Mail: P.O. Box 438 Aiken, SC 29802 803.649.4777 www.stmarys-aiken.org The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020 Locations: St. Mary’s Church: 138 Fairfield St. SE Old St. Mary’s: 125 Park Ave. SE Ste Claire Chapel: 125 Park Ave. SE Parish Office: 203 Park Ave. SE Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Parish Clergy Very Rev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF Pastor Rev. Francisco Oñate-Vargas Parochial Vicar Rev. Ernest Hepner, Rered Dcn. Al Matousek Dcn. Robert Pierce Dcn. Stephen Plae Holy Mass Schedule Weekday Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 5:30pm - Church Wed. 8:20am - Church Miércoles 7:00pm - Old St. Mary’s Thursday Nursing Home Suspended Sat. Morning Mass 8:00am - Church Sunday Sat. Vigil 5:00pm - Church 8:30am, 11:00am - Church Misa en Español 12:30pm - Iglesia 5:00pm - Church All Masses are being celebrated in the new church Todas las Misas se celebran en la iglesia nueva 138 Fairfield St. SE Confessions Confessions are being heard in Deacon Waters Conference Room, located in St. Michael Hall. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri - 4:45-5:15pm Sat. - 3:30-4:30pm For the most current information on Masses, Confessions and activities please go to www.stmarys-aiken.org or https://www.facebook.com/ stmarysaiken/

The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 20202020/09/27  · Mail: P.O. ox 438 Aiken, S 29802 803.649.4777 The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020

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Page 1: The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 20202020/09/27  · Mail: P.O. ox 438 Aiken, S 29802 803.649.4777 The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020

Mail: P . O . B o x 4 3 8 A i k e n , S C 2 9 8 0 2 8 0 3 . 6 4 9 . 4 7 7 7 w w w . s t m a r y s - a i k e n . o r g

The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 27, 2020

Locations: St. Mary’s Church: 138 Fairfield St. SE Old St. Mary’s: 125 Park Ave. SE Ste Claire Chapel: 125 Park Ave. SE Parish Office: 203 Park Ave. SE

Parish of the Catholic

Diocese of Charleston

Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston

Parish Clergy

Very Rev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF Pastor

Rev. Francisco Oñate-Vargas Parochial Vicar

Rev. Ernest Hepner, Retired

Dcn. Al Matousek Dcn. Robert Pierce Dcn. Stephen Platte

Holy Mass Schedule


Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 5:30pm - Church Wed. 8:20am - Church

Miércoles 7:00pm - Old St. Mary’s Thursday Nursing Home Suspended Sat. Morning Mass 8:00am - Church


Sat. Vigil 5:00pm - Church 8:30am, 11:00am - Church

Misa en Español 12:30pm - Iglesia 5:00pm - Church

All Masses are being celebrated in the new church Todas las Misas se celebran en la iglesia nueva

138 Fairfield St. SE


Confessions are being heard in Deacon Waters Conference Room, located in St. Michael Hall.

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri - 4:45-5:15pm Sat. - 3:30-4:30pm

For the most current information on

Masses, Confessions and activities please

go to www.stmarys-aiken.org or



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Welcome to St. Mary’s

We welcome all who are visiting. If you attend St. Mary’s regularly and consider this your parish, please register at the parish office, print a registration form from the web site under the Parish tab, or you may fill out and submit the form online.

Mr. Patrick Wray Director of Administration

Mrs. Mary Frei Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Laura Webster Principal of St. Mary’s School 803.649.2071

Ms. Phyllis Waters Business Manager

Ms. Frances Gledhill Parish Secretary

Sr. Glafira G. Ortega, HCJS Sr. Maria Bertha (Martha) Zuniga, HCJS 803.646.9521/803.646.3666

Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson, MA Director of Religious Education 803.642.2676

Mrs. Joan LaBone Director of Youth Ministry 803.649.3049

Mrs. Bette Ross, MS Social Ministry Coordinator

Mr. V. Franklin Deese II Organist and Choir Director 706.550.5047

Mrs. Janet Morris, MIBS St. Joseph Altar Society 803.502.3636

Parish Personnel

Contact by email at [email protected]

Weekly Stewardship - Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Totals as of Sunday, September 20, 2020

Page 1

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

in Old St. Mary’s!

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament awaits your visit!

