THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. BY M'CLAPJAHAN & DILL ATLANTA, GA., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1863. VOL. XIV, NO. 272 Mi B. IMStMku'-ta- Hli Mil tttrtirr tea atw aad tsarw sf MoOLAWAHAK & DELL, wham aU MMi aa bonais. ar UtinrHi ilmM teadarwaed. Terms el . Terms ol IdTcrtluiBf . All atWti Italian ant 01 be rtHTTi twe dorian par te to tSternwd at tin rata af tap at at th raw of tweaky-O- v at. per Use. aa4 al attar aoi af central pnbii u Jhat advei Our Loeatiioa, uu m JPeca-- al tur ana the Went loiBt FtaJli-otU- t IRUlJHKfttf ' ev the m1il'rt0E. or t W1 mtd hart i en a Antu the JOB PRINTING OFFICES fits 9ayatfma.tr meat. aad are .- - fct JOB LY i)aSOBKT!OK te Tawing Ajbmt work aft mpastac, and we ravit the attention ef cjuor- - getori; tbareta. E Wi have, alee, large Bint of wmglww paper as htmd, suiteb) fcv tb amcsi work. Orders wtt be preaytdy MM by ex ooriooted McCLABAHAB A DILl, Atlanta, O., HHafimi ji, Ala XO PHINTEK8. w Win f8) PVSfBASB A GOOD JOB PEivme PRESS, It 8bBst Uku Utter raft. Gowoa., Of BOW Otto food potest Apply at ABFatAL OFFICE. Atlanta, Ga , ar job tones. 0-- 8 Mitptg.aw.aw. Ate ftOTICF, ataaoaaaa ana hi Lottteaaa in Artsy erf Tn i, aad the frtawda. wi ! ana a u atartat-a- . OwtU to rwtrtr ard f ward r aaa t a) ealiad fat Ji IJITTBRJ P SK AOE3 r arUataa af any e.ariptkr. Adaraee ata Dapot. ear fM. Laos Vac Baste, Marietta to-g- T. t. CIJ.T. W" tw' Paali in ii T iia1 nit R awwif n NEW DRUG FIRM. THi ncdw-itgsw- d having nowl'j naarckase tha e,tJ,lwturt, oa Wiivaail km rfW.l T00 a CO aaw ,. lf.r lot a. a aaoet vaiuabia and bow HinUn af XrmgM and JWedirine, latlatin a tt. tj af oUr artel- - a.n. r : ani fa wwil awppaaat arag Maiea, aaa awtkft a akara r.r pablie 1 11 1 1 L. a Ma.AJt at fM. Atui., nnsmsir la, lad W,aa uaatfalaaaa. lata o'nnliii 1 tfea dW. kav aaaj aaa aaaa aiaaaoaaaaat aa af th. foraaxiaf Mr. L a. Maal aaa a mm: MtaaaUr rwwaaaaaad tii ta ear aM friaaaa ai ta aaUki a a aafa, ral.ahl. aadakillal araajft't aaaina f ttirasfnl tLa aaaawat, aa4 wmnbj tar caaK.a of faaaUka tmi aa.atanaa. dSaMICUTT at TATLOlt - f Im 1 AA UEGS SODA for sale bv i UU I S. MBAD aV CO " I II fllsMtl 1 II I I f 111 IJ L. S.MBAD eV CO UtM Im. Qtfpern for tale by L 6. MXA9 V C0 4 be at, i Tartar ter sale by 1 8 MXAD A CO. Quinine for eale by la. 8. MBAB A CO lOt oamees Sulphate Merphine ft tale by I.. 8 MB AD a CO. . a- - v . a, 1 wv . , 1 a aw paajtaaa aoorae arenas au u L. S. MBAD & fit) i bhk. Borax tweak by L. B. MBAD A CO 1BWP lha. SiltpHaT fef ttee by la. 8 MBAD eV CO. Saw iht. Ohierotertfl for aaie by Is. & MBAD A CO Saw lbs. EasrTieh tl mr Hit by la. S. MBAD A CO Mast fr tale by L. 8 MBAD 4. CO. Oil, in swathe, for sale by dell im L MBAD A 00. KENNEDY HOUSE, t. 1 oni aaatwil i VraaUaa aad Baanflten ' utr. ita. la aaa of tfc aaaat alaaaaaat larl la tea aaa tue tha tm.aUeig aahti wlu tat It kiWraic aat t-- "f then. T;-.- a tU la lwj. taraiaUit Hth fa b ts aaatkat ifwlt Oataat er ta St sat I af tyre paraenj wa with tt at ta aeua. te iiliai plans, rii It arasM W wail a raaaajti WASTE T liftE. rrtHal taaartetl tart Soath Carttlaa SataMaat 4ot I Aaahtaaa ef tlnas tut the earaaM rear tar JZLT-J- Jl. Ui' KM. TL aaatr-- r la . ..,.w. i Maeta trjm ta. triai as & tata u fM tk. aa arvea aad t a ta ia Murerir ZI Tt . ara latta-iaan- u aaBKaei S. Ir atttiailt le ta Ure StWttg aar , . a:iami w. XAHVET BLAJ1MT. . ,i i. ik. i- -a ml AUaaia. anuttaaw at eta I . ZZIZ: .i. boJi o tta oiai ra et Brett;! W aJ H taaa pitta aetai atatM tat -J- jj, - Uoautiattaa tlaTCaaaat, Kertetta atrast ttlaa t. eta. A. WITMIi S&tPOOiV, HsrCatMt BBal Mutlavstarefi, traAx. sttvf, TaMee WtStttttf Maces 0. gaflg Sf est iraOM THE AH it If KDOIUB.J JBallrr ia Nartelk. Adrieet from Norfolk, to Thar day last, ttata that Major tigv Bmrroaeha, fa Cooiaderaio off off 'lie was cap t and a tar wet-k- sicca, had heen iried and eoudmaed to ba hnag, bat had boen pard aed by Better on eonditioo of bit liticr tbc fa;a of aUcfrianca. The widow of Vi- W rifbt is not dcae, rot has era of hi i daagbters lost bar raawo; bat lha rami' ar is paeoaiary distress, aad ara aeiiocs ta laars Morfoik. Botler has issued aa order fe- aturing all persou halding any cmci! judfea. jaabOM, sheriffs, lawyers, pbyticiana, teacher, etc., to take the foUowmfoalb t "We, whoso names are taswanbed heroto, de re'emalv swear that we will hear tru9 faith and allagianee to the Uuited kiukUs of Axerica, aad tuf port tits Constttatien Ihersof, ja.t s: all ene- mies and opposers whatever, whether S.ates or icdindoAii ; and we give cor soleaau caiole of hsnoi- - ( :c be enforced aeord:i rr to military law) that we will held no correspondence with, ar at-- J teru aiu at- - cemurt to, tay aenaiias ana eppu-se- of i TTuitrd States, save as an act ot bu- - aasity. fo administer to the necessities oi s who are Ui stcknesa or distress ; and we solemnly declare that tbia oath and parole arc take;, ari g v, u fraeiy aad wiiinly. with Oct any raantai reaerralian or evssiou whatoTar, acd wi h foil intention to keep tba same " Ad acts, doiafrs, deeds, fmnrotnentj. rocords, or cert. tic tes, oertttied or attasted by, and tnm-sectio- dove, parloimed, or made by any of tba persons shore described, from and after tba 16. h asy at Decanber, inst., who shall not have t:ken and eabseribed sach oath, are vStd and of no i fact. The following it the remstodcr of the order: It imvicg become nscsuiry in the jadgaoeut of the C0B.m&ndinf geseral,M a "pnbii ." to dietii rutau those who are loyal and well disposed tovard tue O. ve.-na- at of the United 8:ates from thoe who still h" a alit fi- ance to the Canfederale States, an J itmple tin.e bavin? been (riven to all cithtsns ferreflactian upon this ntbject, and tnl! pronctL a to person and property ot evary citiseo with- in this department having been sffor Jed; and as there can be ne each thin? as neutrality ia (iue War by asy est ten of tie United S a. . ; ant? ta ne enemy cf I United States ought to leasin within tie protection of the Government, ex- cept as a prisoner of war, eitber on parole or in eoifineaaenl; acd as no good and loyal film an do anything rather than those things set out is said oath ant! parole : Me it art fear erefersat, That all peraans ever heictofoie ettisaas of the Uoited 8t&tes, taking or g any iavor, protection, priTiiege, passport, or te hve money paid tuoa, property or other ra.tuibi? bing whatever delivered to ibtra, or asy htnefit ot the power of the United States tzteaded te tbem except protection from nersouai Tjoretce awast take and subscribe the said oath and parole before their request ean be heard or anv act dene in their far r by any oQ-ea- r et the United States within this department, or they can paiaue, directly or indirectly, any jscie, bnsiness, or calling (except manual labor foe their own support;) and all cesirscte, sales, conveyances, ecu, and transactions whstevtr, nude o: done by and with persons who, having bei a aftia S oi the United Sutes, and living in ism eastern part of the State ef Virgin a and the Scate ot Worth Carolm, or cither of the States ta rebellion at the titer- - ef their secession, shell refute or oegket to take and anbsciibe said J i i ,i i : j i c . ar . OaL.7 paru.e, atlttll uv- vuiu auu Ui uu cuov.. At th pf'vwl csnrt, ana at the several provost marstel meet, bocks will be opene1 and a proper tinea? fill be present to admiatister the proper oath anj ptroie to atry prison desiring .o take the tame, 9nd to witness the subscription of the same by the party taking it. Such til cer wilt inrsusn to cauu pwsoa eu iaaug uu certidca.(, ia lorra folia log : snbscribinat a - . rr . . , , , ui iu;k" - . m . i hae taken and subscribed the eats and narole reenlr- -i by genersl orders So 43, for a - ' ,r .. J : J. : - oya! cit sen et tae uciwu oiaxi iiuuig m m Stae rvet in rebellion, or who hat tympatfaitad with JW seceiing Stele. IBfmedi By " morel, ' of hlijOr-Oe- Botltf. (Ofioi;.) R- - S. Davw, Ms;, and A. A.. lir.ai(i's La ts Akmt Cosrt, ) Dpt. Va an1 K. V . fit; Hcrree, Vs., Dre. 18, 1883. 5 L AU lian.iiH erf 'property of right of prop- erty, real, m xed, pereont, or iaeorporeal, except necessary feoO, medicine and clothing, either by way of tale, gift, pledge, payment, leaee, et loan, by any inhabitant oi thi department who has ret returned to bit or her alkgianee to the Uuitixi States, (baring once boen a citistn ther- eof are forbidicn and oid, the persou traua. fernf-- and the person receiving ihall be pnn-ieh- by fine or imf.risor.raei t. or both. II All regSaters of the trans far of eertib' tatet of stock, or tharee in any incorporated or joint slock company or association, in which any iait ot thjt department who bat net re nrced to his or ber allegiance te the United e)iatc, (having ojee been e eirlien tbereot,)has any i lerett. ere forouIJei-- and the cl tk, or ethe- - rffijer, making or reading the tranet'er, vrill bv h. Id equally gnilty with the trawlerer. By ccmmsBil ot hl'icr u?n-t!- i Offieiai) SL B. Da vie. Maj. tad A A- 0. L! Jt)OL' MeiAtlB is Nkw York Tbe N.w York HtnU, in a lengthy article en the sabj Gt if aeauationt, remarks : Out of pure lore tor rrestueut inonn, w tried te make a teneatioi! anent hit metsage the ttaer day, hut tve tried in vsitv. lUfere thu war we usee to print an extra 'iiion a. uuu ie w thirty tUotand eopiee ef tio iitrali con'imag the Prtfadettt't uintiga, aaa au ,utt capiw ware bought up iike hot ctket by the eager pnb- - he- - On Meotiuy wt eotaec me nrsi ewpy ui Mr Liocoln'a mettage by tf'.egraph. W pnt- - editfirtt, acd had our extra ready ?;e onr a eepy ce'etporariet knew what they were aboct 'fne newsboys were notined hy tee ctii- - latin that tbe mesoage wes in .town, veil, vjc printed tour bandred and eighty copi't Ot Hip A M .1 IJ L...l-- ,l A aaesige. vt tnoee we r. i w eigt y c.sist te the newsboye. Undetibtedly we tlninld have been ' ttnek," (te the newtbeyt ela' iicaiiy rferaee it,) with lite remaining three hundred, had not a countrymen came woej- - .n tier aich ef time tad bdeght tbe wholt bitch, oa a venture, to dieptee ef cn hit way hems. We tiate every rtasoa ta believe teat out coun- try cetstofSer tinp ernly repented of bit bargain. This Utile incideU it the f ttoogeat preet we eoakl predeee of the complete iaiitta nee ef the public. JSf Mr. Lincoln tutorsttd the actor Haekttt that hit favorite pity was Macbeth. Hecei-taiol- y ,teerit to have studied the lines abomt making a pmmise to the ear and breking it to tbo hope. His procsematioti of smntty it a ease is point, A proper document ef that kind would have ended the war ia a month; bat the ocm te aaa jatt issued insures itt contin nance te the end cf bit term cf eftc. An amnesty a to the hope as weil at to the ear, thenid leva Leeu a peace offering aod a pardon; this ooe is ; prevocatiou and a war cry. Ntm Yrrk WotU. The KicaitoitB Provisiobi Makkit. The - mi tha CbAfitttoa Mtratre tat s : 'Sirtf tbe mafttoattm was knocked ia tbe i... a k ;n.'n,.fintia to itaaTrtainaT agerts not ilk .nnt-lie- i oa th way to market. iv..k. h. h., i. &iet flatted with veei- - toc. duekt, geiwe. tttrWte, Si, oyetere, mutton, , , - r ' Mamtaktaa. Prttet .r. v;.t, v,,i fr.fre . . la aa aJtemcUisCe to cat and " 'fc- -' - - - - - cj thuag.ji oi tamiae. W wish our people, tay- - tit ftarar nah Dald hs made to leant that tht reaxi- - mom it ' kiiucked ia tbe hedv in Oeorg t at well at ia Tirgfaaia. There it really so dtflL'M- - ty in tedir,g tuppVtet to taerket, aad if eur ciactert and farmer rotate to do it utter tl.'t asttueBoe it will be clear that it result from other saunas than fear of the iatiprrttrilg tfllter. iy Matty of tha Yaokaa pa pert hove ptb-Usa- the sthoit of P resides t Davit' mmitga Tb ltw York Travtrae thinks that I", betrays MBBt-- ri est) the like. It tod th Yankees Taaraily, however, can hardly believe a mar te .e in earnest smites he isdolge la brtmdocio . 4 rhocotnootadt. They can hardly diuiagsiih k.. weea a buliy end a gcaOamaa, or hew a men may net bet without btattr a ceward-- toa Yaikv aowjpopev mta tapteWly.-Ja- teu Tniet;. OOMsTKBSKATK STATES eXUII8. 8UATK. MoxdaT, December 21, JSC T'ie Ssaate met at I! o'clock, M ; Mr Hontsr, of Virginia, iu the objair. P:a er by the fitr. Sr. Deaesa, of the Methodist chunh. KOltM OT CAVALBTHEaT AID TOBACCO POS 60U)iSM iflMsHALLV. - Mr. Osssatjaesi, of Virginca, pneenteal the fol- lowing joint retoiut an ef the Osnerai Assembly of Vstaajnta: That, in the opinion of tblt General Aesem-hly- , the Congress of the Confederate Suites should, aa tstesi aa practieable, ere vide by law for the Increase of the cojnpectstion atliowed to cavalry on for the use ef their horsrs in ser tnoe, and that they eBonitt be paid tbe actnai valce of their horses when such horses are lost in ctrviee, whether killed in actual battle, or loot from any of the ee sanities peeulitrly inci- dent ta their employ men t m ttid tervice, ed from ordinary tarvise and aee, if the i iti.ser in coaiuiand ef the tempany will certify that inch lott waa not the result of on the part of tba owner; and then Id ana tirovidn tor the itsce of rattens and tobsc- - ee te the oSeers and privates aad gtosie rations te roaumusoned itetofsed. That a espy of these resolutions be furnished ts.i-- 8ena;ert and Bepreeentatives ta C'cagrtte. Ag-ee- d te December 18, J863. Trie rasolotiens were ordered to be printed. passim HTs roa sbnatoks aid membkrs or THE HO09B. Mr perton, from the Judieisry com rait tee, reporii ! baek, with art amendment, the bill te protest Senattrt sad Beprtseritalivet ia Cos-gre- ss from annoyance when traveling in the Ceefederate States, Th j bill, aa amended, wet pasted. The fo- llowing is the bill: Tha Congress f ke CmftttraU SMtt ef Amertf dm oaaet, That it shall ba the doty ef tlie Seeretary of the Confderat Stales to fur- - niah without tpplieatioa each Senator and in Coarrest a certificate, 'indar seal, setting forth tbt etaeial character ef such Sena- te: or Beprtseatative, and inch certificate when exbibited, shall entitle tht parttn te whom M it issued to travel, without ether evidence ef any kind, in all pent of tbe Confederate States, ex cept that it shall aot entitle him te visit an army or vesreW-w- j egaintt the ordert ef the esrarcandiug cfCcor thtreof. The bill te organize forces to servo deriag the war was taken up, and, on motion ef Mr. Sparrow, ef Louisiana, itt further eeaeideratien postponed. Oa ma ties of Mr. Sparrow th So Date Oi SB OF RBVRBBHTATIVE8. Mr. Silks from the Military Committee, te w'aena, wat referred tht bill making all parted liable to military service who art cow exempt therefrom by retsta of having famished retorted tht following. A bill to ba atduxdan AM Waaunt it isw la relation to anbatilctea : Whereas, Through frauds perpetrated on the ev' tamtut, nnder tht clanae ef the ac: ap prevtd April IS, 1S62, which graaied the pnvi-Itg- a thai ptitvBt not liable te military duty might bt reeeived for thott who were, our anaiee have been deprived of the services ef en neetetary for the public detente There- fore, SrctloB i. Tat CangrtM ,' (at CanuUrtU S'.nttt it tnazt, that in all cats where substi- tutes, received uader the proritiena ef the ehove (or any o jer". law, have d started, or shall be.ro-a.'t- desert, the ebiigatiaa of the principal shall revive epon the desertion ot tbeimbtti'.nte being ettabiitbed and attested under regulations to ba preicnbsd by the Sseretary of War. So. 8 In ail cases