MIS, P«*MV 4 o 4 B-g to No. 24 |U»o promt," lb, on ^ JIB, N f R VDKj |»r»W9r; i firewood. 1915. SONS, Hley, Galg,|„, J4o their 8»| 6 ' jJastle, a n d wm It, ON THOUSEHOLD III* Stand, [by Sit 6io. ; i, ia hrow,| ia oliv« nil Cnairs, i 0 |alrs, ia greea Tier; [la Sideboard, F*ble, 5 ft. by pualra, 7-Piooa rga TiaiaU, P>. 3 by* yds,; Tktgany Side na utel, [Old Gold Plush; lining Table, le velvet; • t r i p id Velvet, Vy sad 4 Snail led 8Se«l * ut } •atoh ; Poll i\ri IskaiBlled Cist- Cage, i M ah :a. i»ir; LStripsd Plush; Jta. by 4iyds.; Blue and Rarf, Hearthrugs, Jahogauy Etsv ( Table Cnai', •• Bedstead, B, Good Wool pea Bxlateads, | M *t L ,reaso», 2 a, eto, '• bom Suite, kh Mirror Doir, Bbairs; Walauc fcirror and Brass Ibaiaod, Marble Rail, Painted boom Crookery, boo Towel Rail, llass, Bedroom Tales, m Drawers, ft. Combination rase Stair Rods, larble Slab and krpot, Rags, 2 titoheu Presses, elves, Kitchen llobes, Kitoheu •as, dongsettle, [Machine, Mall I Chair. U 1 P.M. IEETLE1 m once * lesinto' " contact^ Kth^ INGS IOOTT, re Works, itle, ' | Buaineaa » u d Thompson, Coaoh- Htluu to baaiuas 8 ri* a share of the •M. Up-to-d»t« | Improvements J B tavating V- > tree. lY 5TH, 1916. •RIALS. hg line aluKJ' 1 Erkation, ^ J6th Battalioi' las exempli fie . 1 led, the wb olt - fccellent nai» c Idy under* firt; ; (a hurricane °„ Tl •• Terriers ave earned t' 1 lieut. HesloP- If the terri tic lorning. * , >ed the and b^. * traditions ° [Never will » Territorials and Scotch »ans back >» t b e e n one o» pnpaign- .Tittojate. &><» l Depot. THE TKBSDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, L915. LOOAL AND OTHER NOTES, The »d death ot tbe very brave Mr Rhodes- ! Hcorhoose, brother -in-law of Mr Morritt ! Snkebj) is anncunred. Mortally woaodad, L'flew tbirty -flve mi'es, sfter dropping a bomb I ao the station at Courtrai, back to his base, ; iito his report, and died next day. Mr Bail- i f-inp has a eonsin (Mr M. Bell-Irving) flying I la Releium. ard frtennnd-Lien- C. V. Pi«>rcy, j nephew ot Mr J. J. Ball-Irving. ><« attached to tie Royal Flying Corps, on probation. o The Icapecfen'-Qpi-eral il Ufankry cme j into h'"" 'bo War Offieo < n Kr)d»? last, and j inspected the 17th BattaUcn Durham Lighc latootry, whilst performing the various items j |beir training orogramm^. which included eoaipany drill, rifle exorcises, physical drill, wblatle drill, haynoet fi^itiog, mnsketry, ,.t«ck, trench digeipg, machine gua work, gjMsUiag, etc. We understand the Inspects i- gejeral was very aaUstlad with everything ho „», and complimented the officers on the (fljieooy of their men- Mr II. C. Pdok, President of the Scarborough pbilo* n Phical sod Arohaeological Society, o( p H k Villa, the Valley, Bcarborongb, who with •0 Paok has been spending several months at £!t»rd Castlr, sends ns his reading of the jjijjls aonlptured on the noble font in our rtid old church :— I M. T. A. E. Maria te adoramus cternalis Maria Thee we adore eternally the church being dedicated to. tho B.V.M.) Ihese initials are on shields alter>i£(iQg with iserohant's mark on similar Bhielde. Lieut. Atkinson, ot the 18th Durham Light Infantry, son of Mr Q9orge Atkinson, of West ghiffs, who has been at heme on a few days' leave of absence, rejoined his regiment at ah'.trt notice on Saturday night The battalion ia rationed at Oooken Hall, rizht opposite Fiaobitla Abbey, Durham city. Yesterday morning a Belgian officer in foil nniiorm travelled with the Newcastle train, retching Barnard Cxatle at 10 44, cn Belgian military service. The Darlington Training Corps will arrive it Bernard Cistle with t h e 9°15 ••.•-A<\ oc Sunday a raii 'g, and will mirch over she Stang to Kichmnnd, whore tbey w'ii tmtrain for Ditlington. The Teeedala Cjrps will escort the visitors tbrjngh this town. ——o— The men of the North Company Royal Engineers— fhe 114th Battn WESLEYAH SUM&AY SJHOQL FESTIVAL. Sermons by the Rev. F. G. Catohouse The services ia cwtnoction with tli*.- local 'Vesieyan Sn^rloy eel« - ol "ere he«l on Svbbath ' w s apaeUI pr^aeher for 65>e d»v being the itnv. F. O. Oittli.use, nne ot tea popui..r ninisiera ot ,tb» c'ruroh. The morciog .liaconrse waa bastd upon the ninth verse of chapter six in St. John's guspsl: "There is a 1 id here wuioh hath five barley loaves and two mall fishes: but what are they among so ,ny ? " Having briefly outlined the oirenm- ' Uooea attending tlfe miraonlons feeding of >bn five thousand, the preacher observed that •VShrent men approached the aamn pxohlem fooi different tmints ot view. Philip wns a typoot the theoiis 1 , who reduced the task to -trithmeUcal terms, nud gloried in statistics "••d tables, and, said the preacher, there are : hose who took up fie same attitude in relation to the presant war. They ware ready with their statement »a t.otr.e probable cr;st iu men acd money, the duration, etc, hu- their theorising was not uMlitariA«, and practical rffort was at a discount. Aodrew w\a a type (' the more practical roan, with but a 1'tnited vision. He discovered "necessaries," sad in tbe hands of Christ those were snffiaiont, an j •a would ever b?. The preacher omphasiased the need of -m •» judgments as to relittive values. OhlUren «.•»«•:•> n o t t o be u u i o r - r v »ri beoaus9 of their youth. Toa ohildren p -eSi H <• ' tho necessaries—life, optimism, enthusiasm, personality—and if they succeeded in bringing the young ouos to Christ He would inaUtpiy their qualities and distribute then broadcast f jr the enrichment of the who'e world.—The evening aubjact was the " Re-crowned Christ" (Revelation/ x i x , 12). The preaoher'a points were—they discovered on the head cf Jesus (I) the crown of a perfect humanity. (2) tbe crown ot fail and essential divinity, and (3) the crown ot world saviourhocd. Afternoon Sarvica of Praise. In the afternoon a service ot praiaa was rendered by tha soholars, tasisted by the choir, under the able chairmanship of M r D . M . Bpence, of Lartington Hall.—The Ch-.iraiso, in opening the proceedings, expressed his great pleasure at being there that day, although in sceapticg the invitation of the Wealey*n Sunday school at Birn^ri C»siio lie w*s fore- going the pleasure of attending the anniversary ot the Ragged School Union in London, waish ho had attended for over twenty years.—A. very delightful part of the afternoon serviue ^ero tho special atualoal item* rendered by the cbildran of tho primary dsparament who wove undo" the lajdership of M ss Qreta Our Territorials in Action. TEESDALS OF FiRE MEM !V. "I 'M BAPTISM MADE OF RIGHT STUFF. GRAPHIC SKETCH BY LIEUT. HESLOP. it Eastern R%ilw»y Parkinson, dangUtor of Mr T, Parkinson, o.io taMafikm i o { t f c e enperintondor.ta of tha school, whiit> -f,«m Barnard Castle, left bmgmoor Oaaip, ! M , i a 9 B^iabrldga officiated at tho pUno. The Hints, for foreign service, on Saturday, M»y | ^'Howiog was £• oomplete programme h'. Among them are four townsmen, in Happ*r ! °P e n M i K h j m n - » w m t h e eastern m.untains; W. Po-nf-rt, S^per a. Dy,-, Sappir T. (lay, | Prayer,^ hymn-He loved the flowers la the aid Sapper C. Hiilary. A pony, yoked to a c >uc> cirt, belonging Ifr Eliwood,gamekeeper,Scargili, waanlightly j injured in an accidert at the Sills, on Thursday I night. I t la supposed that a ou&in supporting the shafts had snapped, and the animal baited and fell, sustaining somewhat serious leg wounds. The pony was takou to the White Swan ian, where it still remains, and where it was attended by Mr Phorsoo, veterinary surgeon. A buy. wh> w *i driving, miraculously escaped unhurt. By special telegram frcm King's Cross we are uked to say that Mis H. C. Watson, of -ho Mount, Barnard Caatle, will gratefully receive I fisld; lesson—St. Matthew v,, 1-16—Jim Ball; 1 CLairmac's remarks—M" Spenoe ; recitation— j Life's arithmetic—Annie Ireland ; hymn— I Praise Cod for light; racltatioa—Mother's son —Bate Burnett; hymn and chorus— Happy days—6 gir's; reoitatioi—A parable—Eva Richards m ; hymn—Where the flag of Britain flie?. Musical iteiui b; childron of the primary department:— Hymn — Lest wo forget; Children of th.^ year-6 boys sad 6 girls; cl :-3ing hymn—Teaoh ma to liva; banediotlon; Qcd eave the King. Creditable Roll of Honour. A most impressive feature waa tha reading ot the roll of honour of old scholars who had answered the call of " King and Country," acd I wba were now 3srviog with the colours in gifts of tobacco, cigMottes. matches, or "other j T a J . i o u g t t h e c o u n t r ? : _ R . a Atkinson, cumfnrta for tho Bkh Batt&lion Dnrnam Lt2ht n . . * .• mi .™ T>_ . v. comforts tor tho 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry. o The names of Capi'.'j Stanley E. Birieook and uieut. Walter E. Badocck, of tho Uth Battalioa Durham Light Iufantry, BOOB of M r Bred Badoock, solicitor. Bishop Anckland ; who la a native of Barnard Caatle, are in tho list of wounded k:\l offieera. Three - hnodred - and - thirty - six soldiers attendfld the parish church aervioo at Barnard Cstl.o DO Sunday morning. Vr and Mrs T. Waltoa. bmlder, of Crook, whose Boo, Captain Fred Walton, of the 6th Dnrham bight Infantry, has been wounded in the left knee, and la at present In hospital in , P* ia ! ™H S M f ^ d « ' Nicholson, ; flaan v , r a g 0 Wewgate, Barnard Cistle, on Sunday, who also B ati«ftetr ,rv have a son (Lieut. Harry Nicholson) in the ' •una battalio 'i, and who w«s twice his near Vprea in the fierce engagement of last week. Be ia also at present i n a military hospital w London, and oocupying the next bed to Ciptaia Waltoa. Fred Addiion. TboF. W. Brown, A. Roy Barn, J. Haloid Burn, BertieCaalt, Arthur Drumm-iui?, | Maurice Druosmond, Jack Emarson, Waldo Emerson. Harry ffo3t«r, Avthur UarriB, WillUm Harrie, Percy Hewi't. Syln-jy Hewitt--, Wm. Hodgson, Ralph W. Jooe3, R'j'15. H. Jones, Jo 'on Eavanagb, Wm. N. Kipling, Fred Mortey, Wm. Nelson; Qao. W. NUoa, William Nixon, Wm. ParklcsoiN Jo;. D. Rudd. Jamas Walker, Lealie Walton, Kiyra.-ud Wai-d, n*r.%uk Wiison, and Ceo. W. Wilson.— Attar reading the roll of honour, Mr Gatehouse asked the congregation to rise and slog '-&oi ba with them till wo meet agiiu," tho renderiag ot which verses produoed profound icapro83 i .on throughout the church.—The ..:-i>:i ;»l ^rrangomonts were in the cap^bln bnads of Mr T. Parkinson, and Mr J. Wigbtm*n presided 'iSe orgaa.—Tha of tho ci-.y wore most 0 The Headmaster and authorities of the North Eastern Couuty Schoal, as soon aa they were aware of the big local recruiting movement in tnod for Whitsuntide, at once postponed the Khool sports, aod, before the deputation waited upon then:, bad already agreed to co- operate with the town in bdtgiog to a successful issue the full programme which has heea drawn op by the sub-oommittaer Yesterday, Mr and Mra Ratoliffa left the Teesaale Union Workhouse for the overaight of » limilar institution at Sedgefield ; and Mr ud Mrs Warnes, Darlington, the incoming utater and matron, arrived at Barnard Castle, and took up their duties, On the oocasion of his marriage, M r W . Robinson, postman, baa bean the recipient of a tandecme clock, suitably inscribed, and a Putte-glaga mirror. The presents were must generously subscribed by the inhabitants « Bold.-on and Startfunh districts. Mrs woodham?,. of Boldroo, and Miss Mitchell, of *°nnt Pleasant, kindly undertook to collect "Weubioriptlons. o— * ewe belonging to Mr Tiplady, of High ?j "tfortb, on Wednesday last, gave birth to a 1 W i' ^ D '" W M l m m e d iately followed by the I two other lambs, which were partially "latd. The latter did not survive. u o .."rErio Dix n Dent, sesend son of Mr W. D. of Blahup Anokland. has been gazstted ^ootd Lieutenant In the 14lh Durham Light J°'»ntrj, end left borne yesterday tor Glasgow, 5?. undergo special training at Glasgow p B, »»raiiy before joining bis reglmenf. •^•'•'ng in the ranks of the 12th N.rthunber- fnstliers in September IRS ', ho I beta jpliuoed m- st of the time hlthorto in Triag, He was quickly promoted to lar.ee- Porporal and corporal, and, only four days "this he was gazetted, bad agiiin risen to tho ??* el sergeant. His prior experience in the v&oers' Training Corps at the North Eastorn ^nnty School placed him at a considerable •wantage over these who, before entering the "trtisr, have bad no military observation, and °* i l now reaping the benefit of the excellent trainiog given in the aohool corps Hia elder wotner, Lieut. Wm. A. Dent, who was gazetted 0 6 27th .March laat, to be Second Lieutenant 'we 6th Durham Light Infantry, ia already "Oder orders for tho front, and expaots to H]»broad this week. He is transferred tu tho U A D »ri>am Light Infantry, to be one of thoeo replace the nineteen officers who tell in that ?*ttalion in the severe fighting last week pear 'P' 9 *, when the 6th a. d 7th BattaMuns also h °" ete d so many casualties. Like bis brother n ,9 ** "Id County School Boy, and a member "•we Offloers' Training Corps. After leauog n*^ 1 be was in the ranks of the Border ^egiBent, and, since joining His Majesty's •oioea as a private iu the Northern Cyclists, August s «euce UPPER DALE NG.ES. am Uncommonly Proud to Belong to Such a Fine Set of Men." The following letter haa been addressed by T.feut. T. B. Heslop to his parents at Startforth Villa :- - It was on Monday, April 26tb, that the 6fch Btttaliwi onrae into real action. »!tbnueh we had been within range of German shells for a day or two. I am able an give v.