THE CXMAI1A BEE , TRttHSDAY , AUGUST . 1890- SIM"- ul flit Neva RccnSvcJ , but Not Ditcourted , Cannes Wheat to Oliirb, CORN STARTS OFF AT A FURIOUS GAIT , 1 lin Illinois Crop IIcportt clojis the Ural Condition ol'O.usProvisions I Keep I nuu ] tlio- Ccionls. . CIIK Ano .AiiKiist C.-Sttclal [ ftlcuntn to TiiUUr ] 'Ilio client nmrktMiit ollnibluxf- iKiiln ted ly. Tht'ru win no Kunitiil bviirlali- ttc'iitltncnt , ns on previous day ? anil tliu ml vance ljotii : at thu opening. In- tliNiiutikuL tlio sticiiKtliiippcars ncomofromt- iowsulriiKlyrccc'lK'il , lint notyctdlBcouiitcd- by nny action of thoinnrkut. Tlio market hnd- ovcrytliliiB tuliclp It uxiciit when lonsjs from tlino totlniotliiuwn niiiintlty of tln.'lr hold- hiptoii - the tiudo In tliuplt. Thin , too, tluro- viisiiincli stldiKtli borrow nl fiuni tliu ex- tiimo - liiilllslniuwslii corn mid outs. Tlio Til- liiolsuioproiiort - publNliud tlilt inotnlns slio 9- n ( 'reat cutting donn of iicrcMitiiKis In nil crops mill caused n great rtcil of outside buy ¬ ing LliLrrtool cables wore firm for spot and filtutof. Receipts liu ro , oven ultlihlfrli pi Ices fi II below tlio chllinnto ut I'M cars , with only SUntnofcontiuctKriidc Oars for loniorrow 111- 0csllniiilc'il iitlMt. Oa curlv liillin'iiLi 4 tlic nni- kdstiuUd - ' 'lOto'jc tliOL'lijsi yu linlut , wllli Sipti-iiilior in OTjc , D'ti'inlior itlcMi ;, ami Mn > ut II ( U"i. Tlio lint , Ijiilco cinlnlp- rlustoUTSiO for Sufitt HiLcr. ill W % for IV- Cdnlior mid II ( M , fnr May 111 Ian , is [ ollouul by a quitter niiirktt fiirun liour , fn n unlo id- Jru - bj in-iny IIHUH anil vnnu fi'llliu Torn f-lurp relic linn , tcptoinbt r wcntolf Je InlUi c, DtiiMiilu't Pit1 toWic nml Muy lo to it.U't ( ' 1 livn ( iiino lopoiisof Tiboil loails tukt'ii for otportnt Ntw York , tinil i-leuitncts of ( VJ.liO- Oliii lioliuf nliuiilnl fx .w Yurk , r.dUOC nt I'hll dllpblii i- n nil IIO.OIH ) nt Hnltlmolf. 'Ihls not only ilic-l iil Milllnjr , but ciiiiHil n bliuiiit Hilly , which put prkcs lilRliurthan at nny tlino oil Clop. h 'lili'inli ) r mid up to- It'i'ie. . llcutmlier to tl.UO'i u Kt'onil time.- in . n Mnjrint to Iliu lofty luuiuof $ I.K- iIlio tint oof Nthiuska Iiiul u Illllo rain. Ilio- htalos of hniimif , luw.i , MN-otitl 111 nols , lu- illimii.Olilo - mid nianj otlitis list Iniport.int Inlhclr t'oin yli'lil , owlt bout ruin mid wllhout cvi n In lli"itlois : ot tiiulstino Ihh- Htnlo of thliiK" , proloiiKtd finiii iluy to ( liy. lias tllltd cum triulo w lib I liouulit uf tti't- hhortiiiiu In ciop itid tlio btllt'T InWcis u In- tuiu - prlto of corn. 'Ilio Illinois ir ipiupui- t.ihlnx . ; voiy low pi louittigoon ( inn and oils , f-lrirtlnl tbi'croud Into inoru fiiilons Ijujln- tlo llrst linur. Itcst pi lies touclucl ut 1- 1o'tlook did not Imld , hut aflci u ii-u-t Ion to'4u for IciulliiK fill nits , tlio prlcu of c.ilciiibi r- mm nut liUlar tlnti bufoio und nearly .o <> tlio top HKUIU of yidtutdiy. Mvoipnol | iiotutloiisLrulili7lur anil liulpul- slrciittli nt t lie optnliiK. blilpnunts , too , MI i o ( K c , n ii lilng : n"iiluu busliils. I ho in ir- liit - ont'iieillili tr.idu K'eatly ' oxtlled mil vllli tliu prku of Soptdubtr aliouiSUe for thu first tltiiu. Hcph niber stalled 508f ! , sold ut Mitf.oir to 49'sC , ut ) toBO'ii' . oiriof.Uo and up to , Vic ) before I oilouk Coin fUw.il from I'.lc ' lust nltilil uftii : i itict- lon - < if 'to to 3i from thu top pikes of tlio ihy. At t boelOM. tlior.uiKcof feepiiMiibci us BUII- it4' ! ( copnInKlo.MI5iC , wllli tlitclosuat AUK nsl u as iiuulotolbut noniliiiil II UH- t ' , (. iiiulurt t pti.iiiburl w Itli tlio tloso at- Jotiihor ( ilo < tl ( ? eO or ; Mas iiinpul fltcnt thu ojHiiliiL' up toV o- nml tlosi-d at M'ic. ' Co-iisuUlou tnouurb at We iunir ( ) ' , c f < i tpuiiibur Thu ical situation In oats wits biouclit out iiioiofori'lbli this inornliirfby tlio Illinois trop Hliorl. Iliu htitu Inn u , in niiKt's icr.r.'L's ilioni4 to lObi litls pi r iitioliiMiiitlii m uoun- tlls - , nhout 18 buslii-ls In otliois , ml ( less tliiill (10 bushels In tliu not thorn and hist portion ot tlio Nluto. 1'lils with UK ; low ntt'ia o In ( urn nnd pisttniH ulniost ( H'stiuyc'd luiiM's L'ondl- tli - n ixniy hulllsh. 'Iiado felt tlicuop's In- Iliifiico - aiiilstiutud hiptc'inbui lo lil her at tikulna ptrfcct wlilil cif UNCltc-iiiint. No- pilcc UH ciui lit In August until it MI- SiUotul | tiput :i Je , anil wtlll lutir at 40 u mid Uoscil noniliiiil at.'iU'ic. Iliiylng for bupteiu- uor - mid .MayMIS llttlu less than a- .jiinh . , blioits lieu bt at any jirlco- .ruptcmbcr . wont to 40o tliu Iliit liour , soIdolT toJh'ioup to'W o nndtlo'-iil at yi o gainst IMl o jislouluy. May wont to the fancy prlco of 4 , closing at 41ic. TbonroUsIontriido was actho with ocryt- lilnc - t'lsu tnilay. I'ubllo huylnx of products , rspoclnlly for Jaiiu.ity , foico to tbe- wlioloinarKnt. . 'J'hu outlook fur lorn con- tlnuis - tbolirlnclpal ftaturc. Januaiy pink started at u fair .ulvnnco it flSW, anil wc'nt to IIS.OJ , oloslnij atJl .TJ'i. fc'itiubur ( was ap ¬ pal fntly ilull und luiivy. Lard was up . ' lor- HMituiibcrniKllOu for Janiiarj at thu ilose. lilbsuuroinorunutlvo anil further advanced , with a gain of about He fur lending months.- CntCAart . , Ausust C [Special TclcRram to- Tin. . ltit ] OATTi K-Huslncss was only fair and pilccs barely steady as compared Itli tlio- ellulit adwuicoof Monday und strtUKtb WIIH only oa Vicst cipoit and dressed bucf dry corn- 'd - ( niithis whllo other initlvo stfen and grassy and tlilu block contliiutU to M.11 ut- catilias'catclican prices. Tcxnns weie ro- liortcd - slindy , but the outlook a . uucd that low.tr pilitHcto lliiblii to prevail before tbo day closul. Native lint tla'rs' stock loiitlnucs slow , with prices < lo u to low water murk , Transactions In stocKura- anil fccclirs arc limited ton fnv lots from day todij allow mid IIIIUMII iirleos. Cholio to- ctm bemfs , Jl riCl.hO : inullnni to good ttoirs , no tolVm llis. ? ) Wt I ill ; I'M to line Ibs , t.1 ?Bffl < ( ) U ;l 0 to I'J : > ( l. 3 IIX) ; ttock- crsiinil - fiulorssli > , it $. ' IXXQwl 1U ; cows , bill In- nml nilxiil , htiaily nl * U'tQt.lOi ) : bulk , Tuxita taltlo niarlict .mil wo.ik ; s, DO to 10'iU Ibs , ftl.WUMXI ; ' " 0 to IX)0 Ibs , . .Vi ) CO H , Ul.OitSOO ; vtsttlii r.uwrs- y ; nut IMS and half bii'uds , J-.bOitJ.WJ , t-ow , if J MKit.l.O- OHods ladliip slow nnd pi Ices another 53 lower. olnsliiKlu seine OHM'S llHi lovir. At tbe- uloho M.5 < &l.t ( ) was about tliu 111:1 : 1 Kut for com- mon ¬ , louiili and Kiassy blookandl7tKUI.7i for tbclicsi A fi lolsof iirlinti nssortid lit.tvy Bolil , it HHli and a c ir loud 01 two of fat hault- sat IIN" . U li ! horn bold eaily u- tandliitti J 'nw Yonic , AiiKiist 0. tSpcclul Telegram to- Tut HKI ] SIOUKH Tlio iiinrKot stnrteci In a mild manner. There was pretty KOOI ! buying of a fowstocks foijoinlon aecount , and this ja o tolho Mholullst a tinner Umpur than yesterday , with small fluctuations I'lrht piloes wuo iulto InoKiiIur us coiupaiid- u llh laft uMiiliiK'i ( liiiiri'H , lint Konirally hhoni'd slight ul v nnees , nad with MIIIIO lull- niiitloii - In Daily ( UalliiKs fiirthor fitlns uoru- tL'uud. . I.atir. hunoM'i , pikes srttluil buck to aliont the luvtl ot llr> t llRiiiis , and rc- iiiiiliu'il - RtaKinint , The aihnaoo of J { pir- cint In .Ni " Kiifluinl. lionitvurvns oll- inuliit alned , mid Inturln tlio hour slightly Incioasul , stocks bolnuu stiouj ? fintinu- of tlio in.irki I, hniuriis ; liulliu'd lodikncss and rotlnd 1 pi r nat toir.it , but the nMuoiu < lnll nnd stiiKiiant throughout. Moulislutir- iiaitoilnuurly 1 per cunt furtlicrliutthi iiiir > kit nt 11 o'clock unAvvrydoll and st..uly . .i- tuljiiut tliu opuilnicpi Icis. 'llioro UIIH iull | ) mi linprc'Viiiioiit In liuyliuilniliiK tliuMiL'ieodliu hour. Siijtarwcnt up t 8l , oil tu 81 S, nnd up iiKnln t SJT lioforo U u'olovk. l.ouNvlllo rosut- iiK1)1. . , NuKiiKliind on aiconil nilviincu to- 4hS , St ranlnn fon-lKii t i nt to rj'i ' and MNsourl I'lielllc lo TU1. . lueal stocks iiiiulu BllKlit Kalns.lscoiisiu leatril. llur- lliiKtonniiil - n f ( iithrroslcrn su ol a ( allul tonilly , TlioolosliiK liiiii of tliCHtoik mar- Kit liroiiRlitrniisldeniblu of a luur raid , All curly HtruiiKtli illMplit'iiii'il.lon stockscamo out friily iiiid pikis Meat iloun ensllj Hid oioi | r poi tsloarinony ( lo.uis , liolnir run up tnlpiri'ont , niiilliiillilun mo f builleiidirs- iillcunirlhuliit totho decline. WNmnslii Cnt- rnl - and llurllii lon O'leli 1< M2 points..North- vist - -rn 1 , Hook Isliindl'i.fct. ' Paul' , Keadlni; ] , siiKiir 1 anil many others less uiimiuits. Mho biih H wins IVUHXJslmi is- .'IIic . ' followIn fvofo ttio closing quotations : Mnrkct. NEW VOIIK. Aiicust 0.lBpoclal Telosnm to Tns UI.E ) Coiroc-Optloas opeiioj banly UeuOy ut 6 to n) poluta down ) clotcd bitcly ntvndy at f anil M points down ) < | iilct file * , an.'za ImK' . lirlmllnK Annul , SIVK61T ; K-litcmlior , 10lVM7.ft ) i OUohtf , JHU'f id'iO ; licci-mbiT , ( IVMxBl.Vfij Jnnnnrr , % ; Polrniirtn- s.Vir.lMMi ) , noKftrlKi : March , : Ajirll , tlbi'i Jliiv , J1V.OI .lune , ? I10P. l-pot Itlo tloiiclmiulct ; fair cnrgoii Sjuc : 0.7 iiitbuntii isvc- .t'JIH . tt I I'K MA ItlC.t TH- .AiifiHtC . M5 p in. close Wheat -stonily ; cnsl ), Id'ic ' ; September , l 7 ifl''J' ? < ci Wny. JI04 f , Ooin-I'irinl cash , 40'' < e ; fcptcmbor , 50 01 Jliiv. 61'i- oo.itsstondy ' ; c.isii , TOZfc-B'ic ' : Soplcmucr , Jfliiej May. ( .V. Moss 1'nrk 1'lrnii casb , tll. . " >0 | Eoptcmbcr , ? l , ' . : Jiitninry , ii77M. I. iril-I'irin ; ensli. d12. : SeptciAbor , W.W- Jil' © ) : Jaiuinry. tiiti' ftflO.- Hhoit . Ullrt I'lrnu cash , $5351 Soptcmbir , llarky rso 2. I'lax-No I, llriunt Jl'1- 7I'rlnieTIinollobtuady nt Jl.4Wt.43.- Milskv . IUJ. I lour Slot * nml'toady ; winter wheat , yi'JO ©. .00 ; M'HiiiZ w hi it. SI 7orW Id. Hulk Moitft ' houldiM , r H7'l5MOO | short clear , ( 1.7011 HO : Miort rib' " , n 42'i& ! % > 4- )Iluttcr Ihiciiiuigutli uri.iini.ry , 1 dilry , U'iQi ; e. (, li,0 , iliieh niffi'di full cream ih"7- 14ffil 71ic ; Hals , T'lUT'jCi ' Voung Ameilias HVift 8'io.- IlifBS . fiicliaiD.-ol ; frrsli , Iwtljc. llklHUnelitinu'il : I llRlit prrcn- Miltid fi' , ni' ' ' : s mod null. f'Vs ' r ' 'i' ' suliiili- nlf. . WMV ! ury Hint. ( VUiToi dry sailed hides on ; di > I'lilf. VitiK- : deni011.SOi Tallow I'lifliincoUi No I, Holld paiKort.ICi- No ' -. ' , J'io ' ; ciilte , J' . Hccelpf Hour bbls I . 'K- Vlicnt ini W.iift ) , . . . ... . .. .. o t. iiii . . . . . .. . .autioo- Nr.H VOIIK , Aiimmt8Wlic.itKocolntjSSfOO . .Nil. a lf < l, IKiLStl.OO1 ! In iilecitlor ! tl.W'i- nllniit , 1.004 1 ' . r.o o. : nitlontfl | i el ( wtik- ViJ o hlKhLT o - ri.il. AiiKO'ti uloi'ns ' t t'J'lC- .CornUicclpU . 20.150 , ** vports , 40- 0birsliiisi'VMt'cinseU wi'iili NCI 1, fitCKiii'iO In- ilcvntur ; 'ii,1i'J'i7o iillotiti ungraded inlxnl , KMJi&W nptlniiHilo-stda trlllu mslor , iuptiml- ior - ( .loiliix lit rn'i' ' * * OtiH Uonilpti , ? ,00liishel' ) ) < : rrporK none ; fpot ikcliliilly liU'licri Xu ! hlle , 4ij'i5&ls'io ' ' : iniM'il wt'Htorn. 4lf8l"c : wlilto Hcslirn , if- l'ij'gfi optlim " ehlsher oiiioori.rupiuportsf | . loaT- iiyiist , . , suet Ulu stonily ; full cmigous.tu-M 'iitfin Iliw llrin ; filr rcHnlns , 4' e | ruflin.il- Hi mi r ; oiI"A.V "Wlt . I'otroliMim I'nlteil tlosed at fiO- o.Eni . !? ilc ; wist .rn , tO'itttx.- I'ork ' . rinn. I nnl btroiiKiri weitoriistonin SflW- Hiillcr I IrmMoslem ililry.I'iifilliicicam1- 1V. - . l K'.o ' ; 1 Igln , h'sC.- CluibO . tufty , pnitsklai , 4aVc.- Sr { . I.otris , Aiuust Whc.it lll licrj cash- .OlliCfci'pluiilir . ) , itt'ie Corn 111'liur , c.isi4S1fcj Prplcmlicr. 4 I14C. Oats Illhure.isli ; fiosoptcmborJUMc.- 1'oik ; . rinu uun.tioan.oo.- l . nrd 1 Inn aUl.H" ' , . Whlsky--.tiimly atfl.lS- liilttor liuilii , hU'hei ; olhers nnclianica ; croninory.llffiliici . KUIii , UTiJJji dairy , ) ' " " ' > IIIVAt'KhK, Ailjimlli. Whe.it-rinn ; > o. a opilncusli. . ! Ua'i.-c , Scpteinler , Ule ; iiiiiiherii.tl 00 _ Corn I Inn ill " . O. its III h-T. No 'wliile , c.isii. .I IKjcFIrm ; No 1. V- .LIt.irluyrinni . . No ! , r. c- I'wilsluns llitiHTj poik , $117- 3.MIMAKIMS . August 0. Wlicit Oisli- wliu it Him ; r ulpts , 1 cirj j bhtiiiiioiits , 7J- iur4 , ( luiiiind fin N ) 1 lutd nnil No.l noitli- ci u rnoil , but low Kradi's r it lur Hlow. Clos- liiK - No I haul. AiKimr.lh'Sci on tncK.lllXl ; No. Inortlici n AuKH t. IM'ii , ; fcipUMiibur , ' ( Pie : on Ir-u-U l)7t ) , ISO 2 northern , August , on . . . KANSAS ( Mil , Aiijust fi.liuatHlshcr ; N'o.'liiitl (, ca-h , AujiisuSmiNJ. 2itU , uish , j 111. ) ( Coin IllKlicri No . ', cash , 47'tC bldi August , Sc.Onls IllKliur , No S. cash , .to'iu ' ; AUK- AuirmtO. - . . Wlic.it lllglior | No. 2 nil 11.1 0. ' Ki'ic Cora Mmnir , uxoltod : Vo. 2 mixed , 53c. Oils IIlKlii.1 , No 'nilxtd. y'J- c.I.Hi.itnior ' . ,, AiiRiist 8-Wlioit-rirmi do- niiind - poor ; liolih-is olTci sjinrliiulj ; Callfoi- nln - No. I ? < . 4ilB7s 4'Jil l ! i cintal. Com IlolUi rs olTir up irlnwlj ; spot , 4s , , 5'i < l , 111 mi tioutumlwr , 4s , Ji u per uintul- .LI . vi : CIIICAOO. Ati2iist6 Onttlo Keoclpt1 * . 15000 : wi'iiUlboutos , ? lVKJi.4M , stitrs , tlOO ® 4.40 : btoikors mill fooilus. WloIWIO : cows , bulk anil mixed. IIUJQIOO : TON.IIIS. tnttlo , f l.lli&U.lKI ; western rinisuistf'ilfflJ.'iJ.- Ho.'s ' . Kuuulpts , aiooili close llonir : inlxoil- Ufltt.l. . ) : huiny , tJ4554)bj ) : light , JJ 5UI 'JO ! skins $ JVXat : V). t-liLop-HuccIpts. 10,0001 lower ; n.itlvos 1.50 ® "i ) ; wiitorn , *4 Wi 4.W ; Tex ins , JJ5UJOO ; hlinbs , SriOOJilO.- fcr . , Louis , August 0 Oat tic Receipts ' 00 , 6llimunts4lX | ) , Hliimcur. 1'ulr to fniiny nutlv- ustitra , SJt0l70 ; fclooUcrs and fetilns , f.'OOQ u.ooJloss Uocolpts , 5200 ; shipment" , KOO ; nilir- Uct - lowir : liciivy , U 0al.75 ; p.icklnij. < J50 3 KANSAS Our , August 0C it tie Receipts , O..TOj blilpmonts. 