10 O lAtlA DAILY THUH8DAY , MARCH 10 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailv rtlci tcntH for HICKLnliitiiii i lie tuUvu until 1U in. for the nuil until N p. in. ( or ( lit Biornlnit nnil .Siinitny rtlltlmm.- ArtverllfiiTH . , lir rrqiicolltiK n num- bered ¬ clu-ck , cnn liute nimwer * ml- dremicd tu it nutiilicrril Seller lit can- of - The Her. Aim tree * BO nililrrmieil will be di-llrtred on iireaonlntlun of the check only- .llutcs . ) , 1 l-io a word Bml Inncrtlaiti- Jo n word tlicrcnftur. AotlilnK tnkrn far leu * tluin a.'o ( or Hie Hrt limvr * lion. Tlienc tulvertUemcats ) mu t be run coimrcutlvclr.- VA.TUUS1TUATIO.9. . . A CAPAIILi : AND EXPERIENCED Rt'HINESS ' woman delrc position ; cnn ilo typewriting , Iraokkceplnx and general olllce work ; best at references , can furnlsli bond. J 8, llee.- A . 7M-J * WANTED. ATO.N'CE. A POSITION AS HOUSE- kceper - In hotel or take entire charge uf room- ing ¬ buildings. Hnexfn matron In public Institutions. Host rcfeience given. Audnm'- Mrs. ' . It. II. Miller , 318 W. Mndlmm Hi. Uil- Logo. - . III. A.M7 1 11 * _ EXPERIENCED WIMSMAICER WANTS HEW- Ing - by day lit families. J 9. lice. A M7GO IS * U'A. > TiiMAI.I2 IIKLI * . CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS : NEW LINE of Bork : no heavy goods to carry : salary or- coinniUtljti. . C. P. Adams Co. , 124 So. ICth St- .BALKSMAN . Toll CIGARS , 11M A MONTH AND expcntes ; old llnni experience unnecesrarj : In- ducemenls to customer ! . C. C. Hilltop & Co. , fit. Ixiuls. llM- AokiT _ _ 4 ANt > IIIIANCH MANAOEItS : HALAIlY- anil commission. Hunter Tailoring & Hiilrt- Co , Cincinnati , O. _H MiaS-Aprll 1C * WKHTERN GRAMOPHONE CO. . OM'.NX'IL- IllurTu , In. , wants Nibriifka repro5i ntitlves.- reliable. . . energetic men. to make IM weekly.- No . peddling.Vrlto fUlck. | 11-M2CS M22- WANTED. . YOUNO MIN TO LEARN THE harlier trade ; only eight weeks required ; po- sitions ¬ guaranteed ; tools ilunuteil ; wanes Sat- unta - ) *; catalogue mailed free. Moler System Harber School" , C.ilcnBO or St. 1 . ' ? , . , , . . . WANTED. A niisf'ci.ASS COOK , ONI : WHO thorouRhly understands s.ioit order work , creams nml Icoi ; must be strictly sober. In- cluMt - lous and courteous. Tom I . It"0"1" *' . Oberlln. Kan. 11.2I 9 * _ DOCTOR , EXPERIENCED CASE TAKER. fir roail work. Kansas State Mcdlcnl Institute , * Kan-as City. Kan. IIM.41 14 _ WANTED. MACHO LANTERN AND STERE- opl'con - ' lecturer * nnd exhibitor * to know that Ibe OptlKr.iiih Movlnir Picture Machine Is the lieitl on the market nnd can be attached to- ny manic lantern or stcreoptlcon ; the greatest rntrrlnlnment feature over Introduced : price of nuchlne only 13' . ; lllms for animated rdc- lured JJ each and up : for full pirtlculars ad- drois - S nrs , Hofbuck & Co. , Chicago. 11- 1.YOl'NO . MAN AS Iint.I'RH WITH TIIAVIUl- iiK , - man , salary J10 a week ; must have- about J100 cash ; state BRe. J 7 , llee. H M733 10 * WANTED. AN" "i xi'KitinNcnD ' KI.OUIST who f peaks German. Apply at II. IIaa , 'S1- 3Vlnton St. 1JI.O- WANTED. - . THREE GOOD STOCK SADDLE mnkcrn ul once ; b st of wages Apply Uncle- Htaff - Dros. ' MfK. Co. , Lincoln , Neb II Miu 11 WANTT.D , HOVS AT- CO.'H MURPHY , WASHY A- RM732 chair factory- .s.ir..sMnN . 11 A - , Tcsiu : , riCAiis TO DIAI- n ? ; we .pay from JCH In ! SCh ( pei month salary nnd expenses ; experience unnecessary ; per- manent position. The le Mora ClKnr To. , Kprlnslleld. O. ll-MSli 10 * __ WANTID : TO snui. nv SAMPI.K- at holt sale nnd retail. Cloods fell on slBht. Hilary and commission. Address Centennial MfB Co. . 103 8th . . New York CUy. . MHN TO TACK UP AD- n.5 eliins ; JI2.0 wreMy ; steady work ; send lOo for postace , pamplcs , etc. Young Medicine CU , 2I'J N. Colorado St. , I'hlla. . 1' . , ANTnn. SAIJSMIN : vniYWiiinin , llrswn's tree paint keeps borers , rabbltx away.- II . n day ijure. ( llobo Chemical Co. , Il'oom- liiKlon ' - * ltM81. I'l 111. , _ ' ANTr.D , A rniNTin' : aivn and reference as to nharactcr.- dlanoli . Heporter , In- , Neb. 1 -M80010 * WANTHD , SAI.iSMtTN , " TnAVnMNO- nnd MKN- VANTIJD otlierd cnll nt room 14 , 1J22 , TKAVHMNO SALUH.MRN TO CAIt- on the grocery trndo In this nnd ndjolnlns counties ; one established trnde or a- iKiocery clerk iprefcrred ; must bond for tl OOi ) Address O 2, cnre Lord & Thomas , Chicago. 11-MS0212 * _ VVANTHD. TWO OKNKIIAI. DLACKSMITHS prefer slnRlB men , nl once. Address , with stamp , A. II. Gordon , Kearney , MnN NOW TUAVnLINO TO TAKH best sldo line ; sells to all harnessmakers on night ; bit ? money In It ; pocket samples. Call tanner of IlorrmnnSchan- wecker - on llaldwln , the Oak Ix-nther Co. nt Midland hotel Kr | . tt-MSO'i ' 13 * < |ay, Saturday. Sunday _ WANTED , COATMAKHR. MUSICIAN ; STKAD7- Job' play In bit? band tinder director : lend In- strument preferred. Lester L. Tllden , Managei Atlantic City band , Atlantic. Io J' J'MS07 ' , . WANTKD , A GOOD KIJUNITURE SALKSMAN must be practical cnvbalmer. Address J 16 , n Mi90 K * lie* . _ WANTKD FKJIAliE HELP. 100 CURLS POR ALL KINDS OP WORK i (3 TC 7 week. Canadian Otllce , 1322 Douglas.- WANTHD . , COMPKTKNT Qinni * WITH IlIJK- erences , for becond work. 1120 I'ark nve- .COMI'KTKNT . SKCOND OlRli WANTED. 51 ! So. 26th C T1- Saim. _ . roit GIINKUAL HOUSKWOIIK : I IH.- innnent petition. 2813 Domlaa St. C 748-10 * WANTKO. 'A FlllST CLASS TAIIXIliSS Al- once. . Mrs. II. C | Moses , No. 30J S. 17th St . C 734-8 * WANTHD , nXl'IIRIKNCHD SA'1 * ' for thti ribbon , notion. Jewelry nnd clonk de- partments nt lloslon Store. C M773 1- 1WANTIO. . aoon NMTKSK OIIIL room 41 , Douglas blk. , ICth nivl Io l< e- .C . M7S" 1- 1WANT13D. . COMPRTENT OIIU. TOR QKN eral hou e ork. ? * H St. Mary's Ae.C . 701 10- I ADinS AND OIIIUS TO IX ) Nir.DLKVOUK- at homo ; we pay by the piece ; tl to 7 poi neck eaiilly madoj experience unnecessary. I'nl block. C MS23 10 * rooms 53 nnd 33. Ilarker li-ou nnr.T HOUSES.- CHOICI . ! HOUHK8 & COTTAnUS ALL OVEI- city. . 3 to 173. Fidelity , lit lloor N. Y. Lif- e.iibusis. . : . , IIUOWN IILOCK.D and Douslns. 4M . M-CAQUI : , ISTH AND DODOK- IIOUSUS. . FLATS. OAIIV1N I1HOS. . 1CI3 K- J. . II. SHCRWOOD. 43 N. V.D 436 HOUSES IN ALL 1'ARTS OF TIIU CITY. T- O. . P. Company. 15U5 1arnnm. D43- iiot'sns. . nnNKWA & co. . los N. ISTH ST- D 45- Snorsus. . sTOiins. IIKMIS , TAXTO.ND 4M FOIl ItHNT , NINIM100M IIOl'SH ; CON- 'enlent. . modern , homelike ; b t reflilrncc ii- jtrlct : few minute * ' walk from poMoillce ; i > iri- If Jeslreil. Inquire COS N. Y, Life ImlMhic. I > 460 _ Knvl- lee , MONTHLY co HI Jg. nr.Trnnn MonnnN is-nooii , AI O snoovh- oiifp ; kc > s nt 5345 Cap Ave. Tel. 671. II. H- RoMson. . D M < H- VOVINO noi'sniioi.n nooos AND PIANOS Om. Van A Storage Co. . 1511 i Farnnrr , . Tel. 1MJ- D M5l- EX niTroNAL orrouTt'NiTY FOH nton party to open nn erclualve family hotel am- npartmcnt IIOIIJB for railroad am ] depot cm plo > es on Honth 10th street. Omaha , within tvti blocks of the new Burlington ami Union I'a cine depots ; new bullJInit contains (0 largi- roomi ; accommodations for hout 100 persons wilt leaf-e for term to responsible party who ha capital to furnish and cnn luct a fin tclat.- H 64. Dee. 1 > - ; 0- SM M.IJ iiorsES oi'TSini : . TO ti ; 9 room , C13 H. Uti ) , J33. CO I nee bulldlni- r.roii . IIF.NT , iisniAiiLi : COTTAQU o- B'lerman > , For rent. < nnd 7 room Hats for J15 to IU pe month- .Xrre . brick bulldlne for rent on favorsbl- terrrui durinr exposition : BO"1' ' locution for ho- tel or roomlnn houw. For parllcularn s II- C.. Petew & Co. , U. 6. Natlonsl Hank 1 ld r. 1 > Mali 1Z roit HIMTI''H.MSIIKI ' > HOOMS.- INTOUMAT10N . tnKAt' , 11- 19MoiHNBorTH : IIOOMS , 1:00 WIKK- up. : . 014 N. 19th , K M74' II * NICKLY Fl'IlNISIIiiJ IIOOMS. SM IKttlLAy. i : MI : ? i.r- J"NICK nooMB nofsiKiiriNO. : 1111 POI'TII- llth. . iM7Kt- ooxTiTroiTI7ioIIT iiousnKuuriNa : STIAM- heated. . Z2ja J'arnam L1 MT T It * unons AMI iioAiin. Tim MIMIHIAM , KlUST-CLAtia FAMILY HO- tel - , 2ith and Dodge St . F 453- i: t'AHIXJUS , Kti Hl'ITi : . S- roonn , good board. The llosv , 2020 Harney.- l . F--M973 ROOM AND UOAKU. 17M- Dodge. . T M2 Mil * HOTHU B. "n. COIl HJTl I AND lt ! .; steam heat room * fl.uO per neck and up. r Mra : JTOI'IA , 1721 DAVKNl'OnTj TIlANSICXTrt- nicommodated. . F C13 A4 * iiooMsvm noAiin. Mr.- Douglan. . . r M742 1- 0VILL : rriiNisur.n , ALL .MUDr.ttx II JST- Iiirt city ; wltli or without Iward 2:15 llnnnri' . F M73!) 1- 3t.Aiinn - ncxMi SL'ITAIILI : rou TWO. 022 H- .20th . t. F MfOO 13 * rent ; ) HOOMS.- C . I'NrURNIHHED PHAMIIERS POIl HOt'SE- kerplm - * . man nnd wife ; water In kitchen ; steel sink ; vvatto pipe. 319 N. 17th. G M74- 3KOH ui.vrsToiiKs A.M > OITICKS.- POR . RENT-IN THE 1JEE RUII.DING : Ono largo corner room , Zd floor , with vault and private office , water , etc. One targe front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc One large corner loom , ? d lloor , with vault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , 3d llsor. One corner room , with vault , 3d lloor. One largo room , 3d floor , vvlth partition dividing It Into one largo room and two binallcr private roams ; water , etc. Two largo ground floor rooms , fronting l"th St. , with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with aults.- AH . thise rooms are heated with steam , electric lights , supplied with flitt-clai's Jinltor service. Elevators run day and all night : building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent. Room 104 , lee building. I 193 FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND PLOOR office , Dec building ; water , Fteom heat , electric light and Jinltor rervlcc. Apply to Superin- tendent ¬ , Ree building. 1 117 FOR RENT-THE 4-STORY RRIC1C WILDING- nt 910 rnrnam St. This building has n fireproof cement basement ; water on all floors ; ga , etc. Apply at the office of The llee. 1 11- 0IN GOOD RETAIL LOCATION , $111 A MONTH. Apply J 3. lieo. 1 719 12 * lUSKNTS WAVI'MI ) . WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL MURAT HAL- stead's - Great Cuba ItooU ; all about Cuba , Spain nnd war ; great excitement ; > one bu > s It : ono agent sold 87 III one day ; an- other ¬ made 113 In cnc hour ; GOO pages ; magnltl- ccnt - Illustrations , photographs , etc. , low price ; we gimantcp the most liberal terms ; freight jMlil ; 20 da > V credit , outfit free ; send C 2-cent stamps to pay postage. The Illble House , 221 Dearborn street , Chicago. J M740 13 * WANTIM ) , AOHNTS , MALI : on everywhere to sell the Transmlssl'MppI I3xpo- sltlon - puzzle ; the greatest of nil puzzles ; amuses the old an well us young ; just out ; will sell tit sight , big money to agents ; yend- 25o for sample and particulars ( no stamp" .) Address Smith & lreyfoo , sole agents and patentees , box 623 , Fremont , Neb. J MtOS 13- 'WAvrnn To KENT.- WANTHD. . . TO HUNT. IIY AI'IUL 1 , 10 OH 12 room modern house , with barn. Inlclnltv of- Hanacom park preferred. 1312 S 27th street.- KM72G . 1- 4STOIIAGR. . PACIFIC STOIIAGH AND WAHEHOUSK CO. , 905-010 Jones ; general storage and forwarding.- M4B3 . OM. VAN &. BTOIIAC3C. 15UV4 FARN'M. THL U30 M461- WASTKD TO 11UY- .WANTUD. . . TO DL'Y GOOD WOUK HOUSE. 1N- qulre - 1107 JInrni-y. N-M777 12 * I WANT TO 11UY TEN TO niGHTY ACHUS just outside of the city limits of Omaha ; would like ground already set In fruit ; I want your very liest price nnd will pay all cash. Owners direct to J 13 , UP* . N 700 13- 'FOH SALK FUHMTUHU.- SECONDHAND . STEEL HOTEL. RANGES OF all kinds , cheap. 