Sunday, 9:00pm, Monday 12:00am (midnight) and 1:00am. Can you help? If you would like to try this or a different hour, please contact Ivy Monahon at [email protected] or 803.649.4157. If you would like to try a weekly holy hour of adoration, please see the most current list of hours in need of adorers on the parish website: http://www.stmarys-aiken.org/

Please remember to use Covid 19 precautions for your safety and the safety of others.

Observe silence at all times. Adoration fosters personal intimacy with Our Lord - please allow others this special time with Jesus.

Our Capital Campaign #3 ended June 30, 2019. Many thanks to the 31% or 526 families who pledged, all who contributed, and those who are continuing to contribute to the reduction of our outstanding loan balance. As of June 30, 2019 the balance was $519,980.00. Check out our website for continuing online giving. Please call Patrick or Phyllis in the parish office, 803.649.4777 with any questions.

OFFERING FOR SEPT. 20, 2020 $ 31,379.42 WEEKLY BUDGET NEEDS $ 31,800.00 YEAR TO DATE TOTALS $ 376,430.70 YEAR TO DATE BUDGET NEEDS $ 381,600.00 SHORTAGE TO DATE $ 5,169.30

Special Collection: Sept. 27 St. Vincent de Paul Oct. 18 World Mission Sunday








Parish Debt $519,980.00 $150,970.17 $152,389.62 $367,590.38 29% $1,419.45

Families Participating

1800 Principal Bal. as

of 6/30/2020 $462,532.94

Principal Bal. as of 8/26/2020


*On-Line Giving

The Parish Finance Committee strongly recommends using on-line giving. It has several benefits to the parish including lower cost of administration fees versus the bank. It simplifies record keeping, collection, and accounting procedures.


TO ENROLL IN ON-LINE GIVING go to the parish website: www.stmarys-aiken.org Click on “Giving” Click on “Sunday Offering” Create a new account and then go to “Manage My Account” Enroll in weekly or monthly offering* If you need assistance, or to discontinue on-line giving, please call 1.800.348.2886 option 4 .





750 604 611 81% 8

*Monthly offering is the preferred method recommended by the Parish Finance Committee

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Pastor’s Corner


Espacio de Nuestro Párroco


Dear friends, This week, September 29th (Tuesday) is the feast of the archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The liturgy celebrates the three archangels who are venerated in the tradition of the Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that, “The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls “angels” is a truth of faith (#328).” Angels are immortal, pure, created spirits with intellect and will. The name “angel” means servant or messenger of God. Angels are on a higher order than human beings as they have no bodies and do not depend on matter for their existence or activity. Archangels are one of the nine choirs of angels listed in the Bible. In ascending order, the choirs or classes are 1) Angels, 2) Archangels, 3) Principalities, 4) Powers, 5) Virtues, 6) Dominions, 7) Thrones, 8) Cherubim, and 9) Seraphim. The angelic hierarchy provides a sense of order, progress, and ascent in how God’s infinite knowledge establishes and maintains the order and beauty of creation. It is traditionally believed that there are only seven archangels. Three of their names occur in Sacred Scripture, and so the Church uses these names in our worship, St. Michael, the prince of the heavenly host and the only one called “archangel” in the Scriptures; St. Gabriel, the messenger of the Incarnation; and St. Raphael, the angel of healing and of medicine. St. Michael means, in Hebrew, “who is like unto God?” Patron: Against temptations and powers of evil; artists; bakers; bankers; battle; boatmen; cemeteries; coopers; endangered children; dying; Emergency Medical Technicians; fencing; grocers; hatmakers; holy death; knights; mariners; mountaineers; paramedics; paratroopers; police officers; radiologists; sailors; the sick; security forces; soldiers; against storms at sea; swordsmiths; those in need of protection. St. Gabriel's name means “God is my strength”. Patron: Ambassadors; broadcasting; childbirth; clergy; communications; diplomats; messengers; philatelists; postal workers; public relations; radio workers; stamp collectors; telecommunications. St. Raphael means “God has healed”. Our knowledge of the Archangel Raphael comes to us from the book of Tobit. His mission as wonderful healer and fellow traveler with the youthful Tobias has caused him to be invoked for journeys and at critical moments in life. Tradition also holds that Raphael is the angel that stirred the waters at the healing sheep pool in Bethesda. Patron: Blind; bodily ills; counselors; druggists; eye problems; guardian angels; happy meetings; healers; health inspectors; health technicians; love; lovers; mental illness; nurses; pharmacists; physicians; shepherds; against sickness; therapists; travelers; young people; young people leaving home for the first time. Saint Michael the archangel, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael, pray for us! St. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us! Blessings and peace, Father Francisco

