THE SUN TUESDAY DECEMBER 17 1901 i q p 7 T Th- L t 4 i k LOW SWORN IN AIDES CHOSEN MNDEXTBAL FOn FOLKS FOn CHARITIES Woodbary Street aeanlni lderle Hetltli With It MrdloaJ Offloer Donihf n ter iorneUn VaJiderbUt a Civil Commluloner Follu Name Deputte Bepublloui heads for Vile Tax Mid Docks Department CorrrotloD Depwlinent Democrat Low took oath of offlo ret rday and announced the uelectlon o the following mon to hold offloa under him CtmmUitontr ef CHarUttillotaa Fotu Hiiltt c mimUrt n rEHmT J LXOEBIJI Rep Strut Cliantnt Commiliioiur JOfX UoUWV- oocBCiir M D IDem CtnmWmtr 01 Walir Ota ond KUdrMntJ DOCOH TT D m- Ctnmlrttntr of BrM jOU TATa LutosxTBAr IDem Uvnidpal ClrO Siritct Commltltantrt VftUX t ooviM ALmxiWDxn T MasoN Rep CCMBJO VAXDUUHUT Rep WUXUM A Pxa- tn Repi WlLLUll N DIUUAN Dem TBZO Iou M DAiTTA Dem NELON S Swam Dun following additional appolntmenta announced by Mr Folks lmmedlt ly alter tho announcement by Mr Low of his selection TinS Difvty tf Chartoiii Jttnr r Xitent Diputu Commtiittnrr Ciutlx E TRILL Mr Low took the oath of offloo In the afternoon at tho Appellate Division Court- House In Madison avenue He had arranged earlier In tho day with Justice Morgan J OBrien and arrived at tho Court HOUBO at oclock and wont to Justice OBrions chambers Gen Patrick Collins tho Mayorelect of Boston had boon at tho Court House earlier In the day and on hear log that the oath wo to bo administered- to Mr Low he eald that he would como around and ace It done Mr Low won ac- companied by John 0 Clark and William J Moran Juetloo OBriens secretary William II King was also present Mr Low stood with his hand uplifted aa the Justice read over the form of oath pro- scribed In this State for elective officers and then ho signed the document As be wee doing this Justice OBrien asked Gen Collins if ho should swear him in also Collins said he thought he would walt But I think that I can take that oath he added Mr Low and Oen Collins then by Invita- tion met tho other members Ap Division in the Library It is un- usual for a to the oath so early Mayor Lows term does not begin untU noon on 1 BO that It in of no par- ticular advantage to be sworn should the trick of appointing in the hours of Jan I successor on tho Special Sessions bench to Juttloe Jerome- In announcing each of the men whom ho had office Mr Low gaO a little history of the reasons that to his Of the offlcea that remain for him to nil ho said The organization of the following de to be announced Parks Fire Correction Docks and Taxes The men are to have these oQlcos may 1 announced now at time AU that can said of thorn at this time Is that the Parks Fire Taxes and Docks will be under Republican head and the Department of under Tho se- lection of Commissioners of Aocounta ha been considered to a certain extent The most Interesting news for the ofDoe holders that gave out was connection with tho announcement of the name of the Municipal Civil Service Corn mlulonera notice that a lot of heads were going to fall In the buket Thin Is what said about this There nothing In the Civil 8rvlce law to prevent abolition of cor tbe dismissal of an incompetent or an As I can gauge the present situation the working every deparment should bn positions are to t not mean that there will bo ninny va- cancies to be I of now for two reasons I want the subordinates In olty ervloe enpeclally those are to be retained to have fnlr warning o that find other employment when hie And I equally want to warn those who anxious to under tbn city that In the of a- re reduction of the forces the tempt class appointments sr more than a year old and I that frsli will b prepared whenever pos the Civil Serrloe CommMoneni- Mwon and Dykeman are members of the present and Banta were at the tlon of Edward M Hhepard Mr Low told that ha in from thnw members to Mren ComiulMionent would hats a crNt dHol of work to do and tarts Mr Vand rbllt U an organ Mtlon Itepubllcan as Is Mr Mr Perrin agnrit for tint Irou Moulders onfurrncu which contain Of rnrmlxis and was apioltit d that labor hrmld hate a r prr on the o ii lh ronnrlrn of Ihn U i Mr ndfnthal uji npiMilntnl in opioj- Mm 10 tin Ml ihe of Omi ny which thought thAI M too fj im atlM wtlh lli funiiayl urid ULuid lUiload nt n ll Ud i IIP UUliiK f ehr Herman Aiitwl- iii iHl f of fit i n rotipiniM- MI inn piointment Mr l I an veil swat ef ItrooklrnU vit 4 lie 4iv t MM IU r uit I 4 U V tlfid t lu Ik f IwtlMI- IK iu ujnr sw M M I ifc i M- lb W lal M M H i r ivarivlisV DIll DOES Park a the Rep IIUl7 alf Rep The ere Comm m 000 n lilT 243 ellato I > be I tb unDp pr n aim opt abolished hut that th not IIkl cur of fresh appointment outald e If arA md mud If from the llgtble hate b Ctlmmlalon of lIt Hat blot hoar l 0 fur widols lw I t f 11 I r IIulH t fI1 u 11 a h I a H r I 1 o al l 7 I I 6 0 r I r fI I I 3 1 r t f 4 J- J r I J 1 ServIce ten an Is doe are era chancm thn character aa lvi- itrvlce these s without a eotnhilaami is I anti I4I 111 I be swAin his 1 1rpatt assl fLat r4uajJ ip iieV- sesmU I liar ikugI ri ti ai vi- a ha ediv c if It ltffieIlU lu4 1 Peieii ujm 1 t4Nw4 SP44N1 lact eie 4isi I C l44 tut I I S 1 i 14 ii < la- m Ce s lee I PWioSl o ass I u S Is MiaMII kal t I a a l I I e I 4 4 II e 4 se- es 4o4 4Ii- Is4 v ie- S I f 44- a a e 4 h 4 l d 4 I 4P C 4 4d e 4 0 p4 I 1 b a Id e 44 6 Oa a 4 e ibp o I 4 4 0 jSo lari4 I 1 see 4i P 4q p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > > < = < bat officer The exact dutle of Dr Bl of the judgment of the board health as It will after Jan I In the mnanwhlle It U Kiiniclcnt to x lnt that In the pro onco of a radical In the of Health Depart menl I have endeavored to Btcuri nf now without being the bcnclltH of the old Mr Low says of his Commissioner of Street who is the Hospital Medical School- In making this i ctlon 1 have borne In mind the fart that the work of thee Htrect Cleaning mn lHtn of two very First if all It IH thnttho KtrretsKliould bn kept clean and that the garbage and refuse he promptly- and removed Kor this the work executive ability of a high order H ewntlal Hut In addition to nil this as to the success or failure of which the public ran form Its own Judgment are Important scientific tu be dealt to the best deposition of the refuiM Thesfl matters of the public tight and I do not what extent the Immediate future cmbnr- roiined contracts I however that a urent service can be rendered an Income ought to be received from much of this work which In now a subject of Dr Woodburys equipment for dealing wth of may bo related Mr Low goes on to recall tho services the Spanish war on tho staff of H who In the discharge of his oxocutlvo ability and a power to organize and men to greatest Dr Woodbury his work dorm other follows had figured out a way to begin theirs Mr Low said that sine tho war had been of a nature to fit him for thepost that he l to have and added After the war lie was sent abroad bjr the Unlteil States Government to and repoit upon tim xnnltnrv condition of tho lernmn army In active n ld operations During thin ho Inspected t- lr theruforc well Informed to the side of the problem which dpinund nclrntltlc Unowlixlge H Demo- crat who has votiHi with the liopulillconii lance JsWJ Ho Is at pre int an Instructor In the Cornell rnlver mmilcal school anti to give hU and to entire attention to the work of time de- part nient Mr Low uid of Mr Folk whom ho has selected tar Commissioner of Charities He Is woll acquainted with the Department paring thai plan which was adopted In 1S03 of the of CharItIes and Correction Into two spparatn- departmentsone of clmrltlci nnd ono correction nnd ouallj Inspected every Institution In than for severnl ye ir thereafter As Socretarjr of State hnrltlus Aid Afoclatlon hnn nK l tcd for i oni years In the pnpiirn of monthly reports on thai condition f ImtitiitloiiH Department to the Commissioners of and un statements to the Board of I tlmntn nnd Apportionment on tIne needs of the de was actively conneeted with the preparation of chapter In the York Charter of 1837 In the revlned Charter of IDOl Mr llve In Brooklyn In announcing his selection Mr Low Mr Dougherty U a lawyer nnd an lode Democrat for fovernl years active In to secure the Improve- ment of water supply nato wan to m Merchants- AMoriatlon of New York with whom I con- sulted on thin appointment hecauit of tho internet In the water supply problem I am Bind to set of department from yn the borough lnrre e of water supply Is Immediate end urgent much more po that of Man- hattan or any of the other boroueh It was reported