The Minds Path

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  • 8/14/2019 The Minds Path



    The nervous whine of a horse was the only sound to be heard in the makeshift

    camp, that was set up to house the thirty men that sat huddled in small groups nervously

    glancing at there commander while tending to their duties. Some tried to patch up

    wounds that they accumulated during this campaign. While others patched up armor and

    shields, or patrolled the outskirts of the camp. Those with nothing else to do were trying

    unsuccessfully to remove blood and dirt from there persons and applying oil to weapons

    to prevent rust from this damp weather.

    The commander, a strikingly beautiful woman with auburn fiery red hair that

    cascaded down to the middle of her back, stood with her back to her men. She knows that

    they look to her for guidance but she was at a lost as to what to tell them. She pulled the

    deep green traveling cloak tighter around her body for the highly polished set of armor

    she wore did nothing to keep out the biting cold of winters first storm. The wind had

    been harsh the last couple days, almost unnaturally so. She let out a breath that until that

    moment she didnt know she was holding in. As the thick cloud floated away from her

    lips, she motioned for her second in command. At the summons a huge armored man who

    had been sharpening a wicked looking battle axe stood and walked over to her, standing

    with his back to the men like his commander, the huge axe dangling from his gauntleted

    fist that was twice the size of most men. Any word of Morgan or his scouts?

    No commander, they should have returned last night.

    We cant wait any longer, tell the men to get ready to move out, inform them to

    be ready for anything, without the scouts we will be riding blind from here on out.

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    Aye, commander but the Crossroads are within a days ride, we are within our

    own borders once again surely the danger has passed.

    Dont assume to be safe because we are in our own yard. Weve already lost

    more than a hundred men, we mustnt become lax, and they may well still be out there.

    Six months ago we didnt even know of there existence, but they slaughtered a hundred

    battle hardened knights of the empire with less then fifty men. If you could call them

    men. No, we must take extra precautions from this moment on. Belay that last order

    captain, double the guard and let the men rest for the rest of the day, from this moment on

    we travel under the cloak of night.

    Yes commander., and commander?

    What is it Largus?

    Are you scared commander?

    Aye Largus, aye.


    Fall back! Screamed the commander.

    Were trying, but they are everywhere! Largus yelled back as his axe beheaded

    the human like creature that stood before him. Blood gushed from the creatures neck and

    sprayed all over the large knight, it ran down his armor in rivulets along with the pouring


    The crossroads are just over this next hill, if we can make it there we can fortify

    our position and send for my father to reinforce us with more troops.

    I dont think w. She looked over her shoulder to see what happened to her

    friend, and saw to her horror that his own axe was deeply imbedded in his own

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    skull. Then she realized her own mistake as she felt something slam into her mid


    She looked down and stared at the pommel of a sword that was protruding

    from her stomach. It felt as if her insides had turned to ice. She tried to scream in

    frustration, to scream in agony, but no sound passed her trembling lips. The world

    started to flow as if in slow motion, every detail was brilliantly clear and pristine.

    She sank to her knees and watched dumbly as her men, her friends where

    butchered all around her, one by one. She saw there mouths open in screams, but

    the only sound she could hear was that of the rain drops hitting her armor. She

    stood up slowly, numbly and turned in place, looking towards the heavens,

    searching for salvation. Her sword, a sword given to her by her father when she

    joined the knighthood, fell from her hand to splash in the ankle deep puddle at her


    Then she saw him, a hooded figure astride a milky white stallion over

    looking the rain soaked, blood stained battle field. She stepped forward with her

    arms raised up towards this shadowy figure, or she imagined she did for her legs

    would not head her commands. She fell to her face in the mud. She started to rise,

    to push herself out of the mud when something incredibly fell on her. Under the

    water of the muddy puddle her face went and then there was darkness.

    Chapter 1

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    As the sun started to rise over the horizon, the ringing of steel on steel could be head

    from miles way. The sound of it was loud enough to set your teeth on edge. But now as

    the priest took to the field of battle there was another sound in the air, the unsettling

    sound of defeat. As far as the eye can see on this once calm meadow were the bodies of

    slain warriors. The wounds in their flesh told the grisly story all to well.

    The somber priests were immune to the sight of the mangled and mutilated

    bodies. All but one anyways, for young master steel this was a numbing experience. He

    had never seen a dead body before this day. Searching over the battlefield was not as

    glorious as he thought it would be. He had volunteered for the exciting idea of checking

    the field for survivors. So he walked by the bodies and prodded them with the toe of his

    white slipper, or what was once his white slipper for now it was caked with mud and

    blood. As he walked he came to the body of a huge man with an axe embedded in his


    Come here priest said the man. This unexpected voice startled steel so much

    that he jumped back and tripped over a headless body, and fell to his knees staining his

    white robe with cold wet mud. He quickly looked back at the man and realized that he

    must have been mistaken for the man must have been dead for hours judging by the

    bluish tint of his flesh. He then heard the sound of coughing coming from underneath the

    huge man. Steel slowly got off the ground and approached the man once more. He then

    rolled the corpse to locate where the sound was coming from.

    Under the body of the man was smaller man caked thickly with mud, which had a

    sword protruding from his midsection. The man weakly motioned for steel to come

    closer. So he knelt by the wounded mans side. The man tried to talk but was overcome

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    with a violent fit of coughing. As the coughing subsided a small amount of blood started

    to trickle down the side of the mortally wounded mans cheek. Steel stood and started to

    motion for one of the senior priest when he heard a whispering feminine voice say.

    There is no need for others boy. Steel gaped in open mouthed astonishment, this man

    was a woman!

    Y-y-youre a girl! stammered Steel

    Of course Im a girl you simple minded twit, now if you can manage to calm

    yourself I have something to ask of you. Stated the woman.

