rrfaj7 THE SUN TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1901 10 to f I t fjJOAl ROAD DEAtIN PROSPECT ALLIANCE OF LEADING ANTIIRA CITE CARRIERS IMOKED FOR Heading lenD Erie hlih Val- ley Posdbty Lark a wanna Said to Ue Concerned With Penmylvanl- atjj Vandcrbllt and Morgan Coourratlnir- Tboro Li good authority for tho that a combination of the principal coal carrying railroads will have an Important bearing on tho Eastern rail- road situation 04 well na on tho anthraolto coal trado Tho Rending tho Jersey Central tho Erie jtho IohJgh Valley and possibly the Lacka are Laid to bo loading factors in this Impending deal Whether this com- bination will take tho form of a close traffic Alliance or will rest on a community of interest bass 13 BtlU an open question It is known that interests In thU par- ticular lipid aro completing arrangements hlch they believe will be advantageous ito all oonccrned Recent events In Wall Street have aroused an ncuto interest In tho Heading tho Jersey Control and tho Erlo railroad properties and reporta havo prevailed that these and other coal carrying railroads worn being gradually brought Into a position that would of a concentration of the anthracite transportation business Tho controlling Interests in the anthraclto coal trade havo been working in perfect accord for some time Pennsylvania Ilallroad Interests and the VnndorbllU as well aro believed to bo cooperating with tho Morgan Interests in an effort to secure a thorough community ot interest In tho coal carrying traffic Rumor of the purchase of control of the Philadelphia and Heading properties by the Railroad accompanied sharp advance In tho prlco of Heading yesterday Tho report prevailed In Wall Street that the Pennsylvania RaIlroad in- terests had practically secured control of the Reading system months ago Official denials of theso rumors woro au- thorized from tho Pennsylvania Railroad In Philadelphia yesterday i Central and statement anna J pcm t < I f J the uccuritica the ow York Stock Exchange I severn 4 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Afternoon Tho report was subeoquontly circulated that the Vahdorbllta had acquired a doml eatIng Interest in the ReadIng system as offset to tho Pennsylvanias Invasion o the Now York Centrals territory No cor robonttlott ofthia report could bo obtains from any representative of the Vanderbilt interest Mr W K Vanderbilt it Is said jna the only person who could give Information about the alleged ncquisi- tlon of tlda property by tho Vanderbilt in teresta and Air Vanderbilt was not access bleTho Rending system which was reor ginlzed by J Plorpont Morgan U now In the hands of a voting trust About a year ago Mr Morgan negotiated the purchase the Teney Central Railroad for tho Philadelphia and Beading Company Tho ReadIng first preferred stock waa put on a 4 per cent dividend basis this year Under the terms of the voting tnut the trustees are to bold all oloMosof tho stock for five years and thereafter until 4 per cent cash dividend per annum shall bo paid on the pre- ferred stock for two consecutive jrovfr mo HI LOAXS KOKUOVS rer Cut the Top Notch Older January 1ayrnenta A money on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday ran the loaning rates en call up to 13 per cent for a while It was said that the dealing in money on tho floor of tho exchange was probably the largest on record there II I Froth incham alono lent 12000000 before 2 oclock Uo acted for various banks and other moneyed interests J P Morgan V Co Jt Co the National Bank of Commerce and several trust com anlo were all reported to have been largo 8 to 0 cent The demand was and very heavy so that while arge eup rates shortly clew when they I droppod- I to 0 the odvanra to 12 early In the day tJOuOuo was loaned at id JXT cent at 11 percent 300ux The was gnnerally attributed to preparations to meet enormouH civi dl iurMjnefiiM on the of the year The local at upward of IliooioCnO- yh bank s7VOuo thuir rowrvH at thU tiino n year ago Jn banking clrclM It u not x 1 mid dividend taonoy roturued to WIY ex to U regular monetary ohumiHU the January Ktcrhiig- xohaiiKa rat ooutmiiB v ry H- ranowal of ild export to Kururx it thought may further il In this iiiiNtiiMmo thn to innnv loW by of finviirniiiMiit lxini WM tlioiiglit in KIIDU yiwtcr day Unit oimt the iirnnaiMl iminr- i kJutrtM fii iii In M4k nmrkiK- pfMUnlltly t l ttlillrllMtrMft of u llnkl III U M uKK i iii l- Uw ileniaiid with Ut fu Kortlumi Pt ifM uuvHrtiiU Uui all WtruNlW Mtul U V I M tuaiid- Orta INI fc n OJil uf lit ubM i ti4iiM I W IMtti Ifl r UVurtlMa MI 4 Will 1 1 U- fl Our 4ay In itMi M 4Mtuii uf ft M- nrw urntn iv n it nfll M M- J1V 1441- VUI Ns4 t 4l aMM- aM lastx aV i IMS s lo If- IIUM 4 II an i any t t 1 frt t t 2 lon den ot were In kept up to to frt I I tnt I I Jon the I I Mil I fur A Jut rl I l u A I a1 Ir- we I 1 1 I h r i I M 0 I I- I 1 t 1 4 a I t J- f l 0 4 t l I I Ii I I fu r r I l N t flea rT r I I t r money ovidinc V cent wtiI- l I ri j f I 14 t sic 1L whim sOuls fur as iascist wftIs use a1IeIsaiMIs4 of- Casdbig tI II tu fir 4lqi allHP tht lsIrI 1St 14PI ta If4kgI- I1IQyI ais ltrjetar ai 4amk M jOIU 05 I P a IIestdil AbebIa4tl Ii tI b1r4- 4I4I hi I4ll4lJ- JISll4SUNI Ms 5 lta4 id- 1IIJ141d uV lsaVftii1es IMsod- 4 Eay tv jaw Usa Ii at4 ass lu 1 p Aw4 lMma 1 w- I JItwaI4 Pjdi 4ii o e- 5 S l- Pv I- c4 1- IW i4 amm 4 5 d Ii4 i a m I 94i p t g i MO- bw h- at I 4 4j Ilk 4 1 4 IJia vf a I Id t ii- I I I d sVLjJPailw p a- 5S I S 4 I issaiv i- a 0 e- S 4 lS44 4 I i- I 4 t F I- ii I I w4e4 Sb a d- t 0 5 I i p r It r k S ¬ < < > = + CALUMET HECLA DIVIDEND OUT 10 Instead of 15StocU Falls Sharply Other Copper Stooki Weak Tho Calumet and llocla Mining Company thu leading competitor of the Amalga- mated Copper Company declared yestor day a dividend of 10 a share payable on Jan SO Thin Is a of 5 slnco tho last quarter It 1000000 to pay tho dividend The dividend for the year is SS a share as compared with 70 in 1000 100 in 1808 10 In IBOS 40 In iBM 2S In 1600 and 20 in 1883 Tho par value of the stock is 25 When tho cut In tho dividend was an- nounced there was a drop in tho prlco of tho stock on the Boston Stock Exchange to 375 a share with the at as 020 tho closing price on Satur day Amalgamated sold on Exchange as low as Os i and closed at 68 or under Saturdays closing price Tho of the which U con- trolled tho Amalgamated sold down- to soyf closing at SOJ or lit points under close Cable advlcoH from London reported tho market for the copper metal at an advance of 1 A ton with spot closing at 19 and future at 10 12s 8d In tho local metal market was dun and unchanged with tho prices however to a extent nominal bid of 12 cents was made for spot copper while tho best offer was cents CRUDE RUBBER coS AFFAIRS Another Attachment and a Keeper In tho omre Another attachment won obtained yester- day against tho Crude Rubber Company of 25 Broad street for 5002 in favor of A Leonard Brougham on an assigned claim from tho Susquehanna Trust and BaTh Deposit Company of Pa of which John Q Reading is President The claim Is on a note of Waticlncon A Co of Philadelphia Indorsed by the com- pany noto wan not at maturity was protested This attachment also the ono on Saturday for 3000 by the Hank wore to Sheriff Prendergast to servo yesterday Tho first was on five banks and the second was served on ono bank Tho also sent a keeper to tho offices of Rubber at 25 Broad street and served the attachments on Henry Earlo tho VicePresidont and general manager ruction I I ow 2 point U Blat 12 Short attach- ment ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Increase of FlintEddy Capital O J Jennings and Clarence Soamcna have boon eiectcd directors of the Flint Eddy and Company- It was yesterday t had been decided to working capital of tho company to 12500 000 to en- larging export business of the company MORE TALK OF JI4A7C COMBINES hank of North has Annexed It was reported yesterday that the Bank of North America whkh has just absorbed the Dank of the Stato of New York tho deal having arranged by Charles W Morse would soon absorb an other largo downtown bank Tho officers of tho bank would not discuss the beyond saying that nothing definite as to the boon President Van of the Bank of North America denied that tho hank was seeking to acquire other banks but at tho some time that there have l oen conferences with ono or two banks although it was doubtful whether anything will como of tho nego It has been believed In Wall Street tho harks W Morso inteinHits am endeavoring to get control of the Phoenix National SU7VVT STICKS SAVED THEM Three Iloji Wise Ilroken Throngta tho lee ne Comrade MOUNT VEIINOV N Y Dec 30 James hayden and Scnnlon 12 and 14 years old iwpwtively of Mount Vernon mtcund three boys from drowning In tho Mount Vernon reservoir Doyle 11 years old went on tho reservoir to test the Mrength of the km While skat- ing on a thin K ctlon ho broko through Albert Munville and Hugh were watching tkatrd out to hU- nn lMnnoP caught hold of their shinny stIcks The stratA on lee was too nnd in n few moments all thr o weru floundering In thn water Manville and Malonei heist head above the water with They wore becom- ing e xhnu ti d wliiti n anti Hcanlon their hhinny htlcks nuc e led In pulling tho boys to safety New Articles Inrorpornllon Illrd In Nebraska Mill ul Aleullonrd LINCOLN Nel 30 The Chicago BurUncion and JQuiwy ItnllwHy- of tlm ChIcago IlurlliiKton sod Uulmny- lUllrouil 111 of lnc irpbrntlon today wllli lh