Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97 The Hares from Cova Fosca (Castellón, Spain) LAURALLORENTE RODRÍGUEZ Dpto. Biología. Laboratorio deArqueozoología. UniversidadAutónoma de Madrid Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid. España [email protected] (Received 26 November 2009; Revised 20 April 2010;Accepted 14 May 2010) ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the finds of Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer 1856)recoveredfromtheshelterofCovaFosca(Castellón,Spain).Humanpresenceinthecave expands from the Epipalaeolithic to the Middle Neolithic. Along with a description of the remains from an anatomical and taphonomic standpoint, the paper incorporates a preliminary analysisofthediagnosticosteologicalcharactersthatsettheIberianhareapartfromthebrown hare(Lepus europaeus,Pallas1778)andtherabbit(Oryctolagus cuniculus,Linnaeus1758).A preliminary biometric analysis of the two hare species completes this comparative study. The nature of the accumulation of the hare remains is discussed and it is concluded that most pro- bably, and despite the fact that a comparatively large number of bones exhibit burning marks, the hares at Fosca do not represent items hunted by people but instead leftovers of meals from predators, in particular the eagle owl (Bubo bubo, Linnaeus 1758). KEYWORDS: HARE, Lepus granatensis, SPAIN, EPIPALAEOLITHIC, MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC,OSTEOLOGY,OSTEOMETRY,TAPHONOMY RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de los restos de liebre ibérica (Lepus gra- natensis, Rosenhauer, 1856) recuperados en el yacimiento de Cova Fosca, cuya ocupación humanaabarcadesdeelEpipaleolíticohastaelNeolíticoMedio.Juntoconunadescripciónana- tómicaytafonómicadelosrestos,seincorporaunanálisispreliminarsobrelosrasgososteoló- gicos diagnósticos que diferencian la liebre ibérica de la europea (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778)ydelconejo(Oryctolagus cuniculus, Linnaeus 1758). Un análisis biométrico de las dos especies de liebres completa este estudio comparado. El trabajo valora la contribución de los potencialesagentesacumuladoresdelaliebreenCovaFoscayconcluyeque,apesardequeun elevado número de restos presenta termoalteraciones, la especie no parece representar un acú- mulo cinegético, tratándose más bien de una muestra producto del consumo de algún depreda- dorentrelosquedestacaríaelbúhoreal(Bubo bubo, Linnaeus 1758). PALABRAS CLAVE: LIEBRE, Lepus granatensis, ESPAÑA, EPIPALEOLÍTICO, MESOLÍ- TICO, NEOLITÍCO, OSTEOLOGÍA, OSTEOMETRÍA, TAFONOMÍA 04. ARCH. VOL. 19 (1ª):ARCHAEOFAUNA 17/8/10 12:12 Página 59

TheHaresfromCovaFosca(Castellón,Spain) - UJI · Archaeofauna19(2010):59-97 TheHaresfromCovaFosca(Castellón,Spain) LAURALLORENTERODRÍGUEZ Dpto.Biología.LaboratoriodeArqueozoología.UniversidadAutónomadeMadrid

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Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97

The Hares from Cova Fosca (Castellón, Spain)

LAURA LLORENTE RODRÍGUEZDpto. Biología. Laboratorio de Arqueozoología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid. Españ[email protected]

(Received 26 November 2009; Revised 20 April 2010; Accepted 14 May 2010)

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the finds of Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer1856) recovered from the shelter of Cova Fosca (Castellón, Spain). Human presence in the caveexpands from the Epipalaeolithic to the Middle Neolithic. Along with a description of theremains from an anatomical and taphonomic standpoint, the paper incorporates a preliminaryanalysis of the diagnostic osteological characters that set the Iberian hare apart from the brownhare (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778) and the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus, Linnaeus 1758). Apreliminary biometric analysis of the two hare species completes this comparative study. Thenature of the accumulation of the hare remains is discussed and it is concluded that most pro-bably, and despite the fact that a comparatively large number of bones exhibit burning marks,the hares at Fosca do not represent items hunted by people but instead leftovers of meals frompredators, in particular the eagle owl (Bubo bubo, Linnaeus 1758).


RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de los restos de liebre ibérica (Lepus gra-natensis, Rosenhauer, 1856) recuperados en el yacimiento de Cova Fosca, cuya ocupaciónhumana abarca desde el Epipaleolítico hasta el Neolítico Medio. Junto con una descripción ana-tómica y tafonómica de los restos, se incorpora un análisis preliminar sobre los rasgos osteoló-gicos diagnósticos que diferencian la liebre ibérica de la europea (Lepus europaeus, Pallas1778) y del conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus, Linnaeus 1758). Un análisis biométrico de las dosespecies de liebres completa este estudio comparado. El trabajo valora la contribución de lospotenciales agentes acumuladores de la liebre en Cova Fosca y concluye que, a pesar de que unelevado número de restos presenta termoalteraciones, la especie no parece representar un acú-mulo cinegético, tratándose más bien de una muestra producto del consumo de algún depreda-dor entre los que destacaría el búho real (Bubo bubo, Linnaeus 1758).


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Hares (genus Lepus; family Leporidae) consti-tute one of the most fascinating case studies ofevolutionary biogeography among the mammals.Although their oldest record in Europe dates backto the Late Pliocene (2.5 my; López-Martínez,2008) and hare remains have been routinely foundin European paleontological and archaeologicalsites, the taxonomic status of these remains is notalways clear and that of the living species still amatter of debate.

Since the seminal paper by Petter (1961), a tra-dition existed to lump all European hares as subs-pecies of the cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus1758) (Flux & Angermann, 1990). Molecularanalyses over the past twenty years, however, haverevealed that, despite subtle differences, thereexists six species of hares in the European subcon-tinent (Figure 1). One peculiar problem that manyof these studies have revealed is that whereas thesetaxa can be considered valid species at the nuclearlevel, at the mitochondrial level they all exhibit aconsiderable degree of introgression that eviden-ces recurrent hybridization events taking place atdifferent times among populations (see, for anupdated yet highly readable review, Melo-Ferreira& Alves, 2009). Under such circumstances a reti-culated evolution ensued that has, among otherthings, generated a considerable degree of homo-geneity at the anatomical level. Obviously, as is sooften the case with molecular studies, not all theauthors agree on the subject. In this way, Ben Sli-men et al. (2008) have recently insisted that L.europaeus and L. capensis could be the same spe-cies and that it is dangerous to rely only onmtDNA to determine species’ status for hares.

The present day consensus is that three speciesof hares inhabit the Iberian Peninsula (Figure 1):the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis, Rosenhauer1856) occupies most of the territory except for thenorth-eastern border (ie., eastern Cantabria, Pyre-nees and northern half of the Ebro valley includingCatalonia), where the brown hare (Lepus europa-eus, Pallas 1778) takes over (Mitchell-Jones et al.,1999; Palomo & Gisbert, 2002; Acevedo et al.,2009). An endemism of the central Cantabrianmountains, the broom hare (Lepus castroviejoi,Palacios 1977) constitutes a remnant of an appa-rently far wider distributed species with looseresemblances to the Corsican hare (Lepus corsica-nus, Winton, 1899) and an extensive amount ofmitochondrial introgression with the mountain

hare (Lepus timidus, Linnaeus 1758) (Mitchell-Jones et al., 1999; Palomo & Gisbert, 2002; Ace-vedo et al., 2009; Ballesteros, 2009).

It has been difficult for archaeozoologists tokeep track of these developments on the Systema-tics of the genus. As a result, in Iberia very oftenone has to figure out through the nomenclature andlocation of a particular site in order to see whatspecies the analyst might have been dealing with.In Iberian archaeozoology, acknowledgement thatL. granatensis was a valid species has only takenplace over the last decade, and most scholars,following the criteria put forward by German aut-hors in the «Studien über frühe Tierknochenfundevon der Iberischen Halbinsel» series (1969-1990),considered all hares to represent members of thespecies L. capensis. Palaeontologists and archaeo-zoologists working on NE Iberia, on the otherhand, have been regularly assigning hare remainsto the species L. europaeus more as a matter ofinertia than of a systematic application of sounddiscriminating criteria (eg., Castaños, 1986).