0,200 ; iniirkitstnnii ;; stiors $Jiir4.iil : ; cowti , $1 504c2.00 ; atoekois unil feucl- uri , J-.K aJ.S. ) lloxs-Huci'lpts , 10,250 ! slilpnieats , 1,000 , ma- rt - -t stonily tostronj ; ; ullKi- O - 31. 1 MI A t.lVU Ctxttlc.- Fstlnintort . reeolnts ot tattle 1.1)5 , eonipirud- wllli 1.571 jyeilouwv and U.S.i'iVnlncMlav o ( last no-L Iliu iiinlcet oiione- ilaitlo und tions to 5a hlKhir- on tlio best Krndi's und nlont stonily on tin ) toiimioiilsli uradi's. The irtolnN o ( cctw- MIO l ! ht and tliuiiuulltr Komi. flieuiurUu rein ilns iinllmiiKed on liuUliois stnir Tliu- nnrlvut mi Imtcliirs' sttill iip iiod u Ithsoii o- llfo and mlilun.e3 of si riiigth , but cluseil slow uud > cul> . _ ____ Kstlnntod reeolnts of Iio3i II001. compared with lO.iclSyislcnliy awl I'.t'J ' ) Widnubdir of last wti'l . Ilio iinrK.it opcntil uctlvu.it 5- ohlilliui on huny IIORS. btuaily on niKul nnd blow unil ivenU onlUhtTho of nrlcis- MIS t i 1 KtWI ( A I liu bu 1U sol 1 liu a t J15013.17 'Si llL'ht tlloxfll ; mixed Mi'iiJW ; . 'Iho iiMiaaeof thopilies paid as- MWJ ' 4. coinpiruil wltli- iilnusilay i cMerdny und The following Ha tuMoof prtooipitdln tills niiikvlfor the Kfidi ) ofstocfcmoiitloiiel : 1'rlino steers UO to ll.Oltts . J ) tr 01.00- imiil ( stiois li" 0 to 14'pOUis . IOO 0)Wii- Kiil ) : ( sleor ,, IW i to l.'OJ tt s . IK5 W.l.15- I'alr. . H JtollVilM . JTM ) KMW- Cmiinoii.SOato I'iJOlbs . J.'J" fdl.U- OCotnuioiicannorb . 10' ) ( 1.00 Ordinary tof ilnows . . . . 20O ( m.'tt- I'll I r toRoodcows . " .M fcJ.H" ) ( HH(1 touholeo oo 4 . I'.T.'i 4t.lK ) t'holccto . 2.I3 (i ! t.W ! 1 ulr to Rood liu 114 . 1.75 ( i- iholeeto - . ( ( fnnev bulls . 250 & J.1 I Itthtstooltus anil focdora . 25Oftt.aj lucluri , U50to 1100B s . ' . ' . " " > © I. M I'ult torlioliollKlit hofs . JIO WI.I1 lulltocliohuhtiy luys . J K CB ' . .U- 1'ulr tooliolio inluil IIDRS. . . . J4T'i'iiJ.- MCommrntlo | lalilo. The follii lna table Hlniws the nnso In- piluusoa Iwfi ilurliiK this and last : Hlilicst ; and Today , Vistoiilny. Highest. . . . . lira Hlshost . .tlfr ) I.OUl'bt . J 10 l OWOal . a VI Stock ; llceclptH , OHIclal Yoitonlav. Eslluuited Tolny. Cnttlo. . 71 vii n , 1.171 Cattle , fo CIIN , MM Huns iu.caidlih3 ' lio.'ii . bl c.iisil.lW ) bliuup. . . Jears , 40- 1e lost of- Tlic folloulun | nllo ('lvos the IIMMICO cost of ! ios nn tliu tlitos ninitlon ( ' < lliieluliiiB tlio ) lust lixluy , at. bbt'fl iipini kilos ri'portid : - ? . fi W'4 Anunsf. . J.HIS Juiy."j- J . a 70 AiiKusti . a < i y Augusts . aw- Aicrngo a : t"i August 1 . a M 1'rloooC Hoes. ShowIiiKllii' nii'r.iwprlio paid forloacliof S"- Ol ll""cauu 1 l , lsS , ! ) UHESSUU IIKKF 8TKtlll. No. Ar. l'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Tr. ST. . t-y *.iw it .lisa aw to iuw tJH . . w ura B..IDOO aii w..iiw aw J MM 3 ) ! IIfil 3 CO SI 1078 a M 6 710 a u ) o an : i IM aw- at. . tuo :i tw IT iiJJ a M jj iw :IM 7 low a 10 21 ina TO n i-'ro :jw- m iz2 ; i a in i V) a ? i 4 ul- . ! l. 1KM ,1 3) ) G.1M a T- 3con1' . t 82. ' . I M t 107J 2M 8 . OST 2 V- SI (Ml 1 B) 0. ! V) U I ) I .im L'W- J WO 1 M 4 . .10an 8 . WT MW 1 N7i ) 1 M II 1011 ' - ' n 1 1WI ) SW 3 tWT 1 tW 1 ( ill S 2.1 1 .1' . aM 2 IOW t 10 T 1M1 2 55 ? . . ' 2C1- i wn a no n lots - , o , . w ass i. coo i! oti J ion 2 n- CANNKtl" , 4 r.27 1 40 4 .10JJ 1 3)) 1. . 'ID 130- SI . tilO 1 4} MIlkKtf ) 1 . IS 00 1. . - SUlfl 1. . - 2SOO- i. i. at ) ui STOCkFKS ANt > FEBOflH. 10. . 750 1 M 18 . fll SJJ SI. . 687 SS- 5rn'it.s. . 3. . 1503 1 M t .llli 1 M- CAI.VK , 2. . ITS 2 M 1. . IV) 4 M ' 0 S M 1M.O . SJ 7- 5BPiii.smu - 22 M COWSAMJ CAIP. - 21 M 1. . - 35 IK ) IIOOH- No. . Av. Sh. I'r. Ko Av. Sh. fr. 10 . . I'M l.'V ) W .. ' . '4(5 ( SO IV ' 'I . . . 17(5 ( 40 18.1 7ti . . . Jit 1.11 .IV , (, . . . l. 3 1.1 71. .. 'M Ml . .IVi- . . . .l.s Jill 07 . . ' . ' 411 K) .IK 17. 127 J 40 Wl. .. . ' 41 .IW IM .11 . . 17:1 120 J40 M . .Hit .I' " ' 5. . I'.G J 10 01 . . ' 'US IJO IV 31 . 11:1 : .no ti .. nt IM) iv. 7 .. 117 J 40 ( , i .. .MS IM IV. 10 . Mil 'JM ) J4J'J fid .. 'J7l IW IV. 71. . .Ml KiO .148 ' ,, 1)1 ) .. ' 'VJ III ) IV. 1,7 . si a 80J ,11 % 11 . . 111 Jio ,1" . 7li . HM J41 uJ .. 'itl 1JO IV 7S 814 IGO J4- VJ . . 211 bl ) JV.7- H . . life JOO 311 01 .. 'Jl'l .IV. 87 11)1 JIO r > III . . l' > 40 IV , SI . . INI 80 14.- , M. . . 870 10 JV.- Id" . INIJO 14" U . Ill JlK) ,11" 4 < ll.O IM ) I4" 117. . . IM. 1JO IV.- SJ . . . SlkH I JO 14" HI 827 1IJ ! JV. 110 SOS , !' ,0 J 15 111 . SCI 400 JV. (, ,7 82i ) 4X0 I 4. % M . Ji.O 40 I V > 61 S14 IfiO 14.- , C.1 . U 5 10 IV.- SO . IM 200 14" G.I . JMJ 8) IV.- J . ( StJ 40 14. . 7J . .Ml KO IV , ta l.VJ 840 145 71 . JSl JUO IV.- fiJ 8.0 2MI J 4r. l.i . . . ' 42 JUO J V. 71 . SC'J 21)0 147' $ Vi . 270 IM) I.V. 71) . .SI I 81M ) ,147'i Cl . J.M N) IV. 01 EJ 1IX) ) )47'i M. . . IM 1JO 15- 5u a 1.1 iw , i47' ( n . srn ice jv- K > . a7i : 40 , ir o ri , . 87rf JW) JiV. 4 i-ij IN ) M . . sni Jdo jf r.- l ? l -10 1(50 IW) M . 8l.lt ! . ' ) 1.17 !. . 07 . aiu bo i ro ui . 2.vi .w jr.'j-t 2-1 ir.j , ir o ii7. .. .J-M no inrj-i .ID . aio 120 J r o w . . SM no ir.7i oi.'M 80 J.r.o M. si :i uo ir.7 i 71 . aa4 jo , iiV ) a st'ii M) ir.7 f 71 ! i.7 ( i-'o .1 r >o ii ! . ' > o so ir ; 't- il ( . . -.I J.0 ,1 VJ 1U5 . 254 W ) lr)7 ) d" . . .a"J .C.M .150 C4 1.0J 83 I.TT'j 81 . . ill ! lai ) ,1 r 0 fid 'JtM 2 0 l.i7 i 111. atO 840 .1 fit ) Cl 848 KiO ir.71 ! oi . ar ) ijo .150 di sri : K.O j.7i 0- . a-Ji 1(50 ,150 a 85(1 . ' 10 ir.7S 74 . .ai7 lao avi w . . .111 ) c ) 74 .aai to .ir. ) no . . .s-w ic ) JM 57. . , .a.U 40J5U M . . . S7d S-0 1,0- il ( ( XKW 810 .150 70 SU8 40 IdO 18. . .241 100 .150 Wl . , UM ) 80 !( ' ) iV ) a ,s i.io M IDS leo ro a 17 icvo .150 UL. a-o 120 . .11.0- W5 aii 2OJ 150 di . a.ll ( 40 IOO- w . . .an 40 J 50 u .s-Ci 2so n o- c, ay * ) . - > o u aw H.O 7" . aiO 200 15'J ICli . 88.1 200 J (JO 141 a.11 403 150 W a 57 ISO 10- 0n . aai so i r o to si57 80 J 1,0 71 ad1 K * 15) ) 4- .1171 60 .HVOrj 171 H'l ' , tao J 50 fiS . 21H .II.O 75 247 ISO .1 52'i ' 510 . 2(54 ( 100 H.O- VJ 2lri I . ' . "t V. . J.I I Hrf ) 77 .a.ll SsiO I 52'i ' 74 . 25 ! 80 ,1(50 ( 70 .22 i am , i .vji , i.i . , .a.ei 200 . .IGO- J.K .241 KO .1 r.j'a ; ' v. . a.4 K.O ' " * 7- ! an aoo , i ft1 ! vi : tM to 11.5- INI . .a7s 48u .i.vj' ' , .u . : im :KI.- 4(5. . - > ( . . . .2 lJ .1 5J" , W . a7J JG5- so . .aw ssu .1 5.i MuiKotl- ion's lili-hcr , 1 Ino sticrbtrongtr. . John Ilciuli broiig'ht Inn car of hops fi oni Hedus.- J. . . S Dee hailft cjrof lie s from fcliu- lby - , li.- J : . P. Taylor & Co soil tin uc.ir o ( hogs from J Irvlnu c.inio down ( loin I'liiHcll with a- carof cittlo.- nrt . Hroof Kcirncy liaila tir of hogs on tlio niarUU.- L . 1) . H'-riuiiiii of Vulp ir.iKo wiisup ultli a cur of cattle , OcoruoA. AUllInnis of Lebanon in.irlitodn car of IIOK- S.riW . , A. Luhnorlind Usoc.irsof cattle on tlio- inuiK < itioiii ( Ortl. .1 0. Jir , onof Klluvtsontliu inukct with liox'H- .U.S. . . Hlvorof Sultoii isas on the m.irlat with u t ir of hot'sT- l. . J. Xowtnn. I'lou&intilalo , lull u car of hoKSOntht : in u kit.- J . Buck the well known Cicto shipper, m n- rktttd - ucarof lie Jiilin I'llKobi'its of A'-hhnd li.ul near o- fcuttlu on tlio market. Inspector llow.ml coniloniiiail and shot a lump jun stur.- I . I) CJ. Hobl ) theextenslvo shipper of Endl- co't - ' , niniKoUd t ooiiisof lie s.- J . , McMlllon , tliowL-11 known TlwUht stock- niiin - , is here wl h tluui cursor tit tlo.- M. . . I' . Hut ihon. of tliullr.-n of LCM II i Ilnr- rlson - , . rtuilliv.i hero with twocirs of hois.- Vf . T Echol" , a prominent slouUnim of 1'lcrt'tj was on tlio mur'ttt ' with two cnisuf- cuttle. . J , Olljtoti. an oxtc'nslvo and sutcessful funnel of llxctvr wis hoi o with i irs of- e.ittlo. . Tunics 1'owcis , Ilio cttpiiih-o HomlcisJn- slilppurwusup with two CUH of e.ittlo unil- J. . N. Uatkln *. . jieiioi-.ilnKont of tlio Cumin cittlo t ir coiiipaii ) , lo'itt'U ut KiuisH Ulty- Mtor.it , HID ynnls- llio ollld.il receipts nt Sioux City for tli- oniontliof July U.70I u ittlo ; 5J,7bJ hon-s ; ami b2 horses , Hurry Xnshwa * a alcomoMtorit the yiir.lsen rotitu fiom Olilinvo on hi * Hi; ) | ) ( ' ( oil' nt his old Humping uhoiolio round iniiiy fik'tiilj- .WTf.lU.t . I'ruduuc , . - . I'uoii'Pii Ihiifl4.f0 1'iMl-l'erlli l'ucli,7c ' ; 1iulTalo,7c ; plckoicl , 6'0 ' ; lilKo. Ikj tioill , .K1 ! wlilto , ljcn ) , iiile | , M- etiitllsn llcj cod stoiK , IJis llouiulii !) , l.'i ; Origoii balmnii , l' ; bliclv Libs , IJo ; vt > rArio - fijoen snllod hides No. l't ( < Ti.Vic ; No. 2 VW ij , j clrysallid lililcsV ; < lry Hint hldi , a'iFGHoi ' ualf hidib , 5li7'itl ' Dmitieid likli" < , Jtlois Mieii | ptlls , pnon , tacli , .13011123 ( , shuippulti , UijpXrlb , ( tollo- IlKiSHAXlVrlt ) , 2iV, TAtunv-A No. 1. , l'' , fM'Jc : No. 2, S eMe- sfroa - i , hllo , y'JWuj jt'llo i242o ! ! ; kteinlnc , S ( Qiiotntlonsnre for delivery la Oi- liKOOry - ( liullnln , licr ton , S1COO UI8.K ( ); dry rouiitry blcnclml , * lei Ka IIOO ; dry country dump and ini'iit ) , H.lxaKUM- .I'u . KiK4-Me < lIum , [ itr bill , J5.iO , small , SOW : Klicrldns. JT.- W.I'oLiTUxl'ordoTon.choIco . lien' , 81W )< f7tl2'5 : cholto mixed , j' ' .lliO ; roosttis. J' ( xr7" ' ; prlnirclikkciiRJl.s5UJOO for small : JJ.25 < iiJ50 for medium ; 2.r 0f8.74 for Inrno. Hutri ii-t'tcnniorifiiiHy , roll * , print. 10 ® WHci creamory. f.inty, sollil | iuckt > cl , IKSIIc ; troaiiKiy.ilKirce , lo Uo : dilry , fumy lolls mid inlats UQ ( > llo ; daily , faiiC3siillilpackd , lofellci < l.dry. eholie , J3Io ) ; tonntiy loll. fancy , Kft'ii ; : olmlci" , 75'cc : Inferior. XJ ( . i: idb l > iilOo forbtiluly fre-ln stale not sal ¬ able.- 11ONEV . Stialned UMb cans , icr 11) ) Ooj now coiulihonoj , . IUAN : llnndnluUeilnavyl.tV3i ! 03 : hnnd- niiillnni - l navy , Jl ( "ttl.T.'i , hand-plcKud country , itl 4xr&l di ) ; Rood ole m , II KK31 25. KVAionui D Aviii6Kanoy.lSiJc ( peril ) lliAbliKliiiita-l'orbn. M'ltxailR ) . t' ) ( I'tr lKl.f".l l UMI [ os.1er IOO. KO Ofkjl 17.50 , , * l iVffcl 75- .ni. . . ' 4 l iiielbo.v73c ! < atlOO Cnllfornln , nor hoJ.'tioQl ! "i , UiHI'KS-l'iillfnrnla , porirutc.fJ.OO , Artan- sis. - . llt ) case , J.M ; fieoisln , lOlb basket , 7.V 1i.uii I'nrplu Dnnno , Columbia , tic. , ptr ' 'lov' , tJLKX3.85 ; Klld goose plums , H lu box , Uio lKitF.s1Ji3lc iiorlb- .ii'liolco . medium, O37o ; light lifiny4ilic. ! ( : liolled , C.tf , Cinni PIT libl. rtllncUWWjImlf Mil. . 1110 liardclder , iniie. perlibl , Motij oraiiso elder half 1)1)1 , * 1.V ) ; iwur elder , half tW , iRW- .Voor . , linn uinvaslud , ICilCc , nuilliini im- wusliul. . INSi'lo | coarse iiiimihlud , lK(20e ( , 1'orATOM IVr bu 11.0071.50.- l . movs-IVrbov , Hodl Midori , fancy , { JOO ® 10 O0 | cluilcn .Messina' ') J7MO.M , Ton ATOK I'tr bu-bov , JJ5OO.iOO , o.Mo.Nbboutlifm.por tm.1 Wit * 00. I'Miit , Hurt lilt , California , iior box. JJ.DO 3 a 25- .I'HU.NE'ifiorman . , per tov , fj.00 | Frcncb IJ.OOj fcrosrJ75. _ Fiirsn MEAT'-I'nclor ( 4'prlcf Fresh hanr 20 llitax vraRu. 'H 'i frohlinaim.10 llnnvi riie he ; Irish limns , li J tun vc-niu'e , Ik1 ! fruhshoul ilors , 1c ; pork loins , T iii pork tenderloins Do : leaf Inid , not ivndunil.uuci spare rlbs,4o I'oiiic lltcif-UnrrcU ifisa pork , now 112.73)) clear pork lucUs. heavy , lu'25 ; clou l ork Laolu , ucdluai , 811.75) ihoricutdea ' ork , no to ! family pork. loin , fio.soi 1m tt x.rk.boanpork . , pl l ork 1 MI , llnlf biirroM New o'xtm me" 1)cof ) , t2.ViUV ! ) ; ninvrxtrn lulobpof , f-i.-fdQ.Mi iu pntu let f. } OOinewrolloil ooniloss bi'of, IICJW7.S1 | now nnip * , SaiVS.1iO ! new l nclc i ruinpo , U.M >5- )'SAtSAOt HploRnn , per H , smokoil. lonj- on ml inmo linns , ti ci fiankfiirts. csc | otiRiii. . t c ; MODI ), 4 ioi llur , lc ) ; hciid IH-CSC , 4'iC ' ) rill ( li0. , _ TAI I.OVF A. , Ni ) lidcislonrlno. () ic.- lMCKttiiIlKrrT ( . <) MliTllnlf bnri 'lxfO.GO | nartor linrreH Jfi.iOi olilit bnrrol , iJ.oi- iiiri li'iifiji 4el kuttlo. OSC. Add > u lo'o pur l > firmwllcrinekngos. Ixiat lard not run.- HI'THIIK - . Half birrKavi : nunrtcr . | 35 ; eighth bnricls bOci Util5 Ibs ' CAsis-ns-Calllo Tlorcci and liar- fliiiilililloperlb.C'jc - ' ; loiltid J ieibtititi4 ! > 4i'- lojiusiian. . Hpi'tlb ; IIOK linijrs , No. I, 4'40- avli ) touiidH.per . ( ! , 110 foot } 2'ji | nilldloi- urift. . Kffot.n , c : npnimcls li- s than l.txi- o,1'ioenclil - i small i ( Klolol ( , lie poriloInrKc : bidders less lots , Ililijoerdoz. barrel- * , Hl.oO- iunrterbirri'h. . J. 5 llwoacli. 42 J.- Xljlitt > OILS Hbl- .ra.So. . doll , it . 4 ; !! ox- Inrd - . llnrtlol ! . M' > I t.ll , l5ci No J nnloll.JI : piiro imtsfiiot oil-.on , r. i- uitiil ! can : extrii ni'iitsfDot oil , 4kJio ; , 1 noiits- oolull.J7u - : tnllovoll , 4le. I ION IMOM ill mi i 11 lit bniioUflT. qnnr- i tmrnK *Jlu ; tlnhtlibailiN , Jl 1.1 ; kits , 15 bscioli.Wlc. . I'nilic riNollt t iioookcilMild ciirod- Inlf - ImiliN , 10 ll , * 7.1l ! "Hiirtcr bnirils , W 1) , MOO linv f T MBATd-T can Ini'Ko , fie ; hurt t'lnr3'i * ; ln'IllK , 10 i JO ll IIMTIIKI. < ; shoit rlln , .ViCl.Inn t ili.irs B-Ui'i Ion ? 'K'lril'le ' ; shun lilt I , a'ic. ' _ MIIT-S UaiiMissoil unless other- IsoimlnoUHnii - . '' . ta lo 14 Ib ntpfngi1. tlis ( (5-lbaX'irilKt1 10'nt 20 Io82 111 ax ( MTo , lO'sf , klnni'il sllc-lnjr , istoaollis lummo , iloi Call- oinla - IIIIIIM , I.i1 : Oionhlei -. 7'4i shoiilili r , kliiiio lriiicnlioiililor 0 ti 8 llis iiumyp , ' , , . , Ixiiit'li's-t liiiii. : 8'io ' ; lin-uKdst baciin- cli u ) , Slo 7 II) sit rlp-i. 71'iis Im tikfast b.ii'on- i Hi , S ic , ilflul l u ( luiiis < sUs , U 4cj regu- tir S'aCHliuli.7nii. . IHiy t-nT liTinn Hiconjonjjclenri GMc ; limit oltnm. f'iu ' : KtrjiMiotiilojin , H > , I" ml- Ioseloiirstilps - , O'li'i ' > liort illj-,81icsbotil- Iliu' Sloer > 1W't > t ' 'OOIIis alpracc , i.iIlM1 , rieeu 400 lii iiu ibs aM'iav'i1 , latito , } com anl holters. WO to'iOO lln- ti' "I'sfi Iiliiiliiunili r , i.u oM I0o ; hlnd- is - co7oi fonqiinrli is. stcon , 4So ! 