TAlJa rUi.il UOUH'i Y NSWSrTRYON; N. 0. i 1 Mrs Kennedy Passed Away JAMES LEONARD & COMPANY TRY ON NORTH CAROLINA A favored spot for rest and recreation. Excel- lent hotels and board-in- f houses. - BeantHul mouatala drives; out-do- or sports; mountain sprint water. In the Thermal Belt Refion flEAL ESTATE BROKERS Tryon, North Carolina ; ' Board of Trade' Office x Tryon citizens were shocked Thurs- day morning wfoen they heard of the death of Mrs Kennedy, wife of Judge 'J W Kennedy Mrs Kennedy died at a hospital in Baltimore, early Thursday morning. She went to Baltiiti ore Sunday and was operated upon Monday , for a , serious malady. She survived the operation in good BOARD OF TRADE : A Tryon North Carolina REY. H. N BOWNE, President W. T. UNDSEY, L E. MISSIIDINE, F. P. BACON; Vice Presidents. GEO. B. COBB, Seaelary-Treasure- r. Correspondence Solicited The News would like to have personals and soci- ety news by Thursday noon of each week Mai 1 or bring: news' items to The News, Tryon. OB Garren of Saluda was- - in Tryon property oi- au uvnpuun nought and Sold for The Board of Trade has leased a room over the Post Office, where Secretary-Treasure- r Cobb will keep his. office. The Forestry Club busi- ness also will be looked after from this-offic- e. It Is planned to make this office a clearing place for all business in connection with the two organizations. Mr Cobb has. several surprises to spring, to boost Tryon. asn ur ua commission ' RENTING, LOANS AND INSURANCE ;, Permanent advertisement. shape and from reports from her bed-s'd- e it was thought she would have a speedy recovery. Pneumonia de- veloped and she passed away.. Mrs Kennedy was one of Tryon's Jong time residents. She was a leader in social life, loved and re- spected by the comunity. Sympathy is extended to Jodge Kennedy and ' this family. . Funeral services will be held at the Episcopal church, in Tryon, Fri- day morn'ng at 10 o'clock, interment at Tryon Cemetery at 11 o'clock. PUBLIC SERVICE AUTO Tryon, N. C. Careful driver.: Day or night trips. Leave orders at ; Missildine's EM BEN Tryon Routel CLOCK' M ALAR ine uasn naraware to is navinga big run on sewer pipe. They sold the Cox plantation, in Greens Creek, a large order also Mrs Fanny J Ricks a nice bill. The Board of Education met Tuesday morning to transact routine" business in connection with the re- cent bond issue- - The work of in- stalling a furnace at the school building will proceed at once. C W and B L Ballenger hate begur the construction of a 40X50 building near the; Light Company's office. The building will be used for garage and sales room. This firm will carry a line of cars, make repairs and do a general motor and tire business. It is expected to have the building completed before January 1st. A party of Tryon people drove to Skyuka Inn Saturday afternoon and sent the week-en- d at that hospita- ble report. A dance was enjoyed Saturday evening. The party was made up of Mr and Mrs Kirchner Mrs Sharpe and daughter little Miss Mary, Misses Clara and Frances Bell, W nifred Buckley Messers Richard Ballenger and Gerald Stone. EL...,.,- -. r.iTTJ lr - c on business Saturday. ' John Riis and family mortored to Greenville, Sunday. - - Clayton Pace and Lester Wilson left Tuesday for a hunt in the Green River. Cove. E R Rankin returned home after a several days trip to , Statesville and Lexingtton. Read Jackson and Son bargain ad on sihirts. adv Rev Johnson will preach in Lynn, Sunday evening. ( Doctors Woodson and Cushing mortored to Spartanburg last Fri- day in Dr Cushing's car. JacKscn and Son are selling 50c work shirts at 39 cents, adv Mr and Mrs Lightner, of Detroit, Mich.., arrived Monday to spend a while at their winter home, "Seven Mountains." ! At the Masonic Lodge on Monday night, Mr -- Wm Clayton Pace was made a Master Mason. The attend anee was large and enthusiastic. C W Ballenger, F P Bacon and Capt Cawthray mortored to. Green- ville, Wednesday to attend the Tex-tel- e show. Ch'ef of police Newman, Ishmael and Jefferson King of Saluda were in Tryon Monday on their way to Colum bus. J M Jackson and family will arrive this week to occupy the Bell house, on Broadway. Mrs E M Salley of Saluda is keep- ing house for her father, Judge