Hares constitute a marginal though regular itemin most archaeozoological assemblages from theIberian Peninsula. By this we mean that remains ofthe genus Lepus seldom represent more than 5% ofthe mammalian NISPs, despite their widespreadpresence. This has been taken to indicate that hareshave been a prevalent hunted item at least since theUpper Palaeolithic, but the possibility exists thathare remains occasionally represent hunting byalternative agents. In this context, it should benoted that although no Iberian predator has specia-lized in the capture of such swift animals, therange of those that occasionally bag hares is ampleand includes diurnal raptors such as the Goldeneagle (Aquila chrysäetos, Linnaeus 1758), noctur-nal raptors, in particular the Eagle owl (Bubobubo, Linnaeus 1758) (Palomo & Gisbert, 2002;Lloveras et al., 2007, 2009) and almost all of theIberian carnivores with the exception of the brownbear (Ursus arctos, Linnaeus 1758), the mink(Mustela lutreola, Linnaeus 1761) and the weasel(Mustela nivalis, Linnaeus 1766) (Jaksic & Sori-guer, 1981; Palomo & Gisbert, 2002). It is for thisreason that faunal analysts have no easy job whentrying to identify the accumulating agent of hareremains in archaeological collections. With excep-tions, man has been often considered as the accu-mulator agent, more as a matter of routine than asa result of the application of taphonomical criteria(Davis et al., 2007).


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It is with these provisos in mind that the analy-sis of the hare remains at the site of Cova Foscawas undertaken.


Since leporid species are so similar anatomi-cally, the tradition in Iberian archaeozoology hasbeen to identify them on the basis of metrical cri-teria. Yet, because the Iberian hare is the smallestof those inhabiting the peninsula (see below), andbecause the size of the rabbit has been documen-ted to decrease since the Late Pleistocene (Davis,2008), it was critical to ascertain, first of all, whet-her the hares from Cova Fosca could not have beenmistaken for rabbits.

At Cova Fosca the problem of a correct identi-fication was rendered more critical because thebrown hare, presently reaching to the foothills ofthe Pyrenees and upper Ebro valley (Gortázar etal., 2007; Figure 1) could have extended further

South during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holo-cene. Such phenomenon has been detected in ourongoing faunal analyses at Cova Fosca with thepine marten (Martes martes, Linnaeus 1758),another species nowadays restricted to the Pyrene-es that has been recorded in comparatively largenumbers (Morales et al., 2009). To decide unequi-vocally which species of hare was present at CovaFosca, thus required not only knowledge on theosteological features discriminating the Iberianhare from the brown hare and the rabbit, but alsoabout biometrical data setting apart the ranges ofvalues of particular bones from the two hare spe-cies.

The subject of morphological and biometricaldifferences among the hares of Iberia has beendealt extensively by Palacios who described thebroom hare as a distinct species in 1977 (Palacios,1978, 1983, 1989). As a result of these studies, itbecame clear that this species, with an averageweight of 2,905 g (+/- 245 g), was intermediate insize between the Iberian hare (2,335 g +/- 238 g)


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Geographical distribution of the European and North-African hares (taken from Melo-Ferreira, 2009). The star marks the location of thesite of Cova Fosca in the territory of the Iberian hare, very close to the range of the brown hare.

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and the brown hares from Iberia (4,055g +/- 614 g)(Palacios, 1989).

Several problems remain concerning the diag-nosis of species when one considers the skeletalelements:

1) At the morphological level, and whereasPalacios undertook very detailed studies inthe case of the skull, mandibles and teeth,none were carried out at the level of the post-cranial skeleton. This is unfortunate becausein archaeozoological assemblages, hareremains are most often represented by frag-ments of the postcranial bones, and exceptfor mandibles, the cranial elements are sel-dom encountered and extensively fragmen-ted, precluding an application of the discri-minating features mentioned by Palacios.

2) As for the biometry, this same problemapplies with an additional complication dueto the now amply documented fact that manymammalian species have changed sizethrough time (Davis, 1981).

In the case of the Iberian leporids, such a chan-ge has been monitored for the rabbit to the extentof allowing one to use size as a «thermometer»(Davis, 1981; Davis & Moreno, 2007). For suchreason, the biometric analysis of the postcranialelements from the hare aimed at: (a) checkingwhether osteometrical differences existed amongthe two common species of hares in Iberia, and (b)monitor whether putative size differences throughtime could obscure the taxonomic diagnosis ofarchaeological remains.


The site of Cova Fosca is located in the muni-cipality of Ares del Maestrat (province of Caste-llón, Spain; Figure 1) placed at an altitude of 900mand a distance of 46 Km to the present day coas-tline of the Mediterranean Sea.

The entrance to the shelter (18m wide x 4mhigh) is connected to a single chamber 20m deep x27m wide, whose roof reaches from 5m to 2m inheight. Rock outcrops and stalagmitic columnsinvade the westernmost corner of the chamber.This, along with a quite irregular floor in someareas, considerably restricts the space for habita-tion. Traditionally, Cova Fosca was used by her-

ders as a natural corral up until the second half ofthe twentieth century (Olària, 1988).

Two areas of the site have been excavated thusfar. The inside of the cave saw campaigns from1975 to 1979 and in 1982, whose faunal analyseswere incorporated in the 1988 monograph editedby Olària (eg., Estévez, 1988). Our materials comefrom the campaigns carried out between 1999-2003 at the entrance of the shelter (Sector C),apparently the only area neither sacked nor distur-bed (Olària, 1988).

The stratigraphy of Sector C incorporates thefollowing stages:

1) Superficial levels (+14.75/-32.3 cm). Thisconstitutes a mixed sedimentary deposit ofno archaeological value.

2) Middle Neolithic (-34/ -130 cm), also refe-rred to as Neolithic B, constitutes a onemeter deep sedimentary package with bur-ned soils and ashes apparently deriving froma complex superposition of hearths. Alt-hough the C14 dates were taken on long-lived materials for the most part, thosecarried out on bones offer a range of datesbetween 4,850-4,540 (cal. BC) (Table 1).

3) Early Neolithic (-125/ -250), also referred toas Neolithic A, constitutes a 1.2 meters deepseries of levels of «anthropic nature» (Olà-ria, pers. com.) where ceramics are veryabundant. C14 dates on two horse bones setthe chronology of this lot between 5,300-5,040 (cal. BC) (Table 1).

4) Mesolithic (-250/-298), a 0.5 meters deeppackage identified by the excavators on thebasis of its geometric industries and absenceof ceramics. The Mesolithic presently lacksC14 datings on short lived materials. Thedates offered by a charcoal sample from thissite set the range between 10,720-10,260(2σ, cal. BP) (C. Olària, pers. com.).

5) Epipalaeolithic (-298 downwards), constitu-tes a +3 meters deep package identified onthe basis of its lithic industries (evolued andmicrolaminar) (Table 1). Although at placesit reaches down to 6m below the surface, wehave thus far analyzed faunas lying between3-4m. For this range of depths there exists noC14 dating based on short lived materials,and those obtained on charcoal samples offera range of values between 13,360-10,520(cal. BC) (Table 1).


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Hare remains were retrieved from nineteenlevels from Sector C at Cova Fosca (Table 9).These include five levels from the Middle Neolit-hic (i.e., 47-120 cm below surface), eight additio-nal ones from the Early Neolithic (125-224 cmbelow surface), four from the Mesolithic (255-298cm below surface), and a further two from the Epi-

palaeolithic (298-388 cm below surface). Theselevels constitute 40% of those recognized in Sec-tor C. Hare NISPs (i.e., number of identifiedremains) represent 0.5% of the total NISP of thevertebrates and molluscs from these levels (Llo-rente, unpublished data). All remains were sievedthrough 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm wide screens.

For identification, use was made of the collec-tions of Arturo Morales-Muñiz housed at the


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C14 dates from Cova Fosca.

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Laboratorio de Arqueozoología-UniversidadAutónoma de Madrid (LAZ-UAM) as well as ofcriteria taken from various publications (eg., Pala-cios, 1978, 1989; Peltier, 1985; Callou, 1997).

