THE EVENING STAR. (OUtaiL POETRY. "Oar f Itni D^tld Bar iter, Esq.," aa ys aa l?aaWn paper, »wbu >iw«* prolucd ion* of Ui«s L»»t p- t-vTy erer *rtun by a Maia* Hard, £»«dktkli Ue incident that bapptnti) la hi* n ily (the f r»t occnrreacg ot tha kiad) gives ?ent to nia fsalinfs in ths followi&g imagiaa- taf« pieca: Br ca^&'g OBieia. Obi b if lit ti eld Bt. Peter slept, left the door «.f iivtflH *Ja', Wh»n tkrcagfc.a little angel crept. And sane 'Town with a falling star. Om M tka bl*e»ed beam* Of aicro kriro**hid, ¦; blushing brida from s< dm *l-aeiDg dreams A bd fvitl that >n(«l br b«r si4e. 9*4 frtit bat tbi#. I a*k io raor*. That wb«n l*a»ee ihie w, rl4 of ela, Ba ll win* hi* way to that brUkt short, Aad fit.a that dear of UaiTaa mU. » » ¦ WftaraapoD kw fellow of thaprae't *al sort, aad without any imagiau'loo, aad not pjeass- autg the ..diTio* afflatus" attempt# to awtroy tfc> little illusion of David, as follows: it. mit'i BirLt. fall eigktesn busdr*d rears or mora I'». 5*pt my d«.*r ...t.r-1* tylsd, Tbera vis no " little aftftP straysd, bar one bean m.esing all tka wkila. I eid not sleep as yon suppossd, lior left tke devr of Hearvij a)ar, ¦ or ha- a " Ittle angei" left iid c°na down witt a falling atar. Co s»k tliat " blushing brida'" and aas If ahe dent frankly ufa aad wr Tl'nt wb« b eVe found tbat an eel babe, Che fcaid it by tks good old war. . r . grant bat tb a.I aak no more. Tbat ehouid yoi.r oumi-r etill enlarge, thai yea will ««! do, as before, A n<i lay it to old itn'§ charge. WMr. J A. Bald win. po*t«a«ter at Orane- *M . N.J.,ti kstacntf »r tuaCfiTitl Rtllroad t-rrcpan), **,» liietautly killed bj tha ejplo- al. r oi a barrel of roal oil, which took Are wh le be was la the act of drawing tha oil fr^m it. .yTh# streets of Ualro, Illinois a few days ago precepted mm intereetiag epectacle. Th-r * ne cleaned by a sqnad of gamblers whom tb« Prowoat kl»rehal bad arrested and eat to work »e BcaTenger*. "It Is said that In tha New Lug land States M.ere le rbont one half thr usual crop of ap¬ ple-, wMla In the Middle and Westers States tb. re are more tban tbey hare had for years. VV AR DBPARTMBBT, ADJDfAST GlBBBAL'g OrriOB, Wibbiiotob, Jans 91,1M. Qnurml Ordtri, fit 1M. The Adjutant Gsnsral will prorids an appropri at* m'dal of honor for tbs troops who, after th» .xp'raticn of their term, have offered their eer*lo«M *o the Government in tks present emergency. and also for the volunteer troop# from other State* that hare volunteered their service la the States o' PennrylTanla and Mary land. Br ordsr oftke becretary of War. M. D. T0WN8BND, js 80 Aesietant Adjutant General U BADQUABTBH& l)Kr Ahl MBftT Of WA£B Ml INGTON. QAci Ckiif Quarttrvtasttr, May 83,18hl DllLBBH IB AOBiCULTCBAL iMFLIMSgTB, GlS BBS Sbbdb, Ac., are repeated to fnrniab thisul^ prfoa lists of the vsrtous articles of their trade The sameshonld be directed to Lieutenant Oolo ael Iliab M. Gbikbb, Ckie Qnartermastor, Jr parte;ant of Wafth<nicton. m> 25-tf WAS D1FABTMINT, WiEiiiatoi, Jaanary h. IMi la «otise«aeaea of the pressara of basifiaai alt'n War Department, pmasei for eltisens to Tlslt th* Army of tke Potomac will be given at tke oMo> o' Lieat. Ool. Oobsao, 139 PsaaarlTania *»?*«« akors Kineteeatk street. *.M>S A ro.'g ( ITV KX PRESS, fur. Tlii DSLITCST Of OOOP?, PACKaGti. BaGGAGi, Tbrongbcnt the Ciorgc'owa, aud to tha Bailroad, »t LO W A KD K E<i OLA R HA TES. We aheck all taa^affr to be dt-liTered at R.illroaJ. . 1N O H A CO. , CI I^-tiWiar.ft ATenne, bitwsen Sth and 7th street#. if 'B lm* LMK T vt AKl ?TE OYBfitR baLOt+V..'he I »n',*er:b''r would r»*«p»evf#:y in jjgs * fem bin friends and tb« public .-?¦n V / (p era. y th»t he reopened tv e f te»;n ^ J 0>f'er *a!oon formerly '>eca»ie1 by k!e»srK U»rT»>y * Co . *h«m hr will ierp e n*tai tly o i hand tb-b-'at an-t'ity of OYH- Vk .P Ac. t .mi'it** »u ppli< d w.th I e bOTSriltd lc »n» cunntity by IeaTing th-ir order« a* It In.* W BHADLkY. A R Y E 1 H»*R H" HIaKVK'!! HEAO » VD b WISE. Ii9 «i utb B «treet. 1 . 9 auaia H «tr«^t. 1* ? il .o«-n fvr the bfaeSt oftbuflioi and li« e»S" d and for thf *up^r eaion *.f Ou iC« cr> ; a d ba ltkof wr. to all. tr at Pre BROTH IK? ¥ GSAY art- th» only tanie Pbynrian pr rtiaiog ii *'a»tirtton. 1'ta i«B*d in 1M9 'luring which tioj- tt.on*anrt« < f »ic' p'rioii* b»r* br»n raad» io i»j ie» >p uewnea- or nr^ an'' ^igor We b*T«'-»«e4 »bo ca'l on ua dtily.wbo have 3«*en robhed hy tf oft- impof'ort from the diff-rei' aret;oai "f 'h« e. ULtry ai d their bemtii nt-arlr roined Al>o we b»»e a t nmher of ?urg»on« of the A'my under ot treatment, who a"k. owl»d*« that w . can ore a l i*cret D -e^'ea without aercary. Oa l an1 he eonviB^)*. Offie- 179 ennth B st , be? »'h aad tnth, D'e*" tte Fra . 1 aont*r In«tltate sell eo6t* KKW FALL . FLOWFRS. RIBBONS, bonnets, HATS, Ttfm add millinery GOODS, or CBOICBD1BCBIPTIOR ANDGR1AT TABIBTT, JObT RhCKIYXD. Ladles will ebllce me br ealllag and examining any stosk of bsw f ALL and WiRTBB GOODS ba¬ lers purchasing, as we wisk to show oar foods, feeling eoaldeat tfeer will plea**.at VBABKL1B BTJHISO* Bo. 1U Center Market 0paae, set lm k»tweea gth aad Mk stB. A D B I' H O t B L. Tke aadersigaed takes great pleasure la lafora- teg bis BBBseroas frlead* aad tae pablisB. « A generally that k* kas takes tkebOTkLwAAw situate sb tka eoraer of laatk aad Bsu.,JuHJL kearly opaesit* .**rd s Theater lately aad»r ihe anatpie*sofl GoeM.aa thatk*hassaar«daaitk>c Ksaas a r t we in relttiag and aatirely r*aoratiag it. aad ke la sow >rep>red to ae*o«aaodata tk* aubiie wltk . T«ry tkaag asaailp found la a Irst -slaes Hots!. Aaiple aecemmodatioaa are prerided for traarieat aad nenaaaeat Boarders *a reaaosabla tersa The >AB sad ^aBDIB wil alwars eoataia tk* best tk* s- aaoa or asarkst affords. Ths long *ip*rl*B*« of the aaderaigaed la Hotel ke*plag is d**»*d a ear* gaaraatea oa kls part tbat ail wko *itas4 kiss patroaa«* will b* eatieted that .?erytklag teadiag to their comfort will re- e*lre frosa klaa aadlvi e<" attsBtioa CBB1STOPBBB MAIM. mUs' ProprUtor. 1 inn LIMB! LIMB ll LIMB t!l 1 ,4UU BAkBBL* LIMB Jaat arrired at Gaa- BAil'a wharf, per sek*oaer B. BaUwiakel, aad for ¦aiekr AO MeKI^BW. aa » aeraer Tth atr**t and Oaaal. JAY COOPK * CO., BANKERH, Ma. 418 Blfteeath Btraat. WB g84LL ooansus TO fcagigg UBITBD IT ATM V1TB-1W EXT 7 BONDS at par aatll fartflsr aotlee. ST»«t«»«i <alH»» «n«Mfhn UU k>»n eaa proear* atoaraouater.or ipoa apalieatloa ky mall, circulars answer tag all gaealloaa that mar aria*. VB BOT ABB SBLL ALL ISSOBS OV eOTBBBMBBT BOBD6. TtkASUBT BOTBI 0BTIT1CATB8, ABD T0U0HBB8, OOIB, OCBBBBCT, ABD BXOHABOB, ABC PAT VBB BIflBBST PBlOSH BOB CERTIFICATE CHECKS. J AT OOOBB A 00.. Baaksrs, aa Hf 4 At f ifteenth itr^t J^ITTBBHODiB, f ABT A 00., B A M £ M M 8 , MO. PBBBBTLTAHIA ATBSDB, Will oontian* to furalsk (J. I. FIVE-TWENTY BONDS Aa long ss iua*d bp the Goreramaat, at par. . B. Coupon I'a of 1861. U. I. T-SO Treasury Botes. U 8 Oertifleates ef ladebtedaew eOLD ABD 8ILVBB BOUGHT ABD BOLD. Bxshang* oa all parts of Barope aad ths Borthsra Cities sold in sams to salt parshasers. flocks aad Gold boagkt In Bew York easlaMrelr oa Oommissloa. Jr V BITTBNHOUBB, f ABT * 00. P i. HBLBBAGBB A 00.. CTTIX BBS ^AllD*I^lStIbT "A M a Tcha MT TAIL OEM. ¦ MmoiMiiAafloni, Jfc «>¦« ... ertrtfVes.saitahla for the. anMsl ssasoa f for we laftts tha .* .UTlL. btbphbbb *00.. BBS Pseeerlaeia ATea*->,ke m n «. rmmmw ^|.tk and eat msw? unssspsor m tfU . rr itiiii, Wax Dxfabi friin* itankai 0NKnCi OJkt, W*U*mftaa. Z>. C.. September 18, 1881 > Cibcci.aH lf» >i..Tfc» Secretary of War or- den hat the tallowing Act of CtmyrtM, and Proticmatitm cf the Frigid* nt, UMd a pom ths uar, be published for the lnfirmaOja uf all concerned, and that the special lastrtclieaB hereinafter contained for poreone in th« mili¬ tary service of the United States. ha strictly observed . . ab act initua to Bi>iA« coarcs, AID BEOULATiau judicial raocaauisuB mcu. taib oasbs. Apprj>e«-d March 3, if«a. Me U inmeted by Uu Stnau and Uo**s m Meprt- -nl+f*i e/ tt« Cm't Stn(tf M Coe- jr««f *11 tabled. That, during tha present ratal* lion, the President of th« United Statee, when- '?t, in hia judgment, the public safety fl»7 require it, ia authorized to aarpend the privilege ot ifet wntot hah»a* corpus In ahy case thro aga* oat thr United SUirt, ar any part thereof. Aad wb» never and aWrcvr U>« eald privilege el.ell be e*»p*ed»d as aforaaaid, ne mililatj er cUwr cffl err shall ba com pa lied, In answer to ecy writ of habeas curpsr, to return tha bod/ of any peraoa or per-one detained by him by avtl.oriiy of tha Preeident; bat apon the oar. tiflchte, under oath, ot the ofBoer having charge of »ay true ao detained Mat aach p-rsou ie detained by biro na a prisoner under authority Of the Preeldear, farther proceeding nadar the * rit cf habeae corpus aball ba saapeuded by the jadge or court navicg ieeaed the eald writ ao lour aa aaid suspension by the Preaident ahall ramalu la force aad aaid rebellion oon- tfnae. bt tii rasaiDBBT or raiTin stayba. a riOCLABAflOX. Wiiiiai the Uouentutiou of the Uaited Htau-a ha* ordained that the privilege of tha Writ o Habeae Corpus shall not bo saspendsd nnliee then in caeee of rebellion or invasion 1'Bi He safsty may require it; and wh-reae a rebellion was existing on the third da* of March, 1W3, which rebellion ie atiil sxiatin*: . and whereas by a etatntewhich waa approved or. that day it waa enacted by t|>e Senate and House of Representative of the United Statee in Congret-e assembled that during the present Insurrection the PreMdent ot the United Stat»»s, whenever in hia ju-nm-nt the public saf-ty may require, ie aathoria-d to aaspend tbe priv¬ ilege of the Writ of Habeas O-jrpus ie any oass throughout the United S'atee or any part there¬ of and whereas in the Judgment of the Preai- dsnt the public safety does requ're that the privilege of the aaid writ ahall now be enspend- »d tbronchout the Uniu-d suites in the case* wbf re, by the wnthority of the Preaident ol the I mted Ktatea. military, naval, and cirilomo^rB ol the United Ntatw, or any of them, hold per¬ sona under their command or in their enstody ai;her aa prlaonera of war, epiee, or aiders or a l ettora ol the enemy, or offlcera, aoldi^ra, or acamen enrolled, drafted or muatered or en¬ listed iu or belongVrt '«> *h# Innd or naral fcrc*« of the United Statee, or as deaert^ra tin re fr.; is, or otherwise h men able to military law or the Rolea and Article* of W»r. or th« ruha i t remlHtiona pre-enbed for the m liUry or I'RTal s> rvicenby authority of the President of the United Stau-s, or for realstinic a draft, or for auv other oflenc^ a^uinai the iniiitarv jr nav tii e< rvice: Now. therefore, I, Afbaram Lisool*, Prea- ideut of the United Statee, do hereby proclaim aiid make known 'o nil whom it may concern that the privi e»:e of the Writ of H-ibeas Cerpua is etupeuded throu){hout the United State* in tbe federal casee tefore mentioned, and that this susj ension will co> tinne throus:?iout the dniamn ol the gaid rebellion, or iintj! th-a prov lamutioii ahall, by a aahseqoent ooe to b9 I ie n.