Ken- nedy, during the illness of Mrs Ken- nedy., The Fire Department has added a new one horse hose wagon to their equipment. It is of latest de- sign and very attractive looking.. The Lanier Club is holding its reg- ular meeting this, (Thursday), after: noon. Col J W Church and Forest- er John Riis made short addresses. C R Moore and party of Asheville passed through Tryon Tuesday in Mr Moore's car en route to Florida, for a breif vacation. It will be re- membered that Mr "Moore is the successful land auction man, of the Southern Land Auction Co, of JEWELRY REPAIRED t Watches', Clocks and J e wiry of Every Description Repaired, j ' If you are suffering with bad Vision, Weak Eye. or Headache, "SEE me and you will SEE better" . Twenty years of experience puis 'me in a position to guarantee satisfaction or your money back. Come up and let's get ac- quainted. J. H. JOHNSON, Up Stairs Over John Orr & Co. Tryon4 N. C. Oh, Oh; How perfectly beautiful, are the glorious autumn leaves, I wonder just how any one can help ad m'ring the old world in all its love- liness just now. Mrs Jack and children and Mrs Becker were visiting patrons of the formers, school last week. ' Quite a number of our folks went to the sale at Landrum Saturday. Mr Lee Thompson has entered the C H S, for the remainder term. Mrs Murphy Mull is able to sit up a little. CE H Edwards is the first to be out calling? hands for a husking-bee- . The Womans Missionary Society will meet at Bethlehem, Friday Nov. 12, just afternoon so as to work on quilt, which is to be sold soon as fin-- , ished. Paul Hamilton has two bird dogs, if in need of one, ask him, he might d spose of one. bold me country over tor $Z.oU Just one of the many BIG BARGAINS at our Closing Out Sale GASH HARDWARE CO. TRYON, N. C. 3 I Oscillatory Tonic J O Rogers and family of Dillon, S C, arrived Tuesday to open Crest-woo- d Hotel, on Godshaw Hill.f J Mr Rogers is an experienced hotel 'man and no doubt, will popularize Crest-woo- d with Tryon's visitors. Ed Mills (colored) was given a preliminary hearing Wednesday af- ternoon, before Magistrate Gash. He was bound over to court. He filled the bond. Many Tryon people attended, the Spartanburg Fair this week. Off ICE NOW OPEN Miss L. B. Jayne ; I MANICURIST . ' MISSILDINE BUILDING, Manicuring and Shampoo- ing for Ladies and Gentle- men. -- Expert treatment ofl fie hair. Facial massage. - BAH'S SOOSTERS ; Office Hours 9 to 5, .Except" j Wednesdays and Thursdays Mr and Mrs H W Bartlett have leased the Wilson House for the sea- son. After a trip to Washington, D C, the Bartletts will return to Tryon and occupy the Wilson cotage LADIES COAT SUITS COLUMBUS NORTH CAROLINA Five miles inland from Tryon over a beautiful scenic drive. Fine farming1 section. Home of an excellent County HUh School. County Seat, Polk County In a recent case in the courts of New York it appeared in evidence that a young doctor had been in the habit of kissing an aged male pa- tient, when meeting. In reply, to a question by the court the ' doctor ad-m'tt- ed the fact and stared he did it for. the tonic effect upon the old man. . ' Paint Bettter Better isn't enoughr paint best. A man bought "cheap" paint sav- ed 20c or 30 or 40 or 50c a gallon, didn't! he? Yes and bought 40 .or 50 or 60 or 80 percent more gallons; how much did he make on his paint? 'Anf he Pa'd for painting those gal- lons a fair day's work is a gallon how much did he make on the labor of his job? He lost a, quarter or third of his money. How long will it last? not his mon- ey, the paint? Perhaps half as long as Devoe. How long will his money last, if he buys other stuff as he bought that paint? v "Better buy the best paint; it makes te least bill and least-ofte- n. DEVOE Gash Hardware Co, Tryon, N G ;ell it. Prof Cobb attended the school ral ly and picnic held at Greens Creek on Monday. He reported an enthu- siastic meeting. Anthony Allman & Gaffney Pressing Club OVER POST OFFICE Laides and Gentlemen Clothing Cleaned. All work guaranteed first class Hot and Cold Baths We are tyring to take care of Tryon Bring us Your Work Lee , Thompson, of Mill Spring has Miss' Mary Large was here frorri Tryon last Thursday. Rev T H Posey, a former preacher and teacher