    A thousand pardons my lady. Said steel somberly. When the woman heard this

    she started laughing until she was once again over come with a bout of coughing, but this

    time blood sprayed out of her mouth like a fine mist. He did his best to comfort her until

    she looked into his eyes once again. In her eyes instead of pain was determination. The

    strength she held in her gaze pierced into the very heart of Steel.

    Im sorry to laugh but manners such as yours are hard to find in these parts now

    days. I need for you to take the scroll from my my bag. She said as she pointed to a

    leather traveling bag that laid in a puddle of water a few feet away. He stood and went to

    the bag and rummaged through it till until he found a bone scroll case in the bottom of the

    bag. He then dropped the bag into the puddle and returned to her side. As he dropped to

    his knees he pleaded with the woman.

    Please my lady, let me send for a healer, if your wounds are not properly cared

    for soon..

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    Im afraid Im not for this world much longer. She said. He looked down at the

    sword that stuck out of her armor and knew she was right. Will you please take this

    scroll and the ring on my finger to my father?

    But of course where shall I send it?

    No, it must be taken in person, by you. She gazed at him with the look of

    someone who was used to getting what she wanted.

    Im sorry, but my duties here at the monastery forbid me from departing. She

    looked saddened at hearing this and turned her head to look at the overcast sky. A single

    tear fell from her eye that created a clean streak through the dirt and grime on her face.

    When steel saw this he realized how beautiful this woman must be and the sight of her

    crying was too much for him to bear. Please dont cry, Ill take them to your father..if

    it will keep you from crying. He then took her hand in his and kissed her forehead. Her

    eyes lighted up at this like the twin suns rising over the eastern horizon in the mornings.

    You must travel to the capitol and deliver the scroll and the ring to my father

    personally, no one else is to lay hands on either, no one else is to be trusted.

    It will be done as you asked, I need but to know your fathers name. she looked

    at him as if he just grew a third eye.

    You really dont know who I am do you boy? My father is the King suddenly

    steel didnt feel so well, he felt light headed and dizzy.

    Youre highness Im sorry I didnt know, er I didnt recognize you, not that Ive

    ever seen yo ahh, ill go right now. He sputtered, he stood as if to go right then and

    there, and would have if not for the princess reaching up and grabbing his hand.

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    Please stay with me a little longer at least till my journey begins. She pleaded.

    So he sat down beside her as the thunder rumbled in the distance, stroking her hair. After

    a couple minutes she started coughing and with the violent coughs came bubbles of her

    lifes blood from her nose and mouth. Then she coughed no more. She moved her lips as

    if trying to speak but no sound escaped her lips. He put his ear to her mouth trying

    desperately to hear her last words. Tell him, the words were spoken and her

    head tilted to the side staring at him with sightless eyes. And her grip loosened and her

    hand fell to the cold wet earth. As he sat there with her head in his lap, tears ran

    unchecked down his face, he didnt know why, but he had never known grief such as this

    before. The gods must have felt the the same for at that moment the heavens opened and

    the tears of the gods fell as if to drowned out the pain of his lost.


    Back in his room he sat on his cot, his mud soaked robes laying in a heap on the floor. He

    sat and stared at the ring that he just took off the fingers of the dead princess Arlissa. He

    didnt know how long he sat there grieving her death, and he wasnt sure how he could

    even morn over someones death that he didnt know. Now he had to figure out what to

    do next. The capitol was a months journey by horseback, the problem was is that he

    didnt own a horse. Then there was his financial problem, he only had enough coin to by

    a weeks supply of food, and that was if he rationed it and ate once a day. He could get

    some rain gear from the chapel, but what excuse would he give to the bishop? Well he

    would have to cross that bridge when he got to it.

    He walked over to the chest that held his meager belongings and kneeled before

    it. He then proceeded to pull out all his clothes and then rolled them up in his blankets.

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    He then took a small length of rope that normally severed as a belt and secured the

    bundle so that it would fit comfortable across his back. He then pushed the roll under his

    bed, then stood up and walked out of the bare room. He was walking towards the bishops

    room, trying to think of how he would explain what just happened and how he needed to

    leave. When he arrived at the massive door he knocked on door and listened as the sound

    seemed to echo throughout the dimly lit monastery halls.

    He took a deep breath and waited for his summons. He gaped at the very intricate

    carvings on the doorway. These carvings told of the Brothers rise to the heavens and how

    they overcame the sadistic plots of their sister Gosma, Goddess of the underworld. As he

    stared at the carving he thought back to his lessons trying to recall the story of the

    Gods. Alric and Caniis are brothers that where cast down from the heavens do to their

    sister Gosma. Gosma was a wicked girl that didnt believe in following orders. In the

    house of their father there was but one rule, not to touch any of the books in the tomb of

    all knowledge. Gosma stole one of the books and in it she found the secret of death which

    fascinated her, for there was no death in their realm. She read the book and hid it amongst

    the belongings of Alric and Caniis. When their father found the book missing he searched

    for it and found it where she had left it. He was so angered he cast Alric and Caniis into

    the nether realm as punishment. But the brothers vanquished Moranis the keeper of souls

    in combat and returned to the heavens. Once back they wasted no time into tricking

    Gosma into admitting that it was she who stole and read the book. Their father was so

    ashamed and angered by the deeds of his only daughter that he banished her to the

    underworld to rule forever. He also had shame as to how he treated his innocent sons. So

    he placed them in charge of the tomb of all knowledge and left never to be seen again. To

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    this day Alric sits at his fathers desk writing the history of this world as it unfolds., while

    Caniis keeps law and order in the world of mortals.

