升官记 The Promotion 角色演绎 角色演绎 角色演绎 角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles 罗德民 罗德民 罗德民 罗德民: “徐九经 徐九经 徐九经 徐九经” Loo Teck Ming : “Xu Jiujing” 徐九经这个人物角色虽是‘袍带丑’,却夹带采用老生的演唱技 巧,念白上运用介乎京白和韵白之间的京韵白;唱、唸、做并重,夹说 夹唱,边做边演,呈现徐九经外丑内美的刚正性格。 徐九经刚升官上任时内心对王爷的提拔感激涕零,对侯爷则因九年前被 嫌丑陋遭贬而心怀怨恨;到任后在侯府遭到霸道的对待,在王府则被厚 待而凭感觉断定侯爷不是‘好东西’!当查明真相时却遭王爷利诱威迫 去做违背良知的判决时濒临绝境,最后凭自身的智慧,化险为夷,毅然 离开险恶的官场。 The role of Xiu Jiujing is essentially a government official type of “Chou” , but he sings in the Lao Sheng style and speaks with a mixture of plain Mandarin and the more stylized form of speech called “Yun Bai”. It is a demanding role that combines singing, speech, and movement to bring out the complex character of Xu Jiujing who is more than he appears to be. Upon his promotion to a high post, Xu is filled with gratitude for the Royal Duke’s support, while nursing a 9-year –old grudge against the Marquis who took one look at him and judged him lacking, thus dashing his hopes for a brilliant career. Despite the effusive welcome he receives from the Duke’s household and the cold reception from the Marquis, Xu starts to have misgivings about his benefactor. After he uncovers the truth of the situation, Xu is threatened by the Duke and strong-armed into making a judgement which goes against his integrity. Fortunately, he is able to turn the situation around with his wit and cunning, thus saving the day. However, he decides to leave the perilous world of politics. 陈韵 陈韵 陈韵 陈韵:“李倩娘 李倩娘 李倩娘 李倩娘” Chan Wan : “Li Qianniang” 典型的传统妇女形象。“从一而终”是她的爱情观,那怕以为 刘钰已死,要守寡一辈子,也愿意。对尤金的强行逼婚,虽无力反抗, 却打算以死守住贞节。这个角色的难度在于她繁重和大段的唱腔设计, 时而幽怨、时而激昂。角色的心情与思想转折大都通过唱词来体现, 如何通过自己的声音和角色骨子里透出的刚烈,来化出这个有血有肉 的李倩娘将是我的挑战。 She is the archetypal woman of virtue. She is determined to be faithful to her betrothed to the very end, even if it means spending the rest of her life as his widow. Defenseless against You Jin’s barbaric methods of courtship, she tries to make a final attempt at resistance by trying to commit suicide on her wedding day to protect her virtue. This character relies on her numerous arias to express her anguish over circumstances beyond her control. By turns passionate and indignant, this character also has an inner strength which is ultimately all she can rely on.

The Promotion 角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles · 2013. 12. 2. · 升官记 The Promotion 角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles 罗德民::::

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  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    罗德民罗德民罗德民罗德民:::: ““““徐九经徐九经徐九经徐九经”””” Loo Teck Ming : “Xu Jiujing”









    The role of Xiu Jiujing is essentially a government official type of “Chou” ,

    but he sings in the Lao Sheng style and speaks with a mixture of plain

    Mandarin and the more stylized form of speech called “Yun Bai”. It is a

    demanding role that combines singing, speech, and movement to bring out the complex character of Xu

    Jiujing who is more than he appears to be. Upon his promotion to a high post, Xu is filled with gratitude for

    the Royal Duke’s support, while nursing a 9-year –old grudge against the Marquis who took one look at

    him and judged him lacking, thus dashing his hopes for a brilliant career. Despite the effusive welcome he

    receives from the Duke’s household and the cold reception from the Marquis, Xu starts to have misgivings

    about his benefactor. After he uncovers the truth of the situation, Xu is threatened by the Duke and

    strong-armed into making a judgement which goes against his integrity.

    Fortunately, he is able to turn the situation around with his wit and cunning, thus saving the day. However,

    he decides to leave the perilous world of politics.

    陈韵陈韵陈韵陈韵::::““““李倩娘李倩娘李倩娘李倩娘”””” Chan Wan : “Li Qianniang”







    She is the archetypal woman of virtue. She is determined to be faithful to

    her betrothed to the very end, even if it means spending the rest of her

    life as his widow. Defenseless against You Jin’s barbaric methods of

    courtship, she tries to make a final attempt at resistance by trying to

    commit suicide on her wedding day to protect her virtue. This character

    relies on her numerous arias to express her anguish over circumstances

    beyond her control. By turns passionate and indignant, this character also has an inner strength which is

    ultimately all she can rely on.