In Brooklyn last night that Mr ap- point Frank II Deputy borough Is n lawyer- a Republican and was acUte In movement Of Mr Folks Mr Tonic was a Brooklyn Magistrate under Mr Dougherty U a graduate of Do La Salle fll and is wcU known an n worker In the St Vincent- de Paul Society As soon M Low had an- nounced appointees already w lecte l the elate got to help hint out with those to t o It was the that George Haven of Brooklyn and lined of Tile tho Pork Coinniltixlon James L and John C Coleman were put down for Tax CommlMloners with a man from Queens for than other For Fire CommlKslonor James II Shiflleld was tho cholco of the natal Mr lime remained on the slnto for tho Depart ment of Correction nEFVULlCAS CLMM IniMACV In Intnro AiitlTumiiisii IBmpilmi Mild riieerlnc for Ilatt Four hundred Itepulillcan were at tho dinner to the offlccni of time County Com ralttra at the Waldorf laiit night Senator llanna cern In to liiinds but not to clime and congratulated the local Ilcpubl- icArui on their 1etory Alexander T prelde Mid that thn fiiklon movement had i n superbly handled that thi llfpuhllcAim ra hi of th vote for IMV what stan getting railed a yolof from the tear of the room Ill leave that to Mr Martian to aniwcr- alii Mason sinai li Ilitiodiioeti thn- lr lrlMt of lice ltep Ulo n County Ioin- Milttn wlni was gn l riilliiiklniitleially Mr ai l H n oigHJilMllon has left ItMlf III ties l wt mueli if Ifttn that K U a ixh f t u faintly ifatlinriiiv like tdU to rnlwiMi liU VV leans nil Lei H lh fur TI l 4l MM hart lillif UUKI lea wltleli lu lluiik i if wiiwUm- or 1 l l thl r mi aMlt4li every Hi Ji III i im ii iu in rib hudlnl Miilovnl W U HI f net tie esther w t ii M Mr Mu rt w l wi lnt Hniik- I j t I uiiMaaMlaMi iF- baMs Mtj ir i y h iUM- Ml M UM- M lmf llMIl V V I M4 Jrf M It l4M Uf U aMSOl I IU- 4T H urT 4 II M- Mi 4 a a ii M- flkat X i I- m m JM l t4 of the of lure to be the of the of pr a or and ot knoW to c Iv that malI ot Dr who a In the Porto th tcm larbn anal Ir lau end of rill Io of nl he In or ton I td lad rook lor- an ogt o Clt Inor of Charles U In I hak old r Ir 1 I I 1 I 1- el ul- h I I J o I- r o I I 1 I JI SI medical oflicer remain UI llwht Out tin ad- vantage graduate Princeton the tha lineeand nut brIefly was during Gem James duties Rican of draanaga of gemneral rcfiio lii fh rfln Frank- fort aLo of the tty sic life liitble pry tIn a his belief lutnani Manhattan Young guessers Maon who AntI e Marcia rue for cia PMt vieii 0 hats lea tutu ODI Imsaf- eIlsrss rIeewra fq Sieaeeaa italtl- teM3ti 141i00l11 Mait steel i leI I lib tt seed alt lie Vs ii ts Iesit ace sea se Ja4IteUaMi 4 I Jetsuev ha- eal I PeSa lb 10 ijeoaaI IS Oil auaif I4NI0I I 0M44I414ISI- UI 14la s b ISe 0- i I < e 0 i 00 ee Ie I Slt p 4 < < ¬ < ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > < < < < > > < < < < < HAD MILK SINCE THE STORM IF YOV lEAVE YOVItE ONE TllK FEW Tim LUCKY FEW Milk Trains Fall to Show Lp Altogether- or Are Several Hours Lain Tough on OneCow Ilablei IllR Hotels Ort Supply Middlemen Paying Price It was n hard day yesterday for the babies who live on a onocowsmllk basis The famllleH who got any milk at all anywhere from ono to four hour late were fortunate and didnt ask questions about whero It came from or whether It was nil from ono cow or from two one In Jersey per- haps and time other In Now York Some of the healers wero no hard pushed to get a supply that they were obliged to buy a llttlo hero anti a llttlo there and put It till together This was one of tho results of the storm and tho crippling of tho rail- roads by washouts None of tho milk trains with Mondays supply got in on tlmo and some of them didnt get through at all limo regular dally supply of milk for the whole city Is between 800000 and 1000000 quart Twothirds of that Is used in Manhattan That supply was reduced yesterday by about to tho dealers it was tho worst day in the milk buslnoiM ulnco IKW Time prtco of milk per 40qunrt can went from to Si and In a few Instances to 5 That Incroaso was not felt tho consumers but tho middlemen who havo contracts to furnish o much mill a to tho big and clubs When they learned morning that nil regular hupply not bo available they bought tho can of dealers who neglect their for H Any without to their own trade thnt sells 10000 In 1 ottlra vory day to about 5100 fniiillitH in tho avenue and fashlonablo WtHt Side neighborhoods couldnt a drop yesterday company milk conies lr im rnlslilllj over tIm LUter anti Delaware Itallroad to Kingston and front there It U sent to this over tIme West Shore Tho milk trains on the Ulster and Deluwnrit wero hope- lessly stalled on Sunday night so 5000 hero had for break fastAnother dairy company that Its ply from namo In Delaware furnlshwi all the mill for the Wal dorfAstoria tho Fifth Avenue Hotel Hoffman House Mario Antolmitto Murray for the Union League Yale and various other When tItle corn loarnod that and Delaware road could tiring no milk it telegraphed to Augusta In Nussex county or 10000 quarts to sent So after a tho big hotels and clubs got their milk Brooklyn didnt much more than of Its supply from tho regular source Tho milk dealers In Hoboken none of their regular supply of milk yesterday LOSSES nr THE FLOOD SI000000 in the Mohank Valley ftsoo- OOO In Ithaca HIOOOOU In Elmira UTICA Doc IB Thin city and vicinity- are slowly recovering from tho mot seri- ous flood remembered in title sectIon Tho cold spell which followed the deluge lisa checked tine waters considerably Tho damage to property will not fall short of 11000000 Tho waters arc now recoding throughout the Mohawk Valley a fall of two having taken by daylight The Hall road and tho Mohawk and Malone division- of tho New York Central are completely- tied up Trains on the main line of time Central are running about five hours be hind time Near tho Now York Central Ua heavy washouts Between llomo arid the FourMile Bridge thero nre thnttw- aHhoutM emil four tracks living gone for a 11 11 Creek overflown its Ixinkc washing out nlnul fifty f t of nil four truck to a nf The damage to Home lilKliwavn will amount to nt least IIMonnI- THACA N Y Dic 11 Now that water has ncxrlfil KO that full oxtcnt of tho don to Ithnca vicinity by th flood ran lx more accurately mooted It is normal that titan to prop- erty holders will lie ntvirly J to city lotto In niuud il- Nivom ntM nppriuieh fiaicmo- Kl inu 10 t list l toil U oclock mat night Temporary repair nn l lng to thn whlrh laurel nt Monn clr t- flixxlinx mummy hormti and raiiHlng a ins of iu r m to rtviliniH and tiiTxhuuto Itoth Urn Kiln und th Iiokawiinna railrojula- Murtnl thtoiixli inorniii iiwiklng IIIIH TII r m iliti frum Klmini toOmgo and ware Ijtckuwanrui utid Vi t rn nm ever IMiwNM IwtikkWHiiiui Wmtoni tracks Irom xo to IlliiKlianiton It will IM- M viral duvN IxfuiK l IIti luring r r v- wiln Jlii lil oiirt i ii II K II calf oil units anti ortUilxl brunch i doing IHI biii ine Mt No Now York mall Imil l ii rmolvnl l r In forty hour until liixin today MtoitunowK N V lv Ifl Through rattle on ilw Ontario anal WHtitrn ha I M i iiiiplrtt ly Ktiwo Kaluri- ltfV tiuli n UiHl lid iMH Ui i mutuml HI iiiiniHroiiii M4uu- 1C It U MfiKM t iiiv rolNll iy IH r M li- klklm lli l rti iil h nlWv Kail- I It ftMu ruix iuM lii UK Miitf of liffHuu H l l ISM IWM MOU a lid MSttl Mill MlMS1 lu h Mi lr- ll I I OF 2 da howl 1 mal fUll On cone Plaza and half cub nr Jane ot ot frt pac lolA II InnN At lour Wt of hmnch of no1 Iama 1 111 t I U I h U I I II a II t i I M a UI I S 1 1 1 I T e I A r l I I f I and thin 11111 a tborermi other also east miles Itomne a feet time time ansi ye lair ret alit rue ga n Is Ill feet slime luau I trains t ide nil Ill t4t t lie I taIa ansi less t has e I sal shag mined h4seIc Mwanutdal easI WIteie 1- iamnage ma sti IeA- ViIsshhtte I v leer Ian take fmiar w Vuk auoie uI anal leamiy iemeg hferw eaIhauaneai ire Ifs ini gt use leaky Lae4 s t44 hsvaum It4asm aul SSIr sa the mia lau4 a4 d hems bess Ia41 kslISMaAe liips- p14400 sn4 OaIIa seal ftnna114 Co- 5ot N4 11111 Cu aoey Ha ae ahCIus ibseis hue e4 Moot is4 wIs I U11401- 4 Jio9 I4 the Mr aa lIuiih NaCI rer sod 0as d hma4 IlK a14Muf I 411 01- 4Pwid s hi a deer4- Ss 0 t 4 sho e t St Is4- os It joa4 i 4dlOt II eMttp os I I ad so I e Md514 S- a I ac a- I It P Ii I 4 C I 44 I ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < < > > < < > > > > << Gold Seal CHAMPAGNE HIM M r jwf I I- Or irr C f0r Cirl li i- AU lx M il ywf M N4 f f 0011 SIIAI H MU i- M Urt p 4 4M to i f rmMt cAMivu 1 I J t H f t J I 4 I 1 I w I f w1 Qf