Both osteological and bibliographical data wereincorporated to the anatomical study. To this end,the seminal paper by Callou (1997) proved instru-mental as well as the reference from which most ofthe illustrations and the list of morphological cha-racters and codes were taken (see the comparativeosteology and Figures 2-7). The anatomical analy-sis section excluded the skulls (but not the mandi-bles) as in archaeological contexts the formerappear mostly fragmented. Teeth were also left outof the analysis since their identification is timeconsuming. A comprehensive review including allthese elements is presently in progress (Llorente,in preparation).

In the case of the biometry, use was made ofspecimens of Iberian hares housed at the Labora-torio de Arqueozoología (UAM, Madrid) and ofbrown hares from the Zoologisk Museum of theUniversity of Copenhaguen (Denmark) (Appendi-xes A and B). In addition, data from Iberian hareshoused at the CIPA IGESPAR I.P. (Lisbon, Portu-gal), the Museu Bocage (Lisbon, Portugal), andthe Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid), mea-sured by Simon Davis, were incorporated (Appen-dix A). Dr. Davis also provided data from brownhares from the collection housed at the MuseumNational d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), and from theprivate collection ofArmelle Gardeisen (AppendixB). Measurements from subfossil hares were takenfrom the literature (Driesch, 1972; Castaños, 1986;Morales, 1991).

All measurements were taken with a digitalcalliper «Powerfix» (Estimated error ± 0.5 mm),and follow von den Driesch (1976) except for thetrochlear height of the humerus (HTC) thatfollows Davis et al. (2008).

Abundances were calculated following theclassical estimators in archaeozoology, namely theNISP, the MNE (Minimum number of elements)and the MNI (Minimum number of individuals)(Andrews, 1990; Lyman, 1994; Reitz & Wing,1999).

Taphonomical groups were assigned followingthe criteria expressed by Gautier (1987) andLyman (1994). Three works that have been ofvalue to evaluate the post-mortem survival of boneare the classical ones by Brain (1967, 1969, 1981),although for them medium, rather than small size

mammals, are the subject of interest. Bone densityvalues as they appear in Figure 8 and Appendix Drefer to what Pavao & Stahl (1999) defined as«Shape-Adjusted Volume Densities» (VDsa). Thescan sites whose codes appear in Appendix D, areillustrated in the work of these same authors(Pavao & Stahl, 1999: Figure 1).

Traces on the bones follow the criteria expres-sed by Pérez Ripoll (1992) and Liesau (1998).Marks were analysed both by ocular inspectionand on a Wild M5A binocular microscope (X10-X40 magnification). Burnt bones were identifiedby visual examination, and colour of burning wasrecorded (Stiner et al., 1995). Burnt areas wererecorded for each specimen. The criteria for cha-racterizing digestion damage follow Andrews(1990) and Fernández-Jalvo & Andrews (2000).


A. Comparative osteometry

As can be seen in Table 2, the main limb bonesof recent Iberian and brown hares appear to exhi-bit non-overlapping ranges of values. In the caseof the Iberian hare the mean values provided byPalacios (1983) fall neatly within the range ofvalues from adult specimens, both males andfemales, that were incorporated into our study (seeAppendix A).

In the case of the brown hare, the scarce num-ber of Iberian specimens measured by Palaciosfalls well above the maximum values of the Ibe-rian hare yet clearly below the minimum values ofthe Danish hares we measured at the ZoologiskMuseum (Appendix B). For such reason, althoughthe Iberian brown hare values need to be takenwith caution, on the basis of the available data, adistinction of Iberian and brown hares based onmetrical data should pose no problems to the fau-nal analyst provided one deals with adult speci-mens and complete appendicular bones.

The same essentially applies when dealing withbreadths, heights and bones of smaller size as wellas with subfossil specimens although matters attimes are not so straightforward. Table 3 incorpo-rates a selection of measurements from recent andsubfossil populations. The subfossil collectionsderive from sites in Southern Spain where theputative species must have been the Iberian hare(Driesch, 1972). The data from this last paper andthose from Driesch & Boessneck (1970) evidence


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that the largest of the subfossil Spanish rabbits arefar smaller than the smallest hares we have eithermeasured or found in the literature. For this rea-son, the bones assigned to hare at Cova Fosca(Appendix C) cannot possibly be mistaken for rab-bits. This essentially settles the issue of a correctdiagnosis between the genera Oryctolagus andLepus at the level of the osteometry.

As can be seen in Table 3, both the size diffe-rences between the European and Iberian brownhares and between these and the Iberian hares holdto a rather large extent although an overlapping ofvalues does occasionally occur. In this way, thedistal breadth of the radius, an often recorded mea-surement on archaeological specimens, not onlyoverlaps slightly in the case of the Danish and Ibe-rian brown hares but also between this species andthe largest of the Iberian hares from Bronze Agesites such as Monachil + Purullena (province ofGranada) and Azuer (province of Ciudad Real)(Table 3). The same occurs in the case of the grea-test length of the calcaneus from recent brownhares from northern Iberia (Vizcaya) and some ofthe largest Iberian hares at sites such as Azuer andthe Cerro del Coscojar (province of Almería). Inthe later case, the maximum values of the Iberianhares are, in fact, a bit above those of the brownhares from Vizcaya (Table 3). This should come asno surprise given that, among other things, sexualdimorphism remains unknown in most of thesesamples. Female hares of all species are slightlylarger than males (Petter, 1961; Palacios, 1978,1983, 1989) so that a sample dominated by fema-les should in theory exhibit higher values thananother one with an abundance of males from thesame population.Although in our present day sam-ples, much too restricted in size and occasionally

incorporating specimens of unknown sex, theredoes not seem to exist a bias favouring males orfemales (Appendixes A & B), we do not knowwhether this has also been the case on the subfos-sil samples taken from the literature.

These facts notwithstanding, one element thatappears to be evident in this preliminary analysisof the postcranial biometry of Iberian hares is thatpresent-day animals have apparently decreased insize compared to their Bronze Age equivalents. Tomake a stronger statement one would need tomonitor other potential sources of variation in thesamples (eg., geographical, sexual) and also tohave all the measurements checked by the sameanalyst (we know from experience that differentpeople end up with different values when measu-ring the same bone). Still, the fact that in most ofthe Southern Spanish archaeological samples ofIberian hares both maximum and minimum valuesexceed those of their recent equivalents suggeststhat there exist sound arguments supporting a dis-crimination of species based solely on size. Thefinding is relevant in that climate can be safelyruled out of the equation given that the past fourmillennia have not witnessed any drastic reductionof the temperature and temperature is one of thekey items accounting for size changes in wildmammals (Davis, 1981).

To summarize, the biometrical analysis under-taken reveals that (1) there exist, for the most part,clear-cut differences between L. granatensis andL. europaeus in Iberia that, notwithstanding tem-poral and geographical variation, (2) should allowfor a clear discrimination of archaeological speci-mens, be these complete bones or bone portions,on the sole basis of measurements. When the bio-metric data from Cova Fosca (Appendix C) are


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Values of the greatest lengths (Gl) of the main appendicular bones in selected populations of the Iberian and brown hares. Data fromPalacios refers to mean values (size of the sample within brackets).

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taken into account, one can see that (3) almost halfof the sample (NISP = 61) could be measured, andeven though almost a third of these values are notthat reliable due to damage of the bones (ie.,values within brackets in Appendix C), in thosecases that could be safely confronted with ourcomparative data, (4) the Cova Fosca specimensfall neatly within the ranges of the Iberian hare(Table 3), and (5) conform best to Iberian haresfrom the Bronze and Iron Age sites from SouthernIberia (i.e, their means being systematically higherthan those from recent Iberian hares). This, in turn,suggests that (6) at least since the second millen-nium B.C., the size of the Iberian hare diminished

all throughout its territory until today. This is ahypothesis that will obviously require statisticalconfirmation once a more systematic analysis ofthe data is completed (Llorente, in preparation).

B. Comparative osteology

1. Mandible

The two most diagnostic features given byCallou (1997), the location and size of the mandi-bular foramen (foramen mentale) are of unequalvalue to set apart the Iberian hare from the two


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Comparative biometry of Iberian and brown hare from recent and subfossil populations. Measurements follow Driesch (1976) exceptfor HTC that follows Davis (2008). Values of hares from Iberian Bronze and IronAge sites in Southern Spain taken from Driesch (1972)and Morales (1991). Values from the Basque country (Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa) taken from Castaños (1986). Values of some of the recentIberian and brown hares supplied by Simon Davis.

