Trumpet Call Thirty-ninth issue July 2003 Distribution 80,000 copies Free Newspaper 60 60 GLORIOUS YEARS GLORIOUS YEARS

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  • Trumpet Call 39 1

    Trumpet Call Thirty-ninth issue July 2003 Distribution 80,000 copies Free Newspaper


  • Trumpet Call 39 3

    A s Shanahad recent-ly turned34, theyfelt that time was startingto run out, so they decid-ed to seek medical advice.They entered their nameson a list for fertility treat-ment and consulted adoctor at the NuffieldHospital. It was then thatShana was diagnosedwith Polycystic OvarySyndrome (PCOS), great-ly reducing any hopes of anatural conception.

    Believing GodBelieving that God couldprovide by many differentmeans, including medi-cine, Shana was booked infor various investigations,and surgical procedures.To gain a second opinionon her condition she wentto see a fertility specialistin London. He only con-firmed she had PCOS.She was told that to giveher the best chance ofconceiving she wouldneed fertility treatment.Little knowing

    God’s plan for her Shanabooked in for treatment.

    Shortly after this Vinceand Shana went to seeBishop Reid. He simplytold them "Don’t worry,God is in control, you’ll befine. Trust God." In aMusic and MiraclesService shortly after thisPastor Meidre Cleminson

    prayed that God wouldgrant the desires of theirheart.

    Five WeeksPregnantShana was advised toembark on a strict PCOSdiet by her consultant andintended to supplementthis with vitamins. A fewweeks later, however, sheleft to visit her parents inAmerica and did not haveroom to pack the numer-ous pill pots. She thoughtshe would start the diet

    on her return. Withinthree weeks of

    returning from AmericaShana discovered she wasfive weeks pregnant!

    Overjoyed at the news sherang to cancel her fertilitytreatment and was askedto attend the clinic for aroutine blood test. It wasthen that her low proges-terone levels were picked

    up and she was pre-scribed treatment

    before the babycould be affect-ed. If she hadnot beenbooked in forfertility treat-

    ment thiscould have

    gone unnoticed andresulted in a miscarriage.

    God had hisperfect plan.Having recently seen theultrasound of their baby

    at twelve weeks Vincesaid, "We are so excited.We thank God that Healways provides and can’twait for the big day inDecember"

    By Katie Pring

    After trying for a baby for over a year Shana and Vince Avery ’s dreams of becoming parentswere being threatened by a growing fear that they might never be able to have children.

    ‘Don’t worryGod is incontrol’

    God’s Perfect Plan

    ‘We thank God that Healways provides’




  • I I recently began acourse module atthe college aboutthe Apostle Paul’slife and ministry. Afterthe first class I camehome thrilled at howmuch I had learnt, but atthe same time realisinghow little I knew about

    my Bible. During theweek that followed Icouldn’t stop thinkingabout what I had learnt inthe class. The words thatwere spoken challengedme and made me serious-ly consider my relation-ship with God. I didn’tunderstand why the

    teaching was affecting mein this way, but it mademe uncomfortable.

    Gob smackedIn the third week of lec-tures we were taughtabout the Thessalonians,who only had threeSabbaths of teaching, andyet they witnessed toeveryone around them. Iknew that I had listenedto 16 years of preaching,

    but I didn’t affect anyone.I didn’t seem to have thislife that Paul the Apostlehad. When that messagewas being spoken it wasas if I was the only personsitting in the room. Itsuddenly struck me thatthere was no reality in mylife. For years I thought Ihad been living the rightway - I said all the rightthings, and knew andbelieved the right things,but I didn’t know God.

    My life was just full ofreligion. I was gobsmacked as this truth hitme.

    CompletelyChangedI knew my life needed tochange, but I also knewthat I couldn’t changemyself; He would have todo it. I never begged Godor cried out to Him, butthat day I found I was

    "I Couldn’t ChangeMyself…"

    4 Trumpet Call 39



    ‘The words thatwere spoken

    challenged me’

    By Becky Matta

    A short time ago Becky began acourse at Peniel College of HigherEducation. Little did she know thatGod was about to show hersomething that would completelytransform her life.

  • Trumpet Call 39 5

    completely changed.Total peace came withinme, as if part of me hadbeen wiped away. I feel sodifferent inside, as thoughI have had a physicalchange within me. TheBible has become so realto me. It is no longer afiction but a living realityand I take every opportu-nity to read it.

    This change in me hastransformed my thinking.

    I used to worry constantlywhat people thought ofme, and that governed mythoughts. Now all fearhas gone. Jesus has setme completely free!

    So if you’re thinkingabout joining up andstudying at the BibleCollege, don’t just thinkabout it, do it! It WILLchange your life.

    "I Couldn’t Change Myself…"‘Total peace came

    within me, as if partof me had been

    wiped away’



    Michael Reid Ministries


  • 6 Trumpet Call 39

    W ith alot ofl a u ghter,a few tears, chocolate cakeand fireworks!

    "Only eternity will show thegratitude of this people forwhat you’ve done for us.For the life that you’ve givenand the life that you’ve laiddown. And we’re grateful.We want to say thank youfor what you mean to us"Carolyn Linnecar, Pastorof Peniel Church.

    Bishop Michael Reidhas touched the lives oftens of thousands allover the world duringhis ministry. But thereis a group of peoplewho have madeBrentwood, Essex theirhome in orderto attend PenielP e n t e c o s t a lChurch. OnFriday 16thMay 2003 theycame togetherto extend theirthanks to theman who faith-fully preachesthe word of Godweek in, week out and haspastored the church for 27years. There were specialbirthday messages fromall over the world and anumber of the congrega-tion had their own memo-ries to share:

    "Our prayer here isthat God will continueto bless you, yourfamily, your ministry.Have a great60th…Have a greatfuture with God."Joel Edwards,General Director oft h e

    By Jennie Whealy

    Any 60th birthday is a special event. But how do youcelebrate the birthday of someone who has dedicatedhis life to obeying God and has become the drivingforce behind one of the largest churches in England,one of the finest schools in England, a Bible Collegethat is affiliated with Oral Roberts University in theUSA, a 100-voice choir, an international pastorsfellowship (GGF) and a weekly TV-show on bothTBN Europe and Revelation TV.

    60 Glorious Years

  • Trumpet Call 39 7

    Evangelical Alliance UK

    "We’ve gone through a fewscrapes but any time we’veneeded help, he’s alwaysbeen there" Doug Austin,member of Peniel Church

    At the end of an eveningof thanks and tributeswhat could Bishop Reidsay? "Glory to God! He hasbeen so faithful. There isnothing that he cannotdo".

    "Not unto us, O LORD, notunto us, but unto thy namegive glory, for thy mercy,and for thy truth’s sake".Psalm 115:1

    "He challenged my think-ing…I knew I had to makedecisions…and then I found

    a wonderful thing. As Ibegan to change my think-ing, it began to change me."Peter Russell, AssistantPastor of Peniel Church

    There have been tears, therehave been challenges but Iwouldn’t swap it for any-thing…I can’t describe theeffect it’s had on our fami-ly…especially the vision for

    the school…it’s

    so significant when you lookback…it’s priceless…HappyBirthday. Jon Avery,Member of Peniel Church

    I know that you’ve lived 60full years…I appreciate theimpact you’ve made onEngland, the good work youare doing as a Regent ofORU…hey, there’s another60 years coming. Dr TerryLaw, World Compassion

    Terry Law Ministries

    He was so full of compas-sion and love and con-cern…you might have atiger in your tank but youare a shepherd in yourheart. Peter Embling,

    Member of Peniel Church

    Bishop Michael…Happy60th birthday…God richlybless you…Lindsey and Ilove you with all of ourhearts. Dr Richard Roberts,President of Oral RobertsUniversity

    Today, I and my family wantto specially thank you forbeing there for us and havea very special 60th birthday.Juan Esquivel, Member ofPeniel Church

    I spent three months lookingfor churches but there wasnothing that ministered tomy heart until I met aman….He became myfather, as he is today. ColinCleminson, AssistantPastor of Peniel Church

    How do you describe 27_ years with BishopReid? Whirlwind comesto mind. MeidreCleminson, Pastor ofPeniel Church

    I learned that he was aman who had great com-passion for people, hehad a love for JesusChrist and that miracles

    were happening in hischurch. He made a greatimpression upon me.Professor Roy Hayden,Dean of Theology at PenielCollege of HigherEducation

    60 Glorious Years




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  • 8 Trumpet Call 39

    T he schoolwas alsodelighted tow e l c o m e ,amongst others, RogerWatkins of the BrentwoodGazette, Sisters Jude andRosario from St Helen’sschool in Sawyers’ HallLane, representatives ofthe BATTS table tennis inHarlow and SamanthaLandy, a Regent of OralRoberts University inTulsa, USA.

    Guided TourAfter the opening ceremo-ny, all of the guests weretaken on a guided tour ofthe school and were treat-ed to a display of GCSE artand a musical perform-ance by a group of stu-

    dents from Oral RobertsUniversity who were visit-ing the church at thetime.

    Mr Pickles also planted amagnolia galaxy tree andunveiled a plaque to com-memorate the occasion.

    The new classroomsreplaced the draughty,leaking old portacabinsthat housed the pre-school, infant and juniorclasses. As with the firstwing that opened in Mayof 2002, much of the workwas undertaken by PenielChurch members.

