereof. ^bep fap

tljattbeB?anieofHi//>4wW4, wmucbe better tbentbij? to ope

rlori)U)it|jamo?efap?eanD Durable colour.jrrombencc,foloujx

liana Gr^) djep paCTeD bp manp 3IIanOe0 berp fruiteful,pet left

D cfolate ano toafleo bp reafon of tbe erueltie of tbe Canftale* :

foubcp tDentalanoetnmanp place*, tbepfounnenjerumeaof

manp oeOropeo boufcfc pet in (bme placed tbep founDemen^ut

tljofcerceeDpngfearefuII, fleepngcotbemountape0, rocked,

anutooooj)eattbefpgbtofeuerpttraungero> u^ppe,*tiiii

^rpnjtnitJjoutboufeso? certapneabpDpng placet fio?frare of

tbe Cantbato taping toapte a

in opueraplacwbjpng fimb tbatfruite o? fpice, tobtcb tbeapotbccarie0cal c*f-

^jN* anotbatofnolelleo^oDneire, tfjea tbat lubicb Ow ftaul^Pbififianfimtmfhrtofucbeajabeoifeafeo toitbtbe ague, butit



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lptofi#e,ai , .

Ipke 8man, anD fcete Ipke an ape> bearpng ber uHjdpcjs dboutc

tarftftbcrinanoutuxtrDc beflpc ntucb Ipkc into a great bagpjt

o? purfe. fcbe DeaDe carkajs of tbfe beaffe, pou fame uritb me,anD curncD it ouer anD oiier toitb pour ottme banDes, nianvjfr

ipng at tbat nrui brtlp,anD uionDcrful p?ouifion ofnature. Ctief

lap it 10 hnoiucn bp experience, tbat (be neuer lettctb ber irfjel*

PCS goo out oftbat purfe, ercept itbectljer to plap, o? to (ueke,

Dnpllfiicljetpmetbat rbcpbeableto gettetfjep? Ipupngbpcbetn felue^ Cbcptooke tbp# bcafletott^ beruipclpegt 15ut

tbe tnbelpe^DpeD tbo^tdp after in tbe (bpppes > 3^etcbe DammeIUICD ccrtaine monetijed: but at tt)e length, not being able to a-

btoc fo great alteration ofapje,anD change ofmeate, (be DteD al*

fom tijeuwp. H5utoftbisbeaft>5 U)ebauefatDt enono>letMnoujtbcrfoic rcttirne to tbe aucioawoftbefe t^mgeiEe. ^bcft

ttuoTm?oM/9 tbe UncleanD tbe neutetD5 futtepneD manp greatctroubles ^ Ooirible tcmpcto anD periDe^itttbi^natngation.

fo) uiben tbep baD notoe failCD bp tbe coaft&rofftm* about fyft

buirt)?cD leagtie^ (a0 tbep fuppofcD)beponD tbe atie ofCathay,

anD tbe cotfeg ofCad 3lnoia beponD tbe ruter of<&ange0, tbcrt

rofefoocnlpfo fierce a tetnpeft rntbemonetbof3fulp,^atoftbefotir Caraueteujbicb tbep baD toitb tben^ ttootuere Djotoneomen before tbep^ epc0: anD tbe tbpjD Iptng at anker, toitb IpkefoDenne0 caneootit of tbepjt fpgbt tbjotugb tbeutoiencc oftbe

tifmpert:ti)efouttbalfolpnigatanftct,ttia9 (bu)akenanDb?oolira, tbat afl tbe ftamegtberofujerealmoll locfl^: JDetcanvtbepcolanDwitof tbi latt (bpp, bututterlpDefpap^pngoftbe

tl^p, caberfo?econfultpngtottb *emfetaeutt*at totftea

tobccoonnetnfoertreemeacafe, ana botD top^oapDet^em

afafeDlueUpng placcmtbofe Hegtonsf, bepngout ofafl bopebom to Depart from tbewe, t^ep DetermpneD to flap aUtbeut*

Ijabptanmejs of tbe coumrepnere about tbem, leatttbeptuuti

fometotbeniagapneSnotbeotber tbat remapntD, tDa0faueDanDjip?eir

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ThefirftDecufc. 50

*y%^ - v^c C WW"^C!,

ww^ -^^ ^7 ,'^~<

anDdjpanen,tbe0apbefb?etI)eCalenDe0of October, _^_?frenD0^neigbboitt>^bep bjougbt

tottb ti;em Cmamomemio ginger: but notberpgooft, bccaufeJ;

rfjeptoerenoctbere full? frafoneo tmtbfbe beateof tbe fonne,

before tbeptyottsbttbemfromtbence, bepbmsbcaObca>tapne weriou0aone0,to';icbS^tt/r4F/^j tbaterceUempbi

Wbpber, ana poor lo?D(bpppe0p#ftoon, afftnw^ti be true

opafc0. after tbefe men* mume9 otberofttoiwg|b^emulation, to pjwic pf

fonuncujolD b: anp better, Ipkc men ofgooo co?age, bcpngno rnenorncWi

tbmg Dtfcomfo?tcD bp tbe barb fortune oftbeir neigl)boure0,fciu>""

touig tbat it often times cbaunceo^tbat tbat U)lj(cb i? one man*

bnooinp;,i0an otijer mawi making, attempt^ a ncme4)oiagc to> w..

lunrD tue foutb bp^ code 3 of ?<ir/4,folouipn(t tbe ftcp 3 of Colonus ^pA0>.

tlje ^Diiural, tobo bao fp^fte Difcouereo tbe (ante. 3Tbep alfo

yieciousfmcoiane calleo ofuje^pant'aro0 jinm^t album,^v^perfume t0 ofmod erccllcnc effect to beale tbe rcumcs,murreyanD Ijeatttntfl! oftbe beau.9l0touebms tbts upage^jS pet 3} knoto

no otber netted tbat 31 tbougbt luoo^p to ceru&e pou of,uibcr*

fo?c, 31 topi notoe make an enoe of tlj ts booke, becaufe pou putme fo often in remembrance of pour Departure : get to acccm*

plptbe tbeDecaoe,31 toploeclare fomeojbat ofdje fuperOition^

goufljall nouie tberfbje bnoerdanD tbe ifiuOoiuJ

3ilanDel)aue ben fcmiceo after tbe

^ 9 ^ anotpanbereD in tbe tgttojtaunce

anoWpnonefleof bumanenature, corniptcDbptlje^iiobeoimce

theface oftbe eartb,ercepttoljereitbatljpteareDCI55DDbp tbe

lp5btofl;iifptritebpbistooo)De, topot^e Upon bis elected^

grace ofrenonation, bp tbe Ipgfe Hereof tbe natutai uarte*

e tbepknetoe tbat tbe people tbcreofbououreD

: bw intaitliej.bao ten nou>e long wnuerfajmt^

' Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.



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Page 249: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

language,^ to afitri


foiotopng, out ofa booke to?ptten bp oneV1 " an toercnme,

tobomco/oj bad left twtb ccrtapne kpngcsoftbe 3Hand* to

inftruct tbem in tbeCaiman fapdj. 3nd becaufc inmanner tfceir

lutjole religion id none otber tijpng tbfn ioolatnc> 31 toil begpnat tfycpj idoiles* 311 is tberefoje apparant bp tbe images totji*

cbe tbep bontjur opeirip and commonlp , tbat tbere appeare onto

tbem in tbe npgbt fcafons, cmapne pljautaOes and OluOon* of

jiuuda it or wft fpiritw/edu eing tbem into manp fonde and fooitfl) errours:

tail fpitttc


[fpttttt*. fo^ tbep make ccrtapne imaged of (0oflamptne cotton, .,

gdSJmJiSt o?t^eat()edartertbep?manner,ambardtoppedD^^

imaged tjep mate fpttpng, mucbe Ipkt onto tbe pictured of

fptritcd and deupld uobicb our papnterd are actuffomed to pavnt

Upon toaHed but fb^afmucbe ad 3! mee felft (ent pou foure of

tljefc imaged, pott map better p^efentlpOgniac unto tbe kpng

pour uiiriejUiljat manner oftbpnges tbep are, and Uotoc like on*

topapnteddeuplled, tben 31 can crp^eOe tlje&mebpto?ptpng

made to tbefpkenetTeofpoungdeupldi tbcpbpntjetotbeirfi)?e

Beaded toben tljep goe to tbemarred agatmff tbep^t enimies^ind

fi*at purpofcbaue tbeptboftflrmged iiano^ngattbettitobi*

pou fee. fiDf tbefe, tbep beteeue toobtepnerapne,pf rapne be

lachpng, Ipketupfe cip^e toeatber* fb^ tbep tbpnke tbat tbe(e

Zema sttifat nttdtatour0 and mc0enger0 of tbe great goD5


omntpotent,and muUfWe ^btt^ct<erp king batb bid particuler

Zcmes, tobicbe be bonouretb* "3jep cal die eternal goo bp tfcefe

nuonamed) locmn* and Guamaowon, ad tbep? pjeoecetlburs

cbingtbeo?iginai ofmanure is mtbtllfanMwgwn talleo


fo?tt)oftbemoutboffl)e bpc^tft caut, tndtbeleafl(b?t otu of

i: 9r

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Page 251: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Deal*.


caue, tfe moutlj of tfc cauelnas kept ana UK*

bpaitiattiu^tiame^Dcpartpnj fometu&at farre from tfcc caue, to tfje intern

to fee tofcac t&ingp fcere atyooc, fcaa fooenlp taken oftfee Game*turm

not recurnc before tbe t?fpS of tfje funne(*cu*ic^e fctoa*itot

latofid fo? t^nn to bebotop) tl;cp toerc cranffourttico into q0p^balane trec05U)l)iri) ofdjetit fellies grouj plnuifallpm tbe3!ten&*

^bep rapfurtI;ernio?C5 tfjat a certapne ruler caflen yagoniom,fenc one foojttf) oftbe caue to goe a fptypng, lubo bp like djaunce

tow timwiXtito a j?5pgbttTw;alr5bfwufe tbe (untie toaa rpfen be*

fo?e Uc came agapiie tcube taue: ano tbac pfcrelp about f^e

fame rime tljatbetoaiesfumcD into a bpiDf,ljCDortj int^e npgfjt

caufe tofjp tfjat bpiD fpnffetfjin tfej npgbt feafon, But V

troubfeom Ins mmb fo; tbclode ofi/is fimtliar frcno

*ep? fticftpno; cbpiu^en, leaupngtlje ttomen in one oftfee ?fanua of i l;at tracte, called Matbmino,

opp^cfleti toitfj feminej fapMtfi atto tcmapueo on tljcbturke of

A certapne rtuer,toOere ebep toere mrtitD into frogg^s^mj crped

ro^^4,tbatt^wrfmw^mtfMi,agcbpH?cnaretooontto crpe

fo?rijemotberpappev 3nu hereof tbep fop it commetb ttw

iTogflff^ufftocrpcfopittfiillpin tbc (p?pnj tpttte ofdjepeerct

^nDt^tmentoete fcattereoab?tH>emtbecatios of H

ana pet bp a fperial gracenenet tranfttwrmrt, Offcendrt to a


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 253: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


fepngc* a* goodlr fttoclefc aamoQljolpreluiuca. But natee (mode noUeftpoa) pea Qxfl

bearea riioje plcafwnt fable. fcljere iff a cettapnecatteiafleD

ivunMtu* in tf>e temtojie ofa certapnefcpng&We name us

Mackimicfb : 3ti)iz caue tfcep I;cncur moje'reltgiouflp tben opD

tlje (Srckea in cpnu paUc, Cormt^ ^/r^, pj Ny/i , antj l;auc

aoourneo it luittj ppcairei ofa tfeoufent fa'l; tonjs 3!n ^entrance

oftljts c me tbep bane tl3 gjaurn Zfmu , tubrroftie one t* cal*

. ico 'Biothaixl, ano cljc otljct M*rolm. Bepng Demaunotf) UHjp

tlKp i>iu to caue in fo great reucrcnce^tbep awfuicreo earnetHp.

bccaufc tljc funne and tljt moone caiefp?a mu of tbefametotor bum* and

geue jpg^ to t\)t \wflw tljep bauc rrifeioufli concourft to edcft

wae?5a2(iyeareaccu(!omeotogoe on pplgrimage to Home,0) Oaticane, Compo&elia, o^ ^ienifalcni, as mott Ijrip $ beat

places ofotic religion, ^bey ace aUb fubiectxo anotber kpnoe of

:^ tbe? ibpn^tbat oeatrfb&e0 toatite toftemgb^

to!;ac like Unto a 2uinfc: a%mpng alfo tljat tijep are couerianC

ioitb Iptipng people3euen in tbep? beDOe0^Mi to occeiue toomen

Ibougft tljep tooulDe baue topa uxcb tbn but ttftcn tbe matter

commetlj to actual oecoe, fooapndp to iMmfiw auiap, 3lfan?DO

jjg2^al m

tljpng in tbe beo,tbcprap beOialbeoitt ofDoubt bp ffdpng of cbe

beflp tl


boup Ipetb bpbutbe feclpiig 10 iinmcoiadp wfotocD,ep be*

manbcOcWe ano

out of feare, tbe bntafie taapOjetb incoutinewlpt J but pf

anpe fcare, tlje ^tafpe o? biOon Dootb 6 affaulte bpm anl

Ifrpte bpm umb ftat&ci &art} ^at manpearetbertbp adoop<

ij> bp Dtuxttt. of ufrntattacr* tift^W ^TjfW1*9F^^ W% >^^>****W^^ ItQVi

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TfiefirfttKoK' &nlttMtyte )


becaufe tfcep fett neuec anp tetotzfrDffr ofletter*

fpngbefb?c t^e people on cmapiwfolcmtteottftftwdl Hoped,as moardrffiou0ceremonie: U^ple mt^emeanetpme ttw?

plap on A cettatae tntlnniient ntaoeofone to^oie pcect ofuwoo,

mflruot ttjem

anDfubttfcteafioUJcto Detente t^e fpmpfe people UH;tdj

tijew in great reuetcncn fo? tf;:p pcrftoaue (^eni t^at dje Znnes

bfcto fpeaketoitfec^em

conie.anopfanpt)aue ben fpckr,anD arc

Kom/ bpinjf rijemfei(ie^tomuc^e fa3pn5,anoouttonte dean-

IpneOfjannpotirgpngf^ efpcciaUpUJijcntbep take upon t^em

tbe core ofanp prince , fo? djen ti^p D?pnkt dje poiuoer of a cet*

taine fcetbebp tobofequalirte

cbc tune(as< (be? fap) tljep learne manptbinges bpreuriation

puttpnjfecmejp tntlw

commaunDpng alto Depart out oft&atplace^eeptoneojftiw,

tobo:nitajalpleafetljerpckema!jtoappopiit; ttug Done, tUep

fiicfcpno; t^efotC^eaD) teittp!e0)aiiDneckeof(|)f netotnirpnf*

pattern, 1

no fucke tfcmfeafc doc ofW* Dapnea: tijen rubbpi^ ftpro

fibout tfje ftjoutireti ,

^tenetbep^lanoeacloiebp^ feete, ina^png tfjnn pet ^(Utogeadjer, t^nmtxtttiy

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Page 257: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

t* angrp> eycfcr be

cdufe tx Ijatfrnot touptott) ^ttttci)8ppfQ^ 0jt noc bononrcu buti

to iipmagroueoj gatDtii, Qnotf it fb dVHtflCt t|ilttftffpcfe pctfon Dpf>brt KpttOolKs^bp toitdj*


carp in tbcpj ntoutljw, pf t^ctoottttiiwncoiticbp tbftUjtfjfp

brieeupng*em co be greatly effectual!

to Oc(pc toointn (rauapF

pn^toici)djplDc5 anti ttjcrcfo^c

now Zfwr/of m'uers feQjtoiw : fomemake^cmoftijaoD, a*

eawtonpiTicu btJ ccrtapnttttfions appearing uiico ci}tnt

, \DljfdjeljaucrccriucD aunfujfre of tljcm

amon$ c^e tocfecjs, mJke tbcm offfoneano marble.Nettie tljep

mateofrootcg, to djefmnlitu&coffudjeaa appeare to tbem

iXjtiittjcpdre je|jerjmp; t^c rooted caUcb ^rr>mate t6epj b?eao,a$ toe bane {apDbefti?f. Cbcft Z

01 pof tut gcn> beletieD fucli fap^ica o? fpiritejf as tijrp cafleft!Z)ry^ej.

atofte*fft<bttft*Z^eare to tbrp? itwocattons. Klberrfw often ag tbe

ittcreafe offruitcs,^ fcarcene0,o? bed* an&0cloieffir,tbep inter

tobere, (Mfma; up tma

Cfteponbtrtrf 4l^H()^4e)mMrtifC^^

tow^brttt. a* tt*nt


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 259: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

TfcefyrflDfcacfe. 5}

frtnaro franco, r># &e fumWetb

cerwpnc of tl;enobrtitieo?c^erfe gentle-

men tl;at areabout bim (fy none oftlje common peop!c are aD

mitteato t&efe mpfterie*)Uritb louoe toopce* geuc tofecn* of re-

ioyringte be ismurneo to tljem from rtje fpcart) oft&e ^rmr/

iwmaimDpngoffjpm trfjat lie l;atl) feene. $3jen tie oyenpng Ijta

mout^, Doatetfc ttjat t(je 2r)wj fpa^e to&pm ourjmg tfje tpme of

o^plcntte, IjraW) oj fpckenefle,

0) ujljatfoeuer Ijappenetb fp^tt on Ijts tongue*Jf5otoe(moa noble

jDjineOto&at neew pon hereafter to marueple of c^e fpirite of

jpfo fofbakpno; bt0 wbpfle0 tofc&mremcfurfe: jnm batJ

tljoitgijt tbac tip fnperOtttou* antujuttt'e Ijau pcrpfljeo* Butttotne U^era0 31 baue trectarcu rt;u0 muc^e oftlje^rmw in gene*

raljUcijou^ticnocpoticoIet pade toljat is fapDe of tbem HI

particuler. $bep fap tOerefo^e ^ac a ccrtapne fepng calleo Gu~maretuf, \flb&<mes tt!)ofe name UJajal Corocbuum, tofeo (fljep

fap) tuasi oftentimes tooont to Defreno from rije bp^cfl place of

fte fcouTe tJ^ereGuam***** lupt inmt faff bounD.^bcp affirme,

(bat tbe faufe oftljis l)is b?eakpnnt of l)t'0 banner ano Departure,

toaseptljertobpDebpm frife,o? togoe feeke fo?mcate, o?da

to? ttje acte ofgeneration : ano tljat fomerpmes bepng ofifenoen


inen tfCorocbot*m$c Zfmr;,Cbepfapne Iikciup(e,r|)at Gtt*m

mj being ouereome of^ge;:imic0 in battaple,r.nol)iamilage

anoUM0af(etmatDef0w;Deafiirlongof, fafe ano toitfcout

iititte/ ^e^jtbaflb awtber Z*wcato F/^f^m^mrteoftooeo5 te(bpf ipbeafbure foorco bead: tol?o affois fapoe,

often tpwe0 to baue gonne from tlje place tol^erc be i I)iou

red ^ into tbetDooooc0, 30 foonea^tbep percetuebpm tobc


Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

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Page 261: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

oft&eCf^manmettfototteJJta^.ctufceneuerfenaiie fanne, ttfrertrtfef DfotaebjfcoeOni*

fcettflS Ofa UJOtttan, ORttfrOtlt tMpCCB

t^ptocrcmpniOemto^er.Oncof tliefe^ejccniteo tfcofffceofa

commatmncnient oft^us luoman, to ratft tu?ic0, doiu>e05 ana

rapne. ^l;e otljerwairoacbcrcoTwrninrtnTtcmamefrengerfo

tlje otto Zmirt, lubict; are wjmcu britfc (jer to gouernatmce, to

fbelwHetWjt^at being looftD, tiiep map toit|)fia bleoutm-togrcatcfloo^^no ouerflolm ftecountrep, pfrtjCpcopfeDo

notgetteotte Uonoure to ber Jmagc.^berercmapnctljpetone

tbtn0 tto^p to betwtc^ tobeflm^ U fcuifl imhe n enDtfiWii

kook.31ti)3arijtngU)ril fcnoften, anopee frcftehi mcmo^a-mong tfje tnbabttantetf ofttjc OanD, t&ac ri^cc toas fomtime turn

fangs (rftfce toUtcU one toagit|befiit(jcr


toe maoe mention before) trfjid; tocre uioont to abttcpne !?ue


bcpng acceptable to cI)CttZfm<;^rprtctpu(Dairru)fre oftfecm,wpu. tljatUJitljinfeujpecrejs^creQjoii&eccnTefotbeaanoe anaton

intg! anD ctrunonifs of d)e tlanD, anD cpdjcr flap al djcp^ ctplj

Bjcn, o? tying tbem into feruttuDe 3Dl;e common fojt of tlje peo<

pleunoerftcue tb^o^adtto bemem of^e CanibaleiJ, 9 tber

>|)aa aitpknotoletigeof^ conimm&tfrpeaer

condtmtu t^att^ atfce naaon to^ic teMtf

fljp8ea<(Wtfntt!pteft>Ocft: JQojjct

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iMttant moUi tadaraiHt p^entBump tfrptigH betaofe pott putmt to remembrance tfwr to mo*rotoe pou cafcr pour iopup totoarae pour coomrep,

atftecommauifteimmof fcptig JTreoctttepew boric.

fo?e 3! bpopoufaittodlf^t^tmtCjUefwptiginename oftfte

The tcntfc and laR bookcoftlie fyrft Decades a coo*clufion oftheformer bookes : wryttcn to

IMCus Ifl/^ Afnubcius, Countie ofTanM*>.8c viceroy ofGrout*, t

^T t^e fjnft bcgpnning ann ncto? attnrtptf,

toftra Colons ^aB taken upon t>pm t^e e

.ter^pfe tofeardje tfie Ocean fta, 31 toa*

ofcmaine ofmp fitmw anu noble men of

jfOE rf)ep tri^ifpereD ttvti great AIM

ano nationsW* Itoeo natoano after tfeeiafee ofnature3tfje?


t^er^^ being caaomor^Hawbpt^freitt^



J*en tbtCourt remaineo at Gr^^ttiwpou artWte^M*teim!M^^jwmewte bp Mi opfri* fpde (bepno;- at


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library. A^2


Page 264: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 265: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Mtetttpepp *o*e*,bf'


ltowifiefee (aspau kiumx)?rtto3te3!tbe

ttaten bppottmf> mto >pplpcompfege^tPiptmg> 3>iiane

tijerftye cboftn tljefc fetus tbpflpjes, out ofa grwtc bcapc offuc^

'ajsfeenifotomcmoll U)o?cl;ptobe notco amomjt^e large

ip?p(ygcg oftfjt aucttwr^s aim fcarc^cra ofdjc fame. Clltjcp

foje, fo?afmudj as pou Ijatte ettoeuoreo to toj?edcm ofmp ban

Oe0 t'^e U)l;ole orampJe of all mp uioo^i to awie rtje (ante to

tfje innumerable uoUmtfg of pmtr Ipb^arie, 31 tbougbc ttgooo

notue to mahea b?cefe reberfaflof tljofe cfepngeg u*frij lucre

Donefrom tbatpcareofatljouranoauDfiaeJjwiDieD, aim unco

tfopo grmmt me tp.31 ^aD^utcnaUJbolebookcbpitfclfi:ofci;e faperapciowfof

ti)c people oftbe tlanu,fappof^ig tbcttoptb to batie arcont(Hp

&ct>tbt$totbetcur() ad & perpenDpcidcrIpne,ano

batkc^utDeo^rerctDdTtretotbe otbcn&o tljitpou mapknptte

tijcfyft tend) to tbenjnstb)^ impute tbw to occuppet^e place

te^led31(bouttffbe contpelleD ofcrn ttmeg to to^pte otter tide

HOit Hr^tftt% 01 tCtfff yfltt Cof 1'flttlC OCTwCl^O 5D03lM0tvftJ 000 Ot^

ButiurtBletuscometo oorputpofe.^3jr(bpppeanQmariners no outr maupcoaflcsi

ItfiBKtttitfyBtof rbcfinntiinDo^copttneatof

tippdiictrta neto

jpAuub friHfcufiuct* jPpntQi I^OBgftc than tbract tnanj*

fatmlte ano oudjc0 ofgolof>Aft pjreate pkitttenffrinkenfoicCf^ baoiifttepeoirteoftWe comttopw, |l?clb|:affomeofoact^ngw,atttJimrtJpebpr^(,ow


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108 .

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Page 267: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


founDc ntanp bcaftes, botb creeppng ano fourt fboteu, mucf)

Dvffrrpng frorn'ourSjUarpableano of funtype (bapea imwmc*

ribic: pet not burtftil^ejccepc Lionel, $%er0,androcomfe*t)i)33imeanemfimDjp regions of tbatgreatelandeofP**.

buenot in tbe Uanoes : no not (bmucbeas one, fo?alltbe

Katies of tbe iliinoes, art mecke ano tmtboot burte, erccpt

m:n,U)ljiri)(agtoeebauefapOe)areinmanp ttanaes oeuourera

ofman* fleflbe. ^ere are aifo Dpwer0 kpnttes of fouler 3nD in

manp places battess offurl) bppes, to tfjepartcqualtuittlj

turtle ooued. b efe batte^ baue oftentpmeg aflalteo men in tbe

nigtitmrijcp? fleepe,anDfobptteno;em toritbtljep? benemoutf

teeth, tijat tbe? baue ben tberbp almoU D^puen to ma&ne*, in Co

nuidi tijat rijep bauc ben compelleD to flee from fucb placed, a i<

from raticnous Harpies. 3in an otfeer place, lubere ccrtaine of

tljem (lept in tbe nigbt fcafon on tlje fanos bp rije fea fpDe,a mon*

ftacommpngoutoftftefea, came Upon one oftbemfccrecclpe,

ano carpeD Ijpm atoap bp tlie inpnoeff out of oje fppjOc ofbis fc

loiw*5 toU)()ombecrpeDinbapne fb?!)elpe5untpltbebeaa leapt

into tbe fea hhttj ber piap, it tuas! tfje kpngcs pleafure (bat ftep ft<c oftut fe.

fliouluc remapne in tbefe ianoes, ano btipldc totones ano foitref*

fes : titecumo ttjep toere fo Utcil topllpng, rijat oiurrs pioferco

tiiemfclucs to take upon ttjemtljc fubDupng of (be lanoe, ma

fumg great futte to tbe kpng (bat tbcp nipjbt be appopntco

tiiereto* 'je coail oftlns traccc is ejcceeopno; o^reat anD large,

ano ri)e regions ano lanots tbereof ejctenoemarueplous farre,

Co tbattl)epaffh:me tbe continent oftbeferejpionsUiitljtijeTIan*

Des about tbe fame, to be tbipfe as bpgge as nl Curope, befine

tbofc lanues tbat (be Ipo^tugales battc founoe foutbtoaroe, tolji-

cbearealfo ejcceenpnglarge. Cberfa?eDoubticfle^)papnebatbtjeferueo great piapfe in tbeft our oapes, in tbat it batb madeknotoen unto us fo man? tboufanDe* tfAripdit tu^icbe lap bto

before 3 arto unknotuen to our fo^efatbers ano batb tberebp mi*

mftreu fo large matter to impte of, to fudje learneD topttcs marc Ddp?ou0 to fet foo?tb knoUricoge to tbe comrnooitte ofmen :

to tobom 31 openeo a map toben 31 geatbereo tbefe tbfogptuDe*be togeatbcr as pou fee : tbe tobicbe, neuertbekde 31 mule

aftteU fo; 4ot 31 can not tfuxirne

. ":h iecc :

BanoroTt Library.


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Page 269: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


fctibefeD in Ijafte, to fattfftc tljfttt, front toboft commaunoc*

aigrefleD penousb, let usmmv tbtfefojc renirnc to Hi/panioU.

urmcnbaefbaimebpe]rperfaicf^ijs offmaiarentb toOicbeasbauebenufeo taourbjcaD mane

ofUifytftti) anu tbat tbcpj ftren&tbe? UKrctnucbcDtcapcDbp


t^at toljcacc ftouloc be fotoni tljere in Diucrg plarc0, anontfum

carea,bm t&ofe berp bpgge tan ftmtefhtt*


lo tfce beigfjt ofco?nc> 15eac 07 cattet,become ofbpggcr flature,

anoctcecDpng fat5batt|)cpjiflelbei0mo^bnfauene5 anotbep?

bones (ass ibepfap)eptbertoitboutmaroU)5o? tbcfame to beuc*

rp tuatcrp(be j but ofbogged ano fuipnejtbep afftrme tbc contra*

rp^bat tbcp ate nto^e U)bottbme3 and ofbetter ta(lc5bp rcafon of

bepng ofmucb better

nour foment tljen made.

flcfljccommonlpfolDe in tlje market,

AtejcceeDpngipencreafen, ano become toptoe as fooneasi


inttif or ofbeaQcg ano foulc^ tljat tbep Qjal IjereafterbauenonceD: to

g^ aiubmte anp b?ougl;t from otfor placrt. je inqtaft ofaltafc*

groto bigger tbcn tbe bjooue tbep came oy>preafoo of(berdu


tbem fducsi toloe our itiento^ni t^fearrijeo tlie

of,tl)at tt toasl toitbout enlie. Jpo^ tt)t^ nation bnmgnato, ano,***** ti*l <* I***JLk ^Mti

rontcnt iDitp a ipne, ano

crtp, tg not grttttp cnrumg to tertar totatinn gicou^ muuMg iu mnm>^ wyov MK{^ ircpjpjuuui

tbelargenefleof *ep> otmunion, no? petfenetoc tbep

C* it ftmftc

Eden. The decadesBancroft Library



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Page 271: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

59(Wo t&efltteft, awAe longertfen

rromtfjeJ3o?d)totbe&out&, muc^e

fo^tlje moll part urrpfruitcfuJIanOpltaraunt. eafttt)artr,not

ferre from mfpawla, tberelpetfc an 3Itoa> letfe tfcen HifcmioU

mojeri;enbpd#baife,tof)icbeottr mm called s<m& libauu.

bcpngmmmmerfquare, in tfci* tbepfbunDeerceeopng

gotcc mpue0* but bepng noUie occuppco in dje goloe mpncs of

HifranieUjfotp ^tie not pet fcnc labourer^ into tlje 3llano, 73uc

tl;e plentte ano reitcntic ofgoloe of al otfeer rc^ionj, gcue place

to Hifpaniola, iw^cre tljcp gate tfrem fciuejs in manner to none

ottjer tbpng tljcn to geatbec gojtoe,of luljtrije tuo^ke tljti o?oer tee

appotntcD.o euerp fuel; tntttte anDMful man as is put in trull

to be a furuepour o? owerfter of tbefc tooi\x& , tljcre id aOtgnenone o? mo?c king * ofdie 5Ian&,U$ tljetr fubiccts. Cljefc king^

acco?Dpngtotl)ep? league, come tottf) ojep? people at crnapne

tpmeBofrijepeere, anorefo^t cuerpoftljemto tlje gotoempneto dje tot)ic'o e be IB affigneo, tol;ere tbep Ijaue al manner ofDpg*

gmg o? mining too!e0 DelpuercD tljcnij ana euerp king uhrfj ijis

men, fjaue a certapne reujaroealotoeo tljeuifo? tfjepj labour.

jr 01 tol;en ri;ep Depart from tlje mpnes to fotopng ofco^ite, ano

otbcr tpllagc (ttdjcntnto rijep are a Dotct at certaine otbcr epmtflf,

lell tbcpj foooe (ipulo fatle tbem,) tljcp receiue fo^ tljetr labour,

one a ierkin,o? a Dublet,anot^cr a ftp&anotfeer a cloke 01 a cap:f01 cljcp nolue take plcafurc in tbefc t^pno^ano goe no mo? e na

kco as tbep toere tooont to DOO. ^no tbug tycp ufe tlje belpc ano

labour ofdjc iiiljabitauntc?, bo tlj fo? tbe tpUage ofr&epj grouno,

anDtnt^ep^goloempne^ ascbougbtfjtpujtre rljepjfcruames

01 bonontien. ^tjepbeare djis poke of feruituoeunt^aneupU

topi, but pettljepbearcit: tbepcal tbefc Ij^cjd labourer^ Awlorias: pet tJjckpngDootftnotfuffirdja:tfaep(l)olDebeDfeDaf

bonoemen, attt onlpatlns pleafure, tljcparefetatUbcrtie,oj

appopmeo to toffee. 3t fucbe rpnie a* tbep are caHen togearijer


bleu of tbep? centurions) manp oft(jem ftele auwp to tlje moun*

tapned anb uwooocsi, tobere tbep Ipe utrkptig, bepng com

ttntfo?d)attpmetolpue uiirij topioeforite*, ratberdjen take

Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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TfieryrftDeciJK^^g-^ ^^tftjfcA 4*44.*^}A ^k.MAAAjbM ftL*^MA jfeVta* ftftJlMAfW4M^tfDine nouie tfuenp to^gottenrotfreiuoe lupmjuums,faeieue gooip , anQbearefteU inmento^piucb

bauelcameDofourfaptb,^tokpng0cbtto?enareluxtbtbe tfyitftft of onemen,ant act tnttcucteo in letters anu

nianer^* C^tben tbep are grotoen coman^age,

ciaflp to souerne tUepeople, pf $eft fathers; be oeao^accljep

map tlje better fct fo^ctj ttjc Cij^ittian rdtgtoiij anD fceepctfyepj

fubtectea tnloueanDobeutence. Bprcafon toljerof, ttjep come

noto bp faire meaner 9 gencd perfuaafums, to cljc minea tu^tc^

SSSSK*^^ wttoo tegtonafc^eflanDe, about tbpjtte

from tbe cptie of'Dom/^^tDberofcbe on i* catteo s*nto cbrifio*

:anocbe otberbepng Diflanc aboute fomfco^e ano tenne

^i^caneoCf^iM^ not farre front tbe ^eefe batten caQeo

w . 0efe regions are uerp large, in tbe ttbtcb in

tttanp placed bere ano tbere, are founoe Qmttpme euen in tbe up-

per crn3 of tbe eartl)3anu fomtpnte among tbe (tones, certapne

rounoe pieced o^ plates of goioe, fontetime offinale ojiantptie,

ano in (ome places ofgreat toapgbt* in to ntucb tbat tbere (jatb

Jbpn founte ronnoe pieced of tb^ee bnno^eo pounoe Uiepgbt,^niy ottf or tiirc^ ttiotifiiiiv^ % vozcc octitn^co HUD ccitttc

mtbat(bppmtbeU)btcbtbegouernotn;9o^//4 tua^ commpng

tbetoap3 bprcafonuti)a!E;ouerlaaentottb tbeuepgbtof golot

tnulntuoeofmen, albeit, tbere tnere


tljefummeofcbeiJucateof gdo,\atb tbecopnccaHeDTrLr,

ano po^ )^ate,tjscaneo to tljetotoet of Conception, tobere

SgofeSSf ^nltie,anDeaettuicotoeu^batDdoi^c^kpngedpo^ttontberof, tobtcbid tbefpftepartt, anDforo

gotteUittb bid labour.