-d l y tbe President ol tne Uuib'd Stat-s, be modified or r.-voked And 1 do hereby require all ma)ii-ira»es. at oraH\e, Htid other fiyil of. fi. erF wuhu. the Ui ited SfateR, and all offl^ers at d oibut in the military and nav tls rvic-eof the l iiitt d Sta es, to uike di.-uuct notice of this susjeiinm. ai.d to cueit full edecr, and all . Hizent ot 'he T nlted St tea to conduct and po*eru thenuely»a accordinelv and In con- lornii'y wi h the t.'onati utioa' of the United State* and the laws of Congress in such cases (Lade aud piovioed. lii tetiniiyn> whereof, I havo hereunto net m> bacd and caii8»-d :ht» seal of the Uni¬ ted States to be :.ffi\«d, rbis fifteenth day [J. §.j ol Sfpteicber, it. the year of our Lord one thc uMti d ei^ht hundred and sizty. tKr> e, and of :h-- mdependeiice of the 1 rni- ted biatet of Anifrica the eitrh'v-eivhth. t3 ... .. Abiiaham Li wool*. By the Prep'dent: ii.lia m 11. Seward. S cretary of SUitt*. The aft. at ion of every ofllc- r in the militarv service of the Unit d stite< is ca||.-d >o the Proclamation of th- President, ia^ued oa IStb day. f .September, 1^.3 by which die priv- il' ol the writ of habeat corfiun >*uspeo led. If, her'-fore, a wi it of hub* i% cnrpn .< ti <>¦> I-l iu Tiol tion of the aforesaid Pr >c ama'ion, b-sl.-d out and serred upon any officer 111 ttie mili-ary service ol the United ^t -.'es, commaadiug him to i r. dnce befo»e any court or ju ige, any prfr- soi in t'ie» t nstody by autnority of i lie Presi d> nt of the Unit- d Sta'es, belonging to anv oue ol t!,e claset-a specified in the President s Kroc- lamatioe, if ahall be the dutv ol such otH er to irr k>- known by hi« cr'.ificatt, uuder o<V\, to wb mso« ver may iasne or terT,. t,Uch writ of hoi-tat corpur. that the person natu-d in slid w rit"ts detained by Aim as a insoner u.-ider author¬ ity <¦) the I'retxdent c/ the Untied State*." f'uch retnrn baviiigbeeu mndeif any person aerving or attempting to aerve su h writ,either by the comrr.and of ai y c >nrt or judge, or oth- erwiae, aud wither without nro -ess of'laje si ail etterr.pt to arteet th»- ofHcer malting each latum auo holding in custody sueh person, the a'ii" officer is here'.y comrnaiided torelusesub^ mission and obedience to eu' h arrest, and if ther» shottld be any Attempt to t-ike such per- son from the cuato.ly of snith officer, or arrest such i-flifer, he shall resist such attempt, cal- lii t to hia aid anv force that may be necessary to m»inti.in the authority of the United Statee and render such neiitance effectual. Jamah B. K£t, Pro vest Marshal General. War DBPABTMHaT, ) rroroit Marikil General t OJJlce, ( Watkington, D. C., Ang.^7, IBM \ \%rtular Ao. .1 Lr ioJluwif ^ opioion-* of < ol. Joseph Holt, Advocate (.feaeral. ar»- ruMiahed lor the in formation and caidanoe of all officers of thia Bursas. With regard to the residence of a widow who isa?ed or infirm, and desir»« to hare oue of her two sous aabject to draft, exempted. oriBioa. '*The right of a widow who is aged or latrm, to hate oae of her twoeoaaaubject to draft, ex¬ empted, doee not depend, under the law, on tha of her reeideuce. Tbe act impoaee ao »ucb restriction. Snch a mother'a claim to be anuported by one of her aona, and tha moral obligation or the aon to firaiah .uch aapport, are rarognlxed aa reeting on aympathlee insep¬ arable from the race and honorable to It and which are to be reepecUd irraepecUye of State er National lines. Sbosld one of thsee two sens not be sabject draft, the other cannot be ssampted enleee his widowed mother is de* p#carat on bit labor for btr .upport." In tie case of two or » ore sons of aged or In¬ firm parents sabject to draft, aot of oae Boase- hoid. ofiaiov. " UE<jer tfc# 4th claase of 8d eectton of the rsrolmiot act, it is aot arceaattry that tha two or more aon a ef agr-d or In firmed parents sub¬ ject to draft, shoald be of ons household in or¬ der to entitle the parent or ptrents to sleet ons of them for exemption. The practical opera- tioa of thia clauee la certainly open to aboaea and frtMds, which ths Boards ahoald xeard Mali.et sa beet they can. It would be a jaa i- Bable precaution in auch caaee to require the parett making the election to accompany it wi b an affidavit that no claim to exemption has been preferred by him or her, on behilf of either of the other eone. Thia would probably protect the Uorerninent from the fraud of hay. Ing more than one exemption claimed where «b* sons reside in dtrerent Statee, or within thOuriadlcUon of different Boarda of enrol- Boards of Enrolment will, in this eaa refer, red to, quire the afBdaylt suggested by the Judge Advocate General. In the case of parents haying one son In the araiy, and one at home, and are not dependent on the labor of the latter for their support. oriaioa. "If purer.t« have one son in ths army, and one at hone, and are not dependent on his la¬ bor for their eupport, the son at home cannot be exempted. The ri*ht of aged or infirm par- euta to elect which of two eons shall beelemut. f¦*l,olh ot *OUS subject to draft. Which is certainly not the case when one is already in the e»rvice." In the case of a drafted mm who fails to re¬ port and ia arrested aa a deserter. _ OFIWlOB. , .V . ¦rtipn of Enrolling act de- cluiee that a deeerter of thia claae, when ar. rs»t«-d, shall be "sent to tbe neareat military post for trial by coort-martial, unless npou T10.? lhat 1101 llab^ to do mill- hi» siotj'the Hoard of Enroimentahall relieve him from the draft." The PmguagH in iics.1? and^T i dliP(MlUon to be m ide of the pirty, 2pJer^,^'nlV hi« ^ wks&estt, to Si,F hi B-nr<1 of Enrolment, and la. *it>i v»pon hi* «xemption." J AMM B. t ay. Provoet Marshal Ueaeral. ^oJwwfcss, Aug. 17th. imi c The Board of Earollmeat for the DUtrtotof Columbia Will meet at the City hIoV day» from 9 a, m. to 6 p. nu, nam farther no- Uopj to examiae caeee of drafted men, either for exemption or acceptance. ' 1 : r Hmaar A. Sonm, ^ aa IT-tf Oaptain and Provoet MSttAL, N«>TICB«. 'I 'AA l. li>J UlTJMT or TUB VlST&rrt str. s .77. ftti£sr& tea; §Utr» a1«M#r AiMMtik itMk^ totk* f oto**s IToBlIa. oeteet a ma.Hp mw) u4 oat box of Ekulrk U< i ve MUlinfV.bmo M.1 ini p«»»y aad breagbi <too Maeta* the porfof .kiaytn. u< tit MB* IN UteM u4 iriw tmXrc la tttiMartlattiiuuoftkt Uatteg fltaiee MUvfil friM ui tkat nil MMflll «tM4hr irieletlh* OlW Ball, la to* o!»t of fiakUctn, **. ."« MaaAay Of OstoBer B«lt, tlM aarf wktL* .J1 .arje* * to Iko* fkf Mtdniutfai iktaM »M W 4ooroo4 h< tototorreaetor their InU. . 10 B. J. MB1QB, Otorh. 1 HB ItPKIMB OOTJBT OF TBS BOTlIGf 1 Of COLUMBIA. Bold lag a PWtrlet Ooart of the UtIM Itotoo tor too «M tirtnit -fi mli wiM t'l My MMn.%N(tt|: B'.tl** I* ktrtkr liTM tool, sk Ut mi <i? of /Hf, Ml Ik* Uai- tod *totoe iwu<ri Coear Be Lloa Ml Prlarcee .aptoro# i let of try foot* Mtoec M.,ul krotnt Ikw toto Ik* r»rt « Waehtogto*. u4 Iki nh, [g libeled ui nMtntod la thlc 0nri la the ua> of th* raited BUW. for eoademaatloa a* :»vL trlM ui tool mIB ***** will hm< lor tola) at th* Oily Mall. tor *ity of Waahlacton. oa tkt flnt MoWar *f Oetotor ¦.rt, wfc*a aad vh*r* all f*r- KH ar« w«ra*d to aww to ehow ***** vhy ooa 4otaaatioa ikoiM aet he deereed and to latorTaae Iter their tatoreato. Br tk« Ooart, )rl» r i. kllH. Olork. fMISH*"* OOCET Of TBI BIBTBIO? 1 OT OOLUBBTA. Boidiaga ©..trirt Ooart of th- UaiVd Ptotoo for the aald_Dl*trtet.- Te «;/ *i«M *i m*t ttmitrm, Mrtttmi: Botiee la h*reby kit, oo too Mtk lar of March, IBS, too uaitot Biatos arhooaar Baaer aaytarM aa lavTU ¦rtM on* atoaU boat aad throe <HfU, aad kroukl bin to tkt poxt of Waahtoatoa. and taoaaaia ara U be! ed aid ar Rntol la thlc Ooart la too aem* of too raited it* tee, frrooa* oaiaa»ioa aa eeeh lawfal ¦riM.aad tkat aaid aaaaa wfH ataad tor trial at the Oitt Hall. iB»tk* eity of Waahiagtoa. oa tBo Brat Moariay of O* to her aaxt, wh*a aed waaa all p*r- aoa- aro warae* to awear to chow aaoao fky ooa iMBsatioD akoa.d aot be daorood, aad to later**** Itor their iatoraata By the Coari Jy M B. i. ¥1I0B.Olark. Tbb iupbbmb ooitbt or THB dibtbiot or OOLLBBIA, Balding a Biatrial Ooart o. too Cniv d Btataa for tka aaid tfUtrlet . T* *11 »k*m u may t*mutu. Qrtuif: Boti a ia korob? I firoa.tkat, oa tka lftk dar or Bar, IBM, a lot of aioaar and booda wa» eaytarod br tko Caitod Btataa ataam*r l^raadank attaakad to tko Poto- _ae flotilla, aad Woapbt to tbo port of Waaklsa toa. atd tko aaroo la ltn«lod aad aroaeoatod ia tkla Ooart ia tke una of tko Oaitoi Btataa, for aoa- domratloB aa laafal orta*. aad tkat aaid eana* will .toad foi trial at tka Oity nail, ia tka oily of Waakia«too oa too Brat Boadar of Oetobar aait, whan aad afcara all paraoaa »ro wara*d to a»»*ar to akow aajaa wky ooodoaiBatioB ahoald aot bo door*»d. and to latarroaa for tkcir tataraata Br ordar of tka Ocart >TJft B. f. MBIG8,0'ark. ! filATBL K00FI! THE WILSOIB MA!fCFACTURIBO CO., (Saoaoiaora to J. f. WALKBB * BON J WABB1KQTCS, D 0., AMD PH1LADBLPBIA, PA. mrorAOTOaiaa or LAMP BLACK, MQOriNtt MATERIALS, AMD niLBOira impxotkd tire and wa tarn PROOF FELT, CM MB NT, AND GRAVKL HOOFS. OPPIOB-LoBiaiana ay caa, aaxt door to Ua Ctiok of W»stalnctoo. W0H18.foot ot Twanty-aooond atraat wait, Obeaapeake and Okio Canal, Waakiafton.aad Tkir- Uatk and Hamilton itraata, Pkiladelpkia. H 0. WILBON,Praaidaat. T. P. WILBON, Jr., Boeratory, K. B.-fBLT AND 01MBMT POB BALI, IB largo and imal! qo»Btiti#a, All orders tbron*a Poat Oflao Box B34 fuo- Itially attecdrd to. Bvpalri to old Boofc made promptly. All work warranted. jy g em* oTBlMr'Ul!' HKHAT KA8TBKM. ^ KBW VOKK a N D LlVBrtPOOL. HOWLAM» A Ai<PlhW*LL, ft(ent«. Tb« ut#»tnahip UlliT BA8TBBM, WALTER PATTON, Oommaodar, Will b* di*p»tcbed VB0M LITlkPi'OL riomiwyoil, #^dn»rd*r August 12 | Wedceiiday ....8ept.S tnd at ii terrala tberealter of about aix waoka from aaob port. r-rat eabia. from §9* to 9UI -ieeoca ca^in. a:ata rooa bertha meau farniabed at separate tab'*' ®70 Bx :areion tii-k«tn out and Daek in the Srat and <aco«d cabin only. a fare an<i a half. 8ervant«i »cccinpa'. jir,» cAK^en^eri and ohildroa lcder It y^ara of air*, balf price. Infaata free. Third oai>>n.. BK ¦>te»ra*^. witb nap^rlnr mrcommodatlona. . #'f> Priot> of panaaK* from Liverpoal a«B< ntaa w above. All farea payable in cold, or ite e«uiral*at is 0. 