1207 Farnam. O M914 M12 AUCTION $3,000 WOKTH FURNITURE , CAR- petH - and bedding of unclaimed storage at- Ilushman'H Storage House , 10th and JOIIVB , Friday , March 11 , at 10 a. m. It will pay you to Investigate , as this stock must be all sold Friday. O M7SC 10 * FOH SALK IIOHSUSVAGOS , ETC. FARM HOUSES FOR SALE. APPLY PACIFIC Express Co. . Omaha. Neb. 1' MC01 11 FOIl SALE MISCISLLANKOUS. FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS , ETC. ; coarse for Ice , at J3.CO per cord. Tel , 438. 80- 1Douglas. . Q 4C- 5HOPSE CLIPPING MACHINES. KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes , on hand ; grind- Ing - razors , shears , clippers ; prompt service.- A. . . I* Undelard. Q M87- 8PURB PLYMOUTH ROCK KOGS FOR SET- ttngs - ; 60c ; roosters , 100. 932 North 26th.QDSS SEED 'SWEET POTATOES. Jl.SO PER URL , Theodore Williams , 07th and Military Ave. , Omaha , Neb. Q M.'SG May7 * NOAH PERRY. .TOURER AND WHOLESALE dealer In sewer pipe and stoneware , 44J- 7Dodgu street , Oraalia Neb. Telephone 80- 0.yM3 . 72 * TOR RAUK 1,000 DOORS & WINDOWS : ALSO lumber , cheap. J. Rucl , !2l C3th street , Chlcaxo- .QOW9 . * CHICKEN , HOG AND LAWN TENCHS ; ALL wire : Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harncv. FOR SALK-ONE OP THK REST DAIRIES IN- Ilin cltv. Genuine bargain. Inquire J , Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and I avcnworth. Q-MSM FOR SALK. ABOUT 40.000 2ND HAND ST. * Ijouis fire brick and 33,000 building brick , also boilers , engine and brick machinery. Win J , Welshans. City Hall. Phone 2C1. Q MS77 FOIl SALE-ONE OF THE REST DAIRIES IN the city. Genuine bargain. Inquire J. I. Kemp Feed Co. , 24th nnd Ix avenworth QM39- M HEAD LARGE P1RST CLASS rilESH COWS and springers at Jester's yard , 23th and Hurt Streets , Omaha. Q 722 9 * FOR SALE. SMALL GROCERY. J3 V) IN STOOK. doing a tine ca'h business ; best location tn- Omaha. . J 5. Itee. Q 723 13 * FOR SALE. NEW STERLING PIANO CHEAP. 817 So. 21th. QT31.10 FOR SALE. THE ELEGANT I1AR FIXTURES of Palmer house taloon. I *. C. Itrown. Grand Island. Neb. Q-M761 AS * FINE FAMILY HORSE. HARNESS AND TWO- seated surrey at a bargain. Address J 12. Itee.- Q . 7SS 13 * i , VMCOUS. PATENTED AND UNPATENTCD INVEN- tlons - bought anil Bold. C. A. Unas. Cnmnterctil- hldg. . . St. Louis. R-MC03 11 * CIvAIHVOYAXTS.- DR. . . A. WHEELED. PAI.MIST AND AST"P ( , oger , roiim . Crelghton b.'k. S-M19i M19 * MAONimG RUIIIIINGS & FORTUNE TELI , Ing clairvoyants , also mind reading. Mmv lx > ng. 19J3 Cumlng. 8 789 15 * MASS.VfiK , IIATIIS , HTC.- MME. . . SMITH , IIS N. 11TH BT. , STEAM A.NT alcohol baths. T M723 It * REE RUILDINO SANITARIUM ; SCIENTIFIC inuoagp , h movements , electric treat- ment und medical baths ; graduated maueusi for ladles. Dr. C. W. MalmcjuUt. Mgr. . roonn 100-110 Itff RullJlns. T MSS3 Ml * LAURA ELLISON. CROUNSR RLOCK. 119 N- Uth , room 13 , upstairs ; bath and massage.- T . M711 li- MRS. . DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE RAT7 parlors ; rettful and curative. 417 S. llth , up- t lr . T-MTU 13 * MME. AMES , MASSAQi : AND BATHS 1SI3- Vstreet. . T-M71S U * VIAVI Toil fTiiltNK : TIIOOHLEH Jl . < IIKK- i ph > lclan cunsulte'lon or health book free , UIM- CUANID. _ _ : . .i-nnssinj AND 111 % tmltnli day or rilftht ; dress sulli for hire- .rnntorliim . , fj JJ. Cgr. I4ti nnd rarnnm. Tel , W3. V 16- 7.ADinS . , It.U'K YOUU IIAIIl tmCPSED IJI- foru ROlriR downtown at tie hnlrdre'slnR parlor * of Mme. < ) i Payne , 13 1 L* enworth- St. . ; tel. 1S 3 ; nrllstlo minlcurlnir , superfluous hair and faelM l.l mlshe with elec- trlelty - ; strictly private , U M7S9M11 * _ Ttohsn * ri.ippiiD , SHOUT NOTini ; ONLY electric clippers In city , Tel. CO. McCorma" A- Ilatinley, 14lh & Hnnartl. U SW SCHOOL Or-l'INW AHTS , MI. S .1KNNII ! 1'axon , Collins Music Store , 24th nnd K , South Omtlm. - - U MS03 1- 0MOXKY TO 1.0HHAI , nsTATU.A- IONHY . TO I OAN AT JOIIATIIS. . THK- O , I * . IMvln Co. . Ii03 rnrnnm at. W 4M- JDAN ON 1MPIIOV1O : & t'NIMI'llOVlH ) CITY properl : ' . W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1520 Fnr'm.- W . ley- MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPJlOVr.D OMAHA leal estate. Co. , 219 H. 16th. W47Q- C',4 _ Pint CKNT MONIIY. 1IHMIS. 1'AXTON Hlk.- W . lit. Gin CINT MONUY ON Nnn. FAIIM A.- OMA- ha - property. W. I ). Mclklc , 1st Nafl Hank llldg.- W . M471 6 i'iit : CINT : CITY AND TAIIM LOANS- .Onrxln . llros , 1C13 rarnnm St. W M47- 2WANTIO , ciiotcn FAIIM AND CITY IXJANS , It. C. I'ctcrs & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Hank llldg. WU3- MONHY IX > AKID ON MPHOVKD IUAL nu ¬ tate In Omaha. Council lllutfsoutli OmiiM.- W. . . It. Thomas , M3 Hrst Nat'l Hank , Oniani- W 47j- J1W1.00000 SI'HCIAL TI'ND TO LOAN ON- 'firstclass lirprmed Omaha properly, or fur building purposes , ridellty Trust company W 177 ANTHONY & THtTST CO. , 3r. N. Y. L , ; quick maney nt low rates for choice farm land ? In Io a , northern Ml'sourl , eastern Nebraska- .W473 . rou SALI : . $ icco MOIITHAOI : . PUOPKIITY- xvortli 3.000 , rentln v Jo per month. 14 1 moitR.ige , property worth 1000. renting $ HO- Oper month $ : (K mortgaRe , property north $1,200 , rents $S 00 per month. George G. Wallace , 312 J. J. IJrown Illock- .W75G . 1- 2MO.nV TO I.OAX CIIATTKLS. $10 TO $10.0TO ON- HOl'SKHOLD FlMlNITt'HK AND PIANO3 , HOItSKS. WAGONS AND CAKIUAlinS , WAiiKiiotiSK iincini'Ts. irrc. , at Io est rates In- Omaha. . South Omaha and Council UlufN.- No . of pn' ls ; strictly conflit ntlnl'ou can pay the loan off ut any time or In any amounts. OMAHA MOIlTGAOi : CO . 3J South l th H- tTlin OLDEST. LAnOI'.ST AND ONLY INCOll- 1'OHATED - IXAN COMPANY IN OMAHA.X473 TO GCT IN OH OUT OP IK'SINKSS GO TO J- J. . Gibson , S14 First Nnfl Hank. Y 471 ! LIVE STOCIC COMMISSION FUui ] SoiJTII Omaha , wants man with large capital for part , ncr ; business thoroughly established , lefer- ences - first-class , llox 413 , Omaha. Y M3U .1 I. WATT , IltllLDUIt AND GUNlTllAL ..1OI- 1blng. . 2415 Ilmmet street. Y M"i7 A2 * " " t'LEAN , CASH OIIOCKIIY , OMAHA , STOCK nnd nxtures of $ . ' .5X nnd lease noith IW) , for ll.BOO cash , or $1,2V ) cash and $; M clear real estate ; n good business ; must be sold Apply to J 2. ll ° e. Y-71S 10- EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY POIl HIOHT party to ojien an exclusive family hotel and apaitment home for railroad nnd depot em- plojcs - on South 10th street , Omaha , ultilntuo blocks of the new Ilurllngton nnd Union Pa- clfta - depots : new building contains M large rooms ; ncoommodatlgns for about 100 persons : will lease for term to responsible party who Ins capital to furnish and conduct a llrstclassp- lace. . H 54 , Iiec. - Y 670 TUB HEST HOTEL FOR MAKING MONEY during the exposition ; new fornlture ; full now. Apply , with tpot cash , to C. II. Smith , The Saiatoga. 24th nnd Ames. Y M7S7 13 PRINTING CO. DOINO EXTENSIVE 111T- SInr.ss - wants partner with business ability i il 3.000 cash. J. 3. Gibson , C14 Flret Nat. Ilink- njd . Y M763 It- rmsTCLA. _ . s nnicic MANUFACTUIUNO plant for one-half actual value. Address Com- mercial ¬ National Hank , Fremont , Neb Y-M7S3 2 HAVE YOU SOMR MONEY ? CO YOU WANT to make a quick fortune ? Cash manufacturing bUFlne? . Address J II , Itee. Y 793 10 * 1.000 ; I WANT A MAN WITH MONEY AND u desire to earn' more ; thoroushly lojltlmito manufacturing business with 10) per cent profit. Address J ,13 , llee. i r Y 704 10 * $ UO INVESTED HNAIILES YOU TO JOIN EN- tcrprlsc - now jleldlner 13per cent monthly.- No . stock or Klondike rcheme. Safe, practical success. David Sloane , 110 St. Paul St. , Ualtl- more , Md. Y M811 10 * $100 SUItELY AND.LEGITIMATELY MAKES one thousand with one month's work. Will gladly explain. Howe !! , Henderson House.- Y . M822 10 * GOOD OIL HOIITH FOR SALE ; GOOD iflTAl eon for Felling. Address J 6, llee. Y M810 14 * von Kxcii.vxrir ; . 2 LOTS AND 3 SMA1.L HOUSES. OMAHA , rental , $12 per month , for residence property In good country town. Good farm. N. H. Nebraska , for hardware.- W . ) ncres. line Harm , 9 mile * N. W. Omaha , for 240 to 320 acres In eastern Nebraska or west- ern ¬ Iowa- .Gaorge . G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Drown Illock- .Z793 . 12- WANTCD. . A GOOD CLEAN STOCK MDSE , 4.000 to $7,000 , for clear Inside choice lots on- 23d St. , Soutli Omaha. Address J IS. Dec.- X . M821 10 * FOR S.VLE HIXVL ESTATE.- KHONTZE . PLACE UAIKJAINS , 2500. 3.730 TO 8500. J. J. Gibson. 014 First Nat. IJank llldg.- HE . - 48- 0HOUSES. . LOTS. FARMS , LANDS , I-OANS , also lire Insurance , Ilemls , Paxton blk.RE 4S- 27R. . MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONT , choice location. 362 N. 40th ; cheap : easy lermo- .RE . SOOM1- 11OLI.OWINO DESIRABLE PROPERTY : IIUSI- nesa - lot corner. COxlSO ft ,, In So. Omaha , puvd , Business lot. COxlM feet. Improved , Soutli Omaha , street Tract ( (24 lots ) , 36th St. Tract ( (2 > lots ) 30th St. For particulars apply 101J Farnam St. RE5C4- NEW. . MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot. $SOO cash , balance to suit. Address G r . Bee. RE Ml"3- FOR. . SALn. LARGE LOT. 60x138. WITH TWO cottages , near 12th nnd Center Sts , will go cheap If sold this week. F. D. Wead. ICth nn1- DoiiRlai. . RE 5R2 1- 2SNAPS43XCC FEET ON ISTH NEAR DODol ? street , suitable for 2 brick houses , price 2.700 ; Mxl12 feM with brick house. N. K corner toth and Cumlmr afreets , price $ G0tf. J. N- .Frenzer . , opp. obi P. O , RE M354 FINE IRRIGATED WITH WATER right on 10 yenrs' time nt 6 per cent : a chance of a lifetime ; write for book describing land : In connection with this we do a general real estate and loan bus , Wyoming Development Co. , 16H Capitol Ave. . Omaha. L. I * Johnson , agent. RE Mill M2 ( * FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE : LOT 50x169 ; HIG- birn ; laree cellar : all In best condition ; shade trees ; splendid water : near school ; 4 blocks from street car ; unlncumbered ; price $ "iOO' easy terms ; must sell ; o ner going on farm ' Inau're ' 4S17 Poppleton avenue. RE M73MO * UNENCI'MIIEUEO MODERN OMAHA RESI- ilence - for sale or trade for Iowa farm. Address H 31. llee. KE 732-A1 * REST rill'IT FARM IN ALL IOWA , 81 3 mllen Co. Illurrx , $ 'i,30 ). Improvements cot prlco askeil. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nut. Ilk. llldg. RE-M7iil IS MAKE ME AN O1TKII ON TWO IN Walnut Hill addition , Oscar Oroxhell. Salt lJ ke. Utah. ' RE-M7CS II * B ACRES ON NORTH OMIIA HOI'LEVARD , ** V . J , J. Gibson. 514 First National Ilsnk HldB. RE-SI702 IS- RUILDINO TOR 8AIIJ. I1IDS WILL lit * . UK- ceUeil - by the undersigned until noon of M'iroli 1 * . for the purchase of the tistory store nnd flat building. No. 813 South 17th street. Ilulld.- Ing . to be remmni , Tenns cash , Tti right la- rc < ned In relcrt anv or nil bills , JOHN W. ROIIIIINS. 1S03 Furnam Street. iiB-irns u- IR RENT. GOOD UVND FOR OAHDRNINn Inside the city. K. S. Cochran. lie : Farnam coal oftlce RE M781 10 * 1XVTS NEAR 2STH AND DODGE AND DOL'O. He.,0000 ?n 157 near S7fi and Patrick. $ >'0 00- .Fln. . . > lots nexr ! $ lh and Ames. j.i. ) M Four acres In Florence , chenn. flS CO Rental property , netting 8 to 10 per cent , $1,0030- n > acre * . lu t outflde oily. JS.OOil.OO.- G. . . G, Wallace , 31 ! J. J. Ilrovtn ItlivkR 1C 797 1- 1IXR SALE OR TltADB. DESWAULB MOD- ern cott8 * In RIK > ! location , Adi'rem Hi > x 15 Council U luff a, lows , RK-MSi 11 , : . 