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 275: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The firft Decade.

to rf)euplidge cattcD Ba^rw^r-. 3fntfKfecuaop0, tomo*

anp man bebnotuen DeceptfuUpe to feeepe bache anp poj

i ;o;i of goloc,uii)ereof lie fjacb not matt tbe kpnge0 officers pji-

utc, lie foifrpretb cijc fame fin a fpnc. ^bere ebaunectb amongtbcni oftcrupmes m.inp contentton0 ano conxoucrficsfj tbc Uitju

cljf unlefle rijc majiftratcs ofi!)c Jlanoc Do fpnpOK, tt;c cafe t

tfmoucD bp appellation to the fapglj counr

aple of rije court/romlu'.ofcfeiitencc tt isnotJauifuU to appeale mal iljeDomimonsf

ofCaftpIe* 115ut Iett>notoerectirnetot^nelae!anoe0, from 5JJJ*1"1

luiience toe baue Digrcffco. Cljep are inmmieraWc^iucr^anoercecDpngfintunate. CCibercfoietljc^panpatocetntljffe our

Dapc3,anDtljcpj noble rrttcrpipfcs, DO not gair place ept(;cr to

tl? : factea ofsaiurnus, o? Hacu'es, 02 anpe otljcr ofttje aunctcnc

pipnces of famaus memoip, toljirij lucre canont^cD among cbe

goODc0, calico Hfrofj, fo? tlKp?feard)pngof ncU)elanoe0ano

rc;s;ton0.ar,Dbjpngpnpjtl;efanieto better culture attD ctuditte*

j 6orj, Ijotoc large ft farre Qjal our pofteri t ie fee tbc Cbnttian enfargmtff or

rcii g!on ertetioeol l;otur large a campe l;auc rticp notu to toanDer JJj oi1 rhdn

in,uj|jic!)ebpr!;f true nobflirie djat 10 in tbrm,o? mooucn bp uer

cue, tupill attempt eprber to ocferoe Ipbe p^frp(e among men, ojtruf

^ CObat 31 ronceiue m mp

tongue. 3i tuti noUJ rtjerfine fo make an end oft!j is pcrpecondiifion oftbe urijolc Dccaoe5a0 mpnopng; bereafrer to fcard)

*mo geatber euerp tbpng prricuter1p,tixtt 3! map at furtberty*fwreiujptet^efamemine at taage. /oj Colonus fa ammrai,toiri) foure Q)tp0,ano a lunin: rD,dj]erfco?,anD ten men,appopu

tctbpt^ekpng, Di(couercDwtf^peire of Cf^iOe. 152^ rte

fenoeoueragapnltbe Wett copertfcubj, DtOant from tbe

^me About a iwno^D and time leagues : in tbe mrooeft of

^c^etracteJpetbanSlIcUttiecaaetio^ii^. jfromtocebe

:eoitt, fuppofpnj :b^t be fl)ou!oc bauefountie tbe coafteg of


*&*<* (ofUJbomm ^aur

L'.^n. The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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Page 277: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1



The fyrft booke ofthe feconde Dccadr, to * Bifhopoi Roinc.the tenth of that naroe,ot the fuppo*

fed continent or firmc lande.

, anD lobamft C*r+

y^ ofJTio?encc (mod &olp fatter)

came to ttje Carijoliqiie kpng of

S>papne 5 rfje one ofpourljoiincITe

I)is contraon iwal ei? , 31

tows euer foj tfye raotte parte

companpc, and I

toes ana topfeoome fetf Aem in

as $ep tuere ojeatlpe groen to tttfrfe, ato continual! rcuol*

let flpppe out of rap baffle*, entreatjmg of tfce

antireffiongiljpt^mo !pino;bpD,aoa!moft^e(ltnffy oflate bp cije i^panparoe^. 3Det ttfuut afiureo

oelpteatotl) o> netDnclft anouraungtneuTp of tije matter,

tuodyaoournrtMbep conwienoeo oy(anie?

faraefflpaefpjpiigmemt&epj obmename^ano requiring me

fet^ name ofpowrttwrt

to aooe hereunto a! fiict)t|pngc*

botb tjotoe great commooimte ctanccD to tt ppgenfeofasjalfoencrtafeoft^emaiiHiaiia^u 5 09 auu mwut ui w/i iiuuuaui UNigu^anuii

in rteft our oape^, bj>tl)efi)?tanate enterp?pfooCojekpngcg

ftepitpue* 4fo^lpkea0rafeDanDtnpapnteotab(e0) areaptc

tomoue &4at ftwirnwi (bitter are toft ^auei tlevron bp

H^e^noe of^epapmer , earn & tbcfcnaheoana fimple peo*

pie, ooo (oone recepoe *e cuOome* ofourreugion, anDb?

Eden. The decades.

]Bancroft Library.


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tatowulheflr.J fjaue tfcou&toit gooo tberfye to fefflfe 4erequeftofcbcfeU)pfcmen,efpetia^^

name, toljcrunto not to baue obeptu, 31 ftjoul&e efteeme nip felfe

to i/aue tommptteo a bepnoua offence. &tycrfb?e 31 topU notoe

b :icflp rdjearfe in o?Der,tobat bpo coaffe* tbe fcpanparDe* otier*

raiijtoooUJeretbauctOoursrijcrofjtotKre tbepreflebj tii&at fur-

ther Ijopc tbep biougbr, anofinaUpe tuijatgreatetbpngcstbofe

traetea ofIanbc Do piompfe tn time to come* 3!n tlje Declaration

ofmp Dceaoc oftfoe ocean, tobtd; id notue yjpntco anu opfperfea

me. ^ Deferibeo

ken, aitO tlMt curnpng fcom tljcnce coiuaroe t Ijc lefc baioc fouc^

toaro, be cbaunceD into grrate rfgiona eflantt*, anu large fea$

^dantfromrtjcCquinoctiai! Ipne, ondp fromfpueoegreejstotenne.- tuljere be foiuioe b?ooe rpuers ano cjccceDmo; bpgb moun* oant from me

tapnc0comreo tutto fiiotoe,anu fcaroe bptbefeabanke0,UJbeit SSKJJI1

^'toere nwnpe commootou3 ano qupet ban rnsf, But Cohnus bring greeo to ten.

noto Dcpartea octt oftbia Ipfc, tbekpng brganne to take care, i0f Dfdtj,,f

^ou) tijofe lanoa migfr be inbabtteo unt Ij Cb^ttlian men, to t bin* <oiouu.

freafeofourfaptb: cajcrupponbc gaue Ipcence bp t)ia letter?

patcntea to al fucb aa Uratdo cake clje matter in IjanD, ano efpetu a 4nailp to ttoo, to^erof^o 2^/vr/4 toaa one,^ tbc ottjerUw0 ^/-

g rj^l ttitbtfoeebomrjeo tbutotofromtbeilanoeitU (tn tbe tubid) lue fapo tbe fepamaroes Ijau butloeo

a cptie^ planted ri P? babttatton) $ faplpng in maner fill fotttb,

be came to one ofcbe battens founo befcnc,U)btcb Ctltmus namedf9rt*s

cart<-tgmis, bDtb bccaofe oftbe ilano aanopno; agapndetbe coutle ofo)e (htame, ano alfo tbat bp rcafcn oftbe larjeiieCTetf tl;e place ano bennpng fvoca, it ia mud) Ipke to tbe batten

ff ^papnc calteoc^jt^a , l# inljabptantcss caU dje3Ifantcc ^, as tbe fepatiparoca cat tbe 3Hanne of dm bauen

5f^r/4.)foreji(raicalleoofc^(iibabitanteafaflje Wcbe tbepaffy?me botb tbe mcnano tocmen tobce of caViSS?/gooMp Oatttre, but naked, ^be men baue rijep? beare cutte

carea, but tbe toomcn tterritfong, borb tbe


JEden.The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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Page 281: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tfie feconcle Prcttte

cmtfrt wHctje HW**lwttt, fy^tmtfa\w*^Vwtiw ttnme into uoi* eaten CfpenaUp tbe Ojatotre oftbe tret 10 contagious, fo? fad)

a tohore wtteepeunwritanptpme,bane tbcpjfceate* ftwite, ant loft

4t>oi0fi tbeitOgbt: butiftbrpfltepebutatobtle, rijep? Ogbt romnten)Durum. %

agapneafterafctoe tapctf. fcbia pojtete tiftantfoure bonnet,

fpft;e#0jcemple* from tbat po?t oftf//^nvarocs call fafrf, intfce uibidjealfotl;cpftmirfl;e tljcm firtuei

luljcn thcp prepare anpe Uopaoje to feckc otljer mtue lante^.

2CI Ijen Eogtda bat enrret into ttje batten, be enuatct, due) aiio

$oplcttbep:ople, uiljcmbe founte naket antfcatteret : foj

tljep lucre ojeuen fjim foi a p^ap bp tbe kpntjes letters patentee,

becaufctbepljat ben before tpme mttflagapnlf rljeeCtyifliana,

antcouioentuerbeallnret topcrmptre t!;em quietlpe to come

toitbtn tijep? tominion^. Cpere tbep founte golur3bnt in no threat

quantities? pet tbat pure : tljep make ofit certapne li?ett plarea

antb?ooclK9! uibtcbe tbepiuearefo^comelpnelTe. ^ut F^r/4not content tot tli tbefe fpopfesf, ufvng certapne captuics, tuijtcfj

be bat taken before, fo? gupoes, enrret into aupliage ttoelue

mptesDpttant from tbe fra fete fur tlj into tbe lante, into tbe

IDbtcb tbep UKre flet tuljeti lj c fpid enuat et. pere be fount a na

kctpeople,butaptetoU)arre : fo? tbep kuere armet Uiub tar*

gette3,n)ielDe^,longfu)oo?tes! mateoftuoot, antboUi?^ lutri)

arroloes tppt tmtb bone,o? bartenet toitb rpje. 3s (bone as tbep

bat efppet our mcn^tbep intrb tbep? pjbetTeis U)bo tbep bat recei*

cepuct,a(Tap!et tbcm tmtbteiperate mpnte^epng tbcrto moie

earneftlp piouokftjbebolovng tbe calatmtie oftbefe tubicbe flcQ

unto djenijbp tlje Uiolencetone todjep?toomen ant cbptojen,

in tbe fpople ant flaupjbter* 31n tljts conflpct out men bat d;e

ouertf)?olue: in tbe tobicb, one itiamct fo Lacofla(bt\n$ in auc*

tboiitic ncpt Unto fogtda tbe captapnc, ant alfo tbe fpjfte tbat

geatberet grit in tbe fantces of/v-/^) ujaji (laine toirij ftftie foul*

tiers: foj tbefe people mftcte tbeir arrotnet; tutd; tbe teatlpe

popfou ofa certapne Ijcrbe. ^DbeotberUJidj

^f^bepnpjtifcomfitet, fletoe todjefbpppea,

mapnettbus in tbebaomofCtrtbtgo. fo^otoftd ant penfiue fo|

djznautgan*^ciofTeoftijfp^comparaons, tbeotbtr captapncSH of x 'if50 -. - - ._.-.

i Eden. The decades,jk_ - ^ Bancroft Library.

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Page 283: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feeonfe Deofemo (pReeNewen

number of foufopcrs fotouieD Ngj botbe bccaufc free

Ipbertpe tua0 j^itien tfecnt to djoofe tu^icfj of tlje capptapne$

auctbojprie: But eOpetwlIp bccaufe tbe rumoure toast $at

, acdjcarrpual of^r/49 ti)ep confultcu Uifjac luajj

teff cobeooone: atto Dctermpnco fp^Qeto reuenge tljeocatl^e

oftfcp}fdotD0 Cdljcruppon , fettpng cbep? battaple in arapr5

0edpngontcm Uauiarcatn tbc la tie

toatr&e oft'ge npgtt, ano encompaflpng tbe upOagc Uibcre cbep &**??-lap, cowfplrpng: ofa yun^eo (joufe^ anu rno^e, Ijaupng alfo in tc

ttj^pfeaa manpoftljep? nepgbbouttatfoftljemfelue*, tljcp

fcon^e,tutcbo<Iigemtoat^e tbat none mpg^c cfcape* 9no

tditjBintbo^thitetljep b?ongl)f them antt tt)cpiljottfc0 to aQjC^,

ano maoe tbem pape tbe ratmfome of blooo witij blooo :fojt

ofa great inultituBe ofmen anD uiomcn , tUep fpareD onlp fpjce a great oanfft*

tf)pfti?en, aH ottjcr bcpnj DedropeD toidji fpic 01 tooiDjCjcccptter *

fittoc tuyic^e efcapea p^tu(p,tbcp (earneo bp ttjcfe rcfcrueo c^pl

ft?en,t(jatcf4 anD fjtsffloujes toere cut tn peccetf,anD eaten

cftljeratfjatfliie^em. Bpreafon tt^creof, tbep fuppofe tl;at

Jbcfe people c(C*m#ri toofte tljepi original of t!;e c^n'^^ ot^er-

topfe calleD Cantta'a. ^)erc ttjcp founoe fome goloc among tye ^nibaiM.

atbw . jfo? (be banger ofgotot DpD no Ie(le tnconrage ourmento aDiwtmtre tbefe perpte anD labours, tben opb tbe poDTeflpiw"

mbtofefotte0reuengeD,tremnteDtotbebmten. after

tins, F^tobtclje came fp?a,fp^aiphcU)pr

eDepartpnj totrfj

^t0amncto feeke Kr^,comimt?cD toljtst gouernaunce, fapleu

tmort^eto!jicbeDeCrenDtug,ijefounDe jfit.ittobeanJtanDe oftbe Cantbalc^ bjpn^png tot* bpm from

befoMMmcbecotagei of t^ttntbat flew>e,bunD?eD,

^DtemeDimmed of goloe,*% to tb1^*4v*V *V *TT


Eden, The decades.

Bancroft Library.


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Page 285: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

; The fecondc Decade.

CfcftewflWofrrd. ttbic&e tbe iubabitatmte*

from licence tlj e Caribcg 19 Canibales oftbe 3iUitfKtf ttt fapfr

to baue rijep jname anu ojiginall. tyere be began to btntoe a fbp

trcfli?, aun a bpllage ncere onto tljc fame, therein intfliDpno; to

place tbey? fpjft babttatton, &!)0jtly after, beptwj mftruaeo Upccrmpiie captpucji, tbtttere tiws about ttocluemplcj furtyet

toitUn ti;e Ianuc,a certapiw UpHage calirD r/v/5, Ijaupng in ic a

rpcbc goloe inpnc, IK octcrnitiuD to Deflrop tt;c utlhige, to tbc

U)l>ic!j U)jcn l;c came ,lje fotuiDe t!je inljalmamca re Dp to oefcnoe

tbepi rp j;I;t satn tbat lo Cmulpe, tbat eiuounterpno; luitlj tljcm,

|)c toad repuIfcD um!j fijanic ano oomatyc : fo? djefe people alfo

bfe b oiueis am bcnetn ou a arrouv& CCtitbtn a fclwe Doped after,

bepn^f enfb^ CCD fo? lackc of ui tcualles to tnuaoe another uillage,

be(;pm felfc Uias ftrprkcnin tbet!;pg!j Uurfj an arrotoe fi>omc

ofb i B fdotocs Tap, tbat be iwaa tiju0 inotuiDeD ofone oftbe rnlja*

tttaunrea Uiljoie topfe be bao le^De aluap eapti ue before* (jcp

(ap alib tbat be bao fp^d frenolpe coinmtmeo tttcb fogffa fo^ re*

Deeming of bis to.fe,anD ba^ appopnteo a Dap to tying a portion

ofgolDefo?berraunfouie) anDtba


cbccamcattbeDapa(ngneDnot LiDenluitbgolD^butarmcDUiitOboUicsaiiDarroUw^tDitb

cpgbc otljcr conftDerate tuttb bpm.iuljtcb bao ben btf0?e parta*

kers oftbc iniuhes Done to tbcm fp?ft at tbe baucn of C4w^^-ano aftertoaro at tbe burnpng oftbe bpilage, in reuenge^bet*

of^bep baD Defperatelp confecrateo tbcm feluejai to oeat b: ^5ut

tbe matter bepng knoiueu, tbe captapne oftbta confptracte toai<

fiapne tfFogcdaiyit companions,aD bid lupfe Detepnrt. iit eap*

ti'uitte,. f<^f^ alfo tb^ottgb cbe maiictoiifncffe oftbe bnume,confumeo

cIjaunceD tbusf, fbepefpteD r^fr/a tbe otb

^(M tl)e region oftbe <jQert fptje of^v^ UM0 afllpcD to

fobalrite. 5>e gaue DopnD tobt^ (apled to talc bis bopaae totuarD

Sfr^rf, tbe Dap after tbac f0gd4 DeparteD out of tfe bawi of

C4n^o.^e ttn'cb bw armie tbat be b^ougbttwb b^ftt, coaRett

tuer along bp tl;e(bo^,bntp becametocbe

it)erebefottnDetbep;kiigiage wbe

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p?mtce oj tCQitljtn a fetoeoapc* after, be

l;pm fclfe entrpng into one oft&ofe marcl>auntu;pppc0tal^

tljetbe&panparDeg call CaraueUs, commatmDedt&attfjebig'

gcrucircIistboulDfoloujfarrebdjiMe. i)e tooKctoitbbpiwuia

fmri fl^ppes coramonlp calleD ^erpjamjincsoj^iganDinetf,

31 (jatte tbougfjt it good ind tlje Difctmrfe oftbcfe bookca, to ute

tlje common names ofdjinffes, becatife 31 tjao rai!;er be plapne

tljcn curious, efpeciallp fo?afinud;e ajs rt;erc DO oaplp arpfc nw^

np netuc tOpnge? untmotoen to t!;e anttrjtttc,toljereof tljcp Ijaiie

left no true names. *3ftetttjcueparmreofN;ff/4,tl;ere came a

fi;vppc from HijpawU to Fogcda. t\)t captapne u^erof,U)agJonc

tottf; t!;?ecrco?e men, tuitljout leaue o? aDince oftlje 3umiral and

tfje orber goiiernottrs. COtitO rf)euptcuane0 U)Ijtcij tljis fljpppe

b>o;urjjf, t^p rcfrc.^eD tOemfducsf, anofometDljatrecouertO

rf)fpj(toni$tiKS, nniclje toeakcneo fo?lacfeeofmeatf Fo&ed*

Wcompanions luIjrtpereD and muttereuagapnftbpniDapIpe

mo:e ana maje, tbat be feoae rt;cm foojtO UJitb uapne bope :

cijofebptlje hmgescommt(noncobeauiDgemcaure0, bccaatc

lie toas learneo in tbe laU))to come fyojtlp after i)im toitb a fypp

hDraim'tljUpttitaHfS, anDtbatbemaraepIeDtbatbeUjaieJ not

tome manp oapcs fpnce- 3no bercin be fapD noriiinp; but truetfn

foj iu!jen be oeparteo, Deleft Andfia balfe reDpe to fo!ouc bpm

&aa ben fapneo, fome ofrijem Determined pjiuifp to tteale auiap

the ttuoW^urtrfnes from%r.^ and to returne to HiftanioLt.

BntFojf^baupnjfvnoUrfcDgcbereof^euented tfjep? deutcet

foj leawmp; f cttffodieofdK teeffe:Uritb a certapne nolHegen-

flenran caCed F> rfc//ifo Tizjrro.bi bint fetfe ri)ua ujounDeDjyoitb

a fttoe otfjer in bis pmpanpe^ntred into rfce(bpppe loberoftoe



. The decades,

Bancroft Library.


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tcwtpmtaM^fc&Mfea*befmputeDtotfjcmfojtreafon, to Depart from thence pf be

came notacjapneatrbe Dap appopmeD, nxfy upttuale*, an* a \

netoe fupplpe ofmen. fcbefe.flj.Dape* bepng note pal^toberatf

tbepcoufoepetbearenotUpngof f^td^ anDtoereDapfp mo^eant>m3?eopp?e(TeDUntt)Q)arpei)uiiger, tbcp cntrcD into rbe

Quo 13^ijanoincs lo'jidj toete left)auo Departed from tbat Iano

3nD as tl;ep mere notee faplpnp; on tbe ntapne fca totmroe fl /A>a tempeft fooapneip arpfpng, OuaiomeD one ofrije iby*

tio.ura tu.tD mpnj about tlje WganDtne (fb? djofe fra* b?pno; Gu^tbgreaC


Det oftije fijpppe in peece*,\ubtcbe faplpng, tbeB?iganDtne be

tnpj D^tuen about Up fbjct of tbe tempeft 5U)as tyotwteD not farrc

from tlje3iianDcalieD Fr*wipingbettoenetbe coatoofft^tten cr^oauuKr4/4.a tljep oftfre otljcr

baue lanneDin tlje 3l(anDe, ttjep toere d?pttenbacketott(j

botoes anD artoU)e0 of tt^e fierce barbarians* ^ocfeDiugt^

moutbof tberiuertobicbccljc ft>panvatDe0caneD So/aw _tfoictMK&ottfeoftfrecattc, bccauft tbepfatuc acatfefp?toi

came toitb a (bpppe laDen oxtb al t^pnges ueceflMf> bot^ftf

nteate, anDD^pnfce^ and apparcH,

another B^tganDtne. ^bta ^befo?tobore ctmwipng^eeap-

ita>napaeDb^ ^


Eden, The decades.Ranoroft Library.

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Page 291: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

rn fa ftfe tufedfr, retunte bpw M# OBO AoutanK


toitHf^MWto|wirW|wfft)to<wwfone tbynjtwj*cobtremm*oBli

aMofmrcmpaim -ne

but OKK (btmnot f.


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 293: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

tempt to &jwe tf;em from tijep? coafleM^ otfturbe tbetr tl)pp#

arjupnrt, rtjeitt offjlUe ano ccuelttCjSn} further tljjcdtnpnj cljctc

ruine mro Deffraetfan, except t&ep uwtrt&e uTe t^nn feluc0 mo?efrcnocfo toluiiroe tljem . JTdjt Ijeaoumifro rijem tlwi tljfre

tooutoc fij^tJpe come into tOep? teh& a:mo mm, m number ,

{the Unto rtje fanD3 oftljefea^na c(;at to ti/cj?x uttet o(bictio;r,not onlp vft^p rdpttet> tfjem not, bt alfo cjfcept t&cp rcc.-mca

itljfm, anD cmatapneotljcm IjonouraMp. 3iutficmeanetime,

ctieufe oftar* j*i5fii* toss enfottrmco tOaf^tiimen toerc cetcracD ; U)!jmfo?e

ftrfpfctpng Tome occepte, be bitftiflflji fowl) afl (jljS far^ft men,

fo?Feaw ofrijep^Uencmoua arrotocs : ano fcctpn^cmw l\tri

men*Butbe tulj i dj: commantn Uittb tbe u.1

*rtarians, gfuvng;

tpm a finite tmrl) Iji3 Ijar.De to piorcrDe no fiirther,!)c ftapeOjano

taflpnn; to (#m ti)e ot!)cr50e luicl*: t^t -.! u>,i* fafc ; fo^tOe bar*

tanatm p^orcreo IJJMU pracc, tiecMe tl;ep lucre nor tljr? \uljcm

t^ep fufpectrti tljem to Ijauetorn, mcmipng bpr^rA f Wcntfl.

to^o baofpopko tljeupftagtftanopnn: tljcre up tlje (eafpoe, ano

carpeo atoap manp cap tttte^, anO alfo burnt anat^cc opKage fr-

t!)tr U)i tftin tbe lanoe. 3nu tijmfou (a* tljcp (apoe) u>ccau(e of

tl)ep? commons tljptljcr, toa^torm^etl)oreilur, ?fb?

fpgi)tan:apnttanp,notbepugp?otioKto,lapwg apart u)ercfo?e

eitfrr^pnco out mcngenteifp,

totftftietn g^omtrafc'

WrtMto*place of Cidje as toere Deat> : alfo t^ue ^parta, aw mw?cfunnr, mm otfjer bca!%^m^mflwiie^tota(r.


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fe? a0 iljcp lucre cuen nolue emrpng into dje (janen, (begoumnouroftijeOjpppctoOic^faeeattOeijdnic, Orofce tfc fopppe

ipcn tfje fane c05 Uiljne it toas (b fad cnrtofeo ana beaten uutlj uiiac

tlKU)an9oftyefca3 ti)atitopcntDintl;e mpODcft, and all loft

tljat luas tljcrein, atiipngfurcIpeniircruWetaWjolDe: fo? of

aHtI;cUpmiaIlejg tljat iljcp tjao 3 tIjtpfaucDoiHj/ttodwijarrclIfa

of mcalc, toitl; a feUie dj ccfcs 5anD .a Iptle i)^r{ 0?cftD , fo? ai

fijc beaa U)erc tyoUmca, anD tljcp tijcm fcUtc^ efcapco IjartM

Ip ano Ijalfe nakco, bp Wpc oftljc^n^nDiiicaitt flbip bonce,

carping untUtJjemonlpa fetoeiueapons* <(>ug$epftUfrom.

one calamitie into anotl}cr,bf^ng noujc mo^e careful! foj tbcp?

ipue0 tljcn fo? goloe. ^et bcpng fyougtjt alpue anD in l;caJt|j to

tijat fanue tobiclje $cp fogreaUp ocfp?cD,t!)rp coittoc DO no left,

couloe WK Ipwe on'P Op/a^

tljcp muftnec^ Ipue bp oti#r utens.^cramong tOefrfo utanpantifrGticg,ohe gooD cijannce offeree 1 1 frifc Unto tljcm : fo? tbcp


o^^tljev feu dfo ofJDaxrlai.aiiD i|jc rooter ofpoung Date trccs^i-dje tfjepcatcltttttBtft inCiuile ano Crwu, tuyere tl^p call




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Bancroft Library.


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Page 297: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

fcaueacertapneftwetenelTe m^ceun^^trfjab?:a:itei plant djefe tree*

gatDena.awrioipTje tfwn fottlj greace


leaaeMepgiMin turnkeys berplpke Ditto Decree tfatbea-

tt tbe fcupce wllea Zia^W, UJbicb fte apodjecariw caO


cocomc :m^tmippon toirt) cbepiJrijole armp^ftep enterco

expert arcbetrf. Jwfa bao in bt cojnpanpe, abun^eo men.

^bepmette bp rijetijaptoicbonlp cb^emenof rtwWntant,MU bottmuc.naj^p^ ^n^ armeu uritb boinea 9totnontousf ato^ueiJj UI

TJO ttiitb*

out all feare, afapleo written fpereeflp, tnounueu manpe, ato

flttemanpe, ano toben tbep eutprpeo rijepjq miew, fleooeaji

rbpfteoffootebpreafoiiof tbtp?loore gootng froin tbep? ctn>

te^ajejtbepa^meebattljep letteflppno arrotot ootof t&ep?

botoeautUapne.SDurmen tberfb^ retitrneofljefame totptijac

t^cpcame, mucbe mo?e unfortunate tben t(jeptocrebefo?MnoconiltlceDamong tftemWow fo leaue tbelao^e^edalpbecanfttbe inl^bptantesljat) ouertlj^otane t| fo^ttefft tobi* ^/4buploeo,anDbal> burnt ttetieyoufci oft^eb?oage,asfoo!r ai

25p *< occafion tberfo?e, being n^puen to fedte further, tbe?

^taelli^ncccNtlettdt^orc^K^m?efruufim^better to Matt*. MH^e, tfre? fern tfce one

neeretotljerearpDeontbeeaapart. ttto guB^ to fourteen*

mple*w b?eaotb, an6 yotoenrac^e tbefwfter ttentemb into

tbe^melanDe,it w fo tnuc^tbe narobier 3lnto n>e gttft of


35S51 natetbmtterpuCTtfN^faCgppt. tliwrpuetw caDeoD^

li^bpmitbebantoti^ret^betngbetpfn^grade) djepentenwota pUnte tixp? netw colonpe 19 Wxta*

, nrni. Teut


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Page 299: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


The fcconde Decade.

