THE SUN WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 190S fl I r iBENE AND GEBHARD ARRIVE m rswv TJ rovxa WOMEN lS TTHtVIOS AT SMtATOOA- KrftteTlps Conroy to flln the Jockey nub tthesCJforno Gould Said to the llral lliirr of lien Sir nhltnr- yii Mrleome for Voum Sir Keene SmnociA X Y Au 12In tho boxe- tiD dub htand totlay there was an un aiii tjumber of thu younger women of tiablo society On any other day ihoV wuukl haw attracted ro end of interost n the irt of who tit beyond the dub stand rail As it was this array of the f on debutante was almost lg- ncrf I boewisw of tho counter attraction of rttiwnFoxhall Kecneand Fretlerlck- Oebhard Mr Oobhard nrrlvod In tai thU morning Mr Kuona U Wck from following tho hounds and playing In Knglaud and most of tho smart wt Ken him In months Therefore he- K K n npelc l to hold R regular levee arjTr aLt f ort of questions and toll over again the btory of tho International polo MM explain why wa win UsickS niyinn huw do you do to Mr Keone tho fiwIixnabUw had a lot of curiosity to what sort of gnytlngn would lx ox MiRCl Mr Kceno and Mr Whit ncv ct miot Mr ticbliard qualitys Interest was of ttiiUi a tiiflirent choiavter It became knu n oyt Hgu that Charles Hill MackaH traintr much desired- iliot Mr Uebhard should buy Mexican i a whipeiid about the hotel piazzas t v 1 iig that Mr Gebhurd arrive re ire i ntutivu of Cioorge Gould would n aie inynl In tho lidding for the irfti kti if Mirthful TVrtfrro when Hivavii dub stand eyes wero tunie l- nn him anti Ro lp hogan to buzz him- I n ktwn then of enune tlmt neither Mr shard nnr Mr Ctoiild hnd bought Vex aii lly alto woiidrred why neither b n urv nf thi hw H Mr liebhard mint toil ii Mexican it is bHaiao he nough tho sale that it would tuU- fifdno to buy him and ho didnt want to civo fo tini h for tho cIt M i hhar buy horse how r I thut His Ftnlnonco th tin linne ft Into the ring Tho ovtir- it he ue fHinottt Kol did not do his own Aticr wvrral bills had been iuii E A Crowninshlehl entcnxl li t nnrl finally got tin eon of Falsotto and IMtronenH for Mr Vownln Meld was hlddlnc Vhlwrd and i u ciuxk will for tho horso- AH for Mr It U Klill something of a mystery whether he K ono lie hort or not Hone the crack thrv- vnroVl of the Mackiiy stable war id- up to 7500 Ktruek off at that price- to Lou u wellknown Shortly after tho concliiiilon of tho nulo It wn said that hud been biddin- gfr William Fanshaw a Wtstern Tonight howMver thero wn a story tok nt the Slate Hotel that Myers was n aily acting for Mr Gould and tint In dun ttmu v bo announced that he Ileno owner It may b true that after Ballyhoo Bey Tommy Atkins In tin i i sliead there a illfiling between V C and t n- If any feeling there ib no cign- of it en the mirfaeo Mr Whitmy and Mr Kixno met on thw stops leading from th to tho afternoon and h j oiiwrvcra wore on to me what would AR KOOII as Mr Whitney Mr heene be reached out his mid Why how do do I didnt you were hero Im glad to hw vim and to you I never taw you looking better How Is father Ho a quite well thank and Im very glad lo wjfl Whitney This a track and Id I IM to know how it is that you can so transf- orm things in DO short a space of time You must know n little The two men chattel for a while and tlien each went to his box During Hie aftrnoon Mr Keene ask d ntxjut e tioren which he nnd his father have In I sand and to the lp We have hail bad luck with our itoiff on tho other cldo during most vrar Flr t one would train oil and u c In M hat wo have tad notl- ilg like Htiecri we for I am- RM o Kiy however that wo hnvn ont KtHi tiir t In and that Con f T In t now hes n fit n and what is irwro to the point hos as wound a- du Hi i over tho he had after Brooklyn Handicap year and h estlopltiK him a special preparation ir the Jixknv Club 10000 be run this fall und ai things look y Aliould win the rat Ho IH I In other stakes between now and 1 i ln will start In none of tliem- Vc Tjnt to keep him printed for the Jockey Mr Kyni was nf k d If ho had arty com I rnik on the running of the Sara s fjai last Saturday Vl I ktniw that rave Is what I i o pit n th newspapers was the Tv nnd would not to comment on we I had not seen I um inclined to 1 link liowever that tho lx it horse prob Wv viti Tills Is fist time I an Ainoriran track thL year and It was VITV dorem of our flllv Delacoa to welcome rc ith n winning Her rue warf the first r liut I have wen In a year In which our iiw were first pat nt the finish IXlaxoa- n very mniiflfrat Clv- Mr Kwv in well ii others mav be- trtinutej a rfrmrk milo by William IittKtri tlm inllllouaiiK turf wi thi aftiriioon Mr Hendrio was iikinij of tn merits of t J r il Irish Iad and thin Koonon fillY izzlinR and rmnarked Ive wiv aout ihn Sariit sa Special but I after feoing that that iMzzlUig will win tho Futurity She will ill OeriPfil of a then h lAil or any oilier roll and from tho- pis UIH run laM Snturtbv amid from what of Wr work I think the Keenes have m IT 11 uturity winner MVI ro ILLISSm- iionn f Tniholdj llkrwlift Kraetlous llfirlns of a lUrcaln Loit SARATOGA X Y Aug USenator Patrick Henry McCarron Is confined to- M room at the Grand Tnlon It is given n that hn U wufferlng front an attack of oyfntery but ho has been In bed for three ir nail It is feared that typhoid fever Wy develop One of tho Senators friends to Tint RUN nonlnt tonl ht White tire Sena J IN not a deal above normal dysentery Is sometimes a pro cirwu of typhoid and o of ai iiina imiiiK residents of is watched with tho starter lived In Brooklyn a week aft r he got t i tvelnpod Jako Worth another tiu Snraioga ollmato brought him oiti1 comparatively Bolides i ie nis arm threo or four irooklvn prlMtn hwre who are recovering Irrni Mphold for the m of Is a pretty good patient wit wlmn he wnn tout not J to the MO of tho Mackay horses this sriilrn ho was to a bit mulish lflm I Kjjral days and when ho that kicked Mont Mid things All Iiitelllcciit nonirn- a Kiurl rbockor d und In Siv mid fashion lire Ito thOM to Sun plo match tell for auld III for th fak und that la- Rd a J about die on 0 h toO ali Ilo man 1er8 Is hat h Whiney I I aw Fox f hit lea n I frI I I lie II ot I n 1rtmfr < mOt tp r C call t that symptoms j than U 1 thin t wo narrowly all U for I him at for In for a few r d rAt ISo l Id did nt tI ss tat try fl tfttto ho- t I said fro p pay YOU was Of- t rut about ui trTnl ram o ill said MeCarreris aII 4 t rok n ftflit hiru wit hi iliseajtt lI Ii thieso things are I miiflg bin OOO heard auction OOOO bed etinutos Slot ttmn tin rub I ioct ty L i M > > > > ¬ > > < > < < > > ° IX NEWPORT SOCIETY Mils Leary OITM a Luncheon A Charity Dal- Nawronr R I Aug 1Z There were a bore of witertalnmenU today and It was fliw weather throughout Tbo lestlvl ties opened with A luncheon given by Ixjary at her villa In honor of Slooiie It wa Miss Learyti entertainment of the It ladles luncheon The table won resident dent with American Beauty roots Fol- lowing the luncheon tho guests repaired to a tent on tho lawn where tea was served and a numbor of tongs worn rendered by Bormvx Oumlroff a IJohomlan barytone who arrived lately from Europe It wan his first appiuiranca In America was also furnished by Mutlallys MU Learys guests were John SloAne Mrs Stuyvesant Fish Mrs Charles Carroll Mrs Harry Lchr Mrs Mown Taylor Camp bell MU Taylor Mrs Robert J Collier Mrs C P HillhouHo Mrs S B French Mrs F B Hoffman Mrs I Q Jones Mrs F Sheldon Mrs R F Cutting Mrs Charles Borryman Mrs William Klngslancl Mrs William GroKvenor Mrs II A Barclay Mrs Clement C Moore Mrs J T Spencer Mrs H U Schenck Mrs C M Ovlrichs Mrs Frederick Kelson and Mrs H B Plant- J C Hamlln took n party out on tho Wand this morning lunchIng In thn coun try and returning In time to attend the this aftornoon H Fulton Cutting a luncheon today In honor of Minn Roosevelt which was attended by a largo number of young people Miss Jtowcvelt will prob- ably bring her Xowport visit to a latter part of next wick as hcorwi of ittviiatloiu rn ny of which alto IUM to decline Each day Mis Koorovelt visits Spouting Hock bah Hho in ono of tho tiN wonton F Grand entertained at luncheon today C gavo a dinner at Sandy Point Farm totilgiit in honor of Kallileeu lh i b ing chaperoned by Mrs Nellson Thy guests twelvo- Cottaec rilnnpr were gl pn tonight by Mrs Willlain E Carter Jolts T Shaw Safe Mrs L Rivec Mrs Fb ilgo T Gerry JHIIHVS P Kernr han H Uroxel nntl Mr Hutlierlunl thn lutinr In honor of P Morton Ruthnrfurd mother A ball was qivrn lonlsht At the S View cottages for tho benutlt of the The Piitriliessos Mr Gibli Shaw Hnf MM 1 M Clarke Mr J F Tarns T B Mrs Clement Mli Anna L w ry Mrs A I Mawon Mrs W II mtt r Lou 1 Iirillard Mrs C U Host and Mia lUrkhoacl Mrs Willlain Astor today nnnoncred that ht had changed for her bull at from Au 23 to 1S She done this in order that be sure of men In ottendanpt The Futurity ram takin op the 30th mid takes A large number of the from von I Mover Amtwiiuulor to itchy will arrive at Newport thn later put of the week and will l guiist of M J Vnn Alon who will give u dinner In hU honor on the evenlnc of the tUtu Uaroii nf Pun has arrival nt Newport for this remainder WIMIII S r jckeU of California la- the iue t of K Monre Hobin n- llurold Snails son of Mr and Mrs Wil- liam M Sands Uat work on n xtivtin auto- mobile whifli h to prove a wutidir Th auto U being built according to own Ideas and ho hope to have It ready fur uso In a Mrs J Mitchell Clarke a Japanese mummer tunight in honor Bet nun Soars Abovo table wn an pnormou Japanese hanging from which wero lanterns and ropes of asparagus fern otudded with the tatilo decorations worn s iiilot orchids Tho dinner MTved by Japan- ese waiters in costume WILL SOT rKK sirtrvKs noxns- MtKlitrate Ularkltiti tile Silt resior nf lImit Nrlsou Magistrate Cornell sItting in