Si nMary of State Tlw- f nt IMIlull U l at MUIO ou HU liMuriMiration f warn aiiHHinluiK to l i H 4M iii iii4 rMifuttu4i tlt final llwt lakliiK nv r of ll llurliiigKiii y ti in tag will Jitut rtu4ili i mid NuMliMii- Piwittn lull Mi IItil Maya In tl- IMI kf r Miwl Hi llu llm f i Ul hut IHMHiiiiMlflK Irtk IMHin l lt ill tluUliiK fufHtMT Ilurluilu4l 4 uliuldMf- No lUira la fur Uliulr Tfarliffi- lt H w4Muit uf lit Main Tnai li Hk A rUllUsM IM4MIW UiM ks y tf l li vtb- flee n i4u i VIM ail i4i MetMM r l r U n I m JMiHIIii- Ma t o u4 l sUsUini It frusjljl iltr SM MSB Ms say I IMH It lJM- jfuM M U et i mia4 4- III Ut 4 NwMMew U aaji I MM I Uy IM 4 IMMpsUtta srf urU- MMU ut Ms tftHuHtf Mi I4ss I 4Sl n- tt ssljisss set Mg Iwtsi l fJJ- Hi Sjlll- r llv iji ik at- srf ttV- IIXjHirM 1 l klllSS America tat America o rt mater tat lad tar rrat DllW TO 11WIWt1 Zt T 1 1 r W IN I I I I I I f I u 4 I I 1 J I I t I t I M I I I I r l t r 1- t r 1 4 e o J M ew Na- tional been thitions Charles tin st kks Iia three floe iSMt art Ictos 1 tilts s lit spi- n its Ma Iwig the sat hAi tn IM1 is Ikmd of I iiswMia at a Itsr bW taut Ie4i d4 4 p 4 ii K 14a as4- os44i Se ii4 5 tIt i Is M4P tip I I tduIS M 18 1w lessWsaI 4Hr 4HN4 Ii5asl ss 5O b M SSIM41 W s M IM S du I- v i M 4 4 P s- S ll I- rt 5Sd 54 15- pi I sa 4 415 Id i I l 15i- l 4 ii 4 I 4 f w 84 0W 454 s I I a S 4 l 4 4 I 5 5 4 i 8 ei 1 4 c s4- V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < < > > < < < > < < < > = DERES WIRELESS TELEPHONE Ifentnoky Inventor Who Seeks to Talk Through the Ground Jlunrur Ky Dee SO Nathan B Stub blefleld an electrician and inventor who resides two miles from thin city has per- fected a system of wireless telephony by which the sounds of tho human voice may bo transmitted great distances without wires Btubblofleld U technically edu- cated and is known through several clectrlo devices patented In this country and In Europe Httibblefleld today gave an exhibition In this city and In the presence of a large number of witnesses communicated with his fourteenyearold n quarter of a mllo away ills ton is chief assistant Stubblpfleld regards tho earth with Its electrical energy as a gigantic battery electric or magnetic field may bo by tho human voice By the construction of a special eloctrlo cell which ho calls his earth coll Stubblofleld says ho token advantage of the terrestrial mag- netism and communicates through it Stubbleflold on Christmas eve showed what ho could do by talking from a where his apparatus was set up to his a quartorof a mile away A party of chil- dren wore gathered there and at the re- ceiver obtained messages from Santa Claus Recently J C MoElralh A D Thompson James M Cole James Coleman Charles Jetton S S higgIns O T Hall and Vernon BIytho all wellknown dtlrons- vfeltcd tho Stubblofleld plant and after witnessing experiments In wireless tele- phony appended their names to an a fflda netting forts tho facts as they understood them Stubblefleld says that a central station could bo erected In tho United States and tho weather bulletins flashed Into every home He nays news of Presidential elec anti other important matters could In similar fashion Ho makes oIlier sweeping assertions on behalf of apparatus RlItRER FIKM FAILS George Watkluion V of Philadelphia Forced to Kti pend sots whO rom It ton the 0 his ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PHILADELPHIA Dec SO Onorge Wat klnson A Co manufacturers of rubber goods will file a petition lu a few days bankruptcy Their attorney John 0 John son said today that ho preparing petition and that before it was pnvasnte to tho court ho could make no statement The firm consists of George and Irving Watklnson and Is not connected with Rubber Trust It was formed In 1896 Is saUo have done a business 1000000 and the proximate 1250000 are being made by powerful Philadelphia w to has a plant of about five acres 800 and distributes nearly 500000 annually In wages Watklnson was for years assistant general manager of the United precipitated Bank pro for 000 C X LOCKWOOD f CO VAKRUPT Receiver to He Appointed for Newark Coach Iatnn Corporation YiceChancellor John It Emery will be asked today to appoint a receiver to wind- up the affairs of C N Lockwood A Newark corporation which succeeded the old firm of C N Lockwood i Co coach lamp manufacturers In 1S97 Charles L asked for a rule to show cause a receiver should not lx appointed alleging that the company is to payroll of MO on Dec 18 firm was capitalized for 18000 Fire Company Lose Its Mascot Tho firemen of Engine 21 In Norton stroc have scouring tho neighbor- hood Mnco ChrUtmau for their mascot a bulldog named Pieny Thn dog disap- peared thi lay b forn Christmas but ono flrttn ii saw him on a milk wagon anti took him back to the engine housn The next day dl i for good Thn believe that somebody- has tho dog UAiriXE ITILLIOKCKkfl- KtitlTX iUliNlOrillS P4T- SunrtJti 7 4IKuosets 4 uses WATKK TUia IU- ISandyllookili Id l7SIIMell OUe ArrliedUoKDsT Dec 30- M fmbrla Pee 71 In 1 rba Die N Itindam Hullrfdam Ilr W- iu NauplU SHtlUo er Irtnre UK tt- MAIuwlck llanibuu M- t 4 IUlea i l nJoo NMV II- H Ilivulr llllUll Kuv IT- kiioiuiids HMM t- Vtiu rnr luiuum No 14- IM 1 4kanatutk AtMMaxilh- k Mtbn t is- u Juki M f r U tt Mmlkle Tusk UUaa l c- tUikkA l r M t l er M fiir T EjjUar ilrtoaM Dw l 4Wv i Jh- M lsfcB fieMsi Mw Vw al Mails In the the Time It amount to States 10 WM b Co- a mOt The are with Its Itlnled at IUO len lh n MOD r1U 1 Gut Jvu L A 1 1 1 he I < u W UM M t 1 I 1 II i 1 r Irr II J i- lmTJ u I I 1- I t- r r f R l jW was stud liabilities is said will Itubber Company failure liabilities 16500 I v i hay Inc kssa 3 II- I0 raw am hit IS > 84- 4t4 isslL ass5 ISc 8- 1P4 fi- Mas4tS s l14s4r8p544 P I5IIs5 wf 4WMSWISSSW 51354- 0451544k a t s ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > < > > < > > > LAND RIVER CO Reorganization Agreement of November 18 1901- To Security Holders Creditors A majority of the security holders and creditors having assented thereto the plots of reorganization of the Land and flyer Company of November is 1001 li hereby declared operative Securities duly assigned to tho Renrcanl ration Committee should be deposited at the office of the CENTHAt TRUST COMPANY I Wall Street New York on or before Do ecmber 31it and payment of tho cash con- tribution will be required n follows vis First Initalmeut of S3 13 on or before January is ivn Instalment of 33 jj on or before it I90J Third Instrument of 33 13 on or before April 1 1007 Payment of nil or any Instalment may be anticipated with allowance of Interest at the rate of CTJ Full information to any details connected with reorganization may lw obtained at the office of tbe company 30 Broad Street Now York or from any member of Kcorcanlzu tlon Committee Security holders wise have signed the Reorganization Agreement become parties thereto at sissy titus prior to December 31 IWt after which date noise will bo ad- mitted without consent of the Committee and upon micli terms as It may Impose Dated New York December 9 ll 01 ruairmant- lVAIlNTn VAN MinnPA- flllCMtY W UK F01UWT- J HAMCIX K KIIAKIl ii TAN ni ssiiAiii A C C Reorganization Committee UK KOIIBST tmos Counsel WILLIAM P STEVKXHOV Secretary 30 Droid- Kt New York NOTICE TO HOLDERS J lat C Blond a not IAN InN lm JAI OF FINANCIAl lie ¬ ¬ > > Central Truit Company of New Certificate ron FIIUT PRETERHEW TOCK SECOND PIirlTRRED STOCK AND COMMON STOCK OV THE St Joseph and Grand Island Railway Company Vottnr Trust under which the Central Trust Company of New York has Issued certificate o deposit on behalf of tbe Voting Trustees for Tlrs referred Second Preferred sad Common Stock ot the ST JOSEPH AND ORAND ISLAND RAIL- WAY COMPANY terminates on January I IMI After that date on surrender of the certificate of deposit endorsed la blank reeular certificates o stock ot the St Joseph and lirand Island Ilallwsj Company will be Issued therefor Revenue stamps will be required when stock t desired In a different namt from that In which certificate of deposit lands CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY of NEW YORK B4 Still Street New York Northern Pacific Railway Company Retirement of Preferred Stock To the holders of Preferred Stork of the NOIITIIEHN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO Notice hereby li that In eaercUe of the power reserved by the Northern Pacific Railway Company and specifically declAred In every out standlnt stork certificate the Company his duly determined to retire the prrfcrrrd stork and the Male will he retired In whole at par upon the first day of January IM3 Arcordbicly each and bolder uf preferred stock it notified to present sad to aurrrnder hi cenl cat for such preferred stock at the offlce of the Northern IacWo llsll r Company 41 Wall street tu the City of New York on sod after the flu day ot January 1003 and upon curb surrender to receive payment In cash of the amount thereof For the purpose of such mirenent the transfer booki of the Northern Partac Hallway Company will closn at three orloek P H nn Tuesday De- cember 10 soot sad the transfer bonks of Ue com- mon stock will reopen Thursday January 3 tws at ten oclock A If Uy order of the Doard of Director CHOROB It KARL Secretary Dated rovemWr IS tOOl TAX EXEMPT E D SHEPARD t CO BANKERS NO 3 I NASSAU ST NY LEWIS EARLC HOW 43nd SIred WANTED GOOD PROPOSITIONS Niedlva if n ef I Ui II ey 11 in K UfUtu lll U V sM VI 11 U4 H AM IIIIOIil SM k Ul4- 8TOCK8 WMIJT COITON II II I- AbTOH COUHT W 34TH tiT