->i no tactical features of Monday, and no indication of tho locality, because it would be censored. The battalion was suddenly o&Hed upon to take a certain poaition, and in five minntea we were doployed to do this, and cimmenced to advance. We had hardly started when the "Bosohes" got nn to us with stronir artillery, nod tho battalion advanced in perfect order over some two miiea of oonntry under a most demoralizing fire of ' Jtck Jnhrtcv ' " poison sheila and sbrapnel. The bombardment was continuous: during tbe advnnce, and the discipline aad bravery of the troops was perfectly splendid, and yon will learn that the goid old Gch won ita laurels last Monday, and proved i j was made ot the *ight stuff. I am ui>c mmonly proud to belong S:o such a fine set of men. I personal!? was luck? with my platoon, and had none kilted, and only 14 wounded, whilst I, by the help of Providence, came through uoHor. tchod. I am not usually given to bragging, but rea'ly wbat i have stated is only simple fact. It was Tuesday moroiug b.'ore it wasknonn where sil the battilioa was, and wt '&t a price had boaa paid. We lost ten officer i and about 140 non-socimi>'s:'H>f d t ftijers acd ir .en killed and wonnded Tho two c Seers killed were poor Joe Monkhoise and Lieut. K«iocK T*ie wounded were 2 B»deook«, Ma^liay, Walton. Davey, Thorpe, Nicholson, »od Kirkhouse. I think there sro oi'y abjut 8 men killed. The pri .H* was tersibie toe oce day's work. Since tceu I have been in a series ot dug-outs wita C Company, of wbicn. I find myself in command, with R. N. Hare acd Geo, Angus as auVialteros. Jack Jjhnsons" aid shrapnel flip abont all day long, but up to now I have only had one man wounded. The amount of heavy ammunition expended by both sides is pro- digious, and heavy firing frequently continues all night long, but we get quite used to it, and are quite a happy party, and get good rations. Officers pig in like the men, and I am quite »n xportat making soup out of corned beef and oxo cubes, and, of oourae, the j»m rations suit me all right. We also get boiled beef, ti<sned butter, cigarettes, tobacco, tea, and the good Id army bisouits (I am glad I had my teeth sef a to). To-day we get ordinary bread. Captain JeffrioB baa assumed command, and tbo other three battalions having suffered pretty badly, and probably for other reasons too, the 6th is now part ot the 11th Infantry Brigade, at' my address is now 6 th Durham Light Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade, British ExDeditionary Force, While I am writing this my littlo dua-cut in vibrating every minute to the concussions of J.-ek Johnsons," which are trying to Had one of our batteries. The battalion is moving bxck t'l-nigbt. I •ope for a bin oi rest. Tho weather now is just perfect, glorious sunshine all day. I hsven't see;' ray valise again yen, but hope to come np wir> it in a day or two if we go bask for a rest. Ita winderful how you get used to sluepiot; in your boots, tcetra, and how extraordinarily fit yon ifeep oat here. O K night the battalion had to sleep in the open with no blankets or waterproofs, and, of course, it WSR a beastly eold night. Tao officers, howe.ver, always oeem to manage o a littla extra peraonal comforr, and that Light, while the men slept in a ploughed field, r?a alept on a midden—for warmth—we 'd none us had a wash for about two days, so comparatively spoakicg tho bed was nice and clean. I must stop oow as I am rather buoy, being n command of the company. Local Officer Twice Wounded. SECOND-LIEUTENANT NICHOLSON'S THRILLING EXPERIENCE. Mr Arthur H. Nicholson, i;ian»ginc; clerk for Messrs Watson, Watson and Wells, svlicitorp, of this town, and secretary to the Barnard Castle Agricultural Society .received a telegram on Friday, from the Record Office at York, that his son, Second-Lieut. Harry Nicholson, of the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, had been somewhat seriously wounded. This young man, who is a most popular officer in his battalion, obtained 1 his B,A. degree at Cambridge, and while at the university ho became a member cf the Officers' Training Corps. Last October he joined the Durbams, and was gszetted second lieutenant. A fortnight last Monday ho left Gateshead with his regiment, »nd r.vived in Franca tho following day. About one-bnndred-sitd-fifty nifn from Bernard Castle, Staindrop, CrekfiaJci, BOWPP , and Middle ton, in F Cosnpsny, are •with the 6th Battalion. Second-Lieut, Nicholson, who wsa a Couot4SSohor.il b ry, and a member of the Cadet Corps, irs very nice. nnassnQiijjg young fellow. The Skilful German Sniper. The rpteaoaed Second-Lie'it. Nic'iolson.who is now in Viscount RirMej's Hospital, 10, Carlton House -terrao, Loncior.,and who is progressing very favourably. U'lls a thrillisg narrative of bis baptism of fire. " W" wero soon pushed up to the front," 8F.J8 he, •' and on Monday, April 26th, at noon, I wav hit behind tha knee. While trying to tie np the wnnnd I WAS badly hit in the buttock by * oiececf abrapnei, which is still in my back. WLmever I looked up I was promptly rewarded by a sniper. This happened three or fonr times— missed by thou- sands of shells and bulIotR. K I*y alone under fire until 9 p.m , when Istsrted to crawl away, [BV OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.J river ha* got somewhat low for The Fmocessful angling. Tuerj were a good many fishers to be seen >:n Saturday, and a tow trout were creeled witti the fly. A good fljod would be W3lcoaae. A jumble sale was held at the oohool-room, UiddletOD, Wit Siturday night, ia aid ct tha local Red Cross Society. Tne 8-»?a was on a very larga scale, and, aHhnagh It was Rot up in a v.-ry short time, it wsa an immense sneatiss. There were goods of every description given by friends, r.nd a ready sale was offeoted for the greater pari of them. The sal together with some subscriptions, realised £9 Is. 64., all of which was cioai profit to the local fund. V The fifty-seventh anniversary celebration of Middleton Primitive Methodist Sunday school is to be held this week-end. Mr J. W.'Kobson, of Bishop Auckland, an old scholar, Is tho speoiaL The taneral of Wilt Arthur Dant, of Hudegate, Middleton, took place on Thursday ot last week. He was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs George Dent, and was only ten ; ears of age. He was only ill for two days, and it was not considered that he was seriously affected. His mates in the same class at school attended the funeral, and a memorial globe was sent by the teachers and scholars ot the Primitive Methodist Sunday schnol, of which he was a scholar. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved patents, who have other two children ill. Bombadier Mattoll, whose wife is living at Mlddieton, has had another very narrow escape at the front, his hotse having been killed under him. There are other four Middleton men in the war, all baing with the gallant Territorial?, Their names are W. M. Watson, 8. Kldd, G. W Walton, and R. Gill. last, has been engaged in work in Northumberland, Netted l»at March. coast until Coal was quoted at over tbi.-ty shillings ton at tha Ncrtb-Etatorn Railway depot at Sarnatd Castlo, on Saturday. It is rumoured that a coal seam at Blu^stone may shortly be WOl k RiJ. o Mr Thompson, of Jook House, Bjwos, has lamb with five legs and six feet. List WednesJay, the 28th ult., the soholar attending Langleydalo School collected, and forwarded to Mrs Phillpps, the vicarage Stalndn-p. six dczen ben eggs for the National Egg Collection Fund. The soholars are collecting donations tor the Serbians this week, and it is hoped there will be a good response, Swit..u, common sandpiper, house and sand martins and "chiff-chaff" (iate this season) were observed on Saturday, May 1st, in Teesdaie. o- - The snow-white bloss.im of the black thorn is a conspicuous feature of the oountry lanes in Teeadale at this moment. SECOND-IIEUTEXANT H. NICHOLSON. 1 think I fainted, but swoks about midnigitb to find some officers nr,ar tee, who carried me to their trend). They tied me up, but oouid net get a stretcher, and bad to leave me about 2 a.m. Abont 4 a.m., when there wis a loll in the firing, I started to walk baok to the field dressing station. I sna just about done again when I met two artillerymen, and shortly afterwards np cstno Colonel Wataon, Major Hawdon, Lance- Corporil Watson, Privates Ridsdale, Hrass, end Others of my Men, who carried me off, 1 w> - not a pratty sight. As I was hit early in tho action, I do not know how our boys fared, but several officers were wounded. Ait is alright, so far as 1 know. I arrived at ——, after continuous and psirfnl jonrneyinga in stretchers, horse and mocrr ambnlances, and tra-op. I expect the doctors will poke out the pieces to-morrow, and then I shall be probably sant across to Eogiand. I left all my possessions, when I era-,-led away to sitfety, in Belgium, We are Treated Exceedingly Well. Nothing is spared for our comfort, and the sisters, doctor?, and medical orderlies ars kindness iisoif, I think the sisters dc hard and noble work unceasingly," Writing later. Second-Lieut. Nicholson states tbij " the officers of the r.tb have got hit bad:;-. Your:: Stokald was witn me when 1 was struck, and must have been hit too, but I do not know for certain." OTHER SOLDIERS' LETTERS. Private Alt. Parkin, of the East Yorkshire Regiment, who was formerly employed by Mestra Dowo, Newgate, Barnard Castle, in a letter to bis parents at Lartington, nnder date Aprli 28tn, says that his regiment had just come out ot the trenohes after sevan days cf very severe fighting, which was still going on at the time of writing, although, he thought, the enemy were then safe in hand. His regiment made the attack on Friday, April 23rd, when a bullet pierced his pack, but, fortu- nately, his shirt and some artioles which were rolled together prevented it from doing him any barm. His haversaok was riddled with holes by shrapnel. The doings of the Canadian contingent had already appeared in the papers. Perhaps theirs will be published shortly, as they " stuck it like men." Whilst his regiment were marching to meet the enemy, the Canadians shouted : " Good old East Yorks : give 'em it." The colonel was very proud of them. They had been in the very thickest ot the fighting, but he was sorry to state that not many men of his company were left. They were experiencing very hot weather, which made it rather uncomfortable for soldiers who were marching. The Germans are still using poisonous gases. The fumes nearly blinded some of his comrades whilst in the trenches. Writing to his parents at 27, Queen-street, Barnard Castle, under date April 28th, Private R. Deacon, of the 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, atates that hia oompany had already been in aotion. Lieut. H. Nicholson led their platoon, but got wounded badly, aud the last words Deacon heard the officer Bay were: Come on, lads of number 12 platoon," and they went bravely into it. Private J. W. Nelson, 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, writing home (21, Bridgegate, Barnard Castle), says he got wounded in his left hand on Monday, April 26th, near Ypres, and w<>s on boar4 the hospital ship, "Oxfordshire." en route for Dubilc. - Writing later from St. Magdalon Ward, Mater Inflrmorum Hospital, Belfast, Private Nelson speaks of the kind treatment of the wounded and adds that he is going on al right. Private N. Burtonwood, also of the 6th Battalion Durham Light, writiag to a friend at Barnard Castla, says they have been In the trenches four days without baing relieved The Sixths have made a name for themselves, Goiog up to the front trenches under very heavy shell Are not one man " turned tail." Writing to bis parents at 51, Bridgegnte Barnard Cas&lf, fww N.-. 3, Stationary Hospital Rouen. Private J. Bailey, 6th BatUliou Durban Light Infantry, states that ho has been slightly wounded in the arm, and also goesed with Molonito fume*, but is goiog on alright now Their whole division was in action five days after they landed. Lieut. Nicholson led their platoon, but he bad heard that the officer had since beeu wounded. Clipper Air Tuhen, 2/6; Bast D J. Tubes, 8/6 Ships' Cover, 4/6; Clipper Company's, 6/6 Miuhelin, 8/-.—Teesdaie Cycle Depot. . Another Successful Concert at Lartington. One more most successful concert vtan held in the Institute, Lartington, on Thursday sen., in aid of the local Belgian Relief Food. The arrangements were in the hands of MrStoddart (the fifth of a series promoted by the committee), and were of a very satisfactory on^racter. The Chairman of the oominittee (Mr Richard Gill) presided in his usnrl good style, and Mr Victor Schooneknaep and his daughters took part in the programme, which naa as follows: Pianoforte dues—Miss Ridley aud Miss King; song—Miss Lea Schooneknaep; song—Miss Stoddart; song—Miss Eiizi Scu-x-nefcnac-p ; duet—Life's dream—Mis« Wall and Mr 6. Hodgson ; song—Miss Kin!{ ; comic song— Ladles' hair—Mr Victor Schooneknaep ; violin solo—Mr Wm. Hail; eomie song—Mr S. Hodgson ; 8ov g -Mies Wall; song—Poor old Joe—Mr Jack Hodgson ; song—Mr Joshua Gonltbard; duet — Very suspicious — Miss Ridley and Mr S. Hodgson ; song—Miss Kieg; recitation—Through tbo fields of barley—Miss Coulthard ; comic song—Mr S, Hodgson; song —Miss Wall; comic song—Mr Jaok Hodgson; duet—Sweet and low—Miss Wall ami Miss King; violin solo—Mr Wm. Hall; sketch- Blundering Barney—Cotheretone Sketch Party The satisfaction of the audience wr.s frequently manifested by rounds of npplans^, and numerous encores were accorded. Votes of thanks and the national anthem concluded the evening's enjoyment, '('he proceeds of the concert amounted to £3 6'. Si. nett, which speaks highly for tbe ecergiex of the coma i--i.ee, and the handsome way in which tbe y'jlic respond to their endeavours. We cannot foretell the future, but whatever may be the fate of the two families now in residence, they will carry with them p)e?.sant memories of their stay in the Yorkshire village Lartington. of Paid Labour for Women and the Startforth Meeting. Board of Trade Scheme. A meeting will be bold at Startforth Morri Memorial school on Saturday, at 3 p .m, to consider and explain tbe Board of Trade scheme for paid work for women. In agricul tural work there are several braneh.ee, including milking, dairy work, care of live stuck, light farm work, market and ordinary gardening; and poultry work, but there are many other br^ijolipf, snob &e clerks in civil service, U atber stitcsi"!*, brass making', and clothing machinery. Women are needed to take the places of men required eieowbare and they will bo paid for the work. ?wo ladles are acting aa postmen at Hawick, soma drive cars, others become lift-men and messenger boys, All women Bhould, if possible register, and say if they are free for the whole time or part time, and if willing to leave home if the pay is sufficient and housing satisfactory. Among those who have promised to bn present are Viscountess Mainland, Mrs J. J. Bell-Irving, the Rev. Dr. Haadlam, and the Rev. F. Graham. BARNARD CASTLE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 105th Half-Yearly Meeting. The 105th *>!-lf-year;-» meeting of tha above S '-ciety was b^d! in t .'uf> foraiture-roi m of tho stores on Monday eight, Mr J. W. Whit- I president) presiding over a good attei d»ae.o of members.