1 The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County, PA OCTOBER 2019 TISHREI—HESHVAN 5780 10/1 9:00 AM Services 10/6 9:45 AM RS Tashlich Service Eagleview pond 11:30 AM Programming Committee 1:00 PM Kever Avot 10/8 6:00 PM Kol Nidre Service 10/9 9:00 AM Yom Kippur Service 10/11 6:30 PM Wine and Nosh 10/13 9:00 AM Sukkah Building 10/13 10:00 AM Pre-K Parent Workshop 10/14 9:30 AM Sukkot Service 10/15 7:30 PM Congregational Meeting 10/16 12:45 PM IAC Meeting 4:15 PM Pizza in the Hut 10/17 7:00 PM RS Committee Mtg 10/19 6:30 PM Sukkot/Havdalah Dinner 10/21 6:30 PM Simchat Torah Family Service 10/22 9:30 AM Simchat Torah Service 10/24 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group 10/25 7:30 PM Sophie Zebrowski Bat Mitzvah 10/26 9:30 AM Sophie Zebrowski Bat Mitzvah HaRuach Inside HaRuach Rabbi’s Desk ........................... 2 Religious School ....................... 4 Pre School .............................. 5 Sisterhood ........................... 6-7 Celebrations .......................... 11 Calendar............................... 12 Todah Rabah .......................... 13 Yahrzeits .............................. 14

The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged

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Page 1: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County, PA OCTOBER 2019 TISHREI—HESHVAN 5780

10/1 9:00 AM Services 10/6 9:45 AM RS Tashlich Service Eagleview pond 11:30 AM Programming Committee 1:00 PM Kever Avot 10/8 6:00 PM Kol Nidre Service 10/9 9:00 AM Yom Kippur Service 10/11 6:30 PM Wine and Nosh 10/13 9:00 AM Sukkah Building 10/13 10:00 AM Pre-K Parent Workshop 10/14 9:30 AM Sukkot Service 10/15 7:30 PM Congregational Meeting 10/16 12:45 PM IAC Meeting 4:15 PM Pizza in the Hut 10/17 7:00 PM RS Committee Mtg 10/19 6:30 PM Sukkot/Havdalah Dinner 10/21 6:30 PM Simchat Torah Family Service 10/22 9:30 AM Simchat Torah Service 10/24 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group 10/25 7:30 PM Sophie Zebrowski Bat Mitzvah 10/26 9:30 AM Sophie Zebrowski Bat Mitzvah


Inside HaRuach Rabbi’s Desk ........................... 2

Religious School ....................... 4

Pre School .............................. 5

Sisterhood ........................... 6-7

Celebrations .......................... 11

Calendar ............................... 12

Todah Rabah .......................... 13

Yahrzeits .............................. 14

Page 2: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


From Rabbi Cutler’s desk

As we enter the High Holy Day season one of the ideas I want to focus on is: “What is it that brings us together as Jews? How can we chart the future for ourselves and our fellow Jews in the 21st century and beyond?” From its inception, Jewish religion and identity was an amalgamation and synthesis of two core principles: Peoplehood and Practice, what we will call the Judaism of Belonging and the Judaism of Becoming. Judaism of Belonging is about belonging to a people, imagining oneself as a member of a partic-ular community comprised of the descendants of Abraham and Sarah and those who married or joined them. Jewishness is first and foremost an existential fact, it is simply who you are. Your people. Your roots. It is not a statement of one’s belief, or a reflection of one’s commitment to a set of laws and val-ues. Under the Judaism of Belonging, there are no better Jews or worse Jews; there simply are Jews. As the Rabbis de-cree: “An Israelite, even though they sin, is still an Israelite.” Judaism is a modality of being, not of doing. Post WWII, being Jewish was about being counted in, it was about coming to terms with the Holocaust, not giving Hitler a posthumous victory by leaving the community, it was about Zionism and the modern state of Israel. Jewish member-ship organizations flourished, It was important to join, to be counted in the organized Jewish community, be it a congre-gation, JCC, Hadassah, BBYO, B’nai B’rith, the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Federation and more. The Judaism of Becoming goes another direction, maintaining that to be a Jew is not simply who you are, but rather it is an expression of what you do and believe; of what you are committed to strive to become. Under the Judaism of Becoming, the defining moment is Sinai, where God becomes the commanding God. A Jew is not simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged to live in accordance with the values and beliefs of the Jewish tradition. It is a Judaism of “Becoming,” because no individual ever fully embodies all of Judaism’s principles and values. To be a Jew is to embark on a lifelong journey to aspire to become more. In this context, there can be Jews who are more ad-vanced in their journey and Jews who are off the path. In the Judaism of Becoming, to be Jewish is to embrace a particular way of life. It is what you are committed to be. I speak in these terms all the time when I talk about brit, about covenant, about our relationships and obligations with each other, with our community and with God. It is about our search for meaning in our lives and in our world. These two principles of our religion, Belonging and Becoming, are meant to complement and complete each other, and constitute together the meaning of Jewishness. Judaism is at its best, and Jewish identity strongest, when the two exist as parts of a singular larger whole. Jewish identity becomes a challenge and a problem when one tries to exist without the other or the balance between them is skewed. How do we forge them together? Rabbi Sidney Schwarz, the author of Jewish Megatrends: Charting the Course of the American Jewish Fu-ture suggests we focus on Jewish values. They can be our moral compass. When our congregations are embedded in these values, then being a part of them can give meaning to them and to our lives; we can belong to a community which fosters becoming in ways which add meaning and purpose to our lives.