4 currency. Baeb paaarnv*r allowed eabio feet of lBf(Bc*, 4a extari-nond uxrt(t*tu on board. ""XiKLBt A. WaiIS.7, Pn»a^ ofllj*,46 Broadway. Hew York. HOWLAND A A8P1N WALL, 4gmU. 1*11 8m *4 Booth atraet llew Tor* PBAMBLIB * 00.. OtriClANS ««« rinuiTiiu Atihb, (aortfe ai#*,) betweea ir a aad Ota itr and SIB Pa. o*«fNM, warf«r la* Jfdtaaai Hcltl, PBBBL1 >ad PIBIBOOPIO BPBOTAOLBB, oor- r**tly ard aaientifl^aily aait*4 for *T*ry eyealgbt, PlBLD (JLASBBB, OPBBA &LAHBB8, BIGBOBOOPBB, BABOMBTBBB aad THBBMOMBTBBS, .OMPABBBB, 8UBVBT0BB' IBBTBUBBHTB, PBOTO JEAPB ALBUMS. CABT1B DB T1BIT1. __ BTBBBOBOOPBH aad ?tBWB.fco. la % ireat variety aad at the low*at Baatora pri*ea, whole**)* or retail. Jy M-tf N" TOM ABB WABBIBBTOB 8 TEAMS H IF LIMM. . MM1- WMMKL T BMTWWMM NEW YORK WA8H1M0TOMmmd VKOKVETOWM, D. A .TBABBBIPI BAhTIMOBB BMPIBB, BALTOB AllDiAS. B. OBBBB . h'"-| mir- WBUBMIBATB aad BAf- OBDA1B. at IB m.. froai foot of Btoh street, ^.oraotowa, aad Ptor M, foot of Ball moot. Bow Ajah, Boot of ili«k ft real, IAMB? BlSSWAi«t. tolB-Ba* lit Wall treat. Bew Torh. SBOOTiae BlMPLiriBB. BT J. A. BOB ¦all Loadoa. 1 he Bhoot*r'a Baad Booh. LoaAoa. Lewla' AMrieaa Sporteaaaa. fellowa oa ih* Gna aad t>o§. LoaAon. 1 h* rield Booh. Loadon. Crev** 'a Toast Bportaiaaa1* Baaaal. Loadoa. Hawker oa Bkootiag. Loadoa. Tosatt oa the Do«. _ Diaka. Bayaew, and Bttohlaeoa oa the Doc. Ploydoa J> g breakiag Loadoa. Mayk*w oa Dog* London Bobs* Dope aad Mportiac Dng*. Loadoa. Tke Dog: and kow to break aica Loadoa. Tee Gaa: aad ko« to aae it. Loadoa .el PBABOK TAT LOB. flBMlBII TBDBB MABDfA 4B* BBfBBBB .*., Wacwaotoa, B. JTOBT "».MrSKKSlTS.srssu'' I aaa eoaatoatly aaaklag^ad al have ob haad, of the heat ma¬ terial, every d*.rlpttoa of BO LB LBATHBB, I BOB rBAMB. LA DIM' DBBBB. wf>0 paokIbo-tbubju """¦astraMi..»«. AT LOm"rfl?CBSl ' ** BiaHn of Ooagraaa aaa Trarelera will plea** axaailae mj atoek before parchaatoB elaewhere Truki that are made la other eltie* Baperlor LBATHBB aad DBBBB TBUBBLB mmU to order. TBpKIJ 00TB1BD u4 BIPAIBBB at Bhort "&ooda dellyared fro* or oharg* to aay part of txe .J. .lttM DBY d00D6 IOO^WhVfS KomilB .lMtkt) u4 Brows fSf Oaaskrle aad Iwlag kMr« Atj. a°<*' ¦» ..»" 'Wiuyif gg: fiUt.a*N frart_ tN Bkawla, Ouivi UiMj *11 wldtka, Latee rtrlM ImI 0t«»m, fun OmU) ttael. Jet u< Torteiae ikeU l»r Dr>K, Hm, Balk OImvi, Braeelete, Faaa, Be. WklakwfU ke soM at low kIni 4 MlHtm Ueikad WM WIIHIIIO, Pt«l. ITMM, }. I ketW<N»B »> Ml W> Utiwi (f BBB ABlB^BaaVu? Mewakfta* IU«h, Bl*ek L»ee Miitlu Folate, Sarncnr iH PieoloataU la rMt mI r»- li**4 yrl«M. »» * T4TLQB * OQ. OAS FiTTINO, io7 WttAS wixrwums B Bare la Btora, ui are daily raoairiaa. fiai KIICIB or eattrely It* fiHra uiImUm «arf Ftalek. eaperior la «*rl# to urtklH twiwwi And la kail atrkit. Wo fcartte atttaaaa aeaeraiiv to «oj ajM exaailat «r atoeh of GAjTaad >ATBB FIXTUBBB, ImHm xaMnt tkit wo kt*i tao kMt nInM " ~ Waaklagtaa mr AD W-m to Uw Mora Un DMR TlHTKf. D. DBBTIBTBT B. LBWIB Bh r: novtl to 94d N 1». two doora above klaforaier oB.-e. Oali aaa iikn ib* ike L»r *. #e« on* 'to orot.d Method of iaaertiag Arkiflelal .*u . '. eaparior k> tor okher mode bow la im Also. Teetk ex^aiied witknat pain. wkit deaired. Terma «©4erat» la «"*»¦ . 11 If KI»E8MOND k HAYWARD, If Alt IBPIOTBP IB T IB T I OB ARTIFICIAL CIMPLAITIY BOIB TIITH, WltBBBt m»*al_Pla*» .. OlilM, DB. B. B. BI6BBM0ND, .IB JtmAmk, JVeta Ytrk. a*4 tftO Amiy)*a«H» Aommm, lameea lttk mnd IBiA ttt., WaiAewgsea, Oaili tk( attention of tki pnblle to the foliowlc. tdyaatagea of kia improved itiUb : 1. Tko Teeth of kla auuhrtut wlllBUK9 nerer eiraode aor ekaage oolor 5j aay Midi being tkrae-foartka lighter kkaa any other 1. No teetk or took need be extrated. aa tk< trtlflelal oaoo «u ko iaaerted over them ]. Tko root* will ko Bade tanBeaaiva. aai aev* 0 aeko. 4. No temporary teetk aro ae*4e«,ae peraaaea nee eao be made Immediately, thereby yrtHrrlai aatural expreaaion of tko faee, wkiok aadar kkt -Id eyatem frequently diaflgared t Tkia work kaa baea lullr te*t«4 otoi ly< 1 eari by many of tke flret okamlata and phveieiae >ftkii ooaolry Dr.S. ba« alio iaroBtod a wkito ttnda*;rmo»i\ -jtu! filling, with which tko moat aonaitiro toat) an be flllcf without pain, and can build ub a oar set. aouod tootk on any aido roota which will la* hroo^b lir^t^time. CeH »»¦«? fr>r yonrBf^ll. Jy tf M TEETH . UX9MX8. tf 0., tko Lnvoatoi aad it tko MINBSAL PJjATB TBBTH, aktondi. araonallyat kii ofieo in tkif etty. tfanyj artoci %a*r tUoa# taatk wko aaanot ««ar oth^ra. and no poraoo aan w*ar okkor* wa> -aaaot wear tkrao. Faraunt oallioft at my oBo* oan aooommodaW Mtk any ntyle and prioo of Teatk tkoy may da«iro -at ko kkoae wko aro particular and wiak tho pnroak iaanoat. atrongoot and moat porfoet dantura tka< ?rt oan produca. tko VINBSiL PIjATB will b- Aorafully warranted. Booma in thia oity.No. JlSt* PanaiylranlaaTOau* votwoon *tb and 1'itk itroota Aiao. VO* 4rcb »1 .hUadolpkta. nar4 1y j^MBT'B CORN 8ALVB. IMMEDIATE REllt E AXD PERMANENT CUKE ?8 eert for Corna only. ft) rent i oi» r fnr Coin* an 1 Bunion*. Bent by mail b* I>& T B<ST, 301 Broadway, N. T. For aala in We»hir *'on by 8. CALVIHT F^RD, Dru«i"k, '#7-lm 'J90 ¦'.no avenuo LJCENt El) H i >iOh EHS, 299 C kjuit. bitwiim .Niarif kii ra«ttf, are to* pr^par^d to maae .a'-h advance* iu name fi lr.mi.n- do.lar to t. n thonaaud dolUra on ool- lat» rai aerority i I bkhAl, ADVANC18 will be malo on all kiola of I'eal and P-r*onal Hr>p»-rty. Dtamonla. Gold ai <l .-ilTOr Watckei., Jewelr*. t«il*or Ware, Sluiticai Ir* uuji nt». Hardware Clothing Ac.. Ac. *^^;a?il^ ba-' aereral .< ears' experience in bueiiitaa in in? r «; , and farorablf k no wo to many ct ita ' -tiiere a^e co»>fidept th»t t j all wao r.ay extruKt un with baalneai we will ( ».« tl*factiou. M. K KAUH A CD., eo 1 3m* Li-eo«.ed fawob^okara. ^JOAL BY TUB OaH'jO OR filN^LB T0n7^ tOVH THO US AM) TONS ON HAND. W O O D of via bphv yuALiry. At Tard eoruer 0 and lat akreek. near B. A O. B R. D*pot; and Wkarf fook of 11th (kraet, Island, an 27-lm* O. V. P4LUS1. A I) U I CASH! 0 A B HI L1BBRAL OAFH ADTAN0B8 made oa all kiada IIJECH ABDI8B, f FRNITURB, OOl.D and 81LTBit WATCHB8 DIAMOND!, A*. A* W. B. LI WIS A 00.. AaotVa, aa * lm 4 J7 7th at , bek ft aad H ail. 1._ SEALING CHEAP UB FI!fB8T MTuCK Off BBADT M4DB CLOTBlhG oaa be aooa at BABB * BBO.'I. aor ner of B and Horoatk akraaka. Ia oidar ko radaoo our atoak, wo kara determined to rodaao oar prieoa to wfcnloaalo Cauroa.aa exaelleak op>orka- a ky ko earakaaora We iariko all ko aa oxaalaa- i< a of oar »ayerior Bkoek of BOYB' aa wt'l aa MBFV CLOTHING. Alao, a rery laraa Itoak of IT RB1BH1NG bOODB, to ko aoid aheap. We ha*e laak reoelvod a Baa lot of BLACK DBBSB COATB ax 4 FANTB aag-ia* BABB k BBQ. KBNDAiL'l 1IMLIII VII VU BilBe kMMOLlWM WO1STMBa, MM A UTJUMM, . DOM A T MM, lmwvbtmmwb, uttimomatmm, nOUMIBMMMt MMMMLLJSMM8 TBM MAIM. UIBAUV AtfBOl.IBB la a rare aoaapoaad .tt»alaBa« eikraata rrom Flowera, loota, aad Barka. «ar kka ®B0WT*. BBAUTT, aad PBB tfASBBV flWB af tka ¦ AIB. .' Kifkly keaeteial where kke kalr ratilrn peatU atlaaalaat." Da. OBILtON. .. lata aavar kad aayiklag wklek ao parfaatly mweri kka ptrpoap of a kalr dreed eg." WARBBN WABB, Bh., Bo. BTT Oaaal atreek, H, T. .. after helag bald for aavaa yean roar AMBO- blNB kaa aorared kka aatlra aealp wlkk SBW gAlB." Frof. T0HB IBB I A, Ho. Bi Klaa atraak, N, T. for aala ky all Draggiika gad Faaay ftooda Deatara. Fat la koxea, (ooataiaiag two kottlea,) prieeBl. Maaafaatared aad for aala at wkolaaala by KEtfDALL. * BAffKISTBB, a ld-lin Bo. dd» BaoiPWAT, B. T. " By W. L. WALL k 00., Aaatioaaara. HO BAB ABD CABBIAGB BA2AAB AND BB FOBITOBT, Bxpraaaly for tka ^»r.a OF HOBBBI, OABRIAQBS, BTOOK, *0.. .9 Loalaiaaa Areaaa, Batweaa NIatk aad Tantk ikraata. Oabx Adtajobd oa Coaeioaaaryg. Btoraga for Oarriagea. onoa,Oarr agaa, Aa., raaelvad for privata aa bt jP-tf W. L. W. WALL k 00., Anata. CMKIflM OIPII 0LAB1FIBD OIDBBi: IoflkrforaalaatUalowaat aarkafegriaa,la taaa- Utiai to amlt parakaaara. Hotel keoaera, aa tiara aad allotkara lawaat of a | BattUag Pat^ jMBraaa ji^ aad at akor ii "irrir . " » ..uTEssars?" TRATUnuy PUUIOTOBT. lUtmoll AW» OHIO lAILiOf. * ^%l^^iST,2«»JS7a 'oa^Hten at . » ». at. mit. FOB liLTIMOU Ufttm<¦*>,a**4 u lit. m. m4i.imi am m FOB AM. »I1TI YBB W«»T 'u<tr Oa ImUt it i m4 I a.. iratna m1», Tk i ir tka naJ» roat* k* vkt«k <*mhi aaa ha .«rM TkMii Mi nil .AAfliavrva ni bobtb. Lmti BtlttMn Mr tiiUi|t»i It4«,lu< I* Im« OiNHinitiViil VlM tkird* a£d ink tvaiaa aaly trim a*j«»or» Bad tk* «m '©ar*k irtlM tfm fMUutaa, ttp> it vit ynlih FOB aBBAPOUE Utft (tHHtr* ttli ¦ u< li. m. Iwrtwukljutn itli a iMl|.a Ba traia ter Aaaaaoltaaa hl'wi F.->r r*rtk-r information. IWMtiif rt*n klal, Ba..ap».yta« S ROONf'x. 4#*Bt,a* fMklar torn rttfioi.n it tk« T(«k*t*lM. II P. SMITH, luNr «f TraBMOrtattOB B. B. SO LB Sam! Ttakat tftd ultf SPtUBti ABDSUMMBB B0HBBT7LB ot til FROM WtSBINGTOk OITTI THE 0EEAT SHORT LIKE TO THE WEST. SolTM AND IfUBTH-WIST ikklni tk» M«lfk«at Tim# ial tk* Oil) Boat* tkat mb Mil * Tkroawh TIM at diraet, ar five a Tkroiih CkMk for Haac»f» frti «Mku|toi Olti With Uw 0k»6«o of Out tku on uv other Boat*. aa* to Omni baa Rtdii« F0UB DAILY TBaINS fHOB MAdHIHGTON OITT. .Pnnda*e am|!«4 > mMbi eoBaeetiona with Pratna laaTiaa atWaor# it 7 U i. ¦ and 8 an r. a. Ob Sandaya, 0b«* Traia ai 8ju r. a., -i- -i - rtl a a at Belay witk I r. iT Tnla Baltimer*. < FOB TBI WI«T Train I*ar1n* Washington at IJP a a. mate* aoBBMtloa at Weahinrtoa Jaaetion < Sal ay Hooa# i vitk Traia leaTinaRaittmnr* at 8.18 a ¦ Traina iMTing WaahieatoB at S,t.ordJO f. a. a»k» eoaaaetloB with Tf*1b l»a»'nt Baltimore at . p. a . SI BFBB TO BUT T0UE TIOBBTB ST THJ BALTIMOBB AMD OHIO BAILROAD TU» U the Onty !UmU by mkitk IXrovgh TieIn it ar Tiromfk Bmffage Ckttkt mm b< pmmgrm| m Wikingtom. Baight'a La tart Improved 8LSB»I!tO CAES, of ». moat rnperUr 8oiah. attacked to lfl«ht Train* THB SHORTEST ARD HOST DIRBOT BOTTTE TO COLUMBUS, Da TTON, LOUISTILLE, OIN- CINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, TEMEA HAUTE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, At., At., af«., BVviti lisp cbabsbs or oias tma* ar m oraaa aoDTa._#a Spatial fittut la Pastmttrt Jot lAt Wut from Hv'SAtNffe*Paa»«DK*ra jroin£ Waat b> pnrcba tin* -.keir THROUGH TICKETS in Washington^ by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, SAVE OI»B fki\l T A T> . A V. -ML »l ... 1 i. 1 .t , DOLLAR in the Through price. and hire tka erl ff,e ,0' Baltimore (If desired' withe additional 'haran rir _ ... loot itidnal *hart* f 0 nsectioDa it th- Ohio Rirar vitk OLBVB LAND A PITTSBURG, 0#NTSAL OHIO an* MaR! /-TTA A CINCINNATI RAILROADS; aod throujrh th«m. witb tke whole Rxilw,* >-yi>tem of of ttr NORTtl WEPT. CENTRAL WEST, ano HOFTH WfST For THR")I7GI1 TIOKETB plaaae apply at tk# Ticket Office. Wi«biu«ioQ otatiou. W. P SMTTH Master o'Tran»rort»ttot M. C"LB 6#nera' Tickat Ageat. ap 11-tf t;ie li«»es .Cit^^VLV A*IA CENTRAL K.AILKOAI- witu ile oui*.