The Sepher Yetzirah.docx

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  • 7/28/2019 The Sepher Yetzirah.docx


    The Sepher Yetzirah

    (Translated from the Hebrew by William Wynn Westcott)

    (NOTE: The Sepher Yetzirahis one of the most famous of the ancient Qabalistic texts. Itwas first put into writing around 2 !.E. "estcott#s Translation of the Sepher Yetzirah was

    a primar$ source for the rituals and %nowledge &ectures of the 'olden awn. This is the

    Third Edition of "estcott)s translation* first published in +,,-. /ourth 0e1ised Edition ofthe epher 3et4irah b$ arc$ %5nt4* complete with 6ebrew text* notes and bibliograph$* is

    a1ailable from 6olmes 7ublishing 'roup* 7.O. 829* Edmonds* " ,2.;


    The s of the ind? an aspect

    at once archaic and essentiall$ 6ebrew. The grouping of the processes of origin into an

    arrangement* at once alphabetic and numeral* is one onl$ to be found in emitic authors.

    ttention must be called to the essential peculiarit$ of the 6ebrew language* theinextricable and necessar$ association of numbers and letters? e1er$ letter suggesting a

    number* and e1er$ group of letters ha1ing a numerical signification* as 1ital as its literal


    The %abalistic principles in1ol1ed in the re1ersal of 6ebrew letters* and their substitutionb$ others* on definite schemes* should also be studied and borne in mind.

    It is exactl$ on these principles that the idea< #of this disBuisition rests? and

    these principles ma$ be traced throughout the %abalistic tractates which ha1e succeeded it

    in point of time and de1elopment* man$ of which are associated together in one 1olume>nown as the

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    ephiroth* the ideals of Aacroprosopus and Aicroprosopus* and the doctrine of 0eC


    The The 7hilosopher#s tone. These are his words: The sages of=ab$lon attac>ed braham on account of his faith? for the$ were all against him although

    themsel1es separable into three sects. The /irst thought that the ni1erse was subFect to the

    control of two opposing forces* the one existing but to destro$ the other* this is dualism?the$ held that there was nothing in common between the author of e1il and the author of

    good. The econd sect admitted Three great 7owers? two of them as in the first case* and athird 7ower whose function was to decide between the two others* a supreme arbitrator. The

    Third sect recognised no god beside the un* in which it recognised the sole principle ofexistence.e use of it. the spirit of

    obser1ation* and where in conseBuence certain general and superficial relations percei1ed

    in the natural world passed for the science of Nature. which binds to one common principle* all the elements which are around us.iew* +-D* Dto.

    8. < < b$ Aoses ben Gacob* @o4ec* +--* Dto.

    -. < < 'rodno* +,8* Dto.

    ,. < < $hernfurth* +,+2* ,1o.

    . < < alonica* +,9+* ,1o.

    +. A. cop$ dated +-+* in the =ritish Auseum.

    I add here the full titles of the three &atin 1ersions? the$ are all to be found in the =ritish

    Auseum &ibrar$.

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    ha1e failed to explain satisfactoril$. I find %alisch* spea>ing of these !ommentaries* sa$s*

    nowledge of ph$sics* and not a correct elucidation of this ancient boo>.< %alisch*

    howe1er* was not an occultist? these commentaries are* howe1er* so extensi1e as to demand

    $ears of stud$* and I feel no hesitation in confessing that m$ researches into them ha1e beenbut superficial. /or con1enience of stud$ I ha1e placed the Notes in a separate form at the

    end of the wor>* and I ha1e made a short definition of the subFectCmatter of each chapter.

    The substance of this little 1olume was read as &ecture before ed for information upon abstruse points in the

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    S#$H#R Y#T%IR&H

    The 'oo of ormation

    "H&$T#R I

    ection +. In thirt$Ctwo (+; m$sterious 7aths of "isdom did Gah* (2; the Geho1ah of hosts*

    (9; the 'od of Israel* (D; the &i1ing Elohim* (; the %ing of ages* the merciful and gracious

    'od* (8; the Exalted One* the weller in eternit$* most high and hol$CCengra1e his name b$the three epharim (-; CCNumbers* &etters* and ounds.(,;

    2. Ten are the ineffable ephiroth. (; Twent$Ctwo are the &etters* the /oundation of all

    things? there are Three Aothers* e1en ouble and Twel1e (+; imple letters.

    9. The ineffable ephiroth are Ten* as are the Numbers? and as there are in man fi1e fingers

    o1er against fi1e* so o1er them is established a co1enant of strength* b$ word of mouth* andb$ the circumcision of the flesh. (++;

    D. Ten is the number of the ineffable ephiroth* ten and not nine* ten and not ele1en.

    nderstand this wisdom* and be wise b$ the perception. earch out concerning it* restorethe "ord to its creator* and replace 6im who formed it upon his throne. (+2;

    . The Ten ineffable ephiroth ha1e ten 1ast regions bound unto them? boundless in origin

    and ha1ing no ending? an ab$ss (+9; of good and of ill? measureless height and depth?

    boundless to the East and the "est? boundless to the North and outh? (+D; and the &ord theonl$ 'od* (+; the /aithful %ing rules all these from his hol$ seat* (+8; for e1er and e1er.