Continued next page

Page 3: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Continued from Rabbi’s desk

Judaism brings ethics and values to the world including: (tzedek) justice, (chesed) compassion , (tzelem Elohim) human dignity, and, ahavat ger, protection of those who are most vulnerable or more literally love of the stranger. We are to treat all people fairly because we all are created in God’s image. We all have a little bit of God inside of us, so every person has intrinsic value. We are commanded to pursue justice for everyone with compassion with caring and con-cern. We are reminded 36 times in the Torah to care for the stranger in our midst for we were strangers in the land of Egypt. We carry the slavery experience in Egypt so deeply that treating everyone, including the stranger, the refugee and the newcomer with fairness and care should come from our kishkes, from deep within intrinsically stemming from these core values

We are seekers of wisdom (chochmah), of knowledge and learning to help build a strong foundation for our living and doing, to inform our decision making in pursuing justice, in building community and finding kedushah, sacred purpose in our lives.

In an age of globalization, our avenues to Chochmah, to the Wisdom of our sacred texts need to be put into the context of the larger world, including the world’s religions and in the language of contemporary culture. Jewish wisdom can also open a window to the wisdom of the world’s other great religions. We can be grounded in our texts and wisdom, we can be proudly particularistic and passionately universalistic at the same time.

We are seekers of Social Justice/Tzedek living in times of political turmoil. Our political culture seems so dysfunctional and the social and environmental threats to the planet grow exponentially every year. The Jewish community is provid-ing many ways to advance tzedek, justice in the world. We return to God’s charge to Abraham in Genesis 18- “laasot tzedakah umishpat –to extend the boundaries of righteousness and justice in the world”. We are told in Deuterono-my “tzedek, tzedek tirdof” Justice, justice shall you pursue. Our texts speak of many ways to instill this pursuit of jus-tice in our lives and our world.

We are seekers of community (kehillah), we are a sacred community, about leaning in and engaging in relationship with one another. At a time when technology has made meaningful social interaction much harder to come by, the Jewish community can offer places where people can find support in times of need, communal celebration in times of joy, and friendships to make life fulfilling.

And we are seekers of lives of sacred purpose (dorshei kedushah). The Jewish community can offer a glimpse of kedushah, experiences that provide holiness, transcendent meaning, and a sense of purpose, in an age when we better understand the shortcomings of capitalism and the culture of consumerism. Our sacred task is to help Jews live lives of sacred purpose.

Through instilling relevance and meaning in our striving to become more Jewishly, we can feel drawn to community, to belonging, wanting to be counted in. Hillel said, “Im ein ani li, mi li? Ucheshe’ani l’atzmi mah ani? If I am not for myself, who am I? But if I am only for my-self, what do I amount to? (Pirke Avot 1:14) It wasn’t an either/or. It was a both/and. The first is particular/ belonging. If I am not for myself, who am I? The second is covenantal/ universal/ becoming. But if I am only for myself, what do I amount to? We have the opportunity to find balance between them.

Rosh Hashanah invites us to write the next chapters in our stories—personal, American, Jewish, and more—with pride in our unique experiences, and a deep sense of what binds us all together. We are at our best—as individuals, as Jews and as nations—when we use our particular traditions to realize the full-ness of our universal humanity.