Queridos amigos, Esta semana martes, 29 de septiembre es la fiesta de los arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael. La liturgia celebra los tres arcángeles los cuales son venerados en la tradición de le Iglesia. El catecismo de la Iglesia enseña que “La existencia de seres espirituales, no corporales, que la sagrada Escritura llama habitualmente ángeles, es una verdad de fe (#328).” Los ángeles son inmortales, puros, espíritus creados con in-telecto y voluntad. “Ángel” significa servidor o mensajero de Dios. Los ángeles son superiores a los seres humanos porque no tienen cuerpo y no dependen de materia para existir. Los arcángeles son unos de los nueve coros de ángeles registra-dos en la Biblia. Los coros o clases son en orden ascendente: 1) Ángeles, 2) Arcángeles, 3) Principados, 4) Potestades, 5) Virtudes, 6) Dominios, 7) Tronos, 8) Querubines, 9) Serafi-nes. La jerarquía angelical proporciona un orden, progreso, y as-censo en como el infinito conocimiento de Dios establece y mantiene el orden y la belleza de la creación. Tradicional-mente, se cree que hay siete arcángeles. Tres de sus nom-bres apareces en la Escritura y la Iglesia usa estos nombres en la liturgia. San miguel, el príncipe de la milicia celestial y al único que se le llama “arcángel” en la Biblia. San Gabriel es el mensajero de la Encarnación y San Rafael es el ángel de la sanación y de la medicina. San miguel en hebreo significa, “¿Quién como Dios?” Pa-trono: en contra de las tentaciones y acechanzas del demo-nio, artistas, panaderos, banqueros, en la batalla, barqueros, cementerios, toneleros, niños en peligro, moribundos, per-sonal de emergencia, santa muerte, infantería y del ejército, policías, paracaidistas y patrono en algunos países. San Gabriel significa “Dios es mi fortaleza.” Patrono: emba-jadores, radiodifusión/telecomunicaciones, parto, clero, di-plomáticos, mensajeros, coleccionistas de sellos de estampi-llas, trabajadores postales, relaciones publicas, y patrono de la arquidiócesis de Seattle, Washington. San Rafael significa “Dios sana”. Nuestro conocimiento del arcángel Rafael viene del libro de Tobías. Su misión como gran sanador y compañero de viaje con el joven Tobías cau-só que fuera invocado para las jornadas y durante momen-tos críticos de la vida. La tradición también señala que Rafael es el ángel que agitó las aguas en la piscina de Betesda. Pa-trono: ciegos, enfermedades corporales, consejeros, botica-rios/farmacéuticos, problemas oculares, ángeles guardianes, reuniones felices, sanadores, inspectores de salud, amor, enamorados, enfermedades mentales, enfermeras, docto-res, pastores de ovejas, terapeutas, viajeros, jóvenes y pa-trono de algunas diócesis

San Miguel arcángel, San Gabriel y San Rafael, ¡rueguen por nosotros! ¡Santa María Auxilio de los cristianos, ruega por nosotros!

Paz y bendiciones, Padre Francisco

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Public Masses Have Returned

All daily Masses and all Sunday Masses are being celebrated in the new church on Fairfield Street. Attendance is limited to 200 persons per Mass, and those who fall into “at-risk” categories, as defined by the CDC, are asked to remain at home. The Bishop continues to dispense everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. MISA—Todas las misas diarias y todas las misas dominicales se celebran en la iglesia nueva en Fairfield Street.

Please Note: LATIN MASS on the First Friday of each month at 2:00pm has been discontinued. CHILD CARE during Mass is NOT available at this time.

CONFESSIONS HAVE RESUMED. Please see the front cover of this bulletin for the schedule.

CONFESIONES SE HAN REANUDADO. El horario está en la primera página de este boletín.

Masses on Facebook live

The following Masses are livestreamed: Sat., 5:00pm; Sun., 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish Mass) You can access our Facebook (FB) page without a FB account. Simply click on the small “f” icon on the upper right hand of our website (stmarys-aiken.org).

