F' ' ; : - . : iiii . - -- - _ - - - ---- - - -- - - - - - - ' - _ , .J''t . () ' , ' . 2 - - _____ --S- TI11 OMAIIADAILY TE11 : MONDAYAIJCrUST 8, 18I)8 ) _ _______ __ I - -- - -- - : . REPUBLICAN CON VETIOSQa- thoring in the Counties Throughout the Anthiope State. GOOD AUENDANCE AND GREAT HARMONY - JeItgncs ) C1i.vtt ( (0 ( lie Mtite ? otiii- jiiitliig - ) ' ( ' ) 1(1 lIe rr 1IiIut iii I.liicutii ; , , Vt1neM.Iusr , , ;.,. , N h. , Aug 7SptIa1.ThO ( ) Seward COUflty I-epUbIcnn ) convention met here ytday , afternoon to elect delegates to the state. congreMRonal an4 aenatortal- conventions. . There was a full attendance.- lion. . . 1. V. ' . Loyley of Seward was eleeted chairman and Dr. V. ? . IC. L.ouglibrtdgo of- l'lcasant lale , secretary. The following deltgates were selected to- tli .c ngrclonnl conventlon J. D. Onley , I) . % V. Grouse , ft. I) . harvey , F' . A. Lamdln. .7, l. Mci.aln , l. M. Fettermon , (Jeorg- oFoor. ! . M.Strcarn , J. Wright , N. 0. Ttngettd.- M. . . W. Warner , ft. C. Rhea. U. W. llrandon.- Ji . nes Ituby and 11. ' 1' . Jones.- To . the state conyontlon : A. Cohnan , 11.- C. . . Mayland , Joseph Jones , C. S. Newton , F. L. Clark , 1' . M. Itobotham , John Becker , L. Atwood Robert Muir, J. M. Smiley , 'I'. J. Poster , T. If. Ilisliop , T. A. Henley , F.- Ii. . . Woolloy , A. 11111cr- .To . the senatorial conventIon : D. . .- 7.l3rown . , Itoutan , A. Collnan , J. L. Emer- son - , Jarne hair , 11. l3echman , V. ' . K- .Louglibrldgo . , F. 11ouderhctdt , 0. N. I'erklns , IL. A. Ilotichen. A. 0. Lemon , D. Bogart , J , B. Orcutt , It. T. Cooper , F. E. Hyatt. All delegates go unlnstructed , U. A. MerrIam was elected chaIrman of th new county central committee anti D. C. Work secretary. VALENTINE , Neb ,, Aug. 7Speclal. ( The republicans of Cherry county met In convention hero today. 7. C. l'ettyjohu was clOtted halrman And W. S. Baticer secre- tary. - . SuItable resolutions wore ready otter which K D. Clarke was nominated for county attorney and Alfred Lewis , M. D. , for coroner. Delegatc to conventIons are- as fo1lowa State-Max E. VIertel , 3. A- .Ilooton . , Ed Clarke, J. C. Pattyjohn , 7. B- .Thackcry . , 7. W. Tucker. Congressional-C. 11. Cornell , A. LewIs , F. M. Walcott , C. S. fleece , J. 0. VIncent , Hook. Sen- atonalJefferson - Winship , P. W. Pruden , L.- C. . . reyton , Ormesher , It. Hanchett , W. S- .13trker. . . LclsIatlve-i. W. Tucker , T. P- .Spratt . , 7. A. Brewer , Amos Strong , T. F. Kelley , D. Clarkson. C. S. fleece was made chairman ot the county central corn- 1nittee - tor thu ensuing year. The conventlofi was well attended. was harmonIous and re- publicans - uro organizing for &t vigorous cainpa lgn- .STANTON . , Neb. , Aug. 7Speclal.The ( ) republicans of Stantion county met. hero Saturday and lccted delegates to the stnte nrnl congressional conventions as follows : State : T, L. Ackerman , Ed Daniels. B. .1 , Abhot , Louis Smitliberger. S. S. Can- field , Fred Foyerherin. Alternates , John A- .Elirhardt . , J. S. hancock , C. F. Draper , A. F- .Erios . , George Jlarr , C. P. Jones. Congressional : C. 11. Chace , John Ebony , William hamIlton , Charles McLcod. L. J- .Ilotion . , S. D. Denny. Alternates : Louis Smltliberger , Samuel Ghee , W. M. Anderson , John Iavls , A. F. Enos , 0. W. Furst. The dqiegates. go uiiinstructcd , but. solid for- M L tlayvard for governor and F. MortiS torj congress. . AUItOILA , Neb. , tug. 7Speclal.The ( ) republican county coiventIon held hero yes- terday - was one of the most harmonious anti enthusiastic conventions ever held In ,, this county. It. W. Craybill was chairman and James Work secrotai'y. The delegates to the stab convention wore Instructed to use all honorable means for the nonilna- timi - of Judge hayward for governor on the . republlcan4lcket ; also the delegates to the F'qurth congressional district convention vcre instructed for B. J. Halner for con- greasman. - . Delegates to the state conven- tlon - are : B. J. Waddle , B. Nogent , T. A- .McKay . , P. M. Green , Alex Coleman , A. C. Adams , W. . L. Palmer , H. 0. Ocher , James Schoonover , Robert hall and 7. 13. CaIn.- To . the congressional conventIon : F. E- .Willian . , George Lane , Ed Holing, W. W.- Fna. . . 0. A. ScovIll , F. 0. Jenlson , A. .- 7.McConaughoy. . . A. L. Bishop , Swan Peterson , Theoloru I'arrls , 7. M. Cox and 7. P. Jones. Delegates to the state senatorial cenven- tlon - are : Dr. W. 11. Caulk , B. B , Eaton. 5 , 11. Moore , W. 11. Klnner , 0. B. Shank. laud , N. C. Christianson. B. B. Canr. C. 0- .Ityrson . , I , C. harrison. B. D. Preston , 11- .D . Hall and 7. N. Cassell- .NEMa . ! ! , Neb , , Aug. 7.Speclal.There- publicad' ( ) convention of Ant'lopo- copnty 1eld In this city yesterday was at- tended - by full delegations from every sec- tlon - of the county. flelegates were elected to the state , congressional and senatorial conventions , none of which were lnstructe'l ' and all are wIthout ) .rticular Ireferenee as- to. . caiu3ltiatenexcept that to the state cpnven- tlon - , whIch will be a unit in favor of the nomInation of lion. N. U. Jackson of this city for' atorney ( geileral , The state deloga- tloii - is as foiiows Ii , B. ICryger , J , F. lloyd , henry Torpin. Judeon Graves. 0. T. S Colby , 0. Ilrltteli , J. F' . Faiinon , F. Hales , ( ] corgo Cooplunti. The tIcket nomInated Is generally nilinittetl to be a strong one , and will be heurtily supported by ncuhliranv- otes. . The IloIflIlleOs are : C. 11. McGee for representative , S. 0. Tlrnrnton for county nttornep nrid NIaI iralnnrtl for sherIff to ill 1 vace ucy , IlIOOMlNGTO , Nob. , Aug. 7.Spccinl.- Thu ( . ) - republicans of Franklin County held theIr convention hero Saturday alul norn- i.itetl . the following candidates : County nttoriwyV. . Ii. Miller ; Icir'seIltative ) , L- .lititilcr . ; delegates to slate onveutiou : .7 , 1' . A , liiaclc , J. B , AtcOnew. It. 0 , Stuwart , Leo Ault1V. . 11 , IKtln , 1. 11. Jonc , 1. F- .Lantz . and I' . IL'iIlIains. . . lolL'gAfes to congressional convention : J. Elliott , S. I 1.Vililarns , C. II. roiiglnss ) , It.- l. . l. 'Cranii , C. SllieldH , C. L. Owens , J- .Jlarrnh . , John Shatter. Delegates to senatorial convention : Isaac Shopondson , James Conkling , J , M. l'ollnr'I , II. II. ' 'inttIt * , 0. ( 1. halley , 0 , T. l'atters- on. - . John Parker anti C. B. Iludlong- .IIOLIRFIB . : ( , Neb , , Aug. 1Spoclal. ( ) Tue rc'publlcana livId their county ( Oi- lveiition - here Saturday. C.V. . McCanaughy- Vfl8 chairman and , A. Forsyth secretary. . The delegates to the state convention are.- C , F , Sampson , Ij. ' 1' . flrooklng. A. M. Van- (loll , F , AslIpolo , John Ltmbloni , 0. F , , , AY. 1' . flaIl. 1. A, Pearson , F. A , lcan ; alternates , , j ) , Shields , C, II. Itob.- rts. . . l. 1) . Bleed , The delegates are unlii- .structed . anil are not in favor of any one candidate , The ( Iciegates to the Fifth con- gressioiinl - 'dIstrict convention , to be held in- llldre'ge , ore : C , A, I'eterson , F. Brown , A. Foresyth , J , 11 , McClamot , B , A- .ljaniies . , 7. 13 , Johnson , J , T. idlIlNi , B. 1) , Blued , lI. B. Bush. Ieegntes were also eIOCtCi to the 'l'wenty.eiglitli senatorial * convention , after which the conventIon ad- .jo9rid. . . ift.er electing central Committee. men , B , 1) . BinscI wee elected cIlairlean- of the central colninlttee , DAVID CITY , Neb. , Aug. 7-Speclal- ( ) Thu republicans of Butler county met hero Saturday. B. 0 , Hall was chairman and ltes'Liro fu'I. regular action o ( the boeis do not len. tate or inflame , but ieae eli tIe deiIete dItsiiyO er- Iusm $ in perfect condItion. Try tIrzu. l'a r only lq U. 1. IIUd ,k eo. , Lowell , ., . ,. _ , . __ - a S. - - - " - *- - - - - (bongo Colebank secretary. The foItowin persons were chosen as delegates to the statc conventiofl to be held st Lincoln , Au- gust - 1O A. .7 , Evans , B. II. fllchardson , II. P. Scott , liusennetter , ( loorgo Hahn , E. 1. Hall , Charles Sudden , .1 , 1. Ross , C , Davenport , William McElvnine , C.- M. . . Bali , The delegates to the congressional eonven- tloii - , to be helil at Seward , August 17 , were 3. 11. Aldrich , W. S. McCoy , 1. McMilIan , T. A. Saulebury , 0. W. Lord , F. If. Porter. 13. Il. CItIte , V. I'roscovcc , A. floberts , U.- I . I ) . Mp'rs , W. A. liutchison , To the senatorial convention , to be caliod : George 1'. Shusicy , George (JniCr , F' . W- .Lostr . , Anion I'tncek , B. Fox , t) . lt. Leard , Joe Vnrin , 1'. C. JldWiflC , J. T. MoKnigiit , II. 8. craig anti J. C. Anderson.- ST. . . . I'AUL , Nab. , Aug. 7Spccial.Thore- lublican ( ) county convention for llowatd county met hero Saturday. Ii. U. hayward was chairman , The following delegates wore c1iosert State ConventionVIliiamS- oldel , Ii. I) . hayward , S. N. Paul , it. L. Cook ? henry. Nuan ; harry Schlrkednntz anti A. B. Cony. ' , Congrcssionnl Conventidn-S. S. Smith , It. M. Holmes , C. H. I'nul , S. Applegate , W.- IL . Stltt , W. S. 11111 aittl A. B. Cady. Senatorial Conventlon-W. B. Green , M. A- .Fugate . , It. llannlbal , henry Roe , 7. C. CornfIeld , Z , T. 1ett.wlch , B. F. Colbura. State Central Committeeman-iL I ) . hay- vnrd- .Chalrrnnn . County Central Committee- harry Schirkedantz. The convention was harmonious and alt seemed confident of victory. . Olliter Jtectflr Boteristcl. COLUMBUS , Neb , . Aug. 7Special. ( ) The council concluded their work of In- vestigating - the matter of Officer flector shooting Alex McGarvcy last evenIng antI exonerated hector , anti ho will resume his Ppsition on tile force this evening. Mc- Onrvoy - is still in 'the hospital and while the bali has HOt. yet teen rsnlovei he is said to be doing very nicely and no senl- Gus results are apprehended. Last night the officers bad a hard flght. with some ho. hoes which they had nrresteI. Whoa they arrived at the city jail the tramps offered niialstaace aild a general fight ensued. Of- ilcer - Brock was beaten with a cane and in the melee two of the prisoners escaped , The town is overrun wIth this obnoxious class of people , and the force have strict orders to arrest them wherever found , The heavy rain of Friday night wIll ef- fectually - stop thraahlng , which was In full blast , for evcraI (lays. It. will also insure a good hay crop and make a good crop of the late jotntoes.- Itahi. . . lii iebrnMIn.- JUNIATA . , Nob. , Aug , 7Speclai.A ( ) heavy rainfall occurred here last night , heavier than we have ever experienced , lasting over three hours and accompanied by thunder add lightning. There were tour anti one-quarter inches of water by actual measurement , on three accurate tests. All CrOIB are safe now and will not aced any- more moisture this season- .KENESAW . , Neb. . Aug. 7Spcclal. ( ) A tine , heavy rain began falling hero last night at S o'clock anti continued to pour down until 11 : :30 p. m. , about four inches of water falling. This sviil iractlcahly insure the corn crop.- IIOLDREGFI . , Nob. , Aug. 7Speoinl. ( ) Another good rain visited this section last night , which makes two this week , and corn is in the host Of condition. CEDAR CItEEIC , Neb. , Aug. 7.SpeclalT- elegram.ThCrO ( ) was a heavy rain here this afternoon- .Norninl . SclltlI C i'nt1liitI tUg }icerelNeP4.- FREMONT. . . 1eb. , Aug. 7Spcolal. ( ) The graduating exercises of the Frernont Normal school occurred this week. The bac- calatircato - sermon was dalivcrci to the members of the graduating class at the Methodist Episcopal church this morning by Dr.V. . P. Murray. The graduating class numbering seventy-two occLlpIed the front seats and the body of the church was re- servetl - for other students of the schoo- l.rresle.i . for A.snnIt. YORK , Nob. , Aug. 7Special.A ( ) corn- plaint tiled yesterday jn the county court charges Burr Bobbins with assaulting with intent to murder Arthur Dixon. Both are from Lushton , where Dixon runs a livery barn , A month or so ago the assault oc- curred - over a dispute about. a team. flab- bins struck Dixon on the head with a neck yoke and Dixon was pretty badly. hurt. Rob. bins 'will have his trial September 12- .II . Iell'oi'k ( , tiiity Mortgtige Uceord.