The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 www.rachurch.net Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday: 9am Saturday Vigil: 4pm Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish) Masses are also livestreamed on our website and Facebook

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!

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Page 1: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

(718) 424-5212 www.rachurch.net

Mass Schedule

Monday-Saturday: 9am

Saturday Vigil: 4pm

Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish)

Masses are also livestreamed on our website and Facebook

Page 2: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!

Dear Friends, As we move into the month of November, the leaves already are changing color, and many have already fallen from the trees. It’s a season during which we reflect on loss and dying—we see it in nature, and we also see where it happens in our own lives. Because of Christ’s entry into our world, death does not overwhelm us as Christians—for we believe it does not have the final word! Christ’s resurrection offers us the hope of life everlasting—the promise of heaven. Life has the final word—life in Christ. This week has special days to remind us to reflect on our lives in relationship to eternity! Today is the Feast of All Saints (November 1st), when the Church honors all saints, both known and unknown, who are gathered together in Heaven, united in their praise of God! This is our call, our destiny as well. All Souls Day (November 2nd) is the Church’s annual invitation to reflect on the mystery in-volved in dying and letting go, as well as the hope we have to live forever! In a special way we pause on All Souls Day to remember our loved ones who have died—and we are given great reassurance that they are alive in the Spirit, and that we have hope to meet them again. Finally, please pray, discern and do not forget to vote this Tuesday, November 3rd. Peace and blessings, Father Tom ++++ Queridos amigos, Al empezar el mes de noviembre, las hojas de los árboles ya están cambiando de color y muchas ya se han caído. Es una temporada durante la cual reflexionamos sobre la pérdida y la muerte; lo vemos en la naturaleza y también lo vemos en nuestras propias vidas. Debido a la venida de Cristo a nuestro mundo, como cristianos, la muerte no nos abruma, ¡porque cree-mos que ella no tiene la última palabra! La resurrección de Cristo nos ofrece la esperanza de vida eterna: la promesa del cielo. La vida tiene la última palabra: vida en Cristo. ¡Esta semana tiene días especiales para ayudarnos a reflexionar sobre nuestras vidas en relación con la eternidad! ¡Hoy es la Fiesta de Todos los Santos (1ro de noviembre), cuando la Iglesia honra a todos los santos, conocidos y desconocidos, que están reunidos en el cielo, unidos en su alabanza a Dios! Este es nuestro llamado, nuestro destino también. El Día de los Difuntos (2 de noviembre) es la invitación anual de la iglesia a reflexionar sobre el misterio que implica morir, despedirse y dejar ir, ¡así como la esperan-za que tenemos de vivir para siempre! De manera especial, hacemos una pausa en el Día de los Santos Difuntos para recordar a nuestros seres queridos que han muerto—y nos da un gran alivio el saber que están vivos en el Espíritu y tenemos la esperanza de volver a encontrarlos de nuevo. Finalmente, les pido que recen, disciernan y no se olviden de votar este martes 3 de noviembre. Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom

Page 3: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!


Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late! Stop by the rectory to fill out a regis-

tration form, or you may download it from our website– www.rachurch.net– under the Reli-

gious Education section of the Sacraments and Liturgy tab.

Interested in becoming a Catholic?

Are you interested in being baptized or completing your initiation by the reception of the Sac-

raments of Eucharist and Confirmation?

Our RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) can help you explore all the Catho-

lic Faith has to offer. Come, learn, experience, believe!

Maybe you have been experiencing a call in your heart calling you to welcome God in your

life. Listen to that call. It’s our Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to welcome you; it is

the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home.

The preparation process is different depending on your personal situation. We hope you al-

low us to be part of your journey to experiencing how wide and long and high and deep is the

love of Christ for all of us. Please contact us to discuss the options and begin your journey

into a life of love, hope and faith.

Classes are available in English and Spanish. Call our Religious Education office at 718-533-

7898 or send us a message to [email protected]


Educación Religiosa Si aún no ha inscrito a su hijo(a), ¡no es demasiado tarde! Pase por la rectoría para completar

un formulario de registro, o puede descargarlo de nuestro sitio web, www.rachurch.net, en el

área de Educación Religiosa de la sección de Sacramentos y Liturgia.

¿Está interesado(a) en convertirse en católico?

Nuestro Programa RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) puede ayudarle a explorar

todo lo que la Fe Católica tiene para ofrecer. ¡Venga, aprenda, experimente, crea!