L’Shanah Tovah Tikateyvu – May you be inscribed for blessing in the book of life! Rabbi Jon

Page 4: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Religious School Chai-lights

by Joanie Sharp

The Top 7 Things Every

Jewish Parent Should Know By Marjorie Ingall

It’s always fine to say, “I don’t know.” When your kids ask a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t bluff. Say, “What a great question! I’m not sure, but I’ll try to find out,” or “Let’s look this up together!” Let your child see your own efforts to educate yourself – reading, taking adult-ed classes, asking other adults to explain things to you. Your child will see that there’s no shame in not knowing everything, and will be less likely to cheat or take shortcuts to seem more informed than they really are.

Pick Your Battles. The Talmud says, “Do not threaten a child. Either punish him or forgive him.” Good advice – there are things to dig in about, and things to let slide. If your tweens roll their eyes while starting a task you asked them to do, focus on the good stuff rather than barking about their facial expressions; they’re doing the right thing! That’s what’s important. Remember you can’t con-trol everything, so focus on what really matters.

Laugh. Find the humor in parenting. Encourage jokes; watch comedies, read silly books.

Tell stories. Share your family history. Show children photos of relatives they never knew and com-ment on the fashions and cars. Offer up stories from your own childhood. It’s a bonding opportunity, a chance to share your values, and a way to teach children where they came from.

Model Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Discuss how we all must do our part to make this plan-et a better place, and then walk the walk. Volunteer for a park cleanup as a family. Let your child see you giving charity, explain why, and have your child donate part of their allowance or gift money to a cause they care about. Talk about how you vote your values at election time. As the Jewish text Pirkei Avot states, “You’re not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you allowed to desist from it.”

Encourage Geekiness. Help your children figure out what their passions are, then encourage those passions.

Self-esteem is overrated. Don’t praise children for doing the minimum expected. Ask questions about their work rather than offering empty compliments. Let your child see that self-esteem comes from working hard, being encouraged in their talents, and being kind to others, not from being showered with compliments and told how smart they are.

UPCOMING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EVENTS Sun., October 6 – Tashlich ceremony @ Eagleview Retention Pond- 9:45 a.m. Meet there then plan to drive children back to Beth Israel following ceremony (approx. 10:15) Wed., October 9 – Yom Kippur: Children’s services -10:30 – 11:30 a.m. (Pre-K – 2

nd graders, and


-6th graders). No afternoon Religious School classes.

Sun., October 13 – Pre-K Parent Workshop session- 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Religious School students decorate sukkah after it’s finished being built. Wed., October 16 – “Pizza in the Hut” (sukkah) for One-Plus Wed. students Mon., October 21 – Simchat Torah services – 6:30 pm. Bring the whole family!

Page 5: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


As we begin our 21st year, we are off to a wonderful start. We have 104 students in our school,

welcoming 47 new students. While I am still working on learning all the new students’ names and recognizing new parents, I am proud to say that I have the dismissal line down to 10 minutes! We had our first PTO meeting for this year and have decided on some new programs for this year. Our family fun night will feature the movie Aladdin and the children will design their own magic car-pets to sit on and also participate in an Aladdin sing-a-long. We will also have a masquerade ball in March (Purim) with a DJ and dancing. I am sure the children and parents will come dressed to impress! This spring we hope to also do an outside vendor fair featuring local businesses as well as refreshments. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to each event. All of these events are open to all.

Our preschool committee will be meeting soon to discuss forming some new policy for the pre-school as well as looking at a five year plan. We have a few new members to our committee. If there is anyone who is interested in serving on this committee, please contact Adrianne at 610-458-4300 or [email protected].

This year we began a new T/Th enrichment program for parents who need to have their three year old in school, 5 days per week. We have 16 of our 32 children participating in this new program. We only expected to have 8 children when we first began talking about the possibility of adding this to our school. Our before and after care programs are being used by 8-12 children on a daily basis. This year we have a total of 19 in our kindergarten enrichment on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, which is the most we have ever had!

We welcomed two new staff members this year: Andrea Keller teaching our younger threes class and Anne Barnello working as a teacher aide in the T/Th enrichment program. We look forward to a wonderful year with them. We are also bringing on a few new substitute teachers as well. We have 22 on staff that cover a range of classes offered over our 50 hours of programming offered at BIP each week.

It is quite remarkable how busy BIP is on a daily basis and how incredibly smooth all programs run thanks to the incredible staff that works here at Beth Israel Preschool and Kindergarten as well as the Synagogue Staff!

