11.237 THETIS Class Patrol Frigate * NAVAL MATERIEL COMMAND DENMARK j : - .

THETIS Class Patrol Frigate - Marinehistorisk … · 2017-05-07 · most recently four Thetis-class patrol frigates. These multi-functional, long-range vessels are capable of operating

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THETIS ClassPatrol Frigate




j: - .

TNorth Atlantic fisherypro tection and inspection serviceof the Royal Danish Navy wasestablished in 1587 by a RoyalDecree and carried ou t by frigatesand other men-of-war. With onlyminor interruptions, the serv icehas operated ever since. AfterWorld War I, specially designedinspec tion ships were introdu ced ,and from 1932 sea-planes basedon the ships were used to extendthe range of inspection . Helicop­ters repla ced the sea-planes in1962. Thus the design and con­struction of the new »Thctis­class patrol frigates rest on morethan 400 years of expe rience inFaroe and Greenland waters,com bined with 30 years of ex­perience in the operation of ship­based helicopters in some of theroughest waters in the world.

In 1977. the Danish economiczone was expanded to 2(x) nauti­cal miles from the coast of Green­land and the Faroe Island s. It be­came clear that the next gener­ation of vesse ls for service inthese waters had to be faster. morelong-legged and better equippedthan the ships in service at that time.

Th e design of the »Th eti se classpatrol frigate is based on stand­ardization with existing Danishnaval eq uipment and softw are.Th e technological standardsachieved ensure reliable. safe andeconomic operations. It has beenpossible to construct the vessels

of this class at a very low price.Operating costs have also beenmarkedly reduced . due to thestandardization achieved and thehigh degree of onboard autom a­tion.

The Danish Naval Materiel Com ­mand is proud to present the pa­trol frigates of the »Thetis« classand its contractors.

Rear Admiral S. Torp PetersenChief of Nava l Mater ie l Command


a. Fishery protection du ties .

d . The req uirement to opt imizecondit ions fo r helic opter and boatop erations .

Regarding helicopter operatio ns,a study was made to determinethe influence of the length of thevessel on the ability to fly o rf andrecove r helicopters, consi de ringthe length of the waves in Atlan ticand Greenland wa ters.

Requ irements a. and d. supporteach other , as the desired profil eresu lts in s lender hull lines and arather long hull. A long hull willimprove the cond itions for hel i­copte r operations, wh ile require­ments b. and c. lend to limit thelength of the frigate.

b. The necessity o f giv ing thevessels a certain icc-breaki ng ca ­pab ility.

c. Lack of man euv ering space insome harbours in G reenland.

a. Demands for a relatively highspeed .

Th e length of the hull is a com­promise bet ween 4 partly con­flicting req uireme nts:

wi th o ld fishery protection sh ips.The controllable p itch propeller,the propeller sha ft and the rudd erare dimen sio ned in accordancewith ICE 1A, and the pro pe ller isprot ected aga inst ice by a bu lb inthe stern.

The Hnll

Th e frigates have a dou ble­skinned hull up to 2 meters abovethe wa te r-line. It is subd ivided by10 bulkheads into watertightcompartme nts of such a size thatthe vessels are ab le to sustai n ahull damage up to 8 meters inlength without dangerous sta­b ility impairment. For ship pro­pulsion this mea ns tha t one en­g ine- room and the gear- room canbe water-fi lled at the same time,and the frigates will still be able to

pro ceed .

G eneral Character istics

The basic hull shape corres pondsto that of a high-speed trawler.The frames in the bow and sternare pla ced very close to eac hother. Amids hips the thick ness ofthe outer skin has been increased,based on the ex periences ga ined

Th e armament corresponds to thetask of assert ing Danish sove r­eignty, and a growth potential hasbeen included in the des ign .

Maximum continuous speed is 20kno ts in 4 meter seas. Th e sea­keeping q ual ities allow the shipsto stand up to wind gusts of 150knots during light iee conditionsand operate in all sea conditionsat speeds of 4- 5 knots. The capa­bilities for ope rating helicoptersand rubber boat s are optimized .

solid icc. Th e hu ll has an ice­breaking bow and stern lines suit­ab le for ope rations in ice withonly one propeller.

Based on these tasks and past ex­perience, the ships hav e been con­structed with an e nd urance of8300 nautical miles at va ryingspeeds, co nsuming no more than90 % of the gas o il ava ilable . Pro­visions cover 4 mon ths' oper­at ions, and the stocks of spareparts arc suffic ient for 6 mont hs atsea witho ut replen ishment. Heli ­copter fuel suffices for 150 flyinghour s. The friga tes arc icc stre ng­thencd to DN V ICE IA and areable to proceed throu gh 80 em of

f. Anti-pollution work.

c. Assistance to local author itiesand population s.

g. Ice reconnaissance.

c. Assertion of sove re ignty

d . Air-sea rescue.

b. Surveillance.

G eneral Requirements forthe »Thetis« Class.

The new patrol frigate s of the»Thetis« class have been de­signed to per form the fol lowin gtasks:


600 KW

\,\ I\ .... , /--­o



Furthe rmore. a retractable uzi­muth thruster has been installed,Th is thruster is able to propel theship at about 10 knots. and callthus be considered as »get-you­

. homc« machinery to be used incase of damage to the propeller orthe gear. or total engine fai lure.The bow thruster and the azimu ththruster are both delivered byBrunvoll A/S .

800 KW


~ I a c hi ner~'

The propulsion m achinery COIl ­

sists of 3 MAN B&W V2R/32diesel engines with a tota l effectof app. '9000 KW. litted in 2 sep­ara te watertight compartments oneac h side of a third compartmentcontaining the gea r. The reductiongear box is able to ope rate underwater. The titled bow thruster isable to hold the bow agai nst anathwartship wind of 28 knots.







Co nfigu rationLoad (%) Number of

of max main engines

Max. 100 3

Max. Endurance 85 3

Displacement 76 2

Displacement 33

Azim uth Thru ster n.a . n.a.


The ships have been providedw ith many workshops and store

rooms. and the crew quarters arcprobably the mo st lu xuriou s in

nava l ships anywhe re. All officersand petty officers have one-berthcabins: a ll other ranks have twin­berth cabins. Five twin-berthcabins arc provided for pas­sengers. All cabins have their ownbath and toilet

The study co ncluded that with alength p.p. of app 100 m. the timedur ing which helicopters cannotope rate due 10 weather is reducedto 10%. A length of 100 In alsoserves the purpose of bringing then ight deck close to the pitchcentre.

Th ere arc no bilge keel s. but sta ­bi lizat ion is ach ieve d by a combi­

nation of fin stabilizers deliveredby Blohm/Voss and a controlledpassive lank system delivered byln tering.

To minimize ice formation on thesuperstructure in cold weather. allwinches. capstans. etc . arc placedunder deck. Effort s have beenmade to keep a ll surfaces smoothand clean. Furthermore. the fore­castle deck is »trawle r shapcd«and all ope n deck spaces andscuppers arc heated . The allowedamount of icing is 375 tons.

Rating mess

Standard cabin

Propulsion and power layout


Conthincd " ridge and operation roOI/l VDS sonar

A shaft generator of 150n KW.de live red by Vnl und Moto rteknikA/S. is located in the forwa rd en­gine room. and there are 3 G ~ I ­

Detroi t diese l motors withVolund Teknik gene rators. eac hwith an output of -lXO KW. in­stalle d with one in the forwa rdand two in the aft eng ine room.Moreo ver. a 127 KW emergencydiesel ge nerating sci is fitted in a

special com partment unde r theforecast le deck . The machineryis. where necessary. modifi ed tofulfil the requirements of theRoyal Danish Navy for shoc k re­s istance. It is mounted 0 11 resilientmount ings.

Th e ships are prov ided with twofresh water generat ing plan ts byEsmil. each with a capacity of

151n-~/24 hours . All gurbugc canhe inci nera ted onboard in Team­Tee incinerators . and a pur ifica­tion plant of B1ohm/Yoss designfor was te water is install ed . Th efrigates are al so pro vided with :2remote con trolled foam g uns.

Th e machinery is con trolled by ahigh ly advanced and co mpre­hensive integrated ship co ntrol

and surve illance sys tem (SCSS)or Sorcn T. Lyngso desig n. Thissys tem allo ws the vessels to sa il

wit h ullman ned e ngine room s. theentire installation be ing control­led . and techn ically and visual lysupe rvised. from the bridge and.if needed or desired. from o therlocat ions in the ships.

Finally. the frigates have beenfitted with a compute rized stu­bilit y calculation system .

Electronic Equipment and Ar­mamcnt.

TIle sh ips are fined with a PlcsseyA\VS-6 air warning radar. aTcrma Sca nter Mil navigationradar, a Furuuo FR-1505 DA na­vigation rada r and a Nobel Tech( formerly Bofors Electronic) 9 LV100 fire co nt ro l radar. ThermalImag ing Equi pmen t (FU R) willbe instal led in 1992.

Sonar eq uipmen t consists of a C­Tech hull-mou nted type CTS 36RD N. the bea m of wh ich ca n betur ned 360" and tilted from hori -

zontal to ve rtic al, and a va riabledepth sonar (VDS). type Thom ­son Sin tra T~1S 2640 »Salmon«.The latter is installed and oper­ated from under deck . An under­wate r telephone system has alsobee n installed .

The ESM system is of type Racal»Mermaid« with antennas fittedin the ma st and covering 360".The system is co nnected to an ad­van ced da ta handling system andcan. with information drawn froma comprehen sive »library« ofelectronic emi ssions. identifypractica lly all known radar types.