- TRENTON. . . Nob. , Aug. 7Special.Tho ) mortgage record for the month of July Is- as follows : One farm mortgage flied tar $1100 ; two far inortfages released for 500 each ; eight chattel mortgages filed. value 459a.5O ; two chattel mortgages released , value , 25675. Most of the chattel mart- gages filed are for machinery to take care of the immense crop and for cattle shipped in front the south- .LIg1tt.alnr . 1111. . it Coi. lENFVA , Neli. , Aug. 7Special.Tho ( ) lightning In the late storm killed a cow on a ( arm tlireo tubs west of town alicl struck a house in East Geneva. The house was torn qonsiticralily and the chimneys de.- iiioi . isheth. Yesterday three sheriffs were in town , each having in lila earo a girl for tile In- dustnini - cliool- .t . , , , II ti.ti .tssinzilil $ , , ' , , , NEIII1ASKA CITY', Neb. , Aug. 7.Spe- cinh.Ir. ( - ) . 0 , C. Iloise was yesterday ap- IOilltCtI - ) assistant sttrgcoii in the regular nriny , with orders to report ininiethintely- or ( duty itt Camp Thomas , ( in. lie line littil- an application on ille since war was do- .cltrotl. . : . 'rIte (TOctol' is woil anti favorably linown pa a physician antI surgeon.- t . ) , ' . t ) IM Pr ,, ilite,1 , NEIJUII , Nob. , 4ug. 7.-Speclah.--At ( ) a Bliecial meeting of the Board oI Supervisors iieiih yesterday heputy 'Maybury yag ap- IOlfltcth - sheriff of Antelope county to tIll the vacancy causcei by the death of Sheriff Sttphenson. 'File flppointnlont gives gt'n- entil - satisfaction except to the railleal element of the lOiflllist imrty. Mr. ?.iaybury being classed as a silver republican , 1 llJ II l'I4Pt I * ( I'ru4' Fit YORK , Nob. , Aug. 7.Sitecial.IIalllIl- lonti ( ) - Ellis will probably die train the in- juries - 1w le'cei'ech last Friday , wlieii lie vits- nttneketl by a vicious hull. Three ribs are crushed lii anti th slioultiors baully ( rue- tuleti - , Ellis is 65 years of ago and is otin- of the best known ( armors of south York county. lIe lives near McCooi , I n J ii roil I ii ii It i ii ii vll . . YORK , Neb , , Aug. 7Speclal.Ifoy ( ) Allen , the young son ot A. A. Allen , a well kIIQWfl carpenter anti bulldt'r of York , is dangerously injured as thu result of ii run- away - OCcufred yesterday , lie was dragge S'Veral bioek (III liI iiepd , The surgeon is afraid ho will lint recover , II lvt'r IOON lllllIlIg ( ' . NBi3flASiC. CiTY , Nob. , Aug. 7.Spo.- Cigil'j'jio ( . ) Missouri liver Is tloiiig Colisid- .Ebi . dnrnnge by ctitliig ( away its banks hear this city. Near lhanii y a Ilelil of corn aniounting to nearly 100 acres , has been swept away , while numerous smaller iOsse of land have been rezortcd- .AsMenhiy . * , ., * - , LiNCOLN , Aug. 7.Special ( Tel e&ranl.- ) In spite of the rain there Was a crowd of 0,000 people on the grouuds of the Ellwonth assembly today. Damp wtather did flat seem to Interfere wIth carrying out the regular program nor with the attendance of tjit , visitors , : _ _ -- CLOSINC 1 , ON TIlE FLCO- incinnatl Improves.Snudfty by Fatting the Orioles llanlsomely. ( BILLY DAMMANN TIlE HERO OF TIlE GAME .IIh 1'I1ciiIii 'In Miie'li fur the lint- tt'rs - of dli. ' III rIM-iIrouI1 ) 0 1,1)11 lNi I It It Iglil IIek iii to- 'i.f.llil llIe , 1'- CINCINNATI , 0. , Aug. 7.The Orioles Were unable to liit'I57trnThaThi iporunely- todsy and the l1odi.won au.sxeitlng ganic. Attendance , 12464. , Score : CiC1Nt'1'l ILtLT1MOflI- .It.Il.u.A.lI. . . 11110. .' . E- .iIiir . , rt. . . I I I I I T'eeIer. if. .. 0 1 0 0 8nlItIl , if. , . . 1 U S 0 0 .r.nntnsw. PS 0 0 3 P- Creorin , , s 0 0 1 8 0 IeiI'Y. vt. . . 1 0 2 0 0- leckIey. . lb 0 1 13 0 0 Mctsnn , lb Il 2 9 1 0- irln , lii. .. I 3 0 l41oIntC , it. . 0 1 1 0 1- Mel'Itee , II , , C 0 ii G IlomOft ? , 2b. (I 2 4 5 1- )iir.irat ) , r 1 .2' 2 1 O koiIniion , c0 0 2 0- l'oItS , C. . . . . U I 3 0 9 Itali , lb. . . . . 0 1 0 1 D.un'ann , I , 0 1 0 1 1 Nops. p. . . .. 0 0 ) 3 0- 'McGraw . .0 1) ) 0 0 0- Tot.iI't . . . . 4 Vil 2 ? Cttirkr.O , t) 0 00 .. - Ttas . , , , 1. 8 24 ii 3- ihttteth for Bail in ninth.- hllattecT . * for Mops In the ninth. Cincinnati . . . . . . . ... . 2 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 - 4 Baltimore . . .. . . . . . 1 0 0 O. 0 0. 0 .0 0iE- anletl runs : CincInnati , 2. Two-laso hit lJciiioflt. Three-base lilt : Steinfoldt. Stolen bne : DemOnt. DoUble hilayH : Jennings to MeGitun ; ilnhl to Deinont to licflanfl. First b5o on balls : By Inminann , 1 b- Noits , I , hit by tiltelied ball : Dy Nops , I. Struck out : fly NopS 2 ; by Darnmann , 1. Time : Two hourar umpires : Cnltney and Brown. l'irnt's l'issir IIett-r huh.- CII . ICAGO , Aug. " 7.The rittsburgs plnyod the better ball today , llehding nearly flet- feetly - and hitting Just at the right time- .Ely's . pltty was the feature. Attendance , 6100. Seorti : CLI ICAUO. PITTUIIURcI.- fl.lI.O.X.Fi. . . ILII0.L . Ryan , if. . .. 0 1 0 0 0 Donovan , rI 0 0 5 1 0- rvr1tt , lb. . 0 t l I 0 MCreery , cf 1 2 0 0 0- L.angect'O 0 0 0 OM'CarthyItl Z I 00I- ghell , cC. .. . 0 0 i 0 0 Gray. lb. .. . 0 1 0 1 0- Dalden , 5 , . . 1 1 0 3 1 0t3'n , ib.c (0 1 7 e 0- 5lL'rn'k , II , 0 0 0 I newman , cI 1 3 0 0- Mertce. . rr ,. 0 0 5 ) I) I'addeui , Zb , 0 (1 2 1 1 Conntw2bP0t201I3P. . . . . . . . lonahuo , C. I 2 7 0 0 tlardner , p. 1 1 1 1 0- GrIllith , p. ,. 0 0 1. 3 1 SehnIer , lb 0 0 1 0 0- Totsls . . . .2 62T14 3 Totals .,. ,410271G I Chicago . .. . . .. . ... .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- Plttsburg - . 2 . . . . ... .. . . . 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0.4 Earned runs : Chicago , 1; Pittshurg , 3. Left on bases : Chicago , 6 : I'ittsburg , It ). Two-base hits Dahlen , McCarthy. Three- base hit : McCreeay. . Stolen bases : Ryan , Mortes , MeCreery. Struck out : Dy GriIIith , 4. lInac on bails : Off Griffth 8 , off Card- her , 2. Hit with ball : Mortes. Time : Two hours and ten minutes. .lJnipires Swart- wood and Warner. ( , ,1ollelM iheenic 'I'h. I r Steiik. LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Aii , 7.The coioneis- reccivetl titlite 0. set-back toilay , hosing two games to Brooklyn. Fraser was knocketi tint of the bo , iii thu first. The Colonels atarteti out like vinners , ln..tbe Uecond but thu Trolley-Dodgers batted out. the game. Attendance , 9000. Score- .IJItOOKlVj. . . WVISVII.l.t- .R.t . 0.A.1.- rltflu . ( , of. . . I a a a p ( 'arke , If. . , 1 t 1 0.0- Jttte , rt. . . . 1 2 ( (1 1 0 l1- , ef. . . . . 0 1 a o 0 iueckartl. It I 2 1 0 0 Dextcr , tf. . 1 1 2 0- Iiullttan } , 21 , 1 ) 2 3 0Vugne ,' , 3) , , 1)) 1 3 0- i.uCh'ct' , ii , 2 2 11 2 0 1)avi , , lb. . . 1 2 10 0 Megoon , sf' . 0 0 1 2 0 1lteh.y , 2b. Ii (I 1 1 1- IuItiIIe , 31 , . 1 0 1 1 0 tilngmn , si U 1 1 1 0- Ityufl , e. . ... 0 1 U 0 jIttriIg' ( , c 0 0 1 3 0- inneI , p. 1 1 1 3 ' 3 FrLwer , p . .. C I 1 a I- Altrocic , p. . 0 0 0 0 0 Totem .... S 11 2 11 0 . . - - - - - I Totaiq . . . . I 6271 3 Brooklyn .. .. . .. .. . 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0S Louisville . . . .. .. .. . 2 0 0 0 0 0 00 13 Earned ribs : Bio'klyn'1 ; Louisville , 2. Stolen ljasVagner : , 2 flitclicy. 'l'wo- base hits : laCiiance , Slleckarl , Griilin- .l'iireebaso . hits : Davis , 2 ;. Dcnter. Sacri- lice hits : Hey , Fraser Jones 2. First base on lalls : ott Finser. 1; off Kennedy , 1. Struck ouL By Fraser , 1 by Kennedy , 4. Double IIaYs : Dexter toVagner to Kittridge . LaChaiip to Magoon. lilt by ball : Magoon Sheeknrd. Left on bases : I3rookiyn , 3 ; Loubtviiit , 5. TIulie : Olie hour and 1ifty-even minutes. Umpires :. ODay and McDonald. Score , secontl ganle- BI100ELYN. . LOUISVILI.E- .1.hi.O..i.E. . . Griffin , ct. . 0 0 2 0 1 Clarke , If. . . 0 1 0 0 Q J10e5. r ( . .. . 0 0 1 0 1 TIny , Cf. . . . . I I) I I) 0- Slwckar.i , It 1 2 3 0 1 IlextOr , ri. . . 1 ' 2 2 0 0- lialinian , 21 , 0 0 1 1 0 Wagner , lb. (1 1 2 1 I) laCh'ce , Ibi 312 0 Davi. ! , Ib.0 I 9 0 Mug000 , S. I I 2 i S IUUeht'y , ? b. ) I) S 3 0- Shluiilio. . 3b. 3 3 2i 3 0 CIttIll1l1 , (45 1 2 1 i; i tirim , C. .. . . 0 1 4 0 3 l'owpnt , c. . . I I 3 1 0- aicKenna , l 0 2 0 5 0 DowEng , . 121 Totals ... : - 12 2711 Totals . . , . 5 1017 13 1 Brooklyn . . . .. . . . . .. 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 Leulvii1o - 6 . . .. . . . . , .0 , P 3 1. 1 0 0 0 05 Earned ruuis : Brooklyn , 4 Louisville , 3. Stolen bases Wagner , LaChance. Twoi- Nise - hits : McKenna. LuChance. Three- base hit : Duwhing , Siiorillce hits : Davis , Powers. Sheckard. First base on balls : Oft Dowilng , 4; nIT McKcnnh , 3. Struck out : By Dowling , 3 ; By MeNenna , 3. Double lia ) Ciinghnrn to' RitChey to Davis. lilt Ity hiitCliel ball : 1)owling , Puseti halli4 : Powers , Grim. Loft on bast'sl LouisVille , 9 ; Brooklyn , 6. Time : Two hours anti thirty minutes. Umpirest O'DiL and McDonald.- C . Isiitts UI ) ii l'eg , ST. LOUTS , Aug. 7.lhe Browns lost both games today to the Giants. in thin firSt , %clllcii wits very one-sided. the Browns were unable to hit. Seymour. Iloth Gnrrlck and Sudliort were lilt hard In the second. At- tenthioct' - , 2r.0 . Soon. ' , flrt game : ST. LOU1 Nv: % YCR } . . I1ILO.X } . Iwll ( , rt ,. .. ' I I 0 0 . et 0 0 I I 0- itenir.l. . ef. . 0 0 3 0 C Tleruian. If , 2 1 ' C 0- lIsrl"y , It. .. 0 1 1 Ii 0 .Joyte , It;: . .. 3 0 10 0 0- Pments . . . . . . . . . . , 1 , (. 0 0 1 3 0 . O1eadn , Th , 2 i t 8 0- Stilileun. . ss , (1 1 1 2 0 IJoylt. , rf. .. .3 2 1 0 1 'juckLr. ii , .. ') 0 S I. I) hlarUn'n , 1b 0 1 2 2 0- Quinn. . lb. . .0 t 3 0 1 firstly , c. . . I I 3 1 4- 1hlugiley , p. . 4) ) 0 0 (4 0 'iic'yniour. p. j 4 0 1 0- iiipaL'ck 0 0 0 1 .. . ( , l - - - - - ('arsey , ) , .. TOl&iItt . .. .2 11,27 11 2 _ Totals . . . .t 67I 3 . . . New York . . . ... . .. . 5 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 ( (112- St. . Toiiis .... . . . . . . . . 0. 000. 0 , 0 0 0 1- 1 Earned runs ; New York , 1. Twu.bnso ill tit : 1 loyle. . SaerhIlr. ii I tii : I lurt inn ii , Cilt'asou. Ii it iuy litClit'l ) , haul ; Doyle , Inublei- tlitys : ( lindy to lavh ; 1)avis to ,Juytu ; lnvi to ( licason to Joyct' ; 'l'il&'kt'r to Stil.- livan. . . hose on halls : Oft I Iugiiey , 4; off iiiPti rick , ; oft Carsoy , : :1 ; ( fI 3eyiiItlr , , 5- .l'tsetl . balls ; . Clement. . . 'Struu'k out : II ugln'y , 2 ( (1 II iii t i I ib , I ; ( 'ii S1 'y. 2 ; St'yrnu or , I. StOlt'fl 1)1505 ) : 'Ilernan , S4'lflJtil , , Joy- ' , I[ arl'y. 'him. ' : TWtl Joints. tYnipirs : Etnslio itriti I itlot : ' " - ' . Score , aecciutl groan : , Wi , lefl04. ' NlYOutl. . . itllOl1. It u t ) .t. I Towl , ii. . .. 0 3 I 0 4)'hl'it'n ) , ct 0 a 3 I 2- 4t.nzl , cf. 2 1 3 1 0 'l'lernan ri. 2 2 4) ) 4) 0- Ilarity , if. . 1 1 0 1 . .0 it 9 2 L'rnu( . . .. . . . (I 2 3 1 . I Ial , ' . u'u. .. S a .1 t I ( 'lpuwtlls. C. 4) 4) 9 2 uj ( Le.p , , IU , I 1. 1. 1 3- i4uIlIvin. . t. . 0 1 3 1 loylt' , ri. ... . 1 1 0 ( (4 4) 'clicker. lb. . 2 1 4 0 0 Tl'rlrn'n , 3I.I 2 1 a ( utflIt. 2b. . . I 2 1 1 0 ( hotly. C. . . . 4) 1 0 2 0- i4ridlioff , P. 0 0 Q2 0 . .c.LrrrLcr ! , u , lt I i 2 0 Totals .,. .61127 2 Totals .. . . hillill 6 Now Yuik . . . : : . .. . . 0 ' 1 0 3 0 0' 1 1 2Si- t. . ltiiiti . . . ... . . . . . 2 2 0 1) ) .0 0 1 1 D- l4IrlInd - 6 rilnit : St. 141(1111 ( , 1; Nov York , .'r4fl.llrI)4t 1. hits : Cruets , Davis. Doyle Car- rick , I iurtniun. Tiornan. liii by iltehtr ; StOliZ'l , .ItiYU. ( i rudy , Ttielcer. Ilriso Oil louis : Off Suthliuff , 2 : off Currick , 2. Srrcri- lilt ) Ii i t : Stril IniJf , C lea soti , ( UI up , ja vis- .Strtwk . nut 11 >' Siithliott. 6 ; by ( iriit'k , 3 , StOlt'li lini't'i .Stenzel 2 , 1 Innlt'y , 'lieriinn , Ortttiy , Quinn. ' 'ime : hours anil- lv , enty minutes. umpires : Binslie filth I Loot. STANDING OF 'RIlE T1AMS , l'iayo.l , Won. Lost , P. C- .ineiiinatl . ( . .. . . . . .. . . 