The skills I and my crew have to make this Documentary: Timing: I myself will have to make sure that we keep ahead on timing during the progress of making this documentary so that it doesn’t feel rushed or go too slowly and we end up running out of time. From past projects similar to this I have made my own technique for keeping on track for the dead line. I do this by setting myself mini deadlines in areas throughout the documentary which I have a certain amount of time to complete for each one. This is much easier than working on a documentary with just one final deadline set. Filming: Another important skill required for the making of my documentary will be the filming and its quality. The last time I made a documentary I didn’t have a tripod and when I filmed the interviews they looked very shaky and unprofessional. Ever since then I have understood why it is so important for the film quality to be good. I have a tripod, so this time the documentary will be filmed to a professional standard. Interviews: I must correctly and professionally interview people for my documentary. This would include using the right type of shots and asking the right questions to my interviewee. The kind of shot I would want during interviews would preferably be a still medium two shot with the interviewer and the interviewee both in the shot. This is so you can see both of their emotions and gestures which will help the audience even more to understand what they are talking about. For the interviews to be successful I must also ask the right questions during the interview. For example If I am doing a documentary on Gluten and I ask the interviewee to explain what a house is, that would be an inappropriate and unprofessional question because it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of my documentary. Editing: Once the documentary has had all its scenes and interviews shot I must then begin the editing. Editing is very important for a documentary to be successful. Even if the content of your documentary is good (shots and interviews), it will be nothing unless it is all edited into a presentable format which an audience can follow easily and understand.

The skills i and my crew have to make this documentary

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The skills I and my crew have to make this Documentary:

Timing: I myself will have to make sure that we keep ahead on timing during the progress of making this documentary so that it doesn’t feel rushed or go too slowly and we end up running out of time. From past projects similar to this I have made my own technique for keeping on track for the dead line. I do this by setting myself mini deadlines in areas throughout the documentary which I have a certain amount of time to complete for each one. This is much easier than working on a documentary with just one final deadline set.

Filming: Another important skill required for the making of my documentary will be the filming and its quality. The last time I made a documentary I didn’t have a tripod and when I filmed the interviews they looked very shaky and unprofessional. Ever since then I have understood why it is so important for the film quality to be good. I have a tripod, so this time the documentary will be filmed to a professional standard.

Interviews: I must correctly and professionally interview people for my documentary. This would include using the right type of shots and asking the right questions to my interviewee. The kind of shot I would want during interviews would preferably be a still medium two shot with the interviewer and the interviewee both in the shot. This is so you can see both of their emotions and gestures which will help the audience even more to understand what they are talking about.

For the interviews to be successful I must also ask the right questions during the interview. For example If I am doing a documentary on Gluten and I ask the interviewee to explain what a house is, that would be an inappropriate and unprofessional question because it doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of my documentary.

Editing: Once the documentary has had all its scenes and interviews shot I must then begin the editing. Editing is very important for a documentary to be successful. Even if the content of your documentary is good (shots and interviews), it will be nothing unless it is all edited into a presentable format which an audience can follow easily and understand.