The Tree of Ages

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  • 7/30/2019 The Tree of Ages


    The Tree of Ages

    It was a rainy summer day when I first entered it. I was really curious to find out

    what was hiding deep into the dark forest. The wood looked like a mountain, with its cliff

    formed by The highest Tree in the middle. At the margins there were small, young trees

    and, as I walked deeper into it, the oaks looked higher and higher, older and older. The

    light was fading as I entered the wood. But I was protected against the furious rain that

    started again. I was thrilled imagining that in the forest might have lived wolves and

    bears and other beasts. But I continued my journey deep into the woods. The dark-green

    gigantic leaves kept the water away, but, even if summer, it was really cold in the shady

    forest I just entered.

    I couldn't help thinking of the beasts around. But I was too curious to stop. The

    branches were surrounding, entrapping me. Everywhere I looked there were huge brown

    branches. But soon enough I found a spring. It had a clear cold water which I drank at

    once. I felt revived shortly after this and I went on walking through the large black forest.

    Some birds started to sing and I stopped for a minute to listen to them. It was a strange

    song, a frightening one. I was horrified by it. I started to run and I went on running till I

    lost count of time. I only stopped when I found myself on the edge of an abyss. Therewere about 200 meters across the abyss, but it was so deep that I couldnt see its bottom. I

    was so scared, yet curious to find out what lay in the middle of the forest. I had to find a

    way to cross the abyss. I looked around. A trunk covered with bright colored moss was

    close to me. But the ground was wet and slippery and the trunk was circular. It was a too

    great distance between the edge I was on and the one I wanted to reach. But I needed to

    cross the abyss. It was a must. I took a risk and I clambered over the wet trunk. I dragged

    myself along the trunk and I almost fall off it. I looked down. The mist coming from

    below terrified me more. It was a desolate image of an unknown forest. I crawled along

    the trunk until I reached the other edge. The forest cliff was closer and for a moment I felt

    as if I had entered another world. The rain stopped suddenly, the sky got clear as all the

    grey clouds vanished.


  • 7/30/2019 The Tree of Ages


    The trees had their branches raised up, like holding the sky. The sun glowed

    brightly on the light-blue sky. I continued my journey listening carefully to the wolves

    howling. I wasnt scared anymore. That moment I felt powerful, ready to stand against

    anything that I might encounter.

    I started running again, but not because I felt terror, but because I was full of

    energy, full of dynamism, full of life. I reached the Tree in the centre in no time. It was a

    huge, marvelous tree. Its branches were enormous, its trunk immense. It had a huge

    hollow on the left side and it was surrounded by thousands of little trees which were all in


    Curious as I was I looked into the hollow. It was a paradisiacal landscape in it.

    Since it was large enough to allow a person to enter, I took a stone from the ground and I

    entered the Tree. Some green winding stairs led me to its top. But I could not see the

    forest. I was surrounded by a lake. It was very cold, just like winter. It was the opposite

    of what I felt when I entered it. But soon the place got to life. It got warmer and all of a

    sudden many animals started to swarm near me. The birds started to sing, but a song of

    enlightenment this time, a beautiful inspiring song that encouraged me. Baby plants

    started to sprout everywhere. The lake became clearer and storks came to fish in it.

    At nightfall all the nature became silent again. I threw the stone I had taken before

    entering the Tree into the lake. No sound. Silence. Too quiet. A dead silence. I went into

    the lake to take back the stone. Something was carrying me at its bottom. It was of great

    power. I felt like drowning. I was on the bottom of the lake. I was drowning but I had to

    find my stone. There were many stones. My eyes hurt as I opened them under water. But

    I managed to find the stone. All of a sudden I spotted something strange. There were

    stone plates on the lake bottom with letters engraved on them. It said THIS IS THE

    TREE OF AGES. DO NOT APP. Some plates were missing but I thought it said do not

    approach. But I approached it, and drowsy as I was I woke up at the margins of the



  • 7/30/2019 The Tree of Ages


    The stone was in my hand. It had been a real experience. I did not imagine all. I

    was too tired so I went home. But I returned. The journey was the same, the feelings were

    the same. I wanted to see whether I had imagined everything or whether it had been real.

    I knew it was real. I was certain about it.

    I took a little branch with me this time and I climbed the infinite staircase. I

    watched the show of life and I waited for the silence. I threw myself into the lake again to

    seek other inscriptions. I could not find any other clue, but when I was about to drown I

    woke up again on the border.

    It was strange. The branch was in my hand. I could not stand this curiosity

    anymore so I entered it again.

    I stopped at the spring and started to think. So many ages had passed and no one

    ever discovered what is hiding in the Tree of Ages. How many years will be passing until

    someone discovers it? I drank some water from the spring. It had the same taste and the

    same temperature as the one in the lake. It hinted at something. I stared and I stared and,

    for a second, I could see in its mirror the same paradise I saw in the Tree.

    I put my hand into the spring to search further. I found many rocks on its bottom

    and I moved them to one side. There were several other stone plates on the bottom. I read

    what was written on them. It said NO ONE WILL EVER SOLVE THE MYSTERY OF


    I felt discouraged and I started to wonder why I had entered the dark forest. I

    entered again the Tree of Ages just to see its beauty one more time. I took a flower with

    me this time. I planted the flower on the dark moist soil near the lake. I waited for the

    revival once more; then for the silence. I looked again at everything there and I made my

    way through the lake.


  • 7/30/2019 The Tree of Ages



    Macmillan Dictionary for Advanced Learners, New Edition, 2002

    Chevalier, Jean, Gheerbrant, Alain, Dicionar de simboluri, Editura Artemis,

    Bucureti,1994 10.V.2011
