"i " - .!!' THE SEVENTY-EiGHTH YEAR •• " malt"" "" A YNE" T' URSltA Y; SEPTEMBER 25 ,1952 Cvpmgh, '"", by no WaYH' H,'",., iIIERALD· one Section eight pages , NUMBER TWENTY Revised I ObSemnde -- -l. , ... ___ ._ ' ,Corn Contest Closes Tuesday , Francia Diggins, Omaha, who The :wcll being of our city can !'is£' no higher than h r D m to th,c robberies the, of our peoplE-' and the integrity, gjooqwill and T reeM 0 re En t r toy s ma ,n I ace , _' * *{ * ¥- ' ¥ ¥- 'Y"nSshCtorifLjfnHCOalnn' Ihg; i l WHEREAS, Thp leffrctivr and faithful teaching being cRr", ,.:. .. ... u lied on, hi OUI! Rne! hom(,R should he mdt,c gem' rail) 'Over \ ,":'A," over' to of·, I'f'Cogntz!'n hy OUr p opl!' )-wing bH.'iic In the wf'lffll'e of -, -P fleLals, ,. "" 1 ('w'I'y aspe'ct nf de'ii'nlll(' community nnn famll:r' liff'; 'I- I' 0;()\V, THEREF'c)RE. I Glf'n IlouritTsh(,'lrlt, Mavor of Ihl' City In' P rl" Z e' 5 i \Vaynf', !'klV HSkH, h('rl'hy proclatlill t r ' W h H Sum];')', Sl'pt. i1!ld I IInl inuing I hr'lu!-:'h Sunday, Ocl e ' rer' as q. II .... tlw ,1111lUf!l CllrJ:.,ll;!.n EdUf'111il)l1' \\'f'r]" C:ll1 F W ·[ . - 1 1t!Cl.li'ii?11 to 'tIl(' fRct, OUI' {'Jly \\'il} holrj \'ntrl'-clillJ'cll or mners-, 'I' ' , I';PrTllf'r:-. in tJ1C Wayne trade!' T ,: H' if fil':-:t puhlic anpran1nrf' of the' r('\'ls('d o..:ll'l.r(4)d Y¢l"RWn of lh(' rq;iol1 han' oJ11:-. thn'c' mol'£' daYR I Op', ,e- : \ nlh,lt' Hn,d horle lhal l 'lhl' nlr'ssn,-,:e of t;1(' S{'I'lptUI{';, will to ('ntl'I' lhcil' ('Ol;n ill the s('cond . {,0I1[11' all\(' f(1' nil!' )('nplr III t1('w, c[)mpI'llln:.:; PO\ol.{'I', New tars Registered Herbert Krause, Hoskins, Chev. Fred KI'nsang, Hoskins, Chev, Harry Fischer, Wayne, Chev. Allen Sp·ttg'ber, Wisner. Ford Stanley A. Morris. Wayne, Chev. D_ F. Vqhlkamp, Wayne. Mere. Merlin V, Meyer, Wayne, Chcv. Olga A, Clausen, Pender. Mere. John Dunklau, Wayne, Chev. A, H. Owens. Wayne, Dodge Wiltlam Oamme, WInSide, Chev. - I ,:' GII'11 IIHUtll., ... III'hlt.- The Ii", "Id, Th, elonlO',1 dH'.' At, ":.,'., Norfo'ik II: "a,,',,,, of m,,"'" Wayne Telephone Sattlj'd -"'jilt ?l<1O p,lI1, "'-------i-___ ,... ___________ --'I Man I)romotcd ui; 10 11'Jon 'P11- lrr('.s Hl 1)1(, lnll )..tAlk conlC'"t had 131 B b 'B' E d lwpt'l CIlI(']"rrl anci :.!a hen,'y A tOlal of 67 Wl1yne county 4.i-l, 'a y: ee es ntere t,"",,'ings .h"d heO'" w,i"helL baby beeve, wwc exhibited at tho ' V ' . ml'r- Norfolk :-how and sale held \Ved-; I c'hllal'i an' I'ri1.c's \"IlJ- nesooy, .$C'pL 18, ' ! In Ak Sa r Ben Stock Show' [I I I ' '''IlL' {r th1"Q1' h I _ _ I Mr. Tonjes/will be manilgcr of ' 11(''; 11:'1'lIld 'Is en h" th(' yout !o. I :;on of Mr, and I Northwestern Bell llWIII'clil1!.{ 1\ ril("(' sh:-month slIh- Mrs. Hl"rb('rt \VchrC'T hud the 1 \\ a, llC count} \\ 111 1)(' "" ell efJ I ";C'rilltion II ... I' hnnu!hto till' 10 grand champion heifc!." of the I ' '(>;I'nt('(1 "I Ali Sal' Df'Il'S silH:'r Ministerial Group Sponsorship A. ('ommullity_wirl(' s('l'Viee SPOtl_ "nI ('d hy thf' Wayne Minist<.'rlal 'j""o('i;!1 ](111 will he' hf'lrt Tll('sda) I, t of : hr finly, Hihl!', This s{'['vi('p I.i j )ldrl (If a natinll-wld!' 1)1'. \r. F, ZinlIlwnnlln. ;\(ill- , land ('olll'gf', Fl'fOmont, tx-f'U II!i th .. I>linfipal !'tp('uk- I'r for thr Rihll' oh<O('n,-;,U{'r in III' hd\! at Ihl' dty Iludit'lrium III X p,lll. Or. I .. an 1 IIIlhtalidilll{ ('hri'itlan In30-nuUl. "Tltf' Word of Ill(' Life HI Li\- 'I):"; LanglJ:I;':I'" which is- Ih'(' tlwIT'" o)f 111,' nh;;"r\allcl'. will IJf' lhe lopic of his- Hddl'Pss, Rr'\' O. B PrOf'tl. g('rwral cll;lIl- 111:1.) "f 11ll' !(Ic:d f'om01lt1('f' I(,utl('''d Ill!' Itlot;:r<1m will I III ;) pili tJ()n ur' 111(' nC'\\ r'\ I"cd o..:t'-lndllrd \crsion (If : I,Jly along- with thf' ('cading th(> lkhrf'\\ ,0r(,f'1< ,!nd Li1tln Illnguagt',,", II,. IHOb,!' \\hl1ll'l'<o;. ' show, His shorthorn calf took lhe S _ I \\'odd II FilSt Ill;I':(' \','IIlIW('S ,r! d\vard. I Pfcla Awards chnmlJlOmhlp rodt·o 10 !)(' held "'""c'- For Breeding Heifers I iH'I\', Til" (Jll1('1' four W1rl1{'!'!-l will; "en'(' of thc show, I l!(',"'enl<!lillll Ilf five I·npw .... oj 11-,' : '11'\\' tllhll' 10 rf'pI'C':->I'n'11tliv(' IWI- 1"'I'r I I"·..., ;Jpd <J IIl,IIlY of thaJlk"!-:(\lI':":; a 1 " 11'(1 rkdl(':I!!(lrl pl'ize Ir \\ hy lot 3("(' Nf1RFOLK SilO,\, - Pltl{\' 2 I brc,ecting livestock as projects, ..,hon' cflmm!ttpp, annOlin('rd thut A }Iisl pub-I '. ' LeI'and Herman announced this 31 ('Iltrh· ... from 19: vuuth .. \\,('["1' l' I l' I I) t .. . f The' i week he is gOing, to present cash rI'C'('iH'" till ... ' H'N'k [nun WUj'lH' wiil Tho! IDS I cerltificate awards next year at ('(llInly thr'ollgh nH' ofn('!' of IfeI'HI(1 i:)!'rir'I' til L:'C't l11e'ir pl'il.(', ates 'at I the Wayne county ('Olillt.y lIarfJld 10l{all ... T:l:h(' \\'ill) mHf1c CIl-, i. I 'V I d 'I ' t th This YCrl]', marks thei!' ('111'11 bllek if I 2:1lh C(JI1>iI'('utivc Ilvestock .sho\\i 1 and reserve champilm renistered ,111<1 ,viII !p;!lure one of Ill(' gTenl- ,\11 Furn·.'!'" Eligihll' , F AC P Hereford heifers in' the 4-H di- tJ·J-I hahy bcd, dairy and Rhl'f'jl /\11 (,11'11'11'1:0; in 1!l{"\\'aynl' trade: :! or,' vfsiort.: I 1 "hows in mllny yC'arR "reI( atl' !'itgiblf' tu {'ntc!-. E.nch I 'These be oood 'lOll/it" from \Vttyne counly wilo farm!'1 n:,ly ('))\1'1' two "Ialks 1 t9 d th h Of Poll d will ('xhjhit priz(, at Ak-S ... r- two ).;,rnllp" nf Illl'c(> rl'l.rs: Bring: j "":;':;ords ,F:ar::s. Ben ill{'lurte Riche'rel Long:@. Roh 'Road Job to , I'lhloro; from \\nkl'- lid,l and ('nrroll c·hurphr .. UTI" :I',.',htillg with till' "rug,'alll, 'I'll(' fllllll\\'tllP: pasJurs liI':l11 I'nlll_ ('XI'l'Uil\'P (,lJm/Jl\tl. I' ot chur,ches Coo\leHttlllt.:: i['lIp;l'IUn, Re\', O. n. ProQlt; gl..l1- "t al !)J'onlnl ion, R{'\'. S K .. (!(' I I - rilh; exhthits. Hev, ',1, II. M. ShiNY GII'1l 1loud{,l'slwldt hns nihlr Ohs('r"Hnr.C' prO('],I- 11 nfJp' aI's on jJHf-:{' 1. 1'('ll(m I 01 lo(b.,..."; J!('l;l!ri, Ill\ ifNI Thr j,uhlk j" Inviter] 10 al t{'ild h!' «·I'vil'(' ..... till' ('ntil{' so (10 not eut l 's. 1 Longe;" ,\I ... il]e Hansen, Gayle ',it (Iff i!ilot'e the gl'Our;d, Shuck lhe I .g'n "p' \VehnT, Ten)' \V('ill'cr. Norman "'fir::; and clip tiWl]1 off c'lclln <It the ; , I : W' _ , \\'"il){'n" J()rl Jeffr('y, Mt:rlin .J.:'\. 1:inun",. "anH', I" III I " 'oman 5 1'(>I1J). IIf'i'lJ('rt l1ili'lmflnn, 'Cell(' T"("'!\'(' fUT' ",ullplyinJ: .lit ('C)'its to I'llter nnd· Wnynd. county farmers will IHi.\·e! /In,1 ji,Ron ('11 hie' :,!'anb I 0 I an to sign up for the, CI b H Id : Olen HOOcicrsheldt. Wfllter Gi1- ill(' \\()l'k i More Wayne FridllY Ulld Sntllrdhy. 1 19 ';)3 U to 0 i i Lallgen1ciel' and Bohh) ]!;jrung underbid onl' firm_ hy_ 106 n I' V- ti Herald Staff d'" rodeo opl'ns Friday, Oct. 3' riO Ie ms I _10.; <!...,.. Cl, (t , the courlty committee 'an-, en TOlur did Sift I " . co J 1-0 . Verde! John.s(ln, fivc.,ypar-ol{ '"t'yO",', In the coun-" Eph made nounced,today, , " UI Oct. u {'S Ull( ay a ernoon" CQru udn!y funoR mntched with federal ..;nn of Mr, flt'ld :Tony,Johnson , tte h s·" fbirse,.tngenlsprYonsinooethd· To mia1u' best USf' or ,i: ,. foo . of northwest Wayne. is stiH in hed scattercd fields that wore t , u 'IN cf the Wayne ffrmer. (Ufferrn;t pra(' I("cs, there will he,,!' Tho Wayne ",omans c1tlb w>ll A highlight, of Iho ,how will bOI' Wayne county fUl"c(',s are doing 8fter sl:Jffering an attack of bul. Teplant('d 01" planted late need a mer<:hants and The Wayne Her- As an added' attraction he also a rarm to fa visit 1IU1d(' by I sponsor a of local : bar polio. , 1his $100 In prizes is be'ng 01- I ... ,of hn1Jmg a bj:.' held Uct. 6-10. WHVR 1:1 <lnd !fl .. The IOHO inler- year':::; crop is about I t . he "best C\"- fere(t the farmers who bring in .. r\'att()n net"dN on the C()-{'IUtirmcn dohn il},n" I,;;('cts No. I') <I ,11111e soulh o[ Nl'- for lit hiM hOlnl'. Ifh nl'('k attd'"c' ('I'," .' _ four stalks found in another hill. Farm plans 'prepared for "the unJ:' 11l1d lUrs., iK H('ln 'art' I lor;l;;k;1 No, I hud, art" Htlll qUit(' '"tiff. FI "ve Go p_m. Sa'tprday, "ervice or othe:t agrieulturnl agen- all 10('81 Jrllrdl'n("f'$ ,,:ho J(row out is lIiRO bf'jng .... ith coun- I neady well ):iftCI' bemg ill WJth . rs Eaeh of the stalks produced an farm hy the Soil Conservation" for the roolwrlltlon of 00 Y h TIl(' ).;1 lind {'uln'l I wOl'k I Mr<>, Harold !j)hpll is ,out .of. to Mr. jBeekenhauer brought in ear of oorn. cies will bc cOlnsidl.'l'ed in setting flo\,f'f'S or hll\'(:" nttMldlH yards. ' ; Hnd 1 POlIO, To H k- W - i M- - program COT Servl "ce os Ins oman Iss'lonary Tn a .... RUlc the mosl us(' Iprticipilte m;!.y hAt'l' Ihe E' d To National Meet , ,r ",,;"I'n<'o l,,"o1'id,," under ACI', lu,,;]1' In <1o nny ('I<-nn-un 1>'1'.-]' xpecte ' l"i\'(' WIlYlll' l'ti;'unty youths will I fif'ld by fidd:cilf"ck will be made 1)1" that Ih('y nlBY wish h'{J\/' fol' tlw <Irml"d forces 'Tu('s- Mrs, Chll'cncr Se.hl'oc(]I'I". 1I0s,1 .0" de'tf't"milH' the tn do now l'atl1('1' than \\aitille; un- rillY, Sf'pt, "3U/. Seleclive Servic<, killS 10 alt('ncl the' nall'ln,tll M 0 .,l{'I'ds alld to srled, the nlost Ul'-: IiI ' Mrs, Arthur Michn an- !-lomf' r.xtNlslon ("oulled at eet n('('ded practices, I The time [or Illl' tour will nul bl' 'F R II lloun<.'ed. :".J' C hom Oct 19 to No' J I'raC'lil'cs !'tele('ted wUl be suI>- : ,,('jpctcd until the growing seElson: or a y 'rhc'fi,ve will .12;0 by F'ort' She WIll leave Fremont by:r.jus I mUted to thr county l"l'tc.'-\ 1 is w(,11 starlf'd next ycar. This I Omaha where 1h('y will be induct- and travel to North Carolina mlttcl' fur , , ,will allow th(' mQst advant.ageou!-. <,u. Tlwy comprise the county's The Itour will Include trips to HOt 1 BefOl'C the commlttemen \'ISlt i Imll' to h(' c-hosf'n, draf,t quota for S.l'Ptcmb,cr. I New:Vork and Wash! ton, ,D.C. ere c the fal'ms in his he wiUI , :'Ilul'l' lhiln JOO yOUIlg' jJ('ople "tiT Mt'R. Schroeder. Ho:nl' Agent hl'l''(' Ihoroughly revj'(>wf'd the con_, I: l'X[){'ct{'d fm' the annw-II [all rally ,\ll's, Rl"ynolds and - .:i(,I'\'ation prnblll'ms his area amI I"f 1Ill' NeoraRka \Vnltht'l' leagu,c, Wayne Kiwanians Shown Film L{'o .:JOt'dan, Carroll. rNx'ntly rr- AboUl :2:)0 laymen and ministt:rs lI,l,e COl1RCI'\'ation p:<lelices V hi k N-1, ""-Ill b,e held, tUl'nl'9 from a s t It 1(' hon1£' will be gW':-;.ls of Redeemer MIS· \,)11 he dfec,hv{"jn mQetlOg i a amps I Wd)I1C SUIl9H}. Sept. LoS. ,Grace 1 m('eling at Chadron. MI'S, sional'Y socil'l,') \Vllyne Oct. 1 conservatIOn . Lullw('all \\althr)' 11':lgue l,.\III he ." "Willialm Rieggpr.t Ho<>kins, was and 2 at a misslOllHry con\'('ntioll, E\'('ry fUm1l'lr ,in ('OUIl- To Ma rk host Il) tIlt' g;!lherlllg, to hR.\·(' goone' hut illnes:-- o[ Mirl'w('st Synod I t;\" Is ,to INlrti('i»lltc Ln Itl';,;'i"fralinll b M'llf'dulril III Ho\' Con'elL made Lt inipo"sihli'. I from Okinhollill. Ih(" 1955 ,\('1', 1)('1,:-111 al a:30 V.IlI. at tl1f' c'lull 1'111' r,,'::nihH' notm hLndJPlIl1 lllf'<'\ Q Tf· .. liau"lI!'1 lind l"C'hru.'II,a Assistance proddf'd under 1IH' A . 1'00111"1 ut tlU' dty illg Wit" helj ,1\ ,Holri:-MmTisol1, ,j will Ill' progl'<1m cot'C!",ji only about half of nnJ e S r '1'111' 111l .... iI]{'ss nH,ctinl!; \\'111 he, Soldier of approved V ray Prt'."i(kd 1)\'('1' by Rcv, A1fn'd Hinlz, ' in Action Willcrt, Wayne, will be All sign"ud PI'Rctices must I and Mrs, I-Jerman' Vah.l- C, d"a'y' "nl"gl,I,',O. be by N?v. 15, 1952. Hlmp, sr., ':"Ill cele,b.rah' thc!r Ow camin'" yenr, 1\\'0 films will be o r h I I' d . '""cddlng annJ'en,Bry at I shown World Call." and a: Dance Tuesday ill. CI(',slon, is presid,"' of tho _ hO:,",' W,,)',:e i);\o' ,11>" "f Ih" Lolhcran church',' , tl'''',,-a!!(' dan"(' will hp Iwld at parlmC'nl 'of Delrllsc cm;ualty list Midwcst S""nod, fhul:sdR). Uct, .2. \"Ith .. O]l{ 11 new tel('\ I"inn program titled 1 a ., Tlw lo('a\ commiltee chairmcn WCW' 'L' ,h,O,n USl ' from !l unIt! :5 and 'f to !) 'TI,',',' '"s Thl: Life." ' 111(' mllc)' slolting I'ink Tuesda) r)'om I\:o('('a, 1 ct 1\ 1 W V tl I . ne 10nS .. !'Ii!!h!. Sep!. 30. Among 111(' nanH'S ,gi\ ('11 \,' H " thaI . \ . . I At 6 p.m. II fellow:;hip Inlllquct , l'{'port f1 I l1'.'g{· Imll,· of Sgt. Jam(1!; A. 1\,('\\'1011. ot ing; Mr::;. Ed Bahe and MI-s. Mar· / I ' In GW,i,I,I,e,hPr,uhtehl.c1,'a,nn of out of 1 ('l'n·a'·(' ','ouths att('ndt'ti I My, and Mrs, Ah In C. Nl'wton I' 'M' R nod At' 'L I d- ! ..., III l\L!1gl'r. 1 S, ,ern, 'a U re' were 1< red VIl_1l1knmp, Nr_, an A on",iC:ill moW hlls becn cho;;en 16 Dixon, M '),('1 t' I f't<;' Mrs F W \Vii 7" : A t V Ilk t H .- lei\' . '. . , ; : ;:.. for tIl{' hanquet spiting with the \Ch· to tht· ('CJlln'nlion C,h'al',rte', r N.·ght !>ildcd on the funn siJu'l' their frc)!U til(' 10('111 society arl'. !\1rfol_ marriage. _ Waync, will be toaslmus- n;Uml'r Mnrrll, I\'[rs. Fred Dl'n· Mr. came from Iter, 1\lrs. Emil S\\III1"{)11 ami I About Wa)'lle LIons and their many and settled with his frrmllv IUrs. Luclolr Kunz. '\\llk('(ll'ld. WIVCS att nded It he Charter night in Syracuse when he was' five' Prln<"illul Il(hlres!'i, will hf' Lndi('s' aid \\ill serve Uw mt'uls banquet or the Laurel Lions club .year,s old, Two years la,tor lhf-' I (!II by Lt'onard "lun<:,lu', Os- 1 "M"d,_st,h F (' nal,on"1 \Ice held there nigh't. family moved to Wayne cpuntY'1 lI,omJ. pdltor of thl'. ::'dmlska _. < " As the "-ayne Ol'garuza.tion MrR, Vahlkamp came to Waym;) Walther Leaguer", ,;lIbU: president, will speak at the lmn· WU!o:I the sponsoring club, local from Germany wheln she!, Clition ,of the dlstri( t 3o(lUt) or I quet evening and Rev. ('lub members '4nd officers pa.rtl- w,!is 2,1 years old. ,g.dniZu.ti.on., " . " , F\'aul a miRsionary. will (11)a.tcd nnd as.slsted 'lith 'the Children of ;the, Vahlkamps In. Thc dmner "III he sel'ed ,b},1 1 that afternoon, MI'S, Aaron I)rogram.: elUde Ervin. Fred, Herman, jl'" of Gl'llce Lutheran I Mcl\Iillian, a ctoctor from 1m Forme' Wayne Lion's President Mrs. August Allemann andi Mrs, aid socicty, headcd by committee I hospital. will speak at the AI B8he 1 g ,'Rve the welcome and in· I Otto Frevert, ',n of wayne, com- Mrs. Cltrence. II 0111.\ r y troduced toastmaster for the Henry Vahll<arpp, * son, Bare man ar r5_ M A evening, Max, {..amsonJ',LaureL deceased_ Tile Vahlkamps have 01 VI e . e ,son,. .' I I ""'00"00,-10.. 1 rs. L. , \Vayn -IPre'sident' D,'rk' Lueders I [Ive grandch' and three, great }'he sd proglam Will,. C OSl'n 6 will IT\'lew I.J ' ·W·) O'randehildr' Wlt h an out oor vesper sen lee t .sludy books. a gong and gavel to ,., , ,the college willow bowl Alfred Duis. Hildreth. has ham secret8JlY· " Rev. R. E, Kruse, Wakefield, will the last rally. dis· M k' I' deliver the vesper. address, " (, Wayne 'State college '" t will pr('<;;ent a vocal quartf't and t1:iet governor, ga\'c, the charter or e 5 1 "pxtet in Mrs, Vt..'ilfred mght Have a Date ' Nolson, Fritz F.llis and Mat', With D stiny," I Couple Celebrate lene Sieckmann will compose a DJstrict GOVlernor J. Emery I" j l' I trio. and the latter two "\'ill each NeIRon, Blair" tile (praces in Wayne Wednesdayl a.m.) 62nd Anniversary sing 0 solo, l\1i:>s Sieckman and club's charter to Neal A. Corn old $ 11 50" I Tom Bahe wiU also sin-g' a duet, I,resident or the' newly orgs. u- Corn' new 1·46 1\1r and Mrs Albert n BI'Uc£' 'MrS. :\lartin Rlrtger will accompany Ized club. . Oats' : :77 cclebl'atcd their 62nd weddmg them on the o/.gan, Waltt?)T R. democratic Cream ,.74 j nlversary M9Jlday_ ; • for g vernor'from Cen.. Hogs 2p.50 The>:' were matri.ed, Sept. 22, City, also g ve an address. Heavy hens, lb. ,I .15 1890, in 0, ,',a. and Raecke lost is tie wruhs Light hens, lb. . ' .13 Wayne fol" many the jion;o Cocks, lb. '._,.. _._. __ ... ."., ___ ._. 1.10 Their' Claudia, . PU j ase P ce EGGS--:r(on I I ::. . .4- A meetin· of th I e Lions" la" e __ ' __ "" AD an employee Wil1 be he)! to jgill Uons __ 1 .32 <\t Tn-S home hall, under.grade,dr.'· ______ ' i 1.27 jpast yea. , 'i :, 1 ,I . I \, I' '>;1 1 .: Terry Wehrer, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wehrer, Wayne, is, above wIth his Short- horn heifer which took top hon- ors at the NorfQl,k and sale, Don owner {If the E.I Rancho at Pilger, stands with the youth and his calf. He bought the calf for 50 a pound!' _____ I / '" ,I .' I i

THE iIIERALD· Revised ijibi~ ObSemnde Se~vr~~' Tuesdaynewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Group H~~'f Sponsorship A. ('ommullity_wirl ... rf'lni,"'mnc~(r

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" - '~"~" .!!' ~~'~i?i~i THE ·W.Nt~~~IE SEVENTY-EiGHTH YEAR '·''''·'''~;~''):1iiL;.,,,,,,, •• " ".~". cl~,", malt"" "" ~ A YNE" NEB~A$K+' T' URSltA Y; SEPTEMBER 25 ,1952 Cvpmgh, '"", by no WaYH' H,'",.,

iIIERALD· one Section eight pages


Revised I ijibi~ ObSemnde Se~vr~~'" -- -l. , ... ------~-----f-.~--+ ___ ._ '

,Corn Contest Closes Saturda'y;'~:::ir:~fn~~s ,'~JI\----p-~-O-CL-A-M-A-T-IO-N--"'" Tuesday

, Francia Diggins, Omaha, who WHER~AS, The :wcll being of our city can !'is£' no higher than

h r D m • eonff'~se~ to th,c r~ent robberies the, characte~ of our peoplE-' and the integrity, gjooqwill and T reeM 0 re En t r toy s ~,e m a ,n ~~~~7:t1~:h~7~~t:o;ct~i~~~ta~ ,~~ I ~~~',·1ct~O:'~~Xs S~u/f~;~~!Yhyn~;g~d,,:?gi~~~ d~~,::rro~~iIY ace

, _' * *{ * ¥- ' ¥ ¥- 'Y"nSshCtorifLjfnHCOalnn' ThiuOrt:dOan"t~h~rDc Ihg; i

l WHEREAS, Thp leffrctivr and faithful teaching no~' being cRr",

,.:. .. ... u lied on, hi OUI! Churc~es Rne! hom(,R should he mdt,c gem' rail) 'Over ~100 \ ,":'A," turn~d over' to p~nlientiary of·, I'f'Cogntz!'n hy OUr p opl!' R~ )-wing bH.'iic In the wf'lffll'e of -, -P fleLals, ,. "" 1 ('w'I'y aspe'ct nf de'ii'nlll(' community nnn famll:r' liff';

'I- I' 0;()\V, THEREF'c)RE. I Glf'n IlouritTsh(,'lrlt, Mavor of Ihl' City In' P rl" Z e' 5 i o~ \Vaynf', !'klV HSkH, h('rl'hy proclatlill t h~ pl~rinrl bc~in-r ' W h H nln~ Sum];')', Sl'pt. 4~; i1!ld I IInl inuing I hr'lu!-:'h Sunday, Ocl e' rer' as q. lfJ.~)L II .... tlw L~nd ,1111lUf!l CllrJ:.,ll;!.n EdUf'111il)l1' \\'f'r]" C:ll1

F W · [ . - 1 1t!Cl.li'ii?11 to 'tIl(' fRct, ~hill OUI' {'Jly \\'il} holrj \'ntrl'-clillJ'cll

or mners-, 'I' ' , ~,::~;;> ~~p/h;t':'~"":~"d:;n~U'[:~~.'~~'~"~" ~'~'d ~;:~ o:l':~~ I';PrTllf'r:-. in tJ1C Wayne trade!' T ,: H' if fil':-:t puhlic anpran1nrf' of the' r('\'ls('d o..:ll'l.r(4)d Y¢l"RWn of lh('

rq;iol1 han' oJ11:-. thn'c' mol'£' daYR I Op', ,e- : !e~ \ nlh,lt' Hn,d horle lhal

l'lhl' nlr'ssn,-,:e of t;1(' hol~' S{'I'lptUI{';, will

to ('ntl'I' lhcil' ('Ol;n ill the s('cond . {,0I1[11' all\(' f(1' nil!' )('nplr III t1('w, c[)mpI'llln:.:; PO\ol.{'I',

New tars Registered Herbert Krause, Hoskins, Chev. Fred KI'nsang, Hoskins, Chev, Harry Fischer, Wayne, Chev. Allen Sp·ttg'ber, Wisner. Ford Stanley A. Morris. Wayne, Chev. D_ F. Vqhlkamp, Wayne. Mere. Merlin V, Meyer, Wayne, Chcv. Olga A, Clausen, Pender. Mere. John Dunklau, Wayne, Chev. A, H. Owens. Wayne, Dodge Wiltlam Oamme, WInSide, Chev.

-~1~;;,I~'1 h,~:rlJ~~'Il~(~!(:/t~~('l~~~l\\ll~t/~~l~~i I ,:' GII'11 IIHUtll., ... III'hlt.-

The Ii", "Id, Th, elonlO',1 dH'.' At, ":.,'., Norfo'ik II: "a,,',,,, of m,,"'" Wayne Telephone Sattlj'd I~ -"'jilt ?l<1O p,lI1, "'-------i-___ ,... ___________ --'I Man I)romotcd ui; 10 \\'cflnC'~r1ay 11'Jon 1~ 'P11-

lrr('.s Hl 1)1(, lnll )..tAlk conlC'"t had 131 B b 'B' E d lwpt'l CIlI(']"rrl anci :.!a hen,'y A tOlal of 67 Wl1yne county 4.i-l, 'a y: ee es ntere ~ t,"",,'ings .h"d heO'" w,i"helL baby beeve, wwc exhibited at tho ' V ' . Tw~'nly~rf)lIr \\'a:ou~' ml'r- Norfolk :-how and sale held \Ved-; I c'hllal'i an' or~f':illJ;; I'ri1.c's \"IlJ- nesooy, .$C'pL 18, '

~TII:~.::t 's~~;'I~); ~(~~f) (,C~~I~ ~lll~:1 f;~:: th~~t j~.!II~~·O::::~lt~) a!~:;1~!1 '~'~~I~ ! In Ak Sa r Ben Stock Show' [I I I ' '''IlL' {r th1"Q1' h I _ _ I Mr. Tonjes/will be manilgcr of ' ,.,~~~ .~II~·"'··(',·~.", ~I:rt 11(''; 11:'1'lIld 'Is en h" th(' yout !o. I

n.,~ Ter~y \V~hrpl" :;on of Mr, and I tO~;iC:ent1er Northwestern Bell llWIII'clil1!.{ 1\ ril("(' sh:-month slIh- Mrs. Hl"rb('rt \VchrC'T hud the 1 \\ a, llC count} \\ 111 1)(' "" ell ~ efJ I ";C'rilltion II ... I' hnnu!hto till' 10 grand champion heifc!." of the I ' '(>;I'nt('(1 "I Ali Sal' Df'Il'S silH:'r

Ministerial Group H~~'f Sponsorship

A. ('ommullity_wirl(' s('l'Viee SPOtl_ "nI ('d hy thf' Wayne Minist<.'rlal 'j""o('i;!1 ](111 will he' hf'lrt Tll('sda)

I, L·l~;.n;;;,~~,I~·I~~;~;~ 1:;~~~~~~:r~~~~lr\I!~ t of : hr finly, Hihl!', This s{'['vi('p I.i

j )ldrl (If a natinll-wld!' ol},~(·rval1{'I.' • 1)1'. \r. F, ZinlIlwnnlln. ;\(ill-, land ('olll'gf', Fl'fOmont, hll~ tx-f'U

!'tdr('I~d II!i th .. I>linfipal !'tp('uk­I'r for thr Rihll' oh<O('n,-;,U{'r in III' hd\! at Ihl' dty Iludit'lrium III X p,lll. Or. Zhnntf'Cln~ul I .. an

1 IIIlhtalidilll{ ('hri'itlan In30-nuUl. "Tltf' Word of Ill(' Life HI Li\­

'I):"; LanglJ:I;':I'" which is- Ih'(' tlwIT'" o)f 111,' nh;;"r\allcl'. will IJf' lhe lopic of his- Hddl'Pss,

Rr'\' O. B PrOf'tl. g('rwral cll;lIl-111:1.) "f 11ll' !(Ic:d f'om01lt1('f' I(,utl('''d Ill!' Itlot;:r<1m will I ",J:II'~ III ;) pili tJ()n ur' 111(' nC'\\ r'\ I"cd o..:t'-lndllrd \crsion (If

: I,Jly t~IIJIf'. along- with thf' IIIil~ ('cading fl~nm th(> lkhrf'\\ ,0r(,f'1< ,!nd Li1tln Illnguagt',,", II,. IHOb,!' \\hl1ll'l'<o;. ' show, His shorthorn calf took lhe S _ I :I~ililt'c Ii\'~~tol'k -~ho~/ i1n~1 \\'odd II

FilSt Ill;I':(' \','IIlIW('S ,r! d\vard. I Pfcla Awards chnmlJlOmhlp rodt·o 10 !)(' held

~~':'7,~::·,:::::I:,:~::,:il";~:;I~~L,,, "'""c'- ~~nl~:f~:~~l~I~~;~, ~;~,,~{~I~:~I~'f£ For Breeding Heifers "O~,,(~;,: I','~,l,:,,:~, ~n~',I,~~'m'" I

iH'I\', Til" (Jll1('1' four W1rl1{'!'!-l will; "en'(' ChRm~)ion of thc show, '4.~''o m~~~~~·:g:o ~a%n~u~~~~!~ l;fl(:\~.-i~~::-I~)I:~al:l~~~I:~~~!:m~::)(~;~

I l!(',"'enl<!lillll Ilf five I·npw .... oj 11-,' : '11'\\' tllhll' 10 rf'pI'C':->I'n'11tliv(' IWI-

1"'I'r I I"·..., ;Jpd <J IIl,IIlY of thaJlk"!-:(\lI':":; a 1" 11'(1 rkdl(':I!!(lrl

~!'\~~I~I' pl'ize NII~'hl Ir \\ hy lot 3("(' Nf1RFOLK SilO,\, - Pltl{\' 2 I brc,ecting livestock as projects, ..,hon' cflmm!ttpp, annOlin('rd thut A }Iisl 1'll;('I~~f' \~'\J'lnn1~r~ ,~~tlll\e pub-I '. ' LeI'and Herman announced this 31 ('Iltrh· ... from 19: vuuth .. \\,('["1'

l' I l' I I) t .. . f The' i week he is gOing, to present cash rI'C'('iH'" till ... ' H'N'k [nun WUj'lH' /i~~:I';i(t\v\~\',(';·~· wiil "~~:I~l~ o~o Tho! IDS I cerltificate awards next year at ('(llInly thr'ollgh nH' ofn('!' of IfeI'HI(1 i:)!'rir'I' til L:'C't l11e'ir pl'il.(', ates 'at I the Wayne county ~air." ('Olillt.y ,\~wnt lIarfJld 10l{all ...