where a substitute hat proved cent for the discharge of the ordinary dat es et a soldier, by reason of physical or meaal inoapaeity. existing st the time he waa reeeived as a tobttitate, the obligation f th principal shall revive upon tueb incapacity being estabiithi'd tad atteated nnder regulations to bs prewiribed by ibe Seeretary of War. See S. Iu all eatet where a man, who it a labtutuw, would be liable to enrelimtatt ter mil- itary service under existing or inter e laws, if ht were not already In the army, the principal Is hereby declared to be subject t inch otr ail- ment The bill waa ordered to be printed, and will ctnte up to-d- (Tuesday) fo; aontidctauoa. THK tAtPRESnsUXT LAW. The following bill, reported by Mr. artrtU from ;:; Judatinry.etmmittee.en impruamtcts, wa. takcu op for consideration : "A bi'l to b anitUat n Act te anaaat an Act ra : ad an At ta realat inipraatnats," nparoved atarst StiU, 1BCI, and to repeal 'La Al aaaenuatory ttcraaf, rrprov.a Apr CTth. 1860. Seciion 1 Tat Ceagraa j tht Can; I trait Statu ej .4 me tea s taatt, That so much of the tbove recited act at autV ria;s tht eommit- - toners a:poiatd by tbe Pretideat of tbe Con- federate bitttet and th. governors ef the differ- ent JIM "I to fix the prions to bo paid for prop- erty impressed, be, ani the samo is hereby, re- pealed 8eo. S Tfcsit, in all eases where property is impressed far the ate of the army or navy, or for other public ate tader said, act, the tame tbtli bo paid for at tho tint of stid impress-mea- t, acaerdiag to tbe valuation ascertained tnd determined by loyal sad disinterested citissni et tba city, aoaiity or parish ia which the may be made, in tbe manner asd ac--c rdiHT to the regulations provided in 'he firat. seeend end third sections of the abore recited Sto. 8 Whenever the olhctr making the lm- - pressmeat ef property, aader tbe act hereby amended, shall believe thtt tht appraisemert is iti( and juat. be shall cuderte his approval upon the eertilcate ef appraisement, and make pay. meat aeeordisgly ; bat if he shall believe that it it not ftir and just, then he thai refuse to ap- prove, and endorse the watont of hi refusal en the eerbState, and thaU have the right of ap- peal from the decision oi tbe appraisert by re- torting th ttte te the eemmitsiei.ert appointed coder said act. to which this U an amendment, for their decision, wheee jedgsstet ihall be Cnal, nd i the mean time the property tball be held by the effl er impreewng tht tame, who tti.il givt a receipt therefor te the owtr. gee. 4- - The laid eommittienert tball have power te tnmmeti and extmict witnestjet, to enable them ta fit the vaiua of th property tm-ui- B ted wbich ahtlt be the vilae of the property at the time aad pltee ot the impreetmeat, and sole euivoisejd cemmisstoneri tball horeaf- - tar b te fix tbe valae ef the property ia cases ef appeal, tuo all tneir oitet aunec are uercoy takes away, and when the commitsiosert tball iavtaxed the vat a ef tha property in eases ef tppeal. they tball fumisii the owner and efScer with a tta tern tat ef tapb value, which tiiall be wild for aceordingiy. fC 6. Thtt said eommigtiotier ihall be twefat ipifJifnlly to diteharge all their dntiee urtdcf thi at ed the Bet to which this it tn amendnseBt. Bee 6 Be it Junker ancud, That tbe est amtadstoty of the above recited tat. teproved . i , aaa i -- ;fl L ,.kn April in, leva, dc, auu ta aatuu tm m. j pealed. Mr Qartrell advocated f-- ptaatgt of the but. He reviawad ttt provisions, and drew a pera'iei -- etween them and thote of tb origidal at '. Be eeid thtt the whole principle of the bill waa, that whenever th Shtv rouses t shell impress the property of aa Individual it r.htil pay the owner fair aad jatt oompest ttioi- - a co npenta.ien fair and jtit at the time of the impressment The comraoB courts of the eot urry held thit to be oely jatt where oae party appropriates the property of another, aad thi wat all the bill provided for Mr. Poet ttt tbfit it htppenod the ethsr day, more perhomt, by ntddoat tbta ether its. that ba bad the htaoc oi trit bringing to tb publio view the iefitaad ttsts of pablie iotUag ir. corn of tht et law Confederacy la cousectlta acth tho unpumnuit t act and tht decitiouot the tuarem eonrt of OtsorgU, declaring a ceriaio rortloB e1 the aet to be naoonttttutional. Ha now toe merely to liy tUt ha had examined th bill reported from the eommlttee, tad bad islkta into toratr riasw m.ivH,- - wat will tetianed cirtamttaccet. ing thtt tbe bill now before the Hoese, with ttt art end meets engrafted upon it, wid well aceom niisk the two great otjeobi which wt ail deiio to attaia lit. tbe tupeiy of out gailtat armie with ambsiateacet Si, tbe prevention of tht oBpretiioa of the agneultufal elatt which hit beta heretofore taott rtaisly oxpiienced. should, tboretore, give to the metatrre hi beauty supnort, end at aid act auejttoo tb propottuoa of tht member from Georgia, (Mr. Clark,) whe Mst u to ttrikt out the section pfovlutBf wr the donbls fight af aspetl, urt (h pert of th O :vernmont, of'tbe cTtTteB whose pr.pat flity chance to be ImfresseJ. The retention 01 that saetion, fr the reasons o prn.eJ'y ttatetf by the henorable member from Alabama, (Mr. Dsr-gee- ,) he was wTi eaiielto was i.ttite necuisarry to the wtcleeoato and tfEueat action o: the rs te snre , i i i rtt ii! ZietaY j mr Mr. Wright, of Tctas, tpoke ef the evils end abuses that bad been committed nader the im- pressment law in his Stute. Qecu M'grader bed saned an order, in last July and Aagost, enc-thir- of the nlavst of owuart, and it thsy wen not delivered at Sis time, and in the manner epeclled, then one-ha- lf of tbe slaves were impressed. Tbe const ousace was, that at leaBt one-ha- lf ef the wheat eron of bis State whs lest from this impressment of the negroes. While their labor wat torsly needed ts rave am) garner the wheat crop. Gen Baagrnder had '.beta transporting the cotton of gpeenlatert to the Mexican bordor. Mir.y of the owuart bed even lott tketr t.aves by their etctping over tbo Mexican border. It bad grown te be an evil again which the people cf his Stat cried eat, tad ft wat hat a part of a mu.ttry dofppiisui that prevailed ia his Statu. So odioru had this military depotism that no one could tecs the people wbe tin Jert .ok to support aad dofetrd ft. As things are now managed, the merest official, is bis Statu, down to a post quai termtster, had the right te impress slaves. 3. e.al aiMnnimAnta lanrn maHa tnd th Kill fir-ill- passed Tbe amrodmsBas adopted were of an .'ramatcrial character, and de set affect tkt general p incinkt sad provistoat ef tbe biil, exctpt to far us tbe right of appeal it girts to tbe owner ot the roods as well as to tae trovern meal; and thtt evidence, by deposition, ithail bs competent to establish the value of tht good impressed. A BILL TO CtWTWL'E IS 8ERTICB TI0U IR TUB SERVICE. Mr. Miles, from tbe Military committee, re ported a bill to continne ia tervim all trcopi now in the Army of tbe joarsarrtte eitatei Mr. Mite taid that this wa a ateuatvr of ex- treme importance, and demanded by tht publit exigencies Tbe conseriptiou law had made the the term ot itervi-- e tar trtree years, aaa tamt time on d rxo're in April next, hence the neeettity ef tome tagiilation. Ualaw tome law was pasted continuing these mea in servieo, tbe army would beeoraa disorganited. When out goldie's knew that it wat to the interest of the eouutry to de thtt, that th safety of the nation required it, he ton attnred that he would not hear one word of discontent from tbem. As chairman of tho committee oa Military Affaire, ht was free to tay that ha was smlrty opposed to a reorganisation ot tbe army. Thi wat hit positiea, and ha wat willing to take the pousibiiitv. He could appreciate ta desire ei those sudor crsei and tyrannical officers for a reorganisation ef tha army; such a desire wat ptrfeerly tattra ; but he believed that tbe ro- - oxganittatreuef our army at this time, and in lbs face c; tbe enemy, wuld lead to itt demor- alisation. He bad always believed it to have been a fatal error in tbe pe.iey cf the Govern- ment to have grentsd to tho army tbe right of reelecting itt tfiiorrs. Ht believed that it wat product!? ot more aaatchief than good. In thit, at in ail ether things, bit partmaast object wat the honor ana m erest ot the Ueveriuae:.; Mr. Game I , of Georgia, offered au amiud-man- t ta the bill, to tbe effect that companies hattalliena ':d regusontt tnall have th rigfci to recrgemts, by the eiectiaa of their commit siosed tLd field GaScorb, at inch time and ander sash regulations as shall be pmacribod by the Brcretary ot War. Mr. Baod made aa amendment that tho Ken- tucky tro.'pi bs permitted to mouat themielvat tad become a par; A lbs cavalry. Mr. Foote offered aa amenameat, is tab-stanc- that the companies, battaUtans aad regi-- au be authoriaed ta racket their oflMert. la capport ef bit ainendmen: bat said that ho bad oHefed this resoiutiea at thit time eietw in ef what had fallen from tate aaombtr from South Caiouaa. Ho waa ready t main- tain, at asy auitahio time, tlieugh he had bo ot expressing ail bit viewt oa this tabjeet at preacat, uat it wooid be enaaently proper to e.Uew ail oar oa taiieuc, rag menu and rompeaiet the privilege ef cheat, ag al tiatar et fiotrt. He hsew very weil mat, is the bsgia-ris- g of tho wer, it augtvt eery piaaubly be urged, aa in point of tact it had btwa, thtt the toldiort, who were then mostly straagem to each othtr, mould aot be curtain, ia til eases, te chjctt at i fli ers those beet qualified to com- mand ; bat ; t u far from being tiie eats at prat-ea- t. The ttfi:r k,ew the toidiait, asd th tddiars kwe the ef i- - tbt raok aad ti e ef the army hid exercised au oppuitaaity cuy ettimauug each ether. He maiutaiued that '.hoy were more oampe-tt- nt to choose their efhtert thaa asy one outside of their owu orgau.xatioa ooaid otttibiy be. They were generally men of intelligence; tbey wer all duaaguiabed tr patrietit ttaling, and their reteonab,e partialities, and vea their st prejudicet, wert otilied te lesp.ct. Thty would fight better under tfaeert whots they could r aspect and trust, aad to wheat they were ffoctinate!y attached. 1 assert, taid Mr. r co e, that it it quits at importest to keep up good is the army between tbettssaeis cemmanui: g and toe to.dier iu tbe ratJtt at it wat to luereaee the numerical ctrergth ol the army. Be body f soldiers wocud fiht with the fullest srgy tad tuccesa under etfiuert wfum they hold in eostempt, er have foasd te be is those gieat moral quabtie which mak up the ta.dier't aw oaaraetor. Sir. it it overy whee regarded at aa axiom in military affairs, that the commander ef sol Hers who finds himself to have lest the confide sue aad kisdly regard ef thaa labjaeted te hie au- thority, may siwaya take fr granted that the fault chit fly lies at his own door. So thought Kapclegn: to thought Nelttn, the Napolcea ot the Beets. Our vwa experience on thu tab j set hat beta, of lato, matt melancholy asd meat instructive. Let us piofit by it, te far at lout as auresmttatvses wiil admit. Whenever thi great qacitiea shall eoam beftro ut mere rags ltrly tor coBtidaratita, I promise In meet the member from South Carolina, the chairman ef our Mi'itary Committee, with both riaaen asd authority, whioh, I am sort, it will be .rather difficult for him to mett. THE F.tMIUKt or POOR 80LDIBR8. Mr. Chtmbliu tffored a resolution that the families of soldiers ba permitted to purchtsi pro- vision at cost priest ot tha Government one ratjen per day to aeh member of the family. Mr. Chtmbliss tdvooated th reeolntitH. The itmt privilege wa given to efilcart in the field; and, indeed, to many employee ia th Qjvertv tnent departments, who were rtcaiviug Um-fol- more than tbe peer soldier. Many of the fami- lies of atlditri bow in tbe service wer poor many of them ia extreme indigene their heases bnrnad and devastated almost upon the charttaao of the world. Congress should tea that thtat fare iliac did not tufftr, when their haebaiadi, tons and brothers were tfi fighting tho battles of tbe country. PROVtSIOR FOR THB WOt'STJEB AJT BISABLED SOLDI I R The tpeeial order, tbe bill providing for tfS-et- n aad soldiers who mty htve become woand- - d sod disabled in the military service, was called ap. Tho provisions of this bill bar already been noticed by at, and reed not be tgais recited, ttpeemlly a a subt'itute ft th whole has been efftred by Mr Bead, ot Ken- tucky, snd ordered to be printed. The substitute was ordered to bo printed aad, with tht biil, to b placed eu the comadar. totLL, RggOLpTIOBO, ETC. A bill, by Mr Gray, ispplemenmry end amen- datory te the see leotrstioa tot. A resolution, by Mr. Bisselt, that the Jadl-euer- y eommilUe inqaira into the exoediancy of lasfitaa'.lng all no tee of Stale bemks held by alias aiiitot. A resolution, 17 Mr. Bros, tbot Beat. Buck-ne- t, Prettoc tr.d Wiiliomt bo iuvimu :o toate in the hall of tbt House. PRKOOBAL EZFLAKATIOtT. t ! fc Mr. Foote rott to toy met ho f mad himtaif etrant-ei- v mit'enreteutod in th YauJtst Con- - green; a member of thtt body having, tat other lay sai 1, as he learned from certain ntwepaptTi, thai bp had taid here, on a recant oooftrhtB, tl a tn Northern sfitancre had been Breltroated hero la rerard to enoolia af f'otid. SVr, (taid Mr Foote). I said no tttohUmtttji smd that such wat the accuaatiea p'totatad against n hv th effioial of the Yauhtt Gavrrom a', a thit atcoBSO'iao was, to seaa extoat, aoaarer.tiy tot, Mud by a certain efitaat doortaaatat which I rv ia my place, tad 1 afrnd that the truth or falsehood of the allegation should bo oh oaes inaaired into, in or 1 ler to viadtcatt the honor ot o Government, tht high Sjtie, oi wtocb, I wet oar, werenot eogufirant et ituch ri eut-rag- e upon the ruie of mUBMity, bod it eeeorred 1 mm babtty now to tay, what all hero know, that this ntject it et this moment under th ciosett scrutiny by ordtr of this hfenae, and we shan eooti know t'ie whole tiath ot thrs tfftir. Tn Mtttte tamt oajeniA ; ta M am ! oiT"t' tttto eaptamt em ti t Wednesday, Daraomwr 53. Prater ly Rv Dr. JJuccan, oi (hi Metho, pit thaicl. COXfBOMkATR riKARCata, Mr. O.dham, of Texas. tBhmiited th fellow-in- g retoiution : ' ffesyW, That th erjmm'tme on Finance bo iattrstd to isquir into the expediency of to amaadicg the act of Cangrttt apprtve- - A r H 1861. ebtit'ad "An act to levy tacts for the common defense and carry en the Ssverameni ot tee uentederate Siatee," as to prevfde for laying aad eeiltcting taxes for the year letJ4, to the amount af million oi dollar, to be levied upon tbt tubjsctt of taxation as tali wa, ttf-w- it : I- - Upon bU treeeaty aetet rlmigatlatd by the Beeretaiy of th Treaauty as genraUurreney" c.a'Ptanding on the Sit; day of January, lSdi, ..tawi. flfry Hr ceiit S Uaostall ether trtiasTiry aotet and call cer- - t.hcat.s, twenty-St- e pet oajat- - i. Upon ttU eigct per cent. (Jonltderate botjmt, twenty per cent.; noin evn ner oeat. bonds. fifteen psr cant ; open tix per cent, bonds, tea par cent ; ai.d upon til otovr bonds, hve per i eeut. 4. And. upaa all other tutjec's of taxation specified in taid act as will be arffis'ent to raise tht aforeeoid turn of milliont, gradicg the tame in proportion to tot, ability of the classes taxed to pay their aiseeimstiL That as a ma at of sustaining soy now ino of Treasury note; wiiieh may ba ratdo hereafter the propriety of isttrtiug the following itipnlv non oa tam aot : " inat ta same shall re ceivable iu payment ef taxes aad other public duet, at tneir eurrtnt ratne; and tbt- - toe itmi shall bo funded by the holder in the tix par cent bonds ef the Government after tbe publication of notice by .hs Becrefary aj t treasury. iatr o dham presented hit viawt on be qaet- - tittia tren-rated- , tt some A sketea of his remarks will be ixuertod in a subsequent r . n. - f SWEET POTATOES. The Honto bill to tsth nxa producers ef sweat potato in tbe year -- 4S to make com m- utation by the ptympnt cf the money value of the tithe wet taken up aaa passed. DBBTRurnox or property. Mr. Soairow, ff?m the committee ea Military Affaire, reported bkck tbe bill to repeal the act to autberiis the dettrustiea of property as a mili tary aoccstiir, wi h a roeommsdanoa that it at not put. The bill wts placed upon tho calen- dar. ItTLrrsKY R3PO3T0. A rotes sg from tho Preiidtat wot laid before the .snate, transmiuiag tht mpiru of tbe optr-- a lent of several eommiudUig tfiS jars. Bsferred te tae etmnittec on military ABiira TUB Qtf ARTE KM ASTER'S DEPARTafEKT. A aisttkge from the Prasident wat laid before tbe Seaote, trsntmitfiafT s eorticoniesitieiu frtm the Secretary ei Wtr, ia retponse to a resolu- tion af the banate relative to tbe qaartermaoiet 's dsoartmeat. Tas erimmnsicatier. trior rewyt.