JeffHrson Market jxlloo court has dc lard war on- IXid PV hn fVvl ini T and friend of bob Xe on who cucceuiled Xel on- M bondsman for disorderly wom u arrested in the Tenderloin Tho ttate found that was on the bonds of HX women who wore arraigned In court yesterday and decided to cult a halt In tho The Maglntratn asked Dttwtlvo Maher- of the Tenderloin station to tell Cant Sheehan that Swayno was on th tratcV so that bond might refuted In the future at tin house Cornell also wrote District Attorne Jerome regarding SWUTIM htiggeHtid that a M nt to CommUxloner Partridge for wo In all station houses Swoyiio uset n security property owned bv him In Brooklyn and in MuKutrati Cornell fnld yesterday that then weio Incutnbranws on property STARTKIl FlTZ UOMK Attack or Tphold Saul to He MildFour of Ills Tamil IUd Dlienie- Christopher J Fitzgerald tho Jockey Clubs starter at mobt of the race meets who was taken ill with at Saratoga on Sunday was removed yes- terday to his home 457 MoDotiGiigh Htre t Brooklyn The trip from Saratoga was made in William C private ear Wanda it was saul at hw homo thud Fitzgerald htood the Journey well and that it wax that would be Mr Fitzgerald f tho fifth of his family to bo taken with typhoid fever this veal Two months daughter contracted tho discnm1 n month later Ids mother Mr Gerald Fitzgerald wv stricken nml lnT hU clilldrcn Chrlt topher uud Angola Ml Ill All are doing DUO IT 1 MlSTOnaXS HOXES Prehistoric rrraturn With a Ilrnkfii Leg Found at Forest City la- WnKKflIUnnK Pa Aug 13 R ports were received hero today that tho skeleton- of a mastodon has been found rear Forest City by men quarrying for blue stone It l in excellent of preservation Th skeleton shows that this animal lied vhllo lying upon Its back under A rock one hind leg was broken Tho backbone is about mcon feet of tho bones have been carried by farmers ai rtirtr bltles An s now being made by scientific men Date of Closlnic Varatlon IMa Rroiin li- The vacation school playgrounds have been so successful this summer that the Committee on Special SchooLs of tho Board of Education has decided to them until Aug 30 two longer than orig- inally intended Tho thirtytwo vacation themselves ck i on It was expected that thin playground would bo at the samo tune are ninNy playgrounds now open fencan Don nun Away NATIRAOANSRTT 2Jay Gordon Coogan sons of James J Cooeau of Now York were driving homo from the match at th Point Judith Country Club tonight when they mom on Their horse run both lx yi nro thrown violently to tho ground They were for bystander was caught MM M- Anna fut IWO plo lath gall non o bIn f MIl C th AlI cot r o of thE Corn r Swan ho lA- ter hUM hl loll al Mrs season Mrs dote Lbs Sit swEinIneis Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs V Mrs Levi it New- port Sri I Mrs hoff- man Mrs Mrs has havIng tigers thin Mrs Its few was tim his t hate yesterday sick stat long- Some investigation open weeks about and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > ¬ CHARLES REED TO RETIRE- WILL SELL HORSES AND FARM AD QUIT TURF Gambler and Turfman for Fifty Years IVa John Morrliieyt Partner anti nan the Saratoga Track It 72 Yean Old and UM All the Money lie Wants SAiurocu N Y Aug 12 Im 72 years and 5 months old Ive got all the money I want and Im going to sell every pound- of horsuflesh I own and quit the business With these words Charles Reed one of tho mot picturesque characters over Identi- fied with American racing announced- his retirement from the turf oil tho porch of tho Grand Union Hotel this evening- It was announced nt tho close of tho nalo o the Mackr and Benningtou horses this afternoon that tho solo of the rnlrview yearlings bred by Mr Reed would tako- I placo In the racetrack paddock here on Saturday afternoon There was announce- ment also nome months ago that Mr Reed might dvcldo to toll most of tho stock nt Falrvlew this autumn but It was not until tonight that Mr Reed let it bo known that he hal decided to retire for good and nil from both tim breeding and racing of horses Ive raced somo of tho greatest horses that over looked through bridles continued- Mr Reed and Iu bred more money winners than any breeder In tho United Stats Iv worked hard and I want to quit Besides I cant live for over and- I to get my estato In shape before My wife who is tko my partner w ill bo my executor and wont be bothered with giving bonds or any of that truck Shull take what I leave do ns she likes but I want to sate the trouble 1 to Im setting my house in order when able Mr Reed been a gambler and a turf man for fifty years Hu canto north front Orleans got acquainted with John Morrwspy and finally become his partner- in the baratoga Club- A M irimeyH death Reed cucooeded to the of the club being Albert Spenrer he took them hose of the Saratogi racetrack and ran it In those ho hind n stable hl string of junipers boln the most for mldablo In country The Into lames Lea was hl trainer Uonoliuo was Ms first for raca and the Irish Pat piloted his horses over Among list racers were them famous mares Susan Ann Thora- nnd anti the MIl Timothy while hU Included ttlll us the greatest horse that ever went a field or over the Dis- turbance Waller and Pay Star Something like years Mr lImed starred his first bn estab- llsltment on the western shorn of Saratoga a fortune in It He imported ttalllctin Hinh lander mind Forester ansi installed thorn at tho farm Tho climate hero was found to bo too for the brcedlni of thorounhbredcwiid Mr 1U 1 mid the pro und bought tho ialrview Farm four and a front Onllutln Tenn The farm eonilst of 1858 erert and In re qulpp l breeding etablWim nt In the rnuntrjv of waterworks lono vest 150000 fleM paddock li u tub holding enough water for thn number rf horK fr thAt and tliee tubs arm kept always filled with fresh water pumped the together with 124 all in fal and eleven lo tho highest bidder tills fall Tho horse will t sold either at bend hay or Morris Park Among tlw sires to be sold are imported of tint Thattly imported St imported Cheviot Rev IM Rey PONWM Ham Weller Exile and Bouncer a young sire by MUer Rebound Some of the murus are Active Algur Belle Damo Coventry Diana fcnevievn Iretna- Modnllion Imported Kolu Miss Period Preteiii Keawt d Srhna Seia- phlne end SilxrU After Mr R ed had announced hl retire- ment ns a btviler he was asked if ho would also of his club At 6 WWt Twenty fourth street Now York city which h has i so long NO v io him answer I pjesj 1 11 stick to that oslonK as I live It hu Uen for half a century mind In the old lifts to b tho New branch of the dub I wouldnt know what to do with myself if I hud nothing to do to Ill stick to old placo Mr Ped looks much timers like a man of 50 than of 72 Hn is a active us over and every morning ho goes to the baths for an hours swim in the Old pool Ho has two tons and a daughter SARATOGA TURF GOSSIP J Ljman Frames Ip a bllltnc With HAPATOOA AUK 12 Jioruc Oluld not represented at the Mickny todny and left town tonight It w rrported tuft hn- Btood ready to bid ItnoOiiO for the stable but refrained because Mr lentil did not care to Imvw him co Into raclnir J irant lynnin owner of Komolucn carne within u few Inches of iiuikln B bin killing In the fourth race today lie placed 3l Mj uiioft till board getting 10 und 4 for money the molt win only biiten a had in the last juni for tlrt place Kiilfern innde II Btronptr clfort sooner than hi did Fonsoluea would have won As It won a pIle Ibid the colt won Lyinan would tare taken 100fn out it salil that Aucnnt IWtnont will retire Irtoruon to tV NirMr Stud lit an early mist or HS roon sets out of toe Alter the flrt race Johnny Wlilte who ow Mlilnnu amount of the bo John A Drnke owner or Allan heard of the lie Hilt Knorh to In u claim for Athlanu but It too lute Hill D ly returned Illuff today to Krntik Drown triiintr for Senator rent Bt a slight prolit over what tu lull for Sidney Bender Ily n anti other Wetternwa niuile a hill haul on the victory of I Know In the last rites today They meet as much us 10 to I for their mooney backed the filly nil three V 1 Arkell hiss decided to withdraw from tie turf mom the present owing to the death of rather FIGHT FOR A THEATRE UTAGE Grand Opera Home lruee ratim the Arrrat of a Scenery Maker John II Springer the lessee of the Grand Opera HOUM caused the arrest yesterday on n charge of violating the building laws of Thomas B McDonald a pcenery builder who leases from Springer a carpenter shop In the rear of tim theatre Springer told Mpglstrnto Cornell In Jefferson Market po lice court that McDonald had been using the stage of tho theatre for his work al- though the Superintendent of Buildings had forbidden this said he had locked and barri- caded nil the doors leading to tho stage but of this got In through an unlocked window A struggle iMtwoeti Mr Springer and his henchmen McDonald a sl tant followed It was terminated when Mr called In Policeman Lemni of tho West TweMlIeth st reel McDonald showed to Magistrate Cornell- a letter front a building which au- thorized the use of tho stage so long an no scattered on It The Mag- istrate discharged McDonald saying that the case was one for the civil courts Lato In thr afternoon McDonald rams to court again and asked for B warrant for Mr who It seemed again was denied TIE alt I Ant Ian Note hl Titter fat ride fl to mal h mn I lldok hot marl Hh Dan duI ork I Jon ohlta nit > o II was I man o- rt t cI today w taut In I1lIn for JlIII1 ror 1Iit1IIIor1 mince s1 awl th lIl1d wits atll r 101t 1IlIfO W II r Hprln or station hvin the opera The request she has lar Take and so as liP of tim Iset system ort dispose rant was hIt tutu rid itS sit the a 4 1 I C IllS cml silini g bmiui I ur len 0 Vi1 t lit t rulttiuit Ion lit tie barricaded house I ¬ ¬ < ¬ < ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lVOV FRANChISE OT GRANTED The Aldermeni Action Not Final qnti Uon of Compensation VlcePresldont Molnnea of the Aldermen said yesterday that although the bard had approved the granting of a franchise to the Union Railroad Company to lay tracks across Macombs Dam Bridge and to operate several miles of lines elsewhere In Tho Bronx It Lid not follw that the company had actually acquired the privileges lIe pointed out that the Charter provides that after an application for a franchise has been approved on the first reading by the Aldermen It must go to the Board of Ks- tltnato to fix the When that has been done the Aldermen must either pass or reject the franchiAo within a of weeks Attention was drawn yesterday to time fact Unit In the by the Aldermen It Will provided that the Company should to time rom required by time act authorizing the lines north of the This provided that the city should 1 cent of the com gross receipts when its earnings averaged 17000 a and another 1 for each further 17000 of average dalv Time compensation the Board of Estimate will Le on a higher scale thnn thIs It was suggested how- ever hthat the ordInance if allowed to remain In Its form may lead to conflict between the Flnanco Department nnd the wild however that whatever compensation was derided r on by ho of would havo to be paid by the company WAT iv rovrrvrov Vote KRlint tnllmltiNl Ovrrtlme Pro- posal From IuUIUhfri CINCINNATI Aug that opening of the second days session of the convention of tho International Typographical Union today there was a silence of one minute- In honor of the late Congressman Amos J Cummin A telegram from M J liwlnnteln chair- man of Special Standing Committee of the American Newspaper Association offered the associations congratulation on its gtldtn jubilee A fight was made by the machine opera ton against the Law CommlMrrS report hail Lieu submitted to the committ limiting them working hours of- tho maoliino men The commit in Its contended that n man should be permitted to eirn nil he could for overtime was and mime Law Com- mittee was instructed to draw up a new amendment fixing n time limit Frederick Drlscoll of Coinage commis- sioner of the Publishen Asso- ciation the nnd asked tin adoption of an to tho union rules changes in rules and ccales would lii to tho PublUhors Asocial Inn for mtual The delegates went to tho Zclogical- Uardon for a Tho Woinins Auxiliary this afternoon decided In favor of an litter nmiitiul womino IIW KUOUS SOX FAILS Thr Fattier Was the WellKnown Ph ileal Culture Tcaehfr Fernando Wood doing buiiineis as Wm Wood dealer In sporting anti athletic goods at 23 and 25 West 125th street mailo- an n ngtunont yesterday to Sidney Ward with ul preference The bufinenn was established in IbSS by his father William Wood who for many years had a gym- nasium on street near Filth nveiiue and who was afterward in- structor of culture in tho Young Mens Christian Association at avenue and street William Wood died on Sept 20 1 W and tho busi- ness has since managed by time son Mr Whitford of Alexander Jr time attorneys bald that tin assign- ment was time ti Mr Woods 111 health The liiihililie arm about 12000 and the nominal a etn uoooo to ll i- oSTFRILI7TIO OF IllAXGE- llarlirr Mutt rirautc Their Implimrnts herr Classes Also Mutt He n OIMNOK X J Aug 12To prevent any IKiFslbllity of contagion frooiho of Implement1 thu Oroi o Board of Health hUH pnwed uu onlliiHiieu requiring all barbers to wash brushes combs razors cup und tools in boiling water before Inginning business After flnUhlng with each custOmer a barber before using a razor must wash it in an antiseptic The board also has adopted un miloon and restaurant to wash thoroughly in water tan fur no other purpose every or drinking vrisol lfore wrving a drink- A of J10 i Used fur violation- of either and the will havn- Inhixictors at work to see that tho provl- blolia alma cbeycnl TWO lilLlFIf IX TRAIX WREiK A Special Frelitht IlunKts Into Open Draw titer iil7alictli Illver- KLUAIIRTII X J Aug 12 A locomotive attncled ton special produce train of twenty cars plunged tills morning into an open draw of thin River iijaiiht rod lights set by tlio bridge tender Corneliu- sleary Firemnti Webster amid Brakoman Patrick Mansfield of Plalnlleld wero killed Kngiiu1rRolxTt Iknneyof d bicaliini hU leg eight arn fell Into tho river Ono of time tar is tilled with I radio delayed live hours Many imsMngerH were over tho Rlwr in small boats Just after tIme accident It U saul that a man sat In tho cab with the engineer nnd llreumn If so he is buried in wreckage GOOD KLOXniKE SEASOX- Ileport That WUlooooo Ha Already Ilrrn Taken From time reeks and Nhlppnl- ViNCouvEn B C Aug 120fneial ro turns brought from tho Klondike by time steamer Princess May state that 11500000 has already been token from tho creeks and shipped to tIme One of tho lest strikes made In tho Yukon since time early days ha been reported Two F Hout have found dirt running 1 to the pan on a tributary of A nt Forty Milo on 5 neatly wiped out town Time fire was a front time steamer Tealandcr- Ilullct In a Lot of icorela Peaches Xewnonoit N Y Aug 1 Ilyndmnn a grocer In opening a cuss of peaches yesterday discovered n small packagu of Manila paper enclosing a 10 with a dent in its side show service On the p per was written bullet wan found orchard and brought in time packer who would lIke to hear front It an I on time Old Kennesaw Mountain battlefield and would like to know who this relic of Iho war between tho States Walter K Iteynolds Marietta Cobb County a limo will he placed with the notes s its credentials head- quarters Demand Fire Protection for Hoeka Tint Coroners Jury which has inquired Into the flro of Juno I at Rockaway Beach In which Max Knson Nydla Mackrow Frederick Maekrow and an unidentified man lost their lives has rendered a verdict- In which It demanded that provision be by tho for a water sup- ply for extinguishing of fires at that the tire bo with horses and properly manned and that a proper fire alarm system be I pen lllun y ent 12 add trcl lIbllllttd nil thp reen tlrdav ash rd iced oer h IInyonn Jump 1 t tao coat 12 Davis nU TIll get Jur wa I clt U pan per- cent At tim Pr lfliWt anmatma intent st rug use bOrtmvN keepers board liii lOCOflmtt I t0 ta las tic ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < BOOKS AND nOOKMAKlXa Owen Wlster I an Faatern man though hla work shows that hn lies taken th West to his heart HU first literary work wan done on scnool papers at Su Paula und at Harvard Ill health led him to Western ranches in Toxiti Arixonu Wyoming Tho spirit of time West crept into UU veins and tear h wa strong end he till went bars again arid again to ranch life and to his cowboy frbnd Iradiially hn began to write stories of them and the fascination of the work maths maim turn hi upon the legal profession for which h had fitted himself The Virginian juttlfies lit cholee Now that the Just So Stories and their are off Kiplings mind his grownup readers may hope for some attention from him Winless published In the August 5cri6tirri was the first Kip- ling short story aside front thus Just 80 Stories which hail appeared In many a day but R BocrBrlton story called Prlvnte Copper li bn finished by him for tho October Brerttvya logiint This story gives a tweak to time tall of tho British lion and though it does not Hoer morn than Briton Is not likely to rival Dr Doyles pamphlet in the alice ions of English teachers or to add to Kip hags popularity with his countrymen who object to blunt truth telling- A volunio of poems by Kipling Is to be published during time con tog winter and a Kipling play whose subject ha not yet been divulged Id prOlwd for this season Sido by plus with tho rumor that Mr James will retreat further Into country shadis owing to the invasion of Rye where he has his homo by various personages of the Uieatrical world comes report that In his novel Tlio Wins of the Dove he will emoige from verbal und fastnesses and become de- lightfully intelligible as in tho early days of lila fame This should bo good news for alt save tlio elect who havo maintained intellectual pre tlKO fey force of enthu- siastic appreciatIon of Mr James latter day occultism E F Benson like many of his follow novelets is paying court to tho drama lie has written n play calld Aunt Jeannle which Is to bo produced next The title has a mild domestic flavor surprising to a reader of Mr Bensons books but OH Mm Patrick Campbell is to play time title rOte it seems safe t proph- esy that 1unl Jeannie either has a past- or Like Dodo la engaged in handling an extremely eventful jrewjut Douglas Ilrownn whose Ho s with the ire n Shutters cast a farreach ing shadow antI hook ones faith In Thrums and Drumtorhty has under the of the historical novel Ills next book Is to have the Cromwellian period for setting and th chanc i arm that the author will forsake Soottlsh rtHllem permanently He says ho has own conception of Cromwell character bat thu Protector has already eodured much and one sacri- fices him willingly In order to have Scottish uentiment and poetry iilUrt Parker IB another novelist who has forsaken hi chosen literary field It was in Canada arid the Hudson Bay country that ho found material for hits first successes and somo of hIs Pretty Pierre stories held a noto that was convincing prophecy HIM next book will bo a volume of short tories whose scene ix laid in Egypt and his next novel A Tyrant and a Lady will also hate Egyptian setting When Maurice Hewlett published The New Canterbury Tales those enthusiasts with whom from tho day of Earthworks- Out of Tuscany HowlcttUm had boon a cult sighed mind Raid Hes like tho rest he is writing too fast Evidently the judsment was a hasty one Mr