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other leporid species. Mental foramina in L. gra-natensis are comparatively small (large in the rab-bit) and placed well before the root socket (alveo-le) of the P3 as is the case for the brown hare (inthe rabbit, the large foramen mentale is very closeto the alveole of the P3). But very often two fora-mina, not a single one, appear on the diastema ofIberian hares (i.e., 38% of our reference speci-mens). Although until a more systematic analysisis completed in order to decide the reliability andfrequency of this condition, the fact that this featu-re has been recorded on specimens from differentlocations in Spain and Portugal, as well as on man-dibles from archaeological sites in Southern Iberiawhere only L. granatensis appears, lends supportto the observation that the double mental foramenmight be a diagnostic character of the Iberian hare(Llorente, in preparation).

The length and width of the diastema from L.

granatensis exhibits an intermediate condition bet-ween the far larger and comparatively narrowerdiastema of the brown hare and the shorter andwider one of the rabbit. Although the overallimpression in the Iberian hare is that of a «harediastema», at this moment we would refrain fromproviding a species identification of the Iberianhare’s mandibles based solely on this character.

2. Scapula (Figure 2)

(H-a) Processus hamatus. Although fragile tothe extent of disappearing on most of the archaeo-logical scapulae, the processus hamatus of theacromion in the Iberian hare is not blunt distally asin the brown hare, but ends instead in a point as is


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Scapula: Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C) (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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the case of the rabbit. The difference betweenthese two species is the orientation and shape ofthis point, straight in the rabbit, thus directed ven-trally (ie., distally) but bent cranially (ie., dorsally)in Lepus granatensis.

(H-b) The non-articular surface lying betweenthe glenoid cavity, the supraglenoid tubercle andthe coracoid process is present in the Iberian harethough far less developed than in the brown hare,rendering the diagnosis with the rabbit (whose sca-pulae are missing this surface) not so straightfor-ward as Callou refers (1997: 7).

(H-c) An additional difference that has beenspotted in the Iberian hare refers to the proximalborder of the processus supra-hamatus that exhi-bits a far more sinusoidal profile than is the casefor the brown hare due to the far more developedlaminar expansion connecting its base with theprocessus hamatus. Though our limited number ofbrown hares precludes us from considering thissubtle difference as diagnostic between the twospecies, it apparently constitutes a clear trait for

distinguishing the Iberian hare and the rabbit,where such laminar expansion is barely visible andthe proximal border of the processus supra-hama-tus is consequently concave.

(H-d) A final difference (not shown) sets apartthe scapulae of hares, both brown and Iberian, fromthe rabbit. This refers to the basal crest of the acro-mion process that penetrates further (ie., more dis-tally) into the scapular neck (collum scapulare) inthe case of the rabbit and is shorter in both speciesof hares. This difference is subtle in that it requiresuse of comparative material to reach a decision, yetwe believe it is useful from an archaeozoologicalperspective given that this dense portion of the sca-pula is systematically retrieved in collections ofleporids.

3. Humerus (Figure 3)

(I-a) The width of the intertubercular grooveexhibits in the Iberian hare an intermediate condi-tion between that of the brown hare (constant


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Humerus: Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C) (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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width throughout) and the rabbit, where this widthdecreases distally. The minor tubercle projectedmore medially in the rabbit, provides the clearestdifference with the Iberian hare.

(I-b) The features associated with the majorprocess (tuberculum majus) that Callou (1997: 7)mentions as diagnostic between the brown hareand the rabbit are not considered such due to thelarger variability that we have spotted on our Ibe-rian rabbits. In the case of the Iberian hare themorphology sometimes resembles the conditiondescribed for the brown hare, but also varies fromthat condition.

(I-c) In the Iberian hare the deltoid crest slopesgradually and merges smoothly with the cranialborder of the diaphysis as is the case with thebrown hare (in the rabbit this transition is moreabrupt) but the restriction of this crest to the upperthird of the humerus is not so clear as in the brownhare since some of the rabbits that we have exami-ned exhibit a gradual sloping of the deltoid crestinto the diaphysis too. Difficulties thus exist forsetting apart the Iberian hare from the rabbit.

(I-d) The medial epicondyle (epicondylusmedialis) of the Iberian hare, as is the case in thebrown hare, does not project medially as much asit does in the rabbit and exhibits a round («ero-ded») contour that contrasts with the sharp bordersit features in the rabbit.

(I-e) The distal extremity of the humerus ofboth hares is also similar with a higher (ie., deeper)trochlea than that of the rabbit and a medial epi-condyle that barely reaches distally beyond theproximal half of the trochlea (in the rabbit, themedial epicondyle reaches distally well beyondthe proximal half of the trochlea).

4. Radius (Figure 4; left)

(J-a) The curvature of the diaphysis, in medialview, falls, in the case of the Iberian hare, midwaybetween the pronounced bending that characteri-zes the rabbit and the straighter trajectory exhibi-ted by the radius of the brown hare. As such, thischaracter appears to be of low diagnostic value toset apart the Iberian hare from the other two spe-cies.

(J-b) In the proximal end, the caudal border ofthe fovea in the Iberian hare is clearly convex as inthe brown hare, thus easy to set apart from the

straight or slightly concave border that the rabbitexhibits.

(J-c) The Iberian hare has, in cranial view, a dis-tal end with almost no hints of the three grooves ofthe extensor muscles tendons. This character exag-gerates the condition seen in the brown hare,where such grooves are more developed, andallows for an easy diagnosis with the rabbit whosethin extensor’s grooves are very prominent. Thiscondition is probably the reason why, among allthree species, the perimeter of the distal end of theradius of the Iberian hare is, in distal view, themost compressed one (ie., rectangular) and that ofthe rabbit the more quadrangular (squared) one.

5. Ulna (Figure 4; right)

(K-a) The width of the diaphysis, in cranialview, is an excellent character to set apart the rab-bit (constant throughout ist length) from the hares.In the Iberian hare the diaphyseal width towardsthe distal end decreases far more pronouncely thanin the brown hare. As a result, the distal third of theIberian hare’s diaphysis is essentially filiform, ahighly fragile strut that contrasts with the distaldiaphysis of the brown hare.

(K-b) The proximal border of the olecranonprocess behaves in the Iberian hare in the sameway as it does in the brown hare. Their lateral andmedial crests being equally developed, allow for astraightforward diagnosis with the rabbit, whoselateral crest is clearly smaller than its medial coun-terpart.

(K-c) As is the case of the brown hare, the dis-tal end of the ulna in the Iberian hare develops alateral depression over the styloid process. Thisdepression is far larger (x3/4) than the styloid pro-cess in the Iberian hare and the rabbit (~x2).

6. Pelvis (Figure 5)

(L-a) The overall cranial profile of the iliacwing is most variable in L. granatensis so that itdoes not allow for a clear cut distinction with thoseof the rabbit or the brown hare. In some Iberianhares, in fact, the more angled profile resemblesthe iliac wing of the rabbit than the «round rightangle» that Callou (1997: 8) mentions as distincti-ve for the brown hare.


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(L-b) The foramen nutricium placed on the late-ral face of the iliac wing of the Iberian hare con-forms best to the location described by Callou forthe brown hare (ie., placed further away craniallyfrom the ventro-caudal spine than that of the rab-bit). Also, the Iberian hare has a comparatively lar-ger foramen nutricium than the rabbit, who some-times seems to be missing the structure altogether,as is also the case of the brown hare. In some Ibe-rian hares two foramen nutricia have been recor-

ded so that this condition may serve as a diagnos-tic trait, a conclusion that only a more substantialanalysis may confirm (Llorente, in preparation).

(L-c) The ilio-pubic eminence (eminentia ilio-pubica) is mentioned by Callou (1997: 9) as pre-senting a single cusp/point in the brown hare andbeing bifid in the rabbit, a feature first noted byPeltier (1985). The Iberian hare seems to be varia-ble in this character (ie., occasionally presenting abifid and in others an unicuspid profile), but the


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Radius (left) and ulna (right): Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C) (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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Iberian rabbits that have been checked also vary,evidencing a dome-shaped profile in their ilio-pubic eminences instead of the two points mentio-ned.