—The Chairman, in pre* ntfng the report, said ho was pleased to state that the sales for the past half-year were on the increase. Tho amonnt of eoodn sold duricg that period totalled £10.276 4s. 64., or an average of £9 spent per member, which, for an agricultural district like that, was very good. The profit for the last six months had not been eo large as the previous half-year. I t was a very difficult matter at the present time to earn big profits unless tbey placed exhorbitant prices upon tbeir goods. Considering tbe state ot the market he thought they were selling tbfir ff« d -atnffs, etc, at a reaor.able price. They had taroed a dividend of la. 10^1. in the pound, but the cncoi" :•••.< had taken the course of raising it to 2s. in the pound by taking £48 16a. 54. from the reserve iund—a oourae they wore ratber reluctant to pursue. Altbuugn they had drawn that sum from tbe reaerve fund tbey still had a balnrce cf £636 9?. 81.j or 8 per cont, of tho liabilities of tbo society, which was very satisfactory. The nvestmeRts account had iner»»sed by £146, rd the bunking ^ooount was £104 larger than 5! e preceding six month?. The fixed stockand property account was lower than tho previous half-year owing to depreciation, and the horse account, which had been reduced by £2 10a, now stood at £66 As regarded tbe grocery department the goods in stock represented £891 15s. 54.. r.nd in tbe drapery department thry had £1,750 9s. 5d. worth of goods standing ' o their credit. With respect to the former branch tbey turned their goods over every three weeks ; ar.d, ss regarded tbe latter, old stoek bad been disposed of at considerable reflections, in order to mike room for new goods This part of tho business, he was sure, wtis also i u a fl rarishing oonditiou, Tbe ixpn an scoonnt had slightly increased, one oi the eausea being higher taxation. After perusing several items in the balaace-gheet tbe Chai'man remarked that a tew members ha:i Complained ab:<ut tbe amount of money owing*.., the society. The outstanding accounts wereaiot so high as they rently appeared to bo in tr.e report, owing to tbe fact that some of riEir m rubers pa'<i fortnightly, whij «2 others pr.id rjionthlj. Ha asfiurfd (.hem that tho uey which v?a« B '.ill call}lag Has practically secure. Tfce ontstanriing arcou-.its worked out at £1 per ai<jmhjr. With their loyal C'voperatio'i he bad no hesitation in saying that these »'ccur,*s conld bo reduced to an sv " I 15>. per meaiou*. It th<-y b.vi rot e:-r ' -.I gi-*»s profit* tii- y got their articles cbesi 't." i n tbeir oet -.kiy purcii:>3ee. Dividend, in that store,was pad nn everything. Taking •Into c-ro.id; rati >n tho present national crisis an4 tbo high OJSt of living, he thought tbe balance-sheet wss very satisfactory. Mr Baicfcridge then raised the queatioo about tbe ba^l dr.bra.—Tho Chairman n i d that 2^ per cent, 'vas set asidj tima altor time to meet 'hat deficiency. Mr Baiubridge : With regard to in'raberg who are piying fortnightly or Btonthly. \ think It ia not fair to tiio.se who pay weekly, all sanu 'd be made ulik->.—The Cbs.ire...l : If we bad to rely no ready money our trills will fall i ff c .uiBidcrab 'y. All persona are not iu the same circumstances. Besides, somo of tbo outlys^af c «r» was owir.g by a number of Influential geatiemen wbo nad got plenty of m<-ney.—££r Joseph Chilton said tnat the reductiou of 2j per cevt, wss detrimental o bis Hlow-msmbars and Mia*II wao were regular ptyern. Ho was in favour of a bigger dividend beit-g paid. Alston co-operative socio"y were paying a rtividend of 3s, 94. in the pound.' V, r ,'.a it b3oefiaial to the society to depreci'vtt) ta« property £50, tbe horees £2 10s., ana withdraw Over £48 from the reserve fund? —The Chairmsn : If they valued the property, fcay, at £4,000, at i very bait-yearly meeting of that concern, and if an any time tha society wi 'i wound np, and the IOOVO sum was not realised, or the horses were not worth the amount stated, he considered tbey would then be in a sorry plight. It was to thoir own interest to lay aside a certain sum tor depreciation every six months Atier fnrtther discussion, tbe balance-sheet wad adopted on tbo motion cf Mr Stoddart (Lartirgtot), and aeeonded by Air George Allison. Miscei aneous. Mr Bainbridge's notice of motion that in future nominations for t&e committee of that society be handed into the stores at least a tno-,t'a before tho half joany mcetiorr, nad Domination papeta he issued" to eaca member s week or two previou* to tho election, with the names of the owdldatcB npon toem, and that tbey be coHected the Saturday preceding the half-yearly meeting, and tiic votes counted by scrutineers was oarried by 21 votes agaiuat 3.—Messrs W. Hawman, ft. Parkin, T. Robinson, and T. e'aud were appointed on the committee, Ur Walker Wuine having resigned.-Mr Bain- bridge also moved tbac any motion which was bvonght forward *5 r, h>lf-yeariy meeting should appear in the agenda ot the following bslance-sheet wss agreed to. COMING WHITSUMTiDfc FfSTiYAL. Cas in the Stomach is Dangerous. Phy&icians fiecommend the use of Magnesia. Sufferers from indigestion or dyspepsia should remember that the presence of gas or wind in the stomach invariably indicates that tho stomach is troubled by r-xesssive acidity. Thiu aeid causes the food to (enseal, and the fermenting food in turn gives rise fo noxious gases which distend toe stomach, hamper the normal functions of vital internal organs, cause acnta headaches, interfere with the action of the heart, and oharge tbo blood stream with deadly poiscir, which iu timo must ruin tha health. PiysiekoB pay that to quickly dispel a dangerous accumulation of wind in the stomach, and to stop the food fermentation which oreatea the gas, the acid in the stomach roost be neutralised, and that for this purpos-3 there is co.tLirg quite so good as haif-s-teaspoonful of ruro btsumted mags.esiv taken lo * little water immsdisitely after meaia. »"ias i n s t a n t l y nt -u'.ralise* tha acid, thus atoppiag termor; i'.uia and tha formation ot gas, ami CBjabiicg the iutliiued, distended stomach to proceed with its work under natural condition*. Bisurated magnesia ia obtainable in powder or tablet form from G. Clarkson Barker, The Baliol Pharmacy ; T. B. Uleley, Market-place; Mason's Caah Dreg Stores, 8, Horee-matket; R. W. Rtine, Market- place, and Miudlcton-in-Teesdale ; and other high-class chemists and stores everywhere, but as there are macy different forms of s/i«™r.esia i t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e btsni-at-ed which tbe physicians prescribe should be distinctly asked for. North-Eastern I yc iate' Meat io be a Recruiting Event. A tt-ee'-icg of tl— lijiiv-rd Cafiie Division Piirliamortar.v U;C<ui.rrc Ooawfttae was beid *< the Coi.aer-.-iiv.- Cub, B ?>srd Omf.'.o, on Wt-'ntodjy aftontooi', to oiLBider arrMjge- rno! '9 tv r celebra log the Nirth-Siatero Cyclists' Wb'.:surtid? Uc-et as a reciulting oan paign. Tbe programme, 80 far as it has bee i shaped by a sub committee which met on To '.-sday, is given belov. Mr J, Wiseman, J P. vice-chairman of the committee, presided at v^cdnesday'a meeting, acd there were also pre, - ot Lord Barnard, Mr W. H. Ralston, J.P., Mr J. Smith. J P, Major J. W. B. Heslop (late of ti>e Sixth Battalion Durham Light lofacrrj), Cat sale Myers-Way man (of tbe 17 th Durham Light Infantry), Mr T. Boardman, Mr J.Guy, Lieu'. T. D. Kenion !->f the Officera' Training Corps, North Etateru County School), Mr W. Wo; dbet-d (Oniocist ageot), and Mr T. W. DJV B in (Labour agent).—Mr Woodbead, who is (Heohargiog tbe secretarial duties jointly wit . M r DOWBOD, read voluminous correspond- euc->, which included a letter from tbe London Parliamentary Reoruiting Committee, signed by Mr Arthur Peters (the seoretary), who ' tt nl that they w.:u!d be pleased to aecd two »r*. kers for WhU week-ecd,acd to contribute £5 towards the expenses cf the effort.— Cap rain Myers -Wsymnn said he thought that military spuits wonld be very enjoyable for tbe men in Whit week-end and Colonel Caul- foil.- (the commanding officer) had instructed him to say that he would support tbe committee in overy way p iseible.— Maj.ir Healop: We ..re face-to-face with rather a kr ,uok-ont if the Norh Eastern County School aie having their sports that day.—It was agreed that Lord Barnard, Mr Smith aad Mr Kenion from a deputation t j the County School with a view to tbe postpoeeraf Lt of too pebool sports.— Cap.ain Myera-Wayman smd tiie ooramandicg officar would piece at the disposal of the committee as a --nj of hid men aa poaaible for demnnstratiiic purposes. The m-.n would be abl* to have a route march to Mlddieton oc tbe Saturday, and to give bugle calls acd physical displays, the battalion band accompanying.— It was considered tb-.t. Captain Myers- Wa: man's eugKeBtions eoeld be adopted for the Middtaton portion of the district, and that tbe other speaker 'could addreae meetit.ga at West Anckia-'d and buiindrop. le was decided to hold a concert in the castle grcuada ou tbe Mor dav mori-icg iu Hen cf tbe u>uai dramatic aketcoeB, ana to arreogo fur an address on the neel of' m ire wor, acd still nn,.e men." —The d>scu8:<ioa wss amplo and >.-.. c g b t f a l , and compretenced t- complete g foot tne situation. A sub-oommittee, with power tccsrry out the wh lo arraegomerjts, w*sappr.'l -;.fd, consisting of t h r o rep-e&ee! ativeo Jr. ID the Parliamen- tary Recruitlog C>mmlttef, three from the 17t! Battnlim Du -ii*rn Light lofantry, three froci the Oriel ..t Club, acd tbree from the Kxeculivo i f tbo North-1at>te'n Cyclists' Meet. The Sports' Programme. A sub-committee meotiog wis held on Thursday, when M»jor H-uIop (late 6th Durham Light lefantry), Captain Myers-Wayman, Captlin Farrell, and Capiain Daviev, of the 17th Durham Ligut Infantry, Lisut. Kenion, of the Officera Trait .ing Corps, -N r.0 Eastern Couoty School; Mr Dock rill, Mr Fred Board- mar. and Mr Wiseaiau, obalrman, wore preaeot. —Mr T. Ble&kicacpp, seoretary to tbe cricket oidb, was also appuiat<.-d sacrecary to the Sports' Sub-Commiitee.--A programme of sports for Whit-Monday was outlined aa follows :—100 yards flaS race, and where not otherwise mentioned tbe cvonta are open to all men eerviug in any branch ot His Majesty 's forces; quarter mile flat race, mile fiat race, obstacle rtce, futer-coinpany tug-of-war, 17th Dot hat-- Light let ancry; re-l< y rnee, 17th Durham Ligct Infantry ; fire miles serosa oountry race, 17th Durham Light Iafaiitry ; an event for the ifficers' traiticg corps, to be decided by the trlieers of tin. corps (present County Scto .i boys); c i <:vent for boy scouts, and other c inpetiuouB whioa. wiii bo decided •a or. It is proposed to h ^ve a procession in connection with tbe aporte, str-rting at 1-15 at the Town Head, in whica niembere of the Council and i fficiaia if ih^ Meet will take part, and also a detachment ot tbe 17th Durham L<ght Infantry, with tueir drum aad fife band; Hoggett's Military Band, tne C-'.'e; Corps from the Couuty School, the VotMteec Training Ccrpj, and Boy Scouve. The procession will move by Kiug-streef, QueeL -street, Newgate, and the Mai ket-place to the cricket field. On tho Saturday previous there will be a Recruiting Meeting at Middleton, attended by a detachment of the 17th Durham luigbt Infantry ; a recruiting meeting at West Auckland, wren the Executive of tbe North- Eastern C> oritur Meet will bo met; and a simila" gs-therint: at St?iodiop The Newcastle ufficia's will be received at the Head at Barnard Castle, aid aTeeeptkxi ami recruiting me'itiog mil aftuiwarus be held io tte Market- place. On Sunday theru will ba the usual me-jticg at Rokcby, at which rtcruiticg speakers niii attend. An afctn ctiv. programme has been arranged to take pUce in 'he Inner Bai'.ey at 10 -'clock on Vi/hit-Monday morning, including a ocucerr, arracged by Mr J. Blown, and a gymcsatie dfspir.y >.> the 17;h Battalion Durham Light Infantry. LADIES. % SLA«CHARD'i> PUU Arouunvailwlfor all Trriv«laritlaR, etc. They ApooaiiJy atiotii ralkf, aTitl never tail to allovuto all. uili'i iuo. They auperaedo Ponuyroyal, Cochia, bitter Apple, etc. BLANOUAE.ii's are tb« boat of all Pills tor VQMN Sola in boxeH. 1 B Hd t by BfJOTS* Branch, A. TAYLOH'S OrUK Comi'itiiy Biunchuo, and all Olieiuist-b, or post r'reo Bamo price, from LESLIE MARTYH, Limited. Chemists, Si. UAL8TON LANK, UWDOX, Fnw) Hninple irnil vulmOii" Hnoklnt. r-wl Iriv.. ),!. utamr- Large, fresh sticks of Homoeopathic Mediciues for Cattle, Foot Rot Lotion and Ointment, Scour Cure, Sheep Dips of all makes. Tar, Grease, Machine Oil, etc., at H. W. Raine's, Chemist, Barnard Castle. Somo years will elapse before i.-.o duplicate line of pipes will be laid from tho dale reservoirs to Middlesbrough by the Tees Valley Water Beard. A good stock of all tbe most noted Sheep Dips always on hand, at the lowest prices, Icon O. Clarkson Harker, Chemist (opposite Gatgate entrance to Auctiot Marc), Barnard Oasale. Paint Btioka, Rod. Tar. and Cooper Kemp'n SheoD Marker- miW, MARRIAGES, AND rFATBS. Marriage. THORPE: THOMPSON On Aprii 28tb, at All Saints' Church, Margaret-street, Hull, by the K'.v. A. E. Small wood, M.A., vicar, assisted by the Rev, J. T, Helton, vicar ot Pauil, George Jrmes Thorpe, of Newton Garth House, Uedon, East Yotbs., to Annie Howsoc, youngest daughter of tbe late Mr ; nd Mrs James Thompson, btanforlh Bank, Barnard Castle. At home, May 26th and 27tb. Deaths. WiNi'SNNV.— On the 3rd ItiSt, at 64. Arnoliffe Uardeu?, Weat Hartlepool, Lucy Mary, relict i f tbo late Joseph Winpenuy. Interment at Stranton Cemetery, c i:ege leaving tbe i -bsve rddiesa ou Thursday, at 2 p m., for St. George's Church. in Memoriam. PATTERSON - In affectionate remembrance of my dear husband, William Patterson, Newsham Lodgo. ubo departed this life in ;>eace on May 5tb, 1914. llaye of com,: laat tue, Tears at sorrow ofuu i!ow. When 1 think of the loving hutljand Whom I lost a year ago. I think of him iu —i- . No eye may see me wefp, Vet deep witbiu my bosom His memory 1 null will keep. Peace be thy rust, dear husband "J sweet to breathe the name. I u life 1 loved you very dear. In death 1 do the same. He was a huabaud kiDd and dear, A father's love had he. A friend to all wbo knew him here, A brother kind and free. You do sot know, we canuol tft-U. The loss of one we loved so well. —Ever remembered by hla wife, son, and daughter-lc law, Mrs T'ou-aa and Martha Patterson.