Hewlett has published nothing since then and Is at work on no novel Hn long been planning a work upn Tuscany more serious in scope titan the Earth- works nail now hn is once more in his beloved Tunany gathering frnsh material for the book to whOMj making he will give- at iciest one ruoro year Hall Cams Is writing a novel Mound problems Nonconformity lames B Conolly whose sea stories published within the last two years have given him high rank among the younger American writers li off on a European trip in search of new seas to conquer HU Gloucester yams are well known and his now book Out of Gloucester will bo pub- lished in tho early fall Lust year he was living with the fishier folk of Baltic Xow- ho has turned lila face southward and will cast lilt lot with tho Hftllora and tlshurmen of tho Mediterranean und other southern F T Bulleu has just finished his first nctual novel A Whalemans Wife It drain with time South whale fishery of New England George Francis Train has for several yelleR been working upon his book My Life in Many States nud In Foreign Lands His publisher n firm of good stnndlng say that tho manuscript has much Interest and lIterary niirit Time timing in literary shocks for a religious public seemt to ho On Iho Cross which announced for publication by hack RT aro the new psychological arK comma spell hi has M woven the North Sea anti tnH f immet latest I tech illustrations season tima ito t ime Sea lit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE PIANOLA- IN THE SUMMER HOME Though artisti and wholly individual in players hands the Panola can Ie bv any- one even those uiterly ignorant ol the art of music and is thus practically available to every nun woman and child in the whole wide wOrld Even now it is not too late to consider ordering a Pianola lor sour Summer Home The entertainment atTorded by the Pianola is mul tipled in the Summer Home and it will be found an uable aid to the hostess Mail orders wM receive prompt attention The of the Pianola is 250 It may be purchased by moderate payments THE AEOLIAN CO 18 West 23d St sruiNot FitiuK ioisiu 10 LAlTEIt CO Senaik said Jmi itr 1 a S I 83000 In Ssnrlcc In- MmliitfM and lira Iron MANHATTAN RATES i BusIness from 5 a month Residence from 4 a month OMYlir C nlncH flEW YORK CO 16 I t St 111 IMh Bt Drexel Blddle The heroine a worldly sinner falls In love with the peasant who takes the rOle of Christ at tho Oberatnrnergau Passion Play and sees in him all that he appears to be In his stage character The prospectus sounds startling but it Is to learn that enamored Baroness U led through her delusion into radical reform Edmund Goeso Is writing a history of English literature and his admirers Insist that no living man of letters Is better fitted for the task These admirers include some of tho most prominent critics of both England and America In crmeotion wlih time matter Rome has revived the of Mr Costs appllcaloo for tho of Clark lecturer at Trinity College Cam- bridge There were many candidates each handed In a host of testimonials troll nioro or loss latnous men of letters Go pre- sented only ihrce Mtiinouial hut tbc i wero written by Matthew Arnold Alfred TennyM and Robert Hi owning Uo was nppointbl Anne Douglas BedRrlck uttalned sudden fame with the publication Tho nwoue and of new editions of The Dull Miss Archlnard and Confounding of Camella Much has been said about the casual way In which she undertook novel writing but a of critics Insist upon calling her English Miss Sedgnlckn stories are English but she is American and comes of good old Now England stock Her English life and homo she owes to the exigencies of her fathers business French critics mire greatly in A young Ituiwian writer Leonldaa Androoft whose first book of stories is being trans- lated Into French but has not yet appeared in English Is a friend of Oorky and dedicated his book to him but h deals with the middle claw instead of with the peasants of Gorky A prominent French reviewer says that Andwffs style resara bIos that of Edgar Allen Too HRinGF3 LEFT LITTLE IIU Son PUre tOte Value of HI at Not More Than SI3OO Application was made to Surrogate Church In Brooklyn yesterday for letters of administration on the estate of the late Alderman James J Bridges John rrldgi iho eldest son of tho Alderman In petition wiys that hU father did not leave a will He says that hi father owned the houso In which he died which is valued at 8000 but in which thero Is nn equity of only 1300 and that hits personal estate is not valued nt more than 11000 Surrogate Church reserved decision of affidavits by the other chlldrnn The Aldermen passed resolutions yester- day regret felt th nt death of Bridges snail time of members to the The Council chamber wa- i in black ant time chair arid occupied Mr Bridges wore also cov bitch cloth Telephones W Wet the on place 1 three has lIe The number lie has Estate 1 hIs desk Mauthty PimsiW TELtPI ONE 1Ik at- I en- couraging l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + THIS IS A TYPE of the bright uptodate girl wlo is not afraid of sun wind or weather but relies or CUTICURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT to preserve purify and beautify her skin scalp hair and hands and to protect her from irritations of the skin neat rash sunburn bites and stings of insects lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports JQif iich that all should know abut the akin ralp ud hair Is tordta lie circular wkh Ciniciu Soar p r BAND Toar FLORODORA r C4t Cnoruv f r smnrdjr Matlnrrat 4 I l- K The Famous Bostonians Brovmy it VON ATli- lJilsAOlNU AiOihMi I S Miubfr Mvn A tmtirrmaVJ A CHINESE HONEYMOON Herald THE OEFCHDER suisat MADISON SO 8BK nrAdi50ell- KrtJoarlljhvtu oinitriiiAhh tiir t itrlrirvti 6th JI K JAPAN BY NIGHT Japanesa- Upanfte TUP MIKADO ImperUI NurclllM d qula Oroi CONTINUOUS so 33 CMI- IKllHuK Il LLKltlitiLliKN Kfn IN LAt IU CDMSTOCK V Cv MSIllls KMERAL- IAC4UFMY OK MISIC lath St 4 Irvine Pt rime irtateit Sew Prl MaUladny ASatl KvcMl FLOATING ROOF GARDEN Cv sir Crind lltiiotilli Irl nrintcilC- ONTKHXOS Hill ltiii VM dt VAlIIKVI Leave WK vb8piiiV utb ar pinlaltcrya pm KNICKERRGCKER H OADVY air sl MMSM MS LAST s VKIKS Fanioui TERRACE GARDEN J uAAvr- NTOT THE BOHEMIAN Sanlnsfliimnnt H lfbiurly sir u u Hrim Alit Mill loa Bench HndA- RADIS1 torn OAHHKNS 4ZJ St Ev 1ll llarfilti Mat Me lug Vnuilevlltn Arts aArV ili Creator land at ni CHERRY BLOSSOM GROVE VAt tVILLU JILL OF VXliSlAL STUfiVUTII irl Ksrsunv KtlTnS ftK Kib Sl Today wO H wiiwtrei 55 Summer Mtnu IUoJ inrnlviUi Ulil Arctic IUfifi Coluwbui Ate lad Mlh Street I uuii IN WAV se UMII i B M A T on KA r a b a L j i orcbwtral Coaeerti i Vocal SoioU- UtoLirri FarT and Horaru City mil Country If you havo a son or a daughter to educate Ike mice about Itnnmitun Sttuln It trill tOUCh you should Know of an- tituratlool tart id ttal hams turn In rr ul practice B2 yens nd nf Idrai perleut rapid mental and mural TUvbaok oat nf trrut rvice wherever you antiC your child Addren THOMAS OMASLON ODLLDPinnlnjlonN1 MANHATTAN COLLEGE Ckilttlan hrutheri llonnllni anil bcliolan Hmlvard and Hl t it w York roriUKM IKAII lit IIA t US Modern Mnicni rnrlnpcrlni Arrhl- iNlar ArtlillrrtureCiriirralSrlea- Illlti CcmnntrcUl Cuurta- iIrrp ralurj Ilrnnrtnirnt- Heonrni S pt ammo IKMtUK IrMiliint Y PREPARATORY SCHOOL K lad St V Itlrttnnc 4illlu- REGENTSon COLLEGE rMntn- nsrrrMli w nooi is nrim JlAcn Day tvtliij or trlvate euJ fur Lalalocu Vuunc Mmnen ENGLISH CONVENT B- urllii for Iratnlni hriura ami iirrnmi piano twin ln in mu lc drnwlri lauziil by Ur l HIM ors For lurilculirj apply u Hi Revcreid Hothfr- KIMIKItOAIITKN TKAl IXO- rrofbflNuriral lint 7 A Cutun Kupl Irrtnf PI Kt t lith St Tall tcnii Wid Sept 10 linn For lion and Young tlenCII and SACRED HEART ACADEMY Select Catnoll Military tlmrrtlnn Sclin- olCUiononlhi SnundlVr tf liritfr V T An lilcal oration on Inc khoro of lj w luaol Sound rfRKfrnl by lhi rrffnt prrnarri nor collfite and lm lre largf runiinr dl uH military Mining irnmptnr nianllnett Terre bHtn loin ldJrri IlltOI IIKII KDMUM DlrfClor Long Island h st Drinsi Business College HOOKM A itiiii IIAIIK scum Kpopens ilav ami r rnln swMom Sept HKNIJV C ItifillT I H A IrlnclpM- N u Slitrtlifclh ort I t liar ria M wltli IMiuiw Irom Mu to University i M ILL n i i y f r 11 II v r 11 I a- UMM nevlnni 8 la I M iLL U utter tires stand OraduMeClMiri cad lo LL U Tullloo- lluu for clruuiaM addrrs- L J TOMIKINs IrtUtrar- Wuhlniton Squarr N V City NEW School U Vuuaa St LAW SCHOOL I K iiliiBschool 9 W tstaSt Instruction LLD to two LLM lo tires yera Send for ctUMtie liWJIWE CHARE Dealt hundreds nf Icier Ailortlirn like intclliBcnt arid dl crrnln r Itlixr male fpnmi liavo learned that TJII TimE KVJMNO SIN urn at time toy of tho heap Tlintt why THE SfNi grows to dc rfi I ti I PAl N IIOU- DIt rfXIIUlnnottKt VIii an m I Wt I I Mil Sal 215 San G ° t 1l1lr Utiat4 Gill Jar neu PASTORS Ulh aflo I Ie AIJe WILD ROSE I Gtl O Mill It B Yd5Ib1 PROCTORS OPEN ui stUIEICo D IN TO- aD AT AC13 IIIIISI 111 anti R rr h Henrys M- SIlIun 11 I all runemn SlILI A IG- IITEm nib trlL- I EDEN l iOIAmt AMfil 23- auo a itrnr- Toilah I ACIEVl at S- SI Lmamt t Week it near 3d it QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER asTir a LeOsrers Now GIRL- S It l2tth St r5 tO Ia1m3llitYkVtiaf I iac sits Mat iig K ALIEN 8OkNCtrcmeulttnrIurni4way 4 J I AM SChOOLS lien T gem jar alto Sum that asmuIal bealuim with rota itt Oat trim iii > RIirs l maImror 5tm4Tmr- N Suit Lsy itenn itr riesO tulflO lot umojus For mini and its and Country Flrtsmmigmz mlitfli 011101 resr s ro iwptIOn sad 45 Country I and i1uiimsta oiiegrs iSoith and Aye a mail SmEltS ai itS a iac Srhmia opens morn s after late aw to- w K flay a gfli U Tsar other e s- and ° > < > > > > > < > > < > > < > < < > ¼