Two gyro systems are installed.The main system is a Litton typeLS N 505; the back-up system aSperry Mk 37/Anschlitz type 2 10.The ships are also fitted withDecca. Loran and Global Posi­tioning Sy stems for navigational

purposes. with sate llite co mmuni­cation systems and radi o direct ionfinder equip ment.

Th e conventiona l co mmunicationeq uipme nt in the frigate s consistsof an ex ten sive ran ge of HF. VHFand UHF sets. These are co ntrol­led by an lNFOCO~1 automatedcommunication cont rol sys tem.All communication take s placefrom the combined bridge andoperations room. where all s ig­nals are received on . or trans­mitted from . normal standardconsoles . from which all internalcommunicat ions also can be con­tro lled. S ignals wi ll not have to bepri nted unless a hard co py of aspec ial communication is needed .All signals are stored electroni­cally.

The armament co nsists of oneOTO Melara 76 mm Super RapidFiring Gu n with assoc iated radarand optronic fire contro l. anddept h charge throwers . Th e firecontro l system is of type NobelTech (fo rmerly Bofors Elec­tronic) 9LV 200 Mk 3.

All o nboa rd weapon and eq uip ­ment sys tems arc co nnec tedthro ugh the C3 system via a LocalArea Network (LAN) or Data Busof Royal Danish Navy standardtype.The main contractor for the C.\

system is the Dan ish company.Terma.

Hel icopter installa tions andhandling eq ui pme n t

Helicopter suppor t arra nge me ntscomply with the NATO STA­NAG s in force for such systems.T hey consist of a g lide path indi­cate r lG PI). a hori zon boo m of10 m length. fitted with 15 lights.visua lly sec ure white floodlight s


10 ==============================

SVENDBORGSHIPYARD ltd.l>K ·~7tO S""""ltI""j;

lknmarlTclCf'hrnt' ....a ~f,~ ~ I ~~ 21

Tclcf:.. ....a~ 6~ 22~~ ~

T,*~ 511 119 ">"rd dl.


Svendborg Shipyard Ltd.DK-5700 SvcndborgDenma rkTelephone +45 62 2 1 22 21

Telefax +45 62 22 45 46Tele x 58119 svy ard dk

Over the past 30 years. the yardhas built 22 naval vessel s for theRoyal Danish Navy. includingmo st recently fou r Th eti s-classpatrol frigates .

These mu lti-functional, long-rangevessels are capable of operating inpolar as well as tropi cal waters .

These vessels were designed andconstructed in close cooperationwith the Dan ish Navy MaterielCommand.Based on the isla nd of Funen.

ncar the Kid Canal acro ss fromNo rthern Germany, SvendborgShipyard Ltd. employs about 700people. The small but efficientshipyard is known in Sca ndinaviafor its meticulou s wo rkmansh ip.

Svendborg Shipyard Ltd . is anon -sub sidi zed Dani sh shipya rdwith over 65 yea rs ' experience inshipbuilding and ship repair. Th ecompany has comprehensive fa­ci lities for meeting the needs ofnavi es and merchant fleet s wo rld ­wid e:

47 feet

369 feet

20 feet

I Lynx

20 knots

4 months

3500 tons

t I person s

60 person s

8300 n. mil es

Gun and dcpthcharges




Hel icopter



Disp lacement full

Length sma ll


Armamen t

Speed max . cont.

. .

Possible developmen ts

Patrol frigat es of the ..Thetis «class have bee n designed 10 meetspeci al requiremen ts formulatedby the Royal Dan ish Navy. It is .o f co urse . po ssible 10 meet o the rrequirements within the ex istingvesse l dimen sion s if desired .

stoned de monstrate that all spcci­ficutio ns have been mel or sur­passed . One of the ships in Green­land waters has encountered aga le with wind gusts up 10 126

knot s and the sea coming in at90". Th e vesse l had an almostconstant heel o f no more than t 5°and the deck was ve ry dry . Th eships have also bee n able In prn ­cced at 12 knots through bO-80

cm of so lid icc wi th a clear wake..1I1d they were eas ily maneuvered.

Exper ience wi thcommissio ned ships

(6 lights) . -llights in the deck (onein each co mer of the fligh t deck ),

a stop/go signal light. a tran sfe rand restrai ning system and aflight refuelling sys tem. Th e railsaround the night deck ca n befolded down and out to a hor izon ­tal posit ion. and there are no in­xtalla tions over deck level aft ofthe danger line. Th e hang ar is pe r­manent and dim ension ed to .1

»Lynx« helicopter wit hout havingto fold its tail . It can be clo sed bya door the full width of the hangarto provide a warm and shelteredspace for hel icop ter maintenance.

T he experience gained so far withthe patrol frigates of the »The tis«cl ass that have been commis-

TERMA Elektronik AS12

TER MA Elektronik AS is fullyowncd by the Thomas B. Th rigeFoundati on.

TERM A's main bu sinesses areradars, displa y systems, C-' sys­tem s, system integ ration, radarand Ew-avi onics. ball istic in­stillment atio n, HF rad io equ ip­men t, electron ic mo dernizationpro grammes, and logistic sup ­port.

Th e com pany has high tech no­logical standards and carries ou tdevelopment and prod uction incompliance with MIL Sta nda rdsand AQA P-regu lat ions .

The co mpa ny facilities includewe ll-eq uippe d electro nic labora­tor ies and anten na test range, atest firing range for sma ll arm s,

and freq uency shielded softwa relaboratories for class ified prod uc­tion plants.

TERMA creates e lectronic solu­tions for professio nal customers.We have a strong program memanagemen t trad ition, and thethree services of the Dani shArmed Forces have been am ongour ma in customers for manyyears.

TERMA has a highly q uali fiedstaff of 450 and sales of aboutDKK 400 mil lion per year.

TERMA Elektronik ASHovmarkcn 4DK -R520 LystrupDenm arkTelep bone +45 86 22 20 00Tclcfax +45 86 22 27 99Telex 68 109 terma dkCa ble: tcrma

Th e mai n faci lities are in Lystrupnea r Aarhus. A development andsales faci lity is located in Tastru pnear Copenh agen, and a salessubsid iary (T ERMA Inc. ) has anoffice in Washin gton DC, USA.

We provide solutions !

Company Profile

commu nicat ions on board , chan­nel sw itching, su b-station alloca­tion , emiss ion policies, and mess­age handling . No pap er messagesneed be circulated on board ­eve ry addressee may receive hismessage on the scree n wheneve rhe requ ires it!

THERMA ("Dansk Radio ") has also supplied the antenna tuners (TU4015), synthesizers (SE 40 10) and the Hli -receivers (RX 4010 )(shown above}for the THETIS-Class.

Th e syste m is too vas t to be de­scri bed in this docum ent, but anexample ca n be given. Via the in­terface to the com munication sys ­tem , operators can contro l all

safegua rd rest ricted fun ction s orinforma tion.

TERMA's standard cons ole selected for the THErtS-c!ass. The COl/­

sole is available in several housing configurations.

Easi ly adaptable MM I

The stan dard console has adouble set of screens for present a­tion of radar/video, synthetic co l­our graphics, text-totes, RBG ­sonar pictures, and TV/IR -videofrom cameras , and includes ma nypossibilit ies of swapping theva rious types of d isplay betweenthe two screens.

200 0 devel oped by No belTech ofSweden.

At the user end of the da ta-bu s,TERMA's standa rd consoles pro ­vide the man-mach ine-interface(MM I). In genera l, all systems onboard are operated from thestandard cons oles (see photo).Thi s allows the Navy to stand­ardize the educ ation of ope rators ,who no longer must be trained touse a long series of differen tequipment panels. The MM I foreach sub-sys tem, be it sensors,naviga tional aids , commu nica­tions. or weapons, is embedded inthe standar d console.

Each standard console can beconfigured to operate all ex istingfeatures in the sys tem - and can berecon figured d uring operation.Operat or passwords are used to

Two touch-sensitive program­mable keyboards provide thehiera rchy of menus linked to thevarious sys tems that must be con­trolled. Roll erballs provi de thec ursor operations , and aQWERTY-keybo ard allows textentries .

Standard Consoles

The MMI is created around a con­cept of "MMI-Objec ts" - an ad­vanc ed mec hanism that allowsspeci ficati on and implementationof ap plications without impos ingany restrict ions on ho w the MM Iis con figured. The tool s for pro­ducin g MMI-features allowchanges without actua lly chang­ing the basic Ada code. This pro­vides a standard conso le that iseas ily ada pted to ex isting prac­tices and procedures, and which iseasily amended afte r a period ofexpe rience with a new ap plica­tion.



TERMA is the Ma inContractor ofthe ( ,j

Systems, the Elec tronicIntegration, and the

X-ba nd Radars for theTHETIS-Class patrol


All the software is writt en in Adaand opera tes in the base-system

The bas is for thi s is the highlymodular and distributed architec­ture of the Ad a code: Th e applica­tio ns arc wr itten with no assum p­tion s about process or or node al­locations.


ADA Software

One of the ma in benefits of build­ing a system from many proces­sors is that it is easy to let thesys tem have spare capacity, bothin terms of processor load andmemory size. This will allow theap plication software to reco n­figure itself in case of loss of oneor mor e nodes on the net work .

to be added at any time by hook­ing new node s 10 the data-bus.



Each node contains one or moreprocessor cards on an industry ­standard VME bus. Th is architec­ture allows functiona l system in­tell igence to be distribu ted to thenodes, and provides an easy wayof adding func tions by addi ngex tra boa rds and software to thenode. It allow s completely newfunctions (weapo n-sys tems etc.)

ser ies of intelli gent nod es, whichare the gateways for sub-sys temsto access the data-bu s.

A schematic presentation of the C}system..