Misas en vivo en Facebook Continuaremos transmitiendo en vivo las siguientes misas: Sábado, 5:00pm; Domingo, 11:00am y 12:30pm (Español) Puede acceder a nuestra página de Facebook (FB) sin una cuenta de FB. Simplemente haga clic en el icono pequeño "f" en la parte superior derecha de nuestro sitio web (stmarys-aiken.org). Todos los eventos de transmisión en vivo, incluidas misas y rosarios, se guardan en la página de Facebook y se puede acceder a ellos haciendo clic en la pestaña "videos" en el lado izquierdo de la página de FB.

This Week’s Scripture Readings

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

The Holy Rosary

Join the parish as we pray the Rosary together Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday before the 5:30pm Mass, and Wednesday before the 8:20am Mass.

Sunday, September 27 8:30am For All the People of the Parish 11:00am Beverly Shelley (D) 12:30pm Esmeralda A. Ruiz & Luis Ruiz (D) 5:00pm Penny Goergen (D) Monday, September 28 5:30pm Sr. Josephine Jendrisak (D) Tuesday, September 29 5:30pm Beverly Shelley (D) Wednesday, September 30 8:20am Elizabeth Strycharz(D)

Thursday, October 1 5:30pm Donna Waters (D) Friday, October 2 5:30pm Helen Edwards (D) Saturday, October 3 8:00am Sally Rosbach (D) 5:00pm Fr. Will Frei (L) Bob O’Neill (L) Helen Werner (D) Beverly Shelley (D) Dr. Tom Truitt (D) Stephen Dennis Gade (D) Felicia Glenos (D)

Holy Mass Intentions

Page 3

Monday Jb 1:6 - 22 Ps 17:1b - 3, 6 - 7 Lk 9:46 - 50 Tuesday Dn 7:9 -10, 13 - 14 or Rv 12:7 - 12a Ps 138:1 - 5 Jn 1:47 - 51 Wednesday Jb 9:1 - 12, 14 -16 Ps 88:10b -15 Lk 9:57 - 62 Thursday Jb 19:21 - 27 Ps 27:7 - 9c, 13 - 14 Lk 10:1 - 12 Friday Jb 38:1, 12 - 21; 40:3 -5 Ps 139:1 - 3, 7 - 10, 13 - 14b Mt 18:1 - 5, 10 Saturday Jb 42:1 - 3, 5 - 6, 12 - 17 Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130 Lk 10:17 - 24 Sunday Is 5:1 - 7 Ps 80:9, 12 -16, 19 - 20 Phil 4:6 - 9 Mt 21:33 - 43

Readings for the week of Sept. 28—Oct. 4

Prayers Requested

Deaths/Difuntos: August 22 Rose Simeone

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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Para pedir el Sacramento del Bautismo o para recibir información acerca de las pláticas pre-bautismales, por favor de comunicarse con Gabriela Flores, al 803.716.5509 o con Luz Londoño, al 803.480.6865. Las próximas clases de preparación para el bautismo se llevarán a cabo el 4 de octubre y 11 de octubre a partir de las 8:00am, arriba en Smith Hall.


Norma Sacramental: Los padres de familia y niños deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia y asistir fielmente a la Santa Misa todos los domingos y fiestas de precepto. Los niños, que no asisten a nuestro Colegio Católico Parroquial, deben asistir, por lo menos, dos años, completos a clases de Formación Cristiana (Catequesis Dominical) y cumplir con los reglamentos de asistencia para recibir el sacramento. Para más información, comunicarse con Mary Ellen Jackson al 803.642.2676 o [email protected] o con las Hermanas Glafira o Martha al 803.646.9521 o 803.645.3666.


Como política de la Diócesis, se pide a todas las parejas que desean tener el sacramento del matrimonio, preparase por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de decidir una fecha para su boda. Para más información comunicarse con Guadalupe Cortes, al 803.845.9390 a partir del mes de septiembre..



En nuestra comunidad parroquial existen varios movimientos apostólicos y ministerios. Cada mes iremos presentando a cada uno de ellos con su misión específica. El objetivo de esto es para darlos a conocer y si se sienten motivados a participar en alguno de ellos, sepan con quien dirigirse.