THE TKBSDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, L915.teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/May-05/May-05-1915... · 2011-12-13 · evening aubjact was the " Re-crowned Christ" (Revelation

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Page 1: THE TKBSDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, L915.teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/May-05/May-05-1915... · 2011-12-13 · evening aubjact was the " Re-crowned Christ" (Revelation

M I S ,

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[la Sideboard, F*ble, 5 ft. by pualra, 7-Piooa

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P>. 3 b y * yds,; Tktgany Side na utel,

[Old Gold Plush; l in ing Table, l e v e lve t ; • t r i p id Velvet, Vy sad 4 S n a i l l e d 8Se«l * u t } •atoh ; Pol l i \r i IskaiBlled C i s t -C a g e , i M ah :a. i » i r ; LStripsd Plush; Jta. by 4 i y d s . ; Blue and Rarf,

Hearthrugs, Jahogauy E t s v ( Table C n a i ' ,

• • Bedstead, B , Good Wool pea Bxlateads, | M *tL,reaso», 2 a, e to , '•

bom Suite, kh Mirror D o i r , Bbairs; Walauc

fcirror and Brass Ibaiaod, Marble • R a i l , Painted boom Crookery, boo Towel R a i l , llass, Bedroom Tales, m Drawers, ft. Combination rase Stair Rods, larble S lab and krpot, R a g s , 2 titoheu Presses, elves, Ki tchen llobes, Kitoheu •as , dongsettle, [Machine, Mall I Chair .

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l Y 5 T H , 1916.

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and b ^ . * traditions ° [Never w i l l »

Terri tor ia ls and Scotch

»ans back >» t b e e n one o» pnpaign-

.Tittojate. &><» l Depot .

T H E T K B S D A L E M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 5, L915.

L O O A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S ,

The » d death ot tbe ve ry brave M r Rhodes- ! Hcorhoose, brother - in- law of M r M o r r i t t ! Snkebj) is anncunred . M o r t a l l y woaodad, L'flew tb i r ty - f lve mi 'es, s f ter d r o p p i n g a bomb I ao the station at C o u r t r a i , back t o his base, ; iito his report, and d ied n e x t day. M r B a i l - i f-inp has a eonsin ( M r M . B e l l - I r v i n g ) flying I la Releium. a r d frtennnd-Lien- C. V. Pi«>rcy, j nephew ot M r J. J . B a l l - I r v i n g . ><« a t tached to tie Royal F l y i n g Corps, on p roba t ion .

o The Icapecfen'-Qpi-eral i l U f a n k r y c m e j

into h ' " " ' b o War Offieo < n Kr)d»? last , and j inspected t h e 17th Bat taUcn Durham Lighc latootry, whilst performing t he var ious i tems j |beir t r a i n i n g orogramm^. w h i c h inc luded eoaipany dri l l , r i f le exorcises, phys ica l d r i l l , wblatle d r i l l , haynoet f i ^ i t i o g , mnske t ry , ,.t«ck, trench digeipg, machine gua w o r k , gjMsUiag, e tc . We understand the Inspects i-gejeral was ve ry aaUstlad w i t h e v e r y t h i n g ho „ » , and complimented the officers on the (fljieooy of their men-

Mr I I . C. Pdok, President of the Scarborough pbilo*nPhical sod Arohaeologica l Socie ty , o( pHk V i l l a , the V a l l e y , Bcarborongb, who w i t h •0 Paok has been spending several months a t £!t»rd Cas t l r , sends ns h is read ing of t h e jjijjls aonlptured on t he noble font i n our rtid old church :—

I M . T . A . E. Maria te adoramus cternalis M a r i a Thee we adore e te rna l ly

the church be ing dedicated t o . t ho B . V . M . ) Ihese initials are on shields alter>i£(iQg w i t h iserohant's mark on similar Bhielde.

Lieut. A tk inson , o t the 18th Durham L i g h t Infantry, son of M r Q9orge Atk inson , of West ghiffs, who has been a t heme on a few days' leave of absence, re jo ined his reg iment a t ah'.trt notice on Saturday n i g h t The ba t t a l i on ia rationed a t Oooken H a l l , rizht opposi te Fiaobitla Abbey, Durham c i t y .

Yesterday morn ing a Belgian officer i n f o i l nniiorm travelled w i t h the Newcast le t r a in , retching Barnard Cxatle a t 10 44, c n Belg ian military service.

The Darlington T r a i n i n g Corps w i l l a r r i v e it Bernard C i s t l e w i t h the 9°15 ••.•-A<\ oc Sunday a raii'g, and w i l l m i r c h over she Stang to Kichmnnd, whore tbey w ' i i tm t r a in for Ditlington. The Teeedala C j r p s w i l l escort the visitors t b r j n g h t h i s t o w n .

