The Primary Update Grade 2—Grade 5 November, 29th 2012 WELCOME PAGE When reflecting over the past few months I find it amazing how much we have packed in since the beginning of this first semester at JBS and how incredibly well the children have settled both into school and class routines. As well as being kind and considerate towards each other and adults, it has been wonderful to watch the children blossom and mature over this short period of time. The children have experienced another amazingly busy few weeks learning many interesting, relevant and exciting new things as you will discover when you read on. Our UAE National Day celebrations proved to be a spectacular event and we thank you for attending to support both the children and teachers. There was a fantastic atmosphere and the children thoroughly enjoyed the activities on the field. More will follow in the next update. A little reminder about our school rule, No hat, No play. Unfortunately, many children are attending school without the regulatory school hat or sometimes hiding their hat intentionally so that they may go to the library. Although this rule may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat or forgotten to bring it to school, through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Even with the temperatures being at a pleasant level, we still follow this rule. Please remember if you do not have the school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this. Lastly, the teachers and I would just like to say a big thank you to the class representatives who are doing a tremendous job. Keep the ideas rolling in! Additionally, please remember we welcome your support in class so if you are keen to help out with reading or another area please inform your child’s class teacher. Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable extended weekend. Kind Regards, Miss Williams


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The Primary Update

Grade 2—Grade 5 November, 29th 2012


When reflecting over the past few months I find it amazing how much we have packed in since the beginning of this first semester at JBS and how incredibly well the children have settled both into school and class routines. As well as being kind and considerate towards each other and adults, it has been wonderful to watch the children blossom and mature over this short period of time.

The children have experienced another amazingly busy few weeks learning many interesting, relevant and exciting new things as you will discover when you read on.

Our UAE National Day celebrations proved to be a spectacular event and we thank you for attending to support both the children and teachers. There was a fantastic atmosphere and the children thoroughly enjoyed the activities on the field. More will follow in the next update.

A little reminder about our school rule, No hat, No play. Unfortunately, many children are attending school without the regulatory school hat or sometimes hiding their hat intentionally so that they may go to the library. Although this rule may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat or forgotten to bring it to school, through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Even with the temperatures being at a pleasant level, we still follow this rule. Please remember if you do not have the school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this.

Lastly, the teachers and I would just like to say a big thank you to the class representatives who are doing a tremendous job. Keep the ideas rolling in! Additionally, please remember we welcome your support in class so if you are keen to help out with reading or another area please inform your child’s class teacher.

Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable extended weekend.

Kind Regards,

Miss Williams

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: قسم اللغة العربّية والّتربية اإلسالمّية

نوفمبر 62في

لمجلس األهل وعلى رأسهم السيدة خلود الحريمل لما قدمته من جهود مع األهل األعزاء وذلك لدعم قسم الجزيل يتقّدم قسم اللغة العربّية بالّشكر

ألف درهم (، ذهب ريعه لمؤسسة رؤى التي 77اللغة العربّية والّتربية اإلسالمّية. فقد حقق احتفال عيد األضحى مبلغا معتبرا من المال وقدره )

. قدمت لنا الشكر عن طريق المسؤولة " نادرة بورنا "، حيث قامت المؤسسة بشراء براد كبير لنقل المعونات الغذائّية بطريقة تضمن سالمتها

: طرائق تدريس نشطة

ه الحّبات وتتحّول إلى زرع، هذ أحّب قسم اللغة العربّية أن يشارككم في طرائق الّتدريس الّنشطة، فها هي الّصور تظهر كيف يقوم الطالب بزرع العدس ليكتشفوا كيف تكبر

ي الّصور .ر فباإلضافة إلى التعرف على حرف الباء ، كما تعرفوا على البطاطا والحليب والكزبرة والزبدة والبصل والبطة وغيرها من الكلمات التي تظه

حرف الباء ، كما تعرفوا على البطاطا والحليب والكزبرة والزبدة والبصل والبطة وغيرها من الكلمات التي تظهر في الّصور .

: لقراءة وآخر للكرة الطاولة لناد

الب القصص وتعرفوا على مواضيع جديدة، الطقام قسم اللغة العربية بتنظيم ناٍد لتعليم القراءة العربية ، وقد ساهم في هذا النادي طالبات جامعّيات ، إذ قرأ

هذاباإلضافة إلى ناٍد لكرة الطاولة ، إذ تعلّم فيها الطالب مفردات رياضّية باللغة العربية.