- - ing tbo term of tbo stid restlu'ien, tnd ttaring that the resolution had boen referred to tbt War Department, proceeds at follows ; A. C. Myen, of South Carolina, woo ItectenantoloraI in the quartermstet't department in the army of tbe Oontedsrate States, lfith April, 1151, aad gave bond at tuck. lo tha eerretpendaae of tot department he is td aa aetiag qaartermastpr general tub. e qaentiy to that date Tbe law ergan'ting the lirpartmtat gave tha ernarttrmaster general the auk ot cilonel, but it was not tepposod thtt tht rank wat coaftrrod by too law apoa the ttsior ott ef the department en doty. Thtt rank eeuld only be given by nmtaa'.ioa and c etrmation. On the loth Febnst y, IS63. Litatoatct Ceioccl Myers wat reeomoaatided y the Saciuaory of War for ueminatiea at fsi-l- "A C Myers, n isarteraujter gtaorr.l, to bo eekreei m tho qrjiiarmstert dtearmc t.' " Th B?mnatafl i wot submitted to the 8iiata Oi fo lowt: ' A. C Mor.". 0f South Carolina, qatrtermas-te- r general, to be oedooel, tc take rank frtm the dot of hit eonflrmstiou," asd ht wa confirmed roe satce data by lha Provitiosal Congress. Sir.ee tt.s date, Colonel Myara bat dUehargcd tb dntiee of quartermaster genera) f tho army until lit was relieved from duty without having given ay other hood. i lastatt; Oa the 20th March Latt, on aot of Congress was apprared ;!' "An aet U amend aa act for th aatablithment and urgaois .ttvn of a gtntral staff tor the army of tht CeaJedtr&te attateo,'' waioh provided that trom and after the passage ef thu act, tha rank, pay aad allow-anae- e attached to the office ot qsartermastar general ef tbo army of tht Centederate Slates snail be these ef a brigadier gen aral ia the army. That aot is tuicaatihle ei two enastruetiaau. The cae assumes Celea-- 1 A. C. Myen to be qoartermastsr-genera- l ef ths army, and eonferi span him additional rank, pay and allowance!, eqaivaleat to thott of a bnrt ef the provisional a;my of th Con'td- - erate SuUt. tae uutmltOJOliin waa ioaimitstbto oooaait it lavelsatd a viotatlen of tbe Oesatitatitu i. - other it that Coagrest, ia view ef axistis; c toppased that the dt)tiet of ma Uaartertaatter General would be mora benefi cially exercised by an ofileer having the raak, pay and a'iowancet of a Brigadier Gsaerai ef tks Provisional Army. Trit latter was rcgaraed as expressing tbe intent of :hc ttgitlsUvt de- partment of the Gtvtrument. The prwer t usminate, tud by cud with tab advttt of tht Senate, ta appoiut ail cfSoers of tbe Confederate Stat at, whose tpptiatmeatt are net otherwise provided for by th Ceattitu'.ioa, or retted by low tn tae rrasttsnt atone, ;u tat oauro er law or tbe heada of departments, it coafidtd by the Constitution to ibe Presider.t. Under tht construction fi.at meatijced, tht tct it ia cttoct aa appemtmeat by cocgross tt be a Briendiar General, er an assiarnmsat by it et that oalser to the perftrmaac af tbt datiet of Qiartermsster Gtaera', with ths raak, pay and ahcwauMt t one, ana wou.d ttiat mrtive tbt atswmpUao of a powtr committed te aaother department ef the Qtvtrnment. ThaeoBitrua- - tica latt mtnuoaeo it etniisieni wita mo v.t a- - itutien. renders the act aperitive, aad tmpotet a duty up tht President to rill tbe tfica ac- - ctrcingto ut ctattuoas ni tot act. The r reatcent is rtqairta upea wtu estat- - hsd criaeiplcs to adtpt tbecti-itrucuo- a which would render tba acooerativ, aad to reject that which would ir.nttt tl nugatory aad void, if the quettioa hit! boen contiaerod daubtful it would have been so.ved ey ttte rotemporaateas conitructioa givou te ike act by he Legislature, as thown by a aominnnit&ti n address, d to tho Prctideut, and re.'enea lay htm to urn Depart- - meut, wii.ch is torewttc cominuattate. A. K LtwttB, of Georgia, wat appelated brvadiet gnnerol of the proritioaai army, April 15, 1(561, under sections of the aot ot CoagTttt approved Morah 6, 1861, authorising the ippointmaut of general offioers to brfgidus ana aivnians of volunteer oae was eon- - firmed by tbe provitiocat Congrats, Angutt 59, letti jas win appear y in rtcoTal oi the pro visional Coogrest. By tpMtal oroot Oi the 7th August, ISM. un der the act of Coatrrosa ef tks '28; a March, bo- - fort quoted, Brig. Ota. Ls Tton wag assigned to duty as quartarroauur general, ooti was CirecUd to estor apoe the duties of hit ofitoe the U'Us of that aionth. Brig Gen. Ltwtan has bees ptrftrmlng the Ubeo of qiurieimtmtor-genera- l of the or-'.- uader tha! attigemeat tiace its date. He hat not gtrsu a boso, tad none wot rrqi.red of bim. It uo; t'tc atagi J te Git ar art sat oi tbo tailed hutti, balers loCO, to loquiroo bond of the quotUrtaaster-geaara- l, nor hat a bond been rtqairei of that offiser aadtr tbit Gavtramtnt. He it sot a disbar ring ,fi!;er. has no custody of ptblic money, audit is aot tappoted that the act of Congress, requiring a bjud tf effioers ia the quartermaster t depart- ment, tppuca to the q'lwtermatMf gcneial, Betpoctfuily lubmntod, Jambs A. Seodon, See'y of War. The eommuunAiaan rtierr 'd to is the Beerr-terv- 's letter it dated April 28th, U3. and read BO feliOWi t jtBtiW lilM BtttAC To Hi Extailraty, toe ITtstdaat 8m: W beg leave, rtspeotfnlly, to reeotn- - meud Col. A C. Myers tot tho ipnatttrnf t of brtgatma-gtmtf- tl ot the head of tho quartet sutttMB diBiiitaawfit Wo tbmk fit hoi thown WaWkm K himself able, honest and diltareat ia the di- - chn'ge. of his retrrmtui'V.e aad ltbotiou r!ntie. and tamt nMatOrf in boarirr? eur ttotlmtmy to hit tervitjea asd hi merits. geedby svoty-ai- membert of CofigfTM Mr WizfaH. cf Ttira. e in,menie4 a! iOH' J sidtrabre length opm the staUtnontt ht tht Iratry'oktatT.smaJtho ftats itt relation to the I quartermasier't deportment. He cited tht low y thtt department to show that it sttouM coutbt of a qatrtirmaater general with the rank of colonel, and various sabordirtate To tbo Iqtiiktiva rlirrswt of the Oovexament belougt the right to establitli tfii-ce- t uot ettablithea by the Constitution. The duty of tbt Executive it to appoint pera-it- s, with the advice and constat of the Senate, to fill thote e ffiett. La this ease the oauoo created wa that cf qaartu: master gaatral; the rank ef a tolosel ef cavalry. The President appoiattd Col. Myers to tbe ofiiee, tnd, the ao'ainatien being eenhrtaed by the fSamtte, Ctl. Myen be- came qaterjoxatter gatttral. He wat never n iminatcd to tho teaate at a colvnei of csvelry. Congrees did Dot consider the rank aad pay of tha office tufixoirat, Md.Atofflng to pay a tea-piims- to aa efheieat oScor who had otgarueed the dtpartmeat, it passed tho set deeltriag thai from and after the passage thorecf the rank, nay and attach d ta tba t& a o qaarteraBOotar gnal ohaaUbo tkmt cf briga-- 1 ia the ptevtsiual army-The- re is a vagueness about tbt latttr of tbo Setretsry of War which rtnders it difiloslt to underttand what he means, and he (Mr. W ) regret bad that tit Proei itat did not rep!? direct !y to the resolution of the Stasia, to uat we conld hsvt knuwn clearly the reasons which nv IuiimqiiI hit aetf'ia ia tht matter . If a vacancy ( exalted ia th r bee ef Qaartcrmaeter Gsaerai, it was tba duty of the President to send ia a nom- ination to th Ssnate for filling tbo vaeanay. This he has not dtro. No man ean read the Secretary's letter aad oonciade whether a va cancy cxittt or not If tbt efike is vacant it becomes the duty of the ctfieer uext ia raak to tha C tartemtatUr Gtnerai to discharge the sm-ti- aa ot the cfBce natil tbo vaeanay it filled. What authority did the President have for Brigadier-Ge- n Lawtoa to the discharge of these dut'esT (Jan La clou au eooti rated aa a Brigadier General to command volrnrteofo ia tha field. The Banc te hat never agreed that he thoold discharge the duties of Quarter matter General, Mr. Wtgfall re'frei to tbe atttoa of th "Tidied States Congress in 1347 in assigning rank to th oungoont in to army to show that conferring raak was not construed nudor th old Utrernmnt at the croatien ol on tta s. or any mtirferenea with tho rigati of the He argued that thit action wat precisely aaala- - gouii to the action of tbe Eft cedcraU Ooagrttt in relation to tht qnarfrmatier-general- . t n. Myers, he said, it quartermaiter-geofral- . Thera it no dodging the issue. Ht was commtesioaed tt scoh. If he is not qmtrtocmtotar-gtoera- l. then the cfiee ii vacant, and ttt Senate has been derded the constitution! ngk: to oonarm or rtjaci'hiatncccttor. A itar further rtmarka by Mr. Wiffa!!, criti- cising tbt aotita cf tho Preatdtat ia thit matter, the massage add arrmpaayi:.g decaov is wer referred to tba emmitteo nn Mil'tary AU ia. The Senate then went into sec-o- t IrgU.itiri acjicrj. and toon after adjourned. OrSTE OP REPRESEBTATTfCB. The House mat at 12 M. Prsytr by Sot. Dr. Burrows. Mr. Lyons rose to a personal explanation. He alluded to tba report in tha moning't issue tf tho ffranttaer, of the personal remarks between himse and tho gentleman from Ttcmeeseo tho provica: day, da-in- g which thoehair it uportad to hate said, "The doarkeeper will take the gtntiemtu ." He would call art the eliaix to statt whether it gave inch ao order. Tba rpoaktr taid, beiieviug that the authority of the chair wai about te be contravened, h had called the gentleman from Virginia to order, and ordered him to take hit seat, tut had no reen! lection now of having issued ony erdtr to tbe doorkeeper. Messrs. Hilton, Chamblies, Mi'aa, Dargea, Sextos sad Gaither, aach lastoine 1 .ha conaot-bsu- s ef the Exmmimtr't report, and stated that the chair used the extraction, "lb doorkotpof ," hot did not complete the senteevee Mr. Lyons aaid that when excited he was lia- ble to utt expressiaas that ho would not use ia calmer moments. Tha rule having bees, suspended, th Sea it bill far th keaefit of Kentucky tree pa, wet read a third lime and patted. The bill provides thtt tbo torn of on million dollars ihall be appro- priated for the parchtae of clothing sad equip- ments for Kentucky troops ia the tervice of the Cooiadtrate States. The Sonata biil to protect membert of Con-g- r ii- - from annoyance while traveling, and re qjiriag the Stcetsry of State te furnish each member with o oartiiotta of hie offioiai charac-t.t- , and aiiaw them to travel oa it, was tokeot ; ap. , , Mr. Clark, of Georgia, moved te amend by including tho ofieora tf each Hoate. With-draw- Mr. GartnU, of Georgia, aueved to lay It oa the table. Mr. Welch, of Misrisstpni, could aot porcoivt tho necessity ot tho bill. He was nawiliiag to admit by suy tort ot iaoiication that each a certificate was aeortiaxy. He never traveled en arftmng else tha tho cert fitate of hu cfii-cto- '. euaioolor tram tbe Secretary of Stat of MiMimrsapi, and wat unwilling to see any other certuiaate. Mr. Gray, of Texas, thought mem eera of Ctt-grer- t should submit to aoneyooc at well as other citizens. It was a matter merely of indi- vidual convenience Mr. Dsrgtu, of AJabaxca, dtsirtd to know by what aoiboiiiy aay citistn was roquirasi to ob- tain s poitport. Where wo tha eoamoa low or tho statute authorizing it f It woo aa act ef military tytoaxy. Ho weald aovor carry a ta from the Secretary of State it would break nil baek. Tb bill was lott. Mr. Masse, from tho otmf trtttea eatsatattta oa the diiagreeiag Totet of tho two heutcaia rskt-tio- to tit pabde pristiag, msved tkot the Houeo reeede frem itt ameadmtt.t. and niftr tbe matter te the j lint tomsiittoe of the two hcatoo ; tho metiea wa adopted. Mr. Boteicr, ot Virginia, sabmitted a rotola-tit- n iastracting tht ewtmmittae ea Military Af- fairs to isqair into tbo expediaacy' of a Uw to temporarily till vieaaeice csattd by ttt capture of ofiiooifB. Adopted. Alia, s tetolaiion that the tame committee re- port what ieglslr.tion it neeeittry to mahc t4jc-tea- t tad strgeaat-mtjo- r eligiWe to other m iregtmeau is caaea cf extrtardiaary et raltr. Adapted. . , . Mr. Chambbtt sub Bitted a lesolutiou that the Haute adjourn en Thursday, to meet ea tho firfth. Mr Gar tra d moved to insert Ttttaday. Tho rastlutiea aad amoadmont, n mot, on of Mr. Atkist , were laid on tht table The unfinished basinets, being tbo bill re- ported by tho committee cm Military Affairs to Iliad tho tabttitutt low, waa takea ap. Mr. Garirell, of Georgia, taid the nccsotiiy of prompt legiilation to increate th army, should bo rteogaisod. Tbo bill coder so astir) ( atioa did not meet tho qaottion. it preteaaed a grave qtacaea of eenttitatiaati right. Ha thought th the tamo object might be at talced by laeommit-tia- g tbe bill, with iattroctioa to increase the military age frtoa 4A. to 8 or SO yean, tees from 45 to tit) to ooaa.itato a resrv erorpa and all between IS Bud 45 bo put irsujed lately in the Grid. Mr. Gartrtll tatawdkBrly istrrdaeed a bill to aathoris tbe Pfttidtat to coll into tho service lor uw war. ail wtu to ta; twteo th age of 1H acd be yean, tho the age of 46 aad 5a. tt ejtastmtute a ro- -t rve carp, and to do garritta duty, sic, and all bet ret 18 and 45 to be put immMiateiy ia the field ; alar, all abltvbodi a mea ia the qoar arxsattr tnd commrsxary dssartasamU, niter bmreaa, ott ., aad their placet bttapptied bydltv if ablod OOataVvn and eaec over tho Cottsertpt ago Ht thea taoTed to recommit the bill aad eaatarl-tatBt- s. ' '; , ... ' Mr Steplst, cf TL-gts- is, oppotstd tho attrtioa and advocated tho iJiMWto t the gttstlemaa Uota Lcuiriaua He wanted to strike at tho rtet of tb evil, ana plto all on aa tqaal fcot-in- g Bvery effort to treat dittiattiont would r?odast d.rtatialactioc. H tutmlaad the cub 01 tutate of tho gaaataaaBSa froes lolBioiatm, ot) tbo pnacipl of atateotlty. Bvery man in tn any boJtZc right to daataad tbot erery Otsitr able-bodie- d man ibeahl be pat ia also. Congress m may grant exaaantioas ac a net r of pablie oeliey. bat bo maa could obttai it at right, a hi aima'd break, aa tha syttem , f diloili si oa eaontoai twipd and atodtfy tU wtmuoa law. Thit reform, with tb eWfiOO mea vim htve niootituttt, would .nab e ut to ttrika a blow that would reatound tkrctxrbecrt ChriHaa- - dcm. Utttttooboaajstliati ef iismpiiio bytab- - ibtattoa wat aorogaiax; he had oeen mtorsrttal and t trsd tire army weald mntiny vihea It Few the magattade of ths arm satt IliitMW, bat St30coi btte batta saixted in tho bofdt oehoti of tttassnoBO. Bvus reatt b coxrotted by th ii.uiouao ot exnerteeoo. At hit weald enjoy tbe benignant blMetings of tho Geverameut wheu tttoco was tt'tftnef. It bt ooata each one to bear his shore of ta war. Mi. Suasion, of Scam Coram.