7. Femur (Figure 6)

(M-a) The neck of the femur (collum ossis

femoris) is longer in the Iberian hare than that ofthe rabbit, conforming to the condition describedby Callou (1997: 9) for the brown hare, but requi-res comparison with reference specimens for thedifference may be subtle and is, to a certain extent,dependent on the size of the specimen. The profi-le, in both hares, is essentially straight but thisdoes not always provide a reliable discriminationwith the rabbit due to the fact that in some of themsuch profile can be rectilinear/straight also.

(M-b) The cranio-medial surface of the greattrochanter (trochanter major) in the Iberian hare isslightly depressed, not flat, as described for thebrown hare even though it also lacks the lineaintertrochanterica (Callou, 1997: 9), distinguis-hing it from some rabbits since not all of themexhibit this character.

(M-c) The location of the proximal foramennutricium conforms to the condition described forthe brown hare (ie., not immediately below thedistal border of the trochanter minor as in the rab-bit but further down the shaft).

(M-d) The cranial border of the trochlea in theIberian hare either conform with the conditionseen in the rabbit (ie., equally developed) or elsehave the lateral lip slightly shorter than the medial(in the brown hare the medial lip is the shorter one;Callou, 1997: 9).

8. Tibio-Fibula (Figure 7)

(N-a) The tubercula defining the intercondylareminence (eminentia intercondylaris) are a size-dependent character. Being the Iberian hare sma-ller than the brown hare, the difference originallymentioned by Peltier (1985) of more conspicuoustubercula in the hare than in the rabbit is attenua-ted to the point of not being useful to discriminateL. granatensis from the other two leporid species.

(N-b) In the rabbit the lateral face of the tube-rosity (tuberositas tibiae) and the tibial crest is sta-


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Pelvis: Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C). (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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ted to develop a sharp ridge bent towards the late-ral side that in the brown hare is only seen in thetuberosity, the border of the crest being rounder(Callou, 1997: 9). In the Iberian hare we havedetected a wide margin of variation with someexhibiting a condition very similar to that of therabbit whereas others lack the ridge in both thecrest and the tuberosity.

(N-c) The distal diaphysis right above the coch-lea seems to be diagnostic for the three species ofleporids. Seen in cranial view, the rabbit features amedial depression located at the level of the smalltuberosity that both hares lack (Figure 7). In addi-tion, the area lying below this depression is flat inboth the brown hare and the rabbit whereas in theIberian hare this area is convex, providing thecochlea with a «doomed» cranial profile that con-trasts with the straight profile of both the rabbitand to a lesser extent, the brown hare.

(N-d) The lateral maleole (malleolus lateralis)of the Iberian hare, as is the case in the brown hare,does not extend distally as much as it does in therabbit. Again, this being a rather subtle character,it requires direct comparison with reference speci-mens in order to be ascertained.

(N-e) The caudal contour of the cochlea whenseen in caudal view is essentially similar in boththe rabbit and the Iberian hare since it is uniformlysmooth, lacking the characteristic indentation fea-tured by the tibia of the brown hare. To be honest,such indentation is insinuated in some specimensof both Oryctolagus cuniculus and L. granatensisbut only spotted when looked under the binocular.

(N-f) In cranio-lateral view, the sharp crest thatCallou (1997: 9) mentions as diagnostic of thebrown hare’s fibula is often replaced in both theIberian hare and one of the brown hares from ourreference collection by two protuberances separa-ted by a groove. As such, even though the discri-mination with the rabbit does not pose major pro-blems due to the presence of an essentially flatarea, the character would need to be reviewed andrephrased in order to incorporate this secondmorphological alternative.

The morphological confrontation of the presu-mably non-rabbit leporids from Cova Fosca withthe data obtained in our previous analyses indicatethat all of the archaeological specimens retaining


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Femur: Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C) (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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bone portions with diagnostic features could bestraightforwardly identified as Iberian hare. Ofparticular relevance here were the five distal por-tions of the radii, without a hint of the grooves ofthe extensor muscles’ tendons (Figure 4: j-c), andthe four ulnae whose diaphyses exhibited the fili-form (ie., strut-like) morphology that sets this spe-cies apart from the brown hare (Figure 4: k-a).

C. Archaeozoology

Tables 4-7 provide the essentials of the haresamples from Cova Fosca. The very good general

condition of the bones indicates a rapid burial orelse a restricted action of the weathering agents.The skeletal profiles (Tables 4 & 5; Figure 15) evi-dence samples with an overrepresentation of thelimb bones (ie., 76% vs. 53% expected for a com-plete animal), and an underrepresentation of axialelements (ie., 4% vs. the 32% expected for a com-plete animal) (Llorente, unpublished data). Giventhe abundance of rabbits among the leporidremains at Cova Fosca (Table 9), it is possible thatsome teeth, vertebrae and ribs from hares havebeen misidentified. This will probably require pla-cing all of the rabbit’s axial elements (6-15% ofthis species’ NISPs) in a taxonomically unspeci-


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Tibia: Diagnostic traits for the rabbit (A), brown (B) and Iberian hare (C) (A and B taken from Callou, 1997).

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The hare collection from Cova Fosca expressed as NISPs according to skeletal category and stratigraphical levels. Level codes are asfollows: a: -47/-71; b: -77/-89; c: -89/-128; d: -118/-120; e: -120; f: -125/-142; g: -142/-10; h: -150/-170; i: -170/-177; j: -177/-196; k:-196/-211; l: -211/-220; m: -220/-224; n: -255/-262; o: -262/-275; p: -265; q: -279/-298; r: -298/-308; s: -304/-319; t: -365/-388. (MNIand MNE refer to the total NISP).


Appendicular bone portions (NISP) against bone densities expressed as VDSA values (Pavao & Stahl, 1999).

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fied category (ie., Leporidae indet.). Still, the con-clusion one reaches when examining the skeletalspectra from Tables 4 and 5 is one of essentiallycomplete animals reaching the deposit. Explainingthe specifics of the assemblage, on the other hand,is far from straightforward.

A feature of these samples is the absence of anytrend that could explain skeletal frequencies ofelements at large (Tables 4 & 5), and of specificportions in particular (Table 6) on account of theirdensity (Figure 8). Indeed, there only exists aweak positive correlation (r = 0.27, P= 0.0468, N=34) between percent survivorship of specific partsexpressed as the scan sites of Pavao & Stahl(1999), and their corresponding VDSA densityvalues (Appendix C).

A survey of the fragmentation reveals that only21% of the bones in the sample are complete. Most

of these are tarsals, including all calcanei andastragali. The fracturing is peculiar in that largefragments of the diaphysis from the long limbbones are comparatively rare (i.e., some 20% ofthat specific group; Table 6) and the articular endsoften incorporate significant portions of theirdiaphyses. Such pattern conveys the impressionthat many bones were broken along their mid-shaft. In the case of elements where there is nomedullary cavity (eg., ulnae) remarkable also isthe presence of crushing and of jagged surfacesalong the breakage zone (Figure 9). The impres-sion is that much of this fracturing appears to bedisconnected with a processing of the animalsreflecting instead a systematic trampling of thebones.

The diversity and frequency of traces in thehare collection is summarized in Table 7 (Figures


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


The hare collection from Cova Fosca expressed in terms of alternative quantifiers per skeletal category and chrono-cultural stage.


Fragmentation of the large appendicular bones.

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9-14). Almost half of the bones exhibit marks ofone kind or another, although the total number of63 cases in Table 7 does not translate into 63 spe-cimens given that some bones exhibit more thanone kind of trace (e.g., Figure 10). What seemsevident is that, overall, a loose correlation existsbetween the percentage of recorded traces for agiven period and the corresponding percentage ofthe total hare NISP for that period (e.g., MiddleNeolithic 5% of both total hare NISP and numberof traces; Early Neolithic: 75% of the NISP& 70%of the traces; Mesolithic: 10% & 11% respecti-vely; Epipalaeolithic: 9% & 14% respectively; seeTables 5 & 7). Such a correlation would suggest ahomogeneous «treatment» of remains throughoutthe sequence, a trend that cannot be statisticallyconfirmed given the small size of the collections.Because of it, it is also impossible to determinewhether the absence of certain traces from a parti-

cular period is indeed a feature from that period orsimply a result of stochastic processes.

