Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC

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Thunder Roads MD-DE-DC May 2015 Edition Vol. 3 Issue 9

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Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC 4157 Mountain Road #233 Pasadena, Maryland 21122

Fax # 888- 698-7004 www.bigcityrhino.com

Facebook – Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DEL-DCTwitter – TR_BigCity


[email protected]

SALES & MARKETING Steve “Hillbilly” Craig Mike “Rhino” Ryan (443) 875-7887 (443) 875-7482 [email protected] [email protected] Teresa “Blueiz” Christiansen Laurie “LuLu” Wright 301-283-8008 410-533-3551 and [email protected] Mike “Tractor” Herbert 240-298-0472 [email protected]

Suzy “Carebear” Leighton David “Barney” 302-383-9041 Barnhouse [email protected] 717-465-2292 Cathy “CAT” Curran Bob Wrigley 443-859-6917 410-652-9113 [email protected] [email protected]

ACCOUNTINGMike “Bighead” Abbott

(443) 875-7597 [email protected]

MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA MGR.Catherine “Kitty” Noske / CRAVE Marketing Solutions

443.591.1882 [email protected]

LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics

PHOTOGRAPHYMichael J. Alves, www.uspatriotphotography.comMike “Smiles” Johnson [email protected]

NATIONAL FOUNDERSToni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon

1528 Matlock Drive, Chapmansboro, TN. 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

[email protected]


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ON THE COVER:Model: Chel Rose

Photographer: Bobby T Rocks

Big City’s Two-Wheel Testament ......................5

Big City Road Hounds .......................................7

Joker’s Wild .......................................................9

Splt’em and Spread’em! ..................................10

ABATE .............................................................17

Recipe ..............................................................19

Diary of a Biker Chic ........................................23

Sippin’ Shine with Hillbilly ..................................7

Veterans are Not Forgotten .............................29

Calendar ..........................................................30

Featured Bike: Virus ........................................32

Big City Rhino Challenge ................................34

Miles with Smiles .............................................41

Tech Tip: Back to Basics .................................46

Events ..............................................................52

Biker Friendly Directory ...................................56


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Who’s ready to get the party started? This guy is for sure. After that cold ass winter I am sure ready to get the bike out and ride. Good news is we are going to be busy this year. Once again Rider Insurance has chosen the Leader to put together 5 Rolling Bike Shows for them to reach out and give everyone a chance to display their ride and win some great prizes. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of the things that Thunder Roads Magazine® MD-DE-DC will be pulling out of the hat this year. Let’s not forget the Big City Ride Challenge. The only ride card that has actual chances of getting you prizes and discounts each month. To make it easier we have a list of the participating business in the magazine each month for you so there is no guessing who is involved. Be sure to check each month to see the new locations to get signed up and to check in with for additional chances to win.Don’t want to let everything out just yet so be sure to follow the leader on our website and Facebook page.Remember we are only free thanks to our partners that support the motorcycle community each month. So stop in and support them like support us.Big City


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Mark 11; The next day, Jesus was leaving Bethany. He was hungry. He saw a fig tree with leaves. So he went to the tree to see if it had any figs growing on it. But he found no figs on the tree. There were only leaves, because it was not the right time for figs to grow. So Jesus said to the tree, “People will never eat fruit from you again.” His followers heard him say this. When Jesus and his followers came to Jerusalem, they entered the Temple area. Jesus began driving out the people who were buying and selling things there. He turned over the tables that belonged to those who were exchanging different kinds of money. And he turned over the benches of those who were selling doves. He refused to allow anyone to carry things through the Temple area. Then Jesus began teaching the people and said, “It is written in the Scriptures, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.’ But you have changed it into a ‘hiding place for thieves.’” When the leading priests and the teachers of the law heard what

Jesus said, they began trying to find a way to kill him. They were afraid of him because all the people were amazed at his teaching. That night Jesus and his followers left the city. The next morning Jesus was walking with his followers. They saw the fig tree that he spoke to the day before. The tree was dry and dead, even the roots. Peter remembered the tree and said to

Jesus, “Teacher, look! Yesterday, you told that fig tree to die. Now it is dry and dead!” Jesus answered, “Have faith in God. The truth is, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, mountain, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you. So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those

things, then they will be yours. When you are praying and you remember that you are angry with another person about something, forgive that person. Forgive them so that your Father in heaven will also forgive your sins.”


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Baltimore Humane Society 1601 Nicodemus Road

Reisterstown, MD 21136 T: 410-833-8848 | F: 410-833-4481

www.bmorehumane.orgBaltimore Humane Society: A no-kill shelter protecting, saving, and caring for animals since 1927!

AZULE:Hello everyone. My name is Azule and I am a staff favorite here at BHS. I am sweet, obedient, and gentle, but because I am a little stocky, some people may think I look intimidating. Ha! That is the furthest thing from the truth! Once people get to know me they realize I am just a big baby with so much love to give! I do have a grade 3 heart murmur, but it does not keep me from doing any of my usual dog things. I really enjoy going for walks and playing with squeaky toys or stuffed animals. Kongs are fun too since they have food in the. If you haven’t noticed, I love food and treats. The one thing I’m not in love with though is cats --- Sorry, this canine cannot live with felines; it just won’t work. In my previous home I lived with 2 kids ages 4-9. They were in love with me and we were best friends. How about coming in soon to see me? You may feel the same way they did. Meet Azule in this video: http://www.petango.com/webservices/adoptablesearch/WPcX1Sv5gzc

MACHADO: Hello! My name is Machado! I am a staff favorite here at BHS. Some say I am a needy boy; I need people, I need love, I need attention. I’m a three year old Rottweiler mix who loves toys, people, and cuddling on couches. Everyone who meets me falls instantly in love with me! I am super affectionate! Even though I am a big boy I consider myself a lap dog! I did live with a dog in my previous home. Do I sound like the perfect fit for you? I do currently have a cyst on one of my eyes that does not seem to be bothering me at this time so for right now it will not be removed. If you have any questions about it please call or email us. I would love to find my forever home ASAP so please come in to visit me if you want to adopt a big teddy bear.

MAXX: Hello, I’m Maxx, a Maltese/Miniature Poodle mix. If you are looking for a sweet older gentleman who needs a loving home where he can spend his golden years-then I am the one for you. I am still a spunky guy for being 12 years old if I do say so myself. I love people and being held and carried around. I will also give you kisses that will make you melt. In my previous home I lived with everything -- dogs, cats and kids. Needless to say, they all loved me. I am a staff favorite and if you stop in soon to meet me, you will find out why.

MAGGIE MAY: Maggie May here, and I’ve got something to say to you -- Adopt Me! I am a sweet girl who loves attention. I’m a four year old Boxer mix with a lot of energy, but I can also be the most lovable and sweet lap dog in the world. Some of my favorite things are couches, people, treats and toys, especially anything that squeaks. I know some commands like sit, speak, left paw and right paw. In my previous home I lived with kids. My previous owner said that the children and I would snuggle together and that they loved me. She called me a great family dog. How about you stop in soon to see if you agree?


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An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland , arrived at the casino . She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice.She said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely nude .” with that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue yelled, “Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!”As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. “Yes! Yes! I won , I won !” She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.The dealers stared at each other dumb-founded .Finally, one of them asked, “What did she roll?” The other an-swered, “I don’t know - I thought you were watching.”Moral of the Story: Not all Irish are drunks, not all blondes are dumb,but all men...are men!

Four old Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee in St. Peters Square. The first Catholic man tells his friends, “My son is a priest, when he walks into a room, everyone calls him ‘Father’.”The second Catholic man chirps, “My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Grace’.”The third Catholic gent says, “My son is a Cardinal. When he en-ters a room everyone bows their head and says ‘Your Eminence’.”The fourth Catholic man says very proudly, “My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Holiness’.”Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, The four men give her a subtle, “Well....?”She proudly replies, I have a daughter,Slim & TallExtra Long Legs that go all the way up to form perfectly round buttocks. 44 D Breasts24” Waist and34” HipsWhen she walks into a room, people always say,“ JEEESUS!!”


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In the early afternoon on a sunny day in mid-March, those who were near the State House in Annapolis would have seen a pack of 70-90 bikers crossing the road from the Senate building to the House of Delegates building.