-- , said th itsuo ef ths tucooet or deetractioa of tho Seathera peopie would depead on th coming spring or oammm eampaiga. Ia the too in wduoh ha BU aot btuevo .he booth would be susjagated, bat ths Berth will brisg tut all iu powers, and It become us to do-vt- ours There went bat tore unlaws oa which we should raly. We at sat) knag hate th field alHho hetna thu i of tttrhteca aad tortv-tlTO- , or ti.aao orer tho Utter are. Wo must do this or bo tvactiste Diooottia had al ready era: uken at , bat It ooaid not be attributed te tbe troat of valor m our to n. era er the stoat of thrill iu onr gsaerolt. iheugh ia 00000 Sign it might boooriag to vh latter. Th cbbo of e difnfTff was tn wont ot mea. a wts to ooacea! the fact that th South was nu snerioaRy wusker thaa th Berth. Wo needed Mitteriag oawrnteu ana glaammg otmros, tad Coorre"9 would prove reereont to itt duty if it odiaurued withett ttrantrthezriSaT tbt army. He wat unwilling to coll out thaa over forty- - flve; the agncultwtl elemeat mast not bs weak eased, as the ana? mutt. Beat aadt eaouee at well ao fight. Hmidrtdt and toouttntis had ueeu lett at homo heuaatie it was Believed the mmrosM of tho country rtqulrod it. Thtt had proved erraaeoa. Secetiity now deaioaded thty thaU-- i besaa: ic. ward to the Sold. Why thauld aot tscot who tod hired cabstitatet be put into tbe field else7 It may be ausweied there wot a totrtract. Did the Gevtrnmtnt arree that aaid contract, if thcra w; ecte, the aid bo oottaal! Tbe Government ha a pttrfitct riht to break op this trrtngemeal. it may bo necessary Uat iter? thou, iit tomo remunefa- - tioa. Let tho Govaruaeat pay a jatt propor- tion, aad it will bo lubivgated to tho rights oi tho fubetileJk. Mt. Simpscn then tfiered an aaoondtnent pro-vidi- that when any principal thadl be called upon to evlTO tn tbe army, cat-thi-rd et tha autOBBt atari to hit saaoutau tball be refuadad, and bth prmcipoi and substitute bo retained ia the eenriee. Mr Fa n so , of Virginia, opposed the amend- ment, and argued at length against tho employ-me- et tf lubttitatea, but admitted t.r war henerable exception ia bth elaaiai. Tho who hodemmioyed subttitutto wtsemettiy tpeo-aiate- wh had fat taued oa tho oxttUrtax cf the coBBtfy They were net entitled to any Oee haalrcd rarlliort d!ian hod been paid thai Ihey might rjjy the privusg of tku!king their cuty tiid tcnk.r g at tbe riteU of tho oetxatry. Hn icmed that there was aay an- tra tt in tae ease. Wt won ooir 1 upon aew to cooserk th pwr ot tbe ceautry, aad erery prirciyie ot duty required at to ooe it. Ho was sort prepared t sty t what extent tb strength f the cool try th mid be colled cat, bat bo Waa prepared to tay that we should exempt only tueb as were obaa'.utely accessary to feed thtse iu the field rvVVt Mr aitbet laid he L: d as diffiettUy in toyiag thtre wis no contrast. The iml.td tei.it of the ofrvt rumen t wt notnin? mom thaa that they thcnld ba exempt aniti retretotty reqoired the ervieet ef pemaapaio Thi tmplteo loith was ttiocger woea oar twelve montos man aero d. It wat strong : when we propose to rh three ysari men for tho war. Wht eonid betiutto to pat a nriac.pal in tae army, who hot been out a ; the tmw, wbeu tne preeeat oaaditlon ef tht country ; equina1 itl He did not wont another conecriptiea until it ooaid bo as-- carttiood new aaany mea could be obtained by a molificoteoa of tba exempuoa law, and iriac- - iag into the fitld thote eagaged in the varkas sB : th Government, th trades aad profsas!et. There wer mere man detailed than hod been uetupud. It would ba astound- ing to to what a Urge camber had beta for dutiet that could be pttrformcd by st grooo, aad disabiad ooldiers. Mr. Hartndg colled the qnottioa, whaait was nitijatd Mr. Gartrell's mofiou wis loot fwiillia reerurrirg en tbe omeudmect ct Mi. Clark, of Georgia, Ho wanted Congress la wteiitrt by law that bo one ibouid act in tits qaartermattor, commis-aor- v tod other departrnrnti when mea over the conscript age could per team the duties. The dettila htvl beta given as a fcvor to tht iedro d rial, and aot far th oaneut ot the country. It was disgraceful to permit individuals oi tat eon iftiptage to ismx their doty. Ccnrraetw he power, aad tccaw oae 11 tixe man, and at oaee. ice tovri.i:-- i nt aad a rigat to toe acrvicev. Bad, V aeed be, to ths blood of citiseaa, of very ge. ns oopec tnat, tnre ooje urn meat, a bsB would be brought forward to cat ea details, aad bang into tb army all tblebedi-- d men in the qasrterrnatter, eoirmis-sar- y snd ether dvaorrneett, befbr mcnerribirtg the army, it not at dene, too army wooid re main saasrhad, but sot otherwise. Mr. Ktitan moved to amend the inoatitate of Mr. Coma 1 by providing that nothing thertin thon'd Be e TrstmcO as to re'ieve tbe trrrhttituto from tay inability ansumed by him aa taatt Mb-- ati'.ale. Auepied. Mr. Busooll moved to add to hit sn tiiltatofor the fiiat acctlon of tho coBMaittee till the words, tbia wt tball eatitle substtatos to be ditehorgod- - Latt. The qceettou recurring tn the BohttitaU of Mr. Co- - rod for ths who'e bill, Mr. CbiUoat i to amend to that thu set should set affect persons whe ore not liable to eesaariptten, bat bad, nererthnlrsa, mrn K.ed substitutes. Adapt 0. Mr Carrie move 1 to slrtki oat th word "bert- - ofter" iu th tumtfitate. Carried. Tbo biil t Mr Conrad, a road tb third time aad passed. The yeas asd nova batmg ordered, tha fellow in.r f.aLemeu vated ia the affirmative 1 Mttsn. Atkins, Beii, Boteier, H W. Brace, Chambiiss.Chilion, Cnitman, Ca:od, Garw, lbt'b, Onrrj . Ml tract U. Farrow, FnoaBBa, Furstoa. Gaither, Gordinhire, Gorid, Gto', fJrtham. Orsy, Handy, Hartndtra, Mattkaii. Hd tea, Jtaaosn, Keaaan of Gtorgio, KaoonaB of orth Itartiino, Lrsaaor, Lewis. Ltvea, HfbtB MoLeao. Msaees, Miller, Moore, Perkins, Prat toa Pesrh, Kails. Saxiort, SimfMOa, ST- - rf.atec Stepies, Vett, T.llorc, Welch, Wiloox, Wright itnact.no, wngot 0: 1 ixax. Thote who rated ia the accretive ar Messrs Ashe, Aver. Clspp, Clerk, Clspton. CollUr. Dor ran, Gr troll, Lyon, ii .at, Strickland, Swaaa, s ba Ug at smtuesa imd air- - neted: Wberbaa, ia the prmsat ctronamtaaee of ths tountry, it requires tbo aid of all who 010 abls tt beer arms, the Coagrest of tho Coafod-rst- e States do therefor enact t That ne ponoa ihall be mrapotd troaamii- - tabetiUte, FrwrUsd, Tbatt aMemtag at tab gtttaatJ thotib ao ilrnd aa te ream tahotitato from aay ebiigttioa or Kihlity ttmtraoted or noamnd by h-- m at tacts tabeti-tato- . J But this act ohali aot bo maaliBii ta ta tc aflaot perotmo who, tttongh act Bakfo ta 1 tervme, havp neverthe'e-- r pat ia The If tact thea odjeqrued. tjatercb ef Ma am K- - Bwawao, fa., ml laae-- r, tf Naasaaaakor IM. The eptaktr tfibmttJ, act oaly thtt inimriim was o juat right ef every ftam, bat that th ia gttraity of man award cot eombimi thaa tor trttgn Stotet into s tOetefsi vpohfte wUrtasxt the right of saetssioo. He did aot afvoaate thu priu tip ie of tiiuttaita, he woo ao bemtrar ia r tmbmts to bt form-- Bei right was right; ami tbo Astoria rttrrptw twocjgkt BrotT 10 adapt aserteiu prlaeiplet er forme et rmmarf, bt waa th-.- r doty now to accept tbe rtf tawiirtii. aa The BtteTn Stala bid aot only right of ihertot m the itamasl may hod the, oome right from a ttfe rfiS . 1 CCai tafc thaa oooted Abrohom Ttttrmtea l.ajifTn.tli Western Vrgiaio tecesliag from the rant ci that flute, tad aatmrted toot any oca who ought wstrid Bad a authority for tho very grotsest term, et Jtr of naathSma ear " Mr. labttmba, Trros the Sotithcara Stotts had right rmtm tJbtir ttria, thay uiap.'y do what tbt arthru txarxwitat di awirsr them aad hsra teUA-- k 1 them to admare ts-- sr ttora BfetB be kl wtttAhor. tdmittiog Aa riffbt, thstrt recited tie castas wfes&b had led to uva to fast that tbo ptopto of tho asm 8 abb are diBact from aad tawtero. awtic to Bach ot' tr. Tho Berth priaehtd ralt-gio- at liberty, end proctjeed it by raersjeeuting ana sity ng an WW t Im Ska mi m they Hiniioat tatty ware tba Stat to take to 1 -- cede but now thtt other follow their ex- ample, ai d they loce by It, they deem it tbo dead Hott of aim-- Thtt was not au ottaaapt to oat oae BBBtm iate two. bat te acmpei tmw at tioos to bo otto. It wot thtt fact that tho South- erners wo another people, and tbo natural dweir which it treated to have an existence and ar of thttr own, that was tht eaaa nf this -- onvuisjoa- But thtre woo snethor ia tha oon-rieti- that had long pervaded tba atomic) that the Union wat worked to the profit of the rTorth tnd their own loot. Beta aafiBfid ho oawsarmod that he didaettaaaao- - h-- ilovtry so coo of tha coasts of ooootwoa. Tho very tmaliest rtdeotioa ooght to shaw amy oae who took the troublt to redact, that ilavety, to far from bttag th eauto, woo th aWottgcat f all peambi rooa agaiaot tsiitaitiotx, MaMion went oa to thow uot, iu oil othtr cos of war. or threatened war, in America, iilavery had ao part, aad sutd that, if tiavtry hoi bosa tbo tint ohiect cf South era thought, tbey wauld have cuag to tho Gotaa wish tit most y. But some might ask. was aot sit very declared to be tha earasr atone of tho Sictheru Oauledwraey ' That wae tbe pfrpRiar and parrot try of tho Nwthcea li taalta It was true that a ao ethers cratot stated that the d ffjtthct tf rose and the -- atiriarity oi one nee to antther was the corner atone of the syt-u- bat did they ever ratfot hoar of stash a thiag aa totting a mattepttericst cxpreettoa af an rarer, aad fixing it on eight isilitoaaof aeaaale f Leaving .twttahor for tact, every maa knew when to find tho ewrmv-atB- B of aay awe fader acv. Than wts bat tae toiot? to which that tpithet would apply, and that woo it etttatita-tit- Bow , ia the Conatitotieu ef tbo Soathern S'atea thtrti wa aot a tingls principle in saa-- owrt ef tlafory whion waa not in ths id ott. to say tho only n posed te aiavcrv, 1 that wo tba oheolBte bt hisitioa of the clave trade. There wot oat oae word ia it to pmvaut tay State freeiag its tlavee aad iBaamadatg h tBtoabtr aa bwetoAore. What did they mien, than, of tho iiapatig ef aacz. wbe took ap tho tooud of tho potass, and had not psaetraiioa ecoagh to diaeotn tho toate oi i: :he .rmits of rta iptilt.'dmtB I Pram tb auehaaaad atosabstr.) ry torn toxtout heart to oee a Lisa of that achat bond who hove yielded their lives ra the 111 iaaa of their Msxatry; cot coati too battl field 'mid tho plaadita af a grateial foopta, tcrt away from bomte, frtoa It aad ceaatry tsah, tajmr- - ing and dying in pritoa, among ttramtrart, aad inostrugt land, debarre-- th tympathiae at rela-ive- aad tmkaovm ia their tad fata to their w tallowing BMaaa- - efce'y Luf f ikemka hema dud at m MttaUry Aaaajg v rnaautra af war, Jenmm t UUaei, mamr fndaaka t?u, Oku, V. S. Gen Maary, May, Dataiaonio. dtmatAtrf Btfthviilot Cast Wood, pueamcuia. TTTSitmBoa et Team: bit May to 1 tystooiri few Hh Tttm ratrimetii. Lcat S A Pieraon. Jalv.CaaV tyohoid iover 30th Tena reg; Copt J B Hodge erysyetrfao, 61 tl Tean rvr: Lieut B H. Juiv Slat, tvphetd ever. Urn Ark rag; Copt L W MeWaortuo. Jnly kUib, typhmd favor Sd Bfiaat rag; Ltout 03 Andwrttm, August 'iaaa, pan-mmi- 1911 Tewn nr. Ctpt B E Mayee. Sept 10th. dysentery. sOth Teas rea- - Molocbi Baeres. Ocoohcr 30th typhoid tVver. lat fjtoeaT TBaraat, Oct Uia. ty ahoid fevti 46th V mr D Chris- ten. Oat 1th, hroxue diarrhea, V regt 8 M Call, October ISth. typhoid faver, Si Georgia; thirl Tsykrr, Gctobor lotk, typhoid ft. r, ld.h Kntaky; John WikMaa, Ojtcbez a7tb. typhoid tever, Shaarhaajl'i cava.ry ; J Athhary. Oct. th. typhoid fever, kLrgaa'e etv.; Wirfis Tbompeoc, Biv. 6m, chrome diof. rr t 1 h V : Cap 7 W C.wthora. n ltfth. iNBcumettua, Ooartottrn brigtde: JVjha W. N ,v. tii. pna"ag .ity, oliiatts, max: Wc. J Jobntec, Kov. i?d. iaamoxia. Paia- - lsxtr'i cav ; J Haydau, 7f.jv. Ist. vtr, loiKy T BunMBBrhtm. N,v i dyttmtary, ritiaaa, Ma; J. lorreil. Moat I Biltaaa. M tap., iaa. Seal. Nav. aitt, at oh '. eitfxen. Ky Peter Cole, New 23--1. . Owth Ta ; Jehu MeCaae, Xov t 4. Bnatxtaotria, crtmea. St Leata; John 8. Tewttr Nov. 2M, typhotd t.ver, K r ; Wat Beard. Bov' 34th, ehtorue dvoaatery, Marshall t biagaao, J W. 0 shore. Nov. nth. typhoid fever, Mar tmall 1 brlgaaiet Jae , Dec ISth, typb ftvoc, ttaal J. Mtrrt. Dec 1- - h. tvphand tea Pork 1 Ms. rsgt.; J. Katxhum, ltemmbto)ir4th, erhronl dyientety, Idtti Mo tag, Wm H Actmr-sra- , lire lOrh, rpkcid paeumcoia, Patndxurs eav. stebt CtmblBii, Doe I Oth, twnakeaal aawcjr. Peiatloxmr- - a. Wm Jehattoo, Deo lUthv, ty- phoid fever. Poiaekxtor't eat; Wm T hBP. Oct llh, typhoid torcr, Pmadtxter i cav. C t Bbodo. Dec lata, atmrt dhwatee. N Ct Stat MSI, Jaa 7th, htrliiaa Sa of ammmCiark ' Ma bsf. car; l)aa" Herrin, Jta 10m, typhotd tavcrk Pomdester't Mo eav. 8tmT Ash, Jaa 3d top bawd ttwwf, lifts it of Dceldrtdg ccumy, Vt Jobs C rdloctatt, Feb i Ilk. laimin cat. ass ctMsad e uaty, Ky, B Motxsott. Fo 11th, , - lis reg Jaa Faq-et- , Feb tlth, typhotd ft ver, citixea of Ktatnckv, cam from Ticktbejrg Wm T B dy. fab Sd typhoid lover. Greseax erwAoly, K lattaag . W W Vote, Faat Uob. measlee, 10th Keat-ick- y oawauyt bfrtaomm Ytrtroagb, F-- k Vith. pntmBottir;. iOth Ky eav Joan B Amderooe. Feb lichroark- - diarrhea. Pet ter't Mimiml oov; Wm White. Fb ISth, aataolo, Wscdcrord' ear, Ky; Joma Mshiaw. Job 18, maaaito, 10 di Ky vr H C Davm, FaA Henry, typhoid fever, Feb SB, e; tea of tjtmnty. KT aVsm BfodFkd, . aaclut.Martt. 4, ynatetd krw,CwMmw't Mo hat. David Smith, March 6. ptMsxmoana, cttatjam of Otidtmil coototy , Kyt Dtafei HcKiasaoy . Fab 04. typStki paammaaaia. Krr TSMtaoou, Mtrwh 14, aypootdfBiotiia 1, l Oth Ky tart Thea A Be-ttas- Jane It airxhaa, Sd Ta ow; Jawaea B Parkt, Jam, 57, arydpei, 16th Ya cam W W ay. Jmae It minbi Sd Ky bat: JT M Hack. 10. Ill llll II, 38 taw; Srtwy Mywrt, aaoir a Ky cavGtoM taato!' JtJy'WaatV ra Virginia: Ctpt W Ftrliar. Jury S8. gstt-trid- t. ot Norsn af Woatr" Capt DC W-s- JaiyaT, typaoad tooar, im Ate caw. UffaJ adseu, Aag 5, typhctd fcvrr, id N C hat, Lt MLyo.J-y- . typhotd Btour, fAcfc K C rcg ; rui. tysasmai mver I'ufi ilkltiaaamm Lt W Al Assmtt Iff. 6Ut Go bwoairy. J W , at., Satt7. Itt jtwt hat: Lata. Ml :aaaa. AaavflB. tydfovar wJthTcur Ct Jam! iiIea4baBmflBwwtaC ateat tO, ajpattad team, tot Atat hut: I Giuttaai. tVpt a, tyahoad tea BCatgt DP &ti:::. owpt ii,ty ptmta tree -- u twaat aasmurfi Datuel BecJtorhxmt, Ssa4 TT.jiibii mi, ota ly "X D C JawAewB. Saapt 9. cstrtmse dyttmtofy. ratm tt eav; iu - a, wrasses, mean id Ttsm mmatrj: Lt Wm F 30, dyatmurr. oth S C mtaairi L L3 SC. Lt M Ibadaaac attest 30. ryphadd fever. :0.h T,r, OtmtBWBunroa. l't tt ryphmd aawsaa, StA reatt ear. Boht Boit, Oct M, ttomnaatA iatr, 6m Tana. A (XtUOL Lately awmmooai nam Jibai 11 iaistoa. - B-T- km Bat rimoacB oaly to thatetsm sort O.UOWT. aaa Yoatkoe aatpers aay tateABH to tba e be held bw Or atone Ert U B) muogtoat that t wul bfy bobeia) is I Bt tbcrat ths aatth davof Jtaaatn ttka hatttwsamr taa tmAaadby too am m IS aa?n r. - wita lam fees by the FW State ha tic Kiwar : bad ma md. ttstmty pefMbosttd tow armaa itut totttUaaa ma an meestcnec. aaa aa rtimmida am to ftotd tha ttjeaBtj aa ot alat tho math day of JaaBMary.