— — o — The men of the N o r t h

Company Royal Engineers— fhe 114th Battn


Sermons by the Rev. F. G. Catohouse The services ia cwtnoc t ion w i t h tli*.- l oca l

'Vesieyan Sn^rloy eel« - ol " e r e he«l on Svbbath ' w s apaeUI pr^aeher for 65>e d»v being the i tnv . F . O. O i t t l i . u s e , nne o t tea popui..r n in is ie ra ot , t b » c ' ruroh. The m o r c i o g

.liaconrse waa bas td upon the n i n t h verse of chapter s ix i n St. John's g u s p s l : " T h e r e is a

1 i d here w u i o h ha th five bar ley loaves and t w o mal l fishes: b u t w h a t are they among so

,ny ? " H a v i n g br ie f ly ou t l i ned the o i renm-' Uooea a t t end ing tlfe miraonlons feeding of >bn five thousand, the preacher observed t h a t •VShrent men approached the aamn pxohlem • fooi different tmints ot v i e w . P h i l i p wns a t y p o o t the t h e o i i s 1 , who reduced the task to - t r i thmeUcal terms, nud g l o r i e d i n s t a t i s t i c s "••d tables, and, said the preacher, t he re a r e : hose who took up f i e same a t t i t u d e i n r e l a t i on t o the presant war. They ware ready w i t h t h e i r s tatement »a t.otr.e probable cr;st i u men acd money, the dura t ion , e t c , hu- t h e i r t heo r i s ing was no t uMlitariA«, and p rac t i ca l r f fo r t was a t a discount . A o d r e w w\a a type ( ' the more p rac t i ca l roan, w i t h bu t a 1'tnited v is ion . He discovered "necessaries," sad in tbe hands of Chr i s t those were snffiaiont, an j •a would ever b?. The preacher omphasiased the need of -m •» judgments as t o r e l i t t i ve values. O h l U r e n «.•»«•:•> no t t o be u u i o r - r v »ri b e o a u s 9 of t h e i r y o u t h . Toa ohi ldren p -eSi H <• ' tho necessaries—life, op t imism, enthusiasm, personal i ty—and i f they succeeded i n b r i n g i n g the young ouos t o Chr i s t He w o u l d inaUtpiy the i r qua l i t i e s and d i s t r i b u t e t h e n broadcast f j r t he enr ichment of the who'e wor ld .—The evening aubjact was the " Re-crowned C h r i s t " (Reve la t i on / x i x , 12). The preaoher'a points were—they discovered on the head c f Jesus ( I ) t he c r o w n of a perfect humani ty . (2) tbe c r o w n ot f a i l and essential d i v i n i t y , and (3) the c r o w n ot w o r l d saviourhocd.

Afternoon Sarvica of Praise. I n the af ternoon a service ot praiaa was

rendered by tha soholars, tas is ted by the choi r , under the able chairmanship of M r D. M . Bpence, of L a r t i n g t o n Hal l .—The Ch-.iraiso, i n opening the proceedings, expressed his grea t pleasure a t be ing there t ha t day, a l though i n sceapt icg the i n v i t a t i o n of the Wealey*n Sunday school a t B i r n ^ r i C»si io lie w*s fore­go ing the pleasure of a t t end ing the anniversary ot the Ragged School Union i n London, wa i sh ho had a t tended for over t w e n t y years.—A. very d e l i g h t f u l pa r t of the afternoon serviue ^ e r o tho special atualoal i t em* rendered by the cb i ld ran of tho p r imary dsparament who wove undo" the l a jde r sh ip of M ss Qreta

Our Territorials in Action.






i t

Eastern R%ilw»y Parkinson, dangUtor of M r T, Parkinson, o.io taMafikm i o { t f c e enperintondor.ta of tha school, whiit>

- f ,«m Barnard Castle, l e f t b m g m o o r Oaaip, ! M , i a 9 B^iabr ldga officiated a t tho pUno. The Hints, for foreign service, on Saturday, M » y | ^ ' H o w i o g was £ • oomplete programme h ' . Among them are four townsmen, i n Happ*r ! ° P e n M i K h j m n - » w m the eastern m . u n t a i n s ; W. Po-nf-rt, S ^ p e r a. Dy,-, Sapp i r T. ( l a y , | Prayer,^ h y m n - H e loved the flowers l a the aid Sapper C. H i i l a r y .

A pony, yoked t o a c >uc> c i r t , be longing Ifr El iwood,gamekeeper ,Scargi l i , waan l i gh t l y j injured in an a c c i d e r t at the Si l l s , on Thursday I night. I t la supposed tha t a ou&in s u p p o r t i n g the shafts had snapped, and the animal baited and f e l l , sus ta in ing somewhat serious leg wounds. The pony was t akou t o the White Swan ian , where i t s t i l l remains, and where i t w a s a t tended by M r Phorsoo, veterinary surgeon. A buy. wh> w * i d r i v i n g , miraculously escaped u n h u r t .

By special telegram frcm King ' s Cross we are uked to say t h a t M i s H . C. Watson, of -ho Mount, Barnard Caatle, w i l l gra teful ly receive

I fisld; lesson—St. M a t t h e w v, , 1-16—Jim B a l l ; 1 CLairmac's r emarks—M" Spenoe ; r ec i t a t ion— j Life 's a r i t hme t i c—Annie I r e l and ; hymn— I Praise Cod for l i g h t ; r ac l t a t ioa—Mother ' s son

—Bate B u r n e t t ; hymn and chorus— Happy days—6 g i r ' s ; r e o i t a t i o i — A parable—Eva Richards m ; hymn—Where the flag of B r i t a i n flie?. Musica l i t e i u i b ; c h i l d r o n of the p r imary depar tment :— Hymn — Lest wo f o r g e t ; Ch i ld ren of th.^ y e a r - 6 boys s a d 6 g i r l s ; c l : - 3 i n g hymn—Teaoh ma to l i v a ; baned io t lon ; Qcd eave the K i n g .

Creditable Roll of Honour. A most impressive feature waa tha read ing

ot the r o l l of honour of o l d scholars who had answered the c a l l of " K i n g and Count ry , " a c d

I wba were now 3s rv iog w i t h the colours i n gifts of tobacco, c i g M o t t e s . matches, or "other j T a J . i o u g t t h e c o u n t r ? : _ R . a A tk inson , cumfnrta for t h o Bkh Batt&l ion D n r n a m L t 2 h t • n . . * .• m i .™ T>_ . v . comforts to r tho 6 th Ba t ta l ion Durham L i g h t Infantry.

o The names of C a p i ' . ' j Stanley E. Bir ieook

and uieut. Wal te r E. Badocck, of tho Uth Battalioa Durham L i g h t I u f a n t r y , BOOB of M r Bred Badoock, so l i c i to r . Bishop A n c k l a n d ; who la a native of Barnard Caatle, are i n tho l i s t of wounded k:\l offieera.

Three - hnodred - and - t h i r t y - s ix soldiers attendfld the parish church aervioo a t Barnard Cstl.o DO Sunday morning.

V r and M r s T . Wal toa . bmlde r , of Crook, whose Boo, Captain F red Wal ton , of the 6 th Dnrham bight I n f a n t r y , has been wounded i n the left knee, and la a t present In hospi ta l i n ,

P * i a ! ™H S M f ^ d « ' Nicholson, ; flaanv , r a g 0

Wewgate, Barnard C i s t l e , on Sunday, who also B a t i « f t e t r , r v have a son (Lieu t . H a r r y Nicholson) i n the ' •una battalio'i, and who w«s t w i c e his near Vprea i n the fierce engagement of las t week. Be ia also at present i n a m i l i t a r y hospi ta l w London, and oocupying the nex t bed to Ciptaia Waltoa.

F r e d A d d i i o n . T b o F . W. B r o w n , A. Roy Barn , J . H a l o i d Burn , B e r t i e C a a l t , A r t h u r Drumm-iui?,

| M a u r i c e Druosmond, Jack Emarson, Waldo Emerson. H a r r y ffo3t«r, Av thu r U a r r i B , W i l l U m Harr ie , Percy H e w i ' t . Sy ln- jy Hewitt--, Wm. Hodgson, Ra lph W. Jooe3, R'j'15. H . Jones, Jo 'on Eavanagb, Wm. N . K i p l i n g , Fred Mor tey , Wm. Nelson; Qao. W. N U o a , W i l l i a m N i x o n , Wm. ParklcsoiN Jo;. D. Rudd. Jamas Walker , Lea l ie Wal ton , Kiyra . -ud Wai-d, n*r.%uk Wiison , and Ceo. W. Wilson.— A t t a r reading the r o l l of honour, M r Gatehouse asked the congregat ion to r ise and s log '-&oi ba w i t h them t i l l wo meet a g i i u , " t ho render iag ot wh ich verses produoed profound icapro83 i .on t h roughou t the church.—The ..:-i>:i ;»l ^rrangomonts were i n t he cap^bln bnads of M r T. Parkinson, and M r J. W i g b t m * n presided 'iSe orgaa.—Tha

of tho ci-.y wore most


The Headmaster and au thor i t i es of the N o r t h Eastern Couuty Schoal, as soon aa they were aware of the b i g loca l r e c r u i t i n g movement in tnod for Whi t sun t ide , at once postponed t h e Khool sports, aod, be fore the deputa t ion waited upon then:, bad already agreed t o co­operate with the t o w n i n b d t g i o g to a successful issue the f u l l programme w h i c h has heea drawn op by the sub-oommittaer

Yesterday, M r and M r a Ratoliffa l e f t the Teesaale Union Workhouse for the overa ight of » limilar i n s t i t u t i o n a t Sedgefield ; and M r u d Mrs Warnes, Dar l ing ton , the i ncoming utater and mat ron , a r r i v e d at Barnard Castle, and took up t h e i r dut ies ,

On the oocasion of h is marriage, M r W . Robinson, postman, baa bean the rec ip ien t of a tandecme clock, su i tab ly inscr ibed, and a Putte-glaga mi r ro r . The presents were must generously subscribed by the inhab i tan t s « Bold.-on and S t a r t f u n h d i s t r i c t s . M r s woodham?,. of Boldroo, and Miss M i t c h e l l , of *°nnt Pleasant, k i n d l y under took to col lec t "Weubioriptlons.

o— * ewe belonging t o M r T i p l a d y , of H i g h

? j " t f o r t b , on Wednesday last , gave b i r t h t o a 1 W i' ^ D ' " W M l m m e d i a t e l y fo l lowed by the I two o ther lambs, w h i c h were p a r t i a l l y

"latd. The l a t t e r did not survive. u o

. . " r E r i o Dix n Dent, sesend son of M r W. D. of Blahup Anokland. has been gazs t ted

^ootd L ieutenant I n the 1 4 l h Durham L i g h t J°'»ntrj, end l e f t borne yesterday tor Glasgow, 5?. undergo special t r a i n i n g at Glasgow pB ,»»raiiy before j o i n i n g bis reglmenf . •^• ' • 'ng i n the ranks of t he 12th N . r t h u n b e r -

fnstliers i n September I R S ' , ho I a» b e t a jpliuoed m- st of the t ime h l t h o r t o i n T r i a g ,

He was q u i c k l y promoted t o lar.ee-Porporal and corporal , and, on ly four days " th is he was gazetted, bad agi i in r isen to tho ? ? * el sergeant. His p r i o r experience in the v&oers' Training Corps a t the N o r t h Eastorn ^nnty School placed him a t a considerable •wantage over these who, before en t e r i ng the " t r t is r , have bad no m i l i t a r y observat ion, and °* i l now reaping the benefit of the excel lent trainiog g iven i n the aohool corps Hia elder wotner, L ieu t . Wm. A. Dent , who was gazet ted 0 6 27th .March laat, t o be Second Lieu tenant

'we 6th Durham L i g h t In fan t ry , ia already "Oder orders for tho f ron t , a n d expaots t o H]»broad th i s week. He i s t ransferred tu tho U

A D»ri>am Light I n f a n t r y , to be one of thoeo replace the nineteen officers who t e l l i n t h a t

?*ttalion i n the severe fighting las t week pear 'P ' 9 *, when the 6 th a. d 7th BattaMuns also

h ° " e t e d so many casualties. L i k e bis bro ther n ,9 ** "Id County School Boy, and a member "•we Offloers' Training Corps. A f t e r l e a u o g n * ^ 1 be was in the ranks of the Border ^egiBent, and, since j o i n i n g H i s Majesty 's •oioea as a p r iva te i u the Nor the rn Cycl is ts , >» August s«euce


am Uncommonly Proud to Belong to Such a Fine Set of Men."

The f o l l o w i n g l e t t e r haa been addressed by T.feut. T . B. Heslop to his parents a t S t a r t f o r t h V i l l a : -- I t was on Monday, A p r i l 26tb, t ha t the 6fch B t t t a l i w i onrae i n t o r ea l ac t ion . »!tbnueh we had been w i t h i n range of German shells for a day or t w o .

I am able an g i v e v.->i no t a c t i c a l features of Monday , and no i nd i ca t i on of tho l o c a l i t y , because i t w o u l d be censored.