'onnuartoi"J.eowvlo : cii'ssul IKI.N , 4Ji' ( . IIIIBSSUl JllITTON CllolUO ill --li.il llllll toil , J'lP , rinks olinitttoii. He ; siiUtliiuf unit tun , UK , bicisttutiiiultoii.3o ; tigs of iniitloa , ID- c.Grocciios . , io Mi-PcrlU.-Ont loaf 7"ji Oulics , 7c ; tiniliiiil. iO ilcrul , 7'ii'j , pniiilorul , . ' ' ! , . '.o ; itrnO- .Nulniska l' cAnil | r. 5V. l olili'iil',5'ic MAi'iiMJcUH I'er ' Mi T.u ciik "i. , lo llliciM , 'li , 10 cikosj-lllioxn ) ) , ISJ'ii ; 1-lb liilol.s , , ,1- 0llnln luix. pure. H- e.loitlt. . . lioa tid _ Arlp i. (25'c , ; lluiioli , Si'Jo ' ; 2V , ci Mmi. iVjCM.ill - , Mocln , Ulc : O.l.JJai i , : vt- oCorin GricM-riiney Oulilcn Itlo S2'ci r.incy old poiberr.24V ) ! Hlo I'hnleo tofani ), Ja'iilllo ' ; , prlnit'.J''c ; Klo. RIIIK ! . 'l'o ' ; ' untosi- ml t'omnioii Ilio , Iwr. ' !!! ; Mucln atc , liui , mini'O. tl , "M ! Jali ; , tiioil Intuilui , ' xlctiii. a.lo inns AinhcrSxTiip Tnhbls No. 'Jennie , hnlflibKNoTHjriiilo. , 4.il l-u's. o- iiiTuiiii4 , 1O In ciise , ) > orc'a-5i } ! !>i 'ipeiins Kiln cine , poroiisi 61.U , > v li to oloior ililiK la- blili , : fcV ! hnlfliUKJIC ! 4- r l Kotsoaili. 8141 ; J-ital pilN. ni'b.Mo ; inekcvnul vililps In lbls , ; r , , h.iif ibk :! 7t4-niill'ovi | unili , * Hi ; amui- lN ) , neb , 85c ! I'ullfnriilA honev. libN , , i"e ; nlf blil' . tc , 4'il > kops fKkl ; ail Kills. Hit ; 1-iiul , Win else. JIV ) ; In f IMJ , tl 25- .Inoioi.ATi . I" H ) s , JJS.iJe ( ; lii'iinni- T' - - - piuisliinC o HllOMl I'll 11) , Bo. Pull ), In plit . SI.KIH Mixed Mnl , Mb jlkss. , eaniry"e ; licnip.l'ti' ' : iiiKo ,I epopi ; ) 10- ispici - I'lnpor-SIiifipoie slltoil , I8@e | ) ; shot. 'J"c. Allsplu1 , lOu. s I'i'iiiiifr , n- lulccl , ' - JOc. Ui-sli tliliiail-ll juls. . e. > u- llootisHtiiliy - ( , l i * i failnn. "O peis. .looittiiit.il. ; l'i5JMii' ' ; inafiimnl , lie : vtrnilcllll , IWllCiilcu.iliiild.1fancy ! , i lieul , .I'lCi siuo nnd t'lploc'a ( i"i' ; lima i iii >, , ic : hpllt pus. : icj spUItt l.llf.- Mi . > it" < is-llbl'i. N 0 fiiuu pir .il tiVSXes lioli-c.lVJcMtf : Hood. : tKji2tUuli ; , ) baklaj ? , . He : blnclc strap. ..OSfl'J- Sc.Viill'tMl . 1'Aini Mrav porlt ), I'jGM'tc ' ' ; rw. : . ' 'ic ; MinllliiH. wains : No i.se. l iiji-l , * Onilmcnlillc. 1-lcj l.1nacr xvlilto , UKllieailllKlit. ; . IHCi74Sit.llnf , U.- SAI.iODA. . llblS , faCjgrSUIIllaUll , 2C , 111 bbls , J'aC. ligs Ullbj , lo bit , . , . , , K Wisconsin P d twin lln.Kpcrlb. , fl'ioVlHOonsln ' P. C. vonii'i Anicrlua. lOu ; biluk. bxviss , UciKiUiu Iti full- .Diiiin . FiiuiTS-Titiklsh prune *, less tlmii hliils , Ksi . 7'io ' ; nrlRlinl hlids , ' 40 loss , Kosnln. , ( 50 | 111 l lio's , KM) to 111) ) , 8t , applus.- CMiporited . , new iliiK cholio. lie ; oMiporitccln- cv. . ilii ) ? . mliiip , llciil ) ; lints , fincy.ln : icls , l"e ; hi ickborrln , iu , 3 i i lo , Vt } ; rispliirrles J5 Ibs to bi , IiOc ; turritus , now li io ; orlfrlnil tusks , Ue loss ; cur- rants ¬ , In lox ) 's IH t , DATts l'i r-Iiin , ( , ( ) II ) box 7o- .KAM.NS . London liji'i-s O.illfornli stand- ard ¬ , pir box , $2T ! "Inir o shix , " f.'CO ; lo- omuscitols - > o , Uiillfoiuli standard , J200liorsu ! fcliDO , " JJIJ.1 , "stnr , " liwsu iniiscatt'ls , $1 d I ; sii'd- Kss - California. ( !,( > ; Callfouili scMillesssu- lInnaslii - sucks , pur Hi fee , California niii ( ! . .- LIM - ( | , In sacks , bt , now Valencia Uo ; old , Ui oiiduia livur olil.'i' . llA'iKKTS-l't'r dox 1 liusliol , nairow bind slav ( , i.-liM , ft S) ; 1'i busliul. narrow bind M.ivi dm JJ. . * , 1 bii lioli bnud Viind , elm , Bill ; l'i ' bihlicl , broid bund. elm. ( J.75 ; I biisliul. din uilo hiudo * IMI ; I biislul , oakHtaio SJOi ; 1 luolul , l rlnJ,75 } ; , IVS buslio' ' , Itrk'IB , ( .125:1 bushel- .uik . splint , (Ti.'tO , ! ' Inisbtl oak splint , } < ' ) ; bu ii'l. biuiihoo , ( IOO ; l'i bushel bainlico , ( (700 ; liundiy , wlli ( ) , I.irxo. ( 7.1O ; luiiiuli v- wllion. . iiiiiJuiii SC . . , laundry i.lllcn , Mimil , ( i 'iO ; inaiki t, elm , split , Ac ; inaikot , lin.u- rlvot liainllu. Wo ; inn kit , uhn Linurul. 1- ifck.JJ.Od . w lllow. inn Ktl , lari ! . U Mi ; wil ¬ low , market , 2 In ntst small , l medium' , per nc-t , k c ; nsli , satclnl bu ki ti .vend , In ii l, pti iiLbt.f 1.10 , si mill bamboo ( U'llM iy , } l 25 , nu'dliini biniliii ) dillvtry. $ I7.V laiKO bniiiiiuo tltlU erS5 0astu ; piper b- MnnlllaropeAll ' 7-l ( to 1 In , 15t , sisal n > | ) all fiom 7-lli to In , ll'.o ' ; 'now iiroctis"ill fiom 7-1G t < I n , be. ( 'oiioxltoi'i-'i In.lfic , Tvisis-C'ottoii t lne. "filbli , " erv (Ino , . ' II ) bait's 'J.'e ; cotton Iw I ne , "Dilsv" lirand. . ' Ib balf. lw ; lump talnc.'i ' llib.ilci , Iho , sail Iwlnc , 2i ) , cnnilluUck , 2Jij 4U ft lotion t'li.tlii lines 8t [ ( Aft cutton ulollios lines (' . ( killil-fool cotton lines , | l.4OMftfilal ; Hues- .fl.75 . , ) ] , onltini , h c. N ITS .MinoiuN , r ; Hrtr.lH IK , nilicits- 2 ' -' ( pt'iins. Hi : : ualnnts , rj'-Jt piniui- oolisOJie , , roastuilji'ac'i Tennosste peunutsl- illOOMSritli , pallor. ? 100 ; 4tlo. U75 ; 3-tIo fj.25 ! , l-t c, plain. SIS" ; uieliousof , i 00 ; toy ( 1.25 , l lsk. .! pu d jfl.00 | plnls , ptrdo ? tJ.51 , bulk , pel Kill , W- o.U.NKI . ) Miws Couioil l ef , 1 Hi , ( I 20j- eornnl btif. 2 llis , tJ..K ' ) : lunch tonjiio. 1 II ) < J. ( 0 , liuuli ton.'UO.J Ibs , lfl7.i , buvvn. 1 It ) Jl 20 , br.iivn , I lls tJ.DO , ox l'i ' 11) ) f.00ov loiiKiirs , 2 llis * ) OJs fliliptd | betf , 1'i II ) , iiiiinclcins.d.'Jil east beif 2 II ) , roiiiu- e.i us , J2.O1 , potlid linn. 'Ub. riiimdeiiiis , iJic- luitUd limn , Vtl | , iinind i , ins tl.M ; dullci liaiii , 'illi.roiinil t-ans (15 < l ' Hi round onus , jIJi ) ; iiiLtiil oloinuo , ' 'i Hi round emu , ? 1 .1) ) ; coiniii uiutl li mi , Ib , fa in , 1.20 , LOMpiessid bun , 511) , square tJ7.1 trIM,2 | Ib. loiiml emw. { 18) ) ; niliiet- ops.1 ! b , muiiJcniH W.JJ , bonplesiploi' fuel 2 lbsriiiru | : cans Si"i- VioraMiiMssTomitoMIllb extra. II. 0- 0ill ! Ma iidiucl Muslim brands l,0ui Rillous- slrlitly slaiidaid , 4JUJ. t'oLii-Flmst frown H tiO,0'llt , edKdl sti.-iir tniiiory line , JI.51- t'hoku 2-lbsuuii coin. $110 ; visti'ii In iinds. Huffdi 00 ; 2-11) ) standard vision brands ( nrr,75u M nsln oems l-lb Iroiifli , Ira line , VJa'i'i ! 1-11) ) 1'reiicli , line. ! VS22ij ,1lb- 1'iinili , iiidliiiiy. N 3 l e. IVas-I'ies , llni- lierrnn. . 2oo ; ( Icnii-lliii1 , pu I'lin , lucji'-lbslfto I H.dO , U'11)) early , Iu no , f l.Jij ) , stand aid , briinilH , (1 , 10111 ; soaked. Wi' . btrlru beans 2-11) Id li jir.ide. Ki'fucoo , fSci 2lb- i vabuns. . "Co : S-lb slilnu bonus , ( (le bums Mb soiiktdi 7.c ; Itdstoti bil > n- y Ib 1.1 His. tl fti ; On ) n bruuli fi.n : bweit poliitois-a-lli Now lomey , ijllil ) . I'nnip Mns-i-lb : , 110. O'au. ' iiiul loimtoobltl.GO- okrii , Jl.fflj snaotash. flW. Cod tUli , extra llooritcs. now , Brand bank , niw. 4o ; sllvorMliMool s,0'jC- wlnto ! , 2-lb brklcs , n w. 8)4'c ) ; lurkey cod nilddlo brio Us Miowuhlte , unites , t. ' R-lbboNe ? , HJiei nudluin scaled liuilii. . 25ct No 1 hculi'd lii'rrlnK , 2ilc ; ilnnicstlo llollaiul l . 40e ; Humbiirx 8pltd licirln ?, OJi ; KtiHsliin li.iidlnus. splutd , ( MO ; Russian snr- dims , plain , leo ; Impoitcd llnllnnil licrrln ? , ore n brandWe : du fancy inllUor * UOciiuaek- orcl - , Vo I slioro , half bbls , U2.UO ! bloatcis , hnir btK ) * IMK ) : wbltdlsh. linlf bliln , * T.W ; troiil , linlf bbls , $.100ainlly whltetlsli , W.Mj- OINKHI riiii 1-lb iiimkorol ( Imrlnsl tlM' 1-lb ( In nan hinlillc . * l. iOj l-lblolMur , t.M.r y.-t ; 1-lbAliuka h.iliiHJnAlcMil , , f I A; 2lbojs- tois - , 10-oz , $111,1 ; lib oystc'r , f.-oz , Jl.ll | 211- )Boluti. ) . U-oz , } J. : : 1-lb clanm. little noi-ks , fl. l a-lbclnins , llltlo necks , tl.71lb : snrl- inos. - ( . Imported , per oust , lixn , JtDWJilOO : ' ( Iblmporled boneless sirillnis , key , fAino ; ' ] Ibtiirillni's , Aniorli'iin. poi' cusp. 10U < . 1'ruml- ittjlo , J-lVKijiOj ( Ji-lli str llmn. AnurUan , jur csne , 100 , Fnnoli style , t7.5 38.0i ! ij-lb s.ir- lines , miistBrd , rcr enw. W . fa.7Wi4 not 1-lb cribs , J ; Mb irnbsM.r >0 | 1' . Mb H- nuniilindilt - ( s , ( | (5O | .Molr'a Imported 1-lb klp- pcicd - licrrln. , J2.U OA.VMO li'iiuTH-S-lbsooscherrlfs , 8110 ; 2- .ntrawlurrlostl.l3i 8llr.i ) iborrlcs ) , Sill ; 2 bluiburrliis. Wo ; 2-lb Uiioklierrlis , $100 ; a. b- BtrawberrlosJI.bOi S-Jlruaiiburrlcs , * IH : 2-b blackbcrrlon, tli' . Pineapples Hilmma- ohoppcil , W. i UnbaniaiUccd , SU5j " siloedchoice. M.W : 2-lb Ilnlintnilitrnlrd. t'V ' ( % : 2-Hi linliiuunslleed. *3Wi 2-lb standard | 8 llurrlf Mb ml. ? I10 : 2-lb white. * KiO. " 'fii eeoiul . ibplitl.40 | , ! Sierra Mmlio , JA i! iip- rlpnrs05iluiii - | | | , e iil.Ml pluiim , o ! l. ' > ,1 | chirilc s.wliltp. tlv urt'lilor. loci KO | . I.V ; vlilto Mine. I n't folio v , ( rull , H- IU - . < H-Ain pprlQU. 5l7t ! l.pvi'ton porlOO. 3II71. . rnlnn Miiiar1 , nocn.fi | u r ei'iiloir lint. s'Ai.i-nnlrv. tliiIbslii bill , built. | .MObi'Ht- prnili * , C05 , IJ Jfli best ir mile , leo ! ls. | , ' 40jlii * t- Kiado.lS 10 * JJ.idi ruck 'salt , irnslml , ( IN ) ; umtnon. bbl , $1.0.- so . vi--CH IIIo , niottleil , nor Ib , flJIOi'i ilo whltupotIb , lie , MitiiK IU.OCK Tiv-Sinill | dg , SOc iier Hi bar TOO r ib , Uorim I'latilOieil bollir sl7i . neo per Ib ; cold rullctl.ik * inr IbislioitliiB.JIc iier Ib , pit nml HnK Jllcporlb. ( Ivi.uMyni sjiinTliiiN-DNcnnMtV-1 | per o'tit : piiL. plan. Iron , Mo * 21 mill 2iA , , lO'ic * ; llU'-ic. ' TIN 1l.ATB I. C. , , 10.731 I. .V. , , frNpf.ATT-CiikP , 11x80.112 , 3031. Uonnvo-Ulinti'o.il , I. C , ) . n , *. - > Wj r.- SIIKIT . I uov No. 20 ft 50i Xo17. * 150- .SOI.IIMI . StrlcllV b ilf nml hull , 100- .hTKil . , X * II iso.1 } 20 STKIIVinn NAII. * ltn * i T3.- fiVllllJi ! | ). bntl ) . *. ! .' > ; j< lv..lJS5- .Jlrnu" . , QiMMSK-l'orw , IWV , ICci Orrnmn T.ICI liid I no , peril ) , Insect | HIU < | IT. aii'i opium. 3IOJ ; inoi-plibio. | ic r , t.'t.u'ii bops. JUT In lOoi ('lyioilin; , SVo ; ( lixtrlnu. We ; full Ii'bono , ( (5o , ( ii'iiintiirtnr pun1 , ' V; t'linniiielnl lhociun'- ior. ; - . We : inn , iirb. . He ; blue llrol 7'jo- .iVciiHt'iuboIli ' . , 'Wl'es ellrK 44lN < Citarl- irle. - . MfcSWti siiljiliurlc. iier Ib .- V.lii. . ) . < -spirni nil , iH.lO ; tiiriioiiiiin * . I'o ; Tones in in JJ2it.v ? : bats im iiiiilujicrA.r. . ( almiu > i I 'tl7u aiabii' - , .Vyy'Jo ' ; lyuoiiuilliiui , 4Cl.te ; iiieuury , Dry Goods.- llKtM . * llHOW CfllTONH Atllllltll' R,7'-5C | Atliinllc II 7e ; Atliintlfll V ; .Mlaiillo I1 in1 Aniorii ( . ' , V ; lluok'i lleid , 0V' ; t.ibot- ,0 , e! IMrlliiflon , CUei riirini'fs'No. 1 41B < ! } 4it.1 ' ; llo i lcr Hi , Vie : Iiiillni lleajl,7'ie | iiwnni'o lit. llenrlelta , , rv'.c. ' TIM Ititimv ( OTTOV * Allaiilli * JL 0s Au loin IIO'iC Ailiiiiall , ll i; Allus ON'117'so ' , ( lii'eMi clolh , 4t , Clinton I'K.i'ic ; 1'epw'iell K. IW ; I , minimi G II , Se.- It . 1. uiniiL'orroNM-Mi'rd'ltj t'limbrlc-No 61,1)0 ) , ltt-4 Vtl , llutter lotli.X.N 4'ao , L'nb il.7iiri tCnll,0'i ( , Pinlt oflhc loom, > ' 'lt ; Mill Hnipci Idini , M Ilciiit'Uupi'r,8'i , ' KlNjl'lilll | ] L-ainbrk. Ulc , l--ui.'iloi 0 II 1)1401 ) Iiinslali1. Jie , l.niisildlu cambric" , 10e , New lorl , Mills ! , 7o.- AMI . I'n.i.on ' Not Pupiicioll 4"-In 10c : repputill , 8-1 4se , IVPIIIII'II - . d-l. .Vc ; IVplMfll 10-1 22c ) I'tleii , 4b-ln , lie ; 1 lieu , .V-ln 17' ' , c : I HIM K-ln Jlu ; I'tlcii , s4 In. 211 ; rilia.im-ln M ai llloiiiliol-Not-IViioiull | , 4J-lii , lot- ; IVii- puiull,4ln. - : . Hi ! Pipporill , 04. ll'ic ' ; I'oii- pcrell.b4.JOo - ; I'epiieioll D-4 , S2c ; I'epii relll- . , - . JScs uiloa.84 , Jlu ; Utloa.O-l. no ; Utle.i 104.JS'o.- OIMIII ' . AinoMvp-is C tninskoa ; , ' , dress 8'iO Halts li'io ' ; { , iln s 7'at | , OHi , Ulciuilic , O'ic ; lUilttinton lilno Not Martin tin , ( ' .I1 A jnirluan , ti'ae ! Arnold d'le , Ai- nolclll. - . Ion , ' eli tb. Sic ; Slfel A. l.'e ; Mi-rtl- mack 'B.Wf : tlold leif , fc'f ' ; llnnillton r lie , AIIi-ii 1'lnks , O't ' ; Allou Ui.itiibiiobo ; Oloo- r. ft Ho- INTS l'am'lc - KOdystono , C'ie ' ; ted , Ultr ( icUiiiinK ; : | > . 4'iu ' ; M. l.di 'ui , " ) ' 3e Milrt- nus - 1 liliiKtoii. 4'it1 ' ; Mi-rrlinaek , 4'2e Tmli'V nilsloiiTit ilu.b'Jt . ' * ; Oainor,7i ! 'i iifloI < lS'.f , HiTlin. O'e- .ViiM"Nct . ( , Tblstle. 7'if ' ; hpil Cross , 7c. Colon m I'AMiiuim I'nmn 4'i < - , KIM ! stnr , 4f ! inllid C'lotcr. 5o ; Mitirbc ; lilb ( uilors lo extra. Sti-Miis' II Ifi-ln , .VJo : 4ovcns' D, Id1 1 n ( c ; Movins' A | ii-ln 7t. sicuns' | , ] .In . , 7'c , ; frlf i m' M.IS-In B'ie ' ICMUIS' V.Jl - I In. Htt ; Mi ens' NN,25-ln , i'c , htueiis bKF , JO-ln ll'.i , bliielu.1 lo txtia OiMMSNotAnioiUt'U , , lO' o , Vnrk- cainlit , I.V ; ( . ' ( , slniidaiil. l.2t : , lluj- iniil.ir - s , 7'ie ' ; Old 'iui kX. . 10'jfi Liinii'iiie , ' " 0 , ll'sf ' ! njji , fiini-y strlpi- suntlilii''K ll'iu. ' So- Il'at , CoiksoiiH e.iilniitif , yj' ' Our ill null Inipotts.- Tlio . following taUo shows ( honluoof im- ports - and exports of mc'iUianHso for tlio last tuujutm : Vnluuof Value of nNeess of Vo.ir. Imports. ity. uxporti " ' 7JIO.IV 7I 7nilJ2.M bW.tVI ? ( x > 1 741) II l.C.OJ ' , 77r.i ' , UI ) 742IVI,7.T- iGn.4MI III 1)70 ) , 4 , 1- 1118S7 j . ii . : illl,7iVS 7UIWI,21I 2,180.1,41- 1MMi 7iu (,( r'riir ' >o; "svi ) j.ia7 . . . ? % , ' . ' > J 7421I.U71 ) .l.r ) , .77 IbUO . 