“Sirvamos a Dios con alegría” Salmo 100:2


A los interesados en una celebración de XV años deben tener en cuenta lo siguiente: Deben ser católicos practicantes y asistir a Misa. Deben estar registrados en la parroquia por lo menos 6

meses antes de la fecha de la celebración. Deben asistir a la preparación catequética que ofrece la

parroquia. Para más información, por favor comunicarse con Esperanza Negrete al 803.226.3410

Sacramental Information


To baptize a child at St. Mary’s, at least one parent must be a practicing Catholic, regularly attend Holy Mass, participate in the life of the parish and register at St. Mary’s at least three months prior to the Baptism. Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to the Baptism. The Godparents are encouraged to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class as well. The next class is scheduled for November 15th. Registration is required. Contact Chris or Angela Ascherman at 256.541.1967.


Policy: Parents and children must be registered and faithfully attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Children not enrolled in our Catholic school must attend a minimum of two years of Christian Formation classes and satisfy the attendance policy. For more information: Holy Communion: Mary Ellen Jackson: 803.642.2676 or [email protected] Confirmation: Joan LaBone: 803.649.3049 or [email protected]


Those contemplating marriage should contact the parish office. The Diocese of Charleston requires a minimum of six months preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please understand, not all dates at the church may be available due to parish events or other conflicts. Contact: Mary Frei at 803.649.4777 ext. 114


Are you seriously ill, facing surgery, or of advanced age? Receive grace and strength from the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. E-mail Mary Frei: [email protected] or call 803.649.4777 ext. 114.

More information about the Sacraments can be found on our parish website www.stmarys-aiken.org

Ministerio de Atención Pastoral

¿Está gravemente enfermo, se enfrenta a una cirugía o es de edad avanzada? Reciba la gracia y la fuerza del Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. Envíe un correo electrónico a Mary Frei: [email protected] o llame al 803.649.4777 ext. 114.

Puede encontrar más información sobre los sacramentos en nuestro sitio web parroquial www.stmarys-aiken.org

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School of Christian Formation (CCD)

Grades 4K—5

Contact:[email protected] Telephone: 803.642.2676

Dear Parents of K – 5th graders: Religious Education has begun – in the home. If you are

not receiving weekly emails, please email Mrs. Jackson [email protected]

You can still register – forms are available on the website, in the parish office, or I can email them to you (email [email protected]). Complete it, then turn it in at the parish office, drop them into the Sunday collection basket in an envelope marked CCD or ME Jackson, or mail it in to St. MHOC, PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802

Take advantage of FORMED; it has all sorts of fabulous programing. Not on FORMED? Sign up at www.formed.org/signup, enter Aiken, SC, then choose St. Mary Help of Christians

It is important to get your children signed up for classes.

Escuela de Formación Cristiana (CCD)

Grados Kinder a 5º

Contacto: [email protected] Teléfono: 803.642.2676

Estimados padres de alumnos de Kínder - 5º grado:

La educación en la fe de sus hijos ha comenzado, en el hogar. Si no recibe correos electrónicos semanales, envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Jackson [email protected] informadole.

Todavía puede registrarse: los formularios están disponibles en el sitio web, en la oficina parroquial, o se los puedo enviar por correo electrónico (correo electrónico [email protected]). Completelo, luego entréguelo en la oficina parroquial, déjelo en la canasta de la colecta dominical en un sobre marcado como CCD o ME Jackson, o envíelo por correo a St. MHOC, PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802

Aprovecha FORMED; tiene todo tipo de programación fabulosa. ¿No estás en FORMED? Regístrese en www.formed.org/signup, ingrese a Aiken, SC, luego elija Santa María Auxiliadora Es importante que sus hijos se inscriban en las clases.

Page 5

Sunday Morning Youth Ministry

Grades 6-12

Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone Morning Youth Ministry for the fall 2020/2021:

Teens must be registered before attending and all paperwork must be completed.

Sessions are limited to 20 teens, masks are mandatory to be worn at all times and Covid Preventions will be followed.

All sessions will be held in the St. John Bosco Youth Center

Youth Ministry Middle School (GR. 5-8) or

Life Night (GR. 9-12) Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone

[email protected] or 803.215.7040 cell September 27 Middle School Meetings

Please note that these meetings do not replace regular Religious Education classes.

