The Illuminati -In Todays Times

The Illuminati

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Illuminati , a small presentation by a college student

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The Illuminati -In Todays Times

The Truth behind Satan/Lucifer/Baphomet? There is clearly something here that they don't want you to know Between a !oat's head" an in#erted $entagram" the %&&&% hand symbol" %'e#il/Beast (orns% hand symbol" and e#en the %)ll-Seeing *ye%it's hard to say the Illuminati doesn't know a thing or two about %Satan% This is why people always conclude the Illuminati %worships Satan% $lus combine this with the fact they're willing to kill and %dumb down% countless amounts of people" +ust so they could stay on top of e#eryone else ,ithout a doubt their plans are %satanic% But here's one -uestion" aside from all of the other signs/symbols .which are commonly associated with the de#il because of the bible/ why is *gypt's *ye of (orus/0a / %)ll Seeing *ye% associated with %Satan% .known as %*ye of Lucifer%/ as well? That seems odd doesn't it? 0a represented the Sun and (orus represented the son of the holy trinity .1siris 2Isis 3 (orus/ )lso" if you actually study the origin you will see that the %)ll Seeing *ye% originally represented %4nowledge% which is interesting" because %Satan% in his serpent form decei#ed *#e into eating the apple" which represented a %5orbidden 4nowledge% ,e also seem to fail to e#er ask why is %Satan% represented as a goat a lot of the time? ,hat's the real origin of Baphomet? .research %)strological )ges"% more speci6cally the age of )ries to begin to see why/ )lso" note that a goat" whether male or female" appears identical" both with their horns and beards This helps e7plain Satan ha#ing horns" and the androgynous nature of Baphomet" which is also called the %!oat of 8endes9,ho 0eally :ontrols the ,orld?;5ear will continue to suppress and ensla#e the masses until they learn to rule themsel#es with the power of lo#e )s long as humanity looks towards others to rule them they will be continually ensla#edLo#e is the )nswer9The %Illuminati% was founded as an *nlightenment order mostly composed of intellectuals" philosophers" etc" with gnosis or gnosticism as their backbone opposed two main enemies abo#e all< superstition and the abuse of state powerThe fact that we use the term %Illuminati% to point a 6nger at some %secret society% is kind of ironic It's pretty ob#ious that if anyone were responsible for all this" it would ha#e to be the ones that controlled the ma+ority of the money in the world%(e who controls the money supply of a nation" controls the nation% - =ames ) !ar6eld,hen looked at like this" it's not really a big secret or mystery who's at the top here )nd while I could +ust list out the last names of the %>? ruling families"% it's much more important to understand that it's the idea that continues to li#e on that must be o#ercame in people's minds to be able to e#er say something like" %,e defeated the Illuminati% @ot try to %o#ercome% any indi#iduals" but the idea almost identical to how the pyramid on the back of the )merican dollar bill displays >? layers of brick .representing the foundation/#ehicle/ to support the Aoating all-seeing eye .representing the idea/ )lmost like saying" %the idea is abo#e us all%)lso" it ne#er truly made sense how the %Illuminati% could ha#e done all of this" and by %Illuminati% I refer to what history tells us that)dam ,eishaupt founded a group of highly intelligent %freethinkers% that sought to impro#e the world through %enlightenment% in Ba#aria" !ermany on 8ay >" >BB& %Illuminati% is the plural of %illuminatus"% which means seeker of illumination/light/enlightenment for the mind(ow could a small group that wanted to keep it's membership secret wield so much inAuence after all?In a way" the history of the %Illuminati% makes it sound much more like the rebellion from %C for Cendetta% Then I happened to stumble on this website"5or some reason after reading this supposed %inter#iew with an illuminatus"% it started to make a lot more sense to meIt is hard not to be reminded of the %Deitgeist% .or Cenus $ro+ect/ mo#ement If you ha#e e#er seen their6lms on EouTube" you know that they are trying to dothe e7act same thing dismantle the %1ld ,orld 1rder% class of hierarchy" and replace it with a %@ew ,orld 1rder"% but in this instance" one without money entirely )lmost like how %Star Trek's% society was portrayed )fter studying both of these replacement systems" it's clear to see that the people that came up with them are trying to create apositi#e change in this world and then we ha#e the current %ruling class"% and the change they are tryingto put in place for their own personal bene6ts" instead of for the bene6ts of e#eryoneTheir 8issionF@ew ,orld 1rderSince >G?H the Inited States one dollar bill has read"%@o#us 1rdo Seclorum% which is latin for %@ew ,orld 1rder% Before that it says" %)nnuit :Jptis% which is latin for %(e appro#es .has appro#ed/ of the undertakings%To learn the truth research< The Bilderburg !roup" Trilateral :ommission" >KK> :lub" 8a+estic >L" Le :ercle" :ommittee of ?KK" and >? 0oyal 5amilies) great book to read for more information is called" %The True Store of The Bilderberg !roup% by 'aniel *stulinThe %@ew ,orld 1rder% is the term coined to represent a %1ne ,orld !o#ernment% It's 6rst attempt to be assembled was after ,orld ,ar I .the war to end all wars/ when president ,ildrow ,ilson announced the League of @ations" which didn't raise enough support and failed ,hen the Inited @ations was created after ,orld ,ar II" the term was hardly used in fear that it would cause the Inited @ations tofail" like it's predecessor the League of @ations The ne7t time the term was used was after the :old ,ar era" when !eorge (, Bush Senior made a speech September >>" >GG> in front of the I@The $uppets