The largest number of traces at Cova Foscacorresponds to root marks. The fact that these havebeen spotted on close to a third of the bones, andare the most frequent marks in all periods indica-tes that (1) the place where the bones were deposi-ted must have been illuminated as indeed, was thecase of sector C, located at the entrance of theshelter, and also (2) that a good many bones musthave been originally lying very close to the surfa-ce (i.e., apparently were not intentionally buried).That the entrance of the shelter constitutes thefavourite roosting/nesting place for a variety ofbirds of prey will be a matter of future concern.

The comparatively high frequency of rootmarks at Cova Fosca stands in stark contrast withany clear traces of human processing marks. Inde-


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Summary of traces on the hare bones of the various chrono-cultural stages at Cova Fosca.For an explanation of the Lagomorphindex see text.


Distal portion of an ulna level (-77/-89; Middle Neolithic) with signs of crushing along the broken surfaceof the midshaft (Photograph: Carmen Gutiérrez).

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ed, in those few instances where an ocular inspec-tion hinted at the presence of cutmarks, subsequentmicroscopic analyses either revealed incipient rootattacks mimicking incisions (Figure 11), or elsescratch marks of undefined origin (i.e., gnawmarks?; Figure 14C). Likewise, the very few puta-tive percussion marks upon ocular inspection fai-led to reveal any of the typical features of animpact caused by human tools when seen underthe microscope (Figures 11B and 13A). In thesecases, the scars appear to constitute either removalof tissue by blows delivered by a pointed object(i.e., a beak? a talon?; Figure 13A) or spontaneousflaking of the most superficial layers after the bonelaid buried (Figure 11B).

A third category of putative human traces iswhat we have labelled as peelings in Table 7.These correspond to a removal of bone on the hori-zontal plane (i.e., by pulling on the soft tissue atta-ched to it) but where the causal agent is unknown.In general, these marks hint at the violent removalof ligaments as is the case of the calcaneis illustra-ted in Figures 14A & B, carrying with them themost superficial layers of the bone to which suchsoft tissues were attached. Both birds of prey andmammalian carnivores, in particular cats, aredocumented to strip bones bare of meat in this way(Domínguez Rodrigo, 1999; Lloveras et al., 2007,2009). The marks left on the bone by these shea-ring forces range from a most superficial flaking,


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Taphonomical scenario to explain the burning of a pelvis from level -211 /-220 (Early Neolithic). 1: Pelvis buried very close to the sur-face with acetabulum facing upwards. 2: Roots from a plant colonize the acetabulum. 3: Burning of the soil (stippled) leads to a carbo-nisation of the roots and uppermost zones of the pelvis. A: pelvis seen from the medial side exhibiting a gradation of burning marks. B:view of the acetabulum with remnants of charred roots attached to its surface. C: Close-up from the previous picture (Photographs: Car-men Gutiérrez).

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Rootmarks from a pelvis (A), a tibia (B) and a radius (C) from level -211/-220 (Early Neolithic). Upon ocular inspection these marksconvey the impression of cutmarks. In B a scar of yet undefined origin can be seen below the incipient rootmark (Photographs: CarmenGutiérrez).

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as seen on Figure 14B, to the deeper and stepwisealignment of scars illustrated in Figure 13B. Sincewe remain unsure about the causal agent(s) produ-cing these and the remaining five similar-lookingtraces documented from the Early Neolithic (Table7), we will refer to them as ‘pseudo-peelings’.

In contrast with the previous category, gnawingmarks, tooth marks and traces of digestion (Figure12), comparatively frequent in the case of the later,have been quite straightforward to spot. These tra-ces amount to some 20% of those recorded on thehare bones and reinforce the idea that humaninvolvement with the hares at Cova Fosca hasbeen quite restricted, to say the least. Still, in viewof the comparatively high frequency of burningmarks (i.e., 27% of all the traces; Table 7), the laterstatement requires some clarification.

Burning marks constitute a varied lot rangingfrom carbonized remains (8 specimens) to smallspecks (4 specimens). The absence of calcinedbones indicates that temperatures never rose above1,200ºC, suggesting that burning was caused by‘open’ fires (i.e., hearths, not ovens). Both the car-bonized specimens and those exhibiting restricted

areas of burning appear to be «disconnected» ofany cooking activities. We here propose that car-bonized bones became so by remaining in contactwith a heat source for a prolonged period oncethey were stripped of meat (Figure 10). Also, thosebones featuring very restricted burnt zones suggestthat these were in contact not with the fire properbut with an incandescent surface. Indeed, in thesecases all burned zones correspond to areas projec-ting from a particular face of a bone such as pro-cesses, condyles, etc., that one assumes were thefirst features to contact the substrate once a bonehad come to rest on that particular side. Of all theburning marks recorded at Cova Fosca, four speci-mens (ie., a distal fibula, a shaft from an ulna, aspike on a broken zygomatic arch and an ischiaticprocess) exhibit a gradation of colour consistentwith a burning of varying intensity caused by thedistance to the heat source. The burned areas fromthese bones are difficult to reconcile with an inten-tional placing of the animals over a fire (eg., thedistal fibula and the zygomatic arch were burnedafter they became detached from the tibia and theskull respectively, a fracturing that appears to be


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Traces of digestion on the proximal portion of a humerus from level -196/-211 (Early Neolithic) (Photograph: Carmen Gutiérrez).

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inconsistent with the roasting of a hare over anopen fire).

One final piece of evidence that indicates thatburning at Cova Fosca appears to have been a«passive» process disconnected with any cons-cious human activity, is illustrated in Figure 10. In

this case, a fragment from a pelvis featuring both agradation of burning marks and the remnants of acarbonized root glued to its acetabulum indicatesthat the thermoalteration took place gradually on aburied bone that, lying very close to the surface,had come to function as a flower-pot of sorts.


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Scars on the surface of a tibia (A) from level -211/-220 and a pelvis (B) from level -196/-211 (both Early Neolithic) that might reflecta blow from a beak (A) and a violent stripping of soft tissue to which the most superficial layers of bone were attached (B) (Photo-graphs: Carmen Gutiérrez).

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Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Calcanei from Early Neolithic [levels -211/-220 (A) and -220/-224 (B)] exhibiting peelings on the plantar surface of the tuberculum (A)and distal end of the bone (B). C: Scratches on the articular portion of a calcaneus from level -220/-224 of debatable origin (Photo-graphs: Carmen Gutiérrez).

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Most archaeozoological analyses dealing withleporid remains in the Iberian Peninsula refer, infact, to rabbits. The use of the term conveys theidea that hares and rabbits constitute a homogene-ous group, an apparently sound though perhaps notadequate hypothesis in our case. Indeed, althoughthe size differences between the Iberian hare andthe rabbit may not be in excess of 1 Kg, the biologyof both species is so different that one should becareful to use one as a proxy of the other. Rabbitsare gregarious and not particularly anthropophobic,many of them living quite close to human quarters(Palomo & Gisbert, 2002). Hares, on the otherhand, tend to be solitary animals that profoundlydislike human presence. Hunting of each taxonoften requires different techniques. These and otherdifferences lie at the base of the Lagomorh index(i.e., the Lepus/Sylvilagus ratio) developed in theAmerican Southwest two decades ago to set aparthunting close to living quarters from that carriedout farther away (Driver & Woiderski, 2008).

From such a perspective, both the values of theLagomorph indexes and the marginal contributionsthat hares exhibit in most faunal collections fromthe Spanish Levant (i.e., often below 1% of theNISP; Table 8) could be taken to indicate that atmost of these places, the hunting of leporids took

place very close to the living quarters. Althoughthis might well be the case, the variability of theindex valueswithin each of the four cultural momentssuggests that such an interpretation may be a bitsimplistic (Table 8). Also, the comparatively highvalues of the index in settled communities (e.g.,those from the Neolithic period) and the very highvalues from the pre-Neolithic occupations at Covadels Blaus (Castellón) (Martínez-Valle, 1996) donot quite match some of the theoretical assump-tions in connection with the evolution of mobilitypatterns, that hypothesize these to be more restric-ted after the appearance of modern humans in theSpanish Levant, and also after the onset of the Neo-lithic way of life (Villaverde et al., 1996; Aura etal., 2002). Clearly, two issues that need to be clari-fied first concern (1) the origin of the leporid accu-mulations and (2) the local availability of leporidsat the time of occupation.

