Today was the day. It was finally the day that she saw him again. She had been nervous on the drive over to the pier but the feeling of fresh air filling her chest was a welcome distraction. Just yesterday there had been a light blue sky overhead, the feeling of the warm sun on her skin; now there was this. The day was simply… cold. Although, it was particularly cold for early-autumn. The air was dry, and a soft wind carried it, allowing it to swirl up and around her, capturing and holding her in its icy grip. She had decided to herself that the abnormal temperature was down to the fact that she was by the sea. Although she had resided near the coast for the majority of her life, it was usually something more southern and in a sunnier climate. This was cold, cold and gloomy. She didn’t like it. It hadn’t taken her long to walk down the zig zag of stairs which took her from a bustling environment, down the side of a cliff and into a forgotten seaside. The promenade was empty and the dull lighting of an overcast afternoon gave it an even worse look. When they had arranged this meeting spot, she thought of the golden sands and blue skies of the southern beaches she often visited. However, this beach just looked grey. Her eyes followed the trail of a carrier bag as she walked. The wind gently raised it, danced with it in a graceful twirl in the air before casting it aside against a low wall. A smirk played on her lips as she thought, ironically, how much this reflected how she felt. He lifted her, like the wind lifted the rubbish. She felt freer and lighter when she was with him. He had taken her, danced with her, span with her hand in his. They were madly in love, well, at least that is what she thought. He had promised her the world, and everything in it and she couldn’t help but grin madly at everything. But, like the wind, she felt cast aside. He talked of expectations, responsibilities and what was normal. He left, seventeen years ago, and with him went what she felt was normal, and all the warmth she had in life. There was a stray gust of wind which rolled across the waves, it choked her. She lifted a hand from the warmth of her pocket, a safe isolation from the outside world. A slender finger brushed across her reddened cheeks, pulling soft strands of gold from across her fair skin to be tucked behind her ear. Although she had been mentally preparing herself for this moment for as long as she cared to think about it, she had attempted to prepare more physically. She had pouted at herself as she pushed the firm but giving tip of a subtle red across her lips precisely. She had cried silently as the dripping, black bristles of a thin brush licked and painted her

The Pier

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It had been too long since they had been together. This walk was one of the easiest, yet hardest, of her life.