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-13 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-08-13/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · lp We have hail bad luck with our itoiff on tho other cldo during

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-13 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-08-13/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · lp We have hail bad luck with our itoiff on tho other cldo during



m rswv TJ rovxa WOMEN


KrftteTlps Conroy to flln the Jockey nubtthesCJforno Gould Said to the

llral lliirr of lien Sir nhltnr-yii Mrleome for Voum Sir Keene

SmnociA X Y Au 12In tho boxe-

tiD dub htand totlay there was an un

aiii tjumber of thu younger women oftiablo society On any other day

ihoV wuukl haw attracted ro end of interostn the irt of who tit beyond the

dub stand rail As it was this array of

the f on debutante was almost lg-

ncrf I boewisw of tho counter attraction ofrttiwnFoxhall Kecneand Fretlerlck-

Oebhard Mr Oobhard nrrlvod In

tai thU morning Mr Kuona U

Wck from following tho hounds and playingIn Knglaud and most of tho smart wt

Ken him In months Therefore he-

K K n npelc l to hold R regular levee

arjTr aLt f ort of questions and toll overagain the btory of tho International polo

MM explain why wa win

UsickS niyinn huw do you do to Mr Keone

tho fiwIixnabUw had a lot of curiosity towhat sort of gnytlngn would lx ox

MiRCl Mr Kceno and Mr Whitncv ct miot

Mr ticbliard qualitys Interest was of

ttiiUi a tiiflirent choiavter It became

knu n oyt Hgu that Charles HillMackaH traintr much desired-

iliot Mr Uebhard should buy Mexicani a whipeiid about the hotel piazzas

t v 1 iig that Mr Gebhurd arrive

re ire i ntutivu of Cioorge Gould wouldn aie inynl In tho lidding for the

irfti kti if Mirthful TVrtfrro when

Hivavii dub stand eyes wero tunie l-

nn him anti Ro lp hogan to buzz him-

I n ktwn then of enune tlmt neitherMr shard nnr Mr Ctoiild hnd boughtVex aii lly alto woiidrred why neitherb n urv nf thi hw H Mr liebhardmint toil ii Mexican it is bHaiao henough tho sale that it would tuU-

fifdno to buy him and ho didnt want tocivo fo tini h for tho cIt

M i hhar buy horse howr I thut His Ftnlnonco th

tin linne ft Into the ring Tho ovtir-it he ue fHinottt Kol did not do his own

Aticr wvrral bills had beeniuii E A Crowninshlehl entcnxl

li t nnrl finally got tin eon of Falsottoand IMtronenH for Mr Vownln

Meld was hlddlnc Vhlwrd andi u ciuxk will for tho horso-

AH for Mr It U Klill somethingof a mystery whether he K onolie hort or not Hone the crack thrv-

vnroVl of the Mackiiy stable war id-

up to 7500 Ktruek off at that price-to Lou u wellknownShortly after tho concliiiilon of tho nuloIt wn said that hud been biddin-gfr William Fanshaw a WtsternTonight howMver thero wn a story toknt the Slate Hotel that Myers wasn aily acting for Mr Gould and tint Indun ttmu v bo announced that heIleno owner

It may b true that after Ballyhoo BeyTommy Atkins In tin

i i sliead there a illfilingbetween V C and t n-

If any feeling there ib no cign-of it en the mirfaeo Mr Whitmy and MrKixno met on thw stops leading from th

to tho afternoon andh j oiiwrvcra wore on to me what

would AR KOOII as Mr WhitneyMr heene be reached out his

mid Why how do do Ididnt you were hero Im glad tohw vim and to you I never taw youlooking better How Is father

Ho a quite well thank and Im veryglad lo wjfl Whitney This a

track and IdI IM to know how it is that you can so transf-orm things in DO short a space of timeYou must know n little

The two men chattel for a whileand tlien each went to his box DuringHie aftrnoon Mr Keene ask d ntxjut

e tioren which he nnd his father have InI sand and to thelp We have hail bad luck with ouritoiff on tho other cldo during most

vrar Flr t one would train oil andu c In M hat wo have tad notl-

ilg like Htiecri we for I am-RM o Kiy however that wo hnvn ontKtHi tiir t In and that Conf T In t now hes n fit n andwhat is irwro to the point hos as wound a-

du Hi i over tho he had afterBrooklyn Handicap year and h

estlopltiKhim a special preparation

ir the Jixknv Club 10000be run this fall und ai things look

y Aliould win the rat Ho IH

I In other stakes between now and1 i ln will start In none of tliem-

Vc Tjnt to keep him printed for the Jockey

Mr Kyni was nf k d If ho had arty comI rnik on the running of the Sara

s fjai last SaturdayVl I ktniw that rave Is what I

i o pit n th newspapers was theTv nnd would not to comment onwe I had not seen I um inclined to

1 link liowever that tho lx it horse probWv viti Tills Is fist time I

an Ainoriran track thL year and It wasVITV dorem of our flllv Delacoa to welcomerc ith n winning Her rue warf the first

r liut I have wen In a year In which ouriiw were first pat nt the finish IXlaxoa-n very mniiflfrat Clv-Mr Kwv in well ii others mav be-

trtinutej a rfrmrk milo by WilliamIittKtri tlm inllllouaiiK turf

wi thi aftiriioon Mr Hendrio wasiikinij of tn merits of t

J r il Irish Iad and thin Koonon fillYizzlinR and rmnarked Ive

wiv aout ihn Sariit sa Special but I

after feoing that thatiMzzlUig will win tho Futurity She will

ill OeriPfil of a thenh lAil or any oilier roll and from tho-

pis UIH run laM Snturtbv amid from whatof Wr work I think the Keenes have

m IT 11 uturity winner


iionn f Tniholdj llkrwlift Kraetlousllfirlns of a lUrcaln Loit

SARATOGA X Y Aug USenatorPatrick Henry McCarron Is confined to-M room at the Grand Tnlon It is givenn that hn U wufferlng front an attack of

oyfntery but ho has been In bed for threeir nail It is feared that typhoid fever

Wy develop One of tho Senatorsfriends to Tint RUN

nonlnt tonl ht White tire SenaJ IN not a deal above

normal dysentery Is sometimes a procirwu of typhoid and o of

ai iiina imiiiK residents of

is watched withtho starter lived In Brooklyn

a week aft r he gott i tvelnpod Jako Worth anothertiu Snraioga ollmato brought him

oiti1 comparatively Bolidesi ie nis arm threo or fourirooklvn prlMtn hwre who are recoveringIrrni Mphold

for them of Is a pretty good patient

wit wlmn he wnn tout notJ to the MO of tho Mackay horses this

sriilrn ho was to a bit mulishlflm I

Kjjral days and when ho thatkicked Mont

Mid things

All Iiitelllcciit nonirn-a Kiurl rbockord und In

Siv mid fashion lire







auldIII for th fak und that la-

Rd a

J about

die on



ali Ilo man



hat h









I lie









callt that symptoms


U 1 thin



all U for

I him at forIn for a few

r d rAtISo

l Id

did nt


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fl tfttto














trTnl ram





aII 4

t rok n ftflit hiru wit hi iliseajttlI


thieso things areI miiflg

bin OOO

heardauction OOOO

bed etinutosSlot

ttmn tin rubI ioct ty

L i M















Mils Leary OITM a Luncheon A CharityDal-

Nawronr R I Aug 1Z There were abore of witertalnmenU today and It wasfliw weather throughout Tbo lestlvlties opened with A luncheon given by

Ixjary at her villa In honor ofSlooiie It wa Miss Learyti

entertainment of the Itladles luncheon The table won residentdent with American Beauty roots Fol-lowing the luncheon tho guests repairedto a tent on tho lawn where tea was servedand a numbor of tongs worn rendered byBormvx Oumlroff a IJohomlan barytonewho arrived lately from Europe It wanhis first appiuiranca In Americawas also furnished by MutlallysMU Learys guests were John SloAneMrs Stuyvesant Fish Mrs Charles CarrollMrs Harry Lchr Mrs Mown Taylor Campbell MU Taylor Mrs Robert J CollierMrs C P HillhouHo Mrs S B FrenchMrs F B Hoffman Mrs I Q Jones MrsF Sheldon Mrs R F Cutting Mrs CharlesBorryman Mrs William Klngslancl MrsWilliam GroKvenor Mrs II A BarclayMrs Clement C Moore Mrs J T SpencerMrs H U Schenck Mrs C M OvlrichsMrs Frederick Kelson and Mrs H BPlant-