la 1 c e IOU UUL 1- I I tiM Amc1Ffs epSIt1IAI I- j flS lie wvw sa4 wu jud- V ef ka 144 I- fj I Ull b d- a t reii4a f- IOkeSiAL a Ai tihIi41 LInU ANd flN1il- kAfl iwiAIuiI l d vIu L11U + < < > > several in at 0 oclock this oven bog N J Dec 18 All trafllo on the PennsylvanIa Railroad between tills amid Burlington has boom because of the In tho Delawarv No freight sent over the road mid Camdtn nil day and ing It was found to abandon thn service because of th MilmicrRtxl condition of thn tracks nt Passengers are being transported by trolley IlANOon Mo Dec 16 ftovero rainstorm In this section Is estImated to have clone damage to tho extent of 500000 Cold Have In West ST Loois Mo Dec 10 Tho cold wave which reached this city on Saturday con- tinues and extends as far south as tho Gulf of Mexico It U snowing and tho weather n foot of snow bv tomorrow J Novak editor of time HoHtmian Ulan was frozen to death yesterday In North St Louis LINCOLN Neb Dee 10 Nebraska In In tho grip of n second blizzard of greater fIerceness than that of Inst week although- not accompanied by such low temperature For snow has een and tho wind IH blowing forty miles an hour Adirondack Special Still Stalled Tho Adirondack Special which left the Grand Central on Saturdnynlght for Mont- real and should have arrived there on Sunday night was stalled at Fulton Chain about miles north of Utica at last lice train of five ears two of which are Pullman There are about fifty passengers on the train W J Arkell I ono of them IT WAS A UlllL And Grocer Zelirnlt Illumine the Don tor Wouldnt Pay time Tee Because It was a girl and not a boy Ber- nard Zelaonltr a grocer of 1735 Lexington avenue refused to give the second payment of to Dr John Lennon of 7 East Klghtyfcoventh who attended Mrs Ittibicca Zelsonitz when stork her homo and tho doctor for tho In the Yorkvillo Municipal Court yesterday- In March last grocer the physician to attend and gavo him also tho doctor to 20 moro after tho event Time said he It would bo a boy arid tho doctor sold ho hoped so too the sake continual thinking of It and talking with his friends time grocer upon It as a certainty that have was born ho to was In some way responsible limo doctors suit went against grocer by default yesterday with 12 costs mtTiiFn AD TWO ninins DEAD Silo Locked Thrum In the lloom With Her Turned On the Mrs Mlnnlo Blumberg of 335 Seventeenth street Brooklyn and her twoyearold daughter were found dead In bed yester the gas turned on Another daughter 3 years old was found In a dying condition on tho Moor Sho died a half hour after time ambulance surgeon arrived Than door of the room was It IH paid that since the birth of leer last two years ago Mrs had from to time from nientnl depression which caused her to fear r reason Flee woman hus- band liiMnv Blumberg owns than In which ho lives He he and lead always lived most happily and that thern was no domestic any kind He also said that his wit had In a sanitarium recently Four children rang- ing In ago from 8 to S years survive FIRE AT c A MOORES HOUSE Fnmttnre and IlrloaBrao Damaged to the Extent of HIOOOO The fourMory brownstone house at 40 Eighth avenue Brooklyn long time horn of Charles A Moore the former President of tho Montauk Huh and unoccupied for a few months pact was damaged by fir last night to tim extent of 110000 When the hou n was and Mr Moore emit his fancily imivod for th winter to Man- hattan ronlrnrtori were employed to re- pair and riHlieornto time tire wan discovorinl filxiut S30 o clock a of hours after tie workmen had takon their departure arid locked the homier There wax an imni tin quantity- f valuablii fiirnlturo und htorrHl all over the IIOIIHO and the danmgo- to It wits principally by water srrxfi v irAitrv i IHSIVTE Sir ntrli I WrnlB It Vr r E Miliin n Several friends of Clfdn Fitch time uttiiidid Mllltirs it iiiiiK time Guards at tli Kavoy loot iilght and Mild tlnr wnulil Jl tlr ISlik u1 u r Audi and Mr IxiuU K Shlpnmn- Hi Hinlior of nf Dm lu I Um Hiilfirolilp of a Sally in Our Allry- M1IIH tthlrll tltlV 1V IcllltlllI- n heath ila Willluni A llrady I In- brliiK t Iitrlt M luy Mr HliiHiun ld heel night Umtlin- iM not thin il flvti yinrn unohin t nntsnuM- MIi Anullirr llrrlt llnrcnl Him I lnc- Hatllitl M hew of II lit III- Utd U4il liy tlMml hUtxi CI HII H- MtuliU HI llki iiml fwli f i I M MIIIII II- l l r llraliu lll Irrtrnl IliurwU- AlJliKI ie AJ Juht k IM IU IN- Iw 4M U HI M- MII i Itw- JH4i l II MrtMw I I tM- M Uv M IkA day hen Tonight torT con IHIK 20 the ted tar eugn loon a to Inherit his property a girl the and I chili hOI o I I j I of a n mAin mt r hn 1 taI f iubai t 11 11 WII 11 I tyl 011 A 1 k I IU 11 11- I all 1 I w I u 1 I r I I J INHI e I I I a 4 I o J J f t t t r- r e f 1 I was tie still street nnonee son V lieu doctor Gas itl vacated Sa lilt lila line play- wright henry neigmit ire IY Arvy I act air a I a4 se eels rut a 1 hl soniC tail tie aie ice sys ruuts ago I sin 4 II ci elaine Morlumwem dcpt a4ikr we lIeu Stnik- izrlaeiugn Ikmii ut SterimIagaw lot 011dm JcereA Mehseek OW 0K aitiotawi aivlvtsiay liIriial Aiest I Ii tItlp Rc mc soealaasi sIci ni Ii S IesvIlcg 14 Ilaeee1ll s 5 5 IaSW ho In Iws bwiu4i b iii latA tsh 0 0e Ii am1KN Sell Iie IP Jkaodsv 4 a Cad Jtndjta roes Sea 4jg lei 1111cM Iao4 us 1 w4i 01 11 44 ii Die A K4IC1ICD l hhlu 1P41u0cecjlII- aa1a44J aka I to tI De4I4ae- em Aii it1 I a 5 a ap4 td 4 4 4 f 4 4 e4 I r a 4 tm i- lI4i l S44 l iIo4 UsefA- c I SjO 4- a e a v d a4 o- a 4 al 5 U4 5 l- K 4 I a i 4 Cl e I A I o v Ivt p na- p d04 N 4- m o I 0- UMe l4 CIHO 1 4I4s4 i4m l ldW 4 a e daqf to a- t ee I 1 a lm lid a 0 SI I Sa1 kd s I Iii 1 as T I I 1 p f C se ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > < > <> > < < > < < > OVERBOARD SAVE A WOMAN PLVCKY liCKIlAl CUKKttFn nY JKIISKV FEIUtV IASSKGFI18 a Urwiiondcnt Servant Leaped Prom the Iltttburcti Lpper Drok lie Vaulted time Hall rend NwlnimlnR After Her tot Her TlHiiiili It WAI Colil A young voman who said she was Anna Ilclko a servant attempted suicide by jumping from tho upper deck of the Penn- sylvania ferryboat Piltsburg just after the boat left Jersey City for Vest Twenty third street nt 515 oclock last evening and time pawengers wllnenwd on exciting scene Thee Plttsburg had cleared tho slip and Copt Taylor had given tho full Jingle to go ahead when time woman jumped Sho shot past time head of Robert Votiburgh a deck hand who was sweeping off tho lower forwnrd dock Vosburgh dropped lila broom vaulted the rail and dived into tho water after the woman Ho landed within n fow feet of tho woman but tho tide was running swiftly and she was carried from Copt Taylor had stopped tho boat and swim aftor the woman Ho is an expert swimmer and ho caught her after gone down- stream about thirty feet Thou tlio women had been screaming clapped their hands tho wouldbo suicide back tu tho boat A ladder lend been lowered over thn sldo Iud anothnr dock hand assisted in hauling time woman to tho deck A place room lied bo n ncrrenid oil for leer and them two of time women passengers un drftwd her and wrapped III that attire she was from the boat to Now York Hospital when tho boat landed at got no thanks from tho woman sorry ho hind saved her life as she to thin Sho said that sun had troublo with hor employer a man named Debow minded tier and as Silo had no fiiunds him had no place to go and wanted to tlio Vosburph went to the engine room to got warm and dried his This Is not tho wtmtdbo suicide he lees taken from the river Onto whllo working on a DesbrosHes street ferryboat ho a woman out of tho water at another time while employed on a Barclay street ferryboat a woman SOl TO SIIErAltniTES They Rite Cheerfully end Auction Room Trie to Innk Ploui Tho Democratic General Committee In Brooklyn expects to reorganize Sixteen of time delogntew elected at tIme September primaries lease withdrawn to make room for as many personal followers of Edward M Shopard and tonight there will bo some along time sntno lines mind a will get time empty honor of the chairmanship been declinwl Foster A Augusta Homily Harrington Putnam A manes Juromo Kdwauls or It W l likely to bo- fhown Comptroller Color a delo gate dis- trict is e l to the manner In which than ShcpardltPM have IHMII foIsted on tliu committee will be rtelocttil chairman of turn Finance Comniitteo All elTorts to Induce Orout or Prehldcntelect of thin Swanstrom ro nenti r the regular Demo ratio fold havo failed monet of and his chief lieutenants LAKE CATORX SKCHETAIIY Early lletlnntnc to He Made on Street 8lKn i George V