<ecl iona'. fB A HKXT-0LAS8 BOUTB TO ALL THE WESTERN OITIH«! 4PBBD.SAFETY AND OOMEORTt dTOWB BALLASTED AWD rut FBOM DUS'r SAGGAGE OHBOBBD THROUGH ?ROM BALTIMOBft i'HRlk UAIL1 rmAlNto f Hf.Hk FEI LA DEI- i'HIA TO PITTSBT^Rfli Two of ik«m Laakinc CL02E CONNECTION? AT U*RRI»BCM with Tj-aias ou the KORTHKR^' CENTRAL RAILROAD, and loriiiiuM T3I GRE*T CBN THAI. ROHTB frooi WASHINCfTON A^D BALTIMORE to iH pointa is tk* WERT, WORTH WEFT. 4N"D "«0UTHWB8T &t~ For Taroa** TieteUi »( v»J at tUa oBeaa of the Northern C«^'tra! Rallr«-id Compiny , a<jrth*aa *>rner of Petirvtrylrania ar*nti« and Sixth «rtr«*t .Tufhioetoa. asd Calv*rt Station. Ba'ttwora SPLENDID SLEEPING OAKS OB ALL BI^HT THAIN8 4M0KIBG AMD SALOON 0 tRP OB AX L TRAIBB FROM WABHlNGtON fuMixaia wni Utt tba«Jl'a.a ana 4 E> p. u* Daiii* oonnoctin^ In Baltimore witk tka f ,li a. m and t.15 p. m. traioa 09 the Northern Central Rail road, and irriva in Harriabarg it i p in and 1.5* a m., ikefa caking close connection* witk the train * on t fc a Pennsylvania Otatral Batlraad for all parta of tk« Weit FREIGHTS J3y tkia i-oata Fral^hu or *11 <*rariattc£« «m b| forward* a to and fro hi any polBt oa the Bal.'roaxc of Oklo, Kentsaky, Indiana. IlllAota Yf'Moaxic towa, or Mlaaoori, ky RtiirMul dirta Tka Pennsylvania Orntral Railroad alBo aoanaatt at Pittahur* witk Steamara.by wkiak Good* aa» ba forward*d to any port oa tka Okio. Maaklania Eantaoky, Tanaaa>>», 0n« bar land. IUiaoia, Mnaala> aippi, WlMonain, MiMoarl, Canaaa. Arkaaaaa, aac1 Rao EiTara- and at Clavaland. Saniaaky, aod Okl- sajr* with aiMraara to all BortkvMtara LakM. Marakanta ut aklppara aatraitina tka tnuupor takloai of tkair Fraigat to fkla Ooaipaay aaa rait wltk aoaSdaBM ob Ita apM<lv truilt THB BATBB OF FBllGHT to aad Sroaa aay poUu ta tk* Waat, ky tka Paaaaylvaala Oaakral lailroaA. Ba Oaakral B E " WM. EBOWB,Af*t BortkaniOaBWal B. B., Bo. SB Bortk atraat, BalJiaaora. BBOCB LBWIB,«aal BaaartakaaAaak, aAobb, fa. k..^i3sss 8 10BIT BIBB ABBS I EBOBBt BIBBABBS I BABABiTAN'B sun BAMAE1TAWA .1991 m E" fa lat tAoM who kayaMHWri^lvnraiHr at wka k*rt»*M .aftad wltk EaiMM Ooyalra, or OiJT.I SaBt^Vrjaaj l^ta a piai ¦ .¦?aloii*.^ aaoat ¦¦tawt. aartBia aaa iInmI riailf a»« ara SSkaTrit rWakM a»d aradiMtaa arary »artiaftal tka vaaaraal poiaoa. as tkat tka aara Utkoroa«k ^arssv^v^.iSiiK'irars: Wr.» tt.. fcr -jr «ff,. U V^ta.wsi's«rss»lr5nio'4.tt4 FEMALES I VBMALBBil la Many aBaetloaa wltk wkiak aombaraof Fa ¦aSarnBtrTtka BOOT ABD HBBB JUIOBB la aaoat kappily adapted, la UlaarataB Dtarma, Ib Wkltaa, m kaariac Bowa. F^lla* of tka Woab Dabillty. aad for all aoaaplaiata iaeidaat to tka at SantkfaxpraM. Prlaa* «1 a bottla, « . koHlaa BAMABITABB OHABOBB WASH. PriMVMBta. Fall dlraetfoaa. DBbMOBD k 00., Bos 1BI frklladalpkla Poat °SS& by B. OALTBBT FORD, a raar of 11U aad «BT*600E. AlaJtaadrla aiay >-tr A"" . Wthingtm 9Hy» M. . PUT AMUHDUU ** WOBIUHI Tiaivi ***.¦ TO* IU. Moruavi GERMAN B1TTBR8, «»«o IMl a JL JAOUOR, iptm, pi W*X* WMVI4I IT m»»» UTn COMPLAIBT. DTBTB. i|A itrKM9l HIOVIC OB BBBTOBB P (BIMVT. Mf. BA-lf OF TPB flOWBTJj INC AL* lUlilU ABltlBfl fBO* A .M«B- hu> uth cm btowaom. .Mk M *ob UnirdnlM _ filMM or Bood to tb« BoaT Artdlty ofih* *t*aa»e . *gx£,\ss& ftsr.i Shu. .OSrlteSMS S«^vs£!?£ffc. _?*» .?*!>. b.^T^r T.r MMj d*h p mia t* Ik* ito< DnMiM ,t*h?w5ww -Tkiwrss Bi**_P*iai* iw «d*. Bee» oil* %... 8b4Am f'ukti of * **.*», hnliili *%« yfo»fc Ccrartast IkicUIm -Jeainiaa* of Bvll a<1 (Tt«i <«/ VrrtM Amd will fk«m T<iM fb *r. JiMiw pw*. #* TI«T tratali !. Afoehel *r M Will Tk*r vlll ««r* th* tbove dliwiei la til* euiti nt of a haadred ladneed it tk« HWMiti Ml* tad alarltr of Ho«Had'lft»nawi Bitter* ifarv'r lable.l boat* of {«anreat Qneria a-d an**r*VUtap* adventurer*. Iit* om°^ ep*L «« Bering h n *8 »ifc ?he flood jratea of We**/*-** in tb* ah*p* of p*aA whlaky vilely *omp''» ?*- with iainrieea drvp and ehrlrtened Toole*, n-mukirj and ltltt«ra RHUre Bovtr* of the InnaenareMe ar'ay of AleoholM Kperation* in plethoric bottle* **4 bl«-b*ID*4 j», nnder the raodeet epaaUetioa of B1M*M| .bleb, tort**] of nrisi oi> egaravet# llw* W>d leave the diMppeiatad nlT«r«r to d*ep*lr. HOOFTJLMD'H QERM AH BITTKM %to aot * **w and oatri*'.. article, bat hav* <Vm4 rh* Uit of Bfteea year* trie tfy the Am*ri**a ptk- la; aed their refutation and aal*. ara not rl»aTW<l Sy any almilar preae-etion Tb* proprietor* Var*thoaiaade of Letter* 1 tb* bm( eminent CLBRGTM Bit LAWTiU. PBYStOlABB, aad 0ITI1BBB. T**tlfying of tb*lr owv hnou! taovU<n. t* tBt banefltrfal effect* aad medieal virtaa* of thaae Biv* tare. Do Ton Wm*1 Samutkmg to ^wyrtw Tomf Do Tort W<*nt a ffoed ApptHU f Do To* Wmmt to BmU Of Tmtr OorutitaltW? Do Tcm Want to Ft*l WtUf Do Trm Wmnt to Vet But q/ ffonou$n*tlt Do Tcm Want iMrfji' Do Tost Wont to Sltop WoUf Do T<m Want a Brisk »nd Tiforoui Wotthtf , . TOD DO. Cbl HOOFLAND S OERMAJf B1TTKB& #V»w» Hit J. Xmton fi~ctpm, D O., kthtor of lit Smry'le^dim of Rthriott* Kn<yUdut AUnuati uul diipoaad to favor or racomrr»aA latent MrdiCHia* in *.-urral tbroa«fe dintruit tbf-ir lu(tr»dirut» and I r«l km.* of ao r^a^'«l. why a ibid may aot t*«tify to ibo bfttafil* br b^llcTe^ uimavir to tia*a r«o«iy* 1 freni H:f «icjpi»- prwyaration. is tbn hup* that h* say tbua contributf tb» benefit of ntkara I dc' thi» th»* more readily in regard to Moottaad1* (.f*rinaD Hitters, Br^pwr^d by Dr. 0 M Jatkaoa,** tbia city. hfcauar 1 ti» prfjudiovd acamat t>*os far many y»-ar». under the iioprt-««ion ti;al tUay aor# i*hi»t'y au alroholic miiturt- I air. <n4«bt<*d t* mw friend Robert Hb<'*niaK*r, !»«.. for tha remorai oI thi« pr-Judire hy pr"p»r te»^. atid for Mneotiraf*- to try then;. «ben autTerinf froib ere at aad Ioum continued iehility The u«* of tbree bottlM of tb*»e Bitt*r«. at the tejfinnina ->f th* »r'»»al year.waefp! wed hy evident reli«r and r*atnrati*a to a,«lej{ree or hodily and mental »'*or wbiek I V adl o"t felt for «ii month* b*for*. and hail a!ro««t da- -paired of renaininf I therefor* 'bank Ood aa4 ! tit frien* for dirertinf me to the n*e >>f tbetn J N1WT0N RR01V M, f ki'.adeijbia, Juu* a. 1««1. PARTIOULAB BTOTICB, Tuera ar* many prep# raiioua auid uudar tb* oaBO of Biitrr*. j>ut in nuart bottie* compounded of tb* ;be.»pest wmeky or onaimoti n:m, eo"tlu® froai 9 to V eent* p»r gallon, tbe tvate Ui«ifulK*d by AalM >r Coriander i"i-ed Thin claw- .' Bitt«r» baa eaaaed ano «rliI oootiaa* o eao«*, a* long at. tbey van be *ola. handr-dt tr ilolbe death of tbe drnukard By 1beir aae 1b* .y^teru ie ft continually audei the infir.er*- oi Aicobolie Pfitculante of th»-wc>r*t kind th» d*«lr« for Liquor ia created and kept up an'! the ...¦U 1< \)1 the horror* attendant upon admakaed'a iif# aa4 ¦tealb for thoae who deaira and will a Liquor Mt- v*ra we puhtieb th* followiac r*c*i^t mm oilit HoointH'r Utrmutn BiiUrt and 'till wi'k tlru (.irit of HMtd Brandy or Whitky, and the reaalt wllj '.* a preyaration tbat will /ar trrtl in medical vir¬ tu** and tru*e*c*llenr*any of thenumerou* Liaaot Bittera id tbe market, acd will r*it winch Uu Tai will have all tha virtue* of Hoeianrl'r H'llft la vnr*ftioD with a tooi artiel* of Liquor, at a maaA lea* priM tbaja thaa* laf*rlor preparation wla oat roa ATT1NTI0*, B0LDI1U I ABDtfUl VRIBKM Of MOLOIBIf. W* aali tb* attMiti*u *( all aavuyi raiatloaa M friajada ibthu arcit to tb*fa*t tbat'"HOOVLAIPV 9BKM AN BITT118" will *ar* aia* t*atha cl fh« di«*a*«h ladnaad by aipoaaraa aud arivauoas tart> liattc caa) lif* la tha liata. pahkah*d ait.Mt dally la th* aawapapara, oa th* arrival of th* aiak, it will ba aoti**4 that a vary lai|* pr**orti*a an autaria# from dahibty lv*ry *aa* of that klatf *aa b* raadily *«rad by ila*ftaad'i 0*rmaa Bitter*. Dia*aaaa raMltiaa from diaordara of tb* dia**«va t>riaaiari af*adlly r*m*v*d W* have a* ha«4M- tion ia itatfac that, if tAaa* Blttora vara fy**Ja u*4attou*v aoiAiar*. baa4r*da *f 11 va* mlaht ba MV*d that ctharwia* will ba iaat W* Mil partiaolar aNaalUa ka tb* faUawlaa m> marbabl* uad «*U aath*att«at*d *ar* of *a* af Mha aatioa** haroaa, whoa* lift, t* aaa hi* an1.an. 'bM b*M *av*d hr «h* Wmm rtaaaaa af my mm. I aai.aad ha>a ha a* t*r tha lan foar yaara. a maaaha# *fMaraak'i Mlabtataj batMry aad aaAar th* lmmadlata ommmmmi af Oaa- hOil.k Ayta. Tbraaah th* aiyaatra athaadSaB apoa my arAaoM Aattaa. I waa a Wait ad ta ¦*v*a»> bar laat vtth laBwatiii of tfea 'aria* aad M for aaraatr-bwo dara la th* hiapital. flih waa ST lata* by araat dabtUtr, td«lt»a*4 by aa awaah af Ivaaabary I wa* tbM raaaovad fvam th* WbW Hoaaa aad aaat ba thla aim om board A* itmaa "Stata *f Malaafram vhlah I laadad aa th* Mh ofjaaa, Biaaa lma< tima I bava baaaatoitmlaf aa aai aa* aoaM ba aa4 atill rataia a Hart af rltaf ity. For a waah ar man I waa aaaraaly ahlat* ¦wallow aaytbia*. aai 111 did foraa a maraal dava. it waa ImmadiatalT tbrowa a* aaaia I aevVd aot avaa ka*a a aUaa at tatar aa my ¦tomaah. Life aoald aot htt aadar tha** Uma* ataacaa. aad, a*a*rdia.iytba ehyaaiaaa vho had baaa workla« lalthfaHy thoaah aaaaaaaaafaBV. ta raaaa* ma from th* »raa» a? th* Araad Arab am fraabli told ma thar aoald A* ao mora for ma, um advlaad ma to aaa a alarwymaa, aad ta ataha Mafe dlaaoaitlon of my Umltad faada aa baat ami tad ma, Aa acqaaiatnaa* who viaitad ma at th* haaaitoal Mr. Vradariak Btalahraa. af Bixtb. balaw Araa at., advtaad ma. aa a terloea baaa. ». try faar Bltta**. aad bladly *roaar*d a bo til*, from tbe Mm* X *amm*a**d takia« tham th* *loomy ahadaw af daath ra*ad*d, aad I am aow, thaak ttod for lt» «ttia| b*ttar Tboa«h I have takaa bat twa b*b Caa, I bava *aiaad taa poaada, aaA I foal aaaniaa of baiag permitted to ra}ola my wlfc aad daaaatar, from whom I bava heard aothlag for ai«ht*em oontbj; tor. aeatiemea. I am a loyal Tlraiaiaa from tha vieinlty of front Royal To year iavala* able Bitter* I owe tbe aertalcty of life wkiah baa takes the ylaM of va*aa fear*.ta year Bitter* wi| I owe tha (lorloaa »ri vil*#* of a«aia *laaaia« ta ay boeom thoae who are Aaareat ta aaa ia life. Yary truly yoar* ItAaeMALOn. Wa folly eanear U> tha truth of th* thava etat*> m*nt aa we had *e»palrad of Maia« aar aomrada, Mr lialoBe. reatored to health. JOHH ctDDLBBAGE.lat Baa Torh Battery 6B0RU1 A AOBLlT.Oo. 0 11 tb Malaa. LrwIS CH1TALIBB, tM Haw Torh * I I. SPlllClR.lat Artillery, Battery*. I i f AHHWlLt Co. B, id Varmoat gBBBT B JBROMR.CO.B, Ao. bmbt *_*Qcdohald, bo. o, Bth PaiaB, JOHN V. WARD Go. B,StaMaiaa HBRMAB BOCA. Co. rf, 7*1 New York. MATHANIBL B. THOMAB.Co. f.Mtb Va ANOBBW J. KIMBALL,Co A.S^Ti JOBS JBMK1BB Oo. B Wu feu. BBWABB 01 OOUBTBBfBITB I BM that the aymatara of "0. M. JAOBBOV* .athaWRAPfBR of eaah bottle. PB10B PBB BOTTLB TB OBBTB, OB HALT DOZ. BOB .«. niWfU OrrtOI ABB MABIfABNar, r M9 Ml iBOl If, mm*.*.*9* * >TA>>1