    8. The Ten ineffable ephiroth ha1e the appearance of the &ightning flash* (+-; their origin

    is unseen and no end is percei1ed. The "ord is in them as the$ rush forth and as the$

    return* the$ spea> as from the whirlCwind* and returning fall prostrate in adoration beforethe Throne.

    -. The Ten ineffable ephiroth* whose ending is e1en as their origin* are li>e as a flame

    arising from a burning coal. /or 'od (+,; is superlati1e in his nit$* there is none eBual

    unto 6im: what number canst thou place before One.

    ,. Ten are the ineffable ephiroth? seal up th$ lips lest thou spea> of them* and guard th$

    heart as thou considerest them? and if th$ mind escape from thee bring it bac> to th$control? e1en as it was said*

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    +. econd? from the pirit 6e produced ir* and formed in it twent$Ctwo soundsCCthe

    letters? three are mothers* se1en are double* and twel1e are simple? but the pirit is first andabo1e these. Third? from the ir 6e formed the "aters* and from the formless and 1oid (29;

    made mire and cla$* and designed surfaces upon them* and hewed recesses in them* and

    formed the strong material foundation. /ourth? from the "ater 6e formed /ire (2D; and

    made for 6imself a Throne of 'lor$ with uphanim* eraphim and %erubim* (2; as hisministering angels? and with these three (28; he completed his dwelling* as it is written*

    ed to the right* and sealed the outh with K I 6.

    Tenth? 6e loo>ed to the left* and sealed the North with K 6 I.

    +2. =eholdL /rom the Ten ineffable ephiroth do* proceedCCthe One pirit of the 'ods ofthe li1ing* ir* "ater* /ire? and also 6eight* epth* East* "est* outh and North. (2;

    "H&$T#R II

    ection +. The twent$Ctwo sounds and letters are the /oundation of all things. Three

    mothers* se1en doubles and twel1e simples. The Three Aothers are leph* Aem and hin*the$ are ir* "ater and /ire "ater is silent* /ire is sibilant* and ir deri1ed from the pirit

    is as the tongue of a balance standing between these contraries which are in eBuilibrium*

    reconciling and mediating between them.

    2. 6e hath formed* weighed* and composed with these twent$Ctwo letters e1er$ createdthing* and the form of e1er$thing which shall hereafter be.

    9. These twent$Ctwo sounds or letters are formed b$ the 1oice* impressed on the air* and

    audibl$ modified in fi1e places? in the throat* in the mouth* b$ the tongue* through the teeth*

    and b$ the lips. (9+;

    D. These twent$Ctwo letters* which are the foundation of all things* 6e arranged as upon a

    sphere with two hundred and thirt$Cone gates* and the sphere ma$ be rotated forward or


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    bac>ward* whether for good or for e1il? from the good comes true pleasure* from e1il

    nought but torment.

    . /or 6e shewed the combination of these letters* each with the other? leph with all* andall with leph? =eth with all* and all with =eth. Thus in combining all together in pairs are

    produced the two hundred and thirt$Cone gates of >nowledge. (92;

    8. nd from the nonCexistent (99; 6e made omething? and all forms of speech and

    e1er$thing that has been produced? from the empt$ 1oid 6e made the material world* andfrom the inert earth 6e brought forth e1er$thing that hath life. 6e hewed* as it were* 1ast

    columns out of the intangible air* and b$ the power of 6is Name made e1er$ creature and

    e1er$thing that is? and the production of all things from the twent$Ctwo letters is the proofthat the$ are all but parts of one li1ing bod$. (9D;

    "H&$T#R III

    ection +. The /oundation of all the other sounds and letters is pro1ided b$ the Three

    Aothers* leph* Aem and hin? the$ resemble a =alance* on the one hand the guilt$* on the

    other hand the purified* and leph the ir is li>e the Tongue of a =alance standing betweenthem. (9;

    2. The Three Aothers* leph* Aem and hin* are a great A$ster$* 1er$ admirable and most

    recondite* and sealed as with six rings? and from them proceed ir* /ire* and "ater* which

    di1ide into acti1e and passi1e forces. The Three Aothers* leph* Aem and hin* are the/oundation* from them spring three /athers* and from these ha1e proceeded all things that

    are in the world.

    9. The Three Aothers in the world are leph* Aem and hin: the hea1ens (98; were

    produced (9-; from /ire? the earth from the "ater? and the ir from the pirit is as areconciler between the /ire and the "ater.