97 ii.'i I2 67.0- hiorttofl ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 93 5i 35 , 62.4 Fool ) PolL CY(1IEltS , ( : . , .. Ful rt her , I.nstM Jgt'r , jillul- 'I'uts4cs II.t ter , The bicycler who takes long rides 1100415 nourishment In a condensed ( oral Tue- loarillig 1I ) of tilt ) SlOilillthli with heavy. footl , will s'ork serious Injury , Cyclors and uthiletes wIho have tried the delicious Orape-Nuts , lately Placed on saiu 111111 0U1 grocers , are Joud ill reconIlflelItia- tiotis - of them as a condensed food that builds flesh , strength alltl Il1Uelt3 , whilu at hue snub tilhlli Is easily digested , It is an uiideiuialdti feet that more hard work , Physical or mental. can be done on a meal of Grape-Nuts than upon any food in- oxtetance , Prool of this Ia to be 0401. fllflOU those Wile 1150 Orapo.Nuta ulid have the ciperlo- nce. - . Add this to Its deiicioui flavor sod its Popularity is understood. TheIr are made by tb PostUm Co. , Battle Creek , Mlcb. 1)3 ) tS 3 62.- 4Iiaitlmnre .. . .. . . .. . . . 90 .2 110 67.8 New York . . . . . .. . .. . 93 62 41- Chiengo . ,, . = . .. . :4); ti. ; 4i 55,- 2l'ittsburg . .... .. .. ... 91 5(1 4- 1l'hiltnlelplila .. . . . .11) 42 45 46.7 Brooklyn . 1)2 ) Iti 56 311.- 1I.ouisvlikt ,. .fj.i..o 147 U 61 37.- 1.W'rtshingon . .. .. .. .. . 91 32 5- 9st , IALliS . . . . . .. ., tl 70 2l.6 ( lames Ibday : Pliilatlelphia at Chiengo , IloSljuli ut C1&vlnnaU .Vnsllirigtnhi against ClciVcirintl tIe ' l'hllndelphhi , Brooklyn at- I.oiiisville . , JI4t4inor4 lit Pittsburg , New , ork dt St LtfllIl4 , M'Oht IlS ( IF 'I'll II S'l.iMl'iitN LlI.uI ; l- .a l. o-- IcutliMuts ( 'Il" ( urnhs n l'n it' friitn hue t4- t.I"'i'l . , AtregnEIoll. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 7.TIre lllues made a high tIld for first pince toilay by winning tti grinies from St. Joseph. The hitching of- 1gan and Meredith was of the champion- ship - order utntl tiio limes batted timely in- botu gutmes. Score , first . genie : fl,11ti , St. Joseph ,. . , 0 2 0 1000 0 0-3 (1 3- i'rlnsit City . 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 ' 9 1- 1lbritteries Fh4her hiul MeIjflUtCy Egan and Wilson ) ' . . . Score s t'coiid gamel . It.iI.I : . St. Josoplr , . .. ' 0 1 , 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 6- Krtn.etr City. , 1 0 40 0 1. 0 0610 ' 1- t3atienies1 St , J0501h. Daut , anti MeGan- by - : Knnsas City Meredith and lVilsqn- .tHD1ANAh'OI4I. . . . md ,, At , 7.llnwley'iivl- ltll1esM in tli fourth' lint ! the Cuiatul'iona' Inability tohit' Thomas when hits meant runs , cost tlieJloosiers , the lead today.- Scoret . 4 It.TLE. Indianapolis .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1. 02 6 0 Detroit ... .. . .. 000300000364Bat- teriest lliwtey and Kahoe ; Thomas arid tJcUioW- .M1IVAUKFi1 . ,' Aug. 7.Tiie i3reverr and the Dlscovtlrers. brulcn even on a ( ioUbI- eiiader - today. Rettger's poor pitehitig itiitl slow fielding lost the first game. Taylor's- i.Itehing was the feature of the second game. eore , ilrt garnet 11.11,1- 3.Milwittilceo . . . . 1 0 0 3 0 0 O U 16 11 8 Columbus . . ... 3 2 0 1 0 5 1 0 0-12 15 3 flatteries : Milwaukee , flettger, Barnes , Sper null htaIp' Colurnbns , Woiters , Iltick. hey and Sullivan. Score , second game : Milwaukee . ,. . 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 ' - 4 : i 2 Columbus .. . .. 000020000-261 Batteries : Milwaukee , 'raylor and Speer ; Columbus J01i05 , Brown and Sullivan.- ST. . . PAtlL , Aug. 7.The tail-enders todk two games from the Saints today , out.play- the Corniskeyltes at. all points. Phiiippl- pitclitrd wonderful bail In the first game.- P11310 . also did good work , but liir support was poor , Score first garnet R.11J3- .St.Pauh . .. .. . . . - Minneapolis . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1-7 8 5 Batteries : St. Paul , Phyla , Spies and flit- ter - ; Minneapolis , Philippi and Fisher. Score second game : R.1I.I- d.St.Paui . .. . . ... I 10 00 010 (1-I CS MInneapolis . .2 12012003-1110S Batteries : St. PattI , Fricken nnd l'titter ; Minnen polls. MeNeely antI Fishier. STANDING Oil' TILlS TEAMS.- Played. . . Won , Lost. P.C.- Knuisas . City . .. .. .. . 97 110 81 61.- 9Judirtulapolis .. .. .. . . . 93 57 : is 61.3- St. . Paul . .. . ... ...... 97 5, 41 57.7 Milwaukee . . .. . . .. . ,10 () 58 42 SS.0 Columbus . ... . , .i. , . . 92 50 42 64.3 Detroit . . .... .. . . , .. . 93 31 56 D.S- St. . Joseph , ' .. . . .. ... 91) 32 55 83.6 Minneapolis itS 10 CS 80.- 6Gitnies tOla.'t io1unibiis at Milwaukee ; Detroit at IlitiLlnupoli- u.i'iIn4.Ii. . ( . VIllH , GI1AND 1Sl.ND , Nob. , Ati. 7.Speeial- Toingram.Sup'riar ( anti Grand island played a warmly ent'tet1 garnu tlii rifler- noon. - . marred iully by vraugllng alinortt throughout tita i'ITI0 , Superior brought Umpire Nelson svliia4o work in- the first two innings was r tlo yilowest ever seen and tilt ) local club itpaly refused to play further vith that ottItlai. Score : Grnnd islanl , ... . .. . . . 2 0 0' ii I 0 0 .16 Superior . . 1 0 1 4 ( P 1 1 05it- atteriert : hipitWStel ) nud ChIde. Ft.'It and 'runner. .llits : Granl , Island , 10 ; So- .lorior . , 16. Erirors : Grand Tslind , 3 ; So- perior - , 2. J , . , I.'ugiue.- TOLEIO . , O. Alk. ? -.Tie gn.m .ietweeh Toledo dial 1httiigittaYi enill in the fourth inning on acCount of a.trow. , Game given to- Yoiuuigatown , 1) ) to 0. DAYTON , 0. . Aug. 7.Score : Tt11E. Dayton .. . . ... . 0.0 0 (1 0 0 0 ( (1 0-0 9 0- Miiiisti1tl .. . . . .I) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 5 1 flatteries : Ztxeit and Lattlmer ; Ely and Belt. . 'In teriunt 1(4111(1 I.e'utjriie. Montreal , 2 ; IVilkesbarre , 3. Ottawa , 9 ; i'rovidencO , 1- 2.IIULf.ETIN . OF 'I'ItB It..CING IIOARI ) . 1.1st of SnspenslunRecords Accepted ii ad 'ire nsft'rs Pusseul hlpoui . BALTIMORE , MEl. , Aug. 7.ChaIrman- Mott of the League of Arnelrican Wheel- men - racing board has Issued tite following : The suspension of J. Harold Booth , Den- ion , 'i'ex. , August 4. Professional recordr accepted : One-half mile , competition. matlo by W. Fred Suns. WashIngton , August. 3. Time : 0:50 : 35. This is also the handicap record for tha dig- tance. - . Handlea0per , B. F3. Simpson. Transferred t . the professiotial class : C.- V. . . Dasey , Denver , Cohn. , clause 11 ; A. It- .lthei . ] , Owensbor , Ky ,. clause C- .Suspende.1 . E. I. Vilgren , 7. harold tooth. A. F. Crenshaw , A. A. Bright Itoy- den Porter , Pierre Robert , W , J. Jounson , toy M. Juirvis , Giy Alexander , Sum Ben- jitunin - , Frank A ShirLfer , Nellie I.Torso , h'aui Gay , Denison , Tex. , to October 5 ; on- sanctioned r.ICCS. National circilit : indianapolis , national meet , August 10 11 and 13 : Two , one-half auld ono mile ; score , 6040302010. Green , lirry , A. B. Fontaine , Mugt- urd - 111 , 17 rind 144 : One-third , one and live iniie $ . At. Louis Cyole Raeln association , Aug. lust 20 : One mile. Now York. American Cycle Racing asso- elation , Angizrtf ' .l : Two miles- .Asbury . I'ark , N. J. , Asbury Park Ale- letic - assointI.iri , August 21)) : One mile. heading , h'zi. , l'ennsylvaniu'iieclmneui , August II One' tulle- .Alaiioiu'y . city , rut ,. I I. 3' . I'rebs , score- fury Athletic association , Septoznls.'r I : 'Iwo i miles.- St. . . [4)4115 , St. 1otils Cycle club , Ottober 15 : 'two miles , Icnver , Coil ),, . I iuirrir4 and Ilnuinanri , October 21 , 22 Onu uiilie.- hhlmr . t'liultuulIohlMtllI ) ) lu''t ' 1111)4- I N DIA NA I014i5. Aug. 7.lrcpnrntiouis fur thu big lt'sgiit' ci' Ani"ticrin Vhcolmimc- nniceting go Oil : :11)100. 'J'iiousrtntl visiteil- Nc'wby Oval ( army itmul saw tin' criic'lc work omit. ( 'hnu'U's Itoot of ( 'iiicrto , the I ilii ( 'lull t4thl u'ter a f' t lie rn cc's , cit in e i o tad a- D.ti'i iI4)E13013 ) 1tl'i alwutys iii ordt'r at big at iijet i ( a iii irs , rind. tl u Huh 1 luleet. (41- 't lie I'rtgti t' a f A piomIchi it eel mumeui , t o beh- mnid at Ncwhy Oval this veek , will 1)0 itO ( uxeelltioll to thu ruIn. Almost dvery iiriy it dark ! ol'so iLlit.1rs ) iii the litltl rtiiil gives I ii n rob In iers 0f 1,110 go tim a mat ii em cmi nitl'O II ) gt'nss ' 'ilo will PP ,fhio'Ioners of lime big clnnhmnhiioni4huir'e'odtstm4 ( First it svuis Major '1'tyiur , tin'H iItWrime Orbiuthi , Stevens and Ilil' I t Is tIme ' t I U I U r Jo it ii li J itli lisrill- If , 1.1 i IuuInit hal it' ( )11 SI ! tmmrdri Y lit , en mae tO- I Ii n ( i I 3P it nl , t't1II'ItD , ' uiCflt ,I lit I en t lie ti i s lion I'll 511 rfaco 4I C ' 1io uIt ) ' t ra ek. I lit lint- unmnt'w - it 4)litj.Sui , hti rcutteHt Sinec1 ovals ibm thu coulitry. After * ' it bit Jolumiuton had tim I a Jitielfi t en tim ' % 'lrn v'im I t ii ad ?, loum roe pa I I Ilibit to time tfl1)t uiiiui t 11401 WCII I. for t Ito ii 11mg 3- eight ii of hI1i4 ii , , I t Vi'Ufl t fl lOll uid I lie turn at itimnost , liere1ibi apt.'eii and live ivatelies clicked 1II' 45. being better 1)3' tWo.- II . f I Its t lam ii n Ii Y ISimilil os'Or made in i lie svorlii- .'l'iio . uioxt. fitstst IiflC tilUt hits liet'um imiitle , . ( Is tire 0:12 : i.-j , , Pt ; Major 'i'nyiom' tine tiny before , 'I'iit ) 1StrrnluInc'e , clearly HIii.VH- tithit Jolumison Ia ' 'dt"Imi make time tight of his II to I bi t lie' C lid Jill dc0isll I ps , ) . ? ' ,, hiu.ton- .I'll . I IAIF3lA71tA , Aug. 7-flurry Bikes , tire niIrliiie-duit't'ne' ( bir3'eiO ruler , Inst night ilefeirteti 'Feint bIS10u1 , timeVeleltinuilm , iii a- tWt'bityiiVU tm inceii race on the 'illow- Irovo ( truck itmol oil records froni the millith- to the twemlt-fltth uplies were broken. Liii- ton broke tht vtnI'I'm4 ' record ( mm time niqth- to time I hirteenth iiiiiu arid on the ( mirteeritli bIllie Elires tool thu iL'atk nail lirol all rero rils II I' I 0 1 iii , t yt'li t 1 II ft ii limilit. b I k is- nritiiut'd , nOt ! broke limo hour record. The 110W liguremi urn Ii uuiiies , 1,223 yrirtis. 'I'ime' former re'ord ( or lim # lOille wits 8.1 uniie , ' ..46- 6l.a i ii s. hold by 'Vu y' ' oc- .ii.foro . Lintori troth rlkc.s ermine on limo t rn ek , 1hIo1urt rd 'Iii y lore. I he French man , lii'ok e I mc, one-nil In iaceI , record , going I lie illstanen iii t ii it noun rkaliiu I I iuiti ( I I' 1 : :3 25.- 'ritti . ire'uotIs recm'tl was I: :3. , Iih'i ' by Jli' . Iiiftce , It wils II o'clock which BikeS alibi Untomi started in their race. . % 11'I * ruls unit' t ii ) hi'Iu if. .. ' , Iii II lAIl'3iPil IA , A iir , 'JT.-'l'he twenty.- flve.inlio . paceti rot'u iitti'eeIi Bthihi . .tc- 1)1111cc - anti Jimmy Mirlmarl , which ivas rule yestertlny at 'iilow tirovim liteycie track , wris toniglil awnb'1ied to MeDiafti. , by iicere. , L1hi'r Michael led mit tue end of time. twonty.ilvt imiils , but thu referee withheld his deisin. McIuree's manager having ltalg.'ti 4 Protest ( it them ejid of li.o- thiril soils , ' that Ilhichnel ) ma.l more hmac- .uiimikCr . Itirili Was specified iii the contract.- Tirti . contract ° ti for thirty-two 11.1cc- ! . . mdnkcri to j' sub and nftr an Investiga- lion it. 'fl'I found that Michael irni thirtyf- lihe. - . tlI.ler the eircumstance MeDuffee wail given tiu , race , Pith t.i1 ( hnrnien I % 'arkerM. CINCINNATI , 0 , , Aug. 7-The Associa- tion - of Uniteti ( lsrnieut Makers of America will 'begin thlr' fourth annual convention hero tomorrow , whli5li is expected to last ft week , The executive Colnmittee tonight cut out the work lot tomorrow. Sixty dde- gates , lubost or whom have arrived , will be- llresent , a iar number of vilOni alto WO- inert , , ___ ____ ___ ' 1 lit 4) Iirit Canul. UTICA , N. ' 1' , , Aug. 7Tonight. two cars OIl thio Ilolt , ibo trolley road vnt through tiratiley's bnitige near , nod soy- cuiteen - lasengors , vere prcipltatod into the Eric c.anai. Miss Mary Brady of this city wad tim only penton killed. Several wore i nJ U tetl , , , , NEBRASKANEWS NOTES. , - , Schmrnikn , Nei'rs T6im1ee' ' 4 Tliort , will W" ' harVt henlo festirti- at 'the people of western Antelope cettiuty- at McKnmmiey'iegros'e , near Clearwdtcr , Au- gust - 10. George L. , Nelson ot the Iliutingtomm br.'