Tal vez usted ha estado experimentando un llamado en su corazón que lo incita a recibir a

Dios en su vida. Escuche ese llamado. Es nuestro Padre Celestial extendiendo sus brazos pa-

ra darle la bienvenida; es el Espíritu Santo susurrándole al oído, esperando llevarle a casa.

El proceso de preparación es diferente según su situación personal. Esperamos que nos per-

mita ser parte de su jornada espiritual para experimentar cuán amplio, largo, alto y profundo

es el amor de Cristo por todos nosotros. Por favor contáctenos para discutir las opciones y

comenzar su camino hacia una vida de amor, esperanza y fe.

Clases disponibles en inglés y español. Por favor llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa de

Nuestra Señora del Ángelus al 718-896-4388 o envíenos un mensaje a ourladyoftheange-

[email protected]

Page 4: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!


School News

Congratulations to the following students who

are Student of the Month for demonstrating the

quality of fairness. This month it is based on

the life of Saint Therese of Lisieux.

Kindergarten A Jesus Flores

Kindergarten B Marsella Cotto-Alama

Grade 1 Evelyn Li

Grade 2 Xavier Baratau

Grade 3 Anna Lee

Grade 4 Angelica Zbytniewski

Grade 5 Eileen Garcia

Grade 6 Frank Hurst

Grade 7 William-Franz Pascual

Grade 8 Ava Aruci

Faithful Citizenship— Ciudadanos Fieles

"In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation," according to the U.S. Catholic bishops (Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 13). We urge all eligible parishioners to participate in the election next Tuesday. The insights of the Scriptures and Catholic social teaching are important guides for our decisions about issues and candi-dates. We urge you to become informed about the issues and how Catholic teaching guides us, and to examine the positions of candidates in light of Catholic teaching. If you would like information about Catholic teaching on our civic responsibilities, please visit www.faithfulcitizenship.org

"En la tradición católica, el ser ciudadano fiel es una virtud; la participación en el proceso político es una obligación moral", según nos dicen los obispos católicos de Estados Unidos (Formando la concien-cia para ser ciudadanos fieles, no. 13). Exhortamos a todos los feligreses calificados a que participen en las elecciones el próximo martes. Las Escrituras y la enseñanza social católica son unas guías im-portantes para nuestras decisiones sobre los asuntos y los candidatos. Los exhortamos a que se infor-men bien sobre los asuntos y cómo nos guía la enseñanza católica, y a analizar las posiciones de los candidatos a la luz de la enseñanza católica. Si desean mayor información sobre la enseñanza católica respecto a nuestras responsabilidades cívicas, visiten www.ciudadanosfieles.org

A Glimpse at your contributions…

October 24/25:

Sunday Collection: $4,490

Contributions made via Online Giving: $982

Total Sunday Collection: $5,472

Academy Support: $702

Thank you for your generosity!!!

To make a donation to our church, just text the word ‘Sunday’ to 517-500-5212 to easily make your gift. You can also just point your camera at this QR code for a quick link:

Para hacer una donación a nuestra igle-sia, envíe un mensaje de texto con la pa-labra "Sunday" al 517-500-5212 para hacer fácilmente su donación. También puede enfocar su cámara hacia este códi-go QR para un enlace rápido:

Page 5: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!


Rectory: 61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 424-5212

Rectory Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-noon & 1-5pm Sunday: 9:30am-12:30pm

Inquiries can also be submitted through our website https://rachurch.net/contact-us

Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Msgr. Denis Herron, In Residence Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mrs. Ana Puente, Business Manager/Pastoral Associate Sr. Xaveriana Ngene, SSpS, Religious Education Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

Rectory Staff Debbie Gross, Receptionist [email protected], or ext 10 Heather Belon, Bookkeeper [email protected], or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist [email protected], or ext 16 Andrea Martinez, Sunday receptionist

Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy (718) 426-4963 [email protected] www.racatholicacademy.org

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once a month*. Please call the Rectory for schedules and infor-mation on registration.

The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the Rectory for scheduling*. According to Diocesan policy, arrange-ments must be made six months in advance.

Religious Education/Faith Formation please kindly

call 718-533-7898 or email [email protected].

