The Home Depot: The Home Depot: User Experience (UX) User Experience (UX) Framework Framework Knowledgebase/HR Portal DRAFT 23-October-2007

The Home Depot: User Experience (UX) Framework Knowledgebase/HR Portal DRAFT 23-October-2007

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The Home Depot: The Home Depot: User Experience (UX) User Experience (UX)

FrameworkFrameworkKnowledgebase/HR Portal

DRAFT 23-October-2007


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Executive Summary

This document summarizes an initial The Home Depot HR KnowledgeBase User Experience (UX) Framework– a set of user models describing the key user segments and their high priority user scenarios and critical information needs that will serve as a foundation for user interface design This initial framework focuses on the prioritized user segments in scope for

Release 1 (Associates, Managers, HR Managers, & Associate Support Center (ASC) Staff)

This framework is intended to be a living document that should be updated as needed to reflect enhancements to the teams’ understanding of the target users as well as to summarize and model the needs of additional user segments and user scenarios added for future releases

Note that this document complements The Home Depot HR KnowledgeBase UX Segments & Scenarios Matrix (Excel format) that outlines additional detailed information about user scenarios, tasks, info assets, etc. and the Requirements Document for the project

This UX Framework is based on information gathered during the Discovery phase via a series of working sessions with Home Depot stakeholders and SMEs, as well as past user research conducted by The Home Depot


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Table of Contents

UX Framework definition & purpose The Home Depot HR KnowledgeBase:

Business Objectives Draft Mission Statement

User Segments User Scenarios Key UX-UI takeaways Next steps


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UX Framework: Definition & purpose

A UX Framework is a set of user models and summary principles that addresses key questions about the user requirements for the solution: Who are the users? What are their key goals and info

access/discovery scenarios? What are the business priorities in re: users

and user scenarios? What do users needs to successfully

complete their prioritized user scenarios? A UX Framework is a living artifact and working

tool that is used to: guide and inspire user interface design inform evaluations of user interface concepts

and designs inform feature/function/data prioritization

decision making


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Designing for Information Access & Discovery

What info assets and decision support will help users achieve their goals &

succeed in their scenarios?

Key questions:

What are their typical user scenarios?

What are their goals?

Who are the users?

What are the business


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GOAL: Understand what people need to know, decide, do, and use to succeed

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Predict Adapt Iterate ReviseEvaluate Act

Home Depot HR Knowledgebase

Business Objectives & Mission


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The Home Depot HR Knowledge Base Business & Info Access Objectives

Reduce HR Support Costs

Increase HR Self-service/ Self Reliance

Increase HR Process Efficiency

Increase Employee


Consolidate and integrate related/releva

nt info

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One version of the truth

Consistency in the Call Center

Easy and speed access

to HR info

Increase HR Process


Business Objectives

Info Access & Discovery Objectives


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The Home Depot HR Knowledge Base Prelim Success Metrics?

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Reduce HR Support Costs

Increase HR Self-service/ Self Reliance

Increase HR Process Efficiency

Increase Employee


Increase HR Process


Business Objectives

X%/X volume in HR support calls

X%/X volume in HR support calls

X% in success rates for

Employee/Mgr Self Service


X% in success rates for

Employee/Mgr Self Service


X% HR Portal Adoption by stores, employee base, mgr


X% HR Portal Adoption by stores, employee base, mgr


X%/X avg

completion time for HR self

service/process tasks

X%/X avg

completion time for HR self

service/process tasks

X% Employee/Mgr satisfaction ratings

for the HR KnowledgeBase


X% Employee/Mgr satisfaction ratings

for the HR KnowledgeBase


X%/X volume in ASC consistency &

in support errors

X%/X volume in ASC consistency &

in support errors

Preliminary Success Metrics


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The Home Depot HR Portal/KnowledgeBaseDRAFT Mission Statement

The Home Depot HR Portal/Knowledge Base will:

provide improved access to consistent, reliable, and relevant HR information for all Home Depot Associates to effectively support successful completion of HR self service scenarios and tasks through an intuitive, easy to use, and highly adopted HR Portal powered by SAP ESS/MSS functionality and an integrated HR KnowledgeBase powered by Endeca

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User Experience Workshop:

User Segments & User Scenarios


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HomeDepot HR KnowledgeBase: User Segments at a Glance






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MANAGER (non-store)







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HomeDepot HR KnowledgeBase: Simplified User Segments






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MANAGER (non-store)






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HomeDepot HR KnowledgeBase: Prioritized User Segments






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MANAGER (non-store)






P1 P1



P2 P2

Reduce HR Support


Increase HR Self-service/ Self Reliance

Increase HR Process


Increase Employee


Increase HR Process



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User Scenarios

A User Scenario is a situation in which one or more people strive to achieve a goal(s) e.g.., “As a full time store associate, I need to find out if THD has any health

resources that will help me deal with my family problem” e.g.., “As a full time store associate, I need to submit a health insurance claim so

that I can get reimbursed” e.g.., “As a new manager, I need to understand my role in the performance

management process so that I can guide and review my direct reports e.g.., “As a manager/HR rep, I need to review and make a decision about an

employee’s request for a family medical leave”

A User Scenario is not: a User Task: which describes an activity that a user executes to achieve a

circumscribed goal (Note: completing several tasks may be required to succeed in a scenario)

a Use Case: which describes in detail how an actor/user will interact with a system to complete a task

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ASSOCIATE: User Scenarios

As an associate, I want/need to take time off so I need to see if

I am eligible

As an Associate, I want to explore career/learning

opportunities at THD so that I can advance my career

As an Associate, I want to learn about THD company history to understand my role in context

As an Associate, I want to understand workplace

policies/procedures so that I understand my rights &

responsibilities or to confirm or dispute info or actions



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As an Associate, I want to access performance

management info so that I understand what I need to do and can complete the review


As an Associate, I want to understand the

company/employee organization hierarchy so that I know who is in what positions

of authority

As an Associate, I need a map to the SSC/Learning centers so that I can attend a meeting or


As an Associate, I want to update my <personal info,

payroll , benefits> info so that I can <fix an error, get paid>



# priority rank within segment. For more info re: prioritization see the Home Depot HR Portal/Knowledgebase UX Segments & Scenarios Matrix


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MANAGER: User Scenarios


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As a Manager, I need to understand how compensation

works and perform a compensation review

As a Manager, I need to review and approve employee

requests for time off/leave

As a Manager, I need to understand and participate in

the hiring process

As a Manager, I need to make decisions about promotions, job changes, transfers, and


As a Manager, I need to complete employee

performance evaluations

As a Manager, I need to create training plans for Associates

As a Manager, I need to learn about my responsibilities

As a Manager, I need to address employee

requests/issues in compliance with policies and regulations



# priority rank within segment. For more info re: prioritization see the Home Depot HR Portal/Knowledgebase UX Segments & Scenarios Matrix


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HR MANAGER: User Scenarios


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As an HR Manager, I need to educate/coach Managers

regarding roles and responsibilities

As an HR Manager, I need to direct Associates to the right


As an HR Manager, I need to educate/coach Associates how to execute moderately complex

HR tasks

As an HR Manager, I need to Educate/Advise/Refer Associates regarding

career/learning/benefit opportunities/performance mgt

Advise/inform Associates who they can talk to re: conflict with




# priority rank within segment. For more info re: prioritization see the Home Depot HR Portal/Knowledgebase UX Segments & Scenarios Matrix


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ASC ASSOCIATE: User Scenarios

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As an ASC Associate, I need to resolve issues around pay

(e.g.., missing check, errors on pay, short hours, bonus)

As an ASC Associate, I need to research and provide

responses to legal requests

As an ASC Associate, I need to research and correct hours

(e.g.., vacation accruals, sick)

As an ASC Associate, I need to research and correct

associate records. primarily MSS (e.g.., job title, effective

dates, locations)

As an ASC Associate, I need to process & issue ROEs.

As an ASC Associate, I need to correct and/or re-issue W2s

and T4s.

As an ASC Associate, I need to know how to perform

certain transactionsESS: (e.g.., name, address)MSS: (e.g.., term, transfer)

As an ASC Associate, I need to research and provide

information to agencies regarding garnishments.

As an ASC Associate, I need to help Associates locate content

(e.g.., policies, procedures, benefits).