5th and 6th grade— 3:30-4:30pm 7th and 8th grade—6:15-7:15pm

Please look for our Covid policy online under Formation/Middle School or High School on our website.

Ministerio juvenil

del domingo por la mañana

Grados 6º-12º

Contacto: Sra. Joan Marie LaBone

Ministerio Juvenil matutino para el otoño de 2020/2021:

Los adolescentes deben registrarse antes de asistir y se deben completar todos los trámites.

Las sesiones están limitadas a 20 adolescentes, es obligatorio usar cubrebocas en todo momento y se seguirán las pautas

de prevención del Covid.

Todas las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en el Centro Juvenil San Juan Bosco

Ministerio Juvenil Escuela intermedia (GR. 5º-8º) o

Life Teen (GR. 9º-12º) Contacto: Sra. Joan Marie LaBone [email protected] o

celular 803.215.7040

Nota: Estas reuniones no sustituyen a las clases regulares de Educación Religiosa.

Busque en línea, en nuestro sitio web nuestras reglas referentes al Covid-19 bajo

Formation/ middle school o High school


St. Vincent de Paul Society

For food or financial assistance, call 803.642.3211

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Office Hours/Horas de oficina de la escuela: 7:30am - 3:30pm Mon-Fri/de lunes a viernes

St. Mary’s Parish School

118 York Street SE, Aiken, SC 29801 Mrs. Laura Webster, Principal

803.649.2071 Fax: 803.643.0092 www.stmaryschoolaiken.com

Open Enrollment for 2020-2021 St. Mary’s School is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2020-2021 school year. Monthly payment plans are available for all families. Catholic Parishioners are eligible for discounted tuition. Ten month payment plans are available. For more information, visit the school website at stmaryschoolaiken.com or call the school office at 803.649.2071. Employment Opportunities: St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is seeking: A full time K-8 Religion Teacher. Qualified applicant should submit his/her resume and cover letter to the front office by mail, in person, or electronically at [email protected]. A part time K-8 French Teacher. Applicants should be certified and/or eligible for SC certification. Qualified applicant should submit his/her resume and cover letter to the front office by mail, in person, or electronically at [email protected].

Inscripción abierta para 2020-2021 La escuela de Santa María está aceptando solicitudes de inscripción para el año escolar 2020-2021. Hay planes de pago mensual disponibles para todas las familias. Los feligreses católicos son elegibles para matrículas con descuento. Hay planes de pago de diez meses disponibles. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de la escuela en stmaryschoolaiken.com o llame a la oficina de la escuela al 803.649.2071. Oportunidad de empleo Saint Mary's School está buscando un maestro de religión de tiempo completo para K-8º. Los solicitantes cualificados deben enviar su currículum vitae y carta de presentación a la oficina principal por correo, en persona o electrónicamente a [email protected].

Saint Mary's School está buscando un profesor de francés K-8º de medio tiempo. Los solicitantes deben estar certificados y / o ser elegibles para la certificación de Carolina del Sur. Los solicitantes calificados deben enviar su currículum vitae y carta de presentación a la oficina principal por correo, en persona o electrónicamente a [email protected].

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults


Do you have friends or family who are interested in the Catholic Church?

RCIA will meet Tuesdays 6:00 – 7:45pm In Mother Teresa Hall

For more information, contact Mary Ellen Jackson at [email protected] or 803.642.2676.

Spread the Word!

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para

Adultos (RCIA)

Se informa a la comunidad, que iniciáremos el proceso de RICA en español. Las clases de RICA han comenzado. Las personas adultas que les falte algún sacramento y estén interesadas y las personas que no son católicas que quieran conocer esta fe también están invitados. Por favor contactar las Hermanas Glafira o Martha al 803.646.9521 o 803.645.3666.

