THE CORRELATION BETWEEN VOCABULARY MASTERY AND SPEAKING PROFICIENCY AT 8 th GRADE OF STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 WARU - SIDOARJO Thesis Proposal Seminar Guided by: Dr. Mujiono, S.Pd., M.Pd By group 6 Hisbulloh Arif (1204010901 31) Kholifatul Khoir (1204010902 36) Nur Mualifah (1204010902 39) Siti Amania (1204010902 38) Turima (1204010901 98)

Thesis Correlation Between Stents Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Proficiency

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Page 1: Thesis Correlation Between Stents Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Proficiency




Thesis Proposal Seminar

Guided by: Dr. Mujiono, S.Pd., M.Pd

By group 6

Hisbulloh Arif (120401090131) Kholifatul Khoir (120401090236)

Nur Mualifah (120401090239)

Siti Amania (120401090238)

Turima (120401090198)





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This chapter provides a brief description of the whole contents of the research,

including the background of the research, statements of the research, scope of the research,

aims of the research, hypothesis, significance of the research and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of The Study

There are many languages in the world which are used as communication media

for people to communicate each other. Therefore, the function of language is absolutely

important for people’s social life besause always make interaction with others. Language

must have function and meaning. Language which exists in worlds perhaps can reach one

billion languages, because each race rounds the world which has particular attitude, they

exactly have special language also. However, there is language, which the people often to

use it as communication and that language is English.

English is an international language that most of country used. Mastering English

is important to help us when we go abroad for working or studying. However, in

Indonesia English is the first foreign language that is learned in school. English has a

great necessity to everyone who realizes the importance of this international language.

Because of its importance, English becomes a compulsory subject in school starting at

junior high school.

Learning English cannot be separated from its elements based on 2004

curriculum; one of the aims of learning English is “developing the ability to communicate

using English in the form of spoken or written. The ability involves four skills: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. From statement above, it is said that one of the purposes

of learning English is to develop spoken communication (stated in Afif Fauzi 2007) and

have a good communication, especially at English we have to master the speaking skill as

one of the four skills.

Speaking or spoken language is the main source of exposure to language and the

main engine for language change and dynamism stated by Norbert Schmitt and Michael

McCarthy (1997:38).

According to BygateasquotedbyNunan adopted by Antoni (2005:9)

“speakingis oral interaction where the participant need to negotiate the meaning

contined in ideas, feelings, and manage in term of who says what, to whom and about

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what”. It means that speaking is an oral interaction of the people, it can be applied

by two people or more , and the people negotiates the meaning that conveyed from their

ideas and feelings. And also about content, people are going to says what , to whom

and about what.

AswinddowsoninAntoni(2005:9) comunicationthroughspeaking is commonly

performed in face to face and occurred as part as dialogue”. So, speaking conveyed

the idea from someone that occurred a dialogue which can be understood and accepted by

another person and the participant of the dialogue itself can be two people or more.

Knowing how important speaking is, sometimes people get difficulties inspeaking

because they are lack of vocabulary.The acquisition of a large number of vocabularies

can help the students to speak. Vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in

languageacquisition (naveen, 2009:1) meaning that vocabulary is very important part in

the language because every language needs vocabulary, so that English is a kind of

language and vocabulary is needed.

Also according to Richards in Sariatun (2002:4) “Vocabulary is one of the most

obvious components of language and one of the first things applied linguists turned

their attention”. If we talks about vocabulary the thing that come to our mind is about a

group of word on a certain language as part as teaching foreign language and then

vocabulary is one of the most obvious component of language.

Scott Thornbury stated without grammarlittle can be conveyed and without

vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It means grammar has an important role in

speaking, but vocabulary has more important role. Mastering speaking skill, a learner

doesn’t need to spend a lifetime to study about grammar. But, learners need to study word

and expression to help them convey the idea through speaking. And studying vocabulary,

a learner will get much improvement.

Furthermore, the researcher would like to analyze and investigate whether there is

correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking proficiency at eightgrade of State

Junior High School of 2 Waru.

1.2 Statements of The Problems

The problems to be discussed in this research will be summarized in the

following research question:

1. Is there any significant correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and the

students’ speaking proficiency?

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1.3 Aims of the Study

According with the research questions, the aims of the present research is:

To find out the correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and their speaking


1.4 Hypothesis

H0 : There is no correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking


H1 : There is correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking


1.5 Significance of the Study

The aim of this research is to find out the correlation between student’s

vocabularymastery and their speaking proficiency in a junior high school. This study is

also expectedto give significant contribution to others, especially English teachers and

future researchers.When the teachers know the correlation between vocabulary mastery

and speaking proficiency, it may help them to figure out some appropriate strategies

to teach the students.