Blake a wellknown news- paper man will Ui appointed private See n to Profldiiit Cantor of time borough of Manhattan Wino WIN a M lf Mr Illako inns lnx n tint legislative of oral of the Now York paporn timid lens a acquaintance men In public not In this city limit III State amid throughout tisi country In hilt now M will ilial to do with time Im- portant work of tho iiliiiwrous hoard of Pn cliletit of thn Ixirough N a tiHtnber nnd in orKnnlzIng tho various departinentH that oomo tho juris of thai iifficin- lTodav Mr Cantor will leave a talk n roiiiiiilttxD of Fine on Mrrot irimr signs Ho thinks that it will lt for to make n lH gin liing on thn prinrliKil Mn tn iarly In fnl- nuiry and to get ni all proprly nmrkrnl- by Kiimmer Santa Fe trains now run every- day to rim of Grand Canyon- of Arizona No stage ride Sidetrip rite only JCjo- Amjiln Pullman accunimodationt upon resuming llaincontinentil trip Ojirn all u Inter All Rail to Grand Canyon- of Santa Fe AwMw t lh l UMMI Up U- llf tlHl luHf H IMlt liNt flM H nt ll tit len l1li wa lArel pn lno for Sine told him sho was or Hz X J lie had first I substitutIons I 1111 Pabod A Is said cnn onh bo secured time Ill I rn I I ilL onl t h die tlatn wit II I Art I nw IIIlIy III it I- IHIIt We tIM lOW to- n lIIwtAI ttI I 1jIr- Ala IktIthtwMt wtUU GEAr FORCE wanted mm retire IuloLnughlin freer 50 In nnoui g lit ima iacierat Inn hula in eei1s uMil 14 Iei- ho 0411je4t41tIt C a- a 111W- JIe ChJ 4 aI 4l44 eed Caaej I l e0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > < < The Vehicle Equipment CompanyW- e hereby announce that we lute assumed th sales department of the above Company and have this day been appointed General Agents We are prepared to promptly heavy and light electric business vehicles of every description Heavy trucks our specialty Electric Trucks Vans Delivery Wagons Broughams Full Inspection and tests Invited Correspondence solicited THE RAINIER COMPANY Genera Agents THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Tel 3133 Franklin 393 Broadway New York THE COLDEST WINTER KNOWN IN 30 YEARS Thats what weather prophets say is to us So get one of our long loose overcoats are warm beautiful reliable coat made tinest Fnglish kerseys Oxford grey Irish friezes imported Carrs meltonv etc Prices are all sensationally half actual for we are positively quitting season and are selling our entire stock of fashionable trustworthy clothing at almost half price H comin to lowabout I furnlshbotb i I i I- I ggBsr 30 SUITS gSJar 22 FINEST 18 SUITS r gf 15 SUITS g 12 850 I I OUR AflC I Among the suits rrdurr to nsso are Imported Thllit mill diagonal villi unnnt hf d worm suits In block blur and solid ercy beautiful aunt In Imported plnldt rir Among tin ovrrroiiM rriturrd to Nr i some am ullk llnfil They Inrliida lluu KndUli kerseys Irish in black and oxford err ate Yoke overcoat rejlMn etc Our nn tslll lined MS full dreti suits are now 835 lUTuxriln sulH are nol SlMI MO situlined Prince Albert rust and vests are HAMMERSLOUOH BROS 830 BROADWAY lImb black mmmc 1I FEe check now SIC IsIS < UAttYAnu SEMOn ELECTION Campbell rhoirn Ilrat Marshal Colored Alan for Orator CAMBRIDGE Mass Dec 16 The senior claw of Harvard today elected class day officers Secretary II Wendoll Bos- ton Marshals first D C Campbell Cam- bridge second E LowLs Boston third- J G Willis Morrtstown N J Orator H C Bruce Indianapolis Poet R M Upper Montclalr N J OdlHt W E Mass Chorister M 11 Brownoll New Bodfrrd Mass Time claw also to wear cans and gowna during months of May reid Juno For flr t tlmo In tho President of tho wai not First duo largely to tho fact that Campbell captained tram timid beat 22 to 0 at foot a few weeks Another Interesting feature Is tho election of 1C C Uruoo an class orator Bruce U a colored man and the son of B K Uruce formerly Senator from nnd Trees Ho I ono of the best orators and debaters that Harvard has ever had TviwiMvr PRINTERS vxitEnnin Mall and Exprr Offers to Print the City RecaNt Cheaper The City Record Trust got another black eye yesterday when tho bids for print- Ing thn City Record for time next year were opened Three firms submitted bids only one of them belonging to the com- bination that lion been getting all of tho city business the printing being regarded BH its particular part of the work The bids were M follows Mall A rVSli A B botfiam RrirnCo Paper us M24- Oimix Klon ordinary Comp 10 days 10 OJM M- Over 10 days Ifl on M Table IT M 74 on re fist ration Iis On l voters 69 110 Altf t tlon hour ni 00 M lire work 0 copies t l c 45 M 10 The of time Martin B Brown Company which has prInted Iltcord years dcxInred that no than work at tho Jibutis quoted by the lowest bidder LAKE sriwoins Missixti Two Vesmls Irotiatily Ulth Ten Men In the freniM- tLWAnsKn WM Doe Ifl Ten more rompriKing till crows of time Mhoonern- ialatea anal Nancy Dells liiinlxr timed wood laden IIAVII probably l een in time olonii that sw pt over than Likes on Saturday send hiinday Tli fiHlntivi broil nway from thn Kleainer nil night oft llarti und nlthnllKll two tliui for her Unn him cannot fciiind und probably foutidcioil Tim Delis oordwixxl and bound for missing slime lild y Sue carried a crow ol thii min Tim IHU l omiiiandui br apt NnU- NwHiihon of llarlwr und H frail craft hellos of IJI ln llnulli Mold An auotloii of tin xiw Jnii of Oen Adam lUdiuu who WHU inllltiry WOM- Inry In Iran was heM In aiiftif n- riMiin MI M UWt last night A 1AlntliiK of l Ilixtth Iy Vnller M BrarkHi if f n Thrr vulumtH- nf luulhk Mi niiil i ipy nf Klmki MraiH- H11 fur 1 171- IMliR M weM Inline r in Ik ili y 4 oiiisnn iJtciUii Hlf T T IMlillIK tie ll t if IM a Inior H IK Jiihn llJi l llama I l fell Mtur hew Mill I l Kli MM i4i M kiliK fm the liklMlkli- iIUif wild l lili linolli l l auy i limn in lUiiUftI III II ni Misr i iccliui Ailrru llruii il- ll lilul f Mr lUily llr ult r i nnlimii MH H ii- IIt if It M4l III IXMMI ll I I M4 1 IIMl IM I l HiM U 4- k t i MW MM M t ir l- Fablea for the Fair r W J The Imp and the UlAUUk VtmikNIJMfc Uh Its j Orlen II lot Ayres Marshal 1111 IIr icon 1300 44 15 > I form rlpnt nlllll bet sic ltlll It 11 111 auk I nail tin 1 I 1 I II Alma a > Itlli4UY Ir I Ita I I J- to Ie t I t ft I N- Nt flY h- 1m If JJI 1 I 1 In t C V II f loa yr 410 t Orator voted leo class 49 Camp time Ito loot I I bali Set emrd cc y lieu s ads relied he him I hal I I lol I pu net inn Itt nuIsr two sal acme cbs snr sac s ad a iiI a esel I4acaa4 a os is 4 cm- em0I as44s lip Iu aaii home Jin a5 Is a 44 111 isa a 4 e isa ahNLls k tubIIuhtiis ll 14 iekLda- 10 e a tesI- asn wi4 tr- I V w jaI tIIUa- C li 4 5stfi 00 eO1- Ita 11 11- E rtt4Ac- I I a d u- le eoO o Om 54 4- bo as asuse Wbs IssIjP I sIt144e- o C e fbg 541 01 e tall WL ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > > > > < > > < < > + 30 Overcoats g 15 22 Overcoats On 12 18 Overcoats 850 i V olin YINIIf i A- oun Ane- lINI S 10 1 j bsr ChristmasA- nd not for Chnstmai only but for nil the year nnd nil tho years to come this Masterkey to tho Piano this Gift of Gifts this APOLLO rianoKaier You dont even huvo to buy tho music somo of time great pieces you will want to own of course but tho ephemeral the allthorago mucio you can bor- row at our circulntinp library havo it brought to your very door tend token away when you want something different And just think of being able to play it nil at HlRht yotiraelf I Or any meniber of the family I The only Fnlfplayer that In- stantly trnnapoKua any composi- tion to suit tho voice or instrument The APOLLO Company Apollo Uulldln mi Hftn Are V V mind 17th Ittti Stal- JUw Publications 2d Edition First Across the Continent By D 20 illustrations by Yolin Frost Thompson and othen The frit eonrlie accurate arroaalI- he nril eiplurttloa ul our jiMI Wait d Ulllnf Is tocir own md time a Jt nlurr ol- L11WI5 and CIARK A popular arrnuct l Intrrnl rulwi rOuter ol r u mrll al riprjltioa ooo- nurlrd Uv niu a ro tb of Iou Auitnca 1 iu- wS15O posies I nm A new spirited wiilf lot hoyj The Outlaws of Horseshoe Hole- A ll ry r Itt Mintj j iiUnlt I tftlOO net to S3 k w v- Iurilin life IM uvrI- hv C Mlur Cu APOLLO t I NOAH won Set of t ram 0 bile nun tly till IHIIJ ii I > l4i t IlIIlkb II- II One of I he uLon- Kjcul I i lIh tI4 tII- h HI I II 1 j I- tf I A SeA II t 4 and i4 C anti I iYss 1515C010 iS- C11A141In beOfslir- eere a aaaLm 4 k1i1 hJflJclehI- luish d i Ill fLi1J411d1vr s lie a 11 11 0- a OI a S 10100 PsI u4 sIIIe4IJI- S9wth w IN 504 m- e50g ret I a S I vrdr 0 SaIl lOfa J I ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < > > > =

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-12-17 [p 3]....THE SUN TUESDAY DECEMBER 17 1901 i q p 7 T Th- L t 4 i k LOW SWORN IN AIDES CHOSEN MNDEXTBAL FOn FOLKS FOn CHARITIES Woodbary Street aeanlni

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-12-17 [p 3]....THE SUN TUESDAY DECEMBER 17 1901 i q p 7 T Th- L t 4 i k LOW SWORN IN AIDES CHOSEN MNDEXTBAL FOn FOLKS FOn CHARITIES Woodbary Street aeanlni


qp 7 T Th-






Woodbary Street aeanlni lderle HetltliWith It MrdloaJ Offloer Donihfn ter iorneUn VaJiderbUt a Civil

Commluloner Follu NameDeputte Bepublloui heads forVile Tax Mid Docks DepartmentCorrrotloD Depwlinent Democrat

Low took oath of offloret rday and announced the uelectlon o

the following mon to hold offloa under him

CtmmUitontr ef CHarUttillotaa FotuHiiltt c mimUrt n rEHmT J LXOEBIJI RepStrut Cliantnt Commiliioiur JOfX UoUWV-

oocBCiir M D IDemCtnmWmtr 01 Walir Ota ond KUdrMntJ


Ctnmlrttntr of BrM jOU TATa LutosxTBAr

IDemUvnidpal ClrO Siritct Commltltantrt VftUX

t ooviM ALmxiWDxn T MasoN Rep



Iou M DAiTTA Dem NELON S Swam Dunfollowing additional appolntmenta

announced by Mr Folks lmmedlt ly

alter tho announcement by Mr Low of hisselection

TinS Difvty tf Chartoiii Jttnrr

Xitent Diputu Commtiittnrr Ciutlx E TRILL

Mr Low took the oath of offloo In theafternoon at tho Appellate Division Court-House In Madison avenue He had arrangedearlier In tho day with Justice Morgan JOBrien and arrived at tho Court HOUBO

at oclock and wont to Justice OBrionschambers Gen Patrick Collins thoMayorelect of Boston had boon at thoCourt House earlier In the day and on hearlog that the oath wo to bo administered-to Mr Low he eald that he would comoaround and ace It done Mr Low won ac-

companied by John 0 Clark and WilliamJ Moran Juetloo OBriens secretaryWilliam II King was also present MrLow stood with his hand uplifted aa theJustice read over the form of oath pro-scribed In this State for elective officersand then ho signed the document Asbe wee doing this Justice OBrien askedGen Collins if ho should swear him in also

Collins said he thought he would waltBut I think that I can take that oath

he addedMr Low and Oen Collins then by Invita-

tion met tho other members ApDivision in the Library It is un-

usual for a to the oathso early Mayor Lows term does not beginuntU noon on 1 BO that It in of no par-ticular advantage to be sworn

should the trickof appointing in the hours of Jan I

successor on tho Special Sessions benchto Juttloe Jerome-

In announcing each of the men whomho had office Mr Low gaO alittle history of the reasons that tohis Of the offlcea that remainfor him to nil ho said

The organization of the following deto be announced

Parks Fire Correction Docks and TaxesThe men are to have these oQlcos may1 announced now at time AU thatcan said of thorn at this time Is that theParks Fire Taxes and Docks will be underRepublican head and the Department of

under Tho se-lection of Commissioners of Aocounta habeen considered to a certain extent

The most Interesting news for the ofDoeholders that gave out wasconnection with tho announcement of thename of the Municipal Civil Service Cornmlulonera notice thata lot of heads were going to fall In thebuket Thin Is what said about this

There nothing In the Civil 8rvlce lawto prevent abolition of

cor tbe dismissal of an incompetentor an As

I can gauge the present situation theworking every deparment

should bnpositions are to t

not mean that there will bo ninny va-cancies to be I of nowfor two reasons I want the subordinatesIn olty ervloe enpeclally those areto be retained to have fnlr warning o that

find other employment whenhie And I equally want to warn those who

anxious to under tbncity that In the of a-

re reduction of the forces the

tempt class appointments

sr more than a year old and I thatfrsli will b prepared whenever pos

the Civil Serrloe CommMoneni-Mwon and Dykeman are members of thepresent and Banta were

at the tlon of EdwardM Hhepard Mr Low told that ha in

from thnw members toMren ComiulMionent wouldhats a crNt dHol of work to do and tarts