J C Hamlln took n party out on thoWand this morning lunchIng In thn country and returning In time to attend the

this aftornoonH Fulton Cutting a luncheon

today In honor of Minn Rooseveltwhich was attended by a largo number ofyoung people Miss Jtowcvelt will prob-ably bring her Xowport visit to alatter part of next wick as hcorwiof ittviiatloiu rn ny of which alto IUM todecline Each day Mis Koorovelt visitsSpouting Hock bah Hho in ono of tho

tiN wontonF Grand entertained

at luncheon todayC gavo a dinner at

Sandy Point Farm totilgiit in honor ofKallileeu lh i b ing

chaperoned by Mrs Nellson Thy gueststwelvo-

Cottaec rilnnpr were gl pn tonight byMrs Willlain E CarterJolts T Shaw Safe Mrs LRivec Mrs Fb ilgo T Gerry JHIIHVSP Kernr han H Uroxel nntlMr Hutlierlunl thn lutinrIn honor of P MortonRuthnrfurd mother

A ball was qivrn lonlsht At the SView cottages for tho benutlt of the

The Piitriliessos MrGibli Shaw Hnf MM 1 M

Clarke Mr J F Tarns T BMrs Clement Mli Anna

L w ry Mrs A I Mawon Mrs W II mtt rLou 1 Iirillard

Mrs C U Host and Mia lUrkhoaclMrs Willlain Astor today nnnoncred

that ht had changed for her bullat from Au 23 to 1SShe done this in order thatbe sure of men In ottendanpt TheFuturity ram takin op the 30th mid

takes A large number of thefrom

von I Mover Amtwiiuulor toitchy will arrive at Newport thn later putof the week and will l guiist of M

J Vnn Alon who will give u dinner In hUhonor on the evenlnc of the tUtu

Uaroii nf Pun has arrival ntNewport for this remainder WIMIII

S r jckeU of California la-

the iue t of K Monre Hobin n-

llurold Snails son of Mr and Mrs Wil-liam M Sands Uat work on n xtivtin auto-mobile whifli h to prove a wutidirTh auto U being built according toown Ideas and ho hope to have It readyfur uso In a

Mrs J Mitchell Clarke a Japanesemummer tunight in honorBet nun Soars Abovo table wn anpnormou Japanese hanging fromwhich wero lanterns and ropesof asparagus fern otudded with

the tatilo decorations worn siiilotorchids Tho dinner MTved by Japan-ese waiters in costume

WILL SOT rKK sirtrvKs noxns-

MtKlitrate Ularkltiti tile Siltresior nf lImit Nrlsou

Magistrate Cornell sItting in JeffHrsonMarket jxlloo court has dc lard war on-

IXid PV hn fVvl ini T andfriend of bob Xe on who cucceuiled Xel on-

M bondsman for disorderly wom uarrested in the Tenderloin Thottate found that was on the bondsof HX women who wore arraigned In courtyesterday and decided to cult a halt In tho

The Maglntratn asked Dttwtlvo Maher-of the Tenderloin station to tell CantSheehan that Swayno was on thtratcV so that bond might

refuted In the future at tinhouse

Cornell also wrote DistrictAttorne Jerome regarding SWUTIMhtiggeHtid that a

M nt to CommUxloner Partridge for woIn all station houses

Swoyiio uset n security property ownedbv him In Brooklyn and inMuKutrati Cornell fnld yesterday that thenweio Incutnbranws on property


Attack or Tphold Saul to He MildFourof Ills Tamil IUd Dlienie-

Christopher J Fitzgerald tho JockeyClubs starter at mobt of the racemeets who was taken ill withat Saratoga on Sunday was removed yes-

terday to his home 457 MoDotiGiigh Htre tBrooklyn The trip from Saratoga wasmade in William C private earWanda it was saul at hw homothud Fitzgerald htood the Journeywell and that it wax thatwould be

Mr Fitzgerald f tho fifth of his familyto bo taken with typhoid fever thisveal Two months daughter

contracted tho discnm1 n monthlater Ids mother Mr Gerald Fitzgeraldwv stricken nml lnT hU clilldrcn Chrlttopher uud Angola Ml Ill All are doing


Prehistoric rrraturn With a Ilrnkfii LegFound at Forest City la-

WnKKflIUnnK Pa Aug 13 R portswere received hero today that tho skeleton-

of a mastodon has been found rear ForestCity by men quarrying for blue stoneIt l in excellent of preservationTh skeleton shows that this animal liedvhllo lying upon Its back under A rock

one hind leg was brokenTho backbone is about mcon feet

of tho bones have been carriedby farmers ai rtirtr bltles Ans now being made by scientific men

Date of Closlnic Varatlon IMa Rroiin li-

The vacation school playgrounds havebeen so successful this summer that theCommittee on Special SchooLs of tho Board

of Education has decided to themuntil Aug 30 two longer than orig-

inally intended Tho thirtytwo vacationthemselves ck i on

It was expected that thin playgroundwould bo at the samo tuneare ninNy playgrounds now open

fencan Don nun AwayNATIRAOANSRTT 2Jay

Gordon Coogan sons of James J Cooeauof Now York were driving homo fromthe match at th Point Judith CountryClub tonight when they mom onTheir horse run both lx yi nrothrown violently to tho ground Theywere for bystanderwas caught















r o















dote LbsSit





Mrs Levi


port SriI Mrs


Mrs Mrs















long-Some investigation













> <






Gambler and Turfman for Fifty YearsIVa John Morrliieyt Partner anti

nan the Saratoga Track It 72 YeanOld and UM All the Money lie Wants

SAiurocu N Y Aug 12 Im 72 yearsand 5 months old Ive got all the moneyI want and Im going to sell every pound-of horsuflesh I own and quit the businessWith these words Charles Reed one oftho mot picturesque characters over Identi-fied with American racing announced-his retirement from the turf oil tho porchof tho Grand Union Hotel this evening-It was announced nt tho close of tho nalo othe Mackr and Benningtou horses thisafternoon that tho solo of the rnlrviewyearlings bred by Mr Reed would tako-

I placo In the racetrack paddock here onSaturday afternoon There was announce-ment also nome months ago that Mr Reedmight dvcldo to toll most of tho stock ntFalrvlew this autumn but It was not untiltonight that Mr Reed let it bo knownthat he hal decided to retire for good andnil from both tim breeding and racing ofhorses

Ive raced somo of tho greatest horsesthat over looked through bridles continued-Mr Reed and Iu bred more moneywinners than any breeder In tho UnitedStats Iv worked hard and I want toquit Besides I cant live for over and-I to get my estato In shape before

My wife who is tko my partner w illbo my executor and wont be botheredwith giving bonds or any of that truckShull take what I leave do ns she likesbut I want to sate the trouble 1

to Im setting my house in order whenable

Mr Reed been a gambler and a turfman for fifty years Hu canto north front

Orleans got acquainted with JohnMorrwspy and finally become his partner-in the baratoga Club-

A M irimeyH death Reed cucooeded tothe of the clubbeing Albert Spenrer he took them

hose of the Saratogi racetrack and ran it

In those ho hind n stablehl string of junipers boln the most formldablo In country The Into lamesLea was hl trainer Uonoliuo wasMs first for raca and theIrish Pat piloted his horsesover Among list racerswere them famous mares Susan Ann Thora-nnd anti the MIl Timothy whilehU Included ttlll

us the greatest horse that ever wenta field or over the Dis-

turbance Waller and Pay StarSomething like years

Mr lImed starred his first bn estab-llsltment on the western shorn of Saratoga

a fortune inIt He imported ttalllctin Hinhlander mind Forester ansi installedthorn at tho farm Tho climate hero wasfound to bo too for the brcedlniof thorounhbredcwiid Mr 1U 1 mid thepro und bought tho ialrview Farmfour and a front Onllutln TennThe farm eonilst of 1858 erert and In re

qulpp l breedingetablWim nt In the rnuntrjvof waterworks lono vest 150000fleM paddock li u tub holdingenough water for thn number rf horK

fr thAt and tliee tubsarm kept always filled with fresh waterpumped the

together with 124all in fal and elevenlo tho highest bidder tills fall

Tho horse will t sold either atbend hay or Morris Park Among tlwsires to be sold are imported of tintThattly imported St importedCheviot Rev IM Rey PONWMHam Weller Exile and Bouncer a youngsire by MUer Rebound Some of the murusare Active Algur Belle Damo CoventryDiana fcnevievn Iretna-Modnllion Imported Kolu MissPeriod Preteiii Keawt d Srhna Seia-phlne end SilxrU

After Mr R ed had announced hl retire-ment ns a btviler he was asked if ho wouldalso of his club At 6 WWt Twentyfourth street Now York city which h has

i so longNO v io him answer I pjesj 1 11 stick

to that oslonK as I live It hu Uenfor half a century mind In the oldlifts to b tho New branch of the

dub I wouldnt know what todo with myself if I hud nothing to do toIll stick to old placo

Mr Ped looks much timers like a man of50 than of 72 Hn is a active us over andevery morning ho goes to the baths for anhours swim in the Old pool Ho has twotons and a daughter


J Ljman Frames Ip a bllltnc With

HAPATOOA AUK 12 Jioruc Oluld notrepresented at the Mickny todny andleft town tonight It w rrported tuft hn-

Btood ready to bid ItnoOiiO for the stable butrefrained because Mr lentil did not careto Imvw him co Into raclnir

J irant lynnin owner of Komolucncarne within u few Inches of iiuikln B binkilling In the fourth race today lie placed3l Mj uiioft till board getting 10 und

4 for money the molt win onlybiiten a had in the last juni for tlrt place

Kiilfern innde II Btronptr clfort soonerthan hi did Fonsoluea would have wonAs It won a pIle Ibid the coltwon Lyinan would tare taken 100fn out

it salil that Aucnnt IWtnont will retireIrtoruon to tV NirMr Stud lit an earlymist or HS roon sets out of toe