of this place was here last week, and preached at Lynn on Thursday evening. Miss Ellen Erwin accompanied Sheriff Hill and family to Rutherford-to- n Saturday where she. visited home-folk- s until Sunday atternbon. entered school here this week and will make his home at the Dormitory. A L Hill, F M Burgess and T F Williamson wentnto Rutherford ton and back Tuesday. Miss Carol Runion, primary teacher here went to Asheville Friday to vis it with relatives and attend- - the I Mill Springs Dr HH Edwards, moved his to Columbus, last week. Picking cottton andhusking corn is Chapman-Alexande- r meetings. ' She Latest styles from New York, well tailored, excellent trimmings $8.50 and up. BOYS SUITS Blues, Blacks and Mixed Colors We can fit him. $2.50 to $8. MENS OVERCOATS Stylish, well made, high grade' fabrics. $6. to $17. - - . . REMNANT SALE A few re mn ant s of Rattines, Ginghams, Silkatines Etc. Bar- gains, come soon for first choice; SPECIAL PRICES oh Laces and Embroderies. . returned to her work early Monday morning. Miss Mae Mills spent the week-en- d Treat Them Carefully. All human things of dearest value hang on slender strings. Edmund Waller. . in order in the section. 4 Mrs J M Lewis and Mrs W L Bris-c- o attended the fair at Landrum last week. with homefolks here. She was ac companied by her uncle, Jack Can-trel- l, from Spartanburg with whqm she has been spending the past tthre months. She will return home to en ter school in a few days. Nibb le. at Quite a number of people of this section attended the Polk County singing convention at Greens Creek, last Sunday. ' Mr R H Ruff, has movetf'his fami- ly in the old Stone House. We are glad to note that Miss Net- tle Jackson is improving. (Intended for, last week) , Rev G C Walker conducted pray- er services at the Baptist ' church Sunday night. Mr Lee Cocherum, who has been This! J CHEESE Ezra Constance has returned home from the U S Army. He has been stationed in Texas and has experienc- ed some excitement along the Mexi- can border. C C Constance is putting a new roof on his residence this week. Miss Minnie Arledge and brother, Attorney ; Yates Arledge attended the Community Fair at Landrum last Friday. Miss Hunter was awarded two of the prizes offered for tattting at City Point, Va., for the past three' months returned home last Thursday. Mr J H Gibbs attended the horse sale at Rutherfordton last Mondav. at this Fair. Mr Ben Ross, left last Thursday for RaleLjh where he will enter .the deaf and dumb school. M. Good store cheese, tasty and healthful, is carried by us for your, table. Sample it, then order some. A little thing like this may make you a regular customer. - We guarantee satisfaction. Cotton Report : V t X X ! s y Large selections of standard sheet music that customers may select. There were 367 bales of cotton, count'ng round as . half bales, ginned iix Polk county, from the crop of 1915 prior to October 18th, 1915, as com- pared with" 516 bales ginned prior to October 18th, 1914. t : . A score of young people from, here attended1 the debate at Greens Creek School on Saturday evening between representatives from the . debating societies of the two places. The question, resolve that the US Gov-ern- m ent should own and control its telegraph and telephone lines, was abled - "discussed - The affirmative was upheld by Messrs HW Hill, J T and J R Gilbert of Columbus, and the negative by James Ray, Ed Feagan and Dean Ezelle of Greens - Creek. The decision of the judges was rend- ered for the negative. The winning team .was challenged to the fight on the home ground of the Columbus team, and they gladly accepted. The date has not been fixed for the next combat, but it promises to be equally as hard fought as the one of Satur- day evening. , , ; t t ; . v THE BAtlckCiFR COMPANY FOR EVERYTHING TRYON, mC. 'Kerosene Paste Fire Kindler. v The safest and most satisfactory kindling I have ever used is a paste made of ashes and coal oil. It can be kept in an old can or jar and a table-spoonf- ul is sufficient to start a fire without other kindling. It should be of the consistency of corn meal dough and is absolutely safe from explosion, JOG-- fl N ORR COM PAN Y GENERAL MERCHANDISE 2: v- - TRYON; N. C. i n - V