The ba t t a l i on was suddenly o&Hed upon to take a ce r t a in poai t ion, and i n five minntea we were doployed to do th i s , and c immenced to advance. We had h a r d l y s ta r ted when the "Bosohes" got nn to us w i t h s tronir a r t i l l e r y , nod tho b a t t a l i o n advanced in perfect order over some two miiea of oonn t ry under a most demora l iz ing fire of ' J t c k J n h r t c v ' " poison sheila and sbrapnel . The bombardment was continuous: d u r i n g tbe advnnce, and the d i sc ip l ine a a d b ravery of the t roops was per fec t ly sp lendid , and yon w i l l l earn tha t the g o i d o ld Gch won i t a laurels las t Monday, a n d proved i j was made ot the * i g h t stuff.

I am ui>c mmonly proud to belong S:o such a fine set of men.

I personal!? was l uck? w i t h my platoon, and had none k i l t e d , and on ly 14 wounded, w h i l s t I , by the help of Providence, came th rough uoHor. t chod .

I am not usually g i v e n to bragging, bu t r ea ' l y wba t i have s ta ted is only simple fact .

I t was Tuesday moro iug b . ' o r e i t w a s k n o n n w h e r e s i l the b a t t i l i o a was, and wt '&t a p r ice had boaa paid . W e lost ten officer i and about 140 non-socimi>'s:'H>f d t ftijers acd ir.en k i l l e d and wonnded Tho t w o c Seers k i l l e d were poor Joe M o n k h o i s e and L i e u t . K « i o c K T*ie wounded were 2 B»deook«, Ma^l iay , Wa l ton . Davey, Thorpe, Nicholson, » o d Kirkhouse . I t h i n k there sro o i ' y a b j u t 8 men k i l l e d .

The pri .H* was te rs ib ie toe oce day's w o r k . Since t ceu I have been i n a series ot dug-outs

w i t a C Company, of wbicn. I find myself i n command, w i t h R. N . Hare acd Geo, Angus as auVialteros.

Jack J j h n s o n s " a i d shrapnel flip abont a l l day long, b u t up t o now I have on ly had one man wounded. The amount of heavy ammuni t ion expended by bo th sides is p ro­digious , and heavy firing f requent ly cont inues a l l n i g h t long, b u t we get q u i t e used to i t , and are qu i t e a happy p a r t y , and get good ra t ions . Officers p i g i n l i k e the men, and I am qu i t e »n

x p o r t a t making soup ou t of corned beef and oxo cubes, and, of oourae, the j»m ra t ions s u i t me a l l r i g h t . We also get boiled beef, ti<sned bu t t e r , c igaret tes , tobacco, tea, and the good

Id army bisoui ts ( I am g lad I had my t ee th sef a to ) . To-day we ge t o rd ina ry bread.

Capta in JeffrioB baa assumed command, and tbo other three ba t ta l ions hav ing suffered p r e t t y badly, and probably for o ther reasons too, the 6 th is now p a r t ot the 11th I n f a n t r y Brigade, at' my address is now 6 t h Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , 11th I n f a n t r y Brigade, B r i t i s h ExDedi t ionary Force,

W h i l e I am w r i t i n g th i s my l i t t l o dua-cut in v i b r a t i n g every minu te to the concussions of

J.-ek Johnsons," wh ich are t r y i n g to Had one of our ba t te r ies .

The ba t t a l ion is moving bxck t ' l - n igb t . I •ope for a bin oi rest .

Tho weather now is jus t perfect , g lor ious sunshine a l l day. I hsven ' t see;' ray val ise again yen, b u t hope to come np wi r> i t in a day or t w o i f we go bask for a rest . I t a w i n d e r f u l how you ge t used to sluepiot; i n your boots,

t ce t ra , and how e x t r a o r d i n a r i l y fit yon ifeep oa t here. O K n i g h t the ba t t a l i on had to sleep i n the open w i t h no blankets or waterproofs , and, of course, i t WSR a beastly eold n i g h t . Tao officers, howe.ver, a lways oeem to manage o a l i t t l a ex t r a peraonal comforr, and tha t

L i g h t , w h i l e the men s lep t i n a ploughed field, r?a alept on a midden—for wa rmth—we 'd none

us had a wash for about t w o days, so comparat ive ly spoakicg tho bed was n ice and clean.

I must s t o p o o w as I am ra ther buoy, being n command of the company.

Local Officer Twice Wounded.


THRILLING EXPERIENCE. M r A r t h u r H . Nicholson, i;ian»ginc; c l e r k for

Messrs Watson, Watson and Wel ls , sv l ic i to rp , of t h i s t o w n , and secretary t o the Barnard Castle A g r i c u l t u r a l Society .received a te legram on F r i day , from the Record Office at York, t h a t his son, Second-Lieut . H a r r y Nicholson, of the 6 th Ba t t a l ion Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , had been somewhat seriously wounded. Th i s young man, who is a most popular officer in h is ba t t a l ion , obtained 1 his B,A. degree a t Cambridge, and w h i l e a t the u n i v e r s i t y ho became a member c f the Officers' T r a i n i n g Corps. Las t October he jo ined the Durbams, and was gsze t t ed second l ieu tenant . A f o r t n i g h t las t Monday ho l e f t Gateshead w i t h his regiment , »nd r . v i v e d i n Franca tho f o l l o w i n g day. Abou t one-bnndred-si td-f if ty n i fn from Bernard Castle, Sta indrop, CrekfiaJci, B O W P P , and M i d d l e ton, i n F Cosnpsny, are •with the 6th Ba t t a l ion . Second-Lieut , Nicholson, who wsa a Couot4SSohor.il b ry, and a member of the Cadet Corps, irs ve ry nice. nnassnQiijjg young fe l low.

The Ski l fu l German Sniper. The rpteaoaed Second-Lie ' i t . Nic ' io lson.who is

now in V i scoun t RirMej 's Hospi ta l , 10, Car l ton House - terrao , Loncior.,and who is progressing very favourably . U' l l s a t h r i l l i s g na r r a t i ve of bis bapt ism of fire. " W " wero soon pushed up to the f ron t , " 8 F . J 8 he, •' and on Monday, A p r i l 26th, a t noon, I wav h i t behind tha knee. Whi l e t r y i n g t o t i e np the wnnnd I WAS badly h i t i n the bu t t ock by * o iecec f abrapnei, wh ich is s t i l l in my back. W L m e v e r I looked up I was p rompt ly rewarded by a sniper. Th i s happened three or fonr times— missed by thou­sands of shells and bulIotR. K I*y alone under fire u n t i l 9 p.m , when I s t s r t e d to c r a w l away,


r i v e r ha* go t somewhat l o w for The Fmocess fu l ang l ing . T u e r j were a good many fishers t o be seen >:n Saturday, and a tow t r o u t were creeled w i t t i the fly. A good fljod w o u l d be W3lcoaae.

A jumble sale was held at the oohool-room, UiddletOD, W i t S i t u r d a y n igh t , i a a id c t tha local Red Cross Society. Tne 8-»?a was on a very l a rga scale, and, aHhnagh I t was Rot up i n a v.-ry shor t t ime , i t wsa an immense sneatiss. There were goods of every descr ip t ion g iven by friends, r.nd a ready sale was offeoted for the greater p a r i of them. The s a l together w i t h some subscript ions, realised £9 I s . 64., a l l of w h i c h was c ioa i prof i t to the loca l fund.

V The fifty-seventh anniversary ce lebra t ion of

M i d d l e t o n P r i m i t i v e M e t h o d i s t Sunday school is t o be held t h i s week-end. M r J . W.'Kobson, of Bishop Auck land , an o l d scholar, Is tho speoiaL

The taneral of W i l t A r t h u r Dant , of Hudegate, M i d d l e t o n , took place on Thursday ot last week. He was the eldest son of M r and M r s George Dent , and was on ly ten ; ears of age. He was only i l l for t w o days, and i t was no t considered tha t he was ser iously affected. H i s mates i n the same class a t school a t tended the funeral , and a memorial globe was sent by t h e teachers and scholars ot the P r i m i t i v e Me thod i s t Sunday schnol, of w h i c h he was a scholar. M u c h sympathy is extended to the bereaved patents , who have other two ch i ld ren i l l .

Bombadier M a t t o l l , whose wi fe is l i v i n g a t M l d d i e t o n , has had another v e r y narrow escape at the f ron t , h is hotse hav ing been k i l l e d under h i m . There are other four M i d d l e t o n men i n the war, a l l ba ing w i t h the ga l l an t Ter r i to r i a l ? , The i r names are W. M . Watson, 8. K l d d , G. W Walton, and R. G i l l .

last, has been engaged i n work in Northumberland,

Net ted l»at March.

coast u n t i l

Coal was quoted a t over tb i . - ty sh i l l ings ton a t tha N c r t b - E t a t o r n Rai lway depot a t Sarnatd Castlo, on Saturday. I t is rumoured that a coal seam at Blu^stone may s h o r t l y be W O l k R i J .

o M r Thompson, of Jook House, B jwos , has

lamb w i t h five legs and s ix feet.

L i s t WednesJay, the 28th u l t . , the soholar a t t end ing Langleydalo School co l lec ted , and forwarded to M r s Phi l lpps , the vicarage Stalndn-p. s ix dczen ben eggs for the Nat iona l E g g Col lec t ion Fund . The soholars are co l l ec t i ng donations tor the Serbians th i s week, and i t is hoped there w i l l be a good response,

Swit..u, common sandpiper, house and sand mar t ins and "ch i f f -chaf f " (iate t h i s season) were observed on Saturday, May 1st, in Teesdaie.

o - -The snow-whi te bloss.im of the black t h o r n

is a conspicuous feature of the oountry lanes in Teeadale at this moment.

S E C O N D - I I E U T E X A N T H . N I C H O L S O N . 1 t h i n k I fa inted, bu t swoks about midnigi tb to find some officers nr,ar tee, who ca r r i ed me to t h e i r trend). They t i e d me up, b u t oouid net ge t a s t re tcher , and bad to leave me about 2 a.m. A b o n t 4 a.m., when there w i s a l o l l i n the firing, I s ta r ted to wa lk baok to the field dressing s ta t ion . I sna j u s t about done again when I met t w o a r t i l l e r y m e n , and s h o r t l y af terwards np cstno

Colonel Wataon, Major Hawdon, Lance-Corporil Watson, Privates Ridsdale,

Hrass, end Others of my Men, who ca r r i ed me off, 1 w> - not a p r a t t y s i g h t . As I was h i t ear ly i n tho ac t ion, I do no t know how our boys fared, b u t several officers were wounded. Ait is a l r i g h t , so far as 1 know. I a r r i v e d a t ——, after cont inuous and p s i r f n l jonrneyinga i n s t re tchers , horse and mocrr ambnlances, and tra-op. I expect the doctors w i l l poke out the pieces to-morrow, and then I shal l be probably sant across to Eogiand . I l e f t al l my possessions, when I era-,-led a w a y to sitfety, in Belg ium,

We are Treated Exceedingly Well. N o t h i n g is spared for our comfort , and the sisters, doctor?, and medical order l ies ars kindness i i so i f , I t h i n k the sisters dc hard and noble w o r k unceasingly," W r i t i n g la ter . Second-Lieut. Nicholson states t b i j " the officers of the r.tb have go t h i t bad:;-. Your : : Stokald was w i t n me when 1 was s t r u c k , and must have been h i t too, bu t I do not know for ce r t a in . "

OTHER SOLDIERS' LETTERS. Pr iva te A l t . Pa rk in , of the East Y o r k s h i r e

Regiment , who was former ly employed by Mest ra Dowo, Newgate, Barnard Castle, i n a l e t t e r t o bis parents a t L a r t i n g t o n , nnder date A p r l i 28tn, says tha t his reg iment had j u s t come ou t ot t h e trenohes after sevan days c f ve ry severe fighting, w h i c h was s t i l l go ing on a t the t i m e of w r i t i n g , a l though, he thought , the enemy were then safe i n hand. His regiment made the a t t ack on F r iday , A p r i l 23rd, when a bu l l e t p ierced his pack, but , f o r t u ­nate ly , h is s h i r t and some ar t io les w h i c h were ro l l ed together p reven ted i t f rom do ing h im any barm. His haversaok was r i d d l e d w i t h holes by shrapnel . The doings of the Canadian cont ingent had already appeared i n the papers. Perhaps the i r s w i l l be published sho r t l y , as they " s tuck i t l i k e men." W h i l s t his reg iment were marching to meet the enemy, the Canadians shouted : " Good o l d East Y o r k s : g ive 'em i t . " The colonel was ve ry p roud of them. They had been i n the v e r y t h i ckes t ot the fighting, bu t he was sor ry t o s tate t ha t no t many men of his company were l e f t . They were exper ienc ing v e r y ho t weather , w h i c h made i t r a ther uncomfortable for soldiers who were marching . The Germans are s t i l l us ing poisonous gases. The fumes near ly b l inded some of his comrades w h i l s t i n the trenches.