Attlulnliiy Wnldurf I AilurU- I Pkl I W K 4 JOSEPH COWAN CO AMKrtt V HHOKffliI- i II ir Hi l l k 4 M I R P WIOHTMAN loppini Motctikin- coroi York The tile hen even NEW YORK CITY 40 MONEY TO LOAN 4 I 0 l I0u II tll It I HAPthIJI ENNIS STOPPANI we j4 f II I- IhU 1 I M r M tof U I U oI a 4 lfl Ii 4111 rt Jttlr sit fl of r It r f t- STOCf GAUI A I u M4 toe IJo par 35 o BoDMorlgsgs rta a settil 54 Ij jt Vat INS 11453144S ASP MIIIIIeIMe 5 5 S e I 1145aI S s 53 ta 154 s s s s e 55 4 s i ci 54 o e 5 e- e 8 a Ills SI sal 34 > S a h l- ssI ta I 34 II 5 5 4 I a a 3 I a 34 4 I b d 4 4 k 14s 3 a 4 4 U IthlaSl al I 111- 4SN45 pt S o34S4 44t cd twa ds ie l P 5 S I i4eS 5- sSe o 5 4 40 5MaSS w- I e ins 51H 3154545 Pb Sse- SI 5 44 1 I45f 3 I I54S- W k4o1l I5I4a 4 r44 > > >< > > > HAVINGS DANK8 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS 5 PER ANNUM from Date of Investment Withdrawable alter one year SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4 PER ANNUMJ- uly and January accounts exemftrom taxation JEaQle Snvinos Si loan Co 186 Rtnutn St Brooklyn NV Capital and Surplus 1750000 EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK 61 CHAM1ER8 ST N Y York Dee 33 1001 DIVIDEND The Trustee of this hank have ordered that Interest be paid to depositors entitled thereto six and three months ending Deo 31 lOOt at the rate of Three and onehalf per rent per annum on all deposits up to the limit of Three Dollars 13000 Interest will be credited under date of Jan lit 1M2 and will be payable on and after Monday Jan 20th JAUKS McMAHOV President MARCUS J XlcLOUOIILIV Comptroller Dry Dock Savings Institution 341 AND 343 DOWEItT NEW YORK The Trusteea have declared a dividend for the six months ending December Slat 1WI on all deposits entitled thereto under the bylaws at the rate of Three and OneHalf per rent per annum on all sums not exceeding Three Thousand Dollars pay- able on anti after January ajth 1002 Deposits made on or before January loth will be entitled to Interest front Janusry tit 1M2- ANDRKW MILLS President CHARLES MIEHLINO Secretary PATTERSON A st Secretary THE FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK All forth f U tWwSW flflfl New Thou- sand WIt ¬ CM and eis Elcbtb Ave corner d St rKlHTTTlHIllS- EMIAKMIAI DmUKMI Oa and after January nth too Interest at lb rate of THI11U ANU OXIIUU1 rent per annum will be paid to the depositors entitled thereto nn all sums of 15 to Money de- iKitUed on or before tbe 10th of January Interest from the lot hank from IU A M la 1 I M and Monday from o lu I1 U holidays excepted Closes at IS M oil Saturday A TtH it ITcsldenl WI R COMiUN Secretary Till I1AXK IOR SAVINGS J a Fourth Avenue New York Jan I 1002 HE IKMIU OF TRUSTEES IIAVK the usual Intemt under the provision of the by laws for the Mi months Slit aa- tollows At the rate of FOtR f PKR CENT per annum nn all urns ot IS and not Mooo payable ou and after the third Monday being the 20th day of this month The InlereM Is carried at once to the credit of depositors a principal on the 1st last where U stands exactly as a It will be entered on the at any time when required nn and after the Mtn ln t- MFRRITT TRIUIILK President RODKRT S HOLT Secretary THE NEW YORK SAYINGS BANK N W COR 14T1I ST 4 8TH AVKVVE The trustees have ordered that the Interest credited to depositors Jan 1 iwoi shall be at the rate of THRKE PEK CKNT PUR ANNUM on all sums from U to llvw Deposits made on or before Jan 10 will draw Jan I ASSETS Mttus 14 Oi HURP1US- I A VKlJCH President HlrTS II WOUI Treasurer WILLIAM rnLSINGKH Secretary A semiannual dividend at the rate of per cent per annum been declared for the sit months ending all sums entitled thereto from tn and I per cent per annum from llun- tn s3uu payable on and after J o so Money depotlted on or lieforr Jan 10 will draw laterrsl from Jan t CHAN II TOOKER President I IKIUKII liMIT Secretary Dec 10 IMI er Y lib II 2MUI bait Dee lion n B 4 HAR1ESYt AANK I iUI > ¬ > > IIKCTION AU suirrisT- lir ANNfAI JIErrriNO of the Stockholder of UALIIAN 4 CO will t held on the Ilia day o January HWJ at 2 oclock the afternoon at office uf The Truil Company of Nei Nn 1 Ilctunre PUcr Jersey thy Jersey fur the of electing a Hoard of 11 rectors and receIving and acting upon the report of the DOVcro sad tut tin transact tun of such other buslnex a may properly come the meetlnc- la aiviirdsnre the laws of the Male of New Jersey tin stock can be vuted nn which till been nn the boulis ot tLe r mi within twenty days U t this election Tle buuks of the iomtsny ran In Inspected- bv Ite atiickhaldri at the Havana nfflee rn riiai lo Nt where they HI l r e K rd dill tuilldsis from thri to ne oclock pv sOd durIng li days commencing on tfee 1Mb sod ending uu b nh Inn Dated Uxteniurr IMI D rt lifMO fiAtlUN Srrretary Tilt IWOOKIVN llflOllfS lUllltOAU lljil PAN- VTlir ANN1 At UKKTIMI of tbe Mm khuldrrs of THK IIIKXIKLVS lltllillls IIAILHOAII- COUPANV lit Ilir rlrcllen uf thirteen dlrec lot in ensulnr si4 three i ui rliirs- of rle tluu la at Ural abuual- Bireiuii and far the purpose f trsiiMctlaf such buslAN as saa tlilt bronchi befure it- mr tUll WIMbeie4isl l u lUirk CKHIU Ml Till IU JauiMrv mi ai ofll uf tii r m- i iw U Ua trr Ikimum f li kl n Sin VorK I ii wrvin r umnnv- Tl UrH- ta i iMti Tin iiii- Ite m M Ml HIM JAN t sliM im i- Ike IWM etwtfef wl oitei I SM M k H- t f lf Ik HteMIki- I Skis MM i I U Mlfil il I The Merchants National flank Ik I lu kf AM Ivil- i rMHrM w IM- IIk kt ki SiMikn ni l u fUkk- iLV ikUai M U k II Mali i4 y it l I U id MristU- tIUIIUI k M 4fcll IkllM- tttt tia Ul MiM J In the Corporation purl I iiI II I S UlAIUI 11111 OM41i- N Ih I tv- lor I I I Foil Is a r II all nt1 v It I to lit IW I lo- tii1 1 If- L 2 t J- a I J flI t l YrtJLM I L- 1tIfrntIm to o 1 It iS A Ir J o- rt 1- I I 041 II r U- t eI h r I h f t- oo t M New before precedIng n ilccnber 34 1001 > ear > arise the dish lib isis a s 5 Isl IlvildIaf 83454 5I 54cIS04 ci 45 s 51l5ltr Isls ses se tee I s4set 5s3Ity 3ICVI Is e s4 4kw J l54ii aseLssp f s r hs I 5 us i sIrs saIw4- M3 54 554 iSo owILee I 5 e is ts s 53 1 s4 e t d S- 45e etkSl s pePI 5 I s 548144548 445M 413- I b iII I I Id 6s4e et 4k tPPc S I 5- IY I 4 IU- CtIidIfrI S C I 4 4 N i 4 4 5 I 3M C W- I I 3 I 3 4 3 5 d- a51334sI I eH N 4- I I 35 lI1ed 5 4C55w- 0 s S 51 C 4- 354tSwd Swe I Its 3 54 5 b S 5 4 5 d t5 I 5 I4 1spO4 5e 4 5 Ie45 4 a p a isa s 5 4 Iii 5 44 h Ss 4 I aIs si ie a ci tsa S 155 > > < > > > < > > < > > < = = = > AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY Notice U hereby flvcn that a dividend of one and threequarters cent on the Ireferre Capital Stock of the American Woolen Company will be paid on ISth of January 1991 to of record rt the close of business January Id IB03 The transfer booki for preferred stock will closed at the ebb of business January id 1003 and will be reopened January letb 1002 WU U WOOD Treasurer tkuton Mass December 23 1001 BANGOR AROOSTOOK RAILROAD CO Consolidated ItcfiinflltiK Mart frujro 4 llomls Coupon No I due January 1 IPO from the Consolidated Refunding Mort gag lloiuls of company will be paid upon presentation on and 1 vn at the omcea rs Strewn llrothrrs o W Wall Street New York or ISsue Leo IlluOnion n 41 state Street Boston KDWAIU STETSON Treasurer December twi- Knickerbocker Trot Company M IIUOAIMVAV 34 FIFTH AVK 180 W Shut York December 10 1001 The hoard of Directors of the Knickerbocker Trust Co have this declared a nemlannusl dividend of THRCI2 ANt ONK HAlrlKII CKNT from net earnings on the capital stock ol this Company I1 t stock holders record December V imi Transfer book will dote December W IU01 at 3 M and reopen January Ituj CiOIIC KINO Secretary NOHTUEnN IACtFIC RAIIWAT cu KKK YORK November U loOt Tho Company bat this day declared from the net a dividend of one per tent on Hi 1RKIERHKD STOCK QD or after January 118UJ at the offlccof llESSHH J P MOlt IAN CO N1SW YOKK to tlir Ilefrrred of record In New York And at the hANK I1KHLIN to the Preferred Stockholders uf record In Berlin at the doling of the transfer books at 3 oclock p U on lie cemtier 10 1001 Northern Pacific Uf OKOUGP II EARL Secretary Northern Pacific Hallway Co New York December iDol The Company this day declared from the net earnings a of I per cent on Its Common Stock payable February I at the ofllce of mon Stockholders of record In New York and at the neutsche Hunk Berlin to the Common Stock- holder of record In Sterna at the dosing uf the transfer books on January 11 IUUJ lor the purpose of such dividend the transfer books In and Ilerlln will dote at M- on January IS ansi will reopen at 10 A January 2 IDOl NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Ill U EARL Secretary THE TltUST roMPAKV OF AMERICA DIV1ULM NO 4 149 Ilroadway New York Dec 17 IMI The Hoard uf Directors of The Trust Company- of America have this diy declared a dividend TIIHIIK ASH OVK mElt CENT upon the Capital Stock of the from the net earn- ings of the Company for the Mi rndlne Dec 31 IMI Jan 2 too to stock- holders of record on the 20th of December IM- ITranifer books will tie dosed at 3 M Dec M IMI and reopen 10 A VI Jan 2 IM7 J CIIATRV Secretary Once of VIRGINIACAROLINA C1IUMICAL COMPANY RIChMOND VA ne list IDol The llosrd of Dlrrctors of this Company have declared the regular Quarterly two 2 par rent uu Stock of the Com- pany same betas quarterlr dividend No Z5 on antI after January IM2 to all stock- holder of record Januan 4ln nest The for the transfer uf Preferred Stock will be closed January 4th to 1Mb both Inclusive S W Treasurer