7sJ.Ui855 b57iuj,15J , W,5JOJ- )4rce * | iof Impoils Our and Imports ol prold and dining tlit- lust fiscal yen * uero as ( ollovs : KxKftsVJl. | ) , l)1-'J ) ( , Imports , * . | | , HU14 , , an excess otoxpoits Imports ofl , JJl > , y. The excess of ox potts Inipotts of speiio- diiniiK the llsial jcar ISS'.hvas ?t7(17ICi , ) , nil dd u riiiR the Hsi il yt-ir l S, the extessof- ot speeio ainountudtoT- in.1 cxpoits ot gold duilnjr the Inst llsciil yc ir .itnounteil to $ L7J74,1'J1 , , ..m- iltholinpoits of frold to $ lUinii , ( lJ , tin oxocss- ol ixpoils oxer imports of 4l , ; | " Slll , [ ) . Tliuro bnsboon ini IIICI-CMSO in the volume of imniigiation into the United fetiitciiluiint ; the lust llsitl je.ir , the number infixing belap'il ! , li ( , as ifiiinst is.di'j ' duiiiurtlio- llsi.il ycirlSsy , unlucre.isoof l. ' , ( ' )0 There xx'nsiv consiiler.iblo liurcaEO In aulvals fiom- thofollowinqcountrios Fioni Italy , ' , ' ( , !UI ; from Austria Hutiff.ivjJ2 , KI ) ; from Ruasiu , Ituludiiif , ' Poland , 7hJI. flio liuinlfttalloii dccioiised from Gio.it Uritiin nnd liuluiul , : isii !) ( : fiom Sweden and , 7,621 , , and frem ( Juiniiiiy , , Qb2. , Onnilia linnlt Stock. The Aincilenn Hnnltor In its inst issue Oinnlii bnnlc fctoulc , pat. nnd market vsihii's , in follows : fomincku ( > It. all IOO 10 ! ) 10) llih fDinniciclal , It 101) US Plist N II UK ) 110 AldiMinnth' > B 100 IV ) Nibnisla N'.ll 100 18) ) Onmli.iN.lt 10JICJ ITnInn N II 100 12' . Unllud6tltuN.il 1DO 1J5- LumisttM Tlic 3llli ary lint nblihlnnonls Jinil Itc- sonfuiH - oi'lliu I'ivo Kc'pnlillus.- AlLliouH'i . ' vo fejieakor "Little Sttlva- dor - , " In coinpaiinylicf with tlio inoro- powoilul iici Iibor against vhom she is- tiuayeil , the loiin is docoptlxo , sn > 8 u ( ton spooi.il to tlio New Vot'lc- Sun. . Sinallost b ai-ui olthoCentrnl- ineilcin ! rcpubliia hlio lortnlnly is , luvinj ; a Icn lh of iibout ono hundrot ] nml seventy miles , nn nvpi.i o broiult- hofforttlnoo , and umtnlninj ; only 7,228- bquaro miles. This is but little inoro- th in a thlrtlof tlio nic.v oUiilii ( llic not muoh IL sixth of that of Hon- duras ¬ , less tliiin ii bixth of Giuittmu- la'sliioliconUiins ' 10,771 f qnaio miles stnil l s Lliiu iiBovinth of Xicnrngtia's , vbicli eonlniiH 51000. , S.ilvadoiliov - > , is muoli tlio most doiisoly pcoplot- ol thollvoropiiblitH AVliilu the populat- ion ¬ ot G u.itoni.ila nt tlio Leyiiuilii }, ' o List jcariiis 1,127,1 Hi , Unit of S.ilviuloi must htivo been ut loaht alxiut lialf as {, 'icat at thnt tliao , B'IIKO a count ill 1887 hml fe'lvon her 001,5111 inhtibi- l.iu ts , folio is oafclly the seuond of the Jho icpulillus in population , anil lias fet 11 lonj; tinio disputed the efforts of the Inttei to leidoi hipln Coiituil Aincilciu- 1'orhnpci slio itHpiios horKlf to bo the Ifoystono of tlio inch , holding un inter- mediate position becweui the tvo noitli- tin rtpublics und tlio fioutliorn. She lias double the population of IHonduriiB vhioh in the censua of 1887 Hhoivct 3)1,917 ) liilinbltanlH , and of coinbo- fjroutly sut'passos N'io ifarun. vhiclitho joinprovloutj was crudltod with liOU72- nnd , also Cohtii Ulca , whiUi ttbout the earno time had LlH7a5. , While thuMj llffures rcvoal the ox- troino numoriuil vossibllitios of the llvo- ropubllcH for ruciuitintj tlioir armies their oxlsting military foiccs show ro suits rolatlvelv hOinowliat dilleront , li- conbcqucncc of the diitorent detfrtos o- Impoitanco attacliod by thorn to btiind- Iny nunies , ami also to the dllTorcnco- In their fintinel.il . condlttoii , Gutito main , ha * nearly aa mnn ; people ns the four other icpuhlic combined , hits it btill yreutor piopon- ilornnco In her regular iinny , jet IB no- In good flnnnclul clinpoforgoinif to war Nominally tlio iictlvo troops of Clunto main are 12r , > 00 strong : , which vrouli give about half tular o tu army 03 ou own ; but nctunlly the ninnbor mnvbo loss. Her mUltlii is putthnui nt ( > ,000- iicn , nml this foico inlyht fairly bt In- creased - by InkiiiL' in such nximbeis IIMIU- Ovionjjlj asiribtil to the tvytilatii. Sil- niltir - maintains unnctlvo mmvuf only 2,000 men , ttithnmllUlnof 120HO. 1'ho- c'liorts imply thut she Ins lutually mob- Uwtl - niniicn { icaloi1 foico thtm is ns- orlboil - lo lUllvoi'rttnliHHliinoiit. Homlurjis is wild to K-et-i ) up nn army of onli oOOlnoti , with a mllitlii of , OlU ) ; mil slio is jtislitlwl In incuriliifT no- n'iitormillturyoxiionc , imioof Ilio- jonilitlon of the ( Inineo anil her largo 'oreifjndebt. Do iilcs , Miico her poliey s so dosoly allied with thnt of Ouato- nila - , whom she is liii'lclng up tow as in ISV) , she can oive to her moio poweiful iioijrlibor the julc ol fmiiishlii the bulk of tlulr oom- liiod - > inilllitry re-onrios. XUarnyim , which has u hpooi.il ncul ol troops In view olhei folatioiiMo Iho intcrofoiiiilo- ciiiinliiiaiiitiiins 1,2UO nion , with ti i'o- scivo - of 10,00(1 ( inoro , and a niitionult- i ini of o,000 In piupoitlon to her wpulntionshols in f oiul uilllttny trim , mil , luviiiL' aoryiinill debt , she i in oed ilnantial circutn taiui8 , vlth ox- cillonl - proipocls In the ennui. Ciwta Ulca h.ts 0HI ( nion on hoi IKt.vlth- iinilitla of 112000. This little Matolms- of latoyems tiinos bristled up in vbollljroroutiiy townul Nlcariiin | , in- 'plto of thelau'L'r inilllnr.v force of the nttor. Itor late prmiduit , Ootieral Uernnulo boto , is prolublj ono of the jott ol Contrjil Amoriuin soldiers , and : nok alivily interest in thentilltnr.uf uf- 'all's - ot the ropuhlie , ttnilor him C'nrayo nnd Feinnnilei us guiiirnlo- llluum , U'hcn tno lord chief " jiistke of lin >; linil- onlors Cook's eMni ilry 'lniniii iiolv's , usnd- coiiinicuttii ) on our- SIIXKIIX 'IK I2vHMlltloii | to Hunt I'orthulh'ollici * Itas loainoil recently thnt tlio- Eclioonur Mnrj E. Anilorsoii , which loft hero for Ciosccnt City , roully alirtoiloni- ti'e.ibnroliutitingoxpoilition to bocuro 62,000,000 that llos nt the bottom of the Tacille in the of the iU-fitod Drotlior .lonalluin , whleh vus lost ininy ell the ooistsomcwhoio in tlio- of Ciecccnt City , , u San special to the GlulwDeino- ciat. - . Uho oxpodillon him boon ; ot up by i'etcr CJco , a wcll-ktunvii cup- ilulibt - of till' city. Coiisldeinblo ox- jiensovis : gone into litllii } ' ' out the schooiioriibout $ , ,000 having been laid out. Twodnore , ind a complete ilhin }, ' nppm.itusvcio en n cd nwl necesAtiry for Hie expeilliion in case the hopes of Capltaliiit G'O arc ioallodI- VovisioiH - iiut onbonid enough to- movlilo for tlioints of the now of a lurgoship. Iho Hi other Jonathan plied between this port and the noith tintil the - iis lost about fourteen jenrsnjfo. bbouis Ixiunil hcnc-o fiom Victoria , and lior lommanilor. Captain Wolf , and a hit'Konuinberof her pibbeiifforsporlnhe- duthhor. . Itnas kiiuwu tliatbhe had lonslik'riiblo trciiHine on boird , anil- toveml exjcilitioim eimilur to thnt o ( Iho Mar Antlui-eon have beui iniulo , but the jio-iitkui ofthcwrccR vus located. Geoh ismado aoioral trips to the feono , all of wlikh hive been tin sufcissfiil. Ho biy.now, thoii h , that ho his located the ship ami that he will reocnor the tioasuro , which amounts to about i2000000. The Ireisurtis inotlj jjoldeoiiiatulcuvioncy ( the gold boin ;, ' paelicd in iron the incased in c-juiviii) bogs , covciod with oilsKln ). Men , oinotumclihlliUuiirov ( sti-onif anl healthy cliinkiiif; ami bithtiiu in the nmio-al water of the " 01U M C" spilng lli.it Is frto- ns the aii to all whostopnloiuorshortiiciioil- ut Hotel Colfiix at Coitus Siunjjd , In- .rcrl . iii's rvionoloiioup Aiolillcctiirc. Our flt t waiidorings tlirotig'h the fctroets of Berlin did not ( ill our souls with tint thrill of joy and that sympathetic trepidation of the whole boiiifvhlch wo experienced when vo fli-bt visited Venice , for iiistanco , or Floionce , or Constantinople ; nor did the ) excite thatvondorinontimd cajjer iluaio toappieoLito ninth wo had felt in tbo great Ameiiojin cities like fhiciig-o , writes Theodore Child in " liorlln isnli olutely- vaiitin ln charm , hotlier of sitintion , of general nspcct , or of hibtoric.il- soueniig. . Itiwa modem city , but itb- inoiici ii nspcct hus noinatkodchai ictcr , nndiio vt to no originality. From tiio tiiinof Fbodorlclc the Gioit , who wis- thofouiiiler of its tire inrity , down to the present period oinctuo tr.'inHfonna- tion - , which dates from the LAancoGc- inianwai - , the archltccturi.1 hiHtory of Beilinvasalnioit oiitlioly ono of imitation anil julapt.itioii. Q'ho streets architecture , until within thu past ttn- yeniri , him boon absolutely ilnll moi- oros of hox-llko habitations pierced with thonoccbsaiy openings forli ht , ingress unil off ass , but cpnmlvod absolutely na- a jnckinjr-cfio is conieivttl , without an ] roff.nd for ngrociihleiif'ss of propoi- tioiis - , lines and dibtuhtilioii of inastjis. The public builiUn s , of which fcovoi- nlnrotjrandlo o , have bci'ii ' ercotul , for thoinost part , under the iiilhtoiu-o o- fmhtaktn ! ulniitationof the modolsof- ancioiitGrao. . Tickets at lowest rates anil superior accniniuodatlonsvitvtbo great Hoek Is ¬ land loutoU'iiiket office , 1002 Slx- ecnth - and Tnrinm atrects , Oinahu- F'tlt tlio l of the I'I-CIH , A South end uning woman was nearly overpowered the other o veiling bj a- ciucstion fiom her piccoclous voting neplioM , says the Spilnylield , Mass. , Eloinehtead. Ajoung man , lior cscoit for the iiist time , with her , mid us the pair approached lior homo they mot the aforesaid nephew , who addressed the youny ladj as follows : "Oh , aunty hits got a fdloI ; tiy , aunty , aio you ol- ntomany that nunyvplio oiifnnt terrible was interviewed nhortlyliy his mother , but the si-mdlnthcr wanted to give the child nmed- .il.SHBOEDER . & DEAN , GRAIN . , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; SOB South 13th Street , - Oinnlm- .BUKIi . , UOISSIiYAIN & CO , London , England. ADOLPH HOISSliVAIN & CO , Amsterdam , Holland. unit ncll Amcrlrnn i'ciirltl on commluloni- iiul oil til ( 'onllnenlul nmrkuti new loiinu uiitclulty. | WANTED ItSUCD BYCITICB , COUNTIC8BCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATCH CorreipondenceioHclted. eoMfAN8l ET- C.leiIO . Dotrborn Street. CHICAGO , : o B I * " " t Omaha Manufacturers , I loots anil HtiocH.- ICIIUCKND . LL , JONES A CO. , Wholesale IMinnfaclunrs ol Hoots Sliocs- AcouUfurlloitonUtiMrr Shoo Co , 1IM 1104MullllM llnrncr Nii'oMluinliii Neb BTOBZ A Lager Beer Drivers , Hll Nulh 1Mb Street Omnlm , SVb. Coi'iili'o.- EAQLK . COUNIC- Klaiiiifaclurcrs olGalunizcd Iron'CorniceV- ltiilow mi" nml nirlnll" kyli lit < .Mm Vipiiotcr , ' ' lOtmiul Ilipiiiilh loih Mm I Aitlsts1 Materials. '" A. HOSVi : , Jr. , Aitlsls1 Malcriiils , Pianos and Organs , IHt IXiiiKlmStrirt , Omnlm , Vb Coal , Poke , 1U ! . OMAHA. COAL.COKK AND MMK CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal.- B . i: Cir lllthniulPoiiBln Street *. Oinnlin Neb , NEBRASKA FUEL CO , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 South ISIIi Street , Onmhn Suit ( ljJIII4. DEAN , AHM&ritONQ AGO , Wholesale Cigars. 407 N lGtli tro t "llellor'HW- Or } GooilN iiiul Notions.- 1ULFATKIC1CKOCII . W. E. SMITH tCO , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods uul Miens Corner lltliniul lion aril Street * DJtY QOOD3 CO , mporttrs anil Joblicis in Dry Goods , Qouts'L'urulalilntTooils Corner 11 III anil lliiino- y8lliit < , Oimlm.Noli. * I'nrnltuiT.- DEW2Y . fc STONE , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture , larnnm Strict , Ouinlti NolTi ka.- CJUAKLKS . SHIVEUICK , 1'urnlluit , Oinnlm , .Scbrn kn. Grot'orlci.- McCOHD . , UKADY As CO , Wholesale Grocers , 1 til mid I.cnTcanortli Hrooti Omalii , NctrniM- .IjltllllKT . , Die- .G.W. . . DOUOLAS fc CO. , Dealers in Hardwood lumber , 1310 N IGlli Sl.Oimhn. JOHN A. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc , Inportcl mil Amerlcin I'nrllmil I emeiit , Slats uffeiitfur Mllvvnuki'o llilrniillu Cciuunt, autl- Viilney niiltol.liiio- CHAS. . H. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , curpi'tinni ! iMrqnetilnoilnR I'll ' ) btreut ) Oimhi , ?u bin ski- .FHKD . V. GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Corner Cth anil DoiiRUm streets , Onnlm- .Mllllnury . nml NotloiiH , I. OBERFIJLDEH Ai CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 209 210 niul212SoutlilItliitrcut Notions : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , ' 1121 Jhrnej itrctt. Onnlio. Oils.- CONSOLIDATED . TANK LINE CO , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axlojreajccto,0mnba , A Jt lllilinpMnnnior. , Taper.- CAHPrNTIIl . PAPKR CO , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry niceilockof prlntliiK irrnpplnu MiJ- pallor. . fjpuclul attention elvun to c.mt pupir. , Illo.- A. . . L. DEANE fa CO. , Gcncnl ABCHII fur Halls' ' Safes , S71 .iml321 South ICIli St. Onmhi- iTOJH , Itc.- K. ! . . IIAIIDY te CO , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Hones Furnt lil icCoui1 , CMMrtMu Carrlnicai 120- 9Inriuiii stiet t , Omalin Nub "Water Supplies.T- J. . . S. WIND ENGINE Sc PUNP CO , Steam and Water Supplies , Unllhtny rrlnil mills. 1113 nnllHOJonc * ht , Omaha.i- . . ( i. l Kuss , Actlni llnnnuur Iron WorlCH , F.AXTON IHON WOHKS , Wrought and Cast lion Building Vorft , KiiBlnc *. trasH work , pcnornl foundry mndilno unj llucl.iinltliwiirk Olllro aii'l ' work ), U. 1 . Uy.aucl 17th slrcU, Umaliu OMAHA BATE fc IRON WORKS , Hanl'rs ' of Fire and Ilurglar Proof Safes , Vim Its , JiilUvrork , Iron xlinttorg nn l flro cienpci , U Anclrcc'ii .piop'r Cor lull , DoorH , 1'to.- II. . . A. DISI3ROW& CO , Wliokiiilomiinuractunrs ot Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch cOlco.Uth nud Izord atrtotn , OmnliiNcb UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omilia , Limite- d.OOMMEROI . Lx National Bank ' Capitol , - $ ' * OOOOO Surplus , - 44,000O- riocrfi nnrt nirootori K .M Morinmnn , O M. Illlrhiork Jiimiili ( Inriicfiii , .Ir , A. lli'nry K M , Aiiilimon , William II M ul , vko-prinlilciiti I > M. WllllniiiH A. I' lliklns | iirnlilniit A MlllnrJ- cimlilcr ; J U , llrritnt an litiuitui Ul- crNEBRASKA. National Bank U. 8. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , Capital. - . . . $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 O7BOOO- fllrpruml Dlrpctorn.-llonry Vf Vile *, rrpnlrtcnt ; I. ! I S ll ul Vli cvl'nmldiiit ; JiiiuoiW r ivuK . IV. V MorHi1 JulinH illln , U C Cmbliiu ,J , N , U. 1'ulrlckV II 8. lliiKUui , Cii ! iu- r.Til . 1 = 1 IRON BANIC.C- irnur . Ulli anil Knrnain St . A General Uuuklug llublutta Transacted. * M