    D. The Three Aothers* leph* Aem and hin* /ire* "ater and ir* are shown in the 3ear:

    from the fire came heat* from the waters came cold* and from the air was produced the

    temperate state* again a mediator between them. The Three Aothers* leph* Aem and hin*/ire* "ater and ir* are found in Aan: from the fire was formed the head? from the water

    the bell$? and from the air was formed the chest* again placed as a mediator between the


    . These Three Aothers did 6e produce and design* and combined them? and 6e sealedthem as the three mothers in the ni1erse* in the 3ear and in AanCCboth male and female.

    6e caused the letter leph to reign in ir and crowned it* and combining it with the others

    6e sealed it* as ir in the "orld* as the temperate (climate; of the 3ear* and as the breath inthe chest (the lungs for breathing air; in Aan: the male with leph* Aem* hin* the female

    with hin* Aem* leph. 6e caused the letter Aem to reign in "ater* crowned it* and


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    combining it with the others formed the earth in the world* cold in the $ear* and the bell$ in

    man* male and female* the former with Aem* leph* hin* the latter with Aem* hin*leph. 6e caused hin to reign in /ire* and crowned it* and combining it with the others

    sealed with it the hea1ens in the uni1erse* heat in the $ear and the head in man* male and

    female. (9,;

    "H&$T#R I*

    ection +. The e1en double letters* =eth* 'imel* aleth* %aph* 7eh* 0esh* and Tau ha1e

    each two sounds associated with them. The$ are referred to &ife* 7eace* "isdom* 0iches*

    'race* /ertilit$ and 7ower. The two sounds of each letter are the hard and the softCCthe

    aspirated and the softened. The$ are called ouble* because each letter presents a contrastor permutation? thus &ife and eath? 7eace and "ar? "isdom and /oll$? 0iches and

    7o1ert$? 'race and Indignation? /ertilit$ and olitude? 7ower and er1itude.

    2. These e1en ouble &etters point out se1en localities? bo1e* =elow* East* "est* North*outh* and the 7alace of 6oliness in the midst of them sustaining all things.

    9. These e1en ouble &etters 6e designed* produced* and combined* and formed with

    them the 7lanets of this "orld* the a$s of the "ee>* and the 'ates of the soul (the orifices

    of perception; in Aan. /rom these e1en 6e bath produced the e1en 6ea1ens* the e1enEarths* the e1en abbaths: for this cause 6e has lo1ed and blessed the number e1en more

    than all things under 6ea1en (6is Throne;.

    D. Two &etters produce two houses? three form six? four form twent$Cfour? fi1e form one

    hundred and twent$? six form se1en hundred and twent$? (9; se1en form fi1e thousand andfort$? and be$ond this their numbers increase so that the mouth can hardl$ utter them* nor

    the ear hear the number of them. o now* behold the tars of our "orld* the 7lanets which

    are e1en? the un* Kenus* Aercur$* Aoon* aturn* Gupiter and Aars. The e1en are alsothe e1en a$s of !reation? and the e1en 'atewa$s of the oul of AanCCthe two e$es* the

    two ears* the mouth and the two nostrils. o with the e1en are formed the se1en hea1ens*

    (D+; the se1en earths* and the se1en periods of time? and so has 6e preferred the number

    e1en abo1e all things under 6is 6ea1en. (D2;

    S+pplement to "hapter I*

    NOTE.CCThis is one of se1eral modern illustrations of the allotment of the e1en &etters? it

    is not found in the ancient copies of the

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    6e produced aleth* and referred it to /ertilit$? 6e crowned it* combined and formed with

    it the un in the ni1erse* the third da$ of the wee>* and the right nostril of man.

    6e produced %aph* and referred it to &ife? 6e crowned it* combined and formed with itKenus in the ni1erse* the fourth da$ of the wee>* and the left e$e of man.

    6e produced 7eh* and referred it to 7ower? 6e crowned it* combined and formed with it

    Aercur$ in the ni1erse* the fifth da$ of the wee>* and the left ear of man.

    6e produced 0esh* and referred it to 7eace? 6e crowned it* combined and formed with itaturn in the ni1erse* the sixth da$ of the wee>* and the left nostril of man.

    6e produced Tau* and referred it to =eaut$? 6e crowned it* combined and formed with it

    Gupiter in the ni1erse* the e1enth a$ of the wee>* and the mouth of man.

    =$ these e1en letters were also made se1en worlds* se1en hea1ens* se1en earths* se1en

    seas* se1en ri1ers* se1en deserts* se1en da$s* se1en wee>s from 7asso1er to 7entecost* ande1er$ se1enth $ear a Gubilee.

    Aa$er &ambert gi1es:CC=eth to aturn and the 6ebrew abbathCCthat is aturda$? 'imel to

    Gupiter and unda$? aleth to Aars and Aonda$? %aph to the un and Tuesda$? 7eh to

    Kenus and "ednesda$? 0esh to Aercur$ and Thursda$? and Tau to the Aoon and /rida$.