THEEVENING STAR. ftti£sr& IOO^WhVfSchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1863-09-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · .r. grantbattb a.I aak no more. ... detained by biro na aprisoner underauthority

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"Oar f Itni D^tld Bar iter, Esq.," aays aal?aaWn paper, »wbu >iw«* prolucd ion* ofUi«s L»»t p- t-vTy erer *rtun by a Maia* Hard,£»«dktkli Ue incident that bapptnti) la hi*

n ily (the f r»t occnrreacg ot tha kiad) gives?ent to nia fsalinfs in ths followi&g imagiaa-taf« pieca:

Br ca^&'g OBieia.Obi biflit ti eld Bt. Peter slept,left the door «.f iivtflH *Ja',Wh»n tkrcagfc.a little angel crept.And sane 'Town with a falling star.Om M tka bl*e»ed beam*

Of aicro kriro**hid, ¦; blushing bridafrom s< dm *l-aeiDg dreams

A bd fvitl that >n(«l br b«r si4e.9*4 frtit bat tbi#.I a*k io raor*.That wb«n b« l*a»ee ihie w, rl4 of ela,

Ba ll win* hi* way to that brUkt short,Aad fit.a that dear of UaiTaa mU.

» » ¦

WftaraapoD kw fellow of thaprae't *al sort,aad without any imagiau'loo, aad not pjeass-autg the ..diTio* afflatus" attempt# to awtroytfc> little illusion of David, as follows:

it. mit'i BirLt.fall eigktesn busdr*d rears or mora

I'». 5*pt my d«.*r ...t.r-1* tylsd,Tbera vis no " little aftftP straysd,bar one bean m.esing all tka wkila.I eid not sleep as yon suppossd,lior left tke devr of Hearvij a)ar,

¦ or ha- a " Ittle angei" leftiid c°na down witt a falling atar.

Co s»k tliat " blushing brida'" and aasIf ahe dent frankly ufa aad wr

Tl'nt wb« b eVe found tbat an eel babe,Che fcaid it by tks good old war.

. r . grant bat tb a.I aak no more.Tbat ehouid yoi.r oumi-r etill enlarge,thai yea will ««! do, as before,A n<i lay it to old itn'§ charge.

WMr. J A. Bald win. po*t«a«ter at Orane-*M . N.J.,ti kstacntf »r tuaCfiTitl Rtllroadt-rrcpan), **,» liietautly killed bj tha ejplo-al. r oi a barrel of roal oil, which took Arewh le be was la the act of drawing tha oilfr^m it.

.yTh# streets of Ualro, Illinois a few daysago precepted mm intereetiag epectacle. Th-r* ne cleaned by a sqnad of gamblers whomtb« Prowoat kl»rehal bad arrested and eat towork »e BcaTenger*.

"It Is said that In tha New Lugland StatesM.ere le rbont one half thr usual crop of ap¬ple-, wMla In the Middle and Westers Statestb. re are more tban tbey hare had for years.

VV AR DBPARTMBBT,*» ADJDfAST GlBBBAL'g OrriOB,Wibbiiotob, Jans 91,1M.

Qnurml Ordtri, fit 1M.The Adjutant Gsnsral will prorids an appropri

at* m'dal of honor for tbs troops who, after th».xp'raticn of their term, have offered their eer*lo«M*o the Government in tks present emergency. andalso for the volunteer troop# from other State* thathare volunteered their service la the States o'PennrylTanla and Mary land.Br ordsr of tke becretary of War.

M. D. T0WN8BND,js80 Aesietant Adjutant General

UBADQUABTBH& l)Kr Ahl MBftT Of WA£BMl INGTON.QAci Ckiif Quarttrvtasttr, May 83,18hl

DllLBBH IB AOBiCULTCBAL iMFLIMSgTB, GlSBBS Sbbdb, Ac., are repeated to fnrniab thisul^prfoa lists of the vsrtous articles of their tradeThe sameshonld be directed to Lieutenant Oolo

ael Iliab M. Gbikbb, Ckie Qnartermastor, Jrparte;ant of Wafth<nicton. m> 25-tf

WAS D1FABTMINT,WiEiiiatoi, Jaanary h. IMi

la «otise«aeaea of the pressara of basifiaai alt'nWar Department, pmasei for eltisens to Tlslt th*Army of tke Potomac will be given at tke oMo> o'Lieat. Ool. Oobsao, 139 PsaaarlTania *»?*««akors Kineteeatk street.

*.M>S A ro.'g ( ITV KX PRESS,fur. Tlii DSLITCST Of

OOOP?, PACKaGti. BaGGAGi,Tbrongbcnt the Ciorgc'owa, aud to tha

Bailroad, »tLOW A KD K E<i OLA R HA TES.

We aheck all taa^affr to be dt-liTered at R.illroaJ..

1 N O H A CO. ,

CI I^-tiWiar.ft ATenne, bitwsen Sth and 7th street#.if 'B lm*LMK T vt AKl ?TE OYBfitR baLOt+V..'heI »n',*er:b''r would r»*«p»evf#:y in jjgs *

fem bin friends and tb« public .-?¦n V / (pera. y th»t he t» reopened tv e f te»;n ^ J

0>f'er *a!oon formerly '>eca»ie1 byk!e»srK U»rT»>y * Co . *h«m hr willierp e n*tai tly o i hand tb-b-'at an-t'ity of OYH-Vk .P Ac. t .mi'it** »u ppli< d w.th I e bOTSriltdlc »n» cunntity by IeaTing th-ir order«a* It In.* W BHADLkY.

n« A R Y E 1 H»*R H" HIaKVK'!!HEAO » VD b WISE.

Ii9 «i utb B «treet. 1 . 9 auaia H «tr«^t.1* ? il .o«-n fvr the bfaeSt oftbuflioi and li«

e»S" d and for thf *up^r eaion *.f Ou iC« cr> ; a d baltkof wr. to all. tr at Pre BROTH IK? ¥ GSAYart- th» only H« tanie Pbynrian pr rtiaiog ii*'a»tirtton. 1'ta i«B*d in 1M9 'luring whichtioj- tt.on*anrt« < f »ic' p'rioii* b»r* br»n raad» ioi»j ie» >p uewnea- or nr^ an'' ^igor We b*T«'-»«e4»bo ca'l on ua dtily.wbo have 3«*en robhed hytf oft- impof'ort from the diff-rei' aret;oai "f 'h«e. ULtry ai d their bemtii nt-arlr roined Al>o web»»e a t nmher of ?urg»on« of the A'my under ottreatment, who a"k. owl»d*« that w . can ore a li*cret D -e^'ea without aercary. Oa l an1 heeonviB^)*. Offie- 179 ennth B st , be? »'h aad tnth,D'e*" tte Fra . 1 aont*r In«tltate sell eo6t*



addmillinery GOODS,


JObT RhCKIYXD.Ladles will ebllce me br ealllag and examining

any stosk of bsw f ALL and WiRTBB GOODS ba¬lers purchasing, as we wisk to show oar foods,feeling eoaldeat tfeer will plea**.at

VBABKL1B BTJHISO*Bo. 1U Center Market 0paae,

setlm k»tweea gth aad Mk stB.A D B I' H O t B L.

Tke aadersigaed takes great pleasure la lafora-teg bis BBBseroas frlead* aad tae pablisB. « Agenerally that k* kas takes tkebOTkLwAAwsituate sb tka eoraer of laatk aad Bsu.,JuHJLkearly opaesit* .**rd s Theater lately aad»r iheanatpie*sofl GoeM.aa thatk*hassaar«daaitk>cKsaas a r t we in relttiag and aatirely r*aoratiagit. aad ke la sow >rep>red to ae*o«aaodata tk*aubiie wltk . T«ry tkaag asaailp found la a Irst -slaesHots!. Aaiple aecemmodatioaa are prerided fortraarieat aad nenaaaeat Boarders *a reaaosablatersa The >AB sad ^aBDIB wil alwars eoataiatk* best tk* s- aaoa or asarkst affords.Ths long *ip*rl*B*« of the aaderaigaed la Hotel

ke*plag is d**»*d a ear* gaaraatea oa kls parttbat ail wko *itas4 kiss patroaa«* will b* eatietedthat .?erytklag teadiag to their comfort will re-e*lre frosa klaa aadlvi e<" attsBtioa

CBB1STOPBBB MAIM.mUs' ProprUtor.1 inn LIMB! LIMB ll LIMB t!l1 ,4UU BAkBBL* LIMB Jaat arrired at Gaa-BAil'a wharf, per sek*oaer B. BaUwiakel, aad for¦aiekr AO MeKI^BW.

aa » aeraer Tth atr**t and Oaaal.JAY COOPK * CO.,BANKERH,

Ma. 418 Blfteeath Btraat.WB g84LL ooansus TO fcagigg


at par aatll fartflsr aotlee.ST»«t«»«i <alH»» «n«MfhnUU

k>»n eaa proear* atoaraouater.or ipoa apalieatloaky mall, circulars answer tag all gaealloaa that mararia*.




JAT OOOBB A 00.. Baaksrs,aa Hf 4At fifteenth itr^t

J^ITTBBHODiB, fABT A 00.,B A M £ M M 8 ,MO. PBBBBTLTAHIA ATBSDB,Will oontian* to furalsk

(J. I. FIVE-TWENTY BONDSAa long ss iua*d bp the Goreramaat, at par.

. B. Coupon I'a of 1861.U. I. T-SO Treasury Botes.

U 8 Oertifleates ef ladebtedaeweOLD ABD 8ILVBB BOUGHT ABD BOLD.

Bxshang* oa all parts of Barope aad ths BorthsraCities sold in sams to salt parshasers.

flocks aad Gold boagkt In Bew York easlaMrelroa Oommissloa.



CTTIXBBS^AllD*I^lStIbT "AM a Tcha MT TAIL OEM. ¦MmoiMiiAafloni, Jfc

«>¦« ...

ertrtfVes.saitahla for the. anMsl ssasoa fforwe laftts tha.*.UTlL. btbphbbb *00..BBS Pseeerlaeia ATea*->,ke

m n «.rmmmw^|.tk and eat

msw? unssspsormtfU

. rr itiiii,

Wax Dxfabifriin* itankai 0NKnCi OJkt,

W*U*mftaa. Z>. C.. September 18, 1881 >Cibcci.aH lf» >i..Tfc» Secretary of War or-

den hat the tallowing Act of CtmyrtM, andProticmatitm cf the Frigid*nt, UMd apom thsuar, be published for the lnfirmaOja uf allconcerned, and that the special lastrtclieaBhereinafter contained for poreone in th« mili¬tary service of the United States. ha strictlyobserved . .

ab act initua to Bi>iA« coarcs, AIDBEOULATiau judicial raocaauisuB mcu.taib oasbs. Apprj>e«-d March 3, if«a.Me U inmeted by Uu Stnau and Uo**s m Meprt-

-nl+f*i e/ tt« Cm't Stn(tf M Coe-jr««f *11tabled. That, during tha present ratal*lion, the President of th« United Statee, when-'?t, in hia judgment, the public safety fl»7require it, ia authorized to aarpend the privilegeot ifet wntot hah»a* corpus In ahy casethroaga*oat thr United SUirt, ar any part thereof. Aadwb» never and aWrcvr U>« eald privilegeel.ell be e*»p*ed»d as aforaaaid, ne mililatj ercUwr cffl err shall ba com pa lied, In answer toecy writ of habeas curpsr, to return tha bod/of any peraoa or per-one detained by him byavtl.oriiy of tha Preeident; bat apon the oar.tiflchte, under oath, ot the ofBoer having chargeof »ay true ao detained Mat aach p-rsou iedetained by biro na a prisoner under authorityOf the Preeldear, farther proceeding nadar the* rit cf habeae corpus aball ba saapeuded bythe jadge or court navicg ieeaed the eald writao lour aa aaid suspension by the Preaidentahall ramalu la force aad aaid rebellion oon-tfnae.bt tii rasaiDBBT or r» raiTin stayba.a

riOCLABAflOX.Wiiiiai the Uouentutiou of the Uaited

Htau-a ha* ordained that the privilege of thaWrit o Habeae Corpus shall not bo saspendsdnnliee then in caeee of rebellion or invasion

1'Bi He safsty may require it; and wh-reaea rebellion was existing on the third da* ofMarch, 1W3, which rebellion ie atiil sxiatin*:

. and whereas by a etatntewhich waa approvedor. that day it waa enacted by t|>e Senate andHouse of Representative of the United Stateein Congret-e assembled that during the presentInsurrection the PreMdent ot the United Stat»»s,whenever in hia ju-nm-nt the public saf-tymay require, ie aathoria-d to aaspend tbe priv¬ilege of the Writ of Habeas O-jrpus ie any oassthroughout the United S'atee or any part there¬of and whereas in the Judgment of the Preai-dsnt the public safety does requ're that theprivilege of the aaid writ ahall now be enspend-»d tbronchout the Uniu-d suites in the case*wbf re, by the wnthority of the Preaident ol theI mted Ktatea. military, naval, and cirilomo^rBol the United Ntatw, or any of them, hold per¬sona under their command or in their enstodyai;her aa prlaonera of war, epiee, or aiders ora l ettora ol the enemy, or offlcera, aoldi^ra, oracamen enrolled, drafted or muatered or en¬listed iu or belongVrt '«> *h# Innd or naralfcrc*« of the United Statee, or as deaert^ratin re fr.; is, or otherwise hmen able to militarylaw or the Rolea and Article* of W»r. or th«ruha i t remlHtiona pre-enbed for the m liUryor I'RTal s> rvicenby authority of the Presidentof the United Stau-s, or for realstinic a draft, orfor auv other oflenc^ a^uinai the iniiitarv jrnav tii e< rvice:Now. therefore, I, Afbaram Lisool*, Prea-

ideut of the United Statee, do hereby proclaimaiid make known 'o nil whom it may concernthat the privi e»:e of the Writ of H-ibeas Cerpuais etupeuded throu){hout the United State* intbe federal casee tefore mentioned, and thatthis susj ension will co> tinne throus:?iout thedniamn ol the gaid rebellion, or iintj! th-aprov lamutioii ahall, by a aahseqoent ooe to b9 Iie n.-d l y tbe President ol tne Uuib'd Stat-s, bemodified or r.-voked And 1 do hereby requireall ma)ii-ira»es. at oraH\e, Htid other fiyil of.fi. erF wuhu. the Ui ited SfateR, and all offl^ersat d oibut in the military and nav tls rvic-eofthe l iiitt d Sta es, to uike di.-uuct notice of thissusjeiinm. ai.d to cueit full edecr, and all. Hizent ot 'he T nlted St tea to conduct andpo*eru thenuely»a accordinelv and In con-lornii'y wi h the t.'onati utioa' of the UnitedState* and the laws of Congress in such cases(Lade aud piovioed.

lii tetiniiyn> whereof, I havo hereunto netm> bacd and caii8»-d :ht» seal of the Uni¬ted States to be :.ffi\«d, rbis fifteenth day

[J. §.j ol Sfpteicber, it. the year of our Lordone thc uMti d ei^ht hundred and sizty.tKr> e, and of :h-- mdependeiice of the 1 rni-ted biatet of Anifrica the eitrh'v-eivhth.

t3 ... ..Abiiaham Li wool*.

By the Prep'dent:ii.lia m 11. Seward. S cretary of SUitt*.

The aft. ation of every ofllc- r in the militarvservice of the Unit d stite< is ca||.-d >o the

Proclamation of th- President, ia^ued oaIStb day. f .September, 1^.3 by which die priv-il' ol the writ of habeat corfiun i» >*uspeo led.If, her'-fore, a wi it of hub*i% cnrpn .< ti <>¦> I-l iuTiol tion of the aforesaid Pr >c ama'ion, b-sl.-dout and serred upon any officer 111 ttie mili-aryservice ol the United ^t -.'es, commaadiug himto i r. dnce befo»e any court or ju ige, any prfr-soi in t'ie» t nstody by autnority of i lie Presid> nt of the Unit- d Sta'es, belonging to anv oueol t!,e claset-a specified in the President s Kroc-lamatioe, if ahall be the dutv ol such otH er toirr k>- known by hi« cr'.ificatt, uuder o<V\, towb mso« ver may iasne or terT,. t,Uch writ ofhoi-tat corpur. that the person natu-d in slidw rit"ts detained by Aim as a insoner u.-ider author¬ity <¦) the I'retxdent c/ the Untied State*."

f'uch retnrn baviiigbeeu mndeif any personaerving or attempting to aerve su h writ,eitherby the comrr.and of ai y c >nrt or judge, or oth-erwiae, aud wither without nro -ess of'lajesi ail etterr.pt to arteet th»- ofHcer malting eachlatum auo holding in custody sueh person, thea'ii" officer is here'.y comrnaiided torelusesub^mission and obedience to eu' h arrest, and ifther» shottld be any Attempt to t-ike such per-son from the cuato.ly of snith officer, or arrestsuch i-flifer, he shall resist such attempt, cal-lii t to hia aid anv force that may be necessaryto m»inti.in the authority of the United Stateeand render such neiitance effectual.

Jamah B. K£t, Pro vest Marshal General.

War DBPABTMHaT, )rroroit Marikil General t OJJlce, (

Watkington, D. C., Ang.^7, IBM \\%rtular Ao. .1 Lr ioJluwif ^ opioion-* of

< ol. Joseph Holt, Advocate (.feaeral.ar»- ruMiahed lor the in formation and caidanoeof all officers of thia Bursas.With regard to the residence of a widow who

isa?ed or infirm, and desir»« to hare oue of hertwo sous aabject to draft, exempted.

oriBioa.'*The right of a widow who is aged or latrm,

to hate oae of her twoeoaaaubject to draft, ex¬empted, doee not depend, under the law, on tha

of her reeideuce. Tbe act impoaee ao»ucb restriction. Snch a mother'a claim to beanuported by one of her aona, and tha moralobligation or the aon to firaiah .uch aapport,are rarognlxed aa reeting on aympathlee insep¬arable from the race and honorable to It andwhich are to be reepecUd irraepecUye of Stateer National lines. Sbosld one of thsee twosens not be sabject t» draft, the other cannotbe ssampted enleee his widowed mother is de*p#carat on bit labor for btr .upport."

In tie case of two or » ore sons of aged or In¬firm parents sabject to draft, aot of oae Boase-hoid.

ofiaiov." UE<jer tfc# 4th claase of 8d eectton of the

rsrolmiot act, it is aot arceaattry that tha twoor more aon a ef agr-d or In firmed parents sub¬ject to draft, shoald be of ons household in or¬der to entitle the parent or ptrents to sleet onsof them for exemption. The practical opera-tioa of thia clauee la certainly open to aboaeaand frtMds, which ths Boards ahoald xeardMali.et sa beet they can. It would be a jaa i-Bable precaution in auch caaee to require theparett making the election to accompany itwi b an affidavit that no claim to exemptionhas been preferred by him or her, on behilf ofeither of the other eone. Thia would probablyprotect the Uorerninent from the fraud of hay.Ing more than one exemption claimed where«b* sons reside in dtrerent Statee, or withinthOuriadlcUon of different Boarda of enrol-Boards of Enrolment will, in this eaa refer,

red to, r» quire the afBdaylt suggested by theJudge Advocate General.In the case of parents haying one son In the

araiy, and one at home, and are not dependenton the labor of the latter for their support.

oriaioa."If purer.t« have one son in ths army, and

one at hone, and are not dependent on his la¬bor for their eupport, the son at home cannotbe exempted. The ri*ht of aged or infirm par-euta to elect which of two eons shall beelemut.

f¦*l,olh ot *OUS subjectto draft. Which is certainly not the case whenone is already in the e»rvice."In the case of a drafted mm who fails to re¬

port and ia arrested aa a deserter._


, .V . ¦rtipn of Enrolling act de-cluiee that a deeerter of thia claae, when ar.rs»t«-d, shall be "sent to tbe neareat militarypost for trial by coort-martial, unless npou

T10.? lhat 1101 llab^ to do mill-hi» siotj'the Hoard of Enroimentahall relievehim from the draft." The PmguagH in iics.1?and^T i dliP(MlUon to be m ide of the pirty,2pJer^,^'nlV hi« ^ wks&estt, toSi,F hi

B-nr<1 of Enrolment, and la.*it>i v»pon hi* «xemption."JAMM B. t ay. Provoet Marshal Ueaeral.

^oJwwfcss, Aug. 17th. imi cThe Board of Earollmeat for the DUtrtotof

Columbia Will meet at the City hIoVday» from 9 a, m. to 6 p. nu, nam farther no-Uopj to examiae caeee of drafted men, either forexemption or acceptance.


1 : r Hmaar A. Sonm, ^

aa IT-tf Oaptain and Provoet

MSttAL, N«>TICB«.'I 'AA l. li>J UlTJMT or TUB VlST&rrt

str. s .77.n®ftti£sr&tea;§Utr» a1«M#r AiMMtik itMk^ totk* foto**sIToBlIa. oeteet a ma.Hp mw)u4 oat box ofEkulrk U< ive MUlinfV.bmo M.1 ini

p«»»y aad breagbi <too Maeta* the porfof.kiaytn. u< tit MB* IN UteM u4 iriw

tmXrc la tttiMartlattiiuuoftkt Uatteg fltaieeMUvfil friM ui tkat nil MMflll «tM4hririeletlh* OlW Ball, la to* o!»t of fiakUctn,

**. ."« MaaAay Of OstoBer B«lt, tlM aarfwktL* .J1 .arje* * W« to Iko*

fkf Mtdniutfai iktaM »M W 4ooroo4h< tototorreaetor their InU.

. 10 B. J. MB1QB, Otorh.1 HB ItPKIMB OOTJBT OF TBS BOTlIGf1 Of COLUMBIA. Boldlag a PWtrlet Ooart ofthe UtIM Itotoo tor too «M tirtnit -fi mliwiM t'l My MMn.%N(tt|: B'.tl** I* ktrtkrliTM tool, sk Ut mi <i? of /Hf, Ml Ik* Uai-tod *totoe iwu<ri Coear Be Lloa Ml Prlarcee.aptoro# i let of try foot* Mtoec M.,ul krotntIkw toto Ik* r»rt« Waehtogto*. u4 Iki nh, [glibeled ui nMtntod la thlc 0nri la the ua>of th* raited BUW. for eoademaatloa a* :»vLtrlM ui tool mIB ***** will hm< lor tola) at th*Oily Mall. .» tor *ity of Waahlacton. oa tkt flntMoWar *f Oetotor ¦.rt, wfc*a aad vh*r* all f*r-KH ar« w«ra*d toaww to ehow ***** vhy ooa4otaaatioa ikoiM aet he deereed and to latorTaaeIter their tatoreato. Br tk« Ooart,

)rl» r i. kllH. Olork.fMISH*"* OOCET Of TBI BIBTBIO?1 OT OOLUBBTA. Boidiaga ©..trirt Ooart ofth- UaiVd Ptotoo for the aald_Dl*trtet.- Te «;/*i«M *i m*t ttmitrm, Mrtttmi: Botiee la h*rebykit, oo too Mtk lar of March, IBS, toouaitot Biatos arhooaar Baaer aaytarM aa lavTU¦rtM on* atoaU boat aad throe <HfU, aad krouklbin to tkt poxt of Waahtoatoa. and taoaaaia araU be! ed aid ar Rntol la thlc Ooart la too aem* oftoo raited it*tee, frrooa* oaiaa»ioa aa eeeh lawfal¦riM.aad tkat aaid aaaaa wfH ataad tor trial at theOitt Hall. iB»tk* eity of Waahiagtoa. oa tBo BratMoariay of O*toher aaxt, wh*a aed waaa all p*r-aoa- aro warae* to awear to chow aaoao fky ooaiMBsatioD akoa.d aot be daorood, aad to later****Itor their iatoraata By the Coari

Jy M B. i. ¥1I0B.Olark.

Tbb iupbbmb ooitbt or THB dibtbiotor OOLLBBIA, Balding a Biatrial Ooart o.

too Cniv d Btataa for tka aaid tfUtrlet . T* *11»k*m u may t*mutu. Qrtuif: Boti a ia korob?

I firoa.tkat, oa tka lftk dar or Bar, IBM, a lot ofaioaar and booda wa» eaytarod br tko CaitodBtataa ataam*r l^raadank attaakad to tko Poto-_ae flotilla, aad Woapbt to tbo port of Waaklsatoa. atd tko aaroo la ltn«lod aad aroaeoatod ia tklaOoart ia tke una of tko Oaitoi Btataa, for aoa-domratloB aa laafal orta*. aad tkat aaid eana* will.toad foi trial at tka Oity nail, ia tka oily ofWaakia«too oa too Brat Boadar of Oetobar aait,whan aad afcara all paraoaa »ro wara*d to a»»*arto akow aajaa wky ooodoaiBatioB ahoald aot bodoor*»d. and to latarroaa for tkcir tataraata

Br ordar of tka Ocart>TJft B. f. MBIG8,0'ark.

! filATBL K00FI!





niLBOira impxotkd tire and wa tarnPROOF FELT, CMMBNT,



OPPIOB-LoBiaiana ay caa, aaxt door to UaCtiok of W»stalnctoo.W0H18.foot ot Twanty-aooond atraat wait,

Obeaapeake and Okio Canal, Waakiafton.aad Tkir-Uatk and Hamilton itraata, Pkiladelpkia.

H 0. WILBON,Praaidaat.T. P. WILBON, Jr., Boeratory,

K. B.-fBLT AND 01MBMT POB BALI, IBlargo and imal! qo»Btiti#a,All orders tbron*a Poat Oflao Box B34 fuo-

Itially attecdrd to.Bvpalri to old Boofc made promptly. All work

warranted. jy g em*


Tb« ut#»tnahipUlliT BA8TBBM,WALTER PATTON, Oommaodar,Will b* di*p»tcbed

VB0M LITlkPi'OL riomiwyoil,#^dn»rd*r August 12 | Wedceiiday ....8ept.Stnd at ii terrala tberealter of about aix waoka fromaaob port.r-rat eabia. from §9* to 9UI-ieeoca ca^in. a:ata rooa bertha meau

farniabed at separate tab'*' ®70Bx :areion tii-k«tn out and Daek in the Srat and<aco«d cabin only. a fare an<i a half.8ervant«i »cccinpa'. jir,» cAK^en^eri and ohildroa

lcder It y^ara of air*, balf price. Infaata free.Third oai>>n.. BK¦>te»ra*^. witb nap^rlnr mrcommodatlona. . #'f>Priot> of panaaK* from Liverpoal a«B< ntaa w

above.All farea payable in cold, or ite e«uiral*at is 0.

4 currency.Baeb paaarnv*r allowed eabio feet of lBf(Bc*,4a extari-nond uxrt(t*tu on board.

""XiKLBt A. WaiIS.7,Pn»a^ ofllj*,46 Broadway. Hew York.HOWLAND A A8P1N WALL, 4gmU.