T:l:h(' \\'ill) mHf1c CIl-, i. I 'V I d 'I ' t th This YCrl]', marks Ak-SiH-B(,Jl'~ thei!' ('111'11 bllek if I Yd'~;;;:r C~h~~i:in~e tR~vecnha~Pio~ 2:1lh C(JI1>iI'('utivc Ilvestock .sho\\i

1 and reserve champilm renistered ,111<1 ,viII !p;!lure one of Ill(' gTenl-,\11 Furn·.'!'" Eligihll' , F AC P Hereford heifers in' the 4-H di- ('~t tJ·J-I hahy bcd, dairy and Rhl'f'jl

/\11 (,11'11'11'1:0; in 1!l{"\\'aynl' trade: :! or,' vfsiort.: I 1 "hows in mllny yC'arR "reI( atl' !'itgiblf' tu {'ntc!-. E.nch I 'These ce-rtificateslw~1 be oood 'lOll/it" from \Vttyne counly wilo farm!'1 n:,ly ('))\1'1' two "Ialks ,~nd 1 t9 d th h ~ Of Poll d will ('xhjhit priz(, ~ll)('k at Ak-S ... r-two ).;,rnllp" nf Illl'c(> rl'l.rs: Bring: j "":;':;ords efr:~rcH:r~ale ,F:ar::s. Ben ill{'lurte Riche'rel Long:@. Roh

'Road Job to WayneM~n

, I'lhloro; from "·il1~hh.l. \\nkl'-lid,l and ('nrroll c·hurphr .. UTI" :I',.',htillg thp-a~"'fldlltion with till' "rug,'alll, 'I'll(' fllllll\\'tllP: pasJurs liI':l11 I'nlll_

('XI'l'Uil\'P (,lJm/Jl\tl. I' ot chur,ches Coo\leHttlllt.::

i['lIp;l'IUn, Re\', O. n. ProQlt; gl..l1-"t al !)J'onlnl ion, R{'\'. S K .. (!('

I ~~~,~(~~(' ;fl~:~~~~~c~l;V~ I ~')()~('~:: -'Gri~~ • rilh; exhthits. Hev, ',1, II. M. ShiNY

GII'1l 1loud{,l'slwldt hns nihlr Ohs('r"Hnr.C' prO('],I-

11 nfJp' aI's on jJHf-:{' 1. 1'('ll(m I 01 lo(b.,..."; J!('l;l!ri,

'uhl~(' Ill\ ifNI Thr j,uhlk j" Inviter] 10 al t{'ild

h!' «·I'vil'(' .....

till' ('ntil{' ~1,,.,·II, so (10 not eutl 's. ~ 1 Longe;" ,\I ... il]e Hansen, Gayle

',it (Iff i!ilot'e the gl'Our;d, Shuck lhe I .g'n "p' \VehnT, Ten)' \V('ill'cr. Norman "'fir::; and clip tiWl]1 off c'lclln <It the ; , I : W' _ , \\'"il){'n" J()rl Jeffr('y, Mt:rlin .J.:'\. 1:inun",. "anH', I" III

ha~p. I " 'oman 5 1'(>I1J). IIf'i'lJ('rt l1ili'lmflnn, 'Cell(' T"("'!\'(' $I(j,i{j·~ fUT' ",ullplyinJ: .lit ('C)'its Ilnthlll~ to I'llter nnd· Wnynd. county farmers will IHi.\·e! ,lif~~~; t~~~OY KI~~~:er~im D~;~;~: /In,1 Itla('jll~ ji,Ron ('11 hie' :,!'anb I 0

I ~~~;!.f"~~l\'~:;~~I1~u~;~~~/Oe;~~~~c.~O~:~ an oppo~1unily to sign up for the, CI b H Id : Olen HOOcicrsheldt. Wfllter Gi1- "O~!I~I:~·I"~i~~~~sthl~dro~~1. ill(' \\()l'k i T~'o More Wayne Thurstln_~, FridllY Ulld Sntllrdhy. 1

19';)3 Arricult'g~ lCW&~tif!l, U to 0 i i ~;~~I.TaCk Lallgen1ciel' and Bohh) ]!;jrung underbid onl' firm_ hy_ ~ 106 n I' V- ti

sl'5?'~'u.'tJ~!yts'~~gth"'!C;n}kl'J~~,r\~o:·iti.:,'~g,~~gta ,al;"e~ ~Wayne Herald Staff t~~~~~lp~o~~be~~, ~h;llf.m'an '~~I/i1 d'" 'Th~ rodeo opl'ns Friday, Oct. 3' ~','O'~I'lh"-"c-I'!,I,,ln'~:rf'lni,"'mnc~(r \~~t'I;7~va~~~ riO ~~ Ie ms I _10.; <!...,.. Cl, (t , the courlty Pl'\~A, committee 'an-, 'G~r en TOlur did Sift I " . ~ co J 1-0 . Verde! John.s(ln, fivc.,ypar-ol{

'"t'yO",', o,L~,·f~~e(r~~lfl~~~ In the coun-" Eph Beck~~hauer, abov~. made ~h~:ye ~ar~s ~~ c:~; ~~~I~~e i~~~~~i nounced,today, , " UI Oct. ~~~,c u {'S Ull( ay a ernoon" CQru udn!y funoR mntched with federal ..;nn of Mr, flt'ld Mr~. :Tony,Johnson ~ , tte

hs·" fbirse,.tngenlsprYonsinooethd· ~cyor~aC,yOnne- To mia1u' ~e best USf' or tb~ ,i: ,. foo . of northwest Wayne. is stiH in hed Som'~ scattercd fields that wore t , u 'IN cf the Wayne ffrmer. (Ufferrn;t pra(' I("cs, there will he,,!' Tho Wayne ",omans c1tlb w>ll A highlight, of Iho ,how will bOI' Wayne county fUl"c(',s are doing 8fter sl:Jffering an attack of bul.

Teplant('d 01" planted late need a mer<:hants and The Wayne Her- As an added' attraction he also a rarm to fa visit 1IU1d(' by th~' I sponsor a t~ur of local ~~r~ens ~~. ~~~104~fJ ~~~fh~~f ~,,~~~~~. ~~1i : :~f'i g~,~~:~~g \~~?c~1 r~~:~~~~I;'Omg~ bar polio. ,

lit~~et~~g:,~ t:~c"~~cc':lat~;:i 1his a~~er $100 In prizes is be'ng 01- ~;~~ghc',~nt~~";:ft c:;ni:r:o'7d'~': ~~~~I t:~"~m\::"::':'~~: t1~~ I ~~~~e/~ ... ~~o~.nstead ,of hn1Jmg a bj:.' held Uct. 6-10. WHVR 1:1 <lnd !fl .. The IOHO inler- IIg~I~.t(;:~I(:~y =r;::~ i~~~ ;;~=( year':::; crop is about It.he

"best C\"- fere(t the farmers who bring in i~v~n:ta~~f :~d c~~ntl:h~~~hirae;: ('on~ .. r\'att()n net"dN on the (nr~)1, C()-{'IUtirmcn !\Ir~_ dohn il},n" • I,;;('cts No. I') <I ,11111e soulh o[ Nl'- for lit hiM hOlnl'. Ifh nl'('k attd'"c' ('I'," .' _ etha~,taTlhleestco·nttaelsktsc~ons~s ha~a~i~~ four stalks found in another hill. Farm plans 'prepared for "the unJ:' 11l1d lUrs., I~. iK H('ln 'art' I lor;l;;k;1 No, ~:;, I hud, art" Htlll qUit(' '"tiff.

FI"ve Go p_m. Sa'tprday, "ervice or othe:t agrieulturnl agen- all 10('81 Jrllrdl'n("f'$ ,,:ho J(row out S· is lIiRO bf'jng .... ith coun- I iln~ neady well ):iftCI' bemg ill WJth . rs Eaeh of the stalks produced an farm hy the Soil Conservation" Iwpln~ for the roolwrlltlon of ~ 00 Y h TIl(' ).;1 lind {'uln'l I wOl'k I Mr<>, Harold !j)hpll is ,out .of. I~d

to Mr. jBeekenhauer brought in ear of oorn. cies will bc cOlnsidl.'l'ed in setting flo\,f'f'S or hll\'(:" nttMldlH yards. ' ; ~~ Hnd f~d(';?1 1 POlIO,

To H k- W - i M- - ~!~C Vi11~~of~~el~~~1i,on program COT m3~: th~l~~~n~~ms:~:\ 11~~{'b~~~~ Servl"ce os Ins oman Iss'lonary Tn a .... RUlc the mosl (,[f~I'i"e us(' Iprticipilte m;!.y hAt'l' Ihe O]lp0l'~ E' d

To National Meet , ,r ",,;"I'n<'o l,,"o1'id,," under ACI', lu,,;]1' In <1o nny ('I<-nn-un 1>'1'.-]' xpecte ' l"i\'(' WIlYlll' l'ti;'unty youths will I fif'ld by fidd:cilf"ck will be made 1)1" rf"pIHnlin~ that Ih('y nlBY wish h'{J\/' fol' tlw <Irml"d forces 'Tu('s- Mrs, Chll'cncr Se.hl'oc(]I'I". 1I0s,1 .0" de'tf't"milH' the (,oll~f'I''''''tion tn do now l'atl1('1' than \\aitille; un-rillY, Sf'pt, "3U/. Seleclive Servic<, killS pl,lll~ 10 alt('ncl the' nall'ln,tll M 0 .,l{'I'ds alld to srled, the nlost Ul'-: IiI :-:pl"i1H~, '

'f.:lcl'l~ Mrs, Arthur Michn an- !-lomf' r.xtNlslon ("oulled at n.dlr'l~h eet pens~ ~'I1t!y n('('ded practices, I The time [or Illl' tour will nul bl' 'F R II lloun<.'ed. :".J' C hom Oct 19 to No' J I'raC'lil'cs !'tele('ted wUl be suI>- : ,,('jpctcd until the growing seElson: or a y

'rhc'fi,ve will .12;0 by bu~\to F'ort' She WIll leave Fremont by:r.jus I mUted to thr county l"l'tc.'-\ ~ont- 1 is w(,11 starlf'd next ycar. This I Omaha where 1h('y will be induct- and travel to North Carolina mlttcl' fur apl)l·O'·~1. , , ,will allow th(' mQst advant.ageou!-. <,u. Tlwy comprise the county's The Itour will Include trips to HOt 1 BefOl'C the commlttemen \'ISlt i Imll' to h(' c-hosf'n, draf,t quota for S.l'Ptcmb,cr. I New:Vork and Wash! ton, ,D.C. ere c the fal'ms in his (li~trict. he wiUI ~ , :'Ilul'l' lhiln JOO yOUIlg' jJ('ople "tiT

Mt'R. Schroeder. Ho:nl' Agent hl'l''(' Ihoroughly revj'(>wf'd the con_, • I: l'X[){'ct{'d fm' the annw-II [all rally ,\ll's, ~olllnd' Rl"ynolds and :VII'~, - .:i(,I'\'ation prnblll'ms ~h his area amI I"f 1 Ill' NeoraRka \Vnltht'l' leagu,c, ~

Wayne Kiwanians

Shown Film L{'o .:JOt'dan, Carroll. rNx'ntly rr- AboUl :2:)0 laymen and ministt:rs lI,l,e COl1RCI'\'ation p:<lelices wh.ic~, V hi k /O:H~ N-1, wl~i:h ""-Ill b,e held, l~: tUl'nl'9 from a s t It 1(' hon1£' will be gW':-;.ls of Redeemer MIS· \,)11 he ~ost dfec,hv{"jn mQetlOg i a amps I Wd)I1C SUIl9H}. Sept. LoS. ,Grace 1 ~'xt('n~ion m('eling at Chadron. MI'S, sional'Y socil'l,') ~11 \Vllyne Oct. 1 conservatIOn n&e~". . Lullw('all \\althr)' 11':lgue l,.\III he

." "Willialm Rieggpr.t Ho<>kins, was and 2 at a misslOllHry con\'('ntioll, E\'('ry fUm1l'lr ,in \\':tyn~ ('OUIl- To Ma rk host Il) tIlt' g;!lherlllg, W!~ ~il~~~';~~~~c ti~~~~;i~~1~~~~j~I-i:),.. "UPDO~f'{I to hR.\·(' goone' hut illnes:-- o[ Mirl'w('st Synod I t;\" Is ('lil.oibl(~ ,to INlrti('i»lltc Ln Itl';,;'i"fralinll b M'llf'dulril III

Ho\' Con'elL made Lt inipo"sihli'. I Fift~· (tJ\\II~ from Okinhollill. Ih(" 1955 ,\('1', 1)('1,:-111 al a:30 V.IlI. at tl1f' c'lull 1'111' r,,'::nihH' notm hLndJPlIl1 lllf'<'\ Q Tf· .. a~, liau"lI!'1 lind l"C'hru.'II,a Assistance proddf'd under 1IH' A . 1'00111"1 ut tlU' dty 1I11<1ito~IJJIlI.

illg Wit" helj ,1\ ,Holri:-MmTisol1, ,j will Ill' r(·I)r(·~NIt.('t1. progl'<1m cot'C!",ji only about half of nnJ e S r '1'111' 111l .... iI]{'ss nH,ctinl!; \\'111 he,

• Dix~n Soldier of r-;r~~' \~,I:~,~/~~~~~~~. i~l:~l:l'~~~\~~ ~:~~P~~~';~~~~~b~~c~~S~s~f approved V ray Prt'."i(kd 1)\'('1' by Rcv, A1fn'd Hinlz, '

1'eell-~--()-Squarri I(iI~ed in Action Willcrt, Wayne, will be tonstm<l~- All sign"ud ~or PI'Rctices must I M~, and Mrs, I-Jerman' Vah.l- ;(~~I;~~r::~lr~ieI~!~~~::;I(~~t ~}'[~~~r:O~~~' "~~g C, d"a'y' "nl"gl,I,',O. l~al,'~s~IU<'\;'ahrCr'c'Cn V;C'h"(ulrcehs~ be complete.~ by N?v. 15, 1952. Hlmp, sr., ':"Ill cele,b.rah' thc!r Ow camin'" yenr, 1\\'0 films will be

o r h I I' d . l'.'~ g'ol~en '""cddlng annJ'en,Bry at I shown "Y~ur World Call." and a: Dance Tuesday :<iJ~dlfll ";,~li,~a~'i~~'~h~,'cla,'~~~ D~'s ill. CI(',slon, is presid,"' of tho _ ;he,~, hO:,",' sou'h,~",t ~)r W,,)',:e i);\o' ,11>" "f Ih" Lolhcran church','

, tl'''',,-a!!(' dan"(' will hp Iwld at parlmC'nl 'of Delrllsc cm;ualty list Midwcst S""nod, fhul:sdR). Uct, .2. \"Ith .. O]l{ 11 new tel('\ I"inn program titled 1 a ., Tlw lo('a\ commiltee chairmcn WCW' 'L' ,h,O,nUSl' from !l unIt! :5 and 'f to !) 'TI,',',' '"s Thl: Life." ' 111(' mllc)' slolting I'ink Tuesda) r)'om I\:o('('a, 1 ct 1\ 1 W V tl I . ne 10nS ..

!'Ii!!h!. Sep!. 30. Among 111(' nanH'S ,gi\ ('11 \,'H" thaI ~~:Tll\l~.;l' NIl'~~sA.t'i~n FitC~. de~~~~~= . \ . . I At 6 p.m. II fellow:;hip Inlllquct , Spon~ol'''' l'{'port f1 I l1'.'g{· Imll,· of Sgt. Jam(1!; A. 1\,('\\'1011. ~on ot ing; Mr::;. Ed Bahe and MI-s. Mar· / I ' In T{~a;:(>hl~::!!~~.Wl'Zt:~~~[;:I~~ GW,i,I,I,e,hPr,uhtehl.c1,'a,nn c!hh~rc~~l,derCTOft of out of 1('l'n·a'·(' ','ouths att('ndt'ti I My, and Mrs, Ah In C. Nl'wton I' o· 'M' R nod At' 'L I ~ d-

! ..., III l\L!1gl'r. mu~lC: 1 S, ,ern, 'a U re' were 1< red VIl_1l1knmp, Nr_, an A on",iC:ill moW hlls becn cho;;en ~~ _~SI d~nl'{' ~('Rsi~_n Hf',~~_~:I~t~ 16 Dixon, M '),('1 t' I f't<;' Mrs F W \Vii 7" : A t V Ilk t H

.- lei\' t'~a!./te~ast;~r, . '. . • , ; : W~~:e rCHr~~n:!>i~l"; ~~:e(' ;:.. for tIl{' hanquet spiting with the \Ch· D('h''{nt('~ to tht· ('CJlln'nlion C,h'al',rte', r N.·ght !>ildcd on the funn siJu'l' their ~rt(~~~' ~~uYs.~.''' 2~~~g;~~ f~, ·'~~~l:: frc)!U til(' 10('111 society arl'. !\1rfol_ marriage. _ nin~;ham, Waync, will be toaslmus-n;Uml'r Mnrrll, I\'[rs. Fred Dl'n· Mr. Vahl~amp came from G~'r~ Iter, k~nJ:.'l'r, 1\lrs. Emil S\\III1"{)11 ami I About ~5 Wa)'lle LIons and their many and settled with his frrmllv IUrs. Luclolr Kunz. '\\llk('(ll'ld. WIVCS att nded It he Charter night in Syracuse when he was' five' Prln<"illul Il(hlres!'i, will hf' ~\'. Lndi('s' aid \\ill serve Uw mt'uls banquet or the Laurel Lions club .year,s old, Two years la,tor lhf-' I (!II by Lt'onard "lun<:,lu', Os- 1

"M"d,_st,hF(' bpnnqRuCel·lt'~", nal,on"1 \Ice held there :Mom~.ay nigh't. family moved to Wayne cpuntY'1 lI,omJ. pdltor of thl'. ::'dmlska _. < " As the "-ayne Ol'garuza.tion MrR, Vahlkamp came to Waym;) Walther Leaguer", o~fl('~111 ,;lIbU:

president, will speak at the lmn· WU!o:I the sponsoring club, local coun~y from Germany wheln she!, Clition ,of the dlstri( t 3o(lUt) or I quet Wedl1~5day evening and Rev. ('lub members '4nd officers pa.rtl- w,!is 2,1 years old. ,g.dniZu.ti.on., " . " , F\'aul I-JRnR~n, a miRsionary. will (11)a.tcd nnd as.slsted 'lith 'the Children of ;the, Vahlkamps In. Thc dmner "III he sel'ed ,b},1

1 that afternoon, MI'S, Aaron I)rogram.: • elUde Ervin. Fred, Herman, jl'" \~omcn of Gl'llce Lutheran Ja~les I Mcl\Iillian, a ctoctor from 1m Forme' Wayne Lion's President Mrs. August Allemann andi Mrs, aid socicty, headcd by committee I

hospital. will speak at the AI B8he

1g,'Rve the welcome and in· I Otto Frevert, ',n of wayne, com- cll~irm('n Mrs. Cltrence. :~er, II

0111.\ r y a[al~~e a~hU~C~: troduced ~he toastmaster for the l~unity. Henry Vahll<arpp, * son, M~'S;nHeNblTt Bare man ar r5_ M A evening, Max, {..amsonJ',LaureL I· ~ deceased_ Tile Vahlkamps have 01 VI e . e ,son,. .' I I

""'00"00,-10.. 1 rs. L. , \Vayn -IPre'sident' D,'rk' Lueders I [Ive grandch' r~n and three, great }'he da~ sd proglam Will,. C OSl'n6 will IT\'lew I.J ' ·W·) O'randehildr' Wlt h an out oor vesper sen lee

t .sludy books. p.resente~ a gong and gavel to 1· ,., , ,the college willow bowl ~f w~ich Alfred Duis. Hildreth. has ham ~,Fahnestock. secret8JlY· " Rev. R. E, Kruse, Wakefield, will

the last mj~sionary rally. trC:~ry y~~!~e. ~ea,u'drcOlr,Opl~'t dis· M k' I' deliver the vesper. address, " (, Wayne 'State T~aehers college '" t

will pr('<;;ent a vocal quartf't and t1:iet governor, ga\'c, the charter or e 5 • 1 "pxtet in ll1u~ic, Mrs, Vt..'ilfred mght a~drcss, .'~We Have a Date ' Nolson, ~lrR. Fritz F.llis and Mat', With D stiny," I Couple Celebrate lene Sieckmann will compose a DJstrict GOVlernor J. Emery I" j l' I trio. and the latter two "\'ill each NeIRon, Blair" p~ntC(1 tile (praces in Wayne Wednesdayl a.m.) 62nd Anniversary sing 0 solo, l\1i:>s Sieckman and club's charter to Neal A. Fel~r, Corn old $ 11 50" I Tom Bahe wiU also sin-g' a duet, I,resident or the' newly orgs.u - Corn' new 1·46 1\1r and Mrs Albert n BI'Uc£' 'MrS. :\lartin Rlrtger will accompany Ized club. . Oats' : :77 cclebl'atcd their 62nd weddmg an~ them on the o/.gan, Waltt?)T R. ~~e~ke, democratic Cream ,.74 j nlversary M9Jlday_

; • candldHt~ for g vernor'from Cen.. Hogs 2p.50 The>:' were matri.ed, Sept. 22, ~ral City, also g ve an address. Heavy hens, lb. ,I .15 1890, in 0, ~:aV(, ~; ,',a. and h~ve· b~el1;",

r~!!l\I<"~_t',v"!-,'",,"'"il' Raecke lost is tie W~ich wruhs Light hens, lb. . ' .13 Wayne Iresldent~ fol" many ye~rs. ~uctlfn:~~o the ~.ayne jion;o ~h~ Cocks, lb. '._, .. _._. __ ... ."., ___ ._. 1.10 Their' ,ld.~ttQ~ter, Claudia, . hv~s: r!~~~ CIU~ PU

j ase P ce EGGS--:r(on grAd'~) I I W_ith,tfi!i;,r~-: ::. . .4-

A meetin· of th ~ I e Lions" G/a~~, A~ la" e ~o.%., __ ' __ "" AD -Mr~. "l(:;~,ha,s: ~e'e~ an employee Wil1 be he)! to jgill ~t~e Uons tf"~de'A; m~~.~'d~Z:,"_'_'.: __ 1 .32 <\t Tn-S te,~:~mg home l~~ ~, • hall, • under.grade,dr.'· ______ ' i 1.27 jpast yea. , 'i :, 1

,I . I \, I' '>;1 1 .:

Terry Wehrer, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wehrer, Wayne, is, ~hown above wIth his Short­horn heifer which took top hon­ors at the NorfQl,k and sale,

Don De~1eck, owner {If the E.I Rancho at Pilger, stands with the Way~e youth and his calf. He bought the calf for 50 c<fnt~ a pound!' _____ ,L~

I /

'" ,I

.' I


';I • 'l'he WeYI!~ htebr.)p:~ndd, j'hur,day. Sept- 25, 19,52 Ftin~ralITtI:~sdat ' , For Father of i

2QO'i,p$ren1* Weather lNotesMrs.l!iltalander J' A t~pieal summer electrical, fUnefal services: were 'A 'C lilt 'hail, rain and wind·storm·hit the :cd 1ill$day at 2 I P.m. t . -t ~', e' ,0' '. ~ge W:~~~~~i~~p~~:d;}~:!~:~~:7i \·WiI~~~.iS~at~~r~~ tf;s. JR~~

More than 200 W~lyne State hit north and southeast O'f here. lander, WaynC', Re\'. O. B. ProcH fa~l{sl~~; f~r~~ ~~ir~h~o~l :ff. Weather Hecorder Arc hie Qfficiated.

PUS, inspect living -quarters, p eet ~ie;~:::~~t;ni':~ t~fe =t"or~~h~~~ ho~~tarfa~~;d::e~t ll~~5a~:n?~;t~~ faculty members' and attend he tray and Saturday a ,prizzlirl" being ill for sevcn months. He. had WaTynhe.-!O;:.nnitn.gS)oid,neef,loo.'nbtahl,l,s,gla",f.t:· rain measuring .09 of an inch fell been in the merchantilp busllless

... - .. " in Wayne. in Wau~a for 30 ye>ars before re-icully rooters 'from Sioux Ci Y It's time .to cover those.o-toma- tiring in 1932. Alter that he con~ :~~:~~:tn~':~~: !::·::.Ot't: ,to plants with a little straw, Each .tracted for mason w01'I(., He .was lnrgest to 'attend .a game In M1c- r~~h:r~~~,e mT.;~~ury dips nearer ~~y~e;rJ' a\h~~~ ~~~t~~ an'dd~~~: nt~flf~ &~~~ChlidS, college rc~is- ' . 1 pr~!~t~~dies' ~:. .. u~~

;h~~,lli~ ~~;::,~a~'~;da~~~ sf~~ Federal Land Bpitk Woodlawn _ third largest in Ihe hlstory of the Meeting at Rapid City dU'i~b3~~e;:on,

