The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural Revolution

The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

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Page 1: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural Revolution

Page 2: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

• 10.3: Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan and

the United States

• 10.3.1: Analyze why England was the first country to industrialize

• 10.3.2: Examine how scientific and technological changes & new forms of energy brought about

massive social, economic, & cultural change (e.g. the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli

Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison)

• 10.3.3: Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities associated with

the Industrial Revolution.

• 10.3.4: Trace the evolution of work & labor, including the demise of the slave trade & effects of

immigration, mining, manufacturing, division of labor, and the union movement

• 10.3.5: Understand the connections among natural resources, entrepreneurship, labor, and the union


• 10.3.6: Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it,

including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism & Communism

• 10.3.7: Describe the emergence of Romanticism in art and literature (e.g. the poetry of William Blake &

William Wordsworth), social criticism (e.g. the novels of Charles Dickens), and the move away from

Classicism in Europe

Page 3: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is


Students will be able to:

• Analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution

• Ability to connect the events and inventions from the Industrial

Revolution and how it has affected their lives today.

• Explain the beginnings of the industrialization in Britain

• Describe key inventions that furthered the Industrial Revolution

• Trace the impact of the railroads on the British Industry.

• Describe industrialization in the United States and France

• Identify the effects of industrialization on the rest of the world

• Describe the evolution of democracy and how it differed from other

economic patterns

Page 4: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Essential Question

• How did the Industrial revolution impact

the world?

Page 5: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

What do you see here?

How would you

describe how the

people are dressed?

What are the people

doing?How do they seem to feel about their work?

What might these people enjoy or not enjoy about their life-style?

Page 6: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

When watching the video . . .

•What was the Industrial Revolution?

•Why did it begin in England?

•What were the positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Page 7: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Film Clip: The Industrial Revolution

Page 8: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

What did you learn?

•What was the Industrial Revolution?

•Why did it begin in England?

•What were the positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Page 9: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is


The shift, beginning in England in the 18th century, from making goods by hand to making them by machine.

Page 10: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Britain?

Page 11: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Britain attacked France and became involved in a

long war.

The French navy blockaded Britain and forced the

British to produce more food.

Napoleon became emperor and the French armies were victorious for

the early 1800s.


Page 12: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Population Explosion• England - huge increase in population in

the late 1760s.

• More people need more food.

• The French blockade meant that the British had to produce more food.

• Large landowners chase small tenant farmers (renters) off their lands to try to make the most profit from the increased price of food.

Page 13: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Britain starts the Industrial Revolution

Natural Resources• System of navigable

rivers and canals.

• surrounded by harbors

• coal, iron, and other fuel

• food sources

Population• A population

explosion gave England

plenty of workers

• Large population also

meant a large market

Technology• Inventors that changed

working life

• Roads and railroads were

invented in England and

helped transportation

Money• England had a bank that

loaned entrepreneurs

money to start


Page 14: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Industrialization and the WorldThe problem with industrialization was that it demanded a

lot of natural resources.

England could not continue to provide all of the natural resources the growing factories demanded.

The people of England could not continue to keep buying all of the goods that the factories produced.

The answer was to take over the world and bring in natural

resources from other countries and sell them factory-

made goods.

Page 15: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is


natural resources - iron and coal

separation from the European continent kept them out of wars


trade encouraged and population allowed to relocate

helped build canals and roads

Social Factors

British society less rigid than other European countries

Colonial Empire

supplied raw material and provided market for goods

Advantages of Industrializing First

no other competition for manufactured goods monopoly on technology

In Review: Why Britain Led the Industrial Revolution

Page 16: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

In Review:

Industrial Revolution starts in Britain?

Page 17: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Britain’s Agricultural Revolution

• The large landowners consolidate

their property into enclosures –

land that is walled off.

The former tenant farmers that were chased off the lands during the period of enclosure were forced to move into villages and towns.

Results: Shift in Population

Many found work at home making textile products (making wool, flax, and cotton into cloth).

Page 18: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is
Page 19: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Britain’s Agricultural Revolution• Increased technology and new

inventions make the British farmers the

most productive in the world.

– Some examples include: Plow & Moldboard,

Seed Drills, Machines that Harvest

Results: Can support their explosive population

Fewer farmers can now produce more food than ever before.

Page 20: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

The landlords started crop rotation. They would change the crops that they would plant in

different fields to make sure that the fields retained their nutrients.

New crops such as corn and potatoes were introduced

that increased the amount of food that Britain produced.

The changes in the way the people in Britain farmed

resulted in huge increases in the amount of food that the

land produced.

Page 21: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

Agricultural Revolution

Page 22: The Industrial Revolution in England & the Agricultural ......Britain’s Agricultural Revolution •The large landowners consolidate their property into enclosures – land that is

In Review: THE Agricultural REVOLUTION

2. The Agricultural Revolution

A. Enclosure Movement

i. landlords fenced in common land and used new

farming technology

ii. peasants became poorer

B. Crop Rotation

i. fields regained nutrients by planting different crops

C. Other Discoveries

i. seed drill planted seeds quickly

ii. new crops: corn and potato

D. Results in more food and population increase