  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    林美莲林美莲林美莲林美莲::::““““徐茗徐茗徐茗徐茗”””” Lim Mei Lian : “Xu Ming”





    生”。但如何做到 “扮稚气”却又真情流露,自然随性而不让观众


    Xu Jiujing’s page, his faithful shadow. At his relatively young age, he is

    intelligent and quick-witted, eager to fulfil his beloved master’s every

    need. Xu Ming bears witness to Xu Jiujing’s struggles in the political

    world and follows him into retirement to live a quiet life as a seller of

    wine. This character is a wawa sheng, a little boy role. It is a challenge

    to portray a child convincingly, with the natural energy and likeability of a little boy, while expressing his

    emotions as genuinely as possible.

    马标马标马标马标::::““““刘文秉刘文秉刘文秉刘文秉”””” Ma Biao : “The Marquis, Liu Wenbing”







    When he first appears, the Marquis is determined to put his foster

    son to death for flouting military rules, but after he discovers the

    truth of the matter, he immediately offers his foster son his full

    support in the pursuit of justice.

    Here we have the archetypal soldier, fiery and forthright. He has

    returned in full victorious glory from war, which empowers him in the

    political battle against the Royal Duke. I enjoy the challenge of

    portraying this awe-inspiring figure and his over-bearing arrogance.

  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    茹易茹易茹易茹易::::““““并肩王并肩王并肩王并肩王”””” Ru Yi : “The Royal Duke”









    The Royal Duke embodies the sense of entitlement common to

    members of royalty. In my efforts to figure out this character, I find

    myself understanding the motives behind his actions. In my opinion, he

    is well aware of You Jin’s unsavory activities but chooses to ignore them. To him, what is important is not

    whether Liu Yu and Qianniang were betrothed, much less Qianniang’s thoughts on the matter. His

    concerns are whether his family members have been treated unfairly, and whether they are accorded the

    respect that his royal status demands. Thus, he has no choice but to accept You Jin’s version of the truth,

    which starts the chain of events leading up to the courtroom scene.

    李茉李茉李茉李茉::::““““王妃王妃王妃王妃”””” Li Mo : “Royal Concubine”







    This role is a completely new experience for me. Vastly different from

    my role as Ping Er in “Wang Xifeng”, a kind and respectful maid in a

    powerful family; also from my role as the vivacious young girl in

    “Romance of the Jade Bangle”. The Royal Concubine is an elegant lady of

    a rarefied class; shrewd and well-versed power play. In public, she

    maintains an air of dignity and decorum, while in private she has the

    Royal Duke under her thrall. The concubine appears in only two scenes but in those she reveals her strong

    and vivid character.

  • 《京剧精粹欣赏 2012》

    郑江晨郑江晨郑江晨郑江晨 饰 ““““杨子荣杨子荣杨子荣杨子荣””””

    ““““英英英英 哥哥哥哥””””

    杨子荣是中国人民解放军的一位英雄,我非常钦佩他。他机智勇敢,对自己很有信心。杨子荣为了乡亲们的生活在 1947 年,他装扮成胡彪进入土匪窝,



    周昊宇周昊宇周昊宇周昊宇 饰 ““““刘媒婆刘媒婆刘媒婆刘媒婆””””




  • 《京剧精粹欣赏 2012》

    茹茹茹茹 易易易易 饰 ““““傅傅傅傅 鹏鹏鹏鹏””””



    李李李李 茉茉茉茉 饰 ““““孙玉娇孙玉娇孙玉娇孙玉娇””””



  • 《京剧精粹欣赏 2012》

    陈陈陈陈 韵韵韵韵 饰 ““““秦香莲秦香莲秦香莲秦香莲””””

    秦香莲是一个典型的传统妇人 ——起早贪黑操持家业,孝敬公婆照顾儿女。为了供丈夫进京赶考省吃俭用,谁知丈夫却一去不回杳无音信。这时又逢连年荒灾,公婆不幸过世。草草料理后事之后就带着一双儿女千里迢迢进京寻夫,这一路的艰辛与痛苦可想而知。从张三阳口中打听到后自己的丈夫的下落时,秦香莲是又喜又惊:喜的是陈世美高中状元,惊得是他却做了当今圣上的



    罗德民罗德民罗德民罗德民 饰 ““““陈世美陈世美陈世美陈世美””””