    ThrilledThe staff and pupils arethrilled with the newaccommodation and facil-ities. The provision of

    purpose built classroomswhich are bright andcheerful enhances theteaching and learningthat the school under-

    takes. In particular theprovision of a library andIT facilities has increasedthe opportunities for thechildren to learn and

    develop using up to datetechnology. We now lookforward to greater thingsin the future as the schoolexpands and develops.

    by Sue Brown, Headmistress of PenielAcademy Junior and Infant Schools

    It was a great honour to have theMP for Brentwood and Ongar, EricPickles, officially open the secondnew wing to the Peniel Academyjunior school on 16 May 2003.

    A School to be Proud of!




    ‘The facilities now available for these primary schoolchildren are superb, including specialist music and artrooms. I was honoured to be invited to officially openthe new classrooms and the outdoor learning areas. Itwas a pleasure to meet the staff, parents and most of

    all the pupils who are rightly proud of their school andthe opportunities it offers.

    ‘My congratulations go to all involve in the project andI am confident the facilities will be put to god use so

    that every pupil at the school achieves to the very bestof their ability.’ Eric Pickles MP

  • Trumpet Call 39 9

    W h e nw ef i r s tvisit-ed Peniel, my husband,Steve, was very ill. Hehad been incapacitatedfor over three years with

    what the doctors calledChronic FatigueSyndrome. It seemed asthough nothing could bedone for him. The situa-tion was hopeless.

    Over the years we hadheard about the testi-monies of others whohad come to thechurch in need ofhealing and maderemarkable

    recoveries. So we decidedto visit Peniel for our-selves to see if God wouldbe able to do the same forus. Having tried everyother means, we were bythis time desperately inneed of God’s help and,difficult as it was, we

    decided this was the timeto ask for it.

    Confident ofHealingFrom our very first meet-ing we were both sur-prised by how confident

    the church memberswere that Stevewould be healed.They had seen

    so many people healedover the years that it wasnatural for them tobelieve that God would doit for us too.

    We were both struck byhow joyful their livesseemed and encouragedthat their faith was so cer-tain and assured. AsChristians ourselves weimmediately identifiedwith this. The churchseemed to be a genuinecommunity. There was apalpable love and concernfor one another that weknew carried the hall-mark of Christ. We bothagreed to make Peniel ourhome. It was a simplechoice for us.

    PrayerofFaithAfter a shortprayer offaith at the end of onemeeting, Steve was mirac-ulously healed of his ill-ness. He found, within amonth, that he was fit

    enough to work full timeon his father’s farm. Thisreally was amazing, con-sidering the fact that hehad been off work forthree years, unable to domuch at all.

    We are so grateful to Godfor healing Steve and the

    repercussions for us bothhave been more incrediblethan we could have everimagined. There is nodoubt in my mind that

    our visit to Peniel changedour lives for the better,strengthened our faithand surprised us in somany wonderful ways.

    "Come andsee!"

    I woulde n c o u r a g eanyone whoneeds God tointervene intheir life, andeven people

    who are simply curious, tocome to Peniel and see forthemselves how faithfulGod is.

    By Rachel Salthouse

    Steve and Rachel Salthouse came toPeniel Church in need of a miracle.Steve had been too ill to work formore than three years and they feltas though there was nowhere left toturn. Read on as Rachel testifies tothe miraculous power of God andHis abundant blessing in their lives.

    Caption‘desperately in need ofGod’s help’


    ‘Steve was miraculouslyhealed of his illness’


    Changed for the Better!

  • 10 Trumpet Call 39

    “What God CanDo For You"( W G C D F Y ) ,Peniel’s week-ly half-hour TV pro-gramme was launched on11 June 2002 on TrinityBroadcasting Network(Channel 674). A yearlater, the programme isbroadcast on RevelationTV (Channel 676) and LifeTV (Channel 202 )as well,reaching millionsthroughout the world.

    I met up with PhilipWhealy, Director ofTelevision for Peniel TV, tofind out more.

    What doesyour jobinvolve?Directing "WGCDFY" isone of the most challeng-ing and rewarding roles I

    can think of. As producerand director I am respon-sible for generating theinitial ideas for a show,selecting guests and sub-ject matter, verifying mir-acle testimonies medical-ly, scripting, directing theshoots and lastly, oversee-ing (and doing a greatdeal of) the editing of theprogrammes. The role isenormous.

    What are youaiming toachieve withtheprogrammes?Our aim is simply to com-municate the Gospel ofJesus Christ. Bishop Reidis a remarkable man withremarkable gifts. He hasalways had a heart toreach people. Working

    with someone like that, itwould have been difficultto create something with-out life, vitality and origi-nality.

    What madeyou choosethe format ofthe program?We wanted the TV showto be unlike anything elseon television. It had toshow real people with realproblems getting realanswers from a real God.That is the message: whatGod can do for you.

    Why TBNEurope?It is a tremendous plat-form from which to speakto all of the British Isles,the Americas and Canada,

    Europe, the Middle East,Africa, Asia, India and theformer Soviet Union.

    How manypeople does ittake to makea program?We have a team of morethan 30 people who makeeach show possible. Thereis a wide range of func-tions. Set builders andgrips, audio and lightingtechnicians, camera crew,floor manager,researchers, editors, pro-duction co-ordinator, live

    prayer teams answeringthe phones and a host ofother vital roles that all gounseen.

    Who works ontheprogramme?The TV show has added anew dimension to thechurch's vision andchurch members areexcited and anxious tohelp in any way they can.All of the production teamare from the congregationof Peniel Church. Withthe exception of two, allare voluntary. These peo-ple work to the higheststandards demanded byany TV production compa-ny which is typical of thespirit of the people fromthe church.

    I have also recently insti-gated a work experienceprogram for the studentsof Peniel Academy andPeniel College of HigherEducation. Training isgiven on all aspects of theproduction process.

    June 2003 marks the first anniversary ofbroadcast for Peniel TV. What has motivatedproduction? Why does it continueto touch the hearts and minds ofmen and women across the globe?

    3 Channels, 3 Times a Week

    By John Cheesman



  • Trumpet Call 39 11

    I know youhave videocameras atPenielChurch. Doyou filmmiracles asthey happen?Absolutely. There havebeen many occasionswhere God's miraclepower has been capturedon camera. God has givenus technology to use forthe promulgation of thegospel message. We wantto use every means at ourdisposal.

    Are all thepeople youinterviewfrom PenielChurch?The congregation of PenielChurch, being in excess of700 people is a rich supplyof miracle testimonies butwe also have guests on theshow who may have visit-ed the church andreceived a miracle. We dofollow-ups on people whowere healed many yearsago and are still livinglives free of pain. We alsoinvite MP's and otherministers from all over theworld to appear as guestson the show.

    How manypeople havecontacted thechurch as aresult of theprogramme?Hundreds and hundredsof people have contactedthe church as a result ofthe show over the pastyear. Hundreds more haveaccessed the website. Wereceive phone calls andemails from all around

    Europe and theMediterranean requestingprayer or testifying toGod's healing power.

    Every single request forprayer is personallyprayed over by BishopReid or a member of thepastoral team. In addi-tion, the telephone prayerteams may pray with,counsel or just listen tothe many callers who calleach week.

    Which part oftheprogrammehas provokedthe greatestresponse?Miracles always attractedcrowds when Jesuswalked the earth and it's

    often no different with"WGCDFY". However, wehave also had many callsand emails to let us knowthat the outstanding qual-ity of the Peniel Choir andthe preaching of BishopReid have made a pro-found impact.

    How canpeoplecontact you ifthey havereceived amiracle whilstwatching theprogramme?We have had people call inand write to us to say thatthey, or a relative werehealed whilst watchingthe programme. If anyone

    3 Channels, 3 Times a Week






  • Trumpet Call 39 13

    B ob Canada,the headgolf coach atOral RobertsUniversity for 12 years,recently visited PenielChurch and kindly gavechurch members theopportunity to takeadvantage of his experi-ence. Bob is the four-timewinner of Mid-ContinentCoach of the Year and thisyear has coached the teamat ORU to a ConferenceChampionship win partic-ipation in the NCAAWestern Region atWashington National Golf


    He is a man especiallykeen to pass on his skillsto the younger genera-tions and he encouragedthe school children to takeup this highly competitivesport.

    Putting andChippingTuition was available foranyone who wanted totake part: primary schoolchildren to pensioners.Stapleford Abbots GolfClub was used to work on

    the short game – puttingand chipping, while atBrizes Park the focus wason the long game.

    On hand to help with thecoaching was TimothyYardy, a former PenielAcademy student who hasjust finished his secondyear at Oral RobertsUniversity. Tim won ascholarship to play golf atORU alongside his studiesand has worked hard toreduce his handicap downto playing off scratch.Also giving his time wasAndrew Whitaker, anoth-

    er former Peniel Academystudent.

    The first day of the coursecovered the basics. Thisincluded how to stand,positioning, grip andswing. Things swiftlyprogressed onto hittingballs, doing long rangeshots and putting.

    The HighlightIn what was the highlightof the week, the playershad the opportunity toput their newly-learnedskills into practice. Thechildren had great funplaying 9 holes on a par 3course whilst the adultsplayed 18 holes atPriors Golf Club.

    The week provid-ed a fantasticopportunity forall involved to

    either improve their gameor to discover the sport.This was especially truefor the youngsters whowere extremely grateful toBob, Tim and Andrew forthe coaching and helpthey received.

    By Laura Giachardi

    Over the May bank holiday weekend, the spectacular Brizes Park in Brentwood, played host to aweek of intensive golf training from highly-rated University golf coaches in the US.

    A Hole Lot Of Fun!