Preschool &

Kindergarten News by Adrianne Liebman


H. MICHAEL COHEN Attorney at Law

Tel. (610) 436-9300 144 West Market Street Fax (610) 696-7962 West Chester, PA 19382-2985 Email: [email protected]

Page 6: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Sophie Zebrowski to become a Bat Mitzvah

on October 26.

We invite you to share our pride and joy on October 26, as our daughter and sister Sophie becomes a Bat Mitzvah. We hope you will celebrate with us. A special Kiddish luncheon will follow the ser-vice and the entire congregation is invited to attend. Sophie is wonderful, strong and brave young woman. Her loving, caring personality draws people to her. Because of her energy, en-thusiasm and positivity, Sophie brings light and warmth into our home every day. Being the oldest child in our family, Sophie is ma-ture and responsible for her four siblings. As an 8

th grade student at the Kimberton Waldorf School, Sophie

loves to spend time outside and explore nature. Her favorite activi-ties are hiking, biking and most of all trail running. During the school year she is involved with Cross Country Running and Track and Field. In the winter she plays basketball with her friends. A year ago Sophia joined the Beth Israel Choir. She loves to sing as it brings joy to her life. She also plays piano and plays the flute for her school’s orchestra. Sophie loves to create her own music and write lyrics which greatly compliment another passion of hers, drama. When on stage, she feels like a fish in water. We are very proud of her and all of her accomplishments. For Sophie, becoming a Bat Mitzvah has tremendous meaning. She worked very hard to pre-pare for being called to the Torah and understand Jewish teachings and traditions. This is a huge benchmark for her. For her mitzvah project, she volunteered at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills. Sophie loves to be around people she can help and care for. She goes there twice a week to help in the pottery studio and to assist during walks. Both Sophie and the residents enjoy her time there.

Page 7: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Sisterhood Snippets by Maxine Endy

Adult Education September 22 was our Sisterhood “Author Talk and Lite Brunch.” Thank you to Roz Co-hen for the scrumptious brunch of croissants, quiche and fruit salad. The award-winning author, Janet Benton, (Lilli de Jong) presented a fascinating lecture on the topic of the plight of women in Philadelphia in the late 19

th cen-

tury, and she talked about the difficulties of women in those times. We were delighted to

welcome Sheryl Gerver, Halle’s Mom, and her friends as well as several Women’s League mem-bers. We also welcomed several men in our congregation; Sisterhood is so happy to provide addi-tional quality adult education programs! BICC ROCKS!

Fund Raising Sharon Zislis, has skillfully handled our current fund-raising efforts for this fall. Please buy your Boscov’s certificates for savings. They are available in the office or from Sharon Zislis. Boscov’s Certificates … Save 25% on mostly all Boscov’s purchases Wednesday, October 16, 2019. Your donation of $5 to Sisterhood will give you this valuable discount card. Please contact Sharon Zislis for details at [email protected] or 610-524-6972 to get in on this tremendous savings.

Thank you to Heidi Strauss, Leslie Stein (Cissie Halpern’s family), Barry and Sandra Milberg and family, Randy Hope Steen and family, and Eva and Martin Skolnik for the donations for our Rosh Hashanah flowers which will adorn our bimah, the hallway, and the social hall for these High Holy Days.

Thank you for supporting our apple-honey cake fund raiser. Your greetings will warm the hearts of all your friends. Thanks to Roz Goldstein for the new old recipe which we hear received high praise. And thanks to Roz Cohen, Phyllis Barnett, Elaine Bran and Deborah Kaplan for the baking and wrapping honors, Linda Ja-cowitz for the cards, and Roz Goldstein for the supervision efforts. All hands on deck.

Page 8: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Please consider Joining Sisterhood

Join Sisterhood for some fun and rewarding times and for helping BICC.

Sisterhood has decided to mail bills for membership to all women members of Beth Israel plus all other former mem-bers and Jewish community members who may have been interested in joining. If you will consider being a member of Sisterhood, even if you don’t have time for meetings or ac-tivities, we would appreciate your support. We do a great deal for our women and for the entire congregation, and we value everyone’s support in whatever way she can.