Alter the flrt race Johnny Wliltewho ow Mlilnnu

amount of the boJohn A Drnke owner or Allan heard ofthe lie Hilt Knorh to

In u claim for Athlanu but It toolute

Hill D ly returned Illuff todayto Krntik Drown triiintr for Senatorrent Bt a slight prolit over what tu lull for

Sidney Bender Ily n anti otherWetternwa niuile a hill haul on the victory ofI Know In the last rites today They meet asmuch us 10 to I for their mooney backedthe filly nil three

V 1 Arkell hiss decided to withdraw fromtie turf mom the present owing to the deathof rather


Grand Opera Home lruee ratim theArrrat of a Scenery Maker

John II Springer the lessee of the GrandOpera HOUM caused the arrest yesterdayon n charge of violating the building lawsof Thomas B McDonald a pcenery builderwho leases from Springer a carpenter shopIn the rear of tim theatre Springer toldMpglstrnto Cornell In Jefferson Market police court that McDonald had been usingthe stage of tho theatre for his work al-

though the Superintendent of Buildings hadforbidden this

said he had locked and barri-caded nil the doors leading to tho stage but

of this got In through anunlocked window

A struggle iMtwoeti Mr Springer and hishenchmen McDonald a sl tantfollowed It was terminated when Mr

called In Policeman Lemni of thoWest TweMlIeth st reel

McDonald showed to Magistrate Cornell-a letter front a building which au-

thorized the use of tho stage so long an noscattered on It The Mag-

istrate discharged McDonald saying thatthe case was one for the civil courts

Lato In thr afternoon McDonald ramsto court again and asked for B warrant forMr who It seemed again

was denied







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barricaded house















The Aldermeni Action Not Final qntiUon of Compensation

VlcePresldont Molnnea of the Aldermensaid yesterday that although the bard hadapproved the granting of a franchise tothe Union Railroad Company to lay tracksacross Macombs Dam Bridge and to operateseveral miles of lines elsewhere In ThoBronx It Lid not follw that the companyhad actually acquired the privileges lIepointed out that the Charter provides thatafter an application for a franchise hasbeen approved on the first reading by theAldermen It must go to the Board of Ks-

tltnato to fix the Whenthat has been done the Aldermen musteither pass or reject the franchiAo within a

of weeksAttention was drawn yesterday to time

fact Unit In the by theAldermen It Will provided that theCompany should to time rom

required by time act authorizingthe lines north of the

This provided that thecity should 1 cent of the com

gross receipts when its earningsaveraged 17000 a and another 1

for each further 17000 of averagedalv

Time compensation the Board of Estimatewill Le on a higherscale thnn thIs It was suggested how-ever hthat the ordInance if allowed toremain In Its form may lead toconflict between the Flnanco Departmentnnd thewild however that whatever compensationwas derided r on by ho ofwould havo to be paid by the company

WAT iv rovrrvrovVote KRlint tnllmltiNl Ovrrtlme Pro-

posal From IuUIUhfriCINCINNATI Aug that opening of

the second days session of the conventionof tho International Typographical Uniontoday there was a silence of one minute-In honor of the late Congressman AmosJ Cummin

A telegram from M J liwlnnteln chair-man of Special Standing Committeeof the American Newspaper Associationoffered the associations congratulationon its gtldtn jubilee

A fight was made by the machine operaton against the Law CommlMrrS report

hail Lieu submitted to thecommitt limiting them working hours of-

tho maoliino men The commit in Itscontended that n man should be

permitted to eirn nil he could for overtimewas and mime Law Com-

mittee was instructed to draw up a newamendment fixing n time limit

Frederick Drlscoll of Coinage commis-sioner of the Publishen Asso-ciation the nnd askedtin adoption of an to tho unionrules changes in rules and ccaleswould lii to tho PublUhorsAsocial Inn for mtual

The delegates went to tho Zclogical-Uardon for a

Tho Woinins Auxiliary this afternoondecided In favor of an litternmiitiul womino


Thr Fattier Was the WellKnown Ph ilealCulture Tcaehfr

Fernando Wood doing buiiineis as WmWood dealer In sporting anti athleticgoods at 23 and 25 West 125th street mailo-

an n ngtunont yesterday to Sidney Wardwith ul preference The bufinenn wasestablished in IbSS by his father WilliamWood who for many years had a gym-nasium on street nearFilth nveiiue and who was afterward in-

structor of culture in tho YoungMens Christian Association atavenue and street WilliamWood died on Sept 20 1 W and tho busi-ness has since managed by time sonMr Whitford of Alexander Jr time

attorneys bald that tin assign-ment was time ti Mr Woods 111 healthThe liiihililie arm about 12000 and thenominal a etn uoooo to ll i-


llarlirr Mutt rirautc Their Implimrntsherr Classes Also Mutt He n

OIMNOK X J Aug 12To prevent anyIKiFslbllity of contagion frooiho of

Implement1 thu Oroi o Board ofHealth hUH pnwed uu onlliiHiieu requiringall barbers to wash brushes combs razorscup und tools in boiling water beforeInginning business After flnUhlng witheach custOmer a barber before using arazor must wash it in an antiseptic

The board also has adopted unmiloon and restaurant to

wash thoroughly in water tanfur no other purpose every or

drinking vrisol lfore wrving a drink-A of J10 i Used fur violation-of either and the will havn-Inhixictors at work to see that tho provl-blolia alma cbeycnl


A Special Frelitht IlunKts Into Open Drawtiter iil7alictli Illver-

KLUAIIRTII X J Aug 12 A locomotiveattncled ton special produce train of twentycars plunged tills morning into an opendraw of thin River iijaiiht rodlights set by tlio bridge tender Corneliu-sleary Firemnti Webster amid BrakomanPatrick Mansfield of Plalnlleld wero killedKngiiu1rRolxTt Iknneyof dbicaliini hU legeight arn fell Into tho river Ono of time

tar is tilled withI radio delayed live hours Many

imsMngerH were over thoRlwr in small boats Just after tIme accidentIt U saul that a man sat In tho cab withthe engineer nnd llreumn If so he isburied in wreckage


Ileport That WUlooooo Ha Already IlrrnTaken From time reeks and Nhlppnl-

ViNCouvEn B C Aug 120fneial roturns brought from tho Klondike by time

steamer Princess May state that 11500000

has already been token from tho creeksand shipped to tIme

One of tho lest strikes made In tho Yukonsince time early days ha been reportedTwo FHout have found dirt running 1 tothe pan on a tributary of

A nt Forty Milo on 5 neatlywiped out town Time fire was

a front time steamer Tealandcr-

Ilullct In a Lot of icorela PeachesXewnonoit N Y Aug 1

Ilyndmnn a grocer In opening a cuss ofpeaches yesterday discovered n smallpackagu of Manila paper enclosing a 10

with a dent in its side showservice On the p per was written

bullet wan found orchard andbrought in time packer who would lIke tohear front It an I on time Old KennesawMountain battlefield and would like to knowwho this relic of Iho war between thoStates Walter K Iteynolds MariettaCobb County a

limo will he placed with the notess its credentials head-


Demand Fire Protection for Hoeka

Tint Coroners Jury which has inquiredInto the flro of Juno I at Rockaway BeachIn which Max Knson Nydla MackrowFrederick Maekrow and an unidentifiedman lost their lives has rendered a verdict-In which It demanded that provision be

by tho for a water sup-ply for extinguishing of fires at

that the tire bo withhorses and properly manned and that aproper fire alarm system be


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Owen Wlster I an Faatern man thoughhla work shows that hn lies taken th Westto his heart HU first literary work wandone on scnool papers at Su Paula und atHarvard Ill health led him to Westernranches in Toxiti Arixonu Wyoming

Tho spirit of time West crept into UU veinsand tear h wa strong end he tillwent bars again arid again to ranch lifeand to his cowboy frbnd Iradiially hnbegan to write stories of them and thefascination of the work maths maim turn hi

upon the legal profession for which hhad fitted himself

The Virginian juttlfies lit cholee

Now that the Just So Stories and theirare off Kiplings mind his

grownup readers may hope for someattention from him Winless publishedIn the August 5cri6tirri was the first Kip-ling short story aside front thus Just 80Stories which hail appeared In many aday but R BocrBrlton story called PrlvnteCopper li bn finished by him for thoOctober Brerttvya logiint

This story gives a tweak to time tall oftho British lion and though it does not

Hoer morn than Briton Is not likelyto rival Dr Doyles pamphlet in the aliceions of English teachers or to add to Kiphags popularity with his countrymen whoobject to blunt truth telling-

A volunio of poems by Kipling Is to bepublished during time con tog winter and aKipling play whose subject ha not yetbeen divulged Id prOlwd for this season

Sido by plus with tho rumor that MrJames will retreat further Into countryshadis owing to the invasion of Rye wherehe has his homo by various personagesof the Uieatrical world comes reportthat In his novel Tlio Wins of theDove he will emoige from verbal und

fastnesses and become de-lightfully intelligible as in tho early daysof lila fame This should bo good news foralt save tlio elect who havo maintainedintellectual pre tlKO fey force of enthu-siastic appreciatIon of Mr James latterday occultism

E F Benson like many of his follownovelets is paying court to tho dramalie has written n play calld Aunt Jeannlewhich Is to bo produced next

The title has a mild domestic flavorsurprising to a reader of Mr Bensonsbooks but OH Mm Patrick Campbell isto play time title rOte it seems safe t proph-esy that 1unl Jeannie either has a past-or Like Dodo la engaged in handling anextremely eventful jrewjut

Douglas Ilrownn whose Ho swith the ire n Shutters cast a farreaching shadow antI hook ones faith In Thrumsand Drumtorhty has under theof the historical novel Ills next book Is tohave the Cromwellian period for settingand th chanc i arm that the author willforsake Soottlsh rtHllem permanently