The sys tem is built around twoEthernet (IEEE 802.3) data bu sesthat operate redundan tly, and a

The C~ system - also called theelectronic system, the CCCI sys­tem , or the combat sys tem - is theelectron ic back bone of navalships. It is the tool by whic h allsub-systems on hoard are linkedand made 10 interact for sh ipboardoperations.

Techniques of the CJ system

The Flexible Ci System

TERMA has supplied the electronic core system that ties the ship'ssystems together

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software engineering arc beinginstalled .W ith such mean s added (0 INFO­COM' s other ad vanced fac ilities.such as CAD/CAM. the staff. thecompany's most impor tant asset .look confident ly forwa rd to newdemanding tasks from the Danishand other friend ly armed forces.A long with communicat ion and in­formation systems. INFOCOM"sproduct range includes simulatorsand interface units. which allow

customers to make cost-effective"mix. and match" and still obtainintegrated systems.INf OCOM ascribes much of itssuccess to its practice of dccen ­trali scd management. Each mem­ber of the staff is motivated byhaving full responsibility and thenecessary authority for so lvinghis or her tasks.

INFOCOM ELECT RONICSEllega rdvej 25DK-fH.OO Sondcrborg

Dl:I1I11arkTelephone +45 74 ~3 3~ 3~

Tclcfux +45 7~ ~3 34 3 ICabl e infocomcl sonderbo rg dk

ADA is thc main prog rammi nglanguage. and an HI' 9000 struc­tura l software analysing case 100 1

has been acquired. Add itionalsupporting faciliti es for proper



thc T IIET IS-c1ass patro l frigate isINFOCOM 's latest major navalcontrac t.

Th e com munication sub-bus isbased on fibre optics. operatesfully digitally and comprises allexternal and inter nal ccmmunica­lions. inclu di ng a data link for theC-1. systcm, with which it is inte­grated.

--- ,,,,,, orne•••••••_ WIA;;.' _


Commi tments and prosp ects

lNFOCOM's qualifi cat ions have

probably bes t been displayed byits naval contracts. In 1 9~ I theRoyal Danish Navy ordered fromTh omson CS F of France ' IS primccontracto r a C' f-systcm to linkshore based headquart ers andships. For this system. designatedFOD ccis (Flag Of!i('cr Den­mark Co mman d. Control and In­formation System ). INFOCOMwas awa rded a contract for thecom municat ion part. and lateralso a co ntrac t for automa tic datatransmission between the head­quarters and a number of coas talradar stations ,

Tasks ca rried our fo r the landforces have so far ranged fromcommunication record ing andprocessing sys tems to electroniccon trol systems fo r mult ip le tar­

get arrangements used at comhalfiring ranges.

In 1986. on completion of thecontracts, INFOCOM . in col­laboration with another Danishcompany. rece ived a softwarelife-cycle support contract for theentire FOD CCIS.

The contrac t to develop and sup­ply the com munica tion system for


However. INFOCOM had notex isted for long before it enteredthe field of elec tronic defenceequipme nt.

Achievc ments

Th e software for the communicu­tion processor was developedwith CAS E tools and coded inAda. The total software packagehas more than 170,000 lines ofAda -code.

Apart from the mod ules de scr ibedabove. I NFOCO~l developed acomplete pub lic adress system.rules of the road gene rato r. di ffer­cnt cryp ro interfaces. aut om aticantenna switches. and a du al 16 x16 audio/data/m ors e switch forthe T HETIS-class com muuica­tion system.

Follow ing design and de velop­ment. INFOCO~I 's production

co nsists primarily of u-..scmblyand fin al testing. as its po licy is 10

have parts and modules suppliedby subcont ractors. To meet thchigh level of quality and pcrfo r­mancc required. INf OCO M sub­jeers all subcontracto r deliver ies10 rigorous qual ity control prior tousc.

Since its start in 1 9~ 2 . INFO­CO~ I ELECTRON ICS A/S has

earned a repu tation as a co mpanythat solves complica ted problem so f developmen t ami prod uction ofelect ronic sys tems for comm uni­cation, for presenting in form ation

and for imerfuci ng subsys temsthat must operate as an imcg rutcdsys tem.

From the- begin ning. INFOCO Mhas been engaged in both thc do ­mestic und ex port mark et s. Thefirst produc ts de veloped and de ­livered hy INFOCOM were forcivil usc. They included mobi letelephones and iufonruuion sys­terns based on light emittingdiodes. liquid crys tal dis plays andlight bu lbs. in bot h standard andcustom -made di splays. Later.the re followed integrated infor­mation and co mm unication sys­terns and elec tronic processingsys tems for industry.


INFOCO M's communicationprocessor. which is also part ofthe T HET IS-Class inventory. isdesigned to meet T EMPEST rc­

quircm ents. It contains the pro­grams for the communication sys­tern. the applica tion software. andall functions relat ed to a modemmessage handli ng sys tem. inc lud­ing message generation. and radiochannel ami cry pto man agement.

to 5 12 channels to he connec ted atrandom. The mechanical d imen­sions of the switch are abo ut one

firth of a con ven tiona l an alog ueswitching sys tem.

Since the communication system isan integrated part of the ship's C1

system. it is possible to control itfrom thc ship's standard \\'c<lponconsoles. It may also he used as astand-alone sys tem. if necessa ry.

The co ncept, design.•md high lytechnologica l co mmunicationsys tem arc substant ial contribu­tions to "the revolution of thesea". The proj ect is a source o finspiration for ncw conce pts inthe accele rating development ofnaval technology.

The INFOCO\ I group de­veloped. produced. and installedthe T HET IS-class integrated in­formation sys tem. which is basedon a digital fibe ropt ic swi tch withd igital mult ipu rpose subsc ribe rstations. This sys tem handles allintern al and extern al communica ­

tions including data link andmessage hand ling for the ship'sC-1 sys tem.

The T HETIS-class patro l frigatecont inues the ne w era in autom a­tion and integratio n of shipbomesys tems for navigation.maneuver ing. surve illance . in for­

mation. and com munication.


I N Foeo~rs un ique design of tilesyste m's digital switch. whic huses the new ly developed PDM[Parallel Digital Multiplexing )principle. makes it possible for lip

, L:yngsB-VALMETMarine16 =========== ======= = ==== ====== = = =========== = = = ===== = = ==== === = = = = = 17

AM PLIDA N products operatewor ldwide within Amplidan'straditional field of high -qualityelectronic communication equip­ment. The range includes talkbac k. publ ic address. fog bell andgo ng. and aerial systems for ma­ritime and off-shore applications.Amplidan also produces radiobeac ons. for maritime and ae ro­na utical nav igation sys tems. thatmeet international standards.

I..~' ngso-VA LMET Mar ineLyngso AlleDK - 2970 HorsholmDENMARKTclcphone:+45 45 76 75 00Telefax:+45 45 7675 12

Over 5.200 ships worl dw ide useLyngso -VALMET Marine auto­mation o r surve illance systems.

AMP LlDA N·s portable. mobi leand sta tionary elec tro-acousticalarm sys tems have a variety offeatur es. The systems haveprov en themselves in m ilitary andc ivil app lications where dem and­ing physica l and acous tic condi­tions prevail.

Advice and technica l services areava ilab le from

The marine sys tems arc designedwith an Open Automation Archi­t('ctlll"(' so that they can interfaceread ily with oth er 0 11hoard sys­tem s.

Lyngso-VALMET Marine Au to­mation Systems includ e brid gemane uvring system s. governorsystems. and equipment for ana­lysing diesel engine performance.Alarm and superviso ry sys tems.integrated control sys tems. powerma nageme nt systems and com­plete brid ge and engine controlroom consoles are also pan of theproduct range.

Equipment for standard automat­ion . and sys tems for integratedship control. use e ither theLYNGS0 STELLA or the VAL­MET datam atic computer con ­cept. These sys tems have beentype approved by all major cla ssi­ficatio n societies for the harshmarine environment. and willco ntinue to be avai lab le to the de­mand ing shipowner.

front line of marine automationdevelopment.

A t sea

Fo r ove r twenty years. Lyngxchas cooperated with shipyards.shipowners. engine manufac­turers. marine consultants. and re­searc h institutions to be in the

Fie..... from the Bridge with Con­soles to the hit containing work­stations/ or the Ship Control andSupervisory System and to theright fo r controlling II/(>Propul­simi and Maneuvring System

All Lyngso systems use high-res­olution colour gra phic d isplayswhenever appli cabl e. Lyngso sys­tems arc user-friend ly. Flexible .and reliable . Data exchange be­tween system un its is possible viapow er lines. telephone and datalines. or fibre -opti c cabl es. as ap­pro priate .

And. Lyngso has in recent yea rsdelivered over 100 sys tems thatcontrol sorting plants in po st of­fices. departmen t stores and air­pons.

Bridge Wifl g Control Station

Lyn gso also produ ces sys tems forremote contro l and monitoring ofoth er networks, such as tho se thatdistribute district heat ing. waterand gas. and those that co llect.purify. and dispo se of wa stewater.

Product ion takes place at a mod ­em. 25 .000 sq.m. factory in Aars.Denmark. The annual ou tput ofmore than 125.000 co mpute rboard s goes ma inly into the com­pany 's versatile STELLA processcomputer - a key part of the sys­tem s produ ced by the firm .

The company is engaged both onland and at sea.

C um puny Profil e

Lyngso-VALMET Marine. part ofthe Sorcn T. Lyngso Group. wasformed in 199 1 by mergingLyngso Marine, Valmet Automat­ion and Am plidan. Lyngso -VAL­MET Marine has offices in Nor­way and Denm ark. where the ex­pertise of these marin e suppliersis available to customers world­wide.