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL.hundred, had not a countrymen came woej--.n tier aich ef time tad bdeght tbe wholt bitch, oa a venture, to dieptee ef cn hit way hems. We tiate every rtasoa

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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL.hundred, had not a countrymen came woej--.n tier aich ef time tad bdeght tbe wholt bitch, oa a venture, to dieptee ef cn hit way hems. We tiate every rtasoa


Mi B. IMStMku'-ta- Hli Miltttrtirr tea atw aad tsarw sf

MoOLAWAHAK & DELL,wham aU MMi aa bonais. ar UtinrHi ilmM


Terms el.

Terms ol IdTcrtluiBf .All atWti Italian ant 01 be rtHTTi twe dorian par

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JOBLY i)aSOBKT!OKte Tawing Ajbmt work aft

mpastac, and we ravit the attention ef cjuor- -

getori;tbareta. E

Wi have, alee, large Bint of wmglww

paper as htmd, suiteb) fcv tb amcsi work.Orders wtt be preaytdy MM by ex ooriooted

McCLABAHAB A DILl,Atlanta, O., HHafimi ji, Ala




It 8bBst Uku Utter raft.


Of BOW Otto food potest Applyat ABFatAL OFFICE.

Atlanta, Ga , arjob tones.

0-- 8 Mitptg.aw.aw. Ate

ftOTICF,ataaoaaaa ana hi Lottteaaa in Artsy erfTn i, aad the frtawda. wi ! ana a u

atartat-a- . OwtU to rwtrtr ard f ward r aaa ta) ealiad fat Ji IJITTBRJ P SK AOE3 r arUataaaf any e.ariptkr. Adaraee ata Dapot. earfM. Laos Vac Baste, Marietta to-g-

T. t. CIJ.T.W" tw' Paali in ii T iia1 nit R awwif n

NEW DRUG FIRM.THi ncdw-itgsw- d having nowl'j naarckase tha

e,tJ,lwturt, oa Wiivaail km rfW.lT00 a CO aaw ,. lf.r lot a. a aaoet vaiuabia andbow HinUn af

XrmgM and JWedirine,latlatin a tt. tj af oUr artel- - a.n. r : ani fawwil awppaaat arag Maiea, aaa awtkft a akara r.r pablie1 11 1 1 L. a Ma.AJt at fM.

Atui., nnsmsir la, ladW,aa uaatfalaaaa. lata o'nnliii 1 tfea dW. kav

aaaj aaa aaaa aiaaaoaaaaat aa af th. foraaxiafMr. L a. Maal aaa a mm: MtaaaUr rwwaaaaaad tiita ear aM friaaaa ai ta aaUki a a aafa, ral.ahl.aadakillal araajft't aaaina f ttirasfnl tLaaaaawat, aa4 wmnbj tar caaK.a of faaaUka tmiaa.atanaa. dSaMICUTT at TATLOlt

- f Im

1 AA UEGS SODA for sale bvi UU I S. MBAD aV CO

" I II fllsMtl 1 II I I f 111 IJ

L . S.MBAD eV COUtM Im. Qtfpern for tale by

L 6. MXA9 V C04 be at, i Tartar ter sale by

1 8 MXAD A CO.Quinine for eale by

la. 8. MBAB A COlOt oamees Sulphate Merphine ft tale by

I.. 8 MB AD a CO.. a-- v . a, 1 wv . , 1 aaw paajtaaa aoorae arenas au u

L. S. MBAD & fit)

i bhk. Borax tweak byL. B. MBAD A CO

1BWP lha. SiltpHaT fef ttee byla. 8 MBAD eV CO.

Saw iht. Ohierotertfl for aaie byIs. & MBAD A CO

Saw lbs. EasrTieh tl mr Hit byla. S. MBAD A CO

Mast fr tale byL. 8 MBAD 4. CO.

Oil, in swathe, for sale by

dell im L MBAD A 00.

KENNEDY HOUSE,t. 1 oni aaatwil i VraaUaa aad Baanflten

' utr. ita. la aaa of tfc aaaat alaaaaaat larl la teaaaa tue tha tm.aUeig aahti wlu tat It kiWraicaat t-- "f then. T;-.- a tU la lwj. taraiaUit Hth

fa b ts aaatkat ifwlt Oataat er ta St sat Iaf tyre paraenj wa with tt at ta aeua. teiiliai plans, rii It arasM W wail a raaaajti

WASTE T liftE.rrtHal taaartetl tart Soath Carttlaa SataMaat 4otI Aaahtaaa ef tlnas tut the earaaM rear tar

JZLT-J-Jl. Ui' KM. TL aaatr--r la

. ..,.w. i Maeta trjm ta. triai as & tatau fM tk. aa arvea aad t a ta ia Murerir

ZI Tt . ara latta-iaan- u aaBKaei S. Ir atttiailt leta Ure StWttg aar , .

a:iami w.

XAHVET BLAJ1MT.. ,i i. ik. i- -a ml AUaaia. anuttaaw at eta

I . ZZIZ: .i. boJi o tta oiai ra et Brett;!W aJ H taaa

pittaaetai atatM tat -J-jj,-

Uoautiattaa tlaTCaaaat,Kertetta atrast ttlaa t. eta.

A. WITMIi S&tPOOiV,HsrCatMt BBal

Mutlavstarefi,traAx. sttvf, TaMee

WtStttttf Maces 0.

gaflg SfestiraOM THE AH it If KDOIUB.J

JBallrr ia Nartelk.Adrieet from Norfolk, to Thar day last, ttata

that Major tigv Bmrroaeha, fa Cooiaderaiooff off 'lie was cap tand a tar wet-k- sicca, hadheen iried and eoudmaed to ba hnag, bat hadboen pard aed by Better on eonditioo of bitliticr tbc fa;a of aUcfrianca. The widow ofVi- W rifbt is not dcae, rot has era of hi idaagbters lost bar raawo; bat lha rami' ar is

paeoaiary distress, aad ara aeiiocs talaars Morfoik. Botler has issued aa order fe-aturing all persou halding any cmci! judfea.jaabOM, sheriffs, lawyers, pbyticiana, teacher,etc., to take the foUowmfoalb t

"We, whoso names are taswanbed heroto, dere'emalv swear that we will hear tru9 faith andallagianee to the Uuited kiukUs of Axerica, aadtuf port tits Constttatien Ihersof, ja.t s: all ene-mies and opposers whatever, whether S.ates oricdindoAii ; and we give cor soleaau caiole ofhsnoi-- ( :c be enforced aeord:i rr to military law)that we will held no correspondence with, ar at-- J

teru aiu at- - cemurt to, tay aenaiias ana eppu-se-

of i TTuitrd States, save as an act ot bu- -

aasity. fo administer to the necessities oi s

who are Ui stcknesa or distress ; and wesolemnly declare that tbia oath and parole arctake;, ari g v, u fraeiy aad wiiinly. with Octany raantai reaerralian or evssiou whatoTar, acdwi h foil intention to keep tba same "

Ad acts, doiafrs, deeds, fmnrotnentj. rocords,or cert. tic tes, oertttied or attasted by, and tnm-sectio-

dove, parloimed, or made by any of tbapersons shore described, from and after tba 16. hasy at Decanber, inst., who shall not havet:ken and eabseribed sach oath, are vStd and ofno i fact.

The following it the remstodcr of the order:It imvicg become nscsuiry in the jadgaoeut

of the C0B.m&ndinf geseral,M a "pnbii ."

to dietii rutau those who are loyal andwell disposed tovard tue O. ve.-na- at of theUnited 8:ates from thoe who still h" a alit fi-ance to the Canfederale States, an J itmple tin.ebavin? been (riven to all cithtsns ferreflactianupon this ntbject, and tnl! pronctL a to personand property ot evary citiseo with-

in this department having been sffor Jed; and asthere can be ne each thin? as neutrality ia (iueWar by asy est ten of tie United S a. . ; ant? tane enemy cf I United States ought to leasinwithin tie protection of the Government, ex-

cept as a prisoner of war, eitber on parole or ineoifineaaenl; acd as no good and loyal filman do anything rather than those things set out

is said oath ant! parole :Me it art fear erefersat, That all peraans ever

heictofoie ettisaas of the Uoited 8t&tes, takingor g any iavor, protection, priTiiege,passport, or te hve money paid tuoa, propertyor other ra.tuibi? bing whatever delivered toibtra, or asy htnefit ot the power of the UnitedStates tzteaded te tbem except protection fromnersouai Tjoretce awast take and subscribe thesaid oath and parole before their request ean beheard or anv act dene in their far r by any oQ-ea- r

et the United States within this department,or they can paiaue, directly or indirectly, anyjscie, bnsiness, or calling (except manual laborfoe their own support;) and all cesirscte, sales,conveyances, ecu, and transactions whstevtr,nude o: done by and with persons who, havingbei a aftia S oi the United Sutes, and living inism eastern part of the State ef Virgin a andthe Scate ot Worth Carolm, or cither of theStates ta rebellion at the titer-- ef their secession,shell refute or oegket to take and anbsciibe said

J i i ,i i : j i c . ar .OaL.7 paru.e, atlttll uv- vuiu auu Ui uu cuov..

At th pf'vwl csnrt, ana at the several provostmarstel meet, bocks will be opene1 and aproper tinea? fill be present to admiatister theproper oath anj ptroie to atry prison desiring.o take the tame, 9nd to witness the subscriptionof the same by the party taking it. Such tilcer wilt inrsusn to cauu pwsoa eu iaaug uu

certidca.(, ia lorra folia log :snbscribinat a- . rr . . , , ,

ui iu;k" - .

m . ihae taken and subscribed the eats and

narole reenlr- -i by genersl orders So 43, for a- ' ,r .. J : J. : -

oya! cit sen et tae uciwu oiaxi iiuuig m m

Stae rvet in rebellion, or who hat tympatfaitadwith JW seceiing Stele.

IBfmediBy " morel, ' of hlijOr-Oe- Botltf.(Ofioi;.) R- - S. Davw, Ms;, and A. A..

lir.ai(i's Lats Akmt Cosrt, )Dpt. Va an1 K. V .

fit; Hcrree, Vs., Dre. 18, 1883. 5

L AU lian.iiH erf 'property of right of prop-

erty, real, m xed, pereont, or iaeorporeal, exceptnecessary feoO, medicine and clothing, either byway of tale, gift, pledge, payment, leaee, etloan, by any inhabitant oi thi department whohas ret returned to bit or her alkgianee to theUuitixi States, (baring once boen a citistn ther-eof are forbidicn and oid, the persou traua.fernf-- and the person receiving ihall be pnn-ieh-

by fine or imf.risor.raei t. or both.II All regSaters of the trans far of eertib' tatet

of stock, or tharee in any incorporated or jointslock company or association, in which any

iait ot thjt department who bat net renrced to his or ber allegiance te the United

e)iatc, (having ojee been e eirlien tbereot,)hasany i lerett. ere forouIJei-- and the cl tk, orethe- - rffijer, making or reading the tranet'er,vrill bv h. Id equally gnilty with the trawlerer.

By ccmmsBil ot hl'icr u?n-t!- i

Offieiai) SL B. Da vie. Maj. tad A A- 0.

L! Jt)OL' MeiAtlB is Nkw York Tbe

N.w York HtnU, in a lengthy article en the

sabj Gt if aeauationt, remarks :

Out of pure lore tor rrestueut inonn, w

tried te make a teneatioi! anent hit metsage the

ttaer day, hut tve tried in vsitv. lUfere thu warwe usee to print an extra 'iiion a. uuu ie wthirty tUotand eopiee ef tio iitrali con'imagthe Prtfadettt't uintiga, aaa au ,utt capiwware bought up iike hot ctket by the eager pnb--

he- - On Meotiuy wt eotaec me nrsi ewpy uiMr Liocoln'a mettage by tf'.egraph. W pnt--

editfirtt, acd had our extra ready ?;e onra eepy ce'etporariet knew what they wereaboct 'fne newsboys were notined hy tee ctii- -

latin that tbe mesoage wes in .town, veil, vjc

printed tour bandred and eighty copi't Ot HipA M .1 IJ L...l-- ,l A

aaesige. vt tnoee we r. i weigt y c.sist te the newsboye. Undetibtedlywe tlninld have been ' ttnek," (te the newtbeytela' iicaiiy rferaee it,) with lite remaining threehundred, had not a countrymen came woej- - .ntier aich ef time tad bdeght tbe wholt bitch,oa a venture, to dieptee ef cn hit way hems.We tiate every rtasoa ta believe teat out coun-

try cetstofSer tinpernly repented of bit bargain.This Utile incideU it the f ttoogeat preet weeoakl predeee of the complete iaiittanee efthe public.

JSf Mr. Lincoln tutorsttd the actor Haektttthat hit favorite pity was Macbeth. Hecei-taiol- y

,teerit to have studied the lines abomt

making a pmmise to the ear and breking it to

tbo hope. His procsematioti of smntty it aease is point, A proper document ef that kindwould have ended the war ia a month; bat theocm te aaa jatt issued insures itt contin nance te

the end cf bit term cf eftc. An amnesty ato the hope as weil at to the ear, thenid

leva Leeu a peace offering aod a pardon; this

ooe is ; prevocatiou and a war cry. Ntm Yrrk


The KicaitoitB Provisiobi Makkit. The- mi tha CbAfitttoa Mtratre tat s :

'Sirtf tbe mafttoattm was knocked ia tbe

i... a k ;n.'n,.fintia to itaaTrtainaT agerts notilk .nnt-lie- i oa th way to market.

iv..k. h. h., i. &iet flatted with veei--toc. duekt, geiwe. tttrWte, Si, oyetere, mutton,, , - r ' Mamtaktaa. Prttet.r. v;.t, v,,i fr.fre. . la aa aJtemcUisCe to cat and

" 'fc- -' - - - - -cj thuag.ji oi tamiae.

W wish our people, tay- - tit ftarar nahDald hs made to leant that tht reaxi- -

mom it ' kiiucked ia tbe hedv in Oeorg t atwell at ia Tirgfaaia. There it really so dtflL'M- -

ty in tedir,g tuppVtet to taerket, aad if eurciactert and farmer rotate to do it utter tl.'tasttueBoe it will be clear that it result from

other saunas than fear of the iatiprrttrilg tfllter.

iy Matty of tha Yaokaa pa pert hove ptb-Usa-

the sthoit of P resides t Davit' mmitgaTb ltw York Travtrae thinks that I", betraysMBBt-- ri est) the like. It tod th YankeesTaaraily, however, can hardly believe a mar te.e in earnest smites he isdolge la brtmdocio. 4 rhocotnootadt. They can hardly diuiagsiih

k.. weea a buliy end a gcaOamaa, or hew a menmay net bet without btattr a ceward-- toa

Yaikv aowjpopev mta tapteWly.-Ja- teu



MoxdaT, December 21, JSC T'ie Ssaatemet at I! o'clock, M ; Mr Hontsr, of Virginia,iu the objair. P:a er by the fitr. Sr. Deaesa,of the Methodist chunh.KOltM OT CAVALBTHEaT AID TOBACCO POS

60U)iSM iflMsHALLV.- Mr. Osssatjaesi, of Virginca, pneenteal the fol-

lowing joint retoiut an ef the Osnerai Assemblyof Vstaajnta:

That, in the opinion of tblt General Aesem-hly- ,

the Congress of the Confederate Suitesshould, aa tstesi aa practieable, ere vide by lawfor the Increase of the cojnpectstion atliowed tocavalry on for the use ef their horsrs in sertnoe, and that they eBonitt be paid tbe actnaivalce of their horses when such horses are lostin ctrviee, whether killed in actual battle, orloot from any of the eesanities peeulitrly inci-

dent ta their employ men t m ttid tervice, ed

from ordinary tarvise and aee,if the i iti.ser in coaiuiand ef the tempany willcertify that inch lott waa not the result of

on the part of tba owner; and then Id

ana tirovidn tor the itsce of rattens and tobsc- -

ee te the oSeers and privatesaad gtosie rations te roaumusoned

itetofsed. That a espy of these resolutions befurnished ts.i-- 8ena;ert and Bepreeentativesta C'cagrtte.

Ag-ee- d te December 18, J863.Trie rasolotiens were ordered to be printed.

passim HTs roa sbnatoks aid membkrs orTHE HO09B.

Mr perton, from the Judieisry com rait tee,reporii ! baek, with art amendment, the bill teprotest Senattrt sad Beprtseritalivet ia Cos-gre- ss

from annoyance when traveling in theCeefederate States,

Th j bill, aa amended, wet pasted. The fo-llowing is the bill:

Tha Congress f ke CmftttraU SMtt efAmertf dm oaaet, That it shall ba the doty eftlie Seeretary of the Confderat Stales to fur- -niah without tpplieatioa each Senator and

in Coarrest a certificate, 'indar seal,setting forth tbt etaeial character ef such Sena-te: or Beprtseatative, and inch certificate whenexbibited, shall entitle tht parttn te whom M itissued to travel, without ether evidence ef anykind, in all pent of tbe Confederate States, except that it shall aot entitle him te visit anarmy or vesreW-w- j egaintt the ordert ef theesrarcandiug cfCcor thtreof.

The bill te organize forces to servo deriagthe war was taken up, and, on motion ef Mr.Sparrow, ef Louisiana, itt further eeaeideratienpostponed.

Oa ma ties of Mr. Sparrow th So Date

Oi SB OF RBVRBBHTATIVE8.Mr. Silks from the Military Committee, te

w'aena, wat referred tht bill making all partedliable to military service who art cow exempttherefrom by retsta of having famished

retorted tht following.A bill to ba atduxdan AM Waaunt it isw la relation

to anbatilctea :

Whereas, Through frauds perpetrated onthe ev' tamtut, nnder tht clanae ef the ac: apprevtd April IS, 1S62, which graaied the pnvi-Itg- a

thai ptitvBt not liable te military dutymight bt reeeived for thott who were, ouranaiee have been deprived of the services ef

en neetetary for the public detente There-fore,

SrctloB i. Tat CangrtM ,' (at CanuUrtUS'.nttt it tnazt, that in all cats where substi-tutes, received uader the proritiena ef the ehove(or any o jer". law, have d started, or shall be.ro-a.'t-

desert, the ebiigatiaa of the principal shallrevive epon the desertion ot tbeimbtti'.nte beingettabiitbed and attested under regulations to bapreicnbsd by the Sseretary of War.

So. 8 In ail cases where a substitute hatproved cent for the discharge of the ordinarydat es et a soldier, by reason of physical ormeaal inoapaeity. existing st the time he waareeeived as a tobttitate, the obligation f thprincipal shall revive upon tueb incapacity beingestabiithi'd tad atteated nnder regulations to bsprewiribed by ibe Seeretary of War.