Mr Vand rbllt U an organMtlon Itepubllcan as Is Mr MrPerrin agnrit for tint IrouMoulders onfurrncu which contain

Of rnrmlxis and was apioltit d thatlabor hrmld hate a r prr on the

o ii lh ronnrlrn of Ihn U iMr ndfnthal uji npiMilntnl in opioj-

Mm 10 tin Ml ihe ofOmi ny which thought thAI

M too fj im atlM wtlh lli funiiaylurid ULuid lUiload nt n

ll Ud i IIP UUliiK f ehr Herman Aiitwl-iii iHl f of fit i n rotipiniM-

MI inn piointment Mr l

I an veil swat ef ItrooklrnU vit 4 lie

4iv t MM IU r

uit I4 U V tlfid t

lu Ik f IwtlMI-IK iu ujnr sw M M

I ifc i M-lb W lal M

M H i r ivarivlisV






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bat officer The exact dutle of Dr Bl

of the judgment of the boardhealth as It will after Jan IIn the mnanwhlle It U Kiiniclcnt to x lntthat In the pro onco of a radicalIn the of Health Departmenl I have endeavored to Btcuri

nf now without beingthe bcnclltH of the old

Mr Low says of his Commissioner ofStreet who is

the Hospital Medical School-In making this i ctlon 1 have borne In

mind the fart that the work of thee HtrectCleaning mn lHtn of two very

First if all It IHthnttho KtrretsKliould bn kept clean and thatthe garbage and refuse he promptly-and removed Kor thisthe work executive ability of a high order Hewntlal Hut In addition to nil this as tothe success or failure of which the publicran form Its own Judgment areImportant scientific tu be dealt

to the best deposition of therefuiM Thesfl matters of

the public tight and I do not whatextent the Immediate future cmbnr-roiined contracts Ihowever that a urent service can be rendered

an Income ought to be received frommuch of this work which In now a subject of

Dr Woodburys equipment fordealing wth of maybo related

Mr Low goes on to recall tho services

the Spanish war on tho staff ofH who In the discharge of his

oxocutlvo ability and a power toorganize and men to greatest

Dr Woodburyhis work dorm other followshad figured out a way to begin theirs MrLow said that sine tho warhad been of a nature to fit him for thepostthat he l to have and added

After the war lie was sent abroad bjr theUnlteil States Government toand repoit upon tim xnnltnrv condition oftho lernmn army In active n ld operationsDuring thin ho Inspected t-

lr theruforc wellInformed to the side of the problem whichdpinund nclrntltlc Unowlixlge H Demo-crat who has votiHi with the liopulillconiilance JsWJ Ho Is at pre int an Instructor Inthe Cornell rnlver mmilcal school anti

to give hU and toentire attention to the work of time de-

part nientMr Low uid of Mr Folk whom ho has

selected tar Commissioner of CharitiesHe Is woll acquainted with the Department

paring thai plan which was adopted In 1S03of the

of CharItIes and Correction Into two spparatn-departmentsone of clmrltlci nnd onocorrection nnd ouallj Inspected everyInstitution In thanfor severnl ye ir thereafter As Socretarjrof State hnrltlus Aid Afoclatlonhnn nK l tcd for i oni years In the pnpiirn

of monthly reports on thai condition fImtitiitloiiH Department to the

Commissioners of and unstatements to the Board of I tlmntn

nnd Apportionment on tIne needs of the dewas actively conneeted with

the preparation of chapter Inthe York Charter of 1837In the revlned Charter of IDOl

Mr llve In Brooklyn Inannouncing his selection Mr Low

Mr Dougherty U a lawyer nnd an lodeDemocrat for fovernl

years active In to secure the Improve-ment of water supply natowan to m Merchants-AMoriatlon of New York with whom I con-sulted on thin appointment hecauit of tho

internet In the watersupply problem I am Bind toset of department fromyn the borough

lnrre e of water supply Is Immediateend urgent much more po that of Man-hattan or any of the other boroueh

It was reported In Brooklyn last nightthat Mr ap-

point Frank II Deputyborough Is n lawyer-

a Republican and was acUte Inmovement

Of Mr Folks Mr Tonic was aBrooklyn Magistrate under

Mr Dougherty U a graduate ofDo La Salle fll andis wcU known an n worker In the St Vincent-de Paul Society

As soon M Low had an-nounced appointees already w lecte lthe elate got to help hintout with those to t oIt was the that George Haven

of Brooklyn and lined of Tiletho Pork Coinniltixlon

James L and John C Coleman wereput down for Tax CommlMloners with aman from Queens for than otherFor Fire CommlKslonor James II Shiflleldwas tho cholco of the natal Mrlime remained on the slnto for tho Department of Correction

nEFVULlCAS CLMM IniMACVIn Intnro AiitlTumiiisii IBmpilmi Mild

riieerlnc for IlattFour hundred Itepulillcan were at tho

dinner to the offlccni of time County Comralttra at the Waldorf laiit night Senatorllanna cern In to liiinds but not toclime and congratulated the local Ilcpubl-icArui on their 1etory Alexander T

prelde Mid that thn fiiklonmovement had i n superbly handledthat thi llfpuhllcAim ra hiof th vote for IMV

what stan getting railed ayolof from the tear of the room

Ill leave that to Mr Martian to aniwcr-alii Mason sinai li Ilitiodiioeti thn-

lr lrlMt of lice ltep Ulo n County Ioin-Milttn wlni was gn l riilliiiklniitleiallyMr ai l

H n oigHJilMllon has leftItMlf III ties l wt mueli if Ifttnthat K U a ixh f t u faintly ifatlinriiiv liketdU to rnlwiMi liUVV leans nil Lei H lh furTI l 4l MM hartlillif UUKI lea wltleli lu lluiik i if wiiwUm-

or 1 l l thl r mi aMlt4li

every Hi Ji III i im iiiu in ribhudlnl Miilovnl

W U HI f net tie esther w t ii MMr Mu rt w l wi lnt Hniik-

I j t I uiiMaaMlaMi iF-

baMs Mtj ir i yh iUM-Ml M UM-


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Milk Trains Fall to Show Lp Altogether-or Are Several Hours Lain Toughon OneCow Ilablei IllR Hotels OrtSupply Middlemen Paying Price

It was n hard day yesterday for the babieswho live on a onocowsmllk basis ThefamllleH who got any milk at all anywherefrom ono to four hour late were fortunateand didnt ask questions about wheroIt came from or whether It was nil fromono cow or from two one In Jersey per-haps and time other In Now York

Some of the healers wero no hard pushedto get a supply that they were obliged tobuy a llttlo hero anti a llttlo there and putIt till together This was one of tho resultsof the storm and tho crippling of tho rail-roads by washouts

None of tho milk trains with Mondayssupply got in on tlmo and some of themdidnt get through at all

limo regular dally supply of milk for thewhole city Is between 800000 and 1000000quart Twothirds of that Is used inManhattan That supply was reduced

yesterday by aboutto tho dealers it was tho worst

day in the milk buslnoiM ulnco IKW Time

prtco of milk per 40qunrt can went fromto Si and In a few Instances to 5 That

Incroaso was not felt tho consumersbut tho middlemen who havo contractsto furnish o much mill a to tho big

and clubs When they learnedmorning that nil regular

hupply not bo available they boughttho can of dealers who

neglect their for H Any withoutto their own trade

thnt sells 10000 In1 ottlra vory day to about 5100 fniiillitHin tho avenue and fashlonablo WtHtSide neighborhoods couldnt a dropyesterday company milk conieslr im rnlslillljover tIm LUter anti Delaware Itallroad toKingston and front there It U sent to this

over tIme West Shore Tho milk trainson the Ulster and Deluwnrit wero hope-lessly stalled on Sunday night so 5000

hero had for breakfastAnother dairy company that Itsply from namo In Delaware

furnlshwi all the mill for the WaldorfAstoria tho Fifth Avenue HotelHoffman House Mario Antolmitto Murray

for the Union League Yaleand various other When tItle corn

loarnod that and Delawareroad could tiring no milk it telegraphed toAugusta In Nussex county or