People in cars drove past and looked with curiosity at this rabble and wondered what business this unlikely looking group had at Maryland’s highest legislative campus. The group of bikers entered the House of Delegates building, as they had done many times before, with cause on their minds and fortitude in their hearts. Heads in the upper and lower lobbies turned and eyes looked carefully as the men made their way down the corridor. Some people pretended to look at the floor as to avoid direct eye contact with this perceived wolf pack and others, more familiar with them, came over to shake their hands and to heartily welcome them. The group then hastily made its way to the Judiciary Proceedings hearing room, which was already packed with guests who were waiting for other hearings. By mere coincidence, the hearing that this group walked in on was one aimed at legislation drafted in defense of “gang apprehension”. Little did the non-bikers already sitting in the hearing room know, but this group was not there for the “gang” hearing and little did they know, as they looked at us with fear, curiosity and wonderment, that we would take their minds on a short journey and that they soon would have a small glimpse into our world. In the meantime, we did very little to sway their discomfort unless someone made the first gesture to welcome us as only a few stirred up the courage to do....

Earlier that morning in the Navy Stadium parking lot, many organizations and clubs came together not only for your rights, but also to prove to MD one thing: that together we are stronger! In doing so, it is likely that these brave, visionary and intelligent men and women would also make history here in Maryland. The efforts of all and the organization of this day was no small feat. Some, such as Lenny and Michelle Holcomb (ABATE &

MRF), have been fighting these fights for 20+ years and others, such as MD COC and U.S. Defenders, have been at it a few months to a couple of years. By all of them coming together and working towards a common purpose, merging their intellect and their forces, they have created a powerful mechanism that is hard to legislatively oppose. In the Navy Stadium parking lot, one could see what looked like any other biker event in the area. People talking, taking pictures, laughing, greeting and the Unchained Few MC making food from their mobile command center (party camper). Donuts, pulled pork, baked beans, coleslaw, coffee and soda was what we called “brunch” that day and yes....... it was good! Knowing that we were being watched by a squad car off in the distance and that the police who were observing us could do nothing about the cause we came to fight for..... well to me, that made the food taste even better! This group of well-organized so called “biker trash” pulled out all the stops, forgot no detail and would leave nothing to chance. From arranging private transportation from the parking lot to the State House, to remembering to bring trash bags to clean up any mess that was left behind, they were on top of it. It was clear to all of us that this day we would be heard and we would try to make a difference for ALL bikers in Maryland.


Lenny Holcomb Michelle Holcomb


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“Everybody gather around please!” said the Chairman of MD COC. He has a voice that carries and even though a thoughtful brother brought a megaphone, we all laughed at the thought that the Chairman would actually ever need it. While we all played a part, what you, the reader, should understand now is that each cast member was crucial to the success of the day. From the legislation that Michelle and Lenny helped to draft and introduce, to the sheer will power of “Colt” (Legion MC, Commander for U.S. Defenders MD) to get this done to his back up “Country” (Independent rider, Head of C.O.I.R.) and Flat

Tire (LOCMC, Lieutenant U.S. Defenders MD) covering details and tasks, all worked together seamlessly to make sure it all came together. “Double D” (Outsiders MC, WA) and “Twitch” (U.S. Defenders National) flew in from Washington State to testify which was huge for Maryland. They had already gotten legislation passed in WA and they were the people on this set with the most experience to get this specific job done. Each

person spoke about what to expect, the do’s and don’ts and the goals of the day.

“Do behave! Turn your phone to vibrate! Do NOT clap, cheer, speak out, or voice opposition! Sit quietly and watch... the fact that we are all here speaks volumes to the delegates already!”

The day’s motto... “SPLIT’em AND SPREAD’em!” came along with a laugh and renewed everyone’s vigor for the task at hand.

Our first hearing was actually on Banning Motorcycle Only

Checkpoints and its legislation had already been presented to the House of Delegates on March 12th (the week prior) but bills still needed to be presented to both sides-the Senate & the House. I was expecting for it to go the exact same way it went on the 12th but something unusual happened at the very start. We had the room filled to capacity with standing room only when a gentleman approached me and asked what our hearing was about. After I told him he offered me a deal. “Let me have your seat because I think our hearing is before yours... and I will put in a good word for you guys when I am done with mine,” he said. I, being of sound mind and judgement and always looking for an opportunity to give up my seat anyways, said “Deal!” It turns out that this gentleman was Judge Hassan El-Amin, and just as important as his profession was, is the fact that he is a biker and rides with Blue Knights LEMC. He held true to his word but he went even further. His mix of fact and humor absolutely primed the committee for our hearing! As Senator Jaimie Raskin approached the panel to introduce our bill, he thanked Judge El-Amin and asked him to stay because he was going to be

referring to the Judge in his testimony. Senator Raskin did a wonderful job of introducing the bill passionately and presenting the facts to the panel. Following the Senator were Michelle, Lenny and Steve Sanner who were ready to present more facts. There was only one person listed for opposition and that was Sgt. Michael G. Brady, Legislative Coordinator for the MD State Police. In fact, he was also the only opposition from the hearing the week prior. I personally learned only one thing from his speech.... it was the exact same speech that he had given the previous week. Exactly the same! He recited the same exact

words and put emphasis on the same words just as he had done before. That is when I knew that this was just a job and there was no real passion there to oppose this bill. I also knew that the week before he stated that if we could show him any evidence of law enforcement profiling bikers, he would not “oppose” this bill because, in his mind, (though a delegate caught him in an....... oh.... un-truth the week before)

profiling does not happen in MD by the State Police. He admitted that MSP has no control over other municipalities and can only encourage them not to take part in profiling. What he didn’t know was that today WE had come equipped with evidence to present! TODAY was the day that we show our hand! ..... but we were going to save that evidence for the next hearing SB727 – Banning Motorcycle Profiling.

The next two hearings that we attended on March 17th were

both for the same bill. The first one was immediately after the hearing described above on the Senate side. For the next one, we had to cross the street to go to the Lower House of Delegates building. So, if you have been paying attention, you now realize that we are picking up where this entire article started. We were standing in a hearing room, there were no open seats and the natives were uncomfortably leaning away from us in fear wondering ‘what the hell is going on here?’ This mix of people was consisted of males, females, whites, blacks, adults, teenagers, senior citizens, lobbyists, businessmen, the press and at least 2 police officers. Our numbers greatly outweighed the number of people in the room and we still had more bikers waiting in the hallway who could not fit.

So, on March 17th, 2015 in the midafternoon, we made our

case to the Judiciary committee in the House Building. Delegate Ben Kramer was the sponsor for bill HB0918- Banning Motorcycle Profiling. He came forward and introduced the bill with such grace and intelligence that I knew we were about to change some hearts and minds in that hearing room. Next up to speak was David Devereux “Double D” Outsiders MC. If you

Dave Devereaux - Double D

Sen Jamie Raskin R


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have never seen the video of him speaking to the committee in WA, my words here will not do him justice. Picture a biker who can speak the language of a politician so matter of factly that you can literally see most of the committee’s (and the people in the audience) chins hit the floor. This man has the gift of legal gab mixed with a healthy dose of biker culture. To watch the expressions on the people’s faces who were listening to him was worthy of charging an admission price. Michelle Holcomb spoke next in her cool, calm, matter of fact demeanor pointing out past incidents and woeful blunders made by our own MSP over the past years relating to profiling. Jeff Burns “Twitch” followed her presenting national facts and figures along with examples of how Calvert County and Ocean City law enforcement departments bend the rules thus making it very difficult for organizations to obtain the evidence needed to prove that profiling happens. While all this was going on, I noticed a change in the atmosphere of the room. People were really paying attention and sitting on the edge of their seats to listen in. People from the prior hearing were still there and were tuned in to what was being said. Their body language no longer showed fear of being surrounded by all those bikers. In fact, they were now sitting tall and were not too scared to look over and give a ‘I feel ya!’ type nod. Last to testify for this hearing was Lenny Holcomb. He said, “There are criminal elements in a lot of organizations”, and went on to list a few, “Bikers, Police, Lawyers, Doctors, and even politicians!”....... wait...WHAT? Did he just say THAT out loud? There was a long pause and then the room erupted in laughter. Lenny recovered and then revealed the past transgressions of a delegate that use to sit in MD but racked up two DUI’s and no longer holds position. “What if law enforcement decided that all politicians were driving under the influence and just decided they are going to pull over anyone with a special issue tag on their vehicle?” Lenny said, “Does that sound ridiculous? How is it any different than what law enforcement is doing to us?” he asked. Now I could see it sinking in on the committee panel. Heads were nodding up and down with agreement! We had made our case and now it was time for the opposition, Michael Young (FOP). Young was signed up to oppose in the Senate and make his case but there is one thing that I have not written here thus far. Neither Officer Young nor Officer Brady showed up for the same hearing across the street earlier in the day even though that hearing was immediately after the first one of the day that Officer Brady testified at. So we went unopposed in the House and the Senate hearings that day for the anti-profiling bill. My personal guess is that either 1: Officer Brady held true to his word and did not oppose the bill since we provided evidence of police profiling or 2: He knew that he was caught in an un-truth the week before and certainly did not want to sit through the panel’s scrutiny again. Either way he was nowhere to be found for the hearing!