See S. Iu all eatet where a man, who it alabtutuw, would be liable to enrelimtatt ter mil-

itary service under existing or inter e laws, if htwere not already In the army, the principal Ishereby declared to be subject t inch otr ail-

mentThe bill waa ordered to be printed, and will

ctnte up to-d- (Tuesday) fo; aontidctauoa.THK tAtPRESnsUXT LAW.

The following bill, reported by Mr. artrtUfrom ;:; Judatinry.etmmittee.en impruamtcts,wa. takcu op for consideration :

"A bi'l to b anitUat n Act te anaaat an Act ra : adan At ta realat inipraatnats," nparoved atarstStiU, 1BCI, and to repeal 'La Al aaaenuatory ttcraaf,rrprov.a Apr CTth. 1860.

Seciion 1 Tat Ceagraa j tht Can; I traitStatu ej .4 me tea s taatt, That so much ofthe tbove recited act at autV ria;s tht eommit- -

toners a:poiatd by tbe Pretideat of tbe Con-federate bitttet and th. governors ef the differ-ent JIM "I to fix the prions to bo paid for prop-erty impressed, be, ani the samo is hereby, re-

pealed8eo. S Tfcsit, in all eases where property is

impressed far the ate of the army or navy, orfor other public ate tader said, act, the tametbtli bo paid for at tho tint of stid impress-mea- t,

acaerdiag to tbe valuation ascertained tnddetermined by loyal sad disinterested citissniet tba city, aoaiity or parish ia which the

may be made, in tbe manner asd ac--c

rdiHT to the regulations provided in 'he firat.seeend end third sections of the abore recited

Sto. 8 Whenever the olhctr making the lm- -

pressmeat ef property, aader tbe act herebyamended, shall believe thtt tht appraisemert isiti( and juat. be shall cuderte his approval uponthe eertilcate ef appraisement, and make pay.meat aeeordisgly ; bat if he shall believe thatit it not ftir and just, then he thai refuse to ap-

prove, and endorse the watont of hi refusal enthe eerbState, and thaU have the right of ap-

peal from the decision oi tbe appraisert by re-

torting th ttte te the eemmitsiei.ert appointedcoder said act. to which this U an amendment,for their decision, wheee jedgsstet ihall beCnal, nd i the mean time the property tball beheld by the effl er impreewng tht tame, whotti.il givt a receipt therefor te the owtr.

gee. 4- - The laid eommittienert tball havepower te tnmmeti and extmict witnestjet, toenable them ta fit the vaiua of th property tm-ui- B

ted wbich ahtlt be the vilae of the propertyat the time aad pltee ot the impreetmeat, and

sole euivoisejd cemmisstoneri tball horeaf- -

tar b te fix tbe valae ef the property ia cases efappeal, tuo all tneir oitet aunec are uercoytakes away, and when the commitsiosert tballiavtaxed the vata ef tha property in eases eftppeal. they tball fumisii the owner and

efScer with a tta tern tat ef tapb value,which tiiall be wild for aceordingiy.

fC 6. Thtt said eommigtiotier ihall betwefat ipifJifnlly to diteharge all their dntieeurtdcf thi at ed the Bet to which this it tnamendnseBt.

Bee 6 Be it Junker ancud, That tbe estamtadstoty of the above recited tat. teproved

. i , aaa i -- ;fl L ,.knApril in, leva, dc, auu ta aatuu tm m. j

pealed.Mr Qartrell advocated f-- ptaatgt of the but.

He reviawad ttt provisions, and drew a pera'iei-- etween them and thote of tb origidal at '.Be eeid thtt the whole principle of the bill waa,that whenever th Shtv rouses t shell impress theproperty of aa Individual it r.htil pay the owner

fair aad jatt oompest ttioi- - a co npenta.ienfair and jtit at the time of the impressmentThe comraoB courts of the eot urry held thit tobe oely jatt where oae party appropriates theproperty of another, aad thi wat all the bill

provided forMr. Poet ttt tbfit it htppenod the ethsr day,

more perhomt, by ntddoat tbta ether its. thatba bad the htaoc oi trit bringing to tb publioview the iefitaad ttsts of pablie iotUag ir. corn

of tht et law Confederacy la cousectltaacth tho unpumnuit t act and tht decitiouot the

tuarem eonrt of OtsorgU, declaring a ceriaiorortloB e1 the aet to be naoonttttutional. Ha

now toe merely to liy tUt ha had examined

th bill reported from the eommlttee, tad bad

islkta into toratr riasw m.ivH,- -

wat will tetianedcirtamttaccet.ingthtt tbe bill now before the Hoese, with ttt

art end meets engrafted upon it, wid well aceom

niisk the two great otjeobi which wt ail deiioto attaia lit. tbe tupeiy of out gailtat armiewith ambsiateacet Si, tbe prevention of tht

oBpretiioa of the agneultufal elatt whichhit beta heretofore taott rtaisly oxpiienced.should, tboretore, give to the metatrre hi beauty

supnort, end ataid act auejttoo tb propottuoaof tht member from Georgia, (Mr. Clark,) whe

Mst u to ttrikt out the section pfovlutBf wr

the donbls fight af aspetl, urt (h pert of thO :vernmont, of'tbe cTtTteB whose pr.pat flitychance to be ImfresseJ. The retention 01 thatsaetion, fr the reasons o prn.eJ'y ttatetf bythe henorable member from Alabama, (Mr. Dsr-gee- ,)

he was wTi eaiielto was i.ttite necuisarryto the wtcleeoato and tfEueat action o: thers te snre , ii i rtt ii! ZietaY j mr

Mr. Wright, of Tctas, tpoke ef the evils endabuses that bad been committed nader the im-

pressment law in his Stute. Qecu M'grader bedsaned an order, in last July and Aagost,

enc-thir- of the nlavst of owuart, andit thsy wen not delivered at Sis time, and inthe manner epeclled, then one-ha- lf of tbe slaveswere impressed. Tbe const ousace was, that atleaBt one-ha- lf ef the wheat eron of bis Statewhs lest from this impressment of the negroes.While their labor wat torsly needed ts rave am)garner the wheat crop. Gen Baagrnder had'.beta transporting the cotton of gpeenlatert tothe Mexican bordor. Mir.y of the owuart bedeven lott tketr t.aves by their etctping over tboMexican border. It bad grown te be an evilagain which the people cf his Stat cried eat,tad ft wat hat a part of a mu.ttry dofppiisuithat prevailed ia his Statu. So odioru had

this military depotism that no one couldtecs the people wbe tin Jert .ok to support aaddofetrd ft. As things are now managed, themerest official, is bis Statu, down to a post quaitermtster, had the right te impress slaves.

3. e.al aiMnnimAnta lanrn maHa tnd th Killfir-ill- passed Tbe amrodmsBas adopted wereof an .'ramatcrial character, and de set affecttkt general p incinkt sad provistoat ef tbe biil,exctpt to far us tbe right of appeal it girts totbe owner ot the roods as well as to tae trovernmeal; and thtt evidence, by deposition, ithail bscompetent to establish the value of tht goodimpressed.


Mr. Miles, from tbe Military committee, reported a bill to continne ia tervim all trcopinow in the Army of tbe joarsarrtte eitatei

Mr. Mite taid that this wa a ateuatvr of ex-

treme importance, and demanded by tht publitexigencies Tbe conseriptiou law had made thethe term ot itervi-- e tar trtree years, aaa tamt time

on d rxo're in April next, hence the neeettityef tome tagiilation. Ualaw tome law waspasted continuing these mea in servieo, tbearmy would beeoraa disorganited. When out

goldie's knew that it wat to the interestof the eouutry to de thtt, that th safety of thenation required it, he ton attnred that he wouldnot hear one word of discontent from tbem.

As chairman of tho committee oa MilitaryAffaire, ht was free to tay that ha was smlrtyopposed to a reorganisation ot tbe army. Thiwat hit positiea, and ha wat willing to take the

pousibiiitv. He could appreciate ta desireei those sudor crsei and tyrannical officers for areorganisation ef tha army; such a desire watptrfeerly tattra ; but he believed that tbe ro--oxganittatreuef our army at this time, and inlbs face c; tbe enemy, wuld lead to itt demor-alisation. He bad always believed it to havebeen a fatal error in tbe pe.iey cf the Govern-ment to have grentsd to tho army tbe right ofreelecting itt tfiiorrs. Ht believed that it watproduct!? ot more aaatchief than good. Inthit, at in ail ether things, bit partmaast objectwat the honor ana m erest ot the Ueveriuae:.;

Mr. Game I , of Georgia, offered au amiud-man- t

ta the bill, to tbe effect that companieshattalliena ':d regusontt tnall have th rigfci torecrgemts, by the eiectiaa of their commitsiosed tLd field GaScorb, at inch time and andersash regulations as shall be pmacribod by theBrcretary ot War.

Mr. Baod made aa amendment that tho Ken-tucky tro.'pi bs permitted to mouat themielvattad become a par; A lbs cavalry.

Mr. Foote offered aa amenameat, is tab-stanc-

that the companies, battaUtans aad regi--

au be authoriaed ta racket their oflMert. lacapport ef bit ainendmen: bat said that ho badoHefed this resoiutiea at thit time eietw in

ef what had fallen from tate aaombtrfrom South Caiouaa. Ho waa ready t main-tain, at asy auitahio time, tlieugh he had bo

ot expressing ail bit viewt oa thistabjeet at preacat, uat it wooid be enaaentlyproper to e.Uew ail oar oa taiieuc, rag menu andrompeaiet the privilege ef cheat, ag al tiatar etfiotrt. He hsew very weil mat, is the bsgia-ris- g

of tho wer, it augtvt eery piaaubly beurged, aa in point of tact it had btwa, thtt thetoldiort, who were then mostly straagem to eachothtr, mould aot be curtain, ia til eases, techjctt at i fli ers those beet qualified to com-

mand ; bat ; t u far from being tiie eats at prat-ea- t.

The ttfi:r k,ew the toidiait, asd thtddiars kwe the ef i- - tbt raok aad ti e efthe army hid exercised au oppuitaaity cuyettimauug each ether.

He maiutaiued that '.hoy were more oampe-tt- nt

to choose their efhtert thaa asy one outsideof their owu orgau.xatioa ooaid otttibiy be.They were generally men of intelligence; tbeywer all duaaguiabed tr patrietit ttaling, andtheir reteonab,e partialities, and vea their st

prejudicet, wert otilied te lesp.ct.Thty would fight better under tfaeert whotsthey could raspect and trust, aad to wheat theywere ffoctinate!y attached. 1 assert, taid Mr.r co e, that it it quits at importest to keep upgood is the army between tbettssaeiscemmanui: g and toe to.dier iu tbe ratJtt at itwat to luereaee the numerical ctrergth ol thearmy. Be body f soldiers wocud fiht with thefullest srgy tad tuccesa under etfiuert wfumthey hold in eostempt, er have foasd te be

is those gieat moral quabtie whichmak up the ta.dier't aw oaaraetor.

Sir. it it overy whee regarded at aa axiom inmilitary affairs, that the commander ef sol Herswho finds himself to have lest the confide sueaad kisdly regard ef thaa labjaeted te hie au-

thority, may siwaya take fr granted that thefault chit fly lies at his own door. So thoughtKapclegn: to thought Nelttn, the Napolcea otthe Beets. Our vwa experience on thu tab j sethat beta, of lato, matt melancholy asd meatinstructive. Let us piofit by it, te far at loutas auresmttatvses wiil admit. Whenever thigreat qacitiea shall eoam beftro ut mere ragsltrly tor coBtidaratita, I promise In meet themember from South Carolina, the chairman efour Mi'itary Committee, with both riaaen asdauthority, whioh, I am sort, it will be .ratherdifficult for him to mett.

THE F.tMIUKt or POOR 80LDIBR8.Mr. Chtmbliu tffored a resolution that the

families of soldiers ba permitted to purchtsi pro-

vision at cost priest ot tha Government oneratjen per day to aeh member of the family.

Mr. Chtmbliss tdvooated th reeolntitH. Theitmt privilege wa given to efilcart in the field;and, indeed, to many employee ia th Qjvertvtnent departments, who were rtcaiviug Um-fol-

more than tbe peer soldier. Many of the fami-

lies of atlditri bow in tbe service wer poormany of them ia extreme indigene theirheases bnrnad and devastated almost upon thecharttaao of the world. Congress should teathat thtat fare iliac did not tufftr, when theirhaebaiadi, tons and brothers were tfi fightingtho battles of tbe country.PROVtSIOR FOR THB WOt'STJEB AJT BISABLED


The tpeeial order, tbe bill providing for tfS-et- n

aad soldiers who mty htve become woand- -

d sod disabled in the military service, wascalled ap. Tho provisions of this bill baralready been noticed by at, and reed not betgais recited, ttpeemlly a a subt'itute ft thwhole has been efftred by Mr Bead, ot Ken-

tucky, snd ordered to be printed.The substitute was ordered to bo printed aad,

with tht biil, to b placed eu the comadar.totLL, RggOLpTIOBO, ETC.

A bill, by Mr Gray, ispplemenmry end amen-datory te the see leotrstioa tot.

A resolution, by Mr. Bisselt, that the Jadl-euer- y

eommilUe inqaira into the exoediancy oflasfitaa'.lng all notee of Stale bemks held byalias aiiitot.

A resolution, 17 Mr. Bros, tbot Beat. Buck-ne- t,

Prettoc tr.d Wiiliomt bo iuvimu :o toate in

the hall of tbt House.PRKOOBAL EZFLAKATIOtT. t ! fc

Mr. Foote rott to toy met ho f mad himtaifetrant-ei- v mit'enreteutod in th YauJtst Con- -

green; a member of thtt body having, tat otherlay sai 1, as he learned from certain ntwepaptTi,thai bp had taid here, on a recant oooftrhtB, tl atn Northern sfitancre had been Breltroatedhero la rerard to enoolia af f'otid. SVr, (taidMr Foote). I said no tttohUmtttji smd thatsuch wat the accuaatiea p'totatad against nhv th effioial of the Yauhtt Gavrrom a', a

thit atcoBSO'iao was, to seaa extoat, aoaarer.tiytot, Mud by a certain efitaat doortaaatat whichI rv ia my place, tad 1 afrnd that the truthor falsehood of the allegation should bo oh oaesinaaired into, in or 1ler to viadtcatt the honor oto Government, tht high Sjtie, oi wtocb, I

wet oar, werenot eogufirant et ituch ri eut-rag- e

upon the ruie of mUBMity, bod it eeeorred1 mm babtty now to tay, what all hero know,that this ntject it et this moment under thciosett scrutiny by ordtr of this hfenae, and weshan eooti know t'ie whole tiath ot thrs tfftir.

Tn Mtttte tamt oajeniA ; ta M am! oiT"t' tttto eaptamt em ti t

Wednesday, Daraomwr 53. Prater ly RvDr. JJuccan, oi (hi Metho, pit thaicl.

COXfBOMkATR riKARCata,Mr. O.dham, of Texas. tBhmiited th fellow-in- g

retoiution : '

ffesyW, That th erjmm'tme on Finance boiattrstd to isquir into the expediency of toamaadicg the act of Cangrttt apprtve- - A r

H 1861. ebtit'ad "An act to levy tacts for thecommon defense and carry en the Ssverameniot tee uentederate Siatee," as to prevfde forlaying aad eeiltcting taxes for the year letJ4, tothe amount af million oi dollar, to belevied upon tbt tubjsctt of taxation as tali wa,ttf-w-it :

I- - Upon bU treeeaty aetet rlmigatlatd by theBeeretaiy of th Treaauty as genraUurreney"c.a'Ptanding on the Sit; day of January, lSdi,..tawi.flfry Hr ceiit

S Uaostall ether trtiasTiry aotet and call cer- -

t.hcat.s, twenty-St- e pet oajat- -

i. Upon ttU eigct per cent. (Jonltderate botjmt,twenty per cent.; noin evn ner oeat. bonds.fifteen psr cant ; open tix per cent, bonds, teapar cent ; ai.d upon til otovr bonds, hve per

i eeut.4. And. upaa all other tutjec's of taxation

specified in taid act as will be arffis'ent to raisetht aforeeoid turn of milliont, gradicg thetame in proportion to tot, ability of the classestaxed to pay their aiseeimstiL

That as a ma at of sustaining soy now inoof Treasury note; wiiieh may ba ratdo hereafterthe propriety of isttrtiug the following itipnlvnon oa tam aot : " inat ta same shall receivable iu payment ef taxes aad other publicduet, at tneir eurrtnt ratne; and tbt- - toe itmishall bo funded by the holder in the tix par centbonds ef the Government after tbe publicationof notice by .hs Becrefary aj t treasury.

iatr o dham presented hit viawt on be qaet- -

tittia tren-rated- , tt some A sketea ofhis remarks will be ixuertod in a subsequent


The Honto bill to tsth nxa producers efsweat potato in tbe year --4S to make com m-utation by the ptympnt cf the money value of thetithe wet taken up aaa passed.

DBBTRurnox or property.Mr. Soairow, ff?m the committee ea Military

Affaire, reported bkck tbe bill to repeal the act toautberiis the dettrustiea of property as a military aoccstiir, wi h a roeommsdanoa that it atnot put. The bill wts placed upon tho calen-dar.

ItTLrrsKY R3PO3T0.