    "H&$T#R *

    +. The Twel1e imple &etters are 6Hh* Kau* @ain* !heth* Teth* 3od* &amed* Nun* amech*

    Oin* T4addi and Qoph? (D9; the$ are the foundations of these twel1e properties: ight*

    6earing* mell* peech* Taste* exual &o1e* "or>* Ao1ement* nger* Airth* Imagination*(DD; and leep. These Twel1e are also allotted to the directions in space: NorthCeast* outhC

    east* the East abo1e* the East below* the North abo1e* the North below* the outhCwest* the

    Northwest* the "est abo1e* the "est below* the outh abo1e* and the outh below? thesedi1erge to infinit$* and are as the arms of the ni1erse.

    2. These Twel1e imple &etters 6e designed* and combined* and formed with them the

    Twel1e celestial constellations of the @odiac* whose signs are Teth* hin* Tau* amech*

    leph* =eth* Aem* Oin* Qoph* 'imel* aleth* and aleth. (D; The Twel1e are also theAonths of the 3ear: Nisan* (D8; 3iar* i1an* Tamu4* b* Elul* Tishri* 6es1an* %isle1* Tebet*

    abat and dar. The Twel1e are also the Twel1e organs of li1ing creatures: (D-; the two

    hands* the two feet* the two >idne$s* the spleen* the li1er* the gall* pri1ate parts* stomachand intestines.

    6e made these* as it were pro1inces* and arranged them as in order of battle for warfare.

    nd also the Elohim (D,; made one from the region of the other.

    Three Aothers and Three /athers? and thence issue /ire* ir and "ater. Three Aothers*e1en oubles and Twel1e imple letters and sounds.


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    9. =ehold now these are the Twent$ and Two &etters from which Gah* Geho1ah T4abaoth*

    the &i1ing Elohim* the 'od of Israel* exalted and sublime* the weller in eternit$* formedand established all things? 6igh and 6ol$ is 6is Name.

    S+pplement to "hapter *

    NOTE.CCThis is a modern illustration of the allotment of the Twel1e &etters? it is not foundin the ancient copies of the idne$ in Aan.

    8. 6e produced 3od* predominant in "or>* crowned it* combined and formed with it Kirgo

    in the ni1erse* Elul in the 3ear* and the left hand of Aan.

    -. 6e produced &amed* predominant in exual desire* crowned it* combined and formed

    with it &ibra in the ni1erse* Tishri in the 3ear* and the pri1ate parts of Aan. (%alisch gi1es

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    NOTE.CCAediae1al authorities and modern editors gi1e 1er$ different allocations to the

    twel1e simple letters.

    "H&$T#R *I

    ection +. Three /athers and their generations* e1en conBuerors and their armies* and

    Twel1e bounds of the ni1erse. ee now* of these words* the faithful witnesses are theni1erse* the 3ear and Aan. The dodecad* the heptad* and the triad with their pro1inces?

    abo1e is the !elestial ragon* T & I* (D; and below is the "orld* and lastl$ the heart of

    Aan. The Three are "ater* ir and /ire? /ire abo1e* "ater below* and ir conciliatingbetween them? and the sign of these things is that the /ire sustains (1olatilises; the waters?

    Aem is mute* hin is sibilant* and leph is the Aediator and as it were a friend placed

    between them.

    2. The !elestial ragon* T & I* is placed o1er the uni1erse li>e a >ing upon the throne? there1olution of the $ear is as a >ing o1er his dominion? the heart of man is as a >ing in

    warfare. Aoreo1er* 6e made all things one from the other? and the Elohim set good o1er

    against e1il* and made good things from good* and e1il things from e1il: with the goodtested 6e the e1il* and with the e1il did 6e tr$ the good. 6appiness (; is reser1ed for the

    good* and miser$ (+; is >ept for the wic>ed.

    9. The Three are One* and that One stands abo1e. The e1en are di1ided? three are o1er

    against three* and one stands between the triads. The Twel1e stand as in warfare? three arefriends* three are enemies? three are life gi1ers? three are destro$ers. The three friends are

    the heart* the ears* and the mouth? the three enemies are the li1er* the gall* and the tongue?

    (2; while 'od (9; the faithful >ing rules o1er all. One abo1e Three* Three abo1e e1en*and e1en abo1e Twel1e: and all are connected the one with the other.

    D. nd after that our father braham had percei1ed and understood* and had ta>en down

    and engra1ed all these things* the &ord most high (; re1ealed 6imself* and called him 6is

    belo1ed* and made a !o1enant with him and his seed? and braham belie1ed on 6im (8;and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. nd 6e made this !o1enant as between the

    ten toes of the feetCCthis is that of circumcision? and as between the ten fingers of the hands

    and this is that of the tongue. (-; nd 6e formed the twent$Ctwo letters into speech (,;and shewed him all the m$steries of them. (; 6e drew them through the "aters? 6e

    burned them in the /ire? 6e 1ibrated them in the ir? e1en planets in the hea1ens* and

    Twel1e celestial constellations of the stars of the @odiac.