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Today was the day. It was finally the day that she saw him again. She had been nervous on the drive over to the pier but the feeling of fresh air filling her chest was a welcome distraction. Just yesterday there had been a light blue sky overhead, the feeling of the warm sun on her skin; now there was this.The day was simply cold. Although, it was particularly cold for early-autumn. The air was dry, and a soft wind carried it, allowing it to swirl up and around her, capturing and holding her in its icy grip. She had decided to herself that the abnormal temperature was down to the fact that she was by the sea. Although she had resided near the coast for the majority of her life, it was usually something more southern and in a sunnier climate. This was cold, cold and gloomy. She didnt like it. It hadnt taken her long to walk down the zig zag of stairs which took her from a bustling environment, down the side of a cliff and into a forgotten seaside. The promenade was empty and the dull lighting of an overcast afternoon gave it an even worse look. When they had arranged this meeting spot, she thought of the golden sands and blue skies of the southern beaches she often visited. However, this beach just looked grey. Her eyes followed the trail of a carrier bag as she walked. The wind gently raised it, danced with it in a graceful twirl in the air before casting it aside against a low wall. A smirk played on her lips as she thought, ironically, how much this reflected how she felt. He lifted her, like the wind lifted the rubbish. She felt freer and lighter when she was with him. He had taken her, danced with her, span with her hand in his. They were madly in love, well, at least that is what she thought. He had promised her the world, and everything in it and she couldnt help but grin madly at everything. But, like the wind, she felt cast aside. He talked of expectations, responsibilities and what was normal. He left, seventeen years ago, and with him went what she felt was normal, and all the warmth she had in life. There was a stray gust of wind which rolled across the waves, it choked her. She lifted a hand from the warmth of her pocket, a safe isolation from the outside world. A slender finger brushed across her reddened cheeks, pulling soft strands of gold from across her fair skin to be tucked behind her ear. Although she had been mentally preparing herself for this moment for as long as she cared to think about it, she had attempted to prepare more physically. She had pouted at herself as she pushed the firm but giving tip of a subtle red across her lips precisely. She had cried silently as the dripping, black bristles of a thin brush licked and painted her eyelashes; staring into a watery green as an outline was formed around her eyes. She had contorted her face in more ways than she cared to mention as she smoothed a fine powder across her imperfect skin; she was brushing across her cheeks and jaw in an attempt to make herself as she was, younger and prettier. All for him. She had meticulously placed each strand of straightened blonde into place to fit it. She wanted him to remember, feel as he did all those years ago. It was all about him, and it always had been.She had been waiting for this longer than she cared to mention. It had been too long since her soft green eyes had met their equal, seen the all too familiar features of his face. His strong jaw, straight bridged nose, the yellow hair which framed all of this. She missed him. She missed him dearly. As she walked, hearing the echoes of heel against the hardened tarmac underfoot, she thought back to a happier time. The beach near her home, which was somewhat fitting, was a memory she had held close to her heart for all these years. The beach was quite small, no more than perhaps a quarter of a mile in length. It stood out of place between the uneven, rocky slopes which surrounded it. It was only a short walk from their home. She remembered how they found it. There was a small gravel path which wound between a small but thick wood before opening into a wide green field. She remembered how the sun shone, illuminating the yellow and white spots of daisies all around her as she felt the wild grass between her toes. She remembered how the skies always seemed so clear, so blue. The wind was always warm and she often had to peer through a mist of golden hair with her smiling eyes. He had always walked ahead of her, yet she didnt mind. She liked watching him take control, leading her to a happier place. Her father had never cared for her stories of what they did, never believed her when she talked of the secret staircase in the rock. Looking back, she smiled to herself at the thought. She had always described it as a grand, winding, adventure. It wasnt that at all. It was just a series of flatter rocks, the easiest way down the uneven, jagged slope which they had navigated so often to reach the yellow sand and blue sea. Thinking like this came at a cost, and she knew this. She knew how happy the memory made her, yet with that came the sadness of the prospect of never indulging in such again. She would never feel that warm sand against her back, the cool waters lapping at her toes. She was unsure if she would ever feel his hand around hers, the sparkling look of his eyes as they caught the sun. The way he looked at her, something which no one else did. No one else truly saw her, not like he did.She blinked away a watery eye as she snapped from her nostalgic daze, unfocused on the grey sea mist before her which had suddenly changed. She now saw the small, yellow lights which lined the pier. They were struggling through the dullness as cold waves ferociously washed against the wooden legs that pushed into the deep. Unconsciously, she walked faster. She was so close, and she knew he would be there. After all this time, all the things he had done, she still had a blind faith in him which she often regretted. Although he was there, almost in eyesight, he felt so far away.It wasnt long before she found herself stood at the base of the crumbling stone steps which led up to the wooden planks of the pier. She found herself thinking of why they chose this place to meet. They must have been around fifteen when they had first visited here. It was a sunny afternoon, although almost any degree of sun would be considered sunnier than this. She doesnt remember much, apart from when he kissed her. It was a small touch, his warm lips on hers, stolen when they were out of sight, but she had never forgotten it. She couldnt quite explain to herself how it made her feel, but it just felt so right. She remembers his smile from that day, so young and innocent, yet mischievous and enticing. She wanted to see that again, more than anything. Just one more time, she thought. She wanted to feel those lips again, his strong arms around her. He made her feel safe, and that is a feeling she has craved for so long.She began to climb the steps, both eager in anticipation and reluctant in fear. A million and more scenarios played out in her mind with each step she took upwards. Save yourself, her body would say as she fought against cowardice. Save yourself from the pain, he will leave again. He has to, you know this. Do not do this to yourself. He has broken every promise he has made to you. He said he would stay, he left. He said he would protect you, yet he let you be attacked. He said he would provide and care for you, yet he has not been there when you have needed him the most. No, she had to do it. She couldnt live with herself if she turned back, especially now. He was so close. The feeling was so close. Her heart raced. She needed to know he still felt the same, that he remembered what they had, and that he wanted it as badly as she did. They had not spoken in several years before last night. He said he was out of touch, an unavoidable obstacle had been between them. He said he was sorry, yet how could she believe him. He had lied so much, both to her and for her. He had broken her, without even realising it. She needed to see his face again to truly know, she hoped that would provide an answer which photographs and videos could not give.She found herself staring at a distance silhouette. It was him. She knew it was him. A few steps closer and she became certain. It was the way he stood. It was his figure. It was the clothes he wore, the way he ran his hand through his hair, how he leant on the railing. He hadnt changed. She hoped he hadnt changed. An uncomfortable feeling rose up in her, more than it had on the steps. The anticipation had finally stolen her breath, and she tugged at her scarf to free herself.She stood a few feet from him, and everything slowed down. He turned around. The yellow, flickering bulb above them illuminated his golden locks, longer than she remembered. It made his eyes sparkle like they had before. They were the same, smiling, emerald hues. The wind must have made her a mess, she felt it pulling apart and messing her prepared hair, yet she hardly cared now. His familiar lips pulled up into a smile, a smile she never wanted to forget; a smile she could never forget. Hello, Cersei.Jaime.