MU per use be t 4N this I k I Usnior Maine daY II > rnl RAlhra has nd I ISO M- OD < CO- O ltl I books I DIVlDEND ThrEnIT stock- holders ST- ew 2 Stock- holder SOUl Idratri Co New torit to the Corn 3 months days < < ¬ ¬ ¬ > AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY Street New York December JO IM- Iusrterlr dividend of ONE AND nuts PKIl CKNT tmrt on the Preferred Hal Stock payable January 31 1W2 10 the pre- ferred of record at close of on January 3 1B3J Cheilts will bo mailed uf the preferred Mock will close at 3 PU January 3 reopen January 31 ISO LEIGH UKST ec etryi- AItriULn NA110NAI HANK Old M and Sixth Ave New York December 21 IDOl The Directors has this tiny declared quarterly dividend of Three Per Cent Ibo uf flank payable free on and after December 3lst toOl The transfer books will be rioted until Thursday January 2d 100 at ten oclock A if R V POOR CAibler Till FOITtlll NATIONAl IIAN1C of the of New York New York lice 24th IMI The Hoard of Directors has this day declared a semiannual dividend of THHUK AND PER CKNT payable oa and after January 2d The transfer books will close at 3 P U this date reopening IW- 2riUlllfes 11 ATTEHBf v Cashier Wry p r lI filial of haS this Isy declaret a books 130 a Ibis City lLILF TItS NATIOYALCmZKVS RANK uf the City uf New York Deeembr 30 nCI Trie rtnard if Directors has this day declared a semi annual dividendnf three per crest tai on and aner Iiecenbfr Stat itoi in tOCk The transfer books will be closed from a M Do- ceinberlsib IXIIUBIUIOA l Janusrija tin Casb- lrrlitlr NATIONAL IIANU SIt YORK December 17 lOOt rId Con ecutle Dividend nosrd of Dlrtrtors Lave declared a semi- annual dividend at tour Mi Pet Cent payable January J to stockholders ol lecord oa lie Crusher 31 IW- JITraaifr books wilt Decemlir 21 IDol at 12 U sOd reopen January 3 1902 at to A M- M f WKRXIII C Mrr Man ItONTUV X1AS- Courions front Peir annolldalrd 4 per- cent h nd Pere tlaiqurtle Tian i iliitKiii rum t pet rent bond tad Prre Mriurle Ttsni oitstlun b iul due Janusry let IfB tr paid alter that dm at nfnee of hubert 4 VV n street ClUllLl M tn ur r tin MMKH mxi 111- NMlrc U feeiebr fllct III1 Uusiicrl Dividend of l per r ul ua ih Morn of lbs i Ida lra dirUlrd IM JIJ v fHlim tin Ikul ID sliMlibvldf r of iixi14 si ik rW ol- iMttlktx N H IHVI II lllislrr isaaC Hill rh e MI llfiewUf lulls at I I M td I Wl ID A U 1 I IIAIlllr tDiiUll Knieltry I klr tila kl l uli lUllna- wuajir r iiiikvitI- viihMii d r JaMary l IMI li tLr- M4IUU Uuiti Tkiei VMI T IWi l lkit l 4iiMjiv vH I i4 uk kk4 ft e i a 111 X i ie Kle 4 Yrw lULIM UIAlurUL Tifamr- lnSMUl IIIIIMIIAI 10f- c k n I lc4 kl l ls MtuiMlllli 4l H I 111 o or I t111ISI Tb I c 1 Compasy SI l leer 11 nUll trAM a r ltD I a I C r tJ I on is lor to II tit rirrP- u 555 ko J 0- U r Ti I 1j ie- t iFw 1 fr iS nr 1 J 1 I 041 h Me rwl 11 li1l r elri I U I Zi fW It t Ito Ji ir Woo i 11 r- ue tt Ij 1 woo r II c at It J aoI hoeJ au 1 free holders of record at 3 1 35 lecember th 155 iiryit close Per ttlrad aol t Yolk- S 555 44 l t4 list CS I that f thaI lao 8 I sii Ut 5 55 is snke vi sC ASh 051 L 4ws HNl IceS c5- s454 h SI a M15444AS Tiamao 4 sat I1 4 PIie- ci tiM ua1S m a S s- eclId Stales s4I Os4M5lI- cmvri4tas1 tee 5 Ce I 4 5m M Ua S 3 I 151I- h 3 34 spis d I Mo e i 4- 4a ISI f115441 1411913- C 5 r fw I 949I549jy 4fl9 a Ia- j4a5 U34 9 Se see sa 11 I 4 4 Saa ISS f a- I e4 I saI5l 5 ecrj 5 P PSI I I I 5 5 4 3 s a t11ii S kmi V M4 18a t aae Umi I- I bf4 5 t se VW 5sa MI t 7 C 4 dl 5 C 5 e 51 t 554 a lSt saeae Ice A4ssS li 5 tse Dana 4 45 sal Vi 43 515 > > > > > > > > >< < = = FINANCIAL AD COMMERCIAL MONDAY DOC 30 Attention In tho eccurltlen marketH to- day ccntivd very largely upon the heading Issues tho common in particular and the tccluilcnl position of tho money market won again brought Htrongly Into relief rates on call rising to mi cxlnwo 12 per cent It wo conjectured that the wcond development wait to a oxtont Incidental to tho first mentioned and It WM also HURgmtod that tho money market conditions wero influenced liy largo pay mcnts for subscriptions to tho Northern Pacific convert Ible bondnthe grrnter part of the money to bo paid out on next Thursday In tho redemption of tho preferred stock Tho monetary lion improved to tho extent that tho local banks tart out tho week with a gain from tho SubTreasury- of over 81000000 Of this amount 7401 000 represented tho the banks from tho payments by tho SubTreasury for tho Government boiidt delivered to It on Saturday after the wttloniont of the Oovernment collections on own account In addition tho HubTreasury paid out to day 517017 for bonds purchased Money on call o cned at 8 per cent and tho ruling during tho day WAS about 9 per cent tho extreme high figures beliiK paid by borrowers who had ntgloctod to provide themselves with funds In tho face of tho welldefined for omo time past of a close working of tile market for funds toward tho end of tho year Tho general Impression In that tho redeposit or reinvestment of tho unprecedentcdly large disbursements for interest and divi- dends on the first of the mouth will shortly bring about a very largo increase in tho offerings of money and at tho wuno time cause conxidorahlo appreciation in tho pries of securities Tho firmer monoy market resulted in quito n llttlo shifting of loans and Induced the trading clement to attack prices at intervals Their gave the market nu appenranco of Irregularity which was Increased l y thin closing up of frMciilatlvo accounts In ad vance of tho approaching holiday Lon- don was n moderate seller on balance In this market The board room contingent was partly Influenced in Its course by an extreme decline of 2 JHT cent In Amalgamated Copper duo to reports of further legal MICCOM by the copper interests chiefly in opposition to tho Amalgamated Inter cots J y tho clotting down of tho Anaconda mlno to frustrate the tactics of this oppo- sition and by a reduction of SS n share from 1S a share in tho quarterly dividend upon the Calumet and Hecla Copper Mining Company Sugar Refilling Bcored iw largo an extreme decline on sales to realize profits on the recent material advance and the two stocks left on at net declines of 1JJ per cent or tltoroabotttH Other weak spots were St Paul the local traction shores ML Pacific and Union Pacific The stocks mrntionod sustained extreme losses ex- tending to nearly 3 points In Missouri Pacific Tho final price of that stock was IU ccut below Saturdays closing outlook I tit figure pro pcctll 7 balance to opera- tions sour ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ tlgUIU The strength of thi anthracite coalers contributed consldcrablo sustaining in fluenco to the general market Heading common enjoyed an extreme rise of 4 points and notwithstanding liberal realizing In the List hour retaIned the greater part of tho Improvement Tho dealings la It reduced to full tharefl aggregated over 110000 share or twice as much In any individual stock Tho second preferred wu al o fairly active and left off 1 per cent higher Tim advance in Heading securities cnidu from tho general of the extremely favorable con- dition and prospects of tho anthracite mining and carrying coiuixinieu from the unification of IntoivsU and consequent cnonnou coonomiew in the conduct of ths trod a well HA tho unprecedented demand for coal lit attributed to buying on a heavy scale incidental to tho approaching Un- polutinn of the voting trust Now J y Central scored a net gala of about points on light tnm nctlon Erie issues nnd Delaware and Hudson also rnjoyid appre- ciable advance Erie common being dealt in on a larger than for tome time U Tho HUt Untial increase In Erin net iarningH for November alto etlmu lat l ptircluiHOM- Iwitw in the day it became known that iViurt of llennupln county Minn hail Iud n tiMiiiKirury order restraining this oflkfri of this Northnrn Judflo 1U1I roast from retiring tint preferred tock of that company lli aetion In nuttier IH brought by a Miiglo Imldnr of lOll shares of Northern Pailfln sniiiion stock Tl- flnanoiul winiiiiuiilty ut larj wouki rots kldcr Inenleiit OH luditTuu tilt for tin liuMleiioy which It lllii lrHt of thee voauliou thuuRh lUlU IntfiforMHw with lnoiu 4iiiHi i ieili rtakliiKi by IIIIKHIU luwyefk It will lie Inurcstlng- Ui Jittrn Ixarinx MM Injuiniiou taiiml In u w4irt in will llUVH IJe ll II VlMklllklll l llMI MleU l 11I- IMttlMT Will HI l kHiiklv tMMtterr d lu Hiuuurial utrrhM i lsu liw Kirt loii- ny y luo uf Utm MTIM Xur le H Kisil UXiVMtlitbi U4 4 kk- ss Mi 4t Miswvr tlii itd l C I i lf tklatj l ial J IM Its i- MSI Uarl Miavti- I i I i I if- K I ItS appre- ciation 6 scale pat I iJ lie upon lilt liSt Stat I oouJly I lu JIfe MCduoe1 I e tftWi 1 II t u I ttaI1- joh IN If I r t- ft 1114 f e P JIll I fI- II t Ift T- 1t1 CI A J L I f it u a the District lie I ItS glss etc iliss set it3IlIW1MSl5 tbg it ssuI4sjus- 5sf lbs IIW1I54st IstlrlI hal fitsea41 551 loss sn s4 MI MIIHSi hIlI Ias4 em its t use isUii 4cl i 11- 1stmW ta 4i4 saie II 15131 sWSsts 4 i5443 4Sl- 54sa1 lIt4lS liii s jtal s44e faust 0414 kS le1154 wji4t 44544aa4 Nl 4 uI I iISti IMS lsa4 a4aeei- iisd uiIS4 SI ee se4 I FtS4 I sii s4 I- l hasv4- I Mad 15s as em 54 s iid 44V II ijtsdi es5 a Sm 4 S 44 4 4 sIl I- m4d I kma 15 S I sb 4 e- c I ae S I ISSII ftIM I1W3 H 05- S pIb 3 aa sa se 54 e I9I1- 5 e Md I 35 3 d O 44k I 554 3 ISi4s- 4 15 sse- s 4- I 0 4 j Ib4ie- I 50 IIIO9I4 P Ii- I 44 SiIt5- dse4 r5 Ph- I l s 3 ses e i a J S S t um 91 4- I a 4- EJ15t < ¬ < > ¬ > < < < < < < < > < < < > = = =