- ahti' . li ; UrcYmaetl ' ( ha L adei flanL'o ( that place , will lno3d it tO Coleridge end nart- a new paper. The how stage 'of water itt tile North Pktte river has crested quite a war be'- tween the Coznd and Lexington irrigation canal companies , Tire barn of Charles limIer , a farmer living near Harper , was burped , together with five valuable horses and a quantity of grain and f'rm'mnehinery. James t. Reese dumped $150 worth of dltlies on the Stmite bank counter at ha- vennia - tine 'tiny' last week , the accumulation In eighteen months of a dime savings bank. Cattle on Nebraska ranges are in better condition now titan they have been at thii- timno for the lost ton years. ltailroatis iihl over .thc state. are. Preparing for a big eatt- b - trade. The Edwards boys , who have been ifi jail at Sterling , Cob. , for some time awaitiug trial for stealing and shipping some cattle ( rein Sidney aimout three years ago , were each sentenced to a term In the Cooraao- penItentiary. ! . The lightning rod sharks have been working their grime near Arapahoc. One nina signed an order for $3 and It after- ward - showed up as a note for 3300. It Is salt ! that the ( shire are now In the vicinity of Beaver City , The United States land oillco in O'Neill received $10,000 niofe during the fiscal ycar ending July 1 , 189S , than (luring the pre- vious - year. Bering the fiscal year ending July 1 , 1897 , the offlce received 36200.37 , while the amnouat received during the last year is 4610688. The water In the artesian well which was struck on Ocorga P. Fonman's farm WHILETIIE WAR LASTS All who march , walk or stand Should slialco into their slmoes Allen's Feot-Eae , a- iovder. . it cures aching , tired , sore , swol- hen feet amid makes tight or new shoes easy. It absorbs moisture and prevents chafing , hot , smarting , blistered , sweating feet. All tue regular arni )' troops ituid uias , ' nieui 1180 it. Volunteers in hot climates can't exist in comfort without it. Alien's Foot-Ease is solil by nil druggists and shoe stores , ISo. Srrmnple sent FitEE. Address , Alien 8. , Olmated , Leltoy , N , 'V. In 'Aton , Seward county , last week , has been gottOn under control and ' 'thin Ilipe- Letiuced to three-quarters of an inch. The pipe has been rnltItt to nineteen feet above the top of the ground , anti at that height apparently flows as strong as it does on the level , The water is of oxcoliont quality and there seems to be a good supiiy , r Aimiusl'IMIINTt4.- A . ( liiII.t'V lhlfl SHOW. THE TROCAEEHO hlatney it 1. Telephone 2217. Lefts kc Williams , Props. and Mgr.- W. . . V. CO1hiI , Act , Maminger- .A . LL. S TARS Fashionable VauthvHIeT- ONICHTALL. . WEEK Ghtttlb 30Mlll'iT & CO- .Couiie4y . Sketch Artists hi'AilcB Ai ) MlD1UN , Musical Cohioiliiins , iItUI Li'ii4ShFi , Manlpillator of Fire Arms. ' . P1.0101) hhitOS' ., Comedy Acrobats , Iiilfl(1l'311 Arl ) lti3hiD , Singing and Dancing Sketch Artists.- MAILY . l..t'b , Operatic Star- .IiL'iMT . A1'D IIAZE1.tO ( , Character 5kotchista- ."m . - : ' Il'nxIoU'&flursc- AisO reig.5on Manaitni. Tel. 163L 0. IVootlvrard , Amiiuserneut Director.- .TON1aIIT . . , $ ti0 : , TIlJ WOODWARD STOOI O. PRESENTING "FAUST" Next Veck-"CAI'T , SWIIrV. " LION . .. .4tT T1113. . . . MERRYGOROUND1- 5th and Capitol Ave. Capture the Brass Rujlg and Ride Agiin- FREE. . 105. 1IIUNCIIOFP. 1es.ee nuni Mauinger.- hOTELS. . . THE MILLARD 13th nIld Douglas Stg , , Olilahin. CENTRALLY LOCATED- .AMERICAS . - ANt ) EU1tOI'13tN PLAN- 1. 11. MAIIICEL & SON , Props. -HOTEL BARKER- IOTIJ AND JONES STREETS. OMAhA. 140 OUTSIDE ROOMS. American ........ $ . and 2.00 per (lay European i'ian. . . . . .. . .. SOc to 1.00 per day FRANK J3AI1KER , Manager , SAM , Chief Cle- rk.ciUR1A . : 1 H OTJL , 14th and Ilarney St. American Plan-3 to 4 dollars per day. Street ears from depots anti from hotel to Exposition Grounds in fIfteen minutes.- B. . . SILLOWAY. Malinger 4 toE6icAL jg- COMIED TREATMENT OF 'THE CUJATI- a 1j , ' 1308 Farriam St. , Omaha , Neb.- We . refer to tile Bcst 111111kg , Business Men and Mcrelialts in tilu city , . . . WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL Eemcmte , : tln r. wonrierfuljy successfm1 SIICC luhits and treatment of this institute corn- blue the two grdatest factors of the beau rig art known to tht , medical Profes.loo- ELECTRICITY and MEDICINi. It ie th e largest , most thorotighly and completely equipped Institute , both electrically and medically , ever established in the West for .he treatment and absolute cure of a II nervous. chronic amid Iri'ato diseases of MEN' aod'WOMEN. Honorable amid fair dealing accorded to all. ' , THESE DOCTORS CAN CURE YOU. . ' ' . 'I . . - - , ; ' ' , ) . " "I u < , ;I ? , C * , , , , " . . - , ' I' , ; : ' A 1 , . . , , SPE.CLALIS'IS ' for DISEASES of MEN SPECIALISTS for DISEASES of WOMEN Time great electrical and unedicutl specialists of this institute nrc far the best , most uccessuI and irmitiilc the worki ha ever known , ciii of l1'hom are gi'tmdualeg- or tire 1)081 medical colleges in the world , each having hail long anO sue- cessfui - liraclico III isis spt'ciulty , anti are lIcimlevimIg results in curing the sick and suffenipm4 b their comnliined trenttImithllt , 11111011 wOuld lie jimi- Possible to secure by either electrical or medical treatment ulome. 'rime State Eluctro- Me.lictil - instittuie is tIi ONL'i h'bACE where you can obtain time beuiopitm of tins muccessftml treatimient under time most ikiiifui nnil ieirne,1 ; rijitciriligtmi. hii3 ASSJitID- tiufl ( if airy uower oil earth cr111 curs yell titesti doctors cnini. They have eftc.cte.i corn- photo anti iiirmanittutt cures utter all others had ( ailed. Sonic doctors full because of treatIng ( hit wrong disense ; others from not knowing the right treatment. ' NO MISTAKES hERE NO FAILURES.- A . perfect cur.i guaranteed iii all enso s accepted. Our special cornidimed ELEC- .Tfl0.MFDlCAL . 'FRi0A'i'MlN'1' for NEItS'O US Ii6illi.ITY never ( cue , YOUNG , MID- D14)l.ACBD - AND OLl ) MFN. : Lost Mamib ood. 'j'Iie nwmii effects of iniliseretiomis 1mm youth , $ eht.iOlIUtidfl or excesses in after ii to. tmiid the etT0ct of flegIectc,1 or improper.i- 3P . treated cases , producing lack of vitality. HIi.XLJAI4VIIAKNEIIH , undeveloped ors- imruunkeml 1mar15 , Pain in back. louis , or ki darys , chest lirtimis , 1t1'fVOUSulCts , sleepless.- ness. . . weakn'ru of hotly itoh brain , .liziine as. ( ailing unenor , hack of ( in'rgy and coniithenco , delOmh0011'y , ( Vii foreboihliugi' ' , t iinidity auth other .lir.trt'mmsing symmipomns ( , uniitimig tutu or Iusiiucss , inttuiy , mileasmlr o niimm emmjoyuilelmt ( if life , Such cases , it- negireteil , amount always iea.I . to premnatu re thcc'a ? nail death. htuI"rlJJE.'AltICOCfliE. . hi'i DltOC'F LII , H1ILLLNiiS , TFNlEitNiSH : , 1)15- .ChiAitUES. . . S'l'ilIt'TLJIliIS. K1lNIIY ANI ) IIIIINAItY liSi'3Ai4i'H , SMAIi. . W'IAI'C- Nl ) SiIltIJNFflN IVtht'I'S , Aid. JILOOD SKIN itNi ) IJIHHAI4EH , 111)5- 0'Iuteiy carol by this treritnient after all 0 titer nienmis liumso ( aile- d.IISL3AS13S . OF WOMEN.'li- mo . eorntineml Kiectro-Meib'al Treatment of tine State l6iectrcj.Metlieal Institute is especially effective in tim cure of nil (cmiii , c'cnniilaimmt , , . falling or .hibpiutmli'mit ) III. , M'omnb , IisIiamnnmul1.im or milcnrntioim , bloating , lIehIdnIcimes , spina weakness , distlmrxrgcs , blinider nlnl kidney troubles , OI'EN-Daiiy , ( roni S a. in. to S p , ma , SunmlnyIO to 1 ii , rn if you cimnblot cull a letter enirefti Ii )' descruling your symmlptims anti so will send you in lilalim emmvelope our scion tub nirmil homiest 01)111 OH of your case free of charge , Our Womideriil system of horn 0 ti'eiittiieiit shah es us to Uuc'essfmliiy treat hI' beans ( if cornt'simontiemite. tIoschi'ing at ii 'Jistanco and sve have in yerirs- hlust cured mnitii' timousuntls iii this way. State Electro.Medical Institute , 1308 i.tilNA3t ( l3IAhlt. Eli. = = : wtth AitjstItfs Anti"s ieptIo ) stroycr ann N o w heir ( iroicor' ( rOnM hOW liSir anti . .le- .st.roy . this lmiicrm.b- acliii that Can4os Prol- nmitlmto - g ra y.n oss , timlatirfihi atui failing hair. All (lrlgnLIits , , or ! ehCI $1 V. 0. or- tIar - for a boitlo in- Prof.J.H.AUSTIN ) i 1mm eapol is , ii i aim. Write for Free hook- lot cit care of hum , : : : ..- _- -, _ -_- - - - ' . - :5 j * .a , llh1)VA' .t'l"i'lImClI ONM. " . . ' , . , ; 'isl l' ltH Moorish Harem oil flie lSm.'t .'tIItit'.my , ' si.r us lC- o.lrPl , - . rrjirothu.rtldii Cft1.o . bets Iii tiei- yitl - , , Ituypari ' 'I 11I H-utso Site 'fl'tfjo , lr.q 'h'Jif.l'.jtnil ItNOIN ( ( IRt.s' . THJ. . . . Moorish Cafe Ta the MOST POPULAR Pinmee to dine or lunch on the East Midwins' . Good service anti city hinices make ft desirable for families . . . . . . TilE MOORISII PALAOE'- rile 01113' Tciiiple of Art niitl- Alhlilse ilicIlt OIl the MId'n3' . VnIlcrfu1 Scouts I'orrzmy'd a ,, in- Life. . - . - 3 SWEPT BY C001. IH1BEZES. TIlE PLACE FOIL SOCiE- TY.Oermdn . VDe , CONTINUOVS VABIlEVIL- LE.gCccccoccc . cccc ccccc ecct" VISIT JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORES N. of Music Ihiill-Ejtst Midway. " ' 1I1 Yoiler ol Ic PllI8 Exoslllo II !! .. -'I'I- 1i3FLYINGLADYI - A lieuiiitlfiilVoinliui flnhitllig lii space , ON ' 11113 E.tS'l' hhhl1tY. THE MYSTIC MAZE N.iS' lutught h i'lii,1 'oui i''l I' I I 'iin ( 'liii I huh Tin I lie I ilOi ) It )'itm Ilnl the beniitlmil Im- mdy.Mammoth . WhaOo- tcuth 55 Ft. Weight 80,000 lbs 'I'Iie Omily Getiiiiic"i- Vimale , iii the 'SVovld- .ItS'r . MID1tY- .r . - - 1 CO1'IING-J1-'a The Great : TRILBY I _ _ _ _ _ _ -- a i ; "CHUTE THE CHUTES- "I Take a Wild Ride for Life on I The Great mound M You will remember it forever N and toil your friends how it- S happoncil.- Don't . fail to take a ride o- nGRIFFITHS' ' SOENIG RAILWAY oil the MIDWAY and see a representation of the BATTLE bF MANILA in the Great Tunnel. 'rho patent right for tiieo rail- ways - iii any punt of tim United tltat s for sale by J. A. Onifhlths , at his otlico on the Midway. - THEWILD WESTSHOWI- s thio Greatest Attraction on tile MID- WAY. - . The holdup of the Overland Stage.- Tue . most exciting scene of frontier life and hairbreadth pcapes from attacks of the Indians cOn hdtrniy ho seen at tim GREA' ! ' WILD WEST.I- oum't . Fill ! o S..r I- t.iL6i8CK'S . f Trarneti Wild arnrna Show1 SEr I'ilI LA.DV 1)LE- I N 'I'll E lEN OF LIONS , 'I'Iic W'lldCt'utll C'lornIila- of tbmn Grunt. hiat.tlo lid weomm I in ,, MRRIMAC - AND - MONITOR ihmmi'immg the Civil , l the most costly : , umid tlimest show cmi thuVegt Midway , DON'T PAil. 'l'O ShIll IT. _ _, MtlliTlhIlltN "gin u ms p () tllVIiN1d %, j& , . jT , 'Jim biggest , beat , most 'hovel flXlliItiopi (] oil !Uitiwfly. J4dmnissiomt ritihy 10 10:115 , t % a herd of hourly IOU Giant U- si - i: :, inches , dozens Of Ostrich clucks oumly a few days old. 'I'Ine iminist gorgeous plumibuigu en earthm. Ostrich eggs , Ostrich nestS , etc- .EIWIN . CA'VS'fO6' , l'roip , i ( Do Notforgot to Visit the UIINESE flIAJR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss House oi-iWes Midway. , . , Grand Battle of Confetti Nei I 'i'I(9ainy at sm1o ; p. jim , at Streets 01 All Nations ROLLER CHAIRS , JINQhlISflSC- AMI' { , STOOLS , al3A'rs FOIl lfIItE.- WOItICI3 . , CONCEII'J' $ , ETC. Ask Stand No. I , "Hchht'y , " Administration Arch Htun'i ' No 2. "lowey _ , " Midway , Htamn'l ' No , 3 , ' .1rijgj ' ' :.cJrtii S'ia'luct , Stand No 4, "Sr'.uiipsomm" South viaduct , Or ' I'homn- aCLJMMINS , [ xposIUoi 6rounds , STREETS OF CAIRO Sec tim. , Orlt'uitzml husziiimg hhemiimtis Iii I hiii r Ills I , , is * ss ito's mind , iummcu , % 'iSut's. tine foummous swor.lsumeu un4t- imI" a title titi liii , ecomeis. . A. - - - - -- - - -