Lyngso-VALMET Marine head­qua rters . ncar Cop enhagen. housethe R&D. adminis tration. salesand ma rketin g functions. and ex­tensive trainin g facilities.

On land

S0REN T. LYNGS0 A/S beganin 1952 as a one-man operation .and has grown stead ily. The com­

pany has a strong 'vorldwidereput ation as a designer. de­velop er. and produ cer of com­puter-based systems for control­ling complex proce sses.

Lyngso sys tems in power pla ntscon tro l 110t on ly output and d is­tribu tion. but also productioneconomics and e nvironmental be­hav iour.

Soren T. Lyngso Group has over500 employees in Denmark .Lyngso has sales and serviceage nts in more than 45 othercountries.

Manufacturing, development. andsystems engi neering meet the re­qu irements of the company 's ISO9001 Qu ality Assurance Pro­grams. which have been ce rtifiedby the International Standard s Or­ganisation.



Consoles fo rthe /Hac hine l)'ami Propul­simi PlantCo ntrol lind

Alarm Sys tem

Two-way communication be­tween ce rtain loca tions aboard arecarr ied out throu gh the Amp lidanTalkback System (model 1500Mk l ). Thi s sys tem also meet sshoc k test requ irements.

three propellers and the rudderunder var ious conditions.

Shlp Inter com System

The ships arc equipped with theAmplidan PA System (mode l6700). Th is sys tem has provensafe and efficient under the mostseve re conditions. and meets therequirement s of the Roya l DanishNavy 's shoc k test. The modularruck sys tem. with a bu ilt-inmicrophone. has 5 control bo xeslocated around the ship fromwhich general messages can beissued . An alarm module is bu iltin. For crew ente rtainment. the PASystem has a rad io receiver andcassette player.

The navigator uses a joystick toindicate a vector force that thesystem transforms to rudd er.bow- and azimuth thru ster and en­gine commands. Thu s the nav i­ga to r is relie ved of calculatinghow he can make the best use of

STELLAOO computeroutstation ill theengine m om

Each wing panel also has leversfor az imuth - and bo w thru stercontrol.

A lIIl'lidall command an d talk­hack co1/11'o1station fOI" internal


from 'I separate co ntrol panel inthe contro l room and from back ­up systems on the bridge.

The ship is handled from the mainship 's han dli ng panel at the frontof the closed bridge/op s-room.from wing panels on e ither s ide.or from the crew 's nest. When thesystem is in crui se mode. theautopilot will normally be con ­nected . Course is changed eitherby using a course pre-setting in­strument at the main panel or byactivating the turnin g knobmounted on all four panels.

fluid treatment and transfer.

A special procedure ensures safeand unambi guous transfer of con­trol. Machin ery is contro lled.through hardwired connections toon-plant inputs or servo setpo ints .

· p ropu lsion mac hinery off- line.

· ventilation.

· damage contro l etc.

· power genera tion .

T his grouping keeps more thanone person from simultaneouslycommanding a part of the sys tem.yet allows di fferent crew me m­bers to control d ifferent inde­pendent parts of the sys tem simul­taneously.

The var ious machinery items arcplaced in gro ups such us:

· pro pulsion machinery on -line.

A duplicate console in themachinery contro l room is usedmainly for servicing. but also pro ­vides red undancy. Both conso lesarc dr iven by two independent .synchronized display proce sso rs.A dual Ethern et network con nectsthem to out stat ions. T he sys tem isindependent of. yet integ ratedwith. the main bus-system thatconnects sensors. C.l-installi.ltionsand weapon systems.

All propulsion elements and aux ­iliary mach inery are o peratedfrom a br idge con sole. elimi­nat ing the need fo r permanent en­gine room manning.

Each out station is a self-co n­tained unit with up to eight inde­pendent ST EL I.A processors.The two disp lay processors havecon figu ration control. and per­form automatic down-line load ofnew code into i.1I1 outstation pro­cessor if necessary. The systemhas been designed for easy updat ­ing and introdu ct ion of changes.and for graceful degradation .

T he number of modes of oper­ntion is lim ited to those sufficientto serve basic purposes. Con trolfrom the var ious po sitions is exe r­c ised through standard commandsignals.

Instead. the Nava l Materiel Com ­mand and Lyngso -VALMETMarine cooperated closely 10 cre ­ate a comprehensive. fully elec­tronic contro l and supervisorysystem. based on decentralizedprocesso rs and heavy reliance onsoftware.

Ope rat ing the complex propul ­sion plant of the Thetis classwould be compl icated if done illthe traditi onal way. And it wouldrequire unaccept ably high man­ning.

Ship Control and Super visorySystem

Rockment® r=:~HaW18 19

World-wid e after sa les service

Further . ALPHA offers tailoredtra ining programmes in mainten ­ance and repa ir.

In addition . ALPHA has a largeteam of we ll-trained service en­gineers who travel worl d-w ide .

ALPHA's service organization inFrcde rikshavn. and MA N B&WDiesel's wo rld-wide service net­wo rk, nre available 24 ho urs aday, 365 days a year.

MA N B&W Diesel A/SAlpha DieselNiels Juels Vcj 15DK-9900 Fredc rikshavnTelephone +45 9X42 10 00Telet" x +45 9R 42 32 00



We also make larger VB/VSA andYBS -type C P propellers and theassociated remote co ntrol systemAL PHATR ON IC llA. We offerthese as separate products in therange of 3.000-27.900 bhp.

T he redu ction gear progral11 meconsis ts o f gearboxes with red uc­tions fro m 3: I 10 7: I eac h with abui lt-in serv o for the CP pro peller.and ALPHATRON IC remoteco ntrol sys tem.

Our product range includes pro ­pul sio n systems from 850 to5.330 bhp. based on MANB&W 's -l-stro ke med ium- speedengines of the 23/30A and 2X/32Aseries.

.--::;3;~.~ -;:8


Alpha Co mp lete Propulsion sys ­terns - pro ven reliability.

The works

MAN B&W's Frederikshavn works .kno wn as ALPHA, arc a mod ernfactory with a total floorage of32.000 m2 for prod uctio n. design .development and administration .

The produ cts


O ur aim is to produce co mpletepropulsion systems for all type sof ships. ALPHA key words archigh quality. reliability and du­rability,

Rockment has conducted yea rs ofresearc h in new surface materialfor accommodation. Th e aim hasbee n to develop surface finishma terial tha t. in case of fi re. doesnot damage electronic equipmentor em it hazardous fumes. and tha tat the same time is sufficientlyresistant fo r normal sh ipho..trdlise. TNF PACIFIC has all thequalities to ScI a 1/£'\t ' .\"(I[("Y stand­ani at sea.

Rock mcnt A/SHo vcdgaden 483DK-2640 HedchuseueDenmarkTelephone + 45 42 1637 mTelefax + 45 42 1604 66Tele x 43107 rocm dk

Marine DivisionRockment

Design of IoU'" Oi.H' cabins

. Application of low nois eso urces

High so und redu ct ion is wherethe Rockmcnt prod ucts exce l.When correctly instal led. T NFlow noi se cabin design s offermaximum quiet and co m fort. andredu ce unwanted struc tural andairborne sound to a lower levelthan any othe r product ca nach ieve.

Appear a nce

TNF accommodation surface fin­ishes have been developed andtested as much for d urability andappearance as for insular and fire­proo f propert ies.

Fire Prut ecthm

· T hermal Insulation

TNF Panel System s are designedfor conventional or completelymodu lar arrangements. and meetall requ irements for low weigh t.ea sy and quick installation. andpleasing appearance .

· Fire Protect ion

TNF Panel System s give greatercomfort. because the core ofminerul wool produces higherthermal benefit s and superiorno ise redu ctio ns up to 44 d B. allwithin a sing le 50 mm thic k wallconstruction.

Three parameters de term ine theno ise red uct ion:

ou sly be ing improved by newtechnical proce sses .

· Ship layout


No ise Reducti on

TNF me..Ul S:

· No ise Reductio n

TNF Panel Sys tems arc appro vedby the wo rld 's major authoritiesand class ifi cation soc ieties. meetthe latest safety regulations ofB 15 and A60 standa rds, havebeen shock-tested by Varo inDall as, Texas. and approved bythe U.S. Navy.

Ccit ing

· TNF Ce iling System s

· INF Routing Floor System

T~F :\Iarinc Product s

· T NF Bulkhead Systems

Th e assort ment ensures lowmai ntenance for accommodationqua rters on ships . and is continu-

TNF s assortment of prefabri­cated pane ls includes


The technical services departmentcan help arch itect s and engineersby creating design proposals oftheir actual projects using a 3DCAD sys tem. The drawings areused by the co ntractor to ens urecorrect insta llation.

W('I room

Rockmcm and its subsidiary arcrepresented wo rldwi de to o fferass istance to owners. cons ultants.ami shipyards.

During the past 20 years. TNFMarine Prod ucts have beenwidely accla imed and installed onmo re than 2000 c ivilian vessels .including cru ise liners, merchantvessels of all types and sizes.work boa ts, and offshore platformaccommodat ion and producti onmodul es.

Navy ships have also been fittedwith T NF accommodation duringth is period, ranging fro m frigates.inspection vessels and mine­hunters of the Royal DanishNavy, to torped o test craft s. ocea­nographic research ships. sur­veillance ships, and sea lift/prepo­s itioning ship s of the U.S. Navy.

Rock mcn t AIS is a member of theROCK WO O L Group . operates14 facto ries in Europe and No rthAm erica .•md employs more than5000 pe op le. We have an experi­enced sta ff o f nava l archi tects andeng ineers to o ffer ass istance wi thproduct application. design- .layout . and methods of installa­tion.