    ,,,,, The #nd of -The 'oo of ormation- ,,,,,

    TH# ITY .&T#S O INT#//I.#N"#


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    ttached to some editions of the nowledge emanating from the econd ephira =inah* nderstanding* anddescending b$ stages through the angels* hea1ens* humanit$* animal and 1egetable and

    mineral >ingdoms to 6$le and the chaos. The %abalists said that one must enter and pass

    up through the 'ates to attain to the Thirt$Ctwo 7aths of "isdom? and that e1en Aoses onl$

    passed through the fort$Cninth 'ate* and ne1er entered the fiftieth. ee the Oedipuseg$ptiacus of thanasius %ircher* 1ol. ii. p. 9+.

    irst Order0 #lementary

    +. !haos* 6$le* The first matter.

    2. /ormless* 1oid* lifeless.

    9. The b$ss.

    D. Origin of the Elements.

    . Earth (no seed germs;.

    8. "ater.

    -. ir.

    ,. /ire

    . ifferentiation of Bualities.

    +. Aixture and combination.

    Second Order0 ecad of #1ol+tion

    ++. Ainerals differentiate.

    +2. Kegetable principles appear.

    +9. eeds germinate in moisture.

    +D. 6erbs and Trees.

    +. /ructification in 1egetable life.

    +8. Origin of low forms of animal life.

    +-. Insects and 0eptiles appear.


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    +,. /ishes* 1ertebrate life in the waters.

    +. =irds* 1ertebrate life in the air.

    2. Quadrupeds* 1ertebrate earth animals.

    Third Order0 ecad of H+manity

    2+. ppearance of Aan.

    22. Aaterial human bod$.

    29. 6uman oul conferred.

    2D. A$ster$ of dam and E1e.

    2. !omplete Aan as the Aicrocosm.

    28. 'ift of fi1e human faces acting exteriorl$.

    2-. 'ift of fi1e powers to the soul.

    2,. dam %admon* the 6ea1enl$ Aan.

    2. ngelic beings.

    9. Aan in the image of 'od.

    o+rth Order0 World of Spheres

    9+. The Aoon.

    92. Aercur$.

    99. Kenus.

    9D. ol.

    9. Aars.

    98. Gupiter.

    9-. aturn.

    9,. The /irmament.


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    Sepher Yetzirah

    9. The 7rimum Aobile.

    D. The Emp$rean 6ea1en.

    ifih Order0 The &n2elic World

    D+. IshimCCons of /ire.

    D2. uphanimCC!herubim.

    D9. ralimCCThrones.

    DD. !hashmalimCCominions.

    D. eraphimCCKirtues.

    D8. Aala>imCC7owers.

    D-. ElohimCC7rincipalities.

    D,. =eni ElohimCCngels.

    D. !herubimCCrchCangels.

    Si3th Order0 The &rchetype

    . 'od. in uph. 6e "hom no mortal e$e bath seen* and "ho has been >nown to Gesus

    the Aessiah alone.

    NOTE.CCThe ngels of the /ifth or ngelic "orld are arranged in 1er$ different order b$

    1arious %abalistic 0abbis.


    Translated from the 6ebrew Text of Goannes tephanus 0ittangelius* +8D2: which is also tobe found in the

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    Sepher Yetzirah

    The econd 7ath is that of the Illuminating Intelligence: it is the !rown of !reation* the

    plendour of the nit$* eBualling it* and it is exalted abo1e e1er$ head* and named b$ the%abalists the econd 'lor$.

    The Third 7ath is the anctif$ing Intelligence* and is the foundation of 7rimordial wisdom*

    which is called the !reator of /aith* and its roots are AN? and it is the parent of /aith*from which doth /aith emanate.

    The /ourth 7ath is named the !ohesi1e or 0eceptacular Intelligence? and is so calledbecause it contains all the hol$ powers* and from it emanate all the spiritual 1irtues with the

    most exalted essences: the$ emanate one from the other b$ the power of the 7rimordial

    Emanation. The 6ighest !rown.; (+;

    The /ifth 7ath is called the 0adical Intelligence* because it resembles the nit$* unitingitself to the =inah* (2; or Intelligence which emanates from the 7rimordial depths of

    "isdom or !ho>mah. (9;

    The ixth 7ath is called the Aediating Intelligence* because in it are multiplied the influxesof the emanations* for it causes that influence to flow into all the reser1oirs of the

    =lessings* with which these themsel1es are united.

    The e1enth 7ath is the Occult Intelligence* because it is the 0efulgent plendour of all the

    Intellectual 1irtues which are percei1ed b$ the e$es of intellect* and b$ the contemplation offaith.