The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1890-08-07 [p 3]....iiiiulu BllKlit Kalns.lscoiisiu leatril. llur-lliiKtonniiil-n f (iithrroslcrn su ol a (allul tonilly,TlioolosliiK liiiii

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1890-08-07 [p 3]....iiiiulu BllKlit Kalns.lscoiisiu leatril. llur-lliiKtonniiil-n f (iithrroslcrn su ol a (allul tonilly,TlioolosliiK liiiii

THE CXMAI1A BEE , TRttHSDAY , AUGUST . 1890-SIM"-ul flit

Neva RccnSvcJ , but Not Ditcourted , Cannes

Wheat to Oliirb ,


1 lin Illinois Crop IIcportt clojis theUral Condition ol'O.usProvisions

I Keep I nuu ] tlio-

Ccionls. .

CIIK Ano .AiiKiist C.-Sttclal[ ftlcuntn toTiiUUr ] 'Ilio client nmrktMiit ollnibluxf-iKiiln ted ly. Tht'ru win no Kunitiil bviirlali-ttc'iitltncnt , ns on previous day ?anil tliu ml vance ljotii: at thu opening. In-

tliNiiutikuL tlio sticiiKtliiippcars ncomofromt-iowsulriiKlyrccc'lK'il , lint notyctdlBcouiitcd-by nny action of thoinnrkut. Tlio market hnd-ovcrytliliiB tuliclp It uxiciit when lonsjs fromtlino totlniotliiuwn niiiintlty of tln.'lr hold-hiptoii

-the tiudo In tliuplt. Thin , too , tluro-

viisiiincli stldiKtli borrow nl fiuni tliu ex-


liiilllslniuwslii corn mid outs. Tlio Til-liiolsuioproiiort

-publNliud tlilt inotnlns slio 9-

n ( 'reat cutting donn of iicrcMitiiKis In nilcrops mill caused n great rtcil of outside buy ¬

ing LliLrrtool cables wore firm for spot andfiltutof. Receipts liu ro , oven ultlihlfrli pi Icesfi II below tlio chllinnto ut I'M cars , with onlySUntnofcontiuctKriidc Oars for loniorrow 111-0csllniiilc'il iitlMt. Oa curlv liillin'iiLi 4 tlic nni-kdstiuUd

-''lOto'jc tliOL'lijsi yu linlut ,

wllli Sipti-iiilior in OTjc , D'ti'inlior itlcMi ; ,ami Mn > ut II ( U"i. Tlio lint , Ijiilco cinlnlp-rlustoUTSiO for Sufitt HiLcr. ill W % for IV-Cdnlior mid II ( M , fnr May 111 Ian , is [ollouulby a quitter niiirktt fiirun liour , fn n unlo id-


bj in-iny IIHUH anil vnnu fi'llliu Tornf-lurp relic linn , tcptoinbt r wcntolf Je InlUi c ,DtiiMiilu't Pit1 toWic nml Muy lo to it.U't( '1 livn ( iiino lopoiisof Tiboil loails tukt'ii forotportnt Ntw York , tinil i-leuitncts of ( VJ.liO-Oliii lioliuf nliuiilnl fx .w Yurk , r.dUOC nt I'hlldllpblii i-

n nil IIO.OIH ) nt Hnltlmolf. 'Ihls notonly ilic-l iil Milllnjr , but ciiiiHil n bliuiiitHilly , which put prkcs lilRliurthan at nnytlino oil Clop. h 'lili'inli) r mid up to-It'i'ie. . llcutmlier to tl.UO'i u Kt'onil time.-in

.n Mnjrint to Iliu lofty luuiuof $ I.K-iIlio tint oof Nthiuska Iiiul u Illllo rain. Ilio-

htalos of hniimif , luw.i , MN-otitl 111 nols , lu-illimii.Olilo

-mid nianj otlitis list Iniport.int

Inlhclr t'oin yli'lil , owlt bout ruin midwllhout cvi n In lli"itlois: ot tiiulstino Ihh-Htnlo of thliiK" , proloiiKtd finiii iluy to ( liy.lias tllltd cum triulo w lib I liouulit uf tti't-hhortiiiiu In ciop itid tlio btllt'T InWcis u In-


prlto of corn. 'Ilio Illinois ir ipiupui-t.ihlnx

.; voiy low pi louittigoon ( inn and oils ,

f-lrirtlnl tbi'croud Into inoru fiiilons Ijujln-tlo llrst linur. Itcst pi lies touclucl ut 1-1o'tlook did not Imld , hut aflci u ii-u-t Ion to'4ufor IciulliiK fill nits , tlio prlcu of c.ilciiibi r-

mm nut liUlar tlnti bufoio und nearly.o < > tlio top HKUIU of yidtutdiy.Mvoipnol | iiotutloiisLrulili7lur anil liulpul-slrciittli nt t lie optnliiK. blilpnunts , too ,MI i o ( K c , n ii lilng : n"iiluu busliils. I ho in ir-liit

-ont'iieillili tr.idu K'eatly' oxtlled mil

vllli tliu prku of Soptdubtr aliouiSUe for thufirst tltiiu. Hcph niber stalled 508f! , sold utMitf.oir to 49'sC , ut ) toBO'ii' . oiriof.Uo and up

to ,Vic) before I oilouk Coin fUw.ilfrom I'.lc' lust nltilil uftii : i itict-lon

-< if 'to to 3i from thu top pikes of tlio ihy.

At t boelOM. tlior.uiKcof feepiiMiibci us BUII-it4'!

( copnInKlo.MI5iC , wllli tlitclosuatAUK nsl u as iiuulotolbut noniliiiil II UH-

t ' , (. iiiulurt t pti.iiiburl w Itli tlio tloso at-Jotiihor( ilo < tl( ? eO or; Mas iiinpul fltcnt thu ojHiiliiL' up toV o-

nml tlosi-d at M'ic.' Co-iisuUlou tnouurb atWe iunir ( ) ', c f < i tpuiiibur

Thu ical situation In oats wits biouclit outiiioiofori'lbli this inornliirfby tlio Illinois tropHliorl. Iliu htitu Inn u , in niiKt's icr.r.'L'silioni4 to lObi litls pi r iitioliiMiiitlii m uoun-tlls

-, nhout 18 buslii-ls In otliois ,ml( less tliiill

(10 bushels In tliu not thorn and hist portion ottlio Nluto. 1'lils with UK ; low ntt'ia o In ( urnnnd pisttniH ulniost (H'stiuyc'd luiiM's L'ondl-tli

-n ixniy hulllsh. 'Iiado felt tlicuop's In-


aiiilstiutud hiptc'inbui lo lil her attikulna ptrfcct wlilil cif UNCltc-iiiint. No-pilcc UH ciui lit In August until it MI-SiUotul| tiput : iJe , anil wtlll lutir at 40 u midUoscil noniliiiil at.'iU'ic. Iliiylng for bupteiu-uor

-mid .MayMIS llttlu less than a-


, blioits lieu bt at any jirlco-.ruptcmbcr

.wont to 40o tliu Iliitliour , soIdolT toJh'ioup to'W o nndtlo'-iil atyi o gainst IMl o jislouluy. May wont to

the fancy prlco of 4 , closing at 41ic.TbonroUsIontriido was actho with ocryt-


t'lsu tnilay. I'ubllo huylnx of products ,rspoclnlly for Jaiiu.ity , foico to tbe-wlioloinarKnt. . 'J'hu outlook fur lorn con-tlnuis

-tbolirlnclpal ftaturc. Januaiy pink

started at u fair .ulvnnco it flSW , anil wc'nt toIIS.OJ , oloslnij atJl .TJ'i. fc'itiubur( was ap ¬

pal fntly ilull und luiivy. Lard was up .' lor-HMituiibcrniKllOu for Janiiarj at thu ilose.lilbsuuroinorunutlvo anil further advanced ,with a gain of about He fur lending months.-



, Ausust C [Special TclcRram to-Tin. . ltit ] OATTi K-Huslncss was only fairand pilccs barely steady as compared Itli tlio-ellulit adwuicoof Monday und strtUKtb WIIHonly oa Vicst cipoit and dressed bucf dry corn-


( niithis whllo other initlvo stfen andgrassy and tlilu block contliiutU to M.11 ut-catilias'catclican prices. Tcxnns weie ro-liortcd

-slindy , but the outlook a . uucd that

low.tr pilitHcto lliiblii to prevail before tboday closul. Native lint tla'rs' stock loiitlnucsslow , with prices <lo u to lowwater murk , Transactions In stocKura-anil fccclirs arc limited ton fnv lots from daytodij allow mid IIIIUMII iirleos. Cholio to-ctm bemfs , Jl riCl.hO : inullnni to goodttoirs , no tolVm llis. ? ) Wt I ill ; I'M to lineIbs , t.1 ?Bffl < ( ) U ; l 0 toI'J: > ( l. 3 IIX) ; ttock-crsiinil

-fiulorssli > ,it $.' IXXQwl 1U ; cows , bill In-

nml nilxiil , htiaily nl * U'tQt.lOi ) : bulk ,Tuxita taltlo niarlict .mil wo.ik ;

s, DO to 10'iU Ibs , ftl.WUMXI ; ' " 0 to IX)0 Ibs ,

. .Vi) CO H , Ul.OitSOO ; vtsttlii r.uwrs-y ; nut IMS and half bii'uds , J-.bOitJ.WJ ,

t-ow , ifJ MKit.l.O-OHods ladliip slow nnd pi Ices another 53

lower. olnsliiKlu seine OHM'S llHi lovir. At tbe-uloho M.5 <&l.t( ) was about tliu 111:1: 1 Kut for com-mon


, louiili and Kiassy blookandl7tKUI.7i fortbclicsi A fi lolsof iirlinti nssortid lit.tvyBolil , it HHli and a c ir loud 01 two of fat hault-sat IIN" . U li ! horn bold eaily u-tandliitti

J 'nw Yonic , AiiKiist 0. tSpcclul Telegram to-

Tut HKI ] SIOUKH Tlio iiinrKot stnrteci In amild manner. There was pretty KOOI ! buyingof a fowstocks foijoinlon aecount , and thisja o tolho Mholullst a tinner Umpur thanyesterday , with small fluctuationsI'lrht piloes wuo iulto InoKiiIur us coiupaiid-u llh laft uMiiliiK'i ( liiiiri'H , lint Konirallyhhoni'd slight ul v nnees , nad with MIIIIO lull-niiitloii

-In Daily ( UalliiKs fiirthor fitlns uoru-

tL'uud. . I.atir. hunoM'i , pikes srttluil buckto aliont the luvtl ot llr> t llRiiiis , and rc-iiiiiliu'il

-RtaKinint , The aihnaoo of J { pir-

cint In .Ni " Kiifluinl. lionitvurvns oll-inuliit alned , mid Inturln tlio hour slightlyIncioasul , stocks bolnuu stiouj ? fintinu-of tlio in.irki I , hniuriis; liulliu'd lodikncssand rotlnd 1 pi r nat toir.it , but the nMuoiu< lnll nnd stiiKiiant throughout. Moulislutir-iiaitoilnuurly 1 per cunt furtlicrliutthi iiiir>

kit nt 11 o'clock unAvvrydoll and st..uly . .i-tuljiiut tliu opuilnicpi Icis. 'llioro UIIH iull| ) milinprc'Viiiioiit In liuyliuilniliiK tliuMiL'ieodliuhour. Siijtarwcnt up t 8l , oil tu 81 S, nnd upiiKnln t SJT lioforo U u'olovk. l.ouNvlllo rosut-iiK1)1. . , NuKiiKliind on aiconil nilviincu to-4hS , St ranlnn fon-lKii t i nt to rj'i'and MNsourl I'lielllc lo TU1. . lueal stocksiiiiulu BllKlit Kalns.lscoiisiu leatril. llur-lliiKtonniiil

-n f ( iithrroslcrn su ol a (allultonilly , TlioolosliiK liiiii of tliCHtoik mar-

Kit liroiiRlitrniisldeniblu of a luur raid , Allcurly HtruiiKtli illMplit'iiii'il.lon stockscamoout friily iiiid pikis Meat iloun ensllj Hidoioi| r poi tsloarinony( lo.uis , liolnir run uptnlpiri'ont , niiilliiillilun mo f builleiidirs-iillcunirlhuliit totho decline. WNmnslii Cnt-rnl

-and llurllii lon O'leli 1 < M 2 points..North-


-rn 1 , Hook Isliindl'i.fct.' Paul' , Keadlni;] , siiKiir 1 anil many others less uiimiuits. Mhobiih H wins IVUHXJslmi is-


' followIn fvofo ttio closing quotations :

Mnrkct.NEW VOIIK. Aiicust 0.lBpoclal Telosnmto Tns UI.E ) Coiroc-Optloas opeiioj banly

UeuOy ut 6 to n) poluta down ) clotcd

bitcly ntvndy at f anil M points down )

< | iilct file * , an.'za ImK' . lirlmllnK Annul ,

SIVK61T ; K-litcmlior , 10lVM7.ft) i OUohtf ,

JHU'f id'iO ; licci-mbiT , ( IVMxBl.Vfij Jnnnnrr ,% ; Polrniirtn-

s.Vir.lMMi) , noKftrlKi : March ,

: Ajirll , tlbi'i Jliiv , J1V.OI .lune ,

? I10P. l-pot Itlo tloiiclmiulct ; fair cnrgoiiSjuc : 0.7 iiitbuntii isvc-



tt I I'K MA ItlC.t TH-



M5 p in. close Wheat-stonily ; cnsl ) , Id'ic' ; September , l 7 ifl''J' ?< ciWny. JI04 f ,

Ooin-I'irinl cash , 40''< e ; fcptcmbor , 50 01

Jliiv. 61'i-oo.itsstondy


; c.isii , TOZfc-B'ic' : Soplcmucr ,Jfliiej May. ( .V.

Moss 1'nrk 1'lrnii casb , tll. .">0 | Eoptcmbcr ,

? l ,' . : Jiitninry , ii77M.I. iril-I'irin ; ensli. d12. : SeptciAbor , W.W-Jil'© ) : Jaiuinry. tiiti' ftflO.-Hhoit


Ullrt I'lrnu cash , $5351 Soptcmbir ,

llarky rso 2.I'lax-No I , llriunt Jl'1-7I'rlnieTIinollobtuady nt Jl.4Wt.43.-Milskv


IUJ.I lour Slot* nml'toady ; winter wheat , yi'JO

© . .00 ; M'HiiiZ w hi it. SI 7orW Id.

Hulk Moitft ' houldiM , r H7'l5MOO | shortclear , ( 1.7011 HO : Miort rib'" , n 42'i&! % > 4-

)Iluttcr Ihiciiiuigutli uri.iini.ry , 1

dilry , U'iQi; e.( ,li,0, iliieh niffi'di full cream ih"7-

14ffil 71ic ; Hals , T'lUT'jCi' Voung Ameilias HVift8'io.-


fiicliaiD.-ol ; frrsli , Iwtljc.llklHUnelitinu'il : I llRlit prrcn-

Miltid fi' , ni'' ' : s mod null. f'Vs' r ' 'i'' suliiili-nlf. . WMV ! ury Hint. (VUiToi dry sailedhides on ; di > I'lilf. VitiK- : deni011.SOi

Tallow I'lifliincoUi No I , Holld paiKort.ICi-No '-.' , J'io' ; ciilte , J' .

HccelpfHour bbls I . 'K-

Vlicnt ini W.iift)

, . . . . . . . . . . .

o t. iiii . . . . . . . . .autioo-Nr.H VOIIK , Aiimmt8Wlic.itKocolntjSSfOO

..Nil. a lf < l , IKiLStl.OO1 ! In iilecitlor ! tl.W'i-nllniit , 1.004 1 '. r.o o. :nitlontfl| i el( wtik-ViJ o hlKhLT o - ri.il. AiiKO'ti uloi'ns' tt'J'lC-


20.150 , * * vports , 40-0birsliiisi'VMt'cinseU wi'iili NCI 1 , fitCKiii'iO In-

ilcvntur ; 'ii,1i'J'i7o iillotiti ungraded inlxnl ,KMJi&W nptlniiHilo-stda trlllu mslor , iuptiml-ior

-(.loiliix lit rn'i'' *


OtiH Uonilpti , ? ,00liishel') ) < : rrporK none ;

fpot ikcliliilly liU'licri Xu ! hlle , 4ij'i5&ls'io' ' :iniM'il wt'Htorn. 4lf8l"c : wlilto Hcslirn , if-l'ij'gfi optlim " ehlsher oiiioori.rupiuportsf|

. loaT-iiyiist, . ,

suet Ulustonily ; full cmigous.tu-M

'iitfin Iliw llrin ; filr rcHnlns , 4' e | ruflin.il-Hi mi r ; oiI"A.V "Wlt .

I'otroliMim I'nlteil tlosed at fiO-


! ? ilc ; wist .rn , tO'itttx.-I'ork

' .

rinn.I nnl btroiiKiri weitoriistonin SflW-

Hiillcr I IrmMoslem ililry.I'iifilliicicam1-1V.

-. l K'.o' ; 1 Igln , h'sC.-


tufty , pnitsklai , 4aVc.-Sr

{ .

I.otris , Aiuust Whc.it lll licrj cash-.OlliCfci'pluiilir

.) , itt'ie

Corn 111'liur , c.isi4S1fcj Prplcmlicr. 4 I14C.

Oats Illhure.isli; fiosoptcmborJUMc.-1'oik

; .

rinu uun.tioan.oo.-l


nrd 1 Inn aUl.H" ' , .

Whlsky--.tiimly atfl.lS-liilttor liuilii , hU'hei ; olhers nnclianica ;

croninory.llffiliici. KUIii , UTiJJji dairy , ) ' " " '

> IIIVAt'KhK , Ailjimlli. Whe.it-rinn ; > o. aopilncusli. . ! Ua'i.-c , Scpteinler , Ule ;

iiiiiiherii.tl 00 _Corn I Inn ill " .O. its III h-T. No 'wliile , c.isii. .IIKjcFIrm ; No 1. V-.LIt.irluyrinni

. .

No ! , r. c-

I'wilsluns llitiHTj poik , $117-3.MIMAKIMS


August 0. Wlicit Oisli-wliu it Him ; r ulpts , 1 cirjj bhtiiiiioiits , 7J-iur4 , (luiiiind fin N ) 1 lutd nnil No.l noitli-ci u rnoil , but low Kradi's r it lur Hlow. Clos-liiK

-No I haul. AiKimr.lh'Sci on tncK.lllXl ;

No. Inortlici n AuKH t. IM'ii , ; fcipUMiibur , ' (Pie :on Ir-u-U l)7t) , ISO 2 northern , August ,

on . . .KANSAS ( Mil , Aiijust fi.liuatHlshcr ;

N'o.'liiitl( , ca-h , AujiisuSmiNJ. 2itU , uish ,j 111.) (

Coin IllKlicri No .', cash , 47'tC bldi August ,Sc.Onls

IllKliur , No S. cash , .to'iu' ; AUK-


-. . Wlic.it lllglior | No.

2 nil 11.1 0. ' Ki'icCora Mmnir , uxoltod : Vo. 2 mixed , 53c.Oils IIlKlii.1 , No 'nilxtd. y'J-


' .

, , AiiRiist 8-Wlioit-rirmi do-niiind

-poor ; liolih-is olTci sjinrliiulj ; Callfoi-


No. I ? < . 4ilB7s 4'Jil l ! i cintal.Com IlolUi rs olTir up irlnwlj ; spot , 4s, , 5'i < l ,

111 mi tioutumlwr , 4s , Ji u per uintul-




CIIICAOO. Ati2iist6 Onttlo Keoclpt1 * . 15000 :

wi'iiUlboutos , ? lVKJi.4M , stitrs , tlOO®4.40 : btoikors mill fooilus. WloIWIO : cows ,bulk anil mixed. IIUJQIOO : TON.IIIS. tnttlo ,

f l.lli&U.lKI ; western rinisuistf'ilfflJ.'iJ.-Ho.'s

' .