Finally, after all the planning and work done by very dedicated

people, the deed was done and our voices were heard. As the Chairwoman of the committee closed out the hearing, the lady in the Press Box started to clap. That’s right.... I’m sure she knows better than to clap at a hearing but I think she, like many others who were scared at first when we entered the room, was blown away by what she heard and saw. In fact those other people in the audience were smiling at us as we left saying “good job!” and “good luck!!” as they now sat tall in their chairs. You see, not only did we deliver a beautiful, intelligent case to

the committee, but we also changed the hearts and minds of the audience. They will not soon forget us and I, myself, will not forget the transition that took place.

People are fighting for your rights on a daily basis here in MD, whether it’s against the Helmet Law, no “motorcycle only” check points, anti-profiling or “right of way” laws, they are trying to potentially save your life. The point is that clubs and independents come together and give it their all and if you are not helping, at the very least you should be thanking them. The day of this hearing, we posted a video on FB of a group of bikers being profiled, harassed and detained by law enforcement in MD. In fact, it was the very same video that we had shown to the delegates. The very same video which proved the bill’s opposition to be untruthful. As you now know, the opposition is no longer opposed and would not testify against the bill because we provided irrefutable evidence that bikers are harassed and profiled in MD. Oddly enough, on one FB biker group page, a few people immediately tried to say the video “wasn’t real” or the cops were “assisting with the ride” and “someone with a stick was trying to stir up a pot of shit!” These are bikers saying this! While it was not our place, nor did we really care, to invest a bunch time in FB posts to change their minds, a few of us did anyway. The fact is that, as brothers and sisters of the road, as a biker and as a participant in this culture, I firmly believe that if it happened to another biker, we need to act as if it happened to us. We need to stick together because, just like any threat to someone’s existence miles away, there is a chance that the same threat will be knocking on your door one day. So, take a lesson from history. Did King Leonidas and the brave 300 want to fight the Persians in Sparta or did they rally to hold them off at the Pass of Thermopylae? On this day, March 17, 2015, our troops rallied and took the fight to them. The people that represented many different walks of life had one common denominator. They were bikers and they stood together for justice. They can forever own that day and be proud of the effort exerted to make you safe and feel represented as a biker in MD. If you should meet one of them, I encourage you to say “thank you!” and to buy them a drink or a meal. Even more so, I would encourage you to get in the fight for your own rights!

Seven,President, Legion MC / 4 Horsemen Charities LLCFounder, The MD Biker Black List on FBMember: MD COC / ABATE / U.S. Defenders

For anyone that would like to see the video of the hearings, please be sure to join, The MD Biker Black List, U.S. Defenders Maryland or ABATE MD on FB and look for the post.

A special thank you goes to the sponsors of our bills:

-Senator John Astle - SB 612 Helmet repeal -Delegate Ben Kramer -HB 918 Anti-profiling-Delegate Ben Kramer -HB 917 No motorcycle only checkpoint -Senator Jaime Raskin - SB 716 No motorcycle only checkpoint -Senator Wayne Norman - SB 727 Anti-profiling


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The 2015 legislative session has finally ended. What a great session it was for ABATE and all motorcyclists. Because of all the hard work put forth, we were able to work 4 bills of our own and support two other bills which were not our bills. We were able to get the motorcycle only checkpoint bill passed unanimously both in the House and Senate. Almost an unheard of feat. This bill will prevent law enforcement from pulling over only motorcycles at a checkpoint. A huge success. The profiling bill went unanimous through the Senate but died in the House due to the Chairman not bringing the bill out for a vote. I am confident that had it been voted on it would have also cleared the House. It will be reintroduced next session. Prince George delegation introduced a bill which would have doubled the fines for only motorcycles going more than 40 miles over the speed limit. The fine would have been increased from $500 to $1000. Of course since this is an example of profiling, ABATE of Maryland addressed this with the sponsor and the bill was dropped. Another huge success. The one bill we did support which was introduced by the Prince George delegation was a bill for EMT’s on a motorcycle. This would have reduced response time to an accident since motorcycles could ride up the side of the road to the accident scene. Unfortunately, due to expenses involved in purchasing the motorcycles, this bill was pulled. It will be reintroduced next year with the hopes that Harley Davidson, Honda or another manufacturer will donate a bike. This is a good bill which we would support.

Needless to say, we were extremely busy. This was a very challenging session because of the number of bills and all the new legislators this year. But because of our great members and their

dedication to the cause we were able to pull it off. I don’t think any legislator in Annapolis doesn’t know who ABATE is and what we do. We were definitely seen in a positive light. This was also the first year that we worked with The Maryland Confederation of Clubs and The US Defenders. What a wonderful partnership. Because of this unity we were able to get so much done. Each Monday lobbying night was well attended. We were able to lobby in large groups. All hearings were organized and well attended. Our testimony was excellent and presentation was flawless. Double D and Twitch from Washington State came and testified on the Profiling bill. They were excellent. ABATE is no longer alone fighting these battles. We have support from all the other states to get whatever we need done completed. MRF has also joined forces with us and aide us as needed. With all these organizations united we are a strong and unbeatable force. I see great things in the future for motorcyclists. You could not be better represented in Annapolis.

A huge thank you to all members of the motorcycle community, ABATE members, COC, COIR, US Defenders and MRF for all you did during this legislative session. Without you we could not have been so successful. Because of you we were able to pass a bill and stop a bad bill. That is a huge success to be proud of. During the summer let’s keep the momentum going by attending each other’s events and organizing our agenda for the next legislative session. Again, thank you and keep up the good work.

Michelle HolcombExecutive DirectorABATE of Maryland, Inc.


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Ride with Rider. Get your quote today.Visit rider.com or call (844) 276-0164

Available in Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.


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Funny ThingsHello May! I’m so excited for the warm weather to

finally be here and stay for a while! I can’t wait until my classes are over this month so all my free time can be devoted to the bike and day trips and

weekend trips and maybe even week long trips, and writing about all of them. I look forward to living my life and having fun this summer. FUN! Speaking of fun, I was riding around last weekend, getting lost in my travels when I realized that I see so many things that make me laugh or at least chuckle while I’m out riding – things that probably wouldn’t have happened if I were driving the cage.

I saw a post on Facebook yesterday that said, “People always notice bikers…but bikers rarely notice people, because bikers are too busy enjoying freedom.” It was posted on a biker related page. I couldn’t disagree more with this statement. First of all, people DON’T always notice bikers. They may notice us when they are not driving but when they are driving, well, I don’t even need to say it. The other part of that quote, “bikers rarely notice people,” couldn’t be farthest from the truth. Yes, we are enjoying our freedom but I’m pretty sure we all are very aware of what’s going on around us, meaning we are noticing people. We see that girl putting on her makeup while speeding down the road, we see that tractor trailer driver texting on his cell phone, we notice the asshole riding our ass, and all the people who take away our right of way, and we may even see some hanky panky going on in the car next to us. Why? Because we want to live!

I’m always aware of my surroundings whether I’m riding or not; I’ve always been that way. I see many things that most people don’t see because I’m paying attention to everything around me. Riding a bike intensifies that but I can’t ignore the funny things I see while riding…things that make me laugh to myself, and maybe they aren’t really all that funny, but when I’m riding, I’m relaxed, stress free, and happy so I think I just laugh at things that some people wouldn’t.