    The Eighth 7ath is called the bsolute or 7erfect Intelligence* because it is the means of the

    primordial* which has no root b$ which it can clea1e* nor rest* except in the hidden places

    of 'edulah* (D; Aagnificence* from which emanates its own proper essence.

    The Ninth 7ath is the 7ure Intelligence* so called because it purifies the Numerations* itpro1es and corrects the designing of their representation* and disposes their unit$ with

    which the$ are combined without diminution or di1ision.

    The Tenth 7ath is the 0esplendent Intelligence* because it is exalted abo1e e1er$ head* and

    sits on the throne of =inah (the Intelligence spo>en of in the Third 7ath;. It illuminates thesplendour of all the lights* and causes an influence to emanate from the 7rince of

    countenances. (;

    The Ele1enth 7ath is the cintillating Intelligence* because it is the essence of that curtainwhich is placed close to the order of the disposition* and this is a special dignit$ gi1en to it

    that it ma$ be able to stand before the /ace of the !ause of !auses.

    The Twelfth 7ath is the Intelligence of Transparenc$* because it is that species of

    Aagnificence called !ha4cha4it* (8; the place whence issues the 1ision of those seeing inapparitions. (That is the prophecies b$ seers in a 1ision.;


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    The Thirteenth 7ath is named the niting Intelligence* and is so called because it is itself

    the Essence of 'lor$. It is the !onsummation of the Truth of indi1idual spiritual things.

    The /ourteenth 7ath is the Illuminating Intelligence and is so called because it is that!hashmal (-; which is the founder of the concealed and fundamental ideas of holiness and

    of their stages of preparation.

    The /ifteenth 7ath is the !onstituting Intelligence* so called because it constitutes the

    substance of creation in pure dar>ness* and men ha1e spo>en of these contemplations? it isthat dar>ness spo>en of in cripture* Gob xxx1iii. * dar>ness a swaddling band

    for it.e to it* and it is called also the7aradise prepared for the 0ighteous.

    The e1enteenth 7ath is the isposing Intelligence* which pro1ides /aith to the 0ighteous*and the$ are clothed with the 6ol$ pirit b$ it* and it is called the /oundation of Excellencein the state of higher things.

    The Eighteenth 7ath is called the Intelligence or 6ouse of Influence (b$ the greatness of

    whose abundance the influx of good things upon created beings is increased;* and from its

    midst the arcana and hidden senses are drawn forth* which dwell in its shade and whichcling to it* from the !ause of all causes.

    The Nineteenth 7ath is the Intelligence of the ecret of all the acti1ities of the spiritual

    beings* and is so called because of the influence diffused b$ it from the most high and

    exalted sublime glor$.

    The Twentieth 7ath is the Intelligence of "ill* and is so called because it is the means ofpreparation of all and each created being* and b$ this intelligence the existence of the

    7rimordial "isdom becomes >nown.

    The Twent$Cfirst 7ath is the Intelligence of !onciliation and 0eward* and is so called

    because it recei1es the di1ine influence which flows into it from its benediction upon alland each existence.

    The Twent$Csecond 7ath is the /aithful Intelligence* and is so called because b$ it spiritual

    1irtues are increased* and all dwellers on earth are nearl$ under its shadow.

    The Twent$Cthird 7ath is the table Intelligence* and it is so called because it has the 1irtueof consistenc$ among all numerations.

    The Twent$Cfourth 7ath is the Imaginati1e Intelligence* and it is so called because it gi1es a

    li>eness to all the similitudes which are created in li>e manner similar to its harmonious



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    The Twent$Cfifth 7ath is the Intelligence of 7robation* or Temptation* and is so called

    because it is the primar$ temptation* b$ which the !reator trieth all righteous persons.

    The Twent$Csixth 7ath is called the 0enewing Intelligence* because the 6ol$ 'od renewsb$ it all the changing things which are renewed b$ the creation of the world.

    The Twent$Cse1enth 7ath is the cti1e or Exciting Intelligence* and it is so called because

    through it e1er$ existent being recei1es its spirit and motion.

    The Twent$Ceighth 7ath is called the Natural Intelligence? b$ it is completed and perfectedthe nature of all that exists beneath the un.

    (This 7ath is omitted b$ 0ittangelius: I presume b$ inad1ertence.;

    The Twent$Cninth 7ath is the !orporeal Intelligence* so called because it forms e1er$ bod$

    which is formed in all the worlds* and the reproduction of them.

    The Thirtieth 7ath is the !ollecti1e Intelligence* and strologers deduce from it theFudgment of the tars and celestial signs* and perfect their science* according to the rules of

    the motions of the stars.

    The Thirt$Cfirst 7ath is the 7erpetual Intelligence? but wh$ is it so calledM =ecause it

    regulates the motions of the un and Aoon in their proper order* each in an orbitcon1enient for it.