1*11 8m *4 Booth atraet llew Tor*


««« rinuiTiiu Atihb,(aortfe ai#*,) betweea ir a aad Ota itr

andSIB Pa. o*«fNM, warf«r la* Jfdtaaai Hcltl,

PBBBL1 >ad PIBIBOOPIO BPBOTAOLBB, oor-r**tly ard aaientifl^aily aait*4 for *T*ry eyealgbt,PlBLD (JLASBBB,





__BTBBBOBOOPBH aad ?tBWB.fco.la % ireat variety aad at the low*at Baatora pri*ea,whole**)* or retail. Jy M-tf





B. OBBBB. h'"-| mir- WBUBMIBATB aad BAf-

OBDA1B. at IB m.. froai foot of Btoh street,^.oraotowa, aad Ptor M, foot of Ball moot. Bow

Ajah, Boot of ili«k ft real,IAMB? BlSSWAi«t.tolB-Ba* lit Wall treat. Bew Torh.

SBOOTiae BlMPLiriBB. BT J. A. BOB¦all Loadoa.

1 he Bhoot*r'a Baad Booh. LoaAoa.Lewla' AMrieaa Sporteaaaa.fellowa oa ih* Gna aad t>o§. LoaAon.1 h* rield Booh. Loadon.Crev** 'a Toast Bportaiaaa1* Baaaal. Loadoa.Hawker oa Bkootiag. Loadoa.Tosatt oa the Do«. _Diaka. Bayaew, and Bttohlaeoa oa the Doc.Ploydoa J> g breakiag Loadoa.Mayk*w oa Dog* LondonBobs* Dope aad Mportiac Dng*. Loadoa.Tke Dog: and kow to break aica Loadoa.Tee Gaa: aad ko« to aae it. Loadoa.el PBABOK TAT LOB.


4B* BBfBBBB .*., Wacwaotoa, B. JTOBT

"».MrSKKSlTS.srssu''I aaa eoaatoatly aaaklag^ad alhave ob haad, of the heat ma¬

terial, every d*.rlpttoa ofBOLB LBATHBB,IBOB rBAMB.

LADIM' DBBBB.wf>0 paokIbo-tbubju

"""¦astraMi..»«.AT LOm"rfl?CBSl ' **

BiaHn of Ooagraaa aaa Trarelera will plea**axaailae mj atoek before parchaatoB elaewhereTruki that are made la other eltie*Baperlor LBATHBB aad DBBBB TBUBBLB mmU

to order.TBpKIJ 00TB1BD u4 BIPAIBBB at Bhort

"&ooda dellyared fro* or oharg* to aay part of txe.J..lttM

DBY d00D6IOO^WhVfSKomilB.lMtkt) u4 Brows

fSfOaaskrle aad Iwlag u« kMr«

Atj. a°<*' ¦» ..»" 'Wiuyif gg:fiUt.a*N frart_ tN Bkawla,

Ouivi UiMj *11 wldtka,Latee rtrlM ImI 0t«»m, fun OmU)ttael. Jet u< Torteiae ikeU l»r Dr>K,Hm, Balk OImvi, Braeelete, Faaa, Be.WklakwfU ke soM at low kIni 4 MlHtmUeikad WM WIIHIIIO,Pt«l. ITMM,}. I ketW<N»B »> Ml W> Utiwi

(f BBBABlB^BaaVu? Mewakfta* IU«h,Bl*ek L»ee Miitlu Folate,Sarncnr iH PieoloataU la rMt mI r»-li**4 yrl«M.»» * T4TLQB * OQ.

OAS FiTTINO, io7WttAS wixrwums

B Bare la Btora, ui are daily raoairiaa. fiaiKIICIB or eattrely It* fiHra uiImUm«arf Ftalek. eaperior la «*rl# to urtklH twiwwiAnd la kail atrkit.Wo fcartte atttaaaa aeaeraiiv to «oj ajM exaailat«r atoeh ofGAjTaad>ATBB FIXTUBBB, ImHmxaMnt tkit wo kt*i tao kMt nInM " ~

Waaklagtaamr AD W-m to Uw Mora Un

DMRTlHTKf.D. DBBTIBTBTB. LBWIB Bh r: novtl to 94d N 1».two doora above klaforaier oB.-e. Oaliaaa iikn ib* ike L»r *. #e« on* 'toorot.d Method of iaaertiag Arkiflelal.*u . '. eaparior k> torokher mode bow la im Also. Teetk ex^aiiedwitknat pain. wkit deaired. Terma «©4erat» la*» «"*»¦ . 11 If



WltBBBt m»*al_Pla*» .. OlilM,DB. B. B. BI6BBM0ND,

.IB JtmAmk, JVeta Ytrk. a*4 tftO Amiy)*a«H»Aommm, lameea lttk mnd IBiA ttt., WaiAewgsea,Oaili tk( attention of tki pnblle to the foliowlc.tdyaatagea of kia improved itiUb :1. Tko Teeth of kla auuhrtut wlllBUK9nerer eiraode aor ekaage oolor 5j aayMidi being tkrae-foartka lighter kkaa any other1. No teetk or took need be extrated. aa tk<trtlflelal oaoo «u ko iaaerted over them

]. Tko root* will ko Bade tanBeaaiva. aai aev*0 aeko.4. No temporary teetk aro ae*4e«,ae peraaaeanee eao be made Immediately, thereby yrtHrrlaik« aatural expreaaion of tko faee, wkiok aadar kkt-Id eyatem l« frequently diaflgaredt Tkia work kaa baea lullr te*t«4 otoi ly<

1 eari by many of tke flret okamlata and phveieiae>ftkii ooaolryDr.S. ba« alio iaroBtod a wkito ttnda*;rmo»i\

-jtu! filling, with which tko moat aonaitiro toat)an be flllcf without pain, and can build ub a oarset. aouod tootk on any aido roota which will la*hroo^b lir^t^time.CeH »»¦«? fr>r yonrBf^ll. Jy tf

M TEETH. UX9MX8. tf 0., tko Lnvoatoi aad

it tko MINBSAL PJjATB TBBTH, aktondi.araonallyat kii ofieo in tkif etty. tfanyjartoci %a*r tUoa# taatk wko aaanot««ar oth^ra. and no poraoo aan w*ar okkor* wa>-aaaot wear tkrao.Faraunt oallioft at my oBo* oan 0« aooommodaW

Mtk any ntyle and prioo of Teatk tkoy may da«iro-at ko kkoae wko aro particular and wiak tho pnroakiaanoat. atrongoot and moat porfoet dantura tka<?rt oan produca. tko VINBSiL PIjATB will b-Aorafully warranted.Booma in thia oity.No. JlSt* PanaiylranlaaTOau*

votwoon *tb and 1'itk itroota Aiao. VO* 4rcb »1.hUadolpkta. nar4 1y



?8 eert for Corna only.ft) rent i oi» r fnr Coin* an 1 Bunion*.Bent by mail b* I>& T B<ST,

301 Broadway, N. T.For aala in We»hir *'on by

8. CALVIHT F^RD, Dru«i"k,'#7-lm 'J90 ¦'.no avenuo

LJCENt El) H i >iOh EHS,299 C kjuit. bitwiim .Niarif kii ra«ttf,

are to* pr^par^d to maae .a'-h advance* iu namefi lr.mi.n- do.lar to t. n thonaaud dolUra on ool-lat» rai aerority

i I bkhAl, ADVANC18 will be malo on all kiolaof I'eal and P-r*onal Hr>p»-rty. Dtamonla. Goldai <l .-ilTOr Watckei., Jewelr*. t«il*or Ware, SluiticaiIr* uuji nt». Hardware Clothing Ac.. Ac.*^^;a?il^ ba-' aereral .< ears' experience in

bueiiitaa in in? r «; , and farorablf k nowo to manyct ita ' -tiiere w« a^e co»>fidept th»t t j all wao r.ayextruKt un with baalneai we will ( ».« tl*factiou.

M. K KAUH A CD.,eo 1 3m* Li-eo«.ed fawob^okara.


W O O Dof via bphv yuALiry.

At Tard eoruer 0 and lat akreek. near B. A O. BR. D*pot; and Wkarf fook of 11th (kraet, Island,an 27-lm* O. V. P4LUS1.


W. B. LI WIS A 00.. AaotVa,aa * lm 4 J7 7th at , bek ft aad H ail.


CLOTBlhG oaa be aooa at BABB * BBO.'I. aorner of B and Horoatk akraaka. Ia oidar ko radaooour atoak, wo kara determined to rodaao oarprieoa to wfcnloaalo Cauroa.aa exaelleak op>orka-a ky ko earakaaora We iariko all ko aa oxaalaa-i< a of oar »ayerior Bkoek of BOYB' aa wt'l aaMBFV CLOTHING. Alao, a rery laraa Itoak ofIT RB1BH1NG bOODB, to ko aoid aheap. Weha*e laak reoelvod a Baa lot of BLACK DBBSBCOATB ax 4 FANTBaag-ia* BABB k BBQ.






TBM MAIM.UIBAUV AtfBOl.IBB la a rare aoaapoaad.tt»alaBa« eikraata rrom Flowera, loota, aadBarka. «ar kka ®B0WT*. BBAUTT, aad PBBtfASBBV flWB af tka ¦ AIB.

.' Kifkly keaeteial where kke kalr ratilrnpeatU atlaaalaat." Da. OBILtON.

.. lata aavar kad aayiklag wklek ao parfaatlymweri kka ptrpoap of a kalr dreedeg."

WARBBN WABB, Bh.,Bo. BTT Oaaal atreek, H, T.

.. after helag bald for aavaa yean roar AMBO-blNB kaa aorared kka aatlra aealp wlkk SBWgAlB." Frof. T0HB IBBIA,

Ho. Bi Klaa atraak, N, T.for aala ky all Draggiika gad Faaay ftooda

Deatara. Fat la koxea, (ooataiaiag two kottlea,)prieeBl.Maaafaatared aad for aala at wkolaaala by

KEtfDALL. * BAffKISTBB,a ld-lin Bo. dd» BaoiPWAT, B. T.


By W. L. WALL k 00., Aaatioaaara.


Bxpraaaly for tka^»r.a OF HOBBBI, OABRIAQBS, BTOOK, *0..

.9 Loalaiaaa Areaaa,Batweaa NIatk aad Tantk ikraata.Oabx Adtajobd oa Coaeioaaaryg.

Btoraga for Oarriagea.onoa,Oarr agaa, Aa., raaelvad for privata aabt jP-tf W. L. W. WALL k 00., Anata.


IoflkrforaalaatUalowaat aarkafegriaa,la taaa-Utiai to amlt parakaaara.Hotel keoaera, aatiara aad allotkara lawaat of a

| BattUag Pat^jMBraaa ji^aad at akor

ii "irrir. " »




^%l^^iST,2«»JS7a'oa^Hten at . » ». at. mit.FOB liLTIMOU

Ufttm<¦*>,a**4 u lit. m. m4i.imi am m

FOB AM. »I1TI 0» YBB W«»T'u<tr Oa ImUt it i m4

I a.. iratna m1»,Tk i ir tka naJ» roat* k* vkt«k <*mhi aaa ha.«rM TkMii Minil .AAfliavrva a» ni bobtb.Lmti BtlttMn Mr tiiUi|t»i It4«,lu< I*Im« OiNHinitiViil

VlM tkird*a£d ink tvaiaa aaly trim a*j«»or»Bad tk* «m '©ar*k irtlM tfm fMUutaa,ttp> it vit ynlihFOB aBBAPOUE

Utft (tHHtr* ttli ¦ u< li. m.Iwrtwukljutn itli a iMl|.aBa traia ter Aaaaaoltaaa hl'wiF.->r r*rtk-r information. IWMtiif rt*n klal,Ba..ap».yta« S ROONf'x. 4#*Bt,a* fMklartorn rttfioi.n it tk« T(«k*t*lM.

II P. SMITH,luNr «f TraBMOrtattOBB. B. SOLB Sam! Ttakat tftd ultf



WEST. SolTM AND IfUBTH-WISTikklni tk» M«lfk«at Tim# ial tk* Oil) Boat*tkat mb Mil * Tkroawh TIM at diraet, ar five aTkroiih CkMk for Haac»f» frti «Mku|toiOlti With Uw 0k»6«o of Out tku on uvother Boat*. aa* to Omni baa Rtdii«F0UB DAILY TBaINS fHOB MAdHIHGTONOITT. .Pnnda*e am|!«4 >mMbi eoBaeetiona with Pratna laaTiaa atWaor#

it 7 U i. ¦ and 8 an r. a.Ob Sandaya, 0b«* Traia ai 8ju r. a., -i- -i - rtla aat Belay witk I r. iT Tnla Baltimer*. <FOB TBI WI«T

Train I*ar1n* Washington at IJP a a. mate*aoBBMtloa at Weahinrtoa Jaaetion < Salay Hooa# ivitk Traia leaTinaRaittmnr* at 8.18 a ¦Traina iMTing WaahieatoB at S,t.ordJO f. a.a»k» eoaaaetloB with Tf*1b l»a»'nt Baltimore at. p. a .


Tiromfk Bmffage Ckttkt mm b< pmmgrm|m Wikingtom.