The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-08-08 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1898-08-08/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · f' ' ;:-.:iiii.----_-----'-_,.j''t. ', '. 2--_ _ _

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-08-08 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1898-08-08/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · f' ' ;:-.:iiii.----_-----'-_,.j''t. ', '. 2--_ _ _

F' ' ; : -. :iiii . - --- _ --- -------- - - - - -- ' - _

, .J''t . () ' , '

. 2 - - _ _ _ _ _ --S- TI11 OMAIIADAILY TE11 : MONDAYAIJCrUST 8 , 18I)8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I- -- - -- -



thoring in the Counties Throughout theAnthiope State.

GOOD AUENDANCE AND GREAT HARMONY-JeItgncs) C1i.vtt ((0 ( lie Mtite ? otiii-jiiitliig

-) ' ( ' ) 1(1 lIe

rr 1IiIut iii I.liicutii; ,, Vt1neM.Iusr ,

,;., .

, N h. , Aug 7SptIa1.ThO( )

Seward COUflty I-epUbIcnn) convention methere ytday, afternoon to elect delegatesto the state. congreMRonal an4 aenatortal-conventions. . There was a full attendance.-lion.


. 1. V.' . Loyley of Seward was eleetedchairman and Dr. V.? . IC. L.ouglibrtdgo of-

l'lcasant lale , secretary.The following deltgates were selected to-

tli .c ngrclonnl conventlon J. D. Onley ,

I) . %V. Grouse , ft. I) . harvey , F' . A. Lamdln..7 , l. Mci.aln , l. M. Fettermon , (Jeorg-oFoor.! . M.Strcarn , J. Wright , N. 0. Ttngettd.-M.


. W. Warner , ft. C. Rhea. U. W. llrandon.-Ji


nes Ituby and 11. '1' . Jones.-To


the state conyontlon : A. Cohnan , 11.-



. Mayland , Joseph Jones , C. S. Newton ,

F. L. Clark , 1' . M. Itobotham , John Becker ,

L. Atwood Robert Muir, J. M. Smiley , 'I' .

J. Poster , T. If. Ilisliop , T. A. Henley , F.-



. Woolloy , A. 11111cr-



the senatorial conventIon : D. ..-



, Itoutan , A. Collnan , J. L. Emer-son

-, Jarne hair , 11. l3echman , V.' . K-


, F. 11ouderhctdt , 0. N. I'erklns ,

IL. A. Ilotichen. A. 0. Lemon , D. Bogart ,

J , B. Orcutt , It. T. Cooper , F. E. Hyatt.All delegates go unlnstructed , U. A.

MerrIam was elected chaIrman of th newcounty central committee anti D. C. Worksecretary.

VALENTINE , Neb , , Aug. 7Speclal.(

The republicans of Cherry county met Inconvention hero today. 7. C. l'ettyjohu wasclOtted halrman And W. S. Baticer secre-tary.

-. SuItable resolutions wore ready otter

which K D. Clarke was nominated forcounty attorney and Alfred Lewis , M. D. ,

for coroner. Delegatc to conventIons are-as fo1lowa State-Max E. VIertel , 3. A-


, Ed Clarke, J. C. Pattyjohn , 7. B-


, 7. W. Tucker. Congressional-C.11. Cornell , A. LewIs , F. M. Walcott , C. S.fleece , J. 0. VIncent , Hook. Sen-atonalJefferson

-Winship , P. W. Pruden , L.-



. reyton , Ormesher , It. Hanchett , W. S-


. LclsIatlve-i. W. Tucker , T. P-


, 7. A. Brewer , Amos Strong , T. F.Kelley , D. Clarkson. C. S. fleece wasmade chairman ot the county central corn-


tor thu ensuing year. The conventlofiwas well attended. was harmonIous and re-


uro organizing for &t vigorouscainpa lgn-


, Neb. , Aug. 7Speclal.The( )

republicans of Stantion county met.hero Saturday and lccted delegates tothe stnte nrnl congressional conventions asfollows :

State : T, L. Ackerman , Ed Daniels. B..1 , Abhot , Louis Smitliberger. S. S. Can-field , Fred Foyerherin. Alternates , John A-


, J. S. hancock , C. F. Draper , A. F-


, George Jlarr , C. P. Jones.Congressional : C. 11. Chace , John Ebony ,

William hamIlton , Charles McLcod. L. J-


, S. D. Denny. Alternates : LouisSmltliberger , Samuel Ghee , W. M. Anderson ,

John Iavls , A. F. Enos , 0. W. Furst. Thedqiegates. go uiiinstructcd , but. solid for-M L tlayvard for governor and F.MortiS torj congress.. AUItOILA , Neb. , tug. 7Speclal.The( )republican county coiventIon held hero yes-


was one of the most harmoniousanti enthusiastic conventions ever held In

,, this county. It. W. Craybill was chairmanand James Work secrotai'y. The delegatesto the stab convention wore Instructed touse all honorable means for the nonilna-timi

-of Judge hayward for governor on the

. republlcan4lcket ; also the delegates to theF'qurth congressional district conventionvcre instructed for B. J. Halner for con-


. Delegates to the state conven-tlon

-are : B. J. Waddle , B. Nogent , T. A-


, P. M. Green , Alex Coleman , A. C.Adams , W. . L. Palmer , H. 0. Ocher , JamesSchoonover , Robert hall and 7. 13. CaIn.-


the congressional conventIon : F. E-


, George Lane , Ed Holing, W. W.-


. 0. A. ScovIll , F. 0. Jenlson , A. .-


. A. L. Bishop , Swan Peterson ,

Theoloru I'arrls , 7. M. Cox and 7. P. Jones.Delegates to the state senatorial cenven-


are : Dr. W. 11. Caulk , B. B , Eaton.5 , 11. Moore , W. 11. Klnner , 0. B. Shank.laud , N. C. Christianson. B. B. Canr. C. 0-


, I , C. harrison. B. D. Preston , 11-



Hall and 7. N. Cassell-.NEMa


! ! , Neb , , Aug. 7.Speclal.There-publicad'

( )convention of Ant'lopo-

copnty 1eld In this city yesterday was at-


by full delegations from every sec-


of the county. flelegates were electedto the state , congressional and senatorialconventions , none of which were lnstructe'l'and all are wIthout ) .rticular Ireferenee as-

to. . caiu3ltiatenexcept that to the state cpnven-


, whIch will be a unit in favor of thenomInation of lion. N. U. Jackson of thiscity for' atorney( geileral , The state deloga-tloii

-is as foiiows Ii , B. ICryger , J , F.

lloyd , henry Torpin. Judeon Graves. 0. T.S Colby , 0. Ilrltteli , J. F' . Faiinon , F. Hales ,

( ] corgo Cooplunti. The tIcket nomInated Isgenerally nilinittetl to be a strong one , andwill be heurtily supported by ncuhliranv-otes. . The IloIflIlleOs are : C. 11. McGee forrepresentative , S. 0. Tlrnrnton for countynttornep nrid NIaI iralnnrtl for sherIff toill 1 vace ucy ,

IlIOOMlNGTO , Nob. , Aug. 7.Spccinl.-Thu

( . )- republicans of Franklin County heldtheIr convention hero Saturday alul norn-i.itetl

.the following candidates : County

nttoriwyV. . Ii. Miller ; Icir'seIltative) , L-


; delegates to slate onveutiou : .7 ,

1' . A , liiaclc , J. B , AtcOnew. It. 0 , Stuwart ,

Leo Ault1V. . 11 , IKtln , 1. 11. Jonc , 1. F-


and I' . IL'iIlIains. ..lolL'gAfes to congressional convention : J.

Elliott , S. I 1.Vililarns , C. II. roiiglnss) , It.-



l. 'Cranii , C. SllieldH , C. L. Owens , J-


, John Shatter.Delegates to senatorial convention : Isaac

Shopondson , James Conkling , J , M. l'ollnr'I ,

II. II. ' 'inttIt* , 0. (1. halley , 0 , T. l'atters-on.

-. John Parker anti C. B. Iludlong-


: ( , Neb , , Aug. 1Spoclal.( )

Tue rc'publlcana livId their county ( Oi-


here Saturday. C.V. . McCanaughy-Vfl8 chairman and , A. Forsyth secretary.

. The delegates to the state convention are.-

C , F , Sampson , Ij. '1' . flrooklng. A. M. Van-(loll , F , AslIpolo , John Ltmbloni , 0. F ,

, , AY. 1' . flaIl. 1. A , Pearson , F. A ,

lcan ; alternates , , j ) , Shields , C , II. Itob.-


. l. 1) . Bleed , The delegates are unlii-.structed

.anil are not in favor of any one

candidate , The (Iciegates to the Fifth con-gressioiinl

-'dIstrict convention , to be held in-

llldre'ge , ore : C , A , I'eterson , F. Brown ,

A. Foresyth , J , 11 , McClamot , B , A-


, 7. 13 , Johnson , J , T. idlIlNi , B. 1) ,

Blued , lI. B. Bush. Ieegntes were alsoeIOCtCi to the 'l'wenty.eiglitli senatorial*

convention , after which the conventIon ad-


. ift.er electing central Committee.men , B , 1) . BinscI wee elected cIlairlean-of the central colninlttee ,

DAVID CITY , Neb. , Aug. 7-Speclal-( )

Thu republicans of Butler county met heroSaturday. B. 0 , Hall was chairman and

ltes'Liro fu'I. regular actiono( the boeis do not len.tate or inflame , but ieaeeli tIe deiIete dItsiiyO er-

Iusm$ in perfect condItion. Try tIrzu. l'a ronly lq U. 1. IIUd ,k eo. , Lowell ,

.,. ,. _ , .__- a S. -- -" - *- - -- -

(bongo Colebank secretary. The foItowinpersons were chosen as delegates to thestatc conventiofl to be held st Lincoln , Au-


1O A. .7 , Evans , B. II. fllchardson ,

II. P. Scott , liusennetter , (loorgoHahn , E. 1. Hall , Charles Sudden , .1 , 1.Ross , C , Davenport , William McElvnine , C.-



. Bali ,

The delegates to the congressional eonven-tloii

-, to be helil at Seward , August 17 , were

3. 11. Aldrich , W. S. McCoy , 1. McMilIan ,

T. A. Saulebury , 0. W. Lord , F. If. Porter.13. Il. CItIte , V. I'roscovcc , A. floberts , U.-


I) . Mp'rs , W. A. liutchison ,

To the senatorial convention , to be caliod :

George 1' . Shusicy , George (JniCr , F' . W-


, Anion I'tncek , B. Fox , t) . lt. Leard ,

Joe Vnrin , 1' . C. JldWiflC , J. T. MoKnigiit ,

II. 8. craig anti J. C. Anderson.-ST.

.. . I'AUL , Nab. , Aug. 7Spccial.Thore-

lublican( )

county convention for llowatdcounty met hero Saturday. Ii. U. haywardwas chairman , The following delegateswore c1iosert State ConventionVIliiamS-oldel , Ii. I ) . hayward , S. N. Paul , it. L.Cook ? henry. Nuan ; harry Schlrkednntz antiA. B. Cony. ',

Congrcssionnl Conventidn-S. S. Smith ,

It. M. Holmes , C. H. I'nul , S. Applegate , W.-


Stltt , W. S. 11111 aittl A. B. Cady.Senatorial Conventlon-W. B. Green , M. A-


, It. llannlbal , henry Roe , 7. C.CornfIeld , Z , T. 1ett.wlch , B. F. Colbura.

State Central Committeeman-iL I) . hay-vnrd-


County Central Committee-harry Schirkedantz.

The convention was harmonious and altseemed confident of victory.

. Olliter Jtectflr Boteristcl.COLUMBUS , Neb , . Aug. 7Special.( )

The council concluded their work of In-


the matter of Officer flectorshooting Alex McGarvcy last evenIng antIexonerated hector , anti ho will resume hisPpsition on tile force this evening. Mc-


is still in 'the hospital and whilethe bali has HOt. yet teen rsnlovei he issaid to be doing very nicely and no senl-Gus results are apprehended. Last nightthe officers bad a hard flght. with some ho.hoes which they had nrresteI. Whoa theyarrived at the city jail the tramps offeredniialstaace aild a general fight ensued. Of-


Brock was beaten with a cane andin the melee two of the prisoners escaped ,

The town is overrun wIth this obnoxiousclass of people , and the force have strictorders to arrest them wherever found ,

The heavy rain of Friday night wIll ef-


stop thraahlng , which was In fullblast , for evcraI (lays. It. will also insurea good hay crop and make a good crop of

the late jotntoes.-



. lii iebrnMIn.-JUNIATA


, Nob. , Aug , 7Speclai.A( )

heavy rainfall occurred here last night ,

heavier than we have ever experienced ,

lasting over three hours and accompaniedby thunder add lightning. There were touranti one-quarter inches of water by actualmeasurement , on three accurate tests. AllCrOIB are safe now and will not aced any-

more moisture this season-.KENESAW


, Neb. . Aug. 7Spcclal.( )

A tine , heavy rain began falling hero lastnight at S o'clock anti continued to pourdown until 11 ::30 p. m. , about four inches of

water falling. This sviil iractlcahly insurethe corn crop.-


, Nob. , Aug. 7Speoinl.( )

Another good rain visited this section lastnight , which makes two this week , and cornis in the host Of condition.

CEDAR CItEEIC , Neb. , Aug. 7.SpeclalT-elegram.ThCrO

() was a heavy rain here

this afternoon-



SclltlI C i'nt1liitI tUg }icerelNeP4.-


. 1eb. , Aug. 7Spcolal.( )

The graduating exercises of the FrernontNormal school occurred this week. The bac-


sermon was dalivcrci to themembers of the graduating class at theMethodist Episcopal church this morningby Dr.V. . P. Murray. The graduating classnumbering seventy-two occLlpIed the frontseats and the body of the church was re-


for other students of the schoo-



for A.snnIt.YORK , Nob. , Aug. 7Special.A( ) corn-

plaint tiled yesterday jn the county courtcharges Burr Bobbins with assaulting withintent to murder Arthur Dixon. Both arefrom Lushton , where Dixon runs a liverybarn , A month or so ago the assault oc-


over a dispute about. a team. flab-bins struck Dixon on the head with a neckyoke and Dixon was pretty badly. hurt. Rob.bins 'will have his trial September 12-



Iell'oi'k ( , tiiity Mortgtige Uceord.-TRENTON.