80MB CHOICE INSIDI ! < M.KAR I > 3T ON- 23rd near ( I , , Soutli Omaha , cl n snip ! part cash , balance to suit : owner luu't 1mse money. Address J It. lite. RE-M J 10 * $ i.ro PIRST MpitTtucin POR $200 roii SALE , secured upon lipprmmti Ini'lneit property on- llamcom P-iiV cutline. . A Imrgiln , 7-room hour* . Jo-foot lot , H block from car line, only JSO- O.10room . hou-e i for Talc , fronting on Han CMii Park , full slaeJ lot ; modern conveniences. R.- C. . . Pettrr ) & Co , C. S. National Rink Rid * RB-M8I8 It NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND LEA- venvvort'i - , WilJ. . two-story brick building : coed location for wholesale ; trick to rear of- lot. . Inquire of owner , on premlfoj- .REM819 . 10 * AXIJ TVi'nwiiiTiii ! . A. P. VAN BANTS SCHOOL OP SHORTHAND nnd TM ewrltlnK , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol- lowing ¬ nilumlnge : ImlUhliml Instructions by experienced teachers nnd klllful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch sjstem of tjpenrltI- ng - If preferred : partlclpitlnn In actual work , for which students recelxe pay ; monthly iwiy- .ments. . . 743- AT OMAHA IH'M.COLLKGE , 1GTH . DOrOIS ID1 OMAHA SHORTHAND COLLKOF. . IIOYD'S- theater. . MJOO M2I * SHOUT-HANI ) . ri'-TO-DATE , TAUGHT 1I- Yourt reporters. llo > les' Schcol , 4CJ--7 , 1l o- IlldJ 4S- IUD1ESI - CIIICHiSTER'S ENGLIrill PENNY- rojnl - Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best Sifo , rellnhle. Take no other. Send 4c ftnmps fir particulars , "Relief for I.mlles. " In letter by return mill. At druggists r il hcM r Chemical Co. , Phtl.idclphla , Pa. Mintlnn llee- MSI2 10 * rxuns KOH FARM FOR RF.NT ONE MILE SOt'TH OK- Armour's picking house , 73 acres In cultivat- ion. ¬ . 0 acres In pasture. E. L. Martin , Sti , Omaha. -M OI 1- 2AI'CTIOV. . SALE OP CONSIGNMENT IIOl'SEHOLD goods Thursday 10 a m and 2 p m 71012- N. . ICth St. Nebraska Furniture CoM733 AS- K1XAXCI.VI. .. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES POt'DHT TOR- cash. . Richard Herzfeld. 171 I.aSallc St. . v'lil- cairo 501 F2.S * MONEY IjOANF.DON LIFE INSl'RAN'CF. POL- leles - or bounht. L P. Van Norman , Minne- apolis ¬ Minn. -M777M"1' !!* POR $1 YOU PAN GP.T YOt'R WHEEL CLEAN- cd - nnd adjusted Om Itlcjclc Co's. Phcne Kfi3.- MS . AI- I > ACICID.- M . S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331 4S5- X KUONTAISKS KOIl HHXT.- OROI'ND . LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION Itemls. Paxltm llk. 4SO MUSIC , PnTKUSEN'SiM"3IC SCHOOL ; PIANO , VIO- Ilii - , mandolin , Rultur , zlt.n-r ; German method 511 Sheely block : terms reasonable , 336 Apl * w vyi'ich TO nouiiow.5- 0i . ) TO l.fOO DOLLARS. INSIDE IMPROVED property ; wljl pay 7 per cent , 3 to 5 years. Address J Iff. Ue . M736 13 * , Kou.xn. TAKEN UP. ( iNE STEER. MARCH G. WEIGHT about 1.2110 pounds. Call at Roberts , Purln- ton & Roberts' Exchange , South Omaha , nnd Identify mine nnd pay charges. , ) Found-700 9 * STKMHJUAPII.pHS.- WE . SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type- writer - Co. Telephone. 12S4. 49- 0KHi > oi- CITY EMPLOYMENT KUREAU. 1417 FARNAM- street. . Rooms 2 and 3. , Tel. 144. 4U- 2TTEVITEHS. . TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4 00 PER MONTH. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Fnr- nam - St. : telephone , } 2S4. 49- 1nilESSMAKI.XG. . DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 2301 DAVENPORT -277 M22 * HOTKLS VOn REXT.- DUILDING. . . SUITABLE FOR HOTEL ; 30 rooms and large stare room ; central location.- Itemls. . . P xton Hlk. 16- 0nnicic. . LOUISVILLE BRICK CO. . ll'D TRADE ; tel. 192. 340 M23 * I AWiXimOKEHS.I- I. . . MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. iTs N. 16TH - 18- 6GOVEUX'MEXT XOTICE. ' e PROPOSALS FOR BULLS U. S. INDIAN Service , Pine Rldgo Agency. Pine Ridge. S. D. , February 11 , 1SSS. Sealed pro- posals ¬ , Indorsed "Proposnls for Bulls"- nnd addressed to the undersigned at Pine Ridge. Shannon county , S D. . will be re- ceived ¬ at this ngonoy until 1 o'clock p. m- .of . Saturday , March 12th. 1893. for furnishing and delivering at this agency not later than May 1, 1S8S , one hundred OOO ) bulls , full blood.i. eligible to registry ; Polled Angus or Hereford preferred ; not less than two nor more than four years old ; free from b'.om- jrhes - straight and smooth : to weigh not less than 1.000 pounds each and to-average not less than 1,100 pounds. Bidders will state clearly In their blda the proposed prlco of each animal. All animals offered for delivery under uny contract will be sub- ject ¬ to a rigid Inspection. The right Is re- bcrved - to reject any and all bids , or any part of any bid , If doomed for the best In- terests ¬ of the government. Ortinrd Checks Each bid must be accompanied by a certi- fied ¬ check or draft upon some Untied States depository or solvent national bank in the vicinity of the resldonco of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least five per cent of the amount of the. proposal , which check- er draft in 111 bo foi felted to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiv- ing ¬ an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and sulflclent sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. BIdi accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified chuck will not bo considered. For any ad- ditional ¬ Information apply to Major W. II- .CJapp . , Acting U , S. Indian Agent. NOTICE TO COXTHACTOHS- .NOTICn . "TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids for the construction of Oie Apiary building on the exposition grounds will be received until 11 oclock. a. in. Satur- day. . March 13. 1S9S. Plans and Hprcltlcntlons can bo teen nt the Department olllce , corner 15th and Spen- cer streets. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. , F. 1' . KIRKKNDAI.U- Mgr. . Grounds and Ilulldlng Dept- .Transmlssisslnpl . and International Kxpasl- tlon. - . POSTUKPICE XOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Marc ! 12. 1S3S, will close ( PROMITLV In al cases ) at the general post otilce as fol- lown : PARQKLS POST MAILS close om hour earlier than ciusir ; tlmo uhowi- below. . TrniiH-.ltluiitlu MulU. SATURDAY At & a. m. for HUROPE. pe- s. . n. Lucanla * . vl.i Queonstoun ; at 8 a. n for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. H. OL dam , vlt Rotterdam ( letters must be dl- reoted " 'per Obdum" ) ; at S u. m. for GK- NOA , per s. s. Werm ( letters must bo dl reeled "per Werra" ) ; at 10 a. m. fo SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Ethiopia , vl Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "pe- Ethiopia" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETt'-Gernnn steamei sailing on Tuesdays take Prlr.teJ Matter etc for Germany , and Specially Aiiureisfil 1'rinte Matter , etc . for other parts of Kim.pe. Amr lean ami While Star steamers on Weilnemia ) i German bleumers on rhurJa > s. anil Cimard Freud , atu' Gentian iteimtrs ua Saturdays uk (Contlnu d) Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries tor which they are J mt cd to cany mail. After the Mo lnir. 01' the HiipDler.ionlary Tr.m- Atlantic Mails immed above , additional lUipU- mcnttiry - rnmii arc- open .l on th * piers of the American , E.iRllih , French and German strain- ers ¬ , nnJ remain open until within 'feu Minutes of tlu' hour of tailing ot steamer. Mill In for South unit CYntrnl Antcrlcn , Wont InillcN , Ktf. THURSDAY At W n. m. ( Mrpplomentnry 11 n. m. ) for CK 'THAL AMKUICA ( except Costa UlciO nnil SOl'TIl 1'AC'IKIC POUTS , | cr R. . Alllllic.1 , vl.t Colon ( let- ters ¬ for Gtmtema'a must be illrectcil "per- Alllanc.i" ); nt U n. m. for IMUXJH1WO , ijier K. .s. .MoxliKj ( lptter for other parts of Mexico immt he illrccteil "per Mexico" ) ; nt 1 p. m. ( aupplcnientarv 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU. N. 1' ., nml SANTIAGO 13C CUBA , per s. s. Nlng.ir- n.I'llIIJAVAt . P. tn. for NASSAU. N. P. . per f. s> . Mlnini , from LMIaml , Klu- .SATUHDAY . At S n. m. for IIKIIMUDA. per . s. Trlnlilml ! nt 10 . m. ( sniu.il- ementnry - 10:3) : a. in. ) for KOUTt'Ni : ISI.AXl ), JAMAICA. 8AVANIM.A und- GlinVTOWN. . petv. . s. Aillroiulnck ( let- ters ¬ for Costa Kirn must he dlreetoil "ptr- Aillruml.K'k" ) ; nt 10 a. in. (< upplonu'ntitry 10 : 0 it. m. ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MAK- THA - , roer . . Hnlatcln ; at 100 : a. in. for CAMI'ECHK. CHIAPAS. TAHASCO anil YUCATAN , per . . City of Washlnijton ( letters for other p'irta of Mexico anil for Culia ntifft he dlrcctcil "per fltv ( if- Washington" ); at 120 : n. m. ( itipittoment- nry - 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST- .CHOIX . nml VINOVAItnI- SLANUS , per s. s. I'tetorla ( letters for Grun.i1 , Trlnld.nl nil Tixuo must ho- illrci'teil "pr Pretoil.t" ) ; at s.io : p. m. for > , per tteamer from North Sydney. SUNDAY At ** T p. in. for NASSAU. N. J' . , per s. s. Miami , from Ml tin ! . Fl.i. for Newfoundnnd. ' l.y rail to HnlK.ir anl thence by steamer. rlr p t tils i! lie' hiilv nt- S'30 n m. Malls foi Miqiiclcn ny lall tn Ii - ton end the ue by i-toatnrr , clo e ut thlt oillte dilly PI t0 : P in Mnlle for C'uin f lo p nt- thl ntllce dally nt 7l : 11 m for forvvnrtlttiK- by steamers allSMs ( Moimr.rnmt Thill-days ) from Port Tampa , Kin. MnIM for Mexico City- .ovcrtnnd . , unions pedallv ad tre ed for dl | Mtch- by steamer. iloc at this olllce dally at 2:30- n. : . m. nnd 2:20 p. m. "lliglsteria mall closes at 0-00 p. m. previous da- y.TriuiNPnclilc . Mull *. MnlN for China. .lap in .mil Hawaii , per . s. Doric ( trom San Krincl co ), clo e here Oally tif to M.irch ( i at 0:30 : p. m. Mills for Hawaii , per P. s. Xe.ilandla ( from Sin Francisco ) , close hortx dally up to March C- nt GP.9 p. m. Mill s for China and Japan , per s. s. Tacom i ( frsm Tncoma ) . close hero dally up to March **C at d"Q : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for Australia ) , iivhlcli are forvv irdoil via Ku- tope , Now Xeal.ind , Hawaii , FIJI and S.i- mo - tn Islands , per a. s. Mourn ifrom Sin Francisco ) , close here dally up to March IS at 7 n. in. . 11 a. m. and f :'M p. m. ( or- en arrival at N .v York of s. s. Camp.inla with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for C'hln.i and Japan ( specially addtessed only ) per s. s. ISmpress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to March " 21 at 5:20 : p. in. Malls for the Society Itlands , per ship Tropic Hlnl ( from San Francisco ) , c'ose here , dally up to March 2.1 at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia (ex- cept ¬ West Australia ) , New Zealand. Ha- waii ¬ and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Mlovver.i ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after March "IS nnd up to March 31 at C:30- p. : . m , rails-Pacific malli nrn forvv arded to port of sail- ing ¬ dally and (! ? schedule of closlnR Is nr- ransci' - on the presumption of their uninter- rupted ¬ ovoriiind transit. "Registered mall clo ° es nt n p m, previous day- .CORNELIUS . VAN COTT. Postmaster.- Postolllce . , New York , N. Y. . March 4 , 1SO- S.IIAILKOAUS. . . CHICAGO & NORTHWEST- ern - Railway City Ticket Of- tlce ¬ , 1401 Parnam Street. Tele- phone - Ml. Depot , Tenth nnd- Mison Streets. Telephone 1S.- Leav . e. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- cial ¬ 7:00 : am- Iissourl 11:33 : pm Valley , Slonx City , St. Paul and Minneapolis 5:40 : amI- lH 10:43 : pm (( url Valley , Sioux City 7:40 : am- Dennlion 9:03 : pm , Carroll , Wall Lake , frnm Ilroadvvay , Council Rluffs 9:00 : am- Ja 8:43 : am tern ( Express, DCS- Molnes. . Marxhnjltovrn. Cellar Rapids, Chicago- .Vtlantlc . 