Concerning the first issue, it seems evident thatthe reasoning behind the Lagomorph index collap-ses if some or all of the leporid remains at a site arenot the result of human activities. Likewise, unlessone has a clear idea of the former proportions ofhares vs. rabbits at a particular place it would beimpossible to translate specific archaeological fre-quencies into past human behaviour. Althoughdata on prehistoric abundances of leporids arenon-existent, other lines of environmental eviden-


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97


Hare remains from Iberian levantine sites (MP: Middle Paleolithic; UP: Upper Paleolithic; EP: Epipalaeolithic; NE: Neolithic). Thoughthe scarcity of sites and remains is evident, hares represent a minor taxon during the Middle Paleolithic and decrease during the Neo-lithic, after exhibiting a slight peak during the Upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic. L.Index = Lagomorph index [Lepus (%NISP)/Oryctolagus (%NISP)X100].

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ce have been taken as proxies to explain the fre-quencies of hares and rabbits in the past. This isthe approach taken by Martínez-Valle (1996: 182),who argued the abundance of hares at Cova delsBlaus on account of a local topography (i.e., thecoastal plain), more conductive for the abundanceof hares than other Levantine sites located on ste-eper terrain. In our case, the values of the Lago-morph index (Table 7) are meaningless in culturalterms unless one could prove first that both haresand rabbits have been the direct product of humanactivity. This requires clarifying the origin of theassemblages.

To determine the origin of the leporid assem-blages, hares should exhibit less complex taphono-mical trajectories than rabbits, a fossorial specieslong recognized as a source of bioturbation (Mea-dows, 1991), and a key prey for humans and mostof the Iberian predators on account of its demo-graphic output (Jaksic & Soriguer, 1981; Palomo& Gisbert, 2002). This means that, in principle,hares should provide a clearer signal about theirorigin in a deposit than rabbits. However, fromwhat has been presented in the previous section,the hares from Cova Fosca do not seem to fit thispicture. For one thing, these assemblages do notexhibit clear signatures of any single agent beingresponsible for the accumulations. Instead, thedata presented suggest that several agents played arole in the process, and surprisingly, that man wasprobably not on this list (Andrews & Evans, 1983;Andrews, 1990; Hockett, 1991).

When one considers that people are easy todetect on account of the extremely diagnostic sig-natures they leave on the bones, and also that theCova Fosca collections point to human beings asprimary accumulators for a significant fraction ofthe fauna (Llorente, 2007), both the absence ofcutmarks and percussions seem baffling. Alsopeculiar is the fact that burning appears to be lar-gely disconnected of any systematic processing ofthe hares on the part of humans (Figure 10).

At Cova Fosca, the indicators that humans werethe accumulators of the hare remains are in allcases circumstantial, and only hinted at when sam-ples representing a temporal interval of some5,000 years are pooled together. These indicatorsinclude:

1. Age structure. Close to 98% of the sample(i.e., 119 remains) derive from adult indivi-duals. Such value stands well above the 85%

«threshold» that some authors (eg., Cochard,2004; Cochard & Brugal, 2004) cite as indi-cative of leporid accumulations produced byhumans. But (1) those values refer to rabbits(a less precocious species), (2) non-adultspecimens (i.e., un-fused portions) are morelikely to disappear in the case of the smallersized rabbit, and (3) fusion in the leporid’sskeleton is essentially completed in the firsthalf year of life thus, on strictly probabilisticgrounds, one always stands far lower chan-ces of retrieving un-fused elements than ele-ments where fusion has been completed,whether the predator hunts more adults ornot.

1. Along with our small samples, these cons-traints combine to prevent one from conside-ring humans as the accumulating agent ofhares at Cova Fosca on the sole basis of thepercentage that adults represent in the assem-blage.

2. Fragmentation. Close to 80% of fragmenta-tion (98% in the case of the long limb bones),at Fosca lies well above that of carnivorescats, the samples with the highest reportedlevels of fragmentation (Schmitt & Juell,1994; Lloveras et al., 2008). What this seemsto indicate is that there existed a combinedaction of several agents of fragmentation thatwould include, in addition to attrition by theaccumulating agent(s) proper, trampling andpost-depositional diagenesis (Table 7). Spe-cifically, in terms of bone portions, one fea-ture of the samples that does not fit with thebehaviour of humans is the comparativelylow frequency of long bone cylinders (ie.,23%; Table 7), whose abundance in archaeo-logical assemblages has been associated witha fracturing aimed at narrow procurement(Aura et al., 2002). As was previously com-mented, such pattern combined with many ofthe epiphyseal portions incorporating largefractions of their diaphyses, a feature attribu-ted to trampling. The human signature thusappears to be due to non-intentional activity.

3. Skeletal representativity. The pattern of high-est abundances recorded, in sequential order,for the tibia, pelvis and calcaneus, followedby the skull, mandible, ulna and radius(Tables 4 and 5), appears to be loosely coin-cident with the spectra provided for rabbitaccumulations produced by humans (eg.,


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Brugal, 2006). Still, in those models, scapu-lae are also frequent –not so in our case-, andmore importantly, femora. As can be seen inTable 4, femora exhibit a remarkably lowfrequency, a fact that appears all the morebaffling in view of the comparatively highfrequencies of the remaining hindlimb ele-ments, from the zonal skeleton (pelvis) to theautopodium (ie., metatarsi). Such a low fre-quency of femora suggests, as was mentio-ned for the fragmentation of remains at large,the combined destructive action of severalagents in addition to those responsible for theaccumulation proper. In fact, if tramplingwas a significant process at Fosca, the lowfrequencies of femora, and the absence oftheir fragile dyaphyses, may constitute yetanother indication of this activity. This factnotwithstanding, could the different frequen-cies simply reflect a size-related phenomenon?

3. In order to test whether the skeletal profilesof the Cova Fosca hares matched those froma hare assemblage hunted by humans, wecompared them with those from Cova delsBlaus, the only site from the Spanish Levantwhere large hare assemblages have beenfound (Table 8). Els Blaus collections arerelevant because both the abundance of cut-

marks and the standardized breakage pat-terns identify them as anthropic deposits(Martínez-Valle, 1996: 177). When both datasets are plotted, and despite some minorcoincidences (eg., vertebrae, ulnae, metacar-pal and phalanxes), quite significant diffe-rences appear, not least those of the cranialelements that at Fosca are more similar tovalues produced by carnivore accumulations(Figure 15). Interesting also is the fact thatthe two most noticeable differences betweenEls Blaus and Fosca (eg., the lower frequen-cies of the scapula and femora in the later)coincide with those reported for the rabbitassemblages (Brugal, 2006). This suggeststhat (1) the skeletal profiles of hunted lepo-rids may not change much due to size diffe-rences, and (2) that the Cova Fosca hareswould not conform in principle with a skele-tal spectrum from a population hunted byman.

4. Specific co-variation with alternative faunalgroups. A final line of enquiry to revealwhether the hares represent a hunted assem-blage has been to compare hare abundances,on a per level basis, with those from faunalgroups whose taphonomic origin is more orless clear (Table 9). In this way, several lines


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Frequencies, expressed as percentages of the NISP, from selected faunal groups in levels where hare remains have been found.