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Heading lenD Erie hlih Val-

ley Posdbty Lark awanna Saidto Ue Concerned With Penmylvanl-

atjj Vandcrbllt and Morgan Coourratlnir-

Tboro Li good authority for thothat a combination of the principal coalcarrying railroads will havean Important bearing on tho Eastern rail-

road situation 04 well na on tho anthraoltocoal trado

Tho Rending tho Jersey Central tho Eriejtho IohJgh Valley and possibly the Lacka

are Laid to bo loading factors inthis Impending deal Whether this com-

bination will take tho form of a close trafficAlliance or will rest on a community ofinterest bass 13 BtlU an open question Itis known that interests In thU par-

ticular lipid aro completing arrangementshlch they believe will be advantageous

ito all oonccrnedRecent events In Wall Street have aroused

an ncuto interest In tho Heading tho JerseyControl and tho Erlo railroad propertiesand reporta havo prevailed that these andother coal carrying railroads worn beinggradually brought Into a position thatwould of a concentration of theanthracite transportation business Thocontrolling Interests in the anthraclto coaltrade havo been working in perfect accordfor some time Pennsylvania IlallroadInterests and the VnndorbllU as well arobelieved to bo cooperating with tho MorganInterests in an effort to secure a thoroughcommunity ot interest In tho coal carryingtraffic

Rumor of the purchase of control of thePhiladelphia and Heading properties bythe Railroad accompanied

sharp advance In tho prlco of Heading

yesterday Tho report prevailed In WallStreet that the Pennsylvania RaIlroad in-

terests had practically secured control ofthe Reading system months agoOfficial denials of theso rumors woro au-

thorized from tho Pennsylvania RailroadIn Philadelphia yesterday





J pcm t



Jtheuccuritica the ow York Stock Exchange



> ¬






AfternoonTho report was subeoquontly circulated

that the Vahdorbllta had acquired a domleatIng Interest in the ReadIng system asoffset to tho Pennsylvanias Invasion o

the Now York Centrals territory No corrobonttlott ofthia report could bo obtainsfrom any representative of the Vanderbiltinterest Mr W K Vanderbilt it Is saidjna the only person who could giveInformation about the alleged ncquisi-

tlon of tlda property by tho Vanderbilt interesta and Air Vanderbilt was not access

bleTho Rending system which was reorginlzed by J Plorpont Morgan U now In thehands of a voting trust About a year agoMr Morgan negotiated the purchase theTeney Central Railroad for tho Philadelphiaand Beading Company Tho ReadIng firstpreferred stock waa put on a 4 per centdividend basis this year Under the termsof the voting tnut the trustees are to boldall oloMosof tho stock for five years andthereafter until 4 per cent cash dividendper annum shall bo paid on the pre-ferred stock for two consecutive

jrovfr moHI LOAXS KOKUOVSrer Cut the Top Notch Older

January 1ayrnentaA money on the New York Stock

Exchange yesterday ran the loaning ratesen call up to 13 per cent for a while Itwas said that the dealing in money on thofloor of tho exchange was probably thelargest on record there II I Frothincham alono lent 12000000 before 2

oclock Uo acted for various banks andother moneyed interests J P MorganV Co Jt Co the NationalBank of Commerce and several trust com

anlo were all reported to have been largo8 to 0 cent The demand was

and very heavy so that whilearge eup

ratesshortly clew when they


I to 0 the odvanra to 12 earlyIn the day tJOuOuo was loaned at id JXTcent at 11 percent 300ux