10:30 : am 4:33 : pm Fljcr , Chicago and East' .. .. ' 4:43 : pm 4:33 : pm 'nst Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Ilsfourt Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Minne- apolis ¬ Limited 4:3" : pm- mahaChlcago 8:50 : nm Special. , 6:4"i : pm- Dally. 8:30 : am . Dally except Sunday. | CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNE- apolls - & Omaha Railway- General Ofllces , Nebraska Di- vision ¬ , Fifteenth and Webster Streets , city Ticket Oltlce , - , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 61. Depot. Fifteenth and Web ter Streets. Tele- hone 113S. Leave. Arrive.- loux . City Accommoda. . 8:50 : am " 8:20 : pm- loux City Accommoda. . 9DO : am * 8:20 : pin Hair , Emerson. .Sioux- City. . Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Uloomtleld. .. . 1:00 : pm 11:33 : am Sioux City , Mankato , St. Paul , Minneapolis .... " * 5:33 : pm 8:21 : am- Jmerson Passenger 5:10 : pm " 8:43 : am- Dally. . Dally except Sunday. * Sunday nly. This train stops at stations Florence o South Rlatr , Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week ays. South lilalr only.- FREMONT. . . HLKHORN AND Missouri Valley Railway Ocn- .eral . Offices , United States Na- tional ¬ Rank Rulldlng. South- west ¬ Corner Twelfth nnd Kar- nam - Streets. Ticket Olllce , 401 Farnam Street. Telephone 361 , Depot , Klf- eenlh - and Webster Streets. Telephone 143S. Leave , Arrive. Hack , Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs 1:00 : pm- Vyomlnsr 3:00 : pm , Caspar ami Douglas 3CO : pm- lattlngs. 5:00 : pm . York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Sevvard. ... 3:00 : pm- orfolk. " 5:00 : pm . West Point and Kremont * 7:30 : am ' 10:23 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont ** 7'iO ; am- "remont " 1023 nm Local 7:50 : am- Dally. . Dally except Sunday, * Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. Dally xccpt Monday. sioux cmr & PACIFIC RAIL- road - General Olllces. United States National Hank ItulldI- ntf. - . S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , * T rTs= r M ° l F"n am Street. Telephone 61. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 4M- Leave. . Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato , St. Paul , Mlnnapolls. 0:5' : pm 8:20 : am- WARA8H RAILROAD TICKET oltlce , 141 * . Furnam Street. Tele- phone ¬ 323. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets , Tclepone 128- .St. . Leave. Arrive. . "Cannon Ball" Express 4:30 : pm 11:30 : am Dally. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI Illvcr Ilallroart "The nurllni ; . Burlington ten Homo" General Otllces , N.- W. . . Corner Tenth tnd Furnam- Streets. . Ticket Oince. 130- 3Farnam Route Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth anJ Meson Bt reels. Telephone 128- .Leave. . . Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:13 : am 3:33 : atr Lincoln , Denver , Cole ¬ rado. Utah , California- .Illack . III11 >. Montana anl I'uget Sound 4:35 : pm 4:05 : ptr Lincoln Local 7:0pm ) ** 7:40 pir Lincoln Fatt Mall 2:53 : pm 11:40 : an Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and 1'uget Sound * llV : pm * 11M : prr Sound * ll:5Jpm- Pally. : . Dally except Sunday. CHK'AGO. HURLINGTON t- Qaincy Railroad "The Durl- IMIton Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce- Jlrt Farnam Street. TelephoinV- OC' Route . Depo * . 'lentil and Mnsoi- biicets. . Telephone 12S. ,_ _ _____ I eave. Arrive 'hlcago V tlbulecl Ex. . 5:03 : pra- Chlcpgo 7:35 : an Express 9:4 * am 4:15 pn Chicago & St. Louis Ex 7:43 : pm- Paclllc 7:03 : mi Junction I cnt. . " 11:50 : am 6:40 : pi Fast Hall , 2:50 : pr Chicago Special " 12:05 : am- Daily. 11:50 : pn . Dally except Sunday , KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPI & Council Illuffs Railroad- "The - Burlington llu'Ilnuton Route"- Ticket Olllce. 1W2 Farnai- Street. Route . Telephone 230. Depoi Tenth ami Mason Street Telephone 123- .Leave. . . Arrlv Kansas City Day Ex. .. 9.03 am CMC pr- Krnsan City Nlcht Ex. . 'JOiOil pm C:30 ui- i Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROA- Omalia , Ksnsas city & Eai- rn Railroad "The Port Art.il- Route" Ticket Office. 1415 Farnai- Street. . Telephone , S2. Depo Tenth and Mason Streets. Teh- phunu 12& . Ltave. Arrlvi- St. . I <ouls Cannon Rail Express , 4:13 : pm ' 11:30 : ai- Qulniy Unrest 8:1' : ' ) am 9.30 pi- I Dally. It VIMIOAUH.- COntliUIOif . ( ) MISSOURI PAC1P10 ItAII.ItOVU- UenTil Olllccs nnd Ticket Odlce. Merchants National Htnk- HulldltK , 121 Parnam Stixt. TIM ! ' IIO. 101. Drfiut , rUlKiith- nnd Webster Streets. Telephone 1158- - Atnvo- .Knn.aY'and . Nebr k- Llmlejd " 1:0j : " " lIM : > ' 'n- Kl ! iu r lS. " ? .. : * 'tM rm CM nm- N " " :13 am- Dolly. bra kV Local 4:30pm : . " Dally txcept Sunday.- CHIOAUO. . . ROCIC ISLAND A- Pnclllo IlBllnuil-'Trio Orent Rock Island Ro'ite" ' City flcKot Olllce. nn rarnam- Stnel. . Telephone 4H. Depot , Tenth nnd Masuii Streets.- T . < 1'phone US. Leave. Arrlv * . Chicago" and St. Paul Vestlbuled Evmo.s .. , <: -9 pm 1.45 pin Lincoln , Colorado Sp F , Piiueblo , Denver nd . j. .. pm . 4.3 pln- C iSE * Y.fcpm ! . , Atlaiitlo Express , for SS ? 8ir. ? 1'a ! f"1" " TIM ' w nrtlJVllI .1 .. "" . ' .1 " 143 Ptn . " Dally Oally cxccut Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Hallway City llcket Olllceyi Farnnm Street- .Tcleplune . 21. Depot , Tmth- nnd Mason Streets. Tele- phone ¬ 123. , Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. .. . 3. 3 pm - S:0i : nm- Oinnha and C'lleaBO Ex * 11C1 : ; am 1:50 : pm- Dnllr. . UNION OVER- Kind Routu" llenctal Olllces , N.- E. . . Corner Ninth nnd Farnam- strwtt. . City llcket OMlce , noz- Piinihm Street. Telephone 316- .l'i . ' | ) t , Tenth and Mason Stlvets.- J . Stephen. ) 123. I.oave. Artlvo.- "Th . Overland Limited" for Denver , halt Uiki' , western points * 8sO : am 4:13 : pm- T.i.1 Coloindu .special , for Denver and nil Colnri'do points ... . 'Itiajprn 7'00 am Fast mall train for .Suit LU.e , Paclllc coast nnd nil western points * 4:3Spm : " ,50am Lincoln , P.eatilce and StrMiislmnipress : . . 3:00 : pm 12M : pin Freimiiit , Columbu- Norfolk. - , . Grand Is- land ¬ nnd Kearney. . 4:11 : ptvi Grand IsHnd Express. . * * V.OO pin * 120 : pin Dally. " Dally evcept Sundar , Council Rluffs laical Leaves. : a. m. ; 6:50- n. : . m. : 7:40 : n m . t .40 a. in. ; 10CO : n. m. ; 2:13- p. : . m.j 4:33 : p. in , 3 53 | . m S:20 : p. m. ; l'03- p. ' ); . m. Arilvp" , dy : a , in. : 7:20 : a. m. : 8:35 : a. m. ; 11:20 : a. in. . 3:10 : p. m. ; S:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 10:43 : p. m- .luteri'HtliiK . llliiNtriillon of the Tenil- fiiijuf ( he TltucH.- A . dispatch from Muiclc , Inil. , says that a glass firm there has received an order for COO glass fence peats , to ho of the usual elze , and grooved for the tccoptlcn of wire.- U . Is added : "Tho order has caused nome Hpeculittlon and Is probably an IntroJuctlon- of an Important article hi trade. " It Is an Interesting Illustration ot the tcnddicj of modern science aiul Inventive genius to dis- cover ¬ now uses for old materials , comments the Indianapolis .Journal , One day It Is the. conversion of the pith of the cornstalk Into a valuable * article of commerce , anl the next the application of glo s to a practical pur- pose ¬ hitherto unthoiiRht of. Wo have had the age of Iron mid of brass , the golden age , and almost too much of silver.Vho known but the twentieth century may he the age of glass ? It has not been very long since the metals or hard vvoo3s were regarded as the only fit matcvlals Tor use where strength and durability were required. Now paper Is con- verted ¬ Into materials for housebuilding , furniture , railway car wheels , boats and utcnalls of various kinds. Glass Is used for even more purposes , and its Increasing cheapness and Improved methods of working are likely to brtag It Into fltlll wider use.- No . other material Invented by man can be compared with It lei the service It has renderu. , both In common llfo and In chemistry , astron- omy ¬ and other Bclc'iceo. Pure beyond tUo possibility of contamination , Indestructible by any chemical agency , the right hand of- sclencs , tho. foundation of the telcOcopo nnd microscope , the material for thousands of utensils and ornaments , and now to be util- ized ¬ for fence posts , It comes as near being the keystone of civilization as anything that can be named. H Is a long reach from oiled paper windows to the myriad uses to which glass Is put today. Aft late as the sixteenth century In England only the dwellings of the wealthy had glass windows. It la reasonably certain that Shakespeare , jho was born In 1564 , Prat saw the light through lattlcu windows or oiled poper , and he was probably a grown man before he looked through a glass window. It was first manufactured In London eeven yeara befcce bo waa born , an3- oould hardly have como Into general use for a score of years or more. Shakespeare makes many references to glass and glasses In hU plays , but It Is alwajs to a mirror , a glafs that reflects , or to ddnklng glaeiui , which were common In England before window glass was. He also makes numerous refer- ences ¬ to windows , but they are the eyes , the windows of the soul , or i > pen latticed spaces In the wall of a house. The dlvlno William knew a great deal about wine glasses and ale glasses , but very little about glass in any other form. If ho shaved himself lie probably used a piece of polished metal na- a mirror , and the Chances arc he never looked In a glass mirror until he went to- London. . Shakespeare knew pretty much everything that was knowable cr tulnkable- in hla time , but he never dreamed ol glai s fence posts. UlN OHii Vnr.lN- ."While . I was at Moscow , " writes a trav- ller - In the Detroit Free Press , "a volume. waa published In favor ot tlio liberty of ttie- proplo lit till !) book the Iniquitous conduct of the public futicllon.irlrrt nnd even ot the kovcri'lRii were coitMired severely. The book created siral Indignation , ami the offender at onro taken Into ciutody , After be- Inp - tried In a summary way , ho WAS cou- ilcmnrd - to cat hlo own wonls. A pcaftolil wni elected lit a public RQiinre , the Imperial pro- vost ¬ , the inaglritratrs and the physicians ot the czar attending ; tlio book wu neparatcil front ( ho binding , and the margin cut off. The author was then served , lent by Iwf , by the provost , and was obliged to aw Allow this unpalatable stun : on pain of the knout , inoio feared In UusMa than death. As BOO- Has the medical gentlemen wcro of the opin- ion ¬ that ho had eaten as much as he could with safety , the transgressor was returned to prison , Thin punishment wan renewed the following days until , after several hearty meals , in cry leaf of the book was actually swallowed. " MATTilii or IIAI..I.NCI : . From 1lckMeUp. "Fell of your blko ! How did It hap- pen ¬ 7"- "I wrus fool enough to travel with a half crown In ono pocket and a llorln In the other. " L. - r - Mr. Jags , the well known club man , was held up on the strcut at an curly hour this morning- .mit . ! , I'rom I'lck-Me-lTp , "I think Miss Oldmalde has a reflned , ? weet face , but her laugh is very maa- cullne. - . " "Yes. I have noticed that she al- ways ¬ laughs 'He , he ho. ' * ' M > T COI.OH IILI.MI , . Thank you , kind lady. Ah , but not that green pair. Talto those nlco- ones. . The green arc for men- "Marriage Is a lottery In which every one draws soiuuthluc. " Llttl * Inks can Indorse the truth ot this proverb.

