THE PORK BARREL ISSUE In light of the recent events in the Pork Barrel scandal, and the different rallies by different groups, the Filipino people are threatened that peace will not be maintained and that the nation will never be one again. Filipinos start to lose hope of having a united nation. However, the "I Volunteer" group aims to raise awareness to the public on how each one of us, especially the youth, can help in rebuilding the nation to glory. PAGE OF . 1 8 --I VOLUNTEER-- MAGAZINE COMPANY I Volunteer Staff: Gerard Ching Miguel Francisco Antonio David Gabriel Tecson 64 Xavier Street, Green Hills, 1502 San Juan, Metro Manila Contact Nos. 123-4567

The Pork Barrel Issue

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As members of the "I Volunteer" non-government association, we feel the need to help out and inform the people, especially the youth, about the pork barrel scam, plus an article on how we can rebuild this nation.

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THE PORK BARREL ISSUE In light of the recent events in the Pork Barrel scandal, and the different rallies by different groups, the Filipino people are threatened that peace will not be maintained and that the nation will never be one again. Filipinos start to lose hope of having a united nation. However, the "I Volunteer" group aims to raise awareness to the public on how each one of us, especially the youth, can help in rebuilding the nation to glory.

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I Volunteer Staff: Gerard Ching

Miguel Francisco Antonio David Gabriel Tecson

64 Xavier Street, Green Hills, 1502 San Juan, Metro Manila

Contact Nos. 123-4567


PAGE 1......................................................Magazine Cover

PAGE 2....................................................Table of Contents

PAGE 3 ..........................................Intro/Effects on Politics

PAGE 4...................................Effects on Economy/Culture

PAGE 5.....................................................Effects on Society

PAGE 6................................Gerard Ching's Plan of Action

PAGE7................................Gerard Ching's Plan of Action


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POLITICS (by Gabriel Tecson)

While the people are trying their best to remove the corrupt politicians from position, there are some who

give their own solutions to managing pork barrel funds.

Some public officials, due to the rise of the issue, are considering lessening the pork barrel amount. They say

that this scheme would minimize corruption. Additionally, the creation of a combined public and private

audit would minimize political dishonesty. Perhaps the government can create a “log-in” system, a political

analyst says, where anyone can access information on publicly funded projects, budgets, expenditures.




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WHY PORK? by Gerard Ching

The Pork barrel is the appropriation of government spend ing for loca l i zed projects. It is funded by the taxes, we citizens, pay to the gover nment . Loca l i zed projects include Projects include the construction of highways, public buildings, and other public works. Education is also a main focus of the pork barrel, as it may be used to bu i ld classrooms, educate the poor, and provide school supplies f o r t h e l e s s - f o r t u n a t e schooling institutions.

However, some officials tend to misuse this enormous fund. An example is in the election process. The term pork barrel politics usually refers to spending which is intended to benefit those under a politician in return for their political support, either in the form of campaign contributions or votes. In short, this is a cause of crimes like vote buying, and other election-related acts. Politicians would also use this fund for their own benefit, namely the acquisitions of properties and services (also called 'kickback').

This leads us to the recent pork-barrel scam and its effects on politics, economy, society, and culture.

"If we strip the issue down to its bare essentials, it boils down to accountability. It’s like us kids—when

our parents give us an allowance, we are obligated to report expenditures honestly."

—Abigail Theresa F. Cancio, 16, high-school senior, St. Paul College Pasig

THE ECONOMY (by Antonio David)

With the pork barrel scam, this may even affect other

sectors of the state, including our economy. Unless

handled a lot more skillfully, there is a the danger that

P-Noy will lose something he still enjoys with potential

investors: honest governance. And pork is all about

corruption. Unless he does something credible about

the P10 billion of pork funds lost to scammers, P-Noy’s

Daang Matuwid is a hard sell.


CULTURE (by Miguel Francisco)

Filipino culture will definitely not change. However, it will change the views of people on the

government. Because of the issue, our government might have a generalized imagery of being

corrupt and dishonest, which might not actually be true for some. Other countries might also have

the similar opinion with our officials. It puts us in a bad light.