For example, I was out riding last week and I was driving down a curvy and hilly road. I see many people riding bicycles on this road and on that day they were out in full force. I passed a couple of people on their bicycles and…they gave me the biker wave. Who knows, maybe they ride motorcycles too and forgot which wheels they were on but

I laughed when they waved to me. I couldn’t bring myself to wave back! On this same day, it was about 67 degrees outside. I was finding that I wished I had put on my leather chaps because I was a tad bit chilly. So when I saw a chic on a dirt bike that was WAY TOO SMALL for her, I busted out laughing. Not only because she looked too big on this thing but also because she was wearing shorts. I’m not talking about Capri shorts either. She was wearing booty shorts…and no helmet. All I saw as she crossed from one neighborhood into the other one in front of me was her hair flying and her pale white legs. She had to have been cold because I was and I was more properly dressed. Never wear shorts on a motorcycle. I know some people do it but I’ve gotten enough burns to know better!

Kids are the best for a smile, though. I was going down a side road the other day when I came upon a woman and two kids. They had a trash bag so they were either picking up trash or searching for cans but the kids were young – a little boy and a little girl. As I drove by, the boy and the mom were a little ahead of the girl. When the girl saw me she stopped dead in her tracks, froze and just watched me as I drove by. This little girl couldn’t have been no more than 4 or 5 years old and she was in awe as I drove by. You would have thought she never saw a motorcycle before. Maybe that was the closest she had ever been to one but it cracked me up. If there was somewhere to stop, I would have so she could have gotten a better look. The look on her face was priceless though. As I drove away, I looked in my mirror as she snapped out of her gaze and ran to catch up with her mom and brother. Years ago, when I had my old bike, I had pulled into the mall parking lot and as I was getting off, a family was walking by and their son, maybe 7 or 8 years old, stopped, looked at my bike and said in the most manliest voice I’ve ever heard for a boy that young, “Nice Harley!” This was funny for two reasons. One, because he was so young and trying so hard to sound like a cool adult, and two, it was not a Harley! I was laughing on the inside but I smiled at him and told him thanks but it wasn’t a Harley. He said, “Oh. It’s still nice!”

I could go on and on with funny things I’ve seen while riding, maybe I’ll write a book. In the meantime, enjoy your travels, be safe, and notice the people around you…you never know what you may see!



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It is a rare occasion when I find myself at a loss for words. When it happens it is usually worthwhile to check out what is going on. I will not interview anyone on this page during the month of May until we bring our POW/MIA soldiers home. This column is usually filled with stories of good times and memories. Each May at the end of the month this country celebrates a holiday known as Memorial Day. Bikers come from near and far to hold a rally

and ride to bring attention to our POW/MIA’s. I spent a few days this year with the Rolling Thunder MC and the Nam Knights MC and began to see how much these two groups do to make this rally the huge event it has become. I talked to my partners and we joined the rally the best way we can. This page will remain empty each May until they all come home. God Bless All that have served. God Bless those that have paid the price of Freedom for us. God Bless the Families of the fallen. Please God continue to bless the United States of America!

& A GrAteful NAtioN


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It started with a visit to the VA Cemetery in Bear, DE. Jim Dillard, a motorcycle rider himself, a Ride Captain for the Delaware Patriot Guard Riders and the

assistant to the State Coordinator for “A Hero’s Welcome Delaware 1”, noticed the first field was empty, no flags at all. Looking around, there were very few throughout the whole cemetery. Jim wondered why no flags, no flowers, nothing? So, he decided to do something about it.

The first Flag Detail Event kicked off in June 2012. This June 21st, will mark the fourth Flag Detail Event at Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Bear, DE. The next Flag Detail Event will be on June 28, 2015 at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Millsboro, DE.

Please help us to place flags on undecorated grave markers. You may do so by donating and coming out to place flags. If you cannot attend, please send Jim your donation along with instructions including the name of your loved one, cemetery and marker locator (if known) and we will be glad to place a flag on your

behalf. Those who want to purchase flags on their own and either bring them to the event or have them personally delivered to Jim, can order them through http://www.UnitedStatesFlag.com. The Flags must be American made, 12 inch by 18 inch with a 30 inch wooden stick! Everyone is more than welcome to contact Jim by email [email protected] or by Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/jim.dillard.79 .

Many others including Veterans, Motorcycle clubs, Active Military, Scouts, and countless of other public supporters help make this wonderful event a success. ALL are welcome to participate!!! It only takes about an hour of your time on the day of the event!

I have personally participated and donated since the inaugural event in 2012. And I encourage all of you to participate in this honorable event!

Thank you all very much,

Yours Truly, Suzy CareBear Leighton

AN AMeriCAN flAG oN eVerY GrAVeMArKer At tHe VeterAN MeMoriAl CeMeterY’S iS BeAutiful, reSPeCtful AND SHoWS tHAt

our VeterANS Are NeVer forGotteN!!!


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Photographer: Bobby T Rocks

Owner: Rob Farnsworth (Pairadice Cycles)Location: Pittsburgh, PA.Year: 2009Make: Harley DavidsonModel: Road KingBuild Time: 6 MonthsPaint/Graphics: Pairadice Cycles – Distressed old metal look with abstract graphics of green and black. Virus wrapping around the black with denim flat clear coat, two stage chemical green powder coat, all flat. Motor: Twin Cam 103” (110 HP)Special Features: Built in 10 Ft. flame thrower with pipe bomb effect via strategically placed venturies, C-Notched frame allows bike to look like a frame lay but with the safety of sitting on motorized kickstand, hand build hidden headlight system that is revealed when front air goes up.

Chel Rose


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THE CHALLENGEBig City Rhino is challenging you to get out and Ride.

Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC, THE MAGAZINE THAT RIDES, has put this challenge together with our sponsor, Law Offices of Jay Irwin Block, LLC. This is a riding challenge like no other! It features prizes every month that you can earn by simply getting out on your bike and riding to the numerous riding destinations and events across Maryland, Delaware, and

the District of Columbia!

THE WAY IT WORKSEach month Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC will announce a list of “check-in” stops. These stops are selected based upon the recommendations of our readers and confirmed by our Road Crew. Riders then ride to these locations and present their Big

City Card in order to “check-in”.

Once a Rider has checked-in, their card number is then entered into a drawing for that stop. Each month, Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC will randomly select a rider’s

check-in from across the regional states for special prizes and incentives.

Prizes are developed by both Thunder Roads Magazine MD-DE-DC and our sponsors - allowing for some exciting options. They may include riding gear or accessories, gift certificates,

rally passes, concert tickets, and many other prizes for the motorcycle enthusiast!

Every check-in counts as an entry in the drawing; if you hit 40 stops in a month, you have twice as many chances of winning as someone that only hits 20. Anyone can win with any check-in, but your chances of winning will increase by the amount you ride! The more you ride, the more

opportunities you will have to win! The dedicated rider trekking across the state has a greater chance of accumulating prizes; however, even the couple that can only get out a few days a month to ride can

also win! That’s the goal of this program – to encourage everyone to get out and ride!



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CHECK-IN LOCATIONSNow you can sign up for your card or Check-In at one of these locations:

(More Locations will be added every month)