    The Thirt$Csecond 7ath is the dministrati1e Intelligence* and it is so called because it

    directs and associates the motions of the se1en planets* directing all of them in their own

    proper courses.

    NOT#S TO TH# S#$H#R Y#T%IR&H

    It is of considerable importance to a clear understanding of this Occult treatise that thewhole wor> be read through before comment is made* so that the general idea of the se1eral

    chapters ma$ become in the mind one concrete whole. separate consideration of the

    se1eral parts should follow this general grasp of the subFect* else much confusion ma$


    This hoo> ma$ be considered to he an llegorical 7arallel between the Idealism of

    Numbers and &etters and the 1arious parts of the ni1erse* and it sheds much light on

    man$ m$stic forms and ceremonies $et extant* notabl$ upon /reemasonr$* the Tarot* andthe later %abalah* and is a great aid to the comprehension of the stroCTheosophic schemes

    of the 0osicrucians. To obtain the full 1alue of this Treatise* it should he studied hand in

    hand with 6ermetic attributions* the

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    s$mbols and allocation of the Trump cards of the Tarot pac>* for which see m$ translation

    of The anctum 0egnum of the Tarot* b$ Eliphas &e1i.

    Note that the oldest A. copies of the as >urios* andinto &atin as dominus* and commonl$ into the English word* &ord: it is reall$ the first half

    of the word I6K6 or Geho1ah* or the 3ah1eh of modern scholars.

    9. Geho1ah T4abaoth. This di1ine name is printed in English =ibles as Geho1ah abaoth* or


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    . The Elohim of the &i1ing. The words are &6IA !hIIA. lhim* often written in English

    letters as Elohim* or b$ 'odfte$ 6iggins as leim* seems to be a masculine plural of thefeminine form Eloah* &6* of the di1ine masculine name E&* &? this is commonl$

    translated 'od* and means strong* might$* supreme. !hiim is the plural of !hiCCli1ing* or

    life. !hI6 is a li1ing animal* and so is !hIK. !hII is also life. /re$ in his dictionar$ gi1es

    !hIIA as the plural word li1es* or 1itae. The true adFecti1e for li1ing is !hI. Elohim!hiim* then* apart from Gewish or !hristian preconception* is or letter: themeaning here is plainl$

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    +2. 0ittangelius gi1es erubic forms.

    2. The pirit of the 'ods of the &i1ing. 0!h &6IA !hIIIA? or as 0. gi1es it*

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    2D. =ible dictionaries generall$ gi1e the word as !herubim* but in 6ebrew the initial letter

    is alwa$s % and not !h.

    28. Three. In the first edition I o1erloo>ed this word three? and putting and for as* madefour classes of ser1ing beings.

    2-. This is 1erse D of 7salm ci1.

    2,. 6ere follow the permutations of the name I6K* which is the TetragrammatonCCGeho1ah*

    without the second or final 6eh: I6K is a TriCgrammaton* and is more suitable to the thirdor 3et4iratic plane. 6KI is the imperati1e form of the 1erb to be* meaning be thou? 6IK is

    the infiniti1e? and KI6 is future. In I6K note that 3od corresponds to the /ather? 6eh to

    =inah* the upernal Aother? and Kau to the AicroprosopusCCon.

    2. Note the subdi1ision of the ecad into the TetradCCfour elements? and the 6exadCCsixdimensions of space.

    "H&$T#R 5

    This chapter consists of philosophic remar>s on the twent$Ctwo sounds and letters of the

    6ebrew alphabet* and hence connected with the air b$ speech* and it points out the uses of

    those letters to form wordsCCthe signs of ideas* and the s$mbols of material substances.

    9. oul? the word is N7h* which is commonl$ translated soul* meaning the li1ing

    personalit$ of man* animal or existing thing: it corresponds almost to the Theosophic 7rana

    plus the stimulus of %ama.

    9+. This is the modern classification of the letters into guttural* palatal* lingual* dental andlabial sounds.

    92. The 29+ 'ates. The number 2D2 is obtained b$ adding together all the numbers from +

    to 22. The 6ebrew letters can he placed in pairs in 2D2 different positions: thus ab* ag* ad*

    up to at? then ba* bb* bg* bd* up to bt* and so on to ts* tt: this is in direct order onl$* withoutre1ersal. /or the reason wh$ ele1en are deducted* and the number 29+ specified* see the

    Table and Note + in the edition of 7ostellus.

    99. NonCexistent? the word is IN* nothingness. in precedes in uph* boundlessness? and

    in uph ur* =oundless &ight.

    9D. =od$? the word is '7* usuall$ applied to the animal material bod$* but here means

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    out* namel$ in the Aacrocosm or ni1erse? in the 3ear or in Time? and in the Aicrocosm or


    9. The importance of eBuilibrium is constantl$ reiterated in the %abalah. The hurst;. hAh is the un* and &ight* and a

    t$pe of !hrist* the un of 0ighteousness. Aalachi i1. 2.