1.6 The Scope and Limitation of The Study

This research focuses on finding out the correlation between students’

vocabulary mastery and speaking proficiency in the 2ndgrade of Junior High School

because they have learned several types of texts. There are 20 students involved in

the presentresearch.

The limitation of this research is limited on vocabulary mastery and speaking

proficiency at 8th grade students of SMPN 2 Waru.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

1. Vocabulary is the core component oflanguage proficiency and provides much of

the basis for how well learnersspeak, listen, read, and write. (According to

Richards (2002:255)

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2. Vocabulary Mastery is a number of vocabulary (words) in a language which

contains information about its meaning, form, and usage in context of


3. Speaking is one of the four basic competences that the students should gain well.

it has an important role in communication. Speaking can find in spoken cycle

especially in joint contruction of text stage. (National Education Department,


4. Speaking Proficiency is the ability of someone to speak about ideas or opinion

about the issue.

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This chapter describes review of literature. It includes the definition of vocabulary,

definition of vocabulary mastery, types of vocabulary, definition of speaking, definition of

speaking proficiency, and element of speaking and previous study.

2.1 Definition of Vocabulary

According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is the core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read,

and write. Jackson and Amvela (2000:11) say that the terms of vocabulary, lexis, and

lexicon are synonymous.

Talking about vocabulary, Lehr, Osborn, and Hiebert (in Kamil and Hiebert,

2005: 2-3) define vocabulary as knowledge of words and words meaning in both oral

and print language and in productive and receptive forms. More specifically, they use

it to refer to “the kind of word that students must know to read increasingly

demanding text with comprehension.”

In addition, Richards and Schmidt (2002: 580) state that vocabulary is a set of

lexeme, including single words, compound words, and idioms. According to John

(2000: 16), vocabulary is knowledge of knowing the meanings of words and therefore

the purpose of a vocabulary test is to find out whether the learners can match each

word with a synonym, a dictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word in their

own language. In learning vocabulary automatically they have to know the meaning

of words themselves and can use it in sentences.

To make the discussion clearer, Harmer’s opinion can be added. In his book,

Harmer (2001: 16) says that there are some aspects that have to be discussed in

vocabulary, namely: word meaning (synonym, antonym, connotation, and

denotation), extending word use such as idioms, word combination or collocation, and

the grammar of words which comprises noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be learnt. Learning

vocabulary is important because we are able to speak, write, and listen nicely we have

to know vocabulary first. A person said to ‘know ‘a word if they can recognize its

meaning when they see it (Cameron, 2001: 75). It means that in learning vocabulary

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we have to know the meaning of it and also understand and can use it in sentence


According to Red John (2000: 16) vocabulary is knowledge involves knowing

the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a vocabulary test in to find out

whether the learners can match each word with a synonym, a dictionary – tape

definition, or an equivalent word in their own language.

So the researchers conclude that vocabulary is one of the speaking aspects that

influence the students’ speaking proficiency by having many vocabularies items. It

has something to do with the students’ improvement at speaking.

2.2 Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

Meanwhile Porter (2001: 953) states that mastery is learning or understanding

something completely and having no difficulty in using it. Mastery is defined as the

complete control of knowledge (Oxford Advanced Dictionary).

In brief, vocabulary mastery can be defined as a number of vocabulary

(words) in a language which contains information about its meaning, form, and usage

in context of communication. It is the basic knowledge that students should master

first before mastering English. As Chen and Li (2009) acknowledge, vocabulary

learning is a principal issue for English learning because it comprises the basic

building blocks of English sentences.

The researcher’s opinion is by owning many vocabularies is not enough to

support the speaking proficiency because without practicing vocabularies the students

will not be able to master the vocabularies to communicate so owning and using

vocabularies in communication will support and improve the students’ speaking


2.3 Types of Vocabulary

Donoghue (1990) cited in Risdiana states that there are four categories of


2.3.1 Listening Vocabulary

Listening vocabulary refers to all the words that children recognize and

understand when they hear them in oral context. It is the first vocabulary to

develop during the language acquisition stage and is also the one that continues to

grow most rapidly during Elementary school years.

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2.3.2 Speaking Vocabulary

Speaking vocabulary includes all the words that children use in everyday

speech. It forms the basis for development of the reading and writing vocabulary.

2.3.3 Reading Vocabulary

Reading vocabulary consists of all the words that children recognize and

understand in writing. The students’ vocabulary mastery is generally limited when

they enter schools. By the time they reach reading maturity in the upper grades,

their reading vocabulary overtakes and surpasses their oral vocabulary. The more

students read, the larger is their reading vocabulary.

