Third Sunday of Easter April 10-11 Welcome Visitors! MEL ALLEN HALL April 14 Bible Study at 7:15 pm April 26 YLI meeting at 7:00pm May 1 KC Breakfast after Mass CHURCH ACTIVITIES: April 23/24 Catholic Home Mission Appeal Collection May 1 First Communions at 10:00 am May 8 Mother's Day. May 15 Pentecost RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades 1—5: 3:30pm—5:00 pm Apr 13 Classes Apr 13 Classes Apr 20 Classes—1 st Grade Confessions Apr 27 Classes—Rehearsal for 1 st COMMUNION Grades 6—8 6:30pm—8:00 pm April 13 Class at River Canyon Yogurt April 20 Class at River Canyon Yogurt April 27 Class at River Canyon Yogurt HIGH SCHOOL— YOUTH GROUP 6:30-8:00 Wednesday, April 13—Classes Sunday, April 17 – Car Wash for Mission Trip Wednesday, April 20— Classes Wednesday, April 27—Classes THANK YOU to everyone that helped with the MINISTRY FAIR and to all the parishioners that SIGNED UP for the different parish ministries. Anyone can still sign up for a ministry--just call the parish office. We would also like to thank all of those who helped decorate for Easter including Bernie Lancaster, Beverly Alexander, Billie Kaluza, Ma- rie Clark, David and Yvonne Butler, Tammie and David Ripperger and Sa- vana, Ben Hernandez and Mel Allen. Also THANK YOU to Ralph Burger, Alana, and John for helping with the gardening and landscaping in the church. If anyone has any plants to share to plant in the island or if anyone would like to buy some plants for the pots, please call: Donna @ 697-3235 . YAKIMA SON'S OF ITALY CONCERT Friday, April 22 @ 7:00 pm at St. Paul Cathedral. The Son's of Italy proudly present and invite you to an evening of piano and voice concert-- featuring Giovanni Pioggio, a Junior at Naches Valley High School in the Foreign Exchange Program. The concert is under the direction of Cathy Kloster. Italian baked goods will be sold after the performance. Can We Change Peoples’ Minds? Some people (including many Catholics) feel like it is futile to continue to have a debate over the issue of abortion because people feel too strongly about it and have already made up their minds as to what they think. This is wrong. People throughout history have changed their minds on vital social issues. When the United States was new, there was no suffrage or equal rights for women and racial minorities. Almost universally in the United States today, the general populace recog- nizes that this was wrong and that women and non-whites are entitled to their basic rights as human beings, and the law recog- nizes it too. It took many years and decades of intense struggle involving emotions just as fierce if not more fierce than those surrounding the Pro-Life Movement in the 21st century. But vic- tories for freedom were won and people certainly did change their minds. That is how change happens. Education is vital so that more people understand the struggle to protect innocent life in the womb and then stand ready to defend the rights of all living peo- ple, including the unborn. Change can happen, and change will happen, providing we do our part to work tirelessly to advocate change for a freer, better world where the weak and vulnerable are protected and not exploited and/or victimized. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY/FELIZ ANIVERSARIO 4/08/1985 Michael & Pauline Doherty 4/08/1961 William & Donna White HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS April 4 Kimberly Mullinax, Lizbeth Bran April 5 Anne Desmarais, Ciara Mullinax, Jerry Weber, Jesus Ochoa, Kylie Topper April 6 Phillip Posada April 7 Cristian Cuevas, Eileen Hunt, Fabian Reyes, Robin Miller April 8 Michael Doherty, Noel Gonzales April 9 Patricia L'Heureux April 10 Adan Garcia, Caroline Dority, Peter Weber April 11 Adilene Barajas, Miranda Metzger, Roy Orth April 12 Ivan Garcia April 13 Eduardo Lopez, Jailene George April 14 Sandra Torres, Will Strand April 15 Maria Garcia, Tanner LaTour Please call the Parish Office to remove or add a name: 697- 4633 Thank You! DATE MASS GREETERS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION LECTORS SERVERS COUNTERS LINENS Apr 9 5:30 PM Dolls Clark/Hoppis Schneider Tamblyn Apr 10 8:00 AM Lantz Lantz/Nedrow Nedrow Allison 10:00 AM Stewarts Probsts/Record Rice Rice / O'Brine Joan / Kay / Paul Pauline Apr 16 5:30 PM Benner/ Chalupa Clark/Hoppis Fromherz Fromherz Apr 17 8:00 AM Lantz Lantz/Doherty Ihnen M Busey & Manessah 10:00 AM Willenskys Mattson/Collins/ Lockbeam Mattson Shea & Kieryann Mattson Arnie & Ruth / Christina Nancy