    Enter master Steel came a crackling voice from the other side of the door . Steel

    grasped the golden handle and pushed. The massive door swung open with an ease that

    always amazed the young man. As he entered the room he was overwhelmed by the smell

    of burning sent jars. These small ceramic jars, filled with various exotic oils from around

    the world, where all the rage by a lot of the elderly. To Steel they just tickled his nose and

    made him want to sneeze. The fragrance was of some exotic flower from a distant land.

    Steel was surprised to see the Bishop sitting in a chair reading a scroll as he where just

    waiting for someone to arrive, for there was char directly across from the old man with a

    cup of steaming honey tea and a plate of sweet cakes on the ottoman before the chair. At

    the site of the cakes he remembered just how hungry he was.

    Im sorry your grace, im interrupting, Ill come back later. Stammered Steel.

    What are you going on about child, come keep an old man company for awhile

    before you depart, hmm? replied the old man with a lifted eyebrow. Steel did what was

    asked of him and sat down in the chair that was apparently sat out for him. It was strange

    thought Steel that on all the times he had been in this room he couldnt recall there ever

    being a second chair in the room. Not that he was complaining for it was one of the most

    comfortable chairs he had ever been in, as soon as he sat in it he felt refreshed and

    comfortable as if there wasnt a care in the world. Especially after being out in the foul

    weather, this felt really nice. They sat there in silence and ate their cakes and enjoyed the

    sound of the crackling fire. This fire was one of the favorite conversations amongst all the

    young in the monastery for no one ever remembers carrying wood to his chamber, or for

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    that matter seeing the Bishop doing so either. Some thought it was magic, others thought

    it might be a gift from the fairy folk that was rumored to be in the woods. Although there

    were many ideas about it, no one could come to a conclusion about it. But one thing was

    for sure, everyone found it strange to see the fire always burning. This was the first time

    ever seeing the Bishop out of his robes of office. He sat in his chair dressed in the same

    plain white robes worn by the lowliest of acolytes. It was exactly like the robe he had

    been wearing hours before on the battlefield. His skin seemed like it was going to fall off

    the bone. Their where a few scraggly hairs on his freckled scalp. Despite all of these

    things there was a youth and radiant love of life in the Bishops deep blue eyes.

    After they finished their tea and cakes, the Bishop took a deep breath, Well, it

    seems as though its time for you to leave us master Steel. His mouth must have been

    hanging open for Bishop said n a scalding voice Close your mouth boy havent you

    learned anything while you stayed with us? Dont be surprised that I know what goes on

    within these walls, it is the will of the brothers that I know these things.

    So the Brothers do talk to you?!?

    Not talk, in so many words more as though they do make there wishes known to


    So the Brothers have talked to you about me?

    Youve been with us many years now boy, when will you realize that the

    Brothers take an interest in all things from the mightiest warrior fighting for their cause,

    to a small insect in some remote swamp. So dont be so surprised that they have taken a

    interest in you sir. Now I have prepared a pack for you to take on your journey, it has foul

    weather gear, and enough food for two weeks ride.

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    But I dont have a horse to ..

    Have faith my son and the Brothers will provide. Now its time for you to go,

    you are dismissed. The bishop said as he stood and walked deeper into his chamber.

    But I have more que.

    Youre questions of life are no longer for me to answer boy, to find the

    enlightenment that you seek you must look within yourself and stop depending on others

    to supply you with the answers. Remember this master Steel, the answer you desire most

    will only be found when you find yourself, now boy its time for you to begin your life.

    With this being said the Bishop turned away from Steel once again and the fire that raged

    just moments ago now faded to darkness. As Steel stood in the chamber alone he could

    hear the thunder rumbling in the distance and the sound left a chill running down his

    spine. He slumped against the wall and stared at the eerie shadows that danced on the

    walls. The only light in the rooms was coming from the annoying sent jars that were still

    burning, and it could have been his eyes playing tricks on him but as the bishop left the

    room even that meager light seemed to dim. For the first time in his life he felt truly



    Steel looked down the gravel path that would take him to the Crossroads where he would

    begin his adventure. Yes, adventure like the stories that his father used to tell. If only his

    father was here now, wouldnt he be proud of his son, having his first adventure, to meet

    the very King of the realm no less. But no, his father wasnt there he was not important

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    enough for his father to stick around for. Instead he just dumped him here at this

    monastery at the age of five.

    Steel determined to prove his father wrong. He would prove his importance, and

    one day he would meet his father , and he would show his father what a big mistake he

    had made in abandoning him. He would show them all what a mistake it was for them to

    look down on him. The villagers, the older boys, everyone who had disrespected him

    over the years. For one day he would return to this town and he show them all the

    meaning of respect. He started down the path with pride steaming from his very soul. He

    was excited about this adventure and was looking forward to seeing all the wondrous

    things that was out here waiting for him. As much as he was fantasizing about his

    upcoming journey, he was oblivious to the approaching storm clouds that where

    gathering overhead. As he made his way towards his destination a breeze was gently

    pushing him in the right direction. It didnt take long before he saw the outlines of the

    Crossroads in the distance. The Crossroads a humble gathering of shacks and shanties

    that circled the collection of taverns and pleasure houses that seemed to be the main

    attraction to this place. This place was famous for being the place that you could find and

    buy anything if you had the coin. Anything from woman, slaves or blades for hire could

    be found here. In this place there was no law only your wits and strength of arm would

    protect you here. Though for all the negatives it offered the Crossroads was also home to

    the monastery of the Brothers, a holy place located in the hills just outside of town. And

    with the monastery of course came Bishop Alric, the one man according to local legend

    that could actually speak with the Brothers.