W r i t i n g t o his parents a t 27, Queen-street, Barnard Castle, under date A p r i l 28th, Pr iva te R. Deacon, of the 6 th Ba t t a l i on Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , atates t h a t hia oompany had already been i n aot ion. L i e u t . H . Nicholson led t h e i r p la toon, b u t go t wounded badly, aud the las t words Deacon heard the officer Bay w e r e :

Come on, lads of number 12 p la toon," and they wen t brave ly i n t o i t .

P r iva te J . W. Nelson, 6 th Ba t t a l i on Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , w r i t i n g home (21, Bridgegate , Barnard Castle), says he got wounded i n his l e f t hand on Monday, A p r i l 26th, near Ypres, and w<>s on boar4 the hospi ta l ship, " O x f o r d s h i r e . " en route for Dub i l c . - W r i t i n g l a te r from St. Magdalon Ward, Mater Inf l rmorum Hospi ta l , Belfast, P r iva t e Nelson speaks of the k i n d t r ea tment of the wounded and adds t h a t he is going on al r i g h t .

P r iva te N . Bur tonwood, also of the 6th Ba t ta l ion Durham L i g h t , w r i t i a g to a f r i end a t Barnard Castla, says they have been I n the trenches four days w i t h o u t baing re l ieved The S ix ths have made a name for themselves, Goiog up to the f ron t trenches under very heavy shel l Are no t one man " tu rned t a i l . "

W r i t i n g to bis parents a t 51, Bridgegnte Barnard Cas&lf, f w w N.- . 3, Stat ionary Hospital Rouen. Pr iva te J . Bailey, 6 th B a t U l i o u Durban L i g h t I n f a n t r y , states tha t ho has been s l i g h t l y wounded i n the arm, and also goesed w i t h M o l o n i t o fume*, bu t is goiog on a l r i g h t now The i r whole d iv i s ion was i n act ion five days after they landed. L i e u t . Nicholson led the i r platoon, bu t he bad heard tha t the officer had since beeu wounded.

Cl ipper A i r Tuhen, 2/6; Bast D J . Tubes, 8/6 Ships' Cover, 4/6; Cl ipper Company's, 6/6 M i u h e l i n , 8/-.—Teesdaie Cycle Depot. .

Another Successful Concert at Lartington.

One more most successful concer t vtan he ld i n the I n s t i t u t e , L a r t i n g t o n , on Thursday sen., i n a id of the loca l Belgian Re l ie f Food . The arrangements were i n the hands of M r S t o d d a r t (the fifth of a series promoted by the committee) , and were of a ve ry sat isfactory on^racter . The Chairman of the oominit tee ( M r R icha rd G i l l ) presided i n his u s n r l good s ty le , and M r V i c t o r Schooneknaep and his daughters took pa r t i n the programme, wh ich naa as f o l l o w s : — Pianoforte dues—Miss R i d l e y aud Miss K i n g ; song—Miss Lea Schooneknaep; song—Miss S t o d d a r t ; song—Miss E i i z i Scu-x-nefcnac-p ; duet—Life ' s dream—Mis« W a l l and M r 6. Hodgson ; song—Miss Kin!{ ; comic song— Ladles ' h a i r — M r V i c t o r Schooneknaep ; v i o l i n so lo—Mr Wm. H a i l ; eomie song—Mr S. Hodgson ; 8 o v g -Mies W a l l ; song—Poor o ld Joe—Mr Jack Hodgson ; song—Mr Joshua G o n l t b a r d ; duet — V e r y suspicious — Miss R id l ey and M r S. Hodgson ; song—Miss K i e g ; r ec i t a t ion—Through tbo fields of bar ley—Miss Coul thard ; comic song—Mr S, Hodgson; song —Miss W a l l ; comic song—Mr Jaok Hodgson; duet—Sweet and l o w — M i s s W a l l ami Miss K i n g ; v i o l i n so lo—Mr Wm. H a l l ; s k e t c h -Blunder ing Barney—Cotheretone Sketch P a r t y The sat isfact ion of the audience wr.s f requent ly manifested by rounds of npplans^, and numerous encores were accorded. Votes of thanks and the nat ional anthem concluded the evening's enjoyment, '('he proceeds of the concer t amounted to £3 6' . Si. ne t t , w h i c h speaks h igh ly for tbe ecergiex of the coma i--i.ee, and the handsome way i n wh ich tbe • y ' j l i c respond t o t h e i r endeavours. We cannot fo re t e l l the fu ture , bu t whatever may be the fate of the t w o families now i n residence, they w i l l c a r ry w i t h them p)e?.sant memories of t h e i r s tay i n the Yorkshire v i l l age L a r t i n g t o n . of

Paid Labour for Women and the Startforth Meeting.

Board of Trade Scheme. A meet ing w i l l be bold a t S t a r t f o r t h M o r r i

Memor i a l school on Saturday, at 3 p . m , to consider and explain tbe Board of Trade scheme for paid w o r k for women. I n ag r i cu l t u r a l w o r k there are several braneh.ee, i n c l u d i n g m i l k i n g , da i ry work , care of l i v e stuck, l i g h t farm work , marke t and ord inary gardening; and p o u l t r y work , bu t there are many other br^ i jo l ipf , snob &e c lerks in c i v i l service, U atber s t i tcs i" !* , brass making', and c l o t h i n g machinery. Women are needed to take the places of men requi red eieowbare and they w i l l bo p a i d for the w o r k . ? w o ladles are ac t i ng aa postmen a t Hawick , soma d r i v e cars, others become l i f t -men and messenger boys, A l l women Bhould , i f possible regis ter , and say i f they are free for the whole t ime or pa r t t ime, and i f w i l l i n g to leave home i f the pay is sufficient and housing sat isfactory. Among those who have promised to bn present are Viscountess Mainland, M r s J. J. B e l l - I r v i n g , the Rev. Dr. Haadlam, and the Rev. F . Graham.


105th Half-Yearly Meeting. The 105th *>!-lf-year;-» meet ing of tha above

S ' -c ie ty was b^d! i n t.'uf> fo ra i tu re - ro i m of t ho stores on Monday e i g h t , M r J. W. W h i t -I president) p res id ing over a good a t t e i d»ae.o of members.—The Chairman, i n pre* n t fng the repor t , said ho was pleased to s tate t ha t the sales for the past half-year were on the increase. Tho amonnt of eoodn sold d u r i c g t h a t per iod t o t a l l e d £10.276 4s. 64., or an average of £9 spent per member, w h i c h , for an a g r i c u l t u r a l d i s t r i c t l i k e tha t , was v e r y good. The prof i t for the las t s ix months had no t been eo large as the previous half-year. I t was a ve ry di f f icul t ma t t e r a t the present t ime to earn b i g profits unless tbey placed exhorb i t an t prices upon t b e i r goods. Consider ing tbe s tate ot the marke t he though t they were s e l l i ng t b f i r f f« d-atnffs, e t c , a t a reaor.able pr ice . They had t a r o e d a d i v i d e n d o f l a . 10^1. i n the pound, bu t the c n c o i " :•••.< had taken the course of ra i s ing i t to 2s. in the pound by t a k i n g £48 16a. 54. f rom the reserve iund—a oourae they wore r a tbe r r e luc t an t t o pursue. Al tbuugn they had d r a w n t h a t sum from tbe reaerve fund tbey s t i l l had a ba lnrce c f £636 9?. 81.j or 8 per cont, of t h o l i a b i l i t i e s of tbo society, wh ich was v e r y sat isfactory. The

n v e s t m e R t s account had iner»»sed by £146, r d the bunking ^ooount was £104 la rger than

5! e preceding s ix month?. The fixed s tockand p roper ty account was lower than t h o previous half-year o w i n g to deprecia t ion , and the horse account, w h i c h had been reduced by £2 10a, now stood a t £66 As regarded tbe grocery depar tment the goods i n s tock represented £891 15s. 54.. r.nd i n tbe d rapery depar tment t h r y had £1,750 9s. 5d. w o r t h of goods s tanding ' o t h e i r c r e d i t . W i t h respect t o the former branch tbey tu rned t h e i r goods over every three weeks ; ar.d, ss regarded tbe l a t t e r , o ld stoek bad been disposed of a t considerable reflect ions, i n order t o m i k e room for new goods This par t of tho business, he was sure, w t i s also i u a fl rarishing oondi t iou , Tbe ixpn an scoonnt had s l i g h t l y increased, one o i the eausea being h igher t axa t ion . A f t e r perus ing several i tems i n the balaace-gheet tbe Chai 'man remarked t h a t a tew members ha:i Complained ab:<ut t b e amount of money owing*.., the society. The outs tanding accounts wereaiot so h igh as they rent ly appeared to bo i n tr.e repor t , owing t o tbe fact t h a t some of

r i E i r m rubers pa'<i f o r t n i g h t l y , w h i j « 2 o thers pr.id r j i o n t h l j . Ha asfiurfd (.hem t h a t t ho

uey wh ich v?a« B ' . i l l c a l l } l a g Has p rac t i ca l ly secure. Tfce onts tanr i ing arcou-.its worked ou t a t £1 per a i < j m h j r . W i t h t he i r loya l C'voperat io ' i he bad no hes i ta t ion i n saying t h a t these »'ccur,*s conld bo reduced to an s v " I 15>. p e r meaiou*. I t th<-y b .vi r o t e:-r ' -.I g i - * » s p rof i t* t i i - y g o t t he i r a r t i c les cbesi't." i n t b e i r oet - .kiy purcii:>3ee. D iv idend , i n that s tore ,was p a d nn e v e r y t h i n g . T a k i n g

•Into c-ro. id; r a t i >n tho present na t iona l cr is is an4 tbo h igh OJSt of l i v i n g , he though t tbe balance-sheet w s s ve ry sat isfactory. — M r Baicfcridge then raised the queatioo about tbe ba^l dr.bra.—Tho Chairman n i d tha t 2^ per cent, 'vas set a s i d j t ima a l t o r t ime to meet ' h a t deficiency. — M r Baiubr idge : W i t h regard to in 'raberg who are p i y i n g f o r t n i g h t l y or Btonthly. \ t h i n k I t ia no t fa i r to tiio.se who pay weekly , a l l s a n u ' d be made ulik->.—The Cbs.ire...l : I f we bad to r e l y no ready money our t r i l l s w i l l fa l l i ff c . u i B i d c r a b ' y . A l l persona are not iu the s a m e c ircumstances. Besides, somo of tbo outlys^af c « r » was owir .g by a number of Inf luent ia l geatiemen wbo nad go t p l en ty of m<-ney.—££r Joseph Ch i l t on said t n a t the reduc t iou of 2 j per cevt , w s s d e t r i m e n t a l o bis H l o w - m s m b a r s and M i a * I I wao were

regular p tye rn . Ho was i n favour of a b igger d i v i d e n d beit-g pa id . Als ton co-operat ive socio"y were pay ing a r t iv idend of 3s, 94. i n the pound . ' V,r,'.a i t b 3 o e f i a i a l to the s o c i e t y to depreci'vtt) t a « p roper ty £50, tbe horees £2 10s., ana w i t h d r a w Over £48 from the reserve fund? —The Chairmsn : I f they valued the proper ty , fcay, a t £4,000, a t i very bai t -yearly mee t ing of t h a t concern, and i f an any t ime tha society w i ' i wound np, and the I O O V O sum was no t real ised, or the horses were no t w o r t h the amount s ta ted, he considered tbey w o u l d then be i n a sor ry p l i g h t . I t was to t h o i r o w n in te res t t o lay aside a cer ta in sum tor deprecia t ion every s ix months — A t i e r fnrtther discussion, tbe balance-sheet wad adopted on tbo motion c f M r Stoddar t ( L a r t i r g t o t ) , and aeeonded by Air George A l l i s o n .

Miscei aneous. M r Bainbridge 's not ice of mot ion t h a t i n

fu tu re nominations for t&e commit tee of t h a t society be handed i n t o the stores at least a tno-,t'a before tho half j o a n y m c e t i o r r , nad D o m i n a t i o n papeta he issued" to eaca member s week or t w o prev iou* to tho e lect ion, w i t h the names of the o w d l d a t c B npon toem, and tha t tbey be coHected the Saturday preceding the ha l f -year ly meet ing, and t i i c votes counted by scrut ineers was oarr ied by 21 votes agaiuat 3.—Messrs W. Hawman, f t . Parkin , T . Robinson, and T.

e'aud were appointed on the commit tee , U r Walker Wuine hav ing r e s i g n e d . - M r Bain-br idge also moved tbac any mot ion wh ich was bvonght fo rward *5 r, h>l f -year iy meet ing should appear i n the agenda ot the f o l l o w i n g bslance-sheet wss agreed to .

COMING W H I T S U M T i D f c F f S T i Y A L .

Cas in the Stomach is Dangerous.