10000 quarts to sentSo after a tho big hotels andclubs got their milk

Brooklyn didnt much more thanof Its supply from tho regular

sourceTho milk dealers In Hoboken none

of their regular supply of milk yesterday


SI000000 in the Mohank Valley ftsoo-OOO In Ithaca HIOOOOU In Elmira

UTICA Doc IB Thin city and vicinity-are slowly recovering from tho mot seri-ous flood remembered in title sectIon Thocold spell which followed the deluge lisachecked tine waters considerably Thodamage to property will not fall short of11000000 Tho waters arc now recodingthroughout the Mohawk Valley a fall oftwo having taken by daylightThe Hallroad and tho Mohawk and Malone division-of tho New York Central are completely-tied up Trains on the main line of time

Central are running about five hours behind time

Near tho Now York Central U aheavy washouts Between llomo aridthe FourMile Bridge thero nre thnttw-aHhoutM emil four tracks living gone for a

11 11

Creek overflown its Ixinkc washing outnlnul fifty f t of nil four truck to anf The damage to HomelilKliwavn will amount to nt least IIMonnI-

THACA N Y Dic 11 Now thatwater has ncxrlfil KO that full oxtcntof tho don to Ithnca vicinityby th flood ran lx more accuratelymooted It is normal that titan to prop-erty holders will lie ntvirly J

to city lotto In niuud il-

Nivom ntM nppriuieh fiaicmo-Kl inu 10 t list

l toil U oclock mat nightTemporary repair nn l lng to thn

whlrh laurel nt Monn clr t-

flixxlinx mummy hormti and raiiHlng a ins ofiu r m to rtviliniH and tiiTxhuuto Itoth

Urn Kiln und th Iiokawiinna railrojula-Murtnl thtoiixli inorniii iiwiklng

IIIIH TII r m ilitifrum Klmini toOmgo and

ware Ijtckuwanrui utid Vi t rn nm everIMiwNM IwtikkWHiiiui Wmtoni tracksIrom xo to IlliiKlianiton It will IM-

M viral duvN IxfuiK l IIti luring r r v-

wiln Jlii lil oiirt i ii II K II

calf oil units anti ortUilxl brunchi doing IHI biii ine Mt No Now York mallImil l ii rmolvnl l r In forty hour untilliixin today

MtoitunowK N V lv Ifl Throughrattle on ilw Ontario anal WHtitrnha I M i iiiiplrtt ly Ktiwo Kaluri-ltfV tiuli n UiHl lidiMH Ui i mutuml HI iiiiniHroiiii M4uu-

1C It U

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several in at 0 oclock this ovenbog

N J Dec 18 All trafllo onthe PennsylvanIa Railroad between tills

amid Burlington has boombecause of the In tho Delawarv Nofreight sent over the road

mid Camdtn nil day anding It was found to abandon thn

service because of th MilmicrRtxlcondition of thn tracks ntPassengers are being transported by trolley

IlANOon Mo Dec 16 ftoverorainstorm In this section Is estImated tohave clone damage to tho extent of 500000

Cold Have In WestST Loois Mo Dec 10 Tho cold wave

which reached this city on Saturday con-tinues and extends as far south as thoGulf of Mexico It U snowingand tho weather n footof snow bv tomorrow

J Novak editor of time HoHtmianUlan was frozen to death yesterday InNorth St Louis

LINCOLN Neb Dee 10 Nebraska InIn tho grip of n second blizzard of greaterfIerceness than that of Inst week although-not accompanied by such low temperatureFor snow has eenand tho wind IH blowing forty miles anhour

Adirondack Special Still StalledTho Adirondack Special which left the

Grand Central on Saturdnynlght for Mont-real and should have arrived there onSunday night was stalled at FultonChain about miles north of Uticaat last lice train offive ears two of which are PullmanThere are about fifty passengers on thetrain W J Arkell I ono of them


And Grocer Zelirnlt Illumine the Don torWouldnt Pay time Tee

Because It was a girl and not a boy Ber-

nard Zelaonltr a grocer of 1735 Lexingtonavenue refused to give the second paymentof to Dr John Lennon of 7 EastKlghtyfcoventh who attended MrsIttibicca Zelsonitz when storkher homo and tho doctor for thoIn the Yorkvillo Municipal Court yesterday-

In March last grocerthe physician to attend and gavohim also tho doctorto 20 moro after tho event Time

said he It would bo a boy aridtho doctor sold ho hoped so too the

sakecontinual thinking of It and talking

with his friends time grocerupon It as a certainty that have

was born ho towas In some way responsible limo doctorssuit went against grocer by default

yesterday with 12 costs

mtTiiFn AD TWO ninins DEAD

Silo Locked Thrum In the lloom With HerTurned On the

Mrs Mlnnlo Blumberg of 335 Seventeenthstreet Brooklyn and her twoyearolddaughter were found dead In bed yester

the gas turned on Anotherdaughter 3 years old was found In a dyingcondition on tho Moor Sho died a halfhour after time ambulance surgeon arrivedThan door of the room was

It IH paid that since the birth of leer lasttwo years ago Mrs had

from to time from nientnldepression which caused her tofear r reason Flee woman hus-band liiMnv Blumberg owns than

In which ho lives He he andlead always lived most happily and thatthern was no domestic any kindHe also said that his wit had In asanitarium recently Four children rang-ing In ago from 8 to S years survive


Fnmttnre and IlrloaBrao Damaged tothe Extent of HIOOOO

The fourMory brownstone house at 40

Eighth avenue Brooklyn long time hornof Charles A Moore the former Presidentof tho Montauk Huh and unoccupied fora few months pact was damaged by firlast night to tim extent of 110000 Whenthe hou n was and Mr Moore emithis fancily imivod for th winter to Man-

hattan ronlrnrtori were employed to re-

pair and riHlieornto time

tire wan discovorinl filxiut S30 o clocka of hours after tie workmen hadtakon their departure arid locked thehomier There wax an imni tin quantity-

f valuablii fiirnlturo undhtorrHl all over the IIOIIHO and the danmgo-to It wits principally by water

srrxfi v irAitrv i IHSIVTE

Sir ntrli I WrnlB ItVr r E Miliin n

Several friends of Clfdn Fitch time

uttiiidid Mllltirs i t iiiiiKtime Guards at tli Kavoy

loot iilght and Mild tlnr wnulilJl tlr ISlik u1 u

r Audi and Mr IxiuU K Shlpnmn-Hi Hinlior of nf Dm luI Um Hiilfirolilp of a Sally in Our Allry-M1IIH tthlrll tltlV 1V IcllltlllI-n heath ila Willluni A llrady I In-

brliiK t Iitrlt M luyMr HliiHiun ld heel night Umtlin-

iM notthin il flvti yinrn

unohin t nntsnuM-MIi Anullirr llrrlt llnrcnl Him I lnc-


M hewof II lit III-

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a Urwiiondcnt Servant Leaped Promthe Iltttburcti Lpper Drok lie Vaultedtime Hall rend NwlnimlnR After Her

tot Her TlHiiiili It WAI Colil

A young voman who said she was AnnaIlclko a servant attempted suicide byjumping from tho upper deck of the Penn-sylvania ferryboat Piltsburg just afterthe boat left Jersey City for Vest Twentythird street nt 515 oclock last evening andtime pawengers wllnenwd on exciting scene

Thee Plttsburg had cleared tho slip andCopt Taylor had given tho full Jingleto go ahead when time woman jumpedSho shot past time head of Robert Votiburgha deck hand who was sweeping off tholower forwnrd dock Vosburgh droppedlila broom vaulted the rail and dived intotho water after the woman Ho landedwithin n fow feet of tho woman but tho tidewas running swiftly and she was carried

fromCopt Taylor had stopped tho boat and

swimaftor the woman Ho is an expert swimmerand ho caught her after gone down-stream about thirty feet Thou tlio women

had been screamingclapped their hands

tho wouldbo suicideback tu tho boat A ladder lend been

lowered over thn sldo Iud anothnr dockhand assisted in hauling timewoman to tho deck A placeroom lied bo n ncrrenid oil for leer andthem two of time women passengers undrftwd her and wrappedIII that attire she was from theboat to Now York Hospital when tho boatlanded at

got no thanks from tho woman

sorry ho hind saved her life as sheto thin Sho said that sun had troublowith hor employer a man named Debow

minded tier and as Silo had no fiiundshim had no place to go and wanted totlio

Vosburph went to the engine room to gotwarm and dried his This Is nottho wtmtdbo suicide he lees takenfrom the river Onto whllo workingon a DesbrosHes street ferryboat hoa woman out of tho water at anothertime while employed on a Barclay streetferryboat a woman