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    Steel walked through the muddy streets of the village trying not to retch at the

    smell of bodily fluids that were dumped out of windows daily. The ground was still moist

    under the windows of the Crazed Warrior, one of the more popular attractions. It was a

    tavern of renown because it housed the local pit, a dug out area in the center of the tavern

    where men would wage hand to hand combat for others to bet on. The moistest still

    steamed from the contents of the last chamber pots that were emptied out a side window.

    Look at the church Girl. Came a whining voice from across the street. Steel stopped in

    his tracks for he knew that voice well. It was the voice of Gunther, a local bully that

    terrorized all the local youth. He was the eldest son of the local blacksmith, and he took

    great pleasure in tormenting Steel whenever the opportunity came about. So church girl

    whats in the pack, you going to buy me lunch? Gunther was a large overweight boy

    with shoulder length black hair. He was much bigger than most of the boys in and around

    the village, and had a nasty reputation for picking on and beating anyone smaller then

    himself. His bullying was tolerated because of who his father was for it was hard to get

    any craftsmen of any skill to stay in a place such as the Crossroads. So the villagers were

    afraid to do anything about Gunther for fear of chasing off his father.

    Steel turned and ran as fast as he could he looked over his shoulder to make sure

    that Gunther didnt give chase, and what he saw made him smile Gunther was just

    standing there watching him he wasnt chasing him this time. Steel started to round the

    next corner when it felt as if the back of his head exploded. Before he knew what

    happened he was lying on the ground wondering why the world was spinning. The next

    thing he noticed was that a stench was in the air, the same stench that seemed to foretell

    of Gunthers presence. Steel closed his eyes and shook his head trying to rid himself of

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    the vertigo that he was feeling. When he opened his eyes he was on all fours staring at a

    pair of muddy feet. He looked up and saw Gunthers evil grin.

    That was a great shot Gunther! said a weaseled face boy that always seemed to

    follow Gunther around like a shadow. Lets whip him good this time. Said the rodent

    faced boy. At this Gunther reached into his shirt and pulled out a small wooden club.

    There was an evil glint in his eye, a look that terrified young Steel. At the sight of the

    weapon Steel scrambled to his feet and once again took flight. As he ran he half expected

    another stone to pound him to the ground. So he glanced over his shoulder and saw to his

    udder horror Gunther wasnt throwing another rock he was instead picking up Steels

    pack, the same pack that carried the ring and the scroll. As Gunther turned and walked

    away, Steel bent over and got violently sick in the middle of the road. He sat there on his

    hands and knees shaking. So many thoughts rolled through his mind that he had no idea

    how long he was there. He wanted so much to go back to the monastery and crawl into

    his soft feather bed. He stood up and almost fell back down. Little black dots were

    appearing at the edge of his vision. His head was pounding where the stone had struck his

    head. He reached back and winced at the pain of the lump that was on the back of his

    head. He looked around but saw no sign of Gunther or his lackey. He got up slowly trying

    to ignore the pain in his skull, and started walking towards the outside of town.

    After a short time he reached a field to rest in. He lay down and tried to sort

    through this mess that he had gotten himself into. Why in the world was all this

    happening to him? Who was he?!? He was nobody. Even his father didnt think he was

    wanted him. Steel sat there in the field for hours trying to figure out what he could

    possibly do now. As time went by the twin suns chased each other across the sky till they

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    finally settled below the western horizon. He refused to fail, to run back to the monastery.

    He swore to himself that if he ever got the chance to leave that he would never come

    back. Failing before he got out of the village was unacceptable. So he made his choice,

    and stood up and stomped towards Gunthers house.


    As he walked he tried to think of how he would get his pack back. Its not as if he

    could physically take it from Gunther Steel knew that from past experience the bigger

    boy was more than a mach for him. He thought that maybe if he went to Gunthers

    parents that they might take pity on him and make there son give the pack back to him,

    but quickly dismissed this idea because he was more scared of Gunthers father then he

    was of Gunther himself.

    It was completely dark by the time he reached the small cottage where Gunthers

    family called home. It was almost eerily quiet in the clearing around the house. There was

    light coming from the windows and smoke from the chimney, so there was no question

    that there was someone home. As Steel got the nerve got the nerve up to start closing in

    on the house he saw from the opposite side of the clearing that Gunther was just getting

    home and slung over his shoulder was Steels pack. He watched as he dropped the pack

    just outside the door and went inside. Could it be this easy Steel told himself? He

    crouched ready to run and grab his pack , straining to hear what was going on inside, less

    Gunther come outside and trash him.

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    Well hi figured to himself, its never going to get any better then this so he started

    to creep across the clearing like a thief in the night. As he got closer to the house he could

    make out voices. They were low as if trying to whisper, his curiosity got the better of him

    and he creeped up under the window. He heard a female voice arguing with a all to

    familiar voice of Gunther. God how hearing that voice made him nervous, it also made

    him angry at himself , that at hearing a voice it could cause him to feel fear such as this.

    How pathetic he must be. She was telling him to be quite so that he didnt wake his

    father. Gunther started complaining about how silly it was to be quite, that he couldnt

    wake hi father from his drunken stupor if he tried. Steel decided that his time had come

    so he started crawling towards the door were his pack was lying in the dirt. He stretched

    out his hand to grab the pack when he heard a ominous growling sound coming from the

    door way. A huge hound stood there with a heavy chain tied around his neck.

    The dog was massive and towered over Steel as he crouched on the ground. The

    dog looked thin like it hadnt been feed in a long while. The dog started to bark and pull

    at its chain to get at the intruder. What in the Hell? came a thundering voice. The dogs

    noise must have woken up Gunthers father. You had better shut your dog up boy or ill

    give you a beating you wont be forgetting any time soon.

    Dont you go threatening our son you. The sentence was cut of as the sound

    of a chair slid back and heavy foot falls hurried across the room.