The Polk County News. (Columbus, NC) 1915-11-05 …newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058223/1915-11-05/ed-1/...TAlJa rUi.il UOUH'i Y NSWSrTRYON; N. 0. i 1 Mrs Kennedy Passed Away JAMES

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Page 1: The Polk County News. (Columbus, NC) 1915-11-05 …newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn94058223/1915-11-05/ed-1/...TAlJa rUi.il UOUH'i Y NSWSrTRYON; N. 0. i 1 Mrs Kennedy Passed Away JAMES

TAlJa rUi.il UOUH'i Y NSWSrTRYON; N. 0.

i 1



A favored spot for restand recreation. Excel-lent hotels and board-in- f

houses. -

BeantHul mouataladrives; out-do- or sports;mountain sprint water.

In the Thermal Belt RefionflEAL ESTATE BROKERSTryon, North Carolina

;' Board of Trade' Office

x Tryon citizens were shocked Thurs-day morning wfoen they heard ofthe death of Mrs Kennedy, wife ofJudge 'J W Kennedy Mrs Kennedydied at a hospital in Baltimore, earlyThursday morning. She went toBaltiiti ore Sunday and was operatedupon Monday , for a , serious malady.She survived the operation in good


A Tryon North Carolina

REY. H. N BOWNE, PresidentW. T. UNDSEY, L E. MISSIIDINE, F. P.BACON; Vice Presidents.

GEO. B. COBB, Seaelary-Treasure- r.

Correspondence Solicited

The News would like to have personals and soci-ety news by Thursday noon of each week Mai 1

or bring: news' items to The News, Tryon.

OB Garren of Saluda was-- in Tryonproperty oi- au uvnpuun nought and Sold for The Board of Trade has leased aroom over the Post Office, whereSecretary-Treasure- r Cobb will keephis. office. The Forestry Club busi-

ness also will be looked after fromthis-offic- e. It Is planned to makethis office a clearing place for allbusiness in connection with the twoorganizations. Mr Cobb has. severalsurprises to spring, to boost Tryon.

asn ur ua commission '


;, Permanent advertisement.

shape and from reports from her bed-s'd-e

it was thought she would havea speedy recovery. Pneumonia de-

veloped and she passed away..Mrs Kennedy was one of Tryon's

Jong time residents. She was aleader in social life, loved and re-

spected by the comunity. Sympathyis extended to Jodge Kennedy and

'this family. .

Funeral services will be held atthe Episcopal church, in Tryon, Fri-

day morn'ng at 10 o'clock, intermentat Tryon Cemetery at 11 o'clock.



Tryon, N. C.Careful driver.: Day

or night trips.

Leave orders at; Missildine's

EM BENTryon Routel


ine uasn naraware to is navingabig run on sewer pipe. They soldthe Cox plantation, in Greens Creek,a large order also Mrs Fanny J Ricksa nice bill.

The Board of Education metTuesday morning to transact routine"business in connection with the re-

cent bond issue- - The work of in-

stalling a furnace at the schoolbuilding will proceed at once.

C W and B L Ballenger hate begurthe construction of a 40X50 buildingnear the; Light Company's office.The building will be used for garageand sales room. This firm will carrya line of cars, make repairs and doa general motor and tire business.It is expected to have the buildingcompleted before January 1st.

A party of Tryon people drove toSkyuka Inn Saturday afternoon andsent the week-en- d at that hospita-ble report. A dance was enjoyedSaturday evening. The party wasmade up of Mr and Mrs KirchnerMrs Sharpe and daughter little MissMary, Misses Clara and Frances Bell,W nifred Buckley Messers RichardBallenger and Gerald Stone.

EL...,.,- -. r.iTTJ

lr - c

on business Saturday. '

John Riis and family mortored toGreenville, Sunday. - -

Clayton Pace and Lester Wilsonleft Tuesday for a hunt in the GreenRiver. Cove.

E R Rankin returned home aftera several days trip to , Statesvilleand Lexingtton.

Read Jackson and Son bargain adon sihirts. adv

Rev Johnson will preach in Lynn,Sunday evening.


Doctors Woodson and Cushingmortored to Spartanburg last Fri-day in Dr Cushing's car.

JacKscn and Son are selling 50cwork shirts at 39 cents, adv

Mr and Mrs Lightner, of Detroit,Mich.., arrived Monday to spend awhile at their winter home, "SevenMountains." !

At the Masonic Lodge on Mondaynight, Mr --Wm Clayton Pace wasmade a Master Mason. The attendanee was large and enthusiastic.