  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    罗德民罗德民罗德民罗德民:::: ““““徐九经徐九经徐九经徐九经”””” Loo Teck Ming : “Xu Jiujing”









    The role of Xiu Jiujing is essentially a government official type of “Chou” ,

    but he sings in the Lao Sheng style and speaks with a mixture of plain

    Mandarin and the more stylized form of speech called “Yun Bai”. It is a

    demanding role that combines singing, speech, and movement to bring out the complex character of Xu

    Jiujing who is more than he appears to be. Upon his promotion to a high post, Xu is filled with gratitude for

    the Royal Duke’s support, while nursing a 9-year –old grudge against the Marquis who took one look at

    him and judged him lacking, thus dashing his hopes for a brilliant career. Despite the effusive welcome he

    receives from the Duke’s household and the cold reception from the Marquis, Xu starts to have misgivings

    about his benefactor. After he uncovers the truth of the situation, Xu is threatened by the Duke and

    strong-armed into making a judgment which goes against his integrity.

    Fortunately, he is able to turn the situation around with his wit and cunningness, thus saving the day.

    However, he decides to leave the perilous world of politics.


    冯婷冯婷冯婷冯婷::::““““徐茗徐茗徐茗徐茗”””” Feng Ting : “Xu Ming”

    徐茗是一个聪明伶俐的小书童,和徐九经主仆情深。 这个角色虽然戏

    份不多, 却情感丰富,因老爷的喜而喜,因老爷的忧而忧,对老爷受到的





    Xu Ming is an intelligent young page boy, who has a deeply affectionate relationship with Xu Jiujing. This

    character may not have much time on stage but he experiences a whole gamut of emotions that directly

    reflect Xu’s emotions throughout the story - he is troubled when his master is troubled, angry at the

    injustice suffered by his master and he is proud to be serving a master who is so learned and just. I have

    been away from the Beijing opera stage for over ten years, so my greatest challenge in performing this

    young male role is how to physically express his boyishness and also express his emotions convincingly.

  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    陈韵陈韵陈韵陈韵::::““““李倩娘李倩娘李倩娘李倩娘”””” Chan Wan : “Li Qianniang”







    She is the archetypal woman of virtue. She is determined to be faithful to

    her betrothed to the very end, even if it means spending the rest of her

    life as his widow. Defenseless against You Jin’s barbaric methods of

    courtship, she tries to make a final attempt at resistance by trying to

    commit suicide on her wedding day to protect her virtue. Through the

    melodious singing of the numerous arias, Li Qianniang expresses her

    anguish over circumstances beyond her control, yet it also portrays the strong character and determination

    of this lady.

    马标马标马标马标::::““““刘文秉刘文秉刘文秉刘文秉”””” Ma Biao : “The Marquis, Liu Wenbing”







    When he first appears, the Marquis is determined to put his foster

    son to death for flouting military rules, but after he discovers the

    truth of the matter, he immediately offers his foster son his full

    support in the pursuit of justice.

    Here we have the archetypal soldier, fiery and forthright. He has

    returned in full victorious glory from war, which empowers him in

    the political battle against the Royal Duke. I enjoy the challenge of

    portraying this awe-inspiring figure and his over-bearing arrogance.

  • 升官记 The Promotion

    角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎角色演绎 The Cast’s Interpretation of their Roles

    茹易茹易茹易茹易::::““““并肩王并肩王并肩王并肩王”””” Ru Yi : “The Royal Duke”









    The Royal Duke embodies the sense of entitlement common to

    members of royalty. In my efforts to figure out this character, I find

    myself understanding the motives behind his actions. In my opinion, he

    is well aware of You Jin’s unsavory activities but chooses to ignore them. To him, what is important is not

    whether Liu Yu and Qianniang were betrothed, much less Qianniang’s thoughts on the matter. His

    concerns are whether his family members have been treated unfairly, and whether they are accorded the

    respect that his royal status demands. Thus, he has no choice but to accept You Jin’s version of the truth,

    which starts the chain of events leading up to the courtroom scene.

    李茉李茉李茉李茉::::““““王妃王妃王妃王妃”””” Li Mo : “Royal Concubine”







    This role is a completely new experience for me. Vastly different from

    my role as Ping Er in “Wang Xifeng”, a kind and respectful maid in a

    powerful family; also from my role as the vivacious young girl in

    “Romance of the Jade Bangle”. The Royal Concubine is an elegant lady of

    a rarefied class; shrewd and well-versed power play. In public, she

    maintains an air of dignity and decorum, while in private she has the

    Royal Duke under her thrall. The concubine appears in only two scenes but in those she reveals her strong

    and vivid character.