Phy&icians fiecommend the use of Magnesia. Sufferers from indiges t ion or dyspepsia

should remember t h a t the presence of gas or w i n d i n the stomach i n v a r i a b l y indicates t h a t t ho stomach is t roub led by r-xesssive a c i d i t y .

Thiu aeid causes the food t o ( ensea l , and the fe rment ing food i n t u r n gives r ise fo noxious gases wh ich dis tend toe stomach, hamper the normal funct ions of v i t a l i n t e rna l organs, cause acnta headaches, in te r fe re w i t h the ac t ion of the heart, and oharge tbo blood stream w i t h deadly p o i s c i r , wh ich i u t imo must r u i n tha heal th. P i y s i e k o B pay tha t to q u i c k l y d ispel a dangerous accumulat ion of w i n d i n the stomach, and t o stop the food fermenta t ion w h i c h oreatea the gas, the acid i n the stomach roost be neutra l ised, and t h a t for th i s purpos-3 there is co . tL i rg qu i t e so good as haif-s-teaspoonful of r u r o b tsumted mags.esiv taken lo * l i t t l e water immsdisitely after m e a i a . »"ias in s t an t ly nt-u' .ralise* tha acid, thus a toppiag t e r m o r ; i'.uia and tha format ion ot gas, ami CBjab i i cg the iu t l i i ued , distended stomach to proceed w i t h i t s work under na tura l condi t ion*. Bisurated magnesia ia obtainable i n powder or t ab le t form from G. Clarkson Barker , The Ba l io l Pharmacy ; T . B. Uleley, Marke t -p l ace ; Mason's Caah D r e g Stores, 8, Horee-matket ; R. W. R t i n e , M a r k e t ­place, and Miudlc ton- in-Teesdale ; and other high-class chemists and stores everywhere , but as there are macy different forms of s/i«™r.esia i t is impor t an t t h a t the btsni-at-ed w h i c h tbe physicians prescr ibe should be d i s t i n c t l y asked for .

North-Eastern I yc iate' Meat io be a Recruiting Event.

A tt-ee'-icg of t l — lijiiv-rd Ca f i i e D iv i s ion Piir l iamortar.v U ;C<u i . r r c Ooawf t tae was beid *< the Coi.aer- .- i iv.- C u b , B ?>srd Omf.'.o, on W t - ' n t o d j y af tontooi ' , to o i L B i d e r a r r M j g e -rno! ' 9 tvr celebra l og the N i r t h - S i a t e r o Cyc l i s t s ' Wb ' . : su r t id? Uc-et as a r e c i u l t i n g oan paign. Tbe programme, 80 far as i t has bee i shaped by a sub commit tee wh ich met on To ' . -sday, is g iven b e l o v . M r J, Wiseman, J P. v ice-chairman of the commit tee , presided a t v^cdnesday'a meet ing, acd there were also pre, - o t L o r d Barnard , M r W. H . Ralston, J.P., M r J. Smi th . J P , Major J . W. B. Heslop (late of ti>e S i x t h Ba t t a l ion Durham L i g h t l o f a c r r j ) , Cat sale Myers-Way man (of tbe 17 th Durham Light I n f a n t r y ) , M r T. Boardman, M r J . G u y , L i e u ' . T . D. Kenion !->f the Officera' T r a i n i n g Corps, N o r t h E t a t e ru County School), M r W. Wo; dbet-d (Oniocis t ageot) , and M r T . W . D J V B in (Labour agent ) .—Mr Woodbead, who i s (Heohargiog tbe secre ta r ia l dut ies j o i n t l y w i t . M r DOWBOD , read voluminous correspond-euc->, w h i c h inc luded a l e t t e r f rom tbe London Par l iamentary R e o r u i t i n g Committee, s igned by M r A r t h u r Peters (the seoretary) , who ' t t nl t h a t t hey w.:u!d be pleased to aecd t w o » r * . kers for W h U week-ecd ,acd t o con t r i bu t e £ 5 towards the expenses c f the effort.— Cap rain Myers -Wsymnn said he though t that m i l i t a r y spu i t s won ld be very enjoyable for tbe men i n W h i t week-end and Colonel Caul -foi l . - ( the commanding officer) had i n s t r u c t e d him to say tha t he w o u l d suppor t tbe commit tee i n ove ry way p iseible.— Maj . i r Healop: We ..re face-to-face w i t h ra ther a kr,uok-ont if the N o r h Eastern County School a ie hav ing their sports t h a t day .—It was agreed that Lord Barnard, M r Smi th aad M r Ken ion from a deputa t ion t j t he County School w i t h a v i e w to tbe pos tpoeerafLt of t o o pebool sports.— Cap.ain Myera-Wayman smd t i i e ooramandicg officar would piece at the disposal of the commit tee as a - - n j of h i d men aa poaaible for demnnstra t i i ic purposes. The m-.n wou ld be abl* to have a route march to M l d d i e t o n oc tbe Saturday, and to g ive bugle cal ls acd phys ica l displays, the ba t t a l ion band accompanying.— I t was considered tb- . t . Capta in Myers -Wa: man's eugKeBtions eoeld be adopted for the Midd ta ton por t ion of the d i s t r i c t , and that tbe o ther speaker ' could addreae meetit.ga at West Anckia- 'd and b u i i n d r o p . le was decided to hold a concert i n the castle grcuada ou tbe Mor dav mori- icg i u Hen cf tbe u>uai dramat ic aketcoeB, ana to arreogo fur an address on the n e e l o f ' m ire w o r , acd s t i l l nn,.e men."—The d>scu8:<ioa wss amplo and >.-.. c g b t f a l , and compretenced t- complete g f o o t tne s i t ua t ion . A sub-oommittee, w i t h power t c c s r r y out the w h lo arraegomerjts, w*sappr. ' l-;.fd,consisting of t h r o rep-e&ee! ativeo Jr. ID the Parl iamen­t a r y R e c r u i t l o g C>mmlt tef , three from the 17t! B a t t n l i m Du- i i*rn L i g h t l o f a n t r y , th ree f roc i the O r i e l . . t Club, acd tbree from the K x e c u l i v o i f tbo North-1at>te 'n Cyc l i s t s ' Mee t .

The Sports' Programme. A sub-committee meot iog w i s held on

Thursday, when M»jor H-uIop ( late 6 th Durham L i g h t l e f a n t r y ) , Captain Myers -Wayman, C a p t l i n F a r r e l l , and Capia in Daviev , of the 17th Durham L i g u t I n f a n t r y , L i s u t . Kenion , of the Officera Trai t . ing Corps, -N r . 0 Eastern Couoty Schoo l ; M r Dock r i l l , M r Fred Board-mar . and M r Wiseaiau, obalrman, wore preaeot. — M r T . Ble&kicacpp, seoretary to tbe c r i c k e t o idb, was also appuiat<.-d sacrecary to the Sports ' Sub-Commii tee . - -A programme of sports for W h i t - M o n d a y was ou t l i ned aa fo l lows :—100 y a r d s flaS race, and where not otherwise mentioned tbe cvonta are open to a l l men ee rv iug i n any branch ot His Majesty 's forces ; quar te r mi le flat race, mi le fiat race, obstacle r t c e , futer-coinpany tug-of-war, 17th Dot hat-- L i g h t l e t ancry ; re-l< y rnee, 17th Durham L i g c t In fan t ry ; fire miles serosa oount ry race, 17th Durham L i g h t I a f a i i t r y ; an event for the i ff icers ' t r a i t i c g corps, to be decided by the tr l ieers of t i n . corps (present County Sc to . i boys ) ; c i <:vent for boy scouts, and other c i n p e t i u o u B whioa. wiii bo decided •a or. I t is proposed to h ^ v e a procession i n connect ion w i t h tbe aporte, s t r - r t ing a t 1-15 a t the T o w n Head, i n wh ica niembere of the Counci l and i fficiaia i f i h ^ Meet w i l l take pa r t , and also a detachment ot tbe 17th Durham L<ght I n f a n t r y , w i t h t ue i r d rum aad fife b a n d ; Hogget t ' s M i l i t a r y Band, tne C-'.'e; Corps from the Couuty School, the V o t M t e e c T r a i n i n g C c r p j , and Boy Scouve. The procession w i l l move by Kiug-s t reef , Q u e e L - s t r e e t , Newgate , and the M a i ket-place to the c r i c k e t field. On tho Saturday previous there w i l l be a

Recruiting Meeting at Middleton, at tended by a detachment of the 17th Durham l u i g b t In fan t ry ; a r e c r u i t i n g meet ing a t West Auck l and , w r e n the Execut ive of tbe N o r t h -Eastern C> o r i t u r Mee t w i l l bo m e t ; and a s imi l a" gs-therint: a t S t? iod iop The Newcastle ufficia's w i l l be received a t the Head a t Barnard Castle, a i d aTeeeptkxi ami r e c r u i t i n g me ' i t iog m i l a f tu iwarus be held io t t e M a r k e t ­place. On Sunday the ru w i l l ba the usual me-j t icg a t Rokcby , a t which r t c r u i t i c g speakers n i i i a t t end . A n afctn c t i v . programme has been arranged to take pUce i n 'he Inner Bai'.ey a t 10 - ' c lock on Vi/hit-Monday morn ing , i n c l u d i n g a ocucerr, a r racged by M r J . B l o w n , and a gymcsat ie dfspir.y >.> the 17;h B a t t a l i o n Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y .


Arouunvai lwlfor al l Trriv«laritlaR, etc. They ApooaiiJy atiotii ralkf, aTitl never tail to allovuto a l l . uili'i iuo.

They auperaedo Ponuyroyal, Cochia, bit ter Apple, etc. BLANOUAE.ii 's are t b « boat of a l l P i l l s tor V Q M N Sola in b o x e H . 1 B H d t by BfJOTS* Branch, A . TAYLOH'S OrUK Comi'itiiy Biunchuo, and all Olieiuist-b, or post r'reo

Bamo price, from

LESLIE MARTYH, Limited. Chemists, Si. U A L 8 T O N L A N K , U W D O X ,

Fnw) H n i n p l e irnil vulmOii" Hnoklnt. r -wl Iriv. . ),!. utamr-

Large , fresh s t i c k s of Homoeopathic Medic iues for Cat t le , Foot R o t L o t i o n and Oin tment , Scour Cure, Sheep Dips of a l l makes. T a r , Grease, Machine O i l , etc., a t H . W. Raine's, Chemist, Barnard Castle.

Somo years w i l l elapse before i.-.o dup l i ca t e l i n e of pipes w i l l be l a i d f rom tho dale reservoirs to Midd lesb rough by the Tees V a l l e y Water Beard.

A good s tock of a l l tbe most noted Sheep Dips a lways on hand, a t the lowes t p r i c e s , Icon O. Clarkson H a r k e r , Chemist (opposi te Gatgate en t rance to A u c t i o t Marc ) , Barnard Oasale. Pa in t Bt ioka , Rod . Tar . and Cooper Kemp'n SheoD Marke r -


T H O R P E : T H O M P S O N — O n A p r i i 28tb, a t A l l Saints ' Church, Margare t - s t ree t , H u l l , by the K ' . v . A . E. Small wood, M . A . , v i ca r , assisted by the Rev, J . T , H e l t o n , v ica r ot Paui l , George Jrmes Thorpe, of N e w t o n Gar th House, Uedon, East Yotbs . , to A n n i e Howsoc, youngest daughter of tbe la te M r ; nd M r s James Thompson, b t a n f o r l h Bank, Barnard Castle. A t home, May 26th and 27tb.

Deaths. WiNi'SNNV.— On the 3rd I t iS t , a t 64. Arnol i f fe

Uardeu?, Weat Har t l epoo l , Lucy M a r y , r e l i c t i f tbo la te Joseph Winpenuy. I n t e r m e n t a t S t ran ton Cemetery, c i :ege leav ing tbe i-bsve rddiesa ou Thursday, a t 2 p m., for St . George's Church.

in Memoriam. P A T T E R S O N - I n affectionate remembrance of

my dear husband, W i l l i a m Pat terson, Newsham Lodgo. u b o depar ted th i s l i f e i n ;>eace o n May 5tb, 1914.

llaye of com,: laat tue, Tears at sorrow ofuu i!ow.

When 1 th ink of the loving hutljand Whom I lost a year ago.

I think of him iu — i - . No eye may see me wefp,

Vet deep witbiu my bosom His memory 1 null w i l l keep.

Peace be thy rust, dear husband "J sweet to breathe the name.

I u life 1 loved you very dear. I n death 1 do the same.

He was a huabaud kiDd and dear, A father's love had he.

A friend to all wbo knew him here, A brother kind and free.

You do sot know, we canuol tft-U. The loss of one we loved so well.

—Ever remembered by hla wife , son, and daughter- lc law, M r s T'ou-aa and M a r t h a Patterson.