    What did you say woman I cant hear you? said the mans voice

    Let her go pa!! pleaded Gunther Your hurting her. A loud slap issued then

    there was silence accept for the barking of the dog. Now shut that damned dog up or your

    next. He heard hurrying steps come to the door and Gunther came and kicked the dog in

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    the ribs. Hard. He had tears staining his cheek and Steel was frozen in place and Gunther

    laid eyes on him. You lil bastard roared Gunther!!! As he started forward a large

    shape came up behind him and grabbed him by the back of the neck. His father

    proceeded to beat him and the dog and seemed not to notice Steel as he laid there staring

    at the scene in disbelief. The dog was curled in a fetal potion as the man kicked it

    repeatedly and Gunther was thrown violently back into the house, screaming in pain.

    The man then followed his son in while taking off his belt. The door slammed close and

    the sound of the beating that Steel heard was unlike anything he ever experienced. It was

    almost enough for him to feel sorry for the way Gunther livedalmost. After the

    slapping sound of the belt stopped Steel could here the faint whimpering of the hound

    who was still laying where he was beat. It eyed Steel warily as Steel got up and

    approached the poor dog. The dog started to growl softly and bared his teeth as Steel got

    closer. Steel started to whisper in what he hoped was a soothing voice to the dog who

    though very thin probably steal out weighed him by many pounds. Steel tried to look into

    the dogs eyes and project his friendship he could almost taste the dogs fear as he

    unlatched the dogs chain. The dog started at the sound of the chain hitting the ground.

    Steel timidly stroked the dogs muzzle and said your free . the dog looked to the woods

    almost as if he understood the words. Then when Steel backed away, the dog bolted to

    freedom. It halted at the edge of the woods and turned to look back at the house and at

    Steel then turned and disappeared into the woods.

    Steel grabbed his pack quickly made sure that everything was there then bolted to

    the woods. He didnt stop running til he collapsed on the ground clutching his side. He

    laid there laughing in joy that he did it, that he got the pack back. Storm limping up to

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    him whining softly collapsed next to him and laid his shaggy head in his lap. The dog

    was huge, far larger than any other dog Steel had ever heard of. He was dark grey with

    lighter grey fur. His wide head held a set of overly intelligent golden eyes that had a way

    of looking into your very being. Steel owed his life to this dog and seeing the many

    wound he accumulated from his battle with the bear he decided that he would have to do

    something about them so they did not get infected, but first they would rest. The rain

    pummeled the duo for what seemed like hours before showing any signs of abating.

    Storm tended to his wounds and seemed to keep glancing at he body of the dead bear as if

    he expected it to get back up to continue the fight. By now Steel was chilled to the bone

    and couldnt stop his teeth from chattering. He wanted desperately for this storm to pass

    so he might get warm before he got sick. Steel got to his feet and gently laid Storms head

    on his pack. When he started to walk away he saw that Storm got up to follow. Stay

    down boy, im not going far. As if he understood Storm laid back down yawned and went

    back to sleep. He started to explore his surrounding paying attention to the various plants

    that surrounded him. It took about an hour before he found that in which he was looking

    for. The Corabda mushroom. This mushroom had great healing properties if mashed

    down into a paste. Steel gatherd a couple of the shrooms up and went back to where his

    friend rested. Its funny how he already considered the dog a friend and not a pet or

    companion. When he saw that Storm still rested soundly where he had left him, he sighed

    in relief. He had half expected the dog to be gone. He went to a large flat rock and

    smashed the mushroom into a bluish paste. He then gathered a couple of the leaves from

    the bush where he tried to sleep the night before. He then scooped up the paste onto a

    large leaf and with another started to gently spread the paste into the wounded hounds

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    Steel was so caught up in what he was doig he failed to notice a hooded figure

    watching from the shadows of one of the large trees. He made sure to get the salve deep

    into the deeper gashes in the dogs side. It was a miracle thought Steel that Storm

    survived, let alone seemed to be nothing more than sore from these wounds. Any lesser

    creature would not be alive, he doubted that a human could have lived through them. As

    he bent to better inspect the wounds, the hooded figure ran off. Storm lifted his head and

    looked in the direction the stranger went but as he felt his wounds being massaged he just

    looked at Steel and licked his face before returning to sleep. He whined at some of the

    deeper gashes were touched but didnt resist. After completely covering all the wounds he

    could see he layered the dog in mud so that the rain wouldnt mix the healing slave from

    the wounds. There was still a light drizzle coming down and it wouldnt do to have it

    washed off before it could help the dog.



    Yes he is alone said a man in a brown hooded cloak.

    And your sure he has something of value in this pack of his?, I cant afford to risk

    any of my men in the hopes that the boy has something valuble. And what of the beast

    you said he has?

    the dog took on a bear, and looks it, the dog should be no problem.

    ok take Lars and Kern with you, dispose of the body in the river, with the

    rains being as they are the body should wash miles down stream before it is discovered.

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    Steel awoke to Storms growling, the dog was standing over him facing

    two men that were advancing with clubs in there hands. One of the men was trying to

    wave for the dog to lay down . Steel got to his feet and shouted for the men to stay back.

    As if the sound of his voice prompted him Storm once again took action grabbing one of

    the mens arm in his mouth. He was tearing viciously at the mans arm and the man was

    screaming in pain. The other man ran towards his friend but at hearing the mans approach

    storm changed potion keeping the injured man in his grip between him and the attacker.

    The dog then released the man but not before a sickening crunch was heard. Storm then

    started to slowly approach the man with the club still in his hand. Steel bent down and

    picked up a fist sized rock intending to throw it at the man. Now thats not very nice is

    it? Asked a man into Steels ear. Steel tried to spin to face this new man. But was grabbed

    roughly around the neck. He also felt something cold and sharp pressed against his throat.