    9-. "ere produced. The 6ebrew word =0* is the root. Three 6ebrew words are used in

    the =ible to represent the idea of ma>ing* producing or creating.

    =0I6* =riah* gi1ing shape* 'enesis i. +.

    OhI6* shiah* completing* 'enesis i. 9+.

    IT4I06* 3et4irah* forming* 'enesis ii. -.

    To these the %abalists add the word T4&6* with the meaning of

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    0esh to Gupiter* and Tau to Aars. %alisch in the supplementar$ paragraphs gi1es a different

    attribution? both are wrong* according to clair1o$ant in1estigation. !onsult the Tarots$mbolism gi1en b$ !ourt de 'ebelin* Eliphas &e1i* and m$ notes to the Isiaic Tablet of

    =embo. The true attribution is probabl$ not an$where printed. The planet names here gi1en

    are !haldee words.

    D+. The e1en 6ea1ens and the e1en Earths are printed with errors* and I belie1eintentional mista>es* in man$ occult ancient boo>s. ome 6ermetic A. ha1e the correct

    names and spelling.

    D2. On the further attribution of these e1en letters* note that 7ostellus gi1es: KitaCCmors*

    7axCCafflictio* apientiaCCstultitia* i1itiae (Opus;CCpaupertas* 'ratiaCCopprobrium* 7rolesCCsterilitas* ImperiumCCser1itus. 7istorius gi1es: KitaCCmors* 7axCCbellum* cientiaCC

    ignorantia* i1itiaeCCpaupertas* 'ratiaCCabominatio* emen (7roles;CCsterilitas* Imperium


    "H&$T#R 8

    This chapter is speciall$ concerned with the odecad? the number twel1e is itself pointed

    out* and the characters of its component units* once more in the three 4ones of the uni1erse*

    $ear and man? the last paragraph gi1es a recapitulation of the whole number of letters: the

    upplement gi1es a form of allotment of the se1eral letters.

    D9. It is necessar$ to a1oid confusion between these letters? different authors translate them

    in different manners. 6eh or 6H not be confused with !heth* or 6eth* !h. Teth* Th also

    must be >ept distinct from the final letter Tau* T* which is one of the double letters? the

    semiCEnglish pronunciation of these two letters is much confused* each is at times both tand th? 3od is either I* 3* or G? amech is simple * and must not be confused with hin* h*

    one of the mother letters? Oin is often written in English 6ebrew grammars as $in* and

    ometimes as 'nain? T4addi must not be confused with @ain* @? and lastl$ Qoph* Q* is 1er$often replaced b$ %* which is hardl$ defensible as there is a true % in addition.

    DD. 7ostellus gi1es suspicion and 7istorius* mind.

    D. These letters are the initials of the +2 @odiacal signs in 6ebrew nomenclature. The$ are:

    Teth Telah ries Aem Aa4nim &ibra

    hin hor Taurus Oin OBereb corpio

    Tau Thaumim 'emini Qoph Qesheth agittariusamech artan !ancer 'imel 'edi !apricorn

    leph r$eh &eo aleth ali Buarius

    =eth =ethuleh Kirgo aleth agim 7isces


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    D8. The month Nisan begins about Aarch 2th. 3iar is also written I$ar* and iar: the

    6ebrew letters are II0.

    D-. The list of organs 1aries. ll agree in two hands* two feet* two >idne$s* li1er* gall andspleen. 7ostellus then gi1es* intestina* 1esica* arteriae*< the intestines* bladder* and arteries?

    0ittangelius gi1es the same. 7istorius gi1es* $? others ha1e

    referred it to the Ail>$ "a$? others to an imaginar$ line Foining !aput to !auda raconis*

    the upper and lower nodes of the Aoon. dolphe /ranc> sa$s that Theli is an rabic word.

    . 6appiness* or a good end* or simpl$ good* T=6.

    +. Aiser$* or an e1il end* or simpl$ e1il* 0O6.

    2. This 6ebrew 1ersion omits the allotment of the remaining six. Aa$er gi1es the

    paragraph thus:CCThe triad of amit$ is the heart and the two ears? the triad of enmit$ is the

    li1er* gall* and the tongue? the three lifeCgi1ers are the two nostrils and the spleen? the three

    deathCdealing ones are the mouth and the two lower openings of the bod$.

    9. 'od. In this case the name is &* E&.

    D. This last paragraph is generall$ considered to be less ancient than the remainder of the

    treatise* and b$ another author.

    . The &ord most high. O&I N. dun or don* or donai* NI* are commonl$

    translated &ord? Eliun* O&IN* is the more usual form of

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    -. Tongue. The 1erbal co1enant.

    ,. peech. The 6ebrew has