stadium, and combined with the I d H lll!mbf.!r of complimentary ticlcets oJll?'v~I~;nl(',('Pl~~~?~~~ilve~ao:Ahe~~~ ~~~eh~i~~g~~n. Uk

~~~[~~bIY set a record for ,the ~tn· assodati'oll of WakC'field will ot- Survivors include . I'ny Tribute tpnd IhE' :-rlth anrti\'('rs.ary Federal er; two other daughters.


PAVIS!l'I\~LAi';"f;'" '.'.,,' State TB Meet, BRICKS AT1CROSSING

Bricks have ,been torn out and Sfat~d at ColJege replaced .by cement at.a~~roaches Represcntatives of the Nebraska tl?"the rall~ad cr9ssmgs m Wa~ne. Tuberculosis association \vill meet

. p~~~~1.~n:o~~ !~n'~h~~:~il~ at Wayne S~atc Tea~~e.rs coll~~.e 20 ~~; are taken down, residents shoUlp' t~rl.a~ to rC'VH2W aSSOC?o\ltlOn act\\~­

get a smooth ride when they cros:; I tIC'S rn thC' area dUl1ng thC' past . .' the rails. yC'a~ and plan the program for the

John . vlc.e~presldent I • I commg year.

,of ~=~aLI:a ues~~t~o~~tk::n~t f. .The all-day sessi.on will open ~ m.~ting~ 9 p , RepublIcan Caravan ,W,'h a ?offe~ hou, '~ the lounge

e '. • I at which O\Jtstandlng county

w!'e~~r:d'pr~?~}~t ~}O~;e gt~~1 Here Frl~ay, O~t. 10 ~~;nt~i:'~:S~~S~ii~~~~te:'p~~~I~a~ for the coming year .. He succe~ds . Wa~e ~oJ"nty,. Repubbcan part~ will include recognition of vol-E. G~,smeupepper, Pierce. ~executlve .,kOmmlttee rnaae plans unteer work the presfr'ltatfon of

Other officers .e~ected .~ere Pa.ul last Wetdn('sday eve~ing for ~he the 1952 ca~paign to.ls and an Zutz~ N rfulk, vlce"preSldent; ahd Munty central tomrnlttee meeting eva.luation of last. year's work. Alvin V orhif's, Waynf', se-crmary-I held .Tul'sday evening this week. F,OIlOWing a noon lun'1::hC'on. treasurer.. th':I~:~~t/~;~:e~~:!~Vnets a:r~h~ group will discuss t~ preparati

• • ~~r r;:~:t~~g thean~o~arry ,Si- ~~C1~~i~~C~~;~I~~U~~ll t~~· ~~~o~~: Accept R~slgnatlon ;lan~P for the ~ina:;ial .cam-I th~'6ugh ~B('t.ics. Question~ ,",:'i11 be Of Wayne -Pastor 'paign, beginninv Oct. I, welT' dis- raised and ~Iscu.sspd at th!~ time.

, i cussed. , Th£' mf'C'tmg In yvaynC' !s onf' of


: Republicans Hear Ike Eisenhower

T. S. Hook was requested to ride on the Etsenhower. train goinV; through Nebraska last wP('jc }I,' was to ride from Oma);ja to Fall" City Thursday. but chose to r('turn to Wayne instead.

Those from Wayne who Wf'nl 10 Omaha to hear the Repuhllrilll prf'sidential candidate> \\It'l'l' .::\11

and Mrs. Lloyd '::;Iraighl, Cliflold Dahl, John Ede>nbul'il. :Mrs. Fl"!'! N\berg, and T~ ~~~~o~_


, . of St. Pauls Luther,an I ,A cara'r n 0:- Republican politi- Sf'\'('n such mN'tmgS bell"'" hf'lrl I co,ngJ'I1tl,Biti,m S u,~ day .. ~ccep~C'd I cal candid, tes will arrive in Vv'arn(' t!ll.'OU ghOU,t Nebr.aska. Orh('rs arf'

t~e rtslgnation at 10:30 .m. Oct. 10 for a street I be>mg hpltl 'at Lmcoln. Columbus,! abel'. S('\'enty-five churchC's in Ne- Shlery. meeting. Grand hl<tnd, North Plat(E', Scotts-

braska will take part in the series s~:~~~; a!::~ I:::~ co~~~~~s ~fl t~~te~~~Ythc:n~;~~ ~~~_~~~ ~~~~~ ___ _

One of the. highlights of the Par- ~il~~ ~agl.~ s~~~.f~;~n~~d a~6, Rapid ~~l ~~~!~j~'e~b~t~;,aor~~;d ~~,l~~~'lYp~fJ \~e ~~ci~la~~i;ti~~ All 190 associations tn Iowa, ther, Frank, Orion, Ill.; and

'111& Wayne State 'band, under th{:! Nebraska, South Oak()ta and tel', Tillie Palmer, Los of s[Jf'cial SCl'vicf's.

family WIll leave l dldates at a luncheon at thf' hotel f1ev. Walter Kennicutt, Chap~ 15 f F k ill man, has been in 'Wayne this he h'asO~cC::t~dV the~ that noon I <I. week with a series of proqrams of Zion Luthet"an I,. under the visitation spiritual life church. MCJthOtiists \.Attend - ,'"1_"".' •••

IOctober special services. held foU v.mg the mornmg Ser\iCe ':I:..11SUJ:,I't • ~Oll' erence

direction of Eugene Beeman. Wyoming will nav,e Ide legates at There are also.;f~O,U~~'.~' !!~::~~::~'fd",'n Wittl appropriate musk, the the conference. The last· such and two great

hand pantomimed a. review of four-state conft!:rence was held in A son Emil the Ufe of a typical .pair Of 1947. parents. par,tlcularly u.s regard- Attending- from this ar('a will be

j~fh!h~'~vi~~s~~~ff;ded the baby~ ~~~ih ~a~~~i~f~:l B2si~rt~~e~~ Norfolk Show -carl'iage days, the graduatiop from er. AJlC'n, and Felix Jelfnek, W'ake­hi.~h Rchool and the return 'of the field. the 5('creal'Ylt~('a$ur('r of this ('oJ1C'~e student with a suitcas(' of 1 as"oriation, Jaundry for Mom and a request for Th.is association servcs [arPlcrs

~mo'Vement which will precede the The c~ngregationai meC'tmg was lin!, 4...o..->:At n .<If A pot' luck sllppe>r at 6:30 prC'· Sunday.. I Those from Wayne> Who attend-

Lois Hurd. daughter of Mr. cpd('" ('ach s('r"ic(' hC'ld at 7:30 P Rev. hlcry s new pastorate IS ed the nOvth('ast 'd1l3tt'lct Ml?thodist Mrs. Fred Hurd, f'xhJiJ1te<.~ the re- m" SI'P!. 23 thl'ough 20. ncar th hom£' of hiS parent~, RC\'I conference In PlamViC'w last

I'ash from Dad. in Dixon and Wayne counties. serve champion Shorthol'n steer.! • and Mrs Gporge H Shier), at Glr- n'Psday were Rev , Miss Hurd was also named queen I· ards\lllq! Pa 1.'ah4. Mrs. Blm.ett

GAI,N:NIW JOY IN LIFE , There I. no need for you to b. tlied, narvoUJ, cranlly or (Onllipa-ted if due to dletory deOclencltll whlch.cccur only whan the daily intake of B-vitamin. and Niacin il Ie .. than minimum fequiremenls over 0 prolonged period. Thu. non~spG"clflc .ymploms ,do. not In Ihemsolves prove (I dietary d .. flciencyl'ciiid may have 'other'causes or be due to funclionbl conditions.

~~;ihee~~~:r~:: give Wnyne county I Ten Study Cenh;rs ~ M • H d 1I':-J~~a;;r~;~~~i.1'" C,'i;L;a,;";',',Th;;~~,t ...... - .... ---.... ----

hr~h\hO 5;ul::en~~eh,:o~';:,,:.:::~ i Operated by College WNaatYI"A eal

Canonveeantl~rln :,r.;.,~,~"ke'~r.1,~:~d M,:::r~J'~:;~'ki~~ ..;;;;;;;:===;:;::;:::==;;;;:::::.. Sie\'e~. 45; llod l\fi~s Hurd· ... 35. Extcn<;ion rours('s jn ten study u U WI K

County Agent Harold Ingal!.s Cf'nt('I's in nOI·th('ast&t-n N('bra<;ka ~ I ... ' ,.. G ~ ~ ~

If you've resigned yourself to a life ......-withouteompaniollship .•. without

fun and parties •.. simply be­cnuse you haven't the neces~ary

lBiexel Special FOfm.lm. ' : the wonderful new vitamin com­pO\4nd. mllY be exactly what yolt :need to put you on your feet again .if you ••• like S(l Il]any,'many

~~t~~r:~Pt!~sS~::~~~ffl~rd~fi~i~~: Where such conditions Bre due to lal'k of B"vitam-ins, iron and trace minerals, known. to be essential in human nutrition. B'exel may be the "miracle drug" you are looking for to put you in tip-top shape I

I AmaZing new mmhl'al for­mula combines the essential

1 B-vitamlns, Ifon and trace min<:=rals n~edcd in human

.... , n~utrition. ,

JlhYRical power amd energy ••• BEXEL fiPECIAL FORMULA may be just what you lleeri to pep you up ... to give you ll(,W vim, sparkle.

POTENCY GUARANTEED You take just ONE easy-to·swallow Bexel

~h:f.~~utIt~~~is ~~~ on I,:.: about 6¢ a day ••• a tlhy price to pay to protect yourself against the misery and sufferings of $ymptoms whIch oe­cur as 8 result of pro· longed deficiencies of eS8t'Tltial vitamins and mineral!! in your diet. rOllr monell back i!

YOlt don't !(Jel bd­tera/ieronehottlf 01 Bezel!

Produdof M,Kellon & Robbin.

Bridgeport, Conn.


fEL.BE.RPHARMACY n., J. FELBER - prescripti9n Druggists - WALI)EN FELBER

Mr. a d Mrs. Clifford Dahl will t. '{·nev-.'· I"ay~ ulstl.'1ct·mls..,.,,,,nary i~popr~~~l~h~ib~~(;~~~ ~~t('~fS(',w~~ ~~>~(~~~~,gb~f~~~\~(~~~~~~ +~~c~i~~! lrave S .turday morniryg for Chi- I 6eOJ-etrrY'lI·~ave a ·r~'O.rt'Cr\rp~h~ I

d T d e:ago, wht're the1 will att('n~ the-I· dl~)<:jc~ ,.ttlylis!o"'a~ry .-work.'·''Ne- i

::l~~~~afeii~~i?~~f~y~h;i~l~dn~)IUe E:~~~~iFI;~}:~~~~ d~~~!~~:~~~~~ ~::;~~~::t~il:~~:; :~~:~~~~i~~ r'=1~'~~E~:~~r~::I~:~; -ANsGte~I~S undol' 8",,0', C"I'I',' DOI'eo", me~tt~sneSa i:e:~7y ~~~! f~~~!:~~ Mr. Dahl, national president, I "~~~i:.N)t.~~t';:;t~~~:;:~i~~

,-- ,-- will -give the openinA address 1

I·wayne. er<ll hours each meeting, at IMonday morning and will pre~ s{-o"ary fl"'6m ' i

:IW~;~e; .. s 851 10 950: Duane Lutt, ~~i~~rP~~~fengSe ~~aas~~~ ~a~t!~~~ ,~~~ ~~~hh~ s~:i:~:i ~hee i~v~~~~~ Re\\, . Ga!:g;~! I Li~eers ~01 W J l?:lO: I~~~~~~ ~~~~~t ~~:Ual~~ ~:~~:~~ '~::v:~ ~~r:~Pg~ ~~t.T~,e cO,nvention lasts We'dnesd&Y:"at:' HNlly , ! \Vay~~.an, _alTO . 0 lIllI)' to the centers to hbld classes. I ' Steers 1951 to 11.")0· NOiman l rours('s bring orfererl thiS sc- dS}~o~Uht~~e~i%.~o~~C'~r~t:~~('~' m'~m'~~:~~(·~~:i-.-\Mi, a:lt.uJ..h#o,;,bb~::-=·-Meyer, Wak(,!lcld; Boh Longe, I m('st('1 and 1he centers at which q U.l.HS ... 0 UW Wayne. IhE') aI'€' taught mclude 'Human sociations, Mr. Dahl wlll mpet with I';;;:;;;;;;=:';::;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;~ ill"''' HEREFORD 'D('\"('lopn1f'nt and B('ha\'ior", AI- th~r~o~r;~~gL.c~~~lo~~~~ ~~·s .. h . i ~~illtuFuay

Steers 851 to 9:50: Don. S:hulz, t~:~I~C(~:~.m~~~·~~('~~P~~J·i~£'~~~~no~ publ1c h('>alth sf'rvicf', WashinO"ton, I t.lL..J.II Eb-m '~e" ~1f;Al~i\'tiHa' ,~ and Wayne: ,JoI'I !",JI~"y. \V~}IH" JPr-' Music", Allen: "Wo"k,hop in Cuc~ :;~nCt'I'onis, rnain 'peaker of the ron- : 1:,08 w'RGU "f'J-",,,~:t'ci8'~~:"er1 ~l""~dtk" ry Haa~e,. Wa) IH, II-liIIS H(,lI1e-! I"('nt Edu('ational Prc~bl('ms", Hal't. n :\.-U:t.'R"-K 1:#1 n \:1'.:111' ~ man" Wmslde. ~ ..: in io!"t 011 , "Seipnc(' for Elf'mcntary. Pl'U' r\.Nl.

~t('ers 9~~ 10 .1~.}O: Mr:.'{llll Sj~·v.: Tcachpl's", N('ligh; "AmC'rican Hi~. 'A" 'A 'P e~s, Waynr, ~1!lJ(' WIi.I1Cr.s. WlI~- tOl') Since lR65". O'NC'il!; "Health : Ir.. ge rog·ram sl~e;. Jane Je.f~I'('~," \V~,)J;(" .~larhs: Education", PiercC'; "prinCiPh',S' of t hAd I d t WSTC Wlllla!l1s, Cauoll, Ma~alu:" H':lnkd-ITeaChing Grammar", Plaimww' C ~ U e a ;~r:r~~prkl~~:'l!rtv~:-,~~(f;' ~;~~,~~i "In;pro~:l'm~nt of.~, (' a chi n g Participation Of. Way~~. State

Puis, Hoskins; E J a I n (' 1 Iun], I ~(~;~~~~f'l\t p~~n~(~hR\,~~~.I'~~a:-,~~~ "~~~~~f~n;f~~~~~a:;:' 1J,~8 a~~~!~: l"'~" .. 'rn 1NS~Yt ~('. , 11-0 ) rl ' L-I " I ami "Sun'py of English Llt('r- cd this wl;'eR ·by Lula. Way. profes-\.v- (PI'S o\('r .) ,\I:' I' 011111', 1 al 11 1"(''' , West Poin!. of education, who will direct

ay~e. . W . . Cl!hp], (,f'ntC'l's \vtll b .. opC'n('d lat· program . . Helf(,ls u~d('r .)0. Glfln Houdel- PI" jf Q dpmand aris('s, Dr. TempC'ro I for the program at sh~~itie~a~~~~ ~R:50: Larry Topp.1 <;aid was received' from Winside; Jon Kyl, Way*w; lJicl{· of Nebraska.

W"!:', Wayne, ' : Dixon Achievement th~::;~i;i~P;li~le~~ SHORTHORN RRvmond i Day Set for Tuesday I, and Ihe Ci-

Sl~!~~r~al,~~~~r Le~2;. Topp,- Pd·' The Dixon cOI,mty acheivement a;::~a~!:.:i of O"er. I program \\'111 be held in D~l'q(l d

': EV£lty,'5A~BRBAY . Atlm.'50c

StC'ers 831 to 930: Lal'ry Haas.' Tuesday, Sl'Pt. 30, at 6:30 p.rn.' i~~i~d;J,r, ~~"S r;-.;.--.... =-.... ;.......,,------,--I----==, I Wayne Fer_n SchUlz, Wayre. ,The program will begin at The training covers

SteC'rs 9~1 to 1O:W: L~!s Hurd,' 7:45. Honorin.g of champions, as practical navio-ation O~EN AT NOON



,,,,.CUlI.tV; DESIGNED:tQR MUD+~~lJc:SN~W '~RAt:T10N '

'--,f~RWARD:IAND:REVERSI ~' ~IJIDIViDIIAL'stlills- • ,REAvY fill! WALl. ., .. t ..... ~,.111!~ I;.~.~~!.I;!',~~I, IlIoa" ," ", '/1'I.'~ I

• aUerAi; ;;"h~ :.... ~~ttBtE.III';U-=B 101I.t.,,'aDd ':tll\elc "d. ",1I1:a1P1iM"'ld~~a. ciit_l~t.·~ ~io."~.e;<ptOi~OJI


Wayne. _ ' . two or three short talks from consel~\'ation problf'ms in~tew~;~~~ trz,~/:i~:iaGe~al(~ :l~~~: ~~;e:t~i~1 S~~ffth:nd Ct:.':t~~io;f ~~; .. identification, Waynf'. 'pr3gram

er }-W!~.~sC',u~~~rn~?~~{r~:(;Yw~~.~~~! :rhos'f' ('lO!ng oU,tstanding ~'~J'k " \, thIS Yl~al' will be ""Iv",:n recogmtlOn

• '[01' !thC'JI' achicvements, The day I wII!: hi' -concluded by entC'Itain- I

Former Wayne Folks I ml'l', , , • Die in Califronia : 1h~ 1~1('~~nond;~t \\·?~d~~. ~~~;d w~i\

. i. : S(,l \'p at 4-H babv b(,f'f fed by Friends of ::\Ir. and Mrs. ",'Ill' Glr'll If\lb~)<lrd, AJ\pn. The Bro-

Hanspn. f9rm(,l" WaynC' 1'('sidents,! tlH'l'hood hought the bf'('f fol' this I Th B t' t . f S 1 ~:~~,,('\~lf~~~ed l~~. \;~{'~IIl\~at wy;,~: 1 occa.~iOll. .: ~Veni~g atfo~~r~~n~~~~a~:~i(' U~~~%

Former Baptist Pastor Honored

Hansen folJow('d h('!" hUr;bnnd In I I former Way;ne pastor from 1940 death Sept. ;'). ! BROTHER OF HOSKINS ~o 1942. Ladl<.'s of the church wel'e

Mr. Hansen was In tJiJe meat I WOMAN KILLED_RECENTLY Il1 charge' of thf' P?tl~lck SUpper at k~t' f I Hosluns - Louis Anthonv t . thf' church that e\('nmg. About 55

~~:ed I~O o~o~a;~ge{!:ri~ ~;;:. brothel' of Mrs, Htnry L.. jo;;~ i -pC'rsons attended . . " , Hoskins, was elee rocutej acei- lover 100 attende,d the pro~

Sun..!vors, ~n('l~df' two sons. rIal ~ df'nta!ly whil(' installing: a gas gram, ,following th~ supper, at ence' and A:r thu!, and. two daugh. floor fUl'Ila('e in Moberly Mo which IRev. Eads spoke on the ter3'E~aura. 1\lrs. I.vn,: I Gossard. I I--fp was usinO" an ele~tric' drill I story I)f Hosea. Rev~ Eads, Oma- I'

an ~ na, Mrs. Bud MIIle>r, all Of while lying on "'damp ground arid ha, haS' 'been state secretary for Los ng€'les. dl('d immediately. "the' Pfl~t two years. He plans to I

I FUnt'rai services weI'€' conducted go to -a pastorate In Ft. Wayne, I last wC'C'k and the J!:mC's' left last .1 Ind~ scmn.. I •

I Wednesday and returned Su.nday Mrs. 1Fr..e9. Snider:, Pilger. and I aftt'r attending thl' rites. Mrs. Lula Way, WaYi1c, furnished music JOlles teach('s at district 53. the Program.

~ING~S andl feautifu,


! ,I

a··new,car; you have a right.to ,M,n",h},".h·,va!ue is ,buiIt,in'to smy" You

~R<9gil't"'ti<1tt records prove

:~~,~~:g:,,!l~~~·ht~::J:':!:~,e~=:g;ul~a:~utQmobiles /4>-

CARROLL , ,', 1 Carroll, Winside " Carroll 4_H~;¥outh


apro"H' W'''''· ed' 'R "~, Choirs Hav,eFesti1o'ak" At'Livestc:l ',>Shmv'l ,~ _ I):: ~ ii' "f.IRSI .e~ Jj8;[IS'nes Th~rty~two childl'fm, members of I; F' be 11 Bl Rb Ho;~o:.,.~rS~!h~s~.~n~~s.:.iw6 i Attend District" • f , , the Junior choirs of Ca1'roll and b l}~.m('m 4:\f I l~f ere J -- Grand I..,land, CH.nl(' lasl . church Meeti~g~

~ '. • "I; Wihside Methodist churches, parti- h?;it~d ~~r:'sanl~a ~ ~~dn~c!la5~~ 10 \ I::.JI Ill(' !Oi'ml~r's parents. 7Vlr.

The W")'l1e ('Xebl'.) Herald,'Thur,dar, Sept. 215,1052 3


1, '~I 'n>.,' 8't" , f'.,.' F" r: I"'d' 'a' 'y , NI, -i la' ,'etl' ng'" ~nl:,ant~g~d.J~rr~l;~~~~;cl~h~~~J~~ti~e~ ~~fe Norfolk Li~'('s fCk shO\v: and and 7\'II-s. ,:\1, I. Swihart. Th(' group Dudng the', past w('('k two cJllln 11

.' The n~m~ ~'Ca~-Wiil", IU'onounc----I-----------~ ___ ._'·_. usTn~e,:::~~~dc:~:~~~~d~~,:~~~; -. I:, ~., ~ : 0 !~e:, dwe~~I~~g~: ~~~1I:~ w('rp Mr. and Mps. Dave Thbmas, On JMo BY Rev. and Mrs . .Tim ,·W .. . ': . -, .. . SQ: -rIel' :'·1'· . Ii ~ J ~~~! \~e ~~y~~.th~lI~~e~~n.p~:S~~~ r~:rrl h~~~'\~!t~0~e~~.distr.i51 nll'l't-

I' od "Ca:!"~Win", was. seJC'cted by . by six girls from Winside and set~O~. party with Mr. and Mrs. Sldan,· Gary 'Mot'ris and rlin ~~.~'.l,l J~~~ ~~I~g~~~~:l~~' ~~. ~~ c:~~~~, '. ~~!n~:~MI~. ~~I~. ~~1~~ the ~ru·lsh·council F1'jd~y evening council c!omposed of the tWQ Sun· ~ Carroll gr. . .. Williams:. d \15 Gl J k· nd fam Ov.!£'n Owens, of the Bethanv Pres-at a meeting. Thwij the. Methodist day SC~bOl superintendents the The 23r sa1m was recited in George Reuter. Othe'rs from thf' Carroil are who an. - r. en pn I~S a - byterian church, were in Osmond chUrches of Carroll and Winside pr~ideds of all the local o~gani. 'unison. _ motion picture, "The Sept. 26;' I attended the {>\I('nt, w('re :\!Irr~n JI}. f Hje1~ P b t . I t'

f~ta, ~~i~ig~a::, ~h~ ~~d:t~~~:or:!! eatrUiS,'iel f::l~~:d{r~_ach church, and the two cven~ng. ext Door." concluded the M~:'6 F~<l''ad~?~~ ~\~~a~~th Mr. and I Bethany Pres yterlan ~d- M~:.rrf\e~1~i~~:n. ~~~'. nct lo~~; Guest O~n ~Sd~;S ~~ .. ~r~~d~~~,l~~, L.

two chut-ches. . • v Mrs. C.harles Whitney led the Sept. 30 I (James Gt:iffcs pastor) Mrs. O. B., MbJTis, Me_ and . I'S. Boh :'IlJl.n, WatNJoo, Ia ... was a ~~~~~~e~S-v:~A~}~, ~\~~~~o~: THe Carroll·Winside Mcth~Jist Elkhorn Vlilley Group Carr-oll juniors. She and.;Connie Wa}-Out-Hele WIth Mrs Fran-lgu~~ldaG.s!('t.t j\~;s·. ~~~m::~~clr W'?-l~('r Sloan, :NIl'. qnd Mrs. oqis i;,~)d~~~~~ hC,~!~1~{'r gu{'st 10 th(' R. Sdibner. Mrs. Walt Lage and'

Churches are served by one pastor I Elk~orn Valley association e(>t· Sue' Troutman, Winsidf!t; were ~~t.~m~ ... I Hostesses, 11rs. E os WIUta~s W!.ll~ams and :vIr. and :\1rii. r~d .. " Mrs, (Gwen Hille-I" w('re in Plain-~V'.f,L·bylinMeire.It wa5deem: s"J'n'j';;'

lIa b~ ~ n~Olig~ ;,:3g ':;:; 1lanis~, ~~S ta~s Trou/In~n and EOT ,,,th Me< Clyde Wacker i'1~fi Raiph Olson, Mrs. Ch~rle; B~ , " O;"~h~ -v;,;t." , :;:'~"(er~'::'"" tho district- :\Ielhodi,t

the ~a~~T~~_ e to ha'\"Cl a name 1'01· 30. y n - 0 ay, e- . th~S WI~~ld('acSl~~~r;('re ea ers of and Mrs Ke-rmlt Fork I Sunday, Sppt. 28. Mormng \VOI- Carlfoll,Families I , _ ;VIro;. C. H. Knudse~ and fam,I.ly, _._. __ -l-.-._

The name "Car-Win" was a ::\.lrs. Lloyd Morr:jg and Mr .. Ivar Millard Raulston and Kermit Lo)al NelghbOF\\ Ith Mrs H d I Ship, 9 45 am, Sunda school 10 45 • ),. Uma~a, :;Pl.'l1t Ihf'. \\ e{'kend, .... llh fa",Qri~e among o'ver 40 people :\1~rris arc delcgatrs. Rev. an Mrs. Bcrtshoof ushered and Jcrry John- Hanson I I a m Return from TrIp , her 5'lo;\('r 8,nd family. ::\lrs. George church sE11'"dees. Rev. and Mrs. Er-who listed suggest,'ons fo- the Gt'lff('s ".rill also attend. son operated the movie prOJector Social I N(lighh rs ,,\lth Mrs Jay No }oung people SCf\!ec th 5[ .... U\\P!>:-, and Jam!I,)_ nest N{'lson, Concord\ and Rf'~. naming of the parish I Over' h.'f Several famlhC's Irom WIt1s1de at· MlddlctQn. I \ .. c('\{ Mr and Mrs Gl~n GraJf!s and ~~ John CDberg. Orion. Ill. had dinner

fl th f ~I Wedding: Reception tended. ~ Wedn(>sda,), Oct Ladles A!d ::'.lr and :.\tIrs Bob Glaffls \\,pnt fa :\11 an)d ?\lrs O\\,cn O\\,eTIS at- Thursday in the Erv.'in home. ~tie c:.r.~i~ iCS~a;I~~t a~~m~~~~~ Thp Congregational and Pres- ~-- Hillcrest! at 2 Pill .... 11h CO\ er d dish lun(h~ Oklahoma Sunda} Sept 14 an;;! knd!'d I IPo;b~ tl'llal and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Agler, Jr. and

farm families living .;tn the' 100 bytel"ian, congregati-ons gave th~ir Carroll Sehool Notes da~L~~~~~o~~o!~e:~~bo~~to~h~~:-1 ('on_ __ l('!f~~\ed J~~:sd~~n a.\ O\E'rllght ~~ll}m~lg! tt~~my ~~~lt:J°~ta~ ~i~~~~s~;,ds~~ia ~":a ~::d. ~~~~~ sections of farm land that sur- ~aslor and his newly a,cquired J I I" d ~ ~'11 W . I W I lI'n ;~~~/~a~~~ ~Oo:~:yi.n the west ~\1!~~d~~;~'g ar~~('~~~·nJ}~~5a;I~~.~S, ha~:lr~l~~:ndpl~~"~I~S t:~~~rs h~~~ ~;~naknd\;~~=k F~Vt:~h Br-:I~~ ~~st~n; I ~ J~I~~S C~~I~~~a~~~t~lrJ I ~~S~it~f !prn a~nd :~e;~n('r o~ H~;~n ~l~~ e~;, ~n JOeau~;hmltt ~;~~aho~:.n1ng In t le E'!' Py . ~.

mg. SI'P!. 19, In' spite of the rain Thursday morning The entin' I hosl{'o;o;e~ GU('sls \\('1 e :vIrs Sam Sunru S t 2R S so guc~i!'; of Trial \es In kla- Reogll' To\"nson and Mr and :'Ir~, Paul Brocker, Norfol1'i::, The new p rish has 350 mC'm· that day. a l grf'at numbGr of the school \\)11 ha\l' P1CtUl(,S "jak{'n IJenkllls IMo; Gl'Olgf' Grone Mr'l 1110 u m l;rh(t~~ \\11i 'b~n~~~ct~~~~OO\ homa City Anarda~ko and MlncnjCI-irle Portcl L<lncaster, CalIf, Thursday aft('rnoon in thp

bers a.nd 9- . a·rg('r constituency .familll~s attlended to heal' the pro- latci In th{' da) han Gqbb('is, and COld Jenkms Sundav school te8ch{'rs and Of~- On Tuesday the~ were am ng IUln('d han1£' Frida} mOlnmg The:\- Coenen home .. Mr. and Mrs. Wdrsh-lp Rer\'iecs al'"e hplli in pach gram High school students ptan a ~Ot!)ef'!s \\(lle electf'd fl5 10110\\os IC('ts ::\{Oll1m "\OIshi 11 a n about 55 relatives ~resent 10 the' had \lsllC'd ;\110; )'1ar,) Ed\\ards Thomas \\('1'(' th€'r(' for the chUrch every Sunda" morning, A R~bert ,rl rv" Jones played the hay ride for Monday evening, I PI co;ldt'nf ':\1rs Hall' Gl1(,o;, \ IC!!' 1 ~ g P 1 VirgIl Oaks home for a fa 111 and:\llr ~nd :\11 s Chail('s Hall The ~h~pite~JsMb~~hnOdfiosrtmeYd~uth rellov.- part a$ master of ceremonies. Sept: 29_ 1 p!(,~ld('nl, :\lls T P Robmts sec- Carroll Method t Ch h dinner to hono.r O~IS Oaks on hl$ POitPlo; \\1I( \\Ith r('latHcs at :vtrs. Ray Harm("i{'r and

<..l.:. After an evening of fun l I the F'ootball bo) s accompamcd thplr r! tell I Mrs G(>()! gP 0 .... (11'. 11 ('as· Ire L VanME"tII~ past~rC) 80th blrthday_ J Laul ('I .. spent Sunda:\-~ aft{'rnoon III

Last%Sunday the families of the group enjoyed eating makebe- coach RU!'lsell Montl{'th and Supt UI (>1 \11 s II \ on GI a\ es mUSIC I Sunda\ S t 2R J\1 Thp) also atknje a n cepl Ion \II and :\11 s Joe Schmitt and . Eddie hom('. two ohurches !)rouped together lieve wedding cake and ice Hanson to Wajne Saturday PH'n- lC)adE'1 MIS Leo JOidan and ship 9 r ep Ch l~l!llng ~\or- J!1 hIS honor that sam{' (>\enlI'Ig In Regg](.' TO\\lbOn :'lIar} Fdwards ('\'ening \'isitors in thE' in the Carroll church In the ev- cream. mg ~s gucsg> of the college to al- lciadlng karir'l \1ts Flank Rees SE'rmo~ ~\ ~lr;;. past!r r~~4)( ~o~ th(' church at Anadarko \\Ith dbol:lt and MI and \lls ~ Chartes Hall home-were :\II!", and enin,g for a Junior choir festival The honorc(,s \\"l're prf's('nted a tend th(' Wao\ne-Mornmgsld(' foot- :\11S C?lll\('\ !Yd\{' .tll{' I(>sson Thl fa]] d r T ~ 300 nrc>s("nt f \\Pl( 'UPPCI gU{sts last :\londa:\- . Don and

J in which 35 children partic,ip,ated. rHI!'Sf' nl 'mone\'. ball,game,. wh~(:h \\,~s a. C ~I:lst~as l,{:sson, She I ThC't,/ wfl) Pb~g~)R es~ntatlOn 01 Mrs. Lulu Graffis, Mr. nd 1 nIght with F.mma and E\"(~,r('tt D;~.v- Fickl{'. Bob Dpydf'I' A ~ Union ThanksgiVing ':;f'l"vi('"e Girls softball team wJ!] play Mc- ga\(. th{ 11Ilstor,) 01 ChrlSlma.scus~ new tpstament porti ns of the 1'e- Mt"!I. M. H. Lake and Mr, nd 10;. ,TIlt';.. sj}t'nt Tu{'~day, l1l g h,t wllh

. ~~'e~f~'flg,('I~Oa\~"mWbinc·,~id2e30'h'a?unl,dra, .. ,~:, sO'ral,,~d:--'oSeuw"d S,'w'ciub ,,,,'il mnrt ,I,('al~ .hf're Tuesday. Sppt. 30. toms and rt'I.('rt·c'd to Ihe makmg of I \'lspd \-ersion of the ible to all th Mrs. Lawrence' <Graffis, atl of :VIr anrl ;\ll·s E:arl DaY1S and Got·- . and Mrs. Robert Erwin and


'- "" ~~, -. l.: 01!lc£,:rs for classes this yc-al' ar~; ChJ"lslm~s tre/i' ornament~. Mrs. O. Sunday school mpmbers The pro: Wakefield; and tqlrrier Gra fis, rlon and \V{'dn.esday Ol,,;ht Wllh 11r. had dinner Sunday In Ih(> W\-planm'd. I Ch't. ~l with .:\1!·s. Joc Hinkle for SC'ni.ors; pre~idf'nt. Joyce' VOI\\'I- B. Morr!s and ~rs. Jot' Hinkle rpad I gl'am ~vi!J b(' a COnlil1u~tion or Ihe Laurel~ went to ,Airmdarko. at· ar:j Mrs. Ed\~'ln Jones, Norfolk. Wallin home -at ConCOl.J -~~~ ~::~OI·~s~assisted by a parish I:!;uest rifty. I('r; net' pn'sl,]("nt Dale Stolten~ poem"", ,as sP(>C'I~1 n~\Tlb("I'.~. Plam; worship sCl'\'icp which ellCrally lIrdat foo'!" the occ:~~ton. Emma Da\'ls. Mary Edwards, ":\1r. . pn'spnt \\'er'(> Mr and ;,lr~.


The re~dy cash you nee~1 it waiting

in our office for you! Arid the

costs are so pleasingly Iow~ Fast,'

frie~4ly service at all timeS". Rates

include· all charges. No extras.

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I Help so:lve money


bprg-: sC'cn'tar} • tn'Hsurer, Jany w{',!-e dl~:, Ut;~(',d ,,~t'.lat~\ P to ~chle\"~'. pnds at )0;20, A f('lI

tWShtJ dinnp'j" Mr. ()ak~ is a ~j'othC'r of ::\11I<s. and Mr~. Joe Schmitt and R(');"O"ie Gus Hanson and l::I{'}Yin, EmE'l.s<)n,

Hall('en Oll nl dfl. PI ngl dill \\ hl('h \\ l!! bl' 1~1: will r'O!lclu(I{' tlw PI' gram. Lulu GraffJs al)d an uncle 0 Ihe Townson spent last Saturday at Mr. and "Mrs. W-allace :'Ilag.hIl"nl1 . Juniors.; pl"C'sid('nt, June WagnC'r; Wa;\'n~' hllro;(~~.'I, '. ".\.enlng , S(,.[:1. 2')'.1' Thr- JuniOi· cholI" \\. II Sll1g the an- others of the' groupL' 1 Omaha with Mr. and rrs, Larry and familY. and Mr. and :-'1:>. Win-

I \·,Ice prf'sldent. Larry Stoltenber[{; The .(Om~11tt( {!Ol tho O( tOb{,l th('m and jpad til{' music- Ht the - .~- £nydt'r. . Ion Wallin. s('(Telary - treasurer, Millard Raul- m('etmg J~ .\1!:-;,. ~t'o!"ge .()w('ns, mOlmng church .o.,{'l'\'lic(' l1('xt Sun- From Omaha .:\lrs: L('o Jord~n retutnej- ::\11'. and 111·s. Char]('s Wh.iltlf'~'

: stan. Mrs. Llo.\ d .:\101 J 10.;, dnd :\It ". J C. dal', Mr. and Mrs, Dgna}d Bf'(,~ine I day alter att('ndmg the da~'ndneSron1~U::sndadyD('a\~~ni~gat};:;?1 ~~.\:~ , . ~~p~omores:,president. Ken Gra- ~oods. ~ .: B('gioning Oct. :1, th!' SUI~da~·1 and son, ~maha. vi$l~ed from Sat. o( home ~kmJnstratio,n . , C" }'

\('s, \-ice prf'sldf'nt. Ar!cn(' Row· I school hour at 111(' )''If'thodi:;t! liI"day until Sundaot,' In the H rry I Chflct~'on ~lI1ce Motlda\_ and Mrs. Milton Stanl~y and fam-

S~~~e s:('c~:tary . t!"('a~Ul'f'l", Joan I Co~~,!? .\f\~~~n L:1.rson and Mr~. chu!"ch ~\'ill bf' 10:4.). I t~~[~~ :~;rLn~l~ \~~~l' n~~:E' ~~~ I ~l~b l;h~~~'~. County i/Y11r. and Mrs. Leo Jrn<:pn flnd

, Frei;mf"n: ~resident pU\'id ROb-I, G.o,rddll1 !VI~gda!lZ cnt~'r_tain~~ Coun- Attend Wayne Meeting -, I day C'vening-. - I . :vIr. an~ 1'ld, JOE' Duffy went to, family and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L ! ertf:;; Vice pr('sldcl1t. LoI:; Landang- I II;" ,club al. th£' 101 ~{,I S hom{' I Amon!! thosc from Carroll Who" ____ ~ ,SH)UX .Clty Sunday afternoon Neelv had dinner Sunday ('\'('nln~ '('r; 1 Thursda.J' al !pmoon. Oamps ,:\'(,I'f' ~ attended tht' Legion and Auxn'ia)"\, ' Belden', Fremont G~ests. I TlH'v \\ III sta)' in the P. A. imnanthG"rJo~Ce~ Neely home a\ N('\\"--~- pl.ayed. ¥ro;. ::\1('rl.(' Schluns \\111 be I conw'ntion in Wavnp Tu{'sdav \\"('!'~-. ~ Thursday ev('nin~'\'isIIOl's in th(" home while Mr. Duffy. ' .

r Honor' Mi.l1nesotang:~~~lS\antl hoo;l('ss lor the n('xt mf'et-' ::\,11', and l\lrs. GUSl .Johnson, MI''>'I Irvcn Graves hom(j" Wf'!"e Mr. and :,pecial.1S,b 111 regard to his. ' ~ir. and Mrs. August Fr8ml'n

I MI'. and Mrs. \Vt'sl('y Rubpck a(-!. c. a tht' :YlagrlanL home, Jay I,JI'Clkl'. Mrs Earl Gilstorf, .:\lrs. Mrs. Don Arduser . , I ':\1r. and :,\Irs. Rob('rt Erwl~ ~nd and ,Mr. and Mrs_ ,George JOI)!l-{('ndpd a pi('mc dlnlH'I' Sunday in' . ),:. J, PL'ar~on and l\1ts ,Iohn Paul- dC'n, ~1r. 'and Mrs. : Lola \\ f:'l"l' \V('dne~day ~ .. emng 'iton to SJ~,:Y i:aS:;dat\llf~

I a Wayn(' park hononng l\lr, u·nd I Hd!to,~ ,Larks Ilc(", Fr£'mont, and, : lunch('on guests 1Il the Ar\"id Pet- ,1

I ~.r~ Clair Buskirl<, ::vIinnC'apolis. I th~ 1}\:I\I'OP I Robert WallC'Z·. l'r ... on home at Concord fol

I-For 82nd Birthday To ~io,brara ,.' I J~j~'es'.lf~I/~~OS\ rlna Th£' R:!nd birthday lof L. C' Lal'-

I MI, .and .:vtl·~. ~a;...n£' Kcrstln0I gu ('<;t. Roll ('al! \\<t..... son was ons("I-\('d \V('dln('sdav C'\"('n-i and C} nde'f', Al Monson, and Mr. Radio PI' ",:\1" ,in!.;_ It-.:)wn ::\lI's. Gust John~on fJ!"('-and Mrs, M~din K('nny Iit,nd Ruth, ('rIc; \\ ill' ~;rf~~ O;'! I r', par('u a birthday dlijnC'!" !or him drovC' to .NIObrara Sunday for a I I O){ I ,Guests Wf'I'P ':\'[1'. <-lnd Mrs. Johnson picniC'. . i Knittin - Club ,;-'11'. anrl :vTrs John! Pau):;l'rf and -. ---, --~----- - i Thll l~tn me-mOl IS Il.ttpnd( rl h.wt 1 lnwi Hab(ll mfln

i I Itll1g ,(Iub rljda~ ,IfIP11100n at Ih(>IShows Slides I,

FRI D I CHICKEN I h01ll1 of:\iJ ... Beach 1I11rlbE'll Thl'l At the ZIOn church mC'('1 SunJa\ 01£'( Il11g ()c1 10 \\ d I h( II II h

1 I f (~ i) slides \o\-I:'re shO\-\n !O~llhlst!ate tf'l~ DINNER & BAZAAR ",", laon h,mn, R" G ,II .. , told 01

• I We~ Fu l, ~~f!~g~~~n ;en~I~~~h l;eZ~~r~<;I~~~ FrIday, Oct. 3 MI{;UPt;j or \':'~ f ul '~t th/'TrODlf' of I the\ attendc>o a PI p$h} t('llan I al-

at ~\.<'nlllg ~~('r(' ~~t~ 11 ~I~vd ~1~~1 ~~ I,) at PNlder


~.11 S L('~ I Rob('rt~ and Mrs Jay -B 'iI'url £') \1 ] I R th h Mrs. Molore Returns Home ethan~:::cs:yterian : t!~(' ~('~t! h~~~'ess:) 10 c \, ISC IS ,! fr~S~ ~!~.~~d ho~~~~f S~~~~~~~\~

I Delta D~k J' She,"~s st,aying III th, e Ed I\1oOl·e Carroll [ :.'lIT'S. G. E. JOnes was hostcss home while she convpll'sc('s.

Aldultl - $1.00 ~ll(~~'~~~Y aa~'t(';n::Jon for Dclta J;?e~l,o;.kla-;'-d~~ Guests ~ / JonC's. ptiZl'~ inn~a7.~:s~;('~r~~ ~~:: Mr. nd Mrs. Me vi~ .DowJi;1g

Chil'dre under, High . ,ionl'S. :\~rs T P. Roberts, Mrs. Joy an.d Bo b~c,. Oaklan",. \\ £'! (" afll r-Scl'iool Age ~ 50c I Tucl<C'r ;~l1d Mrs. C'hnrles Whitnety :~ noon. g*sts Sunda} In thC' Gl.('n

Machlneryj Buildings

CoOd machinel?' deserves good eate. Protect your im'estment, Ke(lp' yout machines, under ,corer. A .building like 'Ihe 'one above !las a ~oncrele Hoor. curved rafters, overhead doors and spac¢ for a workshop. It will pay for ilselfin the long run,

200 Main ~ jPlibrfe7

'Thf' gTO(lp W J! ,!l1f' I "Ih ~1 .- Dowling home. ::\1r, ~nd Mrs. Jim I Lloyd :\lion i~ 1m 1\\'0f' \\'l,(:~{IS. . rs. Dowling ,and' !amil '. Rand~l~h,

Serving .:::tartf'; nt 5 :30 _ ~ . and :'1r. and :,\1rs. ra~k Vldsnj<

~~t"o,. ennuI II, ft' 'gmt ~Jr" '.'fdIOPY--tIIIJ , ... monthly, taUDrterly,



i Der:"0~stlratio~ Party ~\ ('n' 111('1"(' ~und3.v ('~'l'nmg. -.-----=----- +at 1:~Ir~i(:~o~~~ll~~~iO~'er~~'rt~,n~(;I"~~~l~~; Returns A~ter, ,Furlough., L, P('ar:'lon home SatUJ:dav after-' l?on ,Whltne), A T~. I (!unlf'd 10 noo" WIth :\lin;. Rona.ld KUhnhE'"m/ duties m Ph!la,dE'l~hlia ThUl~sdny as ho..;ll's..; \1' W II Th ' d afU,t" a month s !u~'lotigh sppnt

, rill ~ •.. -

IlfrtJ"S: N~O~T~ T~010i EARL~Yl;,

This winter when t wind is biting cold, 'it's reassunng to know that lC heating, sYI\.tem arid, all gas heating appliances in your home 'are in ,.top working order. To

have this assurance,' it is \vise to a,ct now. Have Your~, 'heating c'ontractor or furnace man do the following' things now before thc' big rush star:ts} , ~/~ I'

, \

As a saMty measure, havelflue~ and vent pipsS"clteoked'for'rustt, or ,stbppages~ ~

Clieck all motors, blowers, automatic ,valves; H, Qili.tftem· oiled .. I . ~

Install new fiI~ers on forced, air systems: rRe'tesulti g"inClre'dsed .. circulation, wil,1 pay dividerids. ' ,

Check electri~al devices,. Summer stOrms, t6uldl.:PQ"ib'jli have shorted tt.CinSt'or,merslor"corltrlJ!s' ,

, , .

Jiave l burner praperly adjusted,1 and the pil6bli.Jht,lighted before 'the'rUsh starts:' "

, 1 furnac,e !1'~n do! the¥ ,things, a.ltd lto I r 9il$'CiIi~lionc~s their jobs ,weILand"ec-onOmUlalf¥.i ... Don t wait,

.J~).\"('(-' J~'nl<in,; ~J [,l'J:n>d' ;o~~s p~~z- wilh !"f'lath'cs h('\"('.

~~.\,A~~7tt:'~;~og~'·ty Wl:~~)(, 1~~I!~CFr~f! Iowans ~re Guests :\lls. r:ll'ryo ' :\11'. and· MI'.";. L!'sti!'~ And{'ro;on,

, ' 1 Barbara and Robert.1 Stanton, 1a. :.»ltt'U4IJII1*lJ*2Jf-

Friendt; i Wednesda \\'('rp gu!'sts of :\1l". ~hd Mrs. Clal'- Dave Theophilus, M~. Ail jorh1Pl" n1l'm>;)('rs fll1d two' f'n('{' . Monis fO.r dlllnCl" ~unjay. ~

Telephone 78


11('\\ ()JWOi, ·Mrs.' . Flore'n' cNiem [I E\'enmg call('l"s ,10 thr" Morns home ,13'ISouth: Mafn and i\lrs. ,A]nl" Longe, att~nded t~~ \"e£'r :M~. a,nd ::YIn: Of;car Swanson

Fnf'ndl.\' i Wf'drE'sda\" mc('ting- at ~nd Jamce a':,~~ddD~Q~n:n+'~J~e:.n~B~o~ui~t.--,-~=::===~===========::,,:::::=~==:::=::::====~;= ( I or :\II's Nels Granquist mg-, all of ~nsld4~. I ., I : '. afternoon. MtS. Mer-, I I I

· ,,,,,~,,,,,",. Get m~re'power at1less cost witha,DodgeJruqk! l' ...:. ------ ..i.. - - - - ..... - ..! .. There'. a DOdge;j ,ruck':"V., 'h~IOU9h

- , I " - b ' 1" 4-ron-'hatftls', ,,!,,,JO ." : , Dodge power really putsJ out the work at low cost. ~ Dependable performance -wilh ample

L . ti n- power I. a •• uled by fealures Iikelhig~. "Wtb use four IDodgalle'Job-~atecf t~rucks knai~wO~~!:! Most cdpctcity'fuei pump,and.two fuel flUers. and Dodge power re y pu ~ e war d tch d· , of our work is off the highwa over mud holes, 1 es. an ~ f' f ' II 8 sloppy groynd_ But that mea s nothing t,o a Dodge, because , Higfi .. elf'cleftcy tie -sy~ .~t- on ~a Dodge power pulls us throu h anything engines saye gas. Heavfer model offer

"A Dodge truck doesn't I WO·blts you to death' either. twin carbwetion' ~nd exhaust st,em. Rately do we have any mai~ ,nance expense and when we . ' do, it's legitimate wear and.47c we can re~sonaW,Y expect. ~ For e.fra-smooth,i. wear...sGvJng ~wer, Our Dodge trucks are rea.dY ,go, 365 days a year. you ca~ gel gyro', Ffulll"DriY~ V.-i

'Yo;', I-Ion, and Roule-Van modelS.

~ : See u. ,Iodo), for", d .... ci'nslratlo.J

Paw.r wil~ ecorfoj"yf, Powerful ,podge engines have co~~rMSion ratios as nigh as 7.0 t\> L Dodge~my f~JikdJigh!:,­

, weight aluininun't-tilloy pistollB'.heI~ ,keep <>perating costs '

\1 f~


"IH_r.~ ................ s: .. I, I' , ~ 'II ! I I I ~ 1,1 I I. I r

) II ~ ,.' • ,

4- 'l'h~ ~~ynE1' (Nepr,'~ H~rald, Thursday. Sept. 25, 1952

"OSKlNS •• ,

Hos.kins Coup)' . der, accompanied' by 'Ml·t~.:,. Paul liageo. M, r.>:.".nd..:.Mrs,. Mron Srod· ·Hosk'ID·S School Ne' ws Ch h ,,"sMS Scheurlchll~ce~d ~,ta k uy the hagen"Mrc.pd<f"...Mrs. Paul nathjin . ' c' e' Members of the WSMS met in Feted on 40th, Rev .. D. R,," keT, Lmcoln, broth~ and fa~·JY, Mrs. John Devers and The s;cniOl" class elected a news.. U r S the Mrs. G{'orge \Vittler homa

W dd' 'A· -I. .. er of Mrs. Joch~n5, w~o also gave Mr," ,an. Mrs. Gilbert Jochens, ,ali paper Rtafr in which the follow- Tht\!,sday aflCfROon. Mn:. Lcn;~ e Ing DnI erSa.l'y a prayer·poem In closmg the pro- of Pie¢~, ing students were named: Virginia Trinity Lutheran.Church Wittlf'r led devotions. The theme

Mr. Rl1d Mrs. Fred J chens ob- g:~er r:;r~'e~~6~i:<;lsq served as ---:: .. ~ '. Mille:, edito.r; Jerome. ~oockmim, (W. F. Sprengel~r, pastor) was "Jf<sus CaUs Us:" Stewardl served tHeir 40th weddi g anniver- The buH ing was decorated with North V,alley proJec~ Club aSS?Cl~te t'd]tor; Manone .Lorenz, Sunday, Sept. 28: Services at 10. ship high calling \vas giv~n by Mrs. sary Thursday evening, ·:Sept. 11 roses chryanthemums asters anll N.orth Valley pro1J~ clubst'njIct typJst, Darlene Woock!'lan and SseU~~"caeY aStCh8~,4051. aTt,,~lf·"nAan·cC:('r~moman. Fred JochCnl'. ::\tIl'S. Lena Wittln with a. faf!1ily ~inner at IJt30 an? a gladi~li, wI ieh were" gifts re~eive.d 1 Thursday, Sept. 18 a ~~e h0'!Ielof i=i:ry ~.u :;~rd~m., ~r'~lb cornU;: ., n"" '-' and l\lrs. IIHrold Ulrich re-Rd scrip-reception In the Brotherh od buIld- by the hon~red couple Hazel Joch Mrs. a Ma . " at Pierce. . hymon I e'd' art It, N('n~l . mslit,J..e

t, (' ':"'9'jJlatmC,ohtc ~t!,o.nrrls'oanY"I~'c'e. nTinh~~ lure. '''[h(' 'Prin~ipl('s 'of ChristIan

ing. The dinner tal11e J center- ens had ctjlarfte of tI~e guest and Mrs. .wits a guest. :!C. sports; nn Norma CI sen, cpt.... ""'.: St('war'u~hip" ~'as 'he le~son gi\rn ed with a bouquet of re oses and gift book. I -........ I'Bu~in and election pt ;okes. ( Ladies' Aid will mOet next we('k by Mrs. EdWin Scheul'lc'h. :\11":-'. a siiver "40".' T j... h d' ~ I'officel . with the rollow- nitl~ .. on Tc"ha~.o rsdaa,!n acfhtoc,rrnOnOcnxta\x;c'dne~"dibalyC: RobNt Holbrook ga\(' a no'po!"t Oil

A program Wll~ given t 8 orclock hose l'iel\mg ~t t: In er \ ... ·ere II ing restjll,ts: Mrs. Alvin Wagner, ~n latlOll -0 fr:~? mcn was held fa_,!", ' n., thc hook. "A Man Callcd P('it'I''' when relatives, friends a d mem- Mrs. ~wa t Walkel. Iv!- . ?aul preSide~; Mh. Harry Drevsen, Frl ay, Sep. ,12.:";" parn.de \vas evening RI 8 and 9. R('\'. Holbrook gave a talk on "The bel'S of the EvangeU a United ~~hC~~lCh f.nd Mn;',Hattlc .p~lncc., vice p sidellt; Mrs. Claus Rath- 1w . and gs were sung to the P(>]liod of Cormnitlment." 1\1rs. Brethren- church gathc c to hcl"p .e n~rt couple s three nieces, I man. s cretary _ treasurer; Mrs. b smei'~ n .. " l\.WRlt Walker read two po('ms.. celebrate the ('vcnt.·1 MIS, Edra oche~s, Mrs. Ray Joeh- Louie G sch, news reporter; Mrs. In the evemng the freshmen (RO~;~n·J-~ib~~oil.llI~:~\o]') ~lrs. Fred Jochens presldetl at tlw

The prelud.e was Play~~ by Mrs. ~~~c~~ A'S'a~~~~erk~~Ch~~~hi~J:'rl1 Louis B l)dil'l, music leader; Mrs. W('{~~~C~\\~;S s~:~~~e~ h~~~S'J'un_ Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morn- bUsinC'ss session. A l('tter WaS read Paul Scheupch and ReV1. Robert Brodhagcll' and Mrs. B. I-febt'rPr Han.s Hfili;~n, Mrs. Ed .ro.:.aas .and jars.. Y ing worship at 11. Youth fellowship from :Mr. and Mrs. I':ltol1 Garrison. JIolh. lLlok r(}ad Ih.c SCI'~ture and poun-d. Mrs. MY"ol' Walkcl' ,'Ind M:.<;. E,d., ~~h, ellenberg .. socIa.1 coro- __ .. ~. at 7 p.m. Evcning wors'hip at R missionaril"'s from JHpan. Gu{':;t-. 1 ...l • tte ~r$: John D]('vscn fio','Ver . WS"'S were Mrs \VilliRm LH.ngcllb('r;.: ell In prayer. Th~ 23rd ~alm was Ml's. Laur¢-, nce HebC'rer Were rl'- ml _ ~i ':':M' L . '8 (Ii Flr"t .-rllowshll> Mee-ting n pxccuti\'c meeting Fri- Norfolk, Mrs. Arnold Witllrr (lnd

r~~oty ~i1~~:, ~.~~ri@~&Ok~~I~r, sp;~:~enf~~r~~~~l:Ct~~~nrb'c('PlJOn, ~~~~~:J~~fr}11r's. Ir;~olf;~!~: g-r~)u~~ ~!n~~~n,;e~~~ftsS~i~m~5th: ~rYrvtr~~n{~7;~ ~ft\l;~. at the home ~~al Hnd Mrs. Carl Wittler. InCO n, g.llve a plano so " a .Y were Mr~. Erwin UIl'ich, Mr~'1 L . ....:...~_· ,.,.' .... ' Bvangel1cal UB church met for m;t~~~~ay~ept. 28: Rally and pro- . ,!VI!-. <ln~i ;"I.IJ~s. Darulr\ 11cI?on;tld.

~o;er ... Lln:o~n, san&". and Lo ]S George Wittler, Mrs. Ed Scheurich", " .. 'J. their first fellqwship meeting. Rev. Monday, Sept. 29: Sunday school N.orfolk. !\-lr. ,mn Mr·s. LoUl~ R('I1-c. eUllch ga\ e the hlstOI'Y of e Mrs. Carl Mann. Mrs. Curt St.al-' I rom ~I en·. a~d Mrs. Robert Holbrook were council meNing at R p.m. d~n anr! ,Mr. ancl Mr<;. J.ames \11'<111';

bridegroom. naker, Mrs. Clarence Hodhan and J MI". al)d' Mrs. Ernest. DahllJerg I hosts. ·Following a period of games Tuesday S t ~O' D d' t' f \.\ere Wednesday evenJ2 VlSltQl""S A hum,?r.ous rending ill ~he form Mrs. W. W. Mahan: Mrs. Cut! Sl;.d-, an'd Shirllf'Y. Lincoln, CHIlW Satur- ~l·V. Holbrook led in short devo- the re~is('{i st~~d~nj ve~sil~~ ~~nt~(' <!l!d lUnch('on hUC'sts in he J. L

of a pohtlcal speech, M-'~S given \laker, Mrs. Clarence IIocmari and: day to :;)Jcnd the w('('kend· at the i i I~JIlS. Ncxt mE'et ing will be Oct. 9 Siole. 8 p.m. Dr. W. P. Watkins. Pingel !lOm('~ by August Pahl, IAncW1Il1. Joan Mrs. W. W. Mahan." Mrs. Dnllalrl Don P<:lInt~r..>ht;me. Mrs .. D<1hlh('rgl'Wllh Mr. and Mrs. TIay Jochcns, Mr Hnrl !"Itrs H'!ns smu (' Roker present d bId DId M L ) I M Painter' sIster .~ It"· speakf'r. 1('~tain('n Ill(' 'f'oi1o~\'infT '["'00',> ,n,,' Ann Scheund~ :nguu~Hr~~~.a~-l. c~r'tl{;/:llnniv~~'~I1I~u~~~~e. OChCll.'" ~s _. r. ~ .. ." H);'; S. _ .• • Rro~h('rhood l)l~sin('ss. mCf'ting the-ir hom{' Thursday "?c\~cJ)in~ in

~V<lJ;f~~ St~g a ~uct .. accompani~ri Uut-of-tO\\'1l g\le~ts mcl'udl'd :'Ill' , Polio P."tiI'IJt '''01111' ' I Ollll1ha. ('lIl' .. t . " ~~ll~O\~~~~i~~~ ~~~~ra13~~n'lc(, Tues- honor of Mrs. Asmus' hirlhrla\:

H-;"'-~"'--'-.·"G~c".stS'I"~"fl' :\lo\·c .. toToWIl .,xO y(:al's .. ll~~'a~(~eu:ICht·d ~ SMklt , ~l1d ~1rs. Donald Du~tln and 1.:-11·, rvlPl\"lIl .l\1('I('rh(,fll~. \\llll Itas ill)" and Mrs .. Sam' ~l'lson .. ___ ', ~11·. anri :VII'S. Ih-rmRn Opf(' 1'. nil-......,.~~ ", ' . presens y r. Ja NJckrl, lkclon, ;'I1mn.; Ill'\. ,tl111 a pOllD [Jall.enl HI Ill(' I)Olll:;- ()m:lIw CRJTIE.' Fnday C\'cmng to At ('h I 'f t Iy ami. Nancy. 1\11'. and r..lrs. \1.;11-l\.1j.~ •.. an: Mrs. Wilham Modale- f'heodorc r;:ckman moved h.is I a~d Mrs. ,Ray Joq1wns and Fa'·e. Mrs. D. R. Rnker and family and ('ounty h()spllal. (·)nwha. Ill(' i ~pt~nd "11(' \\"t'pkcnd Rt the Mrs. J-::.! _ urr) , PI' Ham Dpck. i\ll' Hnd Mrs. \\'Ilmn

ton,.G~at Falls, Mont., left We,d- hr),usf' to Hoskms from the farm SI.X K<~r('n. ~~l'her:s ::m~ Karen W.alkcl' I\lL Hnd Mrs. AU. gust Pillll, 1.ln- pCl~t 'iIX \\·('f'k.'i., rClurned. '0. his! J.: .. P()tt('r home. Tht"' Re\·. Ro!)('rl Hl)lhrook \\"('nt D(lck <1ncl claughters. :\,11'. and :\lrs. nesday'for Evanstc1n:, Ill., to visit n mIles north of here. The house IS also gd\( a plano Hupt. coIn; MI". I-Jnd Mrs. Williclln H.ok('1 home W~'dn(':.;d<lY. S(.)'! Hl IllS :~. __ • to Grand bland ~onday to attcnfl V(']'pnn B .. hn1l'l· and famil\" ~II son.~~~y had spC'nt several days now located near the- ;o.;chool on a

l A song .b~ a male quartet com_I and MJ·s .. Ed Butte, Clatonia: \lr. tf'I', Dnlir'np, Whll hat-; .I,I\~\'!l MI'. ilnd [l..lrs.I-lalTY Stmle. Joan th.p pRt~('rn m~f't.mg of .th.c.largcr anri :\1rs. Fr:ink Miller. \11': .11l1!

here""l\;i,Siting tlwir granddaughter, lot E~kma,n I'(lCenl1y purchased osed. of LOUIS and Paul Scheurich, 1 and Mrs Gus Br('mC'r, SI'llltllT1. 111m, . r{'!u!"nerl abo I II' IS ,Int! l.itlry \"isitcd l\lamie 'Eckert ('\ ang('llsm ~'hlCh \\"a<; ('<lrl'J{'ri nut :VII s. Edwin SI rHtp <lnd Dplnn:-, Mrs. DWight Ulrich, Hnd family. from f.d Winter. Erwll1 Ulnch find Clar('ncc Schroe-! and Mr. and Mrs. Ftkh<lrd Brod. tn 1)(' ::-;lIr:d~'IY al Stan n. 1 umiC'r the dIrectIon Of . .or. Ralp.ll :\h·. ollln MI'" HalTY Slrlll(' r .lila); --...,.."'--------'------------- • .. HoldemHn. Dilylon. "OhIO. who IS <lnrl Larry. !\11. Cinrl !\Irs. Ed r-.l;j'I'i

,/ \

Vegetable Soup c""",,,. ,""01,",,01

Corn Bread Mix .. ,,' 0"'0",

Grape Preserves >c,,,,,,," B",'

Blueberry Pie Mix w,,",,,",",

Prune Pie Filling So'o

OraHge Slices or Gum Drops """"l """l

~,:,':, 14~

~~1~~:8 23c N~;,; 39c N~.:, 29c

'Cor.. :;~~:,a~r::~~:l;Yle 11-0 •. Can lS< 12 ~~~: $1.75 "P' e' a' ..... ', ches Delhi: freeslone. 1'2 No,2

1,; $2 95'1 ,

',':'" .,' . .. No. 2 If, Can 25< Cans "."

Mir.llmallows ;~I~;i~:,;~:;csh, i;~~29~ / ·· .. ,1 . l

Ivory Snow I211.,:oZ. Pkg.

" TillY :beads of Ivory soap

1·1b Can

packed with beans

Karo Syrup 11~_lb. Bott1c

Light - in the bottle wilh the red'label




How's Y Ollr Supply of These?

Crackers '"".""', ""'1" 'B~", Z5c Crackers Busy Baker.. 2~~ 4&c POp Corn ~~II~eT~~;~llOW '.. ~~~~ aOe Desserts !~~'~I~!~~~~~. 3 I'klf~ 20c Maron~aise N.M.d....... ,'J;; 3ge Lac-Mix Powd'm~d !nUl! . ~.~:. 39c Ligh, Bulbs :;;~, 60 W.1l E," 15e While Mar;idJeach ::!~~ 29c

Surf~uds :... . 10'0<, Pkg. 30c - , " . 39·oz. P~g., 59c

, ,

8ath Soap , i

._"j ~~~ .. 3.5~. Dial ,I

Toilet Soap! Wrisley, assorted scents and colors

, • I lht"'. a,.;si~l<'1nt s('el"('tnr:-' of ('\"Hn- :1.nrl Phyl:is, -;\lr ill1rl :vlrs IiPll)'\" I ;:!f'llsm of thf' E\·.111gplll'nl United A<.;mus. SandrH Hnd Ron;rI[1. i\1& I Brethren churcll. rInd :\ll"s. Chari.£'y J<~uhrI1lHlll rind

Arl(·nf'. 1\11' ;lllr! :'111":< .• Jphn '\"_ Fllmil,\." (iallH'rin~ Ill11S :mel Lorn:),' :'Ill and ;\11".

! \11' and ~rl·"'. Cli.lll" l~at"hm;l1ll ;-":(l]"n'iln J~('.('~ ilT:ri .r;ln)l~· i!lld ;\1,' 'illid family \\('1[' illllong gtlf'~t" at' H.nd !\11<.; .. LI\~·l11 I Irl(h (;11"11" \\'(')"(' ~ a family pil"nic Sunday al tile Hl'n-I ph!)0~1 \\Itl~ pnz('~ gOlrtg to Ch;lr-

Cod Fillets 33c Lb.

COfllprtely cleaned, fruzC'n, I'cady [01' thc pan

.Evcry purchase of Meat at Safcway IS guaranl.oecd_ to p1casc you or 'our money refunded! ,.)

For theisteady sa~ings, "S11O/J SafctJ.'ay

!~eas :;:~':J,,:A~~~:':~:~ljt. fnney 2 ~:~~~~ 33c Green Beans Brlarb~t~. Cill. fancy lCI~:, 21t Golden Corn nc;~, 18c

_., ...... ~i::.,.\:;;;:: Cream 01 W~eal ............'; .. k~ 31c PiHed Ripe Olives "00"<"1;;,.;.. 'to'; 31 c Ketchup HelmJ. lqmato ./, .. ;ii~IU.:t,;.,.~~~~~·2&c Horseradish'CI"m"Y', = ... 'J::'14c

Pears ~il,~~ (J~~':;:·]ll~~~r:;~I;l~;'~~~~~ Orange Base ",,' Gold

Tangerine Juice H"hw.,

r)1J1ij1@'wn~ pLvnChBoxi

SANDWICH SPREAD a ~.""" . ~. 29 '

1.pL Jar C ; Sav('!; you 61' 9ff regular price.

. 2 1·1b Cans 29c

! r\" ()ldin~s honl(' at Lell':h. 1(':-.' }uhml;.m. 1\1),.; . .John i\SIl1U". 1_- , : ;\I!:.; NOl"n1nll Deck and IIntll,lll

. 1\[1'5. Ameliii FllhrmHIl. t-;orfolk. i ()!)fC'~' . , , . : \\110 Wil.<; 90 F';!l'S old I"f'ccntly was' ~lJ. ,Inri MIS. ~(nl) I [,tl] cnl(':­,g~I('''t of honor Ht a.l1o,host pic_ll;:lJtlf',d ~~(' f(l!!o\\:JI1?" g.l'O~r~ 111 th('ll­

nl(, h(>ld at lilc honw of h('I' snn-in-I home S,!/llr('.HY ~\rmn~ In honnr law and dallgh(pr'. :vir. <lnrl I\ll·s.' nf 1\1rs Hall s hll'lhday: MI'. a~d A\nllt \Vl1lkf'l". It \\',1" also ::'Ilrs.: ~rl·:<. G)ll?f'rt Anplc'. Mr. ,.mrl MI~

: \\·Hlk('r·~ :;i:;ith hi!"1 hila\". Forty-' ~Jf'org(', f.h](,I':<, <inc! f'.!mlly. Mr. a!lri I (light wel'e pl"c,;('nl. Atlt'nriinc: from .Irs \\aJtpr r 10('1'. Jr." Hnd family ~ ollt-of-lm\'n were lVI1'. Hnri Mr~. anrl .1\1r·. lind Mrs .. h.(,lln~'lrd Holl Clwl'l('s Klingh('Il. l\1(Jlhnurlle, Ia: an.~ .t:ln1.tlY C'rlrds \\~r(' T:IH:)-!('d (l'!r1

; ~~~'. ~~~d~r;h;t~:.!/ l}~~·~i~~('SV.'~~~ h,~:~('~~;)~lr~~ ~~~.~I;~I~:1 ~Jsl\112~,o~~'.: ~llll~1 }~~.i~~~~~l' ;~~r(~li~l; t~~~ ~~~~~: ~'~l~~r\I~~;II('I" f 1('1'1" . .lr., <l1l(\ ~I:tl". \"\'1"1. \VaYIl('; Mr. Hlld :.rr". Ilu- .. 1\11". HIHi ;\Ir<.;. B<lrh~\' CUh(,l·t dolph \\'al'n('kl' PI01'Cl'; :'III". imil and ~i.illhhl~'l"S. Iluc;n. (nln':;fl)('nt

: Mrs. Hl'rman :Ylarle-n. :\,11' find ~'\'(,I;11 (I;\.\s ;\1 lli(' Ih>nl")} Ikck

, ~;:~: ~?i~~~~'1 ~n~,I~~~·~Cl~~ldi\[;~.m~~~ I:O~~~ .. rind ~ll'~ I farry St ri~;'I' \\ {'I'(' Airs. Marvin Fuhrman. MI'. and S~11Id'IY ('\Plll!lg gllf'st ... ,II lil0

I Mrs Allon Fuhrman dnd [,lOlIl) \\,lIk) oohlm(l11 hon\(' l\ll1fnll{ MI anri MI" Ho\\ard }o~uhnnan .iVlT'i ,1$'TIIIl Lunb('(,{ ,md ]\Ir~ Clnd ramll) dnd Chalks JOl'hcns } rrd \ J1kf' :lOr! ('nrol (lmdl! I <dl of ;\J"orfolk \\('1'0 Sllnrl,l\ ,rft(>lnnon (,!lit I" ,d _ _ 111(' ;'.~r" \11nntf' I\.I.HI"'t' 110nw __ ,_, ___ ~~ __ -..,...- -~ll\lr IIlri :\lr<.; nl1lm\ CuI\{rt f <Inri d Uf,:hIPI <.; IIu~o Coin <.;p('nt_ ,THROAT DISC~MFORT ',p",,>! d"" ,,' 'ho t.d 1",11 "h' }, honw • or MINOR IRRI ATIONS ~!r ,"d "'" Fr<'<1 Brunw" \1, .... ~" ~ _ .,.-..... Clnn:\!J" :\,'111<; ,LlIlg{ 111l{ I"': Hml

NEW MIRAClE DRUG GIVES ! ~;~;('~It~()\} 1~\\!l'~r~:;~k~I;~'tnlh~I\\I~-WOMOERFUl FAST RELIEF ',;"<1,,, ' of minor throat irritation

associared with colds, smoking. and other common irritants

1\11". and ;\1]'" Iknl\, Ilolllll'kl' ,and :\,11". (lnd·;\1rs. H,lllS AsmllS and

!'Ill". Pfl1rllllf"' :'larquanll. Los An.' !;cles. \ ISJ.tr·d rec('?ntly at th(' Ed

~Uh~:'~I(i;~~! ~!.: ~~~~~t~~~R1~coT:ro;:t J\Iaa .... hOl11e. Mrs. l\TRrquClrr1! and Lo~tngt1. &U.UJt NED-AQU .... ·ORIN conl~j~s. l\trs. l\Jaa.s \\"cre ;cla.s.smat(ls..