A rotes sg from tho Preiidtat wot laid beforethe .snate, transmiuiag tht mpiru of tbe optr-- a

lent of several eommiudUig tfiS jars. Bsferredte tae etmnittec on military ABiira

TUB Qtf ARTE KM ASTER'S DEPARTafEKT.A aisttkge from the Prasident wat laid before

tbe Seaote, trsntmitfiafT s eorticoniesitieiu frtmthe Secretary ei Wtr, ia retponse to a resolu-tion af the banate relative to tbe qaartermaoiet 'sdsoartmeat. Tas erimmnsicatier. trior rewyt.- -

ing tbo term of tbo stid restlu'ien, tnd ttaringthat the resolution had boen referred to tbt WarDepartment, proceeds at follows ;

A. C. Myen, of South Carolina, wooItectenantoloraI in the quartermstet't

department in the army of tbe Oontedsrate States,lfith April, 1151, aad gave bond at tuck. lotha eerretpendaae of tot department he is td

aa aetiag qaartermastpr general tub. e

qaentiy to that date Tbe law ergan'ting thelirpartmtat gave tha ernarttrmaster general theauk ot cilonel, but it was not tepposod thtt

tht rank wat coaftrrod by too law apoa thettsior ott ef the department en doty. Thttrank eeuld only be given by nmtaa'.ioa andc etrmation. On the loth Febnst y, IS63.Litatoatct Ceioccl Myers wat reeomoaatided

y the Saciuaory of War for ueminatiea at fsi-l-

"A C Myers, n isarteraujter gtaorr.l, to boeekreei m tho qrjiiarmstert dtearmc t.' "

Th B?mnatafl i wot submitted to the 8iiataOi fo lowt:

' A. C Mor.". 0f South Carolina, qatrtermas-te- r

general, to be oedooel, tc take rank frtm thedot of hit eonflrmstiou," asd ht wa confirmedroe satce data by lha Provitiosal Congress.Sir.ee tt.s date, Colonel Myara bat dUehargcdtb dntiee of quartermaster genera) f tho armyuntil lit was relieved from duty without havinggiven ay other hood. i lastatt;

Oa the 20th March Latt, on aot of Congresswas apprared ;!' "An aet U amend aaact for th aatablithment and urgaois .ttvn of agtntral staff tor the army of tht CeaJedtr&teattateo,'' waioh provided that trom and after thepassage ef thu act, tha rank, pay aad allow-anae- e

attached to the office ot qsartermastargeneral ef tbo army of tht Centederate Slatessnail be these ef a brigadier gen aral ia the

army. That aot is tuicaatihle ei twoenastruetiaau. The cae assumes Celea-- 1 A. C.Myen to be qoartermastsr-genera- l ef ths army,and eonferi span him additional rank, pay andallowance!, eqaivaleat to thott of a bnrt

ef the provisional a;my of th Con'td- -

erate SuUt.tae uutmltOJOliin waa ioaimitstbto oooaait it

lavelsatd a viotatlen of tbe Oesatitatitu i. -

other it that Coagrest, ia view ef axistis; c

toppased that the dt)tiet of maUaartertaatter General would be mora beneficially exercised by an ofileer having the raak,pay and a'iowancet of a Brigadier Gsaerai eftks Provisional Army. Trit latter was rcgaraedas expressing tbe intent of :hc ttgitlsUvt de-

partment of the Gtvtrument. The prwer tusminate, tud by cud with tab advttt of thtSenate, ta appoiut ail cfSoers of tbe ConfederateStat at, whose tpptiatmeatt are net otherwiseprovided for by th Ceattitu'.ioa, or retted bylow tn tae rrasttsnt atone, ;u tat oauro er lawor tbe heada of departments, it coafidtd by theConstitution to ibe Presider.t.

Under tht construction fi.at meatijced, thttct it ia cttoct aa appemtmeat by cocgross ttbe a Briendiar General, er an assiarnmsat by itet that oalser to the perftrmaac af tbt datietof Qiartermsster Gtaera', with ths raak, payand ahcwauMt t one, ana wou.d ttiat mrtivetbt atswmpUao of a powtr committed te aaotherdepartment ef the Qtvtrnment. ThaeoBitrua- -

tica latt mtnuoaeo it etniisieni wita mo v.t a- -

itutien. renders the act aperitive, aad tmpoteta duty up tht President to rill tbe tfica ac- -

ctrcingto ut ctattuoas ni tot act.The rreatcent is rtqairta upea wtu estat- -

hsd criaeiplcs to adtpt tbecti-itrucuo- a whichwould render tba acooerativ, aad to reject thatwhich would ir.nttt tl nugatory aad void, ifthe quettioa hit! boen contiaerod daubtful itwould have been so.ved ey ttte rotemporaateasconitructioa givou te ike act by he Legislature,as thown by a aominnnit&ti n address, d to thoPrctideut, and re.'enea lay htm to urn Depart- -

meut, wii.ch is torewttc cominuattate.A. K LtwttB, of Georgia, wat appelated

brvadiet gnnerol of the proritioaai army,April 15, 1(561, under sections of the aot otCoagTttt approved Morah 6, 1861, authorisingthe ippointmaut of general offioers to brfgidusana aivnians of volunteer oae was eon- -

firmed by tbe provitiocat Congrats, Angutt 59,

letti jas win appear y in rtcoTal oi the provisional Coogrest.

By tpMtal oroot Oi the 7th August, ISM. under the act of Coatrrosa ef tks '28;a March, bo- -

fort quoted, Brig. Ota. Ls Tton wag assigned toduty as quartarroauur general, ooti was CirecUdto estor apoe the duties of hit ofitoe the U'Us ofthat aionth.

Brig Gen. Ltwtan has bees ptrftrmlng theUbeo of qiurieimtmtor-genera- l of the or-'.-

uader tha! attigemeat tiace its date. He hatnot gtrsu a boso, tad none wot rrqi.red ofbim. It uo; t'tc atagi J te Git ar art satoi tbo tailed hutti, balers loCO, to loquiroobond of the quotUrtaaster-geaara- l, nor hat abond been rtqairei of that offiser aadtr tbitGavtramtnt. He it sot a disbar ring ,fi!;er.has no custody of ptblic money, audit is aottappoted that the act of Congress, requiring abjud tf effioers ia the quartermaster t depart-ment, tppuca to the q'lwtermatMf gcneial,

Betpoctfuily lubmntod,Jambs A. Seodon, See'y of War.

The eommuunAiaan rtierr 'd to is the Beerr-terv- 's

letter it dated April 28th, U3. and readBO feliOWi t jtBtiW lilM BtttAC

To Hi Extailraty, toe ITtstdaat

8m: W beg leave, rtspeotfnlly, to reeotn- -meud Col. A C. Myers tot tho ipnatttrnf t ofbrtgatma-gtmtf- tl ot the head of tho quartetsutttMB diBiiitaawfit Wo tbmk fit hoi thown

WaWkm K

himself able, honest and diltareat ia the di- -

chn'ge. of his retrrmtui'V.e aad ltbotiou r!ntie.and tamt nMatOrf in boarirr? eur ttotlmtmy tohit tervitjea asd hi merits.

geedby svoty-ai- membert of CofigfTMMr WizfaH. cf Ttira. e in,menie4 a! iOH'

J sidtrabre length opm the staUtnontt ht thtIratry'oktatT.smaJtho ftats itt relation to theI quartermasier't deportment. He cited tht low

y thtt department to show that itsttouM coutbt of a qatrtirmaater general withthe rank of colonel, and various sabordirtate

To tbo Iqtiiktiva rlirrswt of theOovexament belougt the right to establitli tfii-ce- t

uot ettablithea by the Constitution. Theduty of tbt Executive it to appoint pera-it- s,

with the advice and constat of the Senate, tofill thote e ffiett. La this ease the oauoo createdwa that cf qaartu: master gaatral; the rank ef atolosel ef cavalry. The President appoiattdCol. Myers to tbe ofiiee, tnd, the ao'ainatienbeing eenhrtaed by the fSamtte, Ctl. Myen be-

came qaterjoxatter gatttral. He wat nevern iminatcd to tho teaate at a colvnei of csvelry.Congrees did Dot consider the rank aad pay oftha office tufixoirat, Md.Atofflng to pay a tea-piims-

to aa efheieat oScor who had otgarueedthe dtpartmeat, it passed tho set deeltriag thaifrom and after the passage thorecf the rank,nay and attach d ta tba t& a oqaarteraBOotar gnal ohaaUbo tkmt cf briga-- 1

ia the ptevtsiual army-The- reis a vagueness about tbt latttr of tbo

Setretsry of War which rtnders it difiloslt tounderttand what he means, and he (Mr. W )regret bad that tit Proei itat did not rep!? direct!y to the resolution of the Stasia, to uat weconld hsvt knuwn clearly the reasons which nvIuiimqiiI hit aetf'ia ia tht matter . If a vacancy (exalted ia th r bee ef Qaartcrmaeter Gsaerai, itwas tba duty of the President to send ia a nom-

ination to th Ssnate for filling tbo vaeanay.This he has not dtro. No man ean read theSecretary's letter aad oonciade whether a vacancy cxittt or not If tbt efike is vacant itbecomes the duty of the ctfieer uext ia raak totha C tartemtatUr Gtnerai to discharge the sm-ti- aa

ot the cfBce natil tbo vaeanay it filled.What authority did the President have for

Brigadier-Ge- n Lawtoa to the dischargeof these dut'esT (Jan La clou au eooti rated aaa Brigadier General to command volrnrteofo iatha field. The Banc te hat never agreed that hethoold discharge the duties of Quarter matterGeneral,

Mr. Wtgfall re'frei to tbe atttoa of th"Tidied States Congress in 1347 in assigningrank to th oungoont in to army to show thatconferring raak was not construed nudor th oldUtrernmnt at the croatien ol on tta s. or anymtirferenea with tho rigati of theHe argued that thit action wat precisely aaala- -

gouii to the action of tbe Eft cedcraU Ooagrtttin relation to tht qnarfrmatier-general- . t n.Myers, he said, it quartermaiter-geofral- . Therait no dodging the issue. Ht was commtesioaedtt scoh. If he is not qmtrtocmtotar-gtoera- l.

then the cfiee ii vacant, and ttt Senate hasbeen derded the constitution! ngk: to oonarmor rtjaci'hiatncccttor.

A itar further rtmarka by Mr. Wiffa!!, criti-cising tbt aotita cf tho Preatdtat ia thit matter,the massage add arrmpaayi:.g decaov is werreferred to tba emmitteo nn Mil'tary AU ia.

The Senate then went into sec-o- t IrgU.itiriacjicrj. and toon after adjourned.


The House mat at 12 M. Prsytr by Sot. Dr.Burrows.

Mr. Lyons rose to a personal explanation. Healluded to tba report in tha moning't issue tftho ffranttaer, of the personal remarks betweenhimse and tho gentleman from Ttcmeeseo thoprovica: day, da-in- g which thoehair it uportadto hate said, "The doarkeeper will take thegtntiemtu ." He would call art the eliaixto statt whether it gave inch ao order.

Tba rpoaktr taid, beiieviug that the authorityof the chair wai about te be contravened, hhad called the gentleman from Virginia to order,and ordered him to take hit seat, tut had noreen! lection now of having issued ony erdtr totbe doorkeeper.

Messrs. Hilton, Chamblies, Mi'aa, Dargea,Sextos sad Gaither, aach lastoine 1 .ha conaot-bsu-s

ef the Exmmimtr't report, and stated thatthe chair used the extraction, "lb doorkotpof

," hot did not complete the senteeveeMr. Lyons aaid that when excited he was lia-

ble to utt expressiaas that ho would not use iacalmer moments.

Tha rule having bees, suspended, th Sea itbill far th keaefit of Kentucky tree pa, wet reada third lime and patted. The bill provides thtttbo torn of on million dollars ihall be appro-priated for the parchtae of clothing sad equip-ments for Kentucky troops ia the tervice of theCooiadtrate States.

The Sonata biil to protect membert of Con-g- rii- - from annoyance while traveling, and re

qjiriag the Stcetsry of State te furnish eachmember with o oartiiotta of hie offioiai charac-t.t- ,

and aiiaw them to travel oa it, was tokeot;

ap. , ,Mr. Clark, of Georgia, moved te amend by

including tho ofieora tf each Hoate. With-draw-

Mr. GartnU, of Georgia, aueved to lay It oathe table.

Mr. Welch, of Misrisstpni, could aot porcoivttho necessity ot tho bill. He was nawiliiag toadmit by suy tort ot iaoiication that each acertificate was aeortiaxy. He never traveleden arftmng else tha tho cert fitate of hu cfii-cto- '.

euaioolor tram tbe Secretary of Stat ofMiMimrsapi, and wat unwilling to see any othercertuiaate.

Mr. Gray, of Texas, thought mem eera of Ctt-grer- t

should submit to aoneyooc at well asother citizens. It was a matter merely of indi-vidual convenience

Mr. Dsrgtu, of AJabaxca, dtsirtd to know bywhat aoiboiiiy aay citistn was roquirasi to ob-

tain s poitport. Where wo tha eoamoa lowor tho statute authorizing it f It woo aa act efmilitary tytoaxy. Ho weald aovor carry a ta

from the Secretary of State it wouldbreak nil baek.

Tb bill was lott.Mr. Masse, from tho otmf trtttea eatsatattta oa

the diiagreeiag Totet of tho two heutcaia rskt-tio-

to tit pabde pristiag, msved tkot the Houeoreeede frem itt ameadmtt.t. and niftr tbe matterte the j lint tomsiittoe of the two hcatoo ; thometiea wa adopted.

Mr. Boteicr, ot Virginia, sabmitted a rotola-tit- n

iastracting tht ewtmmittae ea Military Af-

fairs to isqair into tbo expediaacy' of a Uw totemporarily till vieaaeice csattd by ttt captureof ofiiooifB. Adopted.

Alia, s tetolaiion that the tame committee re-

port what ieglslr.tion it neeeittry to mahc t4jc-tea- t

tad strgeaat-mtjo- r eligiWe to otherm iregtmeau is caaea cf extrtardiaary et

raltr. Adapted. . , .

Mr. Chambbtt sub Bitted a lesolutiou that theHaute adjourn en Thursday, to meet ea thofirfth.

Mr Gar tra d moved to insert Ttttaday. Thorastlutiea aad amoadmont, n mot,on of Mr.Atkist , were laid on tht table

The unfinished basinets, being tbo bill re-

ported by tho committee cm Military Affairsto Iliad tho tabttitutt low, waa takea ap.

Mr. Garirell, of Georgia, taid the nccsotiiy ofprompt legiilation to increate th army, shouldbo rteogaisod. Tbo bill coder soastir) ( atioa didnot meet tho qaottion. it preteaaed a graveqtacaea of eenttitatiaati right. Ha thought th

the tamo object might be at talced by laeommit-tia- g

tbe bill, with iattroctioa to increase themilitary age frtoa 4A. to 8 or SO yean, teesfrom 45 to tit) to ooaa.itato a resrv erorpa andall between IS Bud 45 bo put irsujed lately inthe Grid.

Mr. Gartrtll tatawdkBrly istrrdaeed a bill toaathoris tbe Pfttidtat to coll into thoservice lor uw war. ail wtuto ta;twteo th age of 1H acd be yean, tho

the age of 46 aad 5a. tt ejtastmtute a ro- -t

rve carp, and to do garritta duty, sic, andall bet ret 18 and 45 to be put immMiateiy iathe field ; alar, all abltvbodi a mea ia the qoararxsattr tnd commrsxary dssartasamU, niterbmreaa, ott ., aad their placet bttapptied bydltv ifablod OOataVvn and eaec over tho Cottsertpt agoHt thea taoTed to recommit the bill aad eaatarl-tatBt- s.

' '; , ... 'Mr Steplst, cf TL-gts-is, oppotstd tho attrtioa

and advocated tho iJiMWto t the gttstlemaaUota Lcuiriaua He wanted to strike at thortet of tb evil, ana plto all on aa tqaal fcot-in- g

Bvery effort to treat dittiattiont wouldr?odast d.rtatialactioc. H tutmlaad the cub 01

tutate of tho gaaataaaBSa froes lolBioiatm, ot) tbopnacipl of atateotlty. Bvery man in tn anyboJtZc right to daataad tbot erery Otsitr able-bodie- d

man ibeahl be pat ia also. Congress mmay grant exaaantioas ac a net r of pablieoeliey. bat bo maa could obttai it at right, ahi aima'd break, aa tha syttem , f diloili si oaeaontoai twipd and atodtfy tU wtmuoa

law. Thit reform, with tb eWfiOO mea vimhtve niootituttt, would .nab e ut to ttrika ablow that would reatound tkrctxrbecrt ChriHaa- -

dcm. Utttttooboaajstliati ef iismpiiio bytab--ibtattoa wat aorogaiax; he had oeen mtorsrttaland t trsd tire army weald mntiny vihea It

Few the magattade ofths arm satt IliitMW, bat St30coi btte batta saixtedin tho bofdt oehoti of tttassnoBO. Bvus reatt bcoxrotted by th ii.uiouao ot exnerteeoo. Athit weald enjoy tbe benignant blMetings of thoGeverameut wheu tttoco was tt'tftnef. It btooata each one to bear his shore of ta war.

Mi. Suasion, of Scam Coram.-- , said th itsuoef ths tucooet or deetractioa of tho Seatherapeopie would depead on th coming spring oroammm eampaiga. Ia the too in wduoh

ha BU aot btuevo .hebooth would be susjagated, bat ths Berth willbrisg tut all iu powers, and It become us to do-vt-

ours There went bat tore unlaws oawhich we should raly. We at sat) knag hate thfield alHho hetna thu i of tttrhteca aadtortv-tlTO- , or ti.aao orer tho Utter are. Womust do this or bo tvactiste Diooottia had already era: uken at , bat It ooaid not be attributedte tbe troat of valor m our to n. era er the stoatof thrill iu onr gsaerolt. iheugh ia 00000 Signit might boooriag to vh latter. Th cbbo of

e difnfTff was tn wont ot mea. a wtsto ooacea! the fact that th South was nu

snerioaRy wusker thaa th Berth. Wo neededMitteriag oawrnteu ana glaammg otmros, tadCoorre"9 would prove reereont to itt duty if itodiaurued withett ttrantrthezriSaT tbt army.

He wat unwilling to coll out thaa over forty- -flve; the agncultwtl elemeat mast not bs weakeased, as the ana? mutt. Beat aadt eaouee atwell ao fight. Hmidrtdt and toouttntis hadueeu lett at homo heuaatie it was Believed themmrosM of tho country rtqulrod it. Thtt hadproved erraaeoa. Secetiity now deaioadedthty thaU-- i besaa: ic. ward to the Sold. Whythauld aot tscot who tod hired cabstitatet beput into tbe field else7 It may be ausweiedthere wot a totrtract. Did the Gevtrnmtntarree that aaid contract, if thcra w; ecte, the aidbo oottaal! Tbe Government ha a pttrfitct

riht to break op this trrtngemeal. it may bonecessary Uat iter? thou, iit tomo remunefa- -tioa. Let tho Govaruaeat pay a jatt propor-tion, aad it will bo lubivgated to tho rights oitho fubetileJk.