The was gnnerally attributed topreparations to meet enormouH civi

dl iurMjnefiiM on theof the year The local

at upward of IliooioCnO-yh bank s7VOuo

thuir rowrvH at thU tiino nyear ago Jn banking clrclM It u not x

1 mid dividendtaonoy roturued to WIY ex

to U regular monetary ohumiHUthe January Ktcrhiig-

xohaiiKa rat ooutmiiB v ry H-

ranowal of ild export to Kururx itthought may further il

In this iiiiNtiiMmo thnto innnvloW

by of finviirniiiMiit lxiniWM tlioiiglit in KIIDU yiwtcr

day Unit oimt the iirnnaiMl iminr-


kJutrtM fii iii In M4k nmrkiK-pfMUnlltly t l ttlillrllMtrMft of u llnkl III U M

uKK i iii l-

Uw ileniaiid with Ut fuKortlumi Pt ifM uuvHrtiiU Uui all

WtruNlW Mtul U V I M tuaiid-Orta INI fc n OJil uf lit ubM i ti4iiM

I W IMtti Iflr UVurtlMa MI 4 Will 1 1 U-

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10 Instead of 15StocU Falls SharplyOther Copper Stooki Weak

Tho Calumet and llocla Mining Companythu leading competitor of the Amalga-

mated Copper Company declared yestorday a dividend of 10 a share payable onJan SO Thin Is a of 5 slncotho last quarter It 1000000 topay tho dividend The dividend for theyear is SS a share as compared with 70

in 1000 100 in 1808 10 In IBOS 40 In iBM2S In 1600 and 20 in 1883 Tho par value

of the stock is 25

When tho cut In tho dividend was an-

nounced there was a drop in tho prlco oftho stock on the Boston Stock Exchangeto 375 a share with the atas 020 tho closing price on Saturday Amalgamated soldon Exchange as lowas Os i and closed at 68 or underSaturdays closing price Tho of the

which U con-trolled tho Amalgamated sold down-to soyf closing at SOJ or lit points under

closeCable advlcoH from London reported

tho market for the copper metalat an advance of 1 A ton with spot closingat 19 and future at 10 12s 8d In tholocal metal market was dun andunchanged with tho prices however to a

extent nominal bid of 12 centswas made for spot copper while

tho best offer was cents


Another Attachment and a Keeper In thoomre

Another attachment won obtained yester-day against tho Crude Rubber Company of25 Broad street for 5002 in favor of A

Leonard Brougham on an assigned claimfrom tho Susquehanna Trust and BaThDeposit Company of Pa ofwhich John Q Reading is President Theclaim Is on a note of Waticlncon ACo of Philadelphia Indorsed by the com-pany noto wan not at maturity

was protested This attachmentalso the ono on Saturday for3000 by the Hank wore

to Sheriff Prendergast to servoyesterday Tho first was

on five banks and the secondwas served on ono bank Tho

also sent a keeper to tho offices ofRubber at 25 Broad street andserved the attachments on Henry Earlotho VicePresidont and general manager

ruction I


ow2 point













Increase of FlintEddy CapitalO J Jennings and Clarence Soamcna

have boon eiectcd directors of the FlintEddy and Company-It was yesterdayt had been decided to

working capital of tho company to 12500000 to en-

larging export business of the company


hank of North has Annexed

It was reported yesterday that theBank of North America whkh has

just absorbed the Dank of the Stato of NewYork tho deal having arranged byCharles W Morse would soon absorb an

other largo downtown bank Tho officersof tho bank would not discuss thebeyond saying that nothing definite as tothe boon PresidentVan of the Bank of North Americadenied that tho hank was seeking to acquireother banks but at tho some timethat there have l oen conferences withono or two banks although it was doubtfulwhether anything will como of tho nego

It has been believed In Wall Streettho harks W Morso inteinHits amendeavoring to get control of the PhoenixNational


Three Iloji Wise Ilroken Throngtatho lee ne Comrade

MOUNT VEIINOV N Y Dec 30 Jameshayden and Scnnlon 12 and 14

years old iwpwtively of Mount Vernonmtcund three boys from drowningIn tho Mount Vernon reservoirDoyle 11 years old went on tho reservoirto test the Mrength of the km While skat-

ing on a thin K ctlon ho broko throughAlbert Munville and Hughwere watching tkatrd out to hU-

nn lMnnoP caught hold of theirshinny stIcks The stratA on lee wastoo nnd in n few moments all thr oweru floundering In thn water Manvilleand Malonei heist head above thewater with They wore becom-ing e xhnu ti d wliiti n anti Hcanlon

their hhinny htlcks nuc e ledIn pulling tho boys to safety

New Articles Inrorpornllon Illrd InNebraska Mill ul Aleullonrd

LINCOLN Nel 30 The ChicagoBurUncion and JQuiwy ItnllwHy-

of tlm ChIcago IlurlliiKton sod Uulmny-

lUllrouil 111 of lnc irpbrntlontoday wllli lh Si nMary of State Tlw-

f nt IMIlull U l at MUIO ouHU liMuriMiration f warn

aiiHHinluiK to l i H 4M

iii iii4 rMifuttu4i tlt finalllwt lakliiK nv r of ll llurliiigKiii y ti in

tag will Jitut rtu4ili i mid NuMliMii-Piwittn lull Mi IItil Maya In tl-

IMI kf r Miwl Hi llu llm fi Ul hut IHMHiiiiMlflK Irtk IMHin l lt ill

tluUliiK fufHtMT Ilurluilu4l 4 uliuldMf-

No lUira la fur Uliulr Tfarliffi-

lt H w4Muit uf lit Main Tnai li Hk A

rUllUsM IM4MIW UiM ks y tf l li vtb-

flee n i4u i VIMail i4i MetMM r l r U n I m JMiHIIii-

Ma t o u4 l sUsUini It frusjljliltr SM MSB Ms say I IMH It lJM-

jfuM M U et i mia4 4-

III Ut 4 NwMMew U aaji

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Ifentnoky Inventor Who Seeks to TalkThrough the Ground

Jlunrur Ky Dee SO Nathan B Stubblefleld an electrician and inventor whoresides two miles from thin city has per-

fected a system of wireless telephony bywhich the sounds of tho human voice maybo transmitted great distances withoutwires Btubblofleld U technically edu-

cated and is known through several clectrlodevices patented In this country and InEurope

Httibblefleld today gave an exhibitionIn this city and In the presence of a largenumber of witnesses communicated withhis fourteenyearold n quarter of amllo away ills ton is chief assistantStubblpfleld regards tho earth with Itselectrical energy as a gigantic battery

electric or magnetic field may boby tho human voice By the

construction of a special eloctrlo cell whichho calls his earth coll Stubblofleld saysho token advantage of the terrestrial mag-

netism and communicates through itStubbleflold on Christmas eve showed

what ho could do by talking from awherehis apparatus was set up to hisa quartorof a mile away A party of chil-

dren wore gathered there and at the re-

ceiver obtained messages from SantaClaus Recently J C MoElralh A DThompson James M Cole James ColemanCharles Jetton S S higgIns O T Halland Vernon BIytho all wellknown dtlrons-vfeltcd tho Stubblofleld plant and afterwitnessing experiments In wireless tele-

phony appended their names to an a ffldanetting forts tho facts as they understoodthem

Stubblefleld says that a central stationcould bo erected In tho United States andtho weather bulletins flashed Into everyhome He nays news of Presidential elec

anti other important matters couldIn similar fashion Ho makes

oIlier sweeping assertions on behalf ofapparatus


George Watkluion V of PhiladelphiaForced to Kti pend















PHILADELPHIA Dec SO Onorge Watklnson A Co manufacturers of rubbergoods will file a petition lu a few daysbankruptcy Their attorney John 0 Johnson said today that ho preparingpetition and that before it was pnvasnteto tho court ho could make no statementThe firm consists of George and IrvingWatklnson and Is not connected withRubber Trust It was formed In 1896

Is saUo have done a business

1000000 and theproximate 1250000

are being made by powerfulPhiladelphia w to

has a plant of about fiveacres 800 and distributesnearly 500000 annually In wages

Watklnson was for yearsassistant general manager of the United

precipitated Bank profor 000


Receiver to He Appointed for NewarkCoach Iatnn Corporation

YiceChancellor John It Emery will beasked today to appoint a receiver to wind-

up the affairs of C N Lockwood A

Newark corporation which succeededthe old firm of C N Lockwood i Co coachlamp manufacturers In 1S97

Charles L askedfor a rule to show cause a receivershould not lx appointed alleging that thecompany is to

payroll of MO on Dec 18

firm was capitalized for 18000

Fire Company Lose Its Mascot

Tho firemen of Engine 21 In Nortonstroc have scouring tho neighbor-hood Mnco ChrUtmau for their mascot abulldog named Pieny Thn dog disap-peared thi lay b forn Christmas but ono

flrttn ii saw him on a milk wagonanti took him back to the engine housnThe next day dl i forgood Thn believe that somebody-has tho dog


KtitlTX iUliNlOrillS P4T-

SunrtJti 7 4IKuosets 4

uses WATKK TUia IU-ISandyllookili Id l7SIIMell OUe

ArrliedUoKDsT Dec 30-

M fmbrla Pee 71

In 1 rba DieN Itindam Hullrfdam Ilr W-

iu NauplU SHtlUo erIrtnre UK tt-

MAIuwlck llanibuu M-

t 4 IUlea i l nJoo NMV II-H Ilivulr llllUll Kuv IT-

kiioiuiids HMM t-

Vtiu rnr luiuum No 14-

IM 1 4kanatutk AtMMaxilh-k Mtbn t is-

u Juki M f r Utt Mmlkle Tusk UUaa l c-

tUikkA l r Mt l er

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M lsfcB fieMsi Mw Vw al Mails