Sisterhood will hold a Membership Party in November for all those who join Sisterhood this year. Michele Stei-ner is the hostess-manager, and we look forward to a really good time. So far we have welcomed 5 new Sis-terhood members as our complimentary members, and we hope that they enjoy their first complimentary Sisterhood year. When you receive your bill, please send in your $36, and even if you don’t feel you have time to be involved in Sisterhood, we encourage you to join as a way of supporting the work we do for the synagogue. Please send dues to Michelle Harbold or bring in your dues to BICC so you can be counted! Thank you to Cassandra Lam, our Membership Secretary for her hard work in keeping our Gmail Account corresponding with all of you.


ELUL: Time to Renew our Caring

An Expanded “Mitzvah Program” by Maxine Endy

The past Jewish year has been a difficult one in which we have witnessed some of the worst inci-dents of anti-Semitism in the history of the United States. When we seek to renew our year, we must take steps to protect ourselves, but we hope not to become hard-ened in the process.

We have expanded Sisterhood Mitzvah Meal and Sick and Welfare Program and we now call it the “Mitzvah Program.” Rabbi Jon has taught us that chesed matters and we want to do our part toward our fellow members. In addition, we know that we need to work to retain membership in BICC by increasing the work we do in our newly-named program. Caring matters.

We have discussed continuing to offer a mitzvah meal (in appropriate cases) but if it is not needed, we may send in either a small gift or a lovely card. In addition, all folks on the list will receive a card, either a “get well” or “glad you are doing better” or other. We will be working out the details of this program and report in the coming months. Contact Roselyn Cadoff if you have suggestions on how

this should run. This month we provided two mitzvah meals and five cards.

Please contact Maxine Endy [email protected] or Sharon Zislis ([email protected]) if you know of anyone in the congregation in need of a meal or some cheer. So far this month Barbara Hendel has written cards for get-well greetings and Jaimee Helbein has delivered the mitzvah meals and has developed a meal train for the Blom family and their new addition. Mazel tov! Thanks to all!

Page 9: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Save up to 25% on most Boscov’s purchases on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 with a $5 dona-

tion to BICC Sisterhood. Contact Sharon Zislis at [email protected] or 610-524-6972 to get

your discount card. You can also contact Sharon to get extra cards to sell to your friends and help Sisterhood. BI Sisterhood can earn extra money by selling additional discount cards at the Exton Boscov’s on October 16. Sisterhood keeps the funds raised by selling the cards.

We need volunteers for the following time slots: 8 am -12 pm 12 pm – 3 pm 3 pm – 6 pm 6 pm – 10 pm

Help Sisterhood raise needed funds by selling discount cards! Contact Sharon Zislis

[email protected] or 610-524-6972 to volunteer for one of these time slots.

Join us for

wine and


on Friday

October 11

at 6:30 PM

Page 10: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


NOTES FROM THE INTERFAITH ACTION COMMUNITY Our IAC held their monthly meeting on Sept. 18 (it’s always the 3rd Wednesday at 12:45 PM ). The meeting convener that day, Nick Rotoli, mentioned that he was told afterwards how important these meetings were to the attendees. Regardless of the agenda, attendees seem to feel a closeness and friendship with people they would not normally get a chance to meet in a “faith context”. Mus-lims of different traditions Sufi, Sunni, etc. Jews, Protestant Chritian of different traditions, our neighbors from St. Elizabeth, Ba’ha’í folks from Coatesville and others. A unique and invigorating gathering at each meeting. “Better Angels of our Nature” One of the highlights of the meeting was a talk by two members of the Better Angels movement www.better-angels.org. Derrek Stedman ([email protected]) and Cindy Heck ([email protected]) explained the goal of Better Angels nationwide is to enable Democrats and Republicans to talk to each other (no compromise, no convincing) but to depolarize and to value that we are all Americans and that no one party or ideology has the full answer to all national chal-lenges. A small group in Paoli is starting to gather to give “skills workshops” to any interested peo-ple on how to dialogue across the “Red/Blue” divide. The first workshop will be held in Paoli on Oct. 26. Any Beth Israel members or IAC members are welcome to attend and try it out.

“I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” Abraham Lincoln, first innaugural address, 3/4/1861.

Save the Date: Interfaith Thanksgiving service Rev. Jonathan Hauze let us know that the IAC will be able to partner again with the Lionville/Exton Ministerium to hold a “Truly Interfaith” Thanksgiving service on Nov. 24. The venue is still under consideration. You may remember that we held this at Beth Israel last year. Another chance for people of different faiths to be able to enjoy each other’s company within a unifying prayerful con-text. New Interfaith Book Club An interfaith book club has been formed. Their first meeting will be held on Oct. 15 at 7PM. The location is at St. Paul’s UCC. They are reading HOLY ENVY by Barbara Brown Taylor, covering the first 5 chapters. Anyone from Beth Israel is welcome to join in. Contact Mary Kwiatkowski at [email protected].