~~~~~j~(t~~g~OT~r~~:j~i~t.iCilao~O~: ~~s!!';b'~: h!J1~;l;r 1~1:C:~~~; ~~~d~hf'~:CI~~e~V~~' 1~ t~~eva1'm~lin,o~mi:d~~~~&~ Ind dhcolD" , ~~.g a~J ~i;~. h~~~y Ifollc~~k(',\\~I~~ 2. ~:!4~i~;:":h';~~:ji:rj7:!io'~. dla~ mar ! ~r~ :~d<;~i~<;~Jb~;~~.{~n~~~~~~i

~~~~~U~;D!:~(hIJoF:~~n~~~.;~Ii~~i:l~o~ Ampnde and Mrs. PHulin~ l\1ar-.• ne.!th,.~.iC or germ-inhibiting irIS, redietttJ I.llmoJt II quardt. L(I.S Angeles. Th(' birthday ~~~~tt~'!i~:,ll,~f/sGel[o~ES.!AOt1..Dr&~ ~:n~~'1s baked by Mrs. GeorGc IOdIY! Not~: If thtozt irri!;u~n p~tsisu 01 .

lever II pr~~n!, ~ your dooor. M!~i~n~n~~t~r~~o~;~lll'm~~~~~n~~~. ' .. ' !\frs.· Pauli.ric I\lnl'quarrlt, Los An-

. geks. \"):-,itl'ri" J"ccC'IJHy in the E. ! W . .i\IIcBrirl!? home. 'OJ·chard.


Mary Ann Pingel was an 0\'('1'-. night guest in th(" Reuben Bus.~

i ho~(' ~nd .als~ attendcd the Sran-

! tO~~~I~~lId Mrs. L"1aus riathl~an j and family were among guests at

t he Ben Lieneman home at Ran-

'""'="""..".,......,...."._"' __ '"',.",._=_"'."'_ ..... ! 1~,sT~r:~~G' ~~~~~~~n honor of


Bartlett'; ,EARS No.1 Nebraska Red

Potatoes Golden

SWEET · ~cor~( 98-lb . Bag


LB. 14(


I r '>

~1'sbuilt like the big onesll

-that's why a GMC Pickup rJJil! last longer, cost less tomaintdin!


WHEl'/ tbe'big'Gl\1C over·the.high. Hut that's not all. "fe'll he [glad to way. truck and the ~mall pickup, demonstrnte how oth~r features like

shown above. are loaded, to capacity- "pillow action" springs and re.circu. there's 30:000 pounds difl'crcncc in their lating ball.bearing steeting give GMC's / weights.", a real Ilpasscnger .. car ride." Come in 1

and sec firsthand the tine leatures that" ,l,/ t"':9' QI'e alike ii, a lot olimp.rtollt· make G.\IC today's top 'buy in pickup, "'OJ'S tllat mok. GMC lig"t in/ces tops;" 'I' panel and stakefack truck~! al/·arot/tld SCI"pice! , ., ..

For Gi\1C is th~ONLY pickup truck 0

with aWfiveOf the important' features _:~wl:liph jnost'nlnnu(act~rel's reserve for

their bigger,"~~beavy~dtity" vehicles.

"Quality ll:ls No S'ubstitute"

; LT.:E D t"J,E Plumbing, H~~~irtg

& Applia~~~ , 108"~ !)t.

, pe(ial ~ 'i I

Wa,II'p' a~:er I • I] i,~




. Pri(es. As . Low AS

;,;t'H,;;:H!: ;il, :,!',I Chal'los Kim,:)', jr, wa; a Frida, ' l\'Iethodists b-_l __ p. ' .. _".~ _ -"if US We~'k--.- I at t.lle opening alnner M:6naay 1('llglOUS Illl I. I '~~~~;::~:t:~jt::tt::ECi:;;::~~~:-:;t;-;;::: aItemoon coHC'e gU{'st and, Mrs. I .,Inn rev I ew 0 I ni~ht and at the all-c:o'j.lege con- The puphc is~in\ aeQ10 heat' Rc;\.


:' ""-, ,.".~ .. "". ".,jl'. ~., .'~I·' W' 'j,' " r:I" ,'"' L~o.,{j Hug'efJu'an ·was·.a' Tlili.vsdttp·1 Quarterly l\'1ie,et 8(" I • I i Be," served I Ve-::atlCtn TLlt'sda1 mOrning. FeT:-e at tht> Tut>sday Com"ocatitm.

:~~~~:eA:h'" .'" . -,. aiternoan luncheon fTuest. Twc!'nty-fdUr attendt>d the quar~ I A l-i ... l#.· II ~ I H( \ Ferrt:' Will speak on "Tht ._ '."':&1 'llll.".;·.!"f~~:i j~,""'e"I" ',._ ":., .... ', ,'.'. Mr and Mrs. Reuben Goldberg terly confer~nc~ of Wa )f'l~'s Flts~ 1 ~ l,t:I ........ S 'Va).ne tate S!1 €'n'<; WIn pla{'c 1 Fal:h Thc"c TIme Demands Mon yy;:N. ala ,~ nd JaNohn were Sunday evenmg Methodu;;t church MOl day ('\(>n~ I V" ':::II V'W 1 mphasis n religion ~xt weeki dUJ< l'\ enmg and "Thp Deeper u\ _ TO DAIRY CO~VENTION

',I ",' ~"" ),'"" "I~ vl~i~~deWe H~o~re~s~flS:~coh~mp:;' mg. L I J ~ 0'" Ips II urmg the annualdreblJg1,oj S hfe ot1~ ('I of Our Thmkmg" Tuesdav Joe Beckenhauer left from Lm· SY!~'rI~i !~I,lJs"JO~~!lon ed Hid P i Rev. avern ay, f~eill. ~ i+ ervance s onson'" y 1e calTlJJus The progl am also melud('s mfor- co1"n Saturday mornmg for SprmO"-

1\ .', Pf(one 232·F.,1.2 Attend Fu'neral ~odet:1~rCI~~~~~es ~ Claa~ s~- northeast distrIct ~uper nte~dent. r ' rogra 1'1 IS" e, I hUrch or amzatlOns . I mal meet lOgS for diSCUSSions With fJeld, Mo where thiS week he at-r 'r"" " , - ., da to "'~Slt the K(>n eth ~ollms f}reslded at thtt rpeetl g. dIS~J ' I Featur speaker of the rell~ \ a~lous chm"ch orgaOlzatlOns and a tended the national conventIOn of

. (alves'IMor.nl~g. ~erYlc~:.' Mr. ,and Mrs, Bob Fredriqksoll ta~1I1 cusslon Of~he rjmOd ling pro- A speCIal prevl~\v shOWing of gious em hasls week Will be Campus QuestIOn" meetmg Wed- ttle dairy bIC'eder's enterprize Mr

I .' f Reyn'-Old aAlt\~~di~l' trCe f~~tetr.~~Sonbl'oStUh~~a, YDae~ 1\1). Agnes Leonard and Dean gram was hid. 1 two eplsodes of tflie newl reltglOUSI Rev. Gus aVe Ferre University ne"dav at ""hich Re"\ Fe} re will Beckenhauer IS 'i membE'r of the < ,..,.Erwln Downey and , \rl~lt~d 111 the Henrv Ocitanjer Those' ele ted to 1h bUlldm I program titled. "This Is the LIfe," of West Irnlnia, Wh'O Will sneak ! talk on \ 3110US aSP~of student Nebraska ~tal(> hoard of directors. o..-J.·alltz, ,Wahoo, were entertamed waine Carr,] who was killed in Kor- I " Th d commIttf'(, arc Ei SC') our, Caq produced by the buther

f church, -T -~--- - _ _ ___ ____ - ~ - ---

1 at'Sunday dinner in the Phil1ip ea. ·Kay Fredrickson wlt$ at the lome neariBanclOft urs ay, Wrlght, K Pa ke, Da\c Theo""Missourj,· synod, -and ponsoredl ) W·, f I' '~I Ring h. ome.···Mr., Downe~, 'an ijl- ReUb.en Goldberg home fo~ the' day. J }Vr 'aln~IMudl'S EugenC'S S~ans?n, phlh.ls and IB Blandstl'ttpl.l Jomtly with the Nahon 1 CouncIl I ! eve gAt more an ac s-, 8tl'UOt01' at Luther c311(!"'e~i"Was'iln --- I. I (> am a la \\ere un ~y l!\- Those on thCi fundi ralsmg commlt-i of Chur.ches of C:prist in the USA,] I, ,y __ _

. charge of the mornin~·servjces"in Refurns from California Trip, ) ~nlng \ISllors In the Walter OUe tee are B W Wright, Atchle Welt I wiII, be. shoWn Monday evening, ROOF l.sa)e~1,ltheran church, , da~~·i;o~jO;k~~~;t ~i\~:n:r~eJ~sur:~1 O;::~s. George Ais,t~ope and Ml:S. t~.n~C~~a?J~~~I)~~o.walker an~,~~~;c;~~~c~~~~d~~r~~\~i.~ia8~1 ; ,~. '~_I' 'I'. ~\ .'.~" -'~' ~. ,'1' p:_.<"I".I-, .. \Honor, Serviceman, Sacramento, Calif. While thette he I D!-lIl Lamb W('I'(' FmlllY ~uest~ 111 One~half ~f the! money llC'f'dr.i-lI! PrO'dull~d' prbfessionall~ in Hol~1 , .~,l, }>' ". 1'. '.~,' T ~ ~'.' .~

I' Mr, and Mrs. HaroL: Olson an~ was a'-:'lOng the group of thirt~'-six ~h. e A~(,l't ~arsh ho~('-. m d.~IOUX .for rebuildi of I th(> church Ir'JJ! lYWO.Od' 'for the' LUther.a . chur.ch,! ,~, "~'} .. ~~ .~,\ .~"4 1 .... "" " . . daughters were entertained at din· attending the) Nebraska picnic on ,Ity. . ttJr (~rm~n ~ask a :iner beeh approp ate>d,' Rev. A.,B. Gr \11 at a costl of $500;000 "T IS Is the, .' ~ :~l ~,' , •. ner Sun'qay evening in the Ernest Slffiday,~Sept.\ 7 at Sacramento. guest 111 t w . au e (II es ome. eported. i f II Life.' /· will,"be carried 'b~ at least ,t I • b

. Jbhnson1home honDring Pfc. and --- .jnear,DakotaClty

The bUj)d!~g cotnn::litte(> wilt oU.;i34 TV' stations in t e United Ih 1 '~. d1'.J' k" " 0 . h ul'lng 10 • J MI~, D~n!lrd Johnson, Fort BUSR,~ S 0 S C'ub , . " gU~~;~' iif:;ic B~~~~';on,an:1t~~uI tain de'ailc drawings' and "s1i,: states , beginning in Oct ,ber, a or ,lllue s 'can save you money on y ur! a • Tex. ML a~d Mrs. Dale Johnsorr. T,he S.O.S. Club ,!,cC'ts With MI s·1 visited in the John Bengtson ho ~ates for. C' educatIOn a} f'xt{1n1I M: ,E.; J. :8ellnthat .. who Is, WaY!1e. a~d Dean Pearson were a~~ Jess BrownelJ" Fnda" bct. 3. ,Thursday aftprnoor1. j sian at the' ck of th(> church. t~C'1 ,fn"'CIUi,ge1, fit "baokliigs for pre-

iI~;;~n~~l 1~~.~~~g~fC':J;gh~Wf ~~ :\11'. and Mrs. Darwin 'Nimrod I; Md rd' andh

,::\I;'s'MMan in, ~MiorteRnson ~~~sreO~t~:n (l a~J .. ~~~.~rn:~n!ir~! )bf~'~'~~.ae·~x:plnla~!dn.t'nh~n·ttehae~hsthNalef: ,ord '.6 ,,';th ('ombirfation atoC'k and ~ain hody. d an nuO" ('1' 1 rant rs eu ~. h rU"'"Hlt ,11lU '" 8 wheeibWl~II. G.V.W. !6,OOO 11)8. Many eqUlI>_

transfelTe to Ne\\' J~ I·sey. J :nd St~pl1{'n were Su.nda:y dinner ben GOldberg' and' JaNoh)l' her cd The progr1 tm will probably I~st: hour program Is built around It nJl'nt options. Choke of Iwn ralm gives you muN

AS!~1WltH.Se~VJng'., ~uMA~"'~~d~~Mr~: '~f1~~.~~.t1~gO:d' .jv~rs. AJden,. JO~nson c~le~r,ate her ~~:d~hrC'c 01'1, our years, R",·. Grp}1: Christian fl1mily - the Fisher drhing ea~e, safety Ilnd effidenry. Mrs .. >-Sc'I:nard'Kinn'cy, Mr'S"WaIt~, Mil1fiie'IJolln"son w~te, Q !tettained' .blr~hdlf'Y W~dneSja!.'cvenmg. I r~lfnjJy. .' .

er 'Otte and 1. Mrs..' Ted· ·Htil'I1is<;m in the ·WHbel't Oak,hori e SUllda"oo'· ~lr·, a.nd' Mrs. ~l? d ~bf'lll'S(m ~nd I i Thr.Ol!gh. a s;erlf'S of epls;one.s, wcre".amQ'ng· the S.ervE'-AIJ .Project at a demonstnltitm.dinn r. - ~a~ A?I1, wert', :Wednesday e\Temng NORTHW ST 'I ~(lch mdepenctent ~.nd comple1e. I.~ clufji.tll~rribers assisting \\lith sew- Mr. and Mrs, ElM Jd scm and \ISltors H1 the Lio)od Hugclmall W "f' Id "ltS'('lf., the .members. of th.ls fan: 1 . . t th' • • • G Jf d ' Co home a e' Ie ! Iv WIll be Involvcd In various Slt~ mp: a, e commullity hospital lasl . 1\ l'e ~?hnson wert:' ~unda'y af· :vI ,'. A . I "d' d' ' , ',: ': ., t' th' lution of which will I

To'~ CiHlifl1a, .' :VIr. and' Mrs. AI J son, Peg- D. ,Hyde ~me W:dnes.day evening I 'I, ChTlstmn prinCIples. I

~:·eek., ~~r~g~hL~~:~~l~se ~}~n~~~r:~~~~ests enjo~~d ;n:'~('n('~e~~~~t :tn th~e~ By l\h! . \\'allace 'Rln~ :~~1=1l1.0;~~ th~ .~~Plic<~tion o~sp('cific I MI'; and Mrs. Ray, Hal1!;rC'n anel gy and Paul were Mon y evening and attcl~U~d the, ~OVI~ I 0 h G I The Wayne sho\!' mg IS I

SallS w~rc 'weekend visitors in the visitors in the Darw 1 Nimrod Mr. and lVII's. Emil Ekb"erg were rna a ues1 ": the public No ,lcimlsslOn G A Hallgren home In Omaha' home Wednf'spay e\enmg \ LsitoFs in the I ;'vir and Mrs EI nest AndP] 'i~n chal geci, hut ~ fl CC-VI III Th~ 'Ivan Johnson and GOldoll ::\11' and M"s Henry Holmberg I Dick Kat home I~lt~r~~~:~d~t~~;(~~ ~~l:~~\ H)I \\111 he rec(,l\cd Bard famlli('s \islted JI1 the HaU· ~'ld :vII and MIS MaIbn Holm I :vIr and l\Irs Wallte:r Johnson I d 1\1 Th J I :vI l1r After thE' ShO\\lng nwmbcls of ~I~~l> Sunda\ c\ ('mng ~~:~I~{ 1\\ ~Ined es:~;~~I~~j t~! ~~~~~~ :~~st~~I~ri~c ~~~e J(7h~1~~i ho%nen~~ ~~ cdn~~{sonl r:ndo l~J~~iordS :\1~~! I ~lr~~elU~~~hf'ran Duo club \\ III VIsit Cam Site Goldbelg home Mr and Mrs Ha s Ca,l'1'oll OJ pen was an 0\ ernlght gU('st of • ,

Mr and Mrs Paul E\ermgham Johnson and faIT\1h Dixon add fhi' VOl'll Callson famlly \ ISltC'(1 hf'r COUSIll II S ~rn('st And( I SOil Kar.en and Kenneth werc $unday I\Ir ann Mrs Albm' 'Peterso~ and 1m the "DiCk Utecht home Sunday VISit In -low Wayne Youths darner guests m the Frf'd HarrIson ~ons w('re afternoon \ l.I;ltors and evemn,.., '\. I :'IIr sAG Scha C'I and hC'1 Att d· C 11 home, The two families VIsited Ga~ lOIned them at sUppel Mr and ;-,Ir~ 1'[al old Olson and t :\'1 [t, S g- I II SIS-II en lng 0 eges ~ illS Pdint Ham neal' Yankton III Mr and Mrs. Alber~ MarSh, ~t~;n:~~ ~~Id~;~ ~l~d ~~~r~~~ !~~ton 1 ~ 1".!1((" {~hel~n~~~/jhO~! n

dt/: Sf',"e~al W!'l\ l1e \ out lis 81 ('

he a!ternoon. S!OUX CIty, were satUjjay ovpr~ at a plcmc dlllner Slunda 10 the I :,\pISOll at Ddttle C! ('f'k Ia I'll tendmg colleges and R~ W k d G t ~~t anLSU~da} \ISIt rs 10 thelwayne palk tor Mr ind Ml routf' honH' flom Ro('hl'stpi l\.T11111 :I\\a\ flam th{11 hom" to\\n

es ee en ues s 1. rope· m home 1\1 and MrS. Clail'(~ BuskIrk Mlhnea o11s S ThC'\ alll\ t d hom!" Thur~da\ :\11 s i) car Re~l\0:rd I:r';~n: A~ IMal~b~l'g, '~I::rtr~e ~hve tL~mb ~nd ~r and ivlr and MIs' Cl)ne ~~IICl Coun-I Samuelson ff'nt to lIa!tJllgton, Those attf'ndmg thC' Unl\('rslh uurljng~~n 'were weet~~e~~u~~~ ho~e sa;tuJ'~~~ ~ft~~~oollJo n Ka).j eli Blutls ~"\wt"e hOUsf>guests' m th(' I FI Jda,_ ~u~eb~~~~lt;;II1~~lJ~ldl ('l~;tt ~l~lsa gUests 111 the Roy Sundel h:'Te BClnard Kmney' and ~lyde Md~ Beward h,1Onl:':, home flOm satu~-I Omahans Herle Wall~c(' BJck Chcre Ifourlf'lSh '~t Mr, and Ml'lWI'Sundell and ests IeI' CounCIl BIuff~, \lslted 10 the day mornlng untIl Mcm~R.j. motn- ::vIr and :\1r:s VOla('e Packer (lnd I rlaughtC'r of '::\1' a4d 1\110; dlen \\ere enterta1n('d at dmner Satur- WalterOttehomeSundavmormng I~g dnd C~lled on othcl relah\eSlchllcll('1l rlIO\C' up 110m Omaha Houdprsheldt Jack March "')n of - --~--- ' -- ,th~~ {~~nin~.I~~~ ar~~~;~';a~i\ ... ('-hd~1~ SatUlda,\ to 'I:-;J! I l'.lal,l\ps. Thr.\ I~I. anrl MIS p. L.Mdl('h. ,mel for,-

Iocr and supper in tht'ir honor on' l'~·tul"lwd SUllday ,a~tl'1 noon. The I mt"1' Wa.\ ne l'I>sld,ent~, :\11' fInri ;\l"s ! :;iunday in thE' Kinney home \\Ieee h.('nneth .PllJC'{~i·S .lollwd .1hcl11 at 1 Bradl('~' ,warnt'n,lUnde. \11". ,md !Mr .. and Mrs. John I<inn<.>\·, Mr. and Sund'lY dlnn{T 111 the Ernrst Pack-I ;\11"~. Cah'ln :\}.CAlI:-;l(']" and :\11'. and I Mrs. Kenneth Schro(,jpr' and Jan- 1"'1' home. t f' I ; Mr·s. James N]SSPll. ct, MI'. and Mrs. WaItel" Otte and --,--- I Alan Cramer, son .of Mr. and

I Sandy c.nrt MI', Ami :\1]'s. John Ban- Attend Fune ai ~ Mrs. M.ark ~rarncr, IS attendrr.] son :\11'. and Mr'. f.rnC'st the Unlversltv of Iowa at Iowa

. in Sioux City hursda.\" City, and Robert Carhart, son of attf'nd('d funC'1"1l.1 sC'nj{,l's Mr. and Mrs. John Carhart, and cousin ::\I~·s. Gf'rtrudr F{'I!. Paul Emung, son of Mr. and Mr.:;.

J. N. Einung, are attending Chi-

RUN FOR PENNIES! 'Tue proof of a truck is in lJ\o running. You can't beat cold, hard figureA. Sec the final rcaulls of the ,'lO-million­milo Economy Hun. See re("urdd of 5,500' Ford Trucks, operating \Jnder all kinds of conditions. Sec how little It can cost you to [un a Ford Truck!

PROOF that Ford Tru(ks (ost mlghty 1I"/e '0 runl

Out-of-Town Guests ; cago unIversity.

tai~{~'d :~d S~~·~~.\~f'd~n~~,I~U}I~(f~t:I;~,1 ish;~a:\i;~z~~~~I~l ~itl~f (i)"m~i;~ F.D,A,F.

For '.'12, rHHEI!: new Low FHICTION Ford Truck engines pu,>h running ('osIS stilllJwer! These :;hort-Rtrokf', overhead vulva t'nglnes cut power-eating

~~i~\i~I~. ~;:e uire~~ ~X;{~~: f~ alt give you lhe tight power fur ,"our hauling job!

·PROOF that '52 f.,d Trucks cosf stm ~S] to runI

... prove • ' that Ford Trucks!

') , LASl LONGER! , ' ... Life iljUlurance eIperts. U8tng ;.

, latest registration data on 8.069.000 trucks, prove Ford 'Trucks .ast longer! Thill proven ruggedn('ss means your Ford 'fruck stands up to the tough('st punishment ••. de~ pre('iation is slower ... your trade-in vulue. ill higher!

.. PROoF tha, over ,h" 10n. haul. Ford Trudclng cost, les;'

~~~" ~~~d a~~u~~~~~r FI~~~Ii~ l1;,i~.~" ~~d~~: ~i~~I"F~~i~~~'/72 ;t~f'~J'~ and Mrs, Ilil:'hard Kumm, ~rfOlk,'illg ~orlbwcs\{'rn Ulll\'{'j"sil,·. E\-I S E' Y l E R \ MOT 0 R S ~;~n,~~,d 'I". I 'e,b", Brhmel, i ~~~\~ns~:'h~72 a~'~~~~;;,~~~}~,;~~ 1 • • .