    Richard Farrell, aged 19"It was a great privilege to betaught by Bob Canada; hehelped me improve my gamea lot. I can look forward toreducing my handicap!"

    David Hunt, aged 14"There were really goodcoaches. It’s amazing howmuch you can learn in just aweek! I had only played pitchand putt before, and ammuch better now!"


    About the author!"#$%&'()&"*("+(,$&(-./0*&1(%0*(2%+,.1(.3(2&0"&'(4$/1#$5(%(,$1"6"07











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  • Trumpet Call 39 15

    T he confer-ence venuew a sLexington,Kentucky hosted by theMarriott Griffin GateHotel and AsburyTheological Seminary, oneof the leading theologicalschools in the USA.Leading Pentecostal aca-demics from around theworld came together toparticipate in academicsessions. Each sessioninvolved the presentation

    of a paper on a givenaspect of Pentecostalism.This was then respondedto formally by anotherscholar and in some casesquestions from the floorwere then arbitrated bythe independent Chair.With sessions and parallelsessions every day fromWednesday 19 March toSaturday 22 March andstarting at 8:30 am, theschedule was packed.


    We spent most of theweek talking to other aca-demics and discussing thepurpose of Bishop Reid’sdoctoral thesis, "StrategicLevel Spiritual Warfare: AModern Mythology?"There are many bookspropagating the doctrineof Strategic Level SpiritualWarfare (SLSW) but veryfew that offer a balancedviewpoint or a solution,i.e. that evangelism iseffective only when God’smethod is employed, that

    method being the preach-ing of the Word of God.Bishop Reid’s sales pitch"Don’t touch this, it’s dan-gerous!" certainly got peo-ple’s attention. Being theonly one of its kind, thebook caused quite a stirand by the time his ‘ses-sion’ was on, a great dealof interest had been gen-erated.

    The Key toEvangelismBishop Reid delivered aprécis of his doctoralpaper in a commandingfashion and the responsewas given by SteveSeamands – Professor ofChristian Doctrine atAsbury TheologicalSeminary. Once the sub-ject was thrown open tothe floor, the discussionwas extremely lively withpeople clamouring to havetheir questions answered.It was certainly one of theliveliest debates of theweek. Many were con-

    vinced of the truth thatthe preaching of thegospel alone is the key toevangelism and expressedgrave concern over theteaching of the propo-nents of SLSW.

    Bishop Reid’s purpose inattending the Conferencewas to try to stimulaterational and biblically-

    based debate in the areaof SLSW. This field hasbeen swamped with liter-ature over the past 20years, but the majority ofit has been anecdotal,experiential and, often,extra-biblical in its claimsand methodologies. Hisheart is to restore thereformers cry, ‘SolaScriptura’ and to pull theChurch back from a slidetowards ‘new revelation’and superstition. We feelsure that objective, seri-ous debate will arise inmany academic circles asa result of this valuabletrip.

    By Philip Whealy

    Hailed as "the largest gathering of thought leaders of theWesleyan and Pentecostal charismatic movements", the32nd annual meeting for the Society for PentecostalStudies, joined by the Wesleyan Theological Society wasa prestigious forum for Bishop Reid, representing theInternational Communion of Charismatic Churches, topresent his doctoral thesis on Strategic Level SpiritualWarfare. The Society for Pentecostal Studies wasfounded in 1970 to "serve the church world by providingan authoritative interpretation of the PentecostalMovement".

    Don’t Touch This... It’s Dangerous!!!



    ‘The book causedquite a stir’

  • More Than Just a GraduationPCHE Class of 2003

    16 Trumpet Call 39

    A Fortunately,my secondgraduationat OralRoberts University was acompletely different story.

    Any fears that ORU’s cer-emony would be a repeatof the one I had experi-enced in England disap-peared on arrival. Theceremony was incredible!Far from being dull andtedious it was one of themost spectacular events Ihave ever been to. Eachuniversity departmentlined up outside OralRoberts University’sMaybee centre beforemarching into the arena

    to the sound of Elgar’sPomp and Circumstance.As I walked into the stadi-um to "Land of Hope andGlory" I saw and heard

    the cheering of around10,000 people waving atus from around the audi-torium. It was as if I hadwalked into a football

    match. I felt triumphant!

    PricelessAs we waited in anticipa-tion the noise was incred-ible, made somewhatlouder by our supportersfrom England equippedwith air horns and bicyclehooters. What a privilegeit was to take to the stage,shake hands with BishopReid of Peniel Church andstand knowing I was agraduate at ORU. Themoment was priceless anda memory I will hold ontofor a life time.

    So why was it that myfirst graduation was sucha non-event compared tograduating second timeround?

    You have to hand it to theAmericans. When itcomes to putting on aparty they are pretty goodat it.

    But by far the main factorwhich made the occasionso special was the knowl-edge that, in Paul theApostle’s words, I hadstudied to show myselfapproved to God, a work-

    For many people, graduation ceremonies are about tedious clapping andstuffy speeches. It is the final obstacle between finishing your exams andgetting your degree. Those students brave enough to attend are by and largeparticipating for their parents’ sake. Others just don’t believe it’s as boringas people make out so they turn up to see for themselves. When Igraduated for the first time, I was one of those people, yet sadly I sooncame to the realisation that graduation ceremonies really are mind-numbingevents.

    by James Russell


    ‘The ceremony wasincredible!’

  • Trumpet Call 39 17

    man that need not beashamed. All of us at thatceremony had workedhard to better understandGod’s Word to us throughthe Bible. We spent threeyears learning why faithin Jesus Christ is soimportant. This was whythe graduation ceremonywas such a momentousevent.

    Yes, my first degree wasuseful. But academic suc-cess doesn’t change yourlife. In the grand schemeof things faith in Christ islife’s most importantprize.

    Changed LifeWhen I stood on the stagein the ORU stadium andaccepted my degree it wasthe realisation that mystudy had lead not somuch to achieving a cer-tificate but to a changedlife in Christ.

    Chris Whealy,GraduateNow that I have complet-ed the degree course, Ihave a solid foundationfor my Christian faith.That means I know what Ibelieve, why I believe it,and am able to articulateit coherently.

    I would recommend toanyone wishing to under-stand Christianity to enrolon this course. From ityou will gain a sound andScriptural understandingof the redemptive work of

    Jesus Christ, and gain aglimpse at the heart ofGod. You cannot help butbe changed by such aview.

    Mike Whealy,SpectatorIt is impossible to visit

    Oral Roberts Universitywithout it leaving animpression on you. Thereis such a thrill and won-der to see the universitythat God had built,against all the odds,through the vision anddogged, faithful determi-nation of Oral Roberts.There is the realisationthat the work of God weare privileged to see atPeniel is but a part of a fargreater work world-wide.There is the discovery thatwe too have a significantpart to play in this greaterwork. And then, there isthat sense of belonging toORU which only ourphysical presence therecould give us.

    To top it off, we were pres-ent to witness (and tocheer!) the presentationof an honorary Doctorateof Divinity to our ownBishop Michael Reid infront of the entire OralRoberts University facultyand graduating body. Itwas wonderful to see theesteem in which he is heldfor the service his hasgiven to the Universityand to the body of Christ,and to have had even asmall part in his celebra-tion!

    We came back so muchthe richer for the experi-ence!

    Dave Green,graduatedwith his wife,Gill andcelebratedtheir RubyWeddingAnniversaryMy time at PCHE hasproved to be a valuableand most worthwhiletime. My only regret isthat I commenced theBible course at the age of59 and not as a youngman.

    I left school without anyqualifications whatsoever.I, therefore, entered intothis course with a littleapprehension, but soonfound all the modules tobe challenging but defi-nitely within my graspand very rewarding.

    During my lifetime I haveattended Christian semi-nars, conferences and lis-tened to countless ser-mons, not to mentionreading the Bible throughfrom cover to cover on anumber of occasions. Ihad a pretty good idea andreasonable knowledge ofthe Scriptures, but duringthis degree course I waslearning things about theBible that cannot betaught from the pulpit.

    The result of the PCHEcourse has been toincrease my understand-ing of God’s Word, todraw me ever closer to mySaviour Jesus Christ and agreater desire to do what-soever He pleases. I wasthrilled to travel to Tulsa

    with my wife to receiveour degrees.

    One other small ceremonytook place at ORU by thesculpture of the PrayingHands. My wife, Gill, andI are celebrating our RubyWedding this year. Itmeant a great deal to usboth to we stood beneaththe sculpture remember-ing how God has kept andblessed us over the yearsbecause the year we weremarried was the same asthe year ORU was char-tered! A ruby ring is areminder to us both oftwo very special events.

    WendyWhealyMost grandmotherswould view degrees as theprovince of young peopleor those adventurous oneswho have a purpose forenrolling in the OpenUniversity.

    However, at PCHE, thingsare different. Any inter-ested adult, regardless of

    age, is encouraged toenroll in the degree plan.What a privilege it hasbeen for me, an ordinarycongregation member, tobe able to take advantageof such an opportunity.

    More Than Just a Graduation


    ‘Faith in Christ is life’smost important prize’

    ‘At PCHE, things aredifferent’

    To apply to joinPCHE turn to

    Page 19

  • 18 Trumpet Call 39

    A ddressing acrowd ofa r o u n d10,000 atthis year’s graduation cer-emony, President of theUniversity, Dr RichardRoberts, introducedBishop Reid by saying hefelt it was fitting that afterearning a masters degreein practical theology in

    1998 and a doctor of min-istry degree in 2002,Bishop Reid be awardedthis honorary degree inrecognition of a lifetime ofservice to worldwideChristianity.