Lastly, the IAC is now embarking on some planning also for the rest of the year. A small committee will meet in October to outline a more detailed calendar for the year. The IAC truly appreciates Beth Israel’s support of its efforts with Rabbi Jon’s advice and participation and all the supporters in the congregation. www.bethisraelpa.org/interfaithactioncommunity


Page 11: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Please join us on

Tuesday, October 15 at 7:30 PM

for our Semi-Annual

Congregational Board Meeting

Please welcome our new members

Nelson & Paula Kardos. Paula is a retired biologist and Nelson is a part time pharmacist. They enjoy travel, photography and history. They live in Coatesville.

Page 12: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Michelle Harbold 10/1 Dietrich Franczuszki 10/3 Lisa Leff 10/3 Allyson Margolis 10/3 20th Audrina Schmidt 10/3 5th Cindy Blair-Miller 10/4 Michael Helbein 10/4 Evan Parker 10/4 8th Kamryn Schonherz 10/6 10th Hanna Zebrowski 10/6 6th Roslyn Cohen 10/7 Micah Kramer 10/10 4th Ann McPhillimey 10/10 Carol Segal 10/12 Arlene Knable 10/14 Robert Rosen 10/15 William D. Cabin 10/16 Juliana Schmerling 10/17 10th Liana Block 10/22 18th Doris Goldring 10/22 Erik Anderson 10/23 Ilene Lipow 10/31

Jody & Kirk Reinbold 10/5 17th Andrea & Scott Keller 10/9 14th Ivy & Jonathan Egger 10/10 9th Arlene & Harold Knable 10/10 65th Michelle & Mike Harbold 10/12 28th Mandy & John Scott 10/16 25th Diane & Jonathan Eaton 10/17 26th Debra & Michael Stern 10/17 26th Cyd & Douglas McCord 10/18 44th Melissa & Aviad Adlersberg 10/19 11th Linda Jacowitz & Mark Kenney 10/22 25th Joan I& Mitchell Abrams 10/25 33rd Sandy & Barry Milberg 10/27 57th Barbara & Richard Kramer 10/30 53rd

REFUAH SHLEMA This is the Jewish prayer for swift and complete healing for the wounded or the sick. Please in-clude the following in your prayers. If you would like to add/remove a name for this list, please email Deborah Kaplan [email protected]

Lorraine Fisher

Barb Hendel Susan Jacowitz Martin Skolnik

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



7:30 pm Sisterhood Meeting

2 4:15 PM RS “One +” (3rd –7th) 7:15 PM Choir Practice


4 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

5 9:30 AM Shabbat Shuva Services

6 9:45 AM Meet @ Eagleview pond RS (K-Confirmation)

9:45 AM Tashlich Service

11:30 AM Programming Committee Meeting

1:00 PM Kever Avot


8 11:45 AM BIP– Early Dismissal 6:00 PM Kol Nidre

9 BIP: NO SCHOOL 9:00 AM Yom Kippur Services 10:30 AM Jr. Congregation & Young Children’s Services

10 11 6:30 PM Wine and Nosh 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

12 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

13 9:45 AM RS: (K-Confirmation) 10:00 AM RS: Pre-K Parent Work-shop 3:00 PM Sukkot Open House at Rabbi Jon’s

14 9:30 AM Sukkot Service

15 7:30 PM Congrega-tional Board Meeting

16 9:30 AM BIP: PTO Parent Cof-fee Meeting

12:45 PM IAC General Meeting

4:15 PM Pizza in the “Hut” dur-ing RS 7:15 PM Choir Practice

17 7:00 PM RS Committee Meeting

18 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

19 9:30 AM Shabbat Services 6:30 PM Sukkot Under the Stars/Havdalah Dinner

20 9:45 AM RS (K-Confirmation)

21 9:30 AM Shemini Atzeret - Yizkor Service 6:30 PM Simchat Torah Family Service

22 9:30 AM Simchat Torah Service

23 4:15 PM RS: “One +” (3rd –7th) 7:15 PM Choir Practice

24 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group Discussion

25 7:30 PM Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Service—Sophie Zebrowski

26 9:30 AM Bat Mitzvah Sophie Zebrowski 7:00 PM 40th Anniversary Honoring Rabbi Linda Holtzman in Philadelphia