STOP TYPE OF STOP ADDRESSHarley Davidson of Baltimore Registration Stop 8845 Pulaski Hwy. Baltimore, MD 21237 and Ride Stop 410-238-2003 www.hdstore.com Old Glory Harley Davidson Registration Stop 11800 Laurel Bowie Road, Laurel, MD 20708 and Ride Stop 301-575-0575 www.oldgloryhd.com Glen Burnie Motorsprots Registration Stop 20 Holsum Way, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 and Ride Stop 855-253-5253 www.GlenBurnieMototrsports.com Pete’s Cycle (Baltimore) Registration Stop 7511 Belair Rd. Baltimore, MD. 21236 and Ride Stop 443-957-4189 www.petescycle.comPete’s Cycle (Bel Air) Registration Stop 344 Bel Air Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 and Ride Stop 410-879-3586 www.petescycle.com Pete’s Cycle (Severna Park) Registration Stop 800 Ritchie Hwy. Severna Park, MD. 21146 and Ride Stop 443-977-6484 www.petescycle.com Rider Insunance Ride Stop Look for the Rider Booth at all the Rolling Bike Show Events A to Z Cycles Registration Stop 1472 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 19901 and Ride Stop 302-632-2272 www.atozcycles.com Pit & Pub Registration Stop 2706 Philadelphia Ave. Ocean City, MD. 21842 and Ride Stop 410-289-2020 www.pitandpub.com Lenny’s Leather Registration Stop 127 North Centre St. Cumberland, MD. 21502 and Ride Stop 240-362-8211 In-Step Leather Registration Stop 7540 Washington Blvd. US1 Shopping Center and Ride Stop Elkridge, MD. 410-799-1568 Wicked Killa Ink Registration Stop 8740 Cherry Lane, Suite 16, Laurel, MD. 20707 and Ride Stop 240-482-6162 www.wickedkillaink.com Apehangers Ride Stop 9100 Crain Hwy. Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650 www.apehangersbar.com C & C Cycle Ride Stop 8182 Telegraph Rd, Severn, MD 21144 410-305-0924 www.candccycle.com Cancun Cantina Ride Stop 7501 Old Telegraph Rd. Hanover, MD. 21076 410-761-6188 www.cancuncantina.com Chesapeake Cycles(Victory & Indian) Ride Stop 104 Defense Hwy. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-0015 www.chesapeakecycles.com Hoopers Ride Stop 12913 Ocean Gateway, West Ocean City, MD. 21842 410-213-1771 www.hooperscrabhouse.com Jackman Custom Cycles Ride Stop 1531 Tilco Drive #103, Frederick, MD. 21704 301-620-0064 www.chopperdaddy.com Love Lust Cycles Ride Stop 6747 Mid Cities Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705 (240) 603-5630 Mary’s Bargan Cycles Ride Stop New Castle Farmers Market 110 N. DuPont Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-322-9323 Outback leather Ride Stop 309 Main Street, Laurel, MD. 20707 301-604-2211 www.mdoutbackleather.com Pickle’s Pub Ride Stop Midway Shopping Center, 706 Philadelphia Ave, Ocean City, MD 21842 (410) 289-4891 Reckless Ric’s Ride Stop 1702 Furnace Drive, Glen Burnie, MD. 21060 410-590-2280 www.recklessrics.com Regulators Motorcycle Apparel Ride Stop 10 Chesnut Drive, Elkton, MD 23923 888-628-3206 www.regulatorsmotocycleapparel.net Renegade Classics (edgewater) Ride Stop 3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037 410-956-RIDE (7433) www.renegadeannapolis.com Rips Ride Stop 3809 N. Crain Hwy. Bowie, MD Wine & Spirit Shoppe 301-805-5902 www.ripscountryvillage.com ]SeaBreeze Ride Stop 27130 S. Sandgates Rd, Mechanicsville, MD. 20659 301-373-5217 Sylvester Saloon Ride Stop 7326 Golden Ring Rd, Essex, MD 21221 (443) 559-8012 The Tavern Ride Stop 4975 St Leonard Rd, Saint Leonard, Maryland (410) 586-2225 Triple Nines Bar and Billiards Ride Stop 7540 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, Maryland 21075 410-799-1818 www.tripleninesbarandbilliards.com Whirled of Color Ride Stop 116 Roesler Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 410-553-0953 Woodstock Inn Ride Stop 1514 Woodstock RD. Woodstock, MD 21163 410-750-3673 www.woodstockinn.net

Congratulations toAPRIL’S WINNERS


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BrouGHt to You BY:



tHuNDer roADS MAGAziNe MD-De-DC AND lAW offiCeS of JAY irWiN BloCK, llC

All winners have 45 days to claim their prizes. Winners may do so via email thru [email protected] or thru the contact us page on our website www.bigcityrhino.com

Card# City 502 Rockville, MD8129 Glen Burnie, MD737 Bethesda, MD7777 Ellicott City, MD643 Gambrills, Md19 Weston, WV7507 Magnolia, DE999 Laurel, MD808 Glen Burnie, MD8458 Havre De Grace, MD

Congratulations toAPRIL’S WINNERS


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Finally the warm weather is here, and I am off to Ocean City for the 5th annual “Bikes to the Beach”. This event

has grown more and more each year coming close to the number of bikers that come for the Fall Ocean City’s bike week. I’m happy to see this event become more popular each year.Coming to Ocean City has been the highlight of my summer for as long as I can remember. My mother told me that on one of our trips when I was an infant, if I wasn’t eating the sand, I was crawling towards the ocean. And, when I was old enough to enter the water on my own, my favorite part was getting knocked down by the waves. This usually resulted in a mouthful of sand along with other orifices. Some things never change. It didn’t take me long to learn how to body surf. I would spend all day out in the water riding the waves. I remember thinking that I was getting so good, that it was only a matter of time before Howard Cosell, or another member of ABC’s Wide World of Sports would spot me and want to do a feature story about me and my incredible abilities at body surfing. I never did get discovered, but I still love body surfing. Although at my age, I don’t have the energy to stay out there as long as I used to. Plus now I would rather be riding up and down the coast on my bike. I always loved biking up the Delaware coastline. The first thing I do when I cross

the state line, separating Maryland form Delaware, is pull over and take off my helmet. I do believe in safety first, but I there’s no greater feeling then riding with the wind blowing in my hair, even with what little hair I have left.

One of my most memorable rides was going up towards the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. It started out as a perfect summer day. At one point, I could see a long stretch of beach to my right and the bay on my left. For almost a full minute, which felt like an eternity, I could feel the ocean mist as it cooled my face. It was a very surreal feeling that made me think, this must be what it’s like in heaven. I finally made it to the ferry where I sat down, had a beer, and watched the ferry come and go still overwhelmed with this euphoric feeling. I still get goose bumps when I think about it. To this day, I ride up to the ferry every time I come to the beach. But I have never again felt that once in a lifetime moment. I hope everyone enjoys the beginning

of summer and the great weather that is coming our way. While in Ocean City for “Bikes to the Beach”, be sure to drop by Hoopers. Say hi to me and the Thunder Roads team. We will be hosting the bike show again this year.

Ride Safely and Enjoy,Mike “Smiles” Johnson


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TECH TIP: back to basicsWith our favorite activity involving 2 wheels and not 4, we need to be conscious of the safety of our vehicles. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are riding on an unsafe bike. I often see bad tires, no material left on brake pads, broken down brake flu-id, loose spokes, improperly adjusted front ends, bad wheel bearings, and tight cables just to name a few. I am going to provide a few basic safety/maintenance tips to help everyone safely enjoy the riding season. Before taking your bike out for the first ride of the year here is a checklist of basic safety items:

Tire ConditionHere are some examples of good tire condition versus bad tire condition.This is an example of good tire condition. You want to inspect tread depth and condition of tread. There are 2 way to check the condition by looking and touching the tread. Visually inspect the tire for cracks, flat spots, and cupping. If you run your hand across the tire tread and feel the center predominantly higher than the rest of the tire tread then you have what is called cupping Playa and the tire will need to be replaced. If there any cracks or splits on the tread or side wall, the tire should be replaced.

As you can see in the pictures above, the tire is cupped and has visible cracks on the side wall. If your tire looks like this, you need to replace it. When running spoked wheels, have your tube and rim strip replaced when re-

placing the tire. Your life is worth more than the cost of replacing a tire Playa.

If your tires are good don’t’ forget to check your tires pres-sure. This will greatly increase the life of the tire and help the tire to perform properly. Refer to your service manual for the proper tire pressure.

Brake PadsChecking brake pads is pretty straight forward, “Make sure there is Meat on the Pad.”

This picture shows 2 brake pads. The one on the left is an exam-ple of a bad brake pad with “No Meat.” The brake pad on the right is an example of a good brake pad with “Meat.” Anytime you have your brake pads replaced be sure to replace the brake fluid as well. The thinner brake pads get the more the brake fluid heats up and breaks down making it a ne-cessity to replace the fluid along with the brake pads.

Brake Fluid ConditionBecause of the many variations of brakes fluids you want to make sure to protect all painted surfaces placing a tow-el or a rag or something of that nature around the master cylinder before removing the top to inspect the brake fluid.

By James Gilman


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Here is an example of brake fluid that has gone bad. A visual inspection will help determine if the brake fluid is bad. If the fluid looks unclear and murky it has started to break down and needs to be replaced Playa.

Here is a good example of what good brake fluid should look like. The fluid should be clear with no visible bubbles.

LightingTurn your motorcycle on. Check that all lights are properly functioning. Headlight: High/Low BeamBrake Light: Pull brake lever, Press brake pedalTurn Signals: Trigger left/right turn signals

This may sound goofy but let’s face it if somebody can see ya, their less likely to run you over.

