Master plan summary October 2010 we’re building a healthier community The Townsville Hospital Redevelopment The Townsville Hospital Stage 3 | Operating Theatre Expansion

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Master plan summary

October 2010

we’re building a

healthier community

The Townsville Hospital Redevelopment

The Townsville Hospital Stage 3 | Operating Theatre Expansion

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Aerial view of Townsville Hospital Footprint — 2014


The Townsville Hospital Site Master Plan has been developed in response to the Townsville Hospital Clinical Services Plan 2009, to guide future expansion and development.

The Clinical Services Plan 2009 proposes expanding the current hospital to 592 overnight beds and 105 same-day beds by the year 2017, for a total of 697 beds.

The government has committed $437 million in total to The Townsville Hospital Redevelopment to expand the current hospital to 606 overnight beds and 113 same-day beds, to be completed by 2014.

The Townsville Hospital Redevelopment will expand the range and capacity of services for improved health care in the Townsville Health Service District and broader catchment area.

The current redevelopment includes a new and expanded Emergency Department, enhanced/expanded Cancer Care Centre and pathology services, expanded outpatient and diagnostic services, and additional inpatient accommodation, support and building services, and energy services.

The Master Plan outlines the logical future expansion of the site, as needs increase and funds become available. The key components for the milestone dates of 2014, 2017, 2021 and beyond are shown in simplified block form in the following diagrams.

Note: The site Master Plan excludes other projects under way in Townsville on sites such as Child and Youth Mental Health and Townsville Parklands.

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The Townsville Hospital Expansion | Master Plan 2014

New Maintenance Shed

Secure Mental Health

Mental Health Building

Main Northern Entrance

Emergency, Inpatient Unit and Intensive Care Unit (North Block)

Operating Theatre Expansion

Main Hospital Building (includes Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

Medilink Building

Southern Ward Expansion (South Block)

Pathology Expansion

Medical Records Secondary Store

Central Energy Facility

Clinical Support and Services Building

Oncology Expansion

Current redevelopment at 2014 Proposed expansion at 2017 Proposed expansion post 2021

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The Townsville Hospital Expansion | Master Plan 2017

Medical Records Secondary Store

Operating Suite Expansion

New Maintenance Shed

Southern Carpark

Secure Mental Health

Mental Health Expansion

Main Northern Entrance

Operating Theatre Expansion

Southern Clinic Building

Southern Ward Expansion (South Block)

New Southern Entrance

Emergency, Inpatient Unit and Intensive Care Unit (North Block)

Central Energy Facility Expansion

Clinical Support and Services Building

Main Hospital Building (includes Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

Current redevelopment at 2014 Proposed expansion at 2017 Proposed expansion post 2021

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The Townsville Hospital Expansion | Master Plan 2021 beyond

Medical Records Secondary Store

Northern Carpark

Mental Health Expansion

Main Northern Entrance

Operating Theatre Expansion

Operating Suite Expansion

Southern Clinic Building

New North West Building

Southern Ward Future Expansion (South Block)

Proposed Education and Research Buildings (James Cook University Smart Communities Master Plan)

New Maintenance Shed

Southern Carpark

Emergency, Inpatient Unit and Intensive Care Unit (North Block)

Clinical Support and Services Building

Clinical Support and Services Building

Current redevelopment at 2014 Proposed expansion at 2017 Proposed expansion post 2021

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The government’s $437 million hospital redevelopment will provide new improved health facilities for enhanced health services to 2014, including:

• expanded Emergency Department to almost double its current capacity

• expanded medical imaging services, new PET scanning capability, plus satellite CT services within emergency

• increased Intensive Care Unit bed capacity, including managing Paediatric Intensive Care Unit cases

• Neonatal Intensive Care Unit capacity to increase to 50 cots

• expanded birthing services

• more medical and surgical inpatient beds

• enhanced aged care and rehabilitation services, mental health, general medicine and surgical services

• increased operating theatre capacity

• new and expanded kitchen, mortuary and loading dock services

• expanded cancer care services, with more chemotherapy day-treatment spaces, and doubling radiotherapy bunkers with an extra two linear accelerator machines

• more non-clinical support areas

• expanded Central Energy Facility.

Project objectives

Master Plan

The Master Plan provides for expanded facilities to meet the Townsville Health Service District and broader community needs to the year 2021 and beyond.

The Master Plan includes multiple stages of hospital expansion:

• to meet the current Queensland and Commonwealth Government commitments

• to meet projected future service needs, as identified in the Clinical Services Plan 2009

• a plan to 2017 and beyond, and to 2021 and beyond.

Artist’s impression of North Block viewed from roundabout — anticipated completion 2011.