C W Ballenger, F P Bacon andCapt Cawthray mortored to. Green-ville, Wednesday to attend the Tex-tel- e


Ch'ef of police Newman, Ishmaeland Jefferson King of Saluda were inTryon Monday on their way to Columbus.

J M Jackson and family will arrivethis week to occupy the Bell house,on Broadway.

Mrs E M Salley of Saluda is keep-ing house for her father, Judge Ken-

nedy, during the illness of Mrs Ken-


The Fire Department has addeda new one horse hose wagon totheir equipment. It is of latest de-

sign and very attractive looking..

The Lanier Club is holding its reg-

ular meeting this, (Thursday), after:noon. Col J W Church and Forest-er John Riis made short addresses.

C R Moore and party of Ashevillepassed through Tryon Tuesday inMr Moore's car en route to Florida,for a breif vacation. It will be re-

membered that Mr "Moore is thesuccessful land auction man, of theSouthern Land Auction Co, of

JEWELRY REPAIREDt Watches', Clocks and J ewiry ofEvery Description Repaired,j ' If you are suffering with badVision, Weak Eye. or Headache,"SEE me and you will SEE better"

. Twenty years of experience puis'me in a position to guaranteesatisfaction or your money back.

Come up and let's get ac-quainted.

J. H. JOHNSON,Up Stairs Over John Orr & Co.

Tryon4 N. C.

Oh, Oh; How perfectly beautiful,are the glorious autumn leaves, Iwonder just how any one can help adm'ring the old world in all its love-liness just now.

Mrs Jack and children and MrsBecker were visiting patrons of theformers, school last week.

' Quite a number of our folks wentto the sale at Landrum Saturday.

Mr Lee Thompson has entered theC H S, for the remainder term.

Mrs Murphy Mull is able to sit upa little.

CE H Edwards is the first to beout calling? hands for a husking-bee- .

The Womans Missionary Societywill meet at Bethlehem, Friday Nov.12, just afternoon so as to work onquilt, which is to be sold soon as fin-- ,


Paul Hamilton has two bird dogs,if in need of one, ask him, he mightd spose of one.

bold me country over tor $Z.oUJust one of the many BIG BARGAINS at

our Closing Out Sale



Oscillatory Tonic

J O Rogers and family of Dillon,S C, arrived Tuesday to open Crest-woo- d

Hotel, on Godshaw Hill.f J MrRogers is an experienced hotel 'manand no doubt, will popularize Crest-woo- d

with Tryon's visitors.Ed Mills (colored) was given a

preliminary hearing Wednesday af-

ternoon, before Magistrate Gash.He was bound over to court. Hefilled the bond.

Many Tryon people attended, theSpartanburg Fair this week.


Miss L. B. Jayne ;


Manicuring and Shampoo-ing for Ladies and Gentle-men. -- Expert treatment oflfie hair. Facial massage.



; Office Hours 9 to 5, .Except"j Wednesdays and Thursdays

Mr and Mrs H W Bartlett haveleased the Wilson House for the sea-

son. After a trip to Washington,D C, the Bartletts will return toTryon and occupy the Wilson cotageLADIES COAT SUITS


Five miles inland fromTryon over a beautifulscenic drive.

Fine farming1 section.Home of an excellentCounty HUh School.

County Seat, Polk County

In a recent case in the courts ofNew York it appeared in evidencethat a young doctor had been in thehabit of kissing an aged male pa-

tient, when meeting. In reply, to aquestion by the court the ' doctor ad-m'tt- ed

the fact and stared hedid it for. the tonic effect upon theold man. .

'Paint Bettter

Better isn't enoughr paint best.A man bought "cheap" paint sav-

ed 20c or 30 or 40 or 50c a gallon,didn't! he?

Yes and bought 40 .or 50 or 60 or80 percent more gallons; how muchdid he make on his paint?

'Anf he Pa'd for painting those gal-

lons a fair day's work is a gallonhow much did he make on the

labor of his job?

He lost a, quarter or third of hismoney.

How long will it last? not his mon-

ey, the paint?Perhaps half as long as Devoe.

How long will his money last, if hebuys other stuff as he bought thatpaint? v

"Better buy the best paint; it makes

te least bill and least-ofte- n.


Gash Hardware Co, Tryon, N G

;ell it.

Prof Cobb attended the school rally and picnic held at Greens Creekon Monday. He reported an enthu-siastic meeting.

Anthony Allman &



Laides and GentlemenClothing Cleaned.