    Call off the hound or ill have ta bleed ya said the man

    I ca-cant. stammered Steel he wont listen to me.

    Dont give me that crap, call him off or Ill send ya to the next life!

    screeched the man.

    some how I dont think youre going to live that long stranger. Said a

    hooded man on a huge black war horse. The thief spun around and received a boot to the

    face for his trouble. His nose crushed on impact he fell to the ground. Steel felt the blood

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    that was in his assailants nose splatter across his face. Steel took advantage of the man

    falling to the ground and took the stone in his hand and swung with all his might at the

    mans head. The man swung his horse around and yelled at the man still trying to save his

    friend from Storms attentions. At the new voice the man spun and his mouth dropped at

    the scene before him. His third companion was lying bloody and motionless below the

    boy ad a hooded stranger was sitting on top of a massive black stallion with large

    crossbow pointed at his chess.

    you dont know who your interfering with warrior, you had best turn your

    pony round and go back about your business. Said the man in a deep voice.

    your right ive been rude, will you do me a favor before I go? said the

    mounted man. give my regards to the Brothers when you get there.

    w the mans voice cut off as the new comers words sunk in. at this

    moment everything started going in slow motion for Steel. He heard the click of the

    trigger being pulled. The dull sound of the bolt impacting into the mans chest and the

    unreal sight of the man being thrown backwards by the bolts impact. He flew about four

    feet back before landing in a puddle on the ground. As the new threat was finished Storm

    went back to his victim and tore out his throat before running to place himself between

    the man on the horse and Steel. He stared up at the man and started to growl.

    Put your beast away boy or ill have to put him down said the stranger as

    he reached for another crossbow bolt from the quiver by his saddle. it would be a waste

    of a beautiful animal if he were killed over a misconception like this. Dont you agree

    Steel shook his head as to clear out a fog that was obscuring his senses. And placed a

    hand on Storms back.

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    Its ok boy its over. At the sound of his voice and feeling of his hand the

    hair that was raised down the back of the dog lowered and he laid down on the ground,

    but didnt take his eyes off the stranger on the horse. The man swung down from his

    mount and grabbed a dirk from his boot. Storm tensed but didnt react. The man then ent

    to the prone thiefs body at Steels feet and grabed him roughly by the hair and proceeded

    to slit his throat.

    Youre from the crossroads arent you pup? said the man in a hoarse

    deep voice. That sounded more like an animals growl then a humans voice. Dark hair the

    color of deepest midnight fell to the mans shoulders. He had a neatly trimmed beard of

    the same hue. Steel immediately recognized the man as to being a regular at the Bishops

    services. He rememberd seeing the Bishop speak to this man on many occasions. When

    ever Steel would ask who the man was the Bishop would just shake his head and walk

    away as if unwilling to talk about it.

    I know you. Said Steel. Youre always at the Monastery attending the

    Bishops sermons.

    Thats right, now what in the hell you doing out here in the woods boy,

    are you daft?

    Im leaving the monastery, seeking a new life..I..uh just didnt plan

    on one this exciting. Stated Steel with flushed cheeks.

    Well im heading to the capitol, ill help you to the next town if you like.

    Said the man, in almost a questioning tone. Steel eyed the stranger suspiciously but

    couldnt turn down a offer like that. well im guessing we might as well wait out this

    storm, it looks as if it will break by morning. Steel looked up an nodded his head in

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    agreement, even though to him it looked the same as when the storm began, dark and

    wet. The man went to his horse and unbuckled a large rolled up piece of leather from

    behind his saddle. He then took a length of rope and four short poles from inside the

    leather bundle. He proceeded to tie a rope to a couple of branches and then combine the

    poles into two longer poles; he then placed the pole into the corners of the leather tarp

    and unfurled it over the rope. When he was finished he had a water tight shelter about

    six feet off of the ground. He then removed the saddle from his horse and took a brush

    from his saddle bags. He tossed the brush to Steel and told him to make himself useful.

    After that he went and drug the bodies off into the woods as Steel went to work brushing

    the large horse. As he stroked the horse it seemed to lean into the strokes as if relishing

    the feeling of the brush.

    The man returned a short time later and Steel turned to watch him

    forgetting about the horse who at seeing that Steel was lacking in his chore ndged him

    with his head and turned the otherside of his body to Steel. well I guess he has taking a

    liking to your ministrations boy, I do believe you have made a friend. He then went and

    grabed a tinder box from his things and soon a small fire was blazing under the shelter.

    After a couple of hours Steel was dry and must importantly dry. He re applied the

    medicine to Storm and they both feel asleep next to one another. The man stood looking

    out into the storm filled sky and whispered softly to his horse So what do they want

    from us this time boy. He said as he strokes the horses muzzle. The horse as if in

    answer placed his head across the mans neck and shoulder and let out a soft nicker, as if

    trying to comfort his friend.

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    Steel awoke the next morning in a daze. He could here the singing of birds, and also a

    haunting melody that was all to familiar to him. His eyes opened and he stretched, he sat

    up and saw the his savior from the night before playing some type of golden whistle or

    flute. He played beautifully, Steel was afraid that if he spoke the man would stop playing.

    It was strange being out her in the middle of the forest with a man he didnt know, just

    the night before he watched this man dispatch two brigands without a second thought and

    now he sat near a small fire playing a dainty musical instrument as well as any bard

    could. Storm ran barked once and bounded over to Steel and reached down and pulled the

    blanket off of him. Then he started to thouroly lick his face.