2.3.4 Writing Vocabulary

Writing vocabulary is the last to develop and includes only the words that

children can use in written compositions. It is closely tied to spelling instruction.

2.4 Definition of Speaking

Based on compettence based curriculum speaking is one of the four basic

competences that the students should gain well. it has an important role in

communication. Speaking can find in spoken cycle especially in joint contruction of

text stage. (National Education Department, 2004).

There are many experts who define about speaking. Based on Channey

(2001:13) speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of

verbal and non-verbal symbols in variety of context. It means that speaking can help

one person to share the idea in her/his mind to other person by using oral or symbols

non-verbal based on the context. In another side according to Jones “speaking is a

form of communication”. One of the requirement of communication is there should be

two person minimally as the sender of information and the receptor of information.

The researchers conclude that in speaking, we must have partner of receiving

our information that as Jones stated minimally two persons. someone can share the

idea through speak to someone else.

2.5 Definition of Speaking Proficiency

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Speaking Proficiency is the ability of someone to speak about ideas or opinion

about the issue and speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through

the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in variety of context, it is based on Channey


2.6 Elements of Speaking

Talking about speaking so there are many elements that cannot be separated. Based on

Haris (quote by Yulistiani (2005:8) states that “The elements of speaking are five points, they

are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. And in this chapter 5

elements explains elaborately as follow:

2.6.1 Pronunciation

Many students do not really care about the pronunciation because in

Indonesia education there is no special matter for pronunciation. So actually there are

many students do not know what pronunciation is. Pronunciation has big influence in

speaking, we can catch what someone else means based on the correct pronounce of

words. It needs more attention to be learnt. There are many words have different

writing but has similar pronunciation and also different meaning for example know

and now. If we do not care about our pronunciation so misunderstanding will occur.

According to Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary, 2003: 343) pronunciation is way

in which a language or particular word or sound in spoken. Gerard (2000: 11) said

that “A speaker who constantly mispronounces a range of phonemes can be

extremely difficult for a speaker from another language community to understand.

2.6.2 Vocabulary

In speaking vocabulary take an important role too because if we do not have

enough vocabulary so we cannot convey what in our mind is. Students usually get

difficulty in speaking English because of lack of vocabulary. As like Wilid (1990)

said that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed. It means that vocabulary more important because if we

speak without a good grammar we are still able to say what we mean but without any

words so we cannot say anything.

2.6.3 Grammar

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Grammar is rules for forming words and making sentences (Oxford

Advance Learner’s Dictionary 2013:187). Grammar can be describes as a system of

categories and a set of rules that determine how categories combine to form different

aspects of meaning. According to Allyn and Bacon (1999:385), the role of grammar

in instruction is an elusive and loaded concept, with a long history linking it to

everything from philosophy, logic and rhetoric during the time of the ancient Greeks

to literature, writing, and usage today. The utility of grammar is also to learn the

correct way to gain expertise in a language oral and written form.

2.6.4 Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak without many gaps and ly.

Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small

number of pauses and “ums”, or “ers”. Brown(1997:4)states that “this sign syndicate

that the speaker does not have to spend a lot of time searching for the language items

needed to express the message”.

2.6.5 Comprehension

Comprehension is one of the ability to understand something with or without

our own interpretation. By understanding so someone can convey in verbal

communication by speaking English. For oral communication certainly requires a

subject to respond to speech as well as to imitate it.

2.7 Previous Study

The previous study about The Correlation between Vocabulary Achievement and

Speaking Ability at the first grade of SMAN 1 Ciputat Academic Year 2007/2008 by Afif

Fauzi shows the result that the correlation between students’ achievement in vocabulary and

speaking ability is significant. It can be seen from the score of the index correlation between

variable x and y (23:2007).

Another research in a journal by Candra Anova, Rivi Antoni and Evi Kasyulita At

English Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Pasir

Pengaraian stated that there is the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and

speaking skill at the fifth semester of English Study Program in University of Pasir

Pengaraian. The researcher found the result of that correlation is about 0,559 (page:7).

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In this chapter, the researcher will describe about research methodology that

includes research design, the purpose of study, the operational definition of variable, the

place and time of study, population and sample, the method of study, technique of data

collecting, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this present research, quantitave approach with correlation method is employed.

Quantitave research is used since this research focuses on analysisng the data throug

systematic process by using certain computation. Nunan (2003) and Arikunto (2003) state

that quantitative research is an attemp to investigate an issue by using numerical data and

statistical processing.