All work guaranteed firstclass

Hot and Cold Baths

We are tyring to take care of Tryon

Bring us Your Work

Lee ,Thompson, of Mill Spring has

Miss' Mary Large was here frorriTryon last Thursday.

Rev T H Posey, a former preacherand teacher of this place was herelast week, and preached at Lynn onThursday evening.

Miss Ellen Erwin accompaniedSheriff Hill and family to Rutherford-to- n

Saturday where she. visited home-folk- s

until Sunday atternbon.

entered school here this week andwill make his home at the Dormitory.

A L Hill, F M Burgess and T FWilliamson wentnto Rutherford tonand back Tuesday.

Miss Carol Runion, primary teacherhere went to Asheville Friday to vis

it with relatives and attend- - the

I Mill SpringsDr H H Edwards, moved histo Columbus, last week.

Picking cottton andhusking corn isChapman-Alexande- r meetings. ' She

Latest styles from New York, welltailored, excellent trimmings$8.50 and up.

BOYS SUITSBlues, Blacks and Mixed ColorsWe can fit him. $2.50 to $8.

MENS OVERCOATSStylish, well made, high grade'fabrics. $6. to $17.

- - . .

REMNANT SALEA few re mn ant s of Rattines,Ginghams, Silkatines Etc. Bar-

gains, come soon for first choice;SPECIAL PRICES oh Laces andEmbroderies. .

returned to her work early Mondaymorning.

Miss Mae Mills spent the week-en- d

Treat Them Carefully.All human things of dearest value

hang on slender strings. EdmundWaller. .

in order in the section.4

Mrs J M Lewis and Mrs W L Bris-c- o

attended the fair at Landrum lastweek.

with homefolks here. She was accompanied by her uncle, Jack Can-trel- l,

from Spartanburg with whqm

she has been spending the past tthremonths. She will return home to en

ter school in a few days.

Nibble. at

Quite a number of people of thissection attended the Polk Countysinging convention at Greens Creek,last Sunday.' Mr R H Ruff, has movetf'his fami-

ly in the old Stone House.We are glad to note that Miss Net-

tle Jackson is improving.(Intended for, last week)

, Rev G C Walker conducted pray-

er services at the Baptist ' churchSunday night.

Mr Lee Cocherum, who has been


Ezra Constance has returned homefrom the U S Army. He has beenstationed in Texas and has experienc-

ed some excitement along the Mexi-

can border.C C Constance is putting a new

roof on his residence this week.

Miss Minnie Arledge and brother,Attorney ; Yates Arledge attendedthe Community Fair at Landrum lastFriday. Miss Hunter was awardedtwo of the prizes offered for tattting

at City Point, Va., for the past three'months returned home last Thursday.

Mr J H Gibbs attended the horsesale at Rutherfordton last Mondav.at this Fair.

Mr Ben Ross, left last Thursdayfor RaleLjh where he will enter .thedeaf and dumb school.M.

Good store cheese, tastyand healthful, is carried by

us for your, table.

Sample it, then order some.

A little thing like this may

make you a regular customer.

- We guarantee satisfaction.

Cotton Report





s y

Large selections of standard sheetmusic that customers may select.

There were 367 bales of cotton,count'ng round as . half bales, ginnediix Polk county, from the crop of 1915prior to October 18th, 1915, as com-

pared with" 516 bales ginned prior toOctober 18th, 1914. t :

. A score of young people from, hereattended1 the debate at Greens Creek

School on Saturday evening betweenrepresentatives from the . debatingsocieties of the two places. Thequestion, resolve that the U S Gov-ern- m

ent should own and control itstelegraph and telephone lines, was

abled - "discussed - The affirmativewas upheld by Messrs H W Hill, J T

and J R Gilbert of Columbus, and thenegative by James Ray, Ed Feagan

and Dean Ezelle of Greens - Creek.The decision of the judges was rend-

ered for the negative. The winningteam .was challenged to the fight on

the home ground of the Columbusteam, and they gladly accepted. Thedate has not been fixed for the nextcombat, but it promises to be equallyas hard fought as the one of Satur-

day evening. , , ; t t ; . v




'Kerosene Paste Fire Kindler. vThe safest and most satisfactory

kindling I have ever used is a pastemade of ashes and coal oil. It can bekept in an old can or jar and a table-spoonf- ul

is sufficient to start a firewithout other kindling. It should beof the consistency of corn meal doughand is absolutely safe from explosion,


2:v- - TRYON; N. C.i n- V