The ND-Scope: Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data Klaus Mueller Visual Analytics and Imaging Lab Computer Science Department Stony Brook University and SUNY Korea

The ND-Scope: Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data · Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data ... Need to know that negative correlation causes a bow-tie ... (for videos

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The ND-Scope:

Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional


Klaus Mueller

Visual Analytics and Imaging Lab

Computer Science Department

Stony Brook University and SUNY Korea

The ND-Scope

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Dynamic Scatterplot

Sight Map

Network Display

Geospatial Display


The ND-Scope

Dynamic Scatterplot

Sight Map


The ND-Scope

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Network Display

Geospatial Display










>> 3D

Consider the salient features of a car:

miles per gallon (MPG)

top speed


number of cylinders




country origin


number of seats

number of doors

reliability (average number of breakdowns)

and so on...

What Does This Object Look Like?

Hard to imagine….

How Many 3D Cubes in N-D?

Combinatorial explosion

So there is a clear need for ND-visualization tools


3!( 3)!












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

“How do you make these ND-vis tools

accessible to the main stream user?”

Audience question:

Parallel Coordinates – 3 Clusters

Parallel Coordinates – 1 Cluster

individual polylines

PC With Illustrative Abstraction

completely abstracted away

PC With Illustrative Abstraction

blended partially

PC With Illustrative Abstraction

all 3 clusters put together

Practical Analysis in N-D Space

A customer is born…

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

3 sales teams, with sales people

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

3 sales teams, with sales people

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

3 sales teams, average performance

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

Focusing on the green team…

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

Putting the cost/won_lead into context…

Visual Cause + Effect Analysis

Revealing ineffective sales force factions…

Encoding Correlation

Need to know that negative correlation causes a bow-tie

could color code that as well

but could we visualize it more directly?


Often of interest:

how are variables related?

Correlation is a strong indicator

indicates noisiness, direction, strength of relationship

correlated variables also indicate redundancies


Often of interest:

how are variables related?

Correlation is a strong indicator

Pearson’s correlation

sample correlation

[( )( )]( , )( , )

x y

x y x y

E X YCov X YCorr X Y


2 2

1 1

( )( )

( ) ( )


i i


n n

i i

i i

x x y y


x x y x

Correlation Matrix

Build a matrix of pairwise Pearson’s correlations

Is this something for

mainstream users?

Force-Directed Method

From the matrix build a network and allow users to play

isolate the plausible relations

delete implausible or irrelevant relations

Use a force-directed method for layout:

forces are used to position nodes according to correlation value

insert springs within each node

the length of the spring encodes the (inverse) correlation

starting at an initial configuration, iteratively move nodes until an

energy minimum is reached

Correlation Graph

In the resulting network, for all attribute pairs

• vertices: attributes

• edges: correlation between attributes

Mass-Spring Model Layout

Highly correlated dimensions will be drawn close to another.

• distances of the nodes: correlation

Three configurations:

• correlation strength

• positive correlation preferred

• negative correlation preferred



Recall – Sales Campaign Dataset

Multivariate Analysis of University Data

Fused dataset of 50 US colleges

US News: academic rankings

College Prowler: survey on campus life attributes

Some interesting findings:

high variety in university settings

two clusters: academic + social

not overly correlated

higher academics fuller classes

lower income better sports

better academics lousy sports

higher population great nightlife

Interesting Study

Breakdown of visualization categories by visualization sources based on

2,070 single, static visualizations

M. Borkin et al. “What Makes a Visualization Memorable?” InfoVis 2013 -- TVCG 19(12)

Example #1: EnergyScout

Research collaboration with a local energy provider

Data: 24/7 15-min interval smart meter readings

Example #2: SpectraMiner

Research collaboration with a team of aerosol researchers


particle mass spectra (450-D)


size distributions




time and 3D location of acquisition

billions of particles per flight

Data Collection

Dual Domain Interaction:

Google Earth and Parallel Coordinates

Google Earth Embedded Visualization

Google Earth Embedded Visualization

Integrated Pie Charts and Bar Charts

Multi-Field Data with Geo-Spatial Context


The ND-Scope

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Network Display

Geospatial Display


Evaluating the Work…

Visualizations are designed for humans

human perceptual response is complex

cannot be evaluated or modeled with machines (yet)

need to find humans to evaluate visualization methods

User studies are difficult

hard to get human volunteers to spend the time and effort

can recruit them via Amazon Mechanical Turk (crowd sourcing)

Amazon Mechanical Turk

very popular, but getting “turkers’ is competitive

also, “turkers’ are driven by money and not quality of result

Purpose-Driven Games

Humans love to play computer games

appeals to their competitive spirit

they will do the best job possible to win the game

A purpose-driven game is

a game that entices humans to solve problems machines cannot

exploits “human computation”

can we wrote one for visualization evaluation?

Yes, we can!

Disguise: The Purpose

A purpose-driven game to evaluate color blending algorithms

color blending is a difficult problem

is a function of color and transparency

Practical Example:

Disguise: The Purpose

Central perceptual question is:

which disk is o top?

not always clear

Quite a few algorithms have been developed

but none was really thoroughly tested

Color Blending Algorithms

1. Porter and Duff (standard)

𝐶𝑅𝐺𝐵𝛼 = 𝐴𝑅𝐺𝐵𝛼 ⊕ 𝐵𝑅𝐺𝐵𝛼 = 𝛼𝐴𝐴𝑅𝐺𝐵𝛼 + 1 − 𝛼𝐴 𝛼𝐵𝐵𝑅𝐺𝐵𝛼

2. Hue-preserving color blending [Chuang et al.]

3. Local method [Wang et al.]

4. 3. + blur back object edges


Approach of the game presents to the player many instances of disk pairs each blended with

a random algorithm

for each make him/her choose which one is on top

judge the results

the algorithm with the most correct answers is the best

the player with the best score wins

these two scores are ideally unrelated





Within 15 days of its opening:

261 players played the game (including guests)

these payers generated close to 30,000 data points

on average a player played the game for 298 seconds

each player produced 73 data points on average


on average each player produced 14.6 data points / minute

1,000 players for 24 hours would generate 21 M data points

Wang et al. recruited 72 subjects over 1 week (1,728 data points)




The ND-Scope

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Dynamic Scatterplot

Sight Map

Network Display

Geospatial Display


Relevant References

J. Lee, K. McDonnell, A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, K. Mueller, "A Structure-Based Distance Metric for High-Dimensional Space Exploration with Multi-Dimensional Scaling," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (to appear), 2014.

JB. Wang, P. Ruchikachorn, K. Mueller, “SketchPadN-D: WYDIWYG Sculpting and Editing in High-Dimensional Space,” IEEE Trans. Vis. and Computer Graphics, 19(12): 2060-2069, 2013.

Nam, K. Mueller, “TripTripAdvisorN-D: A Photo-Tourism Inspired High-Dimensional Space Exploration Framework with Overview and Detail,” IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(2): 291-305, 2013.

Z. Zhang, K. McDonnell, K. Mueller, "A Network-Based Interface for the Exploration of High-Dimensional Data Spaces, " IEEE Pacific Vis, Songdo, Korea, March, 2012

N. Ahmed, Z. Zheng, K. Mueller, "Human Computation in Visualization: Using Purpose Driven Games for Robust Evaluation of Visualization Algorithms," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12): 2104-2113, 2012.

Z. Zheng, N. Ahmed, K. Mueller, “iView: Feature Clustering Framework for Suggesting Informative Views in Volume Visualization,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE Visualization), 17(12):1959-1968, 2011.

L. Wang, J. Giesen, K. McDonnell, P. Zolliker, K. Mueller, "Color Design for Illustrative Visualization," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(6):1739-1754, 2008.

K. McDonnell and K. Mueller, "Illustrative Parallel Coordinates," Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 27(3):1031-1038, 2008.

E. Nam, Y. Han, K. Mueller, A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, "ClusterSculptor: A Visual Analytics tool for high-dimensional data," IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), pp. 75-82, November, 2007.

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(for videos see dedicated paper web pages)


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