    EnormousHonourBishop Reid replied that itwas an enormous honour

    to receive the doctorateand dedicated it to thosewho have had an enor-mous impact on his lifeand ministry:

    "In 1965 an airlift of 375Americans came over toEngland led by Demos

    Shakarian. Demos spot-ted me in a congregationof some 4,000 and Godspoke to him and said "Goget that man. I have awork for him to do" andmy life in Christ began.

    I owe this honorary

    degree to him, in his obe-dience when he heard theword of God…I also owemuch to my good friendsArchbishop BensonIdahosa, Dr T L Osbornand the Chancellor, OralRoberts."

    By Jennie Whealy

    Bishop Michael Reid, pastor ofPeniel Pentecostal Church, wasawarded one of the highestaccolades a University can bestow inMay of this year: an honorary doctorof divinity degree from Oral RobertsUniversity. The University awardedonly three honorary degrees thisyear, compared to 765 earneddegrees.

    Honorary Doctoratefor Bishop Reid



    ‘Awarded one of thehighest accolades a

    University canbestow’

    ‘in recognition of a lifetime ofservice to worldwide Christianity’

  • I In Acts 27 we readof how Paul, as aprisoner, is sent toRome by boat. Theprisoners are all under thecharge of a centurionnamed Julius. The jour-ney becomes dangerousbecause of bad weather,and the boat stops off atCrete. Here Paul warnsthat if they set sail again,the voyage will be disas-trous and bring great lossto the ship, cargo, as wellas to lives. However thecenturion chooses not tolisten to Paul and decidesinstead to sail on. Sureenough, the ship is caughtin a violent storm. Thecargo is thrown over-board. They are driven bythe storm for many days.Eventually, all hope ofbeing saved is lost.

    Faith in GodAt this point, Paul speaksup, "Sirs, ye should havehearkened unto me, andnot have loosed fromCrete, and to have gainedthis harm and loss. Andnow, I exhort you to be ofgood cheer: for there shallno loss of any man’s lifeamong you, but of theship" (Acts 27:21-22). Heexplains how an angelhad appeared to him,telling him that he hadyet to stand trial beforeCaesar, and that God had

    20 Trumpet Call 39

    Faith to Stand in the Storm

    A CTS 27

    By Bishop Michael Reid

    You may begoing through atrial in your life,but have yourealized that Godmakes us morethan conquerorsthrough Christwho loves us?Are you drivenby circumstancesthrough life’sstorms, or doesyour faith in Godcarry youthrough?

  • graciously given him thelives of all who sailed.With these words Paulencouraged them to havefaith in God. After a time,land was sighted and theship was run aground.Just as God had promised,every life on the ship wassaved.

    God inControlPaul triumphed in theface of adversity. Paul hadtrue faith, faith whichoperates in the midst of astorm. He understoodGod’s word, and he knew

    that no circumstancecould go against thatword. He knew thatGod’s promises alwayscome to pass. The realtest of a Christian is howthey respond in the face ofadversity. When thestorms of life come, doyou let circumstancesoverwhelm you? Do youhave faith which operatesonly when everything isgoing well? God wants usto have true faith. Hewants us to be able tostand in adversity andknow that He will deliverus. God is in control ofeverything. He is

    almighty and supreme.We are more than con-querors through Christwho loves us. "For Godhath not given us the spir-it of fear; but of power,and of love, and of asound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7).Don’t fear a storm – knowto whom you can turn inthe midst of adversity."And call upon me in theday of trouble: I will deliv-er thee, and thou shaltglorify me" (Psalm 50:15).

    Know YourGodFaith is a gift of God, Hewants you to have faith ofyour own. The soldiersaboard the ship relied onPaul’s faith. They hadgiven up every source ofhope, until Paul spoke andthey were cheered bywhat he said. The stormwas still raging around

    them, but they saw thatPaul had faith. When yougo through life’s storms,you need to hear the Wordof God from a man offaith. This is why God hasbuilt His church, and whywe are told not to forsakethe gathering of ourselvestogether. God has builtthe church for us as ahaven where we can findfaith. You need to hearGod’s Word in your timeof trial. The Bible tells usthat "faith cometh byhearing, and hearing bythe word of God"(Romans 10:17). In themidst of opposition youhave to walk tall, to know

    who you are and what youhave. When everythingelse seems to by contrary,you have to know yourGod.

    Don’t let circumstancesdrive you. Have faith inGod in the midst of adver-sity. Make the right choic-es in life – don’t be drivenby desires, ambition andlusts. Whatever stormslife may throw at you,remember that God is incontrol and that "in allthese things we are morethan conquerors throughhim that loved us" (Rom.8:37).

    Trumpet Call 39 21

    Faith to Stand in the Storm

    ‘Paul had true faith,faith which operates

    in the midst of astorm’

    ‘You need to hearGod’s Word in your

    time of trial’

  • I have always lovedsinging and whilston holiday inCornwall with fel-low church members Iasked someone if at 78years of age, I was too

    ancient to be in the choir?"Why, No!" was the reply.

    I auditioned and startedperforming with the choir.That was eight years ago,during which time I havetravelled with the choir to

    Bulgaria and Oral RobertsUniversity in the US.What a privilege it is tosing out the truth of thegospel each Sunday!

    I enjoy being involved inthe church. I also makebiscuits for the workersand do ironing for visitors.

    Hiatus HerniaHowever, I began to fearthat my involvementwould have to diminishwhen I started experienc-ing physical difficulties.

    After I was baptised in theSpirit many years ago, Iknew because of whatJesus did on the cross forus that He was able toheal today. We have beengiven the promise: "by Hisstripes we are healed".

    Yet for around six years Ihad severe pain in mychest if I lifted anythingheavy. If I lay on a certain

    side at night, the painsometimes lasted for sev-eral hours. An x-rayshowed that I had a hia-tus hernia.

    Healed!I was sitting in a churchservice when Bishop Reidgave the opportunity to goforward for prayer. A lady,who had a hiatus hernia,went forward to be prayedfor. After praying, BishopReid asked anyone elsewith the same problem tocome forward. I did and I,too, was prayed for.

    When I got back to myseat I felt a strange sensa-tion in my chest. WasGod doing a repair job Iasked myself? Yes Hesurely was! From that dayto this I have had no morepain in my chest! I amable to lift things and dogardening with no prob-lems at all.

    I am so grateful to God.My life is now complete inways I never dreamt pos-sible. I know now, morethan ever, that God reallydoes have a part for me toplay.

    22 Trumpet Call 39

    At the age of 74, I joined Peniel Church. I couldimmediately see that the church was full of activity.The question was, what part was I to play as an "oldie"?

    A Part to Play

    By Doreen Hall



  • THE ARMOUR OF GODWhat is it? How do we use it?Taken from a series of sermons preached by RevCarolyn Linnecar, Rev Peter Linnecar and Rev AndrewLove

    In the year 60AD, the Apostle Paul was under housearrest in Rome. Writing to the church in Ephesus, hecast around for an illustration for the way we shouldlive our Christian lives – and took as his theme thearmour worn by the Roman soldiers.

  • The Girdle of TruthIn Paul’s day men wore flowing garments whichwere not practical if you were working or fighting –you could easily trip over them. So men put a belt(or girdle) around their middle to keep theirgarments out of the way.

    We are told to "Stand therefore, having your loinsgirt about with truth" (Eph. 6:14). The Word of Godis truth. Therefore the Girdle of Truth speaks of theWord of God. In the same way that men strapped

    the belt around their waist, so the Word of Godmust be the centre of our lives. We need to knowwhat God says about our position as Christians.The truth is, He took my sin and gave me Hisrighteousness. I am forgiven because God pouredout His wrath on the head of His Son, rather thanon me in my sinful state.

    What God says is truth – nothing else. We will havedifficulties in our lives but we must remember that"all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28).They may not be good in themselves, but Godtakes the evil things and uses them to help His

    children. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you. ... Inthe world ye shall have tribulation, but be of goodcheer – I have overcome the world." ( John 16:33).That is the truth. It is solid and reliable. When youlook at the circumstances, it can sometimes appearthat they are insurmountable. But we have a Godwho always causes us to triumph. He will neverleave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

    Do you have the girdle of truth? Do you believewhat He says, or what you experience or see withyour own eyes? Is there is a truth that holds yourlife, a truth that is your life?

    The Breastplate of RighteousnessThe breastplate was the piece of armour that covered asoldier from his neck down to his thighs. This piece ofarmour was designed to protect two particular things:your heart and your gut. To the Jews, the heart spoke ofyour mind and your will, the gut represented youremotions and feelings.

    The breastplate of righteousness is a recognition that westand not in our own righteousness but in Hisrighteousness.

    When Christ hung on that cross for you and for me, Hetook upon Himself something that belonged to you andme - sin. He had never sinned in His life. When therealisation of that dawns on us, by faith, we also realisethat the reverse is true. God took the righteousness thatbelonged to his Son and laid that to my account. The daywe are born again, Christ’s righteousness is imputed tous.

    This is our breastplate of righteousness. The enemy ofyour soul may try to dredge up your past and point thefinger at you. He would love you to feel that you have nopart in the inheritance of God, to feel excluded and left

    out. But there is one thing that can never ever change.You are a son of God today, you are a son of Godtomorrow and you always will be a son of God. God tookthe righteousness of His Son and put it to your account.We don’t stand on the basis of our own righteousness, butwe stand on the basis of His.

    Protect your heart and your mind, protect your emotionsand your feelings with the breastplate of righteousness.Don’t live your life governed by feelings and emotions.Live in the reality and the truth, that your righteousness isimputed to you by God.