27 8:30 AM Habitat for Humanity Build Day-BI & KI Men’s Club 9:45 PM RS: (K-Confirmation)



30 9:30 AM BIP: Halloween Parade 3&4 classes 4:15 PM RS: “One +” (3rd-7th) 7:15 PM Choir Practice

31 9:30 AM BIP: Halloween Parade - 5 & Kindergarten

October 2019

Page 14: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


Todah Rabah! Tzedakah is a mitzvah, a unique privilege granted to every Jew. Re-

membering friends and family in this manner is an appropriate way to show our feelings towards

both our loved ones and our community. We want to thank the following for their contributions:

Building Fund In memory of Gary’s mother, Sylvia, and his grandmother, Eva Braverman From Gary and Susan Levin

In memory of Bernice Crystal From Sondra Abrams & David Kleiner

Yahrzeits In memory of Jack Suss, Don’s brother, and Eva Suss, Don’s grandmother From Don and Anne Suss

Pearl Endy Adult Education Fund Thanks to Ione Strauss for her generous contribution

Yizkor Book Donation From Rabbi Jon &Thierry Steenburghs

Choir Fund

In memory of Bruce Stark’s father, Rubin From Barb and Irv Hendel

In honor of Jakey Egger’s 3rd

Birthday From Barb and Irv Hendel

Donation From Jack and Susan Cazes

Mazel Tov to the Blom Family on the birth of their son, Samuel From Elaine and Stu Bran

Sisterhood High Holy Day Floral Fund Thanks to Heidi Strauss, Leslie Stein, Sigrid Rosenthal, Barry and Sandy Milberg, Randy Hope Steen, Eva and Martin Skolnik for their donations

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Donation From Bernard and Tobby Mendelsohn

Page 15: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged



OBSERVED 10/4-10/5 Bernice Beck 10/5 Tishrei 6 Bernard Braveman 10/5 Tishrei 6 Fred Green 10/5 Tishrei 6 Evelyn Hillman 10/5 Tishrei 6 Maurice Osser 10/5 Tishrei 6 Oscar Margolis 10/6 Tishrei 7 Morton Riebman 10/6 Tishrei 7 Jean Endy 10/8 Tishrei 9 Sadie Epstein 10/8 Tishrei 9 Beatrice Wexler 10/8 Tishrei 9 Milly Behrend 10/9 Tishrei 10 Hilde Corper 10/9 Tishrei 10 Alice DeJoung 10/9 Tishrei 10 Hinda Gerstenfeld 10/9 Tishrei 10 Raphael Gerstenfeld 10/9 Tishrei 10 Hyman Orshansky 10/9 Tishrei 10 Ferdinand Strauss 10/9 Tishrei 10 Frieda Strauss 10/9 Tishrei 10 Eva Suss 10/9 Tishrei 10 Rebecca Goldstein 10/10 Tishrei 11 Kurt Strauss 10/10 Tishrei 11 Andre P. Talis 10/10 Tishrei 11 Harry Blair 10/11 Tishrei 12 Sophie Gottlieb 10/11 Tishrei 12 Norman Riebman 10/11 Tishrei 12 Theodore Savitch 10/11 Tishrei 12 Observed 10/11-10/12 Esther Dinerman 10/12 Tishrei 13 Freda Ostroff 10/12 Tishrei 13 Helene Bran 10/13 Tishrei 14 Sylvan Kauffman 10/13 Tishrei 14 Beatrice Zislis 10/13 Tishrei 14 Marilyn Matsil 10/14 Tishrei 15 Bertha Riebman 10/14 Tishrei 15 Solomon Fanaroff 10/15 Tishrei 16 Walter Miller 10/15 Tishrei 16 E. Alfred Goldstein 10/16 Tishrei 17 Irving Lipshutz 10/16 Tishrei 17 Joshua H. Barron 10/17 Tishrei 18 Molly Elden 10/17 Tishrei 18 Wallace Ohlstein 10/17 Tishrei 18 Pearl Endy 10/18 Tishrei 19 Lena Hipschman 10/18 Tishrei 19 Marian Israelson 10/18 Tishrei 19 Bertha Mondschein 10/18 Tishrei 19