    Well he defiantly seems to be feeling better now doesnt he? said the man. Well

    now that your up I guess we might as well be on our way, that is if you would like a lift to

    my next stop. Ive busness in Seatas, but ill need to stop in Ebor a smll town about three

    days ride from here. I can drop you there if you wish it. Steel hugged his pack to him

    and tried desperately not to look like he was at a lost in what to do.

    ok if its no trouble to you id like to come along. said steel. Atleast in the

    company of this man he wouldnt need to worry about bandits. And the time he had lost

    would be made up by riding the horse.

    Ok well I guess introductions are in order then, they call me Hunter, whats your

    name kid.

    Steel is what they called me I dont know my first name. Steel was the only

    name the monks at the monestary knew of my father.

    Well could be worse I guess said the man. A name is something that has power if

    you dont know your given name then its kinda hard for others to hold that power over

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    you now isnt it. Steel had no idea what the man was talking about but nodded his head

    in agreement anyway. you know boy if your gonna be out and about in the world you

    shouldnt do that.

    Do what?

    Agree with a stranger when you know nothing of what they are speaking

    of that will get you in trouble if you are about to travel about and adventure and the like

    then let me give you some advice, first and this is of the most importance dont trust

    anyone unless they have earned that trust. Second respect is to be earned as well so dont

    go bowing and being polite all the tme , there is a sucker born every minute they say, and

    ten people looking to find that sucker to use as they please. Peole are rarely what they

    seem. So what are you doing out and about in this kinda weather anyway?

    Im going to Seatas also tomake a new life, im sick of the monastery life.

    Steel didnt know where his ability to lie came from he had always been terrible at it in

    the past. The large man looked at him for awile the look in his face was strange as if he

    was in his memories instead of just across the fire from him. He shook his head to clear

    his thoughts and also whatever visions that where there. well lets get your gear

    stowed away on whisper here, he said looking at the horse. He reached doen to grab Stels

    pack and Steel jealously clung to it. I can manage he squelched. The man snapped his

    hand back and glared fiercely at Steeel. now look here boy I dont travel with thieves.

    Steel looked up at him with a confounded look on his face, whatever gave you that idea?

    The man just looked at Steel then at his pack, something in there I should know about


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    No there isnt he said a little harsher then he wanted too. Its just that this pack

    has everything in the world I own I dont want to lose what little I have. I guess after last

    night im just a bit edgy thats all. Hunter looked at still for a moment as if thinking

    whether or not he should belive him. But after a short while he just stood up and told him

    to stow his gear. So Steel got up and grabed his pack he then walked over to the large

    horse and straped it along with all of hunters other gear. He leaned against the horse and

    let out a loud breath, this burden was going to be a heavy one. He knew that Hunter was

    right about him acting suspiciously about the pack. There was no better way to draw

    attention to the fact that he had something of importance then to act the way he just did.

    He had to be more careful or someone would find the ring and the scroll.

    So the two started there journey. They rode for hours in the arm sun. it would

    have been very injoyable if his body didnt seem to hurt so much. It seemed that he ached

    in places that he wasnt sure could ach. He just prayed that when they did finally stop he

    didnt collapse like a fool, he wasnt sure he could stand the shame of that. Storm though

    seemed to be in high spirits. He would run ahead of the horse a ways then double back

    circle to and fro, as if he were guarding them on there way. He would stop and playfully

    splash through every puddle he could find then aggressively attack the water as it

    splashed up. Steel and hunter found this great entertainment and would talk and laugh

    about it everytime it happened. Much to the annoyance of Whisper it seemed, the horse

    didnt seem to like the dog much, its ears would flatten and he would stomp twards the

    dog everytime Hunter would pay the hound any attention.

    So they found a rhythm and after a couple days ride they reached the

    outskirts of Ebor. It wasnt much different from Crossroads it seemed it was a small town

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    with a large church at its Center. Not many people from Ebor ever came to Crossroads

    they were sortof religious rivals for where the Crossroads where predomadintly worships

    of the Brothers, here in Ebor the church served the one god. He was he father of the

    Brothers and was said to have no name. he was a stern god not forgiving like his

    offspring. But for those that served him, they would find a special place amongst the


    The town wasnt much larger then the crossroads but there the similarities ended

    for where the stench and dirty look of his home town, this place wasnt what one would

    call spotless but there was an order to things. There were armed men swaggering down

    the main thouroh fairs showing a lawful pressense to all around them. Children played in

    the streets and one lil girl with no shoes was chasing a orangish tabby around in circles

    much to the amusment of a group of ladies hanging there laundry to dry from their

    second story apartment. Every one here although only in the next town over was sooo

    different from where he was from. They were happy and carefree. That steel thought to

    himself was nothing like the Crossroads, where he was from people nervous and straight

    to business. It seemed there was something in the air where people kept to themselves.

    Steel thought that he could like this place. It would be hard for someone like Gunther to

    bully him in a plce like this with the stern gazes of the citys patrols. keep an eye out boy,

    dont you go getting into any mischief ya here, they dont take to it the same here as they

    do back home. Said Hunter as he nodded off to the west. Steel looked that way and

    almost gaged for in a large cage suspended by chains sat the rotting corpse of a person.

    On a board hung around the skeletal visage was on word Bandit.

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    They just leave him there to rot.? Stammered Steel waning to but not

    able to tear away his gaze. Who did that to him the city patrol?

    No the patrol keps the streets clean but justice here is handeled by the church.

    They are the final say on any crime here, and leniency is not in there vocabulary.

    Although that is a lil extreme for these parts. Lets move on shall we? Steel hadnt

    noticed that he stopped until one of the gaurds stood watching him. When Steels eyes

    met the gaurds , the guard waved him along saying its not polite to stare at the dead. Stell

    once again found his feet moving as he followed Hunter down the busy street. Although

    that vision was one he was sure would be with him for a long time. He couldnt belive

    that children played under the swinging coffen like that. They approached what looked to

    be a inn of some sort with a picture of a unicorn standing on its hind legs, raising a mug

    of ale into the air as if giving a toast.