Kuuulpts , aiooili close llonir : inlxoil-Ufltt.l. . ) : huiny , tJ4554)bj) : light , JJ 5UI 'JO !

skins $JVXat: V) .

t-liLop-HuccIpts. 10,0001 lower ; n.itlvos 1.50® "i ) ; wiitorn , *4 Wi 4.W ; Tex ins , JJ5UJOO ;

hlinbs , SriOOJilO.-fcr

., Louis , August 0 Oat tic Receipts ' 00 ,

6llimunts4lX| ) , Hliimcur. 1'ulr to fniiny nutlv-ustitra , SJt0l70 ; fclooUcrs and fetilns , f.'OOQ

u.ooJloss Uocolpts , 5200 ; shipment" , KOO ; nilir-Uct

-lowir : liciivy , U 0al.75 ; p.icklnij. <J50 3

KANSAS Our , August 0C it tie Receipts ,

O..TOj blilpmonts. 0,200 ; iniirkitstnnii ; ; stiors$Jiir4.iil: ; cowti , $1 504c2.00 ; atoekois unil feucl-uri , J-.K aJ.S. )

lloxs-Huci'lpts , 10,250 ! slilpnieats , 1,000 , ma-rt


-t stonily tostronj ; ; ullKi-



31. 1 MI A t.lVU




reeolnts ot tattle 1.1)5 , eonipirud-wllli 1.571 jyeilouwv and U.S.i'iVnlncMlav o (

last no-L Iliu iiinlcet oiione-ilaitlo und tions to 5a hlKhir-on tlio best Krndi's und nlont stonily ontin ) toiimioiilsli uradi's. The irtolnN o ( cctw-MIO l ! ht and tliuiiuulltr Komi. flieuiurUu

rein ilns iinllmiiKed on liuUliois stnir Tliu-nnrlvut mi Imtcliirs' sttill iip iiod u Ithsoii o-

llfo and mlilun.e3 of si riiigth , but cluseilslow uud > cul> . _ ____

Kstlnntod reeolnts of Iio3i II001. comparedwith lO.iclSyislcnliy awl I'.t'J' ) Widnubdir oflast wti'l . Ilio iinrK.it opcntil uctlvu.it 5-ohlilliui on huny IIORS. btuaily on niKul nndblow unil ivenU onlUhtTho of nrlcis-

MIS t i 1 KtWI (A I liu bu 1U sol 1 liu a t J15013.17 'SillL'ht tlloxfll ; mixed Mi'iiJW ;

. 'Iho iiMiaaeof thopilies paid as-

MWJ' 4. coinpiruil wltli-iilnusilay i cMerdny und

The following Ha tuMoof prtooipitdln tillsniiikvlfor the Kfidi ) ofstocfcmoiitloiiel :

1'rlino steers UO to ll.Oltts. J) tr 01.00-imiil( stiois li" 0 to 14'pOUis. IOO 0)Wii-Kiil

) :( sleor , , IW i to l.'OJ tt s .IK5 W.l.15-I'alr. . H JtollVilM. JTM ) KMW-Cmiinoii.SOato I'iJOlbs. J.'J" fdl.U-OCotnuioiicannorb . 10' ) (1.00Ordinary tof ilnows. . . . 20O (m.'tt-I'll I r toRoodcows . " .M fcJ.H")

( HH(1 touholeo oo 4 . I'.T.'i 4t.lK)

t'holccto . 2.I3 (i! t.W!1 ulr to Rood liu 114. 1.75 (i-iholeeto

- . (( fnnev bulls . 250 &J.1I Itthtstooltus anil focdora. 25Oftt.ajlucluri , U50to 1100B s. '.' ." "

> © I. MI'ult torlioliollKlit hofs. JIO WI.I1lulltocliohuhtiy luys. J K CB ' . .U-

1'ulr tooliolio inluil IIDRS. . . . J4T'i'iiJ.-MCommrntlo| lalilo.

The follii lna table Hlniws the nnso In-

piluusoa Iwfi ilurliiK this and last :

Hlilicst; andToday , Vistoiilny.

Highest. . . .. lira Hlshost. .tlfr)I.OUl'bt. J 10 l OWOal. a VI

Stock ; llceclptH ,

OHIclal Yoitonlav. Eslluuited Tolny.Cnttlo. . 71 vii n , 1.171 Cattle , fo CIIN , MMHuns iu.caidlih3' lio.'ii.bl c.iisil.lW)bliuup. . . Jears , 40-

1e lost of-Tlic folloulun |nllo ('lvos the IIMMICO cost

of ! ios nn tliu tlitos ninitlon ( ' < lliieluliiiB tlio)

lust lixluy , at. bbt'fl iipini kilos ri'portid :- ?. fi W'4 Anunsf..J.HISJuiy."j-

J . a 70 AiiKusti . a < iy Augusts. aw-


a :t"iAugust 1. a M

1'rloooC Hoes.ShowIiiKllii' nii'r.iwprlio paid forloacliof

S"- Ol ll""cauu 1 l , lsS , ! )

UHESSUU IIKKF 8TKtlll.No. Ar. l'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Tr.ST. . t-y *.iw it .lisa aw to iuw tJH. . w ura B..IDOO aii w..iiw aw

J MM 3 ) ! IIfil 3 CO SI 1078 a M

6 710 a u) o an : i IM aw-at. . tuo :i tw IT iiJJ a M jj iw : IM

7 low a 10 21 ina TO n i-'ro :jw-m iz2 ;i a in i V) a ? i 4 ul-

.! l. 1KM ,1 3)) G.1M a T-

3con1' .t 82. '. I M t 107J 2M 8 . OST 2 V-

SI (Ml 1 B ) 0. ! V ) U I ) I .im L'W-J WO 1 M 4 . .10an 8 . WT MW1 N7i ) 1 M II 1011 '-' n 1 1WI ) SW3 tWT 1 tW 1 ( ill S 2.1 1 .1'. aM2 IOW t 10 T 1M1 2 55 ? . . ' 2C1-ii wn a no n lots - , o , . w assi. coo i! oti J ion 2 n-

CANNKtl" ,

4 r.27 1 40 4 .10JJ 1 3)) 1. . 'ID 130-SI . tilO 1 4 }

MIlkKtf )

1 . IS 00 1. . - SUlfl 1. . - 2SOO-i.i. at ) ui

STOCkFKS ANt > FEBOflH.10. . 750 1 M 18 . fll SJJ SI. . 687 SS-

5rn'it.s. .

3. . 1503 1 M t .llli 1 M-


2. . ITS 2 M 1. . IV ) 4 M

'0 S M 1M.O. SJ 7-

5BPiii.smu- 22 M

COWSAMJ CAIP.- 21 M 1. . - 35 IK )

IIOOH-No. . Av. Sh. I'r. Ko Av. Sh. fr.10 . . I'M l.'V ) W . . '.'4(5( SO IV''I . . . 17(5( 40 18.1 7ti . . . Jit 1.11 .IV,(, . . . l. 3 1.1 71. . . 'M Ml . .IVi-

. . . .l.s Jill 07 . . '.'411 K ) .IK17. 127 J 40 Wl. . . .'41 .IW IM.11 . . 17:1 120 J40 M . .Hit .I' "'5. . I'.G J 10 01 . . ' 'US IJO IV

31 . 11:1: .no ti . . nt IM ) iv.7 . . 117 J 40 ( ,i . . .MS IM IV.

10 . Mil 'JM ) J4J'J fid . . 'J7l IW IV.71. . .Ml KiO .148 ', , 1)1) . . ''VJ III ) IV.1,7 . si a 80J ,11 % 11 . . 111 Jio ,1".7li . HM J41 uJ . . 'itl 1JO IV7S 814 IGO J4- VJ . . 211 bl) JV.7-


. life JOO 311 01 . . 'Jl'l .IV.87 11)1 JIO r> III . . l'> 40 IV,SI . . INI 80 14.-, M. . . 870 10 JV.-Id"

.INIJO 14" U . Ill JlK) ,11"

4 < ll.O IM ) I4" 117. . . IM. 1JO IV.-


. . SlkH I JO 14" HI 827 1IJ! JV.110 SOS ,!' ,0 J 15 111 . SCI 400 JV.( ,,7 82i ) 4X0 I 4.% M . Ji.O 40 I V>

61 S14 IfiO 14.-, C.1 . U 5 10 IV.-SO . IM 200 14" G.I . JMJ 8) IV.-


( StJ 40 14. . 7J . .Ml KO IV,ta l.VJ 840 145 71 . JSl JUO IV.-fiJ 8.0 2MI J 4r. l.i . . .'42 JUO J V.71 . SC'J 21)0 147' $ Vi . 270 IM) I.V.71)) . .SI I 81M ) ,147'i Cl . J.M N) IV.01 EJ 1IX) ))47'i M. . . IM 1JO 15-5u a 1.1 iw ,i47' ( n . srn ice jv-K


. a7i: 40 ,ir o ri, . 87rf JW ) JiV.4 i-ij IN) M . . sni Jdo jf r.-

l? l -10 1(50 IW ) M . 8l.lt ! .' ) 1.17 !. .07 . aiu bo i r o ui . 2.vi .w jr.'j-t2-1 ir.j ,ir o ii7. . . .J-M no inrj-i.ID . aio 120 J r o w . . SM no ir.7ioi.'M 80 J.r.o M. si: i uo ir.7 i71 . aa4 jo , iiV ) a st'ii M ) ir.7 f71 !i.7( i-'o .1 r>o ii ! .'> o so ir ; 't-il( . . -.I J.0 ,1 VJ 1U5 . 254 W ) lr)7 )

d" . . .a"J .C.M .150 C4 1.0J 83 I.TT'j81 . . ill! lai ) ,1 r 0 fid 'JtM 2 0 l.i7 i111. atO 840 .1 fit ) Cl 848 KiO ir.71 !oi . ar ) ijo .150 di sri: K.O j.7i0-. a-Ji 1(50 ,150 a 85(1 .' 10 ir.7S74 . .ai7 lao avi w . . .111 ) c )74 .aai to .ir. ) no . . .s-w ic ) JM57. . , .a.U 40J5U M . . . S7d S-0 1,0-il

(( XKW 810 .150 70 SU8 40 IdO18. . .241 100 .150 Wl . , UM ) 80 ! ( ' )iV ) a ,s i.io M IDS leoro a 17 icvo .150 UL. a-o 120 . .11.0-W5 aii 2OJ 150 di . a.ll( 40 IOO-w . . .an 40 J 50 u .s-Ci 2so n o-c, ay * ) .-> o u aw H.O7" . aiO 200 15'J ICli . 88.1 200 J (JO141 a.11 403 150 W a 57 ISO 10-0n . aai so i r o to si57 80 J 1,071 ad1 K * 15)) 4- .1171 60 .HVOrj171 H'l' , tao J 50 fiS . 21H .II.O75 247 ISO .1 52'i' 510 . 2(54( 100 H.O-VJ 2lri I .'. "t V. . J.I I Hrf)77 .a.ll SsiO I 52'i' 74 . 25 ! 80 ,1(50(

70 .22 i am , i .vji , i.i . , .a.ei 200 . .IGO-

J.K .241 KO .1 r.j'a; ' v. . a.4 K.O' " *

7- ! an aoo , i ft1 ! vi : tM to 11.5-INI . .a7s 48u .i.vj'' , .u . : im :KI.-4(5.


( . . . .2 lJ .1 5J", W . a7J JG5-so . .aw ssu .1 5.i

MuiKotl-ion's lili-hcr ,

1 Ino sticrbtrongtr. .John Ilciuli broiig'ht Inn car of hops fi oni



. S Dee hailft cjrof lie s from fcliu-lby

-, li.-

J: .

P. Taylor & Co soil tin uc.ir o ( hogs from

J Irvlnu c.inio down ( loin I'liiHcll with a-

carof cittlo.-nrt


Hroof Kcirncy liaila tir of hogson tlio niarUU.-


1) . H'-riuiiiii of Vulp ir.iKo wiisup ultli acur of cattle ,

OcoruoA. AUllInnis of Lebanon in.irlitodncar of IIOK-S.riW

., A. Luhnorlind Usoc.irsof cattle on tlio-

inuiK <itioiii( Ortl..1 0. Jir , onof Klluvtsontliu inukct with


.. Hlvorof Sultoii isas on the m.irlat withu t ir of hot'sT-

l. . J. Xowtnn. I'lou&intilalo , lull u car ofhoKSOntht : in u kit.-


Buck the well known Cicto shipper, m n-rktttd

-ucarof lie

Jiilin I'llKobi'its of A'-hhnd li.ul near o-fcuttlu on tlio market.

Inspector llow.ml coniloniiiail and shot alump jun stur.-


.I ) CJ. Hobl) theextenslvo shipper of Endl-


' , niniKoUd t ooiiisof lie s.-


, McMlllon , tliowL-11 known TlwUht stock-niiin

-, is here wl h tluui cursor tit tlo.-



. I' . Hut ihon. of tliullr.-n of LCM II i Ilnr-rlson

-, . rtuilliv.i hero with twocirs of hois.-



T Echol" , a prominent slouUnim of1'lcrt'tj was on tlio mur'ttt' with two cnisuf-cuttle. .

J , Olljtoti. an oxtc'nslvo and sutcessfulfunnel of llxctvr wis hoi o with i irs of-

e.ittlo. .

Tunics 1'owcis , Ilio cttpiiih-o HomlcisJn-slilppurwusup with two CUH of e.ittlo unil-

J. . N. Uatkln * . . jieiioi-.ilnKont of tlio Cumincittlo t ir coiiipaii ) , lo'itt'U ut KiuisH Ulty-


HID ynnls-llio ollld.il receipts nt Sioux City for tli-

oniontliof July U.70I u ittlo ; 5J,7bJ hon-s ;ami b2 horses ,

Hurry Xnshwa * a alcomoMtorit theyiir.lsen rotitu fiom Olilinvo on hi *Hi; ) | ) ( ' ( oil' nt his old Humpinguhoiolio round iniiiy fik'tiilj-



I'ruduuc ,

. - .I'uoii'Pii Ihiifl4.f01'iMl-l'erlli l'ucli,7c' ; 1iulTalo,7c ; plckoicl ,

6'0' ; lilKo. Ikj tioill , .K1 ! wlilto , ljcn) , iiile| , M-etiitllsn llcj cod stoiK , IJis llouiulii !) , l.'i ;Origoii balmnii , l' ; bliclv Libs , IJo ;

vt > rArio - fijoen snllodhides No. l't( <Ti.Vic ; No. 2 VW ij , j clrysallidlililcsV ; < lry Hint hldi , a'iFGHoi' ualf hidib ,5li7'itl' Dmitieid likli" < , Jtlois Mieii| ptlls ,pnon , tacli , .13011123( , shuippulti , UijpXrlb ,(tollo-

IlKiSHAXlVrlt ) , 2iV ,

TAtunv-A No. 1. , l'' , fM'Jc : No. 2, S eMe-sfroa - i , hllo , y'JWuj jt'llo i242o! ! ; kteinlnc ,

S ( Qiiotntlonsnre for delivery la Oi-liKOOry

-( liullnln , licr ton , S1COO UI8.K( ) ; dryrouiitry blcnclml , * lei Ka IIOO ; dry countrydump and ini'iit ) , H.lxaKUM-


KiK4-Me < lIum , [itr bill , J5.iO , small , SOW :Klicrldns. JT.-


lien' , 81W )<f7tl2'5 :cholto mixed , j' '.lliO ; roosttis. J' (xr7"' ;prlnirclikkciiRJl.s5UJOO for small : JJ.25<iiJ50

for medium ; 2.r 0f8.74 for Inrno.Hutri ii-t'tcnniorifiiiHy, roll * , print. 10®

WHci creamory. f.inty , sollil | iuckt > cl , IKSIIc ;troaiiKiy.ilKirce , lo Uo : dilry , fumy lollsmid inlats UQ( > llo ; daily , faiiC3siillilpackd ,lofellci < l.dry. eholie , J3Io) ; tonntiy loll.fancy , Kft'ii ; : olmlci" , 75'cc : Inferior. XJ( .

i : idb l> iilOo forbtiluly fre-ln stale not sal ¬able.-


Stialned UMb cans , icr 11)) Ooj nowcoiulihonoj , .

IUAN: llnndnluUeilnavyl.tV3i ! 03 : hnnd-niiillnni

-l navy , Jl ( "ttl.T.'i , hand-plcKud

country , itl 4xr&l di ) ; Rood ole m , II KK31 25.KVAionui D Aviii6Kanoy.lSiJc( peril)

lliAbliKliiiita-l'orbn. M'ltxailR ) .t' ) ( I'tr lKl.f".l l

UMI [os.1er IOO. KO Ofkjl 17.50 ,

, * l iVffcl 75-


. '4 l iiielbo.v73c! <atlOOCnllfornln , nor hoJ.'tioQl ! "i ,

UiHI'KS-l'iillfnrnla , porirutc.fJ.OO , Artan-sis.

-. llt) case , J.M ; fieoisln , lOlb basket , 7.V

1i.uii I'nrplu Dnnno , Columbia , tic. , ptr''lov', tJLKX3.85 ; Klld goose plums , H lu box , Uio

lKitF.s1Ji3lc iiorlb-.ii'liolco

.medium , O37o ; lightlifiny4ilic.

! ( : liolled , C.tf ,

Cinni PIT libl. rtllncUWWjImlf Mil. . 1110liardclder , iniie. perlibl , Motij oraiiso elderhalf 1)1)1 , * 1.V ) ; iwur elder , half tW , iRW-


, linn uinvaslud , ICilCc , nuilliini im-wusliul. . INSi'lo | coarse iiiimihlud , lK(20e( ,

1'orATOM IVr bu 11.0071.50.-l


movs-IVrbov , Hodl Midori , fancy , { JOO ®10 O0 | cluilcn .Messina'') J7MO.M ,

Ton ATOK I'tr bu-bov , JJ5OO.iOO ,

o.Mo.Nbboutlifm.por tm.1 Wit * 00.

I'Miit, Hurt lilt , California , iior box. JJ.DO 3a 25-


, per tov , fj.00 | FrcncbIJ.OOj fcrosrJ75._

Fiirsn MEAT'-I'nclor( 4'prlcf Fresh hanr20 llitax vraRu. 'H 'i frohlinaim.10 llnnvi riiehe ; Irish limns , li J tun vc-niu'e , Ik1 ! fruhshoulilors , 1c ; pork loins , T iii pork tenderloinsDo : leaf Inid , not ivndunil.uuci spare rlbs,4o

I'oiiic lltcif-UnrrcU ifisa pork , now112.73)) clear pork lucUs. heavy , lu'25 ; cloul ork Laolu , ucdluai, 811.75) ihoricutdea

'ork , no to ! family pork. loin , fio.soi 1m ttx.rk.boanpork. , pl l ork 1 MI , llnlf biirroMNew o'xtm me" 1)cof) , t2.ViUV! ) ; ninvrxtrnlulobpof , f-i.-fdQ.Mi iu pntu let f. }

OOinewrolloil ooniloss bi'of, IICJW7.S1 | nownnip * , SaiVS.1iO ! new l nclc i ruinpo , U.M >5-

)'SAtSAOt HploRnn , per H , smokoil. lonj-on ml inmo linns , ti ci fiankfiirts. csc |otiRiii. . t c ; MODI ) , 4 ioi llur, lc) ; hciidIH-CSC , 4'iC' ) rill( li0., _TAI I.OVF A. ,Ni ) lidcislonrlno. ()ic.-lMCKttiiIlKrrT

( .< ) MliTllnlf bnri 'lxfO.GO |

nartor linrreH Jfi.iOi olilit bnrrol , iJ.oi-

iiiri li'iifiji 4el kuttlo. OSC. Add > u lo'o purl > firmwllcrinekngos. Ixiat lard not run.-



. Half birrKavi : nunrtcr

. | 35 ; eighth bnricls bOci Util5 Ibs'

CAsis-ns-Calllo Tlorcci and liar-fliiiilililloperlb.C'jc

-' ; loiltid J ieibtititi4!

> 4i'-lojiusiian. . Hpi'tlb ; IIOK linijrs , No. I , 4'40-avli ) touiidH.per . ( ! , 110 foot } 2'ji | nilldloi-urift. . Kffot.n, c : npnimcls li- s than l.txi-


i small i( Klolol( , lie poriloInrKc: bidders less

lots , Ililijoerdoz.barrel-* , Hl.oO-

iunrterbirri'h. . J.5 llwoacli. 42 J.-

Xljlitt > OILS Hbl-.ra.So.