    The Preparation of the Gospel of Peace The Roman soldiers wore shoes that were extremely strong.On the bottom of the shoes were studs, like football boots.The purpose of the studs were to give the soldiers grip.

    We are to have our "feet shod with the preparation of thegospel of peace" (Eph 6:15). It is this gospel of peace thatmotivates and drives us. Our lives need to be founded uponand directed by this gospel of peace so that we do not fall, slip,or follow the wrong path. Our course is set and nothing willpull us off course because we are walking the path that Godchose for us.

    But the gospel is also about peace, it brings us peace. Jesuscame to deal with sin, but He also came to reconcile me toGod. Just as Adam and Eve walked with God before the fall,so I can walk with him now. That is the position I move from– my feet are secure through having a relationship with God.

    The Shield of FaithA Roman soldier’s shield had to be big to protect them fromthe darts of the enemy. The darts had a pointed end, andoften the enemy would wrap a cloth around the end, soak itin pitch and set it on fire. When the darts hit, they exploded.The intention was to destroy.

    We are told above all to take "the shield of faith, wherewithye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked"(Eph. 6:16). The fiery darts are thrown by the enemy of our

    souls. He is aiming at our confidence in God. His ultimatepurpose is to cause us to doubt God by coming with halftruths, lies, deceptions and interpretations, taking you out oftruth and into condemnation

    As Christians, our shield is our faith in what God has done forus. We are not righteous in our own right, we are righteousbecause of what He has done. Jesus has paid the price forour sin on the cross at Calvary. This faith is a gift from Godand can stand against, fear, uncertainty, despair, rejection.When we move faith into position, it cannot fail.

    Don’t accept everything that comes into your mind. Stand inthe truth that your status has been eternally set. Nothing –no trial, no dart of the enemy can take it from you. Nothingcan move you from your position in the Kingdom of God,sealed by the Holy Spirit.

    Your choice is do you believe the doubts and fears, thedeceit of the enemy, or do you believe God? Do you take upthe shield of faith and stand strong in Him, His truth, Hisrighteousness and His salvation?

    The Helmet of SalvationThe helmet was made of metal and was designed to protect the head, faceand neck without blocking vision.

    The helmet of salvation is not so much the reality of salvation in the now.It is the hope of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8), the future glory inside me.Having hope is much more than a mere desiring that it might happen.Hope is looking forward with an expectancy and trust that it will be so.Our hope is that one day when we meet Jesus will be like Him - that is the

    promise we have been given. It is the hope of salvation that we exerciseevery day of our lives.

    The helmet of salvation, our hope of future glory, protects our minds, sothat we think the right way. It gives an awareness of God: who He is, whatHe has done for me, His wonderful grace and love. It is about keepingthings in the right perspective no matter what circumstances happen. "Forour light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far moreexceeding and eternal weight of glory" (2 Cor. 4:17). Whatever situationwe may be in, we can stand sure in the knowledge that God loves us andthe outworking of it will be to His glory.

    Learn how to trust God in every area of life, "look not at the things whichare seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which areseen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor4:18). There will always be difficult circumstances to face in life, but if weset it in the context of what God says, we know that the enemy is defeatedand my life is a constant demonstration of God’s love for me.

    Learn to protect your thinking with the helmet of salvation. Donthe temporal, see the eternal. God is working everything out in your lifefor the good.

    The Sword of the SpiritThe Romans used a short sword – about 24 incheslong – which cut on both sides. It was the swordthey used to conquer the civilized world.

    The sword is a slightly different piece of armourfrom the rest. It is the only one which can be usedas an offensive weapon as well as a defensive one.We are told to take "the sword of the Spirit, which

    is the word of God" (Eph 6:17). The Word of Godis the prime weapon in evangelism. It is theweapon which sets people free. The Gospel ofChrist is the power of God unto salvation. WhenGod has a purpose with His word, that purpose isalways fulfilled.

    The Word of God has to work in your life. Godwants there to be a fusion between ourselves andHis Word. The Word needs to become a part ofyou, and you a part of it. You need to know it, to

    understand it, and to live by it. It will cut wherenothing else can cut, divide where nothing else candivide, show you what actually works inside you.

    When trials arise in your life, you need His Wordactive in your life. God’s sword must be yoursword, His Word must become part of your life.Understand that what He says is true – what Godhas promised He will always perform.

    ce. Jesuscile me tore the fall,

    move fromwith God.

    nd inng –hingGod,

    thee up His

    ry area of life, "look not at the things whichhich are not seen: for the things which arengs which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor.fficult circumstances to face in life, but if wed says, we know that the enemy is defeatedonstration of God’s love for me.

    with the helmet of salvation. Don’t look at God is working everything out in your life

  • CONCLUSIONPut on the whole armour of God. Understand who youare in Christ Jesus. Don’t let circumstances dictateyour faith. Put your faith in Him and in the reality ofwhat He has done. God has given you the equipment.You don’t have to believe yourself into it. He just saysyou have to take it. Are you prepared to let God moveyou into a frontline position, to stand for Him, Histruth, His ways no matter what the circumstance? If so,God doesn’t just about give you the victory – He givesyou abundant victory: "Nay, in all these things we aremore than conquerors through him that loved us"(Romans 8:37).





  • 28 Trumpet Call 39

    P e t e rC leminsonstamped hisauthority onthe table tennis scenewhen he won the under11 NationalChampionships. For thenext three years he stayedat the top of the game.But Peter was yet to fight

    his fiercest opponent...hisown mind.

    TheWildernessYearsOn becoming too old forthe under fourteen tour-naments Peter moved intothe under eighteen eventsand found that he was nolonger the best in his agegroup. He struggled tomake it past the earlyrounds in tournamentsand became despondent,losing all enthusiasm topractise. Peter’s coach,Nick Jarvis, told me thatPeter had never been ableto react well to defeat andthat losing always putenormous pressure onhim. From being a topcadet and well respectedinternational (having rep-resented England twentytimes as an under four-teen) Peter was no longer

    seen as a threat by hispeers and had becomenothing better than anaverage junior.

    For a period of two yearshe dabbled in other sportsand very nearly gave uptable tennis altogether."Not only did I expect tolose but I no longer caredif I did". When I spoke toNick Jarvis he told methat "there’s never been adoubt about Peter’s natu-ral ability and flair but healways found it difficult toaccept advice and con-structive criticism andwas at odds with himselfover whether he wantedto play table tennis ornot".

    ChallengedIt was at this point thatBishop Reid stepped in totell Peter exactly what hethought of his attitude.He confronted him with

    the stark truth that unlesshe dramatically changedhis mind-set he would failto fulfil his obvious poten-tial. He challenged him toshow his contemporariesthat he was not a spent

    force. This took placeimmediately prior to theWorld SchoolsChampionships whichwas held in Slovakia.Seeing the world’s bestunder eighteens madePeter realise what he hadbeen missing out on. Hereturned to England withrenewed enthusiasm.Taking up the challengehe started by trebling hispractice time. "I worked

    harder than I ever hadbefore and I even startedto listen to my coach whowas amazed with my newattitude." Nick Jarvis toldme that "Peter has made aremarkable change in hisattitude towards compet-ing. He has a strong willto win and in fact is train-ing much harder than anyother player in England."

    BreakthroughAlthough Peter didn’t seethe rewards for his hardwork immediately he con-tinued to believe that hecould return to being thebest, despite the fact thatmany of his contempo-raries had written him offas a has-been. His firstbreakthrough as a juniorplayer came in 2002,when, ranked just 13 inEngland, he managed tofinish fourth in the topsixteen end of seasontournament. This wasclosely followed by a thirdplace in the NationalChampionships where helost closely in the semi-

    final to the eventual win-ner and national numberone. In less than half ayear he moved from aranking of thirteenth tofifth in the under eigh-teens.

    Peter: "My coach and myBritish League team cap-tain played a big part inimproving both the tech-nical and the mentalaspects of my game. Theywere both very patient

    By Chris Jamieson

    In sport howmuch of thebattle takes placein the arena?How much iswaged in themind? Theability of atalentedyoungster canearn short-termsuccess, but ittakes mentalstrength toremain achampion.


    ‘He returned to Englandwith renewedenthusiasm’

    The Rise of aChampion


  • with me and believed inmy ability and potential tobecome number one. Iwas also very lucky thatPeniel Academy gave methe time off school that Ineeded to practice.

    EnglandReturnFor the 2002/2003 seasonPeter set himself the tar-get of becoming ranked inthe top 25 of the seniormen, at that time beingranked sixty. It took himjust three months toachieve this but he wasstill only ranked fourth inthe junior boys, threeplaces below where hewanted to be. In Februaryof 2003, three years afterhis last England cap, Peterwas selected to representhis country in theSwedish Youth Open. Hewas delighted with hisinclusion in the nationalteam but was still deter-mined to prove that hewas the best under eight-een in England.

    Number OneOn returning fromSweden Peter entered and

    won a major domesticyouth tournament beat-ing the two top rankedjuniors along the way.Peter: "Soon after this thenew ranking list was pub-lished and I was verypleased when PenielAcademy’s headmistressinterrupted class to giveme the news that I hadgone to number one".Many people thought thatPeter would soon beknocked off the top spotbut he proved that he wasthe best by handling thepressure of being seeded1st and winning thechampionship for the topsixteen ranked juniors.Nick Jarvis told me thatwinning this competitionwas a significant mile-stone in Peter’s career; "itconfirmed his ability tocope with the pressure ofeleven extremely hardmatches over one week-end and it instilled a beliefin him that he can go onto greater things. He nowhas the determination toreach his short term goalof beating some of thebest players in Europe atthe European YouthChampionships in July2003".