\ -. -.--- I School of ::\{In(>.<;. GoldC'Il, loin. I

°U;;I~f-;~~teM~~es~~arC'ncc \VoitC'I' C~~C' %~:~', s~n a~;f'~~;'n:nd N~1/;~! 119 EAST THIRD ('ntertamed at supper Saturday her \ D(1mf', South BC'nd, Inri .. = ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~--__ =-~~~=~~~==~~~~ .... =====~ parents, MI". and M!·s. Elmer FIsh~ i ~---;---~- --- ----- --------


! '

-t "I

.;;) Quiek·Service

.l'iiFree Esti~ates

Giiara-nteE!d Work I

C'r, and :'Iiarlyn 'Fis!wr Carroll! and thC'ir ilOusegUl'sts, MI'. and ~ Mrs. W. I. James and Mrs. On'in; Opydyke, both of Color ado 1

Springs, Mrs. Lettie Barlo, Ol"f'_ i

gon~_~ Janice OttC'man, PC'ndcl",

I Mrs, N. P. Christensen aHend~d ~

the Legion anxiliary cOI1\'C'nt ion il1 ' \Vsync Tuesday. I

I, I Mrs. Arl I\icYf'r and Mrs. Ernest

fi rsi?, R6te, , (Body~' '~. Sh. On ,. II ina"t~~'i~,'!~~:~~Jlor;~t~~fl~?~~~. ~ FrIday aft crnoon in honOI' or her: J r.ous(' ~L1ei;t, Mrs. Amanda NorE'~n,

2,:l3,'M, a:in , ,Phone·66,4-W. I ~ Omaha, w~o came Thursday. Ot~f'l'f . gUl'sts \\.'f1I'E' ),ill·s. Jess Bl'ownl'l!, I

lf~~;~~i;~~~;~~;~~~~;;~~~;~;;~~;;~~:l :\'1rs. O..,e<1'l" Johnson, ::\1rs. ErnQ-s! i

fUsed Coal

'MI*'IRS; lS15'Oo to ,$3500

Circulator for' Heat, StlI.ndby for C"ilking . See. O~r Wbite Enamel


All SiMs, 3 to to inch

~~~l, M~;"~tNG~o g.,dSc»tI~I,lt~ M"'~-'

se Nmql.ElIit;tess SlUms Heavy or Light Load.

2.gaI. Daisy Gla ••

CHURN Reg. 4.95 300

shoi Tha'Wliiitnm' Electric Churn 1


0iLH-~a'ters .' 8495~<>-12-495',

New All Dra:sS

'T~le ,la:m'P15t,:


GLAZING COMPOtJ'NDl, WEATHER STRIPPlNG;, It Pays to Keep Heat in the.HIrii.e, '

And('rson ann J(,[l.l]{'tt~ and Mal'ie I

Frc'cirici<.son. : Mr. and :\1rs Th'ure Johnson

~('rl'p~~~I~c;~}~ ~~~~I:ng~~s~I:('!~l thl' MI'. and AIr,~. Joel Dahlgn'll

drovf' to Beref;ford, S.D. W('dn()s~ 1

day to attend the farm sale of h('r; unc}e, P(~tl'r Berg. Her aunt, :\1(,s.;· Emma P{,(jprsf'-n accompanif'd t hl'm

fl'~ •. S:~~", ~~~ .. Joseph Edcksbn entJ;,'rtainl'd at Sunday dinnf')' anj

I SUpper: HI','. and 1\1y·s. Melvin D. Ped('l'sC'1l and children. Mr. and Mrs: Levi Hel~Tf'n and ·childrcll. Mr.'and>,Mrs. Vic Sundell and EUI1~ ice, Laurel, joined the group in thC' afternoon for supper . . Mr. and ::\Irs. 1\'an Nixon <Ind ¢hiJdrC'n wcte Sunday din ncr RI,d

~~fse:tg~'~~~st~tn.the ~C'rald Scb- I i Mr. anjl Mrs. L{"o Schuh' anrJ: ~hildren !':Pf'ot Friday (>\'('nin~ wilh 'I Mr. and MI"s. GLI.'; Schulz .. 1·I'mind.

;n1}~(' !l~~t('Mr~.f ;~~l\~l('~l?}II;;.ld~:!~'~ ! al: st'fppC'r SU!)day ('\'('11- i

. ar:'dl 111'5. Ern~'st p(lCkClr'l and WIll MUTph".

, to sp~nd I the Wir-

. . W~dn"'dqy ··"·"5·~'·. '.,,,' Ericl{sons. I

:Milford MI'.

New 54-in. Sink

B, SLNGLE DOOR .-'=' WALL CABIN~T ' (ho;ce of lefl or tight hand ap~nlng. 3 'pa6o~~ , el"". gl""youlot,of,TorOlg,,>'pOlce. 15'w,de,JO' high, IJfd"e.,.



$17.50 E, PLASTIC TO!'


~~:I b:x~~e;IO~:r;;h:~J :~;k 1"llce.lelforri,,"'hQ~ddoc~. IS·wid",36"high,l';I"a'."p.


' .. ", ,~, ....



I , ""OW ypur dreams of ~ d,ream kilthen can ()Ome true! Never ho"!!' we off'l!red' high quoiity steel cabinets-,like Ihese at sllch low prices. Each pie:e is.custo~ styled to give you a ..... .orIHoying, space.saving lIn~am kitchen at prices y~ con afford. Com pore Ih'em wi,h .cablnets dt twice HIe price and ';'ou'U agree -they con', be beot for ~tyle, for beQuty and ecenomyl Come.in ol:e>nfe o~d selcd me pieces 'Iou need. " prices may never again- be olO lowl, ~ ~. ':"_


,If the,mal.baked whIte e"am~l; finn * Stro~(t .,o~m~ b.ullMn sh~l~e,: tid ... _ fool<$'lk, you. tlo". 0' ,e"lg"redo,. wath ... asy, baked-on ,nomel flnlsh. .

*,Mod~~n ,I,eamllned dlUt;n with ~.w * Chrom. plaf'd drawer and cailln" "ni togclhe," fIulh ,on "ruction. hplIldli. lto-y -hfrSi1hl~n6 niw.

* tcilch~~bales have be~ufjful'gf'CIY * Doorf and drawer. 0,. iniu~of.d '0;: Mother,of-Pllatf plaslic top" eari •• ,·~itler oplftlng and'~-'in •• ,~_

1t5fcivlI..IJeight worll ba5". elimlnet.· *Flu5h:,~nl!.'~d!o~.onwa~ ,~~.~.~ lIra,lrt, mGh ~i'then pl,~?i~D tader. . .s~rll~ YOl.II ,a ~~llnuou~~ -'NO~1i1 ~lu1!';~ ~ Cabinet dar.,. hav. 0.(1.1)(0 p(al~a Ii' Kifch,ri, ~OS" ,hove ltuff-r.slsIOtl.fl '"" \ d""~'h"~"'ii"~;'Ed~~:'~R"--t \

~.NiK'U . , . ; tlS!W;3riri,'1' C":l.:",~I'UIE\~lt~etN~b:;"

'I, . !'\;: '):~:'\ :;j::;~'~>!i~A~,> M.' i~!((f~r~I,i~';i~';

i: I :;·~,~~{~'g:~;i;\:1 '





mers. Oct. 2: .

: ;. .," . DaugHters. , ' Hard, klub, ' ~l,,", ,; ",' Oct. S I , lelB. I \" OE,Sl..Kensitigton. ----"

SOOAL ,. EVENTS 1"Ba)lH.-;' Sdcial 'Sel'9ice

BBJ)Ust Social ~ :rvice will meet today at the 'W. C. Swanson home. Me m. h.e r s will bring, canned fruit at' vegetables 10 bl' sp.nt to the Jonas old folks' home in Omaha. .

lOB Mrs. Hem'y Schmitz wnI ('n~

tertain JOB -qci. ~ ..

'Woman's, Club Mrs. F. S. Blrry }~as the pro­

gran) on' Wayne Woman's Club

! ~~u~~~~rn~t~e~i .. ~~~' Woman's

ES Kens1ngton

3 ~rt~- ~~~~i·~;Odn ;;;~fl'~~~s?~: .t. Fleetwood and MrS'. E. L. Harvey will assist. ..

ay Gainers ::\'["5, Ray. Finn ('r<t:-liaiI1l'd

Ga,Y Gainers last W('d~day af­ternoon when the-I'c· was ei('ction or officers:, Mrs. Ray Finn,

!~~~t~~; p~~ide~~r~~:s.G~~\~~~~ i{pnn;r'. secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Gi\morf' Sahs, music leader; and Mrs. Melvin Sahs, pUblicity'dir­ector. Leaders \'olunh'el'cd for t h~' mending' le~son at the next ~nf'eting OC~"~'lat the Max Brud-19l1m homf', ,.r: ~Iq

Methodist Women I

Methodigt Women met last , W{'dnC'Rday for the,,~irst meeting

til" the yeal' at the church parlors. It was thf> annual birthday offer­ing and Mrs:."Y. A. Senter baked


on~~~Y~~~~ I~~h~~~ ~t~3i~~~~~~ try club last'Tuesday aft!'rfloon. Guests were Mrs. William Schulz ahd Mrs. Lyle Seymour. Next meeting will be Oct. l' at the W'4ltcr Bressler, jr. home.


KO~~(,l~e~O~~ t~:st Dwc~'J~!~aa~ cvenmg. Mrs. Arlen }<""'itch and Mrs. Kennpth Olels won prizes. Next mt'eling will be Oct. 15 at the Lloyd Jensen home.

Nil Lo No Lo met with Mrs. WarrC'n

Bi~son Thursday c\'C'ning \' .. -hen pl'lzes went to :.vII's. Ardale Test. Next meeting willlbc O(,t. 2 with'

'Mrs. Clarence Car:son.

Easterri Star Eastern StUI' will colh~t ('al1-

nf'd fruits and wg(>tablf's for the home in Frpmont. ]\11':-;. ('. A.

~ Pl"C'ston urges you plC'flsl' to {haw conti}i~Utions ready by 9 a. / m. Friday 0.-:pt. 26.

Kaxd Klub l"::ard I{lub met with :\11''0. E\'­

("r('tt Roberts Thul·sda\,. Mrs. u's Swinnpy is a Ilf.\\v 111£'mber. Pl'izes \.\"C'r(' won by Mrs. Walt­

C'r Lel'npr, Mrs. TexlC'y Simmt;r-man and .MI'S.. Swinney. Next meeting will be Oct. 2 with Mrs. McrlC' Tietsort';

Pleasant Valley MrR. Charles HpikC's mtC'rtain­

£'d P1C'asant Vallf'Y mC'mb('1's at a co\'ered dish IUnch{'on last

''"~ I. ,. ",

.'\ , , f~~1 ~i~~~~e~~' a younf pI'roon Hnjj T~e-'Va.rn~~(Xehr.) Rel'ald, ThUi~~day, Sept. 25, 1952

':'W:e'dnesday: 'CholrJpr&ctice 7 0.1, . 7

m·.· Pra:yer meeting and Bible stu- now meet Tuesday e\'C'ning!'; in- I'ament after first m&ss. dv at 8 p·.m. ; stcad' of" 'Fttday!';. Arrv adults are Thursday. Oct. 2: . Confessions,

welcome to a.ttend. 4 :30-5 :30 and 7 :30-9 p.m. '::"':'_-:--: __ ----~-~ .... __ ---""i'-----:_-.:.i<:....S:;O:;C:;'~A+L:.E:V~E::.:N..;T.:S-- First~'Methiodist Church ! .' Oct. 3: First Friday. Distribu-

. I I (A. B. Gray, P¥tor) St, )fary's C:&tb"li<" Churrh tion of Holy Communion at 7·a.m. Wednesday. Prizes went to Mrs. ft~ntt Mr~. Roy Splr. vice pres- i J ~ h Sunday, Sept:2S-:'Sunday school, '(Robert P. HUPI=!, pastor) Mass at 8 Dale ThOmpson, Mrs. Mae Ideht; Mrs Her ert Echten- I eanette ~C 9:45.·Morning worship. 10;55. Ser- Sept:28: l~t SUhda) after Pen- Saturday, Oct 4: CJ).teGhism Young and Mrs. Lydia Fleer. kamp, se¢retary-t asurer, l\'lrs 'man:' "Continuous clm\·ersion". tecost .. LOw sses at 8 and 10 a. class at 3 30 pm Confessions,'

~rt1t. ~~s~tiR.~~:W P~~s~~~t'a~~ "~~~' ~:!~on~" l~~e, I~~~r;h I Morn 5 SWS n Wed w~~~da;,~~~!~~i~i Jelf~~~s Em_m _:.:B:e:ne:dr><::t;::, :n:o:f:t:he::B:le:s~~e:d:s:a.:'::.:':4:3:0:-5:3:o:a:n:d:7:3.:0.:-9~p.:m:;:, :::::::,

Mrs, MC'rlin Preston. leaaer; rs G!lb rt KralImalT, I S I.. phasis week. ...

Rural Home ~~;:;~:~ ~~~'iIO .e~:~s;C:~~ ept 14 In WinSIde Of~S~~~;}8;~~~U~~~aou~~~~ce Mrs. Dick Sandahl ()ntertained M:~ Ern rid AJhm, reader The I WII1!,;lde - Theophilus EV8~g('h- Wednesday: Chancel choir. 7 ·Swans'

Rural Home Thursdav for thc 111tlles WI 1 take office In Jan- cal and Refo'rmed church: WiQsi'de. m. H. ,So FC'Iiowship, 8 p.rn.. f\ 'I first meeting of the' season. uary. Ne t meeUng wIll be Oct. ~~s the scene, of the 1:30 'p.m. ~d- Thursday: Junior fellowsliip.

Guest!'! weI'€' ,Mrs .. Carl Sundell 15 at the Melvin l10rtge home. I g of J.eanette Koch abd 01'- 6:30 a.OJ.. Intermediate fellowsijip'l and MIS Albert Sundell Mrs, --- - ~~tJ~~t~~' ~iP~r21a.:~~h~~ld~~".,.~hs',· B:30. Youth choir, 7:30. . I Glenn GTanquist was' in charge LA' I h 1Il", of the entertainment and prizes orett ~tln "\oc ahd the bFldegt'Onm'sJPBl'. Wesleyan l'lethodlst Churl'h

w\Cl1t to Mrs. Russell Lutt;- Mrs, ~. ~~\t!n~~~l ~{Wl:?ru:V1rs H bert I (GS:~d:yn,dS~p~rI28Hs~~aPya~~~ Mar~in Holmberg, Mrs. Joe 'Cor- W d M ! II B e R ,~ bit and Mrs. Alvin Olson. Next e sri at r f'V J.F.Schortinghuisperform_ at 10 am Morning worship at 11 meeting will. bE' Oct. 16 with Mrs. ' - ed the double ring ceremony b('- Evpnmg Sf'rVlCe at 8 M ' ' FlIt At W R't fOr(> an alt/1.r' deoorated with, bas- Wednesday evemng Pra~er

arvm e . ayne I e I kets of ~ ~now Pllmpons, pink -car-I meetmg antfllBlble study at 8 1 BPW Loretta AJli?he ustin, 'daUgh- ~~lo~~~~i~~~~OI~yV~:~~~ .J;;:~ Ch~St':~afellO::t~i~ng Stud£jnt I

Mrs. RaJph Eaton, president of tel' of Mr. and Mrs.'Gerald Austin, Can, Sahg "Because" and "The t ~~- I 'BPW, conducted the first meet- Wayne, and Merrlll Gene Baier, .1..00Cl'S Praspr" First Prpsbytprlnn Church

ing of the season Tuesday eve- son of Mr. and Mrs. Chl'lS Baler....:! The hridC"s dl'C'Si; was of whitp I (0. B. ProNt, pastor) i"

ning following the dinner at the I Wayne, were .marl'led Sept. 14 at It satih, npt and lace. dC'!';ign(1d with Sundaj', Sept. 28 (Ra~ly day)!' Woman's club 1'00mR. Mrs. Emil p.m. R('v. J. H. M .. ShJery a n('t necklinC' and 'lacp inse]'ts I Church school, 9:4s...,'1;fu( Nursery{ I Siefken, chairman of the pro_ ,formf'd the double ring ar?ulld the, should£'rs. ThC' fuJ'11 and pre-s.chool dep~ent, ~,1 a~ I gram committee, reported on I' sk,ll·t h~d a drop-w~ist line \vhich: m. Wo.rshlp, ~1 a.~. ~ermo~: Th,,: this yeads list of proO"I'ams, and 1" c.ndf'd a long tram. Her fin~cl'-I ~ord m N~\\ WOI ds. &pe~lal :nu·l there was discussion on the pro- tlp-l~'n h 'w:il \\'as of Fr('nch lace I SIC. Westmll~.£ter FellowshIp, ;) p. gram of the Jan.uary meeting yet and 4>he (,flITled red carnations. Hpr I m. ~ .

J~t~d~~~~d. t~e~vh~~~~;~ ~{s~ ~;.~~~cc· was a gift of the bridC'-1 wi!~e~~~f~ ~~~;;""~~1:CP~°:J1~u~~tJ;~! Chris Tietgen· gave a Rynopsis of Al"ie'l1e Koch was hf'"r sistC'r's ma- : torium, 8 p.m. ! 1

tlw national convention she at- tl"On of honor, and Mrs. Charles Wednesday, Oct. 1: V\romen's as"; tme~rd,edDi~le~iantneesaPtoOlitSh~hids"sst~m"ct- ~(·a\·('l·. sister.' 0\ the bridegroom sociation, 2:30. Rf'v. Ralph Wi I ,. ~ ~ e ~ wa" bridesmaid. Miss Koch wor(~ Chamberlain, speaker. Evening I

~~b~~'O~t~~, c~na~ed~o~ei~e ~~: ~~;l~';r :~~s J;!~~~ ~~~~~n~1t~~~ group at 8. !! I lected 10 be Mrs. Chris Tict- ell Koch \\Of(' o,G'llIj formals Can- T~I Tty Lutheran Church 1 gen, Mrs. Ralph'Eaton and Mrs. d10llghtl'lS \\£'n' Barbara Koch and Altona David Hamer, jr. Roll call for G('raldln(' Bllei'h and Jerr~ LcC' (1< F Wentz!:'!, pastor) the next meeting, Oct. 28. will be B( a\ (I \\ as llllgbeal er Sept 28 DI\jne SC'I \ Ice at let, anRwerpd by current events. ThC' Ppst IJIHn v.a~ Donald S\\.an bra I a m althcl Leag-u(' ralh Hi n1C'eting will be a Halloween thcl of thC' blldf'I!POOm and u~heI~ the .afternoon begmnmg at 330.

party. ;~.~cn. Donald Koch and RObf'rt: -SUaul's Lut~eran Church ,,FASHION FLAIR Jolly Sewing Circle l\lrs. Koch cho.<;(' navv bluC' and I tULCA

Jolly Sewing Cin:lc mct last :\lrs. Swan tcal hlue for tlw \\.pd (J H "M ShIel \ pastor)

~~~l~~~~i~~I~~~~~'dM~~uC~'lIlNee~= ~~~~~ They had pink carnation cor- Ch1{i~~h sc~~~ a§ 45 a~t:~moJ~~ndt:J I tertain at the i1Pxt morting, Oct. The church ba3f'mf'nt was decol'- plogram T e senlC£' 11 aml 1~. aft'd· in yellow and orchid foll' th(' Luthep leagu treasure hunt at tM

0' EB -Picture by Wayne Photo II wedding reception. Thc weddmg- Erv.m Fleel aIm 6 pm I

('ak(' was baked by the bI'lde's Thursda~ ('pI 23 Women ot I lVII'S. K€'rmit Annrew.<; enter- at St. Paul's Lutheran church, I aunt. ~lrs. Raymond Bohl, Auburn, thC' ChurCh'I:30. : :

tain('~ Of~B Sept. 10. Prizes went Wayne. anj ~\"a.-; C'ut by Mrs. !cd q.ardner, Friday, Se t. 26: Adult Instruc.!'I fo Mrs. FI itz Ellis and Mrs. Charlotte Ziegler accompanied Hartmgton. :'1 1•S . :Ar'mm BeJ('l'm~~n tion 8 p.m. : I Jack Millf'r. NC'xt meeting was Tom Bahe who sang "Because" ann lJ?u)"cd. Waltr(ls$es were PatrICIa S d " .. C ch 1 Tu('sday evpning at the Fritz "The Lord~s Prayer." Pink g-Indioli s,~\"an. Shirley Hljtrich, Gloria Heit. atu~ a:-,., (opt. 27 .. a:e,.. etua Ellis homC'. MI·s. Mikf' Karel amI and a!;tersi decorated the altar. hold and Nancy Prawitz .. MrS". Wil- n:ss , ~.45. J mol' .c~OIr, 2.4;). Coni Mn'. Wal"'l'E'n BilRon WE're gUf'sts. '~he briqe's gown was o.f white bam Cary assisted in the kitchen. mahon cia s, 3.1;). ; PriZf'S werf' won by Mrs. Bilson salin and .lacC'. The necklmC' was Mr .... Bohl haj charge of the gUf'st Wednesday, Oct..1: Senior choir, t

and Mrs. Merton Hilton. Mrs. sweetheart style and was lacC'- book. 7:30. I Hilton will entNtHin bct. 14. i tnmmed. The full skirt had lace The bride-groom has been f'm-

Grace Lutheran Church

,~ ~lC ~ ~

~~~ ":::; c\oss,'


- -~---.. -~--~--,~~-- - --GQC : ruffles which ended with a long played by a construction company. i tl'~in. Hel' fingertip vpil of Fnmch Aft!'!' a w('ck's honeymoon in Wyo-

I il.Iusiol1 re) f,rom a pearl-tl,'im.mPd , the couplC' will ·Jive in W, inT tE. J. lkrnthal, pastor) I'!.I

Thursday, Sept. 23: Senior choit rehearsal, 8 p.m.

TWt,·rline twin PO(¥ts with

liatchiDg:aeiachabie bobtail tie.

I '1 "I


II , I


I .



O,hrr Marlh41!rflUf/f;ng JI)IIS ;n1MlSltJ1::'Ptlilt"d"tI

Ha{f·Sizu /"'. Sl~.9,

MI'~. John Go.'-.horn entertain­ed GQC Thesrlay nnd honored Mrs. Ray SurbC'r on her birth­day. Guests w('re Mrs. Ben Mey­PI', Mrs. Duanc Lindsay a.nd Johnny, Mrs. William Mcyer, Dnle. Minn.. and Mrs. Don Quinn and daughters. Prizes went to Mrs. Rny Surber, MrR. John Goshorn, ~rs. Will Roe and Mrs. Art Lynlh. N('xt meeting will he Oct. 2R (}t' a covered dish Iumj':I'on at t (" John Goshorn home.

Country Club Mrs. L. B. MeClure is ·chair­

man of lhe 6:~O country·club din­npr and card party this Sunday at the count ry club. Mrs. Carl Nuss is co_chairman.,

WW ! WW met at the J. H. Spahr I home last TtlC'sday. Next meet-: r!ttW~I~n~c~ Oct. 7 at the John

Mother'. Study Tom Bahe and(M:trlene,Si'eck­

mann sang a dtl~l:lther's Study" Thursday e..,.ehing at the Woman's club rooms. Mrs. Fritz Ellis accompanied them. Host­;~sse:s w~n~ 'Mrs:' William Eynon,

',Mrs, pale Meyer and Mrs. Gar­,Iahd ·RObbins. Rev: Puul C'ool<

',~dd~~~satth~~~~7e~\r g~~·.isi'6 w~~ "Disciplinp Will B(' Painful." ~('\'. Cook was a ('h~plain sta~ tlonf'd i:l .Japan dUl'lllg Wol'ld War II. The m('C'ting will jJ('"g-in at g. p rho _

: Presbyferian Women i One hundl"l'd and twenty-five ,gUC'sts and mf'mbers of Pre<i-'. 'byterian Women mC't last Werl-'. ne:sday afternoon a t the church .pllrlors f?r guest··day. Mrs. AI­

'. bert c;arlsol\' had' the orga~ 'pre­·tude andI8cCOrnpanied1Mrs.''Ger­old Ritthalel' Who satlg a solo. Mrs. O. F. 'Mbore <had de-vo-

'·fions. "Christian Fl:Hlnwship," 'a.nd Mrs. Hobart AUket" gava the book review tm "Tc5iHeaven·1on

IHol'sebC'ak," by Paul CraTl,Fiton. Host~sseR \vere- Mrs. F. S. Mor-gan, h~ McClure, MrR. Wa) rs. T. T. Jones, Mrs z, Mrs. \Var-r~n ian Schreiner

~f~::~f(~~B6~t~ir:f:re:~ M~:~: I

"t\oon>mecting and·evenlng Jtteet- , ·;lh.g at 8. I iMm_a

Minerva met with B. Childs Monday. Guest was Mr~:·\W. A. Johnson, Omaha" a rela~;ve of Mrs. William Cory .. ell. LuUi''Y'ay spoke to the group ahd

tiara. She arried pink carnatIons. I


Bridesm ids Deanna BaH:>r find her going away C'nR"C'mble the Lon'n(' A stin accompanied the chose a .navy blue. suit with

~o~~ t~~ ais~~.o~1ai·~0~'f h~~~~~:~;~ whIte> Rccyssones,

yellow an the bridesmaids chose blu(, and the bridegroom's mother blue. ThC'y carried carnations.. wore dark green. I'

Flower girl was Carol Ann RC'ception was held at th¢ Gust .and.she \Vor(' pink. Ringbear- church narlors and served bv Mrsf ('I' was Jimmy Baier, dressed In a Haa'old Blatz, Mrs. Vic Custen

, d,wk ~mit. Mrs. Kenneth Dowling, Mrs. Don,


Best man was Gerald Grone and lid Winkelbauer, Randolph, Mrs:

~~~;~~ ii~re G~~~f~,t ~~i;~~, G::~~ ~~:ne~,aCa~~~i. ~h~ ~~d~'sG~~b~t

0& ~J~~" m~~t~r;~lp F~~~~p~~e~~~~ Saturday, Sept. 27: Bible school,

1 :30 p.m. Junior choir, 2 p.m. Con­firmation instruction. 3 p.m.

t,UfldaY, .Se'pt. 28:' The 16th Sun­dO.; after" Ttinity .. 'Spe-Cial . corrt~ bi ed·~l~~"d.a:Y . school' 'and~< Bibl£: , dasses, . Sillq tLm. t, th~::::~~,~~~~c~~;~~~~r~;J H., W.· 'R.dbbert of Nortoll~. will' be in" cha·t"gp. i

: ~~~~~:~~~',suii:kefield. The d~~~~~~~taf~~c~:c~~~ c~~~ . Mrs Austin and Mrs Bnier 010 the four-tier wedding I Immanuel Lutheran Church I thers 'of the couple, 'ch~se 'dark baked and decorated by ('P.'H."Buehnen{~pastor)

Popular Pasha doth..

Completely washable. Sizes 10 to 18.,

t dresses for the weddmg. They· Hansen and Mrs: M. ; Sunday, 'St!!pt;'~::!8:·'r'Worship ser-I had white corsageR I S. \\Thitney. Waitresses were MI's. ~ . . . hL.l. oA

1 Reception ;,...·as·· t1eld. in the Don Davis, Mr},'. Merton Jones, es at

dlQ.. tl1f:-:,8U uas, school at I 15 a.tm. !


church parlors which were nC'corat- Mrs. DeWayne ran field, Carroll; APPAREl 'FOR wOMSN "' ~~a;~~~. ~~?~~~i, o~s:~~s b'~rdde s\~:~; ~~~C'~~j 1J~rr~a na~~'i~;~s:V:r~ex 5:: ermatr-tIl~Ut1ro" serviees Oct. i " .~~~~:t~t~¥,~ ~~~~;s b~~:rca~~e~t'I:~wde~I~~~~~~~~,>~ ~~~y~,·~~~rl~d~haanrgeM~l ~fr.,>~ P~~~~ .1~~~~~;;:~~~~:W~.jl~I~' :;~;;;;:;;;;:====~;:::~~~~~~=~=i~ Allene- Berry had the guest book Mf'rlin Kenny ha.d chargc of the : a.ml JeanE:tte McPherran and Glor- gue<;t book. ia Srwanson were in charge of gifts. The bride graqua.tC'd from Car.: WaItresses were Darlene Blecke, roU high school the past yC'ar ::and Jacqueline. Victor, Joyce Echten- hNI bC'en employed in Sioux City, k~lnp and ('..arol·Slmonin. Thp bridegroom attended LflU~

Thf' bridp \\fill be empioYf'd in 1'C'l sl'hools and has been farming

W~,~~e h~~d;'i~,lh~~: ;;Jd~~~o~lack Wi;;~1Phi~r~~;h~~ol,~ara L~ir~l.green aC('t'ssori('S /01' her going-away Ctl- fall wit v.:ith bla@ii acces~ories and st'mhlC' 'In orchid chrysamthemum corsage!

The coup]·(' will Ii\"(:, in \Vayne. fOt" hC'I' going-away ('nsemble. t Afrer a trip to Wyoming and I I.~·('stern Nebraska, the .couple! will

V, 'enny W d make their home-Ion a·'iann,south I" . 'e s of Laurel. J .: [ ,Reimers .. i

Bette Dean

septemJ1ber 18 Carroll -- Bette Lou Kenny.

daughtC'r of Mr. Ilhd Mr:,.,>. Ed Ken­ny, (['unoll, and Dean O. 'RRimcrsr son of Mr. nd·Mrs'.IPhil Reimers,

united in marriage a,m. a'l. ,Carroll Cath­

'Peter J. 21\1'­officiated at

rGhUTChes "­.' Rle"df!.eme.r-1·40theran \ VLtA

(s. K, deFreleSl, p~u~tor) Sixh>e.nth~··SUhdll:f ·hfter!. Trinitv.

S('pt. ~8~ Sunday ~I:t0ol at 10 am Worsh!p sprvic,es' a~ '11 a.m. Ser­mon, "Dust Thou Art".

Thursday, Sept. 25: Choir prac- I tice ~t 7 p.m,.., :

Frldayl, Sept. 26: BrdthethDod'

~~~~?~~~: ~~~~d1~~nba;~u~I~~t i at chmcl~b)' 5:15p,m, 1 I

Sattlrd y; :St'pt: 27: Junior' choir, 1~30 p,m. Confirmation classes at 2 ! p.m. Th s is the organizational 'T!-C'eting. t

oh~~~dnt (j~~~~ ;?~ise~ett~~a~d Bibl(' at 'city al,ldi~orium at ~ p.m.

Brihg Ifood :offer,ngs 'for Tabitha Homj:' by October :1.2.

Oct. 1 and 2: .w,omen's·IMission­arv SYnod1cal con~inlitH1:'R'edE"em­er' .church.

. -'Christ pastor) ·school

/ \ fori otitdo6rs

~t=;.~:m "Sawyer Vboys" weat~

Tl1ere'~ notilmg, political about tl1is .8tatel(lent: "Tom 'Sawyer's on every boy's ballot," and you 'can lake our wotd'for'it:

. Tom Sawyer 'willc'arry every state. > Look',atl 'the fine workmanship ,'and ' 'tailoring, ,Rich. isn't ',"it! . £ee ·"t}ur newlY'-arrived " .J: seleGbion of' ja'ckets,-'-sWt-ht. coats, slacks, 'sport OQats;, spottshirts , , . eve~ing: for that growing boy'; Bring· him in toda~ apd: 'let us"fit- him, .',


r~o~dw~~~~~6~'.t~blYk.t:~W!!~ , mee-tihg wil~:,.be\·.With\iMrs:-U1ar- bl\,"'or;'!S,'ilol,," enee' Corbit, "Oct;,:·6. • ,

C()~or,mgsradiant lIS

yo:uth! o·A.nd sil warm bec~u.e· it's ·fl4nnel . , aiid a'l'QIl\'Sa'l"Yer q:n\Hlty 'tIl'S!' ho~ds its

wartrltln' loealj for school 'Ot·.plny i

It's So Impbrtant ~or' ~Wm,M-Wea,,;,.lte,Rimht I, (jIO'thes "-at< lth~' ~;Jtiflbt ' !'l1ime

,,-, '



" ":1{: , ST~~nWal.ue (~ebr.) Herald. Thursday. Sept. 25. 1952 ~7:ilefc~~~r~iS~~~~eA~';,r. c~~:::,!;; ;...;..:.:~.:,:.:::.;;;:~;.:..:..:...:--.....;------~---..-I :~~ !~d~~te~' c~~u~fo~~~~~;

, I :

Head i Speaks Here . C;QNC~~·'.'.,. and baptism Sunday and Monday, ' '1' I ! ,r I'!:' <.~' . ~

'oipel Services ~,i'ng Student Conducts Services

I'· .•..•. ,;, .. j:,.<", I

. .

'Held 'at Concord Church 'I~. " The Concord E\'angelical church -_ .. _ .. ____ .... _____ _

Student Robert Johnson,. conducted sC'rvicrs at the Lutheran church Johnson family, ~u{'ntin Erwin and ' Mrs, Glenn and Mr. and Tommy were guests in the Thomas Is sponso"r~ng a fa.ll series of gospel II

ser\'jce~:this w-cC'k. C nco'rd Serviceman Here from Progr"a·ms are f'leld ea~h even· I '0 . Ed Carh;on and MrS.