Basic Fluid CheckCheck the condition of all engine, transmission, and pri-mary fluids that apply to your bike. Don’t start the sea-son with low or broken down fluids. Refer to your service manual for the proper levels.

Battery ConnectionTime and time again a loose battery terminal have caused riders unnecessary stress and costs. Nobody wants to spend $200 to get towed due to a loose terminal. Make sure your terminals are clean and cables are connected tightly.

Drive Chain/Belt DetectionRefer to your service manual for the proper drive chain/belt deflection. If they are too loose or too tight, it will greatly affect the performance and handling of your motorcycle. If you have a chain, lube it. If you have a belt, inspect it for cracks and rips. This is something con-stantly overlooked and will cost you a great deal of time and

money to replace due to condition and improper adjust-ment.

“Road Side Assistance”Let’s face it, there is only so much you can actually fix bro-ken down on the side of the road. If you are ever broken down, the following items may save your ass as it has done for me and the people I ride with.

Small Adjustable WrenchSafety WireSafety Wire PliersSmall Roll of WireElectrical TapeLeatherman Multi ToolHandful of Zip TiesSet of Allen Wrenches

I hope this list of ba-sic inspections will help get your riding season off to a safe start. If you’re un-sure of how to per-form these inspec-tions, have yet to have your bike ser-viced this season, or have any ques-tions feel free to call or drop in. Motorcy-clist is one big fam-ily and nobody likes scrapping family off the road. Be safe Playas.

About the AuthorJames is the co-owner of Love Lust Cycles located in Beltsville MD and is a factory-trained, Master Technician with over 20 years experience. James decided long ago after being at the mercy of vendors and companies to “Master” all aspects of the motorcycle and maintain top quality work in house doing it himself. James wants to remind all of you to, “Keep the rubber on the ground and the wind in your face Playa”


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TRMD is not responsible for inaccuracies or the specifics of the information provided. If you would like your event listed, please email details and your contact information to: [email protected]

DELAWAREA to Z Cycles Open HouseSaturday, May 16, 2015 10am-5pmFood and soft drinks will be available for purchase from the Vietnam Veterans Association or from our new neighbor, Meat Mechanics BBQ! Entertainment will be provided by Affinity Entertainment. This year’s bike show is one of the stops on Thunder Roads Magazines Rolling Bike Show sponsored by Rider Insurance. Registration for the bike show is $10. The registration money will be collected the day of the event and all proceeds, plus our matched amount, will go to Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity. For more information: http://www.atozcycles.com/annual-open-house/

Hammer Down for Habitat Motorcycle Run and After PartySaturday, June 6, 2015 10:30am-5pmOn Saturday June 6, 2015 CDHFH along with our sponsors; A to Z Cycles, Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Unreal Vapors will hold the Hammer Down for Habitat Motorcycle Run and After Party. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the 2015 Veteran Build. The ride will be a scenic tour of Kent County, the After Party will include; live music, live auction, cornhole, cash bar and more!! So mark your calendars friends, this promises to be a fun event and as always it’s for a GREAT cause!!To pre-register: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/hammer-down-for-habitat-motorcycle-run-and-after-party-tickets-15797697338

Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally 2015 (in Maryland)Thursday, June 18, 2015 - Sunday, June 21, 2015The 2015 Delaware / Maryland State HOG Rally is being held in Deep Creek Lake, MDThere will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more!For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below.www.demdstatehogrally.com

MARYLAND Battley’s Ducati Open HouseSaturday, May 2, 2015Come see three brand new models from Ducati, the 1299 Panigale, the Scrambler, and the Multistrada. We will feature Umbrella girls and free Italian sausages on the grill.For more info contact John [email protected] – 301-948-4581www.battley.com

Heroes on the Water Poker RunMay 2The Free Riders Independent motorcycle club is holding a charity poker run to benefit the Heroes on the Water national charity. Heroes on the Water “Serves our Nation’s warriors by providing healing and rehabilitating kayak fishing outings that are physically and mentally therapeutic through our nationwide community of volunteers and donors.” Registration starts at 11am at Battley Cycles with kickstands up at 11:45am. Stops include the Twist & Turn Tavern, Woodstock Inn, and the Grille at Flower Hill. Registration donation is $20 per rider, $10 per passenger with a possible $1,000 pot. All bikes and cars are welcome!

Battley’s Cycles Dinner RideSaturday, May 2, 2015Join us as we ride under the full moon (or close to it) on the back roads of Montgomery (and neighboring) counties. The group takes an enjoyable ride and then stops for a bite to eat. We typically stop somewhere that you can spend about $10 for a meal. Afterwards, we head back to Gaithersburg. This ride is a dealer sponsored event and is open to all makes and models of bike, and all skill levels of riders. Sometimes a Road Captain from the local HOG chapter will lead the ride in place of a Battley employee. Gather at Battley Cycles at 6:30pm. Kickstands up at 7:00pm.For more info contact John [email protected] – 301-948-4581www.battley.com

MCV Cares Spring Fling Ride 2015 BenefitSaturday, May 2, 2015 9:00 AMFund raising efforts benefit patients undergoing treatment and recovery at the Breast Care Centerat Northwest Hospital, a Life Bridge Health Center. MCV cares, Inc. is a Maryland 501(c)(3) non-profit

organization.Join us for a scenic 1.5 hour group ride to Lake Redman. Breakfast and Lunch are Included.$25 for one-up and $35 for two-up. Departs from: Full Moon Pub and Grill, 1100 Westminster Pike, Reisterstown, MD.Breakfast Served at 9:00, Ride Departs Promptly at 10:30, Pre-ride safety meeting at 10:20Please register at: http://www.mcvcares.org/Events/2015SpringFling.aspxYou can also register in person on May 2, beginning at 9:00 am. Departs from: Full Moon Pub and Grill

KKMM 8th Annual Biker Sunday/ Bike BlessingSunday, May 3, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM2015 BIKER SUNDAY! SUNDAY, May 3rd AT 10AM...plan to be at THE LARGEST Biker Sunday/Bike Blessing in the DMV! Don’t start your riding season off anywhere else! The only way to start is BLESSED! Our First Knight, Pastor Anthony G. Maclin will deliver the message and the blessing. ALL Bikers are WELCOME! Wear your biker attire and club colors or Christian casual attire! Bikers come from near and far so join us! Trophies awarded and free food after the blessing!www.atthesanctuary.org

Ride to Rescue!Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 8:30am - 4pmCome out to join us for the SEVENTH Annual Joann Miller Memorial Run (JAMM). This 60 mile Police Escorted Run through scenic Warren/Morris/Sussex Counties in NJ is sponsored by Beagle Rescue League, Inc and benefits homeless dogs waiting for their furr-ever homes. Starting Point is the Chatterbox Drive-In Restaurant on Route 15 in Augusta, NJ. We’ve got a great day lined up which includes a radio hosted event, super sponsors, a continental breakfast & More. Families are welcome to bring the kids too. Ride fee is $15.00 per person (under 12 free!)You can register on site the day of the run.We’ll host a Bike Blessing at 10:30am courtesy of Christian Motorcycle Association, ROAR Chapter 920. Kickstands up at 10:45am. Our ride ends with an (optional) cash lunch at the Corner Pub & Brewery of Flanders, NJ. Great food, very reasonable prices too! Commemorative pins available while supplies last! Full details can be


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Ocean City Bikes to the Beach Apr. 30th – May 3rd

Capitol City Biker BashJune 11th – 13th

MountainfestJuly 22nd – 26th

Apple Mountain Motorcycle Rally

Aug. 5th – 9th

OC Jams / Delmarva Bike Week

Sept. 17th – 20th

found here: www.wix.com/jammiv/runLast year we had more than 260 attendees!! We hope to top that this year and YOU can make it happen! Hope to see you there.

The Fire Chief’s Ride. May 9 A tribute ride to Chief Tom Carr who was both a volunteer and career chief here in Montgomery County. This ride raises money to help fight Parkinson’s disease, which Chief Carr suffered from. Registration is at 8:30am at Fire & Rescue Headquarters at 101 Edison Park Dr. in Gaithersburg, MD and passes through several fire stations before ending at the Fire Rescue Training Academy. This is a police escorted ride unlike any other!