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of evidence indicate that micro-pulmonatesconstitute elements of the local biocenosesthat reached the deposits on their own (Fran-cisco, 2009). In contrast, both birds (passeri-forms for the most part) (A. Sánchez-Marco,verb. com.) and rodents represent items hun-ted by raptors, whereas wild goat (Caprapyrenaica, Schinz 1838) and red deer (Cer-vus elaphus, Linnaeus 1758) were hunted byhumans (Llorente, 2007). Taphonomicallyspeaking, rabbits are the most heterogeneousgroup at Cova Fosca, incorporating pene-contemporaneous intrussives (eg., new-borns), as well as individuals preyed upon byhumans and animals. When correlationanalyses of abundances were carried out forpairs, not surprisingly, the highest valuescorresponded to the two groups with the pre-sumably more homogeneous and similar tap-honomic histories (ie., birds and rodents; r=0.8808). Correlations were far lower in thecase of the two ungulates (r = 0.3846), pro-bably because their abundances not onlyreflect changes through time in the biotopesaround the site but also different zones ortimes of the year when their hunting tookplace. This same weak positive correlationappears when birds and pulmonates androdents and pulmonates are confronted (r =0.2569 and ≠ 0.3929, respectively), presu-mably indicating a loose association of fau-nas (ie., birds of prey and molluscs) morelikely to appear when people were not occup-ying the shelter. Finally, rabbits exhibit aweak but negative correlation with both wild

goat (r = -0,1512) and red deer (r = -0.2237), rein-forcing the idea of their presumably heterogeneoustaphonomic trajectories not always linked tohuman activity.

Provided with this background, it is revealingto note that hares exhibit essentially no correlationwith the faunas presumably taken by birds of prey,be these rodents (r = 0.0057) or other birds (r =0.0754). A negative correlation with rabbits (r = -02806) and micro-pulmonates (r = -0.0801), and ahigh positive correlation with the wild goat (r =0.7903) which decreases in the case of red deer (r =0.2532) is also noteworthy. Although these datawill need to be refined by incorporating all archa-eological levels, not just those where hares havebeen found, the overall impression is that hares co-vary with the hunted taxa. This is the only instan-ce lending support to the idea that some of thesehares could represent accumulations caused byintentional human activity.

As stated, at Cova Fosca the evidences for thedirect involvement of agents other than humansare scarce though far clearer. A bite mark on themedial side of the iliac wing of the innominatefrom level -211/ -220, for example, coincides withthe three major cusps of an upper fourth premolarfrom a medium-sized mustelid (pine marten?).One trace does not reveal the role played by thecarnivore in the accumulation of the hare bones,not the least because no medium-sized mustelidhas been ever recorded as a regular predator of theIberian hare (Barea & Ballesteros, 1999). Perhaps,the animal got access to the bone after it had beendeposited on the floor of the shelter. Another morecircumstantial sign of carnivore activity –in thiscase of the Iberian lynx- could be invoked on thebasis of the comparatively higher survival of hind-limb elements (49% of the hare NISP) versus theforelimb elements (22%; Table 4), and the compa-ratively high frequency of cranial portions (i.e.,18%) (Lloveras et al., 2008). But these lines ofevidence are only valid in case other agents hadnot masked the skeletal frequencies originallygenerated by the carnivores, which is unlikely tohave been the case. Had carnivores been routinelyinvolved in the generation of the hare assembla-ges, traces of digestion, in particular moderate tohigh corrosion, would have been evident on a rela-tively large proportion of the remains.

Hare bones with traces of digestion amount to7% of the total assemblage and are only present inthe Middle Neolithic (12,5% of the NISP) and


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Absolute abundances of selected skeletal elements, expressedas NISPs, of hares from Cova dels Blaus and Cova Fosca.

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Early Neolithic (8.6% of the NISP). These fre-quencies are low even for carnivore deposits com-prising a mixture of ingested and non-ingestedremains (Schmitt & Juell, 1994; Pavao & Stahl,1999). The moderate levels of corrosion recorded(e.g., Figure 12) can be attributable to a variety ofpredators more probably avian than mammalian.In order to address this issue one needs to contrastthese data with other lines of evidence. In this con-text, both the «pseudo-peelings» (Figures 13B &14A, B), and the systematic damage recorded onthe olecranon process on the ulnae appear moreconsistent with the defleshing activities of anavian predator, in particular the Eagle owl, theonly nocturnal raptor known to hunt hares on aregular basis (Lloveras et al., 2009). Given that thesignatures of any accumulating agent would havebeen diluted in the case of such restricted samples,truly diagnostic traces should never be dismissedas irrelevant, less so in this case where the activityof nocturnal raptors has been clearly evidenced in

the assemblages of both birds and micromammals(C. Sesé, A. Sánchez, both pers. comm.).

Other agent(s) that could have played a role inshaping the hare assemblages at Fosca are the ani-mals that gnawed some of the bones. Again, gna-wing is a marginal kind of trace, amounting tobarely 2.5% of the identified sample and, again, theagents producing these traces have not been identi-fied, and perhaps they even did not play a role asbone accumulators. Their presence, nevertheless,stresses the need to consider the hare assemblages atCova Fosca as yet another case of a cave depositpalimpsest (Davis et al., 2007) (Figure 16).


Though our study has proved successful mainlyat the taxonomic level, evidencing the existence ofonly one species of hare at Cova Fosca, one resultof the taphonomical analysis presented is the


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A possible scenario for the hare remains at Cova Fosca. (1) Though traces are scarce, the most diagnostic marks on the hare bones sug-gest that these animals were hunted by an avian predator, most probably the Eagle owl. (2) The regurgitated remains and leftovers fromthe hare carcasses were dispersed on the floor of the rockshelter and exhibit the attack of different agents as indicated by occasionalgnawing marks, toothmarks and evidences of trampling and possibly passive burning. (3) After burial, additional burning might havetaken place when bones lying close to the surface were located below a hearth. Also, rootmarks were produced after burial. As the evi-dence presented in the text suggests, direct human involvement might have been scarce or nil. (Drawing: Arturo Morales).

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absence of any clear traces of humans beingdirectly involved in the accumulation of the hareremains. Evidences for human involvement areeither indirect or else circumstantial despite thefact that diagnostic features for the involvement ofalternative agents (eg., birds of prey, carnivoresand possibly rodents or even leporids), althoughscarce, seem beyond question. When combined,these evidences point to the Eagle owl as the mainaccumulator of hare remains at Fosca. Given thatsince the Upper Palaeolithic leporid remains fromarchaeological sites have been taken to representhunted items, and their rising numbers an indica-tion of a shift towards higher residential times andlower mobility patterns as soon as modern humansreach the Spanish Levant, the findings of the CovaFosca hare assemblages semm to represent a pecu-liar exception to the rule.

Moreover, it appears that the taphonomicallynon-anthropogenic and quite heterogeneous natureof the hare deposits might not be specifically res-tricted to this species but reflects instead a moreprevalent feature of the leporid remains from CovaFosca. Indeed, as of this writing, it seems that onlya small percentage among the thousands of rabbitremains exhibit those cutmarks and stereotypedfracturing so typical of assemblages produced byhuman activity (Morales & Llorente, in prepara-tion). Whether such feature may eventually reveala completely different way to process leporids inthe uplands of the Maestrazgo should obviouslyfigure as a priority on the research agenda. Untilthat confirmation arrives, the data presented in thispaper indicate that hares join a large sector of thefauna from Cova Fosca whose presence appears tobe disconnected with the recurrent human occupa-tion of the shelter during prehistoric times.


We want to thank Carmè Olària (UniversitatJaume I, Castellón) for allowing us to study thefaunas from Cova Fosca and for providing us withthe pertinent contextual information about the site.Simon Davis (IGESPAR, I.P. Lisbon, Portugal) isgratefully acknowledged for providing unpublis-hed data on hare bone measurements, and for cri-tically reviewing the manuscript. Arturo Morales-Muñiz (LAZ-UAM, Madrid) and MartaMoreno-García (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid) are grate-fully acknowledged for reviewing the text. Car-men Gutiérrez, Arturo Morales-Muñiz and Héctor

San Andrés (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)kindly provided help with the illustrations.


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List of measurements of recent hares from the collections housed at the L.A.Z.-U.A.M. (Madrid, Spain),CIPA (Lisboa, Portugal) and Museo Bocage (Lisboa, Portugal).


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List of measurements of recent brown hares from the collections housed at the L.A.Z.-U.A.M., the Zoologisk Museum of Copenhagen, the MusèumNational d’Histoire Naturelle and the collection of Armelle Gardeisen.



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Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97

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Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97

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(A= 2.7316; B= 4.6858; R= 0.2711)


Archaeofauna 19 (2010): 59-97

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