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Itubber Company failure

liabilities 16500


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Reorganization Agreement of

November 18 1901-

To Security Holders Creditors

A majority of the security holders andcreditors having assented thereto the plotsof reorganization of the Land and flyerCompany of November is 1001 li herebydeclared operative

Securities duly assigned to tho Renrcanlration Committee should be deposited at theoffice of the CENTHAt TRUST COMPANY

I Wall Street New York on or before Doecmber 31it and payment of tho cash con-

tribution will be required n follows visFirst Initalmeut of S3 13 on or before

January is ivnInstalment of 33 jj on or beforeit I90J

Third Instrument of 33 13 on or beforeApril 1 1007

Payment of nil or any Instalment may beanticipated with allowance of Interest at therate of CTJ

Full information to any details connectedwith reorganization may lw obtained at theoffice of tbe company 30 Broad Street NowYork or from any member of Kcorcanlzutlon Committee

Security holders wise have signed theReorganization Agreement becomeparties thereto at sissy titus prior to December31 IWt after which date noise will bo ad-

mitted without consent of the Committeeand upon micli terms as It may Impose

Dated New York December 9 ll 01

ruairmant-lVAIlNTn VAN MinnPA-flllCMtY W UK F01UWT-

J HAMCIX K KIIAKIlii TAN ni ssiiAiii


Reorganization CommitteeUK KOIIBST tmos Counsel

WILLIAM P STEVKXHOV Secretary 30 Droid-Kt New York

















Central Truit Company of New




St Joseph and Grand Island

Railway Company

Vottnr Trust under which the Central TrustCompany of New York has Issued certificate odeposit on behalf of tbe Voting Trustees for Tlrsreferred Second Preferred sad Common Stockot the ST JOSEPH AND ORAND ISLAND RAIL-

WAY COMPANY terminates on January I IMIAfter that date on surrender of the certificate

of deposit endorsed la blank reeular certificates ostock ot the St Joseph and lirand Island IlallwsjCompany will be Issued therefor

Revenue stamps will be required when stock tdesired In a different namt from that In whichcertificate of deposit landsCENTRAL TRUST COMPANY of NEW YORK

B4 Still Street New York

Northern Pacific Railway CompanyRetirement of Preferred Stock

To the holders of Preferred Stork of theNOIITIIEHN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO

Notice hereby li that In eaercUe of thepower reserved by the Northern Pacific RailwayCompany and specifically declAred In every outstandlnt stork certificate the Company his dulydetermined to retire the prrfcrrrd stork and theMale will he retired In whole at par upon thefirst day of January IM3 Arcordbicly each and

bolder uf preferred stock it notified to presentsad to aurrrnder hi cenl cat for such preferredstock at the offlce of the Northern IacWo llsll rCompany 41 Wall street tu the City of New Yorkon sod after the flu day ot January 1003 andupon curb surrender to receive payment In cash ofthe amount thereof

For the purpose of such mirenent the transferbooki of the Northern Partac Hallway Companywill closn at three orloek P H nn Tuesday De-

cember 10 soot sad the transfer bonks of Ue com-mon stock will reopen Thursday January 3 twsat ten oclock A If

Uy order of the Doard of DirectorCHOROB It KARL Secretary

Dated rovemWr IS tOOl






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5 PER ANNUMfrom Date of Investment

Withdrawable alter one year



uly and January

accounts exemftrom taxation

JEaQle Snvinos Si loan Co186 Rtnutn St Brooklyn NV

Capital and Surplus 1750000


61 CHAM1ER8 ST N YYork Dee 33 1001

DIVIDEND The Trustee of this hank haveordered that Interest be paid to depositors entitledthereto six and three months ending Deo 31lOOt at the rate of Three and onehalf per rent perannum on all deposits up to the limit of Three

Dollars 13000Interest will be credited under date of Jan lit

1M2 and will be payable on and after Monday Jan20th JAUKS McMAHOV President


Dry Dock Savings Institution341 AND 343 DOWEItT NEW YORK

The Trusteea have declared a dividend for the sixmonths ending December Slat 1WI on all depositsentitled thereto under the bylaws at the rate ofThree and OneHalf per rent per annum on allsums not exceeding Three Thousand Dollars pay-able on anti after January ajth 1002

Deposits made on or before January loth will beentitled to Interest front Janusry tit 1M2-


PATTERSON A st Secretary





U tWwSW flflfl





CM and eis Elcbtb Ave corner d St


Oa and after January nth too Interest at lbrate of THI11U ANU OXIIUU1 rentper annum will be paid to the depositors entitledthereto nn all sums of 15 to Money de-iKitUed on or before tbe 10th of JanuaryInterest from the lot hank from IUA M la 1 I M and Monday from o lu I1 Uholidays excepted Closes at IS M oil Saturday

A TtH it ITcsldenlWI R COMiUN Secretary


the usual Intemt under the provision of the bylaws for the Mi months Slit aa-tollows

At the rate of FOtR f PKR CENT per annumnn all urns ot IS and not Mooopayable ou and after the third Monday beingthe 20th day of this month

The InlereM Is carried at once to the credit ofdepositors a principal on the 1st last where Ustands exactly as a

It will be entered on the at any timewhen required nn and after the Mtn ln t-



The trustees have ordered that the Interestcredited to depositors Jan 1 iwoi shall be at therate of THRKE PEK CKNT PURANNUM on all sums from U to llvw

Deposits made on or before Jan 10 will drawJan I


I A VKlJCH PresidentHlrTS II WOUI Treasurer


A semiannual dividend at the rate of per centper annum been declared for the sit monthsending all sums entitled thereto from

tn and I per cent per annum from llun-tn s3uu payable on and after J o so Moneydepotlted on or lieforr Jan 10 will draw laterrslfrom Jan t CHAN II TOOKER President

I IKIUKII liMIT SecretaryDec 10 IMI





baitDee lionn









IIKCTION AU suirrisT-lir ANNfAI JIErrriNO of the Stockholder

of UALIIAN 4 CO will t held on the Ilia day oJanuary HWJ at 2 oclock the afternoon atoffice uf The Truil Company of Nei

Nn 1 Ilctunre PUcr Jersey thyJersey fur the of electing a Hoard of 11rectors and receIving and acting upon the reportof the DOVcro sad tut tin transact tun of such otherbuslnex a may properly come the meetlnc-

la aiviirdsnre the laws of the Male of NewJersey tin stock can be vuted nn which till been

nn the boulis ot tLe r mi withintwenty days U t this election

Tle buuks of the iomtsny ran In Inspected-bv Ite atiickhaldri at the Havana nffleern riiai lo Nt where they HI l r e K rd dilltuilldsis from thri to ne oclock p vsOd durIng li days commencing on tfee 1Mb sodending uu b nh Inn

Dated Uxteniurr IMID rt lifMO fiAtlUN Srrretary

Tilt IWOOKIVN llflOllfS lUllltOAU lljilPAN-

VTlir ANN1 At UKKTIMI of tbe Mm khuldrrsof THK IIIKXIKLVS lltllillls IIAILHOAII-COUPANV lit Ilir rlrcllen uf thirteen dlreclot in ensulnr si4 three i ui rliirs-of rle tluu la at Ural abuual-Bireiuii and far the purpose f trsiiMctlaf such

buslAN as saa tlilt bronchi befure it-mr tUll WIMbeie4isl l u lUirk CKHIU Ml TillIU JauiMrv mi ai ofll uf tii r m-

i iw U Ua trr Ikimum f li kl nSin VorK I

ii wrvin r umnnv-

Tl UrH-ta i iMti Tin iiii-Ite m M Ml HIMJAN t sliM im i-

Ike IWM etwtfefwl oitei I SM M k H-

t f lf Ik HteMIki-I Skis MM i

I U Mlfil il I

The Merchants National flankIk I lu kf AM Ivil-

i rMHrM w IM-IIk kt ki SiMikn ni l u fUkk-iLV ikUai M U k II Mali

i4 y it l I U

id MristU-

tIUIIUI k M 4fcll IkllM-tttt tia Ul MiM J

In theCorporation






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Notice U hereby flvcn that a dividend of one andthreequarters cent on the IreferreCapital Stock of the American Woolen Companywill be paid on ISth of January 1991 to

of record rt the close of business JanuaryId IB03

The transfer booki for preferred stock willclosed at the ebb of business January id 1003

and will be reopened January letb 1002

WU U WOOD Treasurertkuton Mass December 23 1001


Consolidated ItcfiinflltiK Martfrujro 4 llomls

Coupon No I due January 1 IPO from the

Consolidated Refunding Mortgag lloiulsof company will be paid upon presentation onand 1 vn at the omcea rsStrewn llrothrrs o W Wall Street New Yorkor ISsue Leo IlluOnion n 41 state StreetBoston KDWAIU STETSON Treasurer

December twi-

Knickerbocker Trot CompanyM IIUOAIMVAV

34 FIFTH AVK180 W Shut

York December 10 1001

The hoard of Directors of the KnickerbockerTrust Co have this declared a nemlannusldividend of THRCI2 ANt ONK HAlrlKII CKNTfrom net earnings on the capital stock ol thisCompany I1 t stockholders record December V imi Transferbook will dote December W IU01 at 3 M andreopen January Ituj