~~~:~h~~~irr:~da~h~i9~r'es runs I .By Mrs. E, J. Hughes Wakefield, W('J"(' .

l:tf\'. Ii M, Anacrson, ~van~clist, Phone 22R47 t~;S:~ '~gv~~"i~~g,at

'is t~r~~3r~~~;i:~c s~~~~~;~:l~ a,ld Sewing CI·lJb 0 tt,~~i~~~,d(~~~st{~~.r~~·~I·t; rom scriptural S(!tmons .maltc up thC'i The SC'wlng club mC't with Mrs. Tuesday.

'P~ea~'~bJiC is· invi't~d to attend i ~1~~sF~\~~~nk.Wl?'clncsda~1 afternoon To Lincoln '

the ~e<"tmgs. 1,_ - -- Mr. and .!VIrs. han Clark apd ---~- . h . Conducts Services Chuck and U!:icar Gi'rsl drove to reIFartedl·\'.Ssal·nlnc'0'~.i~~~~1 SUl.1day Wit : Rp,., and rvrr.,s, En1(>~t Nelson of Uncoln Sunda·y where the Clark

Oil ". family called in the Ja~es Brar:f!:~ I man home and had d~~~C'r ,Wlhh I Letlon Commander Warren

We Make Chocolats


CONNOISSEURS! Ap.d In ~realinQ' and'manulacturing our chocolat. w, never forget tho! ~ood taste is oil import~t. That'a why we'r., parlicular about the couverlure,

~~~ ~~o~o~~~ ~~e~~~la~~;~e;~o~~~!Sth~n~a1;~~~b~; methods we employ in blenclin1t. !!Ihrrl~g and codking our -co,niections until we have d,v~loped IUI~ the tight cqlor. the 8moothest texture, the

'moat aubtl, and intriguing flavora. ,

V.. our Itxclusive condy recipes require' the ~ ot ~ifted, craftsJ;Ilen at ev:~r! step. 0l!t chocolatl. luscIous' la~te e0rllirms 1thi,s ~act. ~hat II why par_ ·lipb.l<D' people ke~ UI ~U5T making mor. ch~ olalAll -


OrigirnltoTt and Mantffacturer .. 01 . Bavarian Mutt.

THE HOUSE OF BAUER (Creator, of Fine Confection.)



other l"ciatl\{,s. :'11'. Gllst spc tl WO<O IS shown above addreSSing thl.: da) ""Jth hIS p(llcnls a bus ness session during the OIS-

,~ trlct III Le 910n.AUXlll

rr y con- •

,M;~I~{ ~~~maI~~)~~( ~~~~l'l s dub I venti n held here Tuesd y, Sept

h(ld til']1 l(guidl m(l'IiI1g- at thl.:1 16 __ MIs A"al IlrJlllk,on 110n1(' I d 111U1Sd1l.\ ,til(,'110011 E1C'\(llf1lm D(lon-s allu :\11S \Valt<jI Thol!i-,c\ll bf'IS dll..,\\tl(d loll l'all choo~ "ell Pbl~la Ia \.'.11(" S,Urct,l\ d\ll- da) [ unch lell as :\11" I.l'ntz diS USS{ d n('1 g-Uf'st:" III th( 11 1< hI <I( IllOI

r;) OJI cl \\ (}I k 1 h( III ",1 1l11~f't Illg II hOllle \\111 bl hl din llll I'Imd SulJl\un _ ' honlf In Ortoh(! \,b(11 the ( nncd Attend Wedding Illlll dlHI \lgl'ldbII'> f()1 tIl(' \ ake-: \11 elm! :\Ils iiIJJl1,\I1 hldtll111

iltlJ hlhl)J\,ll '.1 ill hl' (olll(tld 1\\1'1(' In N01lol), SlInr!;:1\ lj\(1l111f.: to Idl1tl1(\ :r.LIIldll ;'\;1('\\0i1Il'1 We-dlcl

Sirth ! TilllLh wI'ddin:..;, A ))1\11\ ho;,. Cllarl!'s, W;j'"

bom tu ~Ir ilnd liarll':'> I~Hr.J.: VIS(t a.t Hospital I\Vn\{(·jll'ld, Frida:,. 1!J.1hl'lrl \ir ·In(\ ::\11·";. G!'un.'l' Vvlll'rsan( other child, Roxanne, staying fl-l;nll'\·' WI'IT ill l'Clldt'J" Sllnda;. IL'

\\"llh bCl" gl'andpal ('))1-", :\'Ir. .anrl -"PC' Carl V{lIl{'1".~ wh? !:, in tlw hos

\Irs. I\'ar A!ld('l·son. \J;i.~ll c,~II~~~:rfYJ\~ll/:g i~I~1~~\ trJ.st~~~:; To South Dakota r all('(i ·111 Ill(' L;.ll' elL-\·dand· I1om<

:vrl", vnct :\Tr~. Edwin 01"011 om I on "th!' \\ H.Y hOl1w. \11'. <lml Mrs. Johnson spC'nl

',.· .. ~·un,d.,'.',:' ..... '.'.',.,lh" Sll'lnp I1on1l' Church.es (!~, \'01,11:., ~ ill'io aIU'l1dc'u

, , Evangelicill Free Church Om,lIV' Gu('st . . I (Itay G . .Joi1n"un, pa~I()I"~

1\11·". ,\IllHllda :\()!·('c'n. UmOlh:l. 10.: SUIl(j;l\. SC'pl. :!H: rLlll~1 ~a) pI"li 'l hOll."I' g-111'.~1 in llll' :\11.,>. AXI'I'''larn. Itl am. Snng,.rll'Cllall.Olls Fl'('dl'1.:-:1\!o,0I~ l:onH' .\II~" 0J,OI·C~('Il, ,~b.i{'('\ I('S:'OH. \V()r~lllll. ,11 (1m

~::~: I:~~'l~I~;:cI~~:;:;'~~:ll ~ ~,\~(~01d4n~1J~\: ! ~':\ ('~'ing gu»pvl ,'il'l"\ Ill', ~. p.!l1.

g"uP."ts in 111(' J. n .. Pl'c!C'1'sl'n hOI1}(, I Concordia Lut!1 er1n in LauT"l'l S~nda;.. I\1I·S. Non'l'n (lilct , II<l'IH':-'\ C ;\l1'1"()i1,IHrstll l"r \11''', Frl'cil"lci.:."on ('allC'rl III the I 1S: SUIHJa~ :-,("hu(~1. :1: 1.) a !'~.d Fr('d!'id{~l)1l hOille :\10 n d 11 Y i 111. and promotIon ja) .'.'1"0 I1lght, I 111(' \\~)! •• Illp, 11 (\.~n ... 1 all

Iowa Guests :".1r, .... Su-;j,· 1.. ______ ,,;.. __________ :-.... ====-= I She-lb.\', la ..

:\\al·.lrJl·IL' .\xl'llo!] 1;·on Omaha. SlllJd I;' (., ('Il lalk b,· Juli('1 ,\n"(·r,

. r"()111 Afl·ic;t. Pub

\11" (lild !\f1'S, r:dwin (Jbrlll alll,

:\1;. an;l '\l\·.~. !.I'1W~ F. ,lolll'.1 :lI1d l)j\odi:t .~ll('nt Sunt!aY,1ll ,tilt'

,.\l;trLin Slemp home at \'Olil\, :>, 1) I r. : Eu\"odia ./()hnsol1 ."p('nt fh(' \n~flh.' ; in h('l" IHll"l'l1tal Ll'fioy John-"Ofl

II h°!l-~~~ma.~ ancl Quentin '.Erv::'i!l. ah tC'ndC'cI a livestock sale 111 NOl'i,{)Jj{

I frida\ " : ~1t"s.· {<'n'd ::\1atthi{'s I rdumo.d ho,llw Ja~t \\.·('ok af.tct" a ~i:, wl'ol~s

,51a.» ill a SIOUX City hO~lJltal and , ' at ,Elmcr SIt't'I('s. nUll" .J. llell.. I

IMr. and ~,.s. Fred Kennedy were f 8 .the ,Alyi . Rceg homc.last Wcd-, n spay eve mg.

I Mr. and Mrs. Vlrgill)"M()5cman a '~'f~HnilY. Mr. and Mrs. Howard I

a and fa i1y and Mr. and :\lrs. e neth D nklau and family were

S pPer gue ts Friday c\'cning at: t ewm L tt home. Mr. and\Mrs.j

, il. M<;yer called there Th~ay i \:~~~'nd rs. 'Will Lutt were' at; t e Otto L tt home Thur!>day a[-I t rnoon. 1"- I

,Mr. and rs. August, Kruse were ~

I a th~ Aid!' Dunklau' home SUIl-, d y a~INno 11. :

: Arlene 0 agh-t!, Norfolk, spent tTl' \\"C't'kcnc wit!) hl'l' pal'C'llts, tlll'"

tnore rnmilies ~uq LENNOX

,air ~eat;n~


219 Logan Phone 12

~ I~k(' J~.~~~ s'n~~' ~~~~\t~11i~'" ~~~I\~ I ~...:....:.-_-...:....:.-----... ---------"-, tl l'f(' :Sund, y art('rnnon.




Saturday, Oct. 4 In tljl' Hu~IH''' Jlall


Sbonsorf"'d hy ILadle.;' C~mf'tf'r:y As .. ot'iatlon

I ~'1E"U I .,. F 'ied ChickC'11 , ..

~la!,;h(,d P atoes GrH.\,Y

, akE'd Rea s Cabbngr' Salarl liced T(jm~1t()('s Pickles

Bn'an I· Rutter· Jt'lly : 'C~ffl'C ~ PiC'

I, "

'I .. \tIlI b - $1.00




.. n;y· ONE ' 2,j - Lll SACK

And Get A Second For 'I

1/2 . Price Limif - On::: Per Customer

Sherry' Bros. Produ(~ . . .

115 W 1st Wayne Phone 206


Concord, Produce. Concord, Nebraska

Joan Kirchner \ .. 'as ~urprls(,cI 011 her 16th birthjay ~IC'dnl'sda·~' cH.'11ln~. Th('I"l' were' ·1:J pn'Sl'nl at Iwr p(Jl'cnh homC'. ::\lr. and ::\.In; [':ddi(, Kil"chn{'l·. for the Ot'l'cl..~IOn

~;III~I~,~1 I~::~~~ 1~!l~:·l.~O o:·;·i:;,\~~~.::~:\;. 1;\1.,

I" (']llldrelilundf'r 1'! ~ 50(' 1 ______________ =::::::::::::::::::::::::= I ~~23t2, ~



tAl' lniog "y,. lhal 1 Go with-ever: soits or ,\ocks\ I ., .98

. co~~\iments sk'rt~'o/C woot, short . Pl'in knit of 10 .• 0'o'Og double

Sh e re,al d 11eeves. op Choose from re , ~ped netk~, en Sixes 34·40. pjn", aqua,. Qr~ .. u ... It

, ~.aln, 'hojAn-Time Favorite for ell"sslc ~~o" looks!


Award Sweaters


298 Cozy warm 100% nww wool I" color.rich $hodes and white. Sizes -]·14. Ideal for school!

to lll'ljl J1('1" cl'kb!'IIf!>. H.nd ,\Irs. :VIal·,·ini Fpl! <lnd

\Vol.;l'l il'ld. ~Ul1dH~ \ 1sitOI·" in \\"alt('1


Nebraska Tayernmen , I I Pass Strict Test I

! Your neighbor, who has·ob .. tained a beer license, hilS meas~red up to the striet qua\,i~cations of a citizen 4nd a businessman,

He has pa·ssed tests for aharacter, reputation, good ¢itizen~hip, l«?cal residence, a~d surtable ta"\'"ern location. He has af. estabiished record

Ifor lawibedicnce and fina. ~iaJ res QnsibiJity.

\1 ~is 8I;JP ication. has .becn ap_ proved: by your local gC!v­ernment afteF notice wa(J

(lfter year, I

, 1 :

more people buyl Chevrolets because-



Ch~let •• .,the low.st-priced

I • I

i.Low Prie~'fof All Wool.

'. Chole. 01 Lovely' Colors :. Miss •• ' iiz •• l 34 to .40"

~ubl,ished~ and C;i.tiZ~llS gi ',; ': ~n opportunlty to ch~lIen ;: '., . lUi.· I , I

f j. ~

I line in its'fi~ld!; , 'J

. \

Iliii lItn6s8.

N~t onlY has h,,' P~.~ed li~.j wortliiness, but he v?lun~~ tarily' cooperates wi h·" th&,. \, bre,,:ing: industry'~ I ?llCA~' tion program in NebrlSk~­l\ program aimed a~ p ~Jue .. ipgjbigh le,'cls of tav,rn.op. ~ration,in the publi.~i terest. 1 I' ,

Nf,IJR~SKA DIYls~ON Ulliled Stat ...

BreUlera Foundafion.

... i c~me in~' 'n.~ 'let us ~.monstrate ex­actly how m cb more €bevrolet offers.

, 'au in: SOlid~UalitY an~ finer fC')lUIe. I. : •• and bow ucb less ypu need to. pay. I, j .IJ \


/ 'iA"tl.~.pa" , ~. ,

I Wa)j1le. Nebrt ... a




',' , , """'~.'.

Those'Who In Our Armed

21 ~"'"' SIZES ttt TALL over 57" ••• ~ • __ •• "~. 32.-44 • .1 i i AVERAGE 5'5" 10 5'7" ____ . 32 • .c.c. ___ J :

'SHORT under .s'5" ............ 32.44 ......... .1


I the ,



really fits

O(7ly $8~5 'd.~Oftd'~I.OW Pro"!.m Koolfojlm 'Plllo", (' . - '<I' '" •

, On,ly $~;~5for 'lhe wonderful new .~ana<ffd Koolfl'am pillow


percaler edged with white satin cord • .' '_.- ..... ""1

COn'lp~re\1 Stroke, preSl, squeeze

the fte,!, Premium Dayton Koolfoo18

Pillow, You'll know'lndonfly that a .. ' . for you ••• for everyone In your.A .

faniilyl Come In and. .... iU,


I H~me Furnishing Dept.

I:,"" '':-', '\ ' .... ~ .. ~(, 1.~"'i."".".",."""",,""~ •• '\"''''',,'''.'''''' k




What do you look for when '~ou're buying a carpeH

BE~TY, of course_CHAPEL Hill ~os that in ampl; abundance be~o t,h~ designers achieved o-c~~rmjng e!fect. by man~~ulating.:· dark olld. light yarns so that each lerf appears tipped wl~h sno~.·

QUALITY I naturally_wool and car~et royon combine in, CHAP~L HIL~ to assure unsurpassed quality. :1 ,1. 1

PRICE, certainly_CHAPEL HILL will bri~g a pO$it;vc glow! 0 tha thrifty for, the· price tag is so low.



WHISTLE-BALT, acetate and'rayon Velveray faiUe that look, like it's stitched! Whirl-skirted, 'quare­neckline dalles dress iii ,iles 7 to 15 .

. S]095



, ;.. • Ii '" i> .. ~ ••• " •••• , •• , • ~

•2-:;;:;:fhi:·~~! w_a;yni:e;-(N~e~b_r_.)_H~e_r~a~ld~'~T:-h~U_I..:'s~<9'~Y;, Ts:e:p:t':2:0:':1:9:5:2:=:;:=' ===f======= 1\": :11).ha 01}" "he \\eekend mIt· MIS BOb~:'~n1~) a)ld ~OUglas \iS~r' " ""dn:\a', al li,~ '''an ,,:'~unklau t{lg fMends. ' Ited"'Mrl Mrs. Joe Johnson. I home. Mr. and lfIrs. Alden DWlkiau

TLl W H' I J ' 1--- ~ 1 The fanul :\'85 10 the Jake John. and Kathy were there that e .. en-ne aline era a: ..-1. ~ "owa Guests . . son hom~ 0 Sund" dmner. ayne Img

:7" W sa k r~.... ~ t R' I Mm. ~afl:ChC ErickSon. SIOUK Mr. and]' rs. E. W. Lundahl and . Mamie McEwing, SIOUX City Sentng:JliO~Nebra8ka'8Gl'MtFafti!lInIrArea aU./" II '" '" ~,I",.; Mrs;,h W~~F1311n9 Cltj, Ge rg~palTOtt, Aurelia.IIs., Jea~nc \'ee at. Belden Sunda~'1 StaffCor~8'pondent' \Isited at the ;F1O-)-d Hupp hom~

_ ,.. '-Ii .' .31\ ~ ;;':'.1 b , I and C S ndahl ~re dmner 8nd :evening \ ~I mg In the Carl Lun- 0\ pr the- wpekend. no Main S1. W.f:Ii),ne, Nebr. Phone 130 ' I I suppC'r g es s Sund~' In the L.aur- dahl hom. I Mr. and M~: R.oy Spahr and E8tabnahed~t~.1.815' A n~WfJpapf:r publlJ';bfNi weekly on Wh' en:. ..' < -, Community. Receives em(' RIO h me. ~ \ Mrs. Al Carlson came to the pjMf 3Sd oMr!: Han~ t~en\{,;Wk~O~: Ga'le Thi('imatJ sppnt last Sun-Thurada:y:byltarkE.C~amel';f'ntel'edlnthepo!\tW((ice \ I IT ----, Laui'£'hee !carlson home Saturda\ efe, . ('n'_n (' c da) e\emng at the E P Caau\\(' :u~Bl:t\.ubN.m' .... ltt!~a.b~-;T'U .... _~tJ.dyc..I~ .. ~o~.inl.matler.'\;opy "Rain nail Sundav ,At way~e fureh F'e!F ! mornmg tf, remain for a few da)"s roe er home la-!';t Sundav after- home .

.,...... ............... .. ,_ i. I '." .:1, Mrs.. Ash 1¥trs. Walter while Mr arild :Mrs A W Carlson: nonn Thp \\omen are sisters M~ and Mrs.IEldon Bull a'nd De-Bp'~_-!,?h,n~~n •. edltor:a. nd manager 2S ~ea A- T' It db' I ~~ M' d M A J L d st \.~ r$ D- hiS communi y was \"IS ~ V ~ Herneda a d :viI'S. Laurence Ring are vIsiting e atl es 'jn Jowa. r. an I"S... un qUI , lor(>s, l.fr and )"lrs Paul SI('\ Pro.;

d h tit b I frf'ak storm Sunda\ aft('rnoo~ attendedl gu st day at the Presby- Mr andi I l} Hn ' Ames, 18 wc't<' at the \V1t! Back and familv an~Mr and Mrs Ho-Sf'pt 29, 1927-The propose new ot:', 0 e \\hcn ram rangmg from one-hal'!tenan a~d n Wayne W(Wdl1esda) In th Irs 0 nson \\ere hom~~ast\VN'kf'nd ThpLundqUIsts ward Stoakes, ndolph \H.'t'e a'

managed by E. 0 Stratton, experum~ h10telj

mat", I to two Inches tell \\lthJ'n 20 min- afterrtooiL ~ heaNl1lMrs. H~1 WMr!sda~ 1', ('e ca~so~ h~m(' I )('ft !from the-n' for 1.10rnson. -.,.Can- the \Char\f's Bu I home for dmner and fmanced by him In conJunctlOn Wit oca CI 1- utes bat(; lA~('r I r(l\~i(lW tne:.'iJOOk ''To e\!('nmg. un ay m- ada "",hen' th('\ \ .... 111 \ acatlon for last Sundav

,I ~

zens. 15 reported to have arous~ ('~~oura7mg sup- Varymg amounts of hall was rC'-1 Heawrt"lon~Hors(>back'. :s guestsd h~~: w~r(> JM 1 Carl~ I a month ~ and Mrs: Ernest Grone. an/:t

port durmg the past \>,)'€,ek or of t~~ ~~\°nt,~~~~~~ ported hut damage Will be sllP'htl' __ ~ • !Mr 8:;~ Ea~ HUl"ds at8n~~'1 Mr and \Mrs. Marvin O'unklau farru}~ .. called ~~ th£> Charle.s Bull ~?g~~~y~:Y;~g~:I~g s:t both the- no;rth~ anti. south d~(' to thr" ad\ an('f'd stage of the I Ruta"" Hbl'ft , r1: I and Mrs. M rlln 1-Iurds and ~Ugh: vlslted at thc Eldon Rob(>rts home home last Sumlla~' (,\-'"ening,

rts; S C(' the kilImg of Depuh Shprtff Wilham ~ I Mrs. Dl Sandahl entertnin~d tel'S, all of onca. ThUi sday ('\erung Ardath Helthold and Ray Punt· ~ams, Th'::rston coU):1ty, by Wesie)' BradforL21- • - I Rutal Home- sOetety,at the first· Eight ladih had birthda coff("e I Mr. an~ M.rs. Harvey Kamman,n ne)' \-1~lt~ Thlursday e\enmg ,[t

year-old Indi, an, last Saturda~', a pos:;e, h~e'!j' b.Y , IXO. n.. County WCTU ~,me,et,ing i~~, ,,"e. ~lub;iyeftr,~ul'Sday ,with 'Mrs~' A dehi J'Ohnson ~€'ttnes--.! and.,)1arl,m \\ere su~~er ~tlf':t5 last (the La\e~n J:I_ardf'~_ ho~. __ .. _ Sheriff.. IIer Jpnst'n, bas been ill purSUit of t e mur- t H Id Fr'da I afterDootJ· ~ Albert'Sundell and dav'- altern n. Evening \,'iSit'ors I " derer, but up to WPdnesday he had sur ('df'd In ee e J Y I Yl'ts.' Carl" tmdeH, were glf~. ~ro 'lhe I arvin Mortenson and '\

f'~I~c:.~YIl~~~!~:I!Y ~h~~t!'":!' ~~r~~drt l!~~i:~~n:~~: eludrol!' ()rrk'Prs, I A n\.!mbel" from here altf'ndpd i ~bU,~l~ l"A ~ReVtew·o~'\Taea- UO)'d"C ti ti&osen' (amj)jes. Ml"', ( . bidden without w~ten cOn.<!p-nt or Thf' Waynfl H~rahI 11hf' Dixon count v WCTU eonH'n- tlObSI. :M . Glf"h:n 'Granqmst 'W8.sjaoo I MJ'S beon GOldtiPrg and Ja ('fllis IRaue filed w the R~gllltf'r uf Copyrighls, U: * * - : tJOn at Saif'm ch'urch Friday. : ~q':charge f .entertainment, Mrs. Noh".· a'nd- ~lr. _ and Mrs, Martin I

.brary or Cong~esB, \ 81!hlngtcm 25, D, C, J A good crowd was at the noon : :'1:kr~in Felt has the Octdber meet- Holmberg~ , '

Ofncia) NewllJtape .. or the CIt7 of ·W.7n~lrhl'!' Coaa1,. 20 Years Ago ' meal and ta,lk by ,Rev. ,MelVin mg...' I Mr.' and Mrs:' Marvin F(llt and of "'onlt! and 'b~ Sf_'e of ~ebra.."o Sept. 22. 1932~Roy Stamm's scnior Angus wh.kh I P;I~:~~'O~;~C~:~I:;...we~akf'nf'14 CaJifarni:a"ftsl,Move Here l1::::ghters \jisited in tbe Walter

In:iBSCnJ ....... o~ RATF.S took first In its cla~, also placed as grand champion i" 'th~'i·n:wly ('If'cted p~('sident. ", Mr. aJ!ld~~' Carl Sundell aRdjafl:::~nhOnr~ at Concor4 Sunday ~~anYoa~~d ~~:~~:;'DC::~~'tl!!I/[$~\oT~~,,/~~oan~, ~.ml~!; among the five baby be~ves shown b~ Wayne ('o~nty , D('lC'gates were elE'cted to at· 101 .. .' andlM . Albet+t: Sundell spent lB' ~ , six months, $1.&t .fQJ tbr~e monthll, Otll.!'id': c~lInti .. s 4-H membe-k at the fair hf'r(' last \~ek. Don Lutt" t('nd th(' !-.1.atf' convC'ntion at Scotts- su.nday ' aft moon in the EllTter f ' ~n ,C.ha berlam. Stal!ton, spent metltlonet!: $3.50 J)f!'t' y~r. $2.50 tor si'\. ulOnths, U.:l5! junior Hereford, which placcd first In its class, was bluff Oct. 13-17, Sunde" home-. MI". and', Mrs. L"lel Fnday If} t e Ralph Ring. home, rur three monlhs. Single copU:s lOco resprY£, champion, , . Fire \Vhich. swrted [rom an EYk who hjive been living in Ca~ l-Irs. -Harold E\'ans and Jerry were Poetry ...... Tbe Wayne Herald dOes nat feature a lit. oil ston;> did consid('rable damagr to the Ht'nry Minnesota, Virginia Guests 1 ia, we~Visiting there as was· Sllndao\: dintlel' guests. e~ary pagClmd doea hot have' a. Jitflrary ~1it(lr. There· ,Bush, sr. rC'sidenC(' ~t Seve'nt~l16nd ;";C'braska strN't I :!'.londa ..... C'\ f'ning of last w('f'k the oren-ce Su dell: The" Parks ,will 'f!t,; Gt~hb, lson IUl'j Ralph Ring rore lIoetry is bitt accepted rtlr (ref> pub"catlon. early Tuesday mornlfl~ ., Oie G .. Nelson's Poland' Gordon Bard [amll .... and 1 hplr' k(> their- orne here.. fa~IlJE's VI ed In the Floyd John-

Chma hM"d took premIUms at th(' Cc>dar county fair' hou:,e gU(,,,t;:, thf' K('rmit ~al"Sness --~,-----," s~Jn home S turday enming.

.Rewarethe Peddlers There are reportS"that book ,alesmen are

again making the rounds in the Wavne reo

il1 HartingtQI! the first of this ,mon~h '.' ,I~arri('t f~mily, St. Pelli1, and Mrs. ~ordon To w-c'tw~nventibns , 'I' M.-, and Mrs., Dale---Anderson and, Craven, :,;tudent at the- st!ltf' unl,verslty. ,In Lincoln, f orsbE"n:;, .and: Pam~l~, !'\orfolk. :\ofrs: La enee- Ring was at MO~-, children Wf'r(> 111 th~ ,AldE'n J?hn- liHIIIlifiIl~~ was plf'dgf'd to Alpha Omicron P,I wrOl"lt'". Va., W('Il'f' dmni't guests of MI'. and roe la~t Tu day to take pa~*on hOme Synday afternoon and

\-Ir,;. Aru-on Swanson. Nance ~- Patte counties, WL-~U: for supper, * * Thf' Oordon Bards an.d ),f!:<;. eou\'pntlOn. She \t;'aS accompanied' The Austin Rings \'."Cr(' in the 'F'or~bf'r.e: and daughtcr \ l.<;itNi III by a friertd frt?r'n ~ 0 r f 0 I k. C. L. Ba-r:rt hpml" Thursdav e '

\ Every time these high pressure 15 Years Ago tht, Ray lIo11g;n'n hom(l Sunday: -:\1:5, ~-.ing. left TUesday morning The Marion; Rings and" ~~~~no~

salesmen "work the territory" some- I ". ('\cnJO~, : b}- U·i!1Jl flam Omaha for St. Lou- Bards v.creithcre Flldav ('\cnmo-body gets stuck Wamin s a ainst S('pt 23 1937-For the "'!,;.ccmd strcught j~al I -- I JS \\!iere ,$he IS,spcmdmg the \\eek ).-11' and ~1~C A Bard ",\ ere S~~

gion. -

deal" • . h . Ii g g 1 Lester Lutt 14 years old, Wayne captuled thf" Birth ~ attcIldj:ng the :National comentlOn dav C'\-enmg \ tSltors #mk~lt tr.ave ng ,men and W0!D- grand champIOn award In the 4 H dub bab\ bpef I :\[,'s Jot' JQ!:InsQn IPturn d Sun~ - \ For Mrs Dick Sandahl blrth-

eDn*ve "'en Issued time and agam. competItIon at the Wayne Count} fallr DonAld Mp)- da\ aft(,1 ha\ 109 b('en In t (' home Birth d f S t hilS H,oweve~ each day week month and er \Vayrlf' \\llh hIS HerefOld took th(' rf'sene of h(",1 daughter \lie: Jack Krup- -:'IIr and ).11') c: L B,ard an- ~; 0 au fr) I l' 10 o~lmg\\('re year I tru:re are ' e "';'ctims," ('hampelon honor Among thp good j I("'ld~ of corn ~'~ neal \V InSide ?%Istmg \\ Ith nounced Ihe birth of t~hrlr first ~"e~~~~~lkc I~~ g~~~t\[I[l~~ ~;~

l11Of)e In Wa)mc CQunt\ IS that on the Anton Granqul~t th( car(' of Donna J( an \\ho 3.1"I1\· grand:.on, Dame} Char!e,." born to F A S b MEl ).-[ost of th~ d~alsoff&.red by the~e ~ales- farm :\11 GranqUIst estImates h(' \1.111 ha\f' ROOO!pd during thf' \\f'('k MI" and }1I!'l Harl",} Bard Fnda\ ~f dU:'ll~~<I EI~ H

ml Lund and

men are legitimate,. in a sel1!~e. You genel'- bushel" of quallt} corn \lrs A f'ThompSOh\\,l" Thc\ ~\e lour glaJddaughtl'ls . ~1:n andrl\fr~<; C ~'1S~sh \\c-/(! ,dly do get ~ s~methmg In return for ~ our ~ep~~~~~i !~l~t;r~~~ ~!~a~h~~::a~a~'~~d~~r~t ; I G~\~~<;s a}a~~':'~,;~~~I;<;~~u~tfld ,hJl- Chicago GUef;t ~u~Qa} dmnpr guests m the LoUIS money. Butlt18.seldom \\hat YOll thmk you i f h h t b d R b t Th bid drf'n \\('1'(' gu('!';ts of \[rs Bmnf'1l :'Ilarcel Rlh,T Chicago \\as WUhl aes home Othf'ls pr('s('nt f!'Om ttl e ~Olng to ~et. &~~,~ ~~eo of\~e Mai~y ;I~~es \\h'C~ e~~~e~ed I Gr?sc \\hf'n ~h(' t'nt{'rram:-4 llome I th~,:-'Ielle Rllngs for Fnda) SUpper I ~~kd~~~l~n )'lrchll~~~n ~~~d \1~,

W ayne busmes..~ houses have become the I Ne\\ YOJ k llt\ TT1esda~ for the I.RglOn cOO\f"ntlOn Cucic' club Thursda\ att(,I~oon Thl latter took him to Omaha Sun- Charlotte Lfindahl "r t'" f th t t· I - -_. da\ afternoon on hiS return home 1 ,,~.

goa In .many 0 ese ran~c IOns. * * At Church~Celebratlon 1 and \ ISltC'd In the Don Rock\\('ll " Last i.~ontlay e\ enmg '::\oIl' and Salesmell c&ntact farmers or re~udents \ Ylr and 1Irs BIll ChiP.mbers I horne, l\-~rsl D~an ~lerSOll \ISlted m the

and make sales. The purcha~er generall~ 110 tears Ago I..au~('1 \~( If' at James Ch4mbC'rs: 1--- ~~re a~:g ~x;;e Art Bor and

~ives p. check. The salesmen waste no time ~~r ~d~~~~~~~m~~~ al~f:~~~d- !':'Yl~alff~>l~S JJ~~~~~n a~~r(' ~~un~~~: da~ghters ~d thf' Ha'ns ~bber~ 1n gettmg to a local store where they buy 1 Sept 17 1942 - Dr S B Shlwl\ Boom'llie:\fo V 11 g nt t th I j stedt famfh- met Omaha relatl\'ps somh small item and ~ash the check to pay has been chosm for the b~b\ogy d('paltm('nt In tho!:? _a :\ _ , I ~~)~"('~n h~~~ s In (' ..aurence

l tile Fr('d B rg- and Ted Carlso~

forthe!purcha~. , ~~e~t t~e~~ tl~ t~~~~~~,')tf~;;J: H~l\oro:\~~~ rp Celebrat\'> Annlvers~ry "i: :\rr~ ~alt('r Grose and ht>r bro· I ~t:n~~eSata~ a~hTI~~~r ~ .. ~;:~ ~~etime. the "vietimU ,gets to Chah man R :\1 Carhart and Qth('r~ \\1 nt to Carroll a~1~h(>a~ I~!/:SO~~(h~~~ rt:m:~~ i !\h;;e ~~~;~.}~~;;eo~<;t~~:t~t I~O;~; Scrlbner .... Su da:- TlH~} {nJo\ed a tb~ the deal-over and decides he Tuesda} c\enlng to aSSIRt In defense S('I\lC(>S Lut ).11'; Oscar Ramsf'\ ('(}('~rate th Jamcs Gustafson hom picniC dmn r 101· Df'an Lubbet·

t \"-' , E' d II h because of another m€'{'tmg th(> or(o"rn!Z3tlon \\ilS - eli . ~, ell' (' s.tledt's blrth~a\ '

go ~ne worst 0 ~t an ca s t e babk dela}cd until next Tti('sday l\f'I1mg'" \11("kr \ Gil 4:Jth I,'.-f'd ng annlveIsa;y Thurs· The' Lorencf' Flschpr famll) was Fnda\ (,~l'n"lflg th(' Art Bor s and sfOp • .,*~nt<ton the check. B\lt, I kspl(, son of Dr and Mrs ~ T.,. GllI(,~ple (ntend ~~Vt:{'v(,~I~onThf'hO~mS~~~u~J;~ ~~Cnod~~a;;:!~~~h~~~~~~;>~~~~ I entertalilCd .jlt sUppt'r the \OIIO~"I~g tile _te8D:lb :no-Io.,ei" ,bas- th~ c:heck ~ I St Thomas mllttary aeadem) a~ St Paul J\.IlOn as ('\ pmng relf'hrfltmg; Earl s blrth- I to Oakland to otisel \ e thl' blrthd neighbors ~I and ::\Ofrs Emil ~ltl-and .aDme local_ bUMDeSSDUlll IS <stuck a Jl.lnlOr in the high Sichool E'.e/ y scrap of 8\ad- da~ f th II" d th MAd aj leT and the l Bob Stanle) James' when be triea to deposit it'.lI the.ballk'"' : able metal and rubbdr must be- sah g~d hf'fm c Ott i _ _ _ ~els~et ~ ,mol' ~ (,'J" fonr 7: Gustafson. Lorence Fischer and Th b .. • I 3 so as to kf'f'p \Ital \il.ur production plants opf'rntTng Iowans VISit "'! e\P~m v. hpJ Plcttres Yaken b Es~ Bill Kraemer families Four of the

e ?SI~~~Stp~~ ,can go ba~k on the thiS \\ mtf'r \tr and Mrs Desmond Ossian I ther 0 erg m Africa w rr(' shoJ'n at II ladies ha\ e bll1hda}- s \\ Ithm the I ~alesme:n a vtctlm and -ask payrpent bllt I a!nd Da\'ld. Cleston. In, \!Slted Flr~t Lutheran church month. I manyo bmes ~the person writinjtittn(! cbec~ I Saturday mght and Sunday In thl'1 Chambers, 1 Last l-tonday (''.('nmg the Glen migbt be -arttuod customer and to avnid a I B kl diE W Lundahl home. the James 'IOlsons \ 1~lted at M('h In Meyers Rcene, the. merchant "just wriies the deal n 00 an I~~ , from Sunda, to ~da~~~~' t~el::..,'1 ~~~ ~~:"~d~~

I .. " , .: . . ~ 1f7,

, plan will tell you this modem, Iprac rambler than words. So we :urge you to lcome in and study this design-with ils live lovely Irooms and porch,' .. ,This hOl1)e is the latest addition to ourWeyerhaeuser ;4·Square Home Building Service. There' are now : more' than one hundred modern homes in th is Service, E;ic~}vas planned by an architect specializ­ing in small ~use design , .. each engineered by Weyerhaeuser for sound, economical construction.

,All' these designs are here for your study and ~se. , Feel frec to come in to see them. Yo\! will find a wide and interesting variety of styi¢s aod siies, Blueprints arc available. .

Carhart· Lumber Co. off. n ',. . . r~ I n )trr:n:n~ Mrs, Cliff Munson \\:('rc I and I Wwn, ~ I '. If, after numerou~ 'wamin~s; ar"ea 'resi~ 'I Mrs. Glen Ols~n nsite Mrs. \\-·il·

I t 'ill- t 'II' • t 14'. U by- \ i bur Bruns and mftiht ughter at I • (en s are gOllug 0 1 Sla o.n' amg.,sttlng• \. I, e Wayne hospital Sunday after- 1 is MaJn Pho~e 614

then theY,sho ld get stun~,and not ,any in· Mrs. F, A, Mildne. I ~§n~. ~~~~~~~~~~'~!~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n~el1t third party, •. !f you;" enter mto an '\ 1,'/' l agreement with: trayeliug':'salesme'n, yt1U City Llb.orla.' i are fair (prey alld should"consider your- I' I ~el\'es asl such" ' ~

It afH b~~ls dnw~,to this - there are few, Lib"rH.Or':'." TWO".CcOamNeDaUcroCTssYaOnU.Rr~iEcILeFw\~~~h~.~~~~~ ~ \'ery ew, Items tfave'ling salesmen -can of- "' '-' "'-fer you that your local merchant ea"Bnot _ ~~ei~o~~ ~i~~~~ Li~~~rrt ~~~e~~~ ~tn~o~ef~~~dcdl~ : and if you have -any complaint..c;. ~our local umn, It might happen to you as it has 10 others that merchant is going to be around to lend you will be called upon to, go to the Iibrar:>. It \\-ill an ear, be well for you to know that the rules of ('ond~('t .

You'll get better returns for Your doBat ~~ean~~I:ht~u~~~~l:~t.t~S~y o:n~ ~~:'nC~~~{,~~~~ spent and have fewer regrets if you trade as those in the home. If you run across ~'our w)f(' lo~lIy. husband or sweetheart in the Public Ubra!').·, fc)'j'

They Iinow the Value -. If you have the idea that children don't

know the'value ~f money, try giving' a nick· el to a kid. . '

instancC', j au \\'ait until yot] get outside to embracC'· or bawl out the object of your affection;;, .:'I10rt'­('\'el', when E'ntering ,the library yOILl do not stand I in the front hall and shout, '·Where Ihe hf'rR IS ('\- I erybody"" Pf'oplf' do not whisW'l" in the libra)"), a<:­they used to in th(' early days but on the ol\lier hand thf'!' do~'t hold a "kaffee klatsch" \vith \in'ryon€'! trymg 161 Dutshout the othe~ If you are a fnan y')u , !'emovf' you!" hilt. Th(>n when you get both arms load. ed you can hold it in your t('C'th ~ If by this time you catCh the librarian looking at you suspiciously, ju~ 1

try to pretend she isn't th('rf'. Act as if you 11f'n'r. ! never keep'a book beyond due dat(', that yOU go to' church regbJarly and n(>\'(':r in your life haw you r ever drawn a mustache o~ a poster-picture, Sh(': won't believe ii, but it will give you a measure o[ self~co-nfidence. --

When the- Jady ah('ad of you is through' telling the librarian how much slW admires Hemingway. step up and ask hcr the location.of the card catalog She will poinLto the pieceof furniture you have jU~1 been 'taning against. I ,I '

l.(>t ps say you came in to get The Life and Df'ath I Cycle of .the Xenophoid. y~u go up and down thu stacks saying to yoursc-If, r'Xenophoid, Xenophoid,

~~~:h~~i~~ ~~c~~t ~o~~· ~~ ~~~ '~~~~e ~~ua ~;:c~~~~ i from the store in the other. You put vow· pocket I[ book or hat under vou arm or be1een vour kne('s and you paOkage under your chih. possibly the re­verse, Now yoll are ready to take he boo,k off thp she-lf_ After you discover, that the bobk i-"t> a referenc('

and cannot be removed from the. buildinp" you to yourself, 1'1 might ~as well check out that

.of Life magazine While 1 am ~,er('." You it on the rack so yo~a~O' forced to ask

.. where she hid it. S e explains it is out. You reflect that y-o QuId have 'gone

th~ 'bookstand and purchased a py, unleSs t hev we:re sold ~~. But it is \00 lat,~ now. You're stuck and I hope thi~ teachers IOU to be mort" foresighted in themnure, ,

library don't fail to com~ in, latest book. ''The Old Man

the Jury:' which was 'the Book-of-llhe·.M<>nlh ,These two out-l;i~ii~~~~l~~~~I~~~~~~YiOiU~~KNOW ALL ABOUT HDW TO


. Fr'g'claire II THrifty'-30" Electric' Range

,_ New, compad.de'ign • full-wldth'Sttlirage 1

o Cook.Master,Ovln Clock Drawer Conlrol 0 Lil.Ii",. ·Pei, •• laln fllll.h,

• 5-5p .... Radlontubl Inoldl ..... ·.ut , I

Surface Unll. ~. 'New, conv.ftl.~t TI~'. _ Higb-speed .rol~e,. "'--......... Signal

Ai/r .. bou' all 'he o,her mode/sr 'of' I


Neuroealometer Bdrnce lU\ Etoat 4th BL

P~aDfI '" ; Watro" Nebr.