The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-03-10 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1898-03-10/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · lie tuUvu until 1U in. for the nuil until N p. in. (or

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-03-10 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1898-03-10/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · lie tuUvu until 1U in. for the nuil until N p. in. (or

10 O lAtlA DAILY THUH8DAY , MARCH 10 , 1898.

SPECIAL NOTICESAilv rtlci tcntH for HICKLnliitiiii i

lie tuUvu until 1U in. for thenuil until N p. in. ( or ( lit

Biornlnit nnil .Siinitny rtlltlmm.-ArtverllfiiTH

., lir rrqiicolltiK n num-


clu-ck , cnn liute nimwer * ml-

dremicd tu it nutiilicrril Seller lit can-of


The Her. Aim tree * BO nililrrmieilwill be di-llrtred on iireaonlntlun ofthe check only-


) , 1 l-io a word Bml Inncrtlaiti-Jo n word tlicrcnftur. AotlilnK tnkrnfar leu * tluin a.'o (or Hie Hrt limvr *

lion. Tlienc tulvertUemcats ) mu t berun coimrcutlvclr.-




A CAPAIILi : AND EXPERIENCED Rt'HINESS'woman delrc position ; cnn ilo typewriting ,

Iraokkceplnx and general olllce work ; best atreferences , can furnlsli bond. J 8 , llee.-

A.7M-J *


-In hotel or take entire charge uf room-


buildings. Hnexfn matron In publicInstitutions. Host rcfeience given. Audnm'-Mrs.' . It. II. Miller , 318 W. Mndlmm Hi. Uil-Logo.

-. III. A.M7 1 11 *_


-by day lit families. J 9. lice. A M7GO IS *

U'A.> TiiMAI.I2 IIKLI* .

CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS : NEW LINEof Bork : no heavy goods to carry : salary or-

coinniUtljti. . C. P. Adams Co. , 124 So. ICth St-



Toll CIGARS , 11M A MONTH ANDexpcntes ; old llnni experience unnecesrarj : In-

ducemenls to customer ! . C. C. Hilltop & Co. ,

fit. Ixiuls. llM-AokiT


anil commission. Hunter Tailoring & Hiilrt-Co , Cincinnati , O._H MiaS-Aprll 1C *

WKHTERN GRAMOPHONE CO. . OM'.NX'IL-IllurTu , In. , wants Nibriifka repro5i ntitlves.-reliable.


. energetic men. to make IM weekly.-


peddling.Vrlto fUlck.| 11-M2CS M22-

WANTED. . YOUNO MIN TO LEARN THEharlier trade ; only eight weeks required ; po-


guaranteed ; tools ilunuteil ; wanes Sat-unta


) * ; catalogue mailed free. Moler SystemHarber School" , C.ilcnBO or St. 1 .'? , ., , . . .

WANTED. A niisf'ci.ASS COOK , ONI : WHOthorouRhly understands s.ioit order work ,

creams nml Icoi ; must be strictly sober. In-



lous and courteous. Tom I . It"0"1" *' .

Oberlln. Kan. 11.2I 9 *_

DOCTOR , EXPERIENCED CASE TAKER.fir roail work. Kansas State Mcdlcnl Institute ,

*Kan-as City. Kan. IIM.41 14_


-' lecturer * nnd exhibitor* to know that

Ibe OptlKr.iiih Movlnir Picture Machine Is thelieitl on the market nnd can be attached to-

ny manic lantern or stcreoptlcon ; the greatestrntrrlnlnment feature over Introduced : priceof nuchlne only 13'. ; lllms for animated rdc-lured JJ each and up : for full pirtlculars ad-


S nrs , Hofbuck & Co. , Chicago. 11-




,-man , salary J10 a week ; must have- about

J100 cash ; state BRe. J 7 , llee. H M733 10 *

WANTED. AN" "i xi'KitinNcnD' KI.OUISTwho f peaks German. Apply at II. IIaa , 'S1-3Vlnton St. 1JI.O-



. THREE GOOD STOCK SADDLEmnkcrn ul once ; b st of wages Apply Uncle-



Dros. ' MfK. Co. , Lincoln , Neb II Miu 11



RM732chair factory-


. 11

A - , Tcsiu: , riCAiis TO DIAI-n? ; we .pay from JCH In ! SCh ( pei month salary

nnd expenses ; experience unnecessary ; per-

manent position. The le Mora ClKnr To. ,

Kprlnslleld. O. ll-MSli 10 *__WANTID: TO snui. nv SAMPI.K-

at holt sale nnd retail. Cloods fell on slBht.Hilary and commission. Address CentennialMfB Co. . 103 8th . . New York CUy.


n.5 eliins ; JI2.0 wreMy ; steady work ; sendlOo for postace , pamplcs , etc. Young MedicineCU , 2I'J N. Colorado St. , I'hlla. . 1' . ,

ANTnn. SAIJSMIN: vniYWiiinin ,

llrswn's tree paint keeps borers , rabbltx away.-


n day ijure. ( llobo Chemical Co. , Il'oom-

liiKlon' -

*ltM81. I'l111., _'

ANTr.D , A rniNTin' : aivnand reference as to nharactcr.-dlanoli

. Heporter , In-, Neb. 1 -M80010 *





otlierd cnll nt room 14 , 1J22

, TKAVHMNO SALUH.MRN TO CAIt-on the grocery trndo In this nnd ndjolnlnscounties ; one established trnde or a-

iKiocery clerk iprefcrred ; must bond fortl OOi ) Address O 2 , cnre Lord & Thomas ,

Chicago. 11-MS0212 *_

VVANTHD. TWO OKNKIIAI. DLACKSMITHSprefer slnRlB men , nl once. Address , withstamp , A. II. Gordon , Kearney ,

MnN NOW TUAVnLINO TO TAKHbest sldo line ; sells to all harnessmakers onnight ; bit? money In It ; pocket samples. Call

tanner of IlorrmnnSchan-wecker

-on llaldwln , theOak Ix-nther Co. nt Midland hotel Kr | .

tt-MSO'i' 13 *< |ay , Saturday. Sunday_


Job' play In bit? band tinder director : lend In-

strument preferred. Lester L. Tllden , ManageiAtlantic City band , Atlantic. Io

J'J'MS07' , .

WANTKD , A GOOD KIJUNITURE SALKSMANmust be practical cnvbalmer. Address J 16 ,

n Mi90 K*lie* . _WANTKD FKJIAliE HELP.

100 CURLS POR ALL KINDS OP WORK i (3 TC7 week. Canadian Otllce , 1322 Douglas.-



, COMPKTKNT Qinni * WITH IlIJK-erences , for becond work. 1120 I'ark nve-




So. 26th C T1-



innnent petition. 2813 Domlaa St. C 748-10 *

WANTKO. 'A FlllST CLASS TAIIXIliSS Al-once. . Mrs. II. C | Moses , No. 30J S. 17th St .

C 734-8 *

WANTHD , nXl'IIRIKNCHD SA'1 * 'for thti ribbon , notion. Jewelry nnd clonk de-

partments nt lloslon Store. C M773 1-

1WANTIO. . aoon NMTKSK OIIILroom 41 , Douglas blk. , ICth nivl Io l < e-

.C.M7S" 1-


eral hou e ork. ?*H St. Mary's Ae.C .701 10-

I ADinS AND OIIIUS TO IX ) Nir.DLKVOUK-at homo ; we pay by the piece ; tl to 7 poineck eaiilly madoj experience unnecessary. I'nl

block. C MS23 10 *rooms 53 nnd 33. Ilarker

li-ou nnr.T HOUSES.-



! HOUHK8 & COTTAnUS ALL OVEI-city. . 3 to 173. Fidelity , lit lloor N. Y. Lif-



: . , IIUOWN IILOCK.Dand Douslns. 4M



J. . II. SHCRWOOD. 43 N. V.D436

HOUSES IN ALL 1'ARTS OF TIIU CITY. T-O. . P. Company. 15U5 1arnnm. D43-

iiot'sns. . nnNKWA & co. . los N. ISTH ST-D 45-

Snorsus. . sTOiins. IIKMIS , TAXTO.ND 4M

FOIl ItHNT, NINIM100M IIOl'SH ; CON-'enlent. . modern , homelike ; b t reflilrncc ii-

jtrlct : few minute* ' walk from poMoillce ; i> iri-If Jeslreil. Inquire COS N. Y , Life ImlMhic.

I> 460


lee, MONTHLY co

HI Jg.

nr.Trnnn MonnnN is-nooii , AI O snoovh-oiifp ; kc > s nt 5345 Cap Ave. Tel. 671. II. H-

RoMson. . D M < H-

VOVINO noi'sniioi.n nooos AND PIANOSOm. Van A Storage Co. . 1511 i Farnnrr , . Tel. 1MJ-

D M5l-

EX niTroNAL orrouTt'NiTY FOH ntonparty to open nn erclualve family hotel am-npartmcnt IIOIIJB for railroad am ] depot cmplo > es on Honth 10th street. Omaha , within tvtiblocks of the new Burlington ami Union I'acine depots ; new bullJInit contains (0 largi-

roomi ; accommodations for hout 100 personswilt leaf-e for term to responsible party who hacapital to furnish and cnn luct a fin tclat.-

H 64. Dee. 1 >- ; 0-

SM M.IJ iiorsES oi'TSini : . TO ti ; 9

room , C13 H. Uti ) , J33. CO I nee bulldlni-



IIF.NT , iisniAiiLi : COTTAQU o-



For rent. < nnd 7 room Hats for J15 to IU pemonth-



brick bulldlne for rent on favorsbl-terrrui durinr exposition : BO"1'' locution for ho-

tel or roomlnn houw. For parllcularn s II-

C.. Petew & Co. , U. 6. Natlonsl Hank 1 ld r.1> Mali 1Z




tnKAt' , 11-

19MoiHNBorTH: IIOOMS , 1:00 WIKK-up.

:. 014 N. 19th , K M74' II *


J"NICK nooMB nofsiKiiriNO.: 1111 POI'TII-llth. . iM7Kt-

ooxTiTroiTI7ioIIT iiousnKuuriNa : STIAM-heated. . Z2ja J'arnam L1 MT T It *

unons AMI iioAiin.Tim MIMIHIAM , KlUST-CLAtia FAMILY HO-


, 2ith and Dodge St . F 453-

ii : t'AHIXJUS , Kti Hl'ITi : . S-

roonn , good board. The llosv , 2020 Harney.-l


ROOM AND UOAKU. 17M-Dodge. . T M2 Mil *

HOTHU B. "n. COIl HJTl I ANDlt! . ; steam heat room * fl.uO per neck

and up. r Mra :

JTOI'IA , 1721 DAVKNl'OnTj TIlANSICXTrt-nicommodated. . F C13 A4 *

iiooMsvm noAiin. Mr.-Douglan.


. r M742 1-

0VILL: rriiNisur.n , ALL .MUDr.ttx II JST-Iiirt city ; wltli or without Iward 2:15 llnnnri' .

F M73!) 1-



ncxMi SL'ITAIILI : rou TWO. 022 H-


t. F MfOO 13 *

rent ; ) HOOMS.-




-* . man nnd wife ; water In kitchen ; steel

sink ; vvatto pipe. 319 N. 17th. G M74-

3KOH ui.vrsToiiKs A.M > OITICKS.-



RENT-IN THE 1JEE RUII.DING :Ono largo corner room , Zd floor , with vault and

private office , water , etc.One targe front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two

rooms by partition ; water , etcOne large corner loom , ?d lloor , with vault ,

water , etc.One front room , divided by partition , 3d llsor.One corner room , with vault , 3d lloor.One largo room , 3d floor , vvlth partition dividing

It Into one largo room and two binallcr privateroams ; water , etc.

Two largo ground floor rooms , fronting l"th St. ,with vault.