Battley’s Poker Run & Fish FrySaturday May 16thWhat a day! Register for the poker run from 8:30am to 11am at Battley Harley-Davidson and head out on an enjoyable, scenic ride while you collect poker cards. Return to Battley to see if your hand is a winner. Also, grab a free lunch as the Black Jacket Cruizers perform magic with fried fish – you do not want to miss this! The poker run has great prizes for the winning hands, benefits a rider with heart disease, costs $10 and includes a t-shirt. The fish fry is free.

Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Saturday May 23rdParty - Live music! A free Ride to the Wall Party at Battley Harley-Davidson featuring free food, live music, and hundreds of motorcycles. Big Al the patch guy will be here sewing patches and leather - he can repair zippers, leather and shoes while you wait. See the Luke’s Wings charity armed forces tribute trike, and much more! 9am – 5pm.Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Night Ride to the monuments – Saturday May 23rd Join us for a very special evening ride downtown to see the monuments by night. Gather at Battley Harley-Davidson at 6pm with a full tank. Its kickstands up at 6:30pm as we take the George Washington Parkway down to the Lincoln Memorial. We’ll have a caterer with a van there selling complete dinners for $10. You can sit on the grass and eat, take a stroll to see the monuments, come back and eat, whatever you like. As the sun sets the monuments light up. We’ll be next to the Korean, Lincoln, and Vietnam memorial (all memorials are open 24hrs.). We think the best is the Korean Conflict Memorial which is so different seen at night, it’s like, well, night and day! So many bikes are in town to ride by day, join us and see the memorials in a whole new light - at night! This ride is free and open to all makes and models, but dinner will cost you $10 -

cash only. Battley’s Ride to the Wall Weekend: Ride to Rolling Thunder – Sunday May 24th This is the Big Event! Start gathering at 6am at Battley Harley-Davidson as 4,000 of your fellow bikers prepare to ride to the Pentagon and stage for Rolling Thunder. We will have free doughnuts and coffee around 7am. There will be a pre-ride briefing and Pledge of Allegiance before we depart at 8am. This is a police escorted ride around the beltway to the Rolling Thunder staging area at the Pentagon.

Hits4Heores Poker RunSaturday, May 30, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PMThis poker run is to raise money to support local military veterans who suffer injuries or TBI or PTSD. This year’s recipient is a young marine who was with fire and rescue in Afghanistan and suffer multiple Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. All funds raised through Hits4Heroes goes to the recipient see our Facebook page Hits4Heroes and hits4heroes.org sites. If you can’t make this one make another to support our veterans. Thank You.Seabreeze Restaurant

The Carnival of HOGs. June 6 The Montgomery County Chapter of the Harley Owners Group is running their 8th annual Carnival of HOGs. It is a lot like a poker run, but you play carnival games at the stops for points. Top points win prizes. The $10 registration goes to the charity Linkages to Learning. Registration opens at 10am at Battley Harley-Davidson and closes at 12noon.

Cancer Sucks…Let’s Ride! June 13 A benefit poker run to help Chris fight Leukemia. Registration opens at Falls grove Village Center (14955 Shady Grove Rd in Gaithersburg, MD) at 9am, closes at 11am.

BOOB’s 2nd Annual Ride to Benefit Baltimore County Special OlympicsSunday, June 14th, 2015Vipers V.I.P. Athletics 12226 Pulaski HighwayJoppa, MD. 21085Registration: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AMAll riders back by 3:00 PMMembers from Chesapeake Region Antique Car Club, Baltimore County Special Olympic Athletes will be there to help us raise money for our “Special Olympians”$10.00 Per Rider / $10.00 Per PassengerCars are welcome to join the ride.For More Info – Fred Bromwell – 443-392-1686


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Apple’s 12th Annual East Coast Motorcycle RallyWednesday, August 5, 2015 - Saturday, August 8, 2015Formerly known as the “East Coast Sturgis Motorcycle Rally”Two Stages, GREAT BANDS five days of Colossal Entertainment You won’t Forget! Come Early, Stay Late!There will also be a Poker Run, Bike Show, Field Events, Contests and All Kinds of Wild Fun! This is the event that’s taking the country by storm! All the reasons are right. Mountains, Open Country, Good People, Clean Air and the Freedom of the road! The East Coast Motorcycle Rally is the hot spot for motorcyclist to get together for good times, good food, and great entertainment. Come, Camp, Party! NO ONE DAY RATE!Rally Ticket price includes: Camping / Concerts / Tours / motorcycle Demolition Derby and All other ActivitiesHOT SHOWERS AVAILABLE EVERY DAY: FREERV’S, CAMPERS, BUSES ETC.. Apple mountain main event grounds for the east coast motorcycle rally has no full hook up sites, rv’s, campers etc are welcome on the main event grounds, self-contained.www.eastcoastmotorcyclerally.com/

WEST VIRGINIARally in the Valley - 4th AnnualFriday, May 1, 2015 - Sunday, May 3, 2015Motorcycle Rally in the Winding Hills of Southern WV the 1st weekend in May each Year. You won’t want to miss this one - There is something for everyone! Live Bands All Weekend Bike Show & Bike Games Miss Rally in the Valley Contest. Bikini Bike Wash, All Kinds of Vendors. All kinds of Food, 1000’s of Miles of Curves on the Country Roads around Williamson and Much Much More!www.facebook.com/RallyinthevalleywilliamsonWV

Capitol City Biker BashThursday, June 11, 2015 - Saturday, June 13, 20154th Annual Capitol City Biker Bash in 2015 is an event for ALL bike riders. Music, Food, Vendors, Poker Run, Bike Show, Rides, Motorcycle Giveaway and much more! The city of Charleston closes a four lane highway for Motorcycle Enthusiast to come to Charleston to enjoy our West Virginia roads, music, food and to see old / new friends.www.capitolcitybikerbash.com

SCRC West Virginia State RallyFriday, June 12, 2015-Sunday, June 14, 2015Check the event website (below) for additional details and updates.The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a Free, Family Oriented Motorcycle Riding Club that uses the Web to communicate and focuses on the Enjoyment and Fellowship of Riding Motorcycles while doing so safely. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet club for Motorcycle Enthusiasts.www.wvscrc.com

C.E.’s Helping Hands Fun Fest Bike RallyJune 19th, 20th and 21stC.E.’s Helping Hands will be holding their annual Fun Fest Bike Rally on June 19th, 20th and 21st at Thorn Spring Park south of Franklin, WV on US Route 220 south. Gates open Friday at 9:00 am and close Sunday at 12:00 pm. There will be fellowship rides, motorcycle poker run and ATV poker run. The fellowship ride will be Friday and the poker runs will be Saturday. There are cabins for rent, RV hookups and tent camping space. Food, beverages and draft beer will be available. We will have a DJ Friday night, we will have a White Elephant Auction Saturday evening and the band “Push to Start” will play Saturday night. Call 304-668-9563 or email: [email protected] for more information.

14th Annual Hogs for Dogs Dice RunSaturday, June 20, 2015 10:00 AMJoin us for the 14th Annual Hogs for Dogs Dice Run to Benefit the Harrison County Humane Society

3rd Annual Skylar Neese Memorial Poker Run June 20, 2015 10 am-11:15am Smokin’ Jill’s on Rt 7 (what used to be the old Long Necks Saloon) $20 a driver and $10 a passenger. Kickstands up at 1130 am, stops will be at Smokin’ Jack’s, Terra Alta VFW, The Riverview Lounge, Kingwood Eagles, and back to Smokin’ Jill’s for food, 50/50 drawings, and raffles for prize baskets. All bikers and cagers are welcome! This is a family event to honor Skylar and the good work her Memorial fund does. Soft colors are preferred and encouraged!! All proceeds go directly to the Skylar Neese Memorial Fund, Proudly sponsored by Mountain Renegades MC.

West Virginia State HOG Rally 2015Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - Sunday, July 12, 2015The 2015 West Virginia State HOG Rally will be held in Huntington, WVThere will be Entertainment, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more!