LESTER ELECTR~C Wiring cJntrilctors"

Farrt'j Hame &' Conunen:tiaJ,

! Tel. 4J:W ; Wk~e, ~b",

.I I


I .mrllNCJ lfiA"NON-W't08 ' '\

I ~=~~~~=:::I:= ' .', • ae..unabl4& ",d~·


CITYq>FFI~ M;qoor-: \

G'le-n HOllirS1H'ldt .~ 231 ~~:ty Trea"!tu r~ '~Li"lie W. llis _ ..... _._ .. 2:J.J

Cty Clerk-Walter S Bressler __ ._ 298.;;.J

1.. B. M1re .. ____ , 195 Villiam it .. .!--. .. ___ . 481 .. J: Hugh ., _____ ..... _. S7-l

man! M ,,~ .... ~-.-. ~ 'Villard W~ltoo _"~_'-;'_ 4~ Ed Bahe ";"'" ...... _ .. _._ ']RO.

J><)UCE ....... C ... Call ODera'or. Goo. sOrnh!ort. Dick Hansen. f\'talter Ph,PPS, Wm. E!;-nOD.

FjRE .. mmr ...... -- Call 300

.PHn~I-::'~"i!' I

. II i ----

BENrnA¢Ri..'J~L'I(, ,

and H~sp.n::AL


Wayne, Nebr, '\ ,.,.

( .

( ... ,.,., ...... ,., ........... : .........•... \ .. ,.,

·w.~NSmE ' . ' ' .

\I~'I·ns·,,:d· e::/I'M'I' \ •. ,:t:8~~~sf~~s~~~~~eld WI NS I r\ C ~E\ iUF~' ~\~~,:~~~;1t'·1·~~{::~;~:": ~'~;~ • r 1;\

., ' '. '). ;--," , "an church in ~inslde. ,obscrvefJ I B (1l d s ~~~hert,. l\lr. arn<i, :U-~(&. 'p~a.l'! Th.ornp~()n

;I ,

ml'i('r: amI 'Ill" and ?\-1r .... DNIO Dl't- .ajt thp August Krllse homl' t'or dil1-lebon, I .aul'"l: ::<'[u;. GCPl'j2;(' S('h- I riCl' ThUl·sda,Y. l\'ln Link!', cou'lin l'of'de[ atyl Ii dau.~htel', \\'oodbi!1£'. I ~ Mrs. l';'rHl1lj:\, i0l'.t SatUl'clay for Ia_: }JllgO Linke, ,ill., Canndn, an,d: is bonw aftN-o spenjin~~ a \\"1'('1, :11 .\<11·. and ':\1 rs . .lohn Dunklau· \\"(,1'£': I c l\:rlU..,.f' ho.D1(', -- ------,-

; V:Y{: : I$'s, lonary GrQUp It St. Paul's' Evaogeliaa,1 .Luther- i • , . IJI U . V V[' J V, ,It Columbu~. ~. > thC'il1 annuat MissIOn festival Sun.' . ~ i\ .. l' ,pho 26~ , ,md dHU{htE'lS, .... ~eu' ~.nn(,l gu('~t!>.

H· Id A I G day_ .,. " • Sunday In the EQ.O~ tql [lOn1('

. '0. ' S" .n·· n ua uest Oa.v. perma.n seniccs wcec held at 1 S'O'CIE'TY: ,. ""'.S. 'n "hiel.' ~ll·s. ,Wi bon and, "lr." d MI'S, A~d". '. Mann and , , -.", . . .. Ihf c.hurch at 9 a.m., by R('\', ,H. I 1 :\If .... Fls('h('~' l"('('ei Td Prll:ps. Thp family. C?skms. VISit In tl-w' Roh-h" ., . i A. I-.hlp~rt. r-.;orfoJk;, The E~gl~sh I ' . " J ; I n,{'xi nH'r'llnli{ will Ib(' Wiih j\Ij i(' rj't Bou .tll;lg homc' S ndny .. fl(ll'- Chartl'r ",,0. :l:m'!

Tj),l' Wpman s Missionary society _ I ser':Jce~ were held m ~he Winside "'. ' I Cllt'~lcn.". ::\l1's JaJl1cs ..Jen:;('n -WI noon. ~:' . o~ the lJnm<;nl!E'1 Reformpd church, I auditorIUm bofh mornmg und af- SOCI1\I. FORECAST bp.ln (:hill'g-P oj I'nltrl'lail1tlwnt, l\11'~ r. nnrl Mrs. Russd!J.Llk(>s. \\,n.. HEfont OF ("O~QI"\\'lnS OF "O~ of WonSlde. held ii, annual C' h' /ji te.~onn. . WJI'on se~\:Cd' ; I'erb y. spent Sunday", Iho" rl The First N a~ion!ll Bank of Wayne f{Y ,t day party nnd meeting 'I .' U' Mi'!!£t .. d'G'" UfY'1 A. ,l\m.egfP' .. , ~~r.('.~, )ll\d ThC"",o'te~~~I.Ye' CS10uP,". 2Q - -, " '. I Seiners home. ; ) I ~\\~ "ncsdny : Sept. 10 nt fhe,church, ,. '1.ii:,; ~ .. ": cttq.q<6'.o(, ;t~6, mpfl\lng .. S~.r.vi(>6 ~ b W.Qman,s i$slonaf"'~ -........, In hO'1or of R'1noIlI J !'I fifth bkth I I IhllhC' Stale of Ne'br,nska \

t ifty-t\\o ~t.st.~ WI'r(,,'lll'f'sent.j I\ud iRt.\I.1 ~~er,t. ,1\A~tl~, 'l'1lke.... Ii'vhlot,.N. SCllt,.: 26, Woman" 11issiona ry I o[ THnity' rby Mr: Hnd MI'!'. Alvin. R<'I~gSlnd~ .\1 Ill" do .. " o( bllslnf" .. ~:on ~prf"mhf"r Il. 1952 F;.~('h mpn\p.~r h1\ It.ed. 0I1J;' g-u("st. \letbQt.Uftt Cbllf.'lh'.. r~l.ll\ lipq~ft. in. ~I~ dr~eMo~nd' 4th Reb.ekah lo£\ge. Lutheran. church mett\\"Hh' ?\1rs, I ¢nlE'1'1arn~d thC. ro-Ilo\~"ln~ rhurs- Pllhll~lwd In rcspons.(' 10 cnll made b)-.· Comptroller of the ('urrf'ncy . (hc folJ.gwmg f;OCIf'11CS WPI'e jn- rc. L. Van Metre. pastor) I C<-!Pf\C1V! Sl1ilW f otten ~ ~ ThrPQ-Four.:iv club" Fra.nk K uagel' Thul' ay a[terJ d'BY evemng: Mr. Anp Mrs. Ed I llndl'f" S'"('Jlion 11211, U. S Rf'ds£'d Slntuf's

\'lted guests. the DOl'cas socif'ty SundllY Sept ~8' Sunday school s,c.(:v: ~rs, t ~I~Q.J'S rwn. a SlIl'· TlI(~>o.(nlatr.a.ctseprtl'd.~.O. noon. Tw J\'c . rrtcmbers were PI'£,-' RRl'gSItHit and RonniE'I;'lnd Sandra ~ ( --- ---of peace. l'=~angelical·I·,and .Rc~ I' 10 am, l\10l'ning w'orship at 11. ' rQ~n 0t- ~n~I1fer~ ~u,estit f B: .. ?f'nt. The opip Jox tho lcsson was, 1.:psch . PierCf". Mr. nnd1Mrs. G('orgf' formed C'hUlCh. Womnn s 'so(,lely _ e,\: P: ' p.or: IS pas or 0 Wo.dnesday. 0('\. 1 'Stud..,. of tho Tl'anslat oos of the' r',hleys flnrl famJly, l\ ,r. ,mil :\1["<;'1 ASg~TFI (:~ C~r:stian S('rvic(" o~ I hp Jlo~-: Tdnlty Lutheran, CbufI(m the \\ Ifl.slde- church. St. Paul's La.dics Aid, Biblo';. :\ I'S. Krueger' and Mrs,' ClflI'('nC'f' Hanim. 1\11': nn.d Mrs. Co'I")] , \\ It h nlhCI· hnnk.51. in(,~uding reSCl'\'(, qalnn{'(' killS ~ .. )iang('ilcal anrl.Umtf!u Bj'C'th- i (Wallace ,J Wolff, paillOr) !\lI,o.netM4u. Guastll F'GidT •• C •• OI.~t·CIU3b. r Joy Podol were c!ectf'(i delegate" Df'lmar Kr{'mkp and I'fnmil,v. l\1I'. II('ms In prol'C'.o.;s of eoIlEtction... -. . $" n:n;;:1,1.3R rpll (h~lch, t!"Ie L.'1ci!CH Hid Of,1h(' lSd' S t 28' S d h I \1 ~ to\ I hI.' mj&sionary CQI~IIC'ntion in ami Mrs. De\\f'Y Jpnse;)" and da~lf!h- GOn'rmncnt obllgalio S, dlffCr and gtJaran-Theoplulus r:.V",mgChC:I\ nnd .Re- 10 un !IKi eI;J. . '::l aYts~lo0 I Mr. and Mrs. Jl\mBS Lqmk-s and ,ve('Ill'aday.O('t.,8 Way nO' Oqt 1 Hnd 2 ~H's Kruegcr' I'r:rs. Mr. and ;\'1",;. ili't:'RUI L(,llln~ "1.0n7,:-iH.·IR .form(~d ehurc1h of rl£';)r \Vin~irlf' "till. or.m~g wops p a.' '.' da~hter.s.{md,.Ml': and 1\11'10. Hcn- _ Trinity LUlhera Aid., • !:ipl'\cd IUr);h . , ,'. J ;I~rl f:lmilY,anri r-.tr·, a d 1\11'''. Fd- or r;llItps Hnd polilical s~1:~fi\'j~ions _ '" . 'i'fi.fl:\L.f13. OInli til(' WSCS of Ilw \Vln<,'d(" he Brothel hood,conv~ntloo,'\ III ry ,lfen4er:s.rQ., M~nflapoU&, spont I . i \\'1Il Grog-l'cn nnri filiH hl£'ro.;. slnd<o; I including $~.nno.oo stock of F{'deral R('~ MC'!hodiiit cthurch. ' I ~Jf;-IWld at BloomHeild FrIday. Sept. Monday, in the William LGCbsack Ce-ntrr. Ch'('Je nub G. T. cartCll.lb .f i' ;\1r: a

l Ml's. \vn~~e Im('l 0n- .... ('n·p h<l"k I

gTam and dcc~l;atlons was "Star,,: S • ~' to the Center Circle bThurSQ4tf one',', ct,.dll~ 10~1b.CIS dn,d!fl'lt'nrlo; a thpir hn p ::3nlllniClY pi ('mis{'s o\\nf'(i s;:uon. In w,ty ('roWI), tA,ll1el,iH SchroI'(jc'l',' t, ~~t~, F.~g,. LUnl~r,a .... ,CtluI'.s:;h "fOJn,NlolU;:I\.$IUi . _ afternoon, Invited sts wer.e wilh l.~~~t ~1I:;. I1~r l~a~~\.lll, .mel , f'\ r'l1ing, Th(' o('casi n \\',10, 1\lrs 11I1"\~ltur(' itnt! fixl ul"es $3,5LO no

:'.00000 7:21.797 til ,1 he theme of til(' aflcFnoon pro_I ~ .'.__ home, Mrs. Fred Siphle 'S hostess'i G. T. ( at' '!' .. ,' t(,.I'I;llnpd it group of iclali\"f'.o.; and anrl dl<:('tllll1to.; I includrng $RRl.n:; o\"('nlmfts)

rU'cslocnt of. the ROCI('ly.' ~rrt'~irkrl ! ~atUJ:cln L ,~~lPhd, 'h"lstrr.k t Mr; nnd ,Mrs. Hapry Hansen and I Mrs. Dale Hetric . ·Mrs,. Hrr.bert aflE'l'no(l' l~t~k ~JQI 2:\. ~k~ff!da.~ I 1111f',I's hi! hday. Caro pnz('s \\'('nl 11'\,111::': wenl)S£'S owned Iln' o.;uhjel't 10 $( nonp ~ lll'ns l: I the· meellng- Hnd ga\'c "j jigh~ i Ih" S; Y, (' re 'f 00, a ur:.,. familY; Ni~br.Rra, and JWr, and Mrs, Swa.n, Mrs, Harold Siphley aop coivC'd n. .~~ .. tq~.e a : .. rei! to Ml'<;. rflnl{ l1righ . Mro; o\\"- 11111 '11.;Slllll('d hy hank t lights from Mission Fieldli Pasl I ,~. i p.t. 17 ~t ~8 kE 1 1<' Dave. Mitl rand famify wt'rc rUn- E\na Biehhr, The li4li"ular: busl- mcet" the :PI\IZ~ at c. ~£\s. Th( n('~l ,PI1 J('nl<ll.,o.;. Jf()\\ard l\lorno.; lind !'I'esent ~nd.Futur('.·' " "1 lish u~~a~.' ep.. -$ a~ Y.< "M"~ ner g4~$ts Sttnday in the Carl hflSS mQeting was' hel(J, Mrs. WH- Car ,11· \~'I, e ~\"J M.l'.s, C,Otq ~ I"('rn JON'S. I 1 Sl,H u~· .. \:!~) 1~ r ~h": :pn:amdL"t· of th(' PI'ot.;"aml <I-t~ 10.! I~~~c atE~glb;IIl~~~Vi~()8t Bron21y.nakJ home, frrd Miller ':\'85 wCIc:om~dd 8~ f 'ZYS~i s('rl~~~~'.~~1~131 Mu;. :810n-[ A lal:gC' t!;rOIl[) of rjrol:1ti\"('s !lno o q\"\!s. R!ble Vl'.'s('. lVII's. AUgURt I lOA'" ------ ~fjW membcr The rcmam PIl 0 , ~ j fllends \\('1(, pnlertatnC'rt 11 tht I.IABILl'I'IE~ ~ron~{'nskl~ ':Chtna's Inland :'I!is-I 1A~\(! A" 1 'lJ) ~ 1 W d _ Fro.m .(J_I~(lfM the a!ter:noon \\a& sp~nt at carPll' M d I Chlls1 \Velblc home \\crlnesfiay dl/)()"Ii-. oj mdJl IOU lis parlnershlps nnd rpo- _ _ _ ~IO!l~. t:hn",tlnc .Ll>lc.lwl'. a pm'tn. i (\;1 . ~)c~ 1.(:-' I m C C. nes Dr. and Mrs Harvey Langcm 'I IllS Biehle leceJ).led the guest I and r an l\hs Ah In Ba:g~tadt C'vt;'llIng In honor of Mr Welhlf's $2 :219 /9g l~

lJIl'i~,h~: snng-. "Br~ng;ng In Ihl: Chi- n(' .. ('I~:v (~~f'1lI1aTgu~ mC'f l,ng R (' - noon tn thp I'I\\lJl and II G tld\( lrng ,Thf" n(>"t me('tm~ \\111 ~~~lor~ ~n t~, D( mell Klemkf' l\II!-; I'Llnk BlIght 'II- mmd Knll lion.." l.!')R;lO 'h G ... I.\€' Me.the Fa.lth' Mn;. Fmma'l ~\'. Ilh' 1 t~:.! p.m. t' W d Chadron spent Saturday dflet>- p 1:1(' Clnd Mrs Harty Suehl the tfdmdY \.\ele F Ida;, lvunlllglhirthdd) Pllzeo.; 1Il (~Ir1s \\pnl Inl fll11C' of Inrll\ldU,lls p<tltner.-hlps and cOlpora-

nesp s,ung III unJ~~lIl; Bibh' \ 1'1',,(' ! ' I g.. c. dt. Trautwcln hom(" I Jw \\ It h Mro.; Surhl e t I ely (\ (ntng and. l\JrR F J Dlmm~1 Mrs \\ PI III pU"lh (,j 1 Idtre! :stalt s GO\ ern rJl('n t (including po~t.t1 l\lls f"ctward UIl'leh; "EurIlIJC'an I lIomt' on 1"111'1011 h I - MI and MI" Ralflh Tcscll )'Ir hl(' SPI\C'd luncheon,l aSSisted by .. 1\ Ing-o.; I l~R'1 ~~,)~, 80~,

rIch; pO(\tl1 "The ~(,l'()nr1 I\ll1p" (lll' "")-"d I .g, r I. Bob Mlllt'r \Vatl'l'loo 1d IS Ro\al Nl'ln"hhOi lodgl' metFI1- and Mt dnQ ~hs Alfll'd ;\lJ!llf NQI(Jlk anrlrlnn LIl'gf'r 6 iUPjJnSllsOJhank.... 'I2(lll1 J~lble Ino.;tltutf'," ;'I.lrs. Salllul,j l'j-, PIe' L 'it' Kr~1' 'cr Fo t S·l1 IO"llns Visits UO,\uI Nf"Ig-hhor l...odg-e ahd MIS Ahll1 Bdlg tadt dnd "on .. thl't ddught( I MIS Darrell Graher Dp[J()slts oj SI It' .... ,Inc! politlcnl "Ubdl\ISlon!-; ,... '~~_

Mrs. DH\,j{.I.· LUek('l'; ,"Af,·iril Lli(, I. ~:I i, d. FI'""(l' l~m~ ~~t.Ul'day ~or spendmg hiS \acatlon With hiS pell M I dRY l'\ cnlJ1g'" \\ It h Mrs Thonald and sons \\ £'l'e \ ISltolts In thf' OlIo I • I {ll hel dl POSII s I (('I tIt I(>d and CdS~I('i s checks ('k ~ _ 'i' 21b 19 of [):i,\'id Lldhg<;lon," :'IoJr!>., ,\Ilgusl ~~.11·)-~1~~~! ~1'~~gFr~I~~ L~sk~.re~~; ents, Mr and Mrs Robelt Boult- J;)cobsC'n dS hostess at hcr home Cal::;t(>ns home sun~a) €'\cnlng I f()fA1 DI POSITS $2~62;)4J4.07 Bmr·wyq ... kl; EOPI11. "\\')1£'11' ,\1'1' ;lI)(j Idh('l. r{'i:llJ\Cs ur , mg Wednesday e\Clllng he \\as ,11 P~('gulal huslness \\as transactod ;\11 ~nd MIS TIll Blngl(n clnd Il.JlIUR j ) 1. . __ _ t he RC'<\p(~l's" Chl'lstllW Lu(~kl'l, . supper gUest of Boh Jensen III th{' fhr' (on"t Illltlon of tl1r lodge Is be_ sons \\ II C Sunda) a leI noon \ ISII- 1 I () f '\ 1 I 1<\[,11 1 rTf- S I • I'I'L h2)1\ llill "Li'H!'" Song." IJY !.!,TJlllp: "frtr'l1dur- I' '.1. (' ,t _.: Leo Jpn:;cn home mg I( \1"l'd I or~ III the. I d\\111 .. 10gl( n homC' Mr and Mrs Harv1Y Kamm<lnn ns," :'I11S. ,Edward Cinch Hlh\r ,lt~;:111111~:"~1;. (' (;) R L' ---- - / ,},\pnrng \"Isrtnrs \\(,Il' ;\11. and .\Ill'S. Iln~ "~n.~~!.~I('~~~=---~:~ \'er~C'r;, :\lr!>, San1l1£'1 Ulr~{'h an} coin, !\il' 'u;ri ~rs' r.:ci T:~l~t I,n- Tn Ort'og"on I 1,I'h"ion ,<\uxiliary f/-~."· r.. Sweigard. ~Tl's. Otto UI.rich; arl:iCle on Amer-I PannI!. '!l~d .NII. 'an'd M:s tel~i ~r. and .Mrs.'Ilrl' Hans~m accom- i T~~ Roy Recd Amcriq{n LegIOn M.i\1.I~". Be,n Bensholjlf and. ,:\.Ir~, ICH, Mrs, l<.mm(l Ulrich; PO(>Jrl. ' Swonsnn \\'(,1'1" Sunrla '·d·n~ panled their 9<lughh'l'. Alicc, 10 Co- auxiliary met Saturda,i aften\r~on '~I k He.nshoof ~pe.nf Thur .... ddy aJ" " "Whl'l'c Shnll I \Vnrl<," \<Jrs. (111 f1 I gUl'''I~ ill hI' Fl~v' , y d I er lumbus Thursday whet'(' ~he mel 11, at 1 h<' HClrvey podo}1r homc' \\llth tCI noo~ In Norfoll{ I lilrich; 'lOrI.vocal. sn)(I. "\Vllf "1'11('1"1.' TI'"lIlI-\.Vl'l.ln honw' T~~~ ;~~neH·w~· g!'Oup of fripnrls enroute to th('11' I 11rs Ed SchellcnhCl'g And Mrs. P ~\.'1Il!a~. S.hCl1Cll 1C'rg. ..W (' <; I ANNlJ AL HXRVEST I~f' Any Sla.rs, in 1\ly Crown," H~'\ ,111 'honOt' fir J,Cl' Tr,jutwcJn'sr fir'~ hom('s at POJ·tl!1t1rl. 01'<'. i Podlill ,10; hostesses. Tv.."('ntY-li,)ne .~I~t. v.~o ~~~~t h,e .p~ISI, 1\\0! CHICKEN S PPER (.('oq~l' Heu~mgc1'. Group .-;ingmg- I '11 1 . S .---- i nWf1)iH'rS WPf'(' prC'serll. Mrs. H(>n- \\(1 ,<., helle "Islling t('lall\{'o.;. t'('- ~'. :..i fnI!Il\\,('d wi til Rc\", IIpu:.;illi'lT .I" I >It 1( d~ ) Births 4 • ' ry Von Sf'ggern \~'ClS a visitor. The tu~n('rl homc W('ctn SdilY:c :\11". 'lIlel: h'ad('r. ' , Sithu'\, (,u,:",h- I A ,son. wC'ighmg R lI~s .. 1 0(, was i aft('rn!)O~l;'" mccllng in chfl.~gC'. of ~11 s: ,Harlan I [PI'. ~shCltn('; ,"n,d I :1 t

One ("ourf>e IUllchpon was . .\1.' . rl \1' .. (,I'ff 1 P 1 : bom 10 :vII·, and :\.lrs. (harks Jnck-, Ihl' Jlr('''ld~nl, Mro.;. N. L. Dltman, famll), Mrs .. Dall,!'>, Shcl1(nh(,lg! canying out" I he autumn I ~Idnll'\ ,dt\~.CI'(' 1.~hurs~la°l"(o\'e~i{C;i ! ~on W('dnC'sday mornin'T S('pt. 171 ol~C'ncd \\'Ith the sln!;,ing of OU.f! fI~1? :\l.rs. r"dwln, HI'( grcn. '~~(,()ll1.1:'~- Winside J Audltorium and colors. Gat'df'n J low('1 S ilnd '>lld<lv d!t1t1pl' gU~~'li in fhe 1111 O~II' I,ady of I.otled!'s h(ol"pital.! n!lt lon,l} Clnl hem. eopplPs \\"('re, OJ" 'I ~1~1(~ hIm and SP( nt 11(' del} cll V; ~ "~1 tl!>.\'U as d('clrrat101is. I EdWin Br"ogn'n hOlTIe, SaturdAY Norfolk, The infanl has i)peT! l1a111- J d('tTfI 10J' thl' POf~PY .day sal! 1~1. \1 t. . d 11.' H.

I b ' 1" 'I . . j tI ' n' T 'f' "d Robert Charles. I WII1'-;I:-l(' and Hoskms \11 :vIa,)". R(· J ,r ... ,m ) s. ()(>I"t Dnultlng :\Irs. Leland WOilkl' .~p{'nt iR\\(:~~,{Clo. .1IHgl)~tS :I~~~~\~~~~ ::'vIr. and Mrs. Jack KnJC'g(>!' arclPorts 01 Ihe rllstr.irt meeting- h(,I~lan~ fi~mil~'. ~1r. .'IIB ;l.1I's. 0('~(:

Iwo.;dl..lY 111 I\;orfo!k 1'\ T, N \ f lk the paJ'(:'nts of H I\aug-ht('r. \\"l'igh-' at.\vaYI1l' \\·ere.gl\'cn .. The' count) Re.(.d dnd D(,cll1 ,.II rI. B.Ob Mdl!1 ,1,0)..:11 tl , I r 0 , ing 71~ Ills .. born Satunlay. Sl'!Jt. aU:>..illaJ'~ mcetmg will nbo bl' \\"('1(' sUPlwr tl th~,Andr('w

13_ in _u Norfolk hospital. i !~~~~Ii,~~ty \~T~7;~~('dthlt"h('f~11'(,hJ~~, Z~.~~rng~()nl(' .111." I huro.Qa)

Thursday, Oct. 2

Served hy

I spent severul days hsl \\cek \\'Ith! ho!--pltal m('mh('n; ficCld(d spl.nt !\lolldcl} (\1 nlr,lg 111 the B('n Methodist L"dies Mrs. Joe Johnson. wakcficln.1 mao.; gl[1 for VPtPr.an,s' I ~lr, ilnd ~1;-."., . ,l\Hlr;< R{'oshoof

J he I' daughtel'. MI:S. '.lack Kl"upg(>l'; to muke a comforler for. n \'('t('r- lkl;;o.;hnof .h~lm(' '. ~ and jnfant (inughter. ! nn'" l~ospital nnd to contilluc Wllh ! <lUI Plnl?n ?nl: 1\.1rnni:~A.nt~~~ ':::;pr\·irl,.g' to ~tal't nt () p,m.

AlUlrt and Emil Ko!! ann. CprJ 1·1h(' )"..;Htlwnng ?f eurpf't rag.: iiJl{:: sell, P:.~~('r:_ \\('1'1 Run.rlcl'y",\,l~I,.t~ Nu1'nber'g spunt Thul'sday t'vNlihf::;, woo]('n matenaJ.... Mr~. \\a1lC'1 I noon \IS1101,; III thr hf'nl .r<1C.'l~~ in th(' Geol'g,> Koll hom€'. 11\1aa.o; ,1Ilt1 Franc('" \VylJ(' \\ III ('n-I Son hOlT~c. <;:!:1t~

My. and .:\-I/'s. Wesley Sohl and I ter-I:un in 0('101)('1' ilt the \\:y. ~r. _~nt~rs ril~l1tl(>_ Thnm.p<;Ol.l' ___________ _

I family wert' Sunrlny {'\('ning \'1',11-' II(! homC'. I \ ' 'Clrs ill tIl(' John Asmus hOl11e. -- ' I

, Mr. and :'1>1 f);. John Asmus nnr!: lI()nor~'d on Anllh'('r~r)' I family, Mr. and Mrs. 1':n'in Vnhl-[ Mr. OInri l\lr~, Frank 1.. KrtJ('­


CAI'IT,\I. A('('Ol:ST~ .

;-.I[1('k, tolnl !lar $.")O,non.oo



'IE:\IOl(A'l\'[)A 01· ilssignl'(\ to s('cUrp IIHbilitiC's and for

. :-XJ,O(l() on 100~0(}() Oil :1i,9Ti()~

\6.000 Of)

$ ~17.9'i':1()R

$ :1:2:1,00(1 (In

to 01111\ .... lJll.~('IJ1)1'd hcfol'l' rn,l' this 161h day of Scptcmbf'1', FJ32. L v.'. ElliS, NnlnT) Putllw

; Immp and. daughter lind Mr. and I g~r W('!'I' Slll'JH'ls('d Saluntl~Y (,H .. ~ I ; Mrs. Leslie ~Ileman and family I nlng wh(>n a f.';I'OUp of nl'lg-hhOiS

\\'Cl'(' guests 1Il •. the Hany Millf'r: r('latlvf's and fn('nds came to t.hl'll'! home Monday evening for Stan- home to rl'mi!1d thc.m of t!J('ll' J()th jpy Mill~r"'; bil'thday. , I \\'~ct{lIng nnlllvcl'sary. For (>nlC'l"-M~. and Mrs. John Asmu<; pntel'- t:WlIlwnt. cards Wf're playC'rl, PrJ/·

tained in honor of their daughter" 1'<; going. t: Mrs. 'WiIliam ~~<lnk("1

B' J' B d' & S Lorraine. wh() o\)s('I'\'l'd hel' birth- Fl'ilz P]I'iljpr . .II'" Hugo I<IS(')WI'! , 'ran e,tetter on I dOlY \Ve~nf'sdfJY. Card.s \\,(,1'1' play. ;.lnd M,.HI"lIn ~-rl'rlri.cksnn. Mr. }~nc~. '.~, I~ . /iJ' cd at five tabk,. Pmes went to "\"'. ,KnH'gel n'C0,ved m",'y g,[I'

\ Mr. nnd Mrs. Richfll'fl :\1111f'r. ·Mrs. ll1l'llHilllg H de{'I)l'Flled anniversary , WA YNE,- WINSIDE I Clarence \Vopckman and. Leslie I. W1Pdd. ing cake .. Out-O .. f-Iown gue.;'..t.~\';

----~>------~I-~~-~.---~. ~ __ --_~.~, = ... _~,~ __ ~.~ ________ === __ ._..-____ ~_~_~_A_lle~~: _ _ i ~~~~~cl~:s(>:;e~n~~1~kult:.~~1r~~~ .

1,1 ,I

DeMostWomter/iil , I •


NO EXTRA CHARGES-Price Includesl'

Parts Warranty, Picture·Tube War­

~lOt~ and Federal fitcise Tax.


tomol'row', television to'day with

nf!W ,tand~rd. ,~f performanc:e'i

be~uty "Ild vpJue l Hqge Zl~inch·pie .. .'i tll re .with f"mou! Hoffman Eaa1-vr.ronGold.n L.n, ~nd qxP ~h". • is. Be the first to see and owri a new.

"195-3 Hoffman •.• C:Qme in today!

Model shown: Model 21M3"06 iQ

beautifl!l Mahogany Ilni'h. I

only . Hoffm~n.EASV· VISI.ON is squinMreer strain.free,n I ' ) C

! 1\11'0.; FrilF Pff'lff('r, ]1'., Pier(>('. Mr. ,and ::\·irs. Frilz Pfeiff(>r sr. and I

'\11'. Hni :\11' ... \ValtPI' Fcnsl\C'. Hos­kin .. , ilnrl pre. Lylf.' I<ru(".~{'r, Fort Sill, Ok!"

B 1 ... \· IIdppr<; "'! }Th(' Bugy. Ifelp('rs 4-11 club I sjlonsOl'('d ii, \\'Wnl'r roast and fare~ \\'('11 party for Mrs. Leroy Df'I!ef-1 <.;('n ilt thf' DuHt1C' Thompson hon1f' lVlonda:y ('\·cnlng. Thl' group phly('d ~ilnwo.;. :\1nt Df'tlefsf'n, who is mO\'-' Ing thIS wrek with h('r family tol Mankato. Mi,nn. was prescntcd a gdl h) th(; club. ,

('olilr!ld Blrh1J.;"p , i

\\ ;~:lr~;I~r!;!1~~17s~~1;,O~~.~~?:1:~~;~fl~ i i'II>. '.rhnn


,Hld J<ll'O\)O;.f'1l AS hl)St('S~'1 >

Prlz{':-i WCI l' 10 1\'11 s. Bt,.'n Benshoof (lnd Mrs. ). O. Cral~. Thll Iwxt meeting \\ill be with Mrs. F. 1. Mo.-:r's S('p~ :~O.

A1tl'n&, A.+':i1Llr~' Mpf't\ng I tIl'S. \".allel· :\'If1Hs, Mrs. N. Dit-.

mH~. ~'Irs.,' J /('I('n \yeihlC' and Mrs.:

:;~;) 1,~~f.('Il\6 \~'~t~'ttl~lnXV~\;;(;li~~~~~t itll,\iliflI'Y'[Orlve.ntion Those from

,Winside 'ho also attcnded the

; ~~~qU~Sim)h~~~·~l~I!~~ w~~~~la~I~~i Sh;t'\cy Iagnf'{,' George Voss, (,Inr('nc(> f fcJffcr and \Van'en Ja-cohsen. '

; Iilusy Bee J'o' ct Club i I Busy BE' _ ~oJe·ct -club mpl ,:,'ith! I MI~s. HOWll'd I\'{'rs('n Tupsday (,\'-,

('!ling. RoJ call was "Ulluwal \su~-I ! gestions f I' making moncy". I, The I i.\(,SSOI1 \Va.,. "What will I ,do H lert , :Ial~nc". Mrs. Dale Hedri(>~and·i I Mrs, Elmjp Man), wer." .glles s of I I the club, The next mee~jJlg 'I be i

with Mrs" Husso).l Tho~sQn es- II day, Oct. 21. ¥~, Iverson sdr\'('~, lunch, ~ . ,

Birthday- Par~ I ~ w:;e g~~~~r~!i~~~a.th;~S .{~t g!~~~~ 1 Koll home Mo.nd . .1O', evening in hon~ I or of Mi', KOniR hirthdav. PriZI'S I ~t cants WE'J1t to ,Vh'R, Fred F~nslce I Mrs. ErnC'st Muel1hnQjer and ~nna i Cal'slpn!). M:', and tyJ"rR. Fred Iten;;­\((', Norfolk. were out-of-i.own i gu('~ts .