Several small rooms on 4th floor , with aults.-AH


thise rooms are heated with steam , electriclights , supplied with flitt-clai's Jinltor service.Elevators run day and all night : buildingstrictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent.Room 104 , lee building. I 193

FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND PLOORoffice , Dec building ; water , Fteom heat , electriclight and Jinltor rervlcc. Apply to Superin-tendent


, Ree building. 1 117

FOR RENT-THE 4-STORY RRIC1C WILDING-nt 910 rnrnam St. This building has n fireproofcement basement ; water on all floors ; ga , etc.Apply at the office of The llee. 1 11-

0IN GOOD RETAIL LOCATION , $111 A MONTH.Apply J 3. lieo. 1 719 12 *




Great Cuba ItooU ; all about Cuba ,

Spain nnd war ; great excitement ; > onebu > s It : ono agent sold 87 III one day ; an-


made 113 In cnc hour ; GOO pages ; magnltl-ccnt

-Illustrations , photographs , etc. , low price ;

we gimantcp the most liberal terms ; freightjMlil ; 20 da > V credit , outfit free ; send C 2-centstamps to pay postage. The Illble House , 221Dearborn street , Chicago. J M740 13 *

WANTIM ) , AOHNTS , MALI : oneverywhere to sell the Transmlssl'MppI I3xpo-


puzzle ; the greatest of nil puzzles ;

amuses the old an well us young ; just out ;

will sell tit sight , big money to agents ; yend-25o for sample and particulars ( no stamp" . )

Address Smith & lreyfoo , sole agents andpatentees , box 623 , Fremont , Neb. J MtOS 13-

'WAvrnn To KENT.-



. TO HUNT. IIY AI'IUL 1 , 10 OH 12

room modern house , with barn. Inlclnltv of-

Hanacom park preferred. 1312 S 27th street.-KM72G



PACIFIC STOIIAGH AND WAHEHOUSK CO. ,905-010 Jones ; general storage and forwarding.-







-1107 JInrni-y. N-M777 12 *

I WANT TO 11UY TEN TO niGHTY ACHUSjust outside of the city limits of Omaha ;would like ground already set In fruit ; I wantyour very liest price nnd will pay all cash.Owners direct to J 13 , UP* . N 700 13-




STEEL HOTEL. RANGES OFall kinds , cheap. 1207 Farnam. O M914 M12



and bedding of unclaimed storage at-Ilushman'H Storage House , 10th and JOIIVB ,

Friday , March 11 , at 10 a. m. It will pay youto Investigate , as this stock must be all soldFriday. O M7SC 10 *


FARM HOUSES FOR SALE. APPLY PACIFICExpress Co. . Omaha. Neb. 1' MC01 11


FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS , ETC. ;coarse for Ice , at J3.CO per cord. Tel , 438. 80-1Douglas. . Q 4C-

5HOPSE CLIPPING MACHINES. KNIVES ANDrepairs , all standard makes , on hand ; grind-Ing


razors , shears , clippers ; prompt service.-A.

.. I* Undelard. Q M87-


-; 60c ; roosters , 100. 932 North 26th.QDSS

SEED 'SWEET POTATOES. Jl.SO PER URL ,Theodore Williams , 07th and Military Ave. ,Omaha , Neb. Q M.'SG May7 *

NOAH PERRY. .TOURER AND WHOLESALEdealer In sewer pipe and stoneware , 44J-7Dodgu street , Oraalia Neb. Telephone 80-


72 *

TOR RAUK 1,000 DOORS & WINDOWS : ALSOlumber , cheap. J. Rucl , !2l C3th street , Chlcaxo-



CHICKEN , HOG AND LAWN TENCHS ; ALLwire : Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Harncv.

FOR SALK-ONE OP THK REST DAIRIES IN-Ilin cltv. Genuine bargain. Inquire J ,

Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and I avcnworth.Q-MSM

FOR SALK. ABOUT 40.000 2ND HAND ST.* Ijouis fire brick and 33,000 building brick , also

boilers , engine and brick machinery. Win J ,

Welshans. City Hall. Phone 2C1. Q MS77

FOIl SALE-ONE OF THE REST DAIRIES INthe city. Genuine bargain. Inquire J. I.Kemp Feed Co. , 24th nnd Ix avenworth


M HEAD LARGE P1RST CLASS rilESH COWSand springers at Jester's yard , 23th and HurtStreets , Omaha. Q 722 9 *

FOR SALE. SMALL GROCERY. J3 V ) IN STOOK.doing a tine ca'h business ; best location tn-Omaha. . J 5. Itee. Q 723 13 *


FOR SALE. THE ELEGANT I1AR FIXTURESof Palmer house taloon. I *. C. Itrown. GrandIsland. Neb. Q-M761 AS *

FINE FAMILY HORSE. HARNESS AND TWO-seated surrey at a bargain. Address J 12. Itee.-


7SS 13 *



-bought anil Bold. C. A. Unas. Cnmnterctil-

hldg. . . St. Louis. R-MC03 11 *




. A. WHEELED. PAI.MIST AND AST"P (,oger , roiim . Crelghton b.'k. S-M19i M19 *

MAONimG RUIIIIINGS & FORTUNE TELI ,Ing clairvoyants , also mind reading. Mmvlx> ng. 19J3 Cumlng. 8 789 15 *




. SMITH , IIS N. 11TH BT. , STEAM A.NTalcohol baths. T M723 It*

REE RUILDINO SANITARIUM ; SCIENTIFICinuoagp , h movements , electric treat-ment und medical baths ; graduated maueusifor ladles. Dr. C. W. MalmcjuUt. Mgr. . roonn100-110 Itff RullJlns. T MSS3 Ml *

LAURA ELLISON. CROUNSR RLOCK. 119 N-Uth , room 13 , upstairs ; bath and massage.-


M711 li-

MRS. . DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE RAT7parlors ; rettful and curative. 417 S. llth , up-

t lr . T-MTU 13 *

MME. AMES , MASSAQi : AND BATHS 1SI3-Vstreet. . T-M71S U *

VIAVI Toil fTiiltNK: TIIOOHLEH Jl . < IIKK-ii ph > lclan cunsulte'lon or health book free ,


_ _: . .i-nnssinj AND 111 %

tmltnli day or rilftht ; dress sulli for hire-.rnntorliim

., fj JJ. Cgr. I4ti nnd rarnnm. Tel ,

W3. V 16-

7.ADinS. , It.U'K YOUU IIAIIl tmCPSED IJI-foru ROlriR downtown at tie hnlrdre'slnRparlor * of Mme. < ) i Payne , 13 1 L* enworth-St. . ; tel. 1S 3 ; nrllstlo minlcurlnir , superfluoushair and faelM l.l mlshe with elec-trlelty

-; strictly private , U M7S9M11 *_

Ttohsn * ri.ippiiD , SHOUT NOTini ; ONLYelectric clippers In city , Tel. CO. McCorma" A-

Ilatinley, 14lh & Hnnartl. U SW

SCHOOL Or-l'INW AHTS , MI. S .1KNNII !1'axon , Collins Music Store , 24th nnd K , SouthOmtlm. - - U MS03 1-




TO I OAN AT JOIIATIIS. . THK-O , I * . IMvln Co. . Ii03 rnrnnm at. W 4M-

JDAN ON 1MPIIOV1O: & t'NIMI'llOVlH ) CITYproperl : '. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1520 Fnr'm.-



MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPJlOVr.D OMAHAleal estate. Co. , 219 H. 16th.







-property. W. I ) . Mclklc , 1st Nafl Hank llldg.-




.llros , 1C13 rarnnm St. W M47-


It. C. I'ctcrs & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Hank llldg.WU3-


tate In Omaha. Council lllutfsoutli OmiiM.-W.


. It. Thomas , M3 Hrst Nat'l Hank , Oniani-W 47j-

J1W1.00000 SI'HCIAL TI'ND TO LOAN ON-'firstclass lirprmed Omaha properly, or furbuilding purposes , ridellty Trust company

W 177

ANTHONY & THtTST CO. , 3r. N. Y. L , ;quick maney nt low rates for choice farm land ?In Io a , northern Ml'sourl , eastern Nebraska-


rou SALI : . $ icco MOIITHAOI : . PUOPKIITY-xvortli 3.000 , rentln v Jo per month.

14 1 moitR.ige , property worth 1000. renting $ HO-Oper month

$ : (K mortgaRe , property north $1,200 , rents $S 00per month.

George G. Wallace , 312 J. J. IJrown Illock-.W75G






WAiiKiiotiSK iincini'Ts. irrc. ,

at Io est rates In-

Omaha. . South Omaha and Council UlufN.-No


of pn' ls ; strictly conflit ntlnl'oucan pay the loan off ut any time or In anyamounts.

OMAHA MOIlTGAOi : CO .3J South l th H-



TO GCT IN OH OUT OP IK'SINKSS GO TO J-J. . Gibson , S14 First Nnfl Hank. Y 471 !

LIVE STOCIC COMMISSION FUui ] SoiJTIIOmaha , wants man with large capital for part ,ncr ; business thoroughly established , lefer-ences

-first-class , llox 413 , Omaha. Y M3U

.1 I. WATT , IltllLDUIt AND GUNlTllAL ..1OI-1blng. . 2415 Ilmmet street. Y M"i7 A2 *


nnd nxtures of $ .'.5X nnd lease noith IW) , forll.BOO cash , or $1,2V ) cash and $;M clear realestate ; n good business ; must be sold Applyto J 2. ll °e. Y-71S 10-

EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY POIl HIOHTparty to ojien an exclusive family hotel andapaitment home for railroad nnd depot em-plojcs

-on South 10th street , Omaha , ultilntuoblocks of the new Ilurllngton nnd Union Pa-


depots : new building contains M largerooms ; ncoommodatlgns for about 100 persons :will lease for term to responsible party who Inscapital to furnish and conduct a llrstclassp-lace. . H 54 , Iiec. - Y 670

TUB HEST HOTEL FOR MAKING MONEYduring the exposition ; new fornlture ; full now.Apply , with tpot cash , to C. II. Smith , TheSaiatoga. 24th nnd Ames. Y M7S7 13


-wants partner with business ability i il

3.000 cash. J. 3. Gibson , C14 Flret Nat. Ilink-njd . Y M763 It-


. s nnicic MANUFACTUIUNOplant for one-half actual value. Address Com-mercial


National Hank , Fremont , NebY-M7S3 2

HAVE YOU SOMR MONEY ? CO YOU WANTto make a quick fortune ? Cash manufacturingbUFlne? . Address J II , Itee. Y 793 10 *

1.000 ; I WANT A MAN WITH MONEY ANDu desire to earn' more ; thoroushly lojltlmitomanufacturing business with 10) per cent profit.Address J ,13 , llee. i r Y 704 10 *


-now jleldlner 13per cent monthly.-


stock or Klondike rcheme. Safe, practicalsuccess. David Sloane , 110 St. Paul St. , Ualtl-more , Md. Y M811 10 *

$100 SUItELY AND.LEGITIMATELY MAKESone thousand with one month's work. Willgladly explain. Howe ! ! , Henderson House.-


M822 10 *

GOOD OIL HOIITH FOR SALE ; GOOD iflTAleon for Felling. Address J 6 , llee. Y M810 14 *

von Kxcii.vxrir ; .

2 LOTS AND 3 SMA1.L HOUSES. OMAHA ,rental , $12 per month , for residence propertyIn good country town.

Good farm. N. H. Nebraska , for hardware.-W

.) ncres. line Harm , 9 mile * N. W. Omaha , for240 to 320 acres In eastern Nebraska or west-ern



.G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Drown Illock-




4.000 to $7,000 , for clear Inside choice lots on-23d St. , Soutli Omaha. Address J IS. Dec.-


M821 10 *




PLACE UAIKJAINS , 2500. 3.730 TO8500. J. J. Gibson. 014 First Nat. IJank llldg.-


- 48-


also lire Insurance , Ilemls , Paxton blk.RE 4S-

27R. . MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONT ,choice location. 362 N. 40th ; cheap : easy lermo-




-lot corner. COxlSO ft , , In So. Omaha , puvd ,

Business lot. COxlM feet. Improved , Soutli Omaha ,

streetTract ((24 lots ) , 36th St.Tract ((2 > lots ) 30th St.For particulars apply 101J Farnam St.