For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below.www.wvstatehogrally.com/

MountainFestWednesday, July 22, 2015 - Sunday, July 26, 2015Mountainfest is a motorcycle rally that takes place in in the beautiful mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. The event consists of vendors, bands, runs, shows, camping, etc. Locations include: Mylan Park, Triple S Harley-Davidson, Downtown Morgantown, and surrounding areas. All are welcome to this family friendly event.Wild and Wonderful MountainFest is presented by MountainFest, LLC, in cooperation with the Greater Morgantown Convention and Visitors Bureau, and our many generous sponsors. MountainFest, LLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit limited liability corporation. MountainFest, LLC is comprised of area residents from all walks of life who value their community and want to share the magic of West Virginia with bikers everywhere. Proceeds from MountainFest go to non-profit Mylan Park, and the many worthwhile public and private projects underway there. Our long-term goal is to make Wild and Wonderful MountainFest one of the nation’s premier motorcycling events.MountainFest on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MountainFesthttp://www.wvmountainfest.com/Further Information can also be found by emailing [email protected]; contacting Mylan Park via Telephone at (304)-983-2383; and/or also by contacting Triple S Harley-Davidson via Telephone at (304)-284-8244


[email protected]


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A to Z Cycles1472 E. Lebanon Rd.Dover, DE 19901302-632-2272www.atozcycles.com

Baltimore Harley Davidson8845 Pulaski Hwy.Baltimore, MD 21237410-238-2003www.hdstore.com

Battley Harley Davidson /Battley Cycles7830 Airpark RoadGaithersburg, MD 301-948-4581www.battley.com

Brandywine Auto Parts/Brandywine Automotive Centers14000 Crain HwyBrandywine, MD 20613301-372-1000www.brandywineparts.com

Broken Wing Cycles155 Prospect Dr #103Huntington, MD 20639866-518-9101www.brokenwingcycles.com

C&C Cycle8182 Telegraph Rd Severn, MD 21144410-305-0924www.candccycle.com

Chesapeake Cycles 104 Defense Hwy.Annapolis, MD 21401410-266-0015chesapeakecycles.com

Chesapeake Motor and Powersports436 C Chinquiapin Round Rd.Annapolis, MD 21401443-714-8004www.cmandps.com

Defender Cycle WorksFowler Industrial Park Unit 4Mechanicsville, MD 20659301-247-9901301-247-5733

East Coast Sound101 Skip Jack Rd, Suite 5Prince Frederick, MD 20678443-968-9635

Glen Burnie Motorsports20 Holsum WayGlen Burnie, MD 210601-855-253-5253GlenBurnieMototrsports.com

Jim’s Battery WarehouseLaurel Commerce Center14721-K Baltimore AveLaurel, MD 20707301-604-7333

Love Lust Cycles 6747 Mid Cities AvenueBeltsville, MD 20705240-603-5630

Old Glory Harley Davidson11800 Laurel Bowie RoadLaurel, MD 20708www.oldgloryhd.com301-575-0575

Pete’s Cycles344 Bel Air Rd.Bel Air, MD 21014410-879-3586For other locations go towww.petescycle.com

Ron Treacy AutomotiveCertified Master TechnicianAll Makes and ModelsMobil at Rte 3 & 450 Bowie, MD301-262-0003

S.M. City Motorsports20260 Poplar Ridge Rd.Lexington Park, MD 20653301-863-6499

Sunset Cycles 9748 Stephen Decatur HwyDecatur Business CenterUnits 208-209Ocean City, MD 21044443-520-6005

Whirled of ColorsCustom Paint & Air Brush Studios116 Roesler RoadGlen Burnie, MD 21060410-553-0953

Zen Powersports7881-C Beechcraft Ave.Gaithersburg, MD 20879301-740-6900www.zenpowersports.com

Zipper’s Performance ProductsElkridge, Maryland410-579-2828www.ZippersPerformance.com

Bars & RestaurantsApehanger’s Bar & Grill9100 Crain Hwy.Bel Alton, Maryland 301-753-1650

Captain John’s Crab House16215 Cobb Island RoadNewburg, MD 20664301-259-2315www.cjcrab.com

Gilligan’s Pier11535 Popes Creek Rd.Newburg, MD 20644301-259-4514www.gilliganspier.com

Hooper’s Crab House12913 Ocean GatewayOcean City, MD 21842410-213-1771HoopersCrabHouse.comFinCityBrewing.com

Hooters - Laurel14707 Baltimore AveLaurel, MD 20707(301) 362-5668

Laurel Station Bar & Grille14933 Baltimore Ave Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 604-3693

Mac’s Sunnybrook9001 Livingston Rd, Fort Washington, MD 20744(301) 248-9596

Millstream Inn5310 Dogwood Rd.Baltimore, MD 21207410-265-8224www.millstreamgirls.com

Phil’s Place5826 Gallent Green RoadHughesville,Md 301-274-3515

Pickles Pub8th Street & Coastal HwyOcean City, MD 410-289-4891

Pit & Pub2706 Philadelphia AvenueOcean City, MD. 21842www.pitandpub.com410-289-2020

Rips Casual Dining 3809 N. Crain Hwy.Bowie, MD Restaurant:301-805-5901Deli: 301-805-5903Wine & Spirit Shoppe301-805-5902www.ripscountryvillage.com

Seabreeze / Swampy’s27130 S. Sandgates RdMechanicsville, MD 301-373-5217

The Full Moon Saloon12702 Old Bridge RoadUnit 38W. Ocean City, MD 21842443-664-5317

Triple Nine’s 7540 Washington Blvd.Elkridge, Maryland 21075410-799-1818

The Scuttlebutt12320 Neale Sound Dr Cobb Island, MD 20625(240) 233-3113


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The Tavern 4975 St. Leonard Rd.St Leonard, MD 20685410-586-2225www.thetavernofstleonard.com

The Woodstock Inn1514 Woodstock RDWoodstock, MD 21163410-750-3673www.woodstockinn.net

Timeless Tavern1745 Snow Hill RoadStockton, MD 21864410-632-1555

Toots Bar23975 Mervell Dean Rd.Hollywood, MD 20636301-373-2955

Trader Lee’s9935 Stephen Decatur Hwy. #145Ocean City, MD. 21842410-213-2000

Legal ServicesHate 2 Wait Tag & Title11701 Central AveWaldorf, MD 20601240-412-0026www.mdautotags.com

Law offices of Jay Irwin Block90 Painters Mill Rd.Suite 131Owings Mills, MD 21117410-356-6555800-875-6554www.stahlandblock.com

Apparel / RetailIn-Step Leather7540 Washington Blvd.US1 Shopping CenterElkridge, MD 410-799-1568

Maryland Small Arms Range9801 Fallard Court Upper Marlboro, MD 20772301-599-0800www.msar.com

Mary’s Bargain CycleNew Castle Farmers Market110 N. DuPont Hwy.New Castle, DE 19720302-322-9323

MD Sheds8196 Ritchie Hwy.Pasadena, MD 21122410-903-8735

Outback Leather309 Main StreetLaurel, MD. 20707www.mdoutbackleather.com301-604-2211

Renegade Classics3180 Solomons Island Rd #101, Edgewater, Md 21037www.renegadeannapolis.com410-956-RIDE (7433)

Southern Maryland Pawn2224 Crain HwyWaldorf, MD 20601240-222-3547www.smdpawn.com

The Busy Nesswww.esty.com/shop/thebusyness

Unique Lingerie & More3065 Leonardtown Rd.Waldorf, MD 20601301-645-2228

Vape Frog346 Ritchie HwySeverna Park, MD 21146410-544-6500www.vapefrog.com

PhotographyMichael J. AlvesUS Patriot Photographywww.uspatriotphotography.com

TattooWicked Killa Ink8740 Cherry LaneSuite 16Laurel, MD 20707240-482-6162www.wickedkillaink.com

LodgingAlamo Motel12614 Ocean GatewayOcean City, MD 21842410-213-1884

Francis Scott Key Family Resort 12806 Ocean GatewayOcean City, MD 21842800-213-0088www.fskfamily.com

Home ImprovementChris Davis PlumbingBrooklyn, Maryland443-255-9223

D&B Pool Services30135 Three Notch Rd.Charlotte Hall, MD 20622301-934-1274www.dandbpools.com

Insurance AgentsCallahan Insurance AgencyBeverly Callahan135 Christiana Road, Suite 3New Castle, DE [email protected]

If you would like to be listed in the Biker Friendly Directory, please contact Sales and Marketing or email [email protected] for more information.

If you’re Club, Foundation, or Association would like to be listed in our Directory, please email [email protected] with your name and contact information and someone will be in touch with you.


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