    U TurnPeter is now in serioustraining for the EuropeanYouth Championships tobe held in Yugoslavia.Currently ranked numberthirteen in the seniors,Peter’s next ambition is toplay for the Englandmen’s team when he istoo old for the under eigh-teens next year.

    He acknowledges that hewould not have achievedwhat he has, nor have thehopes that he has, were itnot for the encourage-ment of Bishop Reid andhis coach Nick Jarvis.Nick told me; "it’s verypleasing to see someone

    turn a corner in such adramatic way. Peteralways had the ability tobe one of the top seniorsin Europe but his previousmental state made thislook like extremelyunlikely. Now he is backon track and I am expect-ing great things from himin the future."

    Your AttitudeDeterminesYour Altitude

    For two and a half yearsPeter’s attitude was lead-ing him into sportingoblivion. But a remark-able u-turn has put himback on course to becomeone of the world’s best.With a determination totrain hard, coupled with adesire to succeed, he isnow beginning to fulfilhis potential. AsArchbishop BensonIdahosa used to say; "yourattitude determines youraltitude."


    Trumpet Call 39 29

    The Rise of a Champion‘he moved from a

    ranking of thirteenth tofifth in the under


    ‘I was very pleased whenPeniel Academy’s

    headmistress interruptedclass to give me the news

    that I had gone tonumber one’

    ‘He is now beginning tofulfil his potential’

  • S t u d e n t scome toA N F C B I Ifrom all overAfrica and beyondbecause they believe Godhas called them to evan-gelise and plant churches.It is estimated that theaverage student ofANFCBII will be involvedin the planting of twochurches after their grad-uation. Graduates haveopened thousands of

    churches allover Africa, as

    well as churches inEurope, America andAsia.

    Strong,MotivatedGraduatesANFCBII teaches its two-year full time programmein three languages(English, French and thesub-Saharan Hausa lan-guage) in order the reachas many regions of thecontinent of Africa as pos-sible. The goal of theCollege is to promote mis-sion in areas where thegospel is not well estab-lished, and this includesanimistic and Islamic

    r e g i o n sof Africa.

    ANFCBII alsoruns a four-year

    Degree programmeand is planning tostart a Masters pro-gramme in 2004.

    A substantial numberof the students in theCollege are on a schol-arship awarded by the

    College. This helps topromote the gospel inregions where indigenesare not part of a function-ing economy. The fruit ofthe scholarship policy isstrong, motivated gradu-ates that are determinedto press through difficul-ties and establish church-es.

    A Day in theLife of anANFCBIIStudent 5:00am: Students Rise

    5:15am: Morning prayerbegins

    7:30am: Student Chapel

    8:00am: Classes begin

    1:00-2:00pm: Classes end

    3:00pm: Staff attend totheir family or churchministry

    Afternoons: Labour forabout 1 hour, library andstudy time, sport, or rest.


    All Nations For Christ Bible Institute, aministry training College in Benin CityNigeria was founded by the lateArchbishop Benson Idahosa in 1967. Sinceits inception ANFCBII has graduated over10,000 students. Kent and Ruth Hodge gaveTrumpet Call an update on the activities ofstudents and graduates from the Bible College. Thereis no doubt that they are making a tremendous impact.

    By Kent and Ruth Hodge

    "Students -Active,Motivated,with Faith"

    NIGERIAAll Nations forChrist BibleInstitute

    30 Trumpet Call 39

  • Degree students areexempt from labour andspend more time in study.

    Evenings: Church service,study periods or studentsfulfil assigned dutieseither in the school, localchurch administration orstaff houses.

    5:30-8:30pm: EveningCollege Classes (separatestudents), diploma anddegree colleges

    11:00pm: Lights out forresidential students

    At weekends, the studentsparticipate in practicalministry in churches, pris-ons, villages and hospi-tals, labour and studentprogrammes like drama,singing, seminars or per-sonal evangelism. Staffminister in many parts ofthe nation at weekends.Day students (those livingoff campus) are often outconducting village gospelcrusades at weekends.This goes on 40 weeks ofthe year for two years forthe full time diploma stu-dents. The other 12 weeksstudents are spread overAfrica in church andevangelistic ministry.

    Aims ofANFCBIIThe aims of ANFCBII areto make disciples of Jesusfirst, through faith andobedience to God’s word,and then to plant church-es. Church planting is thebest means of evangelis-ing and nurturing truebelievers in Jesus Christ.Every year, ANFCBIIholds two graduations,with the main one inDecember. This June,ANFCBII graduatedalmost 300 students andsent out 1,200 students onpractical ministry inchurches around Africafor four weeks, before

    they return to finish theircourse, along with a newset of students in July.

    The following testimoniesare taken from a fewemails I received recently.When I am in my office Ireceive testimonies justlike these every day.

    Tanzania: "I have so farplanted 13 churches inTanzania and we areworking on establishing aBible School. We havesecured 100 acres on theshore of Lake Victoria forthat purpose. Much canbe done if we have peopletrained in the ministry."Bishop AugustineMpemba

    Poland: "I remember howI came to you when thingswere difficult for us inCollege. The new believersin our church now cometo us crying and I say tothem, "Do you believe Godor not? Why are youbehaving like some onethat does not? Stop cry-ing". And I just rememberI was the same. Thankyou again for the love thatyou showed us while wewere in Nigeria and all thewonderful teaching notonly from the pulpit butalso by your life." Kasjana& Ike

    Angola: "We just complet-ed the graduation of thestudents of our Bibleschool. I am serving Godas the principal here inLuanda, Angola. I am alsopastoring a church inLuanda. I am very gratefulfor what you have sown inmy life while beingtrained at ANFCBII." Rev.Tomalela Mbunga

    Liberia: "We are holding aforty-day prayer confer-ence in Monrovia, Liberia.We are expecting thou-sands of participants andguests from other nations.We are determined thatGod's blessing shall comeupon this nation. I haveheld evangelistic crusadesin many Liberian refugeecamps in other nations. Ihave seen many come to

    Christ and pastors trainedover the years of ministry.ANFCBII has a lot ofLiberian graduates nowpastoring." Jackson Tugbe

    Uganda & Sudan: PastorsBill & Helen Driessen andLeigh Peric from Australiahave recently visited grad-uate Joseph Kakande inUganda. They have helpedhim in his ministry toorphans and his church.Leigh & Robyn went withJoseph into Sudan for apastor's conference.Joseph is grateful for thehelp that the Driessens,Perics and others are giv-ing towards this ministry.

    Manchester & London"God has used me to helpplant two churches inManchester, England.Graduate Gospel Udeme,from Ghana, has a churchof 300 members inLondon, most of whomare Asian and European."Didi Mombongo

    Congo: I had an opportu-

    nity to go into Kinshasathis May to a pastor's con-ference led by graduateDr. Soni Mukwenze. Sonioversees several churchesand a Bible college, andhas been T. L Osborn'scrusade manager in recentprogrammes in FrenchAfrican nations. We havehundreds of graduatesfrom Congo.

    Nigeria: There are now1,500 students in theBible College, who willminister in the abovecountries, as well as manyothers. 900 full-timediploma students: 330part time diploma stu-dents: 200 degree stu-dents and 70 weekendand June Sandwichcourse students.

    Thank you Thank you for your prayerand financial support.Every student mentionedabove was trained onscholarship - whichmeans the school paidtheir fees. The school sub-sidises most of the stu-dents, some more thanothers, but hundreds areon full scholarship. Thereare 200 students in theschool from northern-Moslem Nigeria. Eachgraduate will preach thegospel to thousands ofpeople who have neverbefore responded to Jesus.If only we had space to gothrough what each of thegraduates are doing. If wecould talk with them oneby one, it would be aston-ishing. The students areactive, motivated andhave faith. They are alldetermines to succeed inGod's calling.

    Please continue to prayand give. The continent isexperiencing tremendousdifficulty constantly. Theonly solution is the gospelchanging hearts and lives.There is no other answer.

    Thank you for your loveand support. We are pray-ing for you.

    Trumpet Call 39 31Trumpet Call 39 31

    Students - Active, Motivated, with Faith




    ‘Graduates have openedthousands of churches

    all over Africa’

  • And a great multitude fol-lowed him, because theysaw his miracles which hedid on them that werediseased. (John 6:2)

    Every miracle of Jesusbelongs to Him alone, andthe reasons He performsthem are His to know.

    Most of us spend our livesneedlessly struggling. Wetry to find the key thatwill unlock the door tothat faith we’re convincedwe should have, butwhich so often eludes us.People are told, “All you’vegot to do is this or that,then God has got tomove.’’ But the truth is,He hasn’t! God never hasto do anything becauseman demands it, norbecause he has met cer-tain criteria. There is noformula! God is God, andHe’ll do what He wills,

    how He wills, when Hewills and through whomHe wills.

    Man wants an explana-tion for everything: withhis finite mind he con-cocts great theories aboutthe infinite God and Hisways. But the simpletruth is that our God is aGod of mysteries, and thatdefies all human logic and


    For my thoughts are notyour thoughts, neither areyour ways my ways, saiththe LORD. For as the heavensare higher than the earth, soare my ways higher thanyour ways, and my thoughtsthan your thoughts. (Isaiah55:8-9)

    Canst thou by searching findout God? canst thou

    find out the Almighty untoperfection? It is high asheaven; what canst thou do?deeper than hell; what canstthou know? The measurethereof is longer than theearth, and broader than thesea. (Job 11:7-9)

    Amy Carmichael oncewrote these words:-

    A centipede was happy tillOne day a toad, in fun,said “Pray which leg goesafter which?’’ Whichstrained his mind to sucha pitch. He lay distractedin a ditch. Consideringhow to run.