V"lund Motorteknik AlS20 ============================== 21

BRUNVO LL A,S,P,O,Box 3706401 Mo ldeNorw ayTelephone +47 72 5 1 966Telex: 42572 Brum o NTelefax: +47 72 53 424

Brunvoll sends spare parts swiftlyto any part of the world. High ly­qua lified serv ice eng inee rs arequickly avai lab le whenev er re­quired 10 tack le d ifficulties withequip ment in service.

800 Kw Retractable CPoPropul­sion Thrust er during testin g .

Sen ice

tunnel suspension, and sepa rateseals and dampen ing e lements.

Brun voll 's service arrange me ntsinclude ind ividual sales consult­ancy, afte r-sales engineering, fol­low-up with shipya rds, and directservice to shipowners and othe rusers of its thruster systems. Ou rengineers are prep ared to answe rany enquiry about Brunvoll thrus­ter equipment.

Brunvoll thruster co ntrols can becon nec ted to auxiliary control pa­nels at add itional loca tions, inte­grated remote co ntrol syste msand dynamic pos itioni ng systems.

Drive a nd control syste ms

Elas t ic Sus pe ns ion of Tunne lThrusters

Brunvoll also makes com pletedri ve and cont rol syste ms individ­ually tailored to each vessel. Highpressure hydraul ics, d irect d ieseland electric d rive systems areused as required.

Thruste rs are remo te-co ntro lledfrom the brid ge. Control systemsinclude electronic-hyd raulic fol­low-up steering and eme rgencyelectric impulse steering.

Brunv oll's noise supp res siontechnology fo r tunnel thrusters re­du ces noise by 12- 15 db(A), Spe­cia l feat ures include a doubl e tun­nel syste m with full length elastic

Finally propeller and nozz le de­signs arc tailored to each vessel.

Brunvo ll also makes az imuththru sters. They are designed fo rmain or auxiliary propu ls ion andmaneuvering with 360 0 con­tinuous tum. Th ey featu re con­tro llable or fixed pitch propellers.

Bow and Stern Thruster s

Propel lers come in a widc range ofdiameters. with or without nozzle.

Az im ut h Thrusters

Brunvoll azimu th thruster s can bemou nted eit her inboard or out­board, and are intended for use ontugs, ferries. barges, floatingcrane s, spec ial vesse ls with dy­namic pos itioning, and vesse ls forinland waterways or othe r waterswith draught limi tations.

Brunvoll makes conventional tun­nel thrusters from 25 to 2000 hp,with controllable or fixed pitch pro­pellers,

The company sta rted in 19 12 as ama nufacture r of marine enginesand controllable pitch ma in pro­pellers. Thruster systems havebeen its ma in product s ince 1965.

Backed by more than 75 yea rs ofmarine propulsion expe rience , thecompany's thrusters are exportedon an ever-increasing scale for in­stallat ion in a growing numbe r ofship type s. These include f ishingcraft, roll-on/roll-off ships, tugs,offsho re support ships and vess elsf n r dvnamic positioning.

Theti s cla ss Patrol Fri ga tes :

T he Patrol Frigates are fitted witha Brunvoll 660 kW c.P. BowT hruster and a Brunvoll 800 kWCiP, Retractable Azimu th Thrus­ter. Both thrusters are dr iven elec­trica lly by constan t speed squirrelcage elect ric motors.

Brunvoll , A.S. is one of theworld 's fore most producers ofthru ster systems.

CP Tunnel ThrusterforElectrical Drive

T he azimuth thruster was de ­signed by the Brun voll engineer­ing team especially to suit thelimited space available on thevesse l. Wh en retrac ted, the azi­muth thruste r is stowed in a trunkinside the vessel, and the bottomopening close d by a flush plate.

Br unvoll A,S,

The bow thruster provides har­bour maneuverability. The azi ­mu th thruster gives both ma ­neuverabi lity and auxiliary pro ­pu lsion when lo itering. on patrol,or in eme rgency take -home situ­ations.

The azimuth thruster can providea vessel spee d of over eight knot s.


V0LUND MOTORTEKNIK A/SSydvestvej 142-144DK-2600 Glo strupDenmarkPhone +45 43 63 37 00Tclefa x +45 43 63 14 03Telex 37460 Is dk

tions, and in specialized app lica­tions in industrial and publ ic pro­cess ing pla nts.

The prod uct progra mme fromV0 LUN D MOTORTEKNIKalso includes ALLISON Gas Tur­bine Systems for main propuls ionsystem, power supply uni ts, andas heat-power supply plants in therange of 3 .5MWe - 7 MWe,which have bee n used in navalships, offshore and onshore sec-

DETRO IT DIESEL ENGINESarc ma nufactured for a wide rangeof app lications, includ ing marineservice for the Royal DanishNavy as well as numerous othernavies all over the wo rld. For pro­pu ls ion and auxi liary duties, thesemoderate to medium powered en­gines are high ly acclaimed for re­liability and economy.

gency airstart comp resso r andswitchboard system, is placed inthe forward section of the vessel.


I •I I

HH-t-/--t-Hl- :,-_-,,:- .:z z : =-:, -:..-_-_-_-.::~ ~ =- -:..-_-.:'_J

EMERGENCY UNIT TS-67 1Nat 127 KW is connected only foremergency supply and starts auto­matically in case of ma ins fa ilure .The unit, includ ing the emer-

volts power. Th e units areequipped with all necessary con­trol and alarm systems for remoteope ration from the central co ntrolrooms. The main units ca n beoperated either by the automaticload sharing synchronizing sys­tem, o r manua lly, depend ing onthe ship's power demand or modeof operation. In special s ituationsthe ship can be propelled by useof the az imuth thruster sys tem,powered only from the maingenerating sets. During no rma lope ration the 1400 KW shaft al­tem ato r will be driven via powertake-off on the main propu lsionengine gearbox.

Shnf t Al t er nator -t 1,., I

I~ = :.

E i=, ~ - 1 SCSS•0~!Z! <h, L---:- -+ -- 1----1System

~_,-~_~_~h~~1--- LF!i9i~!1~F=~~gj~~~~~~~JJ11,mc rgency Generating Set 12 7 KW


T HE DELIVERY for each sh ipincludes three main generatingset s, eac h 48 0 KW, and one emer ­gency unit, 127 KW. The maingenerating sets TS· 16V71T, withA. van Kaick watercooled alter­nators, supply the vessel with 450

Volund Motorteknik 's experiencein the deve lopment of auxiliarysystems for various classes ofships qualified it for co llaborationwith Svcndborg Shipyard Ltd . fordelivery of the main and emer­gency generating sets for theTh etis class.

S ince 1972 we have supp lied alarge number of spec ially con­structed d iesel genera ting unitsand ma in propuls ion sys tems formany Royal Danish Navyvessels. One series is the newThetis cla ss patrol frigate .




Tunnel thrustersRotatable thrusters~

f-- Con tro llable pitchma in prope llers

Hydraul ic Actuation or va lves

All models are prepared formounting of hydraul ic controlblocks and indicat ing sys tems(hydraulic and electric).

The actuators meet all presentclass ification society requirement s.

ment s. Thi s change-ove r can alsobe made manually.

Ac tuators can be de livered for all

types of valves - butterfly, ball .gate and globe valves , etc . - withor without mech anical/hydrauli c

emergency ope rating devices.

Nordisk Mari neHydraulik Danmark A/SMarinebuen 6, 4700 NestvedDenmarkTelephone: +45 55 77 18 00Telefax: +45 55 77 3 1 77Tele x: 40 124 marin dkCabl es: Marinchydra ulik

The SCS system for total shipoperation requires the usc of manyremote controlled valves in the fol­lowing sub-systems:

Seaw ater cooling system. maincng ineFuel o il sys temBilge systemBallast systemFire and deck wash sys tem

Automatic Vain Controls

Power is supplied by two hy­draulic powe r packs, via two ringma ins arranged so that all valvescan operate even if one of themechani sms fails. If the hyd raulicmech ani sm s fail, the SCSS sys ­

tem autom atically switc hes toback-up valve control arrange-

Th e valves that NOR DISKMAR INE HYDRAULIK A/Ssupplied are actuated hydraul i­ca lly.

A/S De Smit hskcTagholm IP.O.Box 2269400 NorresundbyDenm arkTelephone: +45 98 17 8 I IITelefa x: +45 98 I7 54 94Telex : 6920 dcsrnidkCable : DESM I DK

The DESM I range of products alsocompr ises gearboxes and oilrecovery equipment for combatingoil pollution at sea.

DKVAZ~Vert ical in-line centri­fugal pum ps.Capacity range from sex) to 1800nr'/h.Pressure range up to 80 mWe.

Slc-Vertica l in-line centrifugalpump s with spacer coupling orclose-coupled.Cap acity range up to 16(x) m3Jh .Pressure range up to 220 mWC.

also in close-coupled design.Capacity range up to 2XO 111'~/h .

Pressure range up to 90 mW C.

More than 50 countries protect theirenvironment with DESTRO ILskimmer systems.

DESMI has been act ive with inthe marine market for more than acentury. DESMI pump s can bebou ght and serviced in more than40 countries.

Each of the Thetis class has beenequipped with 50 centrifugalpumps from DESMI.

MO DULAR 5-Horizon tal se lf­priming centrifugal pumps, alsoin close-coupled design .Capacity range up to 400 m3jh

Pressure range up to 150 mw e.

DESMI PUMPS - Ge nu ineMarine Pumps

MODULAR l-l-Horizontalend-suction centrifugal pump s,

The DESMI pum p range coversmost marine applicationsincludin g: Seawater andfreshwater cooling pumps,deckwash pump s, fire-fightingpumps, and bilge and ballastpumps.