.. Nob. , Aug. 7Special.Tho)

mortgage record for the month of July Is-

as follows : One farm mortgage flied tar$1100 ; two far inortfages released for 500each ; eight chattel mortgages filed. value

459a.5O ; two chattel mortgages released ,

value , 25675. Most of the chattel mart-gages filed are for machinery to take careof the immense crop and for cattle shippedin front the south-



1111.. it Coi.lENFVA , Neli. , Aug. 7Special.Tho( )

lightning In the late storm killed a cowon a (arm tlireo tubs west of town aliclstruck a house in East Geneva. The housewas torn qonsiticralily and the chimneys de.-



Yesterday three sheriffs were in town ,

each having in lila earo a girl for tile In-





, , , II ti.ti .tssinzilil $ , , ' , , ,

NEIII1ASKA CITY', Neb. , Aug. 7.Spe-cinh.Ir.

( -) . 0 , C. Iloise was yesterday ap-


) assistant sttrgcoii in the regularnriny , with orders to report ininiethintely-or( duty itt Camp Thomas , (in. lie line littil-

an application on ille since war was do-


: . 'rIte (TOctol' is woil anti favorablylinown pa a physician antI surgeon.-



) , ' . t ) IM Pr , , ilite,1 ,

NEIJUII , Nob. , 4ug. 7.-Speclah.--At( ) aBliecial meeting of the Board oI Supervisorsiieiih yesterday heputy 'Maybury yag ap-


sheriff of Antelope county to tIll thevacancy causcei by the death of SheriffSttphenson. 'File flppointnlont gives gt'n-entil

-satisfaction except to the railleal

element of the lOiflllist imrty. Mr. ?.iayburybeing classed as a silver republican ,

1 llJ II l'I4Pt I * ( I'ru4' FitYORK , Nob. , Aug. 7.Sitecial.IIalllIl-

lonti( ) -

Ellis will probably die train the in-


1w le'cei'ech last Friday , wlieii lie vits-nttneketl by a vicious hull. Three ribs arecrushed lii anti th slioultiors baully (rue-tuleti

-, Ellis is 65 years of ago and is otin-

of the best known (armors of south Yorkcounty. lIe lives near McCooi ,

I n J ii roil I ii ii It i ii ii vll . .YORK , Neb , , Aug. 7Speclal.Ifoy( )

Allen , the young son ot A. A. Allen , a wellkIIQWfl carpenter anti bulldt'r of York , isdangerously injured as thu result of ii run-away

-OCcufred yesterday , lie was

dragge S'Veral bioek (III liI iiepd , Thesurgeon is afraid ho will lint recover ,

II lvt'r IOON lllllIlIg (' .NBi3flASiC. CiTY , Nob. , Aug. 7.Spo.-Cigil'j'jio

( .) Missouri liver Is tloiiig Colisid-


dnrnnge by ctitliig( away its bankshear this city. Near lhanii y a Ilelil ofcorn aniounting to nearly 100 acres , hasbeen swept away , while numerous smalleriOsse of land have been rezortcd-



* , . , * -,LiNCOLN , Aug. 7.Special( Tel e&ranl.-)

In spite of the rain there Was a crowd of0,000 people on the grouuds of the Ellwonthassembly today. Damp wtather did flatseem to Interfere wIth carrying out theregular program nor with the attendanceof tjit, visitors ,

: _ _ - -



incinnatl Improves.Snudfty by Fatting theOrioles llanlsomely.(


.IIh 1'I1ciiIii 'In Miie'li fur the lint-tt'rs

-of dli. ' III rIM-iIrouI1 ) 0

1,1)11 lNi I It It Iglil IIek iii to-

'i.f.llil llIe ,

1'-CINCINNATI , 0. , Aug. 7.The Orioles

Were unable to liit'I57trnThaThi iporunely-todsy and the l1odi.won au.sxeitlng ganic.Attendance , 12464., Score :

CiC1Nt'1'l ILtLT1MOflI-.It.Il.u.A.lI.


. 11110. .'. E-.iIiir

., rt. . . I I I I I T'eeIer. if. . . 0 1 0 0

8nlItIl , if. , . . 1 U S 0 0 .r.nntnsw. PS 0 0 3 P-

Creorin, , s 0 0 1 8 0 IeiI'Y. vt. . . 1 0 2 0 0-

leckIey. . lb 0 1 13 0 0 Mctsnn , lb Il 2 9 1 0-

irln , lii. . . I 3 0 l41oIntC , it. . 0 1 1 0 1-

Mel'Itee , II , , C 0 ii G IlomOft ? , 2b. (I 2 4 5 1-


, r 1 .2' 2 1 O koiIniion , c 0 0 2 0-

l'oItS , C. . . . . U I 3 0 9 Itali , lb. . . . . 0 1 0 1

D.un'ann , I , 0 1 0 1 1 Nops. p. . . . . 0 0 ) 3 0-

'McGraw . . 0 1)) 0 0 0-

Tot.iI't . . . . 4 Vil 2 ?Cttirkr.O, t) 0 00. . - Ttas . , , , 1. 8 24 ii 3-

ihttteth for Bail in ninth.-hllattecT

.* for Mops In the ninth.

Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 - 4

Baltimore . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 O. 0 0. 0 .0 0iE-anletl runs : CincInnati , 2. Two-laso hit

lJciiioflt. Three-base lilt : Steinfoldt. Stolenbne : DemOnt. DoUble hilayH : Jenningsto MeGitun ; ilnhl to Deinont to licflanfl.First b5o on balls : By Inminann , 1 b-

Noits , I , hit by tiltelied ball : Dy Nops , I.Struck out : fly NopS 2 ; by Darnmann , 1.

Time : Two hourar umpires : Cnltney andBrown.

l'irnt's l'issir IIett-r huh.-


ICAGO , Aug. " 7.The rittsburgs plnyodthe better ball today , llehding nearly flet-feetly

-and hitting Just at the right time-


pltty was the feature. Attendance ,

6100. Seorti :



. ILII0.L .

Ryan , if. . . . 0 1 0 0 0 Donovan , rI 0 0 5 1 0-

rvr1tt , lb. . 0 t l I 0 MCreery , cf 1 2 0 0 0-

L.angect'O 0 0 0 OM'CarthyItl Z I 00I-ghell , cC. . . . 0 0 i 0 0 Gray. lb. . . . 0 1 0 1 0-

Dalden , 5, . . 1 1 0 3 1 0t3'n , ib.c ( 0 1 7 e 0-

5lL'rn'k , II , 0 0 0 I newman , c I 1 3 0 0-

Mertce. . rr , . 0 0 5 ) I) I'addeui , Zb , 0 (1 2 1 1

Conntw2bP0t201I3P. . . . . . . .lonahuo , C. I 2 7 0 0 tlardner , p. 1 1 1 1 0-

GrIllith , p. , . 0 0 1. 3 1 SehnIer , lb 0 0 1 0 0-

Totsls . . . .2 62T14 3 Totals . , . ,410271G I

Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-

Plttsburg-. 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0.4Earned runs : Chicago , 1 ; Pittshurg , 3.

Left on bases : Chicago , 6 : I'ittsburg , It).

Two-base hits Dahlen , McCarthy. Three-base hit : McCreeay. . Stolen bases : Ryan ,Mortes , MeCreery. Struck out : Dy GriIIith ,

4. lInac on bails : Off Griffth 8 , off Card-her , 2. Hit with ball : Mortes. Time : Twohours and ten minutes. .lJnipires Swart-wood and Warner.

( , ,1ollelM iheenic 'I'h. I r Steiik.LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Aii , 7.The coioneis-

reccivetl titlite 0. set-back toilay , hosing twogames to Brooklyn. Fraser was knocketitint of the bo , iii thu first. The Colonelsatarteti out like vinners , ln..tbe Uecond butthu Trolley-Dodgers batted out. the game.Attendance , 9000. Score-


. WVISVII.l.t-.R.t




( , of. . . I a a a p ( 'arke , If. . , 1 t 1 0.0-Jttte , rt. . . . 1 2 ((1 1 0 l1- , ef. . . . . 0 1 a o 0iueckartl. It I 2 1 0 0 Dextcr , tf. . 1 1 2 0-

Iiullttan} , 21 , 1 ) 2 3 0Vugne ,' , 3), , 1)) 1 3 0-

i.uCh'ct' , ii , 2 2 11 2 0 1)avi , , lb. . . 1 2 10 0

Megoon , sf' . 0 0 1 2 0 1lteh.y , 2b. Ii (I 1 1 1-

IuItiIIe , 31 , . 1 0 1 1 0 tilngmn , si U 1 1 1 0-

Ityufl , e. . . . . 0 1 U 0 jIttriIg'( , c 0 0 1 3 0-

inneI , p. 1 1 1 3 '3 FrLwer , p . . . C I 1 a I-

Altrocic , p. . 0 0 0 0 0Totem . . . . S 11 2 11 0 . . - - - - -

I Totaiq . . . . I 6271 3

Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0SLouisville . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 00 13

Earned ribs : Bio'klyn'1 ; Louisville , 2.Stolen ljasVagner: , 2 flitclicy. 'l'wo-base hits : laCiiance , Slleckarl , Griilin-.l'iireebaso


hits : Davis , 2 ; . Dcnter. Sacri-lice hits : Hey , Fraser Jones 2. Firstbase on lalls : ott Finser. 1 ; off Kennedy ,

1. Struck ouL By Fraser , 1 by Kennedy ,4. Double IIaYs : Dexter toVagner toKittridge . LaChaiip to Magoon. lilt byball : Magoon Sheeknrd. Left on bases :

I3rookiyn , 3 ; Loubtviiit , 5. TIulie : Olie hourand 1ifty-even minutes. Umpires : . ODayand McDonald.

Score , secontl ganle-BI100ELYN. . LOUISVILI.E-



Griffin , ct. . 0 0 2 0 1 Clarke , If. . . 0 1 0 0 Q

J10e5. r ( . . . . 0 0 1 0 1 TIny , Cf. . . . . I I) I I) 0-

Slwckar.i , It 1 2 3 0 1 IlextOr , ri. . . 1 ' 2 2 0 0-

lialinian , 21 , 0 0 1 1 0 Wagner , lb. ((1 1 2 1 I)

laCh'ce , Ibi 312 0 Davi.! , Ib.0 I 9 0Mug000 , S. I I 2 i S IUUeht'y , ? b. ) I) S 3 0-

Shluiilio. . 3b. 3 3 2i 3 0 CIttIll1l1 , (45 1 2 1 i; i

tirim , C. . . . . 0 1 4 0 3 l'owpnt , c. . . I I 3 1 0-

aicKenna , l 0 2 0 5 0 DowEng , . 121Totals . . . :

-12 2711 Totals . . , . 5 1017 13 1

Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1

Leulvii1o- 6

. . . . . . . . , .0 , P 3 1. 1 0 0 0 05Earned ruuis : Brooklyn , 4 Louisville, 3.

Stolen bases Wagner , LaChance. Twoi-Nise

-hits : McKenna. LuChance. Three-

base hit : Duwhing , Siiorillce hits : Davis ,

Powers. Sheckard. First base on balls : OftDowilng , 4 ; nIT McKcnnh , 3. Struck out :

By Dowling , 3 ; By MeNenna , 3. Doublelia ) Ciinghnrn to' RitChey to Davis. liltIty hiitCliel ball : 1)owling , Puseti halli4 :

Powers , Grim. Loft on bast'sl LouisVille , 9 ;

Brooklyn , 6. Time : Two hours anti thirtyminutes. Umpirest O'DiL and McDonald.-


Isiitts UI ) ii l'eg ,ST. LOUTS , Aug. 7.lhe Browns lost both

games today to the Giants. in thin firSt ,

%clllcii wits very one-sided. the Browns wereunable to hit. Seymour. Iloth Gnrrlck andSudliort were lilt hard In the second. At-tenthioct'

-, 2r.0 . Soon. ' , flrt game :

ST. LOU1 Nv: % YCR } .. I1ILO.X } .

Iwll( , rt , . . . ' I I 0 0. et 0 0 I I 0-

itenir.l. . ef. . 0 0 3 0 C Tleruian. If , 2 1 ' C 0-

lIsrl"y , It. . . 0 1 1 Ii 0 .Joyte , It ; : . . . 3 0 10 0 0-

Pments. . . . . . . . . . , 1

, ( . 0 0 1 3 0. O1eadn , Th , 2 i t 8 0-

Stilileun. . ss , (1 1 1 2 0 IJoylt. , rf. . . . 3 2 1 0 1'juckLr. ii , . . ') 0 S I. I) hlarUn'n , 1b 0 1 2 2 0-

Quinn. . lb. . . 0 t 3 0 1 firstly , c. . . I I 3 1 4-

1hlugiley , p. . 4)) 0 0 (4 0 'iic'yniour. p. j 4 0 1 0-

iiipaL'ck 0 0 0 1 .. .( , l - - - - -('arsey , ) , . . TOl&iItt . . . .2 11,27 11 2_

Totals . . . .t 67I 3 . . .

New York . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 ((112-St. . Toiiis . . . . . . . . . . . .0. 000. 0 , 0 0 0 1- 1

Earned runs ; New York , 1. Twu.bnsoill tit : 1 loyle. . SaerhIlr. ii I tii : I lurt inn ii ,

Cilt'asou. Ii it iuy litClit'l) , haul ; Doyle , Inublei-tlitys : (lindy to lavh ; 1)avis to ,Juytu ;

lnvi to (licason to Joyct' ; 'l'il&'kt'r to Stil.-livan.

.. hose on halls : Oft I Iugiiey , 4 ; off

iiiPti rick , ; oft Carsoy , ::1 ; ( fI 3eyiiItlr, , 5-


balls ; . Clement. . . 'Struu'k out :I I ugln'y , 2 ((1 II iii t i I ib , I ; ( 'ii S1 'y. 2 ; St'yrnu or ,I. StOlt'fl 1)1505) : 'Ilernan , S4'lflJtil, , Joy- ' ,

I [arl'y. 'him. ' : TWtl Joints. tYnipirs :Etnslio itriti I itlot : ' " - ' .

Score , aecciutl groan :,

Wi , lefl04. ' NlYOutl. .