    I think that’s what sometheories on faith did forme - they left me con-

    fused and totally immo-bilised!

    Let’s just accept the factthat God will move as Hedesires, and that His mir-acles and His powerbelong to Him alone.

    In John 6 we have thefamiliar story of the feed-ing of the five thousand.We read that Jesus cameto Philip and asked him,Whence shall we buy bread,that these may eat? (John6:5)

    Jesus already knew whatHe was going to do, butHe asked the question toprove Philip. He was real-ly saying - “Philip, I wantto find out what is going

    32 Trumpet Call 39

    STOP! Struggling to exercise faith which isn’tthere? Being trapped by outward rules with noinward reality? Doing all the right things but stillexperiencing defeat? Being plagued by sin andbondage? “It’s so simple! It’s not faith in yourfaith, your healing, your deliverance, but Faith inHim”.

    FAITH:It’s God Given

    MiraclesBelong to Him

    Chapter 2:

    By Bishop Michael Reid

    Praying for a sick infant in Lagos, Nigeria

    ‘His miracles and Hispower belong to Him alone’

    Order your copy here


  • Trumpet Call 39 33

    on inside you. Where arewe going to find food forall this multitude? Howwould you cope with theproblem? What are youthinking, Philip?’’

    Philip’s answer was natu-ral enough -

    Two hundred pennyworth ofbread is not sufficient forthem. (John 6:7)

    But notice that he repliedto a question which Jesushad never even asked. TheMaster wanted to knowwhere bread could bebought, not how muchwas needed. Philip didn’teven consider the solu-tion, because he wasblinded by the immensityof the problem itself.

    Very often when we cometo the Lord, we don’t con-sider the source of supply,the fount of all life. Ourhuman logic takes over,and all we see is the mag-nitude of the need.

    Have you ever sat downbefore God and tried tosort out your life? Apreacher makes an appealand you really want to getyour heart right with God.You decide one day you’llmake a list of all thethings that need to bechanged. After you’vewritten 30 pages youthink, “I’m quitting! Lord,there’s just too muchwrong with me!’’ Yourheart is so overwhelmedwith the enormity of theproblems, that you losesight of the source of sup-ply.

    Philip didn’t respond toJesus in faith and, usually,neither do we. God wantsto feed our souls, but we

    come to Him with totalunbelief and tell Him howimpossible it is for Him tomeet our needs.

    So if Philip showed nofaith, what of the others?

    If anything Andrew waseven worse! He was goingto throw out the only littleprovision they had -

    There is a lad here, whichhath five barley loaves, andtwo small fishes: but whatare they among so many?(John 6:9)

    Have you ever thoughtabout that little lad?

    The boy had perceivedthat in Jesus there wassomething beyond thenatural, so he offered allhe had, five loaves andtwo small fishes. Andrewwould have given themback and sent him away.The boy had faith, but notAndrew.

    There were thousands ofpeople thronging thatmountainside, so how didAndrew know just whatthe boy carried in his bas-ket? There were other bas-kets there - later theywere able to fill twelve

    with the fragments thatwere left over. But thisone was special because itwas offered.

    Here was a lad who cameto Jesus with the onlything he had. It wasn’tmuch and he knew it. Buthe saw the great need andhe said, “Lord, You knowthis is all I have. Pleasetake it! It’s Yours.’’Somehow he realised thatif Jesus would only takehis small gift and bless it,so much could happen. Hecame and gave all he pos-sessed to the King ofKings. That was the heartof the lad.

    Jesus took the loaves andfishes and commandedthe men to sit down. ThenHe looked up to Heaven ...and everything changed.

    “Philip, this is where it allcomes from - it comesfrom heaven.”

    He blessed the bread,broke it, and as the disci-ples gave it out, there wasmore than enough foreveryone. And sittingwatching the miracle wasone little boy who couldnever be the same again.He understood that hisinsignificant little gift wasthe very thing that hadcaused all the glory to berevealed. Five thousandmen, besides women andchildren, ate and werefilled that day, and they allacknowledged the King ofGlory.

    The trouble with mostpeople is that what theyhave they won’t give. Thisboy gave all he had to bemultiplied by the sourceof life. His eyes were onJesus, not on the size ofthe problem. He under-stood a secret that very

    few are able to see - Godtakes the things that arenot, the insignificantthings, the things that aregiven from the heart, andHe blesses those offeringsabundantly.

    Andrew scoffed at thegift, considering it toosmall to be of any use andwhen the child heardAndrew speak his heartfell. Then suddenly Jesuswas telling everyone to sitdown and the boy fixedhis eyes again

    on the face of the One heloved. He had followedHim to the mountainside,now he waited to seewhat the Lord would do.

    Afterwards what a storyhe had to tell! I am sureAndrew gave him one ofthe baskets full of frag-ments to take home to hismother. But the real gifthe received that day wasthe gift of faith in Christfrom the fount of lifeHimself!

    That lad was willing togive.

    Could you believe theMaster, that He could takewhat you have into Hisown hands, bless it, breakit, and use it to feed mul-titudes? No, you won’tfeed them. No, you won’teven be noticed. We’renever told that the littleboy was even thanked. Hedidn’t get the glory,because that belongs toGod alone. But he wenthome a different person

    because he had met withJehovah Jireh, the sourceof all supply.

    I’ve often thought aboutthis miracle. If I had beenin the multitude, I would

    have wanted some of thenewly created bread! Iwonder how it actuallymultiplied. I’m sure thedisciples walked aroundwith proud looks on theirfaces - “Of course, weknew He could do it allalong!”

    But, if we’re honest, it’sonly afterwards that wefind it easy to believe.Until then we know thatHe’s able but we can’thelp wondering if He will!

    I’ve learned a secret - it’sbetter not to ask ques-tions, but to wait for Him.Pray, yes, and wait untilHe comes. The miracle ofLife happens at the pointwhen the living reality ofHis presence is there.Then we can drink of thatSource - that heavenlySource - and that whichseems impossible is donein a moment.

    I don’t come to God withdemands, I don’t comesaying, “Lord, You’ve gotto.” I come with a heart oftrust which declares,“Lord, I know You’re able,and I just bring myself toYou and put myself inYour hands.”

    I don’t look at the prob-lem, I look at the wonder-ful source of all life - Jesus


    Miracles Belong to Him

    ‘God is thesource ofsupply’

    ‘God takes the things thatare not and blesses


    ‘It’s not my believing, it’s His believingthat creates life’

  • 34 Trumpet Call 39

    my Lord! In simplicity Ilay myself at His feet andsay, “Lord, You are thesource who never fails!”

    It’s not my believing, it’sHis believing that createslife.

    When He died onCalvary’s tree and tookmy sin into his own body,I had nothing to do withit. I wasn’t there, I hadn’teven been born. But Hisfaith and love took my sininto Himself and He paidthe penalty for it twothousand years ago. I didnothing. He did it all.

    God is coming to draw outa people for Himself whoare going to be totallygiven over to living anddying for Him. Those whowill put everything on thealtar unreservedly andsay, “Lord, I want You to

    be Lord in truth. I wantYou to so captivate myheart and soul that myonly source is You - notmy own knowledge, notmy own strength, not myown ability, but You.”

    Part of the ministry of thechurch of which I am apastor, is a school, widelyrecognised as one of thetop private academicinstitutions in England.We were visited on oneoccasion by another min-ister who wanted to knowhow it all functioned.After looking around hebombarded me with ques-tions - “Where does thiscome from? What do youdo about that? How doyou arrange that?”

    I had no blueprint to offerhim. So I simply said,“You can have all the rightmethods, all the best ways

    of doing things. You couldcopy that which God hasshown us but it wouldn’tnecessarily work for you.For we have found thatHe was the one whobrought it about and if Hedoesn’t do it, it won’t hap-pen.”

    The truth is that Jesus isthe Source of whatever Hewants you to do. So youneed to find Him andalign yourself with Hiswill. As He lived, so weshould live. His only pur-pose and desire was tofulfil the will of HisFather. His was a life ofsimple obedience.

    Then answered Jesus andsaid unto them, Verily, veri-ly, I say unto you, The Soncan do nothingof himself, butwhat he seeththe Father do:

    for what things soever hedoeth, these also doeth theSon likewise. (John 5:19)

    Then said I, Lo, I come (inthe volume of the book itis written of me,) to do thy will, O God. (Hebrews10:7)

    We find that way of livingso difficult to accomplish.Our human heartsdemand reasons, explana-tions; we want to knowhow it all works.

    Jesus wants to be thesource of all for you. He

    wants you to learn how tofeed on Him and drawfrom Him all that youneed. He wants you togive up trust in yourselfand see the only reality iswhat He does, the way Hedoes it. Remember, mira-cles belong to Him. In

    your heart, it will be Hismiracle, if you make roomfor Him.

    With men this is impossible;but with God all things arepossible. (Matthew 19:26)

    “Faith: It’s God Given” is available to buy from Alive

    UK - See Page 42 for details.

    Miracles Belong to Him

    ‘The only reality is what Hedoes, the way He does it’

    53, Coxtie Green Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5PS

    Connect with us on Facebook


  • Trumpet Call 39 35

    The very first story that Godtells us about in the Bible is the story of how

    the world was made is It describes how everything that liveswas made - from the land we walk on, to the fish in the sea and thebirds in the air. You can read the story in the Bible in Genesis 1 & 2.