Th e DESMI pump rangeincludes:

MODULAR V-Vertical in-linecentrifugal pump s. with spacercoupling or c1ose-coup led .Capacity range up to 300 m3jh.Pressure range up to 140 mWC.

Th ese pumps have beenmanufactured according to theshock resista nce requirementsspec ified in NMG· PS 2.

To meet the deman d forquick and reliable service

KaMeWa has a worldwide scr­vice organization , with serv iceeng ineers educa ted at KaM eWa's

training school in Kristinehamn.Thi s facility also prov ides train­ing for the crew who will use theproducts onboard.

KaMeWa ABP.O.Box 1010S~681 0 I KristinehamnSwedenTelephone +46 550 840 ()()Telex 6605 0Telefax +46 550 181 90

laborat ory in 1945. The presentmod em laboratory. w ith two cav i­tation tunnels. is one of the mostadva nced privately-owned fa­cilities in the wor ld for pro pulsion

technology resea rch. Thi s labora­to ry has. for exa mple, strong lycontributed to the development ofhighly skewe d blades on contro l­lable pitch propellers and the de­velopment of the KaMeWa wa ter

j et propulsion systems.which dominate the mar­ker. KaMeWa also de­signs and produces elec­troni c control systems forits product range . The la­test development is a con­trol sys tem based on amicrop rocesso r.

Jet propulsion systems

After many years within theSwedis h Axel Johnson Group,KaMeWa AS was in 1986 ac­quired by Vickers PLC in GreatBritain and their marin e engineer­ing division . Other business areaswithin Vickers PLC are the fa­mous Rolls-Royce and Bentleycars , defe nce activiti es, a medicaldivision and a number of otheractivities.

One of the mo st import ant factorsbehind the success of KaMeWa 'smarine prod ucts is the highqual ity strategy, not only formechanical des ign and prod uc­tion, but also in the field of hydro­dynamic .design and develop­ment. The first hydrodynamic la­boratory for water turbin es wasbuill in 1906 and the first marine

thrusters, water jet propulsionsyste ms and related electroniccontrol systems .

trolled Kaplan Turbines. The ex­perience from the Kaplan Tur­bines was used to deve lop a con­trollable pitch propeller. and thefirst KaMeWa propeller was de­livered in 1937.

Since then, KaMeWa has been aworld leader in the field of marin econtrollab le pitch main propel­lers. tunnel thrusters, rotata ble

KaMeWa AS in Kristinehamn ,Sweden, started in 1849, maki ngsteam locomotives and bo ilers.About 1870, the company beganmaking water turbines, a productprogramme that was e xtendedaround 1920 to include pitch con -

The model lest was performe d inthe conventional tunnel of theKaMeWa Marine Laboratory. Thetest consisted of two part s,

The propeller for the Theti s classwas designed . model tested andmanufa ctured at KaMeWa. Thepropeller was opt imized to give(he best possible performa nceover the entire range of operatio n,from the MeR condition dow n to7 per cent of the MeR pow er, atreduced shaft speed and reducedpitch/diameter rat io.

an »open water« tes t, with thepro peller alone at several pitchratios, determined the propellereffici ency

. a test in the beh ind condition ,with the propeller working in asimulated wake field behind anafterbody dummy. The cavita­tion pattern was observed, andpropel ler-induced pressurepulses acting on the hull platingwe re recorded . Based on the be­hind tes t a slight modi ficationwas made to the blade design.

The blades of the 4-bladed pro­peller are featherable . i.e. can beset at a 9W pitch ang le for min i­mum resistance when the vessel ispropelled at low speed with [heaz imuth thruster. The high-skewblade shape was developed espe ­cially for con trollable pitch Pre ­pellers by KaMeWa. to ensure alow hull vibration leve l.


24 25

No filter elements, no mo vingpalts

Extremely compact design

Fully automa tic operation

Simp le insta llat ion and main­tenancc

Blohm +Voss AGHer mann Blohm Strasse 30 -2000 Hambu rg IIGermanyTelephune +49 40 31 19-0

Thi s TUR BULO oily water sep­arator without filter elements hasbeen tested and approved in ac­cordance with IMO Resolut ionA.393 (X). Residual oil content inthe effluents well below 15 ppm.

Highly rel iable operat ion

The system is also ideally sui tedfor subse quent instal lation

The specia l features of the T UR­BULO TPC sys tem are:

Compact des ign

No elec tric or hydraulic peakloads

BLOHM+VO SS SIMPLEXCOMPACT folding fin stabi­lizers. type SK IO-3.6m2, andTURBULO oily water separators,type TP C 2.5, are operatingsuccessfully in the new IS 86Fishery Inspection Vessels of theRoyal Danish Navy.

Mechanical Engineering

Spec ial features of the SIMPLEXCO MPACT fin stabilizer syste minclude:

Simple service and maintenance

Minimum space requirement

Plants and systems for shipbuild­ing, an important part of theBLOHM + VOSS prod uctionprogra m

Low weight and low noise level

SIMPLEX CO MPACT ti n stab i­lizers decisively increase opera ­ting capac ity of naval un its andwea pon syste ms, and increasecrew end urance , regardless ofweat her co nditions.

Economic power consumpt ion

company includes 120 employeesin Denmark, 10 employees in oursubsid iary in South Korea. andrepresent atives in all shipbu ildingcountries arou nd the world.NOV ENCO HI-PRES probab lyknows more abou t the vital prob­lems of vent ilation and air cond i­tioning at sea than anyone else,but there is more to NOV ENCOHI-PRES than know-how and ef­ficient, rel iable products.

NOVENCO HI-PR ES can alsooffe r service con trac ts for vitalunits in our syste ms, hut thechances are that you will neverneed them.

The NOVENCO HI-PR ESqual ity assurance sys tem satisfiesthe most demanding interna tionalquality specificat ions. Compo­nents are subjected to thoroughchecks before being released forproduction. During manufactu re asystematic ma terial and tolerancecon trol ensures optimum quality ,effic iency, and reliability. All per­formance data arc based on care ­ful laboratory meas ureme nts .

High priori ty is g iven to quickand rel iable service. Our serviceeng ineers and technic ians archighly sk illed. In fact. many ofthem have been involved in theact ual development of our pro ­ducts. They are able to handle anymar ine insta llation problem any­where in the world, efficientlyand effec tively.

NOVENCO HI-PRES A/SP.O. Box 3 10Ros kildcvcj 325AOK-2630 TaastrupDenmar kTel.: +45 43 71 07 00Fax: +45 43 71 07 77Telex : 33302 hipres dk


Being a leadin g company withinmarine air conditioning ventil a­tion and fire fighting NOVENC OHI-PRES has an obligati on to bein the forefront of developmentwithin our field .

HI-PRES activitie s were separ­ated into an independent limitedliability company, NOVENCOHI-PRES A/S, after the acqui si­tion of Semco Marine (G.W. Ven­tilation). NOVENCO HI-PRESA/S is ow ned by NOVENCOA/S, which is part of the Dani scoGroup. Danisco is one of the lar­gest indu strial group s in Den­mark .

NOVENCO HI-PRES utili zes thelatest techn olog y when deve l­op ing our produ cts and sys tems .

Today, NOV ENCO HI-PRES basa world wide organization readyto serve the more than 7,500 shipswe have equipped with our sys­tem s. We are also ready to serveshipowners and shipyards whowant to put new ships into ope r­ation equipped with highly re­liable air cond itioning , ven tilationand fire-fighting sys tems. Th e

velopment in ship design and shiptechnolo gy has taken place.

rooms, such as dining areas,lounges, TV-rooms, and halls.

NOVENCO HI ·PRES A/SSince we invented the high -pres­sure air cond itioni ng system inthe early fifties, an amazing de-

To reduce energy costs as much aspossible, the HI-PRES entba lpyexchanger sys tem is recom­mended for both cabin and publicareas.

zones - a type of system whichis found aboard thousand s of oiltankers, multipu rpo se carr iers,bulk carriers, etc.

In cruise liners, passenger shipsand yachts, the air conditioningsystem has a high priority. Gener­ally, the requirement s for interiorconditions are grea ter than thosefor cargo vess els.

The TWI N-PIP E system is thesolution for cabin areas . For pub ­lic compartments, the low-pres­sure VAV system (Variable AirVolume) comprises VAV airhand ling unit s, and a zone­divided low-pressure rectan gularduct system with grilles and dif­fusers integrated in the ce ilings.Thi s system is perfect for large

. The RE-H EAT sys tem is spe­cially designed for ships sailingin temperate and arcti c zone s,but is also suitable for tropicalopera tion. Thi s system waschosen for the THETIS cla ss.

. Th e TWIN-PIPE system meet­ing more sophisticated requir e­ments , is mo stly used aboardpassenger ships and yach tsoften with fully automatic, indi­vidua l control in the cabins.

NOVENCO HI-PRES is the solu­tion when small duct dim ensionsare required , and individual con­trol in each cabin is required. Thelow sound level of the HI-PRESsystems, together with the con ­tinuous development of sound re­ducing measures, will also fulfilthe requ irements of tom orro w.

NOVENCO HI-PR ES specializesin climate control unde r extremeconditions rangin g from hot sum­mer to arctic winter.

. The SINGLE-PIPE system withits simple design provides freshand cooled air under tropic alconditions and heating whenoperating in temp erate and cold

HI ·PRES SystemsNOVEN CO HI-PRES des ignscond itioning plant s and ventila­tion systems for all kinds of shipsand offshore constructions - fromthe largest to the smallest unit s.