SOl TO SIIErAltniTESThey Rite Cheerfully end Auction Room

Trie to Innk PlouiTho Democratic General Committee In

Brooklyn expects to reorganize Sixteenof time delogntew elected at tIme Septemberprimaries lease withdrawn to make roomfor as many personal followers of EdwardM Shopard and tonight there will bo some

along time sntno linesmind a will get time empty honorof the chairmanship beendeclinwl FosterA Augusta Homily Harrington Putnam

A manes JuromoKdwauls or It W l likely to bo-fhown Comptroller Color a delogate dis-trict is e l to the manner In whichthan ShcpardltPM have IHMII foIsted on tliucommittee will be rtelocttil chairmanof turn Finance Comniitteo

All elTorts to InduceOrout or Prehldcntelect of thinSwanstrom ro nenti r the regular Demoratio fold havo failed

monet of and his chieflieutenants


Early lletlnntnc to He Made on Street8lKn i

George V Blake a wellknown news-paper man will Ui appointed private Seen to Profldiiit Cantor of time boroughof Manhattan Wino WIN aM lf Mr Illako inns lnx n tint legislative

of oral of the Now Yorkpaporn timid lens a acquaintance

men In public not Inthis city limit III State amid throughouttisi country In hilt now Mwill ilial to do with time Im-portant work of tho iiliiiwrous hoard of

Pn cliletit of thn Ixirough N atiHtnber nnd in orKnnlzIng tho variousdepartinentH that oomo tho juris

of thai iifficin-lTodav Mr Cantor will leave a talk

n roiiiiiilttxD of Fineon Mrrot irimr signs Ho thinks that itwill lt for to make n lH ginliing on thn prinrliKil Mn tn iarly In fnl-nuiry and to get ni all proprly nmrkrnl-by Kiimmer

Santa Fe trains now run every-day to rim of Grand Canyon-of Arizona

No stage ride

Sidetrip rite only JCjo-

Amjiln Pullmanaccunimodationt uponresuming llaincontinentiltrip

Ojirn all u Inter

All Rail toGrand Canyon-of

Santa FeAwMw t lh l UMMI Up U-

llf tlHl luHf H IMlt


flM H nt ll tit





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The Vehicle Equipment CompanyW-

e hereby announce that we lute assumed th sales department of the above Companyand have this day been appointed General Agents We are prepared to promptlyheavy and light electric business vehicles of every description Heavy trucks our specialty

Electric Trucks Vans Delivery Wagons Broughams

Full Inspection and tests Invited Correspondence solicited


THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT COMPANYTel 3133 Franklin 393 Broadway New York


Thats what weather prophets say is to us So get one of ourlong loose overcoats are warm beautiful reliable coat made

tinest Fnglish kerseys Oxford grey Irish friezes imported Carrs meltonvetc Prices are all sensationally half actual for we arepositively quitting season and are selling our entire stock offashionable trustworthy clothing at almost half price






I i



ggBsr 30 SUITS

gSJar 22


r gf 15

SUITS g 12





Among the suits rrdurr to nsso are Imported Thllit mill diagonal villi unnnt hfd wormsuits In block blur and solid ercy beautiful aunt In Imported plnldt rir

Among tin ovrrroiiM rriturrd to Nr i some am ullk llnfil They Inrliida lluu KndUli kerseys Irishin black and oxford err ate Yoke overcoat rejlMn etc

Our nn tslll lined MS full dreti suits are now 835 lUTuxriln sulH are nol SlMI MO situlinedPrince Albert rust and vests are






now SIC




Campbell rhoirn Ilrat Marshal ColoredAlan for Orator

CAMBRIDGE Mass Dec 16 The seniorclaw of Harvard today elected classday officers Secretary II Wendoll Bos-

ton Marshals first D C Campbell Cam-bridge second E LowLs Boston third-J G Willis Morrtstown N J OratorH C Bruce Indianapolis Poet R M

Upper Montclalr N J OdlHt W EMass Chorister M 11 Brownoll

New Bodfrrd Mass Time claw alsoto wear cans and gowna during monthsof May reid Juno

For flr t tlmo In tho President oftho wai not First duolargely to tho fact that Campbell captained

tram timid beat 22 to 0 at foota few weeks Another Interestingfeature Is tho election of 1C C Uruoo anclass orator Bruce U a colored man andthe son of B K Uruce formerly Senatorfrom nnd Trees

Ho I ono of the best orators anddebaters that Harvard has ever had

TviwiMvr PRINTERS vxitEnninMall and Exprr Offers to Print the

City RecaNt CheaperThe City Record Trust got another black

eye yesterday when tho bids for print-Ing thn City Record for time next year wereopened Three firms submitted bidsonly one of them belonging to the com-bination that lion been getting all of thocity business the printing being regardedBH its particular part of the work Thebids were M follows

Mall A rVSli A Bbotfiam RrirnCo

Paper us M24-Oimix Klon ordinaryComp 10 days 10 OJM M-Over 10 days Ifl on MTable IT M 74

on re fist ration IisOn l voters 69 110Altf t tlon hour ni 00 Mlire work 0 copies

t l c 45 M 10

The of time Martin BBrown Company which has prIntedIltcord years dcxInred that

no than work at tho Jibutisquoted by the lowest bidder

LAKE sriwoins MissixtiTwo Vesmls Irotiatily Ulth Ten Men

In the freniM-

tLWAnsKn WM Doe Ifl Ten morerompriKing till crows of time Mhoonern-ialatea anal Nancy Dells liiinlxr timed wood

laden IIAVII probably l een in time oloniithat sw pt over than Likes on Saturdaysend hiinday Tli fiHlntivi broil nwayfrom thn Kleainer nilnight oft llarti und nlthnllKll two tliui

for her Unn him cannotfciiind und probably foutidcioil Tim

Delis oordwixxl andbound for missing slimelild y Sue carried a crow ol thii minTim IHU l omiiiandui br apt NnU-NwHiihon of llarlwr und H frailcraft

hellos of IJI ln llnulli MoldAn auotloii of tin xiw Jnii of Oen

Adam lUdiuu who WHU inllltiry WOM-

Inry In Iran was heM In aiiftif n-

riMiin MI M UWt last nightA 1AlntliiK of l Ilixtth Iy Vnller M

BrarkHi if f n Thrr vulumtH-nf luulhk Mi niiil i ipy nf Klmki MraiH-

H11 fur 1 171-

IMliR M weM Inliner in Ik ili y 4 oiiisnn iJtciUii

Hlf T T IMlillIK tie ll t

if IM a Inior H IK Jiihn llJi lllama I l fell Mtur hew MillI l Kli MM i4i M kiliK fm the liklMlkli-iIUif wild l lili linolli l l auy ilimn in lUiiUftI III

II ni Misr i iccliui Ailrru llruii il-

ll lilul f Mr lUily llr ultr i nnlimii MH H ii-

IIt if It M4l III IXMMI ll II M 4 1 IIMl IM I l

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k t i MWMM M t i r l-

Fablea forthe Fair

rW J

The Imp andthe

UlAUUk VtmikNIJMfc Uh



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ChristmasA-nd not for Chnstmai only

but for nil the year nnd nil thoyears to come this Masterkeyto tho Piano this Gift of Giftsthis APOLLO rianoKaier

You dont even huvo to buytho music somo of time greatpieces you will want to own ofcourse but tho ephemeral theallthorago mucio you can bor-

row at our circulntinp libraryhavo it brought to your verydoor tend token away when youwant something different

And just think of being able toplay it nil at HlRht yotiraelf I

Or any meniber of the family I

The only Fnlfplayer that In-

stantly trnnapoKua any composi-

tion to suit tho voice orinstrument

The APOLLO CompanyApollo Uulldln mi Hftn Are V V

mind 17th Ittti Stal-

JUw Publications

2d Edition

First Acrossthe Continent

By D

20 illustrations by Yolin FrostThompson and othen

The frit eonrlie accurate arroaalI-he nril eiplurttloa ul our jiMI Wait dUlllnf Is tocir own md timea Jt nlurr ol-

L11WI5 and CIARKA popular arrnuct l Intrrnl rulwi

rOuter ol r u mrll al riprjltioa ooo-nurlrd Uv niu a ro tb ofIou Auitnca 1 iu-

wS15Oposies I nm

A new spiritedwiilf lot hoyj

The Outlaws ofHorseshoe Hole-

A ll ry r Itt Mintj j iiUnlt


tftlOO net

to S3 k w v-


life IM uvrI-

hv CMlur Cu




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