Mt. Simpscn then tfiered an aaoondtnent pro-vidi-

that when any principal thadl be calledupon to evlTO tn tbe army, cat-thi-rd et thaautOBBt atari to hit saaoutau tball be refuadad,and bth prmcipoi and substitute bo retained iathe eenriee.

Mr Fa n so , of Virginia, opposed the amend-ment, and argued at length against tho employ-me- et

tf lubttitatea, but admitted t.r warhenerable exception ia bth elaaiai. Thowho hodemmioyed subttitutto wtsemettiy tpeo-aiate-

wh had fat taued oa tho oxttUrtax cfthe coBBtfy They were net entitled to any

Oee haalrcd rarlliort d!ian hodbeen paid thai Ihey might rjjy the privusg oftku!king their cuty tiid tcnk.r g at tbe riteU oftho oetxatry. Hn icmed that there was aay an-

tra tt in tae ease. Wt won ooir 1 upon aew tocooserk th pwr ot tbe ceautry, aad ereryprirciyie ot duty required at to ooe it. Ho wassort prepared t sty t what extent tb strengthf the cool try th mid be colled cat, bat bo Waa

prepared to tay that we should exempt only tuebas were obaa'.utely accessary to feed thtse iu thefield rvVVt

Mr aitbet laid he L: d as diffiettUy in toyiagthtre wis no contrast. The iml.td tei.it of theofrvtrumen t wt notnin? mom thaa that theythcnld ba exempt aniti retretotty reqoired theervieet ef pemaapaio Thi tmplteo loith was

ttiocger woea oar twelve montos man aero d.

It wat strong : when we propose torh three ysari men for tho war. Wht

eonid betiutto to pat a nriac.pal in tae army,who hot been out a ; the tmw, wbeu tne preeeatoaaditlon ef tht country ; equina1 itl He did notwont another conecriptiea until it ooaid bo as--carttiood new aaany mea could be obtained by amolificoteoa of tba exempuoa law, and iriac- -

iag into the fitld thote eagaged in the varkassB

: th Government, th trades aadprofsas!et. There wer mere man detailedthan hod been uetupud. It would ba astound-ing to to what a Urge camber had beta

for dutiet that could be pttrformcd by stgrooo, aad disabiad ooldiers.

Mr. Hartndg colled the qnottioa, whaait wasnitijatd

Mr. Gartrell's mofiou wis loot

fwiillia reerurrirg en tbe omeudmect ctMi. Clark, of Georgia,

Ho wanted Congress la wteiitrt by law thatbo one ibouid act in tits qaartermattor, commis-aor- v

tod other departrnrnti when mea over theconscript age could per team the duties. Thedettila htvl beta given as a fcvor to tht iedro drial, and aot far th oaneut ot the country. Itwas disgraceful to permit individuals oi tat eoniftiptage to ismx their doty. Ccnrraetwhe power, aad tccaw oae 11 tixe man, and at

oaee. ice tovri.i:-- i nt aad a rigat to toeacrvicev. Bad, V aeed be, to ths blood ofcitiseaa, of very ge. ns oopec tnat, tnreooje urnmeat, a bsB would be brought forwardto cat ea details, aad bang into tb army alltblebedi-- d men in the qasrterrnatter, eoirmis-sar- y

snd ether dvaorrneett, befbr mcnerribirtgthe army, it not at dene, too army wooid remain saasrhad, but sot otherwise.

Mr. Ktitan moved to amend the inoatitate ofMr. Coma 1 by providing that nothing thertinthon'd Be e TrstmcO as to re'ieve tbe trrrhttitutofrom tay inability ansumed by him aa taatt Mb--

ati'.ale. Auepied.Mr. Busooll moved to add to hit sn tiiltatofor

the fiiat acctlon of tho coBMaittee till thewords, tbia wt tball eatitle substtatos to beditehorgod-- Latt.

The qceettou recurring tn the BohttitaU ofMr. Co- - rod for ths who'e bill, Mr. CbiUoat

i to amend to that thu set should set affectpersons whe ore not liable to eesaariptten, batbad, nererthnlrsa, mrn K.ed substitutes. Adapt0.

Mr Carrie move 1 to slrtki oat th word "bert- -ofter" iu th tumtfitate. Carried.

Tbo biil t Mr Conrad, aroad tb third time aad passed.

The yeas asd nova batmg ordered, tha fellowin.r f.aLemeu vated ia the affirmative 1

Mttsn. Atkins, Beii, Boteier, H W. Brace,Chambiiss.Chilion, Cnitman, Ca:od, Garw,lbt'b, Onrrj . Ml tractU. Farrow, FnoaBBa,Furstoa. Gaither, Gordinhire, Gorid, Gto',fJrtham. Orsy, Handy, Hartndtra, Mattkaii. Hdtea, Jtaaosn, Keaaan of Gtorgio, KaoonaB of

orth Itartiino, Lrsaaor, Lewis. Ltvea, HfbtBMoLeao. Msaees, Miller, Moore, Perkins, Prattoa Pesrh, Kails. Saxiort, SimfMOa, ST- - rf.atecStepies, Vett, T.llorc, Welch, Wiloox, Wright

itnact.no, wngot 0: 1 ixax.Thote who rated ia the accretive ar Messrs

Ashe, Aver. Clspp, Clerk, Clspton. CollUr. Dorran, Gr troll, Lyon, ii .at, Strickland, Swaaa,

s ba Ug at smtuesa imd air- -

neted:Wberbaa, ia the prmsat ctronamtaaee of

ths tountry, it requires tbo aid of all who 010abls tt beer arms, the Coagrest of tho Coafod-rst- e

States do therefor enact t

That ne ponoa ihall be mrapotd troaamii- -

tabetiUte, FrwrUsd, Tbatt aMemtag at tabgtttaatJ thotib ao ilrnd aa te ream

tahotitato from aay ebiigttioa or Kihlityttmtraoted or noamnd by h--m at tacts tabeti-tato- .

JBut this act ohali aot bo maaliBii ta ta tc

aflaot perotmo who, tttongh act Bakfo ta 1

tervme, havp neverthe'e-- r pat iaThe If tact thea odjeqrued.

tjatercb ef Ma am K- - Bwawao, fa., ml laae-- r, tfNaasaaaakor IM.

The eptaktr tfibmttJ, act oaly thtt inimriimwas o juat right ef every ftam, bat that th iagttraity of man award cot eombimi thaa tortrttgn Stotet into s tOetefsi vpohfte wUrtasxt theright of saetssioo. He did aot afvoaate thupriu tip ie of tiiuttaita, he woo ao bemtrar ia rtmbmts to bt form-- Bei right was right; ami

tbo Astoria rttrrptw twocjgkt BrotT 10 adaptaserteiu prlaeiplet er forme et rmmarf, btwaa th-.- r doty now to accept tbe rtf tawiirtii. aaThe BtteTn Stala bid aot only right of

ihertot m the itamaslmay hod the, oome right from a ttferfiS

.1 CCai tafc

thaa oooted Abrohom Ttttrmtea l.ajifTn.tliWestern Vrgiaio tecesliag from the rant ci

that flute, tad aatmrted toot any oca whoought wstrid Bad a authority for tho very

grotsest term, et Jtr of naathSma ear "

Mr. labttmba, Trros the Sotithcara Stotts hadright rmtm tJbtir ttria, thay uiap.'y do what tbt

arthru txarxwitat di awirsr them aad hsrateUA--k 1 them to admare ts--sr ttora BfetBbe kl wtttAhor. tdmittiog Aa riffbt, thstrt

recited tie castas wfes&b had led touva to fast that tbo ptopto of thoasm 8 abb are diBact from aad tawtero.

awtic to Bach ot' tr. Tho Berth priaehtd ralt-gio- at

liberty, end proctjeed it by raersjeeutingana sity ng an WW tIm Ska mi m theyHiniioat tatty ware tba Stat to taketo 1 --cede but now thtt other follow their ex-ample, ai d they loce by It, they deem it tbodead Hott of aim-- Thtt was not au ottaaapt tooat oae BBBtm iate two. bat te acmpei tmw attioos to bo otto. It wot thtt fact that tho South-erners wo another people, and tbo natural dweirwhich it treated to have an existence and ar

of thttr own, that was tht eaaa nf this--onvuisjoa- But thtre woo snethor ia tha oon-rieti-

that had long pervaded tba atomic) thatthe Union wat worked to the profit of the rTorthtnd their own loot.

Beta aafiBfid ho oawsarmod that he didaettaaaao- -h-- ilovtry so coo of tha coasts of ooootwoa.Tho very tmaliest rtdeotioa ooght to shaw amyoae who took the troublt to redact, that ilavety,to far from bttag th eauto, woo th aWottgcat fall peambi rooa agaiaot tsiitaitiotx, MaMionwent oa to thow uot, iu oil othtr cos of war.or threatened war, in America, iilavery had aopart, aad sutd that, if tiavtry hoi bosa tbotint ohiect cf South era thought, tbey wauldhave cuag to tho Gotaa wish tit most y.

But some might ask. was aotsitvery declared to be tha earasr atone of thoSictheru Oauledwraey ' That wae tbe pfrpRiarand parrot try of tho Nwthcea li taalta Itwas true that a ao ethers cratot stated that thed ffjtthct tf rose and the -- atiriarity oi onenee to antther was the corner atone of the syt-u-

bat did they ever ratfot hoar of stash athiag aa totting a mattepttericst cxpreettoa af an

rarer, aad fixing it on eight isilitoaaof aeaaale fLeaving .twttahor for tact, every maa knewwhen to find tho ewrmv-atB- B of aay awe faderacv. Than wts bat tae toiot? to which thattpithet would apply, and that woo it etttatita-tit-

Bow , ia the Conatitotieu ef tbo SoathernS'atea thtrti wa aot a tingls principle in saa--owrt ef tlafory whion waa not in ths id ott.

to say tho only nposed te aiavcrv, 1 that wo tba oheolBte bthisitioa of the clave trade. There wot oat oaeword ia it to pmvaut tay State freeiag its tlaveeaad iBaamadatg h tBtoabtr aa bwetoAore. Whatdid they mien, than, of tho iiapatig ef aacz.wbe took ap tho tooud of tho potass, and hadnot psaetraiioa ecoagh to diaeotn tho toate oii: :he .rmits of rta iptilt.'dmtB I

Pram tb auehaaaad atosabstr.)

ry torn toxtout heart to oee a Lisa of that achatbond who hove yielded their lives ra the 111 iaaaof their Msxatry; cot coati too battl field 'midtho plaadita af a grateial foopta, tcrt awayfrom bomte, frtoa It aad ceaatry tsah, tajmr- -ing and dying in pritoa, among ttramtrart, aadinostrugt land, debarre-- th tympathiae atrela-ive- aad tmkaovm ia their tad fata to their

w tallowing BMaaa- -efce'y

Luf f ikemka hema dud at m MttaUry Aaaajgv rnaautra af war, Jenmm t UUaei, mamrfndaaka t?u, Oku, V. S.Gen Maary, May, Dataiaonio. dtmatAtrf

Btfthviilot Cast Wood, pueamcuia. TTTSitmBoaet Team: bit May to 1 tystooiri few HhTttm ratrimetii. Lcat S A Pieraon. Jalv.CaaVtyohoid iover 30th Tena reg; Copt J B Hodgeerysyetrfao, 61 tl Tean rvr: Lieut B H. JuivSlat, tvphetd ever. Urn Ark rag; Copt L WMeWaortuo. Jnly kUib, typhmd favor Sd Bfiaatrag; Ltout 0 3 Andwrttm, August 'iaaa, pan-mmi-

1911 Tewn nr. Ctpt B E Mayee. Sept10th. dysentery. sOth Teas rea-- Molocbi Baeres.Ocoohcr 30th typhoid tVver. lat fjtoeaT TBaraat,Oct Uia. ty ahoid fevti 46th V mr D Chris-ten. Oat 1th, hroxue diarrhea, V regt 8 MCall, October ISth. typhoid faver, Si Georgia;

thirl Tsykrr, Gctobor lotk, typhoid ft.r, ld.h Kntaky; John WikMaa, Ojtcbez

a7tb. typhoid tever, Shaarhaajl'i cava.ry ; JAthhary. Oct. th. typhoid fever, kLrgaa'eetv.; Wirfis Tbompeoc, Biv. 6m, chrome diof.rr t 1 h V : Cap 7 W C.wthora. nltfth. iNBcumettua, Ooartottrn brigtde: JVjha W.

N ,v. tii. pna"ag .ity, oliiatts, max:Wc. J Jobntec, Kov. i?d. iaamoxia. Paia- -

lsxtr'i cav ; J Haydau, 7f.jv. Ist.vtr, loiKy T BunMBBrhtm. N,vi dyttmtary, ritiaaa, Ma; J. lorreil. Moat I

Biltaaa. M tap., iaa. Seal. Nav. aitt, at oh'. eitfxen. Ky Peter Cole, New 23--1. .

Owth Ta ; Jehu MeCaae, Xov t 4.Bnatxtaotria, crtmea. St Leata; John 8. TewttrNov. 2M, typhotd t.ver, K r ; Wat Beard. Bov'34th, ehtorue dvoaatery, Marshall t biagaao, JW. 0 shore. Nov. nth. typhoid fever, Martmall 1 brlgaaiet Jae , Dec ISth, typbftvoc, ttaal J. Mtrrt. Dec 1- - h. tvphand teaPork 1 Ms. rsgt.; J. Katxhum, ltemmbto)ir4th,erhronl dyientety, Idtti Mo tag, Wm H Actmr-sra- ,

lire lOrh, rpkcid paeumcoia, Patndxurseav. stebt CtmblBii, Doe IOth, twnakeaal aawcjr.Peiatloxmr- - a. Wm Jehattoo, Deo lUthv, ty-

phoid fever. Poiaekxtor't eat; Wm T hBP.Oct llh, typhoid torcr, Pmadtxteri cav. C tBbodo. Dec lata, atmrt dhwatee. N Ct Stat MSI,Jaa 7th, htrliiaa Sa of ammmCiark ' Ma bsf.

car; l)aa" Herrin, Jta 10m, typhotd tavcrkPomdester't Mo eav. 8tmT Ash, Jaa 3d top bawdttwwf, lifts it of Dceldrtdg ccumy, Vt Jobs Crdloctatt, Feb i Ilk. laimin cat. ass ctMsade uaty, Ky, B Motxsott. Fo 11th, ,

- lis reg Jaa Faq-et- , Feb tlth, typhotd ftver, citixea of Ktatnckv, cam from TicktbejrgWm T B dy. fab Sd typhoid lover. GreseaxerwAoly, K lattaag . W W Vote, Faat Uob.measlee, 10th Keat-ick- y oawauyt bfrtaommYtrtroagb, F-- k Vith. pntmBottir;. iOth Kyeav Joan B Amderooe. Feb lichroark- - diarrhea.Pet ter't Mimiml oov; Wm White. Fb ISth,aataolo, Wscdcrord' ear, Ky; Joma Mshiaw.

Job 18, maaaito, 10 di Ky vr H C Davm, FaAHenry, typhoid fever, Feb SB, e; tea oftjtmnty. KT aVsm BfodFkd, .

aaclut.Martt. 4, ynatetd krw,CwMmw't Mo hat.David Smith, March 6. ptMsxmoana, cttatjam ofOtidtmil coototy , Kyt Dtafei HcKiasaoy . Fab 04.typStki paammaaaia. Krr TSMtaoou, Mtrwh 14,aypootdfBiotiia 1, l Oth Ky tart Thea A Be-ttas-

Jane It airxhaa, Sd Ta ow; Jawaea BParkt, Jam, 57, arydpei, 16th Ya cam W W

ay. Jmae It minbi Sd Ky bat: JT M Hack.10. Ill llll II, 38 taw; Srtwy Mywrt,

aaoir a Ky cavGtoM taato!' JtJy'WaatVra Virginia: Ctpt W Ftrliar. Jury S8. gstt-trid- t.

ot Norsn af Woatr" Capt DC W-s-

JaiyaT, typaoad tooar, im Ate caw. UffaJadseu, Aag 5, typhctd fcvrr, id N C hat, Lt

MLyo.J-y- . typhotd Btour, fAcfc K C rcg ;

rui. tysasmai mverI'ufi ilkltiaaamm Lt W Al Assmtt Iff.

6Ut Go bwoairy. J W ,at., Satt7.Itt jtwt hat: Lata. Ml :aaaa. AaavflB.

tydfovar wJthTcur Ct Jam! iiIea4baBmflBwwtaC

ateat tO, ajpattad team, tot Atat hut: I

Giuttaai. tVpt a, tyahoad tea BCatgt DP&ti:::. owpt ii,ty ptmta tree --u twaat aasmurfiDatuel BecJtorhxmt, Ssa4 TT.jiibii mi, ota ly"X D C JawAewB. Saapt 9. cstrtmse dyttmtofy.ratm tt eav; iu - a, wrasses, mean

id Ttsm mmatrj: Lt Wm F30, dyatmurr. oth S C mtaairi L L 3

SC. LtM Ibadaaac attest 30. ryphadd fever. :0.h T,r,

OtmtBWBunroa. l't tt ryphmd aawsaa, StAreatt ear. Boht Boit, Oct M, ttomnaatA iatr,6m Tana. A (XtUOL

Lately awmmooai nam Jibai 11 iaistoa.- B-T- km Bat rimoacB oaly to thatetsm sort


aaa Yoatkoe aatpers aay tateABH

to tbae be held

bw Or atone ErtU B) muogtoat that t

wulbfy bobeia) is I Bt tbcrat ths aatthdavof Jtaaatn ttka hatttwsamr taatmAaadby tooam m IS aa?n r. -

wita lam feesby the FW State

ha tic Kiwar :

bad ma md.ttstmty pefMbosttd tow armaa itut totttUaaa maan meestcnec. aaa aa rtimmida

am to ftotd tha ttjeaBtj aa ot alat tho mathday of JaaBMary.