NEW. . MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGElot. $SOO cash , balance to suit. Address G r .Bee. RE Ml"3-

FOR. . SALn. LARGE LOT. 60x138. WITH TWOcottages , near 12th nnd Center Sts , will gocheap If sold this week. F. D. Wead. ICth nn1-DoiiRlai. . RE 5R2 1-

2SNAPS43XCC FEET ON ISTH NEAR DODol ?street , suitable for 2 brick houses , price 2.700 ;Mxl12 feM with brick house. N. K cornertoth and Cumlmr afreets , price $G0tf. J. N-


, opp. obi P. O , RE M354

FINE IRRIGATED WITH WATERright on 10 yenrs' time nt 6 per cent : a chanceof a lifetime ; write for book describing land :In connection with this we do a general realestate and loan bus , Wyoming DevelopmentCo. , 16H Capitol Ave. . Omaha. L. I* Johnson ,agent. RE Mill M2 ( *

FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE : LOT 50x169 ; HIG-birn ; laree cellar : all In best condition ; shadetrees ; splendid water : near school ; 4 blocksfrom street car; unlncumbered ; price $ "iOO'easy terms ; must sell ; o ner going on farm 'Inau're' 4S17 Poppleton avenue. RE M73MO *


-for sale or trade for Iowa

farm. Address H 31. llee. KE 732-A1 *

REST rill'IT FARM IN ALL IOWA , 813 mllen Co. Illurrx , $ 'i,30 ) . Improvements cotprlco askeil. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nut. Ilk.llldg. RE-M7iil IS

MAKE ME AN O1TKII ON TWO INWalnut Hill addition , Oscar Oroxhell. SaltlJ ke. Utah. ' RE-M7CS II *

B ACRES ON NORTH OMIIA HOI'LEVARD ,** V . J , J. Gibson. 514 First National IlsnkHldB. RE-SI702 IS-


-by the undersigned until noon of M'iroli

1 *. for the purchase of the tistory store nndflat building. No. 813 South 17th street. Ilulld.-Ing

.to be remmni , Tenns cash , Tti right la-

rc < ned In relcrt anv or nil bills ,JOHN W. ROIIIIINS. 1S03 Furnam Street.

iiB-irns u-

IR RENT. GOOD UVND FOR OAHDRNINnInside the city. K. S. Cochran. lie: Farnamcoal oftlce RE M781 10*


? n 157 near S7fi and Patrick. $ >'0 00-


.> lots nexr ! $ lh and Ames. j.i. ) MFour acres In Florence , chenn. flS CO

Rental property , netting 8 to 10 per cent , $1,0030-n> acre* . lu t outflde oily. JS.OOil.OO.-


. G , Wallace , 31 ! J. J. Ilrovtn ItlivkR1C 797 1-

1IXR SALE OR TltADB. DESWAULB MOD-ern cott8 * In RIK > ! location , Adi'rem Hi > x 15Council U luff a , lows, RK-MSi 11

, : .

80MB CHOICE INSIDI ! < M.KAR I>3T ON-23rd near ( I , , Soutli Omaha , cl n snip ! partcash , balance to suit : owner luu't 1mse money.Address J It. lite. RE-M J 10 *

$ i.ro PIRST MpitTtucin POR $200 roii SALE ,secured upon lipprmmti Ini'lneit property on-

llamcom P-iiV cutline. .

A Imrgiln , 7-room hour* . Jo-foot lot , H blockfrom car line, only JSO-



hou-e i for Talc , fronting on Han CMiiPark , full slaeJ lot ; modern conveniences. R.-


. Pettrr ) & Co , C. S. National Rink Rid *RB-M8I8 It


-, WilJ. . two-story brick building :

coed location for wholesale ; trick to rear of-

lot. . Inquire of owner , on premlfoj-.REM819

.10 *

AXIJ TVi'nwiiiTiii ! .

A. P. VAN BANTS SCHOOL OP SHORTHANDnnd TM ewrltlnK , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol-lowing


nilumlnge : ImlUhliml Instructions byexperienced teachers nnd klllful stenographers ;up-to-date methods ; touch sjstem of tjpenrltI-ng

-If preferred : partlclpitlnn In actual work ,

for which students recelxe pay ; monthly iwiy-.ments.

.. 743-



SHOUT-HANI ) . ri'-TO-DATE , TAUGHT 1I-Yourt reporters. llo > les' Schcol , 4CJ--7 , 1l o-

IlldJ 4S-




-Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best Sifo ,

rellnhle. Take no other. Send 4c ftnmps firparticulars , "Relief for I.mlles. " In letter byreturn mill. At druggists r il hcM rChemical Co. , Phtl.idclphla , Pa. Mintlnn llee-

MSI2 10 *

rxuns KOH

FARM FOR RF.NT ONE MILE SOt'TH OK-Armour's picking house , 73 acres In cultivat-ion.


. 0 acres In pasture. E. L. Martin , Sti ,

Omaha. -M OI 1-


SALE OP CONSIGNMENT IIOl'SEHOLDgoods Thursday 10 a m and 2 p m 71012-N. . ICth St. Nebraska Furniture CoM733 AS-


LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES POt'DHT TOR-cash. . Richard Herzfeld. 171 I.aSallc St. . v'lil-cairo 501 F2.S *


-or bounht. L P. Van Norman , Minne-


Minn. -M777M"1' ! ! *


-nnd adjusted Om Itlcjclc Co's. Phcne Kfi3.-






S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 13314S5-








, mandolin , Rultur , zlt.n-r ; German method511 Sheely block : terms reasonable , 336 Apl *

w vyi'ich TO nouiiow.5-



) TO l.fOO DOLLARS. INSIDE IMPROVEDproperty ; wljl pay 7 per cent , 3 to 5 years.Address J Iff. Ue . M736 13 *

, Kou.xn.

TAKEN UP. (iNE STEER. MARCH G. WEIGHTabout 1.2110 pounds. Call at Roberts , Purln-ton & Roberts' Exchange , South Omaha ,

nnd Identify mine nnd pay charges., ) Found-700 9 *




SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FORStenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type-writer

-Co. Telephone. 12S4. 49-

0KHi > oi-

CITY EMPLOYMENT KUREAU. 1417 FARNAM-street. . Rooms 2 and 3. , Tel. 144. 4U-


TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4 00 PER MONTH.The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Fnr-nam

-St. : telephone , } 2S4. 49-






. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL ; 30rooms and large stare room ; central location.-Itemls.

.. P xton Hlk. 16-

0nnicic. .

LOUISVILLE BRICK CO. . ll'D TRADE ; tel. 192.340 M23 *





6GOVEUX'MEXT XOTICE.' ePROPOSALS FOR BULLS U. S. INDIANService , Pine Rldgo Agency. Pine Ridge.S. D. , February 11 , 1SSS. Sealed pro-posals


, Indorsed "Proposnls for Bulls"-nnd addressed to the undersigned at PineRidge. Shannon county , S D. . will be re-ceived


at this ngonoy until 1 o'clock p. m-.of

.Saturday , March 12th. 1893. for furnishing

and delivering at this agency not later thanMay 1 , 1S8S , one hundred OOO ) bulls , fullblood.i. eligible to registry ; Polled Angus orHereford preferred ; not less than two normore than four years old ; free from b'.om-jrhes

-straight and smooth : to weigh not

less than 1.000 pounds each and to-averagenot less than 1,100 pounds. Bidders willstate clearly In their blda the proposedprlco of each animal. All animals offeredfor delivery under uny contract will be sub-ject


to a rigid Inspection. The right Is re-bcrved

-to reject any and all bids , or any

part of any bid , If doomed for the best In-


of the government. Ortinrd ChecksEach bid must be accompanied by a certi-


check or draft upon some Untied Statesdepository or solvent national bank in thevicinity of the resldonco of the bidder , madepayable to the order of the Commissionerof Indian Affairs , for at least five per centof the amount of the. proposal , which check-er draft in 111 bo foi felted to the UnitedStates In case any bidder or bidders receiv-ing


an award shall fall to promptly executea contract with good and sulflclent sureties ,

otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. BIdiaccompanied by cash In lieu of a certifiedchuck will not bo considered. For any ad-ditional


Information apply to Major W. II-.CJapp


, Acting U , S. Indian Agent.




"TO CONTRACTORS.Scaled bids for the construction of Oie

Apiary building on the exposition groundswill be received until 11 oclock. a. in. Satur-day. . March 13. 1S9S.

Plans and Hprcltlcntlons can bo teen ntthe Department olllce , corner 15th and Spen-cer streets.

The right Is reserved to reject any or allbids. , F. 1' . KIRKKNDAI.U-

Mgr. . Grounds and Ilulldlng Dept-.Transmlssisslnpl


and International Kxpasl-tlon.




(Should be read DAILY by all Interestedas changes may occur at any time. )

Foreign malls for the week ending Marc !12. 1S3S, will close ( PROMITLV In alcases ) at the general post otilce as fol-lown : PARQKLS POST MAILS close omhour earlier than ciusir ; tlmo uhowi-below. .

TrniiH-.ltluiitlu MulU.

SATURDAY At & a. m. for HUROPE. pe-s. . n. Lucanla * . vl.i Queonstoun ; at 8 a. nfor NETHERLANDS direct , per s. H. OLdam , vlt Rotterdam ( letters must be dl-

reoted "'per Obdum" ) ; at S u. m. for GK-NOA , per s. s. Werm ( letters must bo dlreeled "per Werra" ) ; at 10 a. m. foSCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Ethiopia , vlGlasgow ( letters must bo directed "pe-Ethiopia" ) .

PRINTED MATTER. ETt'-Gernnn steameisailing on Tuesdays take Prlr.teJ Matter etcfor Germany , and Specially Aiiureisfil 1'rinteMatter , etc . for other parts of Kim.pe. Amrlean ami While Star steamers on Weilnemia ) iGerman bleumers on rhurJa > s. anil CimardFreud , atu' Gentian iteimtrs ua Saturdays uk

(Contlnu d )

Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries tor whichthey are J mt cd to cany mail.

After the Mo lnir. 01' the HiipDler.ionlary Tr.m-Atlantic Mails immed above , additional lUipU-mcnttiry

-rnmii arc- open .l on th * piers of the

American , E.iRllih , French and German strain-ers


, nnJ remain open until within 'feu Minutesof tlu' hour of tailing ot steamer.

Mill In for South unit CYntrnl Antcrlcn ,Wont InillcN , Ktf.

THURSDAY At W n. m. ( Mrpplomentnry11 n. m. ) for CK 'THAL AMKUICA (exceptCosta UlciO nnil SOl'TIl 1'AC'IKICPOUTS , | cr R. . Alllllic.1 , vl.t Colon ( let-ters


for Gtmtema'a must be illrectcil "per-Alllanc.i" ) ; nt U n. m. for IMUXJH1WO ,ijier K. .s. .MoxliKj ( lptter for other partsof Mexico immt he illrccteil "per Mexico" ) ;

nt 1 p. m. (aupplcnientarv 1:30: p. m. ) forNASSAU. N. 1' . , nml SANTIAGO 13CCUBA , per s. s. Nlng.ir-


P. tn. for NASSAU. N. P. .per f . s> . Mlnini , from LMIaml , Klu-


At S n. m. for IIKIIMUDA.per . s. Trlnlilml ! nt 10 . m. ( sniu.il-ementnry

-10:3): a. in. ) for KOUTt'Ni :

ISI.AXl ) , JAMAICA. 8AVANIM.A und-GlinVTOWN. . petv. . s. Aillroiulnck ( let-ters


for Costa Kirn must he dlreetoil "ptr-Aillruml.K'k" ) ; nt 10 a. in. ( < upplonu'ntitry10 : 0 it. m. ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MAK-THA

-, roer . . Hnlatcln ; at 100: a. in. for

CAMI'ECHK. CHIAPAS. TAHASCO anilYUCATAN , per . . City of Washlnijton( letters for other p'irta of Mexico anilfor Culia ntifft he dlrcctcil "per fltv ( if-

Washington" ) ; at 120: n. m. ( itipittoment-nry

-1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST-


nml VINOVAItnI-SLANUS , per s. s. I'tetorla ( letters forGrun.i1 , Trlnld.nl nil Tixuo must ho-

illrci'teil "pr Pretoil.t" ) ; at s.io: p. m. for> , per tteamer from

North Sydney.SUNDAY At * * T p. in. for NASSAU. N. J' . ,

per s. s. Miami , from Ml tin ! . Fl.i.

for Newfoundnnd. ' l.y rail to HnlK.ir anlthence by steamer. rlr p t tils i ! lie' hiilv nt-S'30 n m. Malls foi Miqiiclcn ny lall tn Ii -ton end the ue by i-toatnrr , clo e ut thlt oilltedilly PI t0: P in Mnlle for C'uin f lo p nt-

thl ntllce dally nt 7l: 11 m for forvvnrtlttiK-by steamers allSMs ( Moimr.rnmt Thill-days )

from Port Tampa , Kin. MnIM for Mexico City-.ovcrtnnd


, unions pedallv ad tre ed for dl | Mtch-by steamer. iloc at this olllce dally at 2:30-n.

:. m. nnd 2:20 p. m. "lliglsteria mall closes

at 0-00 p. m. previous da-y.TriuiNPnclilc


Mull *.

MnlN for China. .lap in .mil Hawaii , per .

s. Doric ( trom San Krincl co ) , clo e hereOally tif to M.irch ( i at 0:30: p. m. Millsfor Hawaii , per P. s. Xe.ilandla ( from SinFrancisco ) , close hortx dally up to March C-

nt GP.9 p. m. Mill s for China and Japan ,

per s. s. Tacom i ( frsm Tncoma ) . closehero dally up to March * * C at d"Q: p. m.Malls for Australia (except those forAustralia ) , iivhlcli are forvv irdoil via Ku-tope , Now Xeal.ind , Hawaii , FIJI and S.i-


tn Islands , per a. s. Mourn ifrom SinFrancisco ) , close here dally up to March

IS at 7 n. in. . 11 a. m. and f : 'M p. m. ( or-en arrival at N .v York of s. s. Camp.inlawith British malls for Australia ) . Mallsfor C'hln.i and Japan (specially addtessedonly ) per s. s. ISmpress of India ( fromVancouver ) , close hero dally up to March"21 at 5:20: p. in. Malls for the SocietyItlands , per ship Tropic Hlnl ( from SanFrancisco ) , c'ose here , dally up to March2.1 at 0:30: p. m. Malls for Australia (ex-cept


West Australia ) , New Zealand. Ha-waii


and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Mlovver.i( from Vancouver ) , close here dally afterMarch "IS nnd up to March 31 at C:30-



. m ,

rails-Pacific malli nrn forvv arded to port of sail-ing


dally and ( ! ? schedule of closlnR Is nr-ransci'

-on the presumption of their uninter-


ovoriiind transit. "Registered mallclo °es nt n p m , previous day-


VAN COTT. Postmaster.-Postolllce

., New York , N. Y. . March 4 , 1SO-





-Railway City Ticket Of-


, 1401 Parnam Street. Tele-phone

-Ml. Depot , Tenth nnd-

Mison Streets. Telephone 1S.-Leav

.e. Arrive.