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That Man Is You (TMIY)

TMIY has resumed with virtual meetings via Zoom (check your email for the invite) each Friday morning at 7:00am. We will be discussing Year 2 “The Battle Over the Bride”

Week 4 - Love is a Free Gift

The Love Story that Birthed the Paparazzi Reasons Couples Get Divorced The Reality of Dopamine Addiction and the Reward System Alcohol Consumption in College Intergenerational Substance Use First Question of Consent

For more information contact Derron Judd at 803.439.2229, Chris Ascherman at 803.845.0568 or email: [email protected], Andy Colquitt at 803.646.4068. To register please contact Joe Van Alstine: [email protected]

Wednesday Adult Bible Study

Join us Sept. 30, 10:00am for Chapters 2-3 in the Book of Revelation. Due to the size of our group we are meeting via Zoom. To receive an email invitation with a link to attend, contact Martha at [email protected] or 865.599.8473

Thursday Morning Bible Study has


We meet Thursdays 11:15am – 12:30pm in St. Michael Hall. Bring your Bible and your mask. We will be delving into the Letter of James, which deals with many of the difficulties we are experiencing now. For more information, contact Mary Ellen Jackson at [email protected] or 803.642.2676

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Parish & Community Events/Eventos Parroquiales y Comunitarios

Wednesday Morning


Come join us on Wednesday morning at 9:30 under the shade outside St. Claire’s chapel

as we pray the rosary to pray for the end of the pandemic, the end of fear, and the conversion of our country. Please bring your mask. We’ll meet Wednesdays through November 4th.

For our children who were miscarried,

stillborn, early induction, aborted, or

any infant loss.

Saturday October 3rd at 8:30am Corpus Christi Catholic Church

2350 Augusta Hwy Lexington, SC 2972

A Mass of Remembrance celebrated by Father Joseph Romanoski. A Rosary to follow immediately after.

We welcome the attendance of any family and their friends who are grieving the tragedy of miscarriage, stillborn, early induction, abortion, or the death of a infant. The loss could be recent or could have occurred a long time ago.

Columbus Club Fall Fundraiser - Yard Sale

1003 Spaulding Drive Friday and Saturday, November 13th & 14th

It’s time to start thinking about the Columbus Club Fall Rummage Sale! Conditions permitting, the sale will be November 13th & 14th at the Columbus Club on Spaulding Dr. We need your help! We can accept furniture, clothes, tools, books, movies, bicycles, toys, and more! Please call Marion at 803.648.0982 or Kevin at 803.514.0868 to drop off your donations or to arrange for pickup. Thank you for your support!

The Next Blood Drive will be held at

Aiken shepeard Blood Center

La próxima donación de sangre se

llevará a cabo el Banco de Sangre de

Aiken Shepeard

Hitchcock Plaza - 353 Fabian Drive - Aiken, SC 29803

Please donate Saturday Oct.17th and Tuesday, Oct. 20th through Oct. 24th

The center is NOT open Sunday or Monday

Please call 803.643.7996 for an appointment

Tell them you are donating for St. Mary’s. Please ask for & sign the St Mary’s sign-in sheet at the front desk.

Por favor done sangre en las siguientes fechas: sábado, 17 de octubre y

del martes 20 de octubre al 24 de octubre. El centro NO está abierto los domingos ni los lunes.

Llame al 803.643.7996 para una cita. Dígales que está donando sangre de aparte de St. Mary's.

En la recepción, solicite y firme la hoja de registro de St. Mary's

Life Chain

Is one hour of public witness Proclaiming The Sanctity of Each Human Life from Conception to Natural Death

As Christians we pray especially for an End to the VIOLENCE of Abortion.

PLEASE JOIN US Sunday, October 4

2:30 – 3:30pm

We will meet at 2:15 pm at Christ’s Way Christian Church 183 Old Wagener Road Aiken SC

for instructions, signs and a short dedication prayer. We will stand in quiet prayer along Rudy Mason Parkway

(SC 118 Bypass) Families with children are welcomed. You may bring um-brellas, chairs, water as needed.

Held RAIN or SHINE. Please Practice Social Distancing

This is a nationally coordinated event held in hundreds of cities in the United States and Canada as a visual state-ment of Christian solidarity. For more information please go to http://lifechain.net email: [email protected] or call 803-816-0821

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Family Honor Webinars Available Online This


Parents: Need some help speaking with your younger child about ‘the birds and bees’? Perhaps you are looking for some tips in how to talk with your teen about purity, sex, dating, gender confusion and more? Maybe you’ve heard about Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, and you’d love for you and your teen to sit in on a talk together. Or you may just need some hope and encouragement as you parent different-age children. We invite you to sign up for one or more of Family Honor’s new Fall 2020 Program Webinars, which we'll present live via Zoom! Some sessions are for parents only; others are for you and your teen or pre-teen to participate in together. Whichever session you want to attend, you can do so from the comfort of your home, no matter where you live! To register, go to: https://familyhonor.org/programs/find-a-family-honor-program-near-you/ Family Honor, created in 1988, provides a Catholic framework on the truth and meaning of sexuality, love, and family. Questions? Please call us: 803.929.0858 or email [email protected]

