What Do They Look Like?

This graph shows the rainfall and temperature for the Amazon Rainforest for a year. As you can see all through the year it is various and different

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What Do

They Look Like?

Tropical Rainforests

This graph shows the rainfall and temperature for the Amazon Rainforest for a year. As you can see all through the year it is various and different between seasons.

AnimalsThe Amazon wildlife comes in all shapes and sizesIn the Amazon, least 40,000 plant species, 427 mammals, 1,300 birds, 378 reptiles, more than 400 amphibians and around 3,000 freshwater fishes including the piranha have been found in the Amazon. These numbers are diminished by measures for the smaller life forms: just in Brazil, estimating 96,660 and more than 100,000 species have been described by scientists.

Plants and TreesTropical rainforests hold records in biodiversity: between 100 to 40 species of tree may be located in a 1-hectare plot of land. Take the Cocha Cashu Biological Station in the Amazon floodplain forests of Peru, for example. There are at least 1,856 species of higher plants that have been discovered.

The Amazon is houses up to as many as 80,000 plant species from which more than 40,000 species play a important role in conducting the global climate and assisting the local water cycle. But richness of species is one thing, abundance is another. While there may be many species in tropical rainforests, these often exist in low numbers over big areas.

Amazon plants and trees play important roles in controlling the global climate and sustaining the local water cycle. The forests they form are home to the major variety of animals located in the Amazon.

But their greatest wealth's yet may be the compounds they make, some of which are used for medicine and agriculture. For Amazon people, both indigenous and recent arrivals, plants are a food source and raw matter for non-timber forest products.

Human Use

Over a millennia, the indigenous have been living in the Amazon. They have accumulated a wealth of information regarding the potential uses of chemicals found in plants. Today, this knowledge benefits not only tribes, but also the variety of communities that live inside and on the fringes of the Amazon rainforest, and potentially the global society.

Various plants are used to cure common ailments. Sap that is extracted from a liana is used to treat fever a child's fever. Northwest of the Amazon Basin, there are 38 plants used to treat diarrhoea, 25 used for headaches, 38 for toothaches and 18 for muscular pains. Many more are also used for snakebites.

In addition to cures in medicine, plants can be used for hunting. For example, rotenone is a potent vasoconstrictor extracted from another common liana, and used to kill fish.

Amazon River

The Amazon river if the largest river in the world. It is placed in South America and has about 209,000 cubic meters of water per second. A portion of the river's drainage basin in Brazil alone, is bigger than any other river's basin. The Amazon goes into Brazil with only one-fifth of the flow it finally discharges into the Atlantic, yet already has a greater flow at this point than the discharge of any other river.