. doll , it . 4 ; ! ! ox-Inrd


. llnrtlol ! . M' > I t.ll , l5ci No Jnnloll.JI : piiro imtsfiiot oil-.on, r. i-

uitiil! can

: extrii ni'iitsfDot oil , 4kJio; , 1 noiits-oolull.J7u


: tnllovoll , 4le.I ION IMOM ill mi i 11 lit bniioUflT. qnnr-i tmrnK *Jlu ; tlnhtlibailiN , Jl 1.1 ; kits , 15

bscioli.Wlc. .I'nilic riNollt t iioookcilMild ciirod-


ImiliN , 10 ll , * 7.1l ! "Hiirtcr bnirils , W1) , MOO

linv f T MBATd-T can Ini'Ko , fie ;hurt t'lnr3'i * ; ln'IllK , 10 i JO ll IIMTIIKI.

< ; shoit rlln , .ViCl.Inn t ili.irs B-Ui'i Ion ?'K'lril'le' ; shun lilt I , a'ic.'

_ MIIT-S UaiiMissoil unless other-IsoimlnoUHnii


. '' . ta lo 14 Ib ntpfngi1. tlis((5-lbaX'irilKt1 10'nt 20 Io82 111 ax ( MTo , lO'sf ,

klnni'il sllc-lnjr , istoaollis lummo , iloi Call-oinla

-IIIIIIM , I.i1 : Oionhlei - . 7'4i shoiilili r ,

kliiiio lriiicnlioiililor 0 ti 8 llis iiumyp ,', , . , Ixiiit'li's-t liiiii.: 8'io' ; lin-uKdst baciin-cli u ) , Slo 7 II) sit rlp-i. 71'iis Im tikfast b.ii'on-i Hi , S ic , ilflul l u ( luiiis < sUs , U 4cj regu-tir S'aCHliuli.7nii. .

IHiy t-nT liTinn Hiconjonjjclenri GMc ;

limit oltnm. f'iu' : KtrjiMiotiilojin , H > , I" ml-Ioseloiirstilps

-, O'li'i' > liort illj-,81icsbotil-

Iliu' Sloer >1W't> t ' 'OOIIis alpracc ,i.iIlM1 , rieeu 400 lii iiu ibs aM'iav'i1 ,

latito , } com anl holters. WO to'iOO lln-

ti' "I'sfi Iiliiiliiunili r , i.u oM I0o ; hlnd-is


co7oi fonqiinrli is. stcon , 4So !

'onnuartoi"J.eowvlo : cii'ssul IKI.N , 4Ji'( .

IIIIBSSUl JllITTON CllolUO ill --li.il llllll toil ,

J'lP , rinks olinitttoii. He ; siiUtliiuf unit tun ,

UK , bicisttutiiiultoii.3o ; tigs of iniitloa , ID-




io Mi-PcrlU.-Ont loaf 7"ji Oulics , 7c ;tiniliiiil. iO ilcrul , 7'ii'j , pniiilorul ,


' '! , . '.o ; itrnO-

.Nulniska l' cAnil| r. 5V. l olili'iil',5'icMAi'iiMJcUH I'er' Mi T.u ciik "i. , lo llliciM ,

'li , 10 cikosj-lllioxn) ) , ISJ'ii ; 1-lb liilol.s , ,,1-0llnln luix. pure. H-


. lioa tid _Arlp i. (25'c, ; lluiioli ,

Si'Jo' ; 2V , ci Mmi. iVjCM.ill -, Mocln , Ulc : O.l.JJai i , : vt-

oCorin GricM-riiney Oulilcn Itlo S2'cir.incy old poiberr.24V) ! Hlo I'hnleo tofani ) ,Ja'iilllo' ; , prlnit'.J''c ; Klo. RIIIK ! . 'l'o' ; ' untosi-ml t'omnioii Ilio , Iwr.' ! !! ; Mucln atc ,liui ,

mini'O. tl , "M ! Jali; , tiioil Intuilui , 'xlctiii. a.loinns AinhcrSxTiip Tnhbls No. 'Jennie ,hnlflibKNoTHjriiilo. , 4.il l-u's. o-

iiiTuiiii4 , 1O In ciise , ) > orc'a-5i } ! !>i 'ipeiinsKiln cine , poroiisi 61.U , > v li to oloior ililiK la-blili , : fcV ! hnlfliUKJIC ! 4- r l Kotsoaili. 8141 ;J-ital pilN. ni'b.Mo ; inekcvnul vililps In lbls ,; r , , h.iif ibk : !7t4-niill'ovi| unili , * Hi ; amui-

lN) , neb , 85c ! I'ullfnriilA honev. libN , , i"e ;nlf blil' . tc , 4'il> kops fKkl ; ail Kills. Hit ;

1-iiul , Win else. JIV ) ; In f IMJ , tl 25-.Inoioi.ATi


I" H ) s , JJS.iJe( ; lii'iinni-T'- - - piuisliinC o

HllOMl I'll 11) , Bo.Pull ) , In plit .

SI.KIH Mixed Mnl , Mb jlkss. , eaniry"e ;licnip.l'ti'' : iiiKo , I epopi; ) 10-


I'lnpor-SIiifipoie slltoil , I8@e| ) ;shot. 'J"c. Allsplu1 , lOu. s I'i'iiiiifr , n-lulccl

,' -JOc. Ui-sli tliliiail-ll juls. . e. > u-


-( , l i * i failnn.

"O peis. .looittiiit.il.; l'i5JMii'' ; inafiimnl ,lie : vtrnilcllll , IWllCiilcu.iliiild.1fancy! ,

i lieul , .I'lCi siuo nnd t'lploc'a ( i"i' ; limai iii >, , ic : hpllt pus. : icj spUItt l.llf.-Mi

.> it" < is-llbl'i. N 0 fiiuu pir .il tiVSXes

lioli-c.lVJcMtf : Hood. :tKji2tUuli; , ) baklaj? , .He : blnclc strap. ..OSfl'J-


1'Aini Mrav porlt ) , I'jGM'tc' ' ;rw. : . ''ic ; MinllliiH. wains : No i.se.

l iiji-l ,* Onilmcnlillc. 1-lcj l.1nacr xvlilto ,UKllieailllKlit.; . IHCi74Sit.llnf , U.-


llblS , faCjgrSUIIllaUll , 2C , 111 bbls ,J'aC.

ligs Ullbj , lo bit ,

. , . , , K Wisconsin P d twin lln.Kpcrlb. ,fl'ioVlHOonsln' P. C. vonii'i Anicrlua. lOu ;biluk. bxviss , UciKiUiu Iti full-



FiiuiTS-Titiklsh prune * , less tlmiihliils , Ksi . 7'io' ; nrlRlinl hlids , '40 loss , Kosnln.

, (50 |111l lio's , KM) to 111) ) , 8t , applus.-CMiporited

., new iliiK cholio. lie ; oMiporitccln-

cv. . ilii )? . mliiip , llciil) ; lints , fincy.ln :icls ,l"e ; hi ickborrln , iu , 3 i i lo , Vt} ;rispliirrles J5 Ibs to bi , IiOc ; turritus , nowli io ; orlfrlnil tusks , Ue loss ; cur-rants

¬, In lox) 's IH t ,

DATts l'i r-Iiin , ( , () II ) box 7o-.KAM.NS

.London liji'i-s O.illfornli stand-


, pir box , $2T ! "Inir o shix , " f.'CO ; lo-omuscitols

-> o, Uiillfoiuli standard , J200liorsu!

fcliDO , " JJIJ.1 , "stnr ," liwsu iniiscatt'ls , $1 d I ; sii'd-Kss

-California. ( ! , ( > ; Callfouili scMillesssu-


sucks , pur Hi fee , California niii ( ! . .-


( | , In sacks , bt , now Valencia Uo ;old , Ui oiiduia livur olil.'i' .

llA'iKKTS-l't'r dox 1 liusliol , nairow bindslav ( , i.-liM , ft S) ; 1'i busliul. narrow bindM.ivi dm JJ. . * , 1 bii lioli bnud Viind ,elm , Bill ; l'i' bihlicl , broid bund. elm.(J.75 ; I biisliul. din uilo hiudo * IMI ; I

biislul , oakHtaio SJOi ; 1 luolul , l rlnJ,75} ;, IVS buslio'' , Itrk'IB , (.125:1 bushel-


splint , (Ti.'tO , ! ' Inisbtl oak splint , } < ' ) ;bu ii'l. biuiihoo , ( IOO ; l'i bushel bainlico ,

((700 ; liundiy , wlli ( ) , I.irxo. (7.1O ; luiiiuli v-wllion. . iiiiiJuiii SC . . , laundry i.lllcn , Mimil ,( i 'iO ; inaiki t , elm , split , Ac ; inaikot , lin.u-rlvot liainllu. Wo ; inn kit , uhn Linurul. 1-

ifck.JJ.Od. w lllow. inn Ktl , lari ! . U Mi ; wil ¬low , market , 2 In ntst small , l medium' ,per nc-t , k c ; nsli , satclnl bu ki ti .vend ,In ii l , pti iiLbt.f 1.10 , si mill bamboo ( U'llM iy ,} l 25 , nu'dliini biniliii ) dillvtry. $I7.V laiKObniiiiiuo tltlU erS5 0astu; piper b-

MnnlllaropeAll ' 7-l (

to 1 In , 15t , sisal n > | ) all fiom 7-lli toIn , ll'.o' ; 'now iiroctis"ill fiom 7-1G t <

I n , be.( 'oiioxltoi'i-'i In.lfic ,

Tvisis-C'ottoii t lne. "filbli ," erv (Ino , .'II ) bait's 'J.'e ; cotton Iw I ne , "Dilsv" lirand. .'Ib balf. lw ; lump talnc.'i' llib.ilci , Iho , sailIwlnc , 2i) , cnnilluUck , 2Jij 4U ft lotiont'li.tlii lines 8t [ (Aft cutton ulollios lines( ' . ( killil-fool cotton lines , | l.4OMftfilal; Hues-.fl.75

., ) ] , onltini , h c.

N ITS .MinoiuN , r ; Hrtr.lH IK , nilicits-2' - ' ( pt'iins. Hi : : ualnnts , rj'-Jt piniui-

oolisOJie, , roastuilji'ac'i Tennosste peunutsl-

illOOMSritli , pallor. ?100 ; 4tlo. U75 ; 3-tIofj.25 ! , l-t c , plain. SIS" ; uieliousof, i 00 ; toy(1.25 , l lsk. . !

pu d jfl.00 | plnls , ptrdo ?tJ.51 , bulk , pel Kill , W-


) Miws Couioil l ef , 1 Hi , ( I 20j-eornnl btif. 2 llis , tJ..K' ) : lunch tonjiio. 1 II )< J. ( 0 , liuuli ton.'UO.J Ibs , lfl7.i , buvvn. 1 It )

Jl 20 , br.iivn , I lls tJ.DO , ox l'i' 11))f.00ov loiiKiirs , 2 llis * ) OJs fliliptd| betf , 1'iII ) , iiiiinclcins.d.'Jil east beif 2 II ) , roiiiu-e.i us , J2.O1 , potlid linn. 'Ub. riiimdeiiiis , iJic-luitUd limn , Vtl| , iinind i , ins tl.M ; dullciliaiii , 'illi.roiinil t-ans (15 < l ' Hiround onus , jIJi ) ; iiiLtiil oloinuo , ''i Hiround emu , ? 1 .1)) ; coiniii uiutl li mi , Ib ,fa in , 1.20 , LOMpiessid bun , 511) , squaretJ7.1 trIM,2| Ib. loiiml emw. { 18)) ; niliiet-ops.1 ! b , muiiJcniH W.JJ , bonplesiploi' fuel2 lbsriiiru| : cans Si"i-

VioraMiiMssTomitoMIllb extra. II. 0-0ill! Ma iidiucl Muslim brands l,0ui Rillous-slrlitly slaiidaid , 4JUJ. t'oLii-Flmst frownH tiO,0'llt, edKdl sti.-iir tniiiory line , JI.51-t'hoku 2-lbsuuii coin. $110 ; visti'iiIn iinds. Huffdi 00 ; 2-11)) standard visionbrands ( nrr,75u M nsln oems l-lb Iroiifli ,Ira line , VJa'i'i ! 1-11)) 1'reiicli , line. ! VS22ij ,1lb-1'iinili , iiidliiiiy. N 3 l e. IVas-I'ies , llni-lierrnn. . 2oo ; ( Icnii-lliii1 , pu I'lin , lucji'-lbslfto I

H.dO , U'11)) early ,Iu no , f l.Jij ) , standaid , briinilH , ((1 , 10111; soaked. Wi' . btrlrubeans 2-11) Id li jir.ide. Ki'fucoo , fSci 2lb-

i vabuns. . "Co : S-lb slilnu bonus , ( (lebums Mb soiiktdi 7.c ; Itdstoti bil > n-

y Ib 1.1 His. tl fti ; On ) n bruuli fi.n:bweit poliitois-a-lli Now lomey , ijllil ) . I'nnipMns-i-lb: , 110. O'au.' iiiul loimtoobltl.GO-okrii , Jl.fflj snaotash. flW.

Cod tUli , extra llooritcs. now ,

Brand bank , niw. 4o ; sllvorMliMool s,0'jC-wlnto


, 2-lb brklcs , n w. 8)4'c) ; lurkey codnilddlo brio Us Miowuhlte , unites , t.'

R-lbboNe ? , HJiei nudluin scaled liuilii. . 25ctNo 1 hculi'd lii'rrlnK , 2ilc ; ilnnicstlo llollaiul l

. 40e ; Humbiirx 8pltd licirln ? , OJi ;KtiHsliin li.iidlnus. splutd , ( MO ; Russian snr-dims , plain , leo ; Impoitcd llnllnnil licrrln ? ,ore n brandWe : du fancy inllUor * UOciiuaek-orcl

-, Vo I slioro , half bbls , U2.UO ! bloatcis ,

hnir btK) * IMK ) : wbltdlsh. linlf bliln , * T.W ;

troiil , linlf bbls , $.100ainlly whltetlsli , W.Mj-

OINKHI riiii 1-lb iiimkorol ( Imrlnsl tlM'1-lb ( In nan hinlillc . * l. iOj l-lblolMur , t.M.ry.-t ; 1-lbAliuka h.iliiHJnAlcMil, , f I A ; 2lbojs-tois

-, 10-oz , $111,1 ; lib oystc'r , f.-oz , Jl.ll | 211-


. U-oz , } J. : : 1-lb clanm. little noi-ks ,fl. l a-lbclnins , llltlo necks , tl.71lb: snrl-inos.

-( . Imported , per oust , lixn , JtDWJilOO : ' (Iblmporled boneless sirillnis , key , fAino ; ']Ibtiirillni's , Aniorli'iin. poi' cusp. 10U < . 1'ruml-ittjlo , J-lVKijiOj( Ji-lli str llmn. AnurUan , jurcsne , 100 , Fnnoli style , t7.5 38.0i ! ij-lb s.ir-lines , miistBrd , rcr enw. W . fa.7Wi4 not 1-lbcribs , J ; Mb irnbsM.r >0 | 1' . Mb H-nuniilindilt

-( s , ( | ((5O | .Molr'a Imported 1-lb klp-


licrrln. , J2.UOA.VMO li'iiuTH-S-lbsooscherrlfs , 8110 ; 2-

.ntrawlurrlostl.l3i 8llr.i) iborrlcs) , Sill ; 2bluiburrliis. Wo ; 2-lb Uiioklierrlis , $100 ; a. b-

BtrawberrlosJI.bOi S-Jlruaiiburrlcs , * IH : 2-bblackbcrrlon , tli' . Pineapples Hilmma-ohoppcil , W. i UnbaniaiUccd , SU5j "

siloedchoice. M.W : 2-lb Ilnlintnilitrnlrd. t'V' ( % :2-Hi linliiuunslleed. *3Wi 2-lb standard

| 8 llurrlf Mb ml. ? I10 : 2-lb white.* KiO. "

'fii eeoiul .ibplitl.40| , ! Sierra Mmlio , JA i ! iip-rlpnrs05iluiii-

| | | , e iil.Ml pluiim ,o ! l. '> ,1 | chirilc s.wliltp. tlvurt'lilor. loci KO | . I.V ; vlilto

Mine. I n't folio v , ( rull , H-


- .

<H-Ain pprlQU. 5l7t ! l.pvi'ton porlOO.3II71. . rnlnn Miiiar1 , nocn.fi |u r ei'iiloir lint.

s'Ai.i-nnlrv. tliiIbslii bill , built. | .MObi'Ht-prnili * , C05 , IJ Jfli best ir mile , leo ! ls. |,' 40jlii * t-Kiado.lS 10 * JJ.idi ruck 'salt , irnslml , ( IN ) ;

umtnon. bbl , $1.0.-so

.vi--CH IIIo , niottleil , nor Ib , flJIOi'i ilowhltupotIb , lie ,

MitiiKIU.OCK Tiv-Sinill |dg , SOc iier Hi bar TOOr ib ,

Uorim I'latilOieil bollir sl7i . neo per Ib ;cold rullctl.ik * inr IbislioitliiB.JIc iier Ib , pitnml HnK Jllcporlb.

(Ivi.uMyni sjiinTliiiN-DNcnnMtV-1| pero'tit : piiL. plan. Iron , Mo * 21 mill 2iA, , lO'ic * ;llU'-ic.'

TIN 1l.ATB I. C. , , 10.731 I. .V. , ,

frNpf.ATT-CiikP , 11x80.112 , 3031.Uonnvo-Ulinti'o.il , I. C , ) . n , *.-> Wj r.-



I uov No. 20 ft 50i Xo17. * 150-


StrlcllV b ilf nml hull , 100-.hTKil


, X * II iso.1} 20STKIIVinn NAII. * ltn * i T3.-fiVllllJi


| ) . bntl ) . *. ! .' > ; j< lv..lJS5-




QiMMSK-l'orw , IWV , ICci Orrnmn T.ICIliid I no , peril ) , Insect | HIU < | IT. aii'i opium.3IOJ ; inoi-plibio. | ic r , t.'t.u'ii bops. JUT In lOoi('lyioilin; , SVo ; (lixtrlnu. We ; full Ii'bono , ((5o ,

( ii'iiintiirtnr pun1 , ' V ; t'linniiielnl lhociun'-ior.

; -

. We : inn , iirb. . He ; blue llrol 7'jo-.iVciiHt'iuboIli

' ., 'Wl'es ellrK 44lN < Citarl-irle.

-. MfcSWti siiljiliurlc. iier Ib .-


) .<-spirni nil , iH.lO ; tiiriioiiiiin * . I'o ; Tonesin in JJ2it.v? : bats im iiiiilujicrA.r.. ( almiu > iI 'tl7uaiabii'


, .Vyy'Jo' ; lyuoiiuilliiui , 4Cl.te ; iiieuury ,

Dry Goods.-llKtM

.* llHOW CfllTONH Atllllltll' R,7'-5C |

Atliinllc II 7e ; Atliintlfll V ; .Mlaiillo I1in1 Aniorii (.' , V ; lluok'i lleid , 0V' ; t.ibot-,0 , e ! IMrlliiflon , CUei riirini'fs'No. 1 41B < !}4it.1' ; llo i lcr Hi , Vie : Iiiillni lleajl,7'ie |iiwnni'o lit. llenrlelta , , rv'.c.'TIM Ititimv ( OTTOV * Allaiilli * JL 0s Au

loin IIO'iC Ailiiiiall , ll i ; Allus ON'117'so' ,( lii'eMi clolh , 4t , Clinton I'K.i'ic ; 1'epw'iellK. IW ; I , minimi G II , Se.-


1. uiniiL'orroNM-Mi'rd'ltj t'limbrlc-No61,1)0) , ltt-4 Vtl , llutter lotli.X.N 4'ao ,

L'nb il.7iiri tCnll,0'i ( , Pinlt oflhc loom ,> ''lt ; Mill Hnipci Idini , M Ilciiit'Uupi'r,8'i, 'KlNjl'lilll | ] L-ainbrk. Ulc , l--ui.'iloi 0 II 1)1401)

Iiinslali1. Jie , l.niisildlu cambric" , 10e , Newlorl , Mills ! , 7o.-AMI


Not Pupiicioll 4"-In 10c : repputill , 8-1 4se ,

IVPIIIII'II - . d-l. .Vc ; IVplMfll 10-1 22c )

I'tleii , 4b-ln , lie ; 1 lieu , .V-ln 17'' , c : I HIMK-ln Jlu ; I'tlcii , s4 In. 211 ; rilia.im-ln M aillloiiiliol-Not-IViioiull| , 4J-lii , lot- ; IVii-puiull,4ln.