He says ho has own conceptionof Cromwell character bat thu Protectorhas already eodured much and one sacri-fices him willingly In order to have Scottishuentiment and poetry

iilUrt Parker IB another novelist who hasforsaken hi chosen literary field It wasin Canada arid the Hudson Bay country thatho found material for hits first successesand somo of hIs Pretty Pierre storiesheld a noto that was convincing prophecyHIM next book will bo a volume of shorttories whose scene ix laid in Egypt andhis next novel A Tyrant and a Ladywill also hate Egyptian setting

When Maurice Hewlett published TheNew Canterbury Tales those enthusiastswith whom from tho day of Earthworks-Out of Tuscany HowlcttUm had boon acult sighed mind Raid Hes like tho resthe is writing too fast

Evidently the judsment was a hasty oneMr Hewlett has published nothing sincethen and Is at work on no novel Hnlong been planning a work upn Tuscanymore serious in scope titan the Earth-works nail now hn is once more in hisbeloved Tunany gathering frnsh materialfor the book to whOMj making he will give-at iciest one ruoro year

Hall Cams Is writing a novelMound problems Nonconformity

lames B Conolly whose sea storiespublished within the last two years havegiven him high rank among the youngerAmerican writers li off on a European tripin search of new seas to conquer HUGloucester yams are well known and hisnow book Out of Gloucester will bo pub-lished in tho early fall

Lust year he was living with the fishierfolk of Baltic Xow-

ho has turned lila face southward and willcast lilt lot with tho Hftllora and tlshurmenof tho Mediterranean und other southern

F T Bulleu has just finished his firstnctual novel A Whalemans Wife Itdrain with time South whale fishery ofNew England

George Francis Train has for severalyelleR been working upon his book MyLife in Many States nud In Foreign LandsHis publisher n firm of good stnndlngsay that tho manuscript has much Interestand lIterary niirit

Time timing in literary shocks for areligious public seemt to ho On Iho Crosswhich announced for publication by


RT aro




comma spell





the North Sea anti


f immet








t ime













Though artisti and wholly individual inplayers hands the Panola can Ie bv any-

one even those uiterly ignorant ol the art of musicand is thus practically available to every nun womanand child in the whole wide wOrld

Even now it is not too late to consider ordering aPianola lor sour Summer Home

The entertainment atTorded by the Pianola is multipled in the Summer Home and it will be found an

uable aid to the hostessMail orders wM receive prompt attentionThe of the Pianola is 250 It may be

purchased by moderate payments

THE AEOLIAN CO 18 West 23d StsruiNot FitiuK ioisiu 10

LAlTEIt CO Senaik said Jmi itr1 a



83000In Ssnrlcc In-

MmliitfMand lira IronMANHATTAN RATES i

BusIness from 5 a month

Residence from 4 a month

OMYlir C nlncH

flEW YORK CO16 I t St 111 IMh Bt

Drexel Blddle The heroine a worldlysinner falls In love with the peasant whotakes the rOle of Christ at tho OberatnrnergauPassion Play and sees in him all that heappears to be In his stage character Theprospectus sounds startling but it Is

to learn that enamoredBaroness U led through her delusion intoradical reform

Edmund Goeso Is writing a history ofEnglish literature and his admirers Insistthat no living man of letters Is better fittedfor the task These admirers include someof tho most prominent critics of bothEngland and America In crmeotion wlihtime matter Rome has revived theof Mr Costs appllcaloo for thoof Clark lecturer at Trinity College Cam-bridge

There were many candidates eachhanded In a host of testimonials troll nioroor loss latnous men of letters Go pre-

sented only ihrce Mtiinouial hut tbc i

wero written by Matthew ArnoldAlfred TennyM and Robert Hi owningUo was nppointbl

Anne Douglas BedRrlck uttalnedsudden fame with the publication Thonwoue and of new editions of The DullMiss Archlnard and Confoundingof Camella Much has been said about thecasual way In which she undertook novelwriting but a of critics Insistupon calling her English Miss Sedgnlcknstories are English but she is American andcomes of good old Now England stockHer English life and homo she owes to theexigencies of her fathers business

French critics mire greatly in A

young Ituiwian writer Leonldaa Androoftwhose first book of stories is being trans-lated Into French but has not yet appearedin English Is a friend of Oorky anddedicated his book to him but h dealswith the middle claw instead of with thepeasants of Gorky A prominent Frenchreviewer says that Andwffs style resarabIos that of Edgar Allen Too


IIU Son PUre tOte Value of HI

at Not More Than SI3OOApplication was made to Surrogate

Church In Brooklyn yesterday for letters ofadministration on the estate of the lateAlderman James J Bridges Johnrrldgi iho eldest son of tho Alderman

In petition wiys that hU father did notleave a will

He says that hi father owned the housoIn which he died which is valued at 8000but in which thero Is nn equity of only1300 and that hits personal estate is notvalued nt more than 11000

Surrogate Church reserved decisionof affidavits by the other

chlldrnnThe Aldermen passed resolutions yester-

day regret felt thnt death of Bridges snail

time of membersto the The Council chamber wa-

i in black ant time chair aridoccupied Mr Bridges wore also cov

bitch cloth











lie has





Mauthty PimsiWTELtPI ONE

1Ik at-












THIS IS A TYPE of the bright uptodate girl wlois not afraid of sun wind or weather but relies orCUTICURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT to

preserve purify and beautify her skin scalp hair and

hands and to protect her from irritations of the skinneat rash sunburn bites and stings of insects lamenessand soreness incidental to outdoor sports

JQif iich that all should know abut the akin ralp ud hair Is tordtalie circular wkh Ciniciu Soar




Toar FLORODORAr C4t Cnoruv

f r smnrdjr Matlnrrat 4 I l-

K The Famous Bostonians

Brovmy it VON ATli-lJilsAOlNU AiOihMi



Herald THE OEFCHDER suisat

MADISON SO 8BK nrAdi50ell-KrtJoarlljhvtu oinitriiiAhh tiir t itrlrirvti

6th JI K JAPAN BY NIGHT Japanesa-Upanfte TUP MIKADO ImperUI

NurclllM d qula Oroi



IAC4UFMY OK MISIC lath St 4 Irvine Ptrime irtateit Sew

Prl MaUladny ASatl KvcMl

FLOATING ROOF GARDENCv sir Crind lltiiotilli Irl nrintcilC-

ONTKHXOS Hill ltiii VM dt VAlIIKVILeave WKvb8piiiV utb ar pinlaltcrya pm




Sanlnsfliimnnt H lfbiurlysir u u Hrim

Alit Mill loa Bench HndA-

RADIS1 torn OAHHKNS 4ZJ St Ev 1llllarfilti Mat Me lug Vnuilevlltn ArtsaArV ili Creator land at ni


irl KsrsunvKtlTnS ftKKib Sl Today

wO H wiiwtrei 55

Summer Mtnu IUoJ inrnlviUiUlil Arctic IUfifi

Coluwbui Ate lad Mlh StreetI uuii IN WAV se UMII

i B M A T o n K A ra b a L j i orcbwtral Coaeerti i Vocal SoioU-

UtoLirriFarT and Horaru City mil Country

If you havo a son or adaughter to educate

Ike mice about Itnnmitun SttulnIt trill tOUCh you should Know of an-

tituratlool tart id ttal hams turn Inrr ul practice B2 yens nd nf Idrai

perleutrapid mental and mural TUvbaokoat nf trrut rvice wherever you antiCyour child Addren


MANHATTAN COLLEGECkilttlan hrutheri llonnllni anil bcliolan

Hmlvard and Hl t it w YorkroriUKM IKAII lit IIA t US

Modern Mnicni rnrlnpcrlni Arrhl-iNlar ArtlillrrtureCiriirralSrlea-Illlti CcmnntrcUl Cuurta-

iIrrp ralurj Ilrnnrtnirnt-Heonrni S pt ammo IKMtUK IrMiliint

Y PREPARATORY SCHOOLK lad St V Itlrttnnc 4illlu-

REGENTSon COLLEGE rMntn-nsrrrMli w nooi is nrim JlAcn

Day tvtliij or trlvate euJ fur Lalalocu

Vuunc Mmnen


urllii for Iratnlni hriura ami iirrnmi pianotwin ln in mu lc drnwlri lauziil by Ur lHIM ors For lurilculirj apply u HiRevcreid Hothfr-

KIMIKItOAIITKN TKAl IXO-rrofbflNuriral lint 7 A Cutun Kupl Irrtnf

PI Kt t lith St Tall tcnii Wid Sept 10 linn

For lion and Young tlenCII and

SACRED HEART ACADEMYSelect Catnoll Military tlmrrtlnn Sclin-

olCUiononlhi SnundlVr tf liritfr V TAn lilcal oration on Inc khoro of lj w luaol

Sound rfRKfrnl by lhi rrffnt prrnarri norcollfite and lm lre largf runiinr dl uHmilitary Mining irnmptnr nianllnett

Terre bHtn loinldJrri IlltOI IIKII KDMUM DlrfClor

Long Island h stDrinsi

Business College HOOKMA itiiii IIAIIK scum

Kpopens ilav ami r rnln swMom SeptHKNIJV C ItifillT I H A IrlnclpM-

N u Slitrtlifclhort I t liar ria Mwltli IMiuiw Irom Mu to

University i M ILL ni i y f r 11 II v r 11 I a-

UMM nevlnni 8 laI M iLL U utter tires

stand OraduMeClMiri cad lo LL U Tullloo-lluu for clruuiaM addrrs-

L J TOMIKINs IrtUtrar-Wuhlniton Squarr N V City

NEW School U Vuuaa StLAW SCHOOL I K iiliiBschool 9 W tstaSt

Instruction LLD to twoLLM lo tires yera

Send for ctUMtie liWJIWE CHARE Dealt

hundreds nf Icier Ailortlirnlike intclliBcnt arid dl crrnln r Itlixr

male fpnmi liavo learned that TJIITimE KVJMNO SIN urn at time toy of tho

heap Tlintt why THE SfNigrows to dc


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