As an ASC Associate, I need to direct Associates to third

party agencies (e.g.., employment verification, Talx/ADP (W2), Benefits

choice center).



# priority rank within segment. For more info re: prioritization see the Home Depot HR Portal/Knowledgebase UX Segments & Scenarios Matrix



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Store Associates: Constitute the vast majority of The Home Depot

employees Have minimal time to learn and use the HR

portal while at work Log into and use shared computers – no

capability to create “favorites” in the browser to aid retrieval/recall

Complete vast majority of HR tasks relatively infrequently, presenting learning/memory challenges

Currently seek assistance from HR Manager, Store Manager, or Dept Supervisor as first line of support to find answers to HR questions

Implications Store Associate time and work context

constraints and current work practices will present self service adoption challenges

Mechanisms for proactively presenting and accelerating discovery and retrieval of targeted forms, applications, and supporting documents (e.g.., Checklists, BPPs, SOPs, etc.) is critical to enable success in short time frames

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UX Concepts

• Personalized info view filtered by Role including position and hourly/salaried status & Geography (Region, Sub-Region) to speed discovery of relevant info

• Associate role based HR Library landing page with

• UI zone for “quick links” defined by HR Services for frequent tasks

• local store info/events

• calendar based process alerts & HR communications

• Proactive presentation of context sensitive transactional “help” on Portal pages

• Checklists

• BPPs

• Concurrent access to/viewing of transactional help and transaction views

• Searchability of HR portal pages to speed access to transactions?

• Personal HR Library favorites/ bookmarks to enable rapid retrieval of info across sessions and contexts (work to home)

• Systematically leverage Managers, HR Managers, & ASC Associates to promote Associate self-service/portal adoption


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Managers: A Manager may be responsible for up to 400

employees in a store Policies/procedures for varied employees (roles,

salaried/hourly) requiring varied manager actions/knowledge

Have minimal time to learn and use the HR portal while at work or to maintain awareness/knowledge of policy/procedure changes

Complete many HR tasks relatively infrequently, presenting learning/memory challenges

Access to up to date policies, SOPs, and process info is critical to ensure Mgr compliance in many HR scenarios

Implications Managers are critical levers for promoting

Associate portal adoption and self-service Mechanisms for proactive alerting managers to

important and relevant changes in HR polices and procedures will be useful/important

Managers need to be able to shift views based on dealing with varied types of employees (role, salaried/hourly)

Mechanisms for proactively presenting and accelerating discovery and retrieval of targeted forms, applications, and supporting documents (e.g.., Checklists, BPPs, SOPs, etc.) is critical to enable success in short time frames

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UX-UI Concepts

• Personalized info view filtered by Manager Role & Geography (Region, Sub-Region) to speed discovery of relevant info

• Enable Managers to refine/explore by Role, Salaried/Hourly to access info relevant for addressing varied types of employees

• Manager role based HR Library landing page with

• spotlight for calendar based process alerts & HR communications with links to context sensitive content

• Proactive presentation of context sensitive “help” on Portal pages

• Checklists

• BPPs

• Concurrent access to/viewing of transactional help and transaction views

• Searchability of HR portal pages (MSS and ESS) to speed access to transactions

• Personal HR Library favorites/bookmarks to enable rapid retrieval of info across sessions

• Systematically leverage HR Managers to promote Manager self-service/portal adoption

• Systematically leverage Managers to promote Associate self-service/portal adoption


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HR Managers: An HR Manager may be responsible for up to 400

employees in a store Policies/procedures for varied employees (roles,

salaried/hourly) requiring varied HR Manager actions/knowledge

May need to recurrently and repeatedly address simple employee self service requests/info issues (e.g.., “where can I find...?”)

Go to people in store for knowledge of HR policies and procedures but very limited time to maintain awareness/build deep knowledge in HR subject matter areas (e.g.., Benefits, Compensation, Employee Relations, etc.)