Ifcer0f,fp?(!fenf atoap rijtpj cbptojen and toeakeffe fojt oftbrp?

people totci) ri; ep? baggage ana boutyou: D ftufft, aiio attembleD

all furfje togcadjer bctb men anD uramcn, as fcere meete foj tbe

toarrr* .tbus bepng armcD uritb toeapons anD Dcfperate nun-

tes5tbep GOODC in a rcDpneffe to fygIjt,anD tarpeD tl;e comnunjofour men upon a Iprte tjpd, a si tt lucre to take tfje aouaunrage

ofdjc grounne : our men tUUgcD lljcm tote about fuieljmio:eo

fa number. ^:()cn>f^tfjc captapncof ourmen,anultcue

tetuntm m t|ie fleeoe of fo^da, fettpng I;t0 men in o?ocr ofbat*

taple arap5ano tottlj bigWe companp kncciing on Iji s kncetf,

tbcp all maDcljumble papers! to0>Dfo?tl)cuioiic,ano a

boUK totfje unagc ottljcblclftD tjirgtniBbicljeis; tjououreoin

Ctufle, b? rbe name of &#* Af<rw yf ^^ pjompfyng to

frnoe tjer manp gotom p^ftc03anD a ttraungec of rijat eotmtrep:

alfo, to nametbebpHage Santta AfarU^nti^a after l;cr name:

Ipketupfe to erecte a temple eal(eo bp tbe Gime name, o?at

tl;e lead to ne&ieate tlje King oftljat pjoutnceljt^ pallaee to time

bfe,if tt fijoulD pfeafe ber ro affift tljrm in tlji^ Dangerous enter*

fltfe.fcM* Done,al tbe fmiWm toke an otb,tljat no man Qjouto

turne l;is backe to bis eirimSfe. ^ben v eaptapne comma anDingtbem to be in a reopnefie uxrf) tbep? targets anD iaudpns, ann

tbe tnimpctter to blotue tbe battaple5rtjcp fiercdp aflapfeD djepi

enimtes tuitb a farome : but tbe nakeDbarbarians^not long able

to abpuc t^e fe?ce ofour menjnen put to fligbt,urinj tljep? kpno;ano caprnpneCm**itJQm men entreD into d)e UpUage,U)bere

tbep foiintie plentt e ofmeate, furl) as t&e people oftbe eotmtrep

bfe, fufftctent to atHiwge rtjep? p?efent ung^r, a3 ineaD maDc of

rootes, ttKtb certapne fruttes unlpke imtooui'0, "tebjcje tftep

reumte fo? ftoje, as lue too C^eOnutted* f rtjefc people,tbe

men are btterlp nakeD, but tljc toomen, from tbe naitel Dotone*

toanre" are couereD totdj a fpne riotb maoe of gottawpme cot*

ton. TOs repni is btterlp toidjont anp IbarpeneCT: of lupmer:

fo? tlje mourb oftbw rpuet of 'Damn, is onlpe epgljt Degrees ^run, tut

biOaum from tbe EjuinotHtU ipne, fo tbat tbe common fojfe

ifour men ,fcaretlp percepue anp DptTcrtnce in leugtb lietuieene

tbe Dap anD npgbt all tbe triple peere : but becaufe tbep are ig*

o^aunt in afironomte, ttep eanperetpue no (mall Difference.*

^efo^e toe iiem not nwcije poire if o) degree 0ife (bme*

*9tiEden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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frjeoap after tljat tbep arpueD at tbeUne,leo along bu tbe rpucr, lujerc tbep foutfijc a great tbpcfeetef

mDes,coimmnmgfbjti.e fpaceofamplemlenjtb, fuppoffng

(as it etraunccD m DecDe) djat d)c b uDerers hereabout IB!; t cijt

bao flco, bao ember (pen Itirkpnj tbcre, oj ria to ba'te btD djepi

ftutTe among t,ofe rteoe^ : CclOereuponi aiming rbem fefuei

iDitb t!;ep? targe t^fojtfearc oftbe people Iptngm aihbufbe>tLq


pciir t

etettdw tlje tbpeket Diligentlp , ano fuuncc it iu:tbout men, but

of rceDts. replenpH; ;o vu tb botitljolDe ttittft anD golDr* &jep founoe alfo

a great multuioc ofil)etc0,ma:e oftbe filke n? cotton oftbe gof*

ieft plateg ftw^uie tree : Ipfeetopfe Diueraf kpnoea of ueflfe!0 ? tooles maDer goiof. ofUN)oD,anD trump ofearti) : a'fo many fyeft plates ofgolDe^nd

ourijes UJiouDctjt after tliepi manner , to tbe funimeofa buno^eo-

9 ttuo pouno tocig!11 : fui tbep aifo take plea fare mtbe beaut e of

goloe >ano tu j?ke tt uerp arculetailp, altbougb it be not ti^e p?raoftbpngs among tijem as uiitl) us. fcfccp bane t'f out ofatl:er rc

jpona, fo? errijatinge offud) tbpngrg a0 fbep? i

c^ ion*n foitt) : fo^ fud) regions as Ijaue pfcmie of bieao ana nllnipf e,

to? mDftJan tacte gotoc, ano fucbe a0 b?png fb^Q gotoe^ure foj r*rmo8 {art^w.rougl) tuitlj moutuapncs ano rockes, ano tUerefJo^eWren : motbs tfeep eyereife marcOanDirt Unt^ouc cfeebfe ofmen p. Heiopfpng: ti;erefoie tuitb Dot:ble gtatmefle^afiwi in ttai cliepfatoc

great IpkenelU of golDe,a0 alfotljat fortune Ijadoffcreo ttjcmfo

fap?e anD fnutetul a eountrep, tbep fern foj tljepj felotocs tojjom

eUep bao left before in tbe aft fpoe of tbe gulfe of f'rub*. peefome fap, tbac tbe apie cs cberc unujbolfome,becaiife tljat part of

tbe region Ipetb in a lotoe twUep, erauroneo lottij motmrapnt*

The fccondc bookc ofthe fccondc Decadc,ofthe fup-

pofed continent.ttfchbeo to poor fjcfpnrfle tobere

tractwof Vr*l>* toa0 affigneo to tn

te)enteRDeo to fatten ttjepjfbote. letMDtDe tl;erefo?e tame tbem ofVI&A fb>

a U^ple, ano tmrne aga^ne to XJM}*&

Eden. The decades. I

Bancroft Library,


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Page 303: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

pjouince rtBcrag** (bepng tfce CQeft fpoc of$e guffe tfVrab*)

toa* appopmeo, <BRe bauc Dcdareo botoe Kicuej*, Departing

toutb oneMaraud ano lino BjtganmnesJrom Kwfo cbe mnfo t c*

cum ofbut frenD ? companion fogcda, mrcctcD 1; t s courfe CJ eff

toarceto fr44jcaufno;tbebpgget typppesfometobatbeljmo

bpm,to fdotocljpmafetre o^ but !je tookf tliia; Dcuice mantuplbcttt^fo? tie botb toll [)tsfcloU)fgmtf)cnpgl)t, ano tornt

pgit tiyniMutt) of cf?e nucr Srr^*, tofjicbe be cl;cefdpfougbc.

One * 0/4wj aCamab^tan, anDgoaernourofone of (fee

(peat ipHe0)ban tbe conouct ofone of djc l^tjanomcs : be

commpwpdel)ynDe5 lcarncD of ri)embabitauntcs,BMjtd>e luag

tbe luap CaftuwrDe to tbe gulfe of tieragua, ouerpafGro ano (c ft

bfbpnoeiWaufiOUmt tberfo^c Dtrectpng bis courfe toUwro

tbe Cad, met imtb cbe otber B?iganoine, tuljicb bao alfo tuan^

DercD out of tbemap bp reafon oftbe Darkened oftbe nigbi ^Oe

bott) being gjlwftbep? Tneetpng,tbep confuted tobat uwg bed

tobeDonii anDttbtd)em\ptbfprouloccomccture djepjgotier-

nour ba^tafembts uopage^frcr Deliberation, tbep tubgeo tbac

Nnttf/4 coutoe no mo^e lackc finne to put bpm in remembrance

ofB"44, tben tbep tbem fdued toere minorul bereof, boppn^alfo totpnoe bpm rijere.^bep fapleo tl;erefo?e touwroe frr^u*,tobere tbepfounoe ttitbtn.icuu mples Dittany rpttcr UHjtebe Co-

/ow naraet'L*gatoj,becau(c it nourptbetb great Lpfarw,u#rbem^Hfepan'tbetongueare called Laiartos. ^befe Iplatu^are ljurtrulbo ri) unto man ano beaft,an&m tbape mucb Uhc Unto

tbe Crotooilcg oftbe rpuer wins tn Cgvpt, Jin rbtd rpitcr tbep

fount* tbep? companions ano feloUics of tbrpj crrour, Iping

at anberttntbtbe great fl)pppe0,\nljicbe fo'oirco btbpnoc bptbe goucrmurfii commaunDemcnt. (Jxrc tbc tobde aflcmbite bo

pngcarefiilaibDifqutctcD bp reafon of the goucrnouw rrrour,

afrer confiatatton, bp tbe aouire of tbe captapnes of tbe iv-iggn*

omcs^Urfjo bao rafeo neere Unto the coaflcs of'Berdgna>tbcp fap*

feooiitcdpiptber. Vcragua, in tbe language ofdje inhabitant*

ftfccfeme toouiticc,td as mucb to (ap^a tbe golDnt riuer. be

Rftonit fdfe is alfo caileo bptbe fame name, tahpng name

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Bancroft Library.


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Page 305: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconchr Defchfo

t*f!**er,a comtepsbeDafl ftefl uicmalrfaft otfernfc*

fane* to

cobecbep?gouernourm Ueeoeof

ibatall bopt of Departure mpgbtoe taken front tbe fotfDperd

ivbfcb tbep (MO noto fyottojbt tbpcber,ano tomake tbem tbc mo^c

tep&mg to mfcimrtbat lanDc,tbep Uttert?fb7(uokc ano cade

oftWe fljpppea btFii? noujc rotten fb]t a^c, ano fuffcreD tljcm

to ie ftaken ano bjoofco of rijc fctrg:0 oftbe fca pet oftfcepjfoun^cilc p ank,tnptl)otljct nctoc, maDeof ibetree* oftljac

, ttegum (tobiffj tfcep fapt to be eicccem'ng; biggc ano bpgb) tbep

franicD a netu caraudl Qjo?tripe after, ui^tcDe tljep mprjDt life to

feme fu? tfjfp? neceCTttte* But 'Bsragua \uas founoe bp tbe bnfo^





e ftmate ^^"^ f ^rtrw^ ^n^rw, /oj f^f, bepng a man of

01iitSju p?<ftn tott ajiD apt fcntoanmcOe to attempte tljtnjes (in toljicb

fometpmc fortune uhlf beare a ffroke notiuitbttanmnj our pio*

utDence) tooke bppon hpm djaoumture to fearcbe tbe Ojo?c, to

tljintaittofpnDeatDdpfcj2 b-s felotDcdU^eretbepntpo^tbetlc

romeaianfi.jfo?tbt8purpo(f,fKri)ore bpm .rtt.marpn:r3,an5

toent aboo^ue tbe (bpp boate tobtcbe ferueo tbe grcateft u>pppe&^be flJtupng oftbe Tea, rageo ann ro?CD ttiere, lot tb a Oo?rpb!e

tolmrititg^toe reaDe of tbe Daungercui place of SylUm ri;e

(**of Cictlic, bp reafon oftbe bouge $ ragjyco rccke mcbtno;

into tOefta,from luljicbe tbe tu-iucs rcbounoinglottijupolrncc,"**

mafceagreat nopfeanorouabne(tcontbetoer,Uibcd; rou^neffc o? itflotoino;, tbe fepanMroes call fyfaca. Jn tbefr oaum

tD?eut[rt>a loljilq, but in ibo^t fpace, a

featte oftbe fefralmoUe aa bpgge as a moumapoe, rebotmopngfrom tbe rockes, ouermbrimco tbe boate,aiu> oeuourtD tbe fame

tntb tbe men$euen in tbe figbt oftbetr felon** *> tbat ofthem

AH)onlp one efcapcD bp realbn bettw0 expert in (\Dutimtng- jfo^

getting botoe oftije cpinctofa rocke, ano (UdepMng tbe rage of

tbe fea iratpa tbe nefr Dap to!)en it tiwreo caulme, anD tbe ftjoje

hwD^pebp tbe &H oftbe toer, be efcapeDanorefo^teDtobirf

companpe. But Vnbri*. ttntb tbe otbrr eleuen, toere utterlpe

eaOe atujpe . Cbe refpooe oftbe companpe, ourft not commttte

tbem feiuetftotbc ftpppc boater, but toxmalanDe tottb tfcep?

. TObere temapmng a toe top*, anD feplpng


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Yfce fcconcfe Deeafe

itmgBp fterptttf, rbep


tteflevmoto fotoe few* after fbe manner of tbepj eotmtrep, in

acmdpneba!coffruttcftiln;rcwn!3c3bfcaufe in otljer plarrsrljc

region is barren, 2s tbefe tbpngs lucre tl;ua Domj in BVA&U*.one ofttjepj companpe ftanmnpj upon tbe cop ofa uigb rocfee of

efpertall, ano Ipftpng in* epes totoaroe tbe ^Heit, began co

crpe, tpraien faplea, Iptmeit faplea, 3nD tl;e neercr it D;ctuc to*

taurDe ^pm, t;e pcreeiueu it to be a fljpp boate, cominpng toirij

alpclefaple: pet reccmeurtjep ittoitlj muclje reiopctng, fo? it

to^3 tbefpflber boateof Kicutfaftt Caraoei, aim ofcapaatie to

carponlprpue men, ano IjaDnoUiebutri^ceintc, urf;tcl;e ban

0o!ne itfrom N.;

cr/4,beeaufe Ije reftifco to jcuc creoite to tljem

tebebaopafteD Knag, anolefcitbcljinDebtm CaftojarDe.

4Toi tljcp feepng x/v r/4 ano bis fetouieg to confumeoaplpe bp

famine, tbougljt tljat tbep uwulo pioouc fortune luub tlj.it boatr,

pftljcp?cbamicempojl)tbetofpniw!Bpr^^0 in oeeoe it tow.

D:batpngt(?erefo?e tintbtbcp*fehrtnesoftbefe mattery tljep

Dcriarco boto Kkmf* erreo ano loll d;e Carauri bp tempe(!,anD

t&at \)t tttad notoe toanoerpng amono; t^e marpOjes of bnhnott)* Mft ofJ^wten coa(Te0,ftiII ofmiferie ano in extreme pcntirie ofall rijpngCB,

noUie Ipuen fo? tbe fpace of tbieefcoje aio femie bapesf,

onlp toitb I)trbegano roote,t frioome tuitb fruiter oftbe rottn*

trcp, eonttnteoto D^pnfee toater, ano pet tljat ofccntpmea fap*

Ipng, becaulebcttaawaont to trauaple COefttoaroe bp feote,

fwppofpno; bp rijat meanest to come to Bera^ua. Cohns tlje fpjft

fpn^er ofdjti mapne lanDe^baDcoaHeo along bp tbi i traete,anH

itanico it Gratia 'Dr/,bt tOintjabitantca cai it c>r4^4>o. ^b?otigfj

ftw rrgton,tl)cre runnetb a rtuer,tobies ourmen nameo 54ft' s&e rincr or

^cu anu tljp?tie mplra. ![)ere 3! let pafle tlje name of tljt s rtucr,

no cfmanpe otber placed bp tfjc names! ttljirbe tbinlabitanreis

Wfibecatife ourmen are tgno^atmt thereof* WJM Lupus 0!amthe coiumcto^ ofone oftfce QjppsiofKuucfa, ano notoealfo ttce

Xieuetenaint inl;isi fteew, after tfjat be f;at> rtccpaeu \Winfojtmation of tfee cparpnert, fent d^tljer a

^isanrtne^Ocfe ^atpneus rbercfo?e,t(jrc5ecame

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Page 309: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The (ecotaft $e<a<J

and accufedljpm oftreafon, becawfe be ufurped tbe auetbojitte of

ibe Lieuetcnaumfypp, and tbat foj tbedefpjebebad to beare

rule miD betnauctbonnc^jctonkenocarcofijtscrrours: alfo

tbat bebdjautt bnn feife negUgcntlp^emaundpngfurtljermozeoff)wu, U)l)at UMS tl;e caufc of big fo long detep. Ipketupfe lie

fpakc to at tlje Under officer fl)arpc!p,and tmtlj a troubled mtim,

anaimtl;mfelNeDapeg! after, commaunded tbcm to truOe by

tljcpj packe*,ano m< c ^an reup to Depart. <EIjq> Defp? cu Ijun

to tjupct bptti Orffc5 ano to fb^beare tljem a ujfjplt) Untpl tijep Ijao

reaped tbe co?neti)attljepljarifoUicn,ti)lnri;e luouluc fl;o?tlpl

eutrpe nctij after it i* fouien. But be uttcrlp ucnpeo to tarpc anpc toljpc,

fme tbat be teouloe foojtbUMb Depart from tbat unfortunate

landr, and plucked up Op tljc rooted an tbat euer toa^ b^ougbtinto toe guife of2-^4, and commaundedtbem to direct tbepi

coorfe totuarde rtjc Call, 9fter tljpp Ijad fapled about tbe fpace

offijctccne mple3,a c:rtaine poung man,\ubofe name Uiag <0re*

go?te, a (Dcnues! boine,anD ofa cbp{de ougljt Up toitb Cohnus,

called to re incmOiautice that tbere toaaaljauennotfarrefrcm

tbcnce: and topiooucbw faptngestitie, be gatic bis fcloUifis!

tbcfc cofxens, t^atia, tljat tljep Qxxdde fpndc Upon tbe fl;o^

an anker ofa loll fypppe balfe couered toitlj fande 3 and bnder a

treene]ctt)ntotbeb<utenafpipng ofdeare luater. ^bep came

to tbe landc, fowide tbe ankerand tbe fpipng, and commended

tbe toptte and wemo?ie of tbe pounp;man, rijat be onlpe antong

m^peofdje^^nCTSUJbic.) badfeattbedtbofccoaaesiUHrijm 3 m.xii coJoftj , boie tbe tbpng fo uoell in mpnde.

oiomw. called ftrjttfidh* C2lto a^tntbisiuopagefo^ackeofupt

euaUeg, tbep lucre (bmetpmea enforced to goe alandc, tbep tocre

eupl entreated of tfjmljabttantca : bp rcafon tobcreof, tbe?;

. ftmigtl))5iocrefoU)cakeneD tottbbunger, tbat tbep lucre not

able to keepe toarrc againS nafted men,o? fcarcrip to beare tUeir

barncifc on tlicpi bacRcs: and tberefo^e our men loft tluentte of

tbep^ companions, tuljtcb iwre flapne tottb Uenemou0 arroiucd*

^bep confulted to Icatte tbe one balfe oftbepj felotoesf in tbe ba-

tten of Tortus -Stilus) tbe oiber part N/v */* tote Untb bpi" w 1

toaroetbcCoa, uii;ere aiwut tiuentte andfjgjt m^ejat from


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a fbjfrefle (waeoptbeTea

fpde,bpon tbe popnt o? cape,tobiri;e in tpme paft co/ow named ,,Marmar, but tljcp tocre fo feeble bp reafon oflong Oungcr, tbat


tbepjftrengtb feweo tbem not to fuftepnc fudje labour, pet bem<

erected a Iptle tofo?e, able to refpft tbe fpift aOaulte oftbe inba?

bitaumw : tbte toto?c be called Nowi 2) . from tbe tpme rtjat ^be left $craua, tobat in tbe iournep among tbe fandie plapned,

tben alfo fo? btmgec toljtlc be builded rijc totme, of tbe feuic Mjucbe remapneo dpue, be loft ttuo bundled. 3no rijtis bp Ittle ano

Iptle, tbe multitude offeucn bundled, tburefcoie, and fpuc men,

toasb?ougbt notue tofcarcdpe one bundled* ullbple i^cucf*

IptifdUxtbtljcfefetoemiferable men, tlicrcarofea contention,

amongcbem of Vr*b*, ad concempng tbc licuctenanribpppe:

fo? one Vaftus WtjnncZj bp tbe iuogcment ofal men, truftpng

moie to bid ftrengtb then frit, ftpirea Dp ccrtapnc ligljr felotiuca

agapnft Jnafus, faprng tbat /mifks bad not die ftpnp letters

patentee fo? tbat office, and tbat it lua0 not ftfficicnttbacbe

ereaitetbe office of tbe lieuetcnauntaipp , and topllcd tbem ta

cOoofecertapneoftbep? otone companpe, bptobofe counfaple

and auctboiitie tbep mpgbt be gouemci ljus being diuiocn

into facttond, bp reafon tbat fogcda tbep? captapne came not a*

gapne,ttibomtljepfuppofedto benoluedead of fits uenemous

tumino, tbep contended Uiljetber it toerc beft to fubftitme zxy e-

f* in bid place. 3Ebe Dopfeft fo?c,fucbe aa mere fannUertoktb'^wf*% couto notbeare tbe infolencie tfi'afcus Xunnez, tboujbtu good tbat Hicuefa fl)ouldc be fougbt out tbjotujbout al! djofe

coaftes : fo? tbep bad knotuledge tbat be departed from $cragn*M

becaufe oftbe barremteire of tbe grounde,ana tbat bp tbc ejcam*

pie ofjncifus, and fucbe otbrr as bad made fl;ppUJ?ack':,!t toere

poulble tbat be mpgbt Uiandcr in fome fecrcte place, and tbat

tbep cotdde not be quiet in tbepi mpnded, Unrpl tbep knctoe tbe

tertapmie toljctfjer be toitb bis fcloUiedUicre aline o? Dead, out

VAfWNgnncz^ fearpng left at tbecommpngof \icuefa, be

fboulde not be bad in auctbo?itieamong bidfelotocjs, fapd tbep

toeremadmentotbpnhe djat Xicuefa (pued, and aidjottgbbe

alpue, pet tljat tbep ban no nee&eof bid bcipe : fo? be.

of bid felptocd, tfeat IDCTC not

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Page 313: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

reafonpmjn'of'cijam.' to aittj fro,one tydcricus Colmenaris arpucD in tbofe coadc* U.i:(J

r*tU)o great Qjpppesjjaupnj in tljem tljjcefeojc faflje men, uwjj

great plemie ofupttuillea ana apparell. Of t'je naut'gauon of

ttjici Co'mtnaris. 3! cnteno to fpeake fomeurtjat moje, i[}e djerfoje

tiepartco from the l;auen ofHijp*nhla, cattto'Ecata (ufeetljep

prepare am furnpflie tijem fefwe* U)!jtrfje make anp bopage into

tfjefc lames) aboat tbe 3!Dea ofOctober, in tbe peere* 1510.mo lanoeD tbe.ir.of Ji33tia0cr tn a region in tljc large picumreof fa, foun!e bp Coftj betuienetU bauen

oft ;e ca,an5 5creene{Te oftfje

commoDit.esf : foi iD'jfnbisfre^e Uuatcr fiplctj,!)efai)lcoto tbe

nioutlj ofa rertapneriucr tobirij tbi'nljabitantcs calG^/r^bcpng

apt torcfciticnnppc3. ljt sriuerbaobia com fe from tbe toppett freecbjmg Of an ejrceeDpng tipglj mountapne eoucred tuitl; fnomc, bpgbcc

Slime wurreD tben tbe U) )icbe, al tlje eompaniona. of tljis eaptapne %fcw*Jfap,ri)at tbep ncuer niU):: ^InD tbat bp goon rcafon, pf it fewre

couereD Urit(j fnolne in tbat region,U)btcb i* not pad ten Degree*cidant from tbe Equ.noctialtynt. 30 tljep began totyatutoatet

mtt of tbepi tljpp boafc5a ccrtapne kpng inaoe touiaroc tf)em,ap<

parellco iitb uelTwres ofgolfampine cotton, baupng ttoemie

noble men in bis company appareUeD alfo: luljiclj tbpngfeemeo

(rraunge to our men, ano not feene befb^ein tljofe parnea.

ki mjc0 apparcll bong loofc from bis fl:oulDcrs to bi0

ano from tbe gpiolc oolunetoarDe, it toas mudj Ipke a uiomantf

kpIe,reacl)ing euen to bis beelea. 3s be D:elue nci re toluarne

otir mrn,lic Teemed freenDlp to aomonpilje t!;cm to take none of

rijc lua'er oftbat rpuer,affpmipng tt to be unUHjolfome foj men,atiD fl)CU)co tljcm tbat not farre from c';enre, tljere uiaa a rpuer,

ofgooo uwter. ^bep eame to tfje rpuer, ano enoeuourpng to

eome neere rlje fljo?e, djep toerc o^iuen backe bp temped . 5lfa

'tbe I'urbuling of tbe fano^eriarco tbe fea to be but Ojatoto 'Jjcre.

tTljfp uicrc tfjcrcfoic enfojeeo to returue to tljefp^derpuct

toberetbepmpgljtfafefp cad anker . "Cbi3 kpng iapoetoapte

fo^ our men: fo? ad tljep luere fpllpngtljepj barrelled, be fet

on tbem Uiitb about (euen IjunoieD men (a* our men tuft*

gco) armeo after t^ep^ manner, aityougb t^ep toerc naktw

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Page 315: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fecoifck Decacfe

A? only tfecltptig find bi0 noWe mentooke atoap tbe fcppboate , and fyobe itm manner to cbips

tercel? aOapIpng our men toitb tbepj uenemous arrou>e*, tbat

tbep flue of tbem fourtie and feuen, before tbep coutoe couer

tbem fetaeatDitbtbeir target*, ifoj tbat popfon t$ of Oicbfo?ce,

tbat albeit tbe tooundea lucre not great, pet tbep dped tberof im*

mediatlp , foj tbcp pet knetoe no remedie agapnft tbw kvnde of

popf<m,aa tbep after learned oftbe inbabitaumea of Hifpani&l^

fojtbifl 3iluiide l^pngetlj foo^banbearbetobtcbquencbetbaiid

tiiomfietbtbemoientpopfon of tl;e beartje>ll;erU)itljtbep^ ar

roioeare infected, fo tbat it be mimttredintpme Qttwouc 8<IDIIft

eompanpeto!)tdjeU)tnt fozUiater, fetiencfcapeDtljatconflpcte,

and bpODe tbem fdues; in a bollottc tree, lurkpng tljcre UntplI

npgl)f,pet efcaped tbep not tlje bander of tbep) enimiea : foi tbe

(bpppe departed from tbence in tbe npgbt feafon , and left tbem

tberr, fuppofpng tbat tbep bad ben flapne, $Dbu bpinanpcfucbe perpU and daungert (ftbicb 31 Ipgbdp ouerpaffe, hccaufe

31 topH not be tedious to pour bolpneflcO be arpued at tbe

lengtbattbebauenof VnbA, and cad anker at tbe Caff fpde

tijcreof,trom Alienee not long before, our men departed to tbe

COedfpDe^preafonoftbebarrenneffe oftbatfople, CUbenbcbao continued a tobple in tbe baucn, and lame no man Hy?rpng,

maruepicd at tbe fcilence of tbe place? (foj be fuppofeD tbere to

baue found bid ftlouies)be could not conjecture tubat tbu ujoulo

meane : and thereupon began to fufpeet tbat eptber d)ep luere

dead, o^ tbat tbep bad changed tbe place oftbep^ babuation, CoKRutoetbecertapnaebereofsbecommaundcdall tbe great o


iiaunce, and otberfuuU gunner UJ'.)tcbe be bad in bwQ;pppe0,to be cb*rged,and fpera to be made in tbe nigbt upon die toppe*oftbe rocked . ^bud d;e fpers bepng kpndled, be commaundedal tbe gU!ined to be foot of at one inttant > bp tbe bo^ribie nopfc

tebci eof>cbe gulfif I&VWA uwa u>aken,alcbouglj it uerc..?u

mplea waant,fo? fo b^ode is tbe guife. ^bid nopfeoftbep^ feloiMee in $*ritn*, and tbcp wnftuctfcd tbetn

totnj mutual fpcrs . Caijetefo^bp djc fioUnopug oftbefe

p. Oerc


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Page 317: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

'i^^^*^ * ** - ~^ -*-

' '

toe?} DODPtB,

fiicb htnoe ofrctopfpnaj,a3 ctjcj^ pjcft nt twcctlttie feentf& to re*

ijuire : fM Unread tbep iwte bffoic f;i0 contntpii^toic^out Uit*

twnfce,amj ,ippar ri 3" t rtaetf) noto(mott botp rac!

)er) co Declare

c:;eoi0entfon among c^cm of Vv*ba> an amcct*

The thirdcbooke ofthe fccondc Decacfex>f

the fuppofeci continent*


11 tfjc djfcfr offifcrsf in J^r^^ ano fuct)C

as lucre moffpoltttke in cotmfaple5&ettrrm


rrcD clj-ic X/vf/d fljoulo be fougfjt out, pfbp

, anp meanes&e coutoe be foinioe. caOertip*

Ipon cOep roofte from// tfee geuer*i

nottr, rrfufpng tlje commtng of K/Vw/4, a

?igiinDtne tiXjtcfje Ijc maDc of ()i0 otwe

: ano agreco , a^apnfr borij tf?e topi gf/fntifw, ano rije

mm'ttcr offtncer^w N*nntZj tljat Nii/i flxmto be fottgfje

fb^rb to rake atoap tfje Orpfe a toud>mo: tljegouermnent.^pHectetr tbettfo^e Ctlmen*ris (oftoOomuw fpate before) (o take

find matter in IjanDe, UnUfng him to make Dtltrcent fearc^c foi

(earn that be IjaD foifaken tertgm tf;e region ofan bnfrwtefiil

grour* l)ep gaue btm c^erfo?e commattnOement to b^ng N/-

tnefa tintf) Ojmi,anD ttirtWr to Declare Unto f)tm ttmt be fljoulD 00

rfgbegoofrferttfce to come tbpdjer, in tfcpn$ abwp tfje octadon

reoitron^. CoImmMm toolte tl)e tfrptij upon bpm tl)t

e> teat ft* tor? frenoe, (uppofpng

ttf$ utttttaflei CNnrfDe benoI^tbankentB to

tberefbj e out ofbfe clone l&pppw totyci) be b?ongt)t iDitb


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Page 319: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

(jmg atom; bpaltbe coaflw an* gufe* neert efre*eaf>oac,tc&e

kngrb, at tbe pojmt cafleo Mtrmor

MMNMfcin bid eompanp, left aliue oftewen bmrt?eo. tTbep al feemea to

bim fo mifcrable, tbat be no lefle lamented djep? cafe,tben pfbe

bad found tbem dean ot ulmnaris comfo?ted bis ftend x *.

/*,and embjacpng bpm untfj tearea ano djearcftil too?d$ , relee-

ueDbiafptntes^anDfurtber enctmrageD bpiuiuuh great bopeofbetterfo?tune,u*clarpngalfo tbat bis commpnguiaslooluo

fo?, aim greatlpe &rfp?co of ail tbe gooo men ofi'rab*, fo? tbat

tbep bopco tbatbp bi? auctbo?ttie, tbep? Difco?oeaito contentton

fuciwfo^easbiecalamwte required ^(nutbeptookefbppto*

geatber,ano faileo oircctlp to I'raba. I5ut fo uanable ano uncon*

ttaitt if( tbe nature ofman, tbat be foone grctuetb c u; ofufe, be

roinjnetb infolent ana onrnpnafull ofbenefited after to niucbe fe jnMtntit nrttlicure: fsiWguefa afterAnd nianpteares and tuecppngMfta: mti4K ftU4tt*

after fo nuutp

tokefgeupng,pea after tbat be bad fallen doujnr to tbe groundand kpffed tbe fcetc ofCttmeutrit bid fautour,be began to quard

bntb bpm before be camepet at rr^repjouing bpm t tbem al

62 tbe alteration oftbe date oftbpngea in rr^^^ano fo? tbe gca*

tberpng of goloc, affwnpng cbat none of tbem ougbt to baue

lapde bande ofanpe gcl&e tuidjout tl;c aduicc ofbpm o? f*gtd*bw companion* iClbentbefefapfngesaitdrucbelpkej came to

tbe earw oftbem ofI'****, tbep fo ftp?red up t !je mpuoes ofA-tif*s lieuetenaunt fojt f9e<U, and al'b of ft^u ^ttwie^ of

tbe concrarp pan, agapnft ^(uef<> tbat (bo?t Ip after bis arpuafl

tttttbbtd tbieefco?eimn, tbepcwnmaundca bpm ^iitb tb^cat^

npngtoDrpart fromtbence : but tbid plw&d not die bcttet

fe?t.get frarpng led tunwtt (botrto be among tbe peoute,U)bom

to o^e place tojgrtatett. ^to^tcbeomaari)er&?e

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Page 321: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

M|if|t fftimpiieo dlput .' Vt (oolc ftfppt fn t(jf

Cafcifoe* of flparcbe, in the pcere. 15n. utten&png to goc to

tfraniol* fOCOmplJjne tftbf raujndfe OC K4/c<hw Nwnwr^15ut be entree into

r. ^Ijep fuppofe tbat tbe Bjigamrine u>as DjotoneD Uritb at

otit ofone mtfcrp into anot!jer,enue& bis Ufemo?e mtferablp then

(F IpiifD. ^/V'/4 being rtjtisbplefp rdecreDymD tljep? Upttuals

ccfmumetttit/icb Colmwaru tooa$t tliem^falltng tn mantr i

fbibuiigcr, tfjcp lucre cnffyceolpkeraueningujoolufjs fee

tfW P?ap>to tnuane fucbe ao otodt about tbepj confyneji.

tfa* ^w/mr^tbrrfb^tfjeir ncto captaine oftbetr otom election,

aTTcmblpng togiatber a Ijuno^eo ano tbtrtie men, anb fcttpng

Aem in o:ucr of battaple after bi0fmoo?DpIapewfa(bion, puf*

(buptoitbpipDe, pfaccDbtai foloicrg{a0pleafeobpm, in tbe

fo7ett)atDeanbrereluarDP,nnDfjme, as parpens, about bid

jpamittt enfoi^ otone perfon, $lnwi aflbliatpng toirij bpm Colmenaw, beluenl

ft^K to fpople tlje kpngea urf)trij toere bo?oerer0 tbcrabout, ant cametffcrrta hpns fV*(r to a region abotit tbat coaft

raflepCoib* (tobereoftoemaoe .

mention before) iinperiouflp mj u>irij crudl cotimenauee com*

mattnopng tbe fcpng of tbe region, tobofc name toati Careta (of

uHjoni tljep tucrc newer troublco as often as tljep pa(feo bp bttf

Dominions) to geue rijem bpttttallea. But c^rr^ oenpco tbat be

coutoe geue ebem anp at tbat tpni?, afleagpng tbat beban often*

tpme* apDco tbe C(j?iatanst as tbep paffeobp tjiofe coattes, bpitafon iMfjercof , l)tis( (lo)e lua nolue confamcn: alfo cbat bp tbe

meanest oftbr continual! tuarre tubicbe be kept euer from bi*

(fufDe0 age toitb a Kpng toljofe name Uia^ Toncba, bo^berpng

Upon f) is bomim'on, be ano bt0 femflie lucre in great fcarcenede

ofa! tl;pnge0. But i'*fchus tuoutoe nnmpt none oftbefe ercufe0,

iMKrn aiiD b^onfrj)t bini botutoe toitb bis ttoo lupuc^ anocbplt7en 9 ant all

b(0 familtefo?)4r/>i4, OLtttf) ^iskpngC4r^,tbepfiMmDtb?ecoftbe ioii)e0 ofNIC*<y*,n/e mKcb toy* J*.icittjA pAQeo bp tboic

ctufrr to(eeke!Bfr<f^M>fearingptuM(bmem fo^ tbep; eutf oder

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people of tlje coanwep, Durpng t^w tpmr, *tmte oft

fawtoin^ano fbpne,ufcicfr ttoatbpnge* mooue ana enforce weatofiicte,

Ijarw 0>?fte*and miferieiybat inlpwpag tfcepfame not to Ipae*

pet oefpjco t&ep to wtorw to tfcgpj oioe ear**, offaebe fc?ce UJ;