-: . Hi ! Pipporill , 04. ll'ic' ; I'oii-


; I'epiieioll D-4 , S2c ; I'epii relll-. ,- . JScs uiloa.84 , Jlu ; Utloa.O-l. no ; Utle.i104.JS'o.-


AinoMvp-is C tninskoa; ,' ,

dress 8'iO Halts li'io' ; { , iln s 7'at |, OHi , Ulciuilic , O'ic ; lUilttinton

lilno Not Martintin , ( '.I1 A jnirluan , ti'ae ! Arnold d'le , Ai-


. Ion ,' eli tb. Sic ; Slfel A. l.'e ; Mi-rtl-mack 'B.Wf : tlold leif , fc'f' ; llnnillton r lie ,

AIIi-ii 1'lnks , O't' ; Allou Ui.itiibiiobo ; Oloo-r. ft Ho-INTS l'am'lc - KOdystono , C'ie' ; ted,Ultr ( icUiiiinK; : | > . 4'iu' ; M. l.di 'ui ,

") ' 3e Milrt-nus-

1 liliiKtoii. 4'it1' ; Mi-rrlinaek ,

4'2e Tmli'V nilsloiiTit ilu.b'Jt. ' * ; Oainor,7i !

'i iifloI < lS'.f , HiTlin. O'e-.ViiM"Nct

.( , Tblstle. 7'if' ; hpil Cross , 7c.

Colon m I'AMiiuim I'nmn 4'i < - , KIM ! stnr ,

4f ! inllid C'lotcr. 5o ; Mitirbc ; lilb( uilorslo extra.

Sti-Miis' II Ifi-ln , .VJo : 4ovcns' D ,

Id11 n ( c ; Movins' A | ii-ln 7t. sicuns' | , ].In

., 7'c, ; frlf i m' M.IS-In B'ie ' ICMUIS' V.Jl -

IIn. Htt ; Mi ens' NN,25-ln , i'c , htueiis bKF ,JO-ln ll'.i , bliielu.1 lo txtia

OiMMSNotAnioiUt'U , , lO' o , Vnrk-cainlit , I.V ; ( .' ( , slniidaiil. l.2t: , lluj-iniil.ir

-s , 7'ie' ; Old 'iui kX. . 10'jfi Liinii'iiie ,

'"0 , ll'sf' ! njji , fiini-y strlpi-suntlilii''K ll'iu.'

So-Il'at , CoiksoiiH e.iilniitif , yj''

Our ill null Inipotts.-Tlio

.following taUo shows (honluoof im-


and exports of mc'iUianHso for tlio lasttuujutm :

Vnluuof Value of nNeess ofVo.ir. Imports. ity. uxporti

" '7JIO.IV 7I 7nilJ2.MbW.tVI ? ( x > 1 741) II l.C.OJ',77r.i' , UI ) 742IVI,7.T-iGn.4MI III 1)70) , 4 , 1-

1118S7j . ii . : illl,7iVS 7UIWI,21I 2,180.1,41-1MMi 7iu ( ,( r'riir' >o; "svi ) j.ia7

. . . ? % , ' .'>J 7421I.U71) .l.r ) , .77IbUO . 7sJ.Ui855 b57iuj,15J, W,5JOJ-

)4rce* |iof ImpoilsOur and Imports ol prold and

dining tlit- lust fiscal yen * uero as (ollovs :

KxKftsVJl.| ) , l)1-'J) ( , Imports , * . | | , HU14, , anexcess otoxpoits Imports ofl , JJl > , y.The excess of ox potts Inipotts of speiio-diiniiK the llsial jcar ISS'.hvas ?t7(17ICi, ) ,

nil d d u riiiR the Hsi il yt-ir l S , the extessof-ot speeio ainountudtoT-

in.1 cxpoits ot gold duilnjr theInst llsciil yc ir .itnounteil to $ L7J74,1'J1, , ..m-iltholinpoits of frold to $ lUinii , ( lJ , tin oxocss-ol ixpoils oxer imports of 4l , ; | " Slll, [) .

Tliuro bnsboon ini IIICI-CMSO in the volumeof imniigiation into the United fetiitciiluiint ;the lust llsitl je.ir , the number infixingbelap'il! , li( , as ifiiinst is.di'j' duiiiurtlio-llsi.il ycirlSsy , unlucre.isoof l.' ,

( ' )0 Therexx'nsiv consiiler.iblo liurcaEO In aulvals fiom-thofollowinqcountrios Fioni Italy , ',' ( , !UI ;from Austria Hutiff.ivjJ2 , KI) ; from Ruasiu ,Ituludiiif ,' Poland , 7hJI. flio liuinlfttalloiidccioiised from Gio.it Uritiin nnd liuluiul ,:isii! ) ( : fiom Sweden and , 7,621, , andfrem (Juiniiiiy , , Qb2. ,

Onnilia linnlt Stock.The Aincilenn Hnnltor In its inst issue

Oinnlii bnnlc fctoulc , pat. nnd marketvsihii's , in follows :

fomincku ( > It. all IOO 10 ! )10) llih

fDinniciclal , It 101) USPlist N II UK ) 110AldiMinnth' > B 100 IV )

Nibnisla N'.ll 100 18))Onmli.iN.lt 10JICJITnInn N II 100 12'.Unllud6tltuN.il 1DO 1J5-


Tlic 3llli ary lint nblihlnnonls Jinil Itc-sonfuiH

-oi'lliu I'ivo Kc'pnlillus.-


' vo fejieakor "Little Sttlva-dor

-, " In coinpaiinylicf with tlio inoro-

powoilul iici Iibor against vhom she is-tiuayeil , the loiin is docoptlxo , sn > 8 u

( ton spooi.il to tlio New Vot'lc-Sun. . Sinallost b ai-ui olthoCentrnl-

ineilcin! rcpubliia hlio lortnlnly is ,luvinj ; a Icn lh of iibout ono hundrot ]

nml seventy miles , nn nvpi.i o broiult-hofforttlnoo , and umtnlninj ; only 7,228-bquaro miles. This is but little inoro-th in a thlrtlof tlio nic.v oUiilii( llicnot muoh IL sixth of that of Hon-duras


, less tliiin ii bixth of Giuittmu-la'sliioliconUiins' 10,771 f qnaio milesstnil l s Lliiu iiBovinth of Xicnrngtia's ,

vbicli eonlniiH 51000., S.ilvadoiliov -> , is muoli tlio most doiisoly pcoplot-

ol thollvoropiiblitH AVliilu the populat-ion


ot G u.itoni.ila nt tlio Leyiiuilii } ,' oList jcariiis 1,127,1 Hi , Unit of S.ilviuloimust htivo been ut loaht alxiut lialf as{,'icat at thnt tliao , B'IIKO a countill 1887 hml fe'lvon her 001,5111 inhtibi-l.iu ts , folio is oafclly the seuond of theJho icpulillus in population , anil lias fet11 lonj; tinio disputed the efforts of theInttei to leidoi hipln Coiituil Aincilciu-1'orhnpci slio itHpiios horKlf to bo theIfoystono of tlio inch , holding un inter-mediate position becweui the tvo noitli-tin rtpublics und tlio fioutliorn. Shelias double the population of IHonduriiBvhioh in the censua of 1887 Hhoivct3)1,917) liilinbltanlH , and of coinbo-fjroutly sut'passos N'io ifarun. vhiclithojoinprovloutj was crudltod with liOU72-nnd


also Cohtii Ulca , whiUi ttbout theearno time had LlH7a5.,

While thuMj llffures rcvoal the ox-troino numoriuil vossibllitios of the llvo-ropubllcH for ruciuitintj tlioir armiestheir oxlsting military foiccs show rosuits rolatlvelv hOinowliat dilleront , li-

conbcqucncc of the diitorent detfrtos o-

Impoitanco attacliod by thorn to btiind-Iny nunies , ami also to the dllTorcnco-In their fintinel.il. condlttoii , Gutitomain , ha* nearly aa mnn ;

people ns the four other icpuhliccombined , hits it btill yreutor piopon-ilornnco In her regular iinny , jet IB no-In good flnnnclul clinpoforgoinif to warNominally tlio iictlvo troops of Cluntomain are 12r, >00 strong : , which vrouligive about half tular o tu army 03 ou

own ; but nctunlly the ninnbor mnvboloss. Her mUltlii is putthnui nt ( > ,000-iicn , nml this foico inlyht fairly bt In-


by InkiiiL' in such nximbeis IIMIU-Ovionjjlj asiribtil to the tvytilatii. Sil-niltir

-maintains unnctlvo mmvuf only

2,000 men , ttithnmllUlnof 120HO. 1'ho-c'liorts imply thut she Ins lutually mob-Uwtl

-niniicn { icaloi1 foico thtm is ns-


lo lUllvoi'rttnliHHliinoiit.Homlurjis is wild to K-et-i ) up nn army

of onli oOOlnoti , with a mllitlii of , OlU) ;mil slio is jtislitlwl In incuriliifT no-n'iitormillturyoxiionc , imioof Ilio-

jonilitlon of the ( Inineo anil her largo'oreifjndebt. Do iilcs , Miico her polieys so dosoly allied with thnt of Ouato-nila

-, whom she is liii'lclng up

tow as in ISV) , she canoive to her moio poweiful iioijrlibor thejulc ol fmiiishlii the bulk of tlulr oom-liiod

-> inilllitry re-onrios. XUarnyim ,which has u hpooi.il ncul ol troops Inview olhei folatioiiMo Iho intcrofoiiiilo-ciiiinliiiaiiitiiins 1,2UO nion , with ti i'o-


of 10,00(1( inoro , and a niitionult-i ini of o,000 In piupoitlon to her

wpulntionshols in f oiul uilllttny trim ,mil , luviiiL' aoryiinill debt , she i in

oed ilnantial circutn taiui8 , vlth ox-cillonl

-proipocls In the ennui. Ciwta

Ulca h.ts 0HI( nion on hoi IKt.vlth-iinilitla of 112000. This little Matolms-

of latoyems tiinos bristled up invbollljroroutiiy townul Nlcariiin| , in-'plto of thelau'L'r inilllnr.v force of thenttor. Itor late prmiduit , OotieralUernnulo boto , is prolublj ono of thejott ol Contrjil Amoriuin soldiers , and: nok alivily interest in thentilltnr.uf uf-'all's

-ot the ropuhlie , ttnilor him

C'nrayo nnd Feinnnilei us guiiirnlo-llluum ,

U'hcn tno lord chief " jiistke of lin >; linil-onlors Cook's eMni ilry 'lniniii iiolv's, usnd-coiiinicuttii ) on our-


I2vHMlltloii| to Hunt I'orthulh'ollici *

Itas loainoil recently thnt tlio-Eclioonur Mnrj E. Anilorsoii , which lofthero for Ciosccnt City , roully alirtoiloni-ti'e.ibnroliutitingoxpoilition to bocuro

62,000,000 that llos nt the bottom of theTacille in the of the iU-fitodDrotlior .lonalluin , whleh vus lost ininy

ell the ooistsomcwhoio in tlio-of Ciecccnt City , , u San

special to the GlulwDeino-ciat.


. Uho oxpodillon him boon;ot up by i'etcr CJco , a wcll-ktunvii cup-ilulibt

-of till' city. Coiisldeinblo ox-

jiensovis: gone into litllii } '' out theschooiioriibout $ ,,000 having been laidout. Twodnore ,ind a complete ilhin },'nppm.itusvcio en n cd nwlnecesAtiry for Hie expeilliion in case thehopes of Capltaliiit G'O arc ioallodI-VovisioiH


iiut onbonid enough to-movlilo for tlioints of the now of alurgoship. Iho Hi other Jonathan pliedbetween this port and the noith tintilthe - iis lost about fourteen jenrsnjfo.bbouis Ixiunil hcnc-o fiom Victoria , andlior lommanilor. Captain Wolf , and ahit'Konuinberof her pibbeiifforsporlnhe-duthhor. . Itnas kiiuwu tliatbhe hadlonslik'riiblo trciiHine on boird , anil-toveml exjcilitioim eimilur to thnt o (

Iho Mar Antlui-eon have beui iniulo ,but the jio-iitkui ofthcwrccR vuslocated. Geoh ismado aoioral trips tothe feono , all of wlikh hive been tinsufcissfiil. Ho biy.now , thoii h , thatho his located the ship ami that he willreocnor the tioasuro , which amounts toabout i2000000. The Ireisurtis inotljjjoldeoiiiatulcuvioncy ( the gold boin ;,'paelicd in iron theincased in c-juiviii) bogs , covciod withoilsKln ) .

Men , oinotumclihlliUuiirov( sti-onif anlhealthy cliinkiiif; ami bithtiiu in the nmio-alwater of the "01U M C" spilng lli.it Is frto-ns the aii to all whostopnloiuorshortiiciioil-ut Hotel Colfiix at Coitus Siunjjd , In-


iii's rvionoloiioup Aiolillcctiirc.Our flt t waiidorings tlirotig'h the

fctroets of Berlin did not ( ill our soulswith tint thrill of joy and thatsympathetic trepidation of the wholeboiiifvhlch wo experienced when vofli-bt visited Venice , for iiistanco , orFloionce , or Constantinople ; nor didthe ) excite thatvondorinontimd cajjeriluaio toappieoLito ninth wo had feltin tbo great Ameiiojin cities likefhiciig-o , writes Theodore Child in" liorlln isnli olutely-vaiitin ln charm , hotlier of sitintion ,of general nspcct , or of hibtoric.il-soueniig. . Itiwa modem city , but itb-

inoiici ii nspcct hus noinatkodchai ictcr ,nndiio vt to no originality. From tiiotiiinof Fbodorlclc the Gioit , who wis-thofouiiiler of its tire inrity , down tothe present period oinctuo tr.'inHfonna-tion


, which dates from the LAancoGc-inianwai

-, the archltccturi.1 hiHtory of

Beilinvasalnioit oiitlioly ono ofimitation anil julapt.itioii. Q'ho streetsarchitecture , until within thu past ttn-yeniri , him boon absolutely ilnll moi-oros of hox-llko habitations pierced withthonoccbsaiy openings forli ht , ingressunil off ass , but cpnmlvod absolutely na-

a jnckinjr-cfio is conieivttl , withoutan ] roff.nd for ngrociihleiif'ss of propoi-tioiis

-, lines and dibtuhtilioii of inastjis.

The public builiUn s , of which fcovoi-nlnrotjrandlo o , have bci'ii' ercotul , forthoinost part , under the iiilhtoiu-o o-fmhtaktn !ulniitationof the modolsof-ancioiitGrao. .

Tickets at lowest rates anil superioraccniniuodatlonsvitvtbo great Hoek Is¬

land loutoU'iiiket office , 1002 Slx-ecnth

-and Tnrinm atrects , Oinahu-

F'tlt tlio l of the I'I-CIH ,A South end uning woman was nearly

overpowered the other o veiling bj a-

ciucstion fiom her piccoclous votingneplioM , says the Spilnylield , Mass. ,Eloinehtead. Ajoung man , lior cscoitfor the iiist time , with her , mid usthe pair approached lior homo they motthe aforesaid nephew , who addressed theyouny ladj as follows : "Oh , aunty hitsgot a fdloI; tiy , aunty , aio you ol-ntomany that nunyvplio oiifnnt terriblewas interviewed nhortlyliy his mother ,but the si-mdlnthcr wanted to give thechild nmed-



& DEAN ,


Provisions and Stocks ,


SOB South 13th Street , - Oinnlm-



, UOISSIiYAIN & CO,London , England.


Amsterdam , Holland.

unit ncll Amcrlrnn i'ciirltl on commluloni-iiul oil til ( 'onllnenlul nmrkuti

new loiinu uiitclulty.|


CorreipondenceioHclted. eoMfAN8l ET-



Dotrborn Street. CHICAGO ,:o B I * "" t

Omaha Manufacturers ,

I loots anil HtiocH.-



Wholesale IMinnfaclunrs ol Hoots Sliocs-

AcouUfurlloitonUtiMrr Shoo Co , 1IM 1104MullllMllnrncr Nii'oMluinliii Neb

BTOBZ ALager Beer Drivers ,

Hll Nulh 1Mb Street Omnlm , SVb.



COUNIC-Klaiiiifaclurcrs olGalunizcd Iron'CorniceV-

ltiilow mi" nml nirlnll" kyli lit < .Mm Vipiiotcr ,' ' lOtmiul Ilipiiiilh loih Mm I

Aitlsts1 Materials.'" A. HOSVi : , Jr. ,

Aitlsls1 Malcriiils , Pianos and Organs ,

IHt IXiiiKlmStrirt , Omnlm , Vb

Coal , Poke , 1U! .OMAHA. COAL.COKK AND MMK CO. ,

Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal.-


i: Cir lllthniulPoiiBln Street * . Oinnlin Neb ,


Shippers of Coal and Coke ,

114 South ISIIi Street , Onmhn Suit


Wholesale Cigars.407 N lGtli tro t "llellor'HW-

Or } GooilN iiiul Notions.-




Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods uul MiensCorner lltliniul lion aril Street *


mporttrs anil Joblicis in Dry Goods ,Qouts'L'urulalilntTooils Corner 11 III anil lliiino-y8lliit < , Oimlm.Noli.

* I'nrnltuiT.-DEW2Y


fc STONE ,

Wholesale Dealers In Furniture ,

larnnm Strict , Ouinlti NolTi ka.-



1'urnlluit ,

Oinnlm , .Scbrn kn.




, UKADY As CO ,Wholesale Grocers ,

1 til mid I.cnTcanortli Hrooti Omalii , NctrniM-



, Die-



. DOUOLAS fc CO. ,Dealers in Hardwood lumber ,

1310 N IGlli Sl.Oimhn.JOHN A.

Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc ,

Inportcl mil Amerlcin I'nrllmil I emeiit , Slatsuffeiitfur Mllvvnuki'o llilrniillu Cciuunt, autl-

Viilney niiltol.liiio-

CHAS. . H. LEE ,Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,

curpi'tinni ! iMrqnetilnoilnR I'll' )

btreut ) Oimhi , ?u bin ski-




Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,

Corner Cth anil DoiiRUm streets , Onnlm-



nml NotloiiH ,


Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,

209 210 niul212SoutlilItliitrcut

Notions :

J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. ,Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,

' 1121 Jhrnej itrctt. Onnlio.





Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,Axlojreajccto,0mnba, A Jt lllilinpMnnnior.,





Wholesale Paper Dealers.Carry niceilockof prlntliiK irrnpplnu MiJ-

pallor. . fjpuclul attention elvun to c.mt pupir.

, Illo.-



. L. DEANE fa CO. ,Gcncnl ABCHII fur

Halls'' Safes ,S71 .iml321 South ICIli St. Onmhi-

iTOJH , Itc.-


! .

. IIAIIDY te CO ,Jobbers of

Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,Hones Furnt lil icCoui1 , CMMrtMu Carrlnicai 120-

9Inriuiii stiet t , Omalin Nub

"Water Supplies.T-




Steam and Water Supplies ,Unllhtny rrlnil mills. 1113 nnllHOJonc * ht , Omaha.i-


( i. l Kuss , Actlni llnnnuur

Iron WorlCH ,


Wrought and Cast lion Building Vorft ,

KiiBlnc * . trasH work , pcnornl foundry mndilno unjllucl.iinltliwiirk Olllro aii'l' work ) , U. 1 .

Uy.aucl 17th slrcU , Umaliu


Hanl'rs' of Fire and Ilurglar Proof Safes ,

Vim Its , JiilUvrork , Iron xlinttorg nn l flro cienpci ,U Anclrcc'ii .piop'r Cor lull

, DoorH , 1'to.-



. A. DISI3ROW& CO ,Wliokiiilomiinuractunrs ot

Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.Branch cOlco.Uth nud Izord atrtotn , OmnliiNcb


Of South Omilia , Limite-




National Bank '

Capitol , - $'* OOOOO

Surplus , - 44,000O-

riocrfi nnrt nirootori K .M Morinmnn , O M.Illlrhiork Jiimiili ( Inriicfiii , .Ir , A. lli'nry K M ,Aiiilimon , William II M ul , vko-prinlilciiti I > M.WllllniiiH A. I' lliklns| iirnlilniit A MlllnrJ-cimlilcr ; J U , llrritnt an litiuitui Ul-


National BankU. 8. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA ,

Capital. - . . . $4OOOOOSurplus Jan. 1st , 1800 O7BOOO-

fllrpruml Dlrpctorn.-llonry Vf Vile * , rrpnlrtcnt ;I. ! I S ll u l Vli cvl'nmldiiit ; JiiiuoiW r ivuK . IV.V MorHi1 JulinH illln , U C Cmbliiu , J , N , U.1'ulrlckV II 8. lliiKUui , Cii ! iu-




Ulli anil Knrnain St .

A General Uuuklug llublutta Transacted. *