Parish Goal: $76,106 Pledged: $62,964 Paid: $61,493

We are getting closer to our goal! You can still donate. Text ACA to 917-336-1255. Thank you! Make your

gift today at Annualcatholicappeal.org

Meta parroquial: $ 76,106 Ofrecido: $ 62,964 Pagado: $ 61,493 ¡Nos estamos acercando a nuestro objetivo! Todaví a pueden donar. Enví en el mensaje de texto con las let-ras ACA al 917-336-1255. ¡Gracias! Hagan su donacio n hoy en Annualcatholicappeal.org

In these social distancing times…

These past months have been difficult for every-

one. Those who are homebound have been espe-

cially affected. RA would like to expand its outreach

to these women and men.

Should you know a family member, friend, or

neighbor who would appreciate a friendly weekly

call, please let us know. Please contact the rectory,

leaving your name and number

and the person’s information


En estos momentos de dis-

tanciamiento social:

Estos últimos meses han sido

dificiles para todos. Los que están confinados en

casa se han visto especialmente afectados. A

nuestra parroquia le gustaría ayudar a estas per-


Si algún miembro de su familia, un amigo o vercino

le gustaría recibir una amigable llamada seminal

de alguien de la parroquia, solo para saludarles y

ver como están, háganoslo saber. Comuníquese

con la rectoría, dejando su nombre y número, y

también la información de la persona interesada.

Page 6: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!

NOVEMBER 1, 2020

Today is All Saints Day. Please remember in your prayers those who are sick:

Monday, November 2nd– All Souls Day 9:00am All Souls Intentions 7:30pm (Vigil) All Souls Intentions Tuesday, November 3rd 9:00am pray for the souls of Purgatory, req by Athanatius Shen

Wednesday, November 4th 9:00am Kathleen Fallon, req by Irene Sheehan

Thursday, November 5th 9:00am Nora Carolan (ann), req by Mary Sammon

Friday,November 6th 9:00am First Friday Perpetual Mass Society

Saturday, November 7th 9:00am For the people of the parish -Kathleen Zwickert, req by Iris Zwickert

-Carmen Chang, req by Donald and Maureen Kelly

-Carol Veracoechea, req by Donald and Maureen Kelly

-Patricia Holahan, req by Donald and Maureen Kelly

-Patricia Oettinger, req by Donald and Maureen Kelly

-Stephanie Bojarski, req by Donald and Maureen Kelly

-Joseph Vu, req by Mai Vu

-Peter Diogo Gonsalves, req by Sandra Gonsalves

-Elzbieta Fassa, req by Gosia and family

4:00pm Brian McCabe, req by Brian and Mary McMahon

and family

Sunday, November 8th– Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(667: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 Pd 24:1b-4b, 5-6 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a)

9:00am Carmen Chang, req by her family

11:00am Lawrence J. Flynn, req by Ed and Rita Geraghty

12:30pm victims of the pandemic


The Wine and Hosts will be used this week

in loving memory of Stephanie Bojarski, re-

quested by Julie Infranco.

The Altar Candles will be lit this week in lov-

ing memory of Mary Ellen and Mark Crehan

(birthday), requested by their daughter Bri-

die Grogan and family.


We will be taking your requests for memori-

als for 2021 beginning Tuesday, November

10th. The donation remains at $25.

Aceptaremos sus solicitudes de conmem-

orativos y memoriales para el año 2021 a

partir del martes 10 de noviembre. La

donación se mantiene en $25. Muchas gra-

cias y bendiciones.

Exposition of the Holy Eucharist takes

place on Thursdays, following the

9am Mass until noon in church.

Please join us.

Vahide Atlas

Kurt Burger

Richard DeNardo

Ida Fernandes

Msgr. Vincent Fullam

George J. Harms

George M. Harms

James Leung

Gerry Liberatore

Mary Loughnane

Mary Ellen Lustberg

Nora Lydon

Patrick McCabe

Paula Narva

Grace Radonicic

Frank Rahill

Maureen Rahill

Barbara Ravert

Mary Sammon

Madeline Silecchia

Rose Tantillo

Carmela Tantillo


This Friday, November 6th, is the First Friday

of the Month. The following have been en-

rolled in the Perpetual Mass Society:

Stephanie Bojarski Mildred Andrezzi

Robert E. Lee Ulpiano Guico, Jr.

Vichurl Wood Reynaldo Q. Santiago

Helen Habacon Mario Acosta

Alberto Beltrano Richard V. Young

Page 7: The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension · 2020. 11. 1. · RESURRECTION-ASCENSION CHURCH, REGO PARK Religious Education If you have not registered your child yet, it isn’t too late!