Awareness and knowledge of changes to HR policies, SOPs, and process info is critical to ability to effectively advise and coach Mgrs and Associates

Quickly discovering relevant info within policy in long/dense documents and materials is challenging

Implications HR Managers are critical levers for promoting

Associate portal adoption and self-service Mechanisms for proactive alerting HR Managers to

important and relevant changes in HR polices and procedures will be useful/important

HR Managers need to be able to shift views based on dealing with varied types of employees (role, salaried/hourly)

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UX-UI Concepts

• Personalized info view filtered by HR Manager Role & Geography (Region, Sub-Region) to speed discovery of relevant info

• Enable HR Managers to refine/explore by Role, Salaried/Hourly to access info relevant for addressing varied types of employees

• HR Subject Areas (i.e., sub-function) landing pages that

• spotlight key content changes (use revision date)

• HR SME’s create “editor’s pick list” for content spotlighting in HR sub-function areas

• Highlight HR SME contact info by sub-function area

• Searchability of HR portal pages (MSS and ESS) to speed access to transactions HR Manager role based HR Library landing page with

• spotlight for calendar based process alerts & HR communications with links to context sensitive content

• Personal HR Library favorites/bookmarks to enable rapid retrieval of info across sessions

• Ability to create HR Quick Links for Associates to promote self-service and reduce need for repetitive assistance in simple but frequent scenarios/tasks

• Systematically leverage HR Managers to promote Associate self-service/portal adoption


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ASC Associates: Needs to address scenarios for regionally diverse

employees across varied roles Policies/procedures for varied employees (roles,

salaried/hourly) in varied regions requiring varied ASC actions/knowledge

May need to recurrently and repeatedly address simple employee self service requests/info issues (e.g.., “where can I find...?”, “how can I change my address/withholding, etc.)

Just in time awareness and knowledge of changes to HR policies, SOPs, and process info is critical to ability to effectively execute support tasks

Quickly discovering relevant info within policy in long/dense documents and materials is challenging

Need rapid access to transactional systems to research and correct time/pay issues

Implications ASC Associates are critical levers for promoting

Associate portal adoption and self-service Mechanisms for proactive alerting HR Managers to

important and relevant changes in HR polices and procedures will be useful/important

ASC Associates need to be able to shift views based on dealing with varied types of employees (role, salaried/hourly) in different Regions & Sub-regions (e.g.., States, Provinces)

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UX-UI Concepts

• Personalized info view filtered by ASC Role to speed discovery of relevant info

• Enable ASC Associates to refine/explore by Geography (Region, Sub-Region) Role, Salaried/Hourly to access info relevant for addressing varied types of employees in varied geographies

• HR Subject Areas landing pages that

• spotlight key content changes

• HR SME’s create “editor’s pick list” for content spotlighting

• Highlight SME contact info by sub-function area

• Proactive presentation of context sensitive transactional “help” on Portal pages

• Checklists

• BPPs

• ASC role based HR Library landing page with

• spotlight for calendar based process alerts & HR communications with links to context sensitive content

• Personal HR Library favorites/bookmarks to enable rapid retrieval of info across sessions

• Systematically leverage ACS’s to promote Associate portal/self-service adoption


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Key UX-User Interface (UI) Concepts

Personalized info views filtered by Role to speed discovery of relevant info

Role-based Library landing pages with content and UI elements aligned with user scenarios needs

Create UI zone for targeted HR Communications & Alerts

e.g.., calendar based alerts (e.g.,, review cycle, annual enrollment)

e.g.., targeted communications to drive user adoption/address recurring issues

Enable HR Managers, Managers, and ASC Associates to refine/explore by selected dimensions hidden for Associates as appropriate to role (e.g.., Geography (Region, Sub-Region) Role, Salaried/Hourly to access info relevant for addressing varied types of employees in varied geographies

Create HR Sub-Function landing pages that

spotlight key content changes

spotlight “editor’s pick list” of key content items

Highlight SME contact info by sub-function area (for HR Managers and ASC only)

Proactive presentation of context sensitive transactional “help” on Portal pages



Enable users to create Personal HR Library favorites/bookmarks to enable rapid retrieval of info across sessions

Enable HR Services and HR SMEs to create set of general “quick links” or sub-function “pick list” (key content items)

Leverage “effective date” to spotlight context-sensitive changes to policies and procedures (in UI zone and/or as annotation to content in results list)

Systematically leverage HR Managers, Managers, and ASC Associates to promote Associate self-service adoption


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Next Steps

Iteration Planning User interface design

structural model/site map UI components UI wireframes and flows

Scenario-based UI design reviews

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