Duration ano naturall affection

ktt^tl)e ullage of CATeta, (o bt3 felotoes left in ffcrw;*, toajs ratljer

ft mcuiljat to afftua^e tl;cp? p?efen t hunger, tben uttcrfp to take

atoap tbfp? ncccflttte, 13uc a0 touching Jntifm, bcpng lieuc*

tenaiutt fo^Fo^, tobet^cr it tiwre befiB?e t(^rfe tfjpngs^ after,

31 knotoe not : but tfei031 am fure of, tfcat aftert^c rcirerpng

^/ttt<-/4,manp occafionis toerefought againl!/f/// bp f^c^ranoljid factumaries . Ootofoeucr ituia0, AcfGv toa0 taken,

ano eat! in pjpfon, anoW goooess ronftfcate : tl>e caufe bcreof

tua 3 (ast r<</^w allcagcD) rijac ^nc// j bad I;t0 comntt OTion of

tt e t ieuetcnaumfljpp ofFigi4i onlp,tu(;om tbp fato to be notn

DeaD,an0notoftbekpng, (aping t^atljcunulde not obepanpeman tfoat tuaai not put in off cc bp tl;e kpng bint feifc bp bid let*

K . is patented ^Pet at tbc rcquett oftbc grauetl fo?t^e toad feme*

lubatpaeificMno Dealt mojegenttHptoit&bpm, baupng fonie

tobe!ro&o ^o/iwbepngatUbcrtie, tookeftpppe to Depart ftw

al t(;e toifeft (b^t refopet to bins umblpc uefpjpng ljpmro re

nime agapne, p^ompfpng t|jat ujep luculDt ttoo tbeir DI ligenets

tbatr^w being reconcile^ be mpgbtbcrctTo^eo to ft* full

au ctbojirie of(be Iieuetenauntfl)pp : but >/f/yj refufeo to con*

lent tottjcp? reque(T,aitijfo Dcpartco, ^et fome tfjcre tterrfljac tmurmuret tbat 600 ano l)is angeld (beU)eo tbt renenge Upoa of

AJ/I, bttaufe ^v*/4 u^js retec(eifb?ougbNc5unfaplf*

(OUK foeucr it be. tbe fearcberd of tfjemtoelanoedfenbeaDi

long into rumebp tbcp? atone foUie, conftmipng tl;an(3rfuc0

Juitbouiieoiffo?w, not iwigbingfo great a matter, no?emic ittt *

enoeuour ibowttye (amc3 ajj t|;e tuugtfcp

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wfc eftet&wg; rewrite*. 3lnc^meict?me,*epd?tni*moaUtoitbwe agitementjtelenwmeirengera into fi#M*bto tbe pong aomiralanD uicerop,fomieaitt bep?e to chnjtybo*rtts c*!cnuj ttje fpntjcr of tljcft lanDes, an? to die otycr goart*

,,HOOT0 oftbe 3ilan0e (from tabom t';c nctae lan&c* rcceiue tbe#

apiw ano Iatujg) to figmfie unco tbem Uibat Hate rfjep ftoo&e in,

anD in tt$at ncccfTuie tl;ev lute J, alfo Uiha: tijcp Ijao fomoc, ano

in uiljat Ijope tljcp tunt ofgreater tbjwp,tf ttjrp tuerc frm!l;co

tDitjj plnuie ofuymwllcs and otOer ncceflfariei * /o? tbu pur

pofeti;rpelectft,at tije afliigncmenc ifj'tfcbut. one /V/w/^be*

ing one of iji faction, ana mttructeD lip bpni agapntl Jncifa,anoto t)cafOlTiiitUJitfjl;pti!, ri;cp aypopineDoneZrm^jaCantaO?ian , fo tlj.it commaanDnnenc iras geucn to Vdldmia to

retuntcfrom Htfignida tuitljuirtual^f Ztmudius tuag ^ppopmtcocotakf btstopj^cinto i>papnetctbckung. ^IJCP tohe H;ip

botlj cogectljn: twtfi^ t ;

>U)atipng;fn niino to crrtific the king

fco&e tijings UKTC f;anoieti tOrre, mad; oilj^unfc tucn ZawW/-*/ info^mattcn, 3! mec fclfe fpakc luttb b3tb /c//

r; 9 Zsmttditt

at ttcir ccmming to tlje court.COlipfe tf;ep tocrr nccupud about

tijcfe matters, tbofetoetri;cDmenof fltriena luofrD c^r/4 1! e

king of c:i- > bpon conoiaou d;af be fyooioc aj? cl;em in rbeir

ftotg voMttja. toarrea agapntt bt0 eninue ano tbep^, hpng ?&n<r&tf,bo?&trpng

Upon bis Dotramons.o* niaae a league unt{; ttjem^ontifuig

itjat as tbep paHeD bp btss ktngoome, be tomi'Dc gctte tbcm all

tfeingg neccirarityt mecte tbcm tmtb an armte ofmcii,to goc fo:

toaro tuicb cbem to tbe battaile agaiuft Totuba. ^(jep? u>rapoirs

ait aeptbcr botucd no? uenomefi atroiues^fi UK lapoe tbinbabr *

taunts to bant, bbicbe Dtod eaOtoatt) bepondr tbe guift.^,l;cp


aJfo long ttanes !pke taneipn^barDrnrd at tbe enoes untb ft^e,

o? tppt tottb bone, alfo certapne fipngce ano Danes. Ou0 -tier

tbe league raafteimtiK*"''' botbbeano ourmenljatcer apne

Bapt0 apnopnteo tbem to t?U tt;eti grotuiDe anofcuic tlup?

rceDe0bi0wne,tiptbeapiieofCrfrrt4^rt)i)pbi0 ronimcticn,

*m*ro tbep mardjeo totuaroc de pailace offow^ mbo fico &t

comnuug. ^ep foopfco bis bpUage,

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70not Wpen># fclotae* tl>eretoi tlj,Up reafon oft&e fatte aifomct

oft&e place, altfoougl; tljep lja& great pfentt e : fo? tfce UpHage of

?orJ>j UM0 mo?e tljen a !)imc?fn mplea apffant from <Dantna9

mi)frta-3 uw0 alfo none otfcer remeote,bta rfjat rtje fame Oxntfoe

tjauc ben carped on men* barfccs to tlje Tea fpoe 3bepng farre of,

tore tbep left tfcpi nappes in tbc toljtc&e tbep came to tl;e W-

lagtofC^rrt^ JiKre t!;rp foun&e certapne pounces UjetgfK of

gofD, grauen ? tD?ongI)t into funo?p oud^es;. 3fter ti)e (acfcpito;

cftljis UpHage^rp rcfo? tcD touinrD tU n)tp0,tntenotng to !cac

ri)C kpnges of ttjc mlancc imtoudjco at rijis tpme,anD to iraiade

on!p (bcm uil;^ otucit bp tljc fca coafte*, JRot farrefrom Coifa.

in tf?c feme tracte,tl)ere 10 a region namcO ComogrtMto t!)e king

Hereof called cowo^m. after Defame name* ^o tl)t0 ftpng

rfjcp eamerjn(!nert after tljefubuertion of fonch*, ano fosnoe

|)ts pallace ficuate in a fruuefiil pUrnc of.Fii.leagne3 in b^eaDri),

at tlje rootes oftbe fitrt^er fpDe of p were mountapne^ComogrK/bao in fy rourte a certatne noble man ofnccrc conTangnitte to

kpng Caret*, trijtclje Ijao flea to Comogns bp reafon ofcertapne

mffemionsi tufrctj teas bectaene Caret* $ fjpm, tijcf: noble men,

riirp ral i*. ^l)is /r4 tl)ercfo?e of Cwta, met our men bp tlje

nxns and conr ilen Cemogrus to tljetn, becaufe l;c U)ao toeI knoto*ftpng<omv

rn to our men,from tl;c tpme rtjac Xicue/a paflco fpifl bp tljofe

^:!e0.C)urineutf)erfb?eU)cnt qmetlpto tliepaUaceofCow-

^ M< .

.bepng mffant from ft'mn* tljiitic leagues Up a pl.unc uw?abont tie motwtapne^. ^:l)t3 Kpng Cowo^rj ha^ feuen fonttcg*

poongmen5ofcomelp fourme aimltarurc,UH)id) be &an bp funD?p

top 2*0. 0t3 paflacfUM0 frameti of poftes 01 picppes maoc of

tree0 fatteneo togcrt)er after a Orange fojt^atiD offo Itrong buif^

Dtng,tl)atiti0ofncfcirefiren.jt!)ti;en UjaHesofdone. Cbfftt^c meafarcD tlje length ofthe flooic tbercc^founDe it to be a

btmajca ana fpftte paceui^nD nib^eaDrn, fouicfco?e foote,bo

png ron>o ana paueo umb maruepfou0 atte CtjepfotmDe i)W


manner ofd)ep?countrep, ann bisiopiiefdlerrep!ciuaxaU)Kti

great ueCTeliea of eart& ann aifo of toooo/pUco tmd) tljeir Ktnoc

ofatneanafpoer, fo^ ti^ep l)aue nogrape0: but lute as rljep

maiict()ep?b|ea0of djofe tb?ee kinoe0 of rootee called


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The fecoodc Dftacte

:oft&efrafcrt ofiOitrateu Ji4^itirtber ftuiteam feeae,a* ao tbe 3ltwpnca,jpiettr;njea^tij

Ip.faraen, $ otic *pattp<irte3 to jtcu inbsliice tbe mou itaiueg,

A* tbe y*fto*s an) jii\wi*M : Ipkctopfe in t!)e maunapneai of

: o?pnkea ofbariep,fcbeate,boppe*, a:ia apple* fcbep fap

; tuitb Comogrus tbep ajunlic toinra offuaaip talea, b#bana blacke. But notoe pauMbeareof atbprnmxic

mondrou^ to bdjolae . Cntrpnj t(;etefo?e into tl)e inner pa rte^

oftbepallaccj tbep tterei)?ouo;btmtoacb'niiberbanjeodbjut

butb cbe carbaOe* ofmen, tpea tottb topcsi ofgoftampme cot*

ton. Bcpng aemaunaca toljat tbep mtant bp tb fwperrtcttan,

tbep anfoierea tbat tbofe turre tbe carcaTes of tb: &tber,graiwa*fatber, f gveatgraunafatbcr, toitb otber tbe auncetouns ofdjcp?

kpng cwjriM, aedarpng tbat tbep baa tbe fame in great reue*

ren:c, ana tbat tbep tooh: it fo? a goalp tbpng to bonoiir tbcnt

rritgtouflp, ana tberefo?eappareHeanterpoftbefainefumpm*

ottHp toity gala ana p?ecioua 3one2i,acco?atn5 onto tbep? efrate,

after d;is( fo?te apa tbe aatiquttie bonour tbep? Tcnatts, tobicbe

tljep tbougljt baa tbe gouernance oftbep? (mte^^onae tbep a?pc

tbefe carcaJTcs Upon ceruine infoumente* maae of uiooD,lpke

Unto buracite , taitb a fofc fp?e anaer tbe Cwnc, fo tbat onlp tbe

fkmne remapnetb to bolo tbe bones togeatf^lue baoeaefcrtbeo

wtbefo?mer Dccaae. SXComogrut bi0 feuenCmntd, tbe el'

Dctt baa an rrcellcnt natural topt. IE)etbercfo?et;)Ottgutit goooto flatter ana pleafe tbts Uianaerpng kinae ofmen (out men 3mcane)Itutng onlp bp Qnfte* ana fpople^ed being nfftifteD^iKi

faking ocealtoua agatnd btm $ bt* famiUe, tbep d)ou!o Unair

(;pm ag tbep apa otber tobic'g fougbt no meanes boto to grattfe

tljem : Cit(;erefo?e, be gaue l'a/chut ana Colmtmrir foure tbou

fanae mincer ofgolae amficianp to?otigbt, ana alfafiftieflan,

fcubcbebebaatakenintbcujarrej;: fe? fitrte, fptfrrtbe?fell foiercbaonge of otber tbpoges, ^atiiemffe ufedieai

afitbemlUletb, fo?rijep bauenottfKureofmonrp/^itB gofiK



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Page 331: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fccon*Defa<k

$eefoud ffoticd, fljoutoc be affigncD eo 4* kpngedfttafiircrd: ...

ano ilje reGDi'e to be DtuiDeD among tljcm fruud bp compotoon. 4>ere ad b?abb(png*nD contention arofe among our men

about t!:e Diuicpng ofgo.De, this cl&efl fonne of kpng

D:pnffp?crcnt,U)ijoin UJCp^pffOfo^ljistupTcDoiti

foincuHjat urtljanangrpe couiucnauncetoUiaroe Uvm

|jf !DC tlje baUnuncc^, !jc llroke tljcm Uittfj bta fptTc , ano fcatte^

rcoaitbegolDetljat luaa therein about tbepo?cbc, 0)arpclpe

rrbukpng tljcm ml) UJOOJDCS in tljts cOcc^c Cai;ac 10 tijc

matter, pcu C?ittian men, tljat pou fo greatlp efleeme fo Iptte

pojttcn ofgotoe nuje tl;rn pout oiunc qutetnelte, tuljtcbe neucr<

t^cIcfTepou eittenuc to Deface frcmtl;erefap^ecuc!je0, anoto

melt tbc fame into a ruDemafle. gfpour Ijtmger ofgoloe be fa 0* hang* ofmfat table, tljatonlpe fo? d;eDefp?epou Ijaue thereto, pouotG 0oioe.

quictc fo manpe nations, and pou pour fcluesalfo fuftepnefo

nunv calamities; anD incommoDitie^Ipupng Ipke baiuflicb men

outofpourotune countrcp, 31 UiplI fljctue pou a region floui'

png toitb goloe, tobere pott map fatifne pour rauenpng ay*

uetucs: But pou mull attempt tt)c tljtng tmtU a greater poiucr,

(b? it ftanoetlj pou in fjano bp fo?ce ofarmed to ouercome Kingsl

ofgreat puiflaunce, anD rtgojottg ocfenDouwi of tbep? Domini-

ons!, jfo? befpDc otljer, dje great hpng Tumanama uipUcome

foo?ojagapmlpou,UibofekpngDome ismoftricbe luitt; goiDe,IItUlw

anD Didam from Ijencc onlp fpre mimed, tljat id, fpre Daped : fo?

tbep number tbe Daped bp tbe funne . Jfurtbermo?e,oi euer pouran come tljirtjer, pou muttcpaffe ouer tbemountapncdinlja*

biteDoftbe cntel! Cambaled>a fierce kpnDc ofmen, Dcuourerss

ofmans ficuje,lpuptigtoirboutUtoed, UianDerpng, anDiu'.t|j ;

out empire : fa? tljfp alfo bepng Defpzoud of goiDe, baue

fubDucD rijemunDertbcpi Dominion , Wcbe before mljabiteD

rljegolDempnedoftbemountapned, anD ufetbem Ipke boitDe*

men,bfpngtl)ep? labour in Dpggpngaitoujoojfcpngrtjcir goiDein plated anD funDip images, Ipke unto tljefe iM'jiclje pou fee

bere: fo? \ue DD no mo?e ellecme ruoe goiDe unUJiougbt, tljen

toe DO cloDDed of cartlj , bcfye it befourmcDbptbeban^eof

t6eU)oo?kentintotbe fomutuDeeptfyrof fome ueflell necefla*UUO<

riefo? ourbfe, 01 fome oucbe bMuttful! tobeuiojne . jefe

ooa lot recepue of d;au foj change of otljer of

t out

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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The feconde decide,

* ofpjpfonew taken tn team, tobfc&et&ep (opeto eatc, 01 fm fljeetc0 ano otljet rijptigetf partepnpugtodjefur*

ntture of Ijoufnoloc, fuclje a* tijep iaeke utfjiclje fofjabite die

moumapnes;ano efpectallp foi utl&iaHei^tobereofdjep ffanoc in

great nceoe,bp reafon ofdje barrerates

iournep therefore mutt be maoe open bp fo?ce ofmen, ano tulje:i

pou are paflpng ouer tljefe moumapnea (popntpng toicfj (jigf fin -

ger totoaroe tlje foudj mountapnea) pott fljal fee another fea,

U)ijercri)epfapleU)idj fljpppca aa bpggeaa pours (meanpngtljc Cacattela)ufpng bod) faplcg ano ojea aa pou ooo, aldjouglj

djemenbenaheo as toe are : all dje toaptyatdjetuaternm*

neoj from rije moumapnes, ano al djat fpoe Iping totoaroe the

^oudj,b^pngeti) fooidj goloe abtmaaumlp* 3a l;c fapocljcfe

U)oo?oc!3,ljcpopntcDCod)c ueflellea tnlaljidjedjep ufe to feme

tftep? meate,a%mpng djat kpng Twuanama, ano ail dje otljer

kpngs bepono dje mountapnea, Ijao fudj $ al odjcr tljcpi Ijoufc*

Ijoln fiufle ofgoiot,ano djat rijcrc lua$ no lefle pientie ofgoio a*

mong tbofe people ofdjc S>oud;, tljen of Jron UJtcfjbs : foi

beknctoe bp relation of our men, tuijereof our ftoocr.oes ano

oojer lueapons unrremaoe. Our capt,ipneu manteplpngattl.ic

oration ofthe nakeopoung man (foirijcpbao fo? interpreter*

tfjofe djjee men toljicbe Ijao ben befoic a peereanoa!;alfecou>

uerfatmt in tlje court of kpng C*m4)pouoereo in djep? minoca,

anoearncftlpconfpoereobisfaptuge^, fo djat ^iaraQmede mfcattcrpng dje gotoe out ofdje ballaunces, djep turneo to mvitfj

anObrbamtie,commenoptigljia ooopngano faping d)erin*^bcn

tijcp a(keo Ijpm frenolp, ipoii Uiljat eertaine kuoluleoge Ije (pake

tiofe djpngea, o^ UJljat Ije t^ougljt bell Ijerctn to be oone,pfdjc;

fijoulo bung a greater fnpplp ofmen*: Co tOts poung Comog*.taping a toi)ple Uiitb Ijtm feHe^a it tuerean O?atour pieparing

^pm felfe to fpeake offome grauc matter,ano otfpoftng (jis bocp

to a tdTt ire meete to pcrfujaor/pake tl^ua in bis mother tongue,

Ccuc eare unto me,O pou CbiiUtana . Qlbett that rije grct 01 c

(nmger ofgoloe Ijatlj not pet nrrco b0 nakeo men, pet oo UK oe

ffrop one anotljcrbp reafon of ambition ano ocfp^e to rule,

iixreoffp^pngett mortal (jarreo among us,ano (jereof commctlj

our oeftuiction. )ur p?coccc flours kept Uiarrc0, anofo or 5


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The fcconde decade. 75yn Ac toljfdic toarrcs, as toe Ijoue ouercome, fo (jauc toebfn

cticrcomc, asuotb appeare bp n)e number ofbon&men amongbs, tufctrij U)c toke bp ttje oucrttyotoc ofour enimic^ofrijc to(;i=

rljc 31 Ijaue geuen pou fpft ie. Lphettpfe at anotljcr tpme, our an*

ucrfaries f;aupng tlje bpper Ijaime agapnff w, leooe atoape

tnanp of tyg caprine, fo? furijcis tljc djaunce of tuarre* 3!fo3

anlong our fanulicru (thereof a great number Ijauc ben cap*

riucg luttl) tficm) bdjoloc (;crc t0 one tubtdje of long rime lee

a papneful Ipfe in bonoage.unDer t!je poke of tlj at itpng bcpor.De

tlie mountapnc Jf,fn luljofc hpngDome 19 fudj abtmoance ofgoto.

)ft)pm,anDfud;eot{jertnmtmerable, aim IpkeVopfe bptljere*

fine offree men on tljepi fioe commpng eo bsi, aim agapne ofout

men refo?epng eo rijem bp fafe connuct, eljete eljpngeg; Ijaue ben

rtier as iDclIknotucnumoljrt, as our otone potTciftons: but

ojaepoumapbetlje beeter affureo hereof, ano be oueofalftiO uejjfmfni

pecrione!;aepoufbaflnotbe0eceiueD, make me eljegupue Ofyerftoaaon

elj(3 bopagc, bpncpng me fad, ano Kceppng me in fafe cuftooic

to beljangeo on tlje ncrt tree , pfpou fpimc mp fapfnge0 inanpe

popne Untrue, jfololucmpcounfapletfjcrefb^e, aim fcnocfo^a

tljoufanDcClwfttan men aptfo? tljcUwrres, bp toljofc potocc

toe map, toitl) alfo rije men oftoarre tfComogrus mp faeljer, ar*

met> after our manner, tnuanctUe Dominion* of our cnimicsc

toljere bod) poumap be fatifheo toitlj goloe, anu iwc fo; our con*

Ducepnganoaptipng pou in tljisi enterpjtpfe, (ball tl;infec our

(clued abuimanelp retoaroeo, in tljat pou fljal bclpe to Deliuer bjS

from tbe iniurie0 aim perpetuall feare of our cmmics , 3ftei*

tijefc tooo?oe0, tbijs p^uDentpoungCow^mjljelDe big peace,

ano our men momifDtomlj great bope ano ljungcr ofgotees be-

gan agapne to fuwtolw Dotonc tljepi fppcele*

The fourth bookc of the (ccondc Decade, of

the luppofed continent*

ijffer tjjat tfjep bao tarpcD bcre afetee

loapesf, anD baptifco Comogrw, imtlj ail1

bttffamftic, ano namen bpiii bp tljcname


of Cbarlesf, after tl;e kpng of ^papne,

t&epreturncoto rl)ep? feloto0in Q*ric**

, leaupng untf; i;pm u)e bope of (tie thou*


Eden. The decades. I

Bancroft Library. [__ :



Page 336: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 337: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fcconde DecaJe.'

Conn* requires opal? atter ft#:u:b fca. Cm enmmjfmafle

returns tt)tt!nn fircttnncrljes afcer

parture, but U)it!; no g^cat plcntie of u^tm ulc,

tyougljtbutafnul fbpppc: pec ti)iO Ippc t')at fl

fuppfpc ofmen. jfojt poitng a/onj tl)e SDnural, aio uicerop of

Hifpawtla, anD rije ocljer gaucrnotirs oftbe 3Hanoe3 acknov


gea t^at bpcberto cljcp Uao na rcfpec: to tbeiu ofz>^ i>-M,bcca jfe

tU cp fuppofcD that ^ncifui t'oe Ltcuctenwnx t)ao fafelp arrpueQ

ttjcrc tDtti) b t5 Obpppe laocn luitb uptruallea; : uipllinj rijcm rram

(jcnccfooulj ro be of5000 cljeare, and rij it tbcp tboulocIac^eno<

tbpng ^crca'ter^lnit tbatattbis p^fenttpmc tbcp baa no btjgct

flip \u!)crbp tl;ep mpgbt fcitt tbcm greatrr plemie ofnrceflartei

bp I'aLU.iij. ^i)c optmal* tbafoic U)i)tcb be bjou^jt, ferueo ra

djer fom\n!)at to nuttgatc tfjepi picfeiu neceltttie^en to fa:i(Be

t!jepi lache, Caberc^e, uitcijin a fctttf Dapes after K4^/;4 bt^

rcturne, tijcp fela^apne tntolpke fcarccncffe : efpccialfp foiaf-

mttcbe asa jrca: do^me ano temped toWjt came from tbe

Uppjb moimtapnc^joitlj Ijo^nb'c tljunDer ano ipffbtnpng tntlje

monc^ ofJRouember, b?oug!;t Uritb it fiic^e a flooDDe, t&at it

itnig in tiie partip carpcDatu.ip, anDpariIpDioluncoalti;e co^neanc fccDfi

jMunnbcr ^^^ l)a oUjen^ tl)e monct^ of^ptember, in a fruitt*

full grounDe before djep Uienttofcpn0Como^ri. bc fecoetf

tohtclie tbep of ftifamiJ* call Mai^um, ano ttiep of fr*ta call

HW/,toftereof djcpmake djcpj b^ean , tu'jtcije alfo toe (apoe to

be rppe tl^pTe euerp pecre , bccaufe tbofe regpiona are notbpttnt

tottbibe fyarpenefte ofU)pnterbpreafonofti;cp?necrereneta

tijf CquinocaaHpiie. 3!t is alfo agreeable to tljc pjincipte of

iwttiral pljilofopbic, rbat tfjia bieao maoe tfMaiziut oj Hobfa*

n^oulDe be mo^e toljolfonie fo? tbe mbabttauntecs of tbofe rotni-

trep0ti)enb;eaDmaoeofti)beate9 bp rcafon tbat it w of eaftrt

cigcttion: fo?U)bcrea3 coloe i toantpng, tlje natural (jeatei*

notD?pttcn from tfic outtn^roc parted into tbc inruaroe parted

anu pieco?ota^, loberebp Djgettion i mucbe (IrengtbcncD.

^epng t!;erefo?e tto rnrtrrate of rbeincreafeoftbepjfttbrt,

ncere about tycm, fpoplen of bo*

Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

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Page 339: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fecondc Decafe

f, t&ep toere enfojceoto feekeftepj raeafe Rirt&erof;

ano tijcriuid) to ftgnpfie to dje gouernoiird of Hifptniola um!j

tobat great ncceflme djep luerc oppiefleo, ano tSjat t&epbaoiearneoof Comogm* ad concerning tljeBegions toUiaroe tlje

&outn, totlfpng djcmin confiDcrationtljereof,toaDuertife tfoe

fepngto fenn djcm a tboufanoe foutoierd, bp tofcofe Ijelpe djep

uipgljtbpfojcemaketoapc ttyouglj tlje mowitapned,ottuopng

tljcfcaonbotbfpocd, ifdjep couloenot bipng tlje fame to pafle

Qiuctlp, '%fyttomty*Uutid\na& alfofenton tljis me(Tage,carpi

uigiuitbbpin tot^e kpnged treafurerd (bauing tbepj office of

receipt in Htjponiola ) djiee IjunD^eo pounoed toepgfjt ofgotoe,after epgbt ounced to ttje poimoe, foi tljerpft pouion Due to tlje

fcpnged cjrcljeker, ttljis pounD of eiglit otniced,tlje &paniarDe*call \farcba, urfjidje in tuci($t amountct!) to r>ftpepeeced of

golDecaQeDC4/?r//4w,butdjeCa0iUand calla pounoe Tefum.

CCteconcIuDe tljerefine, dut tfje fumme hereof, uad.)cU.tbott

faD of tijofe peeced ofgoto calico c/h//4m.3no djudtd it appa^rent bp d?id nccompt, tljat djepreceiueD oftlje barbarottd kinged,a tijoufaiiDc anDfpue f)unD?ebpottnDed,of epgbc ounced to tlje

pounDe: all tbe ruijiclje tfiep founoereaDpe tootigbt infunDipeof oudjed, ad cbepned, b^afcfetd, tablets, anD plated,

before tljep? b?cffed,anD alfoat tljep? eared, ann

'4/^urijerfo?rtookeOjppptngtn tbe fame Cara*uellm tlje toljiclj Ije came Ia(t, anD renmteo alfo before tlje rtjpjDe

Dap oftbe JDed of3!anuarp, in tjje peere ofC(j>ifte^ .D , 3f

CCIljat cljaunceD to !)pm in djts oopage,^ lurll Declare in place

eotttieraent. 15tit let Ud oto retntne to tbem to!)td;e remapneoini'ralxt. after tfjeDifmiflpng of Vaiding bepng p^tckcD foj

wner parted oftljat gulfe in funDjp placed* ^e ejctreeme angleft popnt oftbeCime gulfc id oiftant from tljc enterance thereof,

about fotirefco^emplee. TOd angle o^ corner,tbe ^paniaroetftall CuUta. Vajcbuj fcprn fdft came to d?id popnt Urttb a ^unD^eDi

^en, eoafttng along bprijegulfe loitf) one bipojanDineanD cer

^pneof tbc boated of tbofe regions, Urijidjetbe arabtand call

Udnclje ttjintjabttminted ofHifaniolj call

^ clit gulfe^cni tirneiS btgaenbcnAe rvuer ofDJL i

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 341: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The 6con<Je T>ecaclfr

fo Mtetfj mfo tlje fame . S>aplpng along bp rfje rpttcr about tfje

fpaceoftlipuiemples(fc;t cljcp ealunifnefcaguis) aaofonie*

lulwt eiHtynpng; toU)arDetl;e rpg'.t banoe ^curljtoaruc, tljcp

founae cercapne bpllages oftbinUabitauntc.yli e hpng toUrccf

to.i8 r.iiitD 2Un//*. Cur men alfo torn ccrtifoo Ocloje, tljat

i cmat chus tbc kpng of><irit0tf, toljcm tijtpput tofipgljt tntfce

1,1 triple,fleoDc to djw Qabaiba, but at t(jecommpng ofour men ,

Vakil* alfo flcDDc, 3it t{ tf)oug;bt tfjat Ijc toas aDmonpi!;co bpCr?*,. ^j, tljac be i'toulDc not abpcr tbe bounce ofourmen . tye

uefolate : vet cur men faunae beapes ot botocs ano arrou>e$, al

fo mucbc Ijoufyotoc !!uffc5anfi manp tpfijpng boate* 15uc iljofe

marpfljC rcrctmDrs lum neptljcr apt fo? folwmo; effect, o?

plantpng of trees , bp reafon thereof, tbcp founoe tbere fetoe

fiicbe tbpngea as tl;ep Dt fpieo, tbat is, plentie ofupttualles : fo?

tbe tnbabitaumca oftbis region bauc no bjeaD, but fucb as tbep

geat in otljcr coantrcpa nearc about tbem bp ejcdjange.fy tbeic

fptlje, onlpc tofmictbep? obmcncceflttte: pet founoe tbep in

tbe bouff3 of tljofe mbtclje fleooe, pjottie^ougbt ano grauen,a

mountpng to t(jc fummc offeuen tljoufanoe oftbofe pecce0,Uj(ji*

djeU)cfapBctobcca!IcD CajMaui: alfocertaineCanDas^ftije

luljidjf tljcp biotigbt auiap tiuo tottb tbcn i, ano great plentie of

tbep? bwflioiD ltuffc5tottlj certaine tmnoelsofbotues $ atrobxs*

tibep fap,tbatfrom tbe marpfljes of tbat riuetj tbere comtcec*

tapne batten in tbe npgbt feafon^s bpgge as turtle ooues^naa*

upng men, ano bptpno; tbem umlj aoeaolp uwunoe, tsfomcof

tbem teffine idjidie baue ben bptten oftbe fame. 31 met felfe

romitutntnpj tuitb jdntijus tbe JLieuetcnant luijomtbepretccteD}

anDantongorijenbpngesJafkpngbpmof tljebenemotosbpttng;

tui(u bitten oftbefe battcs, be totoeme tbat be bpm felfe uias bptten bp onefa 2ftMu.

f^jni on tbe bcrie, bts fiaotc Iputg uncmierco in tbe npgljt, bp

reafon of tbe bearetn fommcr fealbn , but tbat tt ljurte Ijpni na

nio;e,tbett tfbc bao ben bitten bp any ortjer bead notbencmotis*

SDtber fap,tbat tljc bpting offome oftbem 19 tuncmou&pet tbat

tbe fame (s bealet) mconmicmlp , pfit be tuafljeo luitb tuat er of

tljefca. Amifus toloe me alfo, tbat tbe uencmous UiounDes

mane bp tbe Canibalcs arrouics infectco toitb popCbu, are be*

g^Eden. The decadesBancroft Library.