All kinds of air conditioning re­quirements are met by the follow­ing three sys tems, which pro videindiv idual temperature control ineach cabin:

The objective is to create andmaintain optimum climatic condi­tions in the acco mm odation ofboth passengers and crew.

exec ution, and NBC-protection as»change ove r« system as well as»co nstant sealcd« system.

Recently, we also delivered for aforeign navy a number of coo lingsys tems spec ially designed fornew electronic eq uipment in­sta lled in existing ships .

Consequently, NOVENCO HI­PRES has the capability to plan,design , procure, deliver, tes t, andcommission a full range of tailor­made systems and equipment, in­cluding special requirements forschock resistance, antimag netic

During the last 39 years, HI­PRES has been the main supplierof air cond itioning, ventilation,cooling, and NBC-protectionplants for newbuildings and con­versions for the Royal Dani shNavy; in addition to equ ipme ntfor a great number of foreignnavy ships .

. Air conditioning plants, incl.automatic control

. Ventilating plan ts for eng inerooms, etc.Fire dampersCooling plant sNBC-protection plant sWorking drawings for installa­tionCooling systems for electronicequipmentCoordination between the air­conditioning and SCS systems

Air Conditioning a ndVentila tion of the THETIS classAs one of our latest major navaljob s, NOVENCO HI-PRES par­ticipated as consultants in the de­sign and supply of equipment inour field for the THETIS class.For the THETIS class, we havedelivered among others the fol­lowing equipment and serv ices:



Naval Architects - Marine Engineers - Sorveyors

Dwinger Marineconsult as

determined a VCG at 40% heightfor 80% of all loaded containe rs.This d ifference. whe n verified bythe INT ER ING Stab ility TestSystem for a 2400 -TEV containership, represent s an ave rage ballastreduct ion of 420 ton s whichtranslates into g reatly increasedannu al freight.

INTERING GMBHStettiner S tralle 3D - 2000 NorderstedtGermanyTeleph one: + 49 40 523 2057Telcfax: + 49 40 523 15 80Telex.: 2 13 998 intr d

A spec ial con trol procedure.using a dynamic »q uick flow«phase whe n ope ning the stabilizervalves. enables the ship to berocke d. This . increases the peakmom ent frequency. an importa ntadvan tage when penet rat ing iceridges.

The exact determination of sta­bility allows the ship 's dead­we ight capacity to be fully used.Stability calculations on load ingcomputers must cons ide r thece ntre of gravity of a con tainer at45 % of its height to cover uncer­tainties. Investigations. however.

Reduces the turn ing diameter byup to 60% when sailing in levelice.

anti -hee ling system offers the fol­lowing features:

. Cyclic heelin g for lubrication ofhu ll/ ice. reduction of ice frictioncoef ficient.

Allows faster passage throughice ridges ancl pack ice; andallows the vessel to be freedwhen trapp ed in ice.

Tbe INTERI NG Stab ility TestSystem improves the ship' s safetyand economy. By using the an ti­hee ling system for athwartshipwa ter transfer, the ship's actua lGM is checked by an in-serv iceincl ining experiment withi n 3 to 5minutes. All weig hts with exactposi tion. real centres-of-grav ityand a ll free sur faces are con­sidered. and the results are nearly10 times more rel iable than thoseof computer ca lculation. im­proved ship's safe ty is the result .

The sys tem incl udes an operatingtank level measurin g system anda computer. For easy handl ing ,the hee ling ang le, minimum GM,and test moment arc pcnnane ntlydetermined/mo nitored and re­corded du ring the test.

The sys tem monitors the ship'srolling moments and give s anautoma tic warni ng when the GMgets close to or below GMmin. Aprin t-out allows anal ysis of thetotal test procedure.

In ferries. RoRo-vesse1s, andships wit h deck cranes. the IN­TERING anti-heeling system re­duces time spent in harbour ,whic h can then be used to reducespeed. Th is leads to fue l savi ngsso tha t investcment costs for thesyste m ca n be recovered in twoyears or less.

For ships that operate in ice, suchas the TH ET IS cla ss. the corn­bined INTERI NG sta bilize r and

To compensa te for the ship's heel.tank water is au toma tica llyshifted athwartships by blowera ir.

Rat es of anti-heeling moment upto 4000 tm/min (transfer rate25000 m3,1h) have been realized .Even larger values can beachieved with standard andpro ven components.

T he INT ER I!"!; Ant i-llee lingSystem

Increased Stabi lizer E ffic iencywith »I:\T E RI:\G II EAVYFL UIIl«

T he development of a high -den­sity liquid makes the lNT ERINGSta bilizer Systems increasinglyattractiv e for naval applicat ion .This liquid . patented and reg is­tered under the trade mark »IN­TER ING HEAVY FLU ID« has adensity of 1.55 t/m~ and about thesame viscosity as water. It inhibitscorrosion of steel so no spec ialtank coating is requ ired . The crys­ta lliza tion poin t is below - IW sotank healin g is unnecessary. Aspecial co lour ing enab les easyidentifica tion.

For any new ship des ign. whenthe cent re of grav ity is knownonly after the incl ining experi­ment . " INT ERING HEAVYFLUID« offers an attractive fea­ture. The density of the fluid canbe set anywhere betwee n 1.55 and1.0 (wa ter) to meet fi nal stabilityrequi remen ts.

Co ntinuously running blowersand fas t-ac ting computer con trol­led air valves enable immedi atereversal of wa ter flow.

Automatic ant i-heelin g oper­at ions.

Roll stabilization at low andzero speed.

The system reac ts immediate ly tothe ship 's rol l. and ma intains itsefficiency over the whole range ofload ing/sea cond itions .

Improving of navigation in iceby heeling opera tions.

Th e system has no mov ing partsin cont act with water, requiresvery little ma intenance and comeswith a 3-ye ar guarantee .

The THETIS clas s is equippedwith the INT ERING stabilizerand ice-heel ing system. designedfor :

All modes are rea lized w ith thesame l.I-shapcd tank sys tem ,a rrange d around the eng ineroom .

. Chec k of the vessel's stability.whic h is espec ially impo rtantfor the effect of icin g on thesuperstructure.

The ship's roll ca uses an athwart­ships osci llation of the tank water,which is au toma tically adapted toco unteract the vesse l's roll bycomp uter-co ntro lled stabilizervalves.

T he INTER[N(~ Sta bilizer

Starting in 1969 , INTERING hasbecome the lead ing spec ialist forstabilization and anti-hee ling sys­tems . Our sys tems have beenfitted to more than 300 RoRo­vessels. the world 's largest trainferr ies. research vesse ls. pas­senger ships. container vessels,cable- layers. icc-breakers. po larresearch vesse ls. minehunters andmari ne acoustic research vessels.

By reducing the ship 's roll. thestabilizer · system avo ids cargodamage, increases comfort onboa rd. and helps redu ce fuel con­sumption. The sys tem is alsoavailable in a nonmagnetic ver­s ion. with the req uired shoc ktests.

Telepbone: + 45 98 186511Tclefax : + 45 98 184599

Ferries for cars, trains and pas­sengers are on e of the finn 's spe­cialities. But reefer vessels, spe­cial tankers, container ships andother dry cargo ships count alsoheavily in the firm 's design refer­ence list.

Dwlnger M arinecon suU als ­Quality in design fro mco nce pt to detail

Hammervej 7DK-2970 Ha rsholmDenmarkTelepbone: + 45 42 8636 80Telefax: + 45 42 86 9 1 39Telex: 37346 dmsbip dk

Logimatic has a rema rkab le rolein develop ing technical and ad­min istrative software app lications.In contrast to many other dedi­cated software companies. Logi­matic mak es great use of experi­enced. high ly educated engineersin the development of programs.Th is pract ical exper ience gives adown-to-earth approa ch and closeunders tand ing of our cl ients'needs.

Fo r the Danish Naval MaterielCommand. Logimat ic is develo­ping a comprehensive configura­tion and maint enance system es­pecially for complex elect ronicsystems.

CartBro Group

M er chant Ships

Softwa re

As technical con sultants to theDanish Ministry of Industry.Logimatic is involved in the de­velopment of tomorrow's shipsthrough the introduction of Inte­grated Ship Control.

Ma r ine work

Nava l Ships

Pilot boa ts, resc ue craft. mega­yachts, tugs, supply vessels, a re­search vess el, a cable vessel and amerch ant marine trainin g vesselrepresent some of the ship designsby Dw inger Marinecon sult als.

The Danish Naval Materiel Com­mand 's pioneer utilization of ad­vanced technology in navalvessels has g iven Logimatic somevaluable spin off to the advantageof c ivilian shipyards and ship­owners. The list of references in­cludes a varied and specialised in­volvement in the development.design and commissioning ofcruise line rs. ferries, ree fervessels. offshore pla tfo rms, etc .

Other No n-Me rc ha nt Sh ips

The design of the Thetis-class hasmeant that Dwinger Marinecon­suit a/s has ga ined con siderablenew know-how. The Thetis-classis probably the most versatil e andcost-effec tive pat rol vessel typeavai lable on the market today. Re­cen tly, the company designed acutter, al so based on merchantship standards, for the HomeGuard Nava l Division.

LOGIM ATIC A/SSofiend alsvej 99200 Aalborg SVDenmark

Dwinge r Marineconsult als alsounde rtakes marine transportationfeasib ility studies, document ap­praisa ls, bui lding supervis ion,condition and casualty surveys aswell as other related tasks. Thefinn 's' export business is usuallybetwee n 30% and 50% of its turn­over.

In the preparation of designs,drawi ngs and documentation.Log irnat ic makes use of modemcomp uter technology. thus ensur­ing efficie ncy in administrat ion .economy in use of time and maxi­mum application of up- to-dateexpertise and know how.