Daylight Chicago Spe-cial


7:00: am-Iissourl

11:33: pmValley , Slonx

City , St. Paul andMinneapolis 5:40: amI-lH

10:43: pm( (url Valley , Sioux

City 7:40: am-Dennlion

9:03: pm, Carroll , Wall

Lake , frnm Ilroadvvay ,Council Rluffs 9:00: am-

Ja8:43: am

tern ( Express, DCS-Molnes. . Marxhnjltovrn.Cellar Rapids, Chicago-

.Vtlantlc. 10:30: am 4:33: pm

Fljcr , Chicagoand East' . . . . ' 4:43: pm 4:33: pm

'nst Mall , Chicago toOmaha 3:10: pmIlsfourt Valley , SiouxCity , St. Paul , Minne-apolis


Limited 4:3": pm-mahaChlcago

8:50: nmSpecial. , 6:4"i: pm-

Dally.8:30: am

. Dally except Sunday.


-& Omaha Railway-

General Ofllces , Nebraska Di-vision


, Fifteenth and WebsterStreets , city Ticket Oltlce ,

- , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone61. Depot. Fifteenth and Web ter Streets. Tele-hone 113S.

Leave. Arrive.-loux

.City Accommoda. . 8:50: am " 8:20: pm-

loux City Accommoda. . 9DO: am * 8:20: pinHair , Emerson. .Sioux-City. . Ponca , Hartlng-ton and Uloomtleld. . . . 1:00: pm 11:33: am

Sioux City , Mankato , St.Paul , Minneapolis . . . . " * 5:33: pm 8:21: am-

Jmerson Passenger 5:10: pm " 8:43: am-Dally. . Dally except Sunday. * Sunday

nly. This train stops at stations Florenceo South Rlatr , Inclusive , Sundays only ; on weekays. South lilalr only.-



. HLKHORN ANDMissouri Valley Railway Ocn-.eral

.Offices , United States Na-


Rank Rulldlng. South-west


Corner Twelfth nnd Kar-nam

-Streets. Ticket Olllce ,

401 Farnam Street. Telephone 361 , Depot , Klf-


and Webster Streets. Telephone 143S.Leave , Arrive.

Hack , Hills. Deadwoodand Hot Springs 1:00: pm-

Vyomlnsr3:00: pm

, Caspar amiDouglas 3CO: pm-

lattlngs.5:00: pm

. York , DavidCity , Superior , GenevaExeter and Sevvard. . . . 3:00: pm-orfolk.

" 5:00: pm. West Point and

Kremont * 7:30: am '10:23: amLincoln , Wahoo and

Fremont * * 7'iO; am-"remont

"1023 nmLocal 7:50: am-

Dally. . Dally except Sunday , * Sundayonly. Dally except Saturday. Dallyxccpt Monday.

sioux cmr & PACIFIC RAIL-road

-General Olllces. United

States National Hank ItulldI-ntf.

-. S. W. Corner Twelfth and

Farnam Streets. Ticket Office ,* T rTs=r M ° l F"n am Street. Telephone

61. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 4M-

Leave. . Arrive.Sioux City , Mankato ,St. Paul , Mlnnapolls. 0:5': pm 8:20: am-

WARA8H RAILROAD TICKEToltlce , 141 *. Furnam Street. Tele-phone


323. Depot. Tenth andMason Streets , Tclepone 128-



Leave. Arrive.. "Cannon Ball"Express 4:30: pm 11:30: amDally.

BURLINGTON & MISSOURIIllvcr Ilallroart "The nurllni ; .

Burlington ten Homo" General Otllces , N.-


. Corner Tenth tnd Furnam-Streets. . Ticket Oince. 130-3FarnamRoute Street. Telephone 230.Depot , Tenth anJ MesonBt reels. Telephone 128-


. Arrive.Lincoln , Hastings and

McCook 8:13: am 3:33: atrLincoln , Denver , Cole ¬

rado. Utah , California-.Illack

.III11 > . Montana

anl I'uget Sound 4:35: pm 4:05: ptrLincoln Local 7:0pm) * * 7:40 pirLincoln Fatt Mall 2:53: pm 11:40: anDenver , Colorado , Utah ,

California and 1'ugetSound * llV: pm * 11M: prrSound * ll:5Jpm-


. Dally except Sunday.

CHK'AGO. HURLINGTON t-Qaincy Railroad "The Durl-IMItonBurlington Route" Ticket Olllce-Jlrt Farnam Street. TelephoinV-OC'Route . Depo * . 'lentil and Mnsoi-biicets. . Telephone 12S.

,_ _ _____ I eave. Arrive'hlcago V tlbulecl Ex. . 5:03: pra-

Chlcpgo7:35: an

Express 9:4* am 4:15 pnChicago & St. Louis Ex 7:43: pm-Paclllc

7:03: miJunction I cnt. . " 11:50: am 6:40: pi

Fast Hall , 2:50: prChicago Special " 12:05: am-

Daily.11:50: pn

. Dally except Sunday ,

KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPI& Council Illuffs Railroad-"The

-Burlington llu'Ilnuton Route"-Ticket Olllce. 1W2 Farnai-Street.Route . Telephone 230. DepoiTenth ami Mason StreetTelephone 123-


. ArrlvKansas City Day Ex. . . 9.03 am CMC pr-

Krnsan City Nlcht Ex. . 'JOiOil pm C:30 ui-i Dally.

OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROA-Omalia , Ksnsas city & Eai-

rn Railroad "The Port Art.il-Route" Ticket Office. 1415 Farnai-Street. . Telephone , S2. DepoTenth and Mason Streets. Teh-

phunu 12& .

Ltave. Arrlvi-St. . I <ouls Cannon Rail

Express , 4:13: pm ' 11:30: ai-Qulniy Unrest 8:1': ') am 9.30 pi-

II Dally.




( )

MISSOURI PAC1P10 ItAII.ItOVU-UenTil Olllccs nnd Ticket

Odlce. Merchants National Htnk-HulldltK , 121 Parnam Stixt.TIM ! ' IIO. 101. Drfiut , rUlKiith-nnd Webster Streets. Telephone1158- - Atnvo-


Nebr k-

Llmlejd " 1:0j: "" lIM: > ''n-

Kl ! iu r lS. "?. . : * 'tM rm CM nm-

N " " ::13 am-Dolly.

bra kV Local 4:30pm:

. " Dally txcept Sunday.-




Pnclllo IlBllnuil-'Trio OrentRock Island Ro'ite"' CityflcKot Olllce. nn rarnam-Stnel. . Telephone 4H. Depot ,

Tenth nnd Masuii Streets.-T


<1'phone US.

Leave. Arrlv * .

Chicago" and St. PaulVestlbuled Evmo.s . .

, < : -9 pm 1.45 pinLincoln , Colorado Sp F ,

Piiueblo , Denver nd . j. . . pm . 4.3 pln-

C iSE * Y.fcpm ! . ,

Atlaiitlo Express , for

SS ? 8ir.? 1'a! f"1" " TIM ' w

nrtlJVllI .1. .


'.1 " 143 Ptn ."

Dally Oally cxccut Sunday.

CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST.Paul Hallway City llcketOlllceyi Farnnm Street-.Tcleplune


21. Depot , Tmth-nnd Mason Streets. Tele-phone


123., Leave. Arrive.

Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 3. 3 pm - S:0i: nm-Oinnha and C'lleaBO Ex * 11C1: ; am 1:50: pm-

Dnllr. .

UNION OVER-Kind Routu" llenctal Olllces , N.-


. Corner Ninth nnd Farnam-strwtt. . City llcket OMlce , noz-Piinihm Street. Telephone 316-


' |) t , Tenth and Mason Stlvets.-J

.Stephen. ) 123.

I.oave. Artlvo.-"Th


Overland Limited"for Denver , halt Uiki' ,western points * 8sO: am 4:13: pm-

T.i.1 Coloindu .special ,

for Denver and nilColnri'do points . . . . 'Itiajprn 7'00 am

Fast mall train for.Suit LU.e , Paclllccoast nnd nil westernpoints * 4:3Spm: " ,50am

Lincoln , P.eatilce andStrMiislmnipress: . . 3:00: pm 12M: pin

Freimiiit , Columbu-Norfolk.

- ,

. Grand Is-land


nnd Kearney. . 4:11: ptviGrand IsHnd Express. . * * V.OO pin *120: pin

Dally. " Dally evcept Sundar ,

Council Rluffs laical Leaves. : a. m. ; 6:50-n.


. m. : 7:40: n m . t .40 a. in. ; 10CO: n. m. ; 2:13-p.


. m.j 4:33: p. in , 3 53 | . m S:20: p. m. ; l'03-p.

') ;

. m. Arilvp" , dy: a , in. : 7:20: a. m. : 8:35: a.m. ; 11:20: a. in. . 3:10: p. m. ; S:40: p. m. ; 6:30: p. m. ;9:03: p. m. ; 10:43: p. m-



llliiNtriillon of the Tenil-fiiijuf ( he TltucH.-


dispatch from Muiclc , Inil. , says thata glass firm there has received an order forCOO glass fence peats , to ho of the usualelze , and grooved for the tccoptlcn of wire.-


Is added : "Tho order has caused nomeHpeculittlon and Is probably an IntroJuctlon-of an Important article hi trade. " It Is anInteresting Illustration ot the tcnddicj ofmodern science aiul Inventive genius to dis-


now uses for old materials , commentsthe Indianapolis .Journal , One day It Is the.conversion of the pith of the cornstalk Intoa valuable * article of commerce , anl the nextthe application of glo s to a practical pur-pose


hitherto unthoiiRht of. Wo have hadthe age of Iron mid of brass , the golden age ,

and almost too much of silver.Vho knownbut the twentieth century may he the ageof glass ? It has not been very long since themetals or hard vvoo3s were regarded as theonly fit matcvlals Tor use where strength anddurability were required. Now paper Is con-


Into materials for housebuilding ,

furniture , railway car wheels , boats andutcnalls of various kinds. Glass Is used foreven more purposes , and its Increasingcheapness and Improved methods of workingare likely to brtag It Into fltlll wider use.-


other material Invented by mancan be compared with It lei theservice It has renderu. , both Incommon llfo and In chemistry , astron-omy


and other Bclc'iceo. Pure beyond tUopossibility of contamination , Indestructibleby any chemical agency , the right hand of-

sclencs , tho. foundation of the telcOcopo nndmicroscope , the material for thousands ofutensils and ornaments , and now to be util-ized


for fence posts , It comes as near beingthe keystone of civilization as anything thatcan be named. H Is a long reach from oiledpaper windows to the myriad uses to whichglass Is put today. Aft late as the sixteenthcentury In England only the dwellings of thewealthy had glass windows. It la reasonablycertain that Shakespeare , jho was born In1564 , Prat saw the light through lattlcuwindows or oiled poper , and he was probablya grown man before he looked through aglass window. It was first manufactured InLondon eeven yeara befcce bo waa born , an3-oould hardly have como Into general use fora score of years or more. Shakespeare makesmany references to glass and glasses In hUplays , but It Is alwajs to a mirror , a glafsthat reflects , or to ddnklng glaeiui , whichwere common In England before windowglass was. He also makes numerous refer-ences


to windows , but they are the eyes ,

the windows of the soul , or i>pen latticedspaces In the wall of a house. The dlvlnoWilliam knew a great deal about wine glassesand ale glasses , but very little about glassin any other form. If ho shaved himself lieprobably used a piece of polished metal na-

a mirror , and the Chances arc he neverlooked In a glass mirror until he went to-

London. . Shakespeare knew pretty mucheverything that was knowable cr tulnkable-in hla time , but he never dreamed ol glai sfence posts.

UlN OHii Vnr.lN-."While


I was at Moscow , " writes a trav-ller

-In the Detroit Free Press , "a volume.

waa published In favor ot tlio liberty of ttie-

proplo lit till !) book the Iniquitous conductof the public futicllon.irlrrt nnd even ot thekovcri'lRii were coitMired severely. The bookcreated siral Indignation , ami the offender

at onro taken Into ciutody , After be-


tried In a summary way , ho WAS cou-


to cat hlo own wonls. A pcaftolil wnielected lit a public RQiinre , the Imperial pro-


, the inaglritratrs and the physicians otthe czar attending ; tlio book wu neparatcilfront ( ho binding , and the margin cut off.The author was then served , lent by Iwf ,by the provost , and was obliged to aw Allowthis unpalatable stun : on pain of the knout ,

inoio feared In UusMa than death. As BOO-Has the medical gentlemen wcro of the opin-ion


that ho had eaten as much as he couldwith safety , the transgressor was returnedto prison , Thin punishment wan renewedthe following days until , after several heartymeals , in cry leaf of the book was actuallyswallowed. "

MATTilii or IIAI..I.NCI : .

From 1lckMeUp.

"Fell of your blko ! How did It hap-



"I wrus fool enough to travel with ahalf crown In ono pocket and a llorlnIn the other. "

L. - r -

Mr. Jags , the well known club man ,was held up on the strcut at an curlyhour this morning-


! ,

I'rom I'lck-Me-lTp ,

"I think Miss Oldmalde has a reflned ,? weet face , but her laugh is very maa-cullne.

-. "

"Yes. I have noticed that she al-


laughs 'He , he ho. ' * '


Thank you , kind lady. Ah , but not that green pair. Talto those nlco-ones. . The green arc for men-

"Marriage Is a lottery In which every one draws soiuuthluc. " Llttl *

Inks can Indorse the truth ot this proverb.