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The State and Commonwealth Governments have funded the $437 million redevelopment, scheduled to be finished in 2014. This includes:

Stages 1 and 2: Emergency Department, Acute Inpatient Unit, Intensive Care, Medical Imaging Expansion, and Neonatal Intensive Care Services

Stage 1 and Stage 2 will provide:

• expanded emergency department with 75 treatment spaces and 16 emergency short-stay beds

• expanded medical imaging

• 34-bed maternity inpatient unit

• support facilities

• office and educational space

• 30-bed intensive care unit

• expansion and refurbishment of neonatal intensive care to 50 cots

• new birthing suite

• plant space.

Stage 3: Operating Theatres, Clinical Support and Services Building, Central Energy Facility, Pathology Expansion, South Block Inpatient Facility

A new building extension will enable two new operating theatres and support services, for better cardiac and orthopaedic/trauma surgical services.

Shell space will be provided for future medical imaging expansion and office and support space for anaesthetic and medical imaging.

The new Clinical Support and Services Building (CSSB) includes:

• mortuary and waste management space at basement level

• shell space for oncology services (fitout in Stage 4)

• medical records storage and expanded clinical information support at level 1

• shell space at level 2

• more office and support accommodation at level 3

• plant at level 4.

The existing acute hospital will have more housekeeping services and staff amenity space, and a new larger kitchen.

A new larger Central Energy Facility at the eastern end of the site, across from the existing facility, will provide more infrastructure capacity to 2014, and ability for future expansion.

Pathology services will expand eastward into a new purpose-built facility. The new laboratories will help meet current and future needs of the hospital and district. The building structure will be designed for vertical expansion, maximising future flexibility.

The South Block facility will have three floors, one shell and two fitted out. Its design will allow for three more levels in the future. The Master Plan proposes a future clinic between South Block and the main hospital for outpatient and ambulatory space.

Stage 4 Regional Cancer Centre expansion

The Regional Cancer Centre Implementation Plan includes a significant expansion to the Cancer Care Centre. Initially, the existing Cancer Centre will be expanded with three new radiotherapy bunkers, radiotherapy clinics and support spaces, and more day therapy treatment places. The facility structure will enable additional levels in the future.

The existing Cancer Centre will allow for two future floors, with a critical link to the existing acute hospital at the theatre level.

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Project program

Stage 1:

• North Block — Emergency Department, Acute Inpatient Unit, Intensive Care — completion 2011.

Stage 2:

• expanded NICU and Medical Imaging — completion 2012.

Stage 3:

• operating theatre expansion — completion 2012

• Central Energy expansion — completion 2012

• CSSB — completion 2013–2014

• pathology expansion — completion 2013–2014

• South Block Inpatient Unit — completion 2013–2014.

Stage 4:

• Regional Cancer Centre expansion — completion 2013.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4






Master Plan — Site Planning Framework

The Master Plan captures infrastructure expansion for future service requirements to 2017, 2021 and beyond to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the Townsville Health District’s expanding population.

The Master Plan uses simple relationship diagrams to explore the most logical and promising planning strategies and to map diagnostic and treatment, bed-based activities, ambulatory and outpatient, and building services.

It also considered other key elements, including access, site connectivity, relationships with the university and the external environment.

Planning for the hospital has included extensive traffic analysis, including bus routes, parking issues and pedestrian and bicycle routes. The early works relocation of the bus stop has been completed.

The robust master plan will provide high-level flexibility to meet the area’s future growth and demand beyond parameters of the Clinical Service Plan 2009.

Urban form strategies

The Hospital Master Plan can enable a strong urban design with opportunities for the hospital and its surrounding precincts.

The Master Plan report gives an overview of how this can be achieved. Expansion options included acquisition of more land and enhancing The Townsville Hospital’s ability to link with James Cook University with a new precinct.

Several concept options are identified in the Master Plan, including student accommodation, commercial/retail development, recreational facilities, and research and education.

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Future proofing strategies

Future proofing considerations have been incorporated in the Master Plan, including:

• strengthening footings to allow for more floor levels in the future

• construction of shell floors in key locations for future increased capacity

• mechanical and electrical services that can be expanded to meet future capacity requirements.

Green initiatives

The Townsville Hospital expansion is designed to maximise shading and control humidity to reduce energy demand for cooling.

The hospital also uses solar power as an alternative to electrical energy in key locations.

The Central Energy Facility expansion has been designed for future introduction of co-generation energy production to offset the demand on the grid.

we’re building a

healthier community

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The Townsville Hospital Expansion | North Block

Master Plan Summary

October 2010

we’re building a

healthier community

The Townsville Hospital Redevelopment