Third Sunday of Easter - OUR LADY OF LOURDES...April 10 Adan Garcia, Caroline Dority, Peter Weber April 11 Adilene Barajas, Miranda Metzger, Roy Orth April 12 Ivan Garcia April 13

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Page 1: Third Sunday of Easter - OUR LADY OF LOURDES...April 10 Adan Garcia, Caroline Dority, Peter Weber April 11 Adilene Barajas, Miranda Metzger, Roy Orth April 12 Ivan Garcia April 13

Third Sunday of Easter April 10-11

Welcome Visitors! MEL ALLEN HALL April 14 Bible Study at 7:15 pm April 26 YLI meeting at 7:00pm May 1 KC Breakfast after Mass CHURCH ACTIVITIES: April 23/24 Catholic Home Mission Appeal Collection May 1 First Communions at 10:00 am May 8 Mother's Day. May 15 Pentecost RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades 1—5: 3:30pm—5:00 pm Apr 13 Classes Apr 13 Classes Apr 20 Classes—1st Grade Confessions Apr 27 Classes—Rehearsal for 1st COMMUNION Grades 6—8 6:30pm—8:00 pm April 13 Class at River Canyon Yogurt April 20 Class at River Canyon Yogurt April 27 Class at River Canyon Yogurt HIGH SCHOOL— YOUTH GROUP 6:30-8:00 Wednesday, April 13—Classes Sunday, April 17 – Car Wash for Mission Trip Wednesday, April 20— Classes Wednesday, April 27—Classes

THANK YOU to everyone that helped with the MINISTRY FAIR and to all the parishioners that SIGNED UP for the different parish ministries. Anyone can still sign up for a ministry--just call the parish office. We would also like to thank all of those who helped decorate for Easter including Bernie Lancaster, Beverly Alexander, Billie Kaluza, Ma-rie Clark, David and Yvonne Butler, Tammie and David Ripperger and Sa-

vana, Ben Hernandez and Mel Allen. Also THANK YOU to Ralph Burger, Alana, and John for helping with the gardening and landscaping in the church. If anyone has any plants to share to plant in the island or if anyone would like to buy some plants for the pots, please call: Donna @ 697-3235 . YAKIMA SON'S OF ITALY CONCERT Friday, April 22 @ 7:00 pm at St. Paul Cathedral. The Son's of Italy proudly present

and invite you to an evening of piano and voice concert--featuring Giovanni Pioggio, a Junior at Naches Valley High School in the Foreign Exchange Program. The concert is under the direction of Cathy Kloster. Italian baked goods will be sold after the performance.

Can We Change Peoples’ Minds? Some people (including many Catholics) feel like it is futile to continue to have a debate over the issue of abortion because people feel too strongly about it and have already made up their minds as to what they think. This is wrong. People throughout history have changed their minds on vital social issues. When the United States was new, there was no suffrage or equal rights for women and racial minorities. Almost universally in the United States today, the general populace recog-nizes that this was wrong and that women and non-whites are entitled to their basic rights as human beings, and the law recog-nizes it too. It took many years and decades of intense struggle involving emotions just as fierce if not more fierce than those surrounding the Pro-Life Movement in the 21st century. But vic-tories for freedom were won and people certainly did change their minds. That is how change happens. Education is vital so that more people understand the struggle to protect innocent life in the womb and then stand ready to defend the rights of all living peo-ple, including the unborn. Change can happen, and change will happen, providing we do our part to work tirelessly to advocate change for a freer, better world where the weak and vulnerable are protected and not exploited and/or victimized.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY/FELIZ ANIVERSARIO 4/08/1985 Michael & Pauline Doherty 4/08/1961 William & Donna White HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS April 4 Kimberly Mullinax, Lizbeth Bran April 5 Anne Desmarais, Ciara Mullinax, Jerry Weber, Jesus Ochoa, Kylie Topper April 6 Phillip Posada April 7 Cristian Cuevas, Eileen Hunt, Fabian Reyes, Robin Miller April 8 Michael Doherty, Noel Gonzales April 9 Patricia L'Heureux April 10 Adan Garcia, Caroline Dority, Peter Weber April 11 Adilene Barajas, Miranda Metzger, Roy Orth April 12 Ivan Garcia April 13 Eduardo Lopez, Jailene George April 14 Sandra Torres, Will Strand April 15 Maria Garcia, Tanner LaTour Please call the Parish Office to remove or add a name: 697-4633 Thank You!