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Fridays with Francis book study has


Join us as we continue to read and discuss Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. We meet Fridays at 10:00 – 11:30am in St. Michael’s Hall - wear you mask. For more information, contact Mary Ellen Jackson at 803.642.2676 or [email protected]

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Good and Faithful Servant


St. Mary’s is hosting a SC Department of Health and St. Mary’s will be hosting a SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) COVI-19 testing event on:

Sunday, September 27, 2020 1:00pm to 5:00pm

St. Angela Hall

Testing is free for anyone that attends; appointments and referrals are NOT required. DHEC can test people of all ages (with parental consent for minors)

We encourage you to know your status if you have any concerns that you have been exposed to COVID-19.

We also will have voter registration available, including information on how to apply for an absentee ballot. Legislation was signed into law on September 16, 2020, that allows all voters to vote absentee under the "State of Emergency” reason. Please come see us for more information or go to https://www.scvotes.gov to access the SC Election Commission website.


La parroquia de Santa María Auxilio de los Cristianos organizará un evento de prueba de COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud y Control Ambiental de Carolina del Sur (DHEC) en:

Domingo, 27 de septiembre, 2020 1:00pm a 5:00pm

Salón Santa Angela

La prueba es gratuita para cualquier persona que asista; NO se requieren citas ni referencias. DHEC puede realizar pruebas a personas de todas las edades (con el consentimiento de los padres de menores).

Le recomendamos que esté al tanto de su estado de salud por si tiene alguna inquietud de haber estado expuesto al COVID-19.

También tendremos disponible la registración de votantes, incluida la información sobre cómo solicitar una boleta de voto en ausencia. La legislación se convirtió en ley el 16 de septiembre de 2020, que permite a todos los votantes votar en ausencia bajo el motivo del "Estado de emergencia". Visítenos para obtener más información o visite https://www.scvotes.gov para acceder al Sitio web de la Comisión Electoral de SC.

Sunday Morning Café (Catholic Faith


Come join us in Mother Theresa Hall (to the left of the church) between the Sunday morning Masses, 9:45 – 10:45am. No reservations or materials needed, although masks are required. Indoor or optional outdoor discussion questions follow the video (bring a lawn chair!). Come build friendships with your parish family!

9/27 Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Pt. 1 (Dr. Brant Pitre) 10/4 Jesus and the Jewis Roots of the Eucharist, Pt. 2 (Dr. Brant Pitre)

Altar Flower Donations/Done flores

para el altar

Donating altar flowers is a simple, lovely way to honor a loved one, glorify God, and add beauty to the altar. Flowers can be donated in honor of a living person, memory of someone who has died, in celebration of an anniversary or other milestone, or in thanksgiving for friends or family. You can choose any Sunday or have an open Sunday chosen for you. The names of those being honored or remembered will appear in the bulletin on the Sunday you select. If you prefer, you can simply give the flowers to the Glory of God. The suggested donation is $250 for two arrangements. To donate, please call Janet Morris at the parish office at 803.649.4777.

¿Cómo le gustaría donar flores para el altar como una forma de dar homenaje a un ser querido, darle gloria a Dios, o si prefiere, para adorno del altar? Las flores se pueden donar para cualquier tipo de celebración: una ocasión especial de una persona, en recuerdo de alguien que ha fallecido, aniversarios o por éxitos logrados, o en agradecimiento por la familia o amigos. Escoga cualquier domingo que desee, o se le puede escoger uno. Los nombres de las personas por las que se donan las flores se pondrán en el boletín del domingo seleccionado. Recuerde que las flores las puede donar también para la gloria de Dios. Se sugiere una donación de $250 por dos arreglos. Para donar por favor comuníquese con Janet Morris en la oficina de la parroquia, al 803.649.4777.

Catholic Good Manners & Etiquette

Approach Holy Communion solemnly and reverently. The Eucharist is really and truly the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not just a symbol or representation! This is a time of most intimate union with our Lord. We should approach communion with devotion, reverence, and respect. Holy Communion time is not a time to pat others on the back or shake their hands.

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