    Genesis is the first book in the Bible.

    At the very beginning of time, there were no people, no animals and no plants, justdarkness and water. But God wanted to create something very beautiful. He decided to make

    the world. It took him six days and on each day he made something different.

    1) On the first day God began by making light so that everything could be seen. At thetimes it would be light He called it Day and at the times of darkness He called it Night.

    2) On the second day God made the sky aboveand the planet Earth below where we live.

    3) On the third day God created dry land andcommanded that water to surround the land.He called this water sea and the dry land wasnamed Earth. He then covered the earth withgrass, seeds to make corn, fruit trees andflowers. God was very pleased with what hehad done.

    5) On the fifth day God made animals andcreatures to live onthe earth and in thesea. He created giantwhales, littlesparrows, eagles,lions and insects andall the animals that wesee today. God waspleased with his

    creations. He told them to have families andspread out across the whole world.

    6) On the sixth day God created thefirst man from the dust on theground. God called him Adam. Godtold Adam to look after the gardenand the animals that he had made.Adam gave each animal its name.

    But God did not think it wasright for Adam to live all alone.God sent Adam to sleep andwhilst he was sleeping Godremoved one of Adams ribs. From Adam’s ribGod made the first woman, Eve, to be his wife.Adam and Eve were special friends and lived inthe Garden together.

    4) On the fourth day God made the hot sun.He knew that this would help the plants togrow. By the sun we know when it is dayand when it is night. It tells us which seasonof the year it is: summer, winter, autumn andspring. God also made the moon and thestars to shine in the sky at night.

    God was very happy with everything he had made. He said, “Itis good.” Finally, on the seventh day he had a rest from all Hiswork. It is because of this that we call Sunday the day of Restand give thanks to God for all the lovely things he has given tous to enjoy.

    Adam and Eve enjoyed living in the Garden. They had deliciousfruits to eat and lots of different animals to play with. In theevenings the Spirit of the Lord walked and talked with them.Adam and Eve loved God very much. God was very happy withhis perfect creations and enjoyed spending time with them.

  • 36 Trumpet Call 39

    I was brought up ina Brethren Churchin Berkshire. Itwas a very religiousupbringing and I hadmany restrictionsimposed upon me. I wasforced to go to SundaySchool and other suchmeetings which I founddeadly boring. The mes-sage was not one of love,but of condemnation andfear. I made a confessionof faith in Jesus Christ atthe age of 16 to make sureI had a passport to heav-en, but this made nochange to me on theinside.

    Going Home

    When I was 21 I heardthat my grandfather hadbeen taken into hospitaland that he didn’t havelong to live. I had beenclose to him as a youngchild and he was one ofthe few people I knew

    who seemed to have agenuine faith in God. Iwent to see him in thehospital in Swindon. Heread through Psalm 103and then took my handand said "Goodbye Peter, Iam going home to be withJesus now." He died soonafter that. His fearlessattitude to death had amarked effect on my life.It was then that I decidedto try to change my life.

    Through my work Imoved to South Wales,where I joined a BrethrenChurch. I tried to live theright way by attending allthe meetings and becom-ing involved in theSunday school and youth

    meetings. However, mythoughts were still farfrom the life of aChristian.

    EverythingLooked FineWhen I moved toPembroke a few yearslater I was introduced to alady called Carole by somefriends. We later marriedand became involved with

    Youth work in the BaptistChapel in our village andattended a Pentecostalchurch in Haverfordwest.On the outside, every-

    thing looked fine – I had agood job, we had a bunga-low not far from the sea,we were financiallysecure, and had two chil-dren. But on the insidethings were still verywrong.

    During this period a groupfrom the Ongar ChristianFellowship came to visitthe Church we attended.The preacher was PastorMichael Reid. At the end

    of the service I went for-ward for prayer, expectingsome encouraging wordfrom God to boost my ego.What Michael said, look-ing me straight in theeyes, struck like an arrowdeep inside. I was angryand frightened that thisman could see what wason the inside. I decided tohave nothing to do withhim. Carole and her sisterChristine loved these peo-ple and spent a lot of timein Ongar.

    Total ChangeOne evening Carole and Iwere sat together as shetold me how lucky wewere to have all that wehad. Tragically, a few dayslater, Carole, Christineand my daughter Rachelwere killed in a car acci-dent. This left me devas-tated for some time. Laterthat year I was asked bysome friends in America ifI would like to visit them

    for Christmas. I had agood time and wasencouraged by the wordsof the song "Because Helives I can face tomorrow."When they asked me to goback for the conference inAugust, I was keen to doso. What I didn’t realisewas that the guest speak-er was Pastor MichaelReid! Although appre-hensive, I had a chat withMichael about my life andfrom that moment my lifetotally changed direction.Contrary to my formeropinion, I found him to bea person of compassionand understanding. Idecided to move toBrentwood with Andrew,my surviving son, to be apart of Peniel Church.

    I have now attendedPeniel for nearly 20 years.I am married to Racheland have two more chil-dren, David and Abigail.It has taken a long time torid me of the mindset of

    By Peter Embling

    Brought up in a religious home, yet Iwas living far from the life of aChristian. After spending yearstrying to change myself I now knowthat He has saved me and put Hislife within me. I stand redeemed andHe loves me just as I am.


    Just as I am

    ‘His fearless attitudeto death had amarked effect on my life.’


  • Trumpet Call 39 37

    the Brethren Church.Through continual teach-ing and learning thingsare at long last changingon the inside.

    God Loves meAs I AmI tried for years to changemyself but it did notwork. I felt condemnedabout the past and forfailures of the present. Atlast I am beginning torealise that God loves meas I am. He has not cometo condemn me but hassaved me and put His lifewithin me.

    One thing that has reallyhelped me is doing thePeniel College of HigherEducation (PCHE) cours-es. Initially, I used excus-es about work and time toput it off but about a yearago I gave in. Studying atPCHE has been tremen-dous. It really helps me tofocus on the Word of Godand I get to socialise withpeople I would not nor-mally mix with.

    As a result of studying forone of the courses atPCHE I recently decidedto volunteer to be part of ateam who are on hand tospeak to callers during tel-

    evision broadcasts. It iswonderful to be able toshare with the callerswhat God can do forthem.

    Through the teaching Ihave received at Peniel Ican now truly say that"Gone is the fear of tomor-row, gone is the guilt of

    the past, I have traded myshackles for a glorioussong, I’m saved praise theLord, saved at last."

    Just as I am

    ‘At last I ambeginning to realise

    that God lovesme as I am’



  • By Elizabeth Dewhurst

    38 Trumpet Call 39

    E vangelist DonDouble hasbeen in fulltime ministryfor 42 years, but it is clear,when talking to him, thathe has not lost his enthu-siasm for the gospel orbecome in any way blaséabout the wonderful mir-acles he sees on a regularbasis. Converted to Christin 1954, he was baptisedin the Holy Spirit twoyears later and called tofull time ministry the verynext day. "I don’t claim itwas an audible voice", hetold me, "but I heard it asclearly as I can hear yoursor anyone else’s. Godsaid, I’m calling you to bean evangelist and you willhave an emphasis ongoing to the smallertowns and cities".

    He ObeyedGodHe began excitedly tellingpeople at his church whatGod had said but nobodybelieved him. They saidhe was not educatedenough. For about threemonths he listened tothem but deep downinside he knew God hadreally spoken. At the timehe remembers feeling likeJeremiah. It was "like fireshut up in my bones" herecalls. Finally, he obeyedGod, hired a village hall

    and put out some leafletsadvertising a meeting. Atthat first meeting ten peo-ple were saved and otherswere touched by God’spower.

    Don and Heather Doublehave continued to obeyGod and consider them-selves privileged to havewitnessed him save andheal thousands throughtheir ministry, throughoutthe United Kingdom andabroad. They have takenthe Word of God to some50 nations of the world,

    particularly to countriesin Africa and SouthAmerica, preaching tocrowds of up to 40,000people. Their emphasishas always been on goingto the smaller places,places that are virgin ter-ritory for the gospel,where no other interna-tional ministry has been.In the Seychelles, the sto-ries of the wonderful mir-acles God did made primetime national news!

    Miracles allaround theWorldDon, a man who believespassionately in being realand being honest, told us"Wherever we go in the

    world, we preach astraight gospel, as uncom-promising as you can pos-sibly get it, and thoroughon repentance. We alsominister to the sick andwe’ve seen amazing mira-cles all around the world".

    It is not just in the lives ofothers that Don andHeather have witnessedGod’s miracle-workingpower. During the firstcrusade of a four-nationtour in Africa not longago, Don noticed he waspassing blood.Unperturbed by his symp-toms and determined tocarry on with God’s work,the couple prayed andtrusted God. The tourcontinued as planned.However, following some

    tests and a private consul-tation, Don was diag-nosed with colon cancer.Although not a Christianhimself the consultantwho broke the newsimmediately said: "Now,be positive!" These wordsstuck with Don as hebecame ever more confi-dent that God was withhim.

    God’sProvisionDon had no medicalinsurance and little in theway of provisions but,believing God, he madethe decision to go private.£8,000 was required forthe ward itself and as Donhimself recalls: "All I hadwas a credit card and lotsof faith".

    On the day his surgerywas scheduled, a chequefor £7,000 came throughhis letterbox from some-one who knew he wasn’twell but was unaware ofthe circumstances.Attached was a note,which s