Baight'a Latart Improved 8LSB»I!tO CAES, of». moat rnperUr 8oiah. attacked to lfl«ht Train*THB SHORTEST ARD HOST DIRBOT BOTTTE



BVviti lisp cbabsbs or oias tma* ar moraaa aoDTa._#a

Spatial fittut la Pastmttrt Jot lAt Wut fromHv'SAtNffe*Paa»«DK*ra jroin£ Waat b> pnrcbatin* -.keir THROUGH TICKETS in Washington^by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, SAVE OI»Bfki\l T A T> . A V. -ML »l ... 1 i.1

.t ,DOLLAR in the Through price. and hire tka erlff,e ,0' Baltimore (If desired' witheadditional 'haran

rir_ ... lootitidnal *hart*

f 0 nsectioDa it th- Ohio Rirar vitk OLBVBLAND A PITTSBURG, 0#NTSAL OHIO an*MaR! /-TTA A CINCINNATI RAILROADS; aodthroujrh th«m. witb tke whole Rxilw,* >-yi>tem ofof ttr NORTtl WEPT. CENTRAL WEST, anoHOFTH WfSTFor THR")I7GI1 TIOKETB plaaae apply at tk#

Ticket Office. Wi«biu«ioQ otatiou.W. P SMTTH Master o'Tran»rort»ttot

M. C"LB 6#nera' Tickat Ageat. ap 11-tft;ie li«»es


witu ile oui*.<ecl iona'.fB A HKXT-0LAS8 BOUTB





Two of ik«m LaakincCL02E CONNECTION? AT U*RRI»BCM

with Tj-aias ou theKORTHKR^' CENTRAL RAILROAD,

and loriiiiuMT3I GRE*T CBN THAI. ROHTB


to iH pointa is tk*WERT, WORTH WEFT. 4N"D "«0UTHWB8T&t~ For Taroa** TieteUi »( v»J at tUa oBeaa of

the Northern C«^'tra! Rallr«-id Compiny , a<jrth*aa*>rner of Petirvtrylrania ar*nti« and Sixth «rtr«*t.Tufhioetoa. asd Calv*rt Station. Ba'ttwora



fuMixaia wni Utt tba«Jl'a.a ana 4 E> p. u*Daiii* oonnoctin^ In Baltimore witk tka f ,li a. mand t.15 p. m. traioa 09 the Northern Central Railroad, and irriva in Harriabarg it i p in and 1.5*a m., ikefa caking close connection* witk thetrain * on t fc a Pennsylvania Otatral Batlraad forall parta of tk« Weit

FREIGHTSJ3y tkia i-oata Fral^hu or *11 <*rariattc£« «m b|forward* a to and fro hi any polBt oa the Bal.'roaxc

of Oklo, Kentsaky, Indiana. IlllAota Yf'Moaxictowa, or Mlaaoori, ky RtiirMul dirtaTka Pennsylvania Orntral Railroad alBo aoanaatt

at Pittahur* witk Steamara.by wkiak Good* aa»ba forward*d to any port oa tka Okio. MaaklaniaEantaoky, Tanaaa>>», 0n«barland. IUiaoia, Mnaala>aippi, WlMonain, MiMoarl, Canaaa. Arkaaaaa, aac1Rao EiTara- and at Clavaland. Saniaaky, aod Okl-sajr* with aiMraara to all BortkvMtara LakM.Marakanta ut aklppara aatraitina tka tnuupor

takloai of tkair Fraigat to fkla Ooaipaay aaa raitwltk aoaSdaBM ob Ita apM<lv truiltTHB BATBB OF FBllGHT to aad Sroaa aay poUu

ta tk* Waat, ky tka Paaaaylvaala Oaakral lailroaA.

BaOaakral B E "

WM. EBOWB,Af*t BortkaniOaBWal B. B.,Bo. SB Bortk atraat, BalJiaaora.BBOCB LBWIB,«aal BaaartakaaAaak, aAobb, fa.



m E"fa

lat tAoM who kayaMHWri^lvnraiHrat wka k*rt»*M .aftad wltk EaiMM Ooyalra, or

OiJT.ISaBt^Vrjaaj l^ta a piai¦ .¦?aloii*.^

aaoat ¦¦tawt. aartBia aaa iInmI riailfa»« araSSkaTrit rWakM a»d aradiMtaa arary »artiaftaltka vaaaraal poiaoa. as tkat tka aara Utkoroa«k^arssv^v^.iSiiK'irars:Wr.» tt.. fcr -jr «ff,.UV^ta.wsi's«rss»lr5nio'4.tt4

FEMALES I VBMALBBilla Many aBaetloaa wltk wkiak aombaraof Fa¦aSarnBtrTtka BOOT ABD HBBB JUIOBB la

aaoat kappily adapted, la UlaarataB Dtarma, IbWkltaa, m kaariac Bowa. F^lla* of tka WoabDabillty. aad for all aoaaplaiata iaeidaat totka atSantkfaxpraM. Prlaa* «1 a bottla, « . koHlaa

BAMABITABB OHABOBB WASH.PriMVMBta. Fall dlraetfoaa.DBbMOBD k 00., Bos 1BI frklladalpkla Poat

°SS& by B. OALTBBT FORD, a raar of 11U aad«BT*600E. AlaJtaadrla aiay >-tr

A"" . Wthingtm 9Hy» M.



** WOBIUHI Tiaivi

***.¦ TO* IU.


«»«o r»

IMl a JL JAOUOR, iptm, piW*X* WMVI4I IT m»»»

UTn COMPLAIBT. DTBTB. i|A itrKM9lHIOVIC OB BBBTOBB P (BIMVT. Mf.BA-lf OF TPB flOWBTJj INC AL*lUlilU ABltlBfl fBO* A .M«B-hu> uth cm btowaom.


*ob UnirdnlM_

filMM or Bood to tb«BoaT Artdlty ofih* *t*aa»e. *gx£,\ss& ftsr.iShu..OSrlteSMSS«^vs£!?£ffc.

_?*» .?*!>. b.^T^rT.r MMj d*h pmia t* Ik* ito< DnMiM,t*h?w5ww -TkiwrssBi**_P*iai* iw «d*. Bee» oil*%... 8b4Am f'ukti of*

**.*», hnliili *%« yfo»fcCcrartast IkicUIm-Jeainiaa*of Bvll a<1 (Tt«i<«/

VrrtMAmd will fk«m T<iM fb *r. JiMiwpw*. #*TI«T tratali !. Afoehel *r M WillTk*r vlll ««r* th* tbove dliwiei la til*

euiti nt of a haadredladneed it tk« HWMiti Ml* tadalarltr of Ho«Had'lft»nawi Bitter* ifarv'rlable.l boat* of {«anreat Qneria a-d an**r*VUtap*adventurer*. Iit* om°^ ep*L «« Bering h n *8 »ifc?he flood jratea of We**/*-** in tb* ah*p* of p*aAwhlaky vilely *omp''» ?*- with iainrieea drvpand ehrlrtened Toole*, n-mukirj and ltltt«raRHUreBovtr* of the InnaenareMe ar'ay of AleoholMKperation* in plethoric bottle* **4 bl«-b*ID*4j», nnder the raodeet epaaUetioa of B1M*M|.bleb, tort**] of nrisi oi> egaravet# llw*W>d leave the diMppeiatad nlT«r«r to d*ep*lr.

HOOFTJLMD'H QERM AH BITTKM%to aot * **w and oatri*'.. article, bat hav* <Vm4rh* Uit of Bfteea year* trie tfy the Am*ri**a ptk-la; aed their refutation and aal*. ara not rl»aTW<lSy any almilar preae-etionTb* proprietor* Var*thoaiaade of Letter* 1tb* bm( eminent


aad0ITI1BBB.T**tlfying of tb*lr owv hnou! taovU<n. t* tBtbanefltrfal effect* aad medieal virtaa* of thaae Biv*tare.

Do Ton Wm*1 Samutkmg to ^wyrtw TomfDo Tort W<*nt a ffoed ApptHU fDo To* Wmmt to BmU Of Tmtr OorutitaltW?Do Tcm Want to Ft*l WtUfDo Trm Wmnt to Vet But q/ ffonou$n*tltDo Tcm Want iMrfji'Do Tost Wont to Sltop WoUfDo T<m Want a Brisk »nd Tiforoui Wotthtf ,


#V»w» Hit J. Xmton fi~ctpm, D O., kthtor of litSmry'le^dim of Rthriott* Kn<yUdutAUnuati uul diipoaad to favor or racomrr»aAlatent MrdiCHia* in *.-urral tbroa«fe dintruittbf-ir lu(tr»dirut» and I r«l km.* of aor^a^'«l. why a ibid may aot t*«tify to ibobfttafil* br b^llcTe^ uimavir to tia*a r«o«iy* 1 freniH:f «icjpi»- prwyaration. is tbn hup* that h* saytbua contributf tb» benefit of ntkaraI dc' thi» th»* more readily in regard to Moottaad1*(.f*rinaD Hitters, Br^pwr^d by Dr. 0 M Jatkaoa,**tbia city. hfcauar 1 ti» prfjudiovd acamat t>*os farmany y»-ar». under the iioprt-««ion ti;al tUay aor#i*hi»t'y au alroholic miiturt- I air. <n4«bt<*d t* mwfriend Robert Hb<'*niaK*r, !»«.. for tha remorai oIthi« pr-Judire hy pr"p»r te»^. atid for Mneotiraf*-to try then;. «ben autTerinf froib ereat aadIoum continued iehility The u«* of tbree bottlMof tb*»e Bitt*r«. at the tejfinnina ->f th* »r'»»alyear.waefp! wed hy evident reli«r and r*atnrati*ato a,«lej{ree or hodily and mental »'*or wbiek I V adlo"t felt for «ii month* b*for*. and hail a!ro««t da--paired of renaininf I therefor* 'bank Ood aa4! tit frien* for dirertinf me to the n*e >>f tbetn

J N1WT0N RR01V M,f ki'.adeijbia, Juu* a. 1««1.

PARTIOULAB BTOTICB,Tuera ar* many prep# raiioua auid uudar tb* oaBOof Biitrr*. j>ut in nuart bottie* compounded of tb*;be.»pest wmeky or onaimoti n:m, eo"tlu® froai 9

to V eent* p»r gallon, tbe tvate Ui«ifulK*d by AalM>r Coriander i"i-edThin claw- .' Bitt«r» baa eaaaed ano «rliI oootiaa*o eao«*, a* long at. tbey van be *ola. handr-dt trilolbe death of tbe drnukard By 1beir aae 1b*.y^teru ie k» ft continually audei the infir.er*- oiAicobolie Pfitculante of th»-wc>r*t kind th» d*«lr«for Liquor ia created and kept up an'! the ...¦U 1<\)1 the horror* attendant upon admakaed'a iif# aa4¦tealbfor thoae who deaira and will a Liquor Mt-

v*ra we puhtieb th* followiac r*c*i^t mmoilit HoointH'r Utrmutn BiiUrt and 'till wi'k tlru(.irit of HMtd Brandy or Whitky, and the reaalt wllj'.* a preyaration tbat will /ar trrtl in medical vir¬tu** and tru*e*c*llenr*any of thenumerou* LiaaotBittera id tbe market, acd will r*it winch Uu Taiwill have all tha virtue* of Hoeianrl'r H'llft lavnr*ftioD with a tooi artiel* of Liquor, at a maaAlea* priM tbaja thaa* laf*rlor preparation wlaoat roa


W* aali tb* attMiti*u *( all aavuyi raiatloaa Mfriajada ibthu arcit to tb*fa*t tbat'"HOOVLAIPV9BKM AN BITT118" will *ar* aia* t*atha cl fh«di«*a*«h ladnaad by aipoaaraa aud arivauoas tart>liattc caa) lif* la tha liata. pahkah*d ait.Mtdally la th* aawapapara, oa th* arrival of th* aiak,it will ba aoti**4 that a vary lai|* pr**orti*a anautaria# from dahibty lv*ry *aa* of that klatf*aa b* raadily *«rad by ila*ftaad'i 0*rmaa Bitter*.Dia*aaaa raMltiaa from diaordara of tb* dia**«vat>riaaiari af*adlly r*m*v*d W* have a* ha«4M-tion ia itatfac that, if tAaa* Blttora vara fy**Jau*4attou*v aoiAiar*. baa4r*da *f 11 va* mlahtba MV*d that ctharwia* will ba iaatW* Mil partiaolar aNaalUa ka tb* faUawlaa m>

marbabl* uad «*U aath*att«at*d *ar* of *a* af Mhaaatioa** haroaa, whoa* lift, t* aaa hi*an1.an.'bM b*M *av*d hr «h* Wmm

rtaaaaa af my mm. I aai.aad ha>a ha a* t*r thalan foar yaara. a maaaha# *fMaraak'i MlabtatajbatMry aad aaAar th* lmmadlata ommmmmi af Oaa-hOil.k Ayta. Tbraaah th* aiyaatra athaadSaBapoa my arAaoM Aattaa. I waa aWait ad ta ¦*v*a»>bar laat vtth laBwatiii of tfea 'aria* aadMfor aaraatr-bwo dara la th* hiapital. flih waa STlata* by araat dabtUtr, td«lt»a*4 by aa awaah afIvaaabary I wa* tbM raaaovad fvam th* WbWHoaaa aad aaat ba thla aim om board A* itmaa"Stata *f Malaafram vhlah I laadad aa th* Mhofjaaa, Biaaa lma< tima I bava baaaatoitmlafaa aai aa* aoaM ba aa4 atill rataia a Hart af rltafity. For a waah ar man I waa aaaraaly ahlat*¦wallow aaytbia*. aai 111 did foraa a maraal dava.it waa ImmadiatalT tbrowa a* aaaia

I aevVd aot avaa ka*a a aUaa at tatar aa my¦tomaah. Life aoald aot htt aadar tha** Uma*ataacaa. aad, a*a*rdia.iytba ehyaaiaaa vho hadbaaa workla« lalthfaHy thoaah aaaaaaaaafaBV. taraaaa* ma from th* »raa» a? th* Araad Arabamfraabli told ma thar aoald A* ao mora for ma, umadvlaad ma to aaa a alarwymaa, aad ta ataha Mafedlaaoaitlon of my Umltad faada aa baat amitad ma,Aa acqaaiatnaa* who viaitad ma at th* haaaitoalMr. Vradariak Btalahraa. af Bixtb. balaw Araa at.,advtaad ma. aa a terloea baaa. ». try faar Bltta**.aad bladly *roaar*d a botil*, from tbe Mm* X*amm*a**d takia« tham th* *loomy ahadaw afdaath ra*ad*d, aad I am aow, thaak ttod for lt»«ttia| b*ttar Tboa«h I have takaa bat twa b*bCaa, I bava *aiaad taa poaada, aaA I foal aaaniaaof baiag permitted to ra}ola my wlfc aad daaaatar,from whom I bava heard aothlag for ai«ht*emoontbj; tor. aeatiemea. I am a loyal Tlraiaiaafrom tha vieinlty of front Royal To year iavala*able Bitter* I owe tbe aertalcty of life wkiah baatakes the ylaM of va*aa fear*.ta year Bitter* wi|I owe tha (lorloaa »ri vil*#* of a«aia *laaaia« ta ayboeom thoae who are Aaareat ta aaa ia life.

Yary truly yoar* ItAaeMALOn.Wa folly eanear U> tha truth of th* thava etat*>

m*nt aa we had *e»palrad of Maia« aar aomrada,Mr lialoBe. reatored to health.

JOHH ctDDLBBAGE.lat Baa Torh Battery6B0RU1 A AOBLlT.Oo. 0 11tb Malaa.LrwIS CH1TALIBB, tM Haw Torh *

I I. SPlllClR.lat Artillery, Battery*.I i fAHHWlLt Co. B, id VarmoatgBBBT B JBROMR.CO.B, Ao.bmbt *_*Qcdohald, bo. o, Bth PaiaB,


BBWABB 01 OOUBTBBfBITB IBM that the aymatara of "0. M. JAOBBOV*

.athaWRAPfBR of eaah bottle.PB10B PBB BOTTLB TB OBBTB,


niWfU OrrtOI ABB MABIfABNar,r M9 Ml iBOl If,

mm*.*.*9* * >TA>>1