. itllOl1. It u t) .t. I

Towl , ii. . . . 0 3 I 0 4)'hl'it'n) , ct 0 a 3 I 2-

4t.nzl , cf. 2 1 3 1 0 'l'lernan ri. 2 2 4)) 4) 0-

Ilarity , if. . 1 1 0 1 ..0 it 9 2L'rnu( . . . . . . . ( I 2 3 1 . I Ial ,' . u'u. . . S a .1 t I( 'lpuwtlls. C. 4)) 4) 9 2 uj ( Le.p , ,IU , I 1. 1. 1 3-

i4uIlIvin. . t. . 0 1 3 1 loylt' , ri. . . . . 1 1 0 ((4 4)

'clicker. lb. . 2 1 4 0 0 Tl'rlrn'n , 3I.I 2 1 a( utflIt. 2b. . . I 2 1 1 0 ( hotly. C. . . . 4) 1 0 2 0-

i4ridlioff , P. 0 0 Q2 0. .c.LrrrLcr! , u , lt I i 2 0

Totals . , . .61127 2 Totals . . . . hillill 6

Now Yuik . . . : : . . . . . 0 '1 0 3 0 0' 1 1 2Si-t. . ltiiiti . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 0 1)) .0 0 1 1 D-

l4IrlInd- 6

rilnit : St. 141(1111( , 1 ; Nov York ,


hits : Cruets , Davis. Doyle Car-rick , I iurtniun. Tiornan. liii by iltehtr ;

StOliZ'l , .ItiYU. ( i rudy , Ttielcer. Ilriso Oillouis : Off Suthliuff , 2 : off Currick , 2. Srrcri-lilt ) Ii i t : Stril IniJf , C lea soti , ( U I up , ja vis-.Strtwk


nut 11 >' Siithliott. 6 ; by ( iriit'k , 3 ,

StOlt'li lini't'i .Stenzel 2 , 1 Innlt'y , 'lieriinn ,

Ortttiy , Quinn. ' 'ime : hours anil-lv , enty minutes. umpires : Binslie filthI Loot.


l'iayo.l , Won. Lost , P. C-


( . . . . . . . . . . . 97 ii.'i I2 67.0-hiorttofl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5i 35


Fool ) PolL CY(1IEltS ,

( : . , .. Ful rt her , I.nstM Jgt'r , jillul-'I'uts4cs II.t ter ,

The bicycler who takes long rides 1100415

nourishment In a condensed (oral Tue-loarillig 1I ) of tilt ) SlOilillthli with heavy. footl ,

will s'ork serious Injury ,

Cyclors and uthiletes wIho have tried thedelicious Orape-Nuts , lately Placed on saiu111111 0U1 grocers , are Joud ill reconIlflelItia-tiotis

-of them as a condensed food that builds

flesh , strength alltl Il1Uelt3 , whilu at hue snubtilhlli Is easily digested ,

It is an uiideiuialdti feet that more hardwork , Physical or mental. can be done on ameal of Grape-Nuts than upon any food in-

oxtetance ,

Prool of this Ia to be 0401. fllflOU thoseWile 1150 Orapo.Nuta ulid have the ciperlo-nce.


Add this to Its deiicioui flavor sod itsPopularity is understood.

TheIr are made by tb PostUm Co. , BattleCreek , Mlcb.

1)3) tS 3 62.-4Iiaitlmnre . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 .2 110 67.8New York . . . . . . . . . . . 93 62 41-

Chiengo . , , . = . . . . :4); ti.; 4i 55,-2l'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5(1 4-1l'hiltnlelplila . .. .. .11) 42 45 46.7Brooklyn . 1)2) Iti 56 311.-1I.ouisvlikt , . .fj.i..o 147 U 61 37.-1.W'rtshingon


. . . . . . . . . 91 32 5-9st , IALliS . . . . . . . . , tl 70 2l.6

(lames Ibday : Pliilatlelphia at Chiengo ,IloSljuli ut C1&vlnnaU .Vnsllirigtnhi againstClciVcirintl tIe ' l'hllndelphhi , Brooklyn at-I.oiiisville.

, JI4t4inor4 lit Pittsburg , New,ork dt St LtfllIl4 ,

M'Oht IlS (IF 'I'll II S'l.iMl'iitN LlI.uI ; l-


IcutliMuts ( 'Il" (urnhs n l'n it' friitn hue t4-


, AtregnEIoll.KANSAS CITY , Aug. 7.TIre lllues made

a high tIld for first pince toilay by winningtti grinies from St. Joseph. The hitching of-1gan and Meredith was of the champion-ship


order utntl tiio limes batted timely in-botu gutmes. Score , first. genie :

fl,11ti ,St. Joseph , . . , 0 2 0 1000 0 0-3 (1 3-

i'rlnsit City . 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 ' 9 1-1lbritteries Fh4her hiul MeIjflUtCy Egan

and Wilson ) ' . . .Score s t'coiid gamel .

It.iI.I : .St. Josoplr , . . . ' 0 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 6-

Krtn.etr City. , 1 0 40 0 1. 0 0610' 1-

t3atienies1 St , J0501h. Daut , anti MeGan-by

-: Knnsas City Meredith and lVilsqn-


. . md , , At , 7.llnwley'iivl-ltll1esM in tli fourth' lint ! the Cuiatul'iona'

Inability tohit' Thomas when hits meantruns , cost tlieJloosiers, the lead today.-Scoret


4 It.TLE.Indianapolis . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1. 02 6 0Detroit . . . . . . . . 000300000364Bat-teriest lliwtey and Kahoe ; Thomasarid tJcUioW-


,' Aug. 7.Tiie i3reverr andthe Dlscovtlrers. brulcn even on a (ioUbI-eiiader

-today. Rettger's poor pitehitig itiitl

slow fielding lost the first game. Taylor's-i.Itehing was the feature of the secondgame. eore , ilrt garnet



. . . 1 0 0 3 0 0 O U 16 11 8Columbus . . . . . 3 2 0 1 0 5 1 0 0-12 15 3

flatteries : Milwaukee , flettger, Barnes ,

Sper null htaIp' Colurnbns , Woiters , Iltick.hey and Sullivan.

Score , second game :

Milwaukee . , . . 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 '- 4 :i 2

Columbus . . . . . 000020000-261Batteries : Milwaukee , 'raylor and Speer ;

Columbus J01i05 , Brown and Sullivan.-ST.


. PAtlL , Aug. 7.The tail-enders todktwo games from the Saints today , out.play-the Corniskeyltes at. all points. Phiiippl-pitclitrd wonderful bail In the first game.-P11310


also did good work , but liir supportwas poor , Score first garnet



. . . . . . . -Minneapolis . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1-7 8 5

Batteries : St. Paul , Phyla , Spies and flit-ter

-; Minneapolis , Philippi and Fisher.

Score second game :R.1I.I-


. . . . . . . I 10 00 010 (1-I CSMInneapolis . .2 12012003-1110S

Batteries : St. PattI , Fricken nnd l'titter ;

Minnen polls. MeNeely antI Fishier.STANDING Oil' TILlS TEAMS.-


. Won , Lost. P.C.-Knuisas

.City . . . . . . . . 97 110 81 61.-

9Judirtulapolis . . . . . . . . . 93 57 :is 61.3-St. . Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 5 , 41 57.7Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . ,10 () 58 42 SS.0Columbus . . . . . , .i. , . . 92 50 42 64.3Detroit . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 93 31 56 D.S-St. . Joseph , '. . . . . . . . . 91) 32 55 83.6Minneapolis itS 10 CS 80.-

6Gitnies tOla.'t io1unibiis at Milwaukee ;

Detroit at IlitiLlnupoli-


( . VIllH ,

GI1AND 1Sl.ND , Nob. , Ati. 7.Speeial-Toingram.Sup'riar

(anti Grand island

played a warmly ent'tet1 garnu tlii rifler-noon.

-. marred iully by vraugllng alinortt

throughout tita i'ITI0 , Superior broughtUmpire Nelson svliia4o work in- the first twoinnings was r tlo yilowest ever seen andtilt ) local club itpaly refused to play furthervith that ottItlai. Score :

Grnnd islanl, . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0' ii I 0 0 .16Superior . . 1 0 1 4 ( P 1 1 05it-atteriert : hipitWStel) nud ChIde. Ft.'It

and 'runner. .llits : Granl, Island , 10 ; So-.lorior

., 16. Erirors : Grand Tslind , 3 ; So-


, 2. J ,

. , I.'ugiue.-TOLEIO

., O. Alk. ? -.Tie gn.m .ietweeh

Toledo dial 1httiigittaYi enill in the fourthinning on acCount of a.trow. , Game given to-Yoiuuigatown , 1)) to 0.

DAYTON , 0. . Aug. 7.Score :

Tt11E.Dayton . . . . . . . . 0.0 0 ((1 0 0 0 ((1 0-0 9 0-

Miiiisti1tl . . . . . .I) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 5 1

flatteries : Ztxeit and Lattlmer ; Ely andBelt. .

'In teriunt 1(4111(1 I.e'utjriie.Montreal , 2 ; IVilkesbarre , 3.Ottawa , 9 ; i'rovidencO , 1-




1.1st of SnspenslunRecords Acceptedii ad 'ire nsft'rs Pusseul hlpoui .

BALTIMORE , MEl. , Aug. 7.ChaIrman-Mott of the League of Arnelrican Wheel-men

-racing board has Issued tite following :

The suspension of J. Harold Booth , Den-ion , 'i'ex. , August 4.

Professional recordr accepted : One-halfmile , competition. matlo by W. Fred Suns.WashIngton , August. 3. Time : 0:50: 35. Thisis also the handicap record for tha dig-tance.

-. Handlea0per , B. F3. Simpson.

Transferred t . the professiotial class : C.-


. Dasey , Denver , Cohn. , clause 11 ; A. It-.lthei

.] , Owensbor , Ky , . clause C-


E. I. Vilgren , 7. haroldtooth. A. F. Crenshaw , A. A. Bright Itoy-

den Porter , Pierre Robert , W , J. Jounson ,toy M. Juirvis , Giy Alexander , Sum Ben-


, Frank A ShirLfer , Nellie I.Torso ,h'aui Gay , Denison , Tex. , to October 5 ; on-sanctioned r.ICCS.

National circilit : indianapolis , nationalmeet , August 10 11 and 13 : Two , one-halfauld ono mile ; score , 6040302010.

Green , lirry , A. B. Fontaine , Mugt-urd

-111 , 17 rind 144 : One-third , one and live

iniie $ .At. Louis Cyole Raeln association , Aug.

lust 20 : One mile.Now York. American Cycle Racing asso-

elation , Angizrtf ' .l : Two miles-.Asbury

.I'ark , N. J. , Asbury Park Ale-


assointI.iri , August 21)) : One mile.heading , h'zi. , l'ennsylvaniu'iieclmneui ,

August II One' tulle-.Alaiioiu'y

.city , rut , . I I. 3' . I'rebs , score-

fury Athletic association , Septoznls.'r I : 'Iwo imiles.-


. [4)4115 , St. 1otils Cycle club , Ottober15 : 'two miles ,

Icnver , Coil ) , , . I iuirrir4 and Ilnuinanri ,

October 21 , 22 Onu uiilie.-



t'liultuulIohlMtllI ) ) lu''t '1111)4-

II N DIA NA I014i5. Aug. 7.lrcpnrntiouisfur thu big lt'sgiit' ci' Ani"ticrin Vhcolmimc-nniceting go Oil ::11)100. 'J'iiousrtntl visiteil-Nc'wby Oval ( army itmul saw tin' criic'lcwork omit. ( 'hnu'U's Itoot of ( 'iiicrto , theI ilii ( 'lull t4thl u'ter a f' t lie rn cc's , cit in e i o tad a-

D.ti'i iI4)E13013) 1tl'i alwutys iii ordt'r at bigat iijet i ( a iii irs , rind. tl u Huh 1 luleet. (41-

't lie I'rtgti t' a f A piomIchi it eel mumeui , t o beh-

mnid at Ncwhy Oval this veek , will 1)0 itO( uxeelltioll to thu ruIn. Almost dvery iiriy itdark ! ol'so iLlit.1rs) iii the litltl rtiiil givesI ii n rob In iers 0 f 1,110 go tim a mat ii em cmi nitl'O II )

gt'nss' 'ilo will PP ,fhio'Ioners of lime bigclnnhmnhiioni4huir'e'odtstm4( First it svuis Major'1'tyiur , tin'H iItWrime Orbiuthi , Stevens andIlil' I t Is tIme ' t I U I U r Jo it ii li J itli lisrill-If, 1.1 i IuuInit hal it' ( )11 SI! tmmrdri Y lit , en mae tO-

I Ii n ( i I 3P it nl, t't1II'ItD , ' uiCflt , I lit I en t lie ti i slion I'll 511 rfaco 4I C ' 1io uIt) ' t ra ek. I lit lint-unmnt'w

-it 4)litj.Sui, hti rcutteHt Sinec1 ovals

ibm thu coulitry.After *

' it bit Jolumiuton had timI a Jitielfi t en tim ' % 'lrn v'im I t ii ad ?, loum roe pa I I

Ilibit to time tfl1)t uiiiui t 11401 WCII I. for t Ito ii11mg

3-eight ii of hI1i4 ii , , I t Vi'Ufl t fl lOll uid I lie

turn at itimnost , liere1ibi apt.'eii and liveivatelies clicked 1II' 45. being better 1)3' tWo.-


.f I Its t lam ii n Ii Y ISimilil os'Or made in i lie svorlii-


uioxt. fitstst IiflC tilUt hits liet'um imiitle,

.( Is tire 0:12: i.-j , , Pt; Major 'i'nyiom' tine tiny

before , 'I'iit) 1StrrnluInc'e, clearly HIii.VH-tithit Jolumison Ia ''dt"Imi make time tight of hisII to I bi t lie' C lid Jill dc0isll I ps ,

) . ? ' , , hiu.ton-.I'll

.I IAIF3lA71tA , Aug. 7-flurry Bikes ,

tire niIrliiie-duit't'ne' ( bir3'eiO ruler , Inst nightilefeirteti 'Feint bIS10u1 , timeVeleltinuilm , iii a-

tWt'bityiiVU tm inceii race on the 'illow-Irovo( truck itmol oil records froni the millith-

to the twemlt-fltth uplies were broken. Liii-ton broke tht vtnI'I'm4' record ( mm time niqth-to time I hirteenth iiiiiu arid on the (mirteeritlibIllie Elires tool thu iL'atk nail lirol allrero rils II I' I 0 1 iii , t yt'li t 1 II ft ii limilit. b I k is-nritiiut'd, nOt ! broke limo hour record. The

110W liguremi urn Ii uuiiies , 1,223 yrirtis. 'I'ime'former re'ord (or lim # lOille wits 8.1 uniie , '..46-

6l.a i ii s. hold by 'Vu y'' oc-.ii.foro


Lintori troth rlkc.s ermine on limot rn ek , 1hIo1urt rd 'Iii y lore. I he French man ,

lii'ok e I mc, one-nil In iaceI, record , going I lieillstanen iii t ii it noun rkaliiu I I iuiti ( I I' 1 ::3 25.-


ire'uotIs recm'tl was I ::3. , Iih'i' by Jli' .Iiiftce , It wils II o'clock which BikeS alibiUntomi started in their race.

.% 11'I* ruls unit' t ii )hi'Iu if.. . ' ,

Iii I I lAIl'3iPil IA , A iir , 'JT.-'l'he twenty.-flve.inlio

.paceti rot'u iitti'eeIi Bthihi . .tc-


anti Jimmy Mirlmarl , which ivasrule yestertlny at 'iilow tirovim liteycietrack , wris toniglil awnb'1ied to MeDiafti. ,by iicere. , L1hi'r Michael led mit tue endof time. twonty.ilvt imiils , but thu refereewithheld his deisin. McIuree's managerhaving ltalg.'ti 4 Protest (it them ejid of li.o-thiril soils ,' that Ilhichnel ) ma.l more hmac-.uiimikCr

.Itirili Was specified iii the contract.-


contract ° ti for thirty-two 11.1cc-

!. .

mdnkcri to j' sub and nftr an Investiga-lion it. 'fl'I found that Michael irni thirtyf-lihe.