DATE MASS GREETERS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION LECTORS SERVERS COUNTERS LINENS Apr 9 5:30 PM Dolls Clark/Hoppis Schneider Tamblyn Apr 10 8:00 AM Lantz Lantz/Nedrow Nedrow Allison 10:00 AM Stewarts Probsts/Record Rice Rice / O'Brine Joan / Kay / Paul Pauline

Apr 16 5:30 PM Benner/Chalupa Clark/Hoppis Fromherz Fromherz

Apr 17 8:00 AM Lantz Lantz/Doherty Ihnen M Busey & Manessah

10:00 AM Willenskys Mattson/Collins/Lockbeam Mattson Shea & Kieryann

Mattson Arnie & Ruth / Christina Nancy

Page 2: Third Sunday of Easter - OUR LADY OF LOURDES...April 10 Adan Garcia, Caroline Dority, Peter Weber April 11 Adilene Barajas, Miranda Metzger, Roy Orth April 12 Ivan Garcia April 13

There is much to digest (literally) in today’s Gospel Read-ing from St. John. It reports the third time that Jesus ap-peared to His Apostles. The Lord appears on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, which is another name by which the Sea of Galilee is known. It is early in the morning, and Pe-ter and the others had been fishing unsuccessfully, and ob-viously were near to the shore, but at Jesus’ urging they cast their nets again and caught many fish, which they then brought to shore. According to the Gospel Jesus had break-fast with them, and then He poses the question to Peter spe-cifically, “Do you love me?” The exchange between the Lord and Peter is carefully narrated, as are Jesus’ respons-es. However, at the end of the Gospel Reading for today, Jesus says two simple words to Peter, “Follow Me.” Of course, these are the same two words with which we are familiar that Jesus used to call Peter and the others in the beginning. We need to understand that these instructions from Jesus are not just for the Apostles but for us as well. How have we responded to that call? Our reaction does not have to be as dramatic as Peter’s and the others, who aban-doned their lives and their liveli-hood and became total followers of Christ. However, we, too, need to find the strength and the com-mitment to follow the Lord. How we carry that out is our steward-ship, how we live our lives.(www.catholicsteward.com/blog)

The Date for Christ-mas Concerning the uncertainty as to the precise date of our Lord’s birth, in modern times, it is surprising to find the most precise data given for its determination in the year 170 AD. In the commentary of Hippolytus on Daniel 4:23, we read: “The first Advent of our

Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, hap-pened on the eighth day before the calends of January, on a Wednesday, in the forty-second year of Augustus, in the year 5500, reckoning from Adam. He suffered in His thirty-third year, on the eighth day before the calends of April (25th March), on a Friday, in the eighteenth year of Tiberius, when Rufus and Rubellius were consuls.” © Evangelization Station, 2010.

Educando hijos Pro-Vida: Frecuentemente toma varias décadas para corregir injusti-cias sociales y problemas de derechos humanos. Por ejem-plo, llevó muchas décadas para abolir la esclavitud. Nuestra generación puede no ver el final de la injusticia del aborto. Sin embargo, la nueva generación se está transfor-mando cada vez más en Pro-Vida y es vitalmente importan-te que eduquemos hijos Pro-Vida. Si hacemos eso, un día ellos verán nuestra nación transformarse en una en la cual la libertad y la justicia existen no sólo para algunos sino para todos los seres humanos. Un bebé y por cierto, la vida misma, son una especie de milagro. Como fieles Católicos, debemos enseñar a nuestros niños ---en cada oportunidad--- que todos los seres humanos, en todas las etapas de su desarrollo, deben ser apreciados, respetados, amados y pro-tegidos en todo momento. También debemos enseñar a nuestros niños que ser Pro-Vida significa no sólo oponerse al aborto. Algunas veces, hay niños que nacen con enfer-medades, síndrome de Down o algún otro problema---y todos esos niños son sin embargo, regalos preciosos de Dios y son extremadamente valiosos en todos los casos. Enseñarles a los niños que tengan una actitud Pro-Vida es el antídoto indispensable contra la egoísta, “yo primero” sociedad de hoy en día, en la cual mucha gente está más interesada en el dinero y el placer que en el valor inherente y dignidad de cada vida humana. "Una persona es una per-sona, sin importar cuan pequeña" dice el libro: “¡Horton escucha a Quién!” del Dr. Seuss.

Congreso Católico De Evangelización Familiar Abr il 22, 23,y 24 Del 2016 Calendario de Primera Comunión Abril 17 Clases Abril 24 Clases Marzo 1 Clases Marzo 8 Clases



Abril 10 12 pm Jose Luis .P, Laura Palacios, Lorenzo

Blanca .S, Maria H. (Jaime & Yolanda) Adolfina Kevin .G, Diego.G, Da-

vid .V Noe y Glo-ria .V,Petronila .V , Li-dia .C

Abril 17 12 pm Arturo .G,Yaritza M., Cecilia .C

Berenice Y Luz .R, Lidia .I(David & Rosa) Liliana Elisa .S, Kevin .G, Die-

go.G Jose luis Y Laura Palacios, Antonio .S, Petronila .V