CiOIIC KINO Secretary


Tho Company bat this day declared from thenet a dividend of one per tent onHi 1RKIERHKD STOCK QD or afterJanuary 118UJ at the offlccof llESSHH J P MOltIAN CO N1SW YOKK to tlir Ilefrrred

of record In New York And at thehANK I1KHLIN to the Preferred

Stockholders uf record In Berlin at the dolingof the transfer books at 3 oclock p U on liecemtier 10 1001

Northern PacificUf OKOUGP II EARL Secretary

Northern Pacific Hallway CoNew York December iDol

The Company this day declared from the netearnings a of I per cent on Its CommonStock payable February I at the ofllce of

mon Stockholders of record In New York and atthe neutsche Hunk Berlin to the Common Stock-holder of record In Sterna at the dosing uf thetransfer books on January 11 IUUJ

lor the purpose of such dividend the transferbooks In and Ilerlln will dote at M-

on January IS ansi will reopen at 10 AJanuary 2 IDOl



149 Ilroadway New York Dec 17 IMIThe Hoard uf Directors of The Trust Company-

of America have this diy declared a dividendTIIHIIK ASH OVK mElt CENT upon theCapital Stock of the from the net earn-ings of the Company for the Mi rndlneDec 31 IMI Jan 2 too to stock-holders of record on the 20th of December IM-

ITranifer books will tie dosed at 3 M DecM IMI and reopen 10 A VI Jan 2 IM7

J CIIATRV Secretary


RIChMOND VA ne list IDolThe llosrd of Dlrrctors of this Company have

declared the regular Quarterly two2 par rent uu Stock of the Com-

pany same betas quarterlr dividend No Z5on antI after January IM2 to all stock-

holder of record Januan 4ln nest Thefor the transfer uf Preferred Stock will be closedJanuary 4th to 1Mb both Inclusive

S W Treasurer







I k I

Usnior Maine









OD <

CO-O ltl











SOUlIdratri Co New torit to the Corn











Iusrterlr dividend of ONE ANDnuts PKIl CKNT tmrt on the PreferredHal Stock payable January 31 1W2 10 the pre-

ferred of record at close ofon January 3 1B3J Cheilts will bo mailed

uf the preferred Mock will closeat 3 P U January 3 reopen January 31ISO LEIGH UKST ec etryi-

AItriULn NA110NAI HANKOld M and Sixth Ave

New York December 21 IDOlThe Directors has this tiny declared

quarterly dividend of Three Per Cent Ibouf flank payable free

on and after December 3lst toOl The transferbooks will be rioted until Thursday January 2d100 at ten oclock A if

R V POOR CAibler

Till FOITtlll NATIONAl IIAN1Cof the of New York

New York lice 24th IMIThe Hoard of Directors has this day declared a

semiannual dividend of THHUK ANDPER CKNT payable oa and after January 2d

The transfer books will close at 3 P U this datereopening IW-

2riUlllfes 11 ATTEHBf v Cashier




of haS this Isy declaret a






TItS NATIOYALCmZKVS RANKuf the City uf New York

Deeembr 30 nCITrie rtnard if Directors has this day declared a

semi annual dividendnf three per crest taion and aner Iiecenbfr Stat itoi in tOCk

The transfer books will be closed from a M Do-ceinberlsib IXIIUBIUIOA l Janusrija tin

Casb-lrrlitlr NATIONAL IIANU

SIt YORK December 17 lOOtrId Con ecutle Dividend

nosrd of Dlrtrtors Lave declared a semi-annual dividend at tour Mi Pet Cent payableJanuary J to stockholders ol lecord oa lieCrusher 31 IW-

JITraaifr books wilt Decemlir 21 IDol at12 U sOd reopen January 3 1902 at to A M-



Courions front Peir annolldalrd 4 per-cent h nd Pere tlaiqurtle Tian i iliitKiii rum

t pet rent bond tad Prre Mriurle Ttsnioitstlun b iul due Janusry let IfB

tr paid alter that dm at nfnee of hubert4 VV n street

ClUllLl M tn ur r

tin MMKH mxi 111-NMlrc U feeiebr fllct III1 Uusiicrl Dividend

of l per r ul ua ih Morn of lbs iIda lra dirUlrd IM JIJ v fHlimtin Ikul ID sliMlibvldf r of iixi14 si ik rW ol-iMttlktx N H IHVI II lllislrr isaaCHill rh e MI llfiewUf lulls at I I M td I

Wl ID A U1 I IIAIlllr tDiiUll Knieltry

I klr tila kl l uli lUllna-wuajir r iiiikvitI-

viihMii d r JaMary l IMI li tLr-M4IUU Uuiti Tkiei VMI T IWi l

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Attention In tho eccurltlen marketH to-

day ccntivd very largely upon the headingIssues tho common in particular and thetccluilcnl position of tho money marketwon again brought Htrongly Into reliefrates on call rising to mi cxlnwo 12 percent It wo conjectured that the wconddevelopment wait to a oxtontIncidental to tho first mentioned and ItWM also HURgmtod that tho money marketconditions wero influenced liy largo paymcnts for subscriptions to tho NorthernPacific convert Ible bondnthe grrnter part ofthe money to bo paid out on next ThursdayIn tho redemption of tho preferred stockTho monetary lion improved to thoextent that tho local banks tart out thoweek with a gain from tho SubTreasury-of over 81000000 Of this amount 7401

000 represented tho the banksfrom tho payments by tho SubTreasuryfor tho Government boiidt delivered to Iton Saturday after the wttloniont of theOovernment collections on own accountIn addition tho HubTreasury paid out today 517017 for bonds purchased

Money on call o cned at 8 per cent andtho ruling during tho day WAS about9 per cent tho extreme high figures beliiKpaid by borrowers who had ntgloctod toprovide themselves with funds In tho faceof tho welldefined for omo timepast of a close working of tile market forfunds toward tho end of tho year Thogeneral Impression In that tho redepositor reinvestment of tho unprecedentcdlylarge disbursements for interest and divi-

dends on the first of the mouth will shortlybring about a very largo increase in thoofferings of money and at tho wuno timecause conxidorahlo appreciation in thopries of securities Tho firmer monoymarket resulted in quito n llttlo shiftingof loans and Induced the trading clementto attack prices at intervals Their

gave the market nu appenranco ofIrregularity which was Increased l y thinclosing up of frMciilatlvo accounts In advance of tho approaching holiday Lon-

don was n moderate seller on balance Inthis market

The board room contingent was partlyInfluenced in Its course by an extremedecline of 2 JHT cent In AmalgamatedCopper duo to reports of further legalMICCOM by the copper interests chieflyin opposition to tho Amalgamated Intercots J y tho clotting down of tho Anacondamlno to frustrate the tactics of this oppo-

sition and by a reduction of SS n sharefrom 1S a share in tho quarterly dividendupon the Calumet and Hecla Copper MiningCompany Sugar Refilling Bcored iw largoan extreme decline on sales to realize profitson the recent material advance and the twostocks left on at net declines of 1JJ per centor tltoroabotttH Other weak spots wereSt Paul the local traction shores ML

Pacific and Union Pacific The stocksmrntionod sustained extreme losses ex-

tending to nearly 3 points In MissouriPacific Tho final price of that stock wasIU ccut below Saturdays closing


I tit


pro pcctll


balance to













tlgUIUThe strength of thi anthracite coalers

contributed consldcrablo sustaining influenco to the general market Headingcommon enjoyed an extreme rise of 4 pointsand notwithstanding liberal realizingIn the List hour retaIned the greater partof tho Improvement Tho dealings la It

reduced to full tharefl aggregated over110000 share or twice as much In anyindividual stock Tho second preferredwu al o fairly active and left off 1 percent higher Tim advance in Headingsecurities cnidu from tho general

of the extremely favorable con-

dition and prospects of tho anthracitemining and carrying coiuixinieu from theunification of IntoivsU and consequentcnonnou coonomiew in the conduct of thstrod a well HA tho unprecedented demandfor coal lit attributed to buying on a heavyscale incidental to tho approaching Un-

polutinn of the voting trust Now J yCentral scored a net gala of about pointson light tnm nctlon Erie issues nndDelaware and Hudson also rnjoyid appre-ciable advance Erie common being dealtin on a larger than for tome time

U Tho HUt Untial increase In Erinnet iarningH for November alto etlmulat l ptircluiHOM-

Iwitw in the day it became known thatiViurt of llennupln county Minn

hail Iud n tiMiiiKirury order restrainingthis oflkfri of this Northnrn Judflo 1U1I

roast from retiring tint preferred tock ofthat company lli aetion In nuttierIH brought by a Miiglo Imldnr of lOll sharesof Northern Pailfln sniiiion stock Tl-

flnanoiul winiiiiuiilty ut larj wouki rotskldcr Inenleiit OH

luditTuu tilt for tin liuMleiioy which Itlllii lrHt of thee voauliou thuuRh lUlUIntfiforMHw with lnoiu 4iiiHi i ieili rtakliiKiby IIIIKHIU luwyefk It will lie Inurcstlng-Ui Jittrn Ixarinx MM Injuiniioutaiiml In u w4irt in willllUVH IJe ll II VlMklllklll l llMI MleU l 11I-

IMttlMT Will HI l kHiiklv tMMtterr d luHiuuurial utrrhM i lsu liw Kirt loii-


y luo uf Utm MTIM

Xur le H Kisil UXiVMtlitbi U4 4 kk-

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