The designs produced byDwinger Marineconsult als in­clude almo st all ship types rang­ing from nav al vessels to mer­chant ships, since 1966 more than110 ships have been built to thefirm 's designs. Moreover, at least50 convers ions have been de­signe d by the finn.

Co mpa ny Facilit ies

Logimatic A/S is a professionalconsult ing eng ineering companyoffering worldw ide assistanc eand support in the field s of electri­cal engineering. instrumentation ,automation, software deve lop­ment and commissioning .

After the bu ilding contract waswo n by Svendborg Sbipyard Ltd.,the o rder for the major pan of thedetailed design of the ship andmachinery was awarded toDwinger Marineconsult als,which in tum subcontracted the

basic electronic and automationdesign to Logimatic AIS, (seeabove).

Dwinger Marineconsult als wasawarded the tende r design con­tract for THETIS clas s by theNaval Materiel Command of theRoyal Dani sh Navy. The workwas subsequently undertaken incooperation with Yard Ltd. ofGlasgo w as a prime subcontrac ­tor.

Establisbed in 1966 , DwingerMarinecon sult a!s today unde r­takes co mplex design tasks usingCA D and computer systems .

C lose cooperation with the Dan­ish Naval Materiel Command hasgiven Logimat ic unique know ­how during the Royal DanishNavy 's bui lding programme in­cluding the THETIS class patrolfrigate s.

Nava l work

As consultants for SvendborgShipyard Ltd., Logimatic hasundertaken the task of detaileddesign of automa tion and in­strumentation , including inter facespec ifications and proj ect man­agement for the Ship Contro l andSu rveillance System .



28 29


way. In Denmark, the compan y

will represent all Ulstein Pre­duc ts, and back those productswith a competent service staff.

Uistein Denmark A!SHa gevej 19DK -6705 Esbjerg 0 , Denm arkTelephone + 45 75 14 15 22Telex 54 160 dan dkCable: da nmotorTele rax + 4575 14 4102

wo rking with Norw inch ofBergen in 1963 . In 1966, the com­pany bega n produc ing steer inggear systems. In 1986, it ga inedthe righ ts to produce Svendborg~teering Systems.

Since join ing the Uls tein Groupin 1983, the co mpany has de­ve loped toge ther with the Nor­wegian firm. Starting in 1992 , allproduction will tak e place in Nor-

I complete hydra ulic pump station.

All equipment deliv ered meet sDSC3Y shock class requ ire­men ts, and user demands for re­liability. and easy main tenance .All equipment is backed by acomprehensive service and main­tenance prog ramme .

A/S Motorfabriken DAN began

2 hyd raulic capstans (typeHC I(0) wi th remote control.

I Svendborg stee ring gear (type36TN-360 B/2PV50) with hy­dra ulic pump unit s.

I set of chai n stoppe rs.

Winch Equipment:

I hydrau lic anchor wind lass (type2HA 39/44) for 40mm U3 ch ain.

I hydraulic towing winch (type20T) wi th a maximum pull of 20


As producer of SVENDBORGSteering Gear and DA NWI NC Hwinch equipment, A/S Mororfab ­riken DAN, part of the UlsteinGrou p. deliv ered the follow ingequi pme nt for the THETIS-Classpatro l friga tes:

Steer ing Gear:

SEMCO Marine A/SSvendborgvej 226DK-5260 Odense S.

De nm arkTelephone +45 65 95 77 55Telex: 5999 1 dec adkTele rax: +45 65 95 73 75

To be selected as a supplier tosuch a sophis ticated project, acompany has to have the experi­ence, expertise and capacity. aswell as a broad base of act ivitie s.

These are ju st a few examp les ofthe high technolog ical standardswe employ to meet the navy's re­quirem ents for a safe ship .

It has been a valuable expe rience ,and a pleasure, for Semco Marineto partic ipate in the Thetis-cla ssproj ect.

All wiring within the switch­boards is halogen -free to preventthe em ission of ac idic gases in theevent of fire.

The main switchboards are se­cured to the base with shoc k ab­

sorbers and are tested to 15 G.

All electrical d istr ibu tion systemscomprise the utmo st in safety,with redundant supply for all im­portan t equipment.

ficat ions and hav e been com­pleted in coll aborat ion with theNaval M aterial Command andSvendborg Shipyard Ltd., withwhom we have worked closelyfor man y years.

Semeo Marine of Sve ndborg hasacq ui red its know -how by expe ri­ence in the construction of allkinds of sh ips.

The latest project in which wehave played a major part is de ­livery of the ele ctrica l installa­tions for the new, Royal DanishNavy ' THETIS-cl ass pa trolfrigates. We were there from plan ­ning and design to the delivery ofall electrical items: lighting fix­tures, cabl es , sw itchboards, etc.

Of course, all installations are inaccordance with strict navy speci-

Other Prime Contractors and Their Equipment

30 ====== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =11:===== ========= 31

GS-HYIlRO·D.>\:"':\IARK ApSKlaverk.ervej 16DK -6000 KoldingDenmark

GI ,ACTER ~EDERLANIJ II.V.Maxwellstraat 22NL 33 16GP DonlrcchtThe Netherlands

VEEP SEA SEALS LTV.4 Marple s Way, Havant, HantvEngland P09 INXGreat Britain

LOII J\It\NN &SlOT .TERFO"T (;1\18 "Fafkoner A ile 7DK-2000 Keben havn FDenmark

LlKOURE;<.IE EEGIIOL M A-SGrundrvigs Aile 165OK-MOOSenderborgD enmark

Pipin g systems SETEC CONT RACTlM; A_';P. O. Box 75K-42fiO Torv astadNorway

Ster n tube beari n~s Gt\GE KERR ASStamholmcn II IDK-26S0 HvidovreDenma rk

SIt-Til tube and bulkhead seals SVENSK AS KlJMSLA<X "i IM;S Milzo.uox 325-442 21 KungalvSweden

Radial Hearings EM RI A/SManclundvcj 37ADK-2730 HerlevDt.'Il tna rk

Electric motor s TM NSTOKER A!Slndustrivej NordDK -7400 HemingDenmark

Helicopter fuel Filter u nit

Ftre detection systemHalun system

Stccrm g gea rCllntml system

8 oill'r s

c. C. J El\S ";~ AISRlxlcledsvcj 60DK-5700 SvendborgDenmark


SKIlISI<'ARYF:F,\ 8RIK AJSLundr oncvcj 150P. O. Box zanDK·28oo LyngbyDenmark

I)A\lPA A!SDK-5690 TommcrupDenmark

CUFAUA~ A/SHuckcrsvcj 140DK-2300 Kebenhavn S


RAS'\I, 1I0L8F.C K & SO:\' A!SVietoriagade 40-44P. O. Box 926DK·5 1UOOden seCDenmark

WindowsSide lights


Ce j l i n~ (accemm.j

Deck co~ering

Sanita ry eq uipment

AU -A.-LAVA L IM>USTR I AISKrondalsvej 7D K-26 W RodovreDenmark

WF:STFAIJA SEPARATOR A( ;Werner-Habig Strassc I0 -4740 OchlcGermany

PumpslI eat exc ha ngers

Scparalo rsPreheater

AIR·CO:" E8 E1.TOFT AlS Ftre dampersErhvervsparken 6DK-8400 EhelloftDenmark

ANKERU1KKE.'rl MARl .'rlE A!S Electro -tyfonl Iassclagcr 23DK -2 fJ(}5 Brend by


EYACA8P. O. Bo:dl 152 1S- 104 ~2 StockholmSweden

PF:RSOUT AfSSmedelokken 2DK-5330 MunkeboDenmark

Vacuu m iuner -sysrem

Pipe insulation

ll OLL & KI RCH FILTER ,\I'S FillersMellclod den 4DK-279 1 DragerDenma rk

SI'E RRE \ 1EK. VERKS T "]) A/S Air l1111Jpr~~urs

N-6057 EllingseyNorway

ES I'HO Ll I" TRY KLUI' l"·\ IASK IJ"ER A/S Air receiversSmede land 6DK-26oo GlostrupDenmark

SVEl\UlIORG SKlHS-HYUR AU J K AJS Hyd raulic pipe systemsKuopiovcj 20DK-57UOSvendborg


SA LI ROE REFR IGEIUTJOX A!S Provtdon storesChr. x'« Vej 201 Refri l:er ating plantDK -S21O Hej bjergDenmark

T EA\1TEC ,\ /S ln rincratorP.O. Box l UON-4912 Gjcrving


HAMW O RTHVEl\GIl\EERI:'\G LI MITED Sewage trea tment plantFleet s Comer, PO<J!eDorset BH 17 7LAGreat Britain

DA:'s" .F.I.F.VATOR A/S Stores lift

Birk edcvcj IDK-4 I JO Vitly sr .Denmark

H.\1A-lI'oiDUSTRIAKUSTI K A/SAvcdereho lmc n 78DK-2650 HvklovrcDenmark

II C l'l!CK AfSMilcperken 28-30DK -2730 HerlevDenmark


Abildagcr 26-28DK-2ti05 BrendbyDenmark

GUSTA I<' )-'A(;ERHERC; AlSKommarken 8-10DK-2ooS BrandbyDenmark

x- mounts

E1ant'lL compensators

Sta lntess slt>t>1p ipe

Stainless steel valves

Compiled a nd produced by:



Buttcrlly valv es :\1ASKIl\FA8R IK ACTA AISlndustrtvej 9P. O. Box 271DK-5100 Odense CDe nmark

Hawsehoks( ;'uid l' p u l1l'.I's( :rancs

UlCKER AIR·~IAZE Ll .\IlTEU En gfne roo m a ir tillersP. O. Bllx 17, Folly LandWarringtonCheshire WAS 5 NPGreat Brita in

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