But even with that said, there is always hope that our nation will rise once again.

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Due to the recent Pork Barrel Scam, with the involvement

of Janet-Lim Napoles, there is much confusion among the

public. A number would see it as an eye-opener, that their

money is being diverted into private pockets of our

government officials, instead of being used to make

projects that will improve our country. Others perceive it

as a wake-up call, especially for the youth, to be more

involved in modern day issues, and to know how to react to it. However, in any case, the waste of our hard-

earned taxes is still enormous, with the Filipino people, particularly

the poor, suffering the most. Even our economy and environmental

development suffers, while the rich are getting richer everyday.

Despite all this, Governor Mujiv Hataman of the Autonomous

Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and Governor Esmael

Mangudadatu of Maguindanao are going against the tide and are

asking that the pork barrel system be only reformed, not totally

abolished. They say that the concept is very beneficial to their area,

and through the pork barrel, their everyday needs are able to be






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“We need to be more involved, and know the issues of our country. By doing so, we can be more

vigilant and, in our little way, effect positive change as a unit. Sad to say, the abuse of power by officials

has been a way of life in the government, so that it seems difficult to put a stop to this. The reach is far

and wide and is deeply rooted."

"A plan of Action" by Gerard Ching

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As members of the Philippine Republic, all

of us are obviously affected, one way or another, by the pork barrel. I believe the main root of this problem is corruption. However, we can all stop this problem. Each of us Filipinos, even us students, has the capability to rebuild the nation from the issues of the pork barrel scandal, and many other national issues.

First of all, we Filipinos must vote our leaders wisely. As we can see, a number of our officials have been proven that they are using the pork barrel funds for their own welfare. This could have been avoided if we had not voted them in the first place. We must also be wary of vote buying, and how it can change the course of the results in elections. When someone tells us to vote for a certain candidate, even with whatever we are offered with, always think twice before voting.

Secondly, our government officials must be true leaders. A true leader is someone who is honest, righteous, and an abider of the law. He/she must also have in mind that the people under them are dependent of their leadership. One must not use power, wealth, or fame for his/her own advantage, but used only for the welfare of the state.

Lastly, we, as students, can also have a part in rebuilding the beauty of the nation. A concrete act is by being well informed, as early as now, and practicing the good morals taught by our parents and teachers. This is because the more knowledgeable we are, the more we learn about our society with its needs. Aside from that, we will learn the values needed of being a leader/role model in society. As our national hero Jose Rizal quoted: "The youth is the hope of our future". I believe this is true in the sense that our leaders today will not be in position forever, the youth would have to replace them. And if we, students, instill a righteous mind, then we can say that the nation's future is in good hands.

“I believe putting a stop to the abuse needs to start with me—my commitment to be more involved by making an effort to know what is happening in the country, to help put a stop (or not contributing) to small corrupt acts such as bribing public officials to expedite permits, or a policeman so that he/she doesn’t issue you a traffic ticket, etc. If we as citizens do the right thing, we will be able to break the chain in this epidemic.”

—Jose Antonio P. Felipe, 15, High-School Sophomore, De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, Alabang


Part II of "A plan of Action"




(other sources are mentioned in or under the picture)


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However, above all that, what our nation truly needs is love. Consider these factors. Why is there a reason for Filipinos to even vote at all if the people itself do not have faith in the country's rebuilding. And if our leaders do not care about the welfare of the Philippines, then corruption will surely prevail, even if the pork barrel is abolished. And if us students do not love our country, then we too would not have the initiative to think about a s o l u t i o n i n re bu i l d i n g t h e Philippines.

I Know that we are all exhausted by the remarks and humiliation received from other nations, and tired with hearing the same issues our country has up to this day. It is time that we prove that we are capable of rebuilding our nation, and having a better one too.

Laban, Pilipinas!!!

I believe the real answer to rebuilding the nation is love for the country. Think about it. If we all care for one another, we will surely find a way to work as a nation. Everyone will be paying taxes. Government officials will be spending the budget wisely, and many more. Slowly, but surely, our nation will start to rise again. And maybe we will be able to reach new heights/improvements in terms of our economy, politics, society, and culture.

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