-. tlI.ler the eircumstance MeDuffee

wail given tiu, race ,

Pith t.i1 ( hnrnien I % 'arkerM.CINCINNATI , 0 , , Aug. 7-The Associa-


of Uniteti (lsrnieut Makers of Americawill 'begin thlr' fourth annual conventionhero tomorrow , whli5li is expected to lastft week , The executive Colnmittee tonightcut out the work lot tomorrow. Sixty dde-gates , lubost or whom have arrived , will be-

llresent , a iar number of vilOni alto WO-inert ,

,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' 1 lit 4) Iirit Canul.

UTICA , N. '1' , , Aug. 7Tonight. two carsOIl thio Ilolt , ibo trolley road vnt throughtiratiley's bnitige near , nod soy-cuiteen

-lasengors, vere prcipltatod into the

Eric c.anai. Miss Mary Brady of this citywad tim only penton killed. Several worei nJ U tetl ,

,, ,


Schmrnikn, Nei'rs T6im1ee'' 4 Tliort , will W" ' harVt henlo festirti-at 'the people of western Antelope cettiuty-at McKnmmiey'iegros'e , near Clearwdtcr , Au-gust


George L. , Nelson ot the Iliutingtomm br.'-ahti'

.li ; UrcYmaetl ' ( ha L adei flanL'o ( that

place , will lno3d it tO Coleridge end nart-a new paper.

The how stage 'of water itt tile NorthPktte river has crested quite a war be'-tween the Coznd and Lexington irrigationcanal companies ,

Tire barn of Charles limIer , a farmerliving near Harper , was burped , togetherwith five valuable horses and a quantityof grain and f'rm'mnehinery.

James t. Reese dumped $150 worth ofdltlies on the Stmite bank counter at ha-vennia

-tine 'tiny' last week , the accumulation

In eighteen months of a dime savings bank.Cattle on Nebraska ranges are in better

condition now titan they have been at thii-timno for the lost ton years. ltailroatis iihlover .thc state. are. Preparing for a big eatt-b


The Edwards boys , who have been ifi jailat Sterling , Cob. , for some time awaitiugtrial for stealing and shipping some cattle(rein Sidney aimout three years ago , wereeach sentenced to a term In the Cooraao-penItentiary.



The lightning rod sharks have beenworking their grime near Arapahoc. Onenina signed an order for $3 and It after-ward

-showed up as a note for 3300. It Is

salt ! that the (shire are now In the vicinityof Beaver City ,

The United States land oillco in O'Neillreceived $10,000 niofe during the fiscal ycarending July 1 , 189S , than (luring the pre-vious

-year. Bering the fiscal year ending

July 1 , 1897 , the offlce received 36200.37 ,

while the amnouat received during the lastyear is 4610688.

The water In the artesian well whichwas struck on Ocorga P. Fonman's farm

WHILETIIE WAR LASTSAll who march , walk or stand Should

slialco into their slmoes Allen's Feot-Eae , a-iovder. . it cures aching , tired , sore , swol-hen feet amid makes tight or new shoes easy.It absorbs moisture and prevents chafing ,

hot , smarting , blistered , sweating feet. Alltue regular arni )' troops ituid uias ,' nieui 1180it. Volunteers in hot climates can't existin comfort without it. Alien's Foot-Easeis solil by nil druggists and shoe stores ,ISo. Srrmnple sent FitEE. Address , Alien 8. ,Olmated , Leltoy , N , 'V.

In 'Aton , Seward county , last week , hasbeen gottOn under control and ''thin Ilipe-

Letiuced to three-quarters of an inch. Thepipe has been rnltItt to nineteen feet abovethe top of the ground , anti at that heightapparently flows as strong as it does on thelevel , The water is of oxcoliont qualityand there seems to be a good supiiy ,




(liiII.t'V lhlfl SHOW.

THE TROCAEEHOhlatney it 1.

Telephone 2217.Lefts kc Williams , Props. and Mgr.-


. V. CO1hiI , Act , Maminger-




Fashionable VauthvHIeT-ONICHTALL. . WEEK

Ghtttlb 30Mlll'iT & CO-.Couiie4y

.Sketch Artists

hi'AilcB Ai ) MlD1UN ,Musical Cohioiliiins ,

iItUI Li'ii4ShFi ,

Manlpillator of Fire Arms.'

. P1.0101) hhitOS' . ,

Comedy Acrobats ,

Iiilfl(1l'311 Arl) lti3hiD ,Singing and Dancing Sketch Artists.-


l..t'b ,

Operatic Star-.IiL'iMT

.A1'D IIAZE1.tO (,

Character 5kotchista-



- :'Il'nxIoU'&flursc-AisO reig.5on Manaitni. Tel. 163L

0. IVootlvrard , Amiiuserneut Director.-.TON1aIIT


. , $ ti0: ,


"FAUST"Next Veck-"CAI'T , SWIIrV."

LION. . . .4tT T1113. . . .

MERRYGOROUND1-5th and Capitol Ave.

Capture the Brass Rujlg and Ride Agiin-FREE. .

105. 1IIUNCIIOFP. 1es.ee nuni Mauinger.-




THE MILLARD13th nIld Douglas Stg , , Olilahin.


.- ANt ) EU1tOI'13tN PLAN-1. 11. MAIIICEL & SON , Props.


140 OUTSIDE ROOMS.American . . . . . . . . $ . and 2.00 per (layEuropean i'ian. . . . . . . . . . SOc to 1.00 per dayFRANK J3AI1KER , Manager ,

SAM , Chief Cle-rk.ciUR1A


: 1 H OTJL,14th and Ilarney St.

American Plan-3 to 4 dollars per day.Street ears from depots anti from hotel toExposition Grounds in fIfteen minutes.-


. SILLOWAY. Malinger


toE6icAL jg-



a 1j, ' 1308 Farriam St., Omaha , Neb.-


refer to tile Bcst 111111kg , Business Men and Mcrelialts in tilu city, . .

. WHEN ALL OTHERS FAILEemcmte, : tln r. wonrierfuljy successfm1 SIICC luhits and treatment of this institute corn-blue the two grdatest factors of the beau rig art known to tht, medical Profes.loo-ELECTRICITY and MEDICINi. It ie th e largest , most thorotighly and completelyequipped Institute, both electrically and medically , ever established in the Westfor .he treatment and absolute cure of a II nervous. chronic amid Iri'ato diseases ofMEN' aod'WOMEN. Honorable amid fair dealing accorded to all. '




' .

'I .

.-- ,;

'' ,


. ""Iu< ,

;I? , C * , , ,, "

. . - , 'I'

, ;

: ' A1

, . .




Time great electrical and unedicutl specialists of this institute nrc far the best , mostuccessuI and irmitiilc the worki ha ever known , ciii of l1'hom are gi'tmdualeg-

or tire 1)081 medical colleges in the world , each having hail long anO sue-cessfui

-liraclico III isis spt'ciulty , anti are lIcimlevimIg results in curing the sick

and suffenipm4 b their comnliined trenttImithllt , 11111011 wOuld lie jimi-

Possible to secure by either electrical or medical treatment ulome. 'rime State Eluctro-Me.lictil

-instittuie is tIi ONL'i h'bACE where you can obtain time beuiopitm of tins

muccessftml treatimient under time most ikiiifui nnil ieirne,1; rijitciriligtmi. hii3 ASSJitID-tiufl


if airy uower oil earth cr111 curs yell titesti doctors cnini. They have eftc.cte.i corn-photo anti iiirmanittutt cures utter all others had (ailed. Sonic doctors full because oftreatIng ( hit wrong disense ; others from not knowing the right treatment.



.perfect cur.i guaranteed iii all enso s accepted. Our special cornidimed ELEC-


'FRi0A'i'MlN'1' for NEItS'O US Ii6illi.ITY never (cue , YOUNG , MID-D14)l.ACBD

-AND OLl ) MFN.: Lost Mamib ood. 'j'Iie nwmii effects of iniliseretiomis 1mm

youth , $eht.iOlIUtidfl or excesses in after ii to. tmiid the etT0ct of flegIectc,1 or improper.i-3P

.treated cases , producing lack of vitality. HIi.XLJAI4VIIAKNEIIH , undeveloped ors-

imruunkeml 1mar15 , Pain in back. louis , or ki darys , chest lirtimis , 1t1'fVOUSulCts , sleepless.-ness.

.. weakn'ru of hotly itoh brain , .liziine as. (ailing unenor , hack of (in'rgy and

coniithenco , delOmh0011'y , ( Vii foreboihliugi' ' , t iinidity auth other .lir.trt'mmsing symmipomns( ,

uniitimig tutu or Iusiiucss , inttuiy , mileasmlr o niimm emmjoyuilelmt ( if life , Such cases , it-

negireteil , amount always iea.I. to premnatu re thcc'a ? nail death.htuI"rlJJE.'AltICOCfliE. . hi'i DltOC'F LII , H1ILLLNiiS , TFNlEitNiSH: , 1)15-


. S'l'ilIt'TLJIliIS. K1lNIIY ANI ) IIIIINAItY liSi'3Ai4i'H , SMAIi. . W'IAI'C-Nl ) SiIltIJNFflN IVtht'I'S , Aid. JILOOD SKIN itNi) IJIHHAI4EH , 111)5-

0'Iuteiy carol by this treritnient after all 0 titer nienmis liumso (aile-d.IISL3AS13S




eorntineml Kiectro-Meib'al Treatment of tine State l6iectrcj.Metlieal Institute isespecially effective in tim cure of nil (cmiii , c'cnniilaimmt, , . falling or .hibpiutmli'mit) III. ,

M'omnb , IisIiamnnmul1.im or milcnrntioim , bloating , lIehIdnIcimes , spina weakness , distlmrxrgcs ,

blinider nlnl kidney troubles ,

OI'EN-Daiiy , (roni S a. in. to S p , ma , SunmlnyIO to 1 ii , rn

if you cimnblot cull a letter enirefti Ii )' descruling your symmlptims anti so willsend you in lilalim emmvelope our scion tub nirmil homiest 01)111 OH of your case free

of charge , Our Womideriil system of horn 0 ti'eiittiieiit shah es us to Uuc'essfmliiytreat hI' beans ( if cornt'simontiemite. tIoschi'ing at ii 'Jistanco and sve have in yerirs-hlust cured mnitii' timousuntls iii this way.

State Electro.Medical Institute ,1308 i.tilNA3t ( l3IAhlt. Eli.

= = :

wtth AitjstItfs Anti"sieptIo )stroycr ann N o wheir (iroicor' ( rOnMhOW liSir anti . .le-


this lmiicrm.b-acliii that Can4os Prol-nmitlmto

-g ra y.n oss ,

timlatirfihi atui failinghair. All (lrlgnLIits, ,

or ! ehCI $1 V. 0. or-tIar

-for a boitlo in-

Prof.J.H.AUSTIN) i 1mm eapol is , ii i aim.

Write for Free hook-lot cit care of hum ,

::: ..- _- -, _ -_- --- ' . - :5 j *.a,

llh1)VA' .t'l"i'lImClI ONM. ". .' ,

. ,; 'isl l' ltHMoorish Harem

oil flie lSm.'t .'tIItit'.my , ' si.r us lC-o.lrPl

, -. rrjirothu.rtldii Cft1.o. bets Iii tiei-yitl

-, , Ituypari ''I 11I H-utso Site 'fl'tfjo ,

lr.q 'h'Jif.l'.jtnil ItNOIN( ( IRt.s' .

THJ. . . .

Moorish CafeTa the MOST POPULAR Pinmee to dine orlunch on the East Midwins' . Good serviceanti city hinices make ft desirable forfamilies . . . . . .


rile 01113' Tciiiple of Art niitl-

Alhlilse ilicIlt OIl the MId'n3' .

VnIlcrfu1 Scouts I'orrzmy'd a ,, in-Life. .






VDe ,



cccc ccccc ecct"




N. of Music Ihiill-Ejtst Midway. " '

1I1 Yoiler ol Ic PllI8 Exoslllo II ! !


-A lieuiiitlfiilVoinliui flnhitllig lii space ,

ON '11113 E.tS'l' hhhl1tY.


N.iS' lutught h i'lii,1 'oui i''l I' I I 'iin ('liii I

huh Tin I lie I ilOi ) It )'itm Ilnl thebeniitlmil Im-




tcuth 55 Ft. Weight 80,000 lbs'I'Iie Omily Getiiiiic"i-Vimale


iii the 'SVovld-




- - 1CO1'IING-J1-'aThe Great

: TRILBYI _ _ __ _ _ - - a i


Take a Wild Ride for Life onI The Great moundM You will remember it foreverN and toil your friends how it-




fail to take a ride o-


oil the MIDWAY and see a representationof the BATTLE bF MANILA in the GreatTunnel. 'rho patent right for tiieo rail-ways

-iii any punt of tim United tltat s for

sale by J. A. Onifhlths , at his otlico on theMidway. -THEWILD WESTSHOWI-s thio Greatest Attraction on tile MID-WAY.

-. The holdup of the Overland Stage.-


most exciting scene of frontier lifeand hairbreadth pcapes from attacks ofthe Indians cOn hdtrniy ho seen at tim


.Fill ! o S..r I-


fTrarneti Wild arnrna Show1SEr I'ilI LA.DV 1)LE-I N 'I'll E lEN OF LIONS ,

'I'Iic W'lldCt'utll C'lornIila-of tbmn Grunt. hiat.tlo lid weomm I in , ,

MRRIMAC - AND - MONITORihmmi'immg the Civil , l the most costly

:, umid tlimest show cmi thuVegt Midway ,

DON'T PAil. 'l'O ShIll IT._ _,

MtlliTlhIlltN "gin u ms p() tllVIiN1d %, j& , . jT ,

'Jim biggest , beat , most 'hovel flXlliItiopi(]

oil !Uitiwfly. J4dmnissiomt ritihy 10 10:115 ,t% a herd of hourly IOU Giant U-si

-i: :, inches , dozens Of Ostrich clucks

oumly a few days old. 'I'Ine iministgorgeous plumibuigu en earthm. Ostrich eggs ,Ostrich nestS , etc-


CA'VS'fO6', l'roip ,i (

Do Notforgot to Visit the

UIINESE flIAJR ,Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss

House oi-iWes Midway. ,.,

Grand Battleof Confetti

Nei I 'i'I(9ainy at sm1o; p. jim , at

Streets 01 All Nations



STOOLS , al3A'rs FOIl lfIItE.-WOItICI3

., CONCEII'J' $ , ETC. Ask

Stand No. I , "Hchht'y , " Administration ArchHtun'i' No 2. "lowey

_, " Midway ,

Htamn'l' No , 3 , ' .1rijgj ' ' :.cJrtii S'ia'luct ,

Stand No 4 , "Sr'.uiipsomm" South viaduct ,

Or ' I'homn-aCLJMMINS , [xposIUoi 6rounds ,


Sec tim. , Orlt'uitzml husziiimg hhemiimtis IiiI hiii r Ills I , ,is * ss ito's mind , iummcu ,

% 'iSut's. tine foummous swor.lsumeu un4t-imI" a title titi liii, ecomeis.

.A.------ -- -