OBSERVED 10/18-10/19 Barbara Katz DeLisi 10/19 Tishrei 20 Ethel Kauffman 10/19 Tishrei 20 Matthew Prince 10/19 Tishrei 20 Bessie Weiss 10/19 Tishrei 20 Joseph Israelson 10/20 Tishrei 21 Leonard Halpern 10/21 Tishrei 22 Harvey Soll 10/21 Tishrei 22 Morris Kotofsky 10/22 Tishrei 23 Ginger Leff 10/22 Tishrei 23 Ruth Levithan 10/22 Tishrei 23 Carolyn Rubenfield 10/22 Tishrei 23 Frieda Schonherz 10/22 Tishrei 23 Dorothy Strauss 10/22 Tishrei 23 Morris Wigman 10/22 Tishrei 23 Lewis Goldman 10/23 Tishrei 24 Samuel Orshansky 10/23 Tishrei 24 Morris Segal 10/23 Tishrei 24 Dr. Leon Braverman 10/24 Tishrei 25 Abraham Duitch 10/24 Tishrei 25 Barbara Ann Kulp 10/24 Tishrei 25 Andy Rudnick 10/24 Tishrei 25 Max Kizner 10/25 Tishrei 26 Gisella Lion 10/25 Tishrei 26

Observed 10/25-10/16 Abraham Goldberg 10/26 Tishrei 27 Leah Jaffe 10/26 Tishrei 27 Martin Solomon 10/27 Tishrei 28 Anna English 10/28 Tishrei 29 Simon Goodman 10/28 Tishrei 29 Dorothy Rosenblatt 10/28 Tishrei 29 Stephen Brower 10/29 Tishrei 30 Nathan DeKosky 10/29 Tishrei 30 Marion Glazer 10/29 Tishrei 30 Norma Hirsch 10/29 Tishrei 30 Regina Tucker 10/29 Tishrei 30 Herman L. Arzt 10/30 Heshvan 1 Katherine Cohen 10/30 Heshvan 1 Adeline Silver 10/30 Heshvan 1 Reba Blechman 10/31 Heshvan 2 Joseph Gilbert 10/31 Heshvan 2 Rebecca Gold 10/31 Heshvan 2 Dr. Michael Margolies 10/31 Heshvan 2 Alexander Minus 10/31 Heshvan 2 Dora Suckle 10/31 Heshvan 2 Katherine Taylor 10/31 Heshvan 2 Harold Abramowitz 11/1 Heshvan 3 Thelma Cohen Batt 11/1 Heshvan 3 Minerva Sprince 11/1 Heshvan 3

Continued next page

Page 16: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged



OBSERVED 11/1-11/2 Jack Levitsky 11/2 Heshvan 4 Sara Leah McKinley 11/2 Heshvan 4 Geraldine Salpeter 11/2 Heshvan 4 Anna Senner 11/3 Heshvan 5 Pearl Haber 11/4 Heshvan 6 Muriel Ross 11/4 Heshvan 6 Philip Blechman 11/5 Heshvan 7 Judy Lemler 11/5 Heshvan 7 Edward Liebman 11/5 Heshvan 7 Edith Conston 11/6 Heshvan 8 Jack Jacobson 11/6 Heshvan 8 Hannah Zeichner 11/7 Heshvan 9 Charles Schoenfeld 11/8 Heshvan 10

Page 17: The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County ......simply a member of the Children of Israel, but a member of a Holy Nation, a part of a people who are commanded and challenged


See up-to-date Calendar on www.bethisraelpa.org for highlights



385 Pottstown Pike (Rte. 100)

Eagle, PA

P.O. Box 678

Uwchland, PA 19480

(610) 458-8550 [email protected]


Rabbi — Jon Cutler

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President — Halle Schonherz

Executive Vice President — Neal Stone Vice President, Finance — Stuart Miller

Vice President, Program — open Secretary — Roz Goldstein

Treasurer — Stuart Miller Immediate Past President — Mark Segal

MEMBERS John Barnett Cindy Blair-Miller Aaron Blom Nadine Dinerman Maxine Endy Linda Glazer

Rob Greer Michelle Harbold Morris Kauffman Gary Levin Robin Kerollis-Napiecek

Mandy Scott Heather Simon Martin Skolnik Drew Weintraub Marcy Zeichner Paul Zislis

Sharon Zislis


Ed Margolis Jeff Pickholtz Don Suss

Pre-School Director — Adrianne Liebman Religious School Director — Joan Sharp

Office Administrator — Bernice Gause Music Director — Robin Kerollis-Napiecek

HaRuach Editor—Deborah Kaplan