Correlation method is considered appropriate, since this research concerns on the

investigation to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their

speaking proficiency. It is line with Sudjana (1996) who state that correlation method is a

process to find out the relationship between two or more variables and how stong the

relationship is.

In this study the researchers used correlation between two variables. Those are the

vocabulary mastery and the speaking proficiency. Those variables were gained by following

in teaching learning process.

3.2 The Operational Definition of Variable

There are two main variables in this research. The first variable is the vocabulary

mastery, and the second is the speaking proficiency.

The vocabulary mastery data are derived from the result of the test given by the

researchers. Meanwhile the students speaking proficiency data resulted from speaking test

given in a group in the form of a discussion.

3.3 The Place and Time of Study

The research of this study was held at Eight Grade of State SMP 2 Waru, which is

located in Waru Sidoarjo – East Java. The reseacher held this research on 30 th March until

22nd May 2015.

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The researcher observed, analyzed, and processed respondents’ the data carefully.

3.4 Population and Sample

The pupulation of this study is the second year student in the 2014-2015 academic

year of SMPN 2 Waru. It consist of 20 students, there are 14 females and 6 males.

3.5 Research Instrument

According to Arikunto (2003) research instrument is a tool used by the researcher to

find out or to measure ability with certain rules. There are two test are givin to the students,

writen test and speaking test.

The type of written test is essay which consist of twenty questions. Those questions

are for measuring the students’ vocabulary mastery whether the stdents understand the

question and can mention the questions given. .while the speaking test was in the form of

description. The test is to measure the understanding of the students to the picture and to

measure how fluent the students can describe the picture.


3.6 The Method of Study

In this study the researchers conducted two researchers to collect data needed for the

study. They were library research and field research. Library research was meant to get some

informations concerning with the topic from the books, textbook, ect.

In the field research, the researchers observed classes of eight grade at SMPN 2 Waru.

During the research, the researchers taught English and in every meeting, the researchers

gave new vocabulary to students. Then, at several meetings exactly at the end of the research

the researchers gave test into two types.

The first type was written test. This was intended to measure their vocabulary

mastery. The second type test was speaking test which was in the form of discussion. It was

intended to measure the students’ speaking proficiency.

Meanwhile, to obtain the score of speaking test, the researchers used some

components to measure students’ speaking proficiency. They are:

a. Pronunciation

It is intended to measure or check students’ pronunciation when they are speaking or

explaining reasons in their discussion, whether their pronunciation is wrong or

correct, according to standart English.

b. Grammar

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Grammar is rules for forming words and making sentences (Oxford Advance

Learner’s Dictionary 2013:187). Grammar can be describes as a system of categories

and a set of rules that determine how categories combine to form different aspects of

meaning. According to Allyn and Bacon (1999:385), the role of grammar in

instruction is an elusive and loaded concept, with a long history linking it to

everything from philosophy, logic and rhetoric during the time of the ancient Greeks

to literature, writing, and usage today. The utility of grammar is also to learn the

correct way to gain expertise in a language oral and written form.

c. Vocabulary

The researchers classified it into two categories. They were qualitative that students

were checked their dictions, and quantitative, students were checked their amount of

words expressed or spoken in their discussion.

d. Fluency

On this component the researchers focused on students’ fluently in giving their

argumentation in the discussion.

3.7 Technique of Data Collecting

The next step of this research is collecting data. The function of data collecting is

determine the result of the research. The researcers, in collecting data did some steps. Thay


a. Observation

Before doing the research, the first thing that the researcher did was observation. The

purpose of this step was to get representative and reasonable sample.

b. Experiment

During the research, the researchers gave some kinds games that derived from Text

Book as a technique in presenting new vocabulary to the class.

c. Testing

The last step is giving the students test. As the researchers has written in methodology

that they are two kinds of test. First one is to measure the students’ vocabulary

mastery. The second one is to measure their speaking proficiency in the form of


3.8 The Technique of Data Analysis

3.8.1 Formulation

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The technique that the researcher used in analyzing the data is correlational

technique. It is to evaluate the correlation between two variables that examined


In the correlational technique, the variables are compared to know whether the

correlation is very significant or it only happen by chance. the researchers used

Pearson Product moment test to find out the correlation score of students’ vocabulary

mastery and their speaking proficiency.

The Formula is

1′xy= N (∑XY) – (∑X).( ∑Y)


1′xy : Thenumber of index correlation “r” product moment

N : Number of cases

∑XY : The sum of multiplication between deviation of variable X scores and

deviation of variable Y score

∑X : The sum of X score

∑Y : The sum of Y scores

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