    Welcome to the Drunken pony good sirs. Said a short chubby man with rosey

    colored chubby cheeks. The man had a stained apron and a hand towel draped over one

    shoulder. He ushered them to a small table and asked if they wanted any thing to eat or

    drink. Hunter told the man to bring a plate of eat and chese with a loaf of fresh bread.

    And to bring two mugs of the houses brew. As the man shuffled off to fill the order a

    woman wearing a low cut top with ample amounts of cleavage showing came and asked

    Hunter if he would like some company. Hunter grabed the girl roughly around the waist

    and pulled her into his lap. He then reached into his shirt and pulled out a silver coin. The

    womans eyes widened and stared hungrly at the tiny piece of metal. Then he put his

    mouth to her ear and whispered if she knew how to find a woman named Dorima. The

    woman nodded her head in comfermation. And Hunter gave her the coin. If you find her

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    tell her Hunters in town if you delever this message and bring proof back to me ill have

    twice what you just recived waiting for you. The girl smiled and slowly got up and

    walked out the front door. About that ime the man was returning with a large platter of

    sliced meats and cheeses, as well as a loaf of fresh bread with the steam stil coming off of

    it. He then placed two mugs on the table with froth sloshed onto the table.

    well boy I guess this is where we part company so eat your fill the meal is on

    me. I just wanted to thank youfor what you did the other night I dont know if id

    be alive if you hadnt come along. They both sat there eating in the ackward silence that

    they both felt. When a couple loud men laughing came stomping into the bar. They were

    obviously drunk. They stopped and let there eyes adjust to the light. When there eyes

    acclimented they looked around and frowned at Steel and hunter. Barney!!! Yelled the

    bigger of the two men, What the Fuck is this??? Growled the man. Pointing twards Steel

    and Hunter. The man that served them came up to the duo and was abrubtly grabed by the

    back of the neck. i-sss everything all right master? The man stammered as he was

    manhandled by the large man.

    No. its not alright there are peole sitting at my table!! Sputtered the man flinging

    saliva onto the mans face. Now get them gone or im gonna kick your fat ass!!! and with

    that he pushed the man twards where Steel was sitting.

    excuse me kind sirs the man aid his brow wet with sweat from his fear. Im

    afraid that uh, this table I sat you at was reseved so if you dont mind I can find you

    another the man said with a hopeful look to his face. Steel started to rise his eyes on

    the large man that looked like a grown version of Gunther.

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    I do mind. Stated Hunter in a cheery tone. I think ive grown rather fond of this

    table I think ill stay abit longer, you werent going anywhere were you boy, join me for

    another drink. The mans face went from a worred expression to a terrified one. now

    why dont you be a good man and buy those gentleman a drink and put it on my tab . that

    sould make them feel better, dont you think. The man started to nod in agreement, then

    caught himself and looked as if he would be ill. He turned slowly and told the men that

    there first round would be compliments of the man at the table, and he pointed twards

    Hunter. The larger of the men stoped twards the table and grabed one of the empty chairs

    and said in a booming voice I dont know who you are stranger, but your at my table, so

    you best get before you get yourself hurt.

    Look friend, I dont want no trouble, but you best watch your tone when

    you talk to your betters stated Hunter in a unnerving calm manner as he stood up to face

    the man.I dont like bullys, and I sure the hell dont like drunken bullys so if you wanna

    keep breathing, all you have to do is turn around and leave. The mans eyes got wide and

    he looked like wasnt so sure what was going on. There was a few giggles coming from

    other patrons of the establishment. And when the drunk man heard them his eyes went


    I dont think you relize what im capable of stranger and as to emphasize his

    statement he poked Hunter in the chest. Upon contact Hunter lost his composure and

    chopped the big man in the throat. the man grabed his throat and almost immediately

    started to turn a unhealthy shade of purple, as he started to drop the smaller man pulled a

    knife from his boot and rushed at Hunter. Steel jumped up and fell over backwards over

    his chair. Hunter grabed the edge of the table and over turned it to use as a barricade

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    between himself and the knife wielding man. The man lunged over the edge of the table

    and cut Hunters forearm. Hunter reached across and grabed the mans wrist and pulled it

    down exposing the side of the mans head then he swund a overhand right that droped the

    smaller man like a stone. AAAGGHHHH!!!! came a scream of rage from the noe

    recoverd bully. He two had a knife in his hand and was rushing for Hunters back. Hunter

    spun around and blocked the thrusdt of the blade. Then he grabed the mans long hair and

    spun him around. Once behind the man hunter reached his arm around the mans throat

    and procedded to choke the man. The man once agin was that unhealthy shade of purple

    and he droped the blade to the floor. He also put his hands up in surrender. With a deep

    growl that was almost animal like Hunter sqeezed and the tavern was silent as a loud

    crack was heard. Hunter relsed the man and his no lifeless body slid to the floor.

    Steel got up from the floor and aproched Hunter, he started to yell that he didnt

    need to kill the man when Hunter spun around at hearing his approach. He was breating

    heavily and had a wild look in his eye, there was spittle flecked and foming at his lips. He

    started to lunge at Steel then caught himself, and looked around at the damage that was

    done. He shook his head and started to breath slow and deep. He finally let out a deep

    breath and asked if Steel was alright, when the boy nodded he claped him on the shoulder

    and said well how was that for life in the big city? and then he started to laugh. Steel

    looked at him and opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and

    walked back to were he had left his pack and sat down on the floor next to it.

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