Social Ctrple I Social Circlo: club· met in th(',

Hcn L{'wis horne W('dncsday af-: I I!'rnoQIl , Mrs. G. A. U,>wis was

: ~~~~~~ul'~t~~r~~~~ .tf.1c;t~~~rr.~~v~ i I ~:~~:d;~ \:('%ri~r:~~t.Ml~t~~I~~I~.1

~ businqss meE'ting MI'S;. Sptunoqe I :showtld pi,ct,'u'QS pf, h.C[: ,tr.ip'ltQ.the'l

j~:: C;:6i~a~r§·le~~rrr~ J~~ut~~ j., ,m. ee-tirg ~. 'n .. b" with M~. Fr<:'d i .'. r .Erickson


doo,da'Y.'Qct. R

J(.,''/I.:i.,~.tllii,'51 ])".... Gr~ni, I. (oat Co; :iifrl:~~H~.i 'ti6'S'MaID' ',,',.,.. . . Phone-3S!), ikl:~~ts:1:~\1 c~ft~r.lI~,::nby f:~~

I"" "1 '!Jre<:.!li9~t:Wbitl~,.~, ;i'The"less~n ai-

L.:""*~_"'"':,"+';!:..:;:".il;·t .. J:~I:.,j'fl·: __ ==~"""' .... -_ ... ___ ... ____ ...;..---...;..--_ .... Jr~~n~e~:~~f!~Q J6-:d~~~e~f ~t~~~

, ·,1 I ;.

'.Miles tJIFollrlJi~! ". .! ,,) . .. . " .


I ~

• 'i'F'-":~:::::::::'\':'::::' ..... , ':::: :,'::: .::: :'::.: :::" , .... "" "::: .... ::: :.:" i:··,,··, 1'" ::' :,":" :.,:::. ,':.: :,:: ... ,. ,." c' .. " ..... , ,,: c, , , c. ,:, , .. , , .. c ,.::: ;:c·:: "::,t' "'r-

Wayne High and HQl1n "Ugh Overpower Grid, F'oes Devi sPlay Wakefield He're FridaylHahn High !

Members of the Wayne Blanks I

Wayne StatE grid' squad who will battle honors in the Husker confere thiS fall are sl1·own above. The Blue Devils op~n the home sea­son against "Wakefield Fnd,lY night at the ball park. I'

Squad members are, left tb

1:1 :t.!ii ,1:27 101 10

I 1'1


" 1 OPtl{llwnl~. • ~)(I Bad,'I' Phil ,J~lhll"'OIl ami han liL Tllt'lt' Wl':'l' I\\u \\I':-.t d)]{1 :\i ...... t'IJ !"otooti olll for 11111' l\1us-

0~ ('(lsI d)\·ision . .{"on)('l (')le(' hdnl!'~ ~:,II\~~~t~~tl::~~~~~p~I'\~~.'rti~:~(·ll':lillcl,~ i ,1 ;";;)\~~/1r~;~~lc~:n(\~r~~~(~{~IIL'~~I\·~'I~t'p1. i TIH'ir j,on:.i~t'·111 pia .... I)rll\·!'tl tllll L 1:2 an'd ras\ Friday LY()ll~ I)I'<I\! HIIH·1t slircnglh for thl' \\"arrjnrs 1 "'/akefi('lrll:3-1I, 10 plan' Ppn(\('1 (1]1 i lantl (lallY' of[ ill tOIlt'I\(lo\\Il~­

top in the standings of the t'ast! OIH' h\' ,John"lol1 frolll tht·, OIH', Ii

tll\ISlon. 1--I-'!-;\'a~cI lIa"h off I:u'klp anti all st.lllloll and \\ll\IU' .111' .... d lH-Hlrd rlln 11\ :"11 ...... 1'1). ,\lui hu)

:l(~r ~ci~~t!:!~l(~rf 11:\ ~:~~ ~I:'~~ tl~:,~!~:~ ~~\~~~i: t~~ ~~~~:II~~ II;I~;I{~~~:'I~ut::;! ,. .1Ilt! !\1.uHson, III Il.I~ dirt

I Vvl"'ll(] oi"tlll \\t'l lld \\("'11 NC'ilghs 1l1(J11Hlll 'II glll]Y (Illl{ 1\\ 1" PUllil 01 Ihe Cd ... t dLVlslOIlS \\ III n()t \\ hill 111(' \V 111 IO)S \\ ho lumiJlt d

"I'( C3t1[~~~~r ~\,\f~(;~~I:I( I ~1\(;1111 ~~~ ~III : ~~g(~lj(~7)~ngctr~\~{I~~ll: 11 ] \(1 :~; I ~~ d~~~~~; I :~:~t tn


20 Un Ill(' ,,('(nod dm\ 11 Don RIll'l fh( HusjH .. '1 tOnfCICIlCt {llg111- "((lot('fl 01 'rdlds (1Il I {\ouhl(' 1(-lrl1Illlt

lzt'rJ In 1947 hy tht' :.;anle 10 "ChilO]" \( IS( 0\('1 Ilghl (lid to til(' Stdll- I\\('ln that t h~' prescnt owm1i)('I' .... llljJ, II lin 17 and w('nt ()\ (T ~()r 1 hl' 1'0l1l11-1

I n1Tlr:I(/j(;1;,]1'; i I, ;~~:rkl~i\~i~~!t {::~n I :;1'1 ~.~(~;j~ hl~:J~~~ll~~~~'i~~~"';:;~:~~l~:~~~ I up

- --r----- -- --- -~.~-~ .---~

:Win~' 40~26 I

; Here Friday S' il" 'Il(' "n'p I()nlll('d U\l'l" (),.

I nWll 4() In 2{; 111 a

hill _ gaml' pl;ly('(i on Ill,· fiC'ld ThUI'"d,IY ni.e;ht II \\ ;1-';

11'11":1<-' nlll'l1cr 1~1l' {'rnch ',\11111'.'11\,

I CJ('r.~l'nll'" P;lntIH'I"S -.Jon 'Uollnf('h!l h:,d a rid!1 !la\

! fill" till' wirll1pr ... , ";('(lriT1!,.; thr,';' tnllf'iuill" n ... and pa ...... ing- for til" otIH'r<.;. \

\J~\:'~~I(~I\;~~":~',II'l~.\\';:j~ i~::11:1:ll~"lrll,' , scoring t~"{·,, ;wd rum

I the' ~4.!n'~r·Hh'\;llri Oil 1 TIl(> H_(lnnn--h"-':'l~ {·r., pcl.~' ; lion (arri('d Ll1 ,\ arcj"

I ~~J\:~;; ~'~;~';1\\~1~~1;;:'\ --Picture by Wayl1e Photo CrO!bC'O 0\'['1 inlD P~I)

\\,j,,;t I'llint 2.'); "'althill G WC':-.1 Pomt play" it-: fil·,,1 lIusl{­

,'f ('onflTcncp ganl(' at PC'ndf'r on Oct :'1 LoS! Fnclliy Ih{' Cad('!" wal­IOIJI'd Wa.Jt 11 11 I :2:1-1;, at W('~T !loint ,Ind lomon'o\\, nig-ht jOU17llf'Y to W1SI1(,I' for anplllf'r non-loop ('011 4

Il'~ I 1 In ~tJI1' nf'~t Ijllart(·r. Rus,",,'11

, smii; (':1111'1 fullhal'k, intl'rh'ptj'iI ! II !"oprl'llil for- J a~'\falthill 1).1''"''' and ran 55 ;\'anh

hihitt'd I.:"ood hlo('k- foK. a toUl'iH!O\\ n, In tlw sf'l'onti throu~h \\"i~nj'r, ,Jf'riod Rod Dab,'r!w\\ ('nll~ht

rlirl not alkcl COll- OiC'k S,'dm!t·r·s Ila:-.:-. lind r;"W('d

oll1('r , Point"

madp b:-.'

0' bra..,ka footbilll t{'am. r\'['dll' JIlIIH'd llil' ~I·hra,.ka \\'(',1('\ .Ill \ l'r'lt~- cOiwhln....: "t,llr .

Mullen, an ... al~-Midwcst dcfen-sive setec. tlOn on the 1951 1 nt;;r--, national News Service's seeon team, will work With the tm . backers and,defenslve secondary. TIll' ('",-I [u:>kt'l" \\'11J '('1"\ I' Ull d

part tin1l' b""~IS, v..'P .... ](·\an (',1;\1:11

~~~~n~~:~~~l.!~~~~'~~t1. __

OUERWEIGHT? slim DIIi down ., 'WITH

'Me'~QOd • NO Stri(1 Diets • NO herdstS •

Ef-T WHAT OU NEED 21-DAY 300r.

Supply /.

1 il H':lS hl'-. 30 ;\"'llrtl" ,tll M'orp, ~

" Hnd \\ ('s1 dl\'lsion I \\'{'sl Point made 11 [il·,"t dO\\'ns, Gl·i,.~~ Rexall St'O.9C . iw :~(,I~~~;~~o~.~\~~il~k~~ 10 (f;~~\~~/; s~~'11 KI"()PP, i\lilson'

11\(' I1I1w" Ihal l1um-!:\1orilz, J;\(:~~:~ ____ , ~ '===-====--====:= l :"'IL has alw~yn br..en Lan-ou'f> policy 10 bring you nH>I'c value in ~llUc;,). ',\YhCll YOU'f-~C these 1r~mendous va:lues In th~ Walkmore shoes, Larson's

)"/ own brand, you'll sec why more men are coming to Larson's to save on .~,. 'their shoe dqUar. '

• Wrry bhoogQ bQt~QQn Q..--:;;...,cb-,.-.;h~.

",.!i- Y~ Fhd bQ8



'1 I

',' J


'7"" ,',,',',

'r' I i

Enjoy The ·B~sl In' Fall

t." •

E plerlainment I • "

HE W !

LDS,ERI'ES Your Living Room With

ANEW 1953 , ' . CO-RON-A . .

17.;n. TABLE- MODEL Lcathcretle Cah;~c!t

20·;n. TABLE MOPEL Mahognny Veneer!' ;" ,.

17.;n. CON$OLEfJ , Mahogany Veneer

17·in. CONSOLE· With Rildio "'c···

2t,in. TABLEllI:l0DEL-h. Milcli:o!lany Veneer.

, 17·;n. Co/s~LE I 'Limed Oak .1.·--·--,

! ',..l 20·;n. CONSqLE I Mah'og~ny: .~'~".L, .. :.'." .... '

Limed ?ak ~r$389.95




J $~8995

$28495 $29995

. ,$36995

COR 0 N ADO "Challenlger" • I'

l-Way Combination * All 3! Radio, Phono and TV

* Power! 19 Tube:, i 3 Rectjfier~

* Hand Rubbed Mahogany Veneer

Ohll IO'1n UnWI! 1'~a .. ;'1· ~l4Jnthl;'l" "a;\flWllh

,,"wlll!'r YOll!' IllUfHl.j .. for r,·,·or,I-., rndio or T\'. till' ('~)IH):\',\I)() "('Im'h'n~er" "Ill uff(1r '011 tlw sallll" .. :ili~lyill~ l'j'rrurm:u:I"I'" "by .. all !'1';'j.dM, ull sb',('" of r"('f·"r!! .. 1l1l101"!ltknll), TV IHlal)lahll' fllr (")llIr ,'on', :'I·t"I· all1l ('II ....

free Warranty Given With Coronado TV!

!)() Dn~ St'! \ 1('(' \\'ar:'an:y, l:2 nws, GllRl'antf'e on Pl('tUll' Tulw'. 1:2 1l1:)S. CU:-ll':mtf'p nn nth,,/, lui)!'!'.

_ $.'.""1";" ............ _ ., .... ..,~

!' Challenger·

24"95 Eni •• fO.1 0". Y • .!IIr wartanty .* pam} fidu~ t~" •• 1tfI ,.. c:ajy;q luL. ~1Ic1l1i.fI.

• 17.'*hTab'.Mode' • Mah"'ny Vene.red· • Fr •• Home Trial

Engineered 'Q Give ~ou All-Around 1 Dependable perfor~ance a' Low Cos,1

The New '53 "RAN~ER" More style, more value, mor. listening J: leasure! Five tub6~ incl~ding re~lifier, ",FOW~r:RO.dl antenna, 4-lnch sp~aker.-Mo~ ern block plastic cabin&t wit ivory 'grill. Ul approved.' 'I': , ,



1'," TI !


1> ¥ ... ',. .... ~ • 't ~ "', ~ \' 1,' .,', v \ i' t ,~": ~,.~'" v·; \ , • " .• ", .: (, . "" J •• " r '" ~,' ... ''>'4.,.' .. " ,. ~.- ~ ~~' It ~ ~ ~ j ,,',i 1' .. ~ ¥ j< l ~ of _ i t ~ , , 1 • , f .. ~ ••• I .. " I I , ., •• J ••• ,. , . , ',- ...• -j' -, ~ • .-




wagon. What'~ more, th~ light·draft No. 200 weigh.

700 to 1000 'poundS' less than 'other two·row, pU11~type -pickers: f You can work, in wet,

, slippery fields where ofdinary pickers would be idle.-

See .;,. lor co;"piele de!ails.


Buy a 3':year

WAYNE HERALD 'f' ':"' '<.rM~l' ",V'M' !,"'"-,_ ,""1{'

Clean Radiator, Refill With -Anti-.freze

Change to the Jight Grade Motor Oil

Complete Lubrication of (Tndercarriage

• "Complete Scientific Battery Inspection ,

PorceliWtize Car Finish FOi; Protection

>.".~' --

P~paye your c~r for win-

t~r and you can lartlgh at

fr"eezing weather - but

"put off" that winter

changeover d the laugh

" t,

CORYELL AUTO CO.1Mystery Farm Nb.-28 i

Dp you recognize this farm:? Maybe it's yo.urs or rour 'neighborJ. If. ~ou c~~, P-'!F.eT >1 the ower "Or operator, phone The Wayne Herald and make your IdentiflcatIQn. V\(e' ha e a FREE 5 x 7 glossy phpto of the fann for the operator as 500!, as he stpps a The He~ald office to id1ntify it. Watch for," a ~ew My&ter~ ~arm e~ery w~ek i OUI: ads. " " ' . , < ,






I. ib I'







'Jf, .. ,. II ·1···· . - - - - - - - ......... --. - • - _ •• ~ ,,-..-'.,...-.... ,..,.. .. - ... !~-'" • - - -

, I,'

.,'"",."" ".1 •• ······, .. ••••••••••••

WU~HEAST~ l~ .. N" A~u., CillJ_ '" .!·!'~t~'P~~if~~~i~~~~~~.E~~~~Ri~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a y,y,,"yne ' Mr. apd Mrs. Don Pedersen and ~ •• II •• II ••• ,a r I Wakeheld Thursda}. I" · ~ , I f~~~S ~~d~eas~!~e e~~~~n~~ese home

Ilr Starr COl'r(>'SllOlHlcnt I Mr. \nd Mr&. Emil· Utecht vislt-.;..-----------1 Anna I(ohlmcl('l' m Wakefi('ld last Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Sievers \tV('dne!':day aflemoon I

\ bltlNJ SatUJdaj CY('Jlmg at the» C'd f';1; hOd Mrs. Emil Utecht VISit· \]h('rt Damme home. Ml and I f td +h C' Rlcbard Ut<'chts In Waite-\11 __ tlillon SIe'.C'l'S and f:J1Y IE' urRda) ('\(>llIng \\('l(' th!'l\{' Sun~lay e\('nmg.

Mr. anp; Mrs. Elmer HarrIS n NORTHEAST \\ t 1(' dll1jler guests at the Aal'on I W ' 'i rl\-rbel g home In Kiron. Ia last ayn 'iU!l(la\ :\lrs 1 [arnson spont II om e \~! (~1111~:Q'~I~On~11 ~~n(>~~~I!;sth\r;~~ I 0 By Staff Corre~IJondp~t \\.!lJ'thmglon, Minn., and all, met in I-----...-,;.:.::::.::.:.~+--­),lr(»)1 for dinn('t·. i Debby 'Osburn visited h r tiunt

Mr, and Mrs~ John Rhoades visit. i ~ncl iunc)c, the Elder Lubbe 'S Nits, .. ' d I,~...,t 'iN('dn('~an.y (,H'ning at thi' 10I'/sP\/01'al'days and return d to ( \drlJph CfallSSf'n home. ~h('. Basil OSbu.rn hQme last ues.

I Mrs. Marvin Pospish~1 and Carl aj/. J

')l1'rlt l'a~t Tuesday afternoon at the Mrs, Elder iLubberstedt as in .\dnlph Claussen home.' South Sh')~x City la-st Wl?'dn~sday

GueMs at the Ma~n Vie~r·a~I'n~n·10rthefunernlofhrun. ·-r---------~========±==~====~======~~~~~~~~~~-~~L~---___ ~:~ homE~ rOI' Kevin's birthday last <:1{', Ch,nslHaITigfC'\ot. Mr. Hal'l·lg. \Iomlay ('\"('I1irg \\'C'rc M1', and ::vrf'~. jeldt died last Sunday, I Want Ad Rates I Real Estate l·.~·:'d :'.icIOI". 111". an.~ Mrs. Clifford . Ard~th and Ardyce Koch 'were, Fir~t two insertions. 3c per word; ! __ ~ __ = .... _ .... = __ _ \r~,toc'ang.daUght.(l-ls,MI'.andMl's. dmn('J gu(>~ts last Sunday at Ihf'l Every thi.rd jnsertion, 2c per: "--- - - --1-' .- -,-t,(.1 11dr~tL ~aol.<el . an~ ~ons and August Dorman home. Th~t aftt'r. I word (minlmuni! charge, SOc): I FOR SALE: ~ bcriro.on: horn!'. V~ry wflt('h ('l~ 1 Wanted :-0.11 .. ':lId M1S, Hollis Wlihams and n~on thC' DormaJ)~ and their ,l{U1'sts Classified di!l.pia\', 7!lc per column I good conditIOn mSlde, outsJtk ('all ilill_J ... = __ --...... --~ __ ---

"\IHI il-;'. \\ er~' ~t. tne Charle~ Junl~ hOJ1"")Q I i,!ch; Blin~ 01' Keyed ads, 2Sc addi. nt'v.:ly painted. Ki.tchen has stc~'I: s11 11 I -- - ,-- ,- -, -- - - -;---- - '~.--M.r; an.d. Mrs. Curtis Foote and n~al Lillral!. Thpy spent that ('\'E'~! tlOnal pc>r mSE',tiol'1. Want Ad dead- :.cabw('ts, clouhle srnk. A.ulomRIIC I : WANTf.D. Rug weavmg. Bnng CARD UF THA:,\,"I~S A Oiinc,efl'

!~L1nl!~' \"lSlt~ .the Wesley CUl'o)s n~ng al ttw Ai·thur Young homo, line i~ 12 noon eVf'rV Tup.sdav. ,washl'r" on first, floO!' ,:incIU?cd'iWI·: .. \Hl-: INTERr':STED ill fUll-I ,U'i YO,UI' <;:~we0 caJ:pC't ra;,;s ~or thank ~ou all \\ho I·('tnt'mbl'red I hili ;;day C'\C'nlng. Laut"PI. '-, I ('omf' and see It at 421D p~ nrl. i Iinw ()l' part-t im(' h'l 'I 3 rxpert 1 ug '" l'a\'tng. Some \'ugs ror u:; wI1h gIll:-; and \ Isl1s dur-

Mr and Mrs. ,Forrest Malln and Mr and Mrs, Arthur Young and For Sale i~msrl_i_,~t~~<;~~o~. __ ~I_~1:fl,days;1 \\f'l'k I:)e ,In h(\JI1: ::;:;oo:'X'_1 ~ai~. h T\'o;'lh rf'flr (>ntral:;'e, ,llJ.1 Ing our "I a) 111 the hospital and al-

~;md\ and Warte1'l Ma}1n, HOlman. pOloth) caliI'd last Monda) I'\en- I I 'I pel'J('II("(' MiltoJl G, 1- ,)1 , Norfolk. Phone L..4·!-L\\. 'r'l" 1'L'\url1l!l~ home. :\1I"s. ,\lel\'\O . 0 \\ {'I e a'- tll!' ArthUl iIofanns last at tll(' August DOl nian home .... _. ... 3, FERTII E F AR:\lS : \yij Irlbauill , Phlilt Wnkf'· I _'_____ slRU: Johnson and l'\an'n SuP, ps23 ..... ~[~d) a~t~d ~~nd~Vr .; Mr and Mrs CIEfford Hale VISit. FOR I SALF;: 1941 Old~mohile in I ' ~ ~..... . ~ flC'ld ' slRt2 \VANTED: 160 acre- f;I~~~ l~;g., ~ .. ~ Ilmlh \\('H' dt' the e~rl~~;\t:nd cd 1he August DOlmans Thwsdcl\ A-~ ~hape •. Rftdio, hcutf'r, sun FIRST TTMF: OFFFJRED Cu<;lodl;ln [or ~ehool ('1' to rf'nt for 19,1.~ l<"iisf'. Ha,v(' I C'l";~~~kO~,v T~~~l~~\-' I j ."'t·~ ,t~ lIoil)(, Thlll sduy C'\ f'nmg > nn i C\ C'nmg . v:~~r ami .'i,J~irts. Goo~ ru~~er.: IN ,17 Y~EAH.S furnl"]l('d, ("on~ ~'~~~/~e~~~f;>r~~~e~la~~.~?:;yt;ee~~(j>~1. i ~ hi>u: kl!lrln·p<;se~ pXl/nrl~;l""m~llrl~lr_

MC',and MrS" Dan Kriegt;r Lit-', Mr.<!-nd M,rs. Ar'1. Helthold Hart_,$.iI.).OO. Rohrlt H. Jon("s, ('tH10l1. 1


", nl'ldell, ;'\("hr. thO ".' p.,~ ICk , lng- my l"C'Cf'lIl I1ln!'s" !\il"s r:,ff1e lie R(>l'k, Ad{, W(,l'(" O\i:'!.'night I:~ :l~~· t~'isit('d last. Sunda)! ('\"('n-! phon<.' ~O on_ 7. ~_ ___ s25p 8 J ACRES sl:-:1t2 In:~ui~~,\lltT~l~:~~(':-a~~ ~~~~I~:i311 Brow/i.· - ",". s25

Help Wanted

Cords Of Thanks



t.:u~>st:-. last Sunday at. th~ Ahlnl -g cUHo1!ellholdhotnp.' IFORISALE:3).'(1o.ohrmanv.:ag~ NICELY Il\1Pr-{OVED --~.-~~ --- -----;·------1--.-----------\~II.ll.'I"hom\.'.Tlwm(:'n\\('l"ebud., Mr.andM..-s.C.R.AshandMl"s. onboxes,90anrll00bus,,$110to' -" 1'-'. nOSlj- \Vl'eckmgforPalis : \\IS.l.rTnTT'IANKIhcnel~l1-dIPS In ttl(' am1\'. , W-altpI'-.. IIt'I'man \\"('l'{' IJ1 B!'ldell ~167. A:-;k your delller, or write I Level to un,rlulal ing "i~t I~am ~<111 Good Two '49 C'h('\ rolpH; I' II Icnd:; a~d I {'lUI i\CS .101'

Mr. and Mrs. J.' Lund, Atlen, I at.th(' (arl LUlld2J;.' hi () (' last Sun-I DO,hl'mCln :Mfg. Cu., Emerson, Neb. I with thf' hlghf':o;t [('rtIlit:y, ral,lI1g , " n,l(l11 Y, f,Jm,' 'ers an,li memonals I

\;'C'rC' at thr- rrank Soden hom!? l&st ,day. I slRt4 possible, In alfaria, and rotatifln "-19 Duick 'IR Buick I sent and ,for I,he ;.iLltldayevC'nmg. ,Mrs. George r4'"eder d 1--' ~--- - - --. - ____ .. "_, pasture. Well fenced. Good Im~ ~ '·IH Packard p<llh~ extended to us

'Mrs.:, Otl.o Test,: Mrs.. Art ,M'ann, daughkl-., Woodbine. Iii., and ~~r. I F( )Rt' SALE: A stokf'r in, goorl l pt'ov~ment~, gl'llwh'd rOld. jJi::l\:- III persoll a~ \Vavne Auto Sal vag I r-:Cf'·7' .h('J(,.1\('mC'1t.

Local '~·'·SE'D WJ 1,' ~ .;.

CARS' .\11'". { larcJ;lce Mann, John Rhoadp.s and Mrs, John Dunklau visited I sh e, John· Bal-t.f'r, 408 Sherman, ed hlghwRY, school I?u., mill I s:!p" e dml II'S oIl1~! Lowell Mann won prizl's III ~\tII' and, Mrs, ,LlOYd Powers ThUI'S-1 Way .. Phone 59~·J. , _s:!:1p I'oute. LOl'alpd:~ mliP' south - - S18t211- ..

t:~'\:~l"k 1~~d~~O~~~e ev~~~~c~~s~~~ da~'r d' i,o __ 0 1--- - - ~-- - - ~l;O~(,I~i~;~t J~:~f/, n~Ll~l~d n~g~~ ! M}scellaneous J-WANTI D USt'<l plelnO Write Mrs I \\;I...,i:\-1rs. Spden's bil'thdav . I ind~ ~l~d I~~ J~ O-orbit an.dllJSED r~QlJIP.MFJNT hGis ne\'C'1" flooded from rl\- Ihuh('n R V00(j{S Cell! nIl I

Mrs. Ed' W-ebe v' Jt d i .. , . .' . s. (largtlC'c:' COrl)lt,! !T. Land thai can all hp,' ~~/ "lRt2p I __ .L. r ~s e ler mo~ Wl.'tp III Norfolk FndaS' alt"I'/loon.: corn f!"Om alfalfa sod. <\1 ('(liHJI ICS Ar\CJ:\'Y\IOCS. a 'fA T

, ~ r. and Mrs. John Franzen were I Allis-Chalmen-i \V C tractor SESSION, ndi )(llldl 0' gun zat lUn 01 pi ohlem v\ N F D TO RENT Car ti;aI age' FARM~ LOANS 40/0 dll1m:~r gU{,!1ts last SUllda.\" at t,llP I A ~1i...,-rhalmer:-; 2. t 4 plow dllllkl'l s SlllCth humalll1i-lll,Il'l No I~ C~lt~Ct v~on r I~a/J 1:" ]I MOl_

j ~'Ilti~rml Fnlm Loan As.'i'ns. ti(H'I'IS.SOI'(,IlSPIl hom!'. :\l1".'·ill1d on rubbf'r 80 ACRES I mnn \ IIl\O!\ld :\l((llngs h('ldIC~l]P,~ a\l1(' tHte TPacI~~ls

~ Member "',,D,ck SandnhJ ",.". 11"·0',, thll' JlIIC 2.14 pilI\\' U"DIPROVEll II, ,Jm',,'''' night at Wa,n"1 g , '\

I: FI~~~;~:~·.JJ~~i:<el."B. '\'~~[I,'e"n""el"'dm AlliHwChalmers \VC tractor EXCEPT SI~GLE ICRIB I hll J\ 111(' l' _0 j,OX l;~ I W~~~~F Aut~l~~~p~;~ton ~rN~ .' .• .... AIIi~-Chalmer~ C tractor Located nOl"lh'& w('st ()~. Wak('-

.. \. T .. ('ayanllu~h/Wayne fl('ld. ~ICE' luyil'lg farm, ~ood :;(111, MEDICAL BILLS New Idea One Uo'\\" pickE'l' m'lI fC'n(,pri and well rntajr'd.


Wayne Air Service

it .;; , I - orne ....~) CHICKEN FOR DINNiRl

Improvement ... Roady 00 .al 'n only B 10 ~


113 MaJn St ..... t ' lifO"" ond 0.", .. , ,~ Company ~:·~:nr.~~; ~~~H'~i~~~~~ ~

Phone 616·\V I . m mj!7tf rAYNE PRODUCE

- ~-..!....----~ ---- -. -------~----

~--! ~~~~D' , •.• for

Complete Service' AND

••. away

, Completely Satiijied

Fuelb~rth GriessfRexall


Sioux 'CitYiAuditorium

Sept~ 25" 26 .. 27~ • Baking.Contest \ I

CQ. Pbnnp 281

• Co()king S~ol ; 1, I. l'elevi~GR ISIJoWJ

'. Fashion stew e: D(lor Prize~ Don't miss l-hi4bi;e~po~itilon at th~ Sloth City

. A:~it0rium: '!j\vo bili: floors' of, exhioita; schools andentertairiment. National 'per~nalitie8 to ap· pe~r includi~g,Aunt Jemima, WNAX ba1'n dance, Schall~,r;popeofu,qu"en and'oth<!rs. PI'ah· now

to ~ttend~~i~I'·:a~.~}~~nt. "ft' r 1

. ~"N6 Adtni •• io.i <tharg;,· '

Faj-m Hand with hay bas- ,l('n'S in iil- F.mC'rgrncif'<; play no :fnyoritC's. i

I !D\:-;sol\- ('om(' to us with your prohlems, I

{et and ~'fanl1re Fork I ~{'als of So\v(' lh~m with H canfidt'ntinl A!HH Chalmer.-; 2-16 ' loan from thl' ('('ntnd Finance

mo t I WI) I ! (,orpnI"Rtion. BOrrOr or. your lin l'( P O\V car nr, housdHlld fu ·niturr.·

Allis-Chalmer~ Roto baler f I Alli,·Ch"lml'r,2 row Central Finance ,

.mounted picker I New Holla~d t wille He Corporation

baler 11.17 Nor"f,nl,k Ave" Tei!C'p-hone 350

1\1 anun' ~pl'paclcrs }~;~~t _____ ~o~~~~~~b--,":~~ _~ . _, ship. 111\,C'o,tnwtlt. I bAIJ~# rlwn",,~N.I!

WAYNE BUY ONE OR ROTHlnrDl ' . TV ..... ,.,".. Jl""'" IMPLEMENT CO, BOTH FOR INVJ:STJ!,lENT IWA';"'~ ,t1 Il7 S Main Phone 1,,0

Hattig':-; A,1'inual Spotted Poland China

.BOAR SALE will ;)~ lw~ FHIDAY AFTER­noon, OCT.', 10 at tlw farm. Selling 50 head of the best bom's

~~t~t~~ii,";!'h~~~~~:l~'~RY d~~: ~~t~~CC~~rttegee '1;~~nd~en~~~ Write for catalog,

Earner Hattig&,Sori fLaurel, N,eb.·.


160 ACRES - WI~SIDE A dCe'ent <;(,t of hUildrngs, on graveled road, 1.(. mile t ~chool. REA. :)~ acrt's 10 alfalfa' balanc(> in corn and st ubble-, We /o.\'il1 sub· mit your off('l" at $1:1;; j){'r 'I('I"(".

;Po,"s{'ssion. i

~I~ ACRES - COLjRIDGE' The south :l10 acres i. 'l\lnotiy ! silt loam and thf' nort ~ emf is llght. gl~nunrL Buildings <II"(' ~Iee <lnd II 1.<; lin gra\'f'it'ri ,nd .lust 11~ mil!'" from tnwn. \\'f' think lhat ~Hl.l :1(')"(', \\'iil '11I\lY this


1,200 Head of Calves

800 Head of good Hereford steer and heifer calves 50 Head good Black Angus steer and heifer calves 50 Head calves, Hereford and Angus cross

, 300, 'Cvof::sbred, "Calvts of aU, classes-

i \ :~f~~l~f t~(~l:~~~~,e~~~;k.d ~\1 ~;1~~J ~~~v:=i::~ and congigncd i,ryJfarmers and rancher~ of the ~;tll rounding territor:--'.


FOf',flJrther,infarmation write nr phone

ERICS~N· UI~~STOC~ARKET Et'creonk NebradUt

au;:" '·· ..... ··lIi ~s·" -', .~_ ... !' lUI" ':t;~l .~

'ClSSJlO.l$;"~SI"tll TANIS;; , Clerined;mid:iIkOfl1'ize"iMilflle'~' Way"

QUleKl .fASf1 jsJfEl "NEXPENSlVEl! AMazing new flrockrcfl'J~mir dry powder,wllh water; pour Into disposal. unit. Safe. Nb "poi.DM Sove oCiiggiag and flumping 'cast •• Banishes offensive odors quicker and easier than ever beFore ••• for len moneyl Thousands of tlalisfied uS,er. everywhere.

AT • "'.~ .... ~~-> .......... f'"

Sherry" Bros:·' Produce' lOR

I . ,. W,th "-

Owner,Reference RhlS ;','Written


* 19>5.Q· Ford Custom Tudor

Rnrlm Alld 1-[f'I11f'1'

L(lf':ll ()nf'-flWnf'r

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Custom Fordor , . RadlD fi.tld H£!.ater , Only dnven 3:1,000 mill'S


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*1 'YOIllR!




'NO .. RISK 10~DAY TRIAL! with the



ele-rtric shnve~ in your own h~Hne,on your own face-lUul love iI-or relurn it for -instant -refund of .,very penny you paid!

<§.~ --~ ~


Y B' ENI!A "t~ that big broad bonne~ is the When extra power is wanted in a hurry reason for this hcadline. -'. -the "rcserves" swing into action-

, It's a four:barreled autoinatio-'carhu.: feeding extra fuel and extra air in an , retor-Aii-power hy Ill\mc~which has a ever.thrifty mixture, which delivers the I way of'gu)pil)giin what the. diction-ary greatest horsepower in Buick history. •

'f-'" - d~1ines'as'~as.uddenbiastofwind"whe,n 11 .., h k' I • - his is one of mally dlstmctIolls t at rl extra: power IS needed. ' '".. f' par 1ng and slo'w.~otton maneuvers, . endear ROADMASTERS to me·car • - d f 'An,4 the ~aythis gorgeous performer! owners. and stIll let you fee a prou senscr 0

"~"'" 'ca. n'ste.p obt.:as this OC'curs is somethl'ng I command and a 8ur~ sense of control .' It's a car as rich in finish as it is in h h' h' ' " rou'll always remember. " on t e Ig way., . '

- "" , " \ I power-a car of expo ansive room-rest· Ih ,. • - 'd I'k I t " .,'£' . 1 b 'full ere S lust \>ne gucstlon,we ~ ~ 0 :', idr o~dinai:Y.' driving, two barrels are ful sile~ce ~ leve 111 gait - ea?tI Y sk: When are ~ going to come 111 atid

~'~ !' "n you neled."., and two barrels are all responsIve to your mood and wtll. enjoy the ride -otyour life? I

;:"';!l~~,tlre ~orldng. They givt you an, And it offe~s the eff?rtless «:as~ of Equi/',,,,,,',4ccm.,;,,},;";m,..,Itn ••• ls,,",..w4clI. "extr,a tl1rlfty, flow of fuel for round· . Power Steermg* especIally engmeered cbAnge w;,how, ".'i ... '011'#'0841., oxl,. COl' ..

'.' ~~et~it,.i:t\~! Ify Buick to save your st~et;lgth in aOAD~STllR ..... sutBto11' I

• - I I \' 1'1 J I

, . . '.' I ' I I I *. HE~: •. nt&. AI.iT .. OMOIIL .. Es AlE. IUil~ IUI.Crc ... ,., WILL IUI .. LD T.HEM . I _ j , I"

:1I'I'1'D·r,ZMOTOR I .. ~.", "'1) ....... ~.,." ., ......... ' .. ' ... <=. \" ",,',-. ·····':V{AYNEiNEBR,tlSKiA., '" I . i, \ AIN

SiR.d·~n For efficient seed storage, tie or glue \l,atchboX9S together, and label front of each with 'name of I aeed wi thin. I •• and tor an efficient shopping trip, first locate the prodllcts and services. you need in


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h~~j~~ 1 IICEI/. :,~i~' . CA.LLAW"V

/~f;; thick chenille •


On. 01 In.,,,. at.lullT .. 1.cttH!, ';aIa,·.t McDonald' •.•• pranttR I" :';VfI ~ou fh8 .Hmotf lor: 7quJ' money.

Non-slip Lalex b,ack

~!~" 1ax30......... 14d •...... '.7.

Here', bright cotor, lolt luxury for your bedroom.

" for Ica,tter, rug •. throuR~" out yOW' home. Made of heavy, long-wearing loopo twist chenil1e. firmly an .. chored on a ndn-slip Latex back. Washable. in 3 ,izell and many lovely colo~ ..

Velvel ch~nllle rugs wllh high pile ~ borde .. , loop fringe 198\1

La~ex-bacl~ chenille. rugs 10 fll \.

I ~lfQ 30xSO

those awkward Spat6J :3 . 98

Size 24x45

W~at ~ value! Large size velvet che-nills scatter ru~ with thick, wide high-plla bar~erl and long twisted fnnge aH arolJnd. Many decorator colors. Latex baqk. Compare anywhere. Save.

Striking combination of high loop pile and low cut pile chenille, Pretty oval rugs in teautiful colors, budget-pric!ecL


Size 24x<t6 ••.. 2.98 Size 30x54 •• 5.95,

telanese ;'Jlyon mar­quisette' ta"or~d ·peinol jI:~rtCllnJ of fi,?e~t~ug~ construction. 1 I, t d • hetUs. 5 II bottom ( ems.

.\4.2,,_111' , ... , ...... " ..... 9.11<. r2X9!1 ......... ~ •••• 1.1,9

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