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JBS Diwali Workshop

On the evening of Thursday November 22, JBS children, parents and their teachers had the opportunity to find out more about the festival of Diwali, which is popularly celebrated throughout Dubai. Visitors were greeted in traditional fashion by a number of our families and then the children were given an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, the highlight of which was learning how to make Rangoli patterns from highly coloured powder. Meanwhile the adults not only learned about the cultural background to Diwali, they were also treated to some delicious savouries and sweets! It was lovely to see the library decorated with the lights traditionally associated with the Festival of Lights, and I would like to thank the families who helped, particularly Rajiv & Kanchan. Vora, Preeti Bhatia, Zahabia Bengali, Pooja Kalla, Ms Shazia, Mr. Irshad and his team, who did so much to make the evening such a success.

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GRADE 2 Grade 2 have been learning about legends in literacy. They have used the knowledge they have gained to write their own legend. They had to ensure that they remembered the important ingredients of a legend such as plot, hero, language, battle and a good ending. We have been very impressed with the quality of the work! Some of the work has featured on our new ‘Looking for Learning’ wall! We will display some of our best work on the wall every week so look out for it! Mrs Carpenter also has some displayed in her office!

Some super sentences!

Our new G2 & G3 Looking for

Learning Wall!

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GRADE 3 For the past two weeks grade 3 has been busy creating masterpieces in the style of a variety of artists as part of their topic on Significant People. The children have been working in groups to research information about the artist and then to produce a work of art in the style of that artist. Both classes have had a great time researching and painting. Have a walk through the ground floor of the BACC building at admire all their hard work.

Daria chooses the coloured pastels she needs for her Monet picture.

Tanatswa admires her finished picture.

Rakan paints his Kandinsky style concentric circle.

Paul has fun making a Jackson Pollock style picture.

Emil is concentrating really hard while he is painting.

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GRADE 4 We were learning about measuring weights. As you can see here we are working together as a group. Abdulaziz and Mohammed are measuring the weight of water; they are estimating how much it would weigh. The estimation we came up with was wrong, but now we know after measuring how much it weighs. We also measured stuff from around the playground including plastic bottles, pencils, rubbers and many other interesting things.

Done by: Wajd Al-Gurg, Abdulaziz Al Kazem and Mohammed Bin Sulaiman

Some of the children measuring in the playground.

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GRADE 5 Grade 5 continue to look at how the brain works and how we can improve our learning. Here are some photographs of the students dissecting sheep brains.

Grade 5 are celebrating UAE National Day and Miss. Blaikie has been sharing her artistic expertise to help the students create a selection of artwork that is representative of the UAE.

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Mr. Nolan’s football teams continue to play a good brand of football at U.9 and U.11 level. The team are working well together and they should be entering a tournament over the next two Wednesdays to finish off their season before the winter break.

Miss Donoghue’s girls team have their first games next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, before they enter a tournament the following week in Jebel Ali.

The boys and girls have also enjoyed a coaching session delivered by visiting coaches attached to FC Barcelona. We hope to have them return very soon to continue their work.

Swimming Gala

Pre-K and KG classes have taken part in a swimming and water skills demonstration, showing their confidence and ability in the water in a variety of activities.

Grades 1 and 2 took part in 4 individual races, swimming against their classmates and students from other classes across the width of the pool.

Grades 3,4,5 students chose 3 events and swam in a house competition using the length of the pool.

Please see our special Swimming Gala Update for more information and photographs!

Kind Regards,

Mr Cannon

PE Teacher

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Blood Donation Day 14th November 2012

Thank you to all the parents and friends of JBS who came and donated blood on Wednesday 14th November. 57 people came to donate blood, unfortunately only 37 of them where able to donate. The blood donation service and JBS are very grateful for your donation. I am sure that your blood has saved life’s already. If you were unable to donate blood on this occasion it is still possible to go the Latifa Hospital and donate direct at the blood donation unit.

I hope to invite the blood donation unit back to JBS in 6 months time for us to donate once again.

Thank you once again.

Nurse Rachel

Some parents and staff waiting to give blood.