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Page 343: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


teparteD tbercftnefromcepopncoftljegulfeof ^r^^.notuid

conteme&,becaufe tljcp hint not iaucn tout? bittttaUeft. 3!n tlji*

rfjcrc arofc Co great a temped in tbat topoc gulfr,

tltft tfcep toere enfincea to catt into tfce fea al tfce ljouu)oto ffuflfe,

tobielje d;ep tooke from tfce poo?c UJ?ctci;w tolj trije teD onfp bp

fpfijpng* Cfjefea alTofuidotKD up tije tuio boatcatfjattljep

tooke front ttj cnr, uj'jcrctui dj tbe men lucre IpkeUipfc DioUincD*

^e (ante tpmetljat K4/"ciwNKW^attentpteoto fearc^e t^e

popntof t^e gutfe toiu.irDe tbe foutb, euen tljcn bp agreement,DPD KodcriM Colmenaris take ijt^Uop.nj. toiuarD p mountatnes

l)pri;ceatt,unt()^eefco?em?n, bp tberiueroftfteotfeergutte,

^boMtfourtte aiples; Diltant front t!;c mout(; of tlje ori;et rpucr,

(fo? bep can a ttteiite league 3)bc founoc certapne upl(age fitu-

acebpon t^e battles of tfjc rpuccrtoft CM(t^at t0)kpng,t^epral Curui . CJift tljis kpng Opo Colmenaris pet reinapnc, totjen

r^<\fcbut afterWs remrne to Varicna ,faplpng bp tbe (ante rpoer,

cam: to bpnt . Orre refit(bpn$ t^ep? U)l;olc eompanpc tuulj tlje

tgcr f.)urr ie mplco front Ijence,tbe rpuer encompaCfcrij an 3|(anQ

in'MbitcD unrtj fpfl;cnnen. 3!n tbuMtecaufe rljep falue ojea^ plen-

tie oftrees lubiclje beare C4//i /^/^, t^ep nameft tije 31ianoe

CMM^UU, Etjcp founo in it (r.biUagefii often cotagcs apcece.

On tbe rpgOt fpoe of t^e J tonoe tl;crc tunnctb auodjer rtuer,c '

luljofe cdand i0 ofoe iptl) furTicient to beare BuganoiuejS, ^(;DS

rnier djep calleo'^m r\/^r/,fr6 tije moiitl) luljetof, about.rti

milcjs DiffairtifljfpfotmD a toiune offiue.C!)Oufe0fetiereo,U)Oolecbebi (t^at t8)fepna;,toa0 ra!(eo jfbenamtchti. ^(jep al fojfooke

tbep^ I)oufc0,.i3 foone a ? tbcp fjearo ofour menja! commptig: but

toljfn riicp fato ojat our men purfueo t!jem,r

bep turnco againe,tran upon tijcm fcml; orfperatc mhtDe0,aemen b^tuenfrom rtjeu;

otone pofleulomi. ^bcp? weapons are ouuO^DjS ofui JOD,I

neprt;er btt0cd no^ arrottCM*? anp ctljcr of(U iiiljabitauntea

cffa SCleil fpoe ofrije julfe. Cbe poo^c nakeb u^etdjetf iwere

eafplp D^puentoflpijht u;i:I) our twaponi. &* our men fo*

/, and


Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.

1 _. . ~

Page 344: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 345: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tncfccomfe Decacte

ecrtatnt ofbi* noble nun.3 common foutoter ofour*,tobom tbe

hpngbaaujotufleD, commpng tobpmtobenbeujas taken, cut

ofbtearmeatoneftroketowbbis frooojae: buttljismas Done

tmatoarca! to dje captapnea. ljc number of tlje Cbjiftian men

luljtdjctoercljcre, toas about anljuntyeD anDfpftic: tljc one

balfeiuIjercoftbccaptauiKsfeftfjcrc, ano tbcp luitlj tlje refc?

Hue rolucD up tlje nucr agapne,tiritb ttoelue oftbe boater ofibofc

regions, toljicbetbep caf/v,aa tbcp ofH/^wok eal tbem c^

Mod;asU)ebauefapDc. Jrrcmtlje rpuerof%jN/^anDt^e3llanoe ofcannafiftttla, fo? tl)^ fpace of%eefco^f ano ten rnple^,

leattpng botl; on tljc rio^jt hanne anu on tljc ltft,manp nuers fal*

ling into it bpp;o;er tljen it feife, tljcp cntreo into one^jp (be com

Ouctpngofoneoftije nafeeo inljabitauntes, bcpng appopnteoa

gupoe fo) tbat purpofe, Uppon tljc luime of tbis rpuec ncrt

Unto tljc mouti) of clje fame, there Uias a kpng cafleD jlb&nba.

Uibobecaufe tfje tendon luaaful ofmatpu>e05 baobw pallace

buptoeo in tfje toppe ofa bpgb tree>a ncto kino ofbtiilDpngjanDtree. felDomc fcctic : but tbat lanne b?pnget(j fa? t'j treed of fact) cr cee--

Hino; ljetg(jt,tfjat among tbepj b^andjcs a man map frame large

Ijonfea : as toe reaoe ttje Ipke in: niutm auctoursf, Ijoloe in man?

regionjlu'jerfcbe Ocean fearifctl) and oucrflotoerij tljc lanoe,

ti)t people lucre accutlomeo to flee to tljc bpgb trees, ant) after

a.t|jc fan Dftlje uwer, to tahe tbe fp(be left on tbe lanoe. ^bi ma-

ner ofbnplopng, is to lap beamed croflfe ouer djc b^ancbe^ oftbe

rree0,fa(l bounce togeatber,ano thereupon to rapfe tbep? frame,

ItonglpmaDeagapnftUipnQeanD tocatber* Our menfuppofetbat tljep buttoe ttepj boufe in treed, bp reafon oftbe great

flooD0ano ouertiotiipng ofriuew, loljtdjeoftentpmescyaicicc

inrbofe regions, Ebefe treed are of fucbe bepgfjc, tbat tbe

Dutut. 4 ^,ano otber auctourd, tobicbe to?ite tbat tbe treeg in fome pla-

ces in India are fo bigb bp reafon oftbe fruitefulneg ofp grouno,abimoance oftwter, ano bcate of tbe region, tbat no mania

able to ujoote otter tbem tnitb an arrooie : ano bp lu&gemcw of

all men, it i0 tbmtgbt tbat tfjere i0 no fruiteniUer grounoe bit*

n^ cbefunne, tben tbfe <$ tdbereoftoe note emreate .

urt&ctem to

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 347: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconde Decide.

fuclje fu'gneg, to feuenmen, pea fomctimctf efgfjt,

fcanOe in banoe tuitb tbepj arnica ftrct cijeo foojtb. lucre frfelpable to fatbame tbem about : pet Ijaue rbev tljcpj tellers in tbe

grounoe, loril rcplenpflKU toitl) furl) lupncs luljcrof IDC (jaiie

fpokenbcfoic. jFoKilbctttbactbc urljemcnctc of tbc tomue ti

notofpoUierton!TDoU)nctl)ofe ljoufcs,oj to b?cakc tlje bjan

cbes oft^c trfesf,vctarec!}eptoireDtIjereucIj,anDruj.iperom<

tolwt front fpoe to fpoc, bp reafon Hereof, tljc topne f1;outoe be

rnudje ttouliieo U)it^ mootitno; . 3H otljer neccflarpe tljingea,

tljtp !;aue luitf; tbe:n in tlie trees * CClaen tbe Hpnp; o? anp odjer

of cljc noble tneiu mmc o? fuppe in tbefe tree0, tljt'pz tupues are

bjcugbttljctn front tljcccllcrsbp tbew feruauncca, to^icbc bpmc.m^a of rpcrcifr, are acnitToinec uitcb no (cfle celerptie to

ru nne up ant) Dolune tbe Uatrca aDfjcreme to t!;c tree, t ben noa

ourtua^ting bopcs uppon ti;e plapnc groanae fctcbe us tt'jat

tuce calJ foi from the cobbarDe brfpDe our Dpntno; cable . >ut

men tberefo^e catne to tbe tree offepng jMtib*, anD bp tbmter

pietourec calleo bpm faoub to comuumt cation, gcuing (jpm

fignes ofpeace, anD thereitppontPpUingbprnto conic ooume.

ButbeDenpcDtbat be uiotrioc come out of bis boufe , Deft*

ring tljcm to furTalipm to Ipuc after I;i0 fa(l)ton: but our menfell from fapjc uiooities co tb?eotni:tg, t


ut ercepc be tomiloe Def-

cewDcttJttb dl Ins famtlie, tbeptuoutoe epc'oer owertb?oUje tbc ^ibttbA rh

tree, 01 elle^&t ic on fp?e . COben be bao nemeD rijent agapne, img or roe

djcpfcntobetDtnof^ecreetottbcbcp^ares, Meiba feting tbe "o

cbippes fall from tbecrce on autpfpoe, cbaungeoljispurpofe,ann cameooume UJicb onlp tluo of (jf foimes . ^Tbus after tbcp

bad entreateD ofpeace, cbep communeo ofgca:berpngof golor,MM* mntftoeareD tbat be (jao no goloe, ano tliat be newer l;ao ^olbc mftnp neeoe tbcrof5no> pet regaroeo ic anp moie tben floiie3.But cacmu


toben t^ep toere intlante uppon bptr, be DpOebntotbon, 3ffa<m<0t

poufogreatipDcfp^egolDe, jltupll feehe fo? foment tbc nert

ntountaptiea, anu b?ptuj ttbmo pott : foj tt is plentifttJfp eno:en

iijeDtncIjcfemountapnes. ^bcnbcappopntcDa oapetuijmbetoilw b?mg tbt gotoe* 3ut ^Iw^- came neptljet at tfce Dap,

no^ after tbe Dap appomteo .Ijrp ueparteo tl;erfo?e from tbence

, but not tan* 50toe

WEden. The decades*Bancroft Library.


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Page 349: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fceonde Decade.

80 concerning nje gotoe UtplWf AW tyl Cit

balce,as tfccp Ijear&c bcfoje ofkpng Corner*/. $>nplpnc; pettoti;cr about rtjvute mplcs , tljcp cljiumceo upon ceitapne cotage*

of t(jc Cambaics, but utterlp uopoe uutljout men oj fluflr : foj

fcrf; en tljep fjno knoMcoge tlja t curmm toanDcreo in tljc p^outn*

c3 nccre about rijem, tljcp i cfojtcD to tljc mountapnos, carping

U)it(; tljcm.

The fyfee bookc ofthe feconde Dccadcof

fuppofcd continent*

tbe mcanc tpmc


Doerc none along up d)c fljo^cs o? banker of

'i tl;crpuer,a ccrtapncOcairian, tfcat w,acaprapneottcc tciinc, of tljc companpe of

tt)0fe luljtclj r4/c/- j anD Colmenaris IjaD left

fo? a garrpfon in%o Ni^ra, in t&e Domini?

onofhpng Abm<m*cbtiy urfjctbcr ttuicre

djatl)eU)a0compdlcD tli^ouglj ljungtr, ojt tljatlji? fatal napbias noDoe come, be attcmpten tot rij ins fotiloicra to fcardjc tlje

tountrcp0 nccrc tijcrcabcitt5anti cncreo into tlje upllage ofa Kino;

eallcu jibi<uba>W* captapncs name toas5\4M,toOom^^r^4

fluctouljtujoofljisfcloujeajbut tljerefioueflcWie. COrtijin a

CeDPCoapetf after, /^'^ijaupng companion on tlje calami tic

of|)i0 Kpnfman anD nepgb'jour dbenaraubtitts, bepng o?iue ti

from I)i3 olunc pofleflion^ (urf^ofe arttte alfo toe fapo bcfo?c tljat

one oftljc foulotcrs cut ofat tlic rater of%p N/gro) anD noli) re

mapnpng luitl; Jkraiba, to toljcm |)e fieo bp ttcaltl; after Ije Uiast

taften,DDcm to /^6^4 tbinljabitour of tije tree, mljo Ijao noujc

Dtetopft fo?fakcn Ij 10 countrcp fo? feare of our men, ano townee-

reD in t^e Ddbiatc mountapnedono toooos, COben l;e ^ao tljer

fo?c fwtnoe lipm^e fpake to bpm in tlji0 efftcf, COIIjat djpng id

tbt0, o^ Unfortunate jibibriba *i o^ toljat nation to rbfe tbat fo to^

mcntetij u0,tbat me can not cniop our quiet 1 iber.ttrt IJODJC long,

fcotoe long 31 fap^ali ux differ ttep^ cnieltie Vttwre it not muc&

better fo? Us to cpe3djen ( ? abioe fudje UKuriejj ano opp^ltlona

& pOtVUI Jlbinamtcbtiuim kuifman^ Cem4ccbns,W CtrtU,

a* T oncb*. ns 3! ano otber mpncea of our o^oer ooo fuacptu?


. The dec P. :

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Page 351: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconde Drcadf. j6our cbptojen, ana ottr fubi:ctea, to be leDWatoap capftuefc

*m> our gooftea to be fpoplco cucn before our faceai? . '.*! take Ac

goDtf to ttttnefle,tbat Ji fpeake not fo mueb fo? mini- oiunc part,

a0 31 DO fo? pou,toi;ofr cafe 31 lamenfcfo? albeit tbep b*ue not pet

toucbeD me,neuertbclca bp tberample ofotlj: r,J ougbt to tijtnke

tljatmp Deftructio ta not farre of. letw tberfo?e(iftte be men) n*en ** i**

true our ftrengtb,* piocuc our fortune agapnfl tljcm uiljic^ [jaue

Dealt tbtw cnicUp \nit(; jibi namacbeiusM o^tuc n bur out of Ij ia

countrrp , let u 3 fct on t (jcm luitlj al our potter, ano Utterip DC*

drop ti;em . 3 no if toe can not flap tlje al,pet fljal Uie make tijem

afraioc either to affaplc U3 agapne,o? at tljc lea 2 Dtmtntu;e time

potter : fc^ ttl)attoairr (hal befaH, no:bpng can c'jauncc ttoo^fe

Unto 'j a rijen tlja: ttljicb tte notte fuflft r . Cdl Ijcu jMc;!;* IjearD

tljcfe tt3?D3, t fuel) onjcr ip&c, be coiocfcenDco to DO in al tljmg*

3 /braiba ttotiloe require : ttbereupon tbep appopnteD a Dapto bipnj tbepi eonfptracie to paflfe, but tbe tbpng cbaunceD not

arcojDpnjtotbeir oefp^e: foioftl;ofett!jicbetoe fapD to baue

pafTepto tbe Canibal^tbere returneD bp cbaunce to%w z^rr.

tbe m'gbt before tbe Dap appopnteD tottoo^ke tbeir feate , tljtrtie

men, to tbe apDe ofebem ttbtcbe ttere (efc tbtre, pf anp feotaon

(boulD rife aa tljep fufpec^eD. Cberfo^e at tbe Dattntng oftbe Dap,

tijtconfeDerarekpng(,ttttbfpuebun^etb of tbep? Diaonarie*

armeD after tbep inianer, befiegcD tljc milage tuitlj a terrible a

larome, knottpng; not!; tnj oftbe nctue men ttlj i dj c came tbi:bet

tbe fame npgbt. i^cre our target men came fooj;b agatnd tbern,

anD firH aflapleD tbcm a farre of ttitb tljey i arrOIDCS, tben tttr||

tbe^ ppkes, anD lad ttttb tbep^ fU)oo?Dc* : but tbe nakep feelpe

fotu*3 , pcrcettipng a greater number of t Ijcp? aDucrfar tc a tben

tbep lockcD foj, ttere foone Djpucn to flptrjjt, anD flapne fb^tbe

inoHpartelpkefcatterpnj fljccpe. ^Dbe kpngea efcapco,tljep

flue many, anDtoobemanpcapttue0, urfjtcljetfjepfcnt to >"-

riena. ttbere tbep bfcD tbcm foi labourers to tpll anD fotte tl;ep?

grounDc. ^befetbpngeflitbua Ijappplpatcbpueo, anDtop^o*utnce quieten, tbep returneD bp tbe rpuer toX),wc4, Kv.upng

tbep? tbpjtie men fo? a gamfon,UnDer tbe gcuemance ofone f*- n gamtfon tr

Mb a captapne.bt0 Fvratado tljerfo?e,fent from% N/gro.

tu'jere be tta0 appopnteD gouernour, rjc. ofbis felottea, anD one

tooman, ttitb^tu,capnue0,tor4/f/>w0nDbi0companfel ia

tun one

Eden. The deer.

^) Bancroft Liorary.


Page 352: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 353: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1



eof t&e bpggcft CJWM* of tbat pjottmce , 9te tfeep rotoefc

aotonc bp tbc rpuer, tbere came wojtb foDcitlp ouert&Uwrt tbe

6p rpuer agapnft tbem finite great c<w*, tobieb ouertbjett* rijepj

bo.uc,anD(lueas inanp of tfjeinastijcp coulDcconiebpjbccaufe

tljcp lucre impieparcD, fufpectin^ no fttdj tbpug.Our men lucre

all D?ottneo aim (Umc,er ccpt tU)o,U)l;tclj l;io tljcm fciue^ amongcertepne fago ttea tlja t ftoammeon ttje Uiater, in elj e luljt c^e rt;ep

lapc lurhpno;, ano (b efcapco to tbepj fcloU)e0 in Danena : toljo

bp tljcni bcpng aouertpfco bcrcof, bcgannc to call tbepi toptttf

liiijat Jj is tbpng mpgln meanr, being no Icffe foltcttate fo? tijcm

Cdues, tbcn meoitatpng hi iwlj at Datmgec tbep? fclotocs ban ben

in *%o N^ro , eiccepte bp gooD fortune, tbofe tl;irtie neiue mentobicbe tare fern to tbem, Ijau come to tbe upllage tljc npgtjt

before tbe confpiracie 0)OiilDe bane benU^ougbt

* Confultpuj

djerefo?eUjl;atUja!3be(l tobeDooneljeretn, at tbe lengtl) fcritj)

tilrsent fearcbpng, tbcp bao intelligence rb.it fpue fepnge05 tbat

wtotoptte, Jbttciba tlje inljabitour oftbetree, anDCfwwcaa

t^puen from bis upUage loljtcb ourmen noluc poCTeflcD, ^w/t j

ajf ^5 jbenamacbfms, kpnfemenjtoctb 2)^4^4 tbe fcpng oftbe

fp(ber men, tnbabpting tbe corner oftbe plfc tulj t cbe toe calleo

Culata,\uew a! affcmbleD to confptre tbe Clj^ithan mcnsj DCftruc*

ttonataDapeafTipco jiubtcbetbpnsbaDfurriP come to paffe,

(f it bao not ben otbertopfe bpnoerco bp (6000 p^ouioence . 3lc

i0tberefo?eafcrpbDtoamp?arie, and truripnotumuojtbplp,

tftoeiuapeboUK cbaunce Detected anobett^apeo tbe counfaple

oftbefe hpnged . 3no becaufe it & tuojtbp to be bcaro, 37 U)vU

Deriare it in ftujeujoo^oc , ^/f f Xunnez tberefo?e, tofjo ra

tber bp p oU)er tben bp election, Ufurpeo tbe gouernance in VM>ena, bepng a mailTer offence, anb ratber a rafbe ropaer tben ft

polttihe captatne (altbou^ fortune fomtimefauourctbfoolcis)

among manptoomentobicbeinDtuer^ oftbefe regions be ba?

taherKaptuie,ba& one, toljicb in fauour ami bcutie crcellcD all o

tber.&o tbts \noman ber b?otber often tpme* refo?teo,tobo ui.itf

air ^tttet) out of^ls countrep tuitb king Crauc^^,untb toljoin

bc^^rpfamilper5 anDoneofbti2(cbeeftgemebtieiu amongotbercomtmtnication tobicbebebaoujtcb 610 fpfter uibom be

loueo entierlp,be uttereo tbefe U)oo?oe , S^p oeare ano toribclo-


Lden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

Page 354: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 355: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconcJe Decade. 77ftatb*idie3ltopnDedtmito?o, pf pou M^ejfour


tojcaltlj ano ntpnf9 ano tljc p? ofpcritte ofout countrcp artD kpnfc-

folhcjs. %bt infolenrie ano crudtteofrfjcfemcntubtelje Ijaue

mpucn D0 one ofout poffefllon*, ts fo intoflgabfe, tljat$c pjuvccs of tljclanoc are tjctcrmpnetj no longer tofuacpne tbep? op*

pjeffions Bp tlje conmicttng rt;erefo?c ofrpue kpngca (toljictje

^e nameu in o?uer) r|>ep ^aue p^eparco a Inm^eo o^reat c*noj/,an atmtr^

tottbrpne ^ou&nDemenoftDairebplaiiDcanDbp fta,to<tlnit SlwiSJJai*

ftialj^alfomt^cuiaageofr/^/r/, fiifftdenc to mamapne fucbc fpuc.na.mnu

anarmp: Dedarpngfintljrc, fyat rijc fepngccs bp agreement,

gooocsi ano tieanesi of out men,ano ri)ertfo?e aomonpfljco Oer, aetfte Dap appopnteo Up fome

occaaontoconucigblicrfelfeoucofrijc to.ip, left (be (fcouloe be

flapnemtOcconfuOonoftbeliactJpIe : jTo?tbcfoiitoicr uictou*

rcr,t3not tuoonttofpareanp to commed; in Iji^ rafe * 3ttt

ttjus tT)etum3ln3fp(lert^eDapatngneDfori)e fljticrjjtcr, Ije oe*

par ceo. ^5uc tlje pouno; luomaii (fo? tt is tlje ftuoo^e tljat UM>

men feare,ano obferue mo?e tljen cbe graufcte ofc^o)to^erber tt

locrc fo? tfce loiie 01 fcare rtjat (be baft to Vafcbm, foigctring bet

parentes,I)er hpnffolhc^feer coontrep^no all !jerrreenoc3,pea

anDaltljekyngcstnto toljofe tooted K4/ffcj Ijao tb?ude !ji*

ni)oopc,aie openeDal elje mattertmtobpnvanoconcealeo noneoftbofetbtnp;e0Ui!jic^berbnirffcreteb?otberbai) neelareoto&er.

CBben ^4/c/;; cb?rfo?eljaD IjearDe rlje matterjje rattfeo fu!nia,

(foi To Oau tbep nameo 5er)to fenoe foj bet biori)er,m!)o came to

bet immetw'atlp,Uxi^ tahen, $ enfoicco to eel tbc toljolc circunv

ftance0 ofcbe matter: U>!jerapon be plapnelp confc(TeD,tljat king

Cew4a^/bt*lo?oanDmat(ler, femtbofefowreCanoas co tbe

nedrucctonofottrmen, anDtbatcbefeneUJconrptradwtoere^

tempteo bp bid counfatle : likeUnfe (bat Cenuccbns fought cbe

tefouctfon ttr*f(bus bimfelie,tben be Cent bim.)rf inen,lmoei:

pretence offitnofyppjto rpH ano fotoe bia groun&c,after titm*ner ofcbe countrep, ofeiiinpj tbem in com.tunDcment to flap VA^-ibus at A/4mj, uibitbec be refojeco to comfort Ijis labonrer^a^

tbe maner id ofal goo* buftanoes , pet ourd tbep at no time crt*

cute tbetr lo?Ded commatinDermm upon bpm,-becattfe r*ftkm

came netter among tbem a footeo? unarmtD9 but

Eden. The decodes,

Bancroft Library.


Page 356: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 357: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


* tut wen,



. COberfoje Cfmtcch.a being fhttrrate of

laff tbing in baitte, to Ijis

otime Defrruetion art) bid neigbbours : fo? tbe confptrane be*

mgDetecteD, r^wjcaHeDt^eefco^eanDtcnncfoulDicrs, com*

maunoing tbem :o folotoe b?m, but occlareo noting Unto rbem

mbftbet be luent, ai tobat be entenDeo to Do . fye toem fo;uurDe

djerfb^e fp^Jt toiuai'D Cemace \ us, urfjtclj lap from bjptu oniptenne

tuples : but be baD knotalccge tbatU teas flcDDe tt&**^, tlje

fotiuDcanoblcma!i5 arulerUnoergpm, and alfo l;(0 Upnliu.ni,

uH;om be tooke p?pfui?cr, tottfj nianp ot(;er of (;t0 famturrg ano

frenoes botljmen ano toomen . ^je fame botire tbat be fet fo^

toarDe to feffeC fo> Cewutcbtu.fyfait*! Colmenaris roUttO Up tbe

rpuet toJttb foute oftbcp? bpggeH Ca.-uat, ano t!)?rdco?emcn,bp

tbeconimctionoftbemapDesb^otbecUJljo biougljt (jpm to tbe

UtHatre of Ticb?fijx( p tuliicb use faio al ttjcir uitttials to rcmatne

tobieb tocre p^eparcD fo? tbep? annpe Colmenaris tberfoie faefe*

CD tbe bi!Iage,ano poOctTeD all tbeir utttuai*,anD toinc of funDip

colours jlikcUJtfe tooke tbe gottemour tbereof p^tfoner, ano

bangeo btm on ti;e tree in tobtebe be oiurit bint felfe, eommaun*

Dpngbpmto be (botte tb^ongb tottb arrotues in tlje fpgbt of

tljml)abitantc0 5 anDU)itbbpmfoureotber rulers to be bangeoon gtbbet^totbe example ofotber rebeftes ^bt0 punpfljmcnt

tbus creaitcD uppon tbe conlpiratours , firobc fte barter of all

cbmbabitantesoftbe p^ouinceuncbfucbfeare, tbat djercicnot

notwe a man tbat care ftp?re bis fpnger agapnft tbe tyatb ofout

memtbep? example Do tbe giaolpet Jpue in fubtcction, UritbleOe

The fyxtc bookc of the fccondc Decade, of

the (uppofed continent*

?)efe tbjmges tbusfpnpO;eD, aflembltng a!

tbep? companptogcatbcr5 Ujep Determmco

toitb oneconfcnfjtbatametTfngcr (bouiw

foo^tbtoitb be fern to aiffamU (from

*obencetbepbatbcp?lau0anoa|>De) to

Declare (be u^ole O^DW ofal fyde aft:p?fs.


Bancroft Library.

Page 358: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 359: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

Tlie fcconcfedead* 73ffcft to rtt 3dmfral ant) gouernour oftbe JlanDe,ana aftertoarD

totbeEpngof &papne, and to perftuade bpm to fende ibofe

tboufancc men tolj<cbe poung Como^rMs Cipoe to be expedient to

paflc oucr tfjc mountapne0>lping betluene rljcm and tljc goiocn

regwnstotomdtbe&outb- J'tf/ffoj bpmfelfcdpd greattpe af*

feet tbi* embaflage: Out nettbcr tooola tbe rcfioue oftjts felotoe*

riembpm tljerto, no? big facttonarie* fufifer (jpm tooeparte,afwcH fo? ttiat tfjeredp tljcp rtjougljt tljep fl^oulo be left aetolate,

82 alfo tl)at tijep murmiirco, t[;at if Vtjihu fijoulo once go from

il;em,lje UiottlOe ncuer recurnc to fudjc turmopfcs anD calami*

tte>np tbe ocample ofraldiuu rjnu zamudws, u^o Ijao ben noto

abfent fence tbe monetij uf31anuarp,in fomud; tfcat t I;cv tljougljc

tiiep toouloe nrucr come agapne : but tfje matter UMS otljcr*

topfe tijen tl;cp toobe it, as 31 UjpU ftetoe in Ijw place , fo? tijcp

totre periujeo , 3t nje Icngt lj after maiip fcrutint e0, t hev eleetcD

oneWnfiwVr^agrauemanjtoeiuipeerw, and trealbtirer 3oUfln.cui<w*

rfdje kpngee Crcljequer in t^oft p?oumce0: tbepljad coneetueo ^&mt*

j gooo opinion ofrijw QjiMJto, tiw ail tljpnges flioutoc be Uiell

b?ougi)t to pa(fe bp bi0 meaner, afuieli fo? bts lupfoonie, as al(b

$at tljep Ujere in gooo bope ofbut return,becatife be bao b?ougljC

bta mifrujtib bpw to tbofc regions, Uibom bekft toitb bus fo

lotues fo? a pledge ofbis comming agaitie.SCibcn tijep l;ao tbutf

electeD &uiccdns9 tfjep lucre againc ofDiucrs opinions tuljont

rljep mtgbt iopne Uhtb bun fo? affiftancc, affirming tbat it toere

a oaungerotts tijtng to commute fo luefgbtiea matter to one

n .ma l;anoes, not tljattbepnuuruCtcD^K/ff^^tu bceaufetbe

life ofman is fraile^ tbe c^angeofdje ap?e periUous, r(penally

to tljem^aupngnoU) oflong time ben accuftmncft to tbe tcmpe*rature neere bato tfje Equinoctial, if tbep (IjotdD be compeHcD to

returneto p J5o?tb5tottb alteration ofap?e ^Diet ^Ijfp tboug^c

it $erfb?e good to appopnt a companion to Quiccdus, tbat i

botb efeapeo, tbe King ftouto gcuc p better credit to tbe relation

ofbotb.after long confultation tti^e^bep c(joftWains Col-

tntnariiAman ofgood erpertcnce,ofurfjom toe baue oftentimes*

mane meJitton:fo? from bis poutb be Ijad trauaileo ouer a! Europe

bp lande and bp fta, and towa p?efent at tbe dopngea ofal tl)

Wlulie agapna tj|c JTr mBancroft Library*

Page 360: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 361: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

fHfonotoun'bope.becaufcbe baomanp farme*, ans &at> fpffeU

ano fotomc mud) grotm&e nt Dvitna, bp tbe mcreafe lberof,be

mpgbe get mud; 90(0 bp felting; Oe fame to bi3 felolu :a. JJ)e left

iberfo?e tbe cbarge ofal bis affipjee; in 2>4>_i unto Iji 5 partner

Jlpbonfus Kiinncz^ a iuage of tbe IcrtNc, iu!)3 lfo tiwa Ipke to

^ftue ^en c^^n P^CliratDKC ofd)W bopao^ befoiC CoLne.iaris.yf

one bao not pnt c^em in remtm^iance cijat Ije l;ao a \nifr at MA-tritis, fearing left being ouercome trndj Ijcr tcares, be uiairioe no

mo?ereturne. Cohuentr'u rt}erfb?e,a free man,? at Ubertie5bfingaflfoctatc affpttant ttritb 2/c^f .djcp cooke (Ij^ppng cogctbct

in a B^tganbine, tbe founlj oap of clje Calenocs ofJf^auember,

inti;epeereoftntfte.i5i2. 3iiitOi3Uopage,DrpnffCo(lcDtoitli

funo?p tempeftc5,tl)rp tucrc bp tbe oioiencc of tljc toinDe cad up*on tbe tfteft coaUea oftljat large 3ilana, mljtci) in tbe fp?(! D?>caDf toe calico c ai^fuppofen to bauc ben feme Iann*Ebep lucre

fine oppKlTeDtuttJj hunger, fai it u>aa nome tlnee manedjeai

fpnre tbep ocparteo from tbcpi fclo^ca : bp reafon ^creof,t!jn>

toere enforced to take!anDe,to piooue tuljat apoe ft?p couloc gee

among tbe inbabitaumed* ^bepi cbaunce cbcrefo^e uiaj to

arrpuc mtbatpart of the 3llanoe, inbere r^/^wuujas D7puenaiano bp temped* But ob pou unctdjco men ofDamn*, carp foi

r<iW;w,uibompou Cent to pioutoe to bclpcpour ncccffitiea,

l^oupDe foi ponr fclues ratber, ano rrutt not tot'oemia^afe

fi^tune pe faiotoe not. jfoj uil)eii be arrpueo in c^tye inbabt^

tames doe bpm untb al bi0 feloU)e2(5anD left tbe Caranef uri;crtn

tbep Ujcte c-trpeo, toine in petce*, ano balfe couereo uutb (anne

tn tbe iljo^c, uibere Quicedu ano cdmenaris fpnoing tbe fraip

menten tbcreof, betuapleo tbep? fctotte* mpffoiome : but tbe?

fotinne none of tljep? carcadc^, fappofpng tbat tbep toere eptbet

D^otuneo, o) oeuourcD oftbe Cantbale0>Uibicb oftcnttmcu make

tnctnfiona mto tbat 31(anoe to bunt foi men , K5tit at tbe lengdh

bp ttno ofhe aianoc menWeb tbep bat) taken, tbep ban hnoto

leoge cfValMuia bfe DeOniction, ano tbat tbe inbabitauntea tbe

moze greeotlp attempted tije faitie,foi tbat tbep bao bearo bp tbe

babtjlpng of one ofbfeiotoe^ tbat be bau great plentte of




Si S^^fo?tbepalfotakepleafreintbcbcautteofgotoc, lubtdic

tbep fourme artificiaflp into funwp aicbetf . fcbua onrmm Ono

kenuntb penuuewOe fo? t(K aoctt XOew of tbep? ftloiw ,



I Bancroft Library., _____ ..I


Page 362: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 363: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The lecondc Decade.

nu fn bapne feeingreuengefyt&epj tm'ttrfnr, Determtnefrtd

fojfafeetbatbnfommate tonoe, Departing fromtbofe couctoua

naheD barbarians, toritb mo?e fojotoe ano neceflirte tben tbep

lucre in befo? c. >j cttcr tljrp baD paflco tbe &ourfj fpoe ofotf*

tl;ep fel into a tboufanoc mpufyrtmcs, ano fjaa infelltpnce ttjat

Fogft/rfatrpueutfjerabout, IcaopngamifcraWe Ipfr,tofle0an8

tiirmoplco toitb tcttip0fte^3anD bcjreo tottb a tljoufonDc pcrplcjrt* $ogco

ties tfotbac Departing from tbcncealmoft alone, bis feiotar*

bcpnijfb?tbcmoa part MconfumeDtoitbmaiaweiJanD famine,

becametoitbrnitcbDifficuItieto Hiftmd*, UJbercbeupco by rmiur

fo?ce of tljepopfonoftjigi uemmoug tootmoc tobicbbcbao re

ceiueoinry^a$uiebaefapoe before* Bt/^riecteoIteufcnat^fapleobpaltljofccoatotDttljmuclj better fojittnr:

fo?a0bel)pmftlfetoltieme5 be&unde pwfpcrous topnoegin of

ftjofe parties, ano Uws Uwl entertepneD of tbnrfjabitaures ofc-ti . but tbia fpeetallp in tfje Dominion ofa certapnc kpnn: uibpfename U)a0 Cmmend*tor : fo? mberas IK ocfp?co of (be Cb?(0 tan

men trfjidje paffeo bp,to be baptifcD^emaunDvng clje name of

tbe gotternouc oftbe 31lanne ne?t unto Hi/>4n/o/4,bepng a noble

arc calico CammauUtorts,ihto bingtf oefp?eU)aj( to benameoafin

9 gaite bim great abundance ofal sbtnge* neceflarie. 35ut ijub^c

jfmifus learneo ofcbepj religion During tbe tpme of bi$ remav*

mmgrtjere, 31 batte tbougbc gooD toaDuerttrepotirljolpnefle.

;. ou djal tberfo^e UnDcrdanDe, tbat cercapne ofour men faplpnj

bp rtje coaftes ofCtt^x, left toub feprg Cow^M^or a certapne

poo^SparpnerbepugDtfeafeo, lubo inu)o^tfpacerecouerpn^biis bcaltb*anD baupng notoe fometobat leantcD tbcpj lantrjwge,

began to groloe into great eltimation tuttb tbe kpiig anD bfe

tenant in bis uwrres agapnfl otijer princes bis bcnDerers.

mans fortune toasfogooD^bataltbpnges piofpereD u>e!l tbat

be tooke in banoe : anD albeit tbat be lucre not IearneD,pet madbe a bettuou* anD ttefl meanpng man, accoiopng to bis Knom*

letige, anDDpD reltgiotnlpebotuiur tbe blefleo 0irgut5 bearpngeuer about tixtb btmbet ppcmre fap?e papnteD upon paper, anD "LW^CD in Ji}5 apparel Mil Unto biji b^elTj (igntfipng unto

Eden. The decadesBancroft Library.

Page 364: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 365: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

fiuaDinglnm toDootfoc like, ana to att atnap aU fya

toliicl) uicre none o$er tfrn tljefimittmae* ofeudl fpthte^mof!crttfQ enimies ami Dcuottrew ofour fculetf 5 anD to tafie Unto

fxm tbe Ijolp Wrgtn anD mot'jcr ofOuo to be &is patnmefle, if

fee DefpjeD ail Ijis affapje* afiurt in toarre a^ in peace to fncceeoe

p?ofperouflp : alfo tijat il;c bleffro btrgrm UICU!DC atno tpine

feple dprn, but be eucr reopc to helpe ftim and In0,ifti;ep tuouloe

Iwtl;0nu3utljartescaii bppon ()ct name, tdjc inarpnet ijao

foone pcrftiMDeD tl^e nakeo iiattoti , anD t^crruypongaucdje

king (uiijouemaimoco cfeeGmi?) tji^ppcttttc otcUUtrgiii, to

Wjom ye buploeD ano Dcmeatco a (tiapeil aittj an al -fc , euer af

^comnmiuig ano retectrngljifi /CT^^Dfrbefe Ztmr r maDe of

gotfampine cottoiijto d;e finultttiDca of foiritcrf toalhing in tije

npgfet,U}lncb tljcp oftentimes fee, anD (pca&c toitlj tljctn familp*

crlp,U)e baue fpohcn ftrff.cicmlp in tl;e n;cw& booke of tljc urff

Dccaoc . Jr urt emio^c, arco?ott:jj to tl>c inlunttion of tljiss ma

rpnet,Uiljen rije fonnc D^atoetlj tottaroe t^c faS, d;m king; c om*

mendator luirij al Iji0 fampip,bod; men atm toot ncu, 1 1f^t baplre

to tbe fame eyapcU of rtjc uirgin ^arie, u>bcre ftucelmg; on tfccpz

knees, anD reurrentlp boluuig DOUJKC tbep? Ijeaocd, (jolDpng

tJ^ep? IjanDgt topneo to^etljcr, ti;ep falute t(je image oftlje birtpn

toitU ttjefe tooo?oe0,^* M^>u, ^r Maria , foj feiuc of tljcm

can rebearfe anp mo?e too?oe0 oftbisaf p?per , 3 1 jtntifus tyt be<

fog tKf, tbcp tooke bpm anD l)i feloboefl bp Ujt fjanDes , ano

leODe tt?mi to tljig ebapell toirij reiopdno;, fapino; djat tiiep

luoidDe fljctue fljem nunieplous rijtnge0 . CCUjen ti;ep lucre err

^n, alto be fet anD b^nffco about uwlj ouctjeg anD letDri^ann

manp earthen potter, fplieo (pme UiitU funDjp rneates, anD fome

toitljtoaterjramDe about all tip tabemarie : fb^ ibefc tfcutgtf

crofter toAc unage in tbe fteeae of faenfiee, arrowing to

imo an t^cp^ oloe fupenhtion toowrDc tljepjZw. Being ncimunDeo

to*p*epBipO*a0 d;epanfUJereD,ieartc image ftotrtDrackc

delate tfcat imagf^map iwngcr, and tbat tjjipp Dooete^D?infte.

* i^of tfce jUc&co uirgpn, it i^

he decades.Bancroft Library.


Page 366: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 367: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

atrtteu): fyb?(&ertpo?tofourttien,tbett wfitcbferuentgoiNIP lotieanDjcalcintljcreCniplcmfntotoartJ tbebolp uirguybat

totbembemgmtbe&awtnpet of toarre agapntt tbep? emnriea,

t&ep DOO in maner (pf 31 map fo terme it) compel ber to Defcenoe

from !;eaucn to liclpc tljcm tn tbep? nctefimcis , jfo? fuel) 10 (be

gooDnes of 600, tljat be Ijatb left unto men in matter a p?pce

toijcreOp toemap pnrdiale (jpm tottb W* ijolp arujeltf fapntw, iano,antttijat 10 to tottte, burnpng loue, djarttieyinD jeale , C;oU)e djcr- K i>e UUKIU

fo?e cnn ti^ blcficu Dtrgtn at anp time beablem from rtjcm totjicfj1 10

call fo? Ijer Ijdpc untb pure fat rtj miu fentent ioue ^ Cotmaendator

Ijim felfe, toitlj al bid noblemen ami gemefmen,Doa teffule Uha>one bopce, tbat in a fouoftt battapte in tljc lubirij e tlj t s marpnertong capitame, bearing bub bint tljis ptcturc oftbe tirgin ^a*rie5

ri;eZmes oftbep? cmmie* turmu tbetr backer 5aw> trem*

WCD in tbe Defence oftbe uirgtn^ image,anD in tbe (tgbt of rijfmaU : fo? enerpeoftbemb?pngtbep?Ztotbebattaae, Ijo* ^i?"ping bp tfjepi belpe to obteine tbe uicto?ie.|>ca tijep fap fttrtber,

n)atDurtngtbe time oftbcbattaile,iljep fatonot onfp an Jmagc,

butaUuefptoomandotbeoinfap^eanp tuljtte apparel, ai>oing

tijcm agamtt tbep^ enimied : toljicb tbing alfo tbe cninticd tfjcm

felucsacknotoleDgcD, con&flpng tbat on tbe comrarppart,(be

appeared to tbent (fjakpng a fcepeer in Ijcr banoe luitb ilj?eate* x notaBir rpe

wmg eotmtenance3ujbiebe catifeD tbep? feartes to fljake ano faintStmii!5!


b? feare: but after tbat ring Sgarpner oeparteo from rtjem3beino;

taken into a (bpppe of emapne COuftians paPTpng bp tbofe

coaflw, CwimtndAiiY DccIaretJ tbat be toitb al ijis fubiect^con*

tinuallp obferueD bid inftitutiond : infomucb tbat bcpng at con^tcmion toitb anotber pjtnee , toljidje of tljen^^ uieremott

Ijofp ano ofgreated poii)er,tbc matter gretoc to fudj crtrcnut ic,

tbat tbcp rrpcD it Uiitb banuc (Trokeg : ano tbat in ail tbefe at- <onc bia^^,

fcntinthrb?unt of tbe battapie, and gauebpmeaCte uctoneIU

Iwttfj a total potocr ormen,agaimt a mainc armic of bie ennmea.

^epngDcmatinoeD with toljat bioo^oea tbep crpeoiipontbe bir-

fitn J^arp U)ben ti;ep aflapteD tbep? enimiea,tUep antereo tbat

Kwp bad learnco no otber too?De0 of tbe flparpnera

. The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 369: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


wfljc tongue : foj be ban left tbefc U)D?De$ tn tbe moutbca ofaR

men, cabple tfcep mitrtbcreo ano cclrropeo tbem (clued tbus oti

lotb fpaes, tbep fcfl to emreatie ofpeace,ano agreed to trpc tbe

matter, not (janoe to banoe bp combatte of certawe cbofcn

fb^botb parried, ad tbemanettoas among the Honwnes ano

Dtuers orber nations in tljc olo tpmc,oi bp anp flctgbt oj policte,

btittbatttoopoungmcn fl;oiilDebecbofn,fo?ed;e panic one,

bntb tbcpj banaes bounce fattc bebpnoe tbem tn tbe plapnc

rprlDCjbotbe parties bcpngfujome to arknotnleDge tbatZrm?;

(o be tbc better, tuljicb rpjtt loofeo tlje banoes of tye potmg man

taHjicijttooot bounce foj tbe trpallof bis religion. ^bus Diut-

Dpng t(jet:t fclues, ano plaepng tbe fapD potmg men before tbem

intbefpgbt ofrijemnll, toitb rijep? banoes fad bounce bptbrpz

SmS'ina{ cmm^g s {^c wntrarp parte calleo rp?tt ont&epj Zeme* (ttjat is

ipheneore. ttje Deupl, to toljofe ftmilitttoe tbep? Imaged are maoe) tojo tm*

*pjjat itkenee^ meoiatelp appearro in bid Ipkenefle aboute tbe poung man*

tbat floooe bounce in tbe Defence of S>atans hpngcome,35ttt as foone as Commentator toitb bis eompanpe crpec Sanfa

JMaiiaadiuuatioStSantta Maria adiuutno;, fb?t!)Uhtb tijcreap1

n dr/ntgc mp pearCD a fapie birgin elotbco in \u!jpfe, at tobofe Defence tbe ce

ratienottobeitpiDano^fljeDtimneoiatlp.Butt^bir^bautngalotigroi) in

ber bance,$ putting tbe fame on tbe banoes of tbe poung man

tbat ftoooe fbj Cmmtiubtorjfc IjanOes lucre loofcc tmmeoiatlp

in tbe fpgbt oftbem all, ano bts bances founo about tbe banoes

ofbpm tbat (foooe fo? tbe otber partpe, infomucb (bat tbep tbem

fctaeafounoebpm Double bounoe, Butfo^antbi^tnerenottbeemmiesfaaffpec ,qtwrellmgtbattfjisfbpnguwd ooneb?iome

Oepgbt o? oemfe ofman, 9 not bp tbe polnei: oftbe better Z*me<,

3nc tbereuppon requp?ec5 fo?tbaOuopDpng of ail fufpection,

tbat tl)crempgljt becpgbt graue ano fagemenappopnteo, fo?

ecbe One foure,tobicb H)ouio bpnoe tbe men in tbe fpgbt oftbem

fl,auo alfo getieuicgementujbetber rtied)tngU)ercDonetuttb'

out craft o? gupte . 2)b pure fimplicitie ano canffant fapd) :

ob gotoen anc bleOTeo confiDenctCommrW^cr ano bts fanuiiers,

ooubtco not to graunt tbep? emmies tbep? requea,toirijlpke

(be Dtfeafec uioiitan obtepneo bealrt) of tbe


Page 370: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 371: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fccondc Dfecafo ft

tea* tfcr fpgfjt of(jig trailer i#iu; ^efeponngmcn tfjcrftye

lucre bounce in tlje piefcnce of t l;cfc cigttf grattc men, ano lucre

placcti tuitinn top? Ipfe in tlje fpgljt of bod* parties lws

bpnnafignc gciKn,U)bendjep calico bpon tlicpj Zwc/, t&cre

appeareo in tlje figbt ofcjjcin al,a oeuil Urid) a long tailc,a imoe

mowlj, great tcetlj, anDijowcs, refemblpng dje Omiutuoeof

tije image tuljtcljc tbekpng bcpng eutrntc to c ommtndato, bono

rco foi I)t6 Ztmej 3$ ti;e DCupl attcmptCD to loofe tlje banocs of

bid clicnr.thc bleQco uirgin luas itntreounlp picfem as bcfoic at

C^c cal QfCommtndator $\)is fubicctg,^ toiti; l;cr roDDe toofro dje

t)anW3ofl)erluyiJlpaiu, lul;irt>e toerc tigawicUkctDpfe fottnoe

faft tpco about tljcfjanoeja! of ijvm tljat itoonrfo? tbccontrarpe

part. ^:be enimiw ti)erfo?cof a>nmf/;</4^r,lje(na; flricken toitb

great fcarr,ano amafcD bp reafon of tljw great nipiaclc, confef*

ftD tljat d)e 'Ames ofdie uirgin uiag better rijcn tbep? Ztmtf : fo|

tljc better pioofc UJl)ereof,tl^efcpagans being bojuerers to com*

wf/j./4/or ,ujljicijt OaD eitcr before ben at continual! tonrre anD en

initie toiri) (jpm, u^en tliep UaD knoujfeoge tljat /fnc//; ttw0 at*

rinieo in tljofe coalTea, tljcp fent ambafiaDanraUnujlnmt, to

ocitre Otm to fence tbem pnefleS5of inborn d)cp nugl)t be baptt*

feD: uiljcrupon IjcfenttbemtUJoujljicljljeljaD tljcrc ittidjbpin

at tljat picfcm. l)ep bapttfcn in one Dap an IjuntneoanD djp^ttc

of t!)inl;al)itaiu cfi5 louietiaie cnimiea to CcmmertdMbut uouie

fn0{renDeo,anDiopneDU)itl)ljpminali.mce. ^ilfiiri^e as came

^bebapttfeo, gaue tlje p^ieftca of t!;ep? ountelibera(ittc,et

tl;er a coche o^ a fjcnne, but no capons, to^ tljep can not pet

crrtapnc falteo 6Q)(,anD neUic fpne cakes maoe oftOepi b^eao:

likeurife certapnc foules frankco ano ttiaoc fatte. CCll;en rije

piieffcs refo^tco to tl^c Qjpppe3,fprc oftljcfe netoe baptifeo men

accompanpeodjemlaBentDttbuitata^, tuljerciuttO tfjcplcnoea fopful gaffer : fai on tlje &unDap,tto o D .n es bc^e fapnt L*~

^m oap, tbep oeparteD from v*rienj,anD toucljco at rt;at tpme

cmlp tlje cape 02 angle ofCuba, ucere onto ibe Caft i>oe of Hi/'

/*w/4. 3t tl)e requeft ofConnundator, /incijut left utl) Ijtm oneofINS corapanpc, to dje intern to teactje 1)vnn ano his fublectea,

toirt;o(berl]itetjoiocrcr^ die latetiticjt oftbt-angtl!, luljiclic

toe cal t(e/f ^<r: fo? $eu tlj^iila tbtm fdncu jto be fo timed


Bancroft Li


Page 372: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 373: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

* fetpnt.

none uiaatoiittcM*


takpng ftfe iMue Of

ftpng Cowmw<irt0r,DtrectD 1)10 CQUrfe tO Hifftniola,from ttbld)

be tatf not farre. febcndp after,be toote bis toopage to fcpapnr,

ano came CDVtllMt* to tfce fepng:,to luljotii be maoe grceiioua

complapntoftljemfolencieof/^/c^f NKJW^ infomurijetljac

bp bt* procurement tbe kpnj gauefcntcnre agapntt bpm- 'Cto

djebaue3!t(jou5l)t0;ooD (mottbolpfatber) Hereof toatt


on^not onlp as 31 baue ben enffnicteo ofdndftu (tmtb bibom 31

tojaatwplpcanucrfaummclje Court, anDUffDbpmfaiiuliaripc)

but alfo aa 3! toast enfburntcD of Dtucr0 otber men ofgreat auo

tljontte,fot!)e intent tljat pair fjccrilenne map unoertlanoe

boU)e Doable t!j ts ftpno ofmen are, ano Untb tobat faciti tic t!jc?

itiapbeallintD to otibiace our rritjion: but ti>i0 can not be

none fooettlp , pet toe baue great caufe to bone tbat in (bo? t tune

tbep lupl be a! Diatwcn Dp Ittle ano litlc, to tbe Cuangdicai latue

ofCb?ttte,to tbe great encreafe of bwflocfte. But tetU0notoe

rettimetotlje meffengew o? upcuracourjj ad concerning tlje

Thefcuenth booke ofthe feconde Dccade,ofthe fujv

pofed continent.

mftaritnato H/#J/ok, ttfepgbt Dc1pe

faplpng^no fometimes letfe bxtb a pjofyo

tbep^ocuratoum of 0<wViw. bp rcafonof

tempeffes $ contrary U)tnDc0j coulo fcnr cc*

Ipfaplettin abttno^eooape^. caijcn tfjcp

bao tarpeo a toe iwpejsm HifpantoU,and

baDDedareotbecaufeof tbecommpngtotbeStrmiraJl and tbe

otber gouernour0, tbep tcfce fi)ipptng in ttoo marcbant 0)tppe09

bepng rcftpfurnpfteft, tubtdje toere alfo accuftomeu to faple to

uepaneu fim2)^4 (a0 toe fapoe befo?e)tbefoiu:tbtwp oftbe

CMM^j^0hMukiimtfi^5i9^0icmno(tt tbe court tefop *e CaleaWof^aptetbe peere fbtetopnft

Eden. The decade;

Bancroft Library,


Page 374: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 375: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fccondc Decade. St

create* o, Urfjomauo fo?lji0 faptfcftuUeruice

to*n,w0mnMCmramffariem tour* of**

men commpug from tbe netue too?toe3rrom uakeo nations, ano cmua at tpc

ffce 33pfl)0p Of 3*rgM, Qtuctdfis anO Colmcntris iuerc blOUgljt

tefoje t&e fcpng, aim Deriareo tbepj legacie inbiisf


&ucfee nctucs ano p?efcntc0 as t Ijcp b?otigl;t, lucre Dticctable to

, fi^t^c nettmefle anu ttrangeneCft

tenatmces DO occUre tJ;e tntemperaateUe of rijc ap^e ano regiontf-Daritna, foi tljep are pcloUic,?pke Unto tljetti t!;at Ijaue tl;c peloiue gaunDic3,anD alfo fwine : but tbep afcrtbe tjje caufe ljere

of, to tfee bungcr luljicfje tfjep fuaepneo in tpmcs pad. 3! Ijaue

ben auuertifco of tbe affap?es oftl/w ueluc iiio?lDc, not onlp bptljCfc p?OntratOUr0 Oftiaricna, anD Jtncifus, anO Zamtdius, but

alfo bp conference tuirtj S4 w t^e laUiper, U)l)o ran oner a great

part oftt^ofe coaffes: Ipftetopft bp relation of ymccntius.X^.tbc patrone of tfce Q)pp0,anD jtfybtnfns NJ& >ius&&b beingmenofgreat eicpertence,anD tucl trauaileo in rl^ofc pame0,beftoe ma*

npot(jer,of u^oin toe feauemaoe mention inotber places, foj

tbere came neuer anp from tbewce to tbe court, but tooke great

pleaftirc to c erctfie me ofa! djpnge0^rpti;cc bp Uioioe ofmoiulj 01

>pt?prpng, f manp t^pnges tberefo?e tolncbe 31 learneoof

t'jem, 3? fjaue gea^ereo fucb as to mp iungtuent feme mod u>oj*

t'jp to facile tt;em tl;at take oclpte in bifto}:e0. 15ut let U0 IIOUK

oedare iubat folotoD after tl;c commpng oftlje pjomratouw of

to tfc court, tljattfjeweefc goucniourssano linieten^iKes

rp/4 and Fogeda, alfo lobanncf deU Co/Jj(a man offudj reputa* an)f gnat ma*

tion,t&at bp tfje kinge* Ictterja; patentes t)eiaj3 nameD tljc great trftutki.ig*

mauler oftbe kpng* OwpcjOtoere al perpQjet bp mtfcljauncr.*

fttt tbattbofe feme toljtcte petremained aiptte in0ffo*Met cowcntion ano oifco?oe among t(jcm feutes , fo tfct tbep ne i^ eimeuoureft t^cp? Diligence to allure tljofe fpmp'e na

^Wtoour&p^, no? pet Ijau rcgaroe to ftarri;e tljenamrcs

f^oterfgion^ 31n con^ocrationttJtieceof, tbckpngiuag DC-

it terniintO

Bancroft Library.


Page 376: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 377: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

femtfneo totem* a netoe captapr* tbptber, toljicfc tyouto rtffojtant) fet al tOpnges in <POJ ojoer,ano puttbem out of auctbojitte

lubicoebao bfurptotljc inpircoftijofcpioumce0 uwbouttljt

fuwjesfpeeiaU conmiaunoement . ^otWoflftcfjUiaaone??-?r J ^r/ ' s afltgnco,a man ofgK at pjotocflr>anD a citizen ofs*-

&:nuur of o ,u, bllt Mjru UK plOCUMtOllTfif Of Variena (jaD puW?(bfO minc cM'.rre hotucgrwt a matter it uias, aim of luliat moment,nwnp iabouwD cai n:-T(p to ti;c Kmig;,to tofee tbe office out of(jis

bniDcsf : but tlje ^>til?op ofJter^rJb(pf tl;c kpngfi cijcefc cljap-

lipiryinD one of ti/c CoinmiiTtonenai appopntto bp fjpm m tljde

tcrnfcB Ijcrcof, cameinmtcoiatlp to tlje fumy,

je option ofUl

rue ispQjou of to UWerftame (nto!T catljoltquc p?pnce) tljat-UiIjcraa Tetrus J-

tnwuriTttt!' "**# man ofualiant couraje ano gjcat feruice, l;atb offreD Ijim

wujs &u*. felfe to auucnturc Ijts It e in pour maicftics nfif^trcs 3unDer imccr*

tapnc ijope ofpjaptir^no mod ccrtapne pcrp's(,pet rijatnotuutlj*

ftanDpnj, foni: uthcr batic ambiciouflp maitceo bis felicittc anQ

preferment , labouug fo^ tbe office luljerto Ue is elf cteo. 3lt mappleafc ponr grace lierein fo to (IjeU) Inm pourfauour^ano permit

iipm to cm op Ijts faptsr office , as pour maieflie oo knoU)c fipni

to be a UJDO^cbpanDmeeteman foz tbe fame, Ijaupng intpmc

t)art I;aD o^eat experience ofbis pioloeffe ano UalpanmelTe, aO

toe! in beijaitpn$ ()im felfe, at( oioerpng 0:0 fouloiers, as pout:

bpjbneire map tbe betterconfpptr, pf

it iljal pleafe pon to call to

cjettre0of rommfyaunce Ijts ooopnges in t!;c toarres of 3pb?pca, toljerc

be HjeiDCD bun felfe botb a uxfe Captaute,ano aualiant foulotcr

8 conccrnpng bis manners ano bftgcs otbertuapes, tbep are

notbnknolunuo pourmaiedic, unncrU)ljofeUJpno;beliaibof.7

rijplDebenb^oiifrJjt upmtljeCotirte, antjeuerfbunoe faptbtuU

totuaro pour b'.ffunefle . Cdlberfo^c, to Declaremp opinion, un

oer pour graces fauour (U)!jom it batb pleafcD toappopntmeaCommilHoner in tbefe affap^ea) ? tbpnhe it tuere Ungoolp tijat

Jje (boulDe be put from bis office at tbe ftutc ofanp otbrr , efpcd'

aflp Uepng tfj. reto mcpoueo bp ambition aiffl couctoufnttTe, uiijo

percbaimre luouiu pioouc tfrmfrlue* to be rJje lame men in the

office, iftljep ujouiD obtepne u,as tbep noU) fl)cUJ tbem fclues iti

toe ambitious Dcfpipng oftbe fame, COIjen tbe ^iujop ijaD fapQ


Bane r

Page 378: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 379: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fcconfc D&ufc.

fcpnia rfjoufanDeanotUJo(junD?cDrourDtcr0at(,t0c()ar(5e)2(5 ma*

kpng bpm a toarrant to tbe officer* ofbi* Occ&equer5to Delpuet

bpm money in pjeff ft? tbe fame purpofe, fetnuAW tberfo?e

bcpngrijus put in office, ano auctijo?ifeD bptlje fringes letter*

patented tm&er bis Inooe feale, d)ofe a great number of bte

foulmcre! in rtjc cottrt,anDfo DcparceD from rattleto,about tljc

Olcnos ofOctol)er3tn tljc vere. 1 5 1 ^ ,anD fapleo ffrlt to Citule,

bepnp; a uerp rprije ci tic,ano Uiel replenifl;eo iut tl) p eople,U)ljere

bp tbe itpngetf ma a;tftrate0,!jc uias furnpHjcD lut tlj men ana upc*

tualIe0,anD otter ncceflaried partepnpngto fo great a matter:

fo? tfje fepng &ati) in t^tjef citie erecteo a boufc, ferupng onlp fo^

$e a(fap?e0 of rtje 2)cean,to tlje to&t'c&e al rtjep tbat goe o? come


to (be ftpng map be truel? atifu)ereD ofbw cuomc of tbe fpft

par t,botl) ofgoloe anD otber tbpngcaf, as toe baue fapfte before.

1tty$ botife tbep cal tbe boufe of tbe Contracted of/<//. Te*

tinsMM founoe in Cmtlc abcuc ttoo tboufano poung men,tobuche maue great fw'tc to goe tuirtj Ijpm 5!ph elurfe no fmal numberofcouetotUGi oluc men,of t!je tt)bicbe,manp offeren tbem feltiess to

goe toirb bt'm oftbeir olune cljarges luitbout tbe kmg (Tipetme.

But led tbe (bips (Ijouloe be pcttereo tnitb to great a mulwuDe,

oileffuittfMfefljouloefaple tbem, tbe libertie of free paffagetuas; re0rapnt.3f7t toag alfo necreeo tljat no (Iranger mpgbt paffe

ioitbout tbe kpngeis licence* Cftberefoic 3" DOO not a iptle ir,ar*

napie at jtloifats cdamuftus a Venetian, aim nr?pter oftbe IJDOI-

&panpafteg nauigationd : toe tuen t3iue faU)e,lue opo :

be neuer U)ent5no? anp Venetian lame, bttt be dole certapne an>

notations out tbe tb?ee6rff booked ofmp fjnftDecaue, to)?pt-

ten to Caroinal Afiawtu 9 /rci^oWttj,fiippofptig tljat 3! uiouto

neuer battepubfpftjeD tbe fame* 3!t mpgbt alfo bappcntfjat be

came bp tbe copie tberofat tbe bano offeme antbafTaoour of Cte<

wee, (b? 31 baue grauntcD tbe copt'e to manp oftbem, $ tows noe

fnmgvrou0 to fo?bpfc tbem to communicate tbe fame to other.

$otoe ft etter it be, tbca bonett man Jloifi*s Cad*mujl*s fearcn

wt to $*fenge uma^mt^e fnrite of another mans labour.


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tii of $rtcu0


)ftbefmtettttooftbepo?tugale0 (tatycbe fhrefparetooon*

oerful) toberber be bane ui?ttten tb*t lulncb be barb feene (as be

faitb)o? ukrtuifc bereaueo otber men of tbe tuff commenDationa

oftbep? trauaplcs, 37 top! not WDgp, but am content to let bpmIpuc after bis mamur. 3mong; tbe company of tbele fouloicrs,

tbere lucre none em'-urkeo but fuel) as lucre iicecrD bp tbe ktticj,

ercfpt a feu* 31talia,6emic 5\ubo bp rrencfl)?1

; anD fuite tocre

aDmittcD foi tbe 3DtmralIes fake pauno; dlamsfm* anb bep?e

to Cbrijhpborus Colonus, tJ)e fpj It fpnDer Of tbofe !anDe0. Tehuf

jtrias tberfo^e take fl;ipptmr, in tl)e nuer 'Bttis (noto calleD G4-

dalquf ir)runnin3 bp ibc eitic ofCiutle,about tl;e bep^mtpng of

tl;e pecre of b;it(t,i 5 i4But be loofeD anker in an eupl bourc,

foi fuel) a temped fololueD (Ijo^tlp after bis Departure}tbnt it rent

in peeees tuio ofliicj finp3 5anD fo toffco tbe otber, ttjat tbep lucre

cnfir CCD to beaue ouerbooioe part oftbep? upttuallcs to Ipgljten

tbent ^llfuebe as efcapeD, fapIcDbacheagapne to tbe coaiteis

of^papne, U)bcrc,bepno; mtulp rump(beD anD refrefljeo bp tbe

kpnp ofitcerSjtbep lurntfo?luarD on djep? bopage.^be maltec

pploteoftbegouernourstljpp, luai lobanncsycftutius* /lo*

rentine,tbe neuieluofAmmcu* rr/pM*/*/,U)boleftbim as it lucre

bp Dtfcent of in'.jcrttancc^ljcr pcrtence oftbe f^arpners faculttc,

anD knouiIeDge oftbe fca, carDf,anb compafle^But luc Uiere ao^

uertifeD of late upcertapneiubiclje came bomHifttniola, tbat

tbep bao palTcD tbe Ocean luttb mo?e p?ofperott0 luinue:fo? tb t li

marcbaunt fi;j ppe commpno; from Hift*niola> founoc tbem lan

Ding: at eertaine 31lanD3 neere tberabout.But in tbe meane timr,

tobplemp importunate callers tmyGaleacc*s <Butrig&Yi<As,wto /<?-

banner c//Mj,nien(luDioiid bpalmeanestojjratifiepourbolp'

ncfte,ceafteD not to put me in remembrance tbat tbep bao one in

a remnes to Depart into Jta!p,t taneD onlp to carp toitb bimbn*

to pour bolines tbefe mp fapje Nrr</w^ltbougb niDelp Decked,

left 3! QjoulDe bcltolu mucb tpme in Uapnej31 batte let paflemanp

tb:ngs,f U)il reljerfe onlp fucb as feemein mp iuogement mode

luourjp tncmorp taltboupjb fomtobatoifo?DcreD,a0 occaQon Ijnd)

feruco. S>o it 10 tberefo?e,tbat tb^T'trus jirias batb a luife na

meD Helifabttba $oad*lUt bepiigniefc bp dje brorbers fpoe to ti)0

t"*1' ****'

marques of todilU, tobid;e reno?eD tbe citte of Seguti* to fer*.



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tfaktegDome of<afrfle5bp reafoti tofterof,

ep lucre encouraged fp?ft to refpR3ano tJ;cn tarttfi open tuarre

(o aflaplc ana ffputfe tbcl|ao?tugalc$5fo? tbe grrattreafure toW-

ctje kpng $enrp b? orljcr to queene 5>eli(abetb bad geatbereD to*

gcatber rbcre. fcljfe marQuefle , urtiile fl;e luted, DID cucr fbetoe

a nianlp and 0oute mpnDe, botb m peace nnD loarre , fo tl;at bp(er cotmfaple, nwnp noble tbingc nitre taottgbt to gooD effecte

in Cflftile: Uiuo cijta noble luoinan tlje Uipfe cfPctrus jrias tea*

ntde bp ber bjotljfrs fvDe- ^>!jc/ololipng tljc inagnammttic of

Ijcr aunt^percetupno; !)cr btifDauD nouic furnpajpng tjpm fdfc to

Depart to tt;eUnknotoen coaftcs oftOcncluciuoilDf, ano tliofe

large tracts of ! anoc ano fea/paUc tljcfc U)o:Dc0 Uuto l)pm: 99pmoff DeareanoiuelbeloweD btifbanoe^loe ougfjc notnome tofo?*

geat tbat from our poting peered u?c jjaue ben i opneo togeartjer

tuttlj tljcpokc of(;olp matrtmonte,to tlj intent cljat uie (IjotilDe fo

ipue togcaojer^and not afimoer, ourpng tbe tpme ofour natural

Ipfe : toberefb?e fo?mp parf,to Dedare mp affection (;crein, pou(bal tmDerftantie, time Uiljttljcr focuer pour fatall Drflemc QjaU

Djpue pou, eptber bp tbe turtoua toaue0 of tije great Ocean, o?

bp tlje inanpfutOcatD Ijojrt'ble aaungcrs of rijc Ianoe,3I tup! fure

Ipbeare pou companp: t^ere can no perpll cOauncc tonic fa

(attble, no? anp hpnoe ofoeat^ fo cruel!, tfjac 0)al not be vnucbe

eafperfo^meto abpDe, tljento hue fofarrcfcptirate from poiu

37t lucre tmidjc better fo i me to Qpe, anD cptljer to be cad into

tbe fea, to be oeuoureo of tfje fpfyca, 01 on rljc lanoe to t(;e

niba!e0, tljenUntfj continual niournpnganDbcUi^plpna;, toliue

inDea^anoDpelpupng, uiljple 3! confume inlookpngradjct

fo?mpl)u(banDe<Ietter05t^eiifo?(jpnifelfe. ^ijs wmpruloe*

termtnation, not rafylp, no? p?efent!pejccogttate, no?concci^

ucobp rijelpgbtpbamafteof uiomans biapne, but uiuljfonrj

Deliberation anD gooa aDutfement. BoWt(;erefo?e rioofeto

tuljedjer of tljtfc ttuo pou topfl aflent, cptljcrtotl)nt(!epouc

fluooiDe in mp tljiotc, o? to grauntme mp requcft . ^^ fo? dje

rtitoicn toljicij god barb gcncn bo as pledge* of our infcparable

loue(fo?rbepbadfburefomc^, anu as manptua^jters) (bail

not (lap me a moment : let us leaue unto tbcm fucb ffood : an)

roirclTtonssasbaueben Icfcu^ bp our paremcd and frecnBfg,

toterebp r^epnwp Ipuc among t!;e tooo?a;ppfuU oftl;ep^ o?den

H3 tt:i fog


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fig ot&ttttpnge* 31 Cake no can-, COljen tiji* noble matrone of

manlpuertue Uao fiuiiljeo cljcfe tooojoe*, bcr IjufbanDc feepng

t()e eonftam mpnDe ofljis topfe, ano Ijcr in a rcopneflfe to DO ac

cojopug co ber woojoeg, bao no bat t to oenpe bet loupng petiti-

on, but enlacing Oennljtsarmes, commenoeo ber intent,

ano confenteo to bet requetf* ^>(;efolomeo Ijym tljerfo?e, as Dto

Ipficratea ber &/ itkttiatts, tottb l;er Ue^re jtfngpng loofc a'jouc

Ijcr QjoulDerd : fen (be Imteo ber (jufbantJ, a0 DpO Hakcarnajfea of

C4)u i)cr^betng Dean, ano as opo jfrtcmifta ber Afaujolus, CCte

(wuc alfo bao aouertifment Qncc tljcpi oeparture,cbat fljcCbcpno;

bzottji)t Up ad it mereampg foft fctbcrs) Uatlj unrij no lefTe Route

courage fudepneo tljc rojtngc^ ano rage* ofcbe >cean,tben DPD

cptbcr Ijcr bu(banoe, 0.1 anp oftbe ^Darpnerg b^otigbt Up etien a-

mong tbe fottrges oftbefea- But to Ijaue fapoe tljus inuclje Ijcrc<

of,tljt3fl;aurutfife: Ictusnolucfpcakc of otljer djpnges no leflc

Doo^tbp memo^te cijcrfoiCjUJljcrag! in tbe fir (I Decaoe Uie batie

maoe mention ofyincentius /nnezjPin%<)nns,yt njalunoerttanD,

tbatbe accoyanieo Cbrijlopbom Colonus tbe ^onuraUn bts firil

bopage,ano aftertuaroe maoe an otber uopage ofbid oione d;ar<

ges U)ttb onlp one (bpppe* agapne , tbe rp^d peere after tbe DC-

partpng ottbe Captapncs Xicuefa ano t'ogedafa ran oner tbofe

coafleis from Hifpaniola, anb fearcbeo al tbe ^outb fp^c ofCuba,

from tbe Caft co tbe CCtetf,anD fapleo rounoe about tbat JIanD,

tutjtC'je to tbat oap, foi tbe great lengtb tbereof, luas tbougbt to

baue ben part oftbe continent o? 6rmcIanD3altbougb fonte otl/cr

tap tbattbepopp tbelpfce Vincent jtnnez. tberefoje,knon)png

nouie bp erperience tbat Cuba toag an Kanoe, fapleo on further,

ano fmmo otber ianorg (laettuiaroe from Cuba, but fucbe a0 tbe

2omiral bao ftr ft toticbeo . COberfo^e, bepng in manner encotn

paffeo totcb tbts netae Ianoe,tuming (jig courfe totoaroe tbe left

feanoe, ano raOng tbe coaltcs oftbat lanoc bp tbe Cat!, ouerpaf-

Cng Olfo tbe moutbCiS Oftbe gUlfrt OfBeragn*, I'raba. anO Cuibi'

^^,bearrpueoattbetcgionMi()idjein tbe firH Decaoe UK

calico Tana ano Os firaconis, ano entreo into tbe great guifeof

frc U;c luater, lubicb Colonus Difcoucreo, bepng replenpu)eD luit !j

great abmioanee of fpflje^no famous bp rcafon of tbe multuuoc

of 3!lanoes Iping in tbe fame, bepng otttantCafttoaroe from

C*r/44 abou( an Juno^o ano ^irtic mplejJ3 in t^e utyd; tract c,


. :.

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are t&e regions ofCWWH* ano M****}**, i^ic&e aflb to Acfttbooke ofrijefpjftDecaoetoefepotobe reginn* of t&e large

Ujouince of'Pariajtfwt manp affpjme to be tljcgreatetf plentie pcariea,

of t&e beft pearled, and not in Curiana. fcbe kpnges oft&efe re*

gion$ (to&om tljep cal ckiacones, ajs rtjep of Hfianiola cal t&emc/ifObcpng certineo oftljc comnung ofour men, fent certapne

fppcs to enquire urfja t neiu nation luagf arrpueo in tljepi coafte*,

U)ljat tljep b?oup;f;t 5anD toljat tl;cp tuoulo !jaue,ano in tl;c meanc

tpme furnptljco a number of tljep? canoas (tttydje rtjep call c/;/-

f^j)Utb men armeo after t^ep? manner: fo? t^ep toerenoc

a Iptle attonvll;ctj to b cljolD c our Ojippes luulj tlje fapieei fpieaD,

uljercasi tbepufe no faple0, no) can bfe but fnwn ones pf $eptuoulDe^bpreafonofttje naroiunclTcofdjcpjCmoas;. &ttttr

mpng tijerefotf about tbcfiipppe luitlj tbep? Canoas (luljtdje

tuemapUielca! Monoxyla, becauTedjeparemaoeofoneluboIe

tree) tbep fearcD not to (boote at our menjbepng pet U)ttlj in tijeic

(Ijppped) anD kerppng ttjem feluesi bnoer tlje (jatdjeg, a0 fafelp

aspftijepljaDbcnDefenDcD toitO (tone lualied, 15utU)Ijen our

men IjaD ujotte of certapne peeceiai ofo?Dinaunce agapnll tljem, Cl.

ebfe ^lijeptoerc fo oifcomfiteD Uiidj tlje nopfeano ilangfjtertljercof,

tljat tbep mouc tbem fclue^ to flpgljt, Being tbus Difpar eleu,ottr

men djafeo tijem luidj tlje ujip boate9toke manp9 ano Hue rnanp*

caijen tlje fcpnge* bearD tbe nopfe oft&e gumte*, ano uierc cer*

tifteD of tije Io(Te oftjjepj men3tljep Cent ambaffaDouw; to r/'f i-

tiussigM to entreate of peace, fearpng tlje fpopleof tljepj

goooes, ano Detraction of tljep? peoplc,pfour men fyoulo come

alanoe in tljep? UJiatfj ano mrie. ljep iefpieo peace rijerefoie,

ajicoulDebeconicctureobptljep^fipes ano popntpnge* : fo?

ouimenunoerftoooc not one uiooio of t&ep? language, ^nofb?

toitb tti?ee tljoufanDe oftljofe toepgbtc0 ofgoto t&ac tlie ^>panp=

aroe* ca!I Ctjlellanum Jureum, ujljiclje tljep commonlp call Ve-

lum. aifo a great barrel oftiioo&fu! ofmotte ejcceHnit mafcu*

line jTranKencetife,tteig!)ing about t\joo tboufanoe ano fire bum

tyeo pounooi toeig^t, after eigbt ounres to d^e pounoe :u*ot*

bpd)epKnetoed)atdjat lanoe bwugljt fooitl) great plemie of trrn..t ?r r ,ihia.

fo^ djere is; no entercourfe of marrijaunoies

mljabitaunteg of?4r/4 ano tlje &*bean$9 being fo



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fern trf(!ant,tobetag rtfo tfcep oftori* fcnotoc noting toftfcwt

ffcepjoHmccoaftea. ffiKttb tbegotoean&y rankencenfc u^icfoc

tbep pjefemcD to our men,tl)ep gaue tljetn alfa a great mulctCUDC

tod to fetiffte top? pjefent neceffitic, as alfo to carrp toxcjj djem

tmo&papnefo;ifncreafe,lpkU)pfe cmapne carpettes, couct'

letces, table dote, ano bangpngs, maoe of(Sottampme Dike,

findp u>jout$c after a Orange D:uice,tDttt; pleafant ano uariablt

colouca, baupng goloen beUe0,ano fucb otljc r fpangfc* ano pen<

ttauntesf, aa tie SKalnnscaU Sonagbos, ano tf;c &panparoe*Ctfctutlcs, dangpng at tl^e purfleg tfeerof. ^I)ep gae tljem fur*

^ermo^efpeakpngpoppngape^ offuno^p colours, agmanpa*C^ep tooidoe alke: fo? (n X


dr/4 tljcre ts nc IcfTe plentte ofpoppn*

gape0^en Wit\) U0 ofoaueis o? fparoiwa. Clnn'oabitanta of tljcfe

region^Ootl; men $ U)ouicn,arc appareiko uiitlj uelhtrcs mace

ofgoflamptne cotton, il;e mcH to tbc kneeig,ano tfjc uiomen to

tty calfe ofdje Icggc.^tjefaiion oftljcpi apparel ts Outpie ana

plapne, muc^e Ipke unto tbe ^tirkcg : but tljc nieus f g Doullc,

ano quiUeOjlike tljat luljiclj tljc Curkcs bfe in tlje toarres. ^;fje

Hair* fa PW^ of^yw arc rulers but fo? one pcere : bot tl^ep? aucto?itte

one pew? w no letTe among tbe people botlj tn peace ano uxirre, tl;en t^

$aucto?ttic ofon)er hpngs m tbofe regions, ^etr utllages are

Sife SSona ^'DeD "l compafle, along bp tljc banket ofal tljat great gulfc.*

JTpue of tljep? ponces came to our men Uittfj tfcepj piefentc^

tofjofe named 3! tl;ongbt Uioo^tbpto b: put into bt(to;ie,in re>

immb^ance offo notable a ttqtyCfoaMif cbuwch* (tljat 10,

cch*,foi o)ep cal pjuicea o? Uingts cbi


ano cbtacorns potto, dje gulfc bepng firft founo of rtje 9lDnural

Co/o//j,t|)ep cal <M 2S^sff4m,becaufe be entrco into tbe feme

in tfce Dap of ^ natuittte ofC^ift, but at tljat tune Ije onlp palTcn

bp it unrljotrt anp further (earcbpng , ano B4M in $e ^>panpfl)C

tongjOgnrfiedb a gulfe. &Hbe Vmccntw ban tto maoe a league

toitbtbcfep?incej5,folclu)'ngl)taappopmeo courfe, be founoc

manp regions totoaro p au%Defoia;c bp reafon ofO(uer0 flooo^

ano ouerfloujpngfi of luatcrg : alio manp (lanopng pooled iii m<

uew placw,ano tbofeof ejcceeotnglargenefle. ^)t ceadeo not ta

fblotue tbu3 tracte3 bntpl (e came to tl;e popnt o^ cape of tljat

;, The decn :

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Tnefeeon<!e<!eca<!, &moftlong tonne. fcbt's popnt feem etb ad tbougb ftliwto nrattrriie mount /ft/*/ in jtpknca : fo? it pjofpectetb totuarw rbat partafapb?tfotobtcl) tbe 19ojtugales eal CapMt fan*^HMkQJpopntes o? capes oftbe mount ^/4>,are rougb ano feuage,neereUnto tbe fea. be cape ofSow* s/fTanza , o;catberetfe t^tit anofoure Degrees oftbe feoutlj pole, caHeo t^e pole antartike, but

tbat popnt onlp fcuen Degreejet, 3! fuppofe tbw Iawe to be ftat,

tobitbt 31 fpnoe in oloe lu?pters ofCofmograpbte to be caUeo tbe

great 3!Ianoe artantike, taritbout an? further Dedarpng eptfccr ^e gtt t j4cf tijc nutation, o? of ifee naxiue tljcrcofc tanf ntunui

The eight bookc of the ftcondc DC cade, ofthe fuppofcd continent,

il[)en 3fobn tbc fct'ng of ^o^mgafe U'ufir,

tobiri;eUw8p]fDfcc(Tour toljtm tijatnoluc

raignedj, tbere arofe a great contention betfnrtfflfrimi fc

ftoccnc tbc Ca(lilian0 auD tijc ^(ugales, nneSfC?as concernpngtbe Dominion of tbefcnetoe Jj

fbunoe ianaea, ^be ISo^tugalw, becaofe

ti;ep tuere tl.ie fp?H tljat Dtirrt attentpc to

fearcbetbeCcean Icafpncctbenicmojicofman, a(finneD rijac

iltljenauigations oftbe Ocean, ottgbt toparttyncto tbcmon*

!p. trbe Calriltans argue o on tt;c contrarp par t,tljat tutjatfocucc

6oD bp tbe miniftrarion ofnature Ijatlj crcatco on tbe eanb,t0atf

*t tbe beg]mnpng commonamong men, ann tbat it is tberrfo^e

lauiful to euer? man to poffclTc fucb lanDs as are tmpoe ofCb?i*

Cianinbabiumrs. cZlbple tbe matter teas tbns tmcenapnelpeocbatcn bod) parties agreeo tbat tbc comronerfie fliouloc be oe

rpDeo bp tbcbpfljopofKomc, ano pligbteo faptb to (tanotta

ftis arbitrement* ^be Kpngoome of Cafitiefoaa at tbat tpmegoucracD bp tbat great queene Hehfabctb ujith ber luilbanD : fo?

tJjeKealmeof Caftrle urns ber oo^ie, ^bealfoanDtijekpno;

cfl|Do?tuga(e, toere cofpn germanes oftluo fpftcrs , bp reafon

toijereof, ri;eDiircmtonU)asmo?eeafpIppaciSeo, BptbeaOent

tberfbje ofbotb parties, 3Iejcan&er tbe btfbop of Uomc, tbe. ttof ctrt bi/fcop of

tbat name, bp rbaucttwitK of fr* Jeaoen btt!l,u?ete a rigbtipae

. Th* decad

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iflttttiMriMtyiit, o? C^WKT^, totcbin tbe compaOe of tljis fpne (altljoujfo

fome oenpe it) falletb tbe popnt oftbid lanne tobereofUK baue

fpoken,tobicbe tbep cal u$ut Sdntti jiuguftini, otbertopfe caKeo

Vromontorium SanHijtuguftini, tbat 13, faint 3ugufline0 Cape 0>

popnt : and tberefye it id not latoful foi tbe Caftilians to fatten

^iote in dje begpnnpng oftbat lano. VmtnXus jnncz. tberefoje

neparteo from tbettce, bepng amterttfeo oftbe inbabttanted,t!jat

ontbeotberfpoeoftbebpgb moantapned totoarDe tbe feourlj,

Iping before bid epe*,tbere ina$ a region calico cwwki.tobieijc

biougbt foitb great plentie ofgoto e, Of ccrtapne captiued ui'ji-

cbe be tooke intbeplfe of ^nXtoljicbc certapne^ partepnetb

to tbe dominion ofCadile) be b^ougbt fome uritb bim to ffifl*

mo/*, ano leftdjem luiclj tljepoimj 3Dintrall to learncourto

guage ; but b e bpin fclfe rcpapieo to tbe court, to make earned

mite to tbe kpng, tbat bp bid fauour be mpgljt be gouemour of

ftant from HifptnioU onlp.ricU Jeaguetf)becaufe be tuas; tbe fp?d

finoerofgotoemtbac 31(anoe. Before rifi^m^efuitefo?tljia office, oneDon Cljndopber, a po^tupjale^tbe fonnc oftbe

countte itoajpOMl goiiernour oftbe 3lanD, tubom tbc<a<

ntbales oftbe orijer 3I!anDC2i 0ur,tmtb al tbe Cb^fftanmen tijac

mere intbe fame, except tbe BiOjop auo bt'0 familier0, tuljicbe

fieo ano njpfteD fo? tbem felued,fo^faitp;ta; tbe cburcbe ano ai tbe

o^twmentes tbereof : foj pout boIpnelTe batb confecrateo fiuc bp*

^P 2; *n* e 3IianDsi^t tbe requeft oftbemod catboiiquc king*

a regider jTrper oftbe o^oer offaint jrrauncid, is bplbop. 3Cn tbe

totome ofConception, Doctoi Petrus Xutm offieza , ano in tbe

!UmDeof(amt3lol)no? Vwicbcn*, jflpbonfa Aftnfa alicencu

ate, being botb obfimwmted oftbe tnflitutton offaint petrr. ^Ije

fburtb id ^Trper H5aniaroe of\ffftt a man ofnoble parentage,

bo^ne hi Toledo, a pjeacbet, $ bilbop oftbe 3IlaiiDc ofCuba. i)e

8ft id lohvmes Cabedus, a frper pjtcacber, lubom pour Ijolpncflc

annopnte5miniOerofCb?idc, to teacbetbeCbjtlHanfaptb &

mongcbemliabitamedofZ)4r/>4, ^beCantbaleafljalllioitlpe

repentgem, ano tbe blooo of ourmenfljalbcrewengco , and

fooner, bccaufe tl;at feojdpafter cftcp tao commpttcQ

~ Bancroft


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Page 395: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


tfcfe afowtfaable flaugfcter of tar tmn, ttep came agrtpnefawn

to our mm, a no ate ()pm, anD al Old fnnuJp, utterlp fubuerrpng

jjis trillagCjbpon tin* occafion,tbat uiolatuig rijc laui ofOoffage,

tje Ijao flapnc feucn ambalcs U)ljtdje toercleftiwtbbpmbp

compofuton to make ccrtapne Canoad, Dcc.nifctlje 3lanoeof

5/iwf/i lobannis beared) greater trces,<mD aptcrfo^ tljatpurpofe,

tijen Dotl; rtjc 3Jlano of 5rfw^' o^rije cbeefe ijabttatto of tlje Cambalcsf . ljcft Cantbale0 pet remapnpug in t!je JIanD,ccrtatne

ofour men faplpng from Hfiamola, djaunccD bpon tljem. ^Tlje

tbvng bipiig DitDcr(Toooc bp tijc interp^ecour^ our men qttarel*

ling luitl; tbcm.anD calling rijcm to acrompt foi njat nnrdjcuoutf

oeeoc^ep immeDiatlp outctco tijcp? bouic^ ano ucnemouo a*rotuesi againft tljcm , ann tuittj cruell countenanced rijjeatne^

tfjem to be qttict, led it (^ouloe repent tljem of tl;cpi commpngthptljer, fiDur menfcatpngtfjepiDcncmousarroUJos (fo^tljep

mere not p?cparco to rpgbOgaue tljem fcgnejsi ofpeace. Bepn^kmaimDeotobp tljcp Dertroptorijc bpllage,anotote t&efcinp;

teas luidj 1)13 famtltc, djep anfttereD,tbat tljcp rafeo tljc Upllage,ano nit tlje fepng tottb IJIB familte in peccetf, anD ate t!;cm in tljc

reuenge oftljep? feuen Uioo^kmen : ano tljat t(;cp ftao maoe fag*

gottea oftijepjboneg, to carp tOem to tlje uriues anD rijtloicnof

rijcv?flapneUJOo?Kcmcn5 in tuptnefte tijattljcboopcssof tbcpj

tjufbanoe^ ano parente* lap not Unceuengeo, anD tbcrcuntlj

fiicincD rije faggottesi ofbones to our men, ni)o bepnga(bmpIbro at tjjep? fierceneflfe anDcrueItte,luereenf(^ceoto Diflcmble

the matter, ano botoe tfjep? peace, quarellpng no furt!;cr toit^

tijonat tljat tpmc, ljcfe anD fud)e otijer ttjpngrg Doooaplpd)auncc ,tbe tubicbe^I DO let palfe,le(l 31

ujpulooficnDe tije eared

of pour bolpnefle uittb fuel) bioooop narrations, ^bus baue toe

Mcientlp otgrefleD from tbe region* Maagua anD Viabate*

png t^e djeefcU funoatictw of our purpofe. C&e tupll noto tber*

ft^entrcatefometobatof rije largeraCfe ami Deaptb offte rp*ucra ofI'rab* : alfo Declare botb lubat tbep anD the lanDes ta?btdj

tljcp runnc tb^ottgb DO l^png foo?tb : lpke\upfe oft^e greatneOefif tbe lance from tfte aft to rije MJe(l,mD oftlje b?eaDrij tfcere*

ffrom ttic^outi) to 4eJ*m% anD toJjac ttyw opinion ana


. ~'h rt deca ies. i

Bancroft Library.

Page 396: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 397: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The (econde decade,

tt>nto^begpn at ttjc netoenamed, toberimtlj tfce >panparoe0 Ipue n#meD tbefe pjoutnce* ,fpnce t(jep tuere totter ti;c Dominion* of tt;e

The nicnth bookc ofthe fccond Dccadc,ofthe fuppofed continent,

~Fr4g4tberfoje tljep caflea c*]MUit ig^golDcn Camle , anD Vraba tl;cp na<

ft JncUlufta noua, tbat 10, MfcC 3nDalU'

Ga, $nb Ipke a0 of manp ilanoe* U)btd;e

tbfp fllbDUCD, Ojcp djofe HifpanioU fin dje

cbecfe place of tljcpj habitation : fotn the

jlarge tracte ofTana, tljep appopntco rijtpi

colonie e? biDmg place in tlje tiuo regions of t'raba anD $fragu*t

t^atalfudjcas attempt anp uopage0 in tljole eoaOe0, maprefo?Gtoti;em,a0 tofafepo^tc0 to be rrfrcfljeD trijcn tbep are

toeertc o? D^.pucn to neccnttie. 91 our fccDc0 anD plantcs Do notu

martieplouflp mcreafe in rr^j^pkciupfc blaDe09(ette0,flippc0)

fee fruitful* gtafffa, fuger canc0, anD fudjc odjcr a0 are bioiigljt front otOcr

cuoofraba.placc0 to tl;ofc regions, a0 alfoibeattc* anD fouie0, aslucbane

fepo before:O maniep!oit0 fruitefulnefff . ^toentie oapetf aftec

c^e feeDc 10 fatten, tbep gcatfjer rppe cucumbers,anD fudj Ipbc,

buc<CoIluoo?tcs 513eete0, Icttuf^l^o^ge, irerppc tuulwitfje

fpace Qftenoape0 6ouroe0, ^clones, a?io pompion0,uiitfj:ncue rmttf ftii* ^g fyace of.jcruut -Dape0. <Dariia Ijatb manp natiue (ree0 ana


fruitc0,of Diuer0 kinD05 toitlj funDjp taflc0,!t Ijolfcme fo? ibe ufe

ofmen, oftlje lut;idj J l;aue tliougijt it gooD to Defcribc certame

of tljc bcft. ^bep nourpfbe a tree uibidie tl.iep

bearetb a fruite mud;e rcfcmblpng rije KinDc ofCitroi

are commonlp calico tnwone0, of tatle fomUibata)arpe,niprt

toitb ftoeettne&$:bep iintte a^fo abunDance ofmat ofptnetrce*,

anD great plcntie ofDate trce0,lubicb beare fruite0 bigger iljcn

tbc Date0 t^at are hnoiuen to be^bi.t tf^ep arc not ape to be eaten

fbj tbep? to mueb fotojeneffe, JffltlDc^ barren Date trees grotu

oftljem (Hue0 in funbjp place0,tlic t?.^ rues urfjerofrljep i>fc foj

bcefome05anD eate alfo rt;e foftues of tbe fame. GttarauansbtiiQ


Page 398: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 399: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fcconde decade,

frufte & bpgge a# pome Citrons 3T bere ijs anotfttt fret tttueft

Itketoacbetrnuttree, luboferhute is like to tl;c bigger fojre of

fpggjbepngbolfomean&ofpleafant cade. Af*>m,i0anotbcrtree tbac bjingctb foj tlj finite ag bpgge aa an o?ange,m Me no*

fting inferio? to tbc bed kinoes of^clones. Guanantla, bearetfj

4 frutte lefle tJjen aitp of d;e otbcr,but offtoeete fauour like fpicc,

ID ofintertable tadc. Houos is another trce,tol;ofc frtu'te Ootlj in

ty ape ano tade (0 mtirlje Iphc to puuieg, but fomelubat logger:

tt}fp are furelp perftDaDtu tljat tbi is tljc Myrobalanc tree'.lje(e

groluefo abunoantIpinH///'4io/4, tljat tbe !)ogge0 arefcDDc

luttb tbcfrtucc tl)crof,as U)itO mall among b& ^(je boggcs like

tbiskpnoe offeenpng fa tod, tljat tofjcti tljcfc fhtttes toa.re rtpf,

tlje fu)inebearD0 can bp no meancg kecpe tljem out oftlje UKJOD )J

of tljcfc trees, bp reafon tobereof, a great multmine of tljem are

10 ofmucbc better carte ano mc?e toljolfome t^en mutton : fb? it of better

tenottobeooubreD, buttbattjitieriskmoegi of meatesiDoocn*

gt noer funo^p tafleg ano qualitiea in futfj a^ are iiourifljeo trjet*

tottb^e mod puiflant p?tncc fmi/ Wj,oedareD tfjat be ban

eaten ofanotfoer frutte b?ougbt from tfjofe lanocs, being fiUl of

fcales.tottb Uepes, mttctj Ipke a pineapple in fourme ano colour,

but in tenocrnes equal to nidoto pepons,anD in tadc ercceopntj

xl gr-ocn fruited : fo? it is no trec,but an bearbe3muclj like Unto

an arrijidjokCjOj jfi-antbo: lje king bun felce gatte tbc diecfed

connnenoation to tbi& 31 bane eaten none oftbeft fruits : tbi ofa

great number uiljicb tljepbjougbt from tbence,onlp one remap*

neobncomiptco, tijeotljer being putnueobp reafon of tbe long

bopage. 31 fucbe a0 battc eaten oftbem netolp geatbereo in tbetc

nattue fople, oo marueploudp commenoe tljcpj fueetenefte ano

pleafaum tadc. bepupgge alfoput

of tbe gi-ounoe certapnc

rootes grotopng oftbem feluesi .torjidje tfjcp call Bctatat, mucbc

Ipkebnto tbe nauie rootea of ^Jfane, o? tbc^rcatpufreaoj

nuid^onics of tbe earrb* Cpotofocuer tbep be o?eirs cptljec

frpe&ojfoDUe, tljcp geue place to no furije kpnoe ofmeate in

pieafam tenDcrnes,die fkinne is fomtubat tougber tljen cptbec

tlje nauieg o) mullromw, anD ofeartbp colour, bat tbe iraift

tneate fbcrof is ucrp toljtte : Qjcfe are nourifljeD in garocnM*

^bep are alfo eaten ratof,



Page 400: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 401: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

^ .

*****tbeufc ofratof Aelbnitflf, bat arefirni^ttfttnkg

topIno\D2tl)crefo?cetttretcof t'jpnge? fencitiue.

anaaefolate paSures oftbefc region*, are inhabitedmo Deitoiu

ifon0nto wo oftoptoe ana terrible beaffe*,* lto^ ^pgpw, anu fuc^i

ptbecmonftew aiUJenQUiEfeiaU)ev anDfiaueben^ftcibro of

oldeauctouwmtpme pat. Buctbcrete (licctoHpoiiebeatreti.Mortngc

geiidjed bete,fn lulj icb nature l;a cl; enaetnurw to fyetu Ije c ctra

npng: ^(jjlbealli0a0 bj><y$ea3n$]ce, armen uitt{j along

Oiouce Ipke^n ^Cifpljant, ann pet in dep Ijaat , of cbe coloac of

an o;e,and pec no o;e, toit ti tlje I; aoft ofa ljoifc,ano pet no baife,

luityeareafalfamucl;efpkebntoan (glepijant, but not fo open,

no^ fo mud) Ijangpno; Doume,pet mtscbe UJPDCC tijen tbe eared of

anp orijcr bead. "SDf tlje bead inljtdj beacetb bet ti^elpetf about

toitfj Ijcc in I;cr fecono bellp as ttt a purfr(bernj ftno\u:n to none

ofdje olDe Ui^pter0)li bauc fpokcn tit cl^c fp? ft D:caoc, lu!)irg |Daub c not to Ijauc come to tljc banner of pottr boipnelTc. let us

notoe cljercfo^e Declare toljat rcltetlj of tljc floJDDC^ attu rpucru

tottfj a narolu cljan?!, fcarcelp able to beare tbe Canoaei 01 Ltp>tew oftljac p^otttnce,ano runneti) b? ti;e btlfejc iuljerc tbep djofe

tbcp^oujenpng; place, but tbc rpnectn tbe cojtner of r(je gtilfe

tu jiclj 2 toe fapoe tbat T^/^M; palTeo bp,tb cp fotmoe to b e.icrtiiu

furtojigejEi in b^eautb (toljiclj tbep caU a !eague)at> ofejtceeDpng

Deaptbyia ofttoo bul^eo cubtt^faHpng into tbe ffulfe bp oitier

moutlje0.^bep Tap tbat tl)i$ rt'tter fal'ecb into tbe gulfe ofVrab*.

falletb into tbe fea liDamifte, ano Ni/^ into tbe feaof Cjppt,

Uiberefo^e tbep named it Gnndisdw ia,great : mljtcbe alfo tljep

crocobtu i affpime to nourplbe manp ano great Crocomie0,a* ^^ olDimt*

a (er tcUifie otl^fus, ana cfpcct'alfp as 31 bauelearncDbpfjc*

3j ujaa (em Jlm'jairbour to tbe ^>ouloancof fllcap? ,ac tbe com*

maunoemcnt ofthe mod catboltquc fepng. CSJIjat 3! map tljrre*

fo^e geatbec out oftyc urptpnge* offo manp learned auctbour*

80 concernpnj toe rtucr ofi^lur^ knotoe not: fo? tbep Tap tbat

naturebb geuen ttuo rpuers* of tbat name to toatertbe lanoe,

toyctjectbe^topl t&cm tof^pngoutoftf;? mouwtapnejJ of tbe


Lden. The decades,f

jBancroft Library.



Page 402: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 403: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The fccon<k DccaJe.

faQ)ttmfa.tilbat Q>a!ttefap in ft* place <t>frbat Nik; fnegpptc^m


/i, paflpng unoer f equinoctial fpne,among tbepj martteplot*

moone, ana tbat itisianotOer c^anelofx\//j,brcaufett^tngcff)

fimfc CrocoDilea, tubereaa it frtb not ben reao befoje time, rtjat

anp otljer nucr nourtftjeo Crocooile0 fdtunp; oirip i^lui. ^fjis

niter tlje ]3o?tugalcs( cat Seneg*. Jc runiuclj tlpugtj tljc region

on rije S>out!) fpne ftnoie ano rouglj. Crocootlcs are alfo engem .

o: CD Ijercin . CClfa t fljal toe tben Tap offljw tljtroe ^ pea 3} mapuiel Cap t\)t fourtlj : foi 31 fuppofe tbcm alfo ta be CroccDrteflf3tobt*

cijc Co/9'jttj toitlj bw companp founrijdrmcD uiiclj fcalesi as bamas> fijcllcs, in tbe rptter cafleu VtUiartor, toberoftoe bone manemention before,&bal toe fap tbat tbefe rpuerg ofvaricn* aifo and

r^/'j , baue tbep; original from tbe mouncapneg oftbe moone,tulicraa thep fp?png out oftbe nejcc moiuifapnesi, anu can bp no

ntcanea Ijauc tlje (atne original ttottb ^'/f in Cgppt, o? tbat in

N/gn/4,0? ela tbat in tbe fepngnome ofMelmda&m tubence fa

cucrtijep areDcrpueO) to!jerea0 tbe&otber '(aguicljauefapDe)

fpiing out oftbe nejcc mmtntapned^tobicb niut'De snotfjer ^outbffij toitb no greatoiftancefrom tbe Bo?dj Ocean, tabercfojte,

it appeared) bp erpen'ence offucb aa bane trauaileo tbe IDO?!D in

our tpme,tbat otber tuacers befpoe tbe n'uer ofNilus in gvpt,

map Ivkciupfe b^png fpo?tbCrocoDilea". 3In tbe Slfcirpfljea alfo

ano fennea of tbe regions tfiParima, are fouiiDc great plcrn

tteofpjefanreaan^l^eacoda^ (but not of uariaWeco!om#)

iDitijmanpe otber kpnbea of bp?z>ea anD fbulca bnlpKe bnro

wtra, afojel apt to be eaten, aa alfo to oelpretbe earea ofmen

U)i;[) pleafauntnopfe . 3$nt our &panparoc0, becmtfe tfccp

ptngapeaoffun^pfepnDea nre fottnUecbatteringineljegroueiJ

are fome

r't Library,


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Page 405: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


The feconJe Decade.

DewDe:^intbera(eoftlji0Iai^iaiiDe,c^irjbpmfaftbjougbtano frnt to tbe courtea great mmiber ofeuerpkpnDe,aJia Ifc^^ali m it ^n-*--* -* ^ * ^^- - - ^ >^ ^^ *- i fcipeiD^tajemiwiflwunnu 102 autDepeopie tooctyUDe* anDate

pet Daplpb2ou5fjt in like manner. $bere renwpnctb pet one

coiif rmng to* to {#ue cljaunceo into tbe\WK* of Cwirt o? Lmic4en oue(h

10 fopoe cftbe bcnne tbben fte feetb ber potmg d)pdten inunap.cue bira*t& peo in totoe 02 date. bcb?eawbofil)atIanDffromtOe>5o2tb

^cean to.**

fou^ ***> ls onlp Cre Da?es IoumcP>bP relation of


riuergontbeonefpoe, ano outbeotberfpoctbenarotontOe of

tbeiano?,b#mgme into fucljc Doubt botoc ttcan cometopalTe,

tfcae in fo Iptle a fpace of tb?ee oape0 iournep, mcafurpng from

tbcbig!) toppcgof tboft moutuapnes, 31 DOO not Uaoerdanoe

|H>U)e fo manp ano fo great rpiicrs map bauc recourfe Unto iljig

J2ojtb fea : foj it i0 to be tbougbt>tbat ae manp Do floUi totoan

tbinbabitamci oftbe foud; ;efe riuers of / >^u are but fmal!,

in comparifon of manp otljcrin rijofe coafte* : fo? tbe ^>panparocs Gip ,tbat in tbetpme ofCo/o; ,tbcp founy

anD paffrD bp an

otber riuer after t ljis,ia{jo(c guUe fallpng into p fca,tijcp affinne

to be Utle Icffe tben a IjnnDieo mplcs in ti;e fpjft coafte0 aSTaria,

toppcg of Ij 13!) moumapnr toub fo fopft ano furioua a courfc,

tbat bp tbe uiolence ano greatnrift tbereof, it oipuetb backc t!>e

fca,alfl;ouglj it be rougb $ enfb^reD ttxtb a contrarp topno. l;tp

al afllrmc Ipheiuvfc, tbat in al tbe large tracte tbtro^ep felt no

(buj)eo^ fait Uwter, but tbat aO tbetoatcrtnais rrecfl)f,fujcctc,

anoapt tobeD2unke. binj0bitam*e*cafi djwrpuer Ma*?

nonum, ano tbe region* aDtaccm to tbe fame, M<ai4un&A\, c*-

tnamorusM Tancora : bcfpDe tbofe riuert tt^tdjc 31 bauc na

Gw*. t^ep Uibidj oflatt baue feardjca

ibofe coades, i^ue fixinDe manp otber. Drliberatpng tbero

The decades^Bancroft Library.

Page 406: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 407: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


iurototftnft ncarebntotbe feaonborb fpfte*, fjattrfucfje great

!j olotoe cauesi en Demies offuel) capacitie, ano from U)lj. ncc t!;ep

are fplleo, to cart foonl) fucbe abur.Danee ofmater: bereofalfo af

&png tbem tbe opinions of tbe mbabiraunte;?, tbep aflfirme cbemto be ofDiners iuDgementcs fjerein , alleaging fp.ifl dje greatne*

oftbemountapncstobetbccanfe, luljtcljc tijcv fep tobeucrpe

l)igb,U)!)icbc tbpng alfo Co.W; tbe firff fpnDer thereofaffirmetb

to be true, aDDpng thereunto that tljc paraotfe ot pfe.ifttre is in

rljc tops oftbofe niountaimes toljicljc appearc from tbe (jultc of

PJTM at Oi 'Draconis,<is be is fuKp pcrfujaDco. (Kp agree tberc*

fbictijat rtiere are ojeat eaurs uncbin tljefe niotmt-ipnes , but it

reffetlj to can^pccr front Uiljcnce tlieparc fyllc&.'Jftficrfaeal cl;c

riticra offreinc njatcrs,bp tbe opinion of innnp, Do fo floiue out

of tlje fca, ass Diptten ano compclleo tb?ouglj tljc palTafresf o^**' ftfc

pQ?e0oftijeeartU 3 bv tbe portocrouaiuepcrjjtoftljefeaitfelfe,

aatDefeet{)einb?eahcfoo?tboftbcfp^n3es? ano Dtrectctljep?

courfetotbcfeaagapne, tben tip tOpng is Ictfcto bemaruep*Ifu at bere,tbcn mother places: foi loe fjauc not reaD tl;at in

anpotber place, tujofudje fctisiianccimtronctianp lanDc U)f) Cj, c ,anbf rt,

fonarotoelpmpttC3:fo? it bad? on ibe rptjbtfpDc tbe great Oce* tioreb

an,U)Ijere tbe funne goetb DOUJIIC en tljc left banoc , anD anotbettum

on rbe otber fpoc tobere tbe fuime rpi e tl),no t! IPHQ; mfenour to tbe

fyidein greatnefle, fo? tbepfuppofe it tobemprteanotopiteaas al one tuitb tbe fea ofCai 3!nm. ')ia lanoc tberfo^e bcpwj .

fcurDcneo uiitf) fo great a uupgbt on tbe one fpDr, t on tbe other,

(pft(;is opinion be ofanp value) is nif^KCDiofiualctDcUpfud)

oeuoinreD Uiater0, and a^apne to cad fooubtbe fame in open

fpiingea and nreamcg . But pfme tlall Denpe tljat tbe eartfc

Dialect bnmours of tbe fea,anD agree tbat tAi fountapnes o?

fp?pnge0are engentyea f tbe conuerfion o? furnpug of ap^e

into luater,mUillmg untbin tbe boloui placrg oftbe mountaines rm ttic w-

( tbe mo!t part tbinke)toe uipli gcue plaec ratbcr to tbaiict')o<

ntte oftbem luljicbe ftpcke to tiiofe reafontf, tljcn tbat our u'tifc

10 (atiffietj oftbe fill traf ti; thereof. $>et Do 3! not repugne>tbat in

fome caties of mountapne*, toater is turned into ap^e : fo? 31

niee felfe bane feene, boU)c in tbe enure ofmanpe motmtapnexft &papne, in manner fliou^ea of rapne DO fail connnuaUpe,no tyat ttn toatet geattereo bp ftfe mewiw, ootOtoefoo?di

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.

Page 408: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 409: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feeomfc Decade*

mtepnt riuets bv rije fpued of tbe mountapne*, tofjeretoftft all

fiicbc creed ad ate planteD on tlje fteepe oj footc of tljc inountap*

ned,auined,oliue trcef,anDfucljcot{;cr,ate U)atereD5 anDtl)te

e^eciaUp in one place : ad ttje rigljt Ijonojabie LoDouiUe tlje

CarDinalonragome, motfobfequtoudtopourljoJpncflc, anD

ttoo other bifyopd of3!ta'p,toljereofcf)e one id s^*" <Patulonut.

anD tljc otljer an 3rcljbiuj>op(toljofc name ano title 3i DO not rt>

member) can beareme untncfle : fc j tuljen toe lucre togeacfjer at

Granata, latelp DcUucvco from clje Dominion oftlje ^oo^ed) ano

tealttefc fo? our padpme to certaine pleafam lji!Ica(bp dje tnljtdje

ctjfre r.innc a fap^e rpucr) tuljtlc Cardinal ioDouthe occuptco

bpm felfe in Qjootpng at bpjDcd tubicljc lucre in tlje budjed nccre

unto tbc rpuer,3! . tbotljer tluo bifijopd DctcrmwcD to clime tlje

ittoumapnes, to fearc^e tlje oitginal ano fp?png of tlje rpuer : foz

toeluere not farre from tfjc topped tljcreofc jfolotopng tljcrfb^e

ri)e cottrfe of tlje rpttcr , tue founoe a great cane, in u>l)ic(j luag a

continual fa! of uiarcr, ad ttljao ben a (bottic ofrapnc, tljc Uia-

ter lubcreof , falipng into a trcncljc maoe luttlj mans lj<inDc,cn-

creafetlj to a rpucr, anti runnctb ooumc bp tt;e fpoed of tljc moun*

tapncs. lje Ipkc r'd alfo fccne in tljia famous fofrne of /-'allado*

/rKtuljere luc noUic foioiirne)in a ccrutnc greene clofc,ttot pal!

a furlong Didant from tljc mailed of tljc toUine. 31 graum tljcrc^

fo?c, tljatin certapncp!acc$,bp conueruon ofti;e apnc Dcauie in-

to umtcr,urit!jtn tljc caued offucbe mountapnes, manp fpiingea

ano rtucra arc cngcnD.ien: bat 3! fuppofc tbat nature mad not for

Itcitatctcbjvngfonjib furijc great ROODS bptljidfofmall inDu

(Inc. ^UJG rcafona tlirrfaicDofouiiDebelttompiuDgcmcm:.he oftm f.n or ujljerr

ftl;e one is,tljc often fal ofrapne : tl;c oti'er, dje continual

autume ? rpjpngtp;neU)bici) id in t&ofe rcgions,beingfo nccrc

tpmc unto tljc Equinoctial, tljat tbc common people can pcrcciue nc


Difference bcttoeenc tije lengtb oftlje Dap anD tbe upgbt tt)?ougf)-

our all tlje pccrc, ui! ere as Ujefc ttuo fcafona are moje apt to erv

ginDcrabunDance ofrapne, tben eptljcre)ctremctoipnter,o?fcr.'

ucut fc-mmer, 3n other reafon in cflvct muclj like Unto tljc tp?ft,

hf pojifl of**MM 3iftbe fea be tui ofpo^ed^nD ti^at bp tbe po^cg tberof^e*

the rra, AMD t\\t ing opcncD bp tljc fotitb UipnDed, tue fljal confcm tbat uapourdcomp ujpnue. xtj^ bpj thereoft&e taaterp riouDed are engenD^eD,

lanDe muUnecned be mopfteD toity

L^g^j^^\Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library,

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Page 411: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The ftconJc Dccacfc. &tter, pfitbeaa narotoeaatbcpfap, tt>emtironrt toirf; (too

nwpiurfcagconatcraflpljcatpjigonttiefamc: botijfoeuerit be,

3! can not but gene crc&ite to fbe report of fucbe too?dp men as

fcaue recourfe to rijofe region*, ana can no Icto tbenoecfare (be

fame, albcic itmap fccmetncreoibfetofome ignojant perfon*,

not knotting tbe potoct ofnatures U)!join,]pUnie tuas perfoa*

Drtjtljat notag toaa impofltble. &Be Ijaue tfjcrcfoj e tbougbt it

good to makctbfc Dtfcotnfe Optbetoap of argument, led on

(be one fpoe, men of gooo learnpng ano niogement, ano on

*'JP oH;er rnc5 Tucbe is are (hiotou0 to finoe occadons; ofquarefr: - h in o*

-,ens U)?pcpnge^ , (boutoe iuoge U3 to be fo umrif

cre(e,UTfji!p to geue cremte to eucrp tale, me being confon*nt

to t c.iron : but of(be fence ano great btolence of tljofc frc(I;e lua

tcr0,Utijic-je repulfpng (be fea,mabe fo greata gu!ft(aie( toe baue

fapoc) 37tbpnketbe catife tbereof tobc tbe great multttuoe of

flooDs(anoru!fr. . jfocbebepnggeatbereDtogcatber, make fa

great a poofe, ano not one rpucr, a* tbep ftippofe 3 nu fo?af

mtfy 9 tlj2 mouat^inoJ are ryceeoing btgb ano fteepe,31 tbtnkc

tbe uiofencc of(be fall of(be tuater* to be of fucbe fojce, tbat tljta

conflict bcttoeenc rije ui.iter, 10 caufeo bp tbimpulGon oftbe

poolc, tbat tbe fait uwcer can not enter into tbe gulfe. But bere

pcrOaps fome UipU marueple at me, U)bp 3! (boulD marueple Co

mucbe bercat, fpeakpng unto me fco?ncftillp5aftcr tins manner:

cabp Dotb be fo marueple at tbe great riuerjioftbofe regions*

tyadjnotitaIiebi*r'Vk*/, nameotbckpngofrptierg of tbe &Jolo lusters *i ^aue not otljer regions alfo tbe Ipkrt as toe reaoe

of r<tnAii,G*nges, ano Vanubius, urfjidj are fapoe fo to oucrcome

tbeteaf rljatfrc(be frater map beo^atoen founie mpleatoitbin

tbe fame, fftefe men 31 tooulo fantfie tomb tbfe atmftuere. be

famous rpuer ofP^J in Jcalie (uHjiclje tbep no\e call fo.

ano toaj; oftbe 6reekea calico Eridanus) batb tbe great moun*

tapnes calico ///,w'uiDing tfraunee, 6cnnante^no pannonte, front 3! tali c,Iptng at tbe backe tbero^ as it lucre bultuaritetf

agger, ftOI ofmopffure, anutoitbalong tracterecetupng r/-, uxtb innumerabie otber great rpuer(() falletb into tbe fca

tbeftrpocr ( our men torn enfourmeobp tbekpngw) faU

into *e cean tea toftftlarp^ ano tuflerc^^

Eden. The decades.Banoroft Library.

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Page 413: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


otijer places, altfcaugb it be but narotoe bere* fcbcre commetb

alfotomprcmemtyaunce another caufe, tbe urtjidje altljcugij

it be of no great fojce, pec DO 3! entenoe to tojpte it. ]derffap*

tijercfrjetijelengtbof tbelanoe reading toe from tbe att

to (be CCieff,tfu be naroluc,map be a belpe bcreimto : fo? a* toe

cue rpurt reaDf9tbat tbe rpuer .X//>^/patfecb tb^ougb tljc Ijolouie placed

UnDcrrtiefea,fromtbeacieoff//j <n Teloponcfo, ano b?eake(b

fojtb at tbe fountapne on fp?pno; Jretbufa in tbe 3Ilano tfsiulti*,

ione raue0 m fo fa it poffiWe tljat tbeiemountamesJ map baue fudj long wie"

partcpnpngumotbem, tljattbep map be ti)e )tau...'

(be uwter pairing (b?ougb tl;e lanort bepng farre witaiu 3 iiL

tljat tbe fame luatcrs commpng bp Co long a tracte, map tu -ije

luap be gceatlp encrcafeo, bp tbe conuerOon ofapje HUG uatcr,

as U) Ijaue fapDe. ^bits mud) baue 31 fpokcn freelp, pcrmi>?ing

botb to tljcm loljtrij DofnnDIp interp^cte P'

-menjB Doupnge,ann alfo to tbe malitious fco?ncrS3to take tbe ttjiuir ci.;:: s tljcm

Ipftetb, fo? bptljerto Jcanmakencfurdjcr juu.rrTf.unucrcof,

but Uiben tbe mtetb fljalbe better fenoluen,J, toil DO nip Diligcr cc

(o commit tbe fame to Unptpng. J^otoe tljerfo^e, fojafomcbas

toe Ijaue fpofeen tljus! murijc of tbe b?caotlj oftljis lanoe, toe ci;

tenoc to oefcribe tlje Icngtb anDfourme of tbe fame,

The tenth booke of the feconde Decade, of

the fuppofcd continent*

._k. ,at!an0ercacbetb fbo?ti into tljc rca3 citcn

SUSS?* I CW** aicalis altbotigl^notlphetlxlegge

a ni^^^ it Dotb. Vut notoe 31 compare

pigmeano? a Dtoarfe, to a (Biant: fo?

Itijat part tbcrcof tobirije tbe &panpart>c*

baue ouer runne, from tbe fipo CaiT popnt

'toljifi) readjetb totoaroetbe Tea 3dainikr,

(tbe enoe not bepng pet faunae totoaroe tbe CClcft) is; mo^e tljcu

epgbt tpmeai longer tben 3italie . 3nD bp tobat reafon 31 am mo*

urbolpneirelbaUlmtertlmj^ Jfrom

tt^tpmetberefo?etbat3!rp?Ceoetertnine to obepe tbep? rcW^Eden. The decades*Bancroft Library.


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Page 415: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


ftfngeafot&e tatine tongue,?! afDrnpenDettonrtSaf alr&fnga

mpgbt come foojrijtutt& Due trpa! anD cjrperfcnce: fobcrcupon

^rrpapjcDtotbeiiifljopofte^, bepng tbecbeefe refuge of

tbis nawgatton Qg toe toere tfcfrfine fccretclp togcatbcr in one

cl;amber5te baa many tnflrimiente patterning to tbefc affaire*,

as globes^ rrmnp oftbofc maps! urfjtcbe are commonlp caflcD

tbeftjipmana caroe^oj c.iroea of tljcfea

tol;auepttcto!)t3 Oanue, bctmg a man mod cjrperc in tecu!cie,<Tfo a ^{o^cntine boine,U)()o alfo unncr tlic itipenDe oftbe

po^tignIesx(|aD topics totoaroetlje ^>outlj pole manp Degree*

bcponoe tbe <jqiimoctt(ill Jn tins carDc \DC toniJc tbc firrt front

of tljttf lance to be bjcDer tljen tbe hpnges of I'rala IjaD per-

ftuaueD ottr men oftljcw mountavnw. ^o anotber, Colmus ri;c <qjc farbe or

3DnnraT,lubtIc !;epetlpttcD, anDfcarcbcDrijofc placed, l;aDge=<oionn.

urn tbc bc-jittiung U)ttl) bis ovone bnnnea : toijercunto Barthtio-

meui ColoitHs bis b?otljer ant ItcuetcnatmtbaDaDDcD I;u iitDge^

inent, fo? be erifo baD fapIcD about tljofe coate. S)ftbc &panp *

am* Iphetopfe, ad manp ad tljougbt tbem fclues to baue anpekiioMcDge Uibat panepneo to meafure tbc ianD t tbc Tea, D:ciuc

certapne carDe0 in parebmem as; conccnipng tbefe nmngutiongf.

>f another, tbep moae cfteetiic fcrofcW*/***/ <fr/4

Cop tbe eompantou ofFo^^ (tuljom uie fapDc to be fl^pne of ^

tbe people ofCatmam tn tbe baucn of ar*^o)anD anotber e.t*

pert pplotc ealleD An<be*s Moralis.fyto fet foojtb. 9nD tbtg af-^ Mrl)c of

toe! fin tbe great experience tobfclj t^ep botb baD(to toljom tbcfe a.i&ie

trartcftUiereatMKiuaai a*ty^fes)aalfoftwe^eptoctett)0ttp^tittljc oamuigertn tbatparc

ofCofmo(rrapbfr, n*tcf)tw^etb die Difcnptton ant) mcafurino;of tbe rea.Confetrotg rljerfiwe


at tfjeft carDes togcatbcc,tn euerp

(o mwfintfccfea coallca after tbis^DerJTromtbat popnt ? ftoiw idW^f tne fapotw be mchiDtD wtdnn-

bptbepataIeteofxtjr3llajjDBof C^rrar,(

ra fffftf

Eden. The decades.

Bancroft Library.1

bwnwtyc ftlfo



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Page 417: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


tncratmce of tlje rittcr A/4r^ow: and from tfcence to Os to**

comv,feucn IjuitycD IcagiieSjbut fomtoljat ledc bp rOe mfcription

of fomc, foj tljep DOO not agree in al popmca cr quifitrip. be

S>panpar&6tupl t'jat a league comepne foure mplcs bp Tea, ano

Itu tljjee bplan&c. JFrom Os <Draconis,to tU cape 01 popntofC-cbibacoaM)idw being pafleo, tljcre is a gulfe on (be left banoe,tuc mcafureo tbicc bun&jeo leagues in one Came, j muclj tljcre-

about in anotbcr. /from t(jfd popnt tXCuMaco*. to tlje regionOfCaramairijn U4)tdje is! tlje bauen Carthago (\0\Mt foitlC CaJ

crt&4rHtf)toc founD about a buno^o^feucntic leagues, JTromCaramain totbe 3ilauD Forrn/pfhe league*, jfrom tljenrcto tlje

gtrtfeis of Vraba, among tbe lubidje te tbe UpHage called S4f/4

Maria AntipaMysxt fyt S>panparDs Ijaue appopntcDtljep^ lja*

bitation )onlp.)C)[]ciit.ilcague3. <from tlje rpuer of /'

raba in tlje pio

uince of <D*ri(n4,ta p rtuer of "Btr^4,\u!jerc Xicuefa bao intcn*

Deo to Ijattc failcnco Ijis foote,tf (DoDljaD not otljerUipfe Decree^

luemeafurcDaljtmD?eDanutbirtie leagues, jfrom $cragud, to

tljat riuer, \ubicb lue faio of Cobnut to be calleo SanlH M attbei,

in tlje tobiclj alfo T^cuefa loofing bit arauef5U)anDere& in great

calamitte 5 , ID; founfic in our Caroed onlp a bun^eo ana four tic

leagues: pet manp other urtjieljeoflatetpmcljaiie come from

rljcfe partcs, Ijaue Defcnbeo manp mo leagued in tljia tract from

tbe rpuer of s*nili Mattbri, in tobidjealfo tljep place Diucrtfrp*

uer5 5as M*rtm*Mtt tije llano calico Stutum Catt piping be<

fa?c it,Uj!jofe bpng name i* Fides combuji*. liheluife anotbcr

rpuer caUco Zobraba, aiter tbat, Vrid*, ano tbcn <D*r*b4f in tbe

tobtf) goloe id founoc. JTurtbertru^e, manpgooolp battens, as

Cf ; 4/;4>-o ano ^i^j.fo calleo of tbe mbabitaunte^. ^ndtljuspf

pour bolpnelfc Uipfl conferre rtjefe numbers togeatljcr, pou flMll

fpnoc in tiji* accomp t ,a tljottfann,fpue ljtmD?cD,tU)erme ano fine

Icajuesf^tuljiclj amount to fpue tboufanDe 9 Teucn buuD^eo milee,

from tlje popnt tfSenlk MAUbaMlfat tljep Cal SiutmiferMto-rw ,tbat i0,^be gulft of^ loll men,15ut toe map not Icaue Ijerei

T>f nautgatt* ^ after*> Jftw Ouetenfit,Ml)ttf))tfe nameO hbtrmes Di-

on of SOD*w MS dt So//j,bo?ne in Nebriffa (tubtcbe b?pngetlj foo^tb manp lear>

it^w0. WD men)fapling from ri>i0 rtuer tottaroc tbe CIeft> ouerranne

manp coaae0airtj leagues, but tbe miDOcft ofdjatnjo^c benoetlj


. .. ,. . ^

Eden The decades.Bancroft Library.

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Page 419: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1


about ttoeebunojeo league** 5>erebpmappougeat&erinbat i*

tbe lengtb oftbta lanDf,buc oftlje bjeautb, perfjapa toe fya! berc*

after baue furtber knotolcoge. let Us notoe fpcake fomctob at of

tbcbarietieof tlje Degrees of tbe eleuationoftl;epolc(larre0,

TOalanDctberefoje, altljougb urcaclje foojtb from tbe Caft

into tbe SOleff, pet 10 it croohco, ano fjatb tbe popnt bnicpn T;Co

CoiuarDetlje&outlj, tljat itloofetb tbcfpgljtofil;c/3orlj pole,

ann tj3 rjrtcntcDbfponue tlje Cqwnoctial IpnefcuenOfgreeiJ to-

toartctlje^outb pole: but ttje popm Ijrtcof, partepnctb to

the iun(biction oft^e 13o?tugale^,a0 tue Ijauf fapoe, JLeauino;

tftt'0 popnt,aitD faplpng totoarDe ?4r/-, t|>e J^o?tlj ttarre 10 ffene

agatne,( is To nuicb tlje mo?e Itfteo Up, m fyoU) ntticlj tl;c region

fitclinctl) WOK trftoartc tlje CCUft. ilje^panpaiDcstbcrfoie

baue utucrs ocgrcca ot clcuations , iintvll tUcp come to Varies,

being tljcpi cbccfc (Tat ion ano Dluclling place in tbofe Ianoe: fo?

tbepljauefo?fakenSfr^4, lufcretljepfounDetlje ji5o?tb prfe

tleuate,\jtti.Degrees 5 but from bencc, tijc lano Dot!; fo muclj benD

totuarbe the J^o?tb, that it id i Ijcre in manner equal ttritb tlje De<

grew tftfye ftrapgljte^ of i^ercules pplleria! , efpenallp pftoe

meafure rename' lanuea founoe bp tficm totoavD tlje .r3o?tij fpoe

of fli/j'4wio/*,among; tlje trfjicb tljerc is an 3ilano ab:.ut tl^ee.C.

ano.wu.leajuea fro Hifpaniola, an tljep Cap toljtc1

^ bane fearc^eo

tbe(ame,nameo!Bwc^^ /(gw4w,intl)e toljicljisa rontinuafl

fp^ing ofrunning uiater,offudj maruei lous ucrrufjrijat p luatcr

hereofbeing u?unke,pcrbapB Uiitlj fonteDiet,maket!) O!DC menJjfJ US""


poung agapne. 3nD Ijere mutt 31 make pjoteltation to pour (jo* amatct ofmaw

nefle, not to tbpnbe tbistobefapoc Ipgljtlpojrafylp, fo?tliepueilous umu*

Ijauc Co fp?eaD tins! rumour foi a tru etlj tlj^ougljout al rtje eourte,

that not onlpe al tl;c people, but alfo manp of tljem mfiorn lupfc-

Dome oj fortune batb uiuioeo from tbc common foH,tf)nfcc tt to

be true : but pf pau fljal afke mp opinion Ijerein, 31 toplanfojere,

tiiat3iU)pHnot attribute fo great potter to nature, but tljac

<3oo ijatl) no Je(ft rcfcrucD tf;i0 p^erogartue to Ijprn feift, then to

fearebctlje Ijartfaofnien, o? to geue fublTaunrc to pjnuation,

('bat ta) bcpng.tonobepng, crrept U)c (ball belceuetbefa*

tie of Colchis of Eftn renouate, to be a* mie M tqetojptpn-

Eden. The decades,

Bancroft Library*

Page 420: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1
Page 421: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconde decade,

tfage ma? bt




bp tbe bfe ofcertaphe fecretemeDicine* ana Dpet, (be aecroe

ofage (aa tbep cal (bem) map be long bpanen anD DeferreD3U)!ju

cbetbeptopltobe bnaerftooaebptberenouation ofage.amjto

baue fapDc tbtis mucb oftbe lengtb anD bicaotlj oftbefc regions,

anD oftbe rough anD bugioua mountapne 3 ,U)i tb t l;epi toaterye

Ciiues, alfo of tlje omcrss Degrees of tl>ac laioe, 31 tljinfui it fuf-

firient . But 31 tljougtjt it not gooD to lee pa(TeU)(jac cUaunceo

torijefennftraWemen among rt;ep? generall calamtctesi. 3lre

member tiiactuljen 31 teas a c&ptoe, me tljougto mp botocllea

graced,ano t^ac mp fptri(e0 toere marueplouflp troitbleD fo? uerv

pitte,toOeH 31 reaD in tfce poete dirgpl^wmA*k**iM* tuaa

bpon tfje fea banto0 imong v> glances callen cych-

luljerefo?tl;efpace of manp Dapc3 from tbcDepartpngof

ctJHtfl tfje eomming tfEncar, !je race none otljer meatc,

but onlp berries anD Ijatoes. But our bnfoutmate fepanparo :,

u>btel)e foloUieD i^cuefa to inbabice SwagM. tuoulo Oaue eilcc

mco Ijaiue^ t berries foi great oelieate?. CCJfj.ic Ojoulo 31 bearc

fpeake oftfce beao ofan a(Te bought fo j a great p?pcr, ano offucij

otljer extremities ajs menljattc fufltrrD in totunca beftegeov

8fter tljat Kjcuefa ban Determines to leaae s?rayu foj tlje bar^

rmnefle oftlje fople, (je attempted tofearelje Portum ^//w,anD

ti;endje eoato oftbe popnt calicoMarmor, pf|je mpgtjt rijerc

rpnoe a place mo?e fortunate to inbabite. 3In t!^3 meane trnic,

fo grecuous famine opp?eflcD Ijis iblDicr0,tljat ri;cp ncptijer ab

tleineD fro eating of mangte Dogge^tubicb tljep bab lui tlj tbem,aftuel fo^ tljep? Defence ae( fo? bunrpng (fo? in tbe tuarre agapnlttlje nabco people, Dogged floope

tbem in great (leaDe) no? pet

fometpme from tlje flame mbabttatwtes: fb? tljep founD not tbcr c

anp fruitful tree0,o? plentie offouleja, as in *ricnaJbai a barren

grotmD,anD not niecte to be tub abtteo. pere cmainwftfjc foul'

D ierjs niaoe a bargapne tui tlj one of tlje tr felouies fo? (be p?pc ; of

a leane oogge^o alfo toag almolt oeao fo: ljunger : rijep gaue

Ai golDen Caftfflan&^bu* agreeing of rijc pipee, d;ep

flapeo tbe Dogge ta be eaten^mo catt (nu mangie rkmne^itb tie

bones oftbeljenD bangpng tbemo, among (be butbejs.


Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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Page 423: The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies v.1

The feconde decade.

png . lt>e l^cugljt it borne tottb bpm,foDDe ft, anD eate ft . Sganprcfo:tco to Ijpm Uritfj ttjcpj Dpftljes fb? tlje fyotlje of tfje fcDDc

foptme, peering bpm fbj cuerpe Dpflftefttil a piece of gotoe.fkPnltr*

<3n o tijcr founDe too coaDe*,anti Tonne ctem3 uij td; a fpckc man

botijljt of I;pm fo? tU)o fine fljttrtc03 curtouflp Unougtc ofIpnncn

iutnnp]CD Uiitf; goioe . Ccrtapnc otter toatioerpng about to

Me fo?OiCtiiate,founDina pntljluap in tlje niPDDca ofa frelDe,

a Dtao man, oftlje tnljabitantesijU^frij fjan ben flame ofIjts ottme

rompanp, anDUias nolue rotten anD Opnfipnff . ^fjep D?ctoe

Ipnia fpne3 mfmcmbjeo [jpmftcretelp, rotten bpm, anD ate

ljy.ii , djeretmtbaflbagpnp; ttjcp.i fjung;er,as pf tijtp IJ.ID ben

fcDOc ut(j pljca(aunte0 . One alfo, U)I;id;e Ofparting from !jwcompanions in tlje npgfjt fcafon, torma ft'fl png among; tlje

recDcs of tfjc marpffljcgyptieD onlp totrij flpme 01 muDDe to? tlje

fpaceofcertapne Dape0, untplattljc Icngtb crceppngyt almoft

DcaDf, Ijc founDe tlje Uwi>ro()i3 felotocs . 3nD tlni tljcfc mife-'

wble men of :>^rf,uereo U)itb rijcfe and fudjc other a tf'c tionsf,

lucre b^ougljt from tlje number offeiien l)tinDKtl;,tl)ieefcoic ano

ten foultitcrs, fuirfclp to fonrtie, bepn^notuealfo aDDeoto tbe

companp of tijem in Varitna . ft\oe lucre fl*pnc of tljinljabu

uunted, lx tlje refpoue confumcD bp fjmiue, fyeatijeo out

rijep?U3rpfonlr5CpeMpngaU3aptotljcneU)e I-.uDesfo? fucbe

as foal come ifter tl;em,appeafpng tlje fur p of tl:e barbarous na^

tious,U)!'lj t(jep?iceofii;cpjbIooD. ConfvDennigtljerfo!e5after

tljcfe ttoimes, toitlj Ui!;ar eafe otljer men (ball ouerrutme ano in*

ljabiteti)efc!anles,inrcfpecctotbe calami ties to tljcfe men

IjauefuRcreo^ttjcpnjallfeemeto goetobipDcfcate,tuljere all

tljpngcs are rcDp p^epareo agaptid tljcpj connnpng. But uiljere p f tm 8 actalews Jrias atrpueD luitlj tfje hpnges nauic anD neiuc fttpplp of ^wmen, to tljisl)oure31 fenotoeno certamie, eaijatujal djaunce

Ijeareafter, 31 topi make Diligent mquultum,if 31 fljalunDerffano

tljis to be acceptable to pour Ijohmes . ^bus 3", bpD pou farelneU

from tlje courte of tlje mofl Otljolpke hptig, tlje cape before tlje